THE LYNX - Washington Ship Model Society


THE LYNX - Washington Ship Model Society
Wednesday, April 09, 2014
Volume 86
Number 4
Monthly Newsletter of the Washington Ship Model Society
Skipper’s Corner
This Month’s Regular Meeting
Spring for the Society also means that our schedule of
events is warming up. Please give every consideration to
participating in them. Not only are they instructive, fun,
and an opportunity for displaying your work, they are a
major recruitment opportunity.
Saturday, April 12, 2014
Tour of the USS New Jersey, BB-62
Directions: From I-95N continue to the Benjamin
Franklin Bridge. Take 6th street and Broadway exit
immediately off bridge. Take Broadway exit (turn
right and head south) to Market St. Turn right
(west) on Market and take it to Delaware. Turn left
(south) on Delaware. Garage entrance will be on
your right in two blocks. After parking, take elevator
or stairs and exit facing the Aquarium across the
The April meeting for this Saturday will be held in
conjunction with the Society’s tour of USS New Jersey.
As part of this event we will follow-up the tour by
meeting with our friends from the Philadelphia Ship
Model Society. A key objective will be to see if we can
develop a closer relationship through exchanging visits,
in organizing and participating in regional ship modeling
workshops and any other common forums that help advance our craft.
See You There!
April WSMS events will finish out by participating in the annual IPMS Northern Va Ipms Model Classic Show,
See the description in the events column. Your participation is strongly encouraged. Our First Mate, Warren
has been hard at work ensuring a great venue for us to display models, conduct demonstrations and hopefully
recruit some potential new members.
Saturday, 8 March Business Meeting - Lee Hall has offered to donate a Quarterdeck glass (spyglass)
for use in possibly as an annual WSMS award. The skipper has asked him to form an awards committee that
would examine WSMS History of awards presentations, resurrect any believed valid and propose a plan for a
yearly awards banquet.
Warren, Vince & Lou are working on a design for a WSMS Award to be presented at the upcoming IPMS show
in April.
Bridge election pending! Nominations for Bridge candidates are being accepted. Contact the nominating
committee: Bruce Buchner at and
Doug Wilde at
March Focus Group Meeting - It was held Saturday March 29th and hosted by one of our newest
members, John Paul Eberhard. He discussed his completed Model Shipways US Frigate Confederacy, the USS
Maine 100th Anniversary limited edition (to 100) kits by Blue Jacket, and a Swedish Vasa. These are just a few
of his many finished models. John Paul lives in Asbury Methodist Village retirement community in
WSMS upcoming event
Events On the Horizon:
April 12 – USS New Jersey Tour (in place of the
regular meeting)
USS New Jersey Special Tour Final
Call - Room For 3 Or 4 More!!
As you are aware, we in conjunction with the Philadelphia
Ship Model Society (PSMS) are participating in a once in a
life time tour of the battleship USS New Jersey this
Saturday. This will be a very special tour that includes
spaces not normally accessed by the public. Because
spaces originally reserved for the Annapolis group will now
not be used, several paid tour spaces are open and available.
If you would like to use one of them let Lou Husser at 540
659-7088 know before 10PM Friday. Free transportation
may also be available. As an added attraction, we will
probably also before departing the Camden/Philadelphia
area stop at one of the iconic Philadelphia Cheesesteak
sandwich stands.
26 April - NOVA IPMS Annual Model Show (no focus
10 May – Regular Meeting of the WSMS at the Hollin
Hall Senior Center, Alexandria, VA
31 May & 01 June - Maritime Model Expo,
Chesapeake bay Maritime Museum - 10am-4pm
Saturday and 10am-3pm Sunday
June 14 - Regular Meeting of the WSMS at Walter
reed Hospital
Summer 2014 Date to be determined – Tour of the
David Taylor Naval Research Center, Bethesda, MD
This event will replace our April focus meeting. It is
scheduled for
Saturday, 26 April at
the IPMS annual model show. We will have 3 tables for displaying and
demonstrating our craft. It’s also an excellent opportunity to pick up a model
kit, participate in some of their excellent workshops and if inclined, enter one
of the model contests. We plan to sponsor a ship model award this year.
Contact Warren Yuan at and let him know you plan to
participate in the IPMS event.
Website -
Maritime Model Expo
The Expo is moving back to the North Campus and for us, we will be back
into the Steamboat Building. This area a great venue with lots of space for
tables and much more light (to the relief of our aging eyes).
The Model Guild of the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum, the North American Steamboat Modeler’s Association,
and WSMS are sponsoring the event. The museum has 12 exhibit buildings and an 18-acre waterfront campus. On
Saturday, festival-goers can take a Miles River boat ride on some of the museum’s floating fleet of historic vessels.
During the event, radio-controlled steamboat modelers will sail model boats in a large, pond, while R-C model
sailors also race their craft along the museum’s waterfront. Steam-powered and sailing models will be demonstrated
throughout the weekend. On Sunday from 11 to 1 p.m., CBMM’s Model Sailing Club will race five-foot R-C
skipjack models along CBMM’s Fogg’s Cove. On-land exhibits will include a collection of models by Washington
Ship Model Society members and other highly acclaimed modelers as well. - See more at:
Doug needs a show of hands of those considering attending and equally as important, those who will bring
models or let us borrow their beauties for the show. Also let him know if you might bring a radio-controlled model
as those need another set of paperwork. It is really important WSMS put on a good show this year. Please consider
loaning a model if you can't make it. Contact Doug ASAP at
Doug is a 100% right when he says, “I don't need to remind past participants how much fun this Expo is, even in
that dark cave the past few years. For those who have not attended you really ought to as visitors are friendly, set to
have a good time, and often an unexpected source of information or contacts. Local restaurants serve good food
and there is a fantastic nautical bookstore out by Tilghman Island. Also stop at the tiny coffee stand on your way
into town and pick-up a breakfast burrito. Pretty much justifies the trip itself.”
Arrangements are being made through our long time member, Dana Wegner to DTRC & Model Basin in Bethesda,
MD in the summer. DTRC is homeplate for all of the USN’s model collection which Dana has the responsibility
to maintain. Because DTRC is a government facility there are some points to be aware of. Security requirements
require that visitors must be able to show U.S citizenship and a photo ID. No cameras or cell phones can be taken
in. Because it is a workplace, our visit will have to be on a week day during normal business hours. Dana will
arrange a tour guide to conduct a tour of the various facilities (depending on how much time we have) and we will
end up down the basement with Dana and his museum-type models.
Member Scuttlebutt
Patricia Woodhouse
Our former webmaster and good friend, Patricia was back in the area between 16 to 28 March. Carl Erikson has
kept up a continuing dialogue with her and her husband Chris Clark, also a past member. Patricia was in
Frederick to attend training for an advanced level of procurement certification; she is working for the VA in the
Procurement area. Carl & Astrid got together with her for dinner. She reported that her and Chris bought a
magnificent modern home on a beautiful wooded and landscaped yard in the Milwaukee suburbs. This is one of
the reasons they moved out there because of the cheaper cost of living and no traffic jams; it takes her only 20
minutes to drive to work. She may be back in May for more training.
Bruce Buchner
Bruce recently had a triple bypass performed at Walter reed Hospital near the end of March. He reports “All
went well and I can tell the difference of the increased blood flow already!” Bruce is back home and reports
that.walking is going good with very little pain. but still gets tired quickly. However the upside seems to be that
bruce has been very productive, working on at least 2 models; a USS Gato 1942 1/3250 (see photo page), a
ww1 German battle cruiser, the SMS Derflinger Drop him a line at
Ψ April Meeting is being held in conjunction with the Philadelphia Ship Model Society in their spaces at the
Philadelphia Seaport Museum. To be discusses:
Future ship modeling events that the two model groups may want to sponsor
PSMS joining the WSMS on a future tour of the David Taylor Naval Research Center
Topics In Consideration For Future Meetings:
Ψ Establishing a WSMS "model bureau" where models that members are willing to loan for a show such as the
Model Expo at CBMM, can be used even if they are unable to attend.
Ψ Summary of the discussions with the PSMS on potential joint ventures
Ψ Fall/winter 2014 events
If you have a topic that you would like to see addressed, send it to the Ship’s Clerk for addition into the agenda
Ship’s Clerk - Douglas Beatty
Notes on WSMS Meeting Planning for New & Potential New Members
There are, with few exceptions, two WSMS meetings monthly. The regular monthly business meeting is virtually
always on the 2nd Saturday of every month and rotates between Bethesda (even numbered months) and Alexandria
(odd numbered months). Exceptions to the foregoing are when we have an event that coincides with a 2nd
Saturday such as the field trip to tour the USS New Jersey. The 2nd meeting each month is the Focus meeting
which is held at a hosting member's house every 4th Saturday. Again, there are exceptions when a planned event
overlaps a 4th Saturday; or when a holiday proves problematic such as Thanksgiving & Christmas which we try to
The Lynx, our newsletter, which we try to get out by Wednesday or Thursday preceding the regular meeting,
contains both an agenda for the upcoming meeting and a long range schedule listing.
Bruce Buchner’s progress on
building a 1/3250
scale 1942 USS
Gato submarine.
Ah, Bruce, about
your manspace
It Seemed A Sad Fate
On a recent trip Cooperstown NY, I stopped in a small town a few miles south to wander through an Antique Flea
Market. I was taken aback to come upon about 10 very fine maritime oriented models ranging from sailing ships,
nautical equipment models, and a Civil War City-class ironclad gunboat. All were by the same gentleman, and
obviously a talented ship modeler. I asked the store manager what she knew about them and their builder but she
really had little to offer either about the modeler or how they came by the models themselves.
Models by Mr. Leotis Hobbs
Mr. Hobbs has recently contacted
WSMS to express his interest in
joining our Society and sent us
photos of some of his work
Leo’s modeling began with an idea; creating a memento for his son, Ramesses, for his 16th Birthday. He had a photo,
spare pieces of wood and time and patience. He took pictures throughout the entire building process. Nine months
later he finished Ramesses16th. Now he is building the Greek Bireme, a unique ship of that time.
Leo has stated that…., “I’m interested in joining a model ship club. The attached pictures is something I do in my spare
time. I have always been interested in building things. The ships you see are made only from pictures . No kits or
plans, not to any scale but just looking at different pictures and telling myself, that would look good on this ship
!!!!!!!!. I have pictures from start to finish on each ship . I make all what I can and substitute other items when
necessary. I like to fish and well build model unique ships. I work for the Federal Government and live in
Fredericksburg VA. I just wanted to share my off the normal path with someone. I would be very interested in
attending one of your meetings and joining your club. Additionally, the name Ramesses is my sons name.”
Note from the WSMS Skipper;
Leo, we look forward to having you aboard! Your unique modeling skills, enthusiasm, and work ethic will add
another new dimension to our already multi-talented group.
WSMS member John Nikum's photos of his USS Constellation and a Skipjack
Classified Ads
Mr. jim Whalen, a friend of one of our members,
Charlie Bingay, was queried by an old friend concerning
the above pictured model. Its LOA is about 28 inches.
He thinks the type of boat is called a Lemsteraak which
were/are built in Holland. Jim would like to restore the
rigging and did a bit of web surfing to get a general idea
of the boat type (the Dutch royal family has one), but
cannot locate anything specific enough that would help
him to re-rig the gaff pole, booms, etc. He is asking if
any of us know of a resource/site where he could obtain
enough detail on how this type boat is supposed to be
rigged. If you have any suggestions, please pass them
to Jim Whalen at and
Charlie at .
There are a variety of great books still left from the February auction. They will be brought to monthly meetings for
Member Ship Model Kits For Sale
Brion Boyles has several large scale models/kits for sale Contact him at .
On Sunday, April 27 at 6:30pm, guests will leave Wiggins Park
Marina on the Camden Waterfront, NJ, for a unique cruise down the
Delaware River aboard the AJ Meerwald, New Jersey’s Tall Ship. Enjoy some delicious appetizers and Battleship Red and White Wine
as you cruise past the Battleship. You’ll return to the Camden Waterfront after sailing down the Delaware for about two hours.This
unique fundraiser is $75 per person. All proceeds will be shared
between the AJ Meerwald and the Battleship New Jersey – two of
New Jersey’s iconic non-profit organizations.
For tickets, buy online at
<> – just click the AJ Meerwald
cruise flier on the home page. Or call 866-877-6262.
A Virginia IPMS member is looking for four old Revell ship kits: USS
Boston 1/480, USS Canberra 1/480, USS Forrest Sherman, and the
USS John Paul Jones. If you know of any, please contact Gene
Barnes at (540) 351-0357.
Newsletter Ad Policy
Members may submit as many ads as they choose for printing in the Lynx as they desire. They may be either want or for sale ads
and should normally be limited to a 100 or less words. Non-members may also submit one ad to a monthly newsletter, also limited
to a 100 words. The acceptance of the ads are at the discretion of the editor. He will also have blanket authority to edit the contents
as he believes appropriate.
Carl has been (slowly into new territory) investigating a mechanism to have a single point by
which WSMS can maintain its email list current in a secure manner available to bridge officers
through a password. After various consultations he has pursued yahoo groups. Carl started to
create a free group account for us but found that one had been opened already for the
Washington Ship Model Society as “dcshimodel” in January 2013. But, it has never been used.
Carl sent an email to the owner/creator in hopes that we activate that vehicle.
Questions for the WSMS web manager should be sent to:
February’s It Ought
To Be a Model!
Who are these two vessels and what is immediately odd about them?
USS Valcour and USS Duxbury An aviation insignia was added in the mid- or late-1950s adjacent to her hull number.
APRIL’s Tips of the Month
In order to keep CA glue fresh discard the original top and replace it with a map pin. The pin has a good
handle and the pin's length keeps the glue in good condition.
Source: Bluejacket Newsletter – Attributed to Billy in Savannah, GA
Note: If you have a Tip you’d like to share or conversely need a tip , send it to for
publication in the newsletter
WSMS Organizational 2014 Goals
Add seven more new members in 2014
Progress – 1 down 6 to go
Conduct 3 maritime-related road trips
Progress – 1 down 2 to go and 2 planned
Organize a WSMS Awards Dinner
Institute an outreach program to increase our contact with related regional organizations
Bridge and WSMS Commodores work to strengthen our administrative and planning
These are not for the Bridge and Skipper alone to pursue but are for all of us to become
engaged in. What say you? Let your Bridge know!
Yahoo link: dcshipmodel
Skipper, Lou Husser,
First Mate, Warren Yuan,