hermann sons news - Hermann Sons Life Insurance
hermann sons news - Hermann Sons Life Insurance
www.hermannsons.org For information on Hermann Sons insurance products, fraternal benefits, calendar of events, latest news, photos, visit: VOL. 116 • SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS • NOVEMBER 2013 • NO. 3 OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE GRAND LODGE, ORDER OF THE SONS OF HERMANN IN THE STATE OF TEXAS HERMANN SONS NEWS Favorite memories, fun and laughter, simple joys of living May all these fill your home with warmth and your heart with true thanksgiving. Making a Difference – American Greetings Hermann Sons lodges around the state participated in Make a Difference Day in October. Helotes Lodge No. 76 observed it by hosting an Oktoberfest for the Wounded Warriors and their families staying at the Fisher House at the San Antonio Military Medical Center. The Fisher House offers a home away from home for these families. The Oktoberfest included an opportunity to have your nails painted and to spin the wheel for a prize. One soldier was brave enough to let Caitlyn Gass paint his toenails. Becca Nail, right, manned the wheel of fortune. A German-style meal also was served. Look for other Make a Difference Day photos throughout this issue and read more about the Oktoberfest on Page 25. Future CITs attend interview camp Each year, former campers hoping to earn a spot in the Hermann Sons Youth Camp Counselor-in-Training Program attend a weekend interview camp. This year there were two interview camps - one for girls and one for boys. Doing their part in the kitchen were, right, Erika Cervantes and Allissa Berry. (Far right) Senior Counselor Brandon Reyes works with one of the groups of boys. See Page 13 to learn more about the CIT Program. Hermann SonS newS (USPS 242200) Periodicals Postage Paid at San antonio, Texas Published monthly by THe Hermann SonS newS 515 S. St. mary’s St. San antonio, Texas 78205 noVemBer 2013 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Hermann Sons News P.O. Box 1941 San Antonio, TX 78297-1941 oFFICIaL PUBLICaTIon oF THe orDer oF THe SonS oF Hermann In THe STaTe oF TeXaS Home oFFICe: 515 S. St. Mary’s Street P.O. Box 1941 San Antonio, Texas 78297-1941 210-226-9261 or 1-800-234-4124 Fax: 210-226-3055 Hermann Sons Youth Camp 830-995-3223 Retirement Home: 830-995-2724 Website: www.hermannsons.org GranD LoDGe oFFICerS PaST GranD PreSIDenT LEROY MUEHLSTEIN PaST GranD PreSIDenT STEPHEN R. PREWITT GranD PreSIDenT/Ceo ALLAN W. "BUDDY" PREUSS GranD VP-SeCreTarY/TreaS. MARY BEAM GranD VP-InVeSTmenTS HARRY WERLAND GranD VP-marKeTInG TIMOTHY P. KOLBE GranD VP-FraTernaL KIMBERLY A. KRUEGER GranD FInanCe CommITTee WILBURN PARGMANN SANDRA JONES JANICE KUHEN PAUL HEATH JACK LARNED reTIremenT Home CommITTee RUTH BAILEY FRANK BRANDON NORMA BRUNS JEAN DUEITT CALVIN LAMENSKY GranD PHYSICIan DR. RICHARD HANNIGAN YoUTH aCTIVITIeS CommITTee JANICE FAIT DEBBIE JORDAN TAMMY KELLEY ED KURTZ DAVID SPAETH AMANDA DEICKE BOB JUNGMAN STAN STEIGER Grand Guide Grand Inner Guard Grand Outer Guard LawS CommITTee Glenn Altwein Donnie Blinka Glenford Boehme John Bradley Joe Doss Agnes Dreibrodt Vernon Fenner Lillian Franckowiak Debbie Gold Karen Harborth Robert Herridge Milton Ihlo Jerry Don Klose Oscar Kuehner Billy Lehde David Lewis James Lowak Jeanette Preuss Calvin Rueter Howard Saathoff Tim Salge Don Saunders Andy Schellenberg Irene Schwertner Joe Trojacek Lee Vogel Ronald Wiatrek Grand President's Message “If you are really thankful, what do you do? You share.” – W. Clement Stone It’s more than just family, friends, food and football. This month is Thanksgiving and a time to reflect on the many blessings in our lives. As we sit down with our family for Thanksgiving dinner we will be reminded of all that is good in our lives. Our thoughts may be of family and health; prosperity or new beginnings; or the courage to overcome strife. And many will undoubtedly be thinking of their local Hermann Sons lodge and the caring gifts given throughout the year. Our lodges, through their membership, give endlessly to the needs of the community. In 2012, members volunteered 46,000 hours at 215 Hermann Sons sponsored community service events. In addition, monetary gifts were made in the form of scholarships, sponsorships and support to local charities. Lodges also gave tirelessly toward outreach to fellow members. This should come as no surprise. Hermann Sons lodges and members have always given generously. After all, community service and fraternal activities is part of our mission; and “Friendship, Love and Loyalty” is more than a motto; it’s a credo. Hermann Sons believes in volunteerism, but we also believe in the volunteer. Hermann Sons is there for all members who wish to enrich their lives through volunteerism. Consider this your invita- "Hugs from Home" Give us the name and address of someone who is serving in Iraq or Afghanistan and we will add them to our "Hugs from Home" list of care package recipients. Name ______________________________________ Address Line 1 _______________________________ Address Line 2 _______________________________ Address Line 3 _______________________________ Deployment Dates ____________________________ Clip and mail to: Hermann Sons Grand Lodge P.O. Box 1941 San Antonio, TX 78297-1941 Attention: Fraternal Department Donors make sending more packages possible SAN ANTONIO – More "Hugs from Home" are on their way to military personnel serving in Iraq and Afghanistan thanks to the donations of Hermann Sons lodges and members. Packages were sent in late November to arrive in time for Christmas. The most recent donors to the program are: Houston Lodge No. 100, Hondo Victory Lodge No. 161, Mission-Alamo Lodge No. 80, Louise Havel, Cuero Family Lodge No. 82, Chuck Graustein, McGregor Lodge No. 132, Mae Reininger, Eulla Krueger, Macdona Lodge No. 198, Stephen and Julie Prewitt, Ruth Moss, Allen and Laura Adams, Castroville Hermann Sons School of Dance, Sheri Reed, Wayne and Janilla Kilborn, Pat Saunier, Phyllis Mitchell, Century Cash Register Inc., Moulton Lodge No. 59 and Bexar Lodge No. 306. Donations can be sent to: Hermann Sons Grand Lodge, P.O. Box 1941, San Antonio, TX 78297-1941, Attention: Fraternal Department. tion to join in volunteer efforts at your local lodge. • For the student who needs community service hours for National Honor Society acceptance, scholarship applications or college admittance – join us! • For the parent who realizes that their many blessings in life are better if repaid – join us! • For the retiree who has extra time on their hands and wants to give back to the community that has given so much to them – join us! Hermann Sons lodges across Texas are planning charitable events now. Give them a call and let them know you would like to help. Recommend your favorite charity for community outreach. There are so many that are in need of your time and your energy. Hermann Sons wants to help our members to fulfill the desire to serve others and to live generously. Join us! From your Hermann Sons family and mine, Happy Thanksgiving! “For everyone to whom much is given, from him much will be required.” – Luke 12:48 Fraternally, Buddy Preuss Grand President/CEO Grand President meets new TDI commissioner AUSTIN – Grand President/ CEO Buddy Preuss and representatives from seven fraternal benefit societies met with Texas Department of Insurance Commissioner Julia Rathgeber at her offices in Austin on Nov. 19. Grand President Preuss and other fraternal representatives spoke about their societies’ financial and fraternal impact in the state. Developing relationships with regulatory agencies helps to keep such agencies aware of how special Hermann Sons and other fraternals are to members and communities. Commissioner Rathgeber seemed particularly impressed with the Hermann Sons Retirement Home and commented that “Comfort” seemed a fitting location. Rathgeber was appointed by Governor Rick Perry on May 27, 2013. She formerly served as deputy chief of staff in the Office of Lt. Governor David Dewhurst. She is a past director of research for the Texas General Land Office, and a past director of the strategic assessment division for the Texas Grand President/Ceo Buddy Preuss met newTexas Department of Insurance Commissioner Julia rathgeber recently. Natural Resource Conservation Commission, now the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. She is a member of the State Bar of Texas and the Seton Fund Development Board, and a member of and a volunteer for The Settlement Club and The Settlement Home for Children. www.hermannsons.org Calendar of Events Dance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . New Braunfels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dec. 1 The Goodtime Polka & Waltz Club will host a dance at Eagles Hall, 257 E. South St., New Braunfels, from 3-7 p.m. Music by Donnie Wavra from Columbus. Call 830-660-4866 for more information. Memberships are available at sign-in table. Guests welcome. No shorts please. Nimitz Museum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fredericksburg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dec. 7 Members of Pershing Lodge No. 160 and their guests will visit the Nimitz Museum and take in a performance at the Rockbox Theater. For more information, contact Terri Armstrong at 210-378-0319. New Year's Eve Dance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Helotes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dec. 31 Braun Hall in Helotes will host a New Year's Eve Dance starting at 8:30 p.m. Cost is $20 per person. Black-eyed peas and cornbread will be served at midnight. Bimbo and Borderline will provide entertainment. Call 210-688-9241 to make reservations. New Year's Eve Dance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Austin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dec. 31 Austin Lodge No. 120 will host a New Year's Eve Dance from 8 p.m.-12 midnight. Music will be by the Sunset Valley Boys. Tickets are $15 per person. Complete table reservations must be made in advance. Tickets will be sold at the door. For table reservations or tickets, call 512-601-9221. Museum visits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . San Antonio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jan. 28 Members of Pershing Lodge No. 160 and their guests will visit the Witte and Lone Star Museums and the Popcorn Place. For more information, contact Terri Armstrong at 210-378-0319. Bowling tournament . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . New Braunfels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Feb. 8 The 10th Fraternal Alliance of Texas Scholarship Fund Bowling Tournament will be held at the Fiesta Lanes. See Page 11 for full details and an entry form. Casino trip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eagle Pass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Feb. 25 Members of Pershing Lodge No. 160 and their guests will be boarding a bus bound for Eagle Pass and the Kickapoo Casino. For more information, contact Terri Armstrong at 210-378-0319. If you would like to see your lodge’s event listed here, call Kathie Ninneman, 210-226-9261 or 1-800-234-4124, ext. 273, or email the information to kathie@texashermannsons.org. MEMORIAL FORM Name of Deceased: Please print Acknowledgement from Retirement Home Youth Camp Retirement Home Scholarship Fund Youth Camp Scholarship Fund November 2013 – Hermann SonS newS – Page 3 OFFICIAL BULLETIN Grand Vice President-Secretary/Treasurer Thanksgiving gives us some time to think about the things we are grateful for such as family, friends, good health, special times and special memories. When I speak of family, I also include our Hermann Sons family. The foundation for growth, development and support of our families is in our hands. Families become stronger when there is some connection and with our Hermann Sons family the connection is our social and fraternal network that offers many services to communities. INSTALLATION INFORMATION The dates, times and locations of the 2014 installation of officer ceremonies are listed in this issue. All elected and appointed local lodge officers are to attend their local January installation ceremony. If there is any change in installations, please let the Grand Lodge know immediately so that the correct information may be passed on. There will be a new format to the 2014 installations that will include a new educational element offering strategies to engage members. Area installations offer the opportunity to meet local lodge officers and exchange valuable information on how other lodges conduct meetings, and share the type of fraternal events and community service projects that are offered in their localities. MAKE A DIFFERENCE DAY We are happy to report that many of our lodges supported Make A Difference Day on Oct. 26. This is the largest national day of helping others and offers so much to our lodge communities with good deeds that brighten our lives and the lives of others. Photos are being shared in this issue of the newspaper. Many of our lodges have selected a Humanitarian Award recipient and will be recognizing these volunteers at their Christmas parties. Our thanks and congratulations to the 2013 Humanitarians who have given so many hours of their time and talent to lodges and their communities. MEETINGS The quarterly meeting of the Retirement Home Committee was held on Oct. 21. Two new applicants were accepted into the Home and are already at this writing settled in. Our resident members have been working diligently on seasonal decorations. The Home looks so festive with the fall décor both inside and out. We are very grateful to have such a wonderful group of resident members who definitely show pride in their Home. Don’t forget to mention the Retirement Home at lodge meetings and remind members of this great fraternal benefit. The Grand Committee met at the Grand Lodge on Oct. 24 for its quarterly meeting. The main agenda item was the approval of the 2014 Grand Lodge budget. Minutes are published in this issue of the paper. On Oct. 28 the Youth Activities Committee met at the Grand Lodge for its second meeting of the year. Reports were given on our Youth Camp and Schools of Dance along with an update on other fraternal projects of the past year. With Christmas parties around the corner, let’s remember to invite a member who has not attended a lodge event this year with the intent of getting these members interested and involved once again in the local lodge for 2014. Good luck! Fraternally, Mary Beam Grand Vice President-Secretary/Treasurer to go to: Name: Address: Donor: Address: Please print City, State, Zip Please print City, State, Zip: Date: Amount: $ Clip and mail with your memorial contribution to: Grand Lodge, Order of the Sons of Hermann, P.O. Box 1941, San Antonio, TX 78297-1941 The Hermann Sons News has its own fax number. Faxes for the Hermann Sons News can be sent to 1-888-443-3377 or 210-892-0252. Page 4 – Hermann SonS newS – November 2013 Index Monthly Features Grand President’s Message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Calendar of Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Grand Vice President-Secretary/Treasurer’s Bulletin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Pioneer Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-9 Medical Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 In Memoriam of Our Deceased Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 In Memoriam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Retirement Home News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Fraternal Features Lodges "Make a Difference" in October . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Grand President meets with Austin official . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Donations made to "Hugs" program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Form provided for making memorial donations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Grand Committee meeting minutes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Installation schedule announced . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Cuero veteran leads parade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Help Wanted at San Antonio Home Association . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Grand Lodge helping Santa with gift list . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 J .V . Bailey passes at age 77 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Bowlers to raise scholarship money . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Retirement Home Christmas Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Marketing New 100% Families listed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Sponsor the float in your local parade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Life Happens story . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Hermann Sons is part of Texas history . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 TOP Recommenders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Roster of Agents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 youth in action CIT Program hosts interview camps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 & 13 Give the gift of Camp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Answers to puzzles on Page 36 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Future Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 loDge rePorts Page no. lodge lodge Anton Wenzel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Austin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Bellville . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Bexar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Boerne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Brenham . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Brunhilde . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Cibolo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Columbia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Columbus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Comfort . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Converse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Coupland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Cuero Family . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 DaCosta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Dallas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Deanville . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Dunlay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Edelweiss-Magnolia . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 El Campo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Ellinger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Fort Worth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Fredericksburg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Gay Hill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Giddings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Gulf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Harmonia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Haskell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Helotes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Highland Lakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Hochheim-Prairie . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Hondo Victory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Houston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Page no. Karnes City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Kerrville . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Kirby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 La Grange . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Lockhart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Marion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Maxwell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 McGregor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Mission-Alamo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Moulton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 New Bielau . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 New Braunfels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Old Glory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Paige . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Pershing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Plum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Poth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Prinz Solms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Richland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Rosenberg-Richmond . . . . . . . . . . 30 Round Top . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Rutersville . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 San Marcos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Schulenburg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Seguin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Shelby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Square Dancers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Stern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Twin Sisters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Vineta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Womack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Zuehl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Hermann Sons News Staff editor assistant editor Kathie Ninneman Elaine H . Soto The Hermann Sons News is an official publication of the Order of the Sons of Hermann in Texas . The management and editorial policy of the newspaper shall be in the hands of the Grand President, and the Grand President shall have the authority to appoint a member or members of the Order as editor and/or business manager thereof (Art . 38, Grand Lodge Laws) . All news articles and photographs should be mailed to the Editor, Hermann Sons News, P .O . Box 1941, San Antonio, TX 78297-1941, or emailed to kathie@texashermannsons .org . Deadline for each monthly issue is the 10th of the month of publication . www.hermannsons.org Hermann Sons welcomes our new 100% Families! 100% Family City Lodge Agent culver Family x Michael - new member x Gladys - new member 100% Family Washington Brenham Lodge No . 6 Gary Falkenberg City Lodge Agent Pearland Gulf Lodge No . 46 Al Stryk City Lodge Agent grigg Family x Landon - new member Jeffrey Katherine Preston 100% Family karisch Family Brandon Carissa Rheagan x Rilan - new member 100% Family Ellinger City koltermann Family Eric Whitney Nolan x Paige - new member New Braunfels 100% Family City Plum Lodge No . 238 Ellinger Lodge No . 30 Plum Lodge No . 238 Plum Lodge No . 238 Lodge Zuehl Lodge No . 163 New Braunfels Lodge No . 21 Zuehl Lodge No . 163 Zuehl Lodge No . 163 Charlene Meinen Agent Dorothy Luensmann Lodge Agent cruz Family San Antonio x Stephanie - new member Brian Trung Le new member x x Britney Hong Le - new member Comfort Lodge No . 2 Jean Merchant 100% Family Lodge Agent saenz Family San Antonio x Dionico - new member x Rose Velasquez-Saenz - new member Juaquin Sophia City Siemering Lodge No . 32 Teresa Saathoff 100% Family City Lodge Agent seljos Family x Janet - new member x Karley - new member x Lacey - new member Round Rock Gruenau Lodge No. 117 Laura Tiffin 100% Family City Lodge Agent Phillips Family x Richard - new member x Judith - new member Marie San Antonio Mission-Alamo Lodge No . 80 Teresa Saathoff Would your lodge like to sponsor the Hermann Sons float in a parade in your community? If so, call the Marketing Department at 877-HERMANN for more information. www.hermannsons.org November 2013 – Hermann SonS newS – Page 5 Marketing News Young family copes after loss of father to cancer Editor's Note: The following realLIFEstory was provided by the Life and Health Insurance Foundation for Education, a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping consumers make smart insurance decisions to safeguard their families' financial futures. Hermann Sons is providing this series of realLIFEstories as a public service to its members and their families. Go to www.lifehappens.org to learn more. By the time he was 28, Steven Tedesco was ready to be his own boss. Along with a partner, he purchased a blacktop paving business in Corinth, N.Y. The bank loan they got required each of them to carry life insurance. Steven consulted Robin Davey, CFP, a financial advisor. As they talked, Robin quickly discovered that the business was not Steven’s only financial obligation. He had a wife, Natira, and five children. “That’s a lot of mouths to feed,” Robin remembers telling him. “Have you thought about how they would get by if When a wage earner in the family dies, you lose a loved one and a paycheck, too. Life insurance can replace a person's income, providing surviving family members with money to live on for a period of time. something happened to you?” Because of Steven’s age and good health, he obtained a $1 million, 20-year term life insurance policy at a very affordable rate, in addition to a separate policy to cover the business loan. Members keep recommending The Team of Outstanding Prospectors Campaign recognized 25 more TOP Recommenders for the month of October. This brings the total to 368 members recommending 510 new members to Hermann Sons in 2013. Recommender Agent Karie Bledsoe, Corpus Christi Lodge Paul Buckner, Lockhart Lodge Madeline Delgado, Siemering Lodge Gail Faulk, Pershing Lodge Hazzie Franken, Cibolo Lodge Alice Golla, Pershing Lodge Samantha Haas, Houston Lodge Ryan Ives, Gulf Lodge Hannah Jordan, Flatonia Lodge Alfred Kreusel, Anton Wenzel Lodge Veda Labree, Prinz Solms Lodge Carolyn Nelson, Flatonia Lodge Julia Oeding, Schulenburg Lodge Taylor Paredez, Corpus Christi Lodge Fernando Pineda, Bryan Lodge Edgar Priess, Fredericksburg Lodge Sally Ritchie, Columbia Lodge James Rosenquest, Da Costa Lodge Whitley Rosenquest, Da Costa Lodge (+) Jack Schneider, Castroville Lodge Kristi Schumann, Bellville Lodge Mary Trujillo, Louis Schuetze Lodge Michael Weiss, Richland Lodge Tanya Wenzel, Hochheim-Prairie Lodge Tammie Zook, Zuehl Lodge (+) Recommended 3 new members Marilyn Vogt Janice Kuhen Ruth Bailey Carol Krauss Judith Schulmeier Carol Krauss Gary Falkenberg Al Stryk Ruth Bailey Ruth Bailey Russell Swize Ruth Bailey Mary K. Seifert Pearl Hunt Katherine Akin Rebertha Duecker Jimmy Burnett Laura Tiffin Laura Tiffin Glenford Boehme Robert Herridge Carol Krauss Linda Mattocks Robert Jungman Dorothy Luensmann Your agents thank you for your recommendations. Jump on the recruiting bandwagon and be Hermann Sons Proud! Recommend someone for Hemann Sons membership today! A few months later, Steven came down with what he thought was a bad case of the flu, but it turned out to be much more serious: He had leukemia. Steven courageously battled the disease, but died two years later. By then he and Natira had six children. The youngest was just 4 months old. Thanks to the life insurance, Natira, a stay-at-home mother, has been able to continue in that role. Insurance proceeds were also used to move the family out of a cramped rental and into a home of its own – a fivebedroom, three-bath house. Robin also set up education accounts for the children, and helped Natira with a retirement savings account and a life insurance policy of her own. The family is getting back on its feet. Natira recently remarried. She spends her days caring for the younger children and shuttling the older ones to football games. “If it wasn’t for the insurance money, I’d be working three jobs,” she says. Hermann Sons is part of history of our state By TIM KOLBE Grand Vice President-Marketing By the time you read this, Thanksgiving preparations will be in full swing, or you could be enjoying turkey and dressing leftovers. Thank goodness for microwaves, right? Regardless of where this season finds you, I think you will agree we live in the best country in the world and have much to be thankful for. The U.S. economy could be in better shape, the government run smoother with less conflict, and elusive world peace could be a reality, but such are the times we live in. History is fraught with the trials and travails of humankind. Last Sunday I was watching Texas Country Reporter, where Bob Phillips was interviewing Governor Rick Perry at the Texas State Cemetery. Stephen F. Austin, 11 governors, numerous legislators, judges and unique individuals throughout Texas’ history are some of the people buried at the Texas State Cemetery. The segment revealed the rich history in those hallowed grounds, and those who played such a pivotal role in where Texas is today. It led me to also appreciate the history and heritage of Hermann Sons, which parallels our own state’s history. The first Hermann Sons lodge in Texas was formed only 10 years after the State Cemetery was estab- lished (1851), and several Hermann Sons cemeteries can be found in Texas. Those first pioneers who formed Harmonia Lodge No. 1 in 1861, did so to provide a social support system for persons of Germanic heritage, and after 1875 the focus of Hermann Sons’ insurance program has been to help provide financial protection to its members and their families. Today Hermann Sons is still that family-values oriented organization, open to all who desire membership. Hermann Sons was the social safety net for its members long before the federal government did so with the 1935 Social Security Act. We’ve prevailed all those years, still providing financial security for our members, even as Social Security solvency issues cause future concern. I’m thankful to be a Texan and proud to be a Texas Hermann Sons member. With affordable life insurance and annuity products, plus family-friendly benefits for members, who wouldn’t be interested in joining Hermann Sons? Maybe it’s because they haven’t been asked. That’s where you come in. Stay tuned for more ideas, and by the way…… Thanks. Call your local agent, or our Marketing Team at 877-HERMANN for more information about our products. We’re here for you! Page 6 – Hermann SonS newS – November 2013 www.hermannsons.org Grand Committee Meeting - Oct. 24, 2013 Grand President/CEO Allan W. Preuss called the Grand Committee meeting to order on Thursday, Oct. 24, 2013, at 9:35 a.m. Committee members present were: Past Grand President Leroy Muehlstein Past Grand President Stephen R. Prewitt Grand President/CEO Allan W. Preuss Grand Vice President-Secretary/Treasurer Mary Beam Grand Vice President-Investments Harry Werland Grand Vice President-Marketing Tim Kolbe Grand Vice President-Fraternal Kim Krueger Grand Finance Committee Member Wilburn Pargmann Grand Finance Committee Member Sandra Jones Grand Finance Committee Member Janice Kuhen Grand Finance Committee Member Paul Heath Grand Finance Committee Member Jack Larned The minutes of the previous session were sent to Committee members prior to the meeting. Grand Finance Committee Member Jack Larned made the motion to waive the reading of the minutes of the previous meeting and accept them as presented. This was seconded by Past Grand President Leroy Muehlstein. Motion carried. Grand President Preuss reported on the American Fraternal Alliance annual meeting in September. Members of the Executive Committee meet for a review of the meeting. Those who did not attend received an overview of the sessions, highlights of the speaker topics, handouts on the break-out sessions and insight into future trends in the insurance industry. Brother Preuss announced he had been appointed to be a member of the Advisory Committee for the Presidents’ Section. The 2014 meeting will be held in Austin next September. He also reported he will be attending a meeting along with other Texas fraternals on Nov. 19 in Austin to meet the new State Insurance Commissioner. Brother Preuss also advised Committee members that the installations of officers held in January would have a different format. He read the letter sent to lodges that addresses the slight change in the ceremony to Committee members. The idea is to help engage members through lodge activities in a variety of ways. This is one of the first steps to assist lodges on a proactive basis. Brother Preuss spoke of a compensation review for the Grand Committee conducted through the Executive Committee. The results of the review gave additional recognition and higher expectation of Grand Finance Committee members and Past Grand Presidents that would justify an increase in compensation for Grand Lodge assignments. Grand Vice President-Marketing Tim Kolbe reported on the production status and did a comparison to last year. He noted the Top Recommender Campaign was doing well and the Family of Delegates Campaign held during the convention gave the Marketing Department 23 new leads for membership. The last quarter of the year will focus on the Newborn Certificate along with the sale of permanent life insurance. Brother Kolbe stated the summer training workshops went well. Ten agents had not as of yet completed the training but are being contacted to do so. The Continuing Education classes held at the Hilltop Camp in October had some 65 local lodge agents attend. He stated the Marketing Department will continue advertising in magazines and investigate other areas to introduce Hermann Sons to more families. A letter is being revised for members who have Term Conversions up for renewal to better explain the options and make contact with an agent for more information. Brother Kolbe also reported that the Matured Annuity application is ready for the sale process of a new contract. Grand Vice President-Fraternal Kim Krueger advised members of hiring a new Events Coordinator. She also discussed plans for the 2014 Statewide Rally. Press releases announcing many of the local lodges’ donations in the name of Hermann Sons to the town of West, Texas, were published in local newspapers in some 26 cities. Sister Krueger stated that "Hugs from Home" continues with the last mailing in September and another will be done in December. Plans are being developed for a special October 2104 "Make a Difference Day" project. Sister Krueger gave a report on the Retirement Home. The Retirement Home Rules and Regulations have been revised. The elevator project is going well and is on target for completion. Some outside work on the Home is being completed, the rotunda has been refurbished, the front steps to the building are being repaired and the boiler valve has been replaced and is working well. She reported that the camp had a good year and that online registration should be available for the next season. Camp maintenance remains ongoing with an upgrade to the phone system, an automatic gate system will be installed at both camps, and the Riverside Camp will have a new fence installed. She spoke of the Camp Alumni Organization’s first event and that a family barbecue will be the event for 2014. It was noted that the Dance Program now has 31 schools of dance with an increase in dancers this season. Background checks are now being done on all dance class volunteers. Online dance registration is being looked into for next season. Information on the dance schools is also being introduced at various schools through school events. The Future Club will also hold a holiday contest for its members. Grand Vice President-Secretary/Treasurer Mary Beam informed Committee members that two positions in the Membership Department will be opening up at the end of the year. She noted that one employee will be retiring in the Collections Department but those duties will be divided among other employees within the department. Sister Beam reported that a letter would be sent on Nov. 1, 2013, to members whose annuity has matured, offering options and the process for completion. She also talked on the Grand Lodge Employee Wellness Program, the suggestions from the Wellness Committee composed of employees and the Nov. 15 kick-off event. She noted that the Grand Lodge application forms are being reviewed for redesign and reformat to make an easier layout design for members when changes are made to their certificates. Sister Beam is also working with the Texas Department of Insurance Consumer Protection Division in the participation of a developmental program of a Life Policy Locater Service. She reported two new applicants were accepted into the Home making a total of 44 resident members. Several members have inquired about the process for application to the Retirement Home and have made visits to the Home. The financial report for the third quarter of 2013 was reviewed by Financial Controller Mary Pruitt. Comparisons were given from last year at this time and found that premium income was slightly up, annuities were lower than last year, the change in interest rates reduced the paid up additions amount, death benefits were down but surrender benefits were higher from last year at this time. Grand Vice President-Investments Harry Werland mentioned that higher limits on mortgage loans will be considered on property or buildings of a higher standard and that he has been in touch with our investment brokers concerning the quality of our investment portfolio and the possibility of purchasing some slightly lower rated bonds to help our portfolio income yield. Investment Controller Pruitt also went over the balance sheet. Membership numbers were noted and there was discussion on how to work on retaining more members. Budget information for the 2014 year was forwarded to members of the Grand Committee prior to the meeting for their review. Specific budget items for various departments were discussed at the meeting and the majority of the line items in the Grand Lodge budget remain much the same as the previous year. A motion was made by Grand Vice President Werland to approve the 2014 budget as presented with the requirement of a review of all merit pay adjustments by the Executive Committee after the first quarter operating results are known for 2014 before any merit salary adjustments are made to any employee. This was seconded by Grand Finance Committee Member Jack Larned. Motion carried. The annual Grand Lodge audit for year ending 2013 was discussed. An engagement letter from Lott, Vernon & Company, P.C. which has performed the audit services for several years was received stating their procedures. A motion was made by Grand Vice President Werland to have Lott, Vernon & Company, P.C. do the audit in 2014 with a second by Past Grand President Stephen R. Prewitt. Motion carried. The Grand Lodge Christmas Party was noted with a date of Dec. 13. Installation assignments for January will be given in December. The next meeting for the Grand Finance Committee will be Jan. 20 beginning at 1 p.m. through Jan. 22. The Grand Committee meeting is scheduled for Thursday, Jan. 23, at 8:30 a.m. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 2:15 p.m. upon motion of Grand Finance Committee Member Janice Kuhen, seconded by Grand Finance Committee Member Wilburn Pargmann. Motion carried. Fraternally submitted, MARY BEAM GRAND VICE PRESIDENTSECRETARY/TREASURER ATTEST: ALLAN W. PREUSS GRAND PRESIDENT/CEO November 2013 – Hermann SonS newS – Page 7 www.hermannsons.org Cuero veteran presents colors during parade CUERO – Ethan Hotz, a member of Cuero Family Lodge No. 82, was honorably discharged from the Army on Oct. 4. He was invited by the Cuero Veterans of Foreign Wars to present the colors at the Cuero Turkeyfest Parade on Saturday, Oct. 11. Hotz is a 2010 graduate of Cuero High School. He was assigned to Bravo 124th Infantry Division, 25th Battalion. He received a Purple Heart in 2012 and two Army Commendation Medals, one in 2011 and one in 2013. Hotz lives in Yorktown. He is married to Jenna Hotz and they have a 5-month-old daughter, Lyla. He is the son of Candy and Carl Bowen of Yorktown and Aaron and Maria Hotz of Cuero. He has a sister, Nikole Nelson, and brother-in-law, Steven Nelson, of Cuero. “It’s an honor to carry our nation’s flag and be welcomed Help Wanted San antonio Home association Bartender poSition The Hermann Sons Home Association is accepting applicants for (part-time) bar staff position to tend bar during weekday lodge meetings as well as weekend events. The following minimum requirements must be met by applicants to be considered: * Must be TABC certified. * Must be a Hermann Sons lodge member. * Must be able to work independently and be able to lift a maximum of 20 pounds. Please send resume/work history/references to 525 South St. Mary's, San Antonio, Texas 78205. Janitorial poSition Cuero Lodge member Ethan Hotz was invited by the Cuero VFW to present the colors at the Cuero Turkeyfest Parade on Saturday, Oct. 11. He was honorably discharged from the Army on Oct. 4. home with open arms,” Hotz said. – Reporter The Hermann Sons Home Association is accepting applicants for (on-call) cleaning staff to assist in the set-up of events, clean-up afterward, and general maintenance of the Hermann Sons Home Association Building. The following minimum requirements must be met by applicants to be considered: * Must be a Hermann Sons lodge member. * Must be available to work on-call, when needed. * Must be able to work independently and be able to lift a maximum of 25 pounds. Please send resume/work history/references to 525 South St. Mary's, San Antonio, Texas 78205. 2014 Officer Installation Schedule District(s) Date time Place Host loDge 1 &2 3&4 5 8 9 10 & 11 12 13 14 15 & 16 17 20 21 & 22 23 25 & 26 28 & 29 30 31 & 32 33 34, 35 & 37 38 6:30 p.m. 1:30 p.m. 11 a.m. 12 noon 11:30 a.m. 11 a.m. 12:30 p.m. 2 p.m. 3 p.m. 2 p.m. 1 p.m. 3 p.m. 12 noon 1 p.m. 12 noon 2 p.m. 11 a.m. 12 noon 11 a.m. 1 p.m. Home association Ballroom Poth lodge Hall Buck West House, george West Da costa lodge Hall Nordheim shooting club gonzales lodge Hall san marcos rec center New Braunfels lodge Hall american legion Hall, seguin Bea's Kitchen Deanville lodge Hall Priddy american legion Hall Kingsland community center castroville lodge Hall la Quinta inn, catclaw Dr., abilene Dallas lodge Hall rutersville lodge Hall New Ulm lions club community center Burton community center Beaumont Botanical gardens Brunhilde No. 7 & anton Wenzel No. 174 saturday, Jan. 25 sunday, Jan. 12 saturday, Jan. 18 sunday, Jan. 12 saturday, Jan. 18 sunday, Jan. 19 sunday, Jan. 19 sunday, Jan. 12 saturday, Jan. 11 sunday, Jan. 19 sunday, Jan. 26 saturday, Jan. 11 sunday, Jan. 12 sunday, Jan. 19 saturday, Jan. 18 saturday, Jan. 4 sunday, Jan. 12 sunday, Jan. 19 sunday, Jan. 19 sunday, Jan. 5 to Be aNNoUNceD Poth No. 272 live oak county No. 281 Da costa No. 265 Nordheim No. 108 gonzales No. 175 san marcos No. 26 New Braunfels No. 21 stern No. 143 cameron No. 140 Deanville No. 301 Priddy No. 279 Highland lakes No. 317 castroville No. 71 abilene No. 50 Dallas No. 22 rutersville No. 152 New Ulm No. 70 Burton No. 55 Beaumont No. 60 Page 8 – Hermann SonS newS – November 2013 75 Years irene rittimann Kirby Lodge No. 305 70 Years dorothy m.s. allen Hallettsville Lodge No. 19 rose marie turner Lockhart Lodge No. 64 agnes j. wanjura Cuero Family Lodge No. 82 velma lucille bram El Campo Lodge No. 87 clara f. schriewer Albert Kypfer Lodge No. 106 bernice seiler esther e. tichavsky Gonzales Lodge No. 175 leslie w. baumann Poth Lodge No. 272 60 Years roy d. crone Siemering Lodge No. 32 joy e. petermann jeneane y. segner Fredericksburg Lodge No. 41 mary lou converse larry ohnheiser Edelweiss-Magnolia Lodge No. 47 mack a. arnold Mission-Alamo Lodge No. 80 delphine j. maresh Rosenberg-Richmond Lodge No. 85 kathleen j. stienke El Campo Lodge No. 87 connie gail vogt Hochheim-Prairie Lodge No. 90 mary l. forster Prinz Solms Lodge No. 136 donald wayne spiess Brenham Lodge No. 6 bernice l. tschoepe Stern Lodge No. 143 mildred l. warnken iva marie wolff La Grange Lodge No. 8 shirley j. zimmermann Cibolo Lodge No. 147 melvin c. ressmann terry ray rudloff Shelby Lodge No. 28 michael crawford mengden susan collette mengden donna dalene porter cheryl zoeller-rainey richard m. thomas Comfort Lodge No. 2 catherine m. buteau shirley a. green carolyn l. kellner velma b. monaco Louise Schuetze Lodge No. 3 elsie nelda steed Waco-Robinson Lodge No. 4 daniel r. beck jerline a. moellenberndt La Grange Lodge No. 8 virgil george schuetz Waco-Robinson Lodge No. 4 beverly k. stanley New Braunfels Lodge No. 21 guenter w. braun theodore j. dzierzanowski roy august gombert peter g. koepp darryl l. kuykendall david r. mccormack alois p. syring Harmonia Lodge No. 1 sherrill e. lambert Richland Lodge No. 107 kathryn lynn reeder eldie max weisner Austin Lodge No. 120 nancy g. allen rita l. hildebrandt imogene howard Vineta Lodge No. 15 50 Years cheryl marie naumann Brunhilde Lodge No. 7 patricia a. bair janice s. judmaier deanna nelson Louise Schuetze Lodge No. 3 carolyn s. renz Columbus Lodge No. 10 Pioneers betty jean burns mary otto Houston Lodge No. 100 gus p. homann Niederwald Lodge No. 110 john thomas webb Anton Wenzel Lodge No. 174 roy g. freeman jr. Karnes City Lodge No. 215 hurst s. barbee Nagel Lodge No. 299 darryl k. lemke San Patricio County Lodge No. 320 www.hermannsons.org ellen marie brendle dodie ken dungen Columbus Lodge No. 10 raymond l. dittrich steve gabler henry f. pinchin Schulenburg Lodge No. 14 diana lee anderson marianne h. hinojosa roberta lola hons linda b.a. mott patricia ann raney betty a. richter ruby v. stolte clarice g. theis ruby e. varnon Vineta Lodge No. 15 jeffery c. brown stanley david bucek Hallettsville Lodge No. 19 david a. muehlstein james h. muehlstein Shiner Lodge No. 20 darryl r. braune dwayne lee braune New Braunfels Lodge No. 21 nancy j. felps william h. felps dennis m. haley wayne keith uecker Boerne Lodge No. 25 pamela c. hanson brent robert harris joanne t. harris joi stephanie shumaker Helotes Lodge No. 76 leslie kay bales San Marcos Lodge No. 26 charlene m. miller Rockport Lodge No. 79 faye l. schultz Shelby Lodge No. 28 david alan hilbig Mission-Alamo Lodge No. 80 sharon carroll donald carl hild mark allen ries gayle d. southern Siemering Lodge No. 32 vonnie veit jackson dale albert murray Cuero Family Lodge No. 82 james david chapman Fort Worth Lodge No. 33 elaine henze Yorktown Lodge No. 36 velma a. huebner Seguin Lodge No. 37 daniel hohenberger josephine klinksiek Fredericksburg Lodge No. 41 william f. graefe shirley marie hannes Gulf Lodge No. 46 janet mai gutz maurice raymond hafernik teresa kay knox herman r. robertson leonard a. rutledge laurie l. thomas david alton wilson Edelweiss-Magnolia Lodge No. 47 bruce james ruska Abilene Lodge No. 50 billie a. langehennig mary e.k. simmang Giddings Lodge No. 54 billy w. dallmeyer herbert w. dallmeyer Burton Lodge No. 55 danny s. meyer david w. meyer diana d. sherrill Rosenberg-Richmond Lodge No. 85 lawrence j. wendel El Campo Lodge No. 87 irene faye streetman Hochheim-Prairie Lodge No. 90 bryan h. altwein lou ann green Piney Woods Lodge No. 91 nelda keilers Houston Lodge No. 100 erich j. arndt Albert Kypfer Lodge No. 106 paula gay w. gehrke harvey ernest hodde Richland Lodge No. 107 vinette l. brysch frances c. mueller Nordheim Lodge No. 108 walter f. berckenhoff mark allen roller Gruenau Lodge No. 117 paul wesley castle carla diane knippa Austin Lodge No. 120 charles alton moore Spring Branch Lodge No. 127 joseph w. sowa D'Hanis Lodge No. 130 sheri ann jircik gregory e. maresh jeffrey w. maresh dennis ray tousek Moulton Lodge No. 59 helen z. morris Womack Lodge No. 135 james walter dunham mickie sue northcutt Columbia Lodge No. 66 anton michalka jr. stanley dean stork Cameron Lodge No. 140 beulah mae young Marion Lodge No. 74 continued on next page November 2013 – Hermann SonS newS – Page 9 www.hermannsons.org Pioneers 50 years bONNyE kAy hOPPER Priddy Lodge No. 279 CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS PAGE TINA MARIE GIllIAM lAwRENCE G. hAby hOwARD DOUGlAS SAAThOFF EMIly E. SIlVERS RObERTA j. TONDRE Dunlay Lodge No. 285 DwAyNE w. MOlTz Stern Lodge No. 143 RODNEy jAy SEIlER Cibolo Lodge No. 147 GlENN EARl AlTwEIN DORIS l. hARTMANN Rutersville Lodge No. 152 ChERyl l. SAbRSUlA Needville Lodge No. 153 lAMbERT j. PAwElEk Converse Lodge No. 157 ChARlES C. bARNETT DIANE bARNETT PEGGy ROSE bERRy RObERT j. FRITz III jANICE k. hANNON jEANNIE bIll MENTzER RIChARD C. MENTzER CyNThIA j. OSbORNE CECElIA F. STAlSby Pershing Lodge No. 160 ElwOOD lEE MOORE kENNETh w. MOORE ChARlES A. wUENSChER Deanville Lodge No. 301 EMMA MAE bARTEk ShERRy E. IVEy Schwertner Lodge No. 307 MARIlyN h. kATCSMORAk Jourdanton Lodge No. 310 RObERT w. FAIT Jackson County Lodge No. 318 MARy AlAN VEIT Nixon-Smiley Lodge No. 327 jEANETTE bROGDON Zuehl Lodge No. 163 EMERENCE F. bEhRING GAy l. DAVISON FAyE TITUS Gonzales Lodge No. 175 ClAUDIA SUE APPElT Gay Hill Lodge No. 193 ElROy jAMES wICk New Bielau Lodge No. 205 TERREl w. RIPPSTEIN Karnes City Lodge No. 215 beverly poehnert ping of brownsburg, ind., has received her 60-year membership pin. sister ping is a member of Comfort lodge no. 2. she has been a member since dec. 18, 1953. DOUGlAS w. bOwMAN jR. Paul Vogt Lodge No. 234 GARy j. zINSMEyER Hondo Lodge No. 236 lADEll h. FREUDENbERG Plum Lodge No. 238 ShERMAN w. kRAUSE wElDON F. SChMIDT Laubach Lodge No. 244 jEFFERSON lEE SMITh La Coste Lodge No. 261 kEITh A. jOhNSON STUART l. jOhNSON kENNETh w. VANEk Da Costa Lodge No. 265 Cynthia page of boerne has received her 60-year membership pin. sister page is a member of louise schuetze lodge no. 3 and joined on feb. 25, 1953. how to save on prescriptions Prescription drugs can be quite expensive, and even those who have health insurance often pay more than they need to. According to a 2012 Consumer Reports “Best Drugs” poll on prescription drugs, Americans routinely take an average of four medications per day, spending nearly $800 on drug costs each year. Those who do not have health insurance may have to pay much more out of pocket. As expensive as prescription medications can be, there are still ways to save money on prescription drug costs. Comparison shop Believe it or not, drug prices vary depending on the time of the year and even the pharmacy. A person can shop around for the most affordable medication just like they would when buying another product. Prescription drug apps enable you to search for discounts in your neighborhood. read your bill Medical coding and billing is not always accurate. Employees entering codes may put in the wrong information, inadvertently charging a person for the wrong medication. Treat your medical bills as you would any other bill and verify that the charges are correct. If you have any doubts, check the drug name with your doctor and then consult with the pharmacy to see if an error was made. opt for generiC mediCations Generic versions of hundreds of brand name prescription drugs are available and typically cost a lot less money. With a generic medicine you are not paying for marketing and advertising costs. These drugs are routinely tested for efficacy and safety. There is really no reason to select a name-brand medicine over the generic alternative, even when it comes to over-the-counter drugs. Ask your doctor on your script to check the box for the generic option. use a preferred mail-order serviCe Certain insurance companies have negotiated discounts with mail-order pharmacies and pass on the savings to their members. Medicare and other government-sponsored plans Medical Notes may offer the same type of deal, and consumers can save a substantial amount of money by opting for mail-order service. Consider wholesalers for presCriptions You may think of Costco or Sam’s Club as your go-to place to buy 30-packs of toilet tissue, but these retailers also offer discounts on prescription drugs. Even nonmembers are allowed to use these warehouses for their prescription drug needs. Big wholesalers could give you the best deal on your pills. skip the insuranCe sometimes Consumer Reports says hundreds of commonly used generic medications can be purchased for around $10 for a three-month supply at various major chains. Program details vary, but consumers might be able to save a lot of money by using these programs and leaving their insurance cards in their wallets. opt for otC In many cases, an over-thecounter medication may be just as effective as a prescription drug. Talk to your doctor about trying an OTC remedy before a prescription is written. Ibuprofen may relieve arthritis pain, and diphenhydramine could alleviate insomnia, all at a much lower cost than prescription drugs. Prescription drug costs can add up. But there are a number of strategies consumers can employ to reduce the out-ofpocket expenditures on medi- Attention Parents! The Grand Lodge is helping Santa with his Christmas letters this year! Fill out the form below and the Grand Lodge will forward the information to Santa. Then be watching the mail the week before Christmas for a special letter from the North Pole. Child's name Gift Child's name Gift Child's name Gift Parent's name Address Please submit by Dec. 10 to Laura Adams, Hermann Sons Grand Lodge, P.O. Box 1941, San Antonio, TX 78297-1941 Page 10 – Hermann SonS newS – November 2013 www.hermannsons.org j.v. bailey passes away at age of 77 Longtime agent, member served as Siemering Lodge's financial secretary SAN ANTONIO – Longtime Hermann Sons agent J.V. Bailey of San Antonio has passed away at the age of 77. Brother Bailey had been an agent for 33 years when he died Oct. 31. A 41-year member of Hermann Sons, he was the financial sec- retary for Siemering Lodge No. 32. A 1954 graduate of South San High School, he was also a member of the Masonic Lodge and volunteered with organizations such as Meals on Wheels and Hands Across America. He was preceded in death by his wife, Leona Bailey; parents, Vaness V. Bailey and Jewel Cain Bailey; and his brother, Wesley V. Bailey. Survivors include his children, Diana Kay Bailey-Kent and husband Ronald, James Bailey and Jennifer Stratemann and husband Malcolm; grandchildren, Bradley and Thomas; and stepgrandchildren, Ryan and Paul. Services were held Monday, Nov. 4, at Mission Park Funeral Chapels South with interment in Mission Burial Park South. J.V. Bailey In Memoriam of Our Deceased Members melba mae muske Houston Lodge No. 100 Died May 7, 2012 • Age 82 kenneth p. knopp Fredericksburg Lodge No. 41 Died July 15, 2013 • Age 79 viola l. mcclanahan Corpus Christi Lodge No. 34 Died Sept. 1, 2013 • Age 92 oscar j. kneupper Harmonia Lodge No. 1 Died Sept. 15, 2013 • Age 81 alvina a. hartman Da Costa Lodge No. 265 Died Oct. 2, 2013 • Age 94 laura ann palermo Comfort Lodge No. 2 Died July 25, 2012 • Age 41 fannie r. salyer Austin Lodge No. 120 Died Aug. 3, 2013 • Age 82 thula rose perry Haskell Lodge No. 241 Died Sept. 3, 2013 • Age 92 annie m. matthews Edelweiss-Magnolia Lodge No. 47 Died Sept. 17, 2013 • Age 85 mary schirmer Zuehl Lodge No. 163 Died Oct. 3, 2013 • Age 94 robert e. jacks Kerrville Lodge No. 12 Died Feb. 22, 2013 • Age 85 gilmer f. rohde Siemering Lodge No. 32 Died Aug. 9, 2013 • Age 92 bessie lorfing Schulenburg Lodge No. 14 Died Sept. 4, 2013 • Age 96 la verne wallace Womack Lodge No. 135 Died Sept. 18, 2013 • Age 93 eldora lindell Houston Lodge No. 100 Died Oct. 4, 2013 • Age 88 robert lee reves Old Glory Lodge No. 228 Died March 4, 2013 • Age 90 gerald o. shoemaker New Braunfels Lodge No. 21 Died Aug. 11, 2013 • Age 59 walter ray thompson Fort Worth Lodge No. 33 Died Sept. 5, 2013 • Age 87 reagon fay rion Prinz Solms Lodge No. 136 Died Sept. 19, 2013 • Age 12 florence a. carter Kirby Lodge No. 305 Died Oct. 5, 2013 • Age 88 ruby kneupper Comfort Lodge No. 2 Died May 5, 2013 • Age 93 sammie sollock Louise Schuetze Lodge No. 3 Died Aug. 13, 2013 • Age 93 evelyn ruth schoener Da Costa Lodge No. 265 Died Sept. 6, 2013 • Age 78 evelyn n. schmidt Dunlay Lodge No. 285 Died Sept. 19, 2013 • Age 87 j.b. sheffield Louise Schuetze Lodge No. 3 Died Oct. 6, 2013 • Age 89 mildred a. lindsey Bryan Lodge No. 99 Died May 14, 2013 • Age 92 ray e. harder jr. Edelweiss-Magnolia Lodge No. 47 Died Aug. 15, 2013 • Age 68 albert schoener jr. Da Costa Lodge No. 265 Died Sept. 6, 2013 • Age 86 leroy o. schneider Poth Lodge No. 272 Died Sept. 20, 2013 • Age 82 raymond w. sultenfuss Harmonia Lodge No. 1 Died Oct. 6, 2013 • Age 85 velma g. henze Poth Lodge No. 272 Died June 2, 2013 • Age 90 peggy marie koepke Mission-Alamo Lodge No. 80 Died Aug. 16, 2013 • Age 57 ruth adele covelle Louise Schuetze Lodge No. 3 Died Sept. 7, 2013 • Age 88 dortha l. beers Vineta Lodge No. 15 Died Sept. 21, 2013 • Age 89 herman henry symank Womack Lodge No. 135 Died Oct. 9, 2013 • Age 87 viola v. mcbride Louise Schuetze Lodge No. 3 Died June 9, 2013 • Age 89 milda schneider Spring Branch Lodge No. 127 Died Aug. 16, 2013 • Age 89 hazel linda turner Spring Branch Lodge No. 127 Died Sept. 9, 2013 • Age 94 thelma mary lich Comfort Lodge No. 2 Died Sept. 21, 2013 • Age 86 carl h. meurer Harmonia Lodge No. 1 Died Oct. 9, 2013 • Age 90 jimmy albert Karnes City Lodge No. 215 Died June 24, 2013 • Age 71 paul m. spitzenberger Giddings Lodge No. 54 Died Aug. 22, 2013 • Age 97 richard r. zaboroski Edelweiss-Magnolia Lodge No. 47 Died Sept. 9, 2013 • Age 71 claude j. marbach Siemering Lodge No. 32 Died Sept. 23, 2013 • Age 90 phyllis m. devereaux Seguin Lodge No. 37 Died Oct. 11, 2013 • Age 92 robert e. avirett Womack Lodge No. 135 Died June 26, 2013 • Age 63 milton f. beken New Bielau Lodge No. 205 Died Aug. 23, 2013 • Age 88 ralph henry smith Columbia Lodge No. 66 Died Sept. 11, 2013 • Age 76 john flannery Kirby Lodge No. 305 Died Sept. 24, 2013 • Age 75 linda s. dirst Del Rio Lodge No. 201 Died Oct. 12, 2013 • Age 62 dorothy ann gloor Da Costa Lodge No. 265 Died June 29, 2013 • Age 84 jean carrol clish Seguin Lodge No. 37 Died Aug. 28, 2013 • Age 74 pauline a. nisbet Seguin Lodge No. 37 Died Sept. 11, 2013 • Age 67 arnold t. hillendahl Edelweiss-Magnolia Lodge No. 47 Died Sept. 25, 2013 • Age 96 donald g. brokmeyer New Ulm Lodge No. 70 Died Oct. 13, 2013 • Age 58 richard w. scott Houston Lodge No. 100 Died July 4, 2013 • Age 89 charles f. huff Boerne Lodge No. 25 Died Aug. 30, 2013 • Age 74 mary jane monroe Vineta Lodge No. 15 Died Sept. 12, 2013 • Age 88 julius j. eccell Harmonia Lodge No. 1 Died Oct. 1, 2013 • Age 95 edward w. georges Round Top Lodge No. 151 Died Oct. 13, 2013 • Age 74 derrick wayne radicke Biry Lodge No. 283 Died July 12, 2013 • Age 32 lola a. brotze Albert Kypfer Lodge No. 106 Died Aug. 31, 2013 • Age 100 richard a. mcclean Gulf Lodge No. 46 Died Oct. 2, 2013 • Age 73 caleb andrew tate Seguin Lodge No. 37 Died Oct. 15, 2013 • Age 20 November 2013 – Hermann SonS newS – Page 11 www.hermannsons.org Bowlers to raise scholarship money NEW BRAUNFELS – Members of Hermann Sons are invited to join members of other Texas fraternal benefit societies in raising money for scholarships by participating in the Fraternal Alliance of Texas Bowling Tournament on Saturday, Feb. 8, in New Braunfels. This friendly competition between bowlers from Texas fraternal benefit societies has been going on for 10 years now. This is the sixth year that the proceeds have benefited the Fraternal Alliance of Texas Scholarship Fund. The format for the tournament will be much the same as in the past with members from each of the competing fraternal benefit societies bowling three games with the organization with the highest average among all its bowlers receiving the coveted Golden Fraternal Cup. Teams will be made up of five bowlers and can be any combination of men and women. Bowlers do not have to have an average to compete. The bowling begins at 12 noon at Fiesta Lanes, 1202 Huisache Avenue (behind H-E-B), New Braunfels. Cost is $20 per person. A prize drawing and silent auction will be held to raise additional money. If you would like to donate an item for the silent auction, bring it with you the day of the tournament. No alcohol can be part of a silent auction item. Special Valentine’s Day door prizes will be awarded. The entry form and rules are printed below. Deadline to enter is Feb. 1. For more information, call Kim Krueger at 210-226-9261, ext. 277, or 1-800-234-4124, ext. 277. Tournament Guidelines 1. Must be a member, at least 16 years of age, in good standing of one of the fraternal organizations participating in the Fraternal Alliance Of Texas. Challenge is open to bowlers and non-bowlers. 2. Teams will consist of five members—any combination of men and women. Please note that individual entries will be accepted. You do not have to have a full team in order to enter the tournament. Lodges may enter multiple teams. 3. Winning organization will be determined by pin fall. The total pin fall for each organization will be divided by the total number of participants for that organization to determine an average for the three games bowled. The organization with the highest average will be declared the winner. 4. Each participant will bowl three games. 5. If a participant is a member of more than one fraternal society, he/she must decide which organization that he/she is bowling for before bowling. 6. Awards will be presented to the top three males and top three females for high series and high game. 7. Cost will be $20 per person, or $100 for a team of five bowlers. 8. Registration is from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. with the tournament beginning at 12 noon. 9. Walk-ins will be accepted from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. on the day of the tournament provided lanes are available. 10. Teams will be assigned lanes at check-in table. 11. Any questions about the tournament should be directed to Tournament Coordinator Chester Jenke (210) 4133053 or email: cejenke@gvec.net. Entry Form Name ______________________________________ Male ❒ Female ❒ Lodge______________________ Address_________________________________________________________________________________ Bowling for (Fraternal)_____________________________________________ Name ______________________________________ Male ❒ Female ❒ Lodge______________________ Address_________________________________________________________________________________ Bowling for (Fraternal)_____________________________________________ Name ______________________________________ Male ❒ Female ❒ Lodge______________________ Address_________________________________________________________________________________ Bowling for (Fraternal)_____________________________________________ Name ______________________________________ Male ❒ Female ❒ Lodge______________________ Address_________________________________________________________________________________ Bowling for (Fraternal)_____________________________________________ Name ______________________________________ Male ❒ Female ❒ Lodge______________________ Address_________________________________________________________________________________ Bowling for (Fraternal)_____________________________________________ Mail entry form and $20 entry fee per bowler to: FAOT Bowling Tournament c/o Chester Jenke 211 Cottonwood Lane • Seguin, Texas 78155 Deadline is February 1, 2014. Make checks payable to FAOT (Fraternal Alliance Of Texas) Donations Made In Memoriam Donations to the Retirement Home Fund in Memory of: LARRY J. TRCKA Donor: Brenham Lodge No. 6 RALPH SMITH Donor: Columbia Lodge No. 66 RAYMOND SULTENFUSS Donors: Alice Naughton Vernon & Vernell Schultz Ethyleen J. Flach Paul & Eileen Heath MILDRED TOPE Donors: Jim & Terry Embrey EDWARD WILL GEORGES Donor: Round Top Lodge No. 151 VIRGIL BRIETZKE Donor: Bernard Brietzke EDNA LEE ORSAK Donor: Ellinger Lodge No. 30 FRANCES HEHMKE ALBERT SCHOENER JR. EVELYN RUTH SCHOENER ALVINA HARTMAN Donor: Da Costa Lodge No. 265 ELIZABETH GOEBEL WESLEY GRUBE MARTHA KETTLER Donor: Waco-Robinson Lodge No. 4 Donations to the Retirement Home Scholarship Fund in Memory of: MONSIGNOR GEORGE ADAMS DANIELLE GREEN RAYMOND SULTENFUSS Donors: Jack & Dianne Larned LAWRENCE SCHAEFER Donor: New Braunfels Lodge No. 21 LARRY J. APPELT Donor: Hallettsville Lodge No. 19 VERNELL TATSCH Donors: Elizabeth Raute & Family Donations to the Hermann Sons Youth Camp in Memory of: LARRY J. TRCKA Donor: Brenham Lodge No. 6 J.V. BAILEY Donor: Pam Ritch MARY SCHIRMER Donor: Zuehl Lodge No. 163 Donations to the Hermann Sons Youth Camp Scholarship Fund in Memory of: HENRY ABEL Donor: Cameron Lodge No. 140 Page 12 – Hermann SonS newS – November 2013 Retirement Home www.hermannsons.org Residents gearing up for Christmas festivities COMFORT – Visitors to the Retirement Home in October were Barb Biggers, Brenham; Randall Schwertner, Schwertner Lodge No. 307; Lynn Wiede, Floresville, Louise Schuetze Lodge No. 3; Pat Saunier, Hondo Victory Lodge No. 161; Anny Weekley, Helotes; Lillie Wells, San Antonio; Frieda Waldvogel, Alabama; Catherine Johnson, Fredericksburg; Madeline Clanton, Janilla and Wayne Kilborn, Emil and Jean Lichtenberg, Mike and Terri Armstrong, Louise Mulhern, Peggy Taylor and Herby and Dottie Schramm, Pershing Lodge No. 160; Special Representative Carol Krauss, Pershing No. 160; Freddie and Cindy Smith; Karen Albert, Columbus Lodge No. 10; Roland and Nora Naumann, Seguin Lodge No. 37; Crystal Reich, Comfort School of Dance; Sam Fischer, Madison, Wisc.; and Holly and Heather, Bristol, Conn. The quarterly Home Committee meeting was held on Oct. 21. Frank Brandon, Calvin Lamensky, Jean Dueitt and husband Roy arrived a day early. They spent the night at the Home and ate meals with and visited residents. Grand President/CEO Buddy Preuss announced that two new residents would be moving into the Home. Pastor Shelley Simmont from Immanuel Lutheran Church in Comfort conducted chapel service with Holy Communion on Oct. 28. Residents Al Schroeder and Kathy Bender assisted. Some residents are gearingup for Christmas and the Home Scholarship Fund Store. We welcome ideas for craft items that might sell in our store. Write Helen Widner at P.O. Box 689, Comfort, TX 78013-0689. We extend a warm welcome to new residents Carol Chriswell and Jane Haberman. We hope they will be happy here with us in our Home. This reporter extends sincere thanks to Sharyn Esquell and Lillian Wehmeyer for responding to the request for old photos of bygone years at the Altenheim. It’s not too late for anyone else to do likewise. We want photos and stories for the 100th anniversary of Altenheim in 2016. – Helen Widner Home residents Kathy Bender, Rosie Franklin, Beverly Anderson, Susan McGuire and Vernell Homilius all dressed up to greet the Halloween trick or treat visitors to the Home. The special guests that night included students from the Comfort School of Dance and the families of residents and staff members. Retirement Home Christmas Fund On Oct. 12, members of Pershing Lodge No. 160 treated the Home residents to games, prizes and desserts. It’s an afternoon of fun and fellowship that is always looked forward to and welcomed. During October, repairs were made to the outside of the Home and the rotunda skylight was refurbished. Work continues on renovating the elevator mechanisms. Residents are looking forward to the completion. Harold Forqueran and Myrtle Kirchhoff were the October birthday honorees. Cake and ice cream were served for the noon dessert on Oct. 29 to celebrate. The following lodges contributed to the Retirement Home Christmas Fund between Oct. 16 and Nov. 18: Hochheim-Prairie #90 ..$50 Hillboldt #162................50 Coupland #113 ..............50 Gonzales #175 ...............25 Brenham #6 .................100 Spring Branch #127 ......100 Ellinger #30 ....................25 Prinz Solms #136 .........100 La Grange #8 .................50 Mission-Alamo #80 ........50 Albert Kypfer #106 .........25 Zuehl #163 ....................25 Pershing #160 ..............100 Comfort #2 ...................100 Anton Wenzel #174 .......25 Flatonia #15 ...................25 Seguin #37 .....................50 Vineta #15......................50 Converse #157 ...............25 Nagel #299 ....................40 Total to Date ...........$2,215 For information on admission to the Retirement Home, contact Mary Beam Phone: (210) 226-9261 (800) 234-4124 mary@texashermannsons.org www.hermannsons.org Future CITs attend interview camps COMFORT – Hermann Sons Youth Camp held CounselorIn-Training Interview Camps (CITIcamps) during November to select the CIT1s for the upcoming summer. More than 150 junior members applied to be a part of the 2014 CIT Program. Candidates are selected based upon their applications, references, group interviews, participation during sessions and leadership shown during activities. The CIT Program is an advanced camper program offering educational and leadership opportunities to past campers who are interested in being future leaders of Camp and their communities. CITs attend Camp for one week during the summer and follow a program that has leadership curriculum, mentoring phases and activities. CITs pay half of the camper fee to participate in this program. The applicants for the 2014 program are outstanding. Due to the limited number of spaces for CITs, not everyone will be selected for the program. Those not selected can apply for the 2015 program. They can also choose to wait until they are 18 years of age and apply for a counselor position since counselors are not required to have gone through (From left) Executive Camp Director Jennifer Cernosek, Riverside Camp Director Katie Klohn, Senior Counselor Kristen “Dyno” Vineyard, Riverside Assistant Camp Director Jessica “Epic” Hicks and Program Assistant Kelly “Peace” McDaniel worked with the girls during their two CITIcamp sessions. They are all past Counselors-In-Training. November 2013 – Hermann SonS newS – Page 13 the CIT Program. Past campers who will be 15 by Sept. 1, 2015, will be eligible for the 2015 CIT program. Applications will be available on the Camp portion of the Hermann Sons website in June. CITIcamp is only open to past campers who are current Hermann Sons members. Stay connected to Camp through social media to find out more about what is happening at Camp. Find HSYC on Facebook at www.facebook. com/hermannsonsyouthcamp or find HSYC on Instagram at www.instagram.com/hermann- Jessica “Epic” Hicks sat with one of the groups to discu activity. ss an sonsyouthcamp. (From left) Hilltop Camp Director John Sorbel, Hilltop Assistant Camp Director Hunter “Papa Bear” Miller, Senior Counselor Brandon Reyes, Program Assistant Colby Freehauf and Executive Camp Director Jennifer Cernosek worked with the boys at CITIcamp. CIT applicants Sierra Savage and Haley Trainer work together to plan their part of their group’s skit. Hilltop Camp Director John Sorbel explains how to play the game he was leading. Some of the applicants got together and untangled a human knot while they were waiting for their parents to pick them up from CITIcamp. Hilltop Assistant Camp Director Hunter “Papa Bear” Miller processes an activity played with the Orange Group. Yellow group members write information about themselves during the “handbook” activity. One of the boys’ groups is pictured performing its skit. In the evenings, groups prepared and performed skits. This group created a campfire scene. Page 14 – Hermann SonS newS – November 2013 www.hermannsons.org Give the extraordinary gift of Hermann Sons Camp By Jennifer Cernosek executive Camp Director With Christmas right around the corner, it is natural to think about all of the blessings we have and gifts we want to give. Parents and grandparents have already given one of the best gifts and investments to our junior members: the gift of life insurance which equals security for their loved ones’ futures. Now it is time to consider giving other extraordinary gifts through giving the gift of Camp. Give the gift of community. Camp is comprised of communities from cabin groups to the Camp population as a whole. Campers live in cabins made up of 26-32 campers of about the same age and four to five counselors. From the beginning, counselors ask campers to create their cabin rules and to work as a part of a team all week. Children feel a sense of pride to be a part of their cabin group whether they are Mosquitoes, Hawks, Armadillos or Roadrunners. In these cabin communities they must learn how to live together, share bathrooms and respect each other’s space. The Camp community as a whole learns to support each other. From cheering for their peers at a talent show or awards night to having the older campers take responsibility for helping the younger campers. The whole group is also connected through flag raising and lowering ceremonies and nightly friendship circles. Give the gift of increased social interaction skills. When living, playing and eating with different and new groups of people, campers must learn how to socialize more effectively. Counselors are always present to help facilitate this process. Children learn to negotiate social norms and work together. Give the gift of increased independence. Being away from their parents, children act more independently. It is natural to miss home, but persevering through slight homesickness and letting counselors help them gives campers a sense of accomplishment and belief that they are capable. Camp gives children constant opportunities to make their own choices in a safe environment. Campers select the activities they wish to take, they decide what to wear each day, they decide what to eat at meals and they choose who they want to be around. So frequently I hear parents say, “When my child came home, he/ she seemed so much older.” It is the increased independence and confidence that give that sense of heightened maturity. Camp gives children a connection to nature. Some of our campers’ best memories will be of star gazing with their cabin mates and counselors or of the nightly programs at the amphitheaters. All of our activities are outside or in outside structures, but classes like Outdoor Living Skills, Adventures in Nature and Canoeing (for girls) give campers closer interactions with nature. Part of the connection to nature campers experience is possible thanks to their general freedom from technology. During our recent Counselor-In-Training Interview Camps for current 14- and 15-year-olds, I asked many of the applicants when they had gone just four straight days without even touching a cell phone. Most of these teenagers let me know that the last time they had that experience was when they were 13-year-old campers; more than a year ago! And I only asked them about a four-day stretch when Camp is almost six full days! What if the last time our children experience six straight days without calling, texting, sending Snapchats, using Facebook or Instagram, checking e-mails or instantly checking the Internet for each question is the last time they went to Camp? The residential camp experience offers many more gifts: increased self-awareness, increased understanding of others, chances to try new activities or foods, growth, fun, a sense of belonging and the list goes on. When considering gifts to give this holiday season, consider giving the gift of Camp. Hermann Sons Youth Camp has seven Sunday through Saturday sessions and one Sunday through Wednesday session. The registration fee is $200 for a week-long session or $150 for the shortened session. Check future editions of the Hermann Sons News for more information about the new shortened session offering. To learn more about the Camp schedule, activities offered at Camp and how to prepare for a successful stay, please go to hermannsons.org and click on “Camp.” Answers to maze, word scramble on Pg. 36 1. harvest 2. cranberries 3. feast 4. pumpkin pie 5. family 6. dressing 7. thankful 8. turkey 9. potatoes 10. friends November 2013 – Hermann SonS newS – Page 15 www.hermannsons.org Moulton donates food items, check to pantry MOULTON – Moulton Lodge No. 59 members met Oct. 9. Members collected non-perishable items for the L.A.M.B. food pantry and a check from the lodge also was presented. A report was given on the plates-to-go fund-raiser. The lodge has lost long-time member Frances Wenske. She had served the lodge as secretary in the past. A meal of fried chicken and side dishes brought by members New Bielau visits nursing home was enjoyed. Allyne Chapman fried the chicken. The 50/50 pot winner was Allyne Chapman. She also was the birthday celebrant for the month. Other prize winners were Carol and Larry Selzer, Gladys and Steven Seifert, Linda Muehlstein, Evelyn Kubicek, Kathy and John Koch, Joey Preiss and Irvin Schulmeier. The next meeting was scheduled for Nov. 14. – Reporter New Bielau Lodge No. 205 members hosted a games party for the residents of Parkview Nursing Home on Oct. 22 in observance of Make a Difference Day. Members also served cookies for the players to enjoy. The Christmas party was scheduled for Nov. 25 at Oakridge Restaurant in Schulenburg. Giddings has nine new members Moulton Lodge collected canned goods for L.A.M.B. in observance of Make a Difference Day. A check was presented along with the food donations. Pictured are Nina Blaschke, L.A.M.B. representative and members, front, from left, Kathy Koch, Evelyn Kubicek, Steven Seifert, Gladys Seifert, Carol Selzer, Larry Selzer, Irvin Schulmeier, Barbara Anderle, Eugene Anderle, Joey Preiss, Linda Muehlstein, Leroy Muehlstein, Allyne Chapman and John Koch. Not pictured is Judith Schulmeier. GIDDINGS – Giddings Lodge No. 54 met Oct. 10. Nine new members were welcomed. They are Jaylia Lucio, Hadleigh Grace Bayer, Emilia Bayer, Kaitlyn Smith, Allyson Dowell, Sara Gonzales, Katy Gonzales, Shelby Brown and Skylar Moore. These new junior members and their families are encouraged to attend meetings. Correspondence included notes of thanks from the Grand Lodge for the donations to the “Helping West Recover-First Responders Fund” and the Retirement Home Christmas Fund. The Cheer Committee reported sending get-well cards to Albert Schautschick, Raymond Lehmann, Johnnie Enloe and Loretta Chilek. Sympathy cards were sent to the families of Monroe Maass, Adolph Plagens, Elna Markert and Gardan Gerdes. A moment of silence was observed in memory of those members or family of members. “Happy Birthday” was sung to Pat Abell-Enloe and Bernice Bittner. Members approved renewing the lodge’s membership in the local Chamber of Commerce. The current slate of officers was re-elected to serve to 2014. Officers are reminded that the installation of officers will be held in January in Deanville. In observance of Make a Difference Day, members met at the Lee County Youth Center on Friday, Oct. 25, to make sandwiches for approximately 70 to 90 children and adult leaders. Chips and drinks were also served. The scholarship guidelines will be reviewed and edited for 2014. Members who will be 2014 high school seniors may contact Secretary Deborah Beisert at dkbeisert@hotmail. com or 979-540-8144 to request the scholarship application packet. Deadline for applications is March 31, 2014. Cash door prize winners were Deborah Beisert, Glenroy Ebner and Larry Whitley. Winners of candy bags were Jean Herzik and Olivia Weiser-Mize. A meal featuring fried chicken was served with the sides and desserts provided by members. – Deborah Beisert Dunlay Lodge members enjoy potluck Steven Seifert presents Allyne Chapman her winnings in the 50/50 drawing held at the Moulton Lodge October meeting. Converse sets party for Dec. 1 CONVERSE - Converse Lodge No. 157 met Oct. 27 at the home of Lennert Boenig. Discussion centered on the Christmas party scheduled for Dec. 1 at the GRASP Center in Converse beginning at 2:30 p.m. The lodge will furnish turkey, dressing, green beans, mashed potatoes, gravy and rolls. Members are asked to bring desserts. Anyone planning on attending can make reservations by calling Maxine Sullivan at 210723-8533 Games will be played. Celebrating October birthdays were Alan Boecker, Enomie Real, Marvin Boeck and Maxine Sullivan. – Maxine Sullivan DUNLAY – Dunlay Lodge No. 285 met Oct. 15 with members enjoying a potluck meal prior to the meeting. Members were saddened to hear of the passing of Evelyn Schmidt at the age of 86 and Alvin Wiemers at the age of 88. Evelyn Schmidt had been a member since Dec. 5, 2003. Alvin Wiemers had been a member since Feb. 1, 1943. The lodge won a $50 certificate at the annual meeting of the Medina Electric Co-op to be applied to the monthly electric bill. Thanks go to Louis Haby for mowing the property lawn. Morris Baxter won split-the- pot. Ronnie Kriewald, Marvin Kriewald, Clyde Muennink, Lynn Haby and Necey Schulte won additional door prizes which were items received at the Medina Electric Co-op annual meeting. After the meeting, members played card games. – Reporter Highland Lakes will elect officers on Dec. 1 HIGHLAND HAVEN – The next meeting of Highland Lakes Lodge No. 317 will be held at the Kingsland Community Center on Sunday, Dec. 1, beginning with social time at noon. The meeting begins at 1 p.m. Lodge officers for 2014 will be elected and members will be planning the installation of officers for Districts 21-22 that will be held at the Kingsland Community Center on Jan. 12. Please plan on attending because the help of lots of members will be needed during the installation service. After the meeting, the lodge will provide a ham for a holiday potluck meal. Please bring a side dish or dessert to share. – Reporter Page 16 – Hermann SonS newS – November 2013 www.hermannsons.org Rutersville Christmas party to feature visit from Santa RUTERSVILLE – Rutersville Lodge No. 152 met Nov. 6. Members made plans for the Christmas party set for Saturday, Dec. 7, beginning at 6 p.m. Weldon Hartmann and his helpers will provide a catered meal. Santa has promised to stop by with bags of goodies for the children. Lodge members will gather Wednesday, Dec. 4, at 6 p.m. for a meeting and to decorate the hall. Members are asked to bring sandwiches or cold cuts, sides and desserts. At the November meeting, members enjoyed a meal of barbecue chicken and sausage. Members brought various side dishes or desserts. The election of officers was held and all were re-elected to their current positions. They are president, Jo Ann Mueller; vice president, Sherry Noak; secretary, Mary Jane Treybig; treasurer, Sheryl Kuhn; trustees, Brian Mueller, Wayne Noak and Ricky Kuhn; and Finance Rutersville Lodge President Jo Ann Mueller presents checks totaling $810 to representatives of the La Grange Volunteer Fire Department. The money was raised during the cake walk that was Celebrating special occasions in November are Rutersville Lodge part of the lodge’s annual chicken and sausage supper. The Grand members, from left, Jo Ann Mueller and Sherry Noak, birthdays; and Joan and Leon Heintschel, a wedding anniversary. Lodge provided matching funds. Committee members, Erwin Bayer, Glenn Altwein and Allen Faldyn. Appointed officers will be guide, Margie Sinclair; reporter, Delores Bayer; inner guard, Dorothy Keilers; outer guard, Joan Heintschel; and Cheer Committee; Jo Ann Mueller. Members agreed that in 2014, two $5 attendance prizes would be awarded at each meeting. Jo Ann Mueller reported sending sympathy cards to the Roy Gene Brendle family and to Gay Hill Lodge party set for Dec. 7 GAY HILL – Gay Hill Lodge No. 193 will hold its Christmas party and membership drive on Saturday, Dec. 7. Deadline to make a reservation is Dec. 3. Call Lucille Kelm. Happy hour will begin at 5 p.m. and dinner will be served at 7 p.m. Santa is planning to stop by between 7:30 and 8 p.m. A dance follows with Daniel and the Country Boys providing the music. Herbert Schovajsa Catering will serve roast beef, ham, mashed potatoes and mixed vegetables. Members are asked to bring desserts. The lodge met Nov. 7 with members and guests enjoying a dinner of pork steak, sweet potato casserole and fried cabbage prepared by hosts Stanley and Mary Jo Klekar and Bobby and Barbara Lehde. Members celebrating November birthdays were Shonda Ziese, Bobby Mertz and Doris Roehling. Bradley Fischer reported the results of the successful pork steak fund-raiser. President Stanley Klekar read a letter from the Grand Lodge about the January installation of Celebrating November birthdays at the Gay Hill Lodge meeting were, from left, Doris Roehling, Bobby Mertz and Shonda Ziese. Delores and Bob Schmitt following the loss of her sister-inlaw. A memorial donation will be sent to the Hermann Sons Youth Camp. Agent Linda Mattocks and husband Jim and Special Representative Gary Falkenberg and wife Doris attended. Members in attendance with November birthdays were Jo Ann Mueller and Sherry Noak and Leon and Joan Heintschel were celebrating their 50th anniversary. – Reporter Austin plans Christmas party, dance for Dec. 8 AUSTIN – Austin Lodge No. 120 members are reminded of two important events in December. The Christmas party and dance are scheduled for Sunday, Dec. 8. The party will begin at 2 p.m. Members are asked to furnish sandwiches, snacks and desserts. The dance is open to the public from 4 to 8 p.m. Paul Schlesinger and the Knights of Texas Band will furnish music. Tickets are $6 per person. There also will be a 50/50 drawing. Then on Tuesday, Dec. 31, a New Year’s Eve Dance will be held from 8 p.m.-12 midnight with black-eyed peas, cornbread and champagne served at midnight. Music will be by the Sunset Valley Boys. Tickets are $15 per person. Complete table reservations must be made in advance. Tickets will be sold at the door. For table reservations or tickets, call 512-601-9221. – Reporter Richland Lodge holds annual memorial service Serving as hosts for the November meeting of Gay Hill Lodge were, from left, Bobby Lehde, Stanley Klekar, Mary Jo Klekar and Barbara Lehde. officers. All officers are encouraged to attend the installation at the Burton American Legion Hall on Sunday, Jan. 19. Hostesses for the regular meeting in January will be the Fischer family. – Reporter RICHLAND – Richland Lodge No. 107 held its annual memorial service as part of its Nov. 3 meeting. The memorial service honored those members who passed away from October 2012 to November 2013. Remembered were Michael Reynolds, Charles Parker and Captain Mark Tyler Voss. Family members of the deceased were special guests of the lodge. Alvin Schultz conducted the memorial service with the assistance of Kayse Kelley and Annabelle Paladino. After the service a reception was hosted by the lodge and provided a time for visiting and remembering for family members and lodge members. – Alvin Neal Schultz November 2013 – Hermann SonS newS – Page 17 www.hermannsons.org Seguin will present award at Christmas party Dec. 8 SEGUIN – Greetings from Seguin Lodge No. 37. The lodge will hold its annual Christmas party on Sunday, Dec. 8, at the lodge hall located in Seguin on Highway 90 West at FM 725. The social hour begins at noon followed by the presentation of the Humanitarian Award and then a meal prepared by members. A couple of the dance classes will perform and a special visitor is expected to drop by. In September, President Vernell Jones and Grand Vice PresidentMarketing Tim Kolbe presented Velma Huebner and her son, Howard, with their 50-year membership pins in front of family and friends. Howard has been a member since Oct. 15, 1963. Velma has been a member since Nov. 7, 1963. Velma has served many positions with the lodge including Costume contest participants at the Seguin Lodge meeting in October were, from left, Cynthia Bentley holding son Noah, Hannah Bentley, Vernelle Jones, Velma Buie, Annette Roecker, Mary Ann Bienek, Evelyn Neumann and Lorene Schraub, the overall winner. president and has been on many Grand Lodge committees. The lodge has started a progressive attendance prize drawing at the meetings. The prize begins at $50 and increases $5 a month if the winner is not present at the meeting. All members of the lodge have their name in the bucket. At the September meeting, Helen J. Petty’s name was drawn but unfortunately she Two members of Seguin Lodge received their 50-year membership pins. Pictured are, from left, lodge President Vernelle Jones, recipient Howard Huebner, recipient Velma Huebner and Grand Vice President-Marketing Tim Kolbe. was not there. The prize was $55 at the November meeting. Other attendance prize winners of $5 were Roy Merz, Ernie Kropp, Patricia Tudyk, Lorene Schraub and Chantelle Barnes. Split-the-pot winner was Howard Huebner. The first meeting in 2014 will be held Jan. 15 at the Seguin Lodge Hall. – Robin Larson Ellinger Lodge welcomes Fredericksburg Lodge elects 2014 officers new member in October ELLINGER – Ellinger Lodge No. 30 members met Oct. 21 and welcomed new member Kayla Ann Weishuhn. The Christmas party is scheduled for Dec. 7. The election of officers was held and all present officers were re-elected. Jerry Krenek replaced Evelyn Jecmenek as reporter. A donation to the Retirement Home Christmas Fund was approved. A moment of silence was observed in memory of Edna Lee Orsak. Special Representative Al Stryk celebrated a birthday in October and James and Audrey Krenek celebrated an anniversary. Audrey Krenek won the attendance prize and Marie Stryk won lodge lotto. All other members received donated prizes. – Jerry Krenek Stern members gather for Thanksgiving meal SEGUIN – Stern Lodge No. 143 met Nov. 3 at the American Legion Hall with members enjoying a traditional Thanksgiving meal of turkey and dressing and all the trimmings. There was peach cobbler for dessert. Members agreed to make a $150 donation to the Seguin Police Department’s Blue Santa program and a $200 donation to the Christian Cupboard. Junior member Keigan Patek gave a report about his week at Hermann Sons Youth Camp. Members discussed host- ing the installation of officers in January. Letters have been mailed to the participating lodges. Reservations should be made by Dec. 20. Visitors at the meeting were Dorothy Schneider, Anthony Schneider Sr. and Anthony Schneider Jr. The attendance prize winners were Fran Altherr, Len Wilson and Ann Patek. The meal for the December Christmas party will include ham and side dishes. Please let organizers know if you plan to attend. – B. Wesch FREDERICKSBURG – Fredericksburg Lodge No. 41 met Nov. 5 and welcomed a new member, Avery Renee Rosado. The election of officers was held and the following were elected and/or appointed: president, Virginia Pehl; vice president, Hans Enderlin; secretary/ treasurer, Rebertha Duecker; trustee, Sandra Fisk; reporter, Wanda Sterns; Finance Committee members, Skip Knopp and Betty Basse; and inner and outer guard, Janet and Kenton Ahrens. A moment of silence was observed in memory of Guenther Heimann who passed away recently. A letter was received from Highland Lakes Lodge No. 317 stating the 2014 installation of officers will be held there Jan. 12. Let President Pehl know by the last week of December if Celebrating birthdays in November at the Fredericksburg Lodge meeting were, from left, Mildred Henke, Julia Cornehl and Irene Grosenbacher. you plan to attend. Celebrating birthdays in November are Irene Grosenbacher, Julia Cornehl and Mildred Henke. Celebrating an anniversary in November is Marvin Nebgen. Vice President Hans Enderlin presented a reading in honor of all veterans. Donations were collected for the food pantry. Members in charge of the Christmas meeting will be Geneva Tatsch, Christina Weinheimer, Melvin Staudt and John Pehl. – Reporter Kerrville will hold Christmas party on Dec. 6 KERRVILLE – Kerrville Lodge No. 12 will hold its Christmas party on Friday, Dec. 6, at 6:30 p.m. at the Inn of the Hills Angora Room, 1001 Junction Highway, Kerrville. A buffet meal will be served and there will be prizes. Members should start looking for an invitation in the mail and are asked to RSVP. The lodge will meet on the following days in 2014: Feb. 5, April 2, June 4, Aug. 6, Oct. 1 (election of officers) and Dec. 5 (Christmas party). All of the meetings will be held at Wells Fargo Bank, 301 Junction Hwy, Kerrville, in the Community Room beginning at 6:30 p.m. unless indicated differently on the meeting card. Each gathering will consist of a business meeting, potluck meal with the meat being provided by the lodge and social time for games and fellowship. Please plan on attending and being an active member of your lodge. If you have any questions, concerns or suggestions, contact Juanice Grona, Kerrville Lodge secretary, at 830-792-7827. – Reporter Page 18 – Hermann SonS newS – November 2013 www.hermannsons.org Boerne presents award, celebrates anniversary Evie Noelle Butterworth receives her Poth Lodge Hermann Sons Youth Camp scholarship from lodge President Paul Hosek. Brooke Henke receives her Poth Lodge Hermann Sons Youth Camp scholarship from lodge President Paul Hosek. Jeremy Martinez receives his Poth Lodge Hermann Sons Youth Camp scholarship from lodge President Paul Hosek. Poth presents camp scholarships POTH – Poth Lodge Nov. 272 met Nov. 3. Welcomed as a new member was Valencia Iviana Herrera. The lodge presented three of its Hermann Sons Youth Camp scholarships to Evie Noelle Butterworth, Brooke Henke and Jeremy Martinez. They all talked about their experience at camp. Evie said she is going to give half of her money to Project Heifer, an organization that fights hunger around the world. Brooke and Jeremy are going to add their money to their college accounts. Members approved a $95 donation to the Floresville Fire Department for its “Fire Pup, Fire Safety” program for school age children. Bill Miller will cater the Christmas party dinner. The meal for the installation ceremony in January also will be catered. The menu will be chosen at the December meeting when the caterer presents choices. The current slate of officers will serve again in 2014. There are two changes among the appointed officers. Lawrence Maha will be the outer guard and Elizabeth Cutsinger will serve on the Cheer Committee. Celebrating birthdays in the months of September and October were Lawrence Maha and Lucille Novak, respectively. Otto Henke and Alexis Martinez won the door prizes. Jamie L. Taylor, Leslie Baumann and Mary El Schloesser were not present to receive the kitty prize. It will be increased by $2 for next month’s drawing. Everyone in attendance enjoyed hot dogs and cookies and lots of games. – Reporter BOERNE – Boerne Lodge No. 25 presented the 2013 Humanitarian Award and celebrated its 123rd anniversary at its most recent meeting. The Humanitarian Award was presented to Esther Faecher, a longtime resident of Boerne who volunteers with many organizations. Special guest was Grand President Buddy Preuss who talked about the history of Hermann Sons. He said that the future of Hermann Sons is good because of its financial well-being and because Hermann Sons offers competitive life insurance and annuity products and second to none fraternal benefits. He urged all members to let others know about Hermann Sons. Eight new members were Boerne Lodge President Alice Quinn, left, presents the 2013 Humanitarian Award to Esther Faecher. Round Top party set for Dec. 8 ROUND TOP – Round Top Lodge No. 151 met Oct. 24. The Christmas party and dinner have been planned for Sunday, Dec. 8. An officer from the Grand Lodge will present pioneer pins. Thank you notes for donations to the Round Top-Carmine Parents Club and the “Helping West Recover-First Responders Fund” were read. The Garlins and the Stardigs will be checking into providing food to needy families for the holidays. Sympathy is extended to the family of Edward Georges who passed away Oct. 13. Serving as officers for 2014 will be president, Linda Mattocks; vice president, Lila Garlin; secretary and reporter, Jeanette Schoenst; treasurer, Mary Rauch; trustees, Barney Georges, Bart Garlin and Max Baranowski; Finance Committee members, Josie welcomed. President Alice Quinn shared an invitation from Highland Lakes Lodge No. 317 to attend the installation of officers on Sunday, Jan. 12, beginning at 1 p.m. Barbara Christensen reported on her day of service with the “Hugs from Home” program. Celebrating an October birthday was Martha Klar. Jack and Esther Faecher, 50 years, and Harvey and Marilyn Vogt, 48 years, recently celebrated wedding anniversaries. The meal included turkey and dressing and lots of covered dishes. Sister Christensen provided the table decorations. At the Dec. 6 meeting, members will elect officers for 2014. – Reporter Plum to celebrate with Christmas party Dec. 7 Door prize winners at Round Top Lodge were, front, from left, Linda Mattocks, Jocie Braun, Florine Schulze, Doris Georges, Edna Meinkowsky, back, from left, Floyd Braun and Orville Glaesmann. Braun, Jim Mattocks and Orville Glaesmann; guide, Erwin Schulze; inner guard, Doris Georges; outer guard, Florine Schulze; and Cheer Committee members, Lila Garlin and Aliene Finke. Door prizes went to Jocie and Floyd Braun. Attendance prizes went to Linda Mattocks, Doris Georges, Edna Meinkowsky, Florine Schulze and Orville Orville Glaesmann, a member of Round Top Lodge, celebrated his birthday in October. Glaesmann who was also celebrating his birthday on Oct. 25. –Reporter PLUM – Plum Lodge No. 238 met Oct. 14. Final plans were made for the Christmas party that will be held Dec. 7 beginning at 5 p.m. Members are asked to bring sandwiches, finger foods, chips, dips and desserts for the party. A silent auction will also be held. Members are asked to bring donations for the auction. Items that people would want to buy and give as Christmas gifts would be appropriate. All members and their families are invited to attend. President Wilbert Gross appointed Linda Poncik and Gloria Raschke to the Nominating Committee to select a slate of officers for 2014. The election will be held at the November meeting and the installation of officers will be hosted by Rutersville Lodge No. 152 at noon on Sunday, Jan. 12, at the Rutersville Lodge Hall. The Cheer and Condolence Committee reported sending a sympathy card to Theo and Gladys Svec following the passing of his brother. Myrtle Harbers won the lodge's door prize and Marissa K. Kramer would have won the progressive prize had she been in attendance. – Verlene R. Hobratschk November 2013 – Hermann SonS newS – Page 19 www.hermannsons.org Mission-Alamo Lodge members Bernice and Lee Vogel celebrated a wedding anniversary in October. Mission-Alamo Lodge had some “special guests” at the October Halloween meeting. Pictured are, from left, Carol Swan, J.R. and Joyce Kneupper, Dorothy Breezee, Mary Himes and Lillie Mae Dienger. Carol Swan, from left, Lee Vogel and Lillie Mae Dienger celebrated birthdays at the October meeting of Mission-Alamo Lodge. Mission-Alamo hosts 'special guests' in October SAN ANTONIO – MissionAlamo Lodge No. 80 members were thrilled to have Phil and Kay Robertson from “Duck Dynasty” as well as the famous German girl, Cleopatra and others at the Halloween meeting in October. New members welcomed were Ava Rose Real, Zula Lee Branecky, Linsie K. Bettice, Emma Lehman, Jeffrey A. Long II, Tressie M. Long, Aubry W. Waneck, Jase Duke Ellingson and Thomas Jacob Ellingson. Colleen Gruetzner is transferring to Prinz Solms Lodge No. 136 since she lives in that area. The election of officers was held. The 2014 officers will be Lee Vogel, president; Carol Swan, vice president; John Hall, Finance Committee member; and Jack Larned, trustee. Denise Wright and Bernice Vogel were elected to the San Antonio Hermann Sons Home Association board. Case Dawson was not pres- ent to win the $85 jackpot. It will be worth $90 in January. Lillie Mae Dienger won splitthe-pot and the other half goes to “Hugs from Home.” Celebrating birthdays were Carol Swan, Lillie Mae Dienger and Lee Vogel. The Vogels celebrated their 58th anniversary. A get-well card was sent to Carol Byrd who was in an accident recently. The next meeting will be held Jan. 22. Members will work on the 2014 calendar. If you have any ideas to share, call Bernice Vogel at 210-4942012. – Reporter Harmonia’s Happenings Lodge will elect officers, serve ham dinner Dec. 12 SAN ANTONIO – The 2014 officers will be elected when Harmonia Lodge No. 1 meets Dec. 12 beginning at 7 p.m. The lodge will provide the ham for the meal. Members are asked to provide a covered dish and desserts. Members are encouraged to bring unwrapped toys for donation to the Toys for Tots program. Monetary donations may also be made. At the Oct. 10 meeting, approximately 35 members and guests were treated to a Germanstyle meal. Members were saddened by the loss of three members in recent months. Paul M. Green passed away Aug. 22 at the age of 91. He had been a member since 1953. Herman B. Wachtendorf passed away Sept. 7 at the age of 92. He had been a member since 1938. Oscar J. Kneupper passed away Sept. 15 at the age of 80. He had been a member since 1962. Mike Gumpp and Bill Richards were chosen to be the lodge’s 2014 representatives to the San Antonio Hermann Sons Home Association. The alternates will be Mike Beam and John Hoog. Mike Beam and Kermit Wilke won the attendance prizes. Ken Sefcik was the split-the-pot winner. The 2014 calendar includes a meeting of the officers on Jan. 6. The first meeting of the new year will be held Jan. 9 at 7 p.m. Chili will be served and members will make plans for 2014. The meeting will be held in the lodge hall. Members are asked to bring a dish to complement tamales and chili or a dessert. Watch the Hermann Sons News for last minute changes and events. Call Mike Warneke at 227-7001 for more information. – Mike Warneke Winners of attendance prizes at the October Harmonia Lodge meeting were Kermit Wilke, left, and Mike Beam. Ken Sefcik, right, won split-the-pot at the October Harmonia Lodge meeting. Presenting him with his winnings was President Kermit Wilke. Bexar Lodge will hold Christmas party Dec. 8 SAN ANTONIO – It’s almost time for the Bexar Lodge No. 306 Christmas party. It will be held Sunday, Dec. 8, at 1 p.m. at San Antonio Banquet, 9200 Broadway at Danberry Street. Serving time is 2 p.m. The lodge will supply tamales and ham and each guest is asked to bring a covered dish and dessert. Sodas and punch will be served along with beer and margaritas for those age 21 and older. Santa will visit with a gift for each junior member. Parents are asked to call and provide the name and age of each child. There also will be craft projects for the children to do. The lodge welcomes nonmembers interested in joining to attend. The fee for non-members is $6 for adults and $4 for children under 12 years of age. The event will also include a drawing for gifts. All lodge members are invited to attend. To RSVP or for more information, call Joan Crider at 6535479 or Linda Wehmeyer at 590-1499. – Linda Wehmeyer Page 20 – Hermann SonS newS – November 2013 www.hermannsons.org Pershing's Progress Lodge to celebrate Christmas with party on Dec. 4 SAN ANTONIO – Pershing Lodge No. 160 will hold its Christmas meeting and party on Wednesday, Dec. 4, in the San Antonio Home Association Ballroom. A catered ham meal with all the trimmings will be served. Santa also will be making an appearance. At the November meeting, the 2014 officers were elected and will be Mike Armstrong, president; Beth Warne, vice president; Joan Lichtenberg, financial secretary/treasurer; Mary Ann Keller, trustee; and Janilla Kilborn, Finance Committee member. Betty Mettke asked members to pray for Morrie Nordland who had foot surgery. And to Pershing Lodge made donations of toys and money to the Fisher remember Monnie Nordland, House at the San Antonio Military Medical Center in observance Connie Barth, Perry Barth, Bill of Make a Difference Day. Pictured are, from left, Fisher House Reichert, Bob Deicke and Ruth Manager Inge Godfrey, Carol Krauss, lodge President Marilyn Hoster and Rebecca Skinner from the Fisher House. Lampman in their prayers. Chaplain Tony Valek reported on the passing of Delia Southerlin. Members also mourn the passing of J.V. Bailey from Siemering Lodge No. 32. The lodge welcomed new member Elley Kessler and two transfers into the lodge, Lorraine Ibrom and Larry Ibrom. Terri Armstrong of the Entertainment Committee reported on the trip to Fredericksburg to tour the Nimitz Museum and take in a performance at the Rockbox Theater on Saturday, Dec. Celebrating November wedding anniversaries at the Pershing 7. For more information call Lodge meeting were, from left, Wayne and Janilla Kilborn, Connie Sister Armstrong at 210-378- and Leonard Lines and Dorothy and Eddie (not pictured) Rechner. 0319. President Marilyn Hoster and Dorothy Rechner won the Carol Krauss went to the Fisher meeting. Grand Guide Amanda Deicke $25 attendance prize. Loyd House with the monetary and toy donations made in obser- presented a 50-year member- LeBlanc won the split-the-pot vance of Make a Difference ship pin to De Lynn Gutz, a cash. member since Oct. 14, 1963. The names of Kaleigh Day. Celebrating November wed- Schneider, Alexandea Schaper, The lodge made a donation to the Retirement Home ding anniversaries are Connie Kathryn Schuwirth, Adrianne and Leonard Lines, 60 years; Soudah-Lemere, Eva Marie Christmas Fund. Joan Muenzler, In December, the lodge will Dorothy and Eddie Rechner, Herrera, be collecting items for Home 51 years; and Janilla and Lynette Fey, Sarah Gruenewald, Wayne Kilborn, 20 years. Gayle Siebrecht, Leroy Gorbet Comfort. “Happy Birthday” was and Mark Smasal were drawn They are in need of household items, linens, toiletries sung to Connie Lines, Terri for the $70 Progressive Pot but and paper products. They do Armstrong, Mike Armstrong, none were present to win. Hope to see lots for members not accept any breakable or Russell Puckett, Neva Pittman and Janilla Kilborn. The last at the Christmas meeting on sharp items. Members are asked to bring three were winners of the Dec. 4. – Dorothy Pawlik these items to the December birthday drawing prize. De Lynn Gutz, center, receives her 50-year membership pin from Grand Guide Amanda Deicke at the November Pershing Lodge meeting. Looking on is lodge President Marilyn Hoster, left. The November birthday honorees attending the Pershing Lodge meeting were, from left, Russell Puckett, Terri and Mike Armstrong, Connie Lines, Neva Pittman and Janilla Kilborn. Members of Pershing Lodge who celebrated their birthdays in October were, from left, Doris Baumann, Carolyn Valek, Larry Tschoepe and Carolyn Worsham. November 2013 – Hermann SonS newS – Page 21 www.hermannsons.org Vineta prepares for holiday festivities in December SAN ANTONIO – Vineta Lodge No. 15 will have two meetings in December. The first will be held Dec. 5 and will include a ham dinner. Call Ruth Bailey at 6025147 for reservations. Members are asked to bring canned goods for donation to the San Antonio Food Bank. On Dec. 18 the lodge will host a social with games followed by a surprise lunch. Members enjoyed turkey and dressing and pumpkin pie in November. The 2014 officers were elected and will be Debbie Jordan, president; Frances Bara, vice president; Ruth Bailey, financial secretary; Yvonne Anderson, Finance Committee member; and Pauline Stout, trustee. Welcomed as new members were Cynthia Gutierrez and Aria Teter. Denise Odam has transferred into Vineta Lodge. Vineta Lodge members who helped on Make a Difference Day at St. Francis Nursing Home were, from left, Margaret Crosby, Cecilia Padalecki, Emily Roberts, Gladys Garrett, Irene Kace, Carolyn Nelson, Ruth Bailey and Lorene Kreusel. Celebrating birthdays in November were Vineta Lodge members, from left, Cecilia Padalecki, Frances Bara and Helen Kethan. The lodge extends its sympathy to the family of Frances Sultenfuss following the loss of her husband, Raymond. Brother Sultenfuss was an honorary member of Vineta Lodge. He contributed so much in September and received her 60-year pin at the anniversary meeting in September. Condolences also go to the family of Dortha Beers, a member for 43 years. of his time preparing meals and calling games at lodge meetings. The lodge also mourns the passing of Loduvina Murray who passed away in October. She celebrated her 102nd birthday Brunhilde members enjoy potluck SAN ANTONIO – Brunhilde Lodge No. 7 met in the Rathskeller on Oct. 21. Everyone enjoyed the potluck dinner with the tables decorated in a Halloween theme. Guest Jackie Stanford from Pershing Lodge No. 160 was welcomed. Members mourn the passing of Raymond Sultenfuss and wished Morrie Nordland well as he prepared for foot surgery. Members were asked to bring their suggestions for the Christmas party to the November meeting that will include a catered Thanksgiving dinner. Members and guests are welcome to attend. – Reporter RIGHT - Morrie Nordland attended the Brunhilde Lodge meeting prior to his scheduled foot surgery. LEFT - Jackie Stanford was a guest at the October Brunhilde Lodge meeting. Members and guests attending the October Brunhilde Lodge meeting enjoyed a potluck dinner. Attendance award winners were Emily Roberts, Merlyn Norris, Janelle Harshaw and Helen Kethan. Split-the-pot winner was Debbie Jordan. – Reporter Fort Worth to meet Dec. 1 FORT WORTH – Hope everyone is enjoying the cooler weather and the much needed rain. The only thing about this time of the year is the time change – now it gets dark earlier and so outside activities are limited. Maybe for Hermann Sons this is a good thing – now you are in the house earlier and can start making calls and telling all your friends about Hermann Sons and all the great benefits it has to offer. If you are ever in the Hill Country, be sure to go by and visit the Retirement Home and check out the Hermann Sons Youth Camp. The residents are always happy to have visitors and they love to show off their Home. October was a busy month for some members of Fort Worth Lodge No. 33. First, there was the Make a Difference Day donation to the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk. Several members participated in the walk. Next came the Walk Like MADD. Fort Worth Lodge members were on Team BJ in memory of Brian Jennings who was killed by a teenage drunk driver in June. Team BJ raised the most money out of all the teams. Thanks go to all who walked and a big thanks to those who came out and supported the team members and were there when they finished. Kudos go to Makayla Jones who was first to finish from Team BJ and was on the 6 o’clock news. These projects are just a part of what Hermann Sons is all about – helping in your community. So, when you have the chance to be part of an event – take the time. Parents don’t forget to get your campers to start thinking about what they are going to say to try and win one of the lodge’s Hermann Sons Youth Camp scholarships. Watch the mail for a flyer with all the details. Members are reminded that the next meeting will be held Dec. 1 at Babe’s in Burleson. The election of officers will be held. The installation will be held in Dallas in January 2014. If you would like to serve as an officer and cannot attend the dinner, call President Shannon Jones. The lodge is picking up the check to honor all members. Be sure to come and enjoy the after-meeting festivities. Get-well wishes are sent to Cecil McLaughlin and Kerry Freeman. Both have been in the hospital. “Happy Birthday” wishes go to Dave Bishop, Demetrius Bynum, Nancy Kelly, Kenadee Leblanc, Anita Piper and Thomas Valenta. – Reporter Page 22 – Hermann SonS newS – November 2013 Emma Moya passes the president’s gavel to Edward Elizondo at the November meeting of Anton Wenzel Lodge. www.hermannsons.org Emma Moya, left, receives a birthday card from Anton Wenzel Lodge Secretary Merlinda Elizondo at the November meeting. Larry Burns accepts the splitthe-pot cash on behalf of his daughter, Diane, at the November meeting of Anton Wenzel Lodge. Presenting the winnings is Lorene Kreusel. Anton Wenzel Lodge elects new president for 2014 SAN ANTONIO – Anton Wenzel Lodge No. 174 met Nov. 5 with members enjoying a turkey dinner prepared by Larry Burns. At the December meeting, a tamale dinner will be served. Members are asked to bring a side dish or dessert. Tickets are available for the barge ride members will take in December. The cost is $5 per person. Call Merlinda Elizondo at 223-1491 to make a reservation. The lodge will have a new president in 2014. Edward Elizondo was elected to the fill the position that has been held by Emma Moya since 1994 (except for one year). Larry Burns was re-elected vice president. The lodge extends its sincere gratitude to Sister Moya for her many years of service to the lodge. In 1992 and 1993 she held the position of vice president. Houston Christmas party is Dec. 8 HOUSTON – Members of Houston Lodge No. 100 are reminded to make reservations for the Christmas party scheduled for Sunday, Dec. 8. Call Doris or Gary Falkenberg at 713-466-6069 to make a reservation. The party will be held at Fratelli’s Restaurant, 1330 Wirt Road. The cash bar will open at 3:30 p.m., the presentations and door prizes will be made at 4:15 p.m. and the meal will be served at 4:30 p.m. There is no charge for Houston Lodge members. Guests are welcome, but will be charged a nominal fee. Children are welcome. The lodge will participate in Make a Difference Day on Saturday, Dec. 14, at the National Cemetery. Lodge members will help with the placing of wreaths. The event will start at 11 a.m. Final details will be announced at the Christmas dinner. Beaumont Lodge No. 60 will host the installation of officers Richard Martin was the only birthday celebrant at the October meeting of Houston Lodge. for 2014 on Jan. 12. The first lodge meeting of 2014 will be held Monday, Jan. 13, at the Sokol Hall, 1314 W. Patton. Members are reminded this is the month for the yearly door prize draw- ing. There will be a pot luck supper. Richard Martin was the only member present with an October birthday, so he won the drawing. Sheila James, James Ellison, Milton Fuchs Jr., Reuben Heldberg and Maxine Muske won the door prizes. Speedy get-well wishes go to Angie Januszewski. After the October meeting, a memorial service was held to remember those who have passed away in the last year. They included Janice Kirsche, Anne Brenton, Joyce Summers, Opal “Nell” Lungwitz, Arlyne Larrabee, Helen Tieken, Charles Bundick, Christine Lancaster, Richard Scott and Ethelyn Stankovich. At the last meeting at the Retirement Home Committee in October, fall was already in the air and the residents had taken advantage of it. They had started decorating the Home for fall. Now would be a good time to take a visit. – J. Dueitt Sister Moya will still be actively involved because she has been given a position as a committee member. Condolences were extended to the family of Clements Zigmond. He was a member for 62 years. James D. Black’s name was drawn for the membership prize but he was not present so his name went back into the barrel. “Happy Birthday” wishes go to Sister Moya and Raul Perez. Lorene Kreusel with assistance from Jesse Arenas drew the lucky number of Diane Burns! Congratulations to her. – Salina Barrientes Dallas plans luncheon to celebrate Christmas DALLAS – Dallas Lodge No. 22 will celebrate Christmas with a luncheon scheduled for 2 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 15, at the Red Lobster located at 9069 Vantage Point Dr. in Dallas. The lodge will pick up the tab. Dallas Lodge members appreciate the invitation from Columbia Lodge No. 66 to attend the annual Oktoberfest. Della Morse reported her husband Charles is still having health problems. Andy and Steve Schellenberg reported their uncle, Roy Schellenberg, passed away Oct. 9. He was 87 years old and a Dallas resident. He was a second-generation member. When he and his brother, Robert, were young they were pinsetters when the hall had a five-lane bowling alley. Their pay was a nickel a game. Roy really enjoyed knowing the members, attending lodge parties and playing games. The lodge will make a donation in his memory to the Retirement Home. Lucky Renee LeCour won the attendance prize. Dallas Lodge will host the installation of officers for Dallas Lodge, Columbia Lodge, Fort Worth Lodge No. 33 and Wichita Falls Lodge No. 40. The date is Saturday, Jan. 4. The time is 2 p.m. The location is the Dallas Hall, 3414 Elm St, Dallas. All members are invited to attend. Food will be served after the installation. The next meeting is scheduled for Sunday, Jan. 26. The new officers hope lots of members will come and help plan special fun events for the new year. – Reporter November 2013 – Hermann SonS newS – Page 23 www.hermannsons.org Edelweiss-Magnolia meets Betty Beyer celebrated her October birthday at the Edelweiss-Magnolia Lodge No. 47 meeting. Members of Edelweiss-Magnolia Lodge No. 47 who went home with door prizes from the October meeting were, front, from left, Hilbert Pechacek, Beebe Drumm, Carl W. Sontag, back, from left, Tyler Keith and Gerald Ziemnicki. Columbia serves Thanksgiving dinner DALLAS – Greetings and salutations from Columbia Lodge No. 66. At the November meeting, officers were elected. The current officers were re-elected. They are president, Bobby Wilbanks; Gilbert Shelby, vice president; and Coach Stanley Whitehead, secretary/treasurer. Glenn Mullah Marvin was elected to a three-year trustee position and Bob Sullivan was elected to the Finance Committee. The turnout was the largest for a meeting in several years. Let’s hope that momentum will continue and more and more members will become active. Members are especially encouraged to take part in the lodge’s benevolent programs. The rewards are not monetary but are profound in so many other ways. After the meeting a Thanksgiving dinner was served. A special thanks goes to those who brought food. The lodge has donated money and books to a local book drive and Cecelia Phillips is working with local school librarians to ensure that many children in the Dallas area are the beneficiaries of this program. Thanks go to all who donated books. The Sons of Hermann Hall was the site of a benefit for Becky Cutler recently. Mindy Turner Curnutt helped organize this event and she needs a special THANK YOU for all her efforts. Becky was diagnosed with ALS a few months ago and Mindy stepped up and began to organize this event that included a silent auction and a dinner. About 200 attended. Albert Scherbarth, Melody Ostman Carroll, Chef Bobby and Juliea Wilbanks along with Mrs. Butterworth made the dinner. A special shout out goes to Jimmy Burnett for making the Hall available. The next meeting has been moved to Sunday, Dec. 8, at 3 p.m. The meal will be the annual steak dinner and plans for the Christmas party will be finalized. The Christmas party is slated for Saturday, Dec. 21, at the Hall and word is that Jane Smith is planning the dinner. Hope everybody attends and brings lots of food and holiday cheer to the party. Help will be needed with the decorating and organizing. Come on down to the Hall for a Coke from the new soda fountain or enjoy a rousing game of dominos. All members are welcome at the Hall. It is your home and the home fires are burning brightly this fall season. Get involved and do something for the greater good of the community, the state and the nation. You will find it rewarding. – Dave Moynihan everyone had a spooky-kooky time. Thanks go to everyone who came out in celebration of the Hermann Sons Square Dancers’ 46th Anniversary Dance. Mary Lou Eastman met up with some of her family for a day in New Braunfels celebrating the fun of Wurstfest. They enjoyed lunch accompanied by great music. This was a first for Mary Lou’s grandson and his friend and when asked what they enjoyed most, they replied, “the rides.” Mark your calendars for the Association’s Dec. 7 Christmas Dance. Doing the calling that night will be Brad Caldwell on Squares and Martha Koslosky on Rounds. They are a duo you don’t want to miss. Also hold open Dec. 20 for the Hermann Sons’ annual Christmas celebration. There will be tamales with all the trimmings. Santa Bill will be calling to the tune of your old time Christmas favorites and George Rollow will continue to keep everyone in the spirit with line dancing and western dancing. Bring your appetite, bring your friends and bring and share your Christmas cheer. Celebrating birthdays in December will be Joan Sgambati, Jim Madill, Chuck Mashburn, Bill Reichert, Ed Wilson, Beth Warne and Cecil Rupe. Celebrating a December anniversary will be Joanne and Earl Lilly. – Reporter Square Dance Club SAN ANTONIO – The Hermann Sons Square Dancers took the Bells -n- Beaus “Witches Brew” theme quite literally. Three of the 12 members who attended the dance dressed in witch’s attire. There was the sexy witch, the glamour witch and a really strange witch. Ed and Eileen Wilson, Don and Brenda Hild, Marie and Jim Madill, Joann and Earl Lilly, Mary Lou Eastman, Mary Brown, Carol Rupe and Beth Warne all had a great time. One of the witches returned home with a prize for best costume and the group came home with the Bells -n- Beaus banner. Carol and Cecil Rupe aka Fred and Wilma Flintstone, Marie and Jim Madill, Don and Brenda Hild and Mary Lou Eastman attended the Fundancer’s Halloween Dance. Fred and Wilma came home with the prize for the best costume for a couple. Between costumes, snacks, fellowship and the grand calling of Brad Caldwell McGregor members to receive meal, gifts at Dec. 4 meeting McGREGOR – McGregor Lodge No. 132 met Nov. 6 at the Sneed Building. Everyone enjoyed the meal of turkey and dressing and all the trimmings. Thanks go to Teresa Sneed. The next meeting will be held Dec. 4 at 6 p.m. at the Sneed Building on Main. Food and gifts will be provided. Members are asked to bring canned goods for donation to the McGregor Food Pantry. The 2013 Humanitarian Award will be presented. Thanks go to all who helped with games and refreshments at Westview Manor in observance of Make a Difference Day. Thanks go to Teresa Sneed, Leona Hendrickson, Regina Arseneaux, Joyce Thane, Janet Schmalriede, Carol Wiethorn and Doris Mooney. It’s always rewarding to go and visit and the residents always enjoy the food and are very serious about their games. Hermine Wolf mailed getwell cards to Charlie Johnson and Lucille Ballowe and a sympathy card to Betty Johnson fol- lowing the passing of her sister. A note was read from the Grand Lodge thanking the lodge for the donation to the Retirement Home Christmas Fund. Another was received thanking the lodge for its monthly donation to the “Hugs from Home” program. A letter was read from the Grand President encouraging all elected and appointed officers to attend the installation of officers in January. Information will be presented on new ideas and programs to increase attendance at lodge meetings. Officers for 2014 were elected at the October meeting and will be president, Doris Mooney; vice president, Teresa Sneed; corresponding secretary and financial secretary/ treasurer, Leona Hendrickson; trustees, Harry Witt, Milton Schmalriede and Al Wolf; and Finance Committee members, Janet Schmalriede, Yvonne Schmalriede and Henry Lange. The appointed officers are guide, Charles McAnelly; inner guard, Vivian Lange; outer guard, Hilda Witt; Cheer Committee chairman, Hermine Wolf; reporter, Doris Mooney; and historian, Leona Hendrickson. “Happy Birthday” wishes were extended to Charles McAnelly and Al Wolf Happy Anniversary wishes were extended to Milton and Yvonne Schmalriede who have been married 56 years. Lucky door prize winners were Vivian and Henry Lange. – Reporter Page 24 – Hermann SonS newS – November 2013 www.hermannsons.org Twin Sisters will serve ham for Christmas party Dec. 1 TWIN SISTERS – Twin Sisters Lodge No. 138 met Sunday, Oct. 6. Plans for the Christmas party meeting were formalized. It will be held Sunday, Dec. 1. The menu will include ham furnished by Gertrude Hartmann, potato salad furnished by Helen M. Knoll, rolls furnished by Tanja Tomlinson, sweet potatoes furnished by Christine Huguelet, green bean casserole furnished by Georgia Hartmann and desserts furnished by Karen Steiger and Lucille Scharnhorst. Games will be played and several people agreed to provide prizes. Tanja Tomlinson will bring two and Steve Hartmann, Pat Weiss and Christine Huguelet will each bring one prize. Guest at the meeting was Bruce Huguelet. A moment of silence was observed in memory of Bobby Mueller, Lela Kruckemeyer and Norman Weirich. President Phil Hartmann read a letter thanking the lodge for its donation to the “Helping West Recovery-First Responders Fund.” He also read a letter from the Grand Lodge concerning the reorganized Fraternal Activities Committee and its mission to share information and strategies with the lodges to help in recruiting new members and increasing attendance at lodge meetings. Phil Hartmann informed members that a Life Insurance Buyers Guide was available from Agent Gilbert Weiss. Brother Weiss had copies with him. Trustees are working on plumbing repairs at the lodge hall. President Hartmann attended the Grand Lodge Convention in May in Corpus Christi and he has received a copy of the Proceedings Book, which is a summary of business conducted at the Convention. He will make the Proceedings Book available to anyone interested. Helen M. Knoll was nominated for the Humanitarian Award. Members agreed that officers for the new year would remain the same as they are now with the exception of asking Marcus Ethridge to fill the position vacated due to the death of Vice President Rebecca Howerton. Celebrating birthdays were Helen Knoll in August, Alvin Knoll, Marilyn Weidman and Marian Ethridge in September, Bruce Huguelet in October and Stan Steiger in November. Celebrating anniversaries were Helen and Alvin Knoll, 53 years in August; and Karen and Stan Steiger, 36 years in September. Thanks go to Jerry Gass for mowing the property before the meeting. Helen M. Knoll won the door prize. Rick Weidman’s name was drawn for the membership prize but he was not in attendance. Everyone enjoyed a meal of sausage, homemade sauerkraut, German potato salad, rye and homemade breads and several desserts. – Reporter Gulf pioneer receives pin Zuehl welcomes new junior members Gulf Lodge No. 46 member William Graefe, seated, was presented his 50-year membership pin at the September meeting. Brother Graefe, who lives in Galveston, has been a member since Nov. 10, 1963. He is pictured with Special Representative Al Stryk, left, and lodge President Rick Huepers. Gulf Lodge members are reminded that the lodge’s Christmas party and meeting will be held Sunday, Dec. 8, beginning at 3 p.m. at the Reef Seafood House, 1301 31½ St. North, Texas City. Columbus party set for Dec. 9 COLUMBUS – Columbus Lodge No. 10 met Oct. 14 and scheduled the Christmas party for Dec. 9 at Becky’s Café beginning at 6 p.m. President Douglas Lilie named Harold Stirl, Elena Holub and Virginia Fritsch to the Nominating Committee. They will recommend the slate of officers for 2014. Cheer Committee member Elsie Kahlden reported send- ing cheer/get well cards to Harold and Martha Stirl and to Virginia Lilie. Celebrating birthdays in October were Virginia Fritsch and Kristian Hickey. Douglas and Virginia Lilie led the entertainment and then everyone enjoyed refreshments. The next meeting was scheduled for Nov. 11. – Reporter ZUEHL – It’s hard to believe Christmas is just around the corner. The Zuehl Lodge No. 163 Christmas party is scheduled for Sunday, Dec. 1, at the Bexar Bowling Club starting with the social hour at 4 p.m. The meal will follow at 5:30 p.m. The meat and eating utensils will be furnished. Everyone is asked to bring a side dish and dessert. At a recent meeting, members welcomed new junior members, Nolan Ross Koltermann and Hadley Breanne Koltermann. A thank you note was read from the Grand Lodge for the “Helping West Recover-First Responders Fund” donation. The lodge also received a certificate for its involvement in the Join Hands Day program. A note of thanks was received from the Marion and New Berlin volunteer fire departments for the monetary donations the lodge made. The lodge thanks the Grand Lodge for the subsidy check it received. There were 19 youngsters from the lodge who attended Hermann Sons Youth Camp this year. The lodge will reimburse each camper with a small portion of their camping fee. In observance of Make a Difference Day, the lodge gave a monetary gift to a family in the community. President Anna Dell Luensmann made the presentation. The Nominating Committee presented the slate of officers and all were re-elected by acclamation. Sympathy goes out to the family of Mary Schirmer who passed away at the age of 93. Members are thinking of Linda Koltermann and Glory Ann Luensmann and any other members who are in need of prayers. “Happy Birthday” wishes go out to Rosalie Schaefer and Walter Luensmann and Happy Anniversary wishes go to Joannie and Claude Mayer. The attendance prize winners were Chester Jenke, Joannie Mayer, Roland Luensmann and George Koltermann. Remember the Christmas party on Dec. 1. Happy Thanksgiving to all. – Reporter Marion plans games for holiday party MARION – Marion Lodge No. 74 members met Sept. 19 at Immaculate Conception Church. The Christmas party was scheduled for Dec. 19 beginning at 6:30 p.m. and will be catered by Johnny’s Barbecue. Members will bring desserts. Games will be played and gift cards will be provided to children 12 and under. Officers will provide the decorations. The annual election of officers was held. The current slate of officers was re-elected by acclamation. They are Bobbie Ray, president; Carolyn Crawford, vice president and reporter; Carole Hooge, sec- retary; Lorene Bielke, financial secretary; trustee, threeyear term, Ronnie Grimm; trustee, two-year term, Earl Crawford; and trustee, oneyear term, Lee Jay Bielke. The Finance Committee members are Sharon Grimm, three-year term; Thelma Zwicke, twoyear term; and Owen Ray, one-year term. The appointed officers include Lori Smith, guide; Ronnie Grimm, outer guard; and Thelma Zwicke, Cheer Committee chairman. The lodge welcomes new members Kaylie Ann Cerda and Madyxx Raen Cielencki. Carly Donsbach, Marissa Vader and Ryan Bielke were awarded scholarships. It was announced that Alova Wohlfahrt passed away recently. Members agreed to bring non-perishable food items for donation to food banks in the area to the next meeting. At the last meeting, $185 was collected in observance of Join Hands Day and donated to the “Helping West RecoverFirst Responders Fund.” The lodge also made a $50 donation to the Retirement Home Christmas Fund. Attendance-prize winners were Lorene Bielke, Earl Crawford, Carole Hooge and Carolyn Crawford. – Carole Hooge November 2013 – Hermann SonS newS – Page 25 www.hermannsons.org Karnes City plays games with residents Karnes City Lodge No. 215 members recently participated in a Make a Difference Day project at the Bluebonnet Nursing Home and the Karnes City Care Center. The ladies helped the residents during their games party. Members taking part in the activity were Evelyn Hoffman, Betty June Polasek, Erna Mae Pfeil, Mary Schulz and Henrietta Fenner. Hondo Victory Lodge welcomes new members in October HONDO – Hondo Victory Lodge No. 161 members met Oct. 8 and welcomed new members, Ava Nicole Lowe, Illianna Valenzuela, Adelyn Grace Tschirhart, Ayelet Sue Reus, Araceli M. Rivera, Jaelyn Rose Ortiz and Claire D’Nell Hindes. Agent Debbie Payne reported she has attended several workshops she found to be very informative. She is available to assist anyone with their insurance needs. Cheer Chairman Grace Schmidt reported sending a sympathy card to the family of Barge Bali. She also sent a sympathy card to Alice Wiemers following the passing of her husband, Alvin Wiemers. Everyone was glad Mary Louise Lutz was able to attend the meeting. She thanked everyone for the get-well card sent to her. Several thank-you notes were read including notes from the family of Geraline Schneider and the family of Glenrose Saathoff. The lodge also received a thankyou note from the Grand Lodge for making it possible for the Grand Lodge to donate $12,286 Celebrating birthdays from Hondo Victory Lodge in October were, from left, Pat Saunier and Emilie Cowan. to the “Help West Recover – First Responders Fund.” President Doris Bartelt reported the lodge received a certificate in recognition of its Join Hands Day project. Money was collected from the “Hugs from Home” jar and sent to the home office. In observance of Make a Difference Day in October, members voted to donate $500 to the Medina County Nutrition Center. Other donations made annually will be sent to Hondo Lodge No. 236, the Hondo School of Dance and to the Retirement Home in Comfort. Emilie Cowan and Pat Saunier celebrated birthdays in October. Hostess Emilie Cowan and Mary Louise Lutz served a variety of cakes, candies and nuts. The evening concluded with games of pitch. – Verlie Fay Nietenhoefer In observance of Make a Difference Day, Hondo Victory Lodge donated $500 to the Medina County Nutrition Center Meals on Wheels program. Making the presentation was Vice President Loraine Miller, right, and accepting the check was Jean Callaway, program director for the Medina County Nutrition program. Helotes Lodge holds Oktoberfest for wounded warriors HELOTES – Members of Helotes Lodge No. 76 and some of their friends hosted an Oktoberfest for the wounded warriors and their families who are staying at the Fisher House located at the San Antonio Military Medical Center. Mary Lee Sloan prepared traditional sauerkraut that was served alongside sausage, potatoes and green beans. In the kitchen serving the meal were Grand Vice President-Fraternal Kim Krueger, Charlie Sloan, Al and Susie Michalczak and Helotes Lodge President Carl Gass and a friend. Ashley Nail and junior member Bella Nail were on hand to do face painting. Junior members Caitlyn Gass and Rebecca Nail pulled double duty with help from Dolores McAninch on the prize wheel and the nail polish station. One brave wounded warrior allowed them to paint his toenails pink with glitter in recognition of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Rebecca Henley brought her mobile studio and dress up trunk and took silly photos of the warriors and their families. Everyone enjoyed the fraternalism and spending time with these brave service members and their families. Look for photos on Page 1 of this issue. Members who want to help with the next service project should plan to come to meetings or call Rebecca Henley at 210723-8939. Discussion on the 2014 service project is already under way. Everyone’s help is needed. Members are reminded that beginning in 2014 meetings will be held the second Tuesday of the month in March, June, September and December. The first meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, March 11, beginning at 7 p.m. The other meetings will be held June 10, Sept. 9 and Dec. 9. The next meeting is scheduled for Sunday, Dec. 1, beginning at 1 p.m. The 2014 officers will be elected and one lucky Helotes Lodge member will go home with $750. Christmas ham is on the menu. Al and Susie Michalczak are hosting the meal. Members are asked to bring a side dish. Call Evelyn Carolan at 210688-9241 to reserve your table at Braun Hall’s New Year’s Eve dance. Bimbo and Borderline will provide entertainment. Admission is $20. The dance starts at 8:30 p.m. Black-eyed peas and cornbread will be served at midnight. – Reporter Page 26 – Hermann SonS newS – November 2013 www.hermannsons.org New Braunfels Lodge will present pioneer pins Dec. 1 NEW BRAUNFELS – New Braunfels Lodge No. 21 pioneers will receive their membership pins at the Dec. 1 meeting. A Grand Lodge representative has been invited to attend the meeting that begins at 3 p.m. The last meeting was held Nov. 3 and members congratulated Agent Shirley Huebinger for finishing first statewide in the applications written category for the third quarter. A resolution of respect was read in memory of Lawrence Schaefer. A thank-you note was read from the family and friends of River Gardens for the lodge’s help with the snacks during the Octoberfest fall party held for the residents Saturday, Oct. 19. Those who helped on Make a Difference Day were Delbert Tanneberger, Violet Tanneberger, Karen Harborth, New Braunfels Lodge members observed Make a Difference Day on Oct. 19 at River Gardens by helping with snacks at the fall festival. Volunteers were, from left, Delbert Tanneberger, Violet Tanneberger, Karen Harborth, Ethan Colbert and Dorella Colbert. Ethan Colbert and Dorella Colbert. The officers for 2014 were all elected by acclamation. They are Karen Harborth, president; Dorella Colbert, vice president; Virginia Vetter, secretary/treasurer; Jerome Vetter, trustee, three-year term; and Michael Huebinger, Finance Committee, three-year term. Violet Tanneberger was appointed as guide and inner guard. “Happy Birthday” was sung to Dorothy Ebert. Anniversary wishes go out to Delbert and Violet Tanneberger, 46 years. Attendance-prize winners were Shirley Huebinger, Jerome Vetter, Bill Wenzel, Mary Delbert and Violet Tanneberger of New Braunfels Lodge celebrated 46 years of marriage in October. Dorothy Ebert of New Braunfels Lodge celebrates a birthday in October. Jane Schwab, Monroe Weyel, Dorothy Ebert, Ethan Colbert, Karen Harborth, Dorothy Schneider, Leola Stolte, Virginia Vetter and Michael Huebinger. Members enjoyed sausage and the member-provided side dishes. Jerome and Virginia Vetter hosted the meal. If you are planning to attend the Dec. 1 meeting, please RSVP to Virginia Vetter at 830625-4951. – Reporter Haskell makes plans for December meeting, officer elections HASKELL – Haskell Lodge No. 241 met Nov. 3 at Camacho and Charlie’s. Plans were made for the Dec. 1 meeting that will also be held at Camacho and Charlie’s. It will start at 4 p.m. The election of officers was held. Serving the lodge in 2014 will be president, Jerry Don Klose; vice president, Harry Koehler; secretary, Phyllis Klose; trustees, T.J. Brueggeman and Elton Klose; and Finance Committee members, Dorothea Monroe and Doris Brueggeman. Appointed officers will be guard, Evelyn Moeller; report- er, Ruth Ann Klose; and outer guard, Milbert Opitz Members thank Doris Brueggeman for serving as secretary and hope her health will improve so she might serve again sometime in the future. Several members were ill, including T.J. Brueggeman who is in the hospital in Abilene, Doris Brueggeman who is home but still undergoing treatment, Milbert Opitz who finished his treatments but is still having to monitor his platelets, Elton Klose who is slowly improving and Christi Opitz Gardner who is still having treatments at M.D. Anderson in Houston. Dorothea Monroe was able to attend. Evelyn Moeller reported she has been blessed with the arrival of her fourth great-grandchild, Colton Drew Dixon, son of David and Kellie (Moeller) Dixon and grandson of Allen and Rhonda Moeller. Phyllis Klose reported she and Jerry Don just attended their grandson’s engagement party in “Duck Dynasty” style. Door prizes were presented to Phyllis Klose, Harry Koehler and Ruth Ann Klose. – Reporter Hochheim-Prairie will hold party on Dec. 1 YOAKUM – HochheimPrairie Lodge No. 90 will hold its Christmas party Sunday, Dec. 1. The social will begin at 3 p.m. Students from the Hochheim-Prairie School of Dance will perform at 4 p.m. followed by an evening meal. The Parents’ Club will hold a silent auction. Goody bags will be distributed to the children. At the November meeting, Kylee Epps and Jackson Wenzel were welcomed as new members. Agent Bob Jungman reported having attended a continuing education seminar for agents that is required so he can remain licensed. Members voted to donate $30 to the Chamber of Commerce for lights for the downtown area and $100 to the Accolade Hospice Foundation. Serving as officers in 2014 will be president, Janet Zabransky; vice president, Roberta Wenzel; financial and corresponding secretary, Carolyn Hoepfl; treasurer, Wilburn Pargmann; trustees Mark Zinke, David Spaeth and Charlie Hoepfl; and Finance Committee members, Ann Machalec, Sherri Spaeth and Debbie Zinke. Birthday honorees were David Spaeth, Wilburn Pargmann, Debbie Zinke and Nadine Rex. Anniversary honorees were Wilburn and Mary Pargmann and Tommy and Roberta Wenzel. Nadine Rex donated a plant for an attendance prize and David Spaeth was the winner. Debbie Zinke was also a winner. – Reporter Attending the November Haskell Lodge meeting were, from left, Elton Klose, Evelyn Moeller and Phyllis Klose. Others attending the November Haskell Lodge meeting were, from left, President Jerry Don Klose, Dorothea Monroe, Milbert Opitz and Harry Koehler. November 2013 – Hermann SonS newS – Page 27 www.hermannsons.org Comfort will hold Christmas party Dec. 8 COMFORT – Comfort Lodge No. 2 will hold its Christmas party Sunday, Dec. 8, in the Hilltop Camp Dining Hall. A fried turkey supper with all of the trimmings will be served. The children from the Comfort School of Dance will perform and Santa will pay a visit and have his picture taken with the children. The Humanitarian Award also will be presented. The lodge met Oct. 14. Several new members were welcomed and John Arlen, who was present at the meeting, transferred to Comfort Lodge. Agent Norma Bruns reported on the recent continuing education course the agents attended at Hilltop Camp. She reminded everyone about the importance of keeping beneficiaries up to date and that the change in beneficiary form can be found online or can be obtained from agents. Tammy Aldrich, president of the Parents’ Club, reported that there are 35 dancers and they are working to raise money for costumes, for the recital and for other needs. She let the members know about an upcoming bake sale and that there would be a silent auction held during the Christmas party. Members voted to donate $200 to the school of dance. – Reporter Celebrating October birthdays and/or anniversaries at the Comfort Lodge meeting were, back, from left, Buddy Preuss, David Spenrath, C.B. Chenault, Bryce Sorbel, Jennifer Cernosek, front, from left, Bobbye Burow, Myrtle Kirchhoff, Shirley Allerkamp, Lynette Koennecke and John Sorbel. Junior members of Comfort Lodge helped draw numbers for door prizes during the October meeting. They are, back, from left, Leah Reich, Makayla Aldrich, front, from left, Layla Reich and Luke Reich. Celebrating birthdays at the October Brenham Lodge meeting were, front, from left, Cleo Jaeger, back, from left, David Jaster, Nina Little, Lavern Jacob, Jeanette Preuss, Bert Jaeger and Herbert Zwahr. Brenham Lodge members Minnie Mae and Nolan Nitsche celebrated a wedding anniversary in October. Brenham meets goal BRENHAM – Brenham Lodge No. 6 met Oct. 11 with 52 in attendance. Before the meeting, Dale Guerrero, Richard and Pearlie Hanath, Elwood Jaster, Delores Meyer and Robert and Jeanette Preuss prepared and served a meal of pork steak and the trimmings. Members provided desserts. Michael and Gladys Culver were welcomed as new members. Special Representative Gary Falkenberg spoke about IRAs. The lodge has met its goal of 10 new members for 2013. A moment of silence was observed in memory of Larry Trcka. A $100 donation will be given to the Retirement Home Christmas Fund. Bert and Cleo Jaeger furnished refreshments in honor of their birthdays and Nolan and Minnie Mae Nitsche in honor of their 66th anniversary. – Reporter With party on Dec. 1 Kirby will celebrate Christmas KIRBY – Kirby Lodge No. 305 will celebrate Christmas with a party on Sunday, Dec. 1, at the lodge hall. The social hour begins at 12 noon and will be followed by a catered meal at 1 p.m. Games will be played and the winners of the many prizes available in the Scholarship Fund Prize Drawing will be announced. Call Judy Schulmeier at 6671938 to get a ticket to the party. Everyone attending must have a ticket however lodge members will be reimbursed the $5 ticket price. Guests will pay $10 each. The prize drawing tickets also are available from Sister Schulmeier or from Kathie Ninneman at the Grand Lodge. They are 6 for $5 for $1 each. The top prizes are $100 gift cards and there are close to 50 prizes to be given away. At the Nov. 4 meeting, officers for 2014 were elected by acclamation and will be president, James McQuatters; vice president, Samantha Schulmeier; and recording secretary, Kathie Ninneman. Elected to a threeyear term as a trustee was David Eardley. Henrietta Lowak was elected to a three-year term on the Finance Committee. Linda Muehlstein, Donna Scheel and Loraine Hilbrich were appointed to the Humanitarian Award Committee. Members enjoyed a potluck meal. Get-well cards had been sent to Elaine Ewald and Lee Pape. Celebrating birthdays were Evelyn Bielke, Joey Fisher, Juanita Luensmann, Babe Granger and Martin Lambrecht. Della and Henry Klesel celebrate their wedding anniversary in November. Split-the-pot winners were Tammy Haecker, Donna Scheel, Sandra Bundick, Evelyn Bielke and Carolina McQuatters. James McQuatters was the door prize winner. – Kathie Ninneman Old Glory plans ham dinner for December OLD GLORY – Old Glory Lodge No. 228 met in November and elected officers for the coming year. President Doug Vahlenkamp gave a report on the annual Sausage Supper and declared it a success. He thanked everyone for their help and attendance. The current officers all agreed to serve another year. They are president, Doug Vahlenkamp; vice president, Keith Corzine; secretary/treasurer, Verlene Corzine; Finance Committee member, Meta Kupatt; trustee, Justin Corzine; guide, Hilda Kieke; inner guard, Don Pyron; outer guard, Valton Schmidt; and reporter, Anita Dozier. The trustees reported they have begun work on remodeling the ladies restroom and some work will be done on the water well. Brody Letz won the door prize. Members present with birthdays in November were Odene Dudensing and Keith Corzine. Following the meeting the group enjoyed games and a meal of turkey and dressing and all the trimmings plus great desserts. For the meeting in December, the lodge will furnish the ham and everyone is asked to bring a vegetable and dessert. – Reporter Page 28 – Hermann SonS newS – November 2013 www.hermannsons.org Schulenburg pioneers receive membership pins SCHULENBURG – Schulenburg Lodge No. 14 met Oct. 9 with 43 members and guests present including special guest speaker Dr. Lindsey Tijerina from the Kocurek and James Clinic in Schulenburg. Frank Bohlmann introduced Dr. Lindsey. She joined the clinic in July and is a family practice physician there. Dr. Lindsey completed her residency at the Memorial Hermann Hospital in Houston where she was the chief resident this year. Raised in the Seymour area, Dr. Lindsey loves rural Texas and is excited about becoming a part of the Schulenburg and surrounding communities. Two members received their 50-year pins. They are Leera Janecka, a member since Dec. 1, 1963; and Elmarine Matus, a member since Sept. 11, 1963. Celebrating birthdays were Calvin Dieringer, Mary K. Seifert, Delores Michalke, Becky Bohlmann, Lorina Mache, Elmarine Matus and Leera Janecka. Celebrating an anniversary were Elmer and Arline Ulrich and Milton and Pat Mache. President Bill Michalke thanked LaVerne Lamascus, Rene Sustr and Virginia Kainer for bringing pudding and Clinton and Dorothy Ellebracht, Alton and Verdell Hafer and Louis and Emma Nitschke for taking care of kitchen duties. Alton Hafer and Clinton Ellebracht grilled the burgers. Welcomed as new members were Hayli Rodriguez, Emma Schmidt, Brenley Bujnoch, Michaela Kollmann, Addison Hector, Johnathan Guerrero and Cora Brenek. Agent Mary K. Seifert reported that 90 children are enrolled in the Schulenburg School of Dance. Grace Baylor reported a get well card was sent to Verlene Hoffmann. She thanked the lodge. A card and donation were sent to the family of Bessie Lorfing in her memory. An acknowledgement card of appreciation was received and read from the family of Daniel Matus. Bonita Guettermann thanked the lodge for the get-well cards sent to Franklin Guettermann in the past months. In observance of Make a Difference Day, a donation Dr. Lindsey Tijerina, a family practice physician in Schulenburg, was the guest speaker at the October meeting of Schulenburg Lodge. She is pictured with Frank Bohlmann who introduced her. Leera Janecka receives her 50-year membership pin from Schulenburg Lodge President Bill Michalke at the October meeting. Celebrating birthdays at the October meeting of Schulenburg Lodge were, from left, Mary K. Seifert, Becky Bohlmann, Lorina Mache, Elmarine Matus, Calvin Dieringer, Delores Michalke and Leera Janecka. Schulenburg Lodge President Bill Michalke presents a 50-year membership pin to Elmarine Matus at the October Lodge meeting. Members of Schulenburg Lodge celebrating October anniversaries were, from left, Elmer and Arline Ulrich and Milton and Pat Mache. was made to the Schulenburg Volunteer Fire Department. Door prizes were awarded. Schulenburg Lodge meets the second Wednesday of each month except December at the Community Center in Schulenburg. The evening begins with refreshments at 6:30 p.m. followed by dinner and the meeting at 7 p.m. – June Rodecap Maxwell party is Dec. 15 MAXWELL – Maxwell Lodge No. 75 met Nov. 3 at the Maxwell Social Club. Plans were made for the Christmas party to be held Sunday, Dec. 15, beginning at 2 p.m. Members are asked to bring a non-perishable food item for donation to the food bank in Caldwell County. The students from the Luling School of Dance will perform. Lemonade and cookies will be served. The election of officers for 2014 was held. All current officers were re-elected by acclamation with one exception. Vice President Emma Schulle asked not to serve again so Catherine Blackard was elected to that position. Sister Schulle will serve as a trustee. The Make a Difference Day Committee reported that a dona- tion was made to the Ebenezer Lutheran Church in Maxwell for its Education Building Fund. This was done by way of the church’s “Senior Day Out” Committee. Once a month “Senior Day Out” reaches out to a wide area around Maxwell offering all seniors a meal and an afternoon of games and socializing regardless of religious affiliation. The activity is held in the Education Building. Members approved donations to the Retirement Home Christmas Fund and the “Hugs From Home” program. The door prize winners were Emma Schulle and Clarence Schulle. After the meeting, members enjoyed a meal of spaghetti in meat sauce, salads, bread and desserts. – Reporter November 2013 – Hermann SonS newS – Page 29 www.hermannsons.org Santa will visit during San Marcos Christmas party SAN MARCOS – San Marcos Lodge No. 26 met Nov. 4 at La Vista Club House. It was announced that the Christmas party would be held at the Zorn Bowling Club located on Hwy. 123 toward Seguin. The party will begin at 2 p.m. with Santa arriving in mid-afternoon. A turkey dinner will be served at 4:30 p.m. Adults will exchange gifts (keep the value between $7 and $8). Parents are asked to bring a gift for Santa to present to their child. Adult members will pay the $5 meal cost as a reservation fee with non-members paying a $10 meal cost reservation fee. The meal for children under age 12 will cost $2.50. The lodge will pick up the balance of the cost of the meal being prepared by Caterall Catering from New Braunfels. Reservations should be made by Dec. 2. Mail checks to Janice Kuhen, P.O. Box 683, San Marcos, 78667. Members are asked to bring cookies for dessert. The Christmas party duties list was passed around and members signed up for the duty they preferred to help with. Those on the Decorating Committee are asked to be there by 1 p.m. Games including guessing games will be available during the afternoon. Members are reminded to bring non-perishable food items for donation to the local San Marcos Lodge members dressed in costume for the recent meeting. Pictured are, seated, from left, Laura Bohmfalk, a shopper; “Judge Judy” Janice Kuhen; Evelyn Moreau; back, from left, Darlene Bohmfalk, a shopper at Tanger Outlet Mall; Leola Gourley and Peggy Meiners, pumpkin and Halloween decorated shirts; Agnes Dreibrodt, witch’s hat and shirt; and Freddie Dreibrodt, Farmer Brown. Celebrating a November birthday at the San Marcos Lodge meeting was Darlene Bohmfalk. Veterans honored at the meeting were Ken Cargil, center, and Billy Preuss. food bank. Peggy Meiners presented the 2014 calendar prepared by committee members, Agnes Dreibrodt, Leola Gourley, Laura Bohmfalk, Lillian Cargil and Janice Kuhen. Sister Meiners then presented the slate of officers for 2014. Elected by acclamation were president, Agnes Dreibrodt; vice president, Peggy Meiners; trustee, William Braune; and Finance Committee member, Mary Lou Preuss. Plans for the hosting of the District 12 installation on Jan. 19 were discussed. The instal- ance policy to a loved one at Christmas is a perfect gift to benefit the whole family. The Cheer Committee reported a get-well card had been sent to Sister Kuhen. President Dreibrodt thanked everyone who contributed to the Make a Difference Day project of presenting toys to the Blue Santa project in Hays County. A letter was received from Grand President Buddy Preuss encouraging lodges to bring all their officers to the installation ceremonies in January. A new format will be used and officers lation will be held at the San Marcos Recreation Center located in City Park behind the basketball stadium. Maps will be available at the Christmas party. There will be time for visiting between 12:30 and 1 p.m. A catered meal will be served at 1 p.m. Please make reservations by contacting Janice Kuhen, P.O. Box 683, San Marcos, 78667, by Jan. 13. A head count is needed for the caterer. Members are asked to bring three dozen cookies of their choice. Sister Kuhen reminded everyone that giving an insur- will be given new strategies to be used in an effort to engage all members at the local level. “Happy Birthday” was sung to Darlene Bohmfalk and Happy Anniversary wishes were extended to Freddie and Agnes Dreibrodt. Veterans in attendance recognized were Billy Preuss and Ken Cargil. Leola Gourley won the monthly attendance award. The hosts for the evening were Lillian and Ken Cargil and Janet and Howard Magin. They provided tamales. – Reporter Cuero Family Lodge will hold Christmas party Dec. 3 CUERO – Cuero Family Lodge No. 82 will hold its Christmas party and meeting Tuesday, Dec. 3. Members will be treated to a free meal that night and door prizes will be awarded. At the regular meeting held Tuesday, Nov. 5, at Ruby’s Diner the election of officers was held. The 2014 slate of officers is as follows: president, Laura Tiffin; vice president (not yet elected); secretary, Allison Tiffin; treasurer, June Guenther; Finance Committee members, Norman Kahlich, Marvin Bade and Alice Scheibe; trustees, Chester Lucas, Juanita Peters and Janet Tietz; inner guard, Lena Leist; outer guard, Ruth Peters; guide, Jerry Tietz; reporter, June Guenther; Cheer Committee, Verna Lee Gohmert; and Youth Committee, Laura Tiffin. Members welcomed Brian Wendel who transferred from Yorktown Lodge No. 36. During the meeting, members signed Christmas cards to be sent to soldiers during the holidays. Agent Wayne Tiffin urged all members to check their policies to see if any information needs to be updated. This is especially true for children who have married and may not have changed their information. The lodge received a thankyou note from the Shriners for the annual donation. President Tiffin read a poem honoring veterans and the lodge recognized the veterans present. They were Wilburn Arndt, Norman Kahlich, Elroy Peters and Harold Tiffin. Members celebrating birthdays in November are Juanita Peters, Haley Hotz, Frances Krause and Dorothy Arndt. Juanita Peters furnished pecan bars for dessert and Dorothy Arndt brought brownies. Door prize winners were Karlyne Tiffin, Norman Kahlich, Iris Hotz, Juanita Peters and Verna Lee Gohmert. After the meeting, members enjoyed a delicious meal of roast beef, mashed potatoes, green beans, roll and tea. – Reporter Veterans were recognized at the November Cuero Family Lodge meeting. They are, from left, Wilburn Arndt, Harold Tiffin, Elroy Peters and Norman Kahlich. Wayne Tiffin read a poem in their honor. Page 30 – Hermann SonS newS – November 2013 www.hermannsons.org Shelby members celebrate Prinz Solms Lodge honors pioneers Couples celebrating October anniversaries at the Shelby Lodge No. 28 meeting were, from left, Doris and Robert Klingsporn, 57 years; Betty and Don Huebner, 50 years; Doris and Allen Christ, 43 years; and Lynette and Kenny Mueller, 61 years. Celebrating birthdays at the October Shelby Lodge No. 28 meeting were, seated, Edwin Kuehn, standing, Robert Klingsporn and Doris Voelkel. BULVERDE – Prinz Solms Lodge No. 136 met Oct. 13 and honored its pioneer members. Grand Vice PresidentSecretary/Treasurer Mary Beam was on hand to present the pins. Lorene Schmidt of New Braunfels received her 70-year pin. She has been a member since June 1, 1953. Mary Lou Forster of Bulverde received her 60-year pin. She has been a member since Nov. 8, 1953. Not able to attend were 60-year membership pin recipients Benno J. Lux Jr. of Burleson, a member since June 1, 1953; and Gilbert Offer Jr. of Seguin, a member since Aug. 10, 1953. Fifty-year membership pin recipients were Judy D. Weyel of San Antonio, a member since Jan. 16, 1963; Warren R. Kneupper of McCamey, a member since April 8, 1963; Nina Jane Russell of New Braunfels, a member since Sept. 23, 1963; and David Lee Lux of Burleson, a member since Oct. 18, 1963. Prinz Solms Lodge will host the Christmas party Sunday, Dec 8, at 2 p.m. at the Bulverde Community Center. A catered meal will be served and the Hill Country School of Dance students will be performing. There will be crafts for the children and Santa will pay a visit. The lodge will honor Bill Laubach with the 2013 Humanitarian Award. – Reporter Mary Lou Forster, center, receives her 60-year membership pin during the October Prinz Solms Lodge meeting. She is pictured with Grand Vice President-Secretary/Treasurer Mary Beam and lodge President Clifton Klabunde. Lorine Schmidt, center receives her 70-year membership pin during the October Prinz Solms Lodge meeting. She is pictured with Grand Vice President-Secretary/Treasurer Mary Beam and lodge President Clifton Klabunde. Rosenberg-Richmond Lodge members will gather on Dec. 9 ROSENBERG – On Nov. 11, Rosenberg-Richmond Lodge No. 85 met at the Rosenberg Civic Center. A catered meal of turkey, dressing, vegetables and dessert was served. W. Lee Hedt, Sharon Hedt, Alvis Schmidt, Edna Schmidt and Allen Stoeltje were in charge of the kitchen. Robbie Hartfiel gave the blessing. Sister Hartfiel gave a reading about Veteran’s Day. All veterans were asked to stand and were thanked for their service. Members celebrating birthdays in November were Calvin Lamensky, Joyce Lamensky, Ray Negrete, Cipriana Negrete, Allen Stoeltje, Milan Supak, Edna Schmidt, Angie Krueger and Sharon Hedt. W. Lee and Barbara Schmidt were appointed to the Humanitarian Award Committee. Officers elected for 2014 were, Calvin Lamensky, president; Barbara Schmidt, vice president; Loyce Anderson, secretary/ treasurer; W. Lee Hedt, three-year trustee and Florence Orsak, threeyear Finance Committee member. Special Representative Al Stryk thanked all the veterans for their service. He also talked about the installation of officers in January. He said the installation would include instructions and small workshops. A get-well card was sent to Virginia Stoeltje. W. Lee and Barbara Schmidt, W. Lee and Sharon Hedt, Bill and Doris Boyd, Marjorie Engelhardt, Nancy Roberson and Al and Marie Stryk donated door prizes. Attendance-prize winners were W. Lee Schmidt, Robbie Hartfiel, Marjorie Engelhardt, Gary Oberhoff and Ollie Whatley. The next meeting is Dec. 9. Chicken fried pork and dessert will be furnished. Members are asked to bring non-perishable food for the Helping Hands program. Members will play games. – Loyce Anderson Celebrating November birthdays at the Rosenberg-Richmond Lodge meeting were, from left, Allen Stoeltje, Milan Supak, Edna Schmidt, Angie Krueger, Sharon Hedt, Joyce Lamensky, Calvin Lamensky, Cipriana Negrete and Ray Negrete. November 2013 – Hermann SonS newS – Page 31 www.hermannsons.org Bellville welcomes new member, re-elects officers BELLVILLE – Ethan Jake Schumann was welcomed as the newest member of Bellville Lodge No. 11 at the Oct. 28 meeting. He is the grandson of Herbert and Laura Schumann and continues the family’s tradition of being a 100% Herman Sons Family. The program was presented by Jeff Barnhart who is the new administrator of the Bellville St. Joseph Hospital. Barnhart discussed the importance of having a high quality hospital in a small community such as Bellville. The Nominating Committee reported that all officers had accepted the invitation to serve another term as follows: president, Marie Herridge; vice president, Herbert Schumann; secretary/reporter, Laura Schumann; treasurer, Robert Herridge; trustees, Scott Schumann, Floyd Lamp and Allen Garling; and Finance Committee members, Jo Ann Hinze, Gladys Ueckert and Ruby Koehn. President Herridge appointed the following officers: guide, Robert Reinicke; inner guard, Allen Hintz; outer guard, Ruby Koehn; and Cheer Committee member, Emily Pfeffer. The next meeting will be held Dec. 23 with Ruby Koehn preparing the meat and all members asked to bring side dishes or desserts. All members and guests are encouraged to bring a $5 to $7 gift for a gift exchange. Children are asked to bring a gift for someone in their own age group. President Herridge reported that the lodge had received a certificate in recognition of its Join Hands Day project. The winners in the costume contest were first place, Doris Winners of the costume contest held at the October Bellville Lodge meeting were, from left, Laura Schumann, Patsy Marek, Doris Falkenberg and Marie Herridge. Bellville Lodge President Marie Herridge (aka Dorothy) welcomes new member Ethan Jake Schumann, son of Scott and Kelly Schumann. Pictured are, from left, President Herridge, Kelly Schumann, Ethan Jake Schumann, Luke Schumann and Scott Schumann. Marie and Robert (not pictured) Herridge and Gary and Doris Falkenberg celebrate October wedding anniversaries. Celebrating birthdays at the October Bellville Lodge meeting were, from left, Ruby Koehn, Doris Falkenberg and Herbert Schumann. Falkenberg; second place, Patsy Marek; third place, Marie Herridge; and fourth place, Laura Schumann. Celebrating birthdays were Robert and Marie Herridge. President Herridge thanked everyone for the food and refreshments. – Reporter Ruby Koehn, Jeff Barnhart and Doris Falkenberg, September; and Herbert Schuman, October. Celebrating anniversaries were Gary and Doris Falkenberg and DaCosta Lodge plans Christmas celebrations DaCOSTA – DaCosta Lodge No. 265 members met Tuesday, Nov. 12, and made final plans for the upcoming Christmas parties. The Youth Christmas Party is scheduled for Saturday, Dec. 14, at the lodge hall from 2 to 4 p.m. The dance students will perform and Santa has promised a visit. Monetary gifts will be presented to members of the lodge, ages 0 to 18, who are in attendance. Refreshments will be served. The Adult Christmas Party is scheduled for Sunday, Dec. 15, at the lodge hall. Doors will open at noon and a catered meal will be served at 1 p.m. The meal is free to all members and a spouse (or guest). You may bring additional guests for a fee of $8 per person. Let the lodge know how many will be attending so organizers know how many to expect. Please call Kainer at 575-5403 or Hajek at 575-1712 before Dec. 7. A silent auction is planned to benefit the Scholarship Fund. Please help if you can. In observance of Make a Difference Day, the lodge will accept items for the Victoria Christian Assistance Ministry (VCAM). Each member is asked to bring a canned good or donate $1 at the door. The lodge was informed that VCAM is also accepting clothing. If you prefer, you may want to donate some good, used clothing. VCAM gives all they receive to the needy. Heartfelt sympathy is extended to Alvin and Claudia Schoener and family, to Danielle, Gary and Mary Chavez and family and to Gary and Sarah Pribyl and family, all of whom have lost family members recently. Get-well wishes go out to Daniel Vyoral and Kathryn Kusak. The election of officers was held at the November meeting and the results will be announced in the December issue. Mary Ruth Kainer Jeff Barnhart was the guest speaker at the October Bellville Lodge meeting. Page 32– Hermann SonS newS – November 2013 www.hermannsons.org Lockhart honors pioneers, veterans at meeting LOCKHART – Lockhart Lodge No. 64 met Nov. 3 in the Chisholm Trail Barbecue Room with 35 members and guests present. Members were reminded that the Chinese Christmas party will be held Sunday, Dec. 1. Dickie Rutherford will head up the committee that will purchase gifts. Representing the Grand Lodge were Agent Janice Kuhen and Grand President/CEO Buddy Preuss and wife Elizabeth. Brother Preuss was there to present pioneer members with their pins. Rose Marie Turner received her 70-year pin. She served as the lodge’s president for 29 years and has been a member since Nov. 4, 1943. On hand for the presentation were Sister Turner’s son Steve and wife Pam, son David and wife Lydia, daughter Mary Ellen Barnes and granddaughter Christie Turner. Tim Schroeder and Chris Schneider received their 60-year membership pins. Brother Schroeder has been a member since April 15, 1953. Brother Schneider joined on Feb. 20, 1953. Their spouses were in attendance. Fifty-year membership pins had been mailed to Darrell Hess, a member since Oct. 6, 1963; and David Turner and Mary Ellen Barnes, both members since Sept. 11, 1963. The Nominating Committee presented the new slate of officers. Elected by acclamation were president, Ann Schroeder; vice president, Nicky Duewall; corresponding secretary, Debbie Pfefferkorn, financial secretary/treasurer, Ray Pfefferkorn; trustees, Darrell Hess, Rose Marie Turner and Dorothy Kuntschik; and Finance Committee mem- Veterans were honored at the November Lockhart Lodge meeting. They are (in no particular order) Hugo Schaarschmidt, Alf Seeliger, John Siemering, Rudy Schroeder, Chris Schneider, Doug Buckner and Fred Willms. bers Lenoa Rutherford, Bill Douglas Buckner and Mary Ann Cheatham. Appointed officers will be guide, Dorothy Buckner; inner guard, Paul Buckner; outer guard, Hugo Schaarschmidt; youth director, Carol Schuelke; assistant youth director, Nancy Hess; Cheer Committee, Lenoa Rutherford; and reporter, Lil Pfefferkorn. San Marcos Lodge No. 26 will host the installation of officers in January. A poster of the lodge’s “Make a Difference Day” project at the Habitat for Humanity house was displayed. Lodge members served sandwiches, chips, cookies, fruit and tea to a crew of 25. Welcomed as a new member was Reese Kyle Buckner. She is the daughter of member Landon Buckner and wife Emily, the granddaughter of members John and Joyce Buckner, the great-granddaughter of members Dorothy and Doug Buckner, the sister of member Braden Buckner and the niece of member Paul Buckner. Sister Kuhen gave out updat- Celebrating birthdays at the November Lockhart Lodge meeting were (in no particular order) Ann Schroeder, Anna Katherine Duewall, Margie Bozarth, Alf Seeliger, Hugo Schaarschmidt, Dickie Rutherford, John Siemering, Darrell Hess and Paul Buckner. Winners of door prizes at the Lockhart Lodge November meeting were Ann Schroeder, Lydia Turner and Grand President Buddy Preuss. ed brochures and talked about the many benefits of membership in Hermann Sons. Veterans honored were Hugo Schaarschmidt, Alf Seeliger, John Siemering, Rudy Schroeder, Chris Schneider, Doug Buckner and Fred Willms. Celebrating November birthdays were Ann Schroeder, Anna Katherine Duewall, Margie Bozarth, Alf Seeliger, Hugo Schaarschmidt, Dickie Pioneer members were honored at the November Lockhart Lodge meeting. They are Darrell Hess, David Turner, Chris Schneider, Rose Marie Turner (in front of Grand President Buddy Preuss), Tim Schroeder and Mary Ellen Barnes. Rutherford, John Siemering, Darrell Hess and Paul Buckner. Brother Preuss announced that Karoline Pfefferkorn from Lockhart Lodge is now the Events Coordinator in the Fraternal Department at the Grand Lodge. She graduated from the University of Missouri and is the daughter of Ray Womack to hold Christmas party on Dec. 9 WOMACK – Womack Lodge No. 135 members gathered on Sunday afternoon, Nov. 3, at the lodge hall and made plans for the Christmas party. It will be held at noon on Dec. 9 at the hall. Reservations are needed, so call the Crawsons or the Rueters. The election of officers was held and all incumbents were re-elected and are as follows: Joe Crawson, president; Edwin Conrad, vice president; Calvin Rueter, secretary/treasurer; Nadine Conrad, trustee; and Dorothy Conrad, Finance Committee member. The appointment of officers will be held soon. The Cheer Committee reported sending a sympathy card to Dorothy Symank following the death of her husband, Hermann. He was a faithful member of the lodge and a good domino player. A moment of silence was observed in his memory. Several repair projects were discussed with no action taken. A letter from Grand President Buddy Preuss was read concerning district installation and officer train- ing. Paper goods were collected for Make a Difference Day and will be delivered to the Clifton Food Bank. The attendance-prize winner was Mildred Conrad. Refreshments closed out the day’s activities. See you at the Christmas party Dec. 9 at noon. – Calvin Rueter and Debbie Pfefferkorn and the granddaughter of Dorothy and Doug Buckner and Lil and the late Beaver Pfefferkorn. She has worked at Hermann Sons Youth Camp for many years. Door prize winners were Ann Schroeder, Lydia Turner and Buddy Preuss. – Lil Pfefferkorn Coupland party set for Dec. 9 COUPLAND – Coupland Lodge No. 113 will celebrate Christmas with a party on Monday, Dec. 9, at 2 p.m. at the Coupland Fire Station. Members are asked to bring prizes for games and snacks for refreshments. Officers will be elected. All members are encouraged to come and join the fun. – Reporter November 2013 – Hermann SonS newS – Page 33 www.hermannsons.org El Campo to participate in Wounded Warrior project EL CAMPO – El Campo Lodge No. 87 met Saturday, Oct. 26, in the Thomas Edison Room at WCEC. Members and guests enjoyed a light lunch of sandwiches, chips, cookies and tea. Chris Burns was welcomed as a new member. Cindy Witcher addressed the group about a special project for the Wounded Warriors. She explained that the Cedar Chest Quilt Shoppe is putting together pillowcase kits and local quilters will be making the pillowcases. A pillowcase will be presented to each participant in the Wounded Warriors Fishing Tournament to be held in Port O’Connor in May 2014. The lodge then agreed to purchase 12 of the pillowcase kits to be donated to the Wounded Warriors or donate $100. Members also agreed to donate $100 to the local Disabled Veterans organization to help with expenses for transporting veterans to the Veteran’s Hospital in Houston. The winners of the 35 prizes in the scholarship fund-raiser were chosen. On hand to assist President Dennis Wigginton and Vice President Donald Wigginton with the drawing Posing with some of the donated prizes given away in the El Campo Lodge Scholarship Drawing are, from left, Wade Newton, Ruby Wigginton, Dennis Wigginton, Donald Wigginton and Shorty Sablatura. were junior members Adryanna Manzano, Cynthia Garcia and Sky Garcia. The lodge raised $4,182 for the scholarship fund. Recipients will be announced in May 2014. President Dennis Wigginton reminded everyone that the success of this event is possible due to the support of local merchants and lodge members who donate the prizes. A special “thank you” goes to Vice President Donald Wigginton for his efforts in obtaining donors and prizes for the drawing. Rice Marketing Association of El Campo provided door prizes. The next meeting will be held Saturday, Dec. 7, at 6 p.m. at the Best Steakhouse and Seafood Restaurant in El Campo. – Reporter Plans Christmas party for Dec. 8 Paige serves breakfast to firefighters PAIGE – Paige Lodge No. 154 will celebrate Christmas with a party and lunch at the St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church Fellowship Hall beginning at 12 noon on Sunday, Dec. 8. At the October meeting, members agreed to spend the lodge’s subsidy check on the party and to invite members of the Paige Volunteer Fire Department, Paige 4-H Club, Paige Lions Club and the church’s congregation. The lodge celebrated Make A Difference Day by preparing breakfast tacos and furnishing drinks for the Paige Volunteer Fire Department and barbecue helpers. A lodge meeting was held after the taco breakfast. The Cheer Committee reported sending a get-well card to Gertrude Eschberger and sympathy cards to Jim and Marilyn Meinke and Olefia Saegert fol- Junior members Cynthia Garcia, Sky Garcia and Adryanna Manzano and adults Cathy Garcia and Dennis Wigginton enjoy a light lunch during the October El Campo Lodge meeting. Adryanna Manzano helps stir up the tickets as Dennis Wigginton prepares to pull the winning tickets in the El Campo Lodge Scholarship Drawing. In observance of Make a Difference Day, members of Paige Lodge made breakfast tacos for the Paige Volunteer Fire Department. lowing the loss of their uncle and brother, Monroe Maass. The winner of the prize drawing was Ernie Voight. Later that afternoon mem- bers gathered at the Paige VFD Station and enjoyed the barbecue dinner served by members of the fire department. – Linda Ihlo Members of the Paige Volunteer Fire Department get their breakfast tacos during the Paige Lodge Make a Difference Day project. Page 34 – Hermann SonS newS – November 2013 www.hermannsons.org Cibolo Lodge to meet again Jan. 9 at Lutheran Church CIBOLO – Cibolo Lodge No. 147 held its final regular meeting of 2013 at Harmon’s BarB-Que in Cibolo. Beginning with the Jan. 9 meeting, Cibolo Lodge will be meeting at Christ the King Lutheran Church, 1129 Pat Booker Rd. in Universal City. Dinner is served at 7 p.m. and the business meeting follows. The lodge Christmas party will be held Sunday, Dec. 8, at the Schertz Community Center, Building 3, Schertz, beginning at 4 p.m. Dinner, drinks awards and socializing are on the agenda! Tickets can be purchased from any lodge member. There will be a photo opportunity, so wear your favorite Christmas sweater! Members are asked to bring a dessert to share. All those attending are asked to bring non-perishable goods for donation to Randolph Area Christian Assistance Program (RACAP) for its holiday gift baskets. Prize drawing tickets are available! They are six for $5 and all proceeds go to benefit the Scholarship Fund. There are more than 50 prizes. Tickets can be purchased from any lodge member. Members were reminded that the installation of officers would be held on Saturday, Jan. 11, at the American Legion Post No. 245 Hall, 618 E. Kingsbury St., Seguin. The Winners of attendance prizes at the November meeting of Cibolo Lodge were, from left, Tina Ynfante, Cheyanne Kuhlmann and John Gray. Agent Tina Ynfante holds the newest member of Cibolo Lodge, Brenley Bierstedt. who will serve as the new president and vice president, respectively. Lodge members would like to extend a special thank-you to longtime President John Gray who has done an outstanding job representin Cibolo Lodge for the past 12 years. Brother Gray will continue to be an active member of Cibolo Lodge, but is passing his gavel into Sister Rakowitz’s capable hands! Attendance prize winners were Tina Ynfante, John Gray and Cheyanne Kuhlman. Those celebrating birthdays in November are Kyle Kuhlman, Alvin Schulz and Hunter Stephens. – Joy Brown Celebrating November birthdays at the Cibolo Lodge meeting were, from left, Kyle Kuhlmann, Hunter Stephens and Alvin Schulz. installation will be hosted by Stern Lodge No. 143 beginning at 3 p.m. Welcomed as new members were Brenley Rose Bierstedt and Sophie Marie Zimmerman. Brenley is the daughter of Dawn and Johnathan Bierstedt. This makes them a 100% Family! Dorothy Schneider reported that notes were sent to Rodney Seiler, celebrating his 50 years as a Hermann Sons member, and to Shirley Zimmerman who is celebrating her 60 years of membership. A birthday card was sent to Florence Noethlich, celebrating his 88th birthday. Congratulations go to Sherry Rakowitz and Tina Ynfante La Grange Lodge elects officers for coming year LA GRANGE – La Grange Lodge No. 8 met Nov. 7 at the Riverside Cafe. Everyone enjoyed the buffet luncheon. The officers for 2014 were elected and will be president, Calvin Lange; vice president, Sanford Schmid; secretary, Roselyn Vasut; treasurer, Calvin Kuehn; trustees, Claude Mertz, Mannie Fritsch Schmid and Ruby Tielsch; and Finance Committee members, Frank Menefee, Diane Menefee and Jerlene Moellenberndt. Appointed officers will be guide, Myrtle Friemel; inner guard, Sylvia Mertz; outer guard, Mildred L. Warnken; Cheer Committee members, Allyne Voss and Iva Wolff; and reporter, Roselyn Vasut President Lange reminded members of the installation to be held in Rutersville on Jan. 8 and of the lodge Christmas party to be held at the Riverside Cafe on Dec. 1. Thomas Petras was welcomed as a new member. He and wife Melissa were in attendance. Agent Charlene Meinen and husband Weldon also attended. The lodge received a note of thanks from the Grand Lodge for the donation to the Retirement Home Christmas Fund. – Reporter Deanville will host 2014 installation DEANVILLE – Deanville Lodge No. 301 members have had a busy year. Members of the lodge also are members of the local volunteer fire department, the Deanville Lutheran Church and many other community organizations. The year started with the Lutheran Church German Fest in May. The lodge held its annual Fourth of July Barbecue and in September members celebrated the lodge’s 100th anniversary. In October, the fire department fund-raiser was held. It has been a lot of work, but fun too. The lodge will also host the 2014 District 17 installation of officers. Please plan to attend Prizewinners from Deanville Lodge are pictured along with the birthday honorees. if you are an elected or an appointed officer. A get-well card was sent to Lil Faust. She is wished a speedy recovery. A sympathy card was sent to the Kreneks following the death of their loved ones. “Happy Birthday” wishes go out to Bennie Jones, J.D. Lambrecht and Greg Gibson. Viola Bartek provided prizes for October and Tammy Jones provided prizes in November. Janet Phillips served wrap-arounds after the October meeting with everyone getting two free drinks. – Reporter November 2013 – Hermann SonS newS – Page 35 www.hermannsons.org Marketing Grand Vice President-MarketinG timothy P. kolbe 210-527-9113 or 1-877-437-6266 or 1-888-839-7667 MarketinG anaLYst ana Vasquez, Fic, FLMi, acs, airc 210-527-9113 or 1-877-437-6266 or 1-888-839-7667 adMinistratiVe assistant Megan Valdez 210-527-9113 or 1-877-437-6266 or 1-888-839-7667 sPeciaL rePresentatiVes Gary R. Falkenberg, FICF ..... Houston.............. 713-466-6069 or 979-530-3059 (cell) Carol Krauss, FIC ................. San Antonio ........ 210-725-4106 or 830-914-3383 (cell) or email: carolk@texashermannsons.org Teresa Saathoff .................... San Antonio ........ 210-276-0361 or 210-422-6996 (cell) Russell Swize ...................... Karnes City ......... 830-780-4053 or 830-299-1964 (cell) Alfred Stryk, FICF, LUTCF .... Pearland ............. 281-485-4095 Marilyn Vogt, FIC ................ Boerne ................ 210-630-9874 email: marilynv@texashermannsons.org Roster of Agents (alphabetized by area) name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Hometown . . . . . Phone Pruski, Roxy . . . . . . . . . . .Adkins. . . . . . . . . 210-667-1995 Krueger, Eulla May . . . . . .Atascosa . . . . . . . 830-985-3643 Faske, Shirley Kuhen . . . . .Austin . . . . . . . . . 512-288-7326 Skanse, Richard . . . . . . . . .Austin/Buda. . . . . 512-923-7514 Skanse, Susan . . . . . . . . . .Austin/Buda. . . . . 512-312-2431 Heath, Eileen - FIC . . . . . .Bandera. . . . . . . . 210-392-0761 Heath, Paul – FIC . . . . . . .Bandera. . . . . . . . 210-392-0760 Laechelin, H.H. Jr.. . . . . . .Beeville . . . . . . . . 361-358-1615 Herridge, Robert . . . . . . . .Bellville. . . . . . . . 979-865-3702 Maertz, Terrel . . . . . . . . . .Bernardo/Columbus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 979-732-1727 Behrendt, Carl . . . . . . . . . .Boerne/Fair Oaks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210-422-1159 Rozacky, Lisa. . . . . . . . . . .Boerne . . . . . . . . 210-838-3306 Akin, Katherine – FIC . . . .Bryan . . . . . . . . . 979-823-8625 Blinka, Donnie . . . . . . . . .Caldwell . . . . . . 979-596-1309 Duncan, Sandra . . . . . . . .Canyon Lake . . . . 830-905-3233 Mockert, Kimberly Ann . . .Canyon Lake . . . . 210-218-5149 Boehme, Glenford – FIC . .Castroville . . . . . . 830-931-3227 Schulmeier, Judith – FIC . .Cibolo/Schertz. . . 210-667-1938 Bruns, Normagene – FIC . .Comfort . . . . . . . 830-995-3980 Merchant, Jean . . . . . . . . .Comfort. . . . . . . . 830-995-3396 Boenig, Dan . . . . . . . . . . .Converse . . . . . . . 210-705-1815 Brandon, Frank . . . . . . . . .Corpus Christi . . 361-241-5593 Hunt, DeWayne . . . . . . . .Corpus Christi . . . 361-242-3183 Hunt, Lena Pearl . . . . . . . .Corpus Christi . . . 361-241-0940 Tiffin, Laura . . . . . . . . . . . .Cuero . . . . . . . . . 361-275-8421 Tiffin, Wayne . . . . . . . . . . .Cuero . . . . . . . . . 361-275-8421 Burnett, Jimmy . . . . . . . . .Dallas . . . . . . . . . 972-514-2301 Carroll, Melody . . . . . . . . .Dallas . . . . . . . . . 214-766-2457 Manning, Tammy . . . . . . .Dallas/Rockwall . 469-682-2118 Martin, Patrick . . . . . . . . . .Dallas . . . . . . . . . 315-834-2679 Fritz, Pat – FIC . . . . . . . . .Del Rio . . . . . . . 432-292-4483 Stricker, Dianna "Dee". . . .Devine . . . . . . . . 210-414-0293 Matlock, Sam . . . . . . . . . .Edna/Jackson Co. 361-782-3206 Wigginton, Dennis . . . . . .El Campo . . . . . . 832-278-9636 Wigginton, Donald . . . . . .El Campo . . . . . . 361-293-9937 Krieg, Frances . . . . . . . . . .Elgin . . . . . . . . . . 512-281-2735 Gill, Tammy R. . . . . . . . . .Ellinger . . . . . . . . 713-478-8917 Cutsinger, Elizabeth . . . . . .Floresville/Poth . . 830-484-2285 Roemer, Shirley . . . . . . . . .Floresville . . . . . . 830-237-2115 Wiede, Lynn . . . . . . . . . . .Floresville . . . . . . 830-393-9663 Jones, Sandra Kay – FIC. . .Fort Worth . . . . . 817-295-2666 Duecker, Windy . . . . . . . . Fredericksburg. . . 830-997-2983 Henke, Dennis . . . . . . . . .Fredericksburg . . 830-997-5290 Huepers, Richard . . . . . . .Galveston/Texas City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 409-771-5716 Caron, Sheila. . . . . . . . . . .George West . . . . 361-449-3034 Caron, Tracy . . . . . . . . . . .George West . . . . 361-449-0348 Klein, Bradley . . . . . . . . . .Georgetown . . . . 512-497-0678 Chilek, Loretta – FIC . . . . .Giddings . . . . . . . 979-542-2806 Kieschnick, Linda – FIC . . .Giddings . . . . . . . 979-542-5224 Polasek, Bobbie . . . . . . . .Gonzales . . . . . . 830-672-6317 Polasek, Greg . . . . . . . . . .Gonzales. . . . . . . 830-540-4812 Wolf, David. . . . . . . . . . . .Graham/Wichita Falls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 940-549-1281 Embrey, Jim - FIC. . . . . . . .Highland Lakes . . 830-598-8156 Payne, Debbie . . . . . . . . . .Hondo. . . . . . . . . 830-741-0642 Saathoff, Howard. . . . . . . .Hondo. . . . . . . . . 830-741-2170 Saathoff, Stacy . . . . . . . . . .Hondo. . . . . . . . . 830-426-5825 Ziemnicki, Gerald M. . . . .Houston . . . . . . . 713-622-9001 Weiss, Gilbert – FIC . . . . .Johnson City . . . . 830-868-5567 Craig, Valerie C. . . . . . . . .Jourdanton . . . . . 830-769-3128 Vick, Valerie M.. . . . . . . . .Jourdanton . . . . . 210-748-5598 Wiede, Lillian – FIC. . . . . .Jourdanton . . . . . 830-769-3481 Terp, Diane . . . . . . . . . . . .Karnes City/Seguin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 830-379-0170 Cluck, David E. . . . . . . . . .Kaufman/Ennis . . 972-932-6284 Muehlstein, Mary E. . . . . .Kerrville . . . . . . . 830-896-5750 Lambrecht, M.H. – FIC . . .Kirby . . . . . . . . . 210-661-3800 Netherton, Angela . . . . . . .Kirby . . . . . . . . . . 210-831-1293 Dicke, Hank Jr. . . . . . . . . .Knippa . . . . . . . . 830-486-5308 Bippert, Roger . . . . . . . . . .La Coste . . . . . . . 210-473-4936 Meinen, Charlene . . . . . . .La Grange . . . . . . 979-968-6049 Tanneberger, Sharon – FIC La Vernia . . . . . . 830-779-4641 Tanneberger, Marlin, FIC . .La Vernia . . . . . . . 830-779-4641 Bielke, Lorene – FIC . . . . .Marion . . . . . . . . 830-420-2380 Croley, Charles . . . . . . . . .Maxwell . . . . . . . 512-357-6638 Wolf, Albert H. . . . . . . . . .McGregor . . . . . . 254-848-2052 Bosse, Carol – FIC . . . . . . .Needville . . . . . . 979-793-4777 Carley, Becki . . . . . . . . . . .New Braunfels . . 830-214-6365 Gagliardi, Cecilia "CC" . . .New Braunfels . . 830-620-1060 Huebinger, Shirley . . . . . .New Braunfels . . 830-822-1942 Muehlstein, Rhonda – FIC New Braunfels . . 830-980-3162 Salge, Josh. . . . . . . . . . . . .New Braunfels . . 830-708-6611 Salge, Raymond H. . . . . . .New Braunfels . . 830-625-6789 Salge, Timothy . . . . . . . . .New Braunfels . . 830-625-4816 Janicek, Blake . . . . . . . . . .Nixon-Smiley . . . 830-582-1581 Gebert, Paula. . . . . . . . . . .Orange Grove . . . 361-384-2375 Dube, RaChelle. . . . . . . . .Paige . . . . . . . . . . 512-740-3518 Dubcak, Julius . . . . . . . . . .Pflugerville . . . . . 512-272-8393 Wiede, Robert M. . . . . . . .Pleasanton. . . . . . 830-569-4590 Spencer, Sarah. . . . . . . . . .Port Lavaca . . . . . 361-552-9403 Walraven, Nancy Annette .Port Lavaca . . . . . 361-552-9403 Witzsche, Ruth M. – FIC .Priddy . . . . . . . . . 325-966-3757 York, Judy Marie . . . . . . . .Rockdale . . . . . . . 512-446-5914 Lamensky, Joyce . . . . . . . .Rosenberg . . . . . . 281-342-5174 Mattocks, Linda . . . . . . . . .Round Top/Rutersville . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 979-278-3277 Halfmann, Kay F.. . . . . . . .Rowena. . . . . . . . 325-442-4731 Abell, Philip A. . . . . . . . . .San Antonio . . . . 210-771-1213 Bailey, Ruth . . . . . . . . . . . .San Antonio . . . . 210-602-5147 Gaffney, Martin . . . . . . . . .San Antonio . . . . 210-861-3676 Hess, Katherine . . . . . . . . .San Antonio . . . . 210-490-1520 Hoog, John . . . . . . . . . . . .San Antonio . . . . 210-226-8801 Irwin, Darlene . . . . . . . . . .San Antonio . . . . 210-521-5204 Klabunde, Clifton – FIC . . .San Antonio . . . . 830-980-4020 Larned, Jack O., Jr. . . . . . .San Antonio . . . . 210-646-6500 McNeel, Jim . . . . . . . . . . .San Antonio . . . . 210-601-2097 Moya, Emma . . . . . . . . . . .San Antonio . . . . 210-344-3935 Saathoff, Doug . . . . . . . . .San Antonio . . . . 210-276-0361 Sterner, Greg . . . . . . . . . . .San Antonio . . . . 210-363-0373 Trejo, Veronica . . . . . . . . .San Antonio . . . . 210-710-0932 Kuhen, Janice . . . . . . . . . .San Marcos . . . . . 512-396-5337 Seifert, Mary K. . . . . . . . .Schulenburg/Weimar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 979-743-0312 Schwertner, Irene. . . . . . . .Schwertner . . . . . 254-527-4470 Griffin, Joanie . . . . . . . . . .Sealy . . . . . . . . . . 979-398-0706 Perkovich, Susan Kay. . . . .Seguin . . . . . . . . . 830-303-3496 Roecker, Annette D.. . . . . .Seguin . . . . . . . . . 830-832-0724 Witten, Larry . . . . . . . . . . .Seguin . . . . . . . . . 830-303-5564 Ynfante, Tina B. . . . . . . . . .Seguin . . . . . . . . . 210-859-1973 Jiral, Frank . . . . . . . . . . . . .Shiner . . . . . . . . . 361-594-2553 Scheler, Nelson . . . . . . . . .Smithville . . . . . . 512-798-7038 Prewitt, Robert . . . . . . . . .Spring/Montgomery County . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 832-541-5102 Gass, Gloria . . . . . . . . . . .Spring Branch . . 830-885-4405 Reeves, Jennifer . . . . . . . . .Spring Branch . . . 210-416-3410 Luensmann, Dorothy – FIC St. Hedwig . . . . . 830-914-3160 Wiatrek, Ronald . . . . . . . .Stockdale . . . . . . 830-996-3005 Teichelman, Howard Jr. . . .Taylor . . . . . . . . . 512-365-1991 Thigpen, Laura . . . . . . . . .Victoria/Yoakum . 361-676-8307 Jungman, Bob . . . . . . . . . .Yoakum . . . . . . . . 361-293-7224 Langhoff, John . . . . . . . . . .Yoakum . . . . . . . . 361-293-6159 Wolf, Judy . . . . . . . . . . . .Yorktown. . . . . . . 361-564-2452 Page 36– Hermann SonS newS – November 2013 Hermann Sons Future Club www.hermannsons.org Shining Stars MILES SCHULZE is a member of Marion Lodge No. 74. He is in first grade. His favorite food is shrimp and he likes to watch baseball games on TV. Miles has a pet dog, Astro. His activities include baseball, basketball and soccer. BROOKE BORTH is a member of Pershing Lodge No. 160. She is in second grade. Her favorite food is mac and cheese and her favorite TV show is "Jesse." Brooke has a pet cat, Rowdy. Her activities include dance, swimming and playing outside. THOMAS MOLER is a member of Boerne Lodge No. 25. He is in seventh grade. His favorite foods are cheeseburgers and pasta and his favorite TV show is "Brain Games." Thomas has two pet dogs, Champ and Bella. His activities include football, baseball, basketball, reading and Boy Scouts. PEYTON M. PRICE is a member of Bandera County Lodge No. 81. She is in eighth grade. Her favorite food is chicken and her favorite TV show is "Dance Moms." Peyton has a pet cat and a dog, Timmy. Her activities include volleyball, basketball, dance and cheer. ALYSSA LIPPY is a member of Bandera County Lodge No. 81. She is in third grade. Her favorite food is pizza and her favorite TV show is "Good Luck Charlie." Alyssa has pet dogs, Princess and Tank. Her activities include swimming. COOPER BORTH is a member of Pershing Lodge No. 160. He is in fourth grade. His favorite food is cheese pizza and his favorite TV show is "Adventure Time." Cooper has a pet pig, Fudge Junior. His activities include 4-H, video games and swimming. ELIZABETH ANN MAYS is a member of Seguin Lodge No. 37. She is in second grade. Her favorite food is ice cream and her favorite TV show is "Wipe Out." Elizabeth has a pet dog, Dee Dee. Her activities include dance, soccer and cheerleading. ELI BLANSITT is a member of Schulenburg Lodge No. 14. His favorite foods are pizza, chocolate and nuggets. His favorite TV shows are "Transformers" and "Smurfs." Eli has two pet cats, Ricky and Louise. His activities include baseball and riding his toy Jeep. You can be a Shining Star too! Just send us a photo of yourself (that we can keep) and fill out this form and send to: HSFI – Laura Adams, P.O. Box 1941, San Antonio, TX 78297. Name: Birthday: Home Phone: Daytime Phone: 6. dsensigr 2. ranerribesc 7. tuknfhla 3. sfeta 8. yrutke 4. npiumpk ipe 9. esttoaop 5. iyamlf 10. risdfne Color fun! Help the turkey escape into the woods Address: City: Unscramble the Thanksgiving Day words 1. rtveahs Zip: E-mail Address: Grade in school: Favorite Food: Pets: Favorite TV Show: Activities: It is OK with my parents that I am featured as a “Hermann’s Shining Star” in the Hermann Sons newspaper, website and any other advertising publications. Parent’s Signature: I am a member of Lodge No. Certificate No. Answers to puzzles on Pg. 14.