Palomino Horses
Palomino Horses
Palomino Horses What are Palomino Horses? Palomino horses are golden color with a white colored mane and tail. A palomino is, gene6cally, a chestnut horse with one cream gene. The shades have a far range, from a pale, almost cremello-‐color, to a dark chocolate color. Gold? Palomino (Gold) color is the result of a cross between a purebred Chestnut (brown) and a purebred Cremello (off-‐white) P Genera4on Purebred Cremello WW Purebred Chestnut BB F1 Genera6on BW = Palomino The ac6on of the cream gene from the Cremello on the chestnut coat color produces a palomino horse – pure gold. What is happening? BB = Brown Chestnut Horse WW = Off-‐white Cremello Horse BW = Gold Palomino Horse F2 Genera4on Cross between 2 Palomino Horses. Genotypic Ra6o: ¼ BB: ½ Bb: ¼ bb 1:2:1 or 25% : 50% : 25% Phenotypic Ra6o: ¼ Chestnut: ½ Palomino: ¼ Cremello 1:2:1 or 25% : 50% : 25% Wait a minute… Mendel didn’t talk about this! You incomplete me… Mendel had no way of knowing what was happening without the technological advances of today. Presently we can test heredity and study gene6cs like never before. So we found out how an offspring was a blend of two parents… Do you know what this term is called? Mendel Incomplete Dominance In traits with incomplete dominance, neither allele is completely dominant over the other. The dominant allele is par6ally expressed resul6ng in an organism with an intermediate phenotype. So if the genotype is heterozygous BW, the phenotype appears as a blend of the two alleles.
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