The Lampli ghter - Hunting Creek Baptist Church
The Lampli ghter - Hunting Creek Baptist Church
The Lampli ghter MA Y/JUNE 2008 HUNTI]YG CREEK BAPTIST CHURCH NEWSLETTER PASTOR'S PEN iust months eorlier begin Perpetuating New Life New life is o beoutiful thing. lts f reshness, innocence ond purity oll bring well-needed ioy to our heorts. There is something exciting oboul new life. One of my fovorite things obout being o postor is being oble to visif porents in the hospitol ond hold their new'born boby when he or she is iust hcuis old. The room seems lo hold on excitement, electricity thot worms the heort ond stirs the soul. lt is the kind of excilement thot couses us to think oboui lhe future. To dreom dreoms ond moke plons. It begins to evolve into o type of epiphony thot reveols-lo moter whol the future moy hold, becouse of this new life, our lives will never be the some ogoin. moy sound less thon profound, but lhe longer new life exThis ists fhe less it becomes new. Those new infonts thot were so dependent to goin their independence. They pickup things, smile ot you on purposer give hugs ond kisses ond hove likes ond dislikes. These precious little ones begin to grow up, ond woy too fost. As new life flees ond heorts breok, we begin to reolize ihot moturity ond growth ore olso necessory processes in life. We hove the responsibility to teoch ond troin, to help cnC lo nurture. lt moy not be eosy wofching them grow closer to the doy when ihey will leove the security of our roof ond storl out on there own. But in order for new life to con- finue on through them- moiurity must come-ond ihis is o good thing. New life MUST moture ond coniinue on or else deotn will be finol. How do we cullivole new life in the church? (l om speoking in spirituol terms now) When we think of new life within our church, we feel on excitement. We think obout the future. We dreom dreoms ond moke olons. As we think obout the new life thot con come to our church, we need to osk, "Are we reody for the new life our church moy experience?" After oll, we hove o resoonsibiliry to help those who ore dependent upon us until lhey grow into moturity in Christ. In the beginning of Erwin McMonus' die. Whot is it obout the old life thoi must die in order for ihis new life to come? McMonus stotes, "Before we csn even begin to explore how lhe church con reolly live, we must lint be willing lo die. We must be willing lo die lo our conveniences, our ]rodilions, ond prefer- book, An Unstoopoble ences--everylhing lhol Force, he tolks obouf the church ond her life ploces us obove cycle. He gives us greot insight on how to cultivote new life in the church. He stoles, rln the prime of our lives we begin lhe process of We must never compromise the lruth replocing ln ond troditions ore we willing to let go of for other words, if we ever hope to hove o thriving church for fhe future, we MUST begin todoy by selflessly giving of ol[- ers." of God's Word. This should never be dis- puied. However, whot personol preferences ourselves for the soke the soke of the future of our church ond ultimotely God's kingdom? In the prime of our lives, let us begin of the new life thot the process of reploc- is lo come. McMonus continues, t{n the end, it is not so much obovl prclonging or perpetuoling our own lile as obout givrng new lile lo oth- ing ourselves ond preserve the new life yet to be born, or else deoth will be fi- en'. God's Blessings, lronicolly, in order for new life fo Postor Dovid come the old life must nol. Page 2 The Lamplighter -- RA's News & Events The RA's would like to thanks everyone who supported the recent food drive. We were able to raise 265 lbs of food and collected $f OO.OO in dona- tions. Join for fun and excitement coming in May. us the The next activity on the list for us is the ST. Jude Bike-A-Thon. It will be held on Saturday, May 10th from 4:OOpm to 6:OOpm for bike riding and a Hot Dog Dinner will be served form 6-7pm. This will take place in the parking lot of the church. First Aid wiil be available on site. Please see Kevin Phillips for a sponsor form and get your donations or pledges lined up. Awards will be given to the top fund raisers. This is an excellent opportunit5r for us to help those that are in need. OHANG OUT AND READ' with Hunting Creek Baptist Church Media Library for the Summer Reading Program. Get ready to read lots ofbooks beginning Sunday, June L5 through Sunday, August 3 for 8 weeks of fun and adventure. Then on Wednesday, Au- gust 6, at 10am, a Grand Finale Parg will be held in Camden Hall for everyone that participated in join us for Mother's Day along with a Baby Dedication Service on May llth at Please the 11am Service. the Summer Reading Program. This program wiil include all children from birth through completed 6 graders. Ifyou have questions, you may ask any member of the Library Committee. Carolyn B Morehead, Mickey Rusher, Darnell Byers, Eva Yoder, Vicki Wright, Sheila Turpin and Heather Morehead MAY/JUNE 2OO8 Page 3 Youth Pastor's Note Time flies when you are having fun. So I guess I must have been having fun because it is again time for this note from the youth pastor. We are excited about many of tlre upcoming events planned for the youth. We are ending out the school year with a big fundraiser and a Hill Cats game. The fundraiser will help lower the cost per student for the Summer Lake Retreat. (I will give more info on that later.) This fundraiser will be a youttr yard sale, car wash, and bake sale on May 17th. We will aiso be serving burgers and dogs (hot dogs) at this event which will have a carnival like atmosphere. So all parents and members of Hunting Creek Baptist Church, if you have treasures sitting around your home that only someone else will 1ove, then bring them to the church by May 10tt. Also, if you are able and willing to help with this venture then please contact me. Although this helps to benefit the youth, if we all pull and work together as a church, the community will be better served and they wi-ll see that we are truly the body of Christ. The Hill Cats game is tentatively planned for July Sth ald *i ce a -.i;le oi;un a:rci felio*'sh-ip for all rr-ho atrenci. We wiii be renting a sk5rbox with all you can eat food. The cost per person is $30 which includes tickets and as I said, all you can eat! There are only 15 tj.ckets available, so first come first serve. This is frrst and foremost open to the youth and their invited friends, but if we don't have all hfteen seats hlled then I will open it up to those outside the youth. (The date for this may change if too many youth are gone on vacation durbg this time.) Last but not ieast, our Summer Lake Retreat on June 1620tn. This will be a great time of fun and fellowship as we water ski, wakeboard, tube, swim, hsh, and carnp. We wili have music and biblica-l teaching throughout the trip. This is our BIG event for the summer, so don't miss out and invite your friends. I have spent many days on the water and can guarantee that all safety precautions will be made. If tfiis is a concern then piease talk to me about this. The cost per student is $250. This is before any and a1l fundraising. So if your student participates in the fundraising then he or she will earn an appropriate portion of the money raised to go toward this trip. I do need a $75 deposit by May 4th. If ttris is not possible but you still want your youttr to go, then talk to me. Also if there is more than one youth in a famiiy going and the cost is too much to send all of them, then please make arraignments with me. I want to see all our youth and their friends attend. Hill Cats tentatively set for July 5th. $30 per ticket "the community will be better served and they will see that we are truly the body of Christ" w Youth Summer Lake Retreat June l6-20th ff t"*u o The Lamplighter A Note From the Nursery I want to start out by saying'thank you" to all the people who have helped me in the past with the Nursery. I had to stay in the Nursery at least one Sunday a month because someone forgers or isn't at church. Carole is now putting the List in rhe really appreciate each ofyou taking Volunteers Needed! !!! ! a rurn. I bullerin for 2 rn'eeks ahead to let you know well in advance your used to have enough people on the list that your rurn only came every8months. Iam PLEASE if you can't cover your Sunday or )'ou \vant to be taken Brenda Oliver & Children Church Workers May 4 Brenda Oliver Ethan Tanner CC: Heather Morehead lune May 11 Kasey Gunter June B Vicki Wright Rickey Wright CC: Carolyn R Morehead Pat Cocke CC:Jennifer Coleman rcall-r noo.l it Sunday is coming. now dorm to every 5 monrhs. Larely i have Nursery ofl the list, Iet me know so I can make other arrangements. Also, if you want to help and I don't have you down, I would LOVE to give you a Sunday. Aguin, thanks for your help. I 1 Lindsey Oliver Fred Oliver CC: Heather Morehead lune May 18 Darnell Byers Carolyn B. Morehead CC: Melissa Overstreet 15 Eva Yoder Tom Sikes CC: Mendy Clark Mav 25 Spring Burkes J.R. Burkes CC: Stacey Ellgass June 22 Cheryl Coleman Jonathan Williamson CC: Selena Phillips % June 29 Erica Barnett Faye Whorley CC:Spring Burks May/June 2008 Page 5 From Ginger: A SINGING for Him byLindaf.Biggs In choir rehearsal I am often strange things began to hap- Director. She not only makes it haunted by this recurring thought: Why am I here? This has plagued me for a while, and I know I won't fee any peace until I answer pen. On several occasions, people sitting in front of me in meaningful, she also makes it fun. She challenges us to be the best we can be and will not settle for less. I stay because I enjoy the fellowship among the choir members. We are a family and there is a sense of belonging in the this question. First of all, my voice is nothing special. I am in awe of those around me who hae such beautiful voices. I canaot sine as well ,l' -r,:;' Co. and I don't read music that well. However, I usually manage to hit the correct notes, and I don't sing too loudly on the really high ones. I do occupy space and add volume to the choir. But there should be better reasons than these for being in choir. As my children were growing up they sat with me in church. When they started going away to college, I realized that I would be sitting alone in church. But that was not the right reason to ioin the choir. Then some church commented to me that I had a nice voice and should join the choir. Our minister of music even asked me to join. Then my children began encowaging me to do so. So I began to think, Maybe. I kept putting if off. finding ali sorts o1'ercuses. Then one day I decided to "take the plunge," so I went to Wednesday night choir rehearsal. I still haven't figwed out what finally led me to join the choir, but I do know why I stay. I stay because it is a way to serve in my chwch. The choir is insffumental in leading the congregation in worship. It is good to be a small part of that. I stay because I love to sing praises to the Lord. It is a beautiful way of expressing one's love for Christ and His work. I stay because of my music COME JOIN US!!! GINGER BELL choir. Last, but not least, I stay because of me. I need it. I ieed to let the music speak to my soul. Choir rehearsal has become a very personal devotional time for me. While singing many of the songs, tears come to my eyes. I am unaware ofanyone else around me. I feel that the song, was writtenjust for the purpose of uplifting me. I always go home feeling refreshed, renewed in Spirit, and eager for the next rehearsal. Page 6 The Lamplighter Congratulations to the following on their upcoming graduation. Ethan Tanner- Liberty High Caryn Hensley- Liberfy High Jennifer Coleman- Liberty High Wil Rommel- Liberty High Congratulations to Lindsay Turpin on her graduation December 2007 from Longwood University with a BA in History. Based on Joshua 24:15 this is SonWorld Adventure Parh where kids will discover that choosing Jesus is the ticket to the best ride of their lives. There's no height requirement, the lines are short and everyone gets a good view of the parade. But hold on to your hats, because its sure to be a life-changing ride! JoinUsforVBS staring Iune23-27. Hourswillbeg-12 eachdaywithCommencementonFriday night tbe 27 th at 7 pm. May/June 2008 PzgeT Thanks to the following people for their donations to the Hunting Creek Media Library. Donated by Margaret Manley: TheNativity Story (DVD) Flicka (DVD) Unidentified (DVD) The Moment After (DVD) The Moment After 2 (DVD) Getting Through What You're Going Througlr by Robert A Schuller Donated by Gary & Brenda Oliver: Kansas Weddinss by Kim Vogel Sawyer On Her Own by Wanda E Brunstetter Blessings by Kim Vogel Sawyer Donated by Gary & Brenda Oliver in honor of their grandchildren: The Legend of the Easter Egg by Lori Walburg Donated by Doris Dalton: Soaring on Eagles' Wings by Edith Vaughn-Parker Donated by Barbara Branch in memory of her Mother, Mildred Welch, on her birthday in heaven: Bible Stories: The Creation Story. Noah's Ark. The Story of Moses. Jesus is Born. and More (with projector) retold by Allia Zobel-Nolan Donated by Frank & Barbara Branch in memory of Louise Branch on her 1Oth birthday in heaven: fught on Time (with clock) stop and Check somethine out!!! Just fo "A Ti rroe to Plant..." The spring of the year is time to plant gardens or tend to other plants. The list below contains the names ofplants that grew G in Bible times. How many do you recognize? Circle the names from the list. They may be found ---) <- J f 1 . There will be 13 letLers uncircled. Write them in the spaces below. myrrh aloes Ientil apple trees balsam trees melons oak trees wheat pomegranates olive trees almonds cinnamon lily c) oo Fl q) ts € cassia mint crocus barley leeks onions figs mustard millet beans pistachio nuts rose ofSharon Warmer wearher mems summer has arrived! God's beauciful creation is always chmging, and we can praise God lor every season. litrllTqJiSt4rrTillrrS-llY5,ti5l/Jl-rZfllrfStl:icr-tiSlLtl.Eil lSlillll-'liZSli@-]llSliL=J.JZfl i(r-l['=\]i'Jlt:)iV-\i!E-l Use this code to linish Genesis 8:22. NlV. of the valley PLENTILMGCJEBSU IOGRAINIIUBEANS SAMINTELNCDALSU TPYESBNLNUBLSSC APRMGAAEAMAMAEO GLREARCTMBTOMER HEHLRLALOESNTRC ITSOLESNNRUDRTO ORNNIYSNASMSEEF NEOSCDILLTOFEVI UEIWHEATLEEKSIG TSNGOAKTREESOLS SROSEOFSHARONOD LILYOFTHEVALLEY N God rnade the ,seasorts g/- Who is the "Master 'lqhh 1do -*Y-5 3)o (:o; :6:-.d*& ,FY^s*lo.:.o' o,g,,lo-A('9 ---m- .9,9Y^ -1 -,tsE A1= __mm__ oB EY^ LtIl __Y Gardener"i *ta l :g88 w__ 9.Y G..o; yg- __gn_ ^_d'Eyo c----." w-ii 9 --v-f :6. ''o. r) :ci:-.d o :)6: Genesis 8:22. o) _.) )cr.oG NIV o0 l)):) Jo uos snsal .,'oseal Jaaau 11ra tq8ru pue dup '.tatur,ro. pul:aurrns 'lzaq puu plor 'tsauzq puz auJnp:es 'sslnpua qrl?e aqr se 3uo1 sV,, :larAsuv MAY/JUNE Page 9 2OO8 "Proud and Steadfasttt First Sergeant Chambers with Care Packa-ses donated by Huntins Creek Members Dated March 8,2008 Dear Hunting Creek Baptist tions with junior leaders taking Church, charge and achieving great accomplishments daily' The care packages on behalf of the Soldiers from and sent to each the 55tst Medical co-p*y lt_1t-t-,!:"-l lttided soldiers' we pro(Logistics) r thank you zu you, l::ltl:ll-t-nave logistics support at efforts in supporring ou. soiai.r, :l!: l:!.l]lt in the form of mediduring this dimcurt time.-A;;;- l|:t_: l":lt:'s ' *d the maintenance of cial thank you goes out to ail :il:,1lll]:: medical. equipment' These Soidiers member of HCBC for their eenin customer support and erous supporr. our Soldiers" *]I::T]: taking care ofother Soldiers' really appreciate trre zo care packages we recently received. Again, thank you very much for all the care packages you've sent and It's great to know that there are great Americans who go out of especially the personal time you set their way to let Soldiers know aside to support the Soldiers who they are appreciated and cared spend so much time away from their loved ones. for. i should tell you that I'm extremely proud of these young soldiers in our unit. We are spread out at seven different loca- :i 1SG, USA First Sergeant JUNE MAY ::. James E Charnbers : 2-Bill Cocke, Chloe Eckard 8-Kadin Byers l0-Harriet Tanner, Mason : & Becky Tomlinson 9-Jimmy Byers 10-Delbert Hensley 20-Sher1a 14-Margaret Manley 20-Heather Morehead 21-Mason Coleman 22-Phyllis Breedlove, Corbin 24-Shelly Hudson : : 1" l7-Nancy 2l-Direck Whorley, Stephanie Bryant 24-Stacey Ellgass 26-Nancy Hensley, Melissa Overstreet 27-Brenda Peters 25-Joan Ragland Turpi:r Manley 30-Nathan Casto : HAPPY BIRTHDAYIII .": ..:f,:,:r""'r,.'"::..€:., rl:,,..:f , f . :,' .::'....,""",.,,.,,' ..:f . :' & ; Hudson ':' j. 26-Jerry Wilson ^a 28-Chris Morris 29-Robert Dale Overstreet, Wesley Todd Whorley ri 28-Patricia Goff 29-Vickie Wright : Oliver j' .rf, . """ ;, #'"*" 10 The Lamplighter PRAYER LIST r o o o Velma Branch a James Dalton Estelle Marl<ham a Roger Painter Family of Karen MarkJtam a Sandra Persinger Family of Beffy Spinks a Barbara Dawson a Thelma Blount a Keeli Wheeler a Lrzzy Marlrham a James Markharn a SarahBranch a Bobbie Hensley a Floyd Goff a Ir4.ickey Rusher a Jean Hughes a Shelby Byers Becky Rice a Darnell Byers o WesleyManley a Rick Burks a Dean Hensley a Margarct Manley a Geraidine Tomlin a Family of Mack Floyd a Rev. Woodrow W. Neal a Ir4ary Ellen Tomlinson a David Hensley a Martha Fainter j. a James Campbell Th.nk G"d For Littl. Th;.rg, Thank you, God for little things that often come our way, The things we take for granted but don't mention when we pray, The unexpected courtesy, the thoughtful, kindly deed, A hand reached our ro help us in the time of sudden need - Oh make us more aware, dear Goi., of Jittle daily graces That come to us with "sweet surprise" From never-dreamed-of places. Helen Steiner Rice THANK YOU'S Thank you so much for your prayers, calls, visits, cards and food during this time. We are blessed to have such a loving church family. Many Thanks & LovJ J.R. & Spring Burks & Family Thanks to each and every one for their prayers, money, food and many visits. May God Bless each of you. Margaret Manley Dear Hunting Creek Church Family, Words can't express how I feel about all of you. each and everyone are so dear to me. Thank you for all the cards, food, gifts, visits and prayers that have come my way. They mean so much. Love, Mickey Rusher MAY/JUNE Page 11 2OO8 $o Says the Webrnaster Have you seen Huntingcreeknet check it out! ! ! lately? All neu and fresh for 2oo8, the church uebsite has a brand neul looK and interfacer All the information you are looKing for, in a neul easier to use format. The main page is set up in a "blog" style, ujhich means neus and events can be posted and updated faster and are easier to find. Leave comments on neuls items and interact tulith your cnurch(chect< out the neu im- proved gue$ booK is complerely Spam proofl HuntingcreeK.neq your resource for neuJs, events, pftotos, prayer requests and more. ChecK it out for the firsc time, thot again( thanks contI want to say thank-you to everyone for the cards through the holidays and for the cards and letters of support. Thank-You for the Church Newsletter, Daily Devotional Material and for the Church Directory. lt is really a blessing to see smiling faces in the church and community. Most of all thank-you for my church and community everyday. Love in Christ, Oscar Peters To Hunting Creek Church, God Bless you all! | can't thank you enough for all the cards, thoughts and mostly prayers. I am doing much better now. Only two more radiation treatments left. I felt I had you and the Lord with me all the way. Love all of you! Janice Dear Friends, Just a note to say Thank you for all you have done for me during my illness. I know I can not say or tell you all how much I appreciate all you have done. But most of all your prayers that went up for me. Thank you again and please keep praying for me. With much Love, Your Friends ln Christ, J.C. & Phyllis Breedlove Hunting Creek Baptist Church May Activities Mon Sun Tue 6 4 9:45AM Sunday School 1 1 : 00 Worship Se mice/Baptism Fri 7 Sat 10 M Senior Citizen's 5:30pm Detending Your Faith 6: Thu Wed Luncheon 00 Discipleship Training 6:4SPM Prayer Service 7:3}PM Choir Practice St, 4-7 7:00 Youth Sponsored Jude Bike-A+hon pm Church Parki' arking lot 7:00 Evening lltorship 11 MOTHER'S DAY 12 13 t4 15 16 9:45AM Sunday School I 'qrd, Youth Sponsored Yqr I:00 ll/orship Senice il 6:30pm 6:15 PMCouncil Mtg. 6:45 PM Business Mtg. 7:30PM Choir Practice 20 21 Prayer Time Baby Dedication 5:30pm Defending Your Faith 6: 1a 00 Discipleship Training Bake Sale and Car lTash beginning at 7 7:00 Youth 7:00 Evening Worship I8 19 22 23 zv 30 9:45AM Sunday School I 1:00 Worship Semice 6;45PM Prayer Service 7:30PM Choir Practice 5:30pm Defending Your Faith 6: 00 Disc ipleship Training 7:00 Youth 7:00 Evening l(orship 8:00 Deacon's Meeting 26 25 27 28 9:45AM Sunday School I 1:00 llorship Service/Baptism 5:j0pm Defending Your Faith 6 : 00 Discipleship Training 6:45PM Prayer Service 7:30PM Choir Practice 7:00 Youth 7:00 Evening ll'orship MEMONAL DAY JI Hunting Creek Baptist Church June 2008 Activities Mon Sun I Graduate Sunday 3 9:45am Sunday School 1l:00am Worship Semice 6:00pm Youth 6: Thu Wed Tue Sat Fri 6 7 Graduation Senior Citizen's 6:45pm Prayer Service Last Day of Schoolfor Luncheon 7:3lpmChoir Practice Bedford County I0 1t Prayer Time 6: @ 6:30pm 6:45pmBusiness Mtg. 00 Discipleship Training 7:00 Evening Service 8 12 I3 14 FLAG DAY 21 9:45am Sunday School l:00am Worship Semice I 6:00pn Youth 6: 00 Discipleship Training 15pm Council Mtg. 7:30pmChoir Practice 7:00 Evening Semice I5 FATHER'S DAY 16 l7 I8 t9 20 Youth Summer Lake Re- Youth Summer Lake 6:4Spm Prayer Sentice Youth Summer Lake Re- Youth Summer Lqke Re- fteat Retreat 7:3Opm Choir Practice fteqt ffeat 9:45am Sunday School I I:00am Worship Semice 6:00pm Youth 6 : 00 Discipleship Training 7:00 Evening Senice Summer Reading Program Youth Summer Lake Retreat Kickoff 22 23 ),t 25 26 27 VBS 9.12 VBS 9-12 yBS 9-12 vBS 9-12 VBS 9.1 2 9:45am Sunday School I l:00am Worship Service 6:00pm Youlh 6: 6:45 Prayer Service 00 Discipleship Training 7:30pm Choir Practice 7:00 Evening Semice 8:00 Deacon's Meeting 29 30 9:45am Sunday School I l:00am Worship Semice 6:00pm Youth 6 : 00 Discipleship Training 7:00 5th Sunday Night Sing folloved by lce Cream Social Commencement 7pm 28 NONPROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE Hunting Creek Baptist Church PAID PERMIT NO. 15455 Big Island Hwy. Big Island, VA 24526 I Pastor: Rev. David Williamson Youth Minister: Dan Foss Music I)irector: Ginger Bell 0rganist: Carol B. Spencer Secretary: Carole Rusher Phon e: 434-299 -5045 Email: hc b cpastor @ly nc h bu r g. n et Web Site: wwly. h u ntin gcree k. net WHY THE CHANGE? I guess now that you have read this issue you are wondering about the changes that have been made. a bu ndant s upp Iy of c opy pape r When I took over as the secretary in January I noticed that the Church had an abundant supply ofcopier paper in an odd size. In an effort to use this paper and keep the cost ofoffice supplies down by not ordering more paper, I decided to change the format. This has been quite an undertaking for me and I hope that you all are pleased with the publication. I apologizeto everyone about the fact that the size of the type is smaller than before. I will be tweaking this as each issue is printed. Ifyou have any suggestions or comments regarding the changes made, please do not hesitate to let me know. Ifanyone has a poem or other little ditly that would be appropriate for the newsletter, I would appreciate a copy to use, Carole Rusher Secretarv