Issue 5 - The British Florist Association


Issue 5 - The British Florist Association
for today’s
inside this issue:
Web Design
How to promote your business
Hot off the press
Hampton Court winners
Top demonstrators for a top show
Florists have been sending me news and
Meet Rebecca Hough and find out what
makes her tick
UK Floristry judges were hard at work
Chelsea Florist of the Year 2013
Lets take a look at the finalists designs
• The pension Schemes - the changes in law
and what they mean to you
• Insurance - Not as boring as it sounds
• Have we got some exciting news for you...
Announcing the demonstrators
• Competition information
• BFA Industry Awards 2013
It’s never too early not to start planning top tips and advice on preparing for those
all important dates
• Xmas, Valentine’s Day and Mother’s Day
Trade figures show positive growth
Books to inspire
Who we are, what we do and how to
contact us!
Dear BFA member
Wow what a month or two we’ve had at
the BFA! Not only have we been at Chelsea
Flower Show but we’ve showcased BFA
florists’ talents at BBC Gardener’s World,
there have been preparations for RHS
Tatton Park (probably happening as
we speak) and organising the next big
thing The BFA Industry Awards & Fleurex
I have had the pleasure of attending Chelsea Flower
Show as an observer judge and have to say it was the
highlight of my year so far. Not only did I meet some
amazing people with inspirational stories but I was
lucky enough to see the Queen too!!
I’d like to say a massive thank you to everyone who
has sent messages saying how much they love the new
magazine. I only hope that this one lives up to your
newfound expectations too. Again I have had so much
Chelsea Young Florist of the Year 2013 ,
read her inspiring story
A guide to setting up your own website what to look for and what to avoid
Showing floral products to their full potential
The official sponsor of BFA Fleurex 2013
UK World Skills news and all about training
and education
What makes a florist a florist? - To glue or
fun putting it together and got to meet and talk to some
fabulous people.. So it’s a big thank you to them too.
Don’t forget if there is anything the BFA can do for
you—let us know—we are here to represent the
floristry trade.
And finally, I am so, so excited to announce the
demonstrators for BFA Fleurex 2013. We have the
amazingly talented Laura Leong, Chelsea Florist of the
Year and the undoubtedly famous Moniek van den
Berghe renowned for her stunning designs.
Book your Fleurex tickets now….. Don’t miss this year’s
hottest event!
Enjoy the magazine…………..
Sarah Cunningham
not to glue?
for today’s
FLORIST florist
BFA Florist is published by Euromedia Associates Ltd, Rhone House, Canalside, Chorley PR6 0BU
General Manager: Emma Higham | Editor: Christopher Lovett | Sales: Gemma Winstanley / Sharon Brookes
Production Manager: Sheila Helm | Creative Design: Nikki Carter
T: 01257 267677 | F: 01257 267711 | Editorial e-mail:
Advertising e-mail:
From the President...
Summer finally arrives.
After returning from my annual
summer vacation in the Canary
Islands it would appear that
summer has finally arrived for most
of us, temperatures here in Wigan
are certainly warming up as I write this column.
With summer finally here many professional florists enter the
busy wedding season, creating beautiful bouquets, corsages and
floral decorations for couples who are entering into marriage with
each other, it’s a very profitable area of work for florists and in
turn growers, exporters/importers and wholesalers alike. More
controversially of course is that of same sex marriage, recently
France became the latest European country to allow same sex
couples the right to marry, they join an ever increasing number
of countries such as the Netherlands who introduced same sex
marriage some twelve years ago, along with Spain, Belgium,
Sweden, Denmark, Portugal to name just a few. Further afield in
some U.S. states, Canada, Argentina and New Zealand also
allow same sex marriage now. Apart from the issue being a matter
of equality and in my opinion the right thing to do, something which
I personally support, it’s also good for business, and whilst the bill
is still not law in England and Wales it almost certainly will be
by next summer. Opening up new business opportunities is surely
a good thing, especially in difficult times. Same sex marriage is
a new opportunity for professional florists and their suppliers, it’s
time for professional florists to start to plan and develop this new
side of their business.
In this issue of BFA Florist we’ve got another packed issue with
news articles and features to help you in your business, a report
on the winners at this years’ RHS Chelsea Flower Show and
information on how the BFA annual show, FleurEx is progressing,
a show not to be missed. With top designers, trade exhibitors’
workshops, business presentations and competitions galore there’s
something for everyone, the date – Sunday 27th October, pop
it in your diary, better still book your tickets today, I promise you
won’t be disappointed!
If you haven’t already taken your summer vacation, then I wish
you a relaxing one if you’re getting away this summer. The next
issue of BFA Florist will be a rather special one for me personally
and I look forward to sharing it with you, until then I hope you
enjoy this issue and the summer which looks like it has finally
With kind regards, Mark . MARK WARD
President, BFA. - Email
‘Your Page’
Got a story or some exciting
news you want to share.
Send details to
Last month we asked you to send in your
pictures of your favourite piece of work
that you constructed to win a ticket to
Fleurex. This lucky winner would not only
be in this magazine as our Feature Florist
but also wins a ticket to Fleurex 2013.
Thank you to everyone who entered and
I am pleased to announce the winner
is Rebecca Hough, A Secret Garden,
Hartlepool. Congratulations.
Have you delivered a designer
bouquet or a beautiful bunch,
an amazing arrangement or a
stunning creation to someone
famous recently? Send us your
story and pictures (if you have
them) of THE most famous
recipient of YOUR flowers...
Feature Florist
Rebecca has been a busy bee… not only
did she just finish competing at RHS Chelsea
but she is now concentrating on her next big
competition, the Interflora Florist of the Future,
finals being held in the BFA marquee at Tatton
Park in July.
Rebecca, who works at A Secret Garden
in Hartlepool, has been determined to
achieve her goals within the industry.
She started at Durham Houghall college
and moved to Askham Bryan in York to
complete her Level 3 diploma. Rebecca
began working two and a half years
ago and has worked hard to achieve
her current position. She says the shop
has been so supportive of her and this
encouraged her to enter competitions
which have fuelled her desire to be the
best at what she does.
She is a great believer in pushing
yourself to the limits and trying new ideas
and concepts to get better results. Her tip
to anyone thinking about entering competitions is to “just do it”!
When I asked her how she formulated a plan for her competition designs
she simply said “I get an idea, I stick to my original plan and I try not to let
anyone change my mind, even though sometimes it is tempting”
Rebecca, who lives at home and has a long term partner, Dave, who
supports her fully, says that floristry is her life, she has recently been appointed
the Training and Assessment Co-ordinator for the North of England by
Interflora and is looking forward to the challenges that this may hold.
Her plans for the future? Well no-one knows where competition work will
take you but she would love to get her teaching qualification—which she
is starting in September (I’ve no idea how she fits it all in!) and then return
to Houghall College - her starting point - and teach others, her passion of
What a remarkable young lady and the BFA would like to wish Rebecca
the very best of luck in the Interflora Florist of the Future competition at Tatton
Park in July.
This month’s
florist is
Rebecca’s award winning designs
RHS Hampton Court Palace Flower Show 2013
“Bringing the living into the 50’s room”
winning pier and the proud winners!
The judges from the UK Floristry Judges
Guild were hard at work when they
went to RHS Hampton Court to judge
the Professional Florists and the Floristry
Colleges competitions.
There were designs incorporating Bill &
Ben, Vintage Gardens & Street Parties, Rock
Around the Clock, Singing In the Rain and
Marilyn Monroe to name but a few! This year
the coveted RHS Gold Medal Winner and
Best In Show was awarded to the City of
Bath College with their theme “Bringing the
living into the 50’s living room”. A very clever
concept, brilliantly executed with attention
to detail and care and consideration given
to each and every flower and plant material
used in the design.
A worthy winner. Congratulations to the City
of Bath College.
25th—28th JULY
This year the British Florist Association Marquee is better than ever. Not only are we hosting the infamous
Interflora Florist of the Year and Interflora Florist of the Future competitions but we will have demonstrations
from Ian Lloyd and Zoe Podmore to inspire you and leave you wanting more!
The BFA “have a go” workshops will this year be featuring the very popular cup cakes
(sponsored by Oasis Floral Products) where members of the public can have a go at
designing their very own cup cake to take home (not to eat of course!) Workshops are
being held three times per day so there is plenty of opportunity to “have a go”
There will also be a floral demonstration by NAFAS Chesire region at 11 am every
On the Saturday and Sunday the competition booths will be filled with stunning shop
window displays sponsored by Country Baskets created by BFA member florists using
a selection of pots and containers to create beautiful summer designs.
The “competition” will be judged by members of the public who will decide which is their favourite shop window.
Saturday and Sunday will feature the “Ready, Steady, Design Floristry Challenge” - the challenge will see couples
competing against each other to win a stunning bouquet to be presented to them on their wedding anniversary from their
local BFA member.
Spotlight on Laura Leong -
Chelsea Florist of the Year 2013
When Laura won the coveted title of Chelsea Florist of the Year 2013, her face was a picture….
Delighted at attaining one of her ultimate ambitions, it has given Laura the determination to pass on
her knowledge to others and make the world a much prettier place!!!
In an interview with Laura, I was lucky enough to get the low down on what inspires her, what she
wants to do next and why she loves floristry so much, here’s what she told me…
Where do you work? Everywhere! I
am self employed and I travel around
a lot!, I am a florist, floristry lecturer,
demonstrator, external verifier and
sometimes I illustrate and contribute to
floristry texts.
What position(s) do you hold?
I am currently a part time floristry
lecturer at Moulton college.
External Examiner for Writtle
College/University of Essex.
I work regularly as a demonstrator
for wholesalers and colleges and
other private organisations. I have
been involved in the training of World
Skills competitors also, which is very
rewarding and exciting.
What is the hardest part of
your day? The paperwork, and
recordkeeping are the bits I enjoy
What other interests do you have? I
have a Degree in Fine Art/Painting
and worked as a fine art lecturer for
a while, so aspects of art,design and
craft are always interesting to me.
When did you first become interested
in Floristry? Aged eighteen I was
looking for an occupation with a
strong art bias, I got a job in a flower
shop full time and went to college one
day a week, so most of my years have
been in retail floristry, sometimes full
time, sometimes part time.
What are your ambitions?
I would like to spend more time
developing my design ideas as far as
I can. I like to spend time everyday
experimenting, I feel for me this the
only way I can move my ideas beyond
what I know. Sketching is great, but
engagement with the materials is when
the ideas really come alive.
Who inspires you most and why? I
am inspired by those who have the
courage to do their own thing, but
also those who take the time to nurture
others. There are those who have done
a lot to nurture the industry itself, they
inspire me.
What would you say to someone
who had never entered competitions
It is an excellent way to learn, it
exposes you to all kinds of different
work and approaches, so you develop
all the time, both from your own
mistakes and from seeing what works
well in your own work and the designs
of fellow competitors.
You have to be prepared to take
criticism, that’s all part of it. Don’t
do it if you just want a lot of praise!
The process is really valuable and
enjoyable, it is totally absorbing. The
sense of achievement is amazing when
you feel you have progressed.
Warning:Competitions are
What has been the highlight of
your floristry career so far? Winning
Chelsea Florist of the Year 2013,
and being featured in Fusion Flowers
Wedding Magazine 2013.
What do you want to do next?
I want to progress my work more, to
spend time focusing down and refining
ideas. Time to do that would be great!
It might involve further competition
work, it might involve a little travel! I
am working on a web site currently.
Now that you have won “Chelsea”
has it changed how you work?
No not really, competition work is
different to commercial work or to
demonstration/exhibition work. I think
competition work is enjoyable for me
as it’s a licence to put the hours in,
to see the idea through to it’s final
conclusion however long or difficult the
process is.
It does help to have competitive
experience as a lecturer so that you
can advise students who are also
wishing to compete.I am proud to
Now a few questions
about the actual winning
piece for Chelsea
have tutored many competitors, I love
this part of my job.
Who is your favourite designer? I
can’t have just one, because I regard
very many and for different reasons!
If it’s just one then I would choose
Elly Lin as I think she pursues her own
vision very clearly and beautifully.
As a lecturer I think Gregor Lersch
has been the most influential and most
important to the understanding of
design schema, and he is amazingly
Juoni Seppanen and Stein Are
Hansen are also a genuine originals.
Bjorn Kroner and Baudouin Roelants
have an art based approach that also
strongly appeals.
What is your favourite colour and
why? Green, there is a shade of
green for every possible message
you may need to convey. It’s never
What is your favourite flower and
why? Too hard! Ok maybe Lathyrus
(sweet peas), I like the fragility, form,
colour range and scent. I recently
worked with waist height sweet pea
strings, they were incredible. I also
love all grasses and I am very fond of
If you could choose to work anywhere
in the world, where would it be and
what makes you want to work there?
I always wanted to go to Japan to
learn Ikebana and Hanakubari, I think
the designers of the Far East generally
have excellent technical skills, and
attention to detail. On top of this there
is also an inherent appreciation of line
and form that is different to that of the
How many hours did it take you? The
under structure took about 8 hrs over a
period, the fresh plant material about
18hrs in total, starting with the most
long lasting plant material first.
What was your inspiration? – please
describe your thought process and
how it materialised into the actual
We were asked to interpret an
aspect of Chelsea.
I knew that I didn’t want to choose
an idea that would just accent the
design, I wanted an idea that would
lead the whole design. So I chose a
vortex whirl pool This informed the
overall form and the detail and colour
within it. I wanted to interpret the dark
small ripples to the centre, with more
loosely formed lighter larger ripples
to the outer edge, I was after a very
gradual change.
Did your finished design match your
first ideas?
Yes, I experimented with a few ways
of making the design flow backward
before finalising my approach.
I trialled the lasting qualities of
several plant materials before making
the final selection, this took a while.
Chelsea designs are staged for three
days so all the materials need to last
this long.
Before winning Gold, did your design
match your expectations?
I felt happy with it as I travelled
down to the show ground, which is
unusual for me! It was incomplete at
this stage as I had left some work to do
on site.
I think you lose confidence when you
see all the other entries, it’s best not
to look until after staging. I was really
hoping for a medal, the wait to find out
the results is very nerve wracking.
What was the most difficult part about
being a Chelsea finalist?
You don’t want to let down your
supporters, family, shop, sponsors,
students and friends. It’s a very visible
platform particularly for a lecturer, I
admire anyone who has the guts to
compete, I always have.
What experience do you think is
needed for entering Chelsea, if any?
It is better for you if you have
some competitive experience before
coming to Chelsea as you need to be
confident enough to perform to your
best. If possible it is best to do lots of
smaller scaled competitions to gain
wider experience, listen to the judges
feedback, write it down afterwards
and learn from your mistakes, if the
chance comes your way then grab it
with both hands.
Do you think that winning Chelsea has
opened up new avenues for you? If so,
what are they?
Yes,definitely. I have had quite a lot
of interest from home and overseas as
a result of press and photographs of
this design.
And finally, if you can give me a
quote that you think encompasses the
Chelsea experience and what it means
to you and your professional career.
“It’s a huge honour to win Chelsea
Florist of the Year, everyone knows
Chelsea stands for quality, even those
outside the industry understand that,
to win this is a dream come true. I am
very proud to be the current Chelsea
Florist of the Year, especially in
Chelsea’s 100th Anniversary.
The Winners
Kirsty Berridge
Caroline Crab
Sarah Gregory
Sarah Atkins
Joe Massie
Wendy Mckay
Victoria Richards
Tracy Griffin
Charlotte Baker
Rebecca Meddines
Rebecca Hough
Jessica Richards
Megan Troughton
Laura Leong
Paula McLagan
Melanie Garbutt
10 BFA FLORIST issue 5
Every single florist who won a place at Chelsea was a winner. The opportunity to showcase your
talent at such a prestigious show is without a doubt a very special moment in your floristry career and
each and every competitor should be rightly proud and delighted that they reached the Finals.
The 100th Anniversary celebrations made it seem even more special and this is something the
competitors will cherish for the rest of their lives.
Let’s take a quick look at each of the finalists designs.
Karen Sherwin
Julie Cambridge
Samantha Evans
Ami Manley
Stephanie Tue
Sophie Watton
Sophie Baptiste
Siobhan Hughes
Nicky Heal
Erica Tippett
Neil Whittaker
Emma Newman
Di Marvell
Daisy Ellen Burgoyne
Amanda Coghill
Alison Doxey
Spotlight on Paula McLagan -
Chelsea Young Florist of the Year 2013
I caught up with Paula after her amazing success at Chelsea. She is still reeling from the excitement
of it all but says its all down to the dedication of her Aunt and teaching her all she knows…..
Looks to me like she has plenty of design inspiration of her own… Well done Paula and a massive
“congratulations” from the BFA.
How old are you?
I am currently 25years old. This was
my last year in the ‘junior’ section at
Chelsea - I will be 26 in December,
which means I will compete in the
‘senior’ section next year
Do you have husband/partner/
I have a partner, Rory, who has a 6
year old boy, Nairn. We also have
just bought a puppy after we came
home from Chelsea (a little celebratory
reward for me!)
Where do you work?
I work for Something Special Flowers
in Blairgowrie, Perthshire. It is owned
by my Aunt and Uncle so I care a lot
about the business and it’s nice to keep
it in the family. I started as a Saturday
girl here and became a full-time
member of staff once I left school. All
of my training has been done in-house
by my Aunt… taught by the best!
What position do you hold?
Senior Florist
What is the hardest part of your day?
Waking up in the morning! I’m
definitely not a morning person!
What other interests do you have?
I love spending time with my family
and friends. I also love going for long
walks in the woods with Nairn and
the dogs. To relax, I love reading and
When did you first become interested
in Floristry?
My Aunt started her floristry business
around the same time I started looking
for a Saturday job. To be honest, it
started off as a way of making money
but once I started to pick up skills, I
found it was something I was good at
and enjoyed doing.
What are your ambitions?
I would love to have my own
12 BFA FLORIST issue 5
business one day - just a small
workshop specialising in wedding and
Who inspires you most and why?
Without a doubt, my Aunt. She has
taught me everything I know about
floristry and has made me the florist I
am today.
What would you say to someone
who had never entered competitions
Go for it. It can be daunting and
stressful but it can also be just as
exciting and rewarding.
What has been the highlight of your
floristry career so far?
Definitely competing at Chelsea this
year. Winning a gold medal and the
title ‘RHS Chelsea Young Florist of the
Year’ was an incredible achievement.
What do you want to do next?
More competition work. Competing
at Chelsea this year and last year are
the only two competitions I have ever
entered - but I have definitely caught
the bug for it!
Now that you have won “Chelsea”
has it changed how you work?
I wouldn’t say so. If anything, I have
more confidence in my work.
Who is your favourite designer?
Andreas Verheijen, I love his work.
He was one of the first designers I did
workshops with and I have met him a
few times at my local wholesaler. He’s
just lovely!
What is your favourite colour and
Orange. I am always drawn to it
and not exactly sure why. I suppose
because it is such a bright and cheerful
What is your favourite flower and
Tulips. I love how they continue
to grow after they are cut. The
textures, colours and shapes are so
inspirational. Nature at its best!
If you could choose to work anywhere
in the world, where would it be and
what makes you want to work there?
I can honestly say that I am happy
here…Scotland is a beautiful country
with so much to offer…the scenery
alone makes it the best place to be!
Now a few questions about
the actual winning piece
for Chelsea
How many hours did it take you?
Overall, approximately 60 hours. A
lot of the time was spent on prep work
– binding wire around embroidery
hoops and curtain rings, and building
the base and then binding it in
different wools. All of the floral product
was glued on last.
What was your inspiration – please
describe your thought process and
how it materialised into the actual
This year’s Chelsea brief was to
design and create a never-ending
circle to celebrate the centenary of
the RHS Chelsea Flower Show. The
floral ring was to draw inspiration
from someone or something to do with
show .I drew my inspiration from my
own personal experience competing
at Chelsea last year and winning a
Silver-Gilt medal. This made me think
of all the other competitors who had
won medals over the past 100 years.
I therefore based my piece on the
Chelsea medals - Gold, Silver-Gilt,
Silver and Bronze. These colours were
incorporated into the design in sections
that merged together, keeping the
flow of the never-ending circle. Within
each section were a variety of rings
which symbolised the medals and
complimented the overall
shape of the circle. Flower
and plant material were
chosen to compliment
each colour section.
Did your finished design
match your first ideas?
I was delighted about
how my piece turn out. It
was just how I imagined it,
if not better.
Before winning Gold, did
your design match your
I was very happy and
proud of my design, but
I can sometimes be very
critical of my own work.
I was just praying it was
medal-worthy. I never
expected to win a gold
medal though, never mind
winning Best in Show!
What was the most
difficult part about being
a Chelsea finalist?
The pressure. I was after
all representing the whole
of Scotland!
What experience do
you think is needed for
entering Chelsea, if any?
Good knowledge of
flower and plant material,
an artistic eye, passion
and most importantly…
the ability to work through
lack of sleep!
Do you think that winning
Chelsea has opened up
new avenues for you? If
so, what are they?
I’m not quite sure yet,
let’s hope so!
And finally, if you can
give me a quote that you
think encompasses the
Chelsea experience and
what it means to you and
your professional career.
Taking part in the RHS
Chelsea Young Florist
of the Year competition
has been an amazing
experience in itself, but
to actually win the title
this year has been a
dream come true. It was
so unexpected, but I am
thrilled that all my hard
work paid off. Onwards
and upwards!
South Africa first to launch Chrysal
Floral Foam ELITE shapes!
A new floral foam brand hit the shelves in the UK and Ireland in October, Chrysal
Floral Foam ELITE. With great absorbency, increased flower life potential and good
‘holding’ qualities, Chrysal Floral Foam ELITE has been well received, with many
florists now making it their foam of choice.
As reported last issue, Chrysal were
planning to take their product to South
Africa at the end of April, prior to South
African Mothers’ Day on May 5th.
Having now returned, Chrysal’s UK
marketing manager, Anne Bricklebank
recounts her trip to Johannesberg
with BFA events director Dennis van
Dennis created quite a stir when he took
Chrysal products over to South Africa
- it was sold out in minutes!
“Chrysal UK has supplied to a
network of wholesalers in South Africa
by bulb growers and distributor giant,
Hadeco, for a number of years. The
team at Hadeco had arranged a
schedule for us, including workshops,
demonstrations, farm tours and some
short tourist trips.
First on the list was a visit to Multiflora
in Johannesburg, home of the South
Africa version of FloraHolland’s
Aalsmeer auction. This would be the
venue for our demonstration later on in
the week launching Chrysal Floral Foam.
Next on the list, a visit to flower
workers at a packhouse making
bouquets for South African supermarket,
Woolworths to show them the
benefits of Chrysal’s Arrive Alive. The
ladies thoroughly enjoyed Dennis’s
demonstration and were also captivated
with the photos we took of them on his
14 BFA FLORIST issue 5
The next day we took an early
morning 2-hour flight to Durban, on
the east coast where Chrysal held a
demonstration at family run wholesaler
Vegmo. Following a delayed flight, we
really had to hit the ground running, but
this didn’t faze Dennis who highlighted
the importance of good care and
conditioning practices you can achieve
Dennis doing his thing—inspiring South African florists and
promoting Chrysal at the same time!
with the aid of Chrysal whilst creating
some beautiful designs with the new
Chrysal Floral Foam ELITE wet bricks. He
then went on to present…
An early start the
following day meant
a repeat performance
at Multiflora in
Johannesburg. This
included more Arrive
Alive workshops and
product development
with a group of avid
florists eager to learn and
develop their skills.
Dennis did Chrysal
proud and came away
from the trip with a
whole new repertoire of
stories and fascinating
Nothing like handson to get the real feel
of it!
The only downside was that he
headed back home after four days,
leaving me to explore wonderful
South Africa by myself!”
Website Wonder!
Tim Cartledge has been in the web building business for
some time now and specialises in websites for florists.
His company Florist Windows is the provider for many
a BFA member and in fact is the provider of www. too!
I got together with him to find out what motivates him, how
his business has grown over the last 10 years and where
he sees the future in web sales for the floristry industry…
How long has your business been
15 years have passed since
publishing our first website on May 1st
1998, 10 years in Floristry, 4 years
since Florist Window’s launch.
Tell me a little bit about your
background. Why do you prefer to
work for yourself? Does this restrict
you in any way?
I’m money motivated, a self starter,
before I left school I was making
money on the golf course, cleaning
cars, carrying shopping home for
neighbours, anything that helped
somebody else in return for a fee so
I could buy Transformers, I still have
them boxed and in the loft.
I’m self taught, computers were
my thing at school. The only trouble
was I could not get enough of them
as we had to study other subjects.
I have always worked for myself
online, I suppose you could call me a
commercial webmaster, how does it
all work, how do we fit it all together,
how do we make money out of it. My
job is to make clients more money from
their online business and this is done in
many ways.
Regards working alone, there are
two of us. To date we have not found
we cannot cope with the work we
take on, we automate many of our
processes, if we find a job is taking up
a lot of our time, we code something
to speed up the process so we can
take our time back to focus on the next
development idea. Paul my business
16 BFA FLORIST issue 5
partner is an exceptional coder, in 15
years since starting out I have never
met anyone as good as him. Together
we make a formidable team and in
just 4 years Florist Window has gone
from nothing to 140 clients live and
trading online in 4 different currencies.
What makes you get out of bed and
go to work?
My wife and son, my clients many
of which I have known for years, my
buzz is sales, that first online sale for
a new client that has gone live and
then hearing about how the website is
making a difference.
What did you do before you worked
as a web designer?
Sales mainly, I had four jobs in ten
years, from school, electronics, travel
industry, sales rep and then a short
burst in print media.
If you didn’t work with computers,
what would you do instead?
Firefighter to protect and serve! I did
two weeks work experience before
leaving school and felt the thrill of the
blue lights!
What are your future plans with the
To continue in the same vein,
developing existing florist clients,
encouraging new clients to take
control of their business and choose
Florist Window. The internet means a
florist can empower themselves to take
orders direct and cut out the middle
man who takes a % percentage of
their online sales. We’re web people,
we look at the solution from a web
perspective as this is all we have ever
Looking at relay I can see why this
was needed before the rise of the
web, but today florists could all band
together and send orders through each
other cutting out the middle man fee,
keeping 100% of the sale in floristry.
This is what we’re doing right now,
by the end of 2013
will integrate with Florist Window’s
software allowing clients to send
orders through each other. Back to
basics, sending florist and executing
florist, rather than sending florists,
middleman, executing florist.
Do you have a limit as to how many
new websites you will take on at
No, we schedule everything in. A
new client knows the date we start
work on their new site before agreeing
to go ahead.
How long does it take you to set up a
website for a customer?
We can start and launch a new
florist website in around 1 to 2 weeks.
What is the process?
We have 20 questions that we
email to clients once they agree to go
ahead, questions that they know the
answers to without having to think,
opening times, same day cut off times,
delivery areas, delivery charges, a
copy of their logo, Facebook address
and so on.
Why should florists have an
independent website?
Because they make more money by
cutting out the middle man charging
a percentage of every sale, they
can then start building up their own
customer lists and take control of their
businesses future rather than just being
a number that can be replaced by
another one down the road should
they choose to leave. Also it is fun
having a successful business online as
well as off!
Is there any one thing that you would
say is an absolute MUST when
designing a website for a client?
Yes, be honest with yourself and
ask yourself, is your website as good
as your competitors down the road?
I’m not talking about how it looks,
I’m talking about the online shop, the
checkout procedure, is slick, clean
and troublesome free. If the answer is
no you need to get a Florist Window
Is it expensive to set up a website
through you? What are the ongoing
We’ve heard rumours of companies
setting up websites that are free to set
up and have no monthly fee, just take
a % of each order) How do you react
to this?
They’re playing the same game as
relay companies, they just want a
percentage from every online sale, free
to begin with and then the florist pays
for it tenfold, nothing is free no matter
how it is glossed over.
We charge a small fixed monthly
fee. An ecommerce website should
make you money, not cost you money.
Be very wary of companies who want
to take a percentage of your sales,
it might sound appealing initially,
but over time it could become very
If we charged a percentage of our
clients online sales we could make
a lot more money each month, but
we will never do that. We will not
penalize the successful or discrimate
against the small.
The biggest thing I hear florists saying
is “I’m not a tekkie, where do I start?”
What would you suggest?
Contact me and let me worry
about the techie side of things so they
can concentrate on delivering more
flowers after their new website goes
live. Recently we launched Triffidz in
Castleford, I emailed them asking them
again for some information and this
was their reply “Sorry, not had chance,
too busy answering phone to new
customers - your fault!”
Given that there are so many web
providers out there, what makes yours
different from the rest?
We’re a specialist florist ecommerce
developer, a florist does not need to
teach us how to do it, we take away
the hassle trying to teach a designer
how to build a site that knows nothing
about floristry.
Another big question often asked –
How do I get found? Will it cost me a
No it does not cost a fortune, I
have spent 15 years honing my skills
in online marketing, today Florist
Window clients ride high on search
engines, browse our customer list
online, pick one and then search for a
florist in their town, you will find Florist
Window clients dominate Google.
Can a small independent shop
really compete with massive relay
organisations through their website? If
so, how?
Yes by taking direct control of their
own online business locally and
taking up top positions on search
engines, this will actually push relay,
order gatherers and postal flowers
companies further away from their
customer’s eyes, this results in more
money for them and less for the rest.
Once the website is set up, how
do I keep it updated? It is a long
winded process where I have to be
knowledgeable about computers?
Some clients let us take care of it,
but most get stuck in and manage their
own sites, it takes a little getting used
to if you’re not interested that much in
computers, but I’m good at showing
clients and I’m patient.
What would you recommend to
anyone out there who is really
confused about websites and what to do?
Make the decision to start selling
online, call me and let me take care
of it. I’ll take the techie part out of
the equation, we put fun into online
trading, it is not amazing to understand
why something becomes interesting
when successful.
Order online at
Interflora open online Flower Market to all
The Interflora Flower Market has long offered major business advantages to Interflora florists around the UK by
consolidating buying power to drive fantastic low prices. The Interflora Flower Market is now open to all florists
who, for the first time ever, can take advantage of the variety of benefits the online market offers.
Anyone with a need for fresh flowers and plants can order
a huge range of quality flower stems and plants direct
from the Dutch auctions any time of the day, with next
day delivery available five days a week. Interflora make
99% of deliveries before 12 noon. A continuous cool
chain is provided from harvest to high street, to reduce
risk of condensation and disease, while delicate stems
are transported in water and tropical stems ensuring they
are insulated against cold conditions. Interflora take these
steps to ensure that the flowers are fresher and last longer
for UK customers. Florists can call on free expert advice
from Interflora’s experienced Dutch partners if they have
any queries or need some floral advice.
Interflora say the Flower Market offers outstanding
value for money with 10% off a first order, free delivery
on orders over £200, friendly customer service and an
exceptionally low rate of claims for damage.
To find out more or to request a login, please call
01529 301 441 or visit
New foliage book to appear in the autumn
The company behind the popular ‘Cut Flowers A practical guide to their selection and care’
– Jago Publishing – will be publishing a companion book on foliages in autumn this year.
“‘Cut Foilages A practical guide to their selection and care’ will feature more than 140
of the most popular foliages used in floristry and flower arranging, from Abies to Zea,” said
the author, Su Whale. “The book includes the most commonly used commercial foliages,
plus some more unusual ones and those that can be found in the garden.”
The book is competitively priced, and it’s filled with care and conditioning advice.
Photographed in full colour it will make the perfect handbook for florists, floristry students
and flower arrangers.
BFA Florist magazine readers who would like to be notified when this new publication
will be ready for sale should contact Su Whale at or see www.
Make the right impression with personalised florist
merchandise from Printbubble
Printbubble are an online print service providing personalised
printing for merchandise and business items. Supported by 27 years
of professional quality printing, Printbubble are enhanced by award
winning customer care and partnership.
Encompassing a vast range of exclusive designs and
products for the florist industry, Printbubble can enhance
your business and increase profitability by providing
personalised and unique printing services that are quick
and competitively priced.
Printbubble’s personalised approach means that any
item can be tailored to include your business name,
contact details or other important information, making the
marketing of your business much simpler.
A recent customer said: “Printbubble have been superb.
Their customer service is great and the team responded
very quickly, going the extra mile to help out.”
Products that can be personally printed include labels,
florist cards, care cards, invoice/order pads and
envelopes. Each of these products can be individually
personalised by you.
Printbubble also take a responsibility to care for
the environment very seriously. As a result their print
is manufactured using environmentally sustainable
18 BFA FLORIST issue 5
procedures and
Why Choose
• Competitive
• Huge library of
• Step by step onpage instructions
• Online
• Upload photos or images
• View your design as you go.
• Quality printing service
• Express delivery
• Award winning customer care
For more information and to browse the selection visit
Order online at
Order online at
New Epos till system available
soon from Strelitzia Software
Integrated Epos software is currently being trialled
for new and existing Strelitzia Software customers,
eliminating the need for bulky cash tills.
Available on a variety of platforms, Epos operates
on both PC and Windows tablets, clearing valuable
workspace in your shop. All that is needed is an
electronic cash draw that is linked to the Strelitzia Epos
which can be hidden underneath the bench.
All your products will be pictured easy to use
categories, for example ‘Bouquets’ and ‘Funeral
Flowers’, with the option of built in or manual entry
prices for certain products. Users will be able to
change items and pictures in the Epos to suit their shop.
Epos also saves time with the ability to put items
straight onto customer credit accounts without having
to enter them into Strelitzia. The system will also be
linked to a management control system that allows you
to produce reports of exactly what has been sold each
Strelitzia software includes electronic management
control of your floristry business, with the new Epos
system building on the huge range of features that can
be used to improve the operation of your business.
For more information call Mark or Judith on 01325
722398, or visit
Make your life easy this christmas
We will
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Show 2 x
T: +44 (0) 1257 791272 F: +44 (0) 01257 471 289 E: JOSEPHNOBLETT@BTINTERNET.COM
20 BFA FLORIST issue 5
Retail display furniture to show floral
products to their full potential
Based in Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire, MDF
Displays specialise in the design and manufacture
of merchandising display furniture in raw,
melamine, laminated or painted MDF.
MDF Displays
specialise in designing
and manufacturing
merchandising display
furniture in raw, melamine,
laminated or painted MDF.
Tel: 0845 873 3020
22 BFA FLORIST issue 5
MDF Displays, Lancaster House,
Airfield Industrial Estate,
Warboys, Huntingdon,
Cambridgeshire, PE28 2SH
The company can supply plinths, pedestals, tables,
dressers, bookcases, cupboards and point of sale displays
which are suitable for use in the florist, garden centre,
exhibition and retail environments. MDF Displays also
custom build items to specification.
In the current retail climate it is essential retailers make
sure they are merchandising products to their full potential.
Having a carefully planned display will lead to a
successful increase in sales.
The collection of simple ideas from MDF Displays
is priced to suit every budget. Choose from the
comprehensive range of standard MDF displays or ask for
a quotation for bespoke volume roll outs. All units are fully
assembled and pallet delivered to the door.
All the pedestals, tables and display furniture can be
produced in a laminate finish to give a decorative and
professional look.
When bonded to an appropriate substrate, plain colour
laminates can produce vast expanses of perfectly level,
solid and consistent colour – making it ideal for furniture
cladding, display pedestals and tables.
The contemporary colour palette also makes it the perfect
material for furniture production such as worksurfaces,
reception counters and cabinets, where its robust
decorative surface and ease of maintenance are distinct
Woodgrain laminates are available in a choice of
different wood finishes. With each species of wood
having a unique colour and grain, these distinctions
are captured and replicated in the finest detail in MDF’s
woodgrain laminates for a realistic alternative to solid
wood, right down to the knots and subtle twists and turns
of the grain patterning.
Metallic laminates whether polished, brushed or
patterned, offer a highly decorative finish, giving the
appearance of solid metal, without any of the weight and
The mirror finish of polished metallic laminates is
regularly specified as a striking and reflective feature within
retail display units. Alternatively, the wall panelling of a
room can be given a very stylish brushed metal finish,
which can complement other softer materials.
Payment on all orders is easy and simple using a secure
online ordering service, or call MDF Displays to discuss
individual requirements.
For more information telephone 0845 873 3020,
e-mail, or see
To see your
advertisement here
in the next issue of
BFA contact us on
01257 267677
NEW 2013
The Floristry Supplies Supplier
New Directory now available
• Great products
• Great prices
• Great Service
• Over 100 products online
To order your copy and to receive 10% off your first order
Tel: 0845 500 1190
or visit our trade only website and quote BFA10
For a brochure and price list, please either;
Call John on 02380 769455, Email
Or visit
(password is nothingventured)
Essential Florist Sundries & Florist Supplies On One Site!
flowers, plants
and sundries
KVS Services is a specialist
importer of fresh-cut flowers and
pot plants.
Based in the Midlands and with over 20 years experience within
the florist wholesale trade; we at Florist Sundries Online aim to
provide a second to none service to you the consumer.
Our team of traders have almost
150 years experience which,
when coupled to the strength of
our export partners worldwide,
combines to make a formidable
To see our full range visit us online at
02476 393778 -
24 BFA FLORIST issue 5
T: 01268 570925
Allied to this wealth of experience
is our commitment to our clients.
We buy flowers daily and deliver
throughout Essex, Suffolk and
East London six days a week.
The only national, independent trade association for professional florists.
In this section we will be giving you up to date information on events held
by the British Florist Association and when and where to find them.
New to this magazine?
Want to join the BFA and receive benefits* exclusive to members only?
Apply online TODAY at
(should you experience any problems please contact Carl at
who will be pleased to assist you with your application.
Money saving affinity schemes
Training & Education
BFA “Florist” Magazine (Bi-monthly)
Newsletter via email
BFA Local Meetings—a chance to catch up with your fellow florists
BFA Floristry Competitions
Flora Culture International Magazine
Exclusive Fast Track Entry to Fleurex
Top Demonstrators at BFA events
£80.00 + VAT per year
BFA FLORIST | for todays professional florist
BFA ‘local’ is Your meeting in Your Region on Your Doorstep.
Come and join us for demonstrations, competitions and shop
with discounts.
For the last five years the BFA’s Regional Meetings, operate on a simple formula: Florists meet on a Sunday or
after work for a natter and network together to catch up on the latest happenings in the industry. Watch a floristry
demonstration for some informative and profitable design tips over a light buffet style meal. We are continuing to
build on the success of these meetings and are pleased we can continue to take them to the next level each season.
The meetings run from September 2013 till March 2014 and are packed with activities suitable for florists of all
levels, students, florists, tutors and business owners.
This year we will be running 8 Regional meetings around the country. Keep the dates below in your diary
and look out for an event in your area.
The RHS Chelsea Heats are coming back too but with small changes to the rules and entry fees.
Check the BFA website for all the details and click on the link to read the rules and regulations.
Once again the UK Floristry Judges Guild will be judging the competition.
BFA LOCALS 2013- 2014 DATES.
Sunday 22nd September 2013 - Glasgow Country Baskets
Thursday 10th October 2013 – Wales college (waiting for confirmation)evening event
Sunday 20th October 2013 – Heathrow , London . Flower Vision Wholesalers
Sunday 24th November 2013 - Leeds, Country Baskets.
Sunday 19th January 2014 - Bristol, Country Baskets.
Sunday 26th January 2014 – Portsmouth, Van Flora Wholesalers
Sunday 23rd February 2014 – Birmingham, Country Baskets.
Sunday 2nd March 2014, Ireland Green Mount Campus College. (to be confirmed)
Many thanks to the sponsors of the BFA Locals, your continued support is most appreciated
Over the next few month’s the BFA will be respresenting the
Floristry Trade at various events up and down the country.
Find one near you and give us your support...
We hope to see you there!
RHS Hampton Court - 9th - 14th July
RHS Tatton Park - 25th - 28th July
Interflora Florist of the Future and Interflora Florist of the Year
Competitions will be held in the BFA Marquee at Tatton Park
There will also be BFA florist demonstrations on Saturday and
Sunday - inspirational designs to create maximum impact and
woo the crowds! PLUS “Ready, Steady, Design” - a fun event
for couples in the crowd to put their skills to the test and win a
bespoke bouquet from their local BFA florist on their wedding
British Florist Association Masked Ball & Industry Awards 2013
Saturday 26th October, Park Inn Hotel, West Birmingham
(see feature on page 46)
Fleurex - Sunday 27th October, Bethel Convention Centre, West
A fun and exciting day incorporating, amazing demonstrations by
two top designers, competitions and trade exhibitors.
DON’T MISS OUT - BOOK NOW at - events
BFA FLORIST | for todays professional florist
26 BFA FLORIST issue 5
Stylish hand-embossed greetings cards
Linoking cards is a small company that
creates handmade greeting cards,
predominantly graphic-based, using
bright, contemporary designs with an
original twist.
Ashley Hutchinson is the designer/
maker for Linoking cards, an
experienced card designer, he has
been creating innovative new designs
for several years.
Starting as a printmaker producing
lino prints he has taken his prints
forward and adapted the designs
to greeting cards. Each card is
individually hand-embossed through
a press giving it a unique look, using
high quality recycled papers.
Sold in places like RHS Wisley,
Eden Project and the V & A,
Linoking cards are looking for more
independent outlets to include their
A number of floral ranges are
available, to view these see the
Alternatively to request a paper
catalogue telephone 07786081244
or e-mail
Floral gifts with a personalised touch
Finding a floral greetings card for that
special someone can prove a real pain.
Inzeees Cards provide personalised and
unique alternatives to store-bought cards
and gifts by tailoring everything from the
graphics, design and colour to your exact
requirements. Susan Dorresteyn, owner
of Inzeees Cards and member of the UK
Greeting Card
Inzeees Cards carry a number of
different designs, ranging from floral
patterns to floral landscapes, all
amendable to a specific design. Susan
said: “If you’re unsure as to what design or
image you’d like to
use, our brochure of products can help
you find the right gift.”
For more information email inzeees@
service for
30 BFA FLORIST issue 5
Offering a dedicated service for florists
across the United Kingdom, Seesaw
Florals is committed to supplying
a wide range of floral products
specialising in all things floral with a
focus on quality and speed of service.
Seesaw Florals showroom in
Polegate, East Sussex is where you
will receive personal service, be able
to browse a wide selection of floral
designs and discuss your specific
requirements. New products are
regularly added to the ranges on offer
both in store and on-line and deliveries
within the local area are free.
Alternatively, you may call or email to
place an order after browsing through
the on-line catalogue.
Seesaw has developed a reputation
for friendly personal service and
specific customer requests can be
attended to.
For more information or to enquire
about any of the products Seesaw
Florals offer, email Sandi and Robin or visit
The UK’s leading wholesale supplier of
Bomboniere (sugared almond favours) and
associated Wedding, Party and Craft products
for over 30 years
Jaffé et Fils Ltd
Wholesale feathers including feathers for all occasions
long established UK based manufacturing company -
44 (0) 1297 33408
The Tyrrell Building, Long Reach, Ockham, Surrey, GU23 6PG
Tel: 0844 372 2998 or 01483 281313 | Fax: 01483 281636
Email: |
Seesaw Florals was established in November 2012.
We offer a personal service for florists, flower arrangers and
all traders using and selling any of our lines.
We have a dedicated floral products showroom in Polegate,
East Sussex where customers can come to browse and discuss
their needs.
Free local delivery
01323 483833
Seesaw Florals, Unit C3 Chaucer Business Park, Dittons Road,
Polegate, East Sussex, BN26 6JF
Fresh flower and sundry supplier
Tel: 0121 5204491 Fax: 0121 5574784
Tel: 0121 5206686
Unit 1 Brook Street , DY4 9DD Tipton
For all your floristry needs
Fresh flowers, plants and sundries delivered daily
throughout the North West
Next day sundries deliveries throughout the UK
– free carriage on orders
over £50
01772 333000
32 BFA FLORIST issue 5
To be a part of the next issue of
for todays
FLORIST florist
Contact one of our representatives on
01257 267677
Gfresh are the official
sponsors of BFA Fleurex 2013
The BFA are delighted to announce that Gfresh
are sponsoring our main demonstration stage
and flowers for the event.
Gfresh are a dutch company who enable individual florists
and wholesalers to purchase direct from the grower. All
flowers carry the MPS gurantee of sustainable quality and
are THE freshest flowers you can possibly have according to
their video (which you too can view courtesy of youtube).
The process is very simple… you order the flowers you
want at any time between 10am and 6am via the internet
- there are pictures and everything! Then once your order
is confirmed the grower literally cuts the flowers. They are
harvested in the morning by the grower, delivered to Gfresh
by 1pm who pack them beautifully and ensure that flowers
are kept in their optimum condition by putting protective
cardboard collars around delicate flowers such as roses. By
3pm your flowers are loaded onto temperature controlled
vehicles ready to wend their way to you. By next morning
the freshest of fresh flowers will be in your shop ready
for you to sell to your customers knowing that you cannot
possibly get anything fresher.
Located in a popular Royal Forest of Dean town, within an area of
outstanding natural beauty.
Takings £120,000 per annum and rising. Gross Profit margin 52%.
75% floristry/25% gift sales.
Valuable Interflora agency held.
Circa 25 weddings per annum.
Scope to develop wedding trade, introduce additional lines & extend current hours.
Genuine retirement sale.
Well presented lock-up retail unit: 877 sq.ft. with 389 sq.ft. storage.
O.I.R.O. £30,000 S.A.V.
Ref: FBFA/8694
Contact Central Business Agency on 01865 241381 or
Flowers &
- Quality,
a friendly
and advic
always giv
R J Bristow & Sons
Family firm supplying quality fresh flowers and plants from
selected English / Worldwide suppliers
Established 18 years providing a friendly service and sourcing tailored to your
requirements. Specialise in weddings and special events.
Also supplying a large range of house and garden plants, bedding, shrubs and trees
for landscaping, unique baskets / tubs & exotics.
93 – 109 New Spitalfields Market, Leyton, London, E10 5SL
Phone: 020 8558 6655 Fax: 020 8558 4768
Opening Hours 2.30am to 10.30am Mon – Fri,
3.00am to 9.30am Saturdays
range from
If you’re passionate about flowers
and food, then a visit to Excelsior
Wholesale is a must. Set in the
beautiful Staffordshire countryside,
Excelsior Wholesale is operated by
sibling partnership Leon & Yvonne as
well as a valued team of staff including
Rich, Karl, Luke & Alison.
Excelsior have an extensive line of
products with their range including
cake boxes, wedding flowers,
artificial, fresh and dried flowers and
34 BFA FLORIST issue 5
artificial plants. Excelsior Wholesale’s
design products range from basic
glassware to unique sculptures
imported from across Europe, as
well as a full Smithers Oasis range.
A hidden gem for gift shops, flower
clubs & interior designers, Excelsior
Wholesale cater to a variety of
customers with specific and unique
wholesale needs.
After you have worked up an
appetite, Excelsior’s licensed bar and
restaurant is available for a relaxing
hot drink, cold glass of wine or even a
delicious dish from their award-winning
Excelsior Wholesale also enjoy onsite facilties, including a vineyard and
fishing lakes, allowing visitors to make
a day of it and discover the best kept
secret in the flower trade. For more
information visit
Online buying from
real time stock
• Weekly special deals
• Next day delivery
Wholesale Flowers
In Scotland
• Exotic flowers
• Foliage
• Sourced worldwide
Fresh Flower offers 5 times a week
Contact us at:
Unit 4E, Blochairn Industrial Estate
Siemens Place, Glasgow
G21 2BN
T: 0141 552 1281
F: 0141 552 2500
F&H Flowers UK Ltd
William Higham
50-52 Block B, The wholesale fruit & veg market, Edge Lane, Liverpool, L13 2EJ
Wholesale flowers
Wholesale suppliers of cut flowers
Servicing the needs of florists
throughout the North West of
England since the1940’s
in cut flowers from
Holland • England • Columbia
Delivering to
T: 0151 254 2254
F: 0151 252 2166
T: 01942 826970 F: 01942 826971
Probably the world’s leading flower webshop
Flowers, Plants and Decorative articles
5 days per week to most area’s in UK
Personal account managers & webshop advisors
A. Heemskerk B.V., Laan van Verhof 65, P.O. Box 203,
2230 AE Rijnsburg (0031) 714098100
36 BFA FLORIST issue 5
World Skills UK Competitions
The Skills Show inspires and transforms young people’s lives
through a series of interactive events held across the UK, changing
the way we think about skills, training and apprenticeships. The
national show, the UK’s largest skills and careers event, will be
held at the NEC Birmingham, 14 – 16 November 2013.
The heats have taken place across the country and the eagerly awaited results of who
will be competing at the World Skills UK floristry event in Birmingham are as follows:
Advanced section
Samantha Evans
Keits, Henley
Jemini Oxford Ltd
Marion McGee
Bracken Studios
April Bennett
Keits, Henley
Berkshire College
Danielle Scandone
Farnborough College
Merrist Wood
Heather Hume
Vicky Milner
Farnborough College
Yours Truly Flowers
Intermediate Section
Rosie Bates-Ching
Acadamy of Floral Art
Zoe Rowlinson
Keits, Henley
Moreton Morrell
Louise Cooper
North Warwicks
South Staffs College
Kate Priestley
Kingston Maurward
Wiltshire College, Lackham
Bethany Gunn
North Warwickshire College
North Warwickshire College
Aneekah Hussain
Farnborough College
Farnborough College
Academy of Floral Arts shining stars
Alison Doxey joined our Masters training
program in 2011 and in January 2013
achieved her level 5 Master Diploma in
Professional Floristry.
Alongside this, Alison also has her own
business, Alison Doxey in Belph, near
Her latest success was at Chelsea
Flower Show in May where she took
the silver medal in the senior floristry
Another rising star is Lisa Fowler who
joined our masters training program in
September 2011 and achieved her level
4 Higher Diploma in Floristry in January
Lisa’s achievements include winning a
silver medal at Chelsea Flower show in
2012. Lisa also works at Eden Taunton
Floral Design in Taunton with another of
our level 4 students Charlotte Murrant.
Also, congratulations to Rosie BatesChing and Kathryn Delve who both won
the intermediate and senior regional heat
of the world skills.
Are you considering floristry?
Maybe as a career, a
change of direction or
perhaps you’re simply
wishing to further your
interest in floristry and want
to enhance your existing
At the Edinburgh School
of Food and Wine their
‘taste of floristry’ course can
provide those considering
a career in floristry an
understanding of what that
entails and what skills and
capabilities are required to
begin a life in floristry.
The one-week course also
teaches those who already
have skills in arranging
flowers for family and
friends to build on their
exisiting skills.
The course includes:
• Information on the
floristry business
• Buying, storage and
• Arranging for weddings
and funerals
• Events and floristry
• Visits to flower markets
• All materials and tools
The Edinburgh School
of Food and Wine also
provide one-day courses,
• Entertaining
• Weddings
• Autumn flowers
• Christmas workshops
Lunches are courtesy of
the Edinburgh School of
Food and Wine. More
information on the courses
available can be found at
Capel Manor College at
London School of Floristry
Capel Manor prides itself on training
people to become commercial
florists, with the ability to construct a
vast range of floral designs to suit all
customer specifications.
Capel Manor have an exceptional
reputation for outstanding training
and cutting edge creativity, all
delivered by highly qualified and
vocationally experienced teachers.
With reasonable course prices,
Capel Manor attract students from
across the world with graduates
building businesses in the UK and
abroad. Students benefit from
dedicated specialist teaching
facilities including a floristry training
shop at their 30-acre country estate
in Enfield. Home to 60 model
38 BFA FLORIST issue 5
gardens, Capel Manor’s
Enfield estate allows students
valuable inspiration from the
variety of planting across the
grounds. Capel Manor’s
other college centres are
located in Gunnersbury Park,
in Acton and at Newham College,
East London.
Part-time, evening and intensive
courses are offered, suitable for
aspiring florists and those planning
to set up in business, including the
City & Guilds Level 3 Diploma in
Floristry, suitable for those wishing to
improve their current techniques and
New this year to Capel Manor is
the City & Guilds Level 3 Certificate
in Floristry which covers specialist
training in high-end wedding designs
and event décor.
Balloon artistry is also offered to
further extend décor skills and is
taught within some level 2 courses or
as an independent specialist subject.
For more information visit, telephone 08456
122122 or email enquiries@capel.
Are you considering Floristry?
As a career, as
a change of
direction or just
wishing to further
your interest in
floristry and to
enhance your
existing skills?
The Edinburgh School of Food and Wine offers our
“taste of floristry” course
One week courses & one day courses available
Contact us at 0131 333 5001
Level 4 and 5 City & Guilds Higher/Master Diploma in
Professional Floristry, £2270.00
Academy Levels 2 & 3, starting September 2013
and January 2014 from, £650.00 per unit
A range of workshops and personal development days,
Floristry Tutor Weekend, 3rd May 2014, £85.00
Our new book is now available Chic and Unique
30 table arrangements
40 BFA FLORIST issue 5
Floristry at Easton and Otley college
Easton and Otley College joined forces in August 2012 after being independently involved in
education for over 70 years. The two campuses are based in Norfolk and Suffolk and they both
have a variety of floristry options including full time, part time and apprenticeship opportunities.
Many students from Easton and Otley College go
on to set up their own business after qualifying.
23-year-old Anna Pickwell did just that as
she recently started her own company in in
Wymondham in Norfolk. Anna completed her
floristry course at the Easton campus last year.
Easton and Otley College welcomes a variety
of students each year, many from different
backgrounds but all with a passion for floristry.
This year at the Otley campus for example, the
class included a restaurant manager, a window
dresser and a former construction PA.
Floristry lecturer Amanda Hughes, said: “We
encourage creativity and hard work, but overall
we want to ensure that our students enjoy the
overall experience with us.”
For more details visit or
call 01603 731200 (Easton Campus in Norfolk)
or 01473 785543 (Otley campus in Suffolk).
42 BFA FLORIST issue 5
Floristry and florists
What makes a florist a florist… what makes us different? In this article and future features we will be examining the
differences between retail florists, market traders, supermarkets and other sellers of flowers to establish what makes a
qualified florist different from the others… What skills are required? Is the retailing of flowers the same for everyone
whether you’re qualified or not? Over the next couple of issues we will examine the term “floristry” and try to establish the
differences between, them that can and those that wish they could! This issue we have an article from someone in the know
under the pseudonym of “Nom de la plume de la fleur” who will guide us through the issue of glueing techniques…..
To glue
or not to
Has Glueing had its day in such vast quantities? Are we florists or Glue
artists with flowers? Should we not embrace our mechanics again?”
Glue! Who doesn’t love it?! Both hot
and cold gives so many options to the
construction of a design, and creates
opportunities for different placements of
materials with ease and I will happily
and readily admit I love the stuff! I look
through my portfolios and the majority
of my work includes it, needs it or asks
for it.
From a competitor and commercial
view, it saves time and its effective
when done neatly and with skill. Can
our tendencies to look for more time
saving ways, actually just be making
us lazy and out of touch? Where’s the
skill gone? What is setting us apart
from everyone else? Where’s the
difficulty in it at a competition level?
Given guidance any one can
learn to glue, but yet why do we see
a constant stream of heavily glued
designs in the competition rooms?
Does the acceptance of this, really sort
the wheat from the chaff?
Now I’m most certainly not on a
mission to outlaw glue, but I believe
we need to question the reliance upon
this medium as competitors, and the
usage of it as commercial florists.
Glue is great when used in the
right proportions, ‘Ah’ I hear you say,
“what is the correct proportion?” Using
it to help accent a designs already
existing beauty, or using it as part of
the construction is the right idea, rather
than using glue to heavily decorate
and embellish, to cover up, or worse,
to compensate for lack of actual
technical ability. Let’s suggest perhaps
we incorporate glue for a reason
only, to assist the securing of another
technique, such as rolling, weaving,
threading, wrapping or binding...
As competitors, we need to be
asking ourselves when we read the
brief, “what else can be done here
except glueing?” Oh yeah!! Hang on
a second! There are at least 30 other
techniques out there! ‘Ah ha’ another
subject… another article…
But remember the saying ‘Less is
Chances are if you choose to
introduce these other techniques and
pull them off to a very high level,
you’re going to achieve more marks
across a judges score sheet. SO,
the need to step away from the glue
to rediscover our basics, to refine
our skills and to prove why we are
professional florists. Those wires
don’t just help to hold up a Gerbera,
and how many really know the wire
gauges and how to utilise them
Remember that flowers are living;
they deserve to be treated with
respect. Are we showing that by
lopping off their heads at any given
chance so that we can glue them
rather than use their full natural beauty?
And what about the stems? Yes, the
stems have become ancient history in
all this glueing…
Let’s experiment and not rely totally
on glue or use it as a first choice, ask
the question?
“What can I create and produce
by stretching my floristry skills and
knowledge to answer this brief or
Two leading designers have their own
views on glueing and here are their
Joe Massie “Using cold glue
has many benefits to the working
designer – depending on the design
in question, it can be speedier to work
with, and therefore more cost effective.
Plus, due to their nature, contemporary
pieces lend themselves better to gluing
techniques as opposed to wiring
techniques. That said, I do feel a
competent designer should be able
to successfully apply both wiring and
gluing techniques appropriately!”
And Gregor Lersch
“The respect of the flower material
is above all the technique. You must
respect the life of the flower for the
occasion or use”
Some food for thought maybe?...
Floristry Industry have your
say - send us your burning
issues for the next article
by “Nom de la plume de le
fleur”. Send them to
Have you put by for your “NESTegg”?
The laws on Pensions provided by employers is changing and the BFA
have teamed up with HR4UK, a leading online human resourses
company offering employment support services - (If you are a BFA
member you get this for free, it’s all part of your membership), to find
out what the changes will mean to you and your employees.
I had a quick talk with the main man at
HR4UK about the new legislation and
this is what he told me…
If you are an average employer you will know that,
within the next few years, there will be a new obligation
which you will have to fulfil by law, providing employees
with a workplace pension. Probably you will have said
to yourself “I will address it when it happens”.
You can of course go down the complicated route and find
it all out yourself and set reminders so that you don’t miss
important information from HMRC (they will only send out
one notice by the way!) or you can simply log on to the link
below and let HR4UK do it all for you.
The long and short of it is by 2018 ALL businesses,
however large or small, will have to provide a pension
scheme for their employees.
NEST—National Employment Savings Trust have a website
dedicated to all things Pension related and you can take a
look at this to find out what it’s all about.
Why not take advantage of the FREE service provided
to BFA members by HR4UK and let them do all the donkey
work for you!
44 BFA FLORIST issue 5
The BFA realise that putting things off can make them
worse; they are then more stressful and sometimes cost
more due to rushed decisions. That is why we have
arranged for our employment law company HR4UK to
provide support to all our members FREE OF CHARGE.
FREE support on the introduction of workplace pensions.
Simply register now. You’ll receive regular emails guiding
you stage by stage on what action should be taken at
the appropriate time for your business (each business
is different depending on your number of employees
on PAYE). This service will help reduce the stress of
complying with the new legislation, and may well save
you money.
To register for free workplace pensions, tips and alerts,
go to now.
Are you insured?
Our Insurance partners, Bridge Insurance (BFA Floriguard) have been busy making sure that all our members
are covered in the event of something “nasty” happening and this month we received a letter from one of our
BFA members singing their praises and we thought we’d pass it on… if you need insurance…. and we all do!
Why not give Bridge a try, they will offer you a quotation and because they know you’re florists they will be
able to quote based on your business requirements rather than a bog standard quote from competitors.
A while ago, we received an email from a member
who had had a spot of bother with an insurance claim.
After an accident in their van, they put in a claim but
unfortunately it was all a little bit delayed because the
Insured hadn’t notified the Insurance company that
the driver had some penalty points on their licence …
this in turn created a bit of a problem but eventually
was resolved and the claim was sorted out. However,
when it came to renewal, the member was quoted an
enormously inflated rate (due to the claim) and was
a little dissatisfied to say the least. After talking to the
BFA who in turn contacted the Insurance company, the
matter was resolved and the premium reduced. A very
satisfied BFA member and Bridge Insurance customer.
This is the letter we received from that happy BFA
The biggest Thank you to both yourself and Mark for all the
time and trouble you have both taken to help me with my
van insurance problems this week.
From my first telephone call to you early last week, I have
had extreme kindness, care and kind advice from you both
together with reassurance that you would try and help me
and you did, and for this I owe you both my gratitude.
Thank you. The outcome has far exceeded my hopes and I
am so appreciative to both yourself and Mark.
Kindest regards and a biggest thank you.
Shirley - Shirley Carman-Martin - Seymour & Dench”
Eurofleurs 2013 – The Young
European Florist of the Year
competition organised by the
Croatian Chamber of Crafts
and Trades, Florists section,
under the auspices of FLORINT
and will take place from 4th-8th
September in the city of Split,
So far twelve member countries of FLORINT have
registered their competitor, they come from Belgium,
Norway, Croatia, Czech republic, Germany, Netherlands,
Slovenia, Denmark, Spain, Russia, Poland and of course
the United Kingdom. All of the competitors have won their
own national associations championships to be entered into
the prestigious Eurofleurs competition only open to those
professional florists aged under twenty five. With six tasks to
complete over three days the competition is certainly quite
intense and sure to test the competitors to the full.
The UK competitor is 23 year old Sophie Watton from
Cornwall. Having won the British Florist Association (BFA)
Young Florist of the Year competition at the BFA FleurEx
show last October, Sophie is from Cornwall and has the
support of her employers at Bleujen Florists in Bude. Most
of Sophie’s costs are being financed by the BFA along with
donations from the Interflora Benevolent Fund and Bridge
Insurance Brokers, providers of BFA Floriguard Insurance.
President of the BFA, Mark Ward said “Eurofleurs is
a great platform from promoting excellence within our
industry sector, giving young florists the opportunity to
develop themselves and share their experience and the
knowledge they gain from it with other young florists.”
Mark went on to say “I wish Sophie all the very best in
the competition and would love her to bring the cup back
to the UK” However Mark is in a difficult position also
being the President of FLORINT. Mark added “Of course
I wish all of the competitors the very best in Eurofleurs
and hope that they all take something away from their
experience in Split this September, whoever is the overall
winner each and every one of them is a winner in their
own rights just by being able to have the opportunity to
compete in such a great competition”.
For further information about the Eurofleurs competition
visit the official website at
The annual General Assembly of FLORINT will take place on Sunday 8th September 2013 at the Galerija Meštrovi in
Split Croatia. The GA will commence at 09:00 and runs through until 17:30. (
Bethel Convention Centre, Birmingham - Sunday 27th October 2013
Come and join us this year at our bigger, even better, show.
Fast Track and early entry benefits just for members.
NO increase in price but NOW will include the Floral Design Demonstration Show.
Book your tickets via the BFA website
or direct with ticket source
Competition Information
Although we can’t let the cat out of the bag completely, we are able to tell you that this year will be bigger and better than ever. The schedules are
being written, the judges are being selected, the sponsors are getting excited and we are really delighted… This year there will be in the region
of six or seven separate competitions and one will be exclusively for BFA members – details will follow on the BFA website early
August and schedules will be available then...
Just to whet your appetite though, here are some of the categories that will be included in this years theme… Bridal
Designs, Handtied Bouquet and Sympathy are to name but a few… but we don’t want to spoil all the surprises so look on
the website in August and full schedules will be published in the next magazine.
Great competitions... Great prizes...
BFA Industry Awards 2013
Masked Ball and BFA Industry Awards
At the Park Inn Hotel, West Birmingham
Saturday 26th October
Its time to get your thinking caps on and decide who should be nominated for the BFA Industry Awards.
Once you’ve decided, send your nominations via our website
The Industry Awards 2013 categories are as follows: Flower Wholesaler of the Year - Sundries Wholesaler of the Year
- Flying Dutchman of the Year - Delivery Driver of the Year - Floristry Training Provider of the Year
- Floristry Tutor of the Year - Florist Newcomer of the Year (less that 2 years experience) - Employer of the Year
These awards are sponsored by Bridge Insurance Brokers (BFA Floriguard) and Chrysal and the BFA would like to thank
them for their generosity and continued support of the Industry.
via the BFA website
Or direct from
46 BFA FLORIST issue 5
BBC Gardener’s World - Gardeners World Live 2013
This year the BFA participated in “The Flower
Box” a new feature of Gardeners World Live.
Dennis van Wonderen hosted the demonstration
stage throughout the week on which we
saw fabulous demonstrations from Joy Gill
(Flower Centre, Birmingham), students from
Wolverhampton College’s Floristry Department,
members of the The Bramall Hall Flower Club
(Cheshire Area of NAFAS), Katherine Kear
(NAFAS National Demonstrator), and the
BFA’s very own Tracy Tomlinson (The Tomlinson
Flower Company, Coventry).
We would like to say a special thank you to Lindsay-Ann Clark and Val Woodall for volunteering for the
event. Their contribution of skills and enthusiasm for the event were extremely welcome. If you are interested in
joining the BFA Volunteer Register for the opportunity to help at future events please contact Zoë Podmore at and details will be sent out to you.
Peak Period Planning
I know, I know, it seems a long way off and Summer is only just beginning and we don’t really want
to talk about Christmas let alone Valentine’s Day or Mother’s Day…. But it’s true, the more you plan
ahead, the more prepared you will be and the more you will achieve. Planning ahead for any event
whether in your personal life or in your business is essential. Someone who thinks ahead and plans
for the future is more likely to be successful than someone who just bumbles along. Now I don’t want
to preach to the converted, nor do I want to “teach my grandmother to suck eggs” (as the saying
goes) but honestly and I speak from experience, the more you plan and prepare for the peak periods
the more money you will make, the more time you will have (for the last minute emergencies and
there are always some!) and the more relaxed and happy you and your team will be…..
In this issue we are looking at how to get prepared, how to start planning for future years and how
to compile information into a tried and tested format to assist you in ensuring that you are successful
for every peak.
Some things can be prepared
months in advance, others have to be
done nearer the time and in the next
edition of the magazine we will give
you a breakdown of what to do where
and when.
For the time being use previous years
information to aid you into preparing
for the next big peak… go over your
figures… how many bouquets did
you sell? Were they gift wrapped (flat
packs) or were they handtieds?
How many arrangements in foam
did you sell at Christmas?
How many orders were placed
1 month/1 week/1 day before
Christmas (this is a fabulous way of
finding out how many people leave it
to the last minute and means that you
can plan ahead. Get cellophane cut
into the right size pieces for gift wraps
and handtieds. Separate them into
separate buckets, roll them up and
put a band round them so they are
ready to pull out at a moments notice.
Get voile (please don’t use poly-prop
for a gift!) bows made and ready to
go too. A couple of black sacks full
should do it! For arrangements about
1 week before soak your foam and
get baskets, containers etc filled and
ready to go. Top up with water and
leave foam sitting in it to ensure that it
doesn’t dry out before you need it! Get
vases ready by wrapping and adding
your bow, filling with water (with
flower food added of course) so that
all you have to do when the orders
come piling in is fill the vase with the
flowers selected.
Get gift cards written immediately
the order is placed. Don’t wait until the
item is about to leave the door. That
way it will be neatly written, won’t get
wet (hopefully - how many times have
you spilt water when you’re writing out
the card and end up having to rewrite
it and throw away the old one? Then
attach them securely to the order and
everything is neat and tidy.
Another great idea is to have a
box file with the three days prior to
Christmas 22nd/23rd and 24th
separated by cardboard and place the
orders for each day behind the card
so that you have an idea of how many
orders you have for each day - you
can even sort them into gift wraps,
handtieds, arrangements etc etc.
Nearer the time they can then be
transferred on to boards for individual
delivery areas (if that’s how you prefer
to work) or individual florists (if you
have specific jobs for specific florists)
or by design. Obviously it is entirely
up to you how you facilitate this major
event but these are just some ideas
which you may not have thought of
The BFA would love to hear your ideas and solutions to practical problems arising at peak periods and you can
send them to
48 BFA FLORIST issue 5
Xmas, Valentine’s Day and Mother’s Day Trade Figures show Positive Growth
First and foremost, a big ‘Thank You’ to all our members who took the time and trouble to complete our Peak Period
Surveys. We are delighted to report that despite the atrocious and never ending winter weather and consequent drop
in footfall; the gloomy state of the economy; the reluctance of customers to spend; the wholesale price of flowers over
all 3 peak periods; and the continuing onslaught from super-markets selling flowers at prices florists can only dream
of, most of you were still able to report a, year on year, growth in trade.
Although many florists experienced a, year on year, decrease
in Christmas trade in 2012, both Valentine’s Day and Mother’s
Day saw healthy increases in trading figures. Valentine’s Day
trade was negatively affected by the weather, the day of the
week on which it fell and the increasing perception that red
roses are too much of a luxury. Mother’s Day was affected by
following so close on the heels of Valentines’s Day and the
inflated price of flowers with International Women’s Day falling
so close. With customers still so reluctant to part with their money
on non-essentials many of you were quick to adapt your designs
and price points in order to maintain your turnover and many
of you reported an increase in the sale of plants and planted
arrangements. As last year, most of you had no choice but to
maintain your selling prices at the same level as the previous year
so reported that profit margins were extremely tight. Fortunately
the ability to predict demand fairly accurately meant overall you
were still fairly satisfied with trade on all three peaks.
As in previous years the levels of incoming relay business
continued to decline and many complained that not only did relay
orders came in very late, high wholesale flower prices made the
orders commercially unviable. It was felt that the relay companies
should have encouraged ‘florist’s choice’ for these late orders. In
con-trast to the relay business, florists with their own website saw
some significant year on year increases in orders especially on
Mother’s Day. One even reported a 500% increase in traffic on
2012 and others cited the positive impact they had achieved by
promoting themselves via social media.
When asked how the number of orders generated from their
own website had compared with the previous year about 35% of
respondents in each of the 3 surveys an-swered ‘Not applicable’.
Maybe this is because they have relatively new e-commerce
facilities and have no previous year’s figure for comparison.
But more worryingly it may be that they have no e-commerce or
website of their own. With the reported decrease in footfall, the
increased competition from supermarkets and the myriad of online
flower retailers, the independent florist has to rely on customer
service, reputation and customer loyalty for their business.
Offering online ordering and using e-marketing to promote your
products is an increasingly significant tool in maintaining and
growing your customer base and should not be ignored lightly.
However despite some of the gloomiest trading conditions in
memory it is very encouraging that so many independent florists
are successfully retaining their existing customer base as well
as attracting new customers, customers who are realising that
you have so much more to offer than the supermarkets and relay
College celebrates student’s success and
proven track record in floristry training
South Staffordshire College has an excellent track
record in floristry including success in the WorldSkills
arena. Floristry student Victoria Richards represented
Team UK at the WorldSkills International Final, in
London in 2011. She went on to win a Medallion for
Excellence, as recognition of the very highest standard
of workmanship in her chosen category.
Victoria, aged 23,
studied at the College’s
Rodbaston Campus and
won her place on Team
UK, after competing in
regional competitions,
going on to win gold at
the national final.
She qualified to
compete for squad selection to represent the UK, and was
chosen from a shortlist of more than 1,500 young people.
Victoria visited Buckingham Palace to receive recognition
for her selection.
Victoria’s success demonstrates the outstanding training
and education given by South Staffordshire College, which
has been recognised as the most successful college in
Staffordshire for the third year running.
For more information on courses at South Staffordshire
College see the website
Dates for
your Diary Book Shop
RHS Hampton Court College Competitions
9th—14th July
RHS Tatton Park
Interflora Florist of The Year Final
Interflora Florist of The Future Final
25th—28th July
Eurofleurs Young Florist
Championship 2013 Split, Croatia
2nd - 8th September
New and not so new publications available to our
BFA members. Ordering couldn’t be easier…..
Simply go to the website and place your order.
Society of Floristry Handbook
organised by FLORINT
British Florist Association
Masked Ball & Industry Awards
26th October
Fleurex & BFA AGM 27th October
BFA Locals & Chelsea heats
Glasgow, Country Baskets Wales College - to be confirmed Heathrow, Flower Vision Leeds, Country Baskets Bristol, Country Baskets Portsmouth, Van Flora Birmingham, Country Baskets Ireland, Green Mount Campus - tbc Floristry techniques definitions
(2nd Edition) £15.99
Form Linear Design
22nd September
10th October
20th October
24th November
19th January
26th January
23rd February
2nd March
Floristry Competitions
Lynda Owen £19.99
Interactive web directory
F&H Flowers UK Ltd
Wholesale suppliers of cut flowers
Foliage for Florists
T: 0151 254 2254
*Postage & package fees apply
President - Mark Ward
Vice President - Brian Wills-Pope MBE
Training & Education Director
- Sandie Griffith - Email:
Events Director Dennis van Wonderen
PR & Communications Director
- Sarah Cunningham Email:
Regional Development Director
- Tracy Tomlinson
Membership Director
- Muriel Simpson Email:
52 BFA FLORIST issue 5