beam designer -
beam designer -
LASER-UK BEAM DESIGNER The Beam Designer provides an easy way to design ILDA artwork. Program Overview The most prominent feature of the software is the actual area upon which images are designed and edited, which is referred to as the Drawing Area. Using the mouse pointer and the Drawing Tools, images are created by drawing on the screen as with a conventional CAD package. On the left hand side of the screen is a panel, which contains the most used functions such as the Drawing and Editing Tools. Along the bottom of the screen is the Status Bar, which provides information such as the mouse position, total number of coordinates, current frame number, beam output colour and the drawing mode. On the right hand side of the screen you have two viewing options, either Frame view or Editor view - which is where any frame can be viewed from front, top, side or 3D perspective. The programme also supplies powerful auto-animation tools; which enable 3D rotations, translations, zooming and morphing. Projected Image Quality The type of scanning system used on the laser projector, largely governs the quality of the image projected. Closed loop galvanometers reproduce images such as company logos and/or more advance graphics. Page - 1 - Laser UK Beam Designer Main Draw Screen – FRAME VIEW Left hand panel: Drawing Tools: Point Tool Line Tool Text Tool Freehand Tool Square Tool Set Colour Polyline Tool Ellipse Tool Move Point Recolor Point Rotate Image Insert Point Recolor Frame Cut Select Delete Point Resize Image Copy Select Mark Selection Move Image Paste Editing Tools: © 2008 Laser UK Page - 2 - Laser UK Beam Designer Frame Parameters Increase or Decrease the Dwell factor for a frame; Dwell is also shown as time. The greater the dwell figure the longer the effect is viewed via the laser. The time is dependant upon how many coordinates there are in the frame and the scan speed you have selected. For example: a frame with 500 coordinates playing at 30K will last 0.0167 seconds if the Dwell is set at 1 (ie. to play frame once). Setting the Dwell to 2 will increase the play time to 0.033 secs. Shows time duration of whole scene (total frames together) Allows you to click through your created frames. Main Draw Screen – EDITOR VIEW 3D © 2008 Laser UK Page - 3 - Laser UK Beam Designer 1. File Menu Start New Scene This option clears any opened scenes from the Drawing Area & starts a new scene. If the current scene in the Drawing Area has not been saved a prompt will appear to ask if you would like to save the current file. If you do not save the current scene file, it will be lost upon starting a new scene. Open Frame File This allows you to select a scene file to open. Files are opened with those displaying the *.ILD file extension (ILDA Frame Files). When you click on open frame file, an Open Laser Image File dialog box appears, select the file you require; to the right of the box a preview window will have loaded the individual frames relating to your selected file or scene, this enables you to view the file contents before opening. You now have two options: 1) you can either select to open the whole scene into the Draw Application, in which case all frames in the file will be loaded; 2) you can load a single frame into the Draw Application. The frame is specified by what is currently selected on the preview window. Append Frame File Displays a Windows Open File dialog, that allows you to select a scene file to open and then adds the frames to the end of the current scene that is currently open; therefore combining two scenes together. As in Open Frame File, you can preview the file before loading. Export as an ILDA File This command allows you to export your scene as an ILDA file (*.ILD) Exit Quit the BSPC Draw Application programme. © 2008 Laser UK Page - 4 - Laser UK Beam Designer 2. Edit Menu Undo Selecting this function will return the image to the state it was prior to the last action carried out on the Drawing Area. Insert Point When this mode is selected, it is possible to insert an additional point into the image. The point will be added halfway between the currently selected node, and the previous node. The selected node will appear highlighted as the mouse moves over it. Move Point This option is used to move a single point on the image. The desired point to move is shown highlighted as the mouse pointer moves over it. Recolour Point Use this option to change the selected point to a different colour, the laser output will only project colours that are available to your individual lasers’ wavelength. If you have a DPSS laser, no matter what colour is selected or artwork designed in, the laser will only output its single colour. © 2008 Laser UK Page - 5 - Laser UK Beam Designer If the colour you require is not included within the basic colour selection, click on define custom colours. Another part to the colour selection screen is now displayed: Using the cursor, click on the colour you require. On the right hand side there is a long strip of your colour fading in from white through to black – this is where you can select the brightness level of your chosen colour. Click “Add to Custom Colours” and then okay to use your select colour. Delete Point Used to remove a single point from the image. The selected point is shown as highlighted when the mouse pointer moves over it. Cut Selection This tool will cut and clear artwork in the drawing area, either the entire artwork or selected artwork – see Mark Selection) and hold ready to paste elsewhere within the same frame or into a new frame within the same scene. Copy Selection This tool will copy artwork from the drawing area, again either the entire artwork or selected artwork – see Mark Selection) and hold ready to paste elsewhere within the same frame or into a new frame within the same scene. Paste Use this tool after you have either cut or copied your selected artwork into a new frame or elsewhere in the current frame. © 2008 Laser UK Page - 6 - Laser UK Beam Designer Mark Selection This tool allows you to select a specific point or a range of points within a frame, and edit only the marked selected points, instead of the whole artwork currently in the frame. Once the point or points are selected they change become bigger points and change to have a red outer brim, showing that they have been selected. Selected range of points Highlighted by the guide Pink rectangle Selected points glow yellow to show that they are selected Move Image Use this feature to alter the position of the entire image on the Drawing Area. To move the image hold the mouse button down, and position the rectangle in the new location. Release the mouse button to finally place the image in the new location. If only specific points are required to move, first select them with the Mark Selection tool. Scale Image Allows the size of the image to be altered. Once selected, hold the mouse button down, and drag the new rectangle, which represents the size of the new image, to the new desired size. Release the mouse button once you are happy with the new image size. Rotate Image This allows you to rotate your artwork around four different rotation origins: 1) Screen Centre Rotates the artwork around the centre of the design area. 2) Natural Centre of Selected Object Rotates the desired rotation angle around the calculated centre point of the artwork selected © 2008 Laser UK Page - 7 - Laser UK Beam Designer 3) New User Defined Centre Rotates around a point selected by the user. If selected a cross will appear on the draw area, direct it to the desired rotation point and click to mark the spot; then select the rotation angle. 4) Use Current, User Defined Centre This option remembers the custom user defined point (see option 3) to enable further rotations to be made around the same selected point. This option eliminates the need to undo the first rotation and re find the rotation point. You next have to set the rotation angle that is required: Once you have set the angle and clicked ok, the image will have rotated around the origin selected. Flip About X Axis Flip About Y Axis Inverts the whole image about the X axis (horizontal) Inverts the whole image about the Y axis (vertical) © 2008 Laser UK Page - 8 - Laser UK Beam Designer 3. View Menu Show Points This option can be toggled on and off to show the positions of the coordinates defining the image. When enabled dots appear on the coordinate positions. Show Blanking This enables the laser blanking to be viewed, and can be toggled on and off to view only when required. Show 3D Displays the image on the Drawing Area, with all the points projecting from a central origin to give an impression of what the effect might look like being projected through the air. This option can be toggled on and off. Show Bitmap / Jpeg If a bitmap file (*.BMP) or JPEG (*.JPG) has been loaded for tracing, this option allows you to show or hide the image. To load a bitmap or Jpeg file see Tools Menu. Show Overlay If an overlay frame has been selected for viewing, this option allows you to Image show or hide the frame. Show Grid This enables you to show or hide a grid, which assists in the positioning of artwork etc. © 2008 Laser UK Page - 9 - Beam Designer Laser UK Snap to Grid Use to turn the grid snap on and off. When the Snap to Grid is enabled a little white box appears showing the coordinate that will be snapped to when the mouse is pressed. Grid Spacing Setting This leads to a sub menu that allows you to select between 100 pts & 500 pts. When you save the program, the settings are saved so that they will default to whatever you set them at last. Zoom In Hold the left mouse button down, whilst you drag the mouse over the area you want to view in greater detail; this action draws a rectangle over the part of the image that you wish to view. The section of image will then appear on the Drawing Area in a magnified state. Repeat this procedure to zoom in closer and closer. Normal View Zoomed in Zoom Out Returns the zoom level back to the previous level before the image was magnified. Show Whole Image Display the entire image on the Drawing Area; reverse zoom in effect. © 2008 Laser UK Page - 10 - Laser UK Beam Designer 4. Frame Menu Add New Frame This allows you to add a new frame to the scene. This automatically defaults the new frame to the next available empty frame. There are four different options to choose from when adding a new frame. You can select from: 1. New blank frame : This opens a blank frame for new artwork. 2. New frame using the last frame as a template : This will duplicate the last frame, so that you can use the artwork as a template for modification (e.g. to draw a man walking, you would copy the last frame and only adjust the legs in the new frame) 3. New frame using a frame file as a template : This will open a file browser to search for a desired file (or scene) to be opened. If scene has multiple frames, all frames will be added. 4. Paste frame : Paste the cut or copied artwork from another frame into a new frame. © 2008 Laser UK Page - 11 - Laser UK Beam Designer Insert New Frame Used to insert a frame within a current range of frames. It allows you to select the frame number as to where you would like the new frame inserted. Again the new frame can be either: 1. New blank frame : This opens a blank frame for new artwork. 2. New frame using the last frame as a template : This will duplicate the last frame, so that you can use the artwork as a template for modification (e.g. to draw a man walking, you would copy the last frame and only adjust the legs in the new frame) 3. New frame using a frame file as a template : This will open a file browser to search for a desired file (or scene) to be opened. If scene has multiple frames, all frames will be added. 4. Paste frame : Paste the cut or copied artwork from another frame into a new frame. Paste a Group of Frames Once you have either copied or cut your required group of frames, select this option to enable you to choose as to which existing frame to insert the new frames before. © 2008 Laser UK Page - 12 - Laser UK Beam Designer Merge a Frame file) with Current Frame This option allows you to merge two separate frames from two (from separate scenes together. First, select the frame in the current scene which you wish to merge another frame with. Next, select the Merge a Frame option. A dialogue box will open, allowing you to select a file as to where your desired frame is saved. If the frame required is part of a multi frame scene, use the frame locator/preview to the right hand side of the dialogue box to select the frame. Click open once the frame wanted is on the preview screen, and the chosen frame will now be inserted or merged with the current frame. Copy Current Frame Select Copy Frame, and then open the desired frame that you would like copied from the drawing area, see Select Frame (this opens the frame into the drawing area) to paste the copied artwork either go into add new frame or insert new frame then select the paste option. Cut Current Frame Select Cut Frame, and then open the desired frame that you would like cut from the drawing area, see Select Frame (this opens the frame into the drawing area) to paste the cut artwork either go into add new frame or insert new frame and select the paste option. A warning box will confirm your decision; click if you want to cut the frame. © 2008 Laser UK Page - 13 - Laser UK Beam Designer Copy a Group of Frames This option allows you to copy a selected group of frames and then paste them elsewhere in the scene. Once this option is selected, a dialogue box appears to enable you to choose the selected frames that you want to copy. Once you click OK, the frames are ready to be pasted into a new position. (See Paste a Group of Frames, under the Frame Menu) Cut a Group of Frames This option allows you to cut or remove a selected group of frames to be pasted or moved elsewhere in the scene. Once this option is selected, a dialogue box will appear to enable you to choose the frames required to cut. Once you click OK, the frames selected will disappear from the scene, until you paste them into a new position. (See Paste a Group of Frames, under the Frame Menu) © 2008 Laser UK Page - 14 - Laser UK Beam Designer Delete Current Frame Select the frame that you would like to delete, see Select Frame, this opens the frame into the drawing area. A warning box will double check your decision to delete, click yes if you want to delete. Please note – this function cannot be undone. Delete a Group of Frames This enables you to delete a selected group of frames. Once selected, a dialogue box appears which allows you to select the required group of frames that you want to delete. A warning box will double check your decision to delete, click yes if you want to delete. Please note – this function cannot be undone. Select Frame This allows you to select a specific frame in the current scene. Details of total number of frames in scene are also displayed. Previous Frame This allows you to view the previous frame before the current frame being displayed. Next Frame This displays the next frame after the current frame being displayed. © 2008 Laser UK Page - 15 - Laser UK Beam Designer Set 3D Drawing Depth This that allows you set the drawing depth of the current view. Clicking this opens a new popup that allows you to set the drawing depth using sliders. When you come back out into the main drawing window, if you look on the right hand side where the “other views” are, you can see the grey axis line on the other two 3D views, so you can see what the depth looks like. As you change from view to view, you will see the axis switch as necessary. Frame Properties This shows the scan rate set for the current frame you have open. © 2008 Laser UK Page - 16 - Laser UK Beam Designer Adjust Multiple Frames This option enables you to change the Scan Speed, Dwell and Colour of a selection of frames, without having to individually go through each frame within the scene; within the frame parameters screen, simply click the boxes next to what changes you would like to make, adjust the sliders and click okay. Change Scan Speed: Click box next to Change Scan Speed. Your selected frames can be changed to have all the same scan speed, simply change the scan rate by sliding the bar left (decrease the rate) to right (increase the rate), changing the rate from 1K to the maximum of 65K points per second (PPS). Change Dwell: Click box next to Change Dwell. If individual frames within the selected “From and To” have been created with different Dwells, the relative Dwell adjuster bar slider will proportionally change the Dwell from 1 to 1000, as required. Change Colour: Click box next to Change Colour. The recolour selection screen will appear. Please see Edit Menu for details. © 2008 Laser UK Page - 17 - Laser UK Beam Designer 5. Animation Menu Auto-Animate the Selected Frame Auto-Animate enables you to turn a single frame image into a rotating/spinning, moving and size changing effect. The main Auto-Animate layout window is divided into three main animation requirements: Rotation : Generation Parameters : Animate Control 1. Rotation This section is divided into the three main animation types: ROTATE / SPIN This animate option allows you to change the rotation or spin on the image. The difference between selecting either rotation or spin is the way you calculate the how the image will turn. Rotation option is decided by how many degrees you turn the image (range -360º to +360º); where as spin is decided by how many times you want the image completely turned (range -10 to +10 times). As you can rotate or spin the X, Y and Z axis of the image, the following diagram will help you in understanding the perception of the image result once rotation or spin is applied to it. X axis = width Y axis = height Y Origin X Z Z axis = depth X AXIS The X axis will rotate the image to a maximum range of -360º to +360º or spin the image to a maximum -20 to +20 times, + being positive or forward i.e. the image will tilt towards you, - being negative or backwards i.e. the image will tilt away from you. © 2008 Laser UK Page - 18 - Laser UK Beam Designer Y AXIS The Y axis will rotate the image to a maximum range of -360º to +360º or spin the image to a maximum -20 to +20 times, + being positive or forward i.e. the image will turn to the right, being negative or backwards i.e. the image will turn to the left. Z AXIS The Z axis will rotate the image to a maximum range of -360º to +360º or spin the image to a maximum -20 to +20 times, + being positive or forward i.e. the image will turn clockwise, being negative or backwards i.e. the image will turn anti-clockwise. Rotate Animate Menu, where the rotation is calculated in degrees. Spin Animate Menu, where the spin is calculated in the number of turns. SIZE This animate option allows you to change the size of the image. As you look at the image on the grid, change the size of the image by either sliding the grey slide bar or by typing the percentage number of size change required; the X axis will either increase (+ %) or decrease (- %) the image size WIDTH, and the Y axis will again either increase (+ %) or decrease (%) the image size HEIGHT. If you want the image to maintain its aspect ratio, i.e. both X&Y axis change the same percentage, ensure that you select the lock X&Y option. © 2008 Laser UK Page - 19 - Laser UK Beam Designer POSITION This animate menu allows you to change the position of the image. As you look at the image on the grid, change the position of the image by either sliding the grey slide bar or by typing the percentage number of movement required; the X axis moves the image either left (- %) or right (+ %), and the Y axis moves the image either up (+ %) or down (- %). 2. Generation Parameters Number of Frames This option enables you to choose as to how many frames you would like the image to rotate or spin over; simply enter the number of frames required. The number of frames you enter will reflect on the duration of the sequence. You can see the duration of the frames in the animation within the Animate Control box, which is just to the right of the Generation Parameters. 3. Animate Control This menu is where you can set the control of the rotation effects that will be created. Duration The duration of the sequence is dependant upon the number of frames, which you entered into the Generation Parameters. Cycle Animation This option gives you the ability to create an animation sequence that “cycles” back and forth, i.e. your original animation is of a star moving to the right, if Cycle Animation box is selected the animation will now move back to the startposition, therefore creating a rocking effect. Please note that this effect will double the animation frame amount, i.e. original animation is over 25 frames, once Cycle is selected the frame output will be an additional 25 frames, totalling 50 frames. Ensure this is selected before you click on Set End. (see Tutorial Chapter for an example of this) © 2008 Laser UK Page - 20 - Laser UK Beam Designer Reverse If this box is ticked, the auto-animate frames created will be added to the current scene in reverse order, i.e. if your animation makes a circle zoom up from a dot when previewed, the Reverse Animation box when selected will change the animation to a circle zooming back to a dot. Ensure this is selected before you click on Set End. (see Tutorial Chapter for an example of this) Set Start Click this button once you have the image in the correct starting size, position and rotation orientation. Set End Click this button once you have applied the rotation effects required to the image and the image is in the correct finishing size and position. Ensure that before you click the Set End button you have selected the number of frames and repeat value required, and if you require the animation to include the Cycle and/or Reverse animation effects make sure you tick the corresponding check boxes. Preview Click here to preview your auto-animate effect, before you commit to the frames being put into the current scene. Reset Select this button to clear or reset the changes made to the rotation of the image. OK Click OK once you have set your start and end effects and are happy with the preview. The number of frames that you decided to spread the auto-animate over will then be added to your current scene. Cancel Select cancel to exit from the auto-animate section. © 2008 Laser UK Page - 21 - Laser UK Beam Designer Auto-Animate the Whole Scene Auto-Animate Whole Scene enables you to apply animation to a whole scene, with all frames rotating/spinning, moving and changing size. As all frames within the scene can not be viewed simultaneously, the screen simply shows L (left) and T (top) to ensure you know the required position for the animations applied. As with Auto Animate a Frame you can apply Rotate and Spins, change size of both X & Y and the Position of X & Y. Merge a Scene (from file) with the Scene This allows you to either merge the current scene with either a single frame or a different scene with an equal number of Current frames as the current one. Example A: A single frame will merge with the current open multiple frame scenes; by inserting or merging the single frame onto every individual frame in the multi opened scene. Example B: A multiple frame scene will be merged with the current opened multiple frame scene; i.e. frame 1 of the selected scene will merge with frame 1 of the current scene, frame 2 of the selected scene will merge with frame 2 of the current scene & so on. A dialogue box will appear upon selecting this option, explaining this. Click OK to continue. You now have the option to select the scene you would like to merge. Click on or highlight the file/scene that you would like to select; please note that the first frame of the scene selected has appeared on the preview screen to the right hand side of the dialogue box. Below the preview screen you have the choice of either selecting to load the © 2008 Laser UK Page - 22 - Laser UK Beam Designer whole scene (ensuring it is the same number of frames) or loading only the single frame that is showing on the preview screen - to select a different single frame move the grey bar to the image required). Once you have selected what frame or scene you want click OK Please note that this function can not be undone, therefore we advise you to save your current scene before merging any scenes. If you try to merge a whole scene with a different number of frames than that of the current open scene, a warning message will appear informing you of your error and that the merge could not happen. Morph Image This allows you to change or morph one frame into another frame over a given sequence of frames. You must have two frames available to generate the morph sequence. If you have no frames in your current scene, the following warning message will show if you select the Morph Image option: To create morphed frames, first select Morph Image from the Animate option on the main menu bar. Select the start and finish frame required. Decide how many frames you would like the transformation of morphing to take over and how many times you would like the frame repeated (to slow the morphing speed down), and set the figures in the Edit Morphing Parameters box. With one click of the Generate button the morphing has been generated. To view the morph sequence click Next Frame on the preview box. If you are unhappy with the result, click the Reset button and start the procedure again until you are. © 2008 Laser UK Page - 23 - Laser UK Beam Designer You can use the morph tool to create both dramatic and subtle effects; for example from text into a square/circle image (as in the example shown) or a triangle slowly changing into a line. Animate 3D Object This function allows you to animate a 3D object / frame that you may have saved as a file. Select the 3D image from your artwork & click open. You now have the same auto animation control features as previously seen in the auto animate a frame, but this time your sequence results will output as an animated 3D object rotating, spinning and changing size all in 3D. © 2008 Laser UK Page - 24 - Laser UK Beam Designer 6. Drawing Tool Point Select this tool to place a single point on the Drawing Area. To initiate placing a point press the mouse button down, and continue to hold it down, whilst dragging the point to the desired position. Release the mouse button once the final position has been selected. Note that after placing the third point you will see the loop back path appear, this is the path the laser takes to go back to the first coordinate in the image. Freehand This tool allows freehand drawing, i.e. like drawing with a pen. To use, place the pencil icon on the drawing area, in the position as to where you would like the artwork to start, hold the left mouse button down and use the mouse like a pen to create your graphics. Once the mouse button is released the point placement will stop. The density of the points that make up the freehand tool can be adjusted in the Object Properties option found under the Options menu item. Example screen shot of effects created by using the Freehand Tool. Polyline This enables you to draw complete graphic with multiple lines with a continuous stream; i.e. does not insert blanking points at the start and end of each line segment. To use, click the mouse button down at the position you would like to begin; whilst holding the mouse button down, drag the pencil icon to the points required to create your image. Right click the mouse to end the Polyline drawing. The density of the points that make up the Polyline can be adjusted in the Object Properties option found under the Options menu. © 2008 Laser UK Page - 25 - Laser UK Beam Designer Example screen shot of effects created by using the Polyline Tool. Line Used to place a line of coordinates on the image. The density of the points that make up the line can be adjusted in the Object Properties option found under the Options menu. The method of placing a line is very similar to that of placing a point, in that you hold the mouse button down whilst selecting the desired position, then release the mouse button to place the line. Rectangle Draws a rectangle or square on the Drawing Area. Click the mouse button down at where you wish the top left corner of the rectangle to begin, and then whilst holding the mouse button down, drag the guide to where you require the rectangle to appear. Release the mouse button to place the rectangle on the screen. The density of the points that make up the rectangle can be adjusted in the Object Properties option found under the Options menu. Ellipse Used to place a circle or ellipse on the Drawing Area. Click the mouse button down at where you wish the top left of the ellipse to begin, then whilst holding the mouse button down, drag the guide to where you require the ellipse to appear. Release the mouse button to place the ellipse on the screen. The density of the points placed in the ellipse is set in the Object Properties option under the Options menu. © 2008 Laser UK Page - 26 - Laser UK Beam Designer Text When selected a prompt appears requesting that you type your text into the space provided. Once you click the OK button, a rectangle will appear on the screen, indicating the final size of the text. Use the Mouse to move the rectangle to the part of the screen that you wish the text to appear. Press the mouse button to place the text. To select a different font face, style or size, see the Options Menu. The letter spacing and blanking density of the points which makes up the text is set in the Object Properties option under the Options menu. Here you can also amend the Anchor points, which will sharpen the text font selected. NOTE in order to reduce the number of nodes that the TTF text creates when it is converted to a laser vector format, nodes on the straight lines of the text may have to have points manually inserted after the text is placed, using the editing tools. © 2008 Laser UK Page - 27 - Laser UK Beam Designer 7. Run Menu Preview Scene This function allows you to preview your scene or show via a playback preview scene. This is ideal when you are working with no laser connected to the USB interface. The Preview screen has Play and Stop functions, along with a show duration timer. The Standard Mode is using standard Windows drawing routines, to plot the preview images on the screen; whilst the Visualiser Mode uses open GL graphics card acceleration to produce higher quality graphics. If you have a powerful PC that you are using the Beam Sculptor with, you can opt for the High Frame Rate preview, which will update the screen more often and give a smoother preview. The 3D View enables you to see the show with beam lines, replicating a live view (as seen in the above example). Please note: preview settings will not have any effect on the actual playback quality via your laser projector. © 2008 Laser UK Page - 28 - Laser UK Beam Designer 8. Tools Menu Trace BMP or JPEG Allows you to import a standard bitmap (*.BMP) or Jpeg (*.JPG) for converting into laser artwork. This is useful for converting scanned artwork such as logos and other graphics. The image you select is placed on the background of the Drawing Area at the position and size you specify. It is then possible to use the Drawing Area like tracing paper to trace over the parts of the image you want to appear as a laser graphic. It is possible turn the visibility of the bitmap or Jpeg image on and off using the option under the View menu list. Select Overlay Image Allows you to select a frame to use as an overlay in the drawing area; either to trace, hep to line other artwork in place etc. It is possible turn the visibility of the overlay image on and off using the option under the View menu list. © 2008 Laser UK Page - 29 - Laser UK Beam Designer 9. Options Menu Colour This sets the drawing colour. Use this option to change to the selected colour you required. Please note that the laser output will only project colours that are available to your individual lasers’ wavelength. If you have a Green DPSS laser, no matter what colour is selected or artwork designed in, the laser will only output its single colour. If the colour you require is not included within the basic colour selection, click on define custom colours. Another part to the colour selection screen is now displayed: Using the cursor, click on the colour you require. On the right hand side there is a long strip of your colour fading in from white through to black – this is where you can select the brightness level of your chosen colour. Click “Add to Custom Colours” and then okay to use your select colour. © 2008 Laser UK Page - 30 - Laser UK Beam Designer Character Font Opens the text font selection dialog box, which displays a list of all the available fonts you have installed on your system. You are able to use any of the Windows Tru-Type Fonts (TTF) for creating text with Beam Sculptor PC. You can also alter the size of the characters by altering the Point Size in the dialog. Please remember, the more complicated the font you select the more points that will be inserted in the laser text. NB. Ensure you amend the font type and style before you write your text! Object Properties This option allows you to set the point spacing between the coordinates and the number of anchor points to insert for each of the drawing tools. SPACING 1,000 = points close together 10,000 = points wide apart ANCHOR 1 = low points (fast scan systems) 10 = high points (low scan systems) © 2008 Laser UK Page - 31 - Laser UK Beam Designer Beam Blanking Settings This enables changes to be made to the beam blanking settings/ configuration. Preferences This allows you to set the preferred beam colour by default. Once click the colour select screen opens for you to choose your default colour. “Double Click” Object Editing When in this mode drawing of the objects requires a click to start and another to finish the drawing. If you right click the mouse whilst between clicks, you get a little popup menu that allows you speedy access to the Depth Control, Grid On/Off, Colour Control, and a new “Finish” function (used for PolyLine and Multi-Point Drawing). This is very useful for drawing 3D polyline objects. E.g. it is easy to now draw a 3D helix by simply altering the depth as the polyline is drawn. When in this new drawing mode the features of the drawing tools are as follows:Point – this changes to allow you to draw freely across all three axis, so you can change depth as you place subsequent points. I’ve drawn a part of a helix using this tool. Right Click and you can access the popup menu to change things on the fly. You need to right click and click “Finish” when you have finished drawing. Freehand – the functionality of this is a little more difficult to control over a 3D axis, as the points are placed with the movement of the mouse, therefore you will probably just use this to draw on a single plane at a time. Line – This can be used to draw lines that start off at one depth, and end in another. PolyLine – same as Line, but you can change depths as you place each on the new lines. Rectangle Ellipse & Text, each of these allow you to alter the depth whilst editing, but the whole object sits on the same plane, unlike the Line and PolyLine etc… Snap-to-Grid also works in the Depth Settings window, and you will see the sliders jump to the next Snap Point, if the Snap is on. © 2008 Laser UK Page - 32 - Laser UK Beam Designer 10. Help Menu Contents Starts standard Windows Help File for the Beam Designer. NOT AVAILABLE IN THIS VERSION About Displays information about the current version of the program, and to whom it is registered to. © 2008 Laser UK Page - 33 -