Reaching Interactive Media Audiences - Elon University
Reaching Interactive Media Audiences - Elon University
Reaching Interactive Media Audiences Crowdsourced from online resources Edited by Janna Quitney Anderson July 2009 2 1. Spreadable media in a digital age Henry Jenkins, MIT and University of Southern California professor and expert on convergence culture, and several of his colleagues are building a new digital media approach to audience theory. (This is a print version; for link to an online version: This is an eight-post, in-depth look at how information is shared today. It was originally written as a white paper by Jenkins, Xiaochang Li, and Ana Domb Krauskopf with assistance from Joshua Green. You have to read all eight posts to get the complete context of the content. This sketch for a book was made available to us under fair use. In explanation, the authors write: “We are proposing an alternative model which we think better accounts for how and why media content circulates at the present time, the idea of spreadable media. A spreadable model emphasizes the activity of consumers - or what Grant McCracken calls "multipliers" - in shaping the circulation of media content, often expanding potential meanings and opening up brands to unanticipated new markets. Rather than emphasizing the direct replication of "memes," a spreadable model assumes that the repurposing and transformation of media content adds value, allowing media content to be localized to diverse contexts of use. This notion of spreadability is intended as a contrast to older models of “stickiness” which emphasize centralized control over distribution and attempts to maintain purity of message. This is important content. Read it well. If It Doesn’t Spread, It’s Dead Introduction: Media Viruses and Memes Use of the terms "viral" and "memes" by those in the marketing, advertising and media industries may be creating more confusion than clarity. Both these terms rely on a biological metaphor to explain the way media content moves through cultures, a metaphor that confuses the actual power relations between producers, properties, brands, and consumers. Definitions of "viral" media suffer from being both too limiting and too allencompassing. The term has "viral" has been used to describe so many related but ultimately distinct practices - ranging from Word-of-Mouth marketing to video mash-ups and remixes posted to YouTube - that just what counts as viral is unclear. It is invoked in discussions about buzz marketing and building brand recognition while also popping up in discussions about guerilla marketing, exploiting social networks, and mobilizing consumers and distributors. Needless, the concept of viral distribution is useful for understanding the emergence of a spreadable media landscape. Ultimately, however, viral media is a flawed way to think about distributing content through informal or ad hoc networks of consumers. 3 Talking about memes and viral media places an emphasis on the replication of the original idea, which fails to consider the everyday reality of communication ‐ that ideas get transformed, repurposed, or distorted as they pass from hand to hand, a process which has been accelerated as we move into network culture. Arguably, those ideas that survive are those that can be most easily appropriated and reworked by a range of different communities. In focusing on the involuntary transmission of ideas by unaware consumers, these models allow advertisers and media producers to hold onto an inflated sense of their own power to shape the communication process, even as unruly behavior by consumers becomes a source of great anxiety within the media industry. A close look at particular examples of Internet "memes" or "viruses" highlight the ways they have mutated as they have traveled through an increasingly participatory culture. Given these limitations, we are proposing an alternative model which we think better accounts for how and why media content circulates at the present time, the idea of spreadable media. A spreadable model emphasizes the activity of consumers - or what Grant McCracken calls "multipliers" - in shaping the circulation of media content, often expanding potential meanings and opening up brands to unanticipated new markets. Rather than emphasizing the direct replication of "memes," a spreadable model assumes that the repurposing and transformation of media content adds value, allowing media content to be localized to diverse contexts of use. This notion of spreadability is intended as a contrast to older models of stickiness that emphasize centralized control over distribution and attempts to maintain "purity" of message. In this section, we will explore the roots of the concept of viral media, looking at the concept of the "media viruses" and its ties to the theory of the "meme." The reliance on a potent biological metaphor to describe the process of communication reflects a particular set of assumptions about the power relations between producers, texts, and consumers that may obscure the realities these terms seek to explain. The metaphor of "infection" reduces consumers to the involuntary "hosts" of media viruses, while holding onto the idea that media producers can design "killer" texts which can ensure circulation by being injected directly into the cultural "bloodstream." While attractive, such a notion doesn't reflect the complexity of cultural and communicative processes. A continued dependency on terms based in biological phenomena dramatically limits our ability to adequately describe media circulation as a complex system of social, technological, textual, and economic practices and relations. In the following, we will outline the limits of these two analogies as part of making the case for the importance of adopting a new model for thinking about the grassroots circulation of content in the current media landscape. In the end, we are going to propose that these concepts be retired in favor of a new framework - Spreadable Media. 4 Definitional Fuzziness Consider what happened when a group of advertising executives sat down to discuss the concept of viral media, a conversation which demonstrates the confusion about what viral media might be, about what it is good for, and why it's worth thinking about. One panelist began by suggesting viral media referred to situations "where the marketing messaging was powerful enough that it spread through the population like a virus," a suggestion the properties of viral media lie in the message itself, or perhaps in those who crafted that message. The second, on the other hand, described viral media in terms of the activity of consumers: "Anything you think is cool enough to send to your friends, that's viral." Later in the same exchange, he suggested "Viral, just by definition, is something that gets passed around by people." As the discussion continued, it became clearer and clearer that viral media, like art and pornography, lies in the eye of the beholder. No one knew for sure why any given message "turned viral," though there was lots of talk about "designing the DNA" of viral properties and being "organic" to the communities through which messages circulated. To some degree, it seemed the strength of a viral message depends on "how easy is it to pass," suggesting viralness has something to do with the technical properties of the medium, yet quickly we were also told that it had to do with whether the message fit into the ongoing conversations of the community: "If you're getting a ton of negative comments, maybe you're not talking about it in the right place." By the end of the exchange, no one could sort out what is meant by "viral media" or what metrics should be deployed to measure its success. This kind of definitional fuzziness makes it increasingly difficult to approach the process analytically. Without certainty about what set of practices the term refers to, it is impossible to attempt to understand how and why such practices work. As already noted, the reliance on a biological metaphor to explain the way communication takes place - through practices of "infection" - represents the first dificulty with the notion of viral media. The attraction of the infection metaphor is twofold: • It reduces consumers, often the most unpredictable variable in the sendermessage-receiver frame, to involuntary "hosts" of media viruses. • While holding onto the idea that media producers can design "killer" texts which can ensure circulation by being injected directly into the cultural "bloodstream." Douglas Rushkoff's 1994 book Media Virus may not have invented the term "viral media," but his ideas eloquently describe the way these texts are popularly held to behave. The media virus, Rushkoff argues, is a Trojan horse, that surreptitiously brings messages into our homes - messages can be encoded into a form people are compelled to pass along and share, allowing the embedded meanings, buried inside like DNA, to "infect" and spread, like a pathogen. There is an implicit and often explicit proposition that this spread of ideas and messages can occur not only without the user's consent, but 5 perhaps actively against it, requiring that people be duped into passing a hidden agenda while circulating compelling content. Rushkoff insists he is not using the term "as a metaphor. These media events are not like viruses. They are viruses . . . (such as) the common cold, and perhaps even AIDS" (Rushkoff, p. 9). Media viruses spread through the datasphere the same way biological ones spread through the body or a community. But instead of traveling along an organic circulatory system, a media virus travels through the networks of the mediaspace. The "protein shell" of a media virus might be an event, invention, technology, system of thought, musical riff, visual image, scientific theory, sex scandal, clothing style or even a pop hero - as long as it can catch our attention. Any one of these media virus shells will search out the receptive nooks and crannies in popular culture and stick on anywhere it is noticed. Once attached, the virus injects its more hidden agendas into the datastream in the form of ideological code - not genes, but a conceptual equivalent we now call "memes" (Rushkoff, p. 9-10). The "hidden agenda" and "embedded meanings" Rushkoff mentions are the brand messages buried at the heart of viral videos, the promotional elements in videos featuring Mentos exploding out of soda bottles, or Gorillas playing the drumline of "In the Air Tonight." The media virus proposition is that these marketing messages - messages consumers may normally avoid, approach skeptically, or disregard altogether - are hidden by the "protein shell" of compelling media properties. Nestled within interesting bits of content, these messages are snuck into the heads of consumers, or willfully passed between them. These messages, Rushkoff and others suggest, constitute "memes," conceived by evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins in 1976 as a sort of cultural version of the gene. Dawkins was looking for a way to explain cultural evolution, imagining it as a biological system. What genes are to genetics, he suggested, memes would be to culture. Like the gene, the meme is driven to self-create, and is possessed of three important characteristics: Fidelity ‐ memes have the ability to retain their informational content as they pass from mind to mind. Fecundity ‐ memes possess the power to induce copies of themselves. Longevity ‐ memes that survive longer have a better chance of being copied. The meme, then, is "a unit of information in a mind whose existence influences events such that more copies of itself get created in other minds" (Brodie, 1996, p. 32). Memes are the ideas at the center of virally spread events, some coherent, self‐replicating idea that moves from person‐to‐person, from mind‐to‐mind, duplicating itself as it goes. 6 Language seems to evolve by non-genetic means and at a rate that is orders of magnitude faster than genetic evolution. Just as genes propagate themselves in the gene pool by leaping from body to body via sperms or eggs, so memes propagate themselves in the meme pool by leaping from brain to brain via a process that, in the broad sense, can be called imitation (Dawkins, 1976, p.189). Dawkins remained vague about the granularity of this concept, seeing it as an all-purpose unit that could explain everything from politics to fashion. Each of these fields are comprised of good ideas, good ideas which, in order to survive, attach themselves to media virii - funny, catchy, compelling bits of content - as a vehicle to infect new minds with copies of themselves. We are all susceptible to the pull of viral ideas. Like mass hysteria. Or a tune that gets into your head that you keep on humming all day until you spread it to someone else. Jokes. Urban Legends. Crackpot religions. Marxism. No matter how smart we get, there is always this deep irrational part that makes us potential hosts for self-replicating information. (Neil Stephenson, Snow Crash, 1992, p.399) Though imagined long before the rise of the Internet and the Web, the idea of the meme has been widely embraced as a way of talking about the rapid dispersion of information and the widespread circulation of concepts that characterize the digital era. It has been a particularly attractive way to think about the rise of Internet fads like the LOLcats or Soulja Boy, fads considered seemingly trivial or meaningless. The content that circulates in such a fashion is seen as simplistic, fragmentary, and essentially meaningless, though it may shape our beliefs and actions in significant ways. Wired magazine (Miller, 2007) recently summed it up as a culture of "media snacks": “We now devour our pop culture the same way we enjoy candy and chips - in conveniently packaged bite-size nuggets made to be munched easily with increased frequency and maximum speed. This is snack culture - and boy, is it tasty (not to mention addictive).’ This description of snacks implies that they are without nutritional value, trivial or meaningless aspect of our culture, a time waste. And if this meaningless content is selfreplicating then consumers are "irrational," and unable to escape their infection. Yet these models - the idea of the meme and the media virus, of self-replicating ideas hidden in attractive, catchy content we are helpless to resist - is a problematic way to understand cultural practices. We want to suggest that these materials travel through the web because they are meaningful to the people who spread them. At the most fundamental level, such an approach misunderstands the way content spreads, which is namely, through the active practices of people. As such, we would like to suggest: "Memes" do not self‐replicate. People are not "susceptible" to this viral media. Viral media and Internet memes are not nutritionally bereft, meaningless "snacks. " 7 The Problem of Agency Central to the difficulties of both the meme and the media virus models is a particular confusion about the role people play in passing along media content. From the start, memetics has suffered from a confusion about the nature of agency. Unlike genetic features, culture is not in any meaningful sense self-replicating - it relies on people to propel, develop and sustain it. The term 'culture' originates from metaphors of agriculture: the analogy was of cultivating the human mind much as one cultivates the land. Culture thus represents the assertion of human will and agency upon nature. As such, cultures are not something that happen to us, cultures are something we collectively create. Certainly any individual can be influenced by the surrounding culture, by the fashion, media, speech and ideas that fill daily life, but individuals make their own contributions to their cultures through the choices they make. The language of memetics, however, strips aside the concept of human agency. Processes of cultural adaptation are more complex than the notion of meme circulation makes out. Indeed, theories for understanding cultural uptake must consider two factors not closely considered by memetics: human choice and the medium through which these ideas are circulated. Dawkins writes not about how "people acquire ideas" but about how "ideas acquire people." Every day humans create and circulate many more ideas than are actually likely to gain any deep traction within a culture. Over time, only a much smaller number of phrases, concepts, images, or stories survive. This winnowing down of cultural options is the product not of the strength of particular ideas but of many, many individual choices as people decide what ideas to reference, which to share with each other, decisions based on a range of different agendas and interests far beyond how compelling individual ideas may be. Few of the ideas get transmitted in anything like their original form: humans adapt, transform, rework them on the fly in response to a range of different local circumstances and personal needs. Stripping aside the human motives and choices that shape this process reveals little about the spread of these concepts. By the same token, ideas circulate differently in and through different media. Some media allow for the more or less direct transmission of these ideas in something close to their original form -- as when a video gets replayed many times - while others necessarily encourage much more rapid transformations - as occurs when we play a game of "telephone" and each person passing along a message changes it in some way. So, it makes little sense to talk about "memes" as an all-purpose unit of thought without regard to the medium and processes of cultural transmission being described. Indeed, discussing the emergence of Internet memes, education researchers Michael Knobel and Colin Lankshear (2007) suggest Dawkins' notion of memetic fidelity needs to be done away with altogether. Defining the Internet meme as the rapid uptake and spread of a particular idea, presented as a written text, image, language, "move" or some unit of cultural "stuff," Knobel and Lankshear suggest adaptation is central to the propogation of memes: "Many of the online memes in this study were not passed on entirely 'intact' in that the meme 'vehicle' was changed, modified, mixed with other referential and expressive resources, and regularly given idiosyncratic spins by 8 participants...A concept like 'replicability' therefore needs to include remixing as an important practice associated with many successful online memes, where remixing includes modifying, bricolaging, splicing, reordering, superimposing, etc., original and other images, sounds, films, music, talk, and so on. " (Knobel and Lankshear, 2007, p.208-209) Their argument is particularly revealing as a way to think about just what comprises the object at the heart of the Internet meme. The recent "LOLcat" Internet meme, built so heavily upon remixing and appropriation, is a good case study to illustrate the role of remixing in Internet memes. "LOLcats" are pictures of animals, most commonly cats, with digitally superimposed text for humorous effect. Officially referred to as "image macros," the pictures often feature "LOLspeak," a type of broken English that enhances the amusing tone of the juxtaposition. On websites such as, users are invited to upload their own "LOLcats" which are then shared throughout the web. Over time, different contributors have stretched the "LOLcat" idea in many different directions which would not have been anticipated by the original posters - including a whole strand of images centering around Walruses and buckets, the use of "LOLspeak" to translate religious texts (LOLbible) or represent complex theoretical arguments, the use of similar image macros to engage with Emo culture, philosophy (loltheorists), and dogs (LOLdogs, see: So just what is the "meme" at the center of this Internet meme? What is the idea that is replicated? More than the content of the pictures, the "meme" at the heart of this Internet phenomenon is the structure of the picture itself - the juxtaposition, broken English, and particularly the use of irreverent humor. Given the meme lies in the structure, however how to throw the pot rather than the pot itself - then the very viability of the meme is dependent on the ability for the idea to be adapted in a variety of different ways. In this sense, then, it is somewhat hard to see how contained within this structure is a "message" waiting to occupy unsuspecting minds. The re-use, remixing and adaptation of the LOLcat idea instead suggest that the spread and replication of this form of cultural production is not due to the especially compelling nature of the LOLcat idea but the fact it can be used to make meaning. A similar situation can be seen in the case of the "Crank Dat" song by Soulja Boy, which some have described as one of the most succesful Internet memes of 2007. Soulja Boy, originally an obscure amateur performer in Atlanta, produced a music video for his first song "Crank Dat," which he uploaded to video sharing sites such as YouTube. Soulja Boy then encouraged his fans to appropriate, remix, and re-perform the song, spreading it through social networks, YouTube, and the blogosphere, in the hopes of gaining greater visibility for himself and his music. Along the way, Crank Dat got performed countless times by very different communities from white suburban kids to black ballet dancers, from football teams to MIT graduate students. The video was used as the basis for "mash up" videos featuring characters as diverse as Winnie the Pooh and Dora the Explorer. People added their own steps, lyrics, 9 themes, and images to the videos they made. As the song circulated, Soulja Boy's reputation grew - he scored a record contract, and emerged as a top recording artist - in part as a consequence of his understanding of the mechanisms by which cultural content circulates within a participatory culture. The success of "Crank Dat" cannot be explained as the slavish emulation of the dance by fans, as the self-replication of a "compelling" idea. Rather, "Crank Dat" spread the way dance crazes have always spread - through the processes of learning and adaptation by which people learn to dance. As CMS student Kevin Driscoll discusses, watching others dance to learn steps and refining these steps so they express local experience or variation are crucial to dance itself. Similarly, the adaptation of the LOLcat form to different situations - theory, puppies, politicians - constitute processes of meaning making, as people use tools at their disposal to explain the world around them. Next Time: We will compare and contrast "stickiness" and "spreadability" as competing paradigms shaping the practices of web 2.0. References Brodie, Richard (1996). Virus of the Mind: The New Science of the Meme, Seattle: Integral Press Dawkins, Richard (1976). The Selfish Gene, Oxford: Oxford University Press Knobel, Michele & Lankshear, Colin (2007). New Literacies: Everyday Practices & Classroom Learning. Open University Press McCracken, Grant (2005a). "'Consumers' or 'Multipliers': A New Language for Marketing?," This Blog Sits At the Intersection of Anthropology and Economics, November 10. Miller, Nancy (2007). "Minifesto for a New Age," Wired, March. Rushkoff, Douglas. (1994) Media Virus: Hidden Agendas in Popular Culture. New York: Ballantine. Stephenson, Neil (1992). Snow Crash. New York: Bantam. If It Doesn’t Spread, It’s Dead – Part One Sticky and Spreadable ‐ Two Paradigms From Viral to Spreadability It is not hard to understand why the idea of both memes and the media virus would be attractive to marketers. If the right meme was deployed, theory suggests, it would successfully acquire people, reaching more and more possible consumers as goes. Similarly, Rushkoff's notion of "viral" circulation appeals to advertisers because it allows them to give up control over little more than the specific path of dissemination. In this scenario, they are cast as purposeful agent zeros, unleashing a message that spreads through its own volition, the instructions of replication imbedded in the DNA of the campaign. 10 But if the rising anxieties over brand equity, appropriation of content, miscommunication, lack of communication, and the ultimate value of viral campaigns is any indication, many advertisers are well aware that this model of "viral" media, which doesn't account for individual or social agency, does not accurately reflect the present media landscape. The idea of the "media virus" breaks down because people are making conscious choices about what media they are passing along and about the forms within which they are circulating it. As we saw in the discussion of the LOLcat meme above, the core message may be manipulated or turned against the original authors as it spreads across the Internet. Consumers have shown a remarkable ability to turn advertising slogans and jingles against the companies that originated them. Fans have highjacked popular stories to express profoundly different interpretations than those of their authors. Metaphors of "viral media" and "memes" emerged during a period of transition in the relationship between consumers and producers: first, this terminology reflected a shift away from the push‐based model of the broadcast era toward the pull‐based model of the early internet (characterized by talk of "stickiness"); second, the terminology maintained use value as we moved from an era of personalized media toward the increasingly communal practices associated with the rise of social networks and the emergence of what industry guru Tim O'Reilly (2005) identified as "the architecture of participation." It is somewhat ironic that the idea of the media virus emerged at the same time as a shift towards greater acknowledgment of consumers as participants in meaning making within the networked media space. Shenja van der Graaf, in her 2003 article "Viral Experiences: Do You Trust Your Friends?" maintains "the main feature of viral marketing is that it heavily depends on interconnected peers. Viral Marketing is therefore inherently social" (van der Graaf, 2003, p.8). van der Graaf uses "viral" to describe a condition of movement and distribution of content that is linked to network behavior, and cites participation within a socially networked system as a central requirement of "viral" behavior. Each step along this process made media companies more dependent upon the active engagement of their consumers and increased the urgency of understanding how and why cultural content circulates. Talk of "memes" and "media viruses" gave a false sense of security at a time when the old attention economy was in flux, resulting in widespread uncertainty about what might motivate consumer "engagement" in this new context. Such terms promised a pseudo-scientific model for thinking about consumer behavior, one which kept power firmly in the hands of media producers. In practice, they simply mystified the process, limiting the industry's ability to understand the complex factors which now shape the creation of value through the circulation of content within these new social networks. We believe that the confusion wrapped surrounding the concepts of "memes" and "viruses" is not going to be easily resolved. As we have seen, the terms are at once too encompassing and too limiting; they introduce false assumptions about how 11 cultures operate; they distort the power relations between producers and consumers at a time when media companies and brands need to learn to respect the increasingly empowered roles which their users are playing in the circulation and production of meaning around their products. Given these limits, these words mislead more than they clarify and need to be retired. To put it bluntly, the viral is not only sick; it's pushing up the daisies. For that reason, we are proposing an alternative terminology, one which we think allows us to construct a more effective model that might inform future strategies. Rather than speaking about "viral media," we prefer to think of media as spreadable. Spreadability as a concept describes how the properties of the media environment, texts, audiences, and business models work together to enable easy and widespread circulation of mutually meaningful content within a networked culture. Talking about spreadability invites us to ask four basic questions: What aspects of the contemporary media environment support the spread of media across different communities? How do consumers create value for themselves and for companies through their spread of media? What properties of content make it more likely to be spread? How do companies benefit from the spread of their content? The concept of "spreadability" preserves much of what was useful about the earlier models - the idea that the movement of messages from person to person, from community to community, over time increases their effectiveness, and expands their impact. It recognizes the ways that later theorists such as van der Graaf or Knoebel and Lankshear have revised the earliest, relatively static and passive conceptions of "memes" and "viruses" to reflect the realities of the new social web, while suggesting this emerging paradigm is so substantively different from the initial conceptualizations as to require a new terminology. This new "spreadable" model allows us to avoid metaphors of "infection" and "contamination" which over-estimate the power of media companies and underestimate the agency of consumers. Insofar as these metaphors distort the actual factors shaping the spread of media content in a networked culture, they result in less than fully effective campaigns. In this emerging model, consumers play an active role in "spreading" content rather than being the passive carriers of viral media: their choices, their investments, their actions determine what gets valued in the new mediascape. Recentering the discussion on choices consumers make, rather than choices media companies make, forces advertising and entertainment companies to pay closer attention to consumer's motivations and thus to design content which better aligns with their interests; it will also allow companies to adopt 12 policies which sustain rather than repress this desire to help circulate relevant material throughout their social networks. While older models of "memes" and "media viruses" focused attention on how ideas replicate and propagate, a spreadability model assumes that value originates as much through the act of transformation as through direct circulation. Spreadability assumes a world where mass content gets repositioned as it enters into a range of different niche communities. When material is produced according to a one-size-fits-all model, it necessarily imperfectly fits the needs of any given group of consumers. As content spreads, then, it gets remade - either literally through various forms of sampling and remixing - or figuratively via its insertion into ongoing conversations and interactions. Such repurposing doesn't necessarily blunt or distort the goals of the original communicator. Rather, it may allow the message to reach new constituencies where it would otherwise have gone unheard. C3-affiliated researcher Grant McCracken (2005) points toward such a model when he suggests that the word "consumer" should be replaced by a new term, "multiplier," to reflect the fact consumers expand the potential meanings that get attached to a brand by inserting it into a range of unpredicted contexts of use. There is something in the term that invites us to ask whether the product, brand, innovation, campaign does actually give the "multiplier" anything he can, er, multiply.... Furthermore, "multipliers" also bids us ask, down the road, whether indeed the product, brand, innovation actually produced anything in the world. Did the multipliers multiply it, or is it still just sitting there? Finally, the term "multiplier" may help marketers acknowledge more forthrightly that whether our work is a success is in fact out of our control. All we can do is to invite the multiplier to participate in the construction of the brand by putting it to work for their own purposes in their own world. When we called them "consumers" we could think of our creations as an end game and their responses as an end state. The term "multiplier" or something like it makes it clear that we depend on them to complete the work. We might compare these brand "multipliers" to "lead users" (Von Hippel, 2006): lead users (Ford, 2006) enable user innovation, helping to find and fix flaws, identify new markets, or model new uses of manufactured goods once they have shipped to market; these "multipliers" perform some of this same work for cultural goods, taking them places and deploying them in ways that would not have been envisioned by the people who produced them. Some of those uses will be tangential to the goals of the media companies; some may generate alternative sources of profit; some may expand the potential audience for entertainment properties or open the brand message to new interpretations and uses. Consumers in this model are not simply "hosts" or "carriers" of alien ideas, but rather grassroots advocates for materials that are personally and socially meaningful to them. They have filtered out content that they think has little relevance to their community, while focusing attention on material that they think has a special salience in this new context. Spreadability relies on the one true intelligent agent - the human mind - to 13 cut through the clutter of a hyper-mediated culture and to facilitate the flow of valuable content across a fragmented marketplace. Under these conditions, media which remains fixed in its location and static in its form fails to generate sufficient public interest and thus drops out of these ongoing conversations. Spreadable and Sticky ‐‐ Two Models of Media Contact We can understand what we mean by spreadablity by way of a contrast with earlier notions of "stickiness." A review of the top ten hits on Google for "stickiness" offers us a fairly consistent sense of the word's current functional definition. The term "sticky" first and foremost refers to websites that "grab and hold the attention of your visitor" (Meredian, n.d.). Some writers argue that "(customers will) come back and buy more goods, get more advice, and see more ads" (Sanchez, n.d.). Most others measure stickiness in terms of how long the visitor stays on a single visit or how many different pages the visitors looks at in the course of their stay. Stickiness reflected the assumptions of personalized media: its central unit is the individual consumer. As one writer explains, "Measuring stickiness means that you'll have to track what individuals do, not just mass movements on your site. So you'll have to have them register or place cookies on their computers if you really want to know that much detail." (Nemeth-Johannes, n.d.) And stickiness is associated with pre-structured interactivity rather than open-ended participation with games, quizzes, and polls seen as devices for attracting and holding the interests of consumers. This emphasis on "stickiness" was closely associated with the ongoing discussion of "push vs. pull" technologies: stickiness reflects anxiety about attracting and holding viewer interest in a world where consumers have to actively seek out the content they desire. Under the stickiness model, value comes either through charging for access to information (through some kind of subscription or service fee), by selling merchandise to consumers through some kind of e-commerce catalog, or by selling the eyeballs of site visitors to some outside party, most often to advertisers. Sites such as Amazon or eBay represent the triumph of this "stickiness" model - both sites depend greatly on the return of highly committed and strongly motivated consumers and upon multiple transactions per visit. Yet, even these sites depend on word-of-mouth referrals from satisfied customers, who more often than not discuss their interactions in other contexts, thus helping "spread" the word to potential visitors. As early as 1996 Amazon launched its highly successful affiliate marketing program, which offers designated "Associates" as much as 10 percent in referral fees for purchases made by visitors they helped to attract to retailer's sites. Consumers are encouraged to link their homepages or blogs back to Amazon, providing incentives for them to help increase their community's awareness of the site's products and services. This program reflects the core insight that different books would be of interest within different communities, that people were more likely to buy books when they were recommended by people they already trusted in other contexts, and that discussion of books emerged organically in the midst of a range of other conversations and 14 interactions. The Associates program, thus, reflects the value that comes in "spreading" one's message across a range of niche communities rather than seeking simply to attract and hold the attention of site visitors. Put schematically, we might map nine core distinctions between Stickiness and Spreadability: • Stickiness seeks to attract and hold the attention of site visitors; spreadability seeks to motivate and facilitate the efforts of fans and enthusiasts to "spread" the word. • Stickiness depends on concentrating the attention of all interested parties on a specific site or through a specific channel; spreadability seeks to expand consumer awareness by dispersing the content across many potential points of contact. • Stickiness depends on creating a unified consumer experience as consumers enter into branded spaces; spreadability depends on creating a diversified experience as brands enter into the spaces where people already live and interact. • Stickiness depends on prestructured interactivity to shape visitor experiences; spreadability relies on open-ended participation as diversely motivated but deeply engaged consumers retrofit content to the contours of different niche communities. • Stickiness typically tracks the migrations of individual consumers within a site; Spreadability maps the flow of ideas through social networks. • Under stickiness, a sales force markets to consumers; under spreadability, grassroots intermediaries become advocates for brands. • Stickiness is a logical outgrowth of the shift from broadcasting's push model to the web's pull model; spreadability restores some aspects of the push model through relying on consumers to circulate the content within their own communities. • Under stickiness, producers, marketers, and consumers are separate and distinct roles; spreadability depends on increased collaboration across and even a blurring of the distinction between these roles. • Stickiness depends on a finite number of channels for communicating with consumers; spreadability takes for granted an almost infinite number of often localized and many times temporary networks through which media content circulates. In short, for media companies to fully grasp the advantages of spreadability, they have to unlearn the lessons of "stickiness," lessons that may be less effective than they once seemed, as a consequence of the next phase of evolution in the media ecology. Not surprisingly, many sites today struggle to balance between these two competing 15 models, often resulting in disappointment. Consider, for example, the case of Sonific, an early experiment in adopting the spreadable media model within the music industry. In 2006, Sonific offered 'customizable, flexible, Flash-based music widgets' enabling users to stream one or more songs from the Sonific catalog to almost any webpage. Material from Sonfic's catalog could be included in nearly any web-based application - from modest blogs to social network pages and slideshows. Users could customize playlists and embed music from the catalog into their sites. Sonfic offered full-length-tracks as free, promotional streams, operating under the "You hear, you like, you buy," rule proposed by UCE Birmingham Professor Andrew Dubber. By early 2008 Sonific had licensed over 200,000 tracks and had 80,000 users, but as of May 1 the service has closed operations citing unworkable licensing with the major record labels. "It seems that the industry's major stakeholders still prefer this turf to remain unlicensed rather than to allow real-life, workable and market-based solutions to emerge by working with new companies such as Sonific. This is not the way forward. - Sonific's CEO Gerd Leonhard, 2008. The service's demise is certainly due, in part at least, to the recording industry's resistance to a spreadable model, a model that would actually encourage music fans to distribute content through decentralized networks. The music industry's anxieties about piracy lead them to want to lock down content rather than encouraging consumers to shape its circulation. All of this suggests a moment of transition: old assumptions are going to be hard to displace. For some industries and for some purposes, the sticky model will maintain even as other sectors of the branded entertainment sector are moving towards a more spreadable model. In the short term, we argue that companies need to know what model they are choosing and why. The focus on spreadable media requires greater attention be paid to the social relations between media producers and consumers. There are significant differences between what motivates consumers to spread content and what motivates producers to seek the circulation of their brands. These differences can be understood in terms of the contrast between commodity culture and the gift economy. References Ford, Sam, with Henry Jenkins, Grant McCracken, Parmesh Shahani, Ivan Askwith, Geoffrey Long and Ilya Vedrashko (2006). Fanning the Audience's Flames: Ten Ways to Embrace and Cultivate Fan Communities, Report Prepared for the Members of the MIT Convergence Culture Consortium, Cambridge. Knobel, Michele & Lankshear, Colin (2007). New Literacies: Everyday Practices & Classroom Learning. Open University Press Leonhard, Gerd. "Sonific Goes Offline on May 1 2008", Sonific. McCracken, Grant (2005). "'Consumers' or 'Multipliers': A New Language for Marketing?," This Blog Sits At the Intersection of Anthropology and Economics, November 10. 16 Meredian Design (n.d.) "Make It Sticky, Make 'Em Stay." Nemeth‐Johannes, Cindy (n.d.) "Making Sticky Websites," The ABCs of Small Business. O'Reilly, Tim (2005). "What is Web 2.0?," September 30. Sanchez, Marcos (n.d.) "Eight Ways to Sticky Sites." Fuse. van der Graaf, Shenja. "Viral Experiences: Do You Trust Your Friends," (author version), in Sandeep Krishnamurthy (ed.). Contemporary Research in E‐Marketing, University of Washington. ed.. Pennsylvania: Idea Publishing, pp.166‐185 Von Hippel, Eric (2006). Democratizing Innovation. Cambridge: MIT Press. If It Doesn’t Spread, It’s Dead – Part Two The Gift Economy and Commodity Culture Spreadability and the Moral Economy Consumers, both individually and collectively, exert agency in the spreadability model: they are not impregnated with media messages; they select material that matters to them from the much broader array of media content on offer. They do not simply pass along static content; they transform the content so that it better serves their own social and expressive needs. Content does not remain in fixed borders but rather it circulates in unpredicted and often unpredictable directions, not the product of top-down design but rather of a multitude of local decisions made by autonomous agents negotiating their way through diverse cultural spaces. Consumers do not simply consume; they recommend content they like to their friends who recommend it to their friends who recommend it on down the line. They do not simply "buy" cultural goods; they "buy into" a cultural economy that respects and rewards their participation. Nothing spreads widely in the new digital economy unless it engages and serves the interests of both consumers and producers. Otherwise, the circulation gets blocked, either through corporations constructing road blocks (legal or technical) upon its spread or through consumers refusing to circulate content that fails to serve their interests. Nothing generates value in this new digital economy unless the transaction is seen as meaningful to all involved. Too often, Web 2.0-era companies speak about creating communities around their products and services, rather than recognizing that they are more often courting existing communities with their own histories, agendas, hierarchies, traditions, and practices. So, rather than talking about the Saturn "community" as a "consumer tribe" (Cova, Kozinets, and Shankar, 2007), we might more productively analyze what the contemporary car company has done to capture the interests and win the loyalty of a hundred year plus history of motorist clubs. The first model implies that Saturn can set the terms for the consumers’ interactions with the brand. The second suggests the motorist culture created its own values and aspirations that Saturn has to address if its car is to gain a central place in its social life. 17 …As a rule, we are misled when we focus on what media does to people rather than trying to understand what people are doing with media and why. We start from the premise that consumers only help facilitate the circulation of media content when it is personally and socially meaningful to them, when it enables them to express some aspect of their own self-perception or enables valued transactions that strengthen their social ties with others. Courting communities is tricky. Forcing communities to talk about a certain product is almost impossible. These obstacles were swiftly dealt with in the construction of the site "Being Girl" which belongs to the Tampax and Always brands. As Charlene Li and Josh Bernoff comment on their new book Groundswell: is not a community site about tampons. (Who would want to visit that?) It's about everything that young girls deal with. The site is very lightly branded and it's loaded with information about music, make-up, relationships and spaces for the girls to talk amongst themselves and with experts… Bernoff and Li suspect that the site's success is due in part to the fact that P&G "solved the customers' problems instead of its own," the costumers were willing to share. Add subtle brand messages and free samples and P&G was able to become part of the dialogue from which it was previously excluded. A key takeaway here is that companies should figure out what existing communities are most likely to use their product and what they are doing with it; they should identify basic needs of that community and develop informational resources to support them. Knowing that the community pre-exists, the brand or franchises engagement with it means corporations need to legitimize their entrance into this space. In earlier white papers (Austin 2006), we have introduced the idea that participants in economic exchanges are governed by an implicit set of understandings about what is "right" and what is "legitimate" for each player to do. This is what social historian E.P. Thompson described as a "moral economy." The moral economy describes the set of social norms and mutual understandings that make it possible for two parties to do business with each other. In some cases, the moral economy holds in check the aggressive pursuit of short-term self interest in favor of decisions that preserve longterm social relations between participants. In a small-scale economy, for example, a local dealer is unlikely to "cheat" a customer because they need to count on continued trade with this person over an extended period of time and thus need to build up their reputation within this community. The measure of a moral economy is the degree to which participants trust each other to hold up their end of these implicit agreements. When there is a sudden and dramatic shift in the economic or technological infrastructure, as has occurred with the introduction of digital media, it can create a crisis in the "moral economy," diminishing the level of trust within participating parties, and perhaps even wearing away the mechanisms which ensure the legitimacy of economic exchanges. At such times, we can see all involved proposing new models or frameworks through which parties may reach a new understanding of what should provide the basis for fair and meaningful interactions. 18 We can see, for example, notions of "file sharing" and "piracy" as two competing moral systems by which we might make sense of the circulation of media content, one put forth by consumers eager to legitimate their idea of the free exchange of content, the other put forth by the media industry eager to close off certain practices as "illegitimate" and damaging to their long term economic interests. The excessive rhetoric surrounding the circulation of music at the present time suggests just how far out of balance the moral understandings of producers and consumers have become. New technologies enable consumers to exert much greater impact on the circulation of media content than ever before but they also enable companies to police once private behavior as it takes on greater public dimensions. These shifts enable some to describe a crisis in copyright, others a crisis in fair use, and all sides to be more or less accurate in describing the tensions which have emerged. Discussions of "viral media," or of what we are calling "spreadable" media, point to places where a new moral economy may be emerging. They allow us to map forms of audience participation that are seen as valuable to advertisers and media companies. Spreadable media represents an alternative framing of the free circulation of media content to the prevailing metaphor of "piracy." Focusing on what we are calling here spreadability may thus offer us some tentative first steps toward renegotiating the social contract between media producers and consumers in a way which may be seen as legitimate and mutually rewarding to all involved. For this to occur, we need to understand that consumers and producers often follow different dictates, not simply because of competing economic interests, but because they have different motives, make different judgments about value, and follow different social obligations; in other words, they operate within separate and parallel economic orders. We might describe these two worlds as commodity culture and the gift economy. Certainly, most of us who have grown up in capitalist economies understand the set of expectations that shape the buying and selling of goods. Yet, we also operate in another social order that centers around the giving and accepting of gifts. One (commodity culture) places greater emphasis on economic motives, the other (gift economy) on social motives. Something of the mismatch between these two worlds is suggested by Ian Condry (2004) in his discussion of file-sharing among music fans: Unlike underwear or swimsuits, music falls into that category of things you are normally obligated to share with your dorm mates, family, and friends. Yet to date, people who share music files are primarily represented in media and business settings as selfish, improperly socialized people who simply want to get something -- the fruits of someone else's labor -- for free. In fact, if asked directly by a friend to share music, sharing is the only reasonable thing to do. Within commodity culture, then, sharing music is economically damaging, whereas in the gift economy, the failure to share music is socially damaging. We are never going to 19 resolve such conflicts until we develop a better model for thinking about the interface between the two. Gift Giving and Reciprocity Online In arguing that much of what goes on in cyberspace might be understood in terms of a gift economy, we are in fact making a claim which is at least as old as the web. Howard Rheingold's 1993 book The Virtual Community, for instance, mentions the gift economy as central to the relationships across the online world: Reciprocity is a key element of any market-based culture, but the arrangement I'm describing feels more like a kind of gift economy in which people do things for one another out of a spirit of building something between them, rather than a spreadsheetcalculated quid pro quo. When that spirit exists, everybody gets a little extra something, a little sparkle, from their more practical transactions; different kinds of things become possible when this mind-set pervades. Conversely, people who have valuable things to add to the mix tend to keep their heads down and their ideas to themselves when a mercenary or hostile zeitgeist dominates an online community. In the virtual community I know best, elegantly presented knowledge is a valuable currency....Sometimes you give one person more information than you would give another person in response to the same query, simply because you recognize one of them to be more generous or funny or to-thepoint or agreeable...A sociologist might say that my perceived helpfulness increased my pool of social capital. I can increase your knowledge capital and my social capital at the same time by telling you something that you need to know, and I could diminish the amount of my capital in the estimation of others by transgressing the group's social norms. The person I help might never be in a position to help me, but someone else might be. Rheingold describes the gift economy operating in virtual worlds less in terms of a tit-for-tat exchange of value but rather as part of a larger reputation system in which one's contributions to the group are ultimately recognized and respected, even if there is no direct and explicit negotiation of worth at the time someone makes their contributions. Richard Barbrook (1998), another early cybertheorist, argued that the gift economy trumped commodity culture in the world view of those who were the first to form online communities: "For most of its users, the Net is somewhere to work, play, love, learn and discuss with other people. Unrestricted by physical distance, they collaborate with each other without the direct mediation of money or politics. Unconcerned about copyright, they give and receive information without thought of payment. In the absence of states or markets to mediate social bonds, network communities are instead formed through the mutual obligations created by gifts of time and ideas. When they go on-line, almost everyone spends most of their time participating within the gift economy rather than engaging in market competition. Because users receive much more information than they can ever give away, there is no 20 popular clamor for imposing the equal exchange of the marketplace on the Net. Once again, the 'end of history' for capitalism appears to be communism." Such values were built into the infrastructure of the web, which was designed to facilitate the collaboration of scientists and researchers rather than to enable the metered access expected within a commodity culture. In the world of the web, companies were relative late-comers, even though they now represent the dominant users of digital networks. As commercial values have spread into the web, they have had to negotiate with the older web ethos: there still remains great resistance to "spam," for example, as unwelcomed advertising, whereas commercials are taken more or less for granted in traditional broadcasting. Similarly, Stewart Brand (1995), another key thinker in the early history of web culture, evokes the idea of a gift economy to explain how companies create valued relations to their customers within this new cultural context. In short, Brand argues that for any company or business to succeed online they need to join the gift economy that defines online relations. "It means often giving away content." Online success is based on the build-up of good will that companies can convert into economic transactions through other channels. Many of these same assumptions about the ways that digital communities are shaped by the norms of a gift economy surfaced much more recently in danah boyd’s (2007) discussion of Facebook's introduction of a "gifting" function. Facebook gifts operate within each person's profile. Gift-giving is completely decentralized so people can choose gifts directly from their own profile page and pay Facebook through their account. Most gifts cost $1 and every once in a while Facebook offers a gift for free. Now the system is in place, manufacturing and reproduction costs are negligible, and, even though they work under a direct payment revenue model, Facebook adds value to the users' experience by letting them be in charge of distribution. Features such as these are what make successful social networks different from a more complete contact directory. As boyd explains, the popularity and value of gifts on Facebook come from their somewhat intangible nature: They do not have the same type of persistence as identity-driven purchases like clothing in (World of Warcraft). I think that it is precisely this ephemeralness that will make gifts popular. There are times for gift giving (predefined by society)...People write "happy birthday" and send glitter for holidays...These expressions are not simply altruistic kindness. By publicly performing the holiday or birthday, the individual doing the expression looks good before her peers. It also prompts reciprocity so that one's own profile is then also filled with validating comments. Yet despite their intangibility and ephemerality, Facebook's gift-driven economy is valuable, meaningful and crucial to the participation of many members of the network. In evoking the gift economy to talk about gifts that are bought and sold via Facebook, even as they are given freely to those in our social networks, boyd is acknowledging a 21 permeability in the relations between commodity culture and the gift economy. This should not be surprising: most of us purchase Christmas or birthday gifts at stores rather than making them ourselves and do not necessarily fear that their origins as commodities diminishes the sentiments that are expressed through their exchange. Whatever our myths may be about "gifts of the heart" and "labors of love," most of our gifts these days are manufactured and store bought. Yet, once we have made our purchases, the gift economy takes over and so to understand how digital goods circulate within and between social networks we need to develop a more nuanced understanding of how gift economies operate. References Austin, Alec. with Henry Jenkins, Joshua Green, Ivan Askwith, and Sam Ford, (2006). Turning Pirates into Loyalists: The Moral Economy and an Alternative Response to File Sharing. Report Prepared for the Members of the MIT Convergence Culture Consortium, Cambridge. Barbrook, Richard (1998). "The Hi‐Tech Gift Economy," First Monday, Vol. 3, No. 12 (December), accessed 30 March 2007. Bernoff, Josh and Li, Charlene. (2008) Groundswell: Winning in a World Transformed by Social Technologies. Cambridge: Harvard Business School Press boyd, danah (2007). "Facebook's Little Gifts." Apophenia. February 13. Brand, Stewart (1995). "High Stakes in Cyberspace," Frontline, June 15. Condry, Ian. (2004) "Cultures of Music Piracy: An Ethnographic Comparison of the US and Japan," International Journal of Cultural Studies 7, pp.343‐363 Cova, Bernard, Robert Kozinets, and Avi Shankar (2007). Consumer Tribes. New York: Butterworth‐Heinemann Rheingold, Howard (1993) The Virtual Community: Homesteading on the Electronic Frontier. Reading, Mass.: Addison‐Wesley. Thompson, E.P. (1971) "The Moral Economy of the English Crowd in the 18th Century." Past and Present, No. 50, pp.76‐136. If It Doesn’t Spread, It’s Dead – Part Three Lewis Hyde: Thinking Through the Gift Economy Lewis Hyde's The Gift: Imagination and the Erotic Life of Property (1983) represents perhaps the best guide on the ways that gift economies operate within the modern world. For that reason, we want to walk through some of his basic claims about the relations between commodity culture and the gift economy. 22 In a commodity culture, goods are traded as wages for labor or are purchased directly. Neither transaction shapes the circulation of materials within a gift economy: "A gift is a thing we do not get by our own efforts. We cannot buy it; we cannot acquire it through an act of will. It is bestowed upon us." (p.xvi). Gifts depend on altruistic motivations; they circulate through acts of generosity and reciprocity. Their exchange is governed by social norms rather than contractual relations. The circulation of gifts is socially rather than economically motivated: "Unlike the sale of a commodity, the giving of a gift tends to establish a relationship between the parties involved." Furthermore "when gifts circulate within a group, their commerce leaves a series of interconnected relationships in its wake, and a kind of decentralized cohesiveness emerges." The circulation of goods is not simply symbolic of the social relations between participants; it helps to constitute them. Hyde identifies three core obligations that are shared among those who participate in a gift economy: "the obligation to give, the obligation to accept, and the obligation to reciprocate." Each of these acts help to break down boundaries between participants. Gift economies are relatively dynamic in terms of the fluid circulation of goods while commodity cultures are relatively dynamic in terms of the fluid social relations between participants. As Hyde explains, a "clean" trade within a commodity culture "leaves people unconnected," (p.29) since it involves no future obligation between the buyer and seller. Under such conditions, "wealth will lose its motions and gather in isolated pools....Property is plagued by entropy and wealth can become scarce even as it increases." (p.29) The commodity, he suggests, moves towards wherever there is a profit to be made, while a gift moves "towards an empty space," towards resolving conflicts or expanding the social network. (p.29) By contrast, he writes, "To convert an idea into a commodity means, broadly speaking, to establish a boundary of some sort so that the idea cannot move from person to person without a toll or fee. Its benefit or usefulness must then be reckoned and paid for before it is allowed to cross the boundary." (p.105) In so far as the new media ecology depends on spreadability, it needs to embrace the fluidity of exchange which enables a gift economy rather than the stasis that emerges from commodity culture. In a gift economy, "status, " "prestige" or "esteem" take the place of cash renumeration as the primary drivers of cultural production and social transaction. Of course, even within a commodity culture, the production of cultural goods is rarely motivated entirely by profit. Artists also seek recognition for what they create; they seek to influence the culture; they seek to build reputations; they seek to express personal meanings. Only a complex set of negotiations within creative industries allow artist to serve both sets of goals at the same time. As Mark Deuze (2006) notes, anxieties about the free circulation of their output within a participatory culture are motivated both by a sense of losing artistic control and by the perceived economic threat to their livelihood. Conversely, we seem to be seeing a series of misrecognitions between Web 2.0 companies and consumers as the companies misunderstand what motivates participation. On the one hand, consumers increasingly resent the ways that companies transform their 23 labors of love into commodities that can be bought and sold for revenue. There is a growing recognition that profiting on freely given creative labor poses ethical challenges that are in the long run socially damaging to both the companies and the communities involved. On the other hand, many participants are frustrated when companies offer them financial compensations that are at odds with their understanding of the social transactions that are facilitated through the exchange of gifts. Fan communities, for example, have long-standing social taboos against "exploiting" other fans for personal gain, wanting to share their creative goods outside of commodity relations, rather than seeking rewards for what they produce. Hyde sees commodity culture and the gift economy as alternative systems for measuring the merits of a transaction. He writes, "A commodity has value... A gift has worth." (p.78) By value, here, Hyde primarily means "exchange value," that is, the rate at which goods and services can be exchanged for money. Such exchanges are "measurable" and "quantifiable" because there are agreed upon measurements of value. By "worth," he means those qualities we associate with things that "you can't put a price on." Sometimes, we refer to what he is calling "worth" as sentimental value. It is not an estimate of what the thing costs but rather what it means to us. Worth is thus variable even among those who participate within the same community, even among those in the same family, hence the complex negotiations that occur around possessions when a beloved member of a family passes away. Worth can not be measured, though it can be negotiated, but in doing so, we have to take claims about worth at face value, since they have to do with internal emotional states. Commodity culture and the gift economy are animated by different fantasies, which in turn shape the kinds of meanings that are going to be produced and transmitted around the exchange of goods. Hyde writes, "Because of the bonding power of gifts and the detached nature of commodity exchange, gifts have become associated with community and with being obliged to others, while commodities are associated with alienation and freedom" (p. 86). The values that shape exchanges in a commodity culture have to do with personal expression, freedom, social mobility, the escape from constraints and limitations, the enabling of new "possibilities." We sometimes refer to such fantasies as escapism or social experimentation; they are closely associated with the patterns of "transformation" and "plentitude" which Grant McCracken has documented. The fantasies that animate the exchange of gifts are often nostalgic, having to do with the reassertion of traditional values, the strengthening of social ties, the acceptance of mutual obligations, and the comfort of operating within familiar social patterns. Because the exchange of goods within a gift economy brings with it social expectations, not all gifts can be accepted. In that sense, there are goods and services which literally can not be given away, because even in the absence of an explicit value proposition, consumers are wary of hidden obligations, unstated motives, or hidden interests which come smuggled inside the gift, much like the classic myth of the Trojan Horse. Hyde describes some circumstances where gifts are inappropriate: "On the simplest level, we are wary of gifts in any situation that calls for reckoning and discrimination....A gift, no matter how well intentioned, deflects objective judgment.” 24 Even traditional societies, then, distinguish between gifts that facilitate generalized good will and bribes that are designed to distort or corrupt process of judgment. At the same time, the translation of gifts into commodities can be socially damaging. Hyde writes: We do not deal in commodities when we wish to initiate or preserve ties of affection....Emotional connection tends to preclude quantitative evaluation....When a decision involves something that clearly cannot be priced, we refrain from submitting our actions to the calculus of cost-benefit analysis (p.85). Both sets of category confusions represent potential pitfalls for companies seeking to negotiate the boundaries between commodity culture and the gift economy. That said, Hyde does believe it is possible for there to be valued and meaningful transactions between these two social systems: The boundary can be permeable....Put generally, within certain limits what has been given us as a gift may be sold in the marketplace and what has been earned in the marketplace may be given as gift. Within certain limits, gift wealth can be rationalized and market wealth can be eroticized (p.357-358). Hyde's use of the word, "erotic" here is especially evocative, meant to refer to the ways that the exchange of goods gains emotional intensity as it mediates between two or more participants. If "diamonds are a girl's best friend," as the old song goes, it is both because they have extreme value within a commodity culture and because they are emotionally meaningful within a gift economy. We might understand spreadable media as content that passes between the commodity culture and the gift economy. Each of the above contrasts between the two social systems is helpful in understanding what kinds of terms might best facilitate exchanges between them. Each also helps us to identify historic sites of conflict or misunderstandings between the diversely motivated agents involved in the flow of content across the current mediascape. Many of these contradictions surfaced in the controversy that surrounded the launch of FanLib, a Web 2.0 company that sought to capitalize on the circulation of fan fiction. Fan fiction had been a part of the gift economy of the web for more than a decade, representing a cultural practice that dated back to Star Trek fandom in the 1960s. Seeing their stories as a "labor of love" designed to be shared with the community of others who shared their interests, fans have reluctantly charged money to recoup the costs of printing zines but there was a strong prohibition against any attempts to profit financially from the exchange of stories. Some fans welcomed the emergence of digital distribution because it lowered the costs of sharing stories and thus pulled fan fiction fully into the gift economy... FanLib, however, sought to pull the production and circulation of fan fiction more fully into the commodity culture: they wanted to monetize on the traffic that fan stories drew to their sites, a step which provoked strong backlash from those most committed to fandom's gift economy. They showed little grasp of what motivated the activities of the gift economy: at various 25 times, they sought to compensate fans either through a share of the revenue or through giving them access to the media producers, neither of which reflected the system of status and reputation which had emerged within fandom. The threat that fan fiction might be commoditized motivated some fans to create the Organization of Transformative Works, which would, among other things, create an alternative web portal for distributing fan created works totally outside of commercial imperatives. Yet, despite the controversy, FanLib did attract a significant number of contributors. C3 researcher Xiaochang Li (2007) discovered that many of those posting on the site did not feel strong ties to the existing fan community and did not understand their cultural production in terms of "gifts" to fellow fans. These fans did not see a conflict between what motivated their creative expression and the logic of a commodity culture. That said, it was not clear that such fans were as valuable to FanLib or the rights holders because they were less "connected" to the larger fan community, were less likely therefore to draw other fans to the site or to help expand the potential markets for the series being depicted. Value, Worth and the Transfer of Meaning For a good to move from commodity culture to a gift economy, there has to be some point where value gets transformed into worth, where what has a price becomes priceless, where economic investment gives way to sentimental investment. If we do not understand how this occurs, we probably cannot understand what motivates consumers to "spread" advertising and other media content within their social networks. When people pass along branded content, they are not doing so as paid employees motivated by economic gain; they are doing so as members of social communities involved in activities which are meaningful to them on either an individual or social level. Symbolic goods stop circulating when they take on such economic value that there is no longer an incentive to give them to someone else or where their exchange fails to serve social goals within a particular community. In other words, symbolic goods cease their movement when they assume too much value or too little worth. In Culture and Consumption, Grant McCracken (1988) brought together anthropological and marketing literature to offer an account of the way "meaning transfer" shapes the circulation of goods. McCracken starts from the premise that the circulation of goods is accompanied by the circulation of meaning: "Meaning is constantly flowing to and from its several locations in the social world, aided by the collective and individual efforts of designers, producers, advertisers, and consumers." Both designers and advertisers draw on meanings already in the culture around them as they seek to construct offerings that will be valued by their potential consumers. Advertising, as seen by McCracken, helps to move both the products and the cultural claims being made about the products into the life world of consumers. Once consumers have purchased the goods and bought into the symbolic meanings that surround them, they perform a series of rituals that are designed to integrate both goods and meanings into their everyday social experiences. In a later revision of this argument, McCracken (2005b) writes "Consumers turn to their goods not only as bundles of utility with which to serve functions and satisfy needs but also as bundles of meaning with 26 which to fashion who they are and the world in which they live." (p.102)… For McCracken (1988), goods are "an opportunity to make culture material" (p.88). That is, goods attach symbolic meanings to physical objects. To draw on a now tired but useful distinction, goods are atoms. Yet, the kind of cultural goods we are discussing throughout this white paper are much more often virtual rather than physical, bytes and not atoms. They may still render visible the often implicit assumptions through which we organize our culture: "The consumer system supplies individuals with the cultural materials to realize their various and changing ideas of what it is to be a man or a woman, middleaged or elderly, a parent, a citizen, or a professional" (p.88). We can see the widgets on our profile pages, the links on our blogs, the refinements on our avatars, as doing a similar kind of social work - as giving expressive form to our values and performing certain kinds of social identities. It matters, though, that material goods are limited: they can only exist in one place at one time and to give them to someone else is to give them up yourself. Virtual goods, however, can be shared because they can be infinitely replicated. I can have my "cupcake" on Facebook and eat it too, or more importantly, I can share it with you without having to give it up myself. It is clear that personalization may play as strong if not a stronger role in such a system - as a means of distinguishing between countless copies of the same cultural good. Yet, we may have to spend less time with divestment rituals because the good we receive is no longer a good taken from the hands of another. … McCracken (1988) holds onto the idea of consumers as individuals who are motivated by personal desires and goals, "engaged in an ongoing enterprise of self-creation," rather than as parts of larger social networks and cultural communities. Indeed, his account of consumption in the North American context stresses all of the ways that identity is optional - that we choose which social categories are operative and which are irrelevant to our presentation of ourselves. Going back to Hyde (1983), then, the fantasies he sees expressed through consumer goods are those we associate with commodity culture - those having to do with freedom and individuality - rather than those of the gift economy having to do with tradition and social cohesion. As we think about why we pass along media content, though, we need to recognize that we are both expressive individuals and social beings; we seek both to personalize content and to share it with others… In a social network the power of evaluation and "winnowing" is dispersed. Each member potentially assumes the role of grassroots intermediary, contributing to a collective process that evaluates and ranks cultural goods and thus speeds or retards their circulation. References: Deuze, Mark (2006). "Media Work and Institutional Logics," Deuzeblog, July 18. Hyde, Lewis. (1983). The Gift: Imagination and the Erotic Life of Property. New York: Vintage. McCracken, Grant (1986). Culture and Consumption. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. 27 If It Doesn’t Spread, It’s Dead – Part Four Communities of Users ‐ Formerly Known As the “Audience” Rethinking the Individual Consumer So, does it make sense any more to speak about media audiences or for that matter, consumers in this brave new world of spreadable media? Probably not. Witness the profusion of new terms that seek to describe "those people formerly known as the audience." (Rosen, 2006) Some call them (us, really) "loyals," (Jenkins 2006) stressing the value of consumer commitment in an era of channel zapping. Some are calling them "media-actives," (Frank 2004 stressing a generational shift with young people expecting greater opportunities to reshape media content than their parents did. Some are calling them "prosumers," (Toffler 1980) suggesting that as consumers produce and circulate media, they are blurring the line between amateur and professional. Some are calling them "inspirational consumers" (Roberts 2005), "connectors" or "influencers," suggesting that some people play a more active role than others in shaping media flows. Recently Facebook was struggling with definitions such as these. In an aim to separate the users from the businesses, Facebook created a new profile category called "pages." When relating with a business' page, instead of becoming a friend, in usual Facebook fashion, the user becomes a fan. Six months after Facebook launched this new category, the terms are already starting to become murkier, and now in the users profile it no longer says "Jane is a fan of" but "Jane's Pages," the term is more open yet also more ambiguous. Andrew Lockhart, at the Thinking Interactive blog, suggests that companies might want to allow the user to define what type of relationship he or she wants to have, between, for instance, fan, advocate, friend, coworker. Such a move would also give businesses a better understanding of how these users want to engage with them. Sometimes we just want to buy things which are adequate to the purposes we want to use them for but not so vital to our sense of ourselves that we want to proclaim them to other people. The Facebook interface offered too limited a range of options for expressing our diverse affiliations with brands. Even where consumers actively seek to spread your content or advocate for your brand, they want to do it on their own terms and may be very particular about the kind of language they use to describe this relationship. For some time now it was thought that the way to insure this success was by reaching the so-called "influencers," this term comes from Malcom Gladwell's (2000) book The Tipping Point. As Gladwell puts it, "What we are really saying is that in a given process or system, some people matter more than others." Gladwell's "influencer" model has become almost an article of faith in most discussions of viral media. The most widely quoted example is the comeback made by Hush Puppies shoes, according to Gladwell, due to their adoption by specific Williamsburg tastemakers… Messages move through society from one weakly connected individual to another. So the question now becomes, not how to reach the influencers, but how do individuals choose to behave in a networked society and what kinds of social structures best support the spread of content. Yochai Benkler (2007) argues: 28 "Human beings are and always have been diversely motivated beings. We act instrumentally, but also noninstrumentally. We act for material gain, but also for psychological well-being and gratification and social connectedness. This seemingly simple statement further more complicates the idea of a networked society and hinders attempts to predict the way communities of users will act. On the other hand, this more nuanced vision allows us to have a deeper understanding of the diverse online behaviors. For instance, there are countless explanations for why people might join a particular social network or make the decisions they do when they come there." According to Benkler, this shift into a networked information culture does improves the practical capacities of individuals in that: It improves their capacity to do for and by themselves. It enhances their capacity to do more in loose commonality with others. It improves the capacity of individuals to do more in formal organizations that operate outside the market sphere. It is because of these empowered individuals, their new capacities, and their desire for social interactions that spreadable media is possible. If the technology was available, but society hadn't undergone any cultural changes, we would still be operating exclusively under a sticky model. Benkler has observed that this new society gives "individuals a significantly greater role in authoring their own lives, by enabling them to perceive a broader range of possibilities and by providing them a richer baseline against which to measure the choices they in fact make." Consumers are choosing to be part of participatory culture in diverse and fluid ways. Forrester Research has developed a useful taxonomy of the types of participation that occur in networked environments; it starts with the most passive users and finishes with the most active participants that publish their own content at least once a month. It's important to note that while this ladder helps us visualize a complex process, users don't necessarily adhere permanently to these roles, and more than likely, behave in different manners within different communities. Moreover, seeing it as depicting a process of ever more intense engagement with media content may mask the degree to which it also describes an economy, with each rung of the ladder performing tasks which are needed to support those below and sometimes above them. So, even someone who is a lurker may provide a sense of empowerment to contributors by expanding the scale of the community and thus motivating them to put more effort into their work. Someone who is a critic may create value for creators but so may someone who collects what the creators create. And the interplay between these different kinds of cultural participants creates opportunities for communication to take place and thus for content to be transmitted. 29 Rethinking Communities Such communities are also quite diverse in themselves. In fact, games scholar James Paul Gee (2004) has defined some of these groups as "affinity spaces," affinity that is, for a common endeavor. He argues that the romantic notions of community do not apply here, as engaging with one another is a secondary objective, though it may be a primary objective. Gee is interested in the kinds of informal learning that takes place in the cultures of gamers, for example, which depend heavily on the sharing of knowledge towards common if sometimes contradictory goals. Such "affinity spaces" can provide greater motivation for the production and circulation of information, may offer a "hothouse" context where new ideas may emerge, may offer motivation for people to intensify their participation. We form non-exclusive relationships to these kinds of "affinity spaces": we may have multiple interests and thus we may engage with multiple different "affinity spaces" in the course of any given day. Older notions of community often started from assumptions of exclusive memberships, whereas this focus on social mobility and multiple commitments helps us to understand how content might spread quickly between different "affinity spaces" as members trade information from one site to another. Not all "affinity spaces" operate according to the same social dynamics. Lara Lee, from Jump Associates, has offered a promising typography for thinking about the social structures of different kinds of communities: Pools: Here people have loose associations with each other, but a strong association with a common endeavor or with the values of the community. Most brand communities are pools, so are most political organizations. Webs: Webs are organized through individual social connections, so the ties with each member are stronger and they operate in decentralized manner. Hubs: In a Hub, individuals form loose social associations around a central figure, as in the case of fan clubs. Hubs may form around brands but they are more likely to form around dynamic figures who embody the values of their company ‐ a figure like Microsoft's Bill Gates, say, or Virgin's Richard Branson. Such strategies only work when there is a clear connection between the brand's values and the personality of this central figure. Each of these social structures may be valuable from the point of view of a brand or a media franchise. Hubs are most likely to be influenced through dominant figures, whereas the other two may be shaped by any member. Media content which supports shared activities is most apt to circulate through pools, while that which sustains social connections is most apt to be valued within webs. Lee's taxonomy seeks to understand what motivates our membership in particular kinds of shared social spaces. Others have sought to explain the different barriers to entry which shape alternative kinds of communities: 30 Open: These spaces do not require any registration in order to participate. Users can leave anonymous posts, as is the case on some kinds of blogs or online forums. However, without some form of reputation system, the possibility of engaging in a common endeavor is more limited, resulting in short lived communal experiences. Members feel little or no strong emotional ties to such communities that they enter and exit on a whim. They may move through many such social spaces in the course of a single session online. Free registration: This is the most common way of implementing a space for a community exchange, it's present in the majority of social networks (the ones that operate by outside selection are the exception) and most blogs and message boards. This model has given sites like Amazon the necessary data to customize itself to its community's and individual user's needs. It's in these open and free communities where the spread of media is possible and successful. Purchase: These spaces function within the logic of a sticky model. They operate under the assumption that once you buy your way in, you will stay in. Evidently most of the content within these spaces is proprietary and its spread is limited. The transmission of desired content beyond its borders poses a threat to its subscription model, though closing off that content from wider circulation often makes it harder for potentially interested consumers to determine the value of what it has to offer. These spaces tend to be hubs with very little interaction between the users and it is this lack of strong social ties that has led to growing skepticism about so‐called corporate communities. Outside Selection: These are closed spaces with gatekeeper. Their value is in their exclusivity and specificity, but due to their closed‐off nature, they don't encourage the spread of media, although they might generate buzz. Although we've used the concept brand communities a couple of times, it's important to reiterate that communities aren't created, they are courted. Most brands will need to court a range of different communities and travel across pools, webs, and hubs if they want to reach the full range of desired consumers. To achieve that, they must embrace what filmmaker Lance Weiler calls "The Scattershot Approach." The idea is to be available for your users in whichever way and every way they deem appropriate, be it through a web site, widget, RSS feed or embeddable video, making the process of finding and communicating with you as easy and enjoyable as possible. That may be the strongest incentive for shifting from a sticky paradigm, which often is a one-sizefits-all model, towards a spreadable paradigm, which allows consumers with diverse interests to retrofit your content to serve their local needs and interest… References Benkler, Yochai (2007). The Wealth of Networks: How Social Networks Transform Markets and Freedom. New Haven: Yale University Press. 31 Dodds, Peter Sheridan, Muhammad, Roby and Watts, Duncan J. (2003) "An Experimental Study of Search in Global Social Networks." Science, 301(8), pp. 827‐829. Domb, Ana. (2008) "Bringing Awesome to Self‐Distribution," Convergence Culture Consortium Blog, Frank, Betsy (2004). "Changing Media, Changing Audiences." Remarks at the MIT Communication Forum, Cambridge, MA. April 1. Gee, James (2004). Situated Language and Learning: A Critique of Traditional Schooling. New York: Routledge. Gladwell, Malcolm (2000) The Tipping Point: How Little Things can make a Big Difference. Boston: Little Brown. Jenkins, Henry (2006). Convergence Culture: Where Old and New Media Collide. New York: New York University Press. Lee, Lara. (2007) "Lara Lee on brand Community Pioneer Harley‐Davidson." Boston University. Lockhart, Andrew (2008). "The 9 Types of Brand Community Expanded." Thinking Interactive. Roberts, Kevin (2005). Lovemarks: The Future Beyond Brands. New York:Powerhouse. Rosen, Jay (2006). "The People Formerly Known as the Audience." PressThink, June 27. Toffler, Alvin (1980). The Third Wave. New York: Morrow. If It Doesn’t Spread, It’s Dead – Part Five Spreadable Content Not all media content and materials are equally spreadable. Nor it is simply a matter of "good" or "interesting" content - we do not pass on every bit of interesting information or every clever video. Content is spread based not on an individual evaluation of worth, but on a perceived social value within community or group. Not all good content is good for sharing. In a gift economy, the gifts we share say something about our perceptions of the person we are passing them to as much as they express our own tastes and interests. Most importantly, the exchange of gifts serves to reinforce relations within the community and a badly chosen or ill-considered gift can cause hard feelings… If we want to predict what content will "spread," we have to develop a fuller understanding of the ways that the circulation of information may strengthen or damage social relations. We must first come to understand what function the circulation of content and information serves within a social network ‐ that is, what is the relationship of the community to the materials that it circulates? From there, we can determine the necessary characteristics that advertising content must exhibit in order to have potential for use within a gift economy. We can then begin to draw out aesthetic and structural forms that lend themselves particularly well to this process. 32 What makes content worth spreading? There's a lot we can learn about how content circulates online by examining the existing literature on how rumors spread in face-to-face communities. Patricia A Turner (1994) has studied the circulation of rumors within the African American community. Turner makes the distinction between rumors, which are informal and temporary constellations of information, and contemporary legends, which are "more solidified rumors" (Turner 1994, p. 5) and maintain a reasonable consistency in narrative content as they are passed. Her description of such rumors bear a striking resemblance to what we've come to think of as “word of mouth” (WOM) advertising - testimonial accounts about a product or service - and the circulation of advertising content itself that now most often characterizes "viral" media. …By circulating a story, community members are able affirm their commonality and draw clear lines of who is friend and who is foe, express the shared concerns of that group (racism and discriminatory treatment) and bring their anxieties under control by responding to a symbolic embodiment of their concerns. …The social factors that motivate sharing information and content within communities in general are: To bolster camaraderie and articulate the (presumably shared) experiences and values that identify oneself as belong to a particular community ("bolstering their identity") To gather information and explain difficult to understand events or circumstances. To establish the boundaries of an "in‐group." These same factors may come into play when fans advocate for a franchise or consumers promote a brand. They are doing so because the brand expresses something about themselves or their community. They are doing so because the brand message serves some valued social function. They are doing so because the entertainment content gives expressive form to some deeply held perception or feeling about the world. They are doing so because individual responses to such content helps them determine who does or does not belong in their community. …Think of the way the VW Polo spoof ad was circulated. The spot itself featured a man of in determinant but Arabic descent pulling up alongside a cafe in a VW Polo. After muttering a few indistinguishable words, he presses his thumb down on a detonator, at 33 which point we cut to an exterior shot that shows the Polo containing the entire explosion. The spot was never intended as a legitimate advert for VW, but rather part of a show reel that was leaked onto the web. First, the spot was commented upon and passed among a number of different niche groups online, used as a way to express a number of different sentiments, but all with the purpose of articulating some form of value system or viewpoint. There were a number of blogs that posted the video in the spirit in which it was probably intended, citing its strength as an advertisement for being memorable and one discussion board post framed it with the saying that "anything worth taking seriously is worth making fun of," aligning the video with the humor tactics of popular media like The Daily Show. But a quick look at the trackbacks to one of the early posts on the blog Whizbang, which range from "disgusting" to "humor to the rescue," suggest that as the video spread more widely, it generated a wider range of interpretations of its message. Some blogs used it as a sort of war rally, with comments such as "perhaps we should start issuing (the Polo) to British forces" and "If only we could ship an entire fleet of these things to the Islamofascists world-wide." On the other side, it was framed as offensive and tasteless; It was pointed out on the article that the man in the commercial not only had a "distinctive middle eastern appearance," but was also wearing a checkered keffiyeh that was reminiscent of Yasser Arafat, suggesting a pointed political message at work. One blog that specializes in media surrounding the Middle East juxtaposed a description of the video against an article about a poll which "highlights anti-Israeli feeling in Germany," while another site listed the video as the number one most racist commercial, even beating out ads from white supremacy organizations. The commercial was spread through a number of different interest communities with a range of opinions, but what they all have in common was that each used the ad to articulate specific values and agendas. The blog about racist commercials, for instance, was able to express anxiety over a long-standing pattern of negative stereotyping of various minorities. Other blogs that took a pro-war stance were able to use their attitude towards the situation portrayed in the video to create us/them distinctions on both a national level ("we" versus the "Islamofascists") and an ideological one, implicitly drawing a line between those who support the message and those who find the message offensive. As we have seen, not all of these communities are clearly ... Some communities may be pools, organized around shared interests, ranging from politics to pet care. Some may be webs, organized through the crisscrossing social affiliations of them members. And some may be hubs, structured around a central personality and their friends and followers. In some cases, the motives that shape the groups activities are clearly articulated and there is an ongoing conversation about what it means to be a member of such a community. They may be very aware of their shared agenda and have a critical perspective on what kinds of values shape their transactions. They may also have a vivid conception of the borders of their community and may aggressively police them against those who do not share their views. They may have ambivalent or even hostile feelings about the circulation of meaningful 34 content beyond the borders of their own community… When advertising spreads, it is because the community has embraced it as a resource for expressing its shared beliefs or pursuing its mutual interests. Community members have embraced the content because it allows them to say something that matters to them, often something about their relations to other community members. In that sense, it has acquired worth. But the worth of an advertisement may and often does differ from one community to another. Spreadable Texts As this circulation occurs, the original producer no longer is able to determine what a particular piece of content means because they are no longer able to control the context within which it is seen. Meanings proliferate as people pass the communication on, inserting it into a variety of different conversations. Like an elaborate game of telephone, the message morphs and mutates as each successive viewer sees not the original intent, but the interpretations just prior to their own. This kind of intervention, however, is not only the product of circulation, it is also the required precondition: content will spread only when it can serve the particular communicative purposes of a given community or group, and only community members can determine what those might be. Corporations cannot artificially build communities around their brands and products, but rather must allow their brands to be taken up by pre-existing communities by creating content that supports and sustains this kind of expressive appropriation. * In other words, in the spreadable media landscape, companies must find ways not simply to motivate consumers to talk about their brands but also enable them to talk through their brands. This is, of course, not a novel concept. Advertising, as Grant McCracken (1998) notes, has always been a tool for mapping generalized cultural meanings onto specific brands and those brands must be meaningfully inserted into the life-world of their consumers. Advertising may convince us that particular products may become good gifts because they convey shared values. Yet, in the spreadable media content, the advertisement may itself become a gift that we pass along to others we care about. As they do so, they remake the advertisement - sometimes literally, sometimes figuratively - to reflect their perceptions of themselves and of the people to whom they are giving it. Right now, many companies fear the loss of centralized control over the circulation and interpretation of their brand messages. They want to hold onto the idea that a brand may carry a highly restricted range of meanings. But in doing so, they run the risk of removing the value of the brand as a vehicle for social and personal expression. They produce commodities which we cannot consume and in the long run, they will become products we will not buy. So, the challenge is how to rethink advertising strategies to generate brand messages that support these processes of personalization and localization. 35 How to Make Content "Spreadable" If sharing and spreading content is a sign of its popularity, then to understand what makes videos spread, we must first figure it out what it means for media to be "popular." In Understanding Popular Culture, media and communications scholar John Fiske (1989), draws a distinction between mass culture, that is culture that is mass produced and distributed, and popular culture, that is culture which has been meaningfully integrated into the everyday lives of consumers. This act of turning mass media into popular media involves "the active process of generating and circulating meanings and pleasures" (Fiske, 1989, p.23). We must be careful here not to confuse messages with meanings. For the purposes of this discussion, messages refer to specific ideas that can be encoded into a media text by its creators, while meanings are the active interpretations of the audience, which may or may not align with the intended message. To return again to our previous example, in the VW Polo ad spoof, the intended message was that the creators were witty, creative, and irreverent. The meanings that were drawn from it were varied, ranging from patriotic to racist. Messages are encoded into a text; meanings are decoded from the text. Fiske argues we produce culture when we integrate products and texts into our everyday life. When we hear a song in a music video, it is part of mass culture. When we sing it in the shower, we turn it into popular culture. When it is under the control of its producers, it is mass culture. When it is under the control of its consumers, it is popular culture. Fiske, thus, puts strong emphasis on the act of interpretation that occurs as a text is embraced by consumers. He argues a text becomes part of popular culture when consumers recognize and embrace its potential as a vehicle for expressing their own meanings. To read this through the lens of the gift economy, it is at that moment when the commodity becomes a gift and when its worth gets recognized. Cultural products or commodities, like videos, are simply what Fiske calls the "raw material" for the production of popular culture. What makes culture popular, both widely accepted by and belonging to the public, is the ability of people to use it to express, define, and understand their social and cultural relationships. To bring this to "viral video", the video itself can be seen as a cultural commodity, but its user-controlled circulation transforms it into a cultural resource. In other words, we cannot think of popular culture as a top-down process of mass marketing, but a bottom-up process of creative interaction with cultural commodities, a relationship with media that is neither simply consumption nor production, but an active negotiation between the two. Producerly Texts: Cultural commodities that become cultural resources To imagine this simply, a video will become popular if it allows to consumers to participate in the production of meaning and is transformed into a cultural resource through which they communicate something that matters to other members of their community. This sharing of texts and meanings becomes the basis for social affiliations and often re-articulates or reconfirms the group's shared values. Fiske argues that some texts are more apt to produce new meanings than others. He calls such texts producerly, arguing that a producerly text "offers itself up to popular production … it has loose 36 ends that escape its control, its meanings exceed its own power to discipline them, its gaps are wide enough for whole new texts to be produced in them - it is, in a very real sense, beyond its own control" (Fiske, 1989, p.104). In other words, a media product doesn't have to give up having a clearly defined message, but in so far as it limits its potential meanings, it also limits its potential circulation. Propaganda is not producerly because it sets too rigid a set of limits over its interpretation. A text that articulates an overly confusing or completely incomprehensible message might also not be producerly because it would not offer sufficient resources for consumers. The VW Polo ad, on the other hand, was highly producerly. It had an intent and a set of preferred meanings, but in the end it was left ambiguous enough, with enough open-ended details, that it could be interpreted in a number of ways, depending on the contexts into which it was spread and the ways it was deployed by consumers within localized conversations. A producerly video then is one that can be enjoyed and accessed on multiple levels. It can be taken at face value, but also leaves openings for deeper, more active interpretation. Fiske's notion of the "producerly" introduces the general guiding principle for transforming cultural commodities into cultural resources: open, loose ends and gaps that allow the viewer to introduce their own background and experiences. Such openness allows them to convey something of themselves as they pass the content along, transforming the video into a resource for self-expression. While the media industries cannot themselves produce cultural resources, they can produce cultural commodities that are primed to be used as cultural resources. Such materials only become gifts when we choose to give them to someone else. Advertising as "Producerly" Cultural Commodities Such texts must be producerly, must be open to multiple interpretations and use, before they are spread. The tight control over the message doesn't just break down through the video's circulation. The loss of the producer's control over meaning is a precondition for the video's circulation. When people feel that they can have a stake in the content, when it can be used to represent themselves and their views somehow, they are inclined to share a video with others. We must keep in mind, however, that a commercial is not just any type of video. More so that general art or entertainment, commercials have an explicit functional purpose - to help position material goods within a cultural context. Publicity and advertising is used, for instance, to ensure that a particular brand of designer sunglasses evokes a sense of "coolness" within a particular niche of consumers. Historically, this has required much tighter control over their potential messages and thus the idea that consumers may appropriate and rework brand messages may generate a high degree of anxiety. Media producers worry about losing control. The reality is that they have already lost control; consumers can take their brands and do with them whatever they want. And the more producers do to reign in this grassroots 37 creativity, the more they will take away the "worth" of their goods and devalue their content in the eyes of those consumers. Therefore, in order to become cultural commodities that can be made "producerly," ads must sacrifice some of their functional purpose. We don't post and share clips just because of what we have to say about the ad, but also because of what it might have to say about us, so the ad must be capable of users expressing something beyond their affinity for the product it promotes. Only when commercials have enough ambiguity in meaning that they give up control of their promotional function can they develop the gaps and spaces to become producerly. When that happens, instead of giving meaning to a pair of sunglasses, the ad itself becomes a cultural commodity not unlike a pair of designer sunglasses that we can "wear." In such a context, the brand message does not entirely disappear. Each new viewer encounters it afresh and is reminded of the brand and its potential meanings for them. Users remain aware of the advertisement's sources and goals and thus they become part of the process by which meaning transfer occurs. We might consider, for example, what happens when the template created by the PC vs. Mac advertising campaign gets used as the basis for parody videos that apply its images to distinguish between other kinds of products, say, between Nintendo and Sony Playstation, between DC and Marvel, or between Republicans and Democrats. When we see these other uses of the template, we still recall, on some level, its original function as a way of promoting Apple. The repurposing allows the brand iconography to spread to new contexts, even as it offers us a way back to its original source. References: Fiske, John. (1989) Understanding Popular Culture. London: Routledge. Hendershot, Heather (2004). Shaking the World for Jesus: Media and Conservative Evangelical Culture. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. McCracken, Grant (1988) Culture and Consumption. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. Norris, Chuck (2007). "If I am elected president," World Net Daily. Turner, Patricia Ann. (1994) I Heard it on the Grapevine: Rumor in African‐American Culture. Berkeley: University of California Press. If It Doesn’t Spread, It’s Dead – Part Six Spreadability: Aesthetic and Structural Strategies Cadbury's "Gorilla" spot - an ad featuring nothing but a life-size Cadbury-purple Gorilla belting out the drumline to Phil Collins classic "Something in the Air Tonight" - didn't spread just because it was "producerly." It was also incredibly amusing. There is still truth in the notion that good, compelling content remains a crucial factor in the spreadability media. If a "producerly" openness is required in order for content to 38 be adopted into the gift economy, not all gifts are equally valuable, and thus not all content is equally spreadable. Producerly engagement encourages individuals to take on content as their own and invest their own identity in it, making it a potential tool of communication. But, in thinking back to what we outlined as some of the key motivations for spreading content, we must remember that in order to become spreadable, the content has to be able to create worth. Openness and an abundance of meanings and uses may make some advertising material a potential gift, but it has to be able to communicate something that is socially meaningful before someone will give it. Humor If one looks at the videos that have spread most successfully, a clear pattern begins to emerge: a lot of them, like "Gorilla," are really, really funny. The success of humor should come as no surprise - we intuitively understand that sharing funny anecdotes or cracking jokes that everyone gets is an easy way to build camaraderie and put people at ease in formal situations…Anthropologist Mary Douglas (1991) has noted the very thin line which separates a joke from an insult: a joke expresses something the community is ready to hear; an insult expresses something it doesn't want to talk about. The act of recognizing a joke is an act of exchanging judgments about the world and thus the spread of jokes can strengthen social ties. Humor is not simply a matter of taste: it is a vehicle by which we articulate and validate our tastes. If we look more closely at the spread of videos, we can identify two extremely popular forms - parody (often in partnership with certain elements of nostalgia, usually ironic) and humor that uses absurdity or shock/surprise. To be clear, these categories are by no means mutually exclusive, and successful videos quite frequently use a blend of both for added effect. Cadbury's "Gorilla" is a prime instance in which parody, nostalgia, and absurdity are blended in order to create a provocative and spreadable ad. To be fair, parody in general always has elements of absurdity, since its humor relies on the intrusion of unexpected elements into a "normal" or common situation. In "Gorilla," however, the dominant form at work is absurdity. This is established from the very beginning, by starting with a close-up of the gorilla, and pulling out to reveal the drum kit. The opening moment is one of surprise, emphasized with a sudden rise in the music, upending our expectations of what we would see following a series of shots of a gorilla's face. The strangeness of the set-up itself becomes the punch line, rather than forcing any complex interpretations or outside references as is more common in direct parodies. The video is primarily funny because it asks us to confront the limits of our expectations. The implicit parody elements present are used to keep the absurdity within the bounds of comprehension, however. It is not purely surreal, but rather references a number of clichés and cultural touchstones…In enacting reversals and disruptions of standard patterns, the "Gorilla" video poses a sort of abstract challenge to formality and authority. In effect, its informality gives users permission to transgress the audience/producer boundary, to adopt and adapt the content for their own purposes. In other words, if the advertisers don't take themselves too seriously, they invite users to get in on the fun. 39 This worked beautifully for Cadbury, resulting in a slew of remixes and mash-ups that helped promote the original and turn Cadbury into a sort of cultural benchmark in its own right…Both by depriving the video of a specific message and engaging forms that are primed for participation, "Gorilla" serves as an exemplar of a "producerly" text that spreads as more and more people have a go at remaking it for their own comic effects. Its absurdity creates gaps "wide enough for whole new texts to be produced in them" (Fiske, 1989, p.104). Parody's Promises and Perils Another thing that "Gorilla" does well is provide different levels of engagement -- the video works whether or not you get the Phil Collins references. However, this is not always the case with humor. The strength of parody as spreadable media is the fact that it is a predominantly participatory form. That is to say, for something to be recognizable as parody requires certain cultural knowledge on the part of the viewer. This is precisely what makes parody valuable for spread - it can express shared frameworks of reference within a community and, especially when it plays on nostalgic references, a shared history as well, thus marking those inside as those who "get" the joke. But as we mentioned briefly, this has the potential to alienate as well, and unless advertisers want the spread of their content to be siloed exclusively within small niches, they must be careful to build different levels of "insider" knowledge… Information Seeking Another characteristic of popular "viral" content is some level of ambiguity or confusion that encourages people to seek out further information. This act encourages the sharing of content as people enlist their network to help with the problem solving, an act typically known as "collective intelligence" or "crowd sourcing." In Convergence Culture, Henry Jenkins (2006) argues that a successful media franchise is not only a cultural attractor, drawing like-minded people together to form an audience, but also a cultural activator, giving that community something to do. Figuring out such spots offer many different communities something to do and thus a reason to continue to engage with its content. Often, these spots force us to look twice because we can't believe, or understand, what it is we are seeing. We need to verify their authenticity, intent, or simply figure out how it was accomplished. The Cadbury Gorilla spot, for instance, did this to a certain extent, with some discussion surrounding just who was in the Gorilla suit - Phil Collins himself was cited as a possibility - and, to a lesser extent, whether or not the Gorilla was real. The VW Polo also engaged this kind of participation, provoking questions of whether or not the ad was "real" or in any way affiliated with Volkswagen. With Volkswagen's denial of any connection to the commercial, people became wrapped up in a search for the origins of the ad, locating information on the creators, the director, and even the budget as clues to whether or not it was a publicity stunt. Yet another interesting instance of this logic is the "homemade" Ford Mondeo "Desire" video. The ad itself is a whimsical, if somewhat ambiguous, television spot composed of a series of still and near-still shots of cars lifting off the streets of London attached to 40 colorful bunches of helium balloons. The video was uploaded to YouTube and received a few hundred thousand hits, a decent, if unremarkable, showing. What makes the Ford Mondeo case so interesting is that almost six months after the original ad went up on YouTube, a video appeared of two guys from New Zealand tying balloons to a car until it lifted off. The video, posted by a user by the name of homeschooled2, claimed to be a "homemade" version of the Ford ad. It received far greater viral circulation than the original, clocking in over a million YouTube views and thousands of comments, as well as news media coverage, as people tried to prove whether or not what happened the video was physically possible. Two days after the initial "homemade" video went up, homeschooled2 posted a couple of "making of" follow-up videos that showed that the video was made with aid of a crane and some clever digital editing effects, with acknowledgment of help from the "team from Ford" in the video description. Leaving the nature and extent of Ford's involvement ambiguous, the "making of" videos forced us to consider whether Ford had orchestrated the whole thing, making the original ad with the addition of a viral campaign in mind. Many of the comments surrounding the "homemade" ad were focused on determining whether it was "for real." Even after the follow-up videos that revealed both the crane and the Ford involvement were posted, clearly linked from the original, discussion continued along these lines, suggesting that it was not the answer to the question of authenticity that was the point, but the process of questioning. What is finally at stake is not knowing, but seeking answers. The "homemade" video thus spread by opening itself to this search for authenticity. This search for authenticity, origins, or purpose can be seen as yet another way of actively constructing the meaning of content, another type of gap that encourages producerly engagement. Here, it is the process of uncovering the "truth" that is more important that what is found. Whether the VW ad is proven to be an intentional stunt or an accidental leak, whether Ford had planned the "homemade" ad from the beginning or not, whether it really is Phil Collins in the gorilla suit, the debate, allows individuals to create and justify their interpretations by asserting control over what information they have about the ad. Unfinished Content In all of the previous examples, the "gaps" are in the meaning of the content, whether due to general ambiguity within or hidden information surrounding the ad. Burger King's Subservient Chicken interactive video site, launched in 2004, literally engaged users in the creation of the video's content. Visitors to the site saw a video window with a man in a chicken suit standing in a room. Below, there is a text input box with the words "Get chicken just the way you like it. Type command here." Once a command is typed, it triggers a video of the man in the chicken suit performing the command. There are nearly 300 different clips in all, each set to respond to a variety of similar commands ranging from "jump" to "lay egg" to "moonwalk." Commands that the chicken doesn't understand might result in a clip expressing confusion or boredom, while commands deemed inappropriate, such as those that are sexually explicit, result in a clip of the chicken wagging his finger in disapproval. 41 …Subservient Chicken gives up control at the level of creation. Though the videos are pre-made, the content itself fundamentally incomplete. Not only is there no meaning, but there is also no action, no finished content until the user enters a command. By creating a partial work, an archive of incomplete, component parts, the Subservient Chicken campaign offered the user agency that went beyond just access and choice, but tangible participation in the work's creation. Subservient Chicken becomes producerly by explicitly engaging the user in the creative process. It also triggers an information-gathering urge, much like the Mondeo or VW Polo ads. Users debate how its mechanism works as much as they reinterpret its meaning or question its authenticity. Gamers often seek to test the limits of a game to see how much actual control and agency they can exert. Here, users wanted to push against the limits of the ad to see what flaws they could locate in its execution. Websites soon appeared that catalogued the various commands and their responses. People worked together to test the limits of application and in the process, spread the video to other interested parties, trying to expand the ranks of the puzzle solvers. According to Axel Bruns (2007), some of the key characteristics of "producage" -the "hybrid, user-and-producer position" occupied by participants in user-led spaces such as Wikipedia and YouTube - include that content is "continually under development" and highly collaborative. Working together, they hoped to outsmart the original producers or at least figure out how it all worked and thereby "beat the system." Nostalgia and Community Earlier, we noted that commodity culture and the gift economy operate on the basis of very different sets of fantasy. We turn toward commodity culture when we seek to express our individuality, when we want to break free of social constraints, when we want to enjoy opportunities for upward mobility or shift our status and identity. The fantasies that shape the gift economy are concerned with social connectivity and especially with reaffirming existing values and preserving and promoting cultural traditions. The fantasies of a commodity culture are those of transformation while those of a gift economy are often deeply nostalgic. When materials move from one sphere to the other, they often get reworked to reflect the values and fantasies associated with their current context. Jenkins (1992), for example, argues fan media production and circulation often centers around themes of romance, friendship, and community. These values shape the decisions fans make at every level, starting with the choice of films and television programs that seem to offer the best opportunities to explore these concepts. When fans rework program content through vidding (a genre of fan music videos) or fan fiction, they tend to draw attention to those situations where such relationships are most vividly expressed… Other content that is commonly "spread" within the gift economy has an explicitly nostalgic tone. For many baby boomers, there is enormous pleasure in watching older commercials or segments from children's programs of their childhood. This is a generation that is using eBay to repurchase all the old toys, comics, collector cards, and other stuff that their parents threw away when they went to college. The exchange of 42 these retro or nostalgic texts helps to spark the exchange of memories, which are often bound up to personal and collective histories of consumption and spectatorship. Robert Kozinets (Brown, Kozinets, and Sherry, 2003) has explored how such "retromarketing" practices have helped to revitalized older brands, giving them greater currency in the contemporary marketplace. As Kozinets and his collaborators explain: "Long abandoned brands, such as Aladdin (lunchboxes), Beemans (gum) and Chuck Taylors (shoes), have been adroitly reanimated and successfully relaunched. Ancient commercials are being re-broadcast (Ovaltine, Alka-Seltzer) or brilliantly updated (Britney Spears sings "Come Alive" for Pepsi). On the Internet, sites devoted to marketing a variety of retro merchandise--from candy ( to fabric (, games ( to home furnishings ( popped up. Retro styling is de rigueur in countless product categories, ranging from cameras and colognes to telephones and trainers. Even automobiles and detergents, long the apotheosis of marketing's new-and-improved, washes-whiter, we-have-thetechnology worldview, are getting in on the retroactive act, as the success of the Chrysler P.T Cruiser and Color Protection Tide daily remind us. " In many cases, the release of these retro products sparks enormous conversation wherever there are consumers old enough to have fond memories of their heyday. In other cases, online discussions of long retired brands has led to a greater appreciation of their potential within parent companies. In discussing the values that shape successful retrobrands, Kozinets and colleagues describe something very close to the animating fantasies of the gift economy: “Utopianism is perhaps the hallmark of the retro-brand. The brand must be capable of mobilizing an Elysian vision, of engendering a longing for an idealized past that is satisfied through consumption. Solidarity is an important unifying quality of the retro-brand. Whether as extreme as a cargo cult or as moderate as fictive kinship, the brand must inspire among its users the sense of belonging.” References: Brown, Stephen, Robert V. Kozinets, and John F. Sherry, Jr. (2003). "Sell Me the Old, Old Story: Retromarketing Management and the Art of Brand Revival," Journal of Consumer Behavior, June, 2. pp.85‐98. Bruns, Axel (2007) "Produsage, Generation C, and Their Effects on the Democratic Process", paper presented at Media in Transitions 5: Creativity, Ownership, and Collaboration in the Digital Age, April 27‐29, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA USA. Douglas, Mary (1991) "Jokes," in Rethinking Popular Culture, Chandra Mukerji and Michael Schudson (eds.). Berkeley: University of California Press, pp.291‐311. Fiske, John. (1989) Understanding Popular Culture. London: Routledge. Jenkins, Henry (1992). Textual Poachers: Television Fans and Participatory Culture. New York: Routledge. Jenkins, Henry (2006). Convergence Culture: Where Old and New Media Collide. New York: New York University Press. 43 Conclusion: The Value of Spreadable Media So far this white paper has: • criticized the vagueness of existing models of "viral media" or "memes." • outlined the differences between sticky and spreadable media. • identified those factors which have led to the rise of spreadable media. • shown why spreadable media involves a collaboration between the gift economy and commodity culture. • discussed a range of different kinds of communities that are shaping the spread of media. • pointed towards some properties shared by the most spreadable media content. In this concluding section, we will return to the core question from the perspective of our clients: Is it a good idea to allow or enable my consumers to spread my brand message or my copyrighted content? We enter this discussion with some modesty. The situation we have described here is in flux. New examples of spreadable content, new business plans, and new policies regarding intellectual property are announced each day and so far, the verdict is still out. There's a lot we do not yet know about spreadable media's benefits and risks from a corporate perspective. In this transitional moment, we advise companies to proceed with caution but fear that those who remain totally outside this space may be running greater risks than those who make at least some modest steps toward embracing spreadability. Certainly, one can point to some great success stories from companies who have been early to embrace this spreadable model. One such case is the Dove Evolution campaign that was released online with a 75-second clip showing an "ordinary" woman's painful transformation into an "object of desire." The ad boosted sales, received more than 5 million views and cost nothing to distribute online. Dove also released another version of the spot on television during the Super bowl. Placing the ad cost the company $2.5 million and it received 2.5 million views. Granted, broadcast television provided them with an opportunity to reach a large number of viewers in a very short period of time, but the online version reached almost twice as many people at a fraction of the cost. One take-away here is that television may remain a stronger venue for "just in time" information, while the slower circulation of information online may ultimately result in much deeper saturation within the culture. Or consider the success of the Cadbury Gorilla advertisement that we've cited several 44 times already. In 8 weeks the ad received 5 million views, positioning Cadbury to grow 30% above the industry average that same year, increase it's sales by 7% and most importantly, detach itself from the chocolate recall-salmonella scandal that had greatly impacted the company's image in the UK. Such success stories have inspired other companies to develop so-called "viral" marketing strategies, some of which have succeeded, many of which have not. The decentralized nature of the process, the lack of control over the flow of content means that there are no guarantees that such content will reach their desired market segments or for that matter, that they will circulate anywhere. [At this point in time, in 2009,] if you want to guarantee the number of eyeballs that consume your message, nothing is going to replace traditional broadcasting methods anytime soon. Lowering the transaction costs, however, make it possible for companies to minimize their risks in trying out such strategies as an add-on to existing marketing approaches. So what is spreadable media good for? • To generate active commitment from the audience • To empower them and make them an integral part of your product's success • To benefit from online word‐of‐mouth • To reach niche, highly interconnected audiences • But most of all, to communicate with audiences where they already are, and in a way that they value Each of these factors suggests that such an approach may yield longer term rather than shorter-term benefits. Spreadability may… • help to expand and intensify consumer awareness of a new and emerging brand or transform their perceptions of an existing brand, re‐affirming its central place in their lives. • expand the range of potential markets for a brand by introducing it, at low costs and low risks, to niches that previously were not part of its market. • intensify consumer loyalty by increasing emotional attachment to the brand or media franchise. • expand the shelf life of existing media content by creating new ways of interacting with it (as occurs, say, around the modding of games or the archiving of classic television content on YouTube) and it may even rebuild or reshape the market for a dormant brand, as suggested by Robert Kozinets writing on "retro‐ brands." 45 All told, those companies that have the most to gain from this approach are those who have the least to lose from abandoning traditional broadcasting models, those that have: lower promotional budgets who want to reach niche markets who want to distribute so-called "Long Tail" content who want to build strong emotional connections with their consumers. • • • • Those who have the most to lose are those companies which: • • • • have well-established brand messages have messages that are predictably delivered through broadcast channels who are concerned about a loss of control over their intellectual property who have reason to fear backlash from their consumers. Even here, remaining outside of the spreadable model altogether may cut them off from younger and more digitally connected consumers who spend less time consuming traditional broadcast content or who are increasingly suspicious of top-down advertising campaigns. Such considerations intensify when we move from brand messages, which one wants to circulate freely, towards content, which is expected to generate revenue. Right now, spreadability has proven more effective at generating buzz and awareness than as a revenue generator, though this may be changing. Consider, for example, the mobile sector. As many as 20 percent of mobile subscribers are listening to music on their mobile devices (Minney, 2008) with similar increases occurring with other media such as games and video. There is also a strong rise in mobile media sharing, either directly phone-to-phone or pcto-phone, in either case mobile consumers are already embracing spreadable media by default and companies are discovering that there is money to be made by facilitating their activities. So far, only a few companies are taking advantage of a potential Mobile Web 2.0, according to Sumit Agarwal, a product manager in Google's mobile division: "We're really at mobile Web 0.5, to be completely honest, the real thing about Web 2.0 is people introducing applications to each other. True viral applications, something sent from one person to another, will absolutely be a big part of mobile." (Salz, 2007) One such company, MoConDi Ltd. announced in September of 2007 that its Italian-based service, MeYou, had reached more than 800,000 registered users. By January 2008, that number had doubled. MeYou is a mobile phone application that supports distribution of a mobile content to end users. These users can then recommend content to additional users 46 and receive credits for doing so. Users receive MMS recommendations that contain a message and download link for the content and a link to install the MeYou application. In this case, they are using the same marketing strategy that launched Hotmail in the 90s. MeYou has implemented a hybrid model between the sticky and spreadable models, between content distribution and marketing. As such, users will receive certain content directly from MeYou or from their friends for free, but other content requires for direct payment. Users can still share such by sending the application for which the receiver has to then purchase the activation code. This model is particularly successful with games where after the applications are activated, users can play against each other, creating strong social incentives to expand its reach. MeYou works mostly with ringtones, images, videos, animations and games. Through its parent company, MoConDi generate mobile branded content and distribution strategies for other businesses. According to MeYou's public information 60% of users purchase content and 64% of users send recommendations with 24% of recommendations resulting in purchases. We might contrast the relative success which MoConDi has enjoyed through enfranchising its consumers to spread content with the backlash which has come as a result of the tendency of major media companies to brand grassroots circulation as "piracy." For quite some time, Sony-BMG and all other music majors have opted for issuing take-down notices when content to which they hold rights to is posted on YouTube. It now seems that Sony-BMG is finding a way to move away from that prohibitionist model and is embracing a profit sharing, win-win philosophy based on building stronger collaborations with their fans. They have opted for inserting a link to the content's original site on the video post and eliminating its capacity to be embedded. So, on one end they've limited the spread of their content in favor of increasing the stickiness of their own site. But they also are allowing fans to share music and YouTube to make a profit. In the process, Sony-BMG is increasing the traffic to and visibility of its official sites, but most importantly, the company is no longer treating fans and potential consumers as criminals. Such an approach is spreading across other industries and throughout other mediums. Peer-to-peer technologies have dealt with a bad reputation for years - since the days of the Napster trials, P2P's original idea, to enable user share big files, has been demonized. The entertainment industry has pegged it as a tool for piracy. And recently, ISPs have blamed it for clogging their networks. Nevertheless P2P is the perfect example to illustrate some of the models of resource-lite, user-led, pull distribution that benefit from a spreadable mentality. Here company and user/distributors are building a completely new relationship where the company trusts the user with the safekeeping of its content. In spite of the bad reputation and lack of control, the same entertainment industry that one day attacked it, has now found, both in the bit torrent technology and in P2P, a powerful ally. NBC is working with Pando Networks, a P2P content-delivery-technology company, to revamp its NBC Direct service (Weprin, 2008). BBC and Showtime, amongst others, are now working with the bit torrent distribution platform Vuze. And Fox, Lion’s Gate and 47 MTV are all working with the original BitTorrent company. Media scholar Mark Pesce (2005) argues that many mainstream British and American television series are enjoying commercial success in international markets because - and not in spite of -- their massive online circulations. Pesce argues that illegal downloads helped to promote the content, closing the temporal gap between domestic and foreign distribution, and increasing consumer interest. Pesce argues that what he calls Hyperdistribution is here to stay. The clock can't be turned back, BitTorrent can't be un-invented. We have to deal with the world as it is, not as we'd like it to be. In the new, "flat world," where any program produced anywhere in the world is immediately available everywhere in the world, the only sustainable edge comes from entrepreneurship and innovation. Pesce's plea for innovation is made that more urgent by the fact that, according to a study performed in 17 countries, 29% of active technology users regularly write comments and blogs, 27% share free music and 28% access social networking sites. A significant portion of the public is embracing those technologies and cultural practices that support spreadable media. They want to play active roles in helping to shape the flow of media within their own social communities. This is part of what Charlene Li and Josh Bernoff are calling the "groundswell," which is being fueled by the combined force of "people's desires to connect, new interactive technologies and online economics." They describe the groundswell as a movement that can't be stopped but must be joined in order to retain currency. It has changed the power relation between companies and consumers, and, in embracing the groundswell and the spreadable media model, companies are also redefining their relationships and their sense of self. This is might be a painful process, but at the end there will be more to be gained than lost. By ceding this power to its consumers companies are losing much of the control over their distribution, but they are gaining the value of each user's personal ties. We may not yet have reached the point where "If it doesn't spread, it's dead," but that time is coming and companies need to be rethinking their business models now in anticipation of these shifts which will even more fundamentally alter the media landscape. References Minney, Jaimee (2008). "M:Metrics Reports Growth in Mobile Music Adoption" m:metrics Pesce, Mark. (2005). "Piracy is Good? How Battlestar Galactica killed Broadcast TV", Mindjack, May 13. Salz, Peggy Anne (2006). "Mobile Web 2.0 May Be Too Ambitious, Let's Call It Mobile 0.5" Weprin, Alex (2008) "NBC Revamping Fledgling NBC Direct with Pando Networks Deal", Broadcasting & Cable, February 27. 48 2. Sampling audience approaches by experts After you make a plan and implement it, your target audience of consumer-creators will often expand and adapt in various ways, so continuous testing is important. Look at the evolution of Facebook as an example; it has changed many times to expand capabilities and offer users additional tools of connection. Our tools shape us and we shape our tools. How do you keep up with the people you hope to serve with your messages? You stay in contact with them and you constantly sample the ongoing online conversation about the evolution of communications. Studying the work of others in your field is sometimes referred to as “competitive benchmarking.” With the sharing going on today online it is easy to accomplish. There is no official statistic to cite to support this, but it is possible that 50 percent of the bloggers online are people who are interested in plumbing the depths of marketing, PR or sales, and all of these people continuously offer their advice about how to reach out to users/audiences/participants in communication. It seems as if you could read online advice – some affirming and some contradictory – about marketing all day every day and not even scratch the surface of what’s available. A great way to build your own philosophy of interactive theory and audience is to select important people to follow and then read, read, read and ingest as much discussion as possible, nimbly remaining attuned to the continual evolution of the uses and gratifications of product users, the ways in which they can be reached and the tools by which their levels of satisfaction can be measured. A successful interactive communicator understands that everything is subject to change. You have to keep moving and try to stay a step ahead of the evolution of users and tools. Continual sampling of lively discussions of issues online is paramount for your success. In this portion of your readings we offer sample selections from a few authors and encourage you to follow links from many voices to deepen your education. Among the thought leaders are Steve Rubel, Seth Godin, Brian Solis, Henry Jenkins, Cindy Chastain, Dana Chisnell and Ross Mayfield. Who else should be added to this list? Sometimes people who aren’t well known or groups at agencies you might not have heard of write online content that is quite instructive because they are thinking through and combining the philosophies of the many interactive professionals who inspire them. Following here are several random selections that serve as examples. The Power Law of Participation by Ross Mayfield, 2006 Social software brings groups together to discover and create value. The problem is, users only have so much time for social software. The vast majority of users will not have a high level of engagement with a given group, and most tend to be free riders upon community value. But patterns have emerged where low threshold participation amounts to collective intelligence and high engagement provides a different form of collaborative intelligence. To illustrate this, lets explore the Power Law of Participation. 49 Content here is excerpted from Most of Chris Anderson's Long Tail examples have focused on models of consumption, not production, where intelligence is largely artificial. Amazonian algorithms guide users down the long tail from Britney Spears to nobodies, made available without the constraints of shelf space. But the interesting question is will the tail wag? Can users discover their own power together to either discover something great, or even create it? As we engage with the web, we leave behind breadcrumbs of attention. Even when we read, our patterns are picked up in referral logs (especially with expressly designed tools, like Measure Map), creating a feedback loop. But reading alone isn't enough to fulfill our innate desire to remix our media, consumption is active for consumers turned users. Digg is the archetype for low-threshold participation. Simply favorite something you find of interest, a one-click action. You don't even have to log in to contribute value, you have Permission to Participate. taps both personal and social incentives for participation through the low threshold activity of tagging. Remembering the URL is the hardest part, and you have to establish an identity in the system. Commenting requires such identity for sake of spam these days and is an under-developed area. Subscribing requires a commitment of sustained attention that greatly surpasses reading alone. Sharing is the principal activity in these communities, but much of it occurs out of band (e-mail still lives). We network not only to connect, but leverage the social network as a filter to fend off information overload. Some of us write, as in blog, and some of us even have conversations. But these are all activities that can remain peripheral to 50 community. To Refactor, Collaborate, Moderate and Lead requires a different level of engagement ‐ which makes up the core of a community. The byproduct of use is a Cornucopia of the Commons - the act of using the database adds value to it. As users engage in low threshold participation (read, favorite, tag and link) we gain a form of collective intelligence. But it is important to distinguish the value of collective intelligence and collaborative intelligence, as first pointed out by Mitch Kapor: “Tons of interesting types of collaborative filtering, like Digg, is TiVo like, indicating individual preferences, with some algorithm logic. Valid and interesting, but people are not connecting. Different from a bunch of people focusing on creating something. That is higher value than collaborative filtering, my thesis, if you can get people to work together. Look at health information, broadly speaking, why are doctors not collaborating to build such a resource ‐ the lack of information, locked up in a database that Harvard publishes, kills people. I can feel the opportunity.” When users participate in high-engagement activities, connecting with one another, a different kind of value is being created. But my core point isn't just the difference between these forms of group intelligence - but actually how the co-exist in the best communities. In Wikipedia, 500 people, or 0.5% of users, account for 50% of the edits. This core community is actively dedicated to maintaining an open periphery. Part of what makes Flickr work isn't just excellence at low threshold engagement, but the ability to form groups. Participation in communities plots along a power law with a solid core/periphery model - provided social software supports both low threshold participation and high engagement. Antony Mayfield’s 2009 Slideshare “Do You Speak Social?” is online here:‐do‐you‐speak‐social The Slideshare along with audio by Mayfield from the WOMMA webinar – 52 minutes:‐you‐speak‐social‐social‐web‐literacy‐the‐ future‐of‐brands/1/yes Additional blog posts and Web content of recent interest: A. From Ruder Finn, a report in the form of a graphic visualization that includes a fascinating look at how people use social media – it is the RF Intent Index. This interactive uses and gratifications chart is built from a study of the reasons people go online. Major intent categories list and prioritize specific activities and compares and contrasts intents for separate groups. The intent index underscores the emerging trend that people’s online behavior is better explained and understood by similarities in intent rather than by demographic differences between them. This has profound 51 influence for professionals embarking on PR, advertising and marketing campaigns. The rfintentindex is updated quarterly. Michael Schubert, Chief Innovation Officer overseeing digital strategy at Ruder Finn says, "The way the Internet has allowed us to share knowledge laterally instead of up the chain of command requires a new way of thinking about our online communications. The Intent Index underscores the importance of knowing what people seek, and how we, as communicators, can intersect with what they're looking for." The Intent index is based on a study that asked participants how frequently they go online for 295 different reasons. The index is updated quarterly. Some recent statistics (2009): More than twice as many people go online to socialize (81%) than to do business (39%) or shop (31%). 72% of people go online just to become part of a community. Seniors are going online today for the same reasons younger people are; to have fun (82%) and to socialize (80%). More people go online to connect via a social networking site (41%) than to post comments or opinions (34%). More people go online to be entertained (82%) than entertain others (48%). People seek education and entertainment: most people go online both to learn (88%) and have fun (83%). Almost half of people (47%) go online to learn to improve themselves and nearly one-third (31%) to find self-help experts or books. The desire to learn drives people to the Internet; top 52 areas are new subjects (68%), the world (65%), a disease or condition (61%), eating healthier (55%) and managing finances (37%). Three times as many people go online to compare prices (66%) rather than people via dating sites (21%). One-third of people (34%) go online to purchase an item; tops are household items (49%), electronics (45%); music (35%), movies (29%), and school/work supplies (29%). More men (42%) than women (36%) go online to do business. 55% of women go online to find venues for personal expression compared to only 43% of men. 44% of people go online to create or update blogs and 42% of people go online to read other people's blogs. Nearly half (48%) go online to be invisible on instant messaging, 29% to create an avatar and 28% to be somewhat different. Women (48%) are much more likely than men (39%) to go online to advocate for an issue or position. B. From Dosh Dosh, a blog on marketing, written by Maki, a philosophy student. How to Understand Your Audience: Data Collection & Analysis The Internet is a fast‐paced environment. People can come to your website at any hour from a wide range of locations, each of them with different intentions or needs. Unlike physical retail stores, you can’t see who is coming in and browsing around. You don’t know much about the people reading you. How can we develop a rough profile of all these individuals? You already get a glimpse of them every day when they interact with your website. Some may register for an account, leave a comment or send you an email. But many are invisible. They get to your site, see what you put out, click on an outbound link and disappear. What you currently know about these individuals comes from a combination of visible user actions (e.g comments/emails) and statistics (e.g. visit frequency/visit length). Is this knowledge sufficient for most businesses or bloggers? Yes. But I think it would be tremendously helpful to learn even more about your audience. In marketing and advertising, we proactively define our target audience. We start with our end goals and then structure our website/ads with the right buzz phrases, pitch, style, keywords and angle to appeal to people we want to attract as a consumer/user/reader. Gathering information on visitors to our website makes us more effective marketers. It is helpful to analyze and construct a general profile of your audience, however shifting it may be, because it provides you with information that will allow you to better improve your content scope, site usability, conversation rate or marketing campaign. Let’s split this process up into two sections: statistical analysis and data collection. 53 Statistical Analysis: Start Working With What You Already Have Depending on the stats tool you’re currently using, you can get a lot of information on how visitors are using your website, where they come from and what they are looking at. There are obviously a lot of different metrics to look at but I’m listing what I think is more relevant to understanding visitors in general: Visitor loyalty, bounce rate, recency, time on site. These sites measure one critical thing: the level of engagement. They reveal how often people visit your site, the last time they used it and the depth of their visit. While the numbers aren’t a definitive interpretation of on‐site user actions, they are a gauge of enthusiasm. Visitor Location. This allows you to make cultural and linguistic assumptions of your visitors. If you know you receive the most visitors from a few specific countries, you might want to create landing pages/offers or content with a geographic focus. Visitor search terms/keywords. This includes both search engines and on‐site search boxes. The clearest indicator of visitor interest, search terms tell you what they want to get from your site and it reveals information gaps you can fill up. This is where data collection gets specific. If you consistently get a lot of queries for a specific phrase, you can safely assume that there will be visitor interest in content or offers related to it. Traffic source. This includes search engines, referrer sites, type‐in/bookmark traffic and ad campaigns. Pay attention to referrer sites: it reveals what visitors are reading or using. Traffic sources also tell you where to improve for greater visibility. Take some time to look at these statistics. Instead of only looking at them at each single point in time, it makes more sense to regularly study them to see how they trend over the lifespan of your site or the course of a marketing/ad campaign. On the whole, they will give you a good idea of what users want and what draws their attention. How to Get More Audience Data: Using Polls, Surveys and Features Now for the fun part: the active solicitation of user information. Instead of simply monitoring web statistics, you create opportunities for visitors to voluntarily reveal personal data and opinions. These can be achieved in several ways: Polls. An excellent and informal way to get information on user preferences, they are very easy to set up and maintain on any website. The questions asked can be diverse and they are a good way to gradually accumulate a lot of information without being too invasive. Run a poll for two weeks and change the questions to pull in more information. They can be integrated on a regular basis alongside 54 articles or they can be left alone on a visible corner of the website. Surveys. Depending on their length and how they are created, surveys may be more labor intensive. Some visitors will avoid them if they are too long. They are ideal when bundled with competitions or special offers which provide incentives for completion. Short surveys can be used for exiting visitors or as a follow‐up after a user completes a specific purchase or opts‐out of your payment plan/subscription. On‐Site User Features. If you’re running a community, social media service or even a blog, you can get more information by simply offering more user features (ways users can interact with each other and your site). For example, allow users to input more biographical info in profiles or give them the option to favorite/rate your blog posts and the contributions of other users. Features also add value to users and increase their engagement with your site. Think strategically about what data you want and create a feature that allows users to indirectly reveal it. Facebook is a good example of a site with features that generate a lot of mineable data. Of course, it is always good to have an appropriate privacy policy and allow users to opt out easily from their side. Audience Feedback. To understand your visitors, it’s useful to ensure that you monitor your feedback channels. Comments, emails, incoming blog links, mentions on online communities and even tweets allow you to get an intuitive feel of what people think about your website. Subscribe to the right feedback channels (Google alerts, blogsearch etc.) and track them daily. Either do it yourself or get someone to be the official feedback/community coordinator. Audience feedback is often unsolicited, although you can easily get more comments/emails by specifically asking for them. This provides you with clues on how to better cater to your target market. While this isn’t an exhaustive list, some of these methods can be applied online and offline simultaneously. For polls and surveys, you should be able to find some plug‐ins or software available for your site platform. Alternatively, you can always use external online services like SurveyMonkey, PollDaddy, 4Q and Wufoo. After obtaining this data, setup a system that allows you to segment and compare your findings over a period of time. This can be a simple spreadsheet or something more sophisticated. When combined with the visitor statistics you already have, it’s easy to understand your audience, allowing you to better accommodate their needs or interest. Can you think of any other ways to get more audience data? 55 C. The following column by Steve Baty appeared on the UXmatters blog: User Research for Personas and Other Audience Models By Steve Baty Published: April 27, 2009‐research‐for‐personas‐and‐ other‐audience‐models.php This is not going to be an article about personas or even what distinguishes a good persona from a bad one. Instead, this article is about the ingredients we can draw on when creating audience models and some alternative ways of communicating the results of an audience analysis. First, however, let me briefly discuss what we generally mean when we talk about personas and the role they play in the design and development process. A Very Brief Introduction to Personas Personas are archetypal representations of audience segments, or user types, that describe user characteristics that lead to different collections of needs and behaviors. We build up each archetype where the characteristics of users overlap. According to Alan Cooper, author of About Face 3.0 with Robert Riemann and David Cronin, “The persona is a powerful, multipurpose design tool that helps overcome several problems that currently plague the development of digital products. Personas help designers: Determine what a product should do and how it should behave. Communicate with stakeholders, developers, and other designers. Build consensus and commitment to the design. Measure the design’s effectiveness. Contribute to other product‐related efforts such as marketing and sales plans.” But where do we start looking for the data we need to build up these useful archetypes. Research Methods Several research methods can provide data upon which we can build user archetypes, including surveys ethnographic research interviews contextual inquiries Web analytics 56 Surveys Surveys provide a combination of quantitative (numerical) and qualitative data (non‐ statistical studies), depending on how we structure the questions. Their purpose is usually to generate a relatively large data set in an efficient manner. Compared to other methods of research, a survey is a fairly inexpensive activity to undertake. Surveys are also quite flexible—in that you can ask a wide variety of questions and define the formats of the responses you’d like to see. (Good survey questions provide a clear indication to respondents of the type of information desired.) As with all research techniques, surveys have their downsides. The quality of the data can be patchy, especially when gathering responses electronically. Respondents are more likely to skip questions or provide only superficial, brusque, or incomplete answers. This is particularly true when respondents perceive questions as touching on personal topics. Survey responses can also be effectively meaningless—for example, when a respondent doesn't understand a question. Without a researcher on hand to clarify the intent of questions, responses may miss the point, rendering them useless. Good survey questions can mitigate this problem, but cannot remove it entirely. And of course, we need to analyze the larger volume of data and all the responses to the multiple questions we’ve asked. This can require the use of specialized skills and software, raising the required level of effort. Since our aim is to generate audience segments, we need to perform multivariate analysis on the data, employing techniques like clustering, principal components, and factorial analysis. It simply isn't enough to analyze each question independently and fall for the ‘average user fallacy’. We also need to recognize that people are generally fairly poor at reporting reality in surveys, particularly when we’re asking them to report on an event that occurred in the past. Questions such as On average, how often do you visit X per week? are bound to result in inaccurate responses. Respondents will offer exceptions, bad estimates, and sometimes make up responses based on their vague recollections. To provide balance to our data, we need other research sources with which to cross‐reference survey data. Ethnographic Research Ethnographic research includes a broad range of contextual, observational research techniques and offers a range of benefits to UX researchers. We can learn something about the context of use for a product or service we’re designing, including the environment, time constraints, and interruptions and distractions people face when interacting with our designs. We also get to see what people actually do rather than what they say they do, overcoming a common problem with surveys and interviews. We can see the complex, 57 unvarnished reality instead of the sanitized and tidy version people tend to portray in response to a question. And we can gain an understanding of both mundane, day‐to‐day activities and the more rare, extreme cases. Imagine the difference in the insights we can gain from a series of survey questions asking a theater nurse to describe her job, versus what we would learn by spending a few days following her around and observing her work. On the downside, ethnographic studies can be time and resource intensive. Such studies require researchers to be on site with participants for an extended period of time—for days, weeks, or sometimes even months. And while the data we collect during such studies is very rich, it can also tend toward the messy, complicating the analysis process. However, ethnographic studies provide an excellent source of real insights into the audience for a product or service we’re designing. Interviews In terms of research styles, asking potential or current audience members a series of open or closed questions sits partway between surveys and ethnographic studies. Interviews are a good method for gaining insights into users’ opinions, thoughts, and ideas. In ethnographic studies, researchers look at the actions and behaviors of participants. They interpret what they see rather then asking participants. The interview format allows some flexibility for researchers to explore ideas and motivations that are not accessible to an observer. Contextual Inquiries The contextual inquiry research technique combines observation with interview‐style question and response. The aim of questions is typically to get participants to explain their actions and, in some cases, we ask participants to speak aloud, telling us whatever they are thinking as they work through a task or activity. The downsides to contextual inquiry are similar to, but less severe than those of ethnographic studies. To gain sufficient insight, it is necessary to invest time in both the observation and analysis tasks, which represent a substantial effort. Web Analytics The user research techniques I’ve discussed thus far focus on the characteristics, needs, and behaviors of individuals. Web analytics let us look at the aggregate effect of these characteristics in action. Web analytics offer us a view of what happens when people visit our Web site or use our online service. We can identify peaks and troughs in usage and other patterns such as trends and cycles, as I described in my recent column on UXmatters, “Patterns in UX Research.” Web analytics can provide insights we can use in creating our personas—such as activity cycles for different groups of users’ information‐ seeking behavior, and more. Note that user research lets us understand why people 58 might not be using our product or service, while Web analytics tells us only about those who are using it already. It’s also worth noting, for many UX researchers, the likely reality is that their current Web analytics fall short of the objectives I’ve just outlined. Other Sources of Information As I’ve discussed previously, in my UXmatters column “Closing the Communication Loop,” we can gain some insights into the concerns and needs of our users through channels such as call centers and stories from our sales staffs. As removed as such sources are from the primary source—our actual users—we need to treat such data with some caution. However, it can highlight issues your users may not bring up themselves. Some Advice on Creating Personas The list of research activities and data sources I’ve presented here is by no means exhaustive. However, these are some of the most commonly used methods and richest sources of information to help you build your personas. One important thing to consider about these different research techniques is that each of them is good in certain ways and can provide insights into different characteristics of your audience. A common refrain among UX practitioners who are looking at personas is to draw upon as many different sources of data as you can. This helps you create a much richer representation of each different persona, but also helps you arrive at much stronger set of personas. Each data source has its own built‐in bias, so combining data sets helps mitigate that bias. Another common piece of advice from UX practitioners is that we should base personas on user research as their primary input. Sources such as Web analytics, call center logs, or stories from front‐line staff are interesting, but are not necessarily rich enough sources of information. Todd Zaki Warfel, Principal Design Researcher at Messagefirst, encourages designers not to start out with a predefined number of personas in mind. Instead, we should let the data tell its own story, and our analysis should determine the proper number of personas. Todd offers another piece of advice, which has helped personas fulfill an important role in his design process: “We always use a real person—someone we know personally—as the example user for each persona. It’ll be a friend or a friend of a friend, but it’s someone we can call and ask questions. The detail helps make each persona more real and approachable to everyone on the team.”—Todd Zaki Warfel Communicating Your Research Personas are a popular, commonly used technique for communicating the insights we’ve gained from our research activities. But there are two alternative techniques worth looking at briefly: mental models and experience lifecycles. 59 Indi Young’s recent book, Mental Models: Aligning Design Strategy with Human Behavior, provides a very good introduction to the research, analysis, and communication of mental models. They provide an excellent way of understanding how users approach the context for which we’re designing a product. Figure 1 shows an example of a mental model from the book. Figure 1—A mental model—from Indi Young’s Mental Models, published by Rosenfeld Media (click on underlined link earlier in this sentence to get larger size) Experience lifecycle is a generic term that represents the start‐to‐finish series of interactions a customer has with an organization. For example, LEGO uses an experience wheel like that shown on Customer Experience Matters, which depicts the end‐to‐end experience of a frequent flyer traveling to New York from London. 60 The Experience Wheel (see larger file online: Conclusion We can aggregate and synthesize user research—of many shapes and sizes—to form audience segmentations that encapsulate sets of characteristics, needs, and behaviors. Then, analyzing the same research, we can produce personas, mental models, experience lifecycles, or other user‐modeling documentation to inform and enrich the design of our products and services and, ultimately, help us deliver better designs. D. The next two brief blog posts tell about the importance of data in informing… ‐ The numbers tell vital stories – embrace the data!‐of‐the‐data‐scientist/ Think about all the visualization stuff you've been most impressed with or the groups that always seem to put out the best work. Martin Wattenberg. Stamen Design. Jonathan Harris. Golan Levin. Sep Kamvar. Why is their work always of such high 61 quality? Because they're not just students of computer science, math, statistics, or graphic design. Statisticians should know APIs, databases, and how to scrape data; designers should learn to do things programmatically; and computer scientists should know how to analyze and find meaning in data. It seems collaborations between the fields are growing more common, but more importantly, computational information design edges closer to reality. We're seeing data scientists ‐ people who can do it all ‐ emerge from the rest of the pack. - The rise of information visualization The sexy skills of data geeks Skill #1: Statistics (Studying). Statistics is perhaps the most important skill and the hardest to learn. It’s a deep and rigorous discipline, and one that is actively progressing (the widely used method of Least Angle Regression was only recently developed in 2004). I expect to be on its learning curve my entire life. This being the case, people who possess a solid grasp of modern statistics are rare. And yet problems that require its application continue to multiply. The text that I was exposed to in graduate school and find to be an unparalleled survey is Hastie, Tibshirani, and Friedman’s Elements of Statistical Learning. Skill #2: Data Munging (Suffering). The second critical skill mentioned above is “data munging.” Among data geek circles (you can find us with a Twitter search for #rstats), this refers to the painful process of cleaning, parsing, and proofing one’s data before it’s suitable for analysis. Real world data is messy. At best it’s inconsistently delimited or packed into an unnecessarily complex XML schema. At worst, it’s a series of scraped HTML pages or a thoroughly undocumented fixed-width format. A good data munger excels at turning coffee into regular expressions and parsers, implemented in a high-level scripting language of choice (often Perl, Python, even Javascript). Related to munging but certainly far less painful is the ability to retrieve, slice, and dice well-structured data from persistent data stores, using a combination of SQL, scripting languages (especially Python and its SciPy and NumPy libraries), and even several oldie-but-goodie Unix utilities (cut, join). Skill #3: Visualization (Storytelling). This third and last skill that Google economist Hal Varian refers to is the easiest to believe one has. Most of us have had exposure to basic chart-making widgets of Excel (and to date myself, tools like Harvard Graphics). But a little knowledge is a dangerous thing: these software tools are often insufficient when faced with the visualization of large, multivariate data sets. 62 E. Avinash Kaushik writes Occam’s Razor, about Web Analytics The Ultimate Web Analytics Data Reconciliation Checklist Ideally you should only have one web analytics tool on your website. If you have nothing and you are starting out then sure have a few different ones, stress test them, pick the one you love but then practice monogamy. At the heart of that recommendation is a painful lesson I have learned: It is a long hard slog to convert an organization to be truly data driven. And that’s with one tool. Having two tools just complicates life in many subtle and sub optimal ways. One “switch” that commonly occurs is the shift from fighting the good fight of getting the organization to use data to bickering about data not matching, having to do multiple sets of coding for campaigns, and so on. In a nutshell the efforts become all about data and not the quest for insights. So if you can help it, have one tool. Bigamy, at least in this case, is undesirable. Pontification aside the reality is that many people run more than one tool on their website (though hopefully they are all on their way to picking the best of the lot). That means the bane of every Analyst’s existence: Data reconciliation! It is a thankless task, takes way more time then needed and the “game” is so rigged that 1] it is nearly impossible to get to a conclusion and 2] it is rarely rewarding – i.e. worth it. But reconcile we must. So in this post I want to share my personal checklist of things I look for when going through a data reconciliation exercise. Usually this helps get things to within 95% and then I give up. It is so totally not worth it to get the rest! * This post is a bit technical, but a marketer should be able to understand it. So if you are starting a data reconciliation project for your web analytics tools, make sure you check for these things: #1: Comparing Web Logs vs. JavaScript driven tools. Don’t. #2: First & Third Party Cookies. The gift that keeps giving! #3: Imprecise website tagging. #4: Torture Your Vendor: Check Definitions of Key Metrics. #5: Sessionization. One Tough Nut. #6: URL Parameter Configuration. The Permanent Tripwire. #7: Campaign Parameter Configuration. The Problem of the Big. #8: Data Sampling. The Hidden “Angel”. #9: Order of the Tags. Love it, Hate it, Happens. 63 Intrigued? Got your cup of coffee or beer? Ready to become sexycool? Let’s deep dive. #1: Comparing Web Logs vs. JavaScript driven tools. Don’t. I know, I know, you all get it. Yes you understand that this is not just comparing apples and oranges but more like comparing apples and monkeys. For the five of us that are not in that camp: these two methods of collecting data are very different, the processing and storage is different, the things that impact each are very different. So if you are using these two methods then know that your numbers might often not even come close (by that I mean within 85 – 90%). The primary things that web logs have to deal with are effective and extensive filtering of robots (if you are not doing this you are screwed regardless), the definition of unique visitor (are you using cookies? just IP? IP + User Agent ids?) and, this is increasingly minor, but data caching (at a browser or server level) can also mean missing data from logs. There is also the Very Important matter of Rich Media content: Flash, Video, Flex, Apps whatever. Without extensive custom coding your weblogs are clueless about all your rich media experience (time spent, interactions etc). Most Tag based solutions now come with easy to implement solutions that will track rich media. So if you have a rich media site know that that will cause lots of differences between numbers you get from logs and numbers you get from tags. The primary things that afflict javascript tags, in this context (more later), are browsers that have javascript turned off (2‐3% typical) and in that case will have their data missing from tag based files. Be careful when you try to compare these two sources. [Bonus Reading: The Great Web Data Capture Debate: Web Logs or JavaScript Tags?] #2: First & Third Party Cookies. The gift that keeps giving! Notice the sarcasm there? : ) It turns out that if you use first party cookies or third party cookies can have a huge impact on your metrics. Metrics like Unique Visitors, Returning Visits etc. So check that. Typically if you are 3rd party then your numbers will be higher (and of course wrong), compared to numbers from your 1st party cookie based tool. Cookie flushing (clearing cookies upon closing browser or by your friendly “anti spyware” tool) affects both the same way. Cookie rejection is more complex. Many new browsers don’t even accept 3rd party cookies (bad). Some users set their browsers to not accept any cookies, which hurts both types the same. We should have been done away with this a long time ago but many vendors (including paid!) continue to use third party as default. I was just talking to a customer of OmniCore yesterday and they just finished implementation (eight months!) and were 64 using third party cookies. I wanted to pull my hair out. There are rare exceptions where you should use 3rd party cookies. But unless you know what you are doing, demand first party cookies. If free web analytics tools now offer only first party cookies standard there is no reason for you not to use them. End of soap box. Check type of cookies, it will explain lots of your data differences. [Bonus Reading: A Primer On Web Analytics Visitor Tracking Cookies.] #3: Imprecise website tagging. Other than cookies I think this is your next BFF in data recon’ing. Most of us use javascript tag based solutions. In case of web log files the server atleast collects the minimum data without much work because that is just built into web servers. In case of javascript solutions, sadly, we are involved. We the people! The problem manifests itself in two ways. Incorrectly implemented tags: The standard javascript tags are pretty easy to implement. Copy / paste and happy birthday. But then you can add / adjust / caress them to do more things (now you know why it takes 8 months to implement). You can pass sprops and evars and user_defined_values and variables and bacteria. You should make sure your WebTrends / Google Analytics / IndexTools / Unica are implemented correctly i.e. passing data back to the vendor as you expect. Else of course woe be on you! To check that you have implemented the tags right, and the sprops are not passing evars and that user defined values are not sleeping with the vars, I like using tools like IEWatch Professional. [I am not affiliated with them in any way.] [Update: From my friend Jennifer, if you are really really into this stuff, 3 more: Firebug, Web Developer Toolkit & Web Bug.] Your tech person can use it and validate and assure you that the various tools implemented are passing correct data. Incompletely implemented tags: This one’s simple. Your IT department (or brother) implemented Omniture tags on some pages and Google Analytics on most pages. Well you have a problem. Actually this is usually the culprit in a majority of the cases. Make sure you implement both tools on all the same pages (if not all the pages on the site). Mercifully your tech person (or dare I say you!) can use some affordable tools to check for this. You would have noticed in my book Web Analytics: An Hour A Day I recommended REL Software’s Web Link Validator. I continue to like it. Of course WASP, from our good 65 friend Stephane, did not exist then and I am quite fond of it as well. If you want to have a faster reconciliation between your tools, make sure you have implemented all your analytics tools correctly and completely. [Bonus Reading: Web Analytics JavaScript Tags Implementation Best Practices..] #4: Torture Your Vendor: Check Definitions of Key Metrics. Perhaps you noticed in the very first image that StatCounter, ClickTracks and Google Analytics were showing three completely different numbers for Feb. But notice that they also all give that metric a different name. Visits. Visitors. Unique Visitors. For the same metrics, “sessions.” How exasperating! As an industry we have grown organically and each vendor has hence created their own metrics or at other times taken standard metrics, and just to mess with us, decided to call them something else. Here, honest to God, are three definitions of conversion rate I have gotten from web analytics vendors: Conversion = Orders / Unique Visitors Conversion = Orders / Visits Conversion = Items Ordered / Clicks What! Items Ordered / Clicks? Oh, the Humanity! So before you tar and feather a particular web analytics tool (or worse listen to the vendors talking points) and decide which is better, torture them to understand exactly what the precise definition is of the metric you are comparing. It can be hard. Early in my career (just a few years ago, I am not that old!) I called the top vendor and tried to get the definition of Unique Visitor. What I saw on the screen was Daily Unique Visitor. I wanted to know if it was the same as, my tool, ClickTracks’s definition (which was count of distinct persistent cookie ids for whatever time period choosen). The VP’s answer: “What do you want to measure? We can do it for you.” Me: “I am looking at Unique Visitors in CT for this month. I am looking at Unique Visitors for that month in OmniCoreTrends, I see a number, it does not tie.” VP: “We can measure Monthly Unique Visitors for you and add it to your account.” Me: “What if I want to compare Unique Visitors for a week?” VP: “We can add Weekly Unique Visitors to your account.” Me: (Getting impressed at the savviness at stone walling) “What your definition of 66 Unique Visitors?” VP: “What is it that you need to measure? We can add it to you account.” You have to give her / him this: they are very good at their job. But as a user my experience was bad. Even if a metric has the same name between the tools check with the vendor. It is possible you are comparing apples and pineapples. Torture your vendor. [Bonus Reading: Web Metrics Demystified, Web Analytics Standards: 26 New Metrics Definitions.] #5. Sessionization. One Tough Nut. You can think of this as a unique case of a metric’s definition but it is just so important that I wanted to pull it out separately. “Sessions” are important because they essentially measure the metric we know as Visit (or Visitors). But taking your clicks and converting that into a session on the website can be very different with each vendor. Some vendors will time out session after 29 minutes of inactivity. Some will do that after 15 mins. Which means right there you could be looking at the number 1 in visits or the number 2. One last thing, check the “max session timeout” settings between the tools. Some might have a hard limit of 30 mins, others have one (in using a top paid tool I found Visits that lasted 1140 mins or 2160 mins – visitors went to the site, left the page open, came back to work, clicked and kept browsing, or came back after the weekend). Imagine what it does to Average Time on Site! Probe this important process because it affects the most foundational of all metric (Visits or Visitors – Yes they are the same one, aarrrrhh!). [Bonus Reading: Convert Data Skeptics: Document, Educate & Pick Your Poison.] #6. URL Parameter Configuration. The Permanent Tripwire. Life was so sweet when all the sites were static. URL’s were simple: It was easy for any web analytics tool to understand visits to that page and hence count page views. The problem is that the web became dynamic and urls for web pages now look like this: (phone category page) or product (particular phone page) 67 or 02001&type=product&tab=7&id=1205537515180#productdetail (same phone page, clicked on a tab on that page) The problem is that while web analytics tools have gotten better and can probably understand that first page (phone category page), it is not quite as straight forward for the next two. They contain “tracking parameters” or “system parameters” (crap from the server) or other junk. Different pieces of information, some worth ignoring and others you ignore at your own peril. Your web analytics tool has a hard time taking all these pieces and painting the right portrait (or count the page views correctly). So what you have to do is sit down with your beloved IT folks and first you spend time documenting what all the junk in the url is. Things like skuId, productCategoryId, type, tab, ID. Some of these make a web page unique, like say skuId, productCategoryId and tab. I.E. their presence and values contained mean its a unique page. So skuId=8793861 means one phone and skuId=8824739 is another. But there will be some that don’t mean anything. For example it does not matter if type=product is in the URL or not. Here’s your To Do: Go teach your web analytics tool which parameters to use and which to ignore. And here’s how that part looks like for Google Analytics… If you don’t do this then each tool will try to make their own guesses. Which means they’ll do it imprecisely. Which means they won’t tie. Much worse they’ll be living in the land of “truthiness”! And make sure you do the same configuration in both the tools! That will get you going in terms of ensuring that the all‐important Page Views metric will be correct (or at least less inaccurate). I won’t touch on it here but if you are using Event Logging for Web 2.0 / rich media experiences it adds more pain. Or if you are generating fake page views to do various things like tracking form submissions or to track outbound links (boo Google Analytics!) or other such stuff then do that the same way between tools. Just be aware of that. By doing the right config for your URL parameters in your web analytics tool you are ensuring accurate count of your page views, and across all the tools you are comparing. 68 Well worth investing some effort for this cause. [Bonus Reading: Data Mining And Predictive Analytics On Web Data Works? Nyet!] #7. Campaign Parameter Configuration. The Problem of the Big. Ok maybe all of us run campaigns. But the “big” do this a lot more. If you run lots of campaigns (Email, Affiliates, Paid Search, Display, Mobile, etc) then it is very important that you tag your campaigns correctly and then go configure your web analytics tools correctly to ensure your campaigns are reported correct, your referrers are reported correctly, your revenue and conversions are attributed correctly. Here is a simple example. If you search for Omniture in Yahoo: You end up here: ard&OVRAW=omniture&OVKEY=omniture&OVMTC=standard&OVADID=4822371011& OVKWID=130976483511 If you search for Omniture on Google, you end up here:|2109240905&s_scid=omnitur e|2109240905 You’ll note that Omniture’s done a great job of tagging their campaigns. Absolutely lovely. Now. . . . 69 Let’s say Omniture is using WebTrends and IndexTools on their website to do web analytics. Then they would have to go into each of those tools and “teach” them all campaign parameters they are using, the hierarchies and what not. That will ensure that when they click on Paid Search tab / button / link in the tool that these campaigns will be reported correctly. You’ll have to repeat this for your affiliate and email and display and all other things you are doing. If you have two tools you’ll have to do it twice. And each tool might not accept this data in the same way. For WebTrends you might have to place it in the URL stem, in IndexTools you might have to put it in the cookies, in Google Analytics it might have to be a customized javascript. Suffice it to say not a walk in the park. (Now you’ll understand why clean campaign tracking is the hardest thing to do, see link immediately below.) [Bonus Video: Evolve Intelligently: Achieve Web Analytics Nirvana, Successfully.] #8. Data Sampling. The Hidden “Angel” This is a problem (see “angel” :)) that many people are not aware of, and under estimate in terms of its impact. But I want to emphasize that it will, usually, only impact large to larger companies. There will be more about sampling at the link at the end of this section. But in a nutshell there are two kinds of sampling in web analytics. Data Sampling at Source: Web Analytics is getting to be very expensive if you are a site of a decent size. If you are decent size (or plus some) then a typical strategy from the paid web analytics vendor is not to collect all your data – because your web analytics bill is based on page views you send over. So you don’t tag all your pages or you tag all your pages but they only store a sample of data. This can cause a data reconciliation issue. Data Sampling at “Run Time”: In this case all the data is collected (by your free or paid tool) but when you run your reports / queries it will be sampled to make it run fast. Sometimes you have the control over the sampling (like in ClickTracks) and at other times not quite (like in Omniture Discover or WebTrends Marketing Lab etc) and at other times still no control at all (like in Google Analytics). Sampling at “run time” is always better because you have all the data (should you be that paranoid). But as you can imagine depending on the tool you are using data sampling can greatly impact the Key Performance Indicators you are using. This means all / none / some of your data will not reconcile. So investigate this, most vendors are not as transparent about this as they should be, push ‘em. 70 [Bonus Reading: Web Analytics Data Sampling 411.] #9. Order of the Tags. Love it, Hate it, Happens. This, being the last one, is not the hugest of deals. But on heavily trafficked websites, or ones that are just heavy (can sites be obese?), this can also affect the differences in the data. As your web page starts to load the tags are the last thing to load (a very good thing, always have your tags just above the [/body] tags, please). If you have more than one tag then they get executed in the order they are implemented. Sometimes on fat pages some of the tags might just not get executed. It happens because the user has already clicked. It happens because you have custom hacked the bejesus out of the tag and it is now a obese tag, and does not let the other, Heidi Klum type sexy and lean tags load in the time available. If you want that last amount of extra checking, switch the order of the tags and see if it helps. It might help explain the last percent of difference you are dying to get. :) More from Avinash: In case you are in the process of considering a web analytics tool, here is my, truly comprehensive (more than you ever wanted to know) guide through the process: How to Choose a Web Analytics Tool: A Radical Alternative Web Analytics Tools Comparison: A Recommendation Video: Web Analytics Vendor Tools Comparison (And One Challenge) Find Your Web Analytics Soul Mate (How To Run An Effective Tool Pilot) Web Analytics Tool Selection: 10 Questions to ask Vendors Web Analytics Tool Selection: 3 Questions to ask Yourself F. A great resource for all interactive media professionals is TechCrunch. Here’s a submission by one of its reporters, Eric Schoenfeld… Real‐time search is HOT June 28 2009‐real‐time‐search‐dilemma‐consciousness‐ versus‐memory/ One of the hottest areas of search right now is real-time search, which attempts to find results based on what is happening right now. Twitter’s search engine fast becoming one of the key ways to navigate the service and discover what people are thinking about any subject at any given moment. Facebook is testing out ways to let you search your personal stream. Google is waking up to the challenge as well (Larry Page is particularly concerned with keeping up). Every week, it seems, a new startup launches tackling real time search from a different angle. (Collecta, One Riot, Scoopler, Topsy,, Tweetmeme, CrowdEye, Omgili, to name a few). They are trying to apply real time search to all the different streams of information flowing over the Internet right 71 now: Twitter, Facebook feeds, Digg submissions, blog comments, RSS feeds, Flickr photos, YouTube uploads, shared links on and elsewhere. The list keeps getting longer every day. There is something about human nature that makes us want to prioritize information by how recent it is, and that is the fundamental appeal of real-time search. The difference between real time search and regular search didn’t really crystallize for me until I had a conversation with Edo Segal... “Real time taps into consciousness,” says Segal, “search taps into memory. That is why it so potent. You experience the world in real time.” How do you search consciousness? …The real-time search dilemma centers precisely around how to rank results, and how to resolve the tension between recency and relevancy. [Microblogs like Twitter are a] chronological stream of the most recent Tweets containing a particular set of keywords… Yet not being able to filter that stream generates too much noise. Other approaches attempt to add in other factors. OneRiot, for instance, is developing PulseRank, which takes into account the freshness of the information, the link authority of the Webpage where it is coming from, the authority of the person who is sharing the link, and the velocity with which the information is being passed around the Web. This seems like a reasonable approach, but it may not catch something important as fast as simply watching the unadulterated stream. When everyone is talking about Michael Jackson or Iran above and beyond the normal level of chatter for those topics, that is when you want to know that you need to pay attention. So maybe real time search is more like an alert system. Can you search consciousness, or can you only watch it pass by? G. Jerome Nadel’s online white paper on digital approaches… Digital User Experience Strategies: A Roadmap for the Post‐Web 2.0 World Jerome Nadel, chief experience officer for Human Factors International, wrote a 20‐ page white paper titled “Digital User Experience Strategies: A Roadmap for the Post‐ Web 2.0 World” that is available in full online here:‐download/uxswhitepaperfinal‐124284898878‐ phpapp02.pdf?Signature=Q2cnl0Q0U6FVzBvPpKFMVf6oPeQ%3D&Expires=1247347106 &AWSAccessKeyId=1Z5T9H8PQ39V6F79V8G2 Nadel notes we have to consider “the fundamental way in which technology has changed human behavior.” He includes illustrations assembled for various clients that show the ways in which a unified vision that serves all stakeholders can be accomplished. This chart example was prepared for Fidelity International’s sales and marketing operations and customer‐service: 72 He notes that personas are generally created to represent the various people the client organization is connecting with. Personas are used to identify user groups, research their needs and motivations, develop concepts for connection and validate designs. In this way, digital user experience strategies can be developed. 73 3. Collecting valuable data Web analytics (read the link for deeper, specific details) is the process of studying data to understand the influence and potential impact of your communications. It is accomplished through the use of software tools that help you collect and assess Internet data. On-site analytics refers to assessment of visitors’ activities on your site, including, for instance, assessing which landing page is most likely to drive a purchase or a response you are seeking to inspire. Off-site analytics refers to measurement of a site’s potential audience, share and buzz. Many vendors today provide analytics software and services. The field is constantly changing as the Internet and the World Wide Web evolve and as new opportunities for analyzing data present themselves. If you are an interactive media professional whose job includes building a community around your product, you must monitor changes in the field of web analytics. A great way to do this, again, is to monitor the mindstreaming of thought leaders in the field, including people like Tim O’Reilly and companies such as Google and Facebook. Google Analytics is a good place to begin your analytics education because it offers a significant amount of free data. It includes advanced segmentation, custom reporting and motion charts that can help you discover insights about the people you interact with in your communications. Whether you hire another outside firm to do your web analytics or not, the Google Analytics Blog is a good source to follow if you are an interactive media professional. It offers a vast amount of background information on audience analysis, including a section titled Beginner Topics. Even those with a math phobia will find that today’s software solutions make it easy to track information about the use of the interactive communications you post online. Interactive media professionals who are leveraging the top online social applications such as Facebook and Twitter will find a wealth of third-party developers who are offering tools to accomplish specific types of audience analysis on these popular sites. It pays to read the official and unofficial blogs for developers and marketers of Facebook and Twitter. Through this you can learn about new tools to leverage, for instance, Facebook “fan” pages allow builders to access data to a number of “page insights” including geographic and demographic data on followers. Commonly used language in web analytics includes the following terms: Hit ‐ A request for a file from the web server. Available only in log analysis. The number of hits received by a website is frequently cited to assert its popularity, but this number is extremely misleading and dramatically over‐estimates popularity. A single web‐page typically consists of multiple (often dozens) of discrete files, each of which is counted as a hit as the page is downloaded, so the number of hits is really an arbitrary number more reflective of the complexity of individual pages on the website than the website's actual popularity. The total number of visitors or page views provides a more realistic and accurate assessment of popularity. Page view ‐ A request for a file whose type is defined as a page in log analysis. An occurrence of the script being run in page tagging. In log analysis, a single page view may generate multiple 74 hits as all the resources required to view the page (images, .js and .css files) are also requested from the web server. Visit / Session ‐ A series of requests from the same uniquely identified client with a set timeout, often 30 minutes. A visit contains one or more page views. First Visit / First Session ‐ A visit from a visitor who has not made any previous visits. Visitor / Unique Visitor / Unique User ‐ The uniquely identified client generating requests on the web server (log analysis) or viewing pages (page tagging) within a defined time period (i.e. day, week or month). A Unique Visitor counts once within the timescale. A visitor can make multiple visits. Identification is made to the visitor's computer, not the person, usually via cookie and/or IP+User Agent. Thus the same person visiting from two different computers will count as two Unique Visitors. Repeat Visitor ‐ A visitor that has made at least one previous visit. The period between the last and current visit is called visitor recency and is measured in days. New Visitor ‐ A visitor that has not made any previous visits. This definition creates a certain amount of confusion (see common confusions below), and is sometimes substituted with analysis of first visits. Impression ‐ An impression is each time an advertisement loads on a user's screen. Anytime you see a banner, that is, an impression. Singletons ‐ The number of visits where only a single page is viewed. While not a useful metric in and of itself the number of singletons is indicative of various forms of Click fraud as well as being used to calculate bounce rate and in some cases to identify automatons bots). Bounce Rate ‐ The percentage of visits where the visitor enters and exits at the same page without visiting any other pages on the site in between. % Exit ‐ The percentage of users who exit from a page. Visibility time ‐ The time a single page (or a blog, Ad Banner...) is viewed. Session Duration ‐ Average amount of time that visitors spend on the site each time they visit. This metric can be complicated by the fact that analytics programs can not measure the length of the final page view. Page View Duration / Time on Page ‐ Average amount of time that visitors spend on each page of the site. As with Session Duration, this metric is complicated by the fact that analytics programs can not measure the length of the final page view. Page Depth / Page Views per Session ‐ Page Depth is the average number of page views a visitor consumes before ending their session. It is calculated by dividing total number of page views by total number of sessions and is also called Page Views per Session or PV/Session. Frequency / Session per Unique ‐ Frequency measures how often visitors come to a website. It is calculated by dividing the total number of sessions (or visits) by the total number of unique visitors. Sometimes it is used to measure the loyalty of your audience. Click path ‐ the sequence of hyperlinks one or more website visitors follows on a given site. The main industry bodies tied to web analytics include Jicwebs (Joint Industry Committee for Web Standards, which offers a “jargon-buster” link you can check out), 75 ABCe (Auditing Bureau of Circulations electronic, UK and Europe), the WAA (Web Analytics Association, US) and to a lesser extent the IAB (Interactive Advertising Bureau). Following their reports and reading industry trade publications online keeps you up to speed on current trends, introduces you to new data and helps you identify the people and companies to watch and learn from. For instance, these eMarketer pieces on video tactics… From Marketers Eye Online Video for 2009 JANUARY 9, 2009 Increasing spending to reach viewers Marketers in the US will take a closer look at online video in 2009, according to a survey conducted in December 2008 by PermissionTV. More than two‐thirds of respondents said they would focus their budgets on online video this year. More than one‐half of respondents also expected to be implementing or extending an online video project in Q2 2009. Less than one‐third said they were doing so currently. Notably, e‐mail was missing from the ad tactics respondents were asked about. Matt Kaplan, vice president at PermissionTV, told eMarketer that survey participants were not asked specifically about their e‐mail budget plans. Although the tactic is a staple of nearly all digital marketing campaigns, spending on e‐mail is far lower than for many other formats. eMarketer estimates that spending on online video advertising will grow 76 to $4.6 billion in 2013, representing a more than sevenfold increase from the $587 million spent on the format in 2008. More than four out of five Internet users will watch online video ads in 2012, eMarketer projects, up from the two‐thirds who did so in 2008. Online video ads are expected to change the nature of online video inventory as well. As ad‐supported video grows, the balance of the inventory will tilt toward longer‐form content, according to a Diffusion Group study. This supports the view that more full‐length TV content will be viewed online with ad support. The study projected that in 2013, long‐form video will represent 69.4% of ad revenues, up from 41.6% in 2008. In the same timeframe, the share of short‐form video will decline to 28.7% from 54.8%. How People Share Online Video MAY 28, 2009 Digital WOM [word of mouth] In a world of continuous technological change, the concept of “new” can get old. Take online video, for example. A few short years ago, the term “online video” was wishful thinking. Clips could only be slowly downloaded. They had to be viewed in tiny windows on the computer screen. Sound and graphics were primitive. Video was hardly a killer app. But then, in a rush came—sometime between 2005 and 2006—video‐sharing sites that all had three basic elements in common: • Flash Player technology that enabled instant viewing in the browser, without 77 • • downloading Uploadability that made file‐sharing with friends (as well as viewers around the world) quick and easy Embedding code that allowed users to post video clips on Webpages and blogs Suddenly video was an open, consumer‐driven platform, with virtually no cost of entry. As a result, online video moved from niche to mass market, and in the process became one of the fastest‐growing media platforms in history. According to “The Global Web Index,” from Trendstream, with research conducted by Lightspeed Research, early this year 72% of US Internet users watched video clips monthly—making video bigger than blogging or social networking. According to the survey, 62% of US Internet users watched at least one clip a week, a figure that Lightspeed analysts translated into 97 million weekly viewers. By contrast, Nielsen Online pegged the number of US online video viewers in April at nearly 117 million. “Web users want to participate at every stage, including the creation and sharing of material,” said Tom Smith of Trendstream. The age of online video viewers trends younger: 82% of teens (16‐to‐17‐year‐olds) and young adults (18 to 24) streamed video, compared with 73% of Generation X (25 to 34) and 65% of older boomers (55 to 64) who said they watched. The most widely used platform for discovering and viewing video online was YouTube, followed by e‐mail, music sites, Yahoo! and news sites. Sharing appears to happen mainly among close friends, as 72% of video‐sharers sent to just one, two or three people. GREAT VIDEO CASE STUDIES: The Dark Knight Viral “Why So Serious?” campaign won the Cannes 2009 Cyber Grand Prix in the viral category.‐dark‐knight‐viral‐why‐so‐serious‐case‐study/. It was a huge global success, with more than 10 million unique players participating. The Cannes 2009 grand prix‐winning case study is‐ job‐in‐the‐world‐case‐study/ from Queensland's "Best Job In the World" campaign. 78 79 4. Internet user numbers and site stats Get site stats from Alexa - can compare #s also at Google - In addition get data from ComScore and Nielsen, or one of the old standbys for Internet user statistics, Internet World Stats ( For visualizations of traffic, try Akamai’s charts – Crazy Egg is a good source: Data and numbers also originate from the Pew Internet & American Life Project – Nielsen Table 1: Top 10 Parent Companies/Div June 2009 (U.S., Home and Work) Parent Unique Audience (000) Time Per Person (hh:mm:ss) 1. Google 155,606 2:31:08 2. Microsoft 139,099 2:12:20 3. Yahoo! 134,304 3:15:55 4. AOL LLC 92,705 2:43:10 5. News Corp. Online 90,308 1:54:59 6. Facebook 87,254 4:39:33 7. InterActiveCorp 67,283 0:20:05 8. eBay 67,208 1:17:59 9. Apple Computer 59,663 1:19:33 10. Amazon 59,552 0:25:41 Source: Nielsen NetView Example: The data indicates that 59.6 million home and work Internet users visited at least one of the Amazon-owned sites or launched an Amazon-owned application during the month, and each person spent, on average, a total of 25 minutes and 41 seconds at one or more of their sites or applications.The parent level is defined as a consolidation of multiple domains and URLs owned by a single company or division. The brand level is defined as a consolidation of multiple domains and URLs that has a consistent collection of branded content. Table 2: Top 10 Web Brands for June 2009 (U.S., Home and Work) Brand Unique Audience (000) Time Per Person (hh:mm:ss) 1. Google 147,778 1:48:58 2. Yahoo! 133,139 3:15:59 3. MSN/WindowsLive/Bing 111,352 2:02:11 4. Microsoft 96,071 0:49:50 5. AOL Media Network 92,705 2:43:10 6. YouTube 87,686 1:12:57 7. Facebook 87,254 4:39:33 8. Fox Interactive Media 72,724 2:14:21 9. Apple 59,663 1:19:33 10. Wikipedia 54,867 0:17:05 Source: Nielsen NetView Table 3: Average U.S. Internet Usage, Combined Home & Work, Month of June 2009 Sessions/Visits per Person 51 Domains Visited per Person 88 Web Pages per Person 2,569 Duration of a Web Page Viewed 65:10:25 PC Time per Person 0:00:57 Active Digital Media Universe 195,974,309 Current Digital Media Universe Estimate 234,275,000 Source: Nielsen NetView About Nielsen: The Nielsen Company’s online and mobile solutions deliver comprehensive, independent measurement and analysis of digital audiences. For more information, please visit Also, visit our blog at 80 5. Conducting usability research What makes interaction tools usable at the highest level of success? A validation or verification test is usually conducted late in the development cycle to measure the usability of a product against established parameters, to confirm that problems that were identified earlier have been remedied and to ascertain whether new problems have been introduced. The intent is to establish that the product meets expected standards, created through previous usability tests, marketing surveys, interviews with users and brainstorming by the development team. A matrix test design allows you to test a product across a range of roles according to different classifiers or variables. For instance, various people have differing levels of expertise in different categories. The minimum number of people tested should be at least four or five people per type or matrix cell – research indicates this is the minimum number to expose most usability problems – you should reach for more, at least eight or more to be comfortable with results. To select participants in the usability test, assemble a screening questionnaire to present over the phone, online or in person. This can be simple or detailed, depending on your needs, but it should give you an understanding of the selected users backgrounds and identify specific selection criteria (age range, sex, or any factors needed to do the appropriate testing). To establish a target for your selected user testing participants, you could fill out one or more of these questionnaires yourself with the ideal responses and then shoot for finding those people in your search for test participants. You need to characterize your users. One way to identify a steady population of usability testers in your audience is to establish a link on your site that allows users to opt in to participation – when a study comes up you just go to that selection of people to find participants. Many new online applications are tested this way when they are in the “beta” stage of development, ready for a select group of users to explore experimentally and offer feedback for improvement. Some online applications stay in the “beta” phase for months and even years; one example is Google’s Gmail. An example of guidelines for observing a usability test: 81 Prepare an orientation script that is read the same way to all participants in usability testing. It should describe what will happen during the test session, setting the tone in the minds of the participants and helping them understand their role. • Be sure to assure them that the product is being tested and they are not, so they can relax into a normal state of response. • Read this just before beginning the testing activities. • Keep the tone of the script professional and friendly. • Keep it short. • Ask for honest feedback – pros and cons, not a severe critique but also not a cream-puff assessment. When you conduct a small-group usability test you should include a nondisclosure form, a permission form for recording the usability test and – if this is a test for a public institution or agency with an IRB – an informed consent form. Example of a nondisclosure and recording consent form: 82 In the pre-test questions, ask for participant attitudes and first impressions about the product: • • • Does it look easy to use? Do you understand the terminology? Is it similar or very different from other products or earlier releases of the same product? These initial impressions set the stage for the actual usage of the product, and it is important to get the participant’s impressions before the usage occurs. You could also reask the same questions in a post-test after the user tries the product. After testing you compile a report reflecting results. An example: 83 It is important to include people with disabilities or other underserved publics in your usability testing. Tips for working with older participants: 84 6. About audience, participants, creator‐consumers Tips excerpted from, Dublin, Ireland, The Experience is Key It is important to remember that the experience a person has using a product or service is and the emotion he or she feels for it is every bit as important as that product or services’ usability. 85 Deep Down We Are All Shallow People Given the choice between two otherwise equal options we will all choose the better looking one. People enjoy aesthetically pleasing items – it is important to bear this fact in mind. Just as we pay attention to the usability of a product we must also pay attention to its aesthetics. If a product is aesthetically unappealing people will be less likely to use it, no matter how user friendly it is. The relationship between aesthetics and usability is complex. Research carried out by Noam Tractinsky among others has shown the more aesthetically pleasing an item is the more usable people will believe it to be. As such it is vital that in designing items we find a balance between usability and aesthetics. But apart from the aesthetics and usability there is another crucial element to design. The emotional aspect. Emotions are a Response to the User Experience When people bought music in the ’80s it was an event. You went to the record shop, you flicked through the many racks of vinyl before selecting a record. Perhaps you were waiting for a specific release in which case much time would be spent pestering the staff as to when the record would be out. Then with the record (all 12 inches of it) tucked under your arm, you made your way home on the bus admiring the cover artwork. The whole experience was part of the attraction – it was a process. Then came CDs, and then music downloads, and the experience is radically different. From a strictly functional and usable point of view this new way is far better than physically buying some music, but... This is one reason Apple iTunes will download the album art with any album you purchase and even retrieve the art of any album you personally rip. Presenting genre sections as well as new releases and recommended albums promotes browsing by the user that’s similar to the traditional experience of purchasing music. Because of these steps some of the visual and emotional aspects of buying or selecting music is restored to the overall experience. Good experiences sell. If using a product or service makes you feel good you are likely to use it again. Introduction to User‐Centered Design Process User Centered Design (UCD) is an approach to design where the end user is placed at the heart of the design and development process. Knowing who the users are, what they want and if your system is fulfilling their needs is central to UCD. The key principal of UCD is integrating users that represent the profiles of the target user group/s into the development process. Typically, friends, family and (most definitely) colleagues are not representative of the target user base! However, they’re nearly always free with advice. But the validity of this advice is often questionable. In order to integrate unbiased user feedback into the process the following are key steps in a UCD process: Step 1: Define your target audience. Many UCD professionals take general descriptions of a target user groups to create a set 86 of personas. Personas make it easier for design and development teams to understand users needs by creating tangible descriptions of real people and looking at the system from their perspective. Personas also make it easier to identify an appropriate panel of end users from whom to gather feedback. Step 2: User Task Analysis. Task Analysis is the identification and thorough understanding of end users' goals and tasks. You must first establish tools they currently use, the mental model they adopt for the tasks at hand, limitations and problems they encounter, what alternatives/substitutes are available to them, changes and additions that will enhance their experience, etc. This analysis can be conducted by making a number of assumptions (based on the definition of your target audience) and ideally, by gathering feedback from real users and/or observing them conducting key tasks. Step 3: Create a Prototype Prototypes can vary from pieces of paper with the proposed designs sketched on them to fully interactive systems that look like and seem to function exactly like the end product. What is important is that designers have a thorough understanding of user requirements and therefore must be an integral part of the team. Prototypes have two purposes. The first is to define how the system will work from the user interface perspective; the second is to test on real users. The advantage of using a low fidelity paper based prototype is that it can be produced quickly and does not require much development effort. However, users sometimes find it difficult to take that leap from the somewhat abstract to the real thing. On the other hand, high fidelity prototypes are easy to comprehend by the end user but may require a lot of costly development effort. The nature of the system being tested will also influence the approach taken. Step 4: Test prototypes with REAL users. Testing with real users is central to UCD. Testing is typically conducted on relatively small groups of people, typically no more than five representatives of each target user profile (however, this depends on the number of profiles and complexity of the system). The reason for this is that you are looking to identify problems and create design solutions as opposed to discovering how many people have the same problem. Five users typically identify approximately 80% of all problems. Therefore it makes more sense to test, analyze, redesign, test again, analyze, redesign, etc. Eventually fewer problems will be encountered and the system is ready for release. Although you will need to converse with test participants during the test, it is important that you observe and listen as opposed to direct them. Observation and listening to their comments allows you to identify what users do, where they have difficulties and why they have problems. Testing is often recorded to avoid ‘false memory syndrome’ and to substantiate findings to colleagues and management. Step 5: Beta Release In some cases a pre-release, or beta version of the system is released to a restricted number of users for evaluation. Unlike the prototype this version incorporates all the functionality that is available in the final system. Feedback can be gathered from users to 87 fine-tune the system further. Often beta versions incorporate software to track usage and identify where and when problems occur. Step 6: Ongoing Evaluation Rarely is an application or website launched and never refined or expanded. A true UCD process continues to evaluate the system after it is launched. Feedback can be used to benchmark against user requirements and competitors products. Customer service can also provide invaluable feedback as to how the system is performing in the real world. What is important is that you gain insight in what needs to be improved in the next iteration of the system from the users perspective. You will learn a number of techniques in the strategies and production courses for reaching your users, and you’ll learn about things like breadcrumbs. The Joys of Prototyping By creating and testing interfaces in rough format, designers are able to feed through improvements and feedback from users quickly and easily. This in turn helps to ensure a final product that is an evolved solution. At the heart of any good user-centered design process is the practice of prototyping. By creating and testing interfaces in rough format, designers are able to feed through improvements and feedback from users quickly and easily. This in turn helps to ensure a final product that is an evolved solution, in the sense that it has been through a number of iterations and emerged as fit for the job in question. Obviously prototyping saves time and money. If designers insisted on testing each new development on a fully-featured site only, iterative design would be a long and costly process. Rough prototyping, with pen and paper, Visio, or any other method, is both faster and more convenient. Changes can even be made while the user waits. Convenience is a strong enough argument, but there is also convincing evidence that rough prototyping is superior in terms of the final result for a number of reasons, including: • • • Users are more forthright in criticizing unfinished interfaces. No matter how much they may be encouraged to do so, some people are reluctant to find fault in work that appears to be set in stone. They may feel that they will be regarded as difficult for example. Although still present, this effect is noticeably reduced when users are asked to comment on work that will clearly need further work. Interaction designers are likely to be more creative in terms of problem solving if changes can be made quickly and if necessary on the fly. Experimental approaches can be tested quickly without extensive effort, meaning a greater range of possible solutions will tend to be put before the user. Prototyping enables the designer to concentrate on those areas of most importance to the interaction process. For example, vertical prototyping will focus on deep interaction, for example when the user moves through a number of screens in order to complete a task. Horizontal prototyping, on the other hand, will examine the user's experience of a single screen in order to assist in decision-making, for 88 example. In this way prototyping can effect rapid change while leaving other things equal. As the prototyping stage comes to a close, designs will begin to be firmed up. Ideas can be more fully implemented and the fidelity of the proto type increased - on the assumption that future changes will be less significant. In this way the prototyping process can lead seamlessly into graphic design work to be undertaken on an interface. Although prototyping is most frequently used in order to help with initial interaction design, these methods can be used with great effect elsewhere in the user-centered design process. For example, after user testing, prototyping may be used to work on fixes for any problems that are identified with the finished product. Focus Groups ‐ Advantages and Limitations Focus groups are a great way to collect information from several people very quickly and cost effectively. They are mainly used to gauge people’s reactions and feelings to items, however when used appropriately they can also be used as part of user requirements gathering. The Advantages of Focus Groups Focus groups are often of use when deciding on the look and feel of a website or product. They gather good data on emotive issues as people are quite willing to give their opinions and impressions of items. They will allow you to develop an appropriate presentation through pointing out what things work or don’t work for users. It can also be helpful to show groups several different designs in order to facilitate conversation on what it is they are looking for in a design. Used early in the design process focus groups are also useful at gathering user requirements. People can talk about their expectations for a website/product, such as what functions they expect the website/product to have. They also discuss similar systems that have worked for them in the past and those that have not, allowing you to see which designs and functions are the most effective. This valuable information is then fed into the design process to ensure the production of an end product that people will use. The Limitations of Focus Groups The main issue is that in focus groups you learn what people say they do or think, not what they actually do or think. Focus groups will not show any usability problems that exist on a site as the users will not be actually interacting or completing tasks on the website/service. A major issue with focus groups is that there is the possibility of “groupthink” i.e. people expressing an opinion which is in line with the rest of the group even if that opinion is at odds with their own personal one. Another possibility is that one or two individuals will come to dominate the group, creating an inaccurate view of what users’ overall opinions are. Because of these issues it is essential to have a skilled moderator carry out all focus groups. Running a Focus Group Ideally each focus group should contain between six and eight people, any more and you 89 will not get enough detailed information from each person. It is generally a good idea to run at least two focus groups for each item. This is to protect against such issues as group think, where the results from a group might not be fully accurate. A skilled moderator is crucial. The moderator needs to make sure that the conversation in a group is free flowing and has a natural tone while at the same time keeping the discussion on track and on issue. The moderator must also prevent individuals from dominating a group and ensure that all participants are involved and contribute equally. When used appropriately focus groups are a valuable way of aiding the design process and can be very cost effective compared to one-on-one interviews. Other testing methods – eye tracking and heat maps Usability firms (an example is User Centric) are paid to assess audience response. They use methods such as site visits and interviews; one-on-one user interviews in research facilities; contextual inquiry during user observations; affinity diagrams; card sorting; and content inventory and they gather data and come up with results and deliver reports that might include a detailed task analysis; use scenarios; taskflow diagrams; information architecture maps; annotated wireframes; interaction maps; content matrices. Some organizations use eye-tracking equipment and heat maps to follow users’ movements. TechSmith's Morae was introduced in 2004. It features an on-screen activity recorder that is capable of recording an entire session of a usability test. The session timeline can be divided into numerous fragments (tasks and/or comments) simply by placing markers on the timeline. Data such as time, mouse clicks, and total number of pages view can be extracted from any fragment of the recording session. Also, numerous fragments from different recording sessions can be easily combined into a highlight-video without the knowledge of video editing. Morae is also picture-in-picture (PIP) capable, so the users' expressions can be recorded simply and inexpensively with the use of a web camera. Morae has three components to it: the recorder, remote viewer and manager. The recorder runs on the computer where the usability test is being conducted. The location-free remote viewer can connect to the recorder via the IP address of the computer where the recorder is running, or by simply connecting to the recorder computer if they are both on the same network. The manager is the post-experiment application that is used to place/edit markers, extract data, and create highlight videos from the recorded sessions. Morae's robust features ensures ease of use, data reliability, but above all, the onscreen recorder and the PIP feature empowers the researcher to convey the results along with the actual clip of the user's onscreen activity. Beyond Usability Testing For all its benefits, traditional testing does not necessarily give a complete picture of how effective a site or application is. Testing techniques tend to use test scripts to model certain common tasks and ask participants to carry out these tasks whilst an observer notes any difficulties that are encountered. Obviously this method can identify a lot of problems and provide invaluable feedback to development and design teams. But at the 90 same time, because the user is guided through the site it can be less effective at answering other questions, such as: • • • What messages is the user picking up from the site? Which areas of the site attract users who are acting of their own accord rather than following instructions? How long will a typical user remain at a site outside the context of a test procedure? Traditionally you might get some answers from accurate server logs, which record the total number of visitors to various pages on the site. Depending on the product used to interpret them, they can also provide an indication of common routes through the site and time spent on each page. However, although this sort of analysis can provide plenty of statistics and identify trends, it cannot answer the most important questions: why users behave in the way they do, and what impressions they pick up from the site during their visit. This is where alternative user-testing techniques come in. By broadening the base of inquiry and moving beyond the performance of pre-defined common tasks, tests can deliver essential information on how users experience the site as a whole. This does not replace traditional user testing - it should be seen as an additional technique that builds on the results of standard user testing methods. Some simple techniques can answer the questions mentioned above in a test procedure. They include: • • • • • Allowing browsing to be as free as possible. Asking test participants open-ended questions such as "what do you think this company does?" and giving them time to find an answer. Questions like these are an excellent way of gauging how effectively a company communicates online. In some tests it may even be appropriate to simply ask users to browse the site in any way they wish and then discuss the company afterwards. This can reveal which areas of the site tend to attract casual browsers - and if they are regarded as the 'wrong' areas, something can be done about it. Enabling users to leave if necessary. If a certain task involves making a purchase, for example, enable users to use alternative sites if they become frustrated. This models real-life experience more closely and can help to predict whether a site will be competitive in the real world. Of course it is also necessary to observe users through the purchasing process in order to test usability, but this can be done during another part of the test. Encouraging feedback on attitudes and experiences. Don't just ask your users to talk about usability issues, actively encourage them to express their feelings about the content they encounter, and their impressions of the company or organization. While testers must be careful not to read too much into subjective opinion (and should increase the size of the sample group when using this method), it can perform a similar function to the focus group without many of the disadvantages. 91 7. Information visualizations The following pages contain a small assortment of recent visualizations that help explain concepts tied to interactivity, theory, audience. Infovisualization is a booming medium. This Forrester Research uses and gratifications chart is available online in more viewable form here: 07/24/0724_6insiid_a.gif The Find Your Bliss Venn diagram can be used to think through motivations. The Future of Media graphic was assembled by the Future Exploration Network. Go here to get the clickable version in a larger size: http://www.visual‐ 92 93 A marketing piece from Elliance that explains Web 2.0 solutions to connect with people. 94 Another marketing piece from Elliance that explains Web 2.0 processes. 95 Another Web 2.0 explanatory graphic was assembled by the Future Exploration Network. This is a small segment of a larger map of Web Trends that is updated annually by Information Architects. You can find and view the full map on Flickr: photos/formforce/3409 362834/sizes/o/ 96 This is a small segment of a map made up of clickable Web 2.0 and Internet technology logos. You can find the clickable version at http://www.appappeal.com__web‐2‐0‐application‐world‐mosaic.pdf 97 Following in four drawings is a visual journalism report from sketch artist Jonny Goldstein, who live‐ blogged from the “140 Characters” 2009 conference (about microblogging). 98 These visual notes are also available on Flickr. The artist wrote about it here:‐notes‐from‐the‐140‐characters‐conference‐ overwhelming‐response‐from‐big‐media‐blogs‐and‐social‐web/ 99 8. Application usage trends – report as of May 2009‐first‐state‐of‐the‐apps‐shows‐what‐were‐ using‐when‐and‐how/ See this site for larger view of the graphics with interesting details First State Of The Apps Shows What We’re Using, When And How by MG Siegler of TechCrunch on April 28, 2009 As a service whose sole purpose is to track the applications that people actually use on their systems, it should be no surprise that Wakoopahas a lot of interesting usage data. On a day to day level, Wakoopa’s data is good, but it’s the aggregate data over long periods of time that can be really meaningful to show how we are using our computers. Today, Wakoopa has released the first such aggregate data with its inaugural State of the Apps report. The report shows the quarterly data for desktop software, games and web apps. The data comes from the over 75,000 Wakoopa users that have installed the desktop tracking software to enable the company to see actual usage. These users have logged over 525 million hours of app usage, across over 200,000 apps. Some key trends that Wakoopa highlights in its report include: 100 Social networking usage tends to peak between 9 and 10 PM. But for Facebook, the most popular social network, usage is pretty constant throughout the day. Other web apps tend to peak at between 4 and 5 PM. As you may expect, Twitter usage is rising quickly among Wakoopa users as well. Nearly a quarter of them now use the service — and most of them do so through Twitter desktop clients. Google Friend Connect and the online video site Veoh both showed large declines in usage in the first quarter. Interestingly, and perhaps not entirely unrelated, Veoh just went through layoffs and a major restructuring. Google Friend Connect meanwhile, seems to lack the hype and adoption of Facebook’s more popular Facebook Connect. Google Chrome is growing quickly, and is now past 15% usage across all Wakoopa users. But some of Wakoopa’s charts in the report contain even more interesting information. For example, while Chrome has an impressive showing across the board, Mozilla’s Firefox browser is even more impressive. It is the number one app on both Windows and Mac platforms. And in every continent besides Africa, it’s over 60% usage among web browsers — and in Africa it’s still at 50%. Meanwhile, Africa is the only continent where Internet Explorer finishes as the second most‐used browser. On every other continent, IE is in third place among browsers — or worse. While that may sounds a bit ridiculous given that IE is still by far the biggest browser worldwide in terms of market share, that has to be very troubling for Microsoft as it’s probably safe to assume that a lot of Wakoopa users are early adopters of technology and could signal a trend of where things could go for the general population in the coming years. Also not a good sign for Microsoft: The older you are, the more likely you are to use IE. In the youngest age group, 11 to 20 year olds, even smaller browsers like Opera beat it. IE has been losing market share at a steady pace for the past several years. Google products dominate the top‐used web apps. Gmail is #2, YouTube is #3, Google Search is #4 and Google Reader is #5. It seems pretty surprising that YouTube and Gmail would be ahead of Google Search, but perhaps that’s because people use their built‐in search toolbars rather than to start searches. Also, a commenter Kyle notes below, Wakoopa tracks how long your stay on a site as well, so you’re more likely to stay on Gmail and YouTube longer than Google Search. Regardless, Facebook trumps them all. On Windows machines, a lot of Microsoft products appear in the top 10, which on Macs, a lot of Apple products do. That is not at all shocking. 101 FriendFeed usage is more than halfway to Twitter usage — though it’s not clear if that’s just or if that includes the various clients as well. And FriendFeed’s usage is higher among Wakoopa users than that of MySpace. Again, I’d point back to the whole early adopter thing. DestroyTwitter — which I had never even heard of until tonight, is one of the hottest new apps on both the Windows and Mac platforms. Apparently, it’s an Adobe AIR‐based Twitter client that constantly updates, yet uses less memory than other AIR‐based Twitter clients. Email peak checking time for the weekday is during the morning, around 11 AM, but on the weekend, it’s at night around 9 PM. 102 103 9. Visual Design for the Modern Web by Penny McIntire, 2008 For More, See Book Resource Site: Notes from McIntire’s book: When we put a page together rapidly using a development environment like Dreamweaver rather than designing a page with pencil and paper, we say we’re using prototyping or RAD, “rapid application development.” “Branding” is the overall impression made by a product or an entire organization. This encompasses the look of logos, packaging, advertising, presentation, reputation and site design. An effective brand has an individual identity, a personality, a distinct look and feel that separates it from the competition and is easily recognizable by the audience. It is memorable. The number‐one factor in determining the credibility of a user experience is the visual design. The four factors that promote audience engagement (usability) are: • • • • Self‐evidence – must be easy to use with an intuitive interface and big reward for minimal investment, must be consistent and predictable, allowing audience efficiency that builds user presence and loyalty. Speed – must load quickly and establish clear, concise navigation. Feedback – must give audience responsive operability (sounds, messages, updates to help them interact and feel rewards and understand what’s going on as they maneuver and interact). Accuracy – No errors in content or interactivity Usability factors make a product functional; visual design makes it memorable. Characteristics of a first‐rate interactive product • • • Easy to maintain (must be flexible and scalable, so ongoing updates can be made throughout its life with a minimum of time and effort). Aesthetically appealing (must be attractive and engaging sensory experience for target audience). Easy to use (must be user‐friendly, effective, and quick‐loading; audience should be able to move efficiently to get what they want without wasting time). Technically solid (must behave predictably with no errors or glitches). • An interactive experience is often referred to as a “system.” “Analysis” includes the process of advance planning – determining what is needed before anything is built. All stakeholders are involved in the process, managers, technical people and potential audience members. Analysis also takes place throughout the process of building, step‐by‐step, each aspect of the interactive experience. In analysis, consider the following: clarify goals; identify the target audience; identify goals for 104 interactivity; determine constraints; determine content; analyze architecture. Audience Who are the primary users? What are the demographics in terms of age, education, family status and other aspects of audience type? What appeals to them? What do you want them to get from the interactive experience? You must define the audience in order to reach the audience. Characteristics to address: Physical demographics (gender, age range, health status [need to serve disabled, offer slower motion, etc.?]; Cultural demographics (economic status, employment, education level, social group, nationality, language, values); Computer experience (knowledge of tech, favorite sites, surfing patterns and frequency, usage patterns); Findability (will the typical audience member be most likely to find your site from a search engine, TV ad, banner ad, link on another site, printed ad, friend’s referral?); Computer equipment profile (operating system, system speed and power, connection speed,); Frequency of visits (infrequent visitors need a different approach from people who use the site regularly); Location of access (home, work, public access location – especially important for any audio elements); Competing sites (what other sites do your audience members use and how and why?); Internal or external audience (a company intranet or public Internet – ties into security issues among other things); Design expectations (critical to visual look and feel of the site). The more specific and vivid you can be about users the better. Some interactive design usability experts invent personae – fictional but realistic characters typical of the audience – giving them names and biographical backgrounds and studying that type of person’s demographic data to assemble a small experimental set of fictional users. Identifying users’ goals in advance is vital to success. Find the needs and then find the best and most friction‐free ways to address those needs in the way your audience would most desire it. Find ways to establish a long‐term relationship and maintain it. Goals might include socializing, sharing, researching products or services, purchasing products or services, obtaining information about a particular person, place or thing. Planning includes the development of a “use case,” a step‐by‐step documentation of a sequence of interactions that must be completed for a user to complete each task, presented from that visitor’s point of view – this is where personas are vital. Good planning also includes coverage of scenarios in which things go wrong. Normally you plan for users to follow one particular path to getting what they want; you also must plan for alternate choices and for errors to get a complete use case assembled. Useful online resources:,, and All carrying a wide range of articles on web development. 105 Interactive Media Analysis Form – this type of checklist can be used in the initial planning stages of site building; points will vary depending on needs. Site purpose and goals: • Mandatory goals - Goal 1 - Goal 2 • Secondary goals - Goal 1 - Goal 2 Target audience: • Primary audience - Persona 1 - Persona 2 Constraints: • Time frame • Budget • Resources - Staff - Equipment - Software support • Other Site Architecture: Tasks audience will perform: • Categories (listed explicitly): - Labels - Preferred labels (listed explicitly) - Secondary labels/aliases (listed explicitly) - Associated terms (listed explicitly) • Directory structure (show hierarchy) • File naming conventions • Primary/most frequent tasks - Task 1 (in use case form) - Task 2 (in use case form) Content: • Secondary audience - Persona 1 - Persona 2 • Secondary/less frequent tasks - Task 1 (in use case form) - Task 2 (in use case form) • Primary content • Content to be archived Once segments of a site have been built in first‐draft form they should be tested extensively with real users. This is referred to as usability testing. This testing should be incremental – start as soon as you have just enough so testers can get some idea of the expected product. Better to discover what to change early on in the process. Test early and test often throughout the construction process and then the problems/surprises at the final unveiling of the completed work will be few to none. Research has shown that you do not have to have a large number of users test to get an accurate idea of the best way to proceed. Informal testing of small groups, sometimes called “discount testing” can produce good results. Site with a comprehensive explanation of Card Sorting in user design: Other possible quick audience/user research methods • • • • • • • The bridge method Futures workshops Claims analysis Q‐sorting Reality mapping/CUTA/CARD Predictive task analysis/supergoaling Free listing Usability expert Jakob Nielsen offers the following set of guidelines, known as… 10. Nielsen’s Usability Heuristics 106 107 The following excerpt is copyright 2003 by Bruce Tognazzini. Permission to make copies for personal use is granted without reservation, provided this copyright notice remains on the copy. Educators and in-house corporate trainers may make sufficient copies for their own students. Bruce Tognazzini, principal with the Nielsen Norman Group, formerly lead designer at WebMD and founder of the Apple Human Interface Group, offers … 11. First Principles of Interaction Design The following principles are fundamental to the design and implementation of effective interfaces, whether for traditional graphical user interface environments or the web. Of late, many web applications have reflected a lack of understanding of many of these principles of interaction design, to their great detriment. Because an application or service appears on the web, the principles do not change. If anything, applying these principles become even more important. Effective interfaces are visually apparent and forgiving, instilling in their users a sense of control. Users quickly see the breadth of their options, grasp how to achieve their goals, and do their work. Effective interfaces do not concern the user with the inner workings of the system. Work is carefully and continuously saved, with full option for the user to undo any activity at any time. Effective applications and services perform a maximum of work, while requiring a minimum of information from users. Anticipation Applications should attempt to anticipate the user’s wants and needs. Do not expect users to search for or gather information or evoke necessary tools. Bring to the user all the information and tools needed for each step of the process. Autonomy The computer, the interface, and the task environment all "belong" to the user, but userautonomy doesn’t mean we abandon rules. Give users some breathing room. Users learn quickly and gain a fast sense of mastery when they are placed "in charge." Paradoxically, however, people do not feel free in the absence of all boundaries (Yallum, 1980). A little child will cry equally when held too tight or left to wander in a large and empty warehouse. Adults, too, feel most comfortable in an environment that is neither confining nor infinite, an environment explorable, but not hazardous. Use status mechanisms to keep users aware and informed No autonomy can exist in the absence of control, and control cannot be exerted in the absence of sufficient information. Status mechanisms are vital to supplying the information necessary for workers to respond appropriately to changing conditions. As a simple example, workers, failing status information, will tend to maintain heightened pressure on themselves during slow periods, until the moment the work actually runs out. 108 This will stress and fatigue them unnecessarily, so that when the next rush occurs, they may be lacking the physical and mental reserves to handle it. Keep status information up to date and within easy view Users should not have to seek out status information. Rather, they should be able to glance at their work environment and be able to gather at least a first approximation of state and workload. Status information can be quite subtle: the inbox icon could be switched to show an empty, somewhat full, or stuffed state. This, however, should not be overdone. The Macintosh, for years, showed an icon of a trashcan of imminent danger of explosion if a single document was placed therein. Users quickly formed the habit of emptying the trashcan as soon as the first document hit. This not only turned a single-step operation into a two-step operation (drag to the trash, then empty the trash), it negated the entire power of the trashcan, namely, undo. As another positive example, a search field icon can change color and appearance to indicate that the search is in progress or has been completed with too many matches, too few matches, or just enough. (Like any element of the interface, just color is not enough; 10% of males show some indication of color blindness. Even a higher percentage may have temporary alterations in perception of blue under varying conditions.) Consistency The following principles, taken together, offer the interaction designer tremendous latitude in the evolution of a product without seriously disrupting those areas of consistency most important to the user. Levels of consistency: The importance of maintaining strict consistency varies. The following list is ordered from those interface elements demanding the most faithful consistency effort to those demanding the least. Paradoxically, many people assume that the order of items one through five should be exactly the reverse, leading to applications that look alike, but act completely different in unpredictable ways: Interpretation of user behavior, e. g., shortcut keys maintain their meanings. Invisible structures. Small visible structures. The overall "look" of a single application or service--splash screens, design elements. A suite of products. In-house consistency. Platform-consistency. "Invisible structures" refers to such invisible objects as Microsoft Word's clever little right border that has all kinds of magical properties, if you ever discover it is there. It may or may not appear in your version of Word. And if it doesn't, you'll never know for sure that it isn't really there, on account of it's invisible. Which is exactly what is wrong with invisible objects and why consistency is so important. Other objects are, strictly speaking, visible, but do not appear to be controls, so users, left to their own devices, might never discover their manipulability. The 109 secret, if you absolutely insist on one, should be crisp and clean, for example, "you can click and drag the edges of current Macintosh windows to size them," not, "You can click and drag various things sometimes, but not other things other times.""Small visible structures" refers to icons, size boxes, scroll arrows, etc. The appearance of such objects needs to be strictly controlled if people are not to spend half their time trying to figure out how to scroll or how to print. Location is only just slightly less important than appearance. Where it makes sense to standardize location, do so. Inconsistency: It is just important to be visually inconsistent when things must act differently as it is to be visually consistent when things act the same. Avoid uniformity. Make objects consistent with their behavior. Make objects that act differently look different. The most important consistency is consistency with user expectations. The only way to ascertain user expectations is to do user testing. No amount of study and debate will substitute. Defaults Defaults should be easy to "blow away:" Fields containing defaults should come up selected, so users can replace the default contents with new material quickly and easily. Defaults should be "intelligent" and responsive. Do not use the word "default" in an application or service. Replace with "Standard," "Use Customary Settings," "Restore Initial Settings," or some other more specific terms describing what will actually happen. Efficiency of the User Look at the user's productivity. Time is money and more – stealing the user’s time will make the user leave. For example, which of the following takes less time? Heating water in a microwave for one minute and ten seconds or heating it for one minute and eleven seconds? From the standpoint of the microwave, one minute and ten seconds is the obviously correct answer. From the standpoint of the user of the microwave, one minute and eleven seconds is faster. Why? Because in the first case, the user must press the one key twice, then visually locate the zero key, move the finger into place over it, and press it once. In the second case, the user just presses the same key–the one key–three times. It typically takes more than one second to acquire the zero key. Hence, the water is heated faster when it is "cooked" longer. Other factors beyond speed make the 111 solution more efficient. Seeking out a different key not only takes time, it requires a fairly high level of cognitive processing. While the processing is underway, the main task the user was involved with–cooking their meal– must be set aside. The longer it is set aside, the longer it will take to reacquire it. 110 Additionally, users who adopt the expedient of using repeating digits for microwave cooking faces fewer decisions. They soon abandon figuring out, for example, whether bacon should be cooked for two minutes and ten seconds or two minutes and twentythree seconds. They do a fast estimate and, given the variability of water content and bacon thickness, end up with as likely a successful result with a lot less dickering up front, again increasing human efficiency. Keep the user occupied. Since, typically, the highest expense in a business is labor cost. Any time the user must wait for the system to respond before he or she can proceed, money is being lost. To maximize the efficiency of a business or other organization you must maximize everyone’s efficiency, not just the efficiency of a single group. The great efficiency breakthroughs are to be found in the fundamental architecture. This simple truth is why it is so important for everyone involved in a project to appreciate the importance of making user productivity and value goal one and to understand the vital difference between building an efficient system and empowering an efficient user. This truth is also key to the need for close and constant cooperation, communication, and conspiracy between communications team members if this goal is to be achieved. Write help messages tightly and make them responsive to the problem: good writing pays off big in comprehension and efficiency. Explorable Interfaces Give users well-marked roads and landmarks, then let them shift into four-wheel drive. Mimic the safety, smoothness and consistency of the natural landscape. Don’t trap users into a single path through a service, but do offer them a line of least resistance. This lets the new user and the user who just wants to get the job done in the quickest way possible and "no-brainer" way through, while still enabling those who want to explore and play what-if a means to wander farther afield. Sometimes, however, you have to provide deep ruts. The closer you get to the naive end of the experience curve, the more you have to rein in your users. A single-use application for accomplishing an unknown task requires a far more directive interface than a habitual-use interface for experts. Offer users stable perceptual cues for a sense of "home." Stable visual elements not only enable people to navigate fast, they act as dependable landmarks, giving people a sense of "home." Make Actions reversible People explore in ways beyond navigation. Sometimes they want to find out what would happen if they carried out some potentially dangerous action. Sometimes they don’t want 111 to find out, but they do anyway by accident. By making actions reversible, users can both explore and can "get sloppy" with their work. Always allow "Undo." The unavoidable result of not supporting undo is that you must then support a bunch of dialogs that say the equivalent of, "Are you really, really sure?" Needless to say, this slows people down. In the absence of such dialogs, people slow down even further. A study a few years back showed that people in a hazardous environment make no more mistakes than people in a supportive and more visually obvious environment, but they worked a lot slower and a lot more carefully to avoid making errors. Always allow a way out. Users should never feel trapped. They should have a clear path out. However, make it easier to stay in. Early software tended to make it difficult to leave. With the advent of the web, we've seen the advent of software that makes it difficult to stay. Web browsers still festoon their windows with objects and options that have nothing to do with our applications and services running within. Our task can become akin to designing a word process which, oh, by the way, will be using Photoshop's menu bar. Having 49 options on the screen that lead directly to destruction of the user's work, along with one or two that just might help is not an explorable interface, it is the interface from hell. If you are working with complex transactions using a standard web browser, turn off the menu bar and all of the other irrelevant options, then supply our own landmarks and options… Learnability Ideally, products would have no learning curve: users would walk up to them for the very first time and achieve instant mastery. In practice, all applications and services, no matter how simple, will display a learning curve. Limit the Trade-Offs. Usability and learnability are not mutually exclusive. First, decide which is the most important; then attack both with vigor. Ease of learning automatically coming at the expense of ease of use is a myth. [End of Tognazzini piece] A gem from Don Norman: People process input at three levels – The visceral level is preconsciousness, prethought. It’s where appearance matters first and first impressions are formed. The initial impact of a product, appearance, touch, feel. The behavioral level is about use, experience with a product. It is about function, performance and usability. The reflective level is the level at which the full impact of thought and emotions are experienced. It is all about message, about culture and the meaning of the product and its use. 112 12. Tagging by Gene Smith Notes based on the book “Tagging” by Gene Smith – site is Most of Chapter 1 is available for free on Google Books. New but vitally important to the way humans communicate is the act of “tagging,” which is people‐powered metadata that helps guide us as we seek, use and share information. Web designers, developers, information architects, user experience designers and product and project managers all leverage them – even individual bloggers use them. Tags are what the site – the first social bookmarking service – is all about. Library Thing – a site on which hundreds of thousands of participants from all over the globe are tagging – assigning descriptive keywords to their book lists. They have assigned 20 million tags to more than 15 million books. When you design a site or lead a project involving interactivity that includes computing, programming a tagging system makes it more searchable, usable and interactive. “Users” or “taggers” are the people who employ your tagging system. “Resources” are the items that users tag – this can be a book, a location, a video – anything that can be uniquely identified. The keywords added by users are “tags.” Tags can be any term that is usefully associated with the resource. A tag provides metadata about the resource. Metadata, according to the National Information Standards Organization (NISO) is “structured information that describes, explains, locates or otherwise makes it easier to retrieve, use or manage an information resource.” 113 Some tag cloud sites to try include the following: http://www.tagcloud‐;; http://www.tag‐;;; Every generator has different parameters and output styles. Each tagging system design has its own definition for what kind of tagging can be used. It might allow users to tag any resource or limit them to tagging their own resources. Facebook allows you to tag your photos and it requires that others ask permission to tag them for you. Systems can block objectionable tags such as expletives. Smith notes that tagging falls into one of five basic categories: Managing personal information. Social bookmarking (, Ma.gnolia, etc.). Collecting and sharing digital objects (Flickr, SlideShare). Improving the e‐commerce experience. And other uses. He says tagging sits at the intersection of three established fields: 114 The Information Architecture Institute defines “information architecture” as “the structural design of shared information environments” and the “art and science of organizing and labeling Web sites, intranets, online communities and software to promote usability and findability.” With so much information available today, it is important to find as many ways as possible to organize it in a findable searchable scheme. Social software allows computer‐mediated collaboration and sharing. These are online applications people use to share, communicate and collaborate. Tagging in this realm helps facilitate group interaction. Tagging on Facebook drives more use and gives users more chances for interactivity. Christopher Allen’s “Tracing the Evolution of Social Software” is an excellent history: Personal information management (PIM) can be defined as the actions people take to acquire, organize, maintain, retrieve and use information items. You want to acquire, file, track and find your information efficiently. When innovated the first popular collaborative tagging organization in 2003 it revealed some tension between the three areas outlined above. The controlled vocabularies, called “folksonomies,” were not crafted by professionals, they were serendipitous spin‐offs of people tagging resources for their personal use. Debates popped up and tension points between disciplines emerged. Folksonomies are user‐generated keywords. They may sometimes add noise to the signal. However Morville and Rosenfeld published a study in 2006 that indicated that the relevance curve increases with the number of people tagging a resource, so the value of folksonomy is accepted. In the 2000’s, personal information ecologies of individuals have begun to be key in the creation of the global library of references online and knowledge resources are being made more findable by the people who use them. There are varied frames of reference regarding the purpose, value and economics of classification systems allowing tagging in various ways. The tension points – where two aspects of tagging are pulling or competing – are part of the professional conversation about tagging. These bring some design tradeoffs. A tagging scheme that works in one application may not work as well in another. Sociality, idiosyncracy, control and expertise are common points of argument and they are used as the headings by Gene Smith in the following chart from his book, “Tagging.” 115 Information management is dependent upon the classification of data and the more we can hone this process, the better. Tagging allows users to describe resources in their own way. It allows a rough consensus to form, allows minority viewpoints to emerge and everyone’s perspective can be counted. The information environment today is sometimes called “the stream.” It consists of links from, photos from Flickr and Facebook, tweets on Twitter, RSS feeds, instant messages and SMS – any information experience you have flowing through your day. It is all competing for your attention and your action. When you think about your audience for interactivity, remember all of the competition … with more being added every day. Tagging can help you make some sense of your stream, allowing organizational power with minimal cognitive overload. Value‐centered design balances the goals of the people who create an interactive experience with those of the system’s users. Tagging allows users to get a better 116 “return on experience” and it allows system builders to gain more “return on investment.” Gene Smith notes: Tags are simple. Tags are flexible. Tags are extensible – you can keep adding more. Tags can be aggregated. This is why tagging works. Folders have long been the place where we store things, both physical and digital. Rashmi Sinha, CEO of SlideShare, says there are three reasons tagging can be a better categorization method than folders. You don’t need to consider the entire categorization scheme – you just add tags that seem appropriate; you can add any tags you want instead of having to find the one best category; and recategorization is easy. Folder structures do allow efficiencies for individuals, but people are inconsistent when it comes to using folders and groups in resource management. Tagging allows more search flexibility. They are more fluid for keeping up with the daily stream. Rashmi Sinha says the attraction in social tagging systems is the “social hum,” and Gene Smith lists the following as reasons people like to tag: Users share links they find interesting; they explore topics by utilizing tags added by others; the more 117 smart, attuned people there are using a system the better the recommendations; other users are sometimes experts, allowing you to gain personally through copying and sharing their links and tags; the tags can be used to connect with others who share your interests – tags enable communities of interest to spring up spontaneously. For example, the tag nptech (nonprofit technology) on was started by a few users and literally started a new cultural grouping of people with an interest in the nonprofit technology sector. This happens all the time online now. When a tag like nptech is copied and redistributed by others it can bring about “social proof,” a term coined by psychologist Robert Caildini to describe how people follow the lead of others. They adopt a tag started by early users and possibly growing a community around the tag. This happens all the time on Twitter, where users apply tags by placing a # in front of a word or series of representative letters. Tags can be serious ‐ #Mumbai was the Twitter tag used during the terror acts of November 2008 – and tags can be fun. People play the tagging game squaredcircle on Flickr, sharing photos of circular items or images that are tightly cropped in a square shape. Tags can tell people about you – when you tag something as “funny” you are making a personal statement by which others find out more about you. You can also make a political statement with tags. The Free Software Foundation encouraged people to tag products on that use digital rights management software with “defectivebydesign.” The ideal tagging system motivates social engagement and also serves the mission of the communicator implementing it. To optimize on reading an audience a tagging system should facilitate collaboration; increase participation; identify patterns; obtain descriptive metadata (giving you keywords at low cost that allow you to improve your search engine rankings and site navigation); and enhance findability. Flickr co‐founder Caterina Fake says, “Tagging really revolutionized the way the application behaved…you cannot only see the things you have tagged…but you can also see what everyone else in the system has tagged themselves in the public stuff.” Flickr allows users to add tags from multiple places on the site – while viewing a photo, while uploading a photo, and while organizing photos. To gain user collaboration a tagging system must: be easy to use intuitively; encourage self‐expression, sharing and play; allow people to manage their information well; encourage people to be original and blaze new trails. A great amount of the success of Facebook can be traced to the ways in which it encourages people to share by tagging and linking. Schachter’s makes tagging chic Joshua Schachter, a programmer living in New York, spent the late 1990s managing Memepool, a group weblog he started in 1998. He collected interesting 118 links from readers, keeping them in a text file. To make things easier to find, he began attaching a hash mark and a keyword or two at the end of each URL ‐ #history or #hotdogs. He decided to build Muxway, a site where he published his bookmarks – here he made the first‐ever mention of “tags” in this use. In late 2003 he created – a more sophisticated version of Muxway that aggregated information from all users to show what tags, what URLs, were popular. Schachter is the man who popularized tagging. was better than its original idea. More than a way to share URL bookmarks. Tags help you discover links to topics you want to pursue. When you look at everyone’s tags for a particular Web page you can get a collective opinion on that page. And nobody has to place the page in a separate file or folder or identify just one proper category for it. All of the organizing is done by individual users. It is a success because it is personal, it is social and it makes people’s lives easier. As Gene Smith notes, “ still defines our understanding of tagging and tagging systems.” Metadata, meta elements and changes in search Metadata is data about data. Wikipedia (July 2009) describes metadata as documenting “data about data elements or attributes, (name, size, data type, etc) and data about records or data structures (length, fields, columns, etc) and data about data (where it is located, how it is associated, ownership, etc.). Metadata may include descriptive information about the context, quality and condition, or characteristics of the data. Metadata is used to facilitate the understanding, characteristics, and management usage of data. The metadata required for effective data management varies with the type of data and context of use.” Some critics argue that metadata is too expensive to collect and evaluate, time‐consuming and subjective. Cory Doctorow and Clay Shirky are among the critics. “Metacrap” is a term sometimes used by those who criticize it, and they are sometimes referred to as “metahaters.” Meta elements are programming instructions used to embed structured information in a digital communication. These have less influence on online search results than they did in the 1990s because search has become more sophisticated. Search tools are implementing other factors, including volume of incoming links from related websites, quantity and quality of content, technical precision of source code, spelling, functional v. broken hyperlinks, volume and consistency of searches and/or viewer traffic, time within website, page views, revisits, click‐throughs, technical user‐features, uniqueness, redundancy, relevance, advertising revenue yield, freshness, geography, language and other intrinsic characteristics. 119 Gene Smith has divided tag types as metadata into seven categories: Descriptive – Examples of “descriptive” tags include css, webdesign, ajax, Minnesota, drama, gardening, zen, microfinance, music, halo3, networks, sushi, hibiscus Resource – Examples of “resource” tags include blog, book, video, photo Ownership/Source – Examples in this category include nytimes, genesmith (author), newriders Opinion – Examples include cool, funny, lame, beautiful, crap, defectivebydesign Selfreference – Examples include mystuff, mine, me Task Organizing – Examples include toread, todo, work Play and Performance – Examples include squaredcircle, seenlive, aka vogon poetry Taxonomies have parent‐child relationships between nodes and are formalized by a system organizer. Folksonomies have four features: all tags are aggregated; users can add any tags they select; relationships between tags are inferred; there are many possible methods of inference. They work best, Gene Smith says, “when language is uncertain or evolving, when the resource collection is changing quickly (think Twitter), when semantic relationships are not critical to users, when multiple points of view are desirable and when you have an active base of contributors. “Pace layering” – a theory tied to the idea that aspects of society change at different rates – is a concept about tagging and audience that was first promoted by Stewart Brand. He noted that fast‐moving layers such as commerce and fashion are moving at a different rate than slower layers such as nature and culture. Peter Morville applied the idea of pace layering to metadata in his book “Ambient Findability.” He said metadata structures such as taxonomies are stable and long‐ lasting while tags are fast‐moving and volatile. The Semantic Web – improvements involving ontologies in communication, bringing an evolution sometimes referred to as Web 3.0 – are creating a powerful foundation. Morville says, “Taxonomies and ontologies provide a solid semantic network that connects interface to infrastructure. And the fast‐moving, fashionable folksonomies sit on top: flexible, adaptable and responsive to user feedback.” Karl Fast and Grant Campbell, information scientists, assessed pace‐layering theories of metadata and found that a destabilizing force such as tagging can promote the long‐term efficiency of an ecosystem and help it survive through diversity. The people who create taxonomies and controlled vocabularies can be guardians of a system’s “ecological resilience,” according to Fast and Campbell. 120 Tag clouds, geotagging and object‐centered sociality Information architect Joe Lamantia calls tag clouds “the camera obscura of the semantic landscape.” Each tag, resource or user is a small peek into the entire information space. In tag clouds, the size of the tag is not directly proportional to the popularity of the tag. If they were, some would be ridiculously enormous and others invisible. Tag frequencies often follow a powerlaw distribution – a few are used with great frequency while most are used infrequently. When you consider, there are, Gene Smith says, four popular ways to look at what is popular for individuals in a tagging system: You – understanding your own popularity trends can help you identify interests and information‐seeking patterns. Friends or contacts – these are people who share your interests and knowing what’s popular with them is a window into your own mind – is an example. Team or workgroup – your teammates popular tags and resources can help you stay on top of your business or amateur baseball team or whatever. Everyone – the most popular items overall are compelling and global popularity can provide a good reference point for your own tastes even if the most popular items don’t appeal to you. Geotagging refers to adding geographic tags that locate resources in a particular place. Flickr, Photosynth and many other online systems implement geotagging. A geotag generally adds three special tags to a resource, the latitude, longitude and a marker – “geotagged” – that identifies it as a location tag. GPS included in mobile phones and cameras is automatically embedding geographical metadata in resources they produce. An API (application programming interface) is a tool for developers to access the data and services on a computer., Google Maps, Flickr and many other Web 2.0 successes offer APIs that allow an integration of their services into other Web and desktop programs. Web 2.0 has also been characterized by the sharing of photos, videos, music and other digital resources – this is known as “media sharing.” It has been enabled in the 2000s by proliferation of broadband, amazing advances in data storage at low cost, advances in devices such as digital and video cameras and the establishment in the 1990s of the Web and online communities from which all of this could grow. Media‐sharing sites have been booming because they allow what is referred to as “objectcentered sociality.” On media‐sharing sites, social action is centered around objects such as photos, videos, slide presentations and other digital media. It is credited with the success of systems like Facebook and YouTube. “Deep tagging” occurs when tags are applied to parts of files. Long videos, for instance might offer many deep tags that lead to various segments. Viddler is a Web organization that allows deep tagging with “timed tags” that can be added anywhere on a video’s timeline. 121 13. Search engine optimization (SEO) Search engine optimization involves two basic challenges - attracting visitors and links from other sites. Unless your site provides high-quality, regularly updated content, visitors will not return on a regular basis and are less likely to recommend the site to others. Ultimately, long-term traffic levels will rely on providing content that your target audience requires, presented in a usable format. Sites that provide extensive resources are always more likely to attract more links from elsewhere on the web. Although link-exchange programs can have some effect, they rely on giving something away in return for a link to your site. Good content generates links to your site because of its excellence. Traditional techniques for search engine optimization still have a place in any sensible interactive design. The innate quality of a site determines how high it can be positioned, while the correct use of meta tags, titles and so on will ensure that it does fulfill some potential. Sites that focus on meeting user needs as effectively and efficiently as possible are likely to begin to enjoy success in terms of search engine placement. In terms of link generation, you must rely on the goodwill of those adding your links to their own sites. Try searching using the sort of keywords that you would imagine your audience would use, look at the top ten sites or resources, and try to make these sites aware of your efforts. You will typically find that many of the most popular sites in any given area will be portals - which are usually more than happy to add useful links for their readers. Webpage Layout: Right Hand Side Blindness In several recent websites we have user tested, the site designers have placed important task critical links and information on the right hand side of three-column page layouts. The user testing was conclusive: users ignore any information presented on the right-hand side. This is a similar effect to the well-documented banner blindness – people ignore banners unless they are, for some reason, assessing ads on sites. It is essential to ensure that important links and information are not positioned on the right as they will surely be ignored. How did this happen? Users have an expectation of the layout of webpages. As design across the web becomes more homogenous users have built up models of how they expect information to laid out on a page. These models are based on the experiences they have had visiting many webpages. The organization’s logo is in the top left-hand corner. Navigation is either on the left side or the top of the page. The content is in the center of the page and advertisements are placed on the right-hand side or in the banner. With a few notable exceptions, for example in search features and login/logout links, it is essential that important information or task-critical links are not placed in either the banner or on the right side of a webpage. 122 Guide to Search Engine Optimization The process of search engine optimization (SEO) involves tweaking various aspects of your website. It deals only with organic search results. It has nothing to do with paid search, also known as inorganic search or PPC. The following are tactics to improve the visibility of your website. Page Title: The page title, also referred to as the “title tag,” should be unique for each page of your website. The tag tells search engines and visitors what the particular page is all about. The title tag of each page should contain the business/website name followed with important information that relates to the page. Avoid the following: Recording a title tag that is not relevant to the information present on the webpage. Recording the same title tag across all the pages of the website. Recording long title tags. Meta Description: The Meta description tag gives both search engines and visitors who perform a searches on the search engine an idea of what the web page is about. It’s important to precisely summarize the content of your webpage. It’s always safe to keep the meta description tag within 160 characters (including spaces), as the rest of it gets truncated. Avoid the following: Writing a meta description that is not relevant to the info presented on the webpage. Recording the same meta description across all the web pages of the website. Recording the meta description with only keywords. URL Structure: It is important to create a URL structure that is friendly to search engines. This will help in better indexing of your website. For this reason, it is essential to create appropriate filenames and expressive categories on your site. This example is unfriendly: Such a URL is also confusing. Avoid the following: Use Use Use Use of of of of long URLs the same URL across all the web pages. deep nested subdirectories irrelevant directory names. Website Navigation: A website that is easy to navigate can help visitors find the information they are looking for. It also helps search engines index pages appropriately. It is important to ensure that all the web pages of your website are interlinked properly and also show the correct page when clicked on. The use of sitemaps both HTML and XML help the spiders to crawl the website easily and also index it. Avoid the following: Creating complex websites that are difficult to navigate. Creating drop-down menus. Developing a HTML sitemap in which the pages are not organized. Indexing the 404 page in the search engine. 123 Unique Content: Content that is hosted on your webpage must be informative, such that it can elicit action. Ensure that the content is not copied and is 100% your own creativity. Keep the content focused around your primary keywords and ensure that the keyword density is around 2.75% to 3.21%. It is also good to keep changing the content on your website so visitors can see that the site is dynamic. Avoid the following: Using images that serve as textual content. Using long sentences. Incorrect grammar and spelling mistakes. Duplicate content on the web pages of your website. Stuffing keywords unnecessarily. Anchor Text: Anchor texts are links that direct visitors to the internal pages of the website or to an external page/website. Anchor text helps the users to easily navigate between pages and also helps the spiders to understand what the page is all about, that it is linked to. Avoid the following: Using general anchor texts. Using anchor text that is not related to the content of the webpage or is off topic. Using long sentences. Creating unnecessary links. Heading Tags: Heading tags are used to represent the heading of the content of the webpage. Heading tags range in 6 sizes – h1, h2, h3, h4, h5 and h6. These tags should only be used at the appropriate places. Avoid the following: Using one heading tag for the entire content of the webpage. Using too many heading tags throughout the content of the webpage. Alt Tag Optimization: Images can’t be read by search spiders when they crawl on the website, so it is vital to use alt tags for the images. Use the primary keyword as the alt tag following the contents that describe the page. Avoid the following: Using long filenames. Stuffing excess keywords in the alt tags. Robots.txt File: A robots.txt prohibits robots from crawling a particular page based on the nature and content of information that is available. This file must be placed in the root directory of your site and also be named as robots.txt. Avoid the following: Search result pages to be crawled. Browser developers often offer free tools for you to hone your work. For instance, Google Webmaster Tools can help you solve many issues related to your site. You can also monitor the performance of your website by using Google Analytics. 124 14. Website accessibility is a requirement National and global legislation to address the needs of people with challenges and some high-profile legal cases are increasing the profile of website accessibility. It is easy to design and build a site that is accessible in basic terms. Producing a truly usable site that supports many different user groups in achieving common goals demands serious consideration of user needs and requirements in the early stages of development. Always develop elements with all users in mind. In November 1999 the National Federation of the Blind lodged a landmark lawsuit against AOL. The suit claimed AOL violated the federal Americans with Disabilities Act by failing to provide access for the disabled to its site. In an out-of-court agreement, NFB agreed to hold the lawsuit for 12 months, by which time AOL must: • • • Adopt a company-wide policy incorporating guidelines for making AOL sites accessible to the blind and others with disabilities. Make the next version of its software accessible to the blind. AOL 6.0 is scheduled for release this autumn. Ensure that other future AOL products are accessible to the blind. Sydney 2000 Olympics organizers (SOCOG) were ordered to make changes to their website after a complaint against the site by a blind user was upheld by the Australian Human Rights and Equal Opportunities Commission. It found that SOCOG had breached the Disability Discrimination Act and ordered it to use ALT text on all images and image map links on its site. SOCOG claimed that it faced a cost of more than $2 million and a timescale of 12 months to make these changes. About 8 percent of the U.S. population has visual, learning, cognitive, auditory or physical dexterity disabilities severe enough to affect their ability to access the Web. These people use the web for the same reasons as everyone else – e-mail, news, sports results, research, work. Interactive designers must be cognizant of the issues surrounding accessibility. Some typical causes of accessibility issues Examples of typical accessibility problems include: • • • • Images missing ALT tags, which are an essential alternative for those using many assistive technologies (see below for more on these accessibility aids). Image maps, especially those demanding accurate mouse work which may be difficult for users with mobility problems such as arthritis. Poor link titles or descriptions of what's behind links, e.g. the use of "Click Here," which requires a visual context to be understandable. Tabular presentation of information, such as using columns to present text in newspaper-like layouts. These and other HTML 'workarounds' tend to focus on the visual look on the screen rather than the logic of the code, with repercussions for those using audio browsers. 125 How do 'assistive technologies' work? Screen readers are an example of an assistive technology - they allow blind users to interact with a computer by providing audio feedback to commands entered through the keyboard, or by voice recognition. Imagine trying to navigate a website entirely by phone – you are on one end of the line, issuing instructions to a friend who is at the other end. Your friend reads aloud the contents of their browser screen and you have to create a mental model of the site's navigation system and interactivity, make decisions and tell them what to do. As an added complication, imagine your friend is not familiar with column layouts and insists on reading from left to right indiscriminately. This may give you some idea of how screen reader users can have difficulties with many common web design models. Accessibility is a usability issue that is growing in profile. Increased awareness of the W3C Web Accessibility Initiative guidelines, new legislation (and probably more lawsuits) will increase the numbers of accessible websites and online applications. 15. John Owen on Twitter: “Trivial and indulgent for many; vital and revolutionary for others.” The Rule of Effective Reach: Received and Perceived Value * The content, * the audience (you have to have an audience, and the more “connected” to others this audience is the better for you and your message) * and the ability to get the message to the audience – all the way through to its conscious reception of it – 126 value of any communication. dictates the In the attention economy, if you do not give your audience RECEIVED and PERCEIVED VALUE you will not succeed. Your audience has to receive the message – it has to be exposed to it and RECOGNIZE it. Received and Perceived Value goes beyond what was once considered “good enough” or even “excellent” in communications. In today’s market you can consistently deliver value and not have it noticed or appreciated. To achieve Received and Perceived Value you have to deliver your message • WHERE YOUR AUDIENCE WANTS IT • WHEN YOUR AUDIENCE WANTS IT • IN THE FORM YOUR AUDIENCE WANTS IT (this involves effective delivery in multiple formats on multiple UI platforms) IN A WAY THAT ALLOWS YOUR AUDIENCE TO PARTICIPATE or RESPOND 127 16. Excerpt on UX from Jesse James Garrett’s talk at the Information Architecture Summit 2009 There is no us and them. We are not information architects. We are not interaction designers. We are user experience designers. This is the identity we must embrace. Any other will only hold back the progress of the field by marginalizing an important dimension of our work and misleading those outside our field about what is most important and valuable about what we do. Because it's not information, and it's not interaction. We're in the experience business. User experience. We create things that people use. To use something is to engage with it. And engagement is what it's all about. Our work exists to be engaged with. In some sense, if no one engages with our work it doesn't exist… So if we're all user experience designers, and there are no more information architects, but there is still such a thing as information architecture, what does it look like? Well, let's take a closer look at engagement, and think about the ways we can engage people. What are the varieties of human engagement? We can engage people's senses. We can stimulate them through visuals, through sound, through touch and smell and taste. This is the domain of the traditional creative arts: painting, music, fashion, cooking. We can engage their minds, get them thinking, reasoning, analyzing, synthesizing. This is where fields like scholarship and rhetoric have something to teach us. We can engage their hearts, provoke them in feelings of joy and sadness and wonder and rage. (I've seen a lot of rage.) The folks who know about this stuff are the storytellers, the filmmakers, and yes, even the marketers. And we can engage their bodies. We can compel them to act. This is the closest to what we've traditionally done studying and trying to influence human behavior. And that's really about it. Or at least, that's all that I've been able to think of: Perception, engaging the senses. Cognition, engaging the mind. Emotion, engaging the heart. And action, engaging the body. Mapping out the interrelationships between these turns out to be a surprisingly deep problem. Every part influences every other part in unexpected ways. In particular, thinking and feeling are so tangled up together that we practically need a new word for it: 128 "thinkfeel". There are a few other factors, sort of orthogonal to these, that influence experience: There are our capabilities: the properties of our bodies, the acuity of our senses, the sharpness and flexibility of our minds, the size of our hearts. Our capabilities determine what we can do. Then there are our constraints, which define what we can't do. The limits on our abilities, whether permanent -- someone who's having a hard time reading because they have dyslexia -- or temporary -- someone who's having a hard time reading because they've had five bourbons. Finally, we have context. And I have to admit that I'm cheating a bit on this one because I'm packing a lot of different factors up into this one category. There's the context of the moment: babies crying, dogs barking, phones ringing. (Calgon, take me away!) Then there's personal context: the history, associations, beliefs, personality traits of that individual. And there's the broad context: social, cultural, economic, technological. But these three - capabilities, constraints, and context - are really just cofactors, shaping and influencing experience in those big four categories: perception, cognition, emotion, and action. Our role, as user experience designers, is to synthesize and orchestrate elements in all of these areas to create a holistic, cohesive, engaging experience. So how do we create user experiences that engage across all of these areas? Where can we look to for expertise? Where's the insight? Where are the areas for further inquiry? Perception is already pretty well covered. We've got visual designers and, sometimes, animators. In some cases we've got sound designers. We've got industrial designers, working on the tactile aspects of the products we create. Action, again, is pretty much what we were doing already. I defined action as engagement of the body, which may sound strange to many of you when I say that we've really been doing this all along. But if you think about our work, when we talk about behavior, we are always talking about some physical manifestation of a user's intention -even when that manifestation is as small as a click. (And the interaction designers claim to own behavior anyway so I say let them have it.) Because the real action is in these last two areas, cognition and emotion. This, to my mind, is the manifest destiny for information architecture. We may not have fully recognized it before because the phrase "information architecture" puts the emphasis on the wrong thing. It's never been about information. It's always been about people: how they relate to that information, how that information makes them think, how it makes them feel, and how the structure of that information influences both things. This is huge, unexplored territory. We must acknowledge that as user experience designers we have a broader 129 place in the world than simply delivering value to businesses. We must embrace our role as a cultural force. Here's Michael Wesch quoting Marshall McLuhan again: "We shape our tools, and then our tools shape us." Think about that for a second. "We shape our tools, and then our tools shape us." When McLuhan said "we," and when he said "us," he was talking about the entire human race. But not everybody's a shaper, right? The shapers are the people in this room, the people in this field. We shape those tools and then, the experiences that those tools create shape humanity itself. Think about the responsibility that entails. I believe that when we embrace that role as a cultural force, and we embrace that responsibility, this work - user experience design - will take its place among the most fundamental and important human crafts, alongside engineering and architecture and all kinds of creative expression and creative problem solving disciplines. 17. Excelling as an interactive professional Interaction professionals say they seek out employees with strong technology and writing skills, a positive personality and the ability to be creative and innovative. They add that those candidates who delve into the following topics and cultivate an understanding of them will stand out over other job applicants: Interviewing and ethnography Interviewing skills are fundamental to understanding users and stakeholders – you have to be an anthropologist of sorts. Have a grasp of qualitative techniques that allow thorough study of cultural groups. Quantitative wisdom – applying numbers Possession of an operational understanding of statistics and other quantitative techniques and analysis will help you refine your approach to communications. Cognitive biases – recognize influence on user interpretations The research of Danny Kahneman and Amos Tversky, Robin Fox and others proves that humans tend to categorize objects and that can constrain our perceptions. Understand cognitive and affective processes and what drives people’s choices and their world view. In addition, interactive professionals are expected to be participants in the media they study and apply. You should scanning the horizon to identify what’s next and you should be trying and evaluating new technologies as they emerge. Social technologies should be a part of your life. You are a brand, yourself, and it is up to you to maintain your brand value, putting your knowledge and creative talent on display. You don’t have to wait to develop a professional reputation; if you have not started yet, start now. 130 Interactive media is a wide-open field that is constantly evolving. Careers are available for project leaders, administrators, animators, 2D and 3D artists, audio/video engineers, authoring specialists, designers, information architects, instructional designers, media specialists, page developers, site developers, streaming media specialists, virtual reality specialists, web producers and webmasters, to name just a few of the categories such jobs are listed under. You can read about the typical roles you play in these jobs here: The key to identifying if you are qualified to apply for a position is to check the required technical and personal skills set out in the job listing. If you have at least 80 percent of the skills listed, the opportunity may be worth pursuing; most employers put together a “wish list” of skills for ads they place, knowing that some qualified people may be missing one or two of the tools. The same goes for “years of experience”; employers almost always note that applicants should have “2 years” or “2 to 5 years” of experience in a field but in reality they often interview and hire people with great portfolios and great recommendations who do not have that amount of professional background. One way to find the best places to apply for work is to study what current professionals are doing and where they are doing it. Can you find someone/someplace to aspire to? If you go through this process you can help yourself refine your goal-seeking and shape your master’s experience in the best way to make it fit your needs. This is a small collection of information to get you started. Elon’s Career Services people can help with many more details. Talk to Ross Wade Tip one: Look around to find the names of the top companies and top designers by learning who you admire through study of some of the many links above in this document and in your other texts for this course and also by searching for details at sites like this one - Tip two: Read job descriptions and find the careers that best describe what you want to do with your interactive media training. There are many different jobs and job descriptions in the field of interactive media. Searching major job boards such as Jobster ( and Monster ( =us&lid=316&jto=1&re=14#brd=1&re=515&q=interactive%20media&cy=us&lid=316 &jto=1&re=14). As a small example, following are some sample job descriptions in IxD and UX. Job description for User Experience Lead User Experience Leads are responsible for defining successful high‐level strategies, as well as tactical solutions, for client projects including multimedia, print, social media strategies, web sites, web‐based applications, and technology solutions. 131 UX Leads gather, define, and clarify clients' business objectives, brand, and audiences, and translate this understanding into documentation that defines the "big idea" and guiding creative vision that will shape the entire project. Because our process at Threespot is fundamentally collaborative, UX Leads must be able to work independently as well as part of a team. On a single project, the UX Lead will work closely with other members of the Interactive Strategist group, Project Managers, Art Directors, and Technical Leads in creating and maintaining the project vision; and works with the Project Managers to ensure we do the best possible work while remaining within budget and schedule. UX Leads work directly for the Director of User Experience, with ultimate supervision by the Director of Creative Services. Agency experience is a plus, but it's not necessary. Primary Responsibilities * Facilitate discovery meetings (including kickoff, brand discussions, audience discovery, and definition of business and project objectives) * Conduct stakeholder interviews, brainstorming sessions, and features and functionality workshops * Own Threespot strategy deliverables, including: audience personas, creative brief, Interactive Development Strategy (IDS), competitive and landscape analyses, and concept documentation. * Conduct competitive analysis, landscape analysis, and primary research (user surveys and focus groups) * Develop strategies for marketing, communications, and outreach, encompassing search engine optimization, email marketing strategy, social marketing and blog outreach. * Inspire, lead, and develop trust, both internally and externally. * Develop concept documents and define features and functionality and create necessary documentation. * Develop the following deliverables: information architecture, content strategy, wireframes. * Work with Threespot's business development team to help define deliverables and project scope for prospective client projects * Analyze web metrics PLEASE NOTE: This role is directly instrumental in understanding client business objectives, target audience characteristics, and the direct development of creative strategies/solutions to achieve measurable results. This is a solution‐oriented, project visionary position. While project management skills are valuable, this is not a project or product management position. Job description for Senior Interaction Designer The Senior Interaction Designer is responsible for developing digital user centered design for this fast‐paced independent consumer healthcare agency. In addition to helping to integrate the digital competency into the agency's core service model, the Senior Interaction Designer serves as a partner for the Account and Creative team, assuming responsibility for digital solutions for integrated client programs. 132 Responsibilities *Planning and facilitating customer insight activities to understand user needs, goals and tasks *Developing customer profiles, personas, scenarios and use causes *Planning, coordinating, and executing formal and informal usability evaluations *Establishing business requirements and design priorities: ‐ Analyzing existing web interfaces for usability and user experience issues ‐ Recommending improvements to content, features and functionality *Developing wireframes, prototypes and writing interface design specifications *Providing input to project quotes or proposals and writing interface design specifications *Working closely with creative teams to ensure that the interaction design is seamlessly brought to life *Participating in business development activities Requirements *Experience working directly with clients in an agency or consultative setting *Ability to analyze client challenges and develop creative solutions *Detail oriented and a demonstrated commitment to the accuracy and completeness of information with ability to see big picture *Experience working on integrated marketing campaigns *Strong communication skills, both orally and written as well as diagrammatic forms *Proven interpersonal skills, client relation skills and ability to work in a team environment *Expert knowledge in programs including, but not limited to, MS Office, Visio, and Internet browsers Application instructions ‐ Please send cover letter, resume, and salary history Description for a NYC Director of UX Job Overview The Director of User Experience is responsible for the oversight of user experience and interaction design, from usability testing to assessments to information architecture, for interactive projects such as websites, online advertising, and mobile application development. The Director works closely with clients to define needs, requirements and goals for success, translating these into excellent user experiences. The Director is also an advocate for a user‐ centered design approach that may be unfamiliar to clients. This requires a sensitivity to the long‐term needs of users, particularly related to ongoing management of conditions and an understanding of the ways users consume information through digital channels. 133 The position includes: * Provide leadership and management to a small UX team that includes external, off‐site contract resources as well as internal employees * Ensure that the UX team produces consistent deliverables regardless of personnel * Identify strengths and weaknesses among the UX team members and provide coaching and support as needed * Assign tasks to team members commensurate with their strengths or based on growth plans * Collaborate with visual designers and copywriters to ensure UX best practices are implemented correctly * Lead efforts to define business, functional, and end‐user UI requirements for new projects * Ensure the design and build of products and sites is of the highest quality and supports strategic goals * Participate in client meetings and conference calls as necessary and be able to effectively present UX deliverables and respond to client feedback * Work with other agencies (advertising, PR, media, medical education, etc.) that may be assigned by our clients to provide assets or other contributions to our projects * Work closely with the President to support new business development * Educate clients and prospects on UX, usability, and user‐centered design principles * Recommend deliverables, timelines, and resources for project proposals * Stay abreast of research, technology, and advances in the UX field, and keep the team and clients up to speed * Understand the legal and regulatory constraints of clients, how those constraints relate to the UX field, and how they affect our business in particular * Lead the standardization of UX deliverables across the organization Description for a US Government Web Developer Major Duties: Assists in development and enhancement of the consumer education section of and other sites managed by the FTC. Produces attractive, professional and effective online, educational products and microsites for a wide range of consumer and business education topics. The person in this job works with DCBE and Bureau staff to understand goals and challenges of assigned projects. The person in this job then provides creative, conceptual approaches and recommendations. He or she is involved in all phases of campaign development and execution, including strategy, design, and development. He or she uses a variety of software programs to design and produce multi‐media outreach pieces (Adobe Suite, XHTML, Javascript, CSS). He or she often works under tight deadlines and manages multiple projects. 134 Advises staff on web standards, based on a healthy understanding and genuine interest in web design and development best practices, usability and accessibility. Suggests new possibilities and web‐based solutions to meet consumer education goals. PHP knowledge or Flash (with Action Script knowledge or flash video experience) a plus. While the person in this job's primary area of expertise will be web‐based design, he/she also will work with fellow designers on projects that will extend across a range of media that may include brochures, reports, bookmarks, posters, magnets, postcards, electronic presentations, cd's, and branding materials for events. To assist in our multi‐faceted outreach efforts, a basic understanding of print design is preferred. For forms, general information or to obtain a copy of this announcement, telephone 202‐326‐3499. Deaf and hard of hearing applicants may call TDD (202) 326‐3422." Source: edEmp=N&FedPub=Y&caller=default.aspx&pg=2&tm=30&sort=‐dtex&AVSDM=2009‐06‐ 18+02%3a30%3a00&rc=3&TabNum=7 Description for visual interactive designer We're looking for a Visual Designer with 1‐5 years of experience and a portfolio that demonstrates conceptual thinking and the ability to deliver unique, creative solutions for complex, interactive experiences. The applicant should have a strong understanding of the user‐centered design process and be equally comfortable working independently and alongside other design team members and developers. Requirements of Visual Interactive Designer: * Candidates must have an outstanding online portfolio. * Must have a well‐maintained sketchbook for in‐person presentation. * Passion for design and the evolution of the interactive user experience. * Solid understanding of design principles and how they apply to the interactive space. * 1‐5 years of business experience in Interactive and AV design and production. Design for mobile applications is a plus. * Solid typography, iconography, effective storytelling and an understanding of color theory, as well as a meticulous attention to detail. * Excellent knowledge of prevailing interface design tools, including Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, Flash and basic knowledge of HTML/CSS. * Experience in creating comprehensive wireframes, sketches, UI and final visual design for rich online interaction. * Experience with industrial design is a plus. * Ability to produce great work in short timeframes, manage time efficiently while multi‐tasking across different projects and clients. * Ability to communicate conceptual ideas and design rationale to other members of the design, development and client teams. * Comfortable taking specific direction as well as working independently. 135 18. And finally, 3 optional readings you might enjoy…‐content‐ideas‐the‐create‐buzz.html By Valeria Maltoni I've been reading The Anatomy of Buzz Revisited by Emanuel Rosen, courtesy of Rosen himself. The book is a treasure trove of ideas and case studies on the way people share information and how ideas spread. Rather than give you a review of the book, which you can find on Amazon, I thought it would be useful to share some ideas and take aways that apply to content creation ‐ the new business of marketing and communications. 1. Simplify someone's life. That's the appeal of Tim Ferriss, for example. 2. Evoke strong emotions about the art of marketing. Guy Kawasaki does that in person and across social media. 3. Be visual. That's very much the appeal with David Armano's work. 4. Tell a story in a way that is concrete and personal. An example of that is my tale of the Broad Street Run. 5. Share good ideas. Gary Vaynerchuk hits the spot on that one. 6. Make small talk in micro‐interactions gain big impact. Chris Brogan didn't get 61,000+ followers on Twitter because he was talking to himself. 7. Create a new list. People like to see where things stack against each other. By far, the most popular list is still the one Todd And created and AdAge took over. 8. Give away secrets and tips to help others become more effective. Adam Singer is very generous in that regard. 9. Teach something new or from a new perspective. Kathy Sierra has been able to do that on a topic that for many was considered not quite appealing. 10. Inspire people to take action and change the world. Entrepreneur Chris Guilleabeau is a good example of that. 11. Be opinionated about future trends. That's a trait that is best exemplified by Robert Scoble. 12. Track and review future trends from behind the scenes. A good guide is Louis 136 Gray. 13. Create a conversation around a social object. That's what Hugh MacLeod does. 14. Become the expert hub on a subject matter. The go to person for all things WordPress is Lorelle van Fossen. 15. Write something that is unexpected or unusual, yet still applies to your business. The best example of that is Harry Joiner. 16. Analyze and interpret the current trends in your field or industry. A good example is Barry Ritholtz. 17. Start a new series that is unique to your site. Liz Strauss has a regular appointment with her readers every Tuesday evening. 18. Add value in exchange for attention. One of the best ways to add value to others is by being generous with links to other good content. That has been my direction on Twitter lately. 19. Take a strong position on a news story. Tom Peters is known for commenting on current events. 20. Make a list of tips for your customers that are useful and easy to implement, like this one. 21. Answer questions from customers or readers. Better yet, if the questions keep coming up in the comments to previous articles or writing. Fred Wilson picks up on that well. 22. Provide practical, actionable tips that can improve lives. Leo Babauta is known for this kind of content creation. 23. Take customers or readers on a day in the life of your product or service. This might be the new testimonial. 24. Teach people how to do something that will make them look good. Tom Kuhlman is a master in all things eLearning. 25. Host guest posts from up and coming writers. They will help spread the word in new networks. 26. Provide summaries or digests of complex information. In this time‐starved world, pre‐digested material is a welcome respite. 27. Write a style guide or book of best practices for your industry or line of business. 28. Add video. Dan Pink, a really good writer, shares travel tips on video. 137 29. Start a meme. They are really popular online, and they tend to spread very fast. 30. Share lessons learned and calls to action. Brian Clark is a good source of content marketing best practices. 31. Ask really good questions. This one is more effective after you've created a bit of a following already. 32. Allow your readers to participate in content creation. Crowd‐sourcing or collaboration really work. 33. Start or talk about a cause. Rick Becker provides good examples. 34. Provide widgets or containers for other people's content. 35. Become a content aggregator. 36. Provide daily tips. Daily Blog Tips is such a hub. 37. Write in depth, thought‐provoking content. Sometimes this is the opposite of where everyone else is going. For that, you might want to check out Kevin Kelley. 38. Keep a strong stream of innovative formats coming. 39. Build interest by creating scarcity. Stephen Denny has a post that expands on this point. 40. Talk up an outrageous idea. 41. Use compelling charts and graphics. 42. Interpret and lead the news in your field or industry. For new ways of doing PR, for example, you may take a look at t he work of Brian Solis. 43. Package your most compelling content so that it becomes portable in other formats. eBooks, but also think mobile. 44. Cut across different cultures. Martina Zavagno does just that at Adverblog. 45. Explain the factoids behind your product or company history. 46. Give people a tutorial on how to do something new. Steve Rubel does it often. 47. Address the concerns of your community, readership or customer base openly. 48. Find a new angle to a story. 49. Change the way people talk about an industry event. 50. Think and thus write differently about your own content. 138 IGNORE EVERYBODY By Hugh MacLeod ( So you want to be more creative, in art, in business, whatever. Here are some tips that have worked for me over the years. 1. Ignore everybody. 2. The idea doesn't have to be big. It just has to be yours. 3. Put the hours in. 4. If your biz plan depends on you suddenly being "discovered" by some big shot, your plan will probably fail. 5. YOU are responsible for your own experience. 6. Everyone is born creative; everyone is given a box of crayons in kindergarten. 7. Keep your day job. 8. Companies that squelch creativity can no longer compete with companies that champion creativity. 9. Everybody has their own private Mount Everest they were put on this earth to climb. 10. The more talented somebody is, the less they need the props. 11. Don't try to stand out from the crowd; avoid crowds altogether. 12. If you accept the pain, it cannot hurt you. 13. Never compare your inside with somebody else's outside. 14. Dying young is overrated. 15. The most important thing a creative person can learn 139 professionally is where to draw the red line that separates what you are willing to do, and what you are not. 16. The world is changing. 17. Merit can be bought. Passion can't. 18. Avoid the Watercooler Gang. 19. Sing in your own voice. 20. The choice of media is irrelevant. 21. Selling out is harder than it looks. 22. Nobody cares. Do it for yourself. 23. Worrying about "Commercial vs. Artistic" is a complete waste of time. 24. Don’t worry about finding inspiration. It comes eventually. 25. You have to find your own schtick. 26. Write from the heart. 27. The best way to get approval is not to need it. 28. Power is never given. Power is taken. 29. Whatever choice you make, The Devil gets his due eventually. 30. The hardest part of being creative is getting used to it. 31. Remain frugal. 32. Allow your work to age with you. 33. Being Poor Sucks. 34. Beware of turning hobbies into jobs. 35. Savor obscurity while it lasts. 140 36. Start blogging. 37. Meaning Scales, People Don't. 37. When your dreams become reality, they are no longer your dreams. 1. Ignore everybody. The more original your idea is, the less good advice other people will be able to give you. When I first started with the cartoon-on-back-ofbizcard format, people thought I was nuts. Why wasn't I trying to do something more easy for markets to digest i.e. cutey-pie greeting cards or whatever? You don't know if your idea is any good the moment it's created. Neither does anyone else. The most you can hope for is a strong gut feeling that it is. And trusting your feelings is not as easy as the optimists say it is. There's a reason why feelings scare us. And asking close friends never works quite as well as you hope, either. It's not that they deliberately want to be unhelpful. It's just they don't know your world one millionth as well as you know your world, no matter how hard they try, no matter how hard you try to explain. Plus a big idea will change you. Your friends may love you, but they 141 don't want you to change. If you change, then their dynamic with you also changes. They like things the way they are, that's how they love you- the way you are, not the way you may become. Ergo, they have no incentive to see you change. And they will be resistant to anything that catalyzes it. That's human nature. And you would do the same, if the shoe was on the other foot. With business colleagues it's even worse. They're used to dealing with you in a certain way. They're used to having a certain level of control over the relationship. And they want whatever makes them more prosperous. Sure, they might prefer it if you prosper as well, but that's not their top priority. If your idea is so good that it changes your dynamic enough to where you need them less, or God forbid, THE MARKET needs them less, then they're going to resist your idea every chance they can. Again, that's human nature. GOOD IDEAS ALTER THE POWER BALANCE IN RELATIONSHIPS, THAT IS WHY GOOD IDEAS ARE ALWAYS INITIALLY RESISTED. Good ideas come with a heavy burden. Which is why so few people have them. So few people can handle it. 2. The idea doesn't have to be big. It just has to be yours. 142 The sovereignty you have over your work will inspire far more people than the actual content ever will. We all spend a lot of time being impressed by folk we've never met. Somebody featured in the media who's got a big company, a big product, a big movie, a big bestseller. Whatever. And we spend even more time trying unsuccessfully to keep up with them. Trying to start up our own companies, our own products, our own film projects, books and whatnot. I'm as guilty as anyone. I tried lots of different things over the years, trying desperately to pry my career out of the jaws of mediocrity. Some to do with business, some to do with art etc. One evening, after one false start too many, I just gave up. Sitting at a bar, feeling a bit burned out by work and life in general, I just started drawing on the back of business cards for no reason. I didn't really need a reason. I just did it because it was there, because it amused me in a kind of random, arbitrary way. Of course it was stupid. Of course it was uncommercial. Of course it wasn't going to go anywhere. Of course it was a complete and utter waste of time. But in retrospect, it was this built-in futility that gave it its edge. Because it was the exact opposite of all the "Big Plans" my peers and I were used to making. It was so liberating not to have to be thinking about all that, for a change. It was so liberating to be doing something that didn't have to impress anybody, for a change. It was so liberating to be doing something that didn't have to have some sort of commercial angle, for a change. It was so liberating to have something that belonged just to me and no one else, for a change. It was so liberating to feel complete sovereignty, for a change. To feel complete freedom, for a change. 143 And of course, it was then, and only then, that the outside world started paying attention. The sovereignty you have over your work will inspire far more people than the actual content ever will. How your own sovereignty inspires other people to find their own sovereignty, their own sense of freedom and possibility, will give the work far more power than the work's objective merits ever will. Your idea doesn't have to be big. It just has to be yours alone. The more the idea is yours alone, the more freedom you have to do something really amazing. The more amazing, the more people will click with your idea. The more people click with your idea, the more this little thing of yours will snowball into a big thing. That's what doodling on business cards taught me. 3. Put the hours in. Doing anything worthwhile takes forever. 90% of what separates successful people and failed people is time, effort, and stamina. I get asked a lot, "Your business card format is very simple. Aren't you worried about somebody ripping it off?" Standard Answer: Only if they can draw more of them than me, better than me. 144 What gives the work its edge is the simple fact that I've spent years drawing them. I've drawn thousands. Tens of thousands of man hours. So if somebody wants to rip my idea off, go ahead. If somebody wants to overtake me in the business card doodle wars, go ahead. You've got many long years in front of you. And unlike me, you won't be doing it for the joy of it. You'll be doing it for some self-loathing, ill-informed, lame-ass mercenary reason. So the years will be even longer and far, far more painful. Lucky you. If somebody in your industry is more successful than you, it's probably because he works harder at it than you do. Sure, maybe he's more inherently talented, more adept at networking etc, but I don't consider that an excuse. Over time, that advantage counts for less and less. Which is why the world is full of highly talented, network-savvy, failed mediocrities. So yeah, success means you've got a long road ahead of you, regardless. How do you best manage it? Well, as I've written elsewhere, don't quit your day job. I didn't. I work every day at the office, same as any other regular schmo. I have a long commute on the train, ergo that's when I do most of my drawing. When I was younger I drew mostly while sitting at a bar, but that got old. The point is; an hour or two on the train is very manageable for me. The fact I have a job means I don't feel pressured to do something market-friendly. Instead, I get to do whatever the hell I want. I get to do it for my own satisfaction. And I think that makes the work more powerful in the long run. It also makes it easier to carry on with it in a calm fashion, day-in-day out, and not go crazy in insane creative bursts brought on by money worries. The day job, which I really like, gives me something productive and interesting to do among fellow adults. It gets me out of the house in the daytime. If I were a professional cartoonist I'd just be chained to a drawing table at home all day, scribbling out a living in silence, interrupted only by frequent trips to the coffee shop. No, thank you. Simply put, my method allows me to pace myself over the long haul, which is important. 145 Stamina is utterly important. And stamina is only possible if it's managed well. People think all they need to do is endure one crazy, intense, job-free creative burst and their dreams will come true. They are wrong, they are stupidly wrong. Being good at anything is like figure skating- the definition of being good at it is being able to make it look easy. But it never is easy. Ever. That's what the stupidly wrong people conveniently forget. If I was just starting out writing, say, a novel or a screenplay, or maybe starting up a new software company, I wouldn't try to quit my job in order to make this big, dramatic heroic-quest thing about it. I would do something far simpler: I would find that extra hour or two in the day that belongs to nobody else but me, and I would make it productive. Put the hours in, do it for long enough and magical, lifetransforming things happen eventually. Sure, that means less time watching TV, internet surfing, going out or whatever. But who cares? 4. If your biz plan depends on you suddenly being "discovered" by some big shot, your plan will probably fail. Nobody suddenly discovers anything. Things are made slowly and in pain. I was offered a quite substantial publishing deal a year or two 146 ago. Turned it down. The company sent me a contract. I looked it over. Hmmmm... Called the company back. Asked for some clarifications on some points in the contract. Never heard back from them. The deal died. This was a very respected company. You may have even heard of it. They just assumed I must be just like all the other people they represent- hungry and desperate and willing to sign anything. They wanted to own me, regardless of how good a job they did. That's the thing about some big publishers. They want 110% from you, but they don't offer to do likewise in return. To them, the artist is just one more noodle in a big bowl of pasta. Their business model is to basically throw the pasta against the wall, and see which one sticks. The ones that fall to the floor are just forgotten. Publishers are just middlemen. That's all. If artists could remember that more often, they'd save themselves a lot of aggravation. 5. You are responsible for your own experience. Nobody can tell you if what you're doing is good, meaningful or worthwhile. The more compelling the path, the more lonely it is. Every creative person is looking for "The Big Idea". You know, the one that is going to catapult them out from the murky depths of obscurity and on to the highest planes of incandescent lucidity. 147 The one that's all love-at-first-sight with the Zeitgeist. The one that's going to get them invited to all the right parties, metaphorical or otherwise. So naturally you ask yourself, if and when you finally come up with The Big Idea, after years of toil, struggle and doubt, how do you know whether or not it is "The One"? Answer: You don't. There's no glorious swelling of existential triumph. That's not what happens. All you get is this rather kvetchy voice inside you that seems to say, "This is totally stupid. This is utterly moronic. This is a complete waste of time. I'm going to do it anyway." And you go do it anyway. Second-rate ideas like glorious swellings far more. Keeps them alive longer. 6. Everyone is born creative; everyone is given a box of crayons in kindergarten. Then when you hit puberty they take the crayons away and replace them with books on algebra etc. Being suddenly hit years later with the creative bug is just a wee voice telling you, "I’d like my crayons back, please." 148 So you've got the itch to do something. Write a screenplay, start a painting, write a book, turn your recipe for fudge brownies into a proper business, whatever. You don't know where the itch came from, it's almost like it just arrived on your doorstep, uninvited. Until now you were quite happy holding down a real job, being a regular person... Until now. You don't know if you're any good or not, but you'd think you could be. And the idea terrifies you. The problem is, even if you are good, you know nothing about this kind of business. You don't know any publishers or agents or all these fancy-schmancy kind of folk. You have a friend who's got a cousin in California who's into this kind of stuff, but you haven't talked to your friend for over two years... Besides, if you write a book, what if you can't find a publisher? If you write a screenplay, what if you can't find a producer? And what if the producer turns out to be a crook? You've always worked hard your whole life, you'll be damned if you'll put all that effort into something if there ain't no pot of gold at the end of this dumb-ass rainbow... Heh. That's not your wee voice asking for the crayons back. That's your outer voice, your adult voice, your boring & tedious voice trying to find a way to get the wee crayon voice to shut the hell up. Your wee voice doesn't want you to sell something. Your wee voice wants you to make something. There's a big difference. Your wee voice doesn't give a damn about publishers or Hollywood producers. Go ahead and make something. Make something really special. Make something amazing that will really blow the mind of anybody who sees it. If you try to make something just to fit your uninformed view of some hypothetical market, you will fail. If you make something special and powerful and honest and true, you will succeed. The wee voice didn't show up because it decided you need more money or you need to hang out with movie stars. Your wee voice came back because your soul somehow depends on it. There's something you haven't said, something you haven't done, some light that needs to be switched on, and it needs to be taken care of. Now. 149 So you have to listen to the wee voice or it will die... taking a big chunk of you along with it. They're only crayons. You didn't fear them in kindergarten, why fear them now? 7. Keep your day job. I’m not just saying that for the usual reason i.e. because I think your idea will fail. I’m saying it because to suddenly quit one’s job in a big ol' creative drama-queen moment is always, always, always in direct conflict with what I call "The Sex & Cash Theory". THE SEX & CASH THEORY: "The creative person basically has two kinds of jobs: One is the sexy, creative kind. Second is the kind that pays the bills. Sometimes the task in hand covers both bases, but not often. This tense duality will always play center stage. It will never be transcended." A good example is Phil, a NY photographer friend of mine. He does really wild stuff for the indie magazines - it pays nothing, but it allows him to build his portfolio. Then he'll go off and shoot some catalogues for a while. Nothing too exciting, but it pays the bills. Another example is somebody like Martin Amis. He writes "serious" novels, but he has to supplement his income by writing the occasional newspaper article for the London papers (novel royalties are bloody 150 pathetic- even bestsellers like Amis aren't immune). Or geeks. You spend you weekdays writing code for a faceless corporation ("Cash"), then you spend your evening and weekends writing anarchic, weird computer games to amuse your techie friends with (“Sex”). It's balancing the need to make a good living while still maintaining one's creative sovereignty. I'm thinking about the young writer who has to wait tables to pay the bills, in spite of her writing appearing in all the cool and hip magazines... who dreams of one day of not having her life divided so harshly. Well, over time the 'harshly' bit might go away, but not the 'divided'. "This tense duality will always play center stage. It will never be transcended." As soon as you accept this, I mean really accept this, for some reason your career starts moving ahead faster. I don't know why this happens. It's the people who refuse to cleave their lives this way- who just want to start Day One by quitting their current crappy day job and moving straight on over to best-selling author... Well, they never make it. 8. Companies that squelch creativity can no longer compete with companies that champion creativity. Since the modern, scientifically-conceived corporation was invented in the early half of the Twentieth Century, creativity has been sacrificed in favor of forwarding the interests of the "Team Player". Fair enough. 151 There was more money in doing it that way; that's why they did it. There's only one problem. Team Players are not very good at creating value on their own. They are not autonomous; they need a team in order to exist. So now corporations are awash with non-autonomous thinkers. "I don't know. What do you think?" "I don't know. What do you think?" "I don't know. What do you think?" "I don't know. What do you think?” And so on. Creating an economically viable entity where lack of original thought is handsomely rewarded creates a rich, fertile environment for parasites to breed. And that's exactly what's been happening. So now we have millions upon millions of human tapeworms thriving in the Western World, making love to their PowerPoint presentations, feasting on the creativity of others. What happens to an ecology, when the parasite level reaches critical mass? The ecology dies. If you're creative, if you can think independently, if you can articulate passion, if you can override the fear of being wrong, then your company needs you now more than it ever did. And now your company can no longer afford to pretend that isn't the case. So dust off your horn and start tooting it. Exactly. However if you're not particularly creative, then you're in real trouble. And there's no buzzword or "new paradigm" that can help you. They may not have mentioned this in business school, but... people like watching dinosaurs die. 9. Everybody has their own private Mount Everest they were 152 put on this earth to climb. You may never reach the summit; for that you will be forgiven. But if you don't make at least one serious attempt to get above the snowline, years later you will find yourself lying on your deathbed, and all you will feel is emptiness. This metaphorical Mount Everest doesn't have to manifest itself as "Art". For some people, yes, it might be a novel or a painting. But Art is just one path up the mountain, one of many. With others the path may be something more prosaic. Making a million dollars, raising a family, owning the most Burger King franchises in the Tri-State area, building some crazy oversized model airplane, the list has no end. Whatever. Let's talk about you now. Your mountain. Your private Mount Everest. Yes, that one. Exactly. Let's say you never climb it. Do you have a problem with that? I think it's not OK for you never to try to climb it. And I think you agree with me. Otherwise you wouldn't have read this far. So it looks like you're going to have to climb the frickin' mountain. Deal with it. My advice? You don't need my advice. You really don't. The biggest piece of advice I could give anyone would be this: "Admit that your own private Mount Everest exists. That is half the battle." Rock on. 10. The more talented somebody is, the less they need the 153 props. Meeting a person who wrote a masterpiece on the back of a deli menu would not surprise me. Meeting a person who wrote a masterpiece with a silver Cartier fountain pen on an antique writing table in an airy SoHo loft would SERIOUSLY surprise me. Abraham Lincoln wrote The Gettysburg Address on a piece of ordinary stationery that he had borrowed from the friend whose house he was staying at. James Joyce wrote with a simple pencil and notebook. Somebody else did the typing, but only much later. Van Gogh rarely painted with more than six colors on his palette. I draw on the back of wee biz cards. Whatever. There's no correlation between creativity and equipment ownership. None. Zilch. Nada. Actually, as the artist gets more into his thing, and as he gets more successful, his number of tools tends to go down. He knows what works for him. Expending mental energy on stuff wastes time. He's a man on a mission. He's got a deadline. He's got some rich client breathing down his neck. The last thing he wants is to spend 3 weeks learning how to use a router drill if he doesn't need to. A fancy tool just gives the second-rater one more pillar to hide behind. Which is why there are so many second-rate art directors with stateof-the-art Macintosh computers. Which is why there are so many hack writers with state-of-the-art laptops. Which is why there are so many crappy photographers with state-ofthe-art digital cameras. Which is why there are so many unremarkable painters with expensive studios in trendy neighborhoods. Hiding behind pillars, all of them. Pillars do not help; they hinder. The more mighty the pillar, the more you end up relying on it psychologically, the more it gets in your way. And this applies to business, as well. Which is why there are so many failing businesses with fancy offices. 154 Which is why there's so many failing businessmen spending a fortune on fancy suits and expensive yacht club memberships. Again, hiding behind pillars. Successful people, artists and non-artists alike, are very good at spotting pillars. They're very good at doing without them. Even more importantly, once they've spotted a pillar, they're very good at quickly getting rid of it. Good pillar management is one of the most valuable talents you can have on the planet. If you have it, I envy you. If you don't, I pity you. Sure, nobody's perfect. We all have our pillars. We seem to need them. You are never going to live a pillar-free existence. Neither am I. All we can do is keep asking the question, "Is this a pillar" about every aspect of our business, our craft, our reason for being alive etc and go from there. The more we ask, the better we get at spotting pillars, the more quickly the pillars vanish. Ask. Keep asking. And then ask again. Stop asking and you're dead. 11. Don't try to stand out from the crowd; avoid crowds altogether. Your plan for getting your work out there has to be as original as the actual work, perhaps even more so. The work has to create a totally new market. There's no point trying to do the same thing as 250,000 other young hopefuls, waiting for a miracle. All existing business 155 models are wrong. Find a new one. I've seen it so many times. Call him Ted. A young kid in the big city, just off the bus, wanting to be a famous something: artist, writer, musician, film director, whatever. He's full of fire, full of passion, full of ideas. And you meet Ted again five or ten years later, and he's still tending bar at the same restaurant. He's not a kid anymore. But he's still no closer to his dream. His voice is still as defiant as ever, certainly, but there's an emptiness to his words that wasn't there before. Yeah, well, Ted probably chose a very well-trodden path. Write novel, be discovered, publish bestseller, sell movie rights, retire rich in 5 years. Or whatever. No worries that there's probably 3 million other novelists/actors/musicians/painters etc with the same plan. But of course, Ted's special. Of course his fortune will defy the odds eventually. Of course. That's what he keeps telling you, as he refills your glass. Is your plan of a similar ilk? If it is, then I'd be concerned. When I started the business card cartoons I was lucky; at the time I had a pretty well-paid corporate job in New York that I liked. The idea of quitting it in order to join the ranks of Bohemia didn't even occur to me. What, leave Manhattan for Brooklyn? Ha. Not bloody likely. I was just doing it to amuse myself in the evenings, to give me something to do at the bar while I waited for my date to show up or whatever. There was no commercial incentive or larger agenda governing my actions. If I wanted to draw on the back of a business card instead of a "proper" medium, I could. If I wanted to use a four-letter word, I could. If I wanted to ditch the standard figurative format and draw psychotic abstractions instead, I could. There was no flashy media or publishing executive to keep happy. And even better, there was no artist-lifestyle archetype to conform to. It gave me a lot of freedom. That freedom paid off later. 156 Question how much freedom your path affords you. Be utterly ruthless about it. It's your freedom that will get you to where you want to go. Blind faith in an over-subscribed, vainglorious myth will only hinder you. Is your plan unique? Is there nobody else doing it? Then I'd be excited. A little scared, maybe, but excited. 12. If you accept the pain, it cannot hurt you. The pain of making the necessary sacrifices always hurts more than you think it's going to. I know. It sucks. That being said, doing something seriously creative is one of the most amazing experiences one can have, in this or any other lifetime. If you can pull it off, it's worth it. Even if you don't end up pulling it off, you'll learn many incredible, magical, valuable things. It's NOT doing it when you know you full well you HAD the opportunity- that hurts FAR more than any failure. Frankly, I think you're better off doing something on the assumption that you will NOT be rewarded for it, that it will NOT receive the recognition it deserves, that it will NOT be worth the time and effort invested in it. The obvious advantage to this angle is, of course, if anything good 157 comes of it, then it's an added bonus. [To read the remainder of IGNORE EVERYBODY- 40 chapters in all - please go buy the book, Thanks!] 158 Zappos’ Values Zappos spends more time focusing on its culture than most companies. That approach isn't for everyone but then again, very few companies are like the customer evangelist‐powered Zappos, which does over $1 billion annually since launching in 1999. Values are platitudes unless they're backed up with action. Zappos' values are worth spreading. (Links go to an explanation of each.) • Deliver WOW Through Service <‐unique‐ culture/zappos‐core‐values/deliver‐wow‐through‐service> • Embrace and Drive Change <‐unique‐ culture/zappos‐core‐values/embrace‐and‐drive‐change> • Create Fun and A Little Weirdness <‐unique‐ culture/zappos‐core‐values/create‐fun‐and‐little‐weirdness> • Be Adventurous, Creative, and Open‐Minded <‐ unique‐culture/zappos‐core‐values/be‐adventurous‐creative‐and‐open‐minded> • Pursue Growth and Learning <‐unique‐ culture/zappos‐core‐values/pursue‐growth‐and‐learning> • Build Open and Honest Relationships With Communication <‐unique‐culture/zappos‐core‐values/build‐open‐ and‐honest‐relationships‐communication> • Build a Positive Team and Family Spirit <‐unique‐ culture/zappos‐core‐values/build‐positive‐team‐and‐family‐spirit> • Do More With Less <‐unique‐culture/zappos‐core‐ values/do‐more‐less> • Be Passionate and Determined <‐unique‐ culture/zappos‐core‐values/be‐passionate‐and‐determined> • Be Humble <‐unique‐culture/zappos‐core‐ values/be‐humble>