
Volumes 1-35
Editorial Board:
Judith Bassett
James Belich
Judith Binney
Caroline Daley
Raewyn Dalziel
Peter Hughes
Deborah Montgomerie
Review Editor:
Peter Lineham
Editorial Assistants:
Barbara Batt
Margaret Sinclair
Business Manager:
Gabrielle Fortune
Editorial Advisors:
Ann Parsonson
Margaret Tennant
Erik Olssen
Charlotte Macdonald
Jock Phillips
Jeanine Graham
University of Canterbury
Massey University
University of Otago
Victoria University of Wellington
Ministry of Culture and Heritage
University of Waikato
The New Zealand Journal of History is published twice yearly, in April and October,
by The University of Auckland.
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ISSN 0028-8322
©2002 The New Zealand Journal of History
This index is in three parts. In Part I articles and notes are indexed by author.
In Part II reviews are indexed by author of the work reviewed. The
reviewer's name is in brackets. Part III indexes Obituaries.
ADAMS, JONATHAN. Governor FitzRoy's Debentures and their Role in
his Recall, 20,1,44-63.
'Behold a Kite Flies towards You': The Kiingitanga and the
'Opening' of the King Country, 31,1, 99-116.
ARNOLD, ROLLO. Some Australasian Aspects of New Zealand Life,
1890-1913, 4, 1, 54—76.
ARNOLD, ROLLO. English Rural Unionism and Taranaki Immigration,
1871-76, 6, 1,20-41.
ARNOLD, ROLLO. Yeomen and Nomads: New Zealand and the
Australasian Shearing Scene, 1886-1896, 18,2, 117-42.
ARNOLD, ROLLO. Community in Rural Victorian New Zealand, 24, 1,
BADE, JAMES N. Count Felix von Luckner's 1938 'Propaganda' Visit to
New Zealand and Its Consequences, 35, 2, 221-37.
BAKER, ASTRID. An Unlimited Liability: Free Medicines and Labour's
Social Security Act 1938, 32, 2, 143-62.
BALLARA, ANGELA. Wāhine Rangatira: Maori Women of Rank and their
Role in the Women's Kotahitanga Movement of the 1890s, 27, 2,
BALLARA, ANGELA. Porangahau: The Formation of an EighteenthCentury Community in Southern Hawke's Bay, 29, 1,3-18.
BALLARA, ANGELA. 7 riro i te hoko': Problems in Cross-Cultural
Historical Scholarship, 34, 1,20-33.
BARBER, IAN. Between Biculturalism and Assimilation: The Changing
Place of Maori Culture in the Twentieth-Century New Zealand
Mormon Church, 29, 2, 142-69.
BARBER, L.H. James Gibb's Heresy Trial, 12, 2, 146-57.
BARROWMAN, RACHEL. 'Making New Zealand Articulate':
Progressive Publishing Society, 1941-45, 22, 2, 152-68.
BASSETT, JUDITH. Sir Harry Atkinson and the Conservative Faction in
New Zealand Politics, 1879-1890, 2, 2, 130-47.
BASSETT, JUDITH. A Thousand Miles of Loyalty: The Royal Tour of 1901,
21, 1, 125-38.
BASSETT, JUDITH. Colonial Justice: The Treatment of Dalmatians in
New Zealand During the First World War, 33, 2, 155-79.
BASSETT, MICHAEL. In Search of Sir Joseph Ward, 21,1,112-24.
BEAGLEHOLE, J.C. Eighteenth Century Science and the Voyages of
Discovery, 3, 2, 107-23.
BELGRAVE, MICHAEL. A Subtle Containment: Women in New Zealand
Medicine, 1893-1941, 22, 1, 44-55.
BELGRAVE, MICHAEL. Pre-emption, the Treaty of Waitangi and the
Politics of Crown Purchase, 31,1, 23-37.
BELICH, JAMES. Myth, Race and Identity in New Zealand, 31,1, 9-22.
BENNETT, JAMES. The Contamination of Arcadia? Class, Trans-national
Interactions and the Construction of Identity, 1890-1913, 33, 1,
BENNETT, NEVILLE. Consultation or Information? Britain, the Dominions
and the Renewal of the Anglo-Japanese Alliance, 1911, 4, 2,
BINNEY, JUDITH. The Heritage of Isaiah: Thomas Kendall and Maori
Religion, 1, 2, 124-47.
BINNEY, JUDITH. Christianity and the Maoris to 1840: A Comment, 3, 2,
BINNEY, JUDITH. Whatever Happened to Poor Mr Yate? An Exercise in
Voyeurism, 9,2, 111-25.
BINNEY, JUDITH. The Lost Drawing of Nukutawhiti, 14, 1, 3-24.
BINNEY, JUDITH. 'At Every Bend a Taniwha': Thomas Kendall and Maori
Carving, 20, 2, 132^4-6.
BINNEY, JUDITH. Maori Oral Narratives, Pakeha Written Texts: Two
Forms of Telling History, 21, 1, 16-28.
BINNEY, JUDITH. Some Observations on the Status of Maori Women, 23,
BINNEY, JUDITH. Te Mana Tuatoru: The Rohe Potae of Tuhoe, 3 1 , 1 ,
BLACKSTOCK, RAEWYN. Sir Julius Vogel, 1876-1880: From Politics to
Business, 5, 2, 150-70.
BOLITHO, D.G. Some Financial and Medico-Political Aspects of the New
Zealand Medical Profession's Reaction to the Introduction of Social
Security, 18, 1, 34-49.
BOOTH, DOUGLAS. Healthy, Economic, Disciplined Bodies. Surfbathing
and Surf Lifesaving in Australia and New Zealand, 1890-1950, 32,
BOYD, JUDI and ERIK OLSSEN. The Skilled Workers: Journeymen and
Masters in Caversham, 1880-1914, 22, 2, 118-34.
BOYD, MARY. Racial Attitudes of New Zealand Officials in Western
Samoa, 21, 1, 139-55.
BOYD, MARY. The Military Administration of Western Samoa, 1914-1919,
2, 2, 148-64.
BRADBURY, BETTINA. From Civil Death to Separate Property: Changes
in the Legal Rights of Married Women in Nineteenth-Century New
Zealand, 29,1,40-66.
BRADY, ANNE-MARIE. The Curious Case of Two Australasian 'Traitors',
or, New Zealand, Australia and the Cold War, 35, 1, 85-110.
— BRAWLEY, SEAN. 'No "White Policy" in NZ': Fact and Fiction in New
Zealand's Asian Immigration Record, 1946-1978, 27, 1, 16-36.
BREWARD, IAN. Religion and New Zealand Society, 13, 2, 138-48.
-—BROOKES, BARBARA. Housewives' Depression. The Debate over
Abortion and Birth Control in the 1930s, 15, 2, 115-34.
BROOKES, BARBARA. A Weakness for Strong Subjects: The Women's
Movement and Sexuality, 27, 2, 140-56.
BROOKING, TOM. 'Busting Up' The Greatest Estate of All. Liberal Maori
Land Policy, 1891-1911, 26, 1, 78-98.
BROOKING, TOM. Use it or Lose it. Unravelling the Land Debate in Late
Nineteenth-Century New Zealand, 30, 2, 141-62.
BROSNAHAN, SEAN. The 'Battle of the Borough' and the 'Saige O
Timaru': Sectarian Riot in Colonial Canterbury, 28, 1, 41—59.
BRYDER, LINDA. 'Lessons' of the 1918 Influenza Epidemic in Auckland, —
16, 2, 97-121.
BURGESS, M.D. Lord Rosebery and the Imperial Federation League,
1884-1893, 13,2, 165-81.
BURGESS, MICHAEL. Imperial Federation: Continuity and Change in
British Imperial Ideas, 1869-1871, 17, 1,60-80.
BUTLER, DAVID. Instant History, 2, 2, 107-14.
BYRNES, GISELLE. Surveying — Maori and the Land: an Essay in
Historical Representation, 31, 1, 85-98.
CAMPBELL, CHERYL Y. Archivists and Historians: How Can We Assist
Each Other? 19, 2, 151-63.
CAMPBELL, CHRISTOPHER. The 'Working Class' and the Liberal Party
in 1890, 9, 1,41-51.
CAMPBELL, I.C. New Zealand and the Mau in Samoa: Reassessing the
Causes of a Colonial Protest Movement, 33, 1, 92-110.
CAMPBELL, I.C. Staffing Native Administration in the Mandated Territory
of Samoa, 34, 2, 277-95.
CARL YON, JENNIFER. Friendly Societies 1842-1938: The Benefits of
Membership, 32, 2, 121-42.
CARTER, IAN. Most Important Industry: How the New Zealand State got
Interested in Rural Women, 1930-1944, 20, 1, 27-43.
CATANACH, I.J. Some Continuities in Indian History, in the Eighteenth and
Early Nineteenth Centuries, 3, 1, 1-13.
CHANDRAN, J. Queen Victoria, Gladstone and the Viceroyalty of India,
1893-1894, 3, 2, 175-89.
CHEONG, W.E. The Beginnings of Credit Finance on the China Coast: The
Canton Financial Crisis of 1812-1815, 5, 1, 70-92.
COOKSON, J.E. Illiberal New Zealand: The Formation of Government
Policy on Conscientious Objection, 1940-1, 17, 2, 120-43.
CULLEN, MICHAEL. Some Recent Writings on the History of Great Britain
from 1832 to 1868, 10, 1, 63-74.
CULLEN, MICHAEL. The Chartists and Education, 10, 2, 162-77.
CUTLER, ANDREW. Tomorrow Magazine and New Zealand Politics
1934-1940, 24, 1, 22—44.
DALEY, CAROLINE. Taradale Meets the Ideal Society and its Enemies, 25,
2, 129—46.
DALEY, CAROLINE. Selling Sandow: Modernity and Leisure in Early
Twentieth-Century New Zealand, 34, 2, 241-61.
DALLEY, BRONWYN. Prisons without Men: the Development of a —
Separate Women's Prison in New Zealand, 27, 1, 37-60.
DALLEY, BRONWYN. Lolly Shops 'of the red-light kind' and 'soldiers of
the King': Suppressing One-Woman Brothels in New Zealand,
1908-1916, 30, 1, 3-23.
DALLEY, BRONWYN. Moving Out of the Realm of Myth: Government
Child Welfare Services to Maori, 1925-1972, 32, 2, 189-207.
DALTON, B.J. The Military Reputation of Sir George Grey: The Case of
Wereroa, 9, 2, 154-70.
DALZIEL, RAEWYN. The Colonial Helpmeet. Women's Role and the Vote
in Nineteenth-Century New Zealand, 11,2, 112-23.
DALZIEL, RAEWYN. Popular Protest in Early New Plymouth: Why did it
Occur? 20, 1, 3-26.
DALZIEL, RAEWYN. The 'Continuous Ministry' Revisited, 21, 1,46-61.
DALZIEL, RAEWYN. Emigration and Kinship: Migrants to New Plymouth
1840-1843, 25,2,112-28.
D'ARCY, PAUL. Maori and Muskets from a Pan-Polynesian Perspective,
DAVIDSON, J.W. History, Art or Game? A Comment on 'The Purity of
Historical Method', 5,2,115-20.
DAVIS, R.P. Sir George Grey and Irish Nationalism, 1, 2, 185-98.
DAVISON, GRAEME. Slicing Australian History. Reflections on the
Bicentennial History Project, 16, 1,3-20.
DAVISON, GRAEME. Cities and Ceremonies, 24, 2, 97-117.
DAY, ALISON. 'Chastising Its People With Scorpions': Maori and the 1913
Smallpox Epidemic, 33, 2, 180-99.
DENOON, DONALD. Settler Capitalism Unsettled, 29, 2, 129^41.
DIAMOND, MARION. "Most Injudicious . . . Most Injurious ": The Royal
Bank of Australia's Loan to the New Zealand Government, 1842,
20, 1, 64—72.
DOW, DEREK. 'Specially Suitable Men?' Subsidized Medical Services for
Maori, 1840-1940, 32, 2, 163-88.
ELDRED-GRIGG, STEVAN. Whatever Happened to the Gentry? The
Large Landowners of Ashburton County, 1890—1896, 11, 1,3-27.
ELDRIDGE, C.C. The Imperialism of the 'Little England Era': the Question
of the Annexation of the Fiji Islands, 1858-1861, 1,2, 171-84.
ELPHICK, JUDITH. What's Wrong with Emma? The Feminist Debate in
Colonial Auckland, 9, 2, 126-41.
— ELSE, ANNE. 'The need is ever present': the Motherhood of Man Movement
and Stranger Adoption in New Zealand, 23, 1, 47-67.
FAIRBURN, MILES. New Zealand and Australasian
1883-1901: Another view, 4, 2, 138-59.
FAIRBURN, MILES. The Rural Myth and the New Urban Frontier. An
Approach to New Zealand Social History, 1870-1940, 9, 1, 3-21.
F A I R B U R N , MILES. Social
and Opportunity
Nineteenth-Century New Zealand, 13, 1,43-60.
FAIRBURN, MILES. Local Community or Atomized Society? The Social
Structure of Nineteenth-Century New Zealand, 16,2, 146-67.
FAIRBURN, MILES. A Discourse on Critical Method, 25, 2, 158-77.
FIRTH, STEWART. Governors versus Settlers. The Dispute over Chinese
Labour in German Samoa, 11,2, 155—79.
FISHER, ROBIN. Henry Williams' Leadership of the CMS Mission to New
Zealand, 9, 2, 142-53.
— FLEMING, PHILIP. Fighting the 'Red Plague': Observations on the
Response to Venereal Disease in New Zealand 1910-1945, 22, 1,
FRANKS, PETER. The Employment Contracts Act and the Demise of the
New Zealand Clerical Workers Union, 28, 2, 194-210.
FRASER, LYNDON. 'The Ties that Bind': Irish Catholic Testamentary
Evidence from Christchurch, 1876-1915, 29, 1, 67-82.
FRASER, LYNDON. Irish Migration to the West Coast, 1864-1900, 34, 2,
GALT, MARGARET. Doing Well for Bella: Foreign Mortgagees in the New
Zealand Financial System, 1885-1901, 18, 1,50-65.
GARDNER, W.J. New Zealand Regional History and its Place in the
Schools, 13,2, 182-93.
GIBBONS, P.J. Some New Zealand Navvies. Co-operative
1891-1912, 11, 1, 54-75.
GOLDSMITH, PAUL. Medicine, Death and the Gospel in Wairarapa and
Hawke's Bay, 1845-1852, 30, 2, 163-81.
GRAHAM, JEANINE. Child Employment in New Zealand, 21,1, 62-78.
GRAVES, M.A.R. Books on Elizabethan and Stuart History for Schools, 12,
GREEN, ANNA. The Unimportance of Arbitration? The New Zealand
Waterfront 1915-1951, 28, 2, 145-59.
GREEN, ROGER C. and KAYE GREEN. Religious Structures (Marae) of
the Windward Society Islands: The Significance of Certain
Historical Records, 2, 1, 66-89.
GRIFFEN, CLYDE. Fairburn's New Zealand from a Vantage of North
American Studies, 25, 2, 98-111.
GRIFFEN, CLYDE. Towards an Urban Social History for New Zealand, 20,
2, 111-31.
GRIGG, A.R. Prohibition, the Church and Labour. A Programme for Social
Reform 1890-1914, 15, 2, 135-54.
GRIGG, A.R. Prohibition and Women: The Preservation of an Ideal and a
Myth, 17,2,144-65.
GRIMSHAW, PATRICIA. Politicians and Suffragettes: Women's Suffrage
in New Zealand, 1891-1893, 4, 2, 160-77.
GUSTAFSON, BARRY. Labour's Lost Legions. The Second Labour
Government 1957-1960 and the Grassroots Party Membership in
the Auckland Region, 10,2, 143-61.
HALL, BOB. Land for the Landless. Settlement of the Otekaike Estate in
North Otago 1908, 19, 1, 38-60.
HAMER, D.A. Understanding Mr Gladstone, 6, 2, 115-28.
HAMER, D.A. Towns in Nineteenth-Century New Zealand, 13, 1, 5-24.
HAMER, DAVID. The Second Ballot: A New Zealand Electoral Experiment,
21, 1,97-111.
HAMER, DAVID. Historic Preservation in Urban New Zealand: An
Historian's Perspective, 31,2,251-69.
HARRIS, AROHA. Maori Land Title Improvement since 1945: Communal
Ownership and Economic Use, 31, 1, 132-52.
HARRIS, PAUL. The New Zealand Unemployed Workers Movement,
1931-39: Gisborne and the Relief Workers' Strike, 10,2, 130-42.
HAYBURN, RALPH H.C. William Pember Reeves, The Times, and New
Zealand's Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Act, 1900-1908,
21,2, 251-69.
HEENAN, BRIAN. Population Ageing Among Non-Maori New Zealanders
in Later Victorian Times: A Quirk of Immigrant Settlement History?
HERDA, PHYLLIS S. Disease and the Colonial Narrative: The 1918
Influenza Pandemic in Western Polynesia, 34, 1, 133—44.
HILLIARD, CHRIS. James Cowan and the Frontiers of New Zealand
History, 31, 2,219-33.
HILLIARD, CHRIS. Stories of Becoming: The Centennial Surveys and the
Colonization of New Zealand, 33, 1, 3-19.
HILLIARD, DAVID. Bishop G.A. Selwyn and the Melanesian Mission, 4, 2,
HINSLEY, F.H. The Causes of War: The Two World Wars Compared, 1, 1,
HIRST, JOHN. Australia, Argentina and Atomization, 25, 2, 91-97.
HOLT, JAMES. Louis Hartz's Fragment Thesis, 7, 1, 3-11.
HOLT, JAMES. The Political Origins of Compulsory Arbitration in New
Zealand. A Comparison with Great Britain, 10, 2, 99-111.
HOLT, JAMES. Compulsory Arbitration in New Zealand, 1894-1901. The
Evolution of an Industrial Relations System, 14,2, 179-200.
HOOKER, BRIAN. New Light on the Mapping and Naming of New
Zealand, 6, 2, 158-67.
HOWE, K.R. The Maori Response to Christianity in the Thames-Waikato
Area, 1833-1840, 7, 1, 28^16.
HOWE, K.R. The Fate of the 'Savage' in Pacific Historiography, 11, 2,
HOWE, KERRY. New Zealand's Twentieth-Century Pacifics: Memories and
Reflections, 34, 1,4-19.
HUGHES, BERYL. Nursing Education: The Collapse of the Diploma of
Nursing at the University of Otago, 1925-1926, 12, 1, 17-33.
HUSBANDS, PAUL. Poverty in Freeman's Bay 1886-1913, 28, 1, 3-21.
.HUTCHING, MEGAN. Mothers of the World: Women, Peace and
Arbitration in Early Twentieth-Century
New Zealand, 27, 2,
INNES, STEPHEN. A Bibliography of Writings by M.P.K. Sorrenson, 31, 1,
JACKSON, HUGH. Churchgoing in Nineteenth-Century New Zealand, 17,
KEARSLEY, G.W., T.J. HEARN and T.W.H. BROOKING. Land Settlement
and Voting Patterns in the Otago Provincial Council 1863-1872,
18, 1, 19-33.
KEEN, D.S. History in Secondary Schools, 1976. A Year's Survey, 11, 2,
KENDLE, JOHN. The Round Table Movement: Lionel Curtis and the
Formation of the New Zealand Groups in 1910, 1,1, 33-50.
KING, MICHAEL. New Zealand Oral History: Some Cultural and
Methodological Considerations, 12,2, 104—23.
-— LABRUM, BRONWYN. Looking beyond the Asylum. Gender and the
Process of Committal in Auckland, 1870-1910, 26, 2, 125-44.
LAMB, MARGARET. The Rise of National Socialism 1919-1933: A Review
of Some Recent Literature, 9, 1, 72-82.
LARACY, HUGH. Paranoid Popery: Bishop Moran and Catholic Education
in New Zealand, 10, 1, 51-62.
LARACY, HUGH. Church and State in German Samoa: the Solf-Broyer
Dispute, 12, 2, 158-67.
LARACY, HUGH. Saint-Making: The Case of Pierre Chanel of Futuna, 34,
1, 145-61.
— LECKIE, JACQUELINE. In Defence of Race and Empire: The White New
Zealand League at Pukekohe, 19, 2, 103-29.
LEWIS, DIANNE. The Tin Trade in the Malay Peninsula during the
Eighteenth Century, 3, 1, 52-69.
LINEHAM, P.J. Freethinkers in Nineteenth-Century New Zealand, 19,1,
LOCKE, CYBELE. Historical Consciousness and the Unemployed: Invoking
Symbols from the Past to Protest a Cause, 35, 1, 70-84.
McALOON, JIM. A Political Struggle: Christchurch Labour Politics
1905-1913, 28, 1, 22—40.
McALOON, JIM. The Colonial Wealthy in Canterbury and Otago: No Idle
Rich, 30, 1, 43-60.
McCARTHY, ANGELA. 'A Good Idea of Colonial Life': Personal Letters
and Irish Migration to New Zealand, 35, 1, 1-21.
McCRAW, DAVID. Reluctant Ally. New Zealand's Entry into the Vietnam
War, 15, 1, 49-60.
Finance, and Rural Depression in New Zealand in the 1930s, 21, 2,
MACDONALD, CHARLOTTE. Crime and Punishment in New Zealand,
1840-1913: a Gendered History, 23, 1, 5-21.
McGEORGE, COLIN. Hear Our Voices We Entreat: Schools and the
'Colonial Twang' 1880-1930, 18, 1, 3-18.
MacGIBBON, IAN. The Constitutional Implications of Lord Jellicoe's
Influence on New Zealand Naval Policy, 1919-1930, 6, 1,57-80.
McHUGH, PAUL. Law, History and the Treaty of Waitangi, 31,1, 38-57.
McINTOSH, ALISTER. Working with Peter Fraser in Wartime: Personal
Reminiscences, 10, 1, 3-20.
McINTYRE, W. DAVID. Imperial Jubilee: W.P. Morrell's Contributions to
Imperial History, 16, 1,56-67.
MACKAY, DAVID. Banks, Bligh and Breadfruit, 8, 1, 61-77.
MACKAY, DAVID. British Interest in the Southern Oceans, 1782-1794, 3,
2, 124—42.
MACKAY, DUNCAN. The Orderly Frontier: The World of the Kauri
Bushmen 1860-1925, 25, 2, 147-57.
McKEGG, ALEXANDRA. The Maori Health Nursing Scheme. An
Experiment in Autonomous Health Care, 26, 2, 145-60.
MALONE, E.P. The New Zealand School Journal and the Imperial Ideology, —7, 1, 12-27.
MALTHUS, JANE. 'Bifurcated and Not Ashamed'. Late Nineteenth-Century
Dress Reformers in New Zealand, 23, 1, 32-46.
MANDLE, W.F. Psychology and History, 2, 1, 1-17.
MANNING, HELEN TAFT. Lord Durham and the New Zealand Company,
6, 1, 1-19.
MARTIN, GED. Macrons in the Microscope, 28, 1, 86-89.
MARTIN, JOHN. Whither the Rural Working Class in Nineteenth-Century
New Zealand? 17, 1,21—42.
MARTIN, JOHN E. The Struggle for £1. The Emergence of the Shearers'
Union in the 1870s, 24, 1, 56-73.
MARTIN, JOHN E. The Removal of Compulsory Arbitration and the
Depression of the 1930s, 28, 2, 124-44.
MARTIN, JOHN E. Unemployment, Government and the Labour Market in
New Zealand, 1860-1890, 29, 2, 170-96.
MAYER, MICHAEL S. America Between the Wars: The Seventh Form
American Option Revised, 19, 2, 164-81.
- MEIN SMITH, PHILIPPA. Truby King in Australia. A Revisionist View of
Reduced Infant Mortality, 22, 1,23—43.
— MOLONEY, PAT. Savagery and Civilization: Early Victorian Notions, 35,
2, 153-76.
_ MOLOUGHNEY, BRIAN and JOHN STENHOUSE. 'Drug-besotten, sinbegotten fiends of filth': New Zealanders and the Oriental Other,
1850-1920, 33, 1, 43-64.
MONIN, PAUL. The Maori Economy of Hauraki 1840-1880, 29, 2,
MONTGOMERIE, DEBORAH. The Limitations of Wartime Change.
Women War Workers in New Zealand, 23, 1, 68-86.
MONTGOMERIE, DEBORAH. Beyond the Search for Good Imperialism:
the Challenge of Comparative Ethnohistory, 31, 1, 153-68.
MONTGOMERIE, DEBORAH. GI Joe Down Under: American Infantrymen
in New Zealand During World War II, 34, 2, 262-76.
MORRELL, W.P. Colonists and Aborigines in the Early Australian
Settlements, 12, 1, 50-61.
MOSES, JOHN A. The Solf Regime in Western Samoa: 'Ideal and Reality',
MOUAT, JEREMY. The Ultimate Crisis of the Waihi Gold Mining
Company, 26,2,184-204.
MUNRO, DOUG. Planter Versus Protector. Frank Cornwall's Employment
of Plantation Workers in Samoa, 1878-1881, 23, 2, 173-82.
MUNRO, DOUG. Pacific Islands History in the Vernacular: Practical and
Ethical Considerations, 29, 1, 83-96.
MUNZ, PETER. The Skeleton and the Mollusc: Reflections on the Nature of
Historical Narratives, 1,2, 107-23.
MUNZ, PETER. The Purity of Historical Method: Some Sceptical
Reflections on the Current Enthusiasm for the History of NonEuropean Societies, 5, 1, 1-17.
MUNZ, PETER. Early European History and African Anthropology, 10, 1,
MUNZ, PETER. Finches, Fossils and Foscarini or the Future of Historical
Study, 14, 2, 132-52.
MUNZ, PETER. The Two Worlds of Anne Salmond in Postmodern FancyDress, 28, 1, 60-75.
NATHAN, JUDITH. An Analysis of an Industrial Boarding School:
1847-1860, A Phase in Maori Education, 1, 1,47-59.
NEWMAN, RICHARD. New Zealand's Vote for Prohibition in 1911, 9, 1,
NICHOLLS, ROBERTA. The Collapse of the Early National Council of the
Women of New Zealand, 1896-1906, 27, 2, 157-72.
NOLA, ROBERT. Popper on Historicism and Marxism, 12, 2, 124—45.
NOLAN, MELANIE. 'Politics Swept Under a Domestic
Fracturing Domesticity and the Male Breadwinner Wage: Women's
Economic Citizenship, 1920s-1940s, 27, 2, 199-217.
O'CONNOR, P.S. Venus and the Lonely Kiwi: The War Effort of Miss Ettie
A. Rout, 1, 1, 11-32.
O'CONNOR, P.S. Keeping New Zealand White, 1908-1920, 2, 1, 41-65.
O'CONNOR, P.S. The Awkward Ones — Dealing with Conscience,
1916-1918, 8,2, 118-36.
OKJN, SUSAN MOLLER. John Stuart Mill's Feminism: The Subjection of
Women and the Improvement of Mankind, 1, 2, 105-27.
OKIN, SUSAN MOLLER. Gender and Relativism in Recent Feminist
Historical Scholarship, 29, 2, 211-25.
OLIVER, W.H. Oral and Other History, 12, 2, 99-103.
OLIVER, W.H. Social Policy in the Liberal Period, 13, 1,25-33.
OLIVER, W.H. A Destiny at Home, 21,1,9-15.
OLSSEN, ERIK. The 'Working Class' in New Zealand, 8, 1, 44-60.
OLSSEN, ERIK. W.T. Mills, E.J.B. Allen, J.A. Lee and Socialism in New
Zealand, 10,2, 112-29.
OLSSEN, ERIK. The Impact of John A. Lee's Expulsion upon the Labour
Party, 12, 1, 34-49.
OLSSEN, ERIK. Truby King and the Plunket Society. An Analysis of a
Prescriptive Ideology, 15, 1,3-23.
OLSSEN, ERIK. The Seamen's Union and Industrial Militancy, 1908-13,
19, 1, 14-37.
OLSSEN, ERIK. The Origins of the Labour Party: A Reconsideration, 21,1,
OLSSEN, ERIK. Where To From Here? Reflections on the Twentiethcentury Historiography of Nineteenth-century New Zealand, 26, 1,
OLSSEN, ERIK. Mr Wakefield and New Zealand as an Experiment in PostEnlightenment Experimental Practice, 31, 2, 197-218.
O'MALLEY, VINCENT. Treaty-Making in Early Colonial New Zealand,
ORANGE, CLAUDIA. The Covenant of Kohimarama. A Ratification of the
Treaty of Waitangi, 14,1,61-82.
ORANGE, CLAUDIA. An Exercise in Maori Autonomy: The Rise and
Demise of the Maori War Effort Organization, 21, 1, 156-72.
O'REGAN, TIPENE. Old Myths and New Politics. Some Contemporary
Uses of Traditional History, 26, 1, 5-27.
OWENS, J.M.R. Christianity and the Maoris to 1840, 2, 1, 18-40.
PALMER, MERVYN. William Soltau Davidson: A Pioneer of New Zealand
Estate Management, 7, 2, 148-64.
PARK, STUART. Te Peeke o Aotearoa. The Bank of King Tawhiao, 26, 2,
PARSONS, T.C. Governor Macquarie and the Economic Crisis in New
South Wales, 1810-1815, 2,2, 178-200.
PARSONSON, ANN R. The Expansion of a Competitive Society. A Study in
Nineteenth-Century Maori History, 14, 1,45-60.
PEARSON, DAVID G. Class, Status and Reminiscence: A Research Note,
13, 1, 83-88.
PEARSON, DAVID G. Small-Town Capitalism and Stratification in New
Zealand 1880-1930, 14, 2, 107-31.
PEARSON, DAVID. Marriage and Mobility in Wellington 1881-1980, 22,
2, 135-51.
PETERS, KATHRYN. New Zealand's Attitudes to the Reform of the League
of Nations: The Background of the Memorandum to the SecretaryGeneral, 16 July 1936, 6, 1, 81-98.
PHILLIPS, J.O.C. Rugby, War and the Mythology of the New Zealand Male,
PHILLIPS, JOCK. Of Verandahs and Fish and Chips and Footie on
Saturday Afternoon, 24, 2, 118-34.
PHILLIPS, JOCK. Our History, Our Selves. The Historian and National
Identity, 30, 2, 107-23.
PICKER, GREGORY. A State of Infancy: The
Movement in New Zealand, 1848-1852, 34, 2, 226-40.
PICKLES, KATIE. Empire Settlement and Single British Women as New
Zealand Domestic Servants During the 1920s, 35, 1, 22—44.
PLUMRIDGE, LIBBY. The Necessary But Not Sufficient
Christchurch Labour and Working-Class Culture, 19, 2, 130-50.
POCOCK, J.G.A. British History: A Plea for a New Subject, 8, 1, 3-21.
POCOCK, J.G.A. Tangata Whenua and Enlightenment Anthropology, 26, 1,
PUGH, MICHAEL C. The New Zealand Legion, 1932-1935, 5, 1,49-69.
PUGH, MICHAEL C. Doctrinaires on the Right: The Democrats and AntiSocialism, 1933-36, 17,2, 103-19.
REAY, BARRY. History for Schoolteachers: Seventeenth-Century England,
REID, ANTHONY. Sukarno and the Nature of Indonesian Political Society.
A Review of the Literature, 11,1, 76-83.
REILLY, MICHAEL. John White: the Making of a Nineteenth-Century
Writer and Collector of Maori Tradition, 23, 2, 157-72.
REILLY, MICHAEL. John White. Part II: Seeking the Eusive Mōhio: White
and his Maori Informants, 24, 1, 45-55.
REILLY, MICHAEL. An Ambiguous Past: Representing Maori History, 29,
1, 19-39.
REILLY, MICHAEL. Secret Writers in Foreign Lands: John White and
William Wyatt Gill, 34, 1, 34-46.
RENWICK, W.L. 'Show Us These Islands and Ourselves . . . Give us a
Home in Thought', 21, 2, 197-214.
REYNOLDS, HENRY. Australian Nationalism: Tasmanian Patriotism, 5, 1,
RICE, GEOFFREY. Christchurch in the 1918 Influenza Epidemic. A
Preliminary Study, 13,2, 109-37.
RICE, GEOFFREY W. The Making of New Zealand's 1920 Health Act, 22,
1, 3-22.
RICE, GEOFFREY, W. Maori Health and Heaton Rhodes as Minister of
Public Health, 1912-1915, 35, 2, 204-20.
RIDDELL, KATE. 'Improving' the Maori: Counting the Ideology of
Intermarriage, 34, 1, 80-97.
ROBERTSON, R.T. Isolation, Ideology and Impotence. Organizations for
the Unemployed during the Great Depression, 1930-1935, 13, 2,
ROBERTSON, R.T. Government Responses to Unemployment in New
Zealand, 1929-35, 16, 1, 21-38.
ROCKEY, JOHN. An Australasian Utopist. Robert Pemberton F.R.S.L., The
Last of the Self-Confessed Owenites and the Last of the World
Makers, 15, 2, 156-78.
ROLFE, MARK. Faraway Fordism: The Americanization of Australia and
New Zealand During the 1950s and 1960s, 33, 1, 65-91.
ROSANOWSKI, G.J. The West Coast Railways and New Zealand Politics,
1878-1888, 4, 1, 34-53.
ROSS, R.M. Te Tiriti o Waitangi: Texts and Translations, 6, 2, 129-57.
ROSS, R.M. Evolution of the Melanesian Bishopric, 16, 2, 122—45.
ROUSSEAU, PHILIP. Structure and Event in Anthropology and History, 9,
1, 22-40.
RYAN, GREG. Anthropological Football: Maori and the 1937 Springbok
Rugby Tour of New Zealand, 34, 1, 60-79.
RYAN, GREG. Rural Myth and Urban Actuality: The Anatomy of All Black
and New Zealand Rugby 1884-1938, 35, 1, 45-69.
SALES, PETER. Haeremai, Te Waka! The 1925 United States Fleet Visit to
New Zealand and its Strategic Context, 25, 1, 41-58.
SALESA, TOEOLESULUSULU D. Half Castes between the Wars: Colonial
Categories in New Zealand and Samoa, 34, 1, 98-116.
SALMOND, ANNE. Antipodean Crab Antics, 28, 1, 76-79.
SANDERSON, KAY. Maori Christianity on the East Coast, 1840-1870, 17,
2, 166-84.
SCHRADER, BEN. A Brave New World? Ideal Versus Reality in Postwar
Naenae, 30, 1, 61-79.
SHARPE, MAUREEN. Anzac Day in New Zealand 1916-1939, 15, 2,
SHAW, LOUISE. From Family Helpmeet to Lady Dispenser. Women
Pharmacists 1881-1939, 32, 1, 23^12.
SHAW, LOUISE and BARBARA BROOKES. Constructing Homes: Gender
and Advertising in Home and Building, 1936-1970, 33, 2, 200-20.
SIMMONS, D.R. A New Zealand Myth: Kupe, Toi and the 'Fleet', 3, 1,
SIMPSON, ADRIENNE. Opera in the Antipodes. A Forgotten Aspect of the
Nineteenth-century Trans-Tasman Entertainment Industry, 27, 1,
SINCLAIR, KEITH. Why are Race Relations in New Zealand Better than in
South Africa, South Australia or South Dakota? 5, 2, 121-7.
SINCLAIR, KEITH. The Lee-Sutch Syndrome. New Zealand Labour Party
Policies and Politics, 1930-40, 8, 2, 95-117.
SISSONS, JEFFREY. The Post-Assimilationist
Thought of Sir Apirana
Ngata: Towards a Genealogy of New Zealand Biculturalism, 34, 1,
SKLAR, ROBERT. Humor in America, 4, 2, 107-19.
SMITH, ANTHONY. The Devil You Know: New Zealand's
Policy Towards Cambodia from 1978-1990, 33, 2, 221-41.
SNOOK, I.A. Religion in Schools: A Catholic Controversy, 1930-1934, 6, 2,
SORRENSON, M.P.K. How to Civilize Savages: Some 'Answers' from
Nineteenth-Century New Zealand, 9, 2, 97-110.
SORRENSON, M.P.K. Towards a Radical Reinterpretation of New Zealand
History: The Role of the Waitangi Tribunal, 21, 1, 173-88.
SORRENSON, M.P.K. Giving Better Effect to the Treaty, 24, 2, 135^9.
STAR, PAUL. New Zealand's Changing Natural History. Evidence from
Dunedin, 1868-1875, 32, 1, 59-69.
STENHOUSE, JOHN. 'The Wretched Gorilla Damnification of Humanity':
The 'Battle' between Science and Religion over Evolution in
Nineteenth-Century New Zealand, 18,2, 143-62.
STENHOUSE, JOHN. 'A disappearing race before we came here'. Doctor
Alfred Kingcome Newman, the Dying Maori, and Victorian
Scientific Racism, 30, 2, 124-40.
STENSON, M.R. The Economic Interpretation of Imperialism: A Comment
on some Recent Writings, 10, 2, 178-88.
STENSON, MARCIA. History in New Zealand Schools, 24, 2, 168-81.
STOKES, EVELYN. The Fiji Cotton Boom in the Eighteen-sixties, 2, 2,
STOKES, EVELYN. European Discovery of New Zealand before 1642: A
Review of the Evidence, 4, 1, 3-19.
STOKES, EVELYN. Pai Mārire and Raupatu at Tauranga 1864hl867, 31,
1, 58-84.
STONE, R.C.J. The Maori Lands Question and the Fall of the Grey
Government, 1879, 1,1,51-74.
STONE, R.C.J. The New Zealand Frozen Meat and Storage Company: A
Pioneer of Refrigeration, 5,2, 171-84.
STONE, R.C.J. The Thames Valley and Rotorua Railway Company Limited
1882-9: A Study of the Relationship of Business and Government in
Nineteenth-Century New Zealand, 8, 1, 22-43.
STONE, R.C.J. John Logan Campbell, Frank Connelly and 'Trespiano':
Literary Evidence in Biography, 10, 1,21-36.
STONE, R.C.J. Auckland Party Politics in the Early Years of the Provincial
System, 1853-58, 14,2, 153-78.
STONE, R.C.J. 'Sinister' Auckland Business Cliques, 1840-1940, 21, 1,
STONE, R.C.J. An Anatomy of the Practice of Law in Nineteenth-Century
Auckland, 22,2,91-104.
STRACHAN, S.R. Archives for New Zealand Social History, 13, 1, 89-95.
SUTTON, DOUGLAS G. The Whence of the Moriori, 19, 1, 3-13.
TARLING, NICHOLAS. History and Histrionics, 11,2, 105-11.
TARLING, NICHOLAS. The Wars of British Succession, 15, 1, 24-34.
TARLING, NICHOLAS. The World Wars and the British in Southeast Asia,
27, 1,3-15.
TAU, TE MAIRE. The Death of Knowledge: Ghosts on the Plains, 35, 2,
TAYLOR, G.P. Business and Politics in Queensland, 1859-1895, 1, 1,
TAYLOR, KERRY. 'Our Motto, No Compromise': The Ideological Origins
and Foundation of the Communist Party of New Zealand, 28, 2,
TAYLOR, NAN. Human Rights in World War II in New Zealand, 23, 2,
TENNANT, MARGARET. Mrs Grace Neill in the Department of Asylums,
Hospitals and Charitable Institutions, 12, 1,3-16.
TENNANT, MARGARET. Duncan MacGregor and Charitable Aid
Administration, 1886-1896, 13, 1, 33^40.
" T E N N A N T , MARGARET. Elderly Indigents and Old Men's Homes,
1880-1920, 17, 1,3-20.
TENNANT, MARGARET. Sisterly Ministrations. The Social Work of
Protestant Deaconesses in New Zealand 1890-1940, 32, 1, 3-22.
THOMSON, DAVID. Taking the Long View on Pensions, 32, 2, 93-120.
THOMSON, JANE. Some Reasons for the Failure of the Roman Catholic
Mission to the Maoris, 1838-1860, 3, 2, 166-74.
THOMSON, JANE. The Policy of Land Sales Control: Sharing the Sacrifice,
25, 1,3-17.
THORNLEY, ANDREW. The Methodist Mission and Fiji's Indians:
1879-1920, 8, 2, 137-53.
TOYNBEE, CLAIRE. Class and Social Structure in Nineteenth-Century
New Zealand, 13, 1, 65-80.
TRAINOR, LUKE. The European States System and the Origin of the First
World War 1903-1915: The Fischer School and the German Role in
War Origins, 9, 2, 171-8.
TRAINOR, LUKE. Historians as Imperialists. Some Roots of British
Imperial History 1880-1900, 15, 1, 35-48.
TROTTER, ANN. Some Recent Writings about East Asia in the 1930s and
the Origins of War in the Pacific, 8, 2, 154-63.
TROTTER, ANN. Personality in Foreign Policy, 20, 2, 167-80.
TROTTER, ANN. New Zealanders and the International Military Tribunal
for the Far East, 23, 2, 142-56.
VILLE, SIMON. The Coastal Trade of New Zealand Prior to World War
One, 27, 1, 75-89.
Reform: Responses within New Zealand Rugby to the Arrival of the
'Northern Game', 1907-8, 31,2,234-50.
VOWLES, JACK. Ideology and the Formation of the New Zealand Labour
Party: Some New Evidence, 16, 1, 39-55.
VOWLES, JACK. Liberal Democracy: Pakeha Political Ideology, 21, 2,
WALLACE, SANDRA. Members for Everywoman?
The Campaign
Promises of Women Parliamentary Candidates, 27, 2, 187-98.
WALLACE, STUART. Town Versus Gown in Auckland, 1872-1919, 7, 2,
WALSH, PAT. From Compulsory Unionism to Unqualified Preference: The
Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Amendment Act, 1961, 20, 2,
WALSH, PAT. Pay-fixing Reform in the New Zealand Public Service,
1912-1948, 25, 1, 18^10.
WALSH, PAT. An 'unholy alliance': The 1968 Nil Wage Order, 28, 2,
WARD, ALAN D. The Origins of the Anglo-Maori
Wars: A
Reconsideration, 1,2, 148-70.
WARD, ALAN. Law and Law-enforcement on the New Zealand Frontier,
1840-1893, 5,2, 128-49.
WARD, ALAN. Documenting Maori History: The Arrest of Te Kooti
Rikirangi Te Turuki, 1889, 14, 1, 25^14.
WARD, ALAN. Commentary. The Treaty and the Purchase of Maori Land,
WARD, ALAN. History and Historians before the Waitangi Tribunal, 24, 2,
WATERSON, D.B. The Matamata Estate, 1904-1959: Land Transfers and
Subdivision in the Waikato, 3, 1, 32-51.
WATSON, JAMES. No Mean City? Christchurch's Labour City Council
during the Depression, 1927-1935, 23,2, 124-41.
WEITZEL, R.L. Pacifists and Anti-Militarists in New Zealand, 1909-1914,
7, 2, 128—47.
WILKES, JOANNE. Walter Mantell, Geraldine Jewsbury, and Race
Relations in New Zealand, 22, 2, 105-17.
WILLIAMS, JEANINE. Pastoralist and Maoris. Frederick Weld at
Wharekaka, 11, 1,28-53.
WILLIAMS, PRISCILLA. New Zealand at the 1930 Imperial Conference, 5,
WILSON, DEAN. Community and Gender in Victorian Auckland, 30, 1,
WOOD, F.L.W. Why did New Zealand not join the
Commonwealth in 1900-1901? 2, 2, 115-29.
WORGER, WILLIAM H. Gods, Warriors or Kings? Images of the Land in
South Africa and New Zealand, 31, 1, 169-88.
WYNN, GRAEME. Conservation and Society in Late Nineteenth Century
New Zealand, 11,2, 124-36.
WYNN, GRAEME. Reflections on the Writing of New Zealand History, 18,
2, 104-16.
YARWOOD, A.T. The Missionary Marsden: An Australian View, 4, 1,
YONG, CHING FATT. Patterns and Traditions of Loyalty in the Chinese
Community of Singapore, 1900-1941, 4, 1, 77-87.
Notes/Shorter Communications
BASSETT, MICHAEL. The 1935 Election and the 'Kelly Gang': An
American Observation, 28, 1, 80-85.
BROOMFIELD, J.H. C.F. Andrews in New Zealand, 7, 1, 70-75.
CHAN, ADRIAN. New Zealand, the Australian Commonwealth and 'Plain
Nonsense', 3, 2, 190-5.
CHEYNE, SONIA. Act of Parliament or Royal Prerogative, 24, 2, 182-9.
DAVIS, COLIN. New Zealand Resources for Research in Early Modern
British History, 2, 2, 201-3.
DUNMORE, JOHN. Marion du Fresne and the Young Pretender, 3, 1,
FROST, ALAN. Eighteenth Century Perceptions of 'the Romantic', New
Zealand, and Tahiti, 5, 2, 185-90.
FRY, HOWARD T. The Commercial Ambitions behind Captain Cook's Last
Voyage, 7, 2, 186-91.
HAWKE, G.R. W. Pember Reeves: Some New Evidence, 7, 1, 60-69.
LOW, PETER. Pompallier and the Treaty, 24, 2, 190-9.
McKENZIE, J.D.S. Education Articles in the Wellington Independent
June-July 1849: a Question of Authorship, 1, 2, 199-203.
MULGAN, R.J. Machiavelli, Aristotle and Pocock — A Question of
Evidence, 15, 1, 61-67.
ORANGE, CLAUDIA and PETER MUNZ. A Tribute to Bill Oliver on the
Occasion of his 75th Birthday, 34, 1, 162—4.
ROACH, K.J. Jean-Claude Colin and the Foundation of the New Zealand
Catholic Mission, 3, 1, 74-83.
ROSS, JOHN O. Busby and the Declaration of Independence, 14, 1, 83-89.
SINCLAIR, KEITH. Editorial: The First Twenty Years, 20, 2, 107-10.
SMITHYMAN, KENDRICK. Candidates Should Attempt to Answer All the
Questions, 21,1,5.
TARLING, NICHOLAS. Rizal, Aguinaldo and North Borneo, 9, 2, 179-83.
TREMEWAN, PETER. The French Alternative to the Treaty of Waitangi,
WARD, A.D. Unpublished Parliamentary Papers: A Comment on Untapped
Source Material on New Zealand History, 1,1, 93-94.
WARD, ALAN. A Tribute to Keith Sorrenson, 31,1,6-8.
— A Bibliography of Writings by Sir Keith Sinclair, 21,2, 189-93.
— A Select Bibliography of Writings by W.H. Oliver, 34, 1, 165-70.
ABBOTT, JOHN LAWRENCE. John Hawkesworth:
Man of Letters (E.H. McCormick), 18, 2, 191-3.
ADAMS, MARK and NICHOLAS THOMAS. Cook's Sites: Revisiting
History (Melanie Lovell-Smith), 34, 1, 171-2.
ADAMS, PETER. Fatal Necessity: British Intervention in New Zealand
1830-1847 (Mary Boyd), 13, 1, 100-1.
AHDAR, REX and JOHN STENHOUSE, eds. God and Government: The
New Zealand Experience (Allan Davidson), 34, 2, 306-7.
AIMER, PETER. Wings of the Nation: A History of the New Zealand
National Airways Corporation, 1947-1978 (Jim McAloon), 35, 2,
ALI, AHMED. Plantation to Politics: Studies on Fiji Indians (Barrie
Macdonald), 16, 2, 181-3.
ALLEN, J. DE V. The Malayan Union (M.R. Stenson), 3, 1, 96-97.
ANDERSON, ATHOLL. Race Against Time (Doug Sutton), 28, 1, 105-6.
ANDERSON, ATHOLL. The Welcome of Strangers: An ethnohistory of
southern Maori A.D. 1650-1850 (Michael P.J. Reilly), 33, 1,
ARCHEY, GILBERT. Whaowhia: Maori Art and its Artists (S.M. Mead),
12, 1, 87-89.
ARMITAGE, ANDREW. Comparing the Policy of Aboriginal Assimilation:
Australia, Canada and New Zealand (Deborah Montgomerie), 30, 1,
ARNOLD, ROLLO. The Farthest Promised Land, English Villagers, New
Zealand Immigrants of the 1870s (Charlotte Erickson), 16, 2, 173—1.
ARNOLD, ROLLO. New Zealand's Burning: The Settlers' World in the Mid
1880s (Jon Peacocke), 29, 2, 226-8.
ARNOLD, ROLLO, assisted by BETTY ARNOLD. Settler
1881-1914: A Frontier Fragment of the Western World (Caroline
Daley), 32, 2, 219-20.
ATKINSON, ALAN. The Europeans in Australia. A History, Volume One.
The Beginning (Patrick O'Farrell), 33, 1, 132-3.
ATTWOOD, BAIN. The Making of the Aborigines (Raelene Frances and
Bruce Scates), 26, 1, 105-6.
BADE, JAMES N., ed. The German Connection: New Zealand and Germanspeaking Europe in the Nineteenth Century (Sally Maclean), 28, 2,
BAILEY, C.L. A Documentary History of New Zealand Education. Part
One: The Imperial Background to New Zealand Education: British
Traditions, Government Policies, Colonial Experience 1400-1870
(Gary McCulloch), 25, 1, 87.
BAKER, PAUL. King and Country Call. New Zealanders, Conscription and
the Great War (Linda Bryder), 23, 2, 198-9.
BALLARA, ANGELA. Proud to be White? A Survey of Pakeha Prejudice in
New Zealand (Andrew Sharp), 22, 2, 180-1.
BALLARA, ANGELA. Iwi: The Dynamics of Maori Tribal Organisation
from c.1769 to c.194 5 (Rawiri Taonui), 33, 1, 112-13.
BALLIS, PETER H., ed. In and Out of the World: Seventh-day Adventists in
New Zealand (Colin Brown), 21,2, 289-90.
eds. Sergeant, Sinner, Saint, and Spy: The Taranaki War Diary of
Sergeant William Marjouram, R.A. (Hazel Riseborough), 26, 1,
BARKAN, ELAZAR. The Guilt of Nations: Restitution and Negotiating
Historical Injustices (Giselle Byrnes), 35, 1, 124-5.
BARRINGTON, BROOK, ed. Empires, Imperialism and Southeast Asia:
Essays in Honour of Nicholas Tarling (John Ingleson), 33, 2,
BARROWMAN, RACHEL. The Turnbull: A Library and its World (Chris
Hilliard), 30, 1, 92-93.
BARROWMAN, RACHEL. Victoria University of Wellington 1899-1999: A
History (Ben Schrader), 34, 2, 310-11.
BASSETT, JUDITH. Sir Harry Atkinson 1831-1892 (D.A. Hamer), 10, 1,
Story of New Zealand (David Gledhill), 21,2, 282-4.
BASSETT, MICHAEL. Three Party Politics in New Zealand (Erik Olssen),
18, 1, 70-71.
BASSETT, MICHAEL. Sir Joseph Ward: A Political Biography (W.J.
Gardner), 28, 1, 94-97.
BASSETT, MICHAEL. Coates ofKaipara (Jim McAloon), 30, 1, 96-98.
BASSETT, MICHAEL. The Mother of All Departments: The History of the
Department of Internal Affairs (Jim McAloon), 32, 2, 224-5.
BASSETT, MICHAEL. The State in New Zealand 1840-1984: Socialism
without Doctrines? (Miles Fairburn), 33, 1, 119-20.
BATTERSBY, JOHN. The One Day War: The Battle of Omarunui, 1860
(Richard Moorsom), 35, 2, 240-1.
BEAGLEHOLE, ANN. A Small Price to Pay: Refugees from Hitler in New
Zealand 1936-46 (Ann Trotter), 23, 2, 206-8.
BEAGLEHOLE, ANN and HAL LEVINE. Far from the Promised Land?
Being Jewish in New Zealand (Claudia T. Prestel), 30, 1, 103—4.
BEAGLEHOLE, J.C., ed. The Journals of Captain James Cook on his
Voyages of Discovery. The Voyages of the Resolution and
Discovery, 1776-1780 (David B. Quinn), 3, 2, 196-8.
BEAGLEHOLE, JOHN CAWTE. The Life of Captain James Cook (David B.
Quinn), 9, 2, 184-5.
BEAGLEHOLE, T.H. Thomas Munro and the Development
Administrative Policy in Madras, 1792-1818 (I.J. Catanach), 1, 1,
BEDGGOOD, DAVID, ed. Red Papers in New Zealand (M.R. Stenson), 12,
1, 84-85.
BEDGGOOD, DAVID. Rich and Poor in New Zealand. A Critique of Class,
Politics and Ideology (Keith Sinclair), 15, 2, 187-9.
BEGG, A. CHARLES and NEIL C. BEGG. Dusky Bay (John Pascoe), 1, 2,
BEGG, NEIL. The Intervening Years: A New Zealand Account of the Years
between the Last Two Visits of Halley 's Comet (Dorothy Page), 27,
BELGRAVE, MICHAEL. The Mater: A History of Auckland's Mercy
Hospital 1900-2000 (Margaret McClure), 35, 1, 117-18.
BELICH, JAMES. The New Zealand Wars and the Victorian Interpretation
of Racial Conflict (Alan Ward), 21,2, 270-4.
BELICH, JAMES. 7 Shall Not Die'. Titokowaru's War. New Zealand,
1868-9 (Keith Sinclair), 23, 2, 199-200.
BELICH, JAMES. Making Peoples: A History of the New Zealanders from
Polynesian Settlement to the End of the Nineteenth
(Barbara Brookes), 31,2, 270-2.
Wars, a five-part television series (video) (Ralph Johnson), 32, 2,
BELL, GERDA ELIZABETH. Ernest Dieffenbach — Rebel and Humanist
(R.M. Ross), 11, 1, 101.
BELL, LEONARD. Colonial Constructs. European Images of Maori
1840-1914 (Bernard Smith), 28, 1, 90-92.
BELLAMY, A.C. Tauranga 1882-1982: The Centennial of Gazetting
Tauranga as a Borough (Erik Olssen), 20, 2,191-3.
BENNETT, B.S. New Zealand's Moral Foreign Policy 1935-39. The
Promotion of Collective Security through the League of Nations
(Brook Barrington), 24, 1, 82-85.
BENNETT, JUDITH A. Pacific Forest: A History of Resource Control and
Conflict in Solomon Islands, c.1800-1997 (Barrie Macdonald), 35,
2, 256-8.
BENTLEY, TREVOR. Pakeha Maori: The Extraordinary Story of the
Europeans who lived as Maori in Early New Zealand (Kate
Riddell), 34, 1, 175-6.
BERTRAM, JAMES, ed. New Zealand Letters of Thomas Arnold the
Younger with Further Letters from Van Diemen's Land and Letters
of Arthur Hugh Clough, 1847-1851 (J.C. Beaglehole), 1, 2, 204-5.
BERTRAM, JAMES. Charles Brasch (Keith Sinclair), 12, 1, 69-74.
BERTRAM, JAMES. Towards a New Zealand Literature (Keith Sinclair),
12, 1, 69-74.
BERTRAM, JAMES, ed. The Letters of Thomas Arnold the Younger
1850-1900 (Hugh Jackson), 17, 1, 83-84.
BING, D., ed. China: Cultural and Political Perspectives (Richard T.
Phillips), 10, 2, 190-2.
BINNEY, JUDITH. The Legacy of Guilt: A Life of Thomas Kendall (John
Owens), 4,'1,91-93.
BINNEY, JUDITH. Redemption Songs. A Life of Te Kooti Arikirangi Te
Turuki (James Belich), 30, 2, 182-3.
and the Land. Te Tangata me Te Whenua. An Illustrated History of
New Zealand, 1820-1920 (Caroline Ralston), 25, 1, 67-69.
BINNEY, JUDITH and GILLIAN CHAPLIN. Ngā Mōrehu: The Survivors
(Anne Salmond), 23, 1, 89-90.
The Prophet Rua Kenana and His Community at Maungapohatu
(Alan Ward), 14, 2, 201^1.
BIRCHFIELD, MAUREEN. She Dared to Speak: Connie Birchfield's Story
(Kerry Taylor), 33, 1, 125-6.
BLAKELY, BRIAN L. The Colonial Office, 1868-1892 (W.P. Morrell), 7, 1,
BLOOMFIELD, G.T. New Zealand: A Handbook of Historical Statistics
(R.C.J. Stone), 19, 2, 194-5.
Ground: Robin Hyde, Journalist (P.J. Gibbons), 27, 2, 236-8.
BOHAN, EDMUND. To Be a Hero: Sir George Grey 1812-1898 (Bernard
Cadogan), 33, 1, 115-17.
BOLT, CHRISTINE. Victorian Attitudes to Race (M.P.K. Sorrenson), 7, 1,
BORRIE, W.D. The European Peopling of Australasia. A Demographic
History 1788-1988 (Malcolm Campbell), 28, 2, 226-7.
BORRIE, W.D. Immigration to New Zealand 1854-1938 (Rosalind
McClean), 28, 2, 229-30.
Government. Radical Politics in New Zealand (Ruth Butterworth),
22, 2, 190-1.
New Zealand General Election of 1999 (Adam Claasen), 35, 2,
BOWEN, DESMOND. The Idea of the Victorian Church: A Study of the
Church of England, 1833-1889 (C.G. Brown), 4, 2, 209-10.
BRAILSFORD, BARRY. Greenstone Trails: The Maori Search for
Pounamu (D.R. Simmons), 19, 1, 91-2.
BRAISTED, WILLIAM REYNOLDS. The United States Navy in the
Pacific, 1909-1922 (W. David Mclntyre), 9, 2, 1 9 2 ^ .
BRAMBLE, TOM, ed. Never a White Flag: The Memoirs of Jock Barnes,
Waterfront Leader (Kerry Taylor), 33, 1, 125-6.
BRAWLEY, SEAN. The White Peril: Foreign Relations and Asian
Immigration to Australasia and North America 1919-78 (Greg
Bankoff), 29, 2, 243^4.
BROCKLEBANK, LAURIE. Jayforce: New Zealand and the Military
Occupation of Japan, 1945-1948 (Laurie Barber), 32, 2, 227-8.
BROOKES, BARBARA, ed. At Home in New Zealand: History, Houses,
People (Bronwyn Dalley), 35, 1, 115-16.
TENNANT, eds. Women in History: Essays on European Women in
New Zealand (Maureen Montgomery), 23, 1, 91-92.
TENNANT, eds. Women in History 2 (Patricia Grimshaw), 27, 2,
BROOKING, T.W.H. A History of Dentistry in New Zealand (Michael
Belgrave), 16, 1, 76-78.
BROOKING, TOM. And Captain of Their Souls. An Interpretative Essay on
the Life and Times of Captain William Cargill (Raewyn Dalziel),
BROOKING, TOM. Lands for the People? The Highland Clearances and
the Colonisation of New Zealand: A Biography of John McKenzie
(Brian Easton), 31,2, 275-7.
BROOMFIELD, J.H. Elite Conflict in a Plural Society: Twentieth-Century
Bengal (W.H. McLeod), 6, 1, 109-12.
BROWN, BRUCE, ed. Asia and the Pacific in the 1970s: The Roles of the
United States, Australia, and New Zealand (W.E. Murphy), 6, 2,
BROWN, BRUCE, ed. New Zealand in World Affairs III, 1972-1990 (John
Subritzky), 34, 2, 309-10.
BROWN, COLIN. Vision and Reality: Christchurch's Cathedral in the
Square (Peter Lineham), 35, 2, 252.
BRYDER, LINDA, ed. A Healthy Country: Essays on the Social History of
Medicine in New Zealand (Philippa Mein Smith), 27, 2, 233-5.
BUNKLE, PHILLIDA and BERYL HUGHES, eds. Women in New Zealand
Society (Patricia Grimshaw), 16, 2, 179-80.
BURNS, PATRICIA. Te Rauparaha: A New Perspective (Ann Parsonson),
16, 2, 175-6.
BURNS, PATRICIA (ed. Henry Richardson). Fatal Success. A History of the
New Zealand Company (Rollo Arnold), 27, 1, 99-101.
BUSH, G.W.A. Decently and in Order: The Centennial History of the
Auckland City Council (Judith Elphick), 8, 1, 85-86.
BUSH, GRAHAM. Bristol and its Municipal Government
(Graeme Dunstall), 12, 1, 89-90.
the Auld Rock: Shetlanders in New Zealand (Rosalind McClean),
33, 1, 129-31.
CAGE, R.A., ed. The Scots Abroad: Labour, Capital, Enterprise, 1750-1914
(Rosalind McClean), 22, 1, 78-80.
and Beaches: Pacific Encounters, 1769-1840 (Toeolesulusulu D.
Salesa), 34, 1, 172-3.
CAMPBELL, ALASTAIR H. John Batman and the Aborigines (Henry
Reynolds), 22, 2, 186-7.
CAMPBELL, I.C. A History of the Pacific Islands (Phyllis S. Herda), 28, 1,
CAMPBELL, I.C. Island Kingdom: Tonga Ancient and Modern (Phyllis S.
Herda), 28, 1, 109-10.
CANT, GARTH and RUSSELL KIRKPATRICK, eds. Rural Canterbury
(Jim Gardner), 35, 2, 249-50.
CARTER, IAN. Gadfly: The Life and Times of James Shelley (Colin
McGeorge), 28, 2, 236-7.
CASTLES, FRANCIS G. The Working Class and Welfare: Reflections on
the Political Development of the Welfare State in Australia and New
Zealand, 1890-1980 (Kenneth A. Lockridge), 21, 2, 284-5.
CATANACH, I.J. Rural Credit in Western India, 1875-1930 ( W . H .
McLeod), 6, 1, 110-12.
WATTS and D. GOODMAN. Mission to the South Seas: The
Voyage of the Duff 1796-1799 (Bryan Gilling), 26, 2, 228.
CELL, JOHN W. British Colonial Administration in the mid-Nineteenth
Century: The Policy-Making Process (W.P. Morrell), 5, 1, 93-94.
CHAMBERS, W.A. Samuel Ironside in New Zealand, 1839-1858 (John
Owens), 17, 2, 196-7.
CHAPPLE, GEOFF. Rewi Alley of China (Paul Clark), 16, 1, 83-84.
CHURCH, IAN. The Stratford Inheritance (Margaret McClure), 26, 2,
CIZMIC, IVAN. Iz Dalmacije u Novi Zeland (H.P. Stoffel), 17, 1, 87-89.
CLARK, C.M.H. A History of Australia, vol.5 (John Rickard), 17, 1, 90-92.
CLARK, GRAHAME. World Prehistory: A New Outline (Wilfred
Shawcross), 4, 2, 201-3.
CLARK, MARGARET, ed. Sir Keith Holyoake: Towards a Political
Biography (David Green), 32, 1, 76-77.
CLARK, PAUL. 'Hauhau': The Pai Marire Search for Maori Identity
(Robin W. Winks), 11,1, 96-98.
CLEAVE, PETER. The Sovereignty Game: Power and Knowledge and
Reading the Treaty (Andrew Sharp), 24, 1, 77-79.
COHEN, ROBIN, ed. The Cambridge Survey of World Migration (Malcolm
Campbell), 31, 2, 291-2.
COLLIE-HOLMES, MARY. Where the Heart Is: A History of Barnardo's
in New Zealand 1866-1991 (Shayleen Thompson), 27, 2, 240.
CONDLIFFE, J.B. Te Rangi Hiroa: The Life of Sir Peter Buck (M.P.K.
Sorrenson), 7, 2, 192-4.
CONEY, SANDRA. Standing in the Sunshine. A History of New Zealand
Women Since They Won the Vote (Margaret Tennant), 29, 1, 107-8.
CONNELL, R.W. and T.H. IRVING. Class Structure in Australian History
(Hugh Jackson), 15, 1, 86-88.
CONSTANTINE, STEPHEN, ed. Dominions Diary. The Letters of E.J.
Harding 1913-1916 (Nicholas Tarling), 28, 1, 114.
COOKE, BILL. Heathen in Godzone: Seventy Years of Rationalism in New
Zealand (Peter Lineham), 33, 2, 259-61.
COOKSON, JOHN and GRAEME DUNSTALL, eds. Southern Capital:
Christchurch: Towards a City Biography 1850-2000 (James
Watson), 35, 2, 250-1.
COOPER, ANNABEL. The Not So Poor: An Autobiography (Anna Green),
27, 2, 235-6.
COPLAND, R.A. Frank Sargeson (Keith Sinclair), 12, 1, 69-74.
COURAGE, SARAH AMELIA. Lights and Shadows of Colonial Life:
Twenty-six Years in Canterbury, New Zealand (Raewyn Dalziel),
11,2, 196-7.
CRAIG, ROBERT D. Historical Dictionary of Polynesia (K.R. Howe), 28, 1,
CRAWFORD, JOHN, ed. Kia Kaha: New Zealand in the Second World War
(Deborah Montgomerie), 34, 2, 307-9.
CRAWFORD, JOHN with ELLEN ELLIS. To Fight for the Empire: An
Illustrated History of New Zealand and the South African War,
1899-1902 (David Verran), 34, 1, 184-5.
CRAWFORD, R.M. A Bit of a Rebel': The Life and Work of George Arnold
Wood (David Walker), 11, 2, 199.
Ta'unga. Records of a Polynesian Traveller in the South Seas
1833-1896 (G.S. Parsonson), 5, 2, 200-4.
CROCOMBE, RON. Culture and Democracy in the South Pacific (Barrie
Macdonald), 28, 1, 110-12.
CROCOMBE, RON. Pacific Neighbours: New Zealand's Relations with
other Pacific Islands (Barrie Macdonald), 28, 1, 110-12.
CROSBY, ALFRED W. Ecological Imperialism: The Biological Expansion
of Europe, 900-1900 (Ian Pool), 23, 1, 101.
CROSBY, R.D. The Musket Wars: A History of Inter-Iwi
1806-1845 (Rawiri Taonui), 34, 1, 173-5.
CUBITT, GEOFFREY, ed. Imagining Nations (Chris Hilliard), 32, 2,
CUFF, MARTINE E. Totara Estate: The Centennial of the Frozen Meat
Industry (Erik Olssen), 20, 2, 191-3.
CULLEN, M.J. Lawfully Occupied: The Centennial History of the Otago
District Law Society (Graeme Dunstall), 15,2, 185-7.
DALEY, CAROLINE. Girls & Women, Men & Boys: Gender in Taradale
1886-1930 (Jeanine Graham), 33, 2, 261-2.
Gendered Kiwi (Marilyn Lake), 34, 2, 297-8.
DALEY, CAROLINE and MELANIE NOLAN, eds. Suffrage and Beyond:
International Feminist Perspectives (Diane Kirkby), 29, 2, 231-2.
DALLEY, BRONWYN. Women of Value: A History of Women in the
Valuation Department and Valuation New Zealand
(Melanie Nolan), 28, 2, 218-20.
DALLEY, BRONWYN. Family Matters: Child Welfare in TwentiethCentury New Zealand (Philippa Mein Smith), 33, 1, 123-5.
Zealand Social and Cultural History (Katie Pickles), 34, 2,
DALTON, B.J. War and Politics in New Zealand, 1855-1870 (M.P.K.
Sorrenson), 2, 1, 94-97.
DALZIEL, R.M. The Origins of New Zealand Diplomacy: The AgentGeneral in London 1870-1905 (Angus Ross), 10, 1, 82-83.
DALZIEL, RAEWYN. Julius Vogel: Business Politician (Colin Davis), 20,
2, 188-91.
DAVID, ANDREW, ed. The Charts and Coastal Views of Captain Cook's
Voyages. The Voyage of the Endeavour, 1768-1771 (Hugh Laracy),
24, 1,80-81.
DAVID, ANDREW, ed. The Charts and Coastal Views of Captain Cook's
Voyages: Volume Three: The Voyage of the Resolution and
Discovery, 1776-1780 (David Mackay), 33, 2, 245-6.
DAVIDSON, A.K. and P.J. LINEHAM. Transplanted
Documents Illustrating Aspects of New Zealand Church History (Ian
Breward), 23, 2, 205-6.
DAVIDSON, ALEXANDER. Two Models of Welfare. The Origins and
Development of the Welfare State in Sweden and New Zealand,
1888-1988 (Linda Bryder), 26, 1, 110-11.
DAVIDSON, J.W. Samoa mo Samoa: The Emergence of the Independent
State of Western Samoa (Mary Boyd), 2, 1, 90-94.
DAVIDSON, J.W. Peter Dillon of Vanikoro: Chevalier of the South Seas
(Patricia Grimshaw), 12, 1, 82-84.
DAVIDSON, J.W. and DERYCK SCARR, eds. Pacific Islands Portraits
(W.P. Morrell), 5, 2, 198-200.
DAVIDSON, JANET. The Prehistory of New Zealand (Aidan Challis), 20, 2,
DAVISON, GRAEME. The Rise and Fall of Marvellous
(Raewyn Dalziel), 14, 2, 206-8.
DAY, PATRICK. The Radio Years: a History of Broadcasting in New
Zealand, Volume 1 (Ian Carter), 29, 1, 113-14.
DAY, PATRICK. Voice and Vision: A History of Broadcasting in New
Zealand, Volume 2 (Ian Carter), 35, 1, 119-20.
de SURVILLE, J. and G. LABÊ (ed. John Dunmore). The Expedition of the
St. Jean Baptiste to the Pacific 1769-1770 (G.S. Parsonson), 18, 1,
DEGÊRANDO, JOSEPH-MARIE (trans. F.C.T. Moore). The Observation of
Savage Peoples (M.P.K. Sorrenson), 5, 1, 104-6.
DEMPSTER, W.J. Patrick Matthew and Natural Selection (G.J. Tee), 18, 1,
DENING, GREG. Islands and Beaches. Discourse on a Silent Land:
Marquesas 1774-1880 (K.R. Howe), 15, 2, 190-4.
DENOON, DONALD. Settler Capitalism: The Dynamics of Dependent
Development in the Southern Hemisphere (I.G. Bertram), 18, 2,
DEVALIANT, JUDITH. A Biography. Kate Sheppard. The Fight for
Women's Votes in New Zealand — The Life of the Woman who led
the Struggle (Margaret Tennant), 27, 2, 227-8.
DICKSON, DIANE and CAROL DOSSOR (comp.). World Catalogue of
Theses on the Pacific Islands (Hugh M. Laracy), 5, 2, 208-9.
DINGLE, A.E. and D.T. MERRETT, eds. Argentina and Australia: Essays
in Comparative Economic Development (Donald Denoon), 21, 2,
DOMINY, MICHELE. Calling the Station Home: Place and Identity in New
Zealand's High Country (Tom Brooking), 35, 1, 113-14.
DOW, DEREK. Annotated Bibliography for the History of Medicine and
Health in New Zealand (Philippa Mein Smith), 29, 1, 121-2.
DOW, DEREK A. Safeguarding the Public Health: A History of the New
Zealand Department of Health (Louella McCarthy), 30, 1, 90-92.
DOW, DEREK A. Maori Health and Government Policy 1840-1940
(Philippa Mein Smith), 34, 1, 176-8.
DOYLE, CHARLES. James K. Baxter (Keith Sinclair), 12, 1, 69-74.
DREAVER, A.J. Horowhenua County and its People: A Centennial History
(D.A. Hamer), 20, 1, 76-77.
DREAVER, ANTHONY. An Eye for Country: The Life and Work of Leslie
Adkin (Giselle M. Byrnes), 32, 1, 73-74.
DRUMMOND, ALISON, ed. The Auckland Journals of Vicesimus Lush
1850-1863 (R.C.J. Stone), 7, 1, 77-78.
Seas. Vol. I: Astrolabe 1826-1829; Vol. II: Astrolabe and Zelee
1837-1840 (Isabel Ollivier), 24, 1, 81-82.
DUMONT D'URVILLE, J.S.C. (trans. Carol Legge). The New Zealanders:
A Story of Austral Lands (Giselle Byrnes), 27, 1, 110-11.
DUNLAP, THOMAS R. Nature and the English Diaspora: Environment and
History in the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand
(Kirstie Ross), 34, 1, 187-8.
DUNMORE, J., ed. Fragmens du Dernier Voyage de la Perouse (Valerie I.J.
Flint), 22, 2, 178-9.
DUNMORE, JOHN. French Explorers in the Pacific (W.P. Morrell), 6, 1,
DUNMORE, JOHN, ed. New Zealand and the French. Two Centuries of
Contact (Philip Turner), 26, 1, 118-19.
DUNMORE, JOHN. Who's Who in Pacific Navigation (K.R. Howe), 27, 1,
DUNMORE, JOHN. Visions and Realities: France in the Pacific 1695-1995
(I.C. Campbell), 32, 1, 71-73.
DUNN, MICHAEL. John Kinder: Paintings and Photographs (Roger
Blackley), 21, 2, 287-9.
DUNSTALL, GRAEME. A Policeman's Paradise? Policing a Stable Society
1918-1945 (Greg Newbold), 34, 2, 314-15.
DURIE, MASON. Whaiora. Maori Health Development (Linda Bryder), 29,
1, 100-1.
DURIE, MASON. Te Mana Te Kawanatanga: The Politics of Maori SelfDetermination (Rawiri Taonui), 32, 2, 210-12.
EARLE, AUGUSTUS (ed. E.H. McCormick). Narrative of a Residence in
New Zealand (Judith Binney), 2, 2, 204-8.
EASTON, BRIAN. Social Policy and the Welfare State in New Zealand
(Keith Sinclair), 15, 2, 187-9.
EASTON, BRIAN. In Stormy Seas: The Post-War New Zealand Economy
(Michael Bassett), 32, 2, 222-4.
EDDY, J.J. Britain and the Australian Colonies 1818-1831: The Technique
of Government (W.P. Morrell), 6, 2, 188-9.
EDMOND, LAURIS, ed. The Letters of A.R.D. Fairburn (Keith Sinclair),
16, 2, 176-8.
EDWARDS, PETER. A Nation at War: Australian Politics, Society and
Diplomacy during the Vietnam War, 1965-1975 (Roberto Rabel),
Work, 1893-1993 (Melanie Nolan), 28, 2, 218-20.
ELDRED-GRIGG, STEVAN. A Southern Gentry: New Zealanders who
inherited the earth (M.D.N. Campbell), 15, 1, 80-82.
ELDRED-GRIGG, STEVAN. A New History of Canterbury
Brooking), 17, 1, 93-95.
ELDRED-GRIGG, STEVAN. Pleasures of the Flesh — Sex and Drugs in
Colonial New Zealand 1840-1915 (F.B. Smith), 19, 2, 191-2.
ELDRED-GRIGG, STEVAN. My History, I Think (Jock Phillips),'29, 1,
ELLWOOD, ROBERT S. Islands of the Dawn: The Story of Alternative
Spirituality in New Zealand (Bryan Gilling), 29, 1, 115-17.
ELSE, ANNE. A Question of Adoption: Closed Stranger Adoption in New
Zealand 1944-1974 (Jeanine Graham), 26, 2, 214-15.
ELSE, ANNE. Getting On: Women in the Ministry of Commerce and its
Predecessors, 1894-1993 (Melanie Nolan), 28, 2, 218-20.
ELSE, ANNE, ed. Women Together: A History of Women's Organizations in
New Zealand: Ngā Rōpū Wāhine o te Motu (Anne Firor Scott), 28,
2, 223-4.
ELSMORE, BRONWYN. Mana from Heaven: A Century of Maori Prophets
in New Zealand (Lyndsay Head), 25, 1, 73-74.
EL WORTHY, SAM. Ritual Song of Defiance: A Social History of Students
at the University of Otago (Paul Husbands), 25, 1, 86-87.
EPSTEIN, T. SCARLETT. Capitalism, Primitive and Modern: Some Aspects
ofTolai Economic Growth (A. Ploeg), 3, 2, 206-8.
EVISON, HARRY C. Te Wai Pounamu, The Greenstone Island: A History
of the Southern Maori during the European Colonization of New
Zealand (John Owens), 28, 1, 104.
EWING, J.L. The Development of the New Zealand Primary School
Curriculum 1877-1970 (I.A. McLaren), 6, 2, 191-2.
FAANIU, SIMATI et al. (ed. Hugh Laracy). Tuvalu: A History (Barrie
Macdonald), 19, 1, 89-90.
FAIRBURN, MILES. The Ideal Society and its Enemies: The Foundations of
Modern New Zealand Society 1850-1900 (Alan Ward), 24, 1,
FAIRBURN, MILES. Nearly out of Heart and Hope: The Puzzle of a
Colonial Labourer's Diary (Tom Brooking), 30, 1, 80-82.
FAIRBURN, MILES. Social History: Problems, Strategies and Methods
(Barry Reay), 34, 2, 296-7.
FAIRBURN, THAYER. The Orpheus Disaster (David Collier), 23, 2,
FARRELL, FRANK. International Socialism and Australian Labour (Len
Richardson), 17, 2, 197-8.
FEDOROWICH, KENT. Unfit for Heroes: Reconstruction and Soldier
Settlement in the Empire Between the Wars (Ashley Gould), 29, 2,
FIELDHOUSE, D.K. The Colonial Empire: A Comparative Survey from the
Eighteenth Century (W.P. Morrell), 2, 1, 98-100.
FISHER, ROBIN. Contact and Conflict: Indian-European Relations in
British Columbia, 1774-1890 (M.P.K. Sorrenson), 12, 2, 168-70.
FISHER, ROBIN and HUGH JOHNSTON, eds. From Maps to Metaphors.
The Pacific World of George Vancouver (Richard Sorrenson), 29, 1,
FLERAS, AUGIE and PAUL SPOONLEY. Recalling Aotearoa: Indigenous
Politics and Ethnic Relations in New Zealand (James Ritchie), 34,
2, 300-1.
Community at Titahi Bay (Ann Beaglehole), 34, 2, 312-13.
FORSTER, GEORGE. A Voyage Round the World (Thomas Rohkrāmer), 34,
2, 301-2.
FORSTER, HONORE. The South Sea Whaler (Harry Morton), 22, 1, 87-88.
FORSTER, JOHANN REINHOLD. Observations Made During a Voyage
Round the World (Richard Sorrenson), 31,2, 293-4.
FOX, AILEEN. Prehistoric Maori Fortifications in the North Island of New
Zealand (Judith Binney), 11, 1, 100-1.
FRAME, ALEX. Salmond: Southern Jurist (Judith Bassett), 30, 1, 98-99.
FRANCE, PETER. The Charter of the Land — Custom and Colonization in
Fiji (David C. Pitt), 4, 1, 93-95.
FRANCIS, MARK. Governors and Settlers: Images of Authority in the
British Colonies, 1820-80 (David Hamer), 27, 1, 98-99.
FRANKLIN, S. HARVEY. Trade, Growth and Anxiety: New Zealand
Beyond the Welfare State (G.R. Hawke), 13, 1, 102-3.
FRASER, LYNDON. To Tara via Holyhead: Irish Catholic Immigrants in
Christchurch (Sean G. Brosnahan), 32, 2,
GALBREATH, ROSS. Working for Wildlife: A History of the New Zealand
Wildlife Service (Philip Hart), 28, 2, 235-6.
GALBREATH, ROSS. DSIR: Making Science Work for New Zealand (James
Watson), 33, 2, 264-5.
GARDNER, W.J. Colonial Cap and Gown (Jock Phillips), 14, 1, 93-95.
GARDNER, W.J. The Amuri: A County History (Rollo Arnold), 20, 1,
GARDNER, W.J. A Pastoral Kingdom Divided: Cheviot, 1889-94 (Brad
Patterson), 27, 1, 90-93.
GARDNER, W.J. Where They Lived: Studies in Local, Regional and Social
History (Brad Patterson), 33, 2, 258-9.
GARDNER, W.J., E.T. BEARDSLEY and T.E. CARTER. A History of the
University of Canterbury, 1873-1973 (W.P. Morrell), 8, 1, 87-88.
GARNER, JEAN. 'By His Own Merits': Sir John Hall — Pioneer,
Pastoralist & Premier (Edmund Bohan), 30, 2, 186-7.
GARRETT, HELEN. Te Manihera — The Life and Times of the Pioneer
Missionary Robert Maunsell (Giselle Byrnes), 26, 1, 113-14.
GARRETT, JOHN. To Live Among the Stars: Christian Origins in Oceania
(Hugh Laracy), 16, 2, 168-9.
GARRETT, JOHN. Footsteps in the Sea: Christianity in Oceania to World
War II (Bryan Gilling), 29, 1, 115-17.
GARTON, STEPHEN. The Cost of War: Australians Return (Deborah
Montgomerie), 32, 1, 82-83.
GASCOIGNE, JOHN. Joseph Banks and the English Enlightenment: Useful
Knowledge and Polite Culture (David Mackay), 29, 1, 104-5.
GASCOIGNE, JOHN. Science in the Service of Empire: Joseph Banks, the
British State and the Uses of Science in the Age of Revolution (Ruth
Barton), 33, 2, 246-8.
GELBER, H.G., ed. Problems of Australian Defence (W.E. Murphy), 6, 2,
GERSTER, ROBIN. Big-noting. The Heroic Theme in Australian War
Writing (Keith Sinclair), 22, 2, 187-8.
GIBBONS, P.J. Astride the River: A History of Hamilton (R.C.J. Stone), 14,
1, 100-1.
GILES, W.E. A Cruise in a Queensland Labour Vessel to the South Seas
(G.S. Parsonson), 5, 2, 200-4.
GILLING, BRYAN, ed. 'Be Ye Separate': Fundamentalism and the New
Zealand Experience (John Broadbent), 29, 1, 117-18.
GILLING, BRYAN, ed. 'Godly Schools?': Some approaches to Christian
Education in New Zealand (John Broadbent), 29, 1, 117-18.
GILLION, K.L. The Fiji Indians: Challenge to European
1920-46 (Ahmed Ali), 12, 2, 172-3.
GILLION, KENNETH L. Ahmedabad. A Study in Indian Urban History
(W.H. McLeod), 6, 1, 110-12.
GLOVER, RUPERT GLANVILLE. New Zealand in Vietnam: A Study of the
Use of Force in International Law (Steve Hoadley), 22, 1, 86-87.
GLUCKMAN, L.K. Tangiwai. Medical History of New Zealand Prior to
1860 (Raeburn Lange), 11,2, 200-2.
(Stephen O'Regan), 16, 2, 171-2.
GOUGH, BARRY. Gunboat Frontier. British Maritime Authority and
Northwest Coast Indians 1846-90 (Harry Morton), 20, 1, 81-82.
GOULD, JOHN. The University Grants Committee 1961-1986. A History
(Nicholas Tarling), 23, 2, 210-11.
GRADY, DON. The Perano Whalers of Cook Strait, 1911-1964 (Erik
Olssen), 20, 2, 191-3.
GRAHAM, JEANINE. Frederick Weld (Tom Brooking), 21,2, 277-9.
GRANT, DAVID. Out in the Cold: Pacifists and Conscientious Objectors in
New Zealand during World War Two (Paul Baker), 21,2, 281-2.
GRANT, DAVID. On a Roll: A History of Gambling and Lotteries in New
Zealand (Graeme Dunstall), 29, 2, 233-1.
GRANT, DAVID. Two Over Three on Goodtime Sugar: The New Zealand
TAB Turns 50 (Graeme Dunstall), 35, 1, 118-19.
GREY, ALAN. Aotearoa and New Zealand: A Historical Geography (R.P.
Hargreaves), 30, 1, 102-3.
GREY, JEFFREY. A Military History of Australia (Raelene Frances), 26, 1,
GREY, JEFFREY and JEFF DOYLE, eds. Vietnam: War Myth and Memory
(Laurie Barber), 27, 1, 113-14.
GRIMBLE, A.F. (ed. H.E. Maude). Tungaru Traditions: Writings on the
Atoll Culture of the Gilbert Islands (Antony Hooper), 26, 1, 112-13.
GRIMSHAW, PATRICIA. Women's Suffrage in New Zealand (Raewyn
Dalziel), 7, 2, 201-22.
GRIMSHAW, PATRICIA. Women's Suffrage in New Zealand (Margaret
Tennant), 23, 1, 92-93.
GUNSON, NIEL. Messengers of Grace: Evangelical Missionaries in the
South Seas 1797-1860 (I. Breward), 14, 1, 98-99.
GUSTAFSON, BARRY. Labour's Path to Political Independence (Erik
Olssen), 15, 1, 82-84.
GUSTAFSON, BARRY. From the Cradle to the Grave: A Biography of
Michael Joseph Savage (Michael Bassett), 21,2, 275-7.
GUSTAFSON, BARRY. His Way. A Biography of Robert Muldoon (K.R.
Howe), 35, 2, 244-6.
HALL, DAVID O.W. New Zealand Adult Education (E.P. Malone), 6, 2,
HALL, TIMOTHY. The Fall of Singapore 1942 (David Mclntyre), 18, 1,
HAMER, DAVID. The New Zealand Liberals. The Years of Power,
1891-1912 (Raewyn Dalziel), 23, 2, 193-5.
Wellington 1800-1914 (Graeme Dunstall), 27, 1, 101-2.
Postgraduate Studies in the Humanities in Australia (Keith
Sinclair), 2, 1, 102.
HANCOCK, W.K. Smuts, Vol. II: The Fields of Force, 1919-1950 (Janet M.
Robinson), 3, 2, 204-6.
HANCOCK, W.K. Discovering Monaro: A Study of Man's Impact on his
Environment (W.J. Gardner), 7, 2, 194-5.
HANSON, ELIZABETH. The Politics of Social Security (Margaret
Tennant), 15, 1, 78-79.
HANSON, F. ALLAN and LOUISE HANSON. Counterpoint in Maori
Culture (Roger Neich), 19, 1, 84-85.
HARGREAVES, R.P. and T.J. HEARN, eds. Women and the Vote (Margaret
Tennant), 23, 1, 92-93.
HARLOW, RAY. Otago's First Book: The Distinctive Dialect of Southern
Maori (Michael P.J. Reilly), 29, 1, 101-2.
HARNETTY, PETER. Imperialism and Free Trade: Lancashire and India in
the mid-Nineteenth Century (I.J. Catanach), 9,1, 89-90.
HARPER, BARBARA, ed. Letters from Gunner 7/516 and Gunner 7/517
(P.S. O'Connor), 13,2, 201-2.
HARPER, MARJORY. Emigration from North East Scotland. Vol. I: Willing
Exiles; Vol. II: Beyond the Broad Atlantic (Tom Brooking), 24, 1,
HARSANT, FLORENCE. They Called Me Te Maori (Raeburn Lange), 14, 2,
HASLUCK, PAUL. Australia in the War of 1939-1945: The Government
and the People 1942-1945 (F.L.W. Wood), 7, 2, 195-7.
HASLUCK, PAUL. Shades of Darkness. Aboriginal Affairs, 1925-1965
(M.P.K. Sorrenson), 24, 1, 86-88.
HATCH, ELVIN. Respectable Lives: Social Standing in Rural New Zealand
(Ian Carter), 27, 1, 106-7.
HAVEMANN, PAUL, ed. Indigenous Peoples' Rights in Australia, Canada
& New Zealand (Arthur J. Ray), 34, 1, 185-7.
HAWKE, G.R. Between Governments and Banks. A History of the Reserve
Bank of New Zealand (C.A. Blyth), 10, 1, 85-86.
HAWKE, G.R. Economics for Historians (James Holt), 15, 2, 181-2.
HAY, IAIN. The Caring Commodity. The Provision of Health Care in New
Zealand (Linda Bryder), 25, 1, 70-71.
HEAPHY, CHARLES. Narrative of a Residence in Various Parts of New
Zealand (Judith Binney), 3, 1, 91-92.
HEMPENSTALL, PETER J. Pacific Islanders under German Rule: A Study
in the Meaning of Colonial Resistance (Hugh Laracy), 13, 2, 196-7.
in the Colonial Pacific (Judith A. Bennett), 23, 1, 103-4.
Efficiency: the Origins of the State Services Commission (Graeme
Dunstall), 26, 2, 222-1.
eds. Beyond New Zealand: The Foreign Policy of a Small State
(Keith Sinclair), 15, 2, 182-3.
HENNINGHAM, STEPHEN. France and the South Pacific:
Contemporary History (Hugh Laracy), 27, 1, 108-9.
HERCOCK, FAY. Alice: The Making of a Woman Doctor 1914-1974 (Katie
Pickles), 33, 2, 262-4.
HERVÊ, ROGER. Chance Discovery of Australia and New Zealand by
Portuguese and Spanish Navigators between 1521 and 1528
(Bernardo SaNogueira), 19, 2, 182-3.
HEWITSON, JIM. Far Off in Sunlit Places: Stories of the Scots in Australia
and New Zealand (Rosalind McClean), 33, 1, 129-31.
HICKS, NEVILLE. 'This Sin and Scandal': Australia's Population Debate
1891-1911 (Hugh Jackson), 14, 1,95-96.
HILL, RICHARD S. The History of Policing in New Zealand: Volume I:
Policing the Colonial Frontier (Laurie Barber), 22, 1, 81-82.
HILL, RICHARD S. The History of Policing in New Zealand, Volume II:
The Colonial Frontier Tamed: New Zealand Policing in Transition,
1867-1886 (Rollo Arnold), 25, 1, 71-72.
HILL, RICHARD S. The Iron Hand in the Velvet Glove: The Modernization
of Policing in New Zealand 1886-1917 (Mark Finnane), 30, 1,
HILLIARD, DAVID. God's Gentlemen: A History of the Melanesian
Mission 1849-1942 (I. Breward), 14, 1, 98-99.
HIND, R.J. Henry Labouchere and the Empire 1880-1905 (D.A. Hamer), 7,
HOARE, MICHAEL. The Tactless Philosopher: Johann Reinhold Forster
1729-1798 (David Mackay), 11, 1, 98-99.
HO ARE, MICHAEL E., ed. The Resolution Journal of Johann Reinhold
Forster 1772-1775 (David Mackay), 18, 2, 184-6.
HOLCROFT, M.H. Mary Ursula Bethell (Keith Sinclair), 12, 1, 69-74.
HOLLAND, R.F. Britain and the Commonwealth Alliance 1918-1939 (W.
David Mclntyre), 16, 1, 82-83.
HOLT, JAMES. Congressional Insurgents and the Party System, 1909-1916
(P.F. Bourke), 2, 2, 211-13.
HOLT, JAMES. Compulsory Arbitration in New Zealand: The First Forty
Years (Grant Watson), 22, 1, 71-72.
HOOPER, BEVERLEY, ed. With Captain James Cook in the Antarctic and
Pacific: The Private Journal of James Burney Second Lieutenant of
the Adventure on Cook's Second Voyage 1772-1773 (E.H.
McCormick), 11, 1, 89-92.
HORSMAN, JOHN. The Coming of the Pakeha to the Auckland Province
(R.C.J. Stone), 7, 1,78.
HOUGH, RICHARD. Captain James Cook: A Biography (Michael E.
Hoare), 29, 1, 103^1.
HOWE, K.R. The Loyalty Islands: A History of Culture Contacts 1840-1900
(David Hilliard), 12, 1, 90-92.
HOWE, K.R. Race Relations Australia and New Zealand: A Comparative
Survey, 1770s-1970s (M.P.K. Sorrenson), 12, 2, 168-70.
HOWE, K.R. Singer in a Songless Land. A Life of Edward Tregear
1846-1931 (Keith Sinclair), 26, 2, 217-18.
HOWE, K.R. Nature, Culture and History: The 'Knowing' of Oceania (Hugh
Laracy), 35, 2, 255-6.
HOWE, K.R., ROBERT C. KISTE and BRIJ V. LAL, eds. Tides of History:
The Pacific Islands in the Twentieth Century (Damon Salesa), 29, 2,
HUDSON, W.J. and H.J.W. STOKES, eds. Documents on Australian
Foreign Policy 1937-49. Volume IV: July 1940-June 1941 (W.
David Mclntyre), 16, 1, 84-86.
HUNN, JACK KENT. Not Only Affairs of State: an Autobiography (James
Holt), 17, 2, 195-6.
HUNT, GRAEME. The Rich List: Wealth and Enterprise in New Zealand
1820-2000 (Ian Hunter), 35, 1, 116-17.
Ethnography (Barrie Macdonald), 32, 1, 70-71.
HUTCHING, MEGAN. Talking History: A Short Guide to Oral History
(Anna Green), 28, 1, 117-18.
HUTCHING, MEGAN. Long Journey for Sevenpence: An Oral History of
Assisted Immigration to New Zealand from the United Kingdom,
1947-1975 (Lyndon Fraser), 34, 1, 178-80.
HYAM, RONALD. Elgin and Churchill at the Colonial Office, 1905-1908
(Ged Martin), 8, 2, 164-71.
INGLESON, JOHN. Road to Exile. The Indonesian Nationalist Movement
1927-1934 (Nicholas Tarling), 14, 1, 92-93.
INGRAM, JOHN. Gold, Quartz and Cyanide: The Story of Barewood Reef
(Erik Olssen), 20, 2, 191-3.
IP, MANYING. Dragons on the Long White Cloud: The Making of Chinese
New Zealanders (Brian Moloughney), 31,2, 285-6.
IRVING, HELEN, ed. The Centenary Companion to Australian Federation
(Luke Trainor), 34, 1, 189-90.
IRWIN, GEOFFREY. The Prehistoric Exploration and Colonisation of the
Pacific (Hoturoa Barclay-Ken*), 28, 1, 108.
ISALA, TITO and DOUG MUNRO. Te Aso Fiafia: Te tala o te Kamupane
Vaitupu (Michael Goldsmith), 22, 2, 182-3.
JACK-HINTON, COLIN. The Search for the Islands of Solomon, 1567-1838
(Andrew Sharp), 3, 2, 198-9.
JACKSON, H.R. Churches and People in Australia and New Zealand,
1860-1930 (Colin Brown), 22, 1, 74-76.
JAMES, BEV and KAY SAVILLE-SMITH. Gender, Culture and Power:
Challenging New Zealand's Gendered Culture (Caroline Daley), 29,
1, 108-9.
JOHNSTON, W. ROSS. Sovereignty and Protection: A Study of British
Jurisdictional Imperialism in the Late Nineteenth Century (Colin
Newbury), 9, 1, 86-89.
JONES, KEVIN. Ngā Tohuwhenua Mai Te Rangi: A New Zealand
Archaeology in Aerial Photographs (Malcolm McKinnon), 29, 2,
JONES, PEI TE HURINUI (ed. Bruce Biggs). Nga Iwi o Tainui: The
traditional history of the Tainui people/Nga koorero tuku iho a nga
tuupuna (Ann Parsonson and Ngahinaturae Te Uira), 30, 1, 84-86.
JORDAN, W.K. Edward VI: The Young King. The Protectorship of the Duke
of Somerset (M.A.R. Graves), 4, 2, 206-8.
JOYCE, R.B. Sir William MacGregor (W.P. Morrell), 7, 2, 205-7.
KAWHARU, I.H., ed. Conflict and Compromise. Essays on the Maori Since
Colonisation (M.P.K. Sorrenson), 10, 2, 192-3.
KAWHARU, I.H. Maori Land Tenure: Studies of a Changing Institution
(Claudia Orange), 13, 2, 199-201.
KAWHARU, I.H., ed. Waitangi: Maori and Pakeha Perspectives' of the
Treaty of Waitangi (James Belich), 24, 2, 200-7.
KAWHARU, I.H., ed. Waitangi. Maori and Pakeha Perspectives of the
Treaty of Waitangi (Colin Newbury), 25, 1, 66-67.
KAY, ROBIN, ed. The Surrender and Occupation of Japan: Volume II (Tom
Larkin),17, 2, 193-4.
KAY, ROBIN, ed. The Anzus Pact and the Treaty of Peace with Japan:
Documents on New Zealand External Relations, Vol. Ill (J.D.B.
Miller), 20, 2, 181-4.
KEAM, R.F. Tarawera: The Volcanic Eruption of 10 June 1886 (R.C.J.
Stone), 23, 2, 202^1.
KEESING, ROGER and PETER CORRIS. Lightning Meets the West Wind:
The Malaita Massacre (Hugh Laracy), 17, 1, 84-85.
KELSEY, JANE. A Question of Honour? Labour and the Treaty 1984-9
(James Belich), 24, 2, 200-7.
KENDLE, JOHN E. The Colonial and Imperial Conferences 1887-1911: A
Study in Imperial Organization (Keith Sinclair), 3, 2, 202-3.
KENDLE, JOHN. The Round Table Movement and Imperial Union (W.P.
Morrell), 10, 1,91-93.
KHAN, ABDUL MAJED. The Transition in Bengal, 1756-1775. A Study of
Saiyid Muhammad Reza Khan (W.H. McLeod), 6, 1, 109-12.
KING, F.P., ed. Oceania and Beyond: Essays on the Pacific Since 1945
(Mary Boyd), 11,2, 202—4.
KING, MICHAEL. Te Puea: A Biography (William Worger), 13,1, 96-98.
KING, MICHAEL. The Collector: A Biography of Andreas Reischek
(Michael Hoare), 16, 1, 80-81.
KING, MICHAEL. God's Farthest Outpost: A History of Catholics in New
Zealand (Peter Lineham), 32, 2, 216-17.
KNAPMAN, BRUCE. Fiji's Economic History, 1874-1939: Studies of
Capitalist Colonial Development (Barrie Macdonald), 22, 2, 183-4.
KNAPMAN, CLAUDIA. White Women in Fiji 1835-1930: The Ruin of
Empire? (Deborah Montgomerie), 23, 1, 94-96.
and Government Policy in New Zealand (Barbara Brookes), 21,2,
KUMAR, RAVINDER. Western India in the Nineteenth Century (W.H.
McLeod), 6, 1, 109-12.
LA NAUZE, J. A. The Making of the Australian Constitution (Keith Sinclair),
LA NAUZE, JOHN. Walter Murdoch: A Biographical Memoir (D.R.
Walker), 12, 2, 174-5.
LABRUM, BRONWYN. Women's History: A Short Guide to Researching
and Writing Women's History in New Zealand (Anna Green), 28, 1,
LACEY, ROD. Our Young Men Snatched Away: Labourers in PNG's
Colonial Economy 1884-1942 (Hugh Laracy), 18, 2, 187.
LAKE, MARILYN. The Limits of Hope. Soldier Settlement in Victoria
1915-38 (Duncan Waterson), 23, 1, 99-100.
LAL, BRIJ V. Girmitiyas: The Origins of the Fiji Indians (Jacqueline
Leckie), 19, 1, 82-84.
LAMBERT, GAIL. Colonial Surgeon (Erik Olssen), 20, 2, 191-3.
LAMBERT, GAIL and RON. An Illustrated History of Taranaki (Diane
Northcott), 19, 1, 92-93.
LANGDON, ROBERT. The Lost Caravel (Hugh Laracy), 9, 2, 188-9.
LANGE, RAEBURN. May The People Live: A History of Maori Health
Development 1900-1920 (Philippa Mein Smith), 34, 1, 176-8.
LANGTON, GRAHAM, rev. ed. Mr Explorer Douglas: John Pascoe 's New
Zealand Classic (Tom Brooking), 34, 2, 302—4.
LARACY, HUGH. Marists and Melanesians. A History of Catholic Missions
in the Solomon Islands (G.M. Dening), 12, 1, 81-82.
LARACY, HUGH, ed. Pacific Protest: The Maasina Rule Movement:
Solomon Islands, 1944-1952 (Ann Chowning), 20, 1, 80-81.
LARACY, HUGH, ed. Pies Blong Iumi: Solomon Islands, the past four
thousand years (Judith Bennett), 25, 1,74—75.
LĀTŪKEFU, SIONE. Church and State in Tonga: The Wesleyan Methodist
and Political Development
Macdonald), 10, 1, 87-89.
LEACH, HELEN. 1000 Years of Gardening in New Zealand (Kendrick
Smithyman), 20, 1, 85-86.
LEVINE, STEPHEN I. The New Zealand Political System, Politics in a
Small Society (Robert Chapman), 15, 2, 194-5.
LIMBRICK, WARREN E., ed. Bishop Selwyn in New Zealand, 1841-68
(David Hilliard), 19, 2, 183-4.
LINEHAM, PETER J. Bible and Society: A Sesquicentennial History of the
Bible Society in New Zealand (Christopher van der Krogt), 30, 2,
LISSINGTON, M.P. New Zealand and Japan 1900-1941 (Angus Ross), 7, 2,
LISSINGTON, M.P. New Zealand and the United States 1840-1944 (Angus
Ross), 7, 2, 198-200.
LOCHHEAD, IAN. A Dream of Spires: Benjamin Mountfort and the Gothic
Revival (Peter Sheppard), 34, 2, 313-14.
LOCKE, ELSIE. Peace People: A History of Peace Activities in New
Zealand (Ross Galbreath), 27, 2, 238.
LOCKE, ELSIE and JANET PAUL. Mrs Hobson's Album (John Stacpoole),
25, 1,76-78.
LOUIS, WILLIAM ROGER. Great Britain and Germany's Lost Colonies,
1914-1919 (Mary Boyd), 4, 1, 95-96.
LOUIS, WILLIAM ROGER. British Strategy in the Far East. 1919-1939
(W. David Mclntyre), 8, 2, 173-5.
LOVEDAY, P., A.W. MARTIN and R.S. PARKER. The Emergence of the
Australian Party System (C.N. Connolly), 15, 1, 68-75.
LOVELL-SMITH, J.B. The New Zealand Doctor and the Welfare State
(Douglas Robb), 1, 2, 212-4.
LOW, D.A., ed. Soundings in Modern South Asian History (W.H. McLeod),
6, 1, 109-12.
McALOON, JIM. Nelson: A Regional History (Shirley Tunnicliff), 32, 1,
McCLURE, MARGARET. The Story of Birkenhead (Jeanine Graham), 23,
McCLURE, MARGARET. A Civilised Community: A History of Social
Security in New Zealand 1898-1998 (Alexander Davidson), 33, 1,
McCORMICK, E.H. Alexander Turnbull: his Life, his Circle, his Collections
(W.J. McEldowney), 9, 1, 83-85.
McCORMICK, E.H. Omai, Pacific Envoy (O.H.K. Spate), 12, 1, 85-87.
McCORMICK, E.H. The Friend of Keats: a Life of Charles Armitage Brown
(Jeanine Graham), 25, 1, 78-79.
MACDONALD, BARRIE. Cinderellas of the Empire: Towards a History of
Kiribati and Tuvalu (Hugh Laracy), 18, 1, 73-74.
MACDONALD, BARRIE. Imperial Patriot: Charles Alma Baker and the
History of Limestone Downs (John E. Martin), 30, 1, 99-100.
MACDONALD, CHARLOTTE. The Vote, the Pill, and the Demon Drink: A
History of Feminist Writing in New Zealand 1869-1993 (Audrey
Oldfield), 28, 1, 92-93.
MACDONALD, CHARLOTTE. A Woman of Good Character: Single
Women as Immigrant Settlers in Nineteenth-Century New Zealand
(Lucy Frost), 28, 2, 227-9.
WILLIAMS, eds. The Book of New Zealand Women: Ko Kui Ma Te
Kaupapa (Giselle Byrnes), 27, 2, 225-6.
MACDONALD, FINLAY. The Game of Our Lives: The Story of Rugby and
New Zealand and how they've shaped each other (Greg Ryan), 30,
2, 190-2.
McELDOWNEY, DENNIS. Frank Sargeson in His Time (Keith Sinclair),
12, 1,69-74.
McELDOWNEY, DENNIS, ed. Presbyterians in Aotearoa 1840-1990 (John
Stenhouse), 26, 1, 115-16.
McGIBBON, I.C. Blue-Water Rationale: The Naval Defence of New Zealand
1914-1942 (W. David Mclntyre), 15, 2, 183-1.
McGIBBON, IAN. The Path to Gallipoli. Defending New Zealand
1840-1915 (Keith Sinclair), 26, 1, 107-8.
McGIBBON, IAN. New Zealand and the Korean War, Volume 1: Politics
and Diplomacy (W. David Mclntyre), 28, 1, 100-2.
McGIBBON, IAN, ed. Undiplomatic Dialogue: Letters between Carl
Berendsen and Alister Mcintosh 1943-52 (Alan C. Simpson), 28, 1,
McGIBBON, IAN, ed. Unofficial Channels: Letters between Alister
Mcintosh and Foss Shanahan, George Laking and Frank Corner
1946-1966 (W. David Mclntyre), 33, 2, 265-7.
McGILL, D. The Guardians at the Gate. The History of the New Zealand
Customs Department (Simon Ville), 27, 1, 111.
McGRATH, ANN, ed. Contested Ground: Australian Aborigines under the
British Crown (Judith Binney), 30, 1, 87-88.
McINTOSH, ALISTER, et al. New Zealand in World Affairs, Vol. I (Keith
Sinclair), 11,2, 197-8.
McINTYRE, W. DAVID. The Imperial Frontier in the Tropics, 1865-75
(Nicholas Tarling), 2, 2, 208-10.
McINTYRE, W. DAVID. The Commonwealth of Nations. Origins and
Impact, 1869-1971 (Angus Ross), 13, 2, 198-9.
McINTYRE, W. DAVID, ed. The Journal of Henry Sewell 1853-7 (Judith
Bassett), 15, 1, 84-86.
McINTYRE, W. DAVID. The Rise and Fall of the Singapore Naval Base
(Nicholas Tarling), 16, 1, 86-88.
McINTYRE, W.D. New Zealand Prepares for War (Brook Barrington), 24,
1, 82-85.
McINTYRE, W. DAVID. The Significance of the Commonwealth, 1985-90
(Nicholas Tarling), 27, 1, 112-13.
McINTYRE, W. DAVID. Background to the Anzus Pact: Policy-Making,
Strategy and Diplomacy, 1945-1955 (Jeffrey Grey), 29, 2, 244-5.
McINTYRE, W. DAVID and W.J. GARDNER, eds. Speeches and
Documents on New Zealand History (W.P. Morrell), 6, 1, 101-2.
McINTYRE, W. DAVID and MARCIA McINTYRE, eds. Tour of Duty:
Midshipman Comber's Journal Aboard HMS Herald on the East
Indies Station —Australia, New Zealand & China, 1838-42 (Gavin
McLean), 35, 1, 123.
McKERGOW, FIONA. The 'Taxwoman': One Hundred and One Years of
Women Working in the Inland Revenue Department
(Melanie Nolan), 28, 2, 219-20.
MACKERSEY, IAN. Jean Batten: The Garbo of the Skies (Susan Grogan),
27, 2, 239—40.
McKINNON, MALCOLM, ed. The American'Connection (Roberto Rabel),
24, 1, 85-86.
McKINNON, MALCOLM. Independence and Foreign Policy. New Zealand
in the World since 1935 (G.A. Wood), 28,1, 99-100.
KIRKPATRICK. New Zealand Historical Atlas/Ko Papatuanuku e
Takoto Nei (Gordon Winder), 32, 2, 208-10.
McLEAN, GAVIN. Otago Harbour, Currents of Controversy (W.A. Laxon),
20, 2, 193—4.
McLEAN, GAVIN. Masters or Servants? (Herbert Roth), 25, 1, 83-84.
McLEAN, GAVIN. The Southern Octopus. The Rise of a Shipping Empire
(Simon Ville), 25, 1,84-85.
McLEAN, GAVIN. Local History. A Short Guide to Researching, Writing
and Publishing a Local History (Margaret McClure), 27, 1, 117-18.
McLEAY, ELIZABETH, ed. New Zealand Politics and Social Patterns:
Selected Works by Robert Chapman (Margaret Clark), 34, 1, 180-1.
McLENNAN-BOMAN, VERA L. Glimpses into Early Manawatu: the Saga
of Amos and Lydia Burr (Anthony Dreaver), 20, 1, 78-79.
MACLEOD, ROY and DONALD DENOON, eds. Health and Healing in
Tropical Australia and Papua New Guinea (Geoffrey Rice), 26, 2,
McLINTOCK, A.H. and G.A. WOOD. The Upper House in Colonial New
Zealand. A Study of the Legislative Council of New Zealand in the
Period 1854-1887 (David Hamer), 23, 2, 208-9.
MACMICHAEL, PHILIP. Settlers and the Agrarian Question. Foundations
of Capitalism in Colonial Australia (Erik Olssen), 20, 2, 194-196.
MACMILLAN, DAVID S. Scotland and Australia 1788-1850 (Geoffrey
Serle), 2, 2,210-11.
McQUEEN, HUMPHREY. A New Britannia. An Argument Concerning the
Social Origins of Australian Radicalism and Nationalism (Keith
Sinclair), 5, 1, 94-97.
McROBIE, ALAN. New Zealand Electoral Atlas (Raymond Miller), 26, 2,
MAHAJANI, USHA. Philippine Nationalism: External Challenge and
Filipino Response, 1565-1946 (Nicholas Tarling), 5, 2, 204-6.
MAMAK, ALEXANDER and AHMED ALI, et al. Race, Class and
Rebellion in the South Pacific (Barrie Macdonald), 16, 2, 181-3.
MANSERGH, NICHOLAS. The Commonwealth Experience
Sinclair), 4, 1, 100-3.
MARKS, SHULA and PETER RICHARDSON, eds. International Labour
Migration Historical Perspectives (Charles Perrings), 19, 2, 188-90.
MARTIN, GED. The Durham Report and British Policy: A Critical Essay
(W.P. Morrell), 9, 1,85-86.
MARTIN, JOHN E. The Forgotten Worker: the Rural Wage Earner in
Nineteenth-Century New Zealand (Bert Roth), 26, 2, 215-16.
MARTIN, JOHN E. Holding the Balance: A History of New Zealand's
Department of Labour 1891-1995 (Kerry Taylor), 31,2, 280-1.
MARTIN, JOHN E. and KERRY TAYLOR, eds. Culture and the Labour
Movement. Essays in New Zealand Labour History (John Leckie),
27, 1,94-95.
MATTHEW, H.C.G. The Liberal Imperialists. The Ideas and Politics of a
Post-Gladstonian Ēiite (D.A. Hamer), 8, 1, 78-79.
MAXWELL, MARGARET D. (comp). Women Doctors in New Zealand. An
Historical Perspective 1921-1986 (Barbara Brookes), 28, 2, 220-1.
MAY, HELEN. Minding Children, Managing Men: Conflict and
Compromise in the Lives of Postwar Pakeha Women (Shayleen
Thompson), 28, 1, 93-94.
MAY, HELEN. The Discovery of Early Childhood. The development of
services for the care and education of very young children. Mideighteenth-century Europe to mid-twentieth-century New Zealand
(Jeanine Graham), 31,2, 283-4.
MAY, P.R. The West Coast Gold Rushes (Patrick O'Farrell), 3, 1, 89-90.
MAY, PHILIP ROSS, ed. Miners and Militants — Politics in Westland
1865-1918 (Miles Fairburn), 10, 1, 83-85.
MAY, R.J., ed. Between Two Nations, The Indonesia-Papua New Guinea
Border and West Papua Nationalism (Hugh Laracy), 23, 1, 102-3.
MEAD, SIDNEY and BERNIE KERNOT, eds. Art and Artists in Oceania
(Peter Crowe), 18, 2, 177-8.
MEAD, SIDNEY MOKO. Landmarks, Bridges and Visions: Aspects of
Maori Culture (G.V. Butterworth), 32, 2, 213-14.
MEANEY, NEVILLE. The Search for Security in the Pacific, 1901-14
(Angus Ross), 11,1, 95-96.
MEIN SMITH, PHILIPPA. Maternity in Dispute. New Zealand 1920-1939
(Michael Belgrave), 22, 1, 73-74.
MEIN SMITH, PHILIPPA. Mothers and King Baby: Infant Survival and
Welfare in an Imperial World: Australia 1880-1950 (Kate Hunter),
32, 1, 80-81.
MIDDLETON, SUE, ed. Women and Education in Aotearoa (Barbara
Brookes), 23, 1, 93-94.
MILES, JOHN. Infectious Diseases: Colonising the Pacific? (Linda Bryder),
MILLEN, JULIA. Salute to Service: A History of the Royal New Zealand
Corps of Transport and its Predecessors
1860-1996 (John
Crawford), 32, 2, 226-7.
MILLER, HAROLD. Race Conflict in New Zealand, 1814-1865 (M.P.K.
Sorrenson), 1,2, 208-11.
MILLER, J.D.B. Survey of Commonwealth Affairs. Problems of Expansion
and Attrition 1953-1969 (W.P. Morrell), 10, 1, 89-91.
MILLER, R.S. Misi Gete: John Geddie Pioneer Missionary to the New
Hebrides (K.R. Howe), 10, 2, 193^4.
MILNER, IAN. Milner ofWaitaki: Portrait of the Man (W.L. Renwick), 18,
2, 181—4.
MITCHELL, AUSTIN. The Whigs in Opposition, 1815-1830 (D.P. Crook),
2, 2,213-15.
MONIN, PAUL. Waiheke Island — A History {E.R. Doolin), 28, 1, 107.
MONTGOMERIE, DEBORAH. The Women's War: New Zealand Women
1939-1945 (Margaret McClure), 35, 2, 241-2.
Labour in the South Pacific (K.R. Howe), 26, 2, 225-6.
MORAUTA, L., ed. Law and Order in a Changing Society (Hugh Laracy),
23, 1, 102-3.
MORRELL, W.P. The Gold Rushes (Philip May), 3, 1, 87-89.
MORRELL, W.P. British Colonial Policy in the Mid-Victorian Age. South
Africa-New Zealand-the West Indies (W. David Mclntyre), 6, 1,
MORRELL, W.P. The Anglican Church in New Zealand. A History (R.C.J.
Stone), 8,2, 175-7.
MORRIS, GERARD S. Spitfire: The New Zealand Story (Vincent Orange),
35, 1, 120-1.
MOYNAGH, MICHAEL. Brown or White? A History of the Fiji Sugar
Industry, 1873-1973 (Steve Britton), 16,1, 78-80.
MULGAN, RICHARD. Democracy and Power in New Zealand. A Study of
New Zealand Politics (Jack Vowles), 19, 2, 185-6.
MULGAN, RICHARD. Maori, Pakeha and Democracy (James Belich), 24,
2, 200-7.
MULVANEY, D.J. and J.H. CALABY. 'So Much That is New'. Baldwin
Spencer, 1860-1929 (Harry Allen), 22, 2, 184-6.
o Niuoku, the German Plantation on Nukulaelae Atoll 1865-1890
(Michael Goldsmith), 26, 1, 111-12.
MUNRO, JESSIE. The Story of Suzanne Aubert (Margaret Tennant), 31, 2,
MUNZ, PETER, ed. The Feel of Truth, Essays in New Zealand and Pacific
History presented to F.L.W. Wood and J.C. Beaglehole (David
Mclntyre), 5, 2, 191-3.
MUNZ, PETER. The Shapes of Time: A New Look at the Philosophy of
History (Roderick Phillips), 12, 2, 177-8.
MURRAY-OLIVER, ANTHONY. Augustus Earle in New Zealand (Hamish
Keith), 4, 1, 88-91.
NATHAN, LAWRENCE D. As Old as Auckland (Russell Stone), 19, 1, 94.
NATION, JOHN. Customs of Respect: The Traditional Basis of Fijian
Communal Politics (Barrie Macdonald), 16, 2, 181-3.
Rugby and Masculine Identity (Greg Ryan), 30, 2, 190-2.
NEICH, ROGER. Painted Histories: Early Maori Figurative
(Deborah Montgomerie), 29, 1, 99-100.
eds. Quicksands: Foundational Histories in Australia and Aotearoa
New Zealand (Malcolm Campbell), 33, 2, 248-9.
NEWBOLD, GREG. Punishment and Politics. The Maximum Security
Prison in New Zealand (Graeme Dunstall), 24, 1, 79-80.
NEWMAN, STANLEY, ed. Shackleton's Lieutenant: The Nimrod Diary of
A.L.A. Mackintosh, British Antarctic Expedition 1907-09 (Peter
Gibbons), 26, 2, 224-5.
NG, JAMES. Windows on a Chinese Past. Volumes 1 and 4 (Jeanine
Graham), 28, 2, 232-3.
NG, JAMES. Windows on a Chinese Past, Volume 2 (Jeanine Graham), 30,
2, 189-90.
NG, JAMES. Windows on a Chinese Past, Volume 3 (Manying Ip), 34, 1,
NICHOLLS, ROBERTA. The Women's Parliament: The National Council
of the Women of New Zealand 1896-1920 (Bronwyn Dalley), 30, 2,
NICHOLSON, HEATHER. The Loving Stitch: A History of Knitting and
Spinning in New Zealand (Deborah Montgomerie), 33, 1, 128-9.
NOLAN, MELANIE. Breadwinning. New Zealand Women and the State
(Barbara Brookes), 35, 2, 242-4.
NORMAN, E.R. Anti-Catholicism in Victorian England (C.G. Brown), 4, 2,
NORTHEY, HEATHER with J.A. and M. ASHER. Auckland Girls'
Grammar School: The First Hundred Years, 1888-1988 (Gary
McCulloch), 24, 1, 91-92.
NUMBERS, RONALD L. and JOHN STENHOUSE, eds. Disseminating
Darwinism: The Role of Place, Race, Religion, and Gender
(Rosemary Robins), 34, 2, 304-5.
O'COLLINS, MAEV, et al. Women in Politics in Papua New Guinea (Hugh
Laracy), 23, 1, 102-3.
O'COLLINS, MAEV, ed. Youth and Society. Perspectives from Papua New
Guinea (Hugh Laracy), 23, 1, 102-3.
O'FARRELL, PATRICK. The Catholic Church in Australia. A Short
History, 1788-1967 (Hugh Laracy), 5, 2, 197-8.
O'FARRELL, PATRICK. Vanished Kingdoms: Irish in Australia and New
Zealand, a Personal Excursion (Rory Sweetman), 27, 1, 107-8.
O'FARRELL, PATRICK. Through Irish Eyes: Australian and New Zealand
Images of the Irish 1788-1948 (Sean G. Brosnahan), 29, 2, 241-2.
OLDFIELD, AUDREY. Woman Suffrage in Australia. A Gift or a Struggle?
(Raewyn Dalziel), 27, 2, 232-3.
OLIVER, W.H., ed. The Oxford History of New Zealand (Keith Sinclair), 16,
1, 68-69; (Richard Shannon), 69-72; (D.A. Hamer), 72-74; (Alan
Ward), 74-76.
OLIVER, W.H. and JANE M. THOMSON. Challenge and Response. A
Study of the Development of the Gisborne East Coast Region (R.C.J.
Stone), 7, 1, 79-82.
OLLIVIER, ISABEL. Extracts from the Journals of the Ships Recherche,
Esperance and Coquille 1793 and 1824. Early Eyewitness Accounts
of Maori Life: 3 and 4 (Philip Turner), 22, 2, 176-8.
OLLIVIER, ISABEL and CHERYL HINGLEY. Extracts from Journals
Relating to the Visit to New Zealand of the French Ship St. Jean
Baptiste in December 1769 under the Command of J.F.M. de
Surville (G.S. Parsonson), 18, 1, 67-70.
OLSSEN, ERIK. John A. Lee (Michael Bassett), 12, 1, 75-79.
OLSSEN, ERIK. A History of Otago (John Salmond), 20, 1, 86-88.
OLSSEN, ERIK. The Red Feds: Revolutionary Industrial Unionism and the
New Zealand Federation of Labour 1908-1913 (Jack Vowles), 27,
OLSSEN, ERIK. Building the New World: Work, Politics and Society in
Caversham 1880s-1920s (Raewyn Dalziel), 30, 1, 82-84.
ORANGE, CLAUDIA. The Treaty of Waitangi (Colin Newbury), 23, 1,
ORANGE, CLAUDIA. The Story of a Treaty (James Belich), 24, 2, 200-7.
ORANGE, CLAUDIA, ed. The People of Many Peaks (Jane McRae), 26, 2,
ORANGE, CLAUDIA, gen. ed. The Dictionary of New Zealand Biography
Volume Four 1921-1940 (Malcolm McKinnon), 33, 1,117-18.
ORANGE, CLAUDIA, gen. ed. The Dictionary of New Zealand Biography,
Volume Five, 1941-1960 (Linda Bryder), 35, 1, 111-12.
ORANGE, VINCENT. Coningham: A Biography of Air Marshal Sir Arthur
Coningham (Michael Pugh), 28, 1, 114-15.
ORBELL, MARGARET. Hawaiki; A New Approach to Maori Tradition
(D.R. Simmons), 20, 2, 186-7.
ORBELL, MARGARET. The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Maori Myth and
Legend (Te Maire Tau), 30, 2, 185-6.
O'SULLIVAN, VINCENT. James K. Baxter (Keith Sinclair), 12, 1, 69-74.
OWENS, J.M.R. Prophets in the Wilderness: The Wesleyan Mission to New
Zealand 1819-1827 (Judith Binney), 10, 1, 75-79.
OWENS, J.M.R. Campus Beyond the Walls: The First 25 Years of Massey
University's Extramural Programme (Noeline Alcorn), 20, 1,
PAGE, DOROTHY. The National Council of Women. A Centennial History
(Bronwyn Labrum), 31,2, 282-3.
PAPPS, ELAINE and MARK OLSSEN. Doctoring Childbirth
Regulating Midwifery in New Zealand: A Foucauldian Perspective
(Philippa Mein Smith), 32, 1, 79-80.
PARK, GEOFF. Ng, Ururora/The Groves of Life: Ecology and History in a
New Zealand Landscape (Giselle M. Byrnes), 30, 2, 183—4.
PARKES, WIN and KATH HISLOP. Taieri Mouth and its Surrounding
Districts (Erik Olssen), 20, 2, 191-3.
PATERSON, AUDREY. A Cornish Miner at Hamiltons (Erik Olssen), 20, 2,
PEARSON, BILL. Rifled Sanctuaries: Some Views of the Pacific Islands in
Western Literature to 1900 (E.H. McCormick), 19, 1, 86-87.
PEARSON, DAVID G. Johnsonville: Continuity and Change in a New
Zealand Township (Graeme Dunstall), 15, 2, 179-81.
•PEARSON, W.H. Henry Lawson among the Maoris (M.P.K. Sorrenson), 3,
PETERS, MARIE. Christchurch — St Michael's: A Study in Anglicanism in
New Zealand, 1851-1972 (David Hilliard), 22, 1, 76-77.
PHILIPP, JUNE. A Great View of Things: Edward Gibbon Wakefield
(Jeanine Williams), 7, 1, 91-93.
PHILLIPS, JOCK, ed. Biography in New Zealand (Jeanine Graham), 20, 1,
PHILLIPS, JOCK. A Man's Country. The Image of the Pakeha Male. A
History (Deborah Montgomerie), 22, 2, 188-90.
PHILLIPS, JOCK, ed. Te Whenua, Te Iwi: The Land and the People (P.J.
Gibbons), 23, 1, 98-99.
PHILLIPS, JOCK and CHRIS MACLEAN. In the Light of the Past —
Stained Glass Windows in New Zealand Houses (John Stacpoole),
19, 1, 87-88.
Great Adventure. New Zealand Soldiers Describe the First World
War (Erik Olssen), 23, 2, 196-8.
PHILLIPS, RODERICK. Divorce in New Zealand: a Social History (Phillida
Bunkle), 17, 1, 85-87.
PITT, DAVID, ed. Social Class in New Zealand (Miles Fairburn), 11, 2,
PLATT, D.C.M. Mickey Mouse Numbers in World History. The Short View
(Philip Rousseau), 24, 1, 90-91.
PLATT, D.C.M., ed. Social Welfare 1850-1950. Australia, Argentina and
Canada Compared (Linda Bryder), 24, 1, 89-90.
PLATTS, UNA. The Lively Capital (R.C.J. Stone), 7, 1, 78-79.
POOL, IAN D. The Maori Population of New Zealand 1769-1971 (Warwick
Neville), 14, 1,90-91.
POOL, IAN. Te Iwi Maori: A New Zealand Population, Past, Present and
Projected (Warwick Neville), 26, 2, 209-11.
PORTER, UNA B., ed. Growing Together. Letters Between Frederick John
Cato and Frances Bethune, 1881 to 1884 (Raewyn Dalziel), 15, 2,
PRATT, JOHN. Punishment in a Perfect Society. The New Zealand Penal
System 1840-1939 (Graeme Dunstall), 28, 2, 233^1.
PRICHARD, M.F. LLOYD, ed. The Collected Works of Edward Gibbon
Wakefield (R.J. Schultz), 5, 1, 97-98.
PRITCHARD, GEORGE. The Aggressions of the French at Tahiti and Other
Islands in the Pacific (Colin Newbury), 18, 1, 74-75.
QUIGLEY, N.C. Private Superannuation in the Banking Industry. A
Centennial History of the Bank of New Zealand Officers' Provident
Association (Simon Ville), 25, 1, 81-83.
RALSTON, CAROLINE. Grass Huts and Warehouses: Pacific Beach
Communities in the Nineteenth Century (Hugh Laracy), 12, 2,
REECE, R.H.W. Aborigines and Colonialists: Aborigines and Colonial
Society in New South Wales in the 1830s and 1840s (M.P.K.
Sorrenson), 10, 1, 86-87.
REESE, TREVOR. The History of the Royal Commonwealth Society (John
E. Kendle), 3, 2, 203-4.
REID, ANTHONY and LANCE CASTLES, eds. Pre-colonial State Systems
in Southeast Asia (Nicholas Tarling), 10, 2, 189-90.
REYNOLDS, HENRY. The Other Side of the Frontier. An Interpretation of
the Aboriginal Response to the Invasion and Settlement of Australia
(K.R. Howe), 17, 1, 81-82.
REYNOLDS, HENRY. Frontier. Aborigines, Settlers and Land and The Law
of the Land (M.P.K. Sorrenson), 24, 1, 86-88.
RICE, GEOFFREY, ed. The Oxford History of New Zealand, 2nd ed. (Ged
Martin), 27, 2, 86-89.
RICE, GEOFFREY W. with JEAN SHARFE. Christchurch Changing: An
Illustrated History (Gavin McLean), 34, 1, 181-2.
RICHARDS, IAN. To Bed at Noon. The Life and Art of Maurice Duggan
(Grant Young), 32, 2, 220-2.
RICHARDS, TREVOR. Dancing on Our Bones: New Zealand, South Africa,
Rugby and Racism (Malcolm Maclean), 33, 2, 256-7.
RICHARDSON, LEN. Coal, Class and Community: The United
Mineworkers of New Zealand 1880-1960 (Erik Olssen), 29, 2,
Perspectives. Essays in Honour of W.J. Gardner (David Hamer), 15,
1, 79-80.
RICKARD, JOHN. Class and Politics: New South Wales, Victoria and the
Early Commonwealth, 1890-1910 (C.N. Connolly), 15, 1, 68-75.
RISEBOROUGH, HAZEL. Days of Darkness. Taranaki 1878-1884 (Judith
Binney), 23, 2, 200-2.
RITCHIE, JANE and JAMES. The Next Generation: Child Rearing in New
Zealand (Jeanine Graham), 31,2, 283-4.
ROBB, J.H. The Life and Death of Official Social Research in New Zealand
1936-1940 (Terry Loomis), 22, 2, 191-3.
ROBB, P.G. The Government of India and Reform Policies towards Politics
and the Constitution 1916-1921 (T.H. Beaglehole), 12, 2, 176-7.
ROBBINS, KEITH. The First World War (Nicholas Tarling), 19, 2, 190-1.
ROCHE, MICHAEL. Land and Water: Water and Soil Conservation and
Central Government in New Zealand 1941-1988 (Greg Bankoff),
30, 1,93-94.
ROCHE, STANLEY. The Red and the Gold: An Informal Account of the
Waihi Strike, 1912 (Erik Olssen), 17, 2, 199-200.
ROCKEL, IAN. Taking the Waters. Early Spas in New Zealand (F.B. Smith),
22, 1, 85-86.
ROFF, W.R. The Origins of Malay Nationalism (Syed Hussein Alatas), 4, 1,
ROGERS, ANNA and MĪRIA SIMPSON, eds. Te Timatanga — Tatau
Tatau (Aroha Yates-Smith), 28, 2, 222-3.
ROGERS, FRANK. Archives New Zealand 3: Medicine and Public Health
(Linda Bryder), 26, 1, 121.
ROGERS, FRANK. Archives New Zealand 4: Directory of Archives and
Manuscript Repositories in New Zealand, the Cook Islands, Fiji,
Niue, Tokelau, Tonga and Western Samoa (Jeanine Graham), 28, 1,
ROLLESTON, ROSAMOND. William and Mary Rolleston: An Informal
Biography (W.P. Morrell), 8, 1, 88-90.
ROSS, ANGUS, ed. New Zealand's Record in the Pacific Islands in the
Twentieth Century (J.B. Wright), 5, 1, 106-8.
ROUTLEDGE, DAVID. Matanitū: The Struggle for Power in Early Fiji
(Barrie MacDonald), 20, 2, 196-7.
ROYAL, TE AHUKARAMU CHARLES. Te Haurapa: An Introduction to
Researching Tribal Histories and Traditions (Michael Reilly), 27, 1,
RUNCIMAN, STEVEN. The Great Church in Captivity (IanN. Moles), 4, 1,
RUTHERFORD, NOEL. Shirley Baker and the King of Tonga (Sione
Latukefu), 6, 2, 183-6.
SACK, PETER and DYMPHNA CLARK, eds. German New Guinea — The
Annual Reports; German New Guinea — The Draft Annual Report
for 1913-14 (John A. Moses), 15, 2, 189-90.
SALMOND, ANNE. Two Worlds. First Meetings between Maori and
Europeans 1642-1772 (Caroline Ralston), 27, 2, 224-5.
SALMOND, JEREMY. Old New Zealand Houses 1800-1940 (Chris
Cochran), 22, 1, 83-85.
SALMOND, JOHN A. The Civilian Conservation Corps, 1933-1942 (James
Holt), 2,1, 100-1.
SAMPSON, F. BRUCE. Early New Zealand Botanical Art (Moira M. Long),
20, 1,94-96.
SARGISON, PATRICIA. Victoria's Furthest Daughters: A Bibliography of
Published Sources for the Study of Women in New Zealand (Barbara
Brookes), 20, 1, 77-78.
SARGISON, PATRICIA. Notable Women in New Zealand Health: Te
Hauora ki Aotearoa: Ōna Wāhine Rongonui (Barbara Brookes), 28,
2, 220-1.
SAUNDERS, J.J. (ed. G.W. Rice), Muslims and Mongols. Essays on
Medieval Asia (Peter Munz), 12, 2, 175-6.
SCARR, DERYCK. The Majesty of Colour: A Life of Sir John Thurston Vol.
I (W.P. Morrell), 9, 1, 91-92.
SCARR, DERYCK, ed. Fiji: The Three-Legged Stool. Selected Writings of
Ratu SirLala Sukuna (M.P.K. Sorrenson), 19, 2, 193—4.
SCARR, DERYCK. Ratu Sukuna: Soldier, Statesman, Man of Two Worlds
(M.P.K. Sorrenson), 19, 2, 193^1.
SCARR, DERYCK, ed. The Journal of Pacific History (Chris Corne), 26, 2,
SCARR, DERYCK and H.E. MAUDE. Of Islands and Men: Studies in
Pacific History (G.S. Parsonson), 5, 2, 200-4.
SCHREUDER, D.M. Gladstone andKruger (F.B. Smith), 5, 1, 98-99.
SCOTT, DICK. Ask That Mountain. The Story of Parihaka (Judith Bassett),
9, 2, 189-92.
SCOTTER, W.H. A History of Canterbury, Vol. Ill (Jeanine Williams), 2, 1,
SEGALEN, MARTINE. Historical Anthropology of the Family (Philip
Rousseau), 24, 1, 91.
SHARP, ANDREW. The Voyages of Abel Janszoon Tasman (J.C.
Beaglehole), 3, 1, 84-87.
SHARP, ANDREW, ed. The Journal of Jacob Roggeveen (W.P. Morrell), 6,
1, 108-9.
SHARP, ANDREW. Justice and the Maori: Maori Claims in New Zealand
Political Argument in the 1980s (F.M. Brookfield), 25, 2, 179-81.
Wellington. A New Zealand History 1840-1987 (David Hamer), 25,
1, 80-81.
SHUKER, ROY. Educating the Workers? A History of the Workers'
Education Association in New Zealand (Gary McCulloch), 19, 2,
SHUKER, ROY. The One Best System? A Revisionist History of State
Schooling in New Zealand (Gary McCulloch), 22, 1, 82-83.
SIMKIN, C.G.F. The Traditional Trade of Asia (W.E. Cheong), 4, 2, 203-4.
SIMMONS, D.R. The Great New Zealand Myth: A Study of the Discovery
and Origin Traditions of the Maori (Margaret Orbell), 12, 1, 79-81.
SIMON, JUDITH, ed. Ngā Kura Māori: The Native Schools System
1867-1969 (Hirini Kaa), 33, 2, 253^1.
SIMPSON, ADRIENNE. Opera's Farthest Frontier. A History of
Professional Opera in New Zealand (Nicholas Tarling), 31, 2,
SIMPSON, TONY. The Immigrants: The Great Migration from Britain to
New Zealand, 1830-1890 (Lyndon Fraser), 31,2, 289-91.
SINCLAIR, KEITH. William Pember Reeves, New Zealand Fabian (D.A.
Hamer), 1, 1, 101-3.
SINCLAIR, KEITH. Walter Nash (Bruce Brown), 11, 1, 84-88.
SINCLAIR, KEITH. A History of the University of Auckland, 1883-1983
(J.G.A. Pocock), 17, 2, 185-91.
SINCLAIR, KEITH. A Destiny Apart: New Zealand's Search for National
Identity (Gordon Parkinson), 22, 1, 65-68.
SINCLAIR, KEITH, ed. The Oxford Illustrated History of New Zealand
(John Salmond), 25, 2, 178-9.
SINCLAIR, KEITH. Kinds of Peace: Maori People After the Wars, 1870-85
(Melanie Nolan), 26, 2, 207-9.
Photographic History of New Zealand (Erik Olssen), 13, 2, 194.
SISSONS, JEFFREY. Te Waimana: The Spring of Mana (Greg Dening), 27,
1, 104-5.
SMART, JUDITH and TONY WOOD, eds. An Anzac Muster: War and
Society in Australia and New Zealand 1914-19 and 1939-45
(Laurie Barber), 27, 1, 113-14.
SMITH, LINDA TUHIWAI. Decolonizing Methodologies: Research and
Indigenous Peoples (Anna Green), 33, 2, 251-3.
SMITH, WILFRED I. Archives in New Zealand: A Report {KM. Ross), 13,
2, 205-7.
SORRENSON, M.P.K. Land Reform in the Kikuyu Country. A Study in
Government Policy (D.A. Low), 5, 1, 99-104.
SORRENSON, M.P.K. Origins of European Settlement in Kenya (D.A.
Low), 5, 1, 99-104.
SORRENSON, M.P.K. Maori Origins and Migrations (Jock Phillips), 15, 1,
SORRENSON, M.P.K., ed. Na To Hoa Aroha, From Your Dear Friend. The
Correspondence Between Sir Apirana Ngata and Sir Peter Buck
1925-50 (Nancy J. Pollock), 25, 1, 59-65.
SORRENSON, M.P.K. Manifest Duty, The Polynesian Society over 100
years (J.M.R. Owens), 27, 1, 105-6.
SPATE, O.H.K. Monopolists and Freebooters [The Pacific since Magellan:
Volume II] (K.R. Howe), 18,1, 76.
SPENDER, PERCY. Exercises in Diplomacy. The Anzus Treaty and the
Colombo Plan (Bruce Brown), 5, 2, 194-7.
SPILLER, PETER. The Chapman Legal Family (Ian Wards), 28, 1, 97-99.
eds. Nga Patai: Racism and Ethnic Relations in Aotearoa/New
Zealand (Manuka Henare), 31,2, 273-5.
STARKE, JUNE, ed. Journal of a Rambler. The Journal of John Boultbee
(David Mackay), 21,2, 286-7.
STENSON, M.R. Industrial Conflict in Malaya. Prelude to the Communist
Revolt of1948 (Ruth T.McVey), 6, 1, 102-1.
STENSON, MICHAEL. Class, Race and Colonialism in West Malaysia
(Margaret Clark), 14, 2, 208-9.
STEVENS, JOAN, ed. The London Journal of Edward
Wakefield 1845-46 (Peter Stuart), 7, 2, 203^1.
Cricket, Culture and Society (Charlotte Macdonald), 33, 1, 127-8.
STOKES, EVELYN. A History of Tauranga County (P.G. Gibbons), 14, 2,
STONE, R.C.J. Makers of Fortune: A Colonial Business Community and its
Fall (G.R. Hawke), 8, 1, 83-85.
STONE, R.C.J. Young Logan Campbell (G.R. Hawke), 17, 1, 89-90.
STONE, R.C.J. The Father and His Gift: John Logan Campbell's Later
Years (Dinah Holman), 23, 1, 96-97.
STONE, R.C.J. The Making of Russell McVeagh: The First 125 years of the
Practice of Russell McVeagh McKenzie Bartleet and Co.
1863-1988 (Judith Bassett), 27, 1, 102-4.
STONE, R.C.J. James Dilworth (John Stenhouse), 29, 2, 234-5.
STRANGE, GLYN. The Little Theatre: Golden Years of the New Zealand
Stage (Vincent Orange), 35, 2, 252-3.
STRETTON, H. The Political Sciences (Peter Munz), 4, 2, 195-200.
STUART, PETER. Edward Gibbon Wakefield in New Zealand: His Political
Career 1853-1854 (Jeanine Williams), 7, 1, 91-93.
SUTCH, W.B. The Quest for Security in New Zealand, 1840-1966 (Keith
Sinclair), 1, 2, 206-8.
SUTCH, W.B. Women with a Cause (Raewyn Dalziel), 9, 1, 90-91.
SUTHERLAND, GILLIAN, ed. Studies in the Growth of Nineteenth-century
Government (D.A. Hamer), 8, 2, 172-3.
SUTTON, DOUGLAS G., ed. The Origins of the First New Zealanders
(Peter Sheppard), 29, 1, 97-98.
SWEETMAN, RORY. Bishop in the Dock. The Sedition Trial of James
Liston (Judith Bassett), 31, 2, 279-80.
SWINFEN, D.B. Imperial Control of Colonial Legislation 1813-1865 (Noel
McLachlan), 7, 1, 85-88.
SZEKELY, CHRIS. Te Hikoi Mdrama: A Directory of Maori Information
Resources (Jeanine Graham), 28, 1, 116.
TARLING, NICHOLAS. Southeast Asia Past and Present (Anthony Reid),
1, 1,98-100.
TARLING, NICHOLAS. Britain, the Brookes and Brunei (Robert Pringle),
6, 2, 187-8.
TARLING, NICHOLAS. Sulu and Sabah (Lindsey Reber), 13, 2, 195-6.
TARLING, NICHOLAS, ed. Cambridge History of Southeast Asia, 2 vols
(Malcolm McKinnon), 28, 1, 112-13.
TAUROA, HIWI. Healing the Breach. One Maori's Perspective on the
Treaty of Waitangi (James Belich), 24, 2, 200-7.
TAYLOR, NANCY M. The New Zealand People at War: The Home Front
(Mary Boyd), 22, 1, 68-70.
TEMM, PAUL, Q.C. The Waitangi Tribunal. The Conscience of the Nation
(James Belich), 24, 2, 200-7.
TEMPERLEY, HOWARD. British Antislavery 1833-1870 (W.P. Morrell),
7, 2, 204-5.
TEMPLETON, MALCOLM. Ties of Blood and Empire: New Zealand's
Involvement in Middle East Defence and the Suez Crisis 1947-57
(Barry Gustafson), 29, 1, 119-21.
TEMPLETON, MALCOLM. Human Rights and Sporting Contacts: New
Zealand Attitudes to Race Relations in South Africa 1921-1994
(Malcolm Maclean), 33, 2, 256-7.
TENNANT, MARGARET. Paupers and Providers. Charitable Aid in New
Zealand (Linda Bryder), 25, 1, 69-70.
TENNANT, MARGARET. Children's Health, the Nation's Wealth. A
History of the New Zealand Health Camps (Rosemary Goodyear),
THAKUR, RAMESH. In Defence of New Zealand: Foreign Policy Choices
in the Nuclear Age (Malcolm McKinnon), 20, 1, 73-76.
THIERCELIN, LOUIS. Travels in Oceania: Memoirs of a Whaling Ship's
Doctor, 1866 (Hugh Laracy), 30, 1, 101-2.
THOMPSON, ROGER C. Australian Imperialism in the Pacific: The
Expansionist Era 1820-1920 (Barrie Macdonald), 15, 1, 88-89.
THOMSON, DAVID. Selfish Generations? The Ageing of New Zealand's
Welfare State (Harvey Franklin), 27, 1, 95-98.
THOMSON, DAVID. A World Without Welfare: New Zealand's Colonial
Experiment (Alexander Davidson), 33, 1, 120-3.
THOMSON, JOHN MANSFIELD. Into a New Key. The Origins and History
of the Music Federation of New Zealand Inc. 1950-82 (Nicholas
Tarling), 20, 1, 88-89.
THOMSON, JOHN MANSFIELD. Musical Images. A New Zealand
Historical Journey 1840-1990 (Nicholas Tarling), 25, 1, 87.
THOMSON, JOHN MANSFIELD. The Oxford History of New Zealand
Music (Nicholas Tarling), 26, 2, 211-12.
THOMSON, JOHN MANSFIELD. Farewell Colonialism: The New Zealand
International Exhibition Christchurch, 1906-07 (Ewan Johnston),
32, 2,217-18.
THORN, MARGARET. Stick Out, Keep Left (Anna Green), 32, 1, 74-75.
TIPPLES, RUPERT. Colonial Landscape Gardener: Alfred Buxton of
Christchurch, New Zealand 1872-1950 (John Stacpoole), 25, 1,
TIWARI, KAPIL N., ed. Indians in New Zealand. Studies in a Sub-culture
(Jacqueline Leckie), 16,2, 169-71.
TOLERTON, JANE. Ettie: A Life of Ettie Rout (Judith Smart), 27, 2,
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WOLFE, RICHARD. All Our Own Work: New Zealand's Folk Art (Claudia
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WOOD-ELLEM, ELIZABETH. Queen Salote of Tonga: The Story of an Era
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