Blue Coat vs. Riverbed - WAN Optimization test
Blue Coat vs. Riverbed - WAN Optimization test
WAN Optimisation Test Blue Coat vs. Riverbed A Broadband-Testing Report By Steve Broadhead, Founder & Director, BB-T WAN OptimisationTest Report First published March 2011 (V1.0) Published by Broadband-Testing A division of Connexio-Informatica 2007, Andorra Tel : +376 633010 E-mail : Internet : HTTP:// ©2011 Broadband-Testing All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, photocopied, stored on a retrieval system, or transmitted without the express written consent of the authors. Please note that access to or use of this Report is conditioned on the following: ii 1. The information in this Report is subject to change by Broadband-Testing without notice. 2. The information in this Report, at publication date, is believed by Broadband-Testing to be accurate and reliable, but is not guaranteed. All use of and reliance on this Report are at your sole risk. Broadband-Testing is not liable or responsible for any damages, losses or expenses arising from any error or omission in this Report. 3. NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED ARE GIVEN BY Broadband-Testing. ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT ARE DISCLAIMED AND EXCLUDED BY Broadband-Testing. IN NO EVENT SHALL Broadband-Testing BE LIABLE FOR ANY CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL OR INDIRECT DAMAGES, OR FOR ANY LOSS OF PROFIT, REVENUE, DATA, COMPUTER PROGRAMS, OR OTHER ASSETS, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY THEREOF. 4. This Report does not constitute an endorsement, recommendation or guarantee of any of the products (hardware or software) tested or the hardware and software used in testing the products. The testing does not guarantee that there are no errors or defects in the products, or that the products will meet your expectations, requirements, needs or specifications, or that they will operate without interruption. 5. This Report does not imply any endorsement, sponsorship, affiliation or verification by or with any companies mentioned in this report. 6. All trademarks, service marks, and trade names used in this Report are the trademarks, service marks, and trade names of their respective owners, and no endorsement of, sponsorship of, affiliation with, or involvement in, any of the testing, this Report or Broadband-Testing is implied, nor should it be inferred. © Broadband-Testing 1995-2011 WAN Optimisation Test Report TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................ 1 BROADBAND-TESTING ..................................................................................... 3 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ...................................................................................... 4 INTRODUCTION: OPTIMISING THE WAN – MORE IMPORTANT THAN EVER ...... 7 TEST OVERVIEW ............................................................................................... 8 Products In This Report ............................................................................ 8 How The Technology Is Applied ............................................................... 10 PUT TO THE TEST: WAN OPTIMISATION......................................................... 13 Our Test Bed ........................................................................................ 13 Test 1: Video ........................................................................................ 14 Test 2: WAFS/File Transfer Tests ............................................................. 22 Test 3: Email ........................................................................................ 25 Test 4: FTP .......................................................................................... 26 Test 5: Web-based Applications - SharePoint............................................. 27 Test 6: Microsoft Cloud-based SharePoint ................................................. 30 Test 7: Web Application Test – .......................................... 35 SUMMARY & CONCLUSIONS ........................................................................... 37 Figure 1 – Overall Results Summary .....................................................................................................................................6 Figure 2 – Blue Coat MACH5 SG600 .....................................................................................................................................8 Figure 3 – Riverbed Steelhead 1050 .....................................................................................................................................9 Figure 4 - Our Test Bed .................................................................................................................................................... 13 Figure 5 – Baseline Video Test: 10 Streams ......................................................................................................................... 14 Figure 6 – Device Video Test: 10 Streams ........................................................................................................................... 14 Figure 7 – Baseline Video Test: 20 Streams ......................................................................................................................... 15 Figure 8 – Device Video Test: 20 Streams ........................................................................................................................... 16 Figure 9 – Baseline Video Test: 30 Streams ......................................................................................................................... 16 Figure 10 – Device Video Test: 30 Streams ......................................................................................................................... 17 Figure 11 – Baseline Video Test: 30 Streams ....................................................................................................................... 17 Figure 12 – Device Video Test: 50 Streams ......................................................................................................................... 18 Figure 13 – Riverbed Video Test: 50 Streams – Errors .......................................................................................................... 18 Figure 14 – Baseline Video Test: 100 Streams ..................................................................................................................... 19 Figure 15 – Blue Coat Video Test: 100 Streams ................................................................................................................... 19 Figure 16 – Blue Coat Video Test: 100 Streams – Bandwidth Reduction Achieved..................................................................... 20 Figure 17 – Blue Coat Video Test: 500 Streams – Bandwidth Reduction Achieved..................................................................... 20 © Broadband-Testing 1995-2011 1 WAN OptimisationTest Report Figure 18 – Cisco WAFS Benchmark ................................................................................................................................... 22 Figure 19 – Cisco WAFS Benchmark: Cold Runs – File Open .................................................................................................. 23 Figure 20 – Cisco WAFS Benchmark: Cold Runs – File Save .................................................................................................. 23 Figure 21 – Cisco WAFS Benchmark: Warm Runs – File Open ............................................................................................... 24 Figure 22 – Cisco WAFS Benchmark: Warm Runs – File Save ................................................................................................ 24 Figure 23 – Email Test: Bandwidth Usage ........................................................................................................................... 25 Figure 24 – FTP Test: Time Taken To Complete Transfer ...................................................................................................... 26 Figure 25 – SharePoint 2007: Cold Runs ............................................................................................................................ 27 Figure 26 – SharePoint 2007: Warm Runs .......................................................................................................................... 28 Figure 27 – SharePoint 2010: Cold Runs ............................................................................................................................ 29 Figure 28 – SharePoint 2010: Warm Runs .......................................................................................................................... 30 Figure 29 - Hub and Spoke topology .................................................................................................................................. 31 Figure 30 – BPOS: Hub-and-Spoke Cold Run ...................................................................................................................... 32 Figure 31 – BPOS: Hub-and-Spoke Warm Run .................................................................................................................... 32 Figure 32 - Branch Office to Cloud via Direct Internet Connection .......................................................................................... 33 Figure 33 – SharePoint Cloud Service, Branch Office to Cloud via Direct Internet Connection, Cold ............................................ 33 Figure 34 - SharePoint Cloud Service, Branch Directly Connected to Cloud via Internet, WARM Run........................................... 34 Figure 35 – Branch Directly Connected to Cloud via Internet: Cold Run .................................................................................. 35 Figure 36 – Directly Connected to Cloud via Internet: Warm Run .......................................................................................... 36 2 © Broadband-Testing 1995-2011 WAN Optimisation Test Report BROADBAND-TESTING Broadband-Testing is Europe’s foremost independent network testing facility and consultancy organisation for broadband and network infrastructure products. Based in Andorra, Broadband-Testing provides extensive test demo facilities. From this base, Broadband-Testing provides a range of specialist IT, networking and development services to vendors and end-user organisations throughout Europe, SEAP and the United States. Broadband-Testing is an associate of the following: Limbo Creatives (bespoke software development) Broadband-Testing Laboratories are available to vendors and end users for fully independent testing of networking, communications and security hardware and software. Broadband-Testing Laboratories operates an Approval scheme that enables products to be short-listed for purchase by end users, based on their successful approval. Output from the labs, including detailed research reports, articles and white papers on the latest network-related technologies, are made available free of charge on our web site at HTTP:// Broadband-Testing Consultancy Services offers a range of network consultancy services including network design, strategy planning, Internet connectivity and product development assistance. © Broadband-Testing 1995-2011 3 WAN OptimisationTest Report EXECUTIVE SUMMARY As the networking world becomes more distributed, so the need for LAN-type performance across the WAN becomes ever more important. The reality is that people are finally working in a more flexible fashion, geographically. But regardless of where they are based – head office, branch office or even working from home – they rightly expect to be able to use the same set of applications and services. With more types of applications travelling on the same WAN link, connecting more offices and more users – it’s inevitable that performance suffers due to latency, congestion and bandwidth limitations. Not only do traditional enterprise applications and services need optimising, but applications such as streaming video and cloud-delivered SaaS applications are becoming increasingly important in the enterprise and are competing for that same bandwidth. They need predictable, quality performance as well, video especially. To see if the existing WAN optimisation hardware is capable of delivering on these requirements, we tested comparable Blue Coat MACH5 SG600 and Riverbed Steelhead 1050 products. We created a test bed using real traffic across a simulated WAN link (using typical bandwidth and latency settings). Our application selection for testing was based on typical usage patterns and included video, CIFS/file transfer, FTP, email, web-based SharePoint collaboration, Microsoft Business Productivity Online Suite (BPOS) and We ran multiple tests simulating both cold and warm runs. Cold runs mean the data has never been seen by the optimisation device before; warm runs indicate that the device has seen that data previously, meaning that various cache mechanisms are warm and can deliver greater performance benefit. We found that, when testing with traditional applications such as Microsoft file shares over CIFS, FTP, and email, performance between both vendors was relatively even with some small advantages for each vendor in different situations. When it came to the fast growing applications like web-based apps, video and Cloud/SaaS, however, Blue Coat performed significantly better than Riverbed. For SharePoint, tested as an internally deployed web application (SharePoint operates over HTTP/SSL with an HTML browser interface to the user) the cold results were relatively even between the two vendors. On warm runs, however, Blue Coat performed significantly better – an average of 5x better than Riverbed across the board. Our email test showed relatively even performance for both parties: 96% bandwidth reduction for Riverbed and 97% for Blue Coat. 4 © Broadband-Testing 1995-2011 WAN Optimisation Test Report We also tested Microsoft’s cloud-based SharePoint service that is delivered over the Internet in two different ways: symmetric and asymmetric. First, with symmetric WAN optimisation (assumes data travels into Internet link, across data centre WAN optimisation device, then across the WAN to a branch) the cold run results were reasonably similar between both vendors; Blue Coat clearly beat Riverbed on warm runs. In the second test case, where cloud-based SharePoint was accessed directly from a branch office, via the Internet, Riverbed did not provide any optimisation. Blue Coat, however, showed extensive performance and bandwidth improvements – an average of 40x faster performance - with just the single appliance in a onearmed topology – a significant benefit. Looking at another cloud application, connecting over an HTTPS session, our testing highlighted the very significant limitation of the Riverbed product that Blue Coat is able to overcome. Of the two, only the Blue Coat technology was capable of actually accelerating from the cold runs, with everything being accessed instantly, while Riverbed showed no optimisation whatsoever. This can be explained by only Blue Coat being able to decrypt (then re-encrypt) the SSL traffic stream at the edge device and the fact that it can optimise in “one-armed mode”. Since it doesn’t require the head end device (data centre WAN optimisation controller) to be always in place to decrypt SSL traffic (i.e. to know the private keys at both ends of the connection) it can therefore intercept and optimise that traffic. However, the Riverbed solution is clearly unable to do this – something that is well documented already. In the fastest growing, and arguably biggest component of network traffic today – video – Blue Coat dominated. While Riverbed was able to raise the number of concurrent streams to 30 across our simulated WAN link before generating client errors, it still consumed the entire link at just 20 clients, with no room for other applications. Blue Coat was able to service 30 streams with no problems, using only 30% of the link for a period of time – plenty of bandwidth for other applications - then winding down to almost no bandwidth for the majority of the 6 minutes. This characteristic continued with 50, 100 and even 500 client streams. Even then, they consumed an average of only 5-10% of the link – 30% at the start up of the video then almost no bandwidth. What this means is that Blue Coat allowed for plenty of room on the link for other applications, where Riverbed could not, even then it was using minimal bandwidth. © Broadband-Testing 1995-2011 5 WAN OptimisationTest Report Applying a performance index to each element of our testing, based on the amount of test data in each case, we see that, in comparison with our 1.0 baseline, Riverbed clearly provides some optimisation benefits but Blue Coat is significantly out in front, thanks to its superior performance in a number of key test areas, as we’ve outlined above. Figure 1 – Overall Results Summary 6 © Broadband-Testing 1995-2011 WAN Optimisation Test Report INTRODUCTION: OPTIMISING THE WAN – MORE IMPORTANT THAN EVER As the networking world becomes more distributed, so the need for LAN-type performance across the WAN becomes ever more important. The reality is that people are finally working in a more flexible fashion, geographically. But regardless of where they are based – head office, branch office or even working from home – they rightly expect to be able to use the same set of applications and services wherever they are. Logical enough – but available bandwidth changes significantly from location to location, especially in an international context. And, regardless of bandwidth availability, unless the link is a well-managed, point-to-point connection, issues such as latency will always arise. Throwing bandwidth at a problem has never been the answer. According to a new report from TeleGeography, streaming media now accounts for 18% of worldwide Internet traffic, and, together with other video-heavy applications, comprises 52% of worldwide Internet traffic. However, Gartner’s VP of Research, Joe Skorupa, believes there is a problem here whereby companies want to use more live video internally and contend with video from the web, yet both can undermine seemingly well-designed networks. Here, technologies such as video caching can help — and they need to. External video on the WAN frequently consumes large amounts of the bandwidth at various times, frequently slowing or even stopping business-critical applications from functioning properly. Traditional WAN optimisation solutions that rely on generalpurpose acceleration technologies alone are believed to be not enough to remedy sluggish application performance on lower bandwidth links, especially as a result of the increasingly heavy video traffic. Meantime, web-based collaboration also continues to increase and brings with it another heavy drain on bandwidth resources. At the same time, the traditional applications haven’t gone away, even if they are changing in structure from traditional client-server to cloud-based/SaaS models. So, in an enterprise context, we are looking at supporting a huge number of widely varying application and service types from traditional enterprise applications such as database, file transfer, backup and email, though Internet generation services such as and desktop collaboration contribute to this significant increase in video usage. While many companies appear to still consider some form of WAN optimisation to be a luxury, we argue that it is now an absolute necessity. Fundamentally, why would anyone not want to optimise all their connections (unless you’re in the game of selling bandwidth)? We are moving beyond that “nice to have” moment into the “must have” era, thanks to the onslaught of video, Internet-based collaboration and other applications that demand low latency and sufficient performance levels. Here, “best effort” is not enough so traditional QoS is not enough either. The question is, just how flexible are WAN optimisation products at optimising very different types of applications and are all solutions made equal? Here we put these points to the test, focusing on comparing Blue Coat’s newly released MACH5 SG600 to Riverbed’s current 1050-L. © Broadband-Testing 1995-2011 7 WAN OptimisationTest Report Latency: The Performance Problem In 2011 While there is always talk of the era of unlimited bandwidth, this simply isn’t true. We regularly witness poor file service performance, suffer from excessive Internet backhaul, slow SSL-encrypted and cloud-based SaaS applications and an inability to use thick-client applications over the WAN. Throw in the aforementioned issue with video and we see that the traditional approach to problem solving – more bandwidth – is ineffective, since most networks are now bound by a more fundamental limitation: latency. In response, many IT organisations have begun to evaluate specialised solutions that can accelerate application delivery by overcoming latency and expanding throughput. However, many of these solutions address only part of the overall mix of challenges. A comprehensive solution should support all key enterprise business applications – regardless of whether they are webified, rich media or plain text, hosted internally or externally, or encrypted or unencrypted. Ideally, such a solution should make decisions based on the user, not just the application or source server. In addition, it is important to consider support for future WAN architectures – for example, a mix of MPLS with direct-to-Internet branch office connectivity. TEST OVERVIEW Products In This Report To compare WAN Optimisation performance, we tested comparable products from Blue Coat (the MACH5 SG600) and Riverbed (the Steelhead 1050). In each test case, both devices were optimally configured for the tests. Blue Coat MACH5 SG600 Figure 2 – Blue Coat MACH5 SG600 The MACH5 SG600 is just one in a complete family of appliances, virtual appliances and mobile software clients focused on WAN optimisation. Blue Coat supports a full range of optimisation for collaboration, file sharing, email, storage, backup and disaster recovery. In addition, Blue Coat has integrated specialised technologies to optimise web-based applications and video over HTTP/SSL, as well as video optimisation for RTMP (Adobe Flash), MMS and RTSP (Microsoft Windows Media Server). 8 © Broadband-Testing 1995-2011 WAN Optimisation Test Report The resulting product claims to not only reduce bandwidth by 50-99% for optimised applications; customer case studies demonstrate the ability to accelerate end-user performance for applications like SharePoint by 300x and to massively scale bandwidth for video delivery (a claim borne out in the tests as we shall see). It should be noted that the MACH5 can be software key upgraded to add integrated Secure Web Gateway functionality, including web categorising, content filtering, web usage reporting, malware protection, ICAP services and much more. That is an extra charge, but enables interesting possibilities for locations that want direct, safe Internet access. Riverbed Steelhead 1050 Figure 3 – Riverbed Steelhead 1050 The Steelhead 1050 is part of a range of physical and virtual appliances from Riverbed. Supported applications for acceleration include file sharing (CIFS and NFS), Exchange (MAPI), Lotus Notes, web (HTTP- and HTTPS-based applications), database (MS SQL and Oracle), and disaster recovery. Riverbed claims the Steelhead can cut bandwidth usage typically by 60-95% while offering real-time visibility into application and WAN performance. © Broadband-Testing 1995-2011 9 WAN OptimisationTest Report How The Technology Is Applied General WAN Optimisation Concepts When remote users access centralised applications, there are two main problems that WAN optimisation aims to solve – bandwidth and latency. Bandwidth becomes a problem because users and systems are pulling everything over a narrow WAN link – 1MB files, Excel spreadsheets, 4MB PowerPoint presentations, videos measured in gigabytes, and data backups measured often in terabytes. With hundreds of applications and recreational Internet access, bandwidth is heavily taxed. Latency is the amount of delay from point A to point B. When coupled with protocols that require hundreds or thousands of “chats” across the link, performance can suffer tremendously. Even with infinite bandwidth available, protocol chattiness needs to be overcome. Enter WAN optimisation. Data reduction techniques like caching (at the byte data stream level) and compression reduce bandwidth required. Protocol accelerations remove the impact of latency for TCP as well as numerous application protocols. Video Video seems to be an area where the vendors depart a bit. Riverbed doesn’t document any specialised optimisation techniques for video traffic. Its compression and caching techniques provide the optimisation, and, as we will see in the test results, provide limited value. Blue Coat uses “send once, serve many” stream-splitting technology that includes support for Real-Time Messaging Protocol (RTMP) on the Adobe Flash Platform and Microsoft Windows Media MMS- and RTSP-based streaming media, including Silverlight. This capability is designed to scale video and reduce the strain on the most constrained portion of enterprise networks — the Internet gateway or WAN link. In addition to optimisation and delivery of live video, MACH5 SG appliances can optimise, scale and minimise the impact of on-demand video from the web or internal sources over HTTP, SSL, RTMP, RTSP or MMS. On-demand video, including progressively downloaded video using a Flash platform such as YouTube, is stored or “cached” locally at the branch office after the first person requests it. Subsequent viewers can access the content locally without impacting the WAN. In addition, internal content can be distributed automatically, typically at night when network usage is low, to avoid straining the WAN during peak business activity. The MACH5 technology can also be used to minimise the impact of “video floods,” where employees watching live video events over the web (e.g. breaking news, major events) saturate WAN links and prevent business-critical applications from operating. Bandwidth usage is reduced via caching and stream splitting. FTP FTP transfers over large bandwidth networks can be massively accelerated with TCP optimisations and compression, while repeat file transfers can benefit from byte caching/sequence reduction. FTP traffic usually contains compressible and repetitive elements that respond extremely well to byte caching and compression technologies to significantly reduce overall data transferred. Both Riverbed and Blue Coat solutions also provide the optimisations, as well as the ability to employ bandwidth management/QoS for any class of FTP and other traffic to be appropriately prioritised in alignment with the needs of the user. 10 © Broadband-Testing 1995-2011 WAN Optimisation Test Report For example, FTP traffic can be given maximum priority at night when an offline replication must complete, but be given secondary priority in the daytime when user productivity is paramount. Email Email systems and applications, such as Microsoft Exchange 2007 and 2010, recognising the needs of the modern, distributed organisation have developed synchronization and optimisation improvements to enhance the end-user experience and minimise bandwidth requirements. While these new features help address some of the issues introduced by latency and bandwidth limitations, users in branch offices still suffer poor performance. WAN Optimization provides an end-to-end acceleration solution to improve performance and response times, reduce and prioritise bandwidth usage, and significantly reduce the time to complete email operations. The optimisations in Exchange 2007, as well as Exchange 2010, along with protocol improvements in MAPI, are not enough to give users in branch offices a smooth and problem-free experience. Even though Cached Exchange Mode allows remote users to remain productive by working offline, it does not address the WAN latency and bandwidth limitations that degrade performance for mail that must still be sent and received. Using byte caching and compression technologies, as well as protocol acceleration for MAPI, both the Blue Coat and Riverbed solutions are designed to help reduce redundant data and attachments, while it is claimed that batching and pre-population provides users with a “LAN-like” experience when downloading email. Additionally, both solutions provide the ability to employ bandwidth management/QoS, allowing for any class of traffic to be prioritised, ensuring that email services remain reliable. MS Office MS Office files are typically stored on a centrally located file server available to groups of users to facilitate collaboration. To open, save and manage documents between the user’s computer and the server, Microsoft uses the Common Internet File System protocol (CIFS) for Wide Area Files Services (WAFS). When Microsoft Office attempts to interact with files on a server across a WAN, the performance and user experience suffer considerably. CIFS, by design, makes hundreds or thousands of round-trips between the client and server and therefore is particularly sensitive to latency. Worse, Microsoft Office applications expect files will be accessible quickly and respond poorly to latency-induced delay. Blue Coat and Riverbed technology is designed to accelerate and optimise all MS Office applications, and more generally, any application that relies on the CIFS protocol by reducing latency while increasing WAN throughput. They do this using many specific techniques, such as read ahead, write back, and directory meta-caching. Each technique is designed to overcome the performance shortcomings of using the CIFS protocol over the WAN. In addition to protocol optimisation and byte-level caching, compression technologies, in combination with TCP enhancements and bandwidth management are designed to further © Broadband-Testing 1995-2011 11 WAN OptimisationTest Report improve and accelerate any CIFS application. Most MS Office files, whether it is Word, Excel, or PowerPoint contain compressible and repetitive elements that respond extremely well to byte caching/sequence reduction and compression technologies. MS Office SharePoint Office SharePoint Server provides good collaborative functionality, but WAN links and degraded performance have discouraged users from adopting the software and processes. To assist with uptake, both Riverbed and Blue Coat provides an end-to-end acceleration solution designed to regain performance, minimise bandwidth usage and significantly reduce the time to complete all SharePoint Server operations, whether it is for information or content management, collaboration and workflow, or the integration of customer and partner information during the proposal process. It seems that some of Blue Coat’s technologies for HTTP and SSL provide quite a bit of extra optimisation benefit, judging from how they outperformed Riverbed for warm reads of SharePoint. 12 © Broadband-Testing 1995-2011 WAN Optimisation Test Report PUT TO THE TEST: WAN OPTIMISATION Our Test Bed Figure 4 - Our Test Bed Our test bed simulated a classic office environment. Using virtual machines, we created a set of clients that attached directly to each of the WAN optimisation products we had under test. We used a WAN simulator to enforce bandwidth and latency typical for an Internet connection. At the other side of the WAN link were the second in the pair of each product under test. These attached directly to our set of applications used to test the devices with, each on a virtual machine. To provide some level of compatibility between different tests, we created a file set that we were able to use in many of our test scenarios. This was based on a real-world mix of Office and general file types including .doc, .xls, and .ppt in various file sizes, as follows: 1340k.doc 7108k.doc 1100k.xls 500k.ppt 3500k.ppt 268KB 1372KB 7108KB 1108KB 256KB 464KB 3568KB Our testing covered video, WAFS/CIFS, email, FTP, collaborative and web applications. © Broadband-Testing 1995-2011 13 WAN OptimisationTest Report Test 1: Video For the video testing, we used Microsoft’s Windows Media Load Simulator. Setting our WAN simulator to a T1 (1.544Mbps) bandwidth limit with 100ms latency to create a realworld scenario, we began by loading to a maximum of 10, then 20 concurrent clients, then 30, then 50 and finally 100, depending on the ability of the device under test to cope with that number of video streams. We monitored and measured bandwidth utilisation at each step. Tests were run over a 350 second period. Figure 5 – Baseline Video Test: 10 Streams Figure 6 – Device Video Test: 10 Streams 14 © Broadband-Testing 1995-2011 WAN Optimisation Test Report Our starting point was a “vanilla” baseline run across a non-optimised link with just 10 video clients. Checking bandwidth usage at this point we observed around the 1.544Mbps of constant inbound bandwidth utilisation as the ceiling of our link was hit with relatively minimal outbound utilisation. Testing each of our devices under the same test conditions we found very different behavioural characteristics from each of the WAN optimisation devices. The Riverbed device fluctuated constantly between around 25-70% utilisation – obviously a symptom its video handling technique – while Blue Coat peaked at around 30% for the first 80 seconds of the test then consumed almost zero inbound bandwidth – clearly the video is already fully in the object cache by then and being served locally. Baseline Link Utilisation ‐ 20 Clients over 350 seconds 120.00% 100.00% 80.00% 1 60.00% Incoming video from 20 clients consume entire inbound link, no room for other traffic 40.00% 20.00% 0.00% 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Figure 7 – Baseline Video Test: 20 Streams Moving onto sustaining 20 video streams, our baseline is as above, with a very similar pattern to our 10-stream test. Comparing this baseline with our device tests, again we see some very interesting bandwidth usage patterns. The Riverbed Steelhead is largely pegged at maximum bandwidth utilisation throughout the test. Blue Coat peaked between 25-30% utilisation until all the video was stored in the object cache and then served locally again. © Broadband-Testing 1995-2011 15 WAN OptimisationTest Report Figure 8 – Device Video Test: 20 Streams Moving to 30 client streams, the pattern continued as before. Blue Coat was able to rapidly cache and serve the video to multiple clients directly from the branch device, while Riverbed required constant communication between the head and branch. With 20 clients all pulling the same video at the same time, the WAN link was quickly saturated. Not so for Blue Coat – WAN bandwidth utilisation was between 20-30% until the entire video was cached, then dropped to near zero even while continuing to serve 20 clients. Baseline Link Utilisation ‐ 30 Clients over 350 seconds 120.00% 100.00% 80.00% 60.00% 40.00% 20.00% 0.00% 0 50 100 150 200 250 Figure 9 – Baseline Video Test: 30 Streams 16 © Broadband-Testing 1995-2011 300 350 WAN Optimisation Test Report Figure 10 – Device Video Test: 30 Streams Again we found inbound bandwidth pegged throughout the test by our WAN limit and the Riverbed device. As we approached 30 streams, the Riverbed 1050 completely filled the available bandwidth, eventually resulting in the load test software straining to establish new streams. Again we saw Blue Coat’s superior performance with no additional bandwidth requirement than when running 10 and 20 stream tests. Baseline Link Utilisation ‐ 50 Clients over 350 seconds 120.00% 100.00% 80.00% 60.00% 40.00% 20.00% 0.00% 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Figure 11 – Baseline Video Test: 30 Streams © Broadband-Testing 1995-2011 17 WAN OptimisationTest Report Figure 12 – Device Video Test: 50 Streams At 50 clients, we saw huge numbers of errors being recorded by the Riverbed device (see illustration below of Riverbed device under test below). Again, this is appears to be due to the bandwidth limits of our WAN link being hit early in the test with no ability to optimise that bandwidth significantly enough to support large numbers of video streams. Figure 13 – Riverbed Video Test: 50 Streams – Errors At this point only the Blue Coat device was capable of potentially supporting more streams, so we reran the test again with 100 concurrent video clients. 18 © Broadband-Testing 1995-2011 WAN Optimisation Test Report Baseline Link Utilisation ‐ 100 Clients over 350 seconds 120.00% 100.00% 80.00% 60.00% 40.00% 20.00% 0.00% 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Figure 14 – Baseline Video Test: 100 Streams The pattern was exactly as before, minimal outbound utilisation still and a short period of 30% or so utilisation, followed by almost zero utilisation inbound. We were able to sustain 100 concurrent video streams and there were no indications that adding more would hurt performance in any way. Figure 15 – Blue Coat Video Test: 100 Streams At most, the Blue Coat device used significantly less than half of the available WAN bandwidth and effectively none once the entire video had been placed in the object cache. © Broadband-Testing 1995-2011 19 WAN OptimisationTest Report Cross-checking this against the SG600 management interface we saw near 100% bandwidth reduction achieved – courtesy of the video going straight into the object cache of the Blue Coat device. Figure 16 – Blue Coat Video Test: 100 Streams – Bandwidth Reduction Achieved Finally, we decided to roll the dice and test Blue Coat’s SG600 with 500 video streams. That test saw successful delivery of on-demand video streams to 500 clients. Again, utilization was about 30-35% of bandwidth at the start of the video, and then took almost no bandwidth for the last two thirds of the time. Blue Coat delivered 500 video streams over a T-1 with plenty of bandwidth available for other applications. That discovery shows significant optimization results. Figure 17 – Blue Coat Video Test: 500 Streams – Bandwidth Reduction Achieved 20 © Broadband-Testing 1995-2011 WAN Optimisation Test Report So why are these results significant? We’ve already mentioned that video is the fastest growing application – and therefore traffic generator – on the network today, so it is essential to be able to optimise it. Why is it so popular? Online training videos are increasingly popular, as is video as part of collaborative working. Add these enterprise applications to the growing use of video for entertainment and in social networking as an accepted form of work-related interchange in many companies, as well as for casual use, and the scale of the growth in video across the network is a clear challenge for businesses and network providers alike. Put simply, if you can’t optimise video, your network connections and other applications are going to suffer. © Broadband-Testing 1995-2011 21 WAN OptimisationTest Report Test 2: WAFS/File Transfer Tests For the WAFS/CIFS test we used our Office file mix as defined earlier, in combination with Cisco’s WAFS Benchmark Tool for Microsoft Office Applications, to again create a totally independent test platform for these devices. This measures response times for basic file operations (open, save, close) when using a Microsoft Office application (such as Word, PowerPoint or Excel). The benchmark executes a scripted set of operations and measures the time it takes to complete them. Figure 18 – Cisco WAFS Benchmark The operations were repeated for the different MS Office file types and sizes we created, as described earlier, with our default WAN simulator settings in place and repeated our tests over multiple iterations. We started with cold run testing, ensuring caches and every element were cleared before running the tests, first a file open operation, then a save and then a close. Across the cold runs, performance was relatively similar between all devices. 22 © Broadband-Testing 1995-2011 WAN Optimisation Test Report Figure 19 – Cisco WAFS Benchmark: Cold Runs – File Open Figure 20 – Cisco WAFS Benchmark: Cold Runs – File Save On the file open tests, Riverbed delivered significant optimisation, though we did note with some additional Excel file tests (not shown) it was significantly slower across all runs than the others. On the file save tests, Riverbed tended to edge many tests. © Broadband-Testing 1995-2011 23 WAN OptimisationTest Report WARM Time to Open Office Document 19.3 1340k.doc 3.5 3.5 7108k.doc 4.0 3.6 67.1 Baseline 21.6 1100k.xls Riverbed Warm 3.4 3.5 Blue Coat Warm 22.7 500k.ppt 3.5 3.4 3500k.ppt 3.7 3.5 50.3 0.0 20.0 40.0 60.0 Figure 21 – Cisco WAFS Benchmark: Warm Runs – File Open WARM SAVE Time for Office Document 22.8 1340k.doc 5.0 5.4 7108k.doc 5.1 7.1 Baseline 21.2 1100k.xls Riverbed Warm 4.8 5.1 Blue Coat Warm 20.4 500k.ppt 5.0 5.4 45.9 3500k.ppt 5.1 6.4 0.0 20.0 40.0 60.0 Figure 22 – Cisco WAFS Benchmark: Warm Runs – File Save Our warm test runs again showed a relatively close level of performance between both vendors, file saves showing a larger margin than compared to file open. Depending on the actual file involved, the results were between 5-30% with most results inside a 10% margin. 24 © Broadband-Testing 1995-2011 WAN Optimisation Test Report Riverbed’s performance was generally strong with best times in many file/action combinations across all tests. Test 3: Email For our email test we used our Office file set as attachments and monitored a series of cold then warm runs with each test device using a pair of Outlook clients and Exchange server across our WAN simulator. We found that both the Riverbed and Blue Coat devices were able to significantly further optimise the email attachments on a warm run. For the cold, Blue Coat recorded 8.26% and Riverbed 10% optimisation. On the warm run, Riverbed improved significantly to 96% bandwidth optimisation. However, Blue Coat was still better with an excellent 97.81% bandwidth optimisation. In terms of bandwidth utilisation – given our 1.544Mbps link - this translates to Riverbed utilising an average of 6kbps while Blue Coat required on average 4.9kbps to send each of our test documents. Obviously, the native compressibility of each document was the significant factor in the cold runs but once a document was cached, the MACH5 was more efficient at sending the attachments. 100.0% 100.0% 92.0% 90.0% 80.0% 60.0% 40.0% 20.0% 4.0% 3.0% 0.0% Baseline Riverbed Cold/Warm Blue Coat Cold/Warm Figure 23 – Email Test: Bandwidth Usage © Broadband-Testing 1995-2011 25 WAN OptimisationTest Report Test 4: FTP For our FTP tests we again took our Office file set and our default WAN simulator settings of 1.544Mbit and 100ms round-trip-time and created an FTP client-server connection. We downloaded all of the files used for the WAFS Benchmark and summarised the results. We ran a number of cold runs, resulting in a baseline time of 230 seconds to complete the transfers. We then performed several warm run iterations and averaged these out to produce the results as shown in the graph below, with transfer times measured in seconds. We found Blue Coat to be faster than Riverbed on both the cold and warm runs, about 17% faster cold, 30% faster on the warm. This is classic optimisation territory and each device provided significant savings over baseline, with Blue Coat taking the ultimate honours here. Cold and Warm Time to Transfer FTP File 9.0 Warm Blue Coat 128.0 Cold 13.0 Warm Riverbed 155.0 Cold BASELINE 230.0 0.0 100.0 200.0 Figure 24 – FTP Test: Time Taken To Complete Transfer 26 © Broadband-Testing 1995-2011 WAN Optimisation Test Report Test 5: Web-based Applications - SharePoint Collaboration has shifted largely to web-based protocols, HTTP and SSL. It has gone through the hype cycle and out into the real world as a much-used service/application right now. Test Files 13MB.mp3 7108K.doc 500K.ppt 3.5MB.ppt 300K.docx Here we start with still a classic end-to-end, client-server setup, deployed and operated within the enterprise, using our default WAN simulation settings and testing with Microsoft’s SharePoint 2007 and 2010. For this test we have extended our file set to include .mp3 and .txt files, in addition to our Excel, Word and PowerPoint documents. Given that SharePoint users tend to exchange barely changed files regularly, the 2MB.txt ability to optimise this traffic is critical, both in the kind of end-to-end 11.34MB.doc scenario we have here and in a live Internet environment (see BPOS testing 1.1MB.xls section next, for example) where bandwidth and latency may vary enormously from user to user involved in the collaborative workspace. Figure 25 – SharePoint 2007: Cold Runs © Broadband-Testing 1995-2011 27 WAN OptimisationTest Report Starting with SharePoint 2007 cold runs (see above), we see generally consistent performance between both products, some marginally quicker than the other in certain tests, but nothing significant in the real world. Neither device was able to improve baseline performance on the pre-compressed .mp3 file or on the (pre-compressed graphic-heavy) 3.5MB PowerPoint but, in most cases, some optimisation could be applied, even on a cold run. Figure 26 – SharePoint 2007: Warm Runs On the warm runs we see significant optimisation from both vendors, but Blue Coat still dominated with near-instant transfer times in all cases - a good level of performance all round. We then switched our attention to SharePoint 2010 (see next page) and reran cold and warm test runs with the same configuration as before. Again, on the cold runs we found largely consistent performance, but with Riverbed just shading many of the tests. On warms runs, Blue Coat again emerged on top, albeit not quite as clearly as with SharePoint 2007, but consistently so across all tests. 28 © Broadband-Testing 1995-2011 WAN Optimisation Test Report Overall we were very happy with the level of performance we saw in the SharePoint tests – itself a significant application for 2011 and beyond. The question now is, when we move to an Internet-based model, without our controlled end-to-end test setup, especially when running secure web applications, will the pattern still follow? Read on to find out… Microsoft SharePoint 2010 COLD RUNS 74.5 77.4 76.4 13MB.mp3 2.9 2.9 3.6 300k.docx 2MB.txt 4.6 5.0 1340k.doc 4.2 5.5 7108k.doc 12.5 8.3 BASELINE 39.7 9.1 9.6 Riverbed Cold Blue Coat Cold 3.3 1.9 2.7 500k.ppt 20.3 19.6 21.7 3500k.ppt 1100k.xls 2.3 2.9 0.0 6.8 20.0 40.0 60.0 80.0 Figure 27 – SharePoint 2010: Cold Runs © Broadband-Testing 1995-2011 29 WAN OptimisationTest Report Microsoft SharePoint 2010 WARM RUNS 1.4 13MB.mp3 0.8 0.8 300k.docx 0.5 0.9 2MB.txt 0.6 0.9 1340k.doc 0.6 Riverbed Warm 1.2 7108k.doc 0.7 Blue Coat Warm 0.8 500k.ppt 0.5 1.0 3500k.ppt 0.6 0.8 1100k.xls 0.6 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 Figure 28 – SharePoint 2010: Warm Runs Test 6: Microsoft Cloud-based SharePoint Microsoft provides SharePoint as a cloud-delivered application as well. The Business Productivity Online Suite (BPOS) is a set of messaging and collaboration tools, delivered as a subscription service that provides Office/collaboration-type tools without the need to deploy and maintain software and hardware on the premises – true SaaS in other words. The suite includes MS Exchange Online for email and calendaring, MS SharePoint Online for portals and document sharing, MS Office Communications for presence availability, instant messaging, and peer-to-peer audio calls and Office Live Meeting for web and video conferencing. It’s what analysts are calling the future of IT, so the ability to optimise this type of service is critical going forward. This application test meant going live onto the Internet and involved some small file transfers. In order to make the results more measurable and meaningful, we pegged the bandwidth at 512Kbps – still a common access speed in Europe, especially for branch offices and SMBs. 30 © Broadband-Testing 1995-2011 1.6 WAN Optimisation Test Report How a branch office actually reaches an SaaS provider is a matter of deployment preference. On the one hand, it is possible to utilise a full hub-and-spoke topology, where all Internet-bound traffic is backhauled through a corporate-controlled data centre, and then from there routed out to the Internet proper. Figure 29 - Hub and Spoke topology The other approach is a branch office connected directly to the Internet (what we’ll refer to as “Direct-to-Internet”; each branch office is able to route traffic to the company data centre as well as maintaining a direct connection to the Internet as provided by their local ISP or via an MPLS split tunnel design. Each WAN optimisation vendor integrates differently between these two approaches. Riverbed must be deployed in a hub-and-spoke environment, where all traffic from each branch passes through the single hub of the data centre. Blue Coat, while supporting the hub-and-spoke topology, also supports an asymmetric approach where Internet access is provided at the endpoint by the local ISP or MPLS split tunnel – a branch-to-Internet solution. As a consequence of these differing philosophies, each test has been run twice: Once with hub-and-spoke, and again with the branch office directly connected to the Internet. See graphs on the next two pages. In the hub-and-spoke topology, while the cold run results were reasonably similar between our vendors, on several of the warm runs Blue Coat left Riverbed behind. Blue Coat was significantly quicker than Riverbed when transferring the large PowerPoint file (3500K.ppt), as well as the large (and highly compressible) 7108k Word document. As the file sizes increased, Blue Coat was consistently faster. © Broadband-Testing 1995-2011 31 WAN OptimisationTest Report BPOS Hub‐and‐Spoke COLD 3.0 2.2 2.0 250k.doc 1340k.doc 21.3 9.0 9.3 7108k.doc 116.3 24.7 27.0 1100k.xls 17.3 4.0 3.7 500k.xls 1.0 1.0 Baseline 7.0 Riverbed Cold Blue Coat Cold 3.0 1.0 1.0 250k.ppt 500k.ppt 7.0 7.7 13.3 58.0 57.7 56.0 3500k.ppt 0.0 20.0 40.0 60.0 80.0 100.0 120.0 Figure 30 – BPOS: Hub-and-Spoke Cold Run BPOS Hub‐and‐Spoke WARM 2.7 1340k.doc 1.0 17.0 7108k.doc 1.5 1.7 1100k.xls 1.0 Riverbed Warm 1.0 1.0 500k.xls Blue Coat Warm 1.5 1.0 500k.ppt 8.0 3500k.ppt 1.5 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 Figure 31 – BPOS: Hub-and-Spoke Warm Run The results from the Hub-and-Spoke configuration showed both vendors optimising the download by several factors. 32 © Broadband-Testing 1995-2011 18.0 WAN Optimisation Test Report Figure 32 - Branch Office to Cloud via Direct Internet Connection Where the branch offices were connected directly to the Internet, however, the results were a very different story. Without an upstream device to assist in compressing the file, every vendor was at the mercy of the uplink speed – again, using a common 512Kbps line with 100ms latency. The download speeds on the Direct-to-Internet cold run are all hovering just around the same times as the baseline, indicating that no single vendor can improve performance. MSFT BPOS Branch Office to Cloud via Direct Internet Connection COLD 22.0 21.7 21.0 1340k.doc 121.3 116.3 116.7 7108k.doc 17.0 17.7 17.7 1100k.xs Baseline 6.3 7.0 7.0 500k.xls Riverbed Cold 13.0 13.2 13.7 500k.ppt Blue Coat Cold 58.0 58.2 57.7 3500k.ppt 0.0 20.0 40.0 60.0 80.0 100.0 120.0 Figure 33 – SharePoint Cloud Service, Branch Office to Cloud via Direct Internet Connection, Cold © Broadband-Testing 1995-2011 33 WAN OptimisationTest Report Comparatively, each performed equally – no real optimisation on the Direct-to-Internet cold transfer. This is understandable, unfortunate as it may seem, as the bulk of optimisation offerings require a device at either end of a connection to provide compression and caching. The warm results exhibited a marked advantage for Blue Coat but not so for Riverbed. With the data centre device removed from the network path, the SG600 showed its ability to optimise Internet and cloud SAAS traffic, whereas the Riverbed Steelhead showed effectively no improvement over baseline. On average, Blue Coat’s SG600 was able to serve the warm file in just around one second. Again, the ability of Blue Coat to provide optimisation where other vendors struggle is apparent (see graph below). This is proving to be a consistent benefit in many of our tests, notably those that are forward-looking. We will now move into a completely Internet-based scenario, testing with MSFT BPOS Branch Office to Cloud via Direct Internet Connection WARM 22.0 22.0 1340k.doc 1.0 121.3 116.0 7108k.doc 1.3 17.0 16.7 1100k.xs 1.0 500k.xls 1.0 6.3 7.0 Baseline Riverbed Warm 500k.ppt 1.0 13.0 14.0 Blue Coat Warm 58.0 58.0 3500k.ppt 1.2 0.0 20.0 40.0 60.0 80.0 100.0 120.0 Figure 34 - SharePoint Cloud Service, Branch Directly Connected to Cloud via Internet, WARM Run 34 © Broadband-Testing 1995-2011 WAN Optimisation Test Report Test 7: Web Application Test – One of the great web application successes of the past few years is – once ahead of its time but now a model application/SaaS for the future. is used to manage customer information and sales opportunities. Certain uses and workflows may not benefit from optimization technologies. There are many use cases, however, where large amounts of data are transferred, and, often, on a repetitive basis. Reporting dashboards are commonly accessed by multiple users; in addition, data dumps, documents and other large queries and downloads are also common (and can be the most performance constrained use cases of For this reason the ability to optimise this kind of environment is critical from our perspective. We created a secure (https) connection across the Internet as before and carried out a series of file transfers using a variation on our file set, including text, Excel, Word, PowerPoint and .csv file types. SFDC Branch Office to Cloud via Direct Internet Connection COLD 5.0 5.0 5.0 300K.doc 35.0 35.0 2MB.txt 2.0 1340k.doc 18.0 1100k.xls 6.0 22.0 22.0 Baseline Riverbed Cold 17.0 17.0 Blue Coat Cold 7.0 7.0 500k.ppt 3.0 58.0 58.0 3500k.ppt 19.1 0.0 20.0 40.0 60.0 Figure 35 – Branch Directly Connected to Cloud via Internet: Cold Run Looking at the cold runs first, we see that the Blue Coat device largely dominates in terms of best results. Obviously the compression options from Blue Coat are working especially well on the text file here. Moving on to the warm results, we can see that only the Blue Coat technology was capable of actually accelerating from the cold runs, with everything being accessed instantly, while Riverbed shows no optimisation whatsoever. © Broadband-Testing 1995-2011 35 WAN OptimisationTest Report This can be explained only by Blue Coat’s ability to decrypt (then re-encrypt) the SSL traffic stream here at the edge and take immediate advantage of its object cache on the branch device. Since it doesn’t require the head end device to be always in place to decrypt SSL traffic (i.e. to know the private keys at both ends of the connection) it can therefore intercept and optimise that traffic. The Riverbed solution is clearly unable to do this – something that is well documented already. SFDC Branch Office to Cloud via Direct Internet Connection WARM 300K.doc 1.0 5.0 5.0 35.0 35.0 2MB.txt 1.0 22.0 22.0 1340k.doc 1.0 Baseline Riverbed Warm 17.0 17.0 1100k.xls 1.0 Blue Coat Warm 7.0 7.0 500k.ppt 1.0 58.0 58.0 3500k.ppt 1.0 0.0 20.0 40.0 60.0 Figure 36 – Directly Connected to Cloud via Internet: Warm Run Riverbed’s usual argument here is that terminating SSL before re-encrypting is fundamentally insecure. However, the Blue Coat argument seemed to stand up during our testing because the last hop from its SG600 to the client is using a known certificate with a known trust relationship. In general, if “unknown” parties are terminating SSL upstream from the client, then it is insecure. If “known” parties are terminating SSL upstream from the client, and that termination point is a trusted entity within your organisation with a verifiable chain of trust, then it is just as secure as a regular SSL connection. 36 © Broadband-Testing 1995-2011 WAN Optimisation Test Report SUMMARY & CONCLUSIONS The networking world is changing; the cloud, virtualisation and cloud/software-as-aservice applications are growing fast in adoption – and requirements to optimise. As such, while classic CIFS and FTP-type WAN optimisation are still important, it is quickly being overtaken by a new wave of applications such as secure web applications, collaborative environments and – finally – the onslaught of video. To see if the current crop of WAN optimisation hardware is capable of delivering on these requirements, we tested comparable products from the leading WAN optimisation vendors: Blue Coat (MACH5 SG600) and Riverbed (Steelhead 1050). We created a test bed using real traffic across a simulated WAN link (using typical bandwidth and latency settings). Our application selection for testing was based on typical modern usage patterns and included video, WAFS/file transfer, FTP, email, SharePoint collaboration, BPOS and We found that, when testing with traditional applications such as CIFS and FTP, performance between these vendors was relatively even with some small advantages for each vendor in different situations. Again, with SharePoint, Riverbed lagged slightly behind Blue Coat. Our email test also showed even performance, with each vendor claiming a small advantage over the other in specific conditions. Testing of BPOS, Microsoft’s cloud-delivered MS Office over Internet, with symmetric WAN optimisation (assumes data travels onto Internet link, across data centre WAN optimisation device, then across the WAN to a branch). With traffic backhauled through the data centre, the cold run results were reasonably similar between both vendors. What is more interesting, however, is that when BPOS was accessed from a branch office directly via the Internet, Riverbed could not provide any optimisation. Blue Coat, however, showed extensive performance and bandwidth improvements with just the single appliance. Looking at another cloud application over a secure (SSL) Internet environment, our testing highlighted a significant limitation of the Riverbed technology that Blue Coat is able to overcome. Only the Blue Coat product was capable of actually accelerating this type of traffic, with everything being accessed instantly, while the Riverbed showed no optimisation whatsoever. This can be explained only by Blue Coat’s ability to decrypt (then re-encrypt) the SSL traffic stream at the branch. Since it doesn’t require the head end device (data centre WAN optimisation controller) to be always in place to decrypt SSL traffic (i.e. to know the private keys at both ends of the connection) it can therefore intercept and optimise that traffic, while the other could not. The Riverbed solution is clearly unable to do this – something that is well documented already. Riverbed’s usual argument here is that terminating SSL before re-encrypting is fundamentally insecure. However, the Blue Coat argument seemed to stand up during our testing because the last hop from its SG600 to the client is using a known certificate with a known trust relationship. © Broadband-Testing 1995-2011 37 WAN OptimisationTest Report In general, if “unknown” parties are terminating SSL upstream from the client, then it is insecure. If “known” parties are terminating SSL upstream from the client, and that termination point is a trusted entity within your organisation with a verifiable chain of trust, then it is just as secure as a regular SSL connection. In the fastest growing, and arguably biggest component of network traffic today – video – Blue Coat dominated. On a link that was fully saturated at 20 concurrent clients, Blue Coat was able to service 500 streams compared to Riverbed’s modest improvement of 30 streams. On average, Blue Coat was drawing only 6kbps per stream, compared to Riverbed’s 200kbps, an almost 30x advantage for Blue Coat. Even then the SG600 was using minimal bandwidth. R&D investment in specialised video technologies here has clearly paid off. 38 © Broadband-Testing 1995-2011