April Newsletter 2016 - Murphy Elementary
April Newsletter 2016 - Murphy Elementary
April 2016 Murphy Elementary Newsletter 1100 Pratt Rd Metamora MI 48455 Jeff Stanton, Principal Laura Van Y, Dean of Students Phone: (810) 538-2345 Fax: (810) 538-2346 Jerri DePuy, Secretary Lightning Leaders – 2nd Trimester Note from the Transportation Department Reminder: Babysitting forms must be filled out each year and should be filled out now if you know who your Day Care provider will be in the fall. You can get your forms from the school office or the Transportation Department Mrs. Martin – Kindergartener Emma Voss Mrs. Pake – Kindergartener Mary Steffler Mrs. Gardiner – 1st Grade Taylor Kurek Mrs. Miles – 1st Grade Christopher Dean Mrs. Campbell- 2nd Grade Michael Owens Mrs. Dodson – 2nd Grade Lillian Pritchett Mrs. Chouinard – 3rd Grade Kathryn Droz Mrs. Hayes –3rd Grade Kirsten Mauzy Mrs. James – 4th Grade Teagan Yanuska Mrs. McCreedy – 4th Grade Olivia Pachucki Mrs. Withey – 4/5 Split Logan Woollard Mrs. Nugent – 5th Grade Owen Campbell Mrs. Phillips – 5th Grade Aydan Beneteau Murphy Science Olympiad Lost + Found All items remaining in Lost and Found will be donated to charity after the end of the year. There are snow pants, and many, many hats, gloves, mittens and sweatshirts. If your child is missing something, be sure to make time to stop by the school and look through the piles. B.O.G.O. Book Fair Buy One Get One Free Book Fair is April 25th – May 5th The BUY ONE GET ONE FREE book fair will be in the Murphy Library, the dates and times are as follows: April 28 April 29 May 2 May 3 May 4 May 5 (Thu) (Fri) (Mon) (Tue) (Wed) (Thu) 8-4 8-4 8-4 8-4 8-4 8-10am The Science Olympiad Committee would like to thank everyone who volunteered to help make the Olympiad a success this year! We had 68 kids who were able to have fun and learn about veterinary science, geology, aerodynamics of airplanes, and constructing a package to safely drop an egg in. We had professionals in each room helping us including, Dr. Jim Koprowski, Dupont Airport, Flint Rock and Gem Club, and Dr. Ondrea Kassarjian - Packaging Engineer from Cardinal Health. There were three Metamora firefighters on hand to drop the egg packages safely from the top of a tall ladder! We had live animals to visit with thanks to USA Therapy, the Mullaney family, Lesh family, and the Aragones family. There were lots of fun raffle prizes, free t-shirts, and all the supplies thanks to Metamora Firefighters, Metamora Lions, Interpower Induction, and Lapeer Rotary Club. And finally, over 25 Murphy parents and former students volunteered their time to help make the event run so smoothly! Thank You to everyone who helped!! Science Olympiad Committee: Erica Aragones, Karen D'Anna, Christine Hibbler, Ann Mazur, Nina Miller, and Crystal Paton Dress Policy Reminder Hopefully the weather will start getting warmer and with that said, we would like to remind parents and students of some of our dress code policies. Please be careful of shorts/skirts that are too short. Also, the following items are not allowed at school: spandex clothing/leotards, tube tops, halter tops, bike shorts, or clothes that show the child’s middle. Hats are not to be worn in school. Please remember your child should wear only tennis shoes outside for recess. Sandals, flip flops and Crocs are not appropriate for play and can be very dangerous. More details of the Student Dress Code can be found in the Student handbook. MURPHY ELEMENTARY NEWSLETTER APRIL 2016 Physical Education News During the month of March, the students in P.E. class performed the curl-up fitness test. The following students completed the most in one minute for their class: Murphy’s Art Show Murphy will be holding our Annual Art Show on Tuesday, May 24th. Every Kindergarten through 5th grade student at Murphy will have a finished art piece that they have chosen to be displayed during the show. Please bring your family and friends any time between 5:30-7:30pm to celebrate the accomplishments of our Murphy Artists! Teacher Miles Gardiner Campbell Dodson Hayes Chouinard James McCreedy Withey Phillips Nugent Boy Grayson Fritz/Dylan Smith Gavin Miles Jesse Aragones Cameron Vanecek Jackson Blaine Tyler Yens Scott Lake Ryan Clark/Nickola Mashni Zakery Olejniczak Carter Dundas Owen Campbell Girl Emma Oakley Myla Case Ashlyn Elliot Madison Lance Averee Berard Kat Droz Fiona Betzold Briana Belanger Shay Mullaney Rebecca Schultz Kendrik Schneider Jump Rope for Heart Post-Event News During the week of March 2nd, Murphy Elementary Physical Education students participated in the annual Jump Rope For Heart Event. During regularly scheduled P.E. classes, the students participated in a variety of jumping activities. The students in grades 3-5 had the opportunity to jump rope for 3 minutes without stopping. The following students achieved this goal: Alaina Przekora, Fiona Betzold, Kaden Capstick, Scott Lake, Michael Steffler, Nick Olko, Owen Campbell, Ellamae Gilling, Kaitlyn Buchanan, Zakery Olejniczak, Brandon Li, Sephora Miller, Logan Woollard, Shay Mullaney, Ally McNulty, Alex Przekora, Josie Jacob, Alanna May, Nickola Mashni, Connor Stiff, Aidan RaCosta, Nevaeh Moshier, Sylvia Gajewski, Jenna White, Rebecca Schultz, Gaby Mirza, Joji Fujita, Brenden Keahl, Carter Dundas and Bryson Stewart. The kindergartners through 2nd graders had a long rope competition and the following students were the champions for their class: Allison Steffler, Gavin Miles, Kash Johnson, Riki Fujita, Robert Hurley and Cooper Hoyt. You’re Invited! Family Math Night Nice effort by everyone who participated! On Thursday, April 21st from 5:30-7pm, Murphy families are invited to our second annual math game night. Students who donated over $100 this year included: Kat Droz, Aubrey Kirk, Jordan Klinkenberger, Danielle Overmyer, Abby Overmyer, Trevor Lake, Paul Zuhlke, Joshua Droz, Landon Sawyer, Ellamae Gilling, Riley McCreedy, Ginger Grzyb, Lily Ryan, Alex Makela, Tyler Angle, Alexis LaSalle, Caden Gregory, Jackson Blaine, Olivia Pachuki, Nevaeh Moshier, Julia Osentoski, Myla Case, Mary Levene, Connor Black and Austin Driscoll. Take a break from the normal routine and join other students and their families for an evening of game playing. You’ll play fun and educational games that help kids learn and master critical skills for mathematics at all grade levels. Raffle prizes will be given away at the conclusion of the event. Please RSVP on the flyer coming home soon. Funds collected this year totaled $7,664.55 The thank you gifts were ordered on March 18th and should arrive within a few weeks. Thank you everyone that donated to this great cause to help fight heart disease. The ONE and ONLY Murphy Elementary Our March is Reading Month festivities were great fun and a wonderful chance to celebrate reading with our friends! Murphy students had the opportunity to meet author and nature photographer Ron Meyer. The entire Murphy community participated in One School One Book and has been in constant conversation about The One and Only Ivan. This story is based on actual events and Murphy School fell in love with Ivan and all of his friends. Daily trivia questions challenged readers who also kept track of their reading each week earning prizes. Whether reading with their eyes or with their ears, every student had the opportunity to read and finish a chapter book outside of the school day. Our Family Reading Night on March 23rd was a huge event with hundreds of Murphy students and family members attending. Thank you to the entire Murphy community for celebrating reading with our students! Saturday, April 16, 2016 10:00 A.M. TO 4:00 P.M. Rent a spot and bring in your stuff! $20 will buy you a 10x10 spot in the gym or a 12x5 spot in the hall! One table per spot will be supplied. Or just come in and shop!!! $2 will buy you entrance to shop till you drop! Cut out and mail in the form below with $20 payment to Murphy Elementary PTC 1100 Pratt Road, Metamora, MI 48455 For more information contact Holly Grzyb at hollymgrzyb@gmail.com. Yes, I would love to reserve my spot for the Murphy Elementary Rummage Sale!! Name: ______________________________________________________ Phone Number: _______________________________________________ Email: ______________________________________________________ Spot preference (circle one) Gym Hall Cure Your Disco Fever at the Murphy Elementary 20th Annual Mother/Son Dance Friday, April 22nd from 6:00 to 8:30 pm Daddy/Daughter Dance Saturday, April 23rd 6:00 – 8:30 pm Tickets are $7 per person and include: Dancing, DJ, Snack Room and 1 free 4x5 photo per couple To Purchase Tickets: Send in money for tickets in a sealed envelope with the following information: Child/Children’s full name, teacher, telephone number and number of tickets to be purchased. Tickets will be sent home with the students. Cash or make checks payable to Lapeer Community Schools. We also need sweet donations for each dance! Please contact Laura Van Y to donate. (810) 538-2345 or lvany@lapeerschools.org MURPHY ELEMENTARY PTC HAPPENINGS March 2016 News Parent Welcome Packets The PTC created a parent welcome packet which was available to those who attended Kindergarten Round Up or Meet the Teacher Night. These packets contain information about the PTC and upcoming events along with forms, school calendar, PTC calendar and more! Email us if you would like us to get you a packet. NEW This year - the PTC will be holding some of our meetings in the evening to allow more parents to get involved with the PTC. The PTC meeting schedule is the third Thursday of each month. Evening meetings will be held in the months of October, February and May PTC 2015-2016 Events Calendar The PTC met over the summer to plan activities and set budgets and goals for this school year. The calendar of activities is listed below. We hope to see you at some (or all) of the events! The PTC is always open to new suggestions and ideas to help promote our participation in our meetings or activities. If you have any thoughts on this, please let us know. October 1, 2015 October 23, 2015 October 26 & 28, 2015 November 3 - 6, 2015 November 7, 2015 December 8 - 11, 2015 March 4, 2016 March 7 & 8, 2016 April 16, 2016 April 16, 2016 May 2 – 6, 2016 June 10, 2016 June 15, 2016 Fund Run Halloween Happenings Parent Teacher Conference Dinners Penny Wars Murphy Morning at the Movies! North Pole Express Chris Cakes Science Alive Murphy Crop Rummage Sale Teachers Appreciation Week Carnival Field Day School Store was started this year! You should have seen a note come home in your child’s backpack. The school store sells, school supplies, locker accessories and other things. It runs once a month from February – May 2016 on the 2nd Wednesday of the month. Items range in price from .25 to $1.00. Proceeds go to the PTC. Volunteer Opportunities! Each and every one of our events or fund raising activities requires volunteers. That is just the way it goes. The more volunteers we have the less time each person has to be working. Work during the day? We have events at night you can help with. Work at night? We have events during school days that need your assistance. Your kids will think you are the cool parent for being “behind the scenes” at the events (ask them, they will). Volunteering helps support the PTC and therefore your children. All money raised by the PTC goes directly back into the school. If you are interested in volunteering to help, in any way, please send us an email letting us know what you can sign up for. December/January Review The Next PTC meeting will be on Thursday, April 21th at 8:30 am in the library. Past Events Chris Cakes was so much fun!!! Everyone had a great time. The photo booth was new this year and was enjoyed by all!! Thanks to all the volunteers who make it such a success. Looking forward to it next year. Murphy Morning at the Movies Zootopia was great! Thanks for our volunteers for organizing this event. Always a good time!! Upcoming Events Murphy Crop is rescheduled for Saturday, April 16. Come join the fun and be creative!! Sign up sheets went home, return as soon as you can to reserve your spot. Rummage Sale will be on Saturday April 16th from 10am-4pm. There will be a few vendors, garage sale stuff and some crafters. Flyers were sent home. Hope to see you there. “What does that PTC do, exactly? Where does the money go?” The answer is that it doesn’t just go to support one thing or the other. There are some very fundamental/rudimentary things that the funds purchase like bus transportation for our kids to get to field trips such as the Detroit Institute of Arts, Tiger Stadium, Camp Copeneconic and more. Each classroom gets publications that are funded by the PTC raised money. We bring Science Alive to Murphy each year. Playground equipment, teachers supplies and essentially, all the “little things”. But without those “little things” our students would not enjoy learning as much. The PTC has an easy to remember email address! MURPHY_PTC@YAHOO.COM Please feel free to use it at any time to email us questions or comments. Our meeting minutes, newsletters and general messages will be coming out from this email address so add us to your list! Free Money for the PTC and Murphy Collecting Box Tops and Campbells Soup Labels! These are a very effective way to get money and supplies into your children’s classrooms and do not require any money out of pocket from you. Box tops go directly to your child’s teacher. Campbell’s soup money is pooled together and then used to purchase additional supplies. Murphy Elementary PTC is on Facebook. “Like” us on Facebook to get the scoop on our events. Feel free to contact the PTC board at any time. PTC Contact Information: President – Holly Grzyb, hollymgrzyb@gmail.com Vice-President – April LaBar – ajlabar@gmail.com, Treasurer – Crystal Paton, drakecrystal22@yahoo.com, Secretary – Debbie Martinez, debbielexi@yahoo.com, Communications Liaison – Dawn Ray, raydawn4@aol.com.
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