Excellence in education and research!


Excellence in education and research!
Excellence in
education and research!
Spiru Haret University
Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics
Our motto is
“Excellence in education and research!”.
The training of our future experts
is achieved using modern
educational programs consistent
with international study programs
(ECTS), which include both
required (theoretical and
applied) disciplines and optional
disciplines (of your choice).
The optional disciplines
include special chapters of
mathematics and informatics,
the study of foreign languages
and psycho-pedagogical
Spiru Haret
The mission of the educational
programs of the Faculty of
Mathematics and Informatics
includes both teaching and
scientific research. The main
objectives are: dissemination of
basic and specialized knowledge
in an operational system in
order to ensure professional and
social competence and excellent
vocational training of our experts
in the fields of study of our
accredited programs.
Our motto is “Excellence in
education and research!”. The
training of our future experts
is achieved using modern
educational programs consistent
with international study
programs (ECTS), which include
both required (theoretical and
applied) disciplines and optional
disciplines (of your choice). The
optional disciplines include
special chapters of mathematics
and informatics, the study of
foreign languages and psychopedagogical training.
Our students benefit from the
vast educational and scientific
experience of our excellent
faculty group. In addition, our
students have access to the
ORACLE Academy - Advanced
Informatics program and to
MSDN-AA (Microsoft Developer
Network - Academic Alliance –
Dreamspark premium program)
granting them free access to
information technologies.
We use modern teaching,
learning and evaluation
techniques: video projections, the
Blackboard e-Learning platform,
virtual library, virtual bulletin
board, consultations through
print media and television,
tutoring, project-based learning.
Our bachelor and master’s
students are encouraged to
participate in Scientific Colloquia
and get involved in research
activities organized by the
Mathematics and Informatics
Research Center of Spiru Haret
The Faculty of Mathematics and
Informatics collaborates with
the other faculties of Spiru Haret
University, both educationally and
scientifically. Out students have
the possibility to choose core and
facultative courses in their filed of
study from other faculties both at
the undergraduate and graduate
Students have the opportunity
to introduce outstanding results
at the Annual Conference of
Mathematics and Informatics.
The papers are published in the
Annals of Spiru Haret University,
Mathematics-Informatics Series.
Academic Studies
The Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics was authorized to operate
by the Government Decision (GD) 294 / 6.16.1997 published in the
Official Gazette of Romania no. 130 / 06.25.1997 p.I and reconfirmed
by H.G. nr.410 / 25.09.2002, published in Official Gazette no. 313 /
13/05/2002 p I. In Law no. 443 of July 5, 2002, published in Official
Gazette no. 491 of 9 July 2002 regarding the accreditation of Spiru
Haret University of Bucharest, Spiru Haret is defined as a “higher
education institution, legal person of private law and public utility part
of the national education system.”The Faculty of Mathematics and
Informatics was accredited in 2005 by G.O. 916/11.08.2005 (Official
Gazette 766/23.08.2005) with two study programs: Mathematics and
Informatics. With the academic year 2005-2006, Romania adopted the
Bologna Charta. As a consequence, our Faculty has organized three
year Bachelor degree programs (180 credits) for both Mathematics
and Informatics. Thus the new curricula for undergraduate studies
came into effect. Since 1 October 2011, our undergraduate and
graduate study programs for Mathematics and Informatics function
according to Decision no. 966 of 29 September 2011 regarding the
approval of the programs and fields of study classification, of the
structure of higher education institutions, and of the fields of study
programs accredited or authorized to function temporarily, of the
geographical locations in which they can function, of the number
of transferable credits for each university study program, form of
education and teaching language, as well as the maximum number
of students that can be enrolled, published in the Official Gazette no.
697 of October 1, 2011.
Starting with the 2012-2013 academic year, the legal basis for the
undergraduate curricula is published in the Official Gazette of
Romania, Part I, no. 525/30.VII.2012 (page 97, position 18).
For the academic year 2012-2013, the legal basis for Master’s studies
is represented by decision MECTS 4945 of 31 July 2012 published in
the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I, No. 564/9.VIII.2012, page 73
(number of students: 50 for each Master’s program, duration of a
Master’s program: 2 years, number of credits obtained: 120, type of
education: on-campus).
Undergraduate Studies
The fundamental domain of our Faculty is: Science. Our
Faculty offers two undergraduate majors:
Mathematics – Bachellor in Mathematics;
Informatics – Bachellor in Informatics.
Our curriculum contains facultative courses for both majors.
These courses include disciplines that facilitate international
professional communication and preparation for a
teaching career and are taught by professors in specialized
departments (Foreign Language Center, Teaching Training
Department respectively). Pedagogical practice takes place in
schools which are part of the national education network.
During their undergraduate studies students will acquire skills for:
• Operating with mathematical concepts and methods
• Mathematical processing of data, analyzing and interpreting
phenomena and processes
• Design and analyzing problem solving algorithms
• Conceiving mathematical models to describe phenomena
• Proving results using different mathematical concepts and
mathematical reasoning
• Applying mathematical models to solve interdisciplinary problems
• Using specialized software packages to solve mathematical problems
According to the National Register of Qualifications in Higher Education the
qualifications of the graduates of the Mathematics Bachelor’s degree program
are: • Secondary school teacher - 232201, • Reviewer expert mathematician 212104, • Mathematician – 212109.
The core undergraduate courses in Mathematics cover the following fields:
The first year
Mathematical analysis
Mathematical Logic
Algorithms and programming
Number Theory
Office automation
The second year
Probability Theory
Differential Geometry
Graphs and Combinatorics
Operational Research
Differential Equations
Real and Complex analysis
Theoretical Mechanics
Mathematical Statistics
Numerical Analysis
The third year
Algebraic number Theory
Mathematical software
Financial Mathematics
Special topics in Ceometry
Codes and Criptography
Advanced Scientific Computing
Operational Research
History of Mathematics
Computational Statistics
During their undergraduate studies students will acquire skills for:
• Programming in high-level languages
• Developing and maintaining IT applications
• Using tools in interdisciplinary contexts
• Using the theoretical foundations of computer science and formal models
• Designing and managing databases
• Designing and managing computer networks
• Planning and monitoring information projects
• Conceiving mathematical models to describe phenomena
According to the National Register of Qualifications in Higher Education the
qualifications of the graduates of the Informatics Bachelor’s degree program
are: • Secondary school teacher - 232201; • Analyst - 213101; • Developer
- 213102, • Computer systems designer - 213103, • Computer Network
Administrator - 213902, • Database Administrator - 213903, • Research
Assistant in Mathematics and Informatics - 249110, • Research Assistant in
Informatics - 250102.
The core undergraduate courses in Informatics cover the following fields.
The first year
Programming and Algorithms
Computer System Architecture
Computational Logic
Algebra & Mathematical analysis
Formal Languages and Automata
Data Structures
Operating Systems
Analytic and differential geometry
The second year
Object Oriented Design and
Computer Networks
Web Technologies
Statistics and Probabilities
Graph Algorithms
Software Design Techniques
Advanced Programming
Codes and Cryptography
Numerical Analysis
The third year
Database Management Systems
Cryptography and Security
Artificial Intelligence
Software Project Management
Programming engineering
Information Security
Optimization Techniques
Mathematical Software
Advanced numerical computing
Computability and complexity
Modelling and simulation
Computer Graphics
Graduate Studies
Our Faculty offers two ARACIS accredited Master’s programs:
Applied Mathematics; Modern Methodologies for Analyzing and
Designing Informatics Systems.
The Master’s Degree programs offered by the Faculty of
Mathematics and Informatics of Spiru Haret University are
similar to the programs offered by other universities both
foreign and domestic and fits in the fields of Mathematical
models applied to finance and insurance and Software
engineering computer models, respectively.
In fulfilling the above objectives concur on several factors:
modern curricula adapted to the new requirements of scientific
disciplines files updated annually and, not least, teaching staff
with outstanding performance in teaching (and learning by
focusing on student oriented on projects / issues and case
studies), research and disseminate scientific heritage through
new information technologies.
Master Program in „Applied Mathematics” aggregates the attributes
both of a scientific master and a professional master. Fundamentals of
numerical and functional analysis, the theory of stochastic processes,
mathematical statistics, operational research are included in all
proposed courses.
According to the National Qualifications Register for Higher Education
the qualifications of the graduates of the Applied Mathematics
Master’s degree program are: • Advisor mathematician - 212101;
• Expert mathematician - 212102, • Surveyor mathematician - 212103,
• Expert reviewer mathematician - 212104, • Actuary advisor - 212105;
• Actuary expert - 212106, • Actuary inspector - 212107, • Actuary
reviewer expert - 212108, • Mathematician - 212109, • Advisor
statistician - 212201; • Expert statistician - 212202, • Inspector
statistician - 212203, • Expert reviewer statistician - 212204, • Research
in mathematics - 249101, • Research in mathematics mechanics 249103, • Researcher in applied mathematics - 249105, • Researcher
in statistics - 249,201; • Reviewer statistician - 343401, • Statistician 343402.
Research activity during the master program is included as a part
of the research plan of the department and faculty. Each student
will establish, under the guidance of a teacher designated by the
management program, a research program covering the entire period
of the studies.
The Master Program entitled „Modern methodologies for information
systems analysis and design” is a program of study which aims to
offer specialized knowledge in software engineering, quality and audit
systems, formal models in computer security and other IT systems.
According to the National Register of Qualifications in Higher
Education the qualifications of the graduates of the Modern
Methodologies in Information Systems Analysis and Design Master’s
degree program are: • Highschool teacher, secondary, vocational and
trades teacher- 232101; • Analyst - 213101; • Developer - 213102,
• Computer systems designer - 213103, • IT Consultant - 213104;
• Computer systems programmer - 213904; • IT project manager 213906; • Information systems proceduresand security tools specialist
- 213908, • CISO Chief Information security Officer - 121118;
• Informatics researcher – 250101.
This Masters program may be a mandatory step for prospective
doctoral training in computer science. The program will provide
students access to recent theoretical results in the field of
information theory, transmission and processing of information,
formal specification of systems, software engineering for distributed
systems, programming cryptographic algorithms, analysis software
vulnerabilities, management information systems and the
development of practical skills in the field of reliability and quality
systems, enabling access to specialists on an equal basis with young
people in Europe in the current European competition.
Research Strategy of the Faculty is part of Spiru Haret University
research strategy and is compatible with national and European
requirements for creating a high competitiveness in basic and applied
research through:
Developing research directions in theoretical mathematics,
financial mathematics, actuarial and risk theory, applied mathematics
and mechanics Social Sciences.
Developing research directions in theoretical computer
science and informatics applied to ensure participation in national and
international research programs.
During last years the members of the faculty have been published
or sent for publication in professional journals over 200 scientific
papers were published 25 book chapters, and 50 books and university
Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics publishes: Annals of Spiru
Haret University, Mathematics-Informatics Series, classified B + since
2010, recorded in SCIPIO database (Romania) and Index Copernicus
database (International).
Students and teachers participate in Exchange programs under
ERASMUS program. Existing agreements provides exchange between
Romania and EU countries like: Italy, Spain, Greece, etc. More details
can be found on the web page related to the ERASMUS program.
Exchange Programs
International Affiliations
The University is a member of European or international organizations:
• University Association for Democracy (AUDEM), Tennessee 1993
• Magna Charta Universitatum Bologna signatory-2005
• Magna Charta Observatory-2005
• European University Association (EUA) - Fellow-2005
• Balkan Forum for Communication-Founding Member-2005
• Francophone University Agency (AUF) – 2006
• Confederation of European University Languages Centers
(CercleS) 2006
• European Association for Architectural Education (EAAE) – 2008
• International Association of Universities (IAU) -2008
• Alliance of Universities in Central and Eastern Europe
(ACEEU) 2009
• European Association of Erasmus Coordinators (EAEC) -2011
• European Association for Career Guidance (EACG) -2011
Several faculty members are members of professional societies:
• Manecognitiva Society - Group of Research and Assessment of
Intellectual Capital
• UPE National Honor Society for Computer Science
• Golden Key International Honor Society
• American Mathematical Society
• European Mathematical Society
• Romanian Mathematical Society IEEE Computational Intelligence
CIS Emergent Technologies
• ETTC „Education” Task Force, BISC Group
• IEEE Computer Society
• IEEE Information Theory Society
• Association for Computing Machinery
• IEEE Computational Intelligence Society
• IEEE Control Systems Society
• IEEE Signal Processing Society
• Institute of Electrical and Electronics
• European Network for Business and Industrial Statistics
Recruitment for study programs offered by the Faculty of Mathematics
and Informatics asks for high school graduates with a baccalaureate
degree or equivalent diploma, Romanian or foreign citizens who meet
the legal requirements. All details about the application procedures
and the list of the necessary documents are available on the website
Application procedures
Study fee is approved annually by the University Senate, as specified
in the contract concluded with the students tuition. There is the same
fee for all students along the year of study.
Tuition contract provides special provisions for reimbursement of
tuition fees in certain situations due to objective reasons for which
students can not continue the study. By signing the contract, each
student learns of tax refund procedure, the procedure being posted
on the website Spiru Haret University.
Tuition Fees and Scholarships
Facilities and Services
The didactical and research activity within Faculty of Mathematics
and Informatics takes place at Spiru Haret University headquarters,
a heritage building, with classrooms equipped with multimedia labs,
television studio, bookstore and restaurant for students.
Students of the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics of the Spiru
Haret University are welcomed to use lecture and seminar rooms, and
the reading rooms in the library of the faculty.
To ensure an efficient educational process, faculty have access to
academic and cultural television channel, TvH2.0 where students
can pursue university courses, briefings, conferences and
cultural programs. The TV channel Spiru Haret University (TvH2.0)
disseminates student courses, consultations, debates live or recorded
subjects in the curriculum.
Spiru Haret
Adress: 13 Ion Ghica Str., District 3, Bucharest
(2nd floor)
Phone: 021-4551033,
021-3140076 - ext. 121,
chief secretary ext. 306,
Fax: 021-3140076 - interior 121
E-mail: ushmi@spiruharet.ro
We are expecting you!