Historic Absinthes Reborn
Historic Absinthes Reborn
BLUE REVIEWS Historic Absinthes Reborn IMPORTS 903trffi5"," Chardonnay, *\;. * ,\*'*:ir"* {$}l}} Rich 7: * * rx * <' *22 * qY qv au t?z and round with polished stYle and dpe frui! tangY aciditY and dense flavors with toastY oak notes; stylish and long. VINEYARD BRANDS 903:;*iIHil"',o" Cordilleras Carmenire, X*q, as 4 l, tz tzazt t:Lt l,$s4*'?') (},:AeslNTl-{frS \i i * t:t' *.*' q9 " q' ;2.& \' *$1 *v. {"ba it Dark,silky and smooth *y a * with lush blackberrY and recreated is painstakinglv THE JADE LIQUEURS PORTFOtI0 distiller and historianT of collection in the absinthes pre-ban in France from historic to gain approval absinthe genuine {rrst the brand, Lucid the who created A. Breaux, forthe responsible for legal distribution in the U.S. since I9I2 Breaux is largely cassis; juicy, rich and dense; long and elegant. EXCELSIOR WINES these,power^ful resurrection of this fascinating and misunderstood category, I tasted A ATenuta YU andimpressivespiritswithTedhimselibothneatandwithwater:Aremarkable of historic spirits' colleclion of products and an engaging study in the recreation Sant' x*o:nio 2012 Selezione Antonio i-r Ii il I}' {$4&} Dense Castagnedi. \,,r'l 933;iff:fl##,,',* ";r,uru,, 9 7 &*t\* W:*,3;illX,l$*{1" nose; Light green color; soft' mint nose; silky' silky, smooth' hot and spicy; with water: soft w*h modest t""p; *itf,. water: smooth alnise, mini and anise nose' floral and soft ABV 68% mellow' ,pi."; Uut"n."a, fresh and long 65% ABV spice; long and Yellow/green color; spice, ear^th and light anise nose; smooth, silky and richly spicy with lots of heat; with water: cloudier; smooth, spicy and balanced; long and lush. 58% ABV azltgr <tlirc\t and sweet with concentrated flavors of black cherry and cassis; smooth, intense and long. 7O7o Corvina,20% Rondinella,5% Croatina,5% Oseleta. Clear gree'n color; smooth mint mellori spice and anise; long and Absinihe Q 4r){aae.leOI Supi'rieure. l q':ttt'r' \ Itrr|' 7 \t rx, x {* DALLATERRA 90t'lltT'x*J"1, 95Ei'J*'"#ul,*Titi*) soft vanilla. Bright, clear yellow color; spice nose; silky rich and rounded flavors of anise, spice, mint and licorice; with water: smooth, balanced lush and deep with lovely flavors and lengrh.72% ABY' JADE LIOUEURS/MARKETED BY HOOD RIVER DISTILLERS Malbec, Constanza Vineyard, \{*t;}q:" {ltrii *qr *e*) A promising contender from Argentina; duskY and spicy with notes of coffee, chocolate and blackberrY; rich, complex and long, KOBRAND A ClCeorees Yigoul'oux YZzotl'chateau de /-laBerinser Vinevards Y ( 20 l2 9S?;,t:B.t,t" Priruie Reserie Cahernet Sauvignon, h;r;.*;r f i*{{*v {,b*f:'3) Ripe and concentrated with velvety plum, blackberry and sweet vanilla oak; intense, seamless and elegant with powet, structure and flnesse; exceptional' TBEASURYWINE ESTATES 20ll Yountville Yo0trytlLt l!Lle1,$N CABTRNET SAWIGNON ,It t.t-t LrdI 2011 6troE{ ++ rI Selection Cabernet Sauvigrron, 1 ti_, lii:{1_r From some of the oldest Cabernet vines in NapaValley, planted in 1959; elegant sweet plum, cassis and lovely notes of vanilla and mocha; refined and exquisite. lo2 the tosting ponel december 2-.: \tl1;* 6 I5l i Mercubs Cuv6e Malbec q' 6 6 6 6, { &|r.ce * " &i *' & *x..' a" {*,44}'} A show-stoPPi ng Cahors from vines planted at 6,656 vines per hectare; dark, ripe blackberry and hints of chocolate; rich, comPlex and deeP' SPEC'S (TXYIDEAL WINE (MA)