December 2010 Bahn Stormer - Rally Sport Region


December 2010 Bahn Stormer - Rally Sport Region
Volume XV, Issue 11 -- December, 2010
The Bahn Stormer
The Official Publication of the Rally Sport Region -- Porsche Club of America
Happy Participants in the Points and Condenser
Preservation Society Fall Tour
Photos courtesy of Ben Colman Photographs (See page 21 for more information on this talented
Calendar of Events........................ 4
Detroit Auto Show Road Trip............. 5
Evolution of the Porsche 356............10
A Few Quarts Low.............................................3
Calendar of Events............................................4
Detroit Auto Show Road Trip............................. 5
Membership Page.............................................7
Points & Condenser Fall Drive.......................... 9
Advertisers’ Index
ARESCO, Inc.......................................................... 22
Automotive Techniques............................................11
BMW Motorcycles................................................... 17
Carlyle/Mediterrano................................................. 14
Howard Cooper.................................................. 12-13
Fred Lavery Porsche............................................... 18
Gilson Motor Sports................................................. 20
Grand Sport LLC....................................................... 8
Munk’s Motors......................................................... 16
Porsche of Farmington Hills.................................... 24
Rennstatt, Inc.......................................................... 15
Simply Scrumptious................................................. 17
Storage for Your Porsche........................................ 22
The 928 Leather Shop............................................. 17
Trends In Tile........................................................... 17
V&W Motors.............................................................. 2
Watermark Builders................................................... 6
The Bahn Stormer
For Information on, or submissions to,
The Bahn Stormer contact Mike O’Rear at or 734-214-9993
(Please put Bahn Stormer in the subject line)
Deadline: Normally by the end of the third
week-end of the month.
Advertising Rates
(Per Year)
Full Page: $650
Half Page: $375
Quarter Page: $225
Business Card: $100
For Commercial Ads Contact: Jim Christopher at
Material for the The Bahn Stormer may be reprinted (except for ads) provided proper credit is given to the author
and the source. Copy is the responsibility of the advertiser.
Evolution of the Porsche 356.......................... 10
Rennstadt-ArborMotion & Tim Pott.................. 15
Board Meeting Minutes...................................19
The Official Page.............................................23
Check out the latest news at our
Check out other PCA events at the
Zone 4 Website:
PORSCHE®, The Porsche Crest®, CARRERA®,
and TARGA® are trademarks of Porsche AG
By Jim Christopher,
Gentleman Farmer
It’s that Time of Year
Well toy number two is tucked away for the season -under a
cover with the battery tender, hopefully, keeping the battery
happy throughout the winter. Toy number one awaits the
same fate as soon as salt hits the pavement. With the onset
of winter…there’s just not a great deal of motor-head and social things to talk about – except the Holiday Party, February
12th 2011. I know I sound like the proverbial broken record,
but I’m really excited about the prospects for this party to be
a great time and certainly something to look forward to in the
dead of winter.
Managerial Musings
• Club elections draw to a close on Tuesday, December
7th; please cast your vote for new officers.
• Also, remember the Annual General Meeting will be held
December 7th at Karl’s Cabin in Plymouth and we’d like a
solid turn out of Club members.
• Lastly, the next edition of the Bahn Stormer won’t come
out until late February as a combined January/February
A very special thanks to Stewart and Sally Free for their
contribution to the Club through participation and leadership
by chairing the Events Committee. During their tenure the
number, quality and participation of Club events increased
dramatically. Now it’s time for you folks to enjoy the events
as participants…. Nora and Dave Cooper have volunteered
to take Stewart and Sally’s place as the committee chair
– thanks and we look forward to next year’s events. Yet
another “thank-you” goes out to Yoram Guy who volunteered
to host the November 26th drive to the Traverse City area
for the Great Macaroni & Cheese Bake Off and wine tasting
sponsored by the Wineries of the Old Mission Peninsula. Six
of us have signed up for this; we’ll report in late February.
Special Thanks
Al Gaulin has been the Club Insurance Chair for quite some
time. The position is far from glamorous – so you rarely hear
his name mentioned in the newsletter. But, in my opinion,
this position is essential for the Club to operate. Every event
the Club sponsors must have a corresponding certificate of
insurance…think about it for a moment…. Between track
and social…that’s close to twenty events per year. It’s a lot
of work. I’m recognizing Al for two reasons; one, for tirelessly
attending to this mundane detail in quiet competence; and,
two, for being a gentleman in accepting my request to step
aside from the position.
Okay, so the next question is why the request to step aside…
the answer lies in the fact that it makes sense to have this
function fall on the shoulders of Board Member Michael
Kimber. Insurance matters closely parallel legal matters and
Michael is an attorney – so it makes good sense to have
Michael take on the dual responsibilities of legal advisor to
the Club as well as Insurance Chairperson….
Al, thanks for years of outstanding service to the Club.
It’s Great to be the King
I’ve always maintained if we won the lottery I’d buy a combine – it’s just a Jim thing, but how totally cool to live every
guy’s dream to play farmer. Well…after years of needless
thinking on the matter the voices finally spoke to me…. They
told me, using my best yuppie-speak, to leverage my position
as el President and lobby for a test drive on one of these
little beasties under the guise of a comparison between a
Porsche, 996-GT3 and an International Harvester 5088 I
did! So, in the issues to follow through April I’ll be writing my
thoughts comparing the two – I promise some seriously good
amusement. Just to wet your whistle – the iH costs slightly
more than a GT2 or twice as much as a GT3....
Merry Ho Ho
To everyone; have a great Holiday Season!
December 7 (Tuesday): RSR Annual General Meeting
-- 7:00 pm at Karl’s Cabin in Plymouth
January 15 (Saturday): Road Trip to the Detroit Auto
Show. (see page 5)
February 12 (Saturday): RSR Holiday Party -- 6:15 pm
at the Holly Hotel in Holly Michigan.
 
Road Pic of the Month
Rare photo of Assistant Chief Heavy Foot of
the Rally Sport Tribe.
Current Membership 216
New Members
Paul Grusche & Mark Graf
Dexter, MI
1983 Black 911 SC Targa
(Transferred from Orange Coast
Jihn Han
Ann Arbor, MI
1984 White 911
Robert Trybulec & Patricia Ellis
Westland, MI
1970 Black 911 Targa
Member Anniversaries
Phil Kish...........................32
Tom Green.......................24
Brian Nao.........................19
Ken Bush..........................12
James Utsler..................... 8
Kevin Pritchard.................. 7
Phil Kingham..................... 3
The Rally Sport Region - Porsche Club of America
Membership Information: Those interested in joining Porsche Club of America (PCA) can fill out the application form located in the forms section of our website -- Cost is $42 US per year. You will
receive a subscription to both Panorama, the official PCA magazine, and the The Bahn Stormer .
Send the application and a check (or Visa/MC), payable to Porsche Club of America, to the membership
chairperson, Glenn Trapp, for processing. If you have questions or need additional information please contact
Glenn (810-227-7854 or
Subscription to The Bahn Stormer is free to RSR* members. Non-members pay an annual fee of $18 US.
Address Changes: If you change your address, please forward your new address to Porsche Club of America’s
Executive Director:
Vu Nguyen
PO Box 1347
Springfield, VA 22151
Please also forward your new address to the RSR* Membership Chairperson, Glenn Trapp, at gtrapper@gmail.
This will ensure the timely delivery of both the Panorama and The Bahn Stormer.
* Please take note: Rally Sport Region’s official acronym from PCA national is RSP. Please make special
note of this when dealing with PCA national.
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Points and Condenser Preservation Society Fall Tour
Story by RSR Member Rick Mammel. Photos courtesy of Ben Colman Photographs. See page 21 for more information on this talented photographer.
For those who do not know about PCPS you have been
missing an opportunity to participate in a multimake, “run
what you’ve brung”
driving event. The
home base for
the PCPS is the
Ypsilanti Warehouse.
This building is Bill
Milliken’s wonderful
vehicle storage and
gathering place. It
The Mammels in their “other car”
has some bays availenjoyed the drive.
able to do anything
from minor mechanicals to full restoration
work on your beloved project. It also has a waiting list for
available spots. The best part is the first Saturday of every
month the Warehouse is open to anyone who wants to stop
by and join the other enthusiasts in checking out the cars.
During this time they pull back all the car covers so you will
not miss a single classic.
The Warehouse participants form the core of the PCPS.
They organize a Spring and Fall driving event, which comprises of registration around a continental breakfast, and a
drive to a unique gearhead location where a terrific catered
lunch is served.
This year’s Fall Tour started out at the Warehouse with the
drive terminating at Kalitta Air at Willow Run Airport. During
the drive portion we were interweaved with the full range of
automotive collector vehicles from a Model A Ford & Willys
Knight to a DeTomaso Mangusta & Maserati Ghibli. One
lesson learned from the old children’s fable of the Hare & the
Tortoise. No matter how many cars you would pass and how
fast you could run in
the clear and through
the twisties, the traffic
was a great equalizer.
After a good run you
would get caught up in
slower local cars and
next thing you know
there is a 1930 Model
A in your mirror. Slow
and steady etc.etc.
There were several 911’s on the run including a 3800 mile 78
SC that was painted in British Racing Green. The car looked
great in BRG. The temperature was pretty cool but there
were many examples of true sportsmen with their tops down,
Big Healey, Jaguar 120 and a TR3 to name a few. Overall
you never know what you might see on these drives and you
are assured to meet some wonderful people. The downside
is this event sold out
early, as most do,
which meant some
people who wanted
to were not able to
participate in this
wonderful gathering.
Upon our arrival at
Kalitta Air’s Willowrun facility were we greeted by a chef prepared catered lunch
in one of the freight hangers. Surrounded by jet engines and
air cargo, it doesn’t get much better than that! While dining
we were treated to a presentation of the freight operations
by the Director of Safety & Flight Standards, Heath Nicholl.
Besides the obvious worldwide freight movements one part
of the talk brought some
strong emotions to
the group when Heath
brought up a powerpoint
presentation where they
show Kalitta’s 747’s
flying mail to the troops
in Middle East. They
are one of the few non
military aircraft flying into
the war zone on weekly
mail runs.
After lunch came the gearhead portion of the tour. Connie
Kalitta aka “The Bounty Hunter” is an icon of American drag
racing. He raced for 40 years, won 10 NHRA national events,
was the first to hit 200 mph and gave Shirley “Cha Cha”
Muldowney a start that took her to be one of the winningest
female drivers of all time. The Kalitta race operations are no
longer based at this facility.
The highlight of the tour as we were walked through flight
operations was a
chance to go inside
both of their 747 flight
simulators as well
watch them in action
from the outside.
Aircraft or an interest
in flight not required.
For a car guy and
An AMC Marlin in among
non- gearhead alike,
the Porsches
this was awesome. To
top it off one of the door
prizes was two hours of training in one. Disappointingly I did
not win.
(Continued on Page 21)
Evolution of the Porsche 356, a Spotter’s Guide -- Part 1
Story and Photos by RSR Member Sebastian Gaeta
This series is not meant to be a historical overview of the
Porsche factory. Rather, it is a way for those not familiar with
356s to look quickly at a car and be able to decipher which
model and year range it is. That is not to say, however, that
we won’t discuss a bit of history where it helps to understand
why things were done a certain way on a particular model.
Front and rear bumpers are called “body bumpers” as they
fasten directly to the car and appear to be part of the body.
This made for a beautiful design that went unchanged until
two years into the Stuttgart days. Also take note that the rest
of the auto industry “discovered” this design starting around
the late ‘80s!
Let’s start with the earliest cars, the Gmünd built “prototypes”. These 50 some odd cars were literally hand built in a
Gmünd, Austria sawmill in 1948 and 1949 where the Porsche
firm had moved during the war. The all-aluminum bodies
were hand beaten over wooden bucks by master craftsmen
like Friederich Weber, who was known to go on a days-long
drinking binge after completion of a body!
Wheels were body colored, non-vented VW 16” x 3.25” with
baby moon hubcaps.
The gorgeous lines were designed by Erwin Komenda, and
the early cars were some of the most aerodynamic ever built
by Porsche. The first thing you notice is a two piece, split
front windshield. That feature remained on the Stuttgart cars
up until the ’51 model year. To distinguish the Gmünd cars
from the later steel bodied Stuttgart cars, look to the front of
the side windows. If you see a curved glass front quarter window, then it is a Gmünd built car. If not, then it is a later car.
You’ll notice that the body is virtually devoid of decorative
trim. The exception is on the front of the car. Believe it or not,
that trim on the front nose panel is from commercial busses
of the era! The hood sports the early Porsche script that was
moved to the nose on Stuttgart cars, and above that is a
trim piece that resembles a hood handle, but is flat. Two VW
headlamps adorn the front but no turn signals are present.
Semaphores are placed just forward of both doors to handle
that important duty. This is another quick way to spot a
Gmünd vs an early Stuttgart built car: the later cars have two
“beehive” turnsignals below the headlamp buckets, so if you
see a split windshield and front turnsignals, it is not a Gmünd.
Under the hood is the fuel tank and spare tire. The placement of the tank remained unchanged from this configuration
until model year ‘62, but when Stuttgart cars went into production, the spare tire sat more vertically in the battery box
area, while the Gmünd’s spare was placed flat in the luggage
area of the trunk.
The rear decklid has one air intake grill, something that did
not change on production cars until the ’60 model year. The
rear brake lights are single “beehives” and the curved rocker
panels without trim are a trait that lasts up until the A series
for model year ’56.
The transmission is a “crashbox’ VW four speed and the
engine is VW based as well, with an 1100cc displacement.
The differences between the stock VW and the Porsche units
were massaged heads, larger valves and dual carbs that
produced 44hp, up from the VW’s 25hp which gave it a top
speed of 140kph. Exhaust was a single pipe “pea-shooter”.
The interior was spartan, but very nicely trimmed and finished. A beautiful large diameter banjo wheel provided the
driver a stylish way to motivate the car through the turns.
Only two gauges were present-a speedometer and an oil
temperature gauge. That’s right, no tachometer; back then
a Porsche driver knew when to shift by the sound of the
engine! Note the location of the ignition switch to the right of
the steering wheel. This moved to the left of the wheel on
most later cars, which prompted the sentiment that Porsche
put the switch to the left for the “Le Mans”start, allowing the
driver to handle the shift lever at the same time as starting the car. That would make sense if not for the fact that
Porsche’s sportiest models (Speedster, Roadster, Spyder)
had the switch to the right. A bench seat and non padded
and painted dashboard finish out the details.
The success of these cars gave the Porsche firm the impetus
to move back to Stuttgart and become a full fledged manufacturer. The steel bodied Stuttgart cars differed greatly from
the Gmünd cars, and next time we will study those differences.
Cable Shift Cars
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Tim Pott’s Rennstatt, Inc. Merges With ArborMotion
Story and Photos by Mike O’Rear
Saturday afternoon, November 13 saw customers and friends of RSR
Charter Member Tim Pott
celebrate the merger of
his business with ArborMotion and major and
very modern independent
automotive repair business in Ann Arbor.
James Schneider, ArborMotion General Manager
(left) and Tim Pott welcome the crowd.
Guest toured ArborMotion’s
extensive shop facilities and then
headed out for a short country
drive ending up at Vinology Wine
Bar and Restaurant in downtown
Ann Arbor. There guests were
feted with wonderful variety of
wine tastings and scrumptious
and substantial hors d’oeuvres.
Porsches lined up for the rally.
What a great way to start a new
business relationship.
Now Located At:
669 State Circle
Ann Arbor, MI 48108
Porsche Club of America
Rally Sport Region -- Club Meeting
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Jim Christopher called the meeting to order at 7:32 PM at Carlyle Grill in Ann Arbor, MI.
Jim Christopher: President.......................................Present
Owen Balduf...............................................................Absent
Dave Cooper.............................................................Present
Jack Dunlap...............................................................Present
Dave Finch................................................................Present
Pat Jeski, Past President...........................................Absent
Mary Ann Kantrow, Secretary....................................Present
Michael Kimber..........................................................Present
Burghard Linn, Treasurer..........................................Present
Christian Maloof: Track Chairman............................Present
Rick Mammel: Vice-President...................................Absent
Mike O’Rear: Editor...................................................Present
Members & Visitor Present: Carl Burton, Rich Chang, Norah Cooper, Jim Dowty, Sally and Stewart Free - Events, Emmanuel Garcia – Webmaster, Yoram Guy, Matt Huber, Tom
Krueger – Track Registrar, James Lang, Kathy O’Rear, Tim
Pott, Nancy Schulz, Jim Thornton, Glenn Trapp-Membership,
and Robert Trybulec.
make it to the total of 200. The 200 total is required for the
bulk mail rate.
Meeting Minutes: October minutes were reviewed. Motion:
To approve minutes. Passed.
Events Committee:
• Norah and Dave Cooper reported that the Holiday party
was coming up in February.
• AGM is scheduled for December 7. We need to have 22
members to attend to make a quorum.
• Norah and Dave are looking for volunteers to run events
for next year.
• Jim acknowledged all the hard work of Sally and Stewart
Free on the events committee.
Treasurer’s Report: Burghard Linn reviewed the October
financial report. Motion: To approve report. Passed.
Burghard discussed the wording in the by-laws about the
annual budget report for the AGM. He does not do that for
several reasons and it would be no value-add to make the
report. He would like to reword the by-laws to reflect what
he actually does. Motion: to edit the by-laws regarding the
treasurer’s responsibilities: Passed.
REMINDER: The Treasurer’s Report is available to any
RSR Club member. E-Mail your request to Burghard Linn
Insurance: Michael Kimber had no report. Al Gaulin will be
the insurance chair until the end of the year, at which point
Michael Kimber will assume the duties of insurance chair.
Goody Store Report: Jim Christopher reported that he
is waiting for the logo vote before he kicks off the on-line
store. Jim will put together an on-line order procedure for
the newsletter.
Website: Emmanuel Garcia was updating the website
during the meeting. Jim acknowledges his hard work on the
New Business:
• We discussed board meetings for next year. We need to
decide if we want to keep the same venues for next year.
Discussion tabled until the next meeting.
• Yoram Guy is hosting a trip to the Macaroni and Cheese
Bake Off. The event is scheduled for Saturday, November
27. Michael Kimber will order the insurance certificate.
Glenn will send a note to the membership.
Motion: Meeting adjourned: 8:11 pm. Minutes taken by:
Mary Ann Kantrow
Advertising Report: Jim Christopher said that funds are
coming in from the invoices.
Membership: Glenn Trapp reported that we have 216
Track Report: Christian Maloof is waiting for the tracks to
send him the available dates for the 2011 track season.
Newsletter: The newsletter deadline is November 21. One
hundred eighty copies are mailed plus 20 extra copies to
2002 Boxster S: 28,200 miles, guards red, black interior, always garaged, 18 inch “turbo” rims, great condition
inside and out, new tires, new oil change, etc. Asking price:
$19,500. Call Roland Heiberger, tel: (248) 760-9652 (12/10)
Tires: Michelin Pilot Sport Cups: (2) 235-35-19 & (2) 26530-19 $100; Hoosier R6: (2) 265-35-19 $50; Hoosier R6
(4) 205-50-15 $200 (one brand new); Contact Tom Krueger
313-570-2223 or (08/10)
2000 Mazda Miata MX-5: White w/Tan Leather, 1.8L, 5spd,
All options including: Factory Ground effects package, ABS,
AC, Nardi Strg Wheel, 15” Alloys, Cruise, Pwr Windows,
Bose Stereo w/ CD, Pwr Locks and more. 30+ MPG on 87
octane! 143K miles. Yes, a lot of miles, However this is a
very well maintained, near Excellent Condition former Texas
car (stored winters in Michigan since 2004). I have all maintenance records and everything works. No accidents and
trouble free. $6,700 Call Gary: 248-887-2524 (11/10)
198x Porsche Cab or Coupe Covercraft Noah custom car
cover. Standard body, no tail. Like new and used indoors
for winter storage only. No tears or holes or mods. Only
replaced because we added a spoiler to our 1986 this year.
$100. 313-231-7639 (12/09)
1995 Porsche Carrera Coupe. Guards red, black interior.
Mint condition, 14,500 miles. All books and records. 17 inch
alloy wheels, rim caps with Porsche crest. Never seen rain.
$40,000.00. Call 248-553-8225 or 248-496-5201. (06/10)
1986 911: Turbo body, cabriolet, 52,000 miles, easy driving,
owned since 1989 guards red, all records, maintained by
Wayne when he was at Laverys. Dennis Yashinsky 248-9311123 (04/10)
2007 997 GT3: 4,500 miles. WPOAC29977S792204.
White/black full leather, GPS, PCCB brakes ,sports chrono,
bi-xenon headlamps, roll
bar, GT3 seats, Schroth 6
point harnesses. $99,000.
Tom Green, 3404 Oak Park
Drive, Saline, MI 48176.
Work 734-429-5958. Cell
734-417-0030 (10/09)
(PCPS Tour -- From Page 9)
To cap off the day we were invited to a hanger on the other
side of the airfield where the Yankee Air Force temporarily
store their Boeing B17G Flying Fortress and C47 (DC3 with
a cargo door and glider tow hook). Everyone was allowed to
enter either plane and go up to the flight deck. The B17 was
the big hit since you were able to see the guns, ball turret
and go by the bomb bay. Many thoughts went to what those
young pilots had to endure in the tight cold spaces of the
bomber and just how vulnerable they were to fighter attacks.
Not lost on many was the fact it was not an easy plane to bail
out of either.
All in all this was a great drive with a fabulous destination.
To get on the list for future events email bill@millikenrealty.
com. and if interested in a trip to the Warehouse on the first
Storage for Rent: Protect your investment. Heated &
secured garage for automobile storage. $500.00 for the season. A 50% deposit is required to reserve your space. Call
Clem Weierstahl at (810)636-2840. (11/10)
To place your classified ad in The Bahn Stormer
please contact:
Mike O’Rear -
(Put “Bahn Stormer Ad” in the subject line.)
or call Mike at 734-214-9993
Non-members will be charged $5.00/quarter.
Ads more than six months old may be removed
unless resubmitted.
Saturday the address is 884 Railroad Street in Ypsi. Starts
around 9:00 with the requisite lunch at the Side Track Pub
Photos in this article and on the
cover are courtesy of Ben Colman
Photographs. Go to www.bcolman.
com to see other wonderful photos
including many that are automotive
related. There are also links to his
Photoshelter site where you may
purchase prints.
Event organizer and
car lover Bill Milliken
2010 Rally Sport Region Officers
Jim Christopher *
Ortonville 48462
Tech Chairperson
Jim Dunham 734-451-1288
Plymouth 48170
Crack Legal Team
Michael Kimber *
Bloomfield, MI 38301
Immediate Past President
Patrick Jeski
Pinckney 48169
Track Registrar
Tom Krueger
Sterling Heights 48313
Vice President
Rick Mammel *
Novi 48375
Track Chairperson
Christian Maloof *
Dexter 48130
Events Committee
Chairpersons: Norah & David Cooper:
Liz Christopher:
Jeff Corbin:
Sue Sarin:
Arnie Speiker:
Goody Store Chairperson
Jim Christopher *
Ortonville 48462
Safety Chairperson
John Melvin
Ann Arbor 48103
Other Board Members
Owen Balduf *
Dexter 48130
Advertising Chairperson
Jim Christopher *
Ortonville 48462
Insurance Chairperson
Al Gaulin
Clarkston 48346
David Cooper *
Canton 48187
Membership Chairperson
Glenn Trapp
Brighton 48114
Archivist / Historian
Glenn Trapp
Brighton 48114
Burghard Linn *
Brighton 48116
Bahn Stormer Editor
Mike O’Rear *
Ann Arbor 48103
Mary Ann Kantrow *
Ann Arbor 48105
Der Cranky Webmeister
Emmanuel Garcia
South Lyon 48178
Jack Dunlap *
Hamburg 48139
David Finch *
Ann Arbor 48103
Zone 4 Rep
Ron Carr
(704) 967-6027
Northern Ohio Region
* Denotes Board Member
The Bahn Stormer
2686 Parkridge Dr., Ann Arbor, MI 48103