Dachs with MSR2
Dachs with MSR2
Dachs with MSR2 art. no.: 14/4798.232.106 © The right to changes and errors is reserved Dachs / Dachs SE & Dachs SE Condensing with MSR2 Instructions for Installation, Assembly, Commissioning, and Operation of the Dachs Translation of the original German operating instructions i These operating instructions are intended for trained specialist staff. Before commencing your work on the Dachs, please carefully read these instructions. If you fail to comply with these instructions, any guarantee claims shall be annulled. The safety instructions are particularly important. EN Dachs with MSR2 Applicable to: Installation, Assembly, Commissioning, and Operation of the Dachs / Dachs SE & Dachs SE Condensing with MSR2 article no.: 14/4798.232.106 SENERTEC KRAFT-WÄRME-ENERGIESYSTEME GMBH Carl-Zeiss-Straße 18 • 97424 Schweinfurt, Germany Phone +49 9721 651-0 • Fax +49 9721 651-272 • Email info@senertec.com Managing directors: Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing. Michael Boll Commercial register: Amtsgericht Schweinfurt (Schweinfurt district court), registration number HRB 2942 VAT identification no.: DE 812024506 All rights reserved. The content of the present instructions is protected by copyright. Any form of duplication, even in extracts, requires the written approval of SenerTec GmbH Schweinfurt. The present instruction may not be copied, modified or saved in any database whatsoever, be it electronically, mechanically or by any other means of recording. The publisher has the sole right of use. The right to changes and errors is reserved. © by SenerTec GmbH. Dachs with MSR2 Index 1Safety���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������7 1.1 General safety instructions�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������7 1.1.1 Structure of the general safety instructions���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������8 1.1.2 Work on electric and electronic equipment��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������9 1.1.3 Gas connection������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 10 1.2Recommendations�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������11 1.3 Specific safety instructions���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������12 1.3.1 Machine in ongoing operation������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 12 1.3.2 Assembly and repair work��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 14 1.3.3 Service work������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 15 1.4Liabilities����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������16 1.4.1 Liabilities of the installer������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 16 1.4.2 Liabilities of the operator����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 17 1.4.3 Declaration of manufacturer���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 17 2Introduction��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������19 2.1General�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������19 2.2 Additional documentation���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������19 2.3 Symbols used��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������20 2.4 Abbreviations / Glossary�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������21 3 Technical specifications�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������22 3.1Homologations�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������22 3.2 Technical data�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������23 3.2.1 Dachs G/F����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 23 3.2.2Dachs HR������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 24 3.2.3 Buffer vessel SE750 (optional)�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 25 3.2.4 Condensing unit (optional)������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 25 3.3 Dimensions and connections�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������26 3.4 Electrical diagram�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������27 4 Description of the product��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������29 4.1 General description����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������29 4.2 Operating principle����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������29 4.3 Main components�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������31 4.3.1 4.3.2 4.3.3 4.3.4 Dachs G/F����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 31 Dachs HR������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 32 Buffer vessel SE750 (optional)�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 33 Condensing unit (optional)������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 34 4.4 Description of the control panel������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������35 4.5 Standard delivery�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������36 4.6 Accessories and options��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������36 5 Before installation����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������39 5.1 Installation regulations���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������39 Dachs with MSR2 5.2 Installation requirements�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������40 5.2.1 Installation height������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 40 5.2.2 Remote monitoring���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 40 5.2.3 Requirements regarding the heating water����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 41 5.2.4 Heating system and return temperatures���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 43 5.2.5 Gas installation������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 43 5.2.6 Oil installation�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 44 5.2.7 Exhaust gas installation�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 44 5.2.8Ventilation��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 44 5.2.9 Electric installation of controller��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 44 5.2.10Multi module system������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 45 5.3 Choosing of the location�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������46 5.3.1 Spatial requirements of the Dachs����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 46 5.3.2 Requirements regarding the exhaust gas installation���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 49 5.4Transport����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������50 5.4.1 Access to the installation location������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 50 5.4.2 Transportation of the Dachs����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 51 5.4.3 Transportation of the SE750����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 51 5.5 Unpacking & initial preparation������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������52 5.6 Connecting diagrams������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������53 6Installation����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������54 6.1General�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������54 6.2Assembly����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������54 6.2.1 6.2.2 6.2.3 6.2.4 6.2.5 Installation of the Dachs������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 54 Installation of the buffer vessel������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 55 Installation of the temperature sensors and equipotential bonding at the buffer vessel��������������������������������������������������� 55 Assembly of the buffer insulation������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 56 Assembly of the condensing unit������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 57 6.3Preparation������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������59 6.3.1 6.3.2 6.3.3 6.3.4 6.3.5 6.3.6 Removing the soundproof enclosure������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 59 Removing the transport protection��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 59 Sealing the Transport Openings���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 61 Aligning the Dachs����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 61 Assembly of the MSR2 controller�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 62 Assembly of multi module system����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 64 6.4 Water connections������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������66 6.4.1 6.4.2 6.4.3 6.4.4 Connection of the Dachs����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 66 Connection Dachs with condensing unit���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 70 Connection Dachs with buffer vessel SE750����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 71 Connection Dachs with condensing unit and SE750������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 72 6.5 Refrigeration connections����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������73 6.6 Gas connection�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������74 6.7 Oil connection�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������78 Dachs with MSR2 6.8 Air supply/flue gas connections������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������84 6.8.1 6.8.2 6.8.3 6.8.4 6.8.5 6.8.6 Air supply with open flue operation�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 84 Operation without ambient air Dachs G/F�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 85 Operation without ambient air Dachs HR���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 86 Exhaust gas pipe with EFS��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 87 Condensate drain for the condensing unit������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 91 Exhaust system with condensing unit���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 91 6.9 Electrical connections������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������92 6.9.1 MSR2 controller����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 92 6.9.2 Power factor correction of the Dachs������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 93 6.9.3 Cable harness��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 94 6.9.4 Connection of the temperature safety limiter (STL) of the condensing unit at the MSR2��������������������������������������������������� 96 6.9.5 Equipotential bonding of the Dachs������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 96 6.9.6 Connection of the buffer sensors at the MSR2������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 96 6.9.7 External actuators and sensors at the MSR2 controller�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 97 6.9.8 X5 External actuators�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������100 6.9.9 X6 external voltage��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������102 6.9.10X7 external sensors (ancillary board SE)�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������106 6.9.11X8 external sensors (ancillary board SE)�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������106 6.9.12X9 external sensors (ancillary board SE)�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������106 6.9.13X10 external sensors (ancillary board SE)��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������107 6.9.14X11 external sensors (ancillary board SE)��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������108 6.9.15X12 external voltage (ancillary board SE)��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������108 6.9.16Emergency stop switch������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������109 6.9.17Electrical mains connections��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������111 6.9.18Connection within the distribution network��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������112 6.9.19Mains supply at the MSR2 controller�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������114 6.10 Filling the installation��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 116 6.11 Completing the installation����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 117 7Commissioning�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������118 7.1General���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 118 7.2 Checklist before commissioning ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 119 7.2.1 Checklist Dachs G/F�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������119 7.2.2 Checklist Dachs HR���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������120 7.2.3 Checklist SE750 and condenser���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������121 7.3 Commissioning procedure������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 122 7.4 Gas settings�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 123 7.4.1 Gas track (Dachs G/F)�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������123 7.4.2 Adjust the gas flow control (Dachs G/F)�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������124 7.4.3 Change of main nozzle�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������125 7.5 Oil settings���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 126 7.6 Configuring the system������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 126 7.6.1 Selecting the service level and starting the commissioning��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������126 7.6.2 Menu sequence during commissioning�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������126 Dachs with MSR2 7.6.3 Settings in the menu 1/8 Dachs data������������������������������������������������129 7.6.4 Settings in the menu 1/9 Location Info���������������������������������������������130 7.6.5 Settings in the menu 11/4 Installer������������������������������������������������130 7.6.6 Settings in the menu 11/5 In/Out (Inputs / Outputs) config.������������������������������132 7.6.7 Settings in the menu 11/3 Service tel. No.�����������������������������������������133 7.6.8 Settings in the menu 9/12 Protection fct. Dachs (parameters electr. grid)�������������������������������������������������������133 7.6.9 Other parameter settings��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������134 7.6.10Commissioning of the multi module system��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������134 7.7 Final instructions����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 136 7.7.1 Commissioning report��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������136 7.7.2 Instruction of the operator������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������136 8Operation����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������137 8.1General���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 137 8.2 Use of the control panel����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 137 8.3Start-up���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 140 8.4Shutdown������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 140 8.5 Frost protection������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 140 9Settings�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������141 9.1 List of parameters���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 141 9.2 Setting the parameters������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 141 9.3 Reading out measured values������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 141 10Maintenance�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������142 10.1General���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 142 10.2 Maintenance messages������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 142 10.3 Standard inspection and maintenance operations������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 143 10.4 Specific maintenance operations������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 143 11Troubleshooting�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������144 11.1 Error codes���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 144 11.2 Error memory����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 145 11.3 Fault finding������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 145 12Decommissioning���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������146 12.1 Decommission procedure�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 146 12.1.1Temporary decommissioning������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������146 12.1.2Permanent decommissioning������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������147 12.1.3Decommissioning and disposal��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������147 12.2 Recommissioning procedure�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 148 13 Spare parts��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������149 13.1General���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 149 13.2 Exploded views�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 149 13.3 Spare parts lists�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 149 13.4 Spare parts stockist������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 149 Appendix...........................................................................................................................................................150 Dachs with MSR2 1 Safety The present chapter describes the general risks resulting from the work with the Dachs as well as measures for preventing hazardous situations and how to react in the event of an accident. All work on the system, such as assembly, start-up, servicing and repair, may only be carried out by certified and authorised specialist staff. The system has been constructed in accordance with the statutory regulations applicable at the point of time of delivery and incorporates state-of-the-art safety technology. Any possible residual hazards are indicated by safety warnings and are described in these instructions. Please note the safety warnings attached to the machine. Only operate the machine with all safety devices in place. Secure hazardous areas occurring between the system and the operator equipment. Regularly check all safety devices, warning systems and automatic shutoffs. Before the initial start-up, the exhaust gas system is to be inspected by a specialist engineer regarding its efficiency. Before the start-up, the electrical connections are to be checked by a certified specialist engineer. After each alteration of the system including manipulations of the electrical or hydraulic connections, such inspection is to be repeated. 1.1 General safety instructions The safety warnings highlight special risks occurring when handling a CHP. Such risks may occur when operating a combustion motor (heat, moving parts, exhaust gas, noise) in connection with electrical equipment (danger of electrocution). Warning: • This appliance can be used by children aged from 8 years and above and persons with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities or lack of experience and knowledge if they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance in a safeway and understand the hazards involved. • Children shall not play with the appliance. Cleaning and user maintenance shall not be made by children without supervision. 14/4798.232.106 Safety | 7 Dachs with MSR2 1.1.1 Structure of the general safety instructions Danger Danger symbols Information on type and source of danger. Explanation and indication of the consequences of the risk. • Information on avoiding the risk. In the case of emergency: Recommended behaviour in the case of an emergency. In the head line of the general safety instructions, the following elements are used: ●● + Danger (red): Any non-compliance may lead to death or severe injury. ●● + Warning (orange): Any non-compliance may lead to severe injury. ●● + Caution (blue): Any non-compliance may lead to personal injury. ●● Caution (blue): Any non-compliance may lead to environmental and material damages. The following danger symbols are used. General danger Danger due to moving parts Harmful substances Electrical voltage / current Hot surface Acid substances Explosion hazard Hot liquids and steam Environmental damage Lack of oxygen Noise 8 | Safety 14/4798.232.106 Dachs with MSR2 1.1.2 Work on electric and electronic equipment Danger Risk of electrocution. Severe physical injury or death may be the consequence. • Before commencing any maintenance and repair work, the Dachs is to be deenergised. Danger: All electronic work may only be carried out by authorised specialist staff. When working on the electric equipment, the stipulations of the assembly and start-up instructions as well as of the service and spare parts replacement instructions are to be adhered to. For your own safety, comply with the prescribed connection requirements and safety measures. • A risk of electrocution persists even if the power generation of the system has been interrupted. • At the fuses of the main and sub-distribution, deenergise the feed lines. • Safeguard the de-energised feed line against being switched on again. • Use a test device to ensure that the system has been de-energised. Seek medical assistance following an electric shock. 14/4798.232.106 Safety | 9 Dachs with MSR2 1.1.3 Gas connection Danger: The gas line is a safety-relevant component and may only be mounted by authorised specialist staff. Danger Risk of explosion caused by room air saturated with gas. Danger of suffocation caused by displacement of breathing air. All national and regional norms and regulations for the gas connection shall be met. Severe physical injury or death may be the consequence. A gas shut-off valve with thermal shut-off unit (TSOU) must be present. • Immediately deactivate the unit as soon as you notice the smell of gas. i Notice for operation of the system in Germany: The stipulations of DVFG-TRF (TRGL regulations) 2012 are to be strictly adhered to. • Avoid open flames, do not smoke, do not actuate any electrical switches or contacts. • Interrupt the gas supply. • Ensure the fresh air supply. • Check the connections and lines for leaks. • Immediately rectify any leaks. • Notify the gas supplier if the leak is upstream of the gas meter. In the case of a non-controllable gas leak, leave the hazardous area and call the fire brigade. 10 | Safety 14/4798.232.106 Dachs with MSR2 1.2 Recommendations The system may only be operated for the purpose of the intended use as described in the present document. Combined heat and power units (CHP) are appliances that produce electricity and heat at the same time according to the principle of cogeneration. The Dachs works according to this principle, but is planned for the local operation and usage of the produced energy inside buildings. Another or usage going beyond the norm is regarded as unintended use. SenerTec GmbH shall not assume any liability for any damage resulting from this unintended use. The operator bears the entire risk. Danger: Operate the system for the purpose of its intended use only. Any unintended use may lead to personal injury or damage to the machine. The following situations are regarded as improper operation: ●● The operation with fuels other than those described and admitted. ●● Operation with machine settings changed by the operator. ●● Operation with supply connections changed by the operator. ●● Operation outside of building. ●● Operation outside the permitted ambient conditions is not allowed. 14/4798.232.106 Safety | 11 Dachs with MSR2 1.3 Specific safety instructions 1.3.1 Machine in ongoing operation After activating the machine, it starts automatically and parts are rotating. Among others, the exhaust gas flow contains nitric oxide and carbon monoxide. The motor components and the exhaust gas ducting are heated significantly. If the machine is operated while the sound capsule is open (e.g. for test purposes), the noise level is already hazardous to health. Danger Danger of suffocation caused by exhaust gas which has not been conducted away. Severe physical injury or death may be the consequence. • Immediately deactivate the system as soon as you notice the smell of exhaust gas. • Ensure the supply of sufficient fresh air. • Check the exhaust gas system for leaks. • Immediately rectify any leaks. If you suffer any physical impairments, immediately alert the emergency medical assistance service. Warning Danger of accidents caused by absent safety devices. If unauthorised changes are made to the machine, this may lead to severe personal injury. • Check the electrical and mechanical safety devices before starting the operation. • Do not operate the machine without the fly wheel cover being mounted. • Do not alter the safety devices. Immediately seek medical assistance in the case of injury. 12 | Safety 14/4798.232.106 Dachs with MSR2 Warning Danger of crushing caused by moving parts This may cause crushing, cuts and abrasions. • Do not work close to the fly wheel when the machine is running. • Wear gloves when moving the fly wheel manually. • Do not turn the fly wheel with great impetus beyond the upper dead point. After the initial treatment of the wound, seek medical assistance. Warning Danger of burns caused by hot surfaces, fluids, and steam. This may result in severe burns. • Before commencing any work, wait for the machine to cool down. • Note that in case of system overpressure hot steam can escape at the safety valves. • Note that the circulation liquids (heating water, cooling water) could heat up strongly. • Wear gloves. Cool burnt areas and seek medical assistance in order to have the wounds treated further. Caution Danger caused by machine noise. This may result in hearing impairment. • Wear ear protection when working on the running machine. Consult a doctor when you notice any impairment of your sense of hearing. 14/4798.232.106 Safety | 13 Dachs with MSR2 1.3.2 Assembly and repair work A number the roof components exceed the maximum lifting load for individual persons as recommended in the respective labour laws. This includes the pre-mounted components included in the scope of delivery as well as some spare parts, such as the crankcase. Therefore, when working with heavy loads, ensure that you are not alone; use the available lifting aids and secure difficult to move loads. Warning Risk of injury owing to sharp edges! This may result in cuts. • Always wear gloves when carrying sharp-edged machine components. After the initial treatment of the wound, seek medical assistance. Caution Danger caused by excessive weight of machine parts. When working on the machine, the maximum lifting loads may not be exceeded. • Use lifting aids. • Work with others. Consult a doctor when you notice any impairment resulting from lifting heavy loads. Caution Danger caused by insufficiently lit workstation. Increased risk of injury. • Ensure that no lamps are damaged. • Only work with sufficient lighting. 14 | Safety 14/4798.232.106 Dachs with MSR2 1.3.3 Service work If the Dachs is operated with a condensing unit, acid condensate is generated. When handling the condensate and the waste products from the neutralisation process (e.g. when using the SenerTec neutralisation box) ensure you are handling it properly. The unit-specific safety regulations depend on the functional principle of the device type used. Warning Danger of chemical burns caused by acids and lies. This may result in chemical burns. • Wear protective glasses when re-filling the condensate. • Wear gloves when handling the condensate. • Correctly dispose of the condensate. Thoroughly rinse your eyes with clear water; wash the skin surface which has been in contact with the condensate with plenty of clear water. Seek medical assistance for follow up treatment. Caution Danger caused by waste oil, filling and operating fluids. This may result in environmental damages. • Properly dispose of waste oil, filling and operating fluids (such as glycol, acidic condensate). 14/4798.232.106 Safety | 15 Dachs with MSR2 1.4 Liabilities 1.4.1 Liabilities of the installer Any assembly, service, maintenance and repair work at the Dachs may only be carried out by authorised and certified specialist staff. Product training realised by SenerTec or by a training institution commissioned by SenerTec is a minimum requirement. Any work on the electrical equipment may only be implemented by trained electricians. Please also note the following: ●● Before commencing any work, carefully read all instructions included in the scope of delivery. ●● During the assembly and the connection of the system, adhere to the applicable regulations and standards. ●● Check the system prior to start-up. ●● Instruct the operator how to operate the system. ●● Inform the operator about the necessity of regular maintenance and the consequences of any non-observance. ●● Hand out all documents supplied to the operator. Prior to start-up: ●● A leak test of the gas duct according to the local regulations must be carried out. ●● The exhaust gas ducting is to be approved by the responsible master chimney sweeper (i.e. the authority responsible for inspecting gas installations). ●● A frost-protected operation of the system is to be ensured, i.e. suitable frost protection measures adapted to the ambient conditions have to be implemented. ●● It is to be ensured that the heating water quality complies with the required specifications of the manufacturer. The installer is obliged to adhere to the national laws, regulations and standards of the respective country of the installation location. Among others, these include the following: Notice: ●● The provisions of the applicable building law. Outside of Germany, apart from the national regulations, the ●● The fire protection regulations. international standard EC 60364 "Electrical Installation of Buildings" is ●● The technical requirements for the gas supply connection. to be complied with. i ●● The relevant safety regulations according to the local regulations and the EU. ●● Stipulations for the erection of power plants with a nominal voltage of up to 1000V. ●● The operation of electrical systems. 16 | Safety 14/4798.232.106 Dachs with MSR2 1.4.2 Liabilities of the operator The operator is obliged to create the necessary constructional requirements for the assembly and start-up as well as for the safe and intended use of the systems. Furthermore, the operator is obliged and solely responsible for the registration, notification and operation of the system in accordance with the applicable regulations. Notification and authorisation obligation The regional regulations and TCR (technical connection requirements) of the: ●● Energy supply company (ESC) ●● Gas supply company (GSC) ●● Water supply company ●● Building inspection ●● Main customs office have to be considered concerning the obligatory registration. With technical justifiable variations of the regional regulations a coordination with the utilities has to be made prior to commissioning. i Notice: Please check what is necessary to operate a Dachs CHP unit. The operation of a micro CHP unit shall comply with the local regulations. Like with central-heating boilers of this size there is no notification obligation to appropriate building authorities. The local regulations are effectual. 1.4.3 Declaration of manufacturer Our Dachs products which carry the CE mark have been developed and manufactured in accordance with the EC directives applicable at the point of time of inspection. This is confirmed by the manufacturer of the product by means of an EC conformity declaration and by labelling the product with the CE mark. Devices which are subject to the EC gas appliances directive have been tested and certified by the accrediting inspection authority indicated next to the CE mark by means of the ID number of the respective inspection authority. Subject to technical modifications. The manufacturer will not assume any liability in the following cases: ●● In the case of non-compliance with the operating instructions of the system. ●● In the case of insufficient maintenance and/or servicing of the system. ●● In the case of non-compliance with the installation instructions and requirements for the system. The majority of countries do not have harmonised EU directives and regulations for the installation and start-up of units in buildings. For this reason, when installing Dachs products, the responsible installation company has to adhere to the national laws, regulations and standards of the respective country. 14/4798.232.106 Safety | 17 Dachs with MSR2 Note: A copy of the original document of the EC conformity declaration is attached to the operator documents. Warranty: Preconditions for warranty claim are: ●● Professional Installation and operation in accordance with valid SenerTec instructions. ●● Regular maintenance in accordance with the valid maintenance instructions solely by trained and authorised personnel. Exclusion of liability: In particular for damage upon which the manufacturer neither has direct nor indirect influence, e.g.: ●● Defective design and installation (e.g. fuel supply, hydraulic and electrical connections, exhaust gas system). ●● Commissioning, maintenance and repair by owner or third parties. ●● Natural wear and tear. ●● Faulty or negligent handling, modification, or repair. ●● Unsuitable operating material, unauthorised lubricants. ●● Use of heating water which does not comply with the technical directives. ●● Chemical, electro-chemical and electric influences. ●● Use of water for domestic use which does not comply with accepted engineering standards. ●● Installation and operation under different conditions than those defined by SenerTec. The warranty regulations of the general business conditions of SenerTec GmbH, Schweinfurt, according to the current version, are applicable. 18 | Safety 14/4798.232.106 Dachs with MSR2 2 Introduction 2.1 General The present instructions describe the assembly and start-up of the Dachs as gas and oil-operated combined heat and power plants (CHP) Dachs G/F from year05/2012 and Dachs HR from year 05/2012 ●● without accessory components ●● in conjunction with the condensing unit ●● with additional buffer vessel (Dachs SE) and optional accessories (Hot Water Module SE30, Heating Element, SEplus) These instructions are intended for authorised specialist staff familiar with the assembly, start-up as well as the service, maintenance and repair work. The operator of the system may use these instructions as a source of information for the necessary requirements and the safe operation of the system. Carefully read these instructions before starting any work. The safety instructions are particularly important. These instructions contain, among others: ●● Information on the assembly of the Dachs as well as the necessary preconditions involved. ●● Notes on the safe handling of the system. ●● A description of the commissioning of the Dachs. Notice: The hydraulic and electrical diagrams are depicted as schematic diagrams only. Accessories required for hydraulics, safety and control technology must be provided and installed according to European and local regulations. i 2.2 Additional documentation Note: Before starting any work, the following instructions and notes, which are also applicable, are to be read thoroughly, as well: ●● 4798.384.xxx, Ausführung der Abgasrohrleitung in Edelstahl (Stainless steel exhaust gas pipelines). ●● 4798.096.xxx, Planning document for flue gas evacuation for the Dachs / Dachs SE. ●● 4798.101.xxx, Transportation manual for the Dachs. ●● 4798.237.xxx, Hydraulic Booklet MSR2. ●● 4798.234.xxx, Operating and Adjusting Instructions MSR2. ●● 4798.235.xxx, Brief instructions for Operation and Setting of the Controller MSR2. 14/4798.232.106 Introduction | 19 Dachs with MSR2 ●● 4798.399.xxx, SenerTec SenerTec Information Brochure for Heating Water Treatment. ●● 4798.374.xxx, GSM Modem for the Dachs with MSR2. ●● 4798.438.xxx, Ethernet module for the Dachs with MSR2. 2.3 Symbols used The following symbols are present in the entire instructions. These symbols serve as a warning and highlight general hazards, necessary measures or helpful notes. Danger: This sign warns against the risk of personal injury. ! Attention: This sign warns against material and environmental damages. i Notice: This symbols highlights important additional information. Note: This symbols highlights important documents. internal cross-reference The following symbols and typographic distinctions are used in this document: Symbols: ●● This symbol marks enumerations. ►► This symbol means you must take action. 1. Enumerations mark action steps for which the chronological sequence is important. Typographic distinctions: ●● Commands and functions are displayed in the Courier New font. ●● File names and memory paths are displayed in italics.. ●● Warnings, notes, tips and emphases are displayed in bold letters. 20 | Introduction 14/4798.232.106 Dachs with MSR2 2.4 Abbreviations / Glossary AEGS Air-exhaust gas system AFS Air flue system CHP Combined heat and power DNO Distribution network operator DVGW Deutscher Verein des Gas- und Wasserfaches (German association of the gas and water industry) ELCP Earth leakage circuit protector (same as RCD) EltBauVO Verordnung über den Bau von Betriebsräumen für elektrische Anlagen (German regulation on the construction of operating rooms for electrical systems) MIB 232 Instructions for Installation, Assembly, Commissioning, and Operation of the Dachs, art. no.: 4798.232.xxx. PCB Printed circuit board RCD Residual current protective device (earth leakage circuit protector) RL Return flow VL Supply flow VF Supply flow temperature sensor RF Return flow temperature sensor ESC Energy service company STL Safety Temperature Limiter ErP Energy-related Products TCR Technical connection requirements et External thread TI air Technical instructions on air pollution control EEX European Energy Exchange TRbF FeuVO Feuerungsverordnung (German ordinance on firing installations) Technischen Flüssigkeiten TRGI Technical regulation for gas installations FPM Fluoro-rubber (e.g. Viton®) TRLG Technical regulations for liquid gas GPD Grid protection device UP Circulation pump GSC Gas supply company VDE it Internal thread Verband der Elektrotechnik (German association of electrical engineering) 14/4798.232.106 Richtlinien für brennbare Introduction | 21 Dachs with MSR2 3 Technical specifications 3.1 Homologations The DVGW (Deutscher Verein des Gas- und Wasserfaches - German association of the gas and water industry) has elaborated a preliminary basis for the examination of gas-powered CHP systems which currently serves as the basis for a type test. The Dachs corresponds to all applicable stipulations of the EU directives, in particular to: ●● the gas appliances directive, ●● the machine directive, ●● the low voltage directive, ●● the EMC directive and has been constructed, built and tested in accordance and/or with respect to the standards indicated in the test report. Note: The conformity declaration, certificates and certifications are included in the operator documents. Norms and regulations: ●● DVGW VP 109, Anschlussfertige Blockheizkraftwerke. ●● DIN 6280 - Teil 14 und Teil 15, Blockheizkraftwerke mit Hubkolben-Verbrennungsmotor. ●● DIN V 19250, Grundlegende Sicherheitsbetrachtungen für MSR-Schutzeinrichtungen. ●● DIN EN 298, Automatic burner control systems for burners and appliances burning gaseous or liquid fuels. ●● DIN EN 60730-1 /-2-5, Automatic electrical controls for household and similar use. ●● DIN EN 303-1, Heating boilers with forced draught burners. ●● DIN EN 60335-1, Household and similar electrical appliances. Safety. ●● DIN 4702 - Teil2, Heizkessel; Regeln für die heiztechnische Prüfung. ●● DIN V VDE 0126, Selbsttätige Schaltstelle zwischen einer netzparallelen Eigenerzeugungsanlage und dem öffentlichen Niederspannungsnetz. ●● DIN EN 60068-2-1 / -2 / -30, Environmental testing. ●● DIN EN 61000-3-2 /-3 sowie DIN EN 61000-4-2 /-3 /-4 /-5 /-6 /-11, Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). ●● DIN EN 61810-1, Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). ●● DIN EN 60947-5-1, Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear. ●● DIN EN 61558-2-4, Safety of transformers, reactors,power supply units and similar products for supply voltages up to 1100 V. ●● DIN V VDE V 0124-100, Netzintegration von Erzeugungsanlagen - Niederspannung - Prüfanforderungenan Erzeugungseinheiten vorgesehen zum Anschluss und Parallelbetrieb am Niederspannungsnetz. ●● DIN EN 50438, Requirements for the connection of micro-generators in parallel with public low-voltage distribution networks. ●● DIN EN 82079, Preparation of instructions for use. Structuring, content and presentation. General principles and detailed requirements. ●● DIN VDE 0100, Errichten von Niederspannungsanlagen - Verzeichnis der einschlägigen Normen und Übergangsfestlegungen. 22 | Technical specifications 14/4798.232.106 Dachs with MSR2 3.2 Technical data Note: The values indicated serve as basis for planning. The detailed technical data you will find in Technical Data Dachs, art. no.: 4798.092.xxx. 3.2.1 Dachs G/F Tab.1: Technical data Dachs G/F (extract) Dachs G/F Version: Dachs G/F 5.5 / 5.0 * Manufacturer: SenerTec GmbH Carl - Zeiss - Str. 18 97424 Schweinfurt Output: 5.0* up to 5.5 kW electric 12.3* up to 12.5 kW thermal Energy consumption per hour: 5,5 kW: up to 20.5 kWh 5,0 kW: up to 19.6 kWh* Engine: 1 cylinder four-stroke lean mix engine 580 cm3 lean burn engine rated speed 2450 rpm Fuel: natural gas resp. propane3P (min. methane number: 35) gas category: II2ELL3P , I2E+ , I2H , I3P , II2E3P , II2Esi3P , II2H3P , II2L3P Generator: asynchronous generator 92% efficiency at max. 70 °C heating water return flow temperature rated speed 3000 rpm Operation: parallel with the public grid heat demand as controlled variable optional current-optimised mode of operation Noise: 52 - 56 dB(A) in accordance with DIN 45635-01 Dimensions: Footprint: Weight: width = 72 cm depth = 106 cm height = 100 cm 0.76 m2 installation space 3.5 m2 service access space 530 kg Permissible operating pressure: 5 bar Threaded coupling heating circuit: R 1" Threaded coupling for gas: Gas supply pressure: Exhaust gas temperature: Exhaust gas volume: R 1/2" max. 24 mbar natural gas max. 54 mbar propane outlet Dachs approx. 160 °C 40.8 kg/h * Version Dachs G 5.0 with reduced exhaust gas emission 14/4798.232.106 Technical specifications | 23 Dachs with MSR2 3.2.2 Dachs HR Tab.2: Technical data of the Dach HR (extract) Dachs HR Version: Manufacturer: Output: Energy consumption per hour: Engine: Fuel: Dachs HR 5.3 SenerTec GmbH Carl - Zeiss - Str. 18 97424 Schweinfurt up to 5.3 kW electric up to 10.4 kW thermal up to 18.5 kWh 1 cylinder four-stroke 580 cm3 diesel engine DI rated speed 2450 rpm fuel oil EL according to DIN 51603 Generator: asynchronous generator 91% efficiency at max. 60 °C heating water return flow temperature rated speed 3000 rpm Operation: parallel with the public grid heat demand as controlled variable optional current-optimised mode of operation Noise: 54 - 58 dB(A) in accordance with DIN 45635-01 Dimensions: Footprint: Weight: width = 72 cm depth = 107 cm height = 100 cm 0.76 m2 installation space 3.5 m2 service access space 530 kg Permissible operating pressure: 5 bar Threaded coupling heating circuit: R 1" Connection heating oil: inner diameter Ø 8-10 mm Heating oil supply pressure: max. 0.2 bar gauge, max. 0.2 bar underpressure Exhaust gas temperature: outlet Dachs approx. 160 °C Exhaust gas volume: 24 | Technical specifications 42.9 kg/h 14/4798.232.106 Dachs with MSR2 3.2.3 Buffer vessel SE750 (optional) Tab.3: Technical data of the buffer vessel SE750 (extract) Buffer vessel SE750 Manufacturer: SenerTec GmbH Carl - Zeiss - Str. 18 97424 Schweinfurt Contents: 750 l Permissible heating water temperature: max. 95 °C Permissible operating pressure: max. 3 bar Dimensions: height incl. vent: (without / with insulation): diameter (without / with insulation): tilted height: required ceiling height: Insulation: Weight: 190 / 198 cm 75 cm / 95 cm ~ 185 cm ~ 200 cm PU flexible foam 100 mm on PS film (fire class B1) approx. 140 kg (without insulation) 3.2.4 Condensing unit (optional) Tab.4: Technical data of the condensing unit (extract) Condensing unit Manufacturer: Heat output: Permissible water temperature: Permissible exhaust gas temperature: Permissible operating pressure: Safety Temperature Limiter (STL): Exhaust gas pipe: SenerTec GmbH Carl - Zeiss - Str. 18 97424 Schweinfurt up to 2,3 kW 10 - 70 °C entry: max. 200 °C exit: max. 120 °C max. 5 bar on the water side 95 °C type B, PPS 120 °C Dimensions: height: 175 cm width: 40 cm depth: 30 cm Weight: approx. 25 kg 14/4798.232.106 Technical specifications | 25 Dachs with MSR2 3.3 Dimensions and connections Tab.5: Dachs G/F and Dachs HR unit dimensions and connections Dachs G/F and Dachs HR dimensions and connections Dachs G/F Dachs HR Width: 72 cm 72 cm Depth: 107 cm 107 cm Height: 100 cm 100 cm Weight: 530 kg 530 kg Fuel connection thread: R 1/2" inner diameter Ø 8-10 mm R 1" R 1" SF/RF connection thread: Chapter 4.3 Tab.6: Buffer vessel SE750 unit dimensions and connections Diameter without/with isolation: 190 / 198 cm 75 / 95 cm Tilt height: approx. 185 cm Weight without isolation: approx. 145 kg Contents: 1" external thread VL / RL SEplus 1" external thread VL / RL hot water module Immersion heater 1 ½" it 1" et 1" et 1" et 1 ½" it 750 l VL / RL Dachs VL / RL heating circuit 190 cm Height without/with vent: 1 ½" it 1" et Chapter 4.3 1 ½" internal thread 1" external thread 1 ½" internal thread Drain 1" external thread Spare 1 ½" internal thread 198 cm Buffer vessel SE750 dimensions and connections 1" et 1" et 1" et 1 ½" it 75 cm ca. 100 cm Tab.7: Condensing unit dimensions and connections Condensing unit dimensions and connections, 30 cm Height: 175 cm Weight: 25 kg 1" internal thread Water inlet: 1/2" external thread Water outlet: 1/2" external thread Condensed water outlet: siphon 401 mm 493 mm Exhaust gas inlet: DN 80 for plastic exhaust gas duct 671 mm Exhaust gas outlet: Chapter 4.3 1598 mm Depth: 1684 mm 40 cm 1742 mm Width: Note: The values indicated serve as basis for projecting. Detailed technical data can be obtained from: Technical data Dachs, art. no.: 4798.465.xxx as well as in the Instructions for the installation of the condensing exhaust heat exchanger (art. no.: 4798.153.xxx). 26 | Technical specifications 14/4798.232.106 Dachs with MSR2 3.4 Z1: Electrical diagram Please ensure that the installation of the Dachs complies with local regulations for meter position and installation of safetey-related components (e.g. additonal fuses). Mains connection at meter board on an existing power distribution board RCD: Residual Current Device GPD: Grid Protection Device Mains connection at existing power distribution board low voltage grid of the DNO ~ 400 / 230 V low voltage grid of the DNO~ 400 / 230 V meter board meter board Schematic diagramm Z1 Z1 * C 20 A * C 20 A RCD I∆n 30 mA ** ** RCD I∆n 30 mA reserve reserve distribution board (sub-distribution) distribution board (sub-distribution) * Please check local regulations, if necessary additional safety devices and/or fuses have to be installed.. ** SenerTec recommends the installation of a RCD. Please check local regulations. Fig. 1: Schematic diagram: mains connection with existing distribution board 14/4798.232.106 Technical specifications | 27 Dachs with MSR2 Mains connection with multi module system Mains connection on separate Dachs distribution board low voltage grid of the DNO~ 400 / 230 V low voltage grid of the DNO~ 400 / 230 V meter board meter board Z1 Z1 * * ** separate (new) distribution board for the Dachs (sub-distribution) GPD C 20 A C 20 A C 20 A C 20 A C 20 A C 20 A RCD I∆n 30 mA RCD RCD RCD RCD RCD I∆n 30 mA reserve reserve distribution board existing (sub-distribution) Schematic diagramm L1 M2 M3 M4 M5 * Probably an additonal fuse is necessary. Please comply with the local regulations. ** Please check for a multi module system, if necessary an external protection device is installed. Please check your local regulations regarding total installed output. Fig. 2: Schematic diagram: mains connection via own distribution board or for multi module system 28 | Technical specifications 14/4798.232.106 Dachs with MSR2 4 Description of the product 4.1 General description The Dachs is a micro CHP system to cover heating, electricity and domestic hot water demand. The output, reliability and funtionality is suitable for small buildings with high heat demand as well as for commercial, office, public and multi apartment buildings. The Dachs can operate as a single unit as well as in a multi module system with up to 10 modules. Each Dachs unit can provide 5.5 kW electrical and up to 14.8 kW thermal (with condensing unit). 4.2 Operating principle The Dachs is a typcial CHP product. A special 4-stroke single cylinder Sachs engine is connected to a water cooled asynchronous generator. The generated mechanical energy is directly transformed to electricity. At the same time the produced heat is captured and used, for example, in a heating or DHW system, and not dumped as in conventional power plants. By the combination of heat and power the energy (e.g. fuel oil, natural gas) is used more efficient ly in conventional seperate generation. The transformation of the primary energy is realised within a cycle means that 25 to 30 % of the input energy is transformed into mechanical movement. The other 70 to 75 % is transformed into heat and is captured via heat exchanger and used for heating and DHW. The total efficiency is more than 90 %, the efficient use of the primary energy is optimised comparison with seperate generation of heat and electricity and therefore 30 % of primary energy can be saved. During the operation of one Dachs unit 5.5 kW electrical and 14.8 kW thermal can be produced simultaneously. The unit is controlled by the MSR2 controller. The MSR2 controller is designed especially to meet the requirements of the Dachs CHP unit: ●● Start and operation of the Dachs. ●● Feed-in of the electrical energy to the building´s grid or the public grid. ●● Supply of the thermal energy for the heating or for the domestic hot water system. ●● Supervision of the operating parameters of the Dachs. ●● Monitoring of the feed-in. ●● Monitoring of the operating safety in case of grid or phase failure (safety chain). ●● Control of the combustion supply. 14/4798.232.106 Description of the product | 29 Dachs with MSR2 It is possible to combine 10 units to a multi module system as a cascade. Any controller can be the master to control the other 9 slave units of the multi module system. The following features are available by the master controller: ●● Synchronisation of the operating hours of all modules. All units reach the maintenance interval at the same time. ●● Optimised re-start of modules which are still at operating temperature. ●● Activation of an additional heat appliance (dual mode) according to heat demand. ●● All controllers can be master or slave controllers. ●● Activation or deactivation from 1 to 10 units with additional release of another heat appliance. ●● Independet operation of the slave units in case of fault or deactivation of the master unit. ●● Only one flow (VF), return (RF) and outside (AF) temperature sensor necessary. ●● Data transfer of operation status between slave units ot master unit via BUS cable. Data transfer of all units by modem installation only at master controller. ●● Display of master function at the controller and via the service program. 30 | Description of the product 14/4798.232.106 Dachs with MSR2 4.3 Main components 4.3.1 Dachs G/F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 14 8 25 24 9 10 15 23 16 22 17 13 12 11 21 1 MSR2 controller display 10 Ignition 2 Gas mixer 11 Gas volume control 3 Intake silencer 12 20 19 19 Base frame with built-intake silencer Generator 20 Transport protection Base with rubber feet 4 Heating water outlet (red) 13 Main switch 21 5 Gas multibloc 14 Silencer 22 Drip tray 6 Heating water inlet (blue) 15 12 V starter (covered) 23 7 Type label 16 Cooling water circulation pump Spring-mounted engine support 8 Exhaust gas coupling 17 Transport protection 24 Lubricant oil filter 9 Engine 18 3-phase mains starter 25 Exhaust gas heat exchanger with oxidation catalyser 18 Fig. 3: Components of the Dachs G/F 14/4798.232.106 Description of the product | 31 Dachs with MSR2 4.3.2 Dachs HR 1 2 3 4 15 7 5 16 6 8 30 9 10 29 17 28 27 11 18 26 19 25 20 12 14 13 23 24 22 1 MSR2 controller display 11 Fuel injection pump 22 Internal fuel pump 2 Intake silencer 12 Fuel filter 23 Transport protection 3 Heating water outlet (red) 13 Generator 24 Base with rubber feet 4 Heating water inlet (blue) 14 Main switch 25 Drip tray 5 Fuel oil outlet (red) 15 Type label 26 Fluid sensor (not visible) 6 Fuel oil inlet (blue) 16 Silencer 27 Fuel solenoid valves 7 Exhaust gas coupling 17 12 V starter (covered) 28 8 Engine 18 Coolant circulating pump Spring-mounted engine support 9 Exhaust gas heat exchanger with oxidation catalyser 19 3-phase mains starter 29 Fuel oil controller 20 Transport protection 30 Lubricant oil filter Nozzle holder assembly (not visible) 21 Base frame with built-intake silencer 10 21 Fig. 4: Components of the Dachs HR 32 | Description of the product 14/4798.232.106 Dachs with MSR2 4.3.3 Buffer vessel SE750 (optional) 1 13 12 2 11 3 4 12 5 6 10 7 10 9 8 Function front side rear side Connection 1 Venting 2 VL SEplus 3 VL hot water module 1" et 4 Immersion heater 1½" it 5 RL hot water module 1" et 6 Temperature sensors 7 RL SEplus 1" et 8 Drain 1" et 9 RL heating circuit 1½" it 10 RL Dachs 1" et 11 VL heating circuit 1½" it 12 VL Dachs 1" et 13 Spare 1½" it ½" 1" et water outlet on the buffer vessel water inlet on the buffer vessel Fig. 5: Buffer vessel SE750 14/4798.232.106 Description of the product | 33 Dachs with MSR2 4.3.4 Condensing unit (optional) 6 5 6 5 4 1 4 3 2 1 Safety Temperature Limiter (STL) 2 Siphon for the condensed water connection / neutralisation 3 Exhaust gas outlet 4 Water inlet 5 Water outlet 6 Exhaust gas inlet Fig. 6: Condensing unit 34 | Description of the product 14/4798.232.106 Dachs with MSR2 4.4 Description of the control panel Dachs in operation ... Electrical demand Oh 3500 Starts 400 Gen: 5,5kW O/side: 15°C Inlet: 45°C Outlet: 81°C Day Oper. Winter 01.01.2013 00:00:01 1 Infrared interface 2 Service LED 3 Fault clearance key and error-LED 4 Chimney sweep key 5 ON/OFF key, STOP-LED, automatic mode LED 6 Control keys 7 Menu bar 8 Display 8 7 Dachs in operation ... Electrical demand Oh 3500 Starts 400 Gen: 5,5kW O/side: 15°C Inlet: 45°C Outlet: 81°C Day Oper. Winter 01.01.2013 00:00:01 6 5 Menu functions 4 3 2 1 Control key function Operating modes Modem back / cancel Heat conduction Miscellaneous up / open Electrical demand Grid confirm / change / select Temperatures Service code down Heating circuits Service Hot water Fig. 7: Control panel of the MSR2 controller unit The operation of the MSR2 controller is implemented via the membrane keypad. The navigation in the MSR2 menu is implemented exclusively via the control keys. The current status is indicated in the display. When selecting a menu point, the respective symbol is marked in the display by means of an arrow. There are three access levels with different access rights. In the order of the level of access these levels are: 14/4798.232.106 ●● The operator level. ●● The advanced operator level. ●● The service level. Description of the product | 35 Dachs with MSR2 4.5 Standard delivery ●● Dachs CHP with controller MSR2. ●● Installation kits for heating water and fuel supply. Fig. 8: Dachs package 4.6 Accessories and options Apart from the Dachs, the following components may be purchased from SenerTec GmbH as accessories for the Dachs.* ●● Buffer vessel SE750. ●● Condensing unit. ●● Neutralisation box. ●● Auxilary board SE (only MSR2). ●● Domestic hot water module SE30 for the Dachs SE. ●● Immersion heater for Dachs SE. ●● Heating circuit station, mixing valve and pump. ●● Dachs thermostatic pump. ●● Dachs Ethernet. ●● Heavy layer for sound enclosure for an improved noise insulation. ●● Adapter for the external air supply, compact. * Articles only available according to catalogue valid in your country. 36 | Description of the product 14/4798.232.106 Dachs with MSR2 Buffer vessel SE750: To store heating system water up to 100 °C. The insulation consists of following parts: ●● 2 × buffer cover insulation (1890 × 1484 mm). ●● 1 × insulation of the buffer bottom (Ø 650 mm × 50 mm). ●● 1 × insulation strip at the outer buffer bottom (50 × 120 × 2100 mm). ●● 1 × black cover (Ø 950 mm × 60 mm). ●● The upper buffer insulation consists of: ●● two disc elements (Ø 770 mm × 50 mm), one with a cut Fig. 11: Buffer vessel or ●● one disc element (Ø 770 mm × 100 mm) with a cut. Neutralisation box: The optional available neutralisaiton box cleans the condensate of the exhaust gases to drain the condensat back to waste water. Fig. 9: Neutralistation box Domestic hot water module SE30 for the Dachs SE: For DHW supply by a plate heat exchanger with all other components such as pumps, sensores, etc. Covers DHW demand up to 30 l/min (@ 45 °C). Fig. 10: SE30 DHW module 14/4798.232.106 Description of the product | 37 Dachs with MSR2 Immersion heater for the Dachs SE: The 3 phase immersion heater can be connected to the SE system and operates in different output levels controlled by the MSR2. The SE750 buffer vessel is designed to connect this immersion heater. Fig. 12: Immersion heater Heating circuit station with mixing valve and pump: Heating circuit station with mixing valve and high efficient pump incl. fittings, gaskets, and temperature sensors. Also available is a heating manifold to connect a 2nd heating circuit station. Fig. 13: Heating circuit Dachs thermostatic pump, ErP ready: The Dachs thermostatic pump is a shunt pump and can be used e.g. for long distances, system separation, multi module systems (max. 3 Dachs units per thermostatic pump), etc. Fig. 14: Dachs thermostat pump Communication/modem: Analogue Modem To use the SenerTec programs such as DachsPortal, DachsWeb or DABS you can connect the Dachs to one of the available MSR2 communication modules. ●● Analogue modem MSR2. Dachs Ethernet (LAN) ●● Dachs Ethernet MSR2. Fig. 15: Modem and Dachs Ethernet 38 | Description of the product 14/4798.232.106 Dachs with MSR2 5 Before installation Prior to assembly and installation, the constructional requirements for a safe operation of the Dachs and all system components is to be ensured. This includes: ●● Spatial requirements for the installation location. ●● Access to the installation location. ●● Requirements regarding the heating water. ●● Supply air apertures required. ●● Requirements regarding the exhaust gas installation. ●● Connection requirements. 5.1 Installation regulations Any assembly, service, maintenance and repair work at the Dachs may only be carried out by authorised and certified specialist staff. Here, a product training realised by SenerTec or by a training institution commissioned by SenerTec is a minimum requirement. Any work on the electrical equipment may only be implemented by trained electricians. Please also note the following: Since the Dachs is operated with a public low-voltage network, the specific requirements for operation with a public lowvoltage grid do apply. This includes, for instance, the registration with and the approval of the DNO as well as regulations regarding the parallel network operation. ! Attention: All installation works must comply with the country specific norms and regulations, especially the protective measures. 14/4798.232.106 Before installation | 39 Dachs with MSR2 5.2 Installation requirements 5.2.1 Installation height The nominal electrical power of the Dachs is to be reduced with the increasing installation height, due to the low air pressure. The MSR2 control software enables a configuration of the installation height of 0 - 3500 m in steps of 100 m. Starting at a height of 800 m above sea level, the output will be reduced. At 800 m it starts in steps of 100 m the output will be reduced by 83 W. Note: See Operating and adjusting instructions MSR2 (art. no.: 4798.234.xxx), menu 1/8/5 Height above sea level. 5.2.2 Remote monitoring For the Dachs, a remote monitoring system is available. The current operating status or upcoming maintenance work on your Dachs may be transmitted to the SenerTec server via Ethernet module. This enables a short response time in the case of errors. For using the remote monitoring function, the following framework conditions are to be fulfilled: In the event of an unfavourable reception at the installation location, an external antenna may be installed. The external antenna and the extension cables are available in electronics stores. Please ensure that the dampening of the inlet signal increases together with the pipeline length. With specific installation conditions, lightning protection is to be provided. Ethernet module Network cable Dachs Dachs Ethernet: ●● A network connection with functioning internet connection must be provided. Fig. 16: Dachs Ethernet ●● A Cat-5e network cable with RJ45 plug for the connection with the printed circuit board is required. ●● For the access via the DachsWeb and the DachsPortal, the Ethernet PCB and/or the network in which the PCB is integrated are to be accessible via the internet. Here, the ports 443 and 1443 are to be opened for external access. 40 | Before installation 14/4798.232.106 Dachs with MSR2 5.2.3 Requirements regarding the heating water According to the German regulations, the admissible total hardness is determined on the total heating outlet of the system as well as on the specific system volume. If the Dachs is integrated into a heating system in connection with another heating boiler system, the stipulations of the local regulations and the SenerTec instructions are to be complied with and logged for the entire heating system (in accordance with the following table). Note: Please read: SenerTec Information Brochure for Heating Water Treatment (art. no.: 4798.399.xxx) before the assembly and start-up. Table according to VDI 2035. Tab.8: Admissible water hardness according to VDI2035 (only for Germany) Specific system volume Total heating outlet in kW < 20 l/kW ≥ 20 l/kW to < 50 l/kW ≥ 50 l/kW ≤ 50 16.8 °dH (≤ 3.0 mol/m3) 11.2 °dH (≤ 2.0 mol/m3) 0.11 °dH (≤ 0.02 mol/m3) > 50 to ≤ 200 11.2 °dH (≤ 2.0 mol/m3) 8.4 °dH (≤ 1.5 mol/m3) 0.11 °dH (≤ 0.02 mol/m3) > 200 to ≤ 600 8.4 °dH (≤ 1.5 mol/m3) 0.11 °dH (≤ 0.11 mol/m3) 0.11 °dH (≤ 0.02 mol/m3) > 600 0.11 °dH (≤ 0.02 mol/m3) 0.11 °dH (≤ 0.11 mol/m3) 0.11 °dH (≤ 0.02 mol/m3) If the Dachs is used without any additional system boiler, the admissible total hardness of the heating water in relation to the total filling volume of the heating water system can also be directly obtained from the following table. This evaluation is also admissible for heating systems in which the Dachs is separated from other heat generators by means of a system separator. Tab.9: Admissible total filling volume of the heating water system (Dachs) Admissible total filling volume of the heating water 30000 5600 2800 1400 930 system Vmax [Litre] Total hardness of the heating water [°dH] 700 560 470 400 350 310 280 250 230 <1 1 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 Total hardness of the heating water [mol/m3] (Conversion of carbonate hardness [KS4.3] - 0.4 0.7 1.4 2.1 2.8 3.6 4.3 4.9 5.6 6.4 7.2 7.9 8.6 Total hardness of the heating water [mol/m3] (Conversion of calcium hardness [Ca2+]) - 0.2 0.4 0.7 1.1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.5 2.8 3.2 3.6 4.0 4.3 14/4798.232.106 Before installation | 41 Dachs with MSR2 Tab.10: Conversion table for water hardness Conversion of the units of water hardness German degree 1 °dH = English degree 1 °e = French degree 1 °fH = ppm CaCO3 (USA) 1 ppm* = mval/l alkaline earth metals ions 1 mval/l = mmol/l alkaline earth metals ions 1 mmol/l = °dH 1 0.798 0.560 0.056 2.8 5.6 °e 1.253 1 0.702 0.07 3.51 7.02 °fH 1.78 1.43 1 0.1 5 10.00 ppm 17.8 14.3 10 1 50 100.0 mval/l 0.357 0.285 0.2 0.02 1 2.00 mmol/l 0.1783 0.142 0.1 0.01 0.50 1 * In the table above, the unit 1 ppm (parts per million) is used as opposed to the actual literal sense of 1 mg/l CaCO3. pH-value of the filling and recharge water: For the Dachs products, SenerTec allows for a pH-value between 7.0 and 8.5. The SenerTec recommendation is limited to a range between 8.0 - 8.5, however. For a comprehensive survey of the heating system, especially with larger heating systems or multi-boiler systems, reference values are to be adhered to, i.e. pH 8.2 - 8.5. ! Attention: The pH-value may not exceed the admissible maximum value of 8.5. If, in special cases, inhibitors and/or additives are required in mixed applications (e.g. hardness stabilisers, antifreeze, sealants etc.), it is to be ensured that the agents are compatible with each other and that the pH-value is not altered. Please observe the instructions provided by the manufacturer of the given additive. Currently, the following inhibitors have been approved for the Dachs: ●● GENO-safe A Full heating protection by the company Grünbeck. ●● Protector F1 (full heating protection) by the company Fernox. ●● Sentinel X100 by the company Sentinel Performance Solutions. ! Attention: If you use agents which have not been approved, the warranty becomes null and void. Please note: ●● Heating water may only be used for the purpose of heating in a closed circuit. ●● Heating systems with underfloor heating must contain a mud trap (oxygen diffusion). ●● Underfloor heating systems made of plastic tubes which are not oxygen tight according to DIN 4726 must contain a heat exchanger as system separator. ●● The heating water (filling water of the buffer vessel) must be softened and desalinated if required. ●● The operating pressure must amount to a minimum of 1 bar. 42 | Before installation 14/4798.232.106 Dachs with MSR2 The following operational protective measures are recommended: ●● Keep the volume of recharging water low by installing isolating valves in case repair work needs to be carried out as well as to allow for the regular inspection of the expansion vessel. ●● The addition of chemicals in order to stabilise the hardness should be avoided since calcium carbonate may fall out as mud. ●● The safest methods for avoiding the formation of limescale are softening and desalination in the cation exchange procedure, the ion exchange procedure or the reverse osmosis. 5.2.4 Heating system and return temperatures Heating system: ●● The installation shall comply with the Dachs installation instructions and the local regulations. ●● The connection to the heating water system must be according to local regulations (Germany: DIN 4751/T2) with an absolute temperature of the boiler less than 100 °C. Maximum and minimum return temperature (Dachs G/F: 6 in Fig. 3; Dachs HR: 4 in Fig. 4): ●● Permitted return temperatures during normal operation between are 20 °C and 70 °C. Temperatures below 20 °C may not be used during continuous operation. ●● Temperatures below + 10 °C are not permitted. 5.2.5 Gas installation ! Attention: The gas installation is to be carried out in accordance with the technical rules of the local gas supply companies and the applicable local regulations for gas installation and may only be carried out by specialist staff with the respective authorisation to carry out work involving gas. i Notice: The gas pressure of the supply line is to be checked as early as possible in the planning phase. If the pressure of the gas duct exceeds a value of 54 mbar, a pressure reducer is to be installed in order to reduce the gas pressure at rest to a maximum value of 50 mbar. The pipe diameter of the gas duct to be used depends on the length of the gas supply line. Tab.11: Pipeline diameter depending on the pipeline length for the gas connection (for a Dachs W) Pipeline length Pipe diameter of the gas duct i Notice: The gas supply line provided on-site must contain a gas flow monitor (provided on-site). 14/4798.232.106 ≤ 2 metres > 2 and ≤ 10 metres > 10 metres 3/8" 1/2" 3/4" ! Attention: The values indicated here refer to the regulations for usage in Germany. Please refer to the country-specific regulations for the construction of the pressure system. Before installation | 43 Dachs with MSR2 5.2.6 Oil installation The oil installation and oil storage is to be designed in accordance with the applicable technical directives for flammable liquids. 5.2.7 Exhaust gas installation For the Dachs exhaust gas removal, an approved chimney or exhaust pipe must be used. Joint discharge of exhaust gases from the Dachs and the heating boiler is permitted if the faultless discharge of exhaust gases is ensured. 5.2.8 Ventilation Danger: Supply air openings must not be closed. Closed supply air openings can lead to incomplete combustion and the formation of carbon monoxide. This can lead to poisoning. 5.2.9 Electric installation of controller Please check if the Dachs with the MSR2 controller complies with the local requirements. 44 | Before installation 14/4798.232.106 Dachs with MSR2 5.2.10 Multi module system Precondition for multi module systems: To create a multi module system with MSR2 controller, a minimum of 2 Dachs units are necessary. An extension of the system is possible up to 10 Dachs units. The control of the modules is done by a master controller. All other Dachs units are connected as module M2 to M10 and receive all information from the master controller. The contoller of the each Dachs transfers all its operation and status data to the master controller. To establish a multi module system with the Dachs units it is necessary to create a serial connection between the units. There are multi module cable in 5 and 15 meters available. On each end of the cable are grommets to fit into the controller. For each Dachs unit a connection cable is necessary. The first and the last module must be installed with a terminating resistor on the controller board. The resistor is installed by default on each MSR2 controller. All external sensors (return sensor [RF], flow sensor [VF], outside sensor [AF] and sensor 1 [F1] are connected to the Master controller L1. No sensor has to be installed at the other slave units. If a thermostatic pump is installed, please note that only max. 3 units can be connected to one pump. Depending on the number of the units, the thermostatic pump has to be connected according following description: ●● 2 - 3 Dachs units: Connection of thermostatic pump at master controller L1. ●● 4 - 6 Dachs units: L1, M2 and M3: Thermostatic pump connected to L1. M4, M5 and M6: 2nd thermostatic pump connected to M4. ●● 7 - 9 Dachs units: L1, M2 and M3: Thermostatic pump connected to L1. M4, M5 and M6: 2nd thermostatic pump connected to M4. M7, M8 and M9: 3rd thermostatic pump connected to M7. ●● 10 Dachs units: L1, M2 and M3: Thermostatic pump connected to L1. M4, M5 and M6: 2nd thermostatic pump connected to M4. M7, M8 and M9: 3rd thermostatic pump connected to M7. M10: 4th thermostatic pump is connected to M10. Note: The electrical connection of the thermostatic pump is shown in the hydraulic booklet MSR2 (art. no.: 4798.237.xxx). The settings for the thermostatic pump in the MSR2 controller are explained in this manual. i Notice: Please check if it is necessary to install an external protection device in case of a multi module system. Chapter 6.9.17 Electrical mains connections 14/4798.232.106 Before installation | 45 Dachs with MSR2 5.3 Choice of the location 5.3.1 Spatial requirements of the Dachs i Notice: When planning the system, please take into consideration the spatial requirements of the components. This applies to installation and assembly, but also to the subsequent access to all components for the purpose of maintenance and repair. 1064 mm 934 mm 36 mm Condensing unit 175 cm 720 mm 190 cm 320 mm 271 mm Supports 271 mm 320 mm 95 mm Fig. 17: Spatial requirements for the Dachs and position of the supports 35 cm Ambient conditions: For storage: Temperature 5 - 60 °C Air humidity up to 90 % During operation: Temperature 5 - 35 °C Air humidity up to 90 % i 107 cm 60 cm 60 cm 72 cm 60 cm Fig. 18: Spatial requirements for the Dachs with condensing unit Notice: There can be start problems at temperatures below 10 °C because of the viscosity of the lubrication oil. min. 35 cm 60 cm 72 cm 60 cm 95 cm 130 cm 60 cm min. 60 cm Fig. 19: Spatial requirements for the Dachs with SE750 46 | Before installation 14/4798.232.106 Dachs with MSR2 The room must fulfil the following specific criteria: ●● Room according to the purpose of installation of heat appliances, heat pumps, CHP or other stationary combustion engines. ●● No other opening to other rooms except through doors. ●● Sufficient illumination. ●● Self-closing door. ●● Room can be ventilated in accordance with the applicable regulations. ●● Room is frost-protected. ●● Socket recommended. ●● Emergency switch according to national and local regulations. Installation requirements: ●● The Dachs may not be installed in an area of supply air apertures of heating boilers (danger of freezing in the event of a longer standstill of the Dachs). ! Attention: Select a frost-protected location for the installation of the Dachs. ●● The statics of the footprint must be designed for the weight of the Dachs (approx. 530 kg without components). ●● Ensure that there is enough clearance for maintenance work. ! Attention: If required, discuss suitable measures regarding the admissible surface load of the footprint with a structural engineer. ●● Installation rooms with a significant air contamination caused by hydrogen halides are not suitable (e.g. hairdressing salons, printing works, chemical cleaning, laboratories etc.). ●● Installation rooms with a high dust content or a high level of humidity are not suitable. The Dachs may only be installed in such rooms if sufficient measures have been taken in order to ensure the supply with clear combustion air, for example by means of external air intake. ! Attention: Ensure the supply of clear combustion air (e.g. by means of external air intake) in the event of a high content of dust, humidity or chemicals in the room air. 14/4798.232.106 Before installation | 47 Dachs with MSR2 Room ventilation: please also refer to 6.8 ●● Opening from the installation room to the outside of approx. 150 cm2 or 2 x 75 cm2 or pipelines with equivalent crosssections. 1400 1300 1200 1100 1030 cm² Supply air aperture [cm2] Requirements for the installation of only one Dachs in the installation room: 3 5 6 1 2 D Da 4 D Da Da Da ac c a c ch ch hs hs ch hs s m s m mo s m mo o od d o d du ul ule du ule les es s les s The ventilation of the installation room depends on whether the Dachs is operated as a single- or multi-module system or together with a peak load boiler at the installation location. 5 Dachs modules 1000 ●● Room complete with combustion air apertures of 150 cm2 to rooms with a connection to the outside. Total room content min. 4 m3 per kW of total outlet. 800 700 660 cm² 1 Dachs modul 300 200 100 50 The supply air cross-section Avl is calculated by means of the following formula: Avl = [(Qboiler - 50 kW) + ZDachs units × 20 kW] × 2 cm2/kW + 150 cm2 + AEfs 100 150 225 kW Heizkessel 500 Requirements for the Dachs with >50 kW heating boiler in the installation480 cm² 400 room: ●● The cross-section of the supply air pipelines is to be calculated independently of the number of Dachs modules and the output of the heating boilers. 3 Dachs modules 600 175 kW Heizkessel ●● One door to the outside and 4 m3 room content per kW of the total output. 900 200 250 Output boiler [kW] 300 350 400 450 500 Fig. 20: Supply air aperture depending on the output of the heating boiler and the number of Dachs modules Qboiler = boiler outlet in kW ZDachs units = number of Dachs modules AEfs = 40 cm2 with 1-3 modules as well as an insert piece (only in Germany) AEfs = 80 cm2 with 4-6 modules as well as two insert pieces (only in Germany) i Notice: In case of an installation with an external fresh air supply, it is also necessary to have an opening to vent the plant room / exhaust system (e.g. EFS needs secondary air supply). In this case please use following calculation: Avl = [(Qboiler - 50 kW) + ZDachs units × 20 kW] × 2 cm2/kW + 150 cm2 Danger: Never close existing supply air apertures. Closed supply air apertures may lead to an incomplete combustion as well as to the formation of carbon monoxide. This may lead to poisoning. 48 | Before installation 14/4798.232.106 Dachs with MSR2 5.3.2 Requirements regarding the exhaust gas installation For the exhaust gas evacuation of the Dachs a type-approved chimney and/or a type-approved exhaust gas duct are to be used. The Dachs can be operated both independent (AFS) as well as dependent from the room air. The exhaust gas system shall be installed according to local and national regulations. Note: Details can be obtained from Planning document for flue gas evacuation for the Dachs / Dachs SE (art. no.: 4798.096.xxx,) and from the German instruction if a flue pipe system with stainless steel is allowed: Ausführung der Abgasrohrleitung in Edelstahl (art. no.: 4798.384.xxx, Stainless steel exhaust gas pipelines). 14/4798.232.106 i Notice: The responsible chimney sweep (i.e. responsible inspection authority for gas installations in Germany) should already be involved in the planning phase of the exhaust gas installation. Before installation | 49 Dachs with MSR2 5.4 Transport If possible, all system components should be transported to the installation location whilst still packed. Use suitable transportation aids for heavy loads. ! Attention: Check the packaging for transportation damage. 5.4.1 Access to the installation location During project planning, ensure that the access to the installation locations is guaranteed components. The Dachs is delivered on a transportation pallet with a total weight of approx. 600 kg. for all Note: When transporting and installing the Dachs, please consider the information provided in the instructions: Transportation manual for the Dachs (art. no.: 4798.101.xxx). Please also note the following general framework conditions: ●● The components have high lifting loads. ●● The width of the access aperture to the installation location of the Dachs has to be at least 76 cm. i Notice: Please also note the swivel dimensions for the access to the installation location. ●● The buffer vessel SE750 is delivered in a pre-assembled state. ●● Lifting gear is to be provided for transportation. i Notice: Lifting gear increases the amount of space needed during transportation. 50 | Before installation 14/4798.232.106 Dachs with MSR2 5.4.2 Transportation of the Dachs Note: During transportation, please note the information provided in the instructions: Transportation manual for the Dachs (art. no.: 4798.101.xxx). You should inform yourself with respect to the following points in advance: ●● Dimensions and weights. ●● Required transportation aids. ●● Special tools required. ●● Scope of delivery and packaging units. ●● Safety measures which need to be taken. i Notice: For transporting the Dachs, you will require a pallet truck at the installation location. ! Attention: Only move the Dachs with suitable aids. For transportation purposes, the Dachs is to be lifted at all times as, otherwise, the supports, which have been attached especially for noise reduction, could be damaged. Please also take note of the weight of approx. 530 kg. Fig. 21: Dachs with packaging (excl. controller and accessories) with hoisting fixture 5.4.3 Transportation of the SE750 ●● Transport the SE750 only in its transportation packaging. ●● Do not remove the transportation packaging before reaching the installation location. ●● Ensure that the SE750 is fixed to the means of transportation at all times during transportation. The buffer vessel weighs approx. 140 kg (without insulation). When transporting the buffer vessel to the installation location, suitable lifting aids are required. When planning the transportation to the installation location, the external dimensions (height 190 cm without vent, diameter 75 cm without insulation, tilted dimension approx. 185 cm) are to be taken into consideration. At the top and at the bottom of the SE750, there are screwed joints with an internal thread of 1" (bottom) and 1/2" (top). You may use this thread for attaching handrails (to be provided on site). 14/4798.232.106 Before installation | 51 Dachs with MSR2 5.5 Unpacking & initial preparation Controller and accessories: ►► Remove the packaging film and dispose of it properly. ►► Remove the controller unit and the accessories box from the system. ►► Remove the floor location plate from the accessories box. Fig. 22: Dachs packed, with controller unit and accessories ►► Mount the floor location plate for the Dachs: The floor location plate (approx. 70 × 6 cm) are used for anchoring and fixing the system at the installation location. They guarantee a stationary installation and a secure connection with the gas, water and electricity supply. ►► Align floor location plate on the floor in accordance with the diagram. ! 61 c m 15 - 30 cm w/o min. 35 cm with condensing unit 70 c m 61 c Attention: The minimum clearance dimensions must be observed. ►► Drill holes (Ø 10 mm) through the rail into the floor. ►► Insert rawl plugs into the holes through the floor location plate. m m 7c 16 Fig. 23: Dimension diagram for floor location plate ►► Fix the floor location plate with the enclosed hexscrews (13 mm spanner). i * with condenser min. 35 cm Notice: The distance to the rear wall may amount to the indicated 15 - 30 cm for an installation without condensing units. When installing the Dachs with condenser, a minimum distance of 35 cm to the wall is to be provided. Respect the varying positions and spatial requirements when assembling the system with or without condensing unit and/or when assembling it on the left- or on the right-hand side. The following dimensions refer exclusively to the Dachs. 52 | Before installation 60 c m 1 72 c m m 7c 10 60 c m 60 cm Fig. 24: Installation scheme 14/4798.232.106 m 0c 3 5- * Dachs with MSR2 5.6 Connecting diagrams The unit can be connected hydraulically in different ways according to the schematic. Note: A detailed overview of hydraulic diagrams of single and multi module systems is availlable in: Hydraulic Booklet MSR2 (art. no.: 4798.237.xxx). Connection points VL RL boiler Dachs min. 30 cm Fig. 25: Heating circuit 14/4798.232.106 Before installation | 53 Dachs with MSR2 6 Installation 6.1 General The installation may only be carried out by authorised and certified specialist staff. Here, a product training realised by SenerTec or by a training institution commissioned by SenerTec is a minimum requirement. Any work on the electrical equipment may only be implemented by trained electricians. Danger: While working on the Dachs shut off the unit on the main switch and safeguard it against reactivation. Please be careful as on the potential free contacts (connection X6 and mains supply at the contactor unit) on the controller can be supplied with external volatage. Works must be carried out by professional persons. If not there is a risk to life and limb. 6.2 Assembly 6.2.1 Installation of the Dachs ! Attention: The floor location plate must be fixed before the Dachs is installed. 2 Installation of the system: 1 ►► Cut the tightening straps with which the Dachs is fixed to the transportation pallet 1 . ►► Position the pallet truck 1 and lift the Dachs 2 . 3 ►► Move the Dachs off the pallet 3 . 4 ►► Position the rear supports of the Dachs directly above the attachment locating bores of the floor location plate already installed 4 . ►► Carefully lower the Dachs 5 . 5 6 ! Attention: Check continuously that the supports can freely enter the location bores of the floor location plate 6 . 6 ►► Remove the packaging. i Notice: Dispose of packaging in an environmentally friendly manner. 54 | Installation Fig. 26: Installation of the Dachs 14/4798.232.106 Dachs with MSR2 6.2.2 Installation of the buffer vessel The Dachs SE can be installed with the buffer vessel left or right handed. In the figures it is shown with condensing unit. The accessories are designed for both types of installation. To use all parts of the installation kit please install according to clearances shown. i Notice: The buffer vessel SE750 is delivered with installed insulation. For the transport into the plant room it is necessary to dismount the insulation. 720 mm The buffer vessel can be placed without requiring a base plate. If the floor is uneven, please use scaler to ensure a safe stand. For the installation use a frost protected plant room, if not the heating system has to be filled with non freeze liquid. ca. 600 950 mm Fig. 27: Buffer vessel at the right-hand side Otherwise the buffer vessel has to be drained in danger of frost. i Notice: Fit bottom disc of buffer insulation. Please consider that the installation has enough distance to the wall, to ensure access to the buffer vessel connections. 6.2.3 Installation of the temperature sensors and equipotential bonding at the buffer vessel 950 mm ca. 600 mm 720 mm Fig. 28: Buffer vessel at the left-hand side ►► Fix the flow, F1 and return sensor to the corresponding strap at the buffer vessel. To fix the sensor please lift the strap carefully with a screwdriver and put the sensor between strap and buffer. ! Attention: Take care that the sensors have good contact with the buffer vessel. supply flow temp. sensor sensor F1 ►► Connect the equipotential bonding at the cable lug (square size 1 × min. 6 mm2). return flow temp. sensor Fig. 30: Equipotential bonding 14/4798.232.106 Fig. 29: Assembly of the temperature sensors Installation | 55 Dachs with MSR2 6.2.4 Assembly of the buffer insulation Attention: To prevent damage of the cover material it is necessary that the room temperature is at least 15°C. Install the buffer insulation carefully. The insulation elements are deliverd ready for assembling. Do not cut any of the elements. ! 4 one or two pieces 1 The insulation consists of the following parts (Fig. 31): ●● 2 × buffer cover insulation (1890 × 1484 mm). 1 ●● 1 × insulation of the buffer bottom (Ø 650 mm × 50 mm). 2 ●● 1 × insulation strip at the outer buffer bottom (50 × 120 × 2100 mm). 3 ●● 1 × black cover (Ø 950 mm × 60 mm). ●● The upper buffer insulation consists of: ●● two disc elements (Ø 770 mm × 50 mm), one with a cut 4 2 3 Fig. 31: Position of the single buffer elements or ●● one disc element (Ø 770 mm × 100 mm) with a cut. 4 ►► Put the insulation strip around the buffer bottom. Fig. 32: Insulation at buffer bottom The insulation of the lateral surface of the buffer consists of two components, connected together with a hook strap. Hook strip ►► Conduct the three sensor cables through the top. ►► At the assembly first fix both sides only in the outer hook strap. After the insulation is fixed, it is possible to tighten the insulation to the last groove. To loosen the buffer insulation, push the lower part of the hook strap and lift the upper part easily away. Fig. 33: Assembly of the buffer insulation 56 | Installation 14/4798.232.106 Dachs with MSR2 ►► Put the upper buffer insulation (diameter approx. 770 mm) on top. ►► Leave the sensor cable harness (9 pole plug) on the top insulation. 230 V - cables (SE30 / SEplus) Sensor cables (SE750 / SE30 / SEplus) ►► Connect the extension of the sensor cable harness from the controller to the buffer top and connect the cables. i Notice: Sensor cables do not conduct mains voltage and must not be installed in parallel to the live electrical cable (separate installation). Otherwise, screened cables are to be installed (e.g. LiYY or LiYCY). The remaining cable must be stored seperated from each other on top of the buffer vessel. Fig. 34: Kabelführung auf dem Pufferspeicher ►► Fix the cover. 6.2.5 Assembly of the condensing unit Note: The packaging unit of the condensing unit includes documentation (art.no.: 4798.153.xxx) with additional information about installation, warranty and conformity. The following chapter includes extracts of the manual regarding only the assembly of the condensing unit. ►► Wind the threaded end of the exhaust interconnection with Teflon tape and screw it into the bushing on the condenser so that the connection is gas tight. ►► Fit the water pipe T-piece connection into ½" pipe of the condensing unit using sealant. Exhaust tube Water pipes ►► Screw the union nut to the T-piece. ►► Turn the T-piece at the Dachs water inlet 45° to the right side and connect the T-piece with the union nut of the pipe. ►► Push the bellow on the exhaust tube of the Dachs and fix it with hose clips (torque 3 Nm). Fig. 35: Installation condenser 14/4798.232.106 Installation | 57 Dachs with MSR2 ►► Mount the protection sleeve around the exhaust tube. VL = supply flow RL = return flow O = exhaust outlet ►► Fit the insulation hose over the water pipe and connect it to the condensing unit and the Dachs. VL ►► Position the condenser so that the exhaust bellow and the water pipe are stress free. RL condensing unit ►► Position the condensing unit right side behind the Dachs. The exhaust bellow must be stress free fitted at the exhaust pipe (if necessary the feet of the condensing unit can be adjusted). O MSR2 ►► Fix the exhaust bellow with hose clips on the exhaust tube (torque 3 Nm). Dachs * * exhaust pipe DN 80 ►► Fix the protection sleeve on the exhaust tube. ►► Screw the brass elbow (from Dachs installation kit) with sealant into the 1/2" pipe connection of the condenser. Aftwards connect it with the heating water hose to the heating system (buffer vessel, system return). neutralisation Condensate drain to sewage / condensate pump Fig. 36: Connecting the condensing unit i Notice: If necessary it is possible to turn the T-piece 180°, please loose first the nuts (AF 10) at the flange. i Note: To ensure a correct maintenance at the condensing unit, please consider that there is enough height (at least 50 cm) to the ceiling. Safety temperature limiter (STL): The condenser and the following exhaust gas system must be secured against excess temperature by the installation of a safety temperature limiter at the exhaust outlet of the condenser. In case of an error and a higher exhaust gas temperature the STL device will shut down and block the Dachs. The Dachs unit can restart only by a manual reset of the STL. Note to reset STL: Take off the cover and push the reset bottom. Before starting the Dachs it is necessary to check the system and fix the problem. The sensor of the STL is in an immersion sleeve at the T-piece of the Fig. 37: STL condensing unit (loose) condensing unit. 58 | Installation 14/4798.232.106 Dachs with MSR2 6.3 Preparation ►► Remove the soundproof enclosure of the Dachs. ►► Loosen the transport braces. ►► Loosen the screws of the spring retainers. ►► Close the transportation apertures. ►► Position the Dachs. ►► Attach the MSR2 controller. 6.3.1 Removing the soundproof enclosure 1. Remove the lid. 2. Remove the front panel. 3. Remove the side panel (left, right). 4. Remove the rear panel (only remove from floor pan; do not damage the safety earth connection!). ►► Turn the quick-release catches with a suitable screwdriver or coin through 90° (slot vertical to the outer edge), this releases the catch. Fig. 38: Removal of the soundproof enclosure ►► Remove soundproof enclosure panels, and other soundproof enclosure parts in the same way. i Notice: When removing the rear panel, also remove the temporary wooden strip. Do not damage the safety earth connection! Fig. 39: Removal of the wooden strip 6.3.2 Removing the transport protection Floor pan: There are transport fixings between the floor pan and base frame at front center and at rear right (securing brackets). ►► Loosen and remove both screws (17 mm spanner). ►► Remove both brackets. Fig. 40: Position of the securing brackets 14/4798.232.106 Installation | 59 Dachs with MSR2 Spring Retention: For transport, the spring units which isolate the motor support from the base frame, are secured with 4 screws M10 x 60. For loosening the screws you need a ring spanner and an open-end spanner (both 17 mm). Only with these tools you can achive a correct fixation as well as for the screw nut at the rear U channel. ►► Loosen locknuts (17 mm spanner). i Notice: Unscrew the screws (17 mm spanner) until they are flush with the lower edge of the spring plates. Fig. 41: Loosen locknuts of the spring units secured for transport ►► Tighten locknuts (17 mm spanner). Fig. 42: Loosen the two rear screws with a 17 mm ring spanner Screw flush with the bottom edge of the spring plate Fig. 44: Position of the spring units Fig. 43: Released spring unit in the operating state 60 | Installation 14/4798.232.106 Dachs with MSR2 6.3.3 Sealing the Transport Openings Both threaded holes of the transport protection, and the 8 holes for engaging the lifting gear must be sealed with plugs. = 2 boreholes = 2 tapholes The plugs are pressed into the holes from above. Fig. 45: Floor sump with sealing plugs Fig. 46: Overview of the holes to be sealed 6.3.4 Aligning the Dachs ►► Place a spirit level on the edge of the floor sump. i Notice: Do not place one end of the spirit level on the edge protection of the floor sump. Fig. 47: Positioning the spirit level ►► Align the system horizontally by turning the levelling feet. ●● Use a long (> 150 mm) 13 mm open spanner. Fig. 48: Aligning the system 14/4798.232.106 Installation | 61 Dachs with MSR2 6.3.5 Assembly of the MSR2 controller The controller is fitted to the rear side panel of the system by means of an angle bracket inserted at the top and screwed at the bottom. ►► Place the controller box flat on the floor and open it. ►► Remove the foil bag with the controller accessories. Self-tapping screws Contents: ●● Square key for controller door. ●● Hex screw for mounting the controller. ●● 2 self-tapping screws for document holder. ●● Strap for cable harness. ►► Remove controller from the box and put it down. Fig. 49: Document holder ►► Fix document holder (from Dachs accessories) with two selftapping Phillips screws (from controller accessories) to the rear of the controller. i Notice: The marked documents of the folder shall be stored after the assembly and commissioning in the special pocket at the rear to the controller. ►► Hook the rear of the controller to the side extension of the rear panel. Fig. 50: Hooking the controller to the panel 62 | Installation 14/4798.232.106 Dachs with MSR2 Opening the controller housing: ►► Remove the square key from the controller accessories and open controller. Fig. 51: Square key for opening the controller housing ►► Tilt top of controller door outwards. ►► Pull door out diagonally and upwards from the controller. ►► Place the door next to the controller. ! Attention: Do not disconnect the equipotential bonding wire between the door and housing. Fig. 52: Removing the controller door Securing the controller housing: Through the open door you can now insert the hex screw for securing and tightly connecting the controller to the Dachs. Fig. 53: Securing the controller 14/4798.232.106 Installation | 63 Dachs with MSR2 6.3.6 Assembly of multi module system ►► Shut down the Dachs at the main switch and open it as described before. ►► Plug on logic module to the top edge of the back. ►► According to the number of modules remove one or two grommets at the rear side of the controller and leave them inside the controller. ●● The connecting cable for multi module systems already provide new fixed grommets at the designated cable position. ►► In each case push up and fasten one end of the connecting cable in every controller from behind to the grommet. ●● In each case the first and the last module of the cascade, respectively, keeps the serial installed terminating resistor. ►► With the intermediate module the plug with the terminating resistor has to be removed, that the continuative multi module line can be plugged on to the next module controller. ●● Unless all controlling units are connected with each other, the controllers can be shut down and commissioning can be continued. ! Attention: Multi module lines (signal lines) have to be passed separated from 230 V (current-carrying lines). 64 | Installation 14/4798.232.106 Dachs with MSR2 Detail connection of multi module line Logic unit Connection to the controller bloard Power unit Detail termination resistor Insertation in the controller Contactor assembly Fig. 54: Multi module system connection at the MSR2 controller Detail controller board Detail controller board Detail controller board Detail controller board Detail controller board L1 M2 M3 M4 M4 Connection cable Connection cable Connection cable Termination resistor Connection cable Termination resistor Multi module connection cable (available in 5 and 15 meters) M2 L1 M3 M4 M5 Fig. 55: Schematic demonstration of multi module connection at the controller board M6 M3 M3 M5 M2 M2 L1 master controller Multi module-schema without termostatic pump L1 master controller Multi module-schema with termostatic pump M4 M3 M2 L1 master controller Multi module-schema with termostatic pump up to 6 modules Fig. 56: Schematic demonstration of multi module bonding in the heating water circuit 14/4798.232.106 Installation | 65 Dachs with MSR2 6.4 Water connections In delivery incl. hoses Connection Comment Flow / return Dachs 1195 mm hose for the longer distance to the ball valve Flow Dachs water inlet condenser unit 1195 mm hose for the longer distance to the ball valve 1 × 1195 mm Dachs 1 × 915 mm 1 × 1195 mm Dachs + condensing unit 1 × 915 mm Dachs + buffer vessel SE 2 × 1910 mm Buffer vessel and Dachs flow Buffer vessel and Dachs return Dachs + condensing unit + buffer vessel SE right handside 2 × 1910 mm Buffer vessel and Dachs flow 1 × 1195 mm Buffer vessel and condenser unit inlet Dachs + condensing unit + buffer vessel SE left handside 2 × 1910 mm Buffer vessel and Dachs flow Buffer vessel and cond. unit inlet 1 × 1910 hose is left 1 × 1195 mm 1 × 1195 hose is left 6.4.1 Connection of the Dachs Connection points The Dachs can be connected in different ways. In general the inlet water should be supplied from the return flow of the heating circuit. The outlet of the Dachs can be connected either into the flow of the heating system or into the return of the heating system (then a distance of at least 30 cm must be between inlet and outlet connection). Heizkessel larger scheme in chapter 5.6 min. 30 cm Dachs Fig. 57: Heating circuit Note: A detailed overview of hydraulic diagrams of single and multi module systems is availlable in: Hydraulic Booklet MSR2 (art. no.: 4798.237.xxx). Use the table opposite to determine which pipe diameter is to be used for the pipes to the Dachs. The following dimension drawings show alternative runs for the pipes to the Dachs. 66 | Installation Distance (oneway) <5m ≤ 20 m > 20 m Pipe diameter of forward- and return line 1" 5/4" additional pump 14/4798.232.106 Dachs with MSR2 180 cm SF RF Return MSR2 20 cm SF RF 180 cm min. 30 cm Preferred version 2x ball valve 1" water hose 1.2 m water hose 0.9 m min. 30 cm 45 cm MSR2 Dachs Return Dachs Fig. 58: Dimension drawing for the flexible hoses with optimum venting of the Dachs ! Attention: Ensure that the flexible hoses are mounted stress-free. If not vibrations could be transmitted. 12 cm 35 cm SF RF Return SF RF Dachs min. 30 cm MSR2 operating pressure ≥ 1 bar Return Dachs min. 30 cm Vent before commissioning MSR2 33 cm 33 cm water hose 1.2 m water hose 0.9 m 2x ball valve 1" Fig. 59: Dimension drawing for the flexible hoses Mounting the pipe fittings and hoses: The couplings for supply and return flow are marked in the factory with red and blue respectively and are located at the top of the Dachs. For the connections to the heating circuit, the couplings must be supplemented with the fittings contained in the accessories box. The pipe fittings are coated with sealant, so that no further treatment is required. ! Attention: Check whether the blow-off pressure of the safety valve corresponds to the rest of the heating system. Replace with a suitable valve if there is a difference in the pressure values. 14/4798.232.106 Installation | 67 Dachs with MSR2 ►► Screw the 1/2-inch 90° elbow fitting directly to the Dachs couplings. Venting valve ►► Screw the safety valve from the accessories box into the other branch of the supply flow coupling. ►► Mount the 3/4-inch elbow fitting to the safety valve outlet. ►► Remove the heating water hoses with gaskets from the accessories box. ►► Screw the hoses to the elbow fittings of the supply and return flow. ►► Note that the hoses have different lengths, and that the longer hose is always used for the greater distance between Dachs and ball valve. ►► Mount the heating water hoses and the flat gasket to the ball valves already installed on site. Return flow (blue) Supply flow (red) Connection safety valve Fig. 60: View of the heating circuit couplings as delivered ! Attention: When tightening the couplings, ensure that the hoses do not twist and are free. Using an auxiliary pump: RF heating circuit If significant pressure losses are detected in the supply and return pipes of the Dachs (e.g. due to long pipe runs), an auxiliary pump is required, which must be connected as shown below. 3 2 3 4 1 buffer vessel 1 Auxiliary pump min. 1000 l/h (standard pump) 2 Hydraulic bypass 3 Shutoff valve (ball valve) 4 Auxiliary pump (SenerTec thermostatic pump) Dachs Dachs Fig. 61: Connection of the auxilary pump 68 | Installation 14/4798.232.106 Dachs with MSR2 ! Attention: When the connection work is finished, check the heating circuit for leaks. This is done by means of a pressure test. During the test, observe the max. permitted operating pressure of 5 bar for the Dachs. ball valve RF double nippel ½" gasket water hose 0.9 m SF D su ach pp s h ly os flo e w con an n d ec re tio tu n rn fo flo r w Default: safety valve DN 15 with discharge pressure 3 bar; optional with discharge pressure up to 4.5 bar according to system double nippel ½" gasket double nippel ¾" water hose 1.2 m gasket flexible insulation ball valve steelpipe 1" DIN EN 10255 onsite gasket Using a heat meter: When installing a heat meter, you must compensate the pressure loss by means of an auxiliary pump, as described above and as shown. Note the positions of the temperature sensors. Return heating circuit Fig. 62: Accessories for heating circuit connections 3 2 1 HM Additional pump 3 5 4 1 Heat meter 2 Strainer 3 Shutoff valve (ball vlave) 4 Pump min. 1000 l/h 5 Hydraulic bypass Dachs Fig. 63: Heat meter 14/4798.232.106 Installation | 69 Dachs with MSR2 Drain for safety valve: If there is excess pressure, water is released from the safety valve outlet. Always ensure that in the event of water being released from the safety valve, it is removed safely. outlet safety valve ! Attention: If automatic vents are required, they may not be mounted on the Dachs; instead, they must be installed behind the flexible hoses on the heating system. w co ast nn e w ec at tio er n Automatic venting: RF SF D fo ach r fl s ow ho s an e c d on re ne tu c r n tio n ! Attention: Under no circumstances may the safety valve outlet be connected rigidly to a drain pipe fixed to the wall, since this would lead to noise transmission. Default: safety valve DN 15 with discharge pressure 3 bar; optional with discharge pressure up to 4.5 bar according to system Fig. 64: Safety valve with outlet Membrane pressure expansion vessels: ! Expansion vessels in closed central heating systems are intended to compensate for water volume changes due to heating or cooling. Determination of size: Size membrane equalizer tank Nitrogen filling pressure in bar Max. amount of water in the system in liters System pressure in bar (cold) 110/1 1.0 905 1.1 140/1 1.0 1150 1.1 200/1 1.0 1645 1.1 Opening pressure safety valve: 3.0 bar Max. operating pressure: Attention: Ensure that the design complies with DIN 4807 Part 2. 2.0 bar Max. supply flow temperature: 90 °C 6.4.2 Connection Dachs with condensing unit ! SF = supply flow RF = return flow O = exhaust outlet Attention: The condensing unit must be connected to a sufficiently large expansion vessel via a pipe without shut-off device, and to a safety valve with max. 5 bar blow-off pressure. SF RF MSR2 condensing unit ►► Connect the water inlet using the brass elbow fitting and connection hose from the Dachs installation kit. O * * exhaust pipe DN 80 Condensate drain to sewage or condensate pump Dachs neutralisation Fig. 65: Connecting the condensing unit 70 | Installation 14/4798.232.106 Dachs with MSR2 6.4.3 Connection Dachs with buffer vessel SE750 i Notice: The heating water lines are connected at the rear of the buffer vessel. ►► Seal the shut-off valves in the 1" angle bracket. ►► Seal off the connection bracket with the shut-off valve at the upper 1" vessel connection (supply flow Dachs 12 ). 1 13 12 2 11 3 4 ►► Seal off the connection bracket with the shut-off valve at the lower 1" vessel connection (return flow Dachs 10 ). 5 ►► Connect the heating circuit supply flow (connection depending on hydraulic code). 6 ►► Connect the heating circuit return flow to the lower 1½-inch buffer vessel coupling 9 . ►► Connect the Dachs supply flow 12 and the upper shut-off valve with the dedicated hose (I = 1910 mm) as well as with the flat seals from the buffer vessel accessories. 7 10 9 ►► Connect the Dachs return 10 and the lower shut-off valve with the dedicated hose as well as with the flat seals from the buffer vessel accessories. ►► Seal the connection brackets with vent at the upper/front buffer vessel connection 1 . i Notice: The ventilation valve is to be placed at the highest point along the system flow line. 8 6-35 cm* * 6 cm for cover w/o SE components or immersion heater; 35 cm for metal sheet cover for e.g. SE30 DHW module Function Connection 1 Venting 2 VL SEplus 3 VL hot water module 1" et 4 Immersion heater 1½" it 5 RL hot water module 1" et 6 Temperature sensors 7 RL SEplus 1" et 8 Drain 1" et 9 RL heating circuit 1½" it 10 RL Dachs 1" et 11 VL heating circuit 1½" it 12 VL Dachs 1" et 13 Spare 1½" it ½" 1" et water outlet on the buffer vessel water inlet on the buffer vessel Fig. 66: Connection at the buffer vessel 14/4798.232.106 Installation | 71 Dachs with MSR2 6.4.4 Connection Dachs with condensing unit and SE750 ►► Seal the shut-off valves in the 1" angle bracket. 13 12 2 11 3 ►► Seal off the connection bracket with the shut-off valve at the upper 1" vessel connection (supply flow Dachs 12 ). 4 ►► Connect the heating circuit supply flow (connection depending on hydraulic code). ►► Connect the heating circuit return flow to the lower 1½" buffer vessel coupling 9 . ►► Connect the Dachs system flow 12 and the upper shut-off valve with the dedicated hose (I = 1910 mm) as well as with the flat seals from the buffer vessel accessories. If the buffer vessel is installed on the right-hand side: 5 * 6 cm for cover w/o SE components or immersion heater; 35 cm for metal sheet cover for e.g. SE30 DHW module ►► Seal off the connection bracket with the shut-off valve at the lower 1" vessel connection (return flow Dachs 10 - condensing unit inlet). 6 7 10 8 9 6-35 cm* Function 1 Venting 2 VL SEplus 3 VL hot water module 4 Immersion heater 5 RL hot water module 6 Temperature sensors 7 RL SEplus ►► Connect the condensing unit inlet and the lower shut-off valve with the dedicated hose (I = 1910 mm) as well as with the flat seals from the buffer vessel accessories. The second hose with I = 1195 mm is not required. 8 Drain 9 RL heating circuit 10 RL Dachs ►► Seal the connection brackets with vent at the upper/front buffer vessel connection 1 . 11 VL heating circuit 12 VL Dachs 13 Spare ►► Connect the condensing unit inlet and the lower shut-off valve with the dedicated hose (I = 1,195 mm) as well as with the flat seals from the buffer vessel accessories. The second hose with I = 1910 mm is not required. f the buffer vessel is installed on the left-hand side: water outlet on the buffer vessel water inlet on the buffer vessel i Notice: The heating water lines are connected at the rear of the buffer vessel. 1 ►► Close the remaining buffer connections with the attached plugs and/or caps or install ball valve with plugs for a future use. Fig. 67: Connection with the buffer vessel at the right-hand side 72 | Installation Fig. 68: Connection with the buffer vessel on the left-hand side 14/4798.232.106 Dachs with MSR2 6.5 i Refrigeration connections Notice: The connection of a refirgeration circuit is only necessary to dump excessive heat, that can not be used inside the building. The connection of a refrigeration circuit is a mandatrory requriement for an off-grid system. The off-grid system is not connected to the public grid. The described Dachs units in this manual are not suitable for an off-grid system. In normal operation it is necessary to ensure that the produced heat is used in the building. If not the Dachs does not meet the requirements of a high efficient CHP unit. Please consider that the heat of the Dachs unit is always used in the building, if not, in some countries it might be not allowed to connect the unit to the grid. 14/4798.232.106 Installation | 73 Dachs with MSR2 6.6 Gas connection Danger in case of gas smell: • Immediately extinguish all flames! • Immediately open all windows and doors! • Immediately close the shut-off device on the gas meter or the main shut-off device in the basement! • Do not light a match or lighter! • Do not operate any electric switches! • Do not pull out any electric plugs! • Do not operate any electric bells! • Do not smoke! • After the shut down of the main fuel valve, shut down the gas valve of the Dachs and ascertain whether the gas valves of all other devices are shut! Shut the still open gas valves (ignition flame cocks, gas refrigerators etc..)! • It is only permitted to turn on the light, if there is no longer a smell of gas! • Do not trust in your own sense of smell, but consult other persons! • If the cause of the gas smell cannot be found in spite of all gas fittings being closed, the gas supply company (GSC) must be contacted immediately. Even with a slight smell of gas, the cause of which cannot be determined, the GSC must be notified! • If smell of gas leaks from rooms, which are not so easily accessible, advise the police or fire brigade immediately, who have the right to enter the door; at the same time the GSC has to be notified! • Leakage of gas supposed to be in the basement, air the basement well, but do not enter; inform the remaining occupants; at the same time inform the GSC! • Do not remedy failures or damage in gas systems by yourself. These must only be remedied by specialists; i.e. representatives of the GSC and the contractual installation company! • The location of damage must be kept accessible for the fault-clearing service! 74 | Installation 14/4798.232.106 Dachs with MSR2 40 cm Dachs G/F: gas shutoff valve with fire protection valve gas multibloc 120 cm ! Attention: The gas installation is to be implemented in accordance with the technical regulations of the local gas suppliers and the TRGI/TRF and may only be carried out by specialist staff with the respective authorisation for working with gas. ►► Check the gas pressure: ! Attention: If the pressure of the gas duct exceeds a value of 54 mbar (propane) or 24 mbar (natural gas), respectively, a pressure reducer is to be installed in order to set the gas pressure at rest to a maximum value of 50 mbar (propane) or 20 mbar (natural gas), respectively. 50 cm ►► Determine which maximum pressure is reached in the local gas network. 65 cm Fig. 69: Dimensions for the left-hand connection 40 cm gas multibloc gas shutoff valve with fire protection valve 100 cm Any further reduction of the gas pressure at rest and the flow pressure may lead to problems during the start-up. In such case, the flow volume is to be adjusted. Pipe diameter for gas pipeline 45 cm 60 cm Fig. 70: Dimensions for the right-hand connection SenerTec-recommendation: Pipe length 40 cm ►► Install the gas pipe close to the combined heat and power plant in order to allow for the gas hose to be connected. The pipe diameter as well as the possible connection dimensions can be obtained from the adjacent drawings and table. 60 cm ►► Lay the gas pipe: ≤ 10 m > 10 m ½" ¾" ! Attention: The gas supply line provided on-site must contain a gas flow monitor. i Notice: In the version Dachs with condensing unit, installing the gas connection on the left hand side is recommended. ! Attention: Take care when carrying out soldering and welding work on the gas line. The fire protection valve triggers at a temperature of more than 105 °C. ►► Check the gas line for leaks: ►► Screw the fire protection valve including shut-off valve and cap contained in the scope of delivery onto the end of the installed gas line and conduct a pressure test of the gas line with the prescribed test pressure according to TRGI. 14/4798.232.106 Fig. 71: Fire protection valve with shut-off valve (triggering temperature 105°C) Installation | 75 Dachs with MSR2 ►► Assemble the flexible gas hose: A connecting hose is provided with the equipment, consisting of a covered gas hose with elbow fitting and a connection flange. You install the gas pipe with this connection flange overarm at the gas valve on the pipe bridge of the Dachs. ►► Remove the protective covering at the gas valve. ►► Attach the connection flange with inserted O-ring at the gas valve with the T-grip wrench (size 3). ! Attention: Torque max. 4 Nm. Fig. 72: Connection flange of the gas multibloc ►► Remove the closing cap at the other end of the gas hose and at the gas valve. ►► Connect the gas hose to the gas valve. ►► Tighten the union at the fire protection valve subject to the details on the label. ►► Test the connections at the gas hose and at the multibloc with opened gas tap for leaks with leak spray or leak detector ! Attention: Ensure cleanness at the gaskets and at the connection flange so that absolute leak tightness is taken ensured. If the connection of the gas pipe on site is not directly possible, the connection port of the pipe has to be protected against dirt. 76 | Installation Fig. 73: Flexible gas hose with O-ring and connection screws 14/4798.232.106 Dachs with MSR2 ►► Vent the gas line: ! Attention: The gas hose may only be vented under supervision. ►► Open the gas valve and ensure that there is a gas supply to the Dachs. ►► Vent the gas line according to TRGI by opening the screws at the measuring nipple of the pressure monitoring unit. Notice: Depending on the length of the supply flow line, the venting process may last several minutes. i Fig. 74: Venting the gas line ►► After the venting process, close the vent valve at the gas fittings. ►► Check the tightness by means of leak spray or a leak detection device. ►► Measure the pressure of the liquid gas: ►► Use a measuring device at the measuring nipple in order to check the liquid gas pressure and record this in the commissioning protocol. i Notice: The gas connection pressure (pressure at rest) should be 50 mbar for propane gas and 20 mbar for natural gas. ! Attention: Then, check whether the vent valve is sealed in a gas-tight manner. 14/4798.232.106 Installation | 77 Dachs with MSR2 6.7 i Oil connection Dachs HR Notice: Please check the local regulations for the installation of an assembly of fuel pipes and storage tanks. The following possible connections are examples and are permitted in some European countries. Checking the fuel supply: The oil supply is to be carried out in accordance with local regulations. The outer diameter of the feed pipe at the oil filter is 8 mm. During operation, a max. intake pressure of 0.2 bar is allowed. The end of the suction intake pipe in the tank should have a minimum distance of approx. 10 cm from the tank floor. Tank geometry permitting, the installation of a floating intake is preferable. If a booster pump is used, the max. supply pressure ahead of the filter must not exceed 0.2 bar. If higher oil pressures are expected, a pressure reducer must be used in the supply flow line with a set output pressure of 0.1 or 0.2 bar. on site on site pressure reducer max. 0,2 bar suction pressure max. 0,2 bar Dachs oil tank oil tank Fig. 75: Oil suction pipe up to the tank (floating version) Fig. 76: Oil supply with booster pump Installing the fuel connections: Run the oil pipe close to the Dachs system to ensure that the oil hoses supplied can be connected stressfree. See the diagram below for the possible connection dimensions. min. 15 cm max. 40 cm min. 80 cm max. 140 cm ! Attention: To prevent a leakage of fuel oil in case of a defective supply line in combination with a higher oil level in the tank, it is necessary to install a anti-siphon valve. i Notice for version with condenser unit: Please do not install the external filter/venting unit behind the condesning unit. Please ensure accessibility to the filter/venting unit. Dachs Fig. 77: Dimensions for the connection area 78 | Installation 14/4798.232.106 Dachs with MSR2 Checking the fuel pipes are leakage proof: The pressure check of the oil supply must not be carried out on the pressure connection of the oil vent, since the non-return valve built into the appliance prevents the pressure being transmitted to the intake pipe. The oil vent with filter is therefore not to be included in the pressure check. Installing the fuel vent: i Notice: Install the oil vent in such a way that when carrying out maintenance work the filter insert can be replaced easily, or a container can be placed underneath it. vent The accessories include two oil connection hoses, the oil vent unit with filter, and a mounting bracket. ►► Screw the mounting bracket to the wall or a suitable location. ►► Mount the oil vent to the mounting bracket using the preassembled screws. ●● The ambient temperature must not exceed 60 ° C. The float housing must be vertically upwards. filter ►► Mount the filter on the oil vent (tightening torque 20 Nm). ►► Remove the sealing plug on the coupling connection of the Dachs. Fig. 78: Installing the filter ►► First, screw the angled couplings of the oil hoses to the Dachs, and then the straight couplings to the oil vent. Use an openend spanner to prevent the hose twisting when tightening. ►► Level the oil hoses and screw the coupling nut tightly. ! Attention: Ensure that the hoses are mounted stressfree. Ensure that the connections are not crossed over. The oil vent supply flow connection (V) must be connected to the Dachs inlet (blue). The oil vent return flow connection (R) must be connected to the Dachs outlet (red). inlet (blue) outlet (red) R V ►► Cut the oil pipe square for the filter connection with a tube cutter. The tube ends must be burrfree and in perfect condition! Fig. 79: Oil connection ! Attention: Do not use a saw to cut the oil line to length! 14/4798.232.106 Installation | 79 Dachs with MSR2 ►► Lightly oil the pressure screw thread before assembly. The sealing edges of the clamping rings must be handled with care to prevent any damage. ►► Connect the oil pipe to the oil vent filter using the compression fitting supplied. ! Attention: Ensure that the sealing areas are clean to guarantee total tightness. During commissioning, check the tightness of the connections. Fig. 80: Connection of fuel supply line to filter Venting the fuel pipe (if start was unsuccessful): To successfully run the system, vent the fuel supply. With longer suction pipes it is recommended to aspirate the fuel by means of a hand pump or with a suction canister for lubricating oil at the flow supply-vent (Figure 8b-5). With short suction pipes it is sufficient, if the existing fuel pump in the Dachs is hand-operated (see operating- and adjusting instructions MSR2). The activation can be effected after the first test start for max. 10 min via Service-Menu (11/8/7/1 or 11/8/7/2) at the controller. This function helps to fill the heating oil filter. After confirming the menu with yes, and after a short delay, the tick is shown. Now the fuel valves and the internal heating oil pump are activated. The activation will end after leaving the menu or changing to automatic mode or independently after 2 minutes. An external heating oil pump will not be activated automatically. If necessary it can be done in menu 11/8/7/2. ! Attention: The manual activation can be repeated not more than 3 times. Mind that the fuel pump does not run dry for any length of time to avoid damage. But if the fuel supply is carried out via booster pump no special venting is necessary. Options for fuel supply: The following options are possible: 1. Running a separate intake pipe for the Dachs up to the oil tank and a separate connection at the tank. This layout prevents any interaction. 2. Changing the boiler to a single-leg connection and using the common oil intake pipe for boiler and Dachs. Therefore, the reduced flow volume during operation (only consumed oil volume) is to be taken into account. 3. Running a separate intake pipe for the Dachs up to the oil tank. Dachs connection with separate shutoff valve behind the shut-off valve for the boiler. This layout is possible if no separate tank connection is possible for the Dachs. 4. Connection to the boiler intake pipe in the installation room. The intake pipe must be suitable for the sole operation of the Dachs (flow approx. 2 l/h). In particular, the non-return valve in the boiler return flow pipe must close absolutely tightly to ensure that there is no air intake. This solution should only be used if implementing the other solutions (1st to 3rd) requires a disproportionate effort. i Notice: SenerTec recommends the 1st option with separate intake pipe to the oil tank. Tank geometry permitting, the installation of a floating intake pipe is preferable. 80 | Installation 14/4798.232.106 Dachs with MSR2 Notice: The requirements for the Dachs oil supply are basically the same as the oil supply of a heating boiler. In general, the permitted oil pressures at the Dachs inlet (pressure max. 0.2 bar, underpressure min. 0.2 bar) must be maintained. i Options for fuel supply: Fuel supply for Dachs HR with booster pump Notice: The booster pump is required if the pressure losses in the intake pipe are > 0.2 bar. This is particularly important if the tank is below the level of the Dachs installation room. i oil vent special version 20 μm Ø 8 mm ~ 2 l/h ring circuit pump is controlled by the Dachs controller controller pressure reducer max. 0.2 bar Dachs scope of delivery SenerTec provided on site in accordance with the local regulations Fig. 81: Fuel supply for Dachs HR with booster pump oil tank oil vent special version 20 μm Fuel supply pipeline for Dachs HR with suction pipeline to the tank Ø 8 mm ~ 2 l/h controller max. underpressure 0.2 bar Dachs provided on site in accordance with scope of delivery the local SenerTec regulations Fig. 82: Fuel supply pipeline for Dachs HR with suction pipeline to the tank 14/4798.232.106 oil tank Installation | 81 Dachs with MSR2 Fuel supply for Dachs HR, multi-module systems with booster pump scope of delivery SenerTec provided on site in accordance with local regulations ~ 2 l/h ring circuit * external pump control controller pressure reducer max. 0,2 bar ~ 2 l/h * controller Dachs oil tank ~ 2 l/h * controller Dachs Dachs boiler alternative connection for the heating boiler (single leg) * Control of solenoid valve from the Dachs controller boiler Fig. 83: Fuel supply for Dachs HR, multi-module systems with booster pump 82 | Installation 14/4798.232.106 Dachs with MSR2 Fuel supply for Dachs HR, multi-module systems with intake pipe up to the tank scope of delivery SenerTec provided on site in accordance with local regulations controller ~ 2 l/h Dachs controller ~ 2 l/h oil tank Dachs ~ 2 l/h controller alternative connection for the heating boiler (return leg) Dachs alternative connection for the heating boiler (single leg) boiler boiler boiler Fig. 84: Fuel supply for Dachs HR, multi-module systems with intake pipe up to the tank 14/4798.232.106 Installation | 83 Dachs with MSR2 6.8 Air supply/flue gas connections Note: Additonal information for the exhaust gas system you can find in the document: Planning document for flue gas evacuation for the Dachs / Dachs SE (art. no.: 4798.096.xxx). 6.8.1 Air supply with open flue operation i Notice: If the Dachs operates on an open flue operation the intake silencer must be mounted. Fitting the air intake silencer Dachs G/F: ►► Take out air intake silencer from equipment accessories box. ►► Remove plug from gas mixer. ►► Plug on air intake silencer and lock with screw M6. Fig. 85: Securing the intake silencer at Dachs G/F Fitting the intake silencer Dachs HR: ►► Take out air intake silencer from equipment accessories box. ►► Remove plug from the air intake pipe. ►► Plug on air intake silencer and lock with screw M6. Fig. 86: Securing the intake silencer at Dachs HR 84 | Installation 14/4798.232.106 Dachs with MSR2 6.8.2 Operation without ambient air Dachs G/F Notice: In the case of installation rooms containing contaminants, combustion air for the Dachs must be supplied from the outside (special version). i Air supply with HT-pipe, flame-resistant 1 18 5 4 7 17 2 9 6 10-15 3 10-15 9 8 16 16 Fig. 88: Air supply for Dachs G/F via outer wall Fig. 87: Air supply for Dachs G/F via roof To be provided on site: Purchase via SenerTec: 1 Venting pipe DN 100 (rainwater pipe with cover) 2 Reducer 70/100 10* Rubber nipple with crimped collar DN 50/1½" 3 HT pipe DN 70, with sleeve and rubber gasket (max. 10 m) 4 Screw pipe clip with sound insulation DN 70 5 Wall bracket 6 HT coupling sleeve DN 70 7 HT reducing pipe DN 50/70 8 Sealed opening (e.g. foamed, do not cement in due to sound insulation) 9 HT bend 87° DN 70, with rubber gasket 11* Connection fitting 12* HT reducing pipe DN 50/70 (ready for pressure connection) 13* Hose socket DN 5 × ¼" C 14* Nut ¼" 15* Hose DN5, length 18 cm 16* Protective cover gas valve 17* Rubber nipple with crimped collar DN 50/1½" 18 D Connection piece for external air supply (preassembled) Use intake silencer from the Dachs * Scope of delivery for operation without ambient air Dachs G/F intake air manifold** (here: DN 100) B A A A Branch conduit DN 125 × 100 B HT bend DN 125 C Reducer DN 100 × 50 D Reducer DN 125 × 100 ** intake air manifold: DN 70 for 1 Dachs / DN 100 for 2 Dachses / DN 125 for 3 Dachses Fig. 89: Supply of air for multi-module Dachs G/F 14/4798.232.106 Installation | 85 Dachs with MSR2 6.8.3 Operation without ambient air Dachs HR i Notice: In the case of installation rooms containing contaminants, combustion air for the Dachs must be supplied from the outside (special version). Air supply with HT-pipe, flame-resistant 1 12 5 4 2 9 6 7 3 7 11 7 9 8 10 10 Fig. 91: Air supply for Dachs HR via outer wall Fig. 90: Air supply for Dachs HR via roof on site: SenerTec 1 Venting pipe DN 100 (rainwater pipe with cover) 2 Reducer 70/100 10* Rubber nipple with crimped collar DN 50/1¼" 3 HT pipe DN 70, with sleeve and rubber gasket (max. 10 m) 4 Screw pipe clip with sound insulation DN 70 5 Wall bracket 6 HT coupling sleeve DN 70 7 HT reducing pipe DN 50/70 8 Sealed opening (e.g. foamed, do not cement in due to sound insulation) 9 HT bend 87° DN 70, with rubber gasket 11* Rubber nipple with crimped collar DN 50/1½" 12 Use intake silencer from the Dachs * Scope of delivery for operation without ambient air Dachs HR C intake air manifold* (here: DN 100) B A A T-piece DN 100 × 100 B HT bend DN 100 C Reducer DN 100 × 50 ** intake air manifold: DN 70 for 1 Dachs / DN 100 for 2 Dachses / DN 125 for 3 Dachses Fig. 92: Supply of air for multi-module Dachs HR 86 | Installation 14/4798.232.106 Dachs with MSR2 6.8.4 Exhaust gas pipe with EFS The exhaust gases are removed via a freely suspended exhaust pipe and a special flue pipe adaptor in the chimney, via an exhaust gas duct, or if permitted via the flue of the heating boiler. Use 1-inch diameter black steel pipe according to DIN EN 10255 for the exhaust pipe. As an option the flue pipe installation can be done with stainless steel according to DIN EN 10088-1 with diameter DN 35. This version is not allowed in all countries, please contact SenerTec to confirm that a stainless steel version is permitted. ●● The length of the exhaust pipe must not exceed 7 m. ●● Run the exhaust pipe along the shortest route to the chimney. ●● If possible, the exhaust pipe should be made in a single piece. ●● Bend the pipe using a bending machine. ●● Do not use welded bends. coupling insulation 38 - 55 mm fixing borehole assembly aid laying, rising of falling taut band secondary air chimney or exhaust pipe resp. insulation exhaust pipe reducing socket min. 1 m uo to max. 3 m suspension distance welding end of exhaust pipe lead-in socket condensate connection conduit worm drive clamp bellow assenbly socket worm drive clamp preferred version exhaust collar with flange SF RF plastic hose Dachs ! acid-proof reservoir e.g. 10 l plastic budget coupling insulation fixing borehole assembly aid laying, rising of falling 38 - 55 mm insulation exhaust pipe min. 1 m up to max. 3 m suspension distance Attention: For making and suspending the exhaust pipe there are mounting aids for connecting to the Dachs and for connecting the inlet pipe to the chimney or flue. When the exhaust pipe has been made, you must remove the mounting aids from the inlet pipe and from the Dachs connection. reducing socket conduit taut band assenbly socket chimney or exhaust pipe resp. secondary air welding end of exhaust pipe lead-in socket condensate connection plastic hose acid-proof reservoir e.g. 10 l plastic budget 14/4798.232.106 worm drive clamp bellow worm drive clamp SF RF exhaust collar with flange Dachs Fig. 93: Freely suspended exhaust gas pipe Installation | 87 Dachs with MSR2 Connection to a chimney: According to DIN EN 15287 and local regulations, you must make an opening with an angle of 45° by drilling, sawing, milling or cutting. Connection to a flue, as described below, is preferable to making a chimney opening. Ø Attention: Check that the wall fitting does not obstruct the chimney's cross section. m m m m 0 13 insulation m wall fitting 18 0 m Intake adapter Ø ! chimney or exhaust pipe 60 ►► Cement the wall fitting inlet pipe into the chimney opening. ►► If necessary, shorten to the required length. > ►► Cement the wall fitting into place. 30 welding end m 120 mm ►► Once the cement has hardened, use the mounting aid to install the inlet pipe in the wall fitting in accordance with the instruction sheet supplied with the inlet pipe. condensate drain m ° 45 Fig. 94: Fitting the inlet pipe directly in the chimney Connection to the flue of the heating boiler: SenerTec supplies special attachment pieces for fitting the inlet pipe to different boiler flues. ►► Cut a suitable opening in the boiler flue for the attachment piece, and rivet or screw the attachment piece into place. ►► Ensure that the condensate drain is downwards. Rotate the inlet pipe accordingly. chimney chimney < 100 cm smoke pipe 30° as near as possible to the chimney 45° secondary air adjustable range ± 80° condensate drain Fig. 95: Fitting the inlet pipe to the flue of the heating boiler 88 | Installation 14/4798.232.106 Dachs with MSR2 Fitting the mounting spacer to the Dachs: The mounting spacer, with the conical reducer and the protective collar, is contained in the Dachs accessories. reducer ►► Slide the protective collar over the exhaust gas coupling of the Dachs. mounting spacer ►► Place the mounting spacer on the pipe, and the reducer on the spacer. Protective collar ►► This is the starting position for manufacturing the exhaust pipe. Mounting the exhaust gas pipe: ►► Start by mounting the exhaust pipe to the Dachs, and fit a support after the first bend (perforated strip / wire). Fig. 96: Exhaust pipe connection with collar Insulation of the exhaust pipe: ►► Insulate the exhaust pipe with 30 mm thick, foilbacked mineral wool. ! Attention: The mineral wool must be suitable for temperatures up to 160 °C. If a sheet-metal jacket is used, additional supports are necessary. 38 - 55 mm insulation punch band silicon inlay exhaust pipe Pipe support: ►► Only attach the pipe supports in the horizontal part of the exhaust pipe. The following table indicates the number of pipe supports required. The last support near the inlet pipe is V-shaped to limit the lateral movement of the inlet pipe. This ensures that an even air gap can be achieved around the inlet pipe Fig. 97: Spring-mounted exhaust pipe supports streched length of pipe supports exhaust pipeline recommended pipe supports minimum 3m 2 2 4m 2-3 2 5m 3 2 6m 3-4 2 7m 4 2 Removing the mounting aids from the inlet pipe: ►► Loosen the tightening strap on the inlet pipe and the screw on the condensate drain of the inlet pipe. ►► Remove the mounting aid from the inlet pipe. 14/4798.232.106 Installation | 89 Dachs with MSR2 Fig. 98: V-shaped suspension for the inlet pipe Installing the condensate drain: ►► Screw the plastic hose from the accessories box to the condensate drain coupling of the inlet pipe. exhaust pipe reducer mounting spacer ►► Fix the hose to the wall using the two screws and clamps provided. conduit ►► Insert the hose into an acid-proof container (e.g. 10 litre plastic bucket), a condensate drain or an existing neutralisation system. i Notice: Only small amounts of condensate are produced. With regular operation, the condensate evaporates and does not have to be disposed of separately. worm drive clamp bellow worm drive clamp exhaust coupling Fig. 99: Fitting the bellows Fitting the exhaust bellows: ►► Raise the exhaust pipe at the connection to the exhaust coupling, and remove the mounting spacer between the reducer and the exhaust coupling. ►► Mount the bellows between the Dachs exhaust gas coupling and the reducer. ►► Fix the bellows with the worm drive hose clips. Fig. 100: Installed bellows Correcting the exhaust pipe support: ►► Check whether the exhaust pipe sags. ►► After removing the mounting aids, make sure that the inlet pipe does not touch the coupling piece, and that the distance between the reducer and the Dachs exhaust gas coupling is unchanged. ►► Check and correct the length of the springs if necessary. They should be between 38 mm and 55 mm. 90 | Installation ! Attention: Check that the worm drive hose clips are properly seated to ensure gastight fixing. Ensure that the approx. 70 mm long pipe piece, which is screwed into the exhaust pipe coupling, is not removed. It reduces the thermal load of the bellows. The bellows must be stress-free. 14/4798.232.106 Dachs with MSR2 6.8.5 Condensate drain for the condensing unit Operation with neutralisation box (recommended): SenerTec recommends using the optionally available neutralisation box (art. no.: 4700-517-xxx) for cleaning the condensed water. . ! Attention: Important! All hose connections must have a gradient of at least 3 %. (min. 3 cm/m). 6.8.6 Exhaust system with condensing unit The exhaust system has to be installed according to the manufacturer´s data. Please ensure that the requried venting space of the shaft is given, as well as the shaft and the exhaust system complies with the regulations for plant rooms and fire protection. The exhaust gas duct is to be installed with an inclination of at least 3° and/or 5.5 cm/m in order to ensure a drain of the condensate (produced inside the exhaust pipes) back to the condensing unit´s siphon. In addition it is important to install the exhaust system without static load at the exhaust stud (to prevent this an installation of pipe brackets with sound insulation inserts is suitable). 14/4798.232.106 Installation | 91 Dachs with MSR2 6.9 Electrical connections 6.9.1 MSR2 controller Access to electrical connections: For connecting the cable harness, the controller must be opened further. ►► Loosen Phillips screws on the logic unit. Fig. 101: Phillips screws of logic unit ►► Slightly raise the logic unit control panel and swing 90° upwards. ►► Fit the notch in the control panel over the top edge of the controller's rear panel, and secure it in this position. Fig. 102: Securing the logic unit Unit: Connector: Logic Unit with key pad, display and logic circuit board X22 Power Unit X24 * On the connections X6 could be external voltage even though the unit is shut down on the main switch. X23 X6* external voltage PE, N other consumers Contactor assembly with main switch * After starting the unit on the main switch a self check of the unit is proceeded and all four LEDs on the keypad are flashing (short simultaneous lightning) and the display starts. The main switch (motor circuit breaker) shuts down the Dachs unit from the mains supply. supply line X18, X19 PE, N internal cable harness main switch* Fig. 103: Overview of the connections 92 | Installation 14/4798.232.106 Dachs with MSR2 6.9.2 Power factor correction of the Dachs Every MSR2 controller is equipped with a capacitor to comply with the country specific requirements of a lagging operation. The capacitor is installed behind the power board and protected by the fuses F8, F9 and F10. i Notice: In the lagging operation the generator takes inductive reactive power from the public grid. In this way the voltage rise is reduced when the generator feeds into the grid. The positive effect is a stabilisation of the voltage network of the public grid. Country specific power factor correction: UK cos φ ≥ 0.95lagging IT cos φ ≥ 0.90lagging ES cos φ ≥ 0.98lagging Others cos φ ≥ 0.95lagging 14/4798.232.106 Installation | 93 Dachs with MSR2 6.9.3 Cable harness Fitting the internal cable harness: ►► Feed the cable harness located inside the Dachs through the access hole in the controller housing. grommet Tip ►► Feed all plugs from the cable harnes individually through the insulation / grommet. ! Attention: Ensure that the edge protection of the access hole is still correctly seated after feeding the cable harness through. No cables should lie directly on the sheet metal edge, as the wire insulation could get damaged during operation. edge protection The connector plugs are polarised, and are to be connected in accordance with the following figures.. ! Fig. 104: Feeding the cable harness from the Dachs to the controller. Attention: Ensure that the connectors are inserted correctly in the respective sockets, and that the safety catches are engaged. Cable harness and electrical supply connections: The controller is divided into two sections. The lower one with the supply voltages, and the top one with the connections to the power and logic circuit boards. ►► Connect the plugs X18 and X19 at the contactor unit. Fig. 105: Plug X18, X19 ►► Connect the neutral and protection earth wire of the internal cable harness directly on the terminal strip of the contactor unit (N and PE). External connection of the supply line(s), please see chapter 6.9.17. Note: You can find additional controller specific documentation inside the controller. neutral protection earth Fig. 106: Connect neutral and protection earth of the internal cable harness 94 | Installation 14/4798.232.106 Dachs with MSR2 X22 ►► Insert the 15-pin plug X22 in the upper part of the power PCB. ►► Connect the 16-pin plug X24 and the 12-pin plug X23 to the left-hand edge of the power PCB. X24 X23 Fig. 107: Connection of X22, X23, X24 on the power PCB Inserting external leads (only Dachs G/F): ►► Remove the large grommet on the controller rear side. ►► Feed the connecting leads provided on the gas supply pipe bridge into the controller. ►► Press the grommet into the housing hole. ►► Connect the 9-pin plug from the gas supply to the internal cable harness. Fig. 108: Inserting the connecting leads (only Dachs G/F) Connectors: Notice: Ensure that all plugs are inserted correctly: • 2 plugs on the contactor assembly. (X18 / X19) i • 1 protective earth lead from internal cable harness • 1 neutral conductor from internal cable harness • 3 plugs on the power unit (X22 / X23 / X24) • 1 plug external / internal cable harness (X20, only on Dachs G/F) Fig. 109: Connecting external and internal cable harness (only Dachs G/F) ►► Fix the internal cable harness at the right site of the controller with the rubber strap (from controller accessory kit). Fig. 110: Fixing the internal cable harness 14/4798.232.106 Installation | 95 Dachs with MSR2 6.9.4 Connection of the temperature safety limiter (STL) of the condensing unit at the MSR2 X5 i Notice: Cable between Dachs and STL is a 3 pole, 1.0 mm². The electrical connection at the controller is according to table opposite and other safety devices must be installed in a serial connection. 230V AC 230V AC X6 F11 4A/T F12 4A/T 1 5 emergency switch CHP unit (outside the heating room) black brown yellow/green X6/6-8 X6/9-10 F14 4A/T X6/11-12 X6/2 X6/1 X5/5 X5/4 X5/3 X5/2 X5/1 X6/3-5 F13 4A/T 1 12 Connection PCB Wire/no. X5/1 brown X5/2 black PE bar yellow/green condensing unit STB Fig. 112: Connection STB condensing unit at MSR2 6.9.5 Equipotential bonding of the Dachs equipotential bonding The Dachs must be connected to the building‘s equipotential bonding circuit in accordance with the local regulations. The bonding point is located on the return flow coupling of the Dachs as standard. min. 1 × 6 mm2 according to national regulations 5,5 kW Multi-module systems: G 3~ +– Equipotential bonding can be provided by means of inter-module connections using the same cable cross-section according to national regulations (e.g. 1 × 6 mm2 DE; 1 × 10 mm2 UK). 3~ 400V AC 12 V – Fig. 111: Equipotential bonding point on the Dachs return flow 6.9.6 Connection of the buffer sensors at the MSR2 Connection of the buffer sensors Tab.12: Hydraulic code 1.X.X.X evaluation of 3 buffer sensors 1 12 1 4 3 6 X4/11-12 X4/9-10 5V DC X4/7-8 X4/5-6 X4/3-4 X4/1-2 X4 Connection power PCB Wire/no. X4/1 3 X4/2 6 X4/3 1 X4/4 4 X4/7 2 X4/8 5 2 5 Fig. 113: Connection of 3 buffer sensors 96 | Installation 14/4798.232.106 Dachs with MSR2 6.9.7 External actuators and sensors at the MSR2 controller The connection X3 - X6 are on the power board, the connections X7 - X12 are on the SE ancillary board. 1 3 X3 12 V X3/2 GND i Notice: Sensor lines do not conduct mains voltage and must not be installed in parallel to the live lines (separate installation). Otherwise, screened lines are to be installed. Sensor connection lines: Cu line up to 30 m: min. 0.6 mm2. Cu line up to 45 m: min. 0.8 mm2. Cu line up to 60 m: min. 1.0 mm2. Cu line up to 90 m: min. 1.5 mm2. Line types: e.g. LiYY or LiYCY (screened). Fig. 114: X3 energy meter 1 X3 energy meter 1: The connection X3 is actually not used and without function. X4 external sensors: On the X4 area are following sensor connected: ●● return flow temperature sensor ●● supply flow temperature sensor X4 5V DC ●● sensor 2 (additional temperature sensor) ●● the module enable 1 X4/11-12 X4/7-8 X4/5-6 ●● sensor 1 (additional temperature sensor F1) X4/3-4 X4/1-2 and either X4/9-10 ●● outdoor temperature sensor 12 Fig. 115: Sensor connections on power PCB or ●● 3 × current demand i Notice: In the case of a failure of a temperature sensor included in the scope of delivery of the Dachs, only the original SenerTec GmbH sensors shall be used as spare parts. The sensors are fitted with a contact plate, with which the sensor can be mounted on the heating pipe or on the buffer vessel. To mount the sensor in a thermowell, the contact plate must be modified by bending and shortening the plate until the sensor fits into the thermowell. 14/4798.232.106 contact sensor modified for thermowell Fig. 116: Temperature sensors for pipe and thermowell mounting Installation | 97 Dachs with MSR2 i Notice: The return temperature sensor is included in the standard Dachs scope of delivery. 1 12 1 2 Fig. 117: Connections of return temperature sensor return flow heating circuit The return temperature sensor is connected to X4/1-2. The position of the return temperature sensor at the SE750 buffer vessel is described in chapter 6.2.3. Hydraulic codes 4.X.X.X und 5.X.X.X (no buffer vessel): The return flow temperature sensor is designed for pipe mounting. Mount the sensor directly on the return flow pipe using the enclosed worm drive hose clip. i X4/11-12 X4/7-8 5V DC X4/5-6 X4/1-2 Return flow temperature sensor: X4/3-4 X4 X4/9-10 Note: The position of the flow and return temperature sensor depends on the hydraulic code and are shown in the hydraulic booklet. return temperature sensor Notice: If the heating system uses plastic pipes, you must fit a metal pipe where the sensor is to be installed. Fig. 118: Scheme: connection of return temperature sensor Supply flow temperature sensor: X4 5V DC 1 Like the return flow sensor, the flow sensor is designed for pipe mounting. Therefore, this sensor must also be mounted to a metal pipe. X4/11-12 X4/9-10 12 1 2 Fig. 119: Connections of supply temperature sensor supply temperature sensor SF heating circuit At an installation without buffer vessel (hydraulic code 4.X.X.X and 5.X.X.X) the flow temperature sensor with strap must be installed directly at the flow run of the heating system. X4/7-8 X4/5-6 X4/1-2 The position of the return temperature sensor at the SE750 buffer vessel is described in chapter 6.2.3. X4/3-4 The flow temperature sensor is connected at X4/3-4. Fig. 120: Scheme: Connection of supply temperature sensor 98 | Installation 14/4798.232.106 Dachs with MSR2 Outdoor temperature sensor: 1 X4/11-12 5V DC X4/9-10 X4/5-6 X4/1-2 Experience has shown that the north or north- temperature sensor western wall is suited for mounting the outdoor sensor. However, if the building is heated via several separately controlled heating circuits, you must mount the outdoor sensor to the outside wall of the building part whose heating circuit is connected to the Dachs. X4/3-4 X4 X4/7-8 ►► Connect outdoor temperature sensor to the controller's terminal strip X4/5-6. 12 1 2 ►► Mount the outdoor temperature sensor approx. 2-2.5 m above ground. Fig. 121: Connections of outdoor temperature sensor If the building has several floors, mount the sensor in the top half of the second floor. Do not mount the sensor above windows, doors, air vents or immediately under balconies or roof gutters to prevent undesirable influences on the measurement. Fig. 122: Outdoor temperature sensor in housing 1 X4/11-12 5V DC X4/9-10 X4/5-6 X4/1-2 The contacts X4/7-8 and X4/9-10 can be also used for temperature sensor or as inputs for electrical demand, depending the setting and installation. X4/3-4 X4 X4/7-8 Sensor 1 / sensor 2 / electrical demand: 12 Enable module / electrical demand. Connection X4/11-12 can be used for enabling the module according to load demand via external signal. Load demand External signals can come for example from: Fig. 123: Connections for enabling module / current demand ●● External timer ●● dry contact (BMS, load management) External module enabling via terminals X4/1112 is independent from the internal module enabling. The following table is only valid for the function enable module. ●● ripple control system ●● or similar Note: Contact X4/11-12 Operation status Dachs Heat produced by open enabled, only together with internal release Dachs and 2nd heat appliance (depends on hydraulic code) closed Dachs blocked 2nd heat appliance 14/4798.232.106 The function of connections X4/78, X4/9-10, X4/11-12 as well as X9/7-8 and X9/9-10 is described in the document Digital Load Curve Demand (Electrical Demand) on the MSR2 (art. no.: 4798.304.xxx). Installation | 99 Dachs with MSR2 6.9.8 X5 External actuators Safety chain: Terminals X5/1-2 can be connected in series with either one or several emergency switches. The figure beside shows the connection ot the safety switch (isolater switch) if required to install. Please check national regulations for this safety device. ! Attention: If an emergency switch with neutral connection is required, the neutral wire must be connected at the contactor unit at the supply connection. The voltage supply for the safety chain comes only from the contactor unit. Fig. 124: Connection of external actuators emergency switch with glow lamp The external electrical mains connection of the supply line is explained in chapter 6.9.17. Please see chapter 6.9.16 for detailed information and schematic diagrams about emergency stop switch. Contactor unit V2.0 N connection at supply line other safety devices (e.g. STL) Fig. 125: Connection of emergency switch in safety chain emergency switch of Dachs (outside the heating room) yellow/green black brown STL condensing unit Fig. 126: Connection of the emergency switch and the safety temperature limiter (STL) 100 | Installation 14/4798.232.106 Dachs with MSR2 Oil / gas feed pump (Supply 2): Setting position X5/3 ON if Dachs start requested OFF if Dachs shutdown Circulation pump for 2nd. heat appliance (Supply 2): The auxiliary circulating pump for the second heat generator is connected to output terminal X5/4 (hydraulic code X.X.3.X). Fig. 127: Connection of fuel feed pump Setting position X5/4 ON if 2nd. heat generator starts OFF 4 minutes after the shutdown of the 2nd heat generator Phase L1 (Supply 2): Phase L1 (230 V) is available at output terminal X5/5 when the main switch is switched on. The neutral must be connected to the N bar and the protection earth at the earting bar. Fig. 128: Connection of circulating pump of second heat generator 14/4798.232.106 Installation | 101 Dachs with MSR2 6.9.9 X6 external voltage Danger: If unit is shut down by main switch there still could be voltage supply at X6. ! Attention: If power supply and signal lines are installed together, disturbances caused by induction can be present. Please install the power supply lines always separate from signal lines. 230V AC X6 F11 4A/T X6/6-8 F13 4A/T X6/9-10 F14 4A/T X6/11-12 X6/2 The double-throw contacts can either be supplied with an external voltage or with an internal voltage from MSR2 (Phase L1 at X5/5). X6/1 X6/3-5 F12 4A/T 1 12 Fig. 129: Connection of external voltage to the power PCB DHW demand / high setpoint heating: Input terminal X6/1 is used when a higher temperature level is required in the heating network, e.g. hot water preparation or for heating equipment with high heat demand. 230V AC With hydraulic code X.4.X.X, the function DHW is preset and cannot be modified. F12 4A/T X6/6-8 F13 4A/T X6/9-10 F14 4A/T X6/11-12 X6/2 X6/3-5 X6/1 Funct. prog. Input 2: X6 F11 4A/T 1 X6/2 can be used as an input: ●● For the summer / winter change-over. 12 Fig. 130: Demand for higher setpoint value ●● Operating status 2nd heat generator Summer / Winter mode no voltage -> Summer voltage -> Winter no voltage Status 2nd heat appliance voltage 102 | Installation X6 F11 4A/T X6/3-5 F12 4A/T X6/6-8 F13 4A/T X6/9-10 F14 4A/T X6/11-12 X6/2 Function of programmable input 2 230V AC X6/1 i Notice: With Hydraulic code X.X.2.X (SEplus) the 2nd heat appliance is set by default and can not be used. 1 12 -> 2nd heat appliance off -> 2nd heat appliance on Fig. 131: Funct. prog. Input 2 14/4798.232.106 Dachs with MSR2 Control of heat generator: 230V AC Function enable heat generator F13 4A/T F14 4A/T X6/9-10 X6/6-8 X6/11-12 12 Enabled Notice: If a 2nd heat appliance is controlled by the Dachs, the informaton sticker (art.no.: 4763.122.xxx) has to be put on the 2nd heat appliance. Programmable output 1 (menu 11/5/9): enable boiler Tip for checking the enabling of the 2nd heat genarator the 2nd heat generator has to be enabled by switched-off main switch! Fig. 132: Enable heat generator Single system: Outputs X6/6-8 can be used as NC / NO or as change-over contacts. The following controller functions are available: X5/1 ●● Control of external thermostatic pump (NO X6/6-7). External pumps runs synchronously to internal Dachs water pump. X5 230V AC 230V AC 1 5 X6 F11 4A/T X6/3-5 X6/2 2nd heat appliance is enabled when contact open remove bridge X6/1 X6/3 and 5 example for control box of 2nd heat generator X5/5 2nd heat appliance is enabled when contact closed (e.g. immersion heater) X5/4 X6/3 and 4 X5/3 i X6/3-5 F12 4A/T 1 X5/2 Function enable heat generator X6/2 X6/1 Outputs X6/3-4 or 5 can be used as potential-free NO or NC contact for controlling the second heat generator. X6 F11 4A/T F12 4A/T X6/6-8 F13 4A/T F14 4A/T X6/9-10 X6/11-12 1 12 For multi module installation please check chapter 5.2.10 Multi module system. ●● Additional heat load (NC X6/6-8) Control of an additional heat load (heat consumer) to keep the unit running in mode of electrical demand (please look on next page). Pump OFF 14/4798.232.106 - Internal Dachs circulaton pump off Thermostatic pump (multi module system) - One of the internal Dachs circulation pumps in the group of three is off or no emergency operation of module 4, 7 or 10. Additional heat load - electrical demand off or inlet temperature < setpoint OFF [°C] Multi-module system: 1 1 X6/2 X5/4 X5/5 5 X6/1 230V AC 230V AC X5/3 X5 X5/2 Pump ON Thermostatic pump (single unit) - Internal Dachs circulaton pump on Thermostatic pump (multi module system) - One of the internal Dachs circulation pumps in the group of three is on or emergency operaton of module 4, 7 or 10. Additional heat load - electrical demand and inlet temperature > setpoint ON [°C] X5/1 Function of programmable output 1 X6 F11 4A/T X6/3-5 F12 4A/T X6/6-8 F13 4A/T X6/9-10 F14 4A/T X6/11-12 12 Fig. 133: Programmable output 1: thermostatic pump Installation | 103 Dachs with MSR2 5 X6 F11 4A/T F12 4A/T X6/3-5 X6/2 X6/1 X5/5 X5/4 X5/2 1 F13 4A/T F14 4A/T X6/9-10 X6/6-8 X6/11-12 1 12 N PE Fig. 134: Programmable output 1: e.g. additional heat consumer Attention: If the thermostatic pump is supplied together with other electrical devices the connection of the neutral conductor is important. The neutral conductor of the thermostatic pump under no cicumstances may be connected with the neutral of the other electrical devices. 230V AC X6 F11 4A/T F12 4A/T X6/3-5 X6/1 ! 230V AC 230V AC X6/6-8 F13 4A/T F14 4A/T X6/9-10 X6/11-12 X6/2 2. The voltage supply comes from external. In this case take care because the controler is still supplied with electricity on X6, even if the main switch is off. X5/1 1. The voltage supply of the thermostatic pump is from X5/5. In this case the thermostatic pump will shut down if the main switch of this unit is shut down. This means the thermostic pumps is not available for the other Dachs modules which are combined in this group of two/three. X5 X5/3 When using the thermosatic pump in a multi module system there are two possible ways to supply the pump with electricity in combination with the prog. output 1. Please install it according to local regulations: 1 12 N PE Maintenance: Fig. 135: Connection of signal device for maintenance 230V AC X6 F11 4A/T F12 4A/T X6/3-5 F13 4A/T X6/6-8 F14 4A/T X6/9-10 X6/11-12 X6/2 The voltage supply for the notification signal can be provided internally via phase L1 contact X5/5 e.g. for a 230 V signalling lamp, or externally e.g. with low voltage. The Dachs can continue operation up to the maintenance interval. 230 V light or other signal X6/1 300 operating hours or 30 days (max. limit 2 years) before reaching the maintenance interval, the Dachs notifies the pending maintenance on the display, and at output X6/9-10. 1 Setting position X6/9-10 Single unit Warning signal is shown 300 operating hours or 30 days (max. limit 2 years) before service. Multi-module system The master controller ensures that each unit has equal operating hours. This means that the warning signal is given for all when one reaches 300 operating hours before maintenance. 12 PE N 5 V / 24 V / 230 V Fig. 136: Connection of signal device for maintenance by external voltage supply 230V AC X6 F11 4A/T F12 4A/T F13 4A/T F14 4A/T Error message: X6/6-8 1 PE X6/9-10 X6/11-12 X6/2 X6/3-5 X6/1 If a fault should occur whilst operating the Dachs, this is signalled by an LED in the display, and via the output contact X6/11-12. The voltage supply for the signal device can be provided internally via phase L1 contact X5/5 e.g. for a 230 V signalling lamp, or externally e.g. with low voltage. 12 N 230 V light or other signal Fig. 137: Connection of signal device for fault 104 | Installation 14/4798.232.106 Dachs with MSR2 Function X6/11-12 Multi module system X6 F11 4A/T F12 4A/T F13 4A/T F14 4A/T Signal (e.g. for a 230V light) is active at the Master controller and shows faults from master L1 and all modules. The fault LED will be lit on the controller that is in fault.. X6/2 Same signal (e.g. for a 230 light) as the fault LED on the MSR2 keypad. X6/1 Single unit 230V AC X6/3-5 X6/6-8 X6/9-10 X6/11-12 1 PE 12 N 5 V / 24 V / 230 V Fig. 138: Connection of signal device with external voltage Operating indicator (mains supply 2): An operating indicator can be connected to terminal X1/1. 230 V light or other signal Fig. 139: Connection of operating indicator via 230 V light or other signal 230 V relais Fig. 140: Connection of operating signal via 230 V relais 14/4798.232.106 Installation | 105 Dachs with MSR2 6.9.10 X7 external sensors (ancillary board SE) 1 Output (X7/1-2) and input (X7/3-4) are interfaces for system expansion. 4 X7/1 GND X7/3 GND X7 Fig. 141: Connecting panel X7 on ancillary board SE 6.9.11 X8 external sensors (ancillary board SE) 1 Connections X8/1-3 are without function. The flow measurement for the service water box SE 30 is connected to terminals X8/4-6. 6 12 V X8/2 GND 12 V X8/5 GND X8 Fig. 142: Connecting panel X8 on ancillary board SE 6.9.12 X9 external sensors (ancillary board SE) X9 The following external sensors can be connected to X9: 5V DC ●● Two further temperature sensors / current demand. i 1 X9/9-10 X9/7-8 ●● Service water sensor. X9/5-6 ●● Supply flow temperature sensor of heating circuit 2. X9/3-4 X9/1-2 ●● Supply flow temperature sensor of heating circuit 1. 10 Fig. 143: Connecting panel X9 on ancillary board SE Notice: With hydraulic code X.2.X.X, the function of sensor input 3 (X9/7-8) is preset to Temperature sensor and cannot be changed. 106 | Installation 14/4798.232.106 Dachs with MSR2 6.9.13 X10 external sensors (ancillary board SE) F32 4A/T All connections of X10 are supplied by mains supply 2. ●● Pump of heating circuit 1. 1 X10/9 X10/8 X10/7 X10/6 230V AC X10/5 X10/4 X10/3 X10/1 The following devices are connected to the connecting panel for control: X10/2 X10 9 PE N ●● Mixer of heating circuit 1. M ●● Pump of heating circuit 2. ●● Circulation pump. X10/9 230V AC X10/8 X10/4 X10/3 X10/2 X10 X10/7 Notice: Phase L1 (230 V supplied from L4 mains supply 2), is available at output terminal X10/9 when the main switch is switched on. X10/1 i F32 4A/T X10/6 ●● Charging pump. Fig. 144: Connection of heating circuit pump and mixer, using heating circuit 1 as an example X10/5 ●● Mixer of heating circuit 2. 1 9 PE N Figure opposite shows the connection of the DHW charging pump according to hydraulic code X.2.X.X (external DHW boiler). Fig. 145: Connection of DHW pump Figure opposite shows the connection of the DHW pump with hydraulic code X.1.X.X. F30 4A/T X11/1 230V AC X10/9 X10/8 X11 X10/7 X10/6 X10/5 230V AC X10/4 X10/3 X10/2 X10 X10/1 ! Attention: Only a standard pump (e.g. 3 stage pump) can be connected. Electronic pumps (e.g. high efficiency pumps) are not suitable, as the voltage is triggered. PE X11/2-4 N Fig. 146: Connection of DHW pump with SE30 Figure opposite shows the connection of the DHW circulation pump. F32 4A/T 1 X10/9 X10/8 X10/7 230V AC X10/5 X10/4 X10/3 X10/2 X10/1 X10 X10/6 At the controller you can set the timer for the operation of the circulation pump. 9 PE N Fig. 147: Connection of circulation pump 14/4798.232.106 Installation | 107 Dachs with MSR2 6.9.14 X11 external sensors (ancillary board SE) Programmable input 3: ●● Fault input 2nd heat generator (e.g. SEplus) as default with hydraulic code X.X.2.X. Programmable output 2: X11/2-4 can be used as NC / NO contacts or as change-over contacts. The following controller functions are stored: X11/1 230V AC X11/1 can be used as: F30 4A/T X11 1 4 Fig. 148: Connecting panel X11 ●● Control of an additional heat consumer (see programmable output 1 in chapter 6.9.9) X12 Notice: Depending on the hydraulic code, presettings can either be modified or are fixed. 3 X12/1-3 i X11/2-4 1 F31 4A/T 6.9.15 X12 external voltage (ancillary board SE) Programmable output 3: Fig. 149: Programmable output 3 X12/1-3 can be used as NC / NO contacts or as change-over contacts. At the moment this output is without function. 108 | Installation 14/4798.232.106 Dachs with MSR2 6.9.16 Emergency stop switch In accordance with local regulations (VDE 0116 or EN 57116) an emergency stop switch may be required to be installed outside the installation room. Emergency shutdown is done either directly via a 4-pole or a 1-pole emergency stop switch with double-throw contact, which is integrated in the safety chain of the Dachs. By using the safety chain, the emergency shutdown can also be carried out via the contactor of an existing emergency shutdown circuit. If the Dachs is installed in its own room, a new emergency stop switch must be fitted. Four-pole lockable emergency stop switch Red knob with yellow background. The system is disconnected from the mains by means of an all-pole cutout. Q2 25 A supply line NYM min. 5 × 2.5 mm2 mains/emergency stop switch (outside installation room) installation room ra m m mains supply connection di ag 5,5kW at ic 3~ +- min. 1 × 6 mm2 according to national regulations G 3~ he m 400V AC sc 12V Fig. 150: Four-pole emergency stop switch Single-pole emergency stop switch The single-pole emergency stop switch interrupts the safety chain of the Dachs and leads to shutdown with disconnection from the mains and engine standstill. supply line NYM min. 5 × 2.5 mm2 mains/emergency switch 10 A installation room NYM min. 4 × 1.5 mm2 safety chain Dachs sc he m at ic di a gr am m mains supply connection 5,5kW 3~ +- min. 1 × 6 mm2 according to national regulations G 3~ 400V AC 12V Fig. 151: Single-pole emergency stop switch 14/4798.232.106 Installation | 109 Dachs with MSR2 Connection of the emergency isolater switch in case of two mains supply connection Power board MSR2 3 230V AC 1 X4/11-12 5V DC X6 F11 4A/T F12 4A/T X6/6-8 F13 4A/T X6/9-10 F14 4A/T X6/11-12 X6/2 X6/3-5 X6/1 X4/9-10 X4/3-4 12 V X3/2 GND X4/1-2 X4 X4/7-8 X3 X4/5-6 1 1 12 12 emergency swith with glow lamp ! Contactor unit V2.0, N connection on the supply line other safety devices (e.g. STL) Attention: If a neutral conductor is necessary at the emergency isolater with glow lamp, the neutral conductor must be connected on the supply line at the contactor unit. The voltage supply of the safety chain is connected via the supply line. Fig. 152: Emergency swith with glow lamp with two supply lines Emergency stop switch in multi-module systems: Example: 4 modules with 1 contactor (4 NC contacts for signalling, and 4 NO contacts for safety chain) can be switched off via a central emergency switch via the Dachs safety chain. With a different number of modules, the contactor must be selected and connected accordingly. Q2 25 A boiler voltage supply safety chain module 1 Ø ≥ 3 × 1.5 supply line NYM min. 5 × 2.5 mm2 existing mains/ emergency stop switch 5,5kW 3~ +- 400V AC m gr am di a at ic em safety chain module 2 12V Dachs 1 supply line NYM min. 5 × 2.5 mm2 Ø ≥ 3 × 1.5 5,5kW 3~ +- G 3~ mains supply connection min. 1 × 6 mm2 according to national regulations 400V AC 12V safety chain module 3 Dachs 2 supply line NYM min. 5 × 2.5 mm2 Ø ≥ 3 × 1.5 sc h safety chain module 4 safety chain module 3 4A sub-distribution G 3~ mains supply connection min. 1 × 6 mm2 according to national regulations 5,5kW 3~ 3G + Modul 3~ mains supply connection min. 1 × 6 mm2 according to national regulations 400V AC 12V Dachs 3 Fig. 153: Emergency switch in multi-module systems 110 | Installation 14/4798.232.106 Dachs with MSR2 6.9.17 Electrical mains connections Within the installation works, protective measures must comply with the relevant norms and regulations. Please comply with the local regulations for the connection of generator / micro CHP unit to the public grid. For comparison purposes some valid German regulations are here listed: ●● DIN VDE 0100-551 Selection and erection of electrical equipment - low voltage generating sets. ●● DIN VDE 0100-410 Selection and erection of electrical equipment - protective measures, protection against electrical shock. ●● DIN VDE 0100-430 Selection and erection of electrical equipment - protective measures, protection against overcurrent. ●● DIN VDE 0100-100 Selection and erection of electrical equipment - part 1: General principles, terms and general characteristics, definitions. ! Attention: The connection according to DIN VDE 0100 551 is not possible to a final circuit. The installation of the connection must be realised fix (without plug) e.g. in a sub distribution and over a isolator device with min. 3 mm contact distance (e.g. fuses, circuit breaker). Other electrical devices are not allowed to be connected in the supply. Note: Also see Instructions for the installation and operation of the immersion heater for the Dachs SE (only MSR2 V2.0) (art. no.: 4798.212.xxx). Note: Detailed information about the connection are available at the connection diagram (art. no.: 4798.415.xxx) in the MSR2 controller door as well in following chapter Connection MSR2 controller. Protection devices and cable length: The mains supply connection of the Dachs should be ensured with 3 × 20 Amp, type C or K circuit breakers in the supply line 1. To reduce voltage losses and shut downs because of over voltage, ensure a correct design of the supply line with minimum voltage drop. Furthermore the supply line must be designed for a circuit breaker of 20 Amps, cable length and type of cable conduit. The cable size must be at least 5 × 2.5 mm². 14/4798.232.106 Tab.13: As an indication for voltage drop vs. cable diameter Length of cable Diameter ΔU < 1% ΔU < 0,5% 2.5 mm l < 23 m l < 12 m 4 mm l < 37 m l < 18 m 2 6 mm l < 55 m l < 28 m 10 mm2 l < 92 m l < 46 m 2 2 Installation | 111 Dachs with MSR2 6.9.18 Connection within the distribution network Z1: Please note that the installation of the Dachs complies with local regulations for meter position and installation of safetey-related components (e.g. additonal fuses). Mains connection at meter board on an existing power distribution board RCD: Residual Current Device GPD: Grid Protection Device Mains connection at existing power distribution board low voltage grid of the DNO ~ 400 / 230 V low voltage grid of the DNO~ 400 / 230 V meter board meter board Schematic diagramm Z1 Z1 * C 20 A * C 20 A RCD I∆n 30 mA ** ** RCD I∆n 30 mA reserve reserve distribution board (sub-distribution) distribution board (sub-distribution) * Please check local regulations, if necessary additional safety devices and/or fuses have to be installed.. ** SenerTec recommends the installation of a RCD. Please check local regulations. Fig. 154: Schematic diagram: Mains connection on an existing board 112 | Installation 14/4798.232.106 Dachs with MSR2 Mains connection with multi module system Mains connection on separate Dachs distribution board low voltage grid of the DNO~ 400 / 230 V low voltage grid of the DNO~ 400 / 230 V meter board meter board Z1 Z1 * * ** separate (new) distribution board for the Dachs (sub-distribution) GPD C 20 A C 20 A C 20 A C 20 A C 20 A C 20 A RCD I∆n 30 mA RCD RCD RCD RCD RCD I∆n 30 mA reserve reserve distribution board existing (sub-distribution) Schmatic diagramm L1 M2 M3 M4 M5 * Probably an additonal fuse is necessary. Please comply with the local regulations. ** Please check for a multi module system, if necessary an external protection device is installed. Please check your local regulations regarding total installed output. Fig. 155: Schematic diagram: Mains supply for own distribution board / multi module system 14/4798.232.106 Installation | 113 Dachs with MSR2 6.9.19 Mains supply at the MSR2 controller Connection of supply line Fig. 156: Connection of supply line Connection of neutral and protection earth of the internal cable harness ! N Attention: The N and PE connection of the internal cable harness must be connected at the contactor unit supply terminal for N and PE. PE Fig. 157: N and PE connection of the internal cable harness 114 | Installation 14/4798.232.106 Dachs with MSR2 Connection of other devices ! PE bar Attention: The connection of N and PE of other devices (pumps, mixing valves, etc) is connected directly as usual on the N and PE bar. N bar Fig. 158: N and PE connection of other devices ►► Install the mains supply according to the shown cases above and to the type of contactor unit of the MSR2 controller. ►► Attach the supplied adhesive label (art. no.: 4763.176.xxx ) at the main distribution and also at the sub-distribution if required. Fig. 159: Adhesive label main/sub-distribution 14/4798.232.106 Installation | 115 Dachs with MSR2 6.10 Filling the installation ! Attention: Before filling the system, please note the requirements regarding heating water (chapter 5.2.3) and the frost protection as well as the instructions of the information brochure regarding the hot water preparation (art. no.: 4798.399.xxx). 1 2 ►► Check whether sufficient operating pressure (at least 1.0 bar) is in the heating circuit. ►► First of all only open the return flow ball valves a little and fill the Dachs via water inlet until sufficient water escapes from the venting valve 1 . ►► Then open both ball valves completely and vent at the thermostat housing 3 and at the water inlet 2 until the system is air-free. ►► After filling, vent the: 3 Fig. 160: Venting valves at the Dachs 1 2 4 5 ●● condensing unit 4 , 6 ●● the buffer vessel SE750 5 and ●● the SE30 hot water module 6 and 7 , if installed. i 7 Notice: After commissioning, vent at all vent valves. Fig. 161: Venting valves at SE components 116 | Installation 14/4798.232.106 Dachs with MSR2 6.11 Completing the installation Replacing the soundproof enclosure: i Notice: If the unit is to include the optional heavy layer insulaton kit, install the kit according to the manual (art.no.: 4798.160.xxx) before assembling the enclosure. ●● If the rear panel 1 has been removed, begin with this panel. 6 (opened) 5 ►► Place the rear panel in the gap between floor sump and base frame. 3 ►► Turn the quick-release catches 6 so that the slots are parallel to the housing edge. In this position the catches can be turned by hand without requiring a tool. 1 2 ►► Continue with the side panels 2 and 3 of the Dachs. ►► Engage the bottom catches first, to allow the top catches to centre themselves. ►► Finally mount the front panel 4 and lid 5 . 4 Fig. 162: Replacement sequence of the soundproof enclosure 14/4798.232.106 Installation | 117 Dachs with MSR2 7 Commissioning 7.1 General Prior to commissioning, the following requirements are to be met: ●● All assembly work has been completed. ●● The following check list has been worked through. ●● The electrical equipment of the system is completely installed. ●● The consumer loads are electrically connected. ●● The hydraulic equipment of the system is completely installed. ●● The system is filled and vented on the heating side. ●● The exhaust gas ducting is completely installed. ●● The gas/oil connection is implemented and checked. ! Attention: The commissioning of the unit is only permitted by service engineers trained by SenerTec or certified bodies for SenerTec product trainings. Please check preventive measures and control the main and sub-distribution. Before Commissioning: ●● A leak test must be carried out by the responsible GSC. ●● The exhaust gas system must be approved by the responsible chimney sweep (e.g. sharing of chimney). ●● registration of the Dachs with the responsible DNO, with approval of the connection point to the public grid, if necessary. Only then the Dachs can be commissioned together with the contractual installation partner (heating & electric company, town utility services, etc.), possibly witnessed by the responsible DNO. Remember the notification obligation with the responsible DNO and the main customs office. 118 | Commissioning 14/4798.232.106 Dachs with MSR2 7.2 Checklist before commissioning 7.2.1 Checklist Dachs G/F Check list for the installer regarding the assembly of the Dachs G/F Operator: Dachs factory no.: /− 1. Floor location plate mounted? 2. All transportation braces removed and/or loosened? (2 screws, 2 angle brackets, 1 square timber removed, 4 screws spring packages) 3. Bore holes in the base tub closed? (10 plastic plugs) 4. Dachs aligned by means of the water level? 5. Controller mounted? (Locking by means of hex cap screw) 6. Is the ancillary board SE installed and connected to the power board (if required)? 7. Internal cable harness connected to the controller? (all internal plugs as well as N and PE) 8. Gas hose screwed onto the gas multibloc? (4 hex cap screws) 9. Nipples installed at heating water side? (1 off flow, 1 off return, 1 off AA angle, 1 off safety valve, 1 off outlet bow) 10. Sensors mounted? (depending on the installation environment) (supply flow sensor [ ] return flow sensor [ ] F1 [ ] outdoor temp. sensor [ ] sensor 1 [ ] ______ [ ]) 11. Correct safety valve fitted? 12. Air intake silencer fitted? 13. Exhaust gas system implemented and isolated in accordance with the installation manual and the planning documents? 14. Gas hose at the shut-off valve fitted in accordance with the specifications and tested for tightness? 15. Liquid gas line connected to the gas solenoid valve? (only Dachs F) 16. External heating water hoses installed correctly? (tension free and according to instruction) 17. Exhaust gas tube, the exhaust bellows, and the external protection fitted according to the instructions? 18. Potential equalisation set up? 19. Emergency stop switch fitted? 20. Heating water corresponds to the manufacturer's specifications and/or to the local regulations? Specifics: executing company HEATING ________________ Date 14/4798.232.106 executing company ELECTRICITY _______________________ Signature ________________ Date __________________ Signature Commissioning | 119 Dachs with MSR2 7.2.2 Checklist Dachs HR Check list for the installer regarding the assembly of the Dachs HR Operator: Dachs factory no.: /− 1. Floor location plate mounted? 2. All transportation braces removed and/or loosened? (2 screws, 2 brackets, 1 piece of wood removed; and 4 screws released) 3. Bore holes in the base tub closed? (10 plastic plugs) 4. Dachs aligned by means of the water level? 5. Controller mounted? (locking by means of hex cap screw) 6. Is the ancillary board SE installed and connected to the power board (if required)? 7. Internal cable harness connected to the controller? (all internal plugs as well as N and PE) 8. External fuel oil hoses connected and leak proof checked? (tension free and according to instruction) 9. Fuel oil venting valve with filter and hose connections installed? 10. Nipples installed at heating water side? (1 off flow, 1 off return, 1 off AA angle, 1 off safety valve, 1 off outlet bow) 11. Sensors been mounted? (depending on the installation environment) (supply flow sensor [ ] return flow sensor [ ] F1 [ ] outdoor temp. sensor [ ] sensor 1 [ ] ______ [ ]) 12. Correct safety valve fitted? 13. Air intake silencer fitted? 14. Exhaust gas system implemented and isolated in accordance with the installation manual and the planning documents? 15. External heating water hoses installed correctly? (tension free and according to instruction) 16. Exhaust gas tube, the exhaust bellows, and the external protection fitted according to the instructions? 17. Potential equalisation set up? 18. Emergency stop switch fitted? 19. Heating water corresponds to the manufacturer's specifications and/or to the local regulations? Specifics: executing company HEATING ________________ Date 120 | Commissioning executing company ELECTRICITY _______________________ Signature ________________ Date __________________ Signature 14/4798.232.106 Dachs with MSR2 7.2.3 Checklist SE750 and condenser Check list for the installer regarding the assembly of the buffer vessel SE750 and/or the condensing unit Operator: Dachs factory no.: /− Buffer vessel SE750 1. Buffer vessel SE750 installed in accordance with the installation instructions? 2. Sensors mounted and connected to the controller? 3. Vent valve mounted? 4. Safety valve installed (only if operation with immersio heater)? 5. Insulation fixed? 6. Suitable expansion vessel with the correct pressure setting connected? 7. Potential equalisation set up? 8. Heating water corresponds to the manufacturer's specifications and/or to the local regulations? 1. Condensing unit installed in accordance with the installation instructions? 2. Neutralisation existing? 3. Condensate pump mounted and its electrical equipment correctly connected? 4. Water connection according to assembly instruction? 5. Exhaust gas system implemented in accordance with the installation manual and the planning documents? 6. Safety temperature limiter (STL) unlocked and connected to the controller? Condensing unit Specifics executing company HEATING ________________ Date executing company ELECTRICITY _______________________ Signature i 14/4798.232.106 ________________ Date __________________ Signature Notice: Store the installation instruction manual with the completed checklist in the document holder of the Dachs. Commissioning | 121 Dachs with MSR2 7.3 i Commissioning procedure Notice: The control of the unit during the commissioning is done by the MSR2 controller. This manual describes only the necessary input for the commissioning. see chapter 8 and 9 Note: Detailed description is found in the original manual for the MSR2 controller: Operating and adjusting instructions MSR2 (art. no. 4798.234.xxx). ! Attention: The commissioning of the unit is only permitted by service engineers authorised by SenerTec. Please check preventive measures and control the main and sub-distribution. ►► Switch on the Dachs at the main switch. ●● Display line 1 shows: Display language -> select language and confirm -> IB required (commissioning required). i Notice: Optional commissioning can be realised with DachsKom software. ►► Finish the commissioning by following step by step the menu 11/8/2 Commissioning Menu. A detailled description for settings can be found in chapter 7.6 Start-up the Dachs After finishing all settings the Dachs can operate by pressing the ON/OFF key. ►► Via the ON/OFF key of the operating panel, set the Dachs to Automatic mode (upper LED illuminated). ●● The Dachs is ready to be operated. i Notice: If irregularities occur during the functional check, after commissioning or during the first operating days, please contact your authorised SenerTec service partner. 122 | Commissioning 14/4798.232.106 Dachs with MSR2 7.4 Gas settings Dachs G/F: The Dachs has been tested in detail prior to delivery at works and preset ready for use. From experience no changes of the operating parameters are necessary, if the Dachs runs with natural gas type H. Attention: By operating with natural gas L the main jet has to be changed. ! 7.4.1 Gas track (Dachs G/F) Tab.14: List of available main jets Jet SenerTec No Type of gas 2.1 1961-010-201 LPG 2.2 1961-010-202 2.3 i Standard LPG 1961-010-203 2.4 1961-010-204 2.5 1961-010-205 2.6 1961-010-206 2.7 1961-010-207 2.8 Standard natural gas H 1961-010-208 2.9 1961-010-209 3.0 1961-010-300 3.1 Notice: The stated pressures apply to a running system. Notice Standard natural gas L H-gas (E) 1961-010-301 3.2 1961-010-302 3.3 1961-010-303 3.4 1961-010-304 3.5 1961-010-305 L-gas (LL) Gas supply pressure (operating pressure) i Notice: Min. gas supply pressure with running Dachs: 40 mbar with liquid gas 15 mbar with natural gas. 1 ►► To measure the gas supply pressure (1), activate all other devices (e.g. gas fired boiler) connected to the same supply line. Pressure in the gas mixer Fig. 163: Pressure control at the gas multibloc (Gas supply pressure) ►► Control and adjust the gas pressure outside the main jet. ►► Measure the pressure inside the gas mixer by using a measuring tool at the gauge connection 2 , in which the main jet is assembled. If applicable change the pressure with the adjusting screw 3 (hexagon socket head screw AF 2). ►► Record the value measured in the commissioning protocol. 2 3 Fig. 164: Control of gas pressure inside gas mixer i Notice: The pressure outside the main jet should be: 0.8 mbar ± 0.2 mbar Dachs G 10 mbar ± 3 mbar Dachs F. 14/4798.232.106 Commissioning | 123 Dachs with MSR2 7.4.2 Adjust the gas flow control (Dachs G/F) The servo motor of the gas flow control is in its operating position if the unit is at operating temperature. ►► Check if the gas flow control is in the middle of the possible range. Future variations in the gas quality must be compensated. At the drive shaft of the servo motor 1 you can see the scale wtih the set point mark 2 and the set point is indicated by the pointer of the housing 3. ►► Check if position is at set point. In the case that the pointer is not on the set point mark, the main jet of the gas mixer must be exchanged in accordance with the following instructions. 1 Adjustment of gas mixer: Adjust the gas mixer only if unit is at operating temperature. The default setting of the gas track is for natural gas type H. ►► In the case that the pointer is right of the set point mark, install a smaller main nozzle (e.g. 2.7 mm with natural gas type H). ►► In the case that the pointer is left of the set point mark, install a bigger main nozzle (e.g. 2.9 mm with natural gas type H). i Notice: The step range of the main nozzle is 0.1 mm. The change of one step changes the angle about 5-8°. Please always have some main nozzles in your toolbox. If necessary you can order them from SenerTec. Fig. 165: Gas flow control with servo motor 2 left right 3 Fig. 166: Set point mark 2 on the drive shaft of the servo motor an the pointer of the housing 3 124 | Commissioning 14/4798.232.106 Dachs with MSR2 7.4.3 Change of main nozzle Danger: Exchange the main nozzle only if Dachs is shut down and gas supply valve is closed. ►► Open the gas mixer by removing the allen key AF 6 4 of the cover. Take off the screw from the cover. 4 5 ●● The cover 5 is secured against twisting by a dowel pin. ►► Take off the cover. Notice: Ensure that the O-ring and the surfaces of the seal are not damaged. i Fig. 167: Opening of the gas mixer The main nozzle 6 is on the mid left side of the gas mixer. 6 ►► Screw off the main nozzle (AF 13) with a hex. nut and a ratchet. Exchange the main nozzle 6 with the new nozzle. ►► Screw in the new main nozzle and fix it with the ratchet. ►► Put the cover 5 on the dowel pin. i Notice: Ensure proper installation of the O-ring. Fig. 168: Main nozzle in the gas mixer ►► Screw in the hex. allen screw 4 of the cover and fix it with 10 Nm. i Notice: After the exchange of the main nozzle the gas pressure must be checked again as described in chapter 7.4.1 Gas track (Dachs G/F). position of primer nozzle magnetic valve 1 in the gas multibloc Fig. 169: Position of the primer nozzle Additional information for Dachs G/F: Position of the primer nozzle: The magnetic valve 1 is integrated in the gas multibloc. The primer nozzle is located in the base frame. additional nozzle (Dachs F) Additional nozzle for Dachs F: The operation of a Dachs F unit requires an additional nozzle in the gas mixer. Fig. 170: Additional nozzle in the gas mixer (Dachs F) 14/4798.232.106 Commissioning | 125 Dachs with MSR2 7.5 Oil settings Dachs HR: The Dachs is tested in factory and has a default setting for operation before delivery. Attention: Modifications on the injection system and the fuel oil controller are only allowed to be done by specially trained engineers and with confirmation by the SenerTec helpline. ! 7.6 Configuring the system 7.6.1 Selecting the service level and starting the commissioning ►► Activate menu selection in the main window with one of the control keys ►► Scroll to menu 11 with or and select it with ►► Scroll to menu 11/8 with and select it with ►► Call password entry with . ►► Enter the first character of the password with Do the same for the other characters. . . . or and move to the next character using or confirm. Starting commissioning: ►► Confirming the password with opens the menu 11/8. ►► Select menu item 11/8/2 and open the commissioning menu with ►► Scroll to the system data (11/8/2/1) with or . and select it with . 7.6.2 Menu sequence during commissioning i Notice: For successful commissioning, the complete commissioning menu must be processed. A successful step of the commissioning menu is shown with a tick after entering the parameter. 126 | Commissioning 14/4798.232.106 Dachs with MSR2 For the commissioning you need unit specific data (serial number and part number) as well as location specific data (address, telephone number, e-mail). i Notice: You can find the serial and part number on the type label. type label type label (extract) Fig. 171: Type label Dachs i Notice: For a successful commissioning you need to enter data and afterwards a tick is shown at the end of each line of the commissioning menu. 14/4798.232.106 Commissioning | 127 Dachs with MSR2 Main window activate Menu selection . Go to menu 11 with 11 Service Select menu 11 with 11/8 Service level Select menu 11/8 with and go to menu item 11/8 with . you switch to Password entry Password entry Confirm password with 11/8/2 Commissioning menu 11/8/2/1 Equipment data Select Commissioning with Select Dachs data with 1/8 Dachs data Enter 1/8/2 to 1/8/14 go to Commissioning with you switch to Equipment data you switch to 1/8/01 After completing the last value, return to Commissioning with and with to 11/8/2/2 Location Info 11/8/2/2 Location info Select Location Info with you switch to 1/9/1 1/9 Location Info Enter 1/9/1 to 1/9/7 After completing the last value, return to Commissioning with and with to 11/8/2/3 Installation 11/8/2/3 Installation Select Installation with you switch to11/4/1 11/4 Installation Enter 11/4/1 to 11/4/8 After completing the last value, return to Commissioning with and with to 11/8/2/4 Configure Input/Output. 11/8/2/4 Configure I/O Select Configure I/O with 11/5 Configure Input/Output Enter 11/5/1 to 11/5/11 you switch to 11/5/01 After completing the last value, return to Commissioning with and with to 11/8/2/5 Service tel. No. 11/8/2/5 Service tel. No. Select Service tel. No. with you switch to 11/3/1 11/3 Service tel. No. Enter 11/3/1 to 11/3/2 After completing the last value, return to Commissioning with . The commissioning menu is finished. 128 | Commissioning 14/4798.232.106 Dachs with MSR2 If all commissioning menus are filled, the MSR2 commissioning has finished. ►► Please check afterwards the parameters and setting of the menus Heat demand, Electrical demand, Heating circuits, DHW, Modem and Grid. Note: The adjustment of the system parameters in the MSR2 menu is described in detail in: Operating and adjusting instructions MSR2, art. no.: 4798.234.xxx. 7.6.3 Settings in the menu 1/8 Dachs data Menu 1/8/2 Dachs Ser.-No. ►► 10-digit serial number from SenerTec (see type label). Menu 1/8/3 Dachs Part-No. ►► 10-digit number from SenerTec, describing the system model (see type label). Menu 1/8/4 Commissioning date ►► Enter day, month and year of the first commissioning. Menu 1/8/5 Height above sea level The electrical output of the Dachs must be reduced as the installation height increases, owing to the lower air pressure. Adjustment of 0 - 3500 m in 100 m steps is possible. ●● Dachs G/F: Reduction by 83 W per 100 m starting from 800 m above sea level. ●● Dachs HR: Reduction by 76 W per 100 m starting from 500 m above sea level. Menu 1/8/6 Generator rated power Depending on the installation height, the maximum generator reference value is displayed for the Dachs. Reduce the nominal output only with confirmation from SenerTec. Menu 1/8/7 Service interval The maintenance interval is a maximum of: ●● 3500 operating hours for G/F systems. ●● 2700 operating hours for HR system. Changes possible in 100 h steps. Menu 1/8/8 Hydraulic code Note: More detailed information on the hydraulic code and different connection options are given in the Planning and installation basics for the hydraulic, electric, and control connections of the DACHS - Hydraulic booklet MSR2 (art. no.: 4798.237.10x). 14/4798.232.106 Commissioning | 129 Dachs with MSR2 Type of buffer Buffer vessel SE 750 and ancillary board SE required 1 DHW generation 3 RF Buffer vessel required 0 0 With SE30 DHW-module 1 With immersion heater 5,5 kW Enabling of external calorifier (el. controlled pump output) 2 With SEplus peak load boiler 3 Enabling of external boiler with controlled shunt pump 4 Enabling of external boiler w/o controlled shunt pump II P2 1 None BW P1 B 4 VF RF A 5 RF W/o buffer vessel increase of return flow temperature and enabling of boiler W/o buffer vessel increase of return flow temperature Multi-module operation None S1 F1 2nd heat generator BW 2 F3 4 Th Feedback DHW demand (high setpoint demand) Without boiler control 0 Single unit 1 Multi-module operation 7.6.4 Settings in the menu 1/9 Location Info ►► In the menu items 1/9/1 to 1/9/7 the location information (Name1, Name2, Street, House No., PostCode, Town, Country, Email) must be entered. i Notice: Please ensure that the post code entered is the same as in DABS. 7.6.5 Settings in the menu 11/4 Installer Menu 11/4/1 Dachs Transport Transportation of the Dachs to the installation site: ●● Complete ●● Rebuilt Menu 11/4/2 Dachs with cond. unit Is a condensing unit installed: ●● Yes ●● No 130 | Commissioning 14/4798.232.106 Dachs with MSR2 Menu 11/4/3 2nd Heat Generator Presetting via the third position of the hydraulic code: ●● No 2nd heat generator (hydraulic code X.X.0.X) ●● Immersion heater (hydraulic code X.X.1.X) ●● SEplus SenerTec(hydraulic code X.X.2.X) ●● External heat generator with shunt (hydraulic code X.X.3.X) ●● External heat generator without shunt (hydraulic code X.X.4.X) Menu 11/4/4 Multi module system configuration Some presettings for multi module operation are already performed via the fourth position of the hydraulic code: ●● Single Dachs(hydraulic code X.X.X.0) ●● Multi-module(hydraulic code X.X.X.1) Controller address must be entered in the multi-module system: ●● Controller address L1: master controller in the multi-module system. ●● Controller address Mx (M2-10 possible): System is module number x in a multi-module system. Ensure that a master controller is always defined exactly and no module addresses are used duplicated or omitted. Menu 11/4/5 DHW Installation Type of DHW Installation. Presetting via the second position of the hydraulic code: ●● No DHW(hydraulic code X.0.X.X) ●● SE30 module SenerTec (hydraulic code X.1.X.X) ●● Calorifier with sensor 3 (hydraulic code X.2.X.X) ●● Calorifier without sensor 3 (hydraulic code X.3.X.X) ●● Calorifier / high setpoint (hydraulic code X.4.X.X) Menu 11/4/6 Thermost.cont.pump installed Is a thermostatic pump installed: ●● Yes ●● No The thermostat pump is used to supply the buffer accumulator with hot water at approx. 75 °C - 80 °C in cases where a buffer accumulator is installed. This guarantees the stratification of the accumulator. Menu 11/4/7 Additional strainer installed Is an additional strainer installed: ●● Yes ●● No 14/4798.232.106 Commissioning | 131 Dachs with MSR2 Menu 11/4/8 Seperation external heat exchanger IIs an external heat exchanger installed: ●● Yes ●● No 7.6.6 Settings in the menu 11/5 In/Out (Inputs / Outputs) config. Menu 11/5/1 Function Sensor 1 ●● Sensor 1: temperature measuring input (preset depending on hydraulic code). ●● Electrical demand: input to the electrical demand. Menu 11/5/2 Function Sensor 2 ●● Sensor 2: temperature measuring input (preset depending on hydraulic code). ●● Electrical demand: input to the electrical demand. Menu 11/5/3 Funct. Module enable ●● Enable module: Dachs is requested in accordance with the weather comp. curve setpoint. ●● Electrical demand: Dachs is only requested in the case of electrical demand (load profile). Menu 11/5/4 Function Sensor 3 ●● Sensor 3: temperature measuring input (preset depending on hydraulic code). ●● Electrical demand: input to the electrical demand. Menu 11/5/5 Function Sensor 4 ●● Sensor 4: temperature measuring input. ●● Electrical demand: input to the electrical demand. Menu 11/5/6 Funct. Input 1 Setpoint ●● Enable DHW demand: Dachs demand for DHW (preset depending on hydraulic code). Menu 11/5/7 Funct. prog. Input 2 ●● W/o function. ●● Summer / winter change-over: input for external summer / winter change-over. ●● Operating status 2nd heat generator. Menu 11/5/8 Funct. prog. Input 3 ●● W/o function. ●● Fault 2nd heat generator. Menu 11/5/9 Funct. prog. Output 1 ●● W/o function. ●● Thermostat pump: Control of the thermostat pump. ●● Additional heat consumption. 132 | Commissioning 14/4798.232.106 Dachs with MSR2 Menu 11/5/10 Funct. prog. Output 2 ●● W/o function. ●● Change over DHW water pump (presetting with hydraulic code X.1.X.X). ●● Additional heat consumption. Menu 11/5/11 Funct. prog. Output 3 ●● W/o function. 7.6.7 Settings in the menu 11/3 Service tel. No. Menu 11/3/1 Service: Tel.-No. 1 ●● First service telephone number (mandatory input). Menu 11/3/2 Service: Tel.-No. 2 ●● Second service telephone number (mandatory input). 7.6.8 Settings in the menu 9/12 Protection fct. Dachs (parameters electr. grid) Menu 9/12/1/01 Protection Selection of country specific protection: ●● CEI 021 (IT, new installation from 01/2013) ●● DK 5940 (IT) ●● G83 (UK) ●● G83/2 (UK, new installations from 03/2014) ●● RD 1699 (ES) ●● VDE 0126 (DE) ●● VDE 4105 (DE, new installation from 07/2012) ●● custom ●● missing (basic setting) i Notice: The protection CEI 021 requires two additonal inputs. The input feedback high setpoint (X6/1 and sensor 2 (X4/9, SegnComunicaz Segnale di comunicazione) are used. If this protection is set the inputs are not available for other functions. Note: Detailed information about settings and parameters of the country specific protection settings can be found in: Operating and adjusting instructions MSR2 (art. no.: 4798.234.xxx). 14/4798.232.106 Commissioning | 133 Dachs with MSR2 7.6.9 Other parameter settings ►► Check the settings in the menus and adjust them to project specific requirements: ●● 2 Heat demand ●● 3 Electrical demand ●● 5 Heating circuits ●● 6 DHW ●● 7 Modem ●● 9 Grid 7.6.10 Commissioning of the multi module system i Notice: Start with the commissioning of the modules at the module controllers (M2-M10). If commissioning is done by DachsKom, the commissioning need only be done at master unit L1. Data is automatically synchronised to the slave units. ►► Select service level in menu 11/8 and enter password. ►► Settings at the module controllers (M2 to max. M10): Menu 1/8/8 Hydraulic Code Module controller hydraulic code always: Menu 11/4/4 Multi module system configuration 11/4/4/2 Controller address Setting options: M2, M3, .... M10 ►► Settings at the master controller L1: Menu 1/8/8 Hydraulic Code Indication and adjustment of hydraulic connections. Pay attention to the correct input of the hydraulic codes depending on connection of the Dachs in multi module operation (see hydraulic booklet). Master controller hydraulic code: X.X.X.1 Menu 11/4/4 Multi module system configuration 11/4/4/1 Type Indication of type of plant Display: Single plant, multi module operation 11/4/4/2 Address controller Display and setting of controller address Settings: L1, M2, M3, .... M10 134 | Commissioning 14/4798.232.106 Dachs with MSR2 11/4/4/3 Number of Dachs Display and setting of the number of existing Dachs Setting options: 1-10 11/4/4/4 Calculation cycle Display and setting of the calculation (calculation cycle refers to the set time gaps at which the master controller checks whether there continues to be a heat demand) Setting options: 3-20 min 11/4/6 Thermost.cont.pump installed Display and setting whether thermostatic pump is installed Settings: no, yes 11/5/9 Funct. prog. Output 1 Display and setting as per programmable output 1 is configured. Settings: w/o function, thermostatic pump, additional heat intake 14/4798.232.106 Commissioning | 135 Dachs with MSR2 7.7 Final instructions 7.7.1 Commissioning report Commissioning with service programme: The service programme saves a commissioning report on the USB stick in order to synchronise the data with DABS at a later time. Commissioning without service programme: System with modem/Ethernet module: ●● The commissioning report is transferred to DABS during automatic reporting. System without modem/Ethernet module: ●● Complete the commissioning report in the service book and keep the copy. The data must then be entered directly in DABS. i Notice: Please complete the commissioning protocol of the unit in the service booklet. 7.7.2 Instruction of the operator ►► Instruct the operator regarding the safe operation of the system. ►► Instruct all operators on how to remedy simple malfunctions. ►► Inform the operator regarding the required maintenance and service work. ►► Provide the operator with all documents required. 136 | Commissioning 14/4798.232.106 Dachs with MSR2 8 Operation 8.1 General Note: For detailed information on the operation, please also refer to the original operating instructions: Operating and adjusting instructions MSR2 (art. no.: 4798.234.xxx). 8.2 Use of the control panel Note: For operating the control panel of the Dachs, follow the unit descriptions described in: Operating and adjusting instructions MSR2 (art. no.: 4798.234.xxx). 1 Infrared interface 2 Service LED 3 Fault clearance key and error-LED 4 Chimney sweep key 5 ON/OFF key, STOP-LED, automatic mode LED 6 Control keys 7 Menu bar 8 Display 8 7 Dachs in operation ... Electrical demand Oh 3500 Starts 400 Gen: 5,5kW O/side: 15°C Inlet: 45°C Outlet: 81°C Day Oper. Winter 01.01.2013 00:00:01 6 Menu functions Operating modes Modem Heat conduction Miscellaneous 5 4 3 2 1 Fig. 172: Control panel of the MSR2 controller unit Control key function Electrical demand Grid Temperatures Service code Heating circuits Service Hot water The operation of the MSR2 controller is implemented via the membrane keypad. The navigation in the MSR2 menu is implemented exclusively via the control keys. The current status is indicated in the display. When selecting a menu point, the respective symbol is marked in the display by means of an arrow. There are three access levels with different access rights. In the order of the extended level of access, these levels are: 14/4798.232.106 back / cancel up / open confirm / change / select down ●● The operator level. ●● The advanced operator level. ●● The service level. Operation | 137 Dachs with MSR2 Menu structure Dachs: 1 Operating Data 1/01 Date Time 1/02 Run hours since start 1/03 Generator reference-value 1/04 Generated electrical energy 1/05 Generated thermal energy 1/06 Engine speed 1/07 Set Dachs operation 1/08 Dachs data 1/09 Location Info 1/10 Operation hours on 31.12. 24:00 1/11 Dachs running times / max. Return Temp. 1/12 Show latest shut-downs 1/13 Current status of actuators 1/14 Flag start release / Flag Engine contr. 1/15 Enabling of Run / Dachs run request 1/16 Enable electricity / Request of Electri. 1/17 Enable 2. Heat Gener. / Request of 2. Heat Gener. 1/18 Display Status of Multi Module 2 Heat demand 2/01 Operating mode Su/Wi 2/02 Operating mode Da/Ni 2/03 Holiday function activated 2/04 Weather comp. Dachs 2/05 Settings day mode weather comp. 2/06 Settings night mode weather comp. 2/07 Set points Temp. 2/08 Heat storage buffer vessel 2/09 Operating data 2nd heat generator 2/10 Configuration of Heat generator enable 2/11 High set point return Temperature 3 Electrical demand 3/01 Elec. demand via internal timer 3/02 Elec. demand via external input 3/05 Increase heat demand if el. demand 4 Temperatures 4/01 Dachs Inlet 4/02 Dachs Outlet 4/03 System Flow 4/04 Sensor 1 4/05 System Return 4/06 Sensor 2 4/07 Outside temp. 4/08 Htg-Circuit (HC) 1 4/09 Htg-Circuit (HC) 2 4/10 DHW 4/11 Sensor 3 4/12 Sensor 4 4/15 Enable Module 4/16 Watertemp engine 4/17 Exh. temp. engine 4/18 Exh. temp. Dachs 4/19 Enclosure temp. 4/20 MSR2 temp. 138 | Operation 14/4798.232.106 Dachs with MSR2 5 Heating circuits 5/01 Heating circuit 1 + 2 5/02 Configuration Heating Circuit 1 5/03 Operation mode HC 1 5/04 Oper. D/N/Extend HC1 5/05 Pump/3 Port valve 5/06 Weather comp. curve HC1 5/07 Day setting weather comp. HC1 5/08 Night setting weather comp. HC1 5/09 Configuration Heating Circuit (HC) 2 5/10 Operation mode HC 2 5/11 Oper. mode D/N/Extend HC 2 5/12 Pump/3 Port valve HC 2 5/13 Weather comp. HC2 5/14 Day setting weather comp. HC 2 5/15 Night settings weather comp. HC 2 6 DHW 6/1 Set point DWH 6/2 DHW primary pump 6/3 DHW sec. pump 6/4 DHW flow rate l/min 6/5 Cons. DHW m³/year 6/6 DHW demand 6/7 DHW Configuration 7 Modem 7/01 Modem data 7/02 Modem configuration 7/03 Service codes sent 7/04 Test / Status 7/05 GSM-diagnostics 8 Miscellaneous 8/01 Display Brightness 8/02 Display Contrast 8/03 Adjustment Outside sensor 9 Grid 9/01 Grid 9/02 Voltage L1 9/03 Voltage L2 9/04 Voltage L3 9/05 Gen. Curr. L1 9/06 Gen. Curr. L2 9/07 Gen. Curr. L3 9/08 Frequency 9/09 Impedance L1 9/10 Impedance L2 9/11 Impedance L3 9/12 Protection function Dachs 10 Servicecode 10/01 Data of last S.Code 10/02 Warnings 10/03 Service code 11 Service 11/01 Service due in x h 11/02 Last Service 11/03 Service tel. No 11/04 Installer 11/05 Config. Input/Output 11/06 Operator level 11/07 Operator adv. lev. 11/08 Service level 14/4798.232.106 Operation | 139 Dachs with MSR2 8.3 Start-up 1. Switch on the Dachs at the main switch (MSR2 controller, left). 2. Via the ON/OFF key of the operating panel, set the Dachs to Automatic mode (upper LED illuminated). ●● The Dachs is ready to be operated. 8.4 Shutdown 1. Via the ON/OFF key, set the Dachs to STOP (lower LED illuminated). 2. Switch off the Dachs at the main switch (MSR2 controller, left). ! 8.5 Attention: With multi-module systems, the master controller should not be deactivated when it is planned to continue to operate the other Dachs modules. Frost protection For systems in which temperatures of less than +5 °C might occur, the frost protection of the complete system is to be guaranteed at all times. This can be done by implementing suitable installation measures, such as filling glycol into the heating system or by means of appropriate heating. ! Attention: The subject of frost protection is to be handled in a detailed manner for systems which are not operated throughout the whole year. The required measures should already be clarified between operator and installer when planning the system. 140 | Operation 14/4798.232.106 Dachs with MSR2 9 Settings 9.1 List of parameters Note: The complete list of parameters can be found in: Operating and adjusting instructions MSR2 (art. no.: 4798.234.xxx). A selection of necessary parameters for the commissioning and application can be found in this manual in chapter 7.6 Configuring the system. 9.2 Setting the parameters Note: The adjustment of the system parameters in the MSR2 menu is described in detail in: Operating and adjusting instructions MSR2 (art. no.: 4798.234.xxx). i 9.3 Notice: The displays and the access rights for changing parameters does not depend on the selected user level (operator, operator advanced level, service level). Reading out measured values The operating data may be requested via ●● display of the MSR2 controller, ●● the optical interface (laptop with DachsKOM) or ●● the GSM modem and/or the Dachs Ethernet (Dachs WEB + Dachs Portal). 14/4798.232.106 Settings | 141 Dachs with MSR2 10 Maintenance 10.1 General ●● Inspection and maintenance of the Dachs and its component parts must be carried out at regular intervals of max. 3500 hours by specially trained personnel. ●● We recommend drawing up a service contract with a qualified company. ●● The service instructions must be observed. ●● Neglected service poses a risk; regular cleaning is the precondition for a safe, environmentally friendly, and energy-saving operation. ! Attention: Dispose of the waste operating materials and cleaning agents in an environmentally friendly manner. With correctly completed installation the installation instructions are found in the document holder on the controller. ►► Check whether the checklist in the appendix of the installation instructions is fully completed and confirmed. ►► If the checklist is missing or incomplete, contact the responsible installation company for clarification. ►► Any special notes entered by the fitter must be taken into account. 10.2 Maintenance messages There are three different ways with which the Dachs notifies the operator about the requirement of maintenance: ●● Red maintenance LED on the membrane keypad of the MSR2 controller. ●● Relay contact Maintenance in the MSR2 controller for external display. ●● Message sent via the remote control to the SenerTec server. Precondition: GSM or Ethernet modem installed. Notice: On the display, in the Operating data menu, the maintenance interval can be read: 1 Operating data 1/08 Dachs data i 1/08/07 Service interval In the Service menu, the operating hours until the next maintenance is due to be carried out as well as the date of the last service was carried out are indicated: 11 Service 11/01 Service due in xxxx h 11/02 Last Service dd.mm.yy 142 | Maintenance 14/4798.232.106 Dachs with MSR2 Red service LED: ●● The LED flashes if there are less than 300 operating hours and/or less than 30 days (twoyear period) left until the next maintenance of the Dachs is due to be carried out. ●● The LED is illuminated continuously when the maintenance is overdue. ! Attention: The Dachs will deactivate with the service code 177 Service required. Service relay contact: ●● The relay contact is closed if there are less than 300 operating hours and/or less than 30 days (two-year period) left until the next maintenance of the Dachs is due to be carried out. i Notice: With multi-module systems, the relay is activated at the master controller if one of the modules is less than 300 operating hours and/or less than 30 days away from the next maintenance due to be carried out. At the master controller, the Service message can thus be centrally accessed for the multi-module system. Message via remote monitoring: ●● The message is sent when the next maintenance of the Dachs is due in less than 30 days. ●● The message is sent each time the next maintenance of the Dachs is due in less than 300, 200 and 100 operating hours. i Notice: With multi-module systems, the messages (master controller and module controller) are centrally transmitted by the master controller to the SenerTec server. The server forwards the messages to the stored recipients via email, SMS or fax. 10.3 Standard inspection and maintenance operations The Dachs and the dedicated SenerTec components have to be maintained regularly by a specialist engineer authorised specifically for this purpose in accordance with the maintenance protocol and the recommended maintenance measures as specified in the Service Booklet for Dachs G/F, art. no.: 4798.167.xxx, and Servicing instructions for the Dachs, art. no.: 4798.255.xxx. Such maintenance is to be carried out in intervals of a maximum of 3500 operating hours but at least every two years. 10.4 Specific maintenance operations ! Attention: Any repair work may only be carried out by authorised specialist staff. Note: Please use the corresponding manual for maintenance and repair. 14/4798.232.106 Maintenance | 143 Dachs with MSR2 11 Troubleshooting 11.1 Error codes The MSR2 controller of the Dachs differentiates between two types of error codes, i.e. between service codes and warning codes. Service codes lead to a deactivation of the Dachs, while the Dachs may continue to run in the event of warning codes. Depending on the service code, there is a defined number of automatic fault clearances. If all automatic fault clearances have been unsuccessful, a manual fault clearance is required after the deletion of the errors. There are three ways for error codes to appear at the Dachs: ●● Red service code LED on the membrane keypad of the MSR2 controller. ●● Relay contact Fault in the MSR2 controller for external display. ●● Message sent via the remote control to the SenerTec server. Precondition: GSM or Ethernet module installed. Red service code LED: ●● The LED flashes when a warning code is present. ●● The LED is permanently illuminated if a service code is present. i Notice: Manual fault clearance required. Relay contact fault: ●● The relay contact is closed if a service code is present and a manual fault clearance is required. i Notice: With multi-module systems, the relay at the master controller is activated even if a service code is present at one of the other modules. At the master controller, the error code can thus be centrally accessed for the multi-module system. Message via remote monitoring: ●● The message is realised if a warning code is present. ●● The message is sent if a service code is present which is to be cleared manually. i Notice: With multi-module systems, the messages are centrally transmitted by the master controller to the SenerTec server. The server forwards the messages to the stored recipients via email, SMS or fax. Note: An overview of the service and warning codes can be found in: Operating and adjusting instructions MSR2 (art. no.: 4798.234.xxx). 144 | Troubleshooting 14/4798.232.106 Dachs with MSR2 11.2 Error memory In menu 10/3 Service code on the display, the last service and maintenance codes can be obtained. 10 Service code 10/1 Data of last S.Code 10/2 Warnings 10/3 Service codes Furthermore, under 10/2/10 Reset warning codes current warning codes can be reset. For this purpose, the authorisation level Operator advanced level is required. 11.3 Fault finding Common service codes are listed in a table in the document Operating and adjusting instructions MSR2 (art. no.: 4798.234.xxx). If the information in the operation and adjustment manual is insufficient, please contact SenerTec helpline. 14/4798.232.106 Troubleshooting | 145 Dachs with MSR2 12 Decommissioning 12.1 Decommission procedure ! Attention: In the case of a permanent decommissioning, ensure that the unit components, filling and operating fluids are disposed in an environmentally friendly manner. In Germany, the stipulations of Kreislaufwirtschafts- und Abfallgesetzes (German law on recycling and waste management) apply. Adhere to the respective manufacturer's instructions as well as to the local regulations and directives. Decommissioning is divided in two types: Temporary decommissioning of the Dachs: ●● Time schedule from 1 to max. 6 month out of operation. ●● Can be done by the customer. Permanent decommissioning of the Dachs: ●● Out of operation for more than 6 month. ●● Only SenerTec service engineers are allowed to proceed. ! Attention: Before decommissiong the Dachs must run at least 30 minutes to ensure that no condensate is in the exhaust gas system. 12.1.1 Temporary decommissioning Please adhere to the prescribed sequence of the procedure. 1. Switch off the Dachs at the main switch (left on the controller housing). 2. Close the shut-off valve at the gas/oil supply. 3. Close valves for heating water in- and outlet. 4. Take precaution that the plant room keeps frost free. i Notice: If temporary decommissioning is longer than 6 month a recommissionng by a service engineer is required. 146 | Decommissioning 14/4798.232.106 Dachs with MSR2 12.1.2 Permanent decommissioning 1. Shut down the Dachs on main switch (left side of controller) and protect it agains reactivating. 2. Deactivate the circuit breaker and ensure it against reactivation. 3. Label the Dachs clearly visible as "out of operation". 4. Close the gas / fuel supply valve and ensure against reopening. 5. Close valves for heating water in- and outlet. 6. Take precaution that the plant room keeps frost free. 12.1.3 Decommissioning and disposal i Notice: All parts and components must be disposed according to local regulations. The disassembly must be carried out by a SenerTec service engineer. 1. Switch off the Dachs at the main switch (left on the controller housing). 2. Deactivate the circuit breaker and ensure it against reactivation. Recommendation: disconnect the fuses. 3. Disassamble the electrical connection at the controller. Danger: External voltages can still be supplied at the controller even if main switch is off. 4. Close the gas / fuel supply valve and ensure against reopening. Close the lines after disassembly. 5. Take off the lubricant oil and the fuel and store them in suitable container. 6. Close valves for heating water in- and outlet. Close the lines after disassembly. 7. Drain the Dachs water circuit. 8. Disassamble the flue system and close the opening to chimney or shaft system. 9. Secure moving machine parts. 10. Disassemble the Dachs in single parts and dispose them according to local regulations. 14/4798.232.106 Decommissioning | 147 Dachs with MSR2 12.2 Recommissioning procedure i Notice: If the Dachs is out of operation for a longer time probably the internal water pump is blocked. Please check before commissioning mobility of the pump. After some time out of operation it is possible that at the recommissioning that dried oil deposit blocks the outlet valve. In this case the engine probably can not start (service code 189). You can confirm this situation by turning the fly wheel easily (no compression). Note: To remove the deposits act according to SenerTec training or contact SenerTec helpline. 1. Open valves for heating water in- and outlet. 2. Open the gas / fuel supply valve. 3. Swith the Dachs on at the main switch (left side of controller) and check the parameters at the display. 4. Start the Dachs. 148 | Decommissioning 14/4798.232.106 Dachs with MSR2 13 Spare parts 13.1 General The spare parts offer is subject to continuous modifications and adjustments. Information on the spare parts currently available can be obtained from your responsible SenerTec Centre or in the Partner area on the SenerTec website, under www.senertec.com. The spare parts information listed here refers to the time of printing of the present instructions. 13.2 Exploded views Note: Information in the Partner area under: www.senertec.com 13.3 Spare parts lists Detailed information on the spare parts can be obtained from: ●● the product catalogue as well as in the ●● spare parts catalogue in the ●● Partner area of the SenerTec website: www.senertec.com 13.4 Spare parts stockist Spare parts may be exclusively ordered from the regionally allocated SenerTec centres. Further information on your responsible centre can be found at www.senertec.com. 14/4798.232.106 Spare parts | 149 Dachs with MSR2 Appendix Legal notice Any warranty claim presumes the proper assembly as well as the proper use/operation of the system in accordance with the applicable SenerTec instructions as well as regular servicing carried out by trained and authorised staff. Disclaimer of warranty: In particular for damages which cannot be directly or indirectly be traced back to the manufacturer, e.g. misuse or in the event of: ●● defective planning and assembly (e.g. fuel supply, hydraulic and electrical connections, exhaust gas evacuation). ●● Commissioning, servicing (maintenance) and repair carried out by buyers or third parties. ●● Natural wear and tear. ●● Defective, inattentive treatment, alterations, repair. ●● Usage of unsuitable operating fluids. ●● Usage of unsuitable heating water. ●● Damages caused by chemical, electro-chemical and electric influences. ●● Usage of potable water which does not correspond to the generally accepted rules of practice. The warranty regulations of the General Terms and Conditions of SenerTec GmbH, Schweinfurt, in their respective current version shall apply. Dachs with MSR2 Notes: 14/4798.232.106 Dachs with MSR2 KRAFT-WÄRME-ENERGIESYSTEME GMBH C a r l - Z e i s s - S t r a ß e 1 8 D - 9 7 4 2 4 S c h w e i n f u r t Phone +49 9721 651-0 Fax +49 9721 651-272 H o m e p a g e w w w. s e n e r t e c. c o m Email info@senertec.com