Radical convergent media November 12.


Radical convergent media November 12.
Radical convergent media
November 12. - 14. 2009
Graz, Austria
Meet Europe’s Best Young
Producers, Designers and Developers!
EUROPRIX 09 Festival
Meet Europe’s Best Young
Producers, Designers and
Treffen Sie Europas beste
junge Produzenten, Designer
und Entwickler!
The program of the EUROPRIX Festival invites you to a series of events which bring together high-profile speakers,
top creative producers and young talents, attracting quite
the best of the best to Styria and Graz.
Das Programm des EUROPRIX Multimedia Festivals ladet Sie
zu einer Reihe von Top Events und Begegnung mit internationalen Experten und den besten, jungen KreativTeams
der Multimedia Szene ein. Die Steiermark und Graz sind
mit dem Festival Treffpunkt für nationale und internationale Multimedia-Begeisterte, Vertreter der Wissenschaft und
Radical convergent media and content:
making sound and sight converge
This year’s theme of radical convergent
media points to the final horizons where
technology is taking us as phones become mobile computers, PCs globally
connected multimedia devices and TV
sets home entertainment centers. The
conference sessions on 4Screens4You
address this melting together of media channels and devices. One of the unique aspects of
this year’s EUROPRIX finalists are the number of projects
which make sound and sight converge and visualizing music in new and interesting ways. The results are entirely
new forms of e-content and fascinating applications which
take users far beyond the conventional and know.
Another aspect is the sustained play with new interface
means and modes. Here the creativity of the finalists
works from repurposing the common to inventing entirely
new metaphors. See for yourself at the festival!
The EUROPRIX Multimedia Awards
The EUROPRIX Festival brings smart innovations and imaginative people together. I invite you to the EUROPRIX Gala
Night, which celebrates Europe’s most creative young multimedia developers. Emotions will be flowing as the 20 finalist teams will find out who has won in the category and
who will take home the overall EUROPRIX 09 Winner Award!
The EUROPRIX was established by the Austrian presidency
in 1998 as an EU member states’ initiative and has the
support of the European Commission, private industry and
higher education institutions around Europe.
The Austrian ministries for science and research and economic affairs, family and youth are the key supporters
together with the provincial Styrian ministry for science,
research, traffic and technology as well as mayor of the
city of Graz. Their support allows EUROPRIX to facilitate the
entrance of young creative people into business in the
multimedia and creative ICT sectors. The contest and related activities are organised by the ICNM and its partner
organisations around Europe, in association with leading
universities and professional multimedia associations.
I welcome your interest in what young people can create
and design with ICTs and in the EUROPRIX Multimedia Awards
as a very unique mechanism to see the new and meet the
winners of 2009. Please let me have your feed-back and
Medien und Inhalte konvergieren:
Ton und Licht
Das diesjährige Festival Thema verweist auf die Fluchtpunkte der gegenwärtigen medien-technologischen Entwicklung,
die man schon jetzt am Gerätewandel des Telefons zum
mobilen Computer, dem PC zum global vernetzten Multimediaterminal und dem Fernseher zum elektronischen Unterhaltungszentrum ablesen kann. Recht herausstechend
sind dieses Jahr die Arbeiten der EUROPRIX Nominierten die
Ton und Musik in neuartiger Weise visualisieren und miteinander in aufregenden Applikationen interagieren lassen.
Ein anderer Aspekt ist das nachhaltige Spiel mit neuen Benutzerformen und –mitteln. Hier reicht die Kreativität der
Nominierten von der überraschenden Nutzung des Bekannten bis zur Entwicklung von neuen Metaphern. Überzeugen
Sie sich selbst beim Festival!
EUROPRIX Multimedia Awards:
Kreativität aus Europa
Das EUROPRIX Festival bringt brillante Innovationen und
geistreiche, junge Köpfe zusammen. Ich lade Sie herzlich
zur EUROPRIX Gala ein, in deren Rahmen Europas kreativste
junge Multimedia-Entwickler gefeiert werden. Die Spannung
wird auch dieses Jahr knistern, wenn die 20 nominierten
Teams um den jeweiligen Kategoriesieg, sowie um den Preis für den Gesamtsieger bangen.
Der EUROPRIX findet seit 1998 und der ersten EU Präsidentschaft Österreichs als europaweiter Multimedia Wettbewerb jährlich in 38 europäischen Ländern statt. Zielgruppen sind junge, kreative Talente unter 30 Jahren, die
im Bereich e-Content und IKT Design arbeiten. Durch den
Fokus auf Kreativität und Originalität in der Nutzung der IKT
unterscheidet sich der EUROPRIX deutlich von anderen Wettbewerben und zielt auf die Förderung junger Talente aus
ganz Europa und die länderübergreifende Bewerbung der
besten europäischen Multimediaprojekte ab.
Ich danke den Bundesministern für Wissenschaft und
Forschung, Johannes Hahn, und für Wirtschaft, Familien und Jugend, Rudolf Mitterlehner, sowie der Steirischen Landesrätin für Wissenschaft und Forschung, Verkehr
und Technologie, Kristina Edlinger-Ploder und dem Bürgermeister der Stadt Graz Siegfried Nagl für Ihre persönliche und institutionelle Unterstützung. Für Ihr Feedback und Kommentare zu Festival und Programm
bin ich Ihnen immer dankbar.
Peter A. Bruck, Head of EUROPRIX, bruck@icnm.net
Festival Programme
>>> ORF Landesstudio Steiermark,
Austrian Broadcasting Corporation Styria
Marburgerstr. 20, 8042 Graz
>>> 19:30 EUROPRIX – Opening of the Festival
hosted in Styria, powered by CIS
>>> Thalia
Opernring 5,
Graz, Austria
>>> 11:30-13:30 Opening EUROPRIX Festival
Facilitation and Moderation:
Peter A. Bruck
Introduction to Styria:
Eberhard Schrempf
Welcome Note Peter A. Bruck, AUT,
Starting Keynote by Adam Montandon, UK,
Head of Imagination, Twofour & HMC Interactive,
EUROPRIX 09 Festival President
Academic Network Lounge, organised by EADiM –
European Academy of Digital Media, Academic Network
Managing Director, Creative Industries Styria
>>> 15:00 – 18.30
Department Head – IT and Multimedia, Austrian TIME - How to gain new opportunities and
Chamber of Commerce, Styria
manage threats. Introducing 4SCREENS4YOU:
Michael Putz
Managing Director, Bongfish, Winner of the Austrian Wolfgang Schinagl
State Price for Multimedia and e-Business 2009
Creating for large screens
from dream world to public adaptive interaction
Speed Matching – Meet and Match
Buddy Groups from CIS
University of Graz, TU Graz, Joanneum Research,
FH Joanneum, Chamber of Commerce, ORF
3+1 Minute Round Robin
Personal Introductions
fuelled by Styrian Wine and Beer thanks to CIS
Creating for home screens
from young tube to onDemand entertainment
Creating for office screens
from desk top to global information space
Creating for pocket screens
from tele-talking to context enriched services
>>> University of Graz, Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences,
RESOWI Center, Conference Room, Universitätsstrasse 15/Bauteil G/II
Sitzungszimmer Nr. 1522, 8010 Graz
9:30 - 17:30 EUROPRIX 09 - Creative Showcase: Europe’s Best in Multimedia Projects
Presentation of all nominated projects by their producers
20:00 - 22:00 EUROPRIX GALA / Seifenfabrik
15:00 – 18:30
in Cooperation with Arthur D. Little, Europe
Thalia, Opernring 5, Graz
TIME – how to gain new opportunities and
manage threats; Introducing 4Screens4You
>>> 4 screens 4 you: Wall/Cinema
Creating for Large Screens - From Dream world to public adaptive Interaction
>>> 4 screens 4 you: TV
Creating for Home Screens - From Young Tube to on Demand Entertainment
>>> 4 screens 4 you: Computer
Creating for Office Screens - From Desk Top to Global Information Space
>>> 4 screens 4 you: Mobile
Creating for Pocket screens - From Tele-Talking to Context enriched Services
Content creation and application design are tied
materially to the media technologies of the day.
With digital technology, first the tools of creation converged as chips become the basis for
sound synthesizers as well as cutting machines
for video, for text archives as well as animation
Today we see the channels converge as we can
watch films over the fixed phone lines, TV news
on our mobiles, and listen to the radio on the
internet. The convergence has taken also hold
as phones become mobile computers, PCs globally connected multimedia devices and TV sets
home entertainment centers.
The ultimate horizons of these developments
appear to be the screens. Their sizes and qualities will determine the contents and applications
which can and will be used. To paraphrase Marshall McLuhan, not the medium but the screen is
the message of the future.
Contents and applications will be displayed,
“run” or interacted with on four screens. In this
year’s EURPRIX conference we want to explore
the constraints and character of these screens,
starting with the large screen which goes back
to the theatrical display of movies.
The single large screen has been long transformed by multiplexes and is now moving outdoor and onto walls. New technologies allow these screens to match the sun in terms
of radiance and even become interactive and
content adaptive to the passing by viewer.
The medium screens have placed their roots into
the living rooms and transformed them and the
designs of suburban homes world wide. Viewers
sit and lean back, relax with content and are doing more and more other things on the side. The
TV has long become a video wall paper, a home
keeper to distract, entertain and also to inform.
Small screens emerged in the offices, making
electronic calculators do more than just crunch
numbers. The small screen sits on top of a desk
and users do not watch but work. Contents and
applications are tied to business and education,
to the world of the serious and necessary.
Finally, there is the pocket screen. More than 4
billion users and more than half of human kind
use this smallest of screens. Displaying at the
beginning just the numbers called by the phone,
this small screen has not only turned colorful,
it offers today a powerful mini window onto the
world of news and games, adult stuff, sports
and traffic.
4Screens4You presents 4 perspectives on these
developments with regard to the implications for
creative content creators and applications designers.
Please join in!
THREATS 15:00 – 15:30
15:30 – 16:15
Creating for Large Screens
From Dream world to public adaptive
From 1998-2002 Jürgen Morath worked for Diebold International as Position Managing Consultant. From 2002-2005 he worked for Detecon
International as a Position Partner.
He has worked as Partner for Arthur D. Little
since 2005. The focus of his consulting work
lies in the development of segment and product strategies and the development and optimization value chain partnerships. He has led
major projects within the telecoms and media
With support from the Internet Engineering Task
Force Next Generation, Latif Ladid pioneered
the foundation of the IPv6 Forum in May 1999.
He is also Chairman of the European Commission Ipv6 Task Force. Mr. Ladid has worked in
various managerial positions including Nixdorf
Computers, Hewlett-Packard and at ComputerLand Switzerland. From 1992 to 1998, he was
with Canadian Internet and Internetworking
specialist DEVELCON, where he served as Vice
President of Sales and Business Development.
Latif Ladid is also leading global visionary on
the future of the Internet.
From 1986 through 2000 Alois Ferscha was with
the Department of Applied Computer Science
at the University of Vienna at the levels of assistant and associate professor. In 2000 he
joined the University of Linz as full professor
where he is now head of the department for
Pervasive Computing and the speaker of the
JKU Pervasive Computing Initiative.
He has been a visiting researcher at the Dipartimento di Informatica, Universita di Torino, Italy, at the Dipartimento di Informatica, Universita di Genoa, Italy, at the Computer Science
Department, University of Maryland at College
Park, College Park, Maryland, U.S.A., and at
the Department of Computer and Information
Sciences, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon, USA.
PERVASIVE TV 16:15 – 17:00
MOBILE 17:45 – 18:30
Creating for Home Screens
From Young Tube to on Demand Entertainment
Creating for Pocket screens
From Tele-Talking to Context enriched Services
Juha Kaario is joined Nokia in 1995 and moved
to Nokia Research in 1997 where he has worked
as a principal scientist for sustainable development and over ten years research manager for
several teams including Wearable Computing,
Personal Content and Mobile Games.
Previously he has worked in the University of
Tampere (1993), in the Technical Research Center of Finland (1992) and as a co-owner in a
small enterprise (1993-1996). His interests are
in multi-discipline research for sustainable development, pervasive computing, social media
and mobile services combined with business
innovation. He is currently working in Business
Validation team focusing on Nokia technology
innovation and new business creation.
COMPUTER 17:00 – 17:45
Creating for Office Screens
From Desk Top to Global Information Space
Marketing expert Charly Pall had worked as
Managing Partner of the Austrian Branch of the
mobile marketing company 12snap before he became the Managing Director of Google Austria.
Madan Mohan Rao, a consultant and writer from
Bangalore, is research director at the Asian
Media Information and Communication centre
(AMIC). He is also editor-at-large of DestinationKM.com and contributor to the Poynter Institute
blog on new media trends.
He is currently the director of the InfoComm Observatory at the Indian Institute of Information
Technology, Bangalore. Madan Rao animates
Mobile Monday developments world wide and is
commited to cooperative innovation for mobile
Europe’s Best in Multimedia Projects
Category Online / Web Projects:
>>> The Cordless Show. The Online Music Show, UK
>>> Donkeypedia, NK
>>> mite. Sleek time tracking for teams & freelancers, GER
Category Mobile Applications:
>>> toBed - interactive bedtime stories for iPhone and iPod touch, GER
>>> showtime!, AT
>>> MobileDoc, AT
Category Games:
>>> Swords & Soldiers, NL
>>> Monospace, CH
>>> Underwater Mayhem 2, SWE
Category Interactive Computer Graphics:
>>> vuvox, ISR
>>> Clavilux 2000, GER
Category Content Tools & Interface Design:
>>> Moogo.com, FI
>>> Flow-er, ISR
>>> Cmsbox, CH
Category Interactive Installations:
>>> akustisch - sound producing multitouch gestures, CH
>>> CRISTAL (Control of Remotely Interfaced Systems using Touch-based Actions in Living spaces), AT
>>> Oz, the intelligent alarm clock, FR
Category Digital Video & Animations:
>>> I am Olesya, ISR
>>> deconstruct - a stereoscopic experiment, GER
>>> The Forest, GER
Nominees: Online | Web Projects
The Cordless Show ‘Online Music Show’
Produced by: Dominic Dadson | Matthew Dadson | Aylwin Steele | Joe Newman
Country: United Kingdom
Up-and-coming musicians need no longer struggle to get recognized, thanks
to this internet-based video music show. The Cordless Show creates a platform for unsigned British singers, MCs, bands and musicians of all genres
to showcase their talent to thousands of music
fans from around the globe, thereby helping to
propel them to the next stage of their careers.
Each month, five new artists are professionally
filmed giving live performances and interviews,
which are then streamed live on the internet and documented on the
artists’ individual pages on the site. Not only are users and fans able
to view the videos; they can also comment on the content, and even
download the videos and mp3s. All profits are shared with the artists on a 50/50 basis – ensuring that everyone’s a winner. A feast
for eyes and ears, this web-based show will literally create fame.
Produced by: Joost van Eeden | Cristian Bettini | Pieter Crucq | Thijs van den Akker | Wytze Voerman
Country: The Netherlands
Asino the Donkey has already made a physical
pilgrimage around the Netherlands and is about
to embark on a walk around Europe, in Donkeypedia’s quest to document the identities of the
continent’s youngsters. Laden with a solar-powered laptop and camera, Asino and his owner are
digitally directed - by means of a website, GPS and
a mobile platform - by local children from village
to city, province to province, nation to nation, completing tasks and collecting stories, pictures and objects which represent the people and places they
encounter along the way. Asino’s whereabouts can be tracked live on the Donkeypedia website, onto which images from his head-mounted ‘Donkey-cam’
are constantly uploaded. These ‘memories’ can be tagged by children on a virtual online map,
resulting in an ever-growing Internet kaleidoscope that reveals the European identity step by step.
mite. Sleek time tracking for teams & freelancers
Produced by: Sebastian Munz | Julia Soergel
Country: Germany
Time tracking is vital for invoicing, accounting,
and scheduling. This sleek web-based time tracking tool enables accurate tracking of every single
minute of the working day. Using data collected
from web-based platforms, iPhones, Macs, or a command-line interface, mite generates detailed visual company reports, to which flexible
filters can be applied to squeeze out any information that matters.
Nominees: Mobile Applications
Time entries can be assigned to customers, projects, and services, and hours can be tracked
manually or with the help of the built-in timer. On a daily basis, mite answers crucial questions
concerning, for example, current company workload, over-time payment, and project duration, and
additionally, points out areas requiring attention. Reports can be shared with customers, or printed
or exported to a variety of file formats, and via an open API, developers can hack their workflow
into the system.
Produced by: Gerald Madlmayr | Andreas Jakl
Country: Austria
Life is becoming mobile in more than one way in emerging market countries;
not only do more and more citizens own mobile phones – people are now
on the move like never before. And this leads to busy roads, where traffic safety is low, and accidents a regular occurrence. Mobile Doctor has
been designed to enable injured road-accident victims to instantly
seek medical help via an application on their mobile phones. Navigation is simple and picture based, enabling people, including illiterates, to describe their condition and seek the most local relevant
expertise. Once participating medicine-men and hospitals set their
mobile status to “available”, their location is constantly broadcasted
to the web, along with information from a database concerning their
areas of specialisation. Accident victims are presented with a list of
the most relevant help, and are directed there via GPS. In situations
where every second counts, Mobile Doctor could prove to be vital.
Produced by: Kathrin Probst | Christian Grossauer | Christoph Engelmayer
Country: Austria
showtime! is a mobile application for interactive control of Microsoft Office
PowerPoint slideshows via an iPhone or iPod Touch client. Designed to provide
lecturers with optimal flexibility during slideshow-supported presentations, it
enables freedom of movement and independence from the restrictions of stationary computers. Its intuitive handling via touch display supports the usage
of slideshows as visual aids, and enables users to
break away from the strictly sequential nature of
traditional PowerPoint presentations. In addition,
showtime! offers new features, such as a timer displayed on the mobile
device, to help keep track of the overall presentation progress, and the
option of viewing personal notes. All this is achieved through intuitive
horizontal or vertical swipe gestures over the device screen – ensuring that eye contact is never broken between lecturer and audience.
toBed – interactive bedtime stories for iPhone and iPod touch
Produced by: Marc-André Weibezahn
Country: Germany
”toBed” is a concept for a platform for interactive bedtime
stories on the iPhone. It exploits the device’s innovative input methods, such as multi-touch gestures, accelerometer
and localization, to create new ways of interactive narration
on an intuitive and almost invisible interface.
The product offers a simple interactive experience, moving away from
the fast-paced nature of PC video games and instead providing a
glimpse of poetry on a user friendly device.
By purchasing additional stories within the application itself, users can
build their own collections of interactive bedtime stories.
Nominees: Games
Produced by: Daniel Lutz
Country: Switzerland
Created for the iPhone or iPod Touch, Monospace is a puzzle
game requiring players to think in 2 and 3D dimensions.
Its goal lies in maneuvering a blue box within a cube, in
order to eliminate surrounding white boxes. But it’s not
as simple as all that: not only are there rules governing how and
when the boxes can be shifted, Monospace complicates the matter
even further by switching the perspective. Each level begins with a
3D view; double-tap the screen though, and the stage collapses into
a 2D image. It’s in this flat view that white cubes can be victimized
by the little blue box. By changing the perspective, Monospace transforms simple puzzles into complex, mind-bending special riddles.
The mechanics of play remain simple, yet finding solutions to the more advanced arrangements can
be mentally taxing.
Swords & Soldiers
Produced by: Joost van Dongen | Fabian Akker | Gijs Hermans | Jasper Koning | Martijn Thieme | Olivier Thijssen | Ralph Rademakers
Country: The Netherlands
“Swords & Soldiers” is a 2D
side-scrolling real-time strategy game for the Nintendo Wii
and a wonderful and fresh mix
of Real Time Strategy gameplay, with the graphical presentation of a traditional sidescrolling arcade game. In each
level, two armies fight for victory by building up their numbers, upgrading their castles, gathering
gold and casting spells. The game can be played either in single-player or split-screen multiplayer
mode, and features three different factions: the strong Vikings, the devious Aztecs and the cunning
Chinese. Each faction possesses a diversity of qualities, skills and tactics. A series of challenging
mini-games can be unlocked as players progress through their chosen campaign. Comical graphical
style and strategic depth are inherent to this game, which can be downloaded from the Wii shop.
Underwater Mayhem 2
Produced by: Robert Träffe | Martin Barreby | Tomas Hertz Orre
Country: Sweden
Nominees: Interactive Computer Graphics
High speeds, sharp corners, water and weapons!
Challenge up to 8 players to a race in this fun underwater PC internet game, customizing your vehicle
to suit your playing style. Zoom with great precision
through targets, twisting and turning, and collect
weapons from special rings, which will also give you
an energy boost or refill. In order to win, you must
master the hazards and either shoot down all other
players, or race to be first past the post. Level design, sound, graphics, controls and gameplay all work
consistently together to make “Underwater Mayhem” a professional, exciting and balanced project.
Clavilux 2000
Produced by: Jonas Heuer
Country: Germany
The Clavilux 2000 is an audiovisual instrument enabling reactive visualization of piano
music in realtime. Via a connected computer vvvv patch, music played on the full
88-key digital piano with midi output is translated into a 2 or 3D permanent visual
representation on a vertical projection above the keyboard.
The concept is quite simple: for every note played on the keyboard, a new visual element appears in the form of a vertical bar;
its dimensions, position and colour depending on the way in which
the key is struck. This visual documentation of note length, velocity and harmonic relations can be referred to long after the music itself has faded away, giving an insight into the structure and
composition of the music. Which notes were played most often?
How harmonic was the piece? Clavilux 2000 has all the answers.
Produced by: Eyal Richter | Ephrat Beloosesky
Country: Isreal
Express music visually with Vuvox – a performance tool designed
to be used with a MIDI keyboard, sustain pedal and a webcam.
Vuvox comprises both an audio input mode, which picks up sounds from the
surrounding environment, and midem input from a keyboard.
Nominees: Content Tools & Interface Design
The higher the quality of music input, the more consistent, flowing
and visually sophisticated the images appearing on the webcam screen
become. The use of the Vuvox component therefore not only visually
enhances and enriches the music performance for both performers and
the audience; it can also serve as a feedback tool for amateurs
learning to play an instrument.
Produced by: Dr. Adrian Lienhard | Andrea Brühlmann | Christoph Wysseier | Christian Lauener | Felix Hofmann |
Genc Rashiti | Jan Beco | Nik Lutz | Simon Raess | Stefan Reichhart
Country: Switzerland
Taking web authoring to a new level,
cmsbox combines the latest web technology with an elegant yet simple interface concept. Unlike existing products,
cmsbox enables users to create and
edit websites instantly: all content can
be arranged and customized directly on
the final layout.
Just one extra line of controls is all that is required to turn a website
into a web authoring environment. Simple to get to grips with, all
kinds of content can be edited with ease. Content is integrated with
pre-defined style sheets to maintain a consistent corporate design,
producing high-quality websites. The application is highly userfriendly, its clever design almost going unnoticed in its simplicity.
Produced by: Eran Ayalon | Ephrat Beloosesky
Country: Israel
Flow-er is a system designed for hi-tech oriented companies to enhance the
office environment of their employees by streamlining daily and administrative
work. The interface is a smart, intuition-based timeline showing perspective
visions of three time periods: past, present and future. This timeline displays
‘flowers’ – workload bundles configured by the employee or manager, which contain all aspects of
information relevant to specific projects. The flowers provide the employee with a clear daily overview of tasks requiring completion, with
saved tasks forming the petals. The petals can be dragged to and from
the time line – such simple navigation saving valuable time by eliminating the need to search for related information through endless files and
applications. In addition to the timeline tool, Flow-er provides an “office”
application which overrides traditional office suites, to provide employees with all their office needs. It assures an enhanced office experience.
Produced by: Mikko Nurminen | Antti Ala-Ilkka
Country: Finland
Moogo offers a new way to produce high-quality web-based services. Faster
than conventional methods and using fewer resources, Moogo enables its
customers to produce their own web services with ease and without any programming expertise.
The service is foolproof: it takes just a few minutes to get up and
running, and no previous experience with creating or updating websites
is needed. Moogo offers a one-week, no-obligation, free trial period,
during which the user may subscribe to the service in order to keep
their website running.
This self-service concept and the automatedinvoicing and background
systems create a basis on which to profitably serve large groups of
customers at low-cost prices.
Nominees: Interactive Installations
akustisch – sound producing multitouch gestures
Produced by: Balz Rittmeyer
Country: Switzerland
‘akustisch’ is a new approach to producing, controlling and manipulating digital sound.
Designed to allow digital performers maximum gestural expression, akustisch’s multitouch surface eliminates the need for traditional electronic music ‘controllers’ such as
knobs and faders.
Complex hand gestures can be made on the multitouch surface, the
movement being interpreted as gestural input by an algorithm on the
screen. As soon as a recognizable gesture is executed, a specific
sound output is generated. As all ten fingers can be used for sound
manipulation, the graphical user interface is split vertically into right
and left-hand areas to allow for parallel initialization of two gestures at
the same time; one for each hand. ‘akustisch’ enables complex compositions which result in captivating performances.
CRISTAL (Control of Remotely Interfaced Systems using Touch-based Actions in Living spaces)
Produced by: Florian Perteneder | Christian Rendl
Country: Austria
The amount of digital appliances and media found in domestic environments has risen drastically over the last decade. Digital TVs, DVD and Blu-ray players, digital
picture frames, cleaning robots and other such devices have become part of our daily lives. Controlling these devices often requires a large number of remote controls that often lack intuitive
interfaces. CRISTAL has been designed to simplify the control of our digital devices in and
around the living room. An interactive tabletop system poses as a coffee table, and provides
an intuitive interface by displaying real-time video footage from a ceiling mounted camera.
The user can control the room’s devices by using multi-touch gestures directly on their digital projection. Lights can be controlled by making sliding gestures or movies can be watched by simply
dragging them onto the TV screen. This way the interface allows a more natural and intuitive interaction experience.
Oz, the intelligent alarm clock
Produced by: Thibault Perret | Léna Mazilu | Adèle Leyris | Romain Prache | Jean-Michel Saulnier
Country: France
Nominees: Digital Video & Animations
Oz, the intelligent and user-friendly alarm clock, has been designed to ease
that often unpleasant transition between sleep and awakening. Easy to use
and interactive, Oz will supply precise guidelines as to when it’s time to go
to bed and when it’s time to get up, by calculating the amount of sleep your
body needs according to your daily routine. The device consists of two parts:
a portable 7-inch touch screen, and a base on which the battery is charged. A
built-in miniaturized computer enables the device to be connected to the internet. Wake up to music from personal play-lists or
to a sunrise simulating light fader, or keep track
of your dreams by tapping them into the touch
screen. For insomniacs, Oz will suggest relaxation
applications, such as soothing games, permitting
a gradual descent into sleep. These - and many more - unique features will ensure that you always get up on the right side of the bed.
deconstruct – a stereoscopic experiment
Produced by: Tina Braun
Country: Germany
This digital video animation investigates the throbbing
pulse of New York throughout the course of a day. Using stereoscopy as a tool to build the landscape into a
3 Dimensional representation, “Deconstruct” highlights
the frantic nature of the city in a novel format, conveying its transience through clever editing and overlay techniques. By editing still
imagery into the moving image, the piece provides a ghostly representation of the city, which along with the soundtrack, creates a
very haunting piece of work. A kaleidoscope of filters and effects are applied to warp the viewer’s perception, totally immersing them in this unique depiction of the city that never sleeps.
I am Olesya
Produced by: Olesya Saitov | Eugene Romanovsky
Country: Isreal
Identity is no simple thing. Olesya - a small girl - finds herself at a cultural
crossroads in this captivating digitally animated video. What is her identity? Is
she Jewish, Uzbekistanian or Russian? Combined with real video footage and
skillfully composed drama, the detailed animation highlights her confusion,
and evokes empathy in the viewer. The story sheds light on relations
between cultures and religions in the modern world, where we are all
surrounded by different beliefs and cultures.
Will Oleysa succeed on her journey to find her inner-self? With tasteful
humour, this beautiful animation concludes with an educational and
happy end.
The Forest
Produced by: David Scharf | Javi Otero
Country: Germany
Antonia is a 12 year old girl. She often has daydreams, in which
she wanders off into a magical faraway forest where she hides
from the problems of the real world. One day, however, her father takes drastic measures and she has to face a decision.
Is your inner peace a utopian state until you have finally escaped the grip of the society and its rules? Or is affirmation a
faster way to personal happiness? And what are you supposed to do, if you have to answer
this question at the age of 12? In the animated short video “The Forest”, the protagonist
has to come to terms with this question and her hostile environment and finds a simple but radical
solution. The series of well-edited scenes is underscored by contemporary animation techniques, 3D
character animation, and digital compositing; and a fitting soundtrack adds weight to a credible story.
EUROPRIX 09 Festival Exhibitions
ORF Landesstudio Steiermark,
Marburgerstrasse 20, 8042 Graz
Daily from 08:00 to 18:00
Medienkunstlabor / Kunsthaus Graz,
Lendkai 1. 8020 Graz
November 12, 14, 15: 10:00 – 18:00
November 13: 10:00 – 20:00
All nominated projects are being exhibited at
the Austrian Broadcasting Corporation in Styria
and at the Medienkunstlabor (Kunsthaus Graz).
This is your unique possibility to get to know
the most creative projects and their creators.
Navigate through innovation in interactive media and experience award winning multimedia
Alle nominierten Projekte des EUROPRIX 09 sind
im ORF Landesstudio Steiermark, sowie im Medienkunstlabor (Kunsthaus Graz) ausgestellt. Dies
ist eine einzigartige Möglichkeit die kreativsten
Multimedia Projekte Europas, sowie deren Produzenten kennen zu lernen. Lassen Sie sich von
den prämierten interaktiven Innovationen beeindrucken.
EUROPRIX Special Exhibition
A Permanent Show
Showcasing the best projects by Europe’s top multimedia talents
EUROPRIX Multimedia Awards Ausstellung
Die permanente Ausstellung in Wien
Die Projektausstellung der besten
Multimedia Talente Europas
Visitors will be emphatically introduced to the
fascinating new world of multimedia with the
best of young multimedia contents of the current year. The best projects by young talented
multimedia producers from all over Europe will
be showcased at the Technisches Museum Wien.
Within the framework of the exhibition medien.
welten – the EUROPRIX Exhibition at the Technisches Museum Wien will delight visitors and
engage people by offering an interactive adventure!
Besucher werden auf eine kurzweilige Art und Weise
und mit den besten Projekten junger Designer
in die faszinierende Multimedia-Welt eingeführt.
Medien.welten – a special exhibition
at the Technisches Museum Wien
Mariahilfer Strasse 212, 1140 Wien
Monday – Friday from 9.00 - 18.00
Sat, Sun and Holidays from 10.00 - 18.00
Covering 2.500 m2, this innovative permanent
exhibition traces the development of the modern media system from the 15th century to the
present. The medien.welten exhibition focuses on the interplay between all kinds of media
technology – from postal services and telecommunication to technologies involving images,
sound, printing and data processing. It tells the
story of these media and how they have become
increasingly interconnected, forming today’s
media network.
Die besten Projekte junger Produzenten und Designer aus ganz Europa werden im Technischen
Museum Wien ausgestellt.
Im Rahmen der medien.welten bietet die EUROPRIX Exhibition allen Besuchern ein interaktives
Medien.welten – eine besondere Ausstellung im Technischen Museum Wien
Mariahilfer Strasse 212, 1140 Wien
Montag - Freitag 9.00 - 18.00
Samstag, Sonntag, Feiertag 10.00 - 18.00
Auf 2.500 m² zeigen die medien.welten die Geschichte der Medien, von den vergangenen Jahrhunderten bis Heute in zwei großen Entwicklungssträngen - die der Übermittlungs- und jene
der Speichermedien.
Auf der einen Seite zeigt die Ausstellung die Entfaltung von Post-, Telegrafen-, Telefon-, Funkund Rundfunknetzwerken, auf der anderen die
Entwicklung von Bild-, Ton-, Druck- und Datenverarbeitungsmedien.
EUROPRIX Gala: November 14, 2009 | 20.00
Award Ceremony for the
European Multimedia Competition
Celebrating the best young multimedia designers
Promoting technology and innovation
Awarding the most creative and innovative multimedia projects
Networking platform, Development of new business ideas
The multimedia gala connects 350 invited guests from more than 20 European countries. The award
ceremony presents the nominated projects of the EUROPRIX Multimedia Awards and their producers.
The coveted EUROPRIX is awarded in seven categories, one special award and to an overall winner.
This evening serves also and foremost the get-together and
get-to-know, the European exchange and the establishing of
new contacts for the education and economy.
Free registration at office@europrix.org
Die Preisverleihung für den
Europäischen Multimediawettbewerb
Mit den besten jungen Designern feiern
Promotion von Technologie und Innovation
Auszeichnung der kreativsten und innovativsten Multimediaprojekte
Kontakte knüpfen, Netzwerken, neue Geschäftsideen entwickeln
Die Innovativsten Projekte aus ganz Europa
Die Multimediagala findet mit 350 geladenen Gästen aus über 20 europäischen Ländern entweder
in der Seifenfabrik statt. Ein neues interaktives Galakonzept garantiert einen spannenden, unterhaltsamen und informativen Abend.
Freier Eintritt nach Anmeldung an office@europrix.org
>>> Seifenfabrik, Angergasse 41-43, 8010 Graz
Media Partners
Mobile Times
IT&T Business
“ITM praktiker - Multi media & Elektronik Internationales Technik Magazin”
media biz (online)
“Zeitschrift: Computerwelt, Computerpartner, VERLAG Info Technologie Verlag GmbH”
Komputer for Alle
Le Point
6Bears Magazine
Create or Die
Brand Eins
Designer in Action
PC World
Computers Publishing
PC World
PC Master
PC World
Media Partners
PC Professionale
Arte y Diseno
PC Tidningen
Digital Times
Tijdschrift Voor Multimedia
Online PC
Mobile Times
Komputer for Alle
PC Format
Gazeta IT
The National Student
PC Magazine
Mobile Communications
Romanian Center f. Developm. o. Creativity
Svet Kompjutera
PC Space
PC Revue
Peter A. Bruck
EUROPRIX Project Manager & Rainer Steindler
Production Management
Senior Writer
Claire Jones
Text Management
Rainer Steindler
Aleksandra Linkic
Nicole Copetti
Design & Layout
Marietta E. Löffler
Published by EUROPRIX Office
c/o ICNM – International Center for New Media
Moosstrasse 43a, 5020 Salzburg, Austria
©ICNM, Salzburg 2009 / Printed in Austria
EUROPRIX 2009 Academic Network Lounge
Academic Network Lounge
Organised by EADiM –
European Academy of Digital Media, Academic Network
Friday, November 13, 2009 11:30am-1:30pm
Thalia, Opernring 5, Graz, Austria
The EADiM Academic Network is a network of instructors, academics and professors in interactive
media which is interested in cooperation and exchange and on discussion on topics for teaching
and learning, for internship and best start-up preparations for careers of students.
Therefore Academic Network and EUROPRIX fit perfectly together. While best young talents are celebrating their nominations, EUROPRIX also supports the instructors in the Academic Network and
provides a platform for exchange, getting to know other institutes and methods and enhance a
masters program which is a cooperation of different European University institutes for interactive
media development.
Using the occasion of the EUROPRIX festival the Academic network is organising an Academic Network Lounge taking place on Friday, 13th, 11:30-13:30
1. Academic Lounge for Networking and Exchange
2. Jour Fixe: Presentation followed by discussion
3. Academix: Join European Masters for Interactive Media, meet Graz education
Participants from institutes and universities dealing with interactive media and design, involved
in students support for interactive media production are welcomed.
Contact and Registration:
Jana Egger, EUROPRIX 2009, EADiM Academic Network
T: 0043.662.630408
M: 0043.680.3062301
Programme Overview:
>>> November 12: ORF Landesstudio Steiermark,
Marburgerstrasse 20, 8042 Graz
>>> November 13: Thalia, Opernring 5, 8010 Graz
>>> November 14: University of Graz, Universitätsstrasse 15, 8010 Graz
Gala Evening: Seifenfabrik, Angergasse 41-43, 8010 Graz
EUROPRIX EXHIBITION / ORF Landesstudio Steiermark
Showcasing the nominated EUROPRIX projects from November 5. – 24. 2009 | Daily from 8:00 – 18:00
EUROPRIX EXHIBITION / Medienkunstlabor (Kunsthaus Graz)
Showcasing the nominated EUROPRIX projects from November 12.-15. 2009
10:00-18:00. Friday, November 13, from 10.00 – 20.00
Key Partners:
Sponsor Partners:
Cooperation Partners:
Under the patronage of
Viviane Reding,
Member of the European
Commission responsible
for Information Society
and Media