david hall jan 2012
david hall jan 2012
Paul Jones & Dave Kelly Fairport Andy Sheppard Andy Cutting Roundwell Street, South Petherton, Somerset TA13 5AA E-mail: info@thedavidhall.org.uk www.thedavidhall.org.uk Telephone/Facsimile: 01460 240340 WELCOME WELCOME Brighten those dull winter evenings with a visit to the David Hall and enjoy some of our diverse events during the first half of 2012. If you browse through this programme you'll surely find plenty to tempt you from our list of music, film and drama productions. Following the success of Petherton Poetry week, we've added a Spoken Word event and the Open Mic sessions have proved popular on Fridays (but watch out for the occasional Saturday with supper thrown in). Our fund-raising events continue to provide for the maintenance and improvements to our Grade 2 listed building. On June 30th we are to be part of the Petherton Folk Fest - a one-day celebration of music, song and dance in South Petherton - more details will emerge. Meanwhile, I look forward to seeing you here at the Hall. Anne Shirley How to Book Online: Visit www.thedavidhall.org.uk where you can book and pay for your tickets online. In person: The Box Office is open Wednesdays and Fridays from 11am – 1.30pm. On performance days the Box Office will open for 1 hour before the start time. By telephone: 01460 240340 (24hr answerphone) By e-mail: boxoffice@thedavidhall.org.uk. You may now order your tickets via email and pay for them via Bank Transfer (BACS). If you email the Box Office we will reserve your tickets and then give you details on how to pay. Postal Bookings: Please add an additional £1 to your order should you wish your tickets to be sent to you, otherwise they will remain at The David Hall for collection on the night. The David Hall Roundwell Street South Petherton Somerset TA13 5AA South Petherton Ticket Agent N & D News in St James Street, South Petherton, also kindly sells tickets for us. Please pop in for more information. Reserved Tickets: Payment for reserved tickets can be made in cash, or by cheques made payable to Petherton Arts Trust. Tickets must be paid for within 1 week of being reserved, or 30 minutes before the start of the performance, whichever is the sooner. Petherton Arts Trust will automatically cancel any reservation going outside of this time period. We no longer hold tickets without payment but for some events, tickets will still be available on the door. NB. All ticket prices include a £1.00 booking fee Unwanted Tickets: The David Hall is unable to exchange or give refunds for paid-for tickets - which is standard practice in the performance and theatre business. Tickets may, however, be left for resale at our Box Office, but will not be offered to Patrons until all available David Hall tickets have been sold. Money taken for re-sold tickets will be held for 28 days and if not collected within that timeframe, will be donated to the Support The David Hall Campaign. A £5 administration fee will be charged when re-selling tickets. Mailing Lists: In order to save costs we will only be mailing programmes to those people on our mailing list who have purchased tickets within the last two years. If you wish to remain on the list but for various reasons have not purchased tickets within this period, please let us know. The full programme can also be viewed online at www.thedavidhall.org.uk. If you wish to view the programme only in this way and are happy not to receive the printed version, please advise us. Anne Shirley Chair of Petherton Arts Trust Hall Hire The David Hall is a great place for holding birthday parties, meetings, or regular activities. Not sure if it is the place for you? - then arrange a time to pop in and have a look around at what it has to offer. Contact us on 01460 240340 or email hallhire@thedavidhall.org.uk Want to find out more? If you see an event listed and are still not sure what it is about, there are several ways to find out more. If you are online check out our website www.thedavidhall.org.uk as wherever possible we put on clips, so you can try before you buy! Also, as well as our own website we have included a web address for each artist next to their info in this Programme. Don’t worry if you haven’t got access to the web; you can phone our Box Office volunteers who can also give you some additional information. Keep in Touch Follow the comings and the goings on at The David Hall on: & E-mail Updates If you would like to join the hundreds of people that regularly receive Email Updates please email info@thedavidhall.org.uk adding the word ‘Updates’ as the subject matter. Extra events, as well as more information on current events, will be sent out in this format. JANUARY JANUARY Friday 6 January at 8pm Venue Hire - Music WINTER BLUES ACOUSTIC Michael Roach + Stompin’ Dave Allen & Dave Saunders Blow away those January winter blues with a night of the highest quality acoustic music. Michael Roach has performed across the globe including many of the major blues festivals. Michael is originally from Washington DC, USA, and founder of the European Blues Association. He is regarded as one of today’s finest exponents of East Coast blues. As well as being an amazing singer and guitarist, with a passion for playing live, he is a respected historian. Michael has lectured for the Smithsonian Institute, Oxford University, and presented on BBC Radio 4. Stompin’ Dave Allen best known for his madcap hillbilly flat footing, has in fact been making some serious waves on the UK’s blues scene. Joined by the award winning bluesman from The Producers, Dave Saunders. Their CD Country Blues harvested excellent reviews from Blues Matters!, and Blues In Britain gaining them performances at The Ealing and Boogaloo Blues Festival amoung others. “One of the world’s greatest performers” Maverick Magazine. Tickets: Advance ticket £10 On the door £12 Friday 13 January at 8pm Petherton Picture Show presents Jane Eyre (PG) Director: Gary Fukungaga Cast: Mia Wasikowska, Michael Fassbender, Jamie Bell, Sally Hawkins Jane Eyre flees Thornfield House, where she works as a governess for wealthy Edward Rochester. The isolated and imposing residence - and Mr. Rochester's coldness - have sorely tested the young woman's resilience, forged years earlier when she was orphaned. As Jane reflects upon her past and recovers her natural curiosity, she will return to Mr. Rochester - and the terrible secret that he is hiding... ‘This is no plain Jane’ Time Out London Tickets: £5 for PPS members BREWERS ARMS AND OLD BAKEHOUSE RESTAURANT St James Street · South Petherton Meals Served Daily 12.00 - 2.15pm & from 6.00pm 4 Real Ales and a warm welcome awaits you. ‘Just up the road from the DAVID HALL’ 01460 241887 NELIVERIES EWS & MAGAZINE D M.G.ADCOCK STATIONERY · GREETING CARDS CONFECTIONERY · TOYS N&D NEWS LIMITED 26 ST. JAMES STREET · SOUTH PETHERTON 01460 242497 mobile: 07810 717118 JANUARY JANUARY Saturday 14 at 8pm Sherborne Jazz in conjunction with the David Hall presents Andy Sheppard and the Chough Band Featuring: Andy Sheppard - Tenor and Soprano Saxes, Ray D'Inverno - Piano, Pete Maxfield - Double bass and Lee Goodall - Drums For 20 years the 'chough' band (named after the Salisbury pub where they regularly played) has been a vehicle for Andy Sheppard to explore, and put his mark on a huge range of standards repertoire. Expect the unexpected - A not-to be-missed band. www.andysheppard.co.uk Tickets: £13 Full £12 Concessions Friday 20 at 7.30pm Performance Night All styles and forms of performance welcome - not just music! If you wish to perform please drop us an email at info@thedavidhall.org.uk to secure a slot - though we cannot always guarantee a place as the popularity of this event keeps growing. Tickets: £2 Audience £1 Students £1 Performers Saturday 21 January at 8pm Dragonsfly Formed in 1997 by Maya and Daygan, Dragonsfly is a Celtic-Eastern-Folk Fusion band with a unique sound born from the band member's musical tastes and influences. This vibrant and original five-piece interlace instruments as diverse as bagpipes, hurdygurdy, bouzouki, mandolin, tabla, electric bass, saxophones, vocals and more, resulting in groove-driven music that is passionate, high-energy, tender and entrancing. Their performances are rooted in traditional music but with their own contemporary interpretation and with songs inspired by their personal experiences and musical backgrounds. www.dragonsfly.org Pete Says: Great to have them back with us. A band with a very distinctive sound that have too many musical influences to list! Brilliant music brilliantly played. If you have never seen this band you will not be disappointed. Tickets: £13 Full £12 Concessions Wednesday 25 10am – 12noon Coffee Morning Pop in for a cup of REAL coffee and a chat, look around the book and/or bric-a-brac stalls and enjoy the friendly atmosphere. Free Entry! Thursday 26 at 8pm JANUARY JANUARY Paul Jones and Dave Kelly These long standing co-vocalists with The Blues Band get a big buzz out of taking things down a level, simplifying the music a little, and plying their trade as a duo, thus imbuing their very own personal and individual approaches to a dynamic, rootsy and exhilarating set of Country Blues. Venues large and small have been hushed and then enraptured by the sense of ‘old times’ in the Mississippi Delta. www.thebluesband.net "A spell-binding evening of intense country blues, passionately performed". "These guys transport you to another time, another place - they sure know where their hearts lie" Pete Says: I bumped into Paul two years ago in a National Trust café, he promised to come with Dave and he has kept his word. Two of the true greats of the British Blues scene. Book early to avoid disappointment. Tickets: £18 Full £17 Concessions Friday 27 January at 8pm Petherton Picture Show presents The Conspirator (12A) Director: Robert Redford Cast: James McAvoy, Robin Wright, Tom Wilkinson In the wake of Abraham Lincoln's assassination, seven men and one woman are charged with conspiracy to kill the President and other members of the Government. The one woman charged, Mary Surratt (Wright), owns a boarding house where the conspirators met... can she prove that she is an innocent person caught up in events? "Atmospheric, illuminating and affecting, The Conspirator captivates like an untold story..." Film.com Tickets: £5 for PPS Members Sunday 29 January 2.30pm - 6pm The David Hall Sunday Sessions Bring a song, or just join in. All Voices & Instruments welcome. Refreshments Included. PA & Mics Provided Tickets: £5 Full £3 Concessions Sunday sessions email: samantha-jane-@hotmail.co.uk facebook.com/acornmusic acornmusic.co.uk CD & DVD Collections Bought For Cash Contact Chris on 01935 425503 FEBRUARY FEBRUARY Friday 3 February at 7.30pm In Conversation with… In Conversation with..., South Petherton’s own chat show at the David Hall, will celebrate 5 years in 2012 and who better to have as one of our guests but our very first guest back in 2007, David Laws, our local MP. David has seen a lot of changes in the last 5 years, particularly in the last 2 years, and it will be fascinating to get an insight from him being in the spotlight during that time. In addition, we are delighted to confirm that Robin Ballard will also be telling us about his interesting and varied life ranging from a medical training and background in countries as wide as apart as the UK, Iran and Africa. He also has wide interests in the Parish with connections to the Infants School, the eclectic band of clock winders and the Church. He is well known as an excellent raconteur, talks often about Georgian properties and promises to be very entertaining. We look forward to you joining us for this important fund raiser for the David Hall. It promises to be fun, informative and stimulating! Tickets: £6.00 Full No Concessions Friday 10 February at 8pm Petherton Picture Show presents The Way (12A) Director: Emilio Estevez Cast: Martin Sheen, Emilio Estevez, Deborah Kara Unger When his son is killed in a storm in the Pyrenees, whilst walking the Camino de Santiago, Tom (Sheen) decides to follow the same journey. As he walks and meets other pilgrims from around the world, he comes to discover the difference between the life we live and the life we choose. "Open yourself up to this thoughtful, moving personal adventure, and you're in for a uniquely memorable experience" Rolling Stone Tickets: £5 for PPS Members D Dorseframe Dorseframe P Pictures Pictures Ltd. Ltd. 1 Coles Lane South Petherton Somerset The framing specialists Best value in the area Exhibition work a speciality For friendly advice & information 01460 240067 A.C.MOLE & SONS CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS WE ARE PLEASED TO PROVIDE ACCOUNTANCY AND TAXATION SERVICES TO THE DAVID HALL ARTS CENTRE WE WISH THEM A SUCCESSFUL PROGRAMME for details of our services to business and individuals, please contact Ian Pinder on 01823 624450 or E-mail him at ianpinder@acmole.co.uk alternatively visit our website at www.acmole.co.uk FEBRUARY FEBRUARY Saturday 11 February at 8pm Tim Edey and Brendan Power Adventurous creative players are drawn to each other, and the first time Tim and Brendan met the musical sparks flew! The magic erupted whenever they played, so they finally decided to resist the urge no longer and get serious as a performance duo. Tim Edey is one of the finest multiinstrumental players of his generation in the worldwide Celtic music scene, a virtuoso on both acoustic guitar and button accordion. UK based Kiwi harmonica player and composer Brendan Power is acknowledged by many as one of the most versatile and creative harp players around today. The duo’s powerful blend of passion and virtuosity is infectious. What sets them apart from most folk/Celtic acts is their free-wheeling approach to live performance. Tim and Brendan love to improvise, which means that every time they do a piece it sounds different & fresh. It's that sheer mad spontaneity which unfailingly captures audiences everywhere! www.edeyandpower.com “It’s Folk Jim, but not as we know it!” Mike Harding, BBC Radio 2 Pete Says: I am really pleased to have Tim and Brendan performing here. They are fantastic musicians who will provide a night of quality music interspersed with a lot of surprises. This is their first time here but I have no doubt you will be calling for an early return. Tickets: £13 Full £12 Concessions Friday 17 February at 8pm ahab This up and coming collective from London's Dalston was formed in 2009, after being invited to play the Fanfare Festival in Nashville, Tennessee. After time spent writing new material and layering the songs thick with harmonies, ahab decided to hit the streets of London markets to put their name around. Two months of busking later, Callum Adamson, Dave Burn, Seebe Llewellyn and Luke Price have acquired such a cult following that they are banned from practically every market in London, as crowds block the streets wherever they play. They now have their first tour behind them, plus many festival appearances and most recently have been seen as guests on the Bellowhead Tour. www.ahabofficial.com Opening Support by Louise Jordan. www.louisejordan.co.uk Pete Says: I saw this band at Cropredy last year and, like most others, was 'blown away' by the songs, musicianship and 'star' quality of this fantastic quartet. Due to unforeseen circumstances the gig last September had to be cancelled. I am very pleased as that date clashed with my daughter’s wedding! This is Indie/Folk music at its very best. My favorite band of the moment. Tickets: £13 Full £12 Concessions FEBRUARY FEBRUARY Saturday 18 February at 6.30pm Sherborne Jazz, in conjunction with the David Hall, presents Gilad Atzmon & the Orient House Ensemble Israeli-born saxophonist and clarinettist Gilad Atzmon, with his no-holds-barred approach to straight ahead jazz, has toured the world with his unique blend of Jewish Jazz. With his group the Orient House Ensemble. He plays a mixture of World, Balkan, Arabic and Jewish music within a jazz idiom. Expect hard hitting, edgy jazz from Atzmon's superb group. Ahead of his concert, Gilad will give a talk about his first encounter with Jazz music and its impact on his ethical and philosophical stand. The talk will explore different aspects of music and their direct link with Gilad’s views on morality. www.gilad.co.uk Tickets: £12 Full £11 Concessions Friday 24 February at 8pm Petherton Picture Show presents Beginners (15) Director: Mike Mills Cast: Ewen McGregor, Christopher Plummer, Melanie Laurent Six months into widowerhood, after 45 years of marriage, Hal (Plummer) comes out of the closet, and throws himself wholeheartedly into the gay scene! His son Oliver (McGregor), who has always had a commitment problem, falls for an actress he meets at a costume party. Can his father's experiences make him trust his instincts this time around? "Beginners is immensely moving, funny and involving, the acting beyond reproach" Observer Tickets: £5 for PPS Members New Farm R E S T A U R A N T HOMEMADE CUISINE Open for evening meals Events throughout the year Accommodation 01460 240584 See website for details Over Stratton · Nr South Petherton · Somerset TA13 5LQ www.newfarmrestaurant.co.uk FEBRUARY FEBRUARY Saturday 25 February at 8pm Nancy Kerr and James Fagan One of the most established and respected duos on the folk scene, Nancy Kerr and James Fagan are winners of the 2011 BBC Radio 2 Folk Award for Best Duo (and previous winners of 2003 Best Duo and 2000 Horizon Award.) As well as being great exponents of their instruments (fiddle, viola and guitar-bouzouki) both are regarded as fine and influential singers. 2010 marked the 15th year of this electrifying duo. Wherever they play, Kerr and Fagan make new friends and fans, as their love of live performance is tangible and affirming. Consistently great live shows and five highly respected albums, plus their recent collaborations with Robert Harbron and The Melrose Quartet, have cemented their reputation as one of the classiest acts in acoustic music. www.kerrfagan.com Pete Says: A massive welcome back to Nancy and James who were last with us in October 2007. Their latest CD ‘Twice Reflected Sun’ is brilliant. A night of quality music is guaranteed. Tickets: £13 Full £12 Concessions Sunday 26 February 2.30pm - 6pm The David Hall Sunday Sessions Bring a song, or just join in. All Voices & Instruments welcome. Refreshments Included. PA & Mics Provided Tickets: £5 Full £3 concessions Sunday sessions email: samantha-jane-@hotmail.co.uk Wednesday 29 February 10am – 12noon Coffee Morning Come and spend some of your ‘extra’ day with us! Pop in for a cup of REAL coffee and a chat, look around the book and/or bric-a-brac stalls and enjoy the friendly atmosphere. Free Entry! Garden-maker Fabulous Origin coffee, wonderful range of cakes, homemade soups and lunches, served in our gallery or market view Cafe, featuring works from a range of local artists. Join us and relax as our friendly staff serve you... Drinks & light bites Mon - Fri, 9am-4.30pm (lOam - 3pm Man) Lunch from l2-2.30pm Saturday Brunch, served lOam -2.30pm 3 Market Square, South Petherton, Somerset TA13 5BT - T 01460 240 681 Robert Cotterill MHort (RHS) Becky Cotterill BSc (hort) Call us on 01460 24 26 20 garden design, planting & pruning Creative Gardens that donÕt cost the earth MARCH MARCH Saturday 3 March at 8pm The Scoville Units Featuring: Ed Boyd - guitar, Leon Hunt - banjo, Miranda Sykes - double bass and vocals, Josh Clark - percussion, Gina Griffin - fiddle and vocals, Rex Preston - mandolin Originally formed for a one-off show at Celtic Connections festival in Glasgow, The Scoville Units couldn’t possibly have left it there; they were having too much fun! The Scoville Units are a collective of six prominent faces from several different corners of the British folk and acoustic music scene. Each member throws in his or her strong musical identity, creating an ensemble that is not only very different but, if you talk to those lucky enough to have caught one of their early shows, extremely fresh and exciting. People are beginning to talk! www.thescovilleunits.com Pete Says: This is an exceptional band which we are very lucky to have playing at our small but special venue. This will sell out quickly. The musical influences of the 6 artists are such that the music will be wide ranging and very unique. This is a band whose reputation is quickly growing and ‘stardom’ beckons. Tickets: £15 Full £14 Concessions Tuesday 6th March at 7.30pm The Martin Simpson Trio @ The Octagon Theatre, Yeovil Supported by The David Hall The Martin Simpson Trio is a coming together of some of the finest musicians and singers in the UK today. Martin himself is recognised as one of the best acoustic guitar players in the world, with a unique mixture of British and American music in his repertoire. He has won BBC Radio 2 Folk Awards for Musician of the Year and Album of the Year, twice, and also for Best Original Track in 2008. Tickets available from The Octagon on 01935 422884 or www.octagontheatre.co.uk Friday 9 March at 8pm Petherton Picture Show presents Biutiful (15) Director: Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu Cast: Javier Bardem, Maricel Alvarez, Eduard Fernandez The latest offering from Inarritu (Babel, 21Grams & Amores Perros) features an award-winning performance from Bardem as Uxbal, a conflicted man struggling to reconcile fatherhood, love, spirituality, crime, guilt and morality amidst the dangerous underworld of modern-day Barcelona. "It is speckled with moments of poetry and unarguable brilliance". Guardian Tickets: £5 for PPS Members Saturday 10 March 10.30am – 4pm Singing Workshop "Songs For the Coast" MARCH MARCH Join Sammy Hurden in an uplifting singing workshop, learning songs she has written inspired by her journey along the Jurassic Coast. Harmonies to welcome the spring! All songs taught by ear, so no need to read. Bring something for lunch to share. Sammy is a singer/songwriter who has led workshops and choirs for many years, and currently is musical director for Luminos community choir at the Lighthouse in Poole. She loves working in the community and has taken songwriting and vocal workshops into hospitals, prisons, community centres... always amazed at the transformation that music brings. Tickets: £25 Full No Concessions Saturday 10 March promptly at 7.30pm The David Hall Quiz Night We are delighted to welcome back Mike Marshall as our fabulous Quiz Master. Come and test your knowledge as he puts your team of four through its paces. A great evening full of a variety of subjects plus a ploughman’s supper to keep you going... Tickets: £6 per person Friday 16 March at 7.30pm Performance Night All styles and forms of performance welcome - not just music! If you wish to perform please drop us an email at info@thedavidhall.org.uk to secure a slot - though we cannot always guarantee a place as the popularity of this event keeps growing. Tickets: £2 Audience £1 Students £1 Performers Saturday 17 March at 8pm Andy Cutting Andy Cutting is a rarity. A musician's musician (BBC Radio 2 Folk Award Winner Best Musician 2009): a soulful and technically outstanding melodeon practitioner with an ear for a fine tune. Many of his tunes have been purloined along the way: some considered contemporary classics on the folk scene. There are few melodeon players who put so much feeling into their playing, whether it is a set of dance tunes, or accompaniment to a slow English ballad. www.andy-cutting.co.uk "Andy is the consummate accompanist, harmonically, rhythmically and melodically and an exquisite soloist. There is no one I'd rather work with." Martin Simpson Pete Says: Last with us over 10 years ago with Martin Simpson, it is a pleasure to welcome Andy on this his first solo tour. Without doubt one of the best melodeon players on the planet. A really memorable night is promised. Tickets: £15 Full £14 Concessions Friday 23 March at 8pm Petherton Picture Show presents One Day (12A) Director: Lone Scherfig Cast: Anne Hathaway, Jim Sturgess, Rafe Spall David Nicholl's bestseller is here movingly brought to the screen by Dogme 95 Danish director Lone Scherfig (An Education). When working class idealist Emma Morley (Hathaway) and wealthy charmer Dexter Mayhew spend the night of their graduation day together, they agree to meet every year on the anniversary of that first date. We follow them through life's up and downs, but will they ever realise what it is that they are really looking for? "Even the hardest-hearted will surely shed a tear" Sun online Tickets: £5 for PPS Members MARCH MARCH Saturday 24 March at 8pm Richard Digance Richard Digance is known as one of the great folk entertainers of the 70s and 80s. His evergreen career has been acknowledged through numerous awards within both the music and entertainment industries. When presented with the Gold Award from the British Academy of Composers and Songwriters he was described as someone who for half a century has travelled the world with just a guitar and an immense collection of stories gathered through his own experiences. That kind of says it all. www.richarddigance.com Pete Says: This is Richard’s third time with us and those who attend are in for a night of both laughter and reflection. Richard is totally unique and no two shows are ever the same. A great guitarist and songwriter and generally funny man. Do not miss. Tickets: £15 Full £14 Concessions Wednesday 28 10am - 12noon Coffee Morning Pop in for a cup of REAL coffee and a chat, look around the book and/or bric-a-brac stalls and enjoy the friendly atmosphere. Free Entry! Saturday 31 March at 8pm A PPS/Support the David Hall Event Woody Allen’s Midnight in Paris* Film and food is back! Remember the famous PPS Casablanca evening? Well we can only hope to come close to that night but we will try! This is a chance to dress up as we turn the David Hall into La Rive Gauche and spend the evening watching the new, highly acclaimed Woody Allen film “Midnight in Paris”. Come dressed as something suitably French (Guillotines will be confiscated by the staff before you are allowed entry) or just come as you are. At a suitable point there will be an intermission and a French themed light supper will be served. “Midnight in Paris” is a surreal romantic comedy with clever gags, a creative story and a beautiful portrayal of the City of Paris. Tickets: £10 No concessions Advance booking essential *Subject to obtaining permission to show film! APRIL APRIL Friday 6 April at 8pm Petherton Picture Show Title to be announced. For full details please check at www.thedavidhall.org.uk or phone us on 01460 240340. Tickets: £5 for PPS Members Saturday 7 April at 8pm Po’Girl Featuring: Allison Russell - Singing, clarinet, banjo, guitar, glockenspiel; Awna Teixeira - Singing, gutbucket bass, accordion, electric bass, guitar, banjo, glockenspiel, harmonica, keys; Benny Sidelinger - Singing, dobro, guitar, banjo, electric bass, keys; Mikey Lightning - Singing, drums, keys The interplay between this band is truly something to behold. They are distinct voices with incredible harmonies; multiple instrumentalists who bring the perfect sound to each song and songwriters who pen poetic tunes you'll find yourself humming. Suffice to say Po'Girl makes 21st Century roots music, urban roots - never derivative, not faithfully aping a beloved tradition. Russell, Teixeira, Sidelinger, and August don't re-hash the old forms, they reshape and reinvigorate them for new ears. Like genuine gypsies, they wander and play - out on the international road bringing their unique brand of pan North Americana to a widespread audience 250 to 300 days of the year. www.pogirl.net Pete Says: I have tried for many years to get this band to the hall. They are fantastic live and have built up a large following throughout the UK and beyond. Their music is extremely varied in content but consistent in quality. A really great band who are certain to provide a night to remember. Tickets: £14 Full £13 Concessions Friday 13 April at 7.30pm Performance Night All styles and forms of performance welcome - not just music! If you wish to perform please drop us an email at info@thedavidhall.org.uk to secure a slot - though we cannot always guarantee a place as the popularity of this event keeps growing. Tickets: £2 Audience £1 Students Complementary therapies Relaxing treatments Regular weekly classes Interesting one-day workshops Studio and Seminar Room for hire Check the website for up-to-date information 70 Hendford Yeovil BA20 1UR 01935 422488 E: reception@ninespringsclinic.org www.ninespringsclinic.org £1 Performers APRIL APRIL Saturday 14 April at 8pm Stackridge Stackridge constantly tour the UK with new material and songs from their classic 1970's British pop albums: Stackridge, Friendliness and the George Martin produced The Man in the Bowler Hat - regarded by many to be George Martin's finest creation outside of his Beatles canon. Elton John signed them to his own Rocket Records and released two more albums Extravaganza and Mr.Mick. A favourite band of the late John Peel and they were voted fourth in the Melody Maker's Brightest Hope Poll - above Genesis and Wings! www.stackridge.net Pete Says: Pleased to have this band back with us for the 3rd time. The band that opened the first ever Glastonbury festival in 1970 are still going strong and producing great music. An uplifting night for their very own fan club of ‘Rhubarb Thrashers’ and normal people alike to enjoy! Tickets: £16 Full £15 Concessions Friday 20 April at 8pm Petherton Picture Show presents Title to be announced. For full details please check at www.thedavidhall.org.uk or phone us on 01460 240340. Tickets: £5 for PPS Members Saturday 21 April at 8pm Phillip Henry and Hannah Martin Phillip Henry and Hannah Martin are two musicians with a fast growing following on the folk and roots scene. Having just completed two tours with Show Of Hands, they have been receiving very warm reviews of their début album, Singing The Bones. Fast becoming recognised as one of the finest slide guitarists the UK has produced, Phillip Henry is also a virtuoso on the harmonica and his incredible beatbox harmonica technique is legendary on the festival circuit, and never fails to get the crowd on their feet and jumping. Hannah Martin is a singer, songwriter, fiddle-and-banjo player from Devon. Recently commended by Mike Harding for her "really fantastic singing". www.philliphenryandhannahmartin.co.uk "Authentic, haunting roots music from a first class duo". Seth Lakeman Pete Says: Phillip and Hannah were last with us in November 2010 when they played with Steve Knightley on his fantastic ‘Live in Somerset’ album. This is another act which proves that the folk tradition is in good hands and will continue to grow for many years to come. Tickets: £13 Full £12 Concessions APRIL APRIL Wednesday 25 10am – 12noon Coffee Morning Pop in for a cup of REAL coffee and a chat, look around the book and/or bric-a-brac stalls and enjoy the friendly atmosphere. Free Entry! Friday 27 April at 8pm Petherton Poetry Please! Poetry written, chosen and performed by local people. A follow up to our popular October event. For more information please keep an eye on our website www.thedavidhall.org.uk. Tickets: £2 Full No Concessions Saturday 28 April at 8pm Sherborne Jazz in conjunction with the David Hall presents The Sarah Gillespie Quartet featuring Gilad Atzmon, Enzo Zirilli on drums and Ben Bastin on double bass Described by Robert Wyatt as ‘brilliant, the bees knees’ Sarah Gillespie is a critically acclaimed Anglo-American singer-songwriter known for mixing jazz, folk and middleeastern blues with her trademark poetic lyricism. Her two albums Stalking Juliet (2009) and In the Current Climate (2011) received rave reviews from the broadsheet and music press and she has toured extensively in the UK and Europe playing festivals, theatres and arts centres with her quartet featuring maverick saxophonist and composer Gilad Atzmon. Sponsored by the PRS British Female Composers Award. www.sarahgillespie.com Tickets: £12 Full £11 Concessions Hamdon Financial Services Ltd. INDEPENDENT FINANCIAL ADVISERS Local Agents for The Bath Building Society 01460 249295 07909 883739 sales@click4it.biz 36 St James Street South Petherton Somerset TA13 5BW Tel: 01460 240000 Fax: 01460 242138 E-mail: hamdon@btconnect.com For Independent Financial Advice Contact David Legg CERT PFS CeMap AUTHORISED & REGULATED BY THE FINANCIAL SERVICES AUTHORITY NEW SYSTEMS UPGRADES ON-GOING-SUPPORT ACCESSORIES TRAINING SOFTWARE MAY MAY Friday 4 May at 8pm Petherton Picture Show presents Title to be announced. For full details please check at www.thedavidhall.org.uk or phone us on 01460 240340. Tickets: £5 Full No Concessions Monday 7 May at 8pm Fairport Acoustic Convention Features: Simon Nicol - guitar and lead vocals; Dave Pegg - bass and backing vocals; Chris Leslie fiddle, mandolin, bouzouki and lead vocals; Ric Sanders - violin; Gerry Conway - drums and percussion. Hailed as the originators of British folk-rock music, Fairport Convention is celebrating its forty-fifth anniversary as one of the most entertaining bands on the live music scene. This year's tour will feature songs from Fairport's most recent studio album, the critically acclaimed Festival Bell. But the band has a vast repertoire to draw on and this concert will include favourites chosen by audiences as well as the new material. www.fairportconvention.com Pete Says: We really missed Fairport in 2011 and therefore we are delighted to have them back with us. It is to our advantage that they love playing here as much as we love having them. This sold out in 2010 for 2 nights so getting tickets will be difficult. Booking very early is essential. Tickets: £20 Full No Concessions Tuesday 15 May at 8pm Bristol Old Vic Theatre School present Cold Comfort Farm by Paul Doust Adapted from the novel by Stella Gibbons Directed by Christopher Scott Stella Gibbons’ Cold Comfort Farm has found a place in the hearts of many devotees of the comic English novel, parodying as it does the romantic stories of D H Lawrence and Mary Webb. In Paul Doust’s hilarious stage play, the heroine, Flora Poste, embarks upon a quest to discover her family’s roots, and as a result the “nice girl from London” meets the rough and ready Starkadders of Cold Comfort Farm. Who can fail to enjoy her meeting the likes of evil old Aunt Ada Doom, the fey Elfine and the smoldering Seth. Come with us into a world where there’s something nasty in the woodshed, where porridge pulsates with the latent lust of rural romance, and the Sukebind draws you ever closer into an intrigue that will keep you gripped and laughing in equal measure. Bristol Old Vic Theatre School brings you the “Stars of Tomorrow in a Play for Today.” Tickets: £12 Full £11 Concessions Friday 18 May at 8pm Petherton Picture Show Title to be announced. For full details please check at www.thedavidhall.org.uk or phone us on 01460 240340. Tickets: £5 Full No Concessions Saturday 19 May at 7.30pm Special Saturday Performance Night MAY MAY All styles and forms of performance welcome - not just music! If you wish to perform please drop us an email at info@thedavidhall.org.uk to secure a slot - though we cannot always guarantee a place as the popularity of this event keeps growing. Tickets: £2 Audience £1 Students £1 Performers Thursday 24 May at 8pm The Churchfitters This flamboyant group of musicians from England, Ireland and France is taking UK audiences by storm with their unique and energetic perfomances. Four dynamic personalities present a fast-paced infectious show full of fresh, original songwriting as well as rearranged songs and tunes from the British Isles, uniting the rhythms of rock, pop and jazz with the universal appeal of traditional music. www.churchfitters.com Pete Says: Following their sell-out gig here early in 2011 it is a real pleasure to welcome back this unique band. Four quality musicians, who really know how to entertain. Expect the unexpected. Highly recommended. Tickets: £15 Full £14 Concessions Saturday 26 May at 8pm The Fay Hield Trio Celebrated folk singer Fay Hield performs in her ‘Trio’ current line-up with Rob Harbron (English Acoustic Collective) and Sam Sweeney (Bellowhead) to present a spicy stew of songs and ballads, catches and caprices, featuring tracks from Fay’s debut solo CD Looking Glass, which was released in September 2010 on the prestigious Topic Records. www.fayhield.com Pete Says: A really warm welcome to Fay and her Trio. Currently one of the ‘hottest’ acts on the folk circuit this is a gig I am really looking forward to. Superb musicianship together with a great voice in a recipe for a very special night. Tickets: £14 Full £13 Concessions Wednesday 30 May 10am – 12 Noon Coffee Morning Pop in for a cup of REAL coffee and a chat, look around the book and/or bric-a-brac stalls and enjoy the friendly atmosphere. Free Entry! JUNE JUNE Friday 1 at 8pm Friday 15 at 8pm Friday 29 at 8pm Tickets: £5 Full Titles to be announced. For full details please check at www.thedavidhall.org.uk or phone us on 01460 240340. No Concessions Saturday 9 June 9.30am - 12.30pm Craft Fair Mainly locally-made items. Refreshments available. Free Entry Stallholders - £15 per table. Open from 8.45am for setting up. Call 01460 240340 to book a place. Friday 22 June at 7.30pm Performance Night All styles and forms of performance welcome - not just music! If you wish to perform please drop us an email at info@thedavidhall.org.uk to secure a slot - though we cannot always guarantee a place as the popularity of this event keeps growing. Tickets: £2 Audience £1 Students £1 Performers Wednesday 27 June 10am – 12 Noon Coffee Morning Pop in for a cup of REAL coffee and a chat, look around the book and/or bric-a-brac stalls and enjoy the friendly atmosphere. Free Entry! Saturday 30 June Petherton Folk Fest Good news! The Petherton Folk Festival, after a 15 year break, is to be revived in 2012 on a one day basis. This event is very much still in the planning stage but please put a note in your diary. There will be dance and live music in the village square together with stalls, food and a craft market. Open mic sessions will be held in the Brewers Arms together with a late evening performance from the excellent local band ‘Bag of Rats’. There will also be events in the main church and the Blake Hall. Workshops for all ages will also be taking place. To get everyone in the mood a ceilidh featuring FIDDLESTIX and Caller will be held on the Friday evening at The Brewers Arms. We really hope that this event will be well supported and will be the start of a new era in the life of the much loved Petherton Folk Festival. It is a real pleasure to welcome Rory and Reg to The David Hall for two outstanding concerts. Rory McLeod at 5pm and Reg Meuross and Friends at 9pm. Further details and ticket prices will be circulated soon. HOW HOW TO TO FIND FIND US US Car Parking There is FREE parking in two car parks close to The David Hall - one just across the road and a second about 3 minutes’ walk away, along Prigg Lane. Petherton Picture Show Petherton Picture Show (PPS) are pleased to have been able to include most information about upcoming films. To find out about the missing titles please contact us in any of the following ways. For those with internet access, details can be checked via the PPS website at www.pethertonpictureshow.com, or on The David Hall website at www.thedavidhall.org.uk Alternatively, you can phone The David Hall for information - 01460 240340 – and posters about forthcoming films will, as usual, be put up around the village and in the vicinity. We shall also do our best to get PPS film details listed in local publications – especially those covering the Parish. PPS is a registered Film Society and therefore membership is required. However, membership is free of charge and available at all film showings. Please note that table bookings at film showings are subject to availability. Board Members Needed Philip Bartlett TREE SERVICES Tree Surgery · Pruning · Hedge Cutting Telephone: 01460 242168 Mobile: 07970 369861 Please phone me for free and informal advice, or a no obligation quotation 6 Water Street · Lopen · South Petherton · Somerset TA13 5JP We are looking for new members with particular skills in either fundraising or marketing. Interested? Give us a call on 01460 240340 Disabled Access The venue has disabled toilets & wheelchair access THE THE CHECKPOINT CHECKPOINT January The David Hall & Petherton Arts Trust Company Reg. Number: 2438900 A company limited by guarantee. Registered Charity Number: 900637 April Friday 6 Friday 6 Friday 13 Saturday 7 Saturday 14 Friday 13 Friday 20 Saturday 14 Saturday 21 Friday 20 Wednesday 25 Saturday 21 Thursday 26 Wednesday 25 Friday 27 Friday 27 Sunday 29 Saturday 28 Winter Acoustic Blues PPS Presents PPS presents Jane Eyre Po’Girl Andy Sheppard and The Chough Band Performance Night Performance Night Stackridge Dragonsfly PPS Presents Coffee Morning Phillip Henry and Hannah Martin Paul Jones and Dave Kelly Coffee Morning PPS presents The Conspirator Petherton Poetry Please! David Hall Sunday Sessions February The Sarah Gillespie Quartet May Friday 3 Friday 4 Friday 10 Monday 7 Saturday 11 Tuesday 15 Friday 17 Friday 18 Saturday 18 Saturday 19 Friday 24 Thursday 24 Saturday 25 Saturday 26 Sunday 26 Wednesday 30 In Conversation with... PPS Presents PPS Presents The Way Fairport Acoustic Convention Tim Edey and Brendan Power BOVTS present 'Cold Comfort Farm’ ahab PPS Presents Gilad Atzmon & The Orient House Ensemble PPS Presents Beginners Nancy Kerr and James Fagin David Hall Sunday Sessions Wednesday 29 Coffee Morning March Performance Night The Churchfitters The Fay Hield Trio Coffee Morning June Friday 1 PPS Presents Saturday 3 Saturday 9 Friday 9 Friday 15 Saturday 10 Friday 22 Saturday 10 Friday 27 Friday 16 Friday 29 Saturday 17 Saturday 30 The Scoville Units PPS Presents Biutiful Singing Workshop Quiz Night Performance Night Andy Cutting Friday 23 PPS Presents One Day Summer Craft Fair PPS Presents Performance Night Coffee Morning PPS Presents Petherton Folk Fest Rory McLeod - Reg Meuross and Friends Saturday 24 Richard Digance Wednesday 28 Coffee Morning Saturday 31 PPS Presents Midnight in Paris KEY: Film Music Theatre/Poetry Venue Hire Fundraiser The Royal Oak Over Stratton · South Petherton TA13 5LQ Daily Specials, vegetarian dishes & fresh fish Roast lunches served on Sunday 2 course lunch special £8.00 Tuesday to Saturday Open for good food lunchtime & evening Tuesday to Sunday 01460 240 906 e-mail: info@the-royal-oak.net