common questions about the CPA Exam
common questions about the CPA Exam
winter 2010 A publication of the Wisconsin Institute of Certified Public Accountants Winter 2010 in this issue •Explore common questions about the CPA Exam •Navigating the Exam application process •How to find the right employer: Do your homework •Landing a dynamic career in the travel industry • Internship expands technical, time management skills Explore common questions about the CPA Exam By Robert Gruber, Ph.D., CPA and Cindy Gruber, MBA, CPA T he Uniform CPA Examination consists of four sections: Auditing (AUD), Business Environment and Concepts (BEC), Financial Accounting and Reporting (FAR), and Regulation (REG). It is administered on an on-demand basis each quarter in a two-on/one-off pattern; i.e., candidates can take the CPA Exam in January and February, but not March; April and May are “on months,” but June is an “off-month,” and so on. structure of Chart 1Current the CPA Exam Section Format Auditing (AUD) • 3 multiple-choice question (MCQ) testlets containing a total of 90 questions Business Environment and Concepts (BEC) Financial Accounting and Reporting (FAR) Regulation (REG) • 3 MCQ testlets containing a total of 90 questions • 3 MCQ testlets containing a total of 90 questions • 3 MCQ testlets containing a total of 72 questions • 2 simulations (long format) • 2 simulations (long format) • 2 written communication tasks • 2 written communication tasks 4.0 hours 3.0 hours • 2 simulations (long format) • 2 written communication tasks NEWS FOR THE CPA2B Editor, Amy E. Gaeth Director of PR/Communications Wisconsin Institute of CPAs The current structure of the CPA Exam varies slightly by section, as summarized below (Chart 1). However, significant changes in the format of each section have been approved by the AICPA for the CPA Exam beginning in January 2011. (An upcoming article in the WICPA’s MAR/APR On Balance magazine will thoroughly discuss these changes.) Testing time 4.5 hours 2.5 hours continued on pg. 3 235N.N.Executive Executive Drive Suite 200 200 •• Brookfield, 53005 235 Dr. • •Suite Brookfield,WIWI 53005 262-785-0445 ext. 3006 • 800-772-6939 • Fax 262-785-0838 • 262-785-0445, ext. 3005 • 800-772-6939 • Fax 262-785-0838 • R U Ready? The CPA Exam Growing the CPA profession is a top priority for the Wisconsin Institute of CPAs. If you are on the path to becoming a CPA, take advantage of the following discounts for Society members to help you reach your goals. Whether you want live instruction or self-study, these providers offer you many opportunities and tools to help you. Kaplan CPA Review Kaplan focuses on convenience, flexibility, structure and interactivity for today’s candidate. WICPA members receive 30 percent off the purchase of the live and self-study Online Review Courses ($279.30 per section after discount or $979.30 for all four sections. A special discount code, which can be obtained in your WICPA membership packet or by contacting the WICPA Membership Department (800-772-6939), is needed to purchase online ( or by phone (800-CPA-2DAY). Becker CPA Review Becker Professional Review serves more than 47,000 students annually with courses offered onsite, online and on CD. WICPA members receive a $300 discount off the full course tuition. The WICPA will forward your name to Becker, who will issue you a $300 voucher for the course. For more information about Becker CPA Review, visit ExamMatrix Study anytime, anywhere. Pass your Certification Exam, guaranteed! As the leading provider of exam review systems in the industry, ExamMatrix is the study system of choice for professionals seeking a complete preparation method delivered through cutting-edge Prescriptive Learning Methodology and backed up with the guarantee of a passing score. WICPA members receive a $400 discount! For more information, visit MyExamScore Through a technology called MyExamScore, you can take simulated CPA practice exams matching the CPA Exam’s content. MyExamScore is a Web-based assessment tool that generates simulated CPA practice exams, allowing you to achieve: •Realistic exposure to the format and length of the CPA Exam through multiple choice questions and simulation problems including questions and problems that have been used in prior exams •Detailed scoring assessment by category for each section of the CPA Exam •Review of each question and simulation tested, including answers and explanations •A unique test each time WICPA members receive a $25 discount on the complete four-part package! For more information, visit Student membership available Student membership is designed to involve and connect future leaders of the profession to today’s leading professionals. Student members have the opportunity to network with professionals that interview and hire on campus. The WICPA offers networking opportunities and other valuable membership benefits that can help jump start your career. Student membership benefits: • • • • • • CPA Exam Review discounts Resume builder Access to NEW WICPA Career Center Young Professional Committee involvement Write for the member magazine, On Balance Access to members-only events Sign up for membership online at Student membership is $30. Wisconsin CPA Firms Sponsor CPA2B Thank you to our CPA2B sponsors. Without these firms this publication wouldn’t be possible. Make sure to visit their Web sites to learn more about the firm as well as career opportunities! RitzHolman CPAs news for the cpa2b • winter 2010 Komisar, Brady & Co., LLP continued from pg. 1 Common questions about the CPA Exam A complete description of the content tested within each section can be found in the CPA Candidate Bulletin, which can be downloaded via In addition, a wealth of information about the CPA Exam can be found on the WICPA’s Web site ( For example, if you click on the Becoming a CPA link, you can find information on the following topics: • • • • How to become a CPA Uniform CPA Exam CPA Exam review courses 150-hour educational requirement If you follow the Uniform CPA Exam folder, you will find a complete description of how to apply for the CPA Exam, including (a) the registration form itself, (b) cost of applying for ($255 in Wisconsin) and taking the CPA Exam ($823 for all four sections in Wisconsin), and (c) how to schedule an exam section. But despite the abundance of information about the CPA Exam, there still are several important questions that students ask each semester. Interestingly, the answers to these questions are primarily based on personal opinions, and as such, will vary between advisors (e.g., professors, practitioners, parents, peers, etc.). Thus, it is a good idea to ask several people what they think before developing your own answer or plan of action. Here are a few of those tough, yet important, questions that we have been asked over the years. (1) Question: How soon should I start the registration process? My answer: In Wisconsin, the Accounting Examining Board recommends that candidates allow six weeks for their application materials to be processed. However, our personal experience indicates that it is not unusual to wait for up to eight weeks, particularly for candidates who are applying to sit for the CPA Exam before they graduate; i.e., within 60 days prior to their completion of 150 hours (aka: units or credits) of academic course work. Two things to remember: (1) Students can take the CPA Exam before they graduate; i.e., 60-days (or less) before they complete 150-hours. This is a significant advantage since the CPA Exam is primarily a book exam and students will never be nearer to their books than right before graduation. (2) Filling out forms, tracking down academic records, and filing application materials on time is seldom an enjoyable experience. The earlier you start the application process, the less stress you will experience and the more time you will have to locate additional items, if necessary. What order should (2)Question: I take the sections in? My answer: Three strategies come to mind, although we are sure there are others: (1) Recentness, (2) Power, and (3) Efficiency. It should be noted that candidates are allowed to take the CPA Exam in any order. The Recentness strategy suggests beginning with the sections of the CPA Exam that are nearest to the corresponding courses. For example, if a student recently had auditing, it would make sense to start with the AUD section. The Power strategy suggests students start with the sections that are their strongest content areas. For example, students who continued on pg. 4 much time should Chart 2How I allow for each section? AUD BEC FAR REG Courses covered in an accounting program • Auditing • Information Systems • • • • Microeconomics Macroeconomics Corporate Finance Managerial/ Cost Accounting • Information Systems • Management • Principles of Financial Accounting • Intermediate Accounting • Advanced Accounting • Governmental & NFP • Accounting Theory • Individual Taxation • Corporate Taxation • Business Law Hours of structured review 20 20 36 28 Hours of additional study 40 60 64 52 Total review time * 60 80 100 80 * assumes a concentrated focus, no distractions, and well-rested study news for the cpa2b • winter 2010 continued from pg. 3 Common questions about the CPA Exam excelled in taxation (individual and corporate) and business law should take the REG section first. The Efficiency strategy suggests that students begin with sections that are easiest for them to review. For example, the BEC section is currently tested with all MCQs. A student is a good multiple-choice test taker and who is comfortable with economics, finance, and cost accounting might start with the BEC section. How much time should (3)Question: I allow for each section? My answer: We feel more uncomfortable with this question than any other question related to the CPA Exam. The reason is that the answer depends on so many personal and academic factors; e.g., study habits, time management skills, GPA, instructor quality in your accounting program, test-taking skills, strength of support systems, etc. But please note that the above answer is a cop-out! If you ask us a genuine and sincere question, we really should give you more than an “it depends” answer! So, with a high degree of variability and uncertainty, to see our answer review chart 2 on page 3. Should I take a review course (4)Question: (in-class or online) or self-study? My answer: Each alternative has significant benefits that one should consider before selecting one over the other. For example, in-class reviews are (a) structured with specific meeting times and a detailed study outline, (b) similar to the classroom setting in which the material was originally mastered (i.e., chapter readings, homework assignments, etc.), and (c) incorporates the positive consequences of “peer pressure.” Online reviews provide scheduling flexibility and allows the candidate the freedom to “order and conduct” their review specifically to their individual strengths and weaknesses. Self-study requires significant levels of self-discipline, organization, and persistence. It is also the least expensive. In conclusion, there is no one correct answer to any of these questions. Many different routes will lead you to the same destination; i.e., the successful completion of the CPA Exam. Candidates should begin by reading the CPA Candidate Bulletin and then research their options and seek advice before developing their individual best routes. Robert Gruber, Ph.D., CPA is an accounting professor at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater. Cindy Gruber, MBA, CPA is an accounting instructor at Marquette University. Their e-mail addresses are and news for the cpa2b • winter 2010 Nav By Becker Professional Review I t’s important to know the prerequisites of the state or jurisdiction in which you will apply for the CPA Exam and to plan to meet their individual requirements. States generally require the completion of all educational requirements before a candidate is qualified to take the CPA Exam. However, some states have adopted provisional clauses allowing candidates to sit prior to meeting those requirements. Most states require a bachelor’s or higher degree, and some states require 150 hours in specific subject areas as determined by the applicable State Board of Accountancy. To learn more about your specific state requirements, visit igating the CPA Exam application process Navigating the CPA Exam process What to expect after you apply Candidates should apply with the state or jurisdiction in which they intend to practice. The process consists of submitting forms, transcripts and fees, to the State Board or its designee. Approved candidates are sent a Notice to Schedule (NTS) by mail, e-mail, or fax. Candidates must have the NTS to schedule an actual test date at a Prometric Test Center across the United States and the five additional jurisdictions that are approved to administer the CPA Exam. Important items to note: • Candidates may apply to any state or jurisdiction assuming requirements are met, but may only register to take the exam in one jurisdiction at a time. • Candidates may take the exam at any authorized test center in the United States. The test center doesn’t need to be located within the jurisdiction in which a candidate applies. • Application and exam fees for first-time candidates vary by state, but range from $900 to $1,000 for all four parts of the exam. • Applications can be submitted at any time. • The application process usually takes from six to eight weeks for first-time candidates. • Accuracy and thoroughness are important. Incomplete applications are generally rejected. • The name on the application submitted must exactly match the name on the two forms of valid identification that will be needed for admission to the testing center. • Official school transcripts must be provided. Note: International degrees may also need to be submitted to an evaluation service. This may add time to the application process. Candidates are generally allowed a rolling 18-month timeframe to take and pass all four exam parts. If a candidate fails to successfully pass the next three parts within that window, credit for the first part is lost. Credit for subsequent parts passed will also be invalidated 18 months after the exam dates. Sandi Chase is a field marketing specialist with Becker Professional Review. She can be reached at or 262-895-7479. Generally, candidates must sit for their first exam within six months of receiving the NTS, although this can vary by jurisdiction. Exams must be scheduled at least five days in advance of your choice of date. However, it is best to contact Prometric at least 45 days in advance to get your first choice of date and time. Test Center locations are available at The CPA Exam process The four parts of the CPA Exam (Financial and Reporting, Auditing and Attestation, Regulation and Business Environment and Concepts) can be taken in any order, and one at a time if a candidate prefers. Candidates can sit for the exam in the first two months of every calendar quarter. The third month of each quarter, when the exam is not administered, is set aside to maintain the database, perform administrative tasks, and issue exam grades. A candidate may not take the same part of the exam more than once in a two-month testing window. For instance, a candidate who failed an exam in January would be required to wait until April to retake that part. news for the cpa2b • winter 2010 That 9 dollar lunch is worth more than you think. Like 19,000 dollars more. Pack your own lunch instead of going out. $6 saved a day x 5 days a week x 10 years x 6% interest = $19,592. That could be money in your pocket. Small changes today. Big Bucks tomorrow. Go to for free money saving tips. AICPA F O U N D AT I O N news for the cpa2b • winter 2010 welcome new members Ronard Acquah, Edgewood College ThatUniversity 9 dollar lunch Natasha Amundson, of Wisconsin–Whitewater Fariba K. Anaraki, University ofmore Wisconsin–Whitewater is worth than Heather Athey, University of Wisconsin–Green Bay you think. Like 19,000 Ryan Beld, University of Wisconsin–Whitewater dollars more. Erika Berg, University of Wisconsin–Whitewater Jessica Burg, University of Wisconsin–Whitewater Karyn Camacho, State of Wisconsin-Legislative Audit Bureau Pack ofyour own lunch instead Darin Clay, University Wisconsin–Whitewater Dave K. Daane,of Hagen CPA LLC going out. $6 saved a day Brian DelVecchio, University of Wisconsin–Whitewater x 5University days a ofweek x 10 years x Hannah Edwards, Wisconsin–Whitewater Adam Faltersack, of Wisconsin–Green Bay 6%University interest = $19,592. That Katharine C. Fehr, Marquette University could be money in your pocket. Jacqueline F. Flood, Komisar, Brady & Co., LLP Small changes today. Big bucks Morgan Fredericks, University of Wisconsin–Whitewater Ana Glaaser, University of Wisconsin–Whitewater tomorrow. Go to Mike Henika, University of Wisconsin–Whitewater for free savings tips. Kelcey Hoehnen, University of Wisconsin–Whitewater Alex Husslein, University of Wisconsin–Whitewater Alyssa Jensen, University of Wisconsin–Stevens Point Chelsea Knutson, University of Wisconsin–Whitewater Phillip Koerner, University of Wisconsin–Whitewater Chris Konz, University of Wisconsin–Whitewater Wendy Kopplin, University of Wisconsin–Whitewater Megan Krummen, University of Wisconsin–Whitewater John J. Larsen, University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee Deb Lawrence, University of Wisconsin–Whitewater Bethany Manteufel, University of Wisconsin–Whitewater Julie A. Martin-Schnell, Feeding America Alexander Matveev, University of Wisconsin–Whitewater Maria L. Mejia, University of Wisconsin–Whitewater Robert Monroe, MBA, Marquette University Megan Passella, University of Wisconsin–Whitewater Kimberly Perschke, University of Wisconsin–Whitewater Daniel Pfankuch, University of Wisconsin–Whitewater Mary G. Pierce, Richard A. Mamer, S.C. Jason Race, University of Wisconsin–Whitewater Nicole Rudolph, University of Wisconsin–Whitewater Amanda M. Schroepfer, KPMG LLP Debra A. Sibley, Hack CPA, S.C. Allison Stoll, University of Wisconsin–Whitewater Leslie Suring, University of Wisconsin–Whitewater Volha Sutton, University of Wisconsin–Whitewater Joseph F. Tregellas, Concordia University Jason Trifilo, University of Wisconsin–Whitewater Halle M. Viste, University of Wisconsin–Whitewater Matthew Westphal, University of Wisconsin–Whitewater Looking for that perfect fit? WICPA launches new online career center The WICPA Career Center at a glance: Free online job search: All job-seeker functions are available at no charge. On Jan. 4, the Wisconsin Institute of Certified Public Accountants (WICPA) launched their interactive job board, the WICPA Career Center. With its focus on accounting industry companies and professionals, the WICPA Career Center offers its members—and the industry at large— an easy-to-use and highly targeted resource for online employment connections. Confidential resume posting: Make your resume available to employers, and release your contact information only when you are ready. Both members and non-members can use the WICPA Career Center to reach qualified candidates. Employers can post jobs online, search for qualified candidates based on specific job criteria, and create an online resume agent to e-mail qualified candidates daily. They also benefit from online reporting that provides job activity statistics. Saved jobs capability: Save up to 100 jobs to a folder in your account so you come back to apply when you are ready. For job seekers, WICPA Career Center is a free service that provides access to employers and jobs in the accounting industry. In addition to posting their resumes, job seekers can browse and view available jobs based on their criteria and save those jobs for later review if they choose. Job seekers can also create a search agent to provide e-mail notifications of jobs that match their criteria. For more information, go to Job search agent: Create a password-protected account and receive automatic email notification of new jobs that match your search criteria. Post your resume today! WICPA Career C e n t e r An easier way to find a job. A better way to fill a position. news for the cpa2b • winter 2010 ? Do your How to find the right employer W hen you close the books and close the chapters on school projects, you will turn your attention to a much bigger and more important project – life itself. As a new graduate, you lose the security blanket of college and suddenly feel all of the pressures of the world. Your goal is to be successful and your career is just one component of that success. A career that not only fulfills your professional needs, but also compliments your family, personal and other life needs will be a journey that requires careful planning. Finding an employer who appreciates the same core values as you do is as important as the skills you acquired in school. At Clifton Gunderson LLP, our core values define who we are and what we stand for: integrity, trust, caring, competence and continual learning. Finding the right job and right fit is a daunting task for anyone, especially new grads. But just as critical is knowing who you want to work for and why before even sending a resume or requesting an interview. It’s essential you do your homework — because finding the right fit won’t happen by accident. You may be asking yourself, where do I begin? The best first step is to start a shortlist of companies you would love to work for. Research these companies and review their Web sites to learn as much as possible about their culture, benefits and training. Conduct Internet searches of recent news and blog stories, and talk to current and past employees if possible. Then, get your resume in order — making sure that it’s news for the cpa2b • winter 2010 By Michelle Osman homework written in a way that markets your skills for that particular company or industry. Even if the company isn’t currently hiring, still send a resume and cover letter if you believe it’s a good fit for the future. Human Resource teams keep the resumes they believe will be of value for the future. And, not all job postings are advertised. Some other helpful guidance includes: • Ask for an informational interview. Many times, a company is more than willing to grant an informational interview, especially for someone who they believe might be a fit for the future. • Work for free. Sometimes to land the perfect position, you have to offer yourself up for a small period of time. Whether it’s a traditional internship, or a 30-day job shadowing opportunity, presenting a potential employer with “no strings attached” is a terrific way for the employer to get to know you, but also, for you to get to know them. • Network, network, network. There are a multitude of professional groups that can offer everyone from new graduates to seasoned job seekers incredible networking opportunities. • The Internet is your friend. Creating a LinkedIn profile is a terrific way for potential employers to find you, as well as for you to find them. Other Web sites can be of significant value, too, such as for resume help or Finding an employer who appreciates the same core values as you do is as important as the skills you acquired in school. CPA EXAM REVIEW Understanding what sets certain companies apart from the rest is another facet of your search that is essential. At Clifton Gunderson LLP, the Project Life initiative aims to help employees maximize life and provide staff with the flexibility and career development resources needed for each individual’s success, including: • • • • • An exciting and challenging work environment Hands-on training Professional development opportunities A one-of-a-kind mentor program Flexible career path training Finding the right opportunity takes time and patience. However, once you do — all of the work you’ve placed into that process will pay off with a rewarding career for years to come. Kaplan Schweser CPA Review is the featured CPA Review provider of the WICPA. Members save 30% off Kaplan Schweser Online Review Courses. Contact the WICPA at 800-772-6939 for the special discount code. Michelle Osman is director of recruiting and retention for Clifton Gunderson LLP, headquartered in Milwaukee. She can be reached at 414-476-1880 or news for the cpa2b • winter 2010 Landing a dynamic career in the travel industry Why did you become a CPA? I pursued my CPA license to substantiate the accounting knowledge that I obtained as a college student. I also thought it would help set me apart and make me more valuable to my employer. How would you describe a typical day at The Mark Travel Corporation? There really isn’t a typical day at work for me but I can describe a high-level overview of a typical month. During the first half of the month I am involved in the entire process of financial close. I am also responsible for billing the services provided by our technology companies Trisept Solutions and VAX Vacation Access Worldwide. I analyze the variances on the income statements and I meet with the business leaders to discuss the financial results. I complete a metrics report that explains and shows all of the relevant statistics for Trisept Solutions. During the second half of the month I complete other ad hoc reports and come up with process improvements. Why did you choose a career in the travel industry? When I began interviewing for my first job out of college, I was looking for a dynamic organization that would give me the opportunity to work with a lot of different people while gaining a vast breadth of experience. The Mark Travel Corporation is a large company with 20 strategic business units (SBUs) and more than 1,200 team members. As a result there are many opportunities to learn about the different aspects that make up the business as well as learn from people in all levels of the company. news for the cpa2b • winter 2010 What are the unique opportunities of your position? This is my first job out of college and I have been with the company for almost five years. I obtained my CPA license in June 2008. During my first year with the organization, I worked on the accounting for the vacation brand MGM Mirage Vacations, Trisept Solutions and cooperative marketing agreements. I soon took over the accounting for all of the fixed assets of The Mark Travel Corporation and its subsidiaries. In the past couple years I have taken on more financial analysis responsibilities in addition to the accounting for Trisept Solutions. I also started doing accounting and analysis for VAX Vacation Access Worldwide which is a subsidiary that provides a vacation booking platform for travel agents. I have been more involved in the budgeting recently. I also look forward to taking on more special projects in the future. I work with people in several different departments and levels of the organization including project managers, Web developers, marketing team members, internal auditors and the business leaders. I also work with the external auditors for a couple months in the winter. The company conducts quarterly in-house leadership training sessions that focus on strategic planning, future focus, organization, and working together in teams. The training and knowledge I have gained has proven to be very valuable. What are the unique challenges of your position? At The Mark Travel Corporation, the finance department strives to be a value-added department. We are not just preparing financial statements. We are business partners and advisors to the SBUs. The finance department is a shared service and not tied to any one business unit, which adds to the variety and challenges of the job. Another unique challenge of my position is the level of complexity of the company. It makes the accounting and analysis more challenging; however it provides great experience and opportunities for learning and growth. The travel industry had many significant challenges in the past several years. It is rewarding to see how the business leaders and team members work together to strategize on solutions to successfully address each challenge. John Wise, CPA is an accountant with The Mark Travel Corporation in Milwaukee. He can be reached at or 414-934-1461. By John Wise, CPA I work with people in several different departments and levels of the organization news for the cpa2b • winter 2010 internships Internship expands technical, time management skills By Adam Faltersack I n order to gain more experience within the accounting profession, I wanted to find an internship. At the time, I wasn’t exactly sure what aspect of accounting to pursue — industry, public or governmental. Being a junior, I wanted to seize any opportunities available to me. Schreiber Foods provided me with the chance to explore the industry side of accounting. Schreiber Foods is the world’s largest customer-brand dairy company. Based in Green Bay, the company has more than $3 billion dollars in sales and serves clients from Pennsylvania to Arizona and overseas. Despite the current economic situation, the company continues to generate growth year-after-year. During my internship, I was able to be part of the sales finance team and also provided support in general accounting. For the sales finance team, I provided financial analyses relating to forward contracts, cost quotes and sales performance. I used Schreiber’s different software packages to find the information needed to complete my projects. I spent the majority of my time digging into the costs of the product and determining how news for the cpa2b • winter 2010 to adequately price them to ensure a sustainable profit. Pricing cheese isn’t an easy task. The raw materials are sold on a rapidly changing open market. The finance department dedicates a substantial amount of effort to ensuring the company doesn’t lose profit due to these cost swings. Ultimately, the price of the product needs to reflect these changes; otherwise, the company would not cover its costs. As for general accounting, I reconciled the monthly bank statements for each of the plants and audited the sales and use tax for employee expense reports. I greatly appreciated the opportunity to be part of the sales finance team. I participated in weekly meetings learning the different financial dynamics of the company. Also, Schreiber offered a mentor program where I could learn more from individuals outside my day-to-day work setting. We set up several interview sessions with partners at Schreiber including the treasurer. I also gained a high amount of technical expertise in Excel and other software packages. In addition to manipulating the data, an accountant has to have the ability to paint a clear picture with the numbers laid out. Companies are looking for individuals who are able to critically think and problem solve rather than just crunch the numbers. In addition to developing these skills, I greatly improved my time management skills as I completed several projects for many different people. The experience I had at Schreiber Foods has helped me immensely. Not only have I been able to apply what I’ve learned, having this internship assisted in finding subsequent positions. Recruiters are looking for more than grades when hiring candidates. Internships have allowed me to stand out from the crowd. For this reason, I’d highly recommend obtaining an accounting-related position while in college. Adam Faltersack is an accounting student and a WICPA college ambassador at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay. He can be reached at
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