Handprints in plaster
Handprints in plaster
You will need: TFF1505 Earthenware Clay At Hobby Ceramicraft we are committed to helping you grow your business. Plaster handprints are proving exceptionally popular! An interesting and simple process for you to add to the services you offer—and no firing required. TL200 Brilliant Gold Wax Metallic TL204 Brilliant Silver Wax Metallic or other colour as desired HC159 Plaster for Mould Making HC221 Brass Surround ICER8 Round Brush #8 Unfinished Wooden Board Flat Battens (approx 1cm thick) Cutting Tool Rolling Pin ld! + chi Shape your clay into a ball to eliminate any air pockets. Flatten it out on your working area with your hand. Place the battens along each side of your working surface, 25-30cm apart. Your rolling pin should be able to balance on the battens. Roll your clay out putting pressure on the battens, not the clay - cut away any excess and put aside. Decide where you want your first handprint to be, and guide the hand onto the clay. Press the heel of the hand gently, but firmly, into the clay, then the palm and each finger in turn. You can make it fun for kids by counting the fingers with them! By pressing in the heel of the hand first, you ensure an even print. Repeat as necessary. Whilst the clay is still damp, form your brass surround into the shape you desire—it doesn’t have to be round—why not try a star shape or a heart? Arrange the brass shim on top of the clay and when you are happy with the positioning, press down into the clay surface to secure it. Mix up your plaster using a ratio of 100:55 plaster to water. Once fully mixed, pour the plaster into the area over the clay print. For more details on this technique, please contact: Tel: 0118 9326153 E-mail: order@hobbyceramicraft.co.uk www.hobbyceramicraft.co.uk PLASTER HANDPRINTS Test the plaster to check if it is dry by gently pressing the surface with the handle of your paintbrush. Cut the excess clay away from your brass surround and gently remove it from the plaster—you should be left with a solid plaster print with the clay adhering to the plaster surface. Gently tease a small area of the clay away from the plaster. You should find it comes away very easily. Remove any last vestiges of clay using your cutting tool. DECORATING YOUR PRINTS You have a huge range of option for decorating your hand and footprints. Clean up around the edge of the print using a knife then go round with a damp cloth to remove any rough edges. You can use an acrylic colour to go over the whole piece, such as white or eggshell, and then go over the highlights using a darker colour and dry-brushing it to pick out the indentations. Here we have gone even more simple, and just used wax metallics, applied with a fingertip and then buffed to a beautiful shine. Write a message around the side, or tint the background to make the print stand out. There’s no end to the ways you can decorate these pieces. For more details on this technique, please contact: Tel: 0118 9326153 E-mail: order@hobbyceramicraft.co.uk www.hobbyceramicraft.co.uk Leave plaster to dry for at least 8-10 minutes. There is a great way to capitalise on that clay-print sale, and it’s so easy to do! When the customer comes in, instead of just doing one print, why not do three? + + = £££ Initially you don’t need to charge for the extra two prints - you can tell the customer you are just doing them for insurance—and what a good idea that is! How many times have you completed that one-off commission piece to find that it cracks in the final firing, or sticks to the shelf? It’s always best to do more than one to cover yourself. Using our clay and glazes, faults are uncommon, but correcting them can cost you time and extra effort. Decorating all three pieces won’t take you much more time than decorating the first one, and if they are all successful, you can offer them to the customer at a discounted rate. The take-up rate with studios that do this is VERY high! There are always other friends and family members to give these to as presents, and customers don’t like to walk away from those treasured pieces. And if you don’t get the extra sale? You have sample pieces ready to display in your studio and elsewhere, so none of your effort will be wasted. For more details on this technique, please contact: Tel: 0118 9326153 E-mail: order@hobbyceramicraft.co.uk www.hobbyceramicraft.co.uk Add-On Sales Opportunity
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