Dec 2009 - Melbourne Jeep Owners Club (MJOC)


Dec 2009 - Melbourne Jeep Owners Club (MJOC)
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December 2009
WE GET ‘EM DIRTY – The Official MJOC Club Magazine – December 2009
PRESIDENT’S REPORT .................................................................................................................................................... 3
JEEP JAMBOREE VICTORIA 2010 UPDATE ................................................................................................................. 3
MEMBER’S NEWS ............................................................................................................................................................. 4
DUNNACHIE IN THE NEWS.................................................................................................................................................... 4
JUSTIN HURLEY GETS PUBLISHED ........................................................................................................................................ 4
BECOMING AN MJOC TRIP LEADER ........................................................................................................................... 4
UNEXPECTED SURPRISE ...................................................................................................................................................... 4
MJOC ANNUAL AWARDS ................................................................................................................................................ 5
CHRISTMAS PARTY PICS ............................................................................................................................................... 5
TRIP REPORTS .................................................................................................................................................................. 6
NEERIM NASTY .................................................................................................................................................................. 6
PINK LAMB & RED WINE – WONNANGATTA CUP WEEKEND ................................................................................................. 7
WONNANGATTA VALLEY WHAT AN ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS PLACE TO VISIT .......................................................................11
HIGH COUNTRY TOUR........................................................................................................................................................13
COBAW STATE FOREST TRIP ..............................................................................................................................................15
A GRADE WEEKEND ..........................................................................................................................................................16
TRADING POST ................................................................................................................................................................17
FUTURE TRIPS AND EVENTS ........................................................................................................................................19
HIGH COUNTRY TOUR FOR THE WATTLE RANGERS .............................................................................................................19
AUSTRALIA DAY WEEKEND BASE CAMP. (BUCKLAND VALLEY) .........................................................................................19
VICTORIAN 4WD SHOW SETUP TEAM ..................................................................................................................................19
VICTORIAN 4WD SHOW ......................................................................................................................................................19
SA BEACHES 2010 .............................................................................................................................................................19
SA BEACHES B GRADE SUNDAY .........................................................................................................................................20
2010 MJOC JEEP MUSTER .................................................................................................................................................20
NATIONAL JEEP JAMBOREE VICTORIA 2010 ........................................................................................................................20
WONNANGATTA WONDER .................................................................................................................................................20
PINK LAMB & RED WINE WITH THE LROCV ......................................................................................................................20
VIC HIGH COUNTRY REVISITED (JJ STYLE) .........................................................................................................................21
INFORMATION FOR MEMBERS .............................................................................................................................................21
CLUB MERCHANDISE.....................................................................................................................................................22
THE MJOC COMMITTEE.....................................................................................................................................................24
MJOC MEMBER’S MEETINGS .............................................................................................................................................24
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WE GET ‘EM DIRTY – The Official MJOC Club Magazine – December 2009
President’s Report
Jeep Jamboree Victoria 2010 Update
Dan Martin
Brett Dashwood
Welcome to the final magazine of the year. It may have
been a long time coming but it is certainly a bumper
edition. Included are some great reports from the last
couple of months, with trips ranging from recent High
Country Weekends away to day trip cruises and A
grade mudding.
Just thought I'd do a bit of an update.
But first, I would like to thank all the members that have
contributed towards keeping the club alive and well over
the past year. With the GEC having a wide impact
across the community over the past twelve months, we
have seen a flow on effect into our 4wding and leisure
activities. Though the number of MJOC trips may have
been down this year, the quality of trips and events
have been as good as ever.
Date and venue as advertised is now confirmed – 30th
September to 3rd October based at Lardner Park,
Warragul – and we are in great shape for the biggest
Jeep owners event ever in Australia.
I look forward to even more trips next year, with more
trip leaders and members getting involved and
continuing to make MJOC one of the most active Jeep
clubs in Australia.
I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the
companies that have supported us over the last year,
particularly those that provided the raffle prizes at the
recent Christmas Party. This includes the gear from
Alan at ProComp and Jim at Poly4x4, as well as
powdercoating from Phil at JMC Powdercoating,
castings from Dave at Elite Castings and a consultation
from Michael at Rosanna Chiropractic.
Enjoy the read, have a Merry Christmas and safe New
Year. Make the most of the time with your family and
friends and try to get ‘em dirty.
See you all in 2010 in what will be a fantastic year.
Dan Martin
We did our big final presentation to Chrysler Australia
General Management...and it was awesome!!
We can now confirm our Key Partner for the event is
Jeep (well technically Chrysler Australia).
We won't be in a position to finalise registration dollars
until early next year, however based on current plans,
budgets, and the commitments given by Chrysler
Australia, next year's Jambo will be the most cost
effective since the last time we ran it in 2004!!
Over the next month or so we should have the new
website up at and we will
also then start a couple of mailing lists for Jeep owners
and prospective sponsors.
In addition, we plan on having pre-Jambo merchandise
including things like t-shirts and stickers. This will allow
everyone to help with the promotion of our collective
Jambo to help make it the biggest and best ever!!
If you can't wait until the new site is up, you can submit
your expression of interest to attend the Jambo next
year now by firing an email through to
For those who are prospective sponsors, please send
through to
Special thanks must also go to our already pledged
sponsors, whose linked logos can be seen on the web
J M C Po wd er C o a t i n g
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WE GET ‘EM DIRTY – The Official MJOC Club Magazine – December 2009
Member’s News
Becoming an MJOC trip leader
Dunnachie in the news
Unexpected Surprise
Their punt really came off!
Like many new Jeep owners, when we decided to buy
our Jeep, we wanted more than just a forbie, we wanted
all the fun and adventure that should come with having
a Jeep. Just like it says in the ads, “Have fun out there”.
THE AFL finals may be about to start but despite two
Melbourne footy fans having been brought up on a
sporting diet of Australian football, those big four
matches this weekend could not be further from their
minds. And with good reason, because having moved to
the United States to try their luck as punters in
American football, this weekend it all comes to fruition.
Like 18-year-old former Marcellin College student Alex
Dunnachie, from Heidelberg, who only a year ago was
playing school footy on Friday afternoons and with the
Banyule club on weekends, but who this weekend plays
his first college football game for the University of
Hawaii at its spectacular Aloha Stadium in front of an
expected crowd of 60,000.
Read More
Justin Hurley gets published
Celebrities in Jeeps
And give or take a few little moments of getting stuck
and slightly stressed, myself and the family have been
having fun out there in the Victorian wilderness since
getting our Jeep. When the opportunity came up to
become an MJOC trip leader, I asked what experience
was required, and the answer was a simple, “The
standard MJOC training course, and the desire to run
trips”. Although still somewhat of a newbie, I meet the
two criteria for attending the trip leader training and
signed up.
It took us a couple of months to plan our first trip, and to
help make sure it went well, I even brought a friend with
me that knew the area well from riding around it on trail
bikes and who could be a spotter for the other drivers in
the tricky parts. The Wrangler was full with 4
passengers and myself, and I’m happy to report all went
well; I even introduced a number of people to
geocaching during the trip.
At the time of the trip, my son was only just 3 years old.
Nearly a year later, he still remembers much of the trip,
but most importantly, he remembers his dad (me) being
the trip leader and driving at the front of the Jeep
convoy. When he plays “4 wheel drives” at home, he
appoints a trip leader and tail end Charlie before
running the hummers through their course (sorry about
the hummer reference folks, but if there is any spare
budget in your Christmas gift giving, feel free to send
medium to large sized Jeep Wrangler toys to my son to
replace the Hummers currently in his toy collection).
The other day I noted that, “when it comes to new openair trucks there is really only one way to head to the
beach and that’s in a Jeep Wrangler.” David Beckham
knows what’s up and just bought one himself. He gave it
the Beckham treatment (blacking out everything,
something he does to most all of his cars) and has been
seen rolling through SoCal in it over the past couple
days. For someone raised in Britain he has always
shown a strange affinity for American trucks (Ford F150, Lincoln Navigator, Cadillac Escalade, and Hummer
H2 to name a few).
See article here:
In my day to day corporate life, there is not much
activity for my son to understand or appreciate or
incorporate into his games at home. (If I come home
and tell my son that after 6 months of work, our tender
has been successful, there isn’t too much excitement
coming back from my little boy – its all too far from his
world.) Becoming an MJOC trip leader has given me the
biggest surprise of all – my son’s pride in telling people
that his dad is sometimes the Jeep trip leader.
So, if you have young kids, and are finding it hard to
make time to become a trip leader, or run a trip having
completed the trip leader training, all I can say is find a
way to make the time to run your own MJOC trip. I can’t
describe how great it is running a trip and seeing your
kids be proud of you leading a Jeep convoy.
Have fun out there!
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WE GET ‘EM DIRTY – The Official MJOC Club Magazine – December 2009
MJOC Annual Awards
Christmas Party Pics
The following awards were given out at the recent AGM
Thanks to all those who helped out and attended the
Christmas Party. Especially Michael Haworth who
organized the catering and trials events, with the
assistance of Neil Welti. Justin Hurley, his father and
Ian Fletcher who cooked up the BBQ. Julie Jones and
Vicki Dailey for the bucket of onions and Phil Croft who
organized raffle prizes.
JJ Memorial Trip Leader of the Year
Criteria: Trips, trips, and more trips – the trip leader that
leads the most trips in the membership year
2005/2006 John Jefferies
2006/2007 Graham Miller
2007/2008 Rob Sharp
2008/2009 Rohan Dodd
MJOC Jeeper of the Year
Criteria: Committee decided position. Committee
members are asked to nominate and vote for the MJOC
Member they thought gave above and beyond for the
club over the year.
2006/2007 Glenn Hayse
2007/2008 Rob Sharp
2008/2009 Rohan Dodd
A few more photos taken by Andrew Wale on the day
MJOC Busted Jeep
Criteria: Most damage done to a vehicle on a club trip
2008/2009 Marc Hillman
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WE GET ‘EM DIRTY – The Official MJOC Club Magazine – December 2009
Trip Reports
Neerim Nasty
Rob Sharp - Saturday AM - B grade
Gunns track trip
Arriving Early Sat morning to find a few weary campers
and lots of happy faces and another year of the Nasty
was about to start.
With all the trip leaders – we split up into groups - I was
taking the Short wheel based B grade cars 4 TJ's and a
2 door JK Rubicon.
We had:
Rob Sharp
Green TJ
Tyson Blacker
Sliver TJ
Paul March
Black TJ
Andrew Wale
Green JK
Michael Floyd
Green TJ
After trying to go to a favourite rock face track to find all
3 entry and exits closed for reforestation I decided we
need to find some B grade tracks off Gunns road, this
didn't take long.
The entry into this track is heavily rutted and even with
my truck fully locked kept getting stuck on the track
crowns so the first 50m out came the winch and a few
minutes later we had my truck over the obstacle and the
crown attached to my solid diff cover.
With the crown gone the rest of the crew all made it up
fine, I think at this point Michael Floyd understood the
power of the TJ off road.
The next obstacle was a bog hole which both Tyson and
I had to get snatched out of – with the cars with a little
more clearance making the bog hole and spraying water
and creating a creek along the track.
The next Obstacle was a very heavily rutted track with
high side walls and the sticks strategically placed in the
track indicated its difficulty – I was able to get up this
with help from my lockers and a bit of momentum and
right foot.
The final Obstacle as a 30 meter long Boghole – not
very deep 15-40cm but proved to be very wet and a
great opportunity for a few videos and photos.
After this great track which took us approx 2 hours in
the pouring rain to complete we were all feeling a bit
hungry and headed off to the Neerim South bakery to
get some lunch and back to the Caravan park to meet
up with Bill and Neal's group.
Thanks for all crew for helping with recoveries and such
great driving, well done to all.
Yours in jeep’n
Rob and Remy Sharp
Justin Hurley’s Links
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WE GET ‘EM DIRTY – The Official MJOC Club Magazine – December 2009
Pink Lamb & Red Wine – Wonnangatta Cup weekend
Rob Sharp
After being in Sydney since August – my green TJ hadn’t been driven much at all since the Nasty, so some good
preparation was vital for our first big High Country trip and the gang at USA4x4 to look over her a bit.
TW and Trav gave her a new set of federal 31in all terrains to handle the long drive ahead a new set of rear shocks
(the old ones fell victim at the nasty) and some new radiator hoses plus a good check over. It ran like a charm all
weekend didn’t miss a beat thanks guys.
My off road trailer got my old all terrain tyres, and was filled with camping gear and food and Halloween trick or
treat gear. Remy and I headed off to meet Michael, Tyler and Adam Haworth to go in Convoy up the Hume Hwy to
Myrtleford. With the long weekend and a bit of traffic we didn’t get to Myrtleford Caravan Park till dusk.
We meet the Lewellin family and Levron’s already at the park and after setting up we settled down early ready for
the track into Wonnangatta the next morning.
We all meet at the Myrtleford food works car park at 9am the next morning - Michael introduced us to the land rover
crew and Gerald and Roger gave a wonderful briefing. Roger Sievwright distributed a wonderful write-up on
LROCV involvement with Riley’s Hut and the history of Myrtleford and Wonnangatta. Roger gave a wonderful run
down all the way to our camp site on the long history and chequered history of the area– thanks to Roger for
sharing his knowledge.
We were also introduced to Stuart who was sent by 4x4 Australia Magazine to take almost 1000 photographs and
write a story on our trip, look out for this article in the near future.
The MJOC crew that attended the weekend included:
Michael, Tyler and Adam Haworth with a JK unlimited and camper trailer
Ian Fletcher with MJOC1 JK
Justin, Leanne, Elissa and Thomas Hurley in the black JK unlimited
Alex and Judy Levron in WH v8 rand with Kimberley camper behind
Paul Cage in his Black XJ
Alan and Vara Turner in the silver XJ
Geoff, Jeanette, Jessie and Tyler Lewellin with Green JK and viscount off road caravan
Rob and Remy Sharp in green TJ with off road trailer
Together with 8 other LROCV members – made for a great group with lots of personality’s and fun to be had all
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WE GET ‘EM DIRTY – The Official MJOC Club Magazine – December 2009
The trip – day 1 Saturday 30th Oct
We headed up the Buffalo River valley and the 70km into
Wonnangatta, passing the Buffalo River dam, Mt Buffalo,
then airing down at the dirt we headed into the high
country getting to the Abbeyard picnic yard for lunch.
After dinner we all got the kids ready for Halloween and
guess what there where mainly treats with very little
tricks! All the kids had a great time visiting all 16 sites in
our group.
We then headed now into the real high country passing
Riley’s Hut and then to the Van Dammes heli pad at the
top of east riley road. The views from this point are
amazing with 360 degree views across to Mt Hotham
one way and Mt Buller the other. At this point we had to
engage 4wd and head into the Wonnangatta valley. All
of us with trailers had take care at this stage and the
convoy took its time in heading down the step tracks into
the valley.
Day 2: 1st of Nov – Pink Lamb and Red Wine day
After an easy morning – Michael, Fletch and I got
together to work out a trip – we decided that we needed
some river crossings and some steep hills – so about
10.30 we headed towards Herne’s spur.
On the way we headed down the Wonnangatta track and
we crossed the river 6 times – varying in depth from
300mm to over a metre on 1 crossing. These all proved
great tuna opportunities!
At Hernes Spur track we had lunch – then got ready to
go up a very very long steep track – all cars were able to
get up ok with a few overheating and Richard Grooms in
his old D1 needing a few goes at some of the slopes.
Most of the radio chatter was “man this is steep” and
most passengers had white knuckles at the top – the
view from wombat spur was at about 1300m and was
spectacular in all directions, with wild flowers coming out
in front of our eyes made for a unique high country
At the first river crossing we were warned about foxes
over the radio – but really!
After sorting all the car troubles out, we headed back
down to wombat spur. This was about 3km down from to
1300m to less than 800m mostly in low 1st or 2nd gear.
We were now in the Wonnangatta valley and what a
sight it was, a beautiful stretch of grassy fields for km’s
surrounded by 1500m-1800m mountains with the river
running along the north side.
We meandered along the river until we got to the old
homestead site then headed down to the river where we
meet the LROCV group who had headed into the valley
a difference route to the mjoc’ers.
We setup camp and all the kids got rid of their energy by
playing cricket or riding their bikes through the mud (I
wonder where they get this instinct from)
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WE GET ‘EM DIRTY – The Official MJOC Club Magazine – December 2009
We then headed back along the valley till about 4km
Justin and Leanne took 4 other cars out and went to the
from camp when we noticed some great firewood
Heli pad up Harts and had a great trip.
needed for our camp fire – so with 2 chainsaws and roof
racks and all hands on deck we loaded our Jeeps and
Landies with wood ready for a big fire.
Remy and I were very lucky to see a dingo come almost
up to our car when we where waiting at a river crossing –
Remy then howled all the way back to camp calling other
Pink Lamb and Red Wine night
After getting a good fire we had lots of coals and were
able to cook 6 lamb meals in our camp ovens.
Our recipe was:
Red wine
That night we where treated to huge thunderstorm – the
lightening and thunder in the valley seems twice as loud
as anywhere else.
1 kg of lamb
3 cut up potatoes
1 cut up onion
Day 4 Packup
Qtr of a pumpkin
We woke to threatening skies and all decided that
getting packed before the rain came was essential – so
we were all packed up in less than 1 hour just in time
before the rain.
A tin of veggie soup
Fresh rosemary
All cooked on coals for approx 1 hour
With the wet weather we decided to head back the way
Served with peas and a glass of red this was a beautiful we came in as Zeka spur in the wet was too risky with
meal – and we had lamb sandwiches for the next 2 days. Caravans and trailers.
All the other lamb meals proved to be a great success –
well done to all who gave it a go
Day 3: Relaxation and Wonnangatta wandering
Most of LROCV left us for an early exit and headed
home via Zeka spur and Mansfield.
MJOCer’s all took a walk around Wonnangatta – the hut,
the homestead and cemetery – then Remy and I relaxed,
swam and had fun around the camp. All the boys
decided catching frogs, lizards was great fun – whilst
their dads and mums had a sleep or read magazines or
enjoyed a few ale’s etc.
It took us all day to get to Mansfield and we finished the
day with a meal at Bonnie Doon resort hotel.
Thanks to Gerald and Michael for trip leading.
I would recommend this to be annual event –
Wonnangatta is an amazingly special place our club
should go to at least annually.
Yours in jeep’n
Rob and Remy Sharp
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WE GET ‘EM DIRTY – The Official MJOC Club Magazine – December 2009
Other great Wonnangatta photos taken by Justin or Rob
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WE GET ‘EM DIRTY – The Official MJOC Club Magazine – December 2009
Sunday 10 vehicles (including Stuart the photographer)
made a trip to Hearn’s spur and wombat track (one of
the steepest tracks in Victoria they tell me after we had
Jeanette Lewellin
left) 9 river crossings in total, some very steep tracks up
and down, but the 360 degrees views at the top were
We had a little hiccup on the way, the engine warning
just magnificent and really worth the trip. Richard in the
light came on (again) and stalled the car, just before
old series 2 Landrover I think did an amazing job only
Bonnie Doon. Geoff disconnected the battery to reset the
had to try one of the tracks twice all the other times he
computer and it went off before we left Myrtleford
made it up first go, I loved his aircon (opened vents
Saturday morning and the car is running fine.
under the windscreen) it reminded me of when we had
17 vehicles left Myrtleford Saturday morning. We also
the F100. Only 3 bonnets up when we got to the top of
had Stuart a photographer from 4X4 Australia along with Hearn’s Spur, Justin in the JK overheating (have to
us covering the trip (keep an eye out should be in
remember to turn off the Aircon on those uphill climb’s)
January’s issue). The trip in was hot and dusty. The
Paul in the XJ and one of the Discovery’s.
commentary about the area from Roger Seabright on the
We all collected firewood on the way back so we could
way in was amazing, we all had lunch at Abbeyard. Not
have the fire going for our camp ovens for the Pink Lamb
long after lunch we split into 2 groups, we took the East
and Red Wine dinner. Well I haven’t seen so many
Buffalo Rd which was easier for those that were towing.
camp ovens around the one fire and boy was it hot, what
All of the LROVC except for Roger (Rusty) took West
a feast we all had and there is so many ways to have
Buffalo Track.
lamb they all looked great. After dinner we all sat around
We had to squeeze through a few fallen trees on the
the camp fire looking at photos from the trip so far and
track, crossed a river. We only had one diversion off the lots of stories while the kids played hide and seek.
track due to a big tree being across it, which was a bit of
Monday most of the Landrover Owners club packed up
a challenge for us with the Caravan, but I think Geoff did
and headed out via Zeka Spur track to Licola, Gerald
a great job getting through it (and everyone else towing).
and Steve decided to stay the extra day with us. Alan
We just caught the step on the embankment where we
and Vera headed off for their walk up the Widow Maker
had to get back onto the track.
and the rest of us went for a walk to the old homestead
Got to the camp about 2pm where we all set up and had and Cemetery, by this stage it was getting quite hot, time
a restful afternoon (time for a drink) and the kids got a
to have lunch and relax while the kids swam, played and
chance to play and ride their bikes through all the muddy caught lizards for the afternoon. A few decided to go for
puddles. After tea all the kids dressed up and I put on
a drive up Harts track but it was nice doing nothing for
my witch’s hat for Halloween. I did some face painting
the afternoon (well not quite nothing had a drink in hand,
and then the kids went trick or treating. The kids had a a few had a nap). Another great night around the camp
ball, lots of lollies.
fire and watching the lightening all around the valley,
what a sight.
Wonnangatta Valley what an absolutely
fabulous place to visit
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We only had a couple of showers of rain through the
night hardly enough to wet the ground, but Tuesday
morning was looking very grey I think we all got packed
up (very quickly) just before the rain started. We were all
in the cars ready to go by 9am.
Well the only part of the track Geoff was concerned
about was the diversion off the track around the tree.
Gerald led us out followed by Michael who had a little
trouble on the diversion, Justin went next without any
problems then everyone got out to work out the plan of
attack for us to get through. The main concern was the
Caravan tipping over on the way in off the track and then
getting back on the track we all thought we would have
to be winched up. But Geoff did an amazing job on
getting us through I was feeling very sick going into it
and I know Geoff was a bit nervous. We all got through
without any problems and the rest seemed easier than
the way in no dust until early afternoon. We stopped at
Riley’s hut for lunch which was a great break for the kids.
Once we got back on the main road all of us except Alex
and Judy decided to take Rose River Rd to Whitfield,
when Gerald found out we were heading to Whitfield
where his favourite winery is, well I think he drove faster
as a lot of the time we couldn’t hear him properly on the
UHF and all he seemed to talk about was wine. We
were nearly at Whitfield when Michael asked about an
awful smell like sulphur, Geoff told him that he may have
a problem with his battery which we had experienced
last year. Sure enough when we stopped to air up he
discovered that the battery was bulging rather badly.
We stopped at the Whitfield pub for a well earned drink
then headed over the mountain to Mansfield, where we
said good bye to Justin, Leanne and the Kids and the
rest of us headed to the Lakeview pub for tea.
I would like to thank everyone for a fantastic weekend
one of the best I have ever had and for someone that
doesn’t like 4 wheel driving very much that saying
something. We all got home safely and the caravan
made it home in one piece, it did very well for its first 4x4
trip I was very surprised to see everything still in its right
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WE GET ‘EM DIRTY – The Official MJOC Club Magazine – December 2009
Track unfortunately the low cloud obscuring what would
have been great views. A couple of small bog holes, a
Craig C & Kristen.
JK (Trip leader)
few steep climbs & a series of rock ledges had James
Andrew W.
declaring he’d discovered his new ‘favourite’ track.
Norm T.
Unfortunately once you start it there are few sheltered
James E & Daniel.
camping opportunities & with the weather closing in it
Will B & Drew.
was decided to push on to a late camp down on the
Our meeting point was at Edi Cutting Friday night on the Macalister River.
King River, a couple pulling out at the last minute due to Steady rain fell for much of the night meaning a wet
car ‘problems’. James & co rolled in just before midnight camp for most & a very wet night for one tent in
while Will & Drew’s absence at camp was explained next particular. The river too came up overnight & with 3
morning when it was found they were held up at the
crossings first up, none were too deep as to cause any
Glenrowan Pub for the night.
problems. The track out of the valley had been bulldozed
After a last minute refuel at Whitfield we headed across taking out what had been up until recently several very
steep rock ledges although the decent into Grimmes
to Catherine Station & up the East Buffalo. Following a
month long dry spell the Humffray crossings were down Creek was still pretty steep.
on what would normally be expected for that time of
With 4 petrol cars in the group their attention was
year, even the Wonnangatta river just splashed on the
focused on how far out it was with a couple running a bit
grill. After lunch we headed up through the valley
low. We wound our way out past Mt Sunday on logging
stopping off for a look at the old homested & cemetery
access roads, one washed out bridge requiring a detour
sites. Light rain had been falling on & off all day which
otherwise an easy run to Jamieson for a well deserved
made the climb up Zeka spur a little slippery. From the
counter lunch. A huge downpour while refueling finished
Howitt Plains we continued across the Butcher Country off what was a pretty wet weekend.
High Country Tour
Humffray River
Andrew on the Humffray Track
Grimmes Creek
Wonnangatta Cemetery
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WE GET ‘EM DIRTY – The Official MJOC Club Magazine – December 2009
Butcher Country Track
Grimmes Creek Track
Macalister River
James at Grimmes Creek
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WE GET ‘EM DIRTY – The Official MJOC Club Magazine – December 2009
Cobaw State Forest Trip
We all met at the Gisborne Bakery at around 09:00.
There were a large number of cars so we decided to split
up in to 2 convoys. I was in Convoy A.
The complete group aired down at a local park in the
Cobaw Forest.
MJOC Members who attend the trip.
Dan Martin
Michael Floyd
Phil Pavey
Dave Mathews
Tamara Thomson
Neal Welti
Glenn Hayse
Colin Chan
Stephen Thornton
Terry Vu
David Dailey
Once the group aired down the 2 convoys headed in the
opposite directions.
Group A were going to drive Muir Track first up.
This was a rather rocky track which caused some
concern for the lower cars. As you can see in the photos
there was some track building for some cars.
Once all the cars had negotiated Muir Track, we then
headed for a track call Pole Track. This one had a really
low tree that had fallen. I was a bit worried so I let the
other JK’s go first. As you can see by the photos the tree
trunk was rather low.
Our next track was Soil Pit track. This one had a very
Gnarly corner. This one had 2 choices.
- Wheel in the air
- Steep incline.
I think most people went for the steep incline option.
Myself , I went with the incline option but was a little
worried about rolling (It looked worse that it actually
Both convoy’s agreed to meet up at 12:30 for lunch at a
park near the end of Camp Track. Group B had already
arrived while Group A were a tad late due to some
navigation issues. Anyway we finally made it.
After lunch, we drove some easier tracks and
occasionally came across other 4WD groups. The Day
ended at a local road side café.
Thanks Dan for a great Day
(even though it was hot & dusty)
Andrew Wale (JK Wrangler)
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A Grade Weekend
Frank M – Red TJ on 33s (Trip Leader)
Doug and balls – Red TJ on 33s
Dan I – Green XJ on 33s
Frank H – White TJ on 34s
Saturday Report 14/11/09. Both Frank H and I haven’t been on a trip for ages, like nearly 2 years for me so we
were excited as hell! The day marked Die Hard XJ with Vengeance.
The main aim was to tackle two A grade tracks: Ellis and Cumming Spur Tracks. The dry conditions may have lent
themselves to being a little easier than in the wet but this by all means did not equal no challenge. Ellis was mad to
start the morning with a lunch break near the top – and Cummings got the arvo adrenalin surging through our
arteries man!
All Jeeps conquered (no winching required) the steep uphill insano off camber obstacles made up of massive
boulders, raging rutted steps and ball breaking walls of rock rash death that we kissed on the way! Rock sliders
and bar work took a pounding here and there with no major breakages but some body abrasions and flare damage
was inevitable.
We topped off the awesome day with a nice cold beer and Log Cabin pizza around the campfire at Doon Reserve.
Cheers to Frank for organising! – Dan I
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Trading Post
Advertising is available FREE, just complete the form
on the MJOC website.
Non Members can advertise your goods on this page,
but submissions will be accepted at the discretion of
the Communications Officer. Adverts stay in
Magazine and on Website for maximum 2 months or
until sold notification received. Refer to our regular
advertising rates for larger magazine adverts.
WANTED (15th December 2009)
Full size jeep 258 6 cylinder, 5 speed preferred, 4
speed ok. Prefer good condition, but will consider any
condition. Mike Maynard - Email:
FOR SALE (1st December 2009)
1994 Jeep Cherokee Limited. 272000 kms, ARB airlocker & disc brakes fitted to rear, TJM alloy bullbar,
Kaymar rear step wheel carrier/towbar, Kingsley side
steps, rola roof bars, 27MHz/UHF radio, BFG AT
tyres, engine performance chip, Spare set of Alloy
wheels. Waterproof roofbag. 2" lift and Rancho
adjustable Shocks. Graham Cahill - Email: - Phone: 0428553535
FOR SALE (29th November 2009)
XJ Parts. Most parts available including panels (
doors, bonnet,boot and front gaurds), suspension
(stock), rims, motor, gearbox and all interior with
electrics. White body so easy to re-spray, grey
interior. Most parts in excellent condition. Call for
details and pricing. Jake - Email: - Phone: 0448637774
FOR SALE (20th November 2009)
2005 MY04 Grand Cherokee Overland.96,xxx kms.
Immaculate Condition. Fully optioned.
Tom - Email: - Phone:
FOR SALE (10th November 2009)
CJ7 Renegade, 1983. holden 308, turbo 400
gearbox, hard top, soft top 180,000 kms (approx
15,000 on new motor) Karen Porteous - Email: - Phone: 0413024447
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Future Trips and Events
High Country Tour for the Wattle Rangers
Very Difficult - B (Double Black)
31/12/2009 - 04/01/2010
Event Leader : Ken Dunnachie
This is a camping trip to give our Beachport guides Jack and Cheryl and Bob and Lyn a taste of the High Country.
First day Woods Point area. Next crossing the Goulburn at Burnt Camp where we were stopped on the Snow Trip
by a washed out track and on to Licola. Third day up Butcher Country track and on to Horseyard Flat. Fourth day
Billy Goat Bluff track to Wonnangatta Station. Monday up Zeka Spur to Bluff Hut, Mansfield , Strathbogie. The pace
of this trip will be quite relaxed with time to check out interesting tracks and 'special tests'. Also opportunity to join
us at Woods Point or Licola. This trip will run even if not many MJOCers able to come. Call me re any queries or
Australia Day Weekend Base Camp. (Buckland Valley)
Moderate - D (Blue)
22/01/2010 - 26/01/2010
Event Leader : Craig Cheetham
This will be a casual base camp easily accessible to caravans & campers (Dirt Road) where members can join the
day trips or do your own thing. Saturday afternoon will be an easy trip to local lookouts. Sunday will be an
intermediate tour out to the spectacular Blue Rag Range returning via Mt Murray. Monday will be a day loop
through the Humffray River & back via Mt Selwyn. Tuesday may have a trip heading towards home for those not
towing. The option will be available to stay in camp, go fishing or follow the Missus into Bright to the local market.
There should be plenty of opportunity to fire up the camp ovens. (Weather permitting) This will be a child friendly
gathering (End of School Holidays) with a safe river adjacent for swimming & tubing.
Come for the weekend or stay & celebrate through to Australia Day. Could all participants please call the trip
leader the week prior to confirm their expected arrival.
Victorian 4wd Show Setup team
20/02/2010 - 20/02/2010
Event Leader : Robert Sharp
Easy - E (Green)
Need a Saturday setup team for the Victorian 4WD Show 2010. Will setup Jeep tent - with all our great displays.
We have sites 24, 25 and 26 supported by Nunawading Chrysler Jeep. Refer to
for details on the show.
$10 spit roast will be available for dinner for those who help. Also need 4 members cars on display - so if you want
to show of your Jeep setup to the 4wd world please email me .
Victorian 4wd Show
21/02/2010 - 21/02/2010
Event Leader : Robert Sharp
Easy - E (Green)
Need a team of enthusiast MJOC members to promote our great club at the Victorian 4wd Show. Members can
drive their jeep on the Outdoor course (need driver training certificate) plus enjoy all the show has to offer.
SA Beaches 2010
Difficult - C (Black)
06/03/2010 - 08/03/2010
Event Leaders : Craig Jansen / Marc Hillman / Michael Haworth
Our annual sand driving expedition to the SA Beaches. On the Saturday we will head down to Carpenters Rocks
for a run through the dunes to Beachport followed by tea at Bompas. On the Sunday we will head along the beach
to Robe with a play in the dunes along the way before heading back to the pub for tea. Monday will be a run back
along the beach to Southport and then turning homewards through Mt Gambier once again. This is a fun filled
weekend and always very popular.
Accomodation can be booked at the Beachport Motor Inn (08) 8735-8070 or Southern Ocean Caravan Park.
Please indicate you are with MJOC.
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SA Beaches B grade Sunday
Very Difficult - B (Double Black)
07/03/2010 - 07/03/2010
Event Leaders : Craig Jansen / Ken Dunnachie
Following the Mighty Kenny on his extreme adventure through the dunes. Steep dunes and soft beach diving. This
trip not for the faint hearted !
2010 MJOC Jeep Muster
23/04/2010 - 26/04/2010
Multiple Trip Leaders
Various Trips
4th Annual MJOC JEEP Muster will be held at Caringal Scout Camp Erica from 23rd April 2010 - 26th April 2010.
The MJOC JEEP Muster will be smaller than previous years but certainly the wheelin, stories and socialising will be
just as fun. The event is going to be used to scout and test the tracks as a Lead up event to the 2010 National
JEEP Jamboree
Caringal Scout Camp Facilities are excellent and can be viewed at If
members would like to help or support this event please email Rob Sharp
National Jeep Jamboree Victoria 2010
30/09/2010 - 03/10/2010
Multiple Trip Leaders
Various Trips
The Melbourne Jeep Owners Club is proud to announce that we will be hosting the National Jeep Jamboree
Victoria 2010.
When MJOC ran the National Jeep Jamboree Victoria 2004, we set the bar for Jeep events in Australia, with over
600 people and nearly 300 Jeep vehicles in attendance across the four days. In 2010, we hope to create an event
that will exceed our efforts in 2004 and attract over 1000 visitors. Make sure you mark the dates in your calander
and diary for next year.
You can get more information from If you would like to help your fellow club members
organise and run this event please contact Brett Dashwood .
Wonnangatta Wonder
30/10/2010 - 02/11/2010
Event Leader : Ian Fletcher
Difficult - C (Black)
This trip is being run in conjunction with Michael Haworth's Pink Lamb and Red Wine MJOC/Land Rover Club of
Victoria trip. This trip is designed to be the harder of the two and is NOT SUITABLE FOR TRAILERS OR
Wonnangatta and the surrounding High Country - truly one of Victorias' legendary 4WD destinations.
We will be travelling into Wonnangatta via Mansfield, Sheepyard Flat, Mount Howitt, Snowy Plains and see
Cattlemans Huts and Spectacular views and will use more difficult and narrower tracks and enter the valley via
Zeka Track. Base camp in the Wonnangatta and various short day trips will be included. Petrol Jeeps will need to
carry min 20 Litres additional fuel.
Pink Lamb & Red Wine with the LROCV
30/10/2010 - 02/11/2010
Event Leader : Michael Haworth
Difficult - C (Black)
Red Wine and Pink Lamb (take 2).
This will be our second year joining the Land Rover Club on the annual trip. It was a success last time and this
year should be better yet. I will be leading a group down from Myrtleford and camper trailers will be allowed and
encouraged. Ian Fletcher will be leading a group from Mansfield to the Valley so look for his trip if you want to try
something a little more challenging if you are not towing.
There will be lots to do from every level of four wheel driving to hiking and fishing. We also check out local huts.
The kids usually do a lot of bike riding, playing in the mud, fish for tadpoles and hunt lizards. We also have a
Halloween “Trick-or-Treat” session as well. Don’t forget to bring your best lamb recipe as well. You will see a
variety of ways to cook lamb in the bush.
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Vic High Country Revisited (JJ Style)
02/01/2011 - 15/01/2011
Event Leader : Grant Jones
Difficult - C (Black)
This will be a remote area trip encompassing the Victorian High country, we will be starting off at Buckland Valley
via Porpunkah towards Blue Rag, and all of the favourites like the Populars, and Tom Groggin whilst crossing the
Murray several times. This is a camping trip so you will need to be self sufficient with regards to food and water
(pleny of oportunities to replenish supplies along the way). It would also pay to carry an extra 20 litres of fuel, camp
trailers are allowed on this trip (No caravans or offroad vans) as the tracks will not be suitable for these types of
vehicle. More information will follow along with details of maps.
Information for Members
All drivers must meet MJOC Driver Training requirements prior to participating on any MJOC trip other than E
grade trips. Or if you have completed other training, show documentary proof that you have previously completed a
similar standard of training such as Four Wheel Drive Victoria courses. If you have not completed training yet, go to
our training page at to make a booking.
You should consider that you have adequate driver skills and training as well as the condition and suitability of your
vehicle set up to suit the conditions likely to be encountered when selecting a trip and making a booking. You
should also consider medical requirements for you and your passengers and ensure that ample food and clothing
are taken to suit the likely weather conditions. All vehicles should be in roadworthy condition and have ample tyre
tread to suit the conditions. All vehicles must have suitable recovery points front and rear.
Please consider other members if after making a booking, you need to cancel. Most of our trips have waiting lists
and it would be great to enable another member to go in your place if you cannot attend. Bookings are considered
to be firm and a confirmation email will be sent to you a week prior to the trip or event. Please be considerate and
advise the bookings officer or operations officer if you cannot attend a trip you have booked on.
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Club Merchandise
Available in 2 colours these
premium quality T-Shirts reflect
a fresh and modern look in
contemporary design. Marcus
Lee has once again excelled in
the new look graphics and
colours that portray our Jeep
adventure lifestyle.
They are available for
purchase at meetings and can
be ordered online at
Expect to see some other great
club merchandise items
become available soon.
Marcus lee and his creative team have excelled yet again with
the design of the new club gear. MJOC really appreciates the
fantastic design, effort and achievement that Marcus has given the
club over the years.
Many Thanks Marcus.
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The MJOC Committee
Dan Martin
Neal Welti
Operations Manager
Rohan Dodd
0411 442 220
0419 372 122
Vice President
Craig Jansen
Phil Pavey
Communications Officer
Marc Hillman
0412 255 249
0400 616 410
0432 686808
Membership Officer
Ian Fletcher
Events Officer
Rob Sharp
Driver Training Manager
Mike Haworth
0418 335 630
0411 734 024
PR Officer
Brett Dashwood
4WD Victoria Delegate
Mike Haworth
0423 554 636
0421 392 708
0421 392 708
Ken Dunnachie
MJOC Member’s Meetings
Member’s meetings are held on the last Tuesday of every month. (Except Jan 2010). Current venue is FWDV, RSL
Hall, Greythorn Shopping Centre, Balwyn
2010 Meeting Dates
Tuesday 2nd February
Tuesday 23rd February
Tuesday 30th March
Tuesday 27th April
Tuesday 25th May
Tuesday 29th June
Tuesday 27th July
Tuesday 31st August
Tuesday 28th September
Tuesday 26th October
Tuesday 30th November
Christmas BBQ replaces Dec Meeting
Australia’s No. 1 Jeep CLUB Website
Melbourne Jeep® Owners Club is the assumed name
of the MJOC Four Wheel Drive Club Inc and is a nonprofit organization.
The MJOC website achieves a huge number of hits each
month. It contains a range of information about the club
including details of club trips, events and activities. A full
colour pdf version of this magazine is available for
Mailing Address
Melbourne Jeep Owners Club
P O Box 432
Mulgrave Vic 3170
The Melbourne Jeep Owners Club accepts advertising for
both this magazine and the club Website. For best results
the advertisements should offer discounts, special offers
or services to club members. Please contact the Editor for
advertising rates.
The Jeep® & Jeep Jamboree trademark is used with
the conditional permission of Chrysler Australia Pty.
Ltd and Chrysler LLC.
All advertising proceeds in this magazine is for club
fundraising purposes only. All proceeds go to covering
the cost of producing this magazine and the general
operation of the club. Neither the Melbourne Jeep®
Owners Club nor Chrysler LLC warrant or make any
expression of recommendation to any of the
advertisers or items advertised unless those items
carry the Jeep® trademark and are advertised by
Chrysler Australia Pty. Ltd. Or Chrysler LLC. or its
licensed agent.
All comments and articles are the express views of the
individual writer and are not the views of The
Melbourne Jeep Owners Club, Chrysler Australia Pty.
Ltd or Chrysler LLC.
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