Leadership - Manitoba Cooperative Association
Leadership - Manitoba Cooperative Association
TO R E G I S T E R PARTICIPATION WAIVER To be filled out by your parent or guardian. 1 Complete the registration information and participation waiver and mail it to: Manitoba Cooperative Association C/O Camp Wannakumbac Box 125, Onanole, MB, R0J 1N0 Upon receiving your registration you will receive a confirmation email from youth@manitoba.coop so, it is very important that you include a valid email address on your registration form — and add youth@manitoba.coop to your safe sender’s list. I,___________________________, parent/guardian of ________________________________________________, (applicant’s name) state that I voluntarily choose to have my son/daughter participate in the Co-op Youth Leadership Retreat with full knowledge that there will be some risks inherent in the activities of the retreat, and I hereby release the directors, management and staff of the Manitoba Cooperative Association from liability for personal injury or loss incurred by my son/ daughter during the said retreat. 2 Look for a sponsor. Examples of sponsors are your local co-ops and credit unions. Visit www. manitoba.coop for tips on how to find a sponsor. If you have difficulty finding a sponsor, please contact us at youth@manitoba.coop or at (204) 848-2380. Signature _______________________________________ 3 Once you have found a sponsor, have them complete the sponsorship form and submit it along with the $350 registration fee payable to the Manitoba Cooperative Association. 4 Arrive at the Riding Mountain Conference Centre on April 28, 2016 between 2 - 3 pm and be ready to have FUN! Date ____________________________________________ DISCLAIMER FOR THE U S E O F P H OTO G R A P H Y During the course of the Co-op Youth (CY) Leadership Retreat, CY staff will be taking photographs. These photographs may be used in the Co-op Youth Leadership Program’s future print or electronic promotional materials and on the Manitoba Cooperative Association’s website. By registering for the CY Leadership Retreat you acknowledge that your image may be taken in a photograph and may be used for the purposes identified above. CO-OP YOUTH Leadership A P R 2 8 TO M AY 1 ARE YOU 15-18 The Manitoba Cooperative Association gratefully acknowledges the financial support of the Cooperative Promotion Board towards these retreats. AND READY FOR FUN? ARE YOU READY FOR A CHALLENGE? RETREAT DATE & TIMES A Co-op Youth Leadership Retreat offers an exciting opportunity to develop leadership skills, and learn about cross cultural issues and values affecting society, global development and co-ops, all in a beautiful camp setting. You’ll meet with youth from across the province and learn more about yourself and others at a Co-op Youth Leadership Retreat. RETREAT REGISTRATION You can look forward to 3½ days of unique group activities, leadership exercises and outdoor fun. You’ll be able to socialize and make lasting friendships with others from across the province. The Co-op Youth Leadership retreats are held at the Riding Mountain Conference Centre, Clear Lake. Leadership for the retreats is provided by past participants, elected officials, members and staff of Manitoba cooperatives and credit unions. Name _________________________________________ Manitoba Cooperative Association C/O Camp Wannakumbac Box 125, Onanole, MB, R0J 1N0 Street address _________________________________ Mailing address ________________________________ _______________________________________________ (City/Town) ( Province) ( Postal code) Phone _________________ Fax ___________________ E-mail _________________________________________ SPRING 2016 TESTIMONIALS 2:00 p.m., Thursday, April 28 to 12:00 p.m., Sunday, May 1 • Over the three days we spent together, we’d all become good friends and it was hard to say goodbye. The program includes a social evening on Saturday. Please complete both sides of this form and return to: ( Future correspondence will be via e-mail) Age as of April 28, 2016 __________________________ Male Ο Female Ο School _________________________________________ • I had a great time and would enjoy coming back as a Junior Leader. The element of fun and games made learning easier. Manitoba Health No. ____________________________ • This camp taught me to speak up and state my opinions. It has also helped me become a better leader and to respect the opinions of others. Special health problems ________________________ FOR MOR E IN FOR MATION Please contact Manitoba Cooperative Association at: (204) 848-2380 or youth@manitoba.coop Personal Health No. ____________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ Diet restrictions ________________________________ _______________________________________________