Palm Beach Outlet Mall Opens
Palm Beach Outlet Mall Opens
The Talk Of Tequesta, Page 1 PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID WEST PALM BCH FLORIDA PERMIT NO.2075 PEACEFUL, FRIENDLY, COMMUNITY ATMOSPHERE VOL. 17 NO. 3 MARCH 2014 Business Spotlight Palm Beach Outlet Mall Opens Thursday, Feb. 13, from 6 to 9 p.m. the Palm Beach Outlet Mall hosted a pre-opening event “Open Hearts, Open Doors” to benefit 20 local charities. The Divas invited their Diva Dames to join them in gaining entrance to the 114 outlet stores before the official opening the next day. A Diva table was set up in front of Saks Off 5th with cocktails supplied by “Perfect Vodka” and, of course, chocolate pastries supplied by “Robbins Nest Custom Bakery.” Lots of Diva Dames showed up along with several gentlemen who claimed to be Diva Dudes! Business Spotlight on page 2 Divas Dowd and Dehong ready to be the first through the doors of Saks Off 5th Tequesta Profile Good Works 25 Years Of Giving: Ibis Friends Of Veterans Raises Over $100,000 The Gardens Mall Gifts $125,000 To Local Charities At Silver Anniversary Party O n S a t u r d a y, J a n . 25, more than 500 wellheeled philanthropists headed to Palm Beach Gardens to celebrate the 25th anniversary of one of South Florida’s most iconic shopping and dining destinations, The Gardens Mall. Florida’s Chief Financial Officer Jeff Atwater and Sidney Forbes, founding partner of The Forbes Company, gave keynote speeches. The highlight of the To Benefit Veterans In Need In The Palm Beach County Area Max Macon, Brian Edwards, Lou Delgado, Jim McCarten Tequesta Profile on page 2 More than 270 golfers played in the Second Annual Friends of Veterans Golf Tournament at Ibis Golf & Country Club. The event was kicked off with double amputee veteran Sgt. Dana Bowman parachuting on the driving range. The golf event followed the successful Wounded Warrior Amputee softball team game at Roger Dean Stadium, which was hosted by Ibis Friends of Veterans on Jan. 18. Both events generated over $100,000 to assist our veterans. Good Works on page 3 Page 2, The Talk Of Tequesta Business Spotlight from page 1 Diva Dames with Harold, a Diva Dude Long line of Divas Diva Dames welcoming Diva Dudes The following morning, Feb. 14, Valentine’s Day, was the official opening to the general public of stage 1. The 114 opened stores provided something for everyone plus a food court and valet parking. The opening ribbon cutting ceremony included short speeches from dignitaries involved in the mall’s development and concluded with West Palm Beach Mayor Muoi telling the large gathering “We are open for business and open to business.” The ribbon was then cut and the mall was opened! Tequesta Profile from page 1 Perfect Vodka Eric and Abby Jablin, Jeff Atwater EDDIE TYBUSZYNSKI, P.A., CLHMS, ABR REALTOR® ASSOCIATE I treat all my clients like they’re family. That’s what makes the difference! (561) 354-8600 E-mail: Palm Beach Gardens Branch 11290 Legacy Ave Suite 140 Palm Beach Gardens Michelle Jacobs, Enid Atwater, Jeff Atwater, Tamra FitzGerald evening came when 25 local charities each received a $5,000 donation from The Gardens Mall as part of its “25 Years of Giving” charitable awareness campaign. The event also featured a Veuve Clicquot champagne bar, elegant hors d’oeuvres, caricature artists and a live jazz performance. Photos by Lila Photo Tonya Johnson, Brookelyn Walker, Felicia Scott Sid Forbes, Madeline Forbes Editorial copy appearing herewith is not necessarily the viewpoint of Seabreeze Publications of Central Florida. Most editorial copy is created by the homeowners and is edited by their appointed editor. Seabreeze Publications 240 W. Indiantown Rd. • Jupiter Publisher Terrence C. Reid M. Sean Reid East Coast Sales & Marketing Director Gail Fortin LuAnn Ellsworth, Assistant Sales Gail Fortin, Tom English, Bret McCormick, Jan D’Antuono Divas’ Reviews Pat Deshong Marcia Dowd Production Department Elaine Donholt • Ruth Nekoranec • Clara Doster Lora Cox • Katie Heystek • Millie Poland All rights reserved. Reproduction or utilization of these contents in any form by any electric, mechanical, or other means, including xerography and photocopying is forbidden without the written permission of the Publisher. The Publisher is not responsible or liable for misinformation or misprints herein contained and reserves the right to accept or reject all copy deemed unsuitable for publication. 1102 W. Indiantown Rd., Suite 5, Jupiter, FL 33458 (561) 746-3244 FAX (561) 746-2509 561.575.5095 AVEDA Botanical Conditioning ($25 TREATMENT value) FREE with purchase of Haircut & Style or Color Service *First time clients only. No other offers or discounts apply. Enjoy by 4/30/14 FREE Shampoo and ($25 Blowdry value) with purchase of any 90 min. Massage We offer a 15% discount on all services for Military, Police, Fire and EMT personnel Ultrasonic • Microcurrent Herbal Poultice • Purigenex *Select technicians only. No other discounts, offers, Pure Privilege, Spa Finders or previously purchased gift certificates apply. Enjoy by 4/30/14 FREE “WOW BROW” ($50 value) Micro current Eye and Brow area for that immediate Youthful look! With purchase of any Facial valued at $99 or higher *No other discounts, offers, Pure Privilege, Spa Finders or previously purchased gift certificates apply. Enjoy by 4/30/14 The Talk Of Tequesta, Page 3 Good Works from page 1 Charities supported by the events include Stand Down House of Lake Worth, which houses veteran families in need and assists veterans in securing employment and improving their quality of life, as well as Wounded Warriors of South Florida whose mission is to provide immediate emergency financial assistance to veterans with service-connected mental and physical disabilities. “Our veterans are in need of our help both emotionally and financially,” stated Bruce Gamradt, charity chairman. “The participants will be supporting veterans’ causes such as homelessness, unemployment, substance abuse and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.” All donations and gifts are shared by Stand Down House and Wounded Warriors of South Florida. Special thanks to Mercedes Benz of Palm Beach for supporting the Ibis Veterans Golf event, both financially and by furnishing vehicles for hole in one opportunities to win a new car. Ibis Friends of Veterans Charity Inc. Board of Directors consists of Bruce Gamradt, chairman; Don Butchin; Bill Emerson; Sandy Friedkin; Fred Heller; Dick Lavalliere; and Jeff Sperber. Cancer Alliance Of Help & Hope Toasts 10 Years Of Compassion With Upcoming ‘Bubbly Bash’ Join event Chair Nancy Mobberley and Co-chair Beth Thomas in celebrating Cancer Alliance of Help and Hope’s 10-year anniversary at their upcoming “Bubbly Bash” to be held on Saturday, March 22 from 6 to 11 p.m. at The Borland Center for Performing Arts. Honorary Chairs John and Shannon Favole and Dr. Robert and Julia Dattolo will assist in hosting an exciting evening of cocktails, silent auction, dining and dancing to the music of “After Dark.” Sponsors for this special celebration of 10 years of compassion for local cancer patients include: William C. Carroll; Mettler, Shelton, Randolph, Massey, Carroll & Sterlacci, P.L.; and Charles and Jean Fisher. Ticket prices are $175 for an individual ticket or $1,900 for a VIP table of 10. All sponsors, underwriters Charles Fisher, Jean Fisher, Julia Dattolo, Nancy Mobberley, Beth Thomas, Shannon Favole, John Favole and VIP table host will be invited to attend a private Veuve Clicquot and caviar reception. For sponsorship opportunities, tickets and more information go to, e-mail:, or call (561) 748-7227. Since its founding 10 years ago, Cancer Alliance of Help & Hope Inc. has distributed over $1 million to over 1,000 local cancer patients. This money assists patients demonstrating need with expenses of everyday living such as rent, mortgages, utilities, car payments, auto and health insurance, so they can concentrate on getting well instead of having the stress of wondering if they can provide for their families. CAHH is a grassroots, volunteer-governed charitable organization, dedicated to improving the quality of life of local individuals and their families who are touched by cancer, by providing need-based financial assistance, information resources and access to services and support groups in our community. Our vision is to insure a future free of financial burdens for cancer patients. Best, Denise Business News Magland Celebrated Their 11th Year In Business Many of the Magland clients, business partners, network contacts, suppliers and friends got together at Magland headquarters for their annual open house. Orchid arrangements were raffled and many landscape Bustiness News on page 4 Page 4, The Talk Of Tequesta Business News from page 3 prizes and souvenirs were given to the guests in attendance. Among their guests was Gail Gill, director at Seabreeze Publications; Stacie Sciolino, Golden Bear Realtor; David Mallegol, a local book writer and local representatives from the Northern Chamber of Commerce and the Better Business Bureau. Magland was born in 2002 in Jupiter, managed by their owners and operated by an exclusive team of designers, supervisors and a marketing director. Magland keeps expanding their services and market areas. Martin and Palm Beach counties have been their area of business since the beginning. When asked about their plans for the future, Magland owner replied, “We really want to get stronger in Palm Beach County. We love working here and this has been home to us for many years; we are truly Floridians – we wouldn’t change Florida for any other place!” • Would you consider expanding your business throughout Florida? “Although it is a tempting thought, we would like to get stronger and grow bigger in the Palm Beaches. There is such a large market in this area and the economy’s comeback is starting to show, especially in the new construction area. • Do you think economy is helping homeowners to get back on track and to fix or upgrade their Ten Years Of Giving Back To Habitat For Humanity Bob and Pat Bean brought a lifetime of volunteerism with them when they moved to Jupiter Farms nearly 10 years ago. While raising their two daughters in south Florida, Pat, a school teacher, always volunteered with the Girl Scouts and taught Sunday school and Bob, an engineer, volunteered with the Kiwanis and Meals on Wheels. When they moved here and joined Jupiter First Church they saw an ad in the bulletin asking for volunteers to help out at the Habitat for Humanity Thrift Store on Old Dixie Highway. They went to check it out and are still there 10 years later. yards? “We see that all the time. Besides the new building we are seeing, many of the locals are starting to remodel, expand or improve their yards. The economy is getting better, home pricing is coming back up and people want to add some value to their homes before putting their houses on the market. It really works well for the seller, the Realtor, the building industry, the buyer, etc. ... it is a win-win situation for all of us.” If you wish to contact Magland for a free landscape consultation, please call (561) 745-6756 or e-mail: info@ to make an appointment with one of their landscape designers. Who Needs Permanent Makeup? Bob and Pat Bean Every Friday morning you’ll see Bob sorting through anything with an electrical cord or moving parts and Pat sorting through the piles of children’s clothing donated to the store each week. It’s their job to determine if the donations are worthy of being put up for sale and assigning a price to them. Bob says with a limited number of volunteers, they don’t have time to perform a lot of repairs, so if an item doesn’t work for the owner, it doesn’t work for Habitat for Humanity either. One of the most interesting donations they’ve seen is the day a woman came to the door with half a dozen brandnew men’s suits worth $1,000 each and a dozen new dress shirts. She explained that she had just gotten married and didn’t have room in her closet for them! Bob and Pat love their work with Habitat for Humanity because it’s something different every single week. The people there are fun to be with and it provides a way for them to give back to the community and interact with people. They say the store manager, Cindy Capitanelli, is a delight and very efficient. The customers just love her. The rest of their spare time is spent enjoying their children and grandchildren, gardening, playing bridge and traveling more than they ever believed they would. They also volunteer at Jupiter First Church and the Maltz Jupiter Theatre. If you have some spare time, enjoy interacting with the public or like working behind the scenes, Habitat for Humanity can use your help. Contact Nicole Kiley, volunteer coordinator at (561) 253-2080, Ext. 121 or volunteer@, Habitat for Humanity of Palm Beach County brings people together to build homes, communities and hope. Everyone can benefit from permanent makeup - everyone who desires a soft, natural enhancement to their beauty. It is especially beneficial to people who can't wear cosmetics due to allergies and skin sensitivities. It’s makeup that doesn’t “sweat off" during exercise. People with fading eyesight or unsteady hands can have perfect makeup. And everyone who always wants to look their best but doesn’t take time or hates how makeup runs and fades should consider permanent makeup. Permanent cosmetic can be subtle or dramatic depending on the effect you want. Permanent makeup includes eyebrows, eyeliner and lash enhancement, lip color with lip liner and blending to create vibrancy and youthfulness for the entire face. provide many styles and colors. People with pale eyes, blond lashes, oily skin, or deep set and small eyes will appreciate permanent makeup.Peoplewitheyesneedingdefinition and shape, contact lens wearers, and people with allergies love the way permanent makeup enhances their look. Color may be shaded over the line to enhance eye color with atechniquedefinedas"smudgedhalo". Lip Color, Lip Liner And Lip Blend If you neglect to reapply your lip liner and lipstick during the day or if lipstick chaps your lips then permanent lip color and lip liner may be your answer. It won’t bleed into the lines above your lips, gives lips more definitionandmakesthemfuller.Italsohelps to correct not so perfect lip line. Lip color can be applied in a natural hue or a more vivid Eyebrows one. You can wear it alone or add different Everyonewhodesiresfullnessordefinition shades of lipstick over the permanent lip to their eyebrows should consider permanent color – consider lip color that lasts all day eyebrows. From a few strokes to fill small and night. areas to total brow recreation, you can achieve the freedom of never using an eyebrow pencil Call and ask me, Mira how permanent again. makeup will help you! Call 561-746-3969 or learn more at www.EuroEstheticaSpa. Eyeliner And Lash Enhancement com. From a soft, natural-looking lash to a more defined line, permanent eyeliner can The Talk Of Tequesta, Page 5 Dating The Singles Scene Column Follow The Matchmaker! By Kelly Leary© , M.S., Co-Founder of Precision Dating “It’s spring fever. And when you’ve got it... it makes your heart ache, you want it so!” – Mark Twain Happy March! This is a good time to revisit and recommit to your resolutions. March Madness is a phenomenon that grips the nation. This is a time of awakening--and to help you awaken--I’ve composed a list of five SURE-FIRE WAYS TO RENEW YOUR SPIRIT--and your heart--SINGLE OR NOT. 1. Don a New Look. Book an appointment at a trendy salon and change your hair color or cut (good for men or women). Search through magazines or when you see someone with a style you admire, ask where he or she goes. The better you look and feel, the more admirers you will attract. If you are a man who is missing some or all of his hair...don’t worry. Many women love bald men! 2. Enroll today for our “LUCKY IN LOVE” SPEED DATING PARTY this month. You MUST be a Single, Divorced, or Widowed adult from ages 25 to 85 to apply. Luckily, we don’t take walk-ins. Our parties are separated by age groups so don’t worry about being with someone too young or too old. Everyone must wear something green to this A List Singles Party. Surely your Spring Season will be guaranteed to kick off with a special someone. Please call today otherwise you may not get in. 3. Pick Yourself Up. Visit Dr. Alan Jacobson for some solid counsel on injectables or face and neck procedures. Finding a good plastic surgeon is an important process to which all should give considerable thought. I highly recommend Alan L. Jacobson, M.D. who is a boardcertified cosmetic surgeon in Jupiter. Mention This Column to receive “special treatment.” Injectables are a serious procedure and should be performed by a doctor (561-624-0900). 4. I scream, you scream, we all scream for Ice Cream!! The weather is warmer and it’s the perfect time to visit your local ice cream parlor! This is a good idea to combine with a movie date so you can enjoy some chit chat over ice cream. I think it’s impossible to have a negative thought in an ice cream parlor! 5. Try a new shade of lipstick Ladies. I enjoy this pastime whenever the seasons change. For the more daring, book an appointment at your favorite makeup counter (Chanel, Mac, Lancome, Bobbi Brown, for example), and have the pros show you the way! This month, abandon the ordinary dull routines of your life that are not working for you and access a deeper wisdom through some bold and positive action. Two is always better then one. Happy St. Patrick’s Day!! Much Love, Kelly xoxo Kelly Leary© has 22 years in the dating industry and a Master’s Degree in Psychology. She has been featured on the ABC News, Talk Radio, Palm Beach Post, and Vero Beach 32963 Magazine. All members of this club are prescreened first. Member photos are taken by the staff. All members are background checked. This is not online dating...or blind dating. In addition to making singles “UN-single” through their exclusive membership and matchmaking service, Kelly holds private speed dating parties. Don’t get stuck on a wait list. For more information, please call (561) 531-4484 or find Kelly on Facebook! who were introduced this night are still dating. Witnessing the energy at the event was truly exciting, as you can see from Don West Photography’s beautiful photos. For more information on reserving your seat at the next private event, please call (561)-531-4484. Making new friends on the red carpet. Around Town Singles Scene The following photos were taken at THINK Magazine’s Sexy Singles PreValentine’s Party held at Thasos G r e e k Ta v e r n a . Local matchmaker, Kelly Leary was the guest of honor and featured in the February issue of the magazine. Divorced, widowed, and single guests came to this epic event from the Treasure Coast, Palm Beaches, Broward and Dade County. Many of the couples Having a blast and while helping the guys find love. Your local matchmakers, Kelly Leary and Rachel Mckee, make their red carpet entrance. Mingling outside and enjoying the beautiful evening. Kelly and Rachel personally introduce some of the sexy singles. AIR CONDITIONING REPLACEMENT SPECIAL MIKLOS AIR AIR CONDITIONING & HEATING FREE ESTIMATES UP TO 60% SAVINGS ON COOLING BILLS FPL REBATES UP TO $850 90 DAYS SAME AS CASH/100% FINANCING FREE 10 YEAR PARTS & LABOR WARRANTY CACO36799 575-2173 Page 6, The Talk Of Tequesta Home & Garden Paradise In Your Own Backyard By Gustavo Asp, President, Magland Landscape Design A Butterfly Garden Butterflies are like flowers floating in the air. To make your garden inviting to them means adding a certain magic to your special backyard paradise. A garden with butterflies is a healthy, balanced and productive garden. In addition to their beauty, the insects provide us the service of pollinating the flowers we grow in our gardens. Because, by design, butterflies are flyers it is not possible to create a permanent home for these magnificent creatures in your yard, only a way-station where they may stop by to refresh themselves during their everlasting journey. But by providing the carbohydrate-rich drinks they need for their energy intensive flight and the foods their children need to develop into their parents image, they may visit your little secret paradise to allow you to enjoy their almost ephemeral beauty. These are simple helpful hints in how to create a butterfly garden: • Provide a combination of adult nectar sources and larval host plants – attracts maximum variety of butterfly species; encourages butterflies to remain in your yard, reproduce and build populations instead of just passing through; allows gardener to appreciate all life history stages. • Incorporate native plants into the landscape whenever possible – most larval host plants are natives; adapted to region; produces a small but representative extension of the natural ecosystem; attracts other wildlife. • The plants you select determine the wildlife value of your yard – the level of maintenance required, how much money you’ll be spending on water or electricity to run a pump, and how much fertilizer or pesticide may be required. Plant selection also determines how long your landscape will last. • Create horizontal and vertical heterogeneity – choose plants that have different heights and growth habits; creates numerous microclimates, which in turn appeal to a greater diversity of butterfly species; provides shelter; creates levels/ strata of feeding opportunities. • Aim for a consistent host plant and floral venue throughout the growing season – choose plants that have different blooming times; ensures that garden remains attractive and productive as long as possible; provides food for butterflies during periods of low natural availability. • Provide a number of different flower colors – different butterfly species are attracted to different flower colors so include yellow, orange, white and blue flowers as well as reds, pinks and purples. • Plant in shade as well as full sun – appeals to more butterfly species; many forest species prefer shadier locations. • Plant in groupings – aesthetically pleasing; provides masses of color; more apparent in landscape; allows larvae to locate additional food resources in event of shortage. Choose appropriate plants for each location – understand each plant requires basic water, light and soil requirements to grow to its maximum potential. Gustavo Asp is the landscape designer at Magland and he can be reached at (561) 745-6756 Rainbow Ball 2014 March 22, 2014 Abacoa Golf Club Jupiter, off Donald Ross Rd. The 13th year of dancing, dinner, entertainment, photo booth, silent auction, chocolate fountain and more fun than a bag of Skittles! Tickets on sale now: 561-635-2194 Benefitting the MCCPB Ministries • See our Rainbow Ball Facebook page. Southern Exposure Technologies Computer Install/Setup/Repair (561) 315-0144 * * * * * * * * DSL, Broadband,Wireless Install Networking, Troubleshooting Instruction Hardware/Software Installation Virus/Spyware/Adware Fix Cleanup/Maintenance/Backup Business Consult/Startup/Move Website Design/Maintenance Call S.E.T. to install your “new computer, printer and wireless network”! ALL BRANDS & MODELS of HEARING AIDS AVAILABLE and REPAIRED GET S.E.T. GO! REASONABLE HOURLY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY RATES FOR SMALL BUSINESSES FOR AS LOW AS $50.00 AN HOUR, WITH A MINIMUM OF 6 HOURS A MONTH, OR 2 HOURS A WEEK, OR ON AN AS-NEEDED BASIS RATE OF $75.00 P/HOUR. START YOUR NEW YEAR WITH SECURE BACKUPS, QUALITY MAINTENANCE, ATTENTION TO DETAIL AND PERSONABLE ON-SITE SUPPORT! (561) 315-0144 CALL S.E.T. TODAY FOR YOUR COMPUTER NEEDS! Practice in Palm Beach County over 20 years Today’s Most Advanced Technology at VERY AFFORDABLE PRICES! The Talk Of Tequesta, Page 7 In Your Community Maltz Jupiter Theatre Announces 2014/15 Season Of Shows Let The Maltz Jupiter Theatre Spark Your Imagination Next Season! The 2014/15 season will begin with The Foreigner (Oct. 26 – Nov. 9), an uproariously funny adventure set in a rural Georgia fishing lodge that follows a shy man who adopts a persona as a non-English-speaking foreigner. We continue with Fiddler on the Roof (Dec. 2-21), the Tony Award®winning classic musical that follows dairyman Tevye as he fights to maintain his family and heritage. Next up is The Wiz (Jan. 13 – Feb. 1), the spirited, rock gospel and soul Tony Award®-winning musical based on the classic tale The Wonderful Wizard of Oz – perfect for the entire family. Then join us for Glengarry Glen Ross (Feb. 8 – Feb. 22), David Mamet’s Pulitzer Prize-winning masterpiece about a group of tough-talking Chicago real estate agents who will do anything to close a deal. Our incredible season ends with a four-week run of the Tony Award®-winning phenomenon Les Misérables (March 10 – April 5), an epic and inspiring production not to be missed! “The Maltz Jupiter Theatre has the power to spark your imagination, with incredible Broadway caliber productions and events,” said Andrew Kato, the theatre’s producing artistic director. “We invite everyone to enjoy our blockbuster musicals, family entertainment, comedies and riveting dramas. We have also selected a fantastic lineup of brand new limited engagements for our audiences to enjoy.” Currently celebrating its 11th season, the theatre was recently nominated for 19 Carbonell Awards, South Florida’s highest honor for artistic excellence. To celebrate and announce its 2014/15 season, the Theatre held a cocktail party on Feb. 10, featuring a unique photo opportunity for attendees: photos with models from West Palm Beach-based Garbage Gone Glam, showcasing two extra-special dresses tailored from theatre marketing materials. As part of the big announcement, guests dined on desserts themed to each of the theatre’s upcoming shows: English tea cookies (The Foreigner), Rugelach (Fiddler on the Roof), a glittery green cupcake tower (The Wiz), a cake featuring a suit and tie design in frosting (Glengarry Glen Ross) and éclairs and Napoleons (Les Miserables). In addition to its season productions (not included in subscriptions), the theatre will present an exciting lineup of all-new limited engagements and several popular favorites. New shows include the unplugged folk-rock duo White Acres (Nov. 21), the American jazz fusion band Spyro Gyra In Your Community on page 8 Page 8, The Talk Of Tequesta In Your Community from page 7 (Dec. 8), the Motown group Forever Motown (Feb. 27) and the high-energy Abba tribute Abbamania (Feb. 23). “Our theatre has something for everyone with our new season of special events and concerts,” said Jennifer Sardone-Shiner, the theatre’s director of marketing. “In addition to popular annual favorites, we have an entirely new lineup of brand-new concerts, including the traditional Celtic music and dance of Tony Kenny’s Christmastime in Ireland, the falsetto and smooth harmonies of the Atlantic City Boys and the songbook of Frank Sinatra with Steve Lippia’s Centennial Sinatra Tribute.” November will bring an extra-special benefit concert featuring Broadway icon and beloved singer, dancer, actor and Tony Award® winner Chita Rivera (Nov. 15), who will leave audiences spellbound in a musical journey back through her illustrious career featuring hits from West Side Story, Bye Bye Birdie, Sweet Charity, Chicago, Kiss of the Spider Woman and Nine. Back for its final performance, the theatre will produce a contemporary retelling of the children’s classic Alice in Wonderland with the spectacular family-friendly musical Lighthouse ArtCenter Names Director For School Of Art The Lighthouse ArtCenter has named Cynthia Trone director of its School of Art. “New leadership means new opportunities to grow,” said Katie Deits, executive director of the Tequesta museum and art school, currently celebrating its 50th anniversary. Over the past year, Trone has proven her leadership abilities, first as executive assistant and now as director of the school, Cynthia Trone which offers courses in painting, drawing, ceramics, jewelry making, photography and sculpture. She also will oversee the ArtCenter’s summer camp programs. It’s something that comes natural for her. Trone managed Jupiter Outdoor Center and Jupiter Pointe Paddling for six years and taught thousands the simple pleasure of the glide. She also is the volunteer project lead for Expedition Florida 500, a statewide conservation effort. “We look forward to Trone guiding some of our relationships with other local organizations by integrating environmental themes in the art projects our students create,” Deits said. Trone graduated from Colby College with a Bachelor of Arts in English Literature. A Jersey girl who was raised with Manhattan in her backyard, she spent her 20s and early 30s on the coast of Maine. She raised her three children in Burlington, Vt., and moved to Tequesta in 2005. “I invite everyone to stop by the School of Art, see what we do, then enroll in a class,” Trone said. The School of Art is around the corner from the museum, at 95 Seabrook Road, Tequesta. Call (561) 748-8737 The Lighthouse ArtCenter, a member-supported 501(c) (3) nonprofit organization, provides visual and performing arts for the community through unique collections, engaging exhibitions and cultural programs, a dynamic School of Art and diverse outreach activities. Programs are funded in part by the Cultural Council of Palm Beach County, the Palm Beach County Tourist Development Council and the Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners. For information on the Lighthouse ArtCenter Museum, School of Art, exhibitions, programs and events, visit or call (561) 746-3101. The Lighthouse ArtCenter is at Gallery Square North, 373 Tequesta Drive, Tequesta, one-half mile west of U.S. 1. Museum hours are Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.; and Saturday, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Admission is $5 Monday through Friday. Admission is free on Saturday. Closed Sunday. Through the Looking Glass (Oct. 17) and The Crucible (Aug. 16), presented by local high school students as part of the Theatre’s Youth Artists’ Chair program. It’s time to become a new subscriber or renew your season subscription to get the best seats available. The multiple Carbonell Award-winning Theatre is offering two convenient subscription plans, the four-play and the five-play, for the theatre’s 2014/15 season, Spark Your Imagination. For the first time, patrons may purchase subscriptions for the new club level premium seats in the theatre’s newly renovated space, The Green Room, and enjoy the stylish lounge and amenities throughout the season. Amenities include spacious 23” seats, a lounge with a private bar and restrooms, one free drink of choice with ticket purchase, panoramic views of the stage and a private entrance and elevator. Subscriptions begin at $194. Subscribers save 10 percent to 15 percent on single ticket prices. Subscribers also get one fee-free ticket exchange per ticket per show, and advance notice and ability to purchase tickets to limited engagements and other special events. Subscription groups of 20 or more receive an additional discount. Season subscriptions are currently on sale. Single pay and musical tickets go on sale Aug. 25 at 10 a.m. Single tickets for special productions, special engagements and limited engagements go on sale May 5 at 10 a.m. For more information and tickets, visit www. or call the box office at (561) 575-2223. CROSSWORD PUZZLE Quit Smoking! Special Pricing for Chantix Special Pricing for Cialis and Viagra Ask our knowledgeable and friendly staff how you can save $$$$ and be healthier. Service you can’t get at Big Box Stores! TEQUESTA DRUGS AND COMPOUNDING See answer in this paper. The Talk Of Tequesta, Page 9 Epicuriosity What Wine Goes With Corned Beef And Cabbage? By Glenn Sudnick, Certified Sommelier I know what you’re thinking; everybody drinks beer with this traditional dish. Not necessarily, some of my guests will still prefer to have a glass of wine. Search on the Internet and you will encounter many interpretations. The boiled or braised corn beef is filled with spices such as pepper, allspice, salt, thyme, garlic, coriander, clove and bay leaves. The term “corned” refers to the large salt crystals that are used in the preservation process. It originated in the days when refrigeration did not exist and foods were cured or pickled. The cabbage is a cruciferous vegetable (a vegetable from the mustard family, e.g. broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts). These two combinations can be very challenging to pair with the correct wine. Some will suggest an Alsatian Gewurztraminer of high intensity with exotic spices and fruit aromas of Lychee, pineapple, peach jam and dried apricot. Others will suggest a Sauvignon Blanc because it cuts through the salt and fattiness of the corned beef. I am not too sure I want to choose my wine because it cuts through my meal. I have seen recommendations like a light Beaujolais made from handpicked gamay grapes. This wine is full of fruit flavors, youthful, easy to drink and is a St. Patrick’s Day favorite. From Italian Chianti to the Portuguese Vino Verde There can be many interpretations of wine choices with this traditional dish. I pondered, yes, I said pondered. I find myself doing that a lot and came up with a wine that is great with our corned beef and cabbage. The 2012 Franciscan “Equilibrium” has a vibrant fruit-driven aroma of white peach, guava with hints of lime. It’s a blend of 72 percent Sauvignon Blanc that allows for structure and a crisp backbone. There is 17 percent Chardonnay that is fermented in neutral oak barrels sur lie which adds richness and complexity. Finally, the jasmine, honeysuckle aromas are prevalent with the addition of 11 percent Muscat. The flavors are round bodied on the palate with nectarine and stone fruit. The finish is long and satisfying with a hint of sweetness. “Equilibrium” lives up to the name with harmony and balance. This wine is limited with only 1,503 cases produced, so if you think you might enjoy this wonderful wine, don’t wait. Happy St. Patrick’s Day, Glenn One Complimentary POWER HOUR Boxing or Kickboxing Fitness Workout For You and A Friend* *Must present ad, one per person. l Jupiter location only, exp. 4-15-14. Page 10, The Talk Of Tequesta Art Happenings Lighthouse ArtCenter Celebrates 50th Jubilee Beaux Arts Ball The Lighthouse ArtCenter Invites You To ‘Rocket To 1964’ As It Celebrates Its 50th Annual Beaux Arts Ball The Ball, set for Saturday, March 8, at The Country Club at Mirasol, will look back to the time ArtCenter was founded. “It was such a pivotal time in our nation’s history. This event gives us a chance to honor the past and embrace the future,” said Katie Deits, executive director of the Tequesta museum and art school. Sam and Jill Plummer Guests can immerse themselves in 1964 American popular culture, dance to Motown music by the popular band Memory Lane, and look back to the Mod and mini-skirt fashions, American muscle cars and the space race. “It’s funny how what was popular then is popular now,” Deits said, citing the current resurgence of art and fashion from that period. This year’s ball, chaired by Sam and Jill Plummer, will highlight those themes. The Plummers are receiving assistance from a Ball Committee that includes: Michael Andersen, Gerri Aurre, Carolyn Austin, Susan Bardin, Evelyne Bates, Julie Silk Beaumont, Kristin Blackmon, Pat Crowley, Judy DiEdwardo, Judy Flescher, Peter Golding, Esther Gordon, Denise LeClair-Robbins, Susan Nastri, Rosalie Roush, Frankie Spellman, Mary Sunshine, Theresa Wood and Curt Fonger. Sponsors include Mr. and Mrs. George W. Bovenizer III, The Shepherd Foundation, Publix Super Markets Charities Inc., DEX Imaging, Florida Power & Light Company and Florida Weekly. Additional table sponsorships and underwriting opportunities are available. Tickets to this year’s Beaux Arts Ball are $325 per person. Eight- and 10-top tables are available, as well as specialthemed tables depicting early ’60s experiences such as Muscle Cars, artist Roy Lichtenstein, the Mods and Rockers, and more. To order tickets, call (561) 746-3101 or visit the Web site at The Lighthouse ArtCenter, a member-supported 501(c) (3) nonprofit organization, provides visual and performing arts for the community through unique collections, engaging exhibitions and cultural programs, a dynamic School of Art and diverse outreach activities. Programs are funded in part by the Cultural Council of Palm Beach County, the Palm Beach County Tourist Development Council and the Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners. For information on the Lighthouse ArtCenter Museum, School of Art, exhibitions, programs and events, visit or call (561) 746-3101. The Lighthouse ArtCenter is at Gallery Square North, 373 Tequesta Drive, Tequesta, one-half mile west of U.S. 1. Museum hours are Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.; and Saturday, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Admission is $5 Monday through Friday. Admission is free on Saturday. Closed Sunday. Art Happenings on page 12 The Talk Of Tequesta, Page 11 Business Review TROVARE 287 East Indiantown Road Suite B9 located in Fishermans Wharf Plaza Telephone: (561) 401-9894 Fax: (561) 401-9907 Hours: 11 AM - 5 PM Tuesday - Saturday Monday by appointment only Pat Deshong and Marcia Dowd and their business review keep their fingers on the pulse of what's happening, where people are going and what they are doing. They aren't just going to tell you what they liked and respected about this business, but what other randomly selected customers liked as well. We are interested in what their customers have to say and share their comments with you. According To The Divas.... We knew very little about Trovare Treasures before meeting with Lisa Emalfarb, Proprietor. When we first walked into her shop we entered the most elegant yet comfortable dining room one might envision in the most prestigious of homes. The table was not just set it was adorned. The linens, china, flatware and crystal glistened under the most magnificent chandelier. Every detail down to the napkin holders would captivate the most discerning of guests. The walls are lined with displays of beautiful dishes, flatware, stemware napkin rings with accessories and giftware priced from $5.00 to $5,000.00. One of our favorite items was a beautiful bud vase priced at just $20 resembling a Lalique original. Lisa created a business enabling her to use her interior decorating background with her passion to entertain and bring people together. She defines it as “Tablescaping.” So by day, Trovare, in Italian meaning “to find,” is a retail store specializing in tabletop, giftware, stemware and accessories. In the evening this beautiful setting is available for private dinner parties with the food being prepared by Krave's renowned Chef Michael. It is available for intimate dinner parties accommodating up to 12 guests. The couple are each other's most loyal supporters in life and in business. When asked how they met, she told us how she was aware of his culinary skills as executive chef at the then nearby Jupiter Island Grill. Shortly after opening she was asked to organize an elegant dinner party for a well known friend in Palm Beach. When in need of a caterer she immediately thought of Chef Michael. Her interest in “Tablescaping” and his extraordinary culinary skills made for a winning combination and a successful party. (NY Housewife) Ramona Singer was the guest of honor. Ramona, known for her blunt honesty raved about the food and decor. That was the start of their successful business collaboration and the rest is history..... Special Features: The most unique bridal registry service available. Impressive selection of: Dishes, flatware, stemware, linens, napkin holders, placemats giftware, decorating accessories priced from $5.00 to $5,000. Party planning available on and off site Beautifully decorated, comfortable ambiance to accommodate luncheon or dinner party Perfect place to host a private party in every sense of the word. Convenient accessible location with ample What The Divas Say about Trovare: No one knows better than the Divas how difficult it is to host a private event in your home or even in your club without the possibility of offending someone who was not included. Here is the answer to that dilemma! This is a place for a unique impressive gathering whether it be an afternoon tea, bridal shower, business lunch or dinner, birthday celebration or dinner party. As the photo shows, Pat already made a purchase of an ideal sized wine glass from the gift boutique area. This is the perfect place to purchase a unique gift if you are looking for an item as listed above. Lisa will be only to happy to assist you. Oh and when you go, please be sure to say the Divas sent you! The Divas keep their fingers on the pulse of what is happening in local restaurants and businesses and share their perspective and customer opinions in their monthly column. If you have a comment, would like to be invited to a future Diva event, or are interested in having them write about your business, please contact them at You can also access their reviews at Dining Review Krave Restaurant 626 North US Highway 1 in Tequesta Located in County Line Plaza Hours: 4 PM to 10 PM Tuesday - Sunday Closed Monday Reservations strongly suggested (561) 575-9222 Pat Deshong and Marcia Dowd AKA “The Dining Divas Duo” aren't just going to tell you what they liked about the restaurant, but what other randomly selected customers liked as well. “We're interested in the flavor of the restaurant as well as the flavor of the food because that's what makes a true dining experience.” The moment you come through the doors at Krave you know you have arrived at the hottest most talked about restaurant in the County! There are 9 Black Galaxy granite tables that sparkle in the Dining Room complimented by studded white leather chairs. Additionally, there are four seats at the cozy LED lite bar that are available upon request to reserve. Chef/Owner Michael Rolchigo created an innovative VIP seating for two overlooking his kitchen as he presents and prepares his creative cuisine for you. In his words, “my dream as a chef has been to have a small intimate restaurant where I am able to touch every plate and know all of my guests while providing a superior dining experience.” Special Features: Chef owned, operated American eclectic cuisine with world influence Foods creatively prepared and made fresh to order Sophisticated, comfortable & understated elegance Warm, professional and knowledgeable staff Wine bar with good selection of wine & beers Appetizers include soup, assortment of salads of Red curry mussels, spicy sushi tuna roll, crispy orange beef, New York State Foie Gras etc. Entrees feature a variety of creative cuisine of fresh seafood locally and flown in from Hawaii pork, beef, poultry specially prepared. Vegetables and herbs are from local organic farms and black truffles from Tuscany Emphasis on service and the dining experience, Reservations and seatings are timed so you never feel rushed Close convenient ample parking. We Sampled......while we were waiting for our salads, Chef insisted we try a tasting of his signature appetizer...Pear & blue cheese pasta purses, toasted walnuts, Gorgonzola Asiago cream sauce. It was incredible! Marcia, tends to shy away from trying something that sounds unusual, took a bite and devoured it. Pat's entree was one of the evening's specials: Hawaiian swordfish lightly grilled in a light beurre blanc white wine sauce and served over saffron rice and asparagus. It was cooked just right and delicious! Marcia selected grilled tenderloin of beef, Pommes Anna (thinly sliced potatoes layered with Parmesan and olive oil), asparagus, with melted Saint Andre Brie, Blackberry Demi glacé cooked to perfection and superior. Of course if there is chocolate on the menu, according to Marcia “there is always room for dessert” and this one was extraordinary. A Belgium chocolate Lava cake with homemade gelato. Don't Take Our Word....Randomly selected Customers... Maria, Jane, Dee seasonal residents from Jupiter Island and celebrating a birthday.....This was the second time they had eaten there. On their first visit they were concerned with the size of the dining room. They were pleasantly surprised to find that small became cozy and was actually a positive. Dee who hails from NJ and Jupiter Island chose the pork tenderloin for the second time. We learned later that was one of their award winning dishes. Maria, the birthday girl from Albany loved the Hog Snapper. She enjoys it well cooked and was surprised to find out how moist it was. Jane, visiting from NJ, said she wished she had ordered the pasta purses as an entree because they were that delicious and had never had them before. They intend to be frequent guests at Krave. What The Divas said about this dining experience... We know from your feedback that you appreciate our candor so we must share our first encounter with Chef Michael. At first glance we thought we were being “punked” or set up. His resemblance to Billy Joel is uncanny. Pat seriously believed he was going to break into and start singing “bottle of red, bottle of white” at any second. We were happy to hear that we were not the only ones to think that. He said it happens every day. While he may not own any Grammy's, he is an award winning chef and two time recipient of the Vita Nova Award. He graduated from the prestigious Culinary Institute of America in Hyde Park NY with degrees in both culinary and pastry arts and worked at many noteworthy restaurants in NYC. Most of all though, he credits the training he received at an early age in his grandmother’s kitchen. He even uses her cavatelli machine when making fresh pasta. While he could easily replace it with a more state of the art device, it enables him to feel her presence and serve as a reminder for the passion in him she inspired. Krave is a true family experience- mother, sister and daughter work in the kitchen, son is a member of the waitstaff and Lisa from Trovare is not only considered a business partner but partner in life. We can honestly say we experienced this warm interaction between staff and all of us dining there that evening. We thought that the quality of foods -and service would bear a much higher priced menu. However, we felt with appetizers ranging in price from $8 to $15 and entrees priced from $24 to $38, it was our opinion that it was reasonable. When asked what Krave meant, Chef said, “A desire for all the good things in life, not just the food.” Chef Michael is accomplishing that and more. Please be sure to ask for him and let him know the Divas sent you! Page 12, The Talk Of Tequesta Art Happenings from page 10 Frank Strunk III Of St. Petersburg, Takes Home Best Of Show At The 2014 ArtiGras Fine Arts Festival The 2014 ArtiGras Fine Arts Festival presented by Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center and produced by the Northern Palm Beach County Chamber of Commerce is proud to announce Frank Strunk III of St. Petersburg, won Best of Show for his work in metal. “This is my first ArtiGras and my first Best of Show, so I am a little overwhelmed,” said Frank Strunk III, Best Of Show winner Strunk who is originally from Rockville, Md. “I have won other awards for best in metal, but never best of show. It feels good to be recognized.” The winners were selected by three judges who scored each artist and awarded a Best of Show and a first-place winner in each of the 14 categories. At the right is a list of the artists who placed first in each category: Name Vince Pompeii Richard Ryan John Canterbury Jason Brueck Makia Project Stephen, Jorge Diana, Scott Andrew Carson Victor Baisley Jean Yao JenSwearington Danielle Merzatta Don McWhorter Lawrence Packard Shannon Bob and Patti Stern Frank Strunk III Medium Metal Glass Photography Digital Art Emerging Artists Sculpture Wood Fiber - Nonwearable Fiber – Wearable Jewelry Ceramics Drawing/Printmaking Godby Mixed Media Best of Show Hometown St. Petersburg, Fla. Bourbonnais, Ill. Holmes Beach, Fla. Philadelphia, Penn. Palm Beach Gardens, Fla. Seattle, Wash. Hollywood, Fla. Fort Lauderdale, Fla. Asheville, N.C. Mendham, N.J. Carrollton, Ga. Pensacola, Fla. Painting Batavia, Ohio Brookeline, Mass. St. Petersburg, Fla. ArtiGras, located in Abacoa in Jupiter, ran through Feb. 17. Celebrating 29 years in Palm Beach County and the 12th year in Abacoa, the ArtiGras Fine Arts Festival presented by Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center is the premier fine art show of the Palm Beaches. Ranked as one of the Top 50 art shows in the United States, ArtiGras showcases a unique juried exhibition of nearly 300 fine artists from all over the country. A portion of the proceeds from ArtiGras go to support art education in schools throughout Palm Beach County. For additional information on ArtiGras, visit Lighthouse ArtCenter Elects New Board Officers Lighthouse ArtCenter’s Board of Directors has elected new officers. Frederick B. Putney was elected president, Jeff Lichtenstein was elected vice president, Tim Peters was elected treasurer and Patricia DeAloia was elected secretary. “We are extremely grateful to Colette Meyer, our immediate past president, for her leadership over the past three years,” said Katie Deits, executive director of the Tequesta art school and museum. “I know these new officers will bring new ideas and vigor to the Lighthouse ArtCenter as it looks ahead to its second half-century.” The new officers’ experiences are rich. Frederick B. Putney, born in Missoula, Mont., attended the University of Washington. He served in the U.S. Navy for five years following graduation before obtaining his Ph.D. from Stanford University. Putney served on the faculty of Columbia Business School for 30 years, originating a course in investment strategies and additionally serving as deputy vice president for the Health Services Campuses of the university. He is the co-founder of Riverside Group, which provides corporate training and development to major institutions and nonprofit organizations. He also cofounded Brownson & Associates (BRF) (Brownson, Rehmus & Foxworth’s predecessor organization) in 1969. Putney serves as investment strategist for BRF, aside from serving approximately 50 individual clients as well as a large portion of the Harvard Business School faculty in a special financial advisory program. Jeff Lichtenstein has worked in real estate since 2001. In 2009, he moved to Illustrated Properties and over the past five years has marketed and sold more homes in total (509 homes), with an average price exceeding $500,000 in northern and central Palm Beach County than any other y p p s ’ Ha k c i r t a P . t S y a D 2014 Realtor. He earned a degree in business administration at Syracuse, where he met his wife, Veronica; they have two children. Tim Peters joined Key Private Bank in early 2003, coming from Deutsche (Bankers Trust) Private Bank. Prior to this, he worked in New York for more than 20 years with Morgan Stanley, Donaldson Lufkin & Jennrette, L. F. Rothschild, and Chase Manhattan Bank. He is a member of the Estate Planning Council and the Florida Bar Tax Section. He also serves on the Helen Wilkes Honors College Advisory Board for Florida Atlantic University and is a member of the North Palm Beach Country Club advisory board. He graduated from the University of the South with a Bachelor of Arts in English Literature, and served in the U.S. Army. Peters lives in North Palm Beach with his wife, Jean. They have two sons and a daughter. Your Number 1 Referral Roofer 50 Year Roof Warranty Full Replacement and Factory Backed! Never pay for a roof again! First 15 years wind warranty up to a Category 3 hurricane! $500 $100 OFF Re-Roof OFF Repair Dan The Roofer Man Exclusive VIR Club Membership Included Fully Licensed Across the Board: Roofing, General Contracting, Mold Remediation, Underground Utilities! One Stop Contractor 561.275.2406 The Talk Of Tequesta, Page 13 Health & Wellness Hearing Solutions Surprise! There Are Medical Conditions That Will Cause Hearing Loss By Murray Steinfeld, Audioprosthologist Many conditions and diseases not obviously connected with the ear can still result in hearing concerns. Some of these conditions are quite common such as diabetes and hypertension (high blood pressure), both effects roughly one-third of the U.S. population. Diabetes and hypertension impair the cardiovascular system and as a result the nerves and blood vessels of the inner ear can become damaged and the hearing diminished. Hearing loss of this kind usually occurs due to problems associated with the inner ear (cochlea) and is referred to as “Sensorineural.” This type hearing loss results from damage to the nerve pathways from the inner ear to the brain (the auditory nerve) or to the central processing centers of the brain. Usually this is permanent and irreversible. Sensorineural hearing loss can generally be treated successfully using hearing aids or if very profound with cochlear implants. Let’s examine certain key diseases that can cause hearing loss. Diabetes: About 11 percent of our population has diabetes. Those who have diabetes suffer from a reduced efficiency of neurons, hair cells and other cell types in the auditory system, which leads to sensorineural hearing loss. Shingles: (Herpes Zoster) caused by the same virus that causes chicken pox. The CDC estimates one in three Americans will develop this disease. Approximately 50 percent are over 60 years of age. When it affects the ear, this virus can also result in facial paralysis with symptoms of dizziness and hearing loss. Hypertension: Approximately one-third of adults in the United States have high blood pressure. Several studies evidence that hypertension is associated with risk of sensorineural hearing loss. Regretfully, people seem to believe that hearing loss affects only senior age people. Absolutely wrong! Age is no longer the major factor. Noise is supplanting age as a major factor. Listening to music using ear-buds in our ears has had a significant effect on our younger population’s loss of hearing. Other diseases that cause hearing loss, though some seem to have been taken under control, still affect a certain percentage of our population. They are: hypothyroidism, which affects about 5 percent of Americans. This is either congenital or develops later in life and can cause sudden hearing loss. Meningitis is an inflammation of the meninges (coverings) of the brain and spinal cord and can potentially cause hearing loss. Over the past decades, vaccinations have successfully reduced the incidence to about half. Yet the CDC still estimates that 3,000 to 6,000 cases occur annually. Multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis are Answer for Crossword Puzzle diseases that should also be included and the hearing loss factor is just another consequence those affected are forced to deal with. Research has shown repeatedly that maintaining a healthy weight, by eating a sensible diet and keeping physically active can limit ones risk for diabetes and hypertension. Getting up-to-date immunizations and early treatment of any of these diseases can lower the chances that one of these conditions results in a hearing loss. Hearing Solutions of the Palm Beaches, Colonial Plaza, 651 W. Indiantown Road, Jupiter, (561) 747-6339, e-mail: or www. Calcium By Dan and Liz Brumer, R.Phs., Tequesta Drugs and Compounding Pharmacy Ta k i n g c a l c i u m – either through diet or supplements – is a little like making deposits into a bone bank account. If you keep a healthy balance of this mineral, your body is able to build and maintain bone, which is a living, everchanging tissue. Not only does calcium keep bones and teeth healthy, it also helps with clotting blood, sending signals between nerves and regulating heart rhythms. But if you fail to make calcium “deposits,” your body starts to pull calcium out of your bones and “overdraws your account.” Worse than a painful overdraft fee, however, this calcium imbalance can cause porous, weakened bones. This condition is called osteoporosis. In the United States, it affects eight million women and two million men, resulting in 1.5 million fractures each year. How much calcium do you need? It varies, depending on your age. Your preteen or teen needs more. Banking calcium at this stage is really like making an early investment in “retirement.” The National Academy of Sciences recommends: • 1,300 mg/day for children ages 9–18 • 1,000 mg/day for men and women ages 19–50 • 1,200 mg/day for men and women ages 50 or older • Some guidelines suggest 1,500 mg for postmenopausal women who don’t take estrogen. That’s because – due to a loss of estrogen at menopause – women start to have bone loss earlier than men. If you take calcium supplements, it’s best to divide the dose. Take half in the morning and half at night. Let us know if you have questions about different types of calcium. We can also discuss any medications that might interfere with calcium absorption. And we can give you tips on how to handle any calcium side effects, such as constipation or indigestion. To limit side effects, be sure to take no more than 2,000 mg daily. Foods rich in calcium include dairy products, dark leafy greens, dried beans, nuts and calcium-fortified foods, which may include orange juice, cereal and bread. Some recent studies suggest that food sources of calcium may be better than supplements. Last year, a study reported on in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that participants who got most of their calcium from diet had better bone density than those who got most it from supplements. It’s too soon to know why, but it might have to do with better absorption or other food compounds that enhance bone health. What else can you do to prevent bone loss as you age? Try weight-bearing exercise, such as walking or running, and get enough vitamin D. This vitamin helps your body absorb calcium. To get enough of it, you can spend at least 15 minutes in the sun several times a week. You can also take supplements or get food sources of vitamin D – in salmon, tuna or fortified milk, margarine, or cereal. Try to get 800 International Units (IU) daily, but no more than 2,000 IU, which can be toxic. Call us at Tequesta Drugs if you would like more information (561) 741-8222. Page 14, The Talk Of Tequesta Charity Events Brian Stokes Mitchell Benefit Concert Raises $152,000 For The Maltz Jupiter Theatre And The Actors Fund An exclusive January benefit concert by beloved Broadway, television and film star Brian Stokes Mitchell at the Maltz Jupiter Theatre raised $152,000 for the Maltz Jupiter Theatre and The Actors Fund. A multi-award winning performer with a career of musical versatility, the sold-out concert – entitled Brian Stokes Mitchell: Simply Broadway – showcased the Tony Award® winner’s newest album “Simply Broadway” and co-benefited the Tricia Trimble, Andrew Kato, Brian Stokes Mitchell, Ted Firth, and Michael Flowers not-for-profit theatre and The Actors Fund. “The concert was a tremendous success, and we are so honored that the Maltz Jupiter Theatre was selected as the cobeneficiary and the second of only four benefit concerts in the country. The first was in New York City at Lincoln Center and the third and fourth will be in Chicago and Los Angeles,” said Tricia Trimble, the theatre’s managing director. “As Chairman of the Board of The Actors Fund Brian Stokes Mitchell donated his time and all of the proceeds from the evening are being shared Mary Montgomery, Sylvia Steiner, Brian Stokes Mitchell, and Nan Benincasa Tina Bolton, Brian Stokes Mitchell, Judie Ganek Muriel Saltzman, and Jerome and Ellen Stern Charity Events on page 15 Catherine Pollack, Brian Stokes Mitchell, and Leon Pollack Bonnie Osher and Brian Stokes Mitchell Wednesday, March 12th, 5-7 pm Eleanor Seaman and Brian Stokes Mitchell The Talk Of Tequesta, Page 15 Charity Events from page 14 Bonnie and Ogden White, and Carol and Ted Conklin Brian Stokes Mitchell, and Tina and Jeffrey Bolton Rick Katz, Muriel Saltzman, Brian Stokes Mitchell, Ralph Saltzman Ken and Patricia Santucci, Brian Stokes Mitchell, Bonnie Osher Brian Stokes Mitchell and Leah Frankel Join our Volunteer Family! Mary Montgomery and Brian Stokes Mitchell Together we CAN put a roof over EVERYONE! Our Mission: Seeking to put God’s love into action, Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, communities and hope Love Thrift Store Shopping? 1635 North Old Dixie Hwy., Jupiter, FL Did you know? Our amazing volunteers receive a 20% discount on merchandise! Flexible shifts available now! For more information please call 561-253-2080 • Visit our website Sharon Karmazin, Brian Stokes Mitchell, and David Greene equally to support the vital programs of The Actors Fund and the Maltz Jupiter Theatre.” More than 70 supporters attended an elegant pre-concert sit-down dinner onsite at the theatre in the new upstairs club level, The Green Room. After the performance, Stokes joined the guests for dessert, coffee and cordials. Since 1882, The Actors Fund has served as a lifeline for workers in the performing arts and provides a wide range of social services that now help 13,500 professionals each year. Since 2004, the Maltz Jupiter Theatre has emerged on the theatrical scene offering award-winning productions among some of the best in the country. The theatre is a LORT B regional theatre. Sponsors for Brian Stokes Mitchell: Simply Broadway included: Chris Kritikos, Bonnie Osher, Tamar and Milton Maltz, Dina Merrill and Ted Hartley, Muriel and Ralph Saltzman, Louise Austin, Mary Lee and Richard Bastin, Tina and Jeffrey Bolten, Paul and Sandra Goldner, Roberta and Harvey Golub, Sylvia and David Steiner, Peggy and Rick Katz, Kathi Kretzer Sayler and Kretzer Piano, Elinor and Stanley Rosenthal and Dee Topol. About The Theatre The not-for-profit Maltz Jupiter Theatre has become one of Florida’s pre-eminent professional theatres, committed to production and education through its collaborations with local and national artists. Currently the state’s largest awardwinning regional theatre, the theatre draws over 70,000 people annually, serves a subscription base of more than 7,611 and has world-class classroom facilities in support of its Paul & Sandra Goldner Conservatory of Performing Arts, which serves hundreds of youth and adults. The theatre is a member of the prestigious League of Resident Theatres and has earned numerous Carbonell Awards, South Florida’s highest honor for artistic excellence, including the prestigious Bill Von Maurer Award for Theatrical Excellence in 2012. For more information about the theatre’s upcoming shows and conservatory, visit or call the box office at (561) 575-2223. Photos by Alicia Donelan Page 16, The Talk Of Tequesta Happenings Eighth Annual Jupiter Craft Brewers Festival Report and Photos by Penny Sheltz Roger Dean Stadium invited the public to experience the delight and ever-growing world of craft brewing! Guests tasted and savored brews from some of South Florida’s as well as the nation’s finest breweries! With paid admission guests enjoyed unlimited samples of the brews, all this while listening to some of the best local entertainment The Palm Beach Pipes and Drums Happenings on page 17 Women’s Palm Beach Lunch Bunch Jupiter’s Largest Women’s Networking Group March 20th IT’S ALL ABOUT HAIR .... OR NOT! Pretzels go good with beer Patricia Kelleher of Innovative Hair Solutions! Quick fixes for hair loss, hair additions and extensions. Come see all the latest options for HAIR!! Friends meeting friends ... making business happen The monthly meeting of the Palm Beach Lunch Bunch will be at Abacoa Golf Club on March 20th at 11:30 a.m. To reserve your seat for lunch, log on to For questions about having a vendor table, call LuAnn at (561) 741-7770. Patrick, Nate and Alexis from Rooney’s Jaime Meholic and Tina Andrewlevich welcome VIPs and guests The Talk Of Tequesta, Page 17 Happenings from page 16 Matt, Nello, Bobby, John and Matt from Shipyard Runners from “Race for the Cure” stopped by. around! This year’s festivities have been taken to a new level. For the second year, we will be having Craftoberfest – where craft beer meets Octoberfest! In the past seven years the festival has come a long way. Thanks to the community for all their support and great energy throughout. Tickets were limited to 1,500 online and 1,500 at the door and only ticketed patrons were permitted to enter. Tickets were $35 at the door. Don’t Forget to Set Your Clocks ahead One Hour Sunday, March 9 Joe, Jamie, Jessica and Nick Page 18, The Talk Of Tequesta Theatre Happenings Here’s A Look At The Maltz Jupiter Theatre Shows Featured In The Theatre’s 2014/15 Season Lineup The Foreigner Oct. 26 – Nov. 9 In this uproariously funny adventure set at a rural Georgia fishing lodge, a pathologically shy man adopts a persona as a non-English-speaking foreigner in an attempt to avoid conversation. Before long, hilarity ensues as an outrageous group of characters reveals all and he finds himself privy to their secrets and scandals. This comedy has become an American classic filled with twists and turns and heart-warming revelations. Fiddler On The Roof Dec. 2 – 21 Welcome to the village of Anatevka, where tradition is everything and change is sweeping the land in Tsarist, Russia, in 1905. This Tony Award®-winning classic musical follows dairyman Tevye as he fights to maintain his family and heritage. Featuring timeless dancing and songs such as Sunrise Sunset; Matchmaker, Matchmaker; and If I Were a Rich Man, this beloved musical will capture your heart for the holiday season. Sponsored by Priscilla Heublein, Joe and Kathy Savarese and Homecare America. The Wiz Jan. 13 – Feb. 1 Ease on down the road with the spirited rock gospel and soul musical based on the beloved classic The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. Dorothy and her lovable friends embark on an adventure to Oz looking for her way home, but discover so much more in this imaginative production. This Tony Award®-winning family friendly musical features the hits Home and A Brand New Day. If you like The Wizard of Oz and Wicked, you’ll love this family hit of the new year! Sponsored by the John McDonald Company. Glengarry Glen Ross Feb 8 – 22 In David Mamet’s cutthroat world of real estate, all that matters is the sale. In the middle of a high stakes sales competition, a group of tough-talking Chicago agents will do anything to close a deal and stay in the game – blackmail, bribery, intimidation and even burglary. This high-octane Pulitzer Prize-winning masterpiece will keep you in suspense as the businessmen fight to stay on top. But at the end of the day, will it all be worth it? Sponsored by California Closets. Contains extreme profanity throughout. Les Misérables March 10 – April 5 Discover a nation in the grip of the French revolution, where escaped convict Jean Valjean spends decades on the run from relentless policeman Javert. Survival of the human spirit prevails in this epic tale of compassion and destruction. This Tony Award®-winning musical features unforgettable songs, including I Dreamed a Dream, One Day More and On My Own. Undisputedly one of greatest musicals of all time, this inspiring production is not to be missed. Sponsored by Roe Green and The Roe Green Foundation. Awards®. Backed with an 11-piece orchestra, Chita Rivera will leave us spellbound as we journey back through her illustrious career featuring hits from West Side Story, Bye Bye Birdie, Sweet Charity, Chicago, The Rink, Kiss of the Spider Woman and Nine. Sponsored by Kretzer Piano, sponsorships are available for pre-show dinner and postshow meet-and-greet dessert reception Showtime is 8 p.m. Tickets begin at $75. Kids Korner Series Presents The Lightning Thief Monday, Nov. 17 Percy Jackson is about to be kicked out of boarding school ... again. And that’s the least of his troubles. Lately, mythological monsters and the gods of Mount Olympus seem to be walking straight out of the pages of Percy’s Greek mythology textbook and into his life. And worse, he’s angered a few of them. Zeus’s master lightning bolt has been stolen and Percy is the prime suspect. Showtimes are 10 and 11:45 a.m. For more information on how to involve your school group, contact the conservatory at (561) 5752223 or visit White Acres: Unplugged in The Green Room Friday, Nov. 21 Performing hits from their latest album “She Dreams,” this duo blends country, folk and rock music in an intimate concert. Their rich harmonies and engaging lyrics sound like Miranda Lambert, The Dixie Chicks, Wilson Phillips and will captivate our audiences in the Theatre’s newlyrenovated space, The Green Room. Showtime is 8 p.m. Tickets are $30. Spyro Gyra Monday, Dec. 8 This American jazz fusion band’s smooth jazz sound is internationally known. With the jazz elements of R&B, funk and pop music, you will hear all the hits including Shaker Song and Morning Dance. Showtime is 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $50 and $60 for special VIP seats and meet-and-greet. Tony Kenny’s Christmastime in Ireland Monday, Dec. 15 Tony Kenny is a stage and television icon from Ireland. This show is a combination of comedy, traditional Irish music and dance. From Celtic classics to favorite holiday songs, this show will get you in the spirit of Christmas. Showtime is 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $45 and $55. Sponsored by Kretzer Piano. Palm Beach Gardens Concert Band Holiday Concert Monday, Dec. 22 Here is your chance to hear popular and traditional Christmas and Hanukkah songs played by the full band, plus surprise performances by vocal and instrumental soloists, in a joyous celebration of the holiday season. Showtime is 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $15 and $25. Capitol Steps – New Year’s Eve Tuesday, Dec. 31 Come along for the ride as they take a humorous look at some serious issues in an all-new show to ring in the new year. Showtimes are at 5 and 8 p.m. Tickets are $50, $60 and $85 for special VIP seats with champagne toast and meet and greet. Atlantic City Boys Friday, Jan. 2 Enjoy a trip back to the 60s when the falsetto and smooth harmonies were popular and rock-n-roll was at the top of the charts. Featuring the music of Franki Valli and the Four Seasons, Bee Gees, Beach Boys and more! Showtime is 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $45 and $55. Theatre Happenings on page 19 All-New Limited Engagements And More Youth Artists’ Chair Presents The Crucible Saturday, Aug. 16 Dark magic, jealousy and superstition take hold in Salem, Mass. As witchcraft hysteria reaches a fever pitch, choices have to be made: conform to survive or uphold your beliefs whatever the consequence. Presented by local high school students as part of the Theatre’s Youth Artists’ Chair program. Showtime is 7:30 p.m. Tickets: adults $20, students $15. Emerging Artist Series Presents Through The Looking Glass Friday, Oct. 17 A contemporary retelling of the children’s classic Alice in Wonderland, Through the Looking Glass comes to life with eye-popping sets, costumes, magic and puppetry. In a colorful land where animals talk and characters amuse, 12-year-old Alice learns to “look in the mirror” and see the truly special person she is. Don’t miss the final performance of this hit musical. Showtime is 7:30 p.m. Tickets: adults $25, students $15. Chita: A Legendary Celebration – A Benefit Concert For The Theatre Saturday, Nov. 15 This one-night-only benefit evening is the must-see concert of the year starring Broadway’s icon and most beloved singer, dancer, actor and winner of two Tony Looking For A Way To Reshape Your Life? Men and Women of All Ages Come Try - Your First Visit Is FREE! SPECIALS $200 for 20 Sessions Call Phil Now For Details 561-541-5074 Remember, You’re Not Fit, Unless You’re Phil Fit The Talk Of Tequesta, Page 19 Theatre Happenings from page 18 Steve Lippia Centennial Sinatra: A Tribute Saturday, Jan. 3 This dynamic evening explores the songbook of Frank Sinatra backed by a 10-piece orchestra and features all the hits such as: Summer Wind, Come Rain or Come Shine, I’ve Got You Under My Skin, I’ve Got the World on a String, Night and Day, and You’re Nobody ‘Til Somebody Loves You and more! Showtime is 8 p.m. Tickets are $45 and $55. Sponsored by Kretzer Piano. Abbamania Monday, Feb. 23 This group is known for the music and style of the Swedish hit group Abba. Featuring the hits Mamma Mia, VoluezVous, Dancing Queen and Winner Takes It All, you will be dancing in the aisles! Showtime is 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $45 and $55. Forever Motown Friday, Feb. 27 Celebrating the greatest Motown groups of the ‘60s and ‘70s from The Temptations, The Four Tops, The Supremes and Marvin Gaye, this show will take you down memory lane. Showtime is 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $45 and $55. Broadway’s Big Band Monday, March 23 For one night only, celebrate the best of the Great White Way with a big band sound, and hear Broadway classics such as Funny Valentine, Summertime, Night and Day, Strike Up the Band, Nice Work If You Can Get it and many more! Showtime is 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $45 and $55. Sponsored by Kretzer Piano. Kids’ Korner Series Presents Curious George Monday, May 4 Join the inquisitive, lovable little monkey Curious George (star of books, movies and the award-winning PBS television show) in this delightful new musical! All-YouCan-Eat Meatball Day came just once a year. George had been waiting all month for that day, a day almost bigger than his birthday! On Meatball Day, George helped his friend Chef Pisghetti cook some delicious meatballs and serve them to the hungry crowd. But this year, the crowd had vanished! Something was keeping people away. Showtimes are 10 and 11:45 a.m. For more information on how to involve your school group, contact the Conservatory at (561) 575-2223 or visit Season subscriptions are currently on sale. Renewing subscribers have until March 10 to renew their subscription to be entered into The Best of Everything Sweepstakes, which includes the chance to win tickets to all of the theatre’s upcoming shows, as well as the chance to attend cast dinners, parties, Circle of Friends events, the theatre’s annual gala and more. Also included are numerous behind-the-scenes opportunities, such as the chance to watch auditions, receive a private personal backstage tour, introduce a show onstage and more. Single play and musical tickets go on sale Aug. 25 at 10 a.m. Single tickets for special productions, special engagements and limited engagements go on sale May 5 at 10 a.m. About The Maltz Jupiter Theatre The not-for-profit Maltz Jupiter Theatre has become one of Florida’s pre-eminent professional theatres, committed to production and education through its collaborations with local and national artists. Currently the state’s largest award-winning regional theatre, the theatre draws nearly 100,000 people annually, serves a subscription base of more than 7,611 and has world-class classroom facilities in support of its Paul and Sandra Goldner Conservatory of Performing Arts, which serves hundreds of youth and adults. The theatre is a member of the prestigious League of Resident Theatres and has earned numerous Carbonell Awards, South Florida’s highest honor for artistic excellence, including the prestigious Bill Von Maurer Award for Theatrical Excellence in 2012. For more information about the theatre’s upcoming shows and conservatory, visit or call the box office at (561) 5752223. 747-PALM 747-7256 Custom Outdoor Kitchens, Grills & More • Grills • Tiki Torches • Pool Heaters • Firepits • Icemakers • Firelogs • Refrigerators • Fireplaces • Grill Accessories Grills starting at $399 • Lynx • Viking • Capital • Twin Eagle • Alfresco • Broilmaster • DCS • Broil King • Coyote Your Outdoor Living Headquarters 400 N. Old Dixie Hwy, Jupiter, FL 561.746.4534 Mon-Fri 8:00-5:00, Sat 9:00-12:00 or by appt. The Mariposa Fireplace Buy any grill over $500 & receive FREE PROPANE FOR A YEAR* Limit 5 fills for one calendar year from date of purchase. 20 lb. filled at Jupiter, FL location only. *Does not apply to sale grills. Not valid with any other offers. Expires 3/31/14. All About Kids Career Or College Major Help For Teens By Jim Forgan, Ph.D. Licensed School Psychologist Many high school and early college students don’t know what they want to do with their lives and wander without direction. Are you concerned about your teenager’s future and wonder what type of career, occupation, or college major is the best match for his or her personality? Is your teen floundering or uncertain about which career suits his or her personality? Give your teen direction and a focus by having them taking a career inventory and personality inventory with me or my staff. This informative process can help match his or her interest to a suitable career or college major. We offer a career-occupation inventory for teenagers ages 13-21 (eighth grade through college). This process is $399, takes two hours and includes: 1. an interview 2. a career inventory-assessment 3. a personality inventory 4. a written report of results 5. next steps to take The process begins with a parent and teen interview to gather information. Next the teen works with a staff member to complete the inventories. The process wraps up with a debriefing with the parent and teen to give understanding and help everyone get on the same page. The teen and parent get a written report and a list of next steps. Best of all, the teen has a direction, knowledge, and a better understanding of him or herself. Dr. Forgan is a licensed school psychologist and offers gifted testing, dyslexia, ADHD, processing testing, and career inventories. He has free resources on his Web site: or call him at (561) 625-4125. Calling All Campers! Have a sport, music, spiritual, educational, art or gym camp? Send us your camp info to be direct mailed to all our gated communities. Camp section will run in most all of our 20 newspapers. Call for information and placement 561-741-7770 Page 20, The Talk Of Tequesta Community News Great Gatsby Gala Celebrates The Community Foundation’s Impact More than 150 guests dressed in feathers, fringe and fedoras enjoyed an evening of glitz, glamour and grand entertainment at The Great Gatsby Gala on Jan. 23 at The Flagler Museum. All proceeds from the Roaring 20s-inspired dinner dance benefits the Community Foundation for Palm Beach and Martin counties’ leadership work in the community and its mission to connect philanthropists to important issues and causes. The Great Gatsby Gala featured cocktails in the Grand Hall followed by dinner and dancing to the 12-piece Bob Hardwick Sound in the West Room. Christina and Benjamin MacFarland III and Angela and Douglas Stockham were the event’s honorary chairs; and Debra and Anson Beard Jr.; Carol and Peter Matwiczyk; Tara Kelleher; and Roy Zuckerberg served as this year’s chairs. Board chair Debbie Pucillo welcomed guests and thanked the chairs and sponsors for their support. She also introduced the Community Foundation’s new President and CEO Brad Hurlburt who spoke about the organization’s mission. Co-chair Anson Beard Jr. also Brad and Karen Hurlburt Paulette and Ronald Koch Sally and Paul Gingras addressed the crowd and spoke about the success of the Community Foundation over the last year, including the significant growth of its endowment and the strength of the board. He also underscored the importance of philanthropy in this community. “We invite you to imagine the impact you can have on the local community with your philanthropy – right now and forever,” said Beard. “The Community Foundation helps you bridge your philanthropic interests with the needs of Palm Beach and Martin counties. Together, possibilities become realities and your impact can been seen in children that succeed, families that thrive, communities that become stronger and lives that change.” Guests at the event included: Lore Dodge, David Ober, Ann and Charles Johnson, Nadine Allen and Sanjiv Community News on page 21 The Talk Of Tequesta, Page 21 Community News from page 20 Martin counties is one of Florida’s largest community foundations. The nonprofit organization has invested more than $100 million in grants and scholarships over its 40 year history. At its core, the Community Foundation is an organization created with gifts from generous people committed to local causes. For donors, the foundation serves as a philanthropic advisor. For the community, the foundation serves as a grant maker and a civic leader. Through the support of its donors and fundholders, the foundation has been able to address some of the community’s most pressing needs, including hunger, housing and education. For more information, visit Sharma, Ornella Morrow, Lesley and Rick Stone, Sally and Paul Gringas, Kim and Ray Celedinas, Stacy and Andrew Kushner, Laura and Eric Silagy, Irene Karp, Carrie and J.B. Murray, Estelle and Steve Templeton, Lisa and Larry Miller, Kathleen Emmett, Paulette Koch, Judge Kathleen Kroll, George Elmore and Ann and John Surovek. Photos by Lucien Capehart Photography CrossTalk Debbie and Michael Pucillo Florida Power & Light; Prime Buchholz; Squire Sanders; Templeton & Company; Winston Partners; Robert and Gayle Greenhill; Paulette and Ronald Koch; Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin MacFarland, III; Mr. David G. Ober; Appomattox; and Cummings & Lockwood. Last year, the Community Foundation issued 514 grants totaling $6.4 million to nonprofit organizations serving the community. For more information, visit www. About The Community Foundation The Community Foundation for Palm Beach and Estelle and Steve Templeton Gala sponsors included: Mr. and Mrs. Anson M. Beard Jr.; Roy Zuckerberg and Ms. Tara Kelleher; Charles and Ann Johnson F o u n d a t i o n ; M r. a n d Mrs. J. Ira Harris; Mr. and Mrs. William M. Matthews; Mr. and Mrs. Peter Matwiczyk; Mr. and Mrs. Douglas A. Stockham; Peter and Kay Bernon; Mr. and Mrs. John B. Dodge; Dr. and Mrs. Paul Gingras; Jim and Irene Karp; Phyllis a n d Wi l l i a m M a c k ; Ornella and Robert Morrow; Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Pucillo; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stone; Mike and Wendy Victor; Gala Co-chairs Anson and Debra Beard; Peter and Carol Matwiczyk; Tara Kelleher and Roy Celedinas Insurance; Zuckerberg We Now Accept AETNA • CIGNA BCBS • UHC TRI-CARE Now Accepting Neighborhood Health M-F 9am to 7pm S-S 9am to 5pm “Live Like a Native” Helping our “Locals” and those “Slightly Native” since 1996. 561.744.9995 1335 WEST INDIANTOWN ROAD JUPITER 1/4 Mile East of Home Depot Rat In A Hot Tin Dryer By Jodi Cross I consider myself to be a modern day independent woman. I never really bought into role and gender stereotypes. People might describe me as outgoing, self-sufficient even a problem solver. So, when my husband started a project in Miami I knew it would be a transition but felt like I could handle anything that came my way. On a cold day in January, the second day Rich was gone; my steely independence would be tested. While running a load of clothes, I heard a strange scratching noise coming from the dryer. It sounded like a zipper banging on the inside. I went about my business and never thought much more about it. The next day a foul odor started permeating the air in the laundry room. That’s when I knew I had a problem. The smell of death surrounded me and that death was in the form of a brown Rattus Norveqicus. The rodent, I later found out, had journeyed down my roof vent and tumbled all the way to the bottom where the hose meets the dryer connection in my laundry room. My husband is an accomplished, plumber, electrician, AC technician and all-around handyman. Thus, I never had the need to call anyone for help with such problems. Clearly, I needed help and knew I was out of my league. I got ahold of my neighbor, who referred me to his exterminating company and I waited for them to come to my rescue. When the exterminating company arrived, they searched the place and declared it rodent-free but wouldn’t touch the dryer. “Out of scope, we don’t do dryers,” they declared, as they zoomed off! Imagine my horror. There was something in my laundry room and I needed to get it out! After the exterminator left, I think I had a small breakdown and texted my husband to call me when he got a chance, saying it was nothing urgent. But it was getting more urgent by the minute. I ran across an old homeowners’ list of service contractors and started calling. About 10 calls later, I finally got ahold of a dryer cleaning company. I shared my plight, pleaded and he agreed to come out and take a look, but said it would cost me. At this point I would have paid a great deal to remove whatever was causing the smell. I quarantined the area but before I did, a large hideous green fly emerged and started buzzing about. Disgusting! My knight in shining armor arrived in a white van around 3 p.m. Together we tipped the dryer over, me tipping it from the front while he could peer into the vent. When he finally got behind it, he screamed, “There it is, I see it and it’s huge.” Now we were both screaming! What a scene, he left me holding the dryer tipped back toward me while he went to his work van to retrieve a gas mask. Where was my gas mask? Gagging he retrieved the vermin from the hose vent and carried it outside. Traumatized, I began running about cleaning, lighting candles, spraying Lysol, mopping the floor. I threw the mop out. I cleaned with Clorox again, and then threw another mop out. Our new dryer had become tainted forever in my mind. I didn’t know if I could ever go back in that room again. My new best friend from Green Home’s and I had a few laughs after it was all over. Having a sense of humor about such things always helps my disposition. Never in a million years did I think my first test would be a rat plague. When it comes to removing vermin, I concur … it’s a man’s world and they can have it! Page 22, The Talk Of Tequesta Astrology Astrological Insights March By Carole Lynn Grant This month can bring you powerful support in fulfilling long-term goals and plans. Try to get all paperwork and obligations caught up this month, because one of the most powerful eclipses in history will happen next month and it can be felt by all signs. Eclipses bring parts of your life to an end, where you need to make a change while at the same time opening new doors. You’ll definitely have to step out of your comfort zone and try to make logical decisions, rather than being ruled by emotions. Aries (March 31 to April 20) The past is calling you; you can see former friends and loves or may be able to finish a project that failed in the past. This is your time to be industrious and to heal family situations when you can. Say yes to last minute invitations. Aquarius (January 21 to February 19) Invest in yourself; money that has been owed to you for a long time can be paid now. You may want to make a move, but it’s better to stay put for a while longer. Venus in your sign can surround you with love. Take time to enjoy the moment. Pisces (February 20 to March 20) Decide and declare what you want to accomplish; this is your victory year. You may be preoccupied with a difficult situation, but also open your eyes to the gifts in front of you. You can effectively change bad habits. Begin a new health routine. Check out my Web site at for monthly updates. For private appointments I can be reached carolelynngrant@bellsouth. net. We are not the same. Don’t treat us the same. Taurus (April 21 to May 21) Unusual networking; stretch yourself to meet new people in the area of your life where you want to position yourself. Pay attention to your health, mental and emotional, if you can take a vacation or make a career change. Gemini (May 22 to June 21) Power drive; you should apply your energy to position yourself in your career or your status in the community; there are people who will pay good money for your many skills. Love can arrive when you least expect it. Handle resources efficiently. Cancer (June 22 to July 23) Possible travel; you may receive an unexpected invitation to visit a friend or family member; by all means go, you will have a great time. You can study something new effectively. Watch power plays at work, new resources are available to you. Leo (July 24 to August 23) Be careful with your finances; there can be sudden unexpected expenses. It’s a great time to change your living situation. There can be an amazing break through with a significant other; compromise to win. Pick up a long forgotten hobby. Virgo (August 24 to September 23) Partners or close friends will need your attention; this will prove to be rewarding. Take extra time with all legal issues. You can find a secondary career or finally decide to write your book. A hobby can turn out to be a paying situation. Enjoy! Libra ( September 24 to October 23) A new career is calling you; do what makes your heart happy. Mars will be in your Sign for months, giving you extra energy to accomplish difficult tasks. Try to establish a home away from home, spend time with loved ones. Listen to partners. Scorpio (October 24 to November 22) Your magnetic appeal is blossoming; if you are single, by all means get out of the house and play. Issues from the past demand your attention; you can come out on top of a difficult situation. Take time to communicate clearly in business matters. Hanley Center’s age and gender specific addiction treatment utilizes the most advanced research in the disease of addiction. Hanley Center, The Center of Excellence for over 25 years. To learn more, call now. Speak in total confidence to a Hanley Center Patient Liaison. Sagittarius (November 23 to December 21) Time to organize your home; clear out your files and cabinets. You are in the process of laying a new foundation for your life. There may be some difficulty with partners or family members and everyone thinks they are right. Get a new car. Capricorn (December 22 to January 20) Be very detail oriented; all areas of communication are wide open. Network prolifically. Tell your friends how much you appreciate them. There can be some conflict between home and career. Unexpected money arrives at the right time. Older Adult | Baby Boomer | Women | Men | Families | Outpatient West Palm Beach | Vero Beach | 877.369.0104 | The Talk Of Tequesta, Page 23 NOW oPEN OVER $50 MILLION SOLD! Endless Possibilities Waterfront luxury. Spectacular views. Rare opportunity. From its enviable North Palm Beach waterfront location, Water Club offers a breathtaking new outlook on life. Two grand towers. Dedicated boat slips. One incomparable private resort lifestyle. At the water’s edge. In the center of it all. It’s a new day in the Palm Beaches, and Water Club is the exhilarating new way to live it. New Waterfront Condominium Residences Pre-Construction Pricing from the $700s N O RT H PA LM B EAC H ON-SITE SALES GALLERY NOW OPEN SALES GALLERY HOURS: Monday – Saturday: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Sunday: Noon – 5 p.m. Register online at (561) 799-2837 Kolter Tower Realty, LLC From I-95, take PGA Boulevard east, turn right (south) onto U.S. Highway 1 and go approximately 0.5 mile to Water Club North Palm Beach Sales Gallery. Broker Participation Welcomed and Encouraged. ORAL REPRESENTATIONS CANNOT BE RELIED UPON AS CORRECTLY STATING REPRESENTATIONS OF THE SELLER. FOR CORRECT REPRESENTATIONS, MAKE REFERENCE TO THIS BROCHURE AND TO THE DOCUMENTS REQUIRED BY SECTION 718.503, FLORIDA STATUTES, TO BE FURNISHED BY A SELLER TO A BUYER OR LESSEE. This project has been filed in the state of Florida and no other state. This is not an offer to sell or solicitation of offers to buy the condominium units in states where such offer or solicitation cannot be made. Prices and availability are subject to change at any time without notice. Page 24, The Talk Of Tequesta RIVERBEND RIVERBEND PGA NATIONAL PRESERVE TEQUESTA - RX-9993958 – 2BR/2.5BA – 1,230 sq. ft. Fabulous first floor townhouse features designer kitchen, wood floors, crown molding, tiled screened porch and newer A/C. Riverbend Country Club offers Fazio designed golf course. Also, located on the beautiful Loxahatchee River. NO MEMBERSHIP REQUIRED! EQUITY OWNERSHIP INCLUDED IN PURCHASE. $95,500 TEQUESTA - RX-9993927 – 3BR/2.5BA – 1,625 sq. ft. 1st floor end unit 3BR/2.5BA townhouse with stunning long golf views. Immaculately maintained with newer A/C and appliances. Riverbend Country Club offers Fazio designed golf course. Also, located on the beautiful Loxahatchee River. NO MEMBERSHIP REQUIRED! EQUITY OWNERSHIP INCLUDED IN PURCHASE. $132,900 PALM BEACH GARDENS - RX- HOBE SOUND - RX- 9991964 – 3BR/2BA – Marc Schafler 561-531-2004 Anita McKernan 561-349-8929 JUPITER FARMS PGA NATIONAL GOODWOOD ACRES JUPITER FARMS JUPITER - RX- 9987660 – 4BR/3BA – 2,474 sq. ft. Beautifully landscaped 4BR/3BA home with so many unique qualities. Remodeled pool and separate hot tub. Kitchen has all been remodeled with stainless steel appliances. Outside has all new hardy board with 2 door garage and a fantastic workshop that has power and A/C. $335,000 PALM BEACH GARDENS - RX- 9977323 – 4BR/3BA – 2,585 sq. ft. Spectacular expansive one-level ranch home with 4BR/3BA in desirable “Eagleton Section” of PGA National in “Eagleton Estates” on one of the largest private lots that is 1/3 of an acre. This house has extensive & expensive upgrades inside & out. Outside features a huge screened in pool & massive patio with large covered section with lighting & fans. Inside you have an upgraded large kitchen with center island, granite counter-tops, upgraded stainless appliances, new lighting & wine fridge. $499,900 JUPITER - RX-9973177 – 5BR/4BA – 4,357 sq. ft. Situated on 1.19 acres, backing to historic Riverbend Park and small canal with dock. Has screen roofed porch with full summer kitchen, wood burning fireplace, saltwater pool/spa, & shed. 20 ft. ceilings, tile floors first level, wood floors upper level, wet bar with 200 gal. saltwater aquarium & much more!! $795,000 JUPITER - RX- 10013835 – 3BR/2.5BA – 2,577 sq. ft. Magnificient two-story country estate home. This home sits on 1+ acres with a very oversized 2 car garage & a detached workshop/studio. Kitchen has beautiful windows overlooking the pool area & country setting. Has screened in porch right out your sliding glass doors. Beautiful birched floors & a wood burning fireplace. To top this home off it has a country porch that extends across the front of the house. $359,900 PGA NATIONAL NORTH FORK JONATHAN’S LANDING ISLAND COUNTRY ESTATES PALM BEACH GARDENS - RX- JUPITER - RX-10002110 – 4BR/4.5BA – 3,515 sq. ft. Gorgeous, meticulously maintained 4BR/4.5BA home in a exclusive gated community. Accordion & electric shutters for ease of storm protection. Bamboo hardwoods, elegant formal living room w/gas fireplace, stunning dining room, spacious family room w/custom built-in. Beautiful oversized gourmet kitchen. Huge downstairs master suite offers sitting area, 2 large walk-in closets w/Euro built-ins, wonderful master bath complete with Jacuzzi tub, separate shower & bidet. 3 Spacious guest suites are located upstairs, each feature a large walk-in complete w/euro built-ins, one has a private bath, while other 2 share a double Jack & Jill bath. Fabulous pool and patio area with cabana & summer kitchen. $649,000 JUPITER - RX- 10011874 – 3BR/2.5BA – 2,418 sq. ft. Beautifully JUPITER - RX-10005095 – 5BR/4BA – Dixie Scott 561-346-2849 Terry Lastella 561-762-5535 Helen Golisch 561-371-7433 Ellen Lillian 561-809-3233 Helen Golisch 561-371-7433 Marc Schafler 561-531-2004 10005330 – 3BR/3BA – 2,192 sq. ft. Spectacular 3BR/3BA single story home with a beautiful lake view. Completely remodeled kitchen, wood cabinets & granite counters. Florida room & screened patio. Heated community pool. Great open floor plan. FULL GOLF MEMBERSHIP AVAILABLE BUT NOT MANDATORY! $439,000 Debbie Arcaro 561-371-2968 Dixie Scott 561-346-2849 3,080 sq. ft. Stately 3BR/4.5BA + den CBS courtyard villa on one of the nicest streets in Admiral’s Cove. Exquisitely updated and in impeccable condition. Light and bright with enormous rooms that work well with any configuration and decor. Redone courtyard with heated salt water pool & waterfall, summer kitchen and gorgeous free-standing guest house. $995,000 Ellen Lehrer 561-719-6818 Susan Peppler 561-315-4763 redesigned & renovated Lakefront home in pristine condition. Impact Windows & Doors plus accordion shutters for ease of Storm Protection, New Roof, 2.5 Car Garage. Elegant Formals, spacious gourmet kitchen w/ granite. Sunny family room features spectacular lake views. Well designed Master Suite offers sitting area, huge walk-in outfitted by California Closets plus, a renovated master bath. Two large guest suites with private access to the double Jack & Jill bath. Located just across from the community pool & walking distance to the marina! $725,000 2,437 sq. ft. Sitting on approximately 1/3 acre which makes this one of the largest lots in The Preserve! Hurricane shutters. Enjoy a pretty preserve view in your large fenced backyard. This home has been tiled on the diagonal throughout, enjoys volume ceilings and has been opened fully from the living room to the family room. The front entrance is screened in allowing for beautiful cross breezes. $240,000 Ellen Lillian 561-809-3233 3,711 sq. ft. Beautiful 5BR/4BA + den Country style two-story home on 2 acres. Den and master located on ground floor. Four bedroom and 2 Jack and Jill baths are on the 2nd floor. Cabana Bath has access to the covered patio next to the pool. Also, is located in a private gated community. $775,000 PGA NATIONAL ADMIRAL’S COVE JUPITER - RX- 10004540 – 3BR/4.5BA – 9976292 – 2BR/3BA – 1,532 sq. ft. Lovely 2BR/3BA + Den end unit with huge fenced in patio and a nice walkway path to the pool. Large eat-in kitchen with lots of cabinet space. Great location with a nice lawn and lushly landscaped courtyard. Located in the heart of the world renowned PGA National Resort and Spa. $199,900 PALM BEACH GARDENS - RX10012899 – 3BR/3.2BA – 4,507 sq. ft. Best view in PGA National! Panoramic view of water, the 18th hole of the Champion & Palmer golf courses, and the PGA Resort. Watch Honda Classic from your backyard. Spacious light and bright two story home with quality upgrades throughout. Views from every room. Completely remodeled gourmet kitchen. Resort style patio and pool. Large balcony with a spectacular view. $2,100,000 Debbie Arcaro 561-371-2968 ADMIRAL’S COVE JUPITER - RX-10014840 – 2BR/2.5BA – 2,357 sq. ft. Beautiful 2BR/2.5BA + Den villa, a dock for a 40’ boat & a gorgeous water view, including a great view of the Intracoastal. Sit on the huge screened-in patio and watch the boats going in & out of the Admiral’s Cove Harbor all day long! Other amenities include a large custom wet bar, California-style built-in closets, Corian kitchen counters, 2 beautiful atrium gardens, plantation shutters, and a huge pantry. Steps to the clubhouse! $950,000 Ellen Lehrer 561-719-6818