1 Supreme Court of Bangladesh Cause List Index Page : High Court
1 Supreme Court of Bangladesh Cause List Index Page : High Court
Supreme Court of Bangladesh Cause List Index Page : High Court Division Date : 02/05/2016 Sl Court Name 1 Main Building Court No. 8 Total cases : 240 Page : 12-22 2 Main Building Court No. 13 Honorable Judges' Name Jurisdictions Justice Syed Muhammad [ Dastagir Husain , , , And ◌! "#$% & '( Justice A. K. M. Shahidul %% $ ; ) * Huq $+ ,& - #. % , , */0 ; 1 2 # , 3443 & 56(3)(*) 7 % ◌! / %8) .9 : ; #. < : #/ 2 +/ = >% '( . 2? ; < $ # . /0 @ ।] Justice Md. Mizanur Rahman [ Bhuiyan : AB . C % 8 #/ ; AB . $ A D E ; '( - ; % 2 +/ = >% '( . 2? ; < $ # . /0 @ ।] Total cases : 7 Page : 23 3 Annex Building Court No. 2 Total cases : 75 Justice Syed A. B. Mahmudul Huq And Justice Farid Ahmed Total cases : 254 * [ @ * .$( ; F #/ , F #/ ( ), F & #/ , F & #/ ( ), G,HH,HHH +I) F & #/ 2 .+ ( '( # ,& #/ 1 ; @ * .$( < $ E ; ) < 4 ,& ( 35 < ,J ( G,HH,HHH +I) #/ ; @ * .$( < , .$( E $ %K 2? ; # . /0 % +L% ( '(; 6HH3 2 3 2 # ( # , 6HH3) 5M( ), > 2*& % #/ ; + ( / '., /B ( ' . (N) ,& . , 3444 2 # . 2 -G, 3443,& #/ ; @ * .$( ) & # 53 , ) 33 < ,J ( #/ 1 2 +/ = >% '( . 2? ; < $ # . /0 ।] Page : 24-27 4 Annex Building Court No. 10 @ Justice Tariq ul Hakim And Justice Md. Faruque (M. Faruque) [ , #$% & +/ = >% @ O 2 Page : 28-45 , , ◌! "'( % % ; '( . 2 '( . 2? ; < , # . /0 । *P & , % /1 ) *P & 2 +/ = >% # . /0 @ 5 Main Building Court No. 10 Total cases : 45 Justice Salma Masud Chowdhury And Justice Kazi Md. Ejarul Haque Akondo #2 Q% F '( . 2? ; ।] % $ < $ [ @ AB . #/ %K 2? ; C % 8 #/ $ %K ; AB . C % 8 $ AB . +/ = >% '( . @ 2 2 Page : 46-48 1 * AB . ; C # . /0 2 # . /0 ; AB . 2? ; # . /0 #/ : AB . & E 1 2 2? ; < $ # . /0 % 8 R% #/ $ 6 Annex Building Court No. 25 Total cases : 67 :S ) %. #$% & %% * AB . ; AB . #/ # . /0 ; AB . C % 8 #/ ; AB . $ A D E ; AB . ) & 54M 2 TG3& % E 1 ; AB . / U 2 #/ # . /0 2 +/ = >% '( . 2? ; < $ # . /%! @ O 2 ; *P & , % /1 ) *P & #2 Q% F % $@ O ।] Justice Farid Ahmed [ And # Justice K. M. Kamrul Kader @ O C Page : 49-51 7 Annex Building Court No. 32 Justice Shamim Hasnain And Justice Mohammad Ullah Total cases : 47 Page : 52-54 8 Annex Building Court No. 23 2 0 $ # F) %V , , 2? ; , .+ ( ( . $ ,F)WO # % +L% $ %K 2? ; ; 345H 2 ) # ,& #/ ; 3433 2 / U $ # T3 ( ) 2 6G (>), (*), (X) $ (Y) & % # . /0 $ #/ ; 1 2 # , 3443& 56(3)(*) 7 % / %8) .9 :; #. < : #/ ; #( A D E $ #( 2? ; A D ; ◌! ", 34G4& 34G ,J ( #/ 2 +/ = >% '( . 2? ; < $ # . /0 ।] Justice Zinat Ara And Justice A.K.M. Zahirul Hoque , , , ,F)WO # , 2 2 $ # F) %V 2? ; $ %K 2? ; 2S ) %. # #$% & ; *P & , % /1 ) *P & #2 Q% F % $ @ O ।] Justice Muhammad Abdul Hafiz [ [ Page : 57-69 10 Annex Building Court No. 12 2 [ #. , & 70 & '( ; # 346T ,J ( Z /0 $ Z /0 % % 8 [ '( \ , & 70; Z. # 3MG4 ,J ( E ; ) '( ] ◌! ) # 6HHH , & 70 & E ; U) /2 , ) D, 34M^,& # . /0; %% , _ ? $ #. < : , 1I) G,HH,HHH 2 /7 ? $ # . < : .$( ; 2 ` # 3443 2 (3443 2 35 2 # ) ,J ( # . /0 ; # 6HH3 (6HH3 2 3 2 # ) ,J ( #/ $ # . /0 ; '( - ; % 2 +/ = >% '( . 2? ; < $ # . /0 । ] Page : 55-56 Total cases : 256 [ Justice A. F. M. Abdur Rahman Total cases : 14 9 Annex Building Court No. 9 ।] Total cases : 937 2 %%, _ <:, I 1 ) G,HH,HHH /7 # . .$( ; .$( : #. $ ? 2 $ ? <: ) & # 53 , ) 33 < ,J ( , 1I) G,HH,HHH #/ ; %% , _ #. $ ? < : , 1I) G,HH,HHH 2 /7 # . $ ? < : .$( < $ .$( E ; , 1I) G,HH,HHH # . /0 $ F #/ , F #/ ( ) 2 @ * ( '( $ , 1I) G,HH,HHH F & #/ , F & #/ ( ); '( - ; % 2 +/ = >% ( . 2? ; < $ # . /0 @ ।] Page : 70-99 11 Annex Building Court No. 26 Justice Syed Refaat Ahmed Total cases : 205 Page : 100-126 12 Annex Building Court No. 7 Total cases : 62 Page : 127-133 13 Main Building Court No. 15 Total cases : 216 Justice Md. Miftah Uddin [ 0 Choudhury 2 , , And '( . 2? ; $ ; '( Justice A. N. M. Bashir Ullah - ; % 2 +/ = >% '( . 2? ; < $ # . /0; *P & , % /1 ) *P & #2 Q% F % $@ O ।] Justice A. K. M. Asaduzzaman And Justice Md. Ataur Rahman Khan [ : @ O * AB . ; AB . #/ C # . /0 2 %K 2? ; # . /0 ; AB . C % 8 #/ $ %K 2? ; # . /%! ; AB . C % 8 #/ $ #/ C # . /0 $ ; AB . 2 AB . & E 1 2 +/ = >% '( . 2? ; < $ # . /0 @ O 2 ।] Justice Md. Ashfaqul Islam And Justice Zafar Ahmed [ Page : 134-141 14 Annex Building Court No. 33 Total cases : 40 Page : 142-142 15 Annex Building Court No. 3 Total cases : 373 [ #. , & 70 & '(; # 346T ,J ( Z /0 $ Z /0 % % 8 [ '( \ , & 70; Z. # 3MG4 ,J ( E ; 345H 2 )# ,& # . /0 ; 343^ $ 3445 2 ` # ,J ( # . /0; 2 ` # 3443 2 (3443 2 35 2 # ) ,J ( # . /0 ; # 6HH3 (6HH3 2 3 2 # ) ,J ( #/ $ # . /0 ; %%, _ ? $# . <: , 1I) G,HH,HHH 2 /7 ? $ #. < : .$( । '( - ; % 2 +/ = >% '( . 2? ; < $ # . /0।] Justice Quamrul Islam Siddique And Justice Razik-Al-Jalil $ $ b #. %, #$% & '( ,@ & ; 9% ) %% * $ + ,& - #. % , , */0; '( - ; % 2 +/ = >% '( . 2? ; < $ # . /0 @ O ।] [ # 3 , '( . , + b ◌! "2 '( . 2 +/ 2? ; < $ # . /0 । ] Page : 144-162 16 Annex Building Court No. 31 [ : ,@ & 9% / % E %% , _ ? $ #. < : , 1I) G,HH,HHH 2 /7 ? $ # . < : .$( E 6HHT 2 / ; ) 2 @ * ( '( ; ( - ; % 2 +/ = >% ( . 2? ; < # . /0 @ O ।] Justice Moyeenul Islam Chowdhury And Justice Md. Iqbal Kabir [ Page : 163-166 Total cases : 139 '( . % % ; '( - ; % 2 +/ = >% '( . 2? ; < $ # . /0 @ ।] $ Justice Md. Emdadul Huq And Justice Ashish Ranjan Das Total cases : 329 Page : 178-189 19 Annex Building Court No. 22 Justice Md. Rais Uddin : @ O AB . #/ %K 2? ; C % 8 #/ $ %K ; AB . C % 8 2 AB . +/ = >% '( . @ O 2 2 $ * AB . ; C # . /0 2 # . /0 ; AB . 2? ; # . /0 #/ ; AB . & E 1 2 2? ; < $ # . /0 % 8 R% #/ ।] @ O * AB . ; AB . C % 8 #/ ; AB . #/ C # . /0 2 %K 2? ; # . /0; AB . $ A D E ; '( - ; % 2 +/ = >% '( . 2? c% < $ # . /0 @ O ।] Page : 180-191 Justice Md. Emdadul Haque [ Azad : %%, _ #. $ ? <:, I 1 ) G,HH,HHH 2 /7 # . $ ? <: .$( ; .$( ) & # 53 , ) 33 < ,J ( , 1I) G,HH,HHH #/ ; %% , _ #. $ ? < : , 1I) G,HH,HHH 2 /7 # . $ ? < : .$( < $ .$( E ; , 1I) G,HH,HHH # . /0 $ F #/ , F #/ ( ) 2 @ * ( '( $ , 1I) G,HH,HHH F & #/ , F & #/ ( ) ; 6HH3 2 *O % &N ( 2 & ) ,& . d 2 &% 34e6 2 *O % &N ,& . % " ) _ " # . /0 ; '( - ; % 2 +/ = >% ( . 2? ; < $ # . /0 @ ।] Total cases : 396 Page : 192-207 21 Annex Building [ [ Total cases : 31 20 Annex Building Court No. 11 , , Page : 167-177 18 Annex Building Court No. 8 '( . Justice Md. Fazlur Rahman Total cases : 90 17 Annex Building Court No. 21 = >% Justice Syed Md. Ziaul [ 4 : Court No. 29 Karim Total cases : 18 And Justice Sheikh Md. Zakir Hossain Page : 208 22 Annex Building Court No. 16 Total cases : 140 @ O * AB . #/ , AB . $ AB . & E ; '( - ; % 2 +/ = >% '( . 2? ; < $ # . /0 @ O $ 2 % 8 R% #/ $ ।] Justice Md. Rezaul Haque [ And '( . ; Justice Muhammad Khurshid - ; % 2 +/ Alam Sarkar < $ # . /0 @ O : '( = >% '( . 2? ; ।] Page : 209-216 23 Annex Building Court No. 18 Justice Sheikh Abdul Awal And Justice Shahidul Karim Total cases : 9 Page : 217 24 Annex Building Court No. 34 Total cases : 25 Page : 218-219 25 Annex Building Court No. 14 [ @ O * F #/ , F #/ ( ), F & #/ , F & #/ ( ); G,HH,HHH +I) F & #/ 2 .+ ( '( # ,& #/ 1 ; @ O * .$( < $ E ; ) < 4 ,& ( 35 < ,J ( G,HH,HHH +I) #/ ; F #/ ; @ O * F & #/ ; @ O * .$( < , .$( E $ %K 2? ; # . /0 % +L% ( '(; 6HH3 2 3 2# ( # 6HH3) 5M( ), > 2 * & % #/ ; + ( / '., /B ( ' . (N) ,& . , 3444 2 # . 2-G, 3443- ,& #/ ; @ O * .$( ) & # 53 , ) 33 < ,J ( #/ 1 2 +/ = >% '( . 2? ; < $ # . /0। ] Justice S. M. Emdadul Hoque [ : And @ O * AB . #/ , AB . $ Justice S.M. Mozibur AB . & E ; '( Rahman - ; % 2 +/ = >% '( . 2? ; < $ # . /0 @ O $ 2 % 8 R% #/ $ ।] Justice Mamnoon Rahman And Justice J. B. M. Hassan Total cases : 58 [ ,@ & #/ $ #/ 9% / % #/ 2 $ : AB . C % 8 R% ।] % 8 Page : 220-222 26 Annex Building Court No. 13 Total cases : 189 Page : 223-230 27 Annex Building Justice Farah Mahbub [ : And @ O * AB . ; Justice Md. Mozibur Rahman AB . #/ C # . /0 2 Miah %K 2? ; # . /0 ; AB . C % 8 #/ $ %K 2? ; # . /0 ; AB . C % 8 #/ $ #/ C # . /0 $ ; AB . 2 AB . & E 1 2 +/ = >% '( . 2? ; < $ # . /0 @ O 2 ; *P & , % /1 ) *P & ( #2 Q% '( . @ O ।] Justice A. K. M. Abdul [ 5 : Court No. 15 Hakim Total cases : 79 And Justice Farid Ahmed Shibli Page : 231-234 28 Annex Building Court No. 30 : ◌! %%, _ #. $ ? <:, I 1 ) G,HH,HHH 2 /7 # . $ ? <: .$( ; .$( ) & # 53 , ) 33 < ,J ( , 1I) G,HH,HHH #/ ; %% , _ ? $ #. < : , 1I) G,HH,HHH 2 /7 # . $ ? < : .$( < $ .$( E ; , 1I) G,HH,HHH # . /0 $ F #/ , F #/ ( ) 2 @ * ( '( $ , 1I) G,HH,HHH F & #/ , F & #/ ( ) ; 6HH3 2 *O % &N ( 2 & ) ,& . d 2 &% 34e6 2 *O % &N ,& . % " ) _ " # . /0 ; '( - ; % 2 +/ = >% ( . 2? ; < $ # . /0 @ O ।] Justice Borhanuddin [ Total cases : 161 Page : 235-243 29 Annex Building Court No. 27 Justice M. Moazzam Husain [ And Justice Md. Badruzzaman Page : 244-251 Justice Soumendra Sarker And Justice Md. Ashraful Kamal Total cases : No Case Page : 252 31 Main Building Court No. 12 : '( . , $ ; - ; % 2 +/ < $ # . /0 @ O Total cases : 140 30 Annex Building Court No. 28 @ O * AB . ; AB . #/ C # . /0 2 %K 2? ; # . /0; AB . C % 8 #/ $ %K 2? ; # . /0; AB . C % 8 #/ $ #/ C # . /0 $ ; AB . 2 AB . & E 1 2 +/ = >% '( . 2? ; < $ # . /0 @ O 2 ।] [ @ O * .$( ; F #/ , F #/ ( ), F & #/ , F & #/ ( ); G,HH,HHH +I) F & #/ 2 .+ ( '( # ,& #/ 1 ; @ O * .$( < $ E ; ) < 4 ,& ( 35 < ,J ( G,HH,HHH +I) #/ ; @ O * .$( < , .$( E $ %K 2? ; # . /0 % +L% ( '(; 6HH3 2 3 2 # ( # 6HH3) 5M( ), > 2*& % #/ ; + ( / '., /B ( ' . (N) ,& . , 3444 2 # . 2-G, 3443,& #/ ; @ O * .$( ) & # 53 , ) 33 < ,J ( #/ 1 2 +/ = >% '( . 2? ; < $ # . /0। ] Justice Abu Bakar Siddiquee [ And Justice Mustafa Zaman Islam A 6 , %% '( = >% '( . 2? ; ।] 2 A D 2 0 % 8 .f . ( % +L% AB . #/ $ #/ 2 +[ ( % +L% AB . #/ $ #/ C # . /0 2 @ * AB . #/ $ AB . #/ % +L% # . /0 @ O $ ।] Total cases : 32 Page : 253-254 32 Annex Building Court No. 4 Total cases : 68 Page : 255-260 33 Main Building Court No. 25 Justice Md. Nuruzzaman [ And @ O * .$( ; Justice S. H. Md. Nurul Huda F #/ , F #/ ( ), F & Jaigirdar #/ , F & #/ ( ); G,HH,HHH +I) F & #/ ; @ O * .$( < $ E ; ) < 4 ,& ( 35 < ,J ( G,HH,HHH +I) #/ ; @ O * .$( < , .$( E $ %K 2? ; # . /0 % +L1% ( '( ; 6HH3 2 3 2 # ( # 6HH3) 5M( ), > 2 * & % #/ ; + ( / '., /B ( ' . (N) ,& . , 3444 2 # . 2-G, 3443 ,& #/ ; @ O * ◌! .$( ) &# 53 ,*) 33 < ,J ( #/ 2 +/ = >% '( . 2? ; < $ # . /0 । ] Justice Md. Moinul Islam Chowdhury Total cases : No Case Page : 261 34 Annex Building Court No. 19 [ : @ * AB . ; AB . C % 8 #/ ; AB . #/ C # . /0 2 %K 2? ; # . /0 ; AB . $ A D E ; '( - ; % 2 +/ = >% '( . 2? ; < $ # . /0 @ O ।] 0 2 Justice Obaidul Hassan And Justice Krishna Debnath [ Justice M. Enayetur Rahim And Justice Amir Hossain [ : @ * AB . ; AB . #/ C # . /0 2 %K 2? ; # . /0 ; AB . C 8% #/ $ %K 2? ; # . /0 ; AB . C % 8 #/ $ #/ C # . /0 $ ; AB . 2 AB . & E 1 2 +/ = >% '( . 2? ; < $ # . /0 @ 2 । *P & , % /1 ) ; %K 2? ; ; - ; % 2 +/ 2? ; < $ # . /0 @ O Total cases : 406 '( = >% '( . ।] Page : 262-278 35 Annex Building Court No. 17 Total cases : 242 Page : 279-285 *P & ( #2 Q% % & $ 8 R% % 8 .U . A D E $ S ) % . ।] 36 Annex Building Court No. 20 Total cases : 131 Justice Naima Haider And Justice Khizir Ahmed Choudhury [ 7 2 : @ O * .$( F #/ , F #/ ( & #/ , F & #/ G,HH,HHH +I) F Page : 286-290 '( . A 2? ; , ), F ( ); & #/ ; @ O * .$( < $ E ; ) < 4 ,& ( 35 < ,J ( G,HH,HHH +I) #/ ; @ O * .$( < , .$( E $ %K 2? ; # . /0 % +L% ( '(; 6HH3 2 3 2# ( # 6HH3) 5M( ), > 2*& % #/ ; + ( / '., /B ( ' . (N) ,& . , 3444 2 # . 2-G, 3443 ,& #/ ; @ O * .$( ) & # 53 , ) 33 < ,J ( #/ 1 2 +/ = >% '( . 2? ; < $ # . /0। ] 37 Main Building Court No. 26 [ AB . ; +/ = >% @ O$ $ Justice Md. Shawkat Hossain And Justice Md. Abu Zafor Siddique And Justice Md. Nazrul Islam Talukder % 3:HH X / ; ) )[ : % 8 .f . A D 2 TM/6H3^ 2 ( % +L1% AB . #/ 2 #/ 1 2 +/ = >% '( . 2? ; # . /0 ( . F ) @ । +/ [ E Total cases : 442 Page : 291-303 38 Annex Building Court No. 24 Total cases : 3 Page : 304-312 ( 3H:^H % / g9 39 Annex Building Court No. 24 Total cases : 2 Page : 313 40 Main Building Court No. 21 : AB . #/ , $ AB . & E '( - ; % 2 '( . 2? ; < $ # . /0 2 % 8 R% #/ ।] Justice Md. Rezaul Hasan And Justice Kashefa Hussain ( % *P & @ O ।] % Justice Md. Shawkat Hossain ( 6:HH X % 5:3T X / ; ) ) And ( 8 9 E g 9/ 1 % $( / Justice Md. Nazrul Islam ) [ : S ) % . Talukder # ,& . ( % 8 %% @ O * AB . ; AB . #/ C # . /0 ; AB . C % 8 #/ ; AB . $ A D E ; AB . ) & 54M 2 TG3& % E 1 2 +/ = >% '( . 2? ; < $ # . /0 @ O$ ।] Justice F.R.M. Nazmul Ahasan [ : 2 % % ,c _ #. $ ? < : , 1I) G,HH,HHH 2 /7 # . $ ? < : .$( ; .$( ) & # 53 , ) 33 < ,J ( , 1I) G,HH,HHH #/ ; %% , _ #. $ ? < : , 1I) G,HH,HHH 2 /7 # . $ ? < : .$( < $ .$( E ; , 1I) G,HH,HHH # . /0 $ F #/ , F #/ ( ) 2 @ O * ( '( $ , 1I) G,HH,HHH F & #/ , F & #/ ( ); 6HH3 2 *O % &N ( 2 & ) ,& . d 2 &% 34e6 2 Total cases : 6 Page : 314 8 *O % &N ,&◌! . % # . /0 ; '( 2 +/ = >% '( . # . /0 @ O ।] 41 Main Building Court No. 6 Justice Quazi Reza-Ul Hoque [ : %% , _ ? $ #. < : , 1I) G,HH,HHH 2 /7 ? $ # . < : .$( E 2 @ * ( '(; '( - ; % 2 +/ = >% ( . 2? ; < $ # . /0 @ O ।] Total cases : 11 Page : 315 42 Main Building Court No. 20 ( 6:HH X % 5:3T / ; ) ) ( 8 9 E g 9/ 1 % $( / )[ : @ * AB . ; AB . C % 8 #/ ; AB . #/ C # . /0 2 %K 2? ; # . /0 ; AB . $ A D E ; '( - ; % 2 +/ = >% '( . 2? ; < $ # . /0 @ O ।] Justice Md. Abu Zafor Siddique Total cases : 28 Page : 316-317 43 Annex Building Court No. 5 Total cases : 4 Page : 318 44 Main Building Court No. 9 Total cases : 320 Justice Jahangir Hossain [ And ,@ & 9% @ O h Justice Md. Jahangir Hossain % 8 .f . A A D 2 ( % +L% AB . #/ $ #/ 2 +[ ( % +L% AB . #/ $ #/ C # . /0 2 AB . & . F ; #. < : AB . C % 8 #/ 2 AB . / U 2 #/ . >; 2 +/ = >% '( . 2? ; < $ # . /0 @ O ।] Justice Md. Habibul Gani And Justice Md. Akram Hossain Chowdhury [ Page : 319-327 45 Main Building Court No. 27 Total cases : 548 " )_ " - ; % 2? ; < $ : 0 2 AB . #/ , AB . $ AB . & E ; '( - ; % 2 +/ = >% '( . 2? ; < $ # . /0 @ O $ 2 % 8 R% #/ $ ।] Justice Gobinda Chandra [ Tagore '( . ; And - ; % 2 +/ Justice Abu Taher Md. Saifur < $ # . /0 @ O Rahman : '( = >% '( . 2? ; ।] Page : 328-355 46 Annex Building Court No. 6 Total cases : 130 Justice Sheikh Hassan Arif And Justice Bhishmadev Chakrabortty , Justice Md. Ruhul Quddus And Justice Md. Salim Total cases : 210 2? ; '( । +/ @ Page : 356-367 47 Main Building Court No. 28 [ = >% 9 D E ; %. 2? ; - ; % 2? ; < 2 $ # . /0 ।] [ : . # ,& . ( % 8 #. % +L1% %. 2? ; । & / , #/ # . /0 Page : 368-375 '( . A , 2 2 +/ = >% S ) % , (, ; @ O '( . 2? ; < $ # . /0 @ O $ ,@ & 9% - ; % 2 +/ < $ # . /0 @ 48 Main Building Court No. 14 Justice Md. Khasruzzaman Page : 376 : %%, _ #. $ ? < : , 1 G,HH,HHH 2 /7 # . $ ? <: .$( ; .$( ) & # 53 , ) 33 < ,J ( , 1 G,HH,HHH #/ ; %% , _ #. $ ? <: , 1 G,HH,HHH 2 /7 # . $ ? < : .$( < $ E ; , 1 G,HH,HHH # . /0 $ i F #/ , F #/ ( ) 2 @ O * ( '( $ , 1 G,HH,HHH F & #/ , F & #/ ( ); 6HH3 2 *O % &N ( 2 & ) ,& . d 2 &% 34e6 2 *O % &N ,& . % " ) _ " # . /0; '( - ; % 2 +/ = >% '( . 2? ; < $ # . /0 @ O ।] Justice Mahmudul Hoque [ : 2 %% , _ #. $ ? < : , 1I) G,HH,HHH 2 /7 # . $ ? < : .$( ; .$( ) & # 53 , ) 33 < ,J ( , 1I) G,HH,HHH #/ ; %%, _ #. $ ? < : , 1I) G,HH,HHH 2 /7 # . $ ? < : .$( < $ .$( E ; , 1I) G,HH,HHH # . /0 $ F #/ , F #/ ( ) 2 @ O * ( '( $ , 1I) G,HH,HHH F & #/ , F & #/ ( ); 6HH3 2 *O % &N ( 2 & ) ,& . d 2 &% 34e6 2 *O % &N ,&◌! . % " )_ " # . /0 ; '( - ; % 2 +/ = >% '( . 2? ; < $ # . /0 @ O ।] ........ [ # 53 , ) , 1I) G,HH,HHH [ Page : 377-381 Total cases : 6 Page : - 382 51 Blank List 1 : Justice Bhabani Prasad Singha Total cases : 120 50 Main Building Court No. 29 '( '( . 2? ; %% , _ ? $ #. < : , 1I) G,HH,HHH 2 /7 ? $ # . < : .$( E 2 @ * ( '(; '( - ; % 2 +/ = >% ( . 2? ; < $ # . /0 @ O ।] Total cases : 6 49 Main Building Court No. 19 [ = >% ।] । Total cases : 36 10 : .$( 33 < ,J ( #/ ) & ; , 1I) G,HH,HHH d% ( #/ , d% ( & #/ $ F & #/ %% _ #. < : , 1I) G,HH,HHH 2 /7 # . < : .$( < $ .$( E 2 %K 2? ; j $ # . /0 ।] Page : 383-385 52 Blank List 2 ........ [ : AB . C % 8 #/ ; AB . $ A D E 2 +/ = >% '( . 2? ; < $ # . /0 @ O ।] Total cases : 10 Page : 386 53 Lawazima Court ........ ( Total cases : 11 Page : 387 11 @ O * 6X ) Supreme Court of Bangladesh High Court Division Justice Syed Muhammad Dastagir Husain and Justice A. K. M. Shahidul Huq Date : 02/05/2016 [Main Building Court No. 8] [ , 1 2 3 4 5 , #$% & '( % % */0 ; 1 2 :; # . < : #/ , , $ ; ) * $+ ,& - #. % , # , 3443 & 56(3)(*) 7 % ◌! / %8) 2 +/ = >% '( . 2? ; < $ # . /0 @ ।] 6 .9 Anjum Sultana Shina vs Govt of Bangladesh 7 Writ Petition Arjun Sultan Shima 11400/2014 vs (Heard in part) Govt of Bangladesh Md. Abdul Karim 8 Writ Petition 8577/2008 vs (Heard in part) Sec. Min. of Home Affairs and ors 9 Writ Petition G.M Abdul Bari 7643/2015 vs (Heard in part) (2 p.m.) Bangladesh and others 10 Writ Petition Jesmin Akhter 5064/2011 vs with W.P. 6942 of 2011 Bangladesh and ors 11 Writ Petition Hajera Khatun 2604/2016 vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Home Affairs and 12 others 12 Writ Petition Khaja Jaki 3735/2014 Ahsanullah vs (2 p.m.) Ministry of Social Welfare and others 13 Writ Petition Md. Masud Ahmed 8615/2015 vs (2 p.m.) The Sec. Min. of Land and 02 others 14 Writ Petition Md. mashud ahmed 6954/2015 vs (2 p.m.) The Sec. Min. of Land and 02 ors 15 Writ Petition Md. Farhaduzzaman 7052/2014 ( Bulu) (2 p.m.) vs The Sec. Min. of LGRD and ors 16 Writ Petition Mariom akter 2442/2016 vs (2 p.m.) Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Home Affairs and 05 others Application Writ Petition Jahangir Alam 6985/2014 Bhuiyan vs District Judge, Dhaka and 02 ors Mr. A.k.M. Jaglul Haider Afric, Advocate.. for the petitioner. Writ Petition Shah Alam and 2197/2001 another (Mr. Md. Sharafatullah, Advocate vs Bangladesh, represented by the Minister, Ministry of Housing and Public Works and others Mr. Md. Sharafatullah, Advocate.. for the petitioners Review Petition M/S. Bismillah 3/2016 Engineering and Steel (Pvt.) Limited vs Bangladesh, represented by the Minister, Ministry of Housing and Public Works and others Mr. Md. Sharafatullah, Advocate.. for the petitioners For Hearing Writ Petition The secretary 2256/2015 ministry of housing (Heard in Part) and public works vs chairman, the first court of settlement dhaka and 2 ors Writ Petition Md. Belal Hossain 528/2016 vs (Heard in part) Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Education and 08 others 12 Writ Petition 3788/2013 (Heard in part) ◌! "- 17 Writ Petition 2375/2014 18 Writ Petition 7614/2013 19 Writ Petition 1808/2014 20 Writ Petition 10412/2014 21 Writ Petition 461/2015 22 Writ Petition 9643/2015 23 24 Writ Petition 3656/2008 Writ Petition 13282/2015 25 Writ Petition 4904/2011 26 Writ Petition 455/2011 27 28 Writ Petition 3515/2015 Writ Petition 6497/2015 M/s khondaker Shipping lines vs Bangladesh and others. Sayedabad Railway Samabaya Samity vs Govt. of Bangladesh Md. Robiul Hoque vs Bangladesh and ors Abul Hossain and ors vs The Sec. Min. of Land and 05 ors A.S Fashion Ltd. vs Bangladesh,and others Md. Elias Ali Khan vs The Sec. Min. of Education and 05 others M.A. Awal, Advocate.. for the petitioner Gius Uddin Ahmed, Advocate for the Responent No.6 Ashraf Bin Asad vs Govt. of Bangladesh and ors Gungkul Teradol Mothashajibi Samabay Samity Ltd vs The Sec. Min. of Land and 06 others Md. Moniruzzaman vs Bangladesh and ors Gazi Laila Zaman and others vs Bangladesh and others Barrister khairul Alam chowdhury vs Deputy Commission of Bhola and 03 ors Md. sazzad hossain chowdhury vs The Sec. Min. of industry and 4 ors 13 29 Writ Petition 11252/2014 30 Writ Petition 12212/2015 31 Writ Petition 2934/2012 32 Writ Petition 8435/2011 33 Contempt Petition 109/2015 34 Writ Petition 10223/2014 35 Writ Petition 17293/2012 36 Writ Petition 5374/2010 with 6918 of 2014 37 Writ Petition 9907/2015 38 Writ Petition 289/2011 39 Writ Petition 4808/2015 40 Contempt Petition 163/2012 N. H. Chowdhury Talucdar vs Sec min of Energy meneral recourse and 7 others N.H Meherullah chowdhury vs The Sec. Min. of Communication and 08 othes Md. Mahbubur Rahman vs Govt. of Bangladesh Professor. Abdul Awal and 96 others vs Govt. by the sec min of education and others Dhaka Ahsania Mission vs Mr. Khandaker Akhteruzzaman, Chairman NBR and others Md. Sakayetul bari vs The Sec. Min. of industreis and 04 ors Md. Azizul Haq and 329 ors vs Bangladesh and others Md. Abdul Matin vs Director Forest and anothers Lina Power and Energy Ltd vs The Sec. Min. of Power, Energy and Minaral Resuource and 03 others Al haj M.A. Bari Khan, Chandpur vs BIWTA Dhaka and ors Md. Masudur Rahman vs Bangladesh and others Amzad Hossian and others vs Md. Abu Taher and others 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 Writ Petition 1679/2011 Md. Sekander Ali, Goran Khilgaon Dhaka vs Sec.min. of land and ors Writ Petition Md. Saiful Islam 9480/2013 and 8 ors vs Sec.min. of housing and public works and ors Writ Petition Abdul Momen 2041/2014 Chowdhury vs The Dist Education Officers Ctg and 07 ors Writ Petition Abu Alim Miah 4205/2014 vs (with) Sec.min. of land and ors Writ Petition Gazi Lutfunnahar 3194/2014 begum vs The Sec. Min. of Housing and Public Works and ors Writ Petition Md. Feroz Alam 8058/2015 vs The Sec. Min. of Works and 09 others Writ Petition Tomiz Uddin 9007/2012 vs Sec.min. of works and ors Writ Petition Dr. Md. Noman 4687/2008 Chowdhury, Dhaka with W.P. 9566 of 2015, vs 3549 of 2003 and 12808 Sec. Min of Health of 2015 Writ Petition Md. kafiluddin 7038/2015 vs The Sec. Min. of LGRD and 06 ors Writ Petition md. Abdul Mannan vs 12337/2012 Sec.min. of public works and ors Writ Petition Shabia Afroz 7741/2014 vs Sec.min. of Home Affairs Dhaka and ors Writ Petition Syed Hossain 8234/2010 Chowdhury vs The Chairman land Appeal Board Dhaka and ors 14 52 Writ Petition 4345/2010 53 Writ Petition 4805/2014 54 Writ Petition 6699/2014 55 Writ Petition 7848/2013 56 Writ Petition 6754/2005 57 Writ Petition 2994/2002 58 Writ Petition 8174/2013 59 Writ Petition 1064/2014 60 Writ Petition 549/2014 61 Writ Petition 7610/2013 62 Writ Petition 3669/2014 63 Writ Petition 3598/2015 64 Writ Petition 3746/2015 65 Writ Petition 12545/2013 Md. Sohel Rana BIWTA Dhaka vs Sec.min. of Establishment and ors Rezzaqul Haider Chowdhury vs The Sec. Min. of LGRD and ors Hasmot Keshem vs Bangladesh and others Sunil Biswas vs Bangladesh and ors. Khaja Md. Halim vs Govt. of Bangladesh Md. Serajul Hoq, Dhaka vs Sec.Min. of Land Sirajul Islam vs Bangladesh and ors. Md. Akhtaruzzaman vs Administrator of Waqf and ors Md. Faruk Hossain and 32ors vs Bangladesh and others Md. Rokibul alam Liman vs Sec.min. of land and ors Md. Rakibul Alom vs The Sec. Min. of Law, Justice and Parlamentary Affairs and ros Zakia Sultana Rouf vs Sec min of defence Md. Shamim Akon vs Sec min of Primary and mass Education and 08 Others Suma Akter vs The Sec. Min. of Primary and Mass Education 66 Writ Petition 17/2015 67 Writ Petition 8194/2014 68 Writ Petition 11963/2014 69 Writ Petition 6462/2015 70 Writ Petition 5452/2015 71 Writ Petition 10698/2014 72 73 74 75 76 77 Writ Petition 10587/2014 Writ Petition 159/2013 Writ Petition 989/2016 Writ Petition 1854/2016 Writ Petition 7132/2013 Writ Petition 1656/2015 Jahanara Begum vs The Sec. Min. of Land and 03 ors Md. Misbah Uddin vs The Sec. Min. of Law, Justice and Parlamentary Affairs and ros Md. Shahidul Islam vs The Sec. Min. of Land and others Md. jillur rahman vs The Sec. Min. of Education and 09 ors Md. Montaj Uddin vs The Sec. Min. of public adminstration and 07 ors Khandokar kamrul hasan vs Principal Cecratary prime minister office and Dhaka Md.Ruhul Amin vs Govt. opf Bangladesh Abdul Mannan Bhuiyan and 36 ors vs Sec.min. of land and ors Selina Sultana vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Education and 06 others Alhaz Nurul Alam Shikder vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of LGRD and 09 others md. Abdul Gafur Bhuiyan vs Election commission of Bangladesh and ors Md. Masudur Rahman vs Sec min of law, Justice and parliamentary affairs and 03 others 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 15 Civil Rule Alhaj Dewan Jamila 714((Contempt(R))/2015 Chistia Rahim vs Md. Humayun Kabir Writ Petition Abdul Quaium, 2057/2000 Dhaka vs Commissioner of Customs Ctg. Writ Petition Teleport bangladesh 2082/2015 ltd vs The Sec. Min. of commarce and 12 ors Writ Petition Md. Shahidul islam 11094/2014 vs The Sec. Min. of Land and ors Writ Petition Shahbuddin 9202/2014 vs Bangladesh and others Contempt Petition M/S. Ferdous 243/2015 vs Md. Mainuddin Asadullah Writ Petition Md. Anisur Rahman 7346/2015 vs The Sec. Min. of water development and 09 others Writ Petition Md. Ali Hossain 5496/2011 vs Bangladesh by the sec.min. of land and ors Writ Petition Md. Yarul Islam 5497/2011 vs Bangladesh by the sec.min. of land and ors Writ Petition Md. Shamsul 5498/2011 Haque, Muradnagar, Comilla vs Sec.min. of Education and ors Writ Petition Md. Fazlur Rahman 6839/2011 vs Govt. by the Sec. Min of Land and others Hearing : First Appeal First Appeal Md. Jalal Uddin 62/2014 Bghuyian vs Meer Mobarak Hossain and iors. 90 91 First Appeal 237/2011 First Appeal 94/2004 S.M. Rafiquddin and others vs Deputy Commissioner Khulna and others Habibur Rahman and others vs Habibur Rahman For Hearing 92 Contempt Petition Kazi Md. Sadequl 6/2014 Islam vs Dr. Rafiqul Islam MKondal 93 Writ Petition A.K.M Asadul 10901/2012 Hoque vs The Sec. Min. of Home Affairs 94 Writ Petition Jagonnathpur Jela 3845/2015 SamajKallayan with W.P. No. 3844 of Samity 2015 vs The Sec. Min. of Land and 03 others 95 Writ Petition Md. Samsul Huda 2995/2012 vs Sec.min. of Education and ors 96 Writ Petition Justice A.F.M Ali 6666/2013 Asgar vs Bangladesh and Others 97 Writ Petition State Servier 155/2016 Limited vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Post and Telecommunication and 07 others 98 Writ Petition Md. Harun or 786/2014 Rashid vs Bangladesh and ors 99 Writ Petition Md. Rahmatullah, 1997/2010 Chapainawabgonj vs The Director General Compolsory primary Education Unit Dhaka and ors 100 Writ Petition Fazlul Hoq 8989/2010 vs Sec. Min. of Health and Family Welfare Dhaka and ors 101 Writ Petition md. Fazlul Haque 15594/2012 vs Sec.min. of primary and mass education and ors 16 102 Writ Petition 3221/2012 103 Writ Petition 13032/2012 104 Writ Petition 14679/2012 105 Writ Petition 15298/2012 106 Writ Petition 6802/2012 107 Writ Petition 8706/2015 108 Writ Petition 7676/2015 109 Writ Petition 2479/2008 110 Writ Petition 8934/2009 111 Writ Petition 8936/2009 112 Writ Petition 13477/2015 113 Writ Petition 4732/2010 Eastran Housing ltd vs Government of Bangladesh Mrs. Afifa Hafiz vs Sec.min. of housing and public works and ors Mohammad Ali vs Sec.min. of forest and environment and ors Pro. Md. Tofazzal Hossain Akhanda vs The state and others Popular Life Insurance Co, Ltd vs Sec.min. of finance and ors Md. Abdul Mannan Sarker vs The Sec. Min. of Public Administration and 04 others Md. Kamal uddin vs Bangladesh and others Md. Kabir Hossain vs Sec. Min. of Land and ors Dhaka Water Supply and Swerage Authority DWASA, Dhaka vs Sec. Min. of Local Govt. Dhaka and ors Dhaka Water Supply and Swerarge Authority Dhaka vs Sec. Min. of Local Govt. Dhaka and ors Enayetpur Hat TantKapar Babsayee Samity vs The Min of Finance and 06 others Md. Abdul Mannan Masud vs BWDB Dhaka and ors 114 Writ Petition 7186/2011 115 Writ Petition 6286/2011 116 Writ Petition 6784/2011 117 Writ Petition 10139/2013 118 Writ Petition 11871/2013 119 Writ Petition 5546/2013 120 Writ Petition 10432/2013 121 Writ Petition 654/2013 122 Writ Petition 4315/2013 123 124 125 Writ Petition 9567/2014 Writ Petition 8440/2014 Writ Petition 12055/2014 Most. Shamsun Naahar Begum vs Chairman, national housng estate and others A.K.M.Nuruzzaman vs Bangladesh and others Md. Shajahan vs Bangladesh and others md. Daud Ahmed vs Sec.min. of law and ors Md. Rafiqul Islam vs The Sec. Min. of Health and Family Welfare and ors md. Nurul Amin vs Sec.min. of janaproshashon and ors Bangladesh vs Court of Settlement Shah Zulfiqur Haider vs Sec.min of power energy and mineral resources and ors md. Moshiur Rahman vs Director General Family planning department and ors Md. Saiful Azam khan vs Bangladesh and others Selina Akter vs Director General, Wapda Bhoban, MOtijheel, Dhaka Md. Asaduzzaman sikder vs The Sec. Min. of Public Administration 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 17 Writ Petition 7034/2011 Syeda Nagina Muslehuddin and 3 others vs Govt. by the Sec. Min of Textiles and others Writ Petition Charshil Kumar 3710/2014 Gosh vs The Sec. Min. of Education and 05 ors Writ Petition Morble Di Carrara 2345/2014 pvt ltd vs Gazipur Palli Birdud Samity Writ Petition Md. Fakhrul Islam 9267/2015 vs The Sec. Min. of Law, Justice and Parlamentary Affairs and 03 others Writ Petition Rizwan Bin Faruque 4017/2006 vs The Sec. Ministry of Law Justice and Parliamentary Affairs and others Writ Petition Md. Shamsul Alam, 5838/2010 Mirpur-1 Dhaka and 10 ors vs Sec.min. of Housing and public Works and ors Writ Petition Md. Mostafa, 1340/2010 Rangamati Hill Dist vs Chairman BCIC and ors Writ Petition Md. Omar Ali and 5 1790/2013 ors vs Sec.min of Finance and ors Writ Petition A.Y. Masiuzzaman 1352/2013 vs Sec.min. of land and ors Writ Petition Md. Tajmul Ali 7196/2014 vs The sec. min. of Forest and Enviromment and ors Writ Petition Abdul Hannan 4514/2014 vs with W.P. No. 6976 of The Sec. Min. of 2015 Education and ors 137 Writ Petition 6090/2015 138 Writ Petition 7228/2015 139 Writ Petition 5440/2011 140 Writ Petition 6358/2013 141 Writ Petition 2298/2014 142 Writ Petition 2812/2014 143 Writ Petition 5214/2004 144 145 146 VAT Appeal 65/2012 Writ Petition 3292/2015 Writ Petition 2486/2009 147 Writ Petition 17159/2012 148 Writ Petition 5455/2015 149 Writ Petition 130/2016 M/S gramrieco ltd vs The Sec. Min. of agricultrue and 07 ors Md. Moksed Ali vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of LGRD and 03 others Churunchar vs Bangladesh by the sec.min. of land and ors Milon Rana vs Sec.min. of education and ors Md. Abdur Rahman vs The Sec. Min. of Land and 07 ors Abdur Rahman vs sec min of LGRD and 04 ors Isak Badsha vs Bangladesh and others R,T,I, Electronic Industries Ltd. vs N.B.R syed Abdullah mohammad vs The Sec. Min. of Fisheries and Live Stock and ors Md. Harun-ur Rashid, Gaibandha and 3 ors vs Sec.min. of Fishery and ors Md. Ashirbad Hossain vs Govt of Bangladesh Md. Azam Azim vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Land and 07 others Md. Ayub vs The CFC and ECS and 14 others 18 150 Writ Petition 9282/2012 151 Writ Petition 11211/2014 152 Writ Petition 8594/2014 153 Writ Petition 8209/2014 154 Writ Petition 5410/2014 155 Writ Petition 5049/2008 156 Writ Petition 1049/2015 157 Writ Petition 5971/2010 158 Writ Petition 6024/2010 159 Writ Petition 12196/2015 160 Writ Petition 9242/2012 161 Civil Rule 208((Violation Misc.))/2014 162 Writ Petition 9901/2012 Rezbir Karim Laksmi vs Sec.min. of education and ors Md. Shahidul islam vs The Sec. Min. of Education and 08 ors Md. Harunur Rashid vs Bangladesh and others Omar Fatima Smniteey vs The Sec. Min. of LGRD and ors Md. Golam Mostafa vs The Sec. Min. of LGRD and ors Zulfiqur Ali Bhutto, Rangamati Hill Dist vs Sec. Min. of Land and ors Faruk Ahmed Panna vs The Sec. Min. of enviornoment and 07 ors Moniruzzaman vs Bangladesh and others Salahuddin Ahmed, Demra, Dhaka vs Bangladesh and others Mohammad Newaz vs Chairman, RAJUK and 03 others Abdur Rahman Biswas vs Bangladesh and others Md. Kopil Uddin vs Gazi Mohammad kamal @ G. W. Kamal and others Md. Abdul Hannan vs Bangladesh and others 163 Writ Petition 10942/2012 with W.P.No. 1094310944 of 2012 164 Writ Petition 6957/2015 165 Writ Petition 8830/2008 166 Writ Petition 8829/2008 167 Writ Petition 8828/2008 168 Writ Petition 8827/2008 169 Writ Petition 8149/2008 170 Writ Petition 3645/2013 171 Writ Petition 6548/2014 172 Writ Petition 6172/2013 173 Writ Petition 6413/2004 Abdul Hannan and others vs The D.C. Chittagong and ors Taljanaga Union Senior Alim Madrasa vs Bangladesh, WAQF ADministration Dhaka and 06 others Monowara Begum, Chandpur and another vs Bangladesh and others Md. Yusuf Ali, Comilla vs Sec.Min. of L.G.R.D and ors Md. Mukhlesur Rahman, Dinajpur vs Sec.Min. of L.G.R.D and ors Md. Omar Ali, Chandpur vs Sec.Min. of L.G.R.D and ors Md. Nabi Ullah, Rangamati Hill District vs Sec. Min. of Land and ors Dipanker Mondal vs Sec.min of forest and environment and ors Susanth chatapadya vs The Sec. Min. of Land and ors md. Jamil vs Bangladesh by the sec.min. of law, justice and parliamentary affairs and ors A.B.Abdul Ali vs Bangladesh and others 174 Md. Jahangir Hossain vs The Sec. Ministry of Religious Affairs and others 175 Writ Petition Md. Hafizur Raham, 6971/2010 P.S. and Dist. Pabna vs Sec.min. of Education and ors 176 Writ Petition Alhaj Mustafizul 9448/2013 Rahman vs Bangladesh and others 177 Writ Petition Al Nayem 1193/2015 Iternational Alhaj Mohammad Abdur Rouf Topkhana Road vs The Sec Min of Religious Affiras and 04 others 178 Civil Rule Sree Uttam Kumar 556((Contempt))/2015 Saha vs Sree Binoy Juty Kundu and others 179 Contempt Petition Md. Ashraf Ali 353/2014 vs Md. Nonjur Hossain 180 Contempt Petition Shahtab Rashid 398/2015 vs Dr. Al Amin 181 Contempt Petition Md. Zakir Hossain 280/2012 vs Md. Abu Taher and others 182 Contempt Petition M.A. Satter 387/2013 vs Ministry of Land 183 Contempt Petition Md. Azizur Rahman 241/2012 and others vs Bregdiar General Mainuddin Chairman RAB 184 Contempt Petition Md. Anower 217/2012 Hossain vs Dr. Bimal Chandra 185 Contempt Petition Md. Khorshed Alam 289/2015 vs Md. Nazrul Islam 186 Contempt Petition Ansar Ali Mondal 256/2010 vs Jahanara Parveen 187 Writ Petition Md. Hafizur 129/2009 Rahman, vs Bangladesh and ors. 19 Writ Petition 7250/2006 188 189 190 191 192 Writ Petition 7776/2010 Writ Petition 1668/2011 Writ Petition 497/2012 Writ Petition 2078/2012 Writ Petition 7013/2012 193 Writ Petition 7882/2013 194 Writ Petition 2273/2013 195 Writ Petition 7790/2014 196 Contempt Petition 64/2014 197 Writ Petition 12305/2012 198 199 200 Writ Petition 6899/2015 Contempt Petition 296/2013 Writ Petition 5025/2003 Nawab and Company Chittagong vs Sec.min. of land and ors Md. Anisur Rahman, Jhenaidah vs Sec.min. of Education and ors Golam Mirza vs Bangladesh and others Medona Fashions Ltd. and another vs Sec.min. of Housing and public works and ors Md. Mozahar Hossain vs Bangladesh and others Dr. A.T.M. Motiur Rahman vs Sec.min. of land and ors md. Ruhul amin vs Sec.min. of housing and public works and ors Md. Rezaul Hoque vs Bangladesh and others Z.W.S. Kader vs Bangladesh and others Most. Monwara begum vs Chairman anti corruption commission and ors Gawsia jute mills ltd vs The Sec. Min. of Finance and 03 ors Momtaz Uddin vs Bangladesh and others Glapful Chaw. vs The Sec. Min. of Land and ors 20 201 Writ Petition 5977/2009 202 Writ Petition 6197/2014 203 Contempt Petition 254/2012 204 Writ Petition 11431/2013 205 Writ Petition 11096/2015 206 Writ Petition 9647/2006 207 Writ Petition 7246/2006 208 Writ Petition 10571/2011 209 Writ Petition 14650/2012 210 Writ Petition 3953/2014 211 Writ Petition 5579/2014 212 Writ Petition 6520/2013 Polikhal vs Bangladesh and others Hafizur Rahman vs Bangladesh and others Abdur Rauf Chowdhury vs Bangladesh and others Md. Saiful Islam vs The Sec. Min. of Education and ors Aleya Khatun vs The Sec. Min. of Primary and Mass Education and 05 others Nazia Pvt. Ltd. Represented by it Managing Director vs Power Development Board Ctg. and others Nazia Pvt. Ltd. Represented by its Managing Director Nizamul Islam Chowdhury vs Bangladesh Power Development Board Ctg. and others Most. Bakul Begum vs Sec.min. of Housing and public works and ors Fatema Shirin vs Chairman chittagong port authority ctg. and ors Srder Karmat Ali vs Bangladesh and ors M Kamrul Huque vs The Sec. Min. of Finance and ors Amin Sharif and 11ors vs Sec.min. of land and ors 213 Writ Petition 235/2015 214 Contempt Petition 9/2014 215 216 217 218 219 220 Writ Petition 9903/2012 Writ Petition 4938/2015 Writ Petition 10867/2015 Writ Petition 8300/2013 Writ Petition 954/2016 Writ Petition 6183/2013 221 Contempt Petition 311/2013 222 Writ Petition 594/2011 with 11603 of 2015 223 224 225 Writ Petition 10583/2014 Writ Petition 11512/2015 Contempt Petition 235/2015 Bibi Sahera vs The Sec. Min. of Home Affairs and 06 ors Sapan poiowns vs New Laxmi Narayan cotton Mills and others Sapan poiowns vs New Laxmi Narayan cotton Mills and others Md.Ashraful Haque. vs The sec. min. of Envirommet and forest and 22 ors Md. Nurul Islam vs The Sec. Min. of Education and 09 others Gazi Asraful Alam vs Sec.min. of railway and ors Md. Shamsher Ali vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Power Energy and Mineral Resource and 09 others Md. Shamsher Ali vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Power Energy and Mineral Resource and 09 others Md. Golam Mostafa vs Chairman RAJUK and others Mohammad Yakub, Chittagong and 3 ors vs Sec.min. of local govt. and ors Dr. Shakila akter vs The Sec. Min. of Defence and 4 ors Md. Abdul Ahad vs The Sec. Min. of Land and 05 others Md. Abdul Bari vs Ms. Nasima Begum Bari 21 226 Writ Petition 1677/2016 227 Contempt Petition 98/2015 228 Writ Petition 11036/2015 229 Writ Petition 3180/2015 230 Writ Petition 405/2015 231 Writ Petition 3425/2014 232 Writ Petition 8539/2013 233 Writ Petition 1043/2011 234 Writ Petition 1013/2015 235 Writ Petition 1301/2013 236 Writ Petition 7916/2015 237 Writ Petition 12137/2015 Teletalk Bangladesh Ltd vs Bangladesh Rep by Sec min of Post and Telecommunication and 03 others Advocate Asaduzzaman vs Mr. Tarik Ul Islam Secretary Ministry of Women Affairs and others Rezaul Karim vs Director General, BGB and 03 Others Mohammad mohiuddin zahir vs The Sec. Min. of housing and public works and 7 ors Md. Roknuzzaman vs The Sec. Min. of Education and 3 ors Md. Samsul Alam vs The Sec. Min. of Law, Justice and Parlamentary Affairs and ros Mohd. Pervez vs Sec.min. of agriculture and ors S.M. Jamil, Kotwali, Comilla vs Sec.min. of Home Affairs and ors Dr. Abu Saleh mohammad vs The Sec. Min. of housing and 05 ors Mohammad Amiul Haque vs Bangladesh and others Azimuddin Ahmed vs Bangladesh and others Riviera Fashion Ltd vs The Sec. Min. of Power, Energy and Minaral Resuource and 06 others 238 Writ Petition 12138/2015 239 Writ Petition 12139/2015 240 Writ Petition 8508/2015 Shahriar Morshed vs The Sec. Min. of Power, Energy and Minaral Resuource and 06 others Foplex Pvt Ltd vs The Sec. Min. of Power, Energy and Minaral Resuource and 06 others Sawpan Das vs The Sec. Min. of Land and 07 others 22 Date : 02/05/2016 Main Building Court No. 13 Supreme Court of Bangladesh High Court Division Justice Md. Mizanur Rahman Bhuiyan Date : 02/05/2016 [Main Building Court No. 13] [ $ @ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 : A D E ; '( - ; % @ ।] As to be mentioned Criminal Appeal Siddiqur Rahman and 1870/2001 another vs The State Criminal Appeal Alauddin 227/1999 vs The State Criminal Appeal Md. Hafizuddin 3840/2001 vs The State. Mr. Alal Uddin, Advocate ...For the Appellant Criminal Appeal Md. Hafizuddin 1337/2002 vs The State. Mr. Alal Uddin, Advocate ...For the Appellant Hearing Criminal Appeal Apel and others 3788/2005 vs The State, Mr. Abul Kashem Sarker, Advocate .. For the Appellants. Criminal Appeal Md. Azim Sarder 1379/1998 vs The State, Mr. Alal Uddin, Advocate .. For the Appellant. Criminal Appeal Nur Mohammad 1972/2001 vs The State, Mr. Alal Uddin, Advocate .. For the Appellant. 23 * AB . C % 8 #/ ; AB . 2 +/ = >% '( . 2? ; < $ # . /0 Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 2 Supreme Court of Bangladesh High Court Division Justice Syed A. B. Mahmudul Huq and Justice Farid Ahmed Date : 02/05/2016 [Annex Building Court No. 2] [ F #/ ( ), #/ 2 .+ ( E ; )< @ * .$( '(; 6HH3 2 / '., /B ( @ * .$( < $ # . /0 ।] @ * .$( ; F #/ , F & #/ , F & #/ ( ), G,HH,HHH +I) F & '( # ,& #/ 1 ; @ * .$( < $ 4 ,& ( 35 < ,J ( G,HH,HHH +I) #/ ; < , .$( E $ %K 2? ; # . /0 % +L% ( 3 2# ( # , 6HH3) 5M( ), > 2*& % #/ ; + ( ' . (N) ,& . , 3444 2 # . 2 -G, 3443,& #/ ; ) &# 53 , ) 33 < ,J ( #/ 1 2 +/ = >% '( . 2? ; First Appeal 272/2004 Motion 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 For Hearing First Appeal The Orient Bank 23/1999 vs Abu Bakkar Siddique First Appeal Abdul Gafur Dewan 176/2000 and others vs Saiful Huque and others Mrs Afroza Sultana ,Advocate.. for the appellant Civil Revision Alhaj Abdul Salam 2343/2009 sowdagar vs The Land Acquistition Officer Civil Revision Md. Abdur Rahman 2285/2014 vs Alam Ara Begym Civil Revision Tahmina Akter 14/2016 vs Siddique Munshi First Appeal Md. Giasuddin 516/2001 Munshi (with) vs S.M. Mohiuddin Civil Rule Md. Gias Uddin 169(f)/2002 Munshi (with) vs S. A. M. Mohiuddin Khan Civil Rule Md. Gias Uddin 682(f)/2003 vs S. A. M. Mohiuddin Khan First Appeal Titas Gas Co. 263/2004 vs (with) Matual Brick Transmission 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 24 Titas Gas vs Matuyel Bricks Civil Rule Safi Uddin 122(con)/2014 vs American Expran Band Ltd First Misc Appeal Kazi Golam Waris 216/2012 vs Jonab Ali Gazi First Appeal Joint Secretary, 49/2005 Ministry of Jute and ors vs Mr.Golam Rahman and ors First Appeal Dr. Jesmin Jaman 247/2010 and ors. vs Dr. Nazmun Nahar and other`s First Appeal Abdul Mumin 702/2000 vs Md. Khoaj Afsar and others. Civil Revision A.N.Z Proparties ltd. 3772/2015 vs Moslem Ali Khan Civil Revision Md. Harun 3496/2011 vs Shah Alam First Appeal Md. Shamsul Haque 205/2010 and ors. vs Sultan Ahmed and or.s First Misc Appeal Monir Ahmed 356/2014 Talukder vs Md. Shahid Dakua and others Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 2 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 First Appeal 176/1996 Abdul barak and others vs Amana Khatun Bangladesh Civil Revision 3359/2014 vs Most. Khohinur (with) Civil Revision Md. Motaher Hossain 2049/2012 vs Most. Kahinou Begum Suria Ashraf First Appeal vs 383/2011 Rahimullah (with) Mr. Jafor Sadeque, Advocate for the Appellant First Appeal Sumaya Ashraf vs 397/2011 (with) Rahimullah Civil Rule Suraya Ashraf 24/2012 vs Rahimulla Civil Rule Jennys International 440/2012 Ltd. vs Mrs. Rahima Begum First Appeal BCIC 464/2014 vs Sadharan Bima crporation and other`s Civil Revision Md. Hossain Sarker 343/2005 vs (with) Amanullah Sarker Civil Rule Mohammad Hossen 464/2014 Sarker and other vs (with) Amanullah Sarker being dead 1.(a) Anowara Begum and other Civil Rule Md. Hossain Sarker 37/2014 vs Anawara Begum Civil Rule Islami Bank (BD) 164/2012 Ltd. (with) vs Al- Mozadded Shipping Lines Co. First Misc Appeal Islami Bank 105/2012 Bangladesh Limited. vs Al-Mozadded Shipphing Lines Co. and ors. First Appeal Md. Omar Faruk 388/2010 vs Maloti Rani Roy and ors 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 25 First Appeal 134/2010 (with) Md. Aminul islam and others vs Government of Bangladesh and ors. First Appeal Md. Aminul islam 135/2010 and others vs Government of Bangladesh and ors. First Appeal Aysha Akter 388/2001 vs Sawkat Ali First Appeal Al-haj Md.Abdur 111/2005 Rashid khan vs Most.Syeda Begum and others . Civil Revision Md. Nazir Uddin 2284/2015 vs Md. Jahangir Mollah and others First Appeal Md. Delwar Hossain 125/2012 Khan vs Dilip Kumar Duttah Civil Rule Mis. Anowera 455/2014 Begum vs Kamrunnessa Chowdhury and other Civil Rule Abu Sayed 679(fm)/2011 vs Md. Mojnu Miah Civil Revision Md. Rezlul Karim 939/2013 vs Md. Asadullah and others First Misc Appeal Md. Aminur Rahman 266/2012 vs Ambia Khatun and ors. Civil Misc Abul Kalam Azad 12/2015 vs Sree Bijoy Kormoker First Appeal Rehana Begum and 211/2009 other vs Md. Yunus Mollah being dead his legal heirs and successors:1. Sakhina First Appeal Nur hahan Begum 254/2002 vs Altaf Hossain First Appeal The City Bank 95/2011 Limited vs Zakaria Hossain Chowdhury Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 2 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 First Appeal 211/2003 Bangaldesh Shipping Lines Ltd. vs Alhaj Bashir Ahmed. First Appeal Jakaria Hossain 267/2006 Chowdhury vs The City Bank Ltd. Civil Revision Abdulsalam 2534/2011 vs Golam Ali First Appeal Keru Kha and others. vs 8/2006 Foyezuddin dead 1(a)Maleka Bewa First Misc Appeal Md. Kamruzzaman 271/2014 Kamal. (with) vs Anisuzzaman and another. Civil Rule Md. Kamruzzaman 16(fm)/2014 Kamal vs Anisuzzaman and others First Appeal Mohiuddin 394/2010 Mohammed vs Abdul Hamid and ors. First Appeal Chayon Islam 372/2007 vs Govverment of Bangladesh First Appeal Ramesh Malakar 189/2008 vs Md. Sirajul Islam Bhuiyan Civil Rule Md. Abdul Hasem Talukder and other 403/2014 (with) vs Most. Ferdousi Talukder and other First Appeal Md. Abdul Hashem 341/2012 Talukder and ors. vs Ms. Ferdousi Takukder and ors. Civil Revision Janata Bank Ltd. 2854/2012 vs Md. Mohibur Rahman First Misc Appeal Md. Lutfor Rahman 335/2014 Bahadur and another (with) vs Agro Vita Ltd. Company and another Civil Rule 877/2013 Civil Revision 403/2014 49 First Appeal 492/2014 (with) First Appeal 493/2014 50 First Appeal 383/2010 51 First Appeal 442/2010 52 First Appeal 320/2001 53 First Appeal 149/2008 54 First Appeal 192/2000 (with) First Appeal 418/1999 55 Civil Rule 390/2002 26 56 First Appeal 284/2013 57 First Appeal 297/2005 58 First Appeal 4/2011 Md. Lutfor Rahman and others vs Agro Vita Ltd. Co. and others Mohammad Idris Chowdhury vs Mohammad Omar Faruk Chowdhury Techno Design and Development vs M.N.H. Bulu Techno Design and Development vs M.N.H. Bulu Dr. Mosharraf Hossain vs Amir Hossain Akhond and ors. British Airways P. L.C. vs Green Delta Insurance Company Ltd. Islam Uddin vs Anwara Misir Agrani Bank Ltd and anothers vs Sheikh Md. Aslam. Eusuf Ali Kha vs Satish Chandra Gain Johura Khatun vs Nazrul Islam Khan and ors. Yousuf Ali :Kha vs Satish chandra Gain and ors Md. Mosammel Haque and ors. vs Md. Alomgir Hossain and ors. Md. Humayun Kabir and others vs Mrs. Anayetun Nur and another Sheikh Hozu vs A.D.C. Munshiganj and others Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 2 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 Civil Revision 1282/2014 Monsur Alam Chowdhury vs Abdul Moman Chowdhury Civil Revision Md. Abdul Hashim vs 2801/2006 Biresh Ronjon Paul Civil Revision Meghna Vegitable 2426/2013 Oil Co. Ltd. vs Sonali Bank Ltd. Civil Rule Habibur Rahman 1053/2015 vs Bangladesh First Misc Appeal Moyeen Bakth 328/2014 Mojumdar. (with) vs Shree Laxmicharan Ganju and another. Civil Rule Moyeen Bakth 782/2014 Mazumder vs Sree Lakshicharan Civil Rule M/S S.L.S. (Pvt.) 1168/2014 Ltd. and ors vs Mesbahuddin and ors. First Appeal A. Naser Azam 270/2008 Khanh Rumi and ors. vs Md. Showkat Hossain Miah Civil Revision Mokbul hossain and 1973/2006 others vs Hasan Uddin Civil Revision Manager, Rajsahi 4089/2007 Krishinnayan Bank vs Sarker Fabrics Ltd First Appeal Shaikh Mosharraf 309/1998 Hossain vs Shaikh Nurul Hoque First Appeal Pubali Bank Ltd. 253/1999 vs M/s. Ananda Auto Rice Mills. First Appeal Nazir Ahmed 276/2010 vs Anwar Hossain Civil Revision Habibur Rahman 4110/2015 vs Anwar Hossain First Appeal Sadharan Bima 102/2002 vs Bangladesh Leif Tobacco 27 73 Civil Revision 3590/2012 74 First Appeal 94/2006 75 First Appeal 65/2015 Baro pokuria Kolia vs Masud Com. Alhaj Sahida Islam vs Md.Yousuf Mia and others Md. Zakir Hossain vs Most. Jahura Begum and anothers Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 10 Supreme Court of Bangladesh High Court Division Justice Tariq ul Hakim and Justice Md. Faruque (M. Faruque) Date : 02/05/2016 [Annex Building Court No. 10] [ , '( % % # . /0 @ O 2 +/ = >% , ; 2 । *P & , '( . 2? ; < $ # . /%! @ 2 3 4 5 6 Hearing Writ Petition Dr. Dilip Kumar Shah 12389/2015 (part heard) vs Bangladesh Writ Petition Shawan Uddin vs 2056/2014 (Heard in part) Bangladesh Writ Petition Nur Jahan Begum 7330/2012 vs (Heard in part) Bangladesh 12 13 14 For Further Hearing Writ Petition M/S Liberty Fashion 10929/2015 Wears Limited vs (Heard in part) Bangladesh and others Writ Petition Khandaker Salim 5582/2011 Reza (Heard in part) vs Bangladesh and others 15 16 Sent by Hon`ble Chief Justice Writ Petition Md. Masud Alam 1183/2015 vs (Heard in part) Bangladesh 17 18 Hearing 7 Writ Petition Sirajul Nahar 5919/2008 vs (Heard in Part) Bangladesh 8 Writ Petition Md. Sariful Alam vs 1442/2015 (Heard in Part) Bangladesh and others 9 Writ Petition Karnafully Fertilizer 6555/2014 Ltd. (part heard) vs Bangladesh 10 Writ Petition Dr. Md. Habib Ullah 3226/2008 vs (Heard in part) Mr. Bangladesh Moudud Ahmed with A.V.M. Saquibuzzaman, Advocate--- for Petitioner 19 20 28 2 +/ & = >% #2 ◌! "- #$% & '( . 2? ; < , Q% F % $ ।] 11 Motion 1 , '( . % /1 ) *P Writ Petition Asma Khan Gani vs 10740/2014 (Heard in part) Bangladesh Writ Petition Jahangir Alam Sarker 11561/2013 vs with 4427 of 2010 Bangladesh (Heard in part) Writ Petition North Bangal Sugar 14583/2012 Mills Ltd. (Heard in Part) vs (With application) Bangladesh and others Writ Petition Md. Mobarrak 13403/2012 Hossain Talukder (Heard in part) vs Bangladesh Writ Petition Kapasia Overseas 489/2014 Ltd. (Heard in part) vs Bangladesh Writ Petition Md. Mizanur 10567/2014 Rahman (Heard in Part) vs Bangladesh Writ Petition Md. Toufiq Abdullah 7424/2015 vs (Part heard) Desco and other Writ Petition Warrid Telecom Ltd. 7018/2009 vs with 609/2009(part Bangladesh heard) Writ Petition Ms. Taposhi Rabeya vs 5426/2015 (part heard) Bangladesh and others Writ Petition Md. Dulal Mia 14854/2012 vs (with) Bangladesh and others Writ Petition Md. Abdul Hamid 7544/2015 vs (with) Bangladesh and others Writ Petition Sree Jatendra Nath 1409/2015 Mondol (Heard in part) vs Bangladesh and others Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 10 Writ Petition The City Bank Ltd. 7048/2014 vs (Heard in part) Bangladesh Grameen Phone Ltd. 22 Writ Petition 16781/2012 vs (Heard in part) (with Bangladesh and similar 258 writ others Petitions) 23 Writ Petition Labli Akter 3446/2011 vs (Heard in part) Bangladesh 24 Writ Petition Dr. Salma Sultana 5162/2009 vs Bangladesh 35 21 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 36 37 For Hearing (Nika Registrar) Writ Petition Md. Fazlul Karim 2005/2014 vs (with) Bangladesh and others Writ Petition Kazi Md. Abdullah 2002/2014 Hel Kabi vs Bangladesh and others 38 39 40 Hearing Writ Petition Shantinagar 11395/2012 Bohumukhi Samabay Samity Limited vs Bangladesh and others Writ Petition Md. Mustafizur 181/2012 Rahman with 3717 of 2013 vs Bangladesh Writ Petition Abdur Rauf Bhuiyan 6950/2009 vs Bangladesh Writ Petition Md. Monjur Alam 10780/2011 vs Bangladesh Writ Petition Md. Sharif Hossain 8807/2014 vs Bangladesh 41 42 43 44 45 46 Sent by Hon`ble Chief Justice Writ Petition Orscom Telecom 3642/2012 Ltd. with 3643/2012, vs 3644/2012 N.B.R and others 3645/2012 Writ Petition Nilufa Momin 2930/2014 vs Bangladesh Writ Petition Abdul Awal Parwari 10395/2011 vs Bangladesh Bank Writ Petition Md. Ramzan Ali 12997/2012 vs Bangladesh Bank 47 48 49 29 Writ Petition 7653/2014 Farida Parvin vs Bangladesh and others Hearing S. M. Wadud Writ Petition vs 13055/2012 Bangladesh Mr. Habibullah, Advocate ...for the Petitioner and Mr. M. A. Gaffar, Advocate... for the Respondents Writ Petition Md. Ilias Mollah 4592/2015 vs Bangladesh Writ Petition Md. Ali Akbor 5470/2013 vs Bangladesh and others Writ Petition Md. Nurul Huq 7239/2009 vs Bangladesh with 7271/2011 Writ Petition A. T. M. Mustafa 3949/2013 vs Bangladesh Writ Petition Zainul Abedin 1431/2006 vs Bangladesh Writ Petition Md. Armanul Reza 2641/2014 vs Bangladesh Writ Petition Engineer Md. Altaf 10987/2014 Hossain vs Bangladesh Writ Petition Md. Hanif Jamaddar 11072/2015 vs Bangladesh and others Writ Petition Md. Kamal Reza 8308/2014 vs Bangladesh Writ Petition Muha. Saifuzzaman vs 10027/2013 Bangladesh with 11992/2013, 11991/2013 Writ Petition Md. Habibullah 3246/2005 Bahar with Writ Petition vs No. 13422 of 2015 Bangladesh Writ Petition Kazi Md. Ullah 7102/2010 vs (with application) Bangladesh and others Writ Petition Md. Armanul Reza vs 7907/2014 Bangladesh with 7915/2014 and 10395 of 2014 Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 10 50 Writ Petition 3613/2014 51 Writ Petition 4796/2013 52 53 Writ Petition 3662/2009 Writ Petition 14832/2012 54 Writ Petition 3942/2009 55 Writ Petition 4947/2014 56 Writ Petition 3615/2014 57 Writ Petition 6730/2014 58 Writ Petition 4289/2002 59 Writ Petition 1163/2002 60 Writ Petition 9473/2005 61 Writ Petition 6736/2008 62 Writ Petition 6184/2008 63 Writ Petition 5954/2008 64 Writ Petition 1225/2010 65 Writ Petition 8222/2010 66 Writ Petition 732/2011 Md. Helal Uddin vs Bangladesh Prof. Dr. Md. Shafiul Alam vs Bangladesh BISIC and others vs Bangladesh Md. Shahidul Islam vs Bangladesh Md. Hossain Mirdha vs Bangladesh Dr. Hosna Pervin Noor vs Bangladesh and others Md. Kabirul Islam vs Bangladesh Khan Kamal Uddin vs Bangladesh Manager Kafe Aromatic Ltd. vs Bangladesh Md. Monsur Alam vs Bangladesh Habibur Rashid Chowdhury vs Bangladesh Md. Humayun Kabir vs Bangladesh Khan Md. Abdur Rashid vs Bangladesh Open University and others Sarder Shamsul Huq vs C.D.A and others A. T. M. Parvege vs Bangladesh Fazlul Huq vs Bangladesh A. T. M. Azmal Hossain and others vs Bangladesh 67 Writ Petition 5999/2014 68 Writ Petition 7941/2009 with 7945/2009, 5334/2010 Writ Petition 3529/2010 69 70 Writ Petition 11197/2015 71 Writ Petition 3446/2010 72 Writ Petition 10746/2012 73 Writ Petition 4432/2013 74 Writ Petition 12990/2012 75 Writ Petition 6953/2015 76 Writ Petition 11161/2015 77 Writ Petition 4918/2012 78 Writ Petition 9244/2012 79 Writ Petition 5040/2013 80 Writ Petition 7559/2013 81 Writ Petition 14113/2012 Angust Apparels Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Md. Humayun Kabir Bhuiyan vs Bangladesh Nissar Ahmed vs Bangladesh and others Golden Tower Int. Ltd. vs Bangladesh Md. Abul Kalam Azad vs Bangladesh Suvash Chandra Dhor vs Bangladesh Beats Fashion Ltd. and anothers vs Bangladesh and others Gazi Golam Mohammad vs Bangladesh and others Stevdoor Logistic Ltd. vs Bangladesh Abdul Monayem Chowdhury vs Bangladesh Md. Faisal Uddin Bhuiyan vs Bangladesh Md. Younus Ali and others vs Bangladesh Golam Ali Imam Bhuiyan vs Bangladesh Sarajit Kumar Mondol vs Bangladesh Md. Mokter Hossain vs Bangladesh Hearing 30 Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 10 Writ Petition 16679/2012 (with) Pull Teacher Md. Sahadat Hossain 82 Writ Petition 430/2016 vs With 4034 of 2015, Bangladesh, Rep by 11101/2015, Sec. Min of 13279/2015, Education and 07 11369/2015, others 6060/2015, 851/2015, 6823/2015, 3963/2015, 13521/2015, 8536/2015, 9629/2015, 1125 of 2016, 8536/2015, 9629/2015, 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 Writ Petition 16680/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16681/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16682/2012 (with) Hearing Register Primary Teacher Ms. Mahamuda Writ Petition Akter 11086/2015 vs with 7934/2015, Bangladesh and 9992/2015, others 6819/2015, 8337/2015, 11215/2015, 9428/2015, 10977/2015, 11443/2015, 6571/2015, 7608/2015, 11809/2015, 10907/2015, 11728/2015, 1774/2015, 12897/2015 Writ Petition 16683/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16684/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16685/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16686/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16687/2012 (with) For Hearing (Artha Rin Matter) Writ Petition Shamsuzzoha 874/2016 vs Bangladesh and others Writ Petition 16688/2012 (with) Hearing Writ Petition Akram Hossain 1407/2016 vs Bangladesh and others Writ Petition Akram Hossain 1404/2016 vs Bangladesh and others Writ Petition Akram Hossain 1405/2016 vs Bangladesh and others Writ Petition Akram Hossain 1406/2016 vs Bangladesh and others Writ Petition Grameen Phone Ltd. 16694/2012 vs (with) Bangladesh and others Writ Petition 16689/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16690/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16691/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16693/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16695/2012 (with) 31 Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 10 Writ Petition 16696/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16697/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16698/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16699/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16700/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16701/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16702/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16703/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16704/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16705/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16706/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16707/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16708/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16709/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16710/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16711/2012 (with) Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Writ Petition 16712/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16713/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16714/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16715/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16716/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16717/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16724/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16725/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16726/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16727/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16728/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16729/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16730/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16731/2012 (with) 32 Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 10 Writ Petition 16732/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16733/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16734/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16735/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16736/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16737/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16738/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16739/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16740/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16741/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16742/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16743/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16744/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16745/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16746/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16747/2012 (with) Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Writ Petition 16748/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16749/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16750/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16751/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16752/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16782/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16783/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16784/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16785/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16786/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16787/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16788/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16789/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16790/2012 (with) 33 Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 10 Writ Petition 16791/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16792/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16793/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16794/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16795/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16796/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16797/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16798/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16799/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16801/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16802/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16803/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16804/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16805/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16806/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16807/2012 (with) Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Writ Petition 16808/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16809/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16810/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16811/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16812/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16813/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16814/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16815/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16816/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16817/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16818/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16819/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16820/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16821/2012 (with) 34 Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 10 Writ Petition 16822/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16823/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16824/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16825/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16826/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16827/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16828/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16832/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16833/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16834/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16835/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16836/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16837/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16838/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16840/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16841/2012 (with) Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Writ Petition 16842/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16843/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16844/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16846/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16847/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16848/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16849/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16850/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16851/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16852/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16853/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16854/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16855/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16856/2012 (with) 35 Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 10 Writ Petition 16857/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16858/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16859/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16926/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16927/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16928/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16929/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16930/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16931/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16932/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16933/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16934/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16952/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16953/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16954/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16955/2012 (with) Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Writ Petition 16956/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16957/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16958/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16959/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16960/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16961/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16963/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16969/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16970/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16972/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16973/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16974/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16975/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16976/2012 (with) 36 Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 10 Writ Petition 16977/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16978/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16979/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16980/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16981/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16982/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16983/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16984/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16985/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16986/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16987/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16988/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16989/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16990/2012 (with) Writ Petition 17000/2012 (with) Writ Petition 17001/2012 (with) Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Writ Petition 17002/2012 (with) Writ Petition 17003/2012 (with) Writ Petition 17004/2012 (with) Writ Petition 17005/2012 (with) Writ Petition 17006/2012 (with) Writ Petition 17007/2012 (with) Writ Petition 17008/2012 (with) Writ Petition 17009/2012 (with) Writ Petition 17010/2012 (with) Writ Petition 17011/2012 (with) Writ Petition 17012/2012 (with) Writ Petition 17013/2012 (with) Writ Petition 17014/2012 (with) Writ Petition 17015/2012 (with) 37 Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 10 Writ Petition 17016/2012 (with) Writ Petition 17017/2012 (with) Writ Petition 17018/2012 (with) Writ Petition 17058/2012 (with) Writ Petition 17059/2012 (with) Writ Petition 17060/2012 (with) Writ Petition 17061/2012 (with) Writ Petition 17062/2012 (with) Writ Petition 17063/2012 (with) Writ Petition 17064/2012 (with) Writ Petition 17065/2012 (with) Writ Petition 17066/2012 (with) Writ Petition 17067/2012 (with) Writ Petition 17068/2012 (with) Writ Petition 17069/2012 (with) Writ Petition 17070/2012 (with) Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Writ Petition 17071/2012 (with) Writ Petition 17072/2012 (with) Writ Petition 17073/2012 (with) Writ Petition 17074/2012 (with) Writ Petition 17075/2012 (with) Writ Petition 17076/2012 (with) Writ Petition 17077/2012 (with) Writ Petition 17078/2012 (with) Writ Petition 17079/2012 (with) Writ Petition 17080/2012 (with) Writ Petition 17081/2012 (with) Writ Petition 17082/2012 (with) Writ Petition 17083/2012 (with) Writ Petition 17084/2012 (with) 38 Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 10 Writ Petition 17085/2012 (with) Writ Petition 17086/2012 (with) Writ Petition 17087/2012 (with) Writ Petition 17088/2012 (with) Writ Petition 17089/2012 (with) Writ Petition 17090/2012 (with) Writ Petition 17091/2012 (with) Writ Petition 17092/2012 (with) Writ Petition 17093/2012 (with) Writ Petition 17094/2012 (with) Writ Petition 17095/2012 (with) Writ Petition 17096/2012 (with) Writ Petition 17097/2012 (with) Writ Petition 17098/2012 (with) Writ Petition 17100/2012 (with) Writ Petition 17101/2012 (with) Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Writ Petition 17102/2012 (with) Writ Petition 17103/2012 (with) Writ Petition 17104/2012 (with) Writ Petition 17105/2012 (with) Writ Petition 17106/2012 (with) Writ Petition 17107/2012 (with) Writ Petition 17108/2012 (with) Writ Petition 17110/2012 (with) Writ Petition 17111/2012 (with) Writ Petition 17112/2012 (with) Writ Petition 17113/2012 (with) Writ Petition 17114/2012 (with) Writ Petition 17115/2012 (with) Writ Petition 17116/2012 (with) 39 Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 10 Writ Petition 17117/2012 (with) Writ Petition 17268/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16839/2012 (with) Writ Petition 16962/2012 (with) Writ Petition 17099/2012 (with) Writ Petition 17109/2012 90 Writ Petition 2691/2011 91 Writ Petition 3446/2011 92 Writ Petition 5089/2011 93 Writ Petition 5580/2011 94 Writ Petition 6122/2011 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 Writ Petition 6926/2010 Writ Petition 7995/2011 Writ Petition 2665/2011 Writ Petition 8657/2011 Writ Petition 8921/2011 Writ Petition 8990/2011 Writ Petition 9733/2011 Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Grameen Phone Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Md. Abul Hossain vs Bangladesh Labli Akter vs Bangladesh Balram Biswas vs Bangladesh Md. Nurul Afsar vs Bangladesh Alea Begum vs Bangladesh Md. Sohel Bekashy vs Bangladesh Sunil Kanti vs Bangladesh Md. Golam Hasain and others vs Bangladesh Md. Shahidullah vs Bangladesh Md. Habib Aziz vs Bangladesh Md. Habib Aziz vs Bangladesh Fazlul Huq Malik vs Bangladesh 40 102 Writ Petition 10099/2011 103 Writ Petition 10502/2011 104 Writ Petition 12153/2012 105 Writ Petition 16163/2012 106 Writ Petition 618/2012 107 Writ Petition 1909/2012 108 Writ Petition 5050/2012 109 Writ Petition 2750/2012 110 Writ Petition 3984/2012 111 Writ Petition 4052/2012 112 Writ Petition 4864/2012 113 Writ Petition 5243/2012 114 Writ Petition 5486/2012 115 Writ Petition 6892/2012 116 Writ Petition 7020/2012 117 Writ Petition 8644/2012 118 Writ Petition 6993/2013 119 Writ Petition 8921/2012 Md. Idris Ali vs Bangladesh Mahbub Ullah vs Bangladesh Md. Imrul Ali vs Bangladesh Abu Hasan vs Bangladesh Pronidor Das vs Bangladesh Anis Uddin and other vs Bangladesh M/S Bhuiyan and Haque C.N.G. vs Bangladesh Sri Mati Biswas vs Bangladesh Md. Mozammel Hossain vs Bangladesh Md. Shariful Alam vs Bangladesh Lokman Hossain Mollah vs Bangladesh and others K. M. Rabiul Karim vs Bangladesh Md. Shahajan Ali vs Bangladesh G. M. Jalil vs Bangladesh Md. Khalilur Rahman vs Bangladesh Md. Asraful Islam vs Bangladesh Altaf Uddin Ahmed vs Bangladesh Md. Lutfor Rahman vs Bangladesh Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 10 120 Writ Petition 10376/2012 121 Writ Petition 11386/2012 122 Writ Petition 11446/2012 123 Writ Petition 16616/2012 124 Writ Petition 11573/2012 125 Writ Petition 13135/2012 126 Writ Petition 13238/2012 127 Writ Petition 13431/2012 128 Writ Petition 13673/2012 129 Writ Petition 13846/2012 130 Writ Petition 15114/2012 131 132 Writ Petition 15466/2012 Writ Petition 16468/2012 133 Writ Petition 16611/2012 134 Writ Petition 4928/2015 135 Writ Petition 17049/2012 136 Writ Petition 16935/2012 Sys Mohammad vs Bangladesh Md. Humayun Kabir and others vs Bangladesh K. M. Rabiul Karim vs Bangladesh Md. Abdul Hamid Sheikh vs Bangladesh Md. Mojubur Rahman vs Bangladesh Md. Yeahiya vs Bangladesh Ashok Chowdhury vs Bangladesh Md. Solayman vs Bangladesh Md. Jahangir Alam and others vs Bangladesh Md. Abdur Rahim vs Bangladesh Md. Nurul Islam Bhuiyan vs Bangladesh K. M. Rabiul Karim vs Bangladesh Prof. Dr. Md. Jafor Ahmed vs Bangladesh Md. Mosarraf Hossain vs Bangladesh Mrs. Saima Begum vs Bangladesh Rejwanur Rahman vs Bangladesh Monowara Begum vs Bangladesh 41 137 Writ Petition 7559/2013 138 Writ Petition 629/2013 139 Writ Petition 632/2013 140 Writ Petition 657/2013 141 Writ Petition 1394/2013 142 Writ Petition 1456/2013 143 Writ Petition 1515/2013 144 Writ Petition 2901/2013 145 Writ Petition 3642/2013 146 Writ Petition 3906/2013 147 Writ Petition 4021/2013 148 Writ Petition 4789/2013 149 Writ Petition 5413/2013 150 Writ Petition 8164/2013 151 Writ Petition 8498/2013 152 Writ Petition 11727/2013 153 Writ Petition 16038/2013 154 Writ Petition 1794/2014 155 Writ Petition 10431/2014 Sarajit Kumar Mondol vs Bangladesh Arun Chowdhury vs Bangladesh Azma Mahmud vs Bangladesh Komen Kumar Chakrabortty vs Bangladesh and others Sainur Begum vs Bangladesh Md. Abdul Bari vs Bangladesh Rahmat e Sohel vs Bangladesh Azam Khan Faruki vs Bangladesh Shakhawat Ullah vs Bangladesh Belal Uddin vs Bangladesh Md. Mahtab Hossain vs Bangladesh Averest Bangladesh vs Bangladesh Intigrate Service Ltd. vs Bangladesh Mahmuda Khatun vs Bangladesh Md. Abdulla Al Baki vs Bangladesh Md. Adnan Imam vs Bangladesh Kaysar Ali Talukder vs Bangladesh Abul Kalam vs Bangladesh Arun Kanti Talukder vs Bangladesh Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 10 156 Writ Petition 4496/2014 157 Writ Petition 4509/2014 158 Writ Petition 5832/2014 159 Writ Petition 3398/2014 160 Writ Petition 5500/2014 161 Writ Petition 6664/2014 162 Writ Petition 7482/2014 163 Writ Petition 8308/2014 164 Writ Petition 8684/2014 165 Writ Petition 9399/2014 166 167 168 169 170 171 Writ Petition 10578/2014 Writ Petition 11858/2014 Writ Petition 5431/2000 Writ Petition 5653/2005 Writ Petition 5573/2006 Writ Petition 252/2007 Md. Joynal Abedin Chowdhury vs Bangladesh Pfof. Engineer Md. Abdul Mannan vs Bangladesh Md. Anwar Hossain vs Bangladesh Md. Osman Gani vs Bangladesh Md. Solayman and others vs Bangladesh Prof. Md. Abdul Samad vs Bangladesh Md. Azmot Ali and ors vs Govt. of Bangladesh and ors Ms. Afifa Afroze, Advocate For the petitioner Md. Kamal Reza vs Bangladesh Lafarj Surma vs Bangladesh Md. Mizanur Rahman vs Bangladesh and others Md. A Nur vs Bangladesh Md. Anisur Rahman vs Bangladesh Mrs. J. N. Enterprise vs Bangladesh Md. Golam Hossain vs Bangladesh A. B. M. Garments vs Bangladesh Gajannat Ghosh vs Bangladesh 42 172 Writ Petition 8867/2007 173 Writ Petition 1025/2008 174 Writ Petition 1297/2008 175 Writ Petition 3151/2009 176 Writ Petition 3256/2009 177 Writ Petition 6737/2009 178 Writ Petition 8433/2010 179 Writ Petition 4863/2010 180 Writ Petition 146/2011 181 Writ Petition 7051/2011 182 Writ Petition 8357/2011 183 Writ Petition 405/2012 184 Writ Petition 7181/2012 185 Writ Petition 8575/2012 186 Writ Petition 8686/2012 187 Writ Petition 11576/2012 188 Writ Petition 427/2014 189 Writ Petition 641/2014 Abdul Malek vs Bangladesh Mrs. Karim Cold Storage Ltd. vs Bangladesh Shah Fatay Ullah Flozing Mills Ltd. vs Bangladesh Al Hadi (Pvt) Ltd. vs Bangladesh Md. Abu Hossain vs Bangladesh Md. Rafiqul Islam vs Bangladesh Md. Zahirul Mustafa vs Bangladesh Altaf Hossain vs Bangladesh Abdus Sattar Khan vs Bangladesh Md. Raiyan Mustafiz vs Bangladesh Md. Shahidullah vs Bangladesh H. R. C. Shipping vs Bangladesh Syeda Hasina Begum vs Bangladesh Akhi Akter vs Bangladesh Mamun or Rashid vs Bangladesh Md. Abdul Kuddus vs Bangladesh Manju Ahmed vs Bangladesh Md. Shakhat Hossain vs Bangladesh Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 10 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 Writ Petition 3453/2015 Md. Mojammel Hossain vs The Sec. Min. of Home Affairs and 05 others Writ Petition Mrs. Umme 5839/2015 Kumkum vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Livestock and others Writ Petition Yousuf Hossain 242/2009 vs C.D.A and others Writ Petition Md. Abdur Rashid 1909/2009 vs C.D.A and others Writ Petition Rabeya Khatun 1910/2009 vs C.D.A and others Writ Petition Najim Uddin 5956/2009 Bhuiyan vs Bangladesh Writ Petition Md. Shamsul Huq 4510/2010 vs Bangladesh Writ Petition Md. Harunur Rashid 1475/2010 vs Bangladesh Writ Petition Bilkis Farida 6093/2010 vs Bangladesh Writ Petition Dr. Alisa Jahan 931/2011 vs With Writ Petition Bangladesh Nos. 5156/2010, 7305/2009 Writ Petition Md. Faruq Ahmed 7357/2011 vs Bangladesh Writ Petition Md. Faisal Uddin 4918/2012 Bhuiyan vs Bangladesh Writ Petition Md. Nawser Ali 2015/2013 vs Bangladesh Writ Petition Md. Mehedi Hasan 2790/2014 and others vs Bangladesh Writ Petition Tapan Kumar 4038/2014 Mondol vs Bangladesh Writ Petition Tapan Kumar 4039/2014 Mondol vs Bangladesh 43 206 Writ Petition 4023/2014 207 Writ Petition 3769/2014 208 Writ Petition 6738/2014 209 Writ Petition 4991/2014 210 Writ Petition 11809/2014 211 Writ Petition 10403/2014 212 Writ Petition 1332/2015 213 Writ Petition 4916/2015 214 Writ Petition 5224/2015 215 Writ Petition 6668/2015 216 Writ Petition 8694/2015 217 Writ Petition 10898/2015 218 Writ Petition 8234/2015 219 Writ Petition 6914/2015 220 Writ Petition 6645/2012 221 Writ Petition 6646/2012 A. R. B. Filling and conversion vs Bangladesh Md. Mizanur Rahman Siddik vs Bangladesh Dr. Md. Faqrul Islam vs Bangladesh Monjuria Begum vs Bangladesh Md. Mojemmel Huq vs Bangladesh Md. Salim Sarder vs Bangladesh Md. Mokabbor Rahman vs Bangladesh and others Production Service Ltd. vs Bangladesh Md. Suruj Ali vs Bangladesh Amol Chandra Biswas vs Bangladesh Md. Didarul Alam vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of LGRD and 04 others Fatematuj Zohora vs Bangladesh Sheikh Md. Isanur Rahman vs Bangladesh and others Arafat Hossain vs Bangladesh Afjal Hossain vs Bangladesh Paritos Kumar Pramanik vs Bangladesh Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 10 222 Writ Petition 4071/2011 223 Writ Petition 3369/2011 224 Writ Petition 488/2015 225 226 Writ Petition 3075/2014 Writ Petition 638/2010 with Writ Petition No. 357 of 2009 227 Writ Petition 4592/2015 228 Writ Petition 5040/2013 229 Writ Petition 3914/2003 230 Writ Petition 3157/2014 231 Writ Petition 3396/2010 232 Writ Petition 3952/2006 233 Writ Petition 53/2013 234 Writ Petition 11038/2012 235 Writ Petition 10/2015 236 Writ Petition 11651/2014 237 Writ Petition 8513/2015 238 Writ Petition 16540/2012 Md. Maksudun Nabi vs Bangladesh Uttara Bank Ltd. vs Bangladesh Nepal Chandra Mojumder vs Bangladesh Md. Al Amin vs Bangladesh Savar Dying and Finishing Industries Ltd. vs Bangladesh Md. Ilias Mollah vs Bangladesh Golam Ali Imam Bhuiyan vs Bangladesh Equsha Television vs Bangladesh Shaibal Chandra vs Bangladesh H. M. Mohiuddin vs Bangladesh Md. Siddiqur Rahman vs Bangladesh Fair Trade Fabrics Ltd. vs Bangladesh Md. Kamrul Asraf Khan vs Bangladesh Harunur Rashid vs Bangladesh Mrs. Nafisa Nasrin vs Bangladesh Binoy Krisna Kumar Gain vs Bangladesh and others Md. Atiqul Islam vs Bangladesh 239 Writ Petition 7137/2008 240 Writ Petition 1896/2006 241 Writ Petition 3961/2009 242 Writ Petition 7195/2007 243 Writ Petition 1680/2011 244 Writ Petition 1678/2011 245 Writ Petition 3991/2010 246 Writ Petition 5457/2010 247 Writ Petition 7517/2009 248 Writ Petition 5470/2013 249 Writ Petition 12204/2015 250 Writ Petition 8978/2015 251 Writ Petition 11467/2015 (with) Writ Petition 11463/2015 44 Shahadat Hossain vs Bangladesh Hossain Chemical Ltd. vs Bangladesh Hossain Chemical Ltd. vs Bangladesh Md. Rafiqul Islam vs Bangladesh Md. Nurul Islam vs Bangladesh Sakander and others vs Bangladesh and others Md. Rabiul Islam vs Bangladesh Md. Abdul Matin vs Bangladesh Mahbub Alam vs Bangladesh Md. Ali Akbor vs Bangladesh and others Md. Osman Gani vs Bangladesh and others Mokter Hossain vs Bangladesh and others Md. Abul Kalam vs Bangladesh and others Md. Abdul Motaleb vs Bangladesh and others Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 10 252 253 254 Writ Petition 1200/2015 with 1201/2015, 1202/2015, 1203/2015, 1204/2015, 1205/2015, 1206/2015, 1207/2015, 1208/2015, 1209/2015, 1210/2015, 1211/2015, 1212/2015, 1213/2015, 1213/2015, 1214/2015, 1215/2015, 1216/2015, 1217/2015, 1218/2015, 1219/2015, 1220/2015, 1221/2015, 1222/2015, 1223/2015, 1224/2015, 1225/2015, 1226/2015, 1227/2015, 1228/2015, 1229/2015, 1230/2015, 1231/2015, 1232/2015, 1233/2015 Writ Petition 440/2015 Writ Petition 15660/2012 Khulna Biddyut Kendra vs Labour Appellate Tribunal Dhaka and 01 others BELA vs Bangladesh and others Jahangir Mustafa vs Bangladesh and others 45 Date : 02/05/2016 Main Building Court No. 10 Supreme Court of Bangladesh High Court Division Justice Salma Masud Chowdhury and Justice Kazi Md. Ejarul Haque Akondo Date : 02/05/2016 [Main Building Court No. 10] [ # . /0 2 %K 2? ; AB . C % 8 #/ 2? ; < $ # . /0 @ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 @ * AB . ; AB . # . /0 ; AB . C % 8 #/ $ %K 2? ; : AB . $ AB . & E 1 2 +/ 2 2 % 8 R% #/ $ As to be mentioned Criminal Misc Md. Abdus Sattar 28390/2011 vs The State Criminal Misc Abrar Hossain Khan 1046/2016 vs The State Criminal Misc Mobinul Haque 3143/2015 vs The State Criminal Misc Md. Helal Uddin 31605/2015 vs The State. Criminal Misc Md. Sirajul Islam 3566/2010 vs The State For Hearing Criminal Appeal Dewan Md.Alauddin 5932/2012 @ Md.Alauddin (with) vs The State and Another Mr. Md. Shakhawat Hossain, Advocate for the appellant. Criminal Appeal Fatema Begum 3698/2012 vs Dewan Md.Shahjahan and Others Criminal Appeal Moti Miah 1854/2012 vs The State Mr. Md. Hassan Ali, Advocate for the appellant. Criminal Appeal Md.Omar Faruk 7882/2012 vs The State Mr. Md. Abdus Sattar, Advocate for the appellant. 46 9 Criminal Appeal 7984/2012 10 Criminal Appeal 7833/2012 11 Criminal Appeal 7077/2012 12 Criminal Appeal 7075/2012 13 Criminal Appeal 7063/2012 14 Criminal Appeal 7014/2012 15 Criminal Appeal 7045/2012 #/ C # . /0 ; = >% '( . ।] Md.Hamidul and Another vs The State Mr. Billal Hossain, Advocate for the appellant. Md.Rabbani vs The State Mr. Nawshad M Ashif, Advocate for the appellant. Md.Selim @ Md.Selim Bhuiyan (Tutul) vs The State Mrs. Mohsina Parveen, Advocate for the appellant. Md.Dowlat Ali vs The State and Another Mr. Minhazul Hoque Chowdhury, Advocate for the appellant. Md.Jahid Parvez vs The State and Another Mr. Md. Hasinur Rahman, Advocate for the appellant. Fatema vs The State Mr. Sk. Mohammad Ali, Advocate for the appellant. Bang Miah and Others vs The State and Another Mrs. Sahana Parveen, Advocate for the appellant. Date : 02/05/2016 Main Building Court No. 10 16 Criminal Appeal 7074/2012 17 Criminal Appeal 7089/2012 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Criminal Appeal 7998/2012 Criminal Appeal 7815/2012 Criminal Appeal 7804/2012 Criminal Appeal 7874/2012 Criminal Appeal 7955/2012 Criminal Appeal 7997/2012 Criminal Appeal 7911/2012 Ripon vs The State Mr. Md. Mozammel Hossain, Advocate for the appellant. Shafiar Rahman and Another vs The State Mr. Minhazul Hoque Chowdhury, Advocate for the appellant. Mohitus @ Dada @ Mohitus Hazra vs The State Mrs. Salina Akter Chowdhury, Advocate for the appellant. Momin Miah vs The state Mr. Babrul Amin, Advocate for the appellant. Md.Rakib vs The State Mr. Md. Farook Hossain, Advocate for the appellant. Md. Jafor and ors vs The State Mr. Sayeed Quamrul Hassan, Advocate for the appellant. Shree Ajoy Kumar Adhikari vs The State Mr. Md. Abdul Kader Bhuiyan, Advocate for the appellant. Motitus Hazra vs The State Mrs. Salina Akter Chowdhury, Advocate for the appellant. Krishna Voumik vs The State Mr. Md. Nurul Islam, Advocate for the appellant. 25 Criminal Appeal 5686/2012 26 Criminal Appeal 7857/2012 27 Criminal Appeal 7055/2012 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Md.Sohag Bapari vs The State Mr. Md. Ziaur Rahman, Advocate for the appellant. Md.Selim Gazi vs The State Mr. Abdullah Al Baki, Advocate for the appellant. Rony Miah @ Kabir @ Rony vs The State Mr. Md. Zahidul Chowdhury, Advocate for the appellant. Hearing Criminal Misc Mia Nur Uddin Apu 33607/2014 vs The State Application : 498 In re Md. Monjur Hossain Brahmanbaria Shaheen and others vs The State In re Md. Rashedul Hasan Dhaka Bappi alias Rashedul (Criminal Misc. Haque Bappi Case No.7081 of vs 2016) The State In re Md. Zakir Hossain Dhaka alias Joni vs The State In re Md. Rob Matabbar vs Pirojpur The State In re Md. Roknuzzaman Dinajpur vs The State In re Md.Ala Uddin and Noakhali others vs The State In re T.I.S. Fuqruzzamman Dhaka alias Tikpu Kibria vs The State Application : 439 In re Kamrul Matubbar Faridpur and others vs The State Application : 561-A 47 Date : 02/05/2016 Main Building Court No. 10 37 In re Dhaka 38 In re Rangpur 39 In re Pabna 40 In re Dhaka 41 In re Dhaka 42 In re Dhaka 43 In re Chittagong 44 In re Naogaon 45 In re Dhaka Abu Bakkar Siddiqui and others vs The State Md. Batchu Mia and others vs The State Sree Ratan Kumar Paul and others vs The State Nahid Jabeen Rahman vs The State Nur Zahrat Zahan and another vs The State Nur Zahrat Zahan and another vs The State Main Uddin alias Khokon vs The State Md. Ahasan Habib vs The State Md. Bodiuzzaman Akando vs The State 48 Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 25 Supreme Court of Bangladesh High Court Division Justice Farid Ahmed and Justice K. M. Kamrul Kader Date : 02/05/2016 [Annex Building Court No. 25] [ AB . #/ *P 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 :S ) %. # #$% & %% @ O * ; AB . #/ C # . /0 ; AB . C % 8 #/ ; AB . $ A D E ; AB . ) & 54M 2 TG3- & % E 1 ; AB . /U 2 # . /0 2 +/ = >% '( . 2? ; < $ # . /0 @ O 2 ; & , % /1 ) *P & #2 Q% F % $@ O ।] Application : 498 In re Md. Rezaul Haider Gazipur Bokul vs The State In re Masudur Rahman Dhaka vs The State In re Azizar Sheikh Magura vs The State In re Md. Emdad Hossain Dhaka vs The State In re Asraf Kazi Gaibandha vs The State In re Md. Tofazzal Comilla Hossain vs The State In re Iqbal Hossain Joy Munshigonj vs The State In re Sirajul Mondal Pabna vs The State In re Md. Salman Chittagong vs The State In re Md. Anisur RAhman Tangail alias Blade vs The State In re Md. Salman Chittagong vs The State In re Monorul @ Monorul Gaibandha vs The State In re Shahidul Islam Tangail vs The State In re Md. Jakir Hossain Laxmipur vs The State 49 15 In re Kurigram 16 In re Jhinaidha 17 In re Jhinaidha 18 In re Comilla 19 In re Dhaka 20 In re Dhaka 21 In re Dhaka 22 In re Dhaka 23 In re Dhaka 24 In re Naogaon 25 In re Dhaka 26 In re Brahmanbaria 27 In re Comilla 28 In re Gazipur Abdul Motin |Faruki vs The State Billal Hossain vs The State Md. Shaiduzzaman @ Humayun Kabir vs The State Mst. Shahjan Begum vs The State Md. Salahuddin vs The State Md. Salahuddin vs The State Md. Gias Uddin and others vs The State Md. Mostafa Kamal vs The State Md. Mostafa Kamal vs The State Md. Alauddin vs The State Md. Gias uddin vs The State Milon Bhuiyan and another vs The State Abul Kalam vs The State Azizul vs The State Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 25 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 In re Tangail Md. Shahin Sikder vs The State In re Md. Abu Hossain Dhaka Rony vs The State In re Md. Ramjan Ali Jessore vs The State In re Sultan Ahnmed Sylhet vs The State In re Md. Nabi Hossain Dhaka vs The State In re Md. Salauddin @ Narayangonj Tuhin vs The State In re Osman Gani Dhaka vs The State In re md. Alagmir Hossain Comilla vs The State In re Md. Alamgir Hossain Comilla vs The State In re Md. Israil Chapai Nobabgonj vs The State In re Farouk Tangail vs The State In re Md. Anower Hossain Chittagong vs The State In re Md. Agor @ Agor Chittagong Hossain vs The State In re Sohag alias Md. Laxmipur Sohag vs The State In re Md. Masir Ali Chapai Nobabgonj vs The State In re Md. Ferdous @ Chapai Nobabgonj Ferdous vs The State In re SAifuddin Yeahia Rajshahi vs The State In re Md. Mahabubur Magura Rahman @ Mahabub vs The State 50 47 In re Magura 48 In re Khulna 49 In re Dhaka 50 In re Chittagong 51 In re Dhaka 52 In re Gazipur 53 In re Feni 54 In re Dhaka 55 In re Gazipur 56 In re Brahmanbaria 57 In re Dhaka 58 In re Rangpur 59 In re Khulna 60 In re Feni 61 In re Chittagong 62 In re Dhaka 63 In re Dhaka 64 In re Dhaka Md. Taher Sobuj vs The State Anjana Begum vs The State Md. Rasel Ahmed Sajid vs The State Abul Mansur vs The State Md. Babbul Hossain vs The State Md. Iqbal Hossain @ Falan vs The State Md. Akbar Hossain vs The State Md. Mohin vs The State Md. Iqbal Hossain @ Falan vs The State Md. Jahirul Islam @ Johir vs The State Md. Jakir Hossain vs The State Md. Mostafa vs The State Md. Ikbal Hosan @ Razu vs The State Rosul Amin vs The State Md. Belayet Hossain vs The State Md. Al-Amin @ Md. Al-Amin vs The State Md. Rakib vs The State Md. Maruf and others vs The State Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 25 65 In re Dhaka 66 In re Dhaka 67 In re Rangpur Md. Arman Hossain vs The State Md. Altaf Hossain vs The State Md. Abdul Baset @ Marjan vs The State 51 Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 32 Supreme Court of Bangladesh High Court Division Justice Shamim Hasnain and Justice Mohammad Ullah Date : 02/05/2016 [Annex Building Court No. 32] [ 2? ; , .+ ( ( )# ,& #/ $ (Y) & % # . /0 $ #/ %8) .9 : ; # A D; ◌! ", 34G42? ; < $ # . /0 ।] 0 2 2 $ # F) %V , , . $ ,F)WO # % +L% $ %K 2? ; ; 345H 2 ; 3433 2 / U $ # T3 ( ) 2 6G (>), (*), (X) ; 1 2 # , 3443& 56(3)(*) 7 % / . < : #/ ; #( A D E $ #( 2? ; & 34G ,J ( #/ 2 +/ = >% '( . 11 In re : Writ Petition 4055/2016 As to be mentioned 1 Writ Petition Kawsar Ahmed 2514/2012 vs Bangladesh and others 2 Writ Petition Mrs. ferdousi rahman 2702/2015 vs Bangladesh and others 3 Writ Petition M/S M. Rahman 2652/2016 Cold Storage Ltd vs Bangladesh and others 4 Writ Petition Md. Bahauddin 6700/2015 vs commission of taxes zone dhaka Application 5 In re : Writ Petition Md. Jahidul Islam 4754/2016 vs Bangladesh and others 6 In re : Writ Petition Md. Momtaz Uddin 3910/2016 Ahmed vs Artha Rin Adalat and others 7 In re : Writ Petition Md. Nurul Alam 2802/2016 vs Artha Rin Adalat and others 8 In re : Writ Petition Weston Trading 4270/2016 vs Bangladesh Bank and others 9 In re : Writ Petition Apex Jersey Limited 7660/2015 vs Bangladesh and others 10 In re : Writ Petition Md. Rokon Uddin 13813/2015 Sarker vs Bangladesh and others 12 In re : Writ Petition 5012/2016 13 Writ Petition 7910/2015 14 In re : Writ Petition 4494/2016 15 In re : Writ Petition 3867/2016 16 Writ Petition 5402/2015 17 In re : Writ Petition 4312/2016 18 In re : Writ Petition 1256/2016 19 In re : Writ Petition 4315/2016 52 M/S Ratna Traders vs Bangladesh and others Md. Abdul Hai vs Bangladesh Bank and others S.A Spinning Mills Ltd vs Governor Bangladesh Bank and 02 others Md. Badrul Alam Shymol vs Bangladesh and others Biswas Shariful Islam vs Judge Artha Rin Adalat no. 1 Dhaka and others Md. Anowar Hossain vs Bangladesh Bank and others Khondker Abdul Latif vs Bangladesh and others Harun Ur Rashid vs Artha Rin Adalat No. 1, Dhaka and Another Laila Hossain vs Artha Rin Adalat and others Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 32 20 In re : Writ Petition 4241/2016 21 Writ Petition 8285/2015 22 Writ Petition 8834/2015 Sultan Ahmed vs Bangladesh and others Gazi Aminul Hoque vs Bangladesh and others Md. Akram Hossain vs Bangladesh and others Motion 23 24 For Hearing Writ Petition Hossain Khaled vs 11446/2015 (with) Bangladesh, represented by the sec min of finance and 04 others. Mr. Fazley Noor Tapash with Mr. Mehedi Hasan Chowdhury, ad....for the petitioner. Mr. Azamlul Hossain Q C..ad...for the respondents. Writ Petition Deen Mohammad 11448/2015 vs (Heard in part) Bangladesh, represented by the sec min of finance and 04 others. Mr. Fozely Noor Tapash with Mr. Mehedi Hasan Chowdhury, ad...for the petitioner, Mr. Azmalul Hossain Q C, ad..for the respondents. Writ Petition Sirin Akter 11712/2014 vs Bangladesh and others Mr.Md.Zulfiqur Motin, ad......for the petitioner, Mr. Arifur Rahman, ad...........for the respondent no. 2, Mr. Mehedi Hasan Chowdhury, ad.......for the respondent no.9. 53 25 Writ Petition 2717/2011 26 Writ Petition 3799/2015 27 Writ Petition 12772/2015 28 Writ Petition 10297/2015 29 Writ Petition 3943/2016 30 Cancellation and Design 3/2012 31 Writ Petition 2012/2004 32 Writ Petition 4964/2011 33 Writ Petition 8900/2011 34 Writ Petition 676/2012 Maksuda Begum and others vs Judge Artha Rin Adalat no. 2 Dhaka and others Mr. Md. Rafiqul Isla, advocate..........for the petitioner. Mr. Shamim Khaled Ahmed, advocate, .........for the respondent no.2. Mohammad Iqbal Faruque vs Arthorin Adalot Lea Fashion and Garments Ltd vs Governor Bangladesh Bank and 03 others Md. Rafiqul Islam vs The Sec. Min. of Finance and 06 others Procter and Gable Bangladesh Pvt Limited vs Bangladesh and others M/S Red Bull A.G. vs The Registar, Department of Patents Denign and Trade Marks and others Diplomat Fashion Wear Pvt ltd vs Artha Rin Adalat and others Cosmo Synthetic Industries Ltd. vs The Commissioner of customs and ors B.B. Sweater Industries Ltd. vs Artha rin adalat No. 2 Dhaka and ors Summit Shipping Ltd. vs Commissioner of customs, customs house, Chittagong and ors Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 32 35 Writ Petition 476/2012 36 Writ Petition 2582/2007 37 38 39 Writ Petition 2326/2007 Writ Petition 2581/2007 Writ Petition 6908/2015 40 Writ Petition 1500/2009 41 Writ Petition 3715/2015 42 Writ Petition 3225/2015 43 Writ Petition 9415/2015 (with) Writ Petition 6185/2014 44 Writ Petition 765/2001 45 Writ Petition 13434/2012 Summit Shipping Limited vs Commissioner of Customs and others Prime Insurance Co. Ltd vs Customs Excise and VAT and Appellate Tribunal and ors Prime Incurance Co. Ltd., vs Customs Excise and Vat Appellate Tribunal and ors Prime Insurance Co. Ltd vs Customs Excise and VAT and Appellate Tribunal and ors jahed ahmed vs arthrin adalat court no 02, dhaka and 16 ors Khondaker Touhiduzzaman, Manikgonj vs Artha Rin Adalat No. 1 Dhaka and another Shah Amanat CTG Textile Mills Ltd vs The Sec. Min. of Finance and 05 others A.K.M shah alam vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Finance and 03 others Bodrunnaher vs Artho Rin Adalat and others Mr. Joynul Karim vs Bangladesh and others S.M.Hossain Chowdhury vs Bankruptcy Court Ctg. M/S Hasen co. Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others 46 Writ Petition 7260/2015 (with) Writ Petition 7259/2015 47 Writ Petition 1326/2009 (with) Writ Petition 1359/2009 (with) Writ Petition 426/2009 (with) Writ Petition 1008/2009 54 Kisholoy Properties ltd vs Bangladesh Bank and 04 others Habib Assets Ltd vs Bangladesh Bank and 04 others Md. Nurul Islam Chowdhury vs Bangladesh and others Nurul Islam Chowdhury vs Bangladesh and others Nurul Islam Chowdhoury vs Bangladesh and others Nurul Islam Chowdhoury vs Bangladesh and others Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 23 Supreme Court of Bangladesh High Court Division Justice A. F. M. Abdur Rahman Date : 02/05/2016 [Annex Building Court No. 23] # . , & 70 & '( ; # 346T ,J ( Z /0 $ Z /0 % % 8 [ '( \ , & 70; Z. # 3MG4 ,J ( E ; ) '( ]◌! ) # 6HHH , & 70 & E ; U) /2 , ) D, 34M^,& # . /0; %% , _ ? $#. < : , 1I) G,HH,HHH 2 /7 ? $ # . < : .$( ; 2 ` # 3443 2 (3443 2 35 2 # ) ,J ( # . /0 ; # 6HH3 (6HH3 2 3 2 # ) ,J ( #/ $ # . /0 ; '( - ; % 2 +/ = >% '( . 2? ; < $ # . /0 । ] [ 1 2 3 Application Admirality Suit Php cold Rolling 4/2013 Mills ltd. vs M.V. IPANEMA, and others Mr. Ramzan Ali Sikder, Adv. ...for the pliantiff Mr. Muhammad Ohiullah, Adv. ...for the defendant Nos. 3 Mr. Saifur Rashid, Adv. ...for the proforma defendant No. 11 4 For taking further evidence Admirality Suit United Edible Oils 37/2011 Ltd. vs The London Steamship owner Mutual Insurance Association Ltd. Mr. Abdullah M. Hasan, Adv. ...for the pliantiff Mr. Muhammad Ohiullah, Adv. ...for the defendant Nos. 1-4 Admirality Suit United Edible Oils 2/2007 Limited vs The United Kingdom Mutual Steam Ship Assurance Association Ltd. and or 5 6 7 8 55 Admirality Suit 2/2013 Tanveer Oils Limited vs The united Kingdom Mutual Strim Ship Assurance Association (Bermuda) Ltd. and others Md. Ramzan Ali Sikder Mahmudur Razi, Adv. ...for the pliantiff Mr. Muhammad Ohiullah, Adv. ...for the defendant Nos. 1-4 Exparte Hearing Arbitration Paper Proceesing and Applicaion Packaging Ltd. 15/2015 vs Elharman Engineering and others Mr. Md. Shaheen Mridha, Adv. ...for the petitioner. For Hearing Arbitration Appeal New Hope Feed Mill 4/2014 Bangladesh Ltd. part heard vs A.K.M. Jahir Ahmed and another Mr. Shaheen Mridha, Adv. ...for the petitioner. Suo-moto Rule Sabita Saha (Original) vs 6/2014 Samar Saha and others. Peremptory Hearing Arbitration Orbit Telecom Applicaion Limited (OTL) 3/2016 vs (with) BTCL Mr. Aneek R Haque, Adv. ...for the petitioner. Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 23 Arbitration Applicaion 4/2016 (with) Arbitration Applicaion 7/2016 (Part heard) 9 10 11 Telecom Asia Pte Ltd. vs BTCL Mr. Aneek R. Haque, Adv. ...for the petitioner. ITC AV(S) Pte Ltd. vs BTCL Mr. Aneek R. Haque, Adv. ...for the petitioner. For Hearing Civil Revision Md. Mosleh Uddin 4356/1999 vs Secretary, Ministry of Labour Mr. Garib-e- Newaz, Adv. ...for the petitioner. Ms. Nowazis Ara Begum, AAG, ...for the state Civil Revision PHP Spinning Mils 1471/2012 Ltd. vs Louis Dreyfus Commodities Suisse S.A. Mr. Mutahar Hossain, Adv. ...for the petitioner Mr. Ajmalul Hossain, QC, Adv. ...for the opposite Party No. 1 Civil Revision Mosaraff Composit 1504/2012 Textile Mills Ltd. vs Dunavant Enterprises PTY Ltd. Mr. Mutahar Hossain, Adv. ...for the petitioner Mr. Ajmalul Hossain, QC, Adv. ...for the opposite Party No. 1 For Hearing : Criminal Jail Appeal 12 Jail Appeal Md. Jabed Ali. 43/2010 vs The State 13 Jail Appeal Sree Biram Chandra 145/2010 Das vs The State 14 Jail Appeal Abdul Hamid 123/2010 vs The State 56 Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 9 Supreme Court of Bangladesh High Court Division Justice Zinat Ara and Justice A.K.M. Zahirul Hoque Date : 02/05/2016 [Annex Building Court No. 9] [ 2? ; *P & , 1 2 3 4 $ %K 2? ; % /1 ) *P & , , 2S ) %. #2 Q% F , ,F)WO # , # #$% & % $@ O ।] 10 As to be mentioned Criminal Misc Md. Mofizur Rahman 41978/2012 vs The state Criminal Appeal Naser Rahman 5152/2007 vs ACC And Others Criminal Misc Mst. Hosney Ara 15600/2008 Begum vs The state Criminal Revision Md. Tajul Islam 1051/2005 vs The State 11 12 Motion 5 6 7 8 9 Application Writ Petition Comilla Cold Storage 472/2010 Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Writ Petition Md. Ramij Uddin 3018/2010 Khan, Narayangonj vs Bangladesh and others Writ Petition Md. Chunnu Mia 8515/2015 vs Assistant Vice President and Branch Manager, Islami Bank Limited, Kishoreganj Branch and others. In re : Writ Petition Al Safa Steel Re4540/2016 Rolling Mills Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others In re : Writ Petition Iqbal Ahamed 4229/2016 Siddiki vs Bangladesh and others 13 14 15 16 17 2 2 $ # F) Writ Petition 2312/2015 With Review petition Md. Abdur rob vs The Chairman, Dhaka Power Distibution Company Limited(DPDC) Dhaka, Mr. Md. Helal Uddin Mollah, Advocate for the petitioner Writ Petition Md. Ali Hossain 1799/2006 vs Bangladesh and others Criminal Misc Md. Nur Hossain 6205/2014 vs State and another Writ Petition Md. Asadul Bari and 6686/2011 others vs Bangladesh and others Writ Petition Sonali Bank Limited vs 7932/2015 Bangladesh and others Mr. Younus Halder, Advocate for the petitioner, Mr. Tushar Kanti Das, Advocate for the respondent No. 5(for the applicant) Writ Petition Fazlul Kader 3299/2012 Choudhury vs The Artha Rin Adalat No.2,Dhaka and others Writ Petition Anowar Hossain 3390/2015 Khan Polash vs Bangladesh and others Review Petition Md. Abul Basher 20/2015 vs arising out of W.P A.K.M Elias No. 9906 of 2011 Hossain, Dhaka and 04 Others For Hearing 57 %V ; Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 9 18 19 Writ Petition 8921/2005 Heard in part Manik K Bhattracharge vs Bangladesh and others Sent by Hon`ble Chief Justice Writ Petition M.A. Rahim Rana 2043/2013 and another vs Bangladesh and others For Hearing : Sent from Appellate Division 20 Income Tax Mobil Jamuna Reference Lubricant Ltd. 465/2007 vs Herad-in-Part The Commissioner of Taxes, Dhaka, Mr. Shah Muhammad Ezaz Rahman, Advocate for the applicant 21 22 23 24 25 For Hearing Writ Petition Anisuzzaman 7224/2011 Chowdhury vs Bangladesh Bank and others Writ Petition A.M. Mujibur 10342/2011 Rahman and another vs Bangladesh and others Writ Petition Mohammad Hossain 10298/2012 vs Artha rin adalat no. 4 Dhaka and ors, Mr. Md. Sagir Hossain, Advocate for the petitioners, Mr. S.M. Atikur Rahman, Advocate for the respondent No.3 Writ Petition ICB Islamic Bank 821/2012 Ltd. vs Judge artha rin adalat No. 1 Chittagong and ors, Mr. Mukunda Chandra Debnath, Advocate for the petitioner, Mr. Md. Waliur Reza Chowdhury with Mr. Mintu Lal Das, Advocates for respondent No.2. Writ Petition Monowar Islam 14097/2012 vs Artharin Adalat No3, Dhaka 58 26 Writ Petition 2070/2012 27 Writ Petition 11300/2012 28 Writ Petition 13336/2012 29 Writ Petition 11437/2012 30 Writ Petition 12420/2012 31 Writ Petition 3333/2012 32 Writ Petition 10551/2012 33 Writ Petition 11299/2012 34 Writ Petition 10327/2015 35 Writ Petition 8298/2012 36 Writ Petition 3800/2012 Korea Bangladesh food Products Ltd. and another vs Bangladesh and others Medelain Garments and others vs Artha Rin Adalat No.1 and others Abul Bashar vs Bangladesh and others M/S. International Tenery vs Artha Rin Adalat and others National laboratories ltd. and another vs Bangladesh and others Mrs. Khushe Akter vs Janata Bank Ltd. Nazmul Huda vs Bangladesh and others Lunsia Knit ware Ltd. vs Artha Rin Adalat No.1 and others M/S Nila International vs Artha Rin Adalat and ors, Mr. Shamsuddin Babul with Mr. Kamal Hossain Meahzi, Advocates for the petitioners, Mr. Md. Joynal Abedin, Advocate for respondents No.2 & 3, Mr. Mohammad Al-Amin, Advocate for respondent No.4. Sheikh Tariqul Alam vs Artha Rin Adalat No.1, Satkhira and others Nurul Huda vs Janata Bank Ltd. Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 9 37 Writ Petition 2726/2012 38 Writ Petition 10699/2012 39 Writ Petition 9284/2012 40 Writ Petition 2390/2012 41 Writ Petition 14978/2012 42 Writ Petition 1463/2013 43 Writ Petition 5576/2013 44 Writ Petition 6717/2013 45 Writ Petition 8334/2014 46 Writ Petition 2520/2013 47 Writ Petition 6770/2013 48 Writ Petition 6146/2013 Sheik Abdul Mojid vs Bangladesh and others Manir Uddin Miah vs Bangladesh and others Abdul Hannan and another vs Artha Rin Adalat Court No.1, Chittagong and others Md. Shafiqul Alam vs Bangladesh and others Haji Md. Nasiruddin vs Bangladesh and others Ornate Consumar products Ltd. vs Sonali Bank Ltd. Md. Mohsin Khan vs Artha Rin Adalat Chittagong Alima Khatun vs Bangladesh and others Md. Mizanur Rahman vs Judge, Artha Rin Adalat, No.1, Dhaka and others. Rahimul Haque vs Artha rin adalat No.3 Dhaka and ors Premier Cold storage ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Shahida Mollik vs Artha rin adalat no. 1 Dhaka and others 49 Writ Petition 11271/2013 50 Writ Petition 11334/2013 51 Writ Petition 6840/2013 Rokeya Begum vs Jadge, Artha Rin Adalat No. 1, Chittagong and ors Ms. Afroza Naznin Akter, Adv. for the petitioners. Mr. Hironmay Halder, Adv. for respondents No. 2 Jahanara Begum and ors vs Bangladesh and others Ali Eskander Amed vs Artha Rin Adalat No. 2 Dhaka and ors Sent by Hon`ble Chief Justice : For Hearing 52 Writ Petition Pacific Denims ltd. 9688/2013 vs Sec.min. of finance and ors 53 Writ Petition Sanowara Poulty and 9805/2013 hatchary ltd. vs Bangladesh Bank and ors 54 Writ Petition Sanowara Poulty and 9806/2013 hatchary ltd. vs Bangladesh Bank and ors 55 Writ Petition Sanowara Poulty and 9807/2013 hatchary ltd. vs Bangladesh Bank and ors 56 Writ Petition Sanowara Poulty and 9808/2013 hatchary ltd. vs Bangladesh Bank and ors 57 Writ Petition Sanowara Poulty and 9809/2013 hatchary ltd. vs Bangladesh Bank and ors 58 Writ Petition Sanowara Poulty and 9811/2013 hatchary ltd. vs Bangladesh Bank and ors 59 Writ Petition Alhaj Mohammed 9906/2013 Yaheya vs l 59 Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 9 60 Writ Petition 10122/2013 61 Writ Petition 10183/2013 62 Writ Petition 10228/2013 63 Writ Petition 10235/2013 64 Alhaj Abdus Sattar vs Governor Bangladesh Bank and ors Farzana Afsar vs Bangladesh Bank and ors Nuruzzaman Ahmed vs Bangladesh Bank and ors Abdun Noor Khan vs Bangladesh Bank and ors Abdun Noor Khan vs Bangladesh Bank and ors Abu Bakar Siddique vs Bangladesh bank and ors Imam Shahed Hossain and 3 ors vs Bangladesh Bank and ors 73 Writ Petition 10174/2013 74 Writ Petition 8523/2013 75 Writ Petition 822/2013 76 Writ Petition 4887/2013 77 Writ Petition 970/2013 78 Writ Petition 7337/2013 For Hearing Writ Petition Jubak Housing of 2067/2004 Real Estate Development ltd vs Artha Rin Adalat No 1 Dhaka and ors Review Petition Bodiul Alam and 7/2014 otherrs vs Bangladesh and others Review Petition Anowarul Hoque 25/2014 vs Bangladesh and others Writ Petition Hazi Mohd. 7451/2013 Atiqullah vs Bangladesh and others Writ Petition Khondaker Khairul 9772/2013 Mohsin vs Bangladesh and others Writ Petition md. Yousuf Mia and 10142/2013 another vs Judge artha rin adalat No. 4 Dhaka and ors 79 Writ Petition 12125/2013 80 Writ Petition 7406/2013 81 Writ Petition 7407/2013 82 Writ Petition 7408/2013 83 Writ Petition 7409/2013 84 Writ Petition 9581/2013 85 Writ Petition 9582/2013 Writ Petition 10299/2013 65 Writ Petition 10493/2013 66 Writ Petition 11206/2013 67 68 69 70 71 72 60 Sahin Akter vs Bangladesh Bank and others Abu Sayed Chowdhury vs Bangladesh and ors M/s Kader Knit werar vs Bangladesh and others Md. Rauful Islam Azizi vs Bangladesh and others M/s Jewel Cotton Spinning and weaving Mills Ltd. vs Artha Rin Adalat Natore and others National Bank Ltd. vs Judge, Artha Rin Adalat No.3, Dhaka and others Md. Hazrat Ali vs Bangladesh Bank and others Mrs. Shahnaj Begum and 3 ors vs Bangladesh and others Mrs. Shahnaj Begum and 3 ors vs Bangladesh and others Shahnaj Begum vs Bangladesh and others Shahnaj Begum vs Bangladesh and others Md. Nurul Moyeen Minu vs Bangladesh and others Mrs. Minara Begum vs Bangladesh and others Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 9 86 Writ Petition 2477/2013 87 Writ Petition 4015/2013 88 Writ Petition 12245/2013 89 Writ Petition 9409/2013 90 Writ Petition 1383/2013 91 Writ Petition 7213/2013 92 Writ Petition 11996/2013 93 Writ Petition 7684/2013 94 Writ Petition 955/2014 95 Writ Petition 9004/2015 96 Writ Petition 3657/2014 97 Writ Petition 9404/2014 (11.5.2016) 98 Writ Petition 3731/2014 Madhu Sadhan Shaha vs Artha Rin Adalat No. 1 and others M/s Fair chemicals vs Bangladesh Bank and others Mohd. Shouid Riad and others vs The State Anudip Autos ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Shamsul Hoque and others vs Bangladesh and others Md. Ferdous Khan Alamgir vs Artha Rin Adalat and others Alhaj Mobarak Hossain vs Bangladesh and ors Momtaz Begum vs Bangladesh and others Rashed Uddin Chowdhury vs Bangladesh and others Md. Nurul Islam vs Artha Rin Adalat NO-1, Dhaka and Another Md. Rukunuddin Mollah vs Bangladesh and others Md. Babul vs Artha Rin Adalat No1,Dhaka and others Mazharul Alam Rumel Majumder vs Bangladesh and others 61 99 Writ Petition 11199/2015 100 Writ Petition 11996/2014 101 Writ Petition 3656/2014 102 Writ Petition 12370/2015 103 Writ Petition 8665/2014 104 Writ Petition 9080/2015 105 Writ Petition 2221/2015 106 Writ Petition 6498/2014 107 Writ Petition 531/2014 108 Writ Petition 532/2014 109 Writ Petition 4016/2015 Rokeya Begum vs Bangladesh and others Md. Habib ullah Habib vs Easter Bank Ltd. and others Md. Rukunuddin Mollah vs Bangladesh and others, Mr. A.K.M. Nurul Alam,Advocate for the petitioner, Mr.Mukunda Chandra Chandra Debnath for the respondent Abdul Mannan Majumder vs Bangladesh and others Abdur Rahman Khan vs Judge, and artha Rin Adalot and ros Md. Jahangir vs Bangladesh and others M/S M.A Hossain and co ltd vs judge Artha Rin Adalat khulna and 09 ors Motiur Rahman Biswas vs Bangladesh and others Abul Hashem Dhali vs Jadge, Artha Rin Adalat and ors Abul Hashem Dhail vs Artha Rin Adalat and ors First Security Islami Bank Ltd vs Artha Rin adalat no 2 Dhaka and 03 others Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 9 110 Writ Petition 9699/2015 111 Writ Petition 4468/2014 112 Writ Petition 9338/2014 113 Writ Petition 7589/2014 114 Writ Petition 2527/2015 115 Writ Petition 5858/2015 116 Writ Petition 8184/2015 (with) Writ Petition 8185/2015 117 Writ Petition 6535/2015 (with) Writ Petition 6536/2015 118 Writ Petition 701/2014 119 Writ Petition 5691/2015 M/S Vege Garments Ltd vs Judge, Artha Rin Adalat-04, Dhaka and 07 Others M.H. Knitwear Ltd. vs Artha Rin Adalat and others Most. Jahanara Begum vs Artha Rin Adalat, Rajshahi and others Most. Jahanara Begum vs Artha Rin Adalat Rajshahi and others Md. Selim vs Bangladesh Krishi Bank and others Mohammad yousuf vs Bangladesh and others Kamrul Karim vs Arthrin Adalat No.03, Dhaka and others Kamrul Karim vs Arthrin Adalat No.03, Dhaka and others M/S zahura Trading Corporation vs Artha Rin Adalat No.1 Dhaka and others M/s. Sreenagar Traders vs Artha Rin Adalat No.1,Dhaka and others Md. Abdul Aziz vs a00290 Mokhlesur Rahman and others vs Bangladesh and others 62 120 Writ Petition 10480/2015 121 Writ Petition 6092/2015 122 Writ Petition 13164/2015 123 Writ Petition 5837/2014 124 Writ Petition 8293/2015 125 Writ Petition 7579/2014 126 Writ Petition 8654/2014 127 Writ Petition 3781/2014 128 Writ Petition 6957/2014 129 Writ Petition 5658/2015 130 Writ Petition 12653/2015 131 Writ Petition 1769/2014 132 Writ Petition 11075/2014 Most. Gulshan Ara Begum vs Judge, Artha Rin Adalat, Dhaka and Another M/S shahnaz chowdhury vs Artha Rin Adalat No.1, Dhaka Fazlur Sobhan vs BASAC Bank Ltd and others Sekander Ali vs IFIC Bank and Ltd. Md. Mosharaf Hossain vs Arthrin Adalat, 1st Court Dhaka and others Bangladesh Commerce Bank vs Bangladesh and others Abul Hasem vs Bangladesh and others Brothers Footeear ltd. vs Artha Rin Adalat and others Basic Bank Limited vs Bangladesh and others Aleya Akther vs Artha Rin Adalat No 01, Dhaka Afhsanur Rob Chowhdury vs Artha Rin Adalat and others Md. Eshar Uddin Sarker vs Artha Rin Adalat Satkhira and others Shah Md. Hemayet Ullah vs National Board of Revenue and ors Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 9 133 Writ Petition 11076/2014 134 Writ Petition 12143/2014 135 Writ Petition 9787/2014 136 Writ Petition 11058/2015 137 138 Writ Petition 9133/2015 Writ Petition 2558/2015 139 Writ Petition 8498/2015 140 Writ Petition 9984/2015 141 142 143 144 145 Writ Petition 5393/2015 Writ Petition 7640/2014 Writ Petition 5919/2014 Writ Petition 11504/2014 Writ Petition 7798/2014 Shah Md. Hemayet Ullah vs National Board of Revenue and ors Shah Md. Hemayet Ullah vs Chairman, NBR Dhaka and ors Most. Hosne Ara and others vs Bangladesh Bank and ors Alhaj Mohammad Ali vs Judge, ArthaRin Adalat, Dhaka and 02 others Kaniz Fatema vs Judge, Artharin Adalat-01, Dhaka and 5 others Front line spinsring mills ltd vs The learned judge arthrin adalat no 04, dhaka and 03 ors Sweater Fashion Ltd vs Judge, Artharin Adalat and others Nova Auto Bricks vs Governor Bangladesh Bank and 05 others Eminant knitwear ltd vs the learned judge, Artha Rin Adalat and others ors Issordi Spinning Mills Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Mrs. Aleya Begom vs Bangladesh and others Sonali Bank Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Jahangir Hossain vs Bangladesh and others 63 146 Writ Petition 7799/2014 147 Writ Petition 7765/2014 148 Writ Petition 7354/2015 149 Writ Petition 5193/2015 150 Writ Petition 11627/2014 151 Writ Petition 3483/2015 152 Writ Petition 3152/2015 153 Writ Petition 10359/2015 154 Writ Petition 2398/2014 155 Writ Petition 4327/2014 156 Writ Petition 10051/2014 157 Writ Petition 9037/2015 Zakir Hossain vs Bangladesh and others Sirin Textile Indistries Ltd vs Artha Rin Adalat No.1, Dhaka and others Mrs. Anjuman Ara vs The Court of Joint District Judge and Arthrin Adalat Chittagong and 08 others Md. Rafique uddin vs Arthrin Rdalat Adalat No.2, Dhaka and others Rupali Bank Ltd vs Artha Rin Adalat Chittagong and others Sapnil Private Limited vs Bangladesh Bank and others Mohammad Shahadat Hossain vs Artha Rin Adalat No.3, Dhaka and others Keya Cosmetics Ltd vs Bangladesh and others Mohammad kawser vs Bangladesh and others Md. Saifur Rahman Chowdhury vs Govt. of Bangladesh and others Nilua Pharmaceuticals Ltd. vs Bangladesh Bank and others Zafar Iqbal Siddique vs Bangladesh Bank and 08 others Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 9 158 Writ Petition 11304/2014 159 Writ Petition 1073/2014 171 Elite Chemical Industries ltd. vs Commissioner of Taxes Income Tax Elite Chemical Industries Ltd. Reference vs 247/2005 (with) Commissioner of Taxes Income Tax Hexagon Chemical Reference Complex Ltd. 416/2005 vs (with) Commmissioner of Taxes Income Tax Hexagon Chemical Reference Complex Ltd. 262/2006 vs The Commissioner of Taxes 172 Income Tax Samuda Oil Refinery Reference Ltd. 179/2006 vs with 164 Commissioner of (Ref.)/2012 with Taxes, Taxes Zone-1, Chittagong Income Tax Samuda Oil Refinery Reference Ltd. 126/2009 vs with 47 (Ref.)/2009 Commissioner of Taxes, Taxes Zone-1, Chittagong 173 Income Tax EPIC Garments Reference Manufacturing Co. 65/2014 Ltd. (with) vs The Commissioner of Taxes Income Tax EPIC Garments Reference Manufacturing Co. 66/2014 Ltd. (with) vs The Commissioner of Taxes Income Tax Cosmopolitan Ind. Reference Pvt. Ltd. vs 361/2012 Commissioner of Taxes, Dhaka 174 Income Tax Gold Star Fashions Reference Ltd. 419/2004 vs (with) Commissioner of Taxes, Dhaka. Income Tax Seagul Hodtels Ltd. Reference vs 283/2010 The Commissioner of (with) Taxes, Dhaka Income Tax Seagull Hotels Ltd. Reference vs 523/2011 The Commissioner of Taxes .Dhaka. Abdur Razzak vs Bangladesh and ors M.F Kamal vs Bangladesh Bank and others Sent by Hon`ble Chief Justice : For Hearing 160 Writ Petition Musk Sweater 9071/2013 Composit Ltd. vs Bangladesh Bank and another 161 Writ Petition Sanowara Poulty and 9908/2013 hatchary ltd. vs Bangladesh Bank and ors 162 Writ Petition Md. Yaheya 9902/2013 vs Bangladesh Bank and ors 163 Writ Petition Md. Yaheya 9903/2013 vs Bangladesh Bank and ors 164 Writ Petition Mohammad Yaheya 9904/2013 vs Bangladesh Bank and others 165 Writ Petition Mohammad Issa 10585/2013 chowdhury vs governor Bangladesh Bank and ors 166 Writ Petition Nazmul Hasan 11119/2013 vs Bangladesh Bank and others 167 Writ Petition Opsonin Pharma Ltd. 8610/2014 vs Chairman, NBR and ors 168 Writ Petition Md. Gias Uddin 137/2014 vs Bangladesh and others 169 Writ Petition Olympia Industries 6183/2014 ltd,. (with) vs Bangladesh and others Writ Petition Taveer Food Ltd. 2808/2014 vs Bangladesh and others 170 Writ Petition A.S.M. Nurul Islam, 1123/2006 Tejgaon, Dhaka vs Bangladesh and others 64 Income Tax Reference 84/2005 (with) Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 9 175 Income Tax Reference 356/2008 (with) Income Tax Reference 218/2014 (with) Income Tax Reference 219/2014 176 Income Tax Reference 487/2014 (with) Income Tax Reference 488/2014 177 Income Tax Reference 294/2014 (with) Income Tax Reference 297/2014 (with) Income Tax Reference 296/2014 (with) Income Tax Reference 295/2014 (with) Income Tax Reference 293/2014 178 Income Tax Reference 351/2004 179 Income Tax Reference 162/2009 (with) Income Tax Reference 163/2009 (with) Income Tax Reference 164/2009 Emirates Cements Bd. Ltd vs The Commissioner of Taxes, Dhaka Emirates Cement Bangladesh Ltd. vs The Commissioner of Taxes Emitates cement Bangladesh Ltd. vs The Commissioner of Taxes Emirates Cement Bangladesh Ltd. vs The Commissioner of Taxes Emirates Cement Bangladesh Ltd. vs The Commissioner of Taxes Joyti Biscuit Industries Ltd. vs The Commissioner of Taxes Joyti Biscuit Industries Ltd. vs The Commissioner of Taxes Joyti Biscuit Industries Ltd. vs The Commissioner of Taxes Joyti Biscuit Industries Ltd. vs The Commissioner of Taxes Joyti Biscuit Industries Ltd. vs The Commissioner of Taxes Forroque Rahman vs Commissioner of Taxes Auto Connection Ltd. vs The Commissioner of Taxes, Dhaka Otto Connection Ltd. vs The Commissioner of Taxes, Dhaka 180 Income Tax Reference 240/2011 181 Income Tax Reference 532/2005 182 Income Tax Reference 263/2007 (with) Income Tax Reference 264/2007 183 Income Tax Reference 441/2008 184 Income Tax Reference 446/2008 (with) Income Tax Reference 447/2008 (with) Income Tax Reference 448/2008 (with) Income Tax Reference 445/2008 185 Income Tax Reference 140/2004 186 Income Tax Reference 442/2011 (with) Income Tax Reference 92/2014 65 Auto Connection Ltd. vs The Commissioner of Taxes, Dhaka Grameen Danone Foods Ltd. vs The Commissioner of Taxes, Taxes ZoneDhaka Grameen Trust vs Commissioner of Taxes, Dhaka Inspection Services Limited vs The Commissioner of Taxes, Dhaka Inspection Services Limited vs The Commissioner of Taxes, Dhaka Pacific Zipper (B.D) Ltd. vs The Commissioner of Taxes, Chittagong Habibul Haque vs The Commissioner of Taxes Habibul Haque vs The Commissioner of Taxes Habibul Haque vs The Commissioner of Taxes Habibul Haque vs The Commissioner of Taxes Welcome Travel Agents Ltd. vs Commissioner of Taxes, Dhaka Eastern Bank Ltd, Jibon Bima Bhaban,10, Dilkusha,dhaka vs The Commissioner of Taxes, Dhaka Eastern Bank Limited vs The Deputy Commissioner of Taxes, Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 9 187 Income Tax Reference 240/2014 (with) Income Tax Reference 241/2014 (with) Income Tax Reference 242/2014 188 Income Tax Reference 442/2005 (with) Income Tax Reference 576/2004 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 Income Tax Reference 151/2005 DHL Ineternaltional Gmb H vs The Commissioner of Taxes The Commissioner of Taxes vs Paramount Insurance Company Limited DHL Ineternaltional Gmb H vs The Commissioner of Taxes Commissioner of Taxes vs Beximco Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Commissioner of Taxes,Dhaka vs Beximco Pharmaceuticals Ltd.Dhaka Jalal Uddin Ahmed vs Commissioner of Taxes For Hearing Writ Petition Selim @ Masud 4477/2015 Hasan vs Artha Rin Adalat No.4, Dhaka Writ Petition Gopal Biri Factory 938/2015 Ltd. vs Banglaesh and others Writ Petition Ms.Shamsun Nahar 2026/2015 vs Bangladesh and others Writ Petition Md. Fazlur Rashid 11473/2014 chowdhury vs Bangladesh and others Writ Petition Md. Nurul Islam 2176/2014 vs Bangladesh and others Writ Petition Md. Azaharul Islam 2199/2014 and others vs Bangladesh and others 66 196 Writ Petition 392/2014 197 Writ Petition 2023/2014 198 Writ Petition 3386/2014 199 Writ Petition 1219/2014 200 Writ Petition 1592/2014 201 Writ Petition 2502/2014 202 Writ Petition 4424/2014 203 Writ Petition 1868/2014 204 Writ Petition 1496/2014 205 Writ Petition 7207/2014 206 Writ Petition 8278/2015 207 Writ Petition 7941/2015 Md. Sohab Hossain and others vs The Sec. Min. of Finance and ors Newaz Uddin vs Bangladesh and others Md. Mohirul Azam vs Bangladesh and others Kazi Md. Abul Hashem and others vs Bangladesh and others Md. Moinul Islam and others vs Bangladesh and others Md. Nurul Amin and others vs Bangladesh and others Dewan Md. Mohiuddin vs Bangladesh Bank and ors Md. Abdul Maleque Miah and others vs Bangladesh and others Md. Anwar Hossain and others vs Bangladesh and others Md. Minhazul vs The Govener, Bangladesh Bank and 05 ors Mosammat Hazera Khatun vs Artha Rin Adalat and others Laila Hossain vs Artha Rin Adalat and others Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 9 208 Writ Petition 8641/2015 209 Writ Petition 8972/2015 210 Writ Petition 9658/2014 211 Writ Petition 2149/2014 212 Writ Petition 785/2014 213 Writ Petition 10766/2014 214 Writ Petition 838/2015 215 Writ Petition 10148/2015 216 Writ Petition 9123/2015 217 Writ Petition 16262/2014 218 Writ Petition 9481/2013 219 Writ Petition 10915/2013 220 Writ Petition 8369/2012 221 Nouvelle Textile (Pvt) Ltd vs Arthrin Adalat-1st Court Dhaka and another Nasima Akther vs Bangladesh and others Nasima Akter vs Bangladesh and others Saboj Treders vs Arthorin Adalat Md. Ibrahim vs Bangladesh and others Md. Abdul Naim vs Artha rin adalat 1st court Dhaka partex sugar mills ltd vs Governor Bangladesh Bank and 4 ors Ruhul Amin Bacchu vs Additional District Judge, 1st Court , Dhaka and 08 Others Mohammad Ali vs Judge, Arthrin Adalat Chittagong and 03 others Abdur Razzak vs Bangladesh and others Mrs. Shahnaz Begum vs Governemnt of Bangladesh and others Rubai Vazitable Oil Industries Limited another vs Bangladesh and others Talukder Pipe Industries vs Commissionerate of Customs, Excise 222 223 224 225 226 227 Review Petition Md. Monir Miah and 15/2014 others (Arising out of W.P. vs No.2665/2008) Member N0.2 Land Appeal Board and others. Review Petition Mr. Abu Musa 23/2011 vs (Arising ut of W.P. Cheif Election No.1656/ 2005) Commission and ors Income Tax Mr. Salim Ullah Reference vs 195/2014 The Commissioner of (with) Taxes Income Tax Mr. Salim Ullah Reference vs 196/2014 The Commissioner of (with) Taxes Income Tax Mr. Salim Ullah Reference vs 197/2014 The Commissioner of (with) Taxes Mr. Salim Ullah Income Tax vs Reference 198/2014 The Commissioner of Taxes Income Tax Md. Joynal Abedin Reference vs 396/2013 The Commissioner of Taxes Criminal Misc State 11921/2003 vs Suo-moto Rule Md. Firoz Alam For Hearing Writ Petition Hamid Chaul Kall 9586/2015 and others vs Bangladesh and others Writ Petition Md. Jahangir Hossain 2714/2014 vs Bangladesh and others Application 228 In re : Writ Petition S.M. Iner Goted 2335/2014 vs Judge, Artha Rin Adalat No. 3, Dhaka. Mr. Younus Halder, Advocate for the petitioner. 229 In re : Writ Petition Md. Mozahar 3103/2014 Hossain vs Bangladesh and others.Mr. Md. Abul Kalam Khan(Daud) Advocate for the petitioner. Sent by Hon`ble Chief Justice : For Hearing 67 Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 9 230 In re : Writ Petition Md. Motahar Hossain 2185/2010 and others vs Bangladesh and others 231 In re : Writ Petition M/S. Bilkis Solt 1402/2014 Industries vs Artha Rin Adalat,Cox,s Bazar and others. Mr. Md. Selim Asad, Advocate for the petitioner 232 In re : Writ Petition Asia Packing 3494/2014 Conpany Limited vs Bangladesh Bank and another, Mr. Humayun Kabir Sikder,Advocate for the petitioener.f Shafiq lether 233 In re : Writ Petition 3785/2014 Corporation Ltd vs Bank crapci Court and Addl. District Judge, Dhaka and others. Ms. Josna Akhter, Advocate for the petitioner. 234 In re : Writ Petition Md. Anwar Hossain 2726/2014 vs Bangladesh and others. Mr. Sk. Md. Maju Miah, Advocate for the petitioner. 235 In re : Writ Petition Md. Rahmat Ullah 2815/2014 Khan vs Bangladesh and others. Mr Aminul Islam, Advocate for the petitioner. 236 In re : Writ Petition A.K.M. Azharul 2467/2014 vs Artha Rin Adalat and others. Mr Md. Jahangir Jamadder, Advocate for the petitioner. 237 In re : Writ Petition Governing body of 3387/2014 Sk. Borhanuddin College vs Bangladesh and others 238 For Hearing : Anti-Corruption Criminal Misc Md.Mahabubur 12478/2012 Rahman Retired vs The state and another 68 239 Writ Petition 2533/2015 240 Criminal Misc 1846/2014 241 Writ Petition 10081/2007 242 Writ Petition 4866/2014 243 Criminal Misc 3067/2015 244 Criminal Misc 27382/2010 245 Criminal Misc 18020/2014 246 Criminal Misc 47798/2012 247 Criminal Misc 15160/2012 248 Criminal Misc 28796/2011 249 Criminal Misc 14659/2009 250 Criminal Misc 6205/2014 Md. Alamgir Kabir vs Governor Bangladesh Bank and 02 others M.A. Rashid and another vs The State Begm Khaleda Zia vs Bangladesh and others Khandoder Sujat Ali vs Bangladesh and others Mrs. Nira Masfu vs Anti-Corruption Commission and others M. A Karim Abbasi and another vs The state, Mr. Md. Mohaddesul Islam, Adv for the petitioners, Mr. S. M. Abdur Rouf, Adv for the opposite party M.A. Rashid Azad vs The State Ahmed Sobhan and another vs The State and another, Mr. Yousuf Khan Rajib, Adv. for the petitioner, Mr. S. M. Abdur Rouf, Adv. for opposite-party No. 2 Sree Paban Kumar Agarwala vs The state S. M. Mortuza Hossain vs The State, Mr. Sk. Faruk Hossain, Adv. for the petitioners ASM Mahbub Ullah vs State and another Md. Nur Hossain vs State and another Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 9 251 252 253 254 255 256 Criminal Misc 23205/2014 Ahmd Kamal chowdhury vs The State and another Criminal Misc Abu Bokkor 20325/2013 vs The State and another Criminal Misc Abu Bokkor 20326/2013 vs The State Criminal Misc Md. Jashimuddin 30164/2013 vs The state Criminal Misc Abdur Rahman Badhi vs 13781/2008 The State Criminal Revision Md. Abdul Jalil 1405/2014 vs The State and another 69 Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 12 Supreme Court of Bangladesh High Court Division Justice Muhammad Abdul Hafiz Date : 02/05/2016 [Annex Building Court No. 12] [ G,HH,HHH ) &# %% , _ #. $ ? F #/ , F F & #/ 2? ; < $ # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 : 2 53 , ) 33 < ,J ( #. $ ? <: < : .$( < $ .$( #/ ( ) 2 , F & #/ ( ); . /0 @ ।] %% , _ #. $ ? < : , 1I) /7 # . $ ? < : .$( ; .$( , 1I) G,HH,HHH #/ ; , 1I) G,HH,HHH 2 /7 E ; , 1I) G,HH,HHH # . /0 $ @ * ( '( $ , I 1 ) G,HH,HHH '( - ; % 2 +/ = >% ( . As to be mentioned Civil Revision Alauddin 194/2015 vs Nawab Ali Civil Revision Sahabuddin Sheikh 4870/2015 vs Ohab Khan Civil Revision Mrs. Halima Khatun 2878/2000 vs Mosiur Rahman 14 Civil Revision 2018/2014 15 Civil Revision 3951/2003 16 Civil Revision 2396/2015 As to be mentioned (For Extension) Civil Revision Soleman 2147/2015 vs Mojammel Civil Revision Md. Aftabur Rahman ( 3817/2012 Chancol) vs Mst. Ayash Begum Civil Revision Tawfiq Elahi 2424/2015 vs Asma Chowdhury Civil Revision Aminul Haque 1099/2014 vs Mamun and others Civil Revision Abdul Malek 1819/2015 vs Nurjahan Civil Revision Eranda Technical 2789/2015 vs Shoraf Ali Civil Revision Ayub Mollah 1809/2015 vs Govt. of Bangladesh Civil Revision sakser ali 3395/2002 vs daras Ali Mandal Civil Revision Md. Samser Ali 3511/2014 vs Samsul Haque Civil Revision Taleb Ali 1699/2014 vs Daud Sheikh 17 Civil Revision 2478/2015 18 Civil Revision 3730/2009 19 Civil Revision 4976/2014 20 Civil Rule 901/2015 21 Civil Revision 1260/2014 22 Civil Revision 8667/2011 23 Civil Revision 775/2014 24 Civil Revision 1626/2014 25 Civil Revision 3621/2014 26 Civil Revision 3155/2014 27 Civil Revision 2895/2011 70 Shahajada vs Chittagong port Authority Harunur Rashid vs Bangladesh Railway Nathu Mia vs Rabindra Nath Manik vs Nargis Akter Rafia begum vs Afroza begum Abul Kalam vs Khalilur Rahman Mst. Jesmin Akter vs Md. Mir Mia Bhuiyan Abdur Rahman vs Md. Samiul Haque Darul Ulme vs Gov. of Bangladesh Sona Ullah vs Jalal Ahmed Kiron Miah vs Belayet Hossain Mojibur Hoque vs Syed Main Uddin Md. Khakan vs Yousuf Ali and others Mr. H. M Borhan Adv. for the petitioner. Altaf Hossain vs Md. Mojammal Hoque Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 12 28 Civil Revision 2093/2015 29 Civil Revision 3918/2015 30 Civil Revision 2394/2015 31 32 33 34 Civil Revision 1879/2012 Civil Revision 2594/2007 Civil Revision 1942/2014 Civil Revision 2757/2013 35 Civil Revision 2390/2015 36 Civil Revision 3334/2015 37 Civil Revision 464/2014 38 Civil Revision 822/2012 39 Civil Revision 2713/2015 40 Civil Revision 2943/2014 41 Civil Revision 4601/2014 42 Civil Revision 2660/2015 43 Civil Revision 321/2015 44 45 Civil Revision 5884/2002 Civil Revision 3225/2014 Rahmat Ali vs Md. Raki Bachuu Mia vs Sontosh Taramia vs Absul Razzak Md. Mehedi Hasan vs Mosammat Smme Hamida ( Munni) Toimur Ali vs Md.Mominul Haque Tazemul vs Karim A. C. I. Limited vs Ambia Khatun Salim Howlader vs Kohinur Begum and others Abdul Monnaf vs Abul Hayat Zahanara vs Fariqul Islam Adir Ranjon das vs Shamal Chandra Das and others Nazma Akter vs Bashir Uddin Shafiqul Islam and others vs Government of Bangladesh Mofiz vs Amir Hossain Abul Kashem vs Nasima Khatun Nurul Azim vs Abu Bakar and others Sheikh Fatik vs Oyaj Uddin Sheikh Mozammel Haq vs Kamruzzaman Mr. Probir Neogi Adv. for the petitioner. 71 46 Civil Revision 4176/2014 47 Civil Revision 621/2013 48 Civil Revision 421/2015 49 Civil Revision 2011/2015 50 Civil Revision 2251/2015 51 Civil Revision 2243/2015 52 Civil Revision 2543/2013 53 Civil Revision 3578/2009 54 Civil Revision 2623/2015 55 Civil Revision 2483/2014 56 Civil Revision 2626/2015 57 Civil Revision 4029/2015 58 Civil Revision 373/2013 59 Civil Revision 3013/2012 60 Civil Revision 1046/2014 61 Civil Revision 2787/2015 62 Civil Revision 3249/2015 Chande Ali vs Nurul Islam Mst. Fatema Begum vs Abdul Gani @ Nabi Hossain Sree Totindra Nath Rishi vs Mojidpur Paschimpara Shamsul Alam vs Golam Hossain Joynal Abedin vs Jamal Uddin Syed Shah Jamal vs Jashim Md. Afsar Ali and others vs Most. Julekha Bewa and others Mr. Khalilur Rahman, Adv.-For the petitioner Mr. M. G. Mahmud (Shaheen), Adv.-For the opposite-parties Sri Ramata rani vs Govt of Bangladesh Ansar Ali vs D.C, Kurigram Monir Mondal vs Md. Easin Sree Harendra Nath vs Shabitra Bala Most.Tahmina Bashar vs Most.Jariatul Most.Rahima Begum vs Al- haj Md. Waheduzzaman vs Md. Imran Bhuiyan Nurul Hazra vs Most. Joygun Nehar Sohel Rana vs Harunur Rashid Md. Rabiuzzaman vs Md. Entaj Ali Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 12 63 Civil Revision 3355/2015 64 Civil Revision 3377/2015 65 66 67 68 Civil Revision 712/2015 Civil Revision 269/2013 Civil Rule 3281/2015 Civil Revision 607/2015 69 Civil Revision 542/2014 70 Civil Revision 1734/2012 71 Civil Revision 5177/2011 72 Civil Revision 1404/2014 73 Civil Revision 1574/2005 74 Civil Revision 4225/2011 75 Civil Revision 378/2014 76 Civil Revision 4040/2014 77 Civil Revision 3365/2015 78 Civil Revision 3839/2014 79 Civil Revision 582/2013 80 Civil Revision 3359/2015 Md. Mosharrof Hossain vs Most. Rngful Bibi Most. Mohoki Bibi vs Most. Rongful Bibi Asaduzzaman vs Moyez Uddin Md. Omar Faruk vs Sagata Barua Shib Narayan vs Nilambar Mst. Aviron Nessa vs Md. Khidir Md. Faruk Mia vs Mallika Khatun Surjaban Bibi vs Humayun Kabir Md. Abduk Hai Md. Abdur Rahman vs Md. Abul Kalam Azad Janab Ali vs Arfijan Md. Delowar Hossain vs Md. Abdul Aziz Md. Dulal and others vs Maulana Md. Elias and another Md. Hasen Ali Sheikh vs Mofez Uddin and Anothers Md.Abdur Rouf vs A. Halim Zillur Rahman vs Hanifa Khatun Shafiqul islam vs Dilruba Mosammat Jayeda Bewa and others vs Sree Sukumol Kumar Paul and others Shamsul Islam vs Emran Ahmed 81 First Misc Appeal Tender 64/2010 72 82 Civil Revision 3541/2013 83 Civil Revision 2804/2015 84 Civil Revision 846/2015 85 Civil Revision 4621/2015 86 Civil Revision 2210/2012 87 Civil Revision 3751/2013 88 Civil Revision 3071/2015 89 Civil Revision 1585/2014 90 Civil Revision 3141/2000 91 Civil Revision 3127/2009 92 Civil Revision 1023/2006 93 Civil Revision 411/2010 94 Civil Revision 4019/2015 95 Civil Revision 1665/2015 96 Civil Revision 713/2015 97 Civil Revision 281/2013 Moghol Khan vs A. Kashem Tofazzel vs Ashraf Ali Hazrat Ali vs Sattar and others Jamal vs M. Education society Mizu Ahmed vs Government of Bangladesh Md. Hossain Ali alias Md. Abul Hossain vs Rahaton Bewa Kulimun Nesa and others vs Md.Khalimullah Sarmin vs Government of Bangladesh979 Shahidul vs Selim D.C. ,Sunamganj vs Rash Bihari Ray and others. Md.toiyiom Gazi vs Mst.Jamela Bibi Md.Omar Faruq vs Shahabuddin Md. Showkat Ali vs Md. Enayet Ullah Punendra Bikash vs Government of Bangladesh Sufia Khatoon and others vs Md. Abdul Hamid Miah and others Ilias vs Taser Ali Sadananda Mali vs Shewly Mali and another Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 12 98 Civil Revision 3354/2015 99 Civil Revision 4155/2013 100 Civil Revision 67/2014 101 Civil Revision 1080/2014 102 Civil Revision 4389/2011 103 Civil Rule 749(Con)/2011 104 Civil Revision 3145/2015 105 Civil Revision 349/2014 106 Civil Revision 861/2011 107 Civil Revision 3775/2015 108 Civil Revision 42/2013 109 Civil Revision 3033/2015 110 Civil Revision 3045/2012 111 Civil Revision 3006/2009 112 First Appeal 146/2015 113 Civil Revision 1434/2014 114 Civil Revision 2940/2015 115 Civil Revision 1727/2014 Abid Ali vs Md. Joynal Abedin Ahmed Nasrin Sultana vs Md. Tofazzall Most. Saleha Khatun vs Md. Fazlul Haque and Others Lonas Ali vs Jaoyan Md. Jahangir Alam vs Government of Bangladesh Mst. Rashida Bewa vs Most. Aklima @ Parul Md. Sofiqul Islam vs Md. Shahnur Rahima Bhuiyan Md. Nurulk Alam Montu vs Md. Ayub and Anothers Md. Abul Hossain Nur vs Md. Abul Hosen Nuri Mokbul vs Sahara Taznur and others vs Delwar Hossain and others Abdul Wahed vs Sree Jugal Cha Most. Kulsum Bewa vs Government of Bangladesh Md. Ainal Sheikh vs Sheikh Danesh Toakhana Neyamatia Dakhil Madrasha vs Nilufar Begum Mokbul Hossain vs Amir Ali Mozaffar vs Fazila Bishodip Lal Das vs Abdul Muktadir 116 Biswadip Lal Das vs Rezia Khanam 117 Civil Revision Munshi Abdul Mannan 5067/2014 vs Momtaz Begum and others 118 Civil Revision Md. Badiujl Alam 2810/2013 vs Sharif Hafizur Rahman 119 Civil Revision Tayeb Ali 3832/2015 vs Sultan 120 Civil Rule Mohammad Ali 108(con)/2014 vs Government of Bangladesh 121 Civil Revision Md. Robi Sheikh 769/2014 vs Md. Murad Hossain 122 Civil Revision Md. Wahidur Rahman vs 3097/2015 Md. Afsar Ali 123 Civil Revision Abul Kalam Azad 2681/2015 vs Abdul Mozid 124 Civil Revision Lal Mia Sheikh and 1821/1994 others vs Sheikh Lal Mia and others 125 Civil Revision Mochammat Mir Jahan 425/2009 Begum vs A.S.M Ali Imam Mr. Md. Mamtaz Uddin Ahmed Adv. for the petitioner 126 Civil Revision Arun 3782/2014 vs Golam Mostafa 127 Civil Revision Md. Yeakub Ali Mandal vs 630/2006 Md. Aktar Hamid Pramanik and ors 128 Civil Revision Md.Masudur Rahman 1723/2014 vs Golam Rabbani and others 129 Civil Revision Mohammad Ali and 1534/2012 others vs Govt of Bangladesah and others 130 Civil Rule Alhaj Md. Abdul Awal 123(Con)/2014 vs Md. Jakir Hossain and Others 131 Civil Revision Abdul Wahab 2278/2015 vs Barik 73 Civil Revision 1731/2014 Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 12 132 Civil Revision 3831/2015 133 Civil Revision 3758/2015 134 135 Civil Revision 126/2015 Civil Revision 3688/2015 136 Civil Revision 3072/2015 137 Civil Revision 1505/2015 138 Civil Revision 2037/2013 139 Civil Revision 3542/2014 140 Civil Revision 702/2015 141 Civil Revision 2843/2014 142 Civil Revision 1611/2015 143 Civil Revision 712/2013 144 Civil Revision 1896/2013 145 Civil Revision 2540/2013 Mirajuddin vs Golam Mashua Bohumukhi High School vs Abu Bakkar Siddique and others Md. Lalon Bepary vs Moslem Khan and others Md. Jamal Mia and others vs Md. Suna Mia and others Falaney Bhibi and others vs Md. Karom Ali Badal and others vs Kafiluddin and others Most. Shiri Bibi vs Md. Mandez Ali Mridha and others Md. Hemayet Uddin vs Mir Munsur Ali and others Md.Kalimuddin and others vs Md. Abdul Malek and others Emdadul Hoque Chowdhury vs MonKhus Bibi and others Hamidul vs Mustaq Al Haj Md. Yousuf Miah Chowdhury vs Md. Osman Uddin and others M/S. Rahmania Board Mills vs Mohammad Abdullah Md. Mukul Ali and others vs Heirs of late Anwara Bewa wife of late Atahar Ali Ali, Alfar Ali and others 74 146 Civil Revision 2263/2014 147 Civil Revision 3165/2014 148 Civil Revision 1151/2011 149 Civil Revision 2588/2014 150 Civil Revision 862/2014 151 Civil Revision 3914/2013 152 Civil Revision 1817/2015 153 Civil Revision 698/2016 154 Civil Revision 699/2016 155 Civil Revision 587/2011 156 Civil Revision 1149/2015 157 Civil Revision 3728/2015 158 Civil Revision 3862/2014 159 Civil Revision 799/2011 160 Civil Revision 1752/2015 161 Civil Revision 4652/2015 Anisur Rahman and others vs Azhar Ali and others Abdus Salam vs Rafoqul Islam Harun Khan vs Rahman Khan Nazma Sultana and others vs Most.Monwara Begum and others Md. Mostafa Alam Babu and others vs Headmaster and Member Secretary of the managing committee Abul Kalam vs Sabura Khatun and others Ashraf Ali vs Mominul Islam Kustia Paurashava vs Raichur Rahman Kustia Paurashava vs Mostafizur Rahman Md. Mokhlesur Rahman vs Mst. Mazeda Bibi Md.Abdul Rouf Miah vs The state Md. Abdul Latif and others vs Munshi Harunur Rashid and others Abul Hossain vs Jotsna Rabeya Begam and others vs Md.nazrul Arefin and others Amir Uddin vs Md. Delawar Hossain and another Md. Nurul Afsar vs Md. Rafiqul Islam and others Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 12 174 Civil Revision 4213/1996 (Heard in part) 175 Civil Revision 2377/2015 (Heard in part) Motion Civil matters Sent by Hon`ble Chief Justice : For Hearing 162 Civil Revision Rokeya Begum 962/2012 vs (Heard in part) Abdul Alim and others 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 Hearing : Civil Revision Civil Revision Mohammad Jelhazz 2333/2012 Uddin (Heard in part) vs Government of Bangladesh Civil Revision Badiul Alam @ Fakir 3526/2011 vs (Heard in part) Abdul Quaium Pari Banu and others Civil Revision vs 3968/2005 Abdus Sobhan and (Heard in part) others Civil Revision Golam Monsur 4205/2009 vs (Heard in part) Badsha Mondal Civil Revision Md.A. Rahim vs 3226/1993 Md. A. Jalil (Heard in part) Civil Revision Md. Dulal Bepary 1815/2012 vs (Heard in part) Fazilatunnessa Civil Revision Rejendara Sarker 2673/2012 vs (Heard in part) Nemai Chand Sarker Civil Revision Alhaj Abdul Mannan 1162/2012 vs (Heard in part) Md. Nuruzzaman Khan Civil Revision Ali Ahmed Maji 2699/2006 vs (Heard in part) Lal Baru alia Kuti-Baru Bibi and ors Mr. Md. Mostafa with Ms. Nahid Sultana, Advs... for the Ptr. Mr. Minal Hossain, Adv.. for the O/P Civil Revision Md. Soleman Hossain vs 4171/1998 Most. Hosne Ara (Heard in part) Mr. Muhammad Jamiruddin Sircar with Mr. Nawshad Zamir,Adv. ..for the petitioner Mr. Mansur Habib,Adv. ..for the opposite party Civil Revision Ratan Miah 1868/2014 vs (Heard in part) Akbar Hosen Mr. Shahjada Al-Amin Kabir, Adv... for the Ptr. Mr.Kawsar Ahmed Halim, Adv.. for the O/P 176 Civil Revision 940/2011 177 Civil Revision 202/2015 178 Civil Revision 4317/2012 179 Civil Revision 218/2010 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 75 Saleh Ahmad vs Kabir Ahmad Sarwar Uddin Chowdhury vs Sheikh Chowdhury Safayet Pasha Chairman (in - Charge 0)sengaon Union Pari vs Mr. Kasiruddin Jalalabad Gas Ltd. vs Abdur Noor Zashmuddin vs Enamul Haque Most. Sufia Khatun vs Abul Hossain For Hearing Civil Rule Yousuf 963(Con)/2014 vs Abdul Latif Civil Rule Micro Lab 10(FM)/2016 vs Md. Farooq Hasan Civil Rule Government of 557(con)/2015 Bangladesh vs Hashem Civil Rule Mir Shahdat Ali 678/2015 vs Hafiza Khatun Hearing : Civil Revision Civil Revision Hazi Sayedur Rahman 3267/2014 vs Mst.Josna Bibi Civil Rule Md. zillur Rahman 40/2014 vs Government of Bangladesh Civil Misc Selina Akter 27/2014 vs Shaheb Ali Civil Revision Idris Ali 3900/2015 vs Romanul Islam Civil Revision Md. Abdul Mannan 2461/2013 vs Most. Jharna Akter Civil Revision Unus Ali 1246/1996 vs Kazi Abdul Mazid Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 12 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 Civil Revision 2636/2014 Rabi Ullah vs Shahinur Begum Mr. Muntasir Uddin Ahmed, Adv... for the Ptr. Mr. Firoz Alam, Adv.... for the O/P Civil Revision Amenur Rahman 3043/2014 vs Abdul Hamed Sarkar Civil Revision Md. Farul Alom Khan 2534/2013 vs Abdul Kader Fakir Civil Revision Habibur Rahman 4800/2014 vs ATM Ataur Rahman Civil Revision Md. Rafiqul Islam 3069/2010 vs Md. Zakir Hossain Civil Revision Nur Jahan Begum 1129/2010 vs Habibur Rahm,an Civil Revision Mohan Lal Das 4033/2012 vs Narayan Chandra Das Civil Revision Dr. Shah Jalal 1855/2010 vs Md. Monjur Hossain Mr. Khairul Alam, Adv.... for the Ptr Mr. Md. Iqbal Hossain Chowdhury, Adv.... for the O/P Civil Revision Noor Islam 632/2014 vs Talimul Islam Mr. Mohammad Abdul Haque, Adv....for the Ptr. Mr. Zainul Abedin, Adv... for the O/P Civil Revision Noor Mohammad 2378/2010 Sheikh (two applications) vs Jahangir Sheikh Mr. M.G. Mahmud Shaheen, Adv. ... for the petitioner Mr. Md. Abdul Barik, Adv. ..... for the opposite party Civil Revision Prafulla Sarder 408/2011 vs Atul Chandra Moral Civil Revision Md. Sadekul Alam 5034/2011 vs Md. Nizamul Haque Siddique Civil Revision Asad Miah and others 4109/2007 vs Lalita Banu and others 203 Civil Revision 476/2011 204 Civil Revision 1434/2012 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 76 Md.Ibrahim and others vs Ruhul Amin Faruqe Ahmed Mollah vs Sajeda Bewa Hearing : First Appeal First Appeal Md. Mujaffar Ali 313/1997 Mollah and others. vs The Peoples Republic of Bangladesh and ors. First Appeal Hatem Ali 166/1977 vs Akub Ali First Appeal Md. Abdul Hamid 148/1996 Dewan vs Md. Abdus Samad Mondal and others First Appeal Md. Abdus Satter and 678/2001 others vs Mst..Sultana Khatun First Appeal Begum Anowara Hossin 656/2000 and others vs Agrani Bank and others Hearing : Civil Revision Civil Revision Kabir Ahmed 1878/2012 vs Md. Abu Zafor Siddique Civil Revision Md. Mujibur Rahman 261/2012 vs Most. Shamima Akter Khatoon Civil Revision Prafullah Kumar Das 3185/2006 vs Abul Bashar Civil Revision Hushiar Ali 1775/2011 vs Habibullah Civil Revision Shahjahan Hawladar 516/2005 vs Amal Kanti Bangopadhai Civil Revision Tazul Islam 3933/2009 vs Md. Bazlur Rahman Civil Revision A. Sattar Matbar 4192/2014 vs Mst. Safia Khatoon Civil Revision Karam Ali Paramanik vs 2241/2006 Sharia Banue Civil Revision Majibar Rahman Khan 4316/2008 vs Imrn Khan Civil Revision M. A. Motaleb 301/2012 vs (with) Md. Najmul Haque Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 12 Civil Revision 348/2012 220 Civil Revision 3633/2012 (with) Civil Revision 3635/2012 221 Civil Revision 2611/2013 222 Civil Revision 2243/2009 223 Civil Revision 4284/2010 224 Civil Revision 1377/2009 225 Civil Revision 1374/2008 226 Civil Revision 1856/1996 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 Civil Revision 2480/2015 236 M. A. Motaleb vs Md. Najmul Haque Abu Bakkar Dhali vs Dilip Kumar Shil and others Abu Bakkar Dhali vs Dilip Kumar Shil and others Girish Chandra Mondal vs B.W.D.B Sri Gobinda Prasad vs Sri Anada Mahan Ray Md. Nurul Islam Chowdhury vs Md. Nurul Haque Afsar Ali vs Shohor Ali Sultana Razia Begum vs Zainal Abedin Abdul Gofur and others vs Moklesur Rahman and others Secretary, Road vs Md. Abdul Gani 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 For Hearing Civil Rule Rabiul Islam 1048(con)/2015 vs Nasima Khatun Civil Rule Tapan Biswas 929(con)/2015 vs Mridul Biswas Civil Rule 1(k) Md. Mahabub 375(con)/2014 Alom vs Md. Jasim Uddin Civil Rule Prabab Kumar 717(con)/2014 vs Kishor Bashak Civil Rule Suborna Goshwami 1030/2012 vs Saiful Islam Civil Rule Md. kefatullah Shah 921/2012 vs Md. Moyez Uddin Pramanik Civil Rule Noor Mohammad 514/2013 vs Sabed Ali Civil Rule Mst. Shajeda Begum 78/2014 vs Md. Raab Newaj 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 77 Civil Rule 974(R)/2015 Md. Nabi Hossain and others vs Humayun Kabir Hearing : Civil Revision Civil Revision Abdur Rahman Sk. 2180/1998 vs Profulla Kumar Saha Civil Revision Md.Rafiqul Islam (Manik) 2295/2009 (with) vs Md.Adam Ali Howlader Civil Revision Md.Rafiqul Islam 3193/2009 (Manik) vs Md.Adam Ali Howlader Civil Revision Arun Chandra Sarker 3795/2012 vs Khitish Ranjan Sarker and others Civil Revision Md. Kashem Ali 2608/2010 vs Mst. Amiron Nessa Civil Revision Md.Harunur Rashid 6062/2007 Bhuiyan and others vs Md.Jalal Uddin and others Civil Revision Government of 2922/2011 Bangladesh vs Jahanara Begum and others Civil Revision Nurul Islam and others vs 1580/2004 Md. Alamgir Hossain Civil Revision Musarraf Hossain 297/1997 vs Altamas Mia Civil Revision Md. Kashem Sharif 889/2011 vs Md. Abul Hossain Civil Revision Aminun Nessa 2396/2011 vs Nurul Amin Civil Revision Md. Younus Ali 4950/2011 vs Md. Motiar Rahman Civil Revision Abdul Jalil andc others 2314/2012 vs (with) Hazrat Ali ahd others Civil Revision Abdul Jalil and others 2316/2012 vs Hazrat Ali and others Civil Revision Joinal Abedin 6001/2002 vs Aynun Nessa Bibi Civil Revision Md. Abdul Wahab Shah. 538/2011 vs (with) Md. Aminul Hoque Shah Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 12 Civil Revision 540/2011 251 Civil Revision 2308/2012 (with) Civil Revision 2309/2012 252 Civil Revision 2431/2013 253 Civil Revision 858/2014 254 255 Civil Revision 1832/2012 Civil Revision 1316/2013 256 Civil Revision 3050/2013 257 Civil Revision 4065/2014 258 Civil Revision 2865/2014 259 Civil Revision 2558/2008 260 Civil Revision 1210/2007 261 Civil Revision 2853/2011 262 Civil Revision 4246/2014 263 Civil Revision 2688/2014 264 Civil Revision 4641/2007 265 Civil Revision 3259/2015 266 Md. Abdul Wahab Shah. vs Md. Aminul Hoque Shah Shahed Chowddhury and others vs Ismatullah and others Shahed Chowddhury and others vs Ismatullah and others Abu Taleb vs Fazor Ali Government of Bangladesh vs Jahanara Begum Abdus Sattar vs Md. Bodiul Awal Md. Nurul Islam vs Abul Hashem Oli Miah and others vs Mostaq Ahmed Ranu and others vs Alimuddin Sarder Md. Awal Khan vs Begum Delowara Bokpor Das Mondol vs The state Foezuddin vs Azizul Islam Md. Liaqat Hossain vs A. Barek Kamaluddin vs Hafizur Rahman Manik Gazi and others vs Sikdar Ali Gazi and others Shaikh Munsur Rahman vs Shaikh Abdus Sobhan Sarder Mofez Miah and others vs Amir Hossain and others 267 Civil Rule 119/2014 268 Civil Rule 63/2015 269 Civil Rule 260/2015 270 Civil Rule 63/2007 271 Civil Rule 10/2015 272 Civil Rule 384/2015 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 For Hearing Civil Rule Alkas Uddin 393/2015 vs Abdul Mannan 78 Md. Koisar Ahmed and others vs Josna Rani Md. Mamun Billah vs Shamsun Nahar Government of Bangladesh vs Marafat Ali Md. Faruque Meah and others vs Anwar Hossain and others Abdul Motaleb Miah and others vs Dilip Ghosh and others Apurbo Bhattacharjee vs Asaduzzaman Hearing : First Misc Appeal First Misc Appeal Amzad Shaikh 260/1992 vs Jamina Rani Khinda First Misc Appeal Mst. Sabijan Bibi and 138/1997 others vs Abdus Salam Mondal and others First Misc Appeal Alhaj Md. Abdul Hamid 189/2011 and others vs Abdur Razzaque and others First Misc Appeal Ajoy Kumar Das and 197/2013 ors. vs Provash Chandra Das and ors. First Misc Appeal Md. Dawlat Khan 129/2013 vs Md. Siraj Sikdar. First Misc Appeal Md. Namdar Ali Khan 107/2014 vs Md. Delsabur Hossain Mr.Mr. Khalilur Rahman Adv. for the appellant. First Misc Appeal Mia Rezaul Haque 147/2014 vs Bangladesh House Building Finance First Misc Appeal Alhaj Md. Abdul Hamid 189/2011 and others vs Abdur Razzaque and others Hearing : Civil Revision Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 12 281 282 Civil Revision 166/2012 Civil Revision 1357/2012 Govt. of Bangladesh,represented by the D.C, patuakhali and others vs Md. Abu Hanif Syeda Momtaz Begum vs Syed Shamsur Rahman Sent by Hon`ble Chief Justice : For Hearing 283 Civil Revision Moulvi Mohammad 4721/2003 Hossain and others vs Hashem Saud alias Abul Hashem Miah 284 Civil Revision Most. Hasina Begum 181/2011 vs Most. Nurjahan Begum 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 Hearing : Civil Revision Civil Revision Mst. Masuma Akter 2217/2013 vs Md. Mahmud Boksha and others Civil Revision Ali Ahmed 3267/2013 vs Mst. Hajera Khatun Civil Revision Abdus Satter 2137/2013 vs Monir Uddin Civil Revision Kuti Baru Bibi 4806/2005 vs Motleb Ali Civil Revision Ali Akbar and others 4854/2000 vs Most. Achia KhatunTahirun Begum Civil Revision Mahadeb Chandra 3118/2006 Sarder and ors vs Md. Mostafizur Rahman Civil Revision Nuruzzaman Khander 2725/2007 vs Khalifatunnessa ors Civil Revision Md. Sukur Jan Bawa 201/2007 vs Sree Madhusudun Dey Civil Revision Jadav Chandra Sarker 1425/2012 vs Makhan Chandra Sarker Civil Revision Khalil Sardar 4431/2011 vs Akshed Ali Sarder Civil Revision Year Mohammad 3275/2015 vs Sir Salimullah Orphanage and others Civil Revision Anisur Rahman and 2263/2014 others vs Azhar Ali and others 297 Civil Revision 3735/2014 298 Civil Revision 2262/2015 299 Civil Revision 3771/2015 300 Civil Revision 5304/2004 301 Civil Revision 5041/2014 302 Civil Revision 262/2009 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 79 Asma Begum vs Saber Ali Dewan Zakir Hossen vs Md. Mostafizur Rahman Savar Dyeing vs G. M. Establishment Ltd. Mazid Mollah vs Government of Bangladesh A Khalek vs Sofej Ali Abul Kalam Azad vs Md.Ashraf Ali Hearing : First Appeal First Appeal Momotaj Begum 291/2006 vs Government of Bangladesh First Appeal Abdul Huq Hawlader. 409/2007 vs Md. Abu Saleh and others First Appeal Agrani Bank Ltd. 257/2002 vs Afroz Ahmed First Appeal Shafique Uddin Ahmed 88/2012 vs Additional Deputy Commissioner and Others First Appeal Kumar Nipru 494/2012 vs Keshab Chakraborty First Appeal Syed Ishrat Hossain 83/2013 vs Shamsuzzaman and others First Appeal Kumar Nipru 494/2012 vs Keshab Chakraborty First Appeal Kumar Nipru 494/2012 vs Keshab Chakraborty Hearing : Civil Revision Civil Revision Owab Ali 5325/2001 vs Mazzamal Haq Civil Revision Noor Jamader @ Nur 2423/2003 vs Shaikh Ashfaq Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 12 313 Civil Revision 3229/2012 314 Civil Revision 1788/2013 315 316 317 318 Civil Revision 5363/2003 Civil Revision 3569/2007 Civil Revision 570/2015 Civil Revision 842/2015 319 Civil Revision 3380/2012 320 Civil Revision 3734/2011 321 322 Civil Revision 1955/2007 Civil Revision 2393/2013 Md. Abu Hanif Mollah @ Hanif vs Most. Mahfuza Khatun and others Gobindo Das Bairagi vs Govt. of Bangladesh, represented by the D. C. Narayangonj Jahangir @ Alimuzzaman vs Binay Kumar Shaha Md. Zahidul Anam vs Md. liaquat Ali Md. Oluullah vs Nurul islam Md. Shaukat Ali and others vs Shakila Khatoon Al- Amin (Minor) vs Rabiul Melkar and others Arab Ali Mridha vs Arjuda Begum and others Md. Aftabuddin vs Most. Mono-AraBegum Bodoruddin Gazi vs Mosammat Rashida Khatun For Hearing 323 Civil Rule Maulana Abu Taher 105(Con)/2015 vs Mohammad Sachchi Miah 324 325 Hearing : Civil Revision Civil Revision Syed Ahmed 4186/2011 Chowdhury vs Mahbub Alam and others Civil Revision A.K.M.Shamsul Alam 2925/2015 vs Md.Enamul Haque Bhuiyan 80 326 Civil Revision 2750/2015 327 Civil Revision 4873/2005 328 Civil Revision 166/1977 329 Civil Revision 8810/1991 330 Civil Revision 4951/1991 331 Civil Revision 8810/1991 332 Civil Revision 4951/1991 333 Civil Revision 3226/1993 334 Civil Revision 1222/1995 335 Civil Revision 568/1995 336 Civil Revision 1023/1995 337 Civil Revision 1579/1995 338 Civil Revision 4166/1996 339 Civil Revision 3402/1996 340 Civil Revision 148/1996 341 Civil Revision 1964/1996 342 Civil Revision 200/1996 (with) Abdur Rakib Khan vs Kazi Shafiqul Alam Mr. Md. Shahidul Islam, Advocate for the petitioner Mr. Swapan Kumar Dutta, Advocate for the opposite party Md. Khalilur Rahman vs Md. Hanif Ali Hatem Ali vs Yakub Ali Md. Jahurul Islam vs Sree Nirmol Kumar Sutu Bibi vs Jamir Uddin Sheik Md. Jahurul Islam vs Sree Nirmol Kumar Sutu Bibi vs Jamir Uddin Sheik Md.A. Rahim vs Md. A. Jalil Jahanara Khatoon vs Fatik Biswas Frem Nata SumajPati vs Md.Mahibur Rahman and others Mrs. Jebunnessa Begum vs Md. Mahatab uddin Ahmed Bogkim Chondro Das vs Sosdor Chondro Das Fazlul Hoque Molla vs Baka Munshi Sabiran vs Solaiman Sheikh Most. Bilkis Ara Beauty vs Harun or Rashid Nur Ahmad Sowdagor vs Kabir Ahmad Akbar Ali Howlader vs Government of Bangladesh Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 12 Civil Revision 281/1996 343 344 345 Civil Revision 50/1997 Civil Revision 2568/1997 Civil Revision 2180/1998 346 Civil Revision 581/1998 347 Civil Revision 4624/1998 348 Civil Revision 450/1998 349 Civil Revision 297/1999 350 Civil Revision 3571/1999 351 Civil Revision 4242/1999 352 353 Civil Revision 931/2000 Civil Revision 895/2000 354 Civil Revision 1066/2000 355 Civil Revision 1839/2000 356 Civil Revision 2992/2000 357 358 359 Civil Revision 3146/2000 Civil Revision 1420/2000 Civil Revision 1421/2000 Akbor Ali Howlader vs Government of Bangladesh Sree Prosanta Kumar and othes vs Sree Sree Baba Mohan Geau Daito and othes Joynal Mondal vs Akhil Uddin Mondal Abdur Rahman Sk. vs Profulla Kumar Saha Abu Daud Gain vs Sultan Ahmed Gain Md. Shahidul Islam vs Md. Ishaque Ali Arab Ali vs Hazi Md. A. Aziz Akser Uddin vs Amzad Ali Md. Raju Miah vs Md. Rafiqul Islam Md Ali Akbor vs Hosan sikder Tofaiyel Ahmad vs Monindro Lal Sukol Das Md. Nurul Islam and others vs Ramjan Ali and others Din Islam (minor) vs Khorsed Miah Abdur Rahman Fida vs Mitu Rani and others Agijul Huqe and others vs Bangladesh and others Joynal Jomadar vs Jamal Uddin Bapari Arun Kumar Boshak and others vs Mosammat Parul Begum Arun Kumar Boshak and others vs Mosammat Parul Begum 360 Civil Revision 1422/2000 361 Civil Revision 5365/2000 362 Civil Revision 1066/2000 363 Civil Revision 1904/2000 Civil Revision 3540/2000 81 364 Civil Revision 1197/2000 365 Civil Revision 3313/2000 366 Civil Revision 2803/2001 367 Civil Revision 6472/2001 368 Civil Revision 610/2001 369 Civil Revision 6999/2001 370 Civil Revision 851/2001 371 Civil Revision 3153/2001 372 Civil Revision 2461/2001 373 Civil Revision 1362/2001 374 Civil Revision 6745/2001 375 Civil Revision 3828/2001 376 Civil Revision 5849/2001 Arun Kumar Boshak and others vs Mosammat Parul Begum Bangladesh Railway vs Alhaz Alauddin Ahmed Din Islam (minor) vs Khorsed Miah Maksudul Ali vs the State Md. Mahatab Uddin Ahamad vs Mrs. Jabun Nisha Begum Most. Afia Khatun Bibi vs Md. Salim Khan Begum Nur Nahar vs Kasem Ali Sheikh Mazibur Rahman vs Rupali Bank K. M. Syed vs Government of Bangladesh Ray Nath Bromman vs Somata Bala Dabi Abdur Razzak Monsey vs Ishak Miah Amullo Rishi vs Ashto Bala Dashi Md.Asia Khatun vs Most. Nahid Ara Begam Md: Abul Kalam Mondal vs Md: Abdur Rahaman Md. Hazrat Ali vs Abdur Rahman Ahmad Hossain vs Badsa Miah Mrs: Inmarun Bewa vs Mrs: Salema Khatun Samsuddin vs Govt. of Bangladesh Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 12 377 Civil Revision 2522/2001 378 Civil Revision 3962/2002 379 Civil Revision 2289/2002 380 Civil Revision 812/2002 381 Civil Revision 4606/2002 382 Civil Revision 6643/2002 383 Civil Revision 6001/2002 384 Civil Revision 2625/2002 385 Civil Revision 1313/2002 386 Civil Revision 6664/2002 387 Civil Revision 382/2002 388 Civil Revision 1319/2002 389 390 391 392 393 394 Civil Revision 5832/2002 Civil Revision 5944/2002 Civil Revision 2289/2002 Civil Revision 1500/2002 Civil Revision 6202/2002 Civil Revision 4373/2002 Prafullah Kumar Das vs Abul Bashar Idris Ali vs Jobeda Khatoon Momotaj Begum vs Farida Begum and other Sawkat Ali Sheikh vs Akbar Ali Biswas Seraj Bepari vs Seraj Matbor Lutfar Rahman vs Lutfar Rahman Joinal Abedin vs Aynun Nessa Bibi Mutahir Ali and others. vs Babor Ali and others. Most.Sanzida Begum vs Sayad A.Latif Syed Musharf Ali . vs Nitai Lal Saha and others. Md. Monsur Ali vs Alhaj Joynal Abedin md.Abul Kalam Karikor vs Md.Abdus Satter Karikor Madhu Sudan Das and others, vs Nikalal Das and others. Kh.Mostafizur Rahman vs Nargis Khatun Momotaj Begum vs Farida Begum and other Md. Shorfuddin and others. vs Hazi Md. Abdul Manik and others Moslehuddin Ahmed vs Shamsul Haque and others Md.Surat Mridha vs Govt. of Bangladesh 82 395 Civil Revision 1741/2003 396 Civil Revision 4965/2003 397 Civil Revision 3337/2003 398 Civil Revision 1291/2003 399 Civil Revision 3992/2003 400 Civil Revision 525/2003 401 Civil Revision 2081/2003 402 Civil Revision 2750/2003 403 Civil Revision 961/2003 404 Civil Revision 3749/2003 405 Civil Revision 4965/2003 406 Civil Revision 2811/2003 407 Civil Revision 1181/2003 408 Civil Revision 1729/2003 409 Civil Revision 1811/2003 410 Civil Revision 2423/2003 411 Civil Revision 372/2003 Shahjahan vs Abdul Jabbar and others Md. Shaher Ali Sarder vs Sree Pratap Chandra Chowdhury Aftab Uddin vs Md. Motiur Rahman Fatema Bibi . vs Abdul Munnaf Dr. A.K.M Ali for the opposite party Sabiran Nessa vs Ayamar Ali Sakh Atiqual Islam vs Gulza Nissa Comilla Co Opararive Bank . vs Salahuddin Ahmed and others . Sudha Rani Deb . vs Alhaz Rahis Ullah and others. Md. Abul Hossain Mollah vs Salim Patuwary Mrs, Sahara Bibi vs Md: Ajim Uddin Md. Shaher Ali Sarder vs Sree Pratap Chandra Chowdhury Ali Monsur vs D.C.C Mansur li vs Aysia khatun Mrs. Shahzada Begum . vs Masuda Begum . Horo Balas Hajara vs Abdus Satter Noor Jamader @ Nur vs Shaikh Ashfaq Sasib Samad Ali Pandith vs Amin Ullah and others Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 12 412 Civil Revision 4158/2004 413 Civil Revision 1580/2004 414 Civil Revision 1127/2004 415 Civil Revision 1059/2004 416 Civil Revision 776/2004 417 418 419 420 Civil Revision 1915/2004 Civil Revision 4291/2004 Civil Revision 3200/2004 Civil Revision 4965/2004 421 Civil Revision 818/2004 422 Civil Revision 788/2004 423 Civil Revision 2129/2004 424 Civil Revision 3634/2004 425 Civil Revision 934/2004 426 Civil Revision 1459/2004 427 Civil Revision 2925/2004 428 Civil Revision 342/2004 Abdul Halim Sheikh and others vs Alam Kazi Nurul Islam and others vs Md. Alamgir Hossain Rasida Sattar vs Dewlar Hossan Kamola Rani Boiragi vs Shova Rani Bala Abdul Jalil Akon 7 ors vs Haalima Begum Md. Sahid Ali Munshi vs Md. Joyad Ali Jamal Mollah vs Sree Jitendra Nath Dash Johurjan Bibi vs Nurjahan Bibi Md. Dulal Hossain vs Most. Josana Bibi Nilima Rani Ghose vs D.C. Chuadanga Ahmed Ali vs Abdul Aziz Hajee Md. Safiuddin Miah vs Ramjan Sikder Md.Atiar Rahman vs Md.Idris Ali Alahi Baks and others . vs Hazi Moniruddin and others . Mr. S.R Advocate for the Petitioner Mr. Habib, Advocate, for the opposite parties Kamala Rani vs Soka Bala Afzal Ali Forazi vs savapati,Alipur Jame Mosjeet Md. Tauyab Ali and others . vs Abdul Kader and others . 83 429 Civil Revision 4087/2004 430 Civil Revision 4663/2004 431 Civil Revision 4854/2004 432 Civil Revision 428/2004 433 Civil Revision 2442/2004 434 Civil Revision 2488/2004 435 Civil Revision 1432/2004 436 Civil Revision 735/2004 437 Civil Revision 4334/2004 438 Civil Revision 4916/2005 439 Civil Revision 516/2005 440 Civil Revision 4900/2005 441 Civil Revision 684/2005 442 Civil Revision 4060/2005 443 Civil Revision 2999/2005 444 Civil Revision 4744/2005 445 Civil Revision 4050/2005 Sukur Jan Bibi vs Md. Safiq Uddin Abul Kasem Sarder vs A.Wahab Sakh Md. Nur Islam vs Assisant Balay Chandra Roy vs Ramcharon being dead his heirs Provesh Chandra Kar Md. Almosi Ali Khan vs Md. Safiuddin Md. Ilias Miah . vs Md. Abdul Samad and others . Rokeya vs Abdul Mannan Firoza Beguma vs Bangladesh and others Mrs. Chandra Ban Bibi . vs Govrnment of Bangladesh and others . Haji Abdul Halaim vs Somorto Banu and others Shahjahan Hawladar vs Amal Kanti Bangopadhai Arshed Ali vs Abdul Alim Md. Mozammel Huq vs Most. aziron Nessa Md.Abul Kashem @ Adel Kha vs Ishmail Khan Rokan Uddin vs Bangladesh and others Abdul Jalil Master vs Abul Hashem Md. Abdul Khaleque vs A. D. C. (Rev.) Dhaka Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 12 446 Civil Revision 4072/2005 447 Civil Revision 1759/2005 448 Civil Revision 2861/2005 449 Civil Revision 3692/2005 450 Civil Revision 3910/2005 451 Civil Revision 517/2005 452 Civil Revision 3446/2005 453 Civil Revision 4844/2005 454 Civil Revision 5073/2005 455 456 Civil Revision 2968/2005 Civil Revision 1143/2005 457 Civil Revision 1043/2005 458 Civil Revision 2883/2006 459 Civil Revision 2331/2006 Abdur Rahman @ Sk. Abdur Rahman vs Md.Salim Reza Nazim Gazi(Died)Akbar Gazi vs Gazi Saful Islam Md: Aslim vs Md: Faruk Ahammd Md Abdul Manan vs Md Harun Ar rashid Md. Nurul Islam vs Md. Abdus Sami Santosh Kumar Paul vs Rabidha Mohan Paul Jhorna Khatun vs Abdul Aziz Alhaz Rabul Hossain Chow: vs Rabeya Khatun and others Ali Akbar vs Majeda Khatun Md. Anuwar Hossain vs Mrs. Shahin Akther Begum Abdul Salam Chowdhury vs Abdul Sabur Jobrunnassa vs Abdul Khalaque Alias Unu mia Ali Mortuza and others vs Md. Robin Sarker and others Mr.A.K.M Abdul Malek with Mr.Md. Shahidul Islam Khan, Advocate ....For the petitioner. Mr.Helal Uddin Mollah, Advocate ....For the opposite party Abul Hussain and others vs Md. Osman Gani and others 84 460 Civil Revision 63/2006 461 Civil Revision 3185/2006 462 Civil Revision 1117/2006 463 Civil Revision 2530/2006 464 Civil Revision 853/2006 465 Civil Revision 3714/2006 466 Civil Revision 1346/2006 467 Civil Revision 4667/2006 468 Civil Revision 3318/2006 469 Civil Revision 3303/2006 470 Civil Revision 2233/2006 471 Civil Revision 3747/2006 472 Civil Revision 3319/2006 473 Civil Revision 4474/2006 474 Civil Revision 4730/2006 475 Civil Revision 5017/2006 Md. Oli Mia and ors vs Most Dilara Begum and ors Prafullah Kumar Das vs Abul Bashar Md. Yeasin Ali and ors vs Md. Ali Sarker Mostafa and others vs Johora Bibi and others Md. Nazim Ullah vs Itiza Banu and ors Md. Ruhul Amin Miah and ors vs Syed Abdul Latif and ors Sree Santosh Kumar Mondal vs Md. Abul Hossain Sarker Mr. Md. Khaliquzzaman for the petitioner Mr. Ahsan Ullah for the opposite party Ismail @ Yusuf Sikder vs Md. Takbar Shikder Abdul Jalal Mollah vs Proshanto Kumar Das @ Khoka Das Md. Ezar Ali Sheikh vs Md. Kshru Hosain Md. Musharof Hossain vs Abdul Hamid Roisuddin vs Dobojoti Roy Mukundo Bihari Halder vs Shoylendra Nath Halder and ors Tarun Mallick and ors vs Md. Dalil Uddin Md. Husen Ali vs Haji Hormuj Ali and others (a)Subana Khanam and others vs 1(A) Md. Siraj Chowdhury and others Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 12 476 Civil Revision 4335/2006 477 Civil Revision 291/2006 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 First Appeal 151/2006 Civil Revision 654/2006 Civil Revision 585/2006 (with) Civil Revision 586/2006 Civil Revision 3043/2006 Civil Revision 754/2007 Civil Revision 52/2007 Civil Revision 1518/2007 Civil Revision 6062/2007 Civil Revision 1955/2007 Civil Revision 3253/2007 488 Civil Revision 474/2007 489 Civil Revision 2386/2007 490 Civil Revision 754/2007 Md. Aiynul Haq vs Sree Shyama Prashad Barman Most. Tahurun Nessa and ors. vs Sheikh Yanus and ors. Alauddin vs Sree Narayan Md. Mozibar Rahman Gazi and ors vs Md. Sobhan GAzi Nirmol Kanti Kundu vs Amzad Sheikh Nirmal Kanti Kundu vs Amzad Sheikh and or Moyna Khatun vs Rehena Begum Md. Nazim Uddin Khan vs Md. Sirajul Huq Mia Md. Abu Bakker vs Md. Bellal Hossain Most. Maleka Begum vs Md. Farhad Hossain Bepari Md.Harunur Rashid Bhuiyan and others vs Md.Jalal Uddin and others Md. Aftabuddin vs Most. Mono-AraBegum Khalil Jamadar vs Izar Ali Pramanik Md. Dulal Hossain vs Most. Josana Bibi Meherun Nessa vs Md: Shamsuzzoha Sankerdor Md. Nazim Uddin Khan vs Md. Sirajul Huq Mia 85 491 Civil Revision 4456/2007 492 Civil Revision 1298/2007 493 Civil Revision 1524/2007 494 Civil Revision 3408/2007 495 Civil Revision 754/2007 496 Civil Revision 4180/2007 497 Civil Revision 1678/2007 498 Civil Revision 170/2007 499 Civil Revision 2567/2007 500 Civil Revision 4311/2007 501 Civil Revision 3429/2007 502 Civil Revision 991/2007 503 Civil Revision 5320/2007 504 Civil Revision 648/2007 505 Civil Revision 990/2007 506 Civil Revision 291/2007 Abdul Wahad (Professor ) vs Assistant Commissioner(Land)and others Md. Chan Miah vs Md. Kazim Uddin Moktar Hossain vs Assistant Tohshildar (Satirpra) Md. Joynal Abedin vs Ali Hossain Md. Nazim Uddin Khan vs Md. Sirajul Huq Mia Sudhir Kumar Jodder vs Ananta Kumar Biswas Kohinur Begum vs Jobeda Begum Julekha vs Most. Monowara Begum Abdul Matin Joardar vs Rafia Khkankakm and others A.K.M.D.Motaharuddin vs Habibur Rahman Khan@ Jahangir Nurul Islam and others vs Sayeda Khatoon and others Kazi Nasirul Haq @ Kamal vs Kazi Emdadul Haq Shadhon Chandra Biswas and others vs Monjurul Hoque Bangladesh and others vs Abul Hashem alias Abul Hossain Kazi Nasirul Haq @ Kamal vs Kazi Nazmul Haque others Fazlul Haq vs Md. Saifuddin Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 12 507 Civil Revision 5635/2007 508 Civil Revision 5239/2007 509 Civil Revision 4243/2007 510 511 512 513 514 Civil Revision 4175/2007 Civil Revision 641/2007 Civil Revision 437/2007 Civil Revision 1435/2007 Civil Revision 409/2007 515 Civil Revision 4936/2007 516 Civil Revision 2926/2008 517 Civil Revision 2376/2008 518 519 Civil Revision 4777/2008 Civil Revision 797/2008 Mokbul Mondal being dead his heirs Monowar Hissain and ors vs Julmah Biswas being dead his heirs Motiar Rahman and ors Shafi Ullah vs Abdkul Gafkur and others Kazi Habibur Rahman vs Alhaj Moulovi A. Mazid Khan Md. Nabur Hossain vs Md. Amzad Hossain Md. Khorshed Alam vs Most. Fahmida Hossain Mr. Md.Kamrul Hossain, Adv, for the petitioner, Mr.Md.Jahangir Alam, Adv, for the O.P. Sapia Khatun vs Nurjahan Begum Chayya Bithi Co. Operative HousingSamity Ltd. vs Jura Pukur Par Islamia Hafijia Madrasa Ashok kumar Deb.and others vs The Addisional Deputy Commissioner (Revenue) Comilla and anothers Md. Eusuf Ali Gazi vs Shaha Alam Gazi Moazzem Hossain vs Khalilur Rahman Most. Halima Khatun and others vs Mohammad Gazi and others Md. Ustar Ali vs Md. Mofazzul Ali Radhakanta Sarker vs Kamola Dasi 86 520 Civil Revision 2552/2008 521 Civil Revision 3975/2008 522 Civil Revision 148/2008 523 Civil Revision 1099/2008 524 Civil Revision 524/2008 525 Civil Revision 2057/2008 526 Civil Revision 1211/2008 527 Civil Revision 994/2008 528 Civil Revision 297/2008 529 Civil Revision 3348/2008 530 Civil Revision 4518/2008 531 Civil Revision 2376/2008 532 Civil Revision 3633/2008 533 Civil Revision 3923/2008 534 Civil Revision 1447/2008 535 Civil Revision 994/2008 536 Civil Revision 2243/2009 1(Ka) Akil Chandra Chakrabraborti vs 1(ka) Abdul Bashar Md. Soku Mia vs Md. Shamsul Islam Ali Akbar Howlader vs Alam Khan Md. Rezaul Haq vs Md. Abdul Jalil Mia Most. Hasana Banue vs Abdul Mannan Taposhi Rani Kundu vs Dulali Rani Shaha and Others Abdul Hye Akonda vs Md. Kalu Miah Nurjahan vs Siddikur Rahman Md. Abdul Barik Bhuiya vs Abdul Khalek Bhuiya Md. Amanullah @ Aman Ali vs Md. Idris Ali Rafiqul Islam vs Most. Nobija Khatun Most. Halima Khatun and others vs Mohammad Gazi and others National Bank Limited a Banking Company vs Security Management Company Limited Md.Nurul Hoque vs Asssistant Commissioner(Land) jahur alam vs abdul Gafur Nurjahan vs Siddikur Rahman Sri Gobinda Prasad vs Sri Anada Mahan Ray Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 12 537 Civil Revision 1379/2009 538 Civil Revision 1979/2009 539 Civil Revision 285/2009 540 Civil Revision 115/2009 541 Civil Revision 235/2009 542 Civil Revision 262/2009 543 Civil Revision 3510/2009 544 545 546 547 Civil Revision 4014/2009 Civil Revision 2202/2009 Civil Revision 115/2009 Civil Revision 2637/2009 548 Civil Revision 3845/2009 549 Civil Revision 3099/2009 550 Civil Revision 4408/2009 551 Civil Revision 310/2009 552 Civil Revision 4240/2009 Azimuddin vs Shaheb Ali and others Latif Fakir vs Md.Joynal Abdin Mosammat Nargis Khanam vs Mohammad Aman Khan Prokash bacchu Md. Selim Patwari vs Deputy commissioner Chandur Dulal Miah vs Md. Tota Miah @ Abu Miah Abul Kalam Azad vs Md.Ashraf Ali Profulla Kumar Shana vs Khulna Sheba Ashram Being Represented By Secretary Swami Kalikananda Govt of Bangladesh vs Abul Baser ors Md.Kayem Ali Mondal vs Mohammad Khejmot Mondal Md. Selim Patwari vs Deputy commissioner Chandur Sadar Ali died his heirs Md.Moslem Ali vs Md.Jaser Ali Khulna City Corporation,Khulna vs A.B.M.Asadul Huq Moinuddin vs Md. Shamsur Rahman julfiker hossan vs mrs. sharif akhter Md. Khalil Bepari vs A. Jabbar Khandaker Md.Saidur Rahman vs Harolal Dawri 87 553 Civil Revision 3837/2009 554 Civil Revision 2432/2009 (with) Civil Revision 3038/2009 555 Civil Revision 21/2009 556 Civil Revision 531/2009 557 Civil Revision 2788/2009 558 Civil Revision 2243/2009 559 Civil Revision 3816/2009 560 Civil Revision 525/2009 561 Civil Revision 2003/2009 562 Civil Revision 2399/2009 563 Civil Revision 3604/2009 564 Civil Revision 4729/2009 565 Civil Revision 3842/2009 566 Civil Revision 2416/2010 567 Civil Revision 1967/2010 (with) Civil Revision 1968/2010 568 Civil Revision 3465/2010 Md. Rajab Ali vs Abul Kasam Paranik Md. Israfil vs Al-Hajj Md. Abu Taher Md. Abu Taher vs Israril Md. Mohiruddin and others vs Most. Sona Bhanu Bibi and others mosammat mono ara begum vs shahiful hoaque Shamsuddin Biswas vs Md. Sirajul Islam Sri Gobinda Prasad vs Sri Anada Mahan Ray Md. Ashraf Uddin Bhuiyan vs Shamsun Nahar Khanam Bela and others Md. Baharuddin vs Nur Mahmuda Akter Jahan Md. Liakot Ali Mondal Ors vs Nakul Chandra Saha Most. Alima Khatun vs Md. Abdur Rahman Feltu Miah vs Laily Begum Bangladesh vs Noor Nahar Zainaluddin Mandal vs Most. Nurjahan bibi Abdul Awal and others vs Md. Ali A.Rahim vs Kari Kha Begum A.Rahim vs Kari Kha Begum Noor Ali and others vs Babar Ali Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 12 569 Civil Revision 1991/2010 570 Civil Revision 2416/2010 571 Civil Revision 1748/2010 572 573 574 575 Civil Revision 2465/2010 Civil Revision 1510/2010 Civil Revision 2087/2010 Civil Revision 4676/2010 576 Civil Revision 1582/2010 577 Civil Revision 2239/2010 578 Civil Revision 1334/2010 579 Civil Revision 4536/2010 580 Civil Revision 540/2010 581 Civil Revision 827/2010 582 Civil Revision 559/2010 583 Civil Revision 1887/2010 584 Civil Revision 2532/2010 585 Civil Revision 2804/2010 Abul Hashim vs Rahamatunnessa Abdul Awal and others vs Md. Ali Md. Mokter Hossain @ Moktar vs Dudu Miah and others Md. Hasif vs Rabbi Mia Md. Abur Uddin vs Amena Bewa Doctor Tajul Islam vs Chairman, Kidney Foundation Md. Abdul Hamid Mandal alias Abdul Hamid vs Md. Shofiqul Islam Kha Md. Abdur rAhman Pramanik vs Ms.t Anesa Khatun Md. Nasir Uddin Sarder vs Md. Harmuz Ali Mohammadi Housing Ltd. vs Md. Iqbal Hossain Md. Hasan Ali vs Abdul Aziz and others Yasin Ali vs Government of Bangladeh Haji Ali Hossain vs Md. Bashir Hossain Govt. Rep. by D. C. Mymensingh vs Saiful Islam President, Nuralapur High School, Narsingdi vs Md. Abul Hossain Sarkar Md. abdul Mannan vs Mst. Najma khatun Meheraj Bibi vs Jaiton Bibi 88 586 Civil Revision 2156/2010 587 Civil Revision 540/2010 588 Civil Revision 3997/2010 589 Civil Revision 4057/2010 590 Civil Revision 4372/2010 591 Civil Revision 3287/2010 592 Civil Revision 2378/2010 593 Civil Revision 348/2010 594 Civil Revision 3875/2010 595 Civil Revision 4840/2010 596 Civil Revision 2462/2010 597 Civil Revision 2465/2010 598 Civil Misc 3997/2010 599 Civil Revision 1268/2010 600 Civil Revision 2210/2010 Denesh Chandra vs Jaitan Bibi Yasin Ali vs Government of Bangladeh A.T.M. Faisal Kabir Limon vs Rizia Begum and others Mamnur Rahman vs Khalilur Rahman Md. Amjad Hossain Pramanik vs Md. Abu Taleb Sarder Moulana Abdul Halim vs Md.Lal Miah Sikder Noor Mohammad Sheikh vs Jahangir Sheikh Mr. M.G. Mahmud Shaheen, Adv. ... for the petitioner Mr. Md. Abdul Barik, Adv. ..... for the opposite party Md. Abdus Samed vs Bangladesh and others Hamida khatun vs Abdus Satter Mahi Md. A. Munim vs Chief Executive Officer Sree Priyo Ranjan Sarkar vs Abdul Mannan Prodhan Md. Hasif vs Rabbi Mia Faisal Kabir vs Rizia Begum Government of Bangladesh vs Azizul haque Hazi and others Dijabar Mondal and others vs Baishnab Bala and others Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 12 601 Civil Revision 2562/2010 602 Civil Revision 193/2010 603 Civil Revision 2435/2010 604 Civil Revision 583/2010 605 Civil Revision 1336/2010 606 Civil Revision 856/2010 607 Civil Revision 3150/2010 608 Civil Revision 677/2010 609 Civil Revision 1776/2011 610 Civil Revision 2898/2011 611 Civil Revision 940/2011 612 613 Civil Revision 2853/2011 Civil Revision 3734/2011 614 Civil Revision 408/2011 615 Civil Revision 874/2011 616 617 Civil Revision 4903/2011 Civil Revision 4521/2011 Abu Hossain vs Abdul Jalil Md. Amjad Ali being dead his heirs: 1. Most. Moyfal Bewa vs Belat Ali being dead his heirs: 1. Jeleman Bewa Sk. Jahangir Ali vs Sunil Krishna Paul Md. Delwar Hossain vs Dewan Murtaja Hossain Rashida Begum vs Alhaj Gazi Delwar Govt. Rep. by D. C. vs S. M. Sahajuddin Chowdhury Md. Habibur Rahman vs Md. Saiful Islam Abul Kalam vs Shorab Mollah Moulana Md. Iqbal vs Shamsul Alom and others Aminul Islam vs Syed Ali and others Chairman (in - Charge 0)sengaon Union Pari vs Mr. Kasiruddin Md. Liaqat Hossain vs A. Barek Arab Ali Mridha vs Arjuda Begum and others Prafulla Sarder vs Atul Chandra Moral Maulana Abul Kalam vs Coxsbazar Mohila Kamil Madrasah CoxsBazar Jasim Uddin vs Md. Kamal Md..Aminul Huq vs Md. Sayed Ali ors. 618 Civil Revision 3611/2011 619 Civil Revision 631/2011 620 Civil Revision 4950/2011 621 Civil Revision 1704/2011 622 Civil Revision 4650/2011 623 Civil Revision 4030/2011 624 Civil Revision 2943/2011 625 Civil Revision 2797/2011 626 Civil Revision 1733/2011 627 Civil Revision 3478/2011 628 Civil Revision 1631/2011 629 Civil Revision 771/2011 630 Civil Revision 2694/2011 631 Civil Revision 3614/2011 632 Civil Revision 408/2011 Civil Revision 819/2011 89 633 Civil Revision 1923/2011 634 Civil Revision 4879/2011 Md.Jargesh Hossain vs Md.Miznur Rahman Sunil Chandra vs Md. Sobze Ali Md. Younus Ali vs Md. Motiar Rahman A. Rashid and ors. vs Sibbir Ahmed Munshi Lutfar Rahman vs Md. Mazed Sheikh Kazi Khurshedul Alam vs Mosammat Romana Afroze Roma Hanif Mahmud vs D.C. Shariatpur Md. Salim Patwari vs Md. Abul Hossain Mollah Messers Roni Limes vs Titas Gas Trans. Md, Nurul Islam and ors. vs Md. Abdul Kuddus and ors. Most. Asia Khatun vs Md. Nazrul Islam Shree Chandra Shil vs Uttam Chandra Shil Smri Dipak Baran Singha Ray vs Md. Habibur Rahman Dewan Nurul Islam vs Md.Towfikul Alam Chowdhury Prafulla Sarder vs Atul Chandra Moral Alim Al Razi Khan ( Masud ) vs Moushumi Akter Mou Abdur Rahim Sikder vs Md. Mamun Sikder Asraful jamman vs Khalilur Rahman Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 12 635 Civil Revision 3286/2011 636 Civil Revision 3291/2011 637 Civil Revision 4174/2011 638 Civil Revision 2669/2011 639 Civil Revision 131/2011 640 Civil Revision 4017/2011 641 Civil Revision 3413/2011 642 Civil Revision 4407/2011 643 Civil Revision 3235/2011 644 645 646 647 648 Civil Revision 4431/2011 Civil Revision 2491/2011 Civil Revision 224/2011 Civil Revision 376/2011 Civil Revision 3902/2011 649 Civil Revision 2662/2011 650 Civil Revision 631/2011 651 Civil Revision 4817/2011 Md. Ismail Hossain and another vs Ashit Biswas and others Md. Ismail Hossain vs Ashit Biswas Nazma Begum vs Rafiuddin Kazi Md. Abdul Kalam Azad vs Promila Bala Daisha Sahea Begum and ors vs Nurul islam Bhuiyan and ors Sree Kuranu alias Dilip alias Pabitra Singha vs Sree Lal Bahadur singha Khan Md. Jakir Hossain vs Shaikh Abu Taleb and others Md. Omar Faruk vs Zila Parishad Abdus Shahid @ Sona Miah vs Md. habibur Rahman and Others Khalil Sardar vs Akshed Ali Sarder Md.Kutubuddin Mondal vs Most. Muslima Khatun Md.Mahbabur Rahman vs Abdul LAtif Sarder Sheikh Taiyabur Rahman vs Hazera Khatun Md. Mainul Islam vs Md. Shah Jahan Md. Atiar Rahman vs Md. Aminur Rahman Sunil Chandra vs Md. Sobze Ali Md. Eptkharul Hasan Minor vs Hazi Md. Hamed Ali Mondal 90 652 Civil Revision 270/2011 653 Civil Revision 5091/2011 654 Civil Revision 3169/2011 655 Civil Revision 286/2011 656 Civil Revision 1/2011 657 Civil Revision 3303/2011 658 Civil Revision 4938/2011 659 Civil Revision 1732/2011 660 Civil Revision 351/2011 661 Civil Revision 2822/2011 662 Civil Revision 2416/2011 663 Civil Revision 162/2011 664 Civil Revision 4881/2011 665 Civil Revision 1476/2011 666 Civil Revision 2970/2011 667 Civil Revision 3734/2011 668 Civil Revision 5034/2011 Hazara katun vs Tasir uddin Mohammad Ali Hossain vs Afroza Akter Anisur Rahman vs Md. Humayun Kabir Md. Abdur Rahman and ors vs Govt of Bangladesh and ors Mrs Jahanar Islam ors vs Suraj Mia ors Md.Mizanur Rahman vs Md.Abdul Gafur Md. Kafir Uddin @ Kafil Uddin vs Md. Tofel Uddin Abdul Hye alias Abdul Hye Molla vs Hashem Molla Md. Babul Mia vs nasima begum Abdul Motalib vs Golap Mia Md.Rustam Ali vs Md. Subal Md. Farid Uddin vs Golam Faruq Md. Ferdousi Rahman vs Abdul Halim Md. Azizul Haque vs Mosammat Nilufar Begum Hemayet Uddin Jamader vs Mujibar Rahman Shaikh and others Arab Ali Mridha vs Arjuda Begum and others Md. Sadekul Alam vs Md. Nizamul Haque Siddique Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 12 669 Civil Revision 961/2011 670 Civil Revision 1283/2011 671 Civil Revision 2902/2011 672 Civil Revision 4097/2011 673 674 Civil Revision 3746/2011 Civil Revision 4090/2011 675 Civil Revision 4708/2011 676 Civil Revision 3503/2011 677 Civil Revision 4186/2011 678 Civil Revision 4554/2011 679 Civil Revision 239/2011 680 Civil Revision 3488/2011 681 Civil Revision 2190/2011 682 Civil Revision 3097/2011 Awlad hossain and others vs Rahima begum Sokina Begum vs Aisha Khatun Kutub Uddin Ahmed Chowdhury vs The State Md. Munsur Ali vs Md. Tomiz Uddin , Advicate . Md.Hajrot ali vs Hannan Yakub Miah vs Mst. Sabura Khatun and others Mr.Helal Uddin Mollah,Advocate ...For the petitioner Mr. M. Belayat Hossain with Mr.Mohammad Moshiur Rahman, Advocates ...For the opposite party No.1. Hosneara Begum and others vs Mahbubul Haque and others Tania Sharmin vs Sheikh Md. Omer Faruque Syed Ahmed Chowdhury vs Mahbub Alam and others Md. Manik Meah vs Md. Ratan Mea Md. Abdur Rahman vs Md. Ayajuddin Shamsun Nahar vs Md. Nabi Hossain Abu Bakkar Bishwash vs Md. Abdur Rashid Md. Rustom Ali Sheikh vs Md. Selim Kabir 91 683 Civil Revision 24/2011 684 Civil Revision 3380/2012 685 Civil Revision 1093/2012 686 Civil Revision 2008/2012 687 Civil Revision 3921/2012 688 Civil Revision 1832/2012 689 Civil Revision 4030/2012 690 Civil Revision 2538/2012 691 Civil Revision 2635/2012 692 Civil Revision 987/2012 693 Civil Revision 1011/2012 694 Civil Revision 1683/2012 695 Civil Revision 4019/2012 696 Civil Revision 2850/2012 697 Civil Revision 2851/2012 profullo kumar vs Bangladesh and others Al- Amin (Minor) vs Rabiul Melkar and others Polli Durido Bimojun vs Abdul Rahim Bijoy Mondal vs Sudhir Mondal Md. Nazrul Islam vs Nurul Islam Sheikh Abdus Sattar vs Md. Bodiul Awal Md. Ashraful Islam Talukder vs Gobtoli High School and others Saleh Uddin Ahammad being Dead his Legal heirs 1(a) Mosammat Anwara Begum and others vs Md. Alamgir and others Abu Mohammad Abdullah Hay Baki vs Hazee Ismail Mia and others Enamul Kabir vs Md.Ahad Ali Mollah and others Ayub Bulbul vs Janata Bank Most. Tahmina Begum vs Md. Abdul Wadud Prodhan Amulya Kumar Golder vs Shoshanka Kumar Sarder and others Most. Nurunnahar Begum vs Most. Nazma Khatun Most. Nurunnahar Begum vs Md. Yunus Ali Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 12 698 Civil Revision 2538/2012 699 Civil Revision 3194/2012 700 Civil Revision 3443/2012 701 Civil Revision 2111/2012 702 Civil Revision 648/2012 703 704 705 706 Civil Revision 2317/2012 Civil Revision 2906/2012 Civil Revision 202/2012 Civil Revision 3820/2012 707 Civil Revision 3035/2012 708 Civil Revision 3/2012 709 Civil Revision 1302/2012 710 Civil Revision 3619/2012 711 Civil Revision 4406/2012 712 Civil Revision 510/2012 713 Civil Revision 4317/2012 Saleh Uddin Ahammad being Dead his Legal heirs 1(a) Mosammat Anwara Begum and others vs Md. Alamgir and others Md. Mofiz Uddin Khan and others vs Md. Syed Ullah Bhuiyan and others Hanif vs Abdul Aziz Miah Md. Marfat Ali vs Md. Suruj Miah Md. Majibar Rahman alias Badsha Miah vs Md. Nur Mohammad Sree Kumud Ranjan Bowmik vs Hakim Md. Tajul Islam Nabtati Md. Madaris Ali vs Abdul Moshabbir Md. Siddique Ulla vs Most. Ramiza Khatun and others Mojir Uddin Ahmed and others vs Delwar Hossain and others Md. Nazrul Islam vs Kutubuddin Farida Yasmin vs Md. Suruzzaman Md. Taslim Uddin vs Eliasur Rahman Md. Riazuddin vs Md. Sibarat Ali Most. Sufia Akhter vs Md. Ruhul Amin Md. Abdul Kha vs Md. Abdur Rashid ( Bachchu ) Zashmuddin vs Enamul Haque 92 714 Civil Revision 1342/2012 715 Civil Revision 1011/2012 716 Civil Revision 2882/2012 717 Civil Revision 3889/2012 718 Civil Revision 301/2012 719 Civil Revision 4132/2012 720 Civil Revision 348/2012 721 Civil Revision 592/2012 722 Civil Revision 1030/2012 723 Civil Revision 2404/2012 724 Civil Revision 2567/2012 725 Civil Revision 1061/2012 726 Civil Revision 1983/2012 727 Civil Revision 1832/2012 728 Civil Revision 2858/2012 729 Civil Revision 393/2012 Sydur Rahman Sikder vs Peoples Republic of Bangladesh Rep. by Deputy Commissioner Shariatpur Ayub Bulbul vs Janata Bank Md. BulbulIslam vs Most. Moklesa Khatun @ Lipi Md. Abul Kashem vs Md. Firoj Miah and others M. A. Motaleb vs Md. Najmul Haque A.M. Sazzad Hossain and another vs Md. Abdul Matin and others M. A. Motaleb vs Md. Najmul Haque Nani Gopal Malo vs Monoranjan Malo Anowara Begum vs Sirajul Hoque and Others Abul Kashem vs Md. Mofizuddin Bhuiyan Md.Helal Uddin vs Md. Sfariful Haque Md. Ali Baksha Sheikh and others vs Md. Keyamuddin Sheikh and others Md. Bachchu Miah vs Sayed Md. Tofazzal Hossain Abdus Sattar vs Md. Bodiul Awal Abdul Borkat Bepari alias Abdul Borkat vs Abul Quaium Lutfor Rahman Mia vs Tomizuddin Khan Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 12 730 Civil Revision 3115/2012 731 Civil Revision 3983/2012 732 Civil Revision 3795/2012 733 Civil Revision 3102/2012 734 Civil Revision 2618/2012 735 Civil Revision 3940/2012 736 Civil Revision 4097/2012 737 Civil Revision 3229/2012 738 Civil Revision 1207/2012 (with) Civil Revision 1208/2012 739 Civil Revision 4190/2012 740 Civil Revision 2534/2013 741 Civil Revision 372/2013 742 Civil Revision 2654/2013 Md. Abdus Sobhan (Babul ) vs Most. Sherazun Nahar Shirin Most. Anjura Begum vs Dr. Md. Abu Hasan Ali Arun Chandra Sarker vs Khitish Ranjan Sarker and others Kubul AliAbbas Uddin Master being dead his heir Shafiul Alam vs Most. Momena Shafi Alam Mohammad Shahjahan vs Al haj Abul Kashem Saodagar Morni Biwas and anothers vs Subol Chandra Mohonta and others Mohammad Mohsin Mia vs Mohammad Humayun Kabir and others Md. Abu Hanif Mollah @ Hanif vs Most. Mahfuza Khatun and others Zainal Abedin vs Md. Meshbah Uddin Nurul Amin vs Md. Misbah Uddin being dead his legal heirs: 1(a) Dr. Md. Ismail Hossain Sekander Mia vs Md. Mostafa and others Md. Farul Alom Khan vs Abdul Kader Fakir Headmaster and Secretary , Managing Committee Hazipur High School, PaS Kolapara Patuakhali vs Md. Shah Alam Khan and others Fazlul Huq vs Md. Nurul Islam 93 743 Civil Revision 1987/2013 744 Civil Revision 3533/2013 745 Civil Revision 3825/2013 746 Civil Revision 1208/2013 747 Civil Revision 834/2013 748 Civil Revision 1041/2013 749 Civil Revision 583/2013 750 Civil Revision 637/2013 751 Civil Revision 1757/2013 752 Civil Revision 1265/2013 753 Civil Revision 2604/2013 754 Civil Revision 308/2013 755 Civil Revision 648/2013 756 Civil Revision 2345/2013 757 Civil Revision 1380/2013 Anzuara Bewa vs Alhaj Md. Enamul Hoque and another Shree shree Kali Dev vs Anowara Saidur Rahman vs Solaiman Sheikh Saleha Khatoon vs Khaja Nizam Uddin and others Md. Ful Mia and others vs Habibur Rahman adoption Abdus Sattar vs A. Salam Jahanara Jadida vs M. A. Sattar Mollah @ M. A. Sattar Government of Bangladesh vs Md. Tarak Mia and ohters Most. Shamsun Nahar vs Md. Dulal Uddin Sarder and others Madrasa Education Board vs Md. Delwar Arjad Ali and another vs Jugesh Chandra Talukder Died behind his heirs 1(a) Surjaman Talukder and others Sree Brindaban Sarker vs Mohendra Nath Biswas Abdul Malek vs Most. Rahima Akter and others Ali Azgor Khan vs Asker Ali khan Tofzol Islam vs Kazi Motahar Hossain and others Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 12 758 759 Civil Revision 3265/2013 Civil Revision 2373/2013 (with) Civil Revision 2845/2013 760 761 762 Civil Revision 158/2013 Civil Revision 2327/2013 Civil Revision 1689/2013 763 Civil Revision 2898/2013 764 Civil Revision 3848/2013 765 Civil Revision 85/2013 766 Civil Revision 2573/2013 767 768 769 770 Civil Revision 2881/2013 Civil Revision 789/2013 Civil Revision 186/2013 Civil Revision 2369/2013 Md. Abu Taleb and others vs Md. Abdus Salam and others Nikhil Chandra Dhupi vs Ma- Kali Bhanga Bazar Kali Bari Monindra Karmakar being dead his heirs: 1(a) Ava Rani Karmakar vs Ma- Kali Bhanga Bazar Kali Bari, represented by Luxman Chandra Bari Sajeda Begum vs Sohel Rana Rani Reza nur Rahman and others vs Tarok Chandra Ali Miah Mollah vs Ali Ashraf Mollik Saida Begum vs Md. Rafiqul Fakir Md. Didarul Kabir vs Md. Shajahan Chowdhury Md. Moti Miah vs Abdul Hakim and others Md. Husain Mondal and others vs Shova Rani Mitra and others Sarder Asaduzzaman and other vs Shova Rani Mitra and others A.B.M Assadul Haq and others vs Molla Zafor Ahmed and others Md. Abu Bakkar and others vs Sree Kamail Chandra Roy and others Most. Rezia Begum vs Abdur Rashid 94 771 Civil Revision 129/2013 772 Civil Revision 336/2013 773 Civil Revision 1768/2013 774 Civil Revision 1642/2013 775 Civil Revision 723/2013 776 Civil Revision 1476/2013 777 Civil Revision 1125/2013 778 Civil Revision 3112/2013 779 Civil Revision 3528/2013 780 Civil Revision 909/2013 781 Civil Revision 2141/2013 782 Civil Revision 2611/2013 783 Civil Revision 1265/2013 784 Civil Revision 1073/2013 785 Civil Revision 57/2013 786 Civil Revision 2886/2013 787 Civil Revision 4072/2013 788 Civil Revision 2425/2013 Dawlat Khan vs Siraj Singh Md. Hazrat Ali vs Nurjahan Abul Kalam Shaikh vs Farid Shaikh Md.Aman Ullah vs Moni Mia and others Md. Saiful Islam vs Rafiqul Islam Nikhil Chandra Das vs Shushanto Biswas Tahmina Zakir vs Haji Amir Hossain Patwary and others Shafiq Ahmed vs Amena Khatun Adam Ali @ Adu, died his heirs: (1). Idrish Ali vs Haris Mia @ Harzu Rafia Begum and other vs Abu Musa Buyan and other Khorshed Alam vs Ali Azam Girish Chandra Mondal vs B.W.D.B Madrasa Education Board vs Md. Delwar Md. Afser Ali Fakir and others vs Mukunda Mali and another Mr.S.M. Ariful vs ----Md. Mizanur Rahman vs Most. Nasrin Begum Nurul Amin vs Manwara Khatun Most. Laily Begum vs Md. Yakub Ali Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 12 789 Civil Revision 2417/2013 790 Civil Revision 3533/2013 791 Civil Revision 2588/2013 792 Civil Revision 285/2014 793 Civil Revision 1096/2014 794 Civil Revision 2825/2014 795 Civil Revision 4800/2014 796 Civil Revision 1594/2014 797 Civil Revision 1219/2014 798 Civil Revision 219/2014 799 800 801 802 803 804 Civil Revision 3168/2014 Civil Revision 303/2014 Civil Revision 4251/2014 Civil Revision 2688/2014 Civil Revision 2446/2014 Civil Revision 2327/2014 Md. Habibur Rahman being dead his heirs: Most. Laily Begum vs Md. Yakub Ali Shree shree Kali Dev vs Anowara Nani Das vs 1(ka). Sree Dipak Chandra Das Chatawala Jame e Mosjid vs Hasan and Others Abdul Hanif vs Md. Ashraf Miah and others Sjajahan vs Most. Surban Bewa Habibur Rahman vs ATM Ataur Rahman Bashirunnesa vs Jobeda Khatun and ors Md. Iftekharul Islam @ Talish vs Md. Arshad Ali Mondal Mostafa Howladar and Others vs Md. Abdul Hanif and Others Zia Uddin Ahmed and others vs Gias Uddin Ahmed and others Kallyan Kumar Das vs Josna Rani Das And Anothers Government of Bangladesh vs Dilara Begum and others Manik Gazi and others vs Sikdar Ali Gazi and others Aymon Bibi vs Nannu Miah Abdul Hamid vs Abdur Rahman 95 805 Civil Revision 3152/2014 806 Civil Revision 3390/2014 807 Civil Revision 2631/2014 808 Civil Revision 2101/2014 809 Civil Revision 663/2014 810 Civil Revision 4348/2014 811 Civil Revision 3050/2014 812 Civil Revision 2825/2014 813 Civil Revision 4085/2014 814 Civil Revision 657/2014 815 Civil Revision 1392/2014 816 Civil Revision 938/2014 817 Civil Revision 3844/2014 818 Civil Revision 1110/2014 819 Civil Revision 4013/2014 820 Civil Revision 452/2014 821 Civil Revision 1620/2014 822 Civil Revision 5036/2014 Taslim Howlader vs Shahjahan Miah Most. Jahanara Begum vs Haji Ziaul Haque Haulader and others Mafiz Uddin and others vs A,. Wadud Mushi Kari Md.A.Kader vs Nurullah Chandra Banu Begum vs Chhenoara Begum Anowar Ali Chowdhury vs Ekteair Ali Amin Sheikh and others vs Abdul Kalam Azad Mir Sjajahan vs Most. Surban Bewa Renu Bibi alias Asmoti vs Md. Majibar Rahman and others Harun-or-Rashid vs Mrs. Nafiza Khalifa Jitendra Nath Biswas vs Subash Chandra Biswas Jamal Uddin vs Bangladesh and others Md. Kamal Uddin vs Md. Aziz Dewan Ali Ahmed Maji vs Lal Baru alia Kuti-Baru Bibi and ors Md. Moshiur Rahman (Moshu) vs Md. Tofazzal Hossain Md. Abdul Haque Choukidar and others vs Akash Ali and others Ahsan Babu vs Kumkum Akter Abder Ali vs Md. Rafiqul Islam Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 12 823 Civil Revision 3408/2014 824 Civil Revision 872/2014 825 Civil Revision 96/2014 826 Civil Revision 219/2014 827 Civil Revision 2101/2014 828 Civil Revision 3887/2014 829 Civil Revision 3394/2014 830 Civil Revision 2771/2014 831 Civil Revision 3367/2014 832 Civil Revision 192/2014 833 834 835 836 837 838 Civil Revision 4623/2014 Civil Revision 1901/2014 Civil Revision 2999/2014 Civil Revision 273/2014 Civil Revision 2741/2014 Civil Revision 2288/2014 Tofazzal Haskir vs Manager Agroni Bank Md. Badal Miah vs Shikta Begum and others Abul Hashem Patwary vs Md. Abdul Wadud Babul Mostafa Howladar and Others vs Md. Abdul Hanif and Others Kari Md.A.Kader vs Nurullah Papon Paul vs Md. Shahidullah Golam Aziz vs Sazeda Begum Bilkis Begum vs Anisujjaman Golam Aziz vs Sazeda Begum Masud Rana Sharbesh and Others vs Amana Begum and Others Musfiqur Rahman vs Idris Ali Juel and others vs Suraiya Begum Md. Shaukat Ali alias Shaukat Hossain and others vs Md. Anowar Hossain anbd another Md. Rafiqul Islam alias Md. Rafiq vs Abdul Majid Pawary and Others Sariful Haque vs A. Latif Amena Begum vs Meher Ali 96 839 Civil Revision 4341/2014 840 Civil Revision 1644/2014 841 Civil Revision 1216/2014 842 Civil Revision 3699/2014 843 Civil Revision 494/2014 844 Civil Revision 1689/2014 845 Civil Revision 147/2014 846 Civil Revision 4549/2014 847 Civil Revision 891/2014 848 Civil Revision 1488/2014 849 Civil Revision 3812/2014 850 Civil Revision 1984/2014 851 Civil Revision 4028/2014 852 Civil Revision 3853/2014 853 Civil Revision 2312/2014 854 Civil Revision 2921/2015 855 Civil Revision 3411/2015 856 Civil Revision 1403/2015 Bangladesh Govt. vs Mazibur Rahman Roksana Akter vs Abdur Rahim and others Nazrul Islam vs Md. Nastimul Narayan Chandra vs Nurun Nahar Hafizur Rahman vs Hedmaster Kalem vs Harun Saib Ali vs Ranu Bala Shamsul Huq and others vs Shakhina Khatun and others Abdur Rashid vs Fatema Abdur Rahman vs Nozrul islam Momena Bewa vs Asgar Hossain Rafiqul Islam vs Abul Kalam Azad Forid Uddin vs Aktaruzzaman Mr. A.H Md. Ali Haider Quoraishi vs Mrs. Shaheen Quoraishi and others Hadis Mia vs The State Anutosh Kumar vs M. S. Rahim Md. Abdul Jabbar vs Ashraful Islam Kala Miah and others vs Senuara Begum and others Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 12 857 Civil Revision 371/2015 858 Civil Revision 1780/2015 859 Civil Revision 3259/2015 860 Civil Revision 363/2015 861 Civil Revision 1809/2015 862 Civil Revision 202/2015 863 Civil Revision 3313/2015 864 Civil Revision 2606/2015 865 Civil Revision 557/2015 866 Civil Revision 4601/2015 867 Civil Revision 1433/2015 868 Civil Revision 1403/2015 869 Civil Revision 4398/2015 870 Civil Revision 221/2015 871 Civil Revision 2649/2015 872 Civil Revision 1585/2015 873 Civil Revision 861/2015 874 Civil Revision 393/2015 Md. Abdul Karim vs Md. Abdur Rashid and others Salma Khatoon vs Md. Mostafizur Rahman Mofez Miah and others vs Amir Hossain and others Khalilur Rahman vs Nazrul Islam Ayub Mollah vs Govt. of Bangladesh Jalalabad Gas Ltd. vs Abdur Noor Abul Kashem Khan vs Sanu Miah Rezwanur Rahman vs Rokshana Rumi A. Karim Sarder and others vs General Manager, Munshiganj Md. Mofiz Miah vs Amir Hossain ramjon Kumar vs sudon Kumar Kala Miah and others vs Senuara Begum and others Md. Ali and others vs A. Zabbar Golam Ali and others vs Abdul Wadud Shaikh and others Nabi Hossain vs Abdul Mannan Md. Sultan Khan vs Md. Alak Khan Md. Jahurul Islam vs Sree Nirmol Kumar Alkas vs Mannan 97 875 Civil Revision 905/2015 876 Civil Revision 78/2015 877 Civil Revision 3313/2015 878 Civil Revision 3027/2001 879 Civil Revision 2404/1999 880 Civil Revision 1410/2011 881 Civil Revision 4700/2007 882 Civil Revision 1661/1999 883 Civil Revision 466/2007 884 Civil Revision 3566/2015 885 Civil Revision 2086/2010 886 Civil Revision 352/2011 887 Civil Revision 1606/2000 888 Civil Revision 96/1997 889 Civil Revision 4007/2010 Md. Tofazzal Hossain vs Md. Iman Ali M/S Taj Foundation vs Agroni Bank ltd. Abul Kashem Khan vs Sanu Miah Brojendra Mohan Roy and others vs Krishan Kanta Bhuiyan Md.Abed Ali Miah vs Saber Ali @ Sabbir Rahman Chai Chui Aung Karbari @ Chai Chui Aung Marma vs Chigma pru Marma Mst. Saleha Begum, Mr. Nayem Ahmed, Advocate vs Hazi Abdul Karim md. Siddik ali Sarker vs Safora Bibi Jabeda Khatoon and ors vs Saagiran Nessa and ors Beacon Group vs Beacon Real Estate Ltd. Mr. Bashir Ahmed with Mr. Md. Jahangir Alam, Advs... for the Pt. Mr. Mohammad Muhiuddin, Adv... for the O/p Muklesur Rahman vs Shaheb Ali Sree Ram Proshad Roy vs Narendra Chandra Shil Government of Bangladesh vs Zamshed Ali Sarder Vazirat Mittra vs Kanti Ray Mondal and others. Akteruzzaman vs Md Abu Daud Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 12 890 Civil Revision 3440/2006 891 Civil Revision 2727/2005 892 Civil Revision 1197/2013 893 Civil Revision 1288/2013 894 Civil Revision 854/2012 895 Civil Revision 4910/2010 896 Civil Revision 4684/2000 897 Civil Revision 3653/2010 898 899 Civil Revision 4575/2009 Civil Revision 5452/2001 900 Civil Revision 1663/2013 901 Civil Revision 5040/2000 902 903 Civil Revision 3585/1998 Civil Revision 2480/2015 904 Civil Revision 4280/2015 905 Civil Revision 1023/2006 906 Civil Revision 568/2015 Moklesur Rahman Chowkidar and ors vs Abdul Mannan and ors Alim Uddin and others vs Sekandar Mia Torab Ali vs Lutfur Rahman Mohiuddin vs Lutfor Rahman Torab Ali vs Lutfor Rahman Md. Abdus Sattar and others vs Md. Dudu Miah and others A S M Akram vs Mir Hafijul Islam Md. Miraj Miah vs Mst. Alufa Khatun and ors. Mrs. Jotsna Begum vs Md. Rafique Bhuiyan Golam Ambia Harun vs Bangladesh and others Mr. Abdul Hoque, Advocate for the petitioner. Munshi Aynal Hossain vs Most. Lal Mati Bibi Md .Numan vs Tana Prozect Officer Abul Khayer vs Md. Muktul Hossain Secretary, Road vs Md. Abdul Gani Fakrul Islam vs Fazlul Haque Md.Omar Faruq vs Shahabuddin Sree Santosh vs Most. Kohinur Bewa and others 98 907 Civil Revision 2983/2013 908 Civil Revision 2687/2002 909 Civil Revision 1066/2012 910 Civil Revision 1361/1995 911 Civil Revision 375/2014 912 Civil Revision 3946/2011 913 Civil Misc 11/2011 914 Civil Revision 810/2013 915 Civil Revision 2628/2010 916 Civil Revision 813/2008 917 Civil Revision 1246/2006 918 Civil Revision 4615/2007 919 Civil Revision 3498/2002 920 Civil Revision 3785/2005 921 Civil Rule 699(R)/2014 922 Civil Revision 2465/2015 Saleh Ahmed vs Udoy Shankor Mrs. Abizan Bewaru others vs Shri. Bimol Chondro Mondol others Mr. Md.Nawab Ali Adv. for the Petitioner Amena Khatun and Others vs Momtaj Begum and Others Md. Jafor Ali vs Mrs. Kulsumara Bawa Md. Mahbub Alam vs Md. Jashim Uddin Md. Akter Hossain vs Md. Saiful Islam Most.Rezia Khatoon vs Mahbubur Rahman Azizul Hoque vs Nurul Kabir and others mosharof vs Rojina Mamtaj Munni and others Haranur Rashid vs Shakina Bewa Ors Md. Sarafat Ali vs Mrs Sahera Banu and ors Zitu Miah vs Shamsun Nahar Md. abdul Gani vs Md. Liakat Ali Khan Md: Abdur Rasid Sarker vs Rayjan Bewa Mr. Shahed Ali Jinnah, ... For the petitioner Mr. Masud Hasan...... For the Opposite party Hsnath Zamil Robin vs A.K.M. Badaruddoza Md. Karim Mondal vs Md. Abdur Rafique Pramanik and others Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 12 923 Civil Revision 1238/2001 924 Civil Revision 3857/2010 925 Civil Revision 4723/2015 926 Civil Revision 86/2014 927 Civil Revision 110/2015 928 Civil Revision 191/2015 929 Civil Revision 2728/2005 930 Civil Revision 447/2007 931 Civil Revision 4540/2014 932 Civil Revision 91/2007 933 Civil Revision 3797/2005 934 Civil Revision 2883/2007 935 Civil Revision 1363/2011 936 937 Mohorom ALi Others. vs Pary Mohon Das Moslem Sheikh vs Md. Saha Sheikh Keshob Chandra Chandra vs Principal, Police Smriti High School Md. Golam Nabi vs Md. Shamsuzzaha Zakir Hossain vs Bangladesh Rasel Ahmed vs M. A. Hafiz Government of Bangladesh vs Md. Monrul Islam Tazia Khatoon vs Abdus Salam Abdul Halim vs Md. Arshad Ali Md. Newab Ali vs Md. Azizur Rahman Fokir Mohammad vs Mrs. Kosi BIbi Hafizur Rahman vs Mahbubul Alam Abdul Barak Sheikh vs Mahfujul Haque For Hearing Civil Rule Alhaj Md. Abdul Awal vs 123/2014 Md. Jakir Hossain and Others Hearing : Civil Revision Civil Revision Sufia Re-Rolling 2828/2006 vs M.D. Titas Gas Transmission 99 Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 26 Supreme Court of Bangladesh High Court Division Justice Syed Refaat Ahmed Date : 02/05/2016 [Annex Building Court No. 26] # . , & 70 & [ Z /0 % % 8 ) # ` # ,& [ ) ,J ( #/ , 1I) G,HH,HHH - Z. # # . /0 ; 343^ $ 3445 3443 2 (3443 2 3 2# '( '( \ , & 70; 35 2 # 2 %% , /7 = >% 2 Company Matter 231/2015 (Heard in part) # ?$#. Z /0 $ E ; 345H 2 ,J ( # . /0; # _ 6HH3 (6HH3 2 ?$#. < : .$( 2 <: । '( . 2? ; < $ # . /0।] For Hearing 1 346T ,J ( 3MG4 ,J ( ` $ # . /0 ; 2 +/ # ) ,J ( # . /0 ; 2 ; % '(; 3 Application under Section 223 and 229 of the Companies Act- Robi Axiata Limited vs The Registrar of Joint Stock Companies and Firms, Mr. Tanjib-ul Alam, Adv.--- For the Petitioner, Mr. Khandaker Reza-ERaquib, Adv. and Mr. Sayed Mahsib Hossain, Adv.--- For the Respondent No. 3, Ms. Rashna Imam, Adv.-- For the Applicant, Mr. Junayed Ahmed Chowdhury, Adv.-For the Applicant 4 Company Matter Application under 69/2014 Section 233 of the (Heard in part) with Companies Act, Matter No. 1994- Md. Delawar 268/2014 Hossain and others vs New Laxmi Narayan cotton Mills and others. Mr. Shajada Al-Amin, Adv.--- For the Petitioner, Mr. Mustafizur Rahman Khan, Adv. -- For the Respondents 100 Company Matter Application under 316/2014 Section 233 of the Companies Act, (Heard in part) (with 1994-Kazi Mayajul Application) Islam vs Ultra Washing and Dying Ltd. and others. Mr. Md. Asaduzzaman, Adv. with Mr. Md. Bakir Uddin Bhuiyan, Adv.-- For the Petitioner, Dr. Naim Ahmed, Adv.--- For the Respondent Nos. 2 and 3 Company Matter 247/2013 (Heard in part) Application under Section 4 of the Companies Act, 1994-Mohd. Humayan Kabir MOllah Chairman , Fuji Chatkal Ltd. vs Fuji Chatkal Ltd. and others. Mr. Md. Borhan Uddin, Adv.-- For the Petitioner, Mr. Md. Golam Arshed, Adv.--- For the Respondent Nos. 1-3, Mr. Md. Asaduzzaman, Adv.-For the Respondent No. 4 Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 26 5 6 7 Arbitration Applicaion 8/2015 (Heard in part) Company Matter 166/2015 Heard-in-Part Company Matter 280/2015 (Heard in part) Application under Section 12 of the Arbitration Act, 2001, M/S Project Builders Ltd. (PBL) vs The Joint Venture of Messer’s China National Technical Import and Export Corporation and Messer’s Beijing Sound Environmental Engineering Company Limited and another- Mr.M. Quamrul Hoque Siddique---For the Petitioner, Mr. K.M. Hafizul Alam, Adv.--For the Respondent No. 1 Application under Section 43 of the Companies Act, 1994- A.H.M. Kamruzzaman Khan, vs R. Zaman, Mr. Samsuddin Babul, Adv.--- For the Petitioner, Mr. Tanjib-ul Alam, Adv.-For the Respondents Application under Section 43 of the Companies Act, 1994- Kamrul Hasan Bachu vs The Registrar of Joint Stock Companies and Firms. Mrs. Ruhul Quddus Kazolin, Adv. --- For the Petitioner 101 8 Company Matter 115/2014 (Heard in part) Application under Section 85(3) of the Companies Act, 1994- Shafi Ahmed Chowdhoury vs Pubali Bank Ltd. and others. A.M. Mahbub Uddin, Adv.--- For the Petitioner, Ms. Anita Gazi Rahman, Adv.--For the Respondent No. 3, Mr. Md. Asaduzzaman, Advocate---For the Respondent No. 7 9 Arbitration Applicaion 10/2015 Heard-in-Part Application under Section 7(Ka) of the Arbitration ActSingapore Julong International Investment Pte. Ltd vs Sarija Oil Refinary Ltd. Mr. Ajmalul Hossain QC, Adv.--For the Petitioner, Mr. Imtiaz Faruque, Adv.--- For the Respondents 10 Company Matter 237/2015 (Heard in part) Application under Section 171 of the Companies Act, 1994- Prime Bank Ltd. vs The Registrar, Joint Stock Companies and Firms. Mr. Chowdhury Tanzim Karim, Adv.--- For the Petitioner, Mr. Md. Asaduzzaman, Adv.-For the Respondent Nos. 2 and 3. Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 26 11 12 13 Arbitration Application under Applicaion Section 7(Ka) of the 11/2015 Arbitration ActHeard-in-Part with Singapore Julong Arbitration International Application No. 5 of Investment Pte. Ltd vs 2016 Samannaz Super Oil Ltd. Mr. Ajmalul Hossain, Adv.--- For the Petitioner, Mr. Imtiaz Farooq, Adv.--For the Respondents Company Matter Application under 89/2006 Section 43 of the (Heard in part) with Companies Act, Matter Nos. 1994- Shamsul Alam 89/2006, 90/2006 Bhuiyan vs B.F.I.C. LimiteJunayed Ahmed Chowdhury, Adv.--- For the Petitioner, Mr. Sameer Sattar, Adv.-- For the Respondent No. 2, Ms. Tania Amir, Adv.--- For the Respondent No. 3, Mr. Rokanuddin Mahmud, Senior Advocate---- For the Respondent No. 4. Company Matter 35/2015 Application under Section 43 of the Companies Act, 1994- Shamsul Alam Bhuiyan vs Bangladesh Finance and Investment Co. Ltd and others. Mr. Junayed Ahmed Chowdhury, Adv.---For the Petitioner, Mr. Sameer Sattar, Adv. --- For the Respondent No. 2, Mr. Rokanuddin Mahmud, Senior Adv.--- For the Respondent No. 1 102 14 Company Matter 43/2016 Application under Section 12 read with Section13 of the Companies Act, 1994- Shibriz Holdig Ltd. vs Regitrar Joint Stock Companies and Firms, Mr. S.M Arif Mondal, Advocate--For the Petitioner 15 Company Matter 79/2013 Application under Section 43 of the Companies Act, 1994-Shoaib Ahmed Chowdhury vs Registrar Joint Stock Companies and Firms. Mr. Tobarak Hossain, Advocate--For the Petitioner. Mr. Toufiq Hossain, Advocate--- For the Respondents 16 Company Matter 179/2015 Application under Sections 12 and 13 of the Companies Act, 1994- Zayantex Limited vs The Registrar, Joint Stock Companies And Firms, Adv. Mr. Md. Faruk Hossain, Adv. -- For the Petitioner 17 Company Matter 57/2016 Application under Section 241, 242 of the Companies Act, 1994- Bangladesh Infratel Network Limitedi vs The Registrar of Joint Stock Companies and Firms and others. Mr. Sajed Ahammad Sami, Adv.----- For the Petitioner Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 26 18 Company Matter 253/2013 Application under Section 43 of the Companies Act, 1994-Khondaker Golam Moheet vs Insight Telecast Co. Ltd and others. Mr. Jashimuddin Ahmed, Advocate--- For the Petitioner, Mr. Tanvir Parvez, Advocate--For the Respondent No. 1 19 Company Matter 113/2004 Application under Section 43 of the Companies Act, 1994-Sheikh Liaqat Ali and others vs Mahbubul Gani and others. Mr. Kazi Akter Hossain, Adv.-- For the Petitioner, Mr. Mamtaz Uddin Fakir, Adv.--- For the Respondents 20 21 Company Matter 172/2014 Company Matter 223/2014 22 Application under Section 241, 245 of the Companies Act, 1994- Taj Reza Flour Mills Ltd. vs Taj Flour Mills Ltd. and ors. Mr. Md. Tajul Islam Majumder, Adv.--For the Petitioner 23 Application under Section 241 and 242 of the Companies Act, 1994-Mrs. Shimul Chowdhury vs Prime Food Company Limited and otehrs. Mr. Rashed Khan, Advocate--- For the Petitioner, Mr. Aminul Islam, Advocate --- For the Respondents 103 Company Matter 249/2014 Application under Section 233 of the Companies Act, 1994-Future International Development Pvt. Ltd. vs Future RF Technology Limited and others, Mr. Md. Forrukh Rahman, Advocate--- For the Petitioner, Ms. Razia Sultana, Adv.------ For the Respondent No. 1-3. Company Matter 229/2012 Application under Section 59 read with Section 60 of the Companies Act, 1994- Rex Wear Limited vs The Registrar, Joint Stock companies and firms. Mr. Mosharaf Hossain, Adv.--- For the Petitioner, Mr. Moin Ghani, Adv.--For the Respondemts Company Matter 31/2015 (with) Application under Section 81(2) , 85(3) of the Companies Act, 1994- Syed Nasser Haider Rizvi vs Oriental Oil Company Limited and another, Mr. Md. Monjur Alam Kha, Adv.--- For the Petitioner Company Matter 3/2016 Application under Section 233 of the Companies Act, 1994- Noble House Limited vs Oriental Oil Company Ltd. and others. Mr. Masood R. Sobhan, Adv with Ms. Fatema S. Chowdhury, Ad.--For the Petitioner Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 26 24 25 26 27 Company Matter 32/2013 Company Matter 221/2013 Company Matter 188/2014 Company Matter 19/2016 (Contempt application) Application under Section 43 of the Companies Act, 1994-Md. Emdad Hossain vs Al-hekma Spinning Mills Limited and others. Mr. Jashimuddin Ahmed, Advocate--- For the Petitioner. Mr. Md. Bakir Uddin Bhuiyan, Advocate--- Fo rthe Respondents An application under Section 241 read with Section 245 of the Companies Act, 1994-Syed Muzaffar Husain Bwkhari and another vs Bwkhari Enterprise Ltd. and others, Mr. Md. Shahidul Islam, Adv.--- For the Petitioner, Mr. Muhammad Ashraf Ali, Adv.--- For the Respondents Application under Section 241, 242 of the Companies ActCotton Shine (Pvt.) Ltd. vs The Registrar of Joint Stock companies and Firms Application under Sections 43 and 233 of the Companies Act, 1994- Dr. Md. Abul Kalam Azad vs Mr. Ranjit Kumar Roy, Mr. Mirza Salah Uddin Ahmed, Adv.-- For the Petitioner, 104 28 Company Matter 225/2014 (with) Application under Section 233 of the Companies Act, 1994-Eurowears Far East Co. Ltd. vs Rex Wear Limited and ors. Mr. Moin Ghani, Adv.--- For the Petitioner, Mr. S.M. Atikur Rahaman, Advocate--- For the Respondents 29 Company Matter 247/2015 Application under Section 43 of the Companies Act1994-M. Badiuzzaman and another vs Registrar Joint Stock Companies and Firms Mr. M. Moksadul Islam,Adv.--- For the Petitioner 30 Company Matter 8/2015 Application under Section 43 of the Companies Act, 1994- Nayna Altaf and another vs Tajma ceramic Industry Ltd. and others. Mr. S.M. Atiqur Rahman, Adv.-- For the Petitioner 31 Company Matter 297/2014 Application under Section 43 of the Companies Act, 1994-Capt. Mokammel Farhad (Rtd) and others vs Bangla International Airlines Ltd. Mr. Bakir Uddin Bhuiyan --- For the Petitioner, Mr. Nakib Saiful Islam, Adv.--- For the Respondents Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 26 32 33 34 35 Company Matter 104/2013 Company Matter 127/2012 Company Matter 103/2013 Company Matter 10/2016 Application under Section 233 of the Companies Act, 1994- Md. Jane Alam and others vs Md. Shamsul Alam and others. Mr. Junayed Ahmed Chowdhury, Adv.----- For the Petitioner, Mr. M. Belayet Hossain, Adv.--- For the Respondent Nos. 1 and 2 36 Company Matter 264/2015 Application under Section 233 of the Companies Act, 1994- Monjoor-EMating, vs Ellal Textile Ltd. Mr. Shah Monjurul Hoque, Adv.--- For the Petitioner 37 Company Matter 40/2015 (with) Application under Section 233 of the Companies Act, 1994-Foisal Ahmed vs Noor Holdings Ltd. and others. Ms. Sahanar Begum, Adv.--- For the Petitioner, Mr. Abdul Barik Chowhdury, Adv.--- For the Respondent Nos. 1, 2 Company Matter 252/2015 Application under Section 43 of the Companies Act, 1994- Mrs. Israt Sofi vs Noor Holding Ltd. Mr. A.K.M. Badruddoza, Adv.-For the Petitioner, Mr. Jakir Hossain, Adv.-- For the Respondents Company Matter 114/2015 Application under Section 81(2) and 85(3) of the Companies Act, 1994- Mr. Badsha Miah Laskar vs Laskar Limited a Private Company Limited and others. Mr. A.B. Showkat Ali, Adv.--- For the Petitioner Application under Section 43 of the Companies Act, 1994-Md. Abbas Ullah and others vs United Properties Ltd. and others. Mr. Md. Shafiqur Rahman, Adv.--- For the Petitioner, Mr. Mozaharul Islam, Adv.--- For the Respondent Nos. 5-6 Application under Section 241, 245 of the Companies Act, 1994-N.I Chowdhury another vs Online Development Ltd and otehrs. Mr. Mustafizur Rahman Khan, Advocate--For the Petitioner, Mr. Sk. Saifuzzaman, Advocate--- For the Respondents 38 Application under Section 81(2), 85(3) of the Companies Act, 1994- Diamond Life Insurance Co. Ltd vs The Registrar of Joint Stock Companies and Firms. Mr. Md. Asad Miah, Adv.--- For the Petitioner 105 Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 26 39 Company Matter 114/2015 Application under Section 81(2) and 85(3) of the Companies Act, 1994- Mr. Badsha Miah Laskar vs Laskar Limited a Private Company Limited and others. Mr. A.B. Showkat Ali, Adv.--- For the Petitioner 43 Company Matter 114/2015 40 Company Matter 17/2016 Application under Section 59 read with Section 60 of the Companies Act, 1994-Luminous Fisheries and Hatcheries Ltd. vs The Registrar of Joint Stock Companies and Firms. Mr. Jashimuddin Ahmed, Adv.--- For the Petitioner 44 Company Matter Application under 56/2015 Section 81(2), 85(3) with Company Md. Serajul Islam Matter No. 356 of vs 2014 The Registrar of Joint Stock Companies and Firms. Mr. Jashimuddin, Adv. --For the Petitioner 45 Company Matter 93/2015 Application under Section 43 of the Companies Act, 1994- Advocate A.K.M. Abu Bakkar Siddiki (Kaosar) and others vs Shamoli Tower Complex Ltd. and others 46 Arbitration Applicaion 10/2014 Application under Section 42(2) of the Arbitration ActDiroctorate General Of Defence Purchase vs Karnal Milk Foods Ltd 41 42 Company Matter 87/2012 with Contempt No1 of 2013 Company Matter 247/2014 Application under Section 43 of the Companies Act, 1994-Mr. Faruque Hasan vs Ancient Builders Ltd. and others Mr. Aneek R. Hoque, Adv,--- For the Petitioner, Mr. Arifur Rahman, Adv,--- For the Respondents Application under Section 233 of the Companies Act, 1994- Mohammed Manzurul Islam vs A T N News Ltd. and others. Mr. Shah Monjurul Hoque, Adv.--- For the Petitioner, Mr. Ahsanul Karim, Adv.-- For the Respondent Nos. 1-2 106 Application under Section 81(2) and 85(3) of the Companies Act, 1994- Mr. Badsha Miah Laskar vs Laskar Limited a Private Company Limited and others. Mr. A.B. Showkat Ali, Adv.--- For the Petitioner Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 26 47 Company Matter 327/2014 Application under Section 241 of the Companies Act, 1994- Astafazul Hoque Chowdhuryand others vs Mrs. Khaleda Begum and others, Mr. Md. Fakhar Uddin, Adv.For the Petitioner. Mr. Ramzan Ali Sikder, Adv.--- For the Respondent Nos. 1-10, Mr. Abdul Hai, Adv.--- For the Respondent No. 13. 48 Company Matter 172/2014 Application under Section 241, 245 of the Companies Act, 1994- Taj Reza Flour Mills Ltd. vs Taj Flour Mills Ltd. and ors. Mr. Md. Tajul Islam Majumder, Adv.--For the Petitioner 49 Company Matter 321/2014 Application under Section 233 of the Companies Act, 1994-Azfar Uddin Ahmed vs Amco Fashions Ltd. and others. Mr. Omar Sadat, Adv.--For the Petitioner, Mr. Mustafizur Rahman Khan, Adv--For the Respondent No. 1, 9-13 50 Contempt Matter 4/2014 Ms. Meherunnessa vs Atahar Mollah and others. Md. Shamim Ahmed Mehidi, Adv.-- For the Petitioner, Mr. Shamim Khaled Ahmed, Advocate--For the Respondent No. 1 and 7 107 51 Company Matter 162/2014 Application under Section 233 of the Companies Act, 1994-Md. Moniruzzaman and another vs Favulous Fashions Ltd. Mr. M. Sayeed Ahmed, Adv--- For the Petitioner, Mr. Shah Md. Ezaz Rahman, Adv.--- For the Respondent No. 2 52 Company Matter 152/2015 Application under Section 17(8) of the Banking Companies Act, 1991-First Security Islami Bank Ltd. vs Rana Kaiser Siddiq and others, Mr. Md. Forrukh Rahman,Adv--- For the Petitioner, Mr. Md. Ziaul Hauqe, Ad.--- For the Respondents 53 Company Matter 177/2010 Application under Section 245, 241 of the Companies Act, 1994-Mr. Moh. Mojibul Haque and another vs East West Air Lines Ltd. and another. Mr. Mohammad Hossain, Ad.--- For the Petitioner 54 Company Matter 178/2010 Application under Sections 245, 241 of the Companies Act, 1994-Mr. Moh. Mojibul Huq vs BD Air Vision Ltd. and another. Mr. Mohammad Hossain, Adv. ---For the Petitioner Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 26 55 Company Matter 179/2010 Application under Sections 245, 241 of the Companies Act, 1994- Mr. Moh. Mojibul Haque vs Accom Properties Ltd. and others. Mr. Mohammad Hossain, Adv.--- For the Petitioner 56 Company Matter 187/2010 Application under Section 241 of the Companies Act, 1994 Mohammad Fakhrul Alam vs Configure Trading Ltd. and others. Mr. Jashimuddin Ahmed, Adv.--- For the Petitioner 57 Company Matter 217/2009 Application under Section 241, 245 of the Companies Act, 1994- Dr. Dewan Mohammad Salahuddin vs The Registrar, Joint Stock Companies and Firms. Mr. Jashimuddin Ahmed, Adv.--- For the Petitioner 58 Company Matter 228/2009 Application under Section 43 of the Companies Act, 1994-Rashed Uddin Ahmed vs Credit Rating Information and Services Ltd. Mr. Md. Omar Sadat, Adv.--For the Petitioner, Mr. Abdus Salam Mamun, Adv-- For the Respondent No.1 108 59 Company Matter 170/2009 Application under Section 43 of the Companies Act, 1994-Fakhrul Abedin vs Rupali Concrete Products Ltd and others. Mr. Imtiaz Mahmud, Adv.--- For the Petitioner, 60 Company Matter 201/2013 Application under Section 241 of the Companies Act, 1994-Ansett World Wide Aviation Netherlands B.V. vs GMG Airlnes Limited and others, Mr. Tanim Hossain Shawon, Adv.-- For the Petitioner, Mr. Shah Monjurual Hoque, Adv.--- For the Respondents 61 Company Matter 92/2013 Application under Section 241 of the Companies Act, 1994- International Lease Finance Corporation. vs GMG Airlines Ltd., Mr. Mustafizur Rahman Khan, Adv.-- For the Petitioner, Mr. Shah Monjurual Hoque,Adv.--- For the Respondents 62 Company Matter 361/2014 Application under Section 43 of the Companies Act, 1994-Tong Kehai vs The Registrar of Joint Stock companies and Firms, Mr. Kamruzzaman, Adv.-For the Petitioner, Mr. Jashimuddin Ahmed, Adv.-- For the Respondents Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 26 63 64 65 66 Company Matter 50/1991 Company Matter 87/2012 with Contempt No1 of 2013 Company Matter 96/2006 Company Matter 62/2015 Application under Section 38 of the Companies Act, 1994-Nan Cheng Industrial Co. Limited vs B.S.A. Garments Industrial Pvt. Limited. Mr. Rokanuddin Mahmud, Senior Adv.-- For the Petitioner, Mr. A.S.M. Abdur Razzaq, Adv.-- For the Respondents Application under Section 43 of the Companies Act, 1994-Mr. Faruque Hasan vs Ancient Builders Ltd. and others Mr. Aneek R. Hoque, Adv,--- For the Petitioner, Mr. Arifur Rahman, Adv,--- For the Respondents Application under Section 241 of the Companies Act, 1994-Northen Beverage Industries Ltd. vs Registrar, Joint Stock Companies and Firms. Mr. Sheikh Fazle-Noor Taposh--For the Petitioner, Mr. Ariful Islam, Adv.--- For the Respondents Application under Section 346(6) of the Companies Act, 1994-A.K.M. Abdul Baten and others vs Al-Helal Cattle 109 67 Company Matter 36/2008 Application under Section 43 of the Companies Act, 1994- Arif Mohammad Jabed vs Premier Knitting and Trading Ltd. and others. Mr. Jashimuddin Ahmed, Adv.--- For the Petitioner 68 Company Matter 380/2014 Application under Section 241 of the Companies Act, 1994- Shabbir Ahmed vs Ormis Bangladesh Ltd. and others. Mr. Md. Abdus Sabur Khan,Adv..-- For the Petitioner. 69 Company Matter 18/2012 Application under Section 233 of the Companies Act, 1994-Mr.Musfikul Arifin and others. vs Dhaka Fisheries Ltd. Dhaka. Mr. M. Sayeed Ahmed--- For the Petitioner, Mr. Arifur Rahman, Adv.-- For the Respondwents 70 Company Matter 70/2006 Application under Section 43 of the Companies Act, 1994-Mr. Ibrahim Lodi vs Jalalabad Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Mr. Ehsan Siddique, Adv.--- For the Petitioner, Mr. A.K.M. Badruddoza, Adv.--- For the Respondent No. 1 Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 26 71 Company Matter 48/2014 Application under Section 241, 245 of the Companies Act, 1994- Md. Enayet Kabir and another vs Machine and Tools Ltd. and others. Mr. Jashimuddin Ahmed, Adv.--- For the Petitioner, Mr. A.K.M. Badruddoza, Adv-- For the Respondent Nos. 2-4. 72 Company Matter 169/2014 Application under Section 233 of the Companies Act, 1994-Ahmmed Neeas vs Chittagong Foils Ltd. and ors. Mr. Syed Mamun Mahbub, Adv.--- For the Petitioner, Mr. Jashimuddin Ahmed, Adv.-- for the Respondent Nos. 1-3. 73 Company Matter 257/2009 Application under Section 43 of the Companies Act, 1994-Mrs. Kaniz Fatema and others vs Alauddin Company Matter 31/2015 Application under Section 81(2) , 85(3) of the Companies Act, 1994- Syed Nasser Haider Rizvi vs Oriental Oil Company Limited and another, Mr. Md. Monjur Alam Kha, Adv.--- For the Petitioner 74 110 75 Company Matter 99/2005 Application under Section 241 of the Companies Act, 1994- Yousuf Ariff Tabani vs Khadim Ceramics Ltd. and others. Mr. Kamal-ul Alam, Adv.-- For the Petitioner, Mr. Mizan Sayeed, Adv..--- For the Respondent Nos. 1-4 76 Company Matter 33/1999 Application under Section 43 of the Companies Act, 1994- National Credit and Commerce Bank Limited vs Eagle Star Textile Mills Limited and ors. Mr. A.S.M. Abdur Razzaq, Adv. --- For the Petitioner, Mr. Kamal-ul Alam, Adv.-- For the Respondents 77 Company Matter 40/2015 Application under Section 233 of the Companies Act, 1994-Foisal Ahmed vs Noor Holdings Ltd. and others. Ms. Sahanar Begum, Adv.--- For the Petitioner, Mr. Abdul Barik Chowhdury, Adv.--- For the Respondent Nos. 1, 2 Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 26 78 79 80 81 Company Matter 59/2007 Company Matter 36/2015 Company Matter 368/2014 Company Matter 148/2015 Application under Sections 81(2), 85(3) of the Companies Act, 1994- Kazi Anwarul Mamun vs Mr. A.K.M. Bari and others- Mr. Jashim Uddin Ahmed, Adv.-For the Petitioner, Mr. M.A. Sattar, Adv.--- For the Respondent Nos. 1 and 2 Application under Section 233 of the Companies Act, 1994-Md. Nasir Uddin Khan and others vs Dream Bangla Development Ltd. and others. Mr. Jashimuddin Ahmed, Adv.--- For the Petitioner Application under Section 241, 245 of the Companies Act, 1994-Jamanah Limited vs The Registrar of Joint Stock companies and Firms. Mr. Md. M. Yousuf Ali, Adv.-- For the Petitioner, Mr. Shah Md. Munir Sarif, Adv.-- For the Respondents Application under Sections 81(2), 85(3) of the Companies Act, 1994- Grameen Shamogree vs Grameen Shamogree Uttaranchal Limited and another. Mr. Kazi Ershadul Alam, Adv.-- For the Petitioner 111 82 Company Matter 149/2015 Application under Section 81(2) of the Companies Act, 1994Grameen Shamogree vs Grameen Shamogree Purbanchal Limited and another. Mr. Saqibuzzaman, Adv.-- For the Petitioner 83 Company Matter 203/2015 Application under Section 233 of the Companies Act, 1994-Mr. Syed Mohamad Nur Uddin vs Seacon Enterprise Limited, Mr. Sameer Sattar, Advocate-For the Petitioner 84 Company Matter 197/2008 Application under Section 241 of the Companies Act, 1994-Hotel International Ltd. vs I C B Islamic Bank Limited and others. Mr. Tanim Hossain Shawon, Adv.--- For the Petitioner, 85 Company Matter 229/2015 Application under Sections 81(2), 85(3) of the Companies Act, 1994- Md. Lokman Hossain Bhuiyan vs The Registrar of Joint Stock Companies and Firms (RJSC). Mr. Lokman Hossain Bhuiyan, Adv.--- For the Petitioner Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 26 86 87 Company Matter 205/2014 Company Matter 191/2008 Application under Section 43 of the Companies Act, 1994- Wajhi Ahmed vs G.A. Company Ltd. and ors. Mr. Md. Rakibul Hassan, Adv.-- For the Petitioner, Mr. Abu Kawsar, Adv.--- For the Respondents Application under Section 43 of the Companies Act, 1994- HRC Bangladesh Ltd. vs Brilliant Hera Limited and others. Mr. Nazmus Saliheen, Adv.--- For the Petitioner, Mr. Mustafizur Rahman Khan, Adv.--- For the Respondents 88 Company Matter 54/2015 Application under Section 241 of the Companies Act, 1994- Bangla Telecom Limited vs BESTEC Telecom Limited and others. Mr. Tanjib-ul Alam, Adv.--- For the Petitioner, Mr. Kamal ul Alam, Adv.-- For the Respondents 89 Company Matter 99/2014 Application under Section 241 of the Companies Act, 1994-Ring Tech Bangladesh Limited vs Telex Limited and another. Mr. Aneek R. Hoque, Adv.--- For the Petitioner, Mr. Kh. Reza-E Raqib, Adv.--- For the Respondents 112 90 Company Matter 100/2014 Application under Section 241 of the Companies Act, 1994- Ring Tech Bangladesh Limited vs Ratul Telecom Limited and another. Mr. Aneek R. Hoque, Adv. --- For the Petitioner 91 Arbitration Applicaion 14/2015 Application under Section 12 of the Arbitration Act- Joint Venture of Chaina Major Bridge Ltd. vs Chief Engineer, Road and Highway, Mr. M Qumrul Haque Siddique, Adv.--- For the Petitioner, Mr. S.M. Zahurul Islam, Adv.--- For the Respondents 92 Company Matter 21/2009 Application under Section 43 of the Companies Act, 1994- HRC Bangladesh Limited vs Brillaint Jewellery Ltd. Mr. Md. Mohiuddin Adv.--For the Petitioner, Mr. Mustafizur Rahman Khan, Adv.-- For the Respondent No. 2 93 Company Matter 81/2015 Application under Section 241 of the Companies Act, 1994- Naim Hassan vs Marketing Channel BD Limited. Mr. Md. Monzur Alam Khan, Adv.--- For the Petitioner Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 26 94 Company Matter 111/2015 Application under Section 233 of the Companies Act, 1994- Mir Motiur Rahman vs Precision Alloy Steel Castings Ltd. Mr. Md. Bakir Uddin Bhuiyan, Adv.--- For the Petitioner 95 Company Matter 104/2015 Application under Section 17(8) of the Banking Companies Act- Mr. M. Shahabuddin Alam vs Bangladesh Bank. Mr. Morshed Ahmed Khan, Adv.-- For the Petitioner, Mr. A.K.M. Badruddoza, Adv.-- For the Respondent No. 5 96 97 Company Matter 109/2015 Company Matter 107/2014 Application under Section 43 of the Companies Act, 1994- Md. Mostafizur Rhaman Khokan vs Bottoms Gallery Pvt. Ltd. Mr. Raghib Rauf Ch.--- For the Petitioner Application under Section 43 of the Companies Act, 1994- Nature Bac Ltd. and others vs S.K.M Jute Mills Ltd. and others. Mr. Junayed Ahmed Chowdhury, Adv.--For the petitioner, Mr. Mohasin Rashid, Adv-- For the Respondent No. 1 113 98 Company Matter 108/2014 Application under Section 43 of the Companies Act, 1994- Tiger Bac Ltd. and others vs S.K.M Jute Mills Ltd. and others. Mr. Junayed Ahmed Ch. -- For the Petitioner, Mr. Mohsin Rashid, Adv.-- For the Respondents 99 Company Matter 120/2015 Application under Section 241, 242 of the Companies Act, 1994- Gazi Networks Limited vs Vision Tel Limited and others. Mr. Aneek R. Hoque, Adv.--- For the Petitioner, Mr. Reza E Rakib, Adv.--- For the Respondents 100 Company Matter 119/2015 Application under Section 241, 242 of the Companies Act, 1994- Gazi Networks Limited vs Telex Limited and others. Mr. Aneek R. Hoque, Adv.--- For the Petitioner, Mr. Reza E Raquib--- For the Respondents 101 Company Matter 226/2014 Application under Section 43 of the Companies Act, 1994- K M Shahidul Alam and others vs Almas Jute Diversified Products Ltd. Mr. Jashiumuddin Ahmed, Adv.--- For the Petitioner, Mr. Delwar Hossasin Samaddar, Adv.--For the Respondents Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 26 102 Company Matter 277/2014 Application under Section 233 of the Companies Act, 1994-Mr. Mamun Aziz Sadi, vs The Registrar of Joint Stock companies and Firms, Mr. Syed Ridwan, Adv.-- For the Petitioner, Mr. A.M. Aminuddin, Adv.-- For the Respondents 103 Company Matter 307/2011 Application under Section 81(2). 85(3) and 233 of the Companies Act, 1994- Secretary Ministry of Industries vs The Bengal Glass Works Ltd. Mr. Murad Reza, Add. Attorney General--For the Petitioner, Mr. Md. Mohsen Rashid, Adv.-- For the Respondent No. 5 104 Company Matter 141/2009 Application under Section 43 of the Companies Act, 1994- M.A.H. Salim vs One Entertaimnent Ltd. and others. Mr. Shah Monjurul Hoque, Adv.--- For the Petitioner 114 105 Company Matter 275/2015 Heard-in-Part Application under Section 233 of the Companies Act, 1994- S.K. Amin Uddin and another vs Akij Biri Factory Limited and others, Mr. Rokanuddin Mahmud, Senior Advocate with Mr. Mustafizur Rahman Khan, Adv. ...for the Petitioner, Mr. Tanjib-ul Alam, Adv.-- For the Respondent No. 2 106 Company Matter 153/2014 Integrated Services Ltd. vs Apple Globaltel Communications Ltd. and another, Md. Mahfuzur Rahman, Advocate-For the Applicant, Mr. Syed Jawad Quader, Advocate--- For the Petitioner 107 Company Matter 4/2016 Application under Section 12 read with Section13 of the Companies Act, 1994- Hashem Agro Processing Limited vs The Registrar of Joint Stock companies and Firms, Mr. Md. Mizanur Rahman, Adv.--- For the Petitioner 108 Company Matter 5/2015 Application under Section 12 and 13 of the Companies Act, 1994- Sajeeb Homes Limited vs The Registrar of Joint Stock companies and Firms, Mr. Md. Mizanur Rahman, Adv.--- For the Petitioner Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 26 109 110 Company Matter 263/2011 Company Matter 186/2015 Application under Section 43 of the Companies Act, 1994- K M Habib Zaman vs Bangladesh Commerce Bank Ltd. Mr. Faisal Hasan Arif, Adv.--- For the Petitioner, Mr. Masood Ahmed Sayeed, Adv.--- For the Respondents 113 Company Matter 224/2015 Application under Section 43 of the Companies Act, 1994- Md. Mostafizur Rahman (Khokon) vs Bottoms Bazar (Pvt.) Ltd. and others, Mr. Ragib Rouf Ch.--- For the Petitioner 114 Company Matter 135/2011 Application under Section 81, 85 of the Companies Act, 1994-Tour Operators Association of Bangladesh vs The Rgistrar of Joint stock Companies and Firms and others. Mr. A.B.M. Waliur Rahman Khan, Adv.-- For the Petitioner Application under Section 43 of the Companies Act, 1994Shahnowazzaman Chowdhury vs Ali Agro Pvt. Ltd. and others.Mr. Jashimuddin Ahmed, Adv.--- For the Petitioner, Mr. Shajibur Rahman, Adv... For the Respondent No. 2 115 Company Matter 192/2015 Application under Section 43 of the Companies Act, 1994- Shibbir Ahmed vs Pritom Inn (Pvt.) Limited and others. Mr. A.K.M. Badruddoza Adv.-For the Petitioner, Mr. ABM Altaf Hossain, Adv.--- For the Respondent Nos. 1-4 116 Company Matter 202/2015 Application under Section 59, 60 of the Companies Act, 1994- S and F Consulting Firm Limited vs The Registrar, of Joint Stock Companies and Firms, Mr. M. Mosharrof Hossain Sikder, Adv.---- For the Petitioner 111 Company Matter 154/2015 Application under Section 433 of the Companies Act, 1994- Bashir Ahmed and another vs Bashir Ahmed Limited and others. Mr. Shamim Khaled Ahed, Adv.--- For the Petitioner, Mr. A.K.M. Badruddoza, Adv.--- For the Respondent No. 8 112 Company Matter 118/2015 Application under Section 241 of the Companies Act, 1994-Gazi Networks Limited vs Bestec Telecom Limited and others. Mr. Aneek R. Hoque, Adv.--- For the Petitioner 115 Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 26 117 Company Matter 200/2015 Application under Sections 59, 60 of the Companies Act, 1994- Synergy FinCap Solutions Ltd. vs The Registrar of Joint Stock Companies and Firms and another. Mr. Jashimuddin Ahmed, Adv. --- For the Petitioner 118 Arbitration Applicaion 13/2015 Application under Section 7 (Ka) of the Companies Act, 1994- Leviathan Global Corporation vs Bangladesh Export Processing Zone. Mr. Tanjibul Alam, Adv.--For the Petitioner 119 120 Company Matter 164/2010 Company Matter 228/2015 Application under Section 81(2), 85(3) of the Companies Act, 1994- Fartex Fashion Wear Ltd. vs Mrs. Amena Islam and others. Mr. Shah Md. Munir Sharif, Adv.--- For the Petitioner, Mr. Tanvir Parvez--- For the Respondent No. 4 Application under Section 81, 85 of the Companies Act, 1994- Jeba Ahmed Khan vs Mrs. Amena Islam and others. Mr. Mustafizur Rahman Khan, Adv.--- For the Petitioner, Mr. Morshed Ahmed Khan--- For the Respondents 116 121 Company Matter 190/2015 Application under Section 81(2), 85(3) of the Companies Act, 1994Chowdhury Mohammad Shahbuddin vs Cheveron Clinical Laboratory (Private) Limited and others. Mr. Ruhul Quddus, Adv.--- For the Petitioner, Mr. Md. Asaduzzaman, Adv.--For the Respondents. 122 Company Matter 33/2013 Application under Section 228, 229 of the Companies Act, 1994 Thats it Fashionjs Ltd vs The Registrar, Joint Stock companies and firm, Mr. Imtiaz Mahmood, Adv.--Petitioner 123 Company Matter 193/2015 Application under Section 81(2), 85(3) of the Companies Act, 1994- A.K.M. Azizur Rahman vs The Registrar of Joint Stock Companies and Firms. Mr. Ahsanul Karim, Adv.--- For the Petitioner 124 Company Matter 201/2015 Application under Section 59 60 of the Companies Act, 1994- Durand Mehedadur Rahamn n Sarkar vs Registrar of Joint Stock Companies and Firms and others. Mr. A.K.M. Badruddoza, Advocate--- For the Petitioner, Md. Arifur Rahman, Adv.--- For the Respondent No. 2 Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 26 125 Company Matter 249/2015 Application under Section 233 of the Companies Act, 1994-Mr. Abdus Salam and another vs United Trading Corporation. Mr. Kazi Kamrul Alam, Adv.--For the Petitioner 126 Company Matter 273/2014 Application under Section 233 of the Companies Act, 1994-Md. Saidul Islam Chowdhury Executive Director, A. A. Securitier Ltd. vs A. A. Securities Ltd. Mr. Md. Mizanur Rahman, Adv.-- For the Petitioner, Mr. Rakibul Hasan, Adv.-- For the Responddent No. 1-4 127 128 Company Matter 180/2010 Company Matter 252/2015 Application under Section 245 of the Companies Act, 1994-Mrs. Kamrun Nahar vs B.S. Communication Ltd. and others. Mr. Mohammad Hossain, Adv.--- For the Petitioner Application under Section 43 of the Companies Act, 1994- Mrs. Israt Sofi vs Noor Holding Ltd. Mr. A.K.M. Badruddoza, Adv.-For the Petitioner, Mr. Jakir Hossain, Adv.-- For the Respondents 117 129 Company Matter 250/2015 Application under Section 233 of the Companies Act, 1994- Md. Helal Uddin Ahmed vs Denim Art Ltd. Mr. Mohammod Hossain, Adv.--- For the Petitioner, Mr. Ramzan Ali Sikder, Adv.--- For the Respondents. 130 Company Matter 234/2015 Application under Section 81(2), 85(3) of the Companies Act, 1994--Syed Shamim Ahsan Habib vs Registrar Joint Stock Companies and Firms. Mr. Jashimuddin Ahmed, Adv.--- For the Petitioner 131 Company Matter 232/2015 Application under Section 233 of the Companies Act, 1994-Emdad Hossain Hiro vs Md. Masum Billah, Mr. Mirza Salauddin Ahmed, Adv.--- For the Petitioner 132 Company Matter 282/2015 Application under Section 241, 245 of the Companies Act, 1994- Hafez Agro Fishereis Ltd. vs The Registrar Joint Stock Companies and Firms, Mr. Mohammad Ali Zinnah--- For the Petitioner Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 26 133 Company Matter 259/2015 Application under Section 233 of the Companies Act, 1994-Md. Mahbubul Haque vs Thikana Enterprise Ltd. Mr. Baki Md. Murtoza, Adv.--- For the Petitioner 134 Company Matter 241/2013 Application under Section 241 of the Companies Act, 1994-Bangladesh Chemical Industries Corporation vs Eastern pulp and paper Mills Ltd. and others. Mr. Md. Abdus Samad, Adv.--For the Petitioner Company Matter 348/2014 Application under Section 43 of the Companies Act, 1994- Tajul Islam vs Diamond Chicks Ltd. Mr. Jashimuddin Ahmed,--- For the Petitioner, Mr. Ramzan Ali Sikder--For the Respondent No. 1-3 135 136 Company Matter 242/2014 Application under Section 241 of the Companies Act, 1994- Banglalink Digital Communications Ltd. vs Bestec Telecom Ltd. Mr. Md. Asaduzzaman, Adv.--For the Petitioner, Mr. Rezaul Hasan, Adv.-- For the Respondents 118 137 Company Matter 243/2014 Application under Section 241 of the Companies Act, 1994- Banglalink Digital Communications Ltd. vs Vision Tel Ltd. Mr. Md. Asaduzzaman, Adv.-- For the Petitioner 138 Company Matter 244/2014 Application under Section 241 of the Companies Act, 1994- Bangladesh Digital Communications Ltd. and another vs Telex Ltd. Mr. Md. Anisul Hassan, Adv.-- For the Petitioner 139 Company Matter 263/2014 Application under Section 241 of the Companies Act, 1994- Banglalink Digital Communications Ltd. vs Ratul Telecom Ltd. 140 Company Matter 264/2014 Application under Section 241 of the Companies Act, 1994- Banglalink Digital Communications Ltd. vs Internation Voice Tele Ltd. Mr. Asaduzzamn, Adv.--For the Petitioner 141 Company Matter 264/2015 Application under Section 233 of the Companies Act, 1994- Monjoor-EMating, vs Ellal Textile Ltd. Mr. Shah Monjurul Hoque, Adv.--- For the Petitioner Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 26 142 Company Matter 238/2015 Application under Section 241 of the Companies Act, 1994- Md. Anwar Hossain vs Fine Look Knitwear Ltd. Mr. Md. Sharifuddin, Adv.--For the Petitiioner 143 Company Matter 260/2015 Application under Section 228 of the Companies Act, 1994- Premier 1888 Ltd. vs Mitali Textile Industries Ltd. Mr. Mosharrof Hossain, Adv.--- For the Petitioner 144 145 Company Matter 191/2015 Company Matter 271/2015 Application under Section 59 and 60 of the Companies Act, 1994- Sath Properties Ltd. vs The Registrar of Joint Stock Companies and Firms. Ms. Nasima Akhter, Adv.--- For the Petitioner Application under Section 81(2) and 85(3) of the Companies Act, 1994- Md. Anamul Hoque vs Bagura Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Mr. Mir Md. Joynal Abedin,Adv.-- For the Petitioner 119 146 Company Matter 164/2013 Application under Section 245 of the Companies Act, 1994- Flugfelagid Atlanta Ehf vs GMG Airlnes Limited and others. Mr. M. Aminul Islam, Adv.--For the Petitioner. Mr. Shah Monjurul Hoque, Adv.--- For the Resp. No. 1 and 5 147 Company Matter 217/2015 Application under Section 81(2) of the Companies Act- ANM Jahangir Alam vs Bangladesh Industrial Finance Company Limited and othersMr. Abu Khaled AlMamun, Adv.---- For the Petitioner. 148 Company Matter 139/2011 Application under Section 43 of the Companies Act, 1994- Syed Khademul Kawnain vs The Registrar, Joint Stock Companies. Mr. A.K.M. Badridduza, Adv... For the Petitioner 149 Arbitration Applicaion 3/2014 Application under Section 42 and 43 of the Arbitraction ActSave The Children vs Padakhep Manabic Unnayan kendra, Mr. Tanjib-ul Alam, Adv.-- For the Petitioner Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 26 150 Company Matter 92/1999 Application under Section 241of the Companies Act, 1994- Md. Arifur Rahman vs Arise Distribution System Ltd.and others. Mr. Anjarul Hasan, Adv.---- For the Petitioner 154 Company Matter 206/2014 Application under Section 59 and 60 of the Companies Act, 1994- Makban Corporation Ltd. vs The Registrar of Joint Stock companies and Firms. Mr. Md. Billal Hossain, Adv.--- For the Petitioner 151 Company Matter 116/2006 Application under Section 233 of the Companies Act, 1994-Sultan Ahmed Sikder vs Marsu Limited and others. Mr. M.A. Samad, Adv.--- For the Petitioner, Mr. Kamal-ul Alam, Adv.-- For the Respondents 155 Company Matter 102/2015 Application under Section 85(3) of the Companies Act, 1994-Mahomed Mainuddin and another vs National Credit and Commerce Bank Ltd and others Mr. Mustafizur Rahman Khan, Adv.--- For the Petitioner 152 Company Matter 208/2009 Application under Section 241 of the Companies Act, 1994- Mr. Shamsul Haque and another vs Concept Housing Ltd and others. Mr. Jashimuddin Ahmed, Adv.--- For the Petitioner 156 Company Matter 101/2015 153 Company Matter 224/2013 Application under Section 43 of the Companies Act, 1994-Md. Delwar Khan vs The Registrar of Joint Stock Companies and Firms, and others. Mr. Md. Ruhul Quddus, Adv.--- For the Petitioner Application under Section 85(3) of the Companies Act, 1994-Khandkar Zakaria Mahmud and others vs National Credit and Commerce Bank Ltd and others. Mr. Mustafizur Rahman Khan, Adv.--- For the Petitioner 157 Company Matter 95/2015 Application under Section 85(3) of the Companies Act, 1994-Md. Harun Or Rashid vs The Registrar, Joint Stock Companies. Mr. Ahsanul Karim, Adv.--- For the Petitioner 120 Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 26 158 159 160 161 Company Matter 59/2012 Company Matter 263/2015 Company Matter 182/2015 Company Matter 126/2015 Application under Section 43 of the Companies Act, 1994-Abdur Rab Miah vs Akco Industries and Cold Storage Ltd. and others. Mr. Muhamad Shafiuddin Bhuiyan, Adv.--- For the Petitioner, Mr. Khalequzzaman Masud, Adv.-- for the Respondent No. 2, Mr. Moinuddin Farooqi, Adv.--- For the Respondent Nos. 6-9 Application under Section 12 and 13 of the Companies Act, 1994- Cetury Realty Limited vs The Registrar, Joint Stock Companies and Firms. Mr. Abdul Quddus, Adv.--- For the Petitioner Application under Section 151 of the Companies Act, 1994- Samuda SpechChem Limited vs The Registrar, Joint Stock Companies and Firms. Mr. A.H.M. Ziauddin Application under Section 12 and 13 of the Companies Act, 1994-Strong Steel Limited, vs The Registrar, Joint Stock Companies and Firms, Mr. Mahdin Chowdhury, Adv.--For the Petitioner 121 162 Company Matter 257/2015 Application under Section 12 and 13 of the Companies Act, 1994-Elit Security Services Ltd. vs Registrar Joint Stock Companies and Firms. Mr. Abu Hasnat Md. Mofijur Rahman, Adv.--- For the Petitioner 163 Company Matter 256/2015 Application under Section 12 and 13 of the Companies Act, 1994-Anan Chemical Ltd. vs Registrar Joint Stock Companies and Firms. Mr. Jashimuddin Ahmed, Adv.--- For the Petitioner 164 Company Matter 115/2015 Application under Section 12 and 13 of the Companies Act, 1994- Mr. Mehadi Hasan vs The Registrar of Joint Stock Companies and firms. Mr. Md. Monzur Alam Khan, Adv.--- For the Petitioner 165 Company Matter 138/2015 Application under Section 12 and 13 of the Companies Act, 1994-Doreen Power Generations and Systems Ltd. vs The Registrar of Joint Stock Companies and Firms and others. Mr. Jashimuddin Ahmed, Adv.--- For the Petitioner Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 26 166 Company Matter 283/2015 Application under Section 12 and 13 of the Companies Act, 1994- Khatib Abdul Zahid vs The Registrar of Joint Stock Companies and Firms. Mr. Anup Kumar Saha, Adv.-For the Petitioner 167 Company Matter 221/2015 Application under Section 12 and 13 of the Companies Act, 1994-Cut N Sew Limited vs The Registrar of Joint Stock Companies and Firms. Mr. Md. Monzur Alam Khan, Adv.--- For the Petitioner 168 169 Company Matter 173/2015 Company Matter 270/2015 Application under Section 12 and 13 of the Companies Act, 1994-CVO Petrochemical Refinery Limited vs The Registrar, Joint Stock Companies and firms. Mr. Md. Nurul Huda, Adv.--- For the Petitioner Application under Section 12 and 13 of the Companies Act, 1994-Bengal Flexipac Ltd. vs The Registrar of Joint Stock Companies and Firms. Mr. M. Sayed Ahmed , Adv.--- For the Petitioner 122 170 Company Matter 248/2015 Application under Section 12 and 13 of the Companies Act, 1994-Crystal Construction and Engineering Ltd. vs Registrar Joint Stock Companies and Firms. Mr. Shah Monjurul Hoque, Adv.--- For the Petitioner 171 Company Matter 219/2015 Application under Section 12 and 13 of the Companies Act, 1994-Bangladesh Commercial Corporation Ltd. vs The Registrar, Joint Stock Companies and Firms. Mr. Md. Mahfuzur Rahman, Adv.--- For the Petitioner 172 Company Matter 90/2015 Application under Section 12 and 13 of the Companies Act, 1994-Food Village LimitedFood Village Limited vs The Registrar, Joint Stock Companies and Firms. Mr. Mizanur Rahman, Adv.--- For the Petitioner 173 Company Matter 153/2015 Application under Section 12 and 13 of the Companies Act, 1994-Unilliance Textiles Limited, vs Registrar, Joint Stock Companies and Firms. Mr. Kamal Hossain Meahzi, Adv.-- For the Petitioner Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 26 174 Company Matter 281/2015 Application under Section 12 and 13 of the Companies Act, 1994- Khatib Abdul Azhid Mukul vs Registrar, Joint Stock Companies and Firms. Mr. Anup Kumar Saha, Ad.-For the Petitioner 175 Company Matter 255/2015 Application under Section 12 and 13 of the Companies Act, 1994-Drinan Aperals ltd. vs Registrar Joint Stock Companies and Firms. Mr. Jashimuddin Ahmed, Adv.--- For the Petitioner 176 177 Company Matter 73/2015 Company Matter 83/2015 Application under Section 12 and 13 of the Companies Act, 1994-Get Well Limited vs The Registrar, Joint Stock Companies and Firms. Ms. Sabikun Nahar, Adv.--- For the Petitioner Application under Section 12 and 13 of the Companies Act, 1994-Sabir Fertilizer vs The Registrar, Joint Stock Companies and Firms. Mr. Amon Ferdous, Adv.--- For the Petitioner 123 178 Company Matter 67/2015 Application under Section 12 and 13 of the Companies Act, 1994-Maj. Gen. Amjad Khan Chowdhury (Retd.), vs The Registrar, Joint Stock Companies and Firms. Mr. Md. Ruhul Quddus Kazal, Adv.--For the Petitioner 179 Company Matter 267/2015 Tex Zippers (BD) Ltd. vs The Registrar, Joint Stock Companies and Firms. Mr. Md. AKM Badrudduza, Adv.--For the Petitioner 180 Company Matter 47/2015 Application under Section 12 and 13 of the Companies Act, 1994-Hazrat Shahjalal (RA) Industrial City Ltd vs Registrar of Joint Stock Companies and Firms. Mr. Tanjib-ul Alam, Adv.--- For the Petitioner 181 Company Matter 294/2015 Application under Section 171(1)(c) of the Companies Act, 1994- Prime Bank Limited vs Regitrar Joint Stock Companies and Firms, Mr.Chowdhury Tanzim Karim, Advocate-For the Petitioner Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 26 182 Company Matter 293/2015 Application under Section 43 of the Companies Act, 1994-Mohammad Jashim Uddin vs N.A. Survey and Inspection Co. Ltd., Mr. Rakibul Hasan, Advocate-For the Petitioner 186 Company Matter 299/2015 Application under Section 12 and 13 of the Companies Act, 1994- Hosaf Internation Limited vs The Registrar of Joint Stock Companies and Firms. Mr. Jashimuddin Ahmed-- For the Petitioner 183 Company Matter 8/2016 Application under Section 12 and 13 of the Companies Act, 1994- Heritage Polymer and Lamitubes Ltd. vs The Registrar of Joint Stock companies and Firms, Mr. Syed Jawad Quader , Adv.-- For the Petitioner 187 Company Matter 11/2016 184 Company Matter 3/2016 Application under Section 233 of the Companies Act, 1994- Noble House Limited vs Oriental Oil Company Ltd. and others. Mr. Masood R. Sobhan, Adv with Ms. Fatema S. Chowdhury, Ad.--For the Petitioner Application under Section 81 and 85(3) of the Companies Act, 1994Mohammod Ali Kokon vs The Registrar of Joint Stock Companies and Firms. Mr. Jashimuddin Ahmed, Adv.-- For the Petitioner 188 Cancellation and Design 2/2015 Marico Limited and others vs Md. Habibur Rahman and others 189 Company Matter 50/2016 Application under Section 81(2) and 85(3) of the Companies Act, 1994- Md. Khorshedul Islam vs The Registrar of Joint Stock Companies and Firms. Mr. Sakib Rezwan Kabir, Adv.--For the Petitioner 190 Company Matter 15/2016 Appliction under Section 233 of the Companies Act, 1994- Md. Shafiur Rahman vs Address Development and Holding Ltd. Mr. Md. Ruhul Quddus, Adv.--- For the Petitioners 185 Company Matter 6/2016 Application under Section 12 and 13 of the Companies Act, 1994- Janata Agro Fisheries Livestock Dairy and Food Industries vs The Registrar of Joint Stock Companies and Firms. Mr. Md. Mahbubur Rahman, Adv.--- For the Petitioner 124 Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 26 191 Company Matter 26/2016 Application under Section 12 read with Section13 of the Companies Act, 1994-Topaz Garments Limited vs Regitrar Joint Stock Companies and Firms, Mr. Meah Mohd. Kausar Alam, Advocate---For the Petitioner 196 Company Matter 24/2016 Application under Section 12 read with Section13 of the Companies Act, 1994-HU Accessories Ltd. vs Regitrar Joint Stock Companies and Firms, Mr. Tanim Hussain Shawan, Advocate---For the Petitioner 192 Company Matter 20/2016 Application under Section 233 of the Companies Act, 1994- Syed Ataul Huq vs Sidlaw Textiles BD Limited , Mr. Md. Ashik Al Jalil, Adv.--For the Petitioner 197 Company Matter 28/2016 193 Company Matter 33/2016 Application under Section 241 of the Companies Act, 1994- Dr. Mustafa Malek Rumi vs Russell Lodge Holdings Ltd., Mr. A.M.Mahbub Uddin, Advocate---For the Petitioner Application under Section 12 and 13 of the Companies Act, 1994- Bijoy Int erchange Limited vs Regitrar Joint Stock Companies and Firms, Mr. Rakibul Hasan, Advocate--For the Petitioner 198 Company Matter 18/2016 Application under Section 151 of the Companies Act, 1994- TM Textiles and Garments Ltd. vs Regitrar Joint Stock Companies and Firms, Mr. Jashimuddin Ahmed, Advocate---For the Petitioner 199 Company Matter 40/2016 Application under Section 12 read with Section 13 of the Companies Act, 1994- Tamijuddin Textie Mills Ltd. vs Regitrar Joint Stock Companies and Firms, Mr. Md. Zafar Imam, Advocate--For the Petitioner 194 195 Arbitration Continental Applicaion Inspection Co. (BD) 8/2016 Ltd. with Arbitration vs Application No. 4 of Bangladesh Chemical 2015 Industries Corporation and others Company Matter 29/2016 Application under Section 12 read with Section13 of the Companies Act, 1994, Md. Liakat Ali Khan Mukul vs Regitrar Joint Stock Companies and Firms, Mr. Md. Fuwad-Al-Ebne Hossain, Advocate--For the Petitioner 125 Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 26 200 Company Matter 42/2016 Application under Section 12 read with Section 13 of the Companies Act, 1994- Concrete and Steel Technologies Ltd.ls Ltd. vs Regitrar Joint Stock Companies and Firms, Mr. Mahmud Al Fahadd, Advocate--For the Petitioner 204 Company Matter 44/2016 Application under Section 12 read with Section13 of the Companies Act, 1994-Biswas Builders Ltd. vs Regitrar Joint Stock Companies and Firms, Mr. B.M. Mamunur Rashid, Advocate---For the Petitioner 201 Company Matter 45/2016 Application under Section 12 read with Section 13 of the Companies Act, 1994- Irving Aviation Ltd. vs Regitrar Joint Stock Companies and Firms, Mr. Mahmud Al Fahadd, Advocate--For the Petitioner 205 Company Matter 41/2016 202 Company Matter 36/2016 Application under Section 12 read with Section13 of the Companies Act, 1994- Ashiyan Lands Development Ltd. vs Regitrar Joint Stock Companies and Firms, Mr. Golam Faruque, Advocate--For the Petitioner Application under Section 12 read with Section13 of the Companies Act, 1994- Alliance Holdings Limited vs Regitrar Joint Stock Companies and Firms, Mr. Monzur Alam Khan, Advocate---For the Petitioner 203 Company Matter 35/2016 Application under Section 59 read with Section 60 of the Companies Act, 1994-Shahpur Ceramics Ltd. vs Regitrar Joint Stock Companies and Firms, Mr. Shah Muhammad Ezaz Rahmanam, Advocate---For the Petitioner 126 Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 7 Supreme Court of Bangladesh High Court Division Justice Md. Miftah Uddin Choudhury and Justice A. N. M. Bashir Ullah Date : 02/05/2016 [Annex Building Court No. 7] 0 [ $ *P '( ; & , % /1 ) *P 2 - & ; % #2 2 +/ Q% F Writ Petition 2115/2015 Md. Iqbal yousuf vs The Sec. Min. of Land and others 2 Writ Petition 498/2015 Gaffar foods products ltd vs Customs, Excies 3 Writ Petition 7200/2015 (with) Jashim Uddin Gazi vs Commission of Custom dhaka and others Writ Petition 7201/2015 (with) 4 Jashim Uddin Gazi vs Commission of Custom dhaka and 02 others Writ Petition 7202/2015 (with) Jashim Uddin Gazi vs Commission of Custom dhaka and 02 others Writ Petition 7203/2015 (with) Jashim Uddin Gazi vs Commission of Custom dhaka and 02 others Writ Petition 7204/2015 (with) Jashim Uddin Gazi vs Commission of Custom dhaka and 02 others Writ Petition 7205/2015 (with) Jashim Uddin Gazi vs Commission of Custom dhaka and 02 others 5 127 = >% % $@ O As to be mentioned 1 , '( . 2? ; , '( . 2? ; < $ # . /0; ।] Writ Petition 7206/2015 Jashim Uddin Gazi vs Commission of Custom dhaka and 02 others Writ Petition 1505/2014 (with) Md. Shafiqul Azad vs The Commissioner of Customs and ors Writ Petition 1506/2014 (with) Md. Shafiqul Azad vs The Commissioner of Customs and ors Writ Petition 1507/2014 (with) Md. Shafiqul Azad vs The Commissioner of Customs and ors Writ Petition 1508/2014 (with) Md. Shafiqul Azad vs The Commissioner of Customs and ors Writ Petition 1509/2014 (with) Md. Shafiqul Azad vs The Commissioner of Customs and ors Writ Petition 1510/2014 (with) Md. Shafiqul Azad vs The Commissioner of Customs and ors Writ Petition 1511/2014 Md. Shafiqul Azad vs The Commissioner of Customs and ors Writ Petition 916/2014 (with) Md. Shahjahan vs Commissionar of Custom House Ctg. Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 7 6 7 Writ Petition 917/2014 Md. Shahjahan vs Commissionar of Custom House Ctg. Writ Petition 4011/2014 (with) Alim Khan vs The Commissioner of Customs and ors Writ Petition 4012/2014 Alim Khan vs The Commissioner of Customs and ors Writ Petition 679/2014 Md. Khorshed Alam vs Jadge, Artha Rin Adalat No. 1 and ors Writ Petition 5800/2012 (Heard in part) M.s Khawja Energy Company vs NBR Mr. Md. Mijanul Hoq Chowdhury, Advocate..For the petitioner. 13 Writ Petition 8740/2012 (Heard in part) United Melamine Industries (Pvt.) Limited vs Customs, Excise and VAT Mr. Hasan Mohammad Reyad, Advocate..For the petitioner. 14 Writ Petition 10545/2014 (with) United Edible Oils Limited vs The Deputy Commissioner of Taxes and others Mr. Ramzan Ali Sikder, Advocate..For the petitioner. Writ Petition 10546/2014 (Heard in part) United Edible Oils Limited. vs The Deputy Commissioner of Taxes and others Mr. Ramzan Ali Sikder, Advocate..For the petitioner. 15 Writ Petition 2962/2016 Tashin Tabassum vs Chairman, NBR and others Mr. Md. Jahangir Zomadder, Advocate.. For the petitioner. 16 Writ Petition 1869/2016 Tahsin Tabassum vs Chairman, NBR and others Mr. Md. Jahangir Zomadder, Advocate..For the petitioner. For Judgment 8 Writ Petition 4715/2015 Prince Food products ltd. vs Commissioner of Customs Exciese 9 Writ Petition 4821/2015 M/S. Paradise Food Products vs Commissioner of Customs, excise 10 Writ Petition 4078/2013 M/s perfect Tobacco company. vs Commissioner of customs, customs house jessore and ors 11 Writ Petition 1649/2012 M/S.Perfect Tobacco Company Limited vs Commissioner, Custom, Excise and VAT Commissionerate and others Motion For Hearing 12 Writ Petition 5799/2012 (Heard in part) (with) M/S. Khawja Energy Company vs NBR Mr. Md. Mijanul Hoq Chowdhury, Advocate..For the petitioner. 128 Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 7 17 18 19 20 21 22 Writ Petition 11231/2015 Writ Petition 3745/2003 Writ Petition 6409/2014 Writ Petition 1261/2015 Writ Petition 6405/2014 Writ Petition 7980/2009 Diverse Trade International vs The Commissioner of Customs, Mongla and 02 Others Mr. Md. Jahangir Zomadder, Advocate..For the petitioner. Nasir Tobaco Industries Ltd. vs Custom Excise and Vat Mr. Tanjib-Ul-Alam, Advocate..For the petitioner. Clasic Trade International vs Commissioner of customs Mr. Md. Zahangir Zomadder, Advocate..For the petitioner. United Minaral water and Pet Industries Limited vs The Sec. Min. of Finance and 04 ors Mr. Ramzan Ali Sikder, Advocate..For the petitioner. Clasic Trade International vs Commissioner of Customs Mr. Md. Zahangir Zomadder, Advocate..For the petitioner. M/s. I. I. Tube Mills Ltd. vs N.B.R Mr. Md. Sadullah, Advocate..For the petitioner. 129 23 Writ Petition 5263/2009 I. I. Tube Mills Ltd. vs N.B.R Mr. Md. Sadullah, Advocate..For the petitioner. 24 Writ Petition 1786/2015 Mohammad.Parvej uddin vs Chairman, NBR and 2 ors Mr. Mohammad Ali Khan, Advocate..For the petitioner. 25 Writ Petition 1787/2015 Mohammad.Parvej uddin vs Chairman, NBR and 2 ors Mr. Mohammad Ali Khan, Advocate..For the petitioner. 26 Writ Petition 5966/2003 Appolo Ispath Complex Limited vs N.B.R. and others Mr. Ramzan Ali Sikder, Advocate..For the petitioner. 27 Writ Petition 12911/2015 Md. Hasanur Rashid vs Bangladesh, Reprisented by the Sec Min of Finance and others Mr. Md. Bahadur Shah, Advocate..For the petitioner 28 Writ Petition 1243/2016 Abdul Momen ltd vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Finance and others Mr. Abdus Samad Azad, Advocate..For the petitioner. Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 7 29 Writ Petition 1018/2013 Nitol Motors Ltd. vs The commissioner of Customs, Excise and VAT and ors Mr. Abu Khaled Al Mamun, Advocate..For the petitioner. 30 Writ Petition 13041/2012 Samuda chemical complex vs Commissioner of customs, excise and vat and ors Mr. A.H.M. Ziauddin, Advocate..For the petitioner. 31 Writ Petition 5865/2014 Golam Mostafa vs The Commissioner of Taxes, Dhaka and others Mr. A.K.M. Mamun, Advocate..For the petitioner. 32 Writ Petition 10171/2015 A.K.M Rowshan Alam vs The Sec. Min. of Finance and 03 others Mr. Tanvir Parvez, Advocate..For the petitioner. Writ Petition 105/2014 (with) Mrs. Begum Sufia Cooper vs Customs, Excise and VAT, Appellate Tribunal, Dhaka and others Mr. A.B.M. Hamidul Misbah, Advocate..For the petitioner. Writ Petition 106/2014 (with) John Anisul Bahar Cooper vs Custom, Excise and Vat. and ors Mr. ABM Hamidul Misbah, Advocate..For the petitioner. 33 130 Writ Petition 3455/2015 Mrs. Begum Sufia vs Commissioner of Customs Excise and vat Dhaka and others Mr. ABM Hamidul Misbah, Advocate..For the petitioner. 34 Writ Petition 4656/2004 Md. Hasanuzzaman Hasan vs Government of Bangladesh Mr. Shathika Hossain, Advocate..For the petitioner. 35 Writ Petition 2367/2015 Gold Vision Industries Limited vs Government of Bangladesh and otehrs Mr. Md. Zakaria Sarker, Advocate..For the petitioner. 36 Writ Petition 5445/2015 RAK Ceramics (Bangladesh) Limited. vs National Board of Revenue and others Mr. Margub Kabir, Advocate..For the petitioner. 37 Writ Petition 9477/2008 Rangpur Foundry Ltd. Rangpur vs President Customs Excise and VAT Dhaka and ors Mr. M.A. Hannan, Advocate..For the petitioner. 38 Writ Petition 12238/2006 Akiz Biri Factory Ltd. Dhaka vs NBR and ors Mr. Khairul Alam Chowdhury, Advocate..For the petitioner. Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 7 39 Writ Petition 8121/2015 Zamir Uddin Ahmed Chowdhury vs Government of Bangladesh and others Mr. A.K.M. Shafiqul Alam, Advocate..For the petitioner. 40 Writ Petition 7884/2013 M/S. Moon International vs Commissioner of Customs and others Mr. Syed Quamrul Islam, Advocate..For the petitioner. 41 Writ Petition 11297/2014 Writ Petition 3969/2005 Dhaka Ice Cream Industries Limited. vs Government of Bangladesh and others Mr. Sayed Qamrul Hossain, Advocate..for the petitioner. 46 Writ Petition 6349/2015 Md. Mamunur Rashid vs Chairman, NBR and 04 ors 47 Writ Petition 7014/2015 (with) Ali Hospital Ltd and another vs Commissioner of Customs house, dhaka and others Mr. M.A. Hannan, Advocate..For the petitioner. Writ Petition 8729/2015 Ali Hospital Ltd vs Commissioner of Customs Dhaka and others Mr. M.A. Hannan, Advocate..For the petitioner. 48 Writ Petition 3169/2014 Masud Packaging Industries Ltd. vs Commissioner of Custom Mr. Md. Ashiqur Rahman, Advocate..For the petitioner. 49 Writ Petition 28/2016 Provita Feed Ltd vs Chairman, NBR and others Mr. Mosharaf Hossain, Advocate..For the petitioner. Al Karim Paints and Chemical vs National Board of Revenue Mr. A.Z.M. Fariduzzaman, Advocate...For the petitioner 42 Writ Petition 5660/2014 Peninsula Steel Mills Ltd. vs National Board of Revenu 43 Writ Petition 7815/2007 BD Foods Ltd, Dhaka vs Chairman, NBR and ors Mr. Ehsan A. Siddiq, Advocate..For the petitioner. Writ Petition 13246/2015 World University of Bangladesh vs The Sec. Min. of Finance and 02 others Mr. Jahangir Zommader, Advocate..For the petitioner 44 45 131 Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 7 50 Writ Petition 27/2016 Provita Feed Ltd vs Chairman, NBR and others Mr. Mosharaf Hossain, Advocate..For the petitioner. 56 Writ Petition 6309/2012 Rainbo International Ltd. vs National Board of Revenue and otherrs Mr. Md. Faridul Islam, Advocate..For the petitioner. 51 Writ Petition 3753/2015 Shahnaz Filling Station and Service centre Ltd vs Commission of Customs, Chittagong and others Mr. Md. Amzad Hossain, Advocate..For the petitioner. 57 Writ Petition 3067/2012 Md. Lutfuzzaman Babor vs Chairman, NBR Dhaka and ors Mr. Aminul Hoque, Advocate..For the petitioner. 58 Writ Petition 2525/2012 M. I. Cement Factory Ltd. vs Commissioner of Customs Mr. Hasan Mohammad Reyad, Advocate..For the petitioner. 59 Writ Petition 3024/2014 Tampaco Foils Ltd. vs The Commissioner of Customs and ors Mr. M. Ataul Gani, Advocate..For the petitioner. 60 Writ Petition 739/2002 Robin Printing and Packages Limited. vs National Board of Revenue, Dhaka and others Mr. Md. Afzal H. Khan, Advocate..For the petitioner. 61 Writ Petition 6912/2013 Plastic Sign Pvt. ltd. vs Commissioner of customs, customs house, Dhaka and ors Mr. Md. Abdus Salam, Advocate..For the petitioner. 52 53 54 55 Writ Petition 25/2016 Writ Petition 6259/2013 Writ Petition 13185/2015 Writ Petition 6368/2014 Papella Ltd vs Chairman, NBR and others Mr. Mosharaf Hossain, Advocate..For the petitioner. Golden Son Limited vs Government of Bangladesh and others Ms. Afroza Nazneen Akhter, Advocate..For the petitioner. Bellogio Ltd vs Commissioner of Customs, Khulna and others Mr. Ramzan Ali Sidker, Advocate..For the petitioner. Abdul Momen ltd vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Finance and others Mr. Md. Faridul Islam, Advocate..For the petitioner. 132 Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 7 62 Writ Petition 3351/2016 Anwar Ispat Limited. vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Finance and 04 others 133 Date : 02/05/2016 Main Building Court No. 15 Supreme Court of Bangladesh High Court Division Justice A. K. M. Asaduzzaman and Justice Md. Ataur Rahman Khan Date : 02/05/2016 [Main Building Court No. 15] : [ 2 %K 2? ; C % 8 #/ E 1 @ O # . /0 ; AB . $ 2 +/ #/ = >% C * AB . C % 8 #/ # . /0 $ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Criminal Misc 2993/2016 Md. Abu Bakkar Siddique Hawladar vs The State #/ $ %K 2? ; C 2 # . /0 # . /0 ; AB . ; AB . '( . 2? ; < $ # . /0 @ O As to be mentioned 1 ; AB . 2 AB . ।] 12 Criminal Misc 36947/2015 Md. Hasan vs The State 13 Criminal Misc 8028/2013 Md. Ajaheruddin vs The State 14 Criminal Misc 41002/2012 Md.Joynal Abedin and others vs The state Criminal Misc 39359/2015 Tania Akter vs The State Criminal Appeal 2726/2013 Rasel Islam @ Dablu vs The State 15 Md. Khaled Saifulla vs State Criminal Misc 38539/2015 Sadekur Rahamn vs The state 16 Md. Zahid Hassan vs The State Criminal Revision 856/2013 Md. Azam vs The State 17 Md.Fazlul Haq vs The state Criminal Misc 51367/2014 Habibur Rahman vs The State 18 Md. Sahid Hasam vs The state. Criminal Misc 11951/2014 Md. Ahad Ali vs The State 19 Masud Rana vs The State Criminal Misc 4020/2014 Salim vs The State 20 Criminal Misc 45589/2015 Md. Saiful Islam vs The State Criminal Appeal 28992/2015 Criminal Misc 24911/2013 Criminal Misc 13882/2012 Criminal Appeal 15861/2014 Criminal Revision 1741/2015 Criminal Misc 2535/2015 Md. Dulal Bhuiyan vs The State 10 Criminal Misc 41077/2012 Rahim@ Md.Rahim @ Abdur Rahim vs The state 11 Criminal Misc 31448/2015 Khalek vs The state. & 21 Criminal Rule(Con A) The state represents 173/2008 by the Solicitior, Govt of the Peopole Republic of Bangladesh vs Md. Shah Aloam Howlader. 134 Date : 02/05/2016 Main Building Court No. 15 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Criminal Appeal 7956/2012 Criminal Appeal 8225/2015 Criminal Misc 31013/2015 Criminal Misc 47698/2012 Md.Shahidul Islam Shohag vs The State Md. Sohel Sarker and others vs The State Md. Rasel vs The State Md.Shahidur Rahman vs The state 37 Criminal Misc 38600/2014 Md. Kibria vs The State 38 Criminal Misc 38189/2015 Bilku Howlader vs The State 39 Criminal Misc 38778/2014 Md. Sohel Ahammad Iddris vs The State 40 Criminal Misc 26183/2014 MATS Textile vs The State 41 Criminal Misc 221/2016 Md. Robiul vs The state Criminal Misc 50306/2014 Md. Rubel Rana vs The State 42 Criminal Misc 10881/2015 Criminal Misc 313/2015 Md. Adil Bhuiyan vs The State Md. Babul Sheikh vs The State 43 Criminal Misc 47261/2015 Criminal Misc 1179/2016 Kamrul Alam Kabeer vs The State Bhuiyan Sohel vs the state 44 Criminal Misc 39363/2015 Criminal Misc 1394/2013 Askir and others vs The state Md. Habibru Rahman and others vs The State 45 Shahnur Begum vs The State Criminal Misc 4472/2015 Liton vs The State 46 Mafij vs The state Criminal Misc 30746/2015 Maksuda vs The State 47 Criminal Misc 28310/2014 Major Jomsed Hasan vs Akter Jaman 48 Criminal Misc 28311/2014 Mejor Jomshed vs The State Criminal Misc 47457/2015 Criminal Misc 44512/2015 Criminal Appeal 3395/2011 Md. Bashir @ Md.Bashir Miah vs The State Criminal Misc 3282/2015 Md. Shafique Miah vs The State 49 Criminal Misc 46873/2013 Criminal Misc 51414/2015 Mazaharul Huq Bhuiyan vs The State Jahirul Haque vs The State 50 Criminal Misc 46541/2015 Md. Karim vs The State Criminal Appeal 6246/2015 A.Gaffar Mia vs The state Criminal Appeal 3526/2009 Motion Application 51 Md. Javed vs The State 135 In re Dhaka Abdus Samad vs Date : 02/05/2016 Main Building Court No. 15 52 In re Rangpur Mamunur Rahman vs 63 Criminal Misc 26374/2014 Nurul Afsar vs The State 53 Criminal Misc 50789/2014 Md. Jaynal vs The State 64 Criminal Misc 6617/2013 Md.Nowsher Khan vs The state 54 Criminal Misc 19538/2015 Badsha vs The state 65 Criminal Misc 26071/2014 Omar vs The State 55 Criminal Misc 12755/2016 Md. Kamal Hossain vs The state 66 Criminal Misc 27071/2014 Karim vs The State 56 Criminal Misc 18838/2014 Sayed Sagar vs The State 67 Criminal Misc 27098/2014 Khandaker Hedaitul Islam vs The State Lion Md. Mujibur Rahman vs The State 68 Criminal Misc 27087/2014 Intakabul Alam vs The State 69 Criminal Misc 18774/2014 Anowar Kamal vs The State 70 In re Chittagong Mohammad Jashim Uddin and othrs vs The State. 71 Criminal Misc 3272/2010 H. M. Papon vs The State, Mr. Md. Khalilur Rahman , Adv, Mr. T.M. Shakir Hasan, Adv, For the o.p. Mr. Ziaur Rahman, Adv. For the ptr. 72 Criminal Misc 51528/2015 Aftab Uddin and others vs The State 73 Criminal Misc 22076/2015 Md. Obayed Hossain vs The State 74 Criminal Misc 3496/2012 Tofayel Ahmed @ Sohel vs The State 75 Criminal Misc 1960/2016 Mohammad Zasim Uddin vs The State For Hearing 57 Criminal Revision 424/2016 (with) Criminal Revision 425/2016 (with) Lion Md. Mujibur Rahman vs The State Criminal Revision 2190/2015 Lion Md. Muzibur Rahman vs The Stae 58 Criminal Misc 41403/2014 Md. Sarowar Hossain vs The State, Mr. Md. Moddasir Hossain, for the ptr 59 Criminal Appeal 5992/2011 Md. Abu Sufiyan vs The State 60 61 62 Criminal Misc 35363/2015 Criminal Misc 17478/2014 Criminal Misc 26367/2014 Shahidul Islam vs The State, Mr. Md. Nazmul Huda, Adv. Mr. Mizanur rahman Khan, Adv. For the ptr. Md. Mahabubur Rahman Molla vs The State Nurul Afsar vs The State 136 Date : 02/05/2016 Main Building Court No. 15 76 Criminal Misc 33131/2012 Md.Mokhlesur Rahman vs The state 90 Criminal Misc 18278/2014 adjourned til 21.04.2016 Ali Ahmed Khan vs The State 77 Criminal Misc 18157/2014 adjourned til 21.04.2016 Ali Ahmed vs The state and others 91 Criminal Misc 18158/2014 adjourned til 21.04.2016 Ali Ahmed Khan vs The state 78 Criminal Revision 968/2013 Md. Joynal Abedin vs The State 92 Criminal Misc 608/2014 79 Criminal Misc 12942/2013 Md.Abul Monsur Bablu vs the state Mr. Md. Oliar Rahman vs The State 93 Criminal Misc 21091/2010 Md. Rafikul Islam vs The State 80 Criminal Misc 26519/2014 Md. Ismile Hossian vs The State 94 Criminal Misc 17630/2014 Golam Faruk vs The State 81 Criminal Misc 13843/2008 Ayub Ali vs The State 95 Criminal Misc 19773/2014 Mohammad Elias vs The State 82 Criminal Misc 49733/2012 Hafizur Rahman vs The state 96 Criminal Misc 14529/2008 B.M Steel ltd vs The state 83 Criminal Misc 33008/2015 Md. Siddiqur Rahman vs The State 97 Criminal Misc 14522/2008 B.M.Steel Ltd vs State 98 Criminal Misc 28197/2013 Alhaj Harun-OrRashid vs The State 99 Criminal Misc 81/2016 Mst. Maksuda Sultana vs The State 100 Criminal Misc 82/2016 Md. Anamul vs The State 101 Criminal Misc 25276/2010 Jillur Rahman vs The state 102 Criminal Misc 18386/2014 Shohrab vs The State 103 Criminal Misc 18387/2014 S.M. Sohrab Hossain vs The State 104 Criminal Misc 18388/2014 S.M. Sohrab Hossain vs The State 84 Criminal Misc 45637/2012 Md.Abdus Sattar Bepari and others vs the state 85 Criminal Misc 27032/2012 Sammar Ali vs The state 86 Criminal Misc 47696/2015 Adjourned till 05.05.2016 Md. Akbor vs The State Criminal Misc 23650/2014 Md. Mansur Ahmed Khan Jinnah vs The State 87 88 89 Criminal Misc 24815/2010 Iqbal Hasan Majumder vs State Criminal Misc 18277/2014 adjourned til 21.04.2016 Ali Ahmed Khan vs The state and others 137 Date : 02/05/2016 Main Building Court No. 15 105 Criminal Misc 18389/2014 S.M. Shohrab vs The State 120 Criminal Misc 26371/2014 Md. Nurul Absar vs The State 106 Criminal Misc 22820/2015 Md. Ali vs The State, 121 Criminal Misc 26372/2014 Md. Nurul Absar vs The State 107 Criminal Misc 18390/2014 S.M Sohrab Hossain vs The State 122 Criminal Misc 26375/2014 Md. Nurul Absar vs The State 108 Criminal Misc 18166/2014 S.M. Sohrab Hossain vs The State 123 Criminal Misc 50687/2015 Anowara Yasmin vs The State 109 Criminal Misc 7892/2014 Md. Nuruzzaman vs The State 124 Criminal Misc 1313/2016 Shajahan vs The State 110 Criminal Revision 1702/2008 Haronour roshed vs The state 125 Criminal Revision 265/2016 Asif Iqbal vs The state 111 Criminal Misc 51372/2015 Probhash Chandra Dey vs The State 126 Criminal Revision 253/2014 Md. Ataur Rahman Sumon vs The State 112 Criminal Misc 7318/2014 Md. Ataur Rahman Paikar vs The State 127 Criminal Misc 1830/2016 Md. Masudur Rahman vs The State 113 Criminal Revision 554/2013 Mahbubur Rahman Khan vs The State 128 Criminal Misc 24561/2011 Md.Shafiqul Islam vs The State 129 Criminal Misc 20509/2012 Md. Giasuddin vs The state 130 Criminal Misc 20512/2012 Md. Giasuddin vs The state 131 Criminal Misc 20515/2012 Md. Giasuddin vs The state 114 115 Criminal Revision 552/2013 Mahbubur Rahman Khan vs The State Criminal Revision 555/2013 Mahbubur Rahman Khan vs The State 116 Criminal Misc 30045/2013 Abu Sayeed vs The State 132 Criminal Misc 20517/2012 Md. Giasuddin vs The state 117 Criminal Misc 26368/2014 Md. Nurul Absar vs The State 133 Criminal Misc 20518/2012 Md. Giasuddin vs The state 118 Criminal Misc 26369/2014 Md. Nurul Absar vs The State 134 Criminal Misc 2999/2015 Sah Alam vs The State 119 Criminal Misc 26370/2014 Md. Nurul Absar vs The State 135 Criminal Misc 23430/2015 Kamrul Islam vs The State 138 Date : 02/05/2016 Main Building Court No. 15 136 Criminal Appeal 7444/2014 Iman Ali Khan vs The State 152 Criminal Misc 18372/2015 Major Jomsed Hasan vs Akter Jaman Sheikh Md. Jalal Ahmed vs The State 137 Criminal Misc 28310/2014 153 Criminal Appeal 138/2015 Criminal Misc 28311/2014 Mejor Jomshed vs The State Belal Hossain vs The State 154 Criminal Revision 40/2013 Criminal Appeal 5186/2013 Md.Sabuj Miah vs The State Molla Nazrul Islam vs The State 155 Criminal Misc 51479/2015 Criminal Misc 15021/2015 Md. Jakaria vs The State Moktar and others vs The State 156 Criminal Misc 32436/2015 Criminal Misc 51839/2015 Md. Anwar vs The State Abdus salam vs The State 157 Criminal Misc 33308/2015 Criminal Misc 3787/2015 Najim Uddin vs The State Md. Abdul Barek vs The State 158 Criminal Misc 36646/2015 Criminal Misc 22380/2015 Kawser Ahmed vs The state .Ershad Ali vs The State 159 Criminal Misc 12663/2013 Criminal Misc 4446/2015 Md. Sayfal Ali vs The State A. B. Bank Limited vs The State 160 Criminal Misc 4187/2015 Criminal Misc 4445/2015 Most. Anowara Begum vs The State Abdul Hannan Sheikh vs The State 161 Criminal Appeal 2759/2015 Md.Kalo Miah vs The state. 146 Criminal Misc 2429/2016 Saymon vs The State 162 Criminal Revision 523/2014 Haji Md. Selim Ullah vs The State 147 Criminal Misc 2577/2016 Mrs.Rashida khatun vs The State 148 Criminal Misc 20510/2012 Nur Ahmad vs The State 149 Criminal Misc 31261/2010 Criminal Misc 20860/2015 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 150 151 Criminal Misc 41161/2014 163 Criminal Rule(Con A) 387/2015 Md.A.Mannan vs The State 164 Criminal Misc 50405/2015 Md. Bodrul Huda vs A.K.M. Shahidul Islam vs The State 165 Criminal Misc 49055/2015 Md. Mithun Sheikh vs The State A.K.M. Shahidul Islam vs The State 166 Md. Mostofa vs The State Criminal Misc 49622/2015 Md.Mitu and others vs The State 167 Criminal Misc 1466/2016 Md.Saiful Islam vs The State 139 Date : 02/05/2016 Main Building Court No. 15 168 169 170 171 172 Criminal Misc 150/2016 Criminal Misc 35663/2015 Criminal Misc 21280/2015 Criminal Misc 757/2016 Nasir alias Bulet Nasir vs The State Earshad Ali vs The State Hasina khatun vs The State 183 Criminal Misc 51663/2015 Md. Dablu vs The State 184 Criminal Misc 21942/2013 Mohiuddin vs The State 185 Criminal Misc 51400/2015 Dostr Mohmmad vs The State 186 Criminal Rule(Con A) 90/2016 Alhaj Mohamamd Humayun Kabir vs The State Tipu vs The State 187 Criminal Misc 45322/2012 Md.Anowarul Islam vs the state 188 Criminal Misc 51478/2015 Jubayer Ahmed vs The state Criminal Misc 756/2016 Alhaj Mohamamd Humayun Kabir vs The State 173 Criminal Misc 50680/2015 Md. Mokhter vs The State 189 Criminal Revision 481/2016 Hazi Hamid Hossain vs The state 174 Criminal Misc 36564/2014 aluddin vs The State 190 Criminal Misc 12559/2011 Md.Sohel Miah vs The State 175 Criminal Misc 36565/2014 aluddin vs The State 191 Criminal Misc 12508/2011 Anwar Talukder vs The state 176 Criminal Misc 36568/2014 Kawsar Kamal vs The State 192 Criminal Misc 387/2011 Md. Saiful Islam Miah vs The State 177 Criminal Misc 36571/2014 Mr. Kawser Kamal vs The State 193 Criminal Misc 390/2011 Mohammad Ali vs The State 178 Criminal Misc 36566/2014 aluddin vs The State 194 Criminal Appeal 6245/2014 Md.Mohibul vs The State 179 Criminal Misc 36569/2014 Mr. Kawser Kamal vs The State 195 Criminal Misc 20511/2012 Md. Giasuddin vs The state 180 Criminal Misc 36570/2014 Mr. Kawser Kamal vs The State 196 Criminal Misc 29162/2012 Sanu miah vs The state 181 Criminal Misc 38604/2014 Md. Afzal vs The State 197 Criminal Misc 8833/2012 182 Criminal Misc 102/2016 Md. Mobarak Hossain vs The State Md.Anamul Hoque alias Petkata Anam vs The state 198 Criminal Misc 12541/2012 Abdul Jalil alias Jalil vs The state 140 Date : 02/05/2016 Main Building Court No. 15 199 Criminal Misc 20505/2012 Md. Giasuddin vs The state 213 Criminal Appeal 3520/2008 Md. Giasuddin vs The state Juwel Shakh and another vs The State 200 Criminal Misc 20513/2012 214 Criminal Misc 16719/2012 Criminal Revision 2108/2015 Md.Mokhtar vs The State Md.Bodrul Islam vs the state 215 Criminal Misc 16325/2012 Criminal Misc 20507/2012 Md. Giasuddin vs The state Md.Khalilur Rahman vs The state 216 Criminal Misc 4775/2014 203 Criminal Misc 37116/2014 Md. Moniruzzaman Khan vs The State Md. Beltu Munshi vs The State 204 Criminal Appeal 3132/2015 Md.Monir Hossainh and ors vs The state and others. 205 Criminal Misc 12476/2015 Md. Solaiman Shikder vs The State 206 Criminal Appeal 7073/2015 Md.Jahangir alom and ors vs The state 207 Criminal Misc 29991/2015 KamrulIslam vs The State 208 Criminal Misc 36163/2011 Pervage vs The state 209 Criminal Misc 35965/2011 Dr.Md.Abul Kalam Azad alias Md.Abul Kalam vs 210 Criminal Misc 36051/2011 Mir Md.Solaiman Uddin vs The state 211 Criminal Misc 36165/2011 Masud Rana vs The state 212 In re Khulna Nazrul Islam vs The State 201 202 141 Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 33 Supreme Court of Bangladesh High Court Division Justice Md. Ashfaqul Islam and Justice Zafar Ahmed Date : 02/05/2016 [Annex Building Court No. 33] [ , ) * $+ ,& - #. % , '( . 2? ; < $ # . /0 @ O '( . '( , , */0; %% - ; % 11 Writ Petition 7427/2012 (Heard in part) Arup Kanthi Roy vs Sec.min. of Religious and ors Mr. M. Nazrul Islam Khandaker 12 Writ Petition 2826/2015 (with) palli bidyut sramik Karmachari union vs The Sec. Min. of Law, Justice and Parlamentary Affairs and 03 others Writ Petition 8919/2015 Narshinghindi Palli Bidyut Samity vs 2nd Labour Court, Dhaka and 02 others Writ Petition 208/2011 (Heard in part) (with)(02.05.2016) Joystana Begum, 62/1 Wari Dhaka vs Judge Dhaka mohanagar land survey Tribunal Dhaka and ors Writ Petition 2792/2011 (with) Syed Abu Ali, Wari, Dhaka and 4 ors vs Judge Joint Dist. Judge land survey Tribunal Dhaka and ors Writ Petition 2793/2011 Syed Abu Ali, Dhaka vs Judge Joint Dist. Judge land survey Tribunal Dhaka and ors 14 Writ Petition 1352/2016 Shamsul Haque Qureshi vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Home Affairs and 05 others 15 Writ Petition 11248/2012 Agrani Bank ltd. vs Bangladesh and ors. 16 Writ Petition 8488/2014 Md. Ariful Islam and 10 ors vs The Sec. Min. of Education and ors 17 Writ Petition 10133/2014 Md. Khalilur Rahman chowdhury vs Chariman RAJUK and 8 ors For Judgment 1 Writ Petition 1565/2011 Md. Mofizul Islam vs govt of bangladesh and others 2 Writ Petition 3695/2009 Md. Hatem Ai, Dhaka vs Bangladesh and ors For Hearing Writ Petition 1046/2016 (Heard in part) (with) A.K.M Zahir Uddin Babar vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Home Affairs and 05 others Writ Petition 7710/2006 Tamim Iqbal vs Govt. of Bangladesh and others Writ Petition 1028/2016 (Heard in part) Md. Zahurul Haque Momin vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Home Affairs and 02 others Writ Petition 2469/2014 (Heard in part) Rahima khatun vs govt of bangladesh and others 6 Writ Petition 6672/2015 (Heard in part) (08.05.2016) Prime bank ltd vs judge arthrin adalat no 02, dhaka and 01 ors 7 Writ Petition 2895/2014 (Heard in part) Hasan Imam vs Bangladesh and ors. 8 Writ Petition 8104/2010 (Heard in part) Md. Hanif son of Abdul Hossain, Barisal vs Sec.min. of Education and ors 9 Writ Petition 7611/2013 (Heard in part) md. Shekab ullah vs Sec.min. of LGRD and ors 10 Writ Petition 8837/2014 (Heard in part) (with) Bahauddin vs Artha Rin Adalat Writ Petition 10674/2014 Khan md. Rezaul alam vs Sec min of Food and 3 others 4 5 ; = >% ।] Motion 3 $ 2 +/ 13 142 Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 33 18 Writ Petition 6749/2015 M/S All macca hus king mills vs The Sec. Min. of Finance and 3 ors 19 Writ Petition 10102/2014 A. N. M. Abdur Razzaque vs govt of bangladesh and others 20 Writ Petition 7504/2015 Aulia Knitwear Pvt Ltd vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Commerc and 07 others 21 Writ Petition 10825/2014 Md. Nurul islam Sikdar vs Sec min of Finance and 5 others Writ Petition 6377/2015 Md. Jashim Uddin Sarker vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Law and 02 others 22 23 Writ Petition 1793/2016 Ram Babu vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Roads Transport and Bridgs and 03 others 32 Writ Petition 2261/2012 Urmi Rahman vs Sec.min. of Home Affairs and ors 33 Writ Petition 424/2011 Sheikh Abu Jafar, Bagerhat vs Sec, Min of Home Affairs and ors 34 Contempt Petition 34/2009 Md. Idrisur Rahman, Dhaka and another vs Mr. Rafiqul Huq, Advocate Supreme Court of Bangladesh Dhaka 35 Income Tax Reference 43/2009 M/s. Islamia Argia Sadan (Pvt.) Ltd. vs The Commissioner of Taxes 36 Writ Petition 5594/2015 Md mahbubul Haque chisty vs Bangladesh and others 37 Writ Petition 2258/1998 M/S National Durg Company vs Bangladesh and others 38 Writ Petition 1028/1998 M/s Friends Corporation vs Commissioner of Taxes and others 24 Writ Petition 1527/2015 Alima Khatun vs Bangladesh and others 25 Writ Petition 5278/2014 Abdullah Al Mamun vs govt of bangladesh and others 39 Writ Petition 3653/1998 Mohulana Espat Ltd. vs Bangladesh Government and others 26 Writ Petition 5577/2014 Md.abdullah al mamun vs govt of bangladesh and others 40 Writ Petition 682/1998 M/S Super Still Limited Chittagong vs D. Comissioner of Taxes Sent by Hon`ble Chief Justice 27 Income Tax Reference 288/2007 Easter Vegitable Oil Limited vs Commissioner of Taxes and others 28 Writ Petition 10875/2015 Great Bengal Enterprise Company Ltd vs The Sec. Min. of Water Resource and 06 others 29 Writ Petition 7943/2015 Mohammad Ali vs Bangladesh and others. 30 Writ Petition 11910/2015 Haji Md. Nurul Alam vs The Sec. Min of Industries and 05 others 31 Writ Petition 3201/2014 Mohammad Khasru Nomar vs Bangladesh Agricultural Development Corporation represented by the Chairman and others 143 Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 3 Supreme Court of Bangladesh High Court Division Justice Quamrul Islam Siddique and Justice Razik-Al-Jalil Date : 02/05/2016 [Annex Building Court No. 3] b # [ '( +/ 2 = >% $ b #. %, ,@ & 9% + #$% & '( . 2 '( . 2? ; < $ # . /0 । ] As to be mentioned 1 Writ Petition 1104/2015 Hasan Murad vs Chairman, NBR and 3 ors 2 Writ Petition 4486/2011 Syed Nazrul Islam vs Bangladesh and others Writ Petition 4180/2014 Mohammad Aktharuzzaman Bhuyan vs Bangladesh and others 3 "- 9 Writ Petition 5373/2013 Md .Raich uddin Chokder and 2 ors vs Bangladesh and others For Order 10 Writ Petition 1048/2015 Mst. Rowshan Ara begum vs Bangladesh and others 11 Writ Petition 7757/2013 Md. Harunur Rashid vs Bangladesh and others 4 Writ Petition 4179/2014 Hafiz Golam Rabbani vs Bangladesh and others 12 Writ Petition 757/2015 Md. A Halim khan vs Bangladesh and others 5 Writ Petition 6114/2014 Kazi Shah Jonnon vs Bangladesh and others 13 Writ Petition 6176/2015 Md. Saiful Islam vs Bangladesh and others 6 Writ Petition 1289/2012 Md. Faruk Ahmed vs Bangladesh and others 7 Writ Petition 2784/2016 Rubeya Akter vs Bangladesh and others 8 Writ Petition 3080/2011 Ashraf Ahmed Siddique Sohel, ps. Kanaighat, Sylhet vs Bangladesh and others Application (Sent by the Hon`ble Chief Justice) 14 Writ Petition 6283/2015 Bangladesh Pharmacuticals society vs Bangladesh and others Application (Motion) 15 144 Writ Petition 4753/2016 Nadim Ahmed Chowdhury vs Bangladesh and others Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 3 16 Writ Petition 1983/2016 Most. Rehana Khatun vs Bangladesh and others 27 Writ Petition 714/2016 Md. Azam vs Bangladesh and others 17 Writ Petition 11693/2015 Md. Abul Hossain vs The Sec. Min. of LGRD and 03 others 28 Writ Petition 3291/2016 Md. Skendar Khalifa vs Bangladesh Bank and others 18 Writ Petition 3846/2016 Mokbul Hossain vs Bangladesh and others 29 Writ Petition 791/2016 Barnali Fabricks Ltd vs Bangladesh Bank and others 19 Writ Petition 4736/2016 Shahidul Amin vs Bangladesh and others 30 Writ Petition 1436/2016 20 Writ Petition 2789/2016 Abu Rushid Matin vs Bangladesh and others Kamrul Hasan Siddique vs Bangladesh and others 31 Writ Petition 860/2016 Writ Petition 3580/2016 Hafez Ahmed vs Bangladesh and others Hazi Md. Suruj Miah vs Bangladesh and others 32 Writ Petition 3332/2016 Writ Petition 3579/2016 Hossain Ahmed vs Bangladesh and others Md. Rahid Patwary and 06 others vs Bangladesh and others 33 Writ Petition 3977/2016 M/S. F. K. Steel Corporation and others vs Bangladesh and others 34 Writ Petition 9/2016 Jamirabari Motshajibi Samabai Samity vs Bangladesh and others 35 Writ Petition 1789/2016 Khulna Islamic College vs Bangladesh and others 36 Writ Petition 905/2016 Jane Alam Khan vs Bangladesh and others 37 Writ Petition 2423/2016 Md. Mubarak Hussain vs Bangladesh and others 21 22 23 Writ Petition 2480/2016 Md. Firoz Hawlader vs Bangladesh and others 24 Writ Petition 2897/2016 Mohammad Ali Azam vs Bangladesh and 06 others 25 Writ Petition 2459/2016 Singpur Ekata Matshajibi Samabaya Samity Ltd vs Bangladesh and others Writ Petition 1857/2016 Cox`s Bazar Upakulio Chingri o Labour Utpandan Kari Bahumukhi Samabay Samity Ltd vs Bangladesh and others 26 145 Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 3 38 Writ Petition 4225/2016 Minhajuddin vs Bangladesh and others 50 Writ Petition 4314/2016 Nur Hossain Khan vs Bangladesh and others 39 Writ Petition 1196/2016 Akter Ali Kutub Uddin vs Bangladesh and others 51 Writ Petition 4114/2016 Md. Abdur Nur vs Bangladesh and others 40 Writ Petition 4536/2016 Ashish Kumar Sinha vs Bangladesh and others 52 Writ Petition 2822/2016 41 Writ Petition 4625/2016 Md. Imrul Islam and another vs Bangladesh and others Mohammad Shahadat Hossain Bhuiyan vs Governor Bangladesh Bank and 02 others 53 Writ Petition 1815/2016 Apurba Kumar Roy vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Land and 07 others Mohammad Shahidul Haque vs Bangladesh and others 54 Writ Petition 3555/2016 Md. Kamal Uddin vs Bangladesh and others 55 Writ Petition 2925/2016 Akota Multipurpose Co-operative Ltd vs Bangladesh and others 56 Writ Petition 4147/2016 Emran Hussain vs Bangladesh and other Fazlul Kader vs Bangladesh and others 57 AKM Badruddoza Chowdhury vs Bangladesh and others Writ Petition 3963/2016 Sarwar Hossain Mollah vs Bangladesh and others 58 Md. Abdul Kuddus vs Bangladesh and others Writ Petition 2848/2016 Md. Abdul Gani vs Bangladesh and others 59 Writ Petition 2280/2016 Foyjur Rahman vs Judge, Arpito Sampatti Protterpo Appellate Tribunal-3 and 02 others 60 Writ Petition 756/2016 Titanic Salt Industries vs Bangladesh and others 42 43 44 45 46 47 Writ Petition 3762/2016 Writ Petition 4165/2016 Siraj Miah vs Bangladesh and others Writ Petition 3760/2016 Morium vs Bangladesh and others Writ Petition 4453/2016 Writ Petition 2987/2016 Writ Petition 3640/2016 48 Writ Petition 2768/2016 Md. Abu Sultan vs Bangladesh and others 49 Writ Petition 3777/2016 Md. Azad Ali vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of LGRD and 06 others 146 Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 3 61 Writ Petition 3022/2016 Runa Laila vs Bangladesh and others 62 Writ Petition 3544/2016 Nazma Parveen vs Bangladesh and others 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 Writ Petition 3545/2016 Writ Petition 3388/2016 Writ Petition 2484/2016 Writ Petition 3765/2016 72 Writ Petition 2714/2016 Md. Moklesur Rahman vs Dhaka North City Corporation and 07 others 73 Writ Petition 3367/2016 Md. Mostafizur Rahman vs Bangladesh and others 74 Writ Petition 3839/2016 Md. Khorshed Alam vs Bangladesh and others 75 Writ Petition 3755/2016 Mohammad Mostaq Ahmed vs Bangladesh and others Mohammad Ali vs Bangladesh and others 76 Writ Petition 2989/2016 Md. Anwar Hossain vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Labour Court and 06 others Mosammat Rashida Khatun vs Bangladesh and others 77 Writ Petition 3034/2016 Md. Nurul Islam Khan vs Bangladesh and others 78 Writ Petition 3660/2016 Engy Jannate Khoda vs Bangladesh and others 79 Writ Petition 3949/2016 M. A. Howlader Enterprise and others vs Bangladesh and others 80 Writ Petition 4054/2016 Abdul Mannan vs Bangladesh and other 81 Writ Petition 4034/2016 Partha Pratim Chakraborty vs Bangladesh and others 82 Writ Petition 3060/2016 K.M. Abul Hossain vs Bangladesh and others Sujan Hossain and 15 others vs Bangladesh and others Md. Shamim Parvej vs Bangladesh and others Writ Petition 4142/2016 Shahidul Islam vs Bangladesh and others Writ Petition 2980/2016 Sree Jodeb Chandra Roy vs Bangladesh and others Writ Petition 2981/2016 Md. Abdul Mannan vs Bangladesh and others Writ Petition 3514/2016 M/S. Khorshed Alam and Co. CNG Filling Station vs Bangladesh and others Writ Petition 3072/2016 Most. Afroza Akhter vs Islami Bank Bangladesh ltd and 02 others 147 Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 3 83 Writ Petition 3165/2016 Sher Mohammad vs Bangladesh and others 93 Writ Petition 3071/2016 Md. Abul Kalam Azad vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Power Energy and Mineral Resource and 02 others 84 Writ Petition 3404/2016 Md. Yeaqub Ali vs Bangladesh and others 94 Writ Petition 4235/2016 Abul Fazal Sikder and another vs Bangladesh and others 95 Writ Petition 4198/2016 Md. Sirajul Islam vs Bangladesh and others 96 Sheikh Abdul Hamid vs Bangladesh and others Writ Petition 2441/2016 Saidur Rahman Syed vs Bangladesh and others 97 Md. Shahabuddin vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Education and 04 others Writ Petition 2837/2016 Md. Delwar Newaj Salim @ md. Selim vs Bangladesh and others 98 Fresh Foods Ltd vs Agrani Bank Ltd and 04 others Writ Petition 4277/2016 kazi Monirul Islam vs Bangladesh and others 99 Writ Petition 4307/2016 Nurul Absar Masud vs Bangladesh and others 100 Writ Petition 4582/2016 Mst. Rahima Khatun vs Bangladesh and others 101 Writ Petition 4668/2016 Habibur Rahman vs Bangladesh and others 102 Writ Petition 3039/2016 Haji Md. Faruq Ahmed vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of LGRD and 05 others 103 Writ Petition 3219/2016 Shahadat Hossain vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of LGRD and 06 others 85 Writ Petition 3702/2016 Nazia Sharmin vs Bangladesh and others 86 Writ Petition 3624/2016 Md. Kabir Ahmed vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Land and 09 others 87 88 89 90 91 92 Writ Petition 2902/2016 Writ Petition 3244/2016 Writ Petition 2775/2016 Writ Petition 3435/2016 Writ Petition 3260/2016 Writ Petition 3412/2016 Gangaragor Sarkari Khal Rakhankari Committee vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Land and 04 others Md. Aminul Islam shimul vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Finance and 04 others Bardx International Pvt Ltd vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Law Justice and Parliamentary Affairs and 03 others 148 Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 3 104 Writ Petition 3414/2016 Md. Abul Kalam Azad vs District Election Officer, Sirajgonj and 07 others 114 Writ Petition 2665/2016 Md. Sharif Uddin Ahmed vs Bangladesh and others 105 Writ Petition 3469/2016 S.M.Anisur Rahman vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Education and 07 others 115 Writ Petition 3333/2016 Mrs. Sabiha Sultana vs Chairman, RAJUK and 02 others 116 Writ Petition 2715/2016 Md. Elias Hossain vs Governor Bangladesh Bank and 03 others 117 Writ Petition 2676/2016 Muhammad Didarul Alam Chowdhury vs Bangladesh and others 118 Writ Petition 3549/2016 Shasanka Kumer Sarker vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Education and 07 others 119 Writ Petition 3254/2016 Redwana Begum vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of LGRD and 07 others 120 Writ Petition 2855/2016 Md. Babul Miah vs Bangladesh and others 121 Writ Petition 2960/2016 Md. Bulu Miah vs Bangladesh and others 122 Writ Petition 3266/2016 Md. Alauddin vs Governor Bangladesh Bank and 02 others 123 Writ Petition 2694/2016 Mohammad Saidur Rahman vs Bangladesh and others 124 Writ Petition 3198/2016 Md. Abul Kalam Azad vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Education and 05 others 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 Writ Petition 3800/2016 Writ Petition 3728/2016 Writ Petition 3748/2016 Writ Petition 3749/2016 Writ Petition 3750/2016 Writ Petition 3718/2016 Writ Petition 3197/2016 Writ Petition 3279/2016 Abul Foyez vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of LGRD and 08 others Md. Muntasir Mamun vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of LGRD and 02 others M/S. S. Islam Brothers vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Fishereis and 03 others M/S. A Rahman Enterprise vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Fishereis and 03 others M/S R.N International vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Fishereis and 03 others Md. Rezaul Karim and 02 others vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Public Adimnistration and 03 others Fuyad Ahmed vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Land and 04 others Daud Hossain Sheikh vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Law and 03 others 149 Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 3 125 126 127 Writ Petition 3040/2016 Writ Petition 3029/2016 Md. Ayub Ali Chowdhury vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of LGRD and 05 others Md. Aulad Hossain vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Education and 09 others Writ Petition 3263/2016 Md. Jakir Hossain vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of LGRD and 05 others 128 Writ Petition 3254/2016 Redwana Begum vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of LGRD and 07 others 129 Writ Petition 3144/2016 Dipankar Kumar Dutta vs Chairman, Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education Jessore and 07 others 130 Writ Petition 12562/2015 QC Corporation Ltd vs Bangladesh Bank and others 131 Writ Petition 2568/2016 Narzul Islam Manik vs Bangladesh and others 132 Writ Petition 2272/2016 Md. Rezaul Haque vs Bangladesh and others 133 Writ Petition 2886/2016 Asiatic Jute Mills Ltd vs Bangladesh and others 134 Writ Petition 2165/2016 Md. Sham Shamsuddin vs Bangladesh and 08 others 150 135 Writ Petition 1328/2016 Md. Harun ur Rashid vs Bangladesh and others 136 Writ Petition 1334/2016 Md. Alauddin vs Bangladesh and others 137 Writ Petition 9742/2015 Md. Moinuddin Biswas vs Artharin Adalat 138 Writ Petition 2157/2016 Haji Bodiur Rahman vs Bangladesh and others 139 Writ Petition 1671/2016 Abdul Kader Sarder vs Bangladesh and others 140 Writ Petition 9911/2015 Md. Moinuddin Biswas vs ARA and another 141 Writ Petition 2840/2016 Tofazzal Hossain vs Bangladesh and others 142 Writ Petition 1705/2016 Day-Night Club vs Bangladesh and others 143 Writ Petition 11951/2015 Al-Haj Md. Moiunddin Biswas vs ARA and another 144 Writ Petition 11275/2015 Al-Haj Md. Moinuddin vs ARA and another 145 Writ Petition 1981/2016 Md. Moin Uddin Biswas vs Bangladesh and others 146 Writ Petition 2481/2016 Md. Harun-or-Rashid vs Bangladesh and others 147 Writ Petition 13645/2015 Hosnera Akter vs Bangladesh and others Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 3 148 Writ Petition 2522/2016 Md. Shoaib Ahmed vs Bangladesh and others Writ Petition 1834/2016 (with) United Commercial Bank Ltd vs Labour Court 149 Writ Petition 922/2016 Md. Moinuddin Biswas vs Judge, Artha Rin Adalat, Dhaka Writ Petition 1835/2016 United Commercial Bank Ltd vs Labour Court 151 Writ Petition 1903/2016 Md. Shamim Rahman vs Bangladesh and others 152 Writ Petition 2926/2016 Salina jahan Ahmed vs Bangladesh and others 153 Writ Petition 1890/2016 Md. Musa Sheikh vs Bangladesh and others 154 Writ Petition 1878/2016 Md. Shafibur Islam vs Bangladesh and others 155 Writ Petition 1862/2016 Md. Shafibur Islam vs Bangladesh and others 156 Writ Petition 1879/2016 Faruk Hossain vs Bangladesh and others 150 Writ Petition 1454/2016 (with) UCBL vs Labour Court Writ Petition 1455/2016 (with) UCBL vs Labour Court Writ Petition 1456/2016 (with) UCBL vs Labour Court Writ Petition 1457/2016 (with) UCBL vs Labour Court Writ Petition 1458/2016 (with) UCBL vs Labour Court Writ Petition 1459/2016 (with) UCBL vs Labour Court Writ Petition 1460/2016 (with) UCBL vs Labour Court Writ Petition 1461/2016 (with) UCBL vs Labour Court 157 Writ Petition 1830/2016 (with) UCBL vs Labour Court Dhaka and Another Writ Petition 1965/2016 Md. Awahuzzaman vs Bangladesh and others 158 Writ Petition 1940/2016 Md. Saidur Rahman and 60 others vs Bangladesh and others 159 Writ Petition 1591/2016 Md. Hamidul Islam vs Bangladesh and others 160 Writ Petition 834/2016 Md. Abdul Latif vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Education and 05 others Writ Petition 1831/2016 (with) United Commercial Bank Ltd vs Labour Court Writ Petition 1832/2016 with United Commercial Bank Ltd vs Labour Court Dhaka and Another Writ Petition 1833/2016 (with) UCBL vs Labour Court 151 Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 3 161 Writ Petition 1849/2016 Kimia Washing Industries Ltd vs Chairman, Dhaka Water Supply and Sewerage Authority and 03 others 170 Writ Petition 1982/2016 Monwara Begum vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Freedom Fighters Affairs and 07 others 171 Writ Petition 2085/2016 Md. Manik Miah vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Freedom Fighter Affairs and 07 others 162 Writ Petition 12498/2015 Md. Sayjadddin Sarker vs The Sec. Min. of Land and 20 others 163 Writ Petition 2145/2016 Proehanshu Chowdhury vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Land and 05 others 172 Writ Petition 2100/2016 UCBL vs Labour Court 173 Writ Petition 2101/2016 UCBL vs Labour Court 174 Writ Petition 2102/2016 United Commercial Bank Ltd vs The Chairman, First Labour Court, Dhaka and Another 175 Writ Petition 2103/2016 UCBL vs Labour Court 176 Writ Petition 2104/2016 UCBL vs Labour Court 177 Writ Petition 2105/2016 United Commercial Bank Ltd vs The Chairman, First Labour Court, Dhaka and Another 178 Writ Petition 2106/2016 United Commercial Bank Ltd vs The Chairman, First Labour Court, Dhaka and Another 179 Writ Petition 2107/2016 United Commercial Bank Ltd vs The Chairman, First Labour Court, Dhaka and Another 164 Writ Petition 373/2016 Md. Abdul Mannaf Khandaker vs Bangladesh and others 165 Writ Petition 1853/2016 Md. Aktarul Alam vs Chairman, RAJUK and 05 others Writ Petition 1941/2016 Abul Kalam Chowdhury vs Bangladesh, Rep by City Corporation Mayor, Chittagong and 07 others 166 167 168 169 Writ Petition 2286/2016 Writ Petition 1662/2016 Writ Petition 2175/2016 Ejad Hossain Khan vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Land and 05 others Sk. Ali Md. Mustazib MIlu vs Bangladesh and others Md. Abu Sayed Mollah vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Education and 07 others 152 Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 3 180 Writ Petition 2108/2016 United Commercial Bank Ltd vs The Chairman, First Labour Court, Dhaka and Another 181 Writ Petition 2283/2016 Nasima Begum vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Housing and Public Works and 07 others 182 Writ Petition 2230/2016 Md. Fazlul Haque vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of LGRD and 08 others 189 Writ Petition 2270/2016 Md. Abdul Awal vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Education and 10 others 190 Writ Petition 2526/2016 Md. Ibrahim Hossain vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Home Affairs and 04 others 191 Writ Petition 2450/2016 Md. Nurul Alam vs Directory General, Bangladesh Development Board and 02 others 192 Writ Petition 3013/2016 Mohammad Akbor vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Law Justice and Parliamentary Affairs and Another 193 Writ Petition 2659/2016 Jafar Alam and 06 others vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Land and 04 others 183 Writ Petition 2075/2016 Md. Hamidur Rahman vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Education and 10 others 184 Writ Petition 2536/2016 Md. Aminul Ahsan vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of LGRD and 07 others Writ Petition 1268/2016 Md. Moinuddin Biswas vs Artha Rin Adalat Court No-2, Dhaka 194 Writ Petition 2623/2016 Md. Moinuddin Biswas vs Artha Rin Adalat Court No-2, Dhaka S.M Nuren Safa vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Land and 04 others 195 Writ Petition 2650/2016 M.A. Sattar vs Bangladesh and others 196 Writ Petition 2651/2016 M. A. Sattar vs Bangladesh and others 197 Writ Petition 2584/2016 Md. Akamuddin Biswas vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Education and 05 others 198 Writ Petition 2638/2016 Mrs. Kohinur Islam vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Home Affairs and 03 others 185 186 187 188 Writ Petition 1269/2016 Writ Petition 1994/2016 Md. Solaiman vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Education and 09 others Writ Petition 1907/2016 Takerhat Dhakhinpar Supermarket Dhokan Malik Shamabay Samiti Ltd vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Land and 04 others 153 Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 3 199 Writ Petition 1839/2016 Mosammat Rowshanara Bewa vs Bangladesh and others 208 Writ Petition 2764/2016 Shaheed Md. Hasnan vs Election Commissioner and 05 others 200 Writ Petition 2657/2016 Sweety Paul and 02 others vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Education and 04 others 209 Writ Petition 10775/2015 Md. Anowar Hossain vs Bangladesh and others 210 Writ Petition 541/2016 Rajshahi Sugar Miles LTD vs Bangladesh and others 211 Writ Petition 3520/2016 Mosammat Rehana Begum and 08 others vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Housing and 05 others 212 Writ Petition 4061/2016 Abu Taher Ratan vs Bangladesh and others 213 Writ Petition 4062/2016 Abu Taher Ratan vs Bangladesh and others 201 202 203 Writ Petition 2500/2016 Writ Petition 2499/2016 Writ Petition 2575/2016 Achia Khatun and 08 others vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Primary and Mass Education and 13 others Rumana Akhter vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Law Justice and Parlimentary Affairs and 03 others Swapan Kumar Roy vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Liberation War Affairs and 04 others 204 Writ Petition 2498/2016 Engineer Mohammad Rashedul Alam vs Director General, BRDB and 03 others 205 Writ Petition 2329/2016 Md. Abul Hossain vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Education and 07 others 206 207 Writ Petition 2655/2016 Writ Petition 11742/2015 Application (Motion) (Filed on 13.03.2016) Md. Iqbal Hossain vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Law Justice and Parliamentary Affairs and 04 others Mayenuddin Biswas vs Artha Rin Adalat and Another 154 214 Writ Petition 3089/2016 Mohammad Salim Ullah vs The CFC and 04 others 215 Writ Petition 2894/2016 Maink Miah vs Land Survey Trinubal, Sylhet and 06 others 216 Writ Petition 2906/2016 Erfanuddin Chowdhury vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Law and 03 others 217 Writ Petition 2939/2016 Md. Abdul Halim vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Health and Family Welfare and 05 others Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 3 218 Writ Petition 2572/2016 M Azizur Rahman vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Finance and 06 others 219 Writ Petition 2253/2016 Md. Mozammel Haque and 05 others vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Primary and Mass Education and 05 others 220 221 222 223 224 225 Writ Petition 2663/2016 Writ Petition 3014/2016 Writ Petition 3008/2016 Writ Petition 1437/2016 Writ Petition 2982/2016 Writ Petition 2905/2016 Md. Monir Hossain Mollah vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Law Justice and Parliamentary Affairs and 03 others Jhapa MothshajibiSamabaya Samity Ltd vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Land and 03 others Abdus Salam vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Land and 06 others Md. Abdul Hamid Bhuiyan vs Bangladesh and others Bangladesh Forest Industries Development Corporation and others vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Labour and Employment and 02 others 226 Writ Petition 3052/2016 Md. Afzal Hoque and 105 others vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Liberation War Affairs and 05 others 227 Writ Petition 2287/2016 Most. Rajna Begum 05 and others vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Primary and Mass Education and 06 others 228 Writ Petition 2947/2016 Bistu Pada Mondal vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Land and 03 others 229 Writ Petition 3143/2016 Suvasish Kumar Biswas vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of LGRD and 03 others 230 Writ Petition 3156/2016 Md. Abdul Monnaf Khondokar vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of LGRD and 03 others 231 Writ Petition 3153/2016 Makhan Lal Mollik vs Bangladesh and others 232 Writ Petition 2908/2016 Rasheda Akter vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Health and 05 others 233 Writ Petition 2876/2016 Md. Noyan @ Md. Harun or Rashid vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Home Affairs and 03 others Application (Motion) (Filed on 20.03.2016) Md. Amzad Hossain vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Public Works and 04 others 234 155 Writ Petition 204/2015 M/S Abdul kader vs ARA and another Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 3 235 Writ Petition 3443/2016 Millon Majhi vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of LGRD and 06 others 244 Writ Petition 3353/2016 Md. Abu Hasan Shohel vs CFC and ECS and 05 others 236 Writ Petition 3428/2016 Md. Hazrat Ali vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of LGRD and 14 others 245 Writ Petition 3130/2016 Md. Solaiman Ali vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Education and 08 others 237 Writ Petition 2856/2016 Md. Akter Hossain vs Land Appealte Board and 10 others 246 Writ Petition 4281/2016 Smraty Begum Sumi vs Bangladesh and others 238 Writ Petition 3205/2016 A F M Abdur Rashid vs Chairman, Insurance Development and Regulatory Authourity and 07 others 247 Writ Petition 3236/2016 Sabita Tabassum vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Primary and Mass Education and 08 others 239 Writ Petition 8864/2015 Mrs. Noor Jahan Begum vs Bangladesh and others 248 Writ Petition 3293/2016 Md. Mizanur Rahman vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of LGRD and 03 others 240 Writ Petition 3264/2016 Mst. Shefali Akter Shathi vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of LGRD and 06 others 249 Writ Petition 3326/2016 Runjit Kumar Sarker vs Governor Bangladesh Bank and 04 others 250 Writ Petition 3133/2016 Dr. Md. Zakir Hossain vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Health and Family Welfare and Another 251 Writ Petition 3359/2016 Md. Nazrul Islam Bhuiyan vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of LGRD and 07 others Md. Abdul Bari vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of LGRD and 05 others 252 Writ Petition 3270/2016 Sylhet Town Cooperation Socity Ltd vs Bangladesh and others Md. Shohrab Hossain vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Fisheris and Livestock 03 others 253 Writ Petition 3261/2016 Delwar Hossain vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of CoOperative and 07 others 241 242 243 Writ Petition 3238/2016 Writ Petition 3438/2016 Writ Petition 2838/2016 Md. Mozibur Rahman vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Law Justice and Parliamentary Affairs and 05 others 156 Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 3 254 Writ Petition 3301/2016 Md. Akram ullah vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Jute and Textile and 03 others 264 Writ Petition 3316/2016 Rashida Begum vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Home Affairs and 05 others 255 Writ Petition 3300/2016 Sarowar Mollah vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Jute and Textile and 03 others 265 Writ Petition 3489/2016 Mst. Taslima Begum vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Home Affairs and 06 others 256 Writ Petition 3299/2016 Md. Jamal Mia vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Jute and 03 others 266 Writ Petition 3201/2016 Badrun Nessa vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Land and 09 others 257 Writ Petition 2050/2011 Shibandraw Shukla Das vs Bangladesh 267 Writ Petition 3386/2016 258 Writ Petition 3309/2016 Most. Monowara Akter vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Education and 04 others Robi Axiata Ltd vs Chairman, First Labour Court, RAJUK and Another 268 Writ Petition 3387/2016 Robi Axiata Ltd vs Chairman, First Labour Court, RAJUK and Another Writ Petition 3308/2016 Rakiba Begum vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Education and 04 others 269 Writ Petition 3511/2016 Shamsuddin Ahmed vs Joint Metropo 270 Writ Petition 3454/2016 Md. Monirul Islam vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Civil Aviaition and 06 others 271 Writ Petition 3292/2016 Shorab Hossain and 05 others vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Railway and 03 others 259 260 Writ Petition 3005/2016 Mina Roy vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Primary and Mass Education and 15 others 261 Writ Petition 2535/2016 Md. Farid Miah vs Bangladesh and others 262 Writ Petition 3368/2016 Md. Robiul Islam vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Education and 04 others 263 Writ Petition 3271/2016 Application (Motion) (Filed on 27.03.2016) 272 Md. Arifuzzaman Shamim vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Railway and 07 others 157 Writ Petition 3214/2016 Md. Aktar Nadim vs Chairman, Bangladesh Energy Regulatory Commission and 04 others Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 3 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 Writ Petition 3464/2016 Writ Petition 3510/2016 Writ Petition 3441/2016 Mohammad Hossain Bhuiyan vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Housing and Public Works and 03 others Mrs. Chandra Banu and another vs Chairman, Anti Coruption Commission and 03 other Md.Shahjahan Miah vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Agriculture and 04 others Writ Petition 3619/2016 Md. Arifur Rahman vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Shipping and 05 others Writ Petition 3599/2016 Abdur Rahim Munshi vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of LGRD and 05 others Writ Petition 3078/2016 Md. Ashadul Haque vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Law and 02 others Writ Petition 3597/2016 Md.Rejazul Karim Sarkar vs Rajshahi Krishi unnayan Bank, Main Office, Rajshahi and Another 280 Writ Petition 13693/2015 Suruj Ali vs Bangladesh and others 281 Writ Petition 3499/2016 Tasan Ali and 04 others vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Land and 06 others 282 Writ Petition 3641/2016 Kamrun Haque vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Education and 06 others 283 Writ Petition 3566/2016 Nehar Begum vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Health and Family Welfare and 07 others 284 Writ Petition 3601/2016 Md. Azmat Ali vs Deputy Commissioner, Dhaka and 285 Writ Petition 3502/2016 Md. Jashim vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Home Affairs and 06 others 286 Writ Petition 3585/2016 Md. Ahaduzzaman Chunnu vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of LGRD and 04 others 287 Writ Petition 2625/2016 Md. Akbar Ali Master vs Bangladesh and others 288 Writ Petition 3830/2016 Md. Sufian Miah vs Bangladesh and others Application (Motion) (Filed on 03.04.2016) 158 289 Writ Petition 3966/2016 M/S. Bijoya Trading Corporation vs Bangladesh and others 290 Writ Petition 3967/2016 M/S. Ghosh and brothers vs Bangladesh and others 291 Writ Petition 3968/2016 M/S. M. R. Enterprise vs Bangladesh and others Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 3 292 Writ Petition 3969/2016 M/S. Raj Enterprise vs Bangladesh and others 293 Writ Petition 3907/2016 Md. Nurul Amin and others vs Bangladesh and others Writ Petition 2115/2016 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 Writ Petition 3936/2016 Writ Petition 3891/2016 Writ Petition 3561/2016 Writ Petition 9059/2015 Writ Petition 3444/2016 Writ Petition 2958/2016 303 Writ Petition 3899/2016 Amdadul Hoque Mollah vs Bangladesh and others 304 Writ Petition 3771/2016 Hazi shamsul Haque vs Administration WAQF and 03 others Md. Ataur Rahman and 13 others vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Agriculture and 04 others 305 Md. Rezaul Karim Shamim vs Bangladesh and others Writ Petition 3931/2016 Abul Kashem and others vs Bangladesh and others 306 Md. Bulbul Hossain vs Bangladesh and others Writ Petition 3844/2016 Md. Liakat Ali vs Bangladesh and others 307 Writ Petition 752/2016 Saleha Rahman vs Bangladesh and others 308 Writ Petition 3876/2016 Md. Amzadur Rahman vs Bangladesh and others 309 Writ Petition 3898/2016 Md. Rashidul Islam vs Bangladesh and others 310 Writ Petition 3795/2016 Syed Amin Uddin Mahmud vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Religious Affairs and 02 others 311 Writ Petition 3504/2016 Md. Amanullah vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Law Justice and Parliamentary Affairs and 04 others 312 Writ Petition 3066/2016 Md. Mohammad Hossain Makhon vs Bangladesh and 05 others Pervej Hossain vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of LGRD and 09 others Nirpendra Nath Das vs Bangladesh and others Mohammad Sheikh vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of LGRD and 08 others Md. Abdul Matin Faruque vs Bangladesh and others 301 Writ Petition 3824/2016 Kushtia City College vs Bangladesh and others 302 Writ Petition 3862/2016 Md. Abdus Samad vs Bangladesh and others 159 Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 3 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 Writ Petition 3746/2016 Writ Petition 11906/2015 Md. Khademul Islam vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Education and 04 others M/S. Herbert Font Bangladesh Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Writ Petition 3792/2016 Mst. Munira Aktar and 12 others vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Public Administration and 04 others Writ Petition 3789/2016 Writ Petition 1950/2016 Rasel Ahmed Sagor vs Bangladesh and others 324 Writ Petition 4087/2016 Nazmul Islam Hazari vs Bangladesh and others Mustafa Kamal Sarker vs Bangladesh and others Writ Petition 3958/2016 Writ Petition 2674/2016 323 Application (Motion) (Filed on 10.04.2016) Dr. Md. Eunus Ali Akond vs Bangladesh and others Md. Sadiqul Islam vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Land and 06 others Writ Petition 3914/2016 Md. Mokbul Hossain Metho vs Bangladesh and others 320 Writ Petition 3845/2016 Syeda Mahera Hossain and others vs Bangladesh and others 321 Writ Petition 4230/2016 Md. Nazab Uddin vs Bangladesh and others 322 Writ Petition 4309/2016 Md. Abu Hanif vs Bangladesh and others 160 325 Writ Petition 4153/2016 Maqsuda Begum vs Bangladesh and others 326 Writ Petition 4125/2016 Md. Jakir Hossain Rary vs Bangladesh and others 327 Writ Petition 4057/2016 Md. Anowar Hossain and others vs Bangladesh and others 328 Writ Petition 4296/2016 Md. Sheikh Sadi vs Bangladesh and others 329 Writ Petition 4339/2016 Md. Sawkat Osman vs Bangladesh and others 330 Writ Petition 3896/2016 Md. Keramat Ali vs Bangladesh and others 331 Writ Petition 4154/2016 Saidur Rahman vs Bangladesh and others 332 Writ Petition 4072/2016 Md. Shahidul Islam vs Bangladesh and others 333 Writ Petition 3667/2016 Press Institute of Bangladesh vs Labour Appeleate Tribunal Dhaka and 03 others Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 3 334 Writ Petition 4190/2016 A. H. M. Rezaul Karim vs Bangladesh and others 346 Writ Petition 4205/2016 Shah Md. Abu Masud vs Bangladesh and others 335 Writ Petition 4093/2016 Md. Anwar Hossain vs Bangladesh and others 347 Writ Petition 4207/2016 Shah Md. Abu Masud vs Bangladesh and others 336 Writ Petition 4171/2016 Md. Golzar Hossain vs Bangladesh and others 348 Writ Petition 4358/2016 Md. Samrat Alam vs Bangladesh and others 337 Writ Petition 4221/2016 Muhammad Akter and others vs Bangladesh and others 349 Writ Petition 3455/2016 Md. Habibur Rahman vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Religious Affairs and 06 others 338 Writ Petition 4263/2016 Md. Ismail Sikder vs Bangladesh and others 350 Writ Petition 3946/2016 Mominul Haque vs Bangladesh and others 339 Writ Petition 4157/2016 Md. Abdul Kuddus vs Bangladesh and others 351 Writ Petition 4267/2016 Dr. Fariduddin Farid vs Bangladesh and others 340 Writ Petition 4158/2016 Rupon Saha vs Bangladesh and others 352 Writ Petition 4242/2016 Abdul Mazid vs Bangladesh and others 341 Writ Petition 4159/2016 Md. Shahanoor Hossain vs Bangladesh and others 353 Writ Petition 3296/2016 Md. Erfanur Rahman vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Education and 08 others 342 Writ Petition 4156/2016 Md. Saiful Islam Bahar vs Bangladesh and others 354 Writ Petition 4103/2016 Abdur Razzak vs Bangladesh and others 355 343 Writ Petition 3992/2016 Md. Abdul Jabbar vs Bangladesh and others Writ Petition 4342/2016 Sunshine Cables and Rubber Works Ltd vs Bangladesh and others 344 Writ Petition 4352/2016 Jhantu Kanti Chowdhury vs Bangladesh and others 356 Writ Petition 4344/2016 Sunshine Cables and Rubber Works Ltd vs Bangladesh and others 345 Writ Petition 4322/2016 Abdul Malik vs Bangladesh and others 161 Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 3 357 Writ Petition 4341/2016 Sunshine Cables and Rubber Works Ltd vs Bangladesh and others 367 Writ Petition 3895/2016 Md. Abdur Rouf and others vs Bangladesh and others 358 Writ Petition 4343/2016 Sunshine Cables and Rubber Works Ltd vs Bangladesh and others 368 Writ Petition 4280/2016 Jagadish Chandra Mridha and another vs Bangladesh and others 359 Writ Petition 4346/2016 Sunshine Cables and Rubber Works Ltd vs Bangladesh and others 369 Writ Petition 4063/2016 Mostaque Ahmed vs Bangladesh and others 370 Writ Petition 4619/2016 Profullah Chandra Mistry vs Bangladesh and others 371 Writ Petition 4554/2016 Md. Babu vs Bangladesh and others 372 Writ Petition 4040/2016 Md. Khalakuzzaman Nipu vs Bangladesh and others 373 Writ Petition 4576/2016 Md. Abu Taleb Sarker vs Bangladesh and others 360 361 362 Writ Petition 4345/2016 Writ Petition 3322/2016 Sunshine Cables and Rubber Works Ltd vs Bangladesh and others Md. Abdullah Al Mamun vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Civil Aviation and Tourism and 04 others Writ Petition 4176/2016 Sree Profullah Kumar Halder vs Bangladesh and others 363 Writ Petition 4458/2016 Golam Hassan Khan vs Bangladesh and others 364 Writ Petition 4261/2016 Nazrul Islam vs Bangladesh and others 365 Writ Petition 4059/2016 S.A.Hakim and others vs Bangladesh and others 366 Writ Petition 4298/2016 Md. Marufar Rashid Khan vs Bangladesh and others Motion 162 Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 31 Supreme Court of Bangladesh High Court Division Justice Md. Fazlur Rahman Date : 02/05/2016 [Annex Building Court No. 31] : ,@ & [ ? $# . .$( < :, I 1 ) G,HH,HHH E - 9 %/ % ; % 6HHT 2 2 +/ = >% E 2 / ); 2 2 3 Civil Revision 4659/2004 Civil Revision 2359/2000 Civil Revision 5631/2000 Abul Hossain vs Md. Kamal Uddin Miah Javed Ali vs Abdur Rahman Dreendro Nath sordar vs Most. Hazera Khatun Civil Revision 5536/2001 Raham Ali Mollah vs Hafej Md. Ali Asraf 5 Civil Revision 1445/2001 Tapon Kumar Ghoush vs Provesh Chandra Ghoush 7 Civil Revision 3684/2004 Civil Revision 1827/2001 Md. Niza Uddin vs Md. Abdul Goni and others. Md. Abdul Jobbar and others vs Md. Abdulla-hel-Baki and others 8 Civil Revision 758/2001 Firoza Begum vs Rafiq uddin. 9 Civil Revision 4366/2003 Abdus Samed vs Dal Mahammed 10 Civil Revision 7/2003 Abul Hassan vs Abdul Hamid Civil Revision 195/2005 Sadiqul islam vs Dalilue Begum 11 * ( ( . 2? ; < # . /0 @ O 4 6 /7 @ For Hearing 1 %%, 163 _ ?$# . '( ; <: ( ।] 12 Civil Revision 4417/1998 Nurun Nahar vs Nizamuddin 13 Civil Revision 4915/1999 Abdul Rasul Howlader vs Ishaque Ali 14 Civil Revision 4218/2002 Hormuz Kazi vs Rizzak Kazi 15 Civil Revision 3008/2005 Sritiranjan chakra barti and others. vs Sayed Riyazul Haque and others . 16 Civil Revision 3894/2002 Md. Ali Kazi vs Asmot Ali Howlader 17 Civil Revision 1164/2002 Md. Kashem Ali @ Babul Kashem vs Md. Atar Ali 18 Civil Revision 1165/2002 Md. Kashem Ali @ Babul Kashem vs Md. Atar Ali 19 Civil Revision 1996/1994 Nandail Digi Moshajibi Samabay Samiti vs Moyajjam Ali Akand 20 Civil Revision 1997/1994 Tara Miah and others vs Haji Osman Goni and others 21 Civil Revision 150/1999 Dilip Kumar Sarder and other. vs Mrs. Hazera Khatun and other. Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 31 22 Civil Revision 461/2003 Nikhil Chandra Ray. vs Subash Chandra Ray. 36 Civil Revision 4429/2004 Sohel Miah vs Sahera Khatun 23 Civil Revision 671/2004 Sadak Ali Mondal vs Salaman Mondal 37 Civil Revision 2032/2005 24 Civil Revision 4629/1998 Provash Chandra Boidda vs Sree Bijoy Prosad Sarker Md: Amajuddin Mondal vs Govet 38 Civil Revision 4327/1999 Motiur Rahman Gaji vs Gaji Md DadoAli 39 Civil Revision 1262/2002 Nripandra Nath Dali vs Mohan Lal Roy 40 Civil Revision 5845/2002 Safiuddin Miah vs Govt. 41 Civil Revision 3478/2000 Zila Prosasok Jenaidah vs Robindronath Datta 42 Civil Revision 6964/2001 Md. Muchanni Bewa being dead Abdul Kader vs D. C. Tangail 43 Civil Revision 4623/2000 Alhaz Moulana Abdul Hamid vs Abdul Salam and others 44 Md. Jamal Uddin vs Bangladesh Civil Revision 1568/2003 Mursheda Begum vs Saleha Khatun 45 Md.Nurul Islam vs Zabunnesa Civil Revision 923/2004 K.M. Sirajul Islam vs D.C. Kustia 46 Civil Revision 5239/2003 Abdul hai vs Banuee Saikh 47 Civil Revision 4375/1997 Md.Sarif Bhuiyan vs Monjur Miah 48 Civil Revision 4889/2001 Md. Ismail Akon vs Yeakub Ali 49 Civil Revision 5512/2002 Didarul Islam Kazi vs Kazi Abu Zafar 25 26 27 Civil Revision 4401/1998 Md. Zafor Ali vs Most. Mominur Nessa Civil Revision 3073/2000 Toej Bibi vs Anwara Begum Civil Revision 3857/2001 Md. Abdus Salam vs Rokeya Begum 28 Civil Revision 1887/2005 Hazi Md. Abdul Khalid vs Md.Mosbir Ali 29 Civil Revision 870/2003 Md. Abdur Rashid vs Md. Syedur Rahman 30 Civil Revision 4472/2002 Abdul Malik vs 31 32 33 Civil Revision 1160/2003 Civil Revision 4518/2003 Civil Revision 1847/2003 Md. Tahamot Shardar vs Baru Khatun @ Surotjahan Nessa 34 Civil Revision 1207/1995 Md. Idaris Ali @ idaris Ali vs Jayen Uddin Bepari 35 Civil Revision 738/2004 Md. Monjuhar Rahman vs Md. Asbdul Hadi Khan 164 Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 31 50 51 Civil Revision 1621/1992 Civil Revision 2328/2002 Khonish Chandra Barmon and others. vs Shamsul Haque and others. Sham Lal Howlader vs Omio kanti Baral 52 Civil Revision 4184/1997 Md. Abdur Rahman vs Tajiuddin Sheikh 53 Civil Revision 4932/2001 Hamiz Uddin Howlader vs Sakender Ali Sikder 54 Civil Revision 1135/2002 Waliar Rahman vs Montazuddin Civil Revision 1320/2002 Sree Mohendra Nath Mondal vs Sree Bishu Pada Mondal 55 56 57 Civil Revision 5936/2001 Sheikh Yunus Ali vs Charman Dop Khali U p 63 Civil Revision 3989/2004 Ali Ahmed @ Md. Absaha . vs Trust Estate Late . 64 Civil Revision 2847/2004 Abul Kalam Mollah vs A. Samad Mollah 65 Civil Revision 5116/2004 Md. Bachchu Miah vs Md. Alamgir and others 66 Civil Revision 173/2003 Md. Khalilur Rahman Darder and others vs Most. Jarina Bewa and others 67 Civil Revision 3777/2005 Pronab Kanti Mondal vs Provat Kumar 68 Civil Revision 783/2000 Abdur Rashid vs Abdul Mannan 69 Civil Revision 3120/2004 Anisuddin Ahmed vs Abu Taher 70 Civil Revision 2392/2000 Md. Shahjahan vs Montaz Ahmed Civil Revision 3922/2002 Hatem Ali Sarder vs Govt. 71 Civil Revision 2902/2003 Civil Revision 804/2005 Secretary Zilla Parishod, Meherpur vs Md, Shamsul Hoque Biswas Md. Hakimuddin vs Most. Nurjahan Bewa 72 Civil Revision 1041/1995 Civil Revision 2525/2003 Sultan Hosen Howlader vs Adul Hat howlader Md. Ishak Uddin Khan vs Amin Uddin Khan 73 Civil Revision 548/2000 Civil Revision 1552/2005 Abdul Majid Mollah vs Farook Shajan And Other vs Habibur Rahman Sarder 74 Civil Revision 2676/1999 61 Civil Revision 2329/2003 Md. Ruhul Amin vs Addl. Dist. Comm. Mrs. Rubia Bewa vs Md. Gias Uddin Sikder 75 62 Civil Revision 441/2002 Habibur Rahman Akhan vs Abdur Rashid Akhan Civil Revision 938/1998 Md. Akbor Ali vs Md. Ator Ali Kha 76 Civil Revision 2798/1996 A. Mojid Shikdar vs Alauddin Bapary 58 59 60 165 Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 31 77 Civil Revision 4603/1998 Moajjem Hossain Mridha vs Abdur Rashid Bepari 78 Civil Revision 5379/2003 Md. Lutfar Rahman vs Md. Raza Mia 79 Civil Revision 5827/2010 Sayed Kabirul Islam vs Md. Tayeb Ali Shek 80 Civil Revision 6141/2001 Ajit Kumar Dutta vs Syed Kabirul Alam 81 Civil Revision 794/2001 Abdul Mozid vs Rajshahi Krishi Unnayan 82 Civil Revision 4284/1997 Bangladesh Khutir Shelpo vs Rabeya Begum 83 Civil Revision 5648/2003 Abdur Rashid Mollah vs Deputy Comm. Manikgonj 84 Civil Revision 4294/2003 Nurun Nabi ors vs Asraful Islam. 85 Civil Revision 3080/2003 Md.Abul Basar Moral vs Antizuddin sheikh. 86 Civil Revision 1957/2003 Shakh Abdul Bari vs Janata Bank Ltd. 87 Civil Revision 2496/1994 Abdul Hashem vs Abdur Rouf 88 Civil Revision 5890/2002 Azizur Rahman Munshi vs Saifur Rahman 89 Civil Revision 3248/2005 Abdus Salam Molla vs Monoj Kumar Saha 90 Civil Revision 1032/1999 Bidda Nath Mondal vs Pushupati Das 166 Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 21 Supreme Court of Bangladesh High Court Division Justice Moyeenul Islam Chowdhury and Justice Md. Iqbal Kabir Date : 02/05/2016 [Annex Building Court No. 21] [ , ; '( - ; % '( . , 2 +/ = >% %% $ '( . 2? ; < $ # . /0 @ ।] For Order 1 Writ Petition 6565/2015 Zakir Hossain Rerolling Mills Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Mr. Kaisar Kamal, Adv.-For the petitioner 2 Writ Petition 3933/2015 Md. Ali Hossain Thakur vs Bangladesh and others Mr. Saifur Rashid, Advocate -For the petitioner 3 Writ Petition 3310/2015 Writ Petition 3943/2004 (with) Abu Taher Bhuiyan vs Bangladesh and others Mr. Saifuddin Khaled with Mr. M. Saiyed Ahmed, Adv.-For the petitioner Mr. Abdul Mannan Bhuiyan, Adv.-For the respondent no. 8. Writ Petition 3944/2004 Md. Billal Hossain Mazumder vs Bangladesh and others Mr. Saifuddin Khaled with Mr. M. Saiyed Ahmed, Adv.-For the petitioner Mr. Abdul Mannan Bhuiyan, Adv.-For the respondent no. 8. Md. Saheed Latif vs Bangladesh and others For Judgment 4 Writ Petition 3920/2004 (with) Mostafizur Rahman Bhuiyan vs Bangladesh and others Mr. Saifuddin Khaled with Mr. M. Saiyed Ahmed, Adv.-For the petitioner Mr. Abdul Mannan Bhuiyan, Adv.-For the respondent no. 8. Application 167 5 In re : Writ Petition 2307/2016 Md. Aftab Ali Kala Mia vs Bangladesh and others 6 In re : Writ Petition 1244/2016 Md. Sultan Uddin vs Bangladesh and others 7 In re : Writ Petition 3772/2016 Md. Ziaur Rahman vs Bangladesh and others Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 21 8 In re : Writ Petition Mr. Mokhlesur 3952/2016 Rahman and others vs Bangladesh and others 9 In re : Writ Petition Md. Habibur Rahman 4170/2016 vs Bangladesh and others Contempt Petition Bangladesh Porjatan 290/2015 Corporation (with application) vs (Heard in part) Md. Tanvir Ahmed, Executive Engineer Mr. Alhaj Fazlur Rahman Khan, Adv.For the applicant Mr. Manzill Murshid, Adv. -For the respondent no. 1 Motion For Hearing 10 Writ Petition 7495/1997 (Heard in part) Md. Abdur Razzak and another vs Bangladesh and others Mr. M. H Rashid, Adv. -For the petitioner 11 Writ Petition 1614/2008 (Heard in part) Md. Fatehullha Khan and others vs Bangladesh and others Mr. Md. Abdur Rab Chowdhury, Adv.-For the petitioners 12 Writ Petition 913/2013 (Heard in part) Md. A. Bari and another vs Bangladesh and others Ms. Sultana Fowzia Yasmin, Adv.-For the petitioners Writ Petition 6138/2003 (with) Bangladesh Porjatan Corporation vs D.C.C and others Mr. Fazlur Rahman Khan, Adv.-For the petitioner Mr. Manzill Murshid, Adv. -For the respondent no.1 13 Writ Petition 6129/2003 with Bangladesh Parjoton Carporation vs Bangladesh and others 168 14 Writ Petition 6661/2001 (Heard in part) Abu Faiz Mohammad Aslam vs Bangladesh and others Mr. A. K. M. Fazlul Karim, Adv.-For the petitioner 15 Writ Petition 2617/2015 (Heard in part) Sarker Md. Tariqul Islam vs Mr. Shohiduzzaman Mr. Md. Zahurul Islam Mukul, Adv.For the petitioner Mr. Mokarramus Shaklan, Adv.-For the respondent 16 Writ Petition 3591/2014 (Heard in part) Md. Abdus Salam Talukder vs Bangladesh and others Mr. Md. Muniruzzaman, Adv.For the petitioner Mr. Md. Abdul Halim, Adv.-For the respondent no. 4. 17 Writ Petition 13157/2015 (Heard in part) Sarwar Kamal vs Bangladesh and others Mr. Fida M. Kamal with Mr. Towhidul Islam, Advs.-For the petitioner Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 21 18 Writ Petition 7936/2011 (Heard in part) Shanti Ram Biswas vs Bangladesh and others Mr. Gazi Md. Gias Uddin, Adv.-For the petitioner Mr. Md. Sarwar Ahad Chowdhury, Adv.-For the respondent no. 3 19 Writ Petition 12030/2015 (Heard in part) Md. Harun or Rashid vs Bangladesh and others Mr. Swapan Kurmar Dutta, Adv.-For the petitioner Writ Petition 3756/2012 (Heard in part) M. A. Khan Trust vs Islami University, Kustia and others Mr. M. Wali-ul Islam, Adv.-For the Petitioner Mr. M. G. Mahmud (Shaheen), Adv.-For the respondent nos.3-10 20 21 22 Writ Petition 7469/2015 Writ Petition 7355/2010 Joya Khan @ Naznin Sultana Khan and others vs Bangladesh and other Mr. Md. Rezaul Islam, Adv. For the petitioner Md. Anowar Hossain vs Bangladesh and others Mr. Gazi Md. Gias, Adv.-For the petitioner Mr. M. G. Mahmud (Shaheen), Adv.-For the respondent no. 3. 169 23 Writ Petition 12621/2015 Dr. Azharul Islam Khan and another vs Ms. Christine Denneshy and others Dr. Shahdeen Malik, Adv. -For the petitioners Mr. Syed Jawad Quader, Adv. -For the respondent no. 1. 24 Writ Petition 8838/2011 Rocky Knitting Mills (Pvt.) Ltd. and another vs Bangladesh and others Mr. Md. Motiur Rahman, Adv.-For the petitioners 25 Writ Petition 3267/1998 Al-haj Mohammad Kamal and others vs Bangladesh and others Dr. Naim Ahmed, Adv.-For the petitioner 26 Writ Petition 9138/2015 Momtaz Uddin and others vs Bangladesh and others Ms. Tahmina Polly, Adv.-For the petitioners 27 Writ Petition 5130/2014 Md. Farid Miah vs Bangladesh and others Ms. Salma Sultana, Adv.-For the petitioner Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 21 28 Writ Petition 7949/2015 Surjamukhi Enterprise Pvt. Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Mr. Gazi Md. Gias Uddin, Adv.-For the petitioner Mr. Imranul Kabir, Adv.-For the respondent no. 2 32 Writ Petition 10059/2012 M/S. Bismillah Engineering Works vs Bangladesh and others Mr. Md. Abdur Rashid, Adv.-For the petitioner Mr. Md. Jashim Uddin, Adv.-For the respondent nos. 2-6. 29 Writ Petition 11276/2006 Padma Kumar Chakma vs Dayal Mohan Chakma and others Mr. Surojit Bhattacharjee, Adv.For the petitioner Mr. Mohammad Ali Akanda, Adv. -For the respondent no. 1 33 Writ Petition 10061/2012 30 Writ Petition 7208/2010 Md. Nurul Islam alias Khokan vs Bangladesh and others Mr. A. Mannan, Adv.For the petitioner Mr. A. H. Mahfuzur Rahman, Adv.-For the respondent nos. 1-2. Abu Taher Chowdhury vs Bangladesh and others Mr. Md. Shahjahan, Adv.-For the petitioner Mr. S. M. Shahkhawat Hossain, Adv.-For the respondent no. 2. 34 Writ Petition 13583/2015 Md. Shafiqul Alam vs Bangladesh and others Mr. Md. Humayun Kabir, Adv.-For the petitioner Mr. Md. Sultan Mahmud, Adv.-For the respondent Writ Petition 2675/2012 H. R. P. B vs Bangladesh and others Mr. Manzill Murshid, Adv.-For the petitioner Mr. Syed Mafizur Rahman, Adv.-For the respondent no. 4. 35 Writ Petition 11716/2012 Md. Shakhawat Ullah Khan and others vs Bangladesh and others Mr. Ali Akbor Khan, Adv. For the petitioners Mr. M. Karim, Adv.For the respondent no. 5 31 170 Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 21 36 37 38 Writ Petition 8599/2014 (with) Md. Abdus Sattar and others vs Bangladesh and others Mr. Hassan M. S. Azim, Adv.-For the petitioers Mr. Khair Ezaz Maswood with Mr. Ms. Sabina Parvin, Advs.-For the respondent nos. 5-8. Writ Petition 8598/2014 (with) Md. Younus and others vs Bangladesh and others Writ Petition 8597/2014 (with) Shibo Podu Das and others vs Bangladesh and others Writ Petition 8600/2014 Md. Abul Kashem and others vs Bangladesh and others Writ Petition 7377/2015 Md. Abdul Bari and others vs Bangladesh and others Mr. Md. Omar Faruk, Adv. -For the petitioner Writ Petition 8451/2007 Nitis Kumar Pramanik and others vs Bangladesh and others Mr. S. M. Obaidul Hoque, Adv.- For the petitioner 171 39 Writ Petition 6672/2007 Md. Mosarraf Hosain and others vs Bangladesh and others Mr. S. M. Obaidul Hoque, Adv.- For the petitioner Mr. Md. Saiful Alam Khan, Adv.- For the respondent nos. 3-5. 40 Writ Petition 3468/2008 S.M. Asraful Hoqu vs Bangladesh and others Mr. S. M. Obaidul Hoque, Adv.- For the petitioner Mr. Md. Saiful Alam Khan, Adv.- For the respondent nos. 3-5. 41 Writ Petition 665/2008 Bharoti Rani Chowhdury vs Bangladesh and others Mr. S. M. Obaidul Hoque, Adv.- For the petitioner Mr. Md. Saiful Alam Khan, Adv.- For the respondent nos. 3-5. 42 Writ Petition 12724/2012 Dr. AMM Minhazur Rahman vs Bangladesh and others Mr. Mohammad Faridul Islam, Adv.For the petitioner Mr. Abdullah Yusuf, Adv.-For the respondent nos. 4 & 5. Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 21 43 Writ Petition 12728/2012 Anju Ara Khanam vs Bangladesh and others Mr. Abdur Rab Chowdhury, Adv. For the petitioner Mr. Chowdhury Sanwar Ali, Adv.-For the respondent nos. 5 & 7. 48 Writ Petition 407/2013 Sudhir Chandra Saha vs Bangladesh and others Mr. Khair Ezaz Maswood with Ms. Sabina Parvin, Advs.For the petitioner Mr. Md. Hefzul Bari, Adv.-For the respondent no. 9. 44 Writ Petition 12942/2012 Md. Khalilur Rahman and others vs Bangladesh and others Mr. Md. Moniruzzaman, Adv.For the petitioners 49 Writ Petition 408/2013 45 Writ Petition 10950/2015 Surma Matshajibi Samabay Samity Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Mr. M. A. Mannan Bhuiyan, Adv.-For the petitioner Dr. A. K. M. Ali, Adv. For the respondent no. 6 Sudhir Chandra Saha vs Bangladesh and others Mr. Khair Ezaz Maswood with Ms. Sabina Parvin, Advs.For the petitioner Mr. Md. Nazmul Haquei, Adv.-For the respondent no. 9. 50 Writ Petition 1054/2013 Md. Abul Hossain vs Bangladesh and others Mr. M. Shihab-UlArefin, Adv.-For the petitioner 51 Writ Petition 4604/2013 Hazi Siddiqur Rahman vs Bangladesh and others Mr. Md. Muniruzzaman, Adv.For the petitioner 52 Writ Petition 692/2013 Abu Md. Mohiuddin vs Bangladesh and others 53 Review Petition 16/2014 (arising ouf of W. P. No. 3247 of 2011) Paritosh Saha vs Bangladesh and others Mr. Md. Zuhurul Islam Mukul, Adv.For the petitioner 46 47 Writ Petition 405/2013 Writ Petition 406/2013 Sudhir Chandra Saha vs Bangladesh and others Mr. Khair Ezaz Maswood with Ms. Sabina Parvin, Advs.For the petitioner Mr. Md. Hefzul Bari, Adv.-For the respondent no. 9. Sudhir Chandra Saha vs Bangladesh and others Mr. Khair Ezaz Maswood with Ms. Sabina Parvin, Advs.For the petitioner Mr. rShah Md. Sirajul Hoque, Adv.-For the respondent no. 9. 172 Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 21 54 Writ Petition 5806/2014 Mst. Tahurun Nessa vs Bangladesh and others Mr. Syed Mizanur Rahman, Adv.- For the petitioner 55 Writ Petition 6196/2014 Enamul Haque Chowdhury vs Bangladesh and others Mr. Mohammad Ali Azam, Adv.-For the petitioner Writ Petition 9320/2014 A.K.M Nuruzzaman vs Bangladesh and others Mr. Rawshan Alam Khan, Adv.-For the petitioner 56 57 Writ Petition 4557/2014 Most. Sharmin Akhter vs Bangladesh and others Mr. Matiur Rahman, Adv. -For the applicant 58 Writ Petition 5045/2015 Md. Harun or rashid Farid vs Bangladesh and others Mr. Md. Mozammel Hoque, Adv.-For the applicant Mr. Pankaj Kumar Kundu, Adv.-For the petitioner 59 60 Writ Petition 1395/2015 Writ Petition 6002/2015 Md. Shafiqul Islam vs Bangladesh and others Md. Anwarul Islam vs Bangladesh and others Mr. Md. Humayun Kabir, Adv.-For the petitioner 173 61 Writ Petition 6291/2015 Md. Fazle Rahman Kajol vs Bangladesh and others Mr. Md. Humayun Kabir, Adv.-For the petitioner 62 Contempt Petition 367/2015 (arising ouf of W. P. No. 6980 of 2015) Amina Khatun and others vs Md. Ali Hossain Khan, Officer- InCharge, Uttara Model Thana and another 63 Writ Petition 6980/2015 Ms. Amina Khatun vs Chairman, RAJUK and others 64 Writ Petition 388/2010 Chandra Ghosh vs Bangladesh and others Mr. Md. Shohrab Hossain, Adv.-For the petitioner Mr. Mohammad Mehedi Hassan Chowdhury, Adv.-For the respondent nos. 2-4. 65 Writ Petition 1535/2010 R. K. Cotton Spinning Mills Ltd. Dhaka vs Bangladesh and others Mr. Aminul Hoque, Adv.-For the petitioner Mr. A. K.M. Robiul Hassan, Adv.-For the respondent no. 1 66 Writ Petition 10093/2010 Ramesh Chandra Ghosh vs Bangladesh and others 67 Writ Petition 4446/2011 Chandra Ghosh vs Bangladesh and others Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 21 68 Writ Petition 9945/2011 M. Ayub alias M. Ayub Ali vs Bangladesh and others 78 Writ Petition 9864/2015 Syed Mehedi Ahmed Rumi vs Bangladesh and others 69 Writ Petition 1137/2013 Zila Parishad Bhumi Ijaradar Odhikar Songrokhon Committee vs Bangladesh and others 79 Writ Petition 700/2008 Mrs Marium Begum vs Bangladesh and others 80 Writ Petition 9731/2008 Rois Ali and others vs Bangladesh and others 81 Writ Petition 5964/2008 Sahira Begum and others vs Bangladesh and others 82 Writ Petition 5558/2008 Abu Taher alias Abu Taher Masud vs Bangladesh and others. 83 Writ Petition 7319/2009 Dr. Tareque Muhammad Taufiqur Rahman vs The Registrar Rajshahi University and others 84 Writ Petition 1622/2009 Mohammad Sekandar Ali Patwary vs Bangladesh and others Lutful Hoque vs Bangladesh and others 85 Writ Petition 6734/2009 Writ Petition 453/2014 Jahangir Alam vs Bangladesh and others Kabir Ahmed vs Bangladesh and others 86 Writ Petition 2037/2009 Writ Petition 11101/2014 Md. Arifur Rahman vs Bangladesh and others Md. Abdul Hakim vs Bangladesh and others 87 Writ Petition 2275/2009 Writ Petition 9077/2015 Masud Ahmed vs Bangladesh and others Kishore Mohan Dhali vs Bangladesh and others 88 Writ Petition 3383/2010 Mir Kashem and others vs Bangladesh and others 70 Writ Petition 12426/2013 Md. Zaglul Haider vs Bangladesh and others Mr. Firozur Rahman Mullah, Adv.-For the petitioner 71 Writ Petition 9076/2013 Ahmed Ali vs Bangladesh and others 72 Writ Petition 11259/2013 Md. Rafiqul Islam vs Bangladesh and others 73 Writ Petition 1346/2013 Dr. S.M. Jahangir Alam vs Bangladesh and others 74 75 76 77 Writ Petition 3040/2014 174 Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 21 89 Writ Petition 8138/2010 Mostafa Kamal Pasha vs Bangladesh and others 100 Writ Petition 9799/2012 Monzur Elahi vs Bangladesh and others 90 Writ Petition 729/2010 Sheikh Wahiduzzaman vs Bangladesh and others 101 Writ Petition 6471/2012 Enamul Haque Mollah vs Bangladesh and others 91 Writ Petition 9632/2010 Human Rights and Peace for Bangladesh vs Bangladesh and others 102 Writ Petition 3814/2012 Ain-O-Salish Kendra and others vs Bangladesh and others 92 Writ Petition 8625/2010 A.K.M.Fazlul Karim and another vs The Chittagong City Corporation by its Mayor and ors 103 Writ Petition 3938/2013 Nasima Akter Nasrin vs Bangladesh and others 104 Writ Petition 2046/2013 Hotel Sweet Dream Pvt. Ltd. Dhaka vs Bangladesh and others Mong Hy Nu Murma vs Bangladesh and others 105 Writ Petition 7282/2013 Writ Petition 8098/2011 Asif Arif Tabani vs Bangladesh and others Md. Abu Hanif vs Bangladesh and others 106 Writ Petition 8526/2013 Writ Petition 8099/2011 Aslam Rashid Tabani vs Bangladesh and others Haji Abdul Manik vs Bangladesh and others 107 Writ Petition 11934/2013 Writ Petition 6433/2011 Md. Foysal Newaz vs Bangladesh and others Sarhuddin Ahammed vs Md. Mostafizur Rahman 108 Writ Petition 9340/2013 Writ Petition 3338/2011 Human Rights and Peace for Bangladesh (HRPB), Dhaka vs Bangladesh and others Md.Miaz Uddin vs Bangladesh and others 109 Writ Petition 8106/2013 Bibi Quamrunessa vs Bangladesh and others 110 Writ Petition 4879/2012 Md. Saifullah and 16 ors vs Bangladesh and others Writ Petition 2527/2014 Md. Abdul Jabbar vs Bangladesh and others 111 Writ Petition 2669/2014 Abu Mohammad Moniruzzaman vs Bangladesh and others 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 Writ Petition 1975/2011 Writ Petition 7939/2012 Farida Yasmin vs Bangladesh and others 175 Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 21 112 Writ Petition 10208/2014 Sahabuddin and others vs Bangladesh and others 113 Writ Petition 11979/2014 Usuf Jamal vs Bangladesh and others 114 Writ Petition 8656/2014 Md Siddik Ahmed vs Bangladesh and others 115 Writ Petition 7116/2014 Md. Kashem Moral and others vs Bangladesh and others Writ Petition 1346/2014 Bangladesh Sugar Refiners Associations vs Bangladesh and others 116 117 118 119 Writ Petition 616/2014 Writ Petition 5798/2014 Writ Petition 11207/2014 Md. Mozibur Rahman vs Bangladesh and others M N H Balu vs Bangladesh and others Titas Gas Transmission and Distribution Com. ltd vs District Judge and Arbitration Appellate Tribunal, Dhaka and 02 ors 120 Writ Petition 5649/2014 Syed Asif Iqbal vs Bangladesh and others 121 Writ Petition 8815/2014 Md. Abdul Barik and others vs Bangladesh and others 176 122 Writ Petition 6580/2014 Md Shahab Uddin vs Bangladesh and others 123 Writ Petition 6524/2015 Md. Moshiur Rahman Chowdhury vs Bangladesh and others 124 Writ Petition 7542/2015 A. K. M. Kobiruzzaman vs Bangladesh and others 125 Writ Petition 7166/2015 Abdur Razzak vs Bangladesh and others 126 Writ Petition 9031/2015 Md. Ismail Hossain vs Bangladesh and others 127 Writ Petition 7630/2015 Parvin Begum vs Bangladesh and others 128 Writ Petition 2478/2015 Md. Awal Islam vs Bangladesh and others 129 Writ Petition 2496/2015 Md. Shah Alam Talukder vs Bangladesh and others 130 Writ Petition 13429/2015 Md. Ruhul Amin Khan vs Bangladesh and others 131 Writ Petition 105/2015 Shapla Badesadokpur Dupikona Fisherman Co-operative Society Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others 132 Writ Petition 2566/2015 Md. Azizur Rahman vs Bangladesh and others Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 21 133 Suo-moto Rule 3/2015 The State vs Secretary, Ministry of Land and others 134 Writ Petition 8252/2015 S.M Masud Hossain Dolon vs Bangladesh and others 135 Writ Petition 9926/2015 Prof. Md. Nurul Haque Meah vs Bangladesh and others 136 Writ Petition 901/2015 Md. Shah Noor Alam vs Bangladesh and others 137 Contempt Petition 417/2015 M/S. S. M. Alam vs Firoj Iqbal, The Chief Engineer (now retired), Roads and Highways Department, Sarak Bhaban, Tejgaon, Dhaka 138 Contempt Petition 418/2015 M/S Ashaful Alam vs Firoj Iqbal, The Chief Engineer (now retired), Roads and Highways Department, Sarak Bhaban, Tejgaon, Dhaka 139 Contempt Petition 419/2015 M/S. Raj Construction vs Firoj Iqbal, The Chief Engineer (now retired), Roads and Highways Department, Sarak Bhaban, Tejgaon, Dhaka 177 Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 8 Supreme Court of Bangladesh High Court Division Justice Md. Emdadul Huq and Justice Ashish Ranjan Das Date : 02/05/2016 [Annex Building Court No. 8] : [ # . /0 AB . @ O 2 %K 2? ; C % 8 #/ # . /0 ; AB . ; AB . '( . 2? ; < $ # . /0 @ O 2 C * AB . % 8 #/ 2 AB . 2 % 8 R% ; AB . #/ $ %K 2? ; & E C # . /0 ; 1 2 +/ #/ = >% $ ।] As to be mentioned 1 Criminal Misc 9245/2006 Hashi Lota Baschhack vs The State 2 Criminal Misc 38707/2015 Yousuf vs The State 3 Criminal Misc 1220/2015 Md. Sohel Rana vs The State 4 Criminal Misc 1380/2015 Emad ullah vs The State 5 Criminal Misc 38166/2015 Criminal Misc 48535/2012 6 7 8 9 10 11 Criminal Misc 41529/2012 Criminal Appeal 5981/2015 Criminal Revision 2160/2014 12 Criminal Misc 2289/2012 Md.Nazmul Huq vs The state For Order 13 Criminal Misc 739/2016 2.P.M Md. A. Rajjak vs The State Mr. Md. Mahamudur Rasel, Advocate- For the Petitioner. 14 Masum Hawlader vs The State Md. Abdul Quddus vs The State In re Borguna with Crl. Mis. 3046/2016 15 Md. Ilias Hossain and another vs The state In re Borguna 2.00 pm with Crl. Mis. 49957/15 Masum Howlader vs The State 16 Md.Towhidur Rahman alias Sumon vs The state In re Borguna with Crl. Mis. 351/2015 Masum Howlader vs The State 17 In re Borguna 2.00 pm with Crl.Mis.3045/16 Masum Howlader vs The State 18 In re Coxs Bazar Md. Nurul Abser vs The State Golam Hossain vs The state Bablu Mia vs The State and others Criminal Misc 2430/2016 Israk vs The State Criminal Misc 2446/2016 Rabindra Dhar vs The State Motion ( Sunday to Monday ) Appeal for Admission (Sunday to Tuesday ) 19 178 Criminal Appeal 9867/2015 Md. Asaduzzaman vs The State Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 8 20 Criminal Appeal 5061/2016 Raihan vs The State 36 Criminal Appeal 1378/2016 Paran Haldar vs The State 21 Criminal Appeal 1267/2016 Md. Rashed vs The State 37 Criminal Appeal 4966/2013 Md.Minto vs The State 22 Criminal Appeal 10330/2015 Md. Afsar Ali and others vs The State 38 Criminal Appeal 2339/2016 Nuru Mia vs The State 39 Md. Selim Bepari vs The State Criminal Appeal 2627/2016 Md. Goni vs The State 40 md.Salam vs The state. Criminal Appeal 2738/2016 Md. Imran vs The State 41 Abdul Wahab vs The State Criminal Appeal 214/2016 Aslam Mollah vs The State 42 Criminal Appeal 1977/2016 Md. Rafiqul Islam vs The State 23 24 25 26 Criminal Appeal 1740/2016 Criminal Appeal 3566/2015 Criminal Appeal 2415/2016 Criminal Appeal 1188/2016 Md. Chandon vs The State 27 Criminal Appeal 2961/2016 Md. Tajul Islam vs The State 28 Criminal Appeal 9889/2015 Mohammad Nurullah Noor vs The State 29 Criminal Appeal 2022/2016 Md. Shahjahan and another vs The State 30 Criminal Appeal 2668/2016 Md. Monir Uddin vs The State 31 Criminal Appeal 2401/2016 Md. Tanjilur Rahman vs The State 32 Criminal Appeal 759/2016 Ahasan Habib vs The State 33 Criminal Appeal 2359/2016 Md. Khairul Islam vs The State 34 Criminal Appeal 2599/2016 Newtan Biswas vs The Stete 35 Criminal Appeal 2737/2016 Rakib Hossain vs The State Sent by Hon`ble Chief Justice : For Hearing 43 Writ Petition 5556/2014 Shakhowat Hossain Bhuiyan vs The state Mr. Manzil Murshid, Advocate, For the petitioner. with Mr. Qumrul Islam Siddique, Adv. - For the Petitioner, Mr. Shafiq Ahmed,Advocate with Mr. Md. Nurul Islam Sujahn, Adv. For the Respondent No.7, Mr. Aminur Rahman Chowdury, AAG- For the Respondent Nos.8 & 9, Mr. Aftab Uddin Siddique,Adv. For Respondent No.10 44 179 Writ Petition 5497/2014 2.00 pm M.d Nasir Uddin Mridha vs The Sec. Min. of Land and ors Mr. Md. Ashad Ullah,Advocate- For the petitioners Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 8 For Hearing Heard in part 45 46 47 48 49 50 Criminal Misc 20347/2011 Heard in part Idris Ahmed vs The State Mr. Sagir Ahmed. Adv. for the petitioner. Mr. Md. Zafar Alom. Adv. O.P No - 1 Criminal Misc 926/2016 Heard in part Md. Mamun Bhuiyan vs The State Mrs. Fahema Nasrin. Advocate..... For the Petitioner. Criminal Revision 612/1999 Heard in part Md. Zakir Hossain alias Hossain Abedin vs The State Mrs. Parvin Hannan, Adv. For the petitioner. Criminal Revision 1546/2015 Heard in part Criminal Appeal 230/2014 Heard in part Mohammad Najim Uddin Mr. Abdus Salam, Advocate- For the appellant vs The State Md. Jahangir Alam vs The State 51 Criminal Misc 10856/2015 Heard in part 13.04.16 Rebeka Sufian vs The state 52 Criminal Misc 779/2016 Heard in part Saleh uddin vs The State Mr. Md. Mohaddes Ul - Islam. Adv..... For the Petitioner. Criminal Misc 20271/2012 Heard in part 05.05.16 Ratan Chandra Roy vs The state 54 Criminal Misc 27347/2014 Heard in part aoual sardar vs The State 55 Criminal Appeal 7700/2015 Heard in part Md. Robiul vs The State Application ( Tuesday ) Rahmot Ullah vs Imrat Hossain and others Mr. Amjad Hossain. Advocate...... For the Petitioner.Mr. Md. Mahmadul Hoque, For the O.P.No.2 Criminal Misc 3525/2016 Heard in part 53 180 56 In re Khulna Md. Joynul Abedeen vs The State 57 In re Dhaka Md. Adnan Hossain vs The State 58 Criminal Misc 3709/2012 Mst. Munsi Begum vs The state 59 Criminal Appeal 5773/2013 Md.Montaj Ali vs The State 60 Criminal Appeal 47452/2015 Snehangsu Sarkar vs The state and others 61 Criminal Appeal 7964/2015 Babul Hossain vs The State 62 Criminal Misc 865/2015 Md. Zahidul Islam vs The State 63 Criminal Misc 42354/2012 Balal Hosan vs The State 64 Criminal Appeal 10726/2015 Md. Liton Miah vs The State 65 Criminal Appeal 230/2014 Mohammad Najim Uddin Mr. Abdus Salam, Advocate- For the appellant vs The State 66 Criminal Misc 42354/2012 Balal Hosan vs The State Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 8 67 Criminal Misc 1733/2016 Md. Kazimuddin vs The State 83 Criminal Misc 160/2016 Md. Afzal Hossain vs The State Md. Mazedul Hoque Bhuiyan vs The state 68 Criminal Revision 5181/2016 84 Criminal Misc 4453/2016 Criminal Misc 5931/2016 Namrin Alam vs The State Manik vs The State 85 Criminal Misc 11288/2016 Criminal Misc 17906/2015 Md. Khairul Alam vs The State Robua Aktar vs The State 86 Criminal Misc 11038/2010 Criminal Misc 3972/2015 Md. Alamgir vs The State Md. Shafiul Azam vs The State 87 Criminal Misc 11702/2016 Criminal Appeal 7718/2014 Abdur Rahman @ Dudu Miah and ors vs The State Md. Abdul Hai vs The State 88 Criminal Misc 6135/2016 Md. Azizul Haque vs The State 73 Criminal Misc 20479/2014 Md. Jahangir Alam vs The State 89 Criminal Appeal 9482/2015 Md. Miarul Islam vs The State 74 Criminal Appeal 1886/2016 Zaved Akter vs The State 90 Criminal Appeal 6666/2015 Shamim vs The State 75 Criminal Misc 195/2015 Md. Kauser Ahmmed vs The State 91 Criminal Misc 6/2016 Md. Ayat Ullah vs The State 69 70 71 72 For Hearing : 498 (Wednesday) 76 Criminal Misc 3014/2016 Md. Nasik Ahmed vs The State 92 77 Criminal Misc 10664/2016 S.M. Abdul Halim vs The State Criminal Misc 780/2016 15.4.2016 Jabar vs The State 93 Criminal Misc 2/2016 Mujahid Sheikh vs The State 94 Criminal Misc 939/2016 22.4.2016 Md. Abdul Alim vs The State 95 Criminal Misc 854/2016 Mohammad Nazim Uddin vs The State 78 79 80 81 82 Criminal Misc 30867/2015 Soyed Mosharraf Hossain vs The State Criminal Misc 32655/2015 Marjinul Alam Shimul vs The State Criminal Misc 29469/2012 Md.Danesh Ali vs The state 96 Md. Mojibar Rahman vs The State Criminal Misc 1707/2016 Abdur Rahim Babul vs The State 97 Criminal Misc 929/2016 Md. Shahin vs The State Criminal Misc 41556/2014 Criminal Misc 47532/2015 Lal Miah vs The State 181 Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 8 98 Criminal Misc 925/2016 Shamsul Islam vs The State 99 Criminal Misc 928/2016 100 101 102 103 104 113 Criminal Misc 922/2016 Abul Kalam vs The State Md. NUrul Islam Khandakar vs The State 114 Criminal Misc 2597/2016 Criminal Misc 1630/2016 Osman Fakir vs The State Md. Shamsul Alam vs The State 115 Criminal Misc 2586/2016 Criminal Misc 1186/2016 Md. Sukkur vs The State Salim Bepari vs The State 116 Criminal Misc 3491/2016 Criminal Misc 1916/2016 Md. Tarequzzaman Boyati vs The State Zohura Khatun vs The State 117 Criminal Misc 923/2016 Criminal Misc 50781/2015 Md. Nurul Afsar @ Ashra Afsar vs The Sec. Min. of Land and ors Md. NUrul Islam Khandakar vs The State 118 Criminal Misc 2735/2016 Bulu Mollah vs The State 119 Criminal Misc 3116/2016 Asad Mollah vs The State 120 Criminal Misc 2017/2016 Atiqur Rahman Chowdhury vs The State 121 Criminal Misc 2006/2016 Md. Rubel vs The State Criminal Misc 2181/2016 Md. Jagabgur Alam vs The State 105 Criminal Misc 2183/2016 Md. Totan Sheikh vs The state and others 106 Criminal Misc 2589/2016 Md. Kafil Uddin Bin Amin vs The State 122 107 Criminal Misc 1452/2016 Rased Molla vs The State Criminal Misc 2202/2016 Md. Mehedi Hasan vs The State 123 Md. Sumon vs The State Criminal Misc 1489/2016 Rubel vs The State 124 Md. Tanjil vs The State Criminal Misc 1220/2016 Rashedul Haque vs The State 125 Rakhal Chakrabarty vs The State Criminal Misc 2011/2016 Tonmay Das vs The State 126 Criminal Misc 1446/2016 Md. Azizur Rahman Patwary vs The State 127 Criminal Misc 2434/2016 Zathi Chakma vs The State 108 109 110 Criminal Misc 2361/2016 Criminal Misc 1722/2016 Criminal Misc 2997/2016 111 Criminal Misc 3115/2016 Rakhal Chakrabarty vs The State 112 Criminal Misc 3002/2016 Md. Osman vs The State 182 Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 8 128 Criminal Misc 1991/2016 Md. Ariful Islam vs The State 144 Criminal Misc 2430/2016 Israk vs The State 129 Criminal Misc 1698/2016 Md. Rakibul Islam vs The state and others 145 Criminal Misc 2108/2016 Md. Monjur Alam vs The State 130 Criminal Misc 2733/2016 Raton Kumar Ghosh vs The State 146 Criminal Misc 1724/2016 Md. Asadul Islam vs The State 131 Criminal Misc 1726/2016 Taslima Akter vs The State 147 Criminal Misc 2191/2016 Md. Tipu Sultan vs The State 132 Criminal Misc 2433/2016 Md. Sohag vs The State 148 Criminal Misc 2600/2016 Md. Sujan Miah vs The State 133 Criminal Misc 2031/2016 Nurul Huda vs The State 149 Criminal Misc 2957/2016 Md. Mofisur Rahman vs The State 134 Criminal Misc 2008/2016 Md. Yousuf vs The State 150 Criminal Misc 2200/2016 Md. Zakaria vs The State 135 Criminal Misc 1651/2016 Md. Hasan Ali vs The State 151 Criminal Misc 2190/2016 Md. Hasan Sheikh vs The State 136 Criminal Misc 2107/2016 Noor Hossain vs The State 152 Criminal Misc 2143/2016 Md. Masir Ali vs The State 137 Criminal Misc 1580/2016 Md. Ruhul Munshi vs The State 153 Criminal Misc 51578/2015 Mohammad Hossain vs The State 138 Criminal Misc 1640/2016 Md. Zeaul Haque vs The State 154 Criminal Misc 1173/2016 139 Criminal Misc 2000/2016 Bashir Ahammad vs The State Md. Chhanuwar Hossain vs The State 155 Criminal Misc 3117/2016 Criminal Misc 2436/2016 Md. Azim vs The State A. Rashid vs The State 156 Criminal Misc 2139/2016 Criminal Misc 2995/2016 Md. Bakul Miah vs The State Md. Mahbubur Rahman vs The State 157 Md. Hasem Ullah vs The State Criminal Misc 1189/2016 md. kalon vs State 158 Criminal Misc 778/2016 Rezaul Karim vs The State 159 Criminal Misc 2012/2016 Md. Ful Miah vs The State 140 141 142 143 Criminal Misc 1906/2016 Criminal Misc 1576/2016 Md. Sajjad and others vs The State 183 Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 8 160 Criminal Misc 1639/2016 Mokbul Hossain Dhali vs The State 175 Criminal Misc 910/2016 Md. Bhuttu Jamider and others vs The State 161 Criminal Misc 2201/2016 Md. Zahedul Islam Sumon vs The State 176 Criminal Misc 2990/2016 Md. Jamal Uddin vs The State 177 Md. Abdur Rashid vs The State Criminal Misc 51154/2015 Kayser Uddin Piaro vs The State 178 Sheikh Farid vs The State Criminal Misc 1989/2016 Md. Ashiqur Rahman vs The State 179 Criminal Misc 1654/2016 Md. Abu Sayeed vs The State 180 Criminal Misc 1439/2016 Md. Bodiul Alam vs The State 162 163 164 165 Criminal Misc 1176/2016 Criminal Misc 1577/2016 Criminal Misc 2245/2016 Sheikh Mizanur Rahman Papon vs The State Criminal Misc 2435/2016 Md. Ismail vs The State 181 Criminal Misc 3000/2016 Criminal Misc 1597/2016 Md. Shahajalal Gazi vs The state Tobarak Hossain vs The State 182 Criminal Misc 50410/2015 Criminal Misc 2032/2016 Md. Firoz Alam vs The State Mst. Shilpi Akter vs The State 183 Criminal Misc 1451/2016 Criminal Misc 45733/2015 Md. Alamin vs The State Md. Kabir Ahmed vs The State 184 Criminal Misc 2583/2016 Criminal Misc 1728/2016 Md. Joynal Hossain Naju vs The State Md. Saiful Islam vs The State 185 Criminal Misc 37103/2015 Nazmul Islam vs The State 170 Criminal Misc 278/2016 Md. Masud Rana vs The State 186 Criminal Misc 50516/2015 Md. Kawsar vs The State 171 Criminal Misc 1660/2016 Md. Anisur Rahman vs The State 187 Criminal Misc 3121/2016 Md. Golap Miah vs The State 172 Criminal Misc 2590/2016 Md. Ibrahim Howlader vs The State 166 167 168 169 173 174 Criminal Misc 2147/2016 Md. Azaharul vs The State Criminal Misc 33734/2015 Md. Hamidur Rahman vs The State For Hearing : 561-A (Wednesday and Thursday) 184 188 Criminal Misc 5697/2011 Himangsu Mandol vs The State 189 Criminal Misc 39060/2014 Md. Gias Uddin Khan vs The State Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 8 190 Criminal Misc 1490/2012 Sayed Nasir Uddin @ Nasir and others vs The State 205 Criminal Misc 28191/2013 Alhaj Harun-OrRashid vs The State 191 Criminal Misc 33411/2015 md. Sorower Hossain vs The State 206 Criminal Misc 34639/2014 Md. Rafiqul Islam vs The State 192 Criminal Misc 24250/2015 Enayet Ullah vs Saiful Islam 207 Criminal Misc 28195/2013 193 Criminal Misc 9364/2011 Ali Miah vs The State Alhaj Harun-OrRashid vs The State 208 Criminal Misc 8457/2014 Criminal Misc 1059/2015 kalam vs The state. Md. Alauddin vs the state 209 Criminal Misc 18813/2014 Criminal Misc 25528/2013 Md. Jahurul Alom vs The State Md. Sha Alam vs the state 210 Criminal Misc 18814/2014 Criminal Misc 28526/2010 Aman Gosh Roy vs The State md. Sah Alam vs the state 211 Criminal Misc 41592/2014 Criminal Misc 21220/2014 Golam Foysal vs The state and others Md. Asmat Ali vs The State 212 Criminal Misc 13294/2015 Criminal Misc 25173/2014 Abul Kalam Azad vs The State Md. Alamgir Kabir vs The State 213 Criminal Misc 14241/2015 Criminal Misc 10855/2015 Md. Kafil Uddin Mandal vs The State Md. Nurul Islam vs The State 214 Criminal Misc 31968/2013 Md.Samsul Alam vs The State 200 Criminal Misc 16240/2012 Md.Jamal Uddin vs the state 215 Criminal Misc 16519/2012 201 Criminal Misc 24961/2014 Md. Abdul Quddus vs The State Md.Azahar Ali and others vs The state 216 Criminal Misc 32970/2014 Criminal Misc 4231/2013 Md.A.K.M.Akkas Bhuiyan vs The state Feroz Khan vs The State 217 Criminal Misc 27120/2014 Abdus Salam vs Hazi Md. Sahjahan 203 Criminal Misc 449/2014 Monirul Alam vs The State 218 Criminal Misc 10983/2013 204 Criminal Misc 27006/2013 Md. Asaduzzaman vs The state Nazimuddin Chowdhury Kanonge vs the state 219 Criminal Misc 21273/2014 Azad Miah vs The State 194 195 196 197 198 199 202 185 Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 8 220 Criminal Misc 30374/2013 Md. Kare Faruk vs The State 234 Criminal Misc 19546/2011 Ibrahim Khan vs The State 221 Criminal Misc 4259/2005 H. Rashid Najam vs The State and another 235 Criminal Misc 21057/2015 Pronob Chowdhury vs The State 236 Criminal Misc 14414/2005 Chand Miah vs Khandakar Abdus Sabur 222 Criminal Misc 16205/2014 Abul Kalam Azad vs The State 223 Criminal Misc 22530/2014 Syama vs The State 237 Criminal Misc 37321/2013 Aliza Sultan vs The State 224 Criminal Misc 5950/2013 Md.Fazlul Haque and others vs The state 238 Criminal Misc 36677/2014 Md. Nasir Uddin vs The State 239 Md. Sahajahan vs The State Criminal Misc 4460/2012 A.K.M.Nurul Islam vs The state 240 Md. Giasuddin vs The state Criminal Misc 51782/2013 Jarip Ali vs The State 241 Md. Giasuddin vs The state Criminal Misc 37320/2013 Sultan Ahmed vs The state 242 Criminal Misc 9760/2014 Shamsul Islam vs The State 243 Criminal Misc 3191/2011 Zahangir Alam vs The State 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 Criminal Misc 2839/2014 Criminal Misc 20502/2012 Criminal Misc 20503/2012 Criminal Misc 27219/2014 Md. Habibur Rahman Chunnu vs The State Criminal Misc 16693/2012 Md.Shafiqul Islam vs The state 244 Criminal Misc 47532/2015 Criminal Misc 11454/2012 Most.Sirin Begum vs The state Lal Miah vs The State 245 Criminal Misc 4125/2012 Criminal Misc 16470/2014 A. Islam vs The State Md.Nurul Islam alias Babul vs The state 246 Md. Helal Uddin vs The state Criminal Misc 48384/2015 Md. Selim Ahamed vs The State 247 Criminal Misc 50951/2015 Md. Ataur Rahman vs The State 248 Criminal Misc 17350/2014 Morshed Khan vs The state and others 249 Criminal Misc 49180/2013 Sultan Ahmed vs The state Criminal Misc 38778/2013 Criminal Misc 27566/2014 Md. Belayet Hossain Mr. Afiluddin Ahmede, AdvocateFor the Petitioner. Mr. Md. Abdul Hai Mondal, AdvocateFor the O.P. vs The State 186 Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 8 250 Criminal Misc 45304/2015 Chandan Kanti Dey vs The State 262 Criminal Revision 130/2003 Safia Begum vs the state Runu and others vs The state another Mr. Syed Mohammad Jabed Parvez. Adv.... For the Petititoner. 251 Criminal Misc 10195/2014 Rafiqul Hai Kaderi vs The State 252 Criminal Misc 29163/2013 263 Criminal Revision 452/2003 Criminal Misc 33396/2013 Md. Mehebul Haque vs The state Chowdhury Miah vs The state another 264 Criminal Revision 410/2003 Criminal Misc 37032/2015 Abul Khair vs The State Aminul Hossain vs The state another 265 Criminal Revision 419/2003 Criminal Misc 10483/2014 Ahmmod Bin Rubayet vs The state Md. Alauddin vs The state another 266 Criminal Revision 481/2003 Md. Ali Miah vs The state another 256 Criminal Misc 33553/2014 Md. Shah Alam vs The State 267 Criminal Revision 187/2013 Satyabrata Dutta vs Ripon Chandra Kar 257 Criminal Misc 5061/2004 with Crl.App.No 5061/1998 Al- Amin vs The State 268 Criminal Revision 1343/2015 Md. Khairul alam vs The State 269 Criminal Misc 2170/2006 Shah Alam vs The State Criminal Revision 1634/2015 A. H. M Sahajahan vs The State 270 Criminal Revision 1635/2015 A. H.M. Sahajahan vs The State 253 254 255 258 For Hearing (Criminal Revision for hearing) (Thursday) 259 Criminal Revision 1811/2014 Md. Ohidur Rahman vs The State 271 Criminal Revision 1039/2015 Qudrat Ali vs The state 260 Criminal Revision 677/2002 Shaokat Ali vs The State Ms. Joya Bhattacharjee. Adv..... For the Petitioner. 272 Criminal Revision 212/2013 Syed Ali vs Nargis Akter 273 Criminal Revision 237/2012 S.M. Mulk vs The State 261 Criminal Revision 155/2002 Criminal Revision 456/2003 (with) Criminal Appeal : For Hearing ( Thursday ) Azizur Rahman and others vs The state another Mr.Md. Oziullah. Adv.... For the Petitioner. Runu and others vs The state another 187 274 Criminal Appeal 10703/2015 13.04.16 Belal Hossain vs The State 275 Criminal Appeal 855/2016 13.04.16 Mohammad Mintu vs The State Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 8 276 277 278 279 Criminal Appeal 15/2016 Criminal Appeal 9492/2015 Criminal Appeal 2465/2012 Criminal Appeal 6006/2013 Mir Md. Mefthauddin vs The State Most Beauty Akhter vs The State Majed Ali Fakir @ Majam and Others Mr. Md. Abdul Hamid, AdvocateFor the appellant vs The State Md.Elias Hossain Raju @ Elias Hossain Raju vs The State 280 Criminal Appeal 331/2016 Boshir Ahmed vs The State 281 Criminal Appeal 2210/2013 Md.Rubel vs The State and another 282 Criminal Appeal 193/1988 Md.Mozammel Haque vs State 283 284 285 286 287 288 Criminal Appeal 1160/1990 Criminal Appeal 312/1990 Md. Tota Mia vs State Nowab Miah @ Nowa @ Abul Hossain vs State Criminal Appeal 53/1990 Md. Abdul Mannaf vs State Criminal Appeal 5092/1991 Criminal Appeal 2606/1997 Criminal Appeal 846/1997 289 Criminal Appeal 68/1997 Md. Billal and others vs State 290 Criminal Appeal 3087/1999 Mostafizur Rahman vs The State 291 Criminal Appeal 2300/1999 Md.Firoz Miah and others vs The State 292 Criminal Appeal 627/1999 Nazem Sarder vs The State 293 Criminal Appeal 7357/2011 Md.Arif Hossain vs The State 294 Criminal Appeal 7538/2011 Shekh Md. Hafij vs The State 295 Criminal Appeal 400/2016 Md. Rubel Khaki vs The State 296 Criminal Appeal 6257/2015 Md.halimur rahman vs The state 297 Criminal Appeal 426/2016 Md. Ful Babu vs The State 298 Criminal Appeal 76/2016 Mostafa vs The State 299 Criminal Appeal 9442/2015 Md. Azizur Rahman vs The State 300 Criminal Appeal 10832/2015 Md. Fakhrul vs The State For Order 301 Criminal Misc 3965/2013 Abdus Samad vs State MD.JAHANGIR Hossain vs The State 302 Sydur vs The State Criminal Misc 3654/2013 Mokbul Hossain vs the state 303 Sultan Ahmed vs State Criminal Misc 3226/2013 Omar Ali Sheikh vs The state 304 Criminal Misc 3361/2013 Md.Sohab Ali vs The state 188 Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 8 305 Criminal Misc 3395/2013 Nasrin vs The State 321 Criminal Misc 1908/2013 Md.Kasem Mollah vs the state 306 Criminal Misc 3113/2013 Md.Khokon vs the state 322 Criminal Misc 3939/2013 Babul vs State 307 Criminal Misc 3963/2013 Md.Nuruzzaman Fakir vs the state 323 Criminal Misc 3987/2013 Md.Edon Mia vs The state 324 Criminal Misc 3751/2013 Md.Shahabuddin Sikder vs the state 308 Criminal Misc 3991/2013 Md.Sagir Ahammed vs the state 309 Criminal Misc 3381/2013 Md. Ruhul Amin vs The State 325 Criminal Misc 3926/2013 Md.Joshim Uddin vs the state 310 Criminal Misc 3977/2013 Md.Yasin Biswas vs te state 326 Criminal Misc 1916/2013 Md.Moinul Islam vs the state 311 Criminal Misc 4099/2013 Md.Mehedi Hasan vs the state 327 Criminal Misc 3956/2013 312 Criminal Misc 3347/2013 Mst.Asma Aktar vs The state M.Hasanuzzaman Hasan vs The state 328 Criminal Misc 15316/2011 Criminal Misc 3933/2013 Md.younus Ali vs the state Anar Sheikh and another vs The State 329 Criminal Misc 3126/2011 Md.Moksed Ali vs The State 313 314 Criminal Misc 3660/2013 Saiful islam vs the state 315 Criminal Misc 3362/2013 Md.Abul Kalam Azad vs the state 316 Criminal Misc 3616/2013 Md.Kamal Hossain vs the state 317 Criminal Misc 3391/2013 Md.Younus mridha vs The state 318 Criminal Misc 3103/2013 Md.Alauddin vs the state 319 Criminal Misc 3328/2013 Md.Sahadat Hossain @ Sada Mia vs the state 320 Criminal Misc 3656/2013 Salah Uddin vs State 189 Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 22 Supreme Court of Bangladesh High Court Division Justice Md. Rais Uddin Date : 02/05/2016 [Annex Building Court No. 22] @ O [ AB . #/ E ; C # . /0 '( - * AB . 2 %K 2? ; ; % ; AB . C # . /0; AB . 2 +/ = >% '( . % 8 #/ ; $ 2? ; < A D $ # . /0 @ O ।] Motion 1 In re 5 .... vs .... Criminal Appeal 4813/2013 Criminal Appeal : For Hearing 2 3 4 Criminal Appeal 2457/2014 Heard in part Criminal Appeal 7459/2013 Criminal Appeal 2808/2013 Salma Khanom vs The State. Mr. Md. Noor-us-Sadik, Advocate for the appellant. Mrs. Chowdhury Nasima, Advocate for the respondent. Abdul Kuddus vs The State. Mr. Sankar Prosad Dey, Advocate for the appellant. Mrs. Chowdhury Nasima, Advocate for the respondent No.2 For Hearing (Criminal Rule) 6 Criminal Rule(Con A) 81/2016 7 Md.Shahidul Islam vs The State and another Mr. Salina Akhter Chowdhury, Advocate for the appelant Mr. Md. Zahangir Kabir, Adovcate for the respondent No.2 Criminal Rule(Con) 262/2015 Md. Hasan vs The State Sheikh Abu Bakar vs The State and another Criminal Revision : For Hearing Mitu Boyddha vs The State and another. Mr. Md. Golam Samdani, Adv. with Mr. Md. Rakibul Islam, Adv. for the appellant. Mr. Md. Abdul Barek Chowdhury, Adv. for the respondent No.2. 190 8 Criminal Revision 243/2015 Md. Ali Reza Ripon vs The state. 9 Criminal Revision 1243/2015 Md. Jalilur Rahman vs The state. 10 Criminal Revision 1407/2011 Md. Shawkat H. Khan vs The State Another 11 Criminal Revision 1072/1995 Titu Khan alias Mohiuddin Khan and ors vs The State 12 Criminal Revision 690/2014 Md. Nur Uddin vs The State and others 13 Criminal Revision 1308/2015 Abdul wahid@others vs The State Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 22 14 Criminal Revision 1391/2011 Habibur Rahman vs The State and others 27 Criminal Appeal 1041/1999 Humayun Kabir vs The State 15 Criminal Revision 2018/2014 Rafiquzzaman alias Masud Rana vs The State and ors 28 Criminal Appeal 6849/2014 Momtaz Begum vs The State and another 29 Criminal Appeal 2884/2007 Md. Giash Uddin ALMamun vs State Criminal Appeal : For Hearing 16 Criminal Appeal 2248/2008 Md. Islam vs The state. 17 Criminal Appeal 10/2005 Fedusul Kabir vs The State 30 Criminal Appeal 8556/2015 Md. Jabed vs The State 18 Criminal Appeal 8133/2015 Md. Sohel Shah vs The State 31 Criminal Appeal 1714/2012 19 Criminal Appeal 8134/2015 Md. Sohel Shah vs The State Md.Nasir Uddin vs The State and another 20 Criminal Appeal 7903/2014 Mohammad Jahangir Alam vs The State and another 21 Criminal Appeal 6838/2014 Md.Phul Miah vs The State and another 22 Criminal Appeal 712/2013 Habib Ahmed Hochi vs The State and another 23 Criminal Appeal 2733/2014 M.A.Zabbar Khan vs Md.Selim Mollah @ Md.Nazir Uddin (Salim) and another 24 Criminal Appeal 2248/2009 Md. Islam vs The State 25 Criminal Appeal 4313/2014 Md.Azizar Rahman Fakir vs The State and another 26 Criminal Appeal 1237/2015 Mojnu Miah and another vs The state. 191 Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 11 Supreme Court of Bangladesh High Court Division Justice Md. Emdadul Haque Azad Date : 02/05/2016 [Annex Building Court No. 11] : [ G,HH,HHH 2 ) &# %% , #. $ 2 - _ ? 33 < ,J ( #. $ < : .$( ? ( ) E 2 & #/ = >% @ ( % 2 In re Dhaka < : .$( ( 9 #/ Mrs.Asma Khatun vs Shirajul Hoq 5 Civil Revision 2081/1997 Mrs.Asma Khatun vs Shirajul Hoq 6 7 8 & ) ,& . d ) _ " # . /0 ; '( ।] Civil Revision 3297/2014 Akbar vs Govt of Bangladesh and others 10 Civil Rule 4(Con)/2009 Md. Abdul Latif vs D.C., Natore 11 Civil Rule 176(Con)/2010 Md. Shah Alam vs Govt. of Bangladesh 12 For Order Civil Revision 2080/1997 (With appliction) # . /0 $ For Hearing RAJUK vs Md. Akter Jahan Khan 4 /7 Hearing Narish Poultry and Hatchery Ltd vs Mohammad Ali and others First Misc Appeal Tender 434/2015 ; '( $ , 1I) G,HH,HHH For Hearing under Order 41 Rule 11 of the CPC 3 < : , 1I) ; .$( *O % &N ( 2 ( . 2? ; < $ # . /0 @ Alhaj Bazlul Kabir vs Alhaj M. A. Khair and others In re Nilphamari ? ; , 1I) G,HH,HHH * " ? 2 ) ; 6HH3 2 Application 1 #. $ <:, I 1 ) G,HH,HHH *O % &N ,& . 2 +/ $ _ , 1I) G,HH,HHH < $ .$( & #/ , F &% 34e6 2 ; % /7 # . 53 , ) F #/ , F #/ F %% , Civil Revision Nur 4426/2012 vs (Heard in part) (with Md. Golam Mostofa application) Civil Revision 313/2013 (with) Md. Golam Mostafa Nazrul vs Mr.Habibur Rahman and others Civil Revision 4425/2012 Nur vs Md. Golam Mostofa Civil Revision 2082/1997 (With application) Mrs.Asma Khatun vs Shirajul Hoq 13 Civil Revision 2083/1997 Mrs.Asma Khatun vs Shirajul Hoq Civil Revision 192/1994 (Heard in part) Md. Abus Sobhan vs Most. Hajera Khatun 14 Civil Revision 2883/2000 (Heard in part) Late Shifudin /Moinuddin Jabbar vs Mosiur Rahman 15 Civil Revision 3742/2011 (Heard in part) Md.Chan Mia vs Md.Habibur Rahman alias Chondu Mia Civil Revision 976/2006 Shoumitry Borua vs Govt For Judgment 192 Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 11 16 Civil Revision 4393/2012 (Heard in part) khan Md. Ami vs Waliuddin 17 Civil Revision 2395/2013 (Heard in part) Amal Kanti Das vs Chandan Kumar Paul 18 Civil Revision 4602/2003 (Heard in part) Kasahi Bewa vs Abbas Ali 19 Civil Revision 4738/2014 (Heard in part) Asad Miah vs Jobeda Khatun 20 First Appeal 244/2013 (Heard in part) Nipendra Chandra vs D.C. Narsingdi Civil Revision 4570/2011 (Heard in part) Mr. Aminul Haque and Another vs Rejaul Haque and Another 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Civil Revision 3853/2011 (Heard in part) Civil Revision 4778/2008 (Heard in part) Md. Shamsuddin @ Minu Bepari vs Govt. Rep. by D. C. Netrokona Sree Dhirendra Nath Sarkar vs Deputy Commissioner, Kurigram 29 Civil Revision 2734/2002 (Heard in part) Sree Kalipada Roy and others vs Anup Biswas and others 30 Civil Revision 1498/2013 (Heard in part) Abdul Hannan and others vs Monir Hossain 31 Civil Revision 3542/1995 (Heard in part) (with) Md.Shahidullah vs Md.Moynal Huq Civil Revision 981/1999 Mrs.Zamila Khatun vs Md.Shahidullah 32 Civil Revision 4383/2014 (Heard in part) shahidul Islam vs Sukur Ali 33 Civil Revision 1684/2002 (Heard in part) Jamuna Oil Co: Ltd: vs Bilkis Begum and others. 34 Civil Revision 291/2015 (Heard in part) Sree Aarbindu Bikus vs Sree Uttam Kumar 35 Civil Revision 3026/2015 (Heard in part) Md. Kaiser Rezvi vs Bishu Nath Sheel 36 Civil Revision 4185/2015 (Heard in part) Billal Hossain Khan vs Abdul Bari Munshi Civil Revision 3320/1997 (Heard in part) Md.Ali Akhbar Miah vs A.D.C.(Reve) Jalakhati 37 Civil Revision 959/2012 (Heard in part) Civil Revision 3329/1997 (Heard in part) Md.Ali Akbar Miah vs A.D.C.(Reve) Most.Sara Beowa vs Most. Shilpy Ara Khanom 38 Civil Revision 276/2012 Civil Revision 327/2014 (Heard in part) Md. Mahbubur Rahman vs Md. Fazle Rabbi Farhad Begum Chowdhury vs Selina Akter and others 39 Civil Revision 2635/2006 Abu Jafar vs Gov`t 40 Civil Revision 2018/2001 Nirod Kumar Mondal vs Mozol Kumar Bisas 41 Civil Revision 1858/2009 Md. Hamman Ali Ors vs Jabed Ali Civil Revision 127/2010 (Heard in part) Md. Salauddin Ahmed vs Mainul Islam Civil Revision 3821/2006 (Heard in part) Abdul Gani vs Amjad Ali Ots 193 Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 11 42 Civil Revision 1390/2003 Moulavi Ismail and others vs Md. Akbar Hossain 55 Civil Revision 1574/2007 Most. Begum Mahmuda vs Krishna Chandra das 43 Civil Revision 1391/2003 Bangladesh Govt . vs Akram Ali . 56 Civil Revision 4084/2004 44 Civil Revision 787/2010 Sheikh Nizamuddin vs Alhaj Molla Firoj Ahmed Toybur Rahman Biswas vs Md. Saminuddin Biswas 57 Civil Revision 3855/2013 Md. Abdul Gani Gazi vs Abdul Kader and others Ataur vs Md. Abdur Razzak Chawdhury and Others 58 Nabi Hossain vs Sheikh Abdul Matin Fakir Civil Revision 3068/2006 Manju Rani Sheel vs Kal Mondal and others 59 Civil Revision 2913/2015 Shahanur Mondol vs Rumi Khaton 60 Civil Revision 2244/2012 Md. Mukul Miah and others vs Most. Lutfun Nahar and others 61 Civil Revision 2867/2015 Pankaz Kumar Goas vs Sajeda Bewa 62 Civil Revision 2342/2005 Suruj Miah vs Abul Kashem 63 Civil Revision 2982/2006 A. Satter Baiati vs Ali Hossain Howlader and ors 64 Civil Revision 2689/2002 D.C. Bogra vs Munshi Momin Uddin 45 46 47 48 49 50 Civil Revision 3783/2000 Civil Revision 2825/2011 Civil Revision 4310/2003 Civil Revision 1780/2005 Civil Revision 214/2007 Civil Revision 3225/2013 Md. Shahajahan Bhuiyan . vs Mrs. Sufiya Khatun and others. Haji Alam Madbor vs Abdur Rashid Madbor Mst. Nurjahan Begum vs Md. Enayetur Rahman Md. Humayun Kabir vs Jolekha Bibi and others 51 Civil Revision 1861/2006 Badsha Mia vs Abdul Matlab 52 Civil Revision 3645/2015 Lutfarhaman vs Sheikh Mozammal 53 Civil Revision 4492/2011 Khandaker Foize vs Md. Rahman Bhuiyan 54 Civil Revision 2151/2006 65 First Appeal Tender 2024/2011 66 Abdul Karim SArder vs Sree Etoar sarder 194 Civil Revision 1776/2009 Khafiluddin Ahmed vs Bangladesh House Building Finance Corporation Md.Abu Bakar Siddique vs Sayed Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 11 67 68 Civil Revision 4422/2000 Civil Revision 4951/2014 Babul Sarkar and others vs Nur Mohammad Shah and others Mahbubur Rahman vs Bangladesh govt 81 Civil Revision 145/2015 Md. Nur Nabi vs Md. Nur Ali 82 Civil Revision 1254/2009 Md. Badiuzzaman vs Mosammat Shamima Begum 83 Civil Revision 1188/2008 Mostaque Ahmed and others vs Mohammad Moslemuddin and others 84 Civil Revision 885/2007 Abul Hossain Mondal and ors vs Md. Aaaabdul Kader and ors 69 First Misc Appeal 366/2009 Sreepur Khonandip Co-Operative Ltd. vs AC Land, Chittagong 70 Civil Revision 2132/2012 Hamida Begum vs Kudrat Ali being dead his heirs: 1(Ka) Amir Civil Revision 4360/2002 Shamsur Molla vs Govt. of Bangladesh 85 vs -- Civil Revision 5520/2002 Md.Sirajul Islam vs Ranufa Begum 86 Md. Sazzad Hossain vs Kaniz Fatema Civil Revision 926/2004 Md. Entaz Uddin vs Govt 87 Civil Revision 4568/2014 Nawab Ali Mollik vs Pran Krishna and others 88 Civil Revision 449/2000 Md Majahar Uddin Sikder vs Abdul Malik Sikder 89 Civil Revision 485/2011 Ahsan alias Ahsan Habib vs Mst. Anowra Begum 90 Civil Revision 161/2001 Satab Uddin vs Enamul Haque ors 91 Civil Revision 102/2007 Khirod Kumar Biswas vs Motilal Biswas 71 72 73 Civil Rule 436/2006 Civil Revision 1754/2011 74 Civil Revision 350/2015 Abul Kalam vs Dr. Kamal Uddin 75 Civil Revision 328/2010 Md.Shahjahan Molla vs Md.Saidul Haque 76 Civil Revision 1763/2009 Md. Shamsul Hoque Bepari vs B.M. Jalal Bepari Civil Revision 3472/2005 Mrs. Thahera Begum and others . vs Md. Muklesur Rahman Chow: and others . 77 78 79 80 Civil Revision 3382/2001 Md. Sirajul Haque vs Abdul Kadir 92 Civil Revision 3695/2010 Civil Revision 3026/2005 Shaha Alam vs Norul Islam Sylyet Textile mils vs Md. Nazmul alam 93 Civil Revision 3583/2013 Civil Revision 4494/1997 Md. Shamsuddin Talukdar vs Abdul Bari @Barek Sheikh Samad vs Gazi Hasmot Ali 94 Civil Revision 4371/2007 Md. Asgor Ali Mollah @ Asgor Doctor vs Md. Fazor Ali Mollah 195 Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 11 95 Civil Revision 1475/2000 Bangladesh vs Munsir Ma 96 Civil Revision 4374/2009 S.M.Habibullah Bahar vs Asim Kumar Mondal 97 98 99 100 Civil Revision 188/2004 Civil Revision 1893/2013 Md. Fulchan @ Fulkhan vs Md. Asiruddin Kazi Moazzem Hossain and others vs Kazi Delowar Hossain and others Civil Revision 2934/2008 A.K.M. Abdullah Al Baki vs Basirul Islam Civil Revision 1655/2012 Md. Ali Hossain and another vs Md. Badsha Miah and others 101 Civil Revision 1410/2015 Jahangiar Sikder vs Rahima 102 Civil Revision 2965/2009 Aklama bibi vs Gafur 103 Civil Revision 2746/2014 Ms. Salma Khatun vs Md. Khoka Miah and others 104 105 Civil Revision 56/2014 Civil Revision 445/2011 Surjoban Khatun vs Abdul Alem Matubbor and Another Bhola nath Sarker vs Bishnu Pada Sarker 106 Civil Revision 642/2013 Md. Bablu Kazi vs Most. Nazma parvin 107 Civil Revision 3858/2008 Abdul Mannan vs Hier Sab-director 196 108 Civil Revision 761/2013 Nur Mohammad Mian vs Shukurivan Bibi and others 109 Civil Revision 5472/2007 Md. Saikh Farid vs Most. Latifa Khatun 110 Civil Revision 1247/2008 Munshi Shahed Ali vs Most. Maksuda Begum 111 Civil Revision 2717/2007 Mokter Hossain vs Aleya Begum and others 112 Civil Revision 4057/2008 Bashir Ahammad vs Abdus Salam 113 Civil Revision 2122/2010 Sufia Khatun vs Sabia 114 Civil Revision 315/2012 Professor Md. Aminur Rahman ( Bakul) vs Produt Kumar Kobiraj 115 Civil Revision 313/2012 Professor Md. Aminur Rahman ( Bakul ) vs Sree Moti Shanti Bala Sheel 116 Civil Revision 839/2007 Solaman Ali Bepari vs Nazrul Islam 117 Civil Revision 1503/2014 Khadiza Banu and othes vs Shahid Uddin and others 118 Civil Revision 3902/2013 Md. Shahidul Islam ors vs Mosammat Jahura Begum 119 Civil Revision 1824/2000 Abdur Razzak vs Abdus Sadek 120 Civil Revision 4783/1999 Helal Uddin vs Md. Abdus Sadek Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 11 121 Civil Revision 1799/2008 Mis. Bateza Bibi and ors. vs Haji Md.Raisuddin 134 Civil Revision 5032/2011 Md. Abdul Qudus Mondal vs Md. Zahidul Bari 122 Civil Revision 3973/2011 Md. Alamgir Hossain vs Tagor Begum 135 Civil Revision 1271/2005 Nur Bhanu Begum vs Badrun Nessa 123 Civil Revision 4126/2011 Md. Abdul Aleem Hossain vs Rokshana Begum 136 Civil Revision 2403/2008 Rowshan Ara Begum vs Asia Khatoon @ Asi 137 Civil Revision 911/2010 Nayan Chandra Adhikari and ors vs Md. Sharafat Ali 138 Civil Revision 2460/2003 Mahir Uddin sarker vs Mrs: Mariyam Bewa 139 Civil Revision 1351/2014 Kalam vs Amin 140 Civil Revision 959/2012 Most.Sara Beowa vs Most. Shilpy Ara Khanom 141 Civil Revision 161/2001 Satab Uddin vs Enamul Haque ors 142 Civil Revision 1858/2006 Azizur Rahaman vs Zinnat Naher Dead: Amir Ali Jamal 143 Civil Revision 6060/2007 Abul Mzid vs Md. al Chand Mia Ors 144 Civil Revision 1508/2007 Moulana Md. Salim Uddin alias Ekram vs Madhu Miah and others j 145 Civil Revision 4004/2007 Anwara Begum and ors vs Anu Miah and ors 146 Civil Revision 4170/2010 Sundor Ali vs Md. Arshad Miah 147 Civil Revision 731/2007 Partex Holdings Ltd. vs Govt. 124 125 Civil Revision 4678/2010 Sree Basmoti Bhobodasi vs Sree Lakhi Robidashi and other Civil Revision 1583/2012 Md. Abdul Gani and others vs Md. Atiar Rahman Gazi and others 126 Civil Revision 1010/2005 Md. Ansarullah vs Annarullah 127 Civil Revision 3430/2013 Shatbhita Emdadia Madrassa vs Saleha Khatun 128 Civil Revision 4327/2008 Hazrat Ali vs Abdul Malek and others 129 Civil Revision 2011/2005 Taposh Bayddo vs Horendra Nath Faliya @ Rom 130 Civil Revision 3045/2014 Jaferan vs Sri Chanran Saha Otrs 131 Civil Revision 846/2014 Nazmul Hosen vs Kamal Uddin 132 Civil Revision 3629/2010 Samoja Khatoon vs Salmaternnessa alias Belab Civil Revision 3422/2011 Faisal Munshi vs Namita Rani Sarker 133 197 Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 11 148 149 Civil Revision 4502/2006 Moslema Khatun and others vs Mahmuda Khatun and others 161 Civil Revision 546/2010 Md. Tomijuddin vs Halima Khatun 162 Civil Revision 1985/2000 Md. Osman Gazi vs Md. Ishak Gazi Civil Revision 4445/2006 Mir Farhad Hossain vs Mir Mojibur Rahman 163 Civil Revision 1107/1997 Civil Revision 4440/1999 Afroza Khatun vs Md.Mozammel Hoque Kharul Hossan vs Mansur Ali 164 Civil Revision 114/2006 Md. Abdul Mukid vs Govt 151 Civil Revision 5465/2003 Shaktipad Debnath vs Sardar Ali Naquib and others 165 Civil Revision 3383/2011 Md. Hasen Ali vs Mahela Begum 166 152 Civil Revision 133/2012 Md. Shamsul Hoque being dead his legal heirs: 1(Ka). Md. Aminur Rahman vs Md. Habibur Rahman Civil Revision 96/2008 Md. Ziaul Islam ors. vs Vogobath Golger Ors. 167 Civil Revision 625/2001 Olek vs Nurul Islam Joarder 168 Civil Revision 1391/2006 Md. Nurul Islam and ors vs Rubi Khatun and os 169 Civil Revision 4508/2005 Hagera Bibi vs Tara Bibi 170 Civil Revision 3898/2010 Md. Nur Mohammad vs Md. Ayub Ali Mridha 171 Civil Revision 1049/2004 Md.Seraj Talukder vs Md.Rostom Mollah Alias Sheikh 172 Civil Revision 748/2004 Md. Humayun Mia vs Abdul Jalil 173 Civil Revision 2632/1994 Sher-E-Afgan Jaan vs Govt. 150 153 Civil Revision 1038/2003 Md.Kutub Ali Loskor vs Md.Abdul Bari 154 Civil Revision 2994/2009 Moqbul Hossain vs Iftear Hossain 155 Civil Revision 3700/2006 Bimal Chandra Shill and ors vs Al-Haj A. Majid Biswas 156 Civil Revision 2320/2007 Azirat Uddin vs Sree Jitendranath 157 Civil Revision 2653/2013 Md. Shamsuzzaman Khan vs Md. Kamruzzaman Khan 158 159 160 Civil Revision 2665/2014 A Karim vs Shahabuddin ors 174 Civil Revision 3019/2004 Civil Revision 27/2000 Safayet Hossain vs Biswonath Das Mohammad Hossain vs Md. Hashem 175 Civil Revision 4833/1997 Civil Revision 573/2011 Fozeruddin vs Aham Ali and others Md.A.Ajij vs 1(ka) Ambia Khatun 176 Civil Revision 3709/2002 JamaUra begum vs Rahaula Khatun 198 Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 11 177 178 Civil Revision 3630/2007 Civil Revision 3612/2007 Nazrul Islam vs Md. Abdul mannan Ors Musammat Rahima Begum vs Sawarupjan Bibi 179 Civil Revision 6860/2001 Md.Abdul Hakim vs Govt of Bangladesh 180 Civil Revision 333/2012 Md. Bodiar Rahman @ Badiar Sikder and others vs Md. Arob Ali Mollah and others 181 191 Civil Revision 1670/2011 Md. Akkas Ali vs Md. Ziaul Islam 192 Civil Revision 1627/2008 Md. Wajed Ali Khan vs Nur Mohammad Howlader 193 Civil Revision 3593/2005 Abul Kalam Chowdery vs Bibi Mariyam and others. 194 Civil Revision 682/2012 Md. Alauddin vs Md. Osman Mia 195 Civil Revision 238/1998 Md. Shahjahan vs Addl. D.c. 196 Civil Revision 1335/2013 Suvash Chandra Dey vs Abdul Khaleq Sheikh Civil Revision 6444/2001 Md. shidulla and others vs Baula Zame Mosjeed 182 Civil Revision 1996/2008 Mohibur Rahman vs Bahadur Sheikh 197 Civil Revision 3808/2007 Abul Kashem vs Mainul Haque 183 Civil Revision 431/2007 Golum Md. Salauddin vs Md. Abdul Karim 198 Civil Revision 1312/2002 184 Civil Revision 731/2004 Tahmina Begum vs Govt. Rep. by D. C. Gapalganj Balaet Hosen vs Md.Mozahar Ali Howlader 199 Civil Revision 5489/2002 Bashir Ahmed . vs Suna Miah . 185 Civil Revision 3029/2006 Nurul Haque vs Naimuddin 200 Civil Revision 1021/2003 186 Civil Revision 2771/2007 Aynal Sarder vs Mainuddin Mridha Jatindra Nath Hawlader vs Upendra Nath Howlader 201 Md. Rafiqul Islam vs Govt Civil Revision 3546/2008 Md. Noor Uddin vs Shahajon Bewa 202 Civil Revision 1324/2008 Amin vs Johani Bibi 203 Civil Revision 3845/2012 Md. Kairat Hossain vs Md. Hashim Miah and others 204 Civil Revision 1843/2007 Saydul Alam vs Jagadish Chandra Muchi 187 188 189 190 Civil Revision 4247/1997 Civil Revision 3672/1999 Civil Revision 4200/2010 Civil Revision 2995/2004 Md. Akram Hossain Sheik vs Makbul Sheik Laksmi Kanta Mondal vs Paritosh Kumar Mondal Sukurmar mukhapaday or vs Potit Pabon Das 199 Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 11 205 Civil Revision 2731/1997 Ranue Mandal vs Asadullah 206 Civil Revision 1408/2009 Monara Begum vs Monuza Khatun 207 Civil Revision 857/2005 (with) A. Halim vs Afsar Ali and others Civil Revision 858/2005 Md. Abdul Halim vs Afser Ali Civil Revision 817/1994 Chanda Miah Bapari vs Sadar Ali Mondal 208 209 Civil Revision 3865/2008 Md. Jashim Uddin vs Md. Nurul Abser 210 Civil Revision 333/2005 Fani Bhushan Bhutta vs Pijush Kumar Bhutta 211 Civil Revision 3015/2010 Md. Asgar vs Md. Akbor Ali 212 Civil Revision 4930/2007 Secretary Zilla Parishad vs Ferdous Ahmed 213 Civil Revision 6191/2001 Mohammad Farid Ahmad Alias Mokabbir ali vs Abdul Monaf and others 218 Civil Revision 1648/2007 Mohammad Farid Ahmad Alias Mokabbir ali vs Abdul Monaf and others 219 Civil Revision 2559/2006 Md. Molam ali Mondal and ors vs Farida Khatun 220 Civil Revision 3721/2010 Mansur Khan vs Abdul Jalal Molla and ohters 221 Civil Revision 4225/2006 Mosa.Afroza Khatun vs Mosa.Jebunnesa and others 222 Civil Revision 1124/2006 Shamsul Huq and ors vs Fazlul Karim and ors 223 Civil Revision 3883/2010 Md. Wazed Sarder vs Alam Sarder 224 Civil Revision 3289/2011 Most. Hajera Bewa vs Md. Azizar Rahman 225 Civil Revision 1207/2008 Nuruddin vs Rahimunusha 226 Civil Revision 1790/2011 Jelekha Begum vs Moriam Begum 227 Civil Revision 5203/2007 Md. Shahidul Islam vs Jute Trading Corporation Ltd.Dhaka 214 Civil Revision 3367/2003 Fazle Karim Halder vs Mubarak Majee 215 Civil Revision 4052/2007 Chintha Ong vs Abdul Majid 228 Civil Revision 2939/2014 Civil Revision 6382/2001 Alhaz md Golam Miah vs Nasir Ahamed Abdul Awal vs Abdul Baten and others 229 Civil Revision 1230/2011 Shamim Khaled vs Mizam Md. Mobarak Ali vs Md. Abdul Majid 230 Civil Revision 1177/2003 Dr. Abdul Khalque vs Md. Tayob Ali 231 Civil Revision 1273/2000 Md. Shamsul Haque vs Asst. Custodian V. P. (L. 216 217 Civil Revision 2781/2014 200 Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 11 232 Civil Revision 1854/2006 Md. Amjad Hossian and ors vs Begum Amitun Nahar 245 Civil Revision 2764/2004 Sylendra Nath Halder vs Bibhuti Bhushon Faliya 233 Civil Revision 3455/2010 Shahjalal Matubbor vs Biswajit Mojumder (Minor) 246 Civil Revision 3354/2001 Sylendra Nath Halder vs Bibhuti Bhushon Faliya 234 Civil Revision 2129/2006 Solaiman vs Anamul haq 247 Civil Revision 4888/2006 235 Civil Rule 440/2014 Md. Sarowar Hossain vs Sree Sabi Lal Roy Md. Darud Ali Sarder vs Laxmi Rani Singha Roy 248 Civil Revision 3631/2011 Civil Revision 4306/2011 Md. Yousuf Ali Bhuiyan vs Abdur Rahman Issahaque Sarder vs Asadul Sarder @ Anahaque Sarder 249 Civil Revision 2468/1998 (with) A. Barek Mia vs Nironjon Kumar Civil Revision 2469/1998 (with) A. Barek Miah vs Niranjon Kumar Chow. Civil Revision 2470/1998 A. Barek Miah vs Niranjon Kumar Chow. 236 237 238 239 240 Civil Revision 2207/2010 Md.Kutubuddin Jung Chowdhury vs Mohammad Nizamuddin Civil Revision 552/2006 Bashudev Shil and ors vs Prokash Chandra Shel and ors 250 Mobin Khan vs Yousuf Ali Dewan Civil Revision 1582/2000 ADC vs Abdul Haque 251 Civil Revision 3726/2009 Govt Of Bangladesh vs Amirul idslam 252 Civil Revision 3099/2010 Md. Eusuf Ali and others vs Sheri Taruni Mohan Sheel and others 253 Civil Revision 580/2010 Mrs.Rokia vs Md. Shafiqul Islam 254 Civil Revision 807/2010 Md. Hazrat Ali vs Md.Bajitullah 255 Civil Revision 4524/2009 Abul Kalam Sikder vs Abdul Kader Bepari Civil Revision 2611/2012 Civil Revision 1618/2008 Md. Samsul Haque vs Mokjan Necha Bewa and Others 241 Civil Revision 4723/2007 Nasiruddin vs Govt. Of Bangladesh 242 Civil Revision 3800/2002 Md. Roshid Kha and others vs A. Mojid Kha and others 243 244 Civil Revision 1784/2010 Topon Kumar vs Anu Ray Civil Revision 1246/1997 Katabuddin vs Jute Trading Corpotrtion 201 Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 11 256 Civil Revision 2050/2013 Most. Hazara Bewa and others vs Sub Divisional Engineer, National Housing Authority Bogra and another 257 Civil Revision 2754/2002 Salamuddibn vs Akter Hossan 258 Civil Revision 5483/2007 Abdul Khaleque vs Director,Land Record,Settlement Adhidopter 259 Civil Revision 4612/2005 Nuru Miah and others vs Most. Bulu Bibi and others 260 Civil Revision 4926/1999 Mozaffar Hossain Mondal vs Munshi Abdul Quayum 261 262 263 264 265 266 Civil Revision 232/2007 Sree udaya Barman Ors vs Sree Nirarendranath Barman Civil Revision 1990/2004 Abdul Khalek vs Hasem Uddin Civil Revision 941/1996 Govt vs Chairman Kurimgram Purashava Civil Revision 2139/2002 Khurshed Ali vs Samir Bhushion Baiyshy Civil Revision 3637/2007 Civil Revision 331/2008 Bangladesh by Deputy Commissioner vs Abdul Mannan and others Md. Fazlul Haque Majumder vs Syed Khalilur Rahman 202 267 Civil Revision 635/2003 Abdur Razzak Mir vs Harun Ar Rashid 268 Civil Revision 3698/2001 Ishab Ali vs Ibrahim Miah 269 Civil Revision 6557/2002 Md. Nurul Islam vs Civil Aviation 270 Civil Revision 2828/2012 Md. Ishahak Ali vs Md. Shahidul Islam 271 Civil Revision 1946/2014 Md. Ali Hossain vs Govt. of Bangladesh 272 Civil Revision 1096/2013 Saleha Khatun vs Alhaj Md. Mahtab Uddin Khan 273 Civil Revision 727/1996 Md. Monir Miah vs A. Mannan @ Mayna Miah 274 Civil Revision 1552/2011 Amjad Hasan Mir vs Md. Moslemuddin Molla 275 Civil Revision 1395/2003 Abdus Sattar Khan vs Sikder Jahangir 276 Civil Revision 4289/2007 Zahid Hasan vs Md. AMir Mondal 277 Civil Revision 921/1992 Wakil Mia vs Betagong Sugar Mill 278 Civil Revision 695/2008 Gafur Ali and others vs Maqbul Ahmed 279 Civil Revision 1551/2011 Amjad Hasan Mir vs Md. Moslemuddin Molla 280 Civil Revision 3674/2010 Mst.Munu Begum vs Inspector of post Officer,Bagerhat 281 Civil Revision 2408/2013 Most. Halima Khatun vs Sultan Ahmed Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 11 282 Civil Revision 2254/2012 Abul Kashem vs Rahima Khatun and others 296 Civil Revision 3220/2012 Md. Satter Mollah and others vs A. Alam 283 Civil Revision 239/2004 Sree Polash Chandra Biswas vs Bimlendu Biswas 297 Civil Revision 4051/2011 Sree Bidhan Chandra Das vs Abdul Zabbar 284 Civil Revision 1549/2006 Md. Syed Ali and ors vs Forest Beat officer 298 Civil Revision 4991/2011 285 Civil Revision 2332/2006 Md. Golam Sarwar Sikder vs Md. Gogon Sikder Habibur Rahman Molla vs Abdul Satter Molla 299 Civil Revision 187/2013 Civil Revision 2758/2010 Md. Eahia Khan vs Most. Helena Parvin Govt of Bangladesh vs Sree Kamal Krishna Kunda and others 300 Civil Revision 4937/2005 Civil Revision 4195/2014 Dulu Bhuiyan vs Nuru Mia Mamtaj Uddin vs Govt. 301 Civil Revision 1687/2003 Civil Revision 1090/2007 Maya Bibi vs Mutakabbir Uddin Ahmed Abdul Hakim Prokash Elahi vs Md. Nurul Haque 302 Civil Revision 2798/2009 Md. Sudruzzaman vs Md. Shahabuddin 303 Civil Rule 381/2015 Liaquat Ali Sarker vs Md. Giasuddin 304 Civil Revision 2536/2014 Amir Uddin vs D.C. Jamalpur, & others, Anjomanara Begum, Adv...for the petitioner. 286 287 288 289 Civil Revision 2141/1998 Md. Anwarul Haque vs Kari Md. Sirazul Haque 290 Civil Revision 4624/2010 Tekno Promotion vs Haji M. A. Mozammel 291 Civil Revision 3176/2006 Md. Rafiqullah Bhuiyan vs Md. Abdul Zabbar 292 Civil Revision 3176/2004 Sahjahan Howlader vs Hazi Shamsul Huda 305 Civil Revision 1778/2004 Monsur Ali Howlader vs Wajed Ali Howlader 293 Civil Revision 1968/2007 Govt vs Asia Khatun 306 Civil Revision 1777/2004 Monsur Ali Howlader vs Wajed Ali Howlader 294 Civil Revision 3707/1999 Nawab Ali vs 1(Ka)Rup Chand 307 Civil Revision 3487/2000 295 Civil Revision 1260/2005 Md. Zakir Hossain (bablu) vs Md. Abdur Rab :Bhuiyan Jogodis Chondro Mondol vs Cheddshor Roy 308 Civil Revision 3506/1991 Fulmoti Bibi and others vs Moniruddin Sheikh andnothers 203 Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 11 309 Civil Revision 4766/2001 Sheikh Abdur Rahman vs Govt. 310 Civil Revision 1956/2011 Mr.Abdur Rahman vs Mr. Shafiqur Rahman 311 Civil Revision 5468/2003 Samsul Alam vs Hatem Ali Howlader 312 Civil Revision 2129/2011 Md Jalal Howlader vs Ansar Uddin Howlader Civil Revision 4173/2014 Ataur Rahman vs Md. Shahabuddin 314 Civil Revision 2528/2012 Abdul Hye vs Md.Khalilur rahman 315 Civil Revision 50/2006 Md. Sabur Ali vs Hari Das Dar and others 313 316 Civil Revision 1616/2014 Rafiqul Islam vs Motiur Rahman 317 Civil Revision 859/2006 Mojubur Rahman Talukder vs Alekjan Bibi and ors 318 319 320 321 322 Civil Revision 4224/1999 Mrs Amirun Nessa vs Adulbasher Khandoker Civil Revision 4692/2006 Abul Barek and ors vs Md. Shah Alam and ors Civil Revision 2025/2012 Ratan Sarker and others vs Rupak Bar and others Civil Revision 1507/1994 Civil Revision 5626/2000 (with) Bangladesh vs Shaher Ashini Kumar Biswas vs Ayub ALi Biswas 204 Civil Revision 5635/2001 Md. Abdul Gaffer vs Chowdhury Hedaitul Islam 323 Civil Revision 210/2012 Ali Azzam Being Dead his Heirs 1) Chandraban Bibi Others vs Nazir Ahmed and Others 324 Civil Revision 525/1999 Md. Sahidul Khan @ Sahidul vs Habib Ullah Sheikh 325 Civil Revision 1108/2008 Humayuun Shah and others vs Head Master, Pattan High School 326 Civil Revision 48/2013 Nazrul Islam vs Md. Manik 327 Civil Revision 1259/2012 md. sahfiullah vs md. atique ullah meah and others 328 Civil Revision 3238/2013 Bhutto Sen vs Braman Hori Mandir 329 Civil Revision 4213/2014 Jariman vs Sumian 330 Civil Revision 3029/2011 Nur Islam vs Nur Banu and others 331 Civil Revision 2209/2014 Nurul Islam vs Bangladesh 332 Civil Revision 2719/2012 Md. Habibur Rahman vs Md. abdul Kader 333 Civil Revision 5013/2005 Md: Noro Miah vs Md: Barek 334 Civil Revision 234/2006 Jowad Miah Sadma and ors. vs Md. Taher Uddin and ors. Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 11 335 Civil Revision 815/2015 Md. Hossain Ali and others vs Md. Kubed Ali and others 336 Civil Revision 116/2015 Rani begum vs Edrish Ali Sk. 337 Civil Revision 342/2015 Md. Mijanur Rahman vs Bangladesh Civil Revision 730/2011 Ejhar Ul Foyez and others vs Sree Jagodish Chandra and others 338 339 340 341 Civil Revision 2312/2013 Civil Revision 3297/2014 Civil Revision 4422/2000 Mirzali vs Govt of Bangladesh and others Akbar vs Govt of Bangladesh and others Babul Sarkar and others vs Nur Mohammad Shah and others 348 Civil Revision 4440/2008 Jubeda Khatun vs Upazila nirbahi Oficer, Brahmanbaria, Mr. Mohammad Ali Azam, Advocate ........... for the petitioner. 349 Civil Revision 3026/2013 Taslima Khatun vs Horijan Nesa 350 Civil Revision 2965/2009 Aklama bibi vs Gafur 351 Civil Revision 671/2004 Sadak Ali Mondal vs Salaman Mondal 352 Civil Revision 3574/2006 Bijon Chowdhury and others vs Kanai Lal Sen 353 Civil Rule 364/2013 Awalad Hossain vs Jamila Khatun 354 Civil Revision 2940/2007 Alhaj Nurul Islam vs Shamsun Nahar 355 Civil Revision 3992/2014 Sapan vs Fajar Ali Mrida 342 Civil Revision 2296/2015 Ittefaq Group vs Sirajul Hoque 356 343 Civil Revision 255/2011 Md.Ashikur Rahman vs Solayman Hossain Civil Revision 3647/2008 Shadon Mondal vs Shamol Mondal 357 Civil Revision 2603/2012 Md. Hamedul Haque vs Md. Sherajul Islam 344 Civil Revision 2967/2010 A.Rouf vs Feroza Begum 358 345 Civil Revision 3276/2014 Abdul Malek vs Anowara Biswas Civil Revision 3083/2009 Saiful Islam and ors. vs T.N.O and others 359 Civil Revision 3749/2006 Askar Ali vs Nazril Alam Alis Mazharul Alam 360 First Misc Appeal 201/1999 Md. Nur Mohammad Munshi and ors vs Abdul Ali Patwari and others. 346 Civil Revision 1983/1999 Motiur Rahman and ors vs Abul Hossain and ors 347 Civil Revision 400/2012 Md. Motiur Rahman Bapari vs Gov`t 205 Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 11 361 Civil Revision 1654/2002 Md. Jakir Hossain Bepari and others vs Abdul Motaleb Bepari 376 Civil Revision 2467/2009 Abu Daud Faraji and others vs Akkach Ali Sheikh and others 362 Civil Revision 3030/2011 Md. Nurul Islam vs Md. Jahur Uddin Mia 377 Civil Revision 3005/2012 Shabuddin vs Most. Hasmotara 363 Civil Revision 5475/2007 Gov`t vs Nitay Pad Kundo 378 Civil Revision 3155/2011 364 Civil Revision 2407/2011 Md. Asmat Ali vs Kallyan brata Saha Jamuna Real Estate Ltd. vs Rowshan Ara 379 Civil Revision 560/2005 Civil Revision 1691/2005 Kazi Nuruzzaman vs Kazi Kaiser Ahmed Md.Yunus vs Abdul Jabbar 380 Civil Revision 2173/2009 Civil Revision 4467/2009 Shebeshor Dutta banik vs Abul Hashem Mia Md.Monir vs Most.Azmiri Begum 381 Civil Revision 3443/1994 Civil Revision 2573/2011 Md. Mahfuzul Islam vs Abdul Barik Sirujul Islam vs Ohi med Hossain and others 382 Civil Revision 2614/2014 Civil Revision 1842/2001 Mojammil Ali vs Moin Uddin and others Firoj Sha vs Habibur Rahman Kholifa 383 Civil Revision 5017/1998 Md. Sabed Ali Mondal vs Mahbubur Rahman 384 Civil Revision 1628/2014 Motiur Rahman Halder vs Habibur Rahman Khalifa 385 Civil Revision 3331/2011 Md. Farida vs Abdulla 386 Civil Revision 3014/2011 Ejab Uddin vs Hafez Uddin 365 366 367 368 369 Civil Revision 4316/2012 Zashmuddin vs Enamul Haque 370 Civil Revision 753/2000 Yakub Ali Mondol vs Nilaipad Ghosh 371 Civil Revision 5355/1998 Most. Rabyea Khatun vs U. N. O. Sonargaon Civil Revision 3908/2014 Amanullah and others vs Khudi Bibi and others 373 Civil Revision 2232/2006 Asad Sheikh vs Nizarul Hoque Sheikh 387 Civil Revision 1142/2015 Rabiul islam vs Rehana 374 Civil Revision 860/2013 Amina Begum alias Amena vs Rafiq Uddin 388 Civil Revision 1260/2015 Md. Rafquil Islam vs Md. Abdus Sabur 389 Civil Revision 2200/2010 Md. Shohrab Mollah vs Md. Shafiqul Islam and others 372 375 Civil Revision 3109/2014 Amir Hossain vs Nure Hossain 206 Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 11 390 Civil Revision 2931/2014 Md. Sohel vs Ifrat Ara 391 Civil Revision 2882/2014 ATM Shamsul Hoque vs Md. Haji Fazlur Rahman and another 392 Civil Revision 7662/1991 Jalal Uddin Pramanik vs Sahida Bewa 393 Civil Revision 3527/2001 Wahid Uddin vs Abdur Rahman Chowdhury 394 Civil Revision 4185/2015 Billal Hossain Khan vs Abdul Bari Munshi 395 Civil Revision 2487/2014 Amenul Islam vs Most. Salma Khatun 396 Civil Revision 4290/2004 Sarder Humayun Kabir vs A.D.C. , Barisal 207 Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 29 Supreme Court of Bangladesh High Court Division Justice Syed Md. Ziaul Karim and Justice Sheikh Md. Zakir Hossain Date : 02/05/2016 [Annex Building Court No. 29] : [ E @ O$ @ O '( ; 2 - % 8 R% * AB . ; % #/ 2 +/ $ For Hearing 1 Criminal Misc 6574/2013 #/ , AB . Uttam Das vs The state = >% $ AB . & '( . 2? ; < $ # . /0 ।] 12 Criminal Misc 4017/2013 Lal Mia vs State 13 Criminal Misc 4073/2013 Md.Khorshed Alam @ Khorshed Alam vs the state 2 Criminal Misc 6594/2013 Senu Mia vs The state 3 Criminal Misc 6539/2013 Md.Ansar Ali vs the state 14 Criminal Misc 4094/2013 Rakib vs The state 4 Criminal Misc 6564/2013 Abdul Khalek alias Khalek and another vs the state 15 Criminal Misc 4015/2013 Shekor Ali vs the state 16 Hasan Ali vs the state Criminal Misc 4061/2013 Sree Omal Chandra vs The state 17 Md.Jashim Uddin vs The state Criminal Misc 4157/2013 Md.Nurul Islam vs The state 18 Criminal Misc 4027/2013 Md.Razaul Khan vs the state 5 6 Criminal Misc 6553/2013 Criminal Misc 6579/2013 7 Criminal Misc 6583/2013 Rajan Kha vs The state 8 Criminal Misc 6573/2013 Md.Zakir Hossain vs The state 9 Criminal Misc 6557/2013 Sree Bablu Chandra Barman vs The state 10 Criminal Misc 6544/2013 Md.Oli Ahmed vs the state 11 Criminal Misc 6575/2013 Md.Habibur Rahman @ Habib vs the stayr 208 Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 16 Supreme Court of Bangladesh High Court Division Justice Md. Rezaul Haque and Justice Muhammad Khurshid Alam Sarkar Date : 02/05/2016 [Annex Building Court No. 16] : [ +/ = >% '( . ; '( . 2? ; < $ # . /0 @ O Writ Petition 1938/2006 Md. Hussain Rahman vs NBR and ors 2 Writ Petition 286/2015 Mohammad ali hasan vs Judge, ArthaRin Adalat, 3rd Court Dhaka and 01 Others Mr. M. Ali Mortoza, Adv, For the Petitioner 4 Writ Petition 2222/2014 (with) Md. Siddiqur ullah vs Bangladesh and ors Mr. Pankaj Kumar Kundu Advocate for the petitioner Writ Petition 2121/2009 (with) Rahima Begum, Comilla vs Sec.Min.of Housing and ors Writ Petition 9944/2009 (with) ghg vs Sec.Min.of Housing and ors Writ Petition 3774/2009 Mohd. Rezaul Karim, Gazipur vs Sec. Min. of Public Works and ors Writ Petition 1532/2012 ; % 2 5 Writ Petition 8039/2008 13.4.2016 Md. Shariful vs Bangladesh and others Mr. Shah Md. Munir Sharif Advocate for the petitioner 6 Writ Petition 14306/2012 Samsul Haque vs Bangladesh 7 Writ Petition 488/2013 Roy Mohan vs Bangladesh and ors 8 Writ Petition 5741/2003 Bangladesh Agricultural Development Corporation vs Joint Distirct Judge of Artha Rin Adatot No3 Dhaka and others Mr. Md. Shamsur Rahman, Adv, For the Petitioner 9 Writ Petition 3767/2013 M/s Nahian CNG filing station vs Sec.min. of power energy and mineral resources and ors For Order 3 - ।] Application 1 '( Sent by Hon`ble Chief Justice For Order 10 Md. Saiful Islam Nithu vs Sec.min. of land and ors 209 Writ Petition 742/1996 Zainul Abedin, comilla vs Sec. Min of Land Mr. Rokon Uddin Mahmud Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 16 11 Writ Petition 1993/1996 Major Retd. M.A. Mannan Moulvibazar vs Chairman Bangladesh Chemical Ind. Dhaka and ors Mr. M. Khaled Ahmed Advocate for the petitioner 18 Writ Petition 4510/1996 Motahar Ali Molla, Pirojpur vs Add. Depupty Commissioner, Pirojpur Mr. Abdus Saleque Mollah, Adv. For the Petitioner 12 Writ Petition 4262/1996 Banlgadesh Interantion Water Transport Corporation, Dhaka vs Chairman, 3rd labour Court 19 Writ Petition 3726/1996 M/S. Sonali Dying and Printing MIlls , Narayangonj vs Sec. Min of Jute 20 Writ Petition 3298/1996 Mafzal Ahmed, Ctg vs Sec. Min of Land Mr. Kamal Ul Alam Adv for the petitioner 21 Writ Petition 3724/1996 Globex Knitting vs Sec. Min of Jute 22 Writ Petition 4371/1997 Md. Nozibul Islam Khan, Dhaka vs Sec.Min. of Establishment Dhaka Mr. Tulailur Rahman Adv for the petitioner 23 Writ Petition 404/1997 Kalipada Paul, Bhola vs Scey. Ministry of Agriculture 24 Writ Petition 6544/1997 Md. Aminul Islam vs Secy. Min of Establishment 25 Writ Petition 3882/1997 Mr.Md. Yunus, Ctg. vs Sec. Min of Establishment Dhaka Mr. Ikbal Sayeed Adv for the petitioner 26 Writ Petition 6192/1997 Tallu Spinning Mills vs Chairman, Laour court, Khulna Division Mr. Sayda Afsar Jahan Adv for the petitioner 13 14 15 16 17 Writ Petition 4381/1996 Writ Petition 1023/1996 Md. Asgar Ali Pramanik, Pabna vs Sec. Min of Home affairs Md. Belayet Hossain Naokhali vs Director General Bangladesh Rifles Dhaka and ors Mr. A.K.M. Shafiuddin Advocate for the petitioner Writ Petition 1962/1996 Sree Shamir Kumar Biswas, Dhaka vs Chairman Bangladesh T Writ Petition 2538/1996 Md. Jasimuddin Ahmed, Ctg. vs Sec. Min. of Home Affairs and ors Mr. Sheikh Muhammed Serajul Islam, Adv. For the Petitioner Writ Petition 1260/1996 MD. Chand Miah Dhaka vs The 1st Court of Settlement Dhaka and ors Mst. Chamon Akhter, Adv. For the Petitioner 210 Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 16 27 Writ Petition 485/1997 Shamsun Nahar, Dhaka vs Secy. Ministry of Health, govt. Of Bangladesh 34 Writ Petition 1192/1998 S K Abdul Mannan vs Bangladesh Mr. A.K.M. Abdul Hakim Adv for the petitioner 28 Writ Petition 4098/1997 Md. Nurul Huque, Savar, Dhaka vs Sec. Min. of Land Dhaka Mr. Md. Nuruzzaman Khan Adv for the petitioner 35 Writ Petition 1366/1998 12.4.2016 Md. fazlur rahman Fakir, Pabna vs Sec. Min. of L.G..R.D. Dhaka and ors Mr. Saifuddin Md. Amirur Rahim Adv for the petitioner 29 Writ Petition 4117/1997 Abdul Khaleduq, Dhaka vs Sec.Min. of Public Works, Dhaka Mr. M.B. Taz Mohammad Adv for the petitioner 36 Writ Petition 4431/2006 Md. Kzi Ali Haider vs Instpector General of Registration Dhaka and others Mr. Shakila Rowshon Adv for the petitioner 30 Writ Petition 1064/1997 Md. Abdus Shahad, Dhaka vs Secy. Ministry of Land Administration and Land reforms Mr. Giasuddin Ahmed Adv for the petitioner 37 Writ Petition 4402/2006 Md. Sohrab Hossain vs The Sec. Ministry of Law Justice and Parliamentary Affairs and others Mr. Muzibur Rahman Adv for the petitioner 31 Writ Petition 2945/1997 Abdul Hakim Bhuiyan vs Secy. Min Of Land 38 Writ Petition 789/1996 32 Writ Petition 4719/1997 Dil Mohammad, Dhaka vs Sec. Min. of Public Works Dhaak Mr. M.B. Taz Mohamed Adv for the petitioner Md. Fazlu Mia, Tangail vs Sec. Min of Home Affairs 39 Writ Petition 1927/1996 Abdul Hye, Ctg. vs Additional Deputy Commissioner Ctg. and ors Mr. Zulfiqur Bulbul Chowdhury, Adv. For the Petitioner 40 Writ Petition 1727/1996 Md. kamruzzaman, Shirajgonj vs Sec. Min of Home Affairs 33 Writ Petition 3896/1997 M/s. Sonali Dying ad Printing Mill Narayangonj vs Sec. Min. of Jute Building Mr.Rezbul Kabir Adv for the petitioner 211 Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 16 41 Writ Petition 2461/1996 Md. Abdur Razzak, Mymensingh vs Sec.Min.of Home Affirs and ors MR. A.M. Mahbubuddin Adv. For the Petitioner 47 Writ Petition 10997/2014 Heard in part(12.4.2016) Md. mohashin vs Sec min of housing and public works and 2 others Mr. Khandker Khaliqur Rahman for the petitioner 42 Writ Petition 4858/1997 M.A. Wahab Noakhali vs Deputy Commissioner Noakhali Mr. Md. Azizul Haque Adv for the petitioner 48 Writ Petition 10728/2013 Heard in part md. Mohsin vs The state 49 Writ Petition 7433/2013 Heard in part md. Imtiaz Akter Khan vs Bangladesh and ors 50 Writ Petition 10180/2015 Heard in part Md. Ashraful Alam vs The Sec. Min. of Education and 07 others 51 Writ Petition 974/2011 Heard in part Nurul Islam vs Ansar B.D.P 52 Writ Petition 1108/2015 Heard in part Sirajan Paul chowdhury vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Land and 04 others 53 Writ Petition 2292/2012 Mrs. Sahnaj vs The State 43 Writ Petition 3720/1996 Teh Excutive Director, Adamje Jute Mills Ltd, Nagonj vs Chairman, 3rd Labour court, Dhaka For Hearing 44 45 46 Writ Petition 11480/2013 Heard in part Md. Sadequr Rahman Haru Miah vs The Sec. Min. of Law, Justice and Parlamentary Affairs and ros Writ Petition 1056/2014 (with) Turab khan vs Bangladesh and ors 54 Writ Petition 7763/2014 (with) Abdul Karim Modhu vs Deputy Commissioner, Noakhali and 02 others Writ Petition 1362/2012 Heard in part Sunil Kuamr Basok and 2 ors vs Bangladesh and ors 55 Writ Petition 1825/2015 Heard in part Md. Mohidul Islam vs the sec min of LGRD and 09 ors Writ Petition 5147/2015 Heard in part Lutfor Rahman vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Communication and 06 others 56 Writ Petition 2948/2011 (with) Abu Sayed Banglee, Islampur, Jamalpur and 6 ors vs Sec.min. of liberation war and ors Writ Petition 4525/2015 Heard in part Shafiqul Islam vs sec min of Health and Family welfare and 03 others Writ Petition 339/2012 Heard in part Jamal uddin Mia, adn 4 ors vs Sec.min. of Liveration war affairs and ors 212 Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 16 57 58 Writ Petition 1613/2013 Heard in part Writ Petition 12464/2014 Heard in part Md. Khairul Alam Bhuiyan vs The State Md abu sayed vs The Sec. Min. of Education and 06 ors 59 Writ Petition 7098/2011 Heard in part Md. Anwar Shahadat vs Bangladesh and ors 60 Writ Petition 9966/2014 Heard in part Md. Rezaul islam vs Bangladesh and ors 61 Writ Petition 5561/2015 Heard in part golam kabir ahmed vs The Sec. Min. of Eeastablisment and 01 ors 62 Writ Petition 2886/2009 Heard in part Kabir Ahmed vs The State 63 Writ Petition 7716/2014 Heard in part Shahabuddin vs The state 64 Writ Petition 460/2015 Heard in part Rashida khatun vs The Sec. Min. of public works and 02 ors 65 Writ Petition 6624/2013 Heard in part md. Masud Mir and another vs Bangladesh and ors Mr. Shahjada Al Amin Kabir Advocate for the petitioner Writ Petition 4185/2015 Heard in part Mamunul Karim vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Youth and Sports and 35 others 66 67 Writ Petition 10705/2015 Heard in part Syed Aslam Ali vs Bangladesh, represented by the sec min of public administration and 03 others 213 68 Writ Petition 160/1999 Most. Jamila Khatun vs Deputy Comissioner 69 Writ Petition 5600/2009 Heard in part Ahmed Ali, BWDB Dhaka and 58 ors vs Bangladesh and ors 70 Writ Petition 928/2012 Heard in part Md. Mosarraf Hossain vs Bangladesh and other Mr. Sankar Chandra Das. Adv. For the Petitioner 71 Writ Petition 8703/2008 Heard in part Surhia Begum vs The State Mr. Sikder Mahamudur Razib, Adv for the petitioner 72 Writ Petition 4801/2013 Heard in part (at: 02) Mohammad Hasan Chowdhury vs Bangladesh and ors 73 Writ Petition 5531/2007 Md. Mamoonur Rashid, Dinajpur vs Sec, Min of Eastablishment and ors 74 Writ Petition 7536/2015 (with) Shawkat Ahmed vs Arpita Sompatti Protitarpor Tribunal chuadanga and 03 others Writ Petition 4417/2013 T.M.Safikul Islam vs Sec.min. of home affairs and ors 75 Writ Petition 10013/2014 Arun Kumar vs The Sec. Min. of Law, Justice and Parlamentary Affairs and ros 76 Writ Petition 1763/2013 Abdul Aziz vs Sec.min. of Home Affairs and ors Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 16 77 Writ Petition 11862/2014 (with) Ahmed ali vs The Sec. Min. of Home Affairs and 06 ors Writ Petition 1772/2015 Syed Nurul amin vs Sec min of law. justice and parliamentary affairs and 07 others 78 Writ Petition 12424/2014 Alauddin vs Bangladesh and ors 79 Writ Petition 3948/2008 Md. Nurul Hoque andors vs Bangladesh and ors. 80 81 Writ Petition 120/2013 Writ Petition 10272/2015 Md.Azizul Haque vs Bangladesh and others Md. Montazul Islam vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Labour and Eastablishment and 06 others 82 Writ Petition 3622/2008 Abul Hossain vs Vumi Apil Road 83 Writ Petition 2044/2012 Siraj Uddin vs Bangladesh 84 Writ Petition 6149/2009 Md. Omar Faruk, Dhaka vs The state 85 Writ Petition 2190/2014 Khandaker Mohiuddin vs The Sec. Min. of Jute Dhaka and 03 ors 86 Writ Petition 1683/2015 Jannat Hossain vs Sec min of law, Justice and parliamentary affairs and 03 others 214 87 Writ Petition 1684/2015 Md. Milon Miah vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Law Justice and Parliamentary Affairs and 03 others 88 Writ Petition 1685/2015 Md. Habibur Rahman vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Law Justice and Parliamentary Affairs and 03 others 89 Writ Petition 6014/2012 Md. Saiful vs Bangladesh and ors 90 Writ Petition 5279/2010 Morjina Begom vs Bangladesh and ors 91 Writ Petition 1999/2014 Md. Motaleb Hoddain vs The Sec. Min. of Land and ors 92 Writ Petition 12065/2013 eng.Jafor Ullah vs The state 93 Writ Petition 7944/2015 Md. Idris Ali vs The Sec. Min. of LGRD and 06 others 94 Writ Petition 6588/2015 Muhammad Didarul Alam vs Vice Chancellar, Islamia University kustia and 07 ors 95 Writ Petition 8447/2014 Extension on 07.03.2016 Md. Rube Mia vs Bangladesh and ors 96 Writ Petition 8448/2014 Extension on 07.03.2016 Md. Rubel Miah vs Bangladesh and ors 97 Writ Petition 8975/2006 Bandana Bain vs Bangladesh and ors 98 Writ Petition 10474/2014 Sanaullah vs Bangladesh Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 16 99 Writ Petition 11843/2012 Saiful Huda vs Sec.min. of land and ors 100 Writ Petition 12474/2012 Md. Yunus vs The chittagong city development authority ctg .and ors 101 Writ Petition 8001/2015 Dhaka Power Distribution Company Ltd vs Kazi Md. Murad Ali and 07 others 110 Writ Petition 9785/2015 Md. Harun ur Rahsid vs Bangladesh, Rep by Chairman Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board Barisal and 09 others 111 Writ Petition 8297/2011 Dr. Muhammad Foyez Ullah vs Sec.min.of Health and ors 112 Writ Petition 2115/2014 Bangladesh Blind Calan Business Samiti vs The Sec. Min. of Home Affairs 102 Writ Petition 10679/2014 Md. Younus ali vs Bangladesh 103 Writ Petition 3082/2014 Abia Khatun vs Bangladesh and ors 113 Writ Petition 5452/2008 Md. Solaman vs Wasa Others 104 Writ Petition 4035/2014 Md. Abu Taher Kha vs Bangladesh and others 114 Writ Petition 11581/2013 Mir Md. Hasrul vs Bangladesh 115 Writ Petition 7818/2011 Md. Abdul Mutalib vs Bangladesh and ors 116 Writ Petition 11792/2006 Nur Ahmed vs Bangladesh and ors 117 Writ Petition 3216/2015 Md. Shamim sheikh vs Grameen Bank 118 Writ Petition 12182/2013 Md. Nurul islam vs Bangladesh and ors 119 Writ Petition 7609/2009 Samamana Dokander Samabaya Samity vs Bangladesh and ors 120 Writ Petition 9776/2014 Titas Gas Ltd vs Dulal Chakraborti 121 Writ Petition 3658/2011 Save the rural development association vs Sec.min. of Health and Family Welfare and ors 105 106 107 108 109 Writ Petition 4217/2013 Writ Petition 2917/2014 Writ Petition 4157/2011 Writ Petition 8378/2015 Writ Petition 3913/2014 Absar uddin vs Sec.min. of local govt.and rural development and ors Anwara khatun vs Dhaka South City Corporation Confident Power Ltd. vs Chairman National Board Md. Golam Mostafa Bhuiyan vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Energy and Mineral Resource and 03 others Banik chitto Ranjon vs Bangladesh and ors 215 Date : 02/05/2016 Annex Building Court No. 16 122 Writ Petition 8132/2014 Md Khalekul Islam vs Grameen Bank 132 Writ Petition 3004/2015 Md. Fazlul Haque and others vs Bangladesh and others 123 Writ Petition 5170/2010 Saleha w/o of Noor Hossain, sec-1 Mirpur Dhaka vs Sec.min. of Housing and Public Works and ors 133 Writ Petition 3005/2015 md. mazedur rahman vs The Sec. Min. of LGRD and 05 ors 134 Writ Petition 2736/2015 AKM shafiqur rahman vs The Sec. Min. of LGRD and 05 ors 135 Writ Petition 2738/2015 Zannatul Ferdous vs Sec.min. of power energy and mineral resources and ors Md. Azaharul Haque vs The Sec. Min. of LGRD and 05 ors 136 Writ Petition 2737/2015 Writ Petition 11452/2013 Shikh Ejabur Rahman vs The Sec. Min. of Information and ors Anup Kumar Poddar vs The Sec. Min. of LGRD and 05 ors 137 Writ Petition 9215/2013 Writ Petition 9985/2011 Md.al Ferdous vs Bangladesh and others Jebunnessa Begum vs Sec.min. of land and ors 138 Writ Petition 3840/2015 Writ Petition 12471/2013 Md. Abul kalam azad vs The Sec. Min. of Commerce and 03 ors Chittagong Battery chalito Malik Samity vs Bangladesh and ors 139 Writ Petition 7395/2015 Writ Petition 1436/2012 Ferdous Ahmed vs Sec.min. of LGRD and ors Sharif Ashrafuzzaman vs The Sec. Min. of Land and 04 others 140 Writ Petition 6956/2005 Abdul Jobbor vs Bangladesh 130 Writ Petition 6459/2012 Noria UP vs Govt. of Bangladesh and ors 131 Writ Petition 8854/2010 Most. Joygon Bibi, Chapainawabgonj vs Sec.min. of Housing and Public Works and ors 124 125 126 127 128 129 Writ Petition 7321/2015 Writ Petition 5465/2013 Md. Kafil Uddin vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Education and 07 others 216 Supreme Court of Bangladesh High Court Division Justice Sheikh Abdul Awal and Justice Shahidul Karim Date : 02/05/2016 [Annex Building Court No. 18] @ O [ & #/ , F & #/ ,& 1 ; # ,& ( @ O #/ 35 < * % +L% 2 * & #/ % ,& 1 ( #/ ; + ( #/ ; 2 +/ * @ O .$( = >% * #/ ; F # 4 53 , ) $ %K 2? ; 6HH3) 5M( ), > ' . (N) ,& . , 3444 ) & # '( #/ ; E ( ), F ) < ; < , .$( .$( ( 2 .+ ( E 3 2# ( 2 #. 33 < 2- G, ,J ( '( . 2? ; < $ # . /0। ] For Hearing 1 Civil Rule 237(F.M.)/2008 (Barisal) Zahirul Haque Raruk vs Uttra Bank 2 Civil Rule 876(F.)/2011 Abul Kalam Azad vs General Manager, Bangladesh Bank,Barishal Civil Rule 354(F.M.)/2011 Sheikh Sawkat Ali and others vs Sheikh Majnu and others. Mr. Ahmed Nowshed Jamil, Adv....For the Petitioners 3 .$( & #/ $ +I) / '., /B * F < '(; 6HH3 2 @ O F #/ , F #/ +I) G,HH,HHH & #/ ; # . /0 ); G,HH,HHH @ O ,J ( F 3443- ( * 4 Civil Misc 19/2013 Kazi Golam Wares vs Janab Ali Gazi Mr. Md. Zamiruddin Sirkar Adv. for the petitioner. 5 Civil Revision 840/2012 (Chittagong) A.K.M. Farooq vs Abul Kashem Hohammad and others 217 6 Civil Revision 6/2012 (Hobigonj) Md Sowab Miah Chowdhury. vs Nillufa Begum and others. 7 Civil Revision 2222/2007 ( Rangamati) M/S.Indropuri Cenema Hall Ltd. vs Abdul Aziz han and anothers 8 Civil Rule 23(Con.)/2011 Mr. Nayej Habib vs Rupsha Fish and Alied Industries Ltd. 9 Civil Revision 3192/2013 (Chittagong) Liya Navis Haq and others vs Ms. Mostafa Begum Supreme Court of Bangladesh High Court Division Justice S. M. Emdadul Hoque and Justice S.M. Mozibur Rahman Date : 02/05/2016 [Annex Building Court No. 34] : [ E @ O$ @ O '( ; 2 - % 8 R% * AB . ; % #/ #/ , AB . 2 +/ $ For Hearing = >% $ AB . & '( . 2? ; < $ # . /0 ।] 5 Criminal Misc 4092/2013 Noor Mohammad vs The state Mr. Kumar Debul Dewan for the petitioner 1 Criminal Misc 40300/2013 Nur Jahan Begum vs The state Mr. S.M. Jahirul Islam for the petitioner 2 Criminal Misc 4109/2013 Md.Mostafa vs the state Mr. Dr. Anower Hossain for the petitioner. 6 Criminal Misc 4025/2013 Md. Abdul Alim vs The state Mr. Md. Mozibur Rahman for the petitioner 3 Criminal Misc 4084/2013 Md.Shah Alam vs The state Mrs. Arifa Jesmin for the petitioenr 7 Criminal Misc 4075/2013 4 Criminal Misc 20292/2014 (with) Yeasin Osman vs The state Mr. A.B.M. Rafiqul Islam for the petitioner Mr. Md. Iqbal Kabir for the opposite party Mobarak Hossain Batem vs the state Mr. Mamotazuddin Mahedi for the petitioner 8 Criminal Misc 4401/2013 Nur Hossain @ Vhutry vs The state Mr. Aminur Rahman for the petitioner 9 Criminal Misc 4077/2013 Md.Anwar hossain vs The state Mr. S.M. Safiqul Islam for the petitioner 10 Criminal Misc 4098/2013 Jashim Uddin vs The state Mr. Md. Rafiqul Islam Miah for the petitioner 11 Criminal Misc 6561/2013 Md.Abdul Malek vs the state Mr. Abdul Khaleque for the petitioner Criminal Misc 20293/2014 (with) Yeasin Osman vs The State Criminal Misc 20294/2014 (with) Yeasin Osman vs The state Criminal Misc 20295/2014 (with) Yeasin Osman vs The state Criminal Misc 20296/2014 (with) Yeasin Osman vs The state Criminal Misc 20297/2014 Yeasin Osman vs The state 218 12 Criminal Misc 6540/2013 Md.Baccu Miah vs The state Mr. Matilal Bepari for the petitioner 13 Criminal Misc 6525/2013 Md.Khokon vs The state Mr. Shihab Uddin Mahmud for the petitioner Criminal Misc 6567/2013 Salma vs The state Mr. Saiful Islam Sarkar for the petitioner 14 15 Criminal Misc 6562/2013 Ziaur Rahman vs The state Mr. Sayed Quamrul Hossain for the petitioiner Criminal Misc 6587/2013 Mr.Chen Ming Lei vs The state Mr. M. Sayed Ahmed for the petitioner Criminal Misc 6537/2013 Md.Abdul Samad vs the state Mrs. Jahanara Sarkar for the petitioner 18 Criminal Misc 4023/2013 Md.Masum vs the state Mr. Alal Uddin for the petitioner 19 Criminal Misc 4078/2013 Md.Iqbal Kabir alias Chan Mia vs the state Mr. Md. Lutfar Rahman for the petitioner 16 17 219 20 Criminal Misc 44219/2012 Md.Masud Khalifa vs The state Mr. Mahbubur Rahman for the petitioner 21 Criminal Misc 9098/2011 Md.Sahadat Hossain alias Mana and others vs The State Mrs. Nasima Khatun for the petitioner 22 Criminal Misc 45936/2012 Md.Masud vs The state Mrs. Jaman Akter for the petitioner 23 Criminal Misc 13834/2011 Md. Khorshed Alam vs The State Mr. Fazlul Karim Chowdhury for the petitioner 24 Criminal Misc 3788/2011 Nekbar Ali vs The State Mr. Elias Ahmed for the petitioner 25 Criminal Misc 43244/2012 A.Salam vs The state Mr. Md. Motiur Rahman for the petitioner Supreme Court of Bangladesh High Court Division Justice Mamnoon Rahman and Justice J. B. M. Hassan Date : 02/05/2016 [Annex Building Court No. 14] : [ 2 % 8 R% ,@ & #/ 9%/ % $ Criminal Appeal 8092/2015 Kamal Mia vs The State 2 Criminal Appeal 1382/2014 Mosammat Rizia Parveen vs Wahidur Rahman Mollah and ors % 8 #/ $ #/ 12 Criminal Appeal 2026/2002 A.K.M Zahedul Hossain vs The State 13 Criminal Appeal 2895/2002 Mir Mamun and others vs The State 14 Criminal Appeal 539/2002 Sabuj vs state 15 Criminal Appeal 3185/2004 Sree Shoilen vs The State 16 Criminal Appeal 3856/2013 Mamtaz Begum vs Shahjahan Gazi and ors 17 Criminal Appeal 445/2002 Paval vs state 18 Criminal Appeal 4351/2003 Md. Rafiq vs The State For Hearing 3 C ।] Hearing 1 AB . Criminal Appeal 1254/2010 Md. Sajid Miah vs The State Criminal Appeal 6316/2012 Md.Moinuddin @ Moiz vs The State Criminal Appeal 3597/2008 Md. Shohidul Islam vs The State Criminal Appeal 1004/2011 Md. Mamum and another. vs The State. 7 Criminal Appeal 6723/2008 Md. Abdul Quddus vs The State 19 Criminal Appeal 916/2001 Basar vs The State 8 Criminal Appeal 1039/2006 Dil Md. vs The State 20 Criminal Appeal 1857/2004 9 Criminal Appeal 6848/2007 Mira vs State Mostafa vs The State and Another 21 Criminal Appeal 3164/2004 Criminal Appeal 4204/2011 Ali Ahmed vs The State Md. Zahid vs The state 22 Criminal Appeal 4317/2005 Criminal Appeal 2351/2001 Md. Anower Hossain vs The state Giasuddin vs The State 23 Criminal Appeal 2810/2005 Paval vs The State 4 5 6 10 11 220 24 Criminal Appeal 4153/2005 Md. Abdus Samad vs The State 39 Criminal Appeal 8132/2009 Alam and others vs state 25 Criminal Appeal 4725/2006 Md. Alauddin vs The State 40 Criminal Appeal 815/2009 Radhika vs The State 26 Criminal Appeal 4797/2006 Md. Nazrul Islam vs The State 41 Criminal Appeal 118/2009 Abdul Hannan vs The State 27 Criminal Appeal 4225/2006 Bashna Begum vs The State 42 Criminal Appeal 5718/2010 Saifullah Akand vs The State 28 Criminal Appeal 5946/2007 A Khaleq vs The state. 43 Criminal Appeal 615/2010 Katon Miah vs The State 29 Criminal Appeal 6475/2007 Sk. Mostafizur Rahman Munna and others vs The State and another 44 Criminal Appeal 5732/2011 Md. Hossain Sheikh vs The State 45 Criminal Appeal 31/2011 Md. Khalil Bepari vs the State 30 Criminal Appeal 1488/2007 Aftab Ali vs State 46 Criminal Appeal 738/2011 Mokbul Hossain vs The State 31 Criminal Appeal 3767/2007 (with) Abed Ali vs The State 47 Criminal Appeal 214/2012 Criminal Appeal 3768/2007 Majibur vs The State Rahima Akter vs The State and another 48 Criminal Appeal 6327/2012 Criminal Appeal 3313/2008 Md. Abu Hasan Biswas vs The State Md.Arifur Rahman Rubel and Another vs The State 49 Criminal Appeal 6248/2012 Rana @ Md.Rana vs The State 32 33 34 35 Criminal Appeal 7725/2008 Ali and others vs The State 50 Criminal Appeal 2186/2012 Criminal Appeal 6211/2008 Babu vs The State Md. Golam Mondol vs The state 51 Criminal Appeal 2413/2012 Criminal Appeal 4538/2008 Sultan mollah vs The State Md. Baharuddin Prokash (Shohag) vs The State 52 Criminal Appeal 4048/2013 Hasina Akter Joly and another vs The State and another 53 Criminal Appeal 6282/2013 Md.Abu Sayeed Al Sani vs The State 36 Criminal Appeal 1064/2008 Monirul Islam vs The State 37 Criminal Appeal 6121/2009 Md. Jaynal Abedin vs The State Criminal Appeal 2021/2009 Shahjahan vs The State 38 221 54 Criminal Appeal 7185/2013 Sree Sanjoy vs The State 57 Criminal Appeal 507/2015 Md.Zahidul vs The state. 55 Criminal Appeal 6378/2015 Shah Hossain vs The State 58 Criminal Appeal 10885/2015 Md. Kabir Hossain vs The State 56 Criminal Appeal 7078/2015 Md.Sohel vs The state 222 Supreme Court of Bangladesh High Court Division Justice Farah Mahbub and Justice Md. Mozibur Rahman Miah Date : 02/05/2016 [Annex Building Court No. 13] : [ # . /0 AB . & , @ O 2 %K 2? ; C E % 8 #/ 1 % /1 ) *P # . /0 ; AB . $ #/ 2 +/ & = >% ( C '( . #2 Q% 2 3 4 5 Criminal Misc 16869/2013 % 8 #/ # . /0 $ 2? ; < Md. Abdullah Al Mamun vs The State ; AB . #/ $ %K 2? ; C # . /0 ; ; AB . $ # . /0 @ O '( . @ O As to be mentioned 1 C * AB . 2 AB . 2 ; *P & ।] 12 Criminal Misc 12096/2012 Liton Saha vs The State 13 Criminal Appeal 37401/2015 Md. Shamim Monjur vs The State Criminal Misc 32991/2015 Md. Rakib Sarder vs The State 14 Criminal Misc 37243/2015 Criminal Appeal 4788/2013 Shawkat vs State Bishu Kumar Das vs The State 15 Criminal Misc 27849/2014 Criminal Misc 1719/2016 Md. Shahidul Islam Antor vs The State Bahauddin Kazal vs The State Criminal Misc 1417/2013 As to be mentioned (31.03.2016) Susumoy Chakma and others vs The state 16 Criminal Misc 18824/2015 Md. Khorshed Alam vs The State 17 Criminal Misc 34647/2015 Nirmol Chandra Mohanta vs The State As to be mentioned (27.03.2016) 6 Criminal Misc 3690/2015 Md. Liton vs The State 18 Criminal Misc 25994/2013 Abdul Ali vs The State 7 Criminal Misc 15465/2014 Marfat Ali vs The State 19 Criminal Misc 48590/2015 Chaina Begum vs The State 8 Criminal Misc 44150/2013 Md. Soyeb Hossain vs The State 20 Criminal Misc 31001/2015 Monir and others vs The State 9 Criminal Misc 19969/2014 Salim Ahmed vs The State 21 Criminal Misc 3998/2015 Md. Shahjalal vs The State 10 Criminal Misc 36414/2015 Kamran Hossain vs The State 22 Criminal Misc 6137/2008 Md. Shahjahan vs The State 11 Criminal Misc 1048/2007 Zinnah vs The State 23 Criminal Misc 23871/2015 Md. Shahin vs The State 223 24 Criminal Misc 46338/2013 Ansar vs Dinajpur 25 Criminal Misc 2177/2016 Saidul Islam vs The State 26 Criminal Misc 21514/2014 Mohammad Ali vs The State 27 Criminal Misc 5261/2015 Md. Abu Taleb Sarde vs The State 39 29 30 Criminal Revision 1183/2013 Ruhul vs The State As to be mentioned (07.04.2016) As to be mentioned (03.04.2016) 28 Criminal Revision 424/2009 Saiful Azam and others vs The state Criminal Revision Muhammad 1184/2013 Mamunur Rashid and others vs The state 40 Criminal Misc 37519/2015 Md. Anowar Hossain Biswas vs The State 41 Criminal Misc 31660/2015 Tabarak Bhuiyan vs The State 42 Criminal Misc 47205/2012 Muhammad Washim Hossain @ Washim vs The state 43 Criminal Appeal 3145/2013 Md.Masud Rana and another vs The State 44 Criminal Misc 47462/2012 Md. Mozzammel Sardar vs The State Criminal Misc 14446/2012 Imtiaj Hossain vs The State 45 Criminal Misc 4729/2015 Criminal Misc 30900/2010 Anis vs The State Md. Masud vs The State 46 Criminal Misc 45703/2015 Criminal Misc 17095/2014 Md. Aminul Karim vs The State Noor Miah vs The State 47 Criminal Misc 45975/2015 Criminal Misc 2965/2016 Sree Shopon Chandra Das vs The State Md. Abdul Aleem vs The State 48 Criminal Misc 378/2014 Linda Sardar vs The State 34 Criminal Misc 21778/2009 Nobiullah and others vs The State 49 Criminal Misc 18727/2014 Md. Sumsul vs The State 35 Criminal Misc 2578/2016 Mozaffar Shikh and another vs The State 50 Criminal Misc 18216/2014 Samsul Alam vs The State 51 Criminal Misc 48147/2015 Md. Shohag Bhiyan vs The State 52 Criminal Misc 29637/2012 Md.alfal Hossain and others vs The state 53 Criminal Misc 18897/2016 Shefali vs The state 31 32 33 36 Criminal Misc 34426/2015 Md. Asharaf Uddin vs The State 37 Criminal Misc 32711/2015 Nazru Islam vs The State 38 Criminal Misc 3890/2013 Hafizur Rhaman vs the state 224 54 Criminal Misc 3431/2015 Most. Lamia vs The State 69 Criminal Misc 2756/2012 Ripon vs The State Md.Rafiqul Islam and others vs The state 55 Criminal Misc 252/2015 70 Criminal Misc 2406/2016 Criminal Misc 48806/2014 Murad and another vs The State Md. Henowar vs The State 71 Criminal Misc 395/2016 Criminal Misc 32072/2015 Mohammad Mohin Uddin Haruni vs The State Most. Arifa Yeasmin vs The State 72 Criminal Revision 363/2007 Md. Sahjahan Ali vs State 58 Criminal Misc 19492/2014 Sultan Mia vs The State 73 Criminal Revision 998/2010 Sader Ali vs The State 59 Criminal Misc 35562/2014 Md. Rubel vs The State 74 Criminal Appeal 6002/2010 Md. Aziz Miah vs The State 60 Criminal Misc 45094/2015 Md. Omar Faruk Mohon vs The State 75 Criminal Misc 2407/2016 Ikbal Hosan Sheikati vs The State 76 Criminal Misc 34837/2014 Anower Hossain vs The State 77 Criminal Misc 24153/2009 Mozzamel Hossen Raton and ors vs The state 78 Criminal Misc 15566/2015 Nurul Islam Sarkar vs The state 56 57 61 Criminal Misc 44784/2015 Md. Sajol vs The State Fixing the date of hearing 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 Criminal Misc 22843/2015 Md. Salam and another vs The State Criminal Misc 21252/2014 Akbar Khan vs The State 79 Criminal Misc 45092/2012 Criminal Misc 33674/2011 Md.Abdur Razzaque vs The state Md.Shohel vs the state 80 Criminal Misc 1805/2016 Criminal Misc 21015/2013 Md. Shahidul Islam vs The State Mosammat Mahmuda Akter Kali vs The State 81 Criminal Misc 48632/2015 Md. Arif Hossain vs The State 82 Criminal Misc 3105/2016 Md. Jahangir Alam vs The State 83 Criminal Misc 10644/2016 Md. Zahedul Alam vs The State Criminal Misc 47374/2012 Arafat Hossain and others vs The state Criminal Misc 560/2016 Omar vs The state Criminal Misc 31708/2010 Habibur Rahamn vs The State For Judgment 225 84 Criminal Misc 382/2014 Mohammad Harunor-Rashid vs The State Mr. Liton Chandra Das, Adv. for the petitioner Mrs. Nahid Mahtab, Adv. for the opposite party No. 2 93 Criminal Misc 424/2009 Ruhul vs The State Shiek Azmol Hayat adv. for the petitioner Mr. Md. Khairul Alam with Mr. Sunjoy Kumar Kumar Kunda, Advocate for the respondent No. 2 94 Criminal Misc 18419/2015 Amena Khatun vs The State 95 Criminal Misc 13940/2012 Md. Abu Taher vs The State Ayasha Akter Chowdhury vs The state Mr. Khandakar Md. Khurshid Alam, Advocate for the petitioner 96 Md. Israfil vs The State Criminal Misc 19036/2014 Kasem vs The State 97 Criminal Misc 20666/2014 Abul Kashem vs The State Mr. Md. Rezaul Karim Adv. for the petitioner Mr. Ehsan A. Siddique, Adv. for the opposite party No. 2 98 Criminal Misc 20667/2014 Abul Kashem vs The State Mr. Md. Rezaul Karim Adv. for the petitioner Mr. Ehsan A. Siddique, Adv. for the opposite party No. 2 99 Criminal Misc 21096/2014 Abul Kashem vs The State Mr. Mohammad Rezaul Karim, Adv. for the petitioner Motion For Hearing 85 86 Criminal Misc 3052/2013 Abbas Uddin vs The State Criminal Misc 378/2015 (con A) Abdul Malek Munshi vs The State For Hearing : 498 87 88 Criminal Misc 49003/2015 Criminal Misc 3070/2016 89 Criminal Misc 395/2016 Most. Arifa Yeasmin vs The State 90 Criminal Misc 563/2016 Ataur Rahman vs The State For Hearing : 561-A 91 Criminal Misc 1493/2016 with application Mukarram Hossain Khan vs The State 92 Criminal Misc 50588/2015 Abdur Rab vs and ors Mr. Md. Idris Mazumder, Advocate for the petitioner Mr. Md. Helal Amin, Advocate for the opposite party No. 1 226 100 Criminal Misc 35870/2011 Mustafa Maniruzzaman vs The State Mr. Md. Ramjan Ali Sikder, Adv. for the petitioner 101 Criminal Misc 20796/2009 M.A. MAlek vs The state 102 Criminal Misc 5225/2007 Abdus Salam vs The state 103 Criminal Misc 5226/2007 Abdus Salam vs The state 104 Criminal Misc 50255/2012 Dr.Zainul Abedin vs The state 105 Criminal Misc 30135/2010 Fozlul Haq vs 106 Criminal Misc 29925/2015 Shakil Prodhan vs The State 107 Criminal Misc 10130/2015 Champa Begum vs The State 108 Criminal Misc 4420/2012 Shamsuddin Mollah vs The state 109 110 Criminal Misc 36525/2014 Md. Al Mamun Bin Siddiqui vs B.M. Elias 115 Criminal Misc 14123/2015 Zahir Ahmed vs The State 116 Criminal Misc 14122/2015 Zahir Ahmed vs The State 117 Criminal Misc 14121/2015 Zahir Ahmed vs The State 118 Criminal Misc 14120/2015 Zahir Ahmed vs The State 119 Criminal Misc 17144/2015 Zahir Ahmed vs The State Mr. Syed Afzal Hossain, Adv. for the petitioner Mr. M. Mohiuddin Yousuf,Adv. for the respondent No. 2 120 Criminal Misc 17140/2015 Zahir Ahmed vs The State Syed Afzal Hossain, Adv. for the petitioner Mr. M. Mohiuddin Yousuf, Adv. for the respondent No. 2 121 Criminal Misc 17145/2015 Zahir Ahmed vs The State 122 Criminal Misc 1960/2014 Rasel Sheikh vs The State 123 Criminal Misc 10830/2015 Letu Begum vs The State 124 Criminal Misc 2756/2012 Md.Rafiqul Islam and others vs The state Criminal Misc 36526/2014 Md. Al Mamun Bin Siddiqui vs B.M. Elias 111 Criminal Appeal 9694/2015 Md. Abdul Momin vs The State 112 Criminal Misc 4226/2012 Mir Sharakat Ali vs The state 125 Criminal Misc 41370/2014 Criminal Misc 45009/2013 Abul Hossain vs The State Amor Kanti Das vs The State 126 Criminal Misc 20019/2014 Criminal Misc 14142/2011 Md.Rezaul Karim vs The State Sheikh Hassan Jaki vs The State 127 Criminal Misc 45008/2013 Abul Hossain vs The State 113 114 227 128 Criminal Misc 45006/2013 Ms. Abul Hassan vs The State 144 Criminal Revision 816/2011 Mushfequr Rahman vs The State 129 Criminal Misc 21355/2014 Akbar Khan vs The State 145 Criminal Misc 22250/2011 Monzil Sarder vs The State 130 Criminal Misc 7561/2014 Md. Shamsul Alam vs The State 146 Criminal Misc 33597/2015 Sajjad Hossain vs The State 131 Criminal Misc 7565/2014 Anwar Hossain vs The State 147 Criminal Misc 21015/2013 Md. Shahidul Islam vs The State 132 Criminal Misc 17097/2014 Md. Nurul Absar vs The State 148 Criminal Misc 45210/2015 Shams Alim Biswas vs The State 133 Criminal Misc 18727/2014 Md. Sumsul vs The State 149 Criminal Misc 21013/2013 Md. Shahidul Islam vs The State 134 Criminal Misc 7995/2014 Mohammad Kamal Uddin vs The State 150 Criminal Misc 21014/2013 Md. Shahidul Islam vs The State 151 Criminal Misc 2645/2012 Engineer K.M.Mostafizur Rahman vs The state Md. Bodiuzzaman, Adv. with Ms. Munmun Nahar, Adv. for the petitioner 135 Criminal Misc 10228/2014 Md. Kamal Uddin vs The state 136 Criminal Misc 17602/2014 Kamal Uddin vs The state 137 Criminal Misc 18216/2014 Samsul Alam vs The State 152 Criminal Revision 1599/2010 MOhammad Kamal Uddin vs The State Shuly Haque vs The state Jahangir Ahmed Khan, Advocate for the petitioner 153 Shamsul Islam vs The State Criminal Revision 998/2010 Sader Ali vs The State 154 Kamal Uddin vs The State Criminal Revision 1393/2015 Rokib vs The State 155 Criminal Revision 232/2010 Ahmed Kabir vs The state 138 Criminal Misc 17604/2014 Md. Kamal Uddin vs The State 139 Criminal Misc 20851/2014 140 141 Criminal Misc 7563/2014 Criminal Misc 7564/2014 For Hearing : 439 142 Criminal Revision 665/2011 Rahman vs The State 143 Criminal Revision 815/2011 Mushfequr Rahman vs The State 228 156 Criminal Revision 93/2015 Md. Monirul Islam vs The State Mr. Md. Magfur Rahman Shaikh, Adv. for the petitioner Mr. Golam Abbas Chowdhury Adv. for the opposite party 166 Criminal Misc 15613/2013 Md. Abdul Mannan vs The State Md. Abdul Barik, Advocate for the petitioner 167 Criminal Misc 15608/2013 Md. Shamsul Alam vs The State Mr. Tapan Kanti Das , advocate for the petitioner 168 Criminal Misc 15610/2013 Md. Rajib Ali vs The State Tapan Kanti Das Advocate for the petitioner 169 Criminal Misc 15674/2013 Md. Sirajul Islam vs The State Md. Khaled Hossain Advocate for the petitioner 170 Criminal Misc 15684/2013 Md. Alamgir vs The State Md. Abul Kalam Azad Advocate for the petitioner 171 Criminal Misc 15626/2013 Mobarak vs The state Saddum vs state vs The State Mr. Md. Younus Mollah, Advocate for the petitioner 172 Md. Abu Taher vs The State Mr. Shafiul Alam, Adv. for the petitioner Criminal Misc 15636/2013 Md. Salem vs The State Das Tapan Kumar, Advocate for the petitioner 173 Criminal Misc 15658/2013 Md. Monsul Islam vs The State Mr. Md. Jahangir Alam , advocate for the petitioner 157 Criminal Revision 1043/2015 Md. Barek vs The State 158 Criminal Revision 2250/2014 Alhaj Abu Taher vs The State and another 159 Criminal Revision 1020/2015 Alamgir vs The state 160 Criminal Revision 1428/2015 Sirajul Arefin vs The State For Hearing : 526 161 162 163 Criminal Misc 34345/2015 Kartik Boiddo vs The State Mr. Salina Akhter, advocate for the petitioner Mr. Md. Bodiuzzaman Tafadar, Advocate for the opposite party No.1 Criminal Misc 36878/2014 Criminal Misc 2965/2014 For Hearing : Against Acquittal 164 Criminal Revision 1580/2014 Md. Zakaria Iqbal vs The State Criminal Misc. 165 Criminal Misc 15689/2013 Md. Rafiqul Islam vs The State 229 174 Criminal Misc 15617/2013 Most. Hamida Begum vs The State Ms. Marzina Raihan Modina, Adv. for the petitioner 183 Criminal Appeal 1133/1996 Mrinal Kanti vs The State Yousuf Hossain Humayun adv. for the petitioner 175 Criminal Misc 15693/2013 Sadekur Rahman vs The state Md. Asaduzzaman Ansari, Advocate for the petitioner 184 Criminal Appeal 4447/1991 Abdul Mohid vs The State A.B.M. Golam Mojid adv. for the petitioner 176 Criminal Misc 15612/2013 Kabir Hossain vs The State Syed Misbaul Anwar, Adv. for the petitioner 185 Criminal Appeal 1127/1990 Md.Ali Junal Taijullah vs State Nazrul Islam Chowdhury adv, for the petitioner 177 Criminal Misc 15637/2013 Md. Jamal Uddin vs The State Mr. Md. Saifur Rahman, Adv. for the petitioner 186 Criminal Appeal 912/1990 178 Criminal Misc 15633/2013 Md. Forkan vs The State Mr. M. Saiful Alam, Adv. for the petitioner Ruhul Amin @ Chand mia vs The State Md. S. Nazmul Haque, adv for the petitioner 187 Criminal Appeal 536/1990 Criminal Misc 15659/2013 Karim vs the state Sayem Md. Morad, Adv, for the petitioner Samit Mollah vs The State Abdul Goni Talukder adv, for the petitioner 188 Criminal Appeal 3453/2012 Saleh Faruk and another vs The State 189 Criminal Appeal 196/2016 Mamun Sheikh vs The State 179 Criminal Appeal : For Hearing 180 Criminal Appeal 9694/2015 Md. Abdul Momin vs The State 181 Criminal Appeal 2105/1992 Md. Sohid vs The State 182 Criminal Appeal 2047/1992 Md Sohid vs The State 230 Supreme Court of Bangladesh High Court Division Justice A. K. M. Abdul Hakim and Justice Farid Ahmed Shibli Date : 02/05/2016 [Annex Building Court No. 15] : [ 2 %K 2? ; C % 8 #/ E 1 @ O # . /0; AB . $ 2 +/ #/ = >% C C * AB . % 8 #/ # . /0 $ ; AB . $ %K 2? ; C 2 # . /0 # . /0; AB . ; AB . '( . 2? ; < $ # . /0 @ O Application : 498 #/ 2 AB . ।] 12 In re Noakhali Mrs. Tahmina Sultana vs State 13 In re Noakhali Mrs. Tahmina Sultana and another vs State 14 In re Naogaon Md. Pintu Sardar alias Vuttu and another vs State 15 In re Jhalokathi Md. Limon Nakib vs State 16 In re Khulna Md.NazmulHossain and another vs State 17 In re Khulna Md.Nazmul Hossain and another vs State 18 In re Dhaka Md. Emran Hossain Ridoy vs State 19 In re Kurigram Md. Hossain Ali vs State 1 In re Rajshahi Ziarul Molla and another vs 2 In re Noakhali Anowar Hossain alias Monir vs 3 In re Pabna Md. Abu Bakkar vs State 4 In re Narayangonj Forhad vs State 5 In re Pabna Mst. bulu Begum vs State 6 In re Dhaka Md. Shohel @ Sabuj vs State 7 In re Pabna Md. Mizanur Rahman @ Milon vs State 8 In re Pabna Md. Amin Ahmed vs State 9 In re Sirajgonj Md. Rafiqul Islam vs State In re Sirajgonj Md. Babul Aktar @ Md. Babul vs State 20 In re Sirajgonj In re Brahmanbaria Most. Majeda Begum and another vs State Md. Mohor Ali Sharker vs State 21 In re Chittagong Mehedi Hassan @ Harun vs State 10 11 231 & 22 In re Dhaka Mst. Parul vs State 36 In re Noakhali Khurshid Alam vs The state 23 In re Meherpur Farid alias Md. Frid Uddin vs State 37 In re Chittagong Mohammad Mahfuzur Rahman vs State 24 In re Borguna Md. Montu Khalifa alias Md. Montu vs State 38 In re Chittagong Md. Mahabubul Alam vs State 25 In re Chittagong Md. Zakir Hossain @ Zaker Dakath vs State 39 In re Laxmipur Md. Zamal uddin Shobuj vs State 26 In re Dhaka Md. Mojid vs State 40 In re Laxmipur 27 In re Gazipur Rumel Hossain alias Jibon vs State Md. Zamal uddin Shobuj vs State 41 In re Sylhet (13 applications) In re Dhaka Md. Manik vs State SyedZakir Ahmad Shahid vs State 42 In re Dhaka In re Khulna Most. Rahima Begum vs State Md. Jahangir Alam alias Yunus Miah vs State 43 In re Dhaka Ms. Subra Rani Gosh vs State 44 In re Dhaka Md. Saiful Islam Sizar vs State 28 29 30 31 32 In re Naogaon Md. Anarul and another vs State In re Moulovibazar Md. Kachon Mia vs State 45 In re Dhaka In re Tangail Md. Najrul Islam vs State Md. Faruk Hossain vs State 46 In re Dhaka Abul Hossain vs State Application : 561-A 33 In re Dinajpur Ranjana Bakshi vs State 47 In re Dhaka Ms. Subra Rani Gosh vs State 34 In re Noakhali Md. Sohag and others vs The state 48 In re Chittagong 35 In re Noakhali Mojibur Rahman and others vs The state Belal Uddin @ Muhammad Belal Uddin and others vs State 49 In re Chittagong Ershad Ahammad and another vs State 232 50 In re Sylhet Haji Woab Ali vs State 65 In re Chittagong Mohammad Hanif vs State 51 In re Naogaon Sree Joty vs State 66 In re Narshingdi Farid Sarker vs State 52 In re Sylhet M.A. Quyum vs State 67 In re Chapai Nobabgonj Md. Aminul Islam vs State 53 In re Dhaka Liakat Ali Khan Mukul and others vs State 68 In re Dhaka A.B.M. Fazle Elahi vs State 69 54 In re Dhaka Md. Fakhrul Islam alias Sumon vs State In re Naogaon Md. Bazlur Rahman Dulal vs State 70 In re Nilphamari Md.Ketabuddin vs State 71 In re Dhaka Aklas Uddin Bhuiyan vs State 72 Criminal Misc 6801/2016 Md. Zakir Hossain vs State 55 56 57 58 In re Dinajpur syed Atiqur Rahman Labu vs The state. In re Dhaka Md.Fazlul Haque vs State In re Sirajgonj Md. Farhad Hossain Khan vs State In re Laxmipur Md. Kamal Uddin vs State In re Laxmipur Md. Kamal Uddin vs State In re Laxmipur Md. Kamal Uddin vs State 61 In re Laxmipur Md. Kamal Uddin vs State 62 In re Natore Md. Nazrul Islam Biswas vs State 59 60 63 In re Natore Md. Nazrul Islam Biswas vs State 64 In re Natore Md. Nazrul Islam Biswas vs State Application : 439 73 In re Barisal Mst. Nahida Akter vs State 74 In re Barisal G.M.Faruk Talukder and others vs 75 In re Dhaka Md. Shamsul Arefin vs State 76 In re Chittagong Anwar Hossain Chowdhury vs State 77 In re Chittagong Mohammad Ismail vs Statye Application : 526 233 78 In re Khulna Md. Saroyar and another vs The state 79 In re Coxs Bazar Aysha Begum alias Aysha Siddika vs State 234 Supreme Court of Bangladesh High Court Division Justice Borhanuddin Date : 02/05/2016 [Annex Building Court No. 30] : [ G,HH,HHH 2 ) &# _ #. $ ? F #/ , 2 - 33 < ,J ( ?$#. < : .$( F #/ ( ) 2 & #/ ( 2 *O % &N ,& . 2 +/ = >% 2 3 4 5 Civil Revision 500/2015 Civil Revision 3243/2014 Civil Revision 969/2009 Civil Revision 4319/2012 #. $ ? < : .$( E @ * % " < : , 1I) ; .$( ; 2 /7 ; , 1I) G,HH,HHH ( ) ; 6HH3 2 ? #/ < : , 1I) G,HH,HHH # . /0 $ '( $ , 1I) G,HH,HHH *O % &N ( 2 ) _ " # . /0 ; ( . 2? ; < $ # . /0 @ O As to be mentioned 1 $ _ , 1I) G,HH,HHH < $ .$( & #/ , F &% 34e6 ; % /7 # . 53 , ) %% , F %% , & ) ,& . d '( ।] 11 Aminuzzaman vs Nurul Amin Civil Revision 457/1998 Md. A.Quddus vs Md. A. Bari 12 forid vs Islam Civil Revision 3013/2014 Harun vs Abul Kasham 13 Saidur vs Hasan Ali Bepari Civil Rule 386/2015 Hakim vs Sullan Ahmed 14 Civil Revision 2937/2004 Komola Begum vs Harun-or-Rashid 15 Civil Revision 562/2015 Ayenuddin Sheikh and others vs Most. Ayesha Bibi 16 Civil Revision 6267/2001 Shorhab uddin vs Sanu Mia Thakur Das Nath and others vs Sadhan Chandra Nath and another Civil Revision 338/2013 Govt. of Bangladesh vs Makan Chandra Halder 6 Civil Revision 3961/2012 Giaz Miah vs Aslam Miah 17 Civil Revision 3147/2015 Babar Ali vs Ziuait Ali 7 Civil Revision 2031/2010 Mahabul Alam Alias Mahabul vs Shalma Shanis 18 Civil Revision 2777/2015 Babri Ali vs Zinnat Ali 19 Civil Revision 3238/2010 Abdul Khalek Mondal vs Delip Kumar Dutta 20 Civil Revision 3254/2010 Md. Shamsul Huq vs Delip Kumar Dutta 21 Civil Revision 3172/2015 obaidul Rahman and others vs Deputy Commissioner Borisal 8 9 10 Civil Revision 1211/2015 Civil Revision 4870/2011 Civil Revision 323/2001 Bepari Para Masjid vs Md. Sharif Hazi Md. Abdul Kaiyum vs Abdul Moti and ors Md.Askor Ali vs Assoke Ali 235 22 Civil Revision 2491/2013 Md. Nuruzzaman and another vs Md. Jalal and others 23 Civil Revision 3081/2015 Nripendara Chandra vs Upendra Chandra 24 Civil Revision 6184/2013 First Misc Appeal 168/2015 25 31 Civil Revision 6107/2001 Heard in Part(with) Toyab Ali Master vs Md. Abdul Hanif Ekram Hossain vs Abu Taher, Julfiqur Bulbul Chowdhury, Ad. for the petitioner Mr. Kamal-ul-Alam, for the opposite Party Civil Revision 5336/2001 Mosammat Ajeda Begum and another. vs Mosammat Fuljan Bewa and another. Ekram Hossain vs Abu Taher Civil Revision 4028/2009 with application Abu Taher vs Ekram Hossain 32 Election Petition Major General Abdus 9/2014 Salam(Retired) Heard in Part At 2 vs Election Commission, P.M Mr. Mahabubur Rahman, Ad. for the petitioner Mr. D. Rafiqur Rahman, for the opposite Party 33 Election Petition Maj. General Abdus 8/2014 salam Heard in Part At 2 vs P.M Election commission, Mr. Mahabubur Rahman, Ad. for the petitioner Mr. D. Rafiqur Rahman, for the opposite Party Motion Application 26 Civil Revision 1595/2013 Md. Taslim Uddin Mollah vs Dr. Md. Monirul Haque and others Sent by Hon`ble Chief Justice : Application 27 Civil Revision 3813/2014 Md. Samsul Alom vs Md. Rafiqul Islam 28 Civil Revision 1171/2000 Executive Engineer Roads vs Sree Prodip Kumar Agarwal 34 Hearing 29 30 Civil Revision 4258/1998 Heard in Part Civil Revision 3362/2002 Heard in Part Zafar Ali Monal\ vs Mst. Tahmina and other, Mr. Shamsuddin Babul with Mr. Kanai Lal Saha, for the petitioner, Mr. khandker Aminul Haque, Ad. for the opposite party Civil Revision 2899/2007 Most. Afroza begum vs Superintendent Baitul Mokaram Kamil Madrasha, Mr. Surojit Battchajo, Ad. for the petitoner Mr. Md. Nazmul Huda, Ad. for the opposite party Sent from Appellate Division 35 Md. Mozhar and others vs Md. Aser Ali, Mr. Md. Mostafa, Ad. for the petitioner, Mr. A.J.Md. Ali, Ad, for the opposite party 236 Civil Revision 2761/2000 Md. Chan Mia vs Afaj Uddin Vuia, Mr. Md. Rafiqul Islam, Ad. for the petitioner Mr. Md. Nurun Nabi, Ad. for the opposite party 36 Civil Order 1065/2011 (with) Civil Revision 1066/2011 Firoj Alam Khandaker vs A.K.M Shamsuddin Khankder, Mr. Md. Kamal Hossain, Ad. for the petitioner, Mr. Abul Kalam Chowdhury,Ad. for the opposite party Firoz Alam Khondker vs A.K.M. Shamsuddin Khondker 42 Civil Revision 3997/2012 Md. Abul Hossain vs Md. Ziaur Rahman 43 Civil Revision 1566/2013 Mofizur Rahman and another vs Md. Jahir Khan and others, Mr. Shahidul islam, for the petitioner Mr. Ziaul Huq, for the opposite party 44 Civil Revision 2037/2012 Sayed Ishtiaq Alam vs Md. Shah Alam and others Idresur Rahman, Ad. for the petitioner, Mr. Md. Jakir Hossain with Mr. Abdul Latif, Ad. for the opposite party 45 Civil Revision 2038/2012 Syed Ishtiaq Alam vs Md. Shah Alam and others 46 Civil Revision 2564/2015 Raju Bebe vs Amir Ali, Mr. Kamrul Islam, for the petitioner, Mr. Anowar Hossain, for the opposite party 47 Civil Revision 463/2008 (with) Abdul Hakim vs Badal Mazumber and others, Mr. H.S. Dev Brahman, Ad. for the opposite party Civil Revision 462/2008 Abdul Khaleque vs Badal Majumder Civil Revision 464/2008 Abdul Hakim and anothers vs Badal Mazumber and others Civil Revision 2565/2015 Raju bebe vs Amir Ali Sent by Hon`ble Chief Justice 37 Civil Revision 3378/2010 (with) Civil Revision 3379/2010 1(ka) Dulal Robi Das vs Ela Ciaho others, Mr. S.M. Rahmatullah,Ad. for the petitioner Mr. A.B.M Motiur Rhaman, Ad. for the opposite party 1(ka) Dulal Robi Das vs Ela Cerao Hearing 38 39 40 41 Civil Revision 1138/2012 Md. Khorshed Alam Khondoker vs Abu Muslim Khondoker and another, Mr. Md. Julfiqur Motin, Ad. for the petitioner Mr. Abdullah Al Mamun, Ad. for the opposite party First Misc Appeal 169/2005 Md. Mokbul Hussain. vs Md. Nurul Islam and others. Civil Revision 3178/2012 Shree Pradip kuamr Sarker vs Sree Sunil Chandra Sarker, Mr. Probir Neogi, for the petitioner, Civil Revision 1748/2012 48 Sirajul Islam Talukder vs Atindra Narayan Roy, 237 49 Civil Revision 2173/2014 Md. Abdul Jalil and others vs Mazed and others Mr. A.J. Mohammad Ali, Ad. for the petitioner, Mr. Oziullah, Ad. for the opposite party 50 Civil Revision 632/2013 Md. Khalilur Rahman vs Md. Nurul Hoque Sarker Ms. Saleha Islam, Adv...for the Ptr. Mr. A. F. M. Mesbahuddin with Mr. Jashim Uddin, Advs... for the O/P 51 First Misc Appeal 359/2007 Motahar Ali and others vs Sone Ali @ Ayen Ali and others, Md. Harun-or-Rashid, for the Petitoner 52 First Misc Appeal 269/2012 Md. Abdur Rashid vs Panju Mollah and ors. 53 Civil Revision 2934/2015 Kamal Sarker vs Babu Chittaranjan Das 54 First Appeal 200/2004 Md. Rafiqul Islam vs Sadharan Bima corpn. 55 Civil Revision 2479/2011 Abdul Haque vs D. Nur Jahan, Mr. Ziaul Haque, for the petitioner, Mr. M.L.Das, for the opposite party 56 Civil Revision 538/2015 Abdul Awal and others vs Rahmat Ullah and others 238 57 Civil Revision 2865/2015 Shah Kamal Chowdhury vs SM Anisur Rahman, Mr.Shah Monjurul Hoque, Ad. for the petitioner, Mrs Towfika Karim,Ad. for the oppoisite party 58 Civil Revision 1440/2009 Taru Fakir vs Md. Rahmatullah being dead:Abdul Salam, Mr. Eashan Uddin Shek,Ad. for the petitioner 59 Civil Revision 2446/2013 Md. Miazuddin Mondal vs Md. Abdul Baten. Mr. Mr. Ruhul Amin Shoeib, Ad. for the petitioner, Mr. Md. Belayet Hossain, Ad. for the opposite Party 60 Civil Revision 2562/2013 (with) A. K. M. Nurul Alam Khan vs Kazi Mahbubul Alam, MR. Tapon Kumar Chakrabarty, for the petitioner,Mr.Md. Delowar Hossain, for the opposite party Civil Revision 4505/2014 Deputy commissioner Jhalokathi vs Kazi Mahbubul Alam, Mr. Md. Khalilur Rahman, A.A.G. Mr. Md. Delwar Hossain,Ad. for the opposite party Civil Revision 4290/2015 Deputy commissioner Jhalokhati vs Kazi Mahbubul Alam 61 Civil Revision 2858/2014 Golam Mostafa vs Abdul Khaleque, Mr. Md. Shamsur Rahman,for the petitioner, Mr. Ferdous Al Alfa, for the opposite party 62 Civil Revision 1820/2011 Md. Mohiuddin vs Almash, Mr. Md. Habibur Rhaman, Ad. for the petitioner Mr. Md. Nurul Huda, Ad. for the opposite party Civil Revision 1646/2014 Md. Sirajul Islam vs Alhaj Md. Mofajjal Hossain Mondal and others, Mr. A.M. Aminuddin, for the petitioner, Mr. Ahad Noshed Jamin, Ad. for the opposite party 63 64 65 66 Civil Revision 3786/2010 Civil Revision 354/2011 Civil Revision 2770/2013 Paul vs Alauddin, Mr. Nurul Amin, Ad. for the petitioner, Mr. Tobarak Hossain, Ad. for the opposite party Abdul Zalil Bepari vs Sheikh Minajuddin, Mr. Ali Imam Khaled Rahim, Ad. for the petitioner, Mr. Syed Mizanur Rahman, Ad. for the opposite party Abdil Haque vs Anu Miah, Mr. Somir Kumar Chowdhury, Ad for the petitioner, Mokbul Ahamed, for the opposite party 239 67 Civil Revision 548/2008 Habiur Rahman vs Shukur uddin Mr. Syed humayun Kabir Khadem, Ad. for the petitioner, Mr. Bhibish Chandra Mustafi, Ad. for the opposite party 68 Civil Revision 1997/2014 Goljar Hossain vs Aminul Islam, Mr. Md. Aminul Islam, fo the petitioner, Bobesh Chandra Mustafi, Ad. for the opposite party 69 Civil Revision 26/2014 Goalm Mohammad Faruk and Others vs Mohammad Isa Chowdhury and Others 70 Civil Revision 3772/2003 Surandro Kumer Pal vs state, 71 Civil Revision 4743/2009 Jagadish Kumar Shil alias Jagendra Shil vs A.D.C (Rev) Comilla 72 Civil Revision 4059/2013 Wahiduzaman Bashu vs Gov`t of Bangladesh, Mr. Shah Bakhtiar Elias, Ad. for petitioner, 73 Civil Revision 641/2008 Mst. Nur Jahan Begum vs Firoz Ahamed 74 Civil Revision 437/2014 khajamuddin Akand vs Nannu Miah 75 Civil Revision 1290/2015 Mrs Fatama Khatun vs Mohammad Hossain 76 Civil Revision 2753/2014 Rezaul Karim vs Dr. Md. Asad Ullah 77 Civil Revision 776/2014 A. Gafur Chowdhury vs Sokina Katun 78 Civil Revision 1090/2013 Mst. Morium Khatun and others vs Hazi Fazlur Rahman and others 91 Civil Revision 4821/2006 Mohammad Altaf Hossain Hawlader vs Mohammad Jahangir Khan 79 Civil Revision 277/2014 Md. Anar Ali and Others vs Most Rahimonnessa and Others 92 Civil Revision 52/2014 Abdul Haque vs Baten Miah 93 Civil Revision 207/2014 Shak deb Mohori vs Delowar 80 81 82 83 Civil Rule 295/2015 Ruhul Amin Bhuiyan vs Goutam 94 Civil Revision 487/1999 Civil Revision 5071/2014 Abdul wadul Mia vs Azgor alam Pasu ray Mondol vs Md. Hafij Ullah 95 Civil Revision 4721/2007 Civil Revision 1120/2014 Rahman vs Huda Dr. Motiur Rahman vs Sheikh Mahfuzur Rahman 96 Civil Revision 4171/2001 Ahmmed Sheikh vs Pankaz Kumar Basu 97 Civil Revision 3965/2001 Abdul Khaleque and otheres vs Emdadul Hoque Civil Revision 513/2005 Sariot Ali vs Anil Chandra Devnath 84 Civil Revision 1806/2015 Khatun vs Morium 98 85 Civil Revision 3153/2007 Mahzabeen Khan vs state Civil Revision 3892/2001 Poritosh Kumar Das vs Sohidul Islam 99 Civil Revision 3671/2001 Khokan @ Subangsu vs Jananda Nath Mohalder 86 Civil Revision 954/2007 Mau. Shirajul Haq vs Md. Ilias and others 87 Civil Revision 4233/2007 Abdus Salam vs Wahed Ali 100 Civil Revision 2928/2007 Joynue Rahman vs Rafiqul Islam 88 Civil Revision 237/1996 Gupal Chandra Dey vs Ranzid Dey 101 Civil Revision 2843/2007 89 Civil Revision 228/2006 Manju Meah vs Chittagonj Development its Chairman Mr Brigadier Tanvir Niez and ors Md. Elias Hossain Chowdhury vs Most. Jamila Khatun (Monika) 102 Civil Revision 2854/2007 Md. Wazed Ali vs Delbar Pramanik 103 Civil Revision 2598/2001 J.M. Mojidul Islam, vs State 104 Civil Revision 2845/2001 Altaf Hossain vs Md. Nurul Islam 105 Civil Revision 4692/2011 shirin vs janata bank 90 Civil Revision 3541/2004 Md.Abdul Hakim vs Md. Mojibur Rahman 240 106 Civil Revision 1274/2015 kalim uddin vs md. maminul Islam 120 Civil Revision 3192/2011 Md. Nurul Haque vs Abdul Khaleque 107 Civil Revision 413/2013 Sree Bishnu Mohan Majumder vs Mofizuddin 121 Civil Revision 2296/2015 Ittefaq Group vs Sirajul Hoque 122 Civil Revision 4293/2012 SK. Abdus Salam @ Abdul Jabbar and others vs SK. Abdul Karim and others 123 Civil Revision 362/2009 Abdul Sheikh being dead his heirs Bilkis bawa vs janata Bank 124 Civil Revision 2697/2014 Md. Abdul Mannan vs Hazi Md. Abdul Kader 125 Civil Revision 4616/2011 Atojan Bibi vs Md. Motajul Islam 126 Civil Revision 3352/2011 World Bank Office Dhaka vs Ismet Zerin Khan 127 Civil Revision 2505/1998 Abdur Razzak vs 1(Ka) Najma Khatun 128 Civil Revision 1734/2015 Advocate Md. Rafiqul Islam vs Chan Miah Badal 129 Civil Revision 182/2014 St. Placids High School vs Most Shahana Banu and Others 130 Civil Revision 2067/2011 Mr. Shamvu Mitra vs Mrs. Anwara Begum and Others 108 Civil Revision 2652/2013 Nurjahan vs Sipair 109 Civil Revision 3325/2014 Md. Ali Asraf vs A.F.M Tajul Islam 110 Civil Revision 4201/2011 Bokther Mia vs Afia Khatun 111 Civil Revision 4940/2010 Abul Khair Tobacco Company ltd. vs British American Tobacco Company (Bangladesh) ltd. 112 113 114 Civil Revision 64/2014 Md. Keto Shaik vs Jarina bibi Civil Rule 308/2012 Head command, Dhaka vs Bangladesh House Building Finence corporation and others Civil Revision 5181/2011 Md. Nazimuddin vs Bahauddin 115 Civil Revision 1981/2011 Md.Altaf Hossain vs Mrs. Jaida Begum 116 Civil Revision 2829/2013 Md. Anower Siddique vs Mrs. Fahuma Sultana Civil Revision 690/2014 Md. Motiur Rahman vs Md. Ali Akbor 131 Mamun Al Farooq vs Tonai Mollah Civil Revision 709/2006 Haji Arab Ali vs Mokaram Ali 132 Mamun Al Farooq vs Tonai Mollah Civil Revision 1966/2010 Abdul Hai Shader vs Md. Idris Ali Mondal 133 Civil Revision 2926/2014 Fatema vs Malek 117 118 119 Civil Revision 2237/2002 Civil Revision 2236/2002 241 134 135 136 137 138 Civil Revision 2806/2015 Civil Revision 4674/2011 Civil Revision 2938/2014 Civil Revision 4417/2012 Indur Ali @ Hamidul and others vs Mina Akter and others Rafiqul Islam@ Khokan and another vs Idris Ali and another Misbah Uddin and other vs Most. Hosne Area Begum alias Aruna quayum and others Md. Salah Uddin Taher vs Mohammad Azad and others 146 Civil Revision 3058/2014 Md. Matiar Rahman vs Md. Jaynal Pramanik and another 147 Civil Revision 2094/2015 Hasna Jeba vs Mukaddesa Khanam 148 Civil Revision 3348/2015 Dipak Chandra and others vs Poresh Chandra Barman and others 149 Civil Revision 1355/2011 Ghat Nagar Mollah Pdara Madrasa Waqf Estate vs Most. Hasina Bibi and others 150 Civil Revision 535(R)/2011 Hazera Khatun vs Sultan ahamed Civil Revision 4042/2010 Siddqur Rahman vs 1(a) Rafi Ahmed 151 Civil Revision 137/2002 Civil Revision 1543/2012 Md. Akkas Ali vs Narayan Chandra Dev Abdul Malek vs Md. Ali Hossain 152 Civil Revision 3816/2013 Md. Tula miah vs Boswanath Sarker 140 Civil Revision 2711/2013 Md. Shahidullah Bhuiyan vs Most Daigy Akter 153 First Misc Appeal 45/2009 141 Civil Revision 1135/2015 Mst. Delwara Begum vs Kanu Mia and others Md. Azizar Rahman and others. vs Md. Abu Bakker and others. 154 First Misc Appeal 244/2007 Civil Revision 4531/2010 Md. Abdus Samsd Pramanik vs Most Moushumi Parveen Mahabub Moazzem Khan and others vs Akramuddin Shah Rashid and others 155 First Misc Appeal 287/2009 Shafiqur Rahman and others. vs Md. Khalilur Rahman and others. 156 First Misc Appeal 255/2013 Mir Mohammad Ali vs Md. Tuhin and ors. 157 First Misc Appeal 241/2010 S.M. Firoz Kamal Suttan. vs Shahajan ali 158 First Misc Appeal 45/2002 Rokia Begum vs Md. Zahir Hanath. 139 142 143 Civil Revision 42503/2011 Md. Harun vs Most. Afia Khatun 144 Civil Revision 4041/2010 Siddiqur Rahman vs Mr. Md. Rabi Ahamed and others 145 Civil Revision 2826/2008 Jahir Ahmed vs Nurul islam 242 159 First Misc Appeal 233/2013 Mr. Md. Ermanrul Huq alias Erman vs Mamtaj Uddin and others 160 First Misc Appeal 272/2013 Israil vs NurJahan Khatun and others 161 243 First Misc Appeal 288/2012 Jarif Ali vs Md. Younus Mia Supreme Court of Bangladesh High Court Division Justice M. Moazzam Husain and Justice Md. Badruzzaman Date : 02/05/2016 [Annex Building Court No. 27] : [ , '( ; - ; % '( . , 2 +/ = >% '( . %% 2? ; < $ $ # . /0 @ O ।] Motion 9 Writ Petition 5496/2013 md. Saiful Islam Miah vs Sec.min. of LGRD and ors 10 Writ Petition 12698/2015 Matizul Haque vs The Sec. Min. of LGRD and 03 others For Order 1 Writ Petition 12062/2013 Mohammad Ali vs Bangladesh and others Application (Motion) 2 In re : Writ Petition 2117/2016 Md. Anower Mirza and others vs Bangladesh and others 11 Writ Petition 2098/2016 A.H.M Salim vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Public Works and 08 others 3 In re : Writ Petition 1072/2016 Md. Abdul Gani vs Ortho Rin Adalot And Others 12 Writ Petition 6741/2015 4 In re : Writ Petition 1915/2016 Md. Rafiue and others vs Bangladesh and ors. Md. shajahan vs The Sec. Min. of Law, Justice and Parlamentary Affairs and 03 ors 13 Writ Petition 13362/2015 Abdul Gafur Sarker vs The Sec. Min. of Shipping and 04 others 14 Writ Petition 4939/2013 Julekha Begum vs Sec.min. of land and ors 15 Writ Petition 7150/2014 Md. Ala-Uddin vs The Sec. Min. of Housing and Public Works and ors 16 Writ Petition 6482/2012 Mozafar Hussain vs BADC and ors 17 Writ Petition 5526/2013 Dhaka Electric supply co. ltd. vs Sec.min. of labour and ors For Hearing 5 6 7 8 Writ Petition 12032/2013 Writ Petition 4027/2013 Writ Petition 12258/2013 Writ Petition 7977/2013 Haji Safiuddin Ahmed vs The Adminstrator Waqf and ors Abdur Rashid Sarker vs Sec.min. of youth and sports and ors Md. Nurul Alam vs Bangladesh and others Md. Ishaque Morol and 9 ors vs Sec.min. of land and ors 244 18 Writ Petition 6831/2009 Ashama Khatun d/o Md. Golam Nabi New eskaton Road, Dhaka vs Rajdhani Unnayan Kartipakkha Rajuk Dhaka and ors 19 Writ Petition 245/2012 Md. Saiful Islam vs Sec.min. of Health and Family welfare and ors 20 Writ Petition 7972/2009 Mokbul Ali Howlader, Borguna and another vs Administrator of Waqf Dhaka and ors 21 22 23 24 Writ Petition 16614/2012 Writ Petition 8413/2015 Writ Petition 9783/2015 Writ Petition 7659/2014 Saila Mahamuda and others vs Govt. of Bangladesh Shah Alam Khan vs The Sec. Min. of LGRD and 06 others Ms. Nahid Yesmin .... For the petitioner Mr. Raghib Rouf Chowdhury .....For the respondent Md. Kudrat-E- Elahi vs The Sec. Min. of LGRD and 10 others Mr. Raghib Rauf Chowdhury .........For the petitioner Mr. Amatul Karimd, D.A.G ........For the respondents A. G. M. Elias vs Bangladesh and others Mr. Md. Humayun Kabir, Adv.-For the applicant 245 25 Writ Petition 2354/2015 Most. Abida sultana vs The Sec. Min. of industry and 4 ors Mr. Md. Kamruzzaman Advocate for the petitioner Mr. Md. Obaidir Rahman Advocate for the respondent No. 3 26 Writ Petition 8700/2014 Md. Korban Ali vs The Sec. Min. of LGRD and ors 27 Writ Petition 1453/2004 Ramizuddin Bhuiyan vs The Sec. Min. of L. G. R. D. 28 Writ Petition 1735/2014 Mohammad Anwarul Islam vs The Sec. Min. of Education and ors 29 Writ Petition 8396/2012 Mahabbat Khan vs Bangladesh power development board Dhaka and ors 30 Writ Petition 9854/2014 Md. Nurul haque sikder vs The Sec. Min. of Education and 07 ors 31 Writ Petition 11645/2014 md. Mujibor Rahman vs the sec min of Education and 4 ors 32 Writ Petition 3034/2014 Begum Anwaza Khatun vs The Sec. Min. of Land and ors 33 Writ Petition 6336/2015 Poschim Jagonnathpur Beauty Mathshajibi Samabya Samity Ltd vs Bangladesh and other 34 35 Writ Petition 8945/2014 Writ Petition 4001/2013 Zakur Hossain Miah vs The Sec. Min. of Finance and ors Md. Sirajul Islam vs Bangladesh and others. 36 Writ Petition 6959/2006 Mainuddin vs The Sec. Minisry of Civil Aviation and Tourism and others 37 Writ Petition 4832/2013 Razzab Ali vs Sec.min. of Industries and ors Writ Petition 4827/2010 Mohammad Hossain vs Bangladesh and others 38 39 Writ Petition 9509/2005 Bema Bishwas vs Govt. of Bangladesh and others 40 Writ Petition 3986/2006 Syed Ahmed vs Govt. of Bangladesh 41 Writ Petition 2889/2007 Ansar Ahmed vs Sec, Min of Fuel and ors 42 Writ Petition 2974/2012 Debulthish Dutta vs The Sec. Min. of Home Affairs and ors 43 Writ Petition 7427/2014 Md Abdul waheed akando vs The Sec. Min. of Health and Family Welfare and 05 ors Writ Petition 11040/2015 Mohammad Elias Chowdhury vs The Sec. Min. of Education and 07 others 44 45 Writ Petition 4556/2015 Md. Kulub Uddin Osmani vs Bangladesh and ors. 246 46 Writ Petition 7463/2014 Nasir Uddin ahmed vs Bangladesh and ors. 47 Writ Petition 3884/2012 Md. Anower Hossain vs The Sec. Min. of Ralway and ors 48 Writ Petition 9380/2014 Bangladesh public service commision vs The Sec. Min. of informantion commission and 03 ors 49 Writ Petition 8194/2012 md. Abu Shamim vs Bangladesh by the sec.min. of housing and public works and others 50 Writ Petition 6533/2013 Md. Nuzul Islam and 4 ors vs Sec.min. of Industries and ors 51 Writ Petition 973/2010 Md. Joad Ali, Meherpur vs Sec. Min. of Liberation welfare and ors 52 Writ Petition 10363/2014 Sunamgonj Zilla Truck lorry and covered van vs the sec min of labour and industry and 4 ors 53 Writ Petition 1612/2009 A.S. Shawkat Ul Islam, Coxs Bazar vs Sec.min. of Land Dhaka and ors 54 Writ Petition 1613/2009 Jahanara Islam, Ctg. vs Sec.min. of Land Dhaka and ors 55 Writ Petition 1614/2009 Raquibul Hasan, Coxs Bazar vs Sec.min. of Land Dhaka and ors 56 57 58 59 60 61 Writ Petition 1615/2009 67 Writ Petition 8195/2013 Md. Khalilur Rahman vs project director Dhaka and ors 68 Writ Petition 246/2012 Laton Iqbal Hossain vs Sec.min. of health and family welfare and ors 69 Classic Sweaters South Salna Salna Bazar Gazipur vs Titas Gas Transmission and distribution Ltd. Writ Petition 381/2012 Md. Sarowar Hossain vs Sec.mink. of Health and ors 70 Writ Petition 2608/2011 Writ Petition 4763/2010 Abdullah Dying vs Titas Gas Md. Zahirul Islam, BBaria and 6 ors vs Sec.min. of Industries and ors 71 Writ Petition 5470/2008 Writ Petition 2193/2011 Abdul Malek, Laxmipur vs The Mayor Dhaka City Corporation Dhaka and ors Alhaj Md. Abdur Rashid, Dhaka vs Rajdhani Unnayan Kartipakkha Rajuk and ors 72 Writ Petition 5900/2015 Md. mokkaram hossain vs The Sec. Min. of Land and 4 ors 73 Writ Petition 9173/2011 Gulistan Janakallayan and paribesh unnayan Society vs Sec.min. of LGRD and ors 74 Writ Petition 8763/2011 Tarapada Roy vs The Director General secondary and higher secondary education and ors 75 Writ Petition 4927/2010 Shahjahan Ali, Sec-2 Mirpur Dhaka vs Sec.min. of Establishment and ors 76 Writ Petition 1652/2015 Abu Nosor Mohammad Kadon vs the sec min of Public Administrition and 05 ors Writ Petition 4379/2010 Writ Petition 8103/2010 Writ Petition 12409/2015 Mahmuda Islam, Coxs Bazar vs Sec.min. of Land Dhaka and ors Habibur Rahman, Rangpur vs Sec.min. of Power and ors Kalides Shaha Roy vs The Sec. Min. of Land and 09 others 62 Writ Petition 12022/2015 Md. Dulal Khan vs The Sec. Min. of Food and Digester and 09 others 63 Writ Petition 8536/2009 Mrs. Shahana Ahmed vs Sec.min. of housing and public works and ors 64 Writ Petition 1736/2014 Md. Nazmul Ahsan vs The Sec. Min. of Education and ors Writ Petition 3153/2014 Md. Ashiqul Isalm vs Govt of Bangladesh and others 65 66 Writ Petition 5506/2007 Md. Mofizuddin vs The State 247 77 Writ Petition 4531/2015 Uttam Kumar Mandol vs Sec min of Primary and mass Education and 10 Others 86 Writ Petition 1247/2011 Atiar Rahman, Satkhira and 11 ors vs Chairman Bhumi Appeal Board Dhaka and ors 78 Writ Petition 10881/2014 Hafiza Khan vs Government of Bangladesh 87 Writ Petition 8430/2013 Nurul Islam and Others vs Govt of Bangladesh 79 Writ Petition 501/2012 Md. Nurul Karim vs Sec.min. of establishment and ors 88 Writ Petition 6571/2013 md. Abdul Kader Mondal vs Sec.min. of LGRD and ors 80 Writ Petition 1086/2014 Md. Rayhan islam vs The Sec. Min. of LGRD and ors 89 Writ Petition 2116/2010 81 Writ Petition 438/2012 Shafique Sikder and 3 ors vs Bangladesh by the Sec.min. of law, justice and parliamentary affairs and orsand others Raqib Ali Chowdhury, Ctg. vs Bangladesh and others 90 Writ Petition 11605/2013 Md. Khairul islam Khan vs The Sec. Min. of Shipping and ors 91 Writ Petition 830/2011 Mostufa Ahmed vs Govt. of Bangladesh 92 Writ Petition 7830/2013 Chowdhury Abdullah Al Forhad vs Sec.min. of agriculture and mineral and ors 93 Writ Petition 3101/2015 Shaikh Md. Abul Mansur vs The Sec. Min. of Land and 03 others 94 Writ Petition 3766/2015 Dr. Md. Rafiuddin vs sec min of Health and Family welfare and 04 others 95 Writ Petition 4194/2003 Md. Mofizul Islam vs Govt. of Bangladesh 96 Writ Petition 6561/2010 Nirapada Sarker vs Govt. of Bangladesh and ors 82 83 84 85 Writ Petition 4382/2013 Md. Nurul Islam Mondal vs Sec.min. of religious affairs and ors Writ Petition 10197/2015 Advocate Md. Abu Hanif vs The Sec. Min. of Education and 05 others Writ Petition 3384/2001 Md. Shah Alam, Dhaka 23 ors vs Sec.Min. of Land and ors Writ Petition 11588/2014 Kazi Abu Jafar Mohammad Nasir Uddin and another vs Bangladesh and others 248 97 Writ Petition 6003/2013 Md. Abu Bakar Siddique vs Sec.min. of power energy and mineral resources and ors 107 Writ Petition 11160/2015 Most. Shirina Khatun vs The Sec. Min. of Primary and Mass Education and 26 others 98 Writ Petition 3453/2014 Hossain Ali Khakifa vs The Sec. Min. of Land and ors 108 Writ Petition 2584/2012 Sahadat Hossain vs Govt of Bangladesh 109 Writ Petition 2585/2012 Md. Ayub ali vs Bangladesh and ors. 110 Writ Petition 9942/2015 Md. Rubel Miah vs The Sec. Min. of Land and 10 others 111 Writ Petition 2976/2012 Akther Banu vs Bangladesh and ors 112 Writ Petition 9572/2013 Pakiza Dying and printing industries ltd. vs Sec.min. of environment and ors 113 Writ Petition 10750/2015 Md. Shamsul Haque Mazumder vs The Sec. Min. of Education and 05 others 114 Writ Petition 1435/2015 Md. A K Azad faruque vs The Sec. Min. of Education and 05 ors 115 Writ Petition 10359/2014 Alhaj Nabi Hossain vs Deputy Commissioner Ctg and 04 ors 116 Writ Petition 2171/2012 Md. Jahangir Alam vs Bangladesh and others 117 Writ Petition 6057/2010 Md. Nurul Abser Chowdhury, Chittagong vs Sec.min. of Home Affairs and ors 99 100 Writ Petition 9607/2012 Writ Petition 3511/2013 SM Sahidul Islam Talukder vs Sec.min. of housing and public works and ors md. Akhtaruzzaman vs Sec.min. of public administration and ors 101 Writ Petition 3512/2013 md. Fayek Mollah vs Sec.min. of public administration and ors 102 Writ Petition 2942/2013 md. Asgar Mollah and 39 ors vs Sec.min. of public administration and ors 103 Writ Petition 1267/2014 Chattagram Washa Employees Association vs Bangladesg and others 104 Writ Petition 7345/2014 Md. Tazimul Islam vs The Sec. Min. of Education and 07 ors 105 Writ Petition 3557/2011 Abdur Rahim vs Goverment of Bangladesh 106 Writ Petition 12819/2015 Md. Monirul Islam vs The Sec. Min. of Home Affairs and 08 others 249 118 Writ Petition 4544/2015 Halima Begum vs sec min of Public administration nad 05 others 128 Writ Petition 523/2008 Md Abdul Karim, Dhaka vs Dhaka City Corporation, Mayor 119 Writ Petition 10140/2014 kabirul islam vs The Sec. Min. of Education and 05 ors 129 Writ Petition 1579/2015 Md. Ataur Rahman vs Sec min of Education and 5 ors 120 Writ Petition 12449/2015 Titas Gas Transmission and Distribution Company Ltd vs Labour Court, 1st Court, Dhaka and 02 others 130 Writ Petition 6232/2004 Jalal uddin vs A.C. land 131 Writ Petition 6235/2004 Md. Harun or rashid vs A.C. land 132 Writ Petition 6236/2004 Md. Jane Alam vs A.C. Land 133 Writ Petition 6231/2004 Mojibur Rahman vs Bangladesh 134 Writ Petition 6234/2004 Wahed sarker vs A.C. land 135 Writ Petition 6233/2004 Md. lutfor Rahman vs A.C. land 136 Writ Petition 4569/2007 Shamsuddin Ahmed vs Sec, Min of Home Affairs and ors 137 Writ Petition 1655/2012 Md. Aminullah vs Bangladesh and ors. Mr. Mir Mohammad Nasir Uddin with Mr. Abu Yahia Dulal, ad.......for the petitioner. 138 Writ Petition 259/2014 Arobindu Mukharzee vs The Sec. Min. of Internal Resource Division and 02 ors 139 Writ Petition 2712/2003 Md. Syed Mustaq Hossain vs The Adminstrator of Waqf Dhaka and ors 121 122 123 Writ Petition 11526/2014 Md. Shah Nawas Siddique vs Sec min of Finance and 2 ors Writ Petition 6761/2014 M A Gaffar Mollah vs Deputy Commissioner, Dhaka and ors Writ Petition 7919/2008 Abeda Sultana, Dhaka and 2 ors vs Sec. Min. of Land and ors 124 Writ Petition 203/2014 Zahir Ahmmad vs The Sec. Min. of Finance and ors 125 Writ Petition 3679/2015 Md. Masud Gazi vs Sec min of Port and Telecommunicativo and 04 Others 126 127 Writ Petition 1125/2015 Writ Petition 3287/2007 Md. Selim mamun vs The Sec. Min. of post and telecomunication and 04 ors Md. Sahidul Islam vs Sec, Min of Public Works and Urban Development and ors 250 140 Writ Petition 10132/2006 Mainuddin vs The Sec. Ministry of Civil Aviation and Tourism and others 251 Supreme Court of Bangladesh High Court Division Justice Soumendra Sarker and Justice Md. Ashraful Kamal Date : 02/05/2016 [Annex Building Court No. 28] @ O [ F #/ #/ ( ), F 2 .+ ( E ; @ O )< * .$( '(; 6HH3 2 / '., /B @ O & #/ , F '( # * .$( #/ ( < , .$( ( # 53 , ) +I) @ O * 2 #. 33 < ,J ( #/ < $ # . /0। ] Motion 252 +I) 2*& 2- G, 34431 F .$( $ %K 2? ; # . /0 6HH3) 5M( ), > ' . (N) ,& . , 3444 ) &# ); G,HH,HHH G,HH,HHH E F #/ , ; 1 ; 4 ,& ( 35 < ,J ( 3 2# ( ,& & #/ * .$( < & $ #/ ; % +L% % ( #/ ; + ( ,& #/ ; 2 +/ = >% '( . 2? ; Supreme Court of Bangladesh High Court Division Justice Abu Bakar Siddiquee and Justice Mustafa Zaman Islam Date : 02/05/2016 [Main Building Court No. 12] 0 [ ( % +L% # . /0 2 ।] AB . @ #/ $ * AB . #/ #/ 2 % 8 .f . A A D 2 2 +[ ( % +L% AB . #/ $ #/ C $ AB . #/ % +L% # . /0 @ O $ For Hearing 1 Criminal Appeal 6209/2010 (Heard in part) 7 Criminal Appeal 3036/2012 Md. Raju Miah and another. vs The State. Mr. Md. Sultan Mahmud, Advocate. ..... For the ConvictAppellants. 8 Criminal Appeal 7372/2010 Monsur Ali Chowkider vs The State. Mr. Golam Abbas Chowdhury, Advocate. ..... For the ConvictAppellant. 9 Criminal Appeal 1770/2006 Ghosh Mohammad and others vs The State. Mr. Md. Robiul Islam, With Mr. Mohi Uddin Ahmed, Advocates. ..... For the ConvictAppellants. 10 Criminal Appeal 2384/2010 Md. Samsul Haque vs The State. Mr. Md. Noor Us Sadik, Advocate. ..... For the ConvictAppellants. 11 Criminal Appeal 7649/2012 Shafiqul Islam vs The State. Mr. Md. Zahangir Alam, Advocate ..... For the ConvictAppellant. 12 Criminal Appeal 5064/2012 (with) Amin Huda vs The State Mr. M. Sayed Ahmed, Advocate, .....Ffor the ConvictAppellant. Criminal Appeal 5072/2012 (13.04.2016) Amin Huda vs The State Mr. M. Sayed Ahmed, Advocate, .....Ffor the ConvictAppellant. Md. Washim Sikder vs The State. For Hearing : Death Reference 2 3 4 Death Reference 21/2011 (with) The State vs Alom Malitha (Absconding) Jail Appeal 172/2011 Alam Malitha vs The State Death Reference 33/2011 (with) The State vs Mofazzel Akon Criminal Appeal 7036/2013 (Arising out of Jail Appeal No. 138 of 2011) Mofazzel Akan vs The State Mr. Mansur Habib, Advocate ..... For the Condemned-prisoner. Death Reference 40/2013 (with) The State and another vs Jahangir Alam and another Criminal Appeal 5586/2013 (with) Jahangir Alam and ors vs The State Criminal Appeal 5925/2013 (with) Khokan and ors vs The State Jail Appeal 155/2013 (with) Humayun Kabir vs The State Jail Appeal 156/2013 Jahangir Alam vs The State For Hearing 5 6 Criminal Appeal Abdul Karim @ Kadam 257/2007 Ali and others (Arising out of Jail vs Appeal Nos. 998 of The State. Mr. Mohammad 2005 and 999 of 2005) Shahidul Islam, Advocate, ..... For the ConvictAppellants. Criminal Appeal 2691/2010 Amanat Ali and others vs The State. Mr. Ahsanul Quayyum, Advocate. ..... For the ConvictAppellants. 253 13 14 15 16 Criminal Appeal 4525/2008 Criminal Appeal 5808/2009 Criminal Appeal 2474/2000 Criminal Appeal 4174/2013 Wahed Ali vs The State. Mr. Sirajuddin Ahmed With Mr. Farhad Ahmed, Advocates. ..... For the ConvictAppellant. Mukhlesur Rahman vs The State. Mr. Sirajuddin Ahmed, Advocate. ..... For the ConvictAppellant. Helal Ahmed vs The state 18 Criminal Appeal 7018/2011 (with) Md. Babu Hosen @ Babul Akter @ Babu and ors vs The State Criminal Appeal 7793/2011 Babu Hossain and others. vs The State Criminal Appeal 4353/2004 (with) Md. Ruhul Amin Mollah vs The State. Mr. Md. Shafiqul Islam Chowdhury, With Mrs. Runa Sultana, Advocates. ..... For the ConvictAppellant. Criminal Appeal 4602/2004 Shamsul Alam vs The State. Mr. Khondakar Nazrul Islam, Advocate. ..... For the ConvictAppellant. Criminal Appeal 5445/2008 (with) Md. Milon vs The State. Mr. Monzoor Ul Karim Kazal, Advocate. ..... For the ConvictAppellant. Criminal Appeal 5874/2008 (with) Didarul Alam vs The State. Mr. Abul Kalam Chowdhury, Advocate, ..... For the ConvictAppellant. Criminal Appeal 6172/2008 Mohammad Ali vs The State. Mr. Md. Kamrul Islam, Advocate. ..... For the ConvictAppellant. 21 Criminal Appeal 6838/2010 Nawshed Ali vs The state 22 Criminal Appeal 6163/2010 Nur Alam Fakir vs The State 23 Criminal Appeal 3783/2005 Md. Hafizur Rahman vs The State. 24 Criminal Appeal 4422/2011 Jobiyar Bepary vs The State 25 Criminal Appeal 237/2012 Md.Idris vs The State. 26 Criminal Appeal 6118/2014 Masudur Rahman Rana vs The State 27 Criminal Appeal 2351/2009 Md. Abdus Samad and others. vs The State 28 Criminal Appeal 5630/2015 Abdul Mannan Mondol vs The State. 29 Criminal Appeal 1916/2014 Md.Tayez Kha @ Tayez Kha vs The State 30 Criminal Appeal 798/2010 Alamgir hossain and another vs The State 31 Criminal Appeal 371/2011 Md. Sharif vs The State 32 Criminal Appeal 7695/2014 Bulbul @ Bulu vs The State Rasedul Gazi and others vs The State. Mr. Md. Zahangir Kabir, Advocate. ..... For the ConvictAppellants. Criminal Appeal 56/2009 Criminal Appeal 4502/2004 (with) Criminal Appeal 5429/2010 (with) Helal Uddin and another. vs The State. Mr. S.M. Shafiqul Islam, Advocate. ..... For the ConvictAppellant. 17 19 20 Abdul Mannan vs The State. Mr. Md. Farhad Hossain (Kazal), Advocate. ..... For the ConvictAppellant. Md. Safiqul Islam alias Shafiqul Alam vs The State. Mr. Md. Shakhawat Hossain, Advocate. ..... For the ConvictAppellant. 254 Supreme Court of Bangladesh High Court Division Justice Md. Nuruzzaman and Justice S. H. Md. Nurul Huda Jaigirdar Date : 02/05/2016 [Annex Building Court No. 4] [ F #/ ( #/ ; F @ O G,HH,HHH E $ %K 2? ; # . 6HH3) 5M( ), > 2*& # . 2-G, 3443 ,& ,J ( #/ 2 +/ ), @ O * .$( ; F #/ , & #/ , F & #/ ( ); G,HH,HHH +I) F & * .$( < $ E ; )< 4 ,& ( 35 < ,J ( +I) #/ ; @ O * .$( < , .$( /0 % +L1% ( '( ; 6HH3 2 3 2# ( # % #/ ; + ( / '., /B ( ' . (N) ,& . , 3444 2 #/ ; @ O *◌! .$( ) &# 53 ,*) 33 < = >% '( . 2? ; < $ # . /0 । ] Motion 1 2 5 As to be mentioned Civil Revision Kanai Lal vs 841/2015 (Borguna) Bela Rani Fixing the date of hearing Civil Revision M/S Taranagar Re-Rolling 1808/2012 mills Ltd and others (Narayangon) vs Titas Gas and Distribution Company Ltd. Md. Aminul Islam,Advocate ... For the petitioners Mr. Md. Jasim Uddin, 6 Adv.......For the Opposite Party Civil Revision 2444/2011 (Dhaka) (3.5.16) Gazi Rahamat Ullah Rakesh and others vs Sonali Bank Limited and others. Mr. Taufiq Anwar Chowdhur,Advocate.....For the petitioners. Mr. Krishna Pada Bhowmik,Advocate For the O.P.No.1 Mr. Md. Moynul Hoque, Advocate....For the O.P.No.2 Application First Appeal Md. Kamrul Haque 111/2016 Chowdhury vs (Thakurgaon) Md. Khademul Haque Sent by Hon`ble Chief Justice : Application Chowdhury 3 First Appeal The General Manager, Poli First Appeal Gouri Rani Nag Chowdhury 134/2000 Biddyut Samity-1 and 7 vs 234/2014 (Norsingdi)(02.05.16) another (Bagerhat) (02.5.2016) Chairman of Rakhalgashi vs Council, Bagerhat and Most. Mansura Begum. anothers Mr. Shaikh Mohammad Zakir Hossain, Sent from Appellate Division Advocate.....For the Hearing for afresh Appellants 8 First Appeal Mohd. Ibrahim Bin Khalil 4 First Appeal Md. Jafrullah Khan and 135/2000 being dead his heirs303/1999 others (Chittagong) (with) 1(a)Faizun Nahar and (Chattagong) vs another Government of Bangladesh vs and others Zakir Hossain and others. Mr. Shishir Kanti Sent by Hon`ble Chief Justice : Application Mazumder,Advocate........For Application for review the Appellants Mr. Kamal-ul-Alam, Advocate,Mr.M.Qumrul Huq Siddique with Mr. Sk.Sharifuddin and Mr. Md. Ibrahim Khalil, Advocates......For the Respondent No.1, Mr.Fida M.Kamal, Advocate.........For the Respondent Nos.2(a)-2(f) 255 First Appeal 216/2000 (Chattagong) 9 First Appeal 404/2011 (Dhaka) (02.5.2016) 10 First Appeal 271/2006 (Khulna) 11 First Appeal 227/2009 (Gazipur)(with) Civil Rule 583(F)/2009 (Gazipur) Mohammad Abul Kashim For Hearing Chisty being dead his heirs- 12 Civil Revision Commissioner of 1(a)Nur Jahan Begum and 3708/2014 Customs,Khulna five others (Khulna) Heard in part vs vs Portland Service Ltd.and Zakir Hossain and others. others Mr. Fida. M. Kamal, Mr. S.M. Muniruzzaman Advocate with Mr.Chanchal with Mr. M. Ataul Goni, Kumar Biswas, Adv. ....For the petitioner. Advocate.......For the Mr. Md. Saidur Appellants Rahman,.....For the O.P.No.1 Mr. M. Qumrul Huq Civil Revision Mosammat Romisa Khanam Siddique with Mr. Sk. 13 2447/2006 and others Sharifuddin, (Dhaka) Heard in part vs Advocates........For the Court of Wards Bhawal Raj Respondent No1, Mr. Md. Estate ,Land Ors Shakir Hossain, Mr.Md. Khalilur Rahman Advocates......For the with T.M.Shakil Respondent No.8 Hasan,Adv.....For the Md. Samsuddin Molla petitioners vs Mr. Rafiqul Islam Mehedi Md.Abdul Kader Faruque with Mrs. Ferdaus Akter and others. Waheeda,Adv ....For the Mr. Abdus Salam Mondal opposite party with Mr. Zulhas Uddin Feroza Begum Civil Rule Ahmed, Advocates....For the14 vs 127(Con (Arising out of Appellant. Shahar Banu Zewar Sultan C.R.No.3633 of Mr. Rafiqul Islam with Mr. Beyad. 2011))/2016 Ruhul amin and Mr. Mr. Masood R.Sobhan, A.M.Masum, Advocate with Mr. A.F.M. Advocates......For the Saiful Karim, Respondents Advocate......For the Prince Sea Foods (Pvt).Ltd. petitioner vs Md. Solaiman Civil Rule Provati Insurance Co. 15 vs 109(Review(R) Ltd.and others. Md. Hashanuzzaman and (Arising out of C.R.No. Mr.Md. Humayun Kabir, others. 4576 of 2007))/2016 Advocate with Ms. Rokeya (02.5.2016) Mr.Mozammel Haque, Akhter, Advocate......For the Advocate......For the Appellant. Petitioner Mr. Tofailur Rahman, . Advocate, with Ms.Most. Mr.Md.Robiul Islam, Umme Salma, Advocate, Advocate......For the with Mr. Nahid Hossain, O.P.No.1 Advocates ..For the Civil Revision Bata Shoe Company Respondent.No.1 & 2 Mr. 16 1742/2010 (Bangladesh ) Ltd. M. Khaled Ahmed, Dhaka vs Advocate,For the Haji S. M. Ismail and others Respondent No.3 Mr. Md. Zafor Imam, Ahammed Ali and others Advocate......For the vs Petitioner. Government of the peoples Mr. Md. Abdul Mazid with Republice of Bangladesh. Mr. Amal Kumar Tarafder, Mr.Abdul Quayum, Advocates. .....For the Advocate with Mr. Md. Ali Opposite party Reza, Advocate......For the 17 Civil Revision Federal Insurance Co. Ltd. appellants. 1597/2013 vs Mr. S.M.Mahbubul Islam, (Dhaka) ICB Islamic Bank Ltd. and Advocate with Mr. Swapan another. Kumr Mitra, Advocate Ms. Safayat Sultana Rume, Forthe Respondent No. 6,7 Adv. ....For the Petitioner. and 8 Mr. Syed emran Hassan Ahamed Ali Adv. ....For the O.P.No.01 vs Government of Bangladesh and others 256 M /S. Padma Steel Works 24 Ltd. and others vs Titas Gas Transmission. Mr. Aminul Islam, Adv.....For the Petitioners. Mr. Md.Jasim Uddin, Adv. ....For the opposite party 19 Civil Revision Md. Najimuddin 1479/2012 vs (Dhaka) Abdul Gufur and others. 25 Syed Mokaddas Ali, Adv. With Md. Shahed Ali Jinnah, Adv. .....For the Petitioner. Mr. Md. Mamun Kabir.Adv. ....for the opposite parties 26 20 Civil Rule Md.Younus Dhalu vs 440(F(Arising out of Md.Ziauddin F.A.No. 215 of 2010))/2010 Mr.Nirmalendu Deb,Advocate. ....For the 27 (with) petitioners Mr. Md. Ziaul Haque with Mr. Ranjit Kumar Samodder,Advocates.....For the oppostie parties. Civil Rule Md.Younus Dhalu 706(Violation)(F))/2010 vs (Borguna)(with) Md.Ziauddin, Advocate 28 21 Civil Revision Sinha Power Generation Company Ltd. 942/2013 (Dhaka)(02.5.2016) vs Bangladesh Power Development Boardbr. Mr. A.K.M. Rabiul Hasan, Advocate ....For the Petitioner. Mr. Mir Md. Joynal Abdedin, Advocate with Mr. Mohammad Al-Amin Advocate.....For the O.P.Nos.1 & 2 29 22 Civil Revision M. Munir Jafar vs 579/2013 (Dhaka) (02.5.2016) Mrs. Zeba Ali Mr. Mir Mahfuzur Rahman with Mrs. Fara Mahmuda( Shilpi) Advocates.......For the petitioners Mr. A.T.M.Mizanur Rahman, with Mr. A.Y.Ahmed Ali, Advocates.....For the 30 opposite party No.1 23 Civil Revision Abu Bakar Master 3990/2010 vs (Gazipur) Banesa Begum Mr. Mubarak Hussain,Adv....For the petitioner 31 Mr. Md. Rezaul Karim with Mr. Deb Dulal baral,Advocates.....For the opposite party. 18 Civil Revision 1806/2012 (Narayangonj) 257 Civil Revision 4078/2013 (Dhaka) Civil Revision 2444/2006 (Dhaka) Civil Revision 3467/2013 (Dhaka) Civil Rule 154(F.M)/2002 (Sunamgonj) Civil Rule 811(F.M.)/2007 (Chattagong) Civil Rule 810(F.M.)/2007 (Noakhali) Civil Rule 345(F.M.)/2002 (Chittagong) Civil Rule 462(F.M.)/2005 (Chittagong) Md. Kamruzzaman and another vs Md. Akkel Ali and others Mrs. Nasima Akter with Irin Jahan,Advo....For the petitioners Mr. Probin Halder,Adv.....For the opposite parties. Md. Mozaffer Hossain(Babul ) vs Mohammad. Humayun Kabir Talukder Md. Jahangir Akram vs Md. Ripon and others. Mr.Zulhas Uddin Ahmed, ....For the Petitioner. Abndul Khalek vs Kokil Rangan Das. Mr. Rabi Sanker Chakraborti, Adv. .....For the Petitioners Mr. Md. Motaleb Bhuiyan, Adv.....For the O.P.Nos. 1 Md.Nurul Nobi Chowdhury alias Abdul Mannan Chowdhury vs Bangladesh House Building Finance Corporatiokn Mr.Md. Yousuf Ali, Advocate, .....For the Petitioner. Mr. Salauddin Ahmed with Mr. Md. Lutfor Rahman, Adv. ,......For the Opposite party Abul Bashar being died his heirs 1(a) Aysha Siddiqa and others vs Abulk Kalam Azad. Mr. Mohamadu Alam Bhuiyan, Adv......For the Petitioner. Mr. Md.Tahid Uddin Shepon, Adv....For the O.P.No.01 Md.Abdus Samed vs Md.Ishaque. Mr. Nikhilesh Dutta, Adv......For the Petitioner.> Mr. Md. Alamgir Kabir, Adv......For the O.P.No.01 Nasirabad Properties Ltd. vs Haji Nurul Islam and others Mr. A.Q.M.Shafiullah, Adv.....For the Petitioner 32 Civil Rule 824(F.M.)/2007 (Chittagong) 33 Civil Rule 691(F.M.)/2006 (Laxmipur) 34 Civil Rule 621(F.M.)/2014 (Laxmipur) 35 First Misc Appeal 11/2013 (Dhaka) (with) 36 37 Civil Rule 78(F.M.)/2013 (Dhaka) First Misc Appeal 232/2015 (Narayangonj) Civil Rule 410(F.M.)/2015 (Narayangonj) First Misc Appeal 287/2011 (Dhaka) (with) Mahbubul Alam vs Bangladesh House Building Finiance Corporation. Mr. Mohd. Motaher Hossain Adv. .....For the Petitioner Sheikh Nur Taj Ali vs Bangladesh and others. Md. Aziz Taufique, Adv.....For the Petitioner 38 Mr.Mohammad Abdul Karim , Adv O.P.No.06 Md. Atiq Ullah Bhuiyan and others vs Md. Shahid Ullah and others. Mr.M. Ashraf Ali, Adv......For the Petitioner. Mr. Khair Ezaz Maswood Adv.....For the O.P.No.01 Shamsul Alam 39 vs Md. Liakat Ullah Uddin and others. Mr. Khair Ezaz Maswood, Adv. .....For the Appellant. Mr. Md. Imam Hasan,Mr. Abul Kalam Chowdhury,Adv. ....For the Respondent Nos.1-6 Md. Shamsul Alam 40 vs Md. Liyakat Ullah Kazi Morzina Begum and others vs Amanullah and others. Mr. Debdas Somaddar, Adv. for the Appellants. Mr. Md. Abdur Rashid, with Mr. M.A. Guffar, Adv. For the Respondents Kazi Morzina and others vs Aman ullah and ors 41 Gazi A.M.M Abdul Baset vs Shafiqul Islam and others Ms.Nahid Yesmin Adv.....For the Appellants, Mr. Md.Zakir Hossain Bhuiyan with Mr. Mohammad Jamal Hossain 42 Adv., Adv.....For the Respondent Nos.01-32. 258 Civil Rule 1039(F.M.)/2012 (Dhaka) First Misc Appeal 389/2015 (Chittagong) First Appeal 165/2008 (Jholakathi) First Appeal 444/2014 (Dhaka) (with) Civil Rule 1049(F)/2014 (Dhaka) First Appeal 241/2008 (Norsingdi) First Appeal 356/2012 (Kustia) Gazi A.M.M Abdul Baset vs Shafiqul Islam and others Ms.Nahid Yesmin Adv.....For the Appellants, Mr. Md.Zakir Hossain Bhuiyan with Mr. Mohammad Jamal Hossain Adv., Adv.....For the Respondent Nos.01-32. Ranjit Kumar Nath and another vs Sadhan Chandra Nath and others. Mr. Shah Hussain, Adv. with Mr. Md. Golam Samdan,Adv. .....For the appellants. Mr.Sankar Prasad dey, Adv. ......For the Respondent No.01. Abdur Rob Faraji and others vs Nur Mohammad and others. Mr.Mostafizur Rahman,with Nahid Sultana, Adv. ...For the appellants. Mr. M.B. Taz Mohammad with Mr. Khandker Aminul Haque, Adv. .....for the respondents Md Abdur Rahim Mia and others vs Md. Foysal Ahmed Chanchal. Mr. Mohammad Abdul Khaleque, with Mr. Md. Ferdus rahman, Adv........For the Appellants. Mr. Md.Khalilur Rahman, Adv. .....For the Respondents Abdur Rahim vs Foysal Ahmed Kalimuddin and vs Joybunnessa. Mr.S.R.M. Lutfar Rahman Akhanda, Adv....for the appellant. Mr. Md. rabiul Karim Adv......for the respondent M.S. Kraco Limited and others vs Md. Abdul Khaleq and others. Mr. Md. Nurul Amin, Adv. ..For the appellant. Mr. Md. Moksed Alom , Adv.....For the Respondent Nos.1-14 43 First Appeal 226/2012 (Gazipur) 44 First Appeal 48/2013 (Sylhet))(4.5.2016) 45 Civil Revision 2883/2015 46 First Appeal 55/2012 47 First Appeal 436/2012 (with) Civil Rule 40(F)/2013 48 49 50 First Appeal 267/1998 First Appeal 201/2015 First Appeal 200/2012 (Narayangon) 51 First Appeal 15/2013 52 Civil Rule 45/2013 53 Civil Revision 4824/2014 54 First Appeal 276/2014 55 First Appeal 114/2013 Md. Mostaq Ahmed Sharif 56 and ors. vs A Mannan Moral and ors. Mr. Md. Shahadat Hossain Bhuiyan , Adv .....For the Appellants. Mr. Md Rafiqul Islam, Adv......For the Respondents 57 Md. Ashraf Hossain vs Alhaj Md. Ayub Ali and 58 others. Mr. Md. earul Islam.Adv....For the Appellant. Abdur Rahman vs Md. Habibur Rahman and 59 others Rowsan Ara 60 vs Setara Begum and ors. Nurjahan and others vs ....... Nurjahan and others 61 vs ....... Md. Abul Kashem @ Md. Kashem Ali 62 vs Md. Altab Ali Roksana Begum vs 63 Md. Altab Ali Md. Rafiqul Islam and others vs Chairman, Narayangonj and 64 others,. Mr. Md. Zakir Hossain, Adv. ....For the Appellants Masbaun Nahar vs Saima Parvin Mesbahun Nahar 65 vs Saima Parvin President Courts of Wards 66 vs Nasima Mannan Chowdhury Ranju Roy @ Ranjit and others vs Jibesh Ranjan Roy 67 Tamizul Haque vs Shamsul Haque and ors. Mr. Mustafizur Rahman 68 Khan, Advocate ......For the appellant. Mr. Molla Kismot Habib, Adv. ...For the Respondent No.01 259 First Appeal 344/2011 (with) Civil Rule 973/2011 Civil Misc 20/2015 (Dhaka) Civil Revision 4239/2015 (Kustia) First Appeal 162/2013 First Misc Appeal 217/2015 (with) Civil Rule 489/2015 First Appeal 506/2012 First Appeal 94/2013 First Appeal 292/2013 First Misc Appeal 296/2013 (with) Civil Rule 439(F.M.)/2013 Civil Revision 1567/2012 (Dhaka) First Misc Appeal 64/2015 (Khulna) (with) Civil Rule 727(F.M.)/2015 Civil Revision 2172/2013 (Dhaka) Civil Revision 2523/2012 (Dhaka) Khaja Mahamuddul Hasan vs Chief Manager, Chairman Nawab Court Khaja Mahamuddul Hasan vs Chief Manager, Chairman Nawab Court Kashem Ali and others vs Abdul Motaleb and others M/S. Ikhfa Jawarder Rice Mill represented by its proprietor-Md. Mirajul Haque vs Janata Bank Limited Selim Parvej and ors. vs Bangladesh Government A.K.M. Jahangir Khan vs Ganoshasthya Kendra A.K.M. Jahangir Khan vs Ganoshasthya Kendra Md. Alim Miah Alias Ali Miah vs Md. Nesar Ahmed Ferdous Ahmed and ors. vs Nur-E-Alam Chowdhury (Liton) and ors. Abdul Momen Chowdhury and ors. vs Sadia Sultana and ors. Md. Siraj Uddin Pathar and ors. vs Alhaj Naznin Jahan and ors. Sirajuddin Pathan vs Naznin Jahan Md. Abdul Gufur and others vs Nazim Uddin Abdul Majid Sana vs Md.Ruhul Amin Gazi Abdul Majid Sana vs Md.Ruhul Amin Gazi Faruq Ahmed vs Janata Bank Limited Mrs. Nargis Rahman vs Md. Khalilur Rahman 260 Supreme Court of Bangladesh High Court Division Justice Md. Moinul Islam Chowdhury Date : 02/05/2016 [Main Building Court No. 25] : [ ; AB . E #/ ; C '( @ # . /0 - 2 %K 2? ; ; % * AB . ; AB . # . /0 ; AB . 2 +/ ।] Motion 261 = >% '( . 2? ; < C % 8 #/ $ A D $ # . /0 @ O Supreme Court of Bangladesh High Court Division Justice Obaidul Hassan and Justice Krishna Debnath Date : 02/05/2016 [Annex Building Court No. 19] 0 [ 2 +/ = >% 2 ; %K 2? ; '( . 2? ; < $ # . /0 @ O 9 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 '( - ; % ।] Md. Golam Kuddus vs Sec. Min. of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs and ors Sent by Hon`ble Chief Justice : For Hearing 10 Writ Petition Syed Ahmed Ali 1459/1998 Aziz vs Sec. Min. of Housing and ors Mr. Habibul Islam Bhuiyan, Senior Advoate with Mr. S.M. Rezaul Karim, Advocate ...For the petitioner, Mr. Mokarramus Shaklan, Advocate ......For the respondent no.5 11 Writ Petition Dr. Md. Masud ul 5483/2011 Alam vs The Administrationi of Waqf and ors Ms. Nargis Tanzima, Advocate ...For the petitioner, Mr. Md. Bazlul Kabir, Advocae .........For the respondent no.3 Motion 1 ; For Order Writ Petition Amit Das Gupta 3385/2016 vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of LGRD and 04 others Application (Motion) Md. Anowar In re : Writ Petition 1383/2016 vs Govt. of Bangladesh and others In re : Writ Petition Md. Shahjahan 3067/2016 Shikder vs Govt. of Bangladesh and others In re : Writ Petition Md. A. Salam 4607/2016 vs Govt. of Bangladesh and others For Hearing Writ Petition Udakta Maltipurpose 8653/2014 Socity Ltd. (Heard in part) vs Govt. of Bangladesh and ors Writ Petition Motalib Billah and another 13097/2015 (Heard in part) vs Govt. of Bangladesh and others Writ Petition Md. Abdus Sattar 12104/2015 vs Heard in part (with) The Sec. Min. of LGRD and 06 others Writ Petition Ananda Mohan Saha 1725/2013 vs Sec.min. of LGRD and ors Writ Petition Union Insurance Co. 2931/2015 Ltd (Heard in part) vs Insurance Development and Regulatory Authroty (IDRA) and others Md. Sagir Anwar, Advocate For the petitioner 12 13 14 262 Writ Petition 2676/2010 (Heard in part) For Further Hearing Writ Petition Mahbubul Alam 77/2012 vs Govt. of Bangladesh and ors For Hearing Writ Petition Md. Bahauddin 7693/2005 vs Govt. of Bangladesh and others Writ Petition Mst. Khairunessa 3179/2016 vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of LGRD and 13 others 15 Writ Petition 3478/2011 16 Writ Petition 12405/2013 17 Writ Petition 12072/2014 18 Writ Petition 10353/2014 19 Writ Petition 7846/2014 20 21 22 23 Writ Petition 11264/2015 Writ Petition 10988/2015 Writ Petition 10392/2015 Writ Petition 10393/2015 Darul Fazal Market Marchent cooperative vs Sec.min. of commerce and ors Md. Rezaul Amin vs Govt. of Bangladesh and ors Mr. Md. Habibur Rahman,Advocate for the petitioner Md. Abdus Salam Mallick vs The Sec. Min. of information and 4 ors Md. Zahidul islam vs Govt of bangladesh and others Dr. Awal Mohammad Akand vs The Sec. Min. of Housing and Public Works and ors Ahmed Al Mamun vs The Sec. Min. of Power, Energy and Minaral Resuource and 02 others Mr. Mohammad Bakir Uddin Bhuiyan, Advocate .........For the petitioner Mst. Amela Khatun vs Md. Abdur Rab Howlader, Chairman, Land Appellate Board, Dhaka and 08 Others Mr. Nikhil Kumar Saha, Advocate For the petitioner, Mr. ABM Altaf Hossain, Advocate For the respondent no.9 Md. Anisur Rahman and 03 others vs Govt. of Bangladesh and ors Ziaur Rahim Chowdhury vs The Sec. Min. of Home Affairs and 04 others 24 Writ Petition 10395/2015 25 Writ Petition 8952/2015 26 Writ Petition 7223/2015 27 Writ Petition 27/2015 28 Writ Petition 5005/2009 29 Writ Petition 5761/2010 30 Writ Petition 12077/2015 31 Writ Petition 11419/2014 32 Writ Petition 9798/2014 (with) Writ Petition 9466/2013 263 33 Writ Petition 5502/2004 34 Writ Petition 1573/2012 35 Writ Petition 16913/2012 Md. Siraj Sheikh vs The Sec. Min. of Education and 07 others Md. Azim Uddin Kha vs Vice Chancellar, Jahangir Nagor University and 04 others Mrs. Mousumi Zaman vs The Sec. Min. of Agricultrue and 08 ors Studio Forty Five vs The Commissioner of Taxes and ors Muslema Khatun vs Govt. of Bangladesh and others Md. Jamal Uddin vs Govt. of Bangladesh and ors. Saleh Mohmmad Adil vs Govt. of Bangladesh and ors AKM Nurul Haque vs The Sec. Min. of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs and ros Belayet Hossain and ors vs The Sec. Min. of Education and 06 ors Md. Aminul Islam vs Govt. of Bangladesh and ors Khairul Bashar vs Govt. of Bangladesh and ors Asaduzzaman vs Bangladesh and others Sultan Rajibul Alam vs Sec.min. of education and ors 36 Writ Petition 2245/2013 37 Writ Petition 13454/2015 38 39 40 41 42 Writ Petition 7159/2006 Writ Petition 1911/2008 Writ Petition 8932/2011 Writ Petition 4427/2006 Writ Petition 3618/2007 43 Writ Petition 5399/2014 44 Writ Petition 10531/2015 45 46 47 Writ Petition 2/2013 Writ Petition 6896/2003 Writ Petition 4144/2006 Muhaiminul Haque vs Rajdhani Unnayan katripakkha Rajuk Dhaka and ors Kazi Md. Abdul Awal vs The Sec. Min. of Law, Justice and Parlamentary Affairs T.M. Ruhul Amin vs Govt. of Bangladesh and others Md. Abdul Motaleb vs Sec. Min of Land and others Md. Abdul Hye vs Govt. of Bangladesh and others Mr. M. Sayed Ahmed, Adv. For the petitioner Sree Satish Chandra Nath and another vs The Sec. Ministry of Land and others Sarowar Hossain vs Govt. of Bangladesh and others Md. Towhid Zaman vs Govt. of Bangladesh and ors S.M Al- mamun Dulal IBne Akbar vs The Sec. Min. of Home Affairs and 11 others Mohammad Bakir Uddin Md. Jasim Uddin Chowdhury vs Govt. of Bangladesh and others Md. Fazlul Karim Mia vs Govt. of Bangladesh and ors Monower Hossain vs Govt. of Bangladesh and others 264 48 Writ Petition 6877/2008 49 Writ Petition 9285/2014 50 Writ Petition 10307/2006 51 Writ Petition 8819/2007 52 Writ Petition 1932/2008 53 Writ Petition 5280/2010 54 Writ Petition 9321/2010 55 Writ Petition 3107/2010 56 Writ Petition 10840/2013 57 Writ Petition 16257/2012 58 Writ Petition 3533/2013 59 Writ Petition 9198/2013 60 Writ Petition 2419/2014 61 Writ Petition 6473/2014 Ummay Salma Alam, Dhaka vs Sec. Min. of Home Affairs and ors Md. Abdul karim vs The Sec. Min. of law and 04 ors Ataur Rahman vs Govt of Bangladesh and others Md Farid Sheikh, vs Govt of Bangladesh and ors Md. Jasim Uddin vs Govt of Bangladesh and ors Aminul Haque Wali vs Govt. of Bangladesh and ors Hamida Begum vs Govt of Bangladesh and ors MEC Engeering Ltd vs Govt. of Bangladesh and ors Keshob Kumar Shadhu Anando vs The Sec. Min. of Agricalural and ors Md. Sazzad Hossain vs Sec.min. of education and ors Most. Suriton Bewa vs Govt. of Bangladesh and ors Rashida Begum vs Govt. of Bangladesh and others Md. Rakibuddin vs The Registrar and Co oprative and 4 ors Md. Nurul Islam Khan vs Govt of Bangladesh and ors 62 Writ Petition 1368/2014 63 Writ Petition 7929/2015 64 Writ Petition 6670/2014 65 Writ Petition 7240/2014 66 Writ Petition 612/2014 67 Writ Petition 3724/2014 68 Writ Petition 1263/2015 69 Writ Petition 7924/2014 70 Writ Petition 9487/2015 71 72 Writ Petition 3604/2015 Writ Petition 46/2015 Mohammad Abdul Kasem vs Govt. of Bangldesh and ors Md. Dulal Miah vs The Sec. Min. of Water Transport and 04 others Mohammad Abdul Halim and others vs govt of bangladesh and others Md. Shafiqul Huq and others vs Govt of Bangladesh and ors Sebbir Ahmed vs Govt. of Bangladesh and ors Md. Abdullah Al Mamun vs Chairman, NBR and ors Enamul Bappy Mondal vs Govt. of Bangladesh and others A T M Rafique Ullah vs Govt. of Bangladesh and ors. Zabed Mohammad Nuruddin vs Govt. of Bangladesh and ors Md. Nadirurzzaman Bhuiyah vs The Sec. Min. of Education and 05 others S.M Zahiruddin vs Government of Bangladesh and others Mr. ASMM Kabir Khan Advocate for the petitioner, Mr. Tapon Kumar Bepary, Advocate for the Respondent NO.8. 265 73 Writ Petition 11361/2015 74 Writ Petition 8827/2015 75 Writ Petition 49/2015 76 Writ Petition 6167/2000 77 Writ Petition 551/2003 78 Writ Petition 9861/2008 79 Writ Petition 8826/2015 80 Writ Petition 7274/2015 81 Writ Petition 1313/2015 82 Writ Petition 8302/2015 83 Writ Petition 11617/2015 84 Writ Petition 11565/2015 85 Writ Petition 11598/2015 Md. Abul Kalam vs The Sec. Min. of LGRD and 08 others Md. Sadek Ali and others vs The Sec. Min. of LGRD and 05 others Md. Mahbubur Rahman vs The Sec. Min. of LGRD and 5 ors Mohammad israfil, Dhaka vs Secy. Min of Housing Md. Sanaullah and othes vs Govt. of Bangladesh and ors National Bank Foundation Dhaka and another vs Govt. of Bangladesh and others. Md. Sadek Ali vs The Sec. Min. of LGRD and 05 others Md. Mahfuz Ahmed vs The Sec. Min. of Civil Avation and Tourisum and others Md. Samsuzzaman and others vs The Sec. Min. of LGRD and 05 ors Md. Kamrul Karim Chowdhury vs The Sec. Min. of LGRD and 03 others Md. Humayun Kabir vs The Sec. Min. of Land and 05 others Md. Aminul Haque and other vs Govt. of Bangladesh and others Md. Amirul Islam vs The Sec. Min. of Agricultrue and 03 others 86 Writ Petition 5542/2004 87 Writ Petition 5827/2005 88 Writ Petition 7672/2005 89 Writ Petition 11430/2015 90 Writ Petition 10366/2006 91 Writ Petition 7403/2006 92 Writ Petition 719/2006 93 94 95 96 97 Writ Petition 4627/2009 Writ Petition 5414/2009 Writ Petition 4858/2009 Writ Petition 13689/2015 Writ Petition 7959/2010 Haji Sahmat Ali vs Bangladesh and others Abdus Salam Sowdagor vs Govt of Bangladesh and ors Major (Ret) A.K,M Akhtaruzzaman vs Govt. of Bangladesh and others Md. Mamunur Rashid vs The Sec. Min. of Education and 06 others Abdul Alim Khan vs Dhaka City Corporation Represented by its Mayor and others Md. Shafuzuddin @ Sarker vs Govt. of Bangladesh and others Md. Rafiqul Islam vs Govt. of Bangladesh and ors Mohammad Mizanul Huque Chowdhury, Ctg. vs Sec. Min. of Home Affairs and ors Anisur Rahman vs Govt. of Bangladesh and others Md. Mostafizur Rahman vs Govt. of Bangladesh and ors Md. Mainul Hossain vs The Sec. Min. of Liberation War Affairs and 05 others Md. Habibur Rahman Khan vs Govt. of Bangladesh and ors 266 98 Writ Petition 4343/2010 99 Writ Petition 1164/2010 100 Writ Petition 449/2011 101 Writ Petition 8133/2010 102 Writ Petition 9872/2010 103 Writ Petition 4406/2011 104 Writ Petition 8400/2011 105 Writ Petition 14246/2012 106 Writ Petition 7596/2011 107 Writ Petition 7565/2011 108 Writ Petition 15709/2012 Nazmunnahar and 8 ors vs Govt. of Bangladesh and ors Md. Masud Karim vs Govt of Bangladesh and ors Golam Mowla Mia, Economic Investigator Bangladesh Manpower Planning Centre Dhaka and 3 ors vs Sec.min. of Labour and employment Dhaka and ors Umme Habiba Farzana yeasmin, Uttara Dhaka vs sec.min. of Education and ors Human Rights and peace for Bangladesh, Dhaka and 2 ors vs Govt. of Bangladesh and ors Md. Nadiruzzaman Bhuiyan vs Govt. of Bangladesh and ors Most Nurjahan Begum vs Govt. of Bangladesh of Bangladesh Md. Aminur Rahman vs Govt. of Bangladesh and ors Sheak Shamsur Rahaman and 4 others vs Bangladesh and others Golam Mostofa Howlader vs Govt. by the sec. min of land and others Most. Marufa Akter vs Govt. of Bangladesh and others 109 Writ Petition 2445/2013 110 Writ Petition 1109/2013 111 Writ Petition 3941/2013 112 Writ Petition 9155/2013 113 Writ Petition 3214/2013 114 115 116 117 Writ Petition 5370/2014 Writ Petition 6299/2014 Writ Petition 10753/2014 Writ Petition 6619/2014 118 Writ Petition 5195/2014 119 Writ Petition 8921/2014 (with) Writ Petition 3326/2015 120 Writ Petition 6723/2014 121 Writ Petition 8660/2014 Md. Mostafizur Rahman vs Govt. of Bangladesh and ors Probir Kumar Deb and 8 ors vs Sec.min. of agriculture and ors Md. Sohiduzzaman vs Govt of Bangladesh and ors Md. Jaberul Islam vs Mayor sylhet city corporation sylhet and ors Mr. M. Jafor Ahmed and 2 ors vs Govt. of Bangladesh and ors Md. Ruhul Amin vs Judge, and artha Rin Adalot and ros Mst. Kalpana Aktar vs The Sec. Min. of Education and ors Md. Mokter Hossain vs Govt. of Bangldesh and others Ayesha Momin and ors vs Govt of Bangladesh and ors Md. Ashek Monir vs The Sec. Min. of LGRD and ors Md. Kaium Ali and others vs govt of bangladesh and others Md. Habibur Rahman and others vs govt of bangladesh and others Md. Haider Ali vs Govt. of Bangladesh and ors. Md. Saiful Islam vs The Sec. Min. of Industries and ros 267 122 Writ Petition 4793/2014 123 Writ Petition 10394/2015 124 Writ Petition 2680/2015 125 Writ Petition 2662/2015 126 Writ Petition 4524/2015 127 Writ Petition 550/2015 128 Writ Petition 5099/2015 129 Writ Petition 1674/2015 130 Writ Petition 8583/2015 131 Writ Petition 8933/2015 132 Writ Petition 1375/2004 133 Writ Petition 10829/2013 S M Nasir vs The Sec. Min. of Housing and Public Works and ors Mozibur Rahman vs The Sec. Min. of Home Affairs and 04 others Sheikh Abdul Hannan vs Bangladesh and others Mr. Sk. Shafique Mahmud, Adv.-For the applicant Mr. Md. Idrisur Rahman, Adv.-For the petitioner Hafez Qari Moulana Kazi AmenuI islam vs The Sec. Min. of law and 06 ors Nurun Nahar Islam vs Sec min of Education and 05 Others Md. Jalal Uddin vs The Sec. Min. of Education and 07 ors Md. Mominul Hoque vs The Sec. Min. of Education and 07 ors Md. Kamal Pasha vs Sec min of Litence and 04 others Md. Aminul Islam vs Govt. of Bangladesh and others Md. Shoriful Islam vs The Sec. Min. of Education and 06 others AFM Bahauddin Nasim vs Govt. of Bangladesh and ors Syeda Momtaz Ara Hasan vs Govt. of Bangladesh and ors 134 Writ Petition 1805/2004 135 Writ Petition 6767/2002 136 Writ Petition 3680/2006 137 Writ Petition 1749/2007 138 Writ Petition 1184/2007 139 Writ Petition 660/2009 140 Writ Petition 6922/2009 141 Writ Petition 3551/2009 142 Writ Petition 7540/2009 143 Writ Petition 8731/2009 144 Writ Petition 7168/2010 145 146 Writ Petition 2961/2015 Writ Petition 4263/2010 Quasem Textile Mills ltd vs The Cabainet Sec and ors Rafiq Ahmed vs Govt. of Bangladesh and others Md. Jahangir Alam vs The Sec. Ministry of Religious Affairs and others Md. Golam Nabi Molla, Dhaka vs Sec. Min. of law, justice and parliamentary affairs and ors Md. Rafiqul Alam, Dhaka vs Sec. Min. of Finance and ors Md. Fazlur Haque and others vs The Sec. Min. of Education and 07 ors Md. Dulal Miazi vs Govt of Bangladesh and ors. Md. Habibur Rahman vs Govt. of Bangladesh and ors. Asirun Nesa vs The Chairman Abandoned property management Board Dhaka and ors Bublul vs Govt. of Bangladesh and ors. Md. Rafiqul Islam vs Govt. of Bangladesh and others Md. Abdul Majid Sarker vs The Sec. Min. of Home Affairs and 03 others Kabir Ahmed vs Govt. of Bangladesh and ors 268 147 Writ Petition 4079/2010 148 Writ Petition 2525/2010 149 Writ Petition 2552/2011 150 Writ Petition 4794/2014 151 Writ Petition 167/2015 152 Writ Petition 3686/2004 153 Writ Petition 2629/2005 154 Writ Petition 9446/2007 155 Writ Petition 7457/2009 156 Writ Petition 8215/2013 157 Writ Petition 2010/2001 158 Writ Petition 668/2001 159 Writ Petition 2866/2003 Mrs. Rokeya Khatun, Gazipur vs Govt. of Bangladesh and ors Md. Salauddin vs Govt. of Bangladesh and ors. Human Rights and peace for Bangladesh Dhaka vs Govt. of Bangladesh and ors Sheikh Fedous Ahmed vs The Sec. Min. of Housing and Public Works and ors Mst. Mahmuda begum vs The Sec. Min. of Housing and Public Works and 09 ors Onil Kanti Chakma vs Govt. of Bangladesh and ors Uzzal Ahmed vs Govt. of Bangladesh and ors Md Khalid Hossain, Dhaka vs Micro Credit Regulatory Authority, Dhaka Md. Abdur Rouf vs Govt. of Bangladesh and ors. Mohd. Mnir Haider vs Director General primary education and ors Syed Mohd. Hawaru, Ctg. vs Sec.Min. of Land Govt of Bangladesh and others vs Md. Amin and others Anwar Uddin Fakir vs The Sec. Min. of Home Affairs 160 Writ Petition 4400/2006 161 Writ Petition 4401/2006 162 Writ Petition 9947/2008 163 Writ Petition 9948/2008 164 Writ Petition 5635/2008 165 Writ Petition 7221/2009 166 Writ Petition 443/2010 167 168 169 Writ Petition 8554/2010 Writ Petition 6774/2004 Writ Petition 5434/2004 170 Writ Petition 3897/2007 171 Writ Petition 7784/2008 Md. Sohrab Hossain vs The Sec. Ministry of Law Justice and Parliamentary Affairs and others Md. Sohrab Hossain vs The Sec. Ministry of Law Justice and Parliamentary Affairs and others Md. Mamunur Rashid, Ctg. vs The Chittagong Port Authority Ctg. and ors Sheikh Dastogir Shahnewaj, Ctg. vs The Chittagong Port Authority Ctg. and ors Md. Abul Kashem, Mongla Port and another vs Sec.Min. of Shipping and ors Md. Lalmia Akonda, Mymensingh vs Sec.Min. of land Iqbal Ahmed Bappi vs Min. of Ports Shipping and Inland Water Transport Dhaka and ors Mithu Miah son Sadek Ali, Dharmapasha, Sunamgonj vs Sec.min. of land and ors Sree Santhosh Kumar vs Govt. of Bangladesh and ors Samsun Nahar vs Govt. of Bangaladesh and ors Md. Sadeque Hossain vs Govt. of Bangladesh Wahidul Alam, Ctg. vs The Chittagong Port Authority and ors 269 172 Writ Petition 6831/2008 173 Writ Petition 2469/2009 174 Writ Petition 10689/2013 175 Writ Petition 2498/2001 176 Writ Petition 4738/2007 177 Writ Petition 4725/2011 178 Writ Petition 4798/2011 179 Writ Petition 7663/2011 180 Writ Petition 11873/2012 181 Writ Petition 1095/2012 182 Writ Petition 10482/2012 183 Writ Petition 9178/2012 M.A. Wadud, Comilla and another vs Deputy Commissioner Comilla and ors Md. Mostafa Kamal, Ctg. vs The Chittagong Port Authority Ctg. and ors Md. Abdus Salam Biswas vs Sec. min. of public administration and ors Momtaz Miah, Rangamati vs Additional Divisional Commissioner (Rev), Ctg Alhaj Md. Nazrul Islam vs Sec, Min of Housing and Public Works and ors Md. Eyer Mohammad vs Dhaka City Corporation and ors Dr. Md. Nurul Alam vs Govt. of BAngladesh and ors Md.Abdus Samad Gazi vs Govt. of Bangladesh and others Md. Mahtab uddin vs Govt. of Bangladesh and ors Md. Anwarul Karim and 4 ors vs Sec.min. of relief and reheblation and ors Dr. Molla Md. Kafil Uddin vs Sec.Min. of health and family welfare and ors Abdus Salam Mujumder and ors vs Govt. of Bangladesh and others 184 Writ Petition 16558/2012 185 Writ Petition 7634/2013 186 Writ Petition 10105/2013 187 Writ Petition 9611/2013 188 Writ Petition 3830/2013 189 Writ Petition 9152/2013 190 Writ Petition 3207/2013 191 Writ Petition 6185/2013 192 Writ Petition 8141/2014 193 Writ Petition 2408/2014 194 Writ Petition 2504/2014 195 Writ Petition 2167/2014 196 Writ Petition 7425/2015 197 Writ Petition 9975/2015 A.K.M. Khorshid Alam vs Govt. of Bangladesh and ors. Mosharraf hossain vs Govt. of Bangladesh and ors. Md. Anwar Hossain vs Govt. of Bangladesh and ors Mohammad Abdullah Bhai vs Govt of Bangladesh and ors Md. Amir Hamza vs Govt. of Bangladesh and ors Md. Shahidul Alam vs Govt. of Bangladesh and ors Mohd. Abdul Matin vs Sec.min. of education and ors Md. Akteruzzaman vs Sec. min. of energy and mineral resources and ors Dr. Nazmus Sakib vs Govt of Bangladesh rep. by the sec min of communication and others Ruby Akhter and others vs Govt. of Bangladesh and ors Md Abdus Salam vs Govt. of Bangladesh and ors Md. Ashrafuddin vs Govt. of Bangladesh and ors Arish Miah vs The Sec min of Land and 06 others Khartic Chandra Nath vs The Sec. Min. of Land and 12 others 270 198 Writ Petition 4507/2015 199 Writ Petition 2258/2015 200 Writ Petition 11407/2015 201 Writ Petition 4283/2015 202 Writ Petition 317/2014 203 Writ Petition 9707/2014 204 Writ Petition 11102/2015 205 Writ Petition 10876/2015 206 Writ Petition 9354/2015 207 Writ Petition 5475/2015 208 Writ Petition 5664/2015 209 Writ Petition 11427/2015 Dr. Md. Anisur Rahman vs Sec min of Education and 08 Others Mohammad Nazrul Islam vs Govt. of Bangladesh and ors Shamima Islam vs The Sec. Min. of Primary and Mass Education and 04 others Dr. Sahera Banu vs Chairman Bangladesh Homoropathic Board dhaka and 03 others Md. Zakir Hossain vs The Sec. Min. of Land and ors Abdul Mazid Howlader vs The Sec. Min. of Land and 05 ors Md. Zakaria Miah and ors vs The Sec. Min. of Communication and 05 others Ashrafur Begum vs Govt. of Bangladesh and ors. Nur Ahmed vs The Sec. Min. of Education and 05 others Md. Masum Reza and others vs Govt. of Bangladesh and ors Md. Serajul Islam and others vs The Sec. Min. of primary and mass Education and 20 ors Rahila Khatun and others vs The Sec. Min. of Primary and Mass Education and 17 others 210 Writ Petition 10837/2015 211 Writ Petition 414/2016 212 Writ Petition 6469/2015 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 Writ Petition 5476/2015 Writ Petition 3693/2015 Writ Petition 9717/2015 Writ Petition 849/2012 Writ Petition 6959/2013 Writ Petition 2803/2013 Writ Petition 7442/2013 220 Writ Petition 11078/2014 221 Writ Petition 11499/2014 Sudip Fouzder and ors vs Govt. of Bangladesh and ors Md. Mirajul Islam vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Primary and Mass Education and 19 others Most. Tahamina Kulsum vs The Sec. Min. of Primary and Mass. Education and 07 ors Deno Bando Mitra and others vs The Sec. Min. of primary and mass Education and 15 ors Haji Mohammad Ibrahim vs Govt. of Bangladesh and ors. Mst. Rezia Sultana vs The Sec. Min. of Land and 06 others Badiul Alam vs Chief Election commission Dhaka and ors Kazi Azizur Rahman vs Government of Bangladesh and others Zahir Ahmed vs Inspecting aditional commissioner of taxes Chittagong and ors Md. Eunus Ali Akand vs Sec.min. of health and family welfare and ors Rama Prasanna Bhattachijee vs Govt. of Bangladesh and ors HRPB and others vs Govt. of Bangladesh and others. 271 222 Writ Petition 467/2015 223 Writ Petition 10008/2015 224 Writ Petition 8157/2015 225 Writ Petition 10778/2015 226 Writ Petition 5055/2015 227 Writ Petition 7269/2015 228 Writ Petition 3415/2015 229 Writ Petition 9927/2007 230 Writ Petition 6595/2010 231 Writ Petition 2129/2010 232 Writ Petition 5501/2001 Abul yahia vs The Chairman, Land Appeal Board dhaka and 6 ors Md. Jalal Uddin Chowdhury vs Chariman, Board Chittagong Water Supply and Sewarage Authority Chittagong WASA and 04 Others Md. Iktear Uddin vs The Sec. Min. of Education and 02 others Manjurul Ahsan Ferdoush vs The Sec. Min. of Youth and Sports and 05 Others Md. Rustom ali vs The Sec. Min. of helath and faimly welfare and 07 ors harirampur Union Mathshajibi Sambaya Samity ltd vs The Sec. Min. of LGRD and 25 others S.N spinning mills ltd vs The Sec. Min. of Law, Justice and Parlamentary Affairs and 03 Md Askir Ullah vs Sec, Min of Land an dors Shahab Uddin, Bandarban vs Sec.min.of land and ors Md. Moheb Bullah, Chandpur vs Sec.min. of Land ors Md. Kamal Hossain, Dhaka vs Dhaka City Corporation and others 233 Writ Petition 6487/2004 234 Writ Petition 7392/2005 235 Writ Petition 3455/2005 236 Writ Petition 3456/2005 237 Writ Petition 2630/2005 238 Writ Petition 6834/2008 239 Writ Petition 6808/2010 240 Writ Petition 4479/2005 241 242 243 244 245 246 Writ Petition 6088/2005 Writ Petition 3458/2005 Writ Petition 3459/2005 Writ Petition 3460/2005 Writ Petition 3461/2005 Writ Petition 3462/2005 Mallek Industries Ltd. vs Govt. of BAngladesh and ors Dr. Md. Bodiujjaman vs Govt. of Bangladesh and ors Lambarom Chakma vs Bangladesh and others Lambachira Chakma vs Govt. of Bangladesh and ors Nilufar Akther vs Govt. of Bangladesh and ors Rahela Akhter, Ctg. vs Deputy Commissioner Comilla and ors A.K.M. Moksedur Rahman, Gazipur vs Sec. min. of Education and ors Jonaki Metal Industries Ltd. vs Chittagong City Corporation and others Soleman Ahmed and another vs Govt. of Bangladesh and others Ntun Chandra Chakma vs Govt. of Bangladesh and ors Lambachira Chakma vs Govt. of Bangladesh and ors Lambachira Chakma vs Govt. of Bangladesh and ors Lambachira Chakma vs Govt. of Bangladesh and ors Lambachira Chakma vs Govt. of Bangladesh and ors 272 247 Writ Petition 3463/2005 248 Writ Petition 3464/2005 249 Writ Petition 7729/2006 250 Writ Petition 1553/2009 251 Writ Petition 3457(A)/2005 252 Writ Petition 2685(A)/2009 253 Writ Petition 4179/2015 254 Writ Petition 3399/2011 255 Writ Petition 7409/2012 256 Writ Petition 2260/2012 257 Writ Petition 6546/2012 258 Writ Petition 2/2013 259 Writ Petition 860/2012 Lambachira Chakma vs Govt. of Bangladesh and ors Lambachira Chakma vs Govt. of Bangladesh and ors Khatungonj Haridulloah Market Traders Welfare Samity Represented by its Sec.Md.Abdul Mannan vs The Sec. Ministry of Land and others Masum Haider Akhanda, Kishoregonj vs Sec. Min. of Land and ors Ranjan Bala vs Govt. of Bangladesh and ors Ranjan Bala vs Govt. of Bangladesh and ors Md. Siddiqur Rahman vs Sec min of Education and 08 Others Md. Mahtab Hossain, vs Sec. Min of Home Affairs Hasina Begum vs Govt. of Bangladesh and ors. Pranesh Talukder vs Sec.min. of land and ors Md. Sahabuddin vs Sec.min. of home affairs and ors Md. Jasim Uddin Chowdhury vs Govt. of Bangladesh and others Md. Kamal Hossain vs Sec.min. of power, energy and mineral resources and ors 260 Writ Petition 861/2012 261 Writ Petition 862/2012 262 Writ Petition 67/2012 263 Writ Petition 15285/2012 264 Writ Petition 2553/2013 265 Writ Petition 2809/2013 266 Writ Petition 2810/2013 267 Writ Petition 12167/2013 268 Writ Petition 2594/2014 269 Writ Petition 4497/2014 270 Writ Petition 5047/2014 271 Writ Petition 7785/2014 272 273 Writ Petition 1210/2014 Writ Petition 13360/2015 Md. Kamal Hossain vs Sec.min. of power, energy and mineral resources and ors Md. Kamal Hossain vs Sec.min. of power, energy and mineral resources and ors Md. Abdus Satter vs Govt. of Bangladesh and others Mohd. Saber vs The chairman secondary and higher secondary education and ors Md. Nuruzzaman vs Sec.min. of law and ors T.S Eng. Co. vs Sec.min. of forest and environment and ors Soleman vs RAZUK Md. Amzad Hossain vs The Sec. Min. of Information and ors Md. Jamal Uddin vs Govt. of Bangladesh and ors Dr. Md. Eunus Ali Akond vs The Honarable Speaker, Bangladesh Zatio Sangsad, Dhaka and ors Syed Mozammel Hossain vs Govt. of Bangladesh and others S.A Badal vs The Sec. Min. of Commerce and 06 ors Dr. Dewan Ali hasan and 14 ors vs Govt. of Bangladesh Md. Ali Ullah vs The Sec. Min. of Education and Another 273 274 Writ Petition 11881/2015 275 Writ Petition 1757/2015 276 Writ Petition 10152/2015 277 Writ Petition 6764/2015 278 Writ Petition 7771/2015 279 Writ Petition 1160/2015 280 Writ Petition 9507/2015 281 Writ Petition 6941/2015 282 Writ Petition 899/2015 283 Writ Petition 8403/2010 284 Writ Petition 6950/2011 285 Writ Petition 9584/2011 Faruque Ahmed vs The Sec. Min. of Education and 04 others Bangladesh Jute Mills Limited vs The Chairman, Labour Appellate Tribunal, Dhaka and others Mostaq Ahmed vs Govt. of Bangladesh and ors Md. Atiar rahman vs The Sec. Min. of industry and 4 ors Abdul Malek Khan vs Cabinet Secratary and 04 others Md. Waiz Uddin vs The Sec. Min. of Religious affairs and 03 ors Md. Shamim Mollah vs The Sec. Min. of Law, Justice and Parlamentary Affairs and 08 others Md. Abdur Razzak vs The Sec. Min. of Education and 05 ors Mazeda Begum vs The sec. min. of Envirommet and forest and 05 ors Town Hall Sarkari Para Market Dokan Malik Babosayee Samity Ltd. Mohammadpur Dhaka vs Sec. min. of Housng and Public Works and ors Md. Jamal Shikder vs Govt. of Bangladesh and ors. Md. Parvez Adam vs Sec. min. of civil aviation and ors 286 Writ Petition 10856/2011 287 Writ Petition 10458/2011 288 Writ Petition 4448/2011 289 Writ Petition 1804/2012 290 Writ Petition 7408/2012 291 292 293 294 295 296 Writ Petition 14719/2012 Writ Petition 16524/2012 Writ Petition 7841/2013 Writ Petition 8037/2013 Writ Petition 2811/2013 Writ Petition 2812/2013 A.S.M. Nurullah Bhuiyan vs Govt by the sec. min of Civil Aviation and tourisim and ors Most. Ayesha Sultana vs Sec.min. of Defence and ors Md. Mijanur Rahman vs Bangladesh by the sec. min. of establishment and others Majibur Rahman vs Sec.min. of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs and others Jesmin Sultana vs Govt. of Bangladesh and ors. Abul Rayan Md. Aminul Ehsan vs The waqf administrator Dhaka and ors Md. Balait Hossain vs Govt. of Bangladesh and ors Ventax of Dock Logistic Service Ltd. vs Divisional commissioner Ctg. and ors Emdadul Islam chowdhury vs Deputy commissioner Ctg. and ors Shombunath Saha and 10 ors vs Sec.min. of housing and public works and ors saiful Islam vs Sec.min. of housing and public works and ors 297 Writ Petition 9941/2013 298 Writ Petition 6438/2013 (with) Writ Petition 6439/2013 274 299 Writ Petition 11865/2013 300 Writ Petition 4795/2014 301 Writ Petition 4796/2014 302 Writ Petition 4797/2014 303 Writ Petition 770/2014 304 Writ Petition 8243/2014 305 Writ Petition 12363/2014 306 Writ Petition 11871/2014 307 Writ Petition 11135/2014 Md. Mafukur Rahman vs Vice-Chancellor Agriculture University Mymensingh and ors Md. Selim Miah vs Sec.min. of housing and public works and ors Monowara begum vs Sec.min. of housing and public works and ors Ashok Kumar Chakraborti vs The Sec. Min. of Law, Justice and Parlamentary Affairs and ros Layla Begum vs The Sec. Min. of Housing and Public Works and ors Md. Idrish Niah Talukder vs The Sec. Min. of Housing and Public Works and ors Md. Beloyet Hossain vs The Sec. Min. of Housing and Public Works and ors Md. Mohiuddin Chowdhury vs The Sec. Min. of Housing and Public Works and ors Md. Shamim Mondol vs The Sec. Min. of Education and ors Md. Ahsanul haque vs The Sec. Min. of Education and 04 ors Abu sadek Md. Ishaque vs The Sec. Min. of Education and 04 ors F M khan A Sabur vs Vice chancellor, Islami Univercity 308 Writ Petition 3002/2014 309 Writ Petition 5060/2014 310 Writ Petition 3896/2014 311 312 313 314 315 Writ Petition 10174/2014 Writ Petition 13325/2015 Writ Petition 3850/2015 Writ Petition 3979/2015 Writ Petition 9732/2015 316 Writ Petition 4114/2015 317 Writ Petition 7019/2015 318 Writ Petition 4730/2015 319 320 Writ Petition 2009/2015 Writ Petition 6098/2015 Concord Entertanment Company Ltd. vs Chittagong City Corporation and ors Md. Rasel Dhali vs Govt. of Bangladesh and 06 ors Md. Kamal Ahmed vs The Sec. Min. of Biman and heritaage and 4 ors Shamim Ahmed vs Chairman bangladesh security and exchange commission and 4 ors A.K.M Amir Hossain vs The Sec. Min. of Public Administration and 06 Others S. A. Badal vs Sec min of LGRD and 04 Others Nur Mohammad vs Sec min of Power Energy and Mineral Resource and 08 Others Abdul Wazed Khan vs The Sec. Min. of Land and 11 others Md. Mortuza Ali Mia vs sec min of Libaration and 04 others Md. Rowshan Kabir and others vs Govt. of Bangladesh and others Md. Abdus Salam vs The Sec. Min. of Education and 09 ors Md. Shafi vs The Sec. Min. of communication and 8 ors Mohammad ahsan ullah vs The Sec. Min. of Education and 05 ors 275 321 Writ Petition 4286/2008 322 Writ Petition 11795/2006 323 Writ Petition 1211/2006 324 Writ Petition 3308/2006 325 Writ Petition 11458/2006 326 Writ Petition 7288/2010 327 Writ Petition 7724/2011 328 Writ Petition 13084/2012 329 Writ Petition 15089/2012 330 Writ Petition 1044/2012 331 Writ Petition 1081/2012 332 Writ Petition 15841/2012 Md.Zulfiqur Rahman, Kushtia vs Sec. Min. of Education and Dhaka and ors Md. Rasheduzzaman vs Ctg, City Corporation and ors Mohiuddin Jhony vs NBR and ors M. Zahangir Alam vs The Sec. Ministry of Home Affairs and others Kazi Nur Mohammad and ors vs Mayor Chittagong City Corporation, Ctg. and another Nurul Abser vs Sec.min. of Housing and public Wroks and ors Md. Nazrul Islam adn 2 others vs Deputy Commissioner, Sirajgonj and others M/s. Dhaka Denim ltd. vs Sec.min. of finance and ors Shahidul Islam Sarker vs Sec.min. of Education and ors Borogongina RMO and 5 others vs Bangladesh by the Sec.min. of Fisheries and Others The consulated Tea and lands Co. (Bangladesh) Ltd. vs Sec.min. of Land and ors Concord Real Estate and development ltd. vs Registrar of joint stock companies and firms and ors 333 Writ Petition 12786/2012 334 Writ Petition 4185/2012 335 Writ Petition 8977/2011 336 Writ Petition 3458/2012 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 Writ Petition 12898/2012 Writ Petition 12897/2012 Writ Petition 95/2013 Writ Petition 10476/2013 Writ Petition 6841/2013 Writ Petition 6860/2014 Writ Petition 8380/2014 Writ Petition 1800/2014 Md. Jalal Uddin vs Chief sec. officer of the honble prime minister office Dhaka and ors Md. Saiful Islam vs The Sec. Min. of Education Abdur Rahim vs The state and others Fazlul Halim vs The Sec. Min. of Power, Energy and Minaral Resuource and ors Md. Masum Rabbani Khan and 190 ors vs Sec.min. of public administration and ors Dr. Sirajuddin Ahmed vs Sec.min. of public administration and ors Md. Shamsuddin vs Sec.min. of law and ors S.M. Hasanur Rahman vs Sec.min. of LGRD and ors Md. Mosharraf Hossain and others vs Bangadesh agriculture development corpotation and ors Md. Nazmus Shahadat vs Bangladesh and ors. A K M Saiful Iqbal vs The Sec. Min. of Biman and heritaage and 4 ors Nasiruddin Chowdhury vs Mayor,Ctg City Corporation and ors 276 345 Writ Petition 12057/2014 346 Writ Petition 1768/2014 347 Writ Petition 11907/2015 348 Writ Petition 1557/2015 349 Writ Petition 7000/2015 350 Writ Petition 15116/2015 351 Writ Petition 6108/2015 352 Writ Petition 1279/2015 353 Writ Petition 10998/2015 354 Writ Petition 5431/2011 355 Writ Petition 2543/2012 356 Writ Petition 8218/2012 357 Writ Petition 7844/2012 Md. Shahbubur Rahman vs The Sec. Min. of Education Md. Sala Uddin Kamal Sikder vs Govt. of Bangladesh and others Md. Abul Kashem vs The Sec. Min. of Land and 07 others Md. Nasmul Hasan vs Sec min of youth and sprot dhaka and 06 others Md. Shamsul Haque vs The Sec. Min. of Education and 05 ors Md. Shamsul Haque vs The Sec. Min. of Education and 05 ors Md. Nasim Shahriar Mithu vs The Sec. Min. of Land and 05 ors Khan Jahan Ali Kalu Patwary vs The Sec. Min. of LGRD and 14 ors Sonia Sultana others vs The Sec. Min. of Primary and Mass Education and 010 others Md. Kamruzzaman vs Bangladesh by the sec.min of land and ors Md. Kamal Uddin vs The Sec. Min. of Education and ors Sri Bipul Chandra Sarker vs Sec.min. of fisheries and livestocks and ors JagoJothi Narayan Deb vs Sec.min. of land and ors 358 Writ Petition 472/2013 359 Writ Petition 13017/2015 360 361 Writ Petition 2012/2014 Writ Petition 3352/2014 362 Writ Petition 12889/2012 363 Writ Petition 8917/2012 364 Writ Petition 6695/2014 365 Writ Petition 12316/2014 366 Writ Petition 7132/2015 367 Writ Petition 11376/2015 368 369 370 Writ Petition 42210/2015 Writ Petition 8819/2014 Writ Petition 5999/2015 Md. Sakawat Hossain and ors vs The Sec. Min. of Shipping and 05 ors Abdul Wadud vs Govt. of Bangladesh and others Shamsul Haque vs Govt. of Bangladesh and others Md. Jahangir Selim vs Govt. of Bangladesh and ors. Khawja Mohd. Zerren vs Sec. min. of public works and ors Md. Abu Bakar vs Sec.min of liberation war affairs and ors M G Mostafa Kamal vs The Sec. Min. of Education and ors Md. Ansar uddin khan vs The Sec. Min. of Education and 03 ors Md. Ibrahim khalil vs Sec min of primary and mass Education and 01 Others Mahfuza Begum vs The Sec. Min. of Primary and Mass Education and 07 others Md. Amzad Hossain vs Sec min of Housing and Public Works and 06 Others Tazul Islam vs Govt. of Bangladesh and ors Abdul Hares Md. Abdul Wares vs The Sec. Min. of primary and mass Education and 05 ors 277 371 Writ Petition 6346/2012 372 Writ Petition 11149/2015 373 Writ Petition 68/2015 374 Writ Petition 8193/2012 375 Writ Petition 2908/2012 376 Writ Petition 8730/2011 377 Writ Petition 9528/2015 378 Writ Petition 11243/2015 379 Writ Petition 3722/2001 380 Writ Petition 2006/2001 381 Writ Petition 2005/2001 382 Writ Petition 2203/2004 383 Writ Petition 7782/2008 Ofik Ahmed Khan and 5 ors vs Chairman land appeal tribunal Dhaka and ors Mosammat Shiuli Akhter vs The Sec. Min. of Primary and Mass Education and 06 ors Md. Abdul Latif vs The Sec. Min. of Law and 04 others M/S Peliades Construction and Consulting Ltd vs The Sec. Min. of Commerce and 04 others Gobinda chandra vs The Sec. Min. of works and ors Sree Baidya Nath vs The sec min of land and ors Md. Masum Billah vs The Sec. Min. of Land and 06 others Mofizul Islam and others vs The Sec. Min. of Primary and Mass Education and 12 others Abdul Mabub Chowdhury, Ctg. vs Chittagong City Corporation Ctg. Shiakh Ibrahim vs Ctg. City Corporation Md. Muslim Uddin vs Ctg. City Corporation Chittangong City Corporation and 2 ors vs Chif State Officer, Bangladesh Railway Shakil Mahmud vs The Sec. Min. of Law and ors 384 Writ Petition 7783/2008 385 Writ Petition 8757/2014 386 387 388 Writ Petition 10364/2015 Writ Petition 169/2015 Writ Petition 2489/2015 389 Writ Petition 2004/2001 390 Writ Petition 2012/2001 391 Writ Petition 2002/2001 392 Writ Petition 2013/2001 393 Writ Petition 2014/2001 394 Writ Petition 2011/2001 395 Writ Petition 9020/2006 396 Writ Petition 4704/2007 Shakil Mahmud vs The Chittagong Port Authority and ors palmati ashar alo motshojibi sambaya samity ltd vs The Sec. Min. of Health and Family Welfare and 05 ors Arup Kumer Kundu vs The Sec. Min. of Education and 07 others Eunus Ali Mandal vs The Sec. Min. of Education and 04 ors Kha Nasiruddin and others vs The Sec. Min. of primary and mass Education and 24 ors Md. Yousuf vs Ctg. City Corporation Nur Ahmed vs Ctg. City Corporation Dr. Nurul Islam vs Ctg. City Corporation Mahbub Alam vs Ctg. City Corporation and ors Bosir Ahmed vs Ctg. City Corporation Abul Kasham vs Ctg. City Corporation Hasina Parveen vs N.B.R. Represented by its Chairman and others Hazi Abdul Karim vs Bangladesh Others 278 397 Writ Petition 4703/2007 398 Writ Petition 586/2010 399 Writ Petition 9578/2006 400 Writ Petition 9341/2008 401 Writ Petition 5961/2001 402 Writ Petition 13585/2015 403 Writ Petition 12501/2015 404 Writ Petition 1755/2016 405 Writ Petition 9256/2015 406 Writ Petition 2747/2016 Mohammad Nurul Islam Others vs Bangladesh Others Abdus Salam, Ctg. vs Sec. Min. of Finance and ors BD Seafood Ltd. vs The Sec. Ministry of Shipping and others Md. Nurul Absar Miah, Ctg. vs Sec. Min.of Local Govt. Dhaka and ors Suraiya Jabeen vs Chairman 1st Court of Settlement Kazi Abdul Hakim vs Bangladesh and others Md. Emdadul Haque Serker vs The Sec. Min. of Education and 07 others Md. Golam Sarwar vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Education and 04 others Md. Raihan Mollik vs The Sec. Min. of LGRD and 04 others Md. Shahjamal Hossain vs Bangladesh and others Supreme Court of Bangladesh High Court Division Justice M. Enayetur Rahim and Justice Amir Hossain Date : 02/05/2016 [Annex Building Court No. 17] [ : @ * AB . ; AB . 2 %K 2? ; # . /0 ; AB . C % 8 #/ $ %K 2? ; C % 8 #/ $ #/ C # . /0 $ ; AB . E 1 2 +/ = >% '( . 2? ; < $ # . /0 @ 2 , % /1 ) *P & A A D E ( #2 $S ) % . Q% '( . 2? ; For Order 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Kabir Raza vs the state Mr. Md. Sarwar Ahmed, Advocate for the petitioner In re Sree Jayanta Kumar Dhaka Deb vs the state Ms. Halima Ferdous, Advocate for the petitioner In re Sree Jayanta Kumar Dhaka Deb vs the state Ms. Halima Ferdous, Advocate for the petitioner In re Mohammad Siraj-ulChittagong Dowla vs the state Mr. Sk. Julfiqur Bulbu Chowdhury, Advocate for the petitioner Criminal Appeal Md.Jamil Hossain 5669/2015 vs The state Criminal Misc Tazmul Islam Tazi vs 47572/2015 The State Mr. Mohammad Zeeshan Hyder, Advocate for the petitioner Criminal Revision Anti Corruption 790/2014 Commission vs Md. Jahangir Alam Mr. Syed Mamun Mahbub, Advocate for the petitioner For Order Send to the Appellate Division 2 % &$ 8 R% ।] 8 Criminal Misc 25463/2013 9 Criminal Misc 4986/2011 10 Criminal Misc 481/2016 In re Dhaka 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 279 #/ C # . /0 # . /0 ; AB . 2 AB . & । *P & % 8 .U . Abid Hossain and others vs The State Ahmed Akbar sobhan vs The State Ahmed Akbar Sabhan Shah Alam vs The State Application : 561-A In re Ziabul Hossain and Coxs Bazar others vs The State In re Md. Abdul Kadir Sylhet vs The State In re Ferdous Khan alias Chittagong Alamgir vs The State In re Jakir Hossain Dhaka Chowkider vs The State In re Md. Saju Mondal Jamalpur vs The State In re Md. Shahabuddin Munshigonj vs The State In re Md. Kamruzzaman Dhaka Kamal vs The State In re Wais Kurani alias Barisal Washim Siddiki vs The State In re Md. Azizul Haque Chittagong vs The State 20 In re Chittagong 21 In re Chittagong 22 In re Dhaka 23 In re Dhaka 24 In re Chittagong 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 In re Chittagong In re Dhaka Criminal Misc 6977/2016 Md. Ashiq Elahi Sohel vs The State Rubel Metra vs The State Md. Ishtiaque Khan vs The State Md. Tipu Sultan vs The State Bikrom Acharya vs The State Jasmin Akjter and others vs The State Jashim Ahmed vs The State Jashim Uddin vs The State 38 Criminal Misc 7415/2016 39 Criminal Misc 7416/2016 40 41 42 43 Application : 498 In re Md. Nazrul Islam Chittagong Khoka vs The State In re Sanjoy Das Kishoregonj vs The State In re Kamal Uddin Hobigonj vs The State In re Md. Liton Miah Gaibandha vs The State In re Md. Aiyub Ali Khulna vs The State In re Md. Rashed Laxmipur vs The State In re Md. Hudon @ Mohd. Hudon Noakhali vs The State In re Enamul Haque @ Dhaka Ponir vs The State In re Ataur Rahman Ata Natore and others vs The State Criminal Misc Md. Mominul Islam 7020/2016 vs The State 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 280 Md. Saiful Islam Rana @ Saiful vs The State A.K.M Azad vs The State Application : 498 Stand Over In re Saiful Islam alias Narayangonj Md. Mozammel Haque vs The State In re Md. Jashim Uddin Barisal Howlader vs The State In re Md. Soriful Islam @ Jessore Sorif vs The State In re Babul Matbar and Shoriatpur another vs The State Appeal for Admission Criminal Appeal Md. Badsha 1405/2016 vs The State Criminal Appeal Md.Masum Billah 1491/2016 vs The State Criminal Appeal Toni Hawlader 853/2016 vs The State Criminal Appeal Kamrul Islam Titu 2086/2016 vs The State Criminal Appeal Nozir Uddin Sheikh 2132/2016 vs The State Criminal Appeal Shafikur Rahman 1731/2016 vs The State Criminal Appeal Md. Hasan Sarder 1707/2016 and others vs The State Criminal Appeal Shah Alam 2406/2016 vs The State Criminal Appeal Md. Harun 2200/2016 vs The State Criminal Appeal Shahidul Islam 952/2016 Shohel vs The State Criminal Appeal Samrat and another 2090/2016 vs The State 55 Criminal Appeal 2046/2016 56 Criminal Appeal 10902/2015 57 58 59 60 61 Criminal Appeal 10966/2015 Criminal Appeal 1156/2016 Criminal Appeal 1597/2016 Criminal Appeal 1176/2016 Criminal Appeal 2748/2016 62 Criminal Appeal 6030/2016 63 Criminal Appeal 2869/2016 64 Criminal Appeal 2770/2016 65 Criminal Appeal 2621/2016 66 Criminal Appeal 2655/2016 67 Criminal Appeal 1897/2016 68 Criminal Appeal 2859/2016 69 Criminal Appeal 10956/2015 70 Criminal Appeal 2450/2016 71 72 73 Criminal Appeal 2696/2016 Criminal Appeal 2649/2016 Criminal Appeal 3002/2016 Md. Rafique Driver vs The State Foysal Mehedi vs The State Md.Alomgir Hossain vs The State Shaker Ahmod vs The State Md. Rakibul vs The State Md. Shahidullah vs The State Md. faruk Ahmed and others vs The State Kamrunnahar vs The State Md. Saidul Islam Khan vs The State Harun or Rashid Omi vs The State Md. Saddam Hossain vs The Stete Nazrul and others vs The State Chandan Kumar roy vs The State Md. Amzad Pramanik vs The State Bellayet Hossain vs The State Md. Alauddin Howlader vs The State Md. Saidul Islam vs The State Md. Milon vs The State Md. Abu Syed and others vs The State 281 74 Criminal Appeal 2713/2016 75 Criminal Appeal 5548/2015 76 Criminal Appeal 2707/2016 77 Criminal Appeal 2037/2016 78 Criminal Appeal 2633/2016 79 Criminal Appeal 2973/2016 80 Criminal Appeal 2251/2016 81 Criminal Appeal 2775/2016 82 Criminal Appeal 10689/2015 83 Criminal Appeal 2593/2016 84 Criminal Appeal 2343/2016 85 Criminal Appeal 2730/2016 86 Criminal Appeal 2151/2016 87 Criminal Appeal 2156/2016 88 Criminal Appeal 1878/2016 89 Criminal Appeal 10981/2015 90 Criminal Appeal 2618/2016 91 Criminal Appeal 6421/2015 92 Criminal Appeal 2608/2016 93 Criminal Appeal 10614/2015 Md. Shujan and others vs The State Md.Sharif Sarker vs The state Md. Helal Uddin vs The State Mofizul Islam vs The State Anwar Hossain vs The State Meri Akhter vs The State Md. Ansarul Islam vs The State Mahmud Hasan vs The State Abdul Halim vs The State Md. Yousuf Ali vs The Stete Md. Mijanur Rahman and anothers vs The State Md. Dulal Mia vs The State Mohasin Mollah vs The State Md. Dulal and others vs The State Md. Omar Hossain vs The State Md. Iqbal Hossain vs The State Md. Obaidul vs The Stete Md.Mizanur Rahman vs The state Md. Aslam vs The Stete Md. Abdul Aziz vs The State 94 Criminal Appeal 2598/2016 95 Criminal Appeal 2701/2016 96 Criminal Appeal 4063/2016 97 Criminal Appeal 8919/2015 98 Criminal Appeal 2603/2016 99 Criminal Appeal 2762/2016 100 Criminal Appeal 2739/2016 101 Criminal Appeal 2464/2016 102 Criminal Appeal 2744/2016 103 Criminal Appeal 2481/2016 104 Criminal Appeal 2617/2016 105 106 107 Criminal Appeal 2216/2016 Criminal Appeal 10179/2015 Criminal Appeal 2516/2016 108 Criminal Appeal 2534/2016 109 Criminal Appeal 10429/2015 110 Criminal Appeal 2353/2016 111 Criminal Appeal 2724/2016 112 Criminal Appeal 2573/2016 Md. Jamal Hossain vs The Stete Md. Nasir Hawlader vs The State Mostaq Ahmmad vs The State Md. Yousuf vs The State Masud vs The Stete Md.Jewel vs The State Sakil Hossain @ Santo vs The State Md. Mostofa vs The State Md. Moniruzzaman moni vs The State Mir Motaleb Hossain vs The State Md. Ibrahim Khalil and another vs The Stete Towfik vs The State Towhedul Islam vs The State Md. Najmul Haque Badhon vs The State Md. Kabir Hossain vs The Stete Nasir Uddin vs The State Md. Masud vs The State Md. Jahidul Islam vs The State Md. Raihan Chowdhury vs The Stete 282 113 Criminal Appeal 2529/2016 114 Criminal Appeal 1855/2016 115 Criminal Appeal 2515/2016 116 Criminal Appeal 2743/2016 117 Criminal Appeal 2903/2016 118 Criminal Appeal 2825/2016 119 Criminal Appeal 2865/2016 120 Criminal Appeal 2551/2016 121 Criminal Appeal 2758/2016 122 Criminal Appeal 2651/2016 123 Criminal Appeal 1685/2016 124 Criminal Appeal 2540/2016 125 Criminal Appeal 2222/2016 126 Criminal Appeal 2741/2016 127 Criminal Appeal 2939/2016 128 Criminal Appeal 2957/2016 129 Criminal Appeal 2539/2016 130 Criminal Appeal 2783/2016 131 Criminal Appeal 2899/2016 132 Criminal Appeal 2857/2016 Md. Nazmul vs The Stete Md. Enamul Haque vs The State Md. Mojibur Rahman vs The Stete Saidul Islam vs The State Mariom Khanom Bakul vs The State Md. Shahin Ali vs The State Monsur Sheikh vs The State Abul Hasan Rana vs The Stete Md. Nadim vs The State Md. Sujan Raj vs The State Nur Mohammad vs The State Md. Manik vs The Stete Md. Azizar Rahman vs The State Syed Sabbir vs The State Md. Robiul Islam vs The State Md. Iqbal vs The State Soleman Driver vs The Stete Md. Intaz Ali vs The State S.K. Shahin and others vs The State Baharul vs The State 133 Criminal Appeal 2227/2016 134 Criminal Appeal 2566/2016 135 Criminal Appeal 2901/2016 136 Criminal Appeal 2820/2016 137 Criminal Appeal 2565/2016 138 Criminal Appeal 10870/2015 139 Criminal Appeal 2319/2016 140 Criminal Appeal 2898/2016 141 Criminal Appeal 8517/2015 142 Criminal Appeal 2831/2016 143 Criminal Appeal 2522/2016 144 Criminal Appeal 2852/2016 145 Criminal Appeal 5196/2016 146 Criminal Appeal 2518/2016 147 Criminal Appeal 2769/2016 148 Criminal Appeal 2322/2016 149 Criminal Appeal 2827/2016 150 Criminal Appeal 2449/2016 151 Criminal Appeal 2756/2016 152 Criminal Appeal 2900/2016 Nojor Uddin vs The State Md. Masum vs The Stete Abu Taher vs The State Md. Nurul Islam vs The State Md. Rasel Sharif vs The Stete Md. Moniruzzaman vs The State Md. Siddikur Rahman vs The State Md. Raju Gazi vs The State Md. Rubel vs The State Shahadat Hossain vs The State Md. Abu Taleb vs The State Abdul Haque vs The State Md. Kowsar vs The State Md. Ataur Rahman and another vs The State Md. Jamal Shikder vs The State Mst. Jahanara vs The State Jinnha vs The State Abdul Aziz vs The State Swapan Khan vs The State Tarek vs The State 283 153 Criminal Appeal 2703/2016 154 Criminal Appeal 1908/2016 155 Criminal Appeal 2860/2016 156 Criminal Appeal 2734/2016 157 Criminal Appeal 1946/2016 158 Criminal Appeal 2772/2016 159 Criminal Appeal 2876/2016 160 Criminal Appeal 2821/2016 161 Criminal Appeal 2910/2016 162 Criminal Appeal 1251/2016 163 Criminal Appeal 2888/2016 164 Criminal Appeal 2199/2016 165 Criminal Appeal 2605/2016 166 Criminal Appeal 2828/2016 167 Criminal Appeal 2718/2016 168 Criminal Appeal 1807/2016 169 Criminal Appeal 2599/2016 170 Criminal Appeal 2622/2016 171 Criminal Appeal 2892/2016 Md. Toiyob vs The State Md. Abdul Latif vs The State Abu Bakkar Siddique vs The State Md. Almas vs The State Monir Hossain and another vs The State Md. Rubel Hossain vs The State Md. Mostafa vs The State Suman Islam Rubel vs The State Mosarraf Hossain vs The State Md.Yusuf vs The State Md. Mahabub vs The State Md. Sohel vs The State Md. Jamat Ali vs The Stete Md. Asharaful Islam vs The State Md. Babul and another vs The State Md. Raju Sheikh vs The State Newtan Biswas vs The Stete Nurul Islam and others vs The Stete Md. Bulbul Hossain vs The State 172 Criminal Appeal 1269/2016 173 Criminal Appeal 2543/2016 174 Criminal Appeal 2467/2016 175 Criminal Appeal 7783/2015 176 Criminal Appeal 2927/2016 177 Criminal Appeal 2385/2016 178 Criminal Appeal 2926/2016 179 Criminal Appeal 1026/2016 180 Criminal Appeal 2845/2016 181 Criminal Appeal 2574/2016 182 Criminal Appeal 2819/2016 183 Criminal Appeal 2602/2016 184 Criminal Appeal 2250/2016 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 Criminal Appeal 2938/2016 Criminal Appeal 2334/2016 Criminal Appeal 2590/2016 Criminal Appeal 2925/2016 Criminal Appeal 8084/2014 Criminal Appeal 2160/2016 Criminal Appeal 2548/2015 Safin Sheikh vs The State Md. Aynul Huq vs The Stete Suman Miah vs The State Choyon Olomik @ Doyal vs The State Md. Junayed vs The State Md. Rashed Ali Khan vs The State Hossain Ali vs The State Bithi vs The State Sarwar Alam vs The State Md. Abdul Hakim vs The Stete Shishir Mondal vs The State Md. Razu vs The Stete Md. Nazrul Islam vs The State Md. Sujon vs The State Md. Saidur Rahman vs The State Md. Azad vs The Stete Md. Mintu vs The State Md. Khairul islam vs The State Shahabuddin vs The State Md.Shimul Rahman vs The state. 284 192 Criminal Appeal 10723/2015 193 Criminal Appeal 2397/2016 194 Criminal Appeal 2717/2016 195 Criminal Appeal 1060/2016 196 Criminal Appeal 2412/2016 197 Criminal Appeal 2858/2016 198 Criminal Appeal 5577/2016 199 Criminal Appeal 5577/2015 200 Criminal Appeal 2698/2016 201 Criminal Appeal 10901/2015 202 Criminal Appeal 2833/2016 203 Criminal Appeal 2936/2016 204 Criminal Appeal 2788/2016 205 Criminal Appeal 2767/2016 206 Criminal Appeal 2600/2016 207 Criminal Appeal 9223/2015 208 Criminal Appeal 2333/2016 209 Criminal Appeal 1177/2016 210 Criminal Appeal 2891/2016 Md. Belal vs The State Md. Jashim vs The State Abul Kashem vs The State Md. Ashraful Alam vs The State Md. Adbus Samad vs The State Md. Saikul Islam vs The State Md. Saikul Islam vs The State Md.Babu Miah and others vs The state Md. Shahidullah vs The State Md. Al-Amin vs The State Md. Nazim Uddin vs The State Md. Saidul Islam Talukdar vs The State Md. Nazim Uddin vs The State Md. Majedur Rahman vs The State Md. Rashed Hossain vs The Stete Akbar Hossain vs The State Md. Rubel Hossin vs The State Md. Jamal Hawlader vs The Staste Md. Shahjahan vs The State 211 Criminal Appeal 2864/2016 212 Criminal Appeal 10687/2015 213 Criminal Appeal 2568/2016 214 215 216 217 218 Criminal Appeal 2896/2016 Criminal Appeal 2560/2016 Criminal Appeal 2733/2016 Criminal Appeal 2940/2016 Criminal Appeal 2257/2016 219 Criminal Appeal 2933/2016 220 Criminal Appeal 2640/2016 221 222 Criminal Appeal 2814/2016 Criminal Appeal 2937/2016 223 Criminal Appeal 2270/2016 224 Criminal Appeal 2422/2016 225 Criminal Appeal 1912/2016 226 Criminal Appeal 2736/2016 227 Criminal Appeal 2368/2016 228 Criminal Appeal 2853/2016 Md. Al Amin vs The State Md. Motaleb Hossain vs The State Md. Lablu Miah vs The Stete Md. Nahid vs The State Md. Atik vs The Stete Md. Aslam vs The State Md. Robiul Islam Sarder vs The State Md. Nur Nobi and another vs The State Md.Kamrul Islam vs The State Md. Shobuj vs The State Md. Shapon vs The State Md. Hafizur Rahman vs The State Md. Jalal Hossain vs The State Milon Chowkider vs The State Md. Saiful Sheikh vs The State Md. Manik Uddin vs The State Md. Rashed vs The State Md. Osman vs The State 229 Criminal Appeal 2952/2016 230 Criminal Appeal 2591/2016 231 Criminal Appeal 2839/2016 232 Criminal Appeal 2495/2016 233 Criminal Appeal 2579/2016 234 Criminal Appeal 1463/2016 235 Criminal Appeal 2928/2016 236 Criminal Appeal 2815/2016 237 Criminal Appeal 3109/2016 238 Criminal Appeal 3080/2016 239 Criminal Appeal 3150/2016 240 Criminal Appeal 1709/2016 241 Criminal Appeal 3158/2016 242 285 Nirob and another vs The State Md. Abdul Alim and others vs The Stete Md. Munna vs The State Saiful Morol vs The State Manindra Datta vs The Stete Md. Abbas Ali vs The State Abdul Aziz and another vs The State Asaduzzaman Ripon vs The State Md. Nasir and another vs The State Md. Rezaul Karim Shahin and another vs The State Sree Joydeb Ghosh vs The State Robiul Alam @ Robi Alam vs The State Md. Mehedi Hasan @ Dipu vs The State Appeal for Admission Stand Over Criminal Appeal Delabor Rahman 1478/2016 vs The State Supreme Court of Bangladesh High Court Division Justice Naima Haider and Justice Khizir Ahmed Choudhury Date : 02/05/2016 [Annex Building Court No. 20] @ O * .$( , F #/ , F #/ ( ), F & #/ , i F & #/ ( ); G,HH,HHH +I) F & #/ ; @ O * .$( < $ E ; )< 4 ,& ( 35 < ,J ( G,HH,HHH +I) #/ ; @ O * .$( < , .$( E $ %K 2? ; # . /0 % +L% ( '(; 6HH3 2 3 2# ( # 6HH3) 5M( ), > 2 * & % #/ ; + ( / '., /B ( ' . (N) ,& . , 3444 2 # . 2-G, 3443 ,& #/ ; @ O * .$( ) &# 53 , ) 33 < ,J ( #/ 1 2 +/ = >% '( . 2? ; < $ # . /0। ] [ : 8 First Appeal 367/2011 Heard in part 9 First Appeal 402/2011 Heard in part 10 First Appeal 131/2014 Heard in part Md. Ashraf ali vs Janata Bank Janata Bank Limited vs Md. Ashraf Ali Wasep Ali Beswas and anothers. vs Md. Hafizur Rahman and other`s 11 First Appeal Mr. shamsul Alam 57/2013 vs (with) Mr. Farid M. Zahid and ors. Civil Rule Samsul alam 415(FM)/201 vs 3 Farid Md.Jahid and ors Sent by Hon`ble Chief Justice : Application 1 First Appeal Md. Rahman Ali and ors. 115/1981 vs Bangladesh and ors. (with) Civil Rule Md. Rahman Ali and others 56(F)/1985 vs Bangladesh and Others 2 3 4 5 6 7 For Further Hearing First Appeal Dr. Mohammad Salim 431/2012 vs Mohammad Nasim and ors. Mr. Ashrafuddin Khan Adv, for the petitioner Hearing First Appeal Agrani Bank and others vs 503/2001 Assensial Garments Heard in part Civil Rule Top Ten -1 Suiting Shirting Tailors Ltd. 929(FM)/201 4 vs (with) Top Ten Fabrics and Tailors Ltd First Misc Top ten-1 Appeal vs Tender Top ten 740/2014 Heard in part Civil Revision Krishna Gopal 4051/2010 vs Heard in part Tuhin Chandra Das First Appeal Wasep Ali Beswas and 131/2014 anothers. vs Heard in part Md. Hafizur Rahman and other`s First Misc Md. Nurul Islam Appeal vs 206/2014 Bangladesh House Building (with) Finance Corporation Civil Rule Sefar Banu 148/2014 vs Heard in part Mafuja Bagumn 12 First Appeal 113/2003 13 First Appeal 395/2013 14 First Misc Appeal 285/2013 (with) Civil Rule 619/2013 15 First Appeal 198/2011 16 First Appeal 495/2012 (with) First Appeal 496/2012 For Hearing 286 Additional Deputy Comissioner (Revenue) and another. vs Shirina Begum Since death her heirs Md.Nizam Uddin vs S.M. Builders Billkis Sultana vs Parvin Begum Bilkis Sultana and others vs Parvin Begum Shukkur Miah vs Mahmud Chowdhury Ahad Miah and another vs Mohshin and others Ahad and another vs Mohshin and others 17 First Misc Appeal 147/2013 First Misc Appeal 404/2015 Syada Jahanara Begum vs Md. rabiul Alam Khan and ors. rose Holoding Limited vs A.N. M. Amirul Azim and ors. Rose Holding Limited vs A.N.M. Aminul Azim and others Mrs. Hamida Begum vs Rashed Ahmed Shahedee and ors. Mrs. Hamida Begum vs Rashed Ahmed Shahedee Manager ,Vowal Raj vs Amanullah 18 First Misc Appeal 82/2013 (with) Civil Rule 1048/2012 First Misc Appeal 405/2015 Manager, Vowal Raj Estate vs Amanullah 19 First Appeal 215/2013 (with) Civil Rule 494/2013 20 21 22 First Appeal 443/2012 (with) Civil Rule 988(F)/2012 23 First Misc Appeal 164/2015 (with) Civil Rule 541/2015 24 First Misc Appeal 245/1998 25 First Misc Appeal 262/2005 Md. Khurshed Alam vs Chairman, Tribunal No.2 27 First Appeal 196/2014 28 First Appeal 226/1992 First Misc Appeal 81/2011 (with) Civil Rule 707(F M)/2010 30 First Appeal 21/2013 31 First Misc Appeal 323/2015 (with) 32 First Appeal 66/2007 Civil Rule 511/2014 33 First Misc Appeal 53/2016 34 First Appeal 286/2012 Feroza Begum and ors. vs Md. Nannu Miah and ors. Feroza Begum vs Md.Nannu Mollah Kabir Ahmed vs Nurul Amin Kabir Ahmed vs Nurul Amin Mr. Abdurl Barek Chowdhury, adv. Ahmed Sakil vs Hamida Khatun 26 First Appeal 10/2012 29 35 First Appeal 48/2009 36 First Appeal 587/2000 37 First Appeal 305/2012 38 First Appeal 18/2009 39 First Appeal 771/1991 40 First Appeal 118/2014 41 First Appeal 4/2004 Abdul Barek vs Md. Alauddom and others Md.Anwar hossain vs Khandader Rabiuddin Mondol Jebunnesa Bibi and others vs Md. Abdul Wahab Khalifa and others 42 First Appeal 212/2007 43 First Appeal 6/2008 44 First Appeal 253/2010 287 Hazi Md. Abul Kashem abd others vs Abdul Khaleque and others Hazi Md. Abul Kashem vs Abdul Khaleque Govt. of Bangladesh vs Anowara Begum and others New Bangladeshi vs Abdul Karim Hazi Ahammad Ali vs D.C.Gazipur new Bangladesh vs Abdul Karim Kabir Ahmed vs Abdulla Goni Titas Gas Transmission and Distribution Company Ltd. vs M/S. Amit Chamical Industrires. Mohammad Siddik Ullah vs Haji Joynal Abedin Pubali Bank vs J H S Traders and others Shanti bala vs sreemoti sumita Abdul Jabbar and others vs Abdul Khaleque and ors National Bank Ltd vs M/S.New Sonali garments (Pvt) Ltd and ors Mrs. Dip Tex. Ltd vs Islami Bank and others Mst. Rashida Begum vs Haji Abdur Rahim Pubali Bank Ltd vs Halima Khatun Md. Abul Hossain vs Bangladesh and others Ashoke Kumar vs Aklima begum 45 First Appeal 299/2005 Mozibur Rahman vs Manager, Dildar 46 First Appeal Shadharan Bima corporation 116/2005 vs M/S.Polymar Industries(PVT) Ltd And ors 47 First Appeal Md. Moksed Hossain 56/2011 vs Narayangonj Pourashava 48 First Appeal Abdul Mannan and others 265/2012 vs Manik Bhuyian and others 49 First Misc Kazi Sultan Ahmed Appeal vs 69/2014 Sayeda Shafiqujjaman 50 First Appeal 261/2002 51 First Appeal 455/2013 52 First Appeal 286/2009 53 First Misc Appeal 348/2014 (with) Civil Rule 863/2014 Secretary, Chittagong Development Authority and sors. vs Universal Insectisedes of pdestisides Co. Mohammad Ismail vs Bangladesh and ors. Mrinalendu Paul and other vs Nazrul Islam Siddique and others Sadek vs Mrs. Sunruse Corp. Limited Civil Rule 1185(FM)/20 14 Enarjy Prima vs N.C.C 60 First Misc Appeal 177/2015 61 First Misc Appeal 48/2014 62 First Misc Appeal 103/2010 (with) Civil Rule 287/2010 63 First Misc Appeal 130/2010 64 First Misc Appeal 108/2013 M/S. Trio Hologrma Industies Limited. vs Trading Corporation of Bangladesh. Octagon Communication vs Bangladesh Telecommunication and ors. Md. Sirajul Islam Chowdhury vs Masuk Ahamad Chowdhury Serajul Islam vs Bangladesh Abdur Rahman and others. vs Mohanagar Property and others. Syed Mohammad Shah vs Bangladesh House Building finance corporation. Faizur Rahsed and ors. vs D.C and ors. Sree Jodu roy vs Md. rabiul alam (Bakul) and ors. Mr. Habibur Rahman Miah vs Md. Zomir Hossain Md.Nizam Uddin vs S.M. Builders Md. Shafir and others vs Fazlur Rahman and others Exicutive Engeneer vs Azizur Rahman Md. Salauddin (Babu) and ors. vs Sabina Begum and ors. Mr.Abdus Salam And ors vs Mr.Ali Akbor and ors Sreemoti Gowri Dastidar and ors. vs Sreemoti Sikha Muhwri and another`s A.S.M. Shahabuddin and ors. vs Gautom Das fidar and ors. 65 First Appeal 414/2012 66 First Appeal 463/2013 Sadek vs Mrs. Sunruse Corp. Limited 54 First Appeal Mir Mohammed Ali 321/2001 vs Hasna Hena 55 First Misc Md. Nurul Islam Appeal vs 206/2014 Bangladesh House Building (with) Finance Corporation Civil Rule Sefar Banu 148/2014 vs Mafuja Bagumn 56 First Misc Mosammat Jahanara Begum Appeal and ors. 80/2014 vs Shirin Afroaz and another`s 57 First Appeal Rafiq Ahmed Chowdhury 24/2012 vs The State and Others 58 First Misc Alhaz shekh azizur rahman Appeal vs 161/2013 Rawshan ara begum and others 59 First Misc Energy Prima Ltd. Appeal vs 55/2015 National Credit and (with) commerce Bank Ltd. and thers. 67 First Appeal 360/2010 68 First Appeal 395/2013 69 First Appeal 36/2013 70 First Appeal 369/2001 71 First Appeal 328/2009 72 First Appeal 68/2003 73 First Appeal 64/2008 74 First Appeal 163/2008 288 75 First Appeal 85/2013 76 First Appeal 433/2001 77 First Appeal 692/2000 78 First Appeal 399/2013 79 First Appeal 82/2013 80 First Appeal 15/1997 81 First Appeal 176/2011 82 First Appeal 148/2009 83 First Appeal 370/2013 84 First Appeal 371/2013 85 First Appeal 423/2013 86 First Appeal 406/2012 87 First Appeal 35/2009 88 First Appeal 318/2012 89 First Appeal 59/2014 90 First Appeal 354/2003 91 First Appeal 213/2012 Abu Sufian vs Korban Dalan Tripati vs Sree Sre Crobinda Md.Giasuddin Fakir vs Hirendra Chandra Ghosh British Airways Plc Incorporated vs M/S. Ruhila Garments and ors. Syed Ishrat Hossain vs Shamsuzzaman and others Jesmin Aradam vs Sree Hira Sikder Axim Bank Ltd. vs M/S. Yusuf Apparels Limited and other`s Md. Farid Miah vs The State and Others United Edible Oils ltd. vs M/S. Kamal Press Ltd. and ors. United Edible Oils ltd. vs M/S. Kamal Press Ltd. and ors. Executive Engineer POR Department and ors. vs Advocate Alhaj Zahidul Haque Nuru Dali and ors. vs rahima Begum and ors. Harun or Rashid and others vs Tamus Uddin Abdul Hakim Prodhan vs Sadat Hossain Salim Md. Saif Uddin vs Shankar Kumar Datta Md.Shamsuddin Miah and ors vs Md.Sanaullah and ors Fazilatunassa alias Nehar Begum vs Most. Rokeya Begum 92 First Appeal 157/2012 (with) Civil Rule 510(F)/2012 93 94 95 96 97 98 Manik Chand and others vs Abdus Salam and others Manik Chan and others vs Abdus Salam First Appeal Md. Nur Nabi and another 353/2011 vs (with) Monowara Begum and others Civil Rule Md. Nurun Nabi 29(F)/2012 vs Monowara Begum First Misc Kabir Ahmed Appeal vs 164/2015 Nurul Amin (with) Civil Rule Kabir Ahmed 541/2015 vs Nurul Amin Mr. Abdurl Barek Chowdhury, adv. Basudeb Sarder First Appeal 21/2009 vs (with) Dr. Rahmatunnessa and ors. Civil Rule Basudeb Sardar 71(F)/2009 vs Doctor Rahmatunnessa First Appeal Alhaz Abdul Kader 334/2013 vs Engineer Idris Mehedi and ors Akkas and ors. First Appeal 126/2014 vs Abdur Rahman First Misc Bank Asia Limited. Appeal vs 278/2014 Industiral Promition and (with) Devopment Companuy of Bangladesh (IPDC) Civil Rule Bank of Asia Ltd. 594(F vs M)/2014 I PD C and ors 99 First Appeal 103/2011 10 0 First Misc Appeal 321/2015 10 First Appeal 1 814/1991 10 First Appeal 2 196/2008 10 First Appeal 3 472/2010 289 Md. Anamul Karim vs Shifia sultana Dr. Mostafa Kamal vs Md. Nabi Ullah Janata Bank ltd. vs Hazi Md. Islam and others Md. Joynal Anedin vs Md. Ali Akbar Rajdhani Unnayan Kartipakkah (RAJUK) vs M/S. Mr. Khan and Company and another;s 10 4 First Misc Appeal 196/2015 10 First Appeal 5 108/2013 10 First Appeal 6 101/2013 10 7 First Misc Appeal 172/2013 (with) Civil Rule 1046(F M)/2012 10 First Appeal 8 49/2014 10 First Appeal 279/2010 9 11 First Appeal 0 322/2013 11 1 Arbitration Appeal 3/2014 11 First Appeal 369/2011 2 11 First Appeal 420/2012 3 11 First Appeal 4 221/1999 11 First Appeal 5 270/2013 11 First Appeal 271/2013 6 11 First Appeal 7 191/2011 11 First Appeal 8 89/2002 11 First Appeal 9 25/2012 12 First Appeal 0 277/2009 Most. Ayesha Siddiqa. vs Alhaj Ahmad Shafi. 12 First Appeal 1 249/2014 Abu Jafar Salauddin (Zami) vs Nurjahan Begum and Others. Mr.Shah Md. Munir Sharif, Advocate.....For the appellant. Mr.Md.Oziullah,Advocate.... For the Respondents 12 First Appeal Bangladesh Chemical 2 348/2009 Industries Corporation and ors. vs Uttara Bank Ltd and ors. 12 First Appeal Mohammad Ali Master 8/1998 vs 3 Mohammad Fazlul Haque and others 12 First Misc Gjulshan Begum and ors. 4 Appeal vs 8/2011 Md. kafil Uddin and ors. (with) Gulsan Begum Civil Rule 558(FM)/201 vs Kafiluddin 0 Manager, Court of Wards. vs Md. Abdul Kader Bangladesh and ors vs M/S. Zaman Enterprise. Rose Hodding Limited vs A. N. M Aminul Ajim and ors. Rose Holding Limited vs A. N. M. Aminul Azim and ors Md. Jahangir Akhan and ors. vs Yeakub Ali Khandaker and ors. Mosammat Shirin Akhter vs Md. Majibur Rahman Biplob Kirtonia vs Bishnath Bairagi Oram Ltd. vs Reckitt Benckiser (Bangladesh) Ltd. America life insurence vs Tamanna Ferdous and ors Makhan Chandra pal vs Subashini Das Mahabul Alam and ors. vs hafij Jute Mills Ltd. Mahabub Alam vs Md. Anowar Hossain and ors. Mahabul Alam and ors. vs hafij Jute Mills Ltd. Salma Begum and others vs Deputy Commisssioner, Munshiganj and others Makhan Chandra pal vs Subashini Das Md. Aslam vs Champa Parul K.G. School Hafiz forkan and ors. vs Tarikul Islam and ors. 12 First Appeal 5 80(F)/2014 12 First Appeal 6 374/2015 (with) First Appeal 264/2015 12 First Appeal 7 401/2012 12 First Appeal 8 57/2012 12 First Appeal 168/2013 9 13 First Appeal 0 306/2013 13 First Appeal 1 305/2010 290 Nurnahar Begum and ors. vs Mannaf Majhe and ors. Md. Anowar Hossain vs Kazi Rafiqul Islam and others Kazi Rofiqul Islam and others vs Md. anowar Hosssin Sheikh Md. Abdulla Hel Karim vs Most. Firoza Yeasmin and ors. M/s. Sonali Cotton Mills Ltd. and others vs Sonali Bank Ltd. Mosleh Uddin Ahmmed (Mehedi) and ors. vs Nurun Nahar (Arni) and ors. Khalilur Rahman vs Shamsul Alam Siraj Miah and ors. Most. Feroza Begum and others. vs Ershad Md. Rafique and others. Supreme Court of Bangladesh High Court Division Justice Md. Rezaul Hasan and Justice Kashefa Hussain Date : 02/05/2016 [Main Building Court No. 26] : AB . #/ , AB . $ AB . & E ; '( - ; % 2 +/ = >% '( . 2? ; < $ # . /0 @ O $ 2 % 8 R% #/ $ ।] 16 Criminal Misc Md. Hafizur Rahman As to be mentioned 3301/2016 vs 1 Criminal Misc Bibi Kulsum The State 14640/2011 vs The State 17 Criminal Revision Abul Hashem 138/2008 vs Suntan Nessa 2 Criminal Revision The state 1104/2010 vs Ahmmed Ali Helal 18 Criminal Misc Ferdous Khan 28479/2013 Alamgir 3 Criminal Appeal Sujit Kanti Das vs 2996/2002 vs The State The State 19 Criminal Revision Md. Mahbub 4 Criminal Appeal Khalilur Rahman 1594/2008 vs 7049/2012 vs The State The State 20 Criminal Misc Md. Shahid Uddin 5 Criminal Misc Poltu Saha 3803/2016 Chowdhury Anee 46438/2015 vs vs The State The State 6 Criminal Misc Md. Bogdad 21 Criminal Revision Abul Kahshem 32084/2015 vs 138/2005 Driver The State vs 7 Criminal Misc Jalal Uddin The State 50626/2014 vs 22 Criminal Misc Md. Mahamudul The State 49878/2013 Haque 8 Criminal Misc Sorwar Jahan vs 20390/2012 Chowdhury and The State others 23 Criminal Misc K.M. Hasan vs 365/2014 vs the state The State 9 Criminal Misc Monir Uddin Fakir 24 Criminal Misc Azahar 45438/2015 vs 16905/2014 vs The State The state. 10 Criminal Misc Mosammat Hosne 25 Criminal Misc Md. Rayhan Ali 33882/2013 Ara begum 30727/2015 vs vs The State The state 26 Criminal Misc Mosammat Rekha 11 Criminal Misc Abdul Jalil Matubbar 14567/2012 Khatun 34543/2015 and others vs vs The State The State 27 Criminal Misc Sayed Nur 12 Criminal Misc Moskander Ali 14537/2015 vs 12421/2015 vs The State The State 28 Criminal Misc Tunna 13 Criminal Misc Md. Jahan Khan 45765/2015 vs 11457/2015 vs The State The State 29 Criminal Misc Md. Al- Amin Sharif 14 Criminal Misc Mohammad Ali 3293/2016 vs 45295/2015 vs The State The State 30 Criminal Misc Syed Hasan Zabir 15 Criminal Appeal Babul 23290/2009 vs 8906/2014 vs The State The State [ 291 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 Criminal Misc 1444/2016 Md. Nurul Huda vs The State Criminal Misc Md. Golam Mostofa 37277/2015 vs The State Criminal Misc Mosharraf Hossain 6448/2013 vs The state Criminal Revision Shah Nazrul Islam 1024/2014 vs Sagor and anothers Criminal Misc Md. Emdadul Haque 18786/2015 vs The State Criminal Misc Rozina Khan 1401/2009 vs The State 44 Criminal Misc 47459/2015 45 Criminal Misc 45126/2015 46 Criminal Misc 7/2008 47 Criminal Misc 50679/2015 For Hearing Criminal Misc Nurul Alam 17440/2015 vs The state Mr. Khandakar Iqbal Ahmed, Adv. for the Criminal Appeal Hafez Ahammad 7839/2014 Masud and another vs The State Mr. Minhazul Haque Chowdhury, Adv. for the petitioner Criminal Misc Noor Mohammad 30044/2015 Mallik vs The State Criminal Misc Md. Kamrul Ahsan 710/2015 vs The State Mr. M.M.G Sarwar, for the petitioner, Mr. M. Sayed Ahmed, Advocate for the opposite party No.2 Criminal Appeal Md. Wahab Mia 204/2016 vs The State Criminal Misc Md.Motiur 4038/2011 Rahman(Moti) vs The State Md. Helal Uddin Mollah with Ms. Syeda Farah Helal, Advocates for the petitioner. Criminal Misc Md. Arif 45336/2015 vs The State Mr. A. K. M. Faiz, Adv. 48 Criminal Misc 8/2008 49 Criminal Misc 45761/2015 50 Criminal Appeal 10865/2015 51 Criminal Misc 4771/2014 52 Criminal Misc 20711/2014 53 Criminal Misc 50646/2014 54 Criminal Misc 6451/2014 55 Criminal Misc 37430/2015 56 Criminal Misc 19341/2012 292 Joynal Mollah vs The State Mrs. Shimonti Ahmed, Adv. for the O.P. Abdul Barek vs The State Sheikh Ali Ahmed Khokon, Advocate for the petitioner. Abu Nasir alias Halal Uddin Babul vs The State Md. Ali Azam vs The State Abu Nasir alias Halal Uddin Babul vs The State Md. Nazrul Islam vs The State Md. Tarek Aziz vs The State Nurul Amin vs The State Mr. Md. Ishaq-ERasul, Adv. for the Md. Selim vs The State Mr. Dulal Mollak, Adv. for the Salim vs The State Mr. Md. Ishaq-ERasul, Adv. for the Md. Haider Ali Muktijodha vs The State Mr. Monirul Islam, Adv. for the Shirin Akter vs The State Mr. Md. Akmal Hossain, Adv. for the O.P-2 Robert Poolen vs The state Mr. A.F.M. Mesbahuddin, Adv. for the 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 Criminal Revision Abul Kalam Bhuiyan 905/2012 vs The State Criminal Misc Mosharraf Hossain 1424/2013 vs The state Mr. A.F.M. Mesbahuddin, Adv. for the Criminal Misc The State 3756/2013 vs Rafiqul islam alias Rafiq Criminal Misc Alauddin Mridha 7757/2008 vs The State Mr. Songkor Chandra Das, Adv. for the Criminal Misc Mosammat Rekha 14567/2012 Khatun vs The State Criminal Revision Md.Ali Ashraf 547/2013 vs The state Criminal Misc Rukunuzzaman Kazal 33677/2015 vs The State Criminal Misc Azam 45631/2013 vs The state Mir Mohammad Hasan with Mr. Dulal Mollak, Advs. for the Criminal Misc Md. Saiful Azam 45641/2013 Chowdhury vs The State Mr. Dulal Mollak, Adv. for the Criminal Appeal Tajel @ Dulal 6381/2014 vs The State Mr. A.B.M. Rafiqul Haque Talukder, for the appellant Criminal Misc Easin Fakir 39415/2015 vs The State Mr. Nasir Uddin, Adv. for the petitioner Criminal Misc Md. Enayet Ullah 36576/2014 vs The State Criminal Misc Md. Enayet Ullah 36577/2014 vs The State Criminal Misc Nurul Alam Shohid 14726/2013 vs The State 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 293 Criminal Misc 34646/2014 Sohel Ahmed vs The State Criminal Misc Shahjahan Hoosain 36542/2014 vs The State Mr. M. Aminul Huq, Adv. for the O.P Criminal Revision Bidhan Roy 946/2009 vs The State Mr. S. M. Atikur Rahman, Advo. for the petitioner Criminal Revision Md. Shahin Shah 310/2014 Bhuiyan vs The State Mr. Md. Nurul Huda Ansari, Adv. for the petitioner Criminal Revision Hasan Ali 187/2014 vs The State Mr. Mohammad Forrukh Rahman, Adv. for the O.P-2 Criminal Misc MD. Sahidul Islam 7305/2014 vs The State Criminal Misc Dr. Jagesh Chandra 6214/2014 Roy vs The State Criminal Misc Md. Jahangir Akram 39144/2014 vs The State Criminal Misc Md. Jahangir Akram vs 39145/2014 The State Criminal Misc Md. Jahangir Akram 39146/2014 vs The State Criminal Misc Md. Jahangir Akram 39148/2014 vs The State Criminal Misc Md. Jahangir Akram vs 39147/2014 The State Criminal Misc Dr.A.S.M.Bayzid ul 9095/2013 Hasan vs The state Criminal Misc Obaidullah 30585/2010 vs State Criminal Misc Obaidullah 30586/2010 vs State Criminal Misc Obaidullah 30587/2010 vs State Md. Nazmul Kadir vs The Stated 88 Criminal Revision Md. Nazmul Kadir 24/2016 vs The Stated 89 Criminal Misc Esrak Hossain Mirdra 22472/2015 vs State 90 Criminal Misc Ruhul Quddus 8965/2014 Biswas vs The State 91 Criminal Misc Ziaul Hoque Mintu 49574/2013 vs The State 92 Criminal Misc Mohammad Murad 15912/2015 vs The State 93 Criminal Misc Sayed Julfiker 31136/2010 vs State 94 Criminal Misc Md. Jahidur Rahman 28158/2013 vs The State 95 Criminal Misc Safali Begum 20196/2013 vs The state 96 Criminal Misc Fotick Chandra 7343/2010 Mondol vs The State 97 Criminal Misc Md. Rezaul Karim vs 15637/2014 The State 98 Criminal Revision Syed Humayun Kabir 1182/2013 vs The State 99 Criminal Misc Md. Azgor Hossain 16085/2015 vs The State 100 Criminal Misc Abdul Hannan 5809/2013 vs the state 101 Criminal Misc Nazmul 33898/2014 vs The State 102 Criminal Misc The State 38418/2013 vs Abdus samad 103 Criminal Misc Murad Dacoit 50862/2015 vs The State 104 Criminal Misc Nazrul 1841/2016 vs The State 105 Criminal Misc A.T.M Hadayat 817/2014 vs The State 106 Criminal Misc K. M. Shahidullah 19474/2013 vs state 87 Criminal Revision 23/2016 107 Md. Shahidul Hasan Hajari vs The State 108 Criminal Misc Osman Mia 26840/2014 vs The State 109 Criminal Revision Md. Abdul Hakim 1632/2014 vs The State 110 Criminal Misc Sirajul Islam 12124/2014 vs The State 111 Criminal Appeal Kagir 2477/2007 vs (with) State Criminal Appeal Habibur Rahman @ Habi 2688/2007 (with) vs State 112 Criminal Misc Md. Saiful Azom 45630/2013 Chowdhury vs The State 113 Criminal Misc Rezaul Haque 10662/2014 vs the state 114 Criminal Misc Rezaul Huq 47177/2013 vs The State 115 Criminal Misc Rezaul Huq 47178/2013 vs The State 116 Criminal Misc Imtiaz Ahmed 22470/2010 vs Alhaj Kazi Md. Manjur Alam 117 Criminal Misc Sree Sonjoy Chow. 48972/2015 vs The State 118 Criminal Misc Pannu 51124/2015 vs The State 119 Criminal Misc Moynul 51126/2015 vs The State 120 Criminal Misc Md.Amir Hossain 6684/2013 vs the state 121 Criminal Misc Habibur 51125/2015 vs The State 122 Criminal Misc Md. Sirajul islam 1439/2011 vs The State 123 Criminal Revision Prof. Mahbub Ahmed 144/2012 vs The State 124 Criminal Revision Most. Sakina Begum 1896/2015 and others vs The State and oters 294 Criminal Misc 17813/2013 125 Criminal Misc 3661/2015 126 Criminal Misc 12252/2013 127 Criminal Misc 37739/2013 128 Criminal Misc 29807/2015 129 Criminal Misc 184/2015 130 Criminal Misc 31965/2013 131 Criminal Misc 10551/2015 132 Criminal Misc 50512/2015 133 Criminal Misc 45303/2015 134 Criminal Misc 45302/2015 135 Criminal Misc 4319/2015 136 Criminal Misc 2101/2016 137 Criminal Misc 2125/2016 138 Criminal Misc 46438/2015 139 Criminal Appeal 6841/2007 140 141 Criminal Misc 2216/2016 Criminal Misc 50429/2014 Khaled Hasan Matin vs The State Alok Das vs the state Alok Das vs The State Lalita Rani vs The State Khaled Hasan Matin vs The State Arfan Ali vs The state Senake Rodrigo vs The State Wahidur Rahman vs The State Wahidur Rahman vs The State Wahidru Rahman vs The State Md. Sohel Rana vs The State S.M. Sobhan Badsha vs The State S.M. Sobhan Badsha vs The State Poltu Saha vs The State Shivanker Kumar Biswas vs The State Mohammad Ali vs The State Md. Shawkat Alam vs The State 295 142 Criminal Misc 15312/2012 143 Criminal Misc 32234/2015 144 Criminal Misc 25996/2013 145 Criminal Misc 8877/2012 146 Criminal Misc 17692/2014 147 Criminal Misc 13788/2007 148 Criminal Misc 4005/2010 149 Criminal Misc 21157/2015 150 Criminal Misc 2015/2016 151 Criminal Misc 39166/2014 152 Criminal Misc 20911/2014 153 Criminal Misc 41516/2014 154 Criminal Misc 31764/2015 155 Criminal Misc 45589/2015 156 Criminal Misc 1567/2008 157 Criminal Misc 31573/2015 158 Criminal Misc 39390/2015 Dibakor Narayan Roy Chowdhury and others vs The state Mr. Subrata Chowdhury, Advocate for the petitioner. Mr. Fazlul Houe, Advocate for the opposite party. Rafique Ahmed vs The State Gaus Mia vs The State Md.Abdul Sukkur vs The State Md. Shafiqul Islam vs The State Masud Ahmed vs The State Ahmed Jamil Pappu vs The state Md. Rashed Mia vs The State Md. Josim vs The State Md. Nawsher Ahmed vs The State Md. Abdul Halim vs The State Md. Shamsul Alam vs The State Md. Shamsul Alam vs The State Md. Saiful Islam vs The State Md. Nurul Amin vs The state Md. Jasim Ahmed vs The State Md. Jasim Ahmed vs The State 159 Criminal Misc 568/2014 160 Criminal Misc 15980/2014 161 Criminal Misc 22473/2015 162 Criminal Misc 2348/2016 163 Criminal Misc 14757/2007 164 Criminal Misc 22079/2014 165 Criminal Misc 22675/2015 166 Criminal Revision 287/2014 167 Criminal Revision 1141/2014 168 Criminal Misc 30139/2010 169 Criminal Misc 16905/2014 170 Criminal Appeal 2668/2012 171 Criminal Misc 8924/2011 172 Criminal Misc 37456/2015 173 Criminal Misc 35267/2015 174 Criminal Misc 35268/2015 175 Criminal Misc 35269/2015 176 Criminal Misc 35271/2015 177 Md. Jasim Ahmed vs The State 178 Criminal Misc Md. Jasim Ahmed 39382/2015 vs The State 179 Criminal Misc Md. Jasim Ahmed 39386/2015 vs The State 180 Criminal Misc Md. Jasim Ahmed 39387/2015 vs The State 181 Criminal Revision Md. A. Jobbar Khan 1608/2015 vs The State and other;s 182 Criminal Misc Dipaly Rani Kabiraj 34724/2015 vs The State 183 Criminal Appeal Md. Bipul Hossain 936/2016 vs The State 184 Criminal Revision Md. Nazmul Kadir 25/2016 vs The Stated 185 Criminal Misc Sayed Md. Zamshed 45571/2015 vs Md. Abdul Sobur 186 Criminal Revision Md. Nazmul Kadir 26/2016 vs The Stated 187 Criminal Misc Most. Noyontara 2992/2016 vs The State 188 Criminal Misc Soleman Sorder 35422/2014 vs The State 189 Criminal Misc Md. Mohiuddin 36720/2014 vs The State 190 Criminal Misc Majahar Uddin 45574/2015 Chowdhury vs The State 191 Criminal Misc Momtaz Ali 22793/2015 vs The state 192 Criminal Misc Anjiman Mukul 38082/2014 vs The State 193 Criminal Misc Md. Abdur Rahim 12743/2014 vs The State 194 Criminal Misc Fotick Chandra 7343/2010 Mondol vs The State 195 Criminal Misc Mahasid Ahamed 31949/2013 And others vs The State Md. Shuva Rahman vs The State Mohammad Hasan Chowdhury vs The State Md. Shahidul Islam vs The State Md. Mahfuzur Rahman vs The State Jasim Ahmed vs The State Hafizur Rahman vs The State Md. Alauddin Kazi vs The State Md. Samsuddin @Bahadur vs The State Md. Siddiqur Rahman vs Md. Lakman Shaikh and others Md. Asad Chow. vs The state Azahar vs The state. Md.Masud Sikder alias Pintu vs The State K.S.M.Saleh Ahmed vs The State Jamal Ahmed vs The State Md. Jasim Ahmed vs The State Md. Jasim Ahmed vs The State Md. Jasim Ahmed vs The State Md. Jasim Ahmed vs The State 296 Criminal Misc 35272/2015 196 Criminal Misc 7517/2014 197 Criminal Misc 45629/2013 198 Criminal Misc 32234/2015 199 Criminal Misc 45633/2013 200 Criminal Misc 45635/2013 201 Criminal Misc 45637/2013 202 Criminal Misc 18939/2013 203 Criminal Misc 12964/2015 204 Criminal Misc 12394/2007 205 Criminal Misc 19191/2013 206 Criminal Misc 39178/2011 207 Criminal Misc 15637/2014 208 Criminal Misc 50432/2014 209 210 211 212 213 Criminal Misc 17154/2014 Criminal Misc 20691/2014 Criminal Misc 3756/2013 Criminal Misc 25464/2013 Criminal Misc 25463/2013 Md. Abdul Karim vs The State Md. Saiful Azam Chowdhury vs The State Rafique Ahmed vs The State Md. Saiful Islam vs The State Md. Saiful Azam Chowdhury vs The State Md. Saiful Azam Chowdhury vs The State Alhaj Shamsul Huq Moni vs The State Wahida Khanam vs The State Arifur Rahman vs The State Mahbubul Haque vs The State Md.Rohizuddin alias Rabiz vs The state Md. Rezaul Karim vs The State Md. Nizam Uddin vs The State Md. Imtiaz Salim vs The State Md. Imtiaz vs The State The State vs Rafiqul islam alias Rafiq Abid Hossain and others vs The State Abid Hossain and others vs The State 297 214 Criminal Misc 10862/2010 215 Criminal Misc 21387/2014 216 Criminal Misc 2060/2015 217 Criminal Misc 29807/2015 218 Criminal Misc 26806/2014 219 Criminal Misc 29857/2015 220 Criminal Misc 2493/2012 221 Criminal Misc 2489/2012 222 Criminal Misc 17914/2014 223 Criminal Misc 45644/2013 224 Criminal Misc 51640/2013 225 Criminal Misc 33933/2014 226 Criminal Misc 45033/2012 227 Criminal Misc 9453/2014 228 Criminal Misc 45643/2013 229 Criminal Misc 45632/2013 230 Criminal Misc 15905/2013 231 Criminal Misc 39164/2014 Kawsar Jamal vs The State Mohammad Ullah vs The State Md. Humayun Kabir vs The State Lalita Rani vs The State Zahruil Islam Siddiq vs The State Md.Sohel vs The State Mr. Helal Uddin Mollah, Adv. for the petitioner Md. Lutfor Rahman vs The state Lutfour Rahman vs The state Md. Salim Noor vs The State Md. Saiful Azam Chowdhury vs The State Md. Saiful Islam Chowdhury vs The State Md. Saiful Islam Chowdhury vs The State Ashokh Babu and another vs the state Md. Didarul Alam vs The State Azam vs The State Md. Saiful Azam Chowdhury vs The State Md. Saidur Rahman vs The State Jobi Ullah vs The State 232 Criminal Misc 179/2012 233 Criminal Misc 173/2012 234 Criminal Misc 2289/2012 235 Criminal Misc 2285/2012 236 Criminal Misc 25996/2013 237 Criminal Misc 12124/2014 238 Criminal Misc 6448/2013 239 Criminal Misc 28043/2009 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 Criminal Misc 8877/2012 Criminal Misc 10326/2008 Criminal Misc 22129/2014 Criminal Misc 22130/2014 Criminal Misc 22131/2014 Criminal Misc 39322/2014 Criminal Misc 7884/2013 Criminal Misc 10293/2006 Criminal Misc 13180/2013 Criminal Misc 38780/2013 Criminal Misc 3748/2013 Azharul Huq vs The state Mejbah Uddin @ Minhaj and Another vs The State Md.Nazmul Huq vs The state Md.Rafiqul islam Mondol vs The state Gaus Mia vs The State Sirajul Islam vs The State Mosharraf Hossain vs The state Md. Nurul Islam vs The State Md.Abdul Sukkur vs The State A. Baten Sarkar vs The State Md. Nurul Afser vs State Md. Nurul Absar vs The State Md. Nurul Absar vs The State Nure Alam Siddique vs The State Khandaker Ali Azam @ Minsan Ahmed @ Baba and vs The state Abdul Hannan and ors vs The State Iman Ali vs The state Abdul Khair vs The State Md.Fazlul Hoque vs The state 251 Criminal Misc 7935/2008 252 Criminal Misc 7933/2008 253 Criminal Misc 40221/2014 254 Criminal Misc 9594/2014 255 Criminal Appeal 4786/2013 256 Criminal Appeal 2477/2007 257 Criminal Appeal 2688/2007 258 Criminal Appeal 2292/2013 259 Criminal Appeal 8243/2014 260 Criminal Appeal 4886/2010 261 Criminal Revision 1466/2010 262 Criminal Revision 1182/2013 263 Criminal Revision 975/2012 264 Criminal Revision 1426/2011 265 Criminal Revision 1412/2010 266 Criminal Revision 1414/2010 267 Criminal Revision 1416/2010 268 Criminal Revision 1966/2014 298 Tania Islam vs State Tania Islam vs The state Md. Abdur Rahman vs The State Rustom Fokir vs The State Most.Moumita Rani Siddika vs Md.Abul Hossain and ors Kagir vs State Habibur Rahman @ Habi vs State Awal vs State Md.Babu Miah vs The State Krishno Pad Mondal vs The state Din Bondhu Sorder vs The State Syed Humayun Kabir vs The State Md. Khairuzzaman vs The State Md. Nasir uddin Ahmed Bacchu vs Ataur Rahman khokon Kazi Shajahan vs Bangladesh Comarch Bank Ltd. Kazi Shajahan vs Bangladesh Comarch Bank Ltd. Kazi Shajahan vs The State Zillur Rahman Manik vs the State 269 Criminal Revision 745/2014 288 Criminal Misc 3507/2015 270 289 Criminal Misc 6058/2012 290 Criminal Misc 25981/2013 291 Criminal Misc 7038/2014 292 Criminal Misc 7039/2014 293 Criminal Misc 46168/2012 294 Criminal Misc 5809/2013 295 Criminal Misc 38839/2011 296 Criminal Misc 30060/2013 297 Criminal Misc 30061/2013 298 Criminal Misc 30062/2013 299 Criminal Misc 30063/2013 300 Criminal Misc 30064/2013 301 Criminal Appeal 4005/2010 302 Criminal Misc 15435/2014 303 Criminal Misc 15436/2014 304 Criminal Misc 30076/2013 305 Criminal Misc 30077/2013 306 Criminal Misc 30078/2013 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 Abdul Khaleque vs The State and others Criminal Revision Sayed Abul Hasan 1019/2015 vs The State Criminal Misc Sree Chandra 22348/2011 Kishore Roy vs The state Criminal Misc Arif Hosen 6350/2009 vs The State Criminal Misc Hafaz Ahmed 4886/2010 Yeayea vs The State Criminal Misc Md. Ali Azam 50679/2015 vs The State Criminal Misc Md. Azgor Hossain 16085/2015 vs The State Criminal Misc Giash Uddin 5323/2014 vs The Stated Criminal Misc Omor Faruque 17981/2014 vs The state Criminal Misc Md. Mamunur 17780/2015 Rashid vs The State Criminal Misc Khoshta Bishnu Roy 5966/2010 vs State Criminal Misc Mainuddin 36851/2014 vs The State Criminal Misc Md. Shafiqul Islam 17692/2014 vs The State Criminal Misc Md. Foysal Ahmed 32345/2013 vs The State Criminal Misc Abu Zafar Md. Saleh 22097/2015 vs The State Criminal Misc Jamal Ahmed 37456/2015 vs The State Criminal Misc Mosammat Rekha 14567/2012 Khatun vs The State Criminal Misc Md. Imtiaz 20692/2014 vs The State Criminal Misc Moyin Uddin 44001/2013 vs The state 299 Md. Liton vs The State Md.Monjurul Islam (Shahin) vs The State Nazrul Islam vs The State S.M. Aneesur Rahman vs The State S.M. Aneesur Rahman vs The State Md.Alamgir Miah vs the state Abdul Hannan vs the state Shoib alias Rubel and others vs The State Md. Billal Hosen vs The State Md. Billal Hosen vs The State Md. Billal Hosen vs The State Md. Billal Hosen vs The State Md. Billal Hosen vs The State Ahmed Jamil vs The state Mohammad Ali vs The State Mahammed Ali vs State Md. Billal Hosen vs The State Md. Billal Hosen vs The State Md. Billal Hosen vs The State 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 Nurul Alam Shohid vs The State 327 Criminal Misc Md. Habibur Rahman 59/2016 and ors vs The State 328 Criminal Misc Sahchur 5078/2014 vs The State 329 Criminal Revision Asraf Uddin 1342/2011 vs The State 330 Criminal Misc Rafiquzzaman 1082/2011 vs The State 331 Criminal Misc Md. Billal Hosen 30069/2013 vs The State 332 Criminal Misc Md. Billal Hosen 30070/2013 vs The State 333 Criminal Misc Md. Billal Hosen 30071/2013 vs The State 334 Criminal Misc Md. Billal Hosen 30072/2013 vs The State 335 Criminal Misc Md. Billal Hosen 30073/2013 vs The State 336 Criminal Misc Md. Billal Hosen 30074/2013 vs The State 337 Criminal Misc Md. Billal Hosen 30075/2013 vs The State 338 Criminal Misc Nazrul 1841/2016 vs The State 339 Criminal Revision Nusrat Hasan 176/2009 vs The State 340 Criminal Misc Birendra Kumar Nath 42283/2014 vs The State 341 Criminal Misc Nigar Sultana Merina vs 20636/2015 The State 342 Criminal Misc Md. Jahidur Rahman 28158/2013 vs The State 343 Criminal Misc Ferdous Khan 28479/2013 Alamgir vs The State 344 Criminal Misc Arjuda 26265/2013 vs The State 345 Criminal Misc Md.Shah Alam 12927/2013 vs the state Criminal Misc 30079/2013 Md. Billal Hosen vs The State Criminal Misc Md. Billal Hosen 30080/2013 vs The State Criminal Misc Md. Shafiqul Islam 22711/2014 vs The State Criminal Misc Md. Shafikul Islam vs 30656/2013 the state Criminal Revision Md. Uzzal Mollah 795/2011 vs The State Criminal Misc S.M. Aneesur 7040/2014 Rahman vs The State Criminal Misc S.M. Aneesur 7041/2014 Rahman vs The State Criminal Misc Md. Billal Hosen 30065/2013 vs The State Criminal Misc Md. Billal Hosen 30066/2013 vs The State Criminal Misc Md. Billal Hosen 30067/2013 vs The State Criminal Misc Md. Billal Hosen 30068/2013 vs The State Criminal Misc Ferdous Khan 28478/2013 vs The State Criminal Misc Md.Mojib Ullah alias 19383/2012 Ershad vs The state Criminal Misc Rafique Chokdar and 265/2013 others vs The state Criminal Misc Mohammad Ali 15438/2014 vs The State Criminal Misc Abdul Gafran 927/2013 Bhuyan and another vs The state Criminal Misc Md. Safiqul Islam 38568/2013 vs The State Criminal Misc Md. Billal Hosen 30081/2013 vs The State Criminal Misc Mahafuzur Rahman 28497/2013 vs The State 300 Criminal Misc 14726/2013 346 Criminal Misc 33933/2015 347 Criminal Misc 699/2016 348 349 Criminal Misc 23379/2015 Criminal Misc 34593/2015 350 Criminal Misc 38793/2011 351 Criminal Appeal 6841/2007 352 Criminal Misc 1683/2014 353 Criminal Misc 1685/2014 354 Criminal Misc 1686/2014 355 Criminal Misc 1687/2014 356 Criminal Misc 8725/2014 357 Criminal Misc 8726/2014 358 Criminal Misc 8727/2014 359 Criminal Misc 8728/2014 360 Criminal Misc 8729/2014 361 Criminal Misc 2650/2012 362 363 Criminal Misc 21157/2015 Criminal Misc 36892/2015 364 Criminal Revision 1141/2014 Md. Abd. Hye vs the state Md. Kamrul Hasan Chwodhury vs The State Md. Younus Ali vs The state Md. Abdul Zalil Matubbar and others vs The State Abdul Karim @ Md.Abdul Karim vs The ate Shivanker Kumar Biswas vs The State Md. Jobayer Hossain vs The State Jobayer Hossain vs The State Md. Jobayer Hossain vs The State Md. Jobayer Hossain vs The State Md. Zubayer Hossain vs The State Md. Zobaer Hossain vs The State Md. Zobaer Hossain vs The State Md. Zobaer Hossain vs The State Md. Jobaer Hossain vs The State Mrs.Israt Ara Begum vs The state Md. Rashed Mia vs The State Hayat Khan vs The State 301 365 Criminal Misc 15437/2014 366 Criminal Misc 4214/2007 367 Criminal Misc 28786/2013 368 Criminal Misc 17938/2014 369 Criminal Misc 1117/2012 370 Criminal Misc 34990/2011 371 Criminal Appeal 3659/2013 372 Criminal Misc 18218/2013 373 Criminal Misc 22079/2014 374 Criminal Misc 49053/2015 375 Criminal Misc 6239/2012 376 Criminal Misc 32084/2015 377 Criminal Misc 32064/2015 378 Criminal Misc 1648/2013 379 Criminal Misc 20911/2014 380 Criminal Misc 3254/2016 381 Criminal Misc 2015/2016 382 Criminal Misc 29863/2015 Md. Siddiqur Rahman vs Md. Lakman Shaikh and others Md. Ali vs The State Manan Rashid vs The State Masud vs The State Md. Belal Uddin vs The State A.Rashid Khan vs The state S.M.A.Motaleb alias vs The State G.M.Tariqul Islam Babu vs The State and another Md. Moazzem Hossain Sohag vs The State Hafizur Rahman vs The State Akbar Hossain vs Abdul Gafur Abu Taher vs The State Md. Bogdad vs The State Md. Shamsul Haque vs The State Jalal Ahmad and others vs The State Md. Abdul Halim vs The State hasan vs karim Md. Josim vs The State Ekram-Ud-Daullah vs The State 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 Criminal Misc 1787/2015 Md. Selim Uddin vs The State Criminal Misc Md. Sirajul Islam 34454/2014 Gazi vs The State Criminal Misc Moinul Hoque Chy. 37027/2014 vs The State Criminal Misc Md. Nawsher Ahmed vs 39166/2014 The State Criminal Misc Md. Shamsul Alam 41516/2014 vs The State Criminal Revision Suntan Nessa 1104/2010 vs Ahmmed Ali Helal Criminal Misc Md.Altab Hossain 8550/2012 vs The state Criminal Misc Md. Nazrul Islam 4066/2015 vs The State Criminal Misc Md.Milon Molla and 595/2013 others vs The state Criminal Misc Afzal Hossain 14413/2012 vs The State Criminal Misc Md. Shafiqul Hoque 33594/2015 Akand vs The State Criminal Misc Md. Alauddin Kazi 22675/2015 vs The State Criminal Misc Habibur Rahman 48218/2015 Howlader vs the state Criminal Misc Habibur Rahman 51367/2014 vs The State Criminal Misc Abdus Sabur 37060/2015 Chowdhury vs The State Criminal Misc Abdus Sabur 35479/2015 Chowdhury vs The State Criminal Misc Abdus Sabur 35480/2015 Chowdhury vs The State Criminal Revision Md. Abdul Halim 2185/2014 vs The State 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 302 Criminal Misc 45867/2015 Kamruzzaman vs The State Criminal Misc Abdul Halim Shohag 35242/2011 vs The State Criminal Misc Shahidul Islam 29452/2012 vs the state Criminal Misc Md. Shipon Sikder vs 49061/2015 The State Criminal Misc Md. Abdur Rahman 47206/2015 Khan vs The State Criminal Misc Reha Begum 4452/2016 vs The State Criminal Misc saiful 51638/2013 vs The State Criminal Misc The City Bank Ltd. 8460/2014 vs The state Criminal Misc Swadesh Ranjan 7577/2013 Saha @ Adesh Saha vs The state Criminal Misc Harmonic Power Ltd. vs 2370/2016 The State Criminal Misc Harmonic Power Ltd. vs 2369/2016 The State Criminal Misc Masudul Haque 22143/2011 vs The State Criminal Misc Md. Sirajul Islam 28771/2009 vs The state. Criminal Misc Md. Sirajul Islam 2641/2007 vs The state. Criminal Revision Md. Samsuddin 287/2014 @Bahadur vs The State Criminal Misc Parvez 19357/2012 TarikSunamgonj vs The State Criminal Misc Wazed Ali 16114/2014 vs The State Criminal Misc Lokman 9897/2007 vs The State Criminal Appeal Md.Abdus Salam 7559/2015 vs The state 420 Criminal Misc 14148/2011 421 Criminal Misc 8146/2011 422 423 424 425 426 Criminal Misc 48899/2015 Criminal Appeal 366/2014 Criminal Misc 31764/2015 Criminal Misc 22722/2014 Criminal Misc 22724/2014 427 Criminal Misc 22725/2014 428 Criminal Misc 22164/2014 429 Criminal Misc 22167/2014 430 Criminal Misc 22168/2014 431 Criminal Misc 22723/2014 432 Shahriar Kabir Khan vs The State Farida Yousuf vs The State Israt Jahan vs The State Abdul Kuddus and another vs The State Md. Shamsul Alam vs The State Md. Sahadat Hosen and another vs The State Md. Sahadat Hosen and another vs The State Md. Sahadat Hosen and others vs The State Didarul Alam vs The State Didarul Alam vs The State Didarul Alam vs The State Md. Sahadat Hosen and others vs The State Criminal Misc 7592/2012 433 Criminal Revision 1608/2015 434 Criminal Appeal 8107/2014 435 Criminal Misc 18786/2014 436 Criminal Misc 436/2006 437 Criminal Revision 23/2016 438 Criminal Revision 24/2016 439 Criminal Revision 25/2016 440 Criminal Revision 26/2016 303 441 Criminal Appeal 7732/2012 442 Criminal Appeal 1886/2013 Subash Chandra Chakrabarty vs The State Md. A. Jobbar Khan vs The State and other;s Md.Sahajahan Buyan @ Boro Mia @ Shajan Member vs The State Kutub Ali vs The State Mohammad Ullah vs The State Md. Nazmul Kadir vs The Stated Md. Nazmul Kadir vs The Stated Md. Nazmul Kadir vs The Stated Md. Nazmul Kadir vs The Stated Md. Jindar Ali Sheikh vs The state Abul Hossen vs The State Supreme Court of Bangladesh High Court Division Justice Md. Shawkat Hossain and Justice Md. Abu Zafor Siddique and Justice Md. Nazrul Islam Talukder Date : 02/05/2016 [Annex Building Court No. 24] ( 3H:^H % 3:HH X / ; ) )[ TM/6H3^ 2 ( % +L1% AB . #/ # . /0 ( . F ) @ । +/ [ E @ O 2 : #/ 1 % / g9 % 8 .f . A D 2 2 +/ = >% '( . 2? ; ( % *P & % ।] Criminal Appeal 41/2014 (with) For Hearing 1 Criminal Appeal Md.Shahjahan Matabbar 867/2014 (with) vs The State Criminal Appeal Md.Bulbul Hossain 7484/2013 vs (with) The State Criminal Appeal Sheikh Ashraf Ali 7491/2013 and ors Heard in part (with) vs The State Criminal Appeal Sheikh Ashraf Ali 1/2014 and ors (with) vs The State Criminal Appeal Md.Delwar Hossain 2/2014 and ors (with) vs The State Criminal Appeal Alhaj Md.Nasir 13/2014 Uddin Ahmed @ Pintu (with) vs The State Criminal Appeal Md.Masum Billah @ 14/2014 Masud Hossain and (with) ors vs The State Criminal Appeal Harun Miah and ors 15/2014 vs Heard in part (with) The State Criminal Appeal Md.Soroare Hossain 31/2014 and ors Heard in part (with) vs The State Criminal Appeal Md.Kamrul Hasan 38/2014 vs (with) The State Criminal Appeal Md.Shafiqul Islam 39/2014 vs (with) The State Criminal Appeal Md.Mojibur Rahman 40/2014 and ors Heard in part. (with) vs The State Criminal Appeal 42/2014 (with) Criminal Appeal 43/2014 (with) Criminal Appeal 46/2014 (with) Criminal Appeal 47/2014 (with) Criminal Appeal 48/2014 (with) Criminal Appeal 50/2014 (with) Criminal Appeal 51/2014 (with) Criminal Appeal 65/2014 (with) Criminal Appeal 70/2014 (with) Criminal Appeal 82/2014 (with) Criminal Appeal 85/2014 (with) Criminal Appeal 90/2014 (with) 304 Md.Mizanur Rahman and ors vs The State Monjurul Islam and ors vs The State Md.Hadiul Islam vs The State Kaching Marma vs The State Md.Polash Hossain vs The State Md.Babul Miah vs The State Md.Lutfar Rahman and ors vs The State Nayeb Subeder Md.Helal Uddin and ors vs The State Md. Ashraf Ali Mridha vs The State Md. Saidul Islam vs The State Md. Kamruzzaman vs The State Md.Golam Mostafa and another vs The State Liton vs The State Criminal Appeal 92/2014 (with) Criminal Appeal 94/2014 (with) Criminal Appeal 112/2014 (with) Criminal Appeal 113/2014 (with) Criminal Appeal 131/2014 (with) Criminal Appeal 158/2014 (with) Criminal Appeal 781/2014 (with) Criminal Appeal 173/2014 (with) Criminal Appeal 545/2014 (with) Criminal Appeal 640/2014 (with) Criminal Appeal 668/2014 (with) Criminal Appeal 723/2014 (with) Criminal Appeal 912/2014 (with) Criminal Appeal 1821/2014 (with) Criminal Appeal 2650/2014 (with) Criminal Appeal 2969/2014 (with) Jail Appeal 217/2013 (with) Jail Appeal 220/2013 (with) Jail Appeal 252/2013 (with) Jail Appeal 276/2013 (with) Jail Appeal 280/2013 (with) Jail Appeal 286/2013 (with) Md.Shaheen Alam and another vs The State Md.Shahab Uddin vs The State Md.Nizam Uddin Chowdhury @ Nazim Uddin Chowdhury and ors vs The State Md.Alam Hossain and ors vs The State Md. Abdul Mannan vs The State Md. Enamul Haque and others vs The State Md.Ziaul Haque vs The State Md.Sadek Ali and ors vs The State DAD Siraju Islam vs The State Md. Abu Taher vs The State Md.Altafuzzaman and another vs The State Md.Kolim Ullah vs The State Md.Mazharul Islam Faras and another vs The State Haji Md. Torab Ali vs The State Md.Azizer Rahman @ Nanu and ors vs The State Md.Rafiqul Islam and ors vs The State Md. Habibur Rahman vs The State Jail Appeal 289/2013 (with) Jail Appeal 293/2013 (with) Jail Appeal 296/2013 (with) Jail Appeal 301/2013 (with) Jail Appeal 315/2013 (with) Jail Appeal 325/2013 (with) Jail Appeal 327/2013 (with) Jail Appeal 337/2013 (with) Jail Appeal 148/2014 (with) Jail Appeal 149/2014 (with) Jail Appeal 150/2014 2 305 Govt. Appeal 3/2014 Md. Abdul Bari. vs The State Md. Monir Hossain vs The State Md. Saiful Islam vs The State Md. Shahin Sharkar vs The State Md. Shahinur-AlMamun vs The State Md. Shah Alam vs The State Md. Aktar Ali vs The State Md. Abul Bashar vs The State Siddik Alam vs The State Md. Nurul Huda vs The State Md. Moniruzzaman vs The State Md. Abdul Kaium vs The State Md. Aminar Rahman vs The State Romandra Nath Bissas. vs The State Md. Abu Taher vs The State Alauddin Sardar vs The State The state vs Md. Jashim Uddin and 68 others. 3 Death Reference 58/2013 Heard in part(with) The State vs R.D.O. Towhidul Alam and others Mr.Mahbubey Alam, Attorney General, Mr. Murad-E-Reza, Additional. Attorney General, Mr. Momtaz Uddin Fakir, Additional. Attorney General, Mr. Kazi Mosharraf Hossain Kazal,Additional. Attorney General, Mr. Mosharraf Hossain Sarder, D.A.G, Mr. K.M. Zahid Sarowar, D.A.G ..........For the State Mrs. Hasna Begum, Advocate .....For the State Defence, Criminal Appeal Md.Obaidul Islam and ors 297/2014 (Hearde in part) vs The State Mr. Md. Aminul Islam, Adv. ...For the Appellant Criminal Appeal Md.Aminar Rahman 1179/2014 vs (Heard in part. The State )(with) Mr. Md. Sanowar Hossain...For the Appellant Criminal Appeal Md.Saiful Islam 732/2014 vs (Heard in part The State )(with) Mr. Md. Aminul Islam, Advocate Criminal Appeal Md.Shahabuddin 1373/2014 Talukder and another Heard in part (with) vs The State Dr. Aktarul Kabir, with Mr. Md. Sanowar Hossain, Advocate..For the appellant. Jail Appeal Md. Shabuddin 319/2013 Talukder (with) vs The State Criminal Appeal Md.Abdul Bari and 1529/2014 ors Heard in part (with) vs The State Sayed Shah Alam, Advocate... For the appellant Jail Appeal Md. Sumon Miah 306/2013 vs (with) The State Criminal Appeal Md.Tariqul Islam and 306/2014 ors Heard in part.(with) vs The State Mr. Md. Aminul Islam, Advocate For the Appellant. Jail Appeal Md. Harun Or 264/2013 Rashid. (with) vs The State Jail Appeal Md. Jakir Hossain 269/2013 vs (with) The State Jail Appeal Md. Ziaul Haque vs 256/2013 (with) The State Jail Appeal Jashim Uddin Khan vs 279/2013 (with) The State Jail Appeal Md. Taraqul Islam 282/2013 vs (with) The State Md. Ramzan Ali Jail Appeal 340/2013 vs The State (with) Jail Appeal Md. Abul Bashar vs 260/2013 The State (with) Jail Appeal Md. Ali Hossain vs 292/2013 (with) The State Jail Appeal Md. Humayun Kabir 335/2013 Azad vs (with) The State Jail Appeal Md. Shafiqul Islam vs 270/2013 The State (with) Jail Appeal Md. Saiful Islam 271/2013 vs (with) The State Jail Appeal Md. Masud Iqbal 291/2013 vs (with) The State Criminal Appeal Md.Rajibul Hasan 305/2014 and ors Heard in part (with) vs The State Mr. Md. Aminul Islam Adv. ...For the Appellant Jail Appeal Md. Razibul Hassan 317/2013 vs (with) The State Jail Appeal Md. Nazrul Islam 278/2013 vs (with) The State 306 Criminal Appeal Motiur Rahman 796/2014 vs (Heard in part)(with) The State Jail Appeal Md. Motiur Rahman 243/2013 vs (with) The State Criminal Appeal Md.Nasir Uddin 727/2014 Khan Heard in part(with) vs The State Jail Appeal Md. Nasir Uddin Khan 312/2013 (with) vs The State Criminal Appeal Gofran Mollick and 302/2014 ors Heard in part (with) vs The State Mr. Shameem Sarder, Adv. ...For the Appellant Jail Appeal Md. Rafiqul Islam vs 308/2013 (with) The State Criminal Appeal Md.Habibur Rahman 665/2015 vs Heard in part (with) The state. Criminal Appeal Md.Shah Alam 485/2015 vs Heard in part (with) The state. Jail Appeal Md. Shajahan Ali vs 226/2013 (with) The State Jail Appeal Md. Gofran Mollik 259/2013 vs (with) The State Jail Appeal Md. Abu Taher 302/2013 vs (with) The State Jail Appeal Md. Sazzad Hossain vs 338/2013 The State (with) Jail Appeal Md. Abdul Matin 341/2013 vs (with) The State Jail Appeal Md. Azim Patwari 221/2013 vs (with) The State Jail Appeal Md. Amran 241/2013 Chowdhury (with) vs The State Jail Appeal Md. A. Karim 297/2013 vs (with) The State Criminal Appeal Md.Zakir Hossain 748/2014 vs Heard in part (with) The State Jail Appeal Md. Jakir Hossain 309/2013 vs (with) The State Jail Appeal 295/2013 (with) Jail Appeal 230/2013 (with) Jail Appeal 274/2013 (with) Jail Appeal 218/2013 (with) Md. Wahidul Islam vs The State S.M. Saifuzzaman vs The State Md. Nurul Islam vs The State S.M. Rezowan Ahmed vs The State Jail Appeal Habibullah Bahar 234/2013 vs (with) The State Jail Appeal Md. Zahidul Islam 245/2013 vs (with) The State Jail Appeal Md. Ziaul Haque 311/2013 vs (with) The State Jail Appeal Md. Asaduzzaman Mollah 287/2013 (with) vs The State Criminal Appeal Md.Abdus Salam 1184/2014 Khan (Heard in part vs )(with) The State Mr. Md. Sanowar Hossain...For the Appellant Jail Appeal Md. A. Salam 237/2013 vs The State (with) Criminal Appeal Uttam Barua 729/2014 vs (Heard in part)(with) The State Jail Appeal Uttam Borua 314/2013 vs (with) The State Criminal Appeal Md.Wali Ullah 1174/2014 vs (Part heard )(with) The State Mr. Md. Sanowar Hossain, Adv. .. for the appellant. Jail Appeal Md. Woli Ullah 231/2013 vs (with) The State Criminal Appeal Sheikh Md.Shahidur 1176/2014 Rahman (Heard in part) vs (with) The State Mr. Md. Sanowar Hossain, Adv. .. for the appellant. Jail Appeal Md. Shahidur 329/2013 Rahman (with) vs The State 307 Md.Azad Khan Criminal Appeal vs 745/2014 The State Heard in part (with) Jail Appeal Md. Azad Khan 257/2013 vs The State (with) Criminal Appeal DAD Syed Touhidul 303/2014 Alom Heard in part (with) vs The State Mr. Md. Aminul Islam, Adv. ...For the Appellant Jail Appeal D.A.D. Syad 204/2013 Toyhidul Alam. (with) vs The Stae Jail Appeal Md. Abul Mohit vs 316/2013 (with) The State Jail Appeal Md. Eushf Ali 248/2013 vs (with) The State Jail Appeal Md. Obaidul Islam 326/2013 vs (with) The State Md. Reon Ahamed Jail Appeal 298/2013 vs (with) The State Jail Appeal Md. Bazlur Rashid 254/2013 vs (with) The State Jail Appeal Kazi Arafat Hossain 328/2013 vs (with) The State Jail Appeal Md. Shahidur 253/2013 Rahaman vs (with) The State Jail Appeal Md. Fazlul Karim 216/2013 vs (with) The State Jail Appeal Md. Anisuzzaman 227/2013 vs (with) The State Jail Appeal Md. Abu Said Alam vs 229/2013 The State (with) Jail Appeal Md. Kamal Mollah 323/2013 vs (with) The State Jail Appeal Md. Saifuddin Miah 300/2013 vs (with) The State Criminal Appeal Md.Abdul Aziz Miah 742/2014 vs Heard in part (with) The State Jail Appeal Md. Abdul Aziz 225/2013 Miah (with) vs The State Criminal Appeal Md.Siddique Alam 752/2014 vs Heard in part (with) The State Criminal Appeal Md.Harun-Or-Rashid 734/2014 Miah Heard in part (with) vs The State Jail Appeal Md. Harunar Rashid 321/2013 Miah (with) vs The State Criminal Appeal Md.Shaheen Sikder 361/2015 vs Heard in part (with) The state. Criminal Appeal Abdul Jolil and ors 206/2014 vs Heard in part (with) The State > Mr. Shameem Sarder, Adv. ...For the Appellant Jail Appeal Md. Alim Reza Khan vs 206/2013 (with) The State Jail Appeal Md. Ali Haider Sheikh 210/2013 (with) vs The State Torab Hossain Khan. Jail Appeal 209/2013 vs (with) The State Jail Appeal Abul Khair vs 215/2013 (with) The State Jail Appeal Md. Omar Ali 275/2013 vs The State (with) Jail Appeal Md. Abul Kalam 334/2013 Azad (with) vs The State Jail Appeal Md. Abdul Jalil 213/2013 Sheikh (with) vs The State Jail Appeal Sheikh Ayub Ali 212/2013 vs (with) The State Jail Appeal Md. Aminul Islam vs 211/2013 (with) The State Jail Appeal Md. Ramzan Ali 258/2013 vs (with) The State Jail Appeal Md. Iqramul Islam 208/2013 vs (with) The State Criminal Appeal S.M.Altaf Hossain 452/2014 vs Heard in part (with) The State Jail Appeal S.M. Altaf Hossain 281/2013 vs (with) The State 308 Md.Selim Reja Criminal Appeal vs 1177/2014 The State Heard in part (with) Jail Appeal Md. Selim Reza 307/2013 vs The State (with) Criminal Appeal Md.Shah Alam 1088/2014 vs Heard in part (with) The State Md. Sha Alam Jail Appeal 284/2013 vs The State (with) Criminal Appeal Shahjalal 749/2014 vs Heard in part (with) The State Jail Appeal Md. Shajalal 228/2013 vs (with) The State Criminal Appeal Khondakar Ekramul 728/2014 Haque Heard in part (with) vs The State Jail Appeal Khandkar Akramul Haque 263/2013 (with) vs The State Criminal Appeal Md.Saidur Rahman 299/2014 vs Heard in part (with) The State Jail Appeal Md. Saidur Rahman vs 224/2013 (with) The State Criminal Appeal Md.Ali Akbor 750/2014 vs Heard in part (with) The State Jail Appeal Md. Ali Akbar 251/2013 vs (with) The State Criminal Appeal Khalilur Rahman 733/2014 vs Heard in part (with) The State Jail Appeal Md. Rubal Miah 304/2013 vs (with) The State Criminal Appeal Md.Kajal Ali 1178/2014 vs Heard in part (with) The State Jail Appeal Md. Kazal Ali 272/2013 vs (with) The State Criminal Appeal Habilder 54247 Jalal 7197/2013 Uddin Ahmed Heard in part (with) vs The State Jail Appeal Md. Jalal Uddin 336/2013 Ahmed (with) vs The State Criminal Appeal Md.Atiqur Rahman 753/2014 vs Heard in part (with) The State Jail Appeal Md. Atiqur Rahman 339/2013 vs (with) The State Criminal Appeal Md.Abul Bashar 301/2014 vs Heard in part (with) The State Jail Appeal Abul Bosher vs 219/2013 (with) The State Criminal Appeal Md.Anwarul Islam vs 746/2014 The State Heard in part (with) Jail Appeal Md. Anwarul Islam 288/2013 vs (with) The State Criminal Appeal Md.Selim Miah 731/2014 vs Heard in part (with) The State Jail Appeal Md. Shalim Miah vs 242/2013 (with) The State Criminal Appeal Khandakar Shahadat 1180/2014 vs Heard in part (with) The State Jail Appeal Khondker Shadat Hossain 222/2013 (with) vs The State Criminal Appeal Khandakar 170/2014 Moniruzzaman Heard in part (with) vs The State Jail Appeal Fadkar Moniruzzaman 333/2013 (with) vs The State Criminal Appeal Md.Mozammel and 298/2014 ors Heard in part (with) vs The State Jail Appeal Md. Mozammal 285/2013 Hossain (with) vs The State Jail Appeal Md. Shahi Aktar 331/2013 vs (with) The State Jail Appeal Md. Belayet Hossain 232/2013 vs (with) The State Jail Appeal Md. Jashim Uddin 299/2013 vs (with) The State Jail Appeal Md. Anowar Hossain 318/2013 vs (with) The State Criminal Appeal Md.Billal Hossain 751/2014 Khan Heard in part (with) vs The State 309 Jail Appeal 240/2013 (with) Criminal Appeal 300/2014 Heard in part (with) Jail Appeal 320/2013 (with) Criminal Appeal 304/2014 Heard in part (with) Jail Appeal 238/2013 (with) Criminal Appeal 169/2014 Heard in part (with) Jail Appeal 294/2013 (with) Criminal Appeal 307/2014 Heard in part (with) Jail Appeal 250/2013 (with) Criminal Appeal 314/2014 Head in part (with Jail Appeal 322/2013 (with) Criminal Appeal 726/2014 Heard in part (with) Jail Appeal 303/2013 (with) Criminal Appeal 735/2014 (Heard in part)(with) Jail Appeal 268/2013 (with) Criminal Appeal 736/2014 Heard in part (with) Jail Appeal 249/2013 (with) Criminal Appeal 737/2014 Heard in part. (with) Jail Appeal 262/2013 (with) Criminal Appeal Firoj Miah 738/2014 vs heard in part (with) The State Jail Appeal Md. Firoz Miah 246/2013 vs The State (with) Criminal Appeal Md.Abdur Rahman 3004/2014 vs Heard in part (with) The State Md.Mahsin Ali Criminal Appeal 739/2014 vs The State (with) Jail Appeal Md. Mohsin Ali vs 233/2013 (with) The State Criminal Appeal Md.Nazrul Islam 741/2014 vs Heard in part (with) The State Jail Appeal Md. Nazrul Islam vs 332/2013 (with) The State Criminal Appeal Md.Islam Uddin 743/2014 vs Heard in part (with) The State Jail Appeal Md. Islam Uddin vs 283/2013 (with) The State Criminal Appeal Md.Nazrul Islam 744/2014 vs The State (Heard in paft)(with) Jail Appeal Md. Nazrul Islam 239/2013 vs The State (with) Criminal Appeal Md.Tariqul 747/2014 vs Heard in part (with) The State Jail Appeal Md. Tariqul Islam 305/2013 vs (with) The State Criminal Appeal Md.Zakaria Mollah 801/2014 and ors Heard in part (with) vs The State Jail Appeal Md. Jakaria Mollah 290/2013 vs (with) The State Jail Appeal Md. Shamim Al Mamun Juel 324/2013 (with) vs The State Criminal Appeal Md.Rezaul Karim 1023/2014 vs Heard in part. (with) The State Jail Appeal Md. Rezaul Karim 313/2013 vs (with) The State Md. Billal Hossain Khan vs The State Md.Nurul Huda vs The State R.M. Salauddin vs The State Md.Hasnath Kamal vs The State Md. Hasnat Kamal vs The State Md.Khairul Alam vs The State Md. Khairul Alam vs The State DAD Mirza Habibur Rahman vs The State Mirza Habibur Rahman. vs The State Rakal Chandra vs The State Rakhal Chandra vs The State Md.Rezaul Karim vs The State Md. Rezaul Karim vs The State Md.Rafiqul Islam vs The State Md. Rafiqul Islam vs The State Md.Mojibur Rahman vs The State Md. Mozibur Rahman vs The State Md.Daud Ali Biswas vs The State Md. Daud Ali Bissas vs The State 310 Criminal Appeal Md.Safiqul Islam @ Safik 1181/2014 vs Heard in part (with) The State Mr. Md. Sanowar Hossain, Adv. .. for the appellant. Jail Appeal Md. Shafiqul Alam 247/2013 vs (with) The State Criminal Appeal Md.Mizanur Rahman 1182/2014 @ Rustom Heard in part (with) vs The State Mr. Md. Sanowar Hossain...For the Appellant Jail Appeal Md. Mizanur Rahman 244/2013 (with) vs The State Criminal Appeal Md.Mozammel 1183/2014 Haque Heard in part (with) vs The State Mr. Md. Mahfuzul Alam Jail Appeal Md. Mozammal 267/2013 Haque (with) vs The State Jail Appeal Md. Atour Rahman 330/2013 vs (with) The State Criminal Appeal Md.Wajedul Islam 2358/2014 vs Heard in part (with) The State Mr. Shameem Sarder, Adv. ...For the Appellant Jail Appeal Md. Wazidul Islam. 205/2013 vs (with) The State Criminal Appeal Shayed Kobir Uddin 2359/2014 vs Heard in part (with) The State Mr. Shameem Sarder, Adv. ...For the Appellant Jail Appeal Syad Kabir Uddin 214/2013 vs (with) The State Criminal Appeal Md.Emdadul Haque 2970/2014 vs Heard in part (with) The State Mr. Shameem Sarder, Adv. ...For the Appellant Jail Appeal Md. Amdadul Haque 266/2013 vs (with) The State Criminal Appeal 3573/2014 Heard in part with) Criminal Appeal 5992/2014 Heard in part (with) Criminal Appeal 7067/2014 Heard in part (with) Criminal Appeal 360/2015 Heard in part (with) Criminal Appeal 514/2015 Heard in part. (with) Criminal Appeal 409/2014 (Heard in part)(with) Jail Appeal 236/2013 (with) Criminal Appeal 730/2014 (Heard in part) (with) Jail Appeal 265/2013 (with) Criminal Appeal 740/2014 (Heard in part)(with) Jail Appeal 235/2013 (with) Criminal Appeal 1173/2014 (Heard in part )(with) 311 Md.Salah Uddin vs The State Mr. Mizanur Rahman,Adv. Md.Shahinur Al Mamun vs The State Mr. S.M. Shahjahan, Adv. ...For the Appellant Md.Abul Bashar vs The State Mr. Abdullah Yousif, Adv. Md.Monir Hossain vs The state. Mr. Md. Musabbir Hossain Bhuiyan, Adv. Nayab Subedar Monoronjon Sarker vs The state. Mr. Abdul Jalil Afrad Kabir, A.A.G For the State Mr. Md. Amirul Huq Raji, Adv. Mrs. Hasna Begum, For the State Defence, Advocate. Md.Habibur Rahman vs The State Md. Habibur Rahman vs The State Al Masum vs The State Mr. Md. Mohsen Rashid, Advocate. For the Appellant. Al Masum. vs The State Abdul Baten vs The State Abdul Baten. vs The State Md.Yousuf Ali Khan vs The State Mr. A.K.M. Aktarul Kabir, with Mr. Md. Sanowar Hossain...For the Appellant Jail Appeal 261/2013 (with) Criminal Appeal 2360/2014 (Heard in part )(with) Jail Appeal 277/2013 (with) Jail Appeal 273/2013 (with) Jail Appeal 207/2013 (with) Criminal Appeal 1175/2014 (Heard in part) (with) Md. Eusuf Ali Khan vs The State Md.Ibrahim vs The State Mr. S.M. Shahjahan, Advocate. For the Appellant Raju Marma vs The State Md. Arshad Ali vs The State Md. Ibrahim vs The State Jail Appeal 310/2013 (with) Criminal Appeal 691/2014 (Heard in part. )(with) Jail Appeal 223/2013 (with) Jail Appeal 255/2013 (with) 312 Md.Arshad Ali @ Ershad Ali and ors vs The State Mr. Md. Sanowar Hossain, Adv. .. for the appellant. Md. Ziaul Haque vs The State Md.Rafiqul Islam vs The State Mr. Kazi Mynul Hossain, Advocate ...for the appellant. Md. Rafiqul Islam vs The State Monoronjan Sarkar vs The State Supreme Court of Bangladesh High Court Division Justice Md. Shawkat Hossain and Justice Md. Nazrul Islam Talukder Date : 02/05/2016 [Annex Building Court No. 24] ( 6:HH X % 5:3T X / ; ) ) ( 8 9 E g 9/ 1 % $( / ) [ :S ) %. # ,& . ( % 8 %% @ O * AB . ; AB . #/ C # . /0 ; AB . C % 8 #/ ; AB . $ A D E ; AB . ) & 54M TG3- & % E 1 2 +/ = >% '( . 2? ; < $ # . /0 @ O $ ।] Govt. Appeal 6/2014 Sent by Hon`ble Chief Justice : For Hearing 1 Criminal Appeal Salauddin Shoyeb Chowdhury 1833/2014 (with) vs The State Mr. Mohammad Ali Azam, Advocate .....For the Convictappellant. Criminal Appeal Shalahuddin Shoeb 785/2014 Chowdhury (with) vs The State Mr. Kazi Akhtar Hosain, Advocate ..... For the Convictappellant. 2 The State vs Md.Shalauddin Shoeb Chowdhury Hearing Criminal Appeal Md. Ashkar Ali 3835/2005 vs The State Mr. A.A.M. Munir Chowdhury, Adv. ...For the Appellant Motion 313 2 Supreme Court of Bangladesh High Court Division Justice F.R.M. Nazmul Ahasan Date : 02/05/2016 [Main Building Court No. 21] : 2 %%, _ #. $ < : , 1I) G,HH,HHH 2 /7 # . $ ? < : .$( ; .$( ) &# 53 , ) 33 < ,J ( , 1I) G,HH,HHH #/ ; %%, _ #. $ ? < : , 1I) G,HH,HHH 2 /7 # . $ ? < : .$( < $ .$( E ; , 1I) G,HH,HHH # . /0 $ F #/ , F #/ ( ) 2 @ O * ( '( $ , 1I) G,HH,HHH F & #/ , F & #/ ( ); 6HH3 2 *O % &N ( 2 & ) ,& . d 2 &% 34e6 2 *O % &N ,&◌! . % " ) _ " # . /0 ; '( - ; % 2 +/ = >% '( . 2? ; < $ # . /0 @ O ।] [ ? Motion 1 2 3 4 5 Civil Revision 3184/2008 6 Civil Revision 2630/2014 For Hearing Civil Revision M.d Nurul Haque 80/2008 vs Md. Moslem Khan Civil Revision Siddique Ara Begum 4650/2014 vs Bangladesh govt Civil Revision Mohammad Ali Khan vs 1992/2011 Habib Sharif Civil Revision Md. Amzad Hossain vs 454/2010 A. Haque and others 314 Md. Abdul Haque Moral vs Md. Akhter Hasan, Mohammad Kamrul Hasan, Advocate, ..... For The DefendantRespondentPetitioner. Mr. Md. Khalilur Rahaman, With Mr. T.M. Shakil Hasan, Advocates, ..... For the PlaintiffAppellant-OppositeParty. Saidur Rahman vs Maksuda Begum and others Supreme Court of Bangladesh High Court Division Justice Quazi Reza-Ul Hoque Date : 02/05/2016 [Main Building Court No. 6] [ G,HH,HHH : 2 @ * ( 2? ; < $ # . /%! @ O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 '(; ।] %% , _ ?$# . /7 ? $ # . < : .$( '( - ; % 2 +/ For Hearing Civil Revision Md. Abul Mansur 247/2006 vs Feni A B M Mahmudul Hasan and ors Mr. Jafor Sadeq, Adv. for the peitioner Nurul Amin Khan Civil Revision 2322/2004 vs Chittagong Deelip Kanti Aich and others Adv. Mr. Md. Tosaddque Hossain Civil Revision Abdul Matin 2495/2007 vs Comilla Abdul Kabir and others Civil Revision Haris Miah and 5081/2007 others Laxmipur vs Mina Khatun and others. Mr. Md. Abdur Razzak, adv. for the petitioner. Civil Revision Hajee Mohammed 3691/2007 Ishaque and others Chittagong vs Joynab Begum Civil Revision Md. Lat Mian being 5179/2006 dead:Md. Murad Dhaka Hossain vs Hajee Abul Bashar being dead:1(ka)Santu Civil Revision Ajmot Ullah 3358/1996 vs Laxmipur Sayban Bibi Civil Revision Waji Ullah 2761/1996 vs Laxmipur Soriutunnassa Civil Revision Sayed Ahmad 2269/1996 vs Chittagong Nurul Islam Civil Revision Ikandar Ali 2228/1999 vs Sunamgonj Mozit Reza Chow Civil Revision Eastaran EmpkxLed: 3468/2005 vs Chittagong Saber Ahmed and others. 315 < : , 1I) E 2 = >% ( . Supreme Court of Bangladesh High Court Division Justice Md. Abu Zafor Siddique Date : 02/05/2016 [Main Building Court No. 20] ( C 6:HH X : # . /0 - ; % % 5:3T 2 %K 2? ; 2 +/ / ; ) )( 8 9 E g 9/ 1 % $( / ) [ @ * AB . ; AB . C % 8 #/ ; AB . # . /0 ; AB . $ A D E ; = >% '( . 2? ; < $ # . /0 @ O ।] 11 Motion 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Criminal Appeal : For Hearing Criminal Appeal Shafiq Uddin 146/1990 vs The State Criminal Appeal Shafiq Uddin 147/1990 vs The State Criminal Appeal Momin and others 1005/1999 vs The state Criminal Appeal Md.Shahidullah 2841/2003 vs The State Criminal Appeal Md. Saiful 3914/2005 vs The State Criminal Appeal Md. Mostafa Prokash Mintu 3922/2005 vs The State Criminal Appeal Md. Alamgir Hossain vs 3966/2005 The State Criminal Appeal Utpal 4022/2005 vs The State Criminal Appeal Md. Dulal and 4032/2005 another vs The State Criminal Appeal Abdul Manan and 4059/2005 another vs State 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 316 Criminal Appeal 4077/2005 #/ '( Md. Younus Kazi vs State Criminal Appeal Nazimuddin @ 4084/2005 Nakku vs State Criminal Appeal Md. Mojibur Rahman 3983/2006 and others vs The state Criminal Appeal S.M. Shahabuddin 3942/2007 vs The State Criminal Appeal Md. Imran Hossain 4856/2007 Babul vs The State and another Criminal Appeal Mir Mizanur Rahman 4905/2007 vs The State Criminal Appeal S.M. Ahsan Habib vs 2261/2008 The State and another Criminal Appeal Syed Mostafizul 2467/2010 Karim vs The state Criminal Appeal Md.Mizanur Rahman vs 4096/2012 Mst.Khadeza begum Criminal Appeal Mohammad Ali Khan 6808/2013 vs The State Criminal Revision : For Hearing 21 Criminal Revision 786/2010 22 Criminal Revision 1745/2010 23 Criminal Revision 91/2011 24 Criminal Revision 185/2011 25 Criminal Revision 312/2012 Babul vs The State Majedul Islam vs The State Shahi Ahmeed vs The State Md. Abu Bakkar vs The State S, M. Iddris Ali vs The State 26 27 28 317 Criminal Revision 215/2013 Nur Mahal khan vs State Nur Mohol Khan Criminal Revision 2015/2013 vs The State Criminal Revision Md. Mohsin Ali 796/2013 vs Akter Hossen and the state Supreme Court of Bangladesh High Court Division Justice Jahangir Hossain and Justice Md. Jahangir Hossain Date : 02/05/2016 [Annex Building Court No. 5] [ A A D +L% AB . #/ $ AB . C % 8 #/ < $ # . /0 @ O 1 2 3 2 ,@ & 9% @ O * % 8 .f . ( % +L% AB . #/ $ #/ 2 +[ ( % #/ C # . /0 2 AB . & .F ;# . <: 2 AB . / U 2 #/ . > ; 2 +/ = >% '( . 2? ; ।] 4 For Hearing : Death Reference Death Reference The State 49/2011 vs (Heard-in-Part and Mohammad Ali adjourned till (Absconding) 02.05.2016) (with) Criminal Appeal Mohammad Ali 5763/2011 vs (with) The State Mr. Fazlul Huq Khan Farid with Mr. Khondaker Guljer Hossain, Advocates ........for the appellant Jail Appeal Mohammad Ali 245/2011 vs The State Death Reference The State 55/2010 vs (with) Bipul Chandra Roy Sree Bipul Chandra Criminal Appeal 3264/2011 vs (with) The State Mr. Md. Kowser Ali, Advocate ......for the appellant Jail Appeal Sree Bipul Chandra 305/2010 Ray vs The State For Hearing : Against Order Criminal Appeal Md.Fuwad Sheikh 8755/2014 vs The State 318 Criminal Appeal 4038/2014 Md.Sajib Fakir and another vs The State and another Supreme Court of Bangladesh High Court Division Justice Md. Habibul Gani and Justice Md. Akram Hossain Chowdhury Date : 02/05/2016 [Main Building Court No. 9] [ AB . & E # . /0 @ O $ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 : 0 ; '( 2 % 8 R% #/ For Hearing : 498 Criminal Misc Sana Ullah 29743/2015 vs The State Criminal Misc Md. Sukkur 2064/2015 vs State Criminal Misc Md. Milon 34283/2015 vs The State Criminal Misc Md. Ali 34231/2015 vs The State Criminal Misc Din Islam 35440/2015 vs The State Criminal Misc Md. Atiar 2839/2015 vs The state. Criminal Misc Faruk Hossain 35797/2015 vs The State Criminal Misc Din Islam 34578/2015 vs The State Criminal Misc Sadek Ali 49154/2015 vs The State Criminal Misc Md. Hassan and 11162/2015 another vs The State Criminal Misc Md. Mashiul Alam 10557/2015 Tutul vs The State Criminal Misc Md. Jafor Ali 3691/2015 vs The State Criminal Misc lhaj Abu Zafar 38923/2014 vs The State Criminal Misc S. M. Nurul Haque 20223/2015 vs The State Criminal Misc Kazi Towhidul Islam 36571/2015 vs the state 319 ; % 2 AB . #/ , AB . $ 2 +/ = >% '( . 2? ; < $ $ ।] 16 Criminal Misc 3707/2015 17 Criminal Misc 4618/2015 18 Criminal Misc 19409/2015 19 Criminal Misc 33900/2015 20 Criminal Misc 2094/2015 21 Criminal Misc 28/2015 22 Criminal Misc 49427/2014 23 Criminal Misc 33033/2015 24 Criminal Misc 27676/2014 25 Criminal Misc 4657/2015 26 Criminal Misc 35441/2015 27 Criminal Misc 37355/2015 28 Criminal Misc 4587/2015 29 Criminal Misc 10020/2015 30 Criminal Misc 4586/2015 31 Criminal Misc 40351/2014 Morshed vs The State Md. Nurul Islam vs The State Md. Monir vs The State Mohammad Ali vs The State Most. Johira Khatun vs The State Md. Mintu Miah vs The State Md. Ali Ahmed vs The State Md. Moniruzzaman vs The State Nazma Khatun vs The State Md. Rasel vs The State Abdul Majid vs The State Md. Abdus Salam vs The State Serajul Isam vs The State Md. Zakir Hossain vs The State Md. Israfil Gazi vs The State Mirza Mridha vs The State 32 Criminal Misc 40115/2014 33 Criminal Misc 18170/2015 34 Criminal Misc 41143/2014 35 Criminal Misc 3823/2015 36 Criminal Misc 40117/2014 37 Criminal Misc 36529/2014 38 Criminal Misc 32287/2015 39 Criminal Misc 10073/2015 40 Criminal Misc 34270/2015 41 Criminal Misc 45771/2015 42 Criminal Misc 2657/2015 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Criminal Misc 37058/2015 Criminal Misc 36501/2015 Criminal Misc 37228/2015 Criminal Misc 10895/2015 Criminal Misc 49966/2014 Criminal Misc 21800/2013 Criminal Misc 21672/2015 Criminal Misc 36535/2015 Rupali Akter vs The State Md. Jahangir vs The State Omor Faruk vs The State Md. Mofizur Rahman vs The State Md. Faridul Islam Khokon vs The State Mahila Akter vs The State Driver Md. Rubel vs The State Farman Ullah vs The State Mithun Kumar Mondol vs The State Asim Kumar Biswas vs The state. Md. Sajib Mollah vs The State Hridoy Channdra Shil vs The State Sanoar Hossain vs The State Nazmul vs The State Md. Shamimul Bari vs The State Shaju Miah vs The State M. A. Awal vs The State Jafor Akon vs Mohd. Humayun Kabir Md, Liton Fakir vs The State 320 51 Criminal Misc 36925/2015 52 Criminal Misc 4723/2015 53 Criminal Misc 35401/2015 54 Criminal Misc 37570/2015 55 Criminal Misc 37221/2015 56 Criminal Misc 37208/2015 57 Criminal Misc 4476/2015 58 Criminal Misc 42320/2014 59 Criminal Misc 9855/2015 60 Criminal Misc 19134/2015 61 Criminal Misc 21453/2015 62 Criminal Misc 10439/2015 63 Criminal Misc 35670/2015 64 Criminal Misc 30890/2015 65 Criminal Misc 35773/2015 66 Criminal Misc 26276/2013 67 Criminal Misc 21201/2013 68 Criminal Misc 37585/2015 69 Criminal Misc 37220/2015 Md. Iqbal Hossain vs The State Md. Raich Uddin vs The State md. shahidul vs The State Swapan Kumar Paul vs The State Md. Shohag Mia vs The State Md. Abul Kalam vs The State Md. Mazibur Rahman Khan vs The State Md. Siddikur Rahman Howlader vs The State Md. Zahid vs The State Md. Arshed Ali Mollah vs The State Md. Abdul Kuddus Sheikh vs The State Md. Younus Ali vs The State Robiul Islam Korim vs The State Md. Siddik Sheikh vs Shahinur Begum Abu Bakkar Munshi vs The state Moinur Islam Pervez vs The state. Md. Akram vs The State Md. Shahidul Alom vs the State and another Md. Rahim vs The State 70 Criminal Misc 40215/2015 71 Criminal Misc 38338/2013 72 Criminal Misc 37631/2015 73 Criminal Misc 33228/2015 74 Criminal Misc 31241/2013 75 Criminal Misc 3247/2015 76 Criminal Misc 4244/2015 77 Criminal Misc 11036/2015 78 Criminal Misc 10874/2015 79 Criminal Misc 33349/2015 80 Criminal Misc 33043/2015 81 Criminal Misc 36884/2015 82 Criminal Misc 33336/2015 83 Criminal Misc 4866/2015 84 Criminal Misc 4865/2015 85 Criminal Misc 10394/2015 86 Criminal Misc 35402/2015 87 Criminal Misc 19402/2015 88 Criminal Misc 20222/2015 89 Criminal Misc 50835/2015 Md. Kamal Hossain vs The State Abu Nayeem Uddin Chowdhury vs The State Md. Farid Sarker vs The State Mokbul Hosain vs The State Jahedul vs The State Abdus Salam vs The State Md. Jahangir vs The State Md. Aslam vs The state Mst. Taslima Aktar vs The State Sujon Howlader vs The State Faruk Howlader vs The State Md. Aziz vs The State Md. Alamgir Hossain vs The State Sahadat Hossain vs The state Sahadat Hossain vs The state Md. Kamal Uddin vs The State Nimendro Tripura vs The State Md. Mainuddin vs The State Md. Faroque Rana vs The State Shehed Hossain Babu vs The State 321 90 Criminal Misc 33044/2015 91 Criminal Misc 10937/2015 92 Criminal Misc 3749/2015 93 Criminal Misc 50785/2014 94 Criminal Misc 40763/2014 95 Criminal Misc 4657/2015 96 Criminal Misc 2841/2015 97 Criminal Misc 25457/2014 98 Criminal Misc 4586/2015 99 Criminal Misc 10305/2015 100 Criminal Misc 634/2015 101 Criminal Misc 4564/2015 102 Criminal Misc 46364/2015 103 Criminal Misc 38972/2013 104 Criminal Misc 4388/2015 105 Criminal Misc 37921/2015 106 Criminal Misc 4400/2015 107 Criminal Misc 10021/2015 108 Criminal Misc 34518/2015 109 Criminal Misc 36546/2015 Sujon vs The State Shipon vs The State Ramiz vs The State Abul Kalam vs The State Md. Khairul Islam vs The State Md. Rasel vs The State Md. Billal vs The State Md. Mosatafizur Rahman vs The State Md. Israfil Gazi vs The State Md. Alauddin vs The State Md Helal vs The State Nur Alam and others vs The state Lanin vs The State Mst. Shahanaj Bibi vs The State Osman Gani vs The State Ripon Mollah vs The State Akkas vs The State Md.Shahab Uddin vs The state. Monir Hossain vs The State Md. Sumon vs The state 110 Criminal Misc 34408/2015 111 Criminal Misc 19750/2014 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 Criminal Misc 2104/2015 Criminal Misc 438/2015 Criminal Misc 30992/2015 Criminal Misc 24283/2015 Criminal Misc 4401/2015 Criminal Misc 35949/2015 Criminal Misc 33321/2015 Criminal Misc 4083/2015 Criminal Misc 26256/2014 Criminal Misc 37174/2015 Criminal Misc 4108/2015 Criminal Misc 31705/2015 Criminal Misc 3498/2015 Criminal Misc 3720/2015 Criminal Misc 34867/2014 Criminal Misc 34085/2015 Criminal Misc 20379/2015 Criminal Misc 50113/2014 Shree Basanto Kumar vs The state Md. Sohel vs The State Md. Mamun vs The State Sajjad Mahmud vs The State Rokibul Islam Emon vs The State Rabiul Islam vs The State Manik vs The State Safiqur Rahman vs State Md. Akter Hossain vs The State Mamun Ahmed vs The State Shahadat Hossain vs The State Anowara Begum vs The State Alamgir Hossain vs The State Shahidulla vs The State Lockman Hakim vs The State Junayed Al Mamun vs The State Babul Miah vs The State Md. Mohor vs The State Kala Meer vs The state Lebu Miah vs The Stated 322 130 Criminal Misc 14051/2015 131 Criminal Misc 10290/2015 132 Criminal Misc 37175/2015 133 Criminal Misc 35277/2015 134 Criminal Misc 16750/2015 135 Criminal Misc 37312/2015 136 Criminal Misc 33663/2015 137 Criminal Misc 3782/2015 138 Criminal Misc 31678/2015 139 Criminal Misc 36507/2015 140 Criminal Misc 37193/2015 141 Criminal Misc 33377/2015 142 Criminal Misc 10407/2015 143 Criminal Misc 36528/2015 144 Criminal Misc 37156/2015 145 Criminal Misc 37279/2015 146 Criminal Misc 4626/2015 147 Criminal Misc 11048/2015 148 Criminal Misc 34384/2015 149 Criminal Misc 35044/2014 Hazi Nuzibur Rahman vs The State Md. Abu Bakkar Siddique vs The State Subhas dey vs The State Nazma @ Rafika vs The State Md. Sekander Ali vs The State Mint u Gosh vs The State Rubel Mridha vs The State Md. Sirajul Islam vs The State Shipon vs The State Md. Rubel vs The Md. Kamal Hossain vs The State Md. Rubel vs The State Md. Shahjahan vs The State Jamir Miah vs The State Tutul Talukdar vs The State Liton Mondal vs The State Dipak Chandra Baral vs The State Md. Afzal Hossain vs The State Md. Nasir vs The State Md. Abu Taher vs The State 150 Criminal Misc 596/2015 151 Criminal Misc 37582/2015 152 Criminal Misc 35455/2015 153 Criminal Misc 37159/2015 154 Criminal Misc 37180/2015 155 Criminal Misc 37306/2015 156 Criminal Misc 37538/2015 157 Criminal Misc 37416/2015 158 Criminal Misc 1144/2015 159 Criminal Misc 37544/2015 160 Criminal Misc 37592/2015 161 Criminal Misc 37203/2015 162 Criminal Misc 37646/2015 163 Criminal Misc 3284/2015 164 Criminal Misc 10457/2015 165 Criminal Misc 37375/2015 166 Criminal Misc 34460/2014 167 Criminal Misc 37348/2015 168 Criminal Misc 32741/2015 169 Criminal Misc 37507/2015 Md. Abdul Latif Mandol vs The State Hannan vs The state Md. Nur Azad vs The State S. M. Sajibuzzaman vs The State Md. Faruk vs The State Md. Parvez vs The State Md. Uthan Mondal vs The State Md. Lutfor Rahman vs The State Ibrahim Khalil vs The State Khokan Mollah vs The State kawser vs The State suriya vs The State md. monir miah vs The State Khorshed Alam vs The State Alamgir Hossain Suman vs The State Leakot Ali vs The State Md. Sha Alam vs The State Abu Taleb Shamim vs The State Abdur Rahim Dakat vs The State Mizanur Rahman vs The State 323 170 Criminal Misc 10892/2015 171 Criminal Misc 37555/2015 172 Criminal Misc 37677/2015 173 Criminal Misc 37246/2015 174 Criminal Misc 35454/2015 175 Criminal Misc 36838/2015 176 Criminal Misc 10402/2015 177 Criminal Misc 4299/2015 178 Criminal Misc 4631/2015 179 Criminal Misc 37508/2015 180 Criminal Misc 37514/2015 181 Criminal Misc 37590/2015 182 Criminal Misc 39903/2014 183 Criminal Misc 3477/2015 184 Criminal Misc 30271/2015 185 Criminal Misc 2753/2015 186 Criminal Misc 51206/2015 187 Criminal Misc 32506/2015 188 Criminal Misc 37182/2015 189 Criminal Misc 35260/2015 Charag Ali vs The State Md. Nabi Hossain vs The State Abdur Rahim and others vs The State Nizam Uddin vs The State Md. Reza Miah vs The State Mantu Sarder vs The state Khasru Miah vs The State Kowsar Mallik vs The State Md. Baharul vs The State Hashem Mistri vs The state Arafat vs The State Ariz Miah vs The State Md. Abdul Khaleque Sonar vs The State Abu Taher vs The State Abdur Rahim vs The State Md. Abdur Razzak vs The State Md. Asraful Islam vs The State Md. Ismail Ali vs The State Md. Rustum Ali vs The State Md. Munna vs The State 190 Criminal Misc 37533/2015 191 Criminal Misc 37561/2015 192 Criminal Misc 37539/2015 193 Criminal Misc 11438/2015 194 Criminal Misc 521/2016 195 Criminal Misc 11605/2015 196 Criminal Misc 10225/2015 197 Criminal Appeal 5917/2013 198 Criminal Misc 10907/2015 199 Criminal Misc 10456/2015 200 Criminal Misc 23993/2015 201 Criminal Misc 36568/2015 202 Criminal Misc 4785/2015 203 Criminal Misc 10558/2015 204 Criminal Misc 10205/2015 205 Criminal Misc 36190/2014 206 Criminal Misc 36191/2014 207 Criminal Misc 10339/2015 208 Criminal Appeal 751/2015 Abdus Samad Driver vs The State Md. Sajib vs The state Md. Ramjan vs The state Atik vs The State Shabul vs The State Md. Yeasin @ Shohel vs The State Md. Hasan Miah vs The State Md.Ful Mia vs The State Rakib ibne Tushar vs The State Monir Hossain vs The State Omar Faruque vs The State Helal Uddin Bhiuyan and others vs The state Md. Imran vs The state Shams Sad Mahmud Palash vs The state Shams Sad Mahmud Palash vs The State Abdul Halim vs The State Samiul Islam vs The State Md. Faruk Mia vs The State Shahibur vs The state. 209 Criminal Misc 38126/2015 210 Criminal Appeal 8171/2014 211 Criminal Misc 3899/2015 212 Criminal Misc 45800/2015 213 Criminal Misc 34098/2015 214 Criminal Misc 49038/2014 215 Criminal Misc 35253/2015 216 Criminal Misc 10922/2015 217 Criminal Misc 36053/2014 218 Criminal Misc 36770/2015 219 Criminal Misc 11246/2015 220 Criminal Misc 31507/2015 221 Criminal Misc 45090/2015 222 Criminal Misc 12051/2014 223 Criminal Misc 4361/2015 224 Criminal Misc 37626/2015 225 Criminal Misc 42307/2014 226 Criminal Misc 18755/2015 227 Criminal Misc 10936/2015 Mahbub vs The State Shahadat Hosen vs The State Md. Masud Miah vs The State Jamal vs The State Md. Iqbal Hossain vs The state. Akbor Ali Roni vs The State Hazi Nazir Hossain vs The State Md. Ueasin Ullah vs The State Md. Belal Hossain vs The State Md. Uzzal vs The State Md. Emtiaz Ahammad Sawon Akon vs The state Md. Fakrul Majid vs The State Md. Fakrul Majid vs The State Md. Abu Sayed Biswas vs The State Md. Hasmat Ali vs The State md. omar faroque vs The State Md. Erfan vs The State Md. Shahar Ali Mollah vs The State Dildar Hossain vs The State For Hearing : 498 324 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 (Rule Hearing) Criminal Misc Md. Faruk Hussain 592/2016 vs The State Criminal Misc Md. Jalal Uddin 2936/2016 vs The State Criminal Misc Md. Sagor 743/2016 vs The State For Hearing : 561-A Criminal Misc Md. Robiul Islam and 13394/2011 others vs The state and others. Criminal Misc Md. Robiul Islam and 13396/2011 others vs The state Criminal Misc Md. Robiula Islam 13397/2011 and others vs The state Criminal Misc Md. iqbal Hossain 14137/2011 and others vs The state Criminal Misc Sanjib Das Saju 34418/2015 vs The State Criminal Misc Abdus Salam 16965/2013 vs The state Criminal Misc Md. Firoj Aalam 28159/2013 vs The State Criminal Misc Md. Sona Miah 49087/2015 vs State Criminal Misc Abdur Shahid 35040/2014 vs The State Criminal Misc Md. Abdul Momen vs 40136/2014 The State Criminal Misc Biplob Hossain 30911/2015 vs The State Criminal Misc Md. Ripon 8851/2014 vs The State Criminal Misc Md. Khurshed Alam 36965/2015 vs The State Criminal Misc Faizul alias Sohel 31368/2015 vs The State Criminal Misc Almas Hossain 4150/2015 vs The State 325 246 Criminal Misc 11647/2010 247 Criminal Misc 51158/2014 248 Criminal Misc 18546/2014 249 Criminal Misc 1552/2013 250 Criminal Misc 49058/2015 251 Criminal Misc 26260/2012 252 Criminal Misc 18296/2015 253 Criminal Misc 16356/2012 254 Criminal Misc 10290/2015 255 Criminal Misc 45007/2012 256 Criminal Misc 21283/2008 257 Criminal Misc 3332/2015 258 Criminal Misc 5715/2011 259 Criminal Misc 12228/2013 260 Criminal Misc 5633/2006 261 Criminal Misc 8385/2013 262 Criminal Misc 17540/2012 263 Criminal Misc 20370/2012 Md. Nasir Uddin and others vs The State A.H.M. Kamruzzaman vs The State Md. Golam Sarwar vs The State Most.Nasima Khanom vs the state Azizur Rahman vs The State Sheik Zakia Hossain vs The state Kamrun Nahar vs The State Abdul Khaleque vs The State Md. Abu Bakkar Siddique vs The State Jamiron Nesa vs The state Mr. Maloy vs The State Hasina vs The State Suman Kanti Biswash vs The State Asma Begum vs the state Badal Miah vs The State Md.Rafiqul islam and another vs The state Enayetullah alias Emon and others vs The state Moulana A.Salam @ Abdus Salam vs The state 264 Criminal Misc 8620/2009 265 Criminal Misc 27132/2014 266 Criminal Misc 18443/2008 267 Criminal Misc 45856/2015 268 Criminal Misc 17958/2013 269 Criminal Misc 35004/2011 270 Criminal Misc 48529/2012 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 Criminal Misc 26345/2012 Criminal Misc 36452/2015 Criminal Misc 4896/2006 Md. Mohibullah vs The State Md. Tarek Hossain vs The State Alhaz Md. Mizanur Rahman vs The State Mostafa Kamal Howlader vs The State AHM Abul Khair vs The State Shajahan vs The state Md.Sahajahan Hafiz vs the state Md.Jalal Khan vs The State Mofizur Rahman vs The state Lutfor Rahman vs The State Criminal Appeal : For Hearing Criminal Appeal Sreemati Dristi Das 7626/2015 vs The state Criminal Appeal Md.Al-Amin 3742/2012 vs The State Criminal Appeal Asadul Islam 5218/2015 vs The state Criminal Appeal Rafiqul Islam 8042/2015 vs The State Criminal Appeal Sumon Mollah 4732/2014 vs The State Criminal Appeal Gousul Azam Doller 432/2015 vs The state. Criminal Appeal Siddique Gazi 10530/2015 vs The State Criminal Appeal Md.Montaz Uddin 7235/2014 vs The State Criminal Appeal Abdul Aziz 25/2015 vs The State 326 283 Criminal Appeal 4180/2014 284 Criminal Appeal 514/2014 285 Criminal Appeal 5243/2015 286 Criminal Appeal 631/2015 287 Criminal Appeal 1411/2015 288 Criminal Appeal 967/2015 289 Criminal Appeal 3925/2013 290 Criminal Appeal 537/2015 291 Criminal Appeal 516/2015 292 Criminal Appeal 5506/2014 293 Criminal Appeal 7375/2015 294 Criminal Appeal 1350/2015 295 Criminal Appeal 1283/2015 296 Criminal Appeal 5112/2015 297 Criminal Appeal 831/2015 298 Criminal Appeal 7906/2014 299 Criminal Appeal 5539/2014 300 Criminal Appeal 5248/2013 Md.Anisur Rahman Khan Rizvi vs The State Md.Nurul Kabir vs The State Reajul Sheikh vs The state Md. Ziaur Rahman vs The State Jasim Uddin vs The state. Md.Tarek @ tarek Khan @ Tarek (Minor) vs The state. Abdul Gafur vs The State Hashmot vs The state. Hashmot vs The state. Abdur Rashim Howlader vs The State Md.Sohidul vs The State Md.Shahab Uddin vs The state. Md.Lalon vs The state. Saiful Islam vs The state. Md.Kawsar vs The state. Rezu Moni vs The State Jahid Gazi vs The State Md.Khokon Hawlader @ Md.Moshir Rahman and ors vs The State 301 Criminal Appeal 3356/2015 302 Criminal Appeal 7463/2015 303 Criminal Appeal 1241/2015 304 Criminal Appeal 1145/2015 305 Criminal Appeal 7772/2015 306 Criminal Appeal 7182/2015 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 Criminal Revision 1223/2010 Siddique vs The State Md.Shohag vs The state Mowlana Abdur Rouf vs The State Saidul Haque vs The State Md.Ripon Hossain vs The State Md.Abdul Halim vs The state 319 320 For Hearing : 439 Criminal Revision Gias Uddin 181/2014 vs The State Criminal Revision Nazmul 10251/2015 vs The State Criminal Revision Alhaj Md. Shafiul 1022/2011 vs The State Criminal Revision Alhaj muhd. Shofiul 1023/2011 Chowdhry vs The State Criminal Revision Alhaj Muhd. Shofiul 1024/2011 Hoq Chow dhury vs The State Criminal Revision Alhaj MD. Shofiul 1015/2011 Hoq Chodhury vs The State Criminal Revision Alhaj Muhammad 1016/2011 Shofiul Hoq Chowdhury vs The State Criminal Revision Md. Alamin 1367/2010 vs The State Criminal Revision Abdul And Others 1196/2015 vs The State and other;s Criminal Revision Rashed Begum 364/2014 Halem vs The State Criminal Revision Sabuj Sarder 37/2013 vs The State 327 Md. Ismail Hossain Hawlader vs The State For Hearing : 526 Criminal Misc Md. Ali Akbar 34341/2015 vs The State Criminal Misc Md. Saiful Islam 37493/2014 vs The State Supreme Court of Bangladesh High Court Division Justice Gobinda Chandra Tagore and Justice Abu Taher Md. Saifur Rahman Date : 02/05/2016 [Main Building Court No. 27] [ +/ 1 2 3 4 5 6 = >% '( . ; ।] : '( . 2? ; < $ # . /0 @ O As to be mentioned Writ Petition Iqubal Parvez 10546/2015 vs Bangladesh and others Writ Petition The Sec. Min. of 2276/2014 Housing and Public Works bangladesh vs Chairman The First court of Sattlement Dhaka and ors For Order Writ Petition Mr. Nurul Amin 10013/2010 vs Agrani Bank Ltd. Writ Petition Subir Sikder 5280/2015 vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Cultural Affairs and 06 others Writ Petition Sushmita Biswas 5281/2015 vs The Sec. Min. of Cultural Affairs and 06 ors For Hearing Writ Petition A.H. Kamrun Nobi 8208/2013 vs Sec.min. of jute and ors 328 '( 7 Writ Petition 5070/2013 8 Writ Petition 2811/2015 9 Writ Petition 329/2015 10 Writ Petition 1123/2007 11 Writ Petition 334/2015 12 Writ Petition 5842/2014 13 Writ Petition 4771/2015 - ; % 2 Most. Mitu Akter vs Sec.min. of edcuation and ors Tajul Islam Bablu vs Bangladesh and others Abdul malek Molla vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Law Justice and Parliamentary Affairs and 07 others Md. Nurul Amin vs Chairman, Saifun preparens Programe Mohammad Ali Sarder vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Land and 05 others Md. Asraful Islam vs The Sec. Min. of Education and ors Md. Altafuzzaman vs Bangladesh and Others 14 Writ Petition 9349/2014 15 Writ Petition 501/2014 16 17 18 Writ Petition 7190/2015 Writ Petition 7724/2015 Writ Petition 7509/2015 19 Writ Petition 1796/2015 20 Writ Petition 1886/2014 21 Writ Petition 3374/2014 22 Writ Petition 6460/2013 23 Writ Petition 695/2014 24 25 Writ Petition 7905/2009 Writ Petition 4095/2013 Mst. Shahida Begum and ors vs Bangladesh and ors Md. Nazmul Hoque vs Govt of Bangladesh Kamrun Nahar vs Sec min of law and 12 others Md. Ilias and ors vs The Sec. Min. of Law and 12 others Nazrul Islam vs The Sec min of Law and 13 others Md. Selim Sikdar vs Bangladesh and ors. Md. Abul Kalam Azad vs The Sec. Min. of Education and ors Md. Sharif Jawhary vs Bangladesh and ors. Md. Saidur Rahman vs Sec.min. works and ors Md. Tafazzal Hoque Sarker and ors vs Bangladesh and ors. Mazibur Rahman, Mirpur Dhaka vs The State Md. Helal uddin and another vs Sec.min. of land and ors 329 26 Writ Petition 9839/2015 27 Writ Petition 10842/2014 28 Writ Petition 576/2014 29 Writ Petition 8648/2014 30 Writ Petition 11279/2012 31 Writ Petition 5066/2014 32 Writ Petition 7282/2011 33 Writ Petition 13993/2012 34 Writ Petition 6858/2014 35 Writ Petition 762/2015 Boishakhi Rani vs The Sec. Min. of Primary and Mass Education and 07 others Onup chandra das vs Bangladesh and ors. Md. Hasibul Haeque vs The Sec. Min. of Health and Family Welfare and ors Md. Yeahia Rahman vs The Sec. Min. of Jute and Textile and 6 ors Md. Bazlur Rashid vs The Sec. Min. of L. G. R. D. Md. Shahjalal vs Bangladesh and others Abu Yousuf Mrida vs Govt. of Bangladesh and others Md. Abul Hossain and 2 others vs Bangaldesh by the sec.min. of primary and mass education and ors Md. Nurul Amin vs The Sec. Min. of Education and ors Tarun Kumar Dey vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of LGRD and 03 others 36 Writ Petition 10855/2015 37 Writ Petition 4081/2013 38 Writ Petition 6163/2013 39 40 41 42 43 44 Writ Petition 11236/2014 Writ Petition 11237/2014 Writ Petition 11238/2014 Writ Petition 3897/2012 Writ Petition 9683/2015 Writ Petition 971/2007 Bangldesh Bridge Authourtiy vs Central Procurement Unit , Director General and 02 Others Ashraful Islam vs National University Gazipur and ors Chowdhury Tawel Industries pvt. ltd. vs Bangladesh and others The Premeir Band Ltd vs Artha Rin Adalat 2 Dhaka and 6 others The Premeir Bank Ltd vs Artha Rin Adalat 2 Dhaka and 6 others The Premeir Bank Ltd vs Artha Rin Adalat 2 Dhaka and 6 others A.B.M Abdul Halim vs The Sec. Min.of Power Energy and Minerel resource and ors Mrs. Jebun Nahar Azmal vs The Sec Min of Public Works and 07 others T.M. Fate Kubir, Dhaka ors vs Dhaka North City 330 45 Writ Petition 127/2015 46 Writ Petition 3991/2013 47 Writ Petition 8979/2015 48 Writ Petition 2963/2015 49 Writ Petition 5349/2014 50 Writ Petition 9556/2013 51 Writ Petition 2486/2010 52 Writ Petition 5379/2014 53 Writ Petition 7107/2010 54 Writ Petition 5020/2014 55 Writ Petition 5019/2014 56 Writ Petition 5018/2014 57 Writ Petition 10019/2014 Abul Hasnat vs Governor Bangladesh Bank and 2 ors Amirujjaman arzu vs Bangladesh and ors. Md. Fazlul Haque Shahjahan vs Bangladesh and Others Md. Motiar Rahman vs Govt. of Bangladesh and others Liakot Corporation vs The State and Others Kamrul Islam vs The State and Others Haji Md Ismail Hossian vs The State and ors S.M.Shahjahan vs The State Md. Shah Alam vs The State Hosenur Rahman Mondol vs The State Md. Abu Ali vs The State Md. Faruque Hossain vs The State Md.Kaium vs Dhaka South City 58 Writ Petition 10002/2013 59 Writ Petition 11721/2014 60 Writ Petition 10956/2015 61 Writ Petition 11000/2012 62 63 64 Writ Petition 2178/2013 Writ Petition 3771/2001 Writ Petition 5497/2013 65 Writ Petition 6901/2015 66 Writ Petition 8010/2015 67 68 Writ Petition 8269/2012 Writ Petition 5604/2013 Kefayet Ullah Mamun vs Sec. min. of law and ors Monir Ahmed Khan vs The State Jyortirmoy Deb Roy vs The Sec. Min. of Land and 05 others Samol kumar das vs The Sec. Min. of Law and ors M.A .Monsur vs Chairman, Bumi Apeal Bord, Gazi Md. Dil Gani, Mirpur Dhaka vs The state and others Samsul Huq vs Bagladesh and Others Most. fatema begum vs The Sec. Min. of Education and 06 ors Md. Yakub Ali vs The Sec. Min. of Energ and Meneral Resource and 02 others Begume Farida Khatun vs Bangladesh Dr. Ferdous Ahmed chowdhury vs Bangladesh medical and dental council Dhaka and ors 331 69 Writ Petition 7640/2011 70 Writ Petition 934/2011 71 Writ Petition 4901/2011 72 Writ Petition 6160/2014 73 Writ Petition 2421/2013 74 Writ Petition 1420/2004 75 Writ Petition 11172/2015 76 Writ Petition 11148/2014 77 Writ Petition 11933/2014 78 Writ Petition 5844/2008 79 Writ Petition 9899/2014 Md. Ishaque Ali vs The state and others Md. Selim Reza and ors vs Bangladesh and ors. The BD Observer and others vs The Chairman Labour Appellate Tribunal ,Dhaka Noor Mohammad vs Govt of Bangladesh and ors Most. Fatema Khatun vs Sec.min. of local govt. and rural development and ors SreeDham Debnath vs Bangladesh and others Mir Mosharrof Hossain vs The Sec. Min. of Public Administration and Another Shamim Kobir vs Commissioner of Taxes Dhaka and ors Md. Mostafa khan vs The State Amol Krishna Sirkar vs The State Md. rezaul karim vs The Sec. Min. of law and 04 ors 80 Writ Petition 4548/2011 81 Writ Petition 5044/2011 82 Writ Petition 7313/2014 83 Writ Petition 1098/2010 84 Writ Petition 6897/2012 85 Writ Petition 11538/2014 86 Writ Petition 914/2010 87 Writ Petition 129/2015 88 Writ Petition 7534/2015 89 Writ Petition 4801/2014 Md. Atahar Hossain vs Mongla Port Autority Abadus Nessa vs The Sec min of Libaration War and ors Md. Imrul Hasan Bhuiyan vs Bangladesh and others Javed Imran vs Bangladesh and Others Akibunnesa Begum vs Bangladesh and others Sanjib kumar debnath vs The state and others Moktadi Ali, Sylhet and 3 ors vs Sec. min. of Defence and ors Mohammad Nuruddoza Farazi vs Bangladesh, Mayor Chittagong City Corporation Chittagong Md. Saifur Rahman vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Education and 06 others Md. Nazrul Islam Mondal and ors vs Bangladesh and others 332 90 Writ Petition 3772/2015 91 Writ Petition 15191/2012 92 Writ Petition 15795/2012 93 Writ Petition 2753/2014 94 Review Petition 9/2011 95 Writ Petition 7137/2014 96 Writ Petition 11153/2015 97 Writ Petition 10455/2015 Engineer Mohammad Rashedul Alam vs Director general Bangladesh Rural Development Board and 02 others Md. Monir Hossain vs Sec.min of establishment and ors Md. Mizanur Rahman vs Sec.min. of Establishment and ors Md. Abul Kashem Azad vs Bangladesh and others Mr. Abul Kalam Chowdhury, Adv.For the applicant Mr. Maqbul Ahmed, Adv.-For the respondents Mohammad Idris miah vs Govt. of Bangladesh and others Mosammat Bilkis Banu and 3 ors vs Bangladesh and ors Md. Ismail Miah vs The Sec. Min. of Liberation War Affairs and 05 Others Md. Shakhawat Hossain vs The Sec. Min. of Education and 04 others 98 Writ Petition 5900/2014 99 Writ Petition 5235/2014 100 Writ Petition 12436/2015 101 Writ Petition 10663/2013 102 Writ Petition 3631/2015 103 Writ Petition 12583/2015 104 Writ Petition 13030/2015 105 Writ Petition 3982/2014 106 Writ Petition 7753/2014 107 Writ Petition 1676/2010 Ms. Taslima khanam vs Bangladesh and others Md. Hanif Mondal vs The Sec. Min. of Agricalural and ors Md. Abul Kalam vs The Sec. Min. of Land and 04 others Bangladesh legal aid and services trust (BLAST) and 7 ors vs Sec.min. of health and family welfare and ors Md. Humayun Kabir vs sec min of Muktijoddha Affairs and 05 others Md. Alamgir vs Public Administration and 03 others Enamul Haque vs The Sec. Min. of Land and 05 others Khan Saifullah panir vs Bangaldesh Md. Mahbubul alam vs The State Md. Mohiuddin, vs Bangladesh and Others 333 108 Writ Petition 4714/2010 109 Writ Petition 1141/2010 110 Writ Petition 6025/2010 111 Writ Petition 1012/2010 112 Writ Petition 362/2014 113 Writ Petition 424/2014 114 Writ Petition 1374/2015 115 Writ Petition 10355/2013 116 Writ Petition 6857/2012 Human Rights and Peace for Bangladesh Dhaka vs Bangladesh and Others Human Rights and Peace for Bangladesh Dhaka vs Bangladesh and Others Md. Abdul Salam Khokon, Kotwali Dhaka vs Bangladesh and Others Messers Faruk Shipping Lines Sutrapur Dhaka vs Bangladesh and Others Shah Mohammad Ali Noor vs Bangladesh and Others Shah Mohammad Ali Noor vs Bangladesh and Others Md. Hasanuzzaman vs Bangladesh and Others Faruq Ahmed vs Bangladesh and Others Gaibandha Zila Motor Malik Samity vs Bangladesh and Others 117 Writ Petition 5662/2015 118 Writ Petition 6103/2015 119 120 Writ Petition 7170/2015 Writ Petition 10486/2011 121 Writ Petition 9206/2015 122 Writ Petition 3624/2015 123 124 125 126 Writ Petition 9934/2013 Writ Petition 10887/2015 Writ Petition 8124/2015 Writ Petition 6591/2014 Md. Nurun Nabi (Badal) vs Sec.min. of law and ors Sree Sree Lakshmi narayan vs Bangladesh and Others Begum Shamsunnahar vs Bangladesh and Others Sreehatta Shanitta Parishad vs The state and others M/S M.L Joint Venture vs Bangladesh and Others Md. Rajzzak Hossain vs Bangladesh and Others Md. Shamim Al Mamun vs Bangladesh and Others Sheikh Imlak Ahmed vs Bangladesh and Others Khan Mohammad Harun ur Rashid vs Bangladesh and Others Md. Azhar Ali vs Bangladesh and others 334 127 Writ Petition 295/2015 128 Writ Petition 10573/2014 129 Writ Petition 128/2015 130 Writ Petition 10574/2014 131 Writ Petition 41/2015 132 Writ Petition 347/2014 133 Writ Petition 3834/2015 134 Writ Petition 2748/2015 135 Writ Petition 2748/2012 136 Writ Petition 6648/2015 137 Writ Petition 8823/2014 Delwar Abdus sabur vs The Sec. Min. of LGRD and 08 ors ABM Zahirul Haque vs Bangladesh and Others Md. Nizamul Haque vs Bangladesh and Others Basu Deb saha vs Bangladesh and Others Md. Keramat Ali vs Sonali Bank Ltd. DC. Noakhali vs The Sec. Min. of Law, Justice and Parlamentary Affairs and ros Md. Younus Ali Biswas vs Bangladesh and Others Khondakar shazahan Ali vs The Sec. Min. of Law and 02 others Samima Akter vs Bangladesh and Others Sahin Alam vs Bangladesh and Others Janatun nessa vs Bangladesh and Others 138 Writ Petition 3490/2012 139 Writ Petition 8503/2012 140 Writ Petition 625/2012 141 Writ Petition 9883/2014 142 Writ Petition 387/2014 143 Writ Petition 11024/2014 144 Writ Petition 13812/2012 145 Writ Petition 505/2012 146 Writ Petition 9210/2013 147 Writ Petition 6312/2015 148 Writ Petition 6119/2011 Md. Anwar Hossain vs Bangladesh and Others Md. Mohiuddin Majumder vs Commissioner of Customs Engineer golam Md. Alamgir vs Sec. min. of Industries and ors Shahiduzzaman vs The state and others Md. Abul Hossain vs Bangladesh and Others Md. mofazzal hossain vs The state and others M. Shahjahan vs Khaleda Begume Nasima Akter vs The state and others Md. Habibur Rahman vs The state Md. Anwar Hossain vs The Sec. Min. of Ralway and 06 ors S.B.I. Builders Ltd. vs Sec.min. of Power energy and mineral resources and ors 335 149 Writ Petition 10870/2012 150 Writ Petition 8591/2011 151 Writ Petition 4137/2015 152 Writ Petition 8142/2009 153 Writ Petition 9972/2013 154 Writ Petition 306/2013 155 Writ Petition 4263/2013 156 Writ Petition 5264/2014 Begum Rowshan vs Sec. min. of rural development and cooperative and ors Sayed Faizee Mohammadi Ahmad Ullah vs WAQF Administrator of Bangladesh and others Kazi Siddiqur Rahman vs Director general land Roform and Devdlopment dhaka and 17 others Md. Moftaqur Rahman(Babu Rahman) vs The Vice Chancellor Jahangir Nagar University and ors Md. Moftaqur Rahman(Babu Rahman) vs The Vice Chancellor Jahangir Nagar University and ors Md. Abdul Bari vs Bangladesh power development board Dhaka and ors Md. Saifullah Khan vs The State Amir Hossain vs The State and ors 157 Writ Petition 5356/2014 158 Writ Petition 5355/2014 159 160 161 Writ Petition 12400/2014 Writ Petition 11944/2014 Writ Petition 7554/2014 162 Writ Petition 7610/2014 163 Writ Petition 7281/2014 164 Writ Petition 7847/2013 165 166 167 Writ Petition 4476/2013 Writ Petition 6320/2014 Writ Petition 5514/2014 168 Writ Petition 1263/2014 169 Writ Petition 6187/2013 Amtoti Launch Ghat jam e Mosque vs The State Norsinghapur Ferryghat Sramik Bbhemulhi Samabay Samity Ltd. vs The State Alhaj Md. jashim uddin mirdha vs The State Selim hasan vs The State Sochona Smabya Smity ltd vs The State Ashisk Kumar Day vs The State Md. Alamgir Hossain vs The State Md.Rezaul Karim Badsha vs The State AKM Nazrul Islam vs The State Md. Rezaul Karim vs The State Md. Jahir Hossain vs The State Md. Abdur Rahim vs The State Most. Amina Khatun vs The State 170 Writ Petition 9761/2013 171 Writ Petition 7294/2009 172 Writ Petition 1828/2012 173 Writ Petition 12385/2014 174 Writ Petition 1516/2011 175 Writ Petition 2996/2013 176 Writ Petition 4471/2014 (with) Writ Petition 4470/2014 336 177 Writ Petition 11824/2013 178 Writ Petition 7595/2013 179 Writ Petition 9099/2007 Tangail Central cooperative Bank ltd. vs The state and others Md. Afsor Uddin, Sylhet vs The state and others Md. Asaduzzaman vs The state and others Mohiuddin ahmed chowdhury vs The state and others Nurun Nabi vs Bangladesh and others Md.Alamgir Howlader and 249 ors vs The state and others Gazi Mahmud Suja Uddin vs The state and others Gazi Mahmud Suja Uddin vs The state and others Dulal Chandra Dutta vs The state and others Riffat Hoque vs The state and others Alhaj M A Rob, Gazipur vs The state and others 180 Writ Petition 9570/2015 181 Writ Petition 223/2004 182 Writ Petition 2697/2007 183 Writ Petition 1000/2011 184 185 Writ Petition 6209/2014 Writ Petition 9422/2014 186 Writ Petition 9699/2013 187 Writ Petition 2326/2014 188 189 190 Writ Petition 6742/2015 Writ Petition 10149/2014 Writ Petition 950/2012 Mst. Selina Khatun vs The Sec min of primary and Mass Educationa and 15 others Md. Khorshed Miah vs Bangladesh and others Md. Khorshed Miah vs The state and others Halima Khatun, Pabna vs The state and others Ashiqur Rahman Khan vs The state and others kazi borno uttam vs The state and others Bazlul Munir vs The state and others Alamgir Kabir vs The state and others Jakir Hossain Howlader vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Land and 06 others Md. Hafizur Rahman vs The state and others Engineer Salahuddin Chowdhury and 8 ors vs Sec.min. of Finance and ors 337 191 Writ Petition 9160/2014 192 Writ Petition 617/2015 193 Writ Petition 8189/2008 194 Writ Petition 6874/2009 195 Writ Petition 9089/2005 196 Writ Petition 1734/2015 197 Writ Petition 2458/2011 198 Writ Petition 3870/2013 199 Writ Petition 4888/2014 200 Writ Petition 4163/2014 201 Writ Petition 7705/2014 202 Writ Petition 11221/2012 Anwer vs The Sec. Min. of Law, Justice and Parlamentary Affairs and ros Md. Razaul karim vs The Sec. Min. of Education and 01 ors Md. Nur Nabi, Ctg. and another vs Sec. Min. of Housing and ors Shahbuddin vs Saber Ahmed Bangladesh Environment Lojars Association vs The State Most. Rahima Aktar vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Education and 05 others Md. Asadul Momin vs The State Kanu Das vs The state and others Md. Abdus Salam vs The State Md. Ripon Sarkar vs The State Afsanur Rahman vs The State Kabir Hossain vs The State 203 Writ Petition 9834/2008 204 Writ Petition 6922/2010 205 Writ Petition 9277/2012 206 Writ Petition 9204/2015 207 Writ Petition 9282/2015 208 Writ Petition 12131/2012 209 Writ Petition 9975/2014 210 Writ Petition 5205/2015 211 212 Writ Petition 10046/2015 Writ Petition 13273/2012 Md. Alamin Chowdhury vs The State Jahanara Begum, vs Vumi Appeal Board and others A.K.M. Fazlul Haque vs The state and others M/S Osim Traders vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Shipping and 05 others M/S Khan Construction vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Shipping and 05 others Mohibur Rahman vs The state and others Payal Mahmud vs Bangladesh Bank Zahirul haque vs The Judge Artha Rain Adalat ctg and 03 ors Monower Shadat vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Law Justice and Parliamentary Affairs and Another Md. Azizul Haque and others vs Sec.min. of land and ors 338 213 Writ Petition 6478/2007 214 Writ Petition 15769/2012 215 Writ Petition 4444/2013 216 Writ Petition 7845/2012 217 Writ Petition 2471/2010 218 Writ Petition 3128/2008 219 Writ Petition 10872/2011 220 Writ Petition 12330/2014 221 Writ Petition 5780/2012 222 Writ Petition 15761/2012 223 Writ Petition 9428/2012 224 Writ Petition 9957/2013 Samir Mazumder vs Bangladesh and others kazi Mobinul Haque vs The state and others Md. Kamrul Hasan vs The state and others Torag Artha Shamajik multipurpose cooperative societ ltd. vs The state and others Md. Habib vs Bangladesh and others Md. Farid Ahmed, Coxs Bazar vs The state and others Moulana A.N.M.Abdus Sukur vs Bangladesh and ors. Haji abdur razzak vs The state and others Tara Chand vs Agrani Bank Md. Younus Ali vs The state and others Subas Chandra Bhowmik vs The state and others Md. Masud Bhuiyan vs Sec.min. of LGRD and ors 225 Writ Petition 8209/2013 226 Writ Petition 4242/2009 227 Writ Petition 14538/2012 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 Writ Petition 4984/2014 Writ Petition 2981/2015 Writ Petition 888/2014 Writ Petition 6584/2009 Writ Petition 11503/2014 Writ Petition 6710/2012 Writ Petition 8429/2012 Manik chandra das vs Sec.min. of jute and ors HR Ltd. vs Govt. of Bangladesh and others Human rights and peace for Bangladesh vs Sec.min. of local govt. Dhaka and ors Mohammed Didarul Alam vs The Sec. Min. of Finance and ors Md. abdul khalek and ors vs The Sec. Min. of LGRD and 09 ors Md. Shahadat Hossain vs The Sec. Min. of Health and Family Welfare and ors Rehena Banu, Dhaka vs Sec.min. of Housing and Public Works and ors Jointo Kumar howlader vs The State Md. Sekander Ali vs The State Md. Shah Alam and 8 ors vs The State 339 235 Writ Petition 7350/2011 236 Writ Petition 5034/2010 237 Writ Petition 5083/2012 238 Writ Petition 4099/2013 239 Writ Petition 4456/2013 240 Writ Petition 4542/2013 241 Writ Petition 4942/2013 242 Writ Petition 4943/2013 243 Writ Petition 5000/2013 244 Writ Petition 5016/2013 245 Writ Petition 5020/2013 246 Writ Petition 5021/2013 247 Writ Petition 5064/2013 Nadira Alomgir and ors vs The State Nadira Alomgir and ors vs The State Prodduz Chakroborty vs The state and others Kazi Asheq Ullah vs The state and others md. Abul Bashar vs The state and others Dewan Sultan Ahmed vs The state and others md. Nazrul Islam vs The state and others md. Azahar Khan vs The state and others Prababesh Roy vs The state and others md. Armanuzzaman Khan vs The State and Others Md. Aliuzzaman Khan vs The state and others Md. Nawaz vs The state and others Mohd. Salahuddin vs The state and others 248 Writ Petition 5077/2013 249 Writ Petition 8599/2011 250 Writ Petition 5675/2013 251 Writ Petition 9359/2012 252 Writ Petition 10854/2013 253 254 Writ Petition 2503/2014 Writ Petition 10709/2007 255 Writ Petition 8805/2012 256 Writ Petition 9565/2012 257 258 Writ Petition 6226/2009 Writ Petition 2601/2011 Soyab Hossain vs Bangladesh and others Md.Ershad Ali vs The State and Others Rehana Akter vs The state and others md. Hanif and 15 ors vs The state and others Ali Ahmed vs Bangladesh and others. Md. kafiluddin vs The Sec. Min. of Land and ors Dilip Goshwami, Dhaka vs Bangladesh and others Md. Mohiuddin Khan Moin vs The state and others md. Atiur Rahman Laskar and 4 ors vs Sec.min. of home affairs and ors Advocate Khan Ziaur Rahman, vs The State and Others Rezaul Karim vs Bangladesh and others 340 259 Writ Petition 1872/2011 260 Writ Petition 2946/2009 261 Writ Petition 3561/2009 262 Writ Petition 11167/2012 263 Writ Petition 8210/2014 264 Writ Petition 7382/2014 265 Writ Petition 3112/2009 266 Writ Petition 7022/2009 267 Writ Petition 1334/2004 268 Writ Petition 1814/2005 269 Writ Petition 9113/2015 270 Writ Petition 3543/2014 A.K.M. Rownak Hossain, Rangpur vs Deputy Commissioner Gaibandah and ors Md. Taher Ahmed, Dhaka vs Dhaka North City North South Property vs The State Ctg Culb ltd vs R.J.M.C and Others Abdur Razzal Nagar vs The State and Others Md. Abdus Samad vs The State Aziz Sharif vs Bangladesh and others. S.B Pharmecitacles Ltd vs Chairman 1st Labour Court dhaka and ors Rafiqul Haque vs Bangladesh Others Rafiqul islam vs Bangladesh Others Md. Abul Kalam Azad vs The Sec. Min. of Land and 05 others Sultana Helena Khanam vs Sec. min. of education and ors 271 Writ Petition 9264/2012 272 Writ Petition 1616/2013 273 Writ Petition 10959/2012 274 Writ Petition 1055/2014 275 276 277 Writ Petition 10226/2011 Writ Petition 640/2007 Writ Petition 8528/2014 278 Writ Petition 5227/2010 279 Writ Petition 9384/2012 280 Writ Petition 3306/2004 Khondoker Md. Kamruzzamn vs Sec.min. of local govt. and ors Md. Anwar Hossain (Liton) and 2 ors vs Sec.min of Home affairs and ors Hayatunnessa vs D.C Sylhet and ors Muhammad Khalulur Rahman vs Vice Chancellar, The University of Rajshahi and ors Nakib akram Hossian vs Rajuk Dhaka and another Abdul Baten Khan, vs Govt. of Bangladesh and others Md. Habibur Rahman vs govt of bangladesh and others Most. Zarina Begum vs The stata Mohammad Ali vs Sec.min. of land and ors Golam Mahid Monsur and others vs Bangladesh and others 341 281 Writ Petition 11922/2012 282 Writ Petition 7580/2014 283 Writ Petition 14676/2012 284 Writ Petition 1817/2014 285 Writ Petition 10642/2014 286 Writ Petition 3442/2008 287 Writ Petition 304/2009 288 Writ Petition 1600/2010 289 Writ Petition 4468/2010 290 Writ Petition 6743/2002 291 Writ Petition 228/2003 M/s HRC. International pvt. ltd. vs Sec.min. of exparties welfare and ors Md. Shah alam vs The Sec. Min. of LGRD and 05 ors S.m. Abdus Salam vs Sec.min. of land and ors Md. Abdul Kayum vs The Sec. Min. of Finance and ors Md. Saiful Islam vs The Premeer bank ltd Sahin Chowdhury, Narayangonj vs The state and others Shafique Bepari, Chandpur vs The state and others S.J Cement vs The state and others Alhaj Md. Yeamin Miah, Mizmizi, Narayangonj vs The state and others Bex Enterprise vs Bangladesh and others Shahid Ullah Chawduary, Dhaka vs The state and others 292 Writ Petition 1014/2007 293 Writ Petition 646/2008 294 Writ Petition 941/2008 295 Writ Petition 3375/2015 296 Writ Petition 2807/2009 297 Writ Petition 1967/2014 298 Writ Petition 12101/2014 299 Writ Petition 7803/2006 300 Writ Petition 1957/2006 301 Writ Petition 7600/2010 302 Writ Petition 855/2011 303 Writ Petition 776/1998 Mir Sement Ltd vs Govt of Bangladesh and others Shah Cement Industries Ltd, Dhaka vs The state and others Premier Cement Mills Ltd, Dhaka vs The state and others Alhaj Md. Hasibur Rahaman vs Bangladesh and others Sunil Kumar Biswas, Khulna vs The state and others Md. Ziaul Sarker (Zia) vs The state and others Nurul Mostofa vs The state and others Karimun Nesa vs The state and others Karimun Nesa vs The state and others Abu Yousuf Mrida vs Govt. of Bangladesh and others Md. Harunur Rashid vs Govt. of Bangladesh and others Kaiyumm Hossain vs Bangladesh and Others 342 304 Writ Petition 11685/2012 305 Writ Petition 11813/2012 306 Writ Petition 9533/2012 307 Writ Petition 7447/2014 308 Writ Petition 1921/2011 309 Writ Petition 10416/2011 310 Writ Petition 4981/2006 311 Writ Petition 8567/2015 312 Writ Petition 10326/2015 313 Writ Petition 5998/2015 Md. Fakhrul Haque vs Sec.min. of housing and public works and ors Mohd. Ahali Ullah vs Bangladesh by the sec.min. of law, justice and parliamentary affairs and ors R Dewan vs The State and Others A.K.M. Asadullah vs The Sec. Min. of Education and 11ors Saifuddin vs Chief Executive Officer Dhaka City Corporation Nagar Bhaban Dhaka and ors Gouranga Chandra Kunda and 9 ors vs Sec.min of education and ors Asir Ahmed vs The Sec. Ministry of Land and others Ajaharul Islam vs Bangladesh Mosharaf Hossain khan vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of LGRD and 06 others Sayed Shariar Hasan vs Bangladesh and others 314 Writ Petition 1000/2009 315 Writ Petition 11296/2013 316 Writ Petition 7132/2011 317 Writ Petition 7555/2010 318 Writ Petition 11797/2012 319 Writ Petition 4830/2014 320 Writ Petition 10049/2014 321 Writ Petition 3714/2012 322 Writ Petition 3715/2012 323 Writ Petition 12350/2013 324 Writ Petition 9060/2011 Rezia Akhter vs Govt. of Bangladesh and others Kawsar Ahmmad Samsed and 16 ors vs The Sec. Min. of Land and ors Ainun Nahar Siddik vs The state and others Md. Johirul Islam, Chandpur vs Sec. Min. of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs and ors Md. Menhazul Islam vs Sec.min .of LGRD and ors Most. Lovely Khatun vs The Sec. Min. of Education and ors Alppa compesite ltowels ltd vs The state Abdus Samad vs Sonali Bank Abdur Razzak vs Sonali Bank Hill VIsion vs Bangladesh Sotota Matshajabi Saomobay Samity vs Bangladesh and others 343 325 Writ Petition 8203/2014 326 Writ Petition 5565/2015 327 Writ Petition 2064/2014 328 Writ Petition 2479/2014 329 Writ Petition 925/2010 330 Writ Petition 8981/2011 331 Writ Petition 10256/2013 332 Writ Petition 9770/2008 333 Writ Petition 7280/2014 334 Writ Petition 7441/2015 335 Writ Petition 831/2014 Sanjoy Sarker vs The Sec. Min. of Agricalural and ors Md.Abdus Salam Khan vs The Sec. Min. of Education and ors Shahanaj Begum vs Bangladesh and others Md. Nazim vs The Sec. Min. of Information and ors Bidhan Chandra Mistry vs govt of bangladesh and others M/s Malik Seeds Pvt. Ltd. vs National Board of Revenue and others A.K.M. Mohiuddin vs Sec.min. of local govt. and ors Abdullah Al Masud vs Bangladesh and ors. Md. Alamgir Hossain vs The State Md. Raid uddin vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Education and 06 others Tazul Isalm vs Bangladesh Bank and ors 336 Writ Petition 2638/2015 337 Writ Petition 980/2011 338 Writ Petition 1119/2011 339 340 341 342 Writ Petition 5065/2015 Writ Petition 156/2012 Writ Petition 11007/2007 Writ Petition 2798/2014 343 Writ Petition 6049/2014 344 Writ Petition 789/2009 345 Writ Petition 10821/2014 Mohammad humayun kabir vs The Sec. Min. of Commerce and 07 ors Abu Yusuf Mirdha vs Artha Rin Adalat Khulna Abdul Gani vs Bangladesh and others Nazibul Haque vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Land and 05 others Md. Kamal Hossain ripon vs Sec.min. of LGRD and ors Salma Akhter, Dhaka vs Sec, Min of Housing and Public Works and ors Md. Jahir Uddin vs The state and others M Haider Uzzaman vs Judge, and artha Rin Adalot and ros Sadat Hossain Salim, Dhaka vs Sec.Min. of Housing and Public Works Dhaka and ors Md. Abul Hossain vs The State 344 346 Writ Petition 6125/2015 347 Writ Petition 6230/2014 348 Writ Petition 10099/2015 349 Writ Petition 3929/2014 350 Writ Petition 5059/2013 351 Writ Petition 5759/2011 352 Writ Petition 5761/2008 353 Writ Petition 5762/2008 Md. Abu Sufian vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of LGRD and 05 others Meghnapar Sanchowy and Rindar Samabay Samity LTd. vs The Sec. Min. of Shipping and 0 ors Md. Muazzem Hossain vs The Sec. Min. of Education and 14 others Md. Shazada Samad vs The Sec. Min. of Finance and ors Md.Abdul Kader vs Sec.min. of public administration and ros Abul Khair vs Sec.min. of resources and ors Monowara Begum, Dhaka vs Rajdhani Unnayan kartipakkha Rajuk and ors Shariful Alam, Dhaka vs Rajdhani Unnayan kartipakkha Rajuk and ors 354 Writ Petition 5759/2008 355 Writ Petition 9520/2011 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 Writ Petition 1903/2009 Writ Petition 2095/2013 Writ Petition 5528/2012 Writ Petition 12082/2012 Writ Petition 13373/2012 Writ Petition 12078/2013 Writ Petition 4853/2004 Writ Petition 6230/2008 Samim Sultana, Dhaka vs Rajdhani Unnayan kartipakkha Rajuk and ors Md. Dilwar Hossain vs Sec.min. of LGRD and ors Most. Saliman bibi, Rangpur and another vs Sec.min. of Land Dhaka and ors Abdul Karim vs Sec.min. of housing and public works and ors Md. pannun khandaker vs Sec.min. of ladn and ors Md. Golam Faruk vs Sec.min. of LGRD and ors Majibul Abrar chowdhury vs Chittagong city corporation and ors M.d Shahab Uddin vs The Sec. Min. of Freedom Fighter Affairs and ors Md. Monzur Hossain and others vs Bangladesh and others Al-Amin, Netrokona vs Sec. Min. of Home Affairs and ors 345 364 Writ Petition 533/2015 365 Writ Petition 8828/2011 366 Writ Petition 6037/2014 367 Writ Petition 4024/2015 368 Writ Petition 6459/2013 369 Writ Petition 1986/2013 370 Writ Petition 4661/2010 371 Writ Petition 4769/2015 372 Writ Petition 1443/2014 373 Writ Petition 8203/2012 Md. abdur Razzak Molla vs The chairman, Bangladesh power development dhaka and 5 ors Abdul Latif vs The Sec. Min. of Social Welfare Md. Rustum Ali and 9 ors vs The Sec. Min. of Education and ors Md. Shahidur Rahman vs Sec min of Primary and mass Education and 03 Others Md. Mansur Rahman vs Sec.min. of education ors Md. amir Hasan vs Sec.min. of mineral resources and ors A. Rab Sarder, Jhalkhati vs Bangladesh and others Ajith Das vs The Sec. Min. of primary and mass Education and 05 ors Ajad Mia vs Zonal Settlement Officer and ors Bangladesh Hawkers Federation vs The state and others 374 Writ Petition 6453/2011 375 Writ Petition 7588/2015 376 377 378 379 380 381 Writ Petition 2795/2014 Writ Petition 11234/2014 Writ Petition 3161/2015 Writ Petition 4560/2014 Writ Petition 12067/2013 Writ Petition 3162/2015 382 Writ Petition 8767/2007 383 Writ Petition 3486/2011 Md. Fazlul Haque vs Bangladesh and others Krishna Goswam vs The Sec Min of Education and others Md. Ebrahim Khalil vs The Sec. Min. of Education and ors Dr. Shamsul Haque vs Sec min of Helth and Family welfare and 3 others Md. Ataur Rahman vs The Sec. Min. of public adminstration and 4 ors Shah Md. Alam vs Bangladesh and others Md. Alamgir Kabir vs The Sec. Min. of Land and ors Md. shamsul Alam vs The Sec. Min. of public adminstration and 4 ors Rita Rami Dey, Bhola vs The State and Others Md. Fazlur Rahman Chowdhury vs Govt of Bangladesh and others 346 384 Writ Petition 6968/2015 385 Writ Petition 6783/2011 386 Writ Petition 152/2013 387 Writ Petition 10446/2015 388 Writ Petition 4805/2008 389 Writ Petition 1668/2010 390 Writ Petition 10081/2010 391 Writ Petition 10082/2010 392 Writ Petition ........ /2010 393 Writ Petition 10087/2010 394 Writ Petition 10088/2010 abul hashem majumder vs The Sec. Min. of Industry and 11 others Md. Humayun Kabir vs Bangladesh and others Ms. Bazlur Noor vs Bangladesh and others Homeland Security and Guard Service Ltd vs The Sec. Min. of Social Welfare and 04 others Mobarak Ali and ors vs Bangladesh and ors. Md. Idris Ali Mandal, Rangpur vs The state and others Umme Sufi vs Bangladesh and ors. Md. Mizanur Rahman, vs Bangladesh and ors. Md. Mizanur Rahman, vs Bangladesh and ors. Md. Mojibur Rahman, Rajshahi vs Bangladesh and ors. Md. Mustafizur Rahman, vs Bangladesh and ors. 395 Writ Petition 10089/2010 396 Writ Petition 1094/2013 397 Writ Petition 9999/2015 398 Writ Petition 217/2011 399 Writ Petition 3221/2006 400 Writ Petition 7860/2012 (with) Writ Petition 7485/2012 401 Writ Petition 4111/2013 402 Writ Petition 5184/2013 403 Writ Petition 4090/2013 404 Writ Petition 804/2010 405 Writ Petition 6988/2014 Md. Maksud Alam vs Bangladesh and ors. md. Abul Kalam Azad vs Bangladesh and ors. S.M Taibur Rahman vs Bangladesh and ors. Md. Abul Kalam vs Bangladesh and ors. Soharab Fakir and ors vs Bangladesh and ors. Md. Malek Hawlader and ors vs Bangladesh and ors. Md. Maleque Howlader vs The State Md. Wais Hossain vs Bangladesh and ors. md. Abdul Latif and ors vs Bangladesh and ors. Farhad Hossain vs Bangladesh and ors. Md. Channu Miah and ors vs Bangladesh and others M. Abdul Wadud Bhuiyan vs Govt. of Bangladesh and ohers 347 406 Writ Petition 11859/2015 407 Writ Petition 13014/2015 408 Writ Petition 5893/2013 409 Writ Petition 3115/2015 410 Writ Petition 4483/2015 411 Writ Petition 3432/2015 412 Writ Petition 9302/2011 413 Writ Petition 8476/2014 414 Writ Petition 5596/2005 G.M Affar Uddin vs The Sec. Min. of Education and 06 others Aminur Rahman Khan vs The Sec. Min. of Lebaration War Affairs and 02 others Sheikh Shamsul Hoque vs Sec.min. of Education and ors Prosenjit Dey Minor vs Deputy Commissioner, Feni and 02 others Sree Tovu Lal Karmakar vs Learned joint district judge and 02 others SK. Md. Rezaul Karim vs Sec min of Education and 11 ors Dr. Md. Farid Ahmed, Dhanmondi, Dhaka vs Dhaka North City Md. Montaj Uddin vs The Sec. Min. of Religious and ors Md. Asaduzzaman vs Bangladesh and others 415 Writ Petition 12748/2012 416 Writ Petition 2054/2009 417 418 419 420 Writ Petition 125/2010 Writ Petition 4674/2009 Writ Petition 5373/2014 Writ Petition 2038/2015 421 Writ Petition 2496/2014 422 Writ Petition 3354/2014 423 Writ Petition 1576/2015 Modhumoti power ltd. vs Sec.min. of power energy and mineral resources and ors Rafiqul Islam, Munshigonj adn another vs Sec. Min. of Shipping and ors Md. Dulal Maizi, Chandpur vs Sec.min.of Land and ors Md. Nazrul Islam, Jessore vs Sec.min. of Education and ors Ferdousi Begum vs The Sec. Min. of Housing and Public Works and ors M.M Builders Engineering Ltd. vs The Sec. Min. of Road transport and 04 ors Ain o Salish Kendra vs The Sec. Min. of Education and ors Sree Rabindra Das vs Bangladesh and ors. Md. Gias uddin vs Sec min of land and 26 others 348 424 Writ Petition 11569/2015 425 Writ Petition 192/2013 426 Writ Petition 7198/2015 427 Writ Petition 4255/2003 428 Writ Petition 6292/2014 429 Writ Petition 10848/2015 430 Writ Petition 4610/2014 431 Writ Petition 4621/2014 432 Writ Petition 931/2012 433 Writ Petition 11740/2012 Messers Bikrampur Shipping Corporation vs The Sec. Min. of Shipping and 10 others Md. Mojir Uddin vs Bangladesh and others Md. Abul Kashem vs Sec min of law and 03 others Alhaz Md. Mizanur Rahman vs D.C.C Md. Quamrul Ahsan vs The Sec. Min. of Law, Justice and Parlamentary Affairs and ros Parvin vs The Sec. Min. of Primary and Mass Education and 02 ors Mustafizur Rahman vs The Sec. Min. of Fisheries and ors Manager Bangladesh Krishi Bank vs Kalu Miah Most. Lile Akhter vs Bangladesh and others Bay Cotton excel knit ltd. vs Sec.min.of finance and ors 434 Writ Petition 4620/2014 435 Writ Petition 3626/2013 436 Writ Petition 6905/2014 437 438 439 Writ Petition 9603/2015 Writ Petition 798/2012 Writ Petition 1097/2012 440 Writ Petition 12341/2013 441 Writ Petition 12342/2013 442 Writ Petition 12343/2013 443 Writ Petition 247/2011 Manager Bangladesh Krishi Bank vs Abu Taher and ors Arun Kumar Das vs Sec.min. of LGRD and ors Dalia Anowar vs The State and others Kamran Hasan Rubel vs The Sec. Min. of Public Adminstration and 07 others Md. Fazlul Karim vs Dhaka City Corporation North and ors Sakiul Millat Morshed and 17 ors vs Bangladesh and others Mohammad Mustafa vs Bangladesh and others Mohammad Mustafa vs Bangladesh and others A S M Aminur Rahman vs Habibur Rahman Md. Nuruzzaman s/olate hakim Rafiqul Uddin Mondal,ps and Dist. Rajbari vs The state 349 444 Writ Petition 4893/2014 445 Writ Petition 9332/2014 446 Writ Petition 9333/2014 447 Writ Petition 6837/2014 448 Suo-moto Rule 4/2015 449 Writ Petition 3325/2011 450 Writ Petition 4848/2012 451 Writ Petition 908/2012 452 Writ Petition 5353/2011 M.d Alim Chowdhury vs Bangladesh and ors Nahar trading corporation vs Bangladesh and others Nahar trading corporation ltd vs The State Mohammad Habibur Rahman vs The Sec. Min. of Education and ors The State vs The Sec. Min. of Home Affairs and others Shaded Fayes vs Sec.min. of land Depok Kanti Majumder and 7 ors vs Sec.min. of science and inforation and communication and ors md. Harun or Rashid and 2 ors vs Sec.min of science and information and ors Rajdhani Paper Market Shimity and others vs Bangladesh and others 453 Writ Petition 9070/2014 454 Writ Petition 6688/2010 455 Writ Petition 1580/2015 456 Writ Petition 5495/2012 457 Writ Petition 2497/2014 458 Writ Petition 8616/2009 459 Writ Petition 7019/2014 460 Writ Petition 3508/2015 461 Writ Petition 7018/2013 Mazeda Ahsan vs Judge, and artha Rin Adalot and ros Manzil Morshed Advocate Supreme Court of Bangladesh Dhaka and 3 ors vs Cabinet Sec. Cabinet Division Dhaka and ors Md. Ruhul Ferdaus miah vs The Sec. Min. of Law, Justice and Parlamentary Affairs and 13 others Hotel Sarina Ltd. vs Dhaka City Corporation Dhaka and ors Remo Chemicals ltd vs Administrator, Dhaka City Corporation North and Dhaka Md. Jalal Uddin Chowdhury vs Govt. of Bangladesh Md. Nurul Islam vs The Sec. Min. of Education and ors Md. Emdadul Haque vs Sec min of Education and 06 ors md. Mohebhllah and another vs Sec.min. of land and ors 350 462 Writ Petition 10011/2014 463 Writ Petition 7256/2012 464 Writ Petition 6638/2013 465 Writ Petition 1087/2015 466 Writ Petition 8457/2015 467 Writ Petition 3288/2008 468 Writ Petition 7794/2008 469 Writ Petition 7798/2008 470 Writ Petition 7795/2008 H.M Nurul Haque vs The Sec. Min. of Education and 06 ors Md. Intaz uddin vs Bangladesh Public service commission Dhaka and ors md. Amir Hossain and 9 ors vs Bangladesh public service commission and ors Dr. Mohammad Ali vs Sec min of Health and 03 others Mir Mahfuzul Haque Chowdhury vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Health and Family Welfare and 03 others md. Shah Zaman Mondal, Satkhira vs Sec. Min. of Home Affairs and ors Md. Shafiqul Hoque, Norsingdi vs Sec. Min. of Home Affairs and ors Md. Nazrul Islam, Jhalkhati vs Sec.Min. of Home Affairs and ors Mohammad Hanif, Comilla vs Sec. Min. of Home Affairs and ors 471 Writ Petition 8233/2002 472 Writ Petition 6976/2003 473 474 475 476 Writ Petition 5897/2003 Writ Petition 35/2015 Writ Petition 2045/2015 Writ Petition 11000/2014 477 Writ Petition 1898/2014 478 Writ Petition 9114/2010 479 Writ Petition 4180/2006 Md. Zakir Hossain vs Bangladesh and others Fu-Wang Bowling of Sevice ltd. vs Dhaka Electiric Supply Authority Dhaka Md. Saiduddin Ahmed vs Dhaka Electric Supply Authority and ors Md. Nasiruddin vs The Sec. Min. of Land and 4 ors Md. Habibullah Sarker vs The Sec. Min. of Housing and publick works and 07 ors Sawpan chabdra tafdan vs Sec min of Finanace and 6 others Md. Chonnu Biswas vs The Sec. Min. of Local govt and ors Al haj Md. Humayun Kabir, Mirzapur Tangail vs Sec.min. of land and ors Nonda Lal Mondal vs The Chairman Bangladesh Sarak Paribahan Cor. and others 351 480 Writ Petition 7261/2013 481 Writ Petition 6089/2014 482 Writ Petition 101/2012 483 Writ Petition 10065/2015 484 Writ Petition 4148/2015 485 Writ Petition 7299/2011 486 Writ Petition 10855/2013 487 Writ Petition 8227/2015 488 Writ Petition 10755/2015 489 Writ Petition 2133/2004 Ofazuddin Spining mills ltd. vs Sec.min. of finance and ors Md. Kamrul Alam vs The Sec. Min. of Finance and ors Dr. Nelufa Yasmin vs Bangladesh and ors. Mohammad Abdur Razzak vs The Sec Min of LGRD and 06 Others Kamdi Ucdhw Biddyalaya vs Sec min of Education and 10 Others Shafiq Ahmed vs Govt. by the Sec. Min of Education and others Md. Kaisar Nabir vs The Sec. Min. of Home Affairs and ors Md. Anisur Rahman vs The Sec. Min. of Public Administration and 05 others Mritunjoy Ojha vs The Sec. Min. of Education and 11 Others Md. Ahmed vs The Sec. Min. of Housing and works and ors 490 Writ Petition 12034/2015 491 Writ Petition 6662/2014 492 Writ Petition 7681/2011 493 Writ Petition 8393/2013 494 Writ Petition 6626/2015 495 Writ Petition 5535/2015 496 Writ Petition 3593/2013 497 Writ Petition 10110/2013 498 499 Writ Petition 11291/2015 Writ Petition 2448/2010 S.M Abdul Rahman vs The Sec. Min. of Education and 08 others Mahmuda Khatun High School vs The Sec. Min. of Education and ors Amrita Lal Kanungo vs Chairman, CDA and others Hajrat Imam Sayed Mohammad vs Arthorin Adalot, Dhaka tanima knit composite ltd vs Sonali Bank Ltd. Mohammad Ali vs Arthorin Adalot No.02, Dhaka Md. Ali vs The state and others md. Monsur Ali vs Sec.min. of forest and environment and ors Md. Kamalul Rahman vs The Post Master General, G.P.O and 02 others Md. Ruhul Amin, Kurmitola Dhaka vs Sec.min. of Civil Aviation and ors 352 500 Writ Petition 1069/2006 501 Writ Petition 5053/2010 502 Writ Petition 1427/2004 503 Writ Petition 11355/2015 504 Writ Petition 8077/2011 505 Writ Petition 8173/2011 506 Writ Petition 1176/2006 507 Writ Petition 1630/2013 508 Writ Petition 2014/2014 509 Writ Petition 12056/2014 Mrs. Champa, Sujanagar, Pabna vs Sec. Min. of Land and ors Sakhawat Hossain vs Bangladesh and others Chhatai Chowdhury vs Bangladesh and others Ghulam Sarwar vs The Sec. Min. of Education and 04 others PHP Power Company ltd vs Govt of Bangladesh Abul Khair Milk Products Ltd. vs Govt of Bangladesh South Asia Insurance Co. vs Sec, Ministry of Commerce and ors Md. Rafiqul Alam vs Sonali Bank Ltd Md. Ekram Hossain vs The Sec. Min. of Health karar mahmudul hussain vs The Sec cabinet division and ors 510 Writ Petition 82/2009 511 Writ Petition 11233/2014 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 Writ Petition 7106/2014 Writ Petition 6148/2009 Writ Petition 6298/2015 Writ Petition 3528/2015 Writ Petition 2833/2013 Writ Petition 9872/2013 Writ Petition 2443/2014 Writ Petition 1069/2015 Writ Petition 6444/2015 Mohd. Shah Selim, Ctg. vs Sec.min. of Public Worksa and ors Ripendra nath roul vs Sec min of primary and mass education and 5 others Gulf Security Services Pvt. Ltd. vs Bangladesh and others Md. Abdul Quddus vs The state and others Uchachi master vs The Sec. Min. of Land and 05 ors Md. Abul Hossain vs Sec min of Education and 04 others Quamrul Islam vs Sec.min. of education and ors Md. Mizanur Rahman vs Sec. min. of local govt. and ors Md. Alauddin vs The State Md. Rezaul Karim vs Sevion secretary, min of land and 07 others rafique ullah vs The Sec. Min. of Education and 08 ors 521 Writ Petition 11191/2012 522 Writ Petition 7521/2009 (with) Writ Petition 7522/2009 (with) Writ Petition 7534/2009 (with) Writ Petition 7549/2009 (with) Writ Petition 7550/2009 (with) Writ Petition 7551/2009 (with) Writ Petition 7552/2009 (with) Writ Petition 7553/2009 (with) Writ Petition 7554/2009 (with) Writ Petition 7555/2009 (with) 353 Md. Anisur Rahman vs The Sec. Min. of Information Mozomil Ali vs Zonal Settlement Officer Mozomil Ali vs Zonal Settlement Officer Mozomil Ali vs Zonal Settlement Officer Mozomil Ali vs Zonal Settlement Officer Mozomil Ali vs Zonal Settlement Officer Mozomil Ali vs Zonal Settlement Officer Mozomil Ali vs Zonal Settlement Officer Mozomil Ali vs Zonal Settlement Officer Mozomil Ali vs Zonal Settlement Officer Mozomil Ali vs Zonal Settlement Officer Writ Petition 7556/2009 523 Writ Petition 7953/2015 524 Writ Petition 812/2014 525 Writ Petition 5695/2014 526 Writ Petition 5696/2014 527 Writ Petition 11676/2015 528 Writ Petition 1798/2015 529 530 Writ Petition 8839/2015 Writ Petition 6917/2014 Mozomil Ali vs Zonal Settlement Officer Md. Nur Hossain vs The Sec. Min. of Finance and 05 others Azizul Islam Bhuiyan vs Chairman, bangladesh Sangbad Sangstha and 4 ors Zakir Hossain vs Bangladesh Election commission and 03 ors Md. Bashirul Alam vs The Chief Election Commission and ors Md. abdul Mazid Biswas vs The Sec. Min. of Land and 04 others Srimati mukti rani sannyal vs Deputy Commissioner pabna and 01 ors Kazi Shah Jalal vs The Sec. Min. of Textile and Jute and 04 others Md. Khalilur Rahman vs The Sec. Min. of Education and ors 354 531 Writ Petition 4940/2008 532 Writ Petition 9013/2014 533 Writ Petition 5381/2013 534 Writ Petition 9035/2015 535 Writ Petition 2692/2009 536 Writ Petition 1884/2012 537 Writ Petition 7774/2013 538 Writ Petition 9111/2015 539 Writ Petition 8888/2011 540 Writ Petition 13413/2015 Mozaffar Ahmed Khan, Dhaka vs Sec.min. of Shipping and ors Nilufar sultana vs The Sec. Min. of Liberation War affair Khalik Miah and 2 ors vs Sec.min. of Land and ors S.M Tarekuzzaman vs The Sec. Min. of Land and 05 others Dr. Salma Sultana vs Bangladesh Abdul Kader and another vs Sec.min. of Housing and public works and ors Md. Azizul Haque vs Govt. of Bangladesh and others Sree Samir Kumer Sannyal vs The Deputy Commissioner, Pabna and another Md. Ruhul Amin Sheikh vs Sec. min. of shipping and ors Mahabuba Akhtar vs Principal, Northern Medical College, Rangpur and 06 others 541 Writ Petition 12483/2013 542 Writ Petition 11997/2014 543 Writ Petition 13434/2015 544 Writ Petition 13435/2015 545 Writ Petition 332/2016 Md. Lutfor Rahman Mia vs The Addminstration of Waqf and 7 ors Md. Abdur Rab vs Governor Bangladesh Bank and 04 ors Md. Shamsul Alam vs Chairman, DPDC and 06 others Abdus Sobhan vs Chairman, DPDC and 06 others Md. Abdul Quddus vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Education and 05 others 355 546 Writ Petition 5935/2012 547 Writ Petition 2915/2014 548 Writ Petition 8115/2013 Md. Sultan Miah and 14 ors vs Bangladesh by the sec.min. of primary and mass education and Others Md. Taufiqul Azam vs Bangladesh and others Euro Bangla sweaters ltd. vs Commissioner of customs, customs house, Dhaka and ors Supreme Court of Bangladesh High Court Division Justice Sheikh Hassan Arif and Justice Bhishmadev Chakrabortty Date : 02/05/2016 [Annex Building Court No. 6] [ 2? ; ; %. 2? ; < $ # . /0 @ 1 2 3 4 5 । , '( A , - ; % D 2 +/ E 2 = >% '( . 2? ; ।] For Order Writ Petition Bangladesh 3361/2016 Electronics Industries Ltd vs Commissioner of Customs House, Chittagong Writ Petition Bangladesh 3362/2016 Electronics Industries Ltd vs Commissioner of Customs House, Chittagong Writ Petition Hafsa Akter 3343/2016 vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Finance and 02 others Writ Petition Md. Liakat Ali 741/2016 vs Banbladesh and others Writ Petition M/S Class Bricks and 3796/2012 Chemcal ltd vs customs excise and vat appellate tribunal Dhaka and others Mr. K.S. Salahuddin Ahmed with Mr. A.K.M. Rahman, Adv. for the petitioner 356 6 Writ Petition 12777/2015 7 Writ Petition 1565/2016 8 Writ Petition 2539/2016 9 Writ Petition 2540/2016 10 Writ Petition 2541/2016 11 Writ Petition 2542/2016 RAK Mosfly Bangladesh Pvt Ltd vs Commissioner of Customs, Chittagong and 03 others (Mr. A.H.M. Ziauddin, Adv. for the petitioner Jakir Ahmed vs Bangladesh and others Bangladesh Steel ReRolling Mills Ltd vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Finance and 02 others Bangladesh Steel ReRolling Mills Ltd vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Finance and 02 others Bangladesh Steel ReRolling Mills Ltd vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Finance and 02 others Bangladesh Steel ReRolling Mills Ltd vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Finance and 02 others 12 Writ Petition 2543/2016 13 Writ Petition 2544/2016 14 Writ Petition 2545/2016 15 Writ Petition 2546/2016 16 Writ Petition 2547/2016 17 Writ Petition 2548/2016 18 Writ Petition 2074/2016 Bangladesh Steel ReRolling Mills Ltd vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Finance and 02 others BSRM Iron and Steel company Ltd vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Finance and 02 others BSRM Iron and Steel company Ltd vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Finance and 02 others BSRM Iron and Steel company Ltd vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Finance and 02 others BSRM Iron and Steel company Ltd vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Finance and 02 others BSRM Iron and Steel company Ltd vs Bangladesh, Rep by Sec. Min of Finance and 02 others F.L Garment Accessories Ltd vs The Commissioner of Customs Board Commissionate and Another 20 21 22 23 24 25 Application (Motion) 19 In re : Writ Petition Rahimafrooz 3492/2016 Superstores Limited. vs Bangladesh 357 Application Income Tax Grameen Motsho O Reference Pashu Sompad 130/2016 vs Commissioner Income Tax Mozaffor Uddin Reference Ahmed 470/2015 vs The Commissioner of Taxes For Hearing : Vat and Custom Every Sunday and Tuesday Writ Petition Bata Shoe Co. 4327/2004 (Bangladesh) Ltd. 2 P.M. vs Commissioner Mr. Md. Asaduzzaman, adv. for the petitioner Writ Petition Chittagong Taxes Bar 6762/2003 Association vs The Sec.Min. of Law. Justice Mr. Mosharof Hossain, adv. for the petitioner Writ Petition BSRM Steel Ltd. 3241/2011 Chittagong vs Sec.min. of Finace and others (Mr. Mosharof Hossain, Adv. for the petitioner) Writ Petition M/S Portland 8074/2011 Services Ltd. vs Govt. by the Sec. Min of Finance and others (Mr. Golam Mohiuddain, adv. for the petitioner) 26 Writ Petition 3507/2014 27 Writ Petition 9097/2008 28 Writ Petition 2870/2004 29 Writ Petition 6005/2004 30 31 Writ Petition 4034/2004 Writ Petition 4215/2002 M/s. Akij Jute Mills Ltd. vs Custom excise and vat (Mr. Rajiuddin Ahmed, adv. for the petitioner) Asian Paints (Bangladesh) Ltd. Dhaka vs NBR by its Chairman Dhaka and ors(Mr. Mosharaf Hossain, Advocate for the petitioner) A.B. Engineering vs Bangladesh. Mr. Munshi Moniruzzaman, adv. for the petitioner Silpa Ltd. vs Bangladesh. (Mr. Munshi Moniruzzaman, adv. for the petitioner) Mahbub Hossain vs Bangladesh. (Mr. Munshi Moniruzzaman, Adv. for the petitioner) M/s K I Y Steel Mills Ltd, Ctg vs Customs Excise and VAT Appellate Tribunal, Dhaka(Mr. Munshi Moniruzzaman, Adv. for the petitioner) 32 Writ Petition 5469/2003 33 Writ Petition 3703/2005 (with) Writ Petition 3709/2005 With W.P. 37103711 of 2005 358 34 Writ Petition 5865/2004 35 Writ Petition 6047/2004 36 Writ Petition 3993/2005 37 Writ Petition 3155/2005 M/S Akter Furnishers ltd vs Md. Shahidul Islam Deputy Commissioner Gaibandah(Mr. Munshi Moniruzzaman, Adv. for the petitioner) Md. Anisur Rahman vs Bangladesh and ors. Mr. Munshi Moniruzzaman, Adv. for the petitioner Md. Mosharof Hossain vs Bangladesh. Mr. Munshi Moniruzzaman, Adv. for the petitioner Zakir Hossain vs Bangladesh. Mr. Munshi Moniruzzaman, Adv. for the petitioner Rafiqul Islam vs Bangladesh. Mr. Munshi Moniruzzaman, Adv. for the petitioner Monirul Islam vs Bangladesh. Mr. Munshi Moniruzzaman, Adv. for the petitioner M/S Daimond Cement vs Bangladesh. Mr. Munshi Moniruzzaman, Adv. for the petitioner 38 Writ Petition 8731/2005 39 Writ Petition 5864/2004 40 Writ Petition 2588/2003 41 42 43 44 Writ Petition 4280/2015 Writ Petition 13251/2015 Writ Petition 1343/2005 Writ Petition 1339/2005 M/S Aristrogesy vs Bangladesh. Mr. Munshi Moniruzzaman, Adv. for the petitioner Md. Belal Hossain vs Bangladesh. Mr. Munshi Moniruzzaman, Adv. for the petitioner Adhesian Products Ltd vs Custom Excise Mr. Munshi Moniruzzaman, Adv. for the petitioner Abujar Gefaree Jewel vs Sec min of Finance and 09 others Mr. Munshi Moniruzzaman, Adv. for the petitioner Youngore (CFPZ) Ltd vs Exceutive Chairman, BEPZA and 03 others Mr. Ashik Al-Jalil, adv. for the petitioner. Karnaphuli Ltd. vs Banbladesh Mr. Munshi Moniruzzaman, Adv. for the petitioner Md. Saful Saiful Mostofa vs Banbladesh Mr. Munshi Moniruzzaman, Adv. for the petitioner 359 45 Writ Petition 1344/2005 46 Writ Petition 1307/2005 47 Writ Petition 1470/2005 48 Writ Petition 1342/2005 49 Writ Petition 1469/2005 50 Writ Petition 9591/2012 51 Writ Petition 4407/2012 Karnaphuli vs Banbladesh Mr. Munshi Moniruzzaman, Adv. for the petitioner M/S Youth Spining Mills vs Banbladesh Mr. Munshi Moniruzzaman, Adv. for the petitioner Sowat Hossain vs Banbladesh (Mr. Munshi Moniruzzaman, Advocate for the petitioenr Md. Saful Mostafa vs Banbladesh Mr. Munshi Moniruzzaman, Adv. for the petitioner Anwar Galvanizing vs Banbladesh Mr. Munshi Moniruzzama, Adv. for the petitioner Md. Abdul Malek vs N.B.R by its chairman and ors Mrs. Farhana Parvin, adv. for the petitioner Airtel Bangladesh ltd vs Commissionar of Custom House Dhaka. Mr. Tanjib-ul-Alam, Adv. for the petitioner 52 Writ Petition 10120/2012 53 Writ Petition 6497/2003 54 55 56 Writ Petition 6359/2003 Writ Petition 25/2005 Writ Petition 27/2005 57 Writ Petition 278/2005 58 Writ Petition 280/2005 Soleman Ahmed vs NBR by its chairman and ors (Mr. Munshi Moniruzzaman, Adv. for the petitioner) M/s: H S Enter Prise Ltd. vs Customs Excies and Vat and ors Mr. Munshi Moniruzzaman, Adv. for the petitioner Hosaf meter Ltd. vs The Appellate Tribunal Custom Excise and Vat and ors Mr. Munshi Moniruzzaman, Adv. for the petitioner Chandpur Tabacco vs Banbladesh Mr. Munshi Moniruzzaman, Adv. for the petitioner Dhaka Mass vs Bangladesh Mr. Munshi Moniruzzaman, Adv. for the petitioner Md. Zakir Hossain vs Banbladesh Mr. Munshi Moniruzzaman, Adv. for the petitioner Md. Zakir Hossain vs Banbladesh Mr. Munshi Moniruzzaman, Adv. for the petitioner 59 Writ Petition 517/2005 60 Writ Petition 6498/2003 61 Writ Petition 866/2005 62 Writ Petition 7524/2013 (with) Writ Petition 7526/2013 (with) 360 Transcom Bevarage Ltd. vs Appellate Tribunal customs and others Mr. Munshi Moniruzzaman, Adv. for the petitioner M/s: A B Y (Pvt) Ltd. vs Customs, excise and Vat and ors Mr. Munshi Moniruzzaman, Adv. for the petitioner Tanscom Baverages Ltd vs Appellate Tribunal Custom Excies and VAT Dhaka and ors Mr. Munshi Moniruzzaman, Adv. for the petitioner md. Zakir Shadekul Sowdagor vs Commissioner of customs, excise an vat and ors Mr. Md. Samiul Haque, adv. for the petitioner. Land mark development ltd. vs Commissioner of customs, excise and vat and ors Mr. Md. Samiul Haque, adv. for the petitioner. Writ Petition 7527/2013 (with) Writ Petition 7530/2013 (with) Writ Petition 7531/2013 (with) Writ Petition 7532/2013 (with) Writ Petition 7533/2013 63 Writ Petition 5271/2006 Mozibur Rahman vs Commissioner of customs, excise and vat and ors Mr. Md. Samiul Haque, adv. for the petitioner. A.S.M. Rowan Habib vs Commissioner of customs, excise and vat and ors Mr. Md. Samiul Haque, adv. for the petitioner. A.S.M. Rowan Habib vs Commissioner of customs, excise and vat and ors Mr. Md. Samiul Haque, adv. for the petitioner. md. Atiqur Rahman Prodhan vs Commissioner of customs, excise and vat and ors Mr. Md. Samiul Haque, adv. for the petitioner. md. Shahenur Alam vs Commissioner of customs, excise and vat and ors Mr. Md. Samiul Haque, adv. for the petitioner. Daulatpur Steel Re Rolling Mills Ltd. vs Customs Excise and Vat Dhaka and others Mr. Munshi Moniruzzaman, adv. for the petitioenr. 361 64 Writ Petition 4605/2002 65 Writ Petition 4823/2002 66 Writ Petition 3332/2005 67 Writ Petition 9771/2015 68 Writ Petition 9453/2011 69 Writ Petition 1725/2005 70 Writ Petition 5051/2010 Shah Cement vs Banbladesh Mr. Munshi Moniruzzaman, adv. for the petitioenr. Nazneen vs Commissioner of customs Mr. Munshi Moniruzzaman, adv. for the petitioenr. Quasem Dryceus vs Banbladesh Mr. Munshi Moniruzzaman, adv. for the petitioenr. M/S Portland Services Ltd vs Chairman, NBR and 02 others Mr. Muntasir Uddin Ahmed. adv. for the petitioner. md. Sayeduzzaman vs Govt. by the sec.min. of shipping and ors Mr. Mohammad Nowshad Zamir. Adv. for the petitioner. R.A.K. Ceramic Lt.d vs Banbladesh Mr. Munshi Moniruzzaman, adv. for the petitioenr. S. Golam Moula, 95, Motijheel Dhaka vs Chairman NBR and ors Mr. Munshi Moniruzzaman, adv. for the petitioenr. 71 Writ Petition 277/2005 72 Writ Petition 279/2005 73 Writ Petition 7077/2005 74 Writ Petition 3761/2005 75 Writ Petition 5741/2006 76 Writ Petition 5742/2006 Md. Zakir Hossain vs Banbladesh Mr. Munshi Moniruzzaman, adv. for the petitioenr. Md. Zakir Hossain vs Banbladesh Mr. Munshi Moniruzzaman, adv. for the petitioenr. Anwar Galvanizing vs Banbladesh Mr. Munshi Moniruzzaman, adv. for the petitioenr. Kand tea ltd. vs Banbladesh Mr. Munshi Moniruzzaman, adv. for the petitioenr. Karnafully Steel Mills Ltd. vs Commissioner of Customs Customs House Ctg. Mr. A.H.M. Ziauddin, Adv. for the petitioner. and others Karnafully Steel Mills Ltd. vs Commissioner of Customs Customs House Ctg. and others Mr. A.H.M. Ziauddin, Adv. for the petitioner. 362 77 Writ Petition 9081/2005 78 Writ Petition 5743/2006 79 Writ Petition 6244/2006 80 Writ Petition 625/1998 81 Writ Petition 5433/2009 Karnaphully Steel vs Banbladesh Mr. A.H.M. Ziauddin, Adv. for the petitioner. Bemgal Sack Corporation Ltd. vs Commissioner of Customs Customs Ctg. and others Mr. A.H.M. Ziauddin, Adv. for the petitioner. Bengal Sack Corporation Ltd. vs Commissioner of Customs Customs House Ctg. and others Mr. A.H.M. Ziauddin, Adv. for the petitioner. M/S. N.R.Steel Galvening Ltd. vs Customs,Excise and VAT Mr. A.H.M. Ziauddin, Adv. for the petitioner. Drug International Ltd. Green Road, Dhaka vs Commissioner of Taxes Taxes Unit Ltu, Dhaka and ors Mr. Mehedi Hassan Chowdhury, Adv. for the petitioner. 82 Writ Petition 9044/2006 83 Writ Petition 10147/2015 (with) Writ Petition 11880/2015 84 85 Writ Petition 9688/2008 Writ Petition 5884/2006 Quasem Drycells Ltd vs N.B.R. Represented by its Chairman and others Mr. Munshi Moniruzzaman, Adv. for the petitioner. United Sugar Mills Ltd vs Commissioner of Customs Chittagong and 02 others Hassan Rajib Prodhan. Adv. for the petitioner. United Sugar Mills Ltd. vs Commissioner of Customs Excise, Chittagong and 04 others Mr. Hassan Rajib Prodhan. adv. for the petitioner. Monno Ceramic Industries Ltd. Dhamrail Dhaka vs NBR by its Chairman Dhaka and ors Mr. A.Z.M. Fariduzzaman, Adv. for the petitioner. Transcom Beverahge Ltd. vs Customs Excise and Vat Appellate Tribunal Dhaka and others Mr. Munshi Moniruzzaman, adv. for the petitioner. 86 Writ Petition 8209/2006 87 Writ Petition 3570/2009 88 Writ Petition 5256/2004 89 Writ Petition 8554/2015 90 Writ Petition 1205/2016 91 Writ Petition 7850/2012 Trascom Electronices Ltd. vs Customs Excise and Vat Appellate Tribunal Dhaka and others Mr. Munshi Moniruzzaman, adv. for the petitioner. Square Textiles Ltd. Dhaka vs NBR by its Chairman and ors Mr. Munshi Moniruzzaman, adv. for the petitioner. Aziz Pipe Ltd. vs Bangladesh. Mr. Munshi Moniruzzaman, adv. for the petitioner. H.M Shazadul Islam vs Chairman, NBR and 03 others Mr. Md. Ashek-ERasul. Md. Murshed Khan vs Commissioner of Customs, Chittagong and 02 others Mrs. Anjumanara Begum, adv. for the petitioner. M/s Iltoro Maxible Resturant vs NBR by its chairman and ors Mr. Mosharaf Hossain, Adv. for the petitioner. For Hearing : Income Tax Every Wednesday and Thrusday 363 92 Writ Petition 9555/2012 (With application) 93 Writ Petition 9858/2012 (with) (With application) Writ Petition 3743/2015 94 Writ Petition 1952/2012 95 Income Tax Reference 524/2005 96 Income Tax Reference 108/2008 md. Abdul Azim Joarder vs Sec.min. of law and ors Mr. Rezaul Hasan. adv. for the petitioner. Mrs. Selina Joarder vs The Sec. Min. of Law and ors Mr.Md. Rezaul Hassan. adv. for the petitioner. Selina Begum Joarder vs Chairman NBR and 02 Others Mr. Md. Rezaul Hasan, adv. for the petitioner. Swis Color vs The Commissioner of Taxes Dhaka and ors Mr. M.A. Noor, adv. for the applicant. Friends and Friends Apparels (Pvt.) Ltd. vs Commissioner of Taxes,Chittagong. (Mr. Mosharof Hossain, Adv. for the applicant Rahman Ship Breakers Ltd. vs The Commissioner of Taxes, Dhaka (Mr. Moshafor Hossain. Adv, for the applicant 97 Income Tax Reference 368/2013 (with) Income Tax Reference 369/2013 (with) Income Tax Reference 370/2013 98 Income Tax Reference 449/2011 (with) Income Tax Reference 347/2014 (with) Income Tax Reference 159/2015 (with) 364 A-Tax International Ltd. vs The Commissioner of Taxes (Mr. TanjibUl-Alam, Adv. for the applicant A-Tax International Ltd. vs The Commissioner of Taxes (Mr. TanjibUl-Alam, Adv. for the applicant A-Tax International Ltd. vs The Commissioner of Taxes (Mr. TanjibUl-Alam, Adv. for the applicant National Credit and Commerce Bank Ltd. vs The Commissioner of Taxes, Dhaka (Mr. Tazul Islam Majumder, Adv. for the applicant National Credit and commerce Bank Ltd. vs The Commissioner of Taxes (Mr. Tazul Islam Majumder, Adv. for the applicant National Credit and Commerce Bank Ltd. vs The Commissioner of Taxes (Mr. Tazul Islam Majumder, Adv. for the applicant Income Tax Reference 80/2012 (with) Income Tax Reference 81/2012 99 100 101 102 Income Tax Reference 280/2014 Income Tax Reference 328/2013 Income Tax Reference 339/2008 with Rule No. 36 (Ref:)/2008 Income Tax Reference 469/2009 with Rule No. 10 (Ref:)/2010 National Credit and Commerce Bank Ltd. vs The Commissioner of Taxes, Dhaka Mr. Tajul Islam, Adv. for the applicant. National Credit and Commerce Bank Ltd. vs The Commissioner of Taxes, Dhaka Mr. Tajul Islam, Adv. for the applicant. Md. Elias vs The Commissioner of Taxes (Mr. Mohammad Hossain, adv. for the applicant On Mobile Global Ltd. vs The Commissioner of Taxes, Dhaka (Mr. Tanjib-Ul-Alam, adv. for the applicant Dipjal Food Industies Ltd. vs The Commissioner of Taxes, Dhaka (Mr. Mohammad Hedayet Hossain. Adv. for the applicant Dipjol Food Ind. Ltd. vs Commissioner of Taxes (Mr. Mohammad Hedayet Hossain, adv. for the applicant 365 103 Income Tax Reference 272/2012 104 Income Tax Reference 426(Rule No. 40 (Ref)/2015)/2015 105 Income Tax Reference 427(Rule No. 39 (Ref)/2015)/2015 106 Income Tax Reference 362/2013 107 Income Tax Reference 205(Rule No. 115 (ref) 2007)/2007 108 Income Tax Reference 206(Rule No. 116 (ref) 2007)/2007 Farah International pvt.Ltd. vs The Commissioner of Taxes, Chittagong Mr. Md. Mozammel Hossain, adv. for the applicant Taj Melamine Industries (Pvt.) Ltd. vs The Commissioner of Taxes Mr. Saiful Alam. adv. for the appellant. Taj Melamine Industries (Pvt.) Ltd. vs The Commissioner of Taxes Mr. Saiful Alam. adv. for the appellant. The Commissioner of Taxes vs NITOL MOTORS LTD. Dhaka Mr. sarder Zinnatr Ali, adv. for the applicant. Firoz Alam Mazumder vs The Commissioner of Taxes, Dhaka Mr, Sarder Jinnat Ali, adv. for the applicant Firoz Alam Mazumder vs The Commissioner of Taxes, Dhaka Mr. Sarder Zinnat Ali, adv. for the applicant. 109 110 111 112 113 Income Tax Firoz Alam Reference Mazumder 207(Rule No. 117 vs (ref) 2007)/2007 The Commissioner of Taxes, Dhaka Mr. Sarder Zinnat Ali, adv. for the applicant Income Tax Simni Shipping Lines Reference Ltd. 280/2005 vs Commissioner of Taxes Mr. Md. Ashek-ERasul, adv. for the applicant. Income Tax Maxborn Bangladesh Reference Ltd. vs 222/2005 Commissioner of Taxes Mr. Md. Aminul Haque, adv. for the appellant Income Tax Commissioner of Reference Taxes 223/2005 vs M/s. Cosmic Chemical Industries Ltd. Mr. Md. Tajul Islam, adv. for the applicant Income Tax Commissioner of Reference Taxes 224/2005 vs M/s. Cosmic Chemical Industries Ltd. Mr. Md. Tajul Islam Majumder, adv. for the applicant. 366 114 Income Tax Reference 225/2005 115 Income Tax Reference 226/2005 116 Income Tax Reference 228/2005 117 Income Tax Reference 232/2005 118 Income Tax Reference 233/2005 119 Income Tax Reference 234/2005 Commissioner of Taxes vs M/s. Cosmic Chemical Industries Ltd. Mr. Pratikar Chakma, A.A.G. for the applicant. Commissioner of Taxes vs M/s. Jute Spinners Ltd. Mr. Shahid Alam, adv. for the applicant Adorn Fabrics Pvt. Ltd. vs Commissioner of Taxes Mr. Mustafa Kamal Mansur, adv. for the applicant A.B.M. Lutful Anwar vs Commissioner of Taxes Ms. Rezina Mahmud, adv. for the applicant. A.B.M. Lutful Anwar vs Commissioner of Taxes Ms. Rezina Mahmud. adv. for the applicant West Air International Ltd. vs Commissioner of Taxes Mr. Md. Morshed Uddin Khan, adv. for the applicant 120 Income Tax Reference 235/2005 121 Income Tax Reference 246/2005 122 Income Tax Reference 254/2005 123 Income Tax Reference 258/2005 124 Income Tax Reference 262/2005 125 Income Tax Reference 264/2005 Commissioner of Taxes vs Globe Insecticides Ltd. Pratikar Chakma, A.A.G. for the applicant Shah Shabiqul Islam vs Commissioner of Taxes Mr. A.H.M. Ziauddin Ahmed, adv. for the applicant. Mr. Sultan Ahmed Sikder vs Commissioner of Taxes Mr. Mustafa Tarique Hossain, adv. for the applicant. Azad Re-Rolling Mills Pvt. Ltd. vs Commissioner of Taxes Mr. Md. Moklesur Rahman, adv. for the applicant. Alam Corporation Ltd. vs Commissioner of Taxes Mr. M.A. Hannan, adv. for the applicant. Sajid Apparels Ltd. vs Commissioner of Taxes Mr. Md. Asaduzzaman, adv. for the applicant. 367 126 Income Tax Reference 267/2005 127 Income Tax Reference 270/2005 128 Income Tax Reference 269/2005 129 Income Tax Reference 268/2005 130 Income Tax Reference 271/2005 Binimoy Paper Converting Ltd. vs Commissioner of Taxes Mr. Mustafa Kamal Mansur, Adv. for the applicant. Mr. Faisal Siddique vs The Commissioner of Taxes Mr. Mustafa Kamal Mansur, Adv. for the applicant. Harun-Al Rashid Chowdhury vs Commissioner of Taxes Mr. Mustafa Kamal Mansur, Adv. for the applicant. Mirza Abo Ware Mfg and Ind. Ltd. vs Commissioner of Taxes Mr. Mustafa Kamal Mansur, Adv. for the applicant. Sunny Packaging vs Commissioner of Taxes Mr. A.B. Siddique, adv. for the applicant 368 Supreme Court of Bangladesh High Court Division Justice Md. Ruhul Quddus and Justice Md. Salim Date : 02/05/2016 [Main Building Court No. 28] [ : % +L1% +/ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 = >% '( . ; % 2? ; < 2 +/ = >% S ) %. ; %. 2? ; । ,& . ( % 8 , (, # . , #/ @ O # . /0 2 । ,@ & '( . 2? ; < $ # . /0 @ 9% 14 15 16 17 Dabobrota Mistry vs The State 18 19 Application : 561-A In re Shefali Hasan Dhaka vs 20 Md. Nuruzzaman Sarker vs The State 21 Application : 439 In re Md. Didarul Alam Dhaka vs The State For Further Hearing 369 '( ।] 13 Criminal Misc 11802/2008 For Order Criminal Misc Md. Raju Ahamed 35212/2015 vs The State In re Mymenshing & / $ # . /0 @ O $ As to be mentioned Md. Hafizur Rahman Criminal Misc 15982/2007 vs The State Criminal Misc Mrs.Nurun Nahar Parul 2149/2012 vs The state Criminal Misc Shaikh Joynuddin Joy and 43990/2012 another vs the state Criminal Misc Syed Hasanuzzaman 37391/2013 Loton vs The State Criminal Misc Shajahan M. Habib 2971/2009 vs The state Writ Petition Shamim Ara Begum, 9806/2007 Dhaka vs Cahirman, Anti Corruption Commission and ors Criminal Md. Gias Uddin Revision vs The State 710/2016 Criminal Revision 727/2016 # Engineer Mossarrof Hossain vs The State, Mr. Abdul Matin Khoshru, Adv. ... for the petitioner Criminal Appeal : For Hearing Criminal Sheikh Akram Hossain Appeal vs The State 7134/2015 For Hearing : General Writ Writ Petition Hazi Md. Monowar 7979/2015 Hossain vs The Sec. Min. of Finance and 16 others Writ Petition Canadian Trilium School 9666/2011 Ltd. vs Anti corruption commission Dhaka and ors Writ Petition Canadian Trillinium 250/2012 School ltd. vs Rajdhani Unnayan Katripakkha Rajuk Dhaka and ors Writ Petition haji Mohd. ali 10793/2012 vs The chairman anti corruption commission Dhaka and ors Writ Petition Dhaka Wasa 10988/2012 vs ACC Writ Petition M/S. Sabir Traders 11450/2012 Limited vs Anti Croption Commissioner Dhaka and ors Writ Petition H. Kabir 11452/2012 vs Acc 22 Writ Petition 12536/2012 23 Writ Petition 16309/2012 24 25 Writ Petition 16511/2012 Writ Petition 103/2013 26 Writ Petition 2019/2013 27 Writ Petition 2896/2013 28 Writ Petition 3880/2013 29 Writ Petition 5153/2013 30 Writ Petition 6834/2013 31 Writ Petition 7954/2013 32 Writ Petition 8315/2013 33 34 Writ Petition 9124/2013 Writ Petition 9704/2013 35 Writ Petition 776/2014 36 Writ Petition 777/2014 md. Abdur Rahman vs The Director General anti corruption commission and ors National Housing Ltd. vs Anti corruption commission Dhaka and ors H. Kabir and co. ltd. vs Anti corruption commission and ors Shah Md. Harun and 4 ors vs Anti corruption commission Dhaka and ors Md. Golam Mostafa vs Sec.min. of commerce and ors Md. Nasir ullah vs Bangladesh and others. Dr. AKM Shahbub Alam vs Anti curruption commission and ors Hosnea Ara Islam vs Metropolitan senior special judge Dhaka and ors Akhtar u Ahmed vs Anti corruption commission Dhaka and ors Md. Didar Uddin vs Sec.min. of LGED and ors the western Engineers ltd. vs Chairman Durnity Daman Commission Dhaka and ors A.N.M. Ashifur Rahman vs Sec.min. of home affairs and ors md. Abu bakar Siddique vs Anti corruption commission Dhaka and ors Farhana Aktar vs Chairman, NBR and ors Kamrul Ahmed vs Chairman, NBR and ors 37 Writ Petition 4449/2014 38 Writ Petition 10022/2014 39 Writ Petition 10554/2014 40 Writ Petition 10634/2014 41 Writ Petition 10673/2014 42 Writ Petition 12050/2014 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 370 Nishat Farjana vs Anticorpotion commission Dhaka and ors Dibesh mojumder vs The Sec. Min. of Home Affairs and 04 ors AHM Farhaduzzaman vs Bangladesh Md. Shahidullah amir vs sec min of Home Affairs and 4 others Md. Nurul Islam vs Bangladesh and others Commander Md. Rabiul Alam vs Sec min of liberation war and 04 others Criminal Revision : For Hearing Pradip Kumar Das, Criminal Revision Mr. Munsurul Hoque Chowdhury Advocate for 449/2015 the petitioner vs The State and another Criminal Shree Bishmanath Revision vs 1830/2015 The State, Mr. Subrata (with) Chowdhury, Advocate for the petitioner Writ Petition Biswanath chowdhury 10071/2014 vs Secretary cabinet affiras division dhaka and 3 ors Criminal Md. Abdul Zalil vs Revision 2187/2015 Shaheen Chakladar, Kazi Mohammad Shahiqul Hassan, Advocate for the petitioner Criminal Misc. Criminal Misc Mahmudur Rahman 9341/2008 vs The State Criminal Misc Mollah Abul Kalam 12104/2008 vs Anti-corruption Commission Criminal Misc Abdul Kayum 12728/2008 vs State Criminal Misc Amjad Hossain and 12156/2009 another vs The State Criminal Misc A.K. Shamsul Azad 20962/2009 vs The state 51 Criminal Misc 24160/2009 52 Criminal Misc 2946/2010 53 Criminal Misc 3614/2010 54 Criminal Misc 6302/2010 55 Criminal Misc 9122/2010 56 Criminal Misc 13811/2010 57 Criminal Misc 16532/2010 58 Criminal Misc 16559/2010 59 Criminal Misc 20245/2010 60 Criminal Misc 21018/2010 61 Criminal Misc 22409/2010 62 Criminal Misc 25857/2010 63 Criminal Misc 28701/2010 64 Criminal Misc 30640/2010 65 Criminal Misc 30960/2010 66 Criminal Misc 31059/2010 67 Criminal Misc 1663/2011 68 Criminal Misc 3086/2011 69 Criminal Misc 5050/2011 S. M. Bodrul Alam vs Anti-Corruption Commission and others Ahamed Sayed vs Anti corruption Asif M Aman and others vs The State Abdus Salam vs Anti corruption Asaduzzaman vs The State Chowdhury Md. Sumsul Dhuha vs Anti-Corruption and others Shiekh Nasir Uddin vs The State SK Amin Uddin vs The State A. K. M. Borhan Uddin vs The State Maksudur Rahman vs The State Md. Lutfor Rahman vs The State Mir Hossin vs The State Gangaiya Moji vs Anti-corruption Commission and othres Md. Hossain Ali vs The State Md. Khaled Parvez vs The State Md. Khaled Parvez Khan vs The State Md.Abdullah al Mamun vs The State Md.Rafiqul Islam alias A.Rob and others vs The State Md. Ziaur Rahman vs Acc and others 70 Criminal Misc 5905/2011 71 Criminal Misc 6021/2011 72 Criminal Misc 8161/2011 73 Criminal Misc 10342/2011 74 Criminal Misc 15771/2011 75 Criminal Misc 16444/2011 76 Criminal Misc 20680/2011 77 Criminal Misc 20613/2011 78 Criminal Misc 20614/2011 79 Criminal Misc 22249/2011 80 Criminal Misc 22521/2011 81 Criminal Misc 24345/2011 82 Criminal Misc 30500/2011 83 Criminal Misc 30613/2011 84 Criminal Misc 32542/2011 85 Criminal Misc 32833/2011 86 Criminal Misc 33863/2011 87 Criminal Misc 35538/2011 88 Criminal Misc 187/2012 371 Kazi Mainuddin vs The State Pervaj vs state Professor Md.Abdul Momin Khan vs State Md.Alamgir Hossain vs The State Mortoza Ahmed vs The state Md.Abu Taleb vs The state Khan Md. Kabir Hossain vs The State Khan Md. Kabir Hossain vs The State Khan Md. Kabir Hossain vs The State Md.Abdul Motin vs The State Md. Abdul Hamid vs The State Abdul Harun Mollah vs The State Md. Jalal Uddin vs The State Hefazuddin vs state Syed Md.Taslim Uddin vs The State Abdul Halim Gazi vs The state Prithwish Ranjan Sarkar vs The state Md.Abu Bakar Siddique alias Biri Siddique vs The state Md.Azizul Hoque vs The state 89 Criminal Misc 659/2012 90 Criminal Misc 684/2012 91 Criminal Misc 920/2012 92 Criminal Misc 1335/2012 93 Criminal Misc 1544/2012 94 Criminal Misc 3101/2012 95 Criminal Misc 3854/2012 96 Criminal Misc 3888/2012 97 Criminal Misc 4227/2012 98 Criminal Misc 5843/2012 99 Criminal Misc 9229/2012 100 Criminal Misc 11450/2012 101 Criminal Misc 15160/2012 102 Criminal Misc 9279/2012 103 Criminal Misc 15161/2012 104 Criminal Misc 15889/2012 105 Criminal Misc 19067/2012 Arshad Ali vs Anticorruption Commission A.K.M. Abdullah vs Anti-Corruption Commission and others A.K.M.Abdul Kuddus vs The state Helal Miah and others vs The state Anti Corruption Commission vs Haji Kazi Md.Sakhawat Ullah and another Md.Mujibur Rahman vs Anit-Corruption Commission and others Md.Humayun Kabir Selim vs The State Kazi Md.Mofizur Rahman vs The State Md.Humayun Kabir Selim vs The State Hosne Alam vs The State Md.Nurussafa vs The state Md.RokonuzzamanRajbari vs The state Sree Paban Kumar Agarwala vs The state Syed Badrul Alam vs The state Sree Hanuman Prasad Agarwala vs The state Md.Moshihur Rahman Beg vs Anti-Corruption Commission and others Md.Moshihur Rahman Beg vs Anti-Corruption Commission and others 106 Criminal Misc 20211/2012 107 Criminal Misc 25658/2012 108 Criminal Misc 25663/2012 109 Criminal Misc 28899/2012 110 Criminal Misc 33248/2012 111 Criminal Misc 51280/2012 112 Criminal Misc 52197/2012 113 Criminal Misc 447/2013 114 Criminal Misc 2612/2013 115 Criminal Misc 4338/2013 116 Criminal Misc 7672/2013 117 Criminal Misc 8044/2013 118 Criminal Misc 13655/2013 119 Criminal Misc 13661/2013 120 Criminal Misc 19367/2013 121 Criminal Misc 19610/2013 372 Md.Moshihur Rahman Beg vs Anti-Corruption Commission and others Md. Abdu Jalil vs The State Md. Hajrat Ali vs The State Nasima Zaman vs The State S.M.A.Quyum vs The state S.M.A.Quyum vs The state Md. Abu Zafar vs The state S.M.A.Quyum vs The state Md. Nowser Rahman vs The State Md.Anwar Hossain Khan and another vs Anti-corruption Commission and othres Md.Anwar Hossain Khan and another vs Anti-corruption Commission and othres Md.Anwar Hossain Khan and another vs Anti-corruption Commission and othres Md.Anwar Hossain Khan and another vs Anti-corruption Commission and othres Md.Anwar Hossain Khan and another vs Anti-corruption Commission and othres Md. Gofran Chowdhury vs The State Md.Anwar Hossain Khan and another vs Anti-corruption Commission and othres 122 Criminal Misc 23916/2013 123 Criminal Misc 23917/2013 124 Criminal Misc 23918/2013 125 Criminal Misc 25621/2013 126 Criminal Misc 25622/2013 127 Criminal Misc 27214/2013 128 Criminal Misc 30715/2013 129 Criminal Misc 31629/2013 130 Criminal Misc 34686/2013 131 Criminal Misc 35088/2013 132 Criminal Misc 36488/2013 133 Criminal Misc 36628/2013 134 Criminal Misc 37488/2013 135 Criminal Misc 37628/2013 136 Criminal Misc 38804/2013 137 Criminal Misc 44962/2013 138 Criminal Misc 48716/2013 Md. Moiz Uddin vs Anti-corruption Commission and othres Md. Moiz Uddin vs The State Md. Moiz Uddin vs The State Md. Moiz Uddin vs Anti-corruption Commission and othres Md. Moiz Uddin vs Anti-corruption Commission and othres Yousuf Ali Pramanik vs Anti-corruption Commission and othres Md.Anwar Hossain Khan and another vs Anti-corruption Commission and othres Md.Anwar Hossain Khan and another vs Anti-corruption Commission and othres Md.Anwar Hossain Khan and another vs Anti-corruption Commission and othres Whiduzzaman vs The State Md. Moiz Uddin vs The State Maru and Others vs The State Md. Moiz Uddin vs The State KM. Nazrul Islam vs The State Md. Afzal Hossain vs The state A.S.M. Shabuddin vs Anti-corruption Commission and othres A.K.M.Mukitur Rahman vs The State 139 Criminal Misc 51449/2013 140 Criminal Misc 4510/2014 141 Criminal Misc 6464/2014 142 Criminal Misc 6465/2014 143 Criminal Misc 7214/2014 144 Criminal Misc 7515/2014 145 Criminal Misc 9228/2014 146 Criminal Misc 9448/2014 147 Criminal Misc 9449/2014 148 Criminal Misc 9482/2014 149 Criminal Misc 16477/2014 150 Criminal Misc 15633/2014 151 Criminal Misc 16478/2014 152 Criminal Misc 16760/2014 153 Criminal Misc 16841/2014 154 Criminal Misc 16896/2014 155 Criminal Misc 17685/2014 156 Criminal Misc 18021/2014 373 Most Afroza Islam vs The State Md. Jahangir Miah vs The State Md. Abdul Alim vs The State Md. Anwar Hossain vs The State A. Z. M. Khaleq Rashid Reza vs The State Md. Golam Faruq vs The State Mashuk Al Hossain vs The State A.Z.M. Malek Rashid Reza vs The State A.Z.M. Malek Rashid Reza vs The State A.Z.M. Malek Rashid Reza vs The State A. Z. M. Khaleq Rashid Reza vs The State Md. Gias Uddin vs The State A. Z. M. Khaleq Rashid Reza vs The State Jamiruddin vs The State Md. Jamir vs The State Md. Abul Hossain vs The State Tisha Abdul Haque Khan and other vs The State M.A. Rashid Azad vs The State 157 Criminal Misc 19656/2014 158 Criminal Misc 21137/2014 159 Criminal Misc 21540/2014 160 Criminal Misc 21633/2014 161 Criminal Misc 22314/2014 162 Criminal Misc 22315/2014 163 Criminal Misc 22316/2014 164 Criminal Misc 22317/2014 165 Criminal Misc 22907/2014 166 Criminal Misc 26765/2014 167 Criminal Misc 26856/2014 168 Criminal Misc 27343/2014 169 Criminal Misc 34447/2014 170 Criminal Misc 34601/2014 171 Criminal Misc 37225/2014 172 Criminal Misc 14506/2014 173 Criminal Misc 4454/2014 174 Criminal Misc 36106/2014 175 Criminal Misc 37476/2014 Afjal Hossain vs The State Md. Shahjahan Ali vs The State A..F. Kamal vs The State Anwar Hossain vs The State Golam Md. Abdul Hannan vs The State Golam Md. Abdul Hannan vs The State Golam Md. Abdul Hannan vs The State Golam Md. Abdul Hannan vs The State Mrs. Salma Jesmin vs The State Pranabundho Bikash Pal vs The State Md. Mansur Ahmed vs Anit-Corruption Commission and others Professor Dr. Noor Uddin Panna vs The State Sree Hiromba Kumar Roy vs The State Md. Alam Mamun vs The State Anil Krishno Biswas vs The State Shantosh Kumar vs The State M.A Mannan vs The State Md. Saleh Ahmed vs The State Dwipendra Chandra Sarker vs The State 176 Criminal Misc 37479/2014 177 Criminal Misc 38515/2014 178 Criminal Misc 39358/2014 179 Criminal Misc 39889/2014 180 Criminal Misc 39890/2014 181 Criminal Misc 40659/2014 182 Criminal Misc 41588/2014 183 Criminal Misc 49388/2014 184 Criminal Misc 49677/2014 185 Criminal Misc 1995/2015 186 Criminal Misc 2800/2015 187 Criminal Misc 10312/2015 188 Criminal Misc 19904/2015 189 Criminal Misc 19994/2015 190 Criminal Misc 19995/2015 191 Criminal Misc 20293/2015 192 Criminal Misc 20979/2015 193 Criminal Misc 21018/2015 194 Criminal Misc 21019/2015 374 Abdur Rahim Khan vs The State Abdul Rahman Badi vs The State Mridul Kumar Sen Gupta vs The State Md. Kazi Habibur Rahman vs The State Md. Nasir Uddin vs The State Syed Hasanuzzaman Luton vs The State Moulvi Md. Abdur Rouf Al Kaderi vs The State Md. Kamrul Huda vs The State Md. Momin Ullah vs The State Md. Monir Hossain Biplob vs The State Md. Arshad Hossain vs The State Md. Sumsuddin Mollah vs The State Md. Abul Kashem Howlader vs The State A. Azizur Rahman vs The State Amir Jahan vs The State Md. Rubel Mridha vs The State Abu Bakkar Siddique vs The State M.d. Abdul Malek Khan vs The State Md. Abdul Malek Khan vs The State 195 Criminal Misc 21020/2015 196 Criminal Misc 21022/2015 197 Criminal Misc 21023/2015 198 Criminal Misc 21024/2015 199 Criminal Misc 33926/2015 200 Criminal Misc 39236/2015 201 Criminal Misc 39237/2015 202 Criminal Misc 39238/2015 203 Criminal Misc 39239/2015 Md. Tariqul Islam vs The State Md. Abdul Malek Khan vs The State Md. Abdul Malek khan vs The State Md. Abdul Malek khan vs The State Alhaj Md. Mobarak Ullah vs The State Golam Kibria vs The State Golam Kibria vs The State Golam Kibria vs The State Golam Kibria vs The State 204 Criminal Misc 39240/2015 205 Criminal Misc 48301/2015 (498) 206 Criminal Misc 50298/2015 207 Criminal Misc 50577/2015 208 Criminal Misc 10075/2016 209 Criminal Misc 2882/2016 (498) 210 Criminal Misc 3069/2016 (498) 375 Golam Kibria vs The State Md. Khorshed Alam vs The State Md. Kanchon Sheikh vs The State Md. Idries Miah vs the State Toufiqur Rahman Miah vs The State Kamruzzaman and others vs The State and another Md. Mustafa Kamal vs The state. Supreme Court of Bangladesh High Court Division Justice Md. Khasruzzaman Date : 02/05/2016 [Main Building Court No. 14] [ G,HH,HHH : 2 @ * ( 2? ; < $ # . /0 @ O '(; ।] %% , _ ?$# . /7 ? $ # . < : .$( '( - ; % 2 +/ < : , 1I) E 2 = >% ( . For Hearing 1 Civil Revision 3761/1995 (Barisal) 2 Civil Revision 3082/1995 (Khulna) Civil Revision 3927/1995 (Jessore) 3 4 5 6 Md. Nasir Uddin Howlader and others vs Abdul Halim Howlader and others Mr. Abdul Quiyum, Adv. .......... for the peritioner. Monindro Nath Mondol vs Mather Momdol Sree Apurba Kumar Bashu vs Sree Monindranath Majumder Mr. Kamruzzaman, Advocate..For the petitioner. Belayet Hossain Tota vs Md. Nurul Islam Md. Moulana Baks Gazi vs Sree Girendra nath Mondal and others Entaz Ali Sheikh vs Khadem Ali Sheikh Mr. Farhad Ahmed,Adv. ........... for the petitioner. Mr. M. Kamrul Hoque Siddique, Adv. ........... for the opposite party Civil Revision 4902/1998 (Bhola) Civil Revision 4285/1998 (Shatkhira) Civil Revision 5741/2002 (Khulna) 376 Supreme Court of Bangladesh High Court Division Justice Bhabani Prasad Singha Date : 02/05/2016 [Main Building Court No. 19] [ : %% , _ #. $ ? <: , 1 G,HH,HHH 2 /7 # . $ ? < : .$( ; .$( ) &# 53 , ) 33 < ,J ( , 1 G,HH,HHH #/ ; %% , _ #. $ ? < : , 1 G,HH,HHH 2 /7 # . $ ? < : .$( < $ E ; , 1 G,HH,HHH # . /0 $ F #/ , F #/ ( ) 2 @ O * ( '( $ , 1 G,HH,HHH F & #/ , F & #/ ( ); 6HH3 2 *O % &N ( 2 & ) ,& . d 2 &% 34e6 2 *O % &N ,& . % " ) _ " # . /0; '( - ; % 2 +/ = >% '( . 2? ; < $ # . /0 @ O ।] Md. Hayder Ali and 5 Civil Revision Motion others 2681/2014 For Hearing : Against Judgment and Decree vs Heard-in-part Grand basia Company 1 Civil Revision Md. Habibullah and 121/2011 Ltd. others vs Heard-in-part Zaman Akter, Advocate The Police Commissioner for the petitioner Dhaka metropolitan Md. Ashraful Alam, Police Advocate for the opposite Mr. Md. Iqbal Hossain parties with Mrs. Rubayet 6 Civil Revision Md. Mujibor Rahman Hossain, Advocates for 3444/2011 vs the petitioner Md. Anowar Parvez Heard-in-part Md. Liton Chowdhury Mr.Md.Abdul Halim, Advocate for the opposite Advocate for the parties petitioner 2 Civil Revision Sudhangshu Bimal nath Mr.Shafiqur Rahman, 2388/2009 vs Advocate for the opposite Heard-in-part Sunil Nath party Mr.H.S.Deb Brahman, 7 Civil Revision Md. Tofazzal Hossen Advocate for the 1966/2014 Khan petitioner Heard-in-part vs 3 Civil Revision Golam Sobhan Md.Samser khan and ors. 3835/2009 vs Mr. Md. Hemaith Ullah, Heard-in-part Md. Selim Uddin Adv. for the petitioner Mr.Sk.Jahangir Alam, Mr. Md. Oziullah, Adv. Advocate for the for the opposite parties petitioner 8 Civil Revision Md. Fazlul Hoque Mr.Debdas Somaddar, 1897/1996 Howlader Adv. for the opposite vs Heard-in-part party Dhirendra Nath Shil 4 Civil Revision Golam Aziz and another Mr. Md. Mostata, 3368/2014 vs Advocate for the (with) Most. Sazeda Begum @ petitioners Sajeda Khatun and others Mr. Suruzzaman, Mr. S.M. Jahangir Alam, Advocate for the opposite Advocate for the parties petitioner 9 Civil Revision Amjad Ali Faraji Mr. Nowsad Al Alif, 1913/2009 vs Advocate for the opposite Mazid Faraji parties Mr. Md. Khair Ezaj Civil Revision Sajeda Begum Maswood, Adv. for the 3395/2014 vs petitioner Mr. Debdas Heard-in-part Golam Aziz Somaddar, Adv. for the opposite parties 377 10 Civil Revision Arzina Begum and others 1729/2015 vs Md. Majid Shaikh Mr. Amit Das gupta, Adv. for the petitioner Md. Md. Asaduzzaman, Adv. for the opposite party 11 Civil Revision Md. Mekail Hossain 4999/2014 Sarker vs Md. Saifur Rahman Sarker and others Syed Humayun Kabir Khadem, Advocate for the petitioner Mr. Md. Shah Alam Sarker, Advocate for the opposite parties 12 Civil Revision Md. Idris Miah 4996/2006 vs Abdul Mannan Mrs. Maksuda Akhter, Adv. for the petitioner Mr. Md. Rafiqul Islam, Adv. for the opposite party no.1 13 Civil Revision Gazi Nur Hossain 2516/2014 vs Mohammad A. Motaleb and others Mr. Md. Ahsan Habib, Adv. for the petitioner Md. Jahangir Alam, Adv. for the opposite parties 14 Civil Revision Md.Abdus Sattar 2487/2011 vs (with) Md. Saleha Khatoon Mr.S.M.Abul Hossain, Advocate for the petitioner Mr.Md.Golam Rabbani, Advocate for the opposite party Civil Revision Md.Abdus Sattar 2488/2011 vs Md. Shah Alam 15 Civil Revision Md. Shamsul Haque 1452/2014 Patwary and others vs Ajufa Khatoon and othersS.M.Moniruzzaman, Adv. for the petitioner M.A. Quiyyum Chowdhury, Adv. for the opposite parties 16 Civil Revision Mobarak Mondal 4422/2009 vs Syed Abdur Rashid Chowdhury Md. Zahedul Bari, Adv. for the petitioner Mrs. Saleha Islam, Adv. for the opposite party 17 Civil Revision 3161/2007 18 Civil Revision 3303/2005 19 Civil Revision 2028/2012 with Civil Revision 2031/2012 20 Civil Revision 2519/2009 21 Civil Revision 969/2013 22 Civil Revision 2776/2005 23 Civil Revision 158/1995 24 Civil Revision 3291/2014 25 Civil Revision 3573/2006 26 Civil Revision 951/2012 27 Civil Revision 1684/2014 28 Civil Revision 2329/2014 29 Civil Revision 1271/2008 30 Civil Revision 6345/2002 378 Mosharaf Hossain Khan and others vs Abdul Latif and others Mr. Md. Delwar Hossain, Adv. for the petitioner Mr. Md. Salauddin Talukder, Adv. for the opposite party Abul Hossain and others vs Soma Rani Dey and others Mr.Sk.Jahangir Alam, Advocate for the petitioner Mr.H.S.Deb Brahman, Advocate for the opposite party Masuma Khatun vs Abdul Jabbar Masuma Khatun vs Abdul Jabbar Mohiuddin Hasan vs Sree Radha Raman Saha General Manager, Bangladesh Railway vs Shonjeb Kumar Chowdhuri Anuwar Ali Sardar vs Ansar uddin and others . Mrituonjoy vs Jitendra Nath Barai Dinesh Chandra vs The State Bijon Chowdhury and others vs Kanai Lal Sen Md. Maula Baksh Mollah vs Mst. Akhlima Khatun Ochin Kumar Singh vs Sena Devi Robu Biswas vs Subendra Nath and others Iktiar Hossain vs Fazlul Haque Hem Lal Baroi vs Gokul Chandra 31 Civil Revision 1461/2012 32 Civil Revision 1045/2012 33 Civil Revision 2733/2013 34 Civil Revision 671/2007 35 Civil Revision 3952/2012 36 Civil Revision 3789/2006 37 Civil Revision 2368/2005 38 Civil Revision 1084/2013 39 Civil Revision 4184/2011 40 Civil Revision 187/2007 41 Civil Revision 2198/2014 (with) 42 Civil Revision 2374/2006 Civil Revision 2199/2014 43 Civil Revision 312/2010 44 Civil Revision 4359/2007 45 Civil Revision 4345/2007 46 Civil Revision 1539/2008 Khorshed Ali vs Eunus Ali and others Chand Miah and others vs Ashman Ali Hawlader and others Ali Akbar Molla vs Sree Sushanta Kumar Sarker and another Md. Syed Ali vs Md.Shemser Md. Dulal Miah vs Abdul Majid being dead his heirs: 1. Ayesha Akter Md.Moksad ali vs Md.Amir Ali Gulsera Begeam and others vs Abdul Mutalib and others Momtaz Begum vs Delwar Hossain and others Firoz Miah vs Saju Begum Sankar Prasad Day and others vs Milon Kumar Dey and others Mufti Saleha Begum vs Khalilur Rahman Prabir Kumar Roy vs Sayed Ali and others Saleha vs Khalilur Rahman Md. Abu Bakkor vs Md. Hekmot Ali Nurul Amin vs Ahmed Ulah Md. Azaher Ali vs Abu Taher talukder Md.Alimuddin vs Md. Jalal Uddin 47 Civil Revision 1069/2010 48 Civil Revision 3293/2014 49 Civil Revision 287/2015 50 Civil Revision 1813/2008 51 Civil Revision 3797/2014 52 Civil Revision 2325/1998 53 Civil Revision 1684/2014 54 Civil Revision 1152/2012 55 Civil Revision 1145/2011 56 Civil Revision 2824/2014 57 Civil Revision 5298/2002 58 Civil Revision 2645/2007 59 Civil Revision 1774/2005 60 Civil Revision 835/2003 61 Civil Revision 2293/2010 62 Civil Revision 3480/2012 63 Civil Revision 4882/2005 64 Civil Revision 882/2011 65 Civil Revision 1894/2011 379 Mufizur RahmanChowdhury vs Nababjada Ummatul Fatema Mohej Uddin vs Toffajol Sarker Md. Lal Miah vs Habibur Rahman Md. Bachchu Mia vs Shah alam A.Kuddus vs Sheikh Md. Nizamuddin Mrs . Habiba Jannat vs Abul Hossain Ochin Kumar Singh vs Sena Devi Romjan Ali vs Md. Altaf Hossain Md.Bellal Hossain vs Motahar Ali Howlader Sudir Kumar Roy vs Ananda Mondal Asad others vs Shamsunnaher others Harun vs Kaium Uddin and others Fayajer Nessa and others vs Aminullah and others Sukda Rani Bala vs Ojit Biswas Bala Md. Joynal Abedin Khan vs Hare Kroshno Das Masud Miah vs subash and others Nitai Pandit vs Tutu Miah Ajhar Ali vs Md. Sultan Ali Mrs. Anowara Bewa vs Mamotaj Ali 66 Civil Revision Secretary, Zila Parishad, 1846/2013 Brahmanbaria represented by its Chief Executive Officer vs Neel Kamal Chowdhury 67 Civil Revision Sree Basana Sarkder and 2312/2010 others vs Sree Chandmani 68 Civil Revision Mahamuda 2745/2014 vs Mahmud Ali Abdul Khalek 69 Civil Revision 1187/1997 vs Sre Bhubendra 70 Civil Revision Moktar Arzu 678/2013 vs Gulshan Ara Begum and others Nur Hossain 71 Civil Revision 778/2014 vs Sorupa Khatun 72 Civil Revision Akbor Ali 757/2010 vs Railway Station, Narayangong 73 Civil Revision Halima Matiar 3598/2010 vs Sheikh Matiar Rahman 74 Civil Revision Binoy Behar 1680/2011 vs Aftab Uddin 75 Civil Revision Md. Helal Uddin and ors 1180/2006 vs Daxmina Ranjan Paul and ors 76 Civil Revision Adir Chandra Sarker 3674/1998 vs Goct 77 Civil Revision Sheikh Rafiqur Rahman 1257/2005 Khan vs K. M. Aminul Haque @ Biko Khan 78 Civil Revision Md. Khurshed Alam 3648/2011 vs Md. Shafiqul Islam Sawpan 79 Civil Revision Pir Ali Gaza 3379/2014 vs Ananta Dhali 80 Civil Revision Mufizur 1069/2010 RahmanChowdhury vs Nababjada Ummatul Fatema 81 Civil Revision Shakandar Ali 2501/2014 vs Din Islam 82 Civil Revision Julekha Khatun 3843/2013 vs Akkas Ali and others 83 Civil Revision 3237/2014 84 Civil Revision 1469/2014 85 Civil Revision 4140/2012 86 Civil Revision 5297/2007 (with) Civil Revision 5298/2007 87 Civil Revision 2175/2014 88 Civil Revision 3788/1995 89 Civil Revision 3346/2014 90 Civil Revision 963/2004 91 Civil Revision 3638/2009 92 Civil Revision 1786/2013 93 Civil Revision 5616/2001 94 Civil Revision 4087/2008 95 Civil Revision 230/2009 96 Civil Revision 3715/2011 97 Civil Revision 3903/2000 98 Civil Revision 491/1991 99 Civil Revision 134/2012 100 Civil Revision 4669/2006 380 Md. Shamsur Ali vs Md. Shahjahan Ali and ors Manzu Sheikh vs Nannu Sheikh Kartik Chandra Dey vs Sujit Chowdhury and others Md. Karimur Rahman vs Mir Mohammad Md. Kharimur rAhman vs Sheesh mohammed ors Badol vs Motilal Al-Haj Muhammadul Alam vs Nur Jahan Golam Rabbani vs Motiur Rahman Govt vs Lutfanessa Solaiman Sarder vs Govt bangladesh Abdul Hamid vs Monir Hossain Mollik Abul Bashar and other s vs Abdur Quader and others Mosammat Khorsheda Begum vs Md. Sabur @ Shamim Ali Azam vs Golam Mostafa Sajjad Ali vs Alkas Ali and Others Sirajul Islam vs Humayun Kabir Abdul Khaleque vs Mozammel Haque Momtaz Howlader vs Md. Nazrul Islam Sarder Abdul Goni Howlader vs 1.Chandraban Bibi 101 Civil Revision 365/1993 102 Civil Revision 921/2000 103 Civil Revision 4292/2004 104 Civil Revision 3291/2004 105 Civil Revision 2434/1998 106 Civil Rule 571(Con)/2014 107 Civil Rule 561(Con)/2014 108 Civil Revision 3970/2006 109 Civil Revision 4153/2005 110 Civil Revision 3748/2014 111 Civil Revision 2484/2009 112 Civil Revision 2262/2013 113 Civil Revision 2873/2008 114 Civil Revision 3201/2010 115 Civil Revision 3202/2010 116 Civil Revision 2292/2007 117 Civil Revision 930/2003 Sri Jamina Ronjan Chokroborti vs Bajlur Rahman Abu Sufiya and others vs Sree Balaram Mondal Nurul Islam Jowerder vs suvas chandra shaha Abul Kashem Matbbor vs Jamir Matabbor Most. Sufiya Khatun vs Abu Saleha Md. Joberi Nuruddin Master vs Muklesur Rahman and others Nuruddin Master vs Moklesur Rahman Md. Mojibur Rahman vs Fazlul Huq Md. Dabir Uddin vs Md. Kabir Uddin and others Liton vs UNo Md. Kamizuddin and others vs Most. Saida Bibi and others Rokeya Begum vs Ashraf Ali Khan Md. Abul Hossain Sarker vs Ranu Bala Saker Md.Mohiuddin and others vs Abdul Jalil and others Md. Mohiddun vs Siddiqur Rahman Md.Sazzad Ali Master vs Md.Sadat Ali Md. Najer Hossain Khan vs Md. Yekub Ali 118 Civil Revision 4279/2008 119 Civil Revision 4273/2008 120 Civil Revision 4280/2008 381 S. M. Golam Mostafa vs Muslim Bazar Businessman Multipurpose CoOperative Meherun Nesa vs Muslim Bazar Businessman Multipurpose CoOperative Md. A. Salam Fakir vs Muslim bazar Businessman Multipurpose CoOperative Supreme Court of Bangladesh High Court Division Justice Mahmudul Hoque Date : 02/05/2016 [Main Building Court No. 29] : 2 %%, _ #. $ <:, I 1 ) G,HH,HHH 2 /7 # . $ ? < : .$( ; .$( ) &# 53 , ) 33 < ,J ( , 1I) G,HH,HHH #/ ; %%, _ #. $ ? < : , 1I) G,HH,HHH 2 /7 # . $ ? < : .$( < $ .$( E ; , 1I) G,HH,HHH # . /0 $ F #/ , F #/ ( ) 2 @ O * ( '( $ , 1I) G,HH,HHH F & #/ , F & #/ ( ); 6HH3 2 *O % &N ( 2 & ) ,& . d 2 &% 34e6 2 *O % &N ,&◌! . % " ) _ " # . /0 ; '( - ; % 2 +/ = >% '( . 2? ; < $ # . /0 @ O ।] [ ? Motion 1 2 3 For Hearing Civil Revision Momana Bibi and 3413/2006 others vs Nurjahan Khatun and others Civil Revision Abul Kalam Azad 2426/2010 vs Khalilur Rahman and others Civil Revision KharuTaroni 1592/2012 Chandra Das vs Md. Ramjan Ali Pramanik 382 4 Civil Revision 703/2015 5 Civil Revision 727/2015 6 Civil Revision 5579/2002 Most. Sabara Khatun and others vs Md. Sirajul Islam and others Most. Sabara Khatun and others vs Md. Sirajul Islam and others Md.Farid Ahmed . vs Prafulla Chandra De and others. Supreme Court of Bangladesh High Court Division ........ Date : 02/05/2016 [Blank List 1] [ G,HH,HHH #/ /7 # . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 : .$( ) & # 53 , ) 33 < ,J ( , I 1 ) #/ ; , I 1 ) G,HH,HHH d% ( #/ , d% ( & #/ $ F & %% _ #. < : , 1I) G,HH,HHH 2 < : .$( < $ .$( E 2 %K 2? ; j $ # . /0 ।] For Hearing Civil Rule Md. Anworul Huq 1006((con))/2014 Chowdhury (Dinajpur) vs Md. Ismail Hossain and other Mr. Md. Ferdous Rahman . Adv........... for the petitioner Sree potiram barmon and Civil Rule others 49((con))/2014 vs (Rangpur) Md. Sadek Ali and others Md. Ariful Islam.Adv........ for the petitioner. Md. Golam Rosul.Ad......for the o.p. Civil Rule Govt. of Bangladesh 913((con))/2014 vs (Natore) Md. Sekander Ali Pramanik and others Aorobindo Kumar Roy. A. A. G.Adv...... for the petitioner. Md. Moniruzzaman.Adv........ for the o.p. Civil Rule Sree Noran Hazra 1046((con))/2014 vs (Nilphamari) Most. Joygan Nahar Md. Azizul Islam.Adv.....for the petitioner Civil Rule Md.Abdul Quddus Mondal 273((con))/2013 vs (Joypurhat) Md. Mamtaz Uddin Mondal Md. Ali Jinnah. Adv......for the petitioner. Abdul Waheb Dewyan Kazal.Adv......for the o.p. Civil Rule Gov. of Bangladesh 31((con))/2013 vs (Rajshahi) Md. Hanjal and others. Md. Jabir A.A.G Adv.......for the petitioner. Civil Rule Md. Nobiyul Islam Miah 532((con))/2013 vs (Serajgonj) Md. Azizul Huq Miah Md. Mahbubur Rahman. Adv......for the petitioner. A.R.M Hasanuzzaman.Adv......for the o.p. 8 Civil Rule 448((con))/2013 (Rangpur) 9 Civil Revision 2579/2004 (Rajshahi) 10 Civil Revision 3480/1996 (Sylhet) 11 Civil Revision 2177/1999 (Sylhet) 12 Civil Revision 2544/1999 (Sylhet) 13 Civil Revision 560/2003 (Hobigonj) 14 Civil Revision 174/2003 (Feni) 15 Civil Revision 1750/2011 ( Kishoregonj) 383 Ishaq Ali vs Md. Aftab uddin Khandaker Siful Huq. Adv.......for the petitioner. Sheikh Forhadul Huq. Adv.........for the o.p. Madam Mollah vs Govt. of Bangladesh Shosh Sarker. Adv.....for the petitioner. Md. Abdul Jabbar.Adv......for the o.p. Makur Ali vs Bangladesh & others Mr. Tabarak Hossain.Adv.......for the petitioner Abdul Wahid vs Md. Aziruddin & others Mr.M.A.Jabbar.Adv........for the petitioner. Bangladesh of govt. vs Abtabunessa & others Abdul Quyum D.A.G Adv......for the petitioner. Sayeda Banu vs Abdul Jalil & others Mr. Osman Gani. Adv.......for the petitioner Abu Taher Shahin vs Bangladesh and others Mr. Nurul Mostafa.Adv......for the petitioner. Md. Nozrul Islam vs Md. Shamsul Alam Asrafuddin Bhuyian. Adv...for the petitioner. A.T.M. Mijanur Rahman. Adv...for the o.p. 16 Civil Revision 3353/2010 ( Madaripur) 17 Civil Revision 1526/2011 ( Mymensing) 18 Civil Revision 4473/2014 (Dhaka) 19 Civil Revision 4784/2014 (Dhaka) 20 Civil Revision 3273/2010 (Kishoregonj) 21 Civil Revision 3191/2010 (Narayngonj) 22 Civil Revision 1627/2011 (Madaripur) 23 Civil Revision 3770/2005 (Pathuakhali) 24 Civil Revision 4839/2007 (Narayel) 25 Civil Revision 1634/1998 (Narayel) Siddique Sheikh & others vs Wahab Ali Pathan A.K.M. Sohidul Haque. Adv......for the petitioner. Golam Kibria. Adv....for the o.p. Md. Abdur Razzaque & others vs Md. Abu Taher & others Abul Kalam pathoyari. Adv.....for the petitioner. Monoj Chandra Badhuri. Adv.....for the o.p. Taru Mahtab Rahim vs Most. Mahfuza Akter M.A. Mannan Bhuyian. Adv...for the petitioner. Monir Hossain. Adv...for the o.p. Md. Mahtab Hossain & others vs Rahela Khatun & others Harun Ar Rashid. Adv.....for the petitioner. Atahar Ali vs Khayat Sonali Samabay Motsajibi Samity Ltd. S.M. Abdur Rauf. Adv....for the petitioner Habibur Rahman & others vs Mst. Kohinoor Begum & others Md. Nawab Ali. Adv.....for the petitioner. Ramesh Chandra Sarkar & others vs Manik Sarkar & others Giasuddin Ahmed. Adv....for the petitioner. Md. sanu Mridha & others vs Md. Sultan Madbar & others Mr.Md. Abdul Awal. Adv....for the petitioner. Mr.Dewan Abdul Nader. Adv....for the o.p. Md. Eunus Ali Biswas vs Md. Zamir Ali & others Mr. Sosti Sarkar. Adv...for the petitioner Most.Mozida Rashid vs Fozilatun Nessa & others Mr. Sorif Arif Newaj. Adv......for the petitioner. Mr. Horendo Nath Nondi. Adv.....for the o.p. 26 Civil Revision 1877/1999 (Khulna) 27 Civil Revision 3114/1994 (Barisal) 28 Civil Rule 902((con))/2011 (Bogra) 29 Civil Rule 264((con))/2013 (Dinajpur) 30 Civil Rule 352((con))/2015 (Rajshahi) 31 Civil Revision 1158/2005 (Gaibandha) 32 Civil Revision 4101/2008 (Rajshahi) 33 Civil Revision 1164/2005 (Thakurgaon) 34 Civil Revision 3495/2007 (Rangpur) 384 Mainor Jiaur Rahman vs Profolla mondol & others Mr. Abul Kalam Maynuddin. Adv.....for the petitioner. Most. Hosne Ara Begum vs Most. Ammatul Khalek & othes Mr. Khandokar Mahabubuddin Ahmed. Adv.....for the petitioner. Mr. Topon Kumar Chakroborti. Adv.....for the o.p. Md. Zillur Rahman Sonar & others vs Md. Abdul Mojid Pramanik & others Dawan Makdum. Adv......for the petitioner. Dowla Wazeria Mahmudan Wakfau Estate vs Govt. of Bangladesh Sayed. Mahmudul Ahsan. Adv...for the petitioner. Md. Abdus Salam vs Most. Farida Begum & others S.M. Bazlur Rashid. Adv....for the petitioner. Zafor Sadek. Adv.....for the o.p. Sree Dino Bando Sarkar vs D.C Gaibandha. Bobash Chandra Mostafiz. Adv.....for the petitioner. Most. Monoawar Bibi vs Md. Khalil Mondal. S.M. Abul Hossain. Adv....for the petitioner. A.B. Roy Choudhuary. Adv.....for the o.p. Asuruddin vs Md. Abul Hossain. Md. Lotfor Rahman Mondal. Adv.....for the petitioner. M.A. Muntakin. Adv.....for the o.p. Md. Hafiz Ahmed vs Siddiqur Rahman Shoeb. Kazi Bazlur Rashid. Adv.....for the petitioner. Md. Golam Rabbani. Adv......for the o.p. 35 Civil Revision 1732/2005 (Gaibandha) Md. Nazmul Ahsan vs 1(a) Md. Abdul Jabbar. Md. Fazlay Rabbi. Adv....for the petitioner. Md. Zakir Hossain. Adv......for the o.p. 36 Civil Revision Imam Ali Gazi 2317/2002 vs (Narayaongonj) Mealun Nesa. Montu Chandra Gosh. Adv......for the petitioner. Habibur Rahman. Adv.....for the o.p. 385 Supreme Court of Bangladesh High Court Division ........ Date : 02/05/2016 [Blank List 2] [ $ : A D E 2 +/ = >% @ O * AB . C '( . 2? ; < $ # . /0 @ O % 8 #/ ; AB . ।] For Hearing Criminal Appeal 1703/1999 6 Criminal Appeal 3349/2003 2 Criminal Appeal 2858/2004 7 Criminal Appeal 1739/1999 3 Criminal Appeal 1766/1999 8 Criminal Appeal 1712/1997 4 Criminal Appeal 1730/1999 9 Criminal Appeal 781/2003 5 Criminal Appeal 1635/1998 10 Criminal Appeal 1770/1997 1 Lipi vs The State Alauddin vs The State Anwar Hossain vs The state Abdur Rahim Khan vs The State Bimolendu Shekhar Ray vs The State Md. Abu Raihan Khan vs The State Md. Ataur Rahman vs The State Wahiduzzaman Chowdhury vs The State Md. Shafiqul Islam vs The State Md. Reazul Islam vs The State Supreme Court of Bangladesh High Court Division ........ Date : 02/05/2016 [Lawazima Court] ( 1 2 3 4 6X (a) Civil Rules Civil Revision Md.Alamgir Hossain vs 2250/2008 Sirajgonj Lutfunnessa Bibi and others Mr. Md. Humayun Kabir Adv. for the petitioner. Civil Revision Most. Nurjahan Begum 2130/2008 Bogra vs Most. Maniz Fatema@Mira Mr. Md. Ekramul Islam Adv. for the petitioner. Civil Revision --------------4408/2010 vs Sirajgonj --------------Mr. Arabinda Kumer Roy Adv for the petitioner Civil Revision ---------------4012/2011 vs Nilphamari ---------------Mr. Md. Nazmul Huda Adv. for the petitioner. ) 5 6 7 386 Civil Revision 2072/2011 Rajshahi Rahima Bibi and others vs Jahangir Alam and others Mr. Md.Ekramul Huq Adv. for the petitioner. (b) First Misc. Appeal First Misc Appeal Md. Motiur Rahman 193/2015 and others. vs Dhaka Md. Akter Hoossain President and others. Mr. Sharif Arif Newaj Adv. for the petitioner. First Misc Appeal Md. Golzer Hossain. 67/2015 vs Narayangonj Alhaj Md. Alauddin. Mr. Md. Abdul Matin Mondal Adv. for the appellant 8 9 10 11 First Misc Appeal 108/2015 Gazipur Md. Faiz Uddin and others. vs Md. Jalaluddin and others. Mr. Md. Abdul Alim Bhuiyan Adv. for the appellant. First Misc Appeal -----------------409/2015 vs -----------------Dhaka Mr. A.S.M Abdul Razzaque Adv. for the appellant. First Misc Appeal M/S Bangladesh Paper Cone. 147/2015 vs Dhaka Shenzhen Kaiyuan Plastic Co. Ltd. and others Mr. Sk. Awsafur Rahman Adv. for the appellant. --------------First Misc Appeal vs 143/2016 Dhaka --------------Mr. Hiromay Holder Adv. for the appellant. (c) First Appeal (d) Second Appeal (e) Report of the Stamp Reporter (f) Chamber of taxing officer (2-15PM) (g) As per Section 5 of Court Fees Act. 387
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