13. Faculty CVs - University of North Alabama


13. Faculty CVs - University of North Alabama
Full-Time Faculty
137 5. Sequoia Blvd.
Florence, Alabama 35630
Phone (256) 767-4362
*ph.D. in Mass Communications, University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa. May, 2010.
*M.A. in Journalism, University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa, August, 2001.
*A.B. in Communications with emphasis in Public Relations; minor in Political Science,
University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa, May, 1979.
Full-time, Asst. Professor (Public Relations)
University of North Alabama, Florence, Alabama. August, 2007 to present. Internship adviser.
Summer 2008 to present. Received tenure Fall 2011.
Teaching experience in the following courses:
Media Studies in China-Co-instructor for three-week study-abroad experience based at Tianjin
Foreign Studies University in Tianjin, China. May-June, 2013
Foundations of Public Relations-The history, development, and professional practices of public
relations in society, including the public relations process and standards.
Public Relations Writing and Research-Theories, techniques, and practice in research and
writing for public relations. Coursework will involve research for and writing of news releases,
public service announcements, video news releases, feature stories for a variety of mediums and
Public Relations Writing- Theories, techniques, and practice in advanced writing for public
relations. Coursework will include the writing of mission statements, position statements,
advertorials. appeal letters, video news releases, speeches and opinion pieces for a variety of
media outlets and platforms.
Public Relations Campaigns-Research, planning. management and evaluation of public
relations campaigns.
Public Relations Internship-Field experience in public relations.
Public Relations Practicum-Special projects in public relations under departmental supervision.
Media Writing-Writing applications across multiple media platforms including print, broadcast,
social media, news releases and script, for traditional and new media. Grammar and language
skills are refined, and Associated Press style is introduced.
Media and Community Relations -Graduate- and undergraduate-level course focusing on the
role of public relations in public and private sector organizations, institutions, and foundations.
Basic Reporting-Fundamentals of news gathering and news writing.
Feature Writing-Fundamentals of writing related to feature styles with an emphasis on magazine
Mass Media History-A survey of media and their influence from colonial times to the present,
with attention to the personalities who shaped journalism and mass communications. Includes an
introduction to histodography and historical research methods.
Fundamentals of Speech-Introductory speech course teaching the fundamentals of organization,
research and presentation skills for a variety of public speaking settings.
Layout & Design-Preparation of newsletters, brochures and small publications using current
desktop publishing sofiware.
*Accompanied UNA public relations students to The BIG Event, a marketing-PR workshop co
sponsored by the North Alabama Chapter ofPRCA and the Huntsville Advertising Federation,
Ala., September 22, 2013.
*Accompanied UNA public relations students to the state conference of the Public Relations
Council of Alabama. Tuscaloosa, Ala., April 28-30, 2013.
*Accompanied UNA public relations students to the Alabama Public Relations Society of
America Student Summit, Birmingham, Ala., February 12, 2013.
4Accompanied UNA public relations students to The BIG Event, a marketing-PR workshop co
sponsored by the North Alabama Chapter of PRCA and the Huntsville Advertising Federation,
Ala., September 20, 2012.
*Assisted UNA public relations students in planning and staffing the state conference of the
Public Relations Council ofAlabama, Huntsville, Ala., April 15-17, 2012,
*Accompanied UNA public relations student chapter officers to the Southeast District Public
Relations Society of America Leadership Rally, Birmingham, Ala., November, 2011.
Attended five-day Multimedia Bootcamp sponsored by the Diversity Institute at the Freedom
Forum, First Amendment Center, Vanderbilt University, November2011.
* Advised UNA public relations student chapter through its successful chartering as an affiliate of
the Public Relations Student Society of America, effective April 2011.
*Accompanied UNA public relations students to the state conference of the Public Relations
Council of Alabama, Birmingham, Ala., April 3-5, 2011.
* Participant, UNA Research Day, displayed materials relative to dissertation study on the history
of weekly community newspapers in the United States, University of North Alabama, April 2010.
* Presenter, UNA Institute for Learning in Retirement, “Community Weekly Newspapers in the
United States,” March 2010.
*Accompanied UNA public relations students to the state conference of the Public Relations
Council ofAlabam& Auburn, Ala., March 2010.
*Coordinated the chartering of UNA’s student public relations chapter affiliation with the Public
Relations Student Society of America, 2010.
* Co-sponsor, student public relations chapter, UNA, since Fall 2008.
* Reviewer forAnzerican Journalism, a publication of the American Journalism Historians
Association, Winter, 2006 to 2011.
Phi Kappa Phi, academic honor society, inducted into University of North Alabama chapter,
April, 2014.
* Public Relations Council of Alabama, North Alabama Chapter, Board Member, Student
Chapter Liaison, January 2011 to present.
*Public Relations Society of America, Alabama Chapter, January 2010 to present.
*Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, January 2010 to January
20 13.
* Public Relations Council of Alabama, North Alabama Chapter, February 2008 to present.
* Southern Public Relations Federation. February 2008 to present.
* American Journalism Historians Association. 2003 to May 2013.
tKappa Tau Alpha, national communications honorary, University’ of Alabama in Tuscaloosa,
since May, 2001.
*North Alabama Chapter of the Public Relations Council of Alabama Educator of the Year
Award Recipient, 2011.
Name: Lisa Darnell, APR
Department: Communications
Current Faculty Rank and Discipline: Assistant Professor
Education and Professional Experience
Academic Degrees
Masters in Communication with emphases in Public Relations and Training and Development
from Auburn University, December 1990
Bachelors in Communication with a Major in Speech and Minors in Journalism and Sociology
from Auburn University, June 1988
Associates Degree from Southern Union State Junior College, June 1986
Other Relevant Credentials and Professional Development
Accredited in Public Relations, 2002, reaccredited in 2005, 2008, 2011, 2014
Social Media Strategies and Tools, Poynter News University, 2014
Using Analytics to Drive Website Success, Poynter News University, 2014
Higher Education Teaching andlor Administrative Experience
Assistant Professor, University of North Alabama, January 1993-present
Course taught: Public Speaking, Group Communication! Introduction to Public Relations, Public
Relations Cases, Public Relations Campaigns, Senior Seminar in Listening! Interpersonal
Temporary Instructor, East Tennessee State University, August 1991-December 1992
Course taught: Public Speaking, Human Communication
Graduate Teaching Assistant. Auburn University, August 1988-June 199
Course taught: Public Speaking, Group Communication; Note that my assistantship was
different than many; I was the only teacher with which the students had contact for these classes
Other Relevant Professional Experience
ILA :What’s in it for You?, ILA, 1 997-2002
Grantwriting for Beginners, ILA, 1999
ILA :What’s in it for Me? An Introduction for Newcomers, ILA, 1996
Teaching Listening: Across the Curriculum and Beyond. Southern States Communication
Association, 1996
Listening for Newcomers, ILA, 1995
ArtIstIc Performances and ExhibItIons
Nominated for Best of Show for Medallion Awards competition 2014
• Medallion Award for public relations work completed for a non-profit organization and a
Certificate of Merit for work completed for the Department of Communications and
Theatre’s production of Shadow Box! 2004
Grants and Contracts Received (note whether internal or external)
Consultant for the Florence Housing Authority for selection of a public relations firm to
manage their federal grant for public relations work, 1996.
• Faculty Development Grant from UNA to attend Research Pre-conference of the ILA,
ServIce to the Department, College, and/or University
Member Search Committee, 2013
New faculty mentor, 1999-2005, 2007-2011
Promotion Review Committee, 1999-2001, 2008
Department Chair Search Committee 2009
• Chair basic speech course textbook committee, 2007-2008
• Public Relations Faculty Search Committee, Chair 2001-2002, 2007-2008
• Journalism Faculty Search Committee, 1998-1999, 1999-2000
• Faculty Advisor, PRCA, UNA Student Chapter, 1 993-present
• Supervisor for Department’s role in UNA Preview Day, 1993-present
Budget Committee, 1994-present
• Goals Committee, 1993-2001
• Curriculum Committee, 1993-present
Publicity Coordinator for departmental productions, 1 994-2008
Prepared departmental syllabus for Com 201 for State Articulation Approval
• Speaker at Sheffield High Schools lunch and Learn’ for SHS Ambassadors, April 2014
• Speaker/Guest Lecturer for Florence Freshmen Center’s Honors English Classes, April
• Awareness Consultant for UNA’s Public Safety Institute
• Advisor for student public relations groups, 1 994-present
• Advisor for Baptist Campus Ministries, 2011 -present
• Miss UNA Advisory Board--2000-present, Rising Star Coordinator 2007-present
Homecoming Committee, 2005-present
Publicity Coordinator for theatrical productions for Department of Music and Theatre,
George Lindsey/UNA Television and Film Festival—Co-Chair. 1997-1999; Chair, 19992002
University Man and Woman of the Year and Hall of Fame Selection Committee--2002
Speaker for UNA’s Leadership Edge--January 2001
Service to the Profession
Committees and Offices
• Speakers’ Committee Chair-PRCA Annual Conference 2012
• Member-At-Large, North Alabama Chapter of PRCA, 2011-present
Interim co-President NAPRCA, April-June, 2014
• Vice President Professional Development, North Alabama Chapter of PRCA (NAPRCA),
• Vice President-Students, PRCA, 2000-2001, 2005
Convention Planning Committee for the NAPRCA, 1999, 2005
Medallion Awards Committee Chair for the PRCA, 1999
• Member-At-Large, Public Relations for the ILA, 1997-1999
• Local Arrangements Chair for the ILA, 1997
• Awards Committee for the ILA, 1993-1998, Chair 1995-1997, 2000-2002
Professional Service
Panelist for PRCA annual conference 2014
• Speaker for NAPRCA, January 2000; T.A.S.C. Committee 1996; Publicity
Comrnittee,1995; Fundraising Committee 2002
• Member Presidential Ad Hoc Committee to Attract Emerging Scholars for the ILA, 1999;
Public Relations Committee, Chair, 1997-1 999; Programming Committee, 1993-2005;
Local Arrangements Committee, Chair,1997; Membership Committee, 1995, 1999; Site
Selection Committee,1994-95, Chair, 1999; Nominating Committee, Chair, 1994-95;
Student Programming Chair, 1993
Service to the CommunitylSoclety
• Member Fundraising Committee for Flo-Orch, 2013-2014
• Fundraising Committee Chair for Flo-Orch, 2012-2013
• Event coordinator, receptions, Flo-Orch, 2011-2013
• Member Florence Middle School’s CIP Committee, 2011-2013
• Publicity Committee Chair for Kilby School, 2009-2011
• My Coke Rewards Fundraiser Chair for Kilby School, 201 3-2014
Publicity committee for Woodmont Baptist Church Sanctuary Choir, 2009-2010
• Scholarship Application reviewer for the North Alabama chapter of DAR, 2001
• Judge for public speaking contest for American Legion in Tuscumbia, 1994, 1996
• Member, MSDSL (Renamed Junior League of the Shoals in 2006) 2002-2008
Prepared newsletter for Daviston Volunteer Fire Department, 1998
Director Pre-K Choir, Woodmont Baptist Church, 2009-present
• Sunday School Teacher, Woodmont Baptist Church, 3 year-olds, 2008-2009;
Grade 2012-201 3; Kindergarten, 201 3-2014
Kindergarten, 2009-2012;
Member Sanctuary Choir, Woodmont Baptist Church, 2008-present
Mission Friends Leader, Woodmont Baptist Church, 2011-present
Friends of the Library--Muscle Shoals Public Library, 1996-2005. Children’s Program
Committee, Display Cabinet Committee, Fundraising Committee 1996-97
• Friends of the Florence/Lauderdale Public Library, 1994-2006
• Director children’s choirs, Woodward Avenue Baptist Church (WABC), 1993-2006
Baptist Young Women, WABC, Officer 1994-1 997, Director, 2001-2003
• Co-Coordinator of Nursery, WABC, 1997-1998, substitute coordinator, 1998-2007
• Children’s Advisory Council, WABC, 1994-1997
Ladies Ensemble, Woodward WABC, 1994-1998
• Sunday School Teacher, WABC, Single Adult 1009-1995, Assistant to Adult
Classesi 995-1997, Two Year Old’s, 2000-2001, Assistant Children’s 2001-2003, Four
Mohamad Hamas Elmasry
The University of North Alabama
Department of Communications
Assistant Professor in the Department of Communications at the University of North Alabama.
I’ve taught Mass Communication Research Methods (graduate and undergraduate), Advanced
Reporting and Writing (graduate), The Sociology of News (graduate), Mass Media Writing,
Media Ethics & Law, Mass Communication Theories, and Global Communication, and have
formerly worked as Assignment Editor at KSTP-TV in Minneapolis, MN, Teacher at Al-Amal
School in Fridley. MN, and Manager at CIGNA HealthCare.
2005 —2009
Ph.D. in Mass Communication at the University of Iowa
completed in July 2009. Dissertation Producing the News in
Egypt: a Press System Study of Cairo Newspapers. Advisor: Dr.
Judy Polumbaum
M.A. in Journalism & Mass Communication at the University
of Minnesota completed in August, 2005.
MA thesis Death in the Middle East: An Analysis of How the
New York Times and Chicago Tribune Frame Violence in the
Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. Advisor: Dr. Dan Wackman
1995— 1998
8.S. in Business and Journalism & Mass Communication at
the University of Minnesota completed in December, 1998.
Aug 2014— Present
Assistant professor (tenure-track)
The University of North Alabama
• Teach courses in the communications curriculum
• Carry out independent scholarly research into media related phenomena
Assignment Editor
May 2005 July 2005
Assignment Desk Intern
September 2004— April 2005
KSTP-TV, St. Paul, MN
• Reacted to and investigate breaking news
• Set up stories and sent Reporters and Photographers on assignments
• Made contacts for stories and set up interviews
News Reporter Intern
January 2005
Minnesota Daily, Minneapolis, MN
• Wrote news stories for publication using AP style
• Maintained contacts and leads for use on future stories
May 2005
Media Director (volunteer position)
July 2003 Aug 2005
Muslim American Society, Minneapolis, Minnesota
• Acted as editor-in-chief of organization’s newsletter, The Minnesota Message.
• Wrote and distributed press releases to media.
• Hosted and co-produced weekly television show, Welcome To Islam
Management Associate/University Recruit
May 1999 June 2001
CIGNA HealthCare, St. Paul, MN
• Managed a team of 17 employees in the St. Paul Customer Service Claim Center
from April 2000— February 2001.
• Recruited qualified candidates, conducted job interviews and made the final
decision concerning candidates for claim processing and customer service jobs.
• Served as Site Project Lead on Open Call Management Project, a project that re
organized the system by which customer service requests are handled at CIGNA
Public Relations Intern
July 1998— May 1999
Carlson Companies Inc., Minneapolis, MN
• Assisted with media relations and event planning.
• Wrote and distributed press releases to media on behalf of organization.
• Assisted with internal communications by writing pieces for company’s web
page, newsletter and employee files.
Mass Communication Research Methods, The Sociology of News, The Arab
Press, News Writing and Reporting, Media Ethics and Law, Global
Communication, and Mass Communication Theory
Elmasry, M. H., ElShamy, A., Manning, P., Mills, A., & Auter, P. J. (2013). “Al
Jazeera and Al-Arabiya Framing of the israel-Palestine Conflict During War and
Calm Periods.” International Communication Gazette. Vol 75, issue 8.
Elmasiy, M. H. (2012). “Journalism with Restraint: A Comparative Content
Analysis of independent, Government, and Opposition Newspapers in pre
Revolution Egypt.” Journal ofMiddle East Media. Vol. 8, issue 1.
Elmasry, M. K. (2011). “Producing News in Mubarak’s Egypt: An Analysis of
Egyptian Newspaper Production During the Late Hosni Mubarak Era.” Journal of
Arab and Muslim Media Research. Vol. 4, numbers 2 and 3.
Elmasry, M. H. (2009). “Death in the Middle East: An Analysis of How the New
York Times and Chicago Tribune framed killings in the second Palestinian
Intifada.” Journal ofMiddle East Media. Vol. 5, issue 1.
Book Chapters
Auter. P. J., & Elmasry, M. H. (2013). “Making the Global Communication
Course Truly Global: Utilizing Technology to Bring Middle Eastern and Western
Students Together.” in Kiran Prasad (Ed.).iflddle East Communication Studies.
BRPC, New Delhi.
Elmasry, M. H. & Chaudhri, V. (2010). “The Press as Agent of Cultural Repair: A
Textual Analysis of News Coverage of the Virginia Tech Shootings.” In W. T.
Coombs & S. J. Holladay (Eds.), Handbook of Crisis Communication. Wiley
Blackwell Publishing.
Elmasry, M. H., & El-Nawawy, M. (in press, 2015). “Journalistic Professionalism
in Question: A Comparative Examination of the Egyptian News Media in the
Mubarak, SCAF, and Morsi Periods.” In E. Mohamed & B. Momani (Eds).
Through E’ptian Eyes: The Egyptian Revolution and the Struggle for
Democracy Under Three Regimes.
“News Discourse in a Militarized Environment.” (with Phil Auter and Heidy
Makady). Under review by editors of peer-reviewed edited book, titled Mapping
the Arab Spring (Ben Moussa, M., & Douai, A., eds).
“An Introduction to Mass Communication in the Arab World.” (Textbook with
Mohammed El-Nawawy and Noureddine Miladi). (Preparing writeup for Qatar
National Research Fund grant proposal due December 2014).
“The Virginia Tech Tragedy: The South Korean Press as an Agent of Cultural
Repair.” (with Vidhi Chaudhri and Elinathan Ohiomoba). Presented at the
International Communication Association annual conference, Montreal, Canada,
May 2008.
“Meth in the Midwest: Space, Time, and Content Frames in Rural and Urban
Newspapers.” (with J Andsager, M. Martin, YK Kim, and L Farquhar). Presented
at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication annual
convention. San Francisco, CA, August 2006.
“Death in the Middle East: An Analysis of Now the New York Times and
Chicago Tribune Frame Violence in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict.” Presented at
the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication annual
convention. San Francisco, CA, August 2006.
“Is ideological self-identification in Internet Speech Silenced by Opinion
Opposing the Speaker?” (with DP Fan, T Ernste, P Sheets). Presented at
American Association of Public Opinion Research Annual Meeting, Miami
Beach, FL. May 2005.
“Discourse About Islam and Muslims in the 1798 Worcester Spy and the 1882
New York Times.” Presented at the International Communication Association
annual conference, New York, May 2005.
“Open Global Networks, Closed International Flows: World System and Political
Economy of Links in Cyberspace.” (with TK Chang, I Himelboim, A Schneeweis,
G Angheleev, D Dong, S Kim, M Murty, S Sar, W Yimbo). Presented at the
Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication annual
convention. Toronto, Canada, August 2004.
“Media Framing: The Effect of Word Choice on Attitude” (with Matt Baker).
Presented at annual University of Minnesota School of Journalism Graduate
Student Organization mini-conference, Minneapolis. T{N. March 2003.
Elmasry, M. (2014, July 18). “Studies continually show strong pro-Israel bias in
western media.” Middle East Eye. Available at:
in !1c.cjwyc,,ci/cp
israel-hias-western-rnedia-88 1718416
Elmasry, M. (2014, July 4). “Egypt’s invisible protesters, one year after the
coup.” Middle East Eye. Available at:
http://www .m 1cqg.!cyc oc.Vc,ql..m
qftçpu I. QQ$6
Elmasry. M. (2014, July 1). “Collective Punishment and the Value of Israeli vs.
Palestinian Lives.” PULSE. Available at:
http://pulsemedia.ora/20 14/07/0l/collective-punishment-and-the—value-of-isiaeli—
Alternative Radio (2014, Sept). A interview with David Barsamian about the
post-coup political and media environments in Egypt. Will be available at:
HufiPost Live (2014, June 4). A show about Egypt’s 2014 presidential election.”
WMNF Tampa Radio (2014, May 30). An interview regarding Egypt’s
presidential elections and contemporary media environment.
KPFA Radio (Berkeley, CA) (2014, May 28). An interview with Doug Henwood
on Egypt’s post-coup political turbulence.
Al-Jazeera America (2014, May 25). An interview on Egypt’s presidential
elections. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Izk8UoCFCIU
Al-Jazeera Egypt Live (2014, May 5). An analysis of post-coup Egyptian press
WMNF Tampa Radio (2014, March 28). A reaction to Egypt’s mass death
sentences for Muslim Brotherhood members, and analysis of future political
scenarios for Egypt.
HuffPost Live (2014, March 25). A show discussing Egypt’s mass death
sentences for Muslim Brotherhood members. Available at:
Radio Al-Ansaar, South Africa (2014, February 8). A segment on the current
political situation in Egypt.
Al-Jazeera English (2014, February 5). An interview on the crackdown against
journalists in Egypt.
WRAI Radio (New York) (2014, February 4). An interview about the newly
ratified Egyptian constitution and other current events in Egypt. Available at:
WMNF Tampa Radio (2014, January 17). Reaction to the passing of Egypt’s
January 2014 referendum and the ongoing political turmoil.
ARD German Public Television & Radio (2014, January 2). A segment on the
scheduled referendum on Egypt’s new draft constitution. Available at:
http://www.wdr5.de/av/audioseriedernaechsteversuchl 00-audioplayer.html
Al-Jazeera English (2013, December 25). A segment reacting to the Egyptian
government’s decision to declare the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist group.
WMNF Tampa Radio (2013, December 6). A segment on Egypt’s 2013 draft
constitution and the ongoing political crisis.
Radio Al-Ansaar. South Africa (2013, November 16). A segment on Egypt’s postmilitary coup media environment and general political atmosphere.
A9 Television Istanbul (2013, October 5). A segment dealing with the 2013
overthrow of Mohammed Morsi and Turkey’s role in the Arab Spring.
CNN International (2013, January 25). Connect The World, “Two Years On: Has
Egypt Changed for The Defter?’ Available at:
http://connectthewodd.b1ogs.cnn.com/20 13/01 /25/two-years-on-has-egyptcha gc4:fcr:Ihqs cr/
KCRG-TV (2006, April). “Ethical Perspectives on the News.” Cedar Rapids, IA.
WSUI Radio (2006, March). “Know The Score.” Iowa City, IA.
Many interviews with various television, magazine, newspaper and online news
outlets in the United States and the Middle East, including TIME, Al-Jazeera
America, Voice of America, Al-Arabiya, The Middle East Eye, Daily News
Egypt, Alternative Radio, Inter Press Service, Egypt Source, the Minneapolis Star
& Tribune, KSTP-TV, Delayed Gratification. lslamonline.net, KGAN-TV, Cedar
Rapids Gazette, Iowa City Press Citizen, The BRICS Post, and The Houstonian.
El-Shahed, H. (2014, June). “Revisiting the Spiral of Silence in a Social Media
Environment: Egypt’s 2014 Presidential Election as a Case Study.” The American
University in Cairo.
Morshedy, Y. (2014, Jan). “Constructing an Islamist Vision: A Discourse
Analysis of Egyptian Islamist Websites.” The American University in Cairo.
Basiony, M. (2014, Jan). “Beyond Political Islam: Examining Discourses and
Uses of Three Popular Global Islamic Social Media Initiatives.” The American
University in Cairo.
El-Haddad, A. (2013, Sept). “From Islamophobiato Islamistophobia: Framing
Islamic Movements in Egyptian Newspapers after the January’ 25’ Revolution,”
The American University in Cairo.
ElKamel, 5. (2013, May). “Objectivity in the Shadows of Political Turmoil: A
Comparative Content Analysis of News Framing in Post-Revolution Egypt’s
Press,” The American University in Cairo.
Asem, 5. (2013, May). “The Use of Social Media as a Source of News in PostRevolutionary Egypt” The American University in Cairo.
Sallam, Y. (2013, May). “The Influence of Hekayat Banat on Egyptian Women’s
Perceptions of Ideal Relationships and Couples.” The American University in
Eissa, S. (2012, May). “Why Do People Click? Uses & Gratiuications of
Facebook Zynga Games Among Egyptian Adults,” The American University in
Panel on “Ideology, Mass Media, Popular Culture & the Public Sphere in Egypt:
Explaining the Outbreak of Fascism,” As part of “What Went Wrong? Egypt’s
Failed Democratic Transition” event at the University of Denver’s Center for
Middle East Studies, Denver, CO. September 12,2014.
“The Egyptian Political Situation.” Americans for Tax Reform. Washington, DC,
December 4, 2013.
“Egyptian Media and Politics Before and After June 30, 2013.” The CATO
Institute.” Washington, DC, December 4,2013.
“Portrayals of Islam and Muslim in U.S. Media.” University of Northwestern
(Saint Paul Minnesota). Professor Doug Trouten’s “Religion Writing” class. Via
Skype, November 20, 2013.
“The Role of News Media in Egypt’s Military Coup.” Istanbul World Forum
Focus Meeting, Istanbul, Turkey, October 6,2013.
“Crisis in Egypt: A Legislative Forum.” Minnesotans Against the Coup,
Minneapolis, MN, August 28, 2013.
“The Sociology of News.” African Journalists Workshop, The American
University in Cairo, Cairo, Egypt, May 29, 2013.
“Portrayals of Islam and Muslim in U.S. Media.” University of Northwestern,
Professor Doug Trouten’s “Religion Writing” class. Saint Paul Minnesota,
November 19, 2007.
American University in Cairo Faculty Development Research Grant, 2013 (4,200
o Funds used to pay for content analysis coders
Qatar National Research Fund, 2011 ($253,800)
• Collaborative research project on Palestinian youth media
narratives. With Sanjay Asthana (LPI).
• Note: After being awarded this Qatar-based grant, I left the project
after accepting ajob at the American University in Cairo. The
project was transferred to a former Qatar University colleague,
Nishan Havandjian. Our proposal to keep me on the project as a
consultant was rejected by the Qatar National Research Fund.
Qatar University Internal Research Grant, 2010 ($30,000)
• Collaborative research project on Arab news portrayals of
Palestinians. With AIaa Elshamy, Peter Manning, Phil Auter, and
Andrew Mills.
T. Anne Cleary International Dissertation Research Fellowship, 2008 ($5000)
• Dissertation study of the Egyptian newspaper system
Summer Murray Dissertation Fellowship, 2008 ($150)
• Funds towards dissertation fieldwork
Kriss Research Grant, 2004 (S ISO)
• Research project comparing American and Arab media coverage of
Israeli-Palestinian conflict
Kriss Research Grant 2004 ($500)
• For master’s thesis studying American media coverage of Middle
East violence
Jason E. Flynn
740 Prospect Street
florence, AL 35630
MFA, Drama, Department of Broadcasting and Cinema (BCN), 2008
Major Concentration: Film and Video Production
The University of North Carolina Greensboro (UNCG)
BS, School of Media Arts and Design, Dean’s List, 2004
Major Concentration: Cinema Studies
James Madison University (JMU), Harrisonburg, VA
Current Teaching and Administrative Experience
Assistant Professor of Film and Digital Media Production, The University of North
Alabama (UNA), Department of Communications and Theatre, Since 2008. Hired to
develop and implement a concentration in Film and Digital Media Production. Alabama
Commission on Higher Education (ACHE) approved in 2009. Tenured in 2012.
Previous Teaching and Administrative Experience
Adjunct Instructor, West Virginia University (WVU), Integrated Marketing
Communications (IMC) Master’s Degree and Digital Marketing Communications (DMC)
Graduate Certificate Programs at the Perley Isaac Reed School of Journalism, 2009-2010.
Digital Storytelling Online (developed)
Teaching Assistant (TA), University of North Carolina Greensboro, BCN, 2005—2008.
Applied Aesthetics for Film and Video
Introduction to Film and Video Production
Masterpieces of Cinema
Advanced Media Workshop
Lead TA:
Media Communication Theory
Applied Aesthetics for Film and Video
Masterpieces of Cinema
The Development of the Cinema
Discussion Group Leader
Other Work Experience
Assessor. Blue Ridge Mass Appraisal Company. Verona, VA. 2001-05.
Tax Auditor. Augusta County Commissioner of Revenue. Verona, VA. 2001.
Regulatory Revenue Officer. SC Department of Revenue. Columbia, SC. 1999-2001.
Producer. I’m with Phil. RD. 2013. Raised $27,000 with 380 backers on Kickstarterfrotn
five continents and all fifty United States.
Winner: George Lindsey UNA Film Festival’s Best of Show, Clyde “Sappo” Black
Sweet Home Alabama (Best of State), Feature Film, Best Director, Best Story,
and Best Editing; 2014 University Film and Video Association (UFVA)
Conference’s Documentary Feature Award of Merit (Top Prize).
Nominee: DocMiami International Film Festival’s “Most Inspirational Documentary”.
Jason E. Flynn
Producer/Director. Preview Day spot. UNA Communications Office and Office of
University Advancement. florence, AL. HD. 2011.
Distribution: Regional TV rotation and online.
Producer/Director. Four Division I spots. UNA Athletics, Communications Office, and
Office of University Advancement. florence, AL. RD. 2011.
Distribution: Regional TV rotation and online.
Producer/Director/Editor. Southern Plate Tailgate spot. 2010.
Distribution: Food Network and TLC/Discovery.
Producer. Michael Clements. “Losing You.” ND. 2010.
Distribution: Enhanced CD. Singing River Records.
Finalist: One Cloud Festival.
Screenings: Desert Rocks Film and Music Event; World Music and Independent Film
Festival; SENE Film, Music & Arts Festival; Action On Film International Film
Festival; Naperville Independent Film Festival; Interrobang Film Festival.
Photographer. Make Way for Ducklings. Boston Public Garden. Nikon D70. 2007.
Finalist. 29” Annual College Photography Contest, co-sponsored by Nikon.
Publication: Photographer’s Forum Magazine’s Best of College Photography. Santa
Barbara. CA: Serbin Communications. 2010.
Producer/Director/Editor. “For You.” MiniDV. 2007.
Distribution: www.saysoinc.org
Screenings: SaySo Saturday (NC Youth Conference); Massachusetts Approach to
Partnerships in Parenting (MAPP) trainings; Multiple NC State Policy Makers
and Administrators including Rouse Representatives; Various Foster Youth
Organizations and Foster Parent Conferences in FL, NC, NY, OH, OK, TN, TX
and VA.
Endorsed by: Jordan Institute for Family at UNC Chapel Hill
Producer/Director. “Integrity and Excellence.” Four part series of NC Veterinary Medical
Association Public Service Announcements. Super 16mm. 2007.
Distribution: Airing regionally in rotation; Incorporated into the American Veterinary
Medical Association’s online network.
Producer/Director/Videographer/Editor. “Music ‘N Motion.” MiniDV. 2007.
Distribution: Sea Bay Game Company.
Producer/Director/Interviewer/Editor. “Only The Dead.” MiniDV. 2006.
Distribution: SpikeTV/iFilm’s “WarZone Channel”; SC Confederate Relic Room &
Military Museum Permanent Archives; Independent Film Channel’s “Media Lab
Shorts Uploaded” (June 2007).
Screenings: Sedona Intl. Film Festival (Opened for 2007 Academy Award Nominee M
Jason E. Flynn
Archival Researcher/Videographer. FBI-KKK. MiniDV. 2008.
Screening: Full Frame Documentary Film Festival; UNCG Center for Critical Inquiry’s
Interdisciplinary Panel “Race, Personal History and Public History”; (iNC Center
for Global Initiatives’ Visualizing Human Rights.
Writer/Producer/Director/Editor/Sound. “VOIR.” Super 16mm. 2007.
Screenings: Trenton Film Festival; Chapel Hill flicker Film Festival (Jan. 2008); UFVA
Conference; Ava Gardner Film Festival.
Featured: “Editors’ Picks: 8 Days A Week.” The Independent Weekly 16 Jan. 2008.
Still Photographer. “One Hundred Thousand Words.” MiniDV. 2007.
Screening: Carolina Film & Video Festival.
Actor. “‘[he Ballad of Ray Wilson.” Super 16mm. 2006.
Screenings: Charlotte Film Festival; Arizona Black Film Festival; Hollywood Black Film
Festival; Carolina Film and Video Festival; Fort Lauderdale Intl. Film Festival;
Chapel Hill Flicker Film Festival (Sep. 2006).
Producer/Director/Cinematographer/Editor. “Bolex Dream.” 16mm. 2006.
Screening: Chapel Hill Flicker Film Festival “Bars and Tone” (May 2007); Southern
Shorts Film Festival.
Writer/Producer/Actor. “Love Lost Too.” Super 16mm. 2006.
Screening: Chapel Hill Flicker Film Festival (Nov. 2007); Southern Shorts Film Festival;
Rocket City Short Film Festival.
Writer/Producer/Director/Actor. “Karma.” MiniDV. 2005.
Screening: First Sundays Short Comedy Film Festival.
Distribution: Spartan Television.
Ancillary Awards
Producer. “Clip.” 2011.
Winner: Best Spotlight Film/Audience Choice Award. National Association of
Broadcasters’ Faith ‘N’ Film Summit. NAB Show 2011.
Producer. “A Clip in Time.” 2011.
Winner: The 168 Project’s Write of Passage Screenwriting Competition.
Foley Artist. “Sadie’s Waltz.” Perf. Richard Beymer. Super 16mm. 2008.
Winner: Television, Internet, & Video Association of DC (Peer Bronze for Audio Post
Original Composition); Carolina Film and Video Festival (UNCG Student
Showcase Award).
Screenings: Cucalorus Film Festival; Solstice Film Festival; DC Shorts Film Festival;
Sidewalk Moving Picture Festival; George Lindsey/UNA Film Festival.
Distribution: Ouat! Media.
Jason E. Flynn
External Reviewer. UNA College of Business 2009 MBA/BBA Oral Communication
Group Presentation Assessment for The Association to Advance Collegiate
Schools of Business (AACSB) Learning Outcomes. 2010.
Judge. Islander Film Festival. Corpus Christi,TX. 2010.
Judge. UNA Program Council’s “Battle of the Bands”. 2009.
Judge. Leo Awards. GLUNAFF Student Involvement Committee, UNA Residence Hall
Association, and the Student Activity Fund. 2009.
Judge. UNA COM 201: Speech Contest. Fall 2008 and 2010.
Juror. Carole Fielding Student Grant (UFVA Office of Scholarship and Grants). Since
Script Reader. Carolina Film & Video Festival. 2006-2008.
Professional Activities:
ConsultantlSponsor/Judge. Recycling PSA Contest. Keep America Beautiful, Waste
Management, AL Department of Environmental Management, Keep the Shoals
Beautiful, City of Florence, and Lauderdale County. Florence, AL. 2009-10.
Contracted Consultant. “Digital Media Production Center Feasibility Study.” Shoals Area
Chamber Foundation and Film Commission of Northwest Alabama. 2008-09.
Assessment Plan Consultant. UNA Honors Program’s Civic Engagement Forum. Fall
Faculty Consultant/Provisional Advisor. National Broadcasting Society/Alpha Epsilon
Rho/Roar Radio. UNA Department of Communications. 2008-2009.
Professional Activities:
Digital Media Director. Death of a Salesman. UNA Summer Theatre. florence, AL.
2011. Includes: ProducerlDirector/DP/Editor web spot.
Regional Development Executive and Competition Producer. “Write of Passage”
Screenwriting Competition. 168 Project. Since 2010.
Producer. UNA Office of Communications’ online video series. Since 2009.
Coordinator. Digital Arts Shoals (DASh) academic productions. Since 2009.
Administrator. Multimedia Lab. UNA Department of Communications. 2009-2013.
Webmaster. UNA Department of Communications. Since 2009-2013.
Intern. Telemedia Productions. Harrisonburg, VA. 2004.
Intern. ABC. WHSV. Harrisonburg, VA. 2004.
Professional Activities:
Host. “Screenwriting Open Forum with Bob Gale.” GLUNAFF. florence, AL. 2010.
Moderator. “Q&A with Veteran Actor Rance Howard.” GLUNAFF. Florence, AL. 2009.
Presenter and Interviewer. Portfolio Preparation (420). UNA. Each Fall since 2008.
Presenter. Orientation to Communications and Theatre (120). UNA. Each Fall since
Panelist. Bozzetto’s “Grasshoppers” and Kubrick’s Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to
Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb. UNA Dedicated Semester: Peace and War.
Featured Guest. The Movie Show. WUAG, Greensboro. 1 Nov. 2007.
Jason K. Flynn
UNCG Mentoring Database. Since 2009.
UNA Search Committee for Chair of the Department of Communications. 2009.
Ad Hoc Steering and Oversight Committee. GLUNAFF. 2008-2013.
Submissions and Judging Subcommittee; Publicity and Public Relations Subcommittee.
GLUNAFF. 2008-2009. Also served as the Final Judge for the Golden Lion
Award (Facult Category).
University Student Conduct Board. UNA. 2008-2014. National Center for Higher
Education Risk Management (NCHERM) Title IX Training in 2014.
Shoals Chamber of Commerce Film Committee. Since 2008.
UNCG Provost’s Student Advisory Committee. 2008.
UFVA. Since 2007.
Society for Cinema and Media Studies. 2007-2011.
Scholarly Interest Groups:
Experimental Film and Media. Since 2009.
Media Literacy & Outreach. Since 2009.
Nontheatrical Film and Media. Since 2009.
Sound Studies. Since 2009.
CinemArts: Film and Art History. Since 2009.
Graduate Student Organization. 2007-2009.
Association of Moving Image Archivists (AMIA-L). Since 2007.
UNCG BCN Student Advisory Board. 2006-2008.
52,000 plus conference registration. NATPE Faculty Development Grant. Summer 2012.
S3,700 UNA Office of Student Engagement’s Student Allocation Review Board and
Funding Committee. Spring 2010.
$1,800 NATPE 2010 Faculty Fellowship, NATPE Market & Conference Program. Las
Vegas, NV. 2010.
$1,000 UNCG SGA. SFS 16mm Print Projection Series. Fall 2008.
$1,200 UNCG SGA. SFS 16mm Print Projection Series. Spring 2008.
SI ,000 UNCG Graduate School. Film Stock Experiment. Summer 2006.
Educational Support
$6,000 UNCG Graduate School. Tuition Waivers. 2006-2008.
Current Projects
Video Producer. “The Age” comic book series. HO. 2013. Raised $3,165 on Kickstaner.
Writer/Producer/Director/Editor. ‘Rarefied Soldier.” HO. Production. 2014.
Actor. “Like I Did Mine.” HD. Production. 2014.
Line Producer. Awakening. HD. Production. 2014.
Producer/Director/Cinematographer/Editor. Munook’s “Breaching.” HO. 2013.
Producer. Munook’s “Introverted Revolutionary.” HO. 2013.
Jason E. Flynn
Magna Publications Academic Leader Online Seminar “Using Course Syllabi to Foster
Learner-Centeredness”. Florence, AL. 2009.
Sound and Video Contracter’s “The Changing Role of IT Video Production Systems for
Universities, Churches, and Schools” webcast. Presenter: Bennett Liles. Florence,
AL. 2009.
Learning Resources Network’s (LERN) online conference “Multiple Assessments and
New Ways of Grading”. Florence, AL. 2009.
Margaret Hawkins’ “Arts Criticism/Creative Writing”. Greensboro, NC. 2008.
Design and Technology Workshop “Apple Computer Final Cut Pro 6”. Greensboro, NC.
STARLINK Program: “Plagiarism Pitfalls and Prevention Strategies”. Featuring: Vibiana
Bowman and Kimberly Bonner. Greensboro, NC. 2008.
Design, Art, and Technology Symposium “WIRED: A New Model for the Creative
Industries”. Greensboro, NC. 2008.
Building Entrepreneurial Learning For Life’s Entrepreneurial Innovation in the Arts
Spring Forum “Arts Entrepreneurs and the Media” panel featuring: Jody Cauthen,
Carla Kucinski, Jed Rowe, Jim Tedder, and Jill Yesko. Greensboro, NC. 2008.
Operation U and Spartan Leading Spartans’ Student Organization Success
Series’ LEAD workshops: “Fundraising” and “Networking”. Greensboro, NC.
Spring Leadership Academy’s “Club/Organization Leadership Training”. Keynote
Speaker: David A. Kelly. Greensboro, NC. 2008.
“Measuring Student Outcomes”. Speakers: Dr. Thomas A. Angelo, Dr. Diane F. Halpern
and Dr. Milton D. Hakel. Greensboro, NC. 2007.
University Teaching and Learning Center’s “The Last Day of Class” workshop.
Greensboro, NC. 2007.
Operation U and Spartan Leading Spartans’ Student Organization Success Series’ LEAD
workshops: “Motivation” and “Public Relations”. Greensboro, NC. 2007.
Triad Leadership Academy’s “The Science of Leadership and Redefinition”
program. Keynote Speaker: Magdalen Hsu-Li. Greensboro, NC. 2007.
Charna Howson’s “Writing to Seek Funding: Fellowships and Grants”
workshop. Greensboro, NC. 2005.
Ia hard in @hotma ii. corn
116 Castleton Road
Florence, Alabama 35633
(256) 577-2719 Cell
(256) 765-4760 Office
Adjunct: January 1994 to May 1998
Full-time: August 1998 to Present
Instructor of Communications. FaIl 1998 to present. Teach Fundamentals of Speech
Course (including honors); Business and Professional Speaking. Advise communication majors.
Assist department chair in advising-related student events.
Director, Center for Academic Advising & Retention Services. 2004 to 2012.
Directed the 2004 establishment of Center to coordinate campus-wide faculty advising and
deliver intrusive advising and services to at-risk students (conditionally admitted and
probationary students). Created and supervised at-risk student outreach plan. Developed and
implemented faculty advisor training, resources, and plan for new student advising by faculty
advisors. Authored and annually revised new student academic guide, Off to a Roaring Start.
Presented overview of General Education curriculum to new students and parents at orientation
sessions. Provided annual training for SOAR counselors on academic policy, procedure and
freshman course placement. Collaborated with Readmissions Committee Chair and Registrar to
create protocol and materials for University Readmissions Committee hearings and post
decision student counseling. Collaborated with information technology staff to develop early
alert system that would identity at-risk students; partnered with Learning Communities
Coordinator to pilot. Incorporated university testing, tutoring and study skills services into
CAARS providing expanded test offerings and tutoring options. Transitioned undecided student
advising to CAARS. Supervised staff of four members. Budget administration of annual budget
that grew from 5130,000 to $294,000. Institutional representative to National Academic Advising
Association (NACADA).
Director of University Experience. Fall 1998 through Spring 2001. Directed, coordinated,
and facilitated all activities related to the University’s freshman orientation course. Recruited,
assigned, and scheduled class times for faculty members to teach course; coordinated
curriculum among 36 course section offerings; edited course textbook. Carried out formal
evaluation process used to make changes to assess overall course effectiveness and improve
program. Approved expenditures and administered annual budget of $85,000.
Adjunct Instructor. Spring Semester 1994 through Spring Semester 1998. Instructor,
Fundamentals of Speech.
HORIZON HEALTH MANAGEMENT COMPANY, Helen Keller Hospital, Sheffield, Alabama.
April 1989 to April 1990.
Community Relations Coordinator. Developed and coordinated outreach to community at
large and referral sources in businesses and organizations to facilitate referrals to the Restore
Program. Planned and promoted public service and educational information programs.
Prepared layout and copy for brochures and other marketing materials. Compiled weekly and
monthly marketing reports.
Phi Kappa Phi (Convocation Chairman 2008 to present; Executive Committee 2003-07; 2008
present; Director 2005-2007; President 2004-05; President-elect 2003-04; Public Relations
Officer, 2002-03; Fellowship Committee Chair, 2000-2002)
Chi Sigma Iota
Kappa Delta Pi (Vice President, 2000-03)
OnCourse Student Success Strategies Workshop I, 2008, Asheville, NC
National Conference on Academic Advising, 2007 (Baltimore, MD), 2004 (Cincinnati, OH),
2002 (Salt Lake City, UT)
The National Symposium on Student Retention, 2011 Charleston, SC), 2005 Dallas, TX
Workshop on Disability Issues in the Academic Selling, Jennifer Swain, Esq., University of
North Alabama, 2005
2004 Phi Kappa Phi Triennial Convention, 2004, Albuquerque, NM
Southeast Region IV Advising Conference, National Academic Advising Association, 2003
(Oxford, MS) and 2004 (Pensacola Beach, FL)
Annual National Conference on the First-Year Experience, 2001 (Houston, TX), 1999
(Columbia, SC)
The First-Year College Success Course: Engaging Today’s Student, 1999 (Atlanta, GA)
Dr. Constance Staley
“Bring Back What You May Have Forgotten: Organizational Techniques for Gaining and
Keeping Attention”, Day-long CEU Educator Workshop for Northwest Alabama Education
Partnership, June 11 and July 16, 2014.
“Advising General Studies and Academic Policies/Procedures”, SOAR Counselor Training,
Spring Semesters 2003-2012
“Understanding the Significance of and Taking the Collegiate Assessment of Academic
Proficiency (CAAP)”, 2002 to present
“Overcoming Public Speaking Apprehension”, Shoals Chapter of International Association of
Administrative Professionals, September 2002
Off to a Roaring Start: An Academic Guide for New Students, 2002-2003, University of North
Alabama (yearly revisions through 2012)
Convocation Committee, Chair 2008-present
First-Year Success Committee, 2011-2012
SACS Student Support Services SubCommittee, Spring 2010
Student Success Initiative, Facilitator, Fall 2008-09
Advisor Hold Task Force, Spring 2008
Academic Directors Council, Spring 2008 to 2012
SOAR Planning Committee, Spring 2004 to 2012
Welcome Week Planning Committee, Spring 2004-2012
Learning Community Task Force, 2005-2012
Strategic Planning SubCommittee 5: Student Services, Spring 2006
Title III Strengthening institutions Grant Committee, 2005-2006
Name: Dr. Bill M. Huddleston
Department of:
Current Faculty Rank and Discipline: Professor of Speech Communication
Education and Professional Experience
Ph. D.
Speech & Dramatic Art
University of Missouri
Speech & Drama
University of Tennessee
Speech Education
Mississippi State University
Other Relevant Credentials and Professional Development
HIgher Education Teaching and/or Administrative Experience
University of North Alabama
2009 to present
University of North Alabama
Professor & Chair
University of North Alabama
Associate Professor & Chair
University of North Alabama
Associate Professor
Central Michigan University
Assistant Professor
University of North Alabama
Assistant Professor
Carson-Newman College (TN)
Assistant Professor
Other Relevant Professional Experience
Completed a Continuing Education Class from the University of Pennsylvania--Perspectives on
June 6-August 23, 2009
Positive Psychology (Non-Credit Class)
Honors/Awards Received for Academic and/or Professional Achievement
Nominated for Phi Kappa Phi Outstanding Teacher Award
Nominated for Outstanding Faculty Member Award
Outstanding Graduate Student Award, recognition from the Instructional and Development
Division, International Communication Association (1 of 27 granted)!
Outstanding Teaching Assistant, University of Missouri Graduate School, 1984
Intellectual, Literary, and Artistic Contributions
Peer Reviewed Scholarly, Literary, and/or Artistic Publications
M. J. Smythe and Bill M. Huddleston, “Competition and Collaboration: Male and Female
Communication Patterns During Dyadic Interactions” in L. M. Perry, L. Turner, & H. Sterk (Eds.)
Constructing and Reconstructing Gender. SUNY Press, 1991, 286-301.
Bill M. Huddleston and Louise H. Huddleston “An Experimental Investigation Examining the Role
Nonability Variables Produce in Perceptions of Judicial Competency.’ A competitive paper
presented at Western States Speech Communication Association’s Convention, San Diego, CA,
February 1 988.
Bill M. Huddleston and Mary-Jeanette Smythe “Competition and Collaboration: Male and Female
Patterns in Dyadic Interactions,” A competitive paper presented to the 10th Annual Conference
for the Study of Communication, Language, and Gender, Milwaukee, WI, October 1987.
Louise H. Huddleston and Bill M. Huddleston, “The Influence of the Elaboration Likelihood Model
on Perceptions of Judicial Competency.” A competitive paper presented to the American Political
Science Association’s Convention, Chicago, IL, August 1987.
Louise H. Huddleston and Bill M. Huddleston, “Nonverbal Determiners of Perceptions of Judicial
Competency: The Cult of the Robe Revisited.” A competitive paper presented to the American
Political Science Association’s Convention, Washington, D. C., August 1986.
Bill M. Huddleston and Mary-Jeanette Smythe, “The ELM and Responses to Deceptive Cues: A
Crucial Test.” A competitive paper presented to International Communication Association’s
Convention, Chicago, Illinois, May 1986.
Bill M. Huddleston and Louise H. Huddleston, “The Cult of the Robe: Dress and Sex Effects on
Perceptions of Judicial Competency.” A competitive paper presented at the conference on
“Current Trends in Nonverbal Communication: A Multi-disciplinary Approach,” Jonesboro,
Arkansas, April 1986.
Bill M. Huddleston, “Alternative Proposal Investigations: Custer, Rhetoric, and Speech Science.”
A competitive paper presented to the Western Speech Communication Association’s Convention,
Tucson, Arizona, February 1986.
Mary-Jeanette Smythe, Robert Arkin, and Bill M. Huddleston, “Nonverbal Cues in Initial
Interactions: Is Biology Really Destiny?” A competitive paper presented to the Speech
Communication Association’s Convention, Denver, Colorado, November 1985.
Bill M. Huddleston, “George Armstrong Custer: The Mindless Script.” A competitive paper
presented to the Illinois Speech Association’s Convention, St. Louis, Missouri, October 1985.
Louise H. Huddleston and Bill M. Huddleston, ‘The Cult of the Robe: Sex and Dress Effects on
Perceptions of Judicial Decisions.” A competitive paper presented to the American Political
Science Association’s Convention, New Orleans, Louisiana, August 1985.
Bill M. Huddleston, “The Effects of Deceptive Displays on Receiver Compliance Rules.” A
competitive paper presented to the Eastern Communication Association’s Convention,
Providence, Rhode Island, May 1985.
Bill M. Huddleston, “Constructs in Communication Competency: An Alternative Proposal.” A
competitive paper presented to the Eastern Communication Association’s Convention,
Providence, Rhode Island, May 1985.
Bill M. Huddleston, “Behavioral Responses to Stereotypical Deceptive Displays.” A competitive
paper presented on a top 3 panel in Communication Theory to the Western Speech
Communication Association’s Convention, Fresno, California, February 1985.
Bill M. Huddleston, “Ethics as a component of the Effective Speaker: The Impossible Dream.” A
competitive paper presented to the Western Speech Communication Association’s Convention,
Fresno, California, February 1985.
An Internal Faculty Development grant to attend two workshops at Academic Chairpersons
Conference in Orlando, FL. $769—a competitively selected grant given by the College of Arts &
Sciences Research Committee—Granted December 2007.
An External Grant given by the Sasakawa Institute valued at approximately $6800. Money was
used to pay tuition, transportation, and living costs while attending the American Association of
State Colleges and Universities’ Japanese Institute in San Diego California—Granted February
An Internal Faculty Development grant to attend two workshops at Academic Chairpersons
Conference in Orlando, FL. $977—a competitively selected grant given by the College of Arts &
Sciences Research Committee—Granted December 2006.
An Internal Faculty Development grant to attend two workshops at Academic Chairpersons
Conference in Orlando, FL. $874—a competitively selected grant given by the College of Arts &
Sciences Research Committee—Granted December 2005.
An Internal Faculty Development grant to attend and participate in two workshops on teaching
Persuasion and Gender Communication. The workshops were in conjunction with the National
Communication Association’s Convention in New Orleans. Louisiana. $623--a competitively
selected grant given by the College of Arts & Sciences Research Committee--granted November
An Internal Faculty Research Grant to investigate the attitudes of convicted felons towards media
violence. With Or. Janet McMullen $678-a competitively selected grant given by the University of
North Alabama --granted November 2001.
An Internal Faculty Development grant to attend and participate in a workshop to teach listening
skills within organizational contexts. The workshop was in conjunction with the International
Listening Associations Convention in Albuquerque, New Mexico. 5565--a competitively selected
grant given by the College of Arts & Sciences Research Committee--granted February 1999.
An External Grant to develop two videotapes on the careers of General Joe Wheeler and Ms.
Annie Wheeler. $3000: a competitively selected grant by the Alabama Humanities Foundation-granted June 1995 with Mildred W. Caudle.
An Internal Faculty Research Grant to investigate the public relations techniques used by the
Kennedy administration immediately following the Bay of Pigs. $970-a competitively selected
grant given by the University of North Alabama --granted November 1993.
An Internal Faculty Research Grant to investigate the public relations techniques used by the
Ford administration during the presidential pardon of Richard Nixon. 5895--a competitively
selected grant given by the University of North Alabama --granted November1992.
An Internal Faculty Research Grant to examine the methods used by President Truman to justify
the use of atomic weapons during World War II. $595--a competitively selected grant given by
the University of North Alabama --granted October 1991.
An Internal Faculty Development Grant to attend and participate in a national seminar on
developing communication competency scales. The workshop was sponsored by the Speech
Communication Association in Atlanta, Georgia--$450-granted October1991.
An Internal Faculty Development Grant to attend and participate in an international seminar on
developing teaching approaches for nonverbal communication. The workshop was sponsored by
the International Communication Association in Dublin lreland--$650-granted June 1990.
Member Departmental Search Committee
Chair of Departmental Travel Committee
Member of Ad Hoc Committee: Freshman On-Campus Residency Requirement 2013
Chair of Departmental Tenure Committee
Elected Member, Faculty Development Leave Committee
Member, Academic & Student Affairs Committee
Member, Strategic Planning & Budget Committee
Member, UNA Storytelling Festivat Committee
Member, Ad Hoc Travel Policy Committee
Revised Advising Manual for Public Communication Majors to reflect new curriculum
Member, Departmental Promotional Committee
Member, Promotion Committee for Criminal Justice Department
Developed an Advising Manual for Public Communication Majors
Submitted Quality Enhancement Plan Proposal to UNA QEP Committee
Chair, Shared Executive Governance Committee
Vice Chair, Share Governance Executive Committee
Member, Chair Search Committee for the Department of Social Work
Departmental Representative for Television Studio Upgrade Review
Member, Shared Governance Executive Committee
Member, General Studies Advisory Committee
Member, Institutional Effectiveness Ad Hoc Committee to evaluate assessment UNA General
Member, Presidential Ad Hoc Committee to facilitate Recruiting and Retention
Chair, University Curriculum Committee
Member! UNA Grievance Committee
Vice Chair to the University Curriculum Committee
Chair, UNA Phi Kappa Phi Nominating Committee
Chair, Harrison Scholarship Committee for the Department of English
Chair, Ad Hoc Arts & Sciences’ Budget Committee
Elected of the Executive Committee for Storytelling in Higher Education Interest Group
Member of Research Grant Committee of the National Storytelling Network
Vice President of Storytelling in Higher Education Interest Group
Selected as an Associate Editor for Storytelling, Self, Society Journal
201 3-2014
Member, Editorial Advisory Board for Storytelling, Self; Society: An Interdisciplinary Journal of
Storytelling Studies
Reviewed an article for Storytelling, Self; Society—Reflections on Place and Space in Shanghai’s
Urban Neighborhoods
Reviewed an article for Storytelling, Self; Society—Performance and Expansion of Global
Reviewed an article for Storytelling, Self; Society—Intercultural Storytelling in the United States
and Momcco
Faculty Development: Participated in a week workshop on Storytelling hosted by Donald Davis
on Orcracoke Island
Attend the National StoryTelling Conference in Cincinnati, OH June 28-July 1
Appointed to the Research Grant Committee of the National Storytelling Network 2012
Attended the Athens Storytelling Festival in Athens, AL October 28-29,
Attended the International Storytelling Festival in Jonesborough, TN October 7-9, 2011
Member of Executive Council of Storytelling in Higher Education Executive Committee
Faculty Development: Met with The Director of ETSU Storytelling Program (Joseph Sobol) and
National Story Telling Center for the purpose of developing Storytelling major at UNA
Member, Editorial advisory board for American Journalism
Reviewed an Article for American Journalism—Reporters and Willing Propagandists
Chair, Panel and Paper selection Committee for ACA submissions for Southern Speech
Communication Convention
Chair, Awards Committee for selection of the Outstanding Communicator of the Year award given
by Southern Speech Communication Association
President for the Regional Association of Communication Administrators Interest Group for the
Southern Speech Communication Association
Elected Chair, International Listening Association’s Research Division
Elected Member, International Listening Association’s Nominating Committee
Member, Alabama Articulation Speech and General Studies Committee’s Speech Discipline
Member, Alabama Articulation and General Studies Subcommittee for the Communication Pre
professional Area
1 996-2009
Chaired two panels at the George Lindsey Television & Film Festival
Member, Board of Directors Shoals Chapter of Alabama Public Radio Board
Presentation to UNA Continuing Education Workshop on Effective Presentation” 1997
Presentation to Nursing Workshop sponsored as part of the Office of Continuing Education’s
Workshop Program on “Positive Communication”
Presentation to Mid-South Accounting Services as part of the Office of Continuing Educations
Management Development Sequence on “Advertising for Profit”
Paid workshop to Federally Employed Women on ‘Gender Communication”
Presentation of a Continuing Education Course on “Business Etiquette”
Presentation of a Continuing Education Course on “Interpersonal Communications in Business”
Presentation of a Continuing Education course on ‘Positive Communication”
Certified Lay Speaker for the United Methodist Church. I have been a guest pastor on 21
occasions over the last 5 years.
Date updated: April 2011
Jim R. Martin
University of North Alabama
Florence, Alabama 35632
Ph. (256) 765-4945 E-mail Jrmartin@una.edu
Ph.D. Journalism, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale,
August 1993.
M.S. Journalism, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, 1987.
B.S. Major Bible, Minor English; Freed-Hardeman University,
Henderson, Tennessee, 1976.
Professor of Journalism, University of North Alabama, 2010-present
Associate Professor of Journalism, University of North Alabama,
2006-20 10
Assistant Professor of Journalism, University of North Alabama,
(Media Writing, Basic Reporting, Advanced Reporting,
Editing, Feature Writing, Communication Law, History of
Journalism, Layout and Design)
Adjunct Professor, Lipscomb University, Nashville, Tennessee, 19941997. Department of Speech Communication.
(Introduction to Journalism I & II, Broadcast News Writing,
Public Relations Writing)
Instructor, Rend Lake College, ma, Illinois, 1993-1994.
(Developmental English)
Instructor, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, 1989.
(Graphic Communication)
Teaching Assistant, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale,
1989-1990. (Journalism History; Social Issues & Advertising)
Editor, American Journalism 2005-20 10
Editor and Publisher, Bulletin Digest, 1988-1994.
Publisher of weekly shopper/newspaper, The Sesser-Area Journal,
Owner, Jim Martin Printing, Sesser, Illinois, 1980-1994.
American Journalism Historians Association (AJHA)
Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication
Martin, Jim R. Instnictor’s Manual for Communication and the Law
2015 edition, ed. W. Wat Hopkins. Northport, Ala.: Vision Press,
November 2014 (forthcoming).
Martin, Jim R. Instructor’s Manual for Communication and the Law
2014 edition, ed. W. Wat Hopkins. Northport, Ala.: Vision Press,
November 2013).
“Lea.rning from History” 22:3, 5-6 (Summer 2005).
aEditors Note” 22:2, 5-6 (Spring 2005).
aEditors Note” 22:1, 5-6 (Winter 2005)
Martin, Jim R. Instructor’s Manual for Communication and the Law
2011 edition, ed. W. Wat Hopkins. Northport, Ala.: Vision Press,
November 2010.
Martin, Jim I?. “Typography” in Encyclopedia of Journalism (6
Vols.), edited by Christopher H. Sterling. Thousand Oaks, Calif.:
Sage Publications, 2009.
Martin, Jim R. Instructor’s Manual for Communication and the Law
2010 edition, ed. W. Wat Hopkins. Northport, Ala.: Vision Press,
November 2009.
Martin, James. “Writing for Magazines” in The Responsible
Reporter, Journalism in the Information Age, Third edition, edited by
Bruce J. Evensen, 207-2 18. New York: Peter Lang, 2008.
Martin, Jim. “Turning Conference Papers into Journal Articles.”
Panel Presentation, annual conference of the American Journalism
Historians Association, Seattle, Wash., October 2-4, 2008.
Martin, Jim. “A Hierarchy of Citations: Why Wikipedia Ranks Low.”
Panel Presentation, annual convention of the Association for
Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Chicago, Ill.,
August 6-9, 2008.
Martin, Jim “Freedom, Informational Secrecy, and Societal Security
in American History.” Panel Presentation (Moderator), annual
convention of the Association for Education in Journalism and
Mass Communication annual conference, Washington, D.C. August
9-12, 2007.
Martin, Jim R. Instructor’s Manual for W. Wat Hopkins, ed.,
Communication and the Law, 2007 edition. Northport, Alabama:
Vision Press, 2006.
Martin, Jim R. “Justice William 0. Douglas and the Marketplace of
Ideas,” presented at the American Journalism Historians
Association National Conference, San Antonio, Texas, October,
Martin, Jim I?. Review of “How Free Can the Press Be?” by Randall
P. Bezanson, American Journalism. 21:109-111. Summer 2004.
Martin, Jim R. Review of “Power Plays: Politics, Football and Other
Blood Sports” by John M. Barry, American Journalism. 20:112-113.
Spring 2003.
Name: Janet L. McMullen
Department of:
Current Faculty Rank and Discipline: Associate Professor of Radio-TV-Film
Education and Professional Experience
Academic Degrees
Ph.D., Radio-Television-Film, The University of Texas at Austin, 1984.
MA,, Radio-Television, Ball State University, 1973.
B.S., Major: History; Minors: Radio-Television, English, Ball State University, 1972
Other Relevant Credentials and Professional Development
Professional Organization memberships and conferences:
Alpha Epsilon Rho/National Broadcasting Society
Broadcast Education Association
Phi Kappa Phi
National Communication Association.
American Association of Christian Writers.
“Flipped Classroom” Instructional Technology ‘Lunch and Learn’ information 11/12/13
Higher Education Teaching and/or Administrative Experience
Associate Professor of Radio Television Film, University of North Alabama. 2000 to present.
Assistant Professor of Radio Television Film, University of North Alabama, 1989-2000. Tenure
granted, 1993.
Assistant Instructor of Mass Communications, University of Texas at Austin, 1979-1983.
Teaching Assistant, Dept. of Radio and Television, University of Texas at Austin, 1977-1979.
Instructor, Center for Radio and Television, Ball State University, 1973-1 977.
Teaching Assistant, Center for Radio and Television, Ball State University, 1972-1 973.
Courses Taught:
University of North Alabama:
Com 215: Media Writing
Corn 201: Fundamentals of Speech
Corn 240: Introduction to Radio-Television-Film Corn 263 Media and Modern Mythology
Corn 310: Foundations and Ethics
Corn 300: Communications Research
Corn 316:Fundarnentals of Broadcasting
Corn 314: Mass Cornmunication Theory
Corn 340: Media Criticism
Corn 335: Television Appreciation
Corn 400/500: Communications Law
Corn 380: Announcing
RTF 415: Broadcast Regulation / Management Corn 480-21580: Television Appreciation
RTF 450/550: Senior Seminar (Topics: Television Criticism’ 1996, 1998; Politics and Media:
1996, 1998, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012)
Corn 480: Broadcast Journalism: Coverage of the Iraq War (FaIl, 2003, 2005, 2007)
Corn 480: Media, Myth and Metaphysics (Spring 2005), Media and Modern Mythology (Spring
Graduate Faculty Status approved 3-24-04 to present
University of Texas: Radio Production (RTF; 337)
Ball State University:
Radio Production I (RTF 230)
Writing for Radio and Television (RTF 200)
Senior Seminar (RTF 400)
Radio Production II (RTF 231)
Other Relevant Professional Experience
Film Critic, Austin Family Magazine, Austin, Texas, 1986-1 988
Epistemologically Compatible with Moral Socialization?” Peer-reviewed paper. National
Communication Association Convention, November 20, 2011, New Orleans, LA.
Arts and Sciences Research Grant, 2001. Provided funds to study the perceptions of
incarcerated sex offenders regarding the influence of violent sexual media content on their
behavior. Co-recipient, Dr. Bill Huddleston.
Arts and Sciences Research Grant, 1999: The grant provided funds for equipment, travel and
student translators for research conducted on the effects of television on the children of the Ivory
Coast., $3080.00
Faculty Development Grant, 1998: Grant provided funds for attendance at the BENNAB
workshops on multimedia and adoption of new digital electronic media technologies. $1,232.00
Arts and Sciences, 1994-95: $790.00 This grant enabled me to meet with research partner to
evaluate data and attend qualitative research sessions at Speech Communication Association.
Arts and Sciences,1992: “Satisfaction with Work as it Relates to Depictions of Work and
Employment on Television.”
Research Grant with Released Time, 1990: “Effects of Physical Stereotypes of Males and
Females in Media on Body-Image and Self-Esteem.” Fall, 1990. Paper presented at WSCA,
Feb., 1991. $1150.00 plus $2,980. salary.
Faculty Development Grant, 1990-91: ‘The Changing Stereotypes of Women on Television.”
This grant enabled me to attended an S.C.A. workshop and present my research on media
stereotypes, women, body image and self-esteem. 1990--91.
Arts and Sciences. 1989-90: $308.93 “Audience Perception of Television Portrayal of Work and
Se twice
Service to the Department, College, and/or University
Departmental Committees:
Search Committee Film and Digital Media professor 2014
Budget Committee 2010RTF Faculty Search Committee, Chair 2007
Graduate Program Objectives Committee, Chair 2001
Graduate Program Curriculum Committee, Chair 2001
Budget Committee, 1991-2007 (Chair)
Goals and Objectives Committee, 1991-2004
Promotion and Tenure Committee, 1993-1 995, 2001-2007
Chair, Tenure Committee 2006, 2009
Search Committee, 1993, 1998-99, 2001
Chair, Search Committee for RTF Position, 2007-2008
Evaluation Committee, 1991-1999
Departmental Service:
Honors Capstone Course (PR499) Committee: Ms. Katie Gurlie, “The Coming of the Digital Age.’
April 28, 2009
Development of eight courses
Overloads for 11 semesters
Brought various industry professionals to campus to speak to students
University Committees:
Faculty Advisor, Lion City (student organization) 2013Ad Hoc Task Force on Academic Dishonesty 2009-10
Distance Learning Advisory Committee, 2002-2009, 201 0-2014
American Journalism Historians Association, reviewed journal article for publication in American
Journalism. February, 2006
Service to the Community/Society
“We Are: What Media Say” Session at College Women’s Retreat, Highland Baptist Church April
19, 2014
Advisor, Shoals Save-A-Life 2013Scholarship Committee, Colbert-Lauderdale Baptist Association, 2014Quoted as Professional Resource
o Times Daily. “Ad Attack: Some Commercials Too Risque for Prime Time?” November
16, 2010.
o Times Daily. “Morality and TV,” August 23, 2008
o Times Daily. “Dreaming of a Hollywood Christmas,” December. 17, 2007
October 1, 2007
o Times Daily. “Violent, Sexual, Profane Content
Speaking engagements: Selected Examples:
“Media and Our Self-Concept” Session at the “We Are” College Women’s conference, First
Baptist Church, Florence, AL April 19, 2014.
“Managing the Media Buffet. Session for parents and teens at Woodmont Baptist Church
Parenting Conference, September13 and 14, 2011.
“Challenges of Real World Media” First Baptist Church, Florence, AL. May 6, 2007
“Christian Approach to Modern Media” Woodmont Baptist Church, Florence, AL March 4,2007
‘The Basic Ethical Imperative” Journalism Boot Camp, University of North Alabama, August 12,
“Media and Body Image” Video-conference class for Scoff sboro School System, April28, 2006
“Defining Success” Delta Epsilon Iota Honorary Society, April 24, 2006
“Ethics in Entertainment” George Lindsey UNA Film Festival. March 3, 2006
“Barbie and Body Image,” Presentation to Residence Hall Advisors, January 31, 2006
“Being versus Doing” Delta Epsilon Iota Honors Society. November, 11, 2005
“Testing TV: Really Understanding Media Messages” Go God Weekend (A multi-church event)
Woodmont Baptist Church, Florence, AL August 20, 2005
“Faith in the Workplace” Panel Discussion, First Baptist Church, Florence, AL July 17, 2005
“Cultural Issues Facing Parents: Media and Kids” First Baptist Church, June 5, 2005
“Commodification of Teens,” Woodmont Baptist Church, May 15, 2004
“Truth and Success” College 101 Leadership UNA March 3,2004
“Worldview, Television and Violence.” CCA South Central Correctional Facility, Clifton,
TN. September 4, 2003
“Men and Media” CCA South Central Correctional Facility, Clifton, TN. July 12, 2002.
“Media and Truth” Woodmont Baptist Church youth and college workshop, April, 2002.
“Principles of Ethics and Ethical Behavior.” Association of County Administrators and The
Association County Engineers, Course 3: Ethics of County Officials and Employees,” October 17,
2001, Montgomery, Alabama.
“Media, Families and World View” Workshop Scheduled for five days at Southwest Christian
Church, Austin, TX, June, 2001.
“Finding Truth in a Great Big Stupid World: The Parent’s Edition,” Two-day workshop concerning
effects of media on culture. May 19-20, 2000..
“Finding Truth in a Great Big Stupid World.” Three-day youth retreat concerning effects of media
on culture. December 27-29, 1999.
Traveled to the Ivory Coast for two weeks; two speaking engagements and a four-day seminar to
present information about the effects of television on families, 1999.
Seminar “Truth and World View,” Woodmont Baptist Church, 1998;
Speaker, Baptist Campus Ministries, 1994, 1995, 1996,1997,1998
George Lindsey Television and Film Festival (Workshop #1: How to Teach Writing for Television;
Workshop #2: Everything You Wanted To Know About Film Making but Were Afraid to Ask)
Emerging Leaders Academy Facilitator (Topic: Ethical Leadership) 1997
Gamma Beta Phi Initiation Ceremony, (Topic: Challenges of New Technologies) 1997
Public Speaking Workshop (for readers), St. Joseph’s Catholic Church, 1997
Stephanie Montgomery
301 Jewell Lane
Florence, AL 35633
(256) 765-5094 wk (256) 856-5279 cell
University of Memphis (2nd year PhD student)
Qualitative Research
Voices of American Women
Health Literacy
Public Health Communication
Advanced Qualitative Research
Rhetorical Theory
Seminar in Health Communication
Media Theory’
Communication Message Analysis (Interpersonal Communication)
Epistemology and Theory’ Building
M.A. Communication Studies
University of Alabama
Tuscaloosa, AL 37802
B.S. Communications
University of North Alabama
Florence, AL 35630
B.S. Psychology
University of North Alabama
Florence, AL 35630
A.A. General Studies
Fulton-Montgomery Community College
Johnstown, NY 12095
2013 —2014 Eleanor Gaunder Excellence in Teaching Award. 2014. Best of Alabama Award NACADA, 2010.
Lambda Pi Eta, University ofAlabami 2004. Academic Achievement Award. University of North Alabama,
1997. James I. Brown Student Award, International Listening Association, 1997. Undergraduate Research Award,
International Listening Association, 1997.Academic Achievement Award, SUNY/ FMCC, 1993. F.A.C.E.
Scholarship, Fulton-Montgomery Community College. 1992. Phi Theta Kappa. New York chapter, 1991.
University of North Alabama
Department of Communications
Florence, AL 35633
Instructor: Fundamentals of Speech, Interpersonal Communication, Nonverbal Communication, Business
Communication and Gender Communication. Courses direct the student toward the acquisition of competent
communication practices in both public and private spheres.
Taught college public speaking course. Guided and assisted students outside of the classroom,
designed and graded examinations, graded various required projects and speeches, and maintained
student records. Structured and designed class lecture and course activities Studies focused on the
acclimation and the capability of the student to master anxiety in various public speaking situations.
Professional Development:
National Health Literacy organization. Working on a joint project to improve literacy rates in specific
demographic regions, 2014.
University of Memphis student 2009
present. Currently conducting research on communication between
physician and caregiver for end of life treatment. Preparing research paper for submission to Qualitative Health
journal and National Communication Association (NCA) 2014. Also preparing for a panel session at NCA on
gender communication with a focus on the ‘BroBible’ website.
Attended Southern States Communication Association conference in April 2014.
Attending NCA conference in November 2014.
Discussion facilitator at Public Speaking Symposium, 2012.
Attended National Communication Association Conference 2011 and 2008
Peer presentations:
Hardees or Hard-eze: Presenting Food as Sexual Stimulus for the ‘bro’. National Communication Association.
November 22, 2014.
Finding Balance in a Topsy-Turvy World. Motivational speaker for the AIDB (Alabama Institute for the Deaf and
Blind) August 21, 2013.
Communicating Like a Pro. Presentation for the Shoals Chapter of International Association of Administrative
Professionals, Florence, AL, October 2011.
Communication and Advising: Unraveling the Non-Verbal Puzzle. Faculty Advising Workshop,
Wallace State Community College, Dothan, Alabama, August 2011.
Communication and Listening. UNA Career Center student workshop. February 2011.
Unraveling the Nonverbal Puzzle: Student Cues that Should Pique Our Interest. Presentation at the Regional
Conference. National Academic Advising Association, September 2010. Won Best of Alabama and proceeded to
present in competition at Ross Bridge, Birmingham at the southeast national meeting placed second.
LionCom, Public Communication organization, faculty advisor 2013 present. Created charter organization from
an observed need for the UNA community. Recruit students and serve any and all UNA students’ desire to
improve their communication skills and build their resume skills.
Lambda Pi Eta faculty advisor, 2008
present. Communication honor society. Recruit and induct students.
University Gala Awards, Mistress of Ceremonies, University of North Alabama. April 2012.
External reviewer for the College of Business Final student Oral Assessments
BBA and MBA. January, 2012.
Effective Listening and Communication Skills, workshop presentation. University of North Alabama Career
Development, February 2011.
External reviewer and judge coordinator for the College of Business final presentations
BBA and MBA. June
3150 Roberson Road! Apt. 105 • Florence, AL 35630
jpangilinanuna.edu • 707.704.6117
MFA Film Production & Directing
Chapman University, Orange CA
May 2013
BA Business Administration & Economics
Holy Names University, Oakland CA
May 2000
Additional Film Studies at:
The Academy of Art University, San Francisco CA
Assistant Professor of Film & Media
Graphics Production Assistant
(Dir. Clint Eastwood, Malpaso Productions)
Video & Graphics Assistant
CYBER Feature
(Dir. Michael Mann, Legendary Pictures)
Production Assistant
THE SHORT GAME Feature Documentary
(Executive Producer: Justin Timberlake, Deliria Films)
Graphics Assistant
• SCANDAL Television
(Starring: Kerry Washington! ABC Studios)
• FAST & FURIOUS 7— Feature
(Dir. James Wan, Universal Pictures)
WriterlDirectorlProducer, HOME (30 Mm. Short, RED)
AUDIENCE AWARD: Dam Short Film Festival
BEST NARRATIVE SHORT; Eugene International
OFFICIAL SELECTION: Boston Film Festival, Cincinnati Film Festival
Cleveland International, Green Bay Film Festival, Kansas City
Hollywood Film Festival, Napa Valley! New Hope Film Festival Newport
Beach, South Dakota! Stony Brook Film Festival
WriterlDirectorlProducer, MILK & COOKIES (11 Mm, Short, HO & 16mm)
OFFICIAL SELECTION: HollyShorts Film Festival! Palm SprIngs Int’l
Writer, NAOMI FEDERLINE (110 pg. Original Feature)
WINNER’S CIRCLE: StonjPms lntemational
Writer, PUSHING DAISIES (WSpec Drama)
FINALIST: Write Movies International
FINALIST: The Writers Place
Writer, THE FISCHER KIDS (30 pg. Original Short)
Research, prepare, and organize trial exhibit and witness review materials for court.
Design and manage exhibit database. Review documents for privilege, draft
associated logs, and assemble for production.
• Prepare and organize appellate appendices, briefs, and exhibits for court. Draft tables
of authority and content. Assemble documents for production and compose privilege
logs. Code and update discovery and pleading databases. Prepare and serve
discovery. Build witness preparation files. Design and maintain case material
• Prepare exhibits, issues binders, and witness preparation files for trial. Draft tables of
authority and content. File pleadings with court! serve discovery, and update
respective databases. Assemble documents for production, compose privilege logs,
code correspondence, and schedule court reporters. Review and summarize medical
records re asbestos work histories. Analyze claims files and document productions for
compliance re asbestos insurance coverage. Consolidate and itemize invoices.
Records Clerk
• Generate, maintain! and track case files and repositories. Code and index discovery
and pleadings. Update correspondence. Process legal documentation and related
materials for offsite storage. Fulfill all attorney and staff file requests.
Adobe Acrobat I) Bridge II Media Encoder II Photoshop 1/ Premiere Pro /1 Apple Color
Compressor II Final Cut 7 II Arri Alexa II Canon DSLR II MS Excel I) PowerPoint
Liz Radley
David S. Ward
Jeff Stanzler
Visual Effects (Million Dollar Baby)
Writer) Director (Sleepless In Seattle)
Writer) Director (Sony. Haters)
Department of Communications
UNA Box 5007
Florence, Alabama 35632
(256) 765-4260
144 Doubletree Lane
Florence, Alabama 35634
(256) 718-0876 Home
(256) 627-2677 Mobile
gpitts.phdgmail .com
Gregory Pitts is a professor and chairperson in the Department of Communications at the University of
North Alabama, where he is responsible for core administrative ftrnctions in an academic unit with 10
MI-time and five part-time faculty and approximately 350 majors. Other leadership roles include:
Director of Faculty and Student Programs for the National Association of Television Program
Executives (NATPE) and media management trainer for the International Broadcasting Bureau. He is
an active member of the Broadcast Education Association (BEA) and the Association for Education in
Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) and completed the Journalism and Mass Communica
tion Leadership Institute for Diversity (JLID) Fellowship through AEJMC. His leadership experiences
include tasks in budgeting, curriculum development and course scheduling, assessment and long range
planning. Pirts is the past recipient of two Fulbright appointments and two Fulbright Specialist
appointments as well as numerous international teaching and consulting visits. He is co-author of The
Radio Broadcasting Industry (with Alan Albanan) and has published in Communication Technology
Update, Communication Law & Policy, Journal ofRadio Studies, Southwestern Mass Communication
Journal, Ecquid Novi and Feedback.
Doctor of Philosophy, Communications, University of Tennessee-Knoxville, 1992.
Dissertation: The Future oJAM Radio: Station Owner and Manager Attitudes About Its Decline,
Condition, and Outlook.
Dissertation Advisor: Dr. Norman (Sam) Swan
Dissertation funding through a National Association ofBroadcasters (NAB,) Research Grant of
$2,687. As a doctoral student competing against full-time faculty, I received one of five competitively
selected research grants awarded by the NAB.
Master of Speech Communication, Auburn University, 1983.
Bachelor of Arts, Prelaw/Communication, Auburn University, 1982.
Professor and Department Chair, Department of Communications, University of North Alabama,
Florence, Alabama, 2009— present. Tenured.
Courses Taught:
Communications in a Global Age
Global Media Systems
Comparative Media Systems
Program Research
Communication Portfolio
Administrative accomplishments:
-Provide leadership to 10 full-time faculty members and five part-time faculty in the Department of
Communications, offering two academic degrees and six concentrations. The department is one of the
Gregory Pitts
Associate Professor of Communication, Slane College of Communication and Fine Arts, Bradley
University, Peoria, Illinois, 2001 —2009. Associate Department Chair, 2006—2009.
Tenured and promoted in 2003.
Courses Taught: Three courses per semester.
Media Sales
Media Management
Communication Theory
Mass Media in a Global Environment
Media Research
Development and Communication
Teaching Recognition: Student Mentoring and Faculty/Student Collaboration. Office of Teaching
Excellence and Faculty Development (OTEFD), Bradley University. 2004 2008.
Assistant Professor of Television-Radio, Division of Electronic
University, Dallas, Texas, 1998—2001.
Courses Taught: Three courses per semester.
Communication Theory-Graduate
Research Methods-Graduate
Selling Electronic Media
Seminar: Radio Programming
Electronic Media Management
Media & Film, Southern Methodist
Survey of Electronic Media
History of Broadcasting
Writing for Mass Media
Basic Video and Audio Production
Associate Professor, Department of Radio-Television, College of Communications, Arkansas State
University, Jonesboro, Arkansas, 1991 1998.
Tenured and promoted in 1996.
Assistant to the Dean for Development Projects, College of Communications, 1995 1997.
Internship Coordinator, College of Communications, 1991 1997.
Courses taught: Four courses per semester.
Advanced Studies in Broadcast Management (Graduate)
Electronic Media Management
Radio-Television Advertising & Sales
Programs and Audiences
Television ENG/EFP Techniques
Communications Research
Survey of Electronic Media
Radio Production
Visiting Instructor, Department of Speech and Theatre Arts, Western Carolina University,
Cullowhee, North Carolina, 1990— 1991. One year position while completing my dissertation.
Courses taught: Four courses per semester.
Broadcast Operations
Broadcast and Cable Sales & Promotion
Broadcast Writing
Television Production
Instructor, Department of Broadcasting and Graduate Teaching Associate, Department of Speech,
University of Tennessee-Knoxville, 1988— 1990.
Courses taught: One course per semester
Producing for Radio
Fundamentals of Public Speaking
Business and Professional Speaking
Instructor, Department of Communication Arts, Louisiana College, Pineville, Louisiana, 1983— 1988.
Courses taught: Four courses per semester.
Seminar: Broadcast Regulation
Gregory Pitts
The Radio Broadcasting Industry. With Alan Albarran. Series on Mass Communications, Allyn and
Bacon Publishers, 2001.
Info Trac College Edition Workbookfor Electronic Media. Wadsworth Publishing, 2001.
The Future ofAM Radio: Station owner and manager attitudes about its decline, condition and outlook,
results of a national study. Monograph prepared for the National Association of Broadcasters,
Washington, D.C., as part of an NAB Faculty Research Grant, September 1992.
“Radio Broadcasting” in Communication Technology Update,
H. Meadows, Editors. Focal Press, 2014.
edition. August E. Grant and Jennifer
“Radio Broadcasting” in Communication Technology Update,
H. Meadows, Editors. Focal Press, 2012.
edition. August E. Grant and Jennifer
“Obstacles to professional practices and ethics in Kyrgyzstan” in Eric Freedman and Richard Shafer
(Eds.) After the Czars and Commissars: Journalism in Authoritarian Post-Soviet Central Asia,
University of Michigan Press, May 2011.
“Radio Broadcasting” in Communication Technology Update,
H. Meadows, Editors. Focal Press, 2010.
“Radio Broadcasting” in Communication Technology Update, I
H. Meadows, Editors. Focal Press, 2008.
“Radio Broadcasting” in Communication Technology Update,
H. Meadows, Editors. Focal Press, 2006.
edition. August E. Grant and Jennifer
edition. August E. Grant and Jennifer
edition. August E. Grant and Jennifer
Contributing author, Encyclopedia of Radio. Entries for Advertising on Radio, Radio Advertising Bureau,
Simulcasting and WRR-FM. Chris Sterling, Editor, Routledge, Philadelphia, PA, 2004.
“Radio Broadcasting” in Communication Technology Update,
Meadows, Editors. Focal Press, 2004.
edition. August E. Grant and Jennifer H.
“Radio Broadcasting” in Communication Technology Update,
Meadows, Editors. Focal Press, 2002.
edition. August E. Grant and Jennifer H.
“Radio Broadcasting” in Communication Technology Update, 7th edition. August E. Grant and Jennifer
Harman Meadows, Editors. Focal Press, 2000.
“Electronic Media and the 2l Century: Some thoughts about radio and television in Nigeria” in Hosting
the 140” Anniversary of the Nigerian Press. With Alan Albarran. Tunji Oseni and Lanre Idowu,
Editors. Tosen Consult, Lagos, Nigeria, 2000.
Contributing author, Magill’s Ready Reference: Censorship. Entries for Associated Press, National
Association of Broadcasters and Program Production. Salem Press: Pasadena, CA., 1997.
Gregory Pius
A career in journalism or just a job: An examination ofjob satisfaction and professionalism. Paper
presented at Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Montreal, Canada,
August 10, 2014.
Parliamentarians and Free Press: Take two. Paper presented at Zambia and World Press Ethics
Conference, Lusaka, Zambia, September 1,2007.
The Zambian Conundrum: Attitudes toward press freedom among members of parliament. Paper
presented at Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Washington,
D.C., August 11,2007.
Job Satisfaction and Professionalism Among Private Radio Station Employees in Uganda. Paper
presented at Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, San Francisco,
CA, August 4, 2006.
Job Satisfaction and Professionalism Among Radio and Television Employees in Serbia and Montenegro.
Paper presented at Global Fusion 2004, St. Louis, MO, October 31, 2004.
The Development of Private Radio Stations in Bulgaria after Communism. Paper presented at Global
Fusion 2004, St. Louis, MO, October 30, 2004.
Job Satisfaction and Professionalism Among Private Radio Station Employees in Bulgaria. Paper
presented at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Kansas City,
KS, August 4, 2003.
Job Satisfaction Among the New Generation of Commercial Radio Station Employees in Bulgaria. Paper
presented at the Broadcast Education Association, Las Vegas, NV, April 5, 2003.
Management Case Study: KDEA-FM, a station acquisition study. Paper presented at the meeting of the
Broadcast Education Association, Las Vegas, NV, April 9, 2002. This case study received first
place in the Management and Sales Division’s refereed case study competition.
Attitudinal and Structural Levels of Professionalism Among Television Newsworkers. Paper presented at
the Broadcast Education Association in Las Vegas, NV, April 21, 2001. This paper ranked second
in the News Divisions open competition.
Reading and Rating the Press: Press freedom and fair reporting in Zambia. Paper presented at the
Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Phoenix, AZ, August 12,
Radio Formats and American Popular Music: Instant export and invective import and media and music
preferences in Zambia. Panel topic and accompanying paper presented at the Association for
Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Phoenix, AZ, August 10, 2000.
Public Perceptions: Democratization and press freedom in Zambia. Presented at the Broadcast Education
Association in Las Vegas, NV, April 8, 2000. This paper ranked third in the International
Divisions open competition.
Gregory Pits
Chairing the Small Program. Panel presentation at the Association of Education in journalism and Mass
Communication, Chicago, IL, August 11,2012.
Faculty Opportunities to Help Build Sustainable Media Enterprises in Developing Markets. Panel
presentation at the Broadcast Education Association, Las Vegas, NV, April 17, 2012.
Further Along the Long Tail: Free, the New Electronic Media, and Monetization. Panel presentation at
the Broadcast Education Association, Las Vegas,NV, April 16, 2010.
Keeping Up to Date; Professional organizations that provide workshops for faculty—NATPE Faculty
Fellowships/Seminars. Panel presentation at the Broadcast Education Association, Las Vegas,
NV, April 27, 2006.
Commercial Radio Broadcasting in Bulgaria. Panel presentation at the meeting of the Broadcast
Education Association, Las Vegas, NV, April 8, 2002.
The Times Are Changing: Parliamentarians’ attitudes about press freedom in Zambia. Presented at the
Broadcast Education Association in Las Vegas, Nevada, April 18, 1999.
Selling Broadcast Sales; The sales course in the RTV curriculum. Panel presentation at the Broadcast
Education Association Convention, Las Vegas, Nevada, April 8, 1995.
Whose Signal is it Anyway? The Battle of Rhetoric Over the 1992 Cable Act. Panel presentation at the
Broadcast Education Association Convention, Las Vegas, Nevada, March 20, 1994.
Do AM Managers Care Whether AM Survives? Presentation at the 22nd Annual Convention of the
Popular Culture Association, Louisville, Kentucky, March 20, 1992.
Fulbright Lecturer and Researcher, University of Montenegro, Podgorica, Montenegro, February May
Lecturer to media students and media industry professionals on mass communications topics,
including applied research methods, media management, advertising sales, and promotional strategies.
Consulted with two municipal television stations, through an assignment facilitated by the Montenegro
Media Institute, to offer ideas to improve the stations’ operations and sales/marketing initiatives.
Fulbright Specialist, Liberal Arts University, Lut’sk, Ukraine, May 14— 28, 2004.
This was a return teaching and lecturing grant to Lut’sk, Ukraine. Served as lecturer to students
majoring in journalism and management. Topics included communication theory, advertising, public
relations and research methods. Served as English language partner for Ukrainian faculty members and
Fulbright Specialist, Liberal Arts University, Lut’sk. Ukraine, May 15 June 4, 2002.
Awarded a lecturer position at Liberal Arts University, a private university founded shortly after
Ukraine severed its ties with the Soviet Union. Lectures were presented to students majoring in journalism
and economics. Topics included journalism, management, advertising, communication theory, public
Gregory Pius
entrepreneurial grants that I have identified to address specific opportunities and needs.
The First Amendment Center and the American Society of News Editors. Education grant otS5,000, with
additional UNA funds, to promote First Amendment Awareness among students and faculty on
the campus of the University of North Alabama. Spring 2011.
First Amendment Awareness. The Alabama Press Association Educational Foundation. Two educational
grants totaling $1,330 to promote First Amendment Awareness among secondary school students
and to launch a weekend journalism workshop for students of color. Spring 2013.
The Liberty Tree Initiative. Education grant of $5,000, with additional UNA funds, to promote First
Amendment Awareness among students and faculty on the campus of the University of North
Alabama. Spring 20i 1.
NATPE Education Foundation grants. In my role with the NATPE Education Foundation, NATPE pays
not only my expenses but also the expenses for students at universities where I have taught.
NATPE pays the cost for intern meals, hotel expenses, and conference registration during the
NATPE Conference. From 1994 to the present, my relationship with NATPE has generated grant
support of $87,000 for my students to participate at the NATPE Conference.
Cox International Center, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, May 17— 20, 2006. Travel Grant of
S554 for panel participation in “Media Management in the Journalism Curriculum”, University of
Belgrade, Department of Journalism, Belgrade, Serbia.
Office of Teaching Excellence and Faculty Development. Grant of $2,281 to support faculty-student
collaborative study on television political poll reporting. Fall 2004 and Spring 2005, Bradley
Office of the Provost, Bradley University. Grant of $900 to fund involvement in an Internet2: NATPE
Career Workshop from Bradley University. Fall 2004 and Spring 2005.
Office of Teaching Excellence and Faculty Development. Grant of $455 to support faculty-student
collaborative study on radio listening. This grant resulted in a faculty mentored student research
paper/presentation at the Bradley University Student Research Expo. Spring 2004. The presenting
student was awarded second place in the competition. Fall 2003, Bradley University.
Journalism in Sub-Saharan Africa. Grants from ICAC: 5500, Office of Minority Students: 5200,
Caterpillar Global Scholars Program: $150, to support the visit by Dr. Francis Kasoma from the
University of Zambia to visit Bradley University for a series of class visits and lectures about
journalism in Zambia and Sub-Saharan Africa. April 12— 16, 2002.
Office of General Education. Grant of $3,000 to develop a Cultural Formations course titled, Ethics and
the Media: Are we what we watch, hear and read?, Southern Methodist University. 2001.
Meadows Faculty Research Grant. Grant of $2,000 for Professionalism Orientation of Television
Newsworkers. With Ray Carroll. Southern Methodist University, 2001.
Instructional Technology Grant, “AVID” Software Nonlinear Video Editing: Training the teachers to train
to students. Grant of $2,500 from Southern Methodist University, August 1999.
Gregory Pitts
Announcer and Reporter, WJ}1O, Opelika, Alabama, 1978—1981.
Announcer, WCRI, Scottsboro, Alabama, 1975— 1978.
NATPE Career Advice Videos. Executive Producer and supervisor for student editors of nine career
advice videos produced from NATPE Education Student Career Workshops. All videos are
available for free viewing by students and faculty through YouTube. 2007—2008. Search terms:
NATPE Career Advice. Or, http://NATPEVideos.notlong.com.
Travel Adventures: My Fulbright Adventure in Montenegro, Available on Blogspot:
http://fulbrightmontenegro.blogspot.com/ Created February, 2006.
Media Use Among Students at Western Carolina University: An Investigation of an Isolated
User Group. Presented to the station manager and staff. \VWCU-FM, 1991.
KKLC-AM, Application for license transfer, 1985. Prepared for Louisiana College for submission to the
Federal Communications Commission, including equipment and engineering calculations and
expense and revenue projections.
Lee County Student Listenership Surveys, 1980— 1981, 1981 1982 and 1982— 1983. Reports prepared
for the management of WEGL-FM and the Auburn University Board of Communications.
WEGL-FM, Application for license renewal, 1981. Prepared for Auburn University for submission to the
Federal Communications Commission, including programming reports and ascertainment.
Title IX allegation against Auburn University, WEGL-FM investigative documentary, 1981.
“God, Man and Country,” radio documentary produced for WJHO, Opelika, Alabama, 1980.
Kappa Tau Alpha National Journalism Honor Society, 1991.
Outstanding Graduate Teaching Associate, College of Communications, University of Tennessee, 1989—
Whos Who Among Students at American Universities and Colleges, 1981
Alabama Broadcaster’s Association Scholarship and Award for Excellence in Broadcasting, 1981.
Alpha Epsilon Rho Broadcasting Honorary, 1980—1982.
Eugene D. Hess Award for Outstanding Varsity Debater, 1980— 1981.
Delta Sigma Rho-Tau Kappa Alpha Forensic Honorary, 1980— 1982.
Gregory Pius
Member, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, 1993— present.
Member, Broadcast Education Association, 1990— present.
Member, UNA Presidential Search Committee, 2014— present.
Member, UNA Marketing Council, 2014 to present.
Member, Commencement Committee. 2013 to present.
Chair, LThJA Faculty Outstanding Advising Award Committee, 2014.
Member, UNA Committee to Revise the University Core Competencies, 2012—2013.
Member, Vice President for Advancement Search Committee, University of North Alabama. 2012.
Member, Master of Professional Studies Degree Program Development Committee, 2010—2011; Chair,
Member, Bradley University Curriculum and Regulations Committee, peer elected to represent the Slane
College of Communications and Fine Arts, 2006—2009.
Member, Provost Search Committee. Elected by peers in Communications and Fine Arts to serve on
Provost Search Committee, Bradley University, 2005.
Member, Provost’s Committee on Post-Baccalaureate Education, Bradley University, Fall 2002.
Member, Teaching Technology Committee, Southern Methodist University, 1999—2000.
Member, General Education Committee, Arkansas State University, 1996— 1998.
Member, Institutional Review Board for the Protection of Human Subjects, Arkansas State University,
Member, Dean Search Committee, College of Communications, University of Tennessee, 1990— 1991.
Member. Chairs Committee, College of Arts and Sciences, University of North Alabama, 2009— present.
Member, Slane College of Communication and Fine Arts Personnel Committee. Elected by peers, Fall
Member, Slane College of Communication and Fine Arts Executive Committee. Non-voting committee
Patricia F. Sanders, Ph.D.
Department of Communications
University of North Alabama
UNA Box 5070
Florence. AL 35632
256-765-4780 (office)
256-383-3407 (home)
Regent University, 2008, Communications
University of North Alabama, 1994, Non-School based Community Counseling
Univershy of North Alabama, 1982, Radio-Television-Film and Journalism.
Current: (1999 to present)
Assistant Professor of Radio-Television-Interactive Media and BroadcastJournalism
Courses have taught or currently teaching:
COM 120 Orientation (team Taught)
COM 201 Fundamentals of Speech
COM 205 Communication in a Global Age
COM 240 Introduction to Radio-Television-Film
COM 241 Introduction to Radio Production and Performance
COM 250 Communications \Vriting (radio, TV, print and web)
COM 256 Fundamentals of Electronic Media
COM 317 Media Convergence
COM 380 Announcing
COM 420 Portfolio Prep (team taught)
COM 450 Senior Seminar
COM 470 Electronic Media Management and Operations
COM 193 Broadcast journalism Newsroom Practicum
COM 495 Radio-Television-Film Internship
COM 499 Independent Study
Approved to teach on the Graduate Faculty
Northwest Shoals Community College
Full-time Instructor
Courses: Speech
1999 —July, 1999)
Final Cut Pro video editing software
Adobe Premiere editing software
Studio production utilizing various pieces of equipment: cameras, switcher,
teleprompter, camera control units, monitors, VTR and DVD
audio players/recorders, various microphones, lighting system, patch bay
Video Shooting
Other Media/software:
Digital Photography:
DSLR cameras
Soundshdes Plus a production tool for still image and audio web presentations
\Vebsite!portfolio development
Various producuon related apps
New Media Technology and Soda! Networking Use/Skills:
Sound Cloud
web publication and digital storytelling
Various media work:
Stringer for television reports and print media.
\Vriter/conttibutor for area and regional publication.
Voice-Over \Vork (skilled in voicing various production pieces)
Voice over work for business presentation at International Paper
Courdand mill
Voice over work for religious presentation at local church
Voice over project for the Thomas Group-a consulting firm who used the video
promotional purposes across the United States
Voicemail systems for Occidental Chemical Company and Northwest Alabama
Council of Local Governments.
Commercial advertising for radio projects
Moderator and Mistress of Ceremonies for various events
Scholars’ Bowl and National Geographic Alabama Geography Bee.
Award presenter for Mainstream Economic Development Annual Banquet
Group discussion for Times Da% Community Conversation on race and diversity
Voiced and appeared in United Way video
“New Media Roughens Terrestrial Radio’s Terrain,” Broadcast Education Association National
Convention, Las Vegas, Nevada. Session: Survival of Traditional Media in a New Media
Environment,” April 2008
“Developing a Working Work Ethic in Young Learners,” Broadcast Education Association District
II Conference, Columbia, South Carolina, October 2008 —Refereed
“Support for Bricks and Mortar Studios: Do Colleges and Industry Support the Idea?” Panel
Presentation, Broadcast Education Association Annual Convention, Las Vegas, Nevada,
April 2010
“HD: High Diversity, Incorporating Diversity into the Pedagogy”, Broadcast Education
Association Annual Convention, Las Vegas, Nevada. April 2011
Moderator and Panelist, “The Radio Star: Is it Seizing Its Opportunity to Shine During Natural
Disasters? Broadcast Education Association”, Las Vegas, Nevada. April 2012
“The Diminishing Role of Radio in 21” Century Broadcast Curriculum”, Broadcast Education
Association, Las Vegas, Nevada, April 2012
“Journey to China: Communications Students Experience the Far East”, Broadcast Education
Association Annual Convention, Las Vegas, Nevada. April 2014.
“Beyond the Classroom: Running a media club, field experiences and internship opportunities!”,
Broadcast Education Association Annual Convention. Las Vegas, Nevada. April 2014.
“Joining the Digital Landscape: An Exploratory Study of the Diffusion and Adoption of High
Definition Radio Technology by the Broadcasting Industry,” Regent University, March
Produced and edited story for Alabama Public Television on historic battleship trip from the east
coast to Mobile, Alabama for renovation and restoration 2000
National radio piece, summer 2001. Produced a piece on WC Handy Music Festival for “Studio
360”, a national radio program produced by WNYC and heard over 60-stations across the
Country via Public Radio International.
Voice of America. Wrote, voiced and produced a piece on the Helen Keller Festival for an
international audience.
Regional Edward R. Murrow Award—”Feeling Better in Alabama” provided the voice over for a
series that focused on healthcare and the poor in rural areas in the state of Alabama. Piece
aired on Alabama Public Radio, 2004.
Submission “Broadcasters, Listeners and the Diffusion of HD Radio: The Technology,”
Broadcast Education Association National Convention, Call for Papers, Las Vegas,
Nevada, November 2006.
Academic Advisors Conference, University of North Alabama, 2010.
National Broadcasting Society Annual Convention, Los Angeles, California, 2011
Broadcast Education Association Annual Convention, Las Vegas, Nevada, 2011
Advanced Multi Media Boot Camp, Freedom Forum Institute, Nashvffle, Tennessee, 2011
Broadcast Education Association Annual Convention, Las Vegas, Nevada, 2012.
Broadcast Education Association Annual Convention, Las Vegas, Nevada, 2014
Tide IX Training. National Center for Higher Education Risk Management (NCF{ERM) 2014
Alabama Broadcasters Association Workshop for Educators, Birmingham, Alabama, 2014.
Teachapalooza 2014!. An academic training conference for educators or technology, journalism and
multimedia. The Poynter Institute, St. Petersburg, Florida. 2014
Professional voice over training, Edge Studio. New York. 2014.
Broadcast Education Association
Radio Television News Directors Association
National Communication Association
Religious Communication Association
Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC)
Faculty Senate Executive Committee, 2011-2012.
Faculty Senate, 2008-2014.
Search Committees
VP for Student Affairs
Public Relations Faculty
Journalism Faculty
Radio-Televison-Film Faculty
Athletics Director
Theatre Faculty
Director of Student Recreational Center
Coordinator of At-Risk students in Center for Academic Advising
Communications Department, Chair
Art Department Faculty search
Chair, Communications Department, Broadcast Faculty search
Broadcast faculty search
Dean for Arts & Sciences search committee
Shared Governance
Student Financial Services Committee, President 2012-2013
International Program Offerings Committee, Vice President
International Program Offerings Committee, President, 2012-present.
Lab Facilities
Renovation ($50,000)
Developed a proposal to entirely renovate radio and television lab facilities 2007-2008
Resulted in a total new build-out of two new radio studios, 2008
Ordered each piece of equipment, redesigned the existing studio and a
new studio, overseeing its build and obtained an engineer
Developed a proposal with professional consultant, Kent Green, to renovate
television studio and upgrade of equipment
Oversee radio lab and supervise student worker
Internet Radio Station Proposal
Sought out and developed a proposal for an Internet radio station for the Communications
Department; secured funding through VPAA’s office; Executive Council approval, spring
Professional Studio Equipment (from APR, 2010)
Secured a donation of $15, 000 to $20, 000 dollars worth of radio and computer equipment
from APR to the Department of Communications.
Board Member Alabama Associated Press Broadcasters Association (AAPBA).
Public Radio News Directors, Incorporated (PRNDI).
Produced and edited story for Alabama Public Television as part of continuing learning process
through externship and television teaching.
Externship at WAAY-TV to keep up-to-date on television production.
Assist in judging of Associated Press radio tapes for professional category awards.
Professional development with nationally known voice coach Marilyn Pittman.
Facilitator for a Times Daify “Community Conversation” a group discussion on race and diversity.
Applied for International Radio & Television Society Foundation
Faculty/Industry Seminar “Digital Summit” 2008.
Applied for and selected for training seminar on “MultimediaJournalism for College Educators” for
July 2009.
Moderator for Gubernatorial Candidates Forum on UNA Campus. Hosted by SGA and Shoals
Chamber of Commerce. 2011.
Moderator for Black Faculty Staff Association’s Educational Forum, 2011, 2012
Moderator for Black Faculty and Staff Association’s Minority Scholarship Program, 2011
Speaker UNA Alumni Leadership Summit, 2012
Board member for Rape Response.
Member PTO McBride Elementary School and Muscle Shoals Middle Schools
Selected for parent panel for Southern Regional Education Board (SCREB), a program that
looks at “making middle schools matter.”
Board member Shoals Chapter American Red Cross
Board member \Vesr Way Child Development Center
Board member Florence Community Policing Council
United \Vay Board of Directors
Worked with Youth United Way of the Shoals group
Host student for Groundhog Shadowing Day-Shoals Chamber
Founding Board Member, Secretary and Vice President of Muscle Shoals Education Foundation
Board Member Parents Advisory Council-Muscle Shoals High School
Formal Grievance Hearing Officer for public housing for the Florence Housing Authority
Steering committee member of the Northwest Alabama HIV Prevention Community Planning
Graduate of highly competitive Leadership Alabama Class XIV
Currently serve on nomination committee
City of Muscle Shoals Planning Board-appointed six year term, Chair 2006-2007
United Way Trustee, 2009-present
Mt. Carmel Church Youth Group-Taught a session on public speaking, February 2012.
AInDed pun1p
Sherhonda Allen
49 County Road 324, Florence, AL 35634; 256-366-1692;
she rho nd aO 5@ aol. corn
The TimesDaily, Florence, Ala.
City Editor
Skilled in adapting to various type writing and writing assignments
Essential duties:
• Accomplish writing assignments, which include all types of
writing for education, arts and entertainment, profiles, business,
general assignment and magazine features
• Proof writing assignments from staff, editorials from executive
editor and written communication from other departments
• Write and proof website content
• Recently completed writing and editing of company magazine,
Shoals Woman, as well as assist in coordinating Shoals Woman
of the Year event.
• Coach staff on writing assignments, including reviewing copy and
making corrections
• Develop and analyze staff’s yearly performance appraisals
• Provide customer support and answer customer and public
• Act as agent for company at all times
• Prepare employee records, including yearly staff vacation
schedule, daily schedules, staff holiday work rotations and a
daily schedule of staff articles
• Coordinate with various other departments to ensure nonduplication of tasks
• Coordinate with photography department
• Provide staff updates during weekly meetings
• Supervise and provide general oversight, guidance and direction
to seven staff members
The University of North Alabama, Florence, Ala.
Spring and Fall semesters 2012
Writing coach, Communications Department
Essential duties
• Responsible for teaching and coaching students in writing lab in
basic communications
• Student classifications were from sophomore to senior
• Led class through skills assessments and assignments
• Graded assignments and kept grade roster
• Responsible for daily attendance roster
Coordinated with staff in planning special events on behalf of the
university president’s office for distinguished guests and visitors
Wrote copy for yearly university magazine
Coordinated media visits on campus
Developed press releases for national media with emphasis on
Wrote, edited and produced internal faculty/staff publication,
coordinated through office design staff
Assisted University Relations director in event planning, internal
and external communications as needed
December 1983 University of North Alabama graduate; BA degree in
Journalism and Broadcasting with minor in English
• 2010, Second Place, Alabama Press Association Better
Newspaper Contest, Best Human Interest Column
• 2007, Second Place, Alabama Press Association Better
Newspaper Contest, Best Human Interest Column
• 2003, Third Place, Alabama Press Association Better Newspaper
Contest, Best Human Interest Column
• 2001, First Place, Alabama Press Association Better Newspaper
Contest, Best Human Interest Column
• Society of Professional Journalists
• American Society of News Editors
• American Christian Fiction Writers Association
106 E Tomblgbee St.
Apt. 17
Florence, AL 35630
(256) 577-3391
University of North Cat na at Greensboro
M.F.A. FHm and Video Production
Cumulative GPA 3.81 on 4.0 soc e
August 2005— May 2008
Greensboro. NC
East Tennessee State University
BA., EngUsh: BS.. SFclooy
Johnson City, TN
CumUlative GPA 3.88 on 4.0 scole
Summa Cum laude
Univers ty Honors Scholar
Engish Hanorsn-DiscipCne
August 2001
May 2005
Prof icency will bath Moo and PC operating sYstems W:CtOSD1 Ofce. Era! Cur S’udo Pro Tools.
Adobe A’er Effects. Adobe Photasnoc. Adobe Dreamwecver
American Dance Festival Summer MFA Program
June August 2011
Superv:sed and .mointaned MFA Meda Lab; .4ss.sted students using media ab computers’ Ma:nrained,
orgarJzed. and checkea n/cut media !ob audiovisual equon. ent: Taught media rjTC’a;! on Mcvie.
Fine, Cut Pro OVO. and OVO Studio Pro to MFA studentr Responsibe tcr the mpenientoton and
execution of multimedia for PAPA presentarions. performances, and thesis shows
Contact: effery BuIIoc. Di’ectcr. Hollins / ADF M.F.A P’ogrcm
Email: jhullock hailns.edu
elephone: (540) 352-6429
MEA Medic Coordinator- Hollins University
January 2010- Present
June December 2008
Ed,; an develop son documentar.es for Professor Anthony r’ago;a: Encode design, one duarcare
DVDs. packagng. ala promot’ora’ m t°r;c Ca-created and desgned a weD site intended to
promote ano astnoure Professor ‘rocola’s vdeo crc:ects
Brcccccs:ng Dna Cinema
Contact: Antnony Ftooa, Protessor. UNCG Deo.
Emal: anfrago’u—:g.ecu
‘eleDnone: {336) 333-5350
Video Editor
April July 2010
Video Editor Engine Wise
Ed ted a series of instruc’iorcl ‘ceos for En;.ne ‘Nse’s ccrccrcte -“ed site ceacored ‘o yacnt engne
ma nenonce and repair
April 2009— August 2010
Freelance Transcription
Transcribed audio and vdec content for vcrous procucron companes Including Lcvett Productions
(NYC). Web Lob (NYC) and A COILS Films (Wilmington NC)
March April 2009
Grant Consultant Film Commission at Northwest Alabama
Researched. cc-wrote and edited a feosibnity and market study report for The F:,m Ccmmss,an of
NorThwest Alabama to be inc/uded in The grant pr000sai for a &gita meda proouc’Ian center
Summer 2007
Wriler/1 Assistant Camera/Editor North Carolina Veterinary Medical Association
Worked with a team o Three other graduate students to produce a ser’es of three public se1ce
announcements for the North Carclra Veternany Medico. Assocaton: Wrote ‘he scrpts neloed
operate the Sucerlamm film camera, recorded red and studio sound. and cc edited the P5,45
1102 Davison Avenue
Muscle Shoals, Alabama
(601) 918-8398
News Director/Account Executive, WZZA Radio, Tuscumbia, AL
Produce and write daily newscasts, commercials, and public service
announcements. Responsible for building and maintaining relationships
with station clients by promoting effectiveness of radio advertising.
Executive Director of Communications, MINACT, Inc., Jackson, MS
Produced and wrote weekly e-mail blast. Produced and designed quarterly
newsletter and semi-annual newsletter for a division under contract
with Nissan-North America. Produced and wrote annual calendar for
distribution company-wide, to the Department of Labor and the National
Office of Job Corps. Wrote press releases, organized events, handled media
inquiries, and represented company at public functions. Traveled to conduct
outreach with govermnent officials, educational institutions, community
organizations, and workforce development agencies for Job Corps center
contract proposals.
Adjunct Communications Professor, Belhaven College, Jackson, MS
Taught students the fundamentals of public speaking, how to analyze an
audience, select and research speech topics, use visual aids, and deliver and
critique speeches.
Weekend Anchor/News Reporter, WAPT 16 (ABC) Jackson, MS
Anchored weekend newscast, wrote news stories, reviewed and
approved reporter scripts. Trained and provided support to weekend
staff beginning television news careers. Generated story ideas, organized
daily news shoots with videographers. conducted interviews, wrote news
reports and presented reports live and in studio.
1/200 1-12/2007
Anchor/News Reporter, WAFT 16 (ABC) Jackson. MS
Co-Anchored 5 pm newscast, anchored mornings, 6 pm and II pm newscasts
as needed. Solo anchored 5pm newscast for approximately 16 months.
Networked with community leaders, political officials, agencies and private
citizens to generate daily news story ideas. Produced and wrote the number one
rated segment in the market for six years: The Restaurant Report. Emmy Award
for Hurricane Katrina coverage. Associated Press and National Association of
Black Joumalist Awards for news coverage and special reports.
Education Reporter/Anchor WYFF 4 (NBC) Greenville, SC
Used a variety of approaches to cover education and related issues.
MASTER OF MASS COMMUNICATIONS in Integrated Marketing Communications
University of South Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina
BACHELOR OF ARTS in Public Relations with Minor in Political Science
University of South Carolina, Columbia, South CarolIna
-National Champion, international Division: National PRSSA Bateman Competition, June 2006
-International Student, Lorenzo de’Medid Art Institute: Florence, Italy, January through June 2005
ALABAMA CHANIN Florence, Alabama
Public Relations and Sales I )une 2013
November 2013
-Managed all press and media relations inquiries, responses, visfts, interviews, photo and him shoots.
-Managed Fall 2013 Fashion Week private trunk shows, events and sales In New York City.
-Managed opening event of the new Factory Cafe, Event and Retail space with press and Chamber of Commerce.
4lanaged and executed trunk shows and events in Jackson Hole, WY, Chattanooga, TN and Charleston, SC.
-Managed and executed all press and event sampling, including for the recent CFDA/LEXUS Sustainable Fashion
Award win and luncheon hosted at ABC Home in New York City.
-Managed all external event participation including Red Rhythm Runway and the HEATH Ceramics/Southern
Foodways Alliance opening and marketplace.
-Managed national wholesale accounts and also on-site sales through phone and email.
-Hosted all Factory guests including tours and introductions to additional staff as needed.
-Day-to-day management of internal communication and PR efforts.
Producer/Project Manager, New Business
Fehruanj 2010— September 2012
-Producer for team awarded more than 51.3 billion in new annual billings during tenure.
-Managed all pitch teams, primarily composed of executive- and chief-level members, and pitch executions across
varying mediums including account, planning, creative, digital, production and participating partner agencies.
-Producer for annual agency credentials magazine, Gravy (view digitally at grey.gravy.com).
-Additional responsibilities include business/financial management, event planning. creative development and
execution, technology specialist and proofreader.
Freelancet Consznner & Events Te,vn I Noveni her 2009 February 2010
Managed specific brand launch project including campaign development and execution, talent outreach and lee
negotiations, press/media coverage and relations, timeline and budget.
Account Executive, Consumer & Events Team: June 2008— June 2009
Junior Account Executive promoted to Account Executive within the first 6 months of hire; managed daily account
activity, client contact, product program execution, media relations, budget adherence, agency events and new
product promotion.
Educational Background
Ph.D., Administration of Higher Education, The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa,
Alabama, December 1993
M.A., Journalism, The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Alabama, August 1993
M.A., Administration of Higher Education, The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa,
Alabama, May 1989
BA., Journalism, The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Alabama, May 1984
Econometric and Time Series Forecasting, SAS Workshop, Atlanta, Georgia, 2001
Access and Excel for Windows Workshops, University of Louisville, 1998
Total Quality Management Workshop, The University of Alabama, 1993
DRIl Database Workshop, IBM, 1992
Multi-Media Workshop, IBM, 1991
Work Experience
Director, Office of Institutional Research, Planning, and Assessment, University of North
Alabama, 2007 to present
Responsible for the operations of an office of four professional staff serving the
decision support, resource planning, and policy analysis needs of the University’s
senior executive officers, including the President, Provost, Vice Presidents, Deans, and
Direct mechanisms for institutional reporting, provide analytic analyses, and
collaborate on campus-wide efforts for management and information
Responsible for the development of a comprehensive institutional effectiveness model
for academic, educational support, and administrative areas
Coordinates all Assessment activities on campus and provides detailed and summary
reports of assessment results
Supervise and conduct research projects designed to assist institutional planning and
data dissemination, including short-term special studies, longitudinal studies, and
routine reporting to the university in support of planning, evaluation, and management
Coordinate on-going and timely data collection used for statistical analysis in support
of the executive decision support system of the University
Coordinates all university market research activities and provides detailed and
Andrew Luna 3
Coordinate the production of the Fact Book, Just the Facts, and Annual Report of
Institutional Progress of the University
Supervise the creation of a comprehensive SACS web-site as well as the re-design of
the department’s existing web-site
Responsible for accountability and benchmark reporting to the Board of Regents and
the Georgia State Office of Educational Accountability
Serve on institutional-wide and system-wide committees at the pleasure of the
Maintain a budget of over $250,000 for the department
Research Analyst III, The Office of Planning and Budget, University of Louisville,
1997 to 1999
Collected and analyzed data for institutional assessment, strategic planning, and
enrollment management
Compiled and reported data on student retention and graduation rates
Conducted peer comparison, benchmark, and longitudinal studies
Analyzed multivariate parametric and nonparametric statistical information
Supported the Provost in the areas of planning and institutional research
Generated administrative reports on faculty teaching loads, salary equity studies,
student assessment, tuition, and other institutional needs using SAS programming
Conducted institutional studies and research to support planning, budgeting, and space
allocation needs
Responded to external and internal requests for information, data, surveys, and other
research needs
Conducted enrollment projections for undergraduate, graduate, and professional
Assisted with accountability reporting and performance funding requirements
Compiled the Common Data Set of the University which was used to complete
internal and external surveys and data requests
Planned, compiled, and coordinated printing of the Fact Book and Just the Facts
Assistant Director for Research and Public Relations, Department of Residential
Resources, The University of Alabama, 1991 to 1996
Directed a quantitative and qualitative research program to effectively assess student
and institutional needs for the department
Analyzed multivariate parametric and nonparametric statistical information
Prepared departmental recommendations based on research and analysis using SAS
Maintained a longitudinal university database of demographic variables
Developed and maintained a statistical Fact Book for the department
Developed and executed quantitative and qualitative assessment strategies for use in
the area’s utilization of Total Quality Management
Andrew Luna 5
Creative Products
Luna, Andrew L. (1993). An Analysis ofAttitudes Toward Student First Amendment
Expressive Activities Within Public Colleges and Universities. Unpublished doctor’s
thesis, The University of Alabama.
Luna, Andrew L. (1993). Understanding Administrative Control of College and
University Student First Amendment Rights After the Supreme Court s Decision of
Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier. Unpublished master’s thesis, The University of Alabama.
Luna, A.L. (Ed.). (2008). Legal applications of data for institutional research. San
Francisco: Jossey-Bass
Luna, A.L. (2008). The art of combining statistics with the law. In A. L. Luna (Ed.),
Legal applications of datafor institutional research (pp. 5-17). San Francisco: Jossey
Frizell, J.A.. Shippen. B.S.. & Luna, A.L. (2008). Regression analysis: Legal applications
in institutional research. In A.L. Luna (Ed.), Legal Applications of data for institutional
research (pp. 85-112). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Luna. A.L.. and Tara P. Pearson (2003). Records Management. A Primerfor
Institutional Research. Tallahassee, Florida: Association for Institutional Research,
Resources for Institutional Research. (Publication due to be released January 2003).
Luna, A. L., Using a Market Ratio Factor in Faculty Salary Equity Studies. Association
for Institutional Research Professional File, January. 2005.
Luna, A. L., Faculty Salary Equity Studies: Combining Statistics with the Law. Accepted
for publication by Journal ofHigher Education, August 2001.
Luna, A.L., (1999). Using a Matrix Model For Enrollment Management. Planningfor
Andrew Luna 7
Education, 6 (7) 4-5.
Luna, Andrew L (1996). Maintenance Workorder Nonconformity and the TQM Process.
The Journal of College and University Student Housing, 25 (2) 31-37.
Luna, A. L. (1996). Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier: Supreme Court Decision Does Affect
College and University First Amendment Rights. NA SPA Journal, 33 (4) 307-3 15.
Luna, A. L. (1995). An Economic Philosophy for Mass Media Ethics, Journal ofMass
Media Ethics, 10(2)154-166.
Luna, A. L. (1995). Bishop v. Aronov: Redefining Academic Freedom. West Education
Law Reporter, Vol. 98, 607-6 19.
Other Experience
Research/Planning Consultant, 1992 to present
Specialize in strategic planning for non-profit institutions
Specialize in Quality Management techniques, especially as it relates to data collection,
statistical process control, and Six Sigma
Perform muitivariate statistical market research
Develop and utilize satisfaction rating scales to evaluate customer and employee
Generate effective, comprehensive reports summarizing the results of research
Adjunct Faculty, Richard’s College of Business, University of West Georgia, 2003
Teach MKGT 3808, Research Methods in Business
Adjunct Faculty (Graduate Faculty Status), University of Louisville, 1998 to 1999
Available to teach courses in higher education administration
Available to serve on thesis and dissertation committees
Instructor, The University of Alabama, 1987-1996
Taught introductory courses in broadcasting, journalism, advertising, and public
Taught introductory course in effective writing, study skills, and leadership
Served on thesis committees
Andrew Luna 9
“Using a Regression Model to Determine Academic Departmental Budget Allocations.”
Southern Association of Institutional Research, Panama City, Florida, 2001.
“Using a Student Flow Matrix Model to Understand Enrollment Behavior.” Southern
Association of Institutional Research, Chattanooga, Tennessee, 1999.
“Statistical Measurement Techniques for Total Quality Management in Higher
Education.” Association of Institutional Research Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota,
“Measuring Both Satisfaction and Importance of Student Perception.” Association of
Institutional Research Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1998.
“Using Measurement in Total Quality Management for Higher Education.” Workshop for
the 9th Annual International Conference on Quality Assessment in Higher Education,
Indianapolis, Indiana, 1997.
“Using Variables Control Charts in Higher Education.” Association of Institutional
Research Conference, Orlando, Florida, 1997.
“Total Quality Management Measurement Tools for Higher Education.” Workshop for the
8th Annual International Conference on Quality Assessment in Higher Education,
Brisbane, Australia, 1996.
“Total Quality Management in Higher Education: Why Re-Invent the Wheel.” Workshop
for the American Society of Quality Control, 1996.
“Using Variables Control Charts in Higher Education.” Alabama Association for
Institutional Research, Birmingham, Alabama, 1996.
“A New Funding Formula for Alabama’s Two-Year Colleges.” Meeting of the Special
Funding Formula Committee attended by members of the Alabama Department of Post
Secondary Education, two-year college presidents, and state legislators, Gasden. Alabama,
Professional Organizations
Association for Institutional Research (AIR)
Southern Association for Institutional Research (SAIR)
Alabama Association for Institutional Research (ALAIR)
Georgia Association for Institutional Research, Planning and Quality (GAIR-PAQ), 19992007
Georgia Records Association
Association for the Study of Higher Education
Andrew Luna
Member, Speaker’s Bureau, State University of West Georgia, 1999 to present
Member, Speaker’s Bureau, University of Louisville, 1997 to 1999
Sub-Committee Chairman of Sponsors and Exhibits for the 1996 and 1997
SAIR/SCUP Conference Planning Committee
Member, Papers Committee, 2000 and 2001 SAIR Conference Planning Committee
Member, Program Review Board for the 1997 and 1998 AIR Conference Planning
Chairman, Cost Containment Task Force, The University of Alabama, 1993 to 1995
Member, Student Affairs Research Committee, The University of Alabama, 1993 to
Member, Student Discipline Committee, The University of Alabama, 1994 to 1996
Sandra Phillips-Johnson
816 Riverview Drive
Florence, AL 35630
Outstandingwrthng, editing, proofreading & computer skills with more than sixteen
years of media experience
Efficient manager of a news team that strives for consistent excellence on a daily
Effective and thorough communicator, able to compel a statewide audience through
daily news programming
Excellent strategist, using well-planned marketing techniques to entice viewers
Strong crisis management skills, capable of handling serious situations professionally
& effectively
Strong social media skills, capable of growing and maintaining a large audience
May 1997— October 2013
FOX6 News at Noon producer (2008
Develop & execute a daily hour-long news program from concept to
Transitioned live broadcast from 30-minute format to an hour-long news
& community affairs daily broadcast in 2008
Plan & coordinate daily & future news segments
Coordinate all aspects of show including:
• guest segment booking
• story selection, placement & writing
• creation of all graphic elements
• communication and management of goals for a team of reporters,
production employees & anchors
• development and maintenance of a strong news brand
• maintenance & growth of social media with specific push to website
• maintenance & growth of #1 ratings for show viewership
FOX6 On Your Side & FOX6 News at Noon Producer (2002-2008)
Screen & interview potential FOX6 On Your Side candidates
Mediate consumer issues for said clients to resolution
Develop & write stories from said resolutions
Crisis Center (2009
Rape Response survivor advocate
trained to respond to crisis calls involving rape survivors during
designated on-call periods
• assist in evidence collection
• counsel survivors, advising them of all legal & emotional counseling
the center offers
Birmingham-Southern College (1991-1992)
University of Alabama at Birmingham
Bachelor of Arts (2000)
major (broadcasting), minor (psychology)
Jay Michael Townsend
300 Roberts Drive
Florence, Al 35634
Phone: (270) 226-9429
Email: tkahik(ihotmail.com
To obtain a teaching position where student learning is the top priority.
Graduated from Bradshaw High School in Florence, Alabama
Degrees obtained in History and English at the University of North Alabama
with a minor in Real Estate and Insurance/Small Business Management
Teacher Certification at Murray State University
GPA in History Major 3.0
GPA in Professional Education Classes —3.4
2009- 20W
2006 2009
2005 2006
Spring, 2005
1998 2009
Masters in Organizational Communication at Murray State --3.4
Grade World History Teacher at Haleyville High School AL
Substitute Teaching for Calloway Co. and Murray Independent Schools KY
W” Grade Language Arts Teacher Murray Middle School KY
Substitute teaching for Calloway Co. and Murray Independent Schools
Server, Applebee’s Murray, KY; Florence, AL; Santa Clarita, CA
My duties include guest service in the front of the house along with cooking
duties and expeditor in the kitchen. I was in charge of making the server
schedule along with training of front of the house employees.
Manager, The Office Florence, Alabama
I was in charge of setting up a cellular phone distribution with BellSouth Mobility
along with cellular sales and customer service. I was also in charge ofa pager
distribution through Arch Paging Services and running a 24-hour Answering
Service and alarm monitoring center.
I was an assistant JV football coach in Haleyville and while teaching 8” grade, I
taught the after school ESS program, an exploratory class covering the causes of
the Civil War, and I helped to coach the soccer program. I had three long term
substitute positions at Murray Middle where I instructed &‘ grade geography for six
weeks and technology for six weeks along with 5111 grade math, language arts. and
social studies for the last three months of2009. I completed the required semester
of student teaching at Calloway County High School in December 2004. 1 made
observations in education classes at Murray State University along with teaching in
my practicum classes to high school students and microteaching in my HIS 361
class. I am certified to teach (CBEST) and substitute teach in California and
Oregon. I was a soccer coach in Tuscaloosa, Alabama and a high school tutor.
Backpacking, Hiking, Canoeing, Travel, History. Photography, Disc Golf, Music
3207 E. 12th AVENUE • SHEFFIELD, AL 35660
(662)512-8969. RLWALKER@UNA.EDU
Student Engagement
University of North Alabama
The Anniston Star
Florence, Ala.
June 2010 —present
Coordinator of Student Publications
Consolidated Publishing Co.
Anniston, Ala.
Staff Writer
May 2009— present
Collaborated with supervisors to improve online presence
• Strengthened communication between staff and the public
• Cultivated relationships with sources
• Managed criminal justice news beat while taking on additional general assignment stories
• Produced multiple stories under daily deadlines
• Promoted from intern position to full-time staff writer
University of North Alabama
The Flor-Ala
Florence, Ala.
Executive Editor
Mm’ 2007— Ai’ 2008
• Mediated conflict between staff and the public
• Recruited staff writers and evaluated applicants for scholarships
• Educated staff on ethics issues within the publication
• Built list of potential advertisers for ad manager
• Identified avenues for stories both on campus and locally
• Ensured fair and thorough coverage
• Recognized in national competitions for both publication and individual awards
News Editor
February 2007— Mm’ 2007
• Decided which events to cover and which stories to run
• Taught fairness, honesty and responsibility in journalism to writers
Copy Editor
• Reviewed all copy for spelling, grammar, design and Associated Press style
• Maintained indexed information and source files for reference
Circulation Manager
• Maintained subscriber list
• Met weekly deadline for postal delivery
Office of University Relations
August 2005— December 2006
University of North Alabama
Florence, Ala.
June 2007— Akv 2008
Collaborated with University Advancement staff in rebranding the university
Delegated press release assignments to other writers
Produced multiple press releases per week for print in local and regional publications
Interacted with campus personnel and students for stories
Published in UNA magazine, as well as multiple newspapers
The Franklin County Times
Boone Newspapers, Inc.
Editorial Intern
• Managed page layouts in the absence of the editor
• Taught layout and design software to staff writers
Russellville, Ala.
Cathy Wood
Media coordinator and freelance writer & editor
913 E. Waldron St., Corinth, MS 38834
Professional Accomplishments
Plan, research and produce feature stories for local lifestyle magazines on travel,
history, personalities and more
Reported on fashion, entertaining, decorating, food, arts, entertainment, books,
fitness, family, parenting and other life topics for a daily newspaper with the New
York Times Regional Newspaper Group
F or 10 years wrote a humorous weekly newspaper column
Maintain a blog on shopping, cooking, grandparenting and other lifestyle subjects
Authored a style column for local women’s magazine
Coordinate stories and layouts with photographers and page designers
Proof and rewrite news releases for various area non-profits
Help edit and revise works from other local writers
Mentored high-school journalists to produce stories, photos and other content for
newspaper youth pages
Media Management
Create marketing campaigns, target membership growth, develop and manage
social-media sites and establish & strengthen media relationships as media
coordinator for Muscle Shoals National Heritage Area, Florence, Ala., and
Corinth Theatre-Arts, Corinth, Miss.
Develop, oversee and produce publicity campaigns and content for Corinth
(Miss.) Home and Garden Tour; Crossroads Museum, Corinth, Miss.; Shoals
Symphony at UNA, Florence, Ala.; and Tennessee Valley Art Association,
Tuscumbia, Ala.
Oversee score-takers, track scores through social-media, collect & organize data
and coordinate reporters’ interviews for high-school football games, Daily Journal
newspaper, Tupelo, Miss.
Planning & Managing
Work with business leaders, non-profit managers, government officials and
tourism directors to plan and successfully execute programs and projects for
Muscle Shoals National Heritage Area, Corinth Theatre-Arts, the Crossroads
Museum and other non-profits
123 Path Circle • Florence, AL 35630 • 256.627.6651 • jeanne.baughmanuna.edu
University of North Alabama. F/omnce, A/abama
Provide a Central location for support for faculty, staff, and students; greets students, faculty, and visitors.
Thorough knowledge of university procedures.
• Enter, maintain, and update extensive schedule of classes
• Create and maintain spreadsheets with information on all department majors
• Created and maintained spreadsheets with information on music scholarships (D0M&T)
• Assisted department chair with creation of Five Year Program Review, including editing, content and
analysis of data and creation of tables and charts for inclusion in the review (DoM&T)
• Assisted department chair with self-study for accreditation, including editing, content, budget analysis and
creation of tables and Charts for inclusion in the study(DoM&T and DoC)
• Created student handbooks; update and republish annually (D0M&T and D0C)
• Produced drawings in Visio of proposed Music Building additions and floor plans for a proposed new Recital
Hall and Concert Hall; presented proposal in a PowerPoint format for review by Administration
• Create forms as needed, including those for auditions, juries, sophomore barriers, proficiencies, etc.
workload sheets, overload, release time, independent study, course load sheets, credit hour production, etc.
• Generate other forms such as budget requests, budget transfers, travel, summer budget needs forms
• Communicate with prospective students; schedule auditions and maintain records of auditions
• Manage multiple budgets for department and various ensembles
• Update check sheets for degree options within the department; help students understand check sheets
• Enter permits and assist students with registration
• Generate requisitions for purchase orders and payment requisitions
• Secure monies from departmental events or performances following university procedures
• Create, maintain, and update advising folders for majors
• Assign advisors to program majors
• Input course substitution approvals
• Recruit, hire, train, and supervise multiple student workers; approve student worker time sheets
• Order office supplies and equipment; maintain copier/printer and supplies
• Prepare work orders for building to facilitate upkeep and repair
• Responsible for office correspondence and communication through various avenues
• Ascertains needs and follow through on meeting these needs
• Provide travel and/or hotel arrangements for prospective faculty and other visitors
• Receive, sorts, and disperses office mail
• Record and publish minutes of departmental meetings
2004 to 2008
Huntsville, Alabama
Served as Training Sales Coordinator and primary Point-of-Contact for assistance and dissemination of
administrative information to multiple training centers throughout the Southeast. Maintained all office
records/files for the Huntsville Training Center. Provided formal classroom instruction in the following
subjects: Beginning to Advanced MS Word, Excel, Access, Outlook, PowerPoint; Project Management
Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Cincinnati, Ohio
WINDOWS -2000, XP, VISTA, 2010
ACcESS-XP, 2003,2007,2010
EXCEL XP, 2003,2007,2010
OUTLOOK- XP, 2003,2007,2010
POWERPOINT- XP, 2003,2007,2010
Self Service Banner
Native Banner
VISIO XP, 2003,2007
WORD XP, 2003,2007,2010
• Ski/led in print design, composition, editing, and publishing, including advertising documentation, brochures,
business cards, bulletins, reports, manuals, newsletters, programs, certificates, and directories.
Bartlett, Tennessee
Directed/Coordinated environmental project designed to restore native ecosystems on elementary school
grounds. Independently recruited, developed, and managed 40 adult volunteers. Garnered
support/commitments through extensive networking with local government officials, educators, and
Featured Guest Speaker and Trainer for several environmental/naturalist organizations, including
Fontenelle Forest Association, MidSouth Native Plant Conference, Memphis Botanical Garden Good Earth
Festival, and Lichterman Nature Center. Founding member/former board member Shoals Environmental
Certified aquatics instructor, have taught classes for people with arthritis/mobility issues at the YMCA of
the Shoals in Florence, AL, since 2008.
Actively involved with the UNA Theatre program and the Willing Hams of the UNA English department.