Annual Report FY 2015 - Jewish Family Services


Annual Report FY 2015 - Jewish Family Services
Fiscal Year July 1, 2014
to June 30, 2015
JFS Business Partner
Second Time Around
Consignment Store
Jessie’s Garden at JFS
Provides fresh produce to the Anja
Rosenberg Kosher Food Pantry
Take a Turkey to
Temple event
Message from the
Board President and
Executive Director
Merrill Mandell
Anne Danaher
Accountability and visibility are essential in describing this fiscal year. While we continued the
implementation of our Strategic Plan, we also prepared for and successfully received national reaccreditation
by the Council on Accreditation in June of 2015. This is all about accountability and transparency in our
operations and in all program areas. We commend the staff and Board on this amazing accomplishment. No
corrections were required!
This marked the second year of our Hartford Foundation for Public Giving General Operating Support Grant,
whose funding has continued to make it possible for us to “dream big” while strategically approaching each
operating challenge with positive energy.
As part of this grant implementation, we developed a comprehensive Marketing Plan. Highlights are:
 A new Mission Statement: Our mission is to enhance and strengthen the quality of life through the
Jewish tradition of caring and compassion. JFS achieves its mission by helping individuals and families
progress toward emotional well-being, self-reliance and more positive relationships.
 A new tag line: Jewish Family Services—Embracing Possibility. You will see our new branding and
messaging in all of our publications and outreach efforts. You will also note our new Business Partners
and sponsors for key events.
Community Engagement opportunities increase our visibility each and every day! We established separate
marketing and development functions and you will soon see some of our development initiatives throughout
the community. We continue to participate in the Aim Chai Endowment Campaign and are especially proud
that we have achieved full Board participation in our Board Fund. We continue to be inspired by the
generosity of our donors, and we take our role as stewards for the future of JFS seriously. We implemented a
new Development Plan with support from key groups like our new PossibiliTEAM which will take social
action to the next level!
We remain proud of our affiliate partner, JFS Care at Home, LLC. Care at Home experienced another year of
growth in the home care sector, and it remains an important model of social entrepreneurship.
We plan to work with our colleagues in new and meaningful ways in the coming year. We stand ready to
respond proactively to unmet needs in our community. This is our responsibility.
Finally, we thank each of you for supporting and living our mission with us. It is with your generosity and
involvement that JFS is able to embrace possibility through counseling, education, and community support
programs. Thank you!
Merrill Mandell
Anne M. Danaher
Board President
Executive Director
Mission Statement
“The mission of Jewish Family Services of Greater Hartford is to
enhance and strengthen the quality of life through the Jewish
tradition of caring and compassion.”
Jewish Family Services provides counseling, education, and
community support to help people of all religions advance along the
path toward emotional well-being, self-reliance, more positive
relationships, and a renewed sense of possibility.
Jewish Family Services is a partner agency of the Jewish Federation
of Greater Hartford and the United Way of Central and
Northwestern Connecticut. We receive additional grant support
from the Jewish Community Foundation, Hartford Foundation for
Public Giving, and other community and corporate foundations.
Jewish Family Services is a member of the Connecticut Council of
Family Service Agencies and is nationally accredited by the Council
on Accreditation.
Thank you to all our Supporters, Donors and Friends.
JFS helping clients embrace possibility
…the story of David & Ozzie & Nigel
“A dog is man’s best friend” isn’t just an
expression. It is the truth, especially for
David. David has no family or friends. He
lives alone, receives disability benefits, and
suffers from depression. For years, the only
companion he’s had in his life has been his
dog, Ozzie.
Ozzie passed away recently. Losing Ozzie
was traumatic for David. Immediately staff
at JFS determined that David would need a
new dog for his emotional health and
wellbeing. JFS, with the help of our
colleagues at Deeds for Needs and private
donations, purchased another standard
poodle, Nigel, for David. Dogs naturally
give people emotional and physical
support. In this case, Nigel does even
more—he gives David a reason to live. “The
only two things I have in life are my dog
and JFS.”
For over seven years David has been a
client of Jewish Family Services (JFS). Every
week, he and Ozzie have met with a JFS
clinician to learn the tools he needs to cope
with his anxiety and stress. David met with
our money coach to manage his limited
finances and visits the Anja Rosenberg
Kosher Food Pantry to obtain the food he
needs to sustain himself for the week.
“The only two things I have in my life
are my dog and JFS.”
Like Ozzie before him, Nigel accompanies
David at his regular visits to JFS, ensuring
that David gets what he needs—
emotionally, financially, and physically.
Financial Reports
Community Foundations/other private grants
Fee Income (including JFS Care at Home)
Public Support
Federal and State Grants
Other Income
Total Revenue
Family Counseling
Older Adult Services
Benet A. Rothstein Child Services
Programs for Holocaust Survivors
Special Needs
Safety Net Services Network
Other Programs
Total Program Expense
Management and General
JFS Care at Home LLC
Total All Expenses
The financial statements as of June 30, 2015 were prepared in accordance with generally
accepted accounting principles (GAAP) by Whittlesey and Hadley, P.C.
Fiscal year is July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015.
Copies of complete JFS Audit are available upon request.
Financial Reports
12 13
Anja Rosenberg Kosher Food Pantry Program (710)
Child/Adolescent Services (163)
Family Counseling (213)
Financial and Basic Needs Assistance (96)
Programs for Holocaust Survivors(97)
Jewish Employment Transition Services (JETS) (2,000)
Moat Chitim (Passover Food Assistance) (301)
Money Coach (141)
Parent Education Program (100)
Safety Net Services Network (135)
Special Needs (23)
Volunteer Program (85)
JFS Care at Home, LLC (94)
at a session
with the JFS
Some client families
receive services in
several different
program areas and are
counted once in each
Jewish Community Foundation Support
In order of receipt
Mental health care for low income
senior adults
In-home counseling services for senior
Benet A. Rothstein Child Services
The chronic needs program
Penny H. Cohn Fund for Indigent Elderly
Bernard Lieberman Memorial Fund
Helene Alisberg Children’s Fund
Ida and Louis Blum Fund
Naomi and Michael Cohen Fund
General operating support
Ida C. and Milton Gladstein Family Fund
General operating support
Jewish Family Services Legacy Fund
General operating support
Jewish Family Services Endowment Fund
General operating support
Doris and Simon Konover Fund for Jewish
Family Services
Senior adult services
Programs to benefit children and
Sylvia and Leo Novarr Fund
Mary and Gideon Rutenberg Family Fund
General operating support
Sylvia and Lewis Sheketoff Family Fund
The chronic needs program
Raymond S. and Gail Weinstein Fund
The chronic needs program
Michael, Corrine and Andrea Johnston
Charitable Family Fund
David and Lauri Miller Family Fund for Jewish
Family Services
Deborah and Steven Kleinman Designated
General operating support
General operating support
General operating support
Deborah Goldfarb Memorial Fund
General operating support
Michele G. and Dane R. Kostin Family Fund
General operating support
Benet A. Rothstein Family Fund
Child clinic services
Deborah A. and Morton M. Mitnick Fund
Senior adult program
Jason and Elise Miller Community Fund
General operating support
Fox Family Fund
Kosher Food Pantry
Amy Selzer Memorial Fund
Kosher Food Pantry
Capital Equipment Fund (JCF & JFGH)
Carpet replacement
Rose and Gary Bernstein Fund
General operating support
Rose and Gary Bernstein Fund
Electronic Rx hardware and software
Waldman-Peralman-Seltzer Family Fund
Kosher Food Pantry
Abrahms Family Fund
Kosher Food Pantry
Martin Kesten Family Fund
General operating support
General operating support in honor of
Gideon Rutenberg
Basic and emergency needs of Jewish
Jay & Julie Spivak Family Fund
Annie’s Fund
Annie’s Fund
Electronic Rx software
Fox Family Fund
Kosher Food Pantry
Children’s program waiting room
Shulansky Family Fund
Deborah Goldfarb Memorial Fund
General operating support
Beatrice Fox Auerbach Fund/Schiro
Share/H.B. Kaplan
Beatrice Fox Auerbach Fund/Schiro
Share/H.B. Kaplan
General operating support
Aim Chai
Celebration at
Merrill Mandell,
Board Chair,
Anne Danaher,
Director, Kim
Director of
Major Grants
State of CT Departments of Social Services and Labor
Safety Net Services Program (Welfare-to-Work Initiative)
Jewish Federation of Greater Hartford – Program Support
United Way of Central and Northeastern CT – Program Support
Hartford Foundation for Public Giving
General Operating Support Grant (each year 2013-2015)
Roskin Trust, Services for Older Adults
Royal Bank of Canada Foundation (USA) – JETS Program
Reynolds Charitable Foundation, LLC – Families and Children
w/Special Needs
The Jeffrey P. Ossen Family Foundation – Child Services
Programs for Holocaust Survivors, for programs at JFS Hartford (lead agency) with JFS New
Haven. These grants are made on a calendar year basis, for 2015.
German Government Fund: for Caregiving, Case
Management and Other Essential Services
Harry And Jeanette Weinberg Emergency Assistance Fund:
for the benefit of needy Jewish Nazi victims, Administered
by the Claims Conference
Social services for Jewish Nazi victims have been supported by a grant from the
Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany.
How are we doing?
A note from Anne Danaher, Executive Director
JFS has a comprehensive Performance and Quality Improvement (PQI) Plan that includes all
programs and management areas. We have a PQI Committee comprised of a variety of
stakeholders, including Board members, management, staff members from all levels,
representatives from two of our colleague agencies, and client family members. We believe in
building our programs and services on evidence-based outcomes and in using this data to
make us accountable for successfully serving the community.
Here are some specific GOALS for some key PROGRAMS and our RESULTS against these
benchmarks for FY 2015. JFS is proud of these achievements and the PQI Committee is pleased
to share this data with our community. If you would like further information on our PQI
results, please feel free to contact us at
Anja Rosenberg Kosher
Food Pantry
Mental Health Counseling
Safety Net Services
Network (Welfare-to-Work
Food distribution will
increase by 5-7% over the
last fiscal year
85% of clinical record files
will meet established
completion goals
Number of unduplicated
mental health clients seen
in all programs will remain
equal to previous year
Within 30 days of the
completion of the Family
Development Plan, 75% of
clients will have completed
one identified activity
Distribution increased by
75% of case files met the
established goal
Number of clients
increased 3%
100% of clients
demonstrated this
Congratulations to the JFS
staff on their excellent work
and commitment to
improving our clients’ lives.
CCFSA Celebration of Family Champions
Donations to JFS
Elaine Charendoff
Michael & Naomi Cohen
James Doran
Harry E.Goldfarb Family
Foundation, Inc.
Bob Kaufman & Joann Chapel
Steven & Debbie Kleinman
Mark & Merrill Mandell
Gene & Anja Rosenberg
Marilyn Rothstein
Gideon Rutenberg
Felix & Helene Springer
Michael & Sylvia Taub
Steve & Emmy Fast
Eliot & Claudia Feldman
Arthur Greenblatt
Rabbi David Small
Emanuel Synagogue
Steve & Jen Wolfberg
Stephen Bayer & Beth Schiro
Rabbi Tuvia Brander
Young Israel of West
Louis & Trudy Brown
Arnold & Sandra Chase
CLSJ Foundation
Cronin and Company
John & Anne Danaher
Norman & Cheryl Fine
Rich & Debbie Glassman
Bob & Frankie Goldfarb
Jim & Amy Goldman
Ilene Hellman
Jeffrey & Nancy Hoffman
Simon Hollander Fund
Bob & Sue Karn
Mark & Cathy Kolovson
Arthur & Zadelle Krasow
David & Lauri Miller
Don & LeeAnn Miller
Jerry & Naomi Neuwirth
Bob Penney, Bradley, Foster
& Sargent, Inc.
Robert & Lynn Preminger
Robinson & Cole, LLP
David & Judy Rosenthal
David & Linda Roth
Alan & Marilyn Schwedel
Stuart & Arline Small
Bill & Michelle Souza
Bruce Shein & Sharon LevineShein
Morton, Paul & Michael
Weinstein Mortuary, Inc.
Michael Wilder
Rina & Micha Abeles
Samuel & Leslie Acquaviva
Jeffrey & Gail Adler
Rabbi Yitzchok Adler
Beth David Synagogue
Ronald & Maura Aldrich
Harris & Beth Appelman
Rabbi Gary Atkins
Beth Hillel Synagogue
Ron Apter & Carrie Berman
Don & Shelly Aronson
Atria-Hamilton Heights
Cindy Baker
Craig & Barbara Banks
Moe Banks
Brad & Bonnie Baran
Tom & Lorraine Barber
Jill Barden
Neal & Hollie Barkoff
Yaakov & Eva Bar-Shalom
Brian & Laura Becker
Paul Becker
Tony & Felicia Bellarosa
Claudio & Lee Ann Benadiva
Diego Benardete
Tate Berkan
Bernard & Nancy Berkman
Bob & Phyllis Berman
Evan & Lisa Berman
Karen Beyard
Jonathan Bilmes & Barbara
Gordon & Karen Binkhorst
Ellen Blumberg
Louis Blumenfeld &
Jacqueline Isaacson
James & Beverly Boyle
Lawrence Brick
Andy & Donna Bricker
Rabbi Jeremy Bruce
Hebrew High School of
New England
Carin Buckman
Beverly Cahill
Rabbi Debra Cantor
B’nai Tikvoh-Sholom
Shari Cantor
Michael & Shari Cantor
Eleanor Caplan
Carmon Community Funeral
Homes, Inc.
Ted Carroll
Alan & Shelley Cetel
David & Rhoda Chase
Chase Family Foundation
Aaron & Fanny Cohen
Adam & Cindy Cohen
Arnold Cohen
Jerry & Libbian Cohen
Larry & Karen Cohen
Martin & Marsha Cohen
Paul Cohen
Rachel Cohen
Stanley Cohen
Sam & Susan Cohn
Claudia Coplein
Crown Supermarket
Lauren & Judy Daman
Donald Davidson
William Davis
Craig & Anne Diamond
Renee Dubin
Jim & Ronnie Eacott
Joseph & Virginia Edelson
Joanne Edwards
Bob & Sharon Efron
Syd & Jan Elkin
Richard & Adele Emmings
David & Cheryl Epstein
EquiPower Resources Corp.
Jim Fanelli
Greg & Leigh Farber
Bob Fechtor & Jill Brock
Ira & Debbie Feigenbaum
Gladys Feinberg
Alan Feinstein
Rabbi Eliot Feldman
Hebrew Academy
Len Felson & Julia Rosenblum
Ted & Barbara Fichtenholtz
Brian & Robin Fierston
Fillmore Family
Our sincere apologies for any error or omission.
Please call with corrections 860-236-1927 x7129.
Daniel & Joni Fine
Hinda Fisher
Warren & Marsha Fisher
Hedyth Fishman
Peter & Lisa Fishman
Martin & Sharon Freilich
Norman & Ruthellen Gahm
Paul & Sandy Gandel
David & Robin Gelles
Jay & Nancy Gershman
Paula Gilberto
Mark & Chris Gingras
Bob & Susan Gold
Steve & Blanch Goldenberg
Daniel & Michelle Goldfarb
Ethan & Julie Goldman
Felice Goldman
Jon & Fredda Goldstein
Rona Gollob
Josh Gottfried
Leon & Joan Gottlieb
Stacy Gould
Guy & Melissa Graff
Charles Granstein
John & Norma Green
Arnold & Beverly Greenberg
Leonard & Phyllis Greenberg
Larry & Diane Greenfield
Norman & Joan Grody
Mark Gurvich
Barry & Sharon Haight
Mark Haims & Erica Bloch
Phil & Maddy Handler
Ben Harris
Root Down Farm
David & Merle Harris
Robin Harris
Neale & Carol Hauss
Sylvia Heiman
Steve & Nancy Hershcopf
Randy & Jennifer Herz
Herz Financial, LLC
Kim Himmelfarb
John & Cheryl Hinze
Marvin & Naomi Hoberman
Jeffrey & Bradley Hoffman
Hoffman Auto Group
Ross Hollander
Erin Londen,
Volunteer Recognition Event
Aaron Hollander Fund
Joanne Hoye
Franklin & Jane Hurwitz
Brad & Jill Hutensky
Seth & Anna Huttner
Mitchell Jaffe
Manny Jainchill
Brook & Charlotte Jason
James Johnston III
Doug & Kathie Joseph
Arlene Kaizer
Allen & Susan Kallor
Jonathan Kaplan & Julie Krug
Ed & Tobye Karl
Alan & Pat Karp
Todd & Louise Kaufman
Kehilat Chaverim
William & Jennifer Keohane
Marge Kirchheimer
Bill & Myra Kleinman
Daniel & Jeanne Kleinman
David Knishkowy & Judy
Neil & Sharon Kochen
Marvin Koff
Rabbi Michael Kohn
Temple B’nai Abraham
Steve Kolodziejczyk
E-Tech Systems
Doris Konover
Martin Koppell
Dane & Michele Kostin
Nancy Kramer
Ryan & Tracy Kramer
Tammi Kraushaar
Andrew Krevolin & Debra
Jack & Alys Krichavsky
Michael & Marcia Krinsky
Edna Kupper
Lewis & Roberta Kurlantzick
Cary & Beth Lakenbach
Fred & Fran Landy
Jean Lasser
Paul & Sandy Later
William & Barbara Lavine
Ari Lawson & Jessica McCabe
Rabbi Philip & Ruth Lazowski
David Leeds
Richard & Joyce Leibert
Manuel & Maxine Lerman
Hank & Barbara Lerner
Jerry & Elaine Leshem
Leshem Family,
Lesro Industries, Inc.
Alan & Marjorie Levenson
Gary & Amy Levin
The Honorable George Levine
Jack & Annette Levine
Marc & Tammy Levine
Susan Levine
Mark & Paula Levitz
Coleman & Judie Levy
James & Paulette Lotstein
Elaine Lowengard
Richard & Jane Lublin
Roman & Goldie Luftglas
Seth & Christine Mahler
Andrew & Mindy Maidman
Joel & Lynn Malkoff
Andy & Joyce Mandell
Fred Manning & Joan Margolis
David Margolis
Leta Marks
Doug & Ellyn Marshall
Gerry & Nancy Maxwell
Merritt & Maggie McDonough
Jamie McEnroe
Miriam McWilliams
Louis & Marjorie Mendelson
Kerry & Shirley Meznarich
Peter & Josephine Miller
Anne Millham
Marcia Mizrahi
Benson & Roberta Monastersky
John Morgan
Lloyd Morgenstein
Morris & Ellen Morgenstein
Regina Moss
Ron & Martha Moss
Michael Motley
Howard & Esther Multer
Dorothy Nadel
Daniel & Arlene Neiditz
David & Maura Nemirow
Saul Nesselroth & Carol Lewis
Bruce Newbold & Ilene
Arthur & Marylin Noll
George O’Brien
Dan & Kathy O’Connell
Mitch & Mickey Orkin
Anthony & Elaine Pace
Johnny Paindiris, Effie’s Place
Visitors from Camp Shalom
Andy & Leah Paller
Marc & Yaffe Palter
Dan & Beth Papermaster
Al & Sandy Parven
Jeremy & Ann Pava
Jonathan & Virginia Peake
Ron & Jodi Peikes
Bob & Joan Penney
Steve & Abby Perelman
Steven & Randi Piaker
Rabbi Richard Plavin
Beth Sholom B’nai Israel
Lee & Natalie Pollock
Konstantin & Maryanna
Arnold & Helen Pomerantz
Melissa Poulin
Rabbi Marshal & Laurie Press
Primary Eye Care Center
Bruce Putterman & Teri Bayer
Lawrence & Karin Rappaport
RBC Foundation-USA
RBC Royal Bank
Reid & Riege, P.C.
Eric & Lisa Reimer
Allan & Joan Reiskin
Jeffrey & Susan Renert
Frank & Judy Resnick
Rick & Anndee Robinson
Jerry Roisman
Rabbi Jim Rosen
Beth El Temple
Jim & Nancy Rosen
Nancy Rosenbaum
Dick & Diane Rosenberg
Ralph & Hilda Rosenberg
Rob & Sarah Rosenberg
Mickey & Pia Rosenberg Toro
Glen & Debbie Rosenfeld
Al Rosenfield
David & Jane Rosenfield
Rise Roth
Stuart & Ellen Roth
Lance & Andrea Rothstein
Richard & Lea Rubenstein
Gary & Jane Rubin
The Honorable Nicola Rubinow
Barbara Ruderman
Marshall & Sandra Rulnick
Martin Samuels
Jeffrey & Ellen
Joshua & Heather Satlof
David & Wendy Savin
Jerry & Marlene Scharr
Andy Schatz & Barbara Wolf
Rob Schatz
Michael & Dennice Schenk
Randy Schmidt & Linda
Michael & Valerica Schoenfeld
Fred & Nancy Schpero
Sydney & Elba Schulman
Lawrence & Merle Schwartz
Nancy Schwartz
Steve & Carla Schwartz
Mark & Eileen Seiger
Steven & Janet Selden
Bernie & Lea Selig
Mark & Jaime Seltzer
Marshall & Laurie Shakun
Norman & Sandy Shapiro
Paul & Joan Shapiro
Dick & Denise Shima
Mark & Sonny Shipman
Shipman& Goodman, LLP
Stuart & Deborah Shoflick
Shulansky Foundation, Inc.
Jodi Shulman
Barry & Judi Siegal
Lois Siegal
Mark & Ronna Siegal
Rob & Elaine Siegal
Leon & Muriel Simon
Mel & Carrie Simon
Robert & Caryl Siskin
Faye Sklar
Harry & Hyla Sklar
Mark Slitt
William & Cookie Sloat
Phil Small & Deborah
Pamela Smith Hilborn
Alan & Susan Solinsky
Howard & Ruth Sovronsky
Eric & Iris Spungin
Dominic & Carla Squatrito
Selma Squires
Gary Starr & Leigh Newman
Martin & Beth Stauffer
Martin & Linda Stein
Alice Steiner
Jonas & Helen Steiner
Richard & Linda Steinmark
Marilyn Steinmetz
Sam & Donna Stout
Edythe Sussman
Jason & Judge Lois Tanzer
Steven & Gayle Temkin
Elliott & Carolyn Tertes
The Hartford, Simsbury
Frances Weiner
Howard & Patti Weiner
Ross & Jane Weiner
Edward & Judy Weingarden
Dick Weinstein & Laurie
Richard & Leslie Weinstein
Randy & Melissa Weinstock
Alan & Betty Weintraub
Elinor Welson
Ben & Sarah Wexler
Randy & Lorrie Wexler
Joel & Bonnie Wolfe
Bob Yass & Mary-Jane Eisen
Mark & Laura Yellin
Henry Zachs
Ted & Elaine Zachs
Arnie & Ruth Zackin
Sandy Zieky
Sandy & Ellyn Ziplow
Ted & Barbara Zupnik
Alexa’s Mitzvah
Farmington Valley Jewish Congregation
Timkin Aerospace
Transmissions, LLC
Travelers Employee Giving
Michael & Kathy Ungerleider
United Healthcare
United Illuminating Company
William Valentine
Peter & Betsy Van Loon
Amado Vargas
Miriam Wachsman
Tracey Walker
Hank & Florrie Weber
Michael Weber
Webster Bank
David Weil
Parick & Elizabeth Weiler
Brian & Nancy Weinberg
John & Cheryl Abbiati
Janet Abel
Jeffrey Alexander
Michael & Cora Altschuler
Martha Anderson
Mitchell & Susan Arons
Neil Atlas
Sherry Banks-Cohn
Katy Bannister, Leadership
Greater Hartford
Michael & Shelley Barker
Robert Barrieau
Steve & Janice Barshay
Steven & Rochelle Bartelstone
Judith Bayer
Jeffrey Bergen & Karen
Bruce & Susan Bergman
Adam Berkowitz &
Rabbi Ilana Garber
Mark & Jacqueline Berkowitz
Bert & Ruth Berlin
Susan Berman
Rhoda Bernstein
Steven & Ilana Bernstein
Stuart & Carolyn Bernstein
Edythe Bloom & Devonwood
Peter & Ronnie Blum
Dan & Joanne Blume
Sam & Frances Blumenthal
Steven & Cathy Bokoff
Sherwin & Ruth Borsuk
David & Judy Borus
Robert & Sandy Bourke
Norman & Lois Bower
Robert & Judy Braun
Bill & Susan Breslau
Charlotte Brick
Gordon & Bea Brodie
David & Barbara Brown
Seth & Betsy Brown
Beth Brumberg
Peter & Emily Buch
Michael Butler
Herbert Byk
Ron Byron
Beth Camassar
Victor Carlucci, Jr.
Ellen Cartledge
Miriam Chaiklin
Leon & Jean Chameides
Vikentiy Charnetskiy &
Sophia Charnetskaya
Ruth Cion
Arlene Cohen
Faye Cohen
Linda Cohen
Mike & Judith Cohen
Norman & Dorothy Cohen
Ina Cooper
Marvin & Nessie Cormier
Eileen Cullen
James Cunningham
Mitchell & Meryl Danitz
Arnie & Sandy Dashefsky
Harry & Diane Davidson
Ed & Alison Demarest
Bob & Sue Demartino
David & Sheila Diamond
Ed & Cathy Dombroski
Peter & Ellen Donshik
Larry Dorman & Harriet
Riva Drechsler
David & Esther Drezner
Larry Dvorin
East Windsor Senior Center
Bonnie Eisenberg-Greene
Michael & Lois Ellovich
Larry & Debbie Elman
Marshall & Jeanne Elman
Roslyn Elston
Enterprise Holdings
Seth & Rebecca Epstein
Gene & Peter Evans
David & Jeannie Federman
Claire Fegelman
Seth & Betty Feigenbaum
Tom Feldman & Joyce
Leslie Field
Gilbert & Norma Fine
David & Linda Fishman
Alexandra Flowers
Fred & Judye Fox
Jay Frankel & Felicia Wilion
Myron & Estelle Freed
Jane Fridkin
Steve & Elayne Futernick
Marty & Donna Galin
Arthur & Evelyn Gandelman
Matt & Kim Ganslaw
Diana Garfield
Betty Lou Garrison
Lorraine Gavens
Seymour & Annette Gavens
Denis Geary & Faith
Vos Winkel
David & Joan Geeter
Harold & Ava Geeter
Ernest & Sally Gelb
Jonathan Gelber
Debra Geller
Glenn & Beth Gerber
Arthur & Barbara
Richard & Nancy Gitlin
Todd & Rhoda Gladstone
Sidney & Joy Glassman
Robert & Susan Glasspiegel
Leonard & Joan Glazier
Gail Glick
Bette Glickman
Rabbi Jeffrey Glickman
Temple Beth Hillel
Gary & Christine Goetz
JCSO Backpack donations
David Goldberg & Deborah
Lance & Deborah Goldberg
Morton Goldberg
Leon & Judith Goldsmith
Ada Goldstein
Allen & Judith Goldstein
Arnie & Pat Goldstein
Bob & Myrle Goodman
Richard & Lea Goodman
Eunice Gordon
Mark & Debbie Gordon
Dan & Michele Gottfried
Marty & Rebecca Gould
Thomas Graf
Bob & Maxine Greenberg
Jonathan & Gayla
Stanley & Lillian Greenberg
Josh & Nicole Greenblatt
Gary Gross
Henry & Joyce Gutterman
Myron & Beverly Halpin
Mark & Ellyn Harmon
Bob & Evelyn Harris
Steve & Donna Harris
Hartford Hospital
Brian & Katherine Hartnett
Perry Hasson
Alan & Joan Haverson
David Heilbrunn
Lotte Hershfield
Harvey Hoberman
Eileen Hyman
Reverend Callista Isabelle
Robert & Carolyn Isakson
Ruth & Ronald Jacobs
Evelyn Jacobson
Janelle Jenkins
JFS Board & Staff
Andrea Johnston
Shirley Juran
Ron & Renana Kadden
Michael & Marsha Kamins
Baruch Kantor
Michael & Eva Kaplan
Rhoda Karp
Howard & Debra Katz
Peter & Leah Katz
Barbara Katzman
Bruce Kavitsky
Mark Kavitsky
Marvin & Janet Kay
David Kelman
Rabbi Stanley Kessler
Tracy King
Janet Kirchheimer
David & Bobbie Klau
Joel & Naomi Kleinman
Seymour & Sandra Kofsky
Paul & Leslie Korus
Chuck & Lois Koteen
Judi Krevolin
Joan Kummer
Susan Kurtis
Robert & Shelley Langer
Marvin & Sara Lapuk
Janet Lassman
Arthur Lassow
Hap & Ann Leabman
Marc & Jen Lehman
Andre & Trudy Lerer
Esther Lerner
Mark & Ellen Lescher
Betty Levine
Faith Levy
David & Susan Lewis
Mickey & Joyce Libbin
William & Betty Liebman
Gilda Liebowitz
Lincoln Financial Group
Lenny & Arlene Lippman
Dan & Sherry Lohr
Thomas & Dolores Lonergan
Richard & Marsha Lowry
Andrew Magin & Sharon
Stu & Irene Mahler
Leonid & Alla Malakh
Bill & Anita Mancoll
Mandell JCC Camp Shalom
Norman & Denese Mann
Mitchell Marcus
Charles Marcus Agency
Mitchell & Rachel Marcus
Lisa Margolin
Alice Margolis
Jerry & Ellen Margolis
Valerie Marinelli
Howard & Sheila Mark
Lillian Marlow
Ursula Marx
Thomas & Ona Mastronarde
David Mathog & Lori
Yontef Mathog
Bernard Matlaw
Gene & Jean Mazo
Kathy McAfee
McCarter & English
Seymour & Judith Melnick
Aaron & Sheila Ment
Mercy Community Health, Inc.
Burton & Linda Miller
Eleanor Miller
Stuart & Laura Miller
Beatrice Mitlak
Ann Molod
Monroe & Barbara Moses
Dick & Doris Nabel
Josephine Nagle
Art & Reba Nassau
Ina Neiman
Robert Niezgorski & Bette
Alyssa Norwood
Mark & Ellen Oland
Mark & Dianne Orenstein
Janet Ossen
Elena Ostrovsky
Amy Oved, Events by Amy
Anya Park
Alan & Michele Parker
Barbara Parker
Robert & Laurie Parnes
Jennifer Passaro
Paul Patlis
Stanley & Susanne Pearlson
Eric Persky & Diane Kirkman
Steven Pines
Benjamin Pinkus
John Pitegoff & Anne Martha
Rabbi Richard & Lisa Plavin
James & Faye Poles
Alvin & Sondra Pollack
Elliott & Eileen Pollack
John & Rosalie Polo
Janice Pomerantz
Manny Posner
Calvin & Elaine Price
Lori Pritzl
Steve & Lori Rabb
Stuart & Jenny Rabinowitz
Joe & Roz Rachlin
Monty & Anita Rackow
Seth & Marion Radeen
David & Amy Raisner
Lynn Rappaport
Al Reiner
Barbara Ricketts
Rabbi Seth Riemer &
Barbara Checknoff
Robert Rodner
Alan & Barbara Rosenberg
Michele Rosenberg
Elliott & Willa Rosenworcel
Deb Rothstein
Kathryn Rubin
Tom & Jan Ruderman
Jason & Rachel Rudnick
Tammy & Elisha Russ-Fishbane
Mary Rutenberg*
Maryam Sandal
Yan & Emma Sandal
Seymour & Diane Sard
Robert & Rhonda Sattin
Richard & Monique Schatten
Howard Scheinblum & Susan
Paula Schenck
Alan & Lea Schmerler
Bonnie Schneider
Miriam Schreiber
Phil & Lonni Schulz
Ed & Elaine Schwartz
Karyn Schwartzer & Melissa
Joseph Segal
Marshall & Susan Seidman
Joyce Selig
Shabbat Group of Federation
Stephen & Liz Shamroth
Larry & Gale Shapiro
Patricia Shapiro
Paul & Annette Shapiro
Richard & Cyral Sheldon
Ernest & Estelle Sherry
Steve & Julie Shifreen
Jeremy Sholovitz
Wilma Sicklick
Jeffrey Sidewater
Andy Silva
Carl Silver
Herbert & Judith Silver
Todd & Marci Silverhart
Irwin & Judy Singer
Sisterhood of Beth Hillel
Becky Small
Rabbi David Small
Jay Smith
Meredith Smith
Ruth Solomkin
David & Haia Spiegel
Gregg & Frani Spivak
Melton Spivak
Boris & Marsha Stambler
Merrill Stein
Sheila Stein
Ruth Stern
Tom & Marny Stevens
Steven & Francine Stier
Greg & Anna Stillman
James & Marcia Sutton
Leonard Swade
James & Orna Swartz
Ruth Sweedler
Roberta Tansman
Deb Tedford
Temple Sinai, Rosh Chodesh
Group II
Dianne Thurston
Fred Tilden & Lisa Namerow
Bob Tucker
Barbara Unger
William Vodyanitsky
Jack Vogel
Farrel & Lorraine Vogelhut
Julius & Shirley Wachtel
Stuart & Susan Wachtel
Brad & Sherry Waitsmn
Esther Waldman
Malcolm & Elaine Waxler
Stacey Wayne
Linda Webber
Ron Webber
Ruthan Wein
Barry & Flo Weinbaum
Harry Weinerman & Hillary
Jeremy & Francene Weingast
Michael & Mickey Weinstein
David & Shirley Weintraub
*z”1 of Blessed Memory
Jackie Weisenberg
Peter Weisenberg
Steve & Ruth Weisenberg
Jeffrey & Carolyn Weiser
Bob & Irene Weiss
Dan & Nancy Weissman
Carol Welk
Herbert & Lilo Werner
Ronna Wheeler
Bernice Wiener
Lorraine Wiesen
Ruth Wile
Windsor Board of Education
Thomas & Susan Wise
Basia Wittenberg
Sebastian Wogenstein & Sarah
Charles & Barbara Wolfe
Adam & Cheryl Wolmer
Daryl & Karen Worobow
Judy Wrubel
Penny Yellen
Peter & Ferne Youmans
Mark & Lorie Zackin
Crystal Zdanis
Shirley Zeldis
William & Muriel Zeldis
Elizabeth Zelek
Tammy Zelinger
Dan Zimmerman
Irene Ziskin
Marcia Zola
Moshe & Deborah Zwang
Danielle & Samuel Weiss
Donating items from Samuel’s
birthday party
JFS embracing possibility
…why volunteer at JFS?
“I believe in what JFS does. It gives back to
the community—helping keep people in
their homes who might not otherwise be
able to remain there,” explains Arnie. He
comes to JFS weekly to help with the Kosher
Food Pantry program available to those in
need in our community.
Retired from being an educator for many
years, he shares, “More than the individual
programs, it fulfills a need in me to give
back. Volunteering at JFS fills a void.”
Pete Winiarski, Win Enterprises Founder & CEO;
JETS presenter.
“Volunteering at JFS fills a void.”
Retired Social Worker, Maura, offers, “It’s
giving back to the community. It’s a
“JFS has your best interest at heart.”
“JFS helps people with basic needs. For me,
it’s very meaningful. I get immediate
feedback because this is a direct service.”
“I recognize and thank most sincerely those
funders and supporters who provide the
necessary resources that allow JETS to serve
in the many ways it does, to all those it
does, throughout the community – people
like myself who arrive overwhelmed, thrust
into the seemingly isolated, impersonal,
confusing-to-navigate, highly technical,
and competitive world of job seeker, and
leave with valuable direction, connection,
and support that helps make all the
difference,” writes Donna in her landing
letter after securing employment.
…why attend JETS?
JETS (Jewish Employment Transition
Services) and Schmoozers Networking
helps the unemployed and underemployed
navigate the uncertainties of their
circumstances and position them for
success. “Whatever the case, the Jewish
Family Services and the Schmoozers have
your best interest at heart and you are in
the very best of hands for networking, free
programs/services, and top-notch
presentations,” says JETS participant and
newly-employed Simone.
JFS embracing the community
JFS Business Partners
“As founders of New England
Urgent Care, we follow one
of the most important
commandments love your
RBC Wealth Management
The Crown Market
Our Business Partners
Rogin Nassau, LLC
TD Bank
enable us to do more.
neighbor as yourself. In keeping
New England Urgent Care
with this statute, we are
Primary Eye Care Center
Solinsky EyeCare
proud to support JFS of
Atria Senior Living-Hamilton Heights
Greater Hartford."
People’s United Bank
Dr. Michael & Yahel Gutman
Whole Foods Market, Bishops Corner
4D Vision Gym
New England Urgent Care
Kings Speech and Learning Center
is one of our valued
Program Builders
JFS in the community
Business Partners.
Second Time Around
Throughout the year, JFS reaches out to the
community beyond our programs and services.
We were a sponsor for the Elizabeth Park Concert
Series, sponsor for the annual Walk to End
Alzheimer’s, sponsor for the annual Autism Walk,
contributed to the annual Pink Party SWAG bags,
hosted campers from Camp Shalom to teach them
about hunger, and took part in an Interfaith Seder
at a local synagogue.
JFS organized a panel discussion, Are Your Child’s
Emotions Making Them Sick, partnering with The
Bridge Family Center and West Hartford Public
Schools. JFS offers frequent Conversations on
Aging sessions at West Hartford Senior Center with
topics ranging from Humor in Aging and How to
Talk with Your Adult Children.
JFS offers What About Me? which is a support
group for siblings of children with special needs.
We also offer a Memory Loss support group to
help people adjust to living with dementia.
Pink Party in BlueBack Square, West Hartford,
to benefit Breast Cancer Awareness. Oct 2014
JFS consistently looks for new ways to support
those in need and to be a relevant active member
of the community.
community support
JFS Staff
Anne Danaher
Catherine Bergstrom
: Berkowitz, LCSW
Joan Margolis
Kim Margolis
Donald Miller
Janice Rothstein
Gurender Sahani, M.D.
Gerard Selzer, M.D.
Executive Director
Director of Community Engagement
Director of Child Services
Director of Operations and Community Programs
Director of Development
Director of Finance
Director of Clinical Services
Medical Director, Child & Adolescent Psychiatric Services
Medical Director, Adult Psychiatric Services
Clinical & Program Staff
Lu Abattemarco, LCSW
Hollie Barkoff, LCSW
Svetlana Berlinsky, LCSW
Shari Cantor
Ellen Cartledge
Linda Cole, LCSW
Lisa Elswit, LCSW
Andrea Johnston
Erica Kapiloff, MSW
Nancy Lichtenberg, LCSW
Lynn Marcus, LCSW
Rachelle Minkoff, LCSW
Nancy Maxwell
John Mancini, LPC
Jennifer Passaro, LCSW
Colleen Porth, LCSW
Shayna Ull, LMSW
Marie Vick
Sherry Waitsman
Patti Weiner
Kimberly Whittingham, LPC
Penny Yellen, LCSW
Child & Adult Counseling
Adults, Couples, Intellectual Disabilities Counseling
Russian Adult Counseling
Food Pantry Manager
JETS Program Manager
Child and Adolescent Counseling
Trauma EMDR, Hypnotherapy, IFS, Adult Counseling
Administrative Assistant
Case Manager, Holocaust Survivors Program
Adult and Couples Counseling, PEP & Focus on KIDS
Adult and Older Adult Counseling
Family and Adult Counseling
Billing Coordinator
Child and Adult Counseling
Senior and Adolescent Counseling
Child and Adult Counseling
Intake Coordinator, Mental Health Clinician
Administrative Assistant
Volunteer Coordinator, Business Partnership Assoc.
Administrative Coordinator
Youth Counseling
Adult and Senior Counseling
Contact Us
Jewish Family Services of Greater Hartford
333 Bloomfield Avenue, Suite A
West Hartford, CT 06117
JFS Care at Home, LLC*
Patricia Kiely, Director
Maura Aldrich, Finance Assistant
Ann Leabman, MSW, Care Coordinator
Susan Constantine, Scheduling Coordinator
Tracy Nixon-Moore, Caregiver Recruitment
& Training
*The affiliated JFS Care at Home, LLC caregivers,
numbering approximately 60 at any one time,
provide quality care to residents in our community
in their own homes.
Merrill Mandell
Anja Rosenberg
Michael Cohen
Sandy Zieky
Thank you to our
donors &
community partners.
Without you, we
wouldn’t be able to
serve our many
Steven Kleinman
Fred Schpero
Barbara Ruderman
& Immediate Past President
Andrew Krevolin
Teri Bayer
Lisa Berman
Corey Brinson
Elba Cruz Schulman
Mary-Jane Eisen
Sydney Elkin
Robin Fierston
Robin Harris
Richard Glassman
Douglas Joseph
Robert Karn
Maura Nemirow
Naomi Neuwirth
Daniel O’Connell
Maryanna Polukhin, MD
Robert Preminger
Gideon Rutenberg
Ari Santiago
Felix Springer
Gayle Temkin
Pia Rosenberg Toro
Amado Vargas
Melissa Weinstock
Steve Wolfberg
TRUSTEES (past Presidents)
Larry Brick
Stuart Mahler
Steven Fast
Elaine Price
Julie Greshin Lea Rubenstein
Mitchell Jaffe Gay Sudarsky*
Daniel Klau *z”1 of Blessed Memory
Arnie Goldstein
Doris Konover
Nancy Kramer
Sharon Levine-Shein
Val Prokopets
Abby Squires Perelman
Jewish Family Services of Greater
Hartford provides counseling,
education, and community support
to help people of all religions advance
along the path toward emotional
well-being, self-reliance, more
positive relationships, and a renewed
sense of possibility.