Capability Green and the Outrageous Colours of Bougainvillea
Capability Green and the Outrageous Colours of Bougainvillea
Capability Green and the Outrageous Colours of Bougainvillea · Kalkan Turkey · Kalkan Weather · Kalkan Tuesday, 21 June 2016 - Last Updated Tuesday, 21 June 2016 This time it’s about colour! And I have already declared my view that Mediterranean gardens should not be subtle. Colours should be outrageous and shocking. And there is nothing more outrageous and shocking than bougainvillea. There are two comments from Turkish friends about gardening that have left lasting memories. The previously reported “If you can’t eat it why grow it” and the rather contradictory “A villa isn’t a villa without bougainvillea”. I agree with the latter - no villa or apartment block should be without bougainvillea … and the more the merrier. Just strange that a plant that for many of us is symbolic of the Mediterranean actually originates from South America. Even stranger that a plant that is renowned for its colour only has tiny white flowers - it’s the bracts, the leaves at the base of the small white flowers, that have the colour, not the flowers themselves. Ok it's messy, its bracts clog up your pool, it fights back when you try to prune it leaving you scratched to pieces and its thorns go right through your flip flops leaving you hobbling about for days after. But it's also a good deterrent. How many burglars are going to choose to fight through your bougainvillea to get through your upstairs window? Just be careful not to lock yourself out! Below: The bougainvillea at KTLN HQ. Other images in this article were taken in and around Kalkan. 1/6 Capability Green and the Outrageous Colours of Bougainvillea · Kalkan Turkey · Kalkan Weather · Kalkan Tuesday, 21 June 2016 - Last Updated Tuesday, 21 June 2016 There Here ones, despite is sunshine ones hard and in orange isto as Turkey a they beat the nursery a bushy bit frilly ones, the of you ones aothers traditional in frilly lefty just to thefade are get ones UK having white to just that purple and aand atoo rust holds ones, general even ones. girly colour afast mixed magenta for collection Ipreference which love me. ones. the ones, just ofand idea Personally over for doesn’t purple red, of200 the when work. ones, named orange I prefer it And violet comes varieties ones the the ones, most to but pastel, bougainvillea of in pink shocking bougainvillea. bright mixed ones, red it lovely And upward different you topiary. habit varieties get than seem around dwarf and ones about. there long are There climbing growers are even ones. some Some slower varieties climbers growers. that seem lend There to themselves have are loads a more to ofand, Although far never tell in you buy whatever Igritty asoggy. haven’t bougainvillea garden tried want centres it, Ithat’s to suspect hear. soato not you Plants asking flowering are just for are -going a rarely they particular to often don’t variety to trust know labeled. by their name what advice. colour may not But itoccasionally; is get be orits you they’ll careful, very in Bougainvilleas drained planting the drainage. constantly long, the soil itthe ground needs is soil, alocal While small too they to need and bushy much be ityou If doesn’t don’t in the it’s sun the water variety pot aseem and climbing ground want has discourages once in to aneed to layer pot, completely variety established flourish. it. you of Use flowering stones don’t will Pot dry tomato need are plant above planted out, fairly and to itindividually feed ithave in water may the certainly drought a ones to pot, hole(s) even itencourage will regularly itresistant. doesn’t just cause need at won’t thefertilising but flowering. want the bottom They be itroots is to happy important have need to to assist rot. for well very If roots that Tip of the day No. 1: Whilst on the subject of pots, my advice is always to try to buy ones with straight, vertical sides and no ridges - two reasons. Straight, vertical sided pots, are less top heavy and less likely to get blown over in the strong winter winds. Ridge-less, because when your plant gets root bound and needs re-potting, you’ve got a chance of getting it out of the old pot without destroying the roots or breaking the pot. Although not an expert, I think I have discovered bougainvilleas that just don’t flower. Well you might ask what is the purpose of bougainvilleas that don't flower, apart from causing injury. With uncharacteristic patience, I waited two summers for a couple of seemingly happy bougainvilleas to flower. Three years later with hardly a bract in the whole time, I pulled them out and started again. Some varieties of bougainvillea with furrier, more velvety leaves just don’t seem to flower much or maybe are fussier about being overwatered. My advice - don’t wait three years, if reducing watering doesn’t get them to flower, pull them out and start again! Many years ago I read about some Japanese guy who was trying to develop a hardier variety of bougainvillea for cooler climates. I suspect he will make a fortune if successful! I fear I would go bankrupt trying to market my new and rare “non-flowering” variety! But then again someone did manage to sell them to the developer of my villa!! 2/6 Capability Green and the Outrageous Colours of Bougainvillea · Kalkan Turkey · Kalkan Weather · Kalkan Tuesday, 21 June 2016 - Last Updated Tuesday, 21 June 2016 Aphids selectively with recommend chemicals a mixture can are nuking be it! of used God aleft problem, vegetable only the insects knows fields although oil, water with growing what I look even have and nasty the detergent nastier not chemicals vegetables experienced chemicals may are for work in it, the Iwashing but got but oil. the into I am last up trouble. certainly liquid! time I’m I of Or suggested not told what going spraying to stems, A problem bougainvilleas, why maintenance frequently drains winter local bougainvilleas look are you speciality with during in or end danger this companies. for up the is winter, isnasty with alone hacking gets itin of bougainvilleas! makes becoming bare hacked regularly or God plants carefully Kalkan stems forbid atblocked! sweep to the and When pruned, near that end bald unnecessarily and they death But of bougainvilleas patches. are pre-emptively season might hacking the still moment have flowering is Just sad to because near to are look ensure and check tourist hacked in death around! colourless it’s December! no your season less isn’t roof, back property sweeping good out terrace has just The for to ended. season. more main their up or Kalkan’s balcony for reason main My the My first Pruning eye major keep, where always places you’re grow mean growth encourage for both your prune by going you that or leave form isconstant pruning styles; an want, bougainvillea flowering. are and of for short art; the difficult abut structure. some like more itmaintenance? year spurs. out don’t to give to manicured and inaccess), When cut Pruning art shape. itme back is it little is about you Topiary ayou Cut look, just perfect for gentle work, are establishing probably form to out you going requires the others shape pursuit any and will main for dead won’t be structure and require to the constant or stem busier be bits, maintaining need itnatural necessitates done anywhere constant weak throughout isto minor best with look dogrowth much done the work, love maintenance. (particularly you regular the infrastructure in not or want more. tucking growing January. bits brutality nipping new Alternatively, that recommended or So growth, season. won’t tying This to and out what get, with in is go todo new or your I ifan I in Below: Flipping heck -most it's amaintain dolphin! Tip of the day No. 2: When growing climbers on railings or along balconies, don't let them weave in and out. Keep the main structure on the outside and attach with cable. If you let them weave in and out, you can't repaint your metalwork without destroying years of infrastructure development. We can untie ours so we can pull them away and repaint underneath before re-attaching! 3/6 Capability Green and the Outrageous Colours of Bougainvillea · Kalkan Turkey · Kalkan Weather · Kalkan I Tuesday, 21 June 2016 - Last Updated Tuesday, 21 June 2016 Bougainvilleas don’t have to be hard work, once established they don’t need too much water and they add colour like nothing else. Pity they aren’t fragrant too - I wouldn’t have to grow a jasmine through mine! Every villa or apartment block should have at least one bougainvillea and wouldn’t it be great if it was visible to the public when walking by! And rather than planting labour intensive bedding plants along the road sides, wouldn’t it be great if the Belediye ensured the streets of Kalkan were awash with the outrageous and shocking colours of bougainvilleas to accompany the intoxicating perfume of those Ladies of the Night! 4/6 Capability Green and the Outrageous Colours of Bougainvillea · Kalkan Turkey · Kalkan Weather · Kalkan Tuesday, 21 June 2016 - Last Updated Tuesday, 21 June 2016 Contact Capability Green by emailing him at . Kalkan Turkish Local News - your window on Kalkan Turkey. 5/6 Capability Green and the Outrageous Colours of Bougainvillea · Kalkan Turkey · Kalkan Weather · Kalkan I Tuesday, 21 June 2016 - Last Updated Tuesday, 21 June 2016 Independent. Comprehensive. Reliable. 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