tank top filters
tank top filters
I CONTENTS SERIES STRAINERS Internal Bushing Mount 3/8” to 6” NPTF Ports 1 SS Internal Bushing Mount 3/8” to 3” NPTF Ports 2 TF External Reducer Bushing Mount 3/8” to 4” NPTF Ports 3 TFS External Steel Reducer Bushing Mount 1/2” to 3” NPTF Ports 4 External O-Ring Seal Mount SAE-20 to SAE-32 Ports 5 External Reducer Bushing Mount 1” to 3” NPTF 6 TF Male External Nipple Mount 2” Male x 2” Male NPTF 8 BTF External Bushing Mount 3/4” to 1 1/4” Hose 9 HS External Bolt Mount w/ Static Seal 3/4” to 4” NPTF / SAE-20 to SAE-32 10 HS External Bolt Mount w/ Static Seal 3/4” to 2 1/2” NPTF / SAE-20 to SAE-32 12 TD-PMI Internal Bushing Mount 3/8” to 6” NPTF Ports 14 TD-PME External Reducer Bushing Mount 3/8” to 6” NPTF Ports External Bolt Mount w/ Static Seal 3/4” to 2 1/2” NPTF / SAE-20 to SAE-32 14 TF & TFS (O-Ring) TF (Magnetic) (Magnetic) HD SPIN-ON HEADS - SINGLE ELEMENTS PAGE MS & SS (Magnetic) DIFFUSERS DESCRIPTION 16 Ports: 1/4”, 3/8” NPTF, 1/4” BSP & 9/16”-18 (SAE-6) Flows up to 7 GPM - 200 PSI Max Spin-on Filters: BE (3.1” Dia. x 3/4”-16) 18 ZAF Ports 1/2” NPTF Thru 1 5/16”-12UN (SAE-16) Flows up to 32 GPM - 250 PSI Max. Spin-on Filters: AE (3.7” Dia. x 1”-12) 20 VAF Eaton Interchange Ports: 1” NPTF & 1 5/16”-12UN (SAE-16) Flows up to 25 GPM - 250 PSI Max Spin-on Filters: VE-10 (3.7” Dia. x 1 1/8”-16) 25 SF Ports 1” NPTF Thru 1 7/8”-12UN (SAE-24) Flows up to 80 GPM - 200 PSI Max Spin-on Filters: SE& LE (5.1” Dia. x 1 1/2”-16) 26 GF Parker / Gresen Interchange Ports: 1 1/4” NPTF & 1 5/8”-12 (SAE-20) Flows up to 70 GPM - 200 PSI Max Spin-on Filters: GCE & GLE (5.1” Dia. x 1 1/2”-16) 40 HF Ports: 3/4” NPTF Thru 1 5/16”-12UN (SAE-16) Flows up to 40 GPM - 400 PSI Max. Spin-on Filters: HE (3.7” Dia. x 1 1/2”-16) 42 DHF Ports: 3/4” NPTF Thru 1 5/16”-12UN (SAE-16) Flows up to 35 GPM - 500 PSI Max. Spin-on Filters: ME (3.7” Dia. x 1 3/8”-12) 44 BF Phone (608) 524-4200 Fax (608) 524-4220 www.zinga.com C16 II CONTENTS SERIES SPIN-ON HEADSMULTIPLE ELEMENTS DESCRIPTION PAGE DF Over/Under Ports: 1 1/2” NPTF, 1 7/8”-12UN (SAE-24), 2” (4) Bolt Flange Flows up to 120 GPM - 200 PSI Max Spin-On Filters: SE & LE (5.1” Dia. x 1 1/2”-16) 31 MF Modular Inline Ports: 1 1/2” NPTF, 1 7/8”-12UN (SAE-24), 2” (4) Bolt Flange Flows up to 120 GPM - 200 PSI Max Spin-On Filters: SE & LE (5.1” Dia. x 1 1/2”-16) 32 MFT Reservoir Flange Mount Ports: 1 1/2” NPTF, 1 7/8”-12UN (SAE-24), 2” (4) Bolt Flange Flows up to 120 GPM - 200 PSI Max Spin-On Filters: SE & LE (5.1” Dia. x 1 1/2”-16) 34 ZDF Modular Side by Side Ports: 1 1/2” NPTF, 1 7/8”-12UN (SAE-24), 2” (4) Bolt Flange Flows up to 120 GPM - 200 PSI Max Spin-On Filters: SE & LE (5.1” Dia. x 1 1/2”-16) 36 SPIN-ON FILTER ELEMENTS: STAINLESS WIRE MESH SPIN-ON FILTER ELEMENTS: CELLULOSE MEDIA Phone (608) 524-4200 Fax (608) 524-4220 AE-100 3, 10 & 25 Micron (3.7” Dia. x 1”-12) Heads: ZAF Series 23 LE-100 3, 10 & 25 Micron (5.1” Dia. x 1 1/2”-16) Heads: SF, DF, MF, MFT, & ZDF Series 38 SE-100 3, 10, & 25 Micron (5.1” Dia. x 1 1/2”-16) Heads: SF, DF, MF, MFT, & ZDF Series 38 AE 3, 10 & 25 Micron (3.7” Dia. x 1”-12) Heads: ZAF Series 23 BE 10, 25 & 40 Micron (3.1” Dia. x 3/4”-16) Heads: BF Series 19 GCE & GLE Parker / Gresen Interchange 3, 10 & 25 Micron (5.1” Dia. x 1 1/2”-16) Heads: GF Series 41 HE 3, 10 Micron (3.7” Dia. x 1 1/2”-16) Heads: HF Series 43 LE 3, 10 & 25 Micron (5.1” Dia. x 1 1/2”-16) Heads: SF, DF, MF, MFT, & ZDF Series 38 ME 3 & 10 Micron (3.7” Dia. x 1 3/8”-12) Heads: DHF Series 46 SE 3, 10, & 25 Micron (5.1” Dia. x 1 1/2”-16) Heads: SF, DF, MF, MFT, & ZDF Series 38 VE Eaton Interchange 10 Micron (3.8” Dia. x 1 1/8”-16) Heads: VAF Series 25 www.zinga.com C16 III CONTENTS SPIN-ON FILTER ELEMENTS: “Z-GLASS” MEDIA SPIN-ON FILTER ELEMENTS: Aqua-ZorbTM SERIES PAGE ZAE 3, 10 & 25 Micron (3.7” Dia. x 1”-12) Heads: ZAF Series 24 ZBE 10 Micron (3.1” Dia. x 3/4”-16) Heads: BF Series 19 ZGCE & ZGLE Parker / Gresen Interchange 3 & 10 Micron (5.1” Dia. x 1 1/2”-16) Heads: GF Series 41 ZHE 3 & 10 Micron (3.7” Dia. x 1 1/2”-16) Heads: HF Series 43 ZLE 3 &10 Micron (5.1” Dia. x 1 1/2”-16) Heads: SF, DF, MF, MFT, & ZDF Series 39 ZME 3 & 10 Micron (3.7” Dia. x 1 3/8”-12) Heads: DHF Series 46 ZSE 3 & 10 Micron (5.1” Dia. x 1 1/2”-16) Heads: SF, DF, MF, MFT, & ZDF Series 39 AE-AZ 3 & 10 Micron (3.7” Dia. x 1”-12) Heads: ZAF Series 23 LE-AZ 3 & 10 Micron (5.1” Dia. x 1 1/2”-16) Heads: SF, DF, MF, MFT, & ZDF Series 38 3 & 10 Micron (3.91” Dia.) Housings: TR/TS & RF/SRF Series 86 3 & 10 Micron (5.18” Dia.) Housings: WF2 Series 90 Cartridge Filter for Common Cavity C16-2 Flows up to 12 GPM, 3,000 PSI 47 Cartridge Element with Bypass Plug Flows up to 30 GPM, 3,000 PSI 48 Flows up to 12 GPM, 3,000 PSI Ports: 1/2” NPTF & SAE-8 (CE12 Series Elements pg. 48) 49 Flows up to 60 GPM, 3,000 PSI Ports: 1” NPTF, SAE-12, & SAE-16 (HP26 Series Elements pg. 51) 50 P3000 Flows up to 30 GPM, 3,000 PSI Ports: SAE-12 (G Series Elements pg. 54) 52 S6000 Flows up to 65 GPM, 6,000 PSI Ports: SAE-12, SAE-16, & 1” Code 62 Flange (S Series Elements pg. 58) 55 W1200 Flows up to 120 GPM, 1,200 PSI Ports: 1 1/4” NPTF, SAE-20, & SAE-24 (W Series Elements pg. 66) 60 W6000 Flows up to 120 GPM, 6,000 PSI, W Elements Ports: SAE-20& -24, 1 1/4” & 1 1/2” Code 62 Flange (W Series Elements pg. 66) 62 RE/SRE-AZ WE-AZ PRESSURE FILTERS DESCRIPTION C16 CF / CE CF-90 HP3000 Phone (608) 524-4200 Fax (608) 524-4220 www.zinga.com C16 IV CONTENTS SERIES TANK TOP FILTERS TANK TOP CARTRIDGE ELEMENTS Phone (608) 524-4200 Fax (608) 524-4220 DESCRIPTION PAGE EF Flows up to 34 GPM, 100 PSI 1/2” to 1” NPTF ; SAE-8 to SAE-16 Ports (EE Series Elements pg. 73) 68 SLF1 Flows up to 25 GPM, 100 PSI 1/2” & 3/4” NPTF; SAE-8 & SAE-12 Ports (SLE1 Series Elements pg. 75) 70 SLF2 Flows up to 40 GPM, 100 PSI 3/4” & 1” NPTF; SAE-12 & SAE-16 Ports (SLE2 Series Elements pg. 77) 72 SMF Flows up to 40 GPM, 145 PSI 3/4” & 1” NPTF; SAE-12 & SAE-16 Ports (SME Series Elements pg. 79) 74 TR / TS Flows up to 96 GPM, 100 PSI 1 1/4” & 1 1/2” NPTF; SAE-20 & SAE-24 Ports (RE & SRE Series Elements pgs. 86 & 87) 76 SRF Flows up to 83 GPM, 100 PSI 1 1/4” & 1 1/2” NPTF; SAE-20 & SAE-24 Ports (SRE Series Elements pg. 86) 78 RF / WF Flows up to 96 GPM, 100 PSI / 500 PSI 1 1/4” & 1 1/2” NPTF; SAE-20 & SAE-24 Ports (RE Series Elements pg. 87) 80 WF2 Flows up to 300 GPM, 300 PSI 2” NPTF, 2” to 3” (4) Bolt SAE Flange Ports (WE Series Elements pg. 90) 84 EE & ZEE Cellulose, SS Mesh, Aqua-ZorbTM and “Z-Glass” 3, 10, 25, 75, 141, 280, and 560 Micron (EF Series Housings) 69 SLE1 & ZSLE1 Cellulose and “Z-Glass” Media 3, 10, and 25 Micron (SLF1 Series Housings) 71 SLE2 & ZSLE2 Cellulose and “Z-Glass” Media 3, 10, and 25 Micron (SLF2 Series Housings) 73 SME & ZSME Cellulose and “Z-Glass” Media 3, 10, and 25 Micron (SMF Series Housings) 75 SRE & ZSRE Cellulose, SS Mesh, Aqua-ZorbTM and “Z-Glass” 3, 10, 25, and 141 Micron (TS & SRF Series Housings) 82 RE & ZRE Cellulose, SS Mesh, Aqua-ZorbTM and “Z-Glass” 3, 10, 25, and 141 Micron (TR, RF, & WF Series Housings) 83 WE & ZWE Cellulose, SS Mesh, Aqua-ZorbTM and “Z-Glass” 3, 10, 25, and 141 Micron (WF2 Series Housings) 86 www.zinga.com C16 V CONTENTS BREATHERS SERIES PAGE FB Aluminum Body, 10 Micron Bayonet Mount w/ Integral Lock Tab Options: Relief Valve, Dipstick, Basket, Nylon Cap 90 FBR 1 1/2” & 3” Raised Aluminum Body, 10 Micron Bayonet Mount Options: Relief Valve, Dipstick, Basket, Nylon Cap 91 FTB AE & SE Series Spin-On Adapter Bayonet Mount, Aluminum Body Options: Relief Valve, Dipstick, Steel Basket 92 1 1/2” & 3” Raised AE & SE Series Spin-On Adapter Bayonet Mount, Aluminum Body Options: Relief Valve, Dipstick, Steel Basket 93 MB Plastic Nylon Construction, 10 Micron 1/4”, 3/8”, 1/2”, & 3/4” NPT Male Mount 88 RB Aluminum Body, 10 Micron 3/4” NPT Male Mount Options: Relief Valve, Plastic Cap 88 TB BE, AE, & SE Spin-On Series Steel Adapter Fittings Convert Spin-On Element to Tank Breather 3/4” to 1 1/4” NPT Male Mount 94 3 Micron Spin-On Element 3/4” NPT Plastic Male Mount (Integral) Interchange for Competitor “310” Products 95 Stamped Steel Construction, 10 Micron Weather Resistant Cap (Black), Dipstick, Basket Bayonet Mount, Stamped Steel 89 CI Filter Condition Indicator - Color Pressure Gauge 2” Dia, 1/8 NPTF Male Mount Return Line Filters with 15, 25, & 50 PSI Bypass 97 DP Filter Condition Indicator - Differential Pressure Cartridge Style, Visual & Electrical In-Line Filter Applications with ∆P Ports in Filters 100 GV Filter Condition Indicator - Color Vacuum Gauge 2” Dia, 1/8 NPTF Male Mount Suction Line Filters with 3 & 5 PSI Bypass 97 LG Pressure Gauges, Glycerin Filled 2.5” Dia., 1/4” NPTF Male, 4 Mount Options Gauge Pressures up to 10,000 PSI 96 Oil Level Indicator, “Oil Eye” Steel Weld Collar High Temperature, UV Resistant Polymer Window 102 PI Filter Condition Indicator - Pressure Switch SPST-N.O., Screw Terminals, 1/8 NPTF Male Mount Return Line Filters with 15, 25, & 50 PSI Bypass 99 SG Sight Level Gauge, UV Resistant Polymer Options: Thermometer, Aluminum & Plastic Guards 3”, 5”, & 10” Lengths, SAE & Metric Hardware 102 VI Filter Condition Indicator - Vacuum Switch SPST-N.O., Screw Terminals, 1/8 NPTF Male Mount Suction Line Filters with 3 & 5 PSI Bypass 99 FTBR TBN310 WSFB GAUGES & INDICATORS DESCRIPTION OE-1 Phone (608) 524-4200 Fax (608) 524-4220 www.zinga.com C16 VI CONTENTS SERIES FITTINGS & ACCESSORIES VALVES DESCRIPTION PAGE FA Four (4) Bolt Flange Adapter, 500 PSI Convert Common SAE Flanges to NPTF Ports SAE 2” to SAE 1 1/2” Flange Conversion 103 FT Male NPT to Hose Barb Adapters Steel with Zinc Plate Finish Standard 1/2” to 4” NPT 105 HC T-Bolt Type Hose Clamps Self Locking Nut 1.19” to 4.81” Clamping Ranges 105 PV Hose Bead to NPT or SAE Fittings Flow Directions: Straight, 45 deg., & 90 deg. Hose ID: 1/2” to 1 1/2” 106 BRV Back Pressure Inducing Valve 3, 5, 15, & 25 PSI Settings 3/4”x 1 1/4” NPTF up to 2” x 3” NPTF Reducers 107 LRV In-Line Check Valves 2, 6, 20, 40, & 60 PSI Settings 3/4” up to 3” NPTF and SAE-12 up to SAE-24 108 RV In-Tank Return Line Check Valves 1/2 PSI Setting 110 Portable Fluid Transfer & Filtering Unit 6.5 GPM, 3/4 HP, 115 VAC Separate Inlet and Outlet Filtration 111 Reservoir Covers with Integral FIller Breather, Tank-Top FIlter, and Drain Ports 112 MISC. FC-6 RC APPENDIX Particle Size and Measurement of Filter Efficiency 115 ISO Cleanliness Level Codes 116 Zinga Media Types 117 Filter Application Guidelines 118 Velocity Chart for Pipe-Tube-Hose 119 Guideline / Formulas / Conversions 120 121 INDEX Phone (608) 524-4200 Fax (608) 524-4220 www.zinga.com C16 1 SS & MS SERIES Port Sizes: Media: Optional Bypass: Operating Temperature: 3/8" Thru 6" NPTF 100 Mesh Standard 3 psi (6” Hg) or 5 psi (10” Hg) Up to 250° F Model A Outlet Port B Wrench Flat C Overall Length D OD Rated Flow @ 5 Ft/Sec MS-030-X-0* SS-030-X-0* MS-050-X-0* SS-050-X-0* MS-070-X-X SS-070-X-X MS-100-X-X SS-100-X-X SS-120-X-X SS-150-X-X SS-154-X-X SS-200-X-X SS-250-X-X SS-300-X-X SS-400-X-X SS-600-X-X 3/8" NPTF 3/8" NPTF 1/2" NPTF 1/2" NPTF 3/4" NPTF 3/4" NPTF 1" NPTF 1" NPTF 1 1/4" NPTF 1 1/2" NPTF 1 1/2" NPTF 2" NPTF 2 1/2" NPTF 3" NPTF 4" NPT 6" NPT 1.2" 1.13" 1.2" 1.13" 1.5" 1.75" 1.75" 1.75" 2.25" 2.25" 2.25" 3.0" 3.5" 4.0" NA NA 2.6" 2.2" 2.6" 2.2" 3.9" 3.6" 3.9" 4.6" 6.6" 8.6" 7.2" 7.2" 9.3" 12.4" 20.1" 20.1" 1.1" 3.2" 1.1" 3.2" 1.5" 3.2" 1.7" 3.2" 3.2" 3.2" 4.2" 4.2" 4.2" 4.2" 9.0" 9.0" 3 GPM 3 GPM 5 GPM 5 GPM 8 GPM 8 GPM 14 GPM 14 GPM 23 GPM 32 GPM 32 GPM 53 GPM 75 GPM 116 GPM 200 GPM 450 GPM All Strainers are rated at 5 ft/sec with a pressure drop of under 1” Hg (1/2 psi) with 150 SUS oil. HOW TO ORDER: XS-XXX - X - X REVERSE TAPER All Zinga Series tank filter end caps have reverse taper wall construction. This feature prevents bond failure by ensuring a positive, mechanical, interlock with the epoxy adhesive. Excellent for rough terrain vehicle applications. Model Code Wire Mesh 0 2 3 6 100 Mesh (Std.) 200 Mesh 30 Mesh 60 Mesh Phone (608) 524-4200 Fax (608) 524-4220 Code By-Pass Valve 0 3 5 * No Valve 3 PSI 5 PSI By-Pass Valve Not Available On These Models www.zinga.com C16 STRAINERS INTERNALLY MOUNTED TANK FILTER STRAINERS 2 Port Sizes: Media: Optional Bypass: Operating Temperature: 3/8" Thru 3" NPTF 100 Mesh Standard 3 psi (6” Hg) or 5 psi (10” Hg) Up to 250° F SS SERIES MAGNETIC INTERNALLYMOUNTED TANK FILTER STYLE A Model SS-030-X-0-M1A SS-050-X-0-M1A SS-070-X-0-M1B SS-100-X-0-M1A SS-120-X-0-M1A SS-150-X-0-M1A SS-200-X-0-M1A SS-250-X-0-M1A SS-300-X-0-M1A A Outlet Port Length 3/8” NPTF 1/2” NPTF 3/4" NPTF 1" NPTF 1 1/4" NPTF 1 1/2" NPTF 2" NPTF 2 1/2" NPTF 3" NPTF 2.9” 2.9” 4.3" 5.3" 7.3" 9.3" 7.9" 10.0" 13.2" STYLE B Rated Flow @ 5 Ft/Sec B OD 3 GPM 5 GPM 8 GPM 14 GPM 23 GPM 32 GPM 53 GPM 75 GPM 116 GPM 3.2” 3.2” 3.2” 3.2” 3.2” 3.2” 4.2” 4.2” 4.2” (By-Pass valve not available on this series) Model A Outlet Port Length Rated Flow @ 5 Ft/Sec B OD SS-070-X-0-M1B SS-100-X-X-M1B SS-120-X-X-M1B SS-150-X-X-M1B SS-200-X-X-M1B SS-250-X-X-M1B SS-300-X-X-M1B 3/4" NPTF 1" NPTF 1 1/4" NPTF 1 1/2" NPTF 2" NPTF 2 1/2" NPTF 3" NPTF 4.6" 6.0" 7.0" 9.0" 9.1" 11.1" 14.3" 8 GPM 14 GPM 23 GPM 32 GPM 53 GPM 75 GPM 116 GPM 3.2” 3.2” 3.2” 3.2” 4.2” 4.2” 4.2” All Strainers are rated at 5 ft/sec with a pressure drop of under 1” Hg (1/2 psi) with 150 SUS oil. STYLE C STYLE D Model A Outlet Port Length Rated Flow @ 5 Ft/Sec B OD SS-200-X-0-M2C SS-250-X-0-M2C SS-300-X-0-M2C 2" NPTF 2 1/2" NPTF 3" NPTF 9.7" 11.9" 15.0" 53 GPM 75 GPM 116 GPM 4.2” 4.2” 4.2” Model A Outlet Port SS-200-X-X-M2D 2" NPTF SS-250-X-X-M2D 2 1/2" NPTF SS-300-X-X-M2D 3" NPTF Length Rated Flow @ 5 Ft/Sec B OD 11.9" 14.0" 15.1" 53 GPM 75 GPM 116 GPM 4.2” 4.2” 4.2” (By-Pass valve not available on this series) HOW TO ORDER: Model Phone (608) 524-4200 SS-XXX - X - X - MXX Code Wire Mesh 0 2 3 6 100 Mesh (Std.) 200 Mesh 30 Mesh 60 Mesh Fax (608) 524-4220 Code By-Pass Valve 0 3 5 No Valve 3 PSI 5 PSI By-Pass not available on Style A and C Series www.zinga.com C16a Code Style M1A A M1B B M2C C M2D D 3 TF SERIES Port Sizes: Media: Optional Bypass: Operating Temperature: A Outlet Port Model TF-0310-X-0* TF-0510-X-X TF-0712-X-X TF-1015-X-X TF-1030-X-X TF-1220-X-X TF-1230-X-X TF-1530-X-X TF-1630-X-X TF-1830-X-X TF-2030-X-X TF-2040-X-X TF-2540-X-X TF-3040-X-X TF-4060-X-X 3/8" NPTF 1/2" NPTF 3/4" NPTF 1" NPTF 1" NPTF 1 1/4" NPTF 1 1/4" NPTF 1 1/2" NPTF 1 5/8"-12 (SAE-20) 1 7/8"-12 (SAE-24) 2" NPTF 2" NPTF 2 1/2" NPTF 3" NPTF 4" NPT STRAINERS TANK FILTER EXTERNALLY MOUNTED 3/8" Thru 4" NPTF 100 Mesh Standard 3 psi (6” Hg) or 5 psi (10” Hg) Up to 250° F B Hex Size C Male Thread D Fitting Length E F Cover Dia. Rated Flow @ 5 Ft/Sec 1.2" 1.2" 1.5" 1.75" 2.5" 2.1" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 3.06" 4.13" 4.13" 4.13" 5.8" 1" NPTF 1" NPTF 1 1/4" NPTF 1 1/2" NPTF 3" NPTF 2" NPTF 3" NPTF 3" NPTF 3" NPTF 3" NPTF 3" NPTF 4" NPT 4" NPT 4" NPT 6" NPT 1.1" 1.1" 1.1" 1.1" 1.5" 1.2" 1.5" 1.5" 1.5" 1.5" 1.6" 1.8" 2.1" 2.1" 2.3" 2.6" 4.9" 6.9" 6.9" 4.7" 9.1" 6.7" 8.7" 8.7" 8.7" 8.8" 7.7" 9.7" 12.7" 12.4" 1.1" 1.1" 1.5" 1.7" 3.2" 2.2" 3.2" 3.2" 3.2" 3.2" 3.2" 4.2" 4.2" 4.2" 6.0" 3 GPM 5 GPM 8 GPM 14 GPM 14 GPM 23 GPM 23 GPM 32 GPM 14 GPM 21 GPM 53 GPM 53 GPM 75 GPM 116 GPM 200 GPM All Strainers are rated at 5 ft/sec with a pressure drop of under 1” Hg (1/2 psi) with 150 SUS oil. HOW TO ORDER: TF - XXXX - X - X Model Code Wire Mesh 0 2 3 6 100 Mesh (Std.) 200 Mesh 30 Mesh 60 Mesh Code By-Pass Valve 0 3 5 No Valve 3 PSI 5 PSI By-Pass Valve Not Available on These Models * Phone (608) 524-4200 Fax (608) 524-4220 www.zinga.com C16 4 TFS SERIES STRAINERS STEEL BUSHING TANK FILTER EXTERNALLY MOUNTED Port Sizes: Media: Optional Bypass: Operating Temperature: B 1/2” Thru 3” NPT 100 Mesh Standard 3 psi (6” Hg) or 5 psi (10” Hg) Up to 250° F OPTIONAL BY-PASS VALVE (SEE ORDER CODE) D STEEL BUSHING E C MALE THREAD A OUTLET PORT Model A Outlet Port B Hex Size C Male Thread D Overall Length E Cover Dia. Rated Flow @ 5 Ft/Sec TFS-0510-X-X TFS-0712-X-X TFS-1015-X-X TFS-1220-X-X TFS-1540-X-X TFS-2030-X-X TFS-2540-X-X TFS-3040-X-X 1/2" NPT 3/4" NPT 1" NPT 1 1/4" NPT 1 1/2" NPT 2" NPT 2 1/2" NPT 3" NPT 1.38" 1.80" 2.23" 2.58" 2.70" 3.30" 3.83" 4.65" 1" NPT 1 1/4" NPT 1 1/2" NPT 2" NPT 4" NPT 3" NPT 4" NPT 4" NPT 5.3" 6.9" 7.1" 9.1" 9.2" 9.4" 9.1" 9.4" 1.1" 1.5" 1.7" 2.2" 4.2" 3.2" 4.2" 4.2" 5 GPM 8 GPM 14 GPM 23 GPM 32 GPM 53 GPM 75 GPM 116 GPM All Strainers are rated at 5 ft/sec with a pressure drop of under 1” Hg (1/2 psi) with 150 SUS oil. HOW TO ORDER: TFS-XXXX - X - X Code By-Pass Valve Model Phone (608) 524-4200 Code Wire Mesh 0 2 3 6 100 Mesh (Std.) 200 Mesh 30 Mesh 60 Mesh Fax (608) 524-4220 0 3 5 www.zinga.com C16 No Valve 3 PSI 5 PSI 5 TF & TFS SERIES Port Sizes: Media: Optional Bypass: Operating Temperature: 1 5/8”-12 UN to 2 1/2”-12 UN 100 Mesh Standard 3 psi (6” Hg) or 5 psi (10” Hg) Up to 250° F T A K H D C E F G Design provides leak proof service by using a male straight thread o-ring seal that mates with a female straight thread collar welded to the reservoir. Model T Thread A Outlet Port C Hex D E F G H Dia. Rated Flow @ 5 Ft/Sec TFS-1625-X-X 2 1/2"-12 UN-2A 1 5/8"-12 (SAE-20) 2.75" .8" 1.3" 7.9" 9.2" 2.2" 14 GPM TF-1634-X-X 3 3/8"-12 UN-2A 1 5/8"-12 (SAE-20) 2.44" .9" 1.5" 5.2" 6.7" 3.2" 14 GPM TF-1834-X-X 3 3/8"-12 UN-2A 1 7/8"-12 (SAE-24) 2.44" .9" 1.5" 7.2" 8.7" 3.2" 21 GPM TFS-3234-X-X 3 3/8"-12 UN-2A 2 1/2"-12(SAE-32) 3.5" .7" 1.2" 7.8" 9.1" 3.2" 39 GPM All Strainers are rated at 5 ft/sec with a pressure drop of under 1” Hg (1/2 psi) with 150 SUS oil. Weld Collars NOTES: 1. Buna-’N’ O-ring supplied as standard, fluorocarbon available. 2. TFS: steel reducer bushing. TF: Cast aluminum reducer bushing. HOW TO ORDER: Part Number T Thread K Dia. WC-1225 WC-1634 2 1/2" - 12 UN-2B 3 3/8" - 12 UN-2B 3.9" 5.0" Please Order Separately TF(S)-XXXX - X - X Model Code Wire Mesh 0 2 3 6 100 Mesh (Std.) 200 Mesh 30 Mesh 60 Mesh Phone (608) 524-4200 Code By-Pass Valve 0 3 5 Fax (608) 524-4220 No Valve 3 PSI 5 PSI www.zinga.com C16a STRAINERS O-RING SEAL TANK STRAINER & MOUNTING WELD COLLAR 6 TF SERIES STRAINERS MAGNETIC EXTERNALLY MOUNTED TANK FILTER Port Sizes: Media: Optional Bypass: Operating Temperature: STYLE A 1” Thru 3” NPTF, SAE-20, SAE-24 100 Mesh Standard 3 psi (6” Hg) or 5 psi (10” Hg) Up to 250° F MAGNET WITH POLARIZING STEEL END PLA One wire cloth element - one magnet (By-pass valve not available on this series) Order Mounting Weld Collar# WC-1634 for TF-1634 and TF-1834 Series Tank Filters. TF-1634 and TF-1834 Series supplied with Buna-’N’ O-ring. (Fluorocarbon Available) Model Outlet Port TF-1030-X-0-M1A TF-1230-X-0-MIA TF-1530-X-0-M1A TF -1630-X-0-MIA TF-1634-X-0-M1A TF-1830-X-0-M1A TF-1834-X-0-M1A TF-2030-X-0-M1A TF-2040-X-0-M1A TF-2540-X-0-M1A TF-3040-X-0-M1A 1 1 1 1 1” NPTF 1 1/4” NPTF 1 1/2 NPTF 5/8”-12 UN (SAE-20) 5/8”-12 UN (SAE-20) 7/8”-12 UN (SAE-24) 7/8”-12 UN (SAE-24) 2” NPTF 2” NPTF 2 1/2” NPTF 3” NPTF STYLE B Two wire cloth elements - one magnet (By-pass valve available on this series) External Thread Length (A) 3” NPTF 3” NPTF 3” NPTF 3” NPTF 3 3/8”-12 UN-2A 3” NPTF 3 3/8”-12 UN-2A 3” NPTF 4” NPT 4” NPT 4”NPT 5.3” 7.3” 9.3” 9.3” 9.3” 9.4” 9.4” 9.4” 8.5” 10.5” 13.5” Rated Flow @ 5 ft/sec. 14 GPM 23 GPM 32 GPM 20 GPM 20 GPM 30 GPM 30 GPM 53 GPM 53 GPM 75 GPM 116 GPM BY-PASS OPTION AVAILABLE MAGNET WITH POLARIZING STEEL END PLATES OUTLET PORT MALE THREAD Order Mounting Weld Collar# WC-1634 for TF-1634 and TF-1834 Series Tank Filters. TF-1634 and TF-1834 Series supplied with Buna-’N’ O-ring. (Fluorocarbon Available) Model Outlet Port TF-1030-X-X-M1B TF-1230-X-X-MIB TF-1530-X-X-M1B TF -1630-X-X-MIB TF-1634-X-X-M1B TF-1830-X-X-M1B TF-1834-X-X-M1B TF-2030-X-X-M1B TF-2040-X-X-M1B TF-2540-X-X-M1B TF-3040-X-X-M1B Phone (608) 524-4200 1 1 1 1 1” NPTF 1 1/4” NPTF 1 1/2 NPTF 5/8”-12 UN (SAE-20) 5/8”-12 UN (SAE-20) 7/8”-12 UN (SAE-24) 7/8”-12 UN (SAE-24) 2” NPTF 2” NPTF 2 1/2” NPTF 3” NPTF Fax (608) 524-4220 WIRE CLOTH ELEMENTS A External Thread Length (A) 3” NPTF 3” NPTF 3” NPTF 3” NPTF 3 3/8”-12 UN-2A 3” NPTF 3 3/8”-12 UN-2A 3” NPTF 4” NPT 4” NPT 4”NPT 5.3” 5.3” 9.9” 9.9” 9.9” 10.1” 10.1” 10.5” 9.7” 11.7” 14.7” www.zinga.com C16 Rated Flow @ 5 ft/sec. 14 GPM 23 GPM 32 GPM 20 GPM 20 GPM 30 GPM 30 GPM 53 GPM 53 GPM 75 GPM 116 GPM 7 STYLE C OUTLET PORT MALE THREAD MAGNET WITH POLARIZING STEEL END PLATES STRAINERS Two wire cloth elements - two magnets (By-pass valve not available on this series) Order Mounting Weld Collar# WC-1634 for TF-1634 and TF-1834 Series Tank Filters. TF-1634 and TF-1834 Series supplied with Buna-’N’ O-ring. (Fluorocarbon Available) WIRE CLOTH ELEMENTS A Model TF-1030-X-0-M2C TF-1230-X-0-M2C TF-1530-X-0-M2C TF -1630-X-0-M2C TF-1634-X-0-M2C TF-1830-X-0-M2C TF-1834-X-0-M2C TF-2030-X-0-M2C TF-2040-X-0-M2C TF-2540-X-0-M2C TF-3040-X-0-M2C Outlet Port 1” NPTF 1 1/4” NPTF 1 1/2 NPTF 5/8”-12 UN (SAE-20) 5/8”-12 UN (SAE-20) 7/8”-12 UN (SAE-24) 7/8”-12 UN (SAE-24) 2” NPTF 2” NPTF 2 1/2” NPTF 3” NPTF 1 1 1 1 External Thread 3” NPTF 3” NPTF 3” NPTF 3” NPTF 3 3/8”-12 UN-2A 3” NPTF 3 3/8”-12 UN-2A 3” NPTF 4” NPT 4” NPT 4”NPT Length (A) 6.3” 6.3” 10.5” 10.5” 10.5” 10.6” 10.6” 11.1” 10.4” 12.4” 15.4” STYLE D Three wire cloth elements - two magnets (By-pass valve available on this series) Rated Flow @ 5 ft/sec. 14 GPM 23 GPM 32 GPM 20 GPM 20 GPM 30 GPM 30 GPM 53 GPM 53 GPM 75 GPM 116 GPM BY-PASS OPTION AVAILABLE MAGNET WITH POLARIZING STEEL END PLATES OUTLET PORT MALE THREAD Order Mounting Weld Collar# WC-1634 for TF-1634 and TF-1834 Series Tank Filters. TF-1634 and TF-1834 Series supplied with Buna-’N’ O-ring. (Fluorocarbon Available) WIRE CLOTH ELEMENTS A Model TF-1030-X-X-M2D TF-1230-X-X-M2D TF-1530-X-X-M2D TF -1630-X-X-M2D TF-1634-X-X-M2D TF-1830-X-X-M2D TF-1834-X-X-M2D TF-2030-X-X-M2D TF-2040-X-X-M2D TF-2540-X-X-M2D TF-3040-X-X-M2D 1 1 1 1 Outlet Port 1” NPTF 1 1/4” NPTF 1 1/2 NPTF 5/8”-12 UN (SAE-20) 5/8”-12 UN (SAE-20) 7/8”-12 UN (SAE-24) 7/8”-12 UN (SAE-24) 2” NPTF 2” NPTF 2 1/2” NPTF 3” NPTF External Thread 3” NPTF 3” NPTF 3” NPTF 3” NPTF 3 3/8”-12 UN-2A 3” NPTF 3 3/8”-12 UN-2A 3” NPTF 4” NPT 4” NPT 4”NPT Length (A) 8.5” 8.5” 14.9” 14.9” 14.9” 15” 15” 15.8” 13.5” 14.5” 15.5” Rated FloW @ 5 ft/sec. 14 GPM 23 GPM 32 GPM 20 GPM 20 GPM 30 GPM 30 GPM 53 GPM 53 GPM 75 GPM 116 GPM All strainers rated at 5 ft/sec with a pressure drop of under 1” Hg (1/2 psi) with 150 SUS oil. HOW TO ORDER: Model TF - XXXX - X - X - MXX Code Wire Mesh 0 2 3 6 100 Mesh (Std.) 200 Mesh 30 Mesh 60 Mesh Code By-Pass Valve 0 3 5 No valve 3 PSI 5 PSI By-Pass not available on Style A and C Series Phone (608) 524-4200 Fax (608) 524-4220 Code Style M1A M1B M2C M2D A B C D www.zinga.com C16 " 8 STRAINERS TF SERIES MALE NPTF TANK FILTER Port Sizes: Media: Optional Bypass: Operating Temperature: A 100 MESH STAINLESS STEEL WIRE CLOTH STANDARD (30, 60, & 200 MESH OPTIONAL) TF 2-1/2" HEX ALUMINUM BUSHING 2” Thru 2-1/2” NPTF 100 Mesh Standard 3 psi (6” Hg) or 5 psi (10” Hg) Up to 250° F OPTIONAL BY-PASS VALVE (SEE ORDER CODE) D 1.25" .38" B TF-2020 Used As A Strainer In A 55 Gallon Barrel With a 2” Ball Valve Directly Attached C A TFS STEEL BUSHING 100 MESH STAINLESS STEEL WIRE CLOTH STANDARD (30, 60, & 200 MESH OPTIONAL) OPTIONAL BY-PASS VALVE (SEE ORDER CODE) RESERVOIR D B C MODEL Suction Line Straining Application A TF-2020-X-X TFS-2020-X-X TFS-2525-X-X 2” x 2” NPTF (ALUMINUM) 2” x 2” NPT (STEEL) 2-1/2” x 2-1/2” NPT (STEEL) B C D Rated Flow @ 5 Ft/Sec 10.8” 10.7” 13.7” 14.2” 2.1" 2.1" 26 GPM 26 GPM 11.6” 15.1” 2.1" 45 GPM All strainers rated at 5 ft/sec with a pressure drop of under 1” Hg (1/2 psi) with 150 SUS oil. HOW TO ORDER: Code 2020 2525 Phone (608) 524-4200 TF(S) - XXXX - X - X Thread Size Code Wire Mesh 2” X 2” NPTF 2 1/2” X 2 1/2” NPTF 0 2 3 6 100 Mesh (Std.) 200 Mesh 30 Mesh 60 Mesh Fax (608) 524-4220 www.zinga.com C16a Code By-Pass Valve 0 3 5 No Valve 3 PSI 5 PSI 9 BTF SERIES Port Sizes: External Thread: Media: Optional Bypass: OperatingTemperature: 3/4” Thru 1 1/4” Hose NPTF and Straight w/ O-ring Seal 100 Mesh Standard 3 psi (6” Hg) or 5 psi (10” Hg) Up to 250° F Hose Bead to Male Straight Thread Fitting O-Ring & Mounting Weld Collar 100 MESH STAINLESS STEEL WIRE CLOTH STANDARD (30, 60, & 200 MESH OPTIONAL) HOSE BEAD CONNECTOR BUNA 'N' O-RING STANDARD (FLUOROCARBON OPTIONAL) OPTIONAL BY-PASS VALVE (SEE ORDER CODE) A F C Model BTF-0716-X-X BTF-1018-X-X BTF-1225-X-X G A .8" 1.0" 1.3" E Weld Collar B Thread C Hex E Length F Dia. G Length Rated Flow 5 Ft/Sec 1 5/8”-12UN-2A 1 7/8”-12UN-2A 2 1/2”-12UN-2A 1.88" 2.13" 2.75" 6.4" 6.4" 8.4" 1.5" 1.7" 2.7" 1.6" 1.7" 1.9" 5 GPM 10 GPM 16 GPM Part B Number Thread O.D. WC-0716 1 5/8"-12UN-2B 2.75" WC-1018 1 7/8"-12UN-2B 3.06" WC-1225 2 1/2"-12UN-2B 3.88" Ordered Separately From Filter Hose Bead to Pipe Thread Seal 100 MESH STAINLESS STEEL WIRE CLOTH STANDARD (30, 60, & 200 MESH OPTIONAL) HOSE BEAD CONNECTOR OPTIONAL BY-PASS VALVE (SEE ORDER CODE) D F A B Model BTF-0712-X-X BTF-1015-X-X BTF-1220-X-X E G C A B Thread C Hex D Length E Length F Dia. G Length Rated Flow 5 Ft/Sec .8" 1.0" 1.3" 1 1/4" NPTF 1 1/2" NPTF 2" NPTF 1.75" 2.00" 2.50" 1.2" 1.2" 1.3" 7.0" 7.0" 9.1" 1.5" 1.7" 2.7" 1.2" 1.2" 1.3" 5 GPM 10 GPM 16 GPM All strainers rated at 5 ft/sec with a pressure drop of under 1” Hg (1/2 psi) with 150 SUS oil. HOW TO ORDER: BTF - XXXX - X - X Model Phone (608) 524-4200 Code Wire Mesh 0 2 3 6 100 Mesh (Std.) 200 Mesh 30 Mesh 60 Mesh Fax (608) 524-4220 Code By-Pass Valve 0 3 5 No Valve 3 PSI 5 PSI www.zinga.com C16 STRAINERS HOSE BEAD TANK FILTER 10 STRAINERS HS SERIES “CLEAN OUT” HATCH STRAINER ALUMINUM EXTERNAL MOUNTED Port Sizes: Media: Optional Bypass: Operating Temperature: 3/4” Thru 4” NPT SAE-20 Thru SAE-32 1” Thru 2” BSP 100 Mesh Standard 3 psi (6” Hg) or 5 psi (10” Hg) Up to 250° F OPTIONAL BY-PASS VALVE (SEE ORDER CODE) FEMALE OUTLET PORT (SEE CHART) A B 100 MESH "CLEANABLE" STAINLESS STEEL WIRE CLOTH STANDARD (30, 60, & 200 MESH OPTIONAL) D OPTIONAL WELD COLLAR F E C • PRODUCT SHOWN WITH OPTIONAL WELD COLLAR AND 3/8" BOLT HARDWARE AVAILABLE IN WELD COLLAR KITS Model HS-070P-X-X HS-100C-X-X HS-100P-X-X HS-120C-X-X HS-120P-X-X HS-150C-X-X HS-150P-X-X HS-160S-X-X HS-180S-X-X HS-200C-X-X HS-200P-X-X HS-250S-X-X HS-250P-X-X HS-300P-X-X HS-400P-X-X A Outlet Port 3/4" NPTF 1” BSP (G1”-11) 1” NPTF 1 1/4” BSP (G1 1/4”-11) 1 1/4” NPTF 1 1/2” BSP (G1 1/2”-11) 1 1/2” NPTF 1 5/8”-12UN (SAE-20) 1 7/8”-12UN (SAE-24) 2” BSP (G2”-11) 2” NPTF 2 1/2”-12UN (SAE-32) 2 1/2” NPTF 3” NPTF 4” NPT B 1.3" 1.3” 1.3” 1.3" 1.3" 1.3" 1.3" 1.3" 1.3" 1.9" 1.9" 1.9" 1.9" 1.9" 1.9" C D E Flange Bolt Circle Overall Diameter Diameter Length 7 1/2" 7 1/2” 7 1/2” 7 1/2" 7 1/2" 7 1/2" 7 1/2" 7 1/2" 7 1/2" 7 1/2" 7 1/2" 7 1/2" 7 1/2" 9" 9" 6 1/2" 6 1/2” 6 1/2” 6 1/2" 6 1/2" 6 1/2" 6 1/2" 6 1/2" 6 1/2" 6 1/2" 6 1/2" 6 1/2" 6 1/2" 7 3/4" 7 3/4" 4” 5” 4” 5” 5” 7” 7” 5” 7” 7 5/8” 9 5/8” 9” 9 5/8” 12 3/4” 12 3/4” F Dia Rated Flow @ 5 ft/sec Optional Weld Collar Kit 4.2” 4.2” 4.2” 4.2” 4.2” 4.2” 4.2” 4.2” 4.2” 4.2” 4.2” 4.2” 4.2” 6” 6” 8 GPM 10 GPM 14 GPM 17 GPM 23 GPM 25 GPM 32 GPM 14 GPM 21 GPM 42 GPM 53 GPM 39 GPM 75 GPM 115 GPM 198 GPM MF07K MF07K MF07K MF07K MF07K MF07K MF07K MF07K MF07K MF07K MF07K MF07K MF07K MF08K MF08K All strainers rated at 5 ft/sec with a pressure drop of under 1” Hg (1/2 psi) with 150 SUS oil. Design Features: •Provides user with alternate hand hole access for reservoir clean out and component installation. •Steel weld collar mounting kit with mounting hardware available. •Buna O-ring seal provided standard. •For Hose Barb attachments refer to Zinga FT Series •Suitable for use with petroleum base oils, fire resistant hydraulic fluids, coolants, and lubricants. Phone (608) 524-4200 Fax (608) 524-4220 www.zinga.com C16a 11 STRAINERS HS SERIES “CLEAN OUT” HATCH STRAINER INSTALLATION LAYOUT HARDWARE PATTERN: 3/8" NOM. X 1" LONG STUDS 6 1/2" 1/16" BCD 6 PLACES EQUALLY SPACED BUNA-'N' O-RING CUSTOMER SUPPLIED STUD ON RESERVOIR WALL 4 1/2" 1/8" THRU HOLE ALUMINUM FLANGE CUSTOMER SUPPLIED NUT HS070-HS250 SERIES HARDWARE PATTERN: 3/8" NOM. X 1" LONG STUDS 7 3/4" 1/16" BCD 6 PLACES EQUALLY SPACED CUSTOMER SUPPLIED STUD ON RESERVOIR WALL BUNA-'N' O-RING ALUMINUM FLANGE 6 1/8" 1/8" THRU HOLE CUSTOMER SUPPLIED NUT HS300-HS400 SERIES HOW TO ORDER: HS - XXXX - X - X Model Code Wire Mesh Code By-Pass Valve 0 2 3 6 100 Mesh (Std.) 200 Mesh 30 Mesh 60 Mesh 0 3 5 No Valve 3 PSI 5 PSI Phone (608) 524-4200 Fax (608) 524-4220 www.zinga.com C16 12 STRAINERS HS SERIES MAGNETIC “CLEAN OUT” HATCH STRAINER STEEL EXTERNAL MOUNTED Port Sizes: Media: Optional Bypass: Operating Temperature: 3/4” Thru 4” NPT SAE-20 Thru SAE-32 1” Thru 2” BSP 100 Mesh Standard 3 psi (6” Hg) or 5 psi (10” Hg) Up to 250° F STYLE A One wire cloth element - One magnet (By-Pass valve not available on this series) OUTLET PORT MAGNET WITH POLARIZING STEEL END PLATES Model 4.2" WIRE CLOTH ELEMENT A Outlet Port HS-070P-X-0-M1A HS-100P-X-0-M1A HS-100C-X-0-M1A HS-120P-X-0-M1A HS-120C-X-0-M1A HS-150P-X-0-M1A HS-150C-X-0-M1A HS-160S-X-0-M1A HS-180S-X-0-M1A HS-200P-X-0-M1A HS-200C-X-0-M1A HS-250P-X-0-M1A HS-250S-X-0-M1A 3/4” NPTF 1” NPTF 1” BSP (G1”-11) 1 1/4” NPTF 1 1/4” BSP (G1 1/4”-11) 1 1/2” NPTF 1 1/2” BSP (G1 1/2”-11) 1 5/8”-12UN (SAE-20) 1 7/8”-12UN (SAE-24) 2” NPTF 2” BSP (G2”-11) 2 1/2” NPTF 2 1/2”-12UN (SAE-32) Length (A) 4 3/4” 4 3/4” 5 3/4” 5 3/4” 7 3/4” 7 3/4” 7 3/4” 7 3/4” 8 3/8” 8 3/8” 10 3/8” 10 3/8” 8 3/8” Rated Flow @ 5ft/sec. 8 GPM 14 GPM 10 GPM 23 GPM 17 GPM 32 GPM 25 GPM 14 GPM 21 GPM 53 GPM 42 GPM 75 GPM 39 GPM STYLE B OUTLET PORT MAGNET WITH POLARIZING STEEL END PLATES Two wire cloth elements - One magnet (Available with or without by-pass valve) BY-PASS OPTION 4.2" WIRE CLOTH ELEMENTS A Model Outlet Port HS-070P-X-X-M1B HS-100P-X-X-M1B HS-100C-X-X-M1B HS-120P-X-X-M1B HS-120C-X-X-M1B HS-150P-X-X-M1B HS-150C-X-X-M1B HS-160S-X-X-M1B HS-180S-X-X-M1B HS-200P-X-X-M1B HS-200C-X-X-M1B HS-250P-X-X-M1B HS-250S-X-X-M1B 3/4” NPTF 1” NPTF 1” BSP (G1”-11) 1 1/4” NPTF 1 1/4” BSP (G1 1/4”-11) 1 1/2” NPTF 1 1/2” BSP (G1 1/2”-11) 1 5/8”-12UN (SAE-20) 1 7/8”-12UN (SAE-24) 2” NPTF 2” BSP (G2”-11) 2 1/2” NPTF 2 1/2”-12UN (SAE-32) Length (A) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 7/8” 7/8” 7/8” 7/8” 7/8” 7/8” 7/8” 7/8” 7/8” 1/2” 1/2” 1/2” 1/2” Rated at 5 ft/sec with a pressure drop of under 1” Hg (1/2 psi) with 150 SUS oil. Design Features: •Provides user with alternate hand hole access for reservoir clean out and component installation. •Steel weld collar mounting kit with mounting hardware available. Order Part Number: MF07K •Buna O-ring seal provided standard. •For Hose Barb attachments refer to Zinga FT Series •Suitable for use with petroleum base oils, fire resistant hydraulic fluids, coolants, and lubricants. Phone (608) 524-4200 Fax (608) 524-4220 www.zinga.com C16a Rated Flow @ 5ft/sec. 8 GPM 14 GPM 10 GPM 23 GPM 17 GPM 32 GPM 25 GPM 14 GPM 21 GPM 53 GPM 42 GPM 75 GPM 39 GPM 13 STYLE C WIRE CLOTH ELEMENTS OUTLET Model 4.2" MAGNET WITH POLARIZING STEEL END PLATES A Outlet Port HS-070P-X-0-M2C HS-100P-X-0-M2C HS-100C-X-0-M2C HS-120P-X-0-M2C HS-120C-X-0-M2C HS-150P-X-0-M2C HS-150C-X-0-M2C HS-160S-X-0-M2C HS-180S-X-0-M2C HS-200P-X-0-M2C HS-200C-X-0-M2C HS-250P-X-0-M2C HS-250S-X-0-M2C Length (A) 3/4” NPTF 1” NPTF 1” BSP (G1”-11) 1 1/4” NPTF 1 1/4” BSP (G1 1/4”-11) 1 1/2” NPTF 1 1/2” BSP (G1 1/2”-11) 1 5/8”-12UN (SAE-20) 1 7/8”-12UN (SAE-24) 2” NPTF 2” BSP (G2”-11) 2 1/2” NPTF 2 1/2”-12UN (SAE-32) 8 5/8” 4 3/4” 5 3/4” 5 3/4” 7 3/4” 7 3/4” 7 3/4” 7 3/4” 8 3/8” 8 3/8” 10 3/8” 10 3/8” 8 3/8” Rated Flow @ 5ft/sec. 8 GPM 14 GPM 10 GPM 23 GPM 17 GPM 32 GPM 25 GPM 14 GPM 21 GPM 53 GPM 42 GPM 75 GPM 39 GPM STYLE D OUTLET MAGNET WITH POLARIZING STEEL END PLATES Three wire cloth elements - Two magnets (Available with or without by-pass valve) BY-PASS OPTION Model 4.2" WIRE CLOTH ELEMENTS A HS-070P-X-X-M2D HS-100P-X-X-M2D HS-100C-X-X-M2D HS-120P-X-X-M2D HS-120C-X-X-M2D HS-150P-X-X-M2D HS-150C-X-X-M2D HS-160S-X-X-M2D HS-180S-X-X-M2D HS-200P-X-X-M2D HS-200C-X-X-M2D HS-250P-X-X-M2D HS-250S-X-X-M2D Outlet Port Length (A) 3/4” NPTF 1” NPTF 1” BSP (G1”-11) 1 1/4” NPTF 1 1/4” BSP (G1 1/4”-11) 1 1/2” NPTF 1 1/2” BSP (G1 1/2”-11) 1 5/8”-12UN (SAE-20) 1 7/8”-12UN (SAE-24) 2” NPTF 2” BSP (G2”-11) 2 1/2” NPTF 2 1/2”-12UN (SAE-32) 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 3/4” 3/4” 3/4” 3/4” 3/4” 3/4” 3/4” 3/4” 3/4” 3/8” 3/8” 3/8” 3/8” Rated Flow @ 5ft/sec. 8 GPM 14 GPM 10 GPM 23 GPM 17 GPM 32 GPM 25 GPM 14 GPM 21 GPM 53 GPM 42 GPM 75 GPM 39 GPM HARDWARE PATTERN: 3/8" NOM. X 1" LONG STUDS 6 1/2" 1/16" BCD 6 PLACES EQUALLY SPACED BUNA-'N' O-RING CUSTOMER SUPPLIED STUD ON RESERVOIR WALL 4 1/2" 1/8" THRU HOLE ALUMINUM FLANGE CUSTOMER SUPPLIED NUT Weld Collar Kit with Hardware Available. Part Number: MF07K HOW TO ORDER: HS - XXXX - X - X - X Model Code Wire Mesh 0 2 3 6 100 Mesh (Std.) 200 Mesh 30 Mesh 60 Mesh Code Style M1A M1B M2C M2D A B C D Code By-Pass Valve 0 3 5 No Valve 3 PSI 5 PSI By-Pass not available on Style A and C Series Phone (608) 524-4200 Fax (608) 524-4220 www.zinga.com C16a STRAINERS Two wire cloth elements - Two magnets (By-Pass valve not available on this series) 14 TANK DIFFUSERS TD SERIES TANK DIFFUSERS Port Sizes: Operating Temperature: 3/8" Thru 6" NPT Up to 250° F INTERNALLY MOUNTED PMI Series Model Number A Inlet Port B Wrench Flat C Outside Dia. D Overall Length Rated Flow (At 15 Ft/Sec) TD-03-PMI TD-030-PMI TD-05-PMI TD-050-PMI TD-07-PMI TD-075-PMI TD-10-PMI TD-100-PMI TD-125-PMI TD-150-PMI TD-200-PMI TD-250-PMI TD-300-PMI TD-400-PMI TD-600-PMI 3/8" NPTF 3/8" NPTF 1/2" NPTF 1/2" NPTF 3/4" NPTF 3/4" NPTF 1" NPTF 1" NPTF 1 1/4" NPTF 1 1/2" NPTF 2" NPTF 2 1/2" NPTF 3" NPTF 4" NPT 6" NPT 1.2" 1.13" 1.2" 1.13" 1.5" 1.75" 1.75" 1.75" 2.25" 2.25" 3.0" 3.5" 4.0" N/A N/A 1.3" 3.2" 1.3" 3.2" 1.7" 3.2" 1.9" 3.2" 3.2" 3.2" 4.2" 4.2" 4.2" 9.0" 9.0" 3.0" 2.2" 3.0" 2.2" 3.9" 2.2" 4.9" 3.6" 4.6" 5.6" 6.2" 10.3" 10.4" 13.4" 19.9" 9 GPM 9 GPM 14 GPM 14 GPM 25 GPM 25 GPM 40 GPM 40 GPM 70 GPM 95 GPM 157 GPM 224 GPM 346 GPM 595 GPM 1351 GPM Ratio of Perf Mtl Open Area vs. Pipe Int Area 25 55 16 35 18 20 19 27 22 21 17 22 15 21 15 : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 EXTERNALLY MOUNTED PME Series Model Number A Inlet Port B Wrench Flat C Male Thread D Overall Length Rated Flow (At 15 Ft/Sec) TD-0310-PME TD-0510-PME TD-0712-PME TD-1015-PME TD-1030-PME TD-1220-PME TD-1230-PME TD-1530-PME TD-2040-PME TD-2540-PME TD-3040-PME TD-4060-PME 3/8" NPTF 1/2" NPTF 3/4" NPTF 1" NPTF 1" NPTF 1 1/4" NPTF 1 1/4" NPTF 1 1/2" NPTF 2" NPTF 2 1/2" NPTF 3" NPTF 4" NPT 1.2" 1.12" 1.5" 1.75" 2.5" 2.1" 2.5" 2.5" 4.1" 4.1" 4.1" 5.8" 1" NPTF 1" NPTF 1 1/4" NPTF 1 1/2" NPTF 3" NPTF 2" NPTF 3" NPTF 3" NPTF 4" NPT 4" NPT 4" NPT 6" NPT 3.0" 4.0" 3.9" 4.9" 4.7" 5.1" 4.7" 5.7" 6.8" 10.8" 10.8" 17.5" 9 GPM 9 GPM 25 GPM 40 GPM 40 GPM 70 GPM 70 GPM 95 GPM 157 GPM 224 GPM 346 GPM 595 GPM Phone (608) 524-4200 Fax (608) 524-4220 www.zinga.com C16a Ratio of Perf Mtl Open Area vs. Pipe Int Area 25 25 18 19 31 14 18 18 17 22 15 21 : : : : : : : : : : : : 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 15 TD SERIES O-RING SEAL TANK DIFFUSER & MOUNTING WELD COLLAR A Inlet Port Model B TD-1634-PME 1 5/8”-12UN (SAE-20 ) TD-1834-PME 1 7/8”-12UN ( SAE-24 ) TANK DIFFUSERS Port Sizes: Operating Temperature: SAE-20 & SAE-24 Up to 250° F Length C Overall Length Rated Flow @15 Ft/Sec (Open Area Ratio) 3.2” 4.2” 4.7” 5.7” 43 GPM 64 GPM 27:1 24:1 Please Order Weld Collar Part Number WC-1634 Separately From Tank Diffuser TD-2020-PME TANK DIFFUSER Port Sizes: Operating Temperature: 2" NPTF ALUMINUM BUSHING 2" NPTF STEEL BUSHING 2” NPTF X 2” NPTF Up to 250° F PERFORATED METAL 2.1" DIA. 3.5" 2.5" 1.25" .38" 10.8" 13.7" Model Bushing Material Rated Flow @15 Ft/Sec Open Area Ratio TD-2020-PME TDS-2020-PME Aluminum Steel 149 GPM 149 GPM 12:1 12:1 Phone (608) 524-4200 Fax (608) 524-4220 www.zinga.com C16 16 HD SERIES “CLEAN OUT” HATCH DIFFUSER ALUMINUM EXTERNAL MOUNT TANK DIFFUSERS Port Sizes: Operating Temperature: FEMALE OUTLET PORT (SEE CHART) A 3/4” Thru 4” NPTF SAE-20 Thru SAE-32 1” Thru 2” BSP Up to 250° F B F D 1/2" OPTIONAL WELD COLLAR E C • PRODUCT SHOWN WITH OPTIONAL WELD COLLAR AND 3/8" BOLT HARDWARE Model Number HD-070P HD-100C HD-100P HD-120C HD-120P HD-150C HD-150P HD-160S HD-180S HD-200C HD-200P HD-250S HD-250P A Inlet Port B Flange 3/4" NPTF 1” BSP (G1”-11) 1” NPTF 1 1/4” BSP (G1 1/4”-11) 1 1/4” NPTF 1 1/2” BSP (G1 1/2”-11) 1 1/2” NPTF 1 5/8”-12UN (SAE-20) 1 7/8”-12UN (SAE-24) 2” BSP (G2”-11) 2” NPTF 2 1/2”-12UN (SAE-32) 2 1/2” NPTF Phone (608) 524-4200 1.3" 1.3” 1.3” 1.3" 1.3" 1.3" 1.3" 1.3" 1.3" 1.9" 1.9" 1.9" 1.9" C D E Flange Bolt Circle Overall Diameter Diameter Length 7 1/2" 7 1/2” 7 1/2” 7 1/2" 7 1/2" 7 1/2" 7 1/2" 7 1/2" 7 1/2" 7 1/2" 7 1/2" 7 1/2" 7 1/2" Fax (608) 524-4220 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 1/2” 1/2” 1/2” 1/2” 1/2” 1/2” 1/2” 1/2” 1/2” 1/2” 1/2” 1/2” 1/2” 4.1” 4.1” 4.1” 5.1” 5.1” 5.6” 5.6” 5.6” 5.6” 6.6” 6.6” 10.6” 10.6” www.zinga.com F Dia Rated Flow @ 15 ft/sec Open Area Ratio Weld Collar Kit Clearance Hole Dia. 4.2” 4.2” 4.2” 4.2” 4.2” 4.2” 4.2” 4.2” 4.2” 4.2” 4.2” 4.2” 4.2” 25 GPM 30 GPM 41 GPM 51 GPM 70 GPM 73 GPM 96 GPM 106 GPM 141GPM 126 GPM 157 GPM 248 GPM 225 GPM 43 27 27 23 23 19 19 37 29 15 15 20 18 MF07K 4 1/2” C16 17 HD SERIES “CLEAN OUT” HATCH DIFFUSER INSTALLATION LAYOUT TANK DIFFUSERS HARDWARE PATTERN: 3/8" NOM. X 1" LONG STUDS 6 1/2" 1/16" BCD 6 PLACES EQUALLY SPACED BUNA-'N' O-RING CUSTOMER SUPPLIED STUD ON RESERVOIR WALL 4 1/2" 1/8" THRU HOLE ALUMINUM FLANGE CUSTOMER SUPPLIED NUT Design Features: •Provides user with alternate hand hole access for reservoir clean out and component installation. •Steel weld collar mounting kit with mounting hardware available. Order Part Number: MF07K •Buna O-ring seal provided standard. •For Hose Barb attachments refer to Zinga FT Series •Suitable for use with petroleum base oils, fire resistant hydraulic fluids, coolants, and lubricants. HOW TO ORDER: HD - XXXX Model Phone (608) 524-4200 Fax (608) 524-4220 www.zinga.com C16 18 BF SERIES SPIN-ON FILTER HEADS Flows Up To: Port Sizes: Pressure: Temperature: Applications: 7 GPM (Return) 2 GPM (Suction) 1/4" & 3/8” NPTF; 9/16”-18 UN(SAE-6) 200 psi Max. Operating Up to +250° F. Operating Petroleum based fluids. Consult factory for synthetic fluids. SPIN-ONS MOUNTING HOLES (2) 1/4"-20 X 3/8" DEEP (2) M8 X 1.25 X 9.5MM DEEP WITH BSP PORTS 1.5" INLET & OUTLET PORT 5 2 1.6" 1/8" NPTF GAUGE PORTS INLET PRESSURE LOCATION: 2 (RETURN LINE) 5 (SUCTION LINE) OUTLET PRESSURE LOCATION: .56" 1.12" Average Pressure Drop Through Clean Filter Assembly With 150 SUS Oil At 105 O F. 3/4"-16 THREAD BE ELEMENTS ZBE ELEMENTS 4.5" BE & ZBE Element : See Page 19 Commonly Ordered Configurations BF-02-0 BF-03-0 BF-06-0 ALLOW .4" FOR ELEMENT REMOVAL 3.0" HOW TO ORDER: BF - XX - X Code Inlet & Outlet Ports 02 02C 03 1/4" NPTF 1/4" BSP (G1/4"-19) 3/8" NPTF 06 9/16" - 18 UN (SAE - 6) Phone (608) 524-4200 Fax (608) 524-4220 Code Gauge Port Location www.zinga.com C16 0 2 No Port Required Return Line 5 Suction Line 19 BE & ZBE SERIES SPIN-ON FILTER ELEMENTS For Use With BF Series Filter Heads Diameter: Mounting Thread: Overall Height: Operating Pressure: ∆Pmax Cellulose Temperature: Applications: BE-10-0 Efficiency (See Below) Can Color / Imprint Up to +250° F. Operating Petroleum based fluids. Media Type Internal Bypass “10 Micron” ß9µ(c) = 2 White / Red Cellulose None BE-10-18 “10 Micron” ß9µ(c) = 2 White / Red Cellulose 18 psid BE-25-10 “25 Micron” ß17µ(c) = 2 White / Black Cellulose 10 psid BE-25-25 “25 Micron” ß17µ(c) = 2 White / Black Cellulose 25 psid BE-40-0 “40 Micron” ß22µ(c) = 2 White / Black Cellulose None BE-40-18 “40 Micron” ß22µ(c) = 2 White / Black Cellulose 18 psid ß10µ(c) = 75 White / Red “Z-Glass” 18 psid ZBE-10-18 “10 Micron” SPIN-ONS Part Number 3.1” 3/4” - 16 UN 3.4” 200 psi Max. Operating 50 psid without by-pass valve Application Data: • Reference: ßXµ(c) = 2 represents 50% efficiency at particle size “x” micron (Nominal Rating) ßXµ(c) = 75 represents 98.7% efficiency at particle size “x” micron (Absolute Rating) • "Z-Glass" Media (ZBE-10-18) • Application: Petroleum based fluids. Consult factory for synthetic fluids. • Caution: Do not use BE and ZBE Series filter elements on internal combustion engines. Phone (608) 524-4200 Fax (608) 524-4220 www.zinga.com C16 20 ZAF-05 SERIES SPIN-ON FILTER HEADS 22 GPM (Return) 5 GPM (Suction) 1/2” NPTF; 3/4”-16 UN(SAE-8) 250 psi Max. Up to +250° F. Operating Petroleum based fluids. Consult factory for synthetic fluids. SPIN-ONS Flows Up To: Port Sizes: Pressure: Temperature: Applications: Cellulose Media Pressure Drop (PSI) 25 20 ZAE-25 ZAE-10 15 ZAE-10L 10 5 “Z-Glass” Media 0 0 10 20 Flow Rate (GPM) 30 40 Average Pressure Drop Through Clean Filter Assembly With 150 SUS Oil At 105˚ F. AE & ZAE Element Data: See Pages 23 & 24 Commonly Ordered Configurations ZAF-05-00-0 ZAF-08-00-0 ZAF-05-30-0 ZAF-08-30-0 ZAF-05-50-0 ZAF-08-50-0 HOW TO ORDER: ZAF - XX - XX - X Code Inlet & Outlet Ports Code By-Pass Valve Setting Code Gauge Port Locations 05 08 1/2" NPTF 3/4" - 16 UN (SAE-8) 00 05 10 30 50 No By-Pass 5 PSI 10 PSI 30 PSI 50 PSI 0 No Port Required * As Shown Above Phone (608) 524-4200 Fax (608) 524-4220 www.zinga.com C16 21 ZAF-07 SERIES SPIN-ON FILTER HEADS Flows Up To: Port Sizes: Pressure: Temperature: Applications: 25 GPM (Return) 9 GPM (Suction) 3/4” NPTF; 1 1/16”-12 UN(SAE-12) 250 psi Max. Operating Up to +250° F. Operating Petroleum based fluids. Consult factory for synthetic fluids. SPIN-ONS Cellulose Media Pressure Drop (PSI) 25 AE Elements ZAE Elements 20 ZAE-25 ZAE-10 15 ZAE-10L 10 5 “Z-Glass” Media 0 0 AE-L Elements 10 20 Flow Rate (GPM) 30 40 Average Pressure Drop Through Clean Filter Assembly With 150 SUS Oil At 105˚ F. Commonly Ordered Configurations ZAF-07-00-0 ZAF-11-00-0 ZAF-07-25-13 ZAF-11-25-13 HOW TO ORDER: ZAF - XX - XX - X Code Inlet & Outlet Ports 07 07C 11 3/4" NPTF 3/4" BSP (G 3/4"-14) 1 1/16"-12 UN (SAE-12) Code By-Pass Valve Setting Code Gauge Port Locations 00 03 05 15 25 50 No By-Pass 3 PSI 5 PSI 15 PSI 25 PSI 50 PSI 0 * No Port Required As Shown Above AE & ZAE Element Data: See Pages 23 & 24 Phone (608) 524-4200 Fax (608) 524-4220 www.zinga.com C16 22 ZAF-10 SERIES SPIN-ON FILTER HEADS 32 GPM (Return) 14 GPM (Suction) 1” NPTF; 1 5/16”-12 UN(SAE-16) 250 psi Max. Operating Up to +250° F. Operating Petroleum based fluids. Consult factory for synthetic fluids. SPIN-ONS Flows Up To: Port Sizes: Pressure: Temperature: Applications: Cellulose Media 25 Pressure Drop (PSI) 20 7.7" AE Elements ZAE Elements ZAE-25 ZAE-10 15 ZAE-10L 10 5 “Z-Glass” Media 0 0 10 20 30 Flow Rate (GPM) 40 Average Pressure Drop Through Clean Filter Assembly With 150 SUS Oil At 105˚ F. Commonly Ordered Configurations ZAF-10-00-0 ZAF-13-00-0 ZAF-10-25-13 ZAF-13-25-13 HOW TO ORDER: ZAF - XX - XX - X Code Inlet & Outlet Ports 10 1" NPTF 13 1 5/16"-12 UN (SAE-16) Code By-Pass Valve Setting 00 03 05 15 25 50 No By-Pass 3 PSI 5 PSI 15 PSI 25 PSI 50 PSI Code Gauge Port Locations 0 No Port Required * As Shown Above AE & ZAE Element Data: See Pages 23 & 24 Phone (608) 524-4200 Fax (608) 524-4220 www.zinga.com C16 23 AE SERIES SPIN-ON FILTER ELEMENTS For Use With ZAF Series Filter Heads Diameter: Mounting Thread: Operating Pressure: ∆Pmax: Temperature: Applications: Nominal Rating Absolute Rating Can Color / Imprint Up to +250° F. Operating Petroleum based fluids. Media Type Free Water Absorption Overall Height AE-03 “3 Micron” ß<4µ(c) = 2 ß7µ(c) = 75 AE-03AZL “3 Micron” ß5µ(c) = 2 ß24µ(c) = 75 White / Orange AE-10 “10 Micron” ß11µ(c) = 2 ß25µ(c) = 75 White / Red AE-10AZ “10 Micron” ß8µ(c) = 2 ß30µ(c) = 75 White / Orange AE-10L “10 Micron” ß<4µ(c) = 2 ß19µ(c) = 75 White / Red Cellulose 8.5” AE-10S “10 Micron” ß11µ(c) = 2 ß26µ(c) = 75 White / Red Cellulose 3.8” AE-100 “141 Micron” White / Blue Stn. Steel Mesh 5.8” White / Black Cellulose 5.8” AE-25 “25 Micron” ß16µ(c) = 2 ß31µ(c) = 75 White / Black Cellulose 5.8” Aqua-Zorb 7.2 oz TM Cellulose 8.5” 5.8” Aqua-Zorb 4.1 oz TM 5.8” Application Data: • Reference: ßXµ(c) = 2 represents 50% efficiency at particle size “x” micron ßXµ(c) = 75 represents 98.7% efficiency at particle size “x” micron • Buna "N" Gasket standard. Fluorocarbon Gasket optional, consult factory. • Caution: Do not use AE Series filter elements on internal combustion engines. • Aqua-Zorb™ filter medias absorb and retain free water. Any absorbed water can not be liberated from the Aqua-Zorb™ media. As the element becomes saturated with water the Aqua-Zorb™ media continues to swell, and will ultimately curtail flow through the filter. Not for use with water-glycols. Phone (608) 524-4200 Harsh Environment Protection FG03Q combines filter gasket with a protective shroud top. (Please Order Separately) Fax (608) 524-4220 www.zinga.com C16 SPIN-ONS Part Number 3.8” 1” - 12 UN 250 psi Max. Operating 50 psid 24 ZAE SERIES “Z-GLASS” MEDIA SPIN-ON FILTER ELEMENTS For Use With ZAF Series Filter Heads Diameter: Mounting Thread: Pressure: ∆Pmax: 3.8” 1” - 12 UN 250 psi Max. Operating 80 psid SPIN-ONS Temperature: Applications: Part Number Nominal Rating Up to +250° F. Operating Petroleum based fluids. Absolute Rating Can Color / Imprint Overall Height ZAE-03 “3 Micron” ß<4µ(c) = 2 ß5µ(c) = 75 ß6µ(c) = 200 White / Green 5.8” ZAE-10 “10 Micron” ß<4µ(c) = 2 ß10µ(c) = 75 ß14µ(c) = 200 White / Red 5.8” ZAE-10L “10 Micron” ß6µ(c) = 2 ß11µ(c) = 75 ß15µ(c) = 200 White / Red 8.5” ZAE-25 “25 Micron” ß<4µ(c) = 2 ß15µ(c) = 75 ß20µ(c) = 200 White / Black 5.8” Application Data: • Reference: ßXµ(c) = 2 represents 50% efficiency at particle size “x” micron ßXµ(c) = 75 represents 98.7% efficiency at particle size “x” micron ßXµ(c) = 200 represents 99.5% efficiency at particle size “x” micron • “Z-Glass” Media • Buna "N" Gasket standard. Fluorocarbon Gasket optional, consult factory. • Caution: Do not use ZAE Series filter elements on internal combustion engines. Phone (608) 524-4200 Fax (608) 524-4220 www.zinga.com C16 Harsh Environment Protection FG03Q combines filter gasket with a protective shroud top. (Please Order Separately) 25 VAF SERIES SPIN-ON FILTER HEADS VE-10 SERIES SPIN-ON FILTER ELEMENTS VE-10: Mounting Thread: ∆Pmax: SEE HOW TO ORDER Efficiency: Can Color / Imprint: Seals: Caution: 32 GPM (Return) 14 GPM (Suction) 1" NPTF; 1 5/16" - 12 UN (SAE - 16) 250 PSI Max. Operating Up to +250° F. Operating Petroleum based fluids. Consult factory for synthetic fluids. 1 1/8” - 16 50 psid ß<4µ(c) = 2 / ß19µ(c) = 75 White / Red Buna “N” Gasket Standard Do not use VE Elements on internal combustion engines. VE Elements Cellulose Media Average Pressure Drop Through Clean Filter Assembly With 150 SUS Oil At 105° F. HOW TO ORDER: VAF - XX - XX - X Code Inlet & Outlet Ports Code By-Pass Valve Setting 10 13 1" NPTF 1 5/16"-12 UN (SAE-16) 00 03 05 15 25 No By-Pass 3 PSI 5 PSI 15 PSI 25 PSI Phone (608) 524-4200 Fax (608) 524-4220 Code Gauge Port Location 0 No Port Required Location Number As Shown Above www.zinga.com C16 SPIN-ONS VAF Heads: Flows Up To: Port Sizes: Pressure: Temperature: Applications: 26 SF-100 SERIES SPIN-ON FILTER HEADS Flows Up To: Port Sizes: Pressure: Temperature: Applications: 25 40 GPM (Return) 15 GPM (Suction) 1” NPTF; 1 5/16”-12 UN(SAE-16) 200 psi Max. Operating Up to +250° F. Operating Petroleum based fluids. Consult factory for synthetic fluids. Cellulose Media LE-10AZ Pressure Drop (PSI) SPIN-ONS 20 INLET & OUTLET PORT SIZES: SEE HOW TO ORDER SE-03 15 LE-03AZ SE-10 LE-10 10 LE-03 LE-25 5 SE-25 LE-100 SE-100 0 20 10 0 40 30 50 Flow Rate (GPM) 50 “Z-Glass” Media 40 1 1/2"-16 THD. Pressure Drop (PSI) SE Elements ZSE Elements LE Elements ZLE Elements 30 ZSE-10 20 ZLE-03 10 0 ZSE-03 0 10 20 ZLE-25 ZSE-25 ZLE-10 30 40 Flow Rate (GPM) Average Pressure Drop Through Clean Filter Assembly With 150 SUS Oil At 105˚ F. HOW TO ORDER: Commonly Ordered Configurations SF-100-00-0 SF-130-00-0 SF-100-25-13 SF-130-25-13 SF - XXX - XX - X Code Inlet & Outlet Ports Code By-Pass Valve Setting Code Gauge Port Locations 100 1" NPTF No Port Required 1 5/16"-12 UN (SAE-16) No By-Pass 3 PSI 5 PSI 15 PSI 25 PSI 50 PSI 0 130 00 03 05 15 25 50 * As Shown Above SE, LE, ZSE, & ZLE Element Data: See Pages 38 & 39 Phone (608) 524-4200 Fax (608) 524-4220 www.zinga.com C16a 50 27 SF-120 SERIES SPIN-ON FILTER HEADS Flows Up To: Port Sizes: Pressure: Temperature: Applications: 25 70 GPM (Return) 25 GPM (Suction) 1 1/4” NPTF; 1 5/8”-12 UN(SAE-20) 200 psi Max. Operating Up to +250° F. Operating Petroleum based fluids. Consult factory for synthetic fluids. Cellulose Media Pressure Drop (PSI) SEE HOW TO ORDER LE-10AZ LE-25 15 SE-25 SE-10 LE-10 LE-03AZ 10 LE-03 LE-100 SE-03 5 SE-100 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Flow Rate (GPM) 50 “Z-Glass” Media Pressure Drop (PSI) 40 30 ZLE-10 ZSE-10 20 ZLE-03 ZSE-03 10 ZSE-25 ZLE-25 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 Flow Rate (GPM) 60 70 80 Average Pressure Drop Through Clean Filter Assembly With 150 SUS Oil At 105˚ F. HOW TO ORDER: Commonly Ordered Configurations SF-120-00-0 SF-160-00-0 SF-120-25-13 SF-160-25-13 SF - XXX - XX - X Code Inlet & Outlet Ports 120 1 1/4” NPTF 120C 160 1 1/4” BSP (G 1 1/4”-11) 1 5/8”-12 UN (SAE-20) Code By-Pass Valve Setting Code Gauge Port Locations 00 03 05 15 25 50 No By-Pass 3 PSI 5 PSI 15 PSI 25 PSI 50 PSI 0 No Port Required * As Shown Above SE, LE, ZSE, & ZLE Element Data: See Pages 38 & 39 Phone (608) 524-4200 Fax (608) 524-4220 www.zinga.com C16 C16a SPIN-ONS 20 (2) M10 X 1.5 X 20 mm DP WITH BSP PORTS 28 SF-122 SERIES SPIN-ON FILTER HEADS WITH ∆P INDICATOR OPTION Flows Up To: Port Sizes: Pressure: Temperature: Applications: Features: 25 6 Pressure Drop (PSI) 2 INLET & OUTLET PORT SIZES: SEE HOW TO ORDER 3.22" 5 4 .74" 1 5.34" 3.00" 1.71" LE-25 15 .96" SE-25 SE-10 LE-10 LE-03AZ 10 LE-03 LE-100 SE-03 SE-100 0 1.87" .61" LE-10AZ 5 1/8" NPTF GAUGE PORT (OPTIONAL) INLET PRESSURE LOCATIONS: 1 2 3 (RETURN LINE) OUTLE T PRESSURE LOCATIONS: 4 5 6 (SUCTION LINE) 1 DP INDICATOR Cellulose Media 20 (2) 5/16"-18 UN THREAD MTG. HOLES X 9/16" DEEP 3 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Flow Rate (GPM) 1.12" 2.4" 50 “Z-Glass” Media 2.06" 1.41" 3/4" DEEP SOCKET (SF125/SF165) 1 1/2"-16 THREAD STEM (SF122/SF162) 40 9.3" Pressure Drop (PSI) SPIN-ONS 3 DP INDICATOR 70 GPM (Return) 25 GPM (Suction) 1 1/4” NPTF; 1 5/8”-12 UN(SAE-20) 200 psi Max. Operating Up to +200˚F Petroleum based fluids. Socket Design in some models allowing machining for custom stems. 13.3" SE ELEMENTS ZSE ELEMENTS 30 ZLE-10 ZSE-10 20 ZLE-03 ZSE-03 10 LE ELEMENTS ZLE ELEMENTS ALLOW 1.5" CLEARANCE FOR ELEMENT REMOVAL HOW TO ORDER: Code 122 125 162 165 0 10 SF - XXX - XX - X-XXX-XXX 1 By-Pass Valve Setting 00 03 05 15 25 50 No By-Pass 3 PSI 5 PSI 15 PSI 25 PSI 50 PSI 30 40 50 Flow Rate (GPM) 60 Code Position 1 & 3 Indicators 0 V D H Code Gauge Port Locations 0 * No Port Required As Shown Above Fax (608) 524-4220 www.zinga.com 70 80 Average Pressure Drop Through Clean Filter Assembly With 150 SUS Oil At 105˚ F. SE, LE, ZSE, & ZLE Element Data: See Pages 38 & 39 Phone (608) 524-4200 20 3 (STEM) (SOCKET) (STEM) (SOCKET) Code ZLE-25 0 5.1" DIA. Inlet & Outlet Ports (Mount) 1 1/4" NPTF 1 1/4" NPTF 1 5/8"-12 UN (SAE-20) 1 5/8"-12 UN (SAE-20) ZSE-25 C16 No Indicator Visual Indicator DC Electrical Single Wire Vis / Elec. w/ DIN Conn. Indicator None DP03 series DP06 series DP05 series Code ∆ P Indicator Setting 00 13 22 44 No Indicator 13 PSID 22 PSID 44 PSID 29 SF-12A & C SERIES SPIN-ON FILTER HEADS WITH ∆P INDICATOR OPTION Flows Up To: Port Sizes: Pressure: Temperature: Applications: 70 GPM (Return) 25 GPM (Suction) 1 1/4” NPTF; 1 5/8”-12 UN(SAE-20) 200 psi Max. Operating Up to +200° F. Operating Petroleum based fluids. Consult factory for synthetic fluids. 25 Cellulose Media LE-10AZ LE-25 15 SE-10 LE-10 LE-03AZ 10 SEE HOW TO ORDER SE-25 LE-03 LE-100 SE-03 5 SE-100 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 SEE DP SERIES FOR DETAILS 60 70 80 5/16"–18 x 9/16" DP. (SF—12A & 16A) M10 x 1.5 x 14.2 DP. (SF—12C) Flow Rate (GPM) 50 “Z-Glass” Media Pressure Drop (PSI) 40 30 ZLE-10 ZSE-10 20 ZLE-03 SE ELEMENTS ZSE ELEMENTS ZSE-03 10 ZSE-25 ZLE-25 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 Flow Rate (GPM) 60 70 80 LE ELEMENTS ZLE ELEMENTS Average Pressure Drop Through Clean Filter Assembly With 150 SUS Oil At 105˚ F. HOW TO ORDER: SF - XXX - XX - X- XXX Code Inlet & Outlet Ports 12A 12C 16A Code Position 1 & 3 Indicators 1 1/4" NPTF 1 1/4" BSP (G 1 1/4”-11) 1 5/8”-12 UN (SAE-20) Code By-Pass Valve Setting 00 03 05 15 25 50 No By-Pass 3 PSI 5 PSI 15 PSI 25 PSI 50 PSI 0 V D H Code Gauge Port Locations 0 * No Port Required As Shown Above No Indicator Visual Indicator DC Electrical Single Wire Vis/Elec. w/ DIN Conn. Indicator None DP03 series DP06 series DP05 series Code ∆ P Indicator Setting 00 13 22 44 No Indicator 13 PSID 22 PSID 44 PSID SE, LE, ZSE, & ZLE Element Data: See Pages 38 & 39 Phone (608) 524-4200 Fax (608) 524-4220 www.zinga.com C16 SPIN-ONS Pressure Drop (PSI) 20 30 SF-150 SERIES SPIN-ON FILTER HEADS Flows Up To: Port Sizes: Pressure: Temperature: Applications: 80 GPM (Return) 32 GPM (Suction) 1 1/2” NPTF; 1 7/8"-12 UN (SAE-24) 200 psi Max. Operating Up to +200° F. Operating Petroleum based fluids. Consult factory for synthetic fluids. 25 Cellulose Media Pressure Drop (PSI) SPIN-ONS 20 LE-10AZ LE-25 LE-03 15 LE-10 & SE-25 LE-03AZ SE-03 SE-10 SE-100 10 5 SEE HOW TO ORDER LE-100 0 0 20 40 60 Flow Rate (GPM) 80 100 25 ZSE-10 1 1/2"-16 THD. Pressure Drop (PSI) 20 SE ELEMENTS ZSE ELEMENTS ZLE-25 ZLE-03 15 ZSE-03 ZSE-25 10 ZLE-10 5 “Z-Glass” Media 0 0 LE ELEMENTS ZLE ELEMENTS 20 40 60 80 Flow Rate (GPM) 100 120 Average Pressure Drop Through Clean Filter Assembly With 150 SUS Oil At 105˚ F. Commonly Ordered Configurations SF-150-00-0 SF-180-00-0 SF-150-25-13 SF-180-25-13 HOW TO ORDER: SF - XXX - XX - X Code Inlet & Outlet Ports 150 180 Code 1 1/2" NPTF 1 7/8"-12 UN (SAE-24) By-Pass Valve Setting Code Gauge Port Locations 00 03 No By-Pass 3 PSI 0 * No Port Required As Shown Above 05 15 25 50 5 PSI 15 PSI 25 PSI 50 PSI SE, LE, ZSE, & ZLE Element Data: See Pages 38 & 39 Phone (608) 524-4200 Fax (608) 524-4220 www.zinga.com C16 31 DF-15 SERIES OVER / UNDER SPIN-ON FILTER HEADS WITH ∆P INDICATOR OPTION Flows Up To: Port Sizes: Pressure: Temperature: Applications: P INDICATOR OPTION (SEE DP SERIES FOR DETAILS) 3.25" 1 120 GPM (Return) 50 GPM (Suction) 1 1/2" NPTF w/ 2” (4) Bolt Flange 1 7/8" - 12 UN (SAE - 24) 200 PSI Max. Operating Up to +200° F. Operating Petroleum based fluids. Consult factory for synthetic fluids. 1/8" NPTF GAUGE PORTS STANDARD 2 2.68" OUTLET PRESSURE LOCATION: (SUCTION LINE) SPIN-ONS INLET PRESSURE LOCATION: 1 (RETURN LINE) 25 Cellulose Media 2 20 Pressure Drop (PSI) LE-10AZ 2.90" 5.3" 2.56" 4.03" 6.5" 3.06" LE-10 15 SE-25 LE-03AZ LE-3 10 SE-3 LE-100 5 (2) 3/8"-16UNC-2B x 9/16" DEEP MTG. HOLES SE-100 0 1.4" 0 2.8" 1.69" LE-25 SE-10 40 80 Flow Rate (GPM) 120 160 25 Pressure Drop (PSI) “Z-Glass” Media 1 1/2"-16 THREAD 8.5" SE ELEMENTS ZSE ELEMENTS 12.5" 20 ZLE-10 15 ZSE-10 ZLE-03 10 ZSE-03 ZLE-25 5 ZSE-25 LE ELEMENTS ZLE ELEMENTS 0 0 5.1" ALLOW 1.5" CLEARANCE FOR ELEMENT REMOVAL HOW TO ORDER: 20 40 60 80 Flow Rate (GPM) 100 120 Average Pressure Drop Through Clean Filter Assembly With 150 SUS Oil At 105˚ F. DF - XX - XX - 12 - XXX Code Inlet & Outlet Ports Code Indicator Option 15 2” (4) Bolt Flange & 1 1/2" NPTF Combination 0 No Indicator V Visual Indicator DP03 series 1 7/8"-12 UN (SAE- 24) D DC Electrical Single Wire DP06 series H Vis/Elec. w/ DIN Conn. DP05 series 18 Code By-Pass Valve Setting 00 03 05 15 25 50 No By-Pass 3 PSI 5 PSI 15 PSI 25 PSI 50 PSI Code ∆ P Indicator Setting 00 No Indicator SE, LE, ZSE, & ZLE Element Data: See Pages 38 & 39 Phone (608) 524-4200 Indicator Series None Fax (608) 524-4220 04 4 PSID 13 13 PSID 22 22 PSID 44 44 PSID www.zinga.com C16 32 MF SERIES MODULAR LINE TYPE SPIN-ON FILTER HEADS WITH ∆P INDICATOR OPTION Flows Up To: Port Sizes: 120 GPM (Return) 50 GPM (Suction) 1 1/2" NPTF w/ 2” (4) Bolt Flange 1 7/8" - 12 UN (SAE - 24) 200 PSI Max. Operating Up to +200° F. Operating Petroleum based fluids. Multiple modular heads bolted together. Inlet flow is equally divided among elements (parallel flow) providing greater flow capacities and longer service life. SPIN-ONS Pressure: Temperature: Applications: Features: SEE HOW TO ORDER SEE DP SERIES FOR DETAILS 3.06" 1 1/2"-16 THD. SE Elements ZSE Elements LE Elements ZLE Elements 25 25 “Z-Glass” Media LE-03 20 20 SE-10 Pressure Drop (PSI) Pressure Drop (PSI) LE-03AZ SE-03 15 LE-10 10 LE-100 LE-10AZ 5 LE-25 SE-25 0 30 Phone (608) 524-4200 60 ZLE-03 ZSE-03 10 ZSE-10 5 SE-100 0 15 ZLE-25 Cellulose Media 120 90 Flow Rate (GPM) Fax (608) 524-4220 150 180 ZLE-10 & ZSE-25 0 0 www.zinga.com C16a 20 40 80 60 Flow Rate (GPM) 100 120 33 Average Pressure Drop Through Clean Filter Assembly With 150 SUS Oil At 105° F. 25 Cellulose Media Pressure Drop (PSI) 20 3 ELEMENT SPIN-ON FILTER HEAD ASSEMBLY LE-03 & SE-10 15 LE-10AZ 10 SE-03 LE-03AZ 5 SE-100 SE-25 LE-10 0 0 30 60 120 90 150 180 Flow Rate (GPM) SPIN-ONS 25 “Z-Glass” Media Pressure Drop (PSI) 20 15 4 ELEMENT SPIN-ON FILTER HEAD ASSEMBLY ZSE-10 10 ZSE-03 ZLE-03 5 ZLE-25 ZSE-10 0 0 20 40 60 Flow Rate (GPM) 80 ZLE-10 100 120 NOTES: Flow data for a MF-Series 4 element filter head is identical to the 3 element filter above. MF-Series filter heads with 4 or more elements will not significantly reduce pressure drop or allow greater flow through the assembly. The MF Series will lengthen the time periods between element servicing. Multiple Unit Head Assemblies may require additional mounting support for your application. HOW TO ORDER: MF - XX - XX - X - X - XXX Code Inlet & Outlet Port Size & Type 18 2215 Code Indicator Option Indicator Series 0 V D H No Indicator Visual Indicator DC Electrical Single Wire Vis/Elec. w/ DIN Conn. None DP03 series DP06 series DP05 series 1 7/8" - 12 UN (SAE - 24) 2" (4) Bolt Flange & 1 1/2" NPTF Combination Code By-Pass Valve Setting 00 03 05 15 25 50 No Valve 3 PSI 5 PSI 15 PSI 25 PSI 50 PSI Code ∆ P Indicator Setting 00 04 13 22 44 No Indicator 4 PSID 13 PSID 22 PSID 44 PSID Code Gauge Port Location Code No. of Filter Head Modules 0 No Gauge Port Location Number As Shown On Drawing 2 3 2 Modules 3 Modules 4 4 Modules 1, 2, 3, or 5 SE, LE, ZSE, & ZLE Element Data: See Pages 38 & 39 Phone (608) 524-4200 Fax (608) 524-4220 www.zinga.com C16 34 MFT SERIES FLANGE MOUNTED SPIN-ON HEADS WITH ∆P INDICATOR OPTION Flows Up To: Port Sizes: 120 GPM (Return) 1 1/2" NPTF w/ 2” (4) Bolt Flange 1 7/8" - 12 UN (SAE - 24) 200 PSI Max. Operating Up to +200° F. Operating Aluminum Bolt Plate / Steel Weld Collar Petroleum based fluids. Consult factory for synthetic fluids. SPIN-ONS Pressure: Temperature: Mounting: Applications: 3 1/8" NPTF GAUGE PORTS (OPTIONAL) INLET PRESSURE LOCATIONS: 1 2 3/8"-16 X 5/8" DP MOUNTING HOLES R2.65 3 2 1.12 DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE INDICATOR POSITION: SEE DP SERIES FOR DETAILS .94 1 .50 3.06 2.00 1/2" TYP (6) PLACES EQUALLY SPACE ON 6 1/2" BCD 2.66 5.31 3.41 1.69 7 1/2" 1.47 5.66 3.41 .49 (TYP) 5.31 3.41 1.00 SE SERIES & ZSE SERIES ELEMENTS SE SERIES & ZSE SERIES ELEMENTS LE SERIES & ZLE SERIES ELEMENTS LE SERIES & ZLE SERIES ELEMENTS ALLOW 1-1/2" CLEARANCE FOR ELEMENT REMOVAL Customer Supplied Stud Hardware 3/8" dia. x 1" long min. (Leak proof from reservoir) 1/2" 60 7" o 30 o 4 1/2" ± 1/8" Mounting Hole in Reservoir TYP o 1/2" TYP (6) PLACES EQUALLY SPACE ON 6 1/2" BCD Phone (608) 524-4200 60 Fax (608) 524-4220 Note: Lubricate Supplied O-ring Seal and Use a Cross Tighten Pattern When Installing Mounting Plate to Reservoir Wall / Weld Collar www.zinga.com C16 35 25 25 LE-10AZ LE-03 15 LE-10 & SE-25 LE-03AZ SE-03 ZSE-10 20 LE-25 Pressure Drop (PSI) Pressure Drop (PSI) 20 SE-10 SE-100 10 ZLE-25 ZLE-3 15 ZSE-3 ZSE-25 10 ZLE-10 5 5 LE-100 Cellulose Media “Z-Glass” Media 0 0 0 0 20 40 60 Flow Rate (GPM) 80 20 40 60 80 Flow Rate (GPM) 100 100 120 Average Pressure Drop Through Clean Single Module Filter Assembly With 150 SUS Oil At 105° F. “Z-Glass” Media LE-03 20 20 SE-10 Pressure Drop (PSI) Pressure Drop (PSI) LE-03AZ SPIN-ONS 25 25 SE-03 15 LE-10 10 LE-100 LE-10AZ 5 LE-25 0 0 30 60 ZSE-10 ZLE-25 Cellulose Media 120 90 Flow Rate (GPM) ZLE-03 ZSE-03 10 5 SE-100 SE-25 15 150 180 ZLE-10 & ZSE-25 0 0 20 40 80 60 Flow Rate (GPM) 100 120 Average Pressure Drop Through Clean Two Module Filter Assembly With 150 SUS Oil At 105° F. HOW TO ORDER: MFT - XX - XX - X - X - X -XX- XXX Code Code Inlet Port Size & Type 18S 2215P 1 7/8" - 12 UN(SAE - 24) 2" (4) Bolt Flange & 1 1/2" NPTF Combination Code By-Pass Valve Setting 00 15 25 50 No Valve 15 PSI 25 PSI 50 PSI BD0 BDX Code Gauge Port Location 0 WP0 WCX 1, 2, 3 No Gauge Port Location Number As Shown On Drawing Code No. of Filter Head Modules 1 2 1 Module 2 Modules BP0 BCX BP2 WP2 WD0 WDX Mounting Options Bolt Plate Bolt Plate w/ Check Valve X= Pressure Setting (1,2,3...7 psid) Bolt Plate w/2” NPT Port for Drop Pipe Bolt Plate w/ Tank Diffuser Bolt Plate w/ Check Valve & Tank Diffuser X= Pressure Setting (1,2,3...7 psid) Weld Collar (No Options) Weld Collar w/ Check Valve X=Pressure Setting (1,2,3...7 psid) Weld Collar w/ 2” NPT Port for Drop Pipe Weld Collar w/ Tank Diffuser Weld Collar w/ Check Valve & Tank Diffuser No Mounting Code ∆P Indicator Options 000 0 V D H No Indicator Visual Indicator (see DP03 series) DC Indicator (see DP06 series) Ele/Visual Elec w/DIN Conn. (see DP05 series) Code ∆ P Indicator Setting 00 No Indicator SE, LE, ZSE, & ZLE Element Data: See Pages 38 & 39 Phone (608) 524-4200 04 4 PSID 13 13 PSID 22 22 PSID 44 44 PSID Fax (608) 524-4220 www.zinga.com C16 36 ZDF SERIES SIDE BY SIDE SPIN-ON FILTER HEADS WITH ∆P INDICATOR OPTION Flows Up To: Port Sizes: SPIN-ONS Pressure: Temperature: Applications: 120 GPM (Return) 50 GPM (Suction) 1 1/2" NPTF w/ 2" (4) Bolt Flange 1 7/8" - 12 UN (SAE - 24) 200 PSI Max. Operating Up to +200° F. Operating Petroleum based fluids. Consult factory for synthetic fluids. SEE HOW TO ORDER SEE DP SERIES FOR DETAILS 1 1/2"16 THD. SE Elements ZSE Elements LE Elements ZLE Elements Phone (608) 524-4200 Fax (608) 524-4220 www.zinga.com C16a 37 Average Pressure Drop Through Clean Filter Assembly With 150 SUS Oil at 105 O F. Temperature. 25 LE-03AZ 25 LE-03 “Z-Glass” Media 20 SE-10 SE-03 15 Pressure Drop (PSI) Pressure Drop (PSI) 20 LE-10 10 LE-100 LE-10AZ 5 SE-100 LE-25 SE-25 0 0 30 60 150 ZLE-03 ZSE-03 10 ZSE-10 5 Cellulose Media 120 90 Flow Rate (GPM) 15 ZLE-25 180 ZLE-10 & ZSE-25 0 0 20 40 80 60 Flow Rate (GPM) 100 120 OUTLET OUTLET OUTLE FLOW FLOW FLOW INLET OUTLET OUTLE FLOW FLOW INLET O THREE ELEMENT, 90 FILTER HEAD CONFIGURATION " D " HOW TO ORDER: Code 218 2215 Code 00 03 05 15 25 50 Code 0 Location CONFIGURATION " B " CONFIGURATION " A " FLOW CONFIGURATION (BLANK) INLET TWO ELEMENT, TWO INLET FILTER HEAD FOUR ELEMENT FILTER OUTLE STANDARD TWO ELEMENT FILTER HEAD FLOW FLOW INLET FLOW FLOW INLET INLET THREE ELEMENT FILTER HEAD THREE ELEMENT FILTER HEAD CONFIGURATION " G " CONFIGURATION " H " ZDF - XXX - XX - X - XXXX - X Configuration Option (Leave Blank for Std.) Port Size & Type 1 7/8" - 12 UN (SAE - 24) 2" (4) Bolt Flange & 1 1/2" NPTF Combination By-Pass Valve Setting No By-Pass 3 PSI 5 PSI 15 PSI 25 PSI 50 PSI Code Indicator Type / Position 00 No Indicator VL Visual / L (See DP03 Series) VR Visual / R (See DP03 Series) DL DC Electrical / L (See DP06 Series) DR HL DC Electrical / R (See DP06 Series) Vis. / Ele DIN / L (See DP05 Series) HR Vis. / Ele DIN / R (See DP05 Series) Code ∆ P Indicator Setting 00 No Indicator Gauge Port Location No Port Required See Drawing 04 4 PSID 13 13 PSID 22 22 PSID 44 44 PSID SE, LE, ZSE, & ZLE Element Data: See Pages 38 & 39 Phone (608) 524-4200 Fax (608) 524-4220 www.zinga.com C16 SPIN-ONS ZDF, MF, & MFT parallel flow modular components can be combined into filter head assemblies such as these. Other combinations are available to meet specific filter applications. For technical advice contact your local distributor or the factory. NOTE: Some multiple-head units may require additional mounting support. 38 SE & LE SERIES SPIN-ON FILTER ELEMENTS For Use With SF, DF, MF, MFT & ZDF Series Filter Heads SPIN-ONS Diameter: Mounting Thread: Pressure: ∆Pmax: Temperature: Applications: Part Number Nominal Rating 5.1” 1-1/2”-16 UN 200 psi Max. Operating 50 psid Up to +250° F. Operating Petroleum based fluids. Absolute Rating Can Color / Imprint Media Type Free Water Overall Absorption Height SE-03 “3 Micron” ß<4µ(c) = 2 ß11µ(c) = 75 White / Green Cellulose 6.9” SE-10 “10 Micron” ß5µ(c) = 2 ß19µ(c) = 75 White / Red Cellulose 6.9” White / Blue Stn. Steel Mesh 6.9” SE-100 “141 Micron” - - SE-25 “25 Micron” ß19µ(c) = 2 ß36µ(c) = 75 White / Black Cellulose 6.9” LE-03 “3 Micron” ß<4µ(c) = 2 ß11µ(c) = 75 White / Green Cellulose 10.9” LE-03AZ “3 Micron” ß<4µ(c) = 2 ß11µ(c) = 75 White / Orange Aqua-ZorbTM “10 Micron” ß5µ(c) = 2 ß19µ(c) = 75 White / Red Cellulose 10.9” White / Blue Stn. Steel Mesh 10.9” LE-10 LE-100 “141 Micron” - - LE-10AZ “10 Micron” ß5µ(c) = 2 ß19µ(c) = 75 White / Orange LE-25 “25 Micron” ß19µ(c) = 2 ß36µ(c) = 75 White / Black Aqua-ZorbTM 15 oz. 15 oz. Cellulose Application Data: • Reference: ßXµ(c) = 2 represents 50% efficiency at particle size “x” micron ßXµ(c) = 75 represents 98.7% efficiency at particle size “x” micron • Buna-"N" FG01 Gasket standard. Fluorocarbon Gasket FG01V optional, consult factory. • Caution: Do not use SE/LE Series filter elements on internal combustion engines. • Aqua-Zorb™ filter medias absorb and retain free water. Any absorbed water can not be liberated from the Aqua-Zorb™ media. As the element becomes saturated with water the Aqua-Zorb™ media continues to swell, and will ultimately curtail flow through the filter. Not for use with water-glycols. Phone (608) 524-4200 Fax (608) 524-4220 www.zinga.com C16a 10.9” 10.9” 10.9” 39 ZSE & ZLE SERIES “Z-GLASS” MEDIA SPIN-ON FILTER ELEMENTS For Use With SF, DF, MF, MFT & ZDF Series Filter Heads Diameter: Mounting Thread: Pressure: ∆Pmax: Nominal Rating Temperature: Applications: Up to +250° F. Operating Petroleum based fluids. Absolute Rating Can Color / Imprint SPIN-ONS Part Number 5.1” 1-1/2”-16 UN 200 psi Max. Operating 80 psid Overall Height ZSE-03 “3 Micron” ß<4µ(c) = 2 ß<4µ(c) = 75 ß<4µ(c) = 200 White / Green 6.9” ZSE-10 “10 Micron” ß<4c) = 2 ß8µ(c) = 75 ß10µ(c) = 200 White / Red 6.9” ZLE-03 “3 Micron” ß<4µ(c) = 2 ß<4µ(c) = 75 ß<4µ(c) = 200 White / Green 10.9” ZLE-10 10 Micron” ß<4c) = 2 ß8µ(c) = 75 ß10µ(c) = 200 White / Red 10.9” Application Data: • Reference: ßXµ(c) = 2 represents 50% efficiency at particle size “x” micron ßXµ(c) = 75 represents 98.7% efficiency at particle size “x” micron ßXµ(c) = 200 represents 99.5% efficiency at particle size “x” micron • Buna-"N" FG01 Gasket standard. Fluorocarbon Gasket FG01V optional, consult factory. • Caution: Do not use ZSE/ZLE Series filter elements on internal combustion engines. Phone (608) 524-4200 Fax (608) 524-4220 www.zinga.com C16 40 GF-120 SERIES SPIN-ON FILTER HEADS PARKER / GRESEN DIRECT INTERCHANGE SPIN-ONS Flows Up To: Port Sizes: Pressure: Temperature: Applications: 70 GPM (Return) 25 GPM (Suction) 1 1/4" NPTF; 1 5/8" - 12 UN (SAE - 20) 200 PSI Max. Operating Up to +250° F. Operating Petroleum based fluids. Consult factory for synthetic fluids. 25 Cellulose Media Pressure Drop (PSI) 20 SEE HOW TO ORDER GLE-25 15 GCE-10 10 GLE-03 GCE-25 GCE-03 5 0 GLE-10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Flow Rate (GPM) 50 “Z-Glass” Media Pressure Drop (PSI) 40 "GCE" ELEMENTS "ZGCE" ELEMENTS 30 ZGCE-10 20 ZGLE-03 ZGCE-03 10 ZGLE-10 0 0 "GLE" ELEMENTS "ZGLE" ELEMENTS 20 30 40 50 Flow Rate (GPM) 60 70 80 Average Pressure Drop Through Clean Filter Assembly With 150 SUS Oil At 105° F. HOW TO ORDER: GF - XXX - XX - X Code Inlet & Outlet Ports 120 160 10 1 1/4" NPTF 1 5/8"-12 (SAE-20) Code By-Pass Valve Setting 00 03 05 15 25 50 No By-Pass 3 PSI 5 PSI 15 PSI 25 PSI 50 PSI Code Gauge Port Location 0 No Port Required Location Number As Shown Above GCE, GLE, ZGCE, & ZGLE Element Data: See Page 41 Phone (608) 524-4200 Fax (608) 524-4220 www.zinga.com C16 41 GCE & GLE SERIES SPIN-ON FILTER ELEMENTS For use with GF series filter heads Replacements for Parker / Gresen Diameter: Mounting Thread: Pressure: ∆Pmax Cellulose: ∆Pmax “Z-Glass”: Temperature: Applications: Nominal Rating Absolute Rating 80 psid Up to +250° F. Operating Petroleum based fluids. Can Color / Imprint Media Type Overall Height GCE-03 “3 Micron” ß<4µ(c) = 2 ß11µ(c) = 75 White / Green Cellulose 6.9” GCE-10 “10 Micron” ß5(c) = 2 ß19µ(c) = 75 White / Red Cellulose 6.9” GCE-25 “25 Micron” ß19(c) = 2 ß36(c) = 75 White / Black Cellulose 6.9” GLE-03 “3 Micron” ß<4µ(c) = 2 ß11µ(c) = 75 White / Green Cellulose 10.9” GLE-10 “10 Micron” ß5(c) = 2 ß19µ(c) = 75 White / Red Cellulose 10.9” GLE-25 “25 Micron” ß19(c) = 2 ß36(c) = 75 White / Black Cellulose 10.9” ZGCE-03 “3 Micron” ß<4µ(c) = 2 ß<4µ(c) = 75 ß<4µ(c) = 200 White / Green “Z-Glass” 6.9” ZGCE-10 “10 Micron” ß<4µ(c) = 2 ß8µ(c) = 75 ß10µ(c) = 200 White / Red “Z-Glass” 6.9” ZGLE-03 “3 Micron” ß<4µ(c) = 2 ß<4µ(c) = 75 ß<4µ(c) = 200 White / Green “Z-Glass” 10.9” ZGLE-10 “10 Micron” ß<4µ(c) = 2 ß8µ(c) = 75 ß10µ(c) = 200 White / Red “Z-Glass” 10.9” Cross References: Brand Gresen Parker Part Number Zinga Part Number K-23018 K-23019 926169 926170 GCE-10 GCE-25 GLE-10 GLE-25 Application Data: • Reference: ßXµ(c) = 2 represents 50% efficiency at particle size “x” micron ßXµ(c) = 75 represents 98.7% efficiency at particle size “x” micron ßXµ(c) = 200 represents 99.5% efficiency at particle size “x” micron • Filter Gasket Part No. FG02 is supplied standard with GCE & GLE series elements. Zinga SE & LE Series elements can be converted to GCE & GLE equivalents by replacing the standard gasket with a FG02 gasket. • Pressure drop vs. flow data for GCE & GLE series filter elements is identical to that of the standard Zinga SE & LE Series elements. • Caution: Do not use GCE & GLE Series filter elements on internal combustion engines. Phone (608) 524-4200 Fax (608) 524-4220 www.zinga.com C16 SPIN-ONS Part Number 5.1” 1-1/2”-16 UN 200 psi Max. Operating 50 psid 42 HF SERIES SPIN-ON FILTER HEADS WITH ∆P INDICATOR OPTION Flows Up To: Port Sizes: 40 GPM (Return) 3/4" NPTF; 1” NPTF 3/4" BSP; 1" BSP 1 1/16"-12UN (SAE-12); 1 5/16"-12UN (SAE-16) 400 PSI Max. Operating Up to +200° F. w/indicator Petroleum based fluids only. Consult factory for synthetic fluids. SPIN-ONS Pressure: Temperature: Application: 25 HE-03AZL M10 X 1.5 X 14mm WITH BSP PORTS SEE DP SERIES FOR DETAILS Pressure Drop (PSI) 20 HE-10AZ 15 HE-03L HE-03 HE-10 10 5 HE-10L Cellulose Media 0 0 10 20 Flow Rate (GPM) 30 40 25 HE Elements ZHE Elements Pressure Drop (PSI) “Z-Glass” Media 20 XZHE-10L 15 XZHE-03L 10 5 ZHE-10L HE Elements ZHE Elements XZHE Elements ZHE-10 0 0 ALLOW 1.5" FOR ELEMENT REMOVAL HOW TO ORDER: ZHE-03L ZHE-03 10 20 30 Flow Rate (GPM) 40 Average Pressure Drop Through Clean Filter Assembly With 150 SUS Oil At 105° F. HF - XX - XX - XXX Code Inlet & Outlet Ports 07 3/4" NPTF 07C 3/4" BSP (G 3/4"-14) 10 1" NPTF 10C 1" BSP (G 1"-11) 11 1 1/16"-12 UN (SAE-12) 13 1 5/16"-12 UN (SAE-16) Code Indicator Option 0 No Indicator V Visual Indicator (See DP04 Series) D DC Electrical Single Wire (See DP06 Series) H Vis/Elec. w/ DIN Conn. (See DP05 Series) Code ∆ P Indicator Setting Code By-Pass Valve Setting 00 No Indicator 00 No By-Pass 22 22 PSID 25 25 PSI 44 44 PSID 50 50 PSI HE, ZHE, & XZHE Element Data: See Page 43 Phone (608) 524-4200 Fax (608) 524-4220 www.zinga.com C16 43 HE & ZHE SERIES MEDIUM PRESSURE SPIN-ON FILTER ELEMENTS For Use With HF Series Filter Heads. Diameter: Mounting Thread: Pressure: ∆Pmax Cellulose: Part Number Media Type ß7µ(c) = 75 White / Green Cellulose ß5µ(c) = 2 ß24µ(c) = 75 White / Orange Aqua-ZorbTM “10 Micron” ß11µ(c) = 2 ß25µ(c) = 75 White / Red Cellulose ß8µ(c) = 2 ß30µ(c) = 75 White / Orange Aqua-ZorbTM “10 Micron” ß<4µ(c) = 2 ß19µ(c) = 75 White / Red Cellulose 8.0” ZHE-03 “3 Micron” ß<4µ(c) = 2 ß5µ(c) = 75 ß6µ(c) = 200 White / Green “Z-Glass” 5.9” ZHE-03L “3 Micron” ß<4µ(c) = 2 ß<4µ(c) = 75 ß5µ(c) = 200 White / Green “Z-Glass” 8.0” ZHE-10 “10 Micron” ß<4µ(c) = 2 ß13µ(c) = 75 ß16µ(c) = 200 White / Red “Z-Glass” 5.9” ZHE-10L “10 Micron” ß11µ(c) = 75 ß12µ(c) = 200 White / Red “Z-Glass” 8.0” “3 Micron” ß<4µ(c) = 2 HE-03AZL “3 Micron” HE-10 HE-10AZ “10 Micron” HE-10L ß5µ(c) = 2 Brand Fleetguard Pall Absolute Rating Up to +250° F. Operating Petroleum based fluids. Can Color / Imprint HE-03 Nominal Rating 80 psid Part Number HF-6600 HF-6601 HF-6610 HF-6611 HC 7400S UJ4H HC 7400S UK4H HC 9540S UJ4H HC 9540S UK4H Free Water Overall Absorption Height 5.9” 7.2 oz 8.0” 5.9” 4.1 oz 5.9” Zinga Part Number HE-03 HE-03L HE-10 HE-10L HE-10 HE-03 HE-10 HE-03 • Reference: ßXµ(c) = 2 represents 50% efficiency at particle size “x” micron ßXµ(c) = 75 represents 98.7% efficiency at particle size “x” micron ßXµ(c) = 200 represents 99.5% efficiency at particle size “x” micron • Buna “N” Gasket standard. Fluorocarbon Gasket optional, consult factory. • Suitable for petroleum based fluids. Consult factory for synthetic fluids. • Caution: Do not use HE Series filter elements on internal combustion engines. • Aqua-Zorb™ filter medias absorb and retain free water. Any absorbed water can not be liberated from the Aqua-Zorb™ media. As the element becomes saturated with water the Aqua-Zorb™ media continues to swell, and will ultimately curtail flow through the filter. Not for use with water-glycols. Phone (608) 524-4200 Fax (608) 524-4220 www.zinga.com C16 SPIN-ONS ∆Pmax “Z-Glass”: Temperature: Applications: 3.7” 1-1/2” - 16 UN 400 psi Max. Operating 50 psid 44 DHF SERIES SPIN-ON FILTER HEADS WITH ∆P INDICATOR OPTION Flows Up To: Port Sizes: Pressure: Temperature: Filters: 35 GPM 3/4” NPTF ; 1” NPTF 1 1/16”-12UN (SAE-12); 1 5/16”-12UN (SAE-16) 500 PSI Maximum Operating 1000 PSI Static Burst Up to +200˚F ME & ZME Series Assembly Fatigue Strength: SPIN-ONS 100,000 cycles @ 0-500 PSI 300,000 cycles @ 0-400 PSI 1,000,000 cycles @ 0-350 PSI Applications: Top Right 1.3 Right Side Left Side 3/8"-16 UNC-2B 1.3 1.2 4.0 2.47" Petroleum Based Fluids. Consult Factory For Synthetic Fluids. DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE INDICATOR PORT 1.34" 1.95" 1.88" 1 3 / 8"-12 6.0" 9.5" ME & ZME SERIES ME-L & ZME-L 0 3.70" ALLOW 1" FOR ELEMENT REMOVAL Phone (608) 524-4200 Fax (608) 524-4220 www.zinga.com C16 25 12.5 20 10 PRESSURE DROP (PSI) Pressure Drop (PSI) 45 ME-10 15 ME- 0 3 10 ME-10 L 5 ZME-22 ZME-05L 7.5 ZME-16 ZME-22 L ZME-05 5 ZME-16 L 2.5 ME- 0 3 L “Z-Glass” Media Cellulose Media 0 0 0 5 10 15 20 Flow Rate (GPM) 25 30 35 0 5 10 15 20 25 FLOW RATE (GPM) 30 35 SPIN-ONS Average Pressure Drop Through Clean Filter Assembly With 150 SUS Oil At 105°F DHF Series Filter Head Shown Without Indicator Shown with Zinga DP05 Series Visual/Electrical Indicator Shown with Side Indicator Port and DP06 Series Single Wire DC Indicator Shown with Zinga DP04 Series Visual Indicator HOW TO ORDER: Shown with Zinga DP06 Series DC Electrical Indicator DHF - XXX - XX - X - XX-XX Code ∆ P Indicator Location N12 3/4" NPTF 00 No Indicator N16 1" NPTF LS Left Side Code Inlet & Outlet Ports S12 1 1/16"-12 UN (SAE-12) RS Right Side S16 1 5/16"-12 UN (SAE-16) RT Right Top Code ∆ P Indicator Setting 00 No Indicator 22 22 PSID 44 44 PSID Code By-Pass Valve Setting 00 No By-Pass 25 25 PSI 50 50 PSI Code Indicator Option 0 No Indicator Indicator Series None V Visual Indicator DP04 series D DC Electrical Single Wire DP06 series H Vis/Elec. w/ DIN Connector DP05 series ME & ZME Element Data : See Page 46 Phone (608) 524-4200 Fax (608) 524-4220 www.zinga.com C16 46 ME & ZME SERIES MEDIUM PRESSURE SPIN-ON FILTER ELEMENTS For Use With DHF Series Filter Heads. Diameter: Mounting Thread: Pressure: ∆Pmax Cellulose: 3.7” 1-3/8”-12 UN 500 psi Max. Operating 80 psid SPIN-ONS ∆Pmax “Z-Glass”: Temperature: Applications: Part Number Nominal Rating 100 psid Up to +250° F. Operating Petroleum based fluids. Absolute Rating Can Color / Imprint Media Type Overall Height ME-03 “3 Micron” ß<4µ(c) = 2 ß11µ(c) = 75 White / Green Cellulose 6.0” ME-03L “3 Micron” ß<4µ(c) = 2 ß11µ(c) = 75 White / Green Cellulose 9.5” ME-10 “10 Micron” ß5µ(c) = 2 ß19µ(c) = 75 White / Red Cellulose 6.0” ME-10L “10 Micron” ß5µ(c) = 2 ß19µ(c) = 75 White / Red Cellulose 9.5” ZME-05 “5 Micron” ß<4µ(c) = 2 ß<4µ(c) = 75 ß5µ(c) = 200 White / Green “Z-Glass” 6.0” ZME-05L “5 Micron” ß<4µ(c) = 2 ß<4µ(c) = 75 ß5µ(c) = 200 White / Green “Z-Glass” 9.5” ZME-16 “16 Micron” ß<4µ(c) = 2 ß10µ(c) = 75 ß14µ(c) = 200 White / Red “Z-Glass” 6.0” ZME-16L “16 Micron” ß<4µ(c) = 2 ß10µ(c) = 75 ß14µ(c) = 200 White / Red “Z-Glass” 9.5” Application Data: • Reference: ßXµ(c) = 2 represents 50% efficiency at particle size “x” micron ßXµ(c) = 75 represents 98.7% efficiency at particle size “x” micron ßXµ(c) = 200 represents 99.5% efficiency at particle size “x” micron • Application: Petroleum based fluids. Consult factory for synthetic fluids • Caution: Do not use ME & ZME Series filter elements on internal combustion engines. Phone (608) 524-4200 Fax (608) 524-4220 www.zinga.com C16 47 C16 SERIES CARTRIDGE FILTER Flows Up to: Cavity: Pressure: Temperature: Applications: 12 GPM Common Cavity No. C16-2 3,000 PSI Max. Up to +250° F Operating Petroleum based fluids 1.5" HEX .50" PRESSURE 2.30" Flow Average Pressure Drop Through Clean Filter Assembly With 150 SUS At 105˚ F. 1.12" DIA. Sized to fit Common Cavity No. C16-2 Application Data: • • Steel Construction with Stainless Steel Mesh Media C16-Series filters are designed to be used as final filters to protect control valves, not as system filters. HOW TO ORDER: C16R - W - XXX - N - X Code Seal Type N Nitrile (Buna “N”) V Fluorocarbon E EPR Back Up Ring: Glass Filled Teflon Filter Element Options 010 075 141 Phone (608) 524-4200 Fax (608) 524-4220 10 Micron 75 Micron 141 Micron www.zinga.com C16 48 CF / CE SERIES MANIFOLD CARTRIDGE FILTERS Operating Pressure: Flows Up To: Media: Applications: 6,000 PSI 30 GPM 10 Micron Stainless Steel Mesh Petroleum based fluids CE- 04-10 PRESSURE CE-04-75 & CE- 04-141 50 Pressure Drop (PSI) 40 30 20 CE-12-10 10 CE-12-75 & CE-12-141 0 0 5 10 Flow Rate (GPM) 15 20 50 Pressure Drop (PSI) 40 30 CE-30-10 20 10 CE-30-75 & CE-30-141 0 0 10 20 Flow Rate (GPM) 30 40 Avg. pressure drop with 150 SUS oil at 105˚ F. B/P Valve Assy Element Number Flow Capacity A Hex Size B Hex Height C D Element Element Length Dia. E SAE Port F Cavity Depth G Max. Min. H Max. Port Dia. CF-04 CE-04-10 4 GPM 1.00” .41” 1.72” .74” -10 ( 7/8”-14) 2.41” 2.66” 1.00” -16 (1 5/16”-12) 3.34” 1.50” -24 ( 1 7/8”-12) 5.01” 1.12” 1.87” 1.49” 2.53 1.92” 3.81” CF-12 CE-12-10 12 GPM 1.50” .50” 2.50” CF-30 CE-30-10 30 GPM 2.13” .65” 4.00” CF/CE Series filters are used as final filters to protect control valves, not as system filters. Phone (608) 524-4200 Fax (608) 524-4220 www.zinga.com C16 .531” .875” J Max. Min. .781” .814” 1.140” 1.187” 1.750” 1.803” 49 CF-90 SERIES IN-LINE HIGH PRESSURE FILTER Port Size: Pressure: Flows Up To: By-Pass Valve Setting: Filtration: 1/2" NPTF 3/4" - 16 UN (SAE-8) 3,000 PSI 12 GPM 50 PSI 10 Micron Stainless Steel Wire Cloth Standard 50 PRESSURE Pressure Drop (PSI) 40 30 20 CE-12-10 10 CE-12-75 & CE-12-141 0 0 5 10 Flow Rate (GPM) 15 20 Avg. pressure drop with 150 SUS oil at 105˚ F. Note: • CE-Series filter elements are compatible with petroleum base fluids, Water Glycol, Diesel Fuel, & Gasoline (except if containing alcohol). For fluids not listed, consult factory. • Element access plug uses a Buna-”N” O-ring as standard (for use with petroleum base fluids). Fluorocarbon O-ring optional (for use with synthetic fluids). HOW TO ORDER: CF - 90 - XX - XX Code Inlet & Outlet Ports 05 08 1/2" NPTF 3/4" - 16 (SAE-8) Code Filter Element 10 75 141 10 Micron 75 Micron 141 Micron Phone (608) 524-4200 Replacement Elements (Ordered Separately) Fax (608) 524-4220 CE-12-10 10 Micron CE-12-75 75 Micron CE-12-141 141 Micron www.zinga.com C16 50 HP3000 SERIES IN-LINE PRESSURE FILTERS WITH ∆P INDICATOR OPTION Flows Up To: Ports Sizes: Pressure: Application: SPECIFICATIONS PRESSURE 2.88" Code Number 3.13" 1.76" Removal Rating 03Z (“Z-Glass”) ß<4µ(c) = 200 10Z (“Z-Glass”) ß9.5µ(c) = 200 003 (cellulose) ß<4µ(c) = 2 010 (cellulose) ß5µ(c) = 2 025 (cellulose) ß19µ(c) = 2 REFERENCE ßXµ(c) Rating of 200 = 99.5% Efficiency ßXµ(c) Rating of 2 = 50.0% Efficiency INLET PRESSURE RATING Maximum Operating: 3,000 PSI (207 Bar) Burst Pressure: 15,000 PSI (1034 Bar) Rated Fatigue Pressure: 0-3000-0 PSI for 1,000,000 Cycles 2.50" OUTLET 60 GPM 1" NPTF 1 1/16"-12 UN (SAE - 12); 1 5/16"-12 UN (SAE - 16) 3,000 PSI Max. Operating Inline Filtration, 90° Design Permits Element Replacement Without Breaking Line. TEMPERATURE RANGE Operating: -40˚ F to +250˚ F (-40˚ C to +120˚ C) HP26 SERIES ELEMENT 9.7" BY-PASS SETTING: 50 PSID ∆P INDICATOR OPTIONS Visual, Single Wire DC Electrical, or Electrical/Visual w/ DIN Connector ELEMENT ACCESS CAP BY-PASS VALVE ASSEMBLY (50 PSID SET POINT) FLUID COMPATIBILITY Elements: Suitable For Use with Petroleum Base Fluids. Consult Factory For Use With Other Fluids. MATERIALS Housing: Ductile Iron By-Pass: Steel Element Hardware: Plated Carbon Steel End Caps and Core. Epoxy Endcap Adhesive . Filter Media: Z-Glass Fiber, Cellulose Stainless Steel Mesh WEIGHT 4.2 lbs. (2.2 Kg) INDICATOR OPTIONS: DP04 SERIES VISUAL (SHOWN) DP05 SERIES VIS/ELE W/DIN DP06 SERIES DC SINGLE WIRE Phone (608) 524-4200 Fax (608) 524-4220 www.zinga.com C16 51 Average pressure drop through clean filter with 150 SUS oil at 105˚ F. 50 ZHP2603 PRESSURE DIFFERENTIAL (PSID) 45 HP2603 40 35 ZHP2610 30 HPM2610 25 HP2610 HP2625 20 HP26141 15 10 HP2675 HP2603 HP26560 5 HP26238 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 FLOW RATE (GPM) PRESSURE 3.0" DIA. ACCESSORIES: 1.92" 2.28" 3/8" HARDWARE SUPPLIED 4.33 .81" UB-300 U-BOLT CLAMP (FOR USE WITH HP3000 SERIES FILTER) HOW TO ORDER: HP3000 - XXX - XXX - XXX - N Code Inlet & Outlet Ports N16 S12 S16 1" NPTF 1 1/16" - 12 UN (SAE - 12) 1 5/16" - 12 UN (SAE - 16) Elements Code Indicator Option Indicator Series 000 V44 D44 H44 No Indicator Visual DC Electrical Single Wire Vis/Elec w/DIN Connector None DP04 DP06 DP05 Phone (608) 524-4200 Code Micron, Media Element Number 003 03Z 010 10M 10Z 025 3 Micron, Cellulose 3 Micron, “Z-Glass” 10 Micron, Cellulose 10 Micron, Wire Cloth 10 Micron, “Z-Glass” 25 Micron, Cellulose HP2603 ZHP2603 HP2610 HPM2610 ZHP2610 HP2625 075 141 238 560 75 Micron, Wire Cloth 141 Micron, Wire Cloth 238 Micron, Wire Cloth 560 Micron, Wire Cloth HP2675 HP26141 HP26238 HP26560 Fax (608) 524-4220 www.zinga.com C16 52 P3000 SERIES PRESSURE FILTERS WITH ∆P INDICATOR OPTION Flows Up To: Port Sizes: Max. Operating Pressure: Application: 30 GPM (114 L/MIN) 1 1/16”-12 UN (SAE-12) 3,000 PSI (207 BAR) Inline Filtration, External Charge Pump Filtration, High Shock Return Line Filtration SPECIFICATIONS 4.00 PRESSURE 5/16"-18UN x 5/8" DEEP MTG. HOLES INDICATOR POSITION #1 1.75 1.19 3.00 INDICATOR POSITION #2 Code Number Removal Rating 03H (“Z-Glass”) ß<4µ(c) = 200 03L (“Z-Glass”) ß<4µ(c) = 200 06L (“Z-Glass”) ß5.7µ(c) = 200 10L (“Z-Glass”) ß9.7µ(c) = 200 10H (“Z-Glass”) ß9.7µ(c) = 200 20L (“Z-Glass”) ß18.2µ(c) = 200 10C (cellulose) ß5µ(c) = 2 REFERENCE ßXµ(c) Rating of 200 = 99.5% Efficiency ßXµ(c) Rating of 2 = 50.0% Efficiency PRESSURE RATING Maximum Operating: 3,000 PSI (207 Bar) Burst Pressure: 8,600 PSI (580 Bar) Rated Fatigue Pressure: 0-3000-0 PSI for 1,000,000 Cycles 1.23 3.28 TEMPERATURE RANGE Operating: -40O F to +250 O F (-40O C to +120 O C) BY-PASS SETTING OPTION: No By-Pass or 50 PSID P3000G04=6.5" P3000G08=10.3" P3000G04=4.0" P3000G08=7.8" ∆P INDICATOR OPTIONS Visual, Single Wire DC Electrical, or Electrical/Visual w/ DIN Connector FLUID COMPATIBILITY Elements: Suitable For Use with Petroleum Base Fluids. Consult Factory For Use With Other Fluids. MATERIALS Head: Die Cast Aluminum Bowl: Anodized Aluminum (6061-T6) By-Pass: Nylon Element Hardware: Plated Carbon Steel End Caps and Core. Epoxy Endcap Adhesive . Filter Media: Z-Glass Fiber Standard O 2.64 Phone (608) 524-4200 Allow 1.5" Clearance for Bowl Removal Fax (608) 524-4220 www.zinga.com WEIGHT P3000G04: 4.2 lbs. (2.2 Kg) P3000G08: 5.2 lbs. (2.8 Kg) C16 53 P3000 Pressure Drop Curves Fluid Viscosity 150 SUS at 105°F (33 CS at 41°C) 4” Length 8” Length 50 50 45 45 G0403L 40 40 Pressure Drop (PSID) Pressure Drop (PSID) G0410H 35 G0403H 30 25 20 15 G0420L 10 30 G0803L 25 G0810H 20 G0803H 15 10 G0410L G0820L G0810L 5 G0806L PRESSURE 5 35 G0406L 0 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Flow Rate (GPM) Flow Rate (GPM) HOW TO ORDER: P3000 XXX XX XXX XXX X X - G XX XXX X Position 1 Code Position 2 Element Port Code Seal Material S12 1 1/16"-12 UN (SAE-12) N V Buna “N” Fluorocarbon Code Nominal Bowl Length 04 08 4 Inches (100 mm) 8 Inches (200 mm) Code Micron-Media-Collapse 03L 3 Micron, “Z-Glass”, 150 PSID (20.7 BAR) 03H 3 Micron, “Z-Glass”, 3,000 PSID (207 BAR) 6 Micron, “Z-Glass”, 150 PSID (20.7 BAR) Code Indicator Option Indicator Series 06L 000 V44 D44 H44 No Indicator Visual DC Electrical Single Wire Vis/Elec w/DIN Connector None DP04 DP06 DP05 10L 10 Micron, “Z-Glass”, 150 PSID (20.7 BAR) 10H 10 Micron, “Z-Glass”, 3,000 PSID (207 BAR) 20L 20 Micron, “Z-Glass”, 150 PSID (20.7 BAR) Code By-Pass E N 50 PSID (3.4 BAR) No By-Pass* *REQUIRES PROPER ELEMENT SELECTION* Code Nominal Element Length 04 08 4 Inches (100 mm) 8 Inches (200 mm) Code Housing Seal Material Element Series N V Buna “N” Fluorocarbon "G" Series Phone (608) 524-4200 Fax (608) 524-4220 www.zinga.com C16 54 G SERIES ELEMENTS PALL 9020/9021 INTERCHANGE Media: Application: Temperature: Zinga Synthetic “Z-Glass” Media P3000 Series Pressure Filters Nitrile Seals -45°F to +225°F Fluorocarbon Seals -20°F to +275°F 150 PSID RATED ELEMENTS PRESSURE (For Use in Filters with Bypass Valve Only) ZINGA P/N BXµ(c) = 200 PALL P/N G0403LN G0406LN G0410LN G0420LN G0803LN G0806LN G0810LN G0820LN <4 Micron 5.7 Micron 9.7 Micron 18.2 Micron <4 Micron 5.7 Micron 9.7 Micron 18.2 Micron HC9024FDP4H HC9024FDN4H HC9024FDS4H HC9024FDT4H HC9024FDP8H HC9024FDN8H HC9024FDS8H HC9024FDT4H Buna-N Seals Standard. Replace “N” in P/N with “V” for Fluorocarbon. 3000 PSID RATED ELEMENTS ZINGA P/N Bxµ(c) = 200 PALL P/N G0403HN G0410HN G0803HN G0810HN <4 Micron 9.7 Micron <4 Micron 9.7 Micron HC9021FUP4H HC9021FUS4H HC9021FUP8H HC9021FUS8H Buna-N Seals Standard. Replace “N” in P/N with “V” for Fluorocarbon. Average Pressure Drop Through Clean Element With 150 SUS Oil At 100˚ F (32 cSt at 40° C) G08 Series G04 Series Phone (608) 524-4200 Fax (608) 524-4220 www.zinga.com C16 55 S6000 SERIES PRESSURE FILTERS WITH ∆P INDICATOR OPTIONS Flows Up To: 65 GPM (246 L/MIN) Port Sizes: 1 1/16”-12UN (SAE-12) 1” SAE Flange (Code 62) 1 5/16”-12UN (SAE-16) Operating Pressure: 6,000 PSI (414 BAR) Application: Suitable for all conventional hydraulic fluids except phosphate esters SPECIFICATIONS Code Number 4.00" 2.75" 3.87" 1.40" DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE INDICATOR 1.40" 03H (“Z-Glass”) <4 03L (“Z-Glass”) <4 06L (“Z-Glass”) 5.7 10L (“Z-Glass”) 9.7 10H (“Z-Glass”) 9.7 20L (“Z-Glass”) 18.2 PRESSURE 3/8"-16-UN x 1/2" DEEP MTG. HOLES Removal Rating ßXµ(c) = 200 REFERENCE ßX(c) Rating of 200= 99.5% Efficiency PRESSURE RATING Maximum Operating: 6,000 PSI (414 Bar) Burst Pressure: 18,000 PSI (1,241 Bar) Rated Fatigue Pressure: 0-6000-0 PSI for 1,000,000 Cycles 1.11" 3.64" TEMPERATURE RANGE Operating: -15˚ F to +230˚ F (-26˚ C to +110˚ C) BY-PASS SETTING OPTION: No Bypass or 90 PSID ∆P INDICATOR OPTIONS Visual or Electrical/Visual w/ DIN connector S6000S04 =10.13" S6000S08 =13.73" FLUID COMPATIBILITY Elements: Suitable For All Conventional Hydraulic Fluids Except Phosphate Esters ALLOW 2 3/4" FOR BOWL REMOVAL MATERIAL Head: Ductile Iron Bowl: Ductile Iron Element Hardware: Plated Carbon Steel End Caps, and Core Filter Media: Z-Glass Fiber, Epoxy End Cap Adhesive WEIGHT S6000S04: 16.2 lbs. (7.4 Kg) S6000S08: 19.2 lbs. (8.7 Kg) 3.02" Phone (608) 524-4200 Fax (608) 524-4220 www.zinga.com C16 56 S6000 SERIES PRESSURE FILTERS Reverse Flow S6000 Reverse Flow Valve Pressure Drop With 100 SUS Oil @ 100o F (32 cSt @ 40oC) For hydrostatic drives and other systems where reverse flow is required, a valve is incorporated which allows fluid to pass through the element in one direction, and to by-pass the element when flow is reversed. Applications requiring reverse flow to be mounted vertically, bowl down. 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 6 80 5 70 60 4 50 3 40 30 2 20 1 10 PRESSURE 0 Pressure Drop (Bar) (Bar 2. Rugged steel design that is built to last. Reverse Flow Valve is a spool/disc valve in a high strength machined steel body. 90 Pressure Drop (psid) (psid 1. Flow Rate (lpm) 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 Flow Rate (gpm) Reverse Flow Schematic HOW TO ORDER: S6000 XXX XX XXX XXX X - S XX XXX X Housing Code E16 Element Code Seal Material Port S16 1 1/16"-12 UN (SAE-12) w/ 1” SAE Flange (Code 62) 1 5/16"-12 UN (SAE-16) Code Nominal Bowl Length 04 08 4 Inches (100 mm) 8 Inches (200 mm) N V Code Buna “N” Fluorocarbon Micron-Media-Collapse 03L 3 Micron, “Z-Glass”, 300 PSID (20.7 BAR) 03H 3 Micron, “Z-Glass”, 3,000 PSID (207 BAR) 06L 6 Micron, “Z-Glass”, 300 PSID (20.7 BAR) Code Indicator Option Indicator Series 10L 10 Micron, “Z-Glass”, 300 PSID (20.7 BAR) 000 V80 H80 No Indicator Visual Vis/Elec w/DIN Connector None DP0480 DP0580 10H 10 Micron, “Z-Glass”, 3,000 PSID (207 BAR) 20L 20 Micron, “Z-Glass”, 300 PSID (20.7 BAR) Code By-Pass/Reverse Flow Valve 900 000 00R 90R 90 PSID (6 BAR) By-Pass / No Reverse Flow Valve No By-Pass / No Reverse Flow Valve* No By-Pass / Reverse Flow Valve* 90 PSID (6 BAR) By-Pass / Reverse Flow Valve Code Nominal Element Length 04 08 *REQUIRES PROPER ELEMENT SELECTION* 4 Inches (100 mm) 8 Inches (200 mm) Element Series “S” Series Code Housing Seal Material N V Buna “N” Fluorocarbon Phone (608) 524-4200 Fax (608) 524-4220 www.zinga.com C16 57 S6000 Pressure Drop Curves Fluid Viscosity 150 SUS at 100°F (32 CS at 40°C) PRESSURE Phone (608) 524-4200 Fax (608) 524-4220 www.zinga.com C16 58 S SERIES ELEMENTS PALL 9800/9801 INTERCHANGE PRESSURE Media: Application: Temperature: Zinga Synthetic “Z-Glass” Media S6000 Series High Pressure Filters Nitrile Seals -45°F to +225°F Fluorocarbon Seals -20˚ F to +275˚ F 150 PSID RATED ELEMENTS (For Use in Filters with Bypass Valve Only) ZINGA P/N S0406LN S0410LN S0420LN S0803LN S0806LN S0810LN S0820LN S1303LN S1306LN S1310LN S1320LN BXµ(c) = 200 PALL P/N 5.7 Micron 9.7 Micron 18.2 Micron <4 Micron 5.7 Micron 9.7 Micron 18.2 Micron <4 Micron 5.7 Micron 9.7 Micron 18.2 Micron HC9804FDN4H HC9804FDS4H HC9804FDT4H HC9804FDP8H HC9804FDN8H HC9804FDS8H HC9804FDT4H HC9804FUP13H HC9804FUN13H HC9804FUS13H HC9804FUT13H Buna-N Seals Standard. Replace “N” in P/N with “V” for Fluorocarbon. 3000 PSID RATED ELEMENTS ZINGA P/N Bxµ(c) = 200 PALL P/N S0403HN S0410HN S0803HN S0810HN S1303HN S1310HN <4 Micron 9.7 Micron <4 Micron 9.7 Micron <4 Micron 9.7 Micron HC9801FUP4H HC9801FUS4H HC9801FUP8H HC9801FUS8H HC9801FUP13H HC9801FUS13H Buna-N Seals Standard. Replace “N” in P/N with “V” for Fluorocarbon. Phone (608) 524-4200 Fax (608) 524-4220 www.zinga.com C16 59 S SERIES ELEMENTS Fluid Viscosity 150 SUS at 100°F (32 CS at 40°C) PRESSURE S04 Series S08 Series Phone (608) 524-4200 Fax (608) 524-4220 www.zinga.com C16 60 W1200 SERIES PRESSURE FILTERS WITH ∆P INDICATOR OPTION Flows Up To: Port Sizes: Max. Operating Pressure: Application: 120 GPM (454 L/MIN) 1 1/4” & 1 1/2” NPTF 1 5/8”-12UN (SAE-20) 1 7/8”-12UN (SAE-24) 1,200 PSI (83 BAR) Inline Filtration High Shock Return Line Filtration SPECIFICATIONS 5.00" PRESSURE 4.37" 2.44" 4.70" Code Number Removal Rating BetaXµ(C) = 200 03H (“Z-Glass”) <4 03L (“Z-Glass”) <4 06L (“Z-Glass”) 5.7 10L (“Z-Glass”) 9.7 10H (“Z-Glass”) 9.7 20L (“Z-Glass”) 18.2 REFERENCE ßXµ(c) Rating of 200= 99.5% Efficiency 1.80" MOUNTING HOLES 5/16" -18 UN x .53 DP 1.50" PRESSURE RATING Maximum Operating: 1,200 PSI (83 Bar) Burst Pressure: 3,000 PSI (206 Bar) Rated Fatigue Pressure: 0-1000-0 PSI for 1,000,000 Cycles 2.60" TEMPERATURE RANGE Operating: -40˚ F to +250˚ F (-4˚ C to +120˚ C) DP INDICATOR PORT . 1.00" BY-PASS SETTING OPTION: No By-Pass or 50 PSID ∆P INDICATOR OPTIONS Visual, Single Wire DC Electrical, or Electrical/Visual w/ DIN Connector W1200W04 = 7.5" W1200W08 = 11.1" FLUID COMPATIBILITY Elements: Suitable For Use with Petroleum Base Fluids. Consult Factory For Use With Other Fluids. W1200W04 = 4.9" W1200W08 = 8.5" KNURLED GRIP SURFACE ALLOW 1.5" CLEARANCE FOR BOWL REMOVAL Phone (608) 524-4200 Fax (608) 524-4220 MATERIALS Head: Die Cast Aluminum Bowl: Anodized Die Cast Aluminum By-Pass: Nylon Element Hardware: Plated Carbon Steel End Caps and Core. Epoxy Endcap Adhesive. Filter Media: Z-Glass Fiber Standard WEIGHT W1200W04: 6.6 lbs. (3 Kg) W1200W08: 8.8 lbs. (4 Kg) www.zinga.com C16 61 W1200 Pressure Drop Curves Fluid Viscosity 150 SUS at 105°F (32 CS at 40°C) 4” Length 8” Length 50 50 45 40 35 Pressure Drop (PSID) Pressure Drop (PSID) 40 45 W0403L G0403H W0410H W0403H 30 25 W0406L 20 15 W0420L 10 W0803H 30 W0803L 25 20 W0810H 15 W0806L W0810LN 10 W0410L 5 35 W0820LN 5 PRESSURE 0 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Flow Rate (GPM) 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Flow Rate (GPM) HOW TO ORDER: W1200 XXX XX X XX XX X - W XX XXX X Housing Code Port N20 N24 S20 S24 1 1/4” NPTF 1 1/2” NPTF 1 5/8” - 12UN (SAE-20) 1 7/8” - 12UN (SAE-24) Element Code Seal Material N V Buna “N” Fluorocarbon Filter Element Options Code Nominal Bowl Length 04 08 4 Inches (100 mm) 8 Inches (200 mm) Code Code ∆P Indicator Type Indicator 0 V D H No Indicator Visual DC Electrical Single Wire Vis/Elec w/DIN Connector None DP04 DP06 DP05 Micron-Media-Collapse 03L 3 Micron, “Z-Glass”, 150 PSID (20.7 BAR) 03H 3 Micron, “Z-Glass”, 3,000 PSID (207 BAR) 06L 6 Micron, “Z-Glass”, 150 PSID (20.7 BAR) 10L 10 Micron, “Z-Glass”, 150 PSID (20.7 BAR) 10H 10 Micron, “Z-Glass”, 3,000 PSID (207 BAR) 20L 20 Micron, “Z-Glass” 150 PSID (20.7 BAR) Code ∆P Indicator Setting Code Nominal Element Length 00 44 No Indicator 44 PSID 04 08 4 Inches (100 mm) 8 Inches (200 mm) Code By-Pass Element Series 00 No By Pass * 50 50 PSID (3.4 BAR) * Proper Element Selection Required Code Housing Seal Material N V Buna “N” Fluorocarbon "W" Series Phone (608) 524-4200 Fax (608) 524-4220 www.zinga.com C16 62 W6000 SERIES PRESSURE FILTERS WITH ∆P INDICATOR OPTION Flows Up To: Port Sizes: 120 GPM (454 L/MIN) 1 5/8”-12UN (SAE-20) 1 7/8”-12UN (SAE-24) 1 1/4” SAE Flange (Code 62) 1 1/2” SAE Flange (Code 62) Max. Operating Pressure: Application: 6,000 PSI (414 BAR) Suitable for all conventional hydraulic fluids except phosphate esters PRESSURE SPECIFICATIONS 6.84" Code Number Removal Rating BetaXµ(c) = 200 4.25" 03L (“Z-Glass”) <4 5.94" 2.13" 1.90 <4 06L (“Z-Glass”) 5.7 10L (“Z-Glass”) 9.7 10H (“Z-Glass”) 9.7 20L (“Z-Glass”) 18.2 REFERENCE ßXµ(c) Rating of 200= 99.5% Efficiency DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE INDICATOR 3/8"-16-UN x 1/2" DEEP MTG. HOLES 03H (“Z-Glass”) PRESSURE RATING Maximum Operating: 6,000 PSI (414 Bar) Burst Pressure: 18,000 PSI (1,241 Bar) 1.39 TEMPERATURE RANGE Operating: -15˚ F to +230˚ F (-26˚ C to +110˚ C) 5.31 BY-PASS SETTING OPTION: No Bypass or 90 PSID ∆P INDICATOR OPTIONS Visual, Single Wire DC Electrical, or Electrical/Visual w/ DIN Connector W600004: 14.41" W600008: 18.01" W600013: 22.71" FLUID COMPATIBILITY Elements: Suitable For All Conventional Hydraulic Fluids Except Phosphate Esters MATERIAL Head: Cast Iron Bowl: Steel Element Hardware: Plated Carbon Steel End Caps, and Core Filter Media: Z-Glass Fiber, Epoxy End Cap Adhesive ALLOW 3 1/2" FOR BOWL REMOVAL WEIGHT W6000W04: 56 lbs. (25 Kg) W6000W08: 62 lbs. (28 Kg) W6000W13: 71 lbs. (32 Kg) 0 4.50 Phone (608) 524-4200 Fax (608) 524-4220 www.zinga.com C16 63 W6000 SERIES PRESSURE FILTERS Reverse Flow For hydrostatic drives and other systems where reverse flow is required, a valve is incorporated which allows fluid to pass through the element in one direction, and to by-pass the element when flow is reversed. Rugged one piece steel body design that is built to last. Reverse Flow Valve is a spool/disc valve caged in a high strength machined steel body. Reverse Flow Schematic PRESSURE HOW TO ORDER: W6000 XXX XX XXX XXX X - W XX XXX X Housing Code Port S24 E20 SAE-24 1 1/4” SAE 4-Bolt Flange (Code 62) 1 1/2” SAE 4-Bolt Flange (Code 62) W/ SAE-20 S24 Code Nominal Bowl Length 04 08 13 4 Inches (100 mm) 8 Inches (200 mm) 13 Inches (300 mm) Element Code Seal Material N V Code Code Indicator Option Indicator Series 000 V80 H80 No Indicator Visual Vis/Elec w/DIN Connector None DP0480 DP0580 Code By-Pass/Reverse Flow Valve 900 000 00R 90R 90 PSID (6 BAR) By-Pass / No Reverse Flow Valve No By-Pass / No Reverse Flow Valve* No By-Pass / Reverse Flow Valve* 90 PSID (6 BAR) By-Pass / Reverse Flow Valve Buna “N” Fluorocarbon Micron-Media-Collapse 03L 3 Micron, “Z-Glass”, 300 PSID (20.7 BAR) 03H 3 Micron, “Z-Glass”, 3,000 PSID (207 BAR) 06L 6 Micron, “Z-Glass” 300 PSID (20.7 BAR) 10L 10 Micron, “Z-Glass” 300 PSID (20.7 BAR) 10H 10 Micron, “Z-Glass”, 3,000 PSID (207 BAR) 20L 20 Micron, “Z-Glass”, 300 PSID (20.7 BAR) Code Nominal Element Length 04 08 13 *REQUIRES PROPER ELEMENT SELECTION* 4 Inches (100 mm) 8 Inches (200 mm) 13 Inches (300 mm) Element Series “S” Series Code Housing Seal Material N V Buna “N” Fluorocarbon Phone (608) 524-4200 Fax (608) 524-4220 www.zinga.com C16 64 W6000 Pressure Drop Curves PRESSURE Fluid Viscosity 150 SUS at 100°F (33 CS at 40°C) Phone (608) 524-4200 Fax (608) 524-4220 www.zinga.com C16 65 W6000 Pressure Drop Curves Fluid Viscosity 150 SUS at 100°F (33 CS at 40°C) PRESSURE Phone (608) 524-4200 Fax (608) 524-4220 www.zinga.com C16 66 W SERIES ELEMENTS PALL 9600/9601 INTERCHANGE Media: Application: Temperature: Zinga Synthetic “Z-Glass” Media W1200 &W6000 Series Filters Nitrile Seals -45˚ F to +225˚ F Fluorocarbon Seals -20˚ F to +275˚ F 150 PSID RATED ELEMENTS PRESSURE (For Use in Filters with Bypass Valve Only) ZINGA P/N BXµ(c) = 200 PALL P/N W0403LN W0406LN W0410LN W0420LN W0803LN W0806LN W0810LN W0820LN W1303LN W1306LN W1310LN W1320LN W1603LN W1606LN W1610LN W1620LN <4 Micron 5.7 Micron 9.7 Micron 18.2 Micron <4 Micron 5.7 Micron 9.7 Micron 18.2 Micron <4 Micron 5.7 Micron 9.7 Micron 18.2 Micron <4 Micron 5.7 Micron 9.7 Micron 18.2 Micron HC9604FDP4H HC9604FDN4H HC9604FDS4H HC9604FDT4H HC9604FDP8H HC9604FDN8H HC9604FDS8H HC9604FDT8H HC9604FDP13H HC9604FDN13H HC9604FDS13H HC9604FDT13H HC9604FDP16H HC9604FDN16H HC9604FDS16H HC9604FDT16H Buna-N Seals Standard. Replace “N” in P/N with “V” for Fluorocarbon. 3000 PSID RATED ELEMENTS ZINGA P/N Bxµ(c) = 200 PALL P/N W0403HN W0410HN W0803HN W0810HN W1303HN W1310HN W1603HN W1610HN <4 Micron 9.7 Micron <4 Micron 9.7 Micron <4 Micron 9.7 Micron <4 Micron 9.7 Micron HC9601FUP4H HC9601FUS4H HC9601FUP8H HC9601FUS8H HC9601FUP13H HC9601FUS13H HC9601FUP16H HC9601FUS16H Buna-N Seals Standard. Replace “N” in P/N with “V” for Fluorocarbon. Phone (608) 524-4200 Fax (608) 524-4220 www.zinga.com C16 67 W SERIES ELEMENTS Fluid Viscosity 150 SUS at 100°F (32 CS at 40°C) PRESSURE W04 Series W08 Series W13 Series W16 Series Phone (608) 524-4200 Fax (608) 524-4220 www.zinga.com C16 68 EF SERIES SUCTION / RETURN LINE TANK TOP FILTER Flows Up To: Port Sizes: Pressure: Temperature: Application: 40 GPM (Return) 15 GPM (Suction) 1/2", 3/4", 1" NPTF 3/4" - 16 UN (SAE - 8) 3/4" BSP 1 1/16" - 12 UN (SAE - 12) 1 5/16" - 12 UN (SAE - 16) 100 PSI Max. Operating Up to +250° F. Petroleum based fluids only. Consult factory for synthetic fluid. Design Features: TANK-TOP • No parts to lose with unitized cover & by-pass valve assembly. • Quality die cast aluminum element bowl. • Patented element bowl hold down for suction applications. • Radial seal used in filter elements. • Drop in element bowl design for easy installation. • O-ring seal between filter housing and tank top. Patent #5389246 SEE HOW TO ORDER 3 & 5 PSI (SUCTION) 15 & 25 PSI (RETURN) BUNA “N” SEALS SUPPLIED STANDARD (FLUOROCARBON OPTIONAL) Phone (608) 524-4200 Fax (608) 524-4220 www.zinga.com C16a 69 EE & ZEE SERIES FILTER ELEMENTS CELLULOSE AND SYNTHETIC Part Number Absolute Rating Nominal Rating EE-304-10 ß5µ(c) = 2 ß19µ(c) = 75 Return Line EE-304-25 ß19µ(c) = 2 ß36µ(c) = 75 Filter Elements EE-304-75 Application (Outside To Inside Flow) Suction Line Filter Elements (Inside to Outside Flow) Cellulose Cellulose 200 Mesh SS EE-304-141 ZEE-304-10 Media Type 100 Mesh SS ß<4µ(c) = 2 ß10µ(c) = 200 “Z-Glass” EE-304-10R ß5µ(c) = 2 ß19µ(c) = 75 Cellulose EE-304-25R ß19µ(c) = 2 ß36µ(c) = 75 Cellulose EE-304-75R 75 Micron 200 Mesh SS EE-304-141R 141 Micron 100 Mesh SS EE-304-280R 280 Micron 60 Mesh SS EE-304-560R 560 Micron 30 Mesh SS ß10µ(c) = 200 “Z-Glass” ZEE-304-10R ß<4µ(c) = 2 -128 BUNA-N O-RING (STD.) TANK-TOP Average pressure drop through clean assembly with 150 SUS oil at 105 o F 4.03" 3.34" HOW TO ORDER: EF - XX - XX - X Code Inlet & Outlet Ports 05 07 07C 08 10 11 1/2" NPTF 3/4" NPTF 3/4" BSP (G 3/4"-14) 3/4" 16 UN (SAE-8) 1" NPTF 1 1/16" 12 UN(SAE-12) 13 1 5/16" 12 UN(SAE - 16) Code By-Pass Valve Setting 00 03 No By-Pass 3 PSI (Suction) 05 15 25 50 5 PSI (Suction) 15 PSI (Return) 25 PSI (Return) 50 PSI (Return) Phone (608) 524-4200 Fax (608) 524-4220 Code Gauge Port Location 0 No Port Required 1 1/8" NPTF gauge port in cover www.zinga.com C16 70 SLF1 SERIES TANK TOP FILTERS (With Integral Tank Breather) Flows Up To: Port Sizes: Pressure: Temperature: Head: Bowl / Cover: Breather: Applications: 25 GPM (Return) 1/2" & 3/4" NPTF, SAE & BSP 100 PSI Max. Operating Pressure 300 PSI Burst -15 to +230°F Operating Die Cast Aluminum Alloy Nylon 10 Micron (Foam) Standard Petroleum based fluids only Consult factory for synthetic fluids 2.77" MAX. 1.88" INSTALLATION LAYOUT 1/8" NPT GAUGE PORT PLUGGED (STD.) 35° 3.46" / 3.34" 3/8" BOLT HOLES (2 PLACES) 1.66" TANK-TOP 3.46" 3.34" 1/8" NPT GAUGE PORT PLUGGED (STD.) .44" 2.5" / 2.4" DIA. 35° 2.75" OPTIONAL DIPSTICK 10 MICRON BREATHER 2.79" INLET PORT 3/4" & 1" NPTF, SAE,OR BSP 1.19" .06" BUNA-N GASKET FILTER ELEMENT BYPASS (25 PSID STD.) 6.8" DIPSTICK DEPTH 7.23" FILTER ELEMENT: 3, 10, & 25 MICRON NOMINAL (CELLULOSE) 3 & 10 MICRON ABSOLUTE (SYNTHETIC) .90" HOSE BEAD OUTLET 1.03" Phone (608) 524-4200 Fax (608) 524-4220 www.zinga.com C16 71 SLE1 & ZSLE1 SERIES FILTER ELEMENTS CELLULOSE AND SYNTHETIC 1.8" Code SLE1 & ZSLE1 FILTER ELEMENTS Media Type Nominal Rating Absolute Rating SLE103 Cellulose ß<4µ(c) = 2 ß11µ(c) = 75 SLE110 Cellulose Cellulose ß5µ(c) = 2 ß19µ(c) = 2 ß19µ(c) = 75 SLE125 ZSLE103 “Z-Glass” ß<4µ(c) = 2 ß<4µ(c) = 200 ZSLE110 “Z-Glass” ß<4µ(c) = 2 ß10µ(c) = 200 7.9" ß36µ(c) = 75 TANK-TOP Average pressure drop through clean assembly with 150 SUS oil at 105 o F 20 25 Cellulose Media SLE103 15 Pressure Drop (PSI) Pressure Drop (PSI) 25 SLE110 10 5 0 SLE125 0 5 10 15 20 Flow Rate (GPM) HOW TO ORDER 25 20 ZSLE103 ZSLE110 15 10 5 “Z-Glass” Media 0 5 0 10 15 Flow Rate (GPM) 20 25 SLF1- XXX - X Code Port Size 08C 08P 08S 12C 12P 12S 1/2” BSP (G1/2”-14) 1/2” NPTF 3/4”-16UN (SAE-8) 3/4” BSP (G3/4”-14) 3/4” NPTF 1 1/16”-12UN (SAE-12) Phone (608) 524-4200 Code 0 D Fax (608) 524-4220 Dipstick Option No Dipstick Dipstick www.zinga.com C16 72 SLF2 SERIES TANK TOP FILTERS (With Integral Tank Breather) Flows Up To: Port Sizes: Pressure: Temperature: Head: Bowl / Cover: Breather: Applications: 3.22" MAX. 2.76" 1/8" NPT GAUGE PORT PLUGGED (STD.) 35° TANK-TOP 40 GPM (Return) 3/4" & 1" NPTF, SAE & BSP 100 PSI Max. Operating Pressure 300 PSI Burst -15 to +230°F Operating Die Cast Aluminum Alloy Nylon 10 Micron (Foam) Standard Petroleum based fluids only Consult factory for synthetic fluids 4.53" 4.33" 1.66" 1/8" NPT GAUGE PORT PLUGGED (STD.) .44" 35° 3.95" OPTIONAL DIPSTICK 10 MICRON BREATHER 3.28" INLET PORT 3/4" & 1" NPTF, SAE,OR BSP 1.24" .06" BUNA-N GASKET FILTER ELEMENT BYPASS (25 PSID STD.) 9.8" DIPSTICK DEPTH 11.0" FILTER ELEMENT: 3, 10, & 25 MICRON NOMINAL (CELLULOSE) 3 & 10 MICRON ABSOLUTE (SYNTHETIC) .94" HOSE BEAD OUTLET 1.36" Phone (608) 524-4200 Fax (608) 524-4220 www.zinga.com C16 73 SLE2 & ZSLE2 SERIES FILTER ELEMENTS CELLULOSE AND SYNTHETIC 2.5" SLE2 & ZSLE2 FILTER ELEMENTS Media Type Nominal Rating Absolute Rating Code SLE203 Cellulose ß<4µ(c) = 2 ß11µ(c) = 75 SLE210 Cellulose Cellulose ß5µ(c) = 2 ß19µ(c) = 2 ß19µ(c) = 75 SLE225 ZSLE203 “Z-Glass” ß<4µ(c) = 2 ß<4µ(c) = 200 ZSLE210 “Z-Glass” ß<4µ(c) = 2 ß10µ(c) = 200 11.7" ß36µ(c) = 75 TANK-TOP Average pressure drop through clean assembly with 150 SUS oil at 105 o F 25 20 Cellulose Media 20 Pressure Drop (PSI) Pressure Drop (PSI) 25 15 SLE210 10 SLE203 5 SLE225 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 ZSLE203 15 ZSLE210 10 5 “Z-Glass” Media 0 0 40 5 HOW TO ORDER Code 12C 12P 12S 16C 16P 16S 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Flow Rate (GPM) Flow Rate (GPM) SLF2- XXX - X - X Port Size Code Dipstick Option 3/4” BSP (G3/4”-14) 3/4” NPTF 1 1/16”-12UN (SAE-12) 1” BSP (G1”-11) 1” NPTF 1 5/16”-12UN (SAE-16) 0 D No Dipstick Dipstick Phone (608) 524-4200 Code Breather Option Blank N Fax (608) 524-4220 With Breather No Breather www.zinga.com C16 74 SMF SERIES TANK TOP FILTERS Flows Up To: Port Sizes: Pressure: Temperature: Head/Cover: Bowl: Applications: TANK-TOP 1/8" NPTF GAUGE PORT PLUGGED STD. 40 GPM (Return) 3/4" & 1" NPT, SAE & BSP 45 PSI Max. Operating Pressure 145 PSI Burst -15 to +230°F Operating Aluminum Alloy Polyamide Petroleum based fluids only Consult factory for synthetic fluids INSTALLATION LAYOUT .37" OPTIONAL OIL FILL PORT (3/8" NPTF) 4.53" 5/16" BOLT HOLES (2 PLACES) R.38" 30° 2.64" 3.4" / 3.6" DIA 4.53" INLET PORT 3/4" & 1" NPT, SAE, OR BSP 2.84" 1.16" INTEGRAL BYPASS ATTACHED TO COVER (25 PSID STD.) FILTER ELEMENT 3, 10, & 25 MICRON NOMINAL (CELLULOSE) 3 & 10 MICRON ABSOLUTE (SYNTHETIC) .06" 5.70" BUNA-N GASKET .87" 1.23" Phone (608) 524-4200 Fax (608) 524-4220 HOSE BEAD OUTLET www.zinga.com C16 75 SME & ZSME SERIES FILTER ELEMENTS CELLULOSE AND SYNTHETIC 2.75" SME & ZSME FILTER ELEMENTS Media Type Nominal Rating Absolute Rating Code SME03 Cellulose ß<4µ(c) = 2 ß11µ(c) = 75 SME10 Cellulose ß5µ(c) = 2 ß19µ(c) = 75 SME25 Cellulose ZSME03 “Z-Glass” ß19µ(c) = 2 ß<4µ(c) = 2 ß36µ(c) = 75 ß<4µ(c) = 200 ZSME10 “Z-Glass” ß<4µ(c) = 2 ß10µ(c) = 200 5.18" TANK-TOP Average pressure drop through clean assembly with 150 SUS oil at 105 o F 25 25 Cellulose Media 20 15 Pressure Drop (PSI) Pressure Drop (PSI) 20 SME03 10 SME10 5 0 SME25 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 15 ZSME10 5 “Z-Glass” Media 0 40 ZSME03 10 0 5 10 Flow Rate (GPM) HOW TO ORDER 15 20 25 30 35 40 Flow Rate (GPM) SMF - XXX - X Code 12C 12P 12S 16C 16P 16S Port Size Code 3/4” BSP (G3/4”-14) 3/4” NPTF 1 1/16”-12UN (SAE-12) 1” BSP (G1”-11) 1” NPTF 1 5/16”-12UN (SAE-16) 0 N Phone (608) 524-4200 Oil Fill Port Option No Oil Fill Port 3/8” NPTF Fill Port w/ Plug Fax (608) 524-4220 www.zinga.com C16 76 TR & TS SERIES SUCTION / RETURN LINE TANK TOP FILTERS Flows Up To: Port Sizes: TANK-TOP Pressure: Temperature: Application: TR 96 GPM (Return) 32 GPM (Suction) TS 71 GPM (Return) 24 GPM (Suction) 1 1/4" & 1 1/2" NPTF 1 5/8" - 12 UN (SAE - 20) 1 7/8" - 12 UN (SAE - 24) 1 1/4" BSP 100 PSI Max. Operating Up to +250° F. Suitable for petroleum based fluid only. Consult factory for synthetic fluids. SEE HOW TO ORDER SEE HOW TO ORDER 1/8" N.P.T.F. GAUGE PORT NOTE: LOCATION #1 IS STD. BOTH SIDES WILL BE PORTED AND PLUGGED. STANDARD (FLUOROCARBON OPTIONAL) 3 & 5 PSID (SUCTION) 15, 25, & 50 PSID (RETURN) STANDARD (FLUOROCARBON OPTIONAL) • "RE" SERIES FILTER ELEMENTS USED IN "TR" SERIES HOUSINGS • "SRE" SERIES FILTER ELEMENTS USED IN "TS" SERIES HOUSINGS (4) .42” DIA. MOUNTING HOLES AT 90 DEG. Patent #5389246 Phone (608) 524-4200 Fax (608) 524-4220 www.zinga.com C16 77 Design Features: • • • • • • No parts to lose with unitized cover & by-pass valve assembly. Radial seal grommets used in RE & SRE series filter elements. Drop in element bowl design for easier installation. Patented element bowl hold down for suction applications. O-ring seal between filter housing and tank top. Filter housing mounting bolt pattern matches Zinga RF & SRF series as well as Schroeder ST & RT series housings. • TS series housings are fully compatible with Schroeder K series elements. Average pressure drop through clean filter with 150 SUS oil at 105˚ F. 25 Pressure Drop (PSI) 20 ZRE- 409-10 RE- 409-10 15 ZRE- 409-03 RE- 409-03 10 TANK-TOP RE- 409-25 5 RE- 409-100 0 0 30 HOW TO ORDER: Description TR TS Accepts RE Series Filter Elements Accepts SRE Series Filter Elements 1200 1200C 1212 1212C 1500 1512 1515 1600 1616 1800 1816 1818 120 Code Check Valve Option Port Size & Type Left Side Port Right Side Port 1 1/4" NPTF 1 1/4" BSP (G1 1/4"-11) 1 1/4" NPTF 1 1/4" BSP (G1 1/4"-11) 1 1/2" NPTF 1 1/2" NPTF 1 1/2" NPTF 1 5/8"-12 UN (SAE 20) 1 5/8"-12 UN (SAE 20) 1 7/8"-12 UN (SAE 24) 1 7/8"-12 UN (SAE 24) 1 7/8"-12 UN (SAE 24) 90 XX - XXXX - XX - XX - X Code Code 60 Flow Rate (GPM) None None 1 1/4" NPTF 1 1/4" BSP (G1 1/4"-11) None 1 1/4" NPTF 1 1/2" NPTF None 1 5/8"-12 UN (SAE 20) None 1 5/8"-12 UN (SAE 20) 1 7/8"-12 UN (SAE 24) RE & SRE Element Data: See Pages 82 &83 Phone (608) 524-4200 Code 10 12 1N 1S 0 No Check Valve V Check Valve Gauge Port & Oil Fill Port Options Gauge port in Location 1 No Oil Fill Port Gauge port in Locations 1&2 No Oil Fill Port Gauge Port in Location 1 1 1/4" NPTF Oil Fill Port With Plug Gauge Port in Location 1 1 5/8"-12 SAE O-Ring Fill Port With Plug Code By-Pass Valve Setting 00 03 05 15 25 50 No By-Pass 3 PSI (Suction) 5 PSI (Suction) 15 PSI (Return) 25 PSI (Return) 50 PSI (Return) Fax (608) 524-4220 www.zinga.com C16 78 SRF SERIES SUCTION / RETURN LINE TANK TOP FILTERS Flows Up To: Port Sizes: Pressure: Temperature: Application: 83 GPM (Return) 28 GPM (Suction) 1 1/4" & 1 1/2" NPTF 1 5/8" - 12 UN (SAE - 20) 1 7/8" - 12 UN (SAE - 24) 1" & 1 1/4" BSP 100 PSI Max Operating Up to 250° F Operating Petroleum based fluids Consult factory for synthetic fluids BOTTOM PORT OPTIONS: 1/8" NPTF GAUGE PORT & PIPE PLUG (STANDARD BOTH SIDES) 6.25" BCD (4) 1 1/2" NPT MALE PIPE (4) 7/16" DIA. CLEARANCE HOLES (RF) (4) 3/8" SELF LOCKING BOLTS STD. (WF) TANK-TOP 1 1 1/4" STANDARD (6) 5/16" SELF LOCKING BOLS (SUPPLIED STANDARD) 1 1/4" NPT COUPLING 7.0" OIL FILL PORT OPTION 1/2" STANDARD PORT OPTIONS: SEE HOW TO ORDER 1 1/2" NPT PIPE 3.70" RF = 1/8" BOLT DOWN FLANGE MOUNT SURFACE 1.62" 1/8" THICK BUNA-N GASKET (STANDARD WITH SRF SERIES) 3" STANDARD 45O BY-PASS VALVE: 3 & 5 PSID (SUCTION) 15, 25, & 50 PSID (RETURN) (RETURN TYPE VALVE SHOWN) SINGLE ELEMENT = 8.5" DOUBLE ELEMENT = 17.8" TRIPLE ELEMENT = 27.1" 1 1/2" NPT PIPE WITH CHECK VALVE SRE OR ZSRE SERIES FILTER ELEMENTS 3, 10, 25, & 141 (100 MESH) MICRON FILTRATION 5 3/8" DIA. MOUNTING HOLE REQUIRED 4.8" 2 3/4" (APPX) • Radial seal grommet used in SRE Series filter elements. Design Features: • Filter housing mounting bolt pattern matches Zinga RF, TR, & TS series as well as Schroeder ST, RT, & LRT series housings. • SRF series housings are fully compatible with Schroeder K series elements. Phone (608) 524-4200 Fax (608) 524-4220 www.zinga.com C16 79 Average Pressure Drop Thru Clean Filter Assembly With 150 SUS Oil At 105˚ F 25 25 ZSRE409-10R 20 SRE-409-10 15 Pressure Drop (PSI) Pressure Drop (PSI) 20 ZSRE- 409-03 SRE- 409-03 10 SRE-409-10 5 ZSRE-418-10 15 SRE-418-10 ZSRE-418-03 10 SRE-418-03 5 SRE-409-100 0 0 30 60 Flow Rate (GPM) 90 120 SRE-418-25 0 0 30 Single Length Element 60 Flow Rate (GPM) SRE-418-100 90 120 Double Length Element 10 Pressure Drop (PSI) 8 ZSRE-409-03 6 SRE-409-10 SRE-409-03 4 TANK-TOP 2 SRE-418-100 ZSRE-409-10 SRE-409-25R 0 0 30 60 Flow Rate (GPM) 90 120 Application: Bottom Flow Filter Triple Length Element HOW TO ORDER: Code SRF - XXXX - X - XX - XX - X Port Size & Type 0000 * * No Ports 1" BSP (G1"-11) & 1012C 1 1/4" BSP (G1 1/4"-11) 1200 1 1/4" NPTF 1200C 1 1/4" BSP (G1 1/4"-11) 1215 1 1/4" & 1 1/2" NPTF 1500 1 1/2" NPTF 1600 1 5/8" 12 UN (SAE - 20) 1 5/8" 12 UN (SAE - 20) & 1618 1 7/8" 12 UN (SAE - 24) 1800 1 7/8" 12 UN (SAE - 24) * * No port models come with a Bottom Flow element housing standard. Code S Single Element Double Element T Triple Element Oil Fill Port Option 0 N S No Oil Port 1 1/4" NPTF Oil Fill Port With Plug 1 5/8"-12 SAE O-ring Fill Port With Plug Code Bottom Port Options EP MP CV 00 Extended Pipe (3" Std Length) Male Pipe (1 1/4" Std Length) Check Valve No Check Valve Consult Factory for Custom Lengths. Description D Code Code By-Pass Valve Setting 00 03 05 15 25 50 No By-Pass 3 PSI (Suction) 5 PSI (Suction) 15 PSI (Return) 25 PSI (Return) 50 PSI (Return) Additional SRE Element Data: See Page 82 Phone (608) 524-4200 Fax (608) 524-4220 www.zinga.com C16 80 RF SERIES (100 PSI) WF SERIES (500 PSI) TANK TOP FILTERS Flows Up To: Port Sizes: Max. Operating Pressure: Temperature: Application: 96 GPM (Return) 32 GPM (Suction) 1 1/4" & 1 1/2" NPTF 1 5/8" - 12 (SAE - 20) 1 7/8" - 12 (SAE - 24) 1" & 1 1/4" BSP RF - 100 PSI, WF - 500 PSI Up to 250° F Operating Petroleum based fluids only Consult factory for synthetic fluids BOTTOM PORT OPTIONS: 1/8" NPTF GAUGE PORT & PIPE PLUG (STANDARD BOTH SIDES) 6.25" BCD (4) 1 1/2" NPT MALE PIPE TANK-TOP (4) 7/16" DIA. CLEARANCE HOLES (RF) (4) 3/8" SELF LOCKING BOLTS STD. (WF) 1 1 1/4" STANDARD (6) 5/16" SELF LOCKING BOLS (SUPPLIED STANDARD) 1 1/4" NPT COUPLING OIL FILL PORT OPTION 7.0" 1/2" STANDARD PORT OPTIONS: SEE HOW TO ORDER 1 1/2" NPT PIPE RF = 3.70" WF = 3.83" RF = 1/8" BOLT DOWN FLANGE WF= 3/8" WELD DOWN FLANGE MOUNT SURFACE RF = 1.62" WF= 1.75" 1/8" THICK BUNA-N GASKET (STANDARD WITH RF SERIES) 3" STANDARD 45O BY-PASS VALVE: 3 & 5 PSID (SUCTION) 15, 25, & 50 PSID (RETURN) (RETURN TYPE VALVE SHOWN) SINGLE ELEMENT = 8.5" DOUBLE ELEMENT = 17.8" TRIPLE ELEMENT = 27.1" RE OR ZRE SERIES FILTER ELEMENTS 3, 10, 25, & 141 (100 MESH) MICRON FILTRATION 4.8" Phone (608) 524-4200 Fax (608) 524-4220 5 3/8" DIA. MOUNTING HOLE REQUIRED www.zinga.com C16 1 1/2" NPT PIPE WITH CHECK VALVE 2 3/4" (APPX) 81 Average Pressure Drop Thru Clean Filter Assembly With 150 SUS Oil At 105˚ F 25 25 ZRE- 409-10 20 RE- 409-10 15 Pressure Drop (PSI) Pressure Drop (PSI) 20 ZRE- 409-03 RE- 409-03 10 RE- 409-25 5 ZRE- 418-10 15 RE - 418-10 ZRE - 418-03 10 RE- 418-03 5 RE- 409-100 0 RE- 418-25 0 0 30 60 Flow Rate (GPM) 90 120 0 Single Length Element 30 60 Flow Rate (GPM) RE- 418-100 90 120 Double Length Element 10 Pressure Drop (PSI) 8 ZRE- 409-03 6 RE- 409-10 RE- 409-03 4 2 RE- 409-100 RE- 409-25 TANK-TOP ZRE- 409-10 0 0 30 60 Flow Rate (GPM) 90 120 Application: Bottom Flow Filter Triple Length Element HOW TO ORDER: XX - XXXX - X - XX - XX - X Code Product Series Code Oil Fill Port Option RF WF 1/8” Thick Flange - 100 PSI Max. 3/8” Thick Flange - 500 PSI Max. 0 N S No Oil Port 1 1/4" NPTF Oil Fill Port With Plug 1 5/8"-12 SAE O-ring Fill Port With Plug Code Port Size & Type Code 0000 * No Ports 1" BSP (G1"-11) & 1 1/4" BSP (G1 1/4"-11) 1 1/4" NPTF Only 1 1/4" BSP (G1 1/4"-11) 1 1/4" & 1 1/2" NPTF 1 1/2" NPTF 1 5/8" - 12 SAE Only 1 5/8" - 12 & 1 7/8" - 12 SAE EP MP FC CV 1012C 1200 1200C 1215 1500 1600 1618 1800 1 7/8" 12 UN (SAE - 24) * No port models come with a “bottom flow” element housing as a standard. Code Description S D T Single Element Double Element Triple Element Bottom Port Options Extended Pipe (3" Std Length) Male Pipe (1 1/4" Std Length) Female Coupling Check Valve Consult Factory for Custom Lengths. Code By-Pass Valve Setting 00 03 05 15 25 50 No By-Pass 3 PSI (Suction) 5 PSI (Suction 15 PSI (Return) 25 PSI (Return) 50 PSI (Return) RE Element Data: See Pages 83 Phone (608) 524-4200 Fax (608) 524-4220 www.zinga.com C16 82 SRE & ZSRE SERIES FILTER ELEMENTS TANK-TOP Use in SRF & TS Housings or as Interchange for Schroeder “K” Series Elements Part Number Nominal Rating Absolute Rating Media Type (A) ID (B) Length Flow Direction Thru Element SRE-409-03 ß<4µ(c) = 2 ß11µ(c) = 75 Cellulose 1.61" 9.19" Bi-Directional SRE-409-03AZ** ß<4µ(c) = 2 ß11µ(c) = 75 Aqua-ZorbTM 1.61" 9.19" Outside to Inside SRE-409-10 ß5µ(c) = 2 ß19µ(c) = 75 Cellulose 1.61" 9.19" Bi-Directional SRE-409-10AZ** ß5µ(c) = 2 ß19µ(c) = 75 Aqua-ZorbTM 1.61" 9.19" Outside to Inside SRE-409-25 ß19µ(c) = 2 ß36µ(c) = 75 Cellulose 1.61" 9.19" Bi-Directional SRE-418-03 ß<4µ(c) = 2 ß11µ(c) = 75 Cellulose 1.61" 18.19" Bi-Directional SRE-418-10 ß5µ(c) = 2 ß19µ(c) = 75 Cellulose 1.61" 18.19" Bi-Directional SRE-418-25 ß19µ(c) = 2 ß36µ(c) = 75 Cellulose 1.61" 18.19" Bi-Directional SRE-409-100* 141 Micron ------------- SS Mesh 1.61" 9.19" Outside to Inside SRE-409-100R* 141 Micron ------------- SS Mesh 1.61" 9.19" Inside to Outside SRE-409-100M* 141 Micron ------------- SS Mesh 1.61" 9.19" Outside to Inside SRE-409-100MR* 141 Micron ------------- SS Mesh 1.61" 9.19" Inside to Outside ZSRE-409-03 ß<4µ(c) = 2 ß<4µ(c) = 200 “Z Glass” 1.61” 9.19” Outside to Inside ZSRE-409-03R ß<4µ(c) = 2 ß<4µ(c) = 200 “Z Glass” 1.61” 9.19” Inside to Outside ZSRE-409-10 ß<4µ(c) = 2 ß10µ(c) = 200 “Z Glass” 1.61” 9.19” Outside to Inside ZSRE-409-10R ß<4µ(c) = 2 ß10µ(c) = 200 “Z Glass” 1.61” 9.19” Inside to Outside ZSRE-418-03 ß<4µ(c) = 2 ß<4µ(c) = 200 “Z Glass” 1.61” 18.19” Outside to Inside ZSRE-418-03R ß<4µ(c) = 2 ß<4µ(c) = 200 “Z Glass” 1.61” 18.19” Inside to Outside ZSRE-418-10 ß<4µ(c) = 2 ß10µ(c) = 200 “Z Glass” 1.61” 18.19” Outside to Inside ZSRE-418-10R ß<4µ(c) = 2 ß10µ(c) = 200 “Z Glass” 1.61” 18.19” Inside to Outside Note: * 1. 100 mesh stainless steel wire cloth standard for 141 micron elements. 30, 60, & 200 mesh optional. ** 2. Aqua-Zorb™ filter media retains up to 11 oz. of free water. Any absorbed water can not be liberated from the media. As the element becomes saturated with water the Aqua-Zorb™ media continues to swell, and will ultimately curtail flow through the filter. Not for use with water-glycols. 3. SRE & ZSRE are equipped with a Buna-”N” grommet (radial) seal as standard. (Fluorocarbon Available) A Magnetic Elements Part Numbers B RE/SRE-409-100M RE/SRE-409-100MR (NOT FOR USE IN TR/TS) Three 4" dia. x 5/8" thick ceramic magnets 3.87" Phone (608) 524-4200 Fax (608) 524-4220 Four 100 mesh wire cloth sections www.zinga.com C16 83 RE & ZRE SERIES FILTER ELEMENTS Use in RF, WF, & TR Houshings Nominal Rating Absolute Rating Media Type (A) ID (B) Length Flow Direction Thru Element RE-409-03 ß<4µ(c) = 2 ß11µ(c) = 75 Cellulose 1.96" 9.19" Bi-Directional RE-409-03AZ** ß<4µ(c) = 2 ß11µ(c) = 75 Aqua-ZorbTM 1.96" 9.19" Outside to Inside RE-409-10 ß5µ(c) = 2 ß19µ(c) = 75 Cellulose 1.96" 9.19" Bi-Directional RE-409-10AZ** ß5µ(c) = 2 ß19µ(c) = 75 Aqua-ZorbTM 1.96" 9.19" Outside to Inside RE-409-25 ß19µ(c) = 2 ß36µ(c) = 75 Cellulose 1.96" 9.19" Bi-Directional RE-418-03 ß<4µ(c) = 2 ß11µ(c) = 75 Cellulose 1.96" 18.19" Bi-Directional RE-418-10 ß5µ(c) = 2 ß19µ(c) = 75 Cellulose 1.96" 18.19" Bi-Directional RE-418-25 ß19µ(c) = 2 ß36µ(c) = 75 Cellulose 1.96" 18.19" Bi-Directional RE-409-100* 141 Micron ------------- SS Mesh 1.96" 9.19" Outside to Inside RE-409-100R* 141 Micron ------------- SS Mesh 1.96" 9.19" Inside to Outside RE-409-100M* 141 Micron ------------- SS Mesh 1.96" 9.19" Outside to Inside RE-409-100MR* 141 Micron ------------- SS Mesh 1.96" 9.19" Inside to Outside ß<4µ(c) = 2 ß<4µ(c) = 200 “Z Glass” 1.96" 9.19” Outside to Inside “Z Glass” 1.96" 9.19” Inside to Outside “Z Glass” 1.96" 9.19” Outside to Inside “Z Glass” 1.96" 9.19” Inside to Outside “Z Glass” 1.96" 18.19” Outside to Inside “Z Glass” 1.96" 18.19” Inside to Outside 18.19” Outside to Inside 18.19” Inside to Outside ZRE-409-03 ZRE-409-03R ß<4µ(c) = 2 ZRE-409-10 ß<4µ(c) = 2 ZRE-409-10R ß<4µ(c) = 2 ZRE-418-03 ß<4µ(c) = 2 ZRE-418-03R ß<4µ(c) = 2 ß<4µ(c) = 200 ß10µ(c) = 200 ß10µ(c) = 200 ß<4µ(c) = 200 ß<4µ(c) = 200 ZRE-418-10 ß<4µ(c) = 2 ß10µ(c) = 200 “Z Glass” 1.96" ZRE-418-10R ß<4µ(c) = 2 ß10µ(c) = 200 “Z Glass” 1.96” Note: * 1. 100 mesh stainless steel wire cloth standard for 141 micron elements. 30, 60, & 200 mesh optional. ** 2. Aqua-Zorb™ filter media retains up to 11 oz. of free water. Any absorbed water can not be liberated from the media. As the element becomes saturated with water the Aqua-Zorb™ media continues to swell, and will ultimately curtail flow through the filter. Not for use with water-glycols. 3. RE & ZRE are equipped with a Buna-”N” grommet (radial) seal as standard. (Fluorocarbon Available) Average Pressure Drop Thru Clean Filter Assembly With 150 SUS Oil At 105˚ F 25 25 ZRE- 409-10 20 RE- 409-10 15 Pressure Drop (PSI) Pressure Drop (PSI) 20 ZRE- 409-03 RE- 409-03 10 RE- 409-25 ZRE- 418-10 15 RE - 418-10 ZRE - 418-03 10 RE- 418-03 5 5 RE- 409-100 0 0 30 60 Flow Rate (GPM) 90 RE- 418-25 0 120 Phone (608) 524-4200 0 30 60 Flow Rate (GPM) Fax (608) 524-4220 90 RE- 418-100 120 www.zinga.com C16 TANK-TOP Part Number 84 WF-2 SERIES TANK TOP FILTER Flows Up To: Port Sizes: Pressure: Temperature: Application: 300 GPM (Return) 100 GPM (Suction) 2" NPTF 2" (4) Bolt Flange 2 1/2" (4) Bolt Flange 3" (4) Bolt Flange 300 PSI Max. Operating Pressure Up to 250˚F Petroleum based fluids. TANK-TOP OPTIONAL OIL FILL PORT 1 1/4" N.P.T.F. PIPE PLUG WITH CERAMIC MAGNET INSERT (3/4" SQ. SOCKET DRIVE) SEE HOW TO ORDER OPTIONAL BY-PASS VALVE SETTINGS: 3 & 5 PSID (SUCTION) 15, 25, & 50 (RETURN) 2.5" MINIMUM Phone (608) 524-4200 Fax (608) 524-4220 www.zinga.com C16 85 Optional Mounting Flanges PORT CENTER LINE OF TOP CASTING o 45 8.38" BCD (4) .56" DIA. o HOLES @ 90 7.03" ID 9.25" OD .19" Bolt Flange (Part Number WF-10): • For bolt down installation to reservoir. • Bolt flange supplied with 1/8" thick gasket. Weld Flange (Part Number WF-09): • For weld in place installation on reservoir. • Weld flange identical to bolt flange except without bolt clearance holes and gasket. Note: • 7.06" to 7.38" dia. hole in reservoir wall required for proper installation. • Flanges can be welded to filter housings by factory as an extra cost option. Specify in part number the desired height required from port center line to mounting surface (reservoir wall), 2.5" minimum. TANK-TOP HOW TO ORDER: WF - XXXX - X - XX - X - XXXX - X Code Port Size & Type Code Oil Fill Port 2200 2300 2" (4) Bolt SAE Flange 3" (4) Bolt SAE Flange 2 1/2" (4) Bolt SAE Flange & 2" NPTF Combination 0 None M 1 1/4” NPTF Magnetic Plug 2520 Code Filter Housing Length A B C Single 9" Element Length Single 18" Element Length Double 18" Element Length Code By-Pass Valve Setting 00 03 05 15 25 50 No By-Pass Valve 3 PSI Suction 5 PSI Suction 15 PSI Return 25 PSI Return 50 PSI Return Code Description Customer to weld flange 0000 to filter housings. Dimensions in Desired height from inches carried out casting port center line two (2) decimal mounting surface places. (reservoir) Note Mfg. Ex: 8 9/16" = 0856 tolerances + .06". Phone (608) 524-4200 Code Mounting Flange Options 0 B W No Flange Bolt Flange Weld Flange Fax (608) 524-4220 www.zinga.com C16 86 Part Number Nominal Rating For use in WF2 Housings Absolute Media Rating Type WE-509-03 ß<4µ(c) = 2 ß11µ(c) = 75 Cellulose 9.13" Bi-Directional WE-509-10 ß5µ(c) = 2 ß19µ(c) = 75 Cellulose 9.13" Bi-Directional *WE-509-100 141 Micron SS Mesh 9.13" Outside To Inside *WE-509-100R 141 Micron SS Mesh 9.13" Inside To Outside (A) Length Flow Direction Through Element WE-509-25 ß19µ(c) = 2 ß36µ(c) = 75 Cellulose 9.13" Bi-Directional WE-518-03 ß<4µ(c) = 2 ß11µ(c) = 75 Cellulose 18.13" Bi-Directional **WE-518-03AZ ß<4µ(c) = 2 ß11µ(c) = 75 Aqua-Zorb 18.13" Bi-Directional WE-518-10 ß5µ(c) = 2 ß19c) = 75 Cellulose 18.13" Bi-Directional **WE-518-10AZ ß5µ(c) = 2 ß19c) = 75 Aqua-Zorb 18.13" Bi-Directional *WE-518-100 141 Micron SS Mesh 18.13" Outside To Inside *WE-518-100R 141 Micron TM TM SS Mesh 18.13" Inside To Outside WE-518-25 ß19µ(c) = 2 ß36µ(c) = 75 Cellulose 18.13" Bi-Directional ZWE-509-03 ß<4µ(c) = 2 ß<4µ(c) = 200 “Z-Glass” 9.13" Outside To Inside ZWE-509-03R ß<4µ(c) = 2 ß<4µ(c) = 200 “Z-Glass” 9.13" Inside To Outside ZWE-509-10 ß<4µ(c) = 2 ß10µ(c) = 200 “Z-Glass” 9.13" Outside To Inside ZWE-509-10R ß<4µ(c) = 2 ß10µ(c) = 200 “Z-Glass” 9.13" Inside To Outside ZWE-518-03 ß<4µ(c) = 2 ß<4µ(c) = 200 “Z-Glass” 18.13" Outside To Inside ZWE-518-03R ß<4µ(c) = 2 ß<4µ(c) = 200 “Z-Glass” 18.13" Inside To Outside ZWE-518-10 ß<4µ(c) = 2 ß10µ(c) = 200 “Z-Glass” 18.13" Outside To Inside ZWE-518-10R ß<4µ(c) = 2 ß10µ(c) = 200 “Z-Glass” 18.13" Inside To Outside Note: * 1. 100 mesh stainless steel wire cloth standard for 141 micron elements. 30, 60, & 200 mesh optional. ** 2. Aqua-Zorb™ filter media retains up to 11 oz. of free water. Any absorbed water can not be liberated from the media. As the element becomes saturated with water the Aqua-Zorb™ media continues to swell, and will ultimately curtail flow throughout the filter. Not for use with water-glycols. 25 25 WE-518-03 "B" LENGTH ZWE-509-03 "A" LENGTH 15 WE-509-03 "A" LENGTH 10 WE-518-10 "B" LENGTH 20 Pressure Drop (PSI) Pressure Drop (PSI) 20 ZWE-518-03 "B" LENGTH ZWE-509-10 "A" LENGTH 15 3.4" WE-509-10 "A" LENGTH 10 5 5 WE-518-03 "C" LENGTH 0 WE-518-10 "C" LENGTH & ZWE-518-10 "B" LENGTH 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 0 50 Flow Rate (GPM) 25 25 20 20 Pressure Drop (PSI) Pressure Drop (PSI) TANK-TOP WE & ZWE SERIES FILTER ELEMENTS 15 10 WE-509-25 "A" LENGTH WE-518-25 "B" LENGTH 5 100 150 200 Flow Rate (GPM) 250 300 A WE-518-100 "B" LENGTH 15 WE-509-100 "A" LENGTH 10 5 WE-518-100 "C" LENGTH 0 0 50 100 150 200 Flow Rate (GPM) 250 300 5.18" 0 0 50 100 150 200 Flow Rate (GPM) 250 Average pressure drop through clean assembly with 150 SUS oil at 105˚ F Phone (608) 524-4200 Fax (608) 524-4220 www.zinga.com C16 300 87 TYPICAL TANK TOP FILTER INSTALLATIONS SRF / RF / WF SERIES NOTE: For suction applications use “100R” elements. (Except “Bottom Flow” Mount) BOTTOM CONNECTION TO PUMP INLET PORT: MALE PIPE OR MALE HOSE BARB RV SERIES RETURN LINE CHECK VALVE TANK-TOP TANK FILTER FOR SUCTION LINE APPLICATION OR TANK DIFFUSER FOR RETURN LINE APPLICATION WF-2 SERIES NOTE: For suction applications use “100R” elements TANK FILTER FOR SUCTION LINE APPLICATION TANK DIFFUSER FOR RETURN LINE APPLICATION Phone (608) 524-4200 Fax (608) 524-4220 www.zinga.com C16 88 MB SERIES MINIATURE TANK BREATHERS • 10 Micron Filtration (Nominal) • Shatter Resistant Plastic Construction • Temperatures Up to +225°F Model Number A Thread Size B Overall Height MB-05-10 MB-07-10 1/2” NPT 3/4” NPT 1.6” 1.6” RB SERIES ACCESSORIES RESERVOIR BREATHERS • 3/4” NPTF or 1-1/16" UN Thread Mount • Optional 3, 5, & 10 Pressure Relief Valve • Durable Weather-Resistant Nylon Plastic Cover HOW TO ORDER: RB - XX - 10 - XX - X OPTIONAL PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE 3, 5, & 10 P.S.I.PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE SETTINGS AVAILABLE (ALL RELIEF VALVES HAVE 0.2 P.S.I. VACUUM RELIEF STD.) 3.27” DIA. 3/4" NPTF OR 1 1/16" UN (SAE-12) Phone (608) 524-4200 Fax (608) 524-4220 www.zinga.com Code Mounting Thread 07 11 3/4" NPTF 1 1/16"-12 UN (SAE-12) 10 Micron Foam Filter Element Standard Code Pressure Relief Valve Setting 00 03 05 10 No Valve 3 PSI 5 PSI 10 PSI Code Cover Options 0 N Aluminum Cover Nylon Plastic Cover (Black) C16 89 WSFB SERIES RESERVOIR FILLER BREATHER • • • • Black Painted Weather Resistant Cover 10 Micron Foam Filter Element Basket Length Dipstick Lock Tab LOCK TAB 5/16" HOLE 10 MICRON FOAM ELEMENT 1" (2) RUBBERIZED CORK GASKETS 1" WSFB10-6S = 8 1/16" WSFB10-4S = 6 1/16" DIPSTICK CUT TO BASKET LENGTH WSFB10-6S = 5 3/4" WSFB10-4S = 3 3/4" ACCESSORIES 30 MESH EPOXY COATED MESH BASKET 1 15/16" Dia 60 2.75" 2.88" BCD o MOUNTING FLANGE (6) 10 X 32 X 1/2LG SELF TAPPING SCREWS PROVIDED FOR MOUNTING 3 5/16 " Dia HOW TO ORDER: WSFB10 - XX - DL Code Style 4S 4” Dipstick / Basket 6S 6” Dipstick / Basket Phone (608) 524-4200 Fax (608) 524-4220 www.zinga.com C16 90 FB SERIES RESERVOIR FILLER BREATHERS • • • • • 10 Micron Foam Filter Element Cap To Base Chain Connection Aluminum and Nylon Cover Options Wire Mesh Lined Basket Available 1” Steel Weldable Riser Available (PN: FB43) Average Pressure Drop Through Assembly Without Relief Valve ACCESSORIES (ALL RELIEF VALVES HAVE 0.2 P.S.I. VACUUM RELIEF STD.) 3.61” 5.61” 8.61” 11.61” TO FIT BASKET (13.7” STANDARD WHEN BASKET NOT ORDERED) 2.1 DIA HOW TO ORDER: FB - 10 - XX - X XX - X - X 10 Micron Foam Filter Element Standard Code Cover Options 0 N Aluminum Cover (Std.) Nylon Plastic Cover (Black) Code Mounting Depth 00 04 06 09 12 No Basket 3.61 Inches 5.61 Inches 8.61 Inches 11.61 Inches Code Dipstick Options 0 D No Dipstick To Fit Basket (see above) Liner Mesh Code Pressure Relief Valve Settings 00 03 05 10 No Valve 3 PSI 5 PSI 10 PSI Code 0 No Mesh 1 2 3 6 100 Mesh 200 Mesh 30 Mesh 60 Mesh Phone (608) 524-4200 Fax (608) 524-4220 www.zinga.com C16a 91 FBR SERIES RAISED FILLER BREATHERS • • • • • 1 1/2” and 3” Risers 10 Micron Foam Filter Element Cap To Base Chain Connection Aluminum and Nylon Cover Options Wire Mesh Lined Basket Available Average Pressure Drop Through Assembly Without Relief Valve OPTIONAL PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE 3, 5, & 10 PSI SETTINGS AVAILABLE 0.2 PSI VACUUM RELIEF STANDARD 3.27" DIA 10 MICRON FOAM FILTER ELEMENT STANDARD 4.9" 3.4" 3.06" SIX (6) #10-32 X 1/3" LG. THREAD CUTTING SCREWS STANDARD 1.56" .06 " ACCESSORIES 2.750" B.C.D.( x6) 2.875" BUNA-N GASKET TO FIT BASKET (12.6" FTBR15 W/O BASKET) (11.1" FTBR30 W/O BASKET) MOUNTING DEPTH 3.6" 5.6" 8.6" 11.6" OPTIONAL PERFORATED METAL BASKET (30, 60, 100, & 200 MESH STAINLESS STEEL WIRE CLOTH LINER AVAILABLE) OPTIONAL DIPSTICK 2.1" DIA. FBR30 FBR15 HOW TO ORDER: FBRXX - 10 - XX - X - XX - X - X Code Riser Height 15 30 1 1/2” 3” 10 Micron Foam Filter Element Standard Code Mounting Depth 00 04 06 09 12 No Basket 3.61 Inches 5.61 Inches 8.61 Inches 11.61 Inches Code Liner Mesh 0 No Mesh 1 2 3 6 100 Mesh 200 Mesh 30 Mesh 60 Mesh Phone (608) 524-4200 Code Cover Options 0 N Aluminum Cover (Std.) Nylon Plastic Cover (Black) Code Dipstick Options 0 D No Dipstick To Fit Basket (see above) Code Pressure Relief Valve Settings 00 03 05 10 No Valve 3 PSI 5 PSI 10 PSI Fax (608) 524-4220 www.zinga.com C16a 92 FTB SERIES SPIN-ON ELEMENT FILLER BREATHERS • • • • Down to 1 micron Particle Removal Pressure / Vacuum Relief Valve Cap To Base Chain Connection Wire Mesh Lined Basket Available Average Pressure Drop Through Assembly Without Relief Valve AE AE-L SE LE 3.8" 3.8" 5.1" 5.1" RELEIF VALVE: 3, 5, & 10 PSID PRESSURE RELIEF SETTING AVAILABLE (ALL VALVES HAVE 0.2 PSID VACUUM RELIEF STD.) FTB16S FTB24S AE AE-L SE LE SPIN-ON ELEMENT (ORDERED SEPERATELY) 8.5" 11.0" 9.0" 13.0" BUNA "N" GASKET (STANDARD) ACCESSORIES SIX #10-32 X 1/2" LG. THREAD CUTTING SCREWS STANDARD FTB16S 2.75/2.87 BCD (SIX SLOTS 60 DEG.) MOUNTING DEPTH 3.61" 5.61" 8.61" 11.61" OPTIONAL PERFORATED METAL BASKET (OPTIONAL 30, 60, 100, & 200 MESH STAINLESS STEEL WIRE CLOTH BASKET LINERS AVAILABLE) TO FIT BASKET (OR 13.7" STANDARD WHEN BASKET NOT ORDERED) FTB24S Note: Spin-On Filters with Anti-Drain Back Valves Should Not be Used for Breather Applications. OPTIONAL DIPSTICK 2.1" HOW TO ORDER: FTB - XXX - XX - X - XX - X Zinga Standard Spin-On Filters do NOT have Anti-Drain Back Valves. For Spin-On Particle Removal Efficiency see TB Series information found on Page 94. Code Mtg Thread Spin-On Series Code Dipstick Options 16S 24S 1”-12 UNF-2A 1 1/2”-16 UN-2A AE SE & LE 0 D No Dipstick To Fit Basket (see above) Code Pressure Relief Valve Settings 00 03 05 10 No Valve 3 PSI 5 PSI 10 PSI Code Mounting Depth 00 04 06 09 12 No Basket 3.61 Inches 5.61 Inches 8.61 Inches 11.61 Inches Phone (608) 524-4200 Fax (608) 524-4220 Code Liner Mesh 0 No Mesh 1 2 3 6 100 Mesh 200 Mesh 30 Mesh 60 Mesh www.zinga.com C16a 93 FTBR SERIES RAISED SPIN-ON ELEMENT FILLER BREATHERS • • • • 1 1/2” and 3” Risers Pressure / Vacuum Relief Valve Cap To Base Chain Connection Wire Mesh Lined Basket Available Average Pressure Drop Through Assembly Without Relief Valve AE 3.8" AE-L 3.8" SE 5.1" LE 5.1" RELIEF VALVE: 3, 5, &10 PSI PRESSURE RELIEF SETTINGS AVAILABLE (ALL RELIEF VALVES HAVE 0.2 PSI VACUUM RELIEF STD.) FTB16S FTB24S SPIN-ON ELEMENT (ORDERED SEPARATELY) FTBR 15 FTBR 30 AE 10.9" AE-L 13.4" SE 11.1" LE 15.4" AE 9.4" AE-L 11.9" SE 9.6" LE 13.9" FTB16S BUNA "N" GASKET STD. FITS BASKET STANDARD LENGTHS WITHOUT BASKET: MOUNTING DEPTH -----------------3.61" 5.61" 8.61" 11.61" 2.750"/2.875" B.C.D. (SIX SLOTS AT 60 DEG.) OPTIONAL PERFORATED METAL BASKET (OPTIONAL 30, 60, 100, & 200 MESH STAINLESS STEEL WIRE CLOTH BASKET FTBR15=12.6" FTBR30=11.1" OPTIONAL DIPSTICK 2.1" FTBR 30 FTBR 15 Note: Spin-On Filters with Anti-Drain Back Valves Should Not be Used for Breather Applications. Zinga Standard Spin-On Filters do NOT have Anti-Drain Back Valves. For Spin-On Particle Removal Efficiency see TB Series information found on Page 94. HOW TO ORDER: FTBRXX - XXX - XX - X -XX - X Code Riser Height Code Dipstick Options 15 30 1 1/2” 3” 0 D No Dipstick To Fit Basket (see above) Code Mtg Thread Spin-On Series 16S 24S 1”-12 UNF-2A 1 1/2”-16 UN-2A AE SE & LE Code Mounting Depth 00 04 06 09 12 No Basket 3.61 Inches 5.61 Inches 8.61 Inches 11.61 Inches Code Pressure Relief Valve Settings 00 03 05 10 No Valve 3 PSI 5 PSI 10 PSI Fax (608) 524-4220 www.zinga.com Code Liner Mesh 0 No Mesh 1 2 3 6 100 Mesh 200 Mesh 30 Mesh 60 Mesh Phone (608) 524-4200 C16 ACCESSORIES FTB24S SIX #10-32 X 1/2" LG. THREAD CUTTING 94 TB SERIES TANK BREATHERS ACCESSORIES CONVERT SPIN-ON ELEMENTS TO TANK BREATHERS Average Pressure Drop Through Assembly Note: Spin-On Filters with Anti-Drain Back Valves Should Not be Used for Breather Applications. Zinga Standard Spin-On Filters do NOT have Anti-Drain Back Valves. Adapter Number A Mount Thread B Spin-On Thread C Adapter Length TB-050 1/2” NPT 3/4”-16 UNF 1.6” TB-075 3/4” NPT 1”-12 UNF 2.0” TB-100 1” NPT 1”-12 UNF 2.0” TB-125 1 1/4” NPT 1 1/2”-16 UNF 3.0” Spin-On Series D Assy Height BE-10 AE-03 AE-10 AE-10L AE-03 AE-10 AE-10L SE-03 LE-03 SE-10 LE-10 5.2” 7.3” 7.3” 10.6” 7.3” 7.3” 10.6” 9.1” 13.1” 9.1” 13.1” E Air Filtration Element @ 99% Diameter Efficiency 3.1” 3.7” 3.7” 5.1” * Based on maximum pressure drop of 5 Inches H2O (0.18 PSID) through clean filter element Phone (608) 524-4200 Fax (608) 524-4220 www.zinga.com C16a 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 micron micron micron micron micron micron micron micron micron micron micron * Maximum Air Flow scfm / gpm 8 / 60 14 / 104 13 / 97 14 / 104 14 / 104 13 / 97 14 / 104 45 / 336 50 / 374 45 / 336 50 / 374 95 TBN310 SERIES SPIN-ON BREATHER • • • • 3/4” NPTF adapter Steel Spin-on Housing Design Air Flow Rates to 40 SCFM 2 Micron Particle Retention 45 O 3.8" 3.8" 5.1" PRESSURE DROP (IN H20) 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 1 1/4" HEX 0 3/4" NPT 0 10 5 15 20 25 30 35 40 FLOW (SCFM) ACCESSORIES 1.8 1.6 Design Features: • Integral 3/4” NPT Male Nylon Mounting Stem • Direct Interchange for Competitor 310 product. PRESSURE DROP (PSI) 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 • 99% Removal Efficiency of Particles 2 Micron and Larger 50 100 150 200 250 300 OIL LEVEL EXCHANGE RATE (GPM) . • Private Labeling Available (Consult Factory) HOW TO ORDER: Phone (608) 524-4200 TBN310 Fax (608) 524-4220 www.zinga.com C16 96 LG SERIES 2.50" GAUGES 1.23" .24" GLYCERIN FILLED .51" 2.10" 55" (SQ) 1/4" NPT • • • • • Bottom Connection Order 2.1" 1.2" 2.6" 2.1" Style Code A B C D 2.4" 1/4" NPT .55" (SQ) .26" ACCESSORIES Center Back Connection 2.5" 1.26" .26" 2.13" 3.35" 2.68" 2.44" .14" Dia. Holes (3 Places) 3 Hole Panel Flange Mount Accuracy + 1.5% full scale 2 1/2" dia. 304 stainless steel case Glycerin filled Dual Scale: PSI & Bar Temperature: -4OF to 140OF operating Code Range 01 0-30 in. hg. 04 0-60 psi 05 0-100 psi 06 0-160 psi 07 0-200 psi 08 0-300 psi 10 0-600 psi 11 0-1,000 psi 12 0-1,500 psi 13 0-2,000 psi 14 0-3,000 psi 15 0-5,000 psi 16 0-6,000 psi 17 0-10,000 psi .55" SQ 1/4" NPT HOW TO ORDER: LG - X - XX Example: 2 1/2" Bottom connected 3,000 PSI gauge Part # LG-A-14 All Gauges standard with 1/4" NPT connections. Other connections available by special order. Consult factory. Clamp Panel Mount Phone (608) 524-4200 Fax (608) 524-4220 www.zinga.com C16 97 GV & CI SERIES FILTER GAUGES 1.84" 1.20" VACUUM & PRESSURE ø 2.01" • Black Steel Case • Brass Stem • Acrylic Lens 1/8" NPTF • -40 to +140 Operating Temperatures VACUUM GAUGES (Suction Line Filter Installations) Part No. GV-10 For Use With 5 PSI Filter By-Pass Valve ACCESSORIES Part No. GV-05 For Use With 3 PSI Filter By-Pass Valve PRESSURE GAUGES (Return Line Filter Installations) Part No. CI-12 Part No. CI-20 Part No. CI-40 For Use With 15 PSI Filter By-Pass Valve For Use With 25 PSI Filter By-Pass Valve For Use With 50 PSI Filter By-Pass Valve Phone (608) 524-4200 Fax (608) 524-4220 www.zinga.com C16 98 GVL & CIL SERIES STAINLESS STEEL GLYCERIN-FILLED FILTER GAUGES • • • • NPTF Stainless Steel Case Brass Stem Acrylic Lens Shock and Vibration Resistant ACCESSORIES VACUUM GAUGES (Suction Line Filter Installations) Part No. GV-05L Part No. GV-10L For Use With 3 PSI Filter By-Pass Valve For Use With 5 PSI Filter By-Pass Valve PRESSURE GAUGES (Return Line Filter Installations) Part No. CI-20L For Use With 25 PSI Filter By-Pass Valve Phone (608) 524-4200 Fax (608) 524-4220 www.zinga.com C16 99 VI & PI SERIES VACUUM & PRESSURE INDICATOR SWITCHES Specifications: • Operating Pressures: VI-5: 150 PSI max. VI-10: 150 PSI max. PI-15: 150 PSI max. PI-25: 250 PSI max. PI-40: 250 PSI max. 1.47" 120 • Circuit: SPST - N.O. • Operating Temperatures: -40˚F to +250˚F • Ratings: Resistive: 15 AMP - 6 VDC 8 AMP - 12 VDC 4 AMP - 24 VDC 2 x #8 - 32 Screw Terminals Inductive: 1 AMP - 120 VAC 0.5 AMP - 240 VAC 1.68" .75" ACCESSORIES 2.51" 1/2" Hex 1/8" NPT Stem Part Number Description VI-5 Vacuum switch set to activate a panel light at 5" Hg. (For use on a filter with a 3 PSI by-pass valve setting) VI-10 Vacuum switch set to activate a panel light at 10" Hg. (For use on a filter with a 5 PSI by-pass valve setting) PI-15 Pressure switch set to activate a panel light at 15 PSI (For use on a filter with a 15 PSI by-pass valve setting) PI-25 Pressure switch set to activate a panel light at 25 PSI (For use on a filter with 25 PSI by-pass valve setting) PI-40 Pressure switch set to activate a panel light at 40 PSI (For use on a filter with a 50 PSI by-pass valve setting) IC-1 Optional rubber weather cover Phone (608) 524-4200 Fax (608) 524-4220 www.zinga.com C16 100 DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE (∆P) INDICATORS DP03 Series Low Pressure Visual Indicator 200 psi max Operating Pressure Temperatures up to 150˚F Automatic Resetting Factory Installed. Available as kit for field replacement. For use with DF, SF, MF, MFT, & ZDF Series Only DP04 Series .88 Cartridge Style Visual Indicator 3000 psi max Operating Pressure (6000 psi for 80 psid units) Temperatures up to 200˚F Automatic Resetting Factory Installed. Available as kit for field replacement. RED POP-UP INDICATOR ACCESSORIES 1.72 .88 DP05 Series 1.50 1.80 RED POP-UP INDICATOR Cartridge Style Visual/Electrical Indicator Hirschman (DIN 43650 Type AM Receptacle 11mm) 1NO, 1NC, & Common SPDT Switch (3 pole & ground) 5A; 125/250 VAC, 24 VDC (Resistive) 3000 psi max Operating Pressure (6000 psi for 80 psid units) Temperatures up to 200˚F Automatic Resetting Factory Installed. Available as kit for field replacement. 30 mm NC NO C Phone (608) 524-4200 Fax (608) 524-4220 www.zinga.com C16 101 DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE (∆P) INDICATORS DP06 Series .88 #8-32 THREADED POST CONNECTOR .90 Cartridge Style Single Wire DC Indicator 200mA @ 36VDC Momentary - Normally Open Circuit 3000 psi max Operating Pressure (6000 psi for 80 psid units) Temperatures up to 200˚F Automatic Resetting Factory Installed. Available as kit for field replacement. Ground Through Filter Head to Chassis. (In Oil) Chassis Ground 1.062 .816 .811 .687 .682 INDICATOR PORT DETAIL .507 .499 15° .040 .005 45° .110 TAP 3/4"-16UNF-2B .562 INSTALLATION: PLACE SEAL IN BOTTOM OF PORT BEFORE INSTALLING CARTRIDGE. LOW PRESSURE .125/.047 DIA. HIGH PRESSURE HOW TO ORDER: NOTE: TOP PORTION OF INDICATOR PORT PARALLEL TO SAE-8 DPXX - XXX Code Indicator Setting Filter Bypass Setting 04K 13K 22K 44K 80K* 4 PSID 13 PSID 22 PSID 44 PSID 80 PSID 5 psid 15 psid 25 psid 50 psid 90 psid * 80 PSID available on DP04 & DP05 series only Code 03** 04 05 06 Type Visual Low Pressure* Visual Cartridge Visual / Electrical DIN Single Wire DC Electrical ** Use on DF, SF, MF, MFT, & ZDF Series Only Phone (608) 524-4200 Fax (608) 524-4220 www.zinga.com C16a ACCESSORIES 1.305 .47" MIN. FULL 1.298 THD DEPTH 102 SG SERIES RESERVOIR SIGHT LEVEL GAUGES • • • • Temperature: 212° F. Max. Optional Thermometer Optional Guards UV Resistant Housing For use with petroleum base and water base hydraulic fluids. Consult factory for other fluids. Model Number SG-03X-X-0 SG-03X-X-G SG-05X-X-0 SG-05X-X-G SG-05X-X-N SG-10X-X-0 SG-10X-X-G No Guard ACCESSORIES 03 05 10 B 4.22” 4.75” 6.22” 6.75” 6.75” 11.22” 11.75” C 1.22” 1.75” 1.22” 1.75” 1.75” 1.22” 1.75” D 0.81” 0.93” 0.81” 0.93” 0.93” 0.81” 0.93” E 1.16” 0.82” 1.16” 0.82” 0.82” 1.16” 0.82” With Guard HOW TO ORDER: CODE A 3.00” 3.00” 5.00” 5.00” 5.00” 10.00” 10.00” BOLT CENTER DISTANCE 3” 5” 10” SG - XX X - X - X Code Bolt Type Code A M Q 1/2” - 13 UN M12 X 1.75 M10x1.50 0 T Thermometer No Thermometer With Thermometer Code 0 G N * AVAILABLE Guard Material No Guard Aluminum Glass Filled Nylon* ON THE 5” SERIES ONLY OE-1 SERIES OIL-EYE • Fluid Level Oil Eye & Steel Weld Port • For Use With Petroleum Base And Water Base Hydraulic Fluids • Temperature: -65O to 150OF for Pressures up to 400 PSI (Max Temperature 212OF for Non-Pressurized Applications • Sight Glass Designed for use with SAE-8 Port Geometry Phone (608) 524-4200 Fax (608) 524-4220 www.zinga.com C16 103 FA SERIES PIPE THREAD SAE (4) BOLT O-RING FLANGES • • • • Suction and return line applications. Sizes: 1 1/4", 1 1/2", 2", 2 1/2", 3" Flanges sold with or without O-ring and bolts. Maximum Operating Pressure: 500 PSI. G D C B E F A A Female Thread Size B C D E F G * O-Ring Code FA1212P 1 1/4" 1 1/4" NPTF .47" 1.19" 2.28" 2.31" 3.20" 1.38" FA1515P 1 1/2" 1 1/2" NPTF .53" 1.41" 2.62" 2.75" 3.75" 1.50" FA20XXX 2" See How To Order Code .53" 1.69" 3.37" 3.06" 4.05" 1.50" FA2525P 2 1/2" 2 1/2" NPTF .53" 2.00" 4.09" 3.50" 4.59" 1.75" FA3030P 3" 3" NPTF .66" 2.44" 4.76" 4.19" 5.54" 1.75" FA2015F 2” TO 1 1/2” SAE 4 BOLT FLANGE ADAPTER (SEE DIAGRAM BELOW FOR DIMENSIONS) * Buna N, 70 Duro. O-Ring Standard, Fluorocarbon Optional. ** Grade 5 Bolts Standard. - 222 - 225 - 228 - 232 - 237 -228 ** Bolt Size 7/16" - 14 x 2" LG 1/2" - 13 x 2 1/4" LG 1/2" - 13 x 2 1/4" LG 1/2" - 13 x 2 1/4" LG 5/8" - 11 x 2 1/2"LG 1/2” - 13 x 2 1/4” LG All Dimensions In Inches. 3.67" 2.75" 1.50" 1.69" FA2015F 2” TO 1 1/2” SAE FLANGE ADAPTER 1/2" -13 UNC X 1" DP 1.41" 3.06" 4.05" Phone (608) 524-4200 Fax (608) 524-4220 www.zinga.com C16 ACCESSORIES Part Flange Number Size 104 APPLICATION: The FA Series Flange Adapters can be applied to Zinga SAE (4) Bolt Mounting Flanges to meet custom low pressure applications. FLANGE ADAPTER SHOWN ON MF2215 SERIES FILTER HEAD FLANGE ADAPTER SHOWN ON DF15 SERIES FILTER HEAD O-RING FLANGE ADAPTER ACCESSORIES (4) BOLTS HOW TO ORDER: Code Flange Size 1212P 1515P 2010C 2010P 2012C 2012P 2013S 2015C 2016S 2018S 2020C 2020P 2525P 3030P 2015F 1 1/4" 1 1/2" 2” 2" 2” 2” 2” 2” 2” 2” 2” 2” 2 1/2” 3” 2” TO 1 1/2” SAE Phone (608) 524-4200 FA - XXXXX - X Port Size Code 1 1/4” NPTF 1 1/2” NPTF 1” BSP (G1”-11) 1” NPTF 1 1/4” BSP (G1 1/4”-11) 1 1/4” NPTF 1 5/16”-12UN (SAE-16) 1 1/2” BSP (G1 1/2”-11) 1 5/8”-12UN (SAE-20) 1 7/8”-12UN (SAE-24) 2” BSP (G2”-11) 2” NPTF 2 /2” NPTF 3” NPTF 4 BOLT ADAPTER FLANGE Fax (608) 524-4220 www.zinga.com Bolt & Seal Kit Description 0 Flange Only (No Bolts or O-Ring) N Flange with Buna N O-Ring & Bolts Kit V Flange With Fluorocarbon O-Ring & Bolts Kit C16 105 FT SERIES FILTER TANK ADAPTERS A Male Thread B Hose ID C Barb Length D Overall Length FT-0505-ZP FT-0507-ZP FT-0707-ZP FT-0710-ZP FT-1007-ZP FT-1010-ZP FT-1012-ZP FT-1212-ZP FT-1215-ZP FT-1515-ZP FT-1520-ZP FT-2015-ZP FT-2020-ZP FT-2025-ZP FT-2525-ZP FT-2520-ZP FT-2530-ZP FT-3030-ZP FT-3025-ZP 1/2" NPT 1/2" NPT 3/4" NPT 3/4" NPT 1” NPT 1" NPT 1" NPT 1 1/4" NPT 1 1/4" NPT 1 1/2" NPT 1 1/2" NPT 2” NPT 2" NPT 2" NPT 2 1/2" NPT 2 1/2" NPT 2 1/2" NPT 3" NPT 3" NPT 1/2" 3/4" 3/4" 1" 3/4” 1" 1-1/4" 1-1/4" 1-1/2" 1-1/2" 2" 1-1/2” 2" 2-1/2" 2-1/2" 2" 3" 3" 2-1/2" 1.35" 1.35" 1.35" 1.35" 1.35” 1.35" 1.65" 1.65" 1.65" 1.75" 2.20" 1.75” 2.20" 2.40" 2.40" 2.20" 3.00" 3.00" 2.40" 3.44" 2.94" 3.12" 2.94" 4.12” 3.38" 3.44" 3.88" 3.58" 3.88" 4.50" 5.42” 4.50" 5.00" 5.50" 6.13" 6.13" 6.00" 7.13" FT-4040-ZP 4" NPT 4" 3.80" 7.25" ZP suffix on fitting indicates Zinc Plated finish as standard. Black pipe finish is available. HC SERIES HOSE CLAMPS SEVERE SERVICE "T" BOLT TYPE Hose Clamp Clamping Range Part Number Min. Max Recommended Clamps Per Hose End HC 075 1.19" 1.37" One HC 100 1.38" 1.56" One HC 125 1.63" 1.88" One HC 138 1.81" 2.12" One HC 150 1.94" 2.19" One HC 187 2.19" 2.44" One HC 200 2.38" 2.69" One HC 238 2.81" 3.12" One HC 250 2.94" 3.25" Two HC 300 3.50" 3.81" Two HC 400 4.50" 4.81" Two Phone (608) 524-4200 Fax (608) 524-4220 www.zinga.com C16 ACCESSORIES Part Number 106 PV SERIES PUMP - VALVE ADAPTERS All steel construction and Zinc plated unless otherwise noted. PIPE THREAD TO HOSE BEAD 45˚ Flow Fitting ACCESSORIES Fitting No. 90˚ Flow Fitting Fitting No. Pipe Thread Hose ID PV-0505-45 Pipe Thread Hose ID 1/2" 1/2" PV-0505-90 1/2" 1/2" PV-0507-45 1/2" 3/4" PV-0507-90 1/2" 3/4" PV-0707-45 3/4" 3/4" PV-0707-90 3/4" 3/4" PV-0710-45 3/4" 1" PV-0710-90 3/4" 1" PV-1010-45 1" 1" PV-1010-90 1" 1" PV-1012-45 1" 1 1/4" PV-1012-90 1" 1 1/4" PV-1212-45 1 1/4" 1 1/4" PV-1212-90 1 1/4" 1 1/4" PV-1215-45 1 1/4" 1 1/2" PV-1215-90 1 1/4" 1 1/2" PV-1515-45 1 1/2" 1 1/2" PV-1515-90 1 1/2" 1 1/2" SAE STRAIGHT THREAD TO HOSE BEAD BUNA N - 70 DUROMETER O-RING INCLUDED WITH FITTING 45˚ Flow Fitting Straight Flow Fitting Fitting No. PV-0805 PV-0807 PV-0905 PV-0907 PV-0910 PV-1105 PV-1107 PV-1110 PV-1112 PV-1307 PV-1310 PV-1312 PV-1315 PV-1612 PV-1615 PV-1815 Thread Size Hose ID 3/4" - 16 3/4" - 16 7/8" - 14 7/8" - 14 7/8" - 14 1 1/16" - 12 1 1/16" - 12 1 1/16" - 12 1 1/16" - 12 1 5/16" - 12 1 5/16" - 12 1 5/16" - 12 1 5/16" - 12 1 5/8" - 12 1 5/8" - 12 1 7/8" - 12 Phone (608) 524-4200 1/2" 3/4" 1/2" 3/4" 1" 1/2" 3/4" 1" 1 1/4" 3/4" 1" 1 1/4" 1 1/2" 1 1/4" 1 1/2" 1 1/2" Fitting No. PV-0805-45 PV-0807-45 PV-0905-45 PV-0907-45 PV-0910-45 PV-1105-45 PV-1107-45 PV-1110-45 PV-1112-45 PV-1307-45 PV-1310-45 PV-1312-45 PV-1315-45 PV-1612-45 PV-1615-45 PV-1815-45 Fax (608) 524-4220 90˚ Flow Fitting Thread Size Hose ID 3/4" - 16 3/4" - 16 7/8" - 14 7/8" - 14 7/8" - 14 1 1/16" - 12 1 1/16" - 12 1 1/16" - 12 1 1/16" - 12 1 5/16" - 12 1 5/16" - 12 1 5/16" - 12 1 5/16" - 12 1 5/8" - 12 1 5/8" - 12 1 7/8" - 12 www.zinga.com 1/2" 3/4" 1/2" 3/4" 1" 1/2" 3/4" 1" 1 1/4" 3/4" 1" 1 1/4" 1 1/2" 1 1/4" 1 1/2" 1 1/2" C16 Fitting No. PV-0805-90 PV-0807-90 PV-0905-90 PV-0907-90 PV-0910-90 PV-1105-90 PV-1107-90 PV-1110-90 PV-1112-90 PV-1307-90 PV-1310-90 PV-1312-90 PV-1315-90 PV-1612-90 PV-1615-90 PV-1815-90 Thread Size Hose ID 3/4" - 16 3/4" - 16 7/8" - 14 7/8" - 14 7/8" - 14 1 1/16" - 12 1 1/16" - 12 1 1/16" - 12 1 1/16" - 12 1 5/16" - 12 1 5/16" - 12 1 5/16" - 12 1 5/16" - 12 1 5/8" - 12 1 5/8" - 12 1 7/8" - 12 1/2" 3/4" 1/2" 3/4" 1" 1/2" 3/4" 1" 1 1/4" 3/4" 1" 1 1/4" 1 1/2" 1 1/4" 1 1/2" 1 1/2" 107 BRV SERIES BACK PRESSURE INDUCING CHECK VALVES Part Number A B C D E F (max) G BRV-0712-2-XX 3/4" NPTF 1 1/4" NPTF 1.50" .32" 1.10" 2.90" .81" BRV-1015-2-XX 1" NPTF 1 1/2" NPTF 1.75" .32" 1.10" 4.04" 1.25" BRV-1220-2-XX 1 1/4" NPTF 2" NPTF 2.09" .30" 1.22" 4.36" 1.75" BRV-2030-2-XX 2” NPTF 3” NPTF 3.06” .63” 1.78” 6.35” 2.50” VALVES HOW TO ORDER: BRV - XXXX - 2 - XX Part Number 0712 1015 1220 2030 Phone (608) 524-4200 Code * Check Valve 03 3 PSI 05 5 PSI 15 15 PSI 25 25 PSI * Other pressure setting available upon special request. Consult factory Fax (608) 524-4220 www.zinga.com C16 108 LRV SERIES CHECK VALVES Heat Exchanger / Cross Port Relief Valves 100 LRV-07, 10, 11, 13 90 80 Pressure Drop (PSI) 70 60 Part Numbers LRV-07, 10, 11, 13 500 PSI Max 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 10 30 20 Flow (GPM) 40 50 Average Pressure Drop with 150 SUS Oil at 100˚ F. Part Numbers LRV-12, 15, 16, 18 500 PSI Max LRV-12, 15, 16, 18 70 60 Pressure Drop (PSI) VALVES 80 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Part Number LRV-30 300 PSI Max Flow (GPM) Phone (608) 524-4200 Fax (608) 524-4220 www.zinga.com C16 109 Heat Exchanger Cross Port Relief Valve Application. HOW TO ORDER: LRV - XX - X Code A Port Size & Type 07 10 11 13 3/4" NPTF 1" NPTF 1 1/16" - 12 (SAE-12) 1 5/16" - 12 (SAE-16) HOW TO ORDER: Code Description 02 06 20 40 60 PSI Valve Setting (Initial Cracking Pressure) Code Description 02 06 20 40 60 PSI Valve Setting (Initial Cracking Pressure) LRV - XX - X Code A Port Size & Type 12 15 16 18 1 1/4" NPTF 1 1/2" NPTF 1 5/8" - 12 (SAE-20) 1 7/8" - 12 (SAE-24) VALVES HOW TO ORDER: LRV - XX - X Code A Port Size & Type 30 3" NPTF Code Description 02 06 20 40 50 PSI Valve Setting (Initial Cracking Pressure) Phone (608) 524-4200 Fax (608) 524-4220 www.zinga.com C16 110 RV SERIES RETURN LINE TANK MOUNTED CHECK VALVES Maximum Operating Pressure: Standard Valve Setting: Part Numbers RV-12-1-01 & RV-15-1-01 VALVES Part Numbers RV-07-1-01 & RV-10-1-01 Part Number RV-30-1-01 A Inlet Port Part Number RV RV RV RV RV - 07 10 12 15 30 - 1 1 1 1 1 - 01 01 01 01 01 3/4" 1" 1 1/4" 1 1/2" 3" NPTF NPTF NPTF NPTF NPTF NOTE: Buna "N" seals standard, Fluorocarbon seals optional Phone (608) 524-4200 50 PSI 1/2 PSI Fax (608) 524-4220 www.zinga.com C16 111 FC-6 SERIES FILTER CART Portable Fluid Filter & Transfer Unit Specifications: • Application: Petroleum base fluids only. Consult factory for synthetic fluids. • Motor: 1725 RPM, 3/4 HP, TEFC, 115 Volts AC. • Flow Rate: 6.5 GPM • Dimensions: 21" Wide x 19" Deep (not including handle) x 49" High Design Features: • Double Element RF Series inlet filter with 100 mesh stainless wire cloth elements standard to protect the pump. • Double Element WF-2 Series outlet filter housing with 3 Micron AquaZorbTM filter elements standard for final filtration. • Color Indicator vacuum and pressure gauges to indicate when filter elements require servicing. • Draincocks provided at the bottom of both filter housings. • 1" ID x 10 foot long inlet and outlet hoses provided can be neatly coiled around attached hanger hooks. • 12" diameter wheels for easy movement. • 25 foot retractable reel type power cord provided. • A 40 PSI pressure relief valve is provided between the pump outlet and the outlet filter housing. The valve will divert oil back to the inlet filter if the outlet filter elements are clogged. • All major components are clamped or bolted in place to facilitate servicing or component replacement. HOW TO ORDER: Inlet Filter Degree of Filtration 100 Mesh Stainless Steel Wire Cloth (141 Micron) - Standard 100 Mesh Stainless Steel 100M Wire Cloth With Magnets (141 Micron) RE & ZRE Element Data: See Page: 83 100 Code 03 03AZ 10 10AZ 25 200 Z03 Z10 Outlet Filter Degree of Filtration 3 Micron Nominal 3 Micron Aqua-Zorb - Standard 10 Micron Nominal 10 Micron Aqua-ZorbTM 25 Micron Nominal 200 Mesh Stainless Steel Wire Cloth (75 Micron) 3 Micron Absolute 10 Micron Absolute WE & ZWE Element Data: See Page 86 Phone (608) 524-4200 Fax (608) 524-4220 www.zinga.com C16 MISC. Code FC - 6 - X - X 112 RCA SERIES RESERVOIR COVER Integral Filler Breathers: Suction/Return Port Coupling Zinga SFB, FB or FTB Series 3/8” to 1 1/4” NPTF SAE-6 to SAE-20 Buna - N Flat Gasket Up to +250° F. Petroleum based fluids only. Consult factory for synthetic fluid. Temperature: Application: Port Coupling (Suction / Return / Case Drain) Die Cast Aluminum Cover Construction Buna-N Gasket RCA-B Series Cover Integral Filler Breather with Optional Pressure / Vacuum Relief Valve (10 Micron Foam Element Std.) RCA-A Series Cover Steel Filler Breather (10 Micron Foam Element Std.) RCA-C Series Cover Integral Spin-On Style Filler Breather with Optional Pressure / Vacuum Relief Valve (Order Spin-On Filter Seperately) MAXIMUM TANK THRU HOLE 8.46 " SIZED FOR 3/8" BOLT HARDWARE 5.39" 4.33" .7 " MISC. 6.5" 2.70 " 3.25" .55 " .5 " 4.33 " 4.9" 8.66 " 3.1" 9.21 " 10.8" Please consult factory for product ordering information Phone (608) 524-4200 Fax (608) 524-4220 www.zinga.com C16 113 RCB SERIES RESERVOIR COVER Flows Up To: Integral Filter Port Sizes: Integral Filler Breathers: Suction/Return Port Filter Operating Pressure: Temperature: Application: 96 GPM (Return) 32 GPM (Suction) 7/8” - 14 UN (SAE-10) to 1 7/8" - 12 UN (SAE - 24) Zinga SFB, FB or FTB Series 3/8” to 1 1/4” NPTF 100 PSI Max. Up to +250° F. Petroleum based fluids only. Consult factory for synthetic fluid. RCB-C Series Cover Integral Spin-On Style Filler Breather with Optional Pressure / Vacuum Relief Valve (Order Spin-On Filter Seperately) RCB-B Series Cover Integral Filler Breather with Optional Pressure / Vacuum Relief Valve (10 Micron Foam Element Std.) RCB-A Series Cover Steel Filler Breather (10 Micron Foam Element Std.) Top Port R-Type Filter Die Cast Aluminum Cover Construction Buna-N Gasket Port Coupling (Suction / Return / Case Drain) F-Type Filter Integral Tank Top Suction / Return Filter (Uses Zinga EE or RE Elements) Phone (608) 524-4200 Bottom Port (Add Drop Pipe w/ Zinga Strainer or Diffuser) Fax (608) 524-4220 www.zinga.com C16 MISC. 1/8" NPTF Gauge Port (For use with Zinga Pressure/Vacuum Gauge or Switch) 114 MAXIMUM TANK THRU HOLE 12.25" 3/8" BOLT HOLE CLEARANCE 10" 4" 5" 7.63" 8.35" 6.55" 1.80" 1.68" 6.5" 3.33" 5" 6.67" 15" 10.00" 11.68" SPIN-ON FILTER* AE, AE-L, SE OR LE SERIES FILTER ELEMENT FILLER BREATHER BODY WITH PRESSURE / VACUUM VALVE ASSEMBLY ELEMENT HOUSING (REMOVABLE FOR EASY ACCESS INTO RESERVOIR) (FTB SHOWN) OIL FILL PORT MISC. SUCTION OR RETURN LINE SUCTION STRAINER OR TANK DIFFUSER (ORDER SEPARATELY) * SPIN-ON FILTERS WITH ANTI-DRAIN BACK VALVES SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR BREATHER APPLICATIONS. ZINGA STANDARD SPIN-ON FILTERS DO NOT HAVE ANTI-DRAIN BACK VALVES Please consult factory for product ordering information Phone (608) 524-4200 Fax (608) 524-4220 www.zinga.com C16 115 REFERENCE INFORMATION Relative Size of Particles Substance Size in microns (µ) Size in inches (in.) Grain of Table Salt Human Hair Lower Limit of Visibility White Blood Cells Talcum Powder Red Blood Cells Bacteria (avg.) 100 70 40 25 10 8 2 0.00400 0.00270 0.00158 0.00100 0.00040 0.00030 0.00008 1 micron = 1 1,000,000 meters = 0.000004 inches Measurement of Filter Efficiency The measure of filter efficiency is determined by comparing the number of upstream particles (NU) of a determined size (x) vs. the downstream number (ND). This ratio is defined as the Beta Ratio (ßx). NU ND ßx = NU ND where x = size of particles in microns (µ) 1 Efficiencyx = 100 (1 ) ßx Example: 37, 500 Particles 10µ Upstream = 75.00 500 Particles 10µ Downstream Beta Ratio: Efficiency10 = 100 ( 1 - 1 ) = 98.7% 75.00 Phone (608) 524-4200 Fax (608) 524-4220 Efficiency 1.0 9.0 33.3 50.0 90.0 95.5 98.7 99.5 99.9 % % % % % % % % % www.zinga.com APPENDIX ß10 = 75.00 Stated as “Beta 10 equal to 75” ß 1.01 1.10 1.50 2.00 10.00 75.00 100.00 200.00 1000.00 C16 116 Proportional Control Valves 18 / 16 / 13 Vane & Piston Pumps/Motors Directional & Pressure Control Valves 19 / 17 / 14 Gear Pumps/Motors 20 / 18 / 15 Flow Control Valves Cylinders New Unused Fluid 18 / 16 / 13 ISO 4406 Code Range Numbers Particles Larger than 14 micron (>14µc) Particles Larger than 6 micron (>6µc) Particles Larger than 4 micron (>4µc) ISO 4406 RANGE NUMBERS APPENDIX Range Number Phone (608) 524-4200 Number of Particles Per ml More Than Up to and including 24 80,000.00 160,000.00 23 40,000.00 80,000.00 22 20,000.00 40,000.00 21 10,000.00 20,000.00 20 5,000.00 10,000.00 19 2,500.00 5,000.00 18 1,300.00 2,500.00 17 640.00 1,300.00 16 320.00 640.00 15 160.00 320.00 14 80.00 160.00 13 40.00 80.00 12 20.00 40.00 11 10.00 20.00 10 5.00 10.00 9 2.50 5.00 8 1.30 2.50 7 0.64 1.30 6 0.32 0.64 Fax (608) 524-4220 www.zinga.com C16 Recommended Media 17 / 15 / 12 3µ “Z-Glass” Servo Valves 25µ “Z-Glass” 16 / 14 / 11 10µ “Z-Glass” Typical ISO Cleanliness Level Range Numbers for System Components 117 Zinga Filter Media Types “Z-Glass” Media Multi-Layered, non-woven glass media that provides the highest levels of depth filtration efficiency and capacity. Higher capacity means longer service life. Coupled with a steel support mesh, “Z-Glass” can withstand higher differential pressures. Cellulose Media Traditional paper based media that provides a nominal level of depth filtration and capacity. Used with petroleum based fluids only. Some grades of cellulose include a layered glass fiber substrate to provide more efficiency. AquaZorbTM Media Water absorbing cellulose based media designed specifically to absorb and retain free water from petroleum based fluids. Commonly used in offline systems, AquaZorbTM will operate until it is fully saturated and ultimately curtail flow through the media. A system bypass valve and service gauge is recommended when using AquaZorbTM. Stainless Steel Mesh Woven in a variety of precision patterns, stainless steel mesh provides a basic surface type filtration with very low differential pressure. Applications include pump protection and “Last Chance” valve protection. Stainless steel mesh can be serviced by ultrasonic cleaning. Mesh Degree of Filtration 560µ 280µ 141µ 75µ 10µ Phone (608) 524-4200 APPENDIX 30 60 100 200 200 x 1400 Fax (608) 524-4220 www.zinga.com C16 118 Fluid Viscosity & Flow Capacity In an effort to determine the flow capacity of filter it is important to consider the viscosity of the fluid being conditioned. Pressure drop ( ∆P) produced by flow through a filter is directly proportional to the viscosity of the fluid. At a set flow rate, a fluid with a lower viscosity will produce less pressure drop (and greater flow capacity) than that of a fluid with higher viscosity. Fluid Viscosity & Temperature A fluid's viscosity is governed by its temperature. As a fluid's temperature increases, its viscosity decreases. Fluid manufacturer’s viscosity charts should be used to determined the viscosity of the fluid at its normal operating temperature. Estimating Pressure Drop (∆P) All pressure drop data found in this catalog is based on 150 SUS oil. If the fluid to be filtered in your application has a viscosity of 150 SUS and a specific gravity of 0.9 at the system’s normal operating temperature, the pressure drop values can be taken directly off the graphs. For fluids that do not match, a quick estimate can be determined by the following: ∆PEstimated = ∆PGraph x System Viscosity (SUS) 150 x System Specific Gravity (SG) .9 Filter Application Guidelines Filter Type Max. ∆P at Normal Operating Temperature Max. Line Velocity (ft / sec ) Suction Strainers Suction Line Filters 1” Hg (1/2 psi) ≤50% of max. allowed by pump manufacturer ≤50% of filter by-pass valve ≤50% of filter by-pass valve 5 5 Return Line Filters* Pressure Filters 15 25 APPENDIX * Return Line Filters should always include a by-pass valve. Flow intensification should also be considered. Phone (608) 524-4200 Fax (608) 524-4220 www.zinga.com C16 119 Guide Lines / Formulas / Conversions Diffusers & Suction Strainers Using Tank Diffusers helps prevent air entrainment in hydraulic systems. With the proper placement of a baffle between a diffuser and a suction strainer pump cavitation can be curtailed. It is recommended to install diffusers and strainers in the bottom 1/3 of the reservoir. Filler Breathers Ingression of contaminants through the air can be reduced by using a breather with a filtration rating equal to or better than the hydraulic system rating. On systems with a fairly constant fluid level in the reservoir, a pressurized filler breather can increase the pump inlet pressure. Generally the more pressure a pump has at its inlet, the quieter it will run. Useful Formulas & Conversions Pipe Velocity (fps) = .3208 x Flow Rate (GPM) Internal Area (in2) in3 Pump Outlet Flow (gpm) = RPM x Pump Displacement rev 231 1 psi = 2.04 in. Hg 1 ft H2O = .433 psi 1 cm3 = 0.06102 in3 1 L = 61.0234 in3 1 gal (US) = 231 in3 Phone (608) 524-4200 Fax (608) 524-4220 www.zinga.com APPENDIX 1 bar = 14.5 psi C16 VELOCITY CHART FOR PIPE - TUBE - HOSE 3/8" Pipe Size .840 .675 OD .824 .622 .493 ID .864 .533 .304 .191 Int Area 23.4 13.5 8.4 4.8 3.0 63.7 46.8 27.0 16.7 9.5 6.0 95.6 70.3 40.6 25.1 12.0 9.0 127.0 93.7 54.1 33.4 19.0 12.0 1.500 1.278 .957 .742 .546 .423 ID 1.767 1.283 .719 .433 .234 .141 Int Area 27.7 20.0 11.3 6.8 3.7 2.2 55.3 40.1 22.5 13.6 7.3 4.4 83.0 60.2 33.8 20.3 11.0 6.6 110.0 80.3 45.0 27.1 14.7 8.8 EXTRA STRONG PIPE - XS - SCHEDULE 80 1/2" 1.050 1.049 1.495 31.9 STANDARD PIPE - SCHEDULE 40 3/4" 1.315 1.380 2.036 GPM GPM GPM GPM 5 Ft/Sec. 10 Ft/Sec. 15 Ft/Sec. 20 Ft/Sec. 1" 1.660 1.610 GPM GPM GPM GPM 5 Ft/Sec. 10 Ft/Sec. 15 Ft/Sec. 20 Ft/Sec. 1-1/4" 1.900 265.0 1-1/2" 199.0 414.0 185.0 133.0 310.0 557.0 139.0 66.4 207.0 418.0 720.0 92.5 4.238 103.0 278.0 540.0 46.2 2.323 6.605 139.0 360.0 2.953 300.0 2.900 8.888 180.0 1.939 225.0 463.0 3.364 11.500 210.0 150.0 347.0 619.0 3.826 157.0 75.0 232.0 465.0 797.0 105.0 4.788 116.0 310.0 598.0 52.5 2.469 7.393 155.0 399.0 3.356 2.875 3.068 9.886 199.0 2.067 2-1/2" 3.500 3.548 12.730 2.375 3" 4.000 4.026 2" 3-1/2" 4.500 2.74 4.11 5.48 10.40 6.85 1.73 3.08 4.81 6.90 9.40 12.30 19.20 27.70 49.20 77.00 110.50 150.50 197.00 3.46 6.15 9.61 13.80 18.80 24.60 38.40 55.40 98.40 154.00 221.00 301.00 394.00 5.19 9.23 14.42 20.70 28.20 36.90 57.60 83.10 147.60 231.00 331.50 451.50 591.00 6.92 12.30 19.24 27.60 37.60 49.20 76.80 110.80 196.80 308.00 442.00 602.00 788.00 GPM GPM GPM GPM 5 Ft/Sec. 10 Ft/Sec. 15 Ft/Sec. 20 Ft/Sec. SAE HOSE 4" Int Area 1.37 8.32 ASA TUBING Wall Thk. .088 6.24 Int Area Tube Size .083 4.16 GPM GPM GPM GPM GPM Hose 5 Ft/Sec. 10 Ft/Sec. 15 Ft/Sec. 20 Ft/Sec. 25 Ft/Sec. Size 1/2" 2.08 28.75 .133 23.00 37.50 .109 17.25 30.00 48.00 5/8" 11.50 22.50 38.40 62.75 17.40 5.75 15.00 28.80 50.20 97.75 13.92 .369 7.50 19.20 37.66 78.20 10.44 .095 .480 9.60 25.10 58.65 138.50 6.96 7/8" .109 .615 12.55 39.10 110.80 3.48 1" .120 .801 19.55 83.10 .222 1-1/8" .120 1.247 55.40 .109 1-1/4" .120 27.70 C16 www.zinga.com Fax (608) 524-4220 Phone (608) 524-4200 3/4" 1-1/2" 1.767 .110 .196 .307 .442 .601 .785 1.227 1.767 3.142 4.909 7.069 9.621 12.566 .250 3/8" 1/2" 5/8" 3/4" 7/8" 1" 1-1/4" 1-1/2" 2" 2-1/2" 3" 3-1/2" 4" 2" APPENDIX 120
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