w w w .g a l l e r y o f c o n d o s .c o m w w w .g a l l e r y o f c o n d o s .c o m All images and content are owned and provided by Menkes and Menkes.com. All images and content are owned and provided by Menkes and Menkes.com. info@galleryofcondos.com Gallery of Condos Team All images and content are owned and provided by Menkes and Menkes.com. iil I t ffiffillfss fih5d All images and content are owned and provided by Menkes and Menkes.com. w w w .g a l l e r y o f c o n d o s .c o m w w w .g a l l e r y o f c o n d o s .c o m r'q The perfect balanceof form. function and esthetics- reaching36 storiesinto the North York skyline,ULTIMA at Broadwayis as sleekas it is definitive. At it's centre point, a grand archedwalkway,timeless,dramaticand subtly Romanesque- leadingto the heart of this masterplannedurban mixed-usecommunity. Nearing it's pinnacle,ULTIMA at Broadwayseparatesinto two distinguishedpenthousetowers high above Yonge Street, setting it apart from it's urban counterparts. Gallery of Condos Team info@galleryofcondos.com F r & LJ u u w w w .g a l l e r y o f c o n d o s .c o m :ffi. rF ,ft' 4ih- .6r, .6. THETOROI\ITO CENTRE FORTHEARTS ":* Y O N G ES T R E E T 5OOO .# # '# s& # ,#[ #'-.F , LI rU F Jgl ULTIMA F NORTH PH ASE tn 4Z ffi..t # #t # s, :l & FUTURE RESI DENTI AL Smart.Shelteredand private. ln the (entre of everything. ULTIfVIAat Broadway is the f inal and fflost Menkes spectarular phase 0f retall and residential, rnasterplanned romnlercia! developrnentat tr\lorth York tlity Centre. Two new roadways wilNconnectBeecrof,tAvenue,YonEe Streetand t{orth York Boulevard.An intriEuing Art Park has been thoughtfullydesignedat the entry to The Toronto Centre For The Arts, landscapedwaikways, open green All images and content are owned and provided by Menkes and Menkes.com. 6 All images and content are owned and provided by Menkes and Menkes.com. d t w w w .g a l l e r y o f c o n d o s .c o m o NORTHYORKBOULEVARD spacesand a dramaticarchedentry to 'YonEe Stneetwill rnal<eULTIMA at Broadwaythe defining architectural statementat North l'ork CitVCentre. Gallery of Condos Team info@galleryofcondos.com All images and content are owned and provided by Menkes and Menkes.com. w w w .g a l l e r y o f c o n d o s .c o m w w w .g a l l e r y o f c o n d o s .c o m All images and content are owned and provided by Menkes and Menkes.com. s Underground accessto subway and EmpressWalk shopping * Dramaticopen arched walkwaythrough centre of modern 2 storeyglassenclosedlobby with 24 hour Conciergee 2 storeyULTIMACLUBwith complete building e Classic recreationand fitnessfacilitiesand an indoor swimmingpool w lnnovative1 bedroom,1 bedroom plus den, 2 bedroom and 2 bedroom plus den residences Gallery of Condos Team info@galleryofcondos.com All images and content are owned and provided by Menkes and Menkes.com. SecondLevel- Ultima Club All images and content are owned and provided by Menkes and Menkes.com. w w w .g a l l e r y o f c o n d o s .c o m Ground Level Lobby w w w .g a l l e r y o f c o n d o s .c o m In a busyworldwereactivityand relaxationhavebecomeessential, the stylishtwo levelULTIMACLUBstrivesto perfectboth statesand does so with absolutestyle. Whateveryour clientsinterests,from fitness, excercise and swimmingto more leisurelypursuits- ULTIMACLUB deliversthe bestof all worlds. Level- UltimaClub Gallery of Condos Team info@galleryofcondos.com l5' - 6" w'" w w w .g a l l e r y o f c o n d o s .c o m .'....o info@galleryofcondos.com Gallery of Condos Team All images and content are owned and provided by Menkes and Menkes.com. LIVING/DINING All images and content are owned and provided by Menkes and Menkes.com. BEDROOM MASTER w w w .g a l l e r y o f c o n d o s .c o m BALCONY All images and content are owned and provided by Menkes and Menkes.com. L IVING/DINING '.. w D ',. Gallery of Condos Team ',1--f, lll i-----f ll '- --7!-6'- .ilL----ll KITCHEN t' f-- 09 l----1 0s06071 08 l 0:r I 03 All images and content are owned and provided by Menkes and Menkes.com. w w w .g a l l e r y o f c o n d o s .c o m MASTERBEDROOM w w w .g a l l e r y o f c o n d o s .c o m BALCONY l' , J 02 or re -L FLooR TyprcAL t5 =N-__, info@galleryofcondos.com E -L w w w .g a l l e r y o f c o n d o s .c o m KITCHEN info@galleryofcondos.com Gallery of Condos Team [- --I:l All images and content are owned and provided by Menkes and Menkes.com. L I V I N G / D I N ING All images and content are owned and provided by Menkes and Menkes.com. MASTERBEDROOM w w w .g a l l e r y o f c o n d o s .c o m BALCONY LIVING/DINING KITCHEN w w w .g a l l e r y o f c o n d o s .c o m All images and content are owned and provided by Menkes and Menkes.com. MASTER BEDROOM All images and content are owned and provided by Menkes and Menkes.com. . info@galleryofcondos.com TYPIC AL FL OOR Gallery of Condos Team w w w .g a l l e r y o f c o n d o s .c o m BALCONY All images and content are owned and provided by Menkes and Menkes.com. L IV IN G/D IN ING All images and content are owned and provided by Menkes and Menkes.com. w w w .g a l l e r y o f c o n d o s .c o m w w w .g a l l e r y o f c o n d o s .c o m BALCONY MASTER BEDROOM K IT C H E N Alternate Luxxor Balconv Gallery of Condos Teamdetail rYPrcAL FLOOR 'N1, info@galleryofcondos.com w w w .g a l l e r y o f c o n d o s .c o m r- All images and content are owned and provided by Menkes and Menkes.com. w w w .g a l l e r y o f c o n d o s .c o m l 09 All images and content are owned and provided by Menkes and Menkes.com. info@galleryofcondos.com Gallery of Condos Team LIVING/DINING MASTER BEDROOM All images and content are owned and provided by Menkes and Menkes.com. MASTER BEDROOIY 90 90 L I V I NG / DI NI NG DEN r0 0 76 Gallery of Condos Team K I T CHE N t.W no 0506071 08 '- t., t0 All images and content are owned and provided by Menkes and Menkes.com. w w w .g a l l e r y o f c o n d o s .c o m BALCONY w w w .g a l l e r y o f c o n d o s .c o m I tL-o | " I 03 info@galleryofcondos.com All images and content are owned and provided by Menkes and Menkes.com. w w w .g a l l e r y o f c o n d o s .c o m Gallery of Condos Team MASTER BEDROOM w.r.c. t- All images and content are owned and provided by Menkes and Menkes.com. LIVING/DINING w w w .g a l l e r y o f c o n d o s .c o m BALCONY o9 06071 0u l0 I tl rYPrcALFLooR -Na info@galleryofcondos.com All images and content are owned and provided by Menkes and Menkes.com. w w w .g a l l e r y o f c o n d o s .c o m l0'-9"-l- 9'-0" MASTER BEDROOM LIV ING/DININ G f-r {-',.'. _'-_09 All images and content are owned and provided by Menkes and Menkes.com. w w w .g a l l e r y o f c o n d o s .c o m BALCONY t______ l-l Gallery of Condos Team TYPTCAL FLOOR >N\ info@galleryofcondos.com MASTER BEDROOM € w w w .g a l l e r y o f c o n d o s .c o m t09 info@galleryofcondos.com Gallery of Condos Team @ All images and content are owned and provided by Menkes and Menkes.com. L I V I NG / DI N I N G All images and content are owned and provided by Menkes and Menkes.com. BEDROOM2 o, , w w w .g a l l e r y o f c o n d o s .c o m BALCONY All images and content are owned and provided by Menkes and Menkes.com. w w w .g a l l e r y o f c o n d o s .c o m Gallery of Condos Team BEDROOM 2 L I V I NG / DI NI NG F / \/ / " ll -1 l/ o f lo 1 l ll ll .l tl----^=_rl l il @ All images and content are owned and provided by Menkes and Menkes.com. MASTER BEDROOM w w w .g a l l e r y o f c o n d o s .c o m BALCONY info@galleryofcondos.com All images and content are owned and provided by Menkes and Menkes.com. w w w .g a l l e r y o f c o n d o s .c o m l/nH/- \\l I [A/t l ll\ J ll( - } ll K ITCHE N @ MASTER BEDROOM All images and content are owned and provided by Menkes and Menkes.com. L I V I NG / DI NI NG w w w .g a l l e r y o f c o n d o s .c o m BALCONY 08 :^ul . 0s061 i : _ l l rl i . rl 'T 03 09 | , . , rr: l t0 -l oz or .-'- | ll t5 I Gallery of Condos Team ,PPERFLooR rYPrcAL *Nx= info@galleryofcondos.com All images and content are owned and provided by Menkes and Menkes.com. 'J- = I lr 0 2 BEDROOM t0'_0,' --l-. e'_0" t0 0 ll tl DI NI NG / L I V I NG t29 -lT- I 1 l1 t- l I ,[ -_ 050607t r--1 - 09 08 to ft - -.- ol - ---'f- 0 2 or ,. \ o ]] L L--I All images and content are owned and provided by Menkes and Menkes.com. w w w .g a l l e r y o f c o n d o s .c o m M A S T ER B E D R OOM w w w .g a l l e r y o f c o n d o s .c o m r3 3 ll I I 12 ' tb _ -l TYPCALFLOOR ls l Gallery of Condos Team -F( info@galleryofcondos.com All images and content are owned and provided by Menkes and Menkes.com. w w w .g a l l e r y o f c o n d o s .c o m K I T CHE N \ LIV ING/DINING BALCONY Gallery of Condos Team BEDROOM 2 I r"'. .\\ w w w .g a l l e r y o f c o n d o s .c o m {-xn \N$ All images and content are owned and provided by Menkes and Menkes.com. -l TYPICAL FLOOR info@galleryofcondos.com . Solidcore entry door with elegant haroware . Suiteentry closetfeaturing mirroredslidingdoors* . Paneledinterior passagedoors* with elegant hardware . Wood baseboards and door casings . Thermallyinsulatedenergyefficientwindows . White premiumquality appliances(6) and bathroom fixturesthroughout . Stackedwasherand dryer . White verticalblinds The Kitchen w w w .g a l l e r y o f c o n d o s .c o m "a gourmet's delight" . A choiceof UltimaSignaturekitchencabinetryand quality laminatecountertops . Cer amicbacksplash . 18 cubicfoot frost free refrigerator o Stainless steelsink . Singleleverfaucet o Above range microwavewith built-in fan vented to exterior . Self-cleaning oven r Built-indishwasher . Personally codedsuite intrusionalarm system,with suite door contactand keypadconnectedto Conciergedesk . Personalremote panicalarm on key chainfor use in garage . Hardwiredin-suitesmokedetectors . In-suitefire alarm with heat sensors o Controlledaccess to the "Ultima Club" with private residentaccess . CarbonMonoxidedetectionsystemsin all suites Comfort Control Systems "control of your personalenvironment" o Individuallycontrolledheatingand air c onditioning for your year round comfort,when you want it Electrical & Interconnectivity Systems "flexibility built in to every home" o Individualservicepanel with circuitbreakers . Pre-wiredfor CableT.V.and conduitsfor telephone r White Decoradesignerseriesreceptacles and switchesthroughout o Distinctiveceilingfixture in foyer,kitchen,interior den*, hallways*and walk-in closets* . Cappedoutlet in dining room The Bath "pamper yourself with the finer things in life" . Your choiceof Ultima Signaturevanity cabinetrywith culturedmarblecountertopand integratedbasin . D6corwall lighting fixture o Classic ceramictiles on bathtub enclosurewalls r Temperaturecontrolledpressurebalancedshower fa ucets . Exhaustfan ventedto exterior Floor Coverings Menkes M-Link "at home with tomorrow's technology - today" . Ultima'sbuilding infrastructureutilizesMenkesnew exclusiveM-Linkdesignto meet tomorrow'sneeds o Your suite is designedto handlethe latest technologywith the M-LinkGatewaythat can supportsimplenetworkingand additionaltelephone linesfor fax and high speeddata transfer o Multi-portcapabilityto supporttelephone,television and computer(s)within your suiteto meet your personalrequirements "attention to the smallestof details" . Choosefrom an arrayof exquisitepolishedporcelain tiles for your Entry,Kitchen,Ensuiteand Main bathroom . Eleganceis yourswith a choiceof 4Ooz.Broadloom carpetingfor your bedroom,living room, dining room and den* areas Security and Monitoring Systems "for your peace of mind" All images and content are owned and provided by Menkes and Menkes.com. All images and content are owned and provided by Menkes and Menkes.com. "indulge yourself with the very best life hasto offer,' * w h e r e a p p l i c a b l eb a s e do n i n d i v i d u a lf l o o r p l a n Specificationsare subjectto changewithout notice. All room measurements and sizesare approximate Buildermay substitute w w w .g a l l e r y o f c o n d o s .c o m A New Standard of Sophistication materialsfor those providedin the plansand specifications provided s u c hm a t e r i a l sa r e o f q u a l i t y e q u a lt o o r b e t t e r t h a n t h e m a te r i a l p r o v i d e df o r i n t h e p l a n sa n d s p e c i f i c a t i o n sD. e c o r a ti vea n d upgradeditemsdisplayedin the furnishedmodel suitesand sales office are for displaypurposesonly and are not includedin the p u r c h a s eo r i c e . E . & O . E c 24 hour Conciergemonitorsstrategicallyplaced surveillance camerasand two way voice communicationstationswith call buttons in c ommon areasand garage Gallery of Condos Team info@galleryofcondos.com All images and content are owned and provided by Menkes and Menkes.com. chooseto live at ULTIMAat Broadway,you know your clientsinvestmentis as solidasthe Menkesname, and your clientscan look forward to the future with confidenceand pride, a l :c ,\;qr r eal F l fel l ov .er s , l ho rn l . i l : Chrcago,l''lorthYork Ro y.rlP nnacl ear Fmpress Wal k,N orth Y ork ttn p r - "ssWa ik, No r th Yo r k - A s pectac.ul 250,000 ar sq ft, sl roppi rrg & entertai nm-^n1. cLrrnpi ex B e a v e rC r e e kB u s r n e ss Pa r k,Rich r r r o nHill d All images and content are owned and provided by Menkes and Menkes.com. w w w .g a l l e r y o f c o n d o s .c o m Toronto'sskylinejust wouldn't be the samewithout Menkes.For over 45 years,we havebeen responsible for developingmany of the city'slandmarkcommercialand residentialbuildings,Menkesstandstoday as one of the leadingnamesin the industry,a fully integrateddevelopmentcompanyinvolvedin constructionand managementof a diverseportfolioof commercial,industrialand residentialproperties.When your clients w w w .g a l l e r y o f c o n d o s .c o m co n d o m i niu livin m g P rocter& Gambi e,N orth Y ork L o bl aw sa1 F.mpress Wal k, N orth Y ork Gallery of Condos Team info@galleryofcondos.com