- Visitez Liège
- Visitez Liège
Province of Liège maison du tourisme du Pays de liège Ans - Awans - crisnée - flémalle - grâce-holllogne - Liège - Saint-Nicolas - Seraing 10 Must-Sees / Must-do’s in Liège .................. 4 Some famous characters ................................ 6 Walking route suggestions................................ 8 The historic centre.................................. 10 The cathedral district ........................... 14 Museums ........................................................... 17 Churches and monuments .............................22 Pleasures of the palate ...................................25 Shopping ......................................................... 26 Nightlife ...........................................................27 Folklore ............................................................. 28 Events ................................................................30 Liège with the family ........................................ 32 Around Liège .................................................... 33 Ans ........................................................34 Awans ..................................................... 35 Crisnée .................................................36 Flémalle ................................................. 37 Grâce-Hollogne ................................... 40 Saint-Nicolas .......................................... 41 Seraing ............................................... 42 Hotels ................................................................ 45 Useful addresses ...............................................47 Getting there and around............................... 48 2 LIÈGE, A CITY, A SPIRIT As the most important tourist city in Wallonia, Liège has innumerable riches in store waiting to be discovered. The characteristic districts, the river Meuse, which transects from South to North, the abrupt and wooded hills surrounding it as well as its marked relief, providing a multitude of original perspectives give the city an exceptional charm. A very current folklore kept alive by a positive-minded population, always ready for a feast, lively districts and a large number of restaurants all combine to make this an essential part of any trip to Belgium, not to mention its vigorous cultural and artistic life and a considerable architectural heritage. Liège City Pass Reduced rate in the main museums, tourist sites… (48 hrs) On sale at the Maison du Tourisme. 3 10 MUST-SEES / MUST-DO’S IN LIEGE 2 The hill of the Citadel 1 The historic centre 4 © OPT-Emmanuel Malthez Night time in Liège 3 The Guillemins station 6 5 The baptismal font of Saint-Barthélemy The Museums 4 10 Must-Sees / Must-do’s in Liège 7 the banks of the Meuse 8 9 Shoppen 10 La Batte Sunday market The collegiate churches in seraing The Val Saint-Lambert glassworks in ans Waroux Castle 10 Must-Sees / Must-do’s in Liège 5 Some famous characters SAINT-LAMBERT (mid-7th century - 17 September 705?) Bishop of Maastricht, Lambert reproached Pippin of Herstal for his adulterous relationship with Alpaida. Dodon, brother of the latter, arranged for the assassination of Lambert. Bishop Hubert, his successor, had his relics repatriated to the place of his martyrdom and transferred the seat of the bishopric from Maastricht to Liège. Charlemagne (742 – 814) Whilst the emperor’s place of birth is uncertain, the Liège region is often put forward by historians. Whatever the case, this figure is deeply rooted in the popular history and traditions of Liège. It was under his reign that the capital of the Tongeren-Maastricht bishopric was definitively transferred to Liège. Notger (930 ? – 1008) The first prince-bishop of Liège (972). He played a key role in the construction, development and fortification of the city of Liège. Notger was at the origin of the formation of the principality of Liège, a vast, rich and independent territory. Lambert Lombard (1505 –1566) This Liège painter was one of the most versatile personalities in the Belgian cultural life of his time. As a painter, architect, engraver, archaeologist, collector, numismatist, mythologist, man of letters, art historian, inter alia... He is the perfect illustration of the definition of the artistic ideal of the Renaissance. Jean Del Cour (1627 – 1707) Liège is littered with the works of this Baroque artist: sculptures, paintings, pediments… Amongst the most famous are: Christ in the tomb in the cathedral, the Virgin of Vinâve d’Île, the fountain of St. John the Baptist of rue Hors-Château, and the Three Graces on the Perron. The bishopric of Liège Princi 705 Bishop Lambert is assassinated in Liège circa 720 Bishop Hubert transferred the seat of the bishopric from Maastricht to Liège 980 birth of the principality of Liège circa 747 Charlemagne is born in the Liège region 700 6 history Charlemagne 800 900 Sacking of troops of C 1000 1100 1200 1300 André-modeste grétry (1741 – 1813) Born in Liège into a family of musicians, his initial musical training was followed by studies in Rome. Encouraged by Voltaire, he took his chances in Paris where his comic operas met with overwhelming success. César Franck (1822 – 1890) Franck was a student at the Royal Music School in Liège, founded by William I of the Netherlands. He then entered the Paris conservatoire and engaged in concert tours in France, Belgium and Germany, for which he wrote compositions. Zénobe gramme (1826 – 1901) Inventor of the first direct current dynamo, whose application revolutionised the industrial world and everyday life. Eugène Ysaye (1858 – 1931) A violinist who left his mark and that of his interpretative genius on the world musical scene, with his contemporary musical compositions. Georges simenon (1903 – 1989) Creator of the Inspector Maigret, author of a multitude of novels, who never forgot his Liège origins. Many of his works also refer to locations in Liège. Jacques Pelzer (1924 – 1994) Jazz saxophonist and flautist from Liège, Jacques Pelzer was mainly an exponent of jazz impregnated with bebop and cool jazz. A jazz club located in the Thier-à-Liège district is named after him. Belgium ipality of Liège 1789 The Liège Revolution 1795-1815 Attachment to France 1815-1830 Liège belongs to the Kingdom of the Netherlands 1468 the city by the Charles the Bold 1400 1830 The Belgian Revolution 1500 1600 1700 1800 1905 The Universal Exhibition 1900 2000 history 7 Walking route suggestions It is on foot that you can discover the real gems of the city, in its streets, its secret ginnels, in courtyards and gardens, on squares... There are several walks to follow, depending on your mood and desires. All the maps for our walks can be obtained from the Tourist Information Office. You can also consult them by downloading our app “Balades liégeoises”(Walks through Liège). THE Hill OF THE CITADEL in the Michelin Greenguide Just a few steps from the place Saint-Lambert (the main square), the Hill of the Citadel is a vast green space right in the heart of the city, with 86 ha of green space, terraces, and paths... on a steep hill. LIE GE With over 60 monuments and listed historic sites, this special location contains many examples of the old landscape of the city. There are spectacular sites such as the steps of the Montagne de Bueren or the panoramas from the boulevards of the Citadel. LES COTEAUX DE LA CITADEL LE Marked out itineraries of varying length are suggested for walkers, starting from the esplanade Saint-Léonard or 38, rue Pierreuse. A route map with pictures and commentary is available at the Tourist Office. The collegiate churches circuit As capital of an ecclesiastical principality during eight centuries, the City of Liège was an important political, religious, artistic and cultural centre at the heart of medieval Europe. It was therefore natural for many ecclesiastical institutions to establish themselves there. Alongside the regular clergy, the secular clergy occupied a significant place: no less than seven collegiate churches were created around the year one thousand AD, in addition to the Cathedral of Our Lady and Saint-Lambert. Today, these collegiate churches are the privileged witnesses of the city’s prestigious past. You can follow a circuit to discover them and learn about their history. 8 Walking route Walking route 9 THE HISTORIC CENTRE Explore the Hors-Château – Féronstrée district. A historic route lined with ancient buildings and fine museums. The commercial activity, including the La Batte market on Sunday and the antiquarian district, emphasise its lively and international character. Start: Tourist Office Finish: place Saint-Lambert Length: 1 km Duration: approximately 1hr 15mins Liège Fine Arts Museum (BAL) 1 An overview of artistic creation (sculpture, painting and drawing) from the Renaissance to the 21st century. You will be able to admire works by major artists such as Ingres, Monet, Picasso, Chagall, Gauguin... alongside the Dutch and French masters, as well as famous painters from Liège. Montefiore fountain 2 The water carrier by Léopold Harzé (Liège 1831-1893). There are many other fountains of this kind throughout the city. La Batte 3 Sunday market on the left bank of the Meuse River. Museum d’Ansembourg Rue P ierrre use 4 This museum of decorative arts is established in an elegant patrician residence (1738-1741). It houses a large collection of Liège sculpted and marquetry furniture of the 18th century. Bue ren des Rue rs b 2 5 Grand Curtius estricht Quai de Ma e tte gré La Hon es eorg St-G te ptis rie che bou -Ba ean St-J e la d Rue BAL 4 Rue Rue Rue 1 e Plac my rthéle St-Ba eu rass ck urs Rue nt o du p e vic eu 19 Walking route el Hôt le il de v e min 10 18 14 N En e Plac ert mb St-La Plac hé arc du m 17 strée Féron es 21 ed 20 16 15 e Ru Palais des Princes-Evê ques 12 13 Palais Ho 6 7 8 au âte rs-Ch ru Velb Rue Rue du 9 as hom de 10 ée Mus ie V de la nne o wall St-T ne e Eglis my rthéle St-Ba Rue g nta Mo 11 3 Ba EUS LA M E 5 Grand Curtius This group of museums was named after a famous Liège munitions supplier, Jean de Corte or Curtius (1551-1627). It gathers together collections of religious and Mosan art, arms, decorative arts, glass and archaeology. It is made up of various period buildings and buildings in different styles. Monday to Sunday: 10am-6pm. Closed on Tuesdays. 6 Collegiate church of Saint-Bartholomew This collegiate church is built in greywacke dating from the 11th and 12th centuries. The interior was re-worked in the 18th century in the Baroque style. The exterior was recently restored in the original style. Inside: baptismal font, a gold- and silversmith masterwork of the early 12th century. Due to the high quality of its reliefs and their execution, it is considered one of the seven marvels of Belgium. On the square: Les Principautaires, a sculpture by Mady Andrien (1992). It symbolises metallurgy and the struggle of the people against the prince-bishops. 7 Cour Saint-Antoine (Saint-Antoine Yard) A collection of apartment buildings and houses designed by the architect Charles Vandenhove (1979) incorporating a group of 17th and 18th century constructions in the rue Hors-Château. The inspiration of the Sculpture of the Tikal fountain is Mayan (1982). 8 Hors-Château The most beautiful route through old Liège owes its name to the fact that it is outside the first city wall (10th century). Literally, Hors-château means “outside the castle” in French. From the 14th century, it was the headquarters of the nobility and religious institutions. Old patrician houses of the 17th and 18th century, some of which are decorated with richly ornate emblems line the road. Impasses : typical side streets in which the staff of the private mansions of the Hors-Château district used to live. Walking route 11 9 Church of ‘Notre-Dame-de-l’ImmaculéeConception’ The former church of the discalced Carmelites (1st half of the 17th century), subsequently a Redemptorist church, is also commonly known as the church of Saint Gérard. Baroque façade with the coats of arms of prince-bishop MaximilianHeinrich of Bavaria. Closed to the public. 10 Convent of the Ursulines This religious community has given its name to one of the neighbouring impasses. 11 Montagne de Bueren (374 steps) This is a work of art characteristic of the early 19th century, giving direct access from the barracks of the Citadel to the town centre. The name of these steps recall the failed coup by six hundred men of Franchimont, a neighbouring village, that took place on the evening of 29 October 1468 against the armies of Charles The Bold and Louis XI. The name of this flight of steps comes from one of their leaders, Vincent de Bueren. 12 Fountain of St. John the Baptist Statue (1667) and bas-relief in bronze (baptism of Christ) by Jean Del Cour (1631-1707). 13 Musée de la Vie wallonne The Museum of Walloon Life is established in the former convent of the friars minor (17th century) which was entirely restored and reworked in 2008. The cloister is linked to the house of the superior of the convent by a gallery above a porch. This museum houses a collection of numerous objects and documents relating to everyday life in Wallonia. The former church of Saint-Antoine: the former convent church accessible during temporary exhibitions. Monumental Baroque reworked façade from the 17th century. 14 Fountain of Tradition Re-built in 1719. On three of the faces are bas-reliefs by Georges Petit (1879-1958) evocative of typical aspects of Liège folklore: marionettes, botteresses (typical female characters carrying a basket to deliver goods) and cramignons (popular dance). 12 Walking route 15 Place du Marché The “Place du Marché”, or Market Square in French, was the town’s main square from its origins to the 19th century. As a centre for trade and civil liberties, it was the theatre of major local events. Most of the houses date from the end of the 17th and 18th centuries. 16 Church of Saint-André This former church of the Teutonic knights is recognisable by its cupola (17651772). It was used as a grain market after the Revolution. Accessible only for temporary exhibitions. 17 the Perron This monument symbolises the freedoms of the people of Liège. The Perron stands on top of a fountain: the Three Graces (by Jean Del Cour) are at its summit and carry a pine cone from which in turn a cross rises. After the sacking of Liège in 1468 by Charles The Bold, it was taken to Bruges and returned in 1478 by his daughter Mary of Burgundy. 18 Town Hall Traditionally called La Violette, after the emblem of the house that accommodated the city council in the Middle Ages. It was destroyed in 1468 and in 1691 and rebuilt in the classical style between 1714 and 1718. In the interior, there are remarkable décors in sculpted wood. 19 Place Saint-Lambert Until the Revolution (1794), this space was entirely filled by a large cathedral dedicated to the Virgin and to Saint Lambert, assassinated on this spot (circa 705). The alignment of its walls is shown today by metal pillars and the former ground plan is represented in the layout of the paving stones. 20 Palace of the Prince-Bishops This palace is an exceptional architectural grouping (courtyard, peristyle, 1525; main façade, 1734; West wing, 1849) occupied by the court house and provincial government offices. Prince-bishop Erard de la Marck gave it its current appearance in 1526. The building comprises two courtyards, only the first of which is accessible to the public. The 60 columns surmounted by capitals richly ornamented with fantastical human figures and grotesque masques, each different, are a testimony of humanist thinking of the Renaissance and the discovery of the New World. 21 Archeoforum : what’s hiding under the square The place Saint Lambert conceals vestiges from the very oldest occupations of the city: prehistoric remains, walls of a Gallo-Roman villa, remains of medieval buildings including the remains of the Romanesque and Gothic cathedrals... Walking route 13 THE CATHEDRAL DISTRICT This walk enables you to explore the old quarter of the Île (island), occupied since the end of the 10th century by numerous collegiate churches and religious institutions and currently the heart of the city with its businesses but also its taverns and restaurants contributing to the night life of Liège. Start and finish: place de la Cathédrale • Length: 3.3 km •Duration: 2 hrs e Ru la M uv So ele ad er t on -P ine ain ne is en t-D e la Ré e lac 1 is en -D int Sa P ge The Cathedral of St. Paul and its Treasure-house 4 on t nc Ru ed e l’ res ed d’Île le Ru n-is ve bv Étu Fè n-e Vinâve t ea er t-J lb es da yd é ula sit Ru er eF niv lor l’U e im de eL -A ou uM y nc bla ma ’A ton ed Ru e Ru du ce Pla oût 20-A f eu bo e èr en uv Sa de ce le Pla édra th te Ca Tê la i Roo ne -F Qua t-P ain e l Ru e St -R em y ce Pla rmes a sC de au inell Haz eS Rue Ru or tu ne svelt ain es de y vro ’A td n Po de e Ru n ce tie Pla int-E Sa e Ru Ru s int eS stin éle Po Wa c he ed Start in front of the cathedral (place de la Cathédrale) and Ru eL é ld enteropothe building. If it is closed, walk around the cathedral to the right towards the place Saint-Paul. As a former collegiate church founded in 966 it became a r monie ge Le cathedral in 1802, replacing Passa 10 the cathedral of Notre-Dameale dr and-Saint-Lambert which was é th rill Ca cke e Co in the Revolution. Ru ce destroyed la P It was built in the Gothic style 11 3 9 from 1240 until the early 15th e 8 nett g a century. Some parts were also es M rl e a Ch qu Rue as added in the 19th century. The -H e s-d ur spire of the tower houses a peal e So 1 e Ru of 49 bells. es m Things to see: Christ recumbent ar C s l Bon de au Rue t-P by Del Cour, the 16th century ue in R Sa ce Pla stained glass windows … Every y ér uM day from 8am-5pm. ed Ru rs In the cloister, the cathedral’s isie Cro es es ed riss Ru Treasure-house presents an exla C es ed Rue ceptional collection of artworks Ru ay A n n dré te Dum es ont mostly originating from the old eD ric u is o Ma tb er ue cathedral of Notre-Dame-anden uV Av ed Ru Saint-Lambert. ain ue er Sa Ru sC r ’o td t-d n Po inic rg e de du Ru om Be Ru e rd va e Ru e ’Îl D es lle ue ar Rue Boulevar ntré mo s Pré de s y Rue 2 hé êc s E. Y aye 14 ce Pla upont -D mile E Walking route Rue n de y vero Rou The former church of the Benedictine abbey of St. James founded in 1015. This is a Gothic style building reconstructed between 1514 and 1538. Only the EU l’Év SE de Rue 2 Église Saint-Jacques e Ho an iV Q ua r ga M d d’Avro ce es Pla cqu -Ja int Sa LA de .C in Sa e Ru Ru ed e la G ed Ru L S. tte Ru e Ru Ca m lé e Ru t-G ain 5 ue sq la au ce en e lph gu an Ré Pla pu bli ce d qu e F e la ran ça ise eS H e Ru an ce Pla euje r-N vie Xa e ffr Jo e Ru Ru am 7 es rt leri Ga ambe t-L e Ru l Pla de l’Oce péra al 6 Rue St-Miche Sain Rue de la Populair e St- Plac La e mb ert Romanesque extension (12th century) was kept and a Renaissance portal was added in 1558. One of the finest buildings in the country. Things to see: stained glass windows (1525-1530), stalls from the 14th century, vault paintings, organ case (1600), Baroque statues by Del Cour (end of the 17th century)… Le Vertbois, a former hospice for incurables and repentant girls founded in 1701, currently houses various administrative departments of the Walloon Region. 3 University of Liège (ULg) Founded in 1817 by William of Orange-Nassau, King of the Netherlands. From the 1950s, all the faculties migrated progressively to the Sart-Tilman area in the higher parts of Liège. Only the administrative departments, the Rector’s department and faculty of Philosophy and Letters remain in the town centre. 4 Collegiale Saint-Denis The collegiate church of St. Denis was founded in 987 by prince-bishop Notger. The tower and nave are Romanesque; the choir is Gothic dating from the 14th century; the interior is Baroque. Things to see: the Brabant retable dating from the 16th century and the wings painted by Lambert Lombard. 5 Royal Opera of Wallonia The royal theatre was built between 1818 and 1822 on the site of the former Dominican convent. The columns of the first floor of the façade come from the former Carthusian church. 6 Cinéma Sauvenière Awarded the Urban planning prize in 2009, this art-house centre is one of the leading establishments of cinematographic art in Belgium. 7 Collégiale Saint-Jean-l’Évangéliste The collegiate church of St. John the Evangelist was founded in c. 980 by prince-bishop Notger. The plan was inspired by the model of the palatine chapel of Charlemagne in Aachen (Germany). The building lasted until 1754, when it was demolished to be replaced by the current neo-classical building. The Gothic cloister dating from the 15th and 16th centuries encloses numerous tombstones and the tower houses a peal of 35 bells. Things to see: Sedes Sapentiae, statues of the Virgin and St. John (early 13th century), and the Gothic cloister … The Carré district is known for its night life, restaurants and student cafés. At number 10 rue d’Amay: a luxurious patrician residence from the early 16th century, referred to as the Lord of Amay’s house. On the left, one of the façades of the Forum theatre hall (see below). Walking route 15 Forum Collégiale Saint-Jean l’Évangéliste 8 The Forum A theatre hall constructed in 1922. The interior is decorated with plaster staffs combining figurative scenes and coloured geometrical and floral motifs in the Art deco style. Renovated between 1984 and 1989, the hall has a capacity of 3,000 seats. 9 Churchill Cinema The former brasserie of the Forum theatre hall was transformed into a cinema in 1947 and named after Churchill. The façade is remarkable for its stained glass windows and cement floral motifs. At 22 rue du Pot-d’Or: “golden jar”, emblem in stone (copy) which gave the street its name. At 41 rue Pont-d’Île: emblem in sculpted stone which decorates the façade: Au Cigne (the Swan) 1690. In the rue Lulay-des-Fèbvres, the theatre hall Le Trocadéro is the most Parisian of the Liège cabarets 10 Passage Lemonnier Created by the architect Louis-Désiré Lemonnier in 1839, the passage that bears his name, with its 160 m in length and 4 m in width, was the first covered gallery of any size in Belgium. It is fitted with an original draining system and gas lighting, as well as a water supply dating from 1871. It houses forty-eight shops surmounted by three floors, only one of which is visible from the ground. It was significantly remodelled between 1934 and 1937. 11 Fountain of the Virgin A fountain erected in 1584 and topped by a bronze statue of Virgin and Child dating from 1696 by Jean Del Cour. ANOTHER WAY TO SEE LIÈGE • By boat... river cruise on the Meuse on the Sarcelle IV. • By tourist train... circuit of the town centre. • By bicycle... www.provelo.org. • The Simenon audio guide... on foot, tracing the steps of the writer. • Guided walks in the city for individuals or groups 16 Walking route Museums Opening hours: see page 20. ANSEMBOURG MUSEUM Féronstrée, 114 – +32 (0)4 221 94 02 – www.liege.be This private townhouse from the 18th century demonstrates the refined art de vivre of the period in a structured collection of architecture and decorative arts with a specifically Liège character. The Ansembourg museum boasts of a magnificent collection of sculpted and marquetry furniture of the 18th century, tapestries, leather hangings in the manner of Cordoba, glass chandeliers in the Venetian style, clocks, ceramics, etc. AQUARIUM Muséum Quai Van-Beneden, 22 – +32 (0)4 366 50 21 – www.aquarium-museum.ulg.ac.be Approximately 2,500 representatives of 250 species of ocean, sea, lake and river fish from around the world populate the 46 pools of the Aquarium and nearly 20,000 stuffed animals from every continent are exhibited at the museum. ARCHéOFORUM Place Saint-Lambert – +32 (0)4 250 93 70 – www.archeoforumdeliege.be Artefacts from over 9,000 years of history take the visitor right back to the origins of the city, through an underground route. The Archéoforum showcases prehistoric remains, walls of a Gallo-Roman villa, remains of medieval religious buildings, etc. It is a place for the memory of the past and of Liège’s roots. CATHEDRAL TREASURE-HOUSE Rue Bonne-Fortune, 6 – +32 (0)4 232 61 32 - www.tresordeliege.be As part of the monastic outbuildings, this museum presents a journey through the art and history of the former principality of Liège. The greater part of the Treasurehouse comes from the now-disappeared cathedral of St. Lambert, including two sculpted 11th century ivory pieces, and two masterpieces of gold- and silversmith work: the reliquary bust of saint Lambert (early 16th century), and the reliquary given by Charles The Bold (15th century). museums © Grand Curtius 17 Cité miroir Place Xavier-Neujean 22, 4000 Liège – +32 (0)4 230 70 50 - www.citemiroir.be The former Sauvenière Baths become La Cité Miroir. An exceptional place dedicated to education and culture. Live events, performances, debates, exhibitions, conferences, educational courses. THE GRAND CURTIUS Féronstrée, 136 – +32 (0)4 221 68 17 – www.grandcurtiusliege.be This new museum complex of art and the history of the Liège region combines five departments: Arms, Archaeology, Decorative Arts, Glass, Religious Art and Mosan Art. fine arts museum of LIege (BAL) Féronstrée, 86 – +32 (0)4 221 92 31 – www.liege.be An overview of artistic creation (sculpture, painting and drawing) from the Renaissance to the 21st century. You will be able to admire works by major artists such as Ingres, Monet, Picasso, Chagall, Gauguin... alongside the Dutch and French masters, as well as famous painters from Liège. © Musée de la Vie wallonne Musée d’Ansembourg GRÉTRY MUSEUM Rue des Récollets, 34 – +32 (0)4 223 06 27 www.lesmuseesdeliege.be The house in which the musician was born. This museum presents paintings, sculptures, engravings, scores, instruments and documents relating to the artist. HOUSE OF METALLURGY AND INDUSTRY Boulevard Poincaré, 17 – +32 (0)4 342 65 63 – www.mmil.be This museum is devoted to the history of metallurgy, energy and computing. A charcoal blast furnace from the 17th century, the oldest in the country, a spectacular steam engine, Napoléon’s zinc bath, the prototype dynamo of Zénobe Gramme, an extremely rare precursor of the computer age are amongst the very many landmarks of this fascinating adventure. 18 museums HOUSE OF SCIENCE (MAISON DE LA SCIENCE) Quai Van-Beneden, 22 – +32 (0)4 366 50 04 – www.masc.ulg.ac.be Permanent exhibitions: entertaining experiments in biology, chemistry and physics, holograms and optical illusions. MADMUSÉE – MUSEUM OF DIVERSE ART Parc d’Avroy, 1 – +32 (0)4 222 32 95 – www.madmusee.be Its permanent collection is unique in Europe. The Madmusée gathers works by artists with a mental handicap, from the five continents. MUlum Rue Mère-Dieu, 2 – +32 (0)4 223 75 37 – www.lesmuseesdeliege.be From the first flicker of Roman oil lamps to our latest generation CFLs, the Museum of the Enlightenment will let you discover the magic of this amazing collection. Hommage à Maeterlinck deJ.P. Laenen © J-E Poirrier © fine arts museum of LIege (BAL) MUSéE DE LA VIE WALLONNE (MUSEUM OF WALLOON LIFE) Cour des Mineurs – +32 (0)4 237 90 50 – www.viewallonne.be Located in the former convent of the friars minor, this recently restored museum of ethnology portrays rural and forestry work, the old industries and crafts as well as regional traditions and arts. A puppet theatre brings the folklore character of Tchantchès to life (from September to April, Wednesday: 2.30pm – Sunday: 10.30am). museums 19 MUSEUM OF PUBLIC TRANSPORT IN THE LIÈGE REGION Rue Richard-Heintz, 9 – +32 (0)4 361 94 19 Vehicles, network equipment, documents relating to transport companies and scale models of trams tell the story of public transport in the Liège region. SART TILMAN OPEN-AIR MUSEUM Domaine universitaire – +32 (0)4 366 22 20 – www.museepla.ulg.ac.be Sculptures and mural paintings are integrated into this natural site and in the remarkable contemporary architecture of the university campus. TCHANTCHÈS MUSEUM Rue Surlet, 56 – +32 (0)4 342 75 75 www.tchantches.be Museum of the Free Republic of Outremeuse. It contains the various costumes provided for the oldest citizen of Liège, Tchantchès, and the remarkable collection of marionettes by Denis Bisscheroux (sculptor and puppet-maker). This museum is also known as the Royal Theatre (Old Imperial Theatre Royal). Puppet theatre from October to April, Wednesday: 2.30pm – Sunday: 10.30am. WITTERT GALLERY Place du 20-Août, 7 – +32 (0)4 366 57 67 – www.wittert.ulg.ac.be The Wittert Gallery displays the artistic heritage of the University of Liège which currently houses some 50,000 works (drawings, prints, paintings, sculptures, medals, coins, photographs, African artefacts, etc.). Exhibitions are regularly mounted, focusing on a theme or a specific artist. 20 museums Opening times Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Aquarium-Museum 9 - 17h 9 - 17h 9 - 17h 9 - 17h 9 - 17h 10 - 18h 10 - 18h 10 - 18h 10 - 18h 10 - 18h 10 - 18h 10 - 18h 10 - 18h 9 - 17h 9 - 17h 9 - 17h 9 - 17h 10 - 17h July to August and Spring Break 10 - 18h Archéoforum school year School holidays 10 - 17h 10 - 17h 10 - 17h 10 - 17h 10 - 17h BAL 10 - 18h 10 - 18h 10 - 18h 10 - 18h 10 - 18h 10 - 18h Cité miroir 9 - 18h Grand Curtius 10 - 18h Madmusée 10 - 17h House of Metallurgy 9 - 17h House of Science 10 17h*² MULUM 9 - 18h 9 - 18h 9 - 18h 9 - 18h 10 - 18h 10 - 18h 10 - 18h 10 - 18h 10 - 18h 10 - 18h 10 - 18h 10 - 17h 10 - 17h 10 - 17h 10 - 17h 14 - 17h 9 - 17h 9 - 17h 9 - 17h 9 - 17h 14 - 18h* 14 - 18h* 10 - 17h*² 10 - 17h*² 10 - 17h*² 10 - 17h*² 14 - 18h 14 - 18h 9h30 - 18h 9h30 - 18h 9h30 13h30*³ Ansembourg 10 - 18h Museum of Walloon life 10 - 18h 10 - 18h 9h30 - 18h 9h30 - 18h 9h30 - 18h 9h30 - 18h 9h30 - 18h 9h30 - 18h Museum of public 10 - 17h*4 10 - 17h*4 transport Sart-Tilman open air Museum 10 - 18h free free 10 - 17h*4 10 - 17h*4 10 - 17h*4 free free free free free 10 - 18h 10 - 18h 10 - 18h 14 - 17h 14 - 17h 14 - 17h Grétry Museum Tchantchès Museum 14 - 16h Cathedral Treasure-house 14 - 17h 14 - 16h *5 14 - 17h 14h - 17h 14h - 17h *5 14 - 17h *From 1/04 to 31/10 *² Closed from 12:30 to 13:30. From 1/07 to 31/08 : every day from 13:30 to 18:00 *³ First two Sundays of the month *4 Open from 1/03 to 30/11. Closed from 12:00 to 13:30 *5 Closed from 1/07 to 31/08 and public holidays On public holidays, please check the opening hours on museums of web sites or contact the Tourist Information Office. 21 museums MONUMENTS and CHURCHES Opening times: see the museums and churches leaflet available at the Tourist Office or at www.liege.be/tourisme BASILIQUE SAINT-MARTIN Mont-Saint-Martin The basilica of St. Martin is a former collegiate church founded in the 10th century and burned down in 1312. The new square tower was completed in c. 1410. The Gothic choir and nave are from the 16th century. A Calvary (early 16th century), a mausoleum of Bishop Eracle, a fine statue of Notre-Dame de Saint-Séverin in polychrome wood (16th century), the chapel of the Holly Sacrement, decorated with medallions by Del Cour (18th century), remarkable stained glass windows (16th century), the pulpit (early 18th century), souvenirs of the Corpus Christi, high altar, and, in the crypt, a recumbent statue in Theux black marble. CATHÉDRALE SAINT-PAUL Place Cathédrale The collegiate church of St. Paul, founded in the 10th century, in the 19th century became the new cathedral of Liège, replacing the cathedral of SaintLambert which was destroyed in the Liège revolution. Stained glass windows from the 16th century and contemporary period, a Baroque white marble Christ recumbent by Del Cour, exceptional 19th century furniture. The cathedral has one of the finest Gothic cloisters in the country. collégiale SAINT-BARTHÉLEMY Place Saint-Barthélemy The collegiate church of St. Bartholomew was founded between 1010 and 1015 outside the city walls. It boasts of a characteristic Rheno-Mosan architectural style. It was built in greywacke, in the period from the end of the 11th century (choir) until the last decades of the 12th century. Remarkable Liège Baroque furniture. The interior of the East wing is exceptional in its galleries and has partly recovered its original appearance. BAPTISMAL FONT OF THE COLLEGIATE CHURCH OF ST. BARTHOLOMEW The church houses one of the universal masterpieces of Romanesque sculpture, considered to be one of the seven marvels of Belgium: a baptismal font in brass (11071118) originating from Notre-Dame-aux-Fonts, the former baptistery of the city. This church, formerly abutting the cathedral of Saint-Lambert, was destroyed with it at the end of the 18th century. 22 monuments and Churches collégiale SAINT-DENIS Rue Cathédrale This collegiate church was founded in 987 by bishop Notger. The West façade in greywacke was probably part of the city’s defensive system. Fine Baroque furniture, statuary, and organ case. Cloister rebuilt in the 18th century. collégiale SAINT-JEAN-l’évangéliste Place Xavier Neujean The collegiate church of St. John-the-Evangelist was founded in the 10th century by bishop Notger, on the model of the Carolingian palatine chapel of Aachen (Germany). Rotunda, side chapels and choir rebuilt in the 18th century. The interior has a Neo-Classical décor and fine sculptures. collégiale SAINTE-CROIX’ Rue Saint-Pierre The collegiate church of the Holy Cross was founded in 979 by bishop Notger. A section of wall in sandstone survives from the original construction. The West choir, which is Romano-Gothic (end of the 12th, early 13th century), contains an Invention of the Holy Cross by Bertholet Flémal (17th century). The East apse dates from the 13th century, the naves from the 14th century and the side chapels from the 15th century. Its three naves of equal height make it one of the rare hall type churches in the region. ÉGLISE SAINT-JACQUES Place Saint-Jacques The church of the Benedictine abbey of St. James was founded in 1015. This church built in the flamboyant Gothic style was reconstructed between 1514 and 1538. The interior decoration is luxuriant, with sculptures by Del Cour (end 17th century), an organ case (1600) and remarkable stained glass windows. It also contains an exceptional vault with over 150 keystones in the central nave. Definitely one of the finest buildings in the country. THE BULL-TAMER Avenue Rogier This sculpture by Léon Mignon is known by the popular Walloon name of Li Torê (lit. “The bull”). When it was originally installed in 1881, this work caused quite a controversy due to the nudity of the tamer. Subsequently the university students adopted it as their emblem and annually celebrate the Saint-Torê. GUILLEMINS RAILWAY STATION, BY SANTIAGO CALATRAVA Place des Guillemins This railway station is a master work (2009) in glass and concrete by one of the great exponents of contemporary architecture. monuments and Churches 23 Theâtre royal – OPéRA (Koninklijke Schouwburg) Place de l’opéra This opera house was built by Auguste Dukers (1818-1820) on the site of the former Dominican convent, demolished in the Liège revolution. The Pediment was decorated by Oscar Berchmans with allegorical figures in 1930. The auditorium which was transformed by the architect Rémont in 1861, is decorated with a ceiling painted by Émile Berchmans (1903). Just renovated, the building is now topped by a brand new modern structure. PALAIS DES PRINCES-ÉVÊQUES (PALACE OF THE PRINCE-BISHOPS) Place Saint-Lambert Notger built the first residence of the princebishops on this site in the year 1000. The palace burned down and was rebuilt several times. The restoration was completed in the 18th century with the construction of a new façade. The Neo-Gothic wing was added in the 19th century on the Notger square. The palace has two courtyards, but only the first one is accessible. It is surrounded by four galleries with Gothic vaults resting on 60 columns decorated with fantastic human figures and grotesque masques. This building currently hosts the law courts and is the seat of the provincial government. PERRON Place du Marché The Perron is the most famous monument among locals. It was adapted at the end of the 17th century by Jean Del Cour. Symbol of the liberties of Liège, it is surmounted by Three Graces carrying a pine cone crowned with a cross. Pont de Fragnée The Fragnée bridge was built for the Universal Exhibition in 1905, in the spirit of the pont Alexandre-III in Paris. From each end of the bridge one can admire two “Renommées” statues (angels playing the trumpet) of fine gilt work. 24 monuments and Churches © Van Grinsven – 5+ Pleasures of the palate Liège boasts so many wonderful places to eat that the most difficult part of eating out is choosing where to go. From an inexpensive snack to a luxury dinner, from local specialities to exotic dishes, you will always find food suited to your desires. For foodies looking to discover new tastes, take a bite out of the traditional cuisine of Liège. On the menu: boulets frites (giant meat-balls and fries/chips), salade liégeoise (green beans, potatoes, diced bacon), fricassee (omelette with bacon or sausage), rognons de veau (veal kidneys), gaufre de Liège (Liège waffle), pèkèt (gin/juniper spirit), café liégeois (with ice cream), etc. Liège Gourmande, the guide to Liège’s restaurants, as well as several recipes, can be obtained from the Tourist Information Office or the Tourist Board. pèkèt Pèkèt is the local version of gin (juniper spirit). Whether natural or flavoured (lemon, strawberry, melon, violet, etc.), it is the traditional drink of the Liège festivities, but it is also drunk every day in the many bistros of the city. Pèkèt is also an essential ingredient of the regional cuisine. gastronomie 25 Shopping For those addicted to shopping, the town centre and its pedestrian streets combine all kinds of shops: famous labels, young milliners, department stores, designers, fine delicatessens... You will find everything you are looking for (and certainly much more…). Shops are open from Monday to Saturday, 10am-6pm. Just a short walk from the centre, the Médiacité is a complex devoted to the audiovisual, multimedia and entertainment with a commercial centre designed by Ron Arad. La Batte la batte La Batte market is a veritable institution. It is actually the largest and oldest market in Belgium. Colourful stalls offer fruit and vegetables, cheeses, clothes, flowers, books... with the cries of the traders calling out the prices and singing the praises of the freshness of their produce in French or the local Walloon dialect. Sunday mornings 8am-2.30pm. 26 shopping IF YOU ENJOY HUNTING FOR ANTIQUES... Second-hand market at St. Pholien Every Friday 7am-noon. Boulevard de la Constitution. Saint-Gilles flea market Every Saturday from 8am-1pm. Boulevards Kleyer and Hillier. The Hors-Château district is also famous for its numerous antique dealers. LIÈGE BY NIGHT The people of Liège have a reputation for sulking… Both in summer and winter the various districts of the town come alive in the evenings. Lounge bars, private clubs, cabaret cafés, bars with beer, student bistros or jazz clubs, these places, many of which are open through the first light of dawn, are ideal places for imbibing the true spirit of the people of Liège. The market square (Place du Marché) is another centre for nocturnal activity. The pedestrian part of the square is exclusively occupied by bars with large, lively terraces. Liège is also a city with a vigorous cultural life with the Royal Opera of Wallonia (ORW), the Philharmonic Orchestra of Liège (OPRL), and numerous theatres including the Théâtre de Liège, theatre halls and cinemas, including eight art and experimental galleries. the Carré The Carré district is an original concept with a set of very busy pedestrian streets where there is also a concentration of dozens of cafés, pubs and restaurants... Students come here to celebrate the numerous folklore festivals including that of St. Nicolas at the beginning of December. nightlife 27 folklore tchantchès Tchantchès A folklore character in puppet form, this hard-drinking maverick’s adventures are often linked to Charlemagne. Celebrations of the Assumption, 15th August 4 days of parades, shows and games… Liège is proud of its lively folklore. There are many festivals, as well as neighbourhood associations and other societies. Liège is also a student city… 28 folklore Student festivals the academic year is punctuated by student festivals: Saint-Nicolas, Saint-Torê, etc. The brotherhoods li Torê (bull in Walloon), otherwise known as Le Dompteur de taureau, (the bull tamer), this sculpture by Léon Mignon, has become a symbol of the students. Synonymous with conviviality, they maintain the traditions of Wallonia. The Walloon language outremeuse A very lively popular neighbourhood, home to Georges Simenon, it still retains a village atmosphere with a warm and human ambience. Walloon, a sing-song and flavoursome language, is the dialect of the people from Liège. The Christmas market the biggest Christmas market in Belgium: culinary delights, craftwork, etc. cramignon Traditional Walloon dance. folklore 29 JANUARY LIÈGE FESTIVAL Theatre – dance – music (every other year – uneven years) www.festivaldeliege.be MARCH INTERNATIONAL BIENNAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY AND VISUAL ARTS (every other year – even years) - www.bip-liege.org INTERNATIONAL BIENNAL OF CONTEMPORARY ENGRAVING (every other year – uneven years) www.lesmuseesdeliege.be AVRIL INTERNATIONAL festival OF detective films www.festivaliege.be MAY MITHRA JAZZ FESTIVAL www.jazzaliege.be JUNE GARDENS AND SECRET nice spots www.liege.be JULY LES ARDENTES - ELECTRO-ROCK MUSIC FESTIVAL www.lesardentes.be THE GALLIC VILLAGE First two weeks of July www.amitiesfrancaises.be 30 Events AUGUST OUTREMEUSE FESTIVAL – AUGUST 15 13 -16 August – www.tchantches.be WALKING FESTIVAL Second fortnight in August – www.liege.be SEPTEMBER HERITAGE DAYS www.journeesdupatrimoine.be WALLONIA FESTIVAL Third weekend in September - www.provincedeliege.be OCTOBER NOCTURN OF THE hill of the CITADEL First Saturday in October. - www.lanocturnedescoteaux.eu LIÈGE FUNFAIR From the first week-end in October to 11 November www.liege.be LIÈGE ORGAN FESTIVAL From October to December - www.msj.be RECIPROCITY design liège Design exhibition (every three years) www.designliege.be DECEMBER CHRISTMAS VILLAGE www.villagedenoel.be Fireworks on New Year 2014 Saint-Léonard Place - www.liege.be Events 31 Liège with the family Treasure hunts on the slopes The Aquarium and Science Museum Not to be missed for young and curious eyes. This adventure is open to all.A map can be obtained from the Tourist Information Office. The little tourist train All aboard for Liège A gentle way to discover Liège. A fun cruise on board the Vauban. The puppet theatre The Liège skating rink The pleasure of skating whatever the season 32 with the family An entertainment classic of Liège, ideal for children. Around Liège Crisnée Awans Ans Grâce Hollogne Flémalle SaintNicolas Liège Seraing Neupré 0 10 kilomètres history 33 The Maison du Tourisme du Pays de Liège (Liège Region Tourist Board) brings together several towns located on the outskirts and around the city of Liège: Ans, Awans, Crisnée, Flémalle, Grâce-Hollogne, Saint-Nicolas and Seraing. Below is a preview of their tourist attractions. Ans Waroux Castle The current building is of medieval origin as the square-based keep and circular stone walls testify. The entrance is opposite the keep and the polygonal inside courtyard combines brick and cut stone. The Château de Waroux is one of the rare Belgian castles that is circular in shape. Today, the castle is occasionally used as a backdrop to cultural events. Rue de Waroux, 301 – 4432 Alleur www.chateaudewaroux.be Tel. : +32 (0)4 371 98 38 waroux@ans-commune.be Open from Tuesday to Sunday, from 2 PM to 6 PM (during exhibition periods). © Chateau de Waroux Loncin Fort Probably unique in the world, this listed site has remained in the state in which it found itself on 15th August 1914 after the terrible explosion that destroyed it. It is the only fort to have kept its original weapons, including a working cannon. High points of the visit: the special atmosphere of the site, the sound reconstitution of the fort’s final explosion, the visit of the crypt. A museum is adjacent to the site. Rue des Héros, 15 bis – 4431 Loncin – Tel. +32 4 246 44 25 – www.fortdeloncin.com April – May – June – September – October: Wednesday – Thursday and weekends from 2 PM to 6 PM (audio-guide. ). July and August: every day except Monday. Group visits: every day by appointment. From April: guided tour on Sundays at 2 PM. 34 ans This tour to discover ancient Légia is given by Joseph Deleuse, a docent, walking festival guide and author of an illustrated work called: “La Légia: Sa source, ses lavoirs, ses moulins, son vignoble, son parcours, ses témoins…bien vivants” (Légia. Its living source, wash houses, mills vineyards, trails and testimonials). Contact: +32 472 36 06 94. Other walks in Ans The bell tower trail: a 52-km marked bicycle trail through Ans, Awans and Juprelle. Marked pedestrian walk in Xhendremael (starts from Place du Viernay square). Infos : www.ans-commune.be – Tél +32 (0)4 247 72 73 Awans Countryside walks Awans is an ideal town for countryside walks! There are many green open spaces. People who like walking and discovering will be thrilled by the remarkable trees that spruce up the villages and the various listed buildings that line our streets. The visit to the Marnières nature site is also a relaxing moment of calm that really lets you get back in touch with nature. Information: Awans Environment Service: Tel. 32 4 364 06 33 Bungee jumping The K2 Tower will delight thrill seekers. This former industrial tower has been reconverted into a permanent bungee jumping site, unique in all the Benelux countries. Information: Rue de Bruxelles, 174 - 4340 Awans - Tel. +32 4 366 02 30 www.k2tower.be awans 35 crisnée Walks Crisnée is a rural town, located at the gates of Hesbaye region, and is characterised by its fields of crops and superb square farms. Five walking trails wind through the area’s villages, from the start at the kiosk on the Chaussée Verte trail. The routes vary from 5 to 15 km. The maps of the various circuits are available from the Maison communale, rue Favray, 1 - 4367 Crisnée - Tel. +32 19 33 83 97 © Ecole Saint-Dominique Crisnée Events A number of activities have also built up the town’s reputation: • The traditional market for plants, regional produce and local crafts which takes place at Place des Senteurs in Odeur, on the 3rd weekend of April. The not-to-be missed flea market on 1st May in the streets of the village Fize-leMarsal. The flea market in Odeur, on the 3rd weekend of August. 36 crisnée 36 Flémalle THE PREHISTORY MUSEUM In 2015, the Prehistory Site at Ramioul will become a 30-hectare museum in the forest and around the cave at Ramioul. In Flémalle, the Prehistory Museum is the largest prehistory museum in Europe. 12 exhibitions, unique experiences and permanent displays allow you to explore nature, heritage and science. From the bare-foot walk to the experimental archaeology laboratory, not forgetting the evolution plant maze, prepare to be surprised. Rue de la Grotte, 128 - Tel. +32 4 275 49 75 www.prehisto.museum THE WALLOON CENTRE FOR MODERN ART LA CHATAIGNERAIE AND ITS PARK In a lush green setting, surrounded by ancient chestnut trees, this Walloon Region protected heritage site is a venue for promotion but also discovery and familiarisation with modern art. The schedule of exhibitions can be consulted on the web site. © Préhistomuseum Chaussée de Ramioul, 19 – Tel. +32 4 275 33 30 – chataigneraie@belgacom.net www.cwac.be. Aigremont castle This remarkable example of Liège architecture at the start of the 18th century is the result of a combination between the influence of Louis XIV style and the Meuse region’s traditions. The stairway is made up of a series of trompe l’oeil style frescos that will be restored in 2013. The French gardens are an invitation for a relaxing stroll. Rue du Château d’Aigremont. Open from April to October for groups by appointment. Contact: Flémalle Tourist Information Office flémalle 37 THE VILLAGE OF CHOKIER Carefully watched over by its castle, in a wine-growing area, the village plays host to many remarkable buildings. A surprising protected designation of origin wine from the “Côtes de Sambre et Meuse” is produced on the Coteaux de Dame Palate slopes. Visits and tastings for groups by appointment. Contact: Flémalle Tourist Information Office THE FORT AND ITS MUSEUM Wander along the 1,700 metres of tunnels linked to the Fort and take a virtual visit of the area in 3D. There is an interesting collection of weapons and military material, with exhibitions of life-sized mannequins in uniforms from previous eras. Cafeteria. Guided tour on the first Saturday of the month at 10 AM, 2 PM and 4 PM, except in January. Avenue du Fort – Contact: Flémalle Tourist Information Office or Marcel Van Laer Tel. +32 4 275 33 66 – GSM +32 498 38 58 38 © Fort de Flémalle CHATEAU DE LA PETITE FLEMAL (LITTLE FLEMAL MANSION) AND ITS PARK Build during the 17th century, in the following century it became a pleasant stately home with a courtyard and gardens. Today, the Italian, French and English gardens follow on from one another, promising a colourful spectacle during the summer months. Free admission to the park all year round. Grand’Route, 287 – Contact: Flémalle Tourist Information Office. 38 flémalle THE VILLAGE OF AWIRS AND THE VALLEY OF THE MILLS The charming village of Awirs still boasts its stream that yesteryear powered up to 14 water mills. The Saint Etienne Church boasts a 13th century bell tower and is the starting point of the marked trail in tribute to Philippe-Charles Schmerling, founder of human palaeontology. Contact: Flémalle Tourist Information Office LES VOIES VERTES (THE GREEN TRAILS) – A network of 9 marked trails. Along your walks, you will discover the Schmerling cave, the castles at Aigremont, Chokier and Hautepenne as well as lush green and archetypal villages, such as Chokier. One of the trails, the TRANSFLEMALLOISE, with its 6-km long route, links 3 major cultural sites via paths through the woods: Saint-Lambert vale, La Châtaigneraie chestnut grove and the Prehistory site at Ramioul. Contact: Flémalle Tourist Information Office LES ROCHES NATURE RESERVE A Natura 2000 site in Flémalle. These former limestone quarries now offer a refuge to many sometimes rare animal and plant species. Free and open admission via paths. Guided tours for groups on demand. Access via Rue Houlbouse or the Flémalle-Haute station. Contact: Flémalle Tourist Information Office ROGNAC NATURE RESERVE A Natura 2000 site in Flémalle. Discover this nature reserve at the heart of the Condrusian Ardennes, a site with a remarkably varied biotope. Natagora - Philippe Lucas – Tel. 32 476 35 84 00 – Paul Eloy – Tel. +32 85 51 28 36 FLEMALLE TOURIST INFORMATION OFFICE Chaussée de Chokier, 29 – 4400 Flémalle –Tel. +32 4 233 67 87 tourisme@flemalle.be – www.flemalle.be From Monday to Friday, 8 AM to 12 PM and 12.30 PM TO 4.30 PM In July and August: closed on Monday. Open from Tuesday to Friday, from 9.15 AM to 12 PM and from 12.30 PM to 4 PM, on Saturday and Sunday from 9.30 AM to 1.30 PM. Many natural Walloon products and gift packs can be bought. flémalle 39 GRÂCE-HOLLOGNE Come and discover an area of diverse aspects: from the old centre of Hollogne-aux-Pierres to the countryside of Horion-Hozémont which draw their rich heritage from a far off past, including the aerodrome at Bierset which has now become an international airport. Liege Airport Liege Airport is one of the biggest European airports for air freight, with almost 500,000 tons of freight transported each year. The airport was also voted world’s Best Cargo Airport in 2013. It also serves major tourist destinations for passenger traffic, such as Nice, Agadir, etc. Guided tour (at night and for schools): +32 4 234 84 11 Rue de l’Aéroport - 4460 Grâce-Hollogne – visite@liegeairport.com Rural Horion-Hozémont This locality is brimming with monumental edifices, heritage of counts, knights and other lords present for centuries. You will come across Horion Castle and its fortified chapel whose foundations date back to the 13th century, the Church of Saint-Sauveur with its 19th century organ, the Grady de Horion farm built several centuries ago as well as the listed heritage site of Saint Ode Chapel at Castle Lexhy. Information: +32 4 224 53 83 Museums The White Bison military museum at the base in Bierset Bierset former military base, rue de Velroux - 4460 Information and opening times www.whitebison.be - Tel. +32 475 78 64 67 Hollogne Fort Rue de l’Aéroport, 10 – 4460 - Tel. +32 496 33 62 89 Visits: on the 3rd Saturday of the month, from Easter to October at 2 PM The Historical Commission Museum Rue Grande, 75 – 4460 Hollogne-aux-Pierres Tel. +32 477 63 21 18 or +32 478 208 074 - Visits: by appointment 40 grâce-hollogne SAINT NICOLAS Most of the towns in the Liège region have a shared history, namely that of the mines and the workers who laboured hard underground, extracting earth, coal and minerals. Furthermore, the slagheaps and mounds both boast an incredible asset: their remarkable biodiversity. It is a refuge to many sometimes rare animal and plant species. La Maison des Terrils La Maison des Terrils (the slagheap exhibition) plays host to a vast display space where you can enjoy discovering a wealth of information on the history of the mines and slagheaps. Nature guides and exhibition staff will be there to answer any questions that you may have. © La Maison des Terrils Rue Chantraine, 161 4420 Saint-Nicolas Tel. +32 4 234 66 53 Fax +32 4 252 90 21 info@paysdesterrils.eu www.paysdesterrils.eu saint-nicolas © La Maison des Terrils 41 seraing cristal discovery Art and technique are combined at the prestigious site of Val Saint Lambert. A visit to the heart of the world of crystal, over either a day or half day that will not fail to appeal to children and adults alike. Discover how crystal is crafted as well as the unique history of the Val Saint Lambert site in one of the few crystal works in Europe that is open to the public. Alongside the craftsmen, experience the magic of how this captivating matter is transformed. Thanks to historical and modern artefacts, films and demonstrations conducted in front of your very eyes, you can immerse yourself in the fascinating world of crystal. The museum Stroll along a path of discovery for this unique collection of old and modern artefacts in Val Saint Lambert. The “Glass-workers story” film Through many testimonies and documents from the era, learn about the unique history of Val Saint Lambert. A spectacular trail In the renovated cellars of the château, travel back in time and visit the eras that have marked the cohabitation of man and glass. 42 seraing An educational trail See, touch, listen and delve into the magic world of Bernard Tirtiaiux’s monumental creation. The site Discover the remains of a booming period as well as the various idiosyncrasies (like the former abbey) of this site rich in history. Crystal Shop Come and admire the current collection of Val Saint Lambert. Perhaps you will find the item of your dreams. info@cristaldiscovery.be – www.cristaldiscovery.be - Tel. +32 4 330 36 20 Arboretum A veritable museum of the forest, the Arboretum at Vecquée is not only a magnificent park, but also a site for cultivation and experimentation. There are many types of trees from Europe, Asia and America (hardwood softwood trees including rare species). There is also a sequoia from the Californian coniferous family, planted in 1916. Open by appointment. Visit given by a nature guide for groups of no more than 25 people. Cockerill Castle It served as a summer house for the Prince-Bishops of Liège. The date on which the first foundations were laid is unknown. It was here that the Seraing peace treaty was agreed in 1307. After having been transformed into a hospital for Napoleon’s troops, it became the senatorship of Liège, then a gun-powder store, before becoming the personal property of King William of the Netherlands. Via an act dated 29th January 1817, he sold it to the Cockerill brothers. The castle today plays host to offices. seraing 43 Château d’Ordange Seraing woods The green lungs of an industrial city, Seraing woods are among the province’s biggest. They are dotted with a large network of marked trails (for mountain bikers or walkers), which wind through the Abbey, Vecquée and Marchandise woods. The castles in Jemeppe • Castle Antoine, also known as the fort of Jemeppe, is mainly recognisable through its square-based tower. It dates back to the 14th and 15th centuries. • Courtejoye castle. It dates back to the 17th century and boasts all the characteristics of Renaissance architecture in the Meuse region. Today, it hosts student and school libraries. • Ordange Castle. Dating back to the 15th and 17th centuries, it is a venue for many cultural activities. These castles cannot be visited by the public, except when opened exceptionally. Seraing Tourist Information Office Rue du Val-Saint-Lambert 243 – 4100 Seraing Tél. +32 (0)4 336 66 16 – www.s-i-seraing.be – info@s-i-seraing.be 44 seraing HOTELS ACTEURS (LES) ** rue des Urbanistes, 10 – 4000 Liège Tél +32 (0)4 223 00 80 www.lesacteurs.be AMOSA LIÈGE HOTEL**** Rue Saint-Denis, 4-6 – 4000 Liège Tél. +32 (0)4 331 93 35 www.amosaliege.be AUBERGE DE JEUNESSE GEORGES SIMENON Rue Georges Simenon, 2 – 4020 Liège Tél +32 (0)4 344 56 89 – www.laj.be CAMPANILE ** rue J-B-Jupin, 17 – 4000 Liège Tél +32 (0)4 224 02 72 www.campanile.com CROWNE PLAZA***** Mont Saint-Martin 9-11 – 4000 Liège Tél : +32(0)4 222 94 94 www.crowneplazaliege.be CYGNE D’ARGENT (LE) *** rue Beeckman, 49 – 4000 Liège Tél +32 (0)4 223 70 01 www.cygnedargent.be IBIS BUDGET LIÈGE * rue de l’Arbre Courte-Joie, 380 4000 Liège-Rocourt Tél +32 (0)4 247 03 13 www.ibisbudget.com EUROTEL ** rue Léon Frédéricq, 29 – 4020 Liège Tél +32 (0)4 341 16 27 www.liege.be/tourisme HORS CHÂTEAU*** Impasse des Drapiers, 2 – 4000 Liège Tél. +32 (0)4 250 60 68 +32 (0)498 54 06 15 www.hors-chateau.be HUSA COURONNE*** Place des Guillemins, 11 – 4000 Liège Tél. +32 (0)4 340 30 00 www.hotelhusadelacouronne.be IBIS CENTRE OPERA *** pl. de la République française, 41 4000 Liège Tél +32 (0)4 230 33 33 www.ibishotel.com HR PENTAHOTEL LIÈGE **** bd de la Sauvenière, 100 – 4000 Liège Tél +32 (0)4 221 77 11 www.pentahotels.com neuvice *** En Neuvice, 45 – 4000 Liège Tél +32 (0)4 375 97 40 www.hotelneuvice.be PASSERELLE (LA) ** chaussée des Prés, 24 – 4020 Liège Tél +32 (0)4 341 20 20 www.hotelpasserelle.be PREMIERE CLASSE * rue de l’Arbre Courte-Joie, 330 4000 Liège-Rocourt Tél +32 (0)4 247 47 51 www.premiereclasse.com RAMADA PLAZA HOTEL LIEGE **** quai St-Léonard, 36 – 4000 Liège Tél +32 (0)4 228 81 11 www.ramadaplaza-liege.com hOtels 45 UNIVERS (L’) (BEST WESTERN) *** rue des Guillemins, 116 – 4000 Liège Tél +32 (0)4 254 55 55 www.hotelunivers.be VAL D’OURTHE (LE) *** route de Tilff, 412 – 4031 Angleur Tél +32 (0)4 365 91 71 www.liege.be/tourisme 46 Grâce-Hollogne Hôtel Park’Inn by Radisson Liege Airport Rue de l’Aéroport 14 4460 Grâce-Hollonge (Bierset) Tél : +32 (0)4 241 00 00 www.parkinn.be seraing Hôtel Ibis-Seraing*** Route du Condroz, 15b – 4100 Boncelles Tél +32 (0)4 338 53 97 – www. ibishotel.com hOtels © Mazzaliarmadi.it Useful addresses Liege Airport rue Diérain Patar 4460 Grâce-Hollonge (Bierset) Tél. +32 (0)4 234.84.11 www.liegeairport.com Centre J (Information centre for young people) Boulevard d’Avroy, 5 – 4000 Liège Tél. +32 (0)4 223.00.00 www.liege.be/jeunesse/centre-j Gare Liège-Guillemins (High-speed train station) Gare Liège-Palais Tél. +32 (0)4/229.26.10 – 229.21.11 www.b-rail.be Halles des Foires (Exhibition centre) av. Maurice Denis, 4 – 4000 Liège Tél. +32 (0)4/227.19.34 – www.fil.be Maison du TEC Luik-Verviers (Bus) Place Saint-Lambert – 4000 Liège Tél. +32 (0)4/361.94.44 www.infotec.be Maison du Tourisme du Pays de Liège Féronstrée, 92 – 4000 Liège Tél. +32 (0)4/221.92.21 office.tourisme@liege.be www.liege.be/tourisme Maison du Tourisme of Flémalle Chaussée de Chokier, 29 4400 Flémalle –T. +32 (0)4 233 67 87 tourisme@flemalle.be www.flemalle.be Police Stations Hôtel de Police – rue Natalis 4020 Liège Tél. +32 (0)4/349.57.11 Urgences – 101 www.policeliege.be Port de plaisance de Liège (Marina) +32 (0)4/223.14.04 www.portdeliege.be La Poste (main Post Office) Place du Marché – 4000 Liège Tél. +32 (0)4/222.43.00 – www.post.be Maison du Tourisme of Seraing Rue du Val-Saint-Lambert 243 4100 Seraing Tél. +32 (0)4 336 66 16 www.s-i-seraing.be info@s-i-seraing.be Emergency numbers Emergency number (all services) 112 Information on doctors on call, city of Liège: +32 (0)4/344.43.33 Pharmacies open +32 (0)900/10.500 Anti-poisons centre +32 (0)70/245.245 University of Liège Domaine du Sart Tilman Tél. +32 (0)4/366.91.11 Place du 20-Août - 4000 Liège Tél. +32 (0)4/366.21.11 www.ulg.ac.be Palais des Congrès (Convention Centre) Esplanade de l’Europe, 2 – 4020 Liège Tél. +32 (0)4/343.01.44 www.palaisdescongresliege.be Useful addresses 47 Getting there and around BY TRAIN Liège-Guillemins high speed train station. High speed trains from Paris, Brussels, Cologne and Amsterdam. Regional trains from most Belgian cities. To get to the centre from the station: buses Nr 1 or 4, train to the Palais railway station. www.sncb.be BY TRAIN Liège-Bierset Airport. To get to the centre from the airport: bus Nr 57. Brussels National Airport (Zaventem) or Brussels South Airport (Charleroi), then take a train to Liège (aprox. 1 hour). www.liegeairport.com by car See access map. 226 km 0 20 km Brugge 331 km Gent 185 k 11 0k m 196 km 113 km km 91 km 35 m 49 25 km m 100 k km 60 km Aachen 155 km m 6k 38 48 228 km 283 km m 9k 36 GETTING AROUND IN LIÈGE by bus Urban circuit: buses Nr 1 or 4 One day pass on sale at the “maison du TEC” (local transport company information centre) – www.infotec.be by car Car parks in the city centre: - Parking Saint-Lambert, place Saint-Lambert - Parking Cathédrale, place Cathédrale - Parking Saint-Denis, place Saint-Denis - Parking Saint-Georges, quai de la Batte - Parking de la Cité, quai de la Goffe - Parking Opéra, place du Théâtre by Taxi Taxis are available from various strategic points in the city: the Guillemins station, rue Léopold, and Pont-d’Avroy. 49 ON T RUE DE S LAI NG SA RU ROIX TE C SAIN Collégiale RUE Sainte-Croix ST MICH RUE EL Galeries Saint-Lambert RU E U TEA CHA 24 . A E L ERIE H ED RU BOUC 1 E CIT LA DE E U LEO PO LD O FER NST C ORS REE ERB BA OR LES UR NS R. S ULO FO SE N AN RS EU FE OF AG L DE AI U Q OR D’ RE NST S UR SSE F ER O BR A EH ES ED RU RU U TEA HA SC Chapelle des Filles de la Croix E RU E PLACE FER DE RUE ST ON E US E REE E ARB TE B PL.ACE N I A AI S RS QU NNEU S TA LA M E AT T LA B Musée Grand Curtius Collégiale Saint-Barthélémy PLACE SAINT BARTHELEMY V CRE 1 UR OE EC EUGLES REGOIRE RUE G. G T EVAN IERS RUE DLES ECOL OLA M. P EG RU O . TH E RU ED RU 2. L DE R UE R. S R. E RU R BE S R. . 28 PLACE DE L’OPERA E ES F ES S E D IN RU NICA I M DO E LL UE R. AR T .L S AN R. M A DI DU R. T E BVR E RU GE R BE AL AD ED BO ES BE UL GA E BOU V LE E E IER EN NIER V U E V SA AU S LA DE E LA D D R VA RD LE EVA U L BO OU B R. S VINAVE T N S DE D’ILE ISL JE A LE CE I ST TOURNA SAINT PAUNT IM ON T RU EF LO R R U E S UR LET QUAI SU R MEUS E RU E RU YD UL A R. L E PLA CE C NIV L’U DE S ER V TU L’E DE E U ’UN EL ED RS IVE A EL ED S NE R. 2 R 2. E ND GO DE L EA ST DU PLACE SIR E EN TÊ ES RU U NC E D LA RU ON B T U MO AY 'AM ED RU E T OE EB ED AI UL PA RU E E RD RU GNA O TR A M LT IS EN T-D SE LA M E U T E N N PO QUAI DE GA ULLE DE N AI E W RE ON PI DU E AM RU CH . D R. .G R E E SP RUE IN LE DE MA SS AU SAIN T L OI ER CH E ED RUE DAMERY UV U AN D IN EB EC HE SO ER I QU PA R UX R. FO SE A S RUE NE B E AU R RE UE GA RD A DE . 13 PARVIS PLACE SAINT R. S PO NA LIER DES ECOLIERS NT - ETIENNE ECO GE T . . DES 4 6 N HE D E I 1 L 1 U E R M A SA AC R. E S LP RCH PLACE AL KE D. RU NGU PL. DE LA REP. AM RS JEHAN LE BEL ES PLACE L’A N U FRANCAISE GA E EH G A L UTIO U E R NE A R .D C . STIT R N A E 4 J N D AU EL CON E E NEU PASSAGE CH. BURY A R PL. L H M E I Opéra royal AW E AV LE AT Eglise RU RD D de Wallonie EX ACST-DENIS .C ED Saint-Pholien AC LEVA CH 15. AC H EG EL EL BOU PL ER AR E D RU LE ED I R ’ E A U O Collégiale GE U 4. R D VO NC NC E Saint-Jean R IE NT EE E l'Evangéliste TE L Collégiale . DE PO ET RUE IMP. DE L’A SaintUE CLOITRES ER QU ERN I I R T S Denis LA GRANDE N E A EST N C O DE NASSARUE LA M BAV RU LE IER ED E E E LA R R. C NE ED GE A O S R N U ’ S A EG PITA PA R IE E H PLACE INE T NC N S O O E P L DE L’YSER LE R. DU Eglise RA T N E D A Saint-Nicolas DIN ILL HE RU R. H. DE AT ER CK A C RU R L O E O PASS UC Y D’ ED EREL T VARD SA S RU LE BOULE ET PO LL U RU D RU CO E PLACE ES RE U . E Y R E P R. D DE LA DELVO E EL UR L NET TE RUE J. A UI Y CATHEDRALE R U ICH S MAG UE FO RO HARLE TS NT Q EM R UE C 'AV S A R D A IN E Cathédrale E DE BECHE T RAN H G EN R R. N Saint-Paul F E O D P L E S Eglise SO RU UR SaintE CK 21. R Christophe SO LIE R. R ES CA RM NE A U RT SC IMPASSE E RU AR D MB LO 1 0. 11. PLACE VERTE 2 5. 26. E VIC I ER E AUVEN LA S IERE N E V U D LA SA A R D DE R VA S RD DE EH RUE IE RE 27. RUE BAS SE SAUVENIERE R S GARD S BE RU Eglise SainteCatherine 8. T IN 9. R MA EE STR ON FER NEU E INT PO LD R S HOR IRS SA . DE RUE H RUE U TEA HA TE T IS SA NT MO Parking Saint-Lambert UE Hotel de ville E BEX ED RU SQUE CA DU PL. R. COMMISSAIRE LEO MAIGRET 7. PLACE DU MARCHE RUE DU PALAIS 6. DES URS ES ULIN FF GO LA DE . NT R PO DU NT AU TE SA UV EN Musée de la Vie wallonne COUR DES MINEURS Notre-Dame de l'Immaculée Conception LE AL AH EL R. D MO S Parking Saint-Michel PLACE SAINT-LAMBERT SQUARE NOTGER Palais des Princes-Evêques RUE DU PALAIS Î Terrasses des Minimes EN RUE DE LA MONTAGNE R UE B ER T T HU JARDIN RENE-THOMAS 2. COUR DES MINIMES AU RS TIN MAR INT SA PLACE DES Chapelle Saint-Roch E RU RUE SAINT SEVERIN ON IGN ON M RUE LE RU ED EL RUE D Eglise 'AC E L’AC Saint-Servais AD AD EM RUE EM PONT D’ARCOLE IE A IS IE ER V ST S ND O F E U ES R ELL LE CADRAN RU UX Gare E D E BR RU du Palais ONT GIM ED EA RU EB LES RUE R U X EL PLACE HOCHEPORTE M R PE EU IN OR EP TE RU E DE C AMP I RUE FO ND PIR ET T E AG R BU WA L NE S TE 1. Favechamps PASSERELLE DE LA PRINCIPAUTE DE LIEGE RUE VO LIE RE RUE PIERRE U RUE PIERREUSE R AU PE E ED RU SM E RU H O CH SE TIE PO E RO P BA PL AC ES AI N T M R. DE L’OF FICIAL ICH EL LA RUE 3. REE NG JO E R. D CK N JEA FF RE history BRU VEL T R. S ES R U E G E R A R D RI E P. IM 5. N MO A R. S E RU EN ER BU RUE LE G OR GE INT EU I E R. D OU LAP HO R GE L’AN NE N . DE IMP OURO C NTA LA P. VE . DE M P I M RUE M E ED GN TA 19. ROT URE 50 18. Q. D EL A R IBU EE E ET T IGN T LAV BAR E D . HU P IM DEAINE H S MA HO ONT E T UM R. D DE PIE LA TT R. S R. D.AV QU A ID ES T A EL E NC TA SIS RE ES AIN BOULEVARD DE L’EST RE U AO 20 T ITE ITE RU RU UF All the tourist information brochures on the city of Liège (list of restaurants, opening times for museums and churches, guided tours, an inclusive day package in Liège, etc.) are available form the Tourist Office. They can also be downloaded from the web site www.liege.be/tourisme Editor : Jean-Marie Verdière, Féronstrée 92, 4000 Liège. Photography © Office du Tourisme – Translation:history Colingua. be. May 2015 edition. 51 Maison du Tourisme du pays de liège Féronstrée 92 – 4000 Liège – Belgium Tél. : +32 (0)4 221 92 21 • Fax : +32 (0)4 221 92 22 office.tourisme@liege.be • www.liege.be/tourisme Monday to Sunday : 9am-5pm 1/6 > 30/9 : Sat & Sun: 9am-6 pm Closed on 1/1 - 1/5 - 1/11 - 25/12 Guillemins Railway Station Tourist office Monday to Sunday : 9.30am-17.30 pm Tél. : +32 (0)4 252 90 95