- Case Western Reserve University


- Case Western Reserve University
May Nineteen Hundred Eighty One
Annual Commencement
Friday, May 15
The School of Applied Social Sciences
May 18
Matthew A. Baxter School of Information
Library Science
Weatherhead School of Management
Tuesday, May 19
Case Institute of Technology
Western Reserve College
Wednesday, May 20
The Franklin Thomas Backus School of Law
Thursday, May 21
The School of Dentistry
Tuesday, May 26
The Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing
Wednesday, May 27
The School of Graduate Studies
The School of Medicine
Case Western Reserve University
The University's coat-of-arms is a shield
which in heraldic terms represents faith.
Wisdom and honor are symbolized by
the golden sun. The star represents science
and the crossed laurel branches symbolize
achievement and academic honors.
A Chronicle of Case Western Reserve University
In 1967 Case Western Reserve University was created by action of the trustees of Case
Institute of Technology and Western Reserve University. The new university inherited the
traditions of two independent institutions that had been closely connected over many years
by location, and by personal and corporate relationships.
Both of the component institutions had deep roots in the history and ideals of the Western
Reserve of Connecticut. Western Reserve College was founded in 1826 by a group of men,
imbued with a Puritan vision, who had pioneered in the new western country; they were
led by David Hudson, who had given his name to the village in which the college was
located. The founders were schooled in the New England college tradition; they were conscious of a dire need for competent men to fill the government, the bar, the ranks of physicians, and the pulpit. They enjoyed the blissful hope that the "time would never come, when
the State of Ohio would become a refuge for ignorance and imbecility." Although the orientation of the institution was toward classical education and training for the ministry, it was
one of the early colleges in the nation that had a strong scientific interest. In 1836 its
astronomical observatory, the third in the United States and the first west of the Appalachians, was built in Hudson and still stands there - and Elias Loomis, who would become
a prominent solar physicist, was commissioned to spend a year in Europe, studying and
purchasing scientific equipment before he took up residence at the college in Hudson. In
1843 a group of seven doctors were intent on starting a medical school in Cleveland; Leonard
Case, Sr., a banker and land agent, was the chairman of the Board of Agency that affiliated
the school with Western Reserve College as its medical department; Leonard Case, Sr., also
offered five acres in downtown Cleveland to the school. Subsequently, several faculty members
- in these early years - taught at both Hudson and Cleveland, particularly in the natural
sciences. In 1826 the founders of Western Reserve College had refused to consider Cleveland
as a location because it was a lake port whose rollicking sailors, careening in the streets,
would be detrimental to the morals of college students. A half century later Cleveland was
a flourishing city determined to have a university; by that time the trustees and faculty of
Western Reserve College found Cleveland considerably more acceptable.
A group of Clevelanders who were negotiating about a move to their city with the trustees
of the college in Hudson were encouraged by a sensational news story in January 1880.
Leonard Case, Jr., the scholarly heir to a sizable fortune, had left a substantial portion of it
to found a scientific and engineering school in Cleveland. He had pursued a course of classical
training at Yale which he appreciated as far as his own predilections were concerned. But he
came to believe that classical schools should be supplemented with institutions that would
apply pure science to unlock the secrets of nature and develop the nation's resources, which
were then abundant. Because traditional colleges were deaf to the demand for training in
engineering, it remained for men of wealth like Case to take the initiative. Representatives of
the new Case School of Applied Science and of Western Reserve College met to discuss the
possibility of sharing a tract of land to be purchased for their use by public subscription. The
trustees at Case decided that "very many advantages would accrue to the students of each of
these institutions, with a saving of expense both to the institutions and to them, by their
location in proximity with each other." At the same time the issue was settled for Western
Reserve by the offer of Amasa Stone, a Cleveland railroad builder and banker, to donate the
funds to reestablish Western Reserve College in Cleveland - provided the two institutions
could exist "in close proximity and harmony."
The parcel of land purchased by the contributions of fifty-four Clevelanders was the nucleus
of the present campus of Case Western Reserve, and indeed of the entire University Circle
as it exists today. Amasa Stone had asked that the name of the college in Hudson be changed
to Adelbert in memory of his only son; it held its first classes in Cleveland in 1882. The first
nearby Case building, completed in 1885, was gutted by fire a year later. Fortunately, Adelbert College was able to provide space for Case classes until the building was reconstructed.
Fortunately, too, the equipment for the experiment which Albert A. Michelson of Case and
Edward W. Morley of Adelbert were conducting to test the theory of ether drift was rescued
from the flames and the project, basic to the development of Einstein's work in relativity, was
completed in 1887 in Adelbert Hall. Case school was very fortunate in its early faculty; it
became a center for scientific and industrial research as well as a technical institution that
trained engineers. The change of name in 1947 to Case Institute of Technology signalled the
beginning of a period of great growth - in physical facilities, in the undergraduate program,
and in emphasis on pure research and graduate training. It also indicated a broadening of
the scientific and engineering curricula to exploit new resources and to meet new needs. This
has been accomplished particularly through the interdisciplinary approach to research. Traditional engineering departments have changed their names and expanded their programs; in
addition, brand-new departments have appeared and have been responsible for significant
achievements - for example, in biomedical engineering, computer sciences, the field of
research in materials, and in macromolecular science.
When Western Reserve moved to Cleveland in the early 1880s it had but one component,
Adelbert College, of which the medical program was a department. In 1884 Western Reserve
University was chartered, and the subsequent proliferation of new schools soon justified its
new name. The medical department became the medical school of the university. On the
undergraduate side two new schools appeared: in 1888 the university established the College
for Women, renamed Flora Stone Mather College in 1931; in 1925 under the leadership of
Newton D. Baker, Cleveland College was founded to specialize in education of adults. On the
post-graduate and professional level, as the needs of the community became evident, the
university filled the gaps. In one year, 1892, the Franklin Thomas Backus School of Law
began operations, the School of Dentistry was founded to supplement the work of the School
of Medicine, and the Graduate School appeared to meet the needs of those who wished to
earn advanced degrees in the humanities, social studies, and the sciences. In 1903 a donation
from Andrew Carnegie allowed the establishment of the School of Library Science at the
request of the Cleveland Public Library, and in 1916 the social agencies of Cleveland petitioned for the foundation of the School of Applied Social Sciences. During the early 1920s
both the School of Medicine and Lakeside Hospital, the precursor of University Hospitals,
moved from downtown to their present locations on the campus. In 1923, what had been the
Lakeside Hospital School of Nursing, became a part of the university and was renamed the
Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing in honor of its benefactor. With federation in 1967
came the establishment of a professional school of business, which was the outgrowth of two
earlier ones at Cleveland College and at Case; it is now the newly endowed Weatherhead
School of Management.
After World War II some of the advantages of proximity, which had seemed promising in
1880, again became evident. Case Institute and Western Reserve united with University Hos-
pitals to create University Circle, Inc., since joined by other cultural agencies in the area.
The two schools adopted a common calendar and joint services, merged their departments of
philosophy, allowed interchange of registration, placed all instruction in foreign languages at
Western Reserve, and formed cooperative departments of astronomy at Case and geology at
Western Reserve. Each step made the possibility of closer correlation more evident. In 1966
a Joint Committee of Trustees of both Case Institute and Western Reserve University created
a commission chaired by Henry T. Heald - who had been president of Illinois Institute of
Technology, chancellor of New York University, and president of the Ford Foundationto study the relationship and potential of the two institutions. The recommendation of the
commission was unanimous for federation of the two schools as "an adventure in higher
education without precedent." The trustees of both institutions agreed.
In its early years the federated university confronted serious problems: student unrest, a
considerable decline in funding from the federal government and foundations, opposition from
alumni and faculty to federation, and worrisome deficits. During the 1970s, however, student
turbulence died down, there was an amelioration of the opposition to federation from faculty
and alumni, and the serious deficits became surpluses. By late 1980 RESOURCES, the fiveyear capital campaign to raise $215 million by February 1981, was nearing the $200-million
mark. These developments were a testimonial to the high hopes and eminence of the university - and to the generous support it was receiving from trustees, alumni, friends, corporations, and foundations. It had become a model for private educational institutions.
In 1966 the final report of the Heald Commission had been entitled "Vision of a University."
By 1980 that vision has become a reality.
C. H. Cramer
Dean and Professor Emeritus
University Historian
Academic Dress
The various gowns and hoods preserve the style of their medieval origin and indicate by
color and design the degree and the institution by which the degree was conferred. Black
is the basic color for gowns in the United States. The bachelor's gown is distinguished by
its long, open sleeves; the master's by its closed, slitted sleeves; the doctor's by its full sleeves
trimmed with bands of velvet. The velvet on a doctor's gown may be black or a color denoting the field in which the degree was taken.
The academic hoods vary in length according to the degree and are lined with the colors
of the institution by which the degree was conferred. Hoods of Case Western Reserve University are lined with blue and grey.
The yoke of the hood is faced in a color that indicates the field in which the degree was
taken. Some examples of colors associated with the various faculties are: Arts and Letters,
white; Philosophy, blue; Science, gold-yellow; Medicine, green; Law, purple; Dentistry,
lilac; Business, drab; Library Science, lemon; Social Sciences, citron; Nursing, apricot.
Western Reserve College
Convocation for Conferring Degrees at Severance Hall
Tuesday, May 19 at 10:00 a.m.
Dean T. Dixon Long,
Page 6
Page 13
Case Institute of Technology
One Hundred First Convocation for Conferring Degrees
at Severance Hall
Tuesday, May 19 at 2:30 p.m.
Associate Dean W. Sanford Topham,
Pages 25-26
Page 36
Western Reserve College
Convocation for Conferring Degrees at Severance Hall
Tuesday, May 19,1981 at 10:00 a.m.
Dean T. Dixon Long, PH.D.
Robert P. Davis, PH.D.
Gail L. Mills, M.ED.
Norman A. Alldridge, PH.D.
William M. Ritchey, PH.D.
Darhl Foreman, PH.D.
Margaret Robinson, M.A.
Donald R. Laing, Jr., PH.D.
Frances Wolpaw, PH.D.
Voluntary in C
Commencement Address
Frank L. Ellsworth, PH.D.
President, Pitzer College, a member of the Claremont Colleges
Western Reserve College Service Awards
Dean Long
Anne Melby Clapp, M.A.
Edward H. de Coningh, B.S.
Theodore W. Jones, J.D.
Case Men's Glee Club
Lisa Boros-Parkinson, B.A., Director
Soon-ah Will Be Done
Der Herr Segne Euch
Ain'a That Good News
Arr. by William L. Dawson
J. S. Bach
Arr. by William L. Dawson
Carl F. Wittke Award
David Vincent Ragone, S.D., S.M., SC.D.
for distinguished undergraduate teaching
President of the University
Celia R. Hooper, PH.D.
Outstanding Young Alumnus Award
Kimball E. Rubin, D.S.
President, Western Reserve College Association
Frank L. Ellsworth,
Senior Farewell
John Douglas Parsons
President of the Class of 1981
Dean Long
President Ragone
Dean Eldon Jay Epp, PH.D.
Dean Elizabeth Walker, M.A.
Dean Robert P. Davis, PH.D.
March from "Hercules"
Presentation of Candidates
Conferring of Degrees
Presentation of Diplomas
At the organ - Adeline Huss,
The audience is requested to remain seated
until the academic procession has withdrawn.
Reception for graduates and their guests on
lawn of Adelbert Hall immediately following the ceremony.
Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts
Kurtcebe Hikmet Dingman
Randi Kim Altman
Katri Ann Arcaro
Mary Jane Barchman
cum laude
James Edward Bartek
William Joseph Hayes
magna cum laude
William Scott Hendricks
cum laude
magna cum laude
Bruce Edward Barton
magna cum laude
Arthur George Baumeister, Jr.
magna cum laude
Integrated Graduate Studies
Mary Gayle Doucette
summa cum laude
Integrated Graduate Studies
Susan Kay Henry
magna cum laude
Denise Beth Heyman
Christopher Thomas Dixon
Marianne Bayda
Robin Cheryl Benis
Michael James Benz
mnagna cum laude
Jeffrey Lad Blank
Alex Emanuel Blum
cum laude
Joel David Blum
Lisa Marie Bodnar
Erick Bournigal
Sadhna Diwan
Michael Kevin Dush
Theodora Deborah Economou
magna cum laude
Hossein Amir Ehtesham
cum laude
cum laude
magna cum laude
Beth Ann Ekelman
George Steven Estus
David Allan Fantuzzo
Irene Maria Farion
Leif Ahmed Fellague
cum laude
Thomas William Ferkol, Jr.
magna cum laude
John Reynold Brandt
John Timothy Brentar
Eric Erman Bright
magna cum laude
Kyle Elaine Brown
Michael Craig Brown
Gale Huston Brownlow
Thomas David Bruno
Stephanie Rose Bunsey
magna cum laude
Susan Myrna Flack
David Anthony Fletcher
Eric Henry Busch
Karen Kaye Butler
Robert Joseph Chaikin
magna cum laude
George C. Fox, Jr.
James Michael Francisco
Ellen Therese Gademer
Brian Louis Gaj
magna cum laude
and with honors in Political Science
cum laude
Lissa Joy Gardner
cum laude
David Chen
Peter Chung
cum laude
William Anthony North Cleary
Jerome Walter Cook
David Grant Cory
Bradley Scott Getz
Jose Manuel Gonzalez
Valerie Patricia Graff
Michael Louis Graziano
Gary Joseph Gregg
Susan Paulena Corzilius
Scott Edward Cousins
Therese Ann Decatur
Debra Anne DeJoseph
Jeffrey Eldon DeWeese
Richard Guido DiMichele
magna cum laude
Jonathan Blair Gavras
cum laude
Christina Wilhelmina Gelev
magna cum laude
cum laude
magna cum laude
cum laude
Anne Hilary Groom
Renie Madelon Gross
Marguerite M. Group
Patricia Louise Gutwein
Thomas F. Higgins, Jr.
cum laude
summa cum laude
and with honors in Chemistry
Everett A. Hinkley
Mary Louise Hlavin
summa cum laude
David Lee Hom
Matthew Stephen Hornung
Mary Ann Hynes
William Joseph Jaecklein
Steven Johnson
Henry John Kaminski
Eun HuiKang
Jeffrey Paul Kanter
Jennifer Jane Karbowiak
Barry Richard Katz
Evan Jay Kessler
Paula Jean Klimovich
Alan Ray Knaub
Donald Lyle Koch
Paula Louise Koenig
magna cum laude
cum laude
magna cum laude
cum laude
magna cum laude
cum laude
cum laude
summa cum laude
cum laude
Debra Ann Kossman
magna cum laude
and with honors in Psychology
Ipatia Koumoundouros
Thomas Ivan Krisztinicz
Rostyslaw Roman Kubyn
cum laude
Seth Steven Labovitz
Mary Ellen Lanning
Bonnie Lynn Laube
magna cum laude
George Michael Lavan
magna cum laude
magna cum laude
Benita Louise Leach
Howard Hahn Lee
Linda Marie Liptak
cum laude
magna cum laude
Donna Richelle Long
summa cum laude
Jeffrey A. Lowery
magna cum laude
Timothy David Lucas
cum laude
Mark Andrew Luttrell
Esau Mohlapiso Mampane
Gregory Petroff
Timothy James Powell
Karen Lee Marken
Paul Raymond Marquis
and with honors in Music
James Gerard Pyne
cum laude
John Thomas Martin
Susan Elizabeth Maybury
Joseph Hilary McIsaac III
cum laude
and with honors in Chemistry
Cynthia Elaine Ranck
James Scott Rennie
John Keven McManus
Sean Anthony McNeeley
Nancy Jean Richter
Virginia Joyce Riel
John Alfred Rode III
Margaret Ellen Medford
Francis Rene Mencl
Marc Bryan Merklin
magna cum laude
and with honors in American Studies
Sherry Lee Ann Priola
Clara Elizabeth Pulver
Paula Jane Roemer
Carol Ann Rosenfeld
Arlene Ross
John Raymond Roussos
Jayne Rutan
Katy Mobley
J. Brent Moellering
Aida Ligita Moettus
Arnold Hans Morscher
Benjamin Jay Nager
Dianne Marie Nagy
Thomas John Sakshaug
John Anthony Sarko
Nancy Debra Sarvet
cum laude
Casey Colleen O'Brien
magna cum laude
Philip Michael O'Halloran
cum laude
Jeffrey Michael Oney
Anthony Joseph Paparella
magna cum laude
Jon Eric Peter
cum laude
cum laude
cum laude
cum laude
cum laude
Robyn H. Smith
Michael Jerry Stamos
Cathy Hope Steffen
cum laude
cum laude
Edgar Comfort Stehli
John J. Steiniger
Joel Adam Stern
Lori Lynn Stiritz
magna cum laude
cum laude
Roy C. St. John
Tamra Sue Swope
magna cum laude
cum laude
Integrated Graduate Studies
Richard Abe Szubin
cum laude
Francine Sue Tinsky
Michaelana Katrina Tomasic
cum laude
Richard David Tomsick
Andrew Trautman
cum laude
Constantine Edward Tsipis
magna cum laude
Richard Henry Victor
magna cum laude
Jill Marcie Warren
cum laude
magna cum laude
magna cum laude
Lisa Suzanne Schwartz
Frederic Paul Schwieg III
Nicolae Weisz
Laura Colette Wilkins
Celeste Ann Wills
Samuel Brian Wilson
Renee Bridgette Scott
Philip Allen Segel
Debra S. Wolfe
cum laude
and with honors in American Studies
Kelly A. Shannon
Daniel James Shoemaker
lnagna cum laude
magna cum laude
John Mario Sipin, Jr.
Jack Morgan Sipple
Katherine L. Peitz
Jason Stuart Pensky
Marita Terese Peppard
magna cum laude
Elizabeth Ann Rice
Helmut Anton Richardt
Bernard Metz
Joseph Scott Mileca
summa cum laude
cum laude
summa cum laude
Scott Andrew Slavin
Kurt Jerome Smidansky
Handan F. Yagan
David Michael Yulish
cum laude
cum laude
magna cum laude
summa cum laude
cum laude
Carol Ann Zadorozny
John Charles Ziechmann
Christine Marie Zimmer
cum laude
summa cum laude
and with honors in American
Candidate for the Degree of Bachelor of Fine Arts
Corrine Sandino Dorer
cum laude
Integrated Graduate Studies
Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Accounting
Richard Abelson
Jeffrey Richard Kornreich
Robert Douglas McCreery, Jr.
Moses Awe
Theresa J. Awe
Romeva Pastrana
Mohammed Joseph Bidar
Sharon Lee Bodker
Brian A. Branchick
cum laude
Matthew Joseph Dodds
Jerry Lee Garthoff
cum laude
Lori Allyn Groden
Jeffrey Francis Hale
Apoorva Hasmukh Kamani
Barbara Ann Kasych
William Scott Nethercut
Judith Louise Paltza
Russell William Poe
cum laude
cum laude
Michael Lorenz Rosegger
Joanne Marie Sisk
magna cum laude
summa cum laude
cum laude
magna cum laude
Matthew Allen Stuczynski
Mark Frank Tate
Joan Marie Thoma
Gail O'Brien Thompson
David Allen Visti
Susan Jane Woodward
cum laude
magna cum laude
Candidate for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Art Education
William Norris Sweet
with honors in Art Education
Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Health Science
Theodore H. Ameredes
Thomas David Bruno
Dale Eric Cuthbertson
Edward A. DelGrosso
Amy Leigh Dingey
Roger Lee Friedman
Carol Ann Glessner
Laszlo Steven Gyurgyik
cum laude
cum laude
Jennifer Jane Karbowiak
LeeAnne Lemon
mnagna cum laude
Matthew Russell Levin
Ramon PIa, Jr.
summa cum laude
Elizabeth Marie Radtke
Mary Frances Rhoton
Deborah Ann Smith
Ellis Jay Talbert
cum laude
Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Management
John Diaz Baumanis
Joyce Ellen Erony
Judith Louise Paltza
John Douglas Parsons
Glenn Edward Payne
Jorge G. Fernandez
Stuart Ross Fine
Patrick Thomas Fortunato
cum laude
cum laude
cum laude
Marlaine Alice Simpson
Robert Paul Tupta
Gerard Joseph Hallahan
Keith Anthony Headen
Nanci Maria Volpe
Linda Gail Wong
Lori Ann Lanzendorfer
Alycia Renee Lieber
Wendy Wai Ping Young
Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology
Marilyn Dachner
Lisa Marie Toth
Patricia Louise Gutwein
Myra Jung
Anthony John Wallish
cum laude
cum laude
Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Music Education
S. Cheyne Davidson
David Manning Thomas
Dawn Elizabeth Nelson
with an emphasis in Music Therapy
Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Nutrition
Victoria Jean Cesen
Debra Anne DeJoseph
Carrie Kathryn Everstine
JoAnn Louise Huddleston
Kristin Marie Larson
Linda Jean Lovejoy
cum laude
cum laude
Julia Kim Shumway
Svetlana Stevovich
Dechen Paydon Sur'khang
cum laude
Western Reserve College
Degrees Conferred August 20, 1980
Bachelor of Arts
Anthony Rino Bonaminio
Donna Jean Cabral
Robert D. Cendo
Desiree Hillmon
cum laude
Juan DelValle, Jr.
David Lee Greenstreet
summa cum laude
with honors in Urban Studies
Kevin Franklin Maurer
Kristine Ronna McElwee
Mignon Emily Haas Schultz
Dore Russell Shafransky
Anne Therese Soltis
Bachelor of Science in Health Science
James Edward Baluk
Bachelor of Science in Management
Sanford Robert Rich
cum laude
Thomas Leo Anastos
summa cum laude
Integrated Graduate Studies
Sally Jayne Fullmer
Debra Anne Gerstle
magna cum laude
David Harris Baron
Joel Anthony Gorski
Darrell Cory Greene
magna cum laude
Bradley Allen Garrett
Degrees Conferred January 7, 1981
Bachelor of Arts
magna cum laude
Anne Rose Bearss
cum laude
Leonard Edward Bogan, Jr.
Anita Alice Bojtos
cum laude
cum laude
Michelle Therese Cappel
William Lyle Cox
Kevin Joseph Donahue
Christine Anne Donzella
John Louis Ezerskis
Cynthia Ferguson
cum laude
cum laude
Integrated Graduate Studies
Charles L. Grim III
Paul Scharff Gundlach
Julie Marie Hacker
summa cum laude
magna cum laude
Kevin Paul Hallquist
Frederick David Harris
cum laude
magna cum laude
magna cum laude
Bonnie Jacobson
and Honors in English
Amos Christopher Jolly
William James Kelly
Warren Rocco Pistillo
Jeanette Xenia Polaschek
Integrated Graduate Studies
James Kelvin Lattaker
Patrick M. Lawlor
James Wheeler Prall
Douglas A. Rothschild
Lonyell Ray Salter
cum laude
Laurie Denise Lovshe
N. Calvin Saute
cum laude
James Charles Mainger
Brian Jerome Marble
Mary Palajda
cum laude
summa cum laude
Lori Renee Sterrett
Denise Ann Underwood
Catherine Lucy Wood
Bachelor of Science in Accounting
Vladas Adams
Diane Elizabeth Patterson
Alla Ratynets
Roy William Fash
James Lawrence Kubicek
cum laude
Bachelor of Science in Art Education
Katrina Ann Phillips
Honors in
Art Education
Bachelor of Science in Management
Karen Anne Migchelbrink
Rosemary Clare Anne Ogrinc
Jan Marie Snellman
cum laude
Denise Ann Wotovich
Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology
Mary Poor Bates
cum laude
Honors, Prizes and Awards
Elected to The Phi Beta Kappa Society for excellence in scholarship
Seniors Elected to Membership
Thomas Leo Anastos
Mary Louise Hlavin
as Juniors in 1980
Handan F. Yagan
Christine Marie Zimmer
Timothy James Powell
Seniors Elected to Membership
in 1981
David Harris Baron
Arthur George Baumeister, Jr.
Susan Kay Henry
Thomas F. Higgins, Jr.
Robin Cheryl Benis
Bonnie Jacobson
Henry John Kaminski
John Reynold Brandt
Kyle Elaine Brown
Eric Henry Busch
Jeffrey Eldon DeWeese
Jeffrey A. Lowery
Timothy David Lucas
Marc Bryan Merklin
Christopher Thomas Dixon
Mary Gayle Doucette
Theodora Deborah Economou
Aida Ligita Moettus
Nancy Debra Sarvet
Philip Allen Segel
Brian Louis Gaj
Lissa Joy Gardner
Christina Wilhelmina Gelev
Kelly A. Shannon
Joel Adam Stern
Constantine Edward Tsipis
David Lee Greenstreet
Juniors Elected to Membership
in 1981
Sheldon Ira Bastacky
Beth Anne Berrettoni
Thomas Frederic Putinsky
Kathleen S. Placidi
Julius Szigeti, Jr.
John N. Stamatis
The NewbeU Niles Puckett Award to a senior for outstanding
achievement in Anthropology
Kyle Elaine Brown
The William Grauer Awards for excellence in Studio Art
Marianne Bayda
Gregory Joseph Reyes
Carrie Kathryn Everstine
Michael Edwin Glinsky
John Alfred Rode III
Stephen Bart Stregevsky
Tracy Alan Moore
The Francis Hobart Herrick Prize for excellence in Biology
Susan Kay Henry
The Mather Alumnae Award for excellence in research in Biology
Jennifer Ann Davis
The Fluorine Chapter of Iota Sigma Pi Award to a woman for
excellence in Chemistry
Linda Kay Razsi
The Freshman Chemistry Achievement Award for the highest
achievement in Freshman Chemistry
Dayle Ross Dewey
The Hippolyte Gruener Prize to a woman for merit in Chemistry
Mary Louise Hlavin
The Frank Hovorka Sophomore Award to the woman chemistry major
with the highest average in three semesters
Nancy Zinni
The Lubrizol Corporation Award for excellence in Chemistry in the
junior and senior years
Michael Anthony McDevitt
Nancy Debra Sarvet
The Merck Index Award for excellence in Chemistry
Paul A. Tripi
The Olin Freeman Tower Prize for excellence in Physical Chemistry
Eric Henry Busch
The Abraham Lincoln Fuller Freshman Prize for excellence in Greek
Carl Louis Mariani
The Abraham Lincoln Fuller Freshman Prize for excellence in Latin
Paul Michael McKey
The Abraham Lincoln Fuller Prize to the winner of the Latin
translation competition
Christopher Thomas Dixon
The Emma Maud Perkins Prize to a freshman woman for excellence
in Classical Studies
Ann Michailenko
Classics Departmental Citation
Emil Gibian
Honor Student of The National Student Speech-Language-Hearing
Association for outstanding leadership and achievement in
Communication Sciences
Philip Allen Segel
The Marvin J. Barloon BookAward for outstanding performance in
Brian Louis Gaj
The James Dysart Magee Award to an outstanding student in
Economics in the senior year
Gordon Schlegel
The Howard T. McMyler Award to an outstanding junior majoring
in economics
Scott Jeffrey Davido
The Louis K. Levy Prize for an outstanding
Economics, Accounting or 1Management
junior majoring in
Amir Kadhim Jassani
The Finley Foster/Emily
or group of poems
M. Hills Poetry Prizes for the best poem
Erick Bournigal
Suzanne Raschke
Steven Bernard Schultz
The Gamma Delta Tau Prize to a junior woman outstanding
academic and creative work as an English major
Mary Anne Jones
The Holden Prizes for the best English papers written by upperclass
William S. Coffman, Jr.
Theodora Deborah Economou
Lisa Suzanne Schwartz
The Kennedy Prize to an undergraduate
in English
woman for creative work
Jill Marcie Warren
The Edith Garber Krotinger Prize for excellence in creative writing
Lauren Cecile Hoj Fierman
The Harriet Pelton Perkins Prize to outstanding students majoring
in English
Theodora Deborah Economou
Mary Anne Jones
Aida Ligita Moettus
The Clarence H. Cramer Award for excellence in research and
writing of History
Christopher Thomas Dixon
The Annie Spencer Cutter Prize to a senior for outstanding
achievement in History
Anne Hilary Groom
The Sigma Psi Prize in memory of Elbert J. Benton to a woman for
excellence in History
Kathleen S. Placidi
The John Hall Stewart Prize for excellence in historical studies
Jeffrey A. Lowery
The Beta Alpha Psi Certificate for excellence in Accounting
Barbara Ann Kasych
Ernst & Whinney Accounting Achievement Award to a senior for
excellence in Accounting
Jeffrey Francis Hale
The Touche Ross Award for an outstanding junior majoring in
Martin Anthony Logies
The Roulston Performance Award for outstanding performance in
Glenn Edward Payne
The Wall Street Journal Award to the outstanding senior in
John Douglas Parsons
The Financial Executives Award
Lori Allyn Groden
The Lubrizol Award to an outstanding upperclassman in Mathematics
Karl Vincent Jacob
The Webster Godman Simon Mathematics
Award to a sophomore
or junior for excellence in Mathematics
Nancy Zinni
The French Book Prize to a freshman for outstanding work in French
Joseph C. Andreshak
The Louise Burke French Prize to an outstanding senior French major
Daniel James Shoemaker
The Emile B. de Sauze Award to the student who hasattained the
highest honors in Modern Languages
Nathan Lloyd Clark
The Folberth German Prize for excellence in German language and
Brian Lee Konya
Catherine Laura Miller
The Istituto Di Cultura Italiana Prize for outstanding achievement
in Italian
Anne Hilary Groom
The Charles E. Clemens Prize for talent and accomplishment
in Music
1. Abraham
Clara Elizabeth Pulver
Lisa Suzanne Schwartz
Cathy Hope Steffen
The Department of Music Honors Award for achievement in Music
Samuel Cheyne Davidson
Brian John Wilson
The Kennedy Prize to a woman for creative work in Music
Kirsten Elisabeth Fleischmann
The Doris Young Hartsock Prize for outstanding performance'by
woman in Music Education
AmyJo Shaw
The Mary Eliza Parker Award for excellence in Nutrition and Dietetics
Mary Elizabeth Davies
The Handy Prize for excellence in Philosophy
Thomas Leo Anastos
The Madge M. McKinney Memorial Prize for distinguished work in
Political Science
Brian Louis Gaj
The Mather Alumnae Award for excellence in Political Science
Alan Keith Chen
Brian Louis Gaj
The Stephen Bednarik Memorial Award to an outstanding senior
majoring in Psychology
Debra Ann Kossman
The James Dysart Magee Award to an outstanding student pursuing
a program in Integrated Graduate Studies in the Social and Behavioral
Rebecca Ann Zuti
The Mather Alumnae Award for excellence in Psychology
Debra Ann Kossman
Rebecca Ann Zuti
The Ratner Family Prize to a senior with the highest record in the
study of Religion
Paul Raymond Marquis
The Dionysus Award to a student not majoring in Theatre for an
outstanding contribution to the Theatre program
Bruce Edward Barton
Lydia Weinberg Bohm
The Barclay Leathem Award for creativity and general excellence
in Theatre
Wayne O'Brien Merritt
Julia Josepha Nasvytis
The Lecture Recital Club Award to talented and deserving students
in Theatre
Gina Lynn Gibney
Anne Hilary Groom
The Music and Drama Club Award to a senior Theatre major for
outstanding contributions to the production program and with
potential for professional work
James Edward Bartek
JuniorYear AbroadAwards
The Cleveland English Speaking Union of the United States Award
to a student studying in England
Curtis Mark Rimmerman
The Sam Miller Scholarship to outstanding sophomores selected for
participation in the junior year abroad program
Gerald Anthony Grau
Stephen Lance Skirboll
The Alice Seagrave Awards for outstanding women students who are
planning study abroad
Julia Ann Fabris
Susan Elise Rowling
Collegiate Awards
The Harriet Levion Pullman Award to the woman with the best
academic record at the end of three semesters
Kathleen Ann Mack
The Phi Beta Kappa Prize to sophomores in a BA. program. with the
highest averages after three semesters
Michael Edward Millstein
Lester Edward Stine, Jr.
Paul A. Tripi
The Delta Phi Upsilon Alumnae Prize to the highest ranking junior
Sally Ann Reisacher
The John Schoff Millis Award to a senior with the best academic record
at the end of seven semesters
Mary Louise Hlavin
The Cleveland College Award to a part-time student for high
scholarship and citizenship
Richard William Voldrich
The Sylvia Green Rosenberg Award to a part-time or full-time
non-traditional student
Arlene Ross
The Joseph Skigin Memorial Fund Award to an outstanding
pre-medical student for the senior year
Laura Jean Miketo
The Peter Witt Scholarship to a deserving student who demonstrates
a vital and active interest in the improvement of life in Cleveland
William Joseph Novak
The Flora Stone Mather Advisory Council Scholarship to an upperclass
woman who has shown outstanding academic ability and citizenship
Mary Anne Jones
The Hazel Kingsborough Scholarship to an undergraduate woman for
graduate study in Case Western Reserve to prepare for teaching
Lori Lynn Stiritz
The Mortar Board of Cleveland Alumnae Awards to sophomores
outstanding in leadership, scholarship and service
Diane Deborah Harrison
Stasia Majidzadeh
The Richard Reichert Memorial Award to a Western Reserve College
fraternity or sorority member who has made a significant contribution
to the community
David Keith Shapiro
The George T. Hunt Award to a junior outstanding in leadership,
scholarship and service
Philip Edward Smith
The George T. Hunt Award to a senior outstanding in leadership,
scholarship and service
John Reynold Brandt
The Russell A. Griffin Award to a senior who has made the most
significant contribution to college life
John Douglas Parsons
Elected to the Lux Chapter of Mortar Board for scholarship, leadership
and service
Seniors Elected to Membership as Juniors in 1980
Katri Ann Arcaro
Casey Colleen O'Brien
Nancy Debra Sarvet
James Thorburn Beck
John Reynold Brandt
Rohita Chaganlal
David Chen
Thomas William Ferkol, Jr.
Douglas Bruce Gordon
Marguerite M. Group
Steven Michael Seubert, Jr.
Kelly A. Shannon
Joel Adam Stern
Roy C. St. John
Jill Marcie Warren
Audrey Wong
David Michael Yulish
Christine Marie Zimmer
Mary Ann Hynes
Debra Ann Kossman
Timothy David Lucas
Juniors Elected to Membership in 1981
Kin-Wah Lui
Alan Chen
Sonja Ellen Diehn
Michael Anthony McDevitt
Laura Jean Miketo
Thomas George Ferguson
Bret Allen FelTee
Paul David Nagy
Phong Xuan Nguyen
Stephen Dana Goldman
Elizabeth J. Greenberg
Karen Ann Gutwein
Joseph Francis Harryhill
Ronald Hatton
Lynelle Jean Johnson
Mary Anne Jones
Thomas Joseph KelT
Beth Ann Overmoyer
Sally Ann Reisacher
Barbara Maria Roesmann
David Keith Shapiro
Eli Adam Siegel
Philip Edward Smith
Brian Dale Williamson
Doohi Lee
The Cleveland Institute of Music Case Western Reserve University Music Progran
Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Music
Degrees to be awarded May 22, 1981
Scott Jay Bell
Kim Marie Conroy
Forrest Covington
Carolyn Ruth Craven
Samuel Cheyne Davidson
Mark Owen Davis
Scott Carter Elliott
Charles Jones Evans
Bonnie Sue Gallo
Kathryn Jane Harris
Robert James Hill
Leslie Hirschberg
Lise Andrea Kartman
Thomas Joseph Knab
Jeffrey Dean Krill
Virgie Corine Lancaster
Nancy Ann Loach
Karen Ann Munson
Julie Anne Neithamer
Laura Okuniewski
Larry Michael Passin
Ernest Pereira
Natalie Reese
Lois Jeanne Robinson
David Lewis Rose
Francine Kay Sherman
Sylvia Sophia Silivos
Mark Robert Summer
Rosalyn Rhoda Troiano
Steven Randall Walthius
Barbara Lynn Wehlan
Mary Lee Westerhoff
John Lierle
Awarded July 18, 1980
Susan Marie Bunsey
Donald Cannarozzi
Awarded January 9, 1981
Robert Kuntz
Elizabeth Jo Spaeth
Case Institute of Technology
One hundred first Convocation for Conferring Degrees in Severance Hall
Tuesday, May 19, 1981 at 2:30 p.m.
W. Sanford Topham,
chief marshal
Thomas Patrick Kicher,
Thomas Winlow Anderson, J.D., Richard Wagner
Hoffman, PH.D., Joseph Markel Prahl, PH.D., Daniel
K. Wright, M.S., Lynn Joseph Ebert, PH.D., Billy M.
Horton, M.S., J. Thomas Mortimer, PH.D.
Associate Dean
Organ Prelude
Maestoso (from "Ode for St. Cecelia's Day")
Opening of Ceremony
Ilarry Winston Mergler,
President, Case Alumni Association
National Anthem
Reverend Arthur Hess
Case Men's Glee Club
Soon-ah Will Be Done
Del' Herr Segue Euch
Ain'a That Good News
Church of the Brethren
Lisa Boros-Parkinson,
Arr. by William L. Dawson
J. S. Bach
Arr. by William L. Dawson
Gary Dean Lorenz
President, Senior Class
Presentation of The Philip E. Bliss Prize
The Kent H. Smith Award
Senior Awards were presented earlier today in a special
ceremony at Strosacker Auditorium and are listed on
pages 36-40 in this program.
Presentation of Achievement Award
Eric Baer,
Dean, Case Institute of Technology
Walter Massey,
Director of The Argonne National Laboratory
Conferring of Degrees
David Vincent Ragone,
S.D., S.M.,
President of the University
Presentation of Diplomas
Alma Mater, Case
Case Glee Club
Reverend Hess
Dr. Mergler
Closing of Ceremony
Deans Baer & Schuele
Psalm XIX
Alma Mater, Case
Hail to the college whose colors we wear,
Hail to thee, dear Alma Mater.
Thy sons in song loud thy praises declare,
With hearts sincere, Alma Mater;
We love thy stern walls with ivy o'er grown;
We love thy long halls where time's
mark is shown.
Thy mem'ries dearer than all else we own.
Hail to thee, Case Alma Mater.
At the Organ -
Adeline Huss,
Flag bearers -
Phi Kappa Theta
Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Astronomy
Stephen Jackson Ratcliff with highest honors
Theo Marie Tomczak
Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Biology
Gordon Ross Burgess
Robert Paul Keenan
Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Chemistry
Ronald Charles Bernotas with highest honors
Randall Dean Davy
Colin Paul Horwitz
with honors
Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Geology
Eva Eloisa Danies
with honors
Steven Michael Krause
Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Mathematics
Gregory Steven Ammar
Mark Gregory Ashba
with highest honors
David Allen N atwick
Diana Regina Petrauskas
Bradley Albert Boytim
Lawrence Loyd Harvey
Kevin Gregory Robertson
with highest honors
Mark John Karol
Mark Eliot Knecht
with honors
Tony MacDonald Krauss
with high honors
Steven Michael Seubert
with honors
with honors
with highest honors
with high honors
Walter Stephen Tletski
Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Applied Physics
Saad Eddine Hebboul
with highest honors
Abdelkrim Tatah
with honors
Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Physics
David Paul Bennett
with highest honors
Bryan Douglas Mack
with honors
with high honors
Tracy Alan Moore
Mark Edward Podany
Richard Edward Carande
Gregory Allen Crawford
Michael Alan Crecca
Margaret Rose Kritzer
with honors
John Sloan Stewart IV
Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Management
Mary Elizabeth Collis
Kevin Patrick Croke
with honors
LaBarre Burkhardt Itabashi Spence
with honors
Joachim Benedict Hsu
Brent Edward Taylor
Donald James Prekop
Joseph Paul Wcislo
Jeffrey Daniel Zahn
with honors
with honors
Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Engineering
James Christian Johnson
Mary Frances Kroth
with honors
Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Engineering
Major Field: Biomedical Engineering
Jeffrey Lynn Bence
Jay Steven Bensusan
Gregory Bruce Beran
Steven David Braswell
Karen Wendy Brim
Mark Jay Bucksbaum
Don Lewis Burgio
Charles Myron Cherry
Steven Michael Cochoff
with high honors
with honors
with high honors
with high honors
with honors
with honors
Robert Charles Locker
Bernard Joseph McCafferty
Gail Linn Fenton
Evalyn Irene Gates Pelander
Ramon Alejandro Gomez
Ruprecht Harvard Gravenstein
Luis Alejandro Jimenez
Andree Louise Koberstine
Pia Maria Krepfl
with high honors
Julius Peter Neumann
David Karl Peterson
with high honors
David Channing Preston with highest honors
Joseph Michael Schmitt with highest honors
George Francis Wilhere
Mitchell Falk Wyle
with honors
with honors
Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Engineering
Major Field: Chemical Engineering
Carter John Bidwell
David Lee Blattenberger
Robert Joseph Brinkmann
with honors
with high honors
Paul John Brodbeck
Robert Edmund Chew
Audrey Lynn Dickason-Wong
Steven Raymond Duckro
Annette Marie Durisin
Victoria Gabriel Garcia
Stephen Esmond Giddings
with honors
with honors
Jolhn Henry Klatt
Donald Lyle Koch
with honors
with high honors
Russell Moy
Dana Cutler Muldoon
Nam Dink Nguyen
with high honors
Vesna Novakovic
Kevin Phillip Olmstead
with high honors
with honors
Patricia Ann Overmyer
James Stephen Papanu
with highest honors
with highest honors
Kyle Ann Greenwood
James Robert Gunderman
with high honors
Gregory Woodrow Hoffman
with honors
Kalon Hoh
with honors
Karl Vincent Jacob
Marc Paul Kelemen
Murali Mannat Menon
Kim Leigh Montana
with honors
with honors
with honors
with highest honors
William Robert Kovach
Lawrence Gilbert Macy
with high honors
with honors
Janice Louise Mallinak
with high honors
Giorgio Marco McBeath
Mark Gregory Reichmann with high honors
Vincent Gilbert Reiling
Richard George Russell, Jr.
with highest honors
Roy Eugene Smith
Andrew Michael Steurer
Tanya Mae Travis
Jeffrey Thomas Vanderlip
Francis Weaver
John Robert Wilson
with high honors
Jana Kay Wobser
James Ronald Zachary
Michael George Zink
with honors
with honors
Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Engineering
Major Field: Civil Engineering
Alexander George Margevicius
David Noble Brewer
Eva Eliose Danies
Cassandra Hamvas
Michael James Herceg
Alan Paul Larson
with honors
Jesse Nadel
Leo William Newmark
Vambola Michael Raig
Jeffrey Lee Rutledge
Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Engineering
Major Field: Computer Engineering
Rohita Chaganlal
Neal Michael Gafter
Dan Brian Goldish
Randolph Eliot Harr
Herman Robert Kenna
with high honors
with high honors
with honors
Robert Drew Redford
Marc Howard Slaughter
Milan Sremac
with honors
with high honors
Margaret Doyle Sullivan
Abdellatif Tchantchane
with honors
with honors
Donald Paul Levine
Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Engineering
Major Field: Electrical Engineering
Toufik Aidja
with honors
with honors
with honors
Brian James Coan
Afshin Samimi Daryoush
Ahmed Debab
James Peter Delatore
Kamran Moallemi
Said Oucheriah
with honors
with honors
with highest honors
Nour Eddine Derouiche
Michael Joseph Folise
John Carl Gibbons
with high honors
Laurence Brett Glass
Michael Allen Globig
with highest honors
with high honors
Douglas Bruce Gordon
with highest honors
with high honors
with high honors
with honors
with highest honors
Mohamed Rekkas
Zine Rif
Joseph John Riznar
Abdallah Sadaoui
David Richard Stepien
Linda Kay Ferry-Routzahn
Laleh Ramezani
Douglas Allen Reece
Ronald Adam Sartschev
Robert Allen Seymour
Robert Anthony Soltis
Roger G. Derr
John Dolinsky, Jr.
Herbert James Erhardt
Joel Joseph Grodstein
Ruth Theresa Holliday
Mark John Karol
with highest honors
Brent Joseph Kecskemety
Farrokh Khatibi
Walter Allen Kuhn
Abdelhamid Lamara
El-Hadi Boukercha
Robert Allen Carey
Juan Antonio Caro
Laid Chennoufi
Michael Anthony Chmura
with honors
Bachir Aziz Karaoui
Michael William AlthaI'
Abdelhakim Bahloul
John Michael Bajzik
Steven Gerard Belovich
Afif Bouhenni
J ae Wook Kang
with honors
with high honors
with honors
Clifford Arthur Stevens, Jr. with high honors
Charles Everett Strawbridge
with highest honors
Timothy Tucker
Donald William Wapenski
Carole Elaine Warner
Harry Ernest Woodell
Azzedine Zerguine
with highest honors
with honors
with high honors
with honors
Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Engineering
Major Field: Fluid and Thermal Sciences
Vincent Joseph Bilardo, Jr.
with honors
with honors
Gary Paul Yoho
Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Engineering
Major Field: Mechanical Engineering
Joseph Eric Braymer
Scott Stuart Brown
Jerome Francis Drda
with high honors
with honors
Bruce Klaus Forster
Allen Mark Friedman
Douglas David Gaj
Mark John Goodman
with high honors
Karl James Lieberman
Oral Gaius Lyons
Christopher Steven Pedicini
Majid Rashidi
Steve George Rezonja, Jr.
Esther Rivera
Matt Douglas Strehle
Cuong The Vuong
John Esau Williams
Eric Leonard Holizna
Joseph Hyunchuyl Kang
Eric David Kessler
with high honors
with high honors
Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Engineering
Major Field: Metallurgy and Materials Science
Diane Elaine Morley
Duane Charles Basch
Keith John Bowman
Theodore Michael Bryson
Peter Alexis dePoutiloff
Joseph Kenneth Doychak
Steven Richard Rodgers
Steven Drew Schneider
with honors
Keith James Smith
Dale Randall Wilt
Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Engineering
Major Field: Polymer Science
James Thorburn Beck
Thomas Joseph Botzman
with honors
J. Brendan Dooley, Jr.
Gary Michael Fariss
Alan Robert Federl
with honors
Jacqueline Ann Kershaw
Terry Alan Natale
Perry James Sherman
Roy Eugene Smith
with honors
with high honors
with honors
Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Engineering
Major Field: Systems and Control Engineering
Michael Thomas Carey
Bruce Alan Phillips
with honors
Case Institute of Technology
Degrees Conferred August 20, 1980
Bachelor of Science in Mathematics
Samuel Jacob Leffler
with high honors
Bachelor of Science in Engineering
Major Field: Chemical Engineering
Neal Gerard Christoph
with honors
Kathleen Marie Repinski
Thomas Patrick English
Bachelor of Science in Engineering
Major Field: Computer Engineering
David Raymond Gross
Scott Edward Stricker
Bachelor of Science in Engineering
Major Field: Electrical Engineering
Steven Bohdan Bibyk
with high honors
Gerard Gregory Skebe
Gabor Laszlo Lutor
Bachelor of Science in Engineering
Major Field: Mechanical Engineering
Geoffrey Roger Marquand
Hannes Schmiedlechner
Bachelor of Science in Engineering
Major Field: Metallurgy and Materials Science
Jon Joel Schneider
Michael Edward McHenry
Bachelor of Science in Engineering
Major Field: Polymer Science
Vincent Michael Genova
Case Institute of Technology
Degrees Conferred January 7, 1981
Bachelor of Science in Chemistry
Kevin Reed Kidder
Daniel Allen Singleton
with highest honors
Matthew Ben Zimmt
with honors
with highest honors
Bachelor of Science in Applied Physics
Steven William Koch
Bachelor of Science in Physics
Robert David Clary
Paul Joseph Elkmann
Bachelor of Science in Management
with honors
David Candler Entreken
Christopher Herman Neubecker
Bachelor of Science in Engineering
Major Field: Biomedical Engineering
Robert Marc Fitzer
Rebecca Susan Robinson
Bachelor of Science in Engineering
Major Field: Chemical Engineering
Barrett Joseph Fuhrmann
Jeffrey Alan Gir'imont
Lynn Satterthwaite
Majid Keyvani
Adkins Guda
with honors
with honors
Bachelor of Science in Engineering
Major Field: Civil Engineering
David Rees Gillette
with highest honors
Kenneth Mehard Haber III
Michael Wayne Leary
Gary Patrick Marshall
with honors
Wesley John Pinchot
Seth Benjamin Stern
with honors
Bachelor of Science in Engineering
Major Field: Computer Engineering
Robert John Cox
Arlen Vernon Hall
Dariush Majd
with highest honors
Scott Alan Witzke
Bachelor of Science in Engineering
Major Field: Electrical Engineering
Brahim Benmessaoud
Phillip Allen Freshour
Nedyalko Vladimirov Ivanov
Grover Lamar Larkins, Jr.
Michael Gary Maxwell
with honors
Russell Jay Nash
William Eugene Ryan
Timothy Alan Taubert
with honors
Bachelor of Science in Engineering
Major Field: Fluid and Thermal Sciences
Mark Stephen Jurkovich
with high honors
Bachelor of Science in Engineering
Major Field: Mechanical Engineering
Randall Blake Furnas
Mary Genevieve Marquard
Mark Cameron Karpoff
Bachelor of Science in Engineering
Major Field: Metallurgy and Materials Science
John Thomas Eastman, Jr.
Robert Wayne Kittridge
Cynthia Ellen Sparer
Karl Robert Ziegler
with high honors
Bachelor of Science in Engineering
Major Field: Systems Engineering
John David Rezabek
with honors
Case Institute of Technology
Honors, Prizes and Awards
Elected to Tau Beta Pi. Excellence in scholarship, leadership and
Elected to Membership
as Juniors in 1980
Robert Geoffrey Byrnes
Karl Vincent Jacob
Michael Allen Globig
Douglas Bruce Gordon
Mark Stephen Jurkovich
James Robert Gunderman
Kalon Hoh
Mark John Karol
Mark Gregory Reichmann
William Robert Kovach
James Stephen Papanu
David Channing Preston
Charles Everett Strawbridge
Ronald Charles Bernotas
Douglas Jerome Campbell
James Peter Delatore
Laurence Brett Glass
Elected to Membership
Clifford Arthur Stevens, Jr.
Timothy Tucker
as Seniors in December
Mark Anthony Bisignani
Robert Joseph Brinkmann
Donald Lyle Koch
Maria Luchenitser
Gregory Allen Crawford
Kevin Phillip Olmstead
Patricia Ann Overmyer
Michael Alan Crecca
Douglas David Gaj
Albin John Gasiewski
Evalyn Irene Gates Pelander
David Karl Peterson
Walter Allen Kuhn
Harry Ernest W oodell
Elected to Membership
as Seniors in April 1981
Jeffrey Lynn Bence
Ramon Alejandro Gomez
Robert Allen Seymour
Perry James Sherman
Thomas Walter Krucek
Jeffrey Thomas Vanderlip
Senior Awards Ceremony
was held at 11 :00 a.m., May 19 in Strosacker
The Monroe J. Bahnsen Award. To Seniors for achievement in
Chemical Engineering Design and Research Projects.
Robert Joseph Brinkmann
The Nellie Chittenden Carlton Prize. To a Senior majoring in
Management Science whose outstanding work in the general field of
economics shows the greater promise of leadership.
Kevin Patrick Croke
The Wall Street Journal Award. To the outstanding Senior student
in Management Science.
Joseph Paul Wcislo
The Mark Bernstein Memorial Award. To Seniors in Biomedical
Engineering for outstanding academic achievement and
personal qualities,
David Channing Preston
Joseph Michael Schmitt
The Eta Kappa Nu-I.E.E.E. Award. To the outstanding Senior in
Electrical Engineering.
Douglas Allen Reece
The Jennings Award. To a Senior for excellence in Computer
Engineering and Science.
Rohita Chaganlal
The W. Bruce Johnson Memorial Award. To the outstanding Senior in
Electrical Sciences.
Herbert James Erhardt
The Hal Loranger Award for Polymer Science. To the outstanding
Senior in Polymer Science.
Perry James Sherman
The Samuel Maron Memorial Award. To an undergraduate
for excellence in Polymer Research.
Jacqueline Ann Kershaw
The Craig J. Miller Memorial Award. Awarded to an undergraduate
or graduate student in the general field of Civil Engineering who
has shown outstanding academic achievement.
Robert Mark Ferencz, Graduate Student
The Lubrizol Award in Chemistry.
Matthew Ben Zimmt
The Lubrizol Prize in Physics. To the outstanding Senior in Physics.
David Paul Bennett
Saad Eddine Hebboul
The Dayton C. Miller Prize. To a Senior in Physics for the best thesis.
Saad Eddine Hebboul
The Max Morris Prize. For excellence in Mathematics.
Edward James Branagan, Jr.
Kevin Gregory Robertson
The Jason J. Nassau Prize. To the outstanding Senior in Astronomy.
Stephen Jackson Ratcliff
The Carl F. Prutton Prize. To Seniors for scholarship in Chemistry.
Ronald Charles Bernotas
Daniel Allen Singleton
The Carl F. Prutton Chemical Engineering Award. To the Senior whose
academic and senior project performance merits his/ her selection
as outstanding.
Patricia Ann Overmyer
The William H. Schuette Memorial Award. To Seniors in
Chemical Engineering for outstanding academic achievement,
character and leadership qualities.
Mark Gregory Reichmann
Chemical Engineering Special Recognition Awards.
William Robert Kovach
Kevin Phillip Olmstead
Richard George Russell
The Robert L. Shurter Prize. To a Senior for leadership in extra
curricular activities.
Ruprecht Harvard Gravenstein
LaBarre B Spence
Carole Elaine Warner
The A. W. Smith Prize. To Senior for academic achievement in
Chemical Engineering in the Junior and Senior years.
Donald Lyle Koch
James Stephen Papanu
The Wesley P. Sykes Prize. To the Senior in Metallurgy for outstanding
ability in scientific research.
Duane Charles Basch
The Fred Hale Vose Prize. To the Senior in Mechanical Engineering
who has demonstrated the greatest promise for professional leadership.
Joseph Eric Braymer
The Gustav Kuerti Award. To the Senior in Mechanical & Aerospace
Engineering who has demonstrated the highest level of scholarship.
Cuong The Vuong
The Michael L. Wolf Prize. To a Senior for outstanding creative design
Farrokh Khatibi
The Robert and Leona Garwin Award. To a Junior or Senior who has
demonstrated theoretical scientific ability with experimental
Douglas Jerome Campbell
James Eric Holcomb
Alexander Douglas Meade
The Philip E. Bliss Prize for scholarly excellence. To the Seniors
attaining the highest academic record.
Robert Geoffrey Byrnes
Mark John Karol
The Kent H. Smith Award. Awarded by the Case Student Assembly
to the Senior outstanding in leadership, scholarship and character.
Jacqueline Ann Kershaw
The Case Achievement Award. To outstanding alumnus.
Eric Nord
This digital copy was produced by the Case Western Reserve University Archives Senior
Milestones Project.
The Senior Milestones Project aims to enhance access to archival documents reflective of
undergraduate student life. Phase 1, conducted in 2006-2007, produced digital copies of the
senior yearbooks and Commencement programs of the classes of 1946, 1951, 1956, 1981, 1996,
and 2001 of Adelbert College, Case School of Applied Science/Case Institute of Technology/The
Case School of Engineering, Cleveland College, Flora Stone Mather College, and Western
Reserve College/College of Arts and Sciences.
These years represent a tiny portion of yearbooks and Commencement programs in the Archives.
As additional resources are identified, milestone documents of other classes will be digitized.
Original documents from the University Archives were scanned as 300 ppi, black and white,
uncompressed, TIFF images. Blank pages were not scanned. Scanning was done by Lake
Business Products, Eastlake, Ohio. The images were OCR’d using Readiris Pro version 11.0.3
and converted to PDF/A using Acrobat Professional version 8.0 by staff and students of the
University Archives.
Project Staff:
Lauren Boucher
Helen Conger
Amber Forrester
Thomas Steman
Jill Tatem, Project Manager
Tran Tran
Please send questions or comments to
University Archives
Case Western Reserve University
Commencement programs are distributed at the convocation ceremony held to honor graduating
students. They list the speakers and participants in the ceremony, student and faculty awards, and
honorary degree recipients. Numerous actions subsequent to printing the program affect degrees.
Thus, the presence of a name in the Commencement program should not be interpreted as an
official verification of a degree. Nor should the absence of a name from the program be
considered proof that a student did not graduate. Commencement programs celebrate an event.
Degree verifications are made by the Case Western Reserve University Registrar.
This document is in the public domain.