January - Victory Report Online


January - Victory Report Online
A Voice For The Christian Faith!
Issue 1 January 2015
New Year!!!
Proud To Be
An American!!
Take Time To Be Encouraged Today!!
Love & Liberty is Reaching Around the Globe!
With God, Every Day Impossibilities Become Life’s Realities!
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Dare To Believe In The Dream
God Has Placed In You
Cheryl Stegall Gipson
Starting over at fifty is not the desired path the
average person chooses to travel. This is usually
the time when the kids have left home, freedom is
at the door, and financial independence seems like
a real possibility. It is the age some refer to as “the
best years of our life.” Others see it as the door to
“growing old.” How we perceive that stage of life
will determine our future destiny.
At fifty, I found myself suddenly single and facing
the reality, I was on my own. As a stay home mom
for many years, my creative mind was constantly
filled with ideas, dreams, and plans. The children
were grown and had their own lives to live. Mean
while I went through a radical change that not only
left an empty nest, but the nest disappeared also.
Watching my marriage dissolve, I was flooded with
sadness, yet I knew deep in my heart “every ending brings a new beginning!”
Having struggled to overcome many issues from my
childhood, the Lord taught me that He had created
in me the heart of a winner. It was a heart with passion to overcome the obstacles that were rising in
my path. He taught me when I failed to get up, brush
off the seat of my pants, and go again. Jesus was
always there to cheer me on, empowering me to
make it and whispering in my ear that I would never
be a failure unless I chose to quit.
Equipped with this knowledge and the grace of God,
I dreamed my dreams and sought Him for the steps
I should take to see them come to pass. Passion to
succeed in the call God placed on my heart, along
with courage to step out and dare to believe it could
happen, fueled my actions. I knew it would come to
Many heartaches and disappointments attempted to
wash out the bridge but I knew my Father was on
my side and failure was not an option. There were
those who thought my decisions were wrong, and
that I should just take the traditional path of punching a time clock because at “my age” I needed a
“secure” job. But God had placed a dream in my
heart and I could not get away from what He had
Cont’d on pg 6...
South Georgia
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Shopping Center
45th & Georgia
Jerry Funk
4925 S Western St.
Amarillo, Texas 79109
“Good News” page 2
The Victory Report’s
“Good News” Publication
P. O. Box 19941
Amarillo, Texas 79114
Circulation as of 12/2013—4000
Cheryl Gipson, Editor & Publisher
Email: victoryreport@sbcglobal.net
806-335-0704 or 806-418-8797
The purpose of The Victory Report is to spread the “Good
News” about what God is doing in the earth today. It is the
goal of this paper to proclaim the truth of God's love and the
understanding of true repentance, to bring hope to the hopeless, encouragement to the discouraged, to stir the heart of
patriotism and to proclaim the truth as God has spoken it in
His Word. We desire to lift up the wonderful Name of Jesus
and to spread a little laughter, joy, nostalgia, and comfort to
every reader. The Victory Report’s “Good News” reserves the
right to refuse to publish any article or testimony that is not in
agreement with the purpose and goals of this paper.
Submissions to be considered for publication may be
emailed to address above.
Curtis says...Stop & Think!!
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By Cheryl Stegall Gipson
The Fragrance
Of Christ
...in the midst of hamburgers
This article was printed over three years ago
and it seems it is time to share it again. What
kind of impression of the Church are we making upon those around us? Are we leaving the
fragrance of Christ which is kindness and appreciation with love or is it the stench of rudeness that is left in the wake of our presence?
I have been amazed how many times I have heard
from those who work in restaurants how much they
“hate the Sunday crowd!” I asked., “Are you talking
about church people?”
The answer was “Yes!” I was blown away to find
so many people who work in this industry unhappy
to see “Christians” come in the door. I began to
ask why. I want to share those answers with you,
my readers. It is my desire that we can one by one
be inspired to be kind and gentle and begin a
change in the image we have burned into the
hearts of those we come in contact with.
My first encounter was with a manager who told me
how terribly rude the Sunday crowds from church
are. She mentioned a particular well known pastor
in Amarillo and shared how demanding and rude
he always was. I wanted to make an attempt to
apologize for his actions, but knew it could not
change the frustration this person was experiencing from this man of God.
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Mayco Center
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After hearing more of this, I began to question
more people who worked in the food industry. I am
sorry to report that what I learned was 100% of
those I talked to had a negative image of
church people who come into their business.
Our reputation is not good and we are not winning
others to Christ by our lack of love and respect for
those who are there to make our dining out a good
What are we going to do about this reputation we
have earned with our insensitive and ungodly ways
that has been burned into the minds of those we
have mistreated or been rude to? Pastors are on
the list along with the rest of the church. I also went
outside of Amarillo and ask about the “church
crowd” and got the same response.
I think the Good News here is now that we are
aware of this lack of love and appreciation we are
demonstrating, perhaps we can change it by sharing this article with others. We can encourage
every one in each of our churches to make it our
project to change our image in the places we go to
The bible tells us that the world will know we are
Christians by our love. We are made in the image
of God and yet we are building a reputation that
might cause people to feel that if God is like the
“Sunday crowd” they don’t want any part of Christianity. What a shame if we get to heaven and find
out our lack of 1 Corinthians 13 love caused someone to stay away from church.
Christians, we have a lot to answer for. Jesus told
us to love one another as He loved us. We are
failing. We talk the talk but my little survey tells me
that we are not walking the walk.
I am issuing a challenge to all pastors and church
folks; all Christians to make an effort to reflect the
“Good News” page 3
love of God and His patience, grace and mercy
wherever we go. Will you help me change this image of dread to see the “Sunday Crowd” come in
the door? We can do it if we will just obey God’s
New Testament commandment to love one another
as He has loved us! We must remember this is not
a suggestion but it is mandatory.
When we enter a place, we should leave a little of
God behind as we exit. A smile, an extra buck on
our tip, a hug, a compliment and our actions should
tell them how much God loves them. Let’s learn to
appreciate people who serve in all the different arenas of life. What a testimony it would be if when
we came through the door, someone said, “There
is my favorite customer” or “I love waiting on those
The choice is ours and we need to check our love
meters. No one owes us anything but we owe God
our lives and our obedience. He has commanded
us to show His love in the measure we have received it. It is time to make a difference and leave
the fragrance of Christ where we have been.
If God has loved us with an everlasting love and
commanded us to walk in His love which is patient,
kind, longsuffering, not rude, prideful, envious, nor
selfish, why then do we think we can act better
than others around us. We, as Christians and
those who are leaders are “servants” and not rulers
of the people. It is love that we are called to live in
and we are not to think of ourselves more highly
than we should.
It is humility and servitude that pleases our Father.
May we always understand that we are His to obey
and to emulate. May we strive to share love with
those who serve us in public places and remember
it is Christ we represent. How sad to find in the
final day that someone missed heaven because
Christians mistreated them and they found no
sweet fragrance of Christ to draw them close and
give them the desire to become a Christ follower,
all because He was misrepresented by someone in
the Body of Christ. Let the God kind of love rule
our actions, our hearts and our minds that we might
be a light in a world filled with darkness.
The Love Letters
And will throughout the ages.
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Memories all come rushing back
As I recall the day we met.
The joy that came from loving you
Has never left me yet!
Jerry Lovato
1800 S. W. 6th St.
I remember all those midnight hours
That you were there for me,
Holding and assuring me
That the dawn would see me free.
From within those old love letters
Your words are loyal still.
Your faithfulness to love me
Is the promise….it’s Your will.
Amarillo, Texas 79109
806-350-7594 Cell 806-683-9595
Wesley’s Bean Pot & Barbecue
My heart responds to You my Lord;
Your Presence thrills my soul.
Yes, there in those old love letters,
My destiny unfolds…..
We Do Catering
Custom Cooking
You have loved me with an ever lasting love
And I am captivated by the fragrance
of Your Presence….
6406 River Road
Amarillo, Texas
Larry Wesley
Billy Pulliam
Thursday & Friday
Closed Sunday & Monday
Jesus did not die that we might willingly
continue in voluntary sin, but that through grace,
we could be empowered and set free from the
slavery of sin, become a son,
and walk in victory!
By Cheryl Stegall Gipson
I picked up your old Love Letters;
They were worn and thin with age;
I took them out and read them;
Oh, how I cherish every page.
Every time I read those words
So fresh with love so sweet,
My heart is moved to come to You..
It is Your Presence that I seek.
The tears began to fall;
I watch them darken on the pages.
My heart belongs to You alone
2615 Paramount
Amarillo, Texas
Jeremy and Erin Pfeil
Sunday Service
10:30 am
Word Shop
9:30 am
Wednesday Service
7:00 pm
West Of 40’s Service
Sunday Evening
6:00 pm
“Good News” page 4
P.O. Box 158 - Canadian, Texas 79014
Terry Brown
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Why Parents have Gray Hair
The boss of a big company needed to call one of
his employees about an urgent problem with one of
his main computers. He dialed the employee’s
home number and was greeted with a child’s whispered, “hello.”
Feeling put out at the inconvenience of having to
talk to a youngster, the boss asked, “Is your daddy
“Yes,” whispered the small voice.
“May I talk with him,“ the man asked.
To the surprise of the boss, the small voice whispered, “No.”
Wanting to talk with an adult, the boss asked, “Is
your mommy there?”
“Yes,” came the answer.
“May I talk with her?”
Again the small voice whispered, “No.”
Knowing that it was not likely that a young child
would be left home alone, the boss decided that he
would just leave a message with the person who
should be there watching over the child.
“Is there anyone there besides you?’ the boss
asked the child.
“Yes, “ whispered the child, “a policeman.”
Wondering what a cop would be doing at his employee’s home, the boss asked, “May I speak with
the policeman?”
“No, he’s busy,” whispered the child.
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“Busy doing what? Asked the boss.
“Talking to daddy and mommy and the fireman,”
came the whispered answer.
Growing concerned and even worried as he heard
what sounded like a helicopter through the ear
piece on the phone, the boss asked, “What is that
“A hello-copper” answered the whispering voice.
“What is going on there?” asked the boss, now
In an awed, whispering voice the child answered,
“The search team just landed the hello-copper.”
Alarmed, concerned and more that just a little frustrated the boss asked, “What are
they searching for?”
Still whispering, the young voice
replied along with a muffled giggle,
What not to wear at church
A hog farmer decided one morning to attend a
church in town. He went into town in his work
clothes smelling remarkably like his hog pen.
The church folks were outraged at the smell. The
pastor said to the farmer: "The next time you come
here, ask the Lord what you should wear." The
farmer agreed.
The following Sunday the farmer returned to the
same church ...in his work clothes. The pastor
asked: "What did the Lord say?" The farmer replied, "The Lord said he had never been to this
church and didn't know what to wear."
Goat for Dinner
The young couple invited their elderly preacher
for Sunday dinner. While they were in the
kitchen preparing the meal, the minister asked
their son what they were having. "Goat," the
little boy replied.
"Goat?" replied the startled man of the cloth,
"Are you sure about that?"
"Yep," said the youngster. "I heard Dad say to
Mom, 'Today is just as good as any to have the
old goat for dinner.'"
Those Questions
Bob is sitting at the coffee shop, staring morosely
into his cappuccino.
Tom walks in and sits down. After trying to start a
conversation several times and getting only distracted grunts, he asks Bob what the problem is.
"Well," said Bob, "I ran afoul of one of THOSE
questions my wife asks. Now I'm in deep trouble at
"What kind of question?"
asked Tom.
"My wife asked me if I would
still love her when she was
old, fat and ugly."
"That's easy," said Tom.
"You just say 'Of course I
"Yeah," said Bob, "that's
what I did, except I said 'Of course I DO.'"
“Good News” page 5
After a long, bumpy flight, our passengers were
glad to finally land. They disembarked, and the other
attendants and I checked for items left behind. In a
seat pocket, I found a bag of home-made cookies
with a note saying "Much love, Mom."
Quickly, I gave the bag to our gate agent in
hopes it would be reunited with its owner.
A few minutes later, this announcement came
over the public-address system in the concourse:
"Would the passenger who lost his cookies on Flight
502, please return the gate!
24 Hr. Roadside Assistance Call: 806-204-0177
Flair For Hair Salon
4521 S. Western
Shop: 378-9881 Home: 622-8898 Cell: 336-0912
Sunday School Lesson
One Sunday after church Mom asked her very
young daughter what the lesson was about. Her
daughter answered "Don't be scared, you'll get
your quilts."
Needless to say, mom was perplexed.
Later in the day, the Pastor stopped by for tea. Mom
asked him what that morning's Sunday school lesson
was about.
He said "Be not afraid, thy comforter is coming
A kindergarten teacher gave her class a "show and
tell" assignment. Each student was instructed to
bring in an object to share with the class that represented their religion.
The first student got up in front of the class
and said, "My name is Benjamin and I am
Jewish and this is a Star of David."
The second student got up in front of the class
and said, "My name is Mary. I'm a Catholic
and this is a Rosary."
The third student got in up front of the class
and said, "My name is Tommy. I am Methodist, and
this is a casserole."
The home owner was delighted with the way the
painter had done all the work on his house. “You did
great job,” he said and handed the man a check.
“Also in order to thank you, here’s an extra $80 to
take the missus out to dinner and a movie.” Later
that night the doorbell rang and it was the painter.
Thinking the man had forgotten something he asked,
“What’s the matter, did you forget something?”
“Nope,” he replied, “I’m just here to take your missus
out to dinner and a movie like you asked!”
A little boy was overheard praying, “Lord if you can’t
make me a better boy, don’t worry about it. I am having a real good time like I am!”
Laughter is
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“Good News” page 6
birthed there! I wanted God to use me to touch the
hearts and lives of people who needed to experience Him in a fresh and personal way.
tuggs at your heart. Every ending means a new
beginning and no matter what age we are, God still
has a plan for our lives. We are never too young or
too old to follow Jesus. When we commit to a relationship with Him, He opens doors for us to fulfill His
I had always pondered on the miracle of a little girl
who lived down the street when my children were
growing up. Her name was Kylee and she was diagnosed with a brain tumor. She needed a miracle
at that time and for almost two years she and her
family battle the demon of cancer.
Her mother, Peggy, shared with me that she lay on
her face day after day standing on God’s promises
that what God had NOT planted (cancer) would be
uprooted. It was! Kylee’s tumor disappeared. It
was such a miracle that I thought surely one of the
news stations or papers would pick it up and share
the story. They didn’t.
I decided in that time period that I wanted to publish a Christian newspaper and print Good News
such had come to Kylee’s household. This paper
is the result of that seed and it has been producing
fruit all over the world for many years now. It was
not questionable that people want and need to hear
what God is doing in the earth today. For it to
come from the kitchen table to print means someone has to create it and therefore, God brought it to
pass. I only did what I felt led to do.
Encouraging articles, testimonies, humor and positive reports encourage the hearts of people. Without a nickel to start on, and a borrowed computer
at my brother’s house it was birthed. God has
been so faithful and many have been uplifted and
encouraged in reading the testimonies of answered
prayer. To Him be the glory, the honor and the
Joy is the force that catapults our praises into the
heavens. God is on our side. He is not waiting in
the wings to see what we do wrong and mark an X
of failure on our record. He is forever living inside
of us through the Holy Spirit, giving us the knowledge of witty inventions and supplying all we need
to finish our assignments!
In knowing who we are in Christ it is certain He is
our Source. He is the empowerment to achieve
what He has called us to do. In spending time with
Him, we hear His voice and He leads us to our destiny. That thing you think you can not do which you
are certain you are suppose to do is waiting to
come to fruition through you taking the first step.
Dream the dreams God has placed in your heart. If
He placed them there, it is His will for them to come
to pass. If a middle aged woman can take a
dream and no money or equipment, trust God and
see it come to pass then you also can see Him
open doors for you. Remember that you are never
a failure in something until you quit. It matters not
what others think of your dream. Your calling is
yours alone. Dare to succeed in the thing that has
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call in each of our lives.
We may not know what is down the road but we are
able to do what we hear Him say, day by day.
Never brush aside small beginnings. Step by step,
and moment by moment we are to be led by the
Holy Spirit.
The righteous shall flourish like a palm tree and
grow like a cedar in Lebanon. They who are
planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in
the courts of our God bearing fruit in old age
and they shall be fresh and flourishing and declare that the Lord is upright, our Rock and there
is no unrighteousness in Him….Psalm 92
Dare to believe the dream God has placed in you.
You are a priceless treasure and He has counted
you worthy of the blood of Jesus. What a wonderful
thing to know that God has empowered us to do all
that He has called us to do.
I am reminded of White Horse Ministries and Ron
Yarbrough. Knowing God was calling him to a ministry to feed people and organize meetings to minister to those hungry for the Lord yet not in a traditional type church setting, he prayed and waited for
God to show him the steps to take. One day at a
car wash a little girl offered him a Thrifty Nickel to
read. In that paper was an ad with a Chuckwagon
for sale. Ron purchased it and Whitehorse Ministries began to host outside meetings with chuck
wagon cooking and gospel meetings. It all began
after experiencing a move of God in his own life.
Ron began to feel in his spirit God wanted him to do
something. Day by day, little by little it came to fruition and miracles began to occur.
The bible tells us to despise not small beginnings.
We all have a purpose and a call to something in
this life. Most and first of all, we are to love one another as He has loved us. We are to let Jesus
move, love, and minister through each of our lives.
Then the rest will follow. Dare to believe in the
dream God has placed in you and step out in faith.
Ray Johnson—Owner
Amarillo, Texas
Call For Appointment
“Good News” page 7
Jesus did not die that we might continue in habitual sin but that we might be
set free from the slavery of sin, become a son, walk in victory...
Stand strong and have courage.
Fear not and do not be
terrified for the LORD your
God goes with you always and he
will never leave you nor will He
forsake you.”
Deuteronomy 31:6
Think On The Bright Side
By Cheryl Stegall Gipson
Why get so flustered and u p s e t a t small
things...why look at the
negative and neglect all your dreams….
Think on the bright side and laugh at
yourself….don’t give in to stress and
throw away your good health….
God plans your future and His plans are good
things….Not days filled with crisis and shackles
and chains that steal all your joy and keep you
wrapped up in knots….but it’s a life full of promise
and not lucky slots!!
Just say to yourself, “It’s really not a
big thing….I’ll just let it go and in
fact I will sing…”
Then put on a smile and ask God what to
do….Then walk in His love and He’ll see
you through….
Ain’t nothing’ but
love Gonna
conquer this
Denver Moore
In righteous you shall be established;
You shall be far from oppression for
you shall not fear; And from terror,
for it shall not come near you. Indeed
they shall surely assemble but not
because of Me. Whoever assembles
against you shall fall for your sake.
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Isaiah 54:14 & 15 NKJV
Then at the end of the day with the
bright side in mind...You will find that there’s peace
down on the inside...and the smile on your face will
warm hearts that you meet….It’s not a big
thing so just decide to stay sweet!!!
Attitude Is A Small Thing
That Makes A BIG
$40.00 Monthly
“Good News” Page 8
“The Consignment Company”
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Joy comes in
the Morning
By ginny smith
I have been praying that the Holy Spirit would
guide me as I attempt to share with you how God
helped me through the trials in my life, especially
the death of my husband. On September 26, 1983,
my husband took his own life after a long and painful illness. It was a very dark time in my life and I
had to claim God's promise that he would never
leave me nor forsake me. I began to think about
Joseph who had been in exile for many years. His
path had many thorns along the way, but the hard
places had to be overcome so God's plans could
be accomplished. His brothers rose against him to
kill him,, and yet God used this for his good. Joseph was truly fruitful in the land of affliction. He
was a fruitful bough whose branches ran over the
wall. He walked in a valley, but later it was followed by a mountain and so it is with our lives. Our
trials are not without purpose or meaning. The
miracle is that God can bring joy where once there
was sadness. We can come out of bondage into
freedom, just as Joseph did. God will bring all of
our testings to a successful conclusion. I found in
my grieving that "weeping may endure for a night
but joy comes in the morning". In spite of the circumstance of my life, I could still have the joy of the
Lord and I found that the joy of the Lord was my
strength. God simply put his arms around me,
lifted me up and gave me peace that only he could
give. It is wonderful to know that we can have this
joy in our hearts when we keep our eyes upon Jesus.
I am a mother of 3 and have 8 grandchildren
and 2 great grandchildren. I have written 4
books of inspirational poetry. The purpose of
my books is to reach out to other broken people. These poems are a testimony of God's
grace and mercy in my own life.
Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com <a
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There is no greater peace than to have the assurance that you are perfectly loved by God
Rescued By Jennifer Mobbs
Recently I picked up a prescription for one of my
dogs at the Vet's office, eighty-six dollars and
twenty-eight cents. Unfortunately, it's not the only
medication I have to give to our house full of animals and when I say "house full" I mean 4 cats and
7 dogs; all rescues. Each one has its own unique
story, most of them very sad. Several of them of
have been very badly abused. As I was waiting to
be checked out I started thinking about all the costs
of having so many pets. The shots, medicines, special food, I let out a long sigh thinking to myself, "I
can't keep doing this!" Another lady with a perfectly healthy, friendly, sweet dog was checking out
at the counter as well. It seems one of girls working
there had noticed my rather long face as I was
looking over the bill. I jokingly said to her, "Why
can't I have a normal dog, one that doesn't require
anything but food and love?" Denise smiled back
at me shaking her head, she said, "Jennifer, you
will probably never have a "normal" dog or cat, you
take the ones that no one else wants, the ones that
are the most needy and the leased loved." As I
handed her my check, I said, "You're absolutely
right, but there must be some reason why I do this!"
Once I got home I looked around my house; all the
modifications we have made to our home to accommodate all our pets. We have ramps for the
older ones, special beds and crates and even little
stairs so the smaller pets can reach the couch. We
purposefully chose flooring for our living room that
is "pet friendly." My book cases, my walls are all
filled with pictures and knick knacks of dogs and
cats, books on dog care, cat pictures, pug pillows,
you name it I probably have it. I am also one of
those people whom loves to change around the
furniture every few months, but I had to stop after
we took in a blind pug. She knows the lay out of
the house and if I move anything, she might run
right into it. I sat down on the couch and instantly
all my dogs and cats jumped up to sit with me. As
each one came to greet me it made me think about
Adam in the Book of Genesis. God say's from "out
of the ground" he made all the creatures in the
earth and in chapter two God brings all the animals
to Adam to see what he would call them; and whatever Adam called them that was its name. God
“Good News” Page 9
made all the creatures yet; he let Adam name them
all. So God had no doubt in Adam's ability to name
the creatures He had made.
I have to admit its true; I don't think I have ever had
a pet that didn't have some kind of issue, physical
or emotional, usually both. Sometimes I wish they
could tell me what happened to them, so I could try
to fix it. But since they can't I treat them with love
and give them time to realize that we can be
trusted. All of this is another lesson from God, a
window He provides for me to see into. In fact,
these days every where I turn, I see a message
about who God is and a chance to learn something
more about God's Grace, His Goodness and His
ability to change me if I will let Him.
People around me believe I am willing to take less,
to take the worst portion of what they have, and
that was true. So much of my life I have allowed
myself to be put down, given less and just plain
mistreated. I thought that because I was so aware
of my shortcomings, my sinful nature, I deserved to
be treated this way. Thankfully God stepped in to
remind me how much He loves me. This is one of
the things I work on daily, to like myself, to remain
humble and to honor God each day. I must always
remember to not be angry with those that don't
serve God, but to pray for them. They are in same
situation I am; they have to let God in to change
their lives.
Change is probably the hardest thing for me to accept and do. I wasn't raised under the best circumstances. I almost died as a child. I saw a lot of
adult things that children shouldn't see. My High
School boyfriend physically abused me. I escaped
him, but then my first husband was worse abusing
me physically and emotionally. But, by far the most
difficult and painful situation for me has been the
repeated rejection by my family for my beliefs and
my convictions. I want them to understand as much
as we can here on earth the depth of who God is
and why He deserves our love and respect. I hate
to admit it but in a small way my heart stills longs
for their approval. Having convictions always
makes me think of Daniel from the Old Testament,
captured as a young teenager and brought to
Babylonian. He was to be trained and taught to
serve a pagan king. But Daniel had convictions, he
knew God as Jehovah. He chose obedience to
Jehovah no matter what it might cost him. Each
time his faith and convictions were challenged by
the pagan kings God always protected Daniel, and
Jehovah became known to a pagan nation as the
Most High God, the True God.
Learning about God and God's people, has helped
me see who I am; the closer I get to God the less
important the world is, and the easier it is to let go
of those past hurts; seeing the bad things that happened to me for what they were and deciding to
take the narrow road. Learning to have relationships with people in my life that don't understand
my love and commitment to God can be very challenging. Sometimes its hard for me not to become
critical of the life style choices-so opposed to God,
that many in my family have chosen, especially
because I love them so much. But I have realized
by now no matter what I say, it falls on deaf ears
and closed minds. Could I have Daniel's strength,
it's not without pain and loss, but God will replace
that loss with His unending love of that I am positive.
This leads me back to my seven dogs and four cats
now sitting on the couch with me snuggled up on
each other and me like cordwood. I think that's
why God brings these wounded and abused dogs
and cats to my door. Who better to understand?
Because I have been so wounded and because I
understand what it feels like to be abused and
unloved. But all that changed when I learned to
trust God to heal me, then to give me a direction,
an occupation that would bring glory to Him, that's
when I came out of my shell, came out from behind
the walls of shame I had built around myself.
I took in a little dog just about a year ago, so
starved you could see each rib on his body. He
was covered by so many fleas they were slowly
killing him. Cleaning him up and feeding him was
the easy part. The hard part, I had never seen
such a sad and fearful dog ever before. At first I
couldn't touch him or pick him up without him crowing in fear hiding under a chair or in a corner. I
have been working with him very slowly and he is
starting to trust but, he still has long way to go. But,
I'm not worried, he can spend his life with us; he'll
never be starved or abused again and we will take
it step by step. The important thing about a dog
that has been as abused as this one is that I cannot push him; I want him to come to me, on his
own. Yet one more lesson from God; He wants the
very same thing from us. God never pushes us;
He wants us to seek Him with our hearts laid open
willing to trust Him. He is always a gentleman,
never forcing His will upon us. But, I have to warn
you, time may be very short, so don't let this moment pass you by. Today is the best day in the
world to seek Him. It doesn't matter how wounded
you are, how abused you have been or how
unloved you may feel. He is ready to take you in
and rescue you.
I have been writing all my life, I just didn't realize it until I was my late 40's. I hope my experiences can help other who have gone through
similar trials. This story is a bit different for me,
however I feel compelled to write what I see,
even if it isn't always happy.
Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com <a
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“Good News” Page 10
From Pastor Andrew & Ann Marie Bills
“Do You Believe That
Someone Else Is
Responsible For Your
Casting the blame onto others or “passing the buck” is
quite common in our world since the beginning of time. It’s
a person’s fleshly, sinful and cowardly act of failing to
take the responsibility for one’s very own wrongful act
as they attempt to attribute it to another person or
History has revealed young people blaming their parents,
and/or parents blaming their society for their lack of values
or good upbringing. Our political arena is in shambles because each political party accuses the other instead of seeking a common ground for the benefit of all the people.
How many husbands have had affairs because they tried to
blame their spouse for being cold, unloving or no longer
able to satisfy their emotional or sexual needs. Satan's
temptations are not only attractive but deceptive. But the
Bible still says that the wages of sin is death. (Romans
The rich continue to blame the poor and the poor blame the
rich for the ill conditions in our society. Bigotry and gender
bias is on the rise again as situations are about to re-ignite
on the scene with everyone pointing the finger at the other
person or group. Then if that’s not enough, recently in
the news, a convicted murderer tried to blame his evil
activities on the fast foods and pastries that he had
earlier consumed!
Rather than holding yourself personally accountable and
seeking forgiveness, deliverance, healing and guidance,
many attempt to just cast the blame on others to ascribe or
cover up their sins. But God holds each individual personally responsible for their own disobedience, failures, sins
and lack of faith.
For The Lord has given you “the power of choice.” Now as
God seeks to influence your choices, Satan also seeks to influence your actions and decisions. God has created man to be a
free moral agent, whose individual decisions will determine
their destiny. Such was the case way back in the Garden
of Eden.
God created Adam and Eve and placed them in a paradise
environment with the simple instructions NOT to eat from the
tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for in the day they
would, they would die. (Genesis 2:17)
Once Eve was tempted and ate the forbidden fruit, she quickly
turned to Adam and he, not weakened, impaired or deceived,
immediately, knowingly and deliberately ate of the same.
Adam plainly showed contempt for what God had done for
him by placing a higher value on his relationship with his
wife than on his relationship and communion with his
Then Genesis 3:7 NIV says, “Then the eyes of both of them
were opened, and they realized they were naked; so they
sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves.” Then they ran and tried to even hide from God.
Then in Genesis 3:9, God calls out, “Adam, where are
you?” Adam and Eve did not manage to hide themselves in
a place where God couldn’t see them, for where can you go to
avoid His Presence? NO, this indicates that God wanted
them to bring themselves out as He came searching for
those who were now lost. But out of disobedience, they
were now afraid of God’s holiness. Before they sinned they
welcomed God's gracious visits with joy, but now He was
a terror to them.
Their answers to God’s questions only revealed that neither
was willing to accept that they had failed. Adam no longer
referred to Eve as “bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh”
but pointed the finger at her and now blamed God for her presence and actions.
Genesis 3: 12-13 NIV says, “The man said, the woman you
put here with me, she gave me some fruit from the tree, and I
ate it." Then the LORD God said to the woman, "What is this
you have done?" The woman said, "The serpent deceived
me, and I ate."
Adam and Eve both tried to excuse the sin by laying the blame
and shame on others. Satan may tempt, but he cannot
force you to do anything contrary to your will. He may
suggest, persuade or entice you to sin but he cannot “make”
you do it. If his subtlety draws you into sin, then you must
rightfully admit to your sinful activities.
When a child messes up and honestly comes and admits it,
what loving parent would not forgive and embrace the child?
There may be a punishment, yes, but that only serves to
strengthen the child’s character. How much more will your
loving Father in Heaven, who gave His only Son to die for
your sins, embrace and love you?
The final question is, will you run away from the Father’s immense loving forgiveness by trying to shift the blame, when
He who knows all and sees all, already knows the truth?
You’re invited to listen to our daily
LIVE or Archived Internet Radio
Bible Teaching Ministry Broadcast called,
“The Victory Report Hour”
with Pastor Andrew & Ann Marie Bills at:
“Will You Trust Me Even If You Don’t
Understand Or Can’t See
What I’m Doing?”
Will you trust God if you’re being led in
ways that may clash with your personal
plans, conflict with your natural thinking,
defy your logic or seem drastically different
from your normal way of doing things?
In this prophetic and insightful single book
from The Holy Spirit,
Pastor Andrew Bills gives you the keys towards overcoming negative emotions &
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Christ. Here you’ll discover how to stand
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“Good News” Page 11
The Signature Of
God by April Davis
For those of you who do not believe God can
speak directly to a person, I have a personal
story that could convince you otherwise. I was
in my second year of Bible School and had
suffered a scalp injury from a car accident in
mid December. My doctor had insisted I fly
home for treatment.
I had never flown before and was very
apprehensive, yet I felt so “grown-up” as I
boarded the plane in Houston. Everyone
looked at me rather oddly because I was
sporting a full head wrap and looked like a
partial mummy!
I decided on a window seat and I
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snuggled up with my bag of CDs and my
magazines. My heart pounded with excitement
as we soared into the sky. We flew through the
clouds and I watched the wing of the plane as
it quivered slightly. As I looked out the window
at the clouds, I began to pray.
“God, It would be so neat to see you
just…..sign your Name in these clouds; your
signature, that’s what I would like to see.” I
ended my prayer and went back to my CDs
without giving it much more thought.
As we neared the end of the flight, I
once again gazed out the tiny window. I saw a
canyon below and I studied the intricate details. How beautifully carved and thought out
that canyon was. I watched in awe as we flew
over. A moment of silence passed and
then…..from deep inside I heard the most
peaceful voice whisper to me. “You wanted to
see my signature…there it is.”
How could a child of God be afraid of flying
when you can see the penmanship of your
Creator as you look to the earth. I bet God
crossed every “t” and dotted every
“i”. I
choose to believe that canyon was an exclamation point!
Even without that peaceful voice, God
speaks to us everyday. Watch the sunrise, He
says, “I love you.” Watch the ant, He says, “Be
diligent.” Watch the children, He says, “I’m
smiling.” Watch the cross, He says, “I gave
you all I have.”
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“Good News” Page 12
Clark Insurance
For Love of the Master
By Shari Weigerstorfer
I glare at Missy as I think of the effort and energy
this worthless mutt will require. That is of course,
should comply with my grandmother's wishes. The
temptation to boot her little butt into the backyard to
hang out with my normal, well-adjusted canine is
high. It would teach "Her Highness" a thing or two
about what it's like to be a "real" dog. A week of
reality might actually improve her character. But
tempting as it is, I know I won't do it.
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As I look at the list of commands lovingly written in
Grandma's homemade manual, I grimace. Even
doggie day spas don't offer such pampering.
My grandmother holds a special place in my heart.
When I have needed her, she has always been
there. She has been my companion. She has seen
my tears and been my comfort. I love her and she
loves me. Although, possibly not as much as she
loves this stupid dog.
My grandmother just dropped off her dog. Accompanying the hound is a suitcase of paraphernalia
containing a leash, bed, bowls, chew bones, glitter
balls, gourmet foods, doggie biscuits and an instruction manual. The latter is a long, drawn-out,
detailed guide to the "care and feeding" of Missy
who will be staying with me for a week while
Grandmother is in the hospital.
The dog and I survey each other from across the
room. She looks worried. She should be. Missy and
I have never gotten along. To me, she is a spoiled
rotten child. Except no child has ever been spoiled
as much or as long as this dog has been. Add to
this that Missy is now an old spoiled child. She's in
the winter of her life and is loosing her hair, teeth,
looks and whatever charm she ever had. In addition, she has a tendency to piddle on the carpet.
Plus, her breath stinks.
Let's just say I have no love or affection for Missy.
To Grandma, Missy is not an old, decrepit mongrel.
She is one of the great loves of her life; a dear friend
and companion. Missy was with her when Grandpa
died. It was Missy who saw the silent tears. Together they mourned for him. Together they adjusted to life without him. Missy gave Grandma a
reason to begin each new day. Missy sat on her lap
through the empty hours and walked with her
through the lonely nights. Missy never left her side.
This ugly dog now holds her heart. And I have been
chosen to care for Grandmother's most precious
treasure. On a personal level, I loathe Missy. But
this isn't about Missy. This is about Grandma. To
lovingly care for that which she treasures is my gift
to her. I will care for the dog for love of the master.
Sometimes our Master asks that we care for people
who seem little more than mongrels. The old, rebellious, needy and wounded can be unattractive. We
may feel some are truly loathsome. The responsibility of caring for them may border on the sacrificial.
These people may never appreciate our efforts.
Some may even resent us for it. And the worst part
is, we are requested to regard them in ways they
don't seem to deserve.
But it's not about them. It's about the Master. He
considers whatever we do to them as being done for
We don't see through the Master's eyes. We see the
old and ailing that repulse our senses. He sees a
precious friend valiantly and agonizingly taking their
final steps "home." What the Master sees in you is
the potential patience for giving tender care.
We see the angry youth who is "nothing but trouble."
He sees a child, the victim of negligent abuse. The
Master sees in you the depth of heart their healing
We see the worthless, sly and deceptive. He sees
the faithful servant who has suffered great loss, is
ravaged by bitter disappointment and drowning in
hopelessness. The Master sees in you the eternal
optimism that will infuse their heart with hope.
The Victory Report
Good News
“Good News” Page 13
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advertising dollars.
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The Master is the one who has seen their tears. He
sat with them through the empty hours and walked
with them through the darkest nights. He never left
their side. He is their dearest friend and companion. They hold His heart.
We have been asked to care for precious treasures. We have been chosen as agents of His love.
His trust is an honor on us bestowed. Those who
serve "for love of the Master" hold His heart.
Matthew 25:35-40 "For I was hungry and you gave
me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave
me something to drink, I was a stranger and you
invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me,
I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison
and you came to visit me. Then the righteous will
answer him, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry
and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to
drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite
you in or needing clothes and clothe you? When
did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit
you?' The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers
of mine, you did for me.'"
Shari Weigerstorfer is a free-lance Christian
writer, native to the West Coast of America.
When not indulging in her passion for travel,
she writes from her home in Singapore. Other
articles by Shari can be found on her site at
Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com <a
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“Good News” Page 14
Out of the Cold
And she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She
wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a
manger, because there was no room for them
in the inn. Luke 2:7
Over the last couple of decades we continue to
have people who object to manger scenes
placed especially on government property. It
seems as though the few squeaky wheels can
make enough noise to change what the rest of
the world would like to see kept as tradition.
But sometimes I wonder about our traditions
becoming more of my rights versus my convictions.
This past week I stared a Christmas card with a
thought about a manger scene swirling around
in my mind. Across the top of the card are the
words, “Joy to the World.” There was a quaint
little white church in the background with lights
a glow through the windows. There were
wreaths on the closed front double doors.
Snow blanketed the ground and the roof of the
church. Evergreen trees sparsely placed in the
background. The manger scene with the baby
Jesus, Joseph, Mary, and the shepherds gathered around it was off to the left and in front of
the little white church. The steps to the church
had evidently been cleared of snow.
Here in Luke we have the indication that Jesus
was born in a stable and laid in a feed trough
for the animals. Now I have never found the
weather records for the time of Jesus’ birth, but
I can imagine that no matter the weather it was
a tough place to be born and begin weathering
the conditions of the evening. It most likely was
not a good time to be born in a stable or cave
used to house livestock. Would it ever be a
good place to be born surrounded cows,
sheep, goats, and donkeys? Imagine the first
sight you see is a cow’s nose in your face!
If the inn keeper had known who this baby was
to become for the world do you think he would
have made his best room available? Can you
imagine having traveled for at least three days
to arrive and find that your firstborn child was
coming and there was no soft warm bed to lay
him down on, with blankets to cover and keep
warm? Can you imagine that the first people to
come and see you and the baby were smelly,
dirty sheepherders?
As I looked at this Christmas greeting card, I began to think about the kind of greeting that the
baby Jesus, the king of kings, prince of peace,
the one who came to save the world was greeted
when He arrived in this world. It was not only the
greeting of a king but also the beginning of the
death of the savior of the world. The most important birth of all time was taking place in a manger
and the inn keeper had no room for Him. As I
looked at this card with the manger scene with
the little white church all warm and inviting with
wreaths on the door to welcome visitors, it came
to me that we still have not invited the King of
kings into the warmth of our lives. We still have
reserved the best room for ourselves where we
can be comfortable, warm and safe from the conditions of this world.
We want the world to see that we know the story
of Jesus but have we truly invited Him into our
lives to be Lord. The master of the house does
not stand outside to the left and front of the
church in the snow but must be placed in the
center of the greeting card that is our life. You
see not only can we invite Jesus in but we can
also invite those who need to know Jesus in as
well. Do we want to just set up the manger scene
in front of us and hope the world believes that He
is the center of who we are? Or do we want to
invite Him in and give Him the best we have to
offer. Do we want to keep Him in the manger or
do we invite Him in out of the cold and give Him a
throne in our hearts and lives?
Sticky Notes
From Darren Lard,
Owner at Animal Computers
The bad guys use all the tricks in their black book
to get you to click on and share hoax stories with
your friends. This happens on Facebook, popular
websites, they are sent straight to your inbox, and
even major news outlets are sharing them unthinkingly. So, be on the lookout for these five hoaxes:
1. Stories that urge you to share something before
you have even read them. Step away from that
2. Celebrity deaths are increasingly being used to
shock people into clicking on links and making a
zombie out of their PC or lock their smartphone
with ransomware. Recent example: Will Smith.
3. Very violent video news reports that draw your
attention with "Warning: Graphic Content" and lurid
titles like "Giant snake swallows zookeeper". Don't
touch 'em.
4. Outrageous stories about Facebook itself, like it
will start charging for the service, it sells your personal information, a way to show you who looked
at your page, or other claims that might upset you
and lure you to click on a link.
5. And last, especially in this season of charity,
heartrending reports about dying girls that beg you
for "likes" so they can obtain drugs or hospital
treatment. Think Before You Click!
Cybercrime is moving into mobile malware with
astonishing speed so be especially careful clicking/
tapping on suspicious things on your smartphone.
Anything you received but did not ask for, watch
out because your phone may get locked with mobile ransomware.
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Call: Dale
810 No. Western
Funeral Home
We Celebrate Lives
4180 Canyon Drive 806-354-2585
Charlie Cox