Cyclops 1948
Cyclops 1948
NORTH GEORGIA COLLEGE 3 0642 00152 7467 Ih (1 'i 1 _' ( fl Vf= 1 \-' Proudly luc hail tbcc, Kcvcrciicc f/jy luiinc, Sfriie for thy i^lory And fur fhy funic', Loyal forci'cr we'll Forsaking never . . /;< . fo tin N. G. C 2 ARCHIVES U428 C9 1948c. North Georgia College CYCLOPS Art of (EongrpsB An act authorizing the Secretary of the Treasury to convey the United States branch mint at Dahlonega, Georgia, to the trustees of the North Georgia Agricultural College for educational purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of be, and America is in Congress assembled. That the Secretary of Treasury hereby authorized and directed to convey to the trustees of the North Georgia Agricultural Georgia, the building known College, located in the town of Dahlonega, United States branch mint as the at Dah- lonega, and the ten acres of land connected therewith, located on the lot of land first Number section of nine hundred and forty-nine, in the 12th district and Lumpkin County; Secretary of the Treasury so soon said as he conveyance to be made by the is assured that said trustees have been properly incorporated by the laws of Georgia, and on the express condition that said building shall be used exclusively for educational pur- poses, and in "An conformity with the provisions of the act entitled act donating public lands to the several States and Territories which may provide colleges for the benefit of agriculture and mechanic arts." Ap- ''^ proved, April 20, 1871. - 7iu Q SEVENTY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY CYCLOPS YEARBOOK OF NORTH GEORGIA COLLEGE DAHLONEGA, GEORGIA FERDINAND ANGELSBERG ^^r^JJ^eAicatiai^ Music, music, and portrays the life Army, of Ferdinand Angelsberg, S. be remembered by began flute 12, 1861, his career and violin. band itary will long He was College. Grand Duchy of Luxemburg in the on March name students, both present North Georgia past, of born more music amply Retired, whose U. and still in and early In grade school of music by playing the When 16, he joined the mil- Luxemburg and soon learned perform on almost any instrument of to bands or orchestras; when 18, he performed on the saxophone before William IH, King The Netherlands and Grand Duke of of Luxemburg. Soon became told after, he and several of tourists, to the fascinating country despite the would be was by no means an easy place to live — especially for one could speak no English; in fact, funds been sufficient for the return native in all probability, Washington, D. C, where moved to he taught music and directed city bands around Washington until December, 1912. On New Year's Day, 1913, Mr. Angels- berger arrived in Dahlonega to take charge of the North Georgia Agricultural College Band and fill the position of Professor of five different college who had his trip, he to receive the distinction of being one of the best in the Day Parade Now Street, English, annual Confederate Memorial in Atlanta. he has retired to his home on Park and the ex-professor, who speaks German, French, and Spanish, con- tinues to devote time and talents to North Georgia College by being one of the most returned to the students his past service and con- conversationalists Luxemburg. Nevertheless, within six rival in this in the 1910 with present-day Warrant Officer), he interesting his in tracted widespread attention and continued York would have, Army and they decided to shore. in 188 3 Retiring from the the rank of Chief Musician (equivalent to he developed year after year a band that at- void of hostile Indians, which alry Band. presidents between the years 1913 and 1943, New in he served in the Philippines and in 1901 became Band Master of the 5th Cav- America met by savage Indians on the opposite City War the Spanish-Ameri- his friends interested in the stories of insistence of his parents that they Though can German. Serving under them by come Wyoming. During ney, months of country, he enlisted Regimental Band of the as a 5 his ar- private th Cavalry and was soon transferred to Fort McKen- can find. Because of tinued interest in N. G. the 1948 CYCLOPS, Angelsberg. C, we to dedicate this, Mr. Ferdinand J.o-tewat c^ne H. J. Miller, Jr. Editor ''''LEG, Calhoun, Ga. Joe Thrasher Manager Business Winder, Ga. . INTRODUCING jj^ir:^^)^':? ^sms^amssa^^M- COLLEGE FACULTY, 1S71) At center: Hon. David W. Lewis. President. At top. left to right: Eugene H. Becii, B. raluitr GaiUard. Middle row, left to right: George B. Lawrason, Benjamin M. single picture at bottom; Lieut. Joseph Garrard. The FACULTY Hall, DR. JONATHAN CLARK ROGERS President John C. Sirmons Dean Alice Donovan Dean of Women FACULTY fi i«^ i John j^^y AND. D. Anihon-i ( wv. Robert M. Arn John C. Barnes Biology Military Mathematics Robert H. Belcher W. Desmond Booth Andrew W. Cain Chemistry English Social Science Mrs. Sara A. Chambers Mrs. Ellen R. Clark Mathematics Mrs. Carl A. Bauer Secretary to Comptroller Dr. Fred W. Calvert Social Science ^ Secretary to the President Alblki 1. Loiib Physical Education Grace Conner Secretary to Business Manager WiLLL^M E. Clark. T. Clawson Military T/3 R. English Mattie Craig Bookstore T, Sgt. William Davis Military i ADMINISTRATION i:?^l9v CaMILLUS J. DiSMUKES Modern Languages MRS. ROBERTA EAST College Nurse Ist/SCT. C. J. ELLER Military DR. G. H. ENGERRANI) Modern Languages John W. Forrest Bessie Lee Freeman Home Economics e If Dr. Bert H. I'lanuers Dr. H. L. B. Freeman Business Administration B. Forester Biology English Assistant to the Commandant H. H. Gilbert Vernell Gillespie Rembert Green Comptroller Secretary Social Science ^.4 T ^^ V / M/Sgt. T. J. LiKiiHN Military W. H. Groves Physical Education Mk;,. k- iusih M. Harris Librarian Pl Mrs. Addie U. Hi:.\so.\ Assistant Dietitian AND FACULTY la Major Roy Hiott Military Science 9HB^ t Merritt E. Hoag Commandant \ "- - Mary Hood Assistant Librarian Mrs. Louise B. Irvin Secretary 1 I Albert S. Johnson Biology 'kit Allen D. Martin Dietitian J. H. Kerr Military William E. Medcalf Chemistry English Mrs. Jean Nii T/Sgt. i.-i Capt. Henry V. McCabe Military Science Rosemary Millholin Physical Education Mrs. Ella Ray Oakes Newton Oakes Assistant Registrar, Secretary Business Administration William M. McCullougi Business Administration Joseph A. Mitchell Physics W'n.LlAM R. () Kelley Business Manager ADMINISTRATION Lambuth R. Tow'son Mathematics-Physics M/Sgt. W. F. Vaughn Military Charles M. Yager Physics Will D. ^ol:NG Registrar, Social Science itai»&. ^t* ^t« « qu. iBTk^ «~' " ^T r *••«•••»••««««»•«*« U I? fe^ Reading clockwise: then. ^ . . . Yes, Military today. . . its I HE ( lll,l,K,(.K I.V 181H It's food they're after. Price Memorial, but It's . — . But here there was gold. ... . . . . . "There's eold in 'Wonder why the rock wall instead of the youth. . . . Cannon? But them fence. It was military that hills!" . . . the cigarette does the smoking. . . . The Cannon It's in PRESENTING THK IIUST GUADUATIXG ( I.A^ , .U;LV ;!, 1878 Top row, left to right: Trammell Starr, E. B. Kuili (.er.rge W. Collier, V>. D. Harrii Oliver N. Starr. Bottom row, left to riKlit: R. X. Coffee, W. ¥. Crussell, Mis> Willie Lewis, James R. Gi M. G. Bates. John A. Howard is not shown in picture. W. As the Honorable David Lewis, first president of our college, stepped forward to say a few words of parting to his daughter and nine other of the graduating first class, have realized the influence this one group of viduals was to have in the world found members no one present could which in indi- it then itself. M. G. Bates soon became Adjunct Professor of moved After graduating, Trammell to Murray Coun- law and to serve in the State Senate ty to practice along with his brother who had set up his office in Gordon County. Death came at an early age to the Senator from Murray County, but even at thirty he was considered the best orator in North Georgia. O. N. Starr served in both the House and the Senate was one of the organizers of the State of Georgia and Latin and Assistant Instructor of Military Tactics at and for many years president of the Echota Cotton the college and further pursued his teaching career as Mills located at Calhoun, Ga. Superintendent of Schools R. N. Coffee and W. fession of law, the latter at Fort Worth, Texas. D. Harris followed the pro- becoming a circuit judge in Fort Worth. Two other lawyers from this first graduating The two Starr. G. W. Collier of Fulton class County and Miss Willie Of County the other cast his lot E. B. with the educators. was W. F. Greek and English at two members of a Professor of this class, one, had entered in 1875, covering the seventy miles from the small community of Pine Log, Ga., college in a one-horse wagon which to the contained, in addition to their personal articles, an ample supply of meal, peas, and cation thrived. At sorghum on which college diet their edu- Trammell became a lieu- N. G. A. C. for several years eral years practiced who had been Captain of tenant. Crusselle, brought nalism. Society. J. became Editor R. Gray for sev- and then became Editor of the Atlanta Journal. Gray, credit to their papers Literary later law in his native Bartow County president of the Decora Palaestra and of the Atlanta Constitution, while Company B while his brother secured the same rating in Company A and also became the first tenant in t/ie he was brothCrusselle, ers his death Lewis of Lumpkin, became merchants, while Earl of Floyd were O. N. Starr and Trammell At President of the Calhoun National Bank. and Company B, and his lieu- unmeasured distinction and to the entire field of jour- LASSES Robert Johnston L. Woodstock, Ga. Bachelor of Science (Business Adm.) Pres., Sr. Class; Vets, organization, 2, 3; Dramatic Club, Officer's Club, Wesley Found., 1; Sgt.'s 4; 3, Club. 1; 3. Miss Jane Johnston Sponsor Woodstock, Ga. Claude SENIOR CLASS OFFICERS S. Boatwright Swainsboro, Ga. Bachelor of Science {Business Adm.) Robert L. Johnston V-Pres., Sr. Class; Officer's Club, 4; Editor, Cadet Bugler. 4; Capt. Btn. Staff, 4; Sgts. Club, 3; Squad Leader, B Co., 3; b'. S. U. Council, 3; Vets. Organiza- President Claude S. Boatwright tion, Vice President Tommy F. 3; Camp, Rex '47; Universities Satterfield Secretary Thomas J. Mathews Treasurer Tommy Satterfield F. Dahlonega, Ga. Bachelor of Science (Business Adm.) Sr. Class; Treas., Camera Club, 4; Sec, organization, Vets, 4; Officer's Bugler •47; Club, Staff, Lt. ClycLOPS 3; 2, 4; Sgts. staff, Club, 3; RO'TC Summer Camp, 4; "A" Co. Thomas Buena J. Mathews Vista, Ga. Bachelor of Science (Business Adm.) YMCA, Cabinet, 3; Pan-Hell. Council, 3 ,4; Club, 4; Sigma Theta Frat., Treas., Sr. Class; Sec, cer's 3, 4, Treas., 3, Club, Speech Club, 2. Class; Sgts. Pres., 2, 3; 4; 3, 4, Offi1, Treas., 2, Jr. Capt. "C" Co.; Frat., Who's and 3; ROTC Summer Who in American Colleges, '47-'48. Annie Evelyn Allen Cleveland, Ga. Bachelor of Science (Education) Home Economics Club, 4; HippolyWesley Foundation Council, 4. tans, 4; Wiley Anderson S. West Point, Ga. Bachelor of Science (Chemistry) BSU "A" Council, 4; Sgts. Club, 2; Co., 1, 2. Frank S. Barrett Holly Springs, Ga. Bachelor of Science Officer's 1st Club, 3; 3, 4, 3; Science Club, Lt., 3; Band, 1, 2; "A" Co., Vets. Organization, 2, 1, 2, 3; YMCA Cabi- net, Treas., 3, V-Pres., 4. John Blodgett F. Gainesville, Ga. Bachelor of Science (Business Atlm.) Vets. Organization, 2, Cyclops 2; Staff, Rex Co.; Ex. Officer "B ficer, in 4; Comdts. " 3; Speech Club, Officer's 3; 3, 4, V-Pres., 4; Frat., 1; Club, 2. Capt. "B" Co., 2; Btn. Staff, 4; Of- E.\-. Who's American Univ. and Colleges, Who -I. Frank M. Boyd Dahlonega, Ga. Bachelor of Science (Chem.-Biology) 3, 4; Wesley FoundaSigma Theta, 2, 3, 4, Secy., Science Club, 2, tion, 1, 2, 3; 3, 4; Sgts. "A" Co. Club, 3, 4; Speech Club, 2; Alton H. Craig Lawrenceville, Ga. Bachelor of Science (Education) "A" Co., 1, 2, 3, 4, Sgt., 2, Capt., 3, 4; V-Pres., Sgts. Club, 2; V-Pres., Soph. Class, Rex 2; Frat., 2, Pres., 4, 3, 3; Club, 3, 4, Secy., 3, 4; V-Pres., Panhell. Council, 3; Varsity Basketball, 2, 3; Letterman's Club, 3, 4. Officer's Erving G. Elliott, Jr, DawsonviUe, Ga. Bachelor of Science (Businesi Adm.l Camera Club, 4; Sgts. Club, Club, 4; Honorary Capt., 4. 2; Officer's Robert D. Freeman Nicholson, Ga. Bachelor of Science (Chemistry) Science Club, 4; Bus. Mgr., Cadet Bugler. 2, 3; Secy., Panhell. Council, 4; Sgts. Club, 2, 3; Officer's Club, 4; Sigma Theta Frat., 2, 3, 4, V-Pres., 4; "B" Co., 1, 2, George H. Kilpatrick Atlanta, Ga. Bachelor of Science (Education) Letterman's Club, 2, 3, 4; Varsity Base3, 4; Varsity Basketball, 2; Sgts. I, 2; Officer's Club, 2, 3; "A" Co., I, Btn. Staff, 3; Color 2, 4; ball, Club, Guard, 4. Virginia Kingery Gordon, Ga. Bachelor of Science (Chemistry) Club, 1, 2, 3, 4, V-Pres., 1; Speech Club, 1, 2, Secy., 1, Treas., 2; Rec Club, Mercurean, Co.-Capt., 1; Rec Science Council, Pres., Class; 1, 1, 2, Pres., 3; 2, VWCA 3, Glee Club, 1,2. 4; Cabinet, VPres., Fresh. 3; "C" Co., 4. W. MCEVER, VlRGLE JR. Moultrie, Ga. Bachelor of Science (Chern. -Biology) Science Club, 1, 4; Vets. Club, 1, 4; Letterman's Club, 4; Varsity Basketball, 4; Varsity Baseball 4; Editor, CYCLOPS, 2; Bugler Frat, 1, Club, 2, 2; i; Staff, Sgts. 1; Club, 1; Rex Pres., Soph. Class; Officer's Comdts. Staff, 2, 4; "A" Co. Roy McCard E, Thomaston, Ga. Bachelor of Science (Business Ailm.) Dramatic Club, Sgts. 4; Officer's Club, Club, Glee Club, 2; Rex 1; 2, 3, 4; Frat., 1, 2, 2, 3, Capt., Band, ; ^ ^ 3, 4. Henry D. Miles Dunwoody, Ga. Bachelor of Science YMCA Cabinet, 1, 2, 3, 4, Pres., 2, 3; Camera Club, 3, 4, Treas., 3; Pres., Speech Club, 3; Sgts. Club, 1, 2, 3, Chaplain, i; Bugler Staff, 3; Dramatic Club, 2. Herman J. Miller, Jr. Calhoun, Ga. Bachelor of Arts (English) Camera Club, 3; Dramatic Club, 2, 3, 4; Forensic Senate, 3, 4; CYCLOPS Staff, 1, 4, Ed., 4; Bugler Staff, 1, 2, 3, 4; Sgts. Club, 2, 3; Lt., Band, 4; Officer's Club, 4; Generals, 3; Student-FacultyPublications Comm., 2, 3, 4; Who's Who in American Univ. and Colleges, 4; ROTC Summer Charles Camp, R. '47. Moore Dahlonega, Ga. Bachelor of Science (Business Adni.) Vets. Club, 3; Officer's erals, 3; 1, 2, Club, Sigma Theta, 2, 4; I; Gen- "Band." William H. Nichols Jackson, Miss. Biichelor of Science lEitucation) 1; Dramatic Club, 2, 3, 4; Phys. Ed. Club, 3, 4; Wesley Foundation Officer, 1; Sgts. Club, 2; Officer's Club, 2, 3, 4; Sigma Theta Frat. 3, 4; Generals, 3, 4. Camera Club, Ben Overstreet B. Graymont, Ga. Bathelor of Science (Business Adm.) Vets. Organization, 3, 4; Officer's Club, 2, Sgts. 3; Club, 2, 3; "Band." Helen J. Pierce Eton, Ga. Bachelor of Arts (English) Dramatic Club, Pres., 3, 4; Senate, Secy., in James D. Pratt Covington, Ga. Bachelor of Science (Math and Physics) Vets. Organization, 3; Sgts. Club, 2; "B" Co., 1. 2. Robert Ball E. Purcell Ground, Ga. Bachelor of Science (Chemistry) Science Club, 3, 4; BSU Council, 1; Panhell. Council, 2; Sigma Theta Frat., Treas., 2, 3, 4; Sgts. Club, 2; Officer's Club, 3, 4; "A" Co., 1, 2; Capt., Btn. 3, 4; 'Who's 'Who Univ. and Colleges, 4. Staff, in American 1, 2, Cyclops Club, Trahlytan, 3, 1, 2, Pres., 3, 3, 4; Secy., 4, Staff, 3, 4; 4; 2, Rec Forensic 'Who's 'Who American Univ. and Colleges, 4. Elizabeth Hunter Stewakt Marietta, Ga. Bachelor of Arts (English) Speech Club, 2, 3; Dramatic Club, 3; Glee Club, 2, 3; Cadet Bugler. 2, 3, Assoc. Ed., 3; Rec Club, Hippolytan, 1, 2. William Morris Taylor Dawsonville, Ga. Bachelor of Science (Education) Vets. Organization, 3; Forensic Senate, 3, 4; Club, YMCA 3; 2; Lt., 2; Cabinet, 2, 3, 4; Sgts. Club, 2, 4; Band, 1, Officer's "C" ROTC Summer Ben L. ( Rudy ) "A" Co., 3; Capt. Camp, Co., 4; 4. Upchurch East Point, Ga. Bachelor of Science (Physics) Camera Club, 3, 4, Pres., 4; Vets. Oriianization, 3; Letterman's Club, 4; Manager, Varsity Basketball, 4; Varsity' Baseball, Pres., Frat., 4; 1, Co., 2; 4; 3, Panhell. Council, Officer's 2, Club, 2, 3, 4, Pres., 2, 4; Hon. 3, 4; 2, 4, Rex Capt. "B" Capt., 3, 4. Miriam Jean White Suches, Ga. Bachelor of Arts (English) Science Club, 3; Forensic Senate. 3, 4; Rec. Club, Hippolytan, Council, 2, 3, Pres., i; CVCLOPS Staff, 3; Treas., Sanford Hall, 1, 2. Ben C Yarbrough Maclison, Ga. Bachelor of Science Panhell. I Education Council, 2, Theta Frat., 2, 3; "B" Co., Club, 1, 2; Officer's Club, 2, Treas., Staff, 2, 3, 4. i Sigma 3; 2; Sgts. 3, 4; Capt. 1, Colon St. R. Britt, Jr. Simon Island, Ga. Charles L Stewart Winder, Ga. ^tfjl Alva D. Mashburn Adel, Ga. Leon Fred Lee Villa Rica, Ga. Mrs. C. R. Britt Sponsor Sl Simon Island, Ga. OFFICERS Aiiii Colon R. Britt, Jr. President Stewart Alva D. Mashbi'rn Leon Fred Lee Charles Vice-President L. Secretary JUNIORS Sara Aligene Abercrombie Dahlonega, Ga. Charles G. Andrews Atlanta, Ga. Mrs. Charles G. \ 1 VI Andrews Stafford Reade Brooke, Dalton, Ga. Wesley H. Brower Dahlonega, Ga. Mary Beth Bruce Atlanta, Ga. Martin, Ga. Jack M. Bargeron James M. Burdette Atlanta, Ga. Calhoun, Ga. Jr. Treasurer James B, Butterworth W. E. Harvill, Jr. i Garland Pinholster F. Atlanta, Ga. Pinvan Charles E. Atlanta, Ga. Price Canton, Ga. Bill Robison Mrs. Randolph Monroe, Ga. C. Haperille, Ga. Sara Satterfihld Lawrence L. Dablonega, Ga. Lavage, Frank Sheffield, Gainesville, Ga. Jr. Bnstirick, Ga. Jr Elsie Short Catherine Jean Smith Dorothy Stephens Calvary, Ga. Joe T. Thrasher Winder, Ga. Carolyn Townes Aragon. Ga. Jean Wilson Robert Charles F. Wooten, L. Worley Ga. Martin, Ga. Gainesville, Ga. Thomas D. Cldikeiville, Cordele, Ga. Julius A. Still Gerald n Valdosta, Ga. Harold Pinson D. E. 3 , , Jr. . Douglasville, Ga. Sylvania. Ga. Valdosta, Ga. ^^^A i(^ E. X '^ George David, Jr Atlanta, Ga. W^ Nancy Noblin Betty Jones Sponsor Dahlonega, Ga. Harry Atlanta, Ga. SOPHOMORE CLASS OFFICERS George David, Jr. Benjamin C. Scales E. Betty Jones Harry Q. Davis, Jr. Q. Davis, Jr. Covington, Ga. President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer SOPHOMORES Hugh Abbott SOPHOMORES Bernice Brady SOPHOMORES Ri( HARD P. Gaston Mai.((5m a. C.ibbs Nellie Gibson Dahlonega, Ga. Clarkesi'ille, Mfrton Davis Greene Portsmouth, Va. John H. Haddock, Jr. Nl< KY Hai.liday L. Harper Hugh BuFORD Hill Dal ton, Ga. Henry W. Hill Vaiden, Miss. Clifton Holbrook Cornelia, Ga. Ross R. Hoi.combe Canton, Ga. James A. Ivey Charles D. Jeffries Alene Johnson Irene Johnston James W. Johnson Cyril Joseph Jones Mary Jones Barbara King Charles N. King Nancy Kingery Donald Lanier Frank L. Layton Oglethorpe, Ga. Rome, Ga. Ellijay, Ga. Leary, Ga. Gainesrille, Ga. Brooklet, Ga. Fort Gaines, Ga. Griffin, Ga. Rome, Ga. Gordon, Ga. Albany, Ga. Cartersrille, Ga. T. Henderson Ga. Siiches. Ga. C/ithbert, Ga. Decatur, Ga. Mark M. Ham Gainesrille, Ga. Elsie Harben Daivsonville, Ga. Ford Harben Dawsoiiville, Ga. WOFFORD RoBHRT Ga. Betty Gilmore Helen Jeanette Gurley Bhnson W. Haynrs Griffin, Rulledge, Ga. J. HARLEY Hart well. Gd. Clermont, Ga. Brooks, Ga. Sparta, Ga. SOPHOMORES Richard C. Lfr Elberton, Gu. Eddie Littlf Gainesville, Ga. F. Helen Carrol Long Norcro-is, Ga. Roy Long Atlanta, Charlotte Lyle Robert Walter E. J. Maysville. Ga. McClhre Aciforth, Ga. McEver Mo/iltrie. Ga. Frederick G. McFall L C. Atlanta, Ga. McRae Alt. Sarah Jo Matthews Thomas Jack L. C. Ga. Vernon, Ga. Atlanta, Ga. Mauney Blairsvillc, Meadors Ga. Covington, Ga. Sara Franc es Merritt Martha Mills Jimmy J. Murphy Robert F. Nelson SOPHOMORES i:^^^^m Bett\' Stinespring Billy Smith President Buford, Ga. Gene Barnes Vice-President Augusta, Ga. Marilyn W .Taylor Secretary Decatur, Ga. Miss Jane Greer Sponsor Leland Barnes Buford, Ga. Treasurer Cairo, Ga. F H R M Hiram D. N E Abernathv Dillard. Ga. Jane Adams Wayland Mrs. B. Jefferson. Ga. Adams Wayland B. Dal ton, Ga. Adams Chris Addison Lloyd D. Alexander, Shirley Allen r> r^ p c\ C. C. Amason Ben C. Amick Howard W. Andrews Dalt on, Ga. Atlanta, Ga. Jr. Dublin, Ga. Jefferson, Ga. Rayle, Ga. Columbus, Ga. Thomasi'ille, Ga. James Cecil Andrews Dahlonega, Ga. Jack Anthony Dahlonega, Ga. Richard G. Arthur Charlotte, N. C. Ernestine Ai'Try Gainesville, Ga. George Ed Avery Dahlonega, Ga. Thomas Eric Bagby Charles H. Barnett Robert Asa Bates Bt/ford, Ga. Bonaire. Ga. Meansi'ille. Ga. Harold Baxter Decatur, Ga. Hal Madison, Ga. S. Beazley FRESHMEN Pat Bihi.i. FRESHMEN pj,. Harold Newton Coker Y* ^f l«%^ FRESHMEN BURGES FiTH FRESHMEN William Owfn Harris FRESHMEN Thomas W. Jackson ^ <T> O FRESHMEN Hugh Malcom T. Monroe, Ga. Margaret Malonev All glut a, Ga. Tommy Manning Albany, Ga. James Robert Martin Decatur, Ga. C. Ed Massey William Toccoa, Ga. V. Maxwell James Means Zebiilon, Ga. Erwin C. James F. Betty Ann Meyer Allen Lewis Merck, Ciimming, Ga. Jr. Miegal, Miers, Gainesi'ille, Ga. Jr. Merritt, P. J. Gainesrille, Ga. Ponder Ted Moore Jr. Ben L Moxley, Jr. L. West Mid V ill e, Moxley Lawrence Colquitt, Ga. A. Philomath, Ga. Nelms Fayetteville, Ga. Niblack E. Jefferson, Ga. Jane Orr Tucker, Ga. Robert Overstreet Graymont, Ga. James H. Owens Fayetteville, Ga. W. Jack Oxford Vernon Clinton E. E. Pardue, Park, Sam Dahlonega. Ga. Jr. Align St a, Ga. Alpharetta, Ga. Jr. Willis Parkins John Rut I edge, Ga. Palmer Jane Paris Howard Ga. Midrille, Ga. Lawrence M. Nash Nazel Point, Ga. Junction City. Ga. Mundy Billy Ga. Dahlonega, Ga. Moore Flem Morgan, Roy D ninth. Gainestille, Ga. Morrison Moore E. Springs, Ga. hnnaii. Ga. Betty Jean Mitchell William Atlanta, Ga. Jr. Jr. James Minter B. Elberton. Ga. N. Parris H. Parris Charles Parrish Ideal, Ga. Columbus, Ga. Epiforth, Ga. Epu'orth, Ga. Thomaston, Ga. FRESHMEN Ben Lane Patterson, Hinesville, Ga. Jr. Billy Joe Patterson Edwin Alan F. C. Dal ton, Ga. Patterson Bl//e Patureau Dorothy Payne Dawsonrille. Ga. Edwin Pedrick Myron John Quitman, Ga. G. Peterson A. Peterson Barry Pharr Ridge, Ga. Atlanta, Ga. Albany, Ga. . McRae, Ga. FRESHMEN Charles E. Sheppard FRESHMEN A^A^ n ^ RESERVE "1904 — The Dormitory on the College grounds will accumulate forty boys." OFFICERS •Jtmrni*?^ a "1880 ficers, drilled The officers, non-commissioned of- and picked privates are frequently in the "Manual of the Piece" cumstances, at present, progress in this drill." cir- preventing further "1890 The College is furnished by the United States Government with two 3-inch rifled field pieces, with caissons, and 150 breech-loading tern, rifles of the latest army pat- with corresponding accoutrements." .-.A %^:; TRAINING "1875 —The salary of the assistant instruc- tor in military tactics shall not exceed sum of one thousand dollars per the annum." CORPS M. E. HOAG, Lt. Comdr. U.S.N.R. Commandant of Cadets 1st. Lt. J. Forrest (Ret.) Assistant to the COMMANDANT'S Commandant STAFF ^^k ^^^^^^^^^H Captain McEver Captain Upchurch Captain Brahson Captain Whitaker Captain Elliott Lt. Col. H. A, Schmidt Major Rov Hiott R O T Capt. R. M. Arn Capt. H. V. OFFICERS OF INSTRUCTION AND ASSISTANT INSTRUCTORS M Sgt. W. T/Sgt. J. F. Vaughn H. Kerr M/Sgt. T. J. Griffin S/Sgt. O. D. 1st Sgt. C. Pittman J. Eller T T Sgt. William Davis 3 R. T. Cla>x'son McCabe -tfttf'.iu.-:^^ ^ ' :->'t l^ l:1i Mrs. Wesley H. Brower Baltitlinn Staff Miss Sponsor Wanda Vestal Batlalion Sponsor .'i/*X, Dahlonega, Ga. Little Rock, Ark. Battalion Staff Lt. Col. Capt. Allen Brower, Bar. Ma.IOR Blodgett, Com. Bat. Ex. Officer Capt. Boatw'right, S-1 f^' S- BATTALION STAFF Capt. Purcell S-3 Capt. Yarbrough S-4 Lt. Britt, Asst. S-4 Mrs. F. E. Craig Sponsor LawrenceviUe, Ga. M\kiiA Satterfield Bussey Stewart Barrett 'Mr SECOND PLATOON Tommy Satterfield Miii Sara Ak)ib!> Sponsor Rockmart, Ga. Johnston ELRon "B" Company James M, Burdette Charles L. Worley Stafford R. Brooks Lester Eerod 'n^' Stai'f Captain First Lieutenant - First Sergeant Guidon Bearer -^ .J V. ' fc' N : j "^ 1\f rS^to iAXfcA«fefeggg- " .? , r: ^W^ pi ^' c f^ d. y 4] f John Kelly 1 > T ^^ ^\^ —— Irene Johnston Sponsor Leary, Ga. Davis Herring It 3|:'- "C" 4 Company Staff Thomas Mathews Hubert Deaton Marion Chalker Captain First Lieutenant First Sergeant Guidon Bearer Charles Herring FIRST Bob Freeman PLATOON BAND Capt. Roy McCard Charles First Lt. Lt. H. Lt, J. Miller, David First Sgt. Company Commander R. Jr, Owen Ben Overstreet T/Sgt. Julius Still Mrs. Charles R. Sponsor Moore Executive Officer Section Leader Section Leader Tirst Sergeant Drum Major Moore Dahlonega, Ga. Capt. First Sgt. Overstreet McCard T/Sgt. Still II I I T I tk t « V •4!** 1^ > SCENES FROM fol RIH Loading Cargo Glider Self- Propelled Weapons t.C). AKKA 75-MM Recoiless Rifle SUMMER 105-MM Anti-Tank CAMP Gun 1000-INCH ^ — Going Up i*.®.'"*" Machine Gun Range v«'>'^*-5! - ->w^- .-g. - '^^flw^a^jTSfflitaByiMmMliiraiBig Coming Down ~ Shooting From the Hip Crossing the Chattahoochee AlRIiORNE COMUAT TEAM Behind the Firing Line iMMi WHO'S JONK "Who's Mr. N. G. C. Miss N. G. WHO Gailev Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges " Tom Gailey Betty Jones C. Gene Chick Neatest Cadet Martha Coffia H. J. Miller Helen Pierce Charles Worley Best-Dressed Co-Ed Most Likely to Succeed Biggest Wolf Biggest Flirt Best Dancers Wooduard Cordiia Bill Black well Virginia Kingery Tom Most Athletic Gailey Barbara Kinx 1948 Edition of N. G. C. Students Amonj; Students in American Universities and Colleges": 1 'Who's H. J. Who Miller Helen Pierce Jean White Tom Mathews Claude Boat«'right Kingery Blackwell Robert Purcell Wesley Brower, Tom Gailey John Blodgett Quillian Coker am B U E U " . . E .1 could not choose E Y N but gaze upon hey face' MISS ALENE JOHNSON Ellijay, Ga. ^^^^ MISS ELSIE HARBIN Dan'soni'ille, Ga. MISS EVELYNE ELLIS Alpharetta, Ga. MISS MARILYN TAYLOR Decatur, Ga. Athletics '47-'48 COACHING STAFF W. Rosemary Millholin H. Groves AW A RDS Each year individual awards are presented to the outstanding Cadet and Co-Ed for athletic excellency. A trophy is also awarded to the company with the best record in competitive sports. Company the ual D was presented with company award and individ- awards were won by Anne Kling and Lamar Clifton. yrv' Coach Sheets Presents the Company Award to Lt. Gailey of Company D. Presentation of the Individual to Lamar Clifton and Events of the Past Year. Awards Anne Kling Were Outstanding CADET ATHLETIC COUNCIL Miss Wanda Vestal Sponsor Rock, Ark. Little t A^ M, ^ ^k Sapp Company A Lt. »«».—' .\lA JOR BLODGFTT Staff Lt. ^ Worley Company B Tonnes Starts the Second Half of a "Double" Coach Cobb Butteruorth Scoops N.G.C. Up a Loiv One Ba What Was That. Ump? Out!. Dews on the Receiving End Bottom Row: Gailey, Chandler, Upchurch, Townes, Haynes, Sanderson, Culbrith, Brunson, Malcom, and Dews. Top Row. Coaches Groves, Cobb, Manager Nash, Morris, Thomas, Smith, Pinholster, Mahan, Rogers and Manager White. ^.•„m.mmmmmm Tonnes About tu Runt i,iiiley Tries His "Peg" of a "Grounder Basket Front Row: Akin, Peacock, Barnes, Gibbs, Kanady, W. Palmer, Brabson, Slade, Upchurch. Second Row: Coach Cobb, Sellers, Vaughan, Townes, Chandler, Pinholster, Gailey, McEver, Coach Sheets. Back Roir: Smith, Ja,«o, R. Palmer. Chandler 1 Schedule 47-'48: Cadets t>s. Oglethorpe Ala. Teachers Ga. State Teachers G.M.C. Oglethorpe Ga. Evening College Western Carolina Ga. Evening College Piedmont G.M.C. Ba CHEERLEADERS ACTION SHOTS Foot All-Star Team A "Easy" Side-Steps for a First and Ten Watson Receives One as Garrison Pulls 'em Harris. Don n Around Right End — But Palmer Got 'em "Mac" Takes Off LhJm[>iiiiiship I'hi Ba Bj A Lhuiupiuiuhip Ground; Stand By 'li Burdette About to Be Crushed by Co. A to Receive Tutu iter Just a General "Mcrss-Up" on jV.G.C.j Gridir III Another Good /Man Goes Down "Get It, Get It—Ohh! I • "^1 V flK II i I %.M--^rJ~'.i^ f^ Top row, O'er the Bar . . . . . Bottom row: . . . . . . Popcorn, "Smitty" Heads Second row: "Birdie Bur- . Over dette Flies Music, right: to left Cokes and Basketball . . . Time Out "Ladies' Day" for Repairs at the Off to a Flying Start Park 1948 CYCLOPS Mrs. H. J. Miller, Sr. Sponsor lor the Editor Mrs. J. T. Thrasher, Sr. Sponsor for the Business Manage Winder, Ga. Calhoun, Ga. H. J. Miller, T. Thrasher, Jr. Business Manager Joe Jr. Editor Winder, Ga. Calhoun, Ga. C. J. Dismukes Editorial Adviser J. C. Barnes Financial Adviser J. A. Mitchell Photographical Adviser EDITORIAL STAFF H. J. Miller, Jr. Editor-in-Chief Helen Pierce Tommy Associate Editor Satterfield Associate Editor Cleon Johnson Organizational Editor Lurty Ross BET-n- Jones Faye Healan Jean White sports Editor Society Editor • Class Editor Assistant Class Editor William Dean Military Editor BiLLIE ROSSER Assistant Military Editor Jane Collins Copy Editor John Grindle C. J. J. A. DiSMUKES Mitchell Typist .... Editorial Adviser Photographical Adviser BUSINESS STAFF Thrasher, Robert Settle Harold Pinson Sara Merritt Wallac:e Brown Barnes J. C. Joe T. Business Manager Jr. Assistant Business , ... Dean ROSSER Settle Assistant Assistant Financial Adviser Johnson Satterfield Healan Manager Manager Bnsiness Manager Business Manager Assistant Bnsiness Collins Pinson Jones White Grindle Merritt Brown Claude S. Boatwright Charles L. Business Eiliior Stewart Manager Mrs. Charles L. Stewart Sponsor ^ CaSei Bugler Business Alanager Editor Claude S. Boatwright Charles L. News LuRTi' Ross Helen Pierce Editor Feature Editor Wesley Brower Feature StafJ Sports Staff Stewart Sports Editor — Faye Healan, Grady —Sara F. Pool, Merritt, Harrison Typists Faculty Bob Sliort, Townes, T. — Bobby Saxon, Betty L. H. J. Miller, Jane Collins White, James Butterworth Purcell Advisers— W. D. Booth, H. H. Gilbert FORENSIC SENATE W. E. Clark Director of Forensics Mrs. Ellen R. Clark Sponsor Dahlonega, Ga. The Forensic Senate, informally known as the Debate Club, is one of the most active organizations on the campus. In the last three years of intercollegiate debating, the teams have participated very effectively: winning two Georgia Collegiate Tournaments team TKA and an individual in first place in the 1946, winning the National Championship in the Individual the Grand National Forensic Tournament and winning the Women's Division of the Millsaps Tournament. Jackson, Miss., in 1947; winning first place in the Tournament at Ole Miss in 1948, and being guests of and hosts to in 1943, placing a Tournament at Ole Miss Impromptu Contest at in third position in TKA debate teams from the outstanding colleges and universities of the Southeast. SENIOR SENATORS Helen Pierce President REX FRATERNITY Ann l^PCHi'RCii SI,ou.snr Kast I'oinl. Ga. Rudy Upchurch J. President HaroI is/ 1) ClUNRII R Genf. Cravviokii 2nd Vice-Piciidcul Vice-Presidoit A. MlICHCLL Adi iwr Ml KRii Sect c tin I \' Harpir 'Treasure r<)M Gaili \ Se.l.-al-Ariiis > MEMBERS The Rex FRATERNiTi', one of the traditional organizations at North Georgia College, was organized in 1917 and is the oldest fraternity now on the campus. Under the capable leadership of Rudy Upchurch, the Rex has enjoyed a very successful year. This year Rex elected Miss Ann Upchurch as the "Sweetheart" of the fraternity and Professor Joe f^ Mitchell as Faculty Adviser. The main objective of the erhood among Rex is to promote friendship and broth- the student body. Each quarter several social events are sponsored, including trips to Lakes Winfieid Scott and Trahlyta. informal dances, banquets, barbecues, breakfasts and hikes. GORI. Hl.NDKRSON its members and « n o (r> rs. ^ r^ tii^ji^ ^Mtfrli^fc Avery Barnes, Epps Barnes, G. L. Green Haynes Jackson KiNGERY Moore Tankersley Pardue Vaughn Whiting Yarbrough PLEDGES Sherrod Smith Gene Chick Therron White President Vice-President Secretary-Treasurer REX ACTIVITIES Rex Sweetheart Refreshments —Smith House Ajter Banquet Informal Dance SI GM A TH ET A Miss Anne Kling Sponsor LaFayette, Ga. Boyd Freeman Sheffield Biles OFFICERS Thomas J. Mathews President Vice-President Robert D. Freeman Frank M. Boyd Joel Secretary T. Biles Treasurer Chaplain Sergeatit-at-Arms Adviser Adviser Frank P. Sheffield Benjamin C. Scales John D. Anthony W. Desmond Booth Scales Booth MEMBERS Archer Haddock Camp Hood Cody Patterson Fowler Gibbs Purcell Thomas PLEDGES ^fTj Addison f-^ ^ f^ ^': -O. fT^.', -P^. ^,^ ^~-? t^ j CLUB GLEE CaMILLUS J. Dl.SMl Kl Director ' W. Di;sMONi> Booth Assiiliiiil Katherine Hallman Rachel Thornton Joyce Rhodes Edna Burgess Betty Gilmore Gloria Head Dimple Burch Opal Kate Nash Marilyn Taylor Mary Wills Annette Pittman Tenors George Tutwiler Sara Merritt Shirley Allen Betty Joyce Carroll Gene Barnes Bill Dean Laverne Bar^e Charles Adams Basses John 'G. L. Davis W. Home Alex Stewart Tommie Manning James Hurt L. C. McRae Jimmy Veal Rex Shelton Katherine Gordon Jean Accompanist T. P. Garrett Eliabeth Ellis Mary Willis' Gordna Woodward Mary Jane Hedden Bert H. Flanders Altos Sopranos Beth Philips Evelyn Adams Aligene Abercrombie Dircilur Eugene Bagwell Fitts Gene Chick John Watkins Hal Beazley Thomas Bennet Joel Jackson Roy 'McCard Robert Blasingame Hugh Malcom Arthur Hendrix D. D. Quillian Jimmy Murphy Howard Andrews James Watkins Alva Mashburn Charles England COUNCIL REC Carol King Sponsor Ga. Griffin, Barbara King Irene Johnson Barbara Saxon President Vice-President Secretary Rosemary Milholin Claudia King Jane Hatcher Faculty Adviser Treasurer Reporter COUNCIL MEMBERS Alene Johnson Ann Kling Mary Jones Audrey Lane CO-CAPTAINS Elizabeth Seymour Evelyn Riden Elsie Short Harriet Hargrove TRAHLYTANS Audrey Lane Captain Jean Adams Charlotte Lyle Helen Carmichael Jo Meschine Beatrice Dillard Dot Payne Betty Joyce Carroll Mary Beth Perry Martha Jean Elrod Helen Pierce Gloria Reagin Ouida Collins Bess Gudger Catherine Hallman Juanita Harris Mary Julia Harvill J. G. Lane Sponsor Mrs. Atlanta, Ga. Bernice Roberts Evelyn Singleton Catherine Smith Marilyn Taylor Jane Hatcher Nell Walker Faye Healen Evelyn Walls Sara Humphries Irene Johnson Maudine Wilder Jean Wilson MERCUREANS Alene Johnson Captain Jane Adams Betty Shirley Allen B. J. Mitchell Ann Myer Pat Bell Margaret Maloney Dimple Burch Martha Mills Edna Burgess Mrs. Gwen Buffington Elizabeth Ellis Evelyn Mo Ellis Grant Elsie Harbin Alice Hersey Patty Horton Nancy Kingery Virginia Kingery W. a. Johnson Sponsor Ellijay, Ga. Hazel Niblack Jane Orr Jane Paris Annette Pittman Joyce Rhodes Betty Ann Stinespring Leila Strickland Ann Upchurch Mary Wills PHI ^y OMICRONS "W ^ ^ ^ Ann Kling Evelyn Riden Captain Co-Captain Laverne Barge Sara Jo Matthews Bernice Brady Dolores Palmer Corine Brown Betty Sue Pierce Martha Betty Purcell Collia Jane Collins Bennie Corbin Mrs. W. L. Kling Sponsor Sara Reeves Barbara Saxon LaFayette, Ga. Christine Davis Ella Mae Duvall Frances Simmons Mary Jo Thompson Eliabeth Forrester Rathael Thornton Janie Forrester Jane Thurmond Claudia Green Barbara Tilley Helen Gurley Carol Vandiver Gloria Head Claudia King Sue Webb HIPPOLYTANS Jeannette Allen Helen Long Evelyn Allen Evelyn Sara Merritt Adams Beth Phillips Aligene Abercrombie Lucinda Paradise Beth Bruce Mrs. Martha Crooks Jo Earnest Kathryn Gordon Betty Gilmore Rachel Kelly Lamar Jones Sponsor Morris Station, Ga. Kathryn Paris Dorothy Stephens Mary Em Towson Jean White Gordna Woodward Mary Willis GENERALS Saxophones BAPTIST STUDENT UNION Cleon Johnson Joel Biles Faye Healen Jimmy Clay President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer Rev, a, C. Thomas Epps BSU Paper Editor Johnson Pastor-Director The Baptist Student Union functions in and through the Baptist Church, seeking to promote spiritual development of students through Christian comradeship. Its aim: To make Christianity collegiate, college life Christian, student friendships happy. Dimple Burch Sponsor Dalton, Ga. Dr. H. B. Forester Director Adams Anderson Bruce Burch GiLMORE Hbrgrove Hatcher King Stephens tutwiler WESLEY FOUNDATION Henry W. Hill PresitlenI Marie Hill James Sponsor Winona, Miss. Rev. R. E. Elliott Director Dorothy Wimpy ^ Rembert Gp.een Kdviser 1^ Martha Ctooks Secretary Vice-President 4mt^^ Jack Anthony Treasurer COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN ^ »^ ^ WORSHIP Sara PUBLICITY J. Mathews BE-m- Jones i Matthews JOM' COMMUNITY SERVICE CHOIR John Simms Mary J. Hedden SIMMS RECREATION Harry Davis DRAMATICS ^^^^ 'i^^^^H 1/ ' J^^^^M ^^^B^^H Da\is WORLD Martin Sibley FRIENDSHIP No t Carl Barrett Picture) PHOTOGRAPHY Keith Elrod f No Picture) PHYSICAL EDUCATION CLUB Mrs. Etta Gailey Sponsor Gainesville, Ga. Tom Gailey Harold Chandler Sammy Johnson President Vhe-Presidenl Treasurer The Phys-Ed Club Education. Its aim is of physical education experience in sports. Harrison Townes Secretary is to composed of majors and minors promote a professional and to promote spirit in Physical among students athletic activities for practical PHYS-ED CLUB SANFORD HALL Mrs. T. E. Stephens Miss Alice Sponsor Dean of Donavan Women Cordele. Ga. Dorothy Stephens President Harriet Hargrove Helen Pierce Beth Bruce Vice-President Secretary Treasurer ^WMM RANDOM AROUND THE BARN AT Joel Biles Frank Barrett James Gregory Jimmy Clay Henry Miles Cleon Johnson President Vice-President Treasurer Secretary Publicity Dir. Chaplain M Dr. H. Griffin, B. Forester Faculty Ailviser Mrs. Willis L. Biles Sponsor Ga. CABINET MEMBERS Eagan Bussey Mashhurn Leach King Mathews McFall FRESHMAN CABINET MEMBERS Bates England Fitts Jones Mrs. E. H. Kingerv Dk Sponsor Gordon, Ga. 111 MO Miss Alice Religious Emphasis Sptake Virginia Kingerv Ann Upchurch Jane Hatcher Claudia Green President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer w We, the members of the Young Women's unite in the desire to realize a full and creative We determine to have a part in making Christian Association, life. this life possible for people. In this task we seek to understand Jesus and to follow COUNCIL MEMBERS Bruce Kling Webb Crooks Donovan Faculty Adviser Him. all SERGEANTS CLUB Martha Glynn Rhynne Sponsor First Sgt. Mark Ham President First Sgt. Preston Bussey Secretary S/Sgt. George Tutwiler Bargeron Vice-President S/ScT. Joel Biles Chaplain Treasurer T/Sgt. Jack T/Sgt, Joe Thrasher Reporter SERGEANTS' CLUB The is composed of the sergeants of the battalion. The membership Sergeants' Club for the year 1947-48 includes all the ser- geants on the campus. Thus you find 100 per cent loyalty of the non-coms for their club. S/ScT. Robert Henry Sergeant-at-Arms M/Sgt. W. F Vaughn, U.S.A. Faculty Adviser SERGEANTS OF COMPANIES A AND B Roiv: Dean, King, Gibbs, Eagan, Pinson, Greene, Bargeron, Settle, Thrasher, Smelley, Ivey, Mayne, Wright, Hill, Roberts, Blackwell. Second Row: Brinson, Harben, Bussey, Jackson, Cawley, Rogers, Fowler, Woods, Crowe, Wilkie, DuRant, Gregory, Gore, Boyd, Meigel. Third Row: Tutwiler, Purcell, Robison, New, Perkins, Scales, Rearden. First SERGEANTS OF COMPANIES First Row: Rumble, C, D, AND BAND Leach, Fowler, David, Harper, England. O'Dillon, Tappan, Malcom, Yarbrough, Kelley, Cody. Second Row: Chick, Mauney. Biles, Miers, Watson, Nash, Babb, Norris, Barnes, King, Reagin, Coleman, Holbrook, Arthur. Third Row: Davidson, Reid, Amick, Johnston, Barnes, Camp, Berry. Miss Martha Nell Kelley Sponsor Atlanta, Ga. W. Brower H. President J. F. Blodgett Vice-President M. E. Faculty HOAG Ad riser ^4^ A. H. Craig Secretary Q. COKER Treasurer MEMBERS ^^^i Stewart Brooke Davis Satterfield Elliott MCEVER, V. Sapp burdette Freeman MEMBERS Yarbrough BOATWRIGHT John D. Forrest Weslky H. Brower Fred C. Allen Charles B. Andrews Charles L. Stewart John Tommy Harry Q. Davis Marvin L. Taylor Robert D. Freeman Thomas J. Matthews Grady R. Poole Satterfield Eli F, Sapp Robert L Johnston F. Charles John E, R. Worley Brooke L. Kelley James M. Burdette JHUBERT J. DEATON Thomas C. Gailey Lawrence L. Savage Walter J. McEver Owen Alton H. Craig David Louis A. Morris Herman J. Miller Charles R. Moore Quillian W. Coker John F. Blodgett Colon R. Britt Claude S. Boatwright Robert E. Purcell Ben C. Yarbrough Roy E. McCard Max Max O. Ben F. L. Brabson Witaker Upchurch Erving G. Elliot Virgle W. McEver Wadie J. Roundtree Jean Wilson Robert Henry Jane Hatcher Robert Wooten Presii!ent Vice-President Progam Chairman Secretary William Cannon Parliamentarian Dr. H. B. Forrester Faculty Adviser SCIENCE CLUB HOME ECONOMICS CLUB Mr. G. p. Short Bessie L. Freeman Adviser Sponsor Clarkesville, Ga. Sara Merritt Martha Coffia Secetary Treasurer Jane Adams OuiDA Collins Maxine Ellis JANNIE Forester Gloria Head Kathryn Gordon Sara Humphries Iane Orr Annette Pittman Dolores Palmer Betty Purcell Joyce Rhodes Sara Reeves Opal Nash Dorothy Stephens Francis Simmons Mrs. Julius Still Dorothy Tanksley Mary Willis Martha Crooks Mrs. Charline Johnson O'Neal Todd Pearl Todd Helen Gurley Ann Kling Ella Duvall Rachel Kelly Hazel Niblack Sue Webb — LETTERMANS' CLUB Ifc- Miss Helen Tatum Sponsor Clarkesville, Ga. Tom Ben Gailey President L. Upchurch Vice-President Cadets of who have received letters in one the major sports are ehgible for bership in the Letterman's Club. Harold Chandler Harrison Townes Secretary Treasurer mmmmm^ I I '^r ^. .«% J "A - u i\ r-J %^f -ir. t' f- w mem- ^a 2\ iilll' Action "Sandy" Shous His Form ill the Alabama Teachers Game Cadets Trump G. /II. C. CAMERA CLUB Ben L. Upchurch T. Thrasher Vice-Presideiil Joe President w. Coker q. Secretary Betty Jones Sponsor Dahlonega, Ga. Tommy Satterfield j. a. Treasurer Mitchell a. Adviser S. Johnson Adviser MEMBERS R. H. Settle J. P. E. G. Elliott Jones S. N. Kendrick H. D. Miles Reeves North Georgia's Newest Building '.<iM)*mimt THE NEW SCIENCE BUILDING Constructed of brick and concrete, it is a large three-story building, thoroughly modern. When it will house the departments of biology, chemistry and physics, and furnish them with large classrooms and laboratories. completed FROM THE —The mountains 1875 lie all FILES around and about the place, rendering it one of the most beautiful and romantic places in the South. 1875 —No student Nor shall shall be allowed to engage in any concerts, exhibitions, or minstrels. any student, while connected with the Institution, be allowed to attend balls. They may attend circuses with the consent of their parent or guardian. — 1877 No student is allowed to smoke on the grounds or in the College rooms or halls. 1884 1890 —The hiring of horses and vehicles —The uniform — The of sale —A certain of the town, on the College forbidden. and helmet of a pattern prescribed by The entire cost need not exceed S20. spiritous liquors is forbidden by law in or within three miles of the town, and no student can 1901 strictly consists of a gray coat, pants, the Faculty, with white belts. 1890 is streets amount go beyond that limit of student labor can be without express permission. employed at six cents per hour when students wish to supplement their other funds. 1873 — A student who shall offer or accept a challenge to fight, or in any way aid, abet, or promote a duel, or upbraid another for declining to fight, shall be expelled. "Many months ago the clapper of the college bell was removed and carried away by some unknown person and search was made but nowhere could it be found. A few days later the janitor received a letter without any signature telling him it could be found in a certain log out in the woods, a mile or so from the college. Mr. Roberts went as directed, and, sure enough, there it was hidden in the log." H/slory of Linnpkiii County, Andrew W. Cain. "The first public debate by students of the college was held by the Price Debating Society on Wednesday night, April 16, 1873. The subject for debate was the well-known old classic: "Resolved, That the pen is mightier than the sword." History of Lumpkin County, Andrew W. 1873 — Cain. First hire teachers. annual report of board of trustees — not enough money to buy books and ^ki6 i6 the \/[/a f vwe cJ^lve Kymr cJLlm a feature of student activities until to apologies Omar Khayyam 'Au'ake! For Morning in the Has flung Bowl of Night the Stone that put the Stars to Flight. Early Chow and One of the Kitchen Crete Prepare It Who And Then the Maybe Say. to Campus or Sick Call Which Chapter Do We Have Today? 'Myself, when young, did eagerly frequent Doctor and Saint and beard great argument. "Hither hurried whence and whither hurried hence" . . . "Oh, the brave music of a distant drum" 'Buf leave the Wise to wrangle with the Quarrel of the Universe let be" me "L(>! Most Likely Some uc Joved — tl]c loi'clicsf Lovely ? IV S/iaetil! "Ah Love! Could and hcsf!" thou and I ; with Fate conspire!' "You know how little time we Ijai'e to stay" "With them And with the Seed of Wisdom did my own hand labor'd it I soiv to groiv' Back from a Hani Eveniiig'i Work , 'All the Saints at the . . . LIBRARY ambition and Sages who discussed Learnedly" Yep. Learnc'iUy "Surely not in lain My siihsfiinrc from the com man earth was taken" We Commemorate Rewariled Effort "All, iiilderness, were Paradise enough" {and around Dahlonega, ue have the wilderness) 1 1 ill I'l I a i^^'kitm\jy; ChriUmai "Ami we that nou' make merry" "The Bird To Fh of Tivie has but a Little —^"d La! The Bird is Way on the Win^' "The Moving Finger Writes, And Having Writ Moves On ." . . OUR ADVERTISERS ARE OUR FRIEI\DS PATRO]\IZE THEM Automatic Gas Co 130 J. C. Penney Co 130 Bank of Dahlonega Bay Way Laundry 133 J. D. Jewell, Inc 131 135 J. H. Phillips 139 Bishops' Cafe 133 Jimmy Haynes Motors Cash & Carry Cleaners 128 J. Chambers Lumber Co Charles A. Smithgall Co City Shoe Shop Concord Radio Corp 137 John Sexton & Co 132 Martin-Johnson Furniture Co 135 Courtenay's Jewelers 137 Palmour's Hardware 134 Dahlonega Bus Line 138 Parks Feed Store 134 Dahlonega Cafe 139 Parley's Grill Dahlonega Recreation Center 129 Peerless 133 Pete Tankersley Lunch Counter 135 133 Piedmont Drug Co 134 137 Pilgrim-Estes Furniture 140 137 133 Queen City Poultry & Feed Co Robert Moore S. Gumpert Co., Inc 132 Sharon Jewelry Co 139 134 Small & Estes Bakery 131 Gianesville Florist 140 Smith House 140 Gainesville Jewelers 134 Smith's 137 Gem 131 127 132 Davis- Washington Co Diana Shops Duckett's Army Eli Witt Cigar Flowerland Store & Candy Co Florist. Inc Frierson-McEver Co Gallant-Belk Gainesville Co Daily Times Jewelry Co 134 M. Hardy 134 135 137 Lay's 132 139 Lipscomb Drug Co 139 131 137 Laundry 129 Co Geo. Moore Ice Cream Co 129 The Canteen The Hub Griffin's 126 The Leader Harrison's Service Station 132 The Hawthorne-Brantley Studios 141 Wall, Henry W. Moore 139 Holly Theatre 139 Hotel & Restaurant Supplv 130 Imperial Pharmacy 133 Jacob Reed's Sons 136 Webb-Crawford Co West Dry Cleaners Whitehead Auto Electric Service White Music Co Woody's Barber Shop "Office" Inc.. Jewelers 135 128 140 134 139 130 140 137 135 133 140 MEET ME AT . GfllFFIIV'S FOR SCHOOL SUPPLIES SODAS SANDWICHES TOBACCOS TOILETRIES AND A FRIENDLY GAME OF POOL * * A HEARTY WELCOME AWAITS YOU "W here the best * R. A. GRIFFIN, is always sold' * JR., Proprietor Compliments of the students' FAVORITE HANGOUT THE IVDRTH GEORGIA EDLLEGE STUDEIVT EXEHMGE "THE CA]\TEE]\" An excellent staff of students THE CENTER OF THE CAMPUS SUPPLIES FOR YOUR EVERY NEED * * Your Patronage Makes This Convenience Possible JACK ROBERTS, Manager DAHLONEGA GEORGIA CASH and CARRY CLEA]\ERS DAHLOI\EGA RECREATIO]\ COMPLIMENTS -of- HOTEL & RESTAURA]\T SUPPLY CO., Inc. Manufacturers and Distributors COMPLETE KITCHEN AND DINING ROOM EQUIPMENT 382 West Peachtree N. W. Phone WA. 7451 Atlanta. Georgia J. C. St., PE1\]\EY COMPAIVY GALLAI\T Records Compliments of LUNCH COUNTER Martin- Johnson Furniture Co. Hot Sandwiches. Lunches, and Drinks NORGE HOME APPLIANCES AND SERVICE Pete Tankersley "Quality Furniture for Quality Georgia Gainesville Gainesville Electric Service Furniture Co. PIANOS Home Georgia Whitehead Auto Pilgrini-Estes Complete Homes" Complete Auto Tune-up Service Furnishers PHILCO RADIOS Magneto Service Station FRIGIDAIRES for FARM TRACTORS FREEZER LOCKERS Distributor for Delco-Remy and Auto-Lite Parts Georgia Gainesville Georgia Gainesville Bay-Way Laundry We ON ^^^:} n Guarantee NORTH GEORGIA COLLEGE AS OF: YOUR 1940 MEAT 1942 SEXTON it AMERICAN /I SAUCE . first . . time . . for use in .\Ioore Hall, a . . in its liistory. The Infirmary was . of Dahloiiega, 1946 into Band House November 11, 1940. Steam heat was turned . . was opened 1943 WOOSTERSHIRE . for the burned in built and equipped; September, 1942. gift of John H. Moore January, 1943. Construction on Science Hall was begun . December 16, 1946. The new building will cost $285,000.00 and will be equipped with $60,000.00 Sexton wiirlh of new modern laboratory furniture, 1947 New . . . faculty apartments. Veterans Apart- ment Units, and classroom buildings added to the physical plant as North Georgia College continues to grow. Compliments of... A VERY APPRECIATIVE FRIEND JACOB REED'S SO]\S 1424-26 Chestnut Street PHILADELPHIA 2, PA. SPECIALISTS IN MILITARY SCHOOL UNIFORMS SINCE 1824 LARRO BROILER FEED Sold and Distrihiited by Queen City Poultry and Feed Co. "The Better the Feed The liigger the Prnfn" 117 Railroad Avenue Georgia Gainesville Chambers Lumber Co. BUILDING SUPPUES Telephone 602 1125 South Main Street Gainesville Georgia Chas. A. Smithgall Co. 119 N. Main Street < Formerly The Gainesville Eagle BIdg.) Gainesville Georgia Office Supplies and Equipment Modern Printing Plant Visit . . . To All Persons Entered in This Annual We Wish MUCH SUCCESS AND GOOD LUCK Compliments of DAHLO]\EGA-ATLAIVTA BUS LII\E MRS. FRED JONES. SR., Manager Leaves Dahlonega for Atlanta 7:30 a.m. E.S.T. and 3:00 p.m. Leaves Dahlonega for Gainesville 9:30 a.m. E.S.T. and 1:30 p.m. Leaves Atlanta for Dahlonega 8:00 a.m. E.S.T. and 3:00 p.m. Leaves Gainesville for Dahlonega DAHLONEGA 12:30 p.m. E.S.T. and 5:00 p.m. GEORGIA Lipscomb Drug A CORDIAL WELCOME AWAITS YOU at THE SMITH HOUSE //, l/u- Heart oj ihr Hlitr Hiiliir Mountains Excellent Home-Cooked Food Comfortable Lodging Many Cane Creek Scenic Attractions 3 miles Falls Camp Wahsega 12 miles Woody's Gap Vogel State Park 14 miles 16 miles Calhoun Gold Mines 5 miles NeeFs Gap 21 miles Lake Trahlyta 26 miles Amicalola Falls 19 miles Lake Winfield Scott. } W. B. our Host . . .22 miles Is FRY, Owner and Manager Dahlonega, GeORCL'V Ifrile jor Reservations, or Call — Telephone 9106 Compliments of Cigar and Candy Company Eli Witt of Athens, Georgia HAV-A-TAMPA TAMPA NUGGETS CIGAR.S TAMPA STRAIGHTS Proiully ifc hail tbcc, Kcicrciicc thy name, Sfriir for thy ^lory And for thy fame, Loyal forcfcr ivc'U he to thee. Forsaking never . . . N.G.C. . i^^ '''>..» 5**" '^ ^: •;'<