Cosmikids 2b


Cosmikids 2b
Today, Kids Have a Chance to Discover,
Develop and Evolve in an Empowering New Way.
Open minds. Pure potential.
Perhaps the greatest innovation in educational programming of our time –
for the mind, body, and spirit of children everywhere.
And do it with unbridled creativity, imagination, and pure joy!
If you ruled the world, you might try to give every child the benefit of
the warmest nurturing and brightest stimulation. You would identify
what was lacking in your own early education and find a way to supply
it in droves! You would build self- esteem, encourage creative exploration,
and help build character. You would encourage fairness, natural humanity,
and respect for the planet. If you could do anything, you would even try to
make the world a better place, one child at a time.
A flight of fancy? Not really. Allow yourself to think big and learn about
something so important that it could change the trajectory of your career.
CosmiKids™ is a creative, innovative company that provides superb
educational and enrichment programs for children, of all ages, including
teens. At CosmiKids’ locations, kids, parents, and highly trained facilitators
discover, play and learn together, using a curriculum based upon
“The CosmiKids’ mission
is to provide a dynamic,
enlightening arena for children
to gain a new perspective
on healthy living, their own
power and individuality,
and help them discover
innovative opportunities to
strengthen their connection
with humanity, the world,
and the larger universe.”
principles of empowerment, developed by some of today’s most respected
new-thought leaders.
It’s an approach that not only develops children’s life skills but also supports
the personal growth of parents as well, teaching them how to communicate
(in new ways) with their kids. And now, CosmiKids is a well founded and
exploding business opportunity that needs like-minded entrepreneurs to bring
its groundbreaking benefits to the country and the world.
You could be one of them.
CosmiKids is looking for professional, well-educated business people and
kind-hearted, self-motivated individuals aligned with their life purpose,
who have a strong family, child, and community orientation.
At the same time, they seek active, health-conscious individuals who have the highest personal ethics and integrity. Do you love
working with children? Do you have a strong sales and customer-service background? If you feel that you and CosmiKids could be
a match made in heaven, and if you can meet the initial investment requirements, then you are wholeheartedly invited to call now!
A celebration of discover y. A festival of oppor tunity!
CosmiKids is all about empowering children to realize their full potential. The founder of CosmiKids
believes that young children today are actually more open-minded than earlier generations and receptive
to positive, value-based entertainment, discovery and supportive learning and enrichment products.
CosmiKids is the first learning center for children of all ages, designed to help students, parents, and teachers develop their
creative intelligence, character and emotional capacity, ability to learn and instruct, and their natural humanity. How does
CosmiKids fulfill such an expansive mission? They do it through a distinctive, cutting-edge curriculum, developed with a
council of enlightened educators, child psychiatrists, physicians, whole child development theorists, authors, parents, and
✻ Inner Wisdom
✻ Power of Thoughts
✻ Cooperation
✻ Conflict Resolution
✻ Environmental/Humanitarian Awareness
✻ Self-Esteem
✻ Flexibility and Balance
✻ Ability to Deal with Stress
Gifted entrepreneur, creative thinker, and marketing dynamo Judy Julin
✻ Nutrition Awareness
is Founder and CEO of CosmiKids, Inc. and co-creator of Quantum
YOUniversity™, a new paradigm training and certification series for
The CosmiKids’ approach is based on its
innovative “edutainment” (interactive)
teaching method. Highly inventive,
proprietary learning tools, and colorful
“cosmic” accessories keep kids involved and
inspired. The rich, flexible and hands-on
curriculum is also supported by multimedia
projects and enhanced by healthy, fun snacks,
delivered in refreshingly creative ways!
These ongoing celebrations of multi- disciplinary
discovery and learning are taking place at
company-owned CosmiKids’ festivals and
sessions in Brea, California and are extending
to franchise locations around the country, as
well as internationally.
If you believe that there is a critical need for
self-discovery and character development in
education… If you believe that kids need to
learn about their own unique qualities…
and be taught how to listen and trust their
inner wisdom and make positive lifestyle
choices… then you are the kind of person
that CosmiKids’ management is eager to talk
with. The opportunity to make a difference
through this organization is tremendous for
the right individuals.
facilitators, teachers, parents, and professional caregivers. She began
working in the field of children’s wellness programming after graduating
with a B.S. Degree in Sociology from Denison University in Granville, Ohio.
With a continuing interest in social reform, human potential, and educative
practices, Judy created a series of health clubs in 1983, designed just for kids,
along with original videos, learning products, and a television pilot.
Her goal from the beginning was to “build positive minds, strong bodies,
and warm, loving hearts.” And her original ideas and brilliant creativity
garnered national and international acclaim.
While managing and motivating a staff of 60, Ms. Julin developed her
own empowerment seminars and lifestyle programs. During her career as
a motivational business owner, she saw her employees blossom and her
ideas flourish.
As an expert in personal enrichment and with a passion for empowering
kids, Ms. Julin launched the CosmiKids’ concept in 2003 at The Chopra Center
for Well Being at the La Costa Resort and Spa. Parents attending the seminars,
given by renowned thinker Deepak Chopra, enrolled their children in
Ms. Julin’s ‘mind-body-spirit’ discovery programs and were delighted with
their kids’ experiences.
Today, CosmiKids is a thriving business, fueled and inspired by Carolyn
Kaufman, Vice President and Director of Operations for Cosmikids & Founder
of The Children of Today, as well as progressive teaching approaches,
sought-after counseling methods, and new-thought philosophies. In addition,
CosmiKids is backed by an advisory board and development team of
futurists, business leaders, personal development specialists, television
producers, rock stars, and even stand-up comedians!!
“CosmiKids is a dynamic, multi-dimensional program
that is built upon human potential theories and wellness philosophies from all over the world. I intend
that it raise the bar and set new standards in terms
of learning by doing as well as expanding each
child’s social and emotional capacities to experience
a full, rich life.”
Ms. Julin and her enlightened board and management team are
seeking franchisees who share their values and vision for
what can be! If your soul is on fire as you read about CosmiKids,
then you are most definitely someone that Ms. Julin would love
to talk with!
Today, the number of children in elementary and high
schools alone - more than 53 million - has exceeded
the old baby-boom record of 51.6 million, set in
1969.1 In this bustling industry, the preschool segment
is especially robust. More than half, 52%, of our
3- and 4 - year olds go to preschool, up from 21% in
What are the effects of early learning? Several long-term studies have followed graduates of
early learning programs through adulthood and conclude that improvements to social and
emotional well-being yield greater returns than a focus exclusively on cognitive gains.3
In childcare and learning, quality makes all the difference. Researchers have found that
children who attended high-quality programs, as 3- and 4-year olds, benefited from their
child-care experience in kindergarten and, in many cases, through the second grade.4
CosmiKids answers the need for high-quality educational programs that support social and
emotional well-being. In a collaborative project with Boston-based Little Sprout Enrichment
Centers, CosmiKids was deemed to have effectively increased levels of self-esteem,
optimism, relaxation, cooperation, ability to deal with stress, emotional intelligence, and
pro-social behaviors for both counselors and children.5
Harper, Jennifer. “U.S. school system continues to grow.” The Washington Times 11 Aug. 2003
Friedman, Dana E. “The New Economics of Preschool.” National Association for the Education of Young Children. Accessed 08/17/2005 <>
“The Children of the Cost,, Quality, and Outcomes Study Go To School.” National Association for the Education of Young Children. Accessed 08/17/2005 <>
Big Sprouts. Little Sprouts. 13 September 2004 <>
CHANGE – while having the
time of your life!
There comes a time in every career where a sense of
contribution is more important than ever. Where can
you contribute most in the education area? The answer
may be CosmiKids!
If you’ve been on a path of self-awareness, you know
what a difference it can make in your quality of life.
Imagine offering these precepts to kids! Imagine giving
them ‘touchstones’ that they will carry with them for life!
CosmiKids Management Team
Today it’s possible because CosmiKids has selected and
refined ‘the best of the best’ of new-thought philosophies,
distilling them down to a child’s level. And, for the last
several years, they have perfected a business system
that makes it all happen.
Describing the CosmiKids’ Business System in its entirety
could resemble a master’s thesis on well-founded innovations in early education! The company’s founding family
members have done extensive research for more than 20
years and continually augment their knowledge base with
regular contributions from their advisory team and other
leading sources.
Advisory Team Reviews Research
Here is a glance at the key components of the
CosmiKids’ System.
The CosmiKids’ Core Curriculum encompasses mind, body, and
spirit course offerings in both Child-Directed and Facilitator- Led
Featuring spacious accommodations for children and
facilitators, CosmiKids’ storefront locations are in
All CosmiKids’ programs begin and end with
upscale retail areas and close to schools and residential
a group activity, which incorporates healing
neighborhoods. Walk in, and you will find yourself in
another reality that’s a whimsical, Feng Shui- correct
sounds, setting intentions, circle games, and
wonderland for kids, complete with dazzling light displays,
curved room dividers, murals, mobiles, and never-before
seen décor, cosmic sights, and interactives that dazzle
the mind and embrace the soul.
The space is open and inviting, encouraging interaction
during the before - and after-school enrichment programs
for children of all ages.
Located strategically throughout the main room, artfully
named the “Cosmic Theatre,” are fascinating activity
stations. These Wander-As-You-Wish Stations of
Discovery are colorful and festive booths, designed to
present learning content while fostering a sense of
independence and self-mastery. Some stations are
manned by facilitators, while others allow children to
The walkable CosmiKids’ Treasure Quest Interactive
Board Game leads children through the Discovery
Stations, incorporating fitness activities, thoughtful,
reflective questions, powerful affirmations and group
interaction along the way.
The Cosmic Theatre™ is a completely
innovative and inviting system of childdirected learning, involving numerous
captivating interactives.
A sampling of the mind, body, and spirit-based
Stations of Discovery and décor includes:
‘Course I Can™ – Through a simple system of arts, crafts,
“Imagination is the constructive
and games children learn how to reduce excess emotions,
develop conflict resolution skills, and learn to recognize
form of thought which must precede every constructive form of
action. In order to cultivate the
and listen to their own inner wisdom.
Minds- on Mother Earth™ – Kids remember to
appreciate and honor their universal connection
through insightful activities incorporating treasure
imagination, it must be exercised.
Exercise is necessary to cultivate
mental muscle as well as physical
hunts, leaf paintings, environmental awareness
and fun with animals.
The Bridge of Imagination™ – A walkable, portable,
multi-sensory bridge structure upon which children
muscle. It must be supplied with
nourishment or it cannot grow.”
make wishes, fish for them with innovative poles,
and send their intention-filled bubbles of thought
and desire out into the universe.
Charles F. Haanel
Beads of Empowerment™
Children nurture a positive
mindset as they custom
create crafts and jewelry
with tokens, charms,
trinkets and beads that
are infused with their
own powerful personal
CosmiKids’ franchisees will have the benefit of one of the most
innovative retail product lines in the educational arena! Here are
some of the exciting items that franchisees will offer for sale to
parents, facilitators, teachers, children, and others in the community.
Each delightful Station of Discovery experience within the
Cosmic Theatre is sold separately, boxed in a most innovative
and user-friendly way. The package comes complete with a set of
instructions and add-on extension activities for on-going fun.
Regular on-site training and family do-together sessions offer
hands -on learning and supportive group synergies.
Cosmikids’ Quik-Lift Tips for the heart-centered facilitator –
A mini guide book for the enlightened mind, CK Quik-Lift Tips
offers on-the-spot suggestions, helpful affirmations and visualization
techniques for handling many child-oriented episodes of growth.
Cosmic Kids’ Treasure Quest – An interactive game board that
leads participants into a world of self-empowerment and
emotional fluency.
While most CosmiKids’ business activity takes place
within CosmiKids’ facilities, franchisees can offer modular,
mobile CosmiKids’ programs to schools, churches,
community organizations, homeschoolers, birthday parties,
and others – with CosmiKids Out-of-the-Box! These
incredible kits contain CosmiKids’ proprietary décor
elements, activities, and materials.
The market for these mobile services include a variety of
small businesses, such as yoga studios, art centers,
gyms, camps, hotels, cruise ships, resorts, spas, theme
parks, tutoring centers, and more.
And there are many other wonderful opportunities.
Franchisees can offer these tremendous programs to
traditional classroom teachers, youth counselors,
youth therapists – and even to parents looking for
at-home or backyard ideas for kids!
And so much more!
Space doesn’t allow for the full CosmiKids’ story.
So, you’ll want to contact us and learn about our
Healthy Snack Scrumption Vending Machine,
the Cosmic Theatre in a van, and a long list of other
elements that make this such a star-quality business!
CosmiKids could mean owning your own leading-edge business and teaming
up with a group of proven high achievers who have truly made a name for
themselves in the educational arena.
As a CosmiKids’ franchisee, you will enjoy a caliber of communication and support rarely found in businesses today. Take a look at just a few of the ways your
business will be supported by this caring and spirited organization.
Franchisee Training - You will be thoroughly trained in CosmiKids’ outstanding
curriculum, teaching and facilitation methods, as well as retail products, and
Outreach programs at Quantum YOUniversity™. You will also be trained in all
the procedures for running your own CosmiKids’ operation while being guided
on your own journey of self-discovery and empowerment. If you love to learn,
you will fully appreciate the professional development available once you are
part of CosmiKids!
Site Selection - The trained eyes of the CosmiKids’ management team have site
selection down to a science. There are well-established guidelines to help you
select an excellent location – one that’s in keeping with the essence of the
CosmiKids’ concept.
Marketing - Judy Julin, the Founder of CosmiKids, is a leading marketer and
promoter who gained national and international recognition early in her career.
Today, under her leadership, CosmiKids is an excellent brand with a distinctive
position and compelling creative presence. Franchisees will benefit from a
first-class marketing plan, advertising and PR activities, and media knowledge.
Operations Manual - You will be provided with the superb
CosmiKids’ Operations Manual. This well - organized guide
contains thorough information on all facets of running a
CosmiKids’ franchise, including facilities management,
staffing, product inventory, and much more.
Ongoing Support - CosmiKids reflects the new business
paradigm with its unwavering commitment to building a values
and integrity - driven company that empowers people.
And that means new franchisees will be supplied with the
support they need, including start-up counsel, field visits,
educational updates, new product news, continuing innovation –
and much more!
There is simply nothing else in the universe like CosmiKids –
nothing as bold and courageous or effective in integrating the mind,
body and spirit for a lasting, positive impact on kids’ lives and
on our planet!
You can be an integral part of this wonderful effort. If you are selected
as a CosmiKids’ franchisee, you will be a member of an elite team who
make a difference in the lives of children.
Make a difference in your own life and career. Investigate a wonderful
franchise opportunity with the one and only CosmiKids!
Why not call right now?
Open minds. Pure potential.
CosmiKids, LLC
215 S. Brea Boulevard
Suite 207
Brea, CA 92821
Telephone: 888.543.7738
The Cosmic Theatre, ‘Course I Can Station, Minds-on Mother
Earth Station, The Bridge of Imagination Station and Beads of
Empowerment are trademarks of Cosmikids Inc.
CosmiKids is a trademark of CosmiKids Inc.
Printed on recycled paper.