I`m greenTM polyethylene
I`m greenTM polyethylene
Sugarcane Polyolefins Adding value through the use of I’m greenTM polyethylene Fullplast Julio, 2013 Agenda Braskem & Brazil: Unique framework for green chemicals development Sugarcane based sustainable pillars Polyolefins: Innovation based on Green PE success cases : comunication and value creation of the I’m greenTM polyethylene Braskem: Largest thermoplastic resins producer in Americas and global leader in biopolymers Production Capacity - 36 industrial units PE 3 MM mt; PP 4 MM mt; PVC 0,7 MM mt Bahia - Brazil Rio de Janeiro - Brazil United States 1 cracker 1 cracker 5 PP Neal | La Porte | 4 PE 1 PE Marcus Hook | Freeport | 1 PP 1 PP Seadrift 1 PVC Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil 1 Chlorine Soda 1 cracker Alagoas - Brazil 1 Green Ethylene 2 PVC 5 PE 1 Chlorine Soda 2 PP São Paulo - Brazil Projects Industrial Presence 2 cracker Germany 2 PP Wesseling | Schkopau Mexico Start up 2015 1 cracker (1 Mt/y ethylene) 3 PE (1 Mt/y PE) 2 PE 2 PP Source: Braskem Braskem’s positioning on Sustainability Eco-efficiency indicators – Braskem Brazil Effluent Generation (m³/t) 1,94 Resídue Generation (kg/t) -32% 2002 1,32 5,78 -61% 2002 2,28 2012 2011 Public commitment (2002) Energy Consumption (GJ/t) 11,90 2002 -11% 10,59 Water Consumption* (m3/t) 4,14 2002 2012 +2% 4,23 2012 * Major ongoing projects / goals of reducing the indicator below the index for 2002: use of rainwater in the Northeastern Complex (+ 12% in the rate of water reuse); sewage treatment for use as cooling water equipment in the ABC site Vision 2020 Manifesto on climate change (2009) Sustainable operations and resources Sustainability pillars Sustainable portfolio of products SOURCE: Braskem https://ssl-w08dnn0177.websiteseguro.com/braskem1/Portal/Principal/Arquivos/Download/Upload/Compromisso_Publico_Ingles_74.pdf http://www.braskem.com.br/Portal/Principal/Arquivos/Html/Documentos/Manifesto_braskem_English.pdf Social responsibility Brazil: Favorable aspects for the development of “Green Economy” The largest watershed in the world Agenda Braskem & Brazil: Unique framework for green chemicals development Sugarcane based sustainable pillars Polyolefins: Innovation based on Green PE success cases : comunication and value creation of the I’m greenTM polyethylene There are different types of biopolymers and Braskem defined its focus Braskem focus on biopolymers Bio-based or fossil Raw material Bio-based New chemical Similarity to existing products Drop-in, no switching cost for clients Non-recyclable Recyclability Fully recyclable Emits CO2 CO2 footprint Captures CO2 I’m greenTM polyethylene : A renewable sourced alternative to traditional polyethylene Renewable Polyethylene Green Polyethyle plant profile Capacity: 200 kty Investiment (Green Ethylene Plant): US$ 290 MM - Between 2009 and 2010 Start-up: september/2010 Location: Triunfo Petrochemical Complex, RS Sinergy with existing assets: The polymerization process is made on plants shared with Petrochemical PE production Portfolio: LLDPE and HDPE; investiments to enable LDPE in 2013 Main Markets: operating in differents segments of markets in Brazil, USA, Europe and Asia I’m greenTM Polyethylene Cycle from cradle to cradle Ethanol CH3-CH2OH At the distillery, the sugar juice is fermented and distillated to produce ethanol Ethylene CH2=CH2 Through the dehydration, the ethanol is transformed in ethylene Sugarcane The sugarcane crop metabolizes the CO2 to produce sucrose Very Favorable Ecoprofile* Recycling The I’m greenTM polyethylene is recyclable in the same chain established for fossil PE (Mechanical / Incineration) Carbon capture greenTM The I’m polyethylene is transformed in final products by the same processes and machinery that already exists for fossil PE Green PE [CH2=CH2]n The ethylene is polymerized in shared polyethylene production unities I’m greenTM polyethylene has the chemical and physical properties than petrochemical polyethylene Fully identical technical and recyclable properties Oil Petrochemical Polyethylene Sugarcane Drop-in: does not require investment for plastic transformers Can be recycled in the same stream already established for the petrochemical PE Recycled products can also be incorporated in the converter’s production systems I’m greenTM polyethylene Land use: from sugarcane to I’m greenTM polyethylene produces 1 Hectare of land produce ~77 tons of Sugarcane(1) produce ~6700 liters of Ethanol(1) produce ~3 tons of Green Ethylene(2) ~3 tons of I’m greenTM Polyethylene (2) Braskem’s capacity of I’m greenTM polyethylene production: 200 kton/year 460 millions liters of Ethanol = approx. 68 thousand hectares <2,0% of Brazilian ethanol production (1) NIPE/UNICAMP/UNICA (2) Braskem’s project data ~0,02% of Brazilian arable land Brazil is the largest producer of sugarcane and there are still land available for the expansion of local agriculture Brazil is already the largest producer of sugarcane with one of the highest yields in the world. Country Production Million ton1 671 Brazil India China Productivity ton/ha 285 116 79 64 68 72 Pakistan 67 50 Mexico 49 70 Colombia 39 101 Australia 31 80 Thailand There is still a good availability of land in Brazil, USA and Russia, unlike India and China 49 1 2010 data SOURCE: FAOSTAT; Crystalsev; Sindpeças; Global Insight; Bear Stearns; McKinsey analysis I’m greenTM polyethylene : a sustainability journey Phase 3 In progress Specific LCA Phase 0 Jul/07 Eco-efficiency analyses conducted by Fundação Espaço ECO based on secondary data Phase 1 Sep/10 Phase 2 Apr/11 > x% biobased > x% biobased verified by ASTM D6866 certified by Vinçotte 1. LCA cradle to gate • According to ISO 14040/44 • Critical panel review • Primary data 2. Water footprint 3. Land-use change assessment LCA LUC WFP Responsible Sourcing - Commitment with sugarcane production chain Braskem’s Code of Conduct for Ethanol Suppliers - Good practices governing the relationship between the parties and the production process Agro Environment Land Use Environmental zoning Agro-environmental Protocol Code of Conduct to Ethanol Suppliers Commitment to Brazilian Laws Social Responsible Sourcing: Operation pillars of Braskem’s Code of Conduct for Ethanol Suppliers Biodiversity Code of Conduct Pillars Availability of data for the LCA Cane burning Good Environme ntal Practices Human and Labor Rights • The Code of Conduct is fully aligned with the Brazilian laws and regulations and with the principles of sustainable development • In order to guarantee an international alignment with government and NGOs, Braskem requested a 3rd party validation • Ethanol suppliers are also audited by a third party; I’m greenTM polyethylene presents a favorable Carbon Footprint Carbon Footprint – Project data From cradle to Braskem’s factory gate (t CO2 eq. / t polymer) PS Gen. Purpose1 3,4 Petrochemical PE1 2,1 2,0 Green PP2 Green PE2 -2,3 -2,5 Petrochemical PP1 Δ vs Petro = 4,3 Δ vs Petro = 4,6 200 kty of green PE ~ 920 thousand tons of CO2 avoided/ year ~ emissions produced by 1 million cars per year3 1Plastics Europe 2Preliminary 3Based Ecoeficiency Analysis - Espaço ECO Foundation on the CO2 emissions of a car powered by a 1.0-liter gasoline engine that is driven 15 km per day for one year. Source: 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse I’m greenTM polyethylene current portfolio: HDPE and LLDPE HDPE Blow Molding HDPE Injection HDPE Film HDPE Fiber Extrusion LLDPE Film LLDPE Wire & Cable Co-monomers butene and hexene are still fossil based Wide portfolio of I’m greenTM polyethylene with the new low density family launch HDPE LLDPE LDPE • Slurry Bimodal • Gas Phase Monomodal • Homo & Copo • Gas Phase • Butene & Hexene • Autoclave • Tubular Synergies between families also allow achieving higher renewable content in processed products Agenda Braskem & Brazil: Unique framework for green chemicals development Sugarcane based sustainable pillars Polyolefins: Innovation based on Green PE success cases : comunication and value creation of the I’m greenTM polyethylene I’m greenTM brand and seal Value proposition The brand I'm greenTM identifies Braskem's portfolio of products made from renewable sources, p. ex., " I'm greenTM polyethylene"; The seal can be applied in products that uses the I’m greenTM polyethylene; To communicate clearly and safely the use of I’m green polyethylene TM; Educate the consumer for conscious consumption by identifiyng the products that use I’m greenTM polyethylene; To create a synergic platform among the products that use the I’m greenTM polyethylene Printed Media – I’m greenTM polyethylene positioning Retail Brazil point of sale - I’m greenTM polyethylene positioning Retail Brazil point of sale - I’m greenTM polyethylene positioning Retail International point of sale - I’m greenTM polyethylene positioning Printed Media – I’m greenTM polyethylene positioning Awards won in 2012 for the products that use I’m greenTM polyethylene Grandes Cases de Embalagem - 2012 MAJOR CASES OF PACKAGING Awarded to J&J due to the new Sundown packages, that use both I’m greenTM polyethylene (60%) and PCR PE (40%) Guia Exame de Sustentabilidade - 2012 EXAME SUSTAINABILITY GUIDE Awarded to K&C due to the new packaging of Neve, that uses 60% of I’m greenTM polyethylene in its formulation. It also uses more compact rolls, allowing the transport of more products in the same truck Les Oscars de l’emballage - 2012 PACKAGING OSCARS Awarded to L’Occitane due to the use of I’m greenTM polyethylene in its Bonne Mère line bottles. The packaging is also recognized for providing the user more easily trough the use o pump. Other examples of brands and seals used to identify the I’m greenTM polyethylene in the product EUA EUA BRASIL EUROPA I’m greenTM polyethylene Europe Ecover Amsterdam ArenA LIQUID DETERGENT STADIUM SEATS L’Occitane LIQUID SOAP Plastic Omnium TRASH CAN & BIN BAGS Tetra Pak Sphere LIDS FOR CARTONS GARBAGGE BAGS Papier -Mettler SHOPPING BAGS McCain FROZEN POTATOES I’m greenTM polyethylene North America Procter & Gamble PANTENE NATURE FUSION Danone STONYFIELD Coca Cola ODWALLA I’m greenTM polyethylene South America Tigre Kimberly Clark ECOLOGICAL GRID FOR DRAIN NEVE Danone DANONINHO & ACTIVIA MSA V-GARD HELMET Natura Prysmian CONDITIONERS AND REFILLS AFUMEX GREEN Adimax MAGNUS ECO Faber Castell PENCIL CASE I’m greenTM polyethylene South America Ecomotion ROTOMOLDED KAYAKS BASF AGROCHEMICAL CONTAINERS Adimax MAGNUS ECO J&J SUNDOWN I’m greenTM polyethylene Asia and Oceania Yuhan Kimberly Ajinomoto DIAPERS PACKAGING Calpis DRINK PACKAGING Shiseido COSMETICS LIDS Kao STAND-UP POUCH Morinaga INTERN STRAW I’m greenTM polyethylene Asia and Oceania Aeon BASKETS AND BAGS Nepia PACKAGING FOR TISSUES Mitsubishi AUTOMOTIVE CARPETS Nature Organics CLEANING PRODUCTS BubblePack BUBBLE PLASTIC Sugarcane Polyolefins Adding value through the use of I’m greenTM polyethylene July, 2013 claudia.cappra@braskem.com Phone: 55 11 98689-4431