Top of the K-Class


Top of the K-Class
| Jack Flash Spring Edition 2012
Top of the
Two GMS Barges Kamikaze
and Kikuyu accumulate
19 years No LTI’s
GMS Staff in
Walk for Life
All new
Meet the team
and Quiz
GMS Endurance makes its way West
CEO Message
Philips in the summer while Endeavour is likely to
remain in the North Sea for the foreseeable future.
The Commercial Department is working on some
interesting contracts at the time of writing well into
2014 for all classes of assets.
s we move into the 2nd quarter of 2012, I would
like to take this opportunity to provide all staff
with an update on GMS and its development
to date.
We have a lot to be proud of, our safety record
continues to be the best in the industry, we are usually
first among the competition to win new contracts, all
of our vessels are on mid to long term hire and we
are making steady progress in the delivery of our
financial targets for 2012. The Company board, senior
management team and I recognise your part in this
and would like to thank each of you for your ongoing
commitment to the success of GMS.
From an operational perspective our K Class and AHTS
vessels continue to perform well in contracts in the
Arabian Gulf, Endurance has demobilized following
a successful contract with British Gas Tunisia and is
currently preparing for a new contract with Conoco
The management team and I are very excited about
the changes ahead for GMS and expect half our
annual revenue to be generated from the North Sea
with both our E-Classes on charter in these waters. As
a result of our success in Europe, we have expanded
our regional presence in Aberdeen by building up a
UK onshore team to support our European Operations
Manager. We anticipate moving into larger GMS
premises in Aberdeen from 1st May 2012.
Whilst we can feel proud about the successful growth
of GMS and the focus on a more global operation we must also recognise we have only achieved this by
taking tough decisions, diligent forward planning and
focusing on performance and cost. We must deliver
more of the same to support the changes ahead for
the organisation and to allow us to continue to grow
Duncan Anderson
Gulf Marine Services WLL
Head office - UAE
Head office
Gulf Marine Services
Mussafah Base,
P.O.Box 46046, Abu Dhabi, UAE
Ph: +971 (2) 5559430
Fax: +971 (2) 5553421
UK Gulf Marine Services (UK)
36 Abercrombie Court Phase 2,
Arnhall Buisness Park,
Westhill, AB32 6FE, UK
Ph: +44 (0)1224 228631
Chartering and Commercial
Mr. Mark Preston
Commercial Director
Ph: +971 (2) 5028821
Mr. Ron McGuire
Operations Director
Ph: +971 (2) 5028740
Scott Rowell
Editor in Chief
Top of the K-Class Kamikaze & Kikuyu
Ron McGuire
Operations Director
Endurance in the Mediterranean
Jamie Taylor
HSE Manager
GMS News
Tyron Gambong
Tech Support Assistant
GMS UK / Fleet Round Up
Gerry Kerr
Aramark Operations Manager
Lovely James
PA - Technical Director
Glen Jones
Fleet Manager
Mohammad Antar
Support Service Director
Designed & Printed by
The publisher regrets that they
cannot accept liability for error
or omissions contained in the
publication however caused . The
opinions and views contained in
this publication are not necessarily
those of the publishers.
Health, Safety, Environment
Christian, a Colleague & a Friend
Human Resources / Meet the team
New Faces / Quiz
Safe Drive / Recipe Idea
18 -19
When you have finished with this magazine, please recycle it!
19 Years No LTI’s
“GMS K-Class vessels Kamikaze and Kikuyu have amassed an incredible 19 year collectively of
no loss of time injuries.”
his is a fantastic achievement for GMS and we
would like to congratulate and thank the GMS
crew, contractors and clients, who have worked
together to create a safe working environment for all.
With the KIKUYU (No LTIs – 7 years) and the KAMIKAZE
(No LIT’s – 12 years) continuing their good work, GMS
now looks to the future and is confident that this
success will be achieved across the entire fleet.
Capt. Edy Hermawan, captain of the KAMIKAZE, had this
statement to share “12 years No LTI’s is the contribution
of the entire crew on board the KAMIKAZE 4301. This
is not something that can be easily achieved; it needs
continuous hard work, concentration, cooperation,
GMS CEO Duncan Anderson receives award for achievement of 12 years no
LTI’s from Adma’s Senior VP (Drilling) Ahmad S. Al-Suwaidi
team work and the awareness to carry out all jobs safely.
We try to make a work safely attitude a habit”.
ADMA – OPCO, who continue to contribute greatly
toward the success of GMS, had this to say “This
achievement is the result of team work on the KAMIKAZE
4301 to perform any job safely. It did not suddenly
drop from the sky; it needs the continuous effort of all
personnel to continue good work in a safe manner”.
Likewise the achievement was noted by Occidental
Qatar and Capt. Mykhaylo Koval on board the KIKUYU,
which boasts 7 years of no LTI’s. “GMS is committed to
the health and safety of its employees/clients. Corporate
HSE policy forms an integral part of the daily business.
Education and training programs encourage staff to
be conscious of their HSE roles and responsibilities,
improve their awareness of HSE issues and promote
voluntary participation in HSE activities”.
Mr. Sharafuddin, Occidental Remote Safety Advisor
shared “GMS has been able to achieve its ultimate goal
of having no incidents or accidents on Barge KIKUYU
to date. This is indeed another feather in their cap and
proves that they have been working to the fullest in
maintaining safety as a priority. They deck crew along
with all the officers have been very efficient in their
jobs, and have been noticed on various occasions,
considering the necessary safety precautions and
regulations before executing a job. We are indeed
proud to be associated with them. We wish and hope
Jack Flash Spring Edition 2012 |
the same practices continue in the future”.
Capt. Mykhaylo Koval of the KIKUYU shared with us his
insight and what it was like to receive and be part of
such an achievement.
adds to our responsibility as a safety conscious and well
trained team, who can protect themselves and those
around them. In all fields of our operations, we urge our
crew not to be complacent and be attentive – “at the
end of the day, what matters is the ability to go home
It was a very exciting day when we achieved 7 years
without a lost time accident. All on board of KIKUYU are
extremely proud of this achievement and look forward
to many years of zero lost time accidents. This has
only been achieved through the diligence and safety
consciousness of the entire crew, with their continued
attention to the job at hand and a refusal to take
shortcuts or risks during day to day work.
I have been in charge of KIKUYU 4303 since September
2011, and would like to share the credit with the
previous barge masters, Capt. Yeri Arieffianto, Helal
Cheikh, Eddy Hermanwan & Florentino Galverz for their
contribution in the development and implementation
of the safety practices and procedures which have
helped us achieve a zero accident safety culture. Going
7 years without a lost time accident is a remarkable
achievement that speaks to the commitment barge
KIKUYU 4303 has towards everyone’s safety.
“Safety is not something people just talk about, it’s what
the crew of KIKUYU does each day, putting safety at the
forefront of everything they do – it is ingrained in each
and every daily activity”.
Kikuyu out on location for Occidental Qatar
GMS looks to celebrate and give recognition to good
safety practices throughout the fleet, it is important
to remind the teams of their achievements whilst
reminding them how important it is to avoid any
compliancy and keep up the safe working practice at
all times.
We believe that safety is a result of team work, with
the crew of the KIKUYU working in close partnership
with Occidental to develop a strong culture of safety,
anchored by their remarkable work ethic and daily
dedication. Safety is one of GMS’s core values and all of us
aboard the KIKUYU have always believed that one of the
best indications of our performance is its safety record.
We believe in learning from our mistakes, speaking up
and reporting through the WHAT IF observation cards,
which allow the crew to communicate and report any
safety issues, identifying and addressing any dangers
and risks before they become an accident.
The main concept of a zero accident safety culture is
that all accidents are preventable; we just need to pay
attention, use common sense, and take the time to do
things the correct way – the safe way.
Accomplishing 7 years of operations with zero LTI’s
Kamikaze at anchorage at GMS yard during a scheduled mobilsation
Endurance in Tunisia and Beyond
ecently the GMS Endurance has come back from
a short job with NPCC/ADMA just off the coast
of Abu Dhabi to mobilise for its new contract in
Tunisia with British Gas Tunisia (BGT).
The initial mobilisation was conducted by GMS
personnel at our base in Mussafah, Abu Dhabi. The
Construction Department completed the mobilisation
as per the project schedule with the removal of the 4
thursters ready for departure on the Swan Heavy lift.
A dedicated team was put together to make sure the
voyage and mobilisation onto the heavy lift went as
planned, the team included Ron McGuire (Operations
Director), Mohamed Fawzy (Marine Superintendent),
Keneth Yan (Piping Engineer) and the Endurance Crew
pictured below. The Endurance departed on the 17th
December, taking advantage of the first available
weather window.
GMS Crew who helped with mobilisation
Endurance placed into position onboard Heavy Lift Vessel
The Endurance sailed south around the Cape of Good
Hope, SA and then North until she passed through
the straights of Gibraltar into the Mediterranean onto
her final destination the port of Sfax, Tunisia. She
arrived on the evening of the 26th of January, coming
off the heavy lift vessel the following day. The GMS
project team had been in Sfax the previous weeks
making preparation for a smooth discharge from the
heavy lift vessel, this took place on 29th January. The
team including Fleet Manager John Watson, Electrical
Manager Charles Anthony and Project Engineers Nonito
Tono, Siyad Ebrahmi and Kenneth Yan, they proceded
with preparing GMS Endurance for work offshore.
The project was
completed with
the assistance of
the Endurance
crew personnel,
HRP (thruster manufacturer) and subcontractors from
Sfax, all completed on time and to budget with no
safety issues to report.
Jack Flash Spring Edition 2012 |
Endurances recent mobilisation and departure to Tunisia
Once the mobilisation was
complete she departed on the
7th of February to the Miskar
Gas field situated 130km East
of the Port of Sfax to provide
accommodation in support
of the Miskar shutdown for
British Gas.
The project has been
completed to the complete
satisfaction of BGT ahead of
schedule and the barge is
now moving to a contract in
the Southern North Sea where
she will work under GMS UK.
A recent history, Sfax was used as a major base for the axis forces in
world war II, until they were defeated by the British forces in 1943.
After world war II Sfax was returned to the French but later in 1956
Tunisia was given independence from France but there still remains
strong ties with its old colonial power. During the war there was
heavy bombing and most of the city was lost. The town is now split
up into 2 sections, the old town where the 10th century mosque is
and the modern Sfax which is mostly built on reclaimed land.
There are regular scheduled flights to Paris CDG and chartered
flights between Mecca during times of pilgrimage. Tunis is 270km
away and has direct road link the A1.
Population: 340,000
Tunisian Fact File
Population: 10.5 million
Languages: Arabic (Official),
French (Commercial)
Capital: Tunis, 1.7 million
National dish: “Couscous”
which is served with vegetables,
lamb, poultry or fish.
Endurance 6102
Length: 76m
Width: 36m
Leg length: 94.5m
Max Load Capacity: 5500tons
No. of berths: 150
POB Sailing Speed: 8 Knots
“Meet & Greet”
Gulf Marine Services welcomed China Offshore Oil Engineering
Corporation (COOEC) delegations who were visiting to look at
the possibility of future projects in the UAE.
COOEC are renowned as the largest offshore engineering
construction enterprises and the only large scale general
contracting company in China . From center, COOEC VP Li
Youcheng shaking hands of GMS CEO Duncan Anderson (to the
right) Support Services Director Mohammed Antar, Commercial
Director Mark Preston and VP Li Youcheng (to his left) COOEC
KCROP Project Manager, Xie Qinbao, COOEC MD manager Zhi fan and Mr. Cao Jun,
COOEC construction specialist.
Picture Presentation to
Gulf Capital
Gulf Capital’s Dr. Karim visited GMS to be presented
with our newest painting by Robert Lloyd of the a night
scene with the Endeavour installing a wind turbine off
the Sheringham Shoal field of the coast of Norfolk.
LR. Linda Murray (HR Director), John Petticrew
(Construction Director), Andrew Robertson (CFO),
Mohammad Antar (Support Services Director), Dr. Karim
El Solh President (GMS) Mark Preston (Commercial
Director), Duncan Anderson (CEO).
COOEC delegates meet with GMS
Gulf Marine Services
Become Member of IJUBOA
Gulf Marine Services have recently become full
members of the Intentional Jack Up Barge Owners
Association (IJUBOA), and Capt. Ron McGuire attended
their AGM held in Hamburg on 9th February 2011. The
Association aims to promote the safe, cost effective and
environmentally sound use of Jack Up barges around
the world and promote their use in all areas of offshore
The Association has been set up to represent the
operators and owners of Jack Up barges worldwide
working in a variety of areas, from Oil and Gas to
Wind farms, and to encourage and aid continual
improvements in safe operation, training and crew
competence. GMS is proud to be a member of this
organisation and will share our many years of experience
in both Oil and Gas, and Wind farm work to assist the
development of IJUBOA.
Picture Presentation to Dr Karim, Gulf Capital
Jack Flash Spring Edition 2012 |
New Crewing
Department Structure
Logistics - Anna Lee Brigido has extended her duties
to deal exclusively with crew logistics for the whole
Following the recent appointment of Mike Woods
as Crewing Manager it was felt that this represented
an ideal opportunity to reorganize the crewing
department by having all the relevant crewing roles
logistics, recruitment and marine HR, working within
one department.
Recruitment - Najam Saqib is now employed
exclusively on filling all offshore vacancies within the
GMS fleet.
The crew department team is now composed of the
Manager - Mike Woods joined GMS in December
2011 to assume this role.
Marine HR - Malu Noriega provides invaluable
assistance on any personnel issues which arise
whether personnel are at home or onboard.
Support Services - Heidi Torres has recently joined as
an internal transfer from GMS Accounts Department. It
is hoped that by having all these functions operating
within one department that our offshore personnel
will benefit from a centrally provided service.
Gulf Marine Services Walk for Life
“Employees of GMS take part in walk for life to raise awareness for diabetes”
Gulf Marine Services participated
again this year in the annual walkathon
for the Imperial College London
Diabetes Centre (ICLDC) and The
National Health Insurance Company
Daman - it took place at Yas Marina
Circuit on 25th November, 2011. Held
under the patronage of HH Sheikha
Fatima bint Mubarak, the Walk for Life
draws the attention of the nation to
the importance of regular exercise
as part of a healthy lifestyle. Making
the case for a brisk walk, the annual
walkathon first stepped out five years
ago and has already attracted more
than 45,000 people of all ages.
Dr Maha Taysir Barakat, ICLDC’s
medical and research director
and consultant endocrinologist,
confirmed that exercise is known
to contribute enormous benefits to
“A sedentary lifestyle and a
poorlybalanced diet are likely to lead
to excess body weight which in turn
can eventually manifest as type 2
Did you know?
GMS Empolyees attending the Walk for life at YAS
Meanwhile, Daman’s chief executive
officer, Dr Michael Bitzer said that
Daman continues to support public
awareness initiatives.
“We remain firmly behind Walk
for Life as year after year it draws
the attention of the nation to the
importance of regular exercise,” he
Adults need at least 30 minutes
of moderate physical activity
most days of the week and this
can be as simple as walking
briskly, or climbing the stairs.
It’s clear that simple lifestyle
changes can prevent diabetes
and other related diseases.
Research shows that the
combination of a healthy diet,
regular exercise, weight control
and abstinence from tobacco
has significant health benefits.
Gulf Marine Services Passes its First Year in the UK
ur UK subsidiary is moving forward after the
appointment of Operations Manager Charlie
Bungard in October 2011, formally of Serco and
Gulf Offshore, he had now been joined by a further two
new employees as the UK operation looks to expand.
Superintendent Jim Maitland formally of Gulf Offshore
who joined mid April and HSE Manager Robert Price
joined on the 26th of March out in Abu Dhabi to begin
his induction to the company at the head office.
end. She is soon to be joined in Europe by her sister
Vessel the Endurance which has now completed her
current contract with British Gas in Tunisia. Endurance
will be heading north to mobilise for a contract in the
Southern North Sea.
The UK operation will also be moving into a new office
premises at the start of May (shown below).
The Endeavour is still working out of Great Yarmouth
on the Wind farm installation for Statoil where with
each turbine installed the contract comes closer to its
36 Abercrombie Court Phase 2,
Arnhall Buisness Park, Westhill,
which is situated 7 miles
West of Aberdeen, where a
number of major offshore
companies are placed with the
likes of Technip, Subsea 7 and
Schlumberger all having main
offices there.
Jack Flash Spring Edition 2012 |
10 - 11
Fleet Round Up
Anchor Handlers
Atlas - With Mc Dermott supporting Kudeta and Keloa in the offshore construction project.
Helios - Continues long term contract with ADOC (Japan) in AHTS support in Mubarraz field.
Kamikaze: On long term contract with ADMA performing well service work. Recently completed 12 years
accident free and was visited by senior members of ADMA and GMS management.
Naashi: Engaged on long term well service work with ZADCO and performing fully to the satisfaction of the
Keloa & Kudeta: Both engaged on construction support work for Mc Dermott in ADMA fields, providing
accommodation for over 300 people.
Kawawa: Mobilised to ADMA in October 2011 in long term contract to support the work of Kamikaze on well
service and performing well.
Kikuyu: Continues on long term Oxy contract in Qatar and recently achieved 7 years accident free. Well done
to all on board.
Endurance: Recently completed shutdown support work for British Gas in Tunisia and now enroute to the
Southern North Sea.
Endeavour: Currently engaged on wind farm construction work for Statoil on Sheringham Shoal in England
and due to complete the project around end of July.
How to Manual Lift
Manual Handling Campaign
At GMS we have been promoting our manual lifting
campaign amongst our employees through out the
company and below are some tips on how to lift
items safely.
yy Do not twist while carrying a load. Instead, shift
yy Provide general ergonomics training and
taskspecific training.
yy Get a coworker to help if a product or other item
is too heavy to lift.
yy If possible, use powered equipment instead of
manually lifting heavy materials.
yy Reduce lifts from shoulder height and from floor
height by repositioning the shelf or bin.
yy Use your legs and keep your back in a natural
position while lifting.
yy Test the load to be lifted to estimate its weight,
size, and bulk and to determine the proper
lifting method.
your feet and take small steps in the direction
you want to turn.
Make sure there are appropriately marked
and sufficiently safe clearances for aisles
and at loading docks or passageways where
mechanical-handling equipment is used.
Properly stack loose or unboxed materials which
might fall from a pile by blocking, interlocking,
or limiting the height of the pile to prevent
falling hazards.
Bags, containers, bundles, etc. should be stored
in tiers that are stacked, blocked, interlocked,
and limited in height so that they are stable and
secure to prevent sliding or collapse.
Storage areas should be kept free from
accumulation of materials that could lead to
tripping, fire, explosion, or pest infestations.
GMS Support Service Director Mr Mohammed Antar, was honoured
at the recent ADMA-OPCO National Environment Day at there
headquarters in Abu Dhabi. This was for his previous good work as
Manager on Das Island where he worked in the Service Division.
Mr. Antar left Collects award from ADMA CEO
ADMA Award - Mr. Antar 4th from Right along with other awardees and ADMA CEO Centre Ali Rashid Al Jarwan
Jack Flash Spring Edition 2012 |
12 - 13
UK Student Placement
GMS welcomed UK Students Alex MacPherson of Exeter
University and Julie McGuire of Strathclyde University who
are both studying Geography and Environmental studies to
the company on a 3 month intern where they spent time in
the yard and on barges conducting an environmental impact
study at the request of the GMS HSE Department.
The study was designed to look at the environmental impact
of the GMS operations for both on and offshore facet’s of the
company, they looked into finding ways that would reduce
any environmental impact in the future.
UK Students, Julie McGuire and Alec MacPherson
HSE Workers of the Month
At GMS crew are rewarded due to exceptional
HSE behavior through out the year.
Directly below is Bosun Dariusz Tcaczyk from
the Endeavour that is currently on contract
with Statoil for wind farm installation. He is
receiving the onboard HSE prize for best safety
observation card and is presented with a
iPod touch by Statoil onboard representative
Øyvind Hopshaug. In the adjacent picture is
Ch. Engineer Roberto Edang.
The Chief engineer was nominated for the
safe work practice he has been carrying
out on board the barge Kikuyu 4303. It was
observed that he had been doing a great job
with the Permit to work and the specific risks
assessment before jobs were to be carried
out on board, this is what resulted in the safe
execution of the tasks.
UAE HSE Man of the month receives his award from CEO Duncan Anderson, along with LR
CFO Andy Robertson, Commercial Director Mark Preston, Fleet Manager Mark Stone, HSE
Frenchman Karim Adjou and Support Services Director Mohammad Antar
GMS UK Bosun receives HSE prize from Statoil ASA Rep Øyvind Hopshaug
Construction Update - From Yard to Mobilisations in Foreign Lands
KHAWLA 181 Accommodation Barge, recently came under
repair by the GMS Yard prior to its dry docking in Dubai where
a significant amount of work was done.
yy Steel replacement - Successfully completed.
yy 30 T steel replacement was done by GMS yard under the
technical department with the budget savings (4%) as per
budget allocated.
yy Steel replacement - Successfully completed during Drydock.
yy 9 T steel replacement was done by Topaz Engineering
(Drydock) under the supervision of GMS technical team.
yy Special survey also completed during this period.
Above: Heli Deck Below: Additional Leg Sections
yy Preparing
demobilisation of additional
accommodation module (12 module units).
Conversion of 4 men cabin to 2 men cabin which includes
electrical, piping, ducting & outfitting works with wet units.
Preparing the helideck refueling system full package for
Pre fabrication of new boom rest for Huisman crane.
Preparing the replacement of American crane by Huisman
crane including the pedestal & boom rest.
Installation of structure the full commissioning of auxiliary
Installation of jet leg piping, ladder & lifting pad eyes on
the legs.
Installation of temporary support for the helideck.
Preparing for mobilisation of legs, helideck and auxiliary
crane from GMS yard Abu Dhabi then to Amsterdam,
The mobilisation refit for the Conoco Job will begin once
the Endurance arrives in NWE, where a team from GMS will
be assembled to complete and oversee to completion.
The BIG Birthday Boy - Electrical Manager Charles Anthony (left)
celebrates his 50th Birthday along side Technical Director John
Jack Flash Spring Edition 2012 |
14 - 15
Christian Mosakera
1974 - 2011
It is with deep regret I have to inform you of the passing away of
Mr. Christian Moskera out Project Superintendent in the Technical
Department yesterday evening.
Christian has worked for GMS for 14 years and has been at the
forefront of the design and building of the majority of GMS’s jack
up barges which now operate so successfully. The Company
expansion and reputation for quality would not be where
it is today without Christian’s hard work, determination and
innovation. Christian was a very popular and likeable member of
our team and was well respected by his peers and department
heads alike. He will be a great loss to the Company, both as a
friend and employee.
Our thoughts must be with his, wife, children and extended family
at this time; on behalf of GMS I would like to extend our deepest
condolences to them.
Duncan Anderson
Chief Executive Officer
Rest in Peace!
American 1100
Pedestal Crane
2 Reconditioned American 1100
Pedestal Cranes for sale!
For more information please contact
below number and ask for Mark Preston
gulf marine services
Tel: +971 2 555 3421
GMS Core Behaviours
eadership, one of GMS’s core behaviour is critical
to the success of GMS and its operation. Captain
Wolfgang from the GMS Endeavour gave his views
on what he believes to be leadership.
Leadership is a job well done, clients satisfied and crew
members happy and most importantly and rewarding
for me is to have a zero accident rate on board the vessel
under my command by constantly executing realistic
safety drills, conducting safety meetings and doing in
depth risk assessment before the start of each job.
All of this should involve active participation and
enthusiasm from each one of the crew on board from
all the departments. And it can only be achieved by the
good team work, involving the heads of departments
showing the best of their organisational skill and
leadership abilities. Which from my point of view - we
have in abundance for each one of my crew members.
Leadership abilities and personal initiative should be
encouraged and rewarded. That’s why we’ve established
a system of rewarding the best on board initiative and
the best safety observation with a prize (sponsored by Statoil).
Meet the Team
Erwin Atienza
Nick Name:
Cost Control Engineer
Time at GMS: 2 years & 2 months
Favourite Sports Team: Basketball
Favourite Movie: Matrix Trilogy
Favourite Food: Pasta
Musician you like: David Pomeranz
Three people living or dead that
you would have at a dinner party:
My family, James Lebron and Britney
Greatest achievement outside of
Nothing so far but when I finished
my degree and passed the Civil
Engineering licensure examination
Puppy or Kitten: Puppy
And a prediction for the future:
Owner of real estate
Araceli Evangelista
Nick Name:
Financial Accountant
Time at GMS: 21 years of
commitment and dedication
Favourite Sports Team: Azkals Philippine Football Team
Favourite Movie: Mission Impossible
Favourite Food: Chinese Food
Musician you like: Whitney Houston
Three people living or dead that
you would have at a dinner party:
Hilary Clinton, Whitney Houston,
Barack Obama
Greatest achievement outside of
I will always be proud of my greatest
achievement - my beautiful, respectful
and loving children.
Puppy or Kitten: Puppy
And a prediction for the future:
The world is not going to last for long
therefore we need to make each
and every moment count. Love and
respect one another all the time.
Jack Flash Spring Edition 2012 |
16 - 17
Louise Mangrobang
Joined GMS on the
4th of March 2012, she
will be working as an
Administrative Assistant
in the Commercial
Department of the
Abu Dhabi Office.
Sheree Ann Ingnaco
Joined GMS on the 18th
of March, she will be
working as a Finance
Clerk in the Finance
Department of the
Abu Dhabi Office.
John Lyle Mills
Recently joined GMS on
1st of April and a fool he
isn’t. John will be joining
the HSE Department in
the Abu Dhabi Office as
the HSE Superintendent.
1. On the bridge, what does EDIS stand for?
2. FWE stands for?
3. Butterworth openings are most likely found on
which vessel?
4. Hogging is a term used in?
5. Where on a vessel is a flying bridge located?
6. MODU stands for?
7. An iron or steel mike is found where on a vessel?
8. Where would you find dunnage?
9. What does the adjacent Logo stand for?
10.What does SOLAS stand for?
Robert William Price
Joined GMS on the
26th of March, he will
be working for the
Aberdeen Office for GMS
UK where he is now the
HSE Manager.
Can you provide the best caption to
this picture and win a DVD player,
send entries to
Driving with Kids: Do’s and Don’ts
We all have our bad habits when driving. Whether it be driving to fast or recklessly, or talking on the mobile without
a hands free kit, such risky behavior affects more than your fellow road users. If you’re driving with children you are
putting them at risk too.
Below are some handy Do’s and Don’ts’ for when traveling with kids in the car:
yy Prepare in advance for your journey with
anything your young passengers will need.
yy Be prepared to safely stop over on the side
of the road if the kids get a little too rowdy
or they need the bathroom.
yy Keep focused on the road without letting
the kids distract you with their back seat
yy Be firm with your young passengers laying
down the ground rules of traveling with
you. Don’t easily give into there demands
when driving.
yy Let young children eat in the car if you
think they may choke thus keeping your
mind unnecessarily, occupied with a series
of “what ifs” .
yy Use mobile phone when driving, this
simply adds to your distractions.
yy Under any circumstance text and drive.
yy Play loud music.
yy Drive erratically.
yy Exceed the speed limit.
Quiz Answers
1) Electronic Chart Display and Information System 2) Finished With Engines 3) Tanker 4) Vessel stability
5) Above the ship's bridge 6) Mobil Offshore Drilling Unit 7) On the bridge 8) In cargo holds 9) Intrinsically
safe 10) Safety of Life at Sea
Jack Flash Spring Edition 2012 |
Lemon & Thyme Roasted Chicken
Recipe for 10 portions
Ingredients and Quantities (Portion Size = 1 each)
10each Chicken Legs (scored)
2.5each Lemons
0.25bunch Thyme (finely chopped)
50ml Olive Oil
1gm Cracked Black Pepper
2gm Coarse Sea Salt
0.1bunch Thyme (sprigs)
1. Preheat oven to 180°C.
2. Combine the olive oil, salt, pepper, chopped thyme and juice from half
a lemon.
3. Slice the remaining 2 lemons into 10 thick slices.
4. Score the chicken leg with a sharp knife then brush or rub the marinade
into the chicken, allow to marinade for 4-6 hours - preferably overnight.
5. Arrange the chicken legs onto a flat gastronome tray and cook in the
oven at 180°C for 25 minutes or until a core temperature of 75°C+ is
6. Remove from oven, drain off excess oil and arrange on to the
recommended serving vessel, garnish with thyme sprigs and serve.
Vegetable/Side Suggestion
Braised Savoy Cabbage and Roast Potatoes
Recommended Service Equipment,
Estimated Prep Time and Skill Level Required
Vessel: Large Flat Roasting Tray
Utensil: Steel Tongs
Service ware: 9” Service Dish
Skill Level: Any
18 - 19
Gulf Marine Services
Our assets are engaged in a wide range of activities
throughout the globe including construction,
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Our major services include:
Accommodation Barges
Offshore Construction Activities
Windfarm Installations
Project Management
Well Intervention Services
Marine Construction
Diving Support Activities
AHTS Vessels
+971 (2) 5559430
E-Class: GMS Endeavour & GMS Endurance
K-Class: Keloa, Naashi, Kamikaze,
Kikuyu, Kawawa, Kudeta
Accom & Maintance Barge: Khwala
Anchor Handler: Helios & Atlas
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