APPLICATION FOR EMPLOYMENT This generic application is .provided by WorkSource Washington. This form complies with federal and state laws against discrimination; however, employers,using this form should check local ordininces. WorkSource Washington and Washington State Employment Securit,; are 1ot responsible for the mjsuse of information provided on this form. Provide all infonnation requested 6y printing in ihr br typing. Usi the 'TAB' key to move through the document. GENERAL INFORMATION Name (Last) (First) ACrdress (Maiting Address) (city) E-Mail (Middle lnitial) Home Telephone () (zip) (State) other Telephone () Address - .....Are you legally entitled to worX in the U.S.? n Yes n ruo POSITION Position Or Type Or empryrnentEEGiEE' WillAccept: Are you able to perform the essential functions of the job you are applying for, with or without reasonable accommodationl f] yes f] No 5arary ueslred n I f] shift: E Part-time I rutt-lime oay swing Graveyard I l-l Rotatinq Temporary Date Available EDUCATION AND TRATNING High School Graduate Or General Education (GED) Test passed? lf no, list the highest grade completed [ yes n No College, Business School, Military (tV6st recent first) Name and Location Dates Attended Month/Year Credits Earned Quarterly or Other Semester (Specify) Hours From Graduate Degree & Year Major or Subject n Yes ENo D Yes ENo D Yes nruo To From To From To From n Yes E To t'lo Ltcense, certificate or Registration Number Where lssued Expiration Date License, Certificate or Registration Number Where lssued Expiration Date uccupattonat License, Certificate or Registration Number Where lssued Expiration Date Languages Read, Written or Spoken Fluenfly Other Than English VETERAN INFORMATION SPECIAL SKILLS nent skills and EMS 10171 CC 7540-032 635 ESD 1999 Rev.12l30l1i) WORK EXPERIENCE (lnclude Employer work and TeteDhone Number ( From (Month/Year) Job Title Number Employees SuPervised To (Month/Year) Recent I Hours PerWeek Last Salary Supervisor ' May We Reason For Leaving' Contact Tnrs EmPloYer?- Employer Telephone Number ( From (MonthlYear) Job Title Number Employees Supervised To (Month/Year) Hours PerWeek Last Salary Supervisor f,rf Reason For Leaving "V w" Contact This Employer? Employer Yes n No To (Month/Year) Number Employees Su Pervised Job Title fl From (Month/Year) Specifrc Outies (Maximum 1000 characters) Hours Per Week Last Salary Supervisor *r*"Contu"t@ Reason For Leaving ( From (Month/Year) Employer Telephone Number Job Title Number EmPloyees SuPervised ) To (Monthffear) @racters) Hours Per Week Last Salary Supervisor *.V Reason For Leaving *" contact rhis tqg9l".Ltr-Y"t nL I understand that, if employed' false certify the information contained in this application is true, correct, and complete, dismissal' statements reported on this application may be considered sufficient cause for I Date Signature of APPI I nterviewer's Comments: a"*irl"ry "iai are ed;Cpportuni-ty emPloyers and and services are available to persons with disabilities upon request, and training