Fall 2014 - Éditions l`Archipel


Fall 2014 - Éditions l`Archipel
Fall 2014
Illustrated books 2-3
Guide 4
Biographies 5-6
Essay 6
Testimony 7
Book of interviews 7
History 8
Novels 9-11
Thrillers 12-13
Psychology 14
Well-being 14
Forthcoming titles 15
Founded in 1991, our group publishes approximately 200 titles per year. Books appear under four imprints :
L’ARCHIPEL (mainstream, both fiction and non-fiction)
PRESSES DU CHATELET (spirituality, health, self development)
ECRITURE (literary fiction and essays)
ARCHIPOCHE (massmarket paperback)
Illustrated books
The Orchid Cat
Kwong Kuen-Shan
This new book is about three things:
- The wise ways of cats;
- The beauty and silent energy of orchids and other flowers;
- The wisdom of ancient China.
In it artist and author Kwong Kuen-Shan complements her cat and
flower paintings with selected quotes and passages from ancient
Chinese philosophy and literature, which she has translated
directly from the original Chinese text.
As with her first two cat books, The Cat and The Tao and The
Philosopher Cat, she wishes to delight her readers with exquisite
Chinese paintings, and offer them grounds for reflection and
contemplation with thought provoking supporting text.
Indiana – the search
Creation comes from
Exploration comes from
40 original paintings - English manuscript available
Publication: 2015 - Pages: 96
Kit Kat – “do I know you?”
Never believe what you have not seen with your own
(Fan Zhongyan)
Topaz – my way
Choose for yourself the most suitable way to live.
You need not follow others blindly,
Nor compare your life with theirs.
The Philosopher Cat has sold more than 150.000 copies in France.
The Cat and The Tao and The Philosopher Cat have
been published in:
UK and Commonwealth
(Heinemann/Random House)
North America
(Simon and Schuster)
Russia (Eksimo)
Poland (Galaktyka)
Japan (Artist House)
Italy (L’lppocampo)
Germany (Droemer)
Denmark (Cicero)
Sweden (Svenska)
Brazil (Editora Landscape)
Nathalie Garçon
Publication: November 2014 –
Pages: 120
Bilingual edition: French-English
With a foreword by Isabelle Adjani
For thirty years, Nathalie Garçon has dressed women.
For her, fashion is just a game, an excuse, a key to
understand them. This book gathers courageous women.
All of them made the news, some had a treacherous
course. Sweet and happy, this twelve actresses, singers,
writers, journalists, fashion designer, dancer accept to
pose with their favourite clothes in the splendid Regina
hotel, in Paris.
Eva Darlan and her Spanish shawl; Charlotte Valandrey
and her black sweater; Chantal Thomass in a male
suit… but also Frédérique Bel, Noémie Lenoir, AnneSophie Lapix, Lio, Natacha Polony, Christine Orban,
Sonia Rolland, Mathilda May and Fauve Hautot.
During a conversation with Nathalie Garçon, they
explain why they have chosen this item of clothing,
what fashion means to them, their vision of their
relationship to body, to image… At the end of the book,
there is the making of of the 12 photo sessions.
Photographs and interviews – like secrets between
friends – reveal a hidden face of the personality of these
famous women…
The Seven Kingdoms Book
A Game of Thrones Guide
(Le livre des 7 couronnes
Un guide du monde de Game of Thrones)
Nicolas Lamour & Bernard Baudouin
To know everything about the TV show
Game of Thrones and its sources
How did the dragons appear? Why the direwolf is the emblem of the
House Stark? When the winter will be there?
This guide lists the history and the knowledge of the Realm of the
Seven Kingdoms, where knowing the strengths and weaknesses of
the enemy is a matter of life and death. Like the Queen Cersei
Lannister says: “When you play the game of thrones, you win or you
This guide helps, in first place, the viewer of the
Game of Thrones series to identify the characters,
families, cities and areas, and the actors of this TV
show. The second part is a dictionary explaining the
historical sources of places, objects and keycharacters of the series, from D as Dragon and H as
Hand of the King to N as Night’s Watch and W as
Westeros. A book to enjoy this series fixed in the
brutality of medieval times combining fantastic, sex
and violence.
Publication: November 2014 –
Pages: 384
Bardot. Two lifes
(Bardot. Deux vies)
Jeffrey Robinson
Publication: September 2014 –
Pages: 384
The first living legend of the big screen is well known under
the name of B.B. Her tumultuous life makes her the symbol
of morals liberation. In 1974, at 40, Bardot abandons the
cinema devotes herself to the protection of animals.
But what is the real face of Bardot, alternately emancipated
teenager, young bride, luxury hippie, Vadim’s and Clouzot’s
heroine and the animal cause attorney?
This book tries to unravel this mystery. During his
investigation, Jeffrey Robinson collected the testimony of
Brigitte Bardot herself, of her husbands (Roger Vadim,
Jacques Charrier, Gunther Sachs and Bernard d’Ormale), of
her son, of her sister and of those who counted in her life.
From And God Created Woman to The Bear and the Doll,
and from the sex bomb of the 60s to the activist of the 90s,
here is the most complete and revealing biography dedicated
to the one of whom Fellini said: “If she did not exist, we
should invent her.”
Niki de Saint Phalle
(Niki de Saint Phalle. Il faut faire saigner la peinture)
Elisabeth Reynaud
Born near Paris in 1930, Niki de Saint Phalle grows up in New York
where she creates a playful work, with amazing colours.
Companion of the sculptor Jean Tinguely, she creates imposing
sculptures from Jerusalem (The Golem) to California (a 10-meter high
dragon stone) including Paris where she designs with Jean Tinguely
the Stravinsky fountain.
Overcoming the tragedies of her life through her creativity, this
committed feminist has participated in the struggles of her century,
especially against AIDS. She dies in 2002 at La Jolla, her property in
Publication: September 2014 – Pages: 240
Hannah Szenes, the Striked Star
(Hannah Szenes, l’étoile foudroyée)
Martine Gozlan
Publication: November 2014 –
Pages: 256 c.
Born in Budapest in 1921, feeling passionate about literature,
Hannah Szenes emigrates in Palestine in 1938 to carry out a hard
pioneer life in a kibbutz. At 23, she volunteers to jump over
Yugoslavia, within Jewish commandos enlisted in British SOE, to
give active support to Jewish opposition in Hungary. Caught and
tortured, she is shot by the Nazis in her home town November 7,
National heroine in Israel, where the schoolchildren learn her
poems, Hannah Szenes embodies courage of a young Zionist
jumping over hell to rescue her people. At the same time a
biography, a story and an enquiry about the places where the
young girl lived and suffered, this book is also based on her
diaries and on several evidences – without obscuring the issue of
“myth Szenes”: did we overstated her action? Why her diary has
been expurgated? Who was the real Hannah Szenes?
The Strange Death of Yasser Arafat
(L’étrange trépas de Yasser Arafat)
Emmanuel Faux
November 11, 2004, Yasser Arafat dies in a military hospital near
Paris. Strangely, French doctors are not able to explain the causes
of his death. No diagnosis has been provided so far.
During the seven years following the death of the Palestinian
leader, questions multiply themselves. Only his close family has
read the medical record that details his agony, the treatments
received in France and the different symptoms observed.
His widow, Souha Arafat, notices that the record is incomplete,
and she learns from the French authorities that some papers “have
been destroyed”. But the missing documents relate to results of
analyzes performed during hospitalization.
End of 2012, the corpse is exhumed for another autopsy.
Polonium 210 in large amounts is detected on personal effect and
bones of the dead…
Publication: November 2014 – Pages: 312 c.
How to rob 20 million euros
(J’ai réussi le casse du siècle)
Michel Ferrari
“I, Michel Ferrari, confess that I am the author of the UBS
hold-up that took place on March, 25th in 1990 in Geneva.
Gangster, I am not. Robber, I become. But who could resist
such a temptation?
First, I imagine the big deal. Planning an operation without
danger, only one, the one that will keep me safe for the rest of
my life. Why not a hold-up? By random encounters, my
project comes true.
31 million of Swiss francs (about 20 million euros) robbed,
220 kilos of bills: this is the robbery of the century! Two
months later, after a denunciation, I am arrested and
After twenty-four years of silence, I reveal my version of the
events: how and with whom I start this true work of art, the
after hold-up and its consequences… Everything that I have
never told the police or the justice.”
Publication: May 2014 – Pages: 312
Book of interviews
The Passions Voyager
(Le voyageur des passions)
André Téchiné
In this book ok interviews, the famous French screenwriter and film
director of My Favorite Season and Wild Reeds confides for the
first time. He evokes the light of his south-west of France and his
friendship with Roland Barthes. He relates his love for the actors
and his admiration for Fassbinder. He mentions his incursions in
theatre, as well as certain themes that haunt his art: feelings and
sexuality, the naturalism refusal, the pain and the “dignity of
Publication: November 2014 – Pages: 288 c.
The Shadows of Oradour
(Les ombres d’Oradour)
Jean-Paul Picaper
June 1944, the reinforced division “Das Reich” goes
back up South-West to Normandy. The evening of June
9th, the SS command and the Gestapo target a market
town of the Limousin region, in west-central France:
Oradour-sur-Glane. The following day, one hundred
twenty Waffen-SS butcher here 642 people, of which
246 women and 207 children. Generation of French
people won’t forget it.
Entire “kept” once the flames are extinguished and the
bodies are buried, the martyr village hold responsible
the murderers for a long time. What happened there was
atrociously simple: they surround, they kill, they steal,
they burn, they leave. But who to judge? In 1953,
subalterns were sentenced, quickly released. Since then,
only an SS lieutenant served fifteen years in jail in East
Berlin. Instigators of the crime remained unpunished.
To this day, several questions remain unanswered:
Why this retaliation? And why Oradour? For over half a
century, negationists and fake historians make lies about
the biggest war crime committed by the occupying forces in Western Europe. Many
manoeuvres against memory that Jean-Paul Picaper revisits carefully, giving the floor to rare
witnesses and survivors. A survey which led him to the archives of the Stasi, looking for
unpublished documents of the Third Reich.
Publication: May 2014 – Pages: 430
By the same author:
They Wanted to Kill Hitler
(Opération Walkyrie)
Foreword by Horst Köhler, president of Germany
An account of the assassination attempt by Claus Stauffenberg against
Hitler on July 20th, 1944, which could have changed the course of the
war. Picaper, the author of many historical essays, met with many
witnesses including Earl Stauffenberg’s sons.
Publication: January 2009 – Pages: 440
Tahül and the Lightning Stones
(Tahül et les pierres de foudre)
Henriette Chardak
& Pr Henry de Lumley
450,000 years ago, in a cave in Pyrenees near to Tautavel.
When he succumbs to the charm of Jald who is a Troms with oddly
blue eyes, Tahül, son of the leader of Graül tribe, knows that she
won’t be easy to win over. He has no fire to cook food and no torch
to light. He will discover fear… and jealousy. Because Tank, the new
Troms’ leader, lust after the young woman too. Confrontation seems
inevitable. Soon, the Sneks and Ogrrs decide to join the fighting…
This novel is born between the collaboration of a novelist and a
palaeontologist. The first has arranged a thrilling story. The second
has confirmed the reliability of all returned facts.
This novel is one of the beginning of humanity.
Publication: May 2014 – Pages: 400
The Pitirre’s Song
(Le chant du pipiri)
Anne de Bourbon-Siciles
Publication: May 2014 –
Pages: 256
Fort-de-France, 1950. Life is sweet for Louise Baudin of La
Molinière on this island where her family settled three centuries
ago. Every morning, the little girl meets her friend by heart, Man,
who is the son of the manager. They promised each other to get
married, one day… But Black people here, descendants of slaves,
are intended to serve. And the Bekes’ daughters, as her, have to
wed a son of their social class.
At eighteen years old, Louise is under pressure from her parents,
raging mad about this affair, to go study in Paris. Just as she came,
torn apart by this separation, Louise learns she is pregnant.
Twenty years later, her son, a mixed-race looking for his identity,
goes back to the Martinique, to meet the ghosts of the past.
From Fort-en-France to Paris and from Saint-Tropez to Capri,
Anne de Bourbon-Siciles presents a saga which combines love
and treason, secrets and racism, where the hidden face of the
society from Martinique has nothing to envy about the Parisian
high society.
My Lips Are Dead At Midnight
(Mes lèvres sont mortes à minuit)
Arièle Butaux
In Paul and Laura’s flat, everything is clean, from the suit of
the master of the house to impeccable outfits of his beautiful
wife. Under the interrogative eyes of Malika who, from
morning to night, cleans clean, an old lover always in love
and an envious friend question the reasons of this perfection,
which turns to obsession. Until the day where an indelible
blood stain on the white carpet shakes Paul and Laura’s
universe, tearing masks and revealing an awful secret…
This short novel is followed by The King’s choice
On September 12th 1642, Henri d’Effiat, marquis de CinqMars, was beheaded for conspiring against Richelieu. He
was twenty-two and the great love of Louis XIII who did
nothing to save him. But are we sure about that?
Publication: October 2014 –
Pages: 176
The Swimming Pool
(La piscine)
Alain Page
Jean-Paul and Marianne, lovers for two years, spend idyllic
holiday in a luxurious villa near Saint-Tropez, in the South
of France. Their friend Harry, brilliant and cynical seducer,
blows in with his daughter Pénélope, whose nobody knows
the existence. Jean-Paul and Harry are, on the outside, the
best friends in the world. In reality, Harry has a low esteem
for Jean-Paul, a failed writer he has protected in the
beginning, whereas Jean-Paul envies his money, his car and
resents he has been in the past Marianne’s lover. Gradually
their relationship becomes strained, especially as Marianne
seems ready to fall back in Harry’s arms and Jean-Paul
discovers the appeal of Pénélope…
The novel adapted into a cult movie starring Alain
Delon and Romy Schneider.
Publication: June 2014 – Pages: 256
Use of Forgeries
(Usage de faux)
Philippe Cohen-Grillet
Victor Goupille is a talented counterfeiter, even perhaps
brilliant. To divert himself and earn a (good) living, he
makes fake literary letters and autographs more authentic
than the original. Under his pen, born lovely pastiches of
Céline, Perec, Gary, Sagan, Blondin or Jacques Laurent.
Remarkable treasures papers which he sells at auction, with
the complicity of an expert.
Making use of a peculiar classified ad, he meets Camille, a
dark brown woman with a broken hand. This is love at first
sight. Is this mutual? Not for sure. Because she likes to play
and hides a secret.
While his curious game stirs up the police suspicions, Victor
has to lie to Camille to love her better. Between them starts a
sham and true feelings game…
Publication: August 2014 – Pages: 192
Ronan and Loïza
(Ronan et Loïza)
Eric Tellenne
In the year of our Lord 1300, Loïza, 16 years old, native of
the region of Brocéliande, is intended to Ehouarn le Fort,
Count of Quimper, 15 years her senior. She is all the more
so desperate she fell in love with Ronan, a young knight.
With the help of her cousin Morgaine, she-devil with
bewitching powers, Loïza does everything to keep away
from her husband and live her love story.
Even though punctuated by splendid feasts where the meat
is tasty and where wine flows freely, the medieval times are
tough: a troubling creature, the Maugriffu, spreads terror,
killing young girls savagely in the black mountains. Ronan
has to confront it. And he is not sure that Loïza and him
will emerge unscathed of this adventure: love stories often
end badly…
Publication: August 2014 – Pages: 192
The Killer of the Roundabouts
(L’assassin est à la plage)
Arlette Aguillon
Hired by a local weekly whose owner is a 80 year-old woman,
Maxime, 26, is charged with writing an article about a mysterious
hanged man found on a roundabout in a lovely seaside resort. He
is helped by Jasmine, a 14 year-old photographer. In a week, three
other corpses are discovered in three other roundabouts.
Then, Maxime starts an unorthodox investigation, which leads
him to the murderer. Become a national hero in two months, this
kind boy is now the heartthrob of the ladies and he ends up with
two problematic lovers: one is 14 years old and the other 80. What
to do? Why not taking the road with his friend Manu and his pizza
This pleasant summer novel mixes with skill detective plot,
humour and improbable passing romance.
Publication: June 2014 – Pages: 448
The Pallas Affair
(L’affaire Pallas)
Paul Vecchiali
Publication: September 2014 –
Pages: 308
November 27th 1942: the fleet of Toulon is scuttled. In the
morning, two mates of the Resistance, Henri Frenay and the
detective Yannick Bellec, discover a corpse with a playing card:
the evil Queen of Spades, called Pallas. Bellec realizes that this
murder completes a series of nine crimes, unsolved, committed
according to the same ritual.
It is the beginning of a story that follows two oppose paths: on
one hand, the Resistance in action, around the creator of Combat,
Henri Frenay; on the other hand, the investigation of Yannick
Bellec, convinced that the murders are closely related to the
events of the Phoney War.
Plunged in the “Deputy war” in Toulon, from scuttling to the
Liberation, in the middle of legitimized attacks, groundwater
betrayals, cruel bombings, the characters of Paul Vecchiali are
going after themselves, revealing the unexpected secret of the
Pallas affair.
Terror over the Vatican
(Peur sur le Vatican)
Jean-Louis Baroux
Publication: October 2014 –
Pages: 312
April 1945: Himmler immerses a case of gold bars in a Swiss lake
and commands the witnesses of the operation to be executed.
Goering, to his side, writes the coordinates of the place in a corner
of the Transfiguration, the famous painting by Raphael. But the
secret has also been relayed to a certain Dorf by one of the only
survivors of the operation.
More than sixty years after those facts, some neo-Nazis living in
Argentina decide to lay hands on the treasure. At the head of a
gang, an ex-airline pilot catholic fundamentalist militant takes
hostage the leaders of the world’s largest airlines gathered in
Cannes Aircraft Forum. He threatens to crash the passengers and
the plane full of explosives on the Holy See if his requirements
are not satisfied…
From Berlin in ruins to the gold of Vatican, a fascinating thriller
which traces six decades.
English manuscript available.
Web Killer
(Web killer)
Philip A. Sullivan
The private detectives of the Parisian agency Detectives &
Partners hunt down a serial killer who dramatizes his crimes with
cruelty and aestheticism. His victims? Voluptuous blond
prostitutes met on the web.
A part of the team goes to Cannes, during the Festival, to protect a
director with suspicious relationships… At the same time, attacks
hit the Croisette. Cannes is stunned. Especially as new escort girls
are killed in the surrounding area. The Web Killer prowls
English manuscript available.
Publication: May 2014 – Pages: 374
Wait… Hurry up!
(Attends… Dépêche-toi)
Geneviève Djenati
Publication: September 2014 –
Pages: 320
“Wait!”, “Hurry up!”, two contradictory injunctions about which
no child escape. In those two cases, the child has to adapt to the
adult’s lifestyle. However, speed, acceleration and the unproven
time saving wear out the adults and require to the child an
expensive psychological adjusting, which is weakening.
Rare are the observers who broach the subject of the time
constraint about children development, its consequences in
relations with adults and the representation of their future.
Thanks to concrete examples, the psychologist Geneviève Djenati
explains why the adults time is not the children time.
How and at what price can the child seize a temporality which
forgets his immaturity and ask to him an enormous faculty to
adapt, often unsuspected by the adults? To what do we have to be
vigilant? How to avoid to train the children in the infernal rhythm
of today’s society? She answers to all these questions.
Meditate with the Great Masters
(Méditez avec les grands maîtres)
Catherine Barry
You can learn serenity and inner calm.
At any time and in any place, you can practice a certain quality of
meditation. When you wake up, then in transport, at work, in the
relationships with the others, during lunch, doing sport, shopping
or even while visiting museums or in family. Every activity can be
an excuse, even a meditation support.
After a presentation of lessons of Buddhist, Hinduism and Taoist
traditions, the author leads the reader into a gradual learning
process of different meditation techniques.
A meditation CD guides the reader in these experiences.
Dare to take the first step…You only need to risk yourself to
enjoy the benefits of inner calm.
Publication: October 2014 – Pages: 216
Forthcoming titles
January – February 2015
The Enemy in the Skin (L’ennemi dans la peau)
Yann Queffélec
Satan Lives at the 21 (Satan habite au 21)
Jean-Pierre Lucovich
Black Stone (Pierre noire)
Chantal Forêt
All Men Are Called Richard (Tous les hommes s’appellent Richard)
Patrice Juiff
Chronicle of Beyond the Threshold (Chronique d’au-delà du seuil)
The Quest of the Lame Prince* (La Quête du prince boîteux*)
The Gods Seat** (Le Siège des Dieux**)
The Asleep Gods*** (Les Dieux endormis***)
The Hidden Gods**** (Les Dieux cachés****)
Paul Carta
The World in 1515 (Le Monde en 1515)
Jacky Lorette
The Crime of Silence – The Armenian Genocide (Le Crime du silence – Le
génocide arménien)
Gérard Chaliand
Myths, Mystifications and Mysteries of Paranormal (Mythes, mystifications et
mystères du paranormal)
Gerald Messadié
When Love is Missing (Quand l’amour manque)
Jean-Claude Liaudet
Baltic States
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