Tinnitus Soft Laser Pen 1
Tinnitus Soft Laser Pen 1
Medical Laser LLLT CLINICAL RESEARCHES AND TREATMENTPROTOCOL r n 7 M'e/*a l{*/il @ - //// //r6/LBrn4l.tu/' l'/ Ph04 565 3211 . Fax04 565 3219 . Mob021 668 ZO4 11 TarrasGrove,Ketson, LowerHutt 5010,NewZeatand Email. sales@beurerproducts.co.nz Websitewww.beurerproducts.co. nz E S E N L E RG R U P TABLE OF CONTENTS Alternative Solution In Tinnitus Treatment Study 1. The Role of LLLT in Treatment of Tinnitus study 2. comprehensive therapy of patients suffering from tinnitus study 3. comprehensive taser Rehabilitation Therapy of Tinnitus Therapy: LLLT - Physiotherapy aimed at the initial organ of hearing Study 4. Tinnitus and vertigo Study 5. Transmeatat cochlear laser (TcL) treatment of cochlear dysfunction: a feasibility study of sensorineural hearing loss study 6. low-energy laser radiation in the combined treatment study 7. Light dosimetry Study 8' Infrared and preliminary clinical results for low level laser therapy laser apptied into the meatus acousticus Study 9. Ex-vivo laser penetration Study 1O. Average duration study of tinnitus of 1O years in BuyukdereCaddesiNo:10/4A Sisli,34360,Istanbul,TURKEY Tch +90 212291 83 83 Fax, +9O 2L2 233 50 94 info@odiomed.com www.odiomed.com odiomed has been offeringtinnitus pen to its tinnitus patientssincethe beginningof 2008 and-2009. We receivedsignificantreiults from our tinnitus pen users.2,540 peoplewith chronictinnitus for over 6 months at a level of effectingtheir casuallife, got tinnitus pen from us. Resultsare as belsw; females(32o/o)' Our patientgroupconsistsof 2.540 people't,575 males(680/o1,965 years. Age is rangingbetween2Oto 72 After usingthe tinnitus pen 10 minutesfor one ear a day for 90 days, here are the resultsthey provide; Result # Patients Percent 1.158 0/o46 More than 50 o/orelief 356 o/oL4 [-ess than 5O olorelief 229 o/o9 No effect 787 o/o3t 2.549 olot00,A No more tinnitus TOTAL 1,168 users (A6o{roldeclaredthat they do not suffer from tinnitus anymore easilybe ignored356 users (1.4o/o)ieclared that their iinnitus decreasedto a levelthat can them to socializebut enables level that a to decreased 229 users (9o/o) declaredthat their tinnitus still haveproblemsin silentenvironments' problem' 1sz u,u"ri (3La/o)deilared that there has been no changewith their tinnitus The Role of LLLT in Treatment of Tinnitus Laser Partner, 26.2.2002, Miroslav Prochazka, M.D., Head doctor of the Jarov Rehab Cllnic, Prague Abstract Comprehensivelaser rehabilitationtherapy of tinnitus has proven successfuland beneficial for treatment of this widespreadcivilizationdisease.Its long-term results are convincing, bringingsignificantrelief to 36 per cent of patientsand even leaving remarkable26 per cent of patients without any symptoms (see Miroslav Prochazka,Ales Hahn: Comprehensive Laser RehabilitationTherapy of Tinnitus: Long-TermDouble Blind Study on a Group of 200 patients in 3 years, Laser Partner No. 51/2002). With the results mentionedabove we can really speak about a breakthrough.This study brings an additionaloverview of the role of LLLT(Low Level LaserTherapy) in the treatment. our results enable us to pinpoint laser as the leadingelement in the overall therapy of tinnitus. Introduction from the Tinnitus is an auditory perception appearing without an objective sonic source patient) and objective outer environment. Tinnitus can be subjective (heard only by the (sound can be even heard also by others). Our study, however,deals with patientssuffering population from subjective tinnitus only. Accordingto literature, fifteen per cent of entire severity rising have experiencedat least a tinnitus episode some time, its incidenceand clinichas been with age up to approx.eighty-fiveper cent of populationolder than 60. our on this particular treating tinnitus for more than 5 years. We have publishedthree studies in several countries issue, and we are of the opinion that our results are being followed etc') and (Brazil, cyprus, sweden, switzerland, slovakia, Turkey, Japan, Germany publishedby these clinics implementedin numerous clinicswith significantresults. Studies last study on a group of show results which are almost identicalwith our experience'Our 2OO2and publishedin 200 patients in the course of three years was finalized in February an exact role of LLLT in lune 2002. Since there have always been efforts to evaluate manipulationof neck treatment of tinnitus, apart from medication and physiotherapeutic have decided to create a vertebra as an integral part of the comprehensivetherapy, we only possiblethanks to separate group of patients to be treated only with laser' This was our vast experienceand long involvementin tinnitus treatments. Materials and methods Our group consistedof 72 patients, 49 males, 23 females, age ranging between 16 to 92 years. The age and sex is given in Table 1 Table 1. Distribution sEx / AGE of Sex/Age 21-30 16-20 61+ 51-60 41-50 31-40 l{ale 2 4 6 9 t3 15 Female o 1 4 5 6 7 TOTAL 2 5 10 L4 19 22 Diagram 1. Distribution of Sex/Age 16 14 12 10 8 El tale I Fenrale 6 4 2 o prior to the application of LLLT, atl the patients undelwent the following pre-therapy examination: 1, Anamnesis (aimed especially at the fact whether tinnitus was caused by an acoustic trauma, as well as at genetic predisposition) 2. Subjective evaluation of suffering 3. Clinicalexamination (otoneurotogy, axial skeleton, nystagm, blood pressure)
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