2016 Edition The Wiltshire Bobby Van Trust
2016 Edition The Wiltshire Bobby Van Trust
2016 Edition The Wiltshire Bobby Van Trust Registered Charity No. 1153790 Correspondence: c/o Devizes Police Station New Park Street Devizes Wilts SN10 1DZ Tel No: 01380 861155 Email: bobbyvan@wiltshire.police.uk Website: www.wiltshirebobbyvan.org.uk Job figures 2015—Total 1,124 Burglary . …………………….…89 Attempted burglary....... ..29 Non Dwelling burglary…….21 Criminal Damage……………..9 Rogue Trader ................... 37 Theft……………………………….15 Bogus official…………..……….5 Distraction………………….....18 Internet/Telephone scam..4 Domestic violence………..217 Visits to vulnerable……….597 Anti-Social behaviour…... 17 Suspicious incident…………38 Other……………………………...28 Director’s Message As with any great charity or business it’s the people who work within it that make it so, and this certainly is the case at the Bobby Van . We are lucky with our highly committed staff and for our wonderful volunteers who generously give their time and energy for free. However, I need to recognise the work of one of our Operators, Rod Law, who has sadly decided to retire this year. Rod has been with the Trust for 14 years and as we are only 18 years old, he has played a major role in creating this very special charity. I know there are thousands of elderly and vulnerable folk who have benefited from his skills as a carpenter, his expertise about home security and safety and his empathy. Big shoes indeed to fill. I also want to thank Annie, his wife who has supported the Trust through volunteering. Rod has certainly earned his retirement, good luck to you both. This year is a milestone year for the Bobby Van Trust we will have secured our 20,000th house! I wonder when the Trustees first met for the inaugural meeting if they ever dreamt that the charity would be so successful and mean so much to so many households. The charity is always looking for ways it can further support the elderly in Wiltshire and as times change so must we. 18 years ago computer crime was in its infancy especially within our age group. Now computer enabled crime is the fast growing type of fraud within our client base and with your support and that of our sponsors we are able to react. There are reams of information available online; however, we are aiming to deliver a home visit. We will assess the effectiveness of the virus protection and educate clients how to recognise a potential risk. We are working alongside Wiltshire Police, Wiltshire Council and Aged UK to ensure Wiltshire delivers one joined up message on computer fraud. So lastly I need to thank our sponsors and supporters as without you, frankly, we couldn’t do the work we do. INTERNET ENABLED CRIME The internet is very much a part of our lives these days, and is a useful tool in shopping, banking and information gathering but it has also provided criminals with a whole host of opportunites. In the past mass market fraud commonly known as ‘scams’ arrived in the form of unsolicited letters or telephone calls. They are still being sent in the form of claims of lottery wins, prizes, awards, miracle cures, clairvoyants and other promises of good fortune. However, these scams have now, through use of the internet, become more sophisticated. At our operations office we are now taking calls from clients who have become victims of ‘cyber’ fraud and so we are looking into ways we can combat this ever growing problem. There is a mass of information provided by the likes of Action Fraud, Age UK and Get Safe Online on how to spot and prevent these crimes which is well worth looking at. Use of the internet and email is something we all take for granted these days. Lured into a false sense of security, users often forget that they are not dealing face to face with the other party – they believe what they see is true without reservation or caution. Links in emails often take the user to a bogus web site. The user may then be passed to a genuine site having entered their personal information on the bogus site. We are working with Wiltshire Police on the best way we can add protecting the vulnerable within our community from this fraud. There is so much advice out there but two golden rules are: Don’t give out any personal information unless you are 100% sure who they are. If it sounds to good to be true, IT IS. Cartoon © Randy Glasbergen, reprinted with special permission from www.glasbergen.com Bobby Van join Buy with Confidence In response to concerns about ‘rogue traders’ which are often highlighted in the media, a partnership of Local Authority Trading Standards Services have taken a ground-breaking step by putting together the Buy With Confidence Scheme. The scheme provides consumers with a list of local businesses which have given their commitment to trading fairly. Every business listed has undergone a series of detailed checks before being approved as a member of the scheme. Cocktails at the Keswicks On Saturday 18th July last year Sir Henry and Lady Keswick hosted a summer drinks party in aid of the Bobby Van at their award winning pavilion in the grounds of their house in Oare. The stunning pavilion was designed by world renowned architect I. M. Pei, who also designed the Kennedy Library and the glass pyramid at the Louvre. The pavilion is his only UK building. Guests were able to enjoy cocktails and canapes in this most magnificent setting whilst surrounded by the wonderful sculptures on offer by Hamish Mackie and Simon Gudgeon. A huge thank you to Sir Henry and Lady Keswick, Hamish and Simon and to all those that attended the event. We are extremely lucky to have a band of such loyal supporters who give generously and make events like these such a success. D’VINE WINE TASTING AT WEST LAVINGTON MANOR The Trust has been chosen by Friends of the Garden to host a charity evening on Saturday 28th May in the beautiful grounds of West Lavington Manor by kind permission of the owner, Andrew Doman . The five acre walled garden was first established in the 17th Century by John Danvers who brought Italianate gardens to the UK. Herbaceous borders, a redeveloped Japanese garden, a new rose garden, an orchard and an arboretum with some outstanding specimen trees are all centred around a trout stream and duck pond and provides a wonderful background for the display of contemporary sculptures exhibited by over 25 artists. There will be delicious canapes to accompany the wines to be sampled. These are being kindly supplied by Casper and Victoria Bowes of Bowes Wines. Please contact Jennie Shaw on jennie@hazelandmill.co.uk for tickets. FORTHCOMING EVENTS FOR 2016 19th May 19th May 28th May 11/12th June 10th July 31st July 11th Sept 23rd-25th Nov ‘Battle of Somme’ talk by Robin Mills at Fosse Farm, Malmesbury Ladies’ Lunch 5th Anniversary Drinks Party at Hazeland Mill, Bremhill D’vine Wine Tasting at West Lavington Manor WAPG Steam Rally, Rainscombe Park, Oare British 10K London Run—spaces available, please contact the office Ride London-Surrey 100 Cycle Event—spaces available, please contact the office Emergency Services Show, Hullavington Bowood Christmas Extravaganza, Bowood House, Derry Hill, Calne Bowood Hotel, Spa and Golf Resort hosts our Ladies' Lunches on the first Thursday of every month. Arrive at 12:30pm for lunch at 1:00pm. Two courses £22.50 to include main course, dessert and a glass of wine (Price includes a donation of £5 to the Bobby Van Trust). To make a reservation please call Bowood Hotel Reception on 01249 822228. If you would like to be added to our contact list and be notified of future events or further details of the events above please email Jennie at jennie@hazelandmill.org.uk. Prudential London-Surrey Ride 100 Well done to Chris Pressley and Emma Cann for completing the Ride 100 in August, who between them they raised over £4,500. Pictured along with them at a feeding station in Leatherhead is Joan Pressley who ran a raffle at her shop, Joan Pressley Hats in Devizes, in support of the ride and raised £425. The ride is a great chance to ride through the heart of London and out into the Surrey hills on closed roads. Emma said “The support along the route was incredible with people camped out by the side of the road for hours cheering you on.” The Trust has spaces for anyone who would like to take on the challenge in 2016. BREMFEST A massive thank you to Terry Franks for organising the first ever Bremfest, an all day live music extravaganza at The Dumbpost Inn, Bremhill on Sunday 30th August in aid of the Bobby Van and Wiltshire Air Ambulance. Despite a rather rain sodden day it didn’t stop anyone enjoying the fabulous live music on offer and dancing through the puddles. A fantastic cheque for £1,592.50 was given to each charity. Special thanks to: Lord & Lady Lansdowne for the Bowood Dog Show, Christmas Extravaganza and Ladies' Lunches. Nick and Annette Mason for once again opening their garden for a very successful weekend in June. Sir Henry and Lady Keswick for allowing our guests to enjoy their magnificent pavilion at their home in Oare. David & Anna Longridge for hosting a fabulous lunch and Robin Mills for his informative talk on the Battle of Waterloo. Jeannette Von Berg for running a stall in The Corn Exchange every Thursday and The Shambles Market every Saturday in aid of the Bobby Van. Please use this form to send a donation in support of The Wiltshire Bobby Van Trust Donation £___________________________ PLEASE PRINT YOUR DETAILS BELOW Title/Name _________________________________ Home Address _________________________________ (including post code) _________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Date _________________________________ Or alternatively you can donate online at A Gift Aid donation means that for every one pound you give, we can claim an extra 25p back from the Inland Revenue. Donations from individuals qualify for Gift Aid if you pay UK Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax at least equal to the amount we can reclaim on your gift. Yes, I would like this donation, and any future gifts I make to The Wiltshire Bobby Van Trust, to be treated as Gift Aid. Gift Aid signature: ____________________________
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