Digital Signage
Digital Signage
Digital Signage Welcome Android DS Player Box The Digital Signage Route Planner is designed to assist ISE attendees in locating exhibitors and training sessions taking place at ISE in this specific area of technology. Areas covered include: Display Technology; Content Management; Retail Solutions and Global Advertising. Simply study the hall plans on the following pages of the Digital Signage Route Planner and make a note of the highlighted stands. The accompanying listing will show which companies are occupying each location. Also shown is a selection of the Professional Development sessions connected to this topic so that attendees can plan their visit around them if required. n WiFi n Ethernet n Android 4.2 Cloud based CMS with lowest cost of ownership Designed for: VISIT US AT HALL 8 STAND 8K271 n Franchises and retail chains n Hospitality n Schools and Universities n Public Places n Administrations The Official n Etc.. Digital Signage Route Planner The Official ISE 2015 Digital Signage Route Planner Airgoo MiniPlayer Box 21/01/2015 20:03 Digital Signage: Professional Development highlights The Future of Digital Signage - latest trends in display, software and connected technologies Instore Analytics – Improve the ROI of your DS solution and enhance customer experience at the same time 10 February 2015, 13:00-13:30 12 February 2015, 13:00-14:00 (Room: D204) Room: ISE Commercial Solutions Theatre Speaker: Florian Rotberg, Invidis Consulting Presented by: InfoComm International Speaker: Daniel Gasser, Partner, Relevance Analytics GmbH Exhibitors at ISE 2015 will again showcase the newest displays, most advanced media players, digital signage software and other technologies. We will look at the newest trends and products, check how they match the need of today’s clients and what to expect from the future. What else does it need beyond the technology to offer a full digital signage solution. The perfect start to your ISE visit 2015. Digital signage investments are growing at a rapid pace, and new technologies are delivering fantastic opportunities to improve customer experiences and more revenue. But how do you determine if your investment in digital signage is achieving results? Is your content improving the customer experience? How do you measure the digital signage investment in terms of increased sales? Are there ways of leveraging your company’s investment in on-line marketing to improve that in your stores? What are the opportunities generally forgotten with digital signage deployments? What are fast and easy ways to improve your ROI in digital signage? 10 February 2015, 14:30-15:00 Presented by: InfoComm International Speaker: Robert Simpson, Founder Director, Electrosonic The session is divided into four sections. The first is a refresher tutorial on such topics as visual acuity, the photopic luminosity function, contrast sensitivity function, temporal modulation transfer function and chromaticity. These are then related to display performance. Particular emphasis is given to existing and forthcoming standards in respect of the contrast performance of both flat panel and projected images. A review of the implications of BT2020 and the introduction of high frame rates. The second section is devoted to flat panel displays. Brief mention is made of many flat panel technologies that have fallen by the wayside, have not yet become well established, or are not mainstream (PDP, electroluminescent, electro-wetting, MEMS, FED, electrophoretic, OLED, etc.). The main emphasis is on LCDs and LED displays. Besides explaining how these displays work, it explains what terms like “in-Plane Switching LCD” and “Vertical Alignment LCD” actually mean and reviews the phenomenal progress in LCD and the current state of the art. Similarly it reviews the progress of LED and its move to becoming a high resolution display medium. The third section is devoted to projection. This describes how the main electronic projection technologies (LCD, LCOS and DLP) work, and the range of products available from pico projectors to high power 4K. The hot topic at the moment is “laser,” so an evaluation of illumination technologies (xenon lamp, high pressure mercury lamp, LED, laser and laser phosphor) forms a significant part of this section. The principles and limitations of image blending and warping are described. The final section applications develops some of the topics already presented, for example, the problems presented by the very high data rates required, and introduces some more specialist aspects of displays. Examples include the choice of display technology for control rooms; 3D and autostereoscopic displays, the integration of displays into different environments, giant screen projection and image sources. Room: ISE Commercial Solutions Theatre Speaker: Jody Smith, Product Manager, BroadSign Airgoo Signage AJA Video Systems ALC NetworX Alcons Audio Alcorn McBride Inc. Alfalite Amptec AMX Analog Way ANDSIGN ANDSIGN Anevia ANFLEDS Anoto Antiference Ltd ANTRICA Anxin Science and Tech Co. Ltd AOPEN Europe AOTO Electronics Co. Ltd Apantac AptoVision Aquavision Arbor Media ARCH Archwave Arclite Optronics Corp. Armagard Artixium Asheridge Communications - a Member of Teleste Group Ashly Audio, Inc. ATEÏS Europe BV Aten Atlas Sound Atlona Attero Tech AUDAC - Hearing is Believing Audicom MEA AudioControl Audiopressbox Audipack Auluxa Automation Aurora Multimedia Autonomic AV EMEA BV AV Industry AV Stumpfl AVANZA Corporation AVerMedia Technologies, Inc. Avers Screens Sp. z.o.o. Avitech International Corporation Avnet Embedded 8-K190 3-C82 3-A110 7-W195 5-V90 4-U30 8-E360 8-N265 8-K271 8-R245 7-W210 6-N148 7-V225 8-N275 7-V240 1-F6 11-H58 8-F353 8-F354 11-C65 8-M318 8-K350 6-M160 1-E68 9-G135 10-P142 11-K56 10-S114 10-S122 5-V115 1-E114 11-C90 7-S186 4-S68 8-M182 8-H180 7-E160 11-C84 7-N190 10-R136 7-C190 7-P180 7-P170 4-U35 1-P110 5-R112 1-P3 1-F40, 8-N333 12-B75 4-T18 7-R164 5-R128, 5-S126 2-A65 1-H3, 1-H6, 1-N1 8-H322 10-Q114 4-U60 9-G118 8-E265 Avolites Media Ltd. AVProStore Baanto International Ltd. Bang & Olufsen a/s Baobaz Barco Barix AG Barnfind Technologies UK barox Kommunikation GmbH Basictech Co. Ltd Basys GmbH Bauer Digital Beabloo Beijing JS Technology Co. Ltd Beijing KENSENCE Technology Development Co. Ltd BenQ Europe B.V. Bitvu Black Box Network Services Blackmagic Design Bluesound International Blustream BMB Electronics B.V. Boeckeler Instruments Boston GmbH Bowers & Wilkins BOX IT Design Brand Touch BRAUN Phototechnik GmbH Braunschweiger system elektronik GmbH BrightSign BroadSign International, LLC Broaman Brompton Technology B-Tech International Ltd. Business Source Solutions BXB Electronics Co. Ltd C&T Solution Inc. CABASSE Cablesson Cabletime - IPTV : Streaming : Signage Calibre UK Ltd Canon Europe Ltd Casio Europe GmbH CAT - California Audio Technology CAYIN Technology Co. Ltd Caymon CC Technic Taiwan Co. Ltd Central China Display Labs Ceymsa Audiovisual, S.A. Chainzone Technology (Foshan) Co. Ltd Chengdu Logistics and Trading Investment Co. Ltd Chief Christie Clear-Com ClearOne Cleerline Technology Group Click Effects CloudCasting Corporation Collabora Colorlight COMM Products Technologies COMM-TEC GmbH CONCEPT International GmbH Control4 EMEA Coolux GmbH Cordial GmbH, Sound & Audio Equipment CORE Brands Corepixx Srl Coretronic Corporation n WiFi n Android 4.2 Deploy and manage remotely, multiple locations. Deliver a more effective message at eye-level next to your products Simplifying & Maximizing Digital Signage n Integrated Player with Cloud based CMS All-in-one units: n Complete range 7” to 21” 12 February 2015, 14:30-15:00 n MULTI-TOUCH option Room: ISE Commercial Solutions Theatre Speaker: Micha Risling, Head of the Marketing Committee, HDBaseT Alliance Digital signage is everywhere, and many of us take it for granted. What’s not clear to targeted audiences, though, are the clear complexities behind a successful screen: high costs, reliability, video quality, distance limitations, multi-screens. Up to recently, installers and integrators were limited in their options, and were bound to deal with extremely complex installations which involved high costs and expensive equipment and cables. HDBaseT, a standard for the delivery of highdefinition video, audio, Ethernet, controls and power (up to 100W) over a simple LAN cable, opened a new horizon for these installers, as it simplifies installation (less cables, longer distances) with cost-effective results and benefits. The HDBaseT 2.0 Spec brings increased benefits for digital signage, with new features enabling daisy-chaining, multi-streaming and touch screens. VISIT US AT HALL 8 STAND 8K271 n Linux or Android™ based Airgoo PoS Displays route planner ad.indd 2 Exhibitor List 8-D329 7-V165 8-N210 7-P212 8-K170 8-F300 10-R114 9-F104 10-K122 8-F275 11-F52 4-R18 1-P110 8-R312 8-K340 7-F190 9-D100 1-N80 Display Solutions User interfaces in the digital signage space have never been a hot topic of conversation, perhaps because the industrial design of human-machine interaction isn‘t a sexy subject... Until now. In this session, we will discuss a UI‘s evolution from functionality to usability and how to make complex functions seem very simple to users, often network operators, interacting with interfaces on a daily basis. Additionally, this presentation will expose hidden problems and issues that have become accepted as „the norm“ in our industry but don‘t have to be. Find out what works, what doesn‘t and how to get from point A (the ugly duckling) to B (you know how the story goes). The Official ISE 2015 Digital Signage Route Planner 22MILES Wayfinding 2N Telekomunikace 2Signage 3D STORM / NEWTEK 3d-berlin vr solutions GmbH 3M Touch Systems UK Ltd 7thSense Design Ltd. A.C. Entertainment Technologies Ltd Aavara Innovation Corp Abletech Co. Ltd Absen GmbH ABtUS Singapore Pte Ltd. Aconcept Pro Media BV ActiveMe AD Series Displays Manufacturing Adam Hall GmbH Adder Technology Adeo Screen - Screen Research - Adeo Group Advantech Europe B.V. Adwindow AED group AEQ AF Electronics GmbH Co.KG AGATH SARL AHA Inc Co. Ltd AHA-Systeme Wireless Point-of-sale Edge of Shelf Connected Displays with cloud based CMS The User Interface: Digital Signage‘s Ugly Duckling 10 February 2015, 08:00-12:00 (Room: D403) Sponsored by route planner ad.indd 1 Masterclass with Robert Simpson: Displays of today and tomorrow A joint venture partnership of 8-K300 6-M178 8-E330 7-W170, 7-W180 8-D328 11-F78, 11-H75, 2-A42 8-M245, 8-M250 11-D58 10-R122 8-F312 8-H200 8-D215 8-E310 9-A100 10-K139 4-R50 8-K325 10-P148 7-C170 11-N53 12-A76 1-M16, 1-P15, 1-P19, 1-P85, 1-Q20 9-F106 8-H340 10-K114 8-R200 8-H365 8-K310 8-K275 8-N250, 2-A42 8-N245 7-V240 11-K40 4-R60 6-M158 3-A105 8-D230 5-U116 4-U24 10-P116 4-U64 1-F72 4-S56 5-S92 8-F235 4-U35 1-E72 8-K320 3-A117 9-F130 1-N5 2-C42 1-H50 7-S225 3-A106, 2-A42 5-S100 9-D160 8-E362 11-E61 8-E320 4-R76 2-A42 8-N265 10-N114 1-F120 7-F220 1-N70 6-M154 8-H187 Corning Incorporated Cosento BV Covid Craneworks Oy Ltd Creator Corporation Crestron Crystal Display Systems Limited CTOUCH Europe B.V. Cuanbo Custom Home Europe CYP UK Ltd D3C Daktronics Da-Lite Screen Company, Inc. Dan Dugan Sound Design Data Display Group Datapath Ltd Dataton D-BOX Technologies, Inc. Deepsky Delta Electronics EMEA Deltacast. TV DEMCO CSI Denon Professional Densitron Digital Projection Ltd. dimedis GmbH DirectOut Technologies DISPLAX Multitouch Technologies Display Development, Inc. Display LED Screens Ltd. Display Media Domonetio Draper Inc. DSplay by Cyberstream D-Tools, Inc. DVDO DVIGEAR, Inc. Dynacord DynaScan Technology Inc. Dysten Ltd. easescreen easyLED ECLER Laboratorio de Electroacustica S.A. EDBAK EIKEO EIKI Industrial Co. Ltd eKiosk GmbH EKTA ELAN Home Systems Electrosonic Element One Multimedia GmbH Elivision ELKO EP Elmo Europe SAS Elo Touch Solutions Encoded Media UK Limited Ensemble Designs, Inc Enterprise Channels MEA Epiphan Systems Epson Europe B.V. Equitel S.A. Evertz UK EVN electronic components GmbH EVS Expromo Europe Exterity Ltd eyefactive GmbH eyevis GmbH Famasete Fida Fischer & Kerrn A/S FlatFrog Laboratories AB Fonestar Fonix Display Foreground LED Europe 8-E173 5-U92 4-V68 8-E318 8-N330 2-C24, 2-E24, 2-E36 8-M252 1-F100 2-E70 1-P58 4-U65 7-P175 8-N181, 8-N184 2-C42 7-C174 10-N129 11-E57 11-F80 1-P58 8-D265 9-F111 8-E210 8-E185 9-F146 8-N335 1-F60 8-F245 7-V245 8-H252 1-P58 11-K40 8-E187 11-M40 12-B71 1-M70 8-E270 1-P58 1-P58 1-F44 3-A81 11-P64 8-E345 8-F180 8-H115 7-H180 1-N120 8-F320 1-F42 8-K274 11-E52 1-N70 4-U25 9-F129 8-R240 1-Q10 4-R75 8-K227 11-D60 9-G132 8-H368 9-D111 1-H75 8-H373 10-N146 10-P155 8-H110 8-E171, 8-E180 11-E60 8-K290 2-C66 1-Q72 8-E240 8-R200 8-H355 7-X200 11-E90 8-F270 Foshan Nationstar Optoelectronics Co. Ltd Fougerolle Four Winds Interactive FSC Global Ltd - Electric Cable Suppliers Worldwide Full Ri-An Co. Ltd Fusion Research Future Ready Solutions Futurerobot Co. Ltd GDS / Hantarex - Global Display Solutions Spa Gefen LLC Genee World Giada Gira Giersiepen GmbH & Co. KG Global Cache Inc. GLUX Goget AB Goldkabel GmbH Grassfish Marketing Technologies GmbH Great Hon. Enterprise Co. Ltd Green Hippo Green-Go GSD CO. Ltd Guangzhou Shirui Electronics Co. Ltd Guntermann & Drunck GmbH GWS Technology (shenzhen) Co. Ltd HAGOR Products GmbH Haivision Hall Research Hangzhou Gaoke Industry & Trade Co. Ltd Hangzhou ISmart Video Tech Co. Ltd Hangzhou Multi-Color Optoelectronics Co. Ltd Hank Electronics Ltd Hanshin International Ltd Harman Professional HB-Laserkomponenten GmbH HD Connectivity Ltd. HDanywhere HDBaseT Alliance Hibino Corporation Highlands Technologies Solutions Hitachi Europe Ltd Holdan Limited Holocube Huawei Technologies Nederland B.V. Huizhou DESAY Intelligent Technology Co. Ltd HUMElab i3 | interactive integrated inspiring IAdea Corporation IBASE Technology Inc. iBoardTouch Limited ICE Cable Systems ID-AL by Waves System IDK Corporation Ihiji IHSE GmbH iiyama International ILS - Intelligent Lectern Systems bv IMECON Engineering Improve In akustik GmbH Co& KG Infinitus INFITEC GmbH InFocus Corporation Ingram Micro Innes Innovative Europe Inputech Signage GmbH Installog Limited Institute of Sound and Communications Engineers Ltd Intel Corporation Inter-M 8-H273 3-B140 8-N185 5-V92 8-M342 10-N114 1-P58 8-D350 11-H47 1-M45, 2-A42 7-T190 8-N263 7-N176 12-B86, 2-A42 11-F38 8-E338 1-Q110 2-A42, 8-N250 7-X215 8-K305 7-C235 8-D330 8-M190 8-N280 8-H251 11-F58 6-M174 3-A130 4-V22 9-D158 8-R195 7-W160 8-N200 1-F6 8-K225 5-R114 5-R114 7-E190 8-F250 10-P136 4-S34 6-M164 11-C42, 11-C38 9-B150 11-C63 8-H280 11-C62 8-H325 8-K210 10-P144 2-E40 8-E305 9-C111 10-N114 10-R120 10-K146 1-E78, 1-E80 8-E225 8-L395 5-U110 8-M200 4-U23 9-C140 10-K150 8-H220 DL-230 8-F360 5-U108 7-W245 8-K182 7-D177 Intopix InventDesign iRoom GmbH intelligente Technik Java Technologies Co. Ltd Jetway Information Co. Ltd Jiangsu Baihong Audio Video Technology Co. Ltd JM Supplies JoeCo Ltd Jones designs Jung, Albrecht GmbH & Co.KG Jupiter Systems Just Add Power Just Lamps Ltd KEF / GP Acoustics GmbH Kelly International Corp. Kenzan Kern & Stelly Medientechnik GmbH Key Digital Kindermann GmbH Kindwin Opto Electronic Co. Ltd Kinglight Kiosk Solutions KIRRON light components GmbH & Co KG Konka E-display Co. Ltd Kramer Electronics Ltd. Krika Kunshan Hongjie Electronics Co. Ltd KXWELL Solutions PTE LTD LANG AG Laserworld AG Lawo AG LDA Audio Tech Leaf LED Screens Direct Ledcon Systems GmbH LedGo BV Ledman Optoelectronic Co. Ltd Legamaster International BV Leviton Security & Automation Lex System LG Electronics Lifecycle Solution Finance Lightking Lightware Visual Engineering Lindy Linsn Technology Linso LionDATA Europe Loxit Ltd. Lumens Digital Optics Inc. Lumi Legend Corporation Luminex NV Luxibel LUXUL Macroblock, Inc. Marshall Electronics Mass Fidelity Matrox Electronic Systems GmbH Media Facade medianet Mediascreen Bildkommunikation GmbH Merging Technologies SA Metra Home Theater Group Middle Atlantic Products Mitsubishi Electric Europe MMT | Hypebox Mode-AL Limited ModernSolid Industrial Co. Ltd Monitor Audio Ltd. Morpheus MSTR Brand MTE Inc. Multibrackets Europe AB 10-K121 11-D93 5-U72 7-V212 8-H196 8-E315 8-R300 7-K190 1-P58 12-E86 2-A52 5-R114, 2-A42 1-H100 11-C66 8-N318 8-E370 1-Q75 5-S123 1-M80 11-C52 8-H240 8-E361 3-A121 11-P58 1-F20 12-C70 8-K280 6-M162 1-N53 8-K225 7-W210 7-M220 10-N114 8-N240 8-H357 8-K240 10-S124 10-P130 1-Q20 8-E215 11-K75 8-H130 11-P65 3-A124 7-T200 11-N40 8-H300 8-D290 9-G120 1-H95, 2-A42 1-F69 7-C220 7-X225 5-S126 8-H350 11-F53 10-N131 11-F68 8-N182 1-E78, 1-E80 11-P66 7-C160 7-R165 1-M2, 2-A42 2-A24, 2-A25, 2-A36 8-H310 1-Q65 9-D120 5-R117 6-M172 8-H150 8-H120 11-F58 MultiTouch Ltd Multivision Screens Murraypro Musaic Music & Lights Srl Music Marketeers, The MuxLab Nanjing Magewell Electronics Co. Ltd Nanolumens Nautilus S.A. Navitar Navori International SA NEC Display Solutions Europe GmbH Net Display Systems BV Netaudio Streaming - C21 Systems Neutrik AG Newline Interactive, Inc Newstar Products Europe NEXCOM International Co. Ltd Nexio Co. Ltd Nexus21 Concealment Systems Nexxt Solutions GmbH & Co. KG Ningbo Plus and Popscreens Electronic Technology Co. Ltd Niveo Professional nomos system AG NovaStar NSG Group NuVo Technologies Oblong Industries Oemkiosks | Partteam Group Omnitapps - the Multi-Touch Suite One Digital Solutions Ltd One Display Solution ONELAN Limited Onumen Ophit Co. Ltd Opticis Co. LTd Opticomm-EMCORE Opticon Sensors Europe B.V. Opto Tech Corporation Optocore GmbH Optoma Europe Optowell Co. Ltd Oray / Erard Pro OutClass Outform Packet Ship Pakedge Device & Software Pan Acoustics GmbH Panasonic Marketing Europe GmbH Panasonic System LSI PanConnect s.r.o. PCP Solutions Peavey Commercial Audio Peerless AV Europe Philips Signage Solutions Pico Genie (LED Projectors & Digital Signage) Picturall Ltd Pivitec Planar Systems, Inc. PNY PowerCreator Prase Engineering SpA PresTop Products Primare AB Prismaflex International Pro Audio Stash Ltd Pro Control Pro Display Procab ProDVX Europe BV PROEL SpA Projecta Prysm Inc. PTN Electronics Limited PureDomotica PureLink GmbH 9-F137, 9-G140 3-C82 11-D64 5-R128 7-S215 8-D305 1-N130 4-V54 8-M310 8-E364 11-C58 8-M210 4-R24 8-F240 8-D345 6-N152 8-M330 5-U86 8-E250 8-D220 1-P58 8-H380 8-H352 5-V74 12-A86 11-H31, 11-C68 8-D352 1-M2 9-B102 8-E245 8-F230 8-E318 8-R360 8-F208 8-F248 10-K125 4-U20 10-K123 8-N230 8-H195 7-K175 1-F70 2-E64 3-C82 5-R120 8-H265 11-E59 5-U106 7-X210 1-P20 8-N242 8-F180 8-R235 2-A60, 2-A70 11-H70 10-N132 11-E58 9-C111 7-V240 3-A80 8-E280 9-B135 1-P120 8-D250 11-D36 8-D185 5-S120 5-R78 10-S125 4-U35 10-K153 7-C210 2-C42 11-E64 3-A115 8-H155, 12-A92 1-Q60 Q-Better Qnap System Inc. QNAP Systems, Inc Qomo HiteVision QSTECH (Xian Qingsong Technology Co. Ltd) Quantum Data Radial, Primacoustic, Knoll Radiant Europe rAVe NOW Realfiction reflecta gmbh Rent-All ReQuest Audio Switzerland AG Retop LED Display Co. Ltd Revolution Acoustics Revox GmbH Rextron Technology Inc. RGB Communications RGB Spectrum RGBlink Ricoh Europe Ltd. RIEDEL RJS Electronics Limited Rocketsign ROE Visual Co. Ltd Roland Rosendahl Conceptkiosk RTI RTS Russound Rutenbeck Sahara Presentation Systems Plc Salzbrenner Stagetec Vertrieb Prof. Audiotechnik SAMILCDS Samsung Display - Meetingrooms F004-F005 Samsung Electronics Sat & Sound SAUBAG Savant Systems Europe Saville Audio Visual Scala B.V. Schnick-Schnack-Systems GmbH SCP Screen Excellence Screen Innovations Screen-Led ScreenLine SEADA Technology Ltd SERI STYLU Shanghai Goodview Electronic Co. Ltd Shanghai Mviewtech Co. Ltd Shanghai Pallas Electric Co. Ltd Shanghai Sansi Technology Co.Ltd. Sharp Electronics Europe Shenzhen Auroled Tech. CO. Ltd Shenzhen BesdLED Co. Ltd Shenzhen CAS VU Technologies Co. Ltd Shenzhen Chip Optech Co. Ltd Shenzhen CLT Led Technology Co. Ltd Shenzhen CreateLED Electronics Co. Ltd Shenzhen DianMingTech. Co. Ltd Shenzhen Dicolor Optoelectronics Co. Ltd Shenzhen Eastar Electronic Co. Ltd Shenzhen GCL Electronics Co. Ltd Shenzhen Glare-LED Optoelectronic Co. Ltd Shenzhen Gloshine Technology Co. Ltd Shenzhen HTS Optoelectronic Technology Co. Ltd Shenzhen iBoard Technology Co. Ltd Shenzhen Infiled Electronics Co. Ltd Shenzhen LAMP Technology Company Ltd Shenzhen Leyard Opto-Electronic Co. Ltd Shenzhen Liantronics Co. Ltd 21/01/2015 15:30 8-M180 12-A80, 10-N114 8-D218 11-H45 11-K50 8-H140 7-C220 8-E318 1-Q100 8-K250 8-K310 7-K182 7-R170 11-K36 7-T176 7-N176 10-P155 BK024 3-C118 11-F36 9-B110 10-K118 11-E62 8-H318 11-F40 7-Q212, 7-Q215 8-E275 5-R78 3-A81 1-P80 12-E86 4-U27 7-N210 8-D205 1-H20 1-H20 10-R110 8-K270 12-B80 9-A132 8-F195 11-C55 5-S110 6-H148 1-P58 8-M240 1-M122 2-A53 8-R305 8-N215 8-R320 10-K135 8-E213 11-E76 8-H343 8-N227 10-N151 11-D30 11-C34 11-H20 8-E200 11-M36 11-C36 8-H275 8-F355 11-P60 11-P73 11-C85 11-C44 11-H36 11-P66 11-D44 Shenzhen Lightlink Display Technology Co. Ltd Shenzhen Linko Electric Co. Ltd Shenzhen Magnimage Technology Co. Ltd Shenzhen Mary Photoelectricity Co. Ltd Shenzhen Mountain A-Li Group Electronics Technology Co. Ltd Shenzhen Newstar Optoelectronics Co. Ltd Shenzhen Q-Color Technology Co. Ltd Shenzhen Sage Opto Co. Ltd Shenzhen Sams AV Tech Co. Ltd Shenzhen SBC Photoelectricity Co. Ltd Shenzhen Skyview Photoelectric Co. Ltd Shenzhen Sunrise Opto-Electronic Technology Co. Ltd Shenzhen Timelink Technology Co. Ltd Shenzhen Uniview Led Co. Ltd Shenzhen Vteam Co. Ltd Shenzhen Yitelang Technology Co. Ltd Shuttle Computer Handels GmbH (Shuttle Inc.) Sightcorp Signagelive SiliconCore Technology SIM2 Multimedia SkyMax Display Technologies Co. Ltd Smart Cabling & Transmission Corp. SMART Technologies SmartCasa Smart-e Ltd SmartMetals Mounting Solutions B.V. Smit Visual Supplies BV Snowhite Display Technology Co. Soledge SolidPro Technology Corp. SOLTEC Sommer Cable GmbH Sonic Foundry, Inc. Sonos Europe B.V. Sony Sound Control Technologies Soundtube Space 3D SA Sparkle Global Co. Ltd Specktron SpinetiX spo-comm GmbH Squadrat GmbH Ltd. Stay Online Stewart Filmscreen Europe STiNO eyevis GmbH Strategic Streamit BV Stream-Plus streamtvnetworks Structured Cable Products, Inc. SVI SVSi SWIT Electronics Co. Ltd SY syscomtec Distribution AG system elektronik SZ Reach Tech Co Ltd Taiden Industrial Co. Ltd Taiwan CE-LINK Technology Limited Tasker TDI Group TDMaverick Team SoftEx Inc. Tecco Techflex, Inc. Techflow Europe BV Tech-IT PSF S.A. Technolution B.V. Telelogos Tempest Lighting, Inc 11-N50 11-N50 11-P45 11-F55 8-E335 11-E36 11-P40 11-N33 1-N3 11-F70 11-E32 8-R310 8-R185 11-C30, 8-H240 11-P71 8-E190 8-F220 8-E201 8-L170 10-K110 10-K114 8-N317 4-V50 12-A95 12-C86 10-K120 9-F115 8-H315 5-S127 5-V100 8-N338 9-A112 7-D172 3-A134, 2-A42 DL-210 1-H120 9-D115 11-C84 10-K142 8-D320 4-U19 8-K205 8-M326 11-N35 7-X190 8-M340 1-F50 8-N265 8-N340 8-F170 8-D335 8-F332 5-S110 7-X160 7-F218 7-A240 4-U32 8-F180 8-K275 1-E56, 1-E58 3-A118 8-H145 6-H132 5-V96 5-S82 8-N186 10-K145 1-N132 8-M230 8-K272 11-M38 8-M225 4-U63 Tendzone Intelligent Technology Co. Ltd Tense Top Design Switches BVBA Thinklogical Thomas Regout International B.V Tiny Green PC Tiny Green PC (Branch of Anders Electronics) Tiun Yuan Technology Co. Ltd TMB tonwelt GmbH TOP-TEC Toshiba Europe Tripleplay Services Ltd TRIUMPH BOARD a.s. trivum technologies GmbH TruAudio Truen TSD Electronics Technology Co. Ltd TTL Network GmbH Tul Corporation tvONE u::Lux GmbH Uniclass Technology Co. Ltd UNICOL Unilumin Group Co. Ltd Unitech Systems EE Universal Remote Control Inc. - Amber Int. ValueHD Corporation Vantage Emea NV VBrick Systems Inc. Ventuz Technology AG Vestel ViaDirect VICOM VIDELCO Europe Ltd. Videotree VIDERO ViewSonic Europe Limited VIOSO GmbH Vision AD Vision24 GmbH - Robolift® Manufacturer VisioSign A/S VISIVO GmbH & Co. KG Viss Lighting (Shenzhen) Co. Ltd Visualplanet Viveroo GmbH Vivitek VOCO VODALYS Labs Vogel's Products BV Volfoni Voome Networks VTRON Technologies Ltd. Vutec Corporation VuWall Technology, Inc Wacebo Europe Srl Wealleys Technology Co. Ltd Wey Technology Ltd Wireworld Cable Technology Worldwide Cable Opto. Corp Wuxi Changsheng Special Lighting Electrial Apparatus Factory Wuxi Lexin Co. Ltd Xantech Xiamen Prima Technology Inc. Xilinx XPAND 3D Yes Tech YESCO Electronics YSLV Yuan High-Tech Development Co. Ltd ZeeVee Zhuhai Lenscen Electric Co. Ltd Zigen Zytronic 7-H190 12-C92 11-D46 11-M50 8-F315 8-F315 8-F350 11-C67 8-N180 10-N150 4-S60 11-D68 9-B140 5-U92 10-N114 8-E300 8-F370 7-C165 8-R232 1-M45, 2-A42 12-B91 8-R190 4-U22 11-F40, 11-N57 12-B92 1-M16 9-A104 1-M2 9-C143 10-R140 9-D129 8-M200 10-P122 9-C111 7-S180 8-N320 10-R112, 10-R116 1-N1 8-H184 3-A127 8-H190 1-Q115 11-E34 8-D300 12-A84 4-R65 5-R100 8-N315 1-M27 11-C64 8-N225 11-H65 1-P110 8-H330 8-E368 5-U112 8-M355 5-R128 8-R205 8-H198 8-F345 2-E52 1-N70 8-R328 8-M336 10-P115 8-H215 8-F310 7-S190 8-H230 10-N149 1-E62 7-T170 8-H253 Correct at time of going to press The Official ISE 2015 Digital Signage Route Planner ISE_DS_2015_Planner.indd 1 26/01/2015 12:22 P4 9-B100 9-A111 9-A100 9-A102 9-A104 9-A112 9-A106 9-A115 9-A122 9-A121 9-A118 9-B140 9-B102 9-B110 9-B119 9-B121 9-B129 9-A135 9-A131 9-B135 9-A128 9-A129 9-A132 9-A130 9-A140 9-A150 9-B150 11-C80 11-C82 11-C81 11-C84 11-D66 11-D68 11-C36 11-D46 11-D30 11-D36 11-C42 11-C44 11-C52 8-F195 11-E90 11-F58 11-F70 11-F36 11-F38 11-F40 11-F52 11-E32 11-E34 11-E36 11-D44 11-E52 11-F50 11-F68 11-F80 8-K182 8-K190 8-K205 8-K210 8-K225 8-K227 8-K240 8-K250 10-K146 11-H20 11-H36 11-H45 11-H47 8-R245 8-R300 8-N200 8-N210 8-N215 8-R200 8-R205 8-N230 8-N227 8-R232 8-N225 Forum 11-H31 11-K36 11-K40 11-M36 11-M40 11-M38 11-N33 11-N40 11-P40 11-P45 11-P58 11-P60 11-P65 11-P71 11-P73 11-P72 11-N35 11-P78 Free WIFI Zone Park Foyer 10-S114 10-S118 10-S122 10-S124 10-S125 Holland Entrance C ATM 10-Q114 10-R114 10-R110 10-R116 10-R112 10-R122 10-R126 10-R130 10-R136 10-R140 10-R146 Free WIFI Zone Ruby Lounge 12-N100 10 Park Entrance F 8-T300 10-R120 10-P115 10-P116 10-P122 10-P130 10-P136 10-P142 10-P148 10-N131 11-N50 11-N53 11-N57 11-P66 11-N100 10-N114 10-N129 10-N132 10-P111 10-N150 10-P144 8-R195 8-R190 8-N185 8-N186 8-N182 8-R185 8-M190 8-M182 8-N184 8-M200 8-M210 8-M225 8-M230 10-N146 11-K50 11-M50 11-K56 11-P64 11-K75 10-K114 10-K110 11-F53 11-F55 11-F51 11-H58 11-H65 11-H70 10-K145 10-K118 10-K122 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8-E362 8-D345 8-E360 8-E361 8-D352 8-E370 8-E368 8-E364 8-E365 8-K395 8-K390 8-L390 8-L395 8-H370 8-H368 8-H373 8-H362 8-H360 8-H365 P7 12-B68 12-A76 12-A80 12-A83 12-B71 12-B75 12-B78 12-B80 12-B86 12-B88 12-B82 12-B84 12-B92 12-B93 12-B94 12-B91 12-C75 12-C80 TAXI Smart Building 12-F74 12-F76 12-F82 12-F85 Europe Foyer 2 DL-210 12 ATM DL-100 DL-120 DL-230 3 7-A160 Floorplan correct at time of going to press 12-E72 12-E74 12-E80 12-E70 12-C78 12-C83 12-C85 12-C86 12-C92 Elicium 12-E86 Auditorium/ RAI Theater Congress Square 12-B73 12-B70 12-B74 12-C70 12-C72 12-A74 12-A86 12-A84 12-A89 12-A92 12-A95 Free WiFi Zone Business Lounge Free WiFi Zone Please visit us on stand 8-K271 Digital Signage Route Planner sponsored by P8 2-A25 2-A30 2-A50 2-A53 2-A55 2-A70 2-A24 2-A36 2-A40 2-A42 2-A45 2-A52 2-A60 3-A75 3-A81 2-A65 3-A80 2-C24 2-C42 2-C66 3-C82 3-C88 3-C90 3-C111 3-C118 3-C120 3-C128 Europa Entrance K 3-A106 3-A117 3-A118 3-A120 3-A110 3-A139 3-A122 3-A124 3-A134 3-A137 7-C160 7-C165 7-C170 7-C174 7-C175 7-C190 7-C195 7-C205 7-C210 7-C220 7-C230 7-C235 7-D230 3-C87 3-C89 3-C112 3-C115 3-C119 3-C125 3-C130 3-B140 3-C140 3-D140 3-D144 7-A230 7-A240 7-F218 7-F220 1-F7 1-F21 1-E56 1-E62 1-E58 1-E66 1-E68 1-F69 1-E72 1-E78 1-E80 1-E108 1-E114 1-E112 1-E116 1-E117 1-F6 1-F20 1-F40 1-F42 1-F44 1-F50 1-F60 1-F70 1-F72 1-F100 1-F120 6 1-F2 7-D160 7-E160 7-D176 7-D175 7-D173 7-D178 7-F190 7-D172 7-D177 7-E190 7-F191 7-F192 6-H132 6-H148 1-H20 1-H50 1-H75 1-H95 1-H120 7-K182 US Pavilion 7-K185 7-K190 7-M235 1-N1 1 1-H2 1-H3 1-H6 1-M16 1-M20 1-M27 1-M43 1-M45 1-M70 1-M80 1-M90 1-M95 1-M100 1-M122 6-M150 6-M152 6-M154 6-M156 6-M158 6-M160 6-M162 6-M164 6-M170 6-M172 7-N176 7-N187 7-N190 7-N210 1-N3 1-M2 1-P19 1-P80 1-P85 1-P90 1-P110 1-P112 1-P115 7-P170 7-P175 7-P180 7-P190 7-P210 7-P212 7-P220 7-Q170 7-R170 7-Q180 7-Q185 7-S175 7-S170 7-S178 7-S182 7-S180 7-T170 7-T176 7-T180 1-Q10 1-Q14 1-Q20 1-Q35 1-Q60 1-Q65 1-Q70 1-Q75 1-Q90 1-Q95 4-R18 4-R24 4-R50 4-R56 4-R60 4-R65 4-R75 5-R78 5-R92 5-R100 5-S121 5-S120 4-U19 4-S34 4-S56 4-S60 4-U20 5-S105 5-S104 4-S68 4-S70 5-S82 5-S92 5-S102 5-S100 5-S110 5-S124 5-S127 5-U130 5-S123 4-T18 4-R76 5-R112 5-R110 7-W220 5-U106 5-U108 4-V18 4-U22 4-U23 4-U25 4-U24 4-U27 4-U30 4-U32 4-U35 4-U60 4-U64 4-U62 4-U63 4-U65 5-U72 5-U86 5-U92 7-X170 7-X180 7-X185 7-X195 7-X205 7-Z160 lein designed by 3d-berlin Scheldeplein o p ap r u E 4 5 Residential Solutions 7-V160 7-V165 7-W160 7-X160 5-U116 5-U112 5-U110 5-U100 7-W180 7-W190 7-V173 7-W170 5-U118 5-U120 7-V170 7-V180 7-V185 7-V190 7-W200 7-W205 7-X210 7-X218 7-X225 7-X215 7-X220 7-X230 7-X240 Key Stands of companies in Digital Signage 1-Q72 1-Q100 1-Q110 1-Q115 5-R114 5-R117 5-S118 5-R120 5-S126 Discovery Zone 5-R128 7-V220 7-V225 7-V240 7-V242 7-V245 7 7-T217 7-W215 7-V215 7-V218 7-T215 7-V210 7-V212 7-W210 7-T210 7-T220 7-T200 7-S225 7-S190 7-T190 7-Q211 7-S215 7-S220 7-R235 7-S230 7-T235 7-Q215 7-Q190 7-Q210 7-Q212 7-P230 7-P235 7-Q160 7-R160 7-P160 7-Q165 7-R164 7-R165 7-S163 7-T160 1-N4 1-N5 1-P3 1-P5 1-P15 1-P18 1-P20 1-N53 1-P58 1-N70 1-N75 1-N80 7-N215 1-P120 1-N105 1-N103 1-N100 1-N110 1-N120 1-N130 1-N132 6-N150 6-N148 6-N152 7-M176 7-M178 7-M190 7-M210 7-N222 7-N225 7-M2407-M250 7-M220 6-M178 6-M180 6-M174 1-H100 7-K175 6-H152 7-H179 7-H180 7-H185 7-K187 7-H200 7-H230 7-H235 7-K235 7-H195 7-F216 7-F215 7-F217 7-F210 7-F212 7-F214 7-H190 7-E220 7-E230 P10 7-S186 8-H380 3-A127 3-A130 3-A121 3-A111 3-A115 3-A109 3-A107 3-A105 7-T178 7-T174 8-H375 2-E71 2-E70 2-E64 2-E60 5-V118 5-V115 5-V96 5-V100 5-V90 5-V92 5-V74 4-V72 4-V60 4-V68 4-V50 4-V54 4-V57 4-V35 4-V34 4-V22 2-E40 2-E52 2-E36 2-E24 7-W195 7-W245 7-X190 7-X200 ISE_DS_2015_Planner.indd 2 P9 N 8-E375 8-D355 50m Wielingenstraat 26/01/2015 12:22
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