Classifieds - Plumas News
Classifieds - Plumas News
Feather River Bulletin • Lassen County Times • Indian Valley Record • Chester Progressive • Portola Reporter • Westwood Pine Press To place a classified ad call: Feather River Bulletin (530) 283-0800 Lassen County Times (530) 257-5321 Chester Progressive (530) 258-3115 Portola Reporter (530) 832-4646 Indian Valley Record (530) 283-0800 Westwood PinePress (530) 257-5321 Classifications 10 19 20 30 39 40 50 70 11 Real Estate, identified by area # Real Estate, general Mobile Homes For Rent, identified by area # Vacation Rentals Commercial/Industrial Commercial Lease Real Estate Wanted Quincy Real Estate DEEDED WATER RIGHTS: 2 homes on 4.8 acres, pasture, green houses, pond on property, gravity flow water, sewer permits for 2 more homes. $375,000. East Quincy. (530)283-2921. 12 Greenville Real Estate FEATHER RIVER Properties specializing in all facets of real estate including rentals. Several currently available. Call (530)284-6171. 15 Susanville Real Estate VERY CLEAN 3 BEDROOM 2 Bath Home at Lake Forest. Brand new Flooring and Freshly Painted. New Metal Roof. $87,500.Owner Financing available. Call John at Susanville Real Estate (530)260-7468. WE BUY HOUSES fast cash 530-746-8732 19 Real Estate THIS 5 ACRE LOT AT Herlong has a well that pumps 30 gal./minute, phone, power and access by paved road. $22,500, $10,000 down, $350/month. (775)453-3724. DID YOU KNOW INFORMAtion is power and content is king? Do you need timely access to public notices and remain relevant in today’s highly competitive market? Gain an edge with California Newspaper Publishers Association new innovative website and check out the Smart Search Feature. For more information call Cecelia @ (916)288-6011 or (Cal-SCAN) 19 Real Estate 250.36 ACRES BETWEEN Vinton and Loyalton, zoned AG Preserve. Frontage on Highway 49, in Plumas County. Priced at $305,000. Owner will carry to qualified buyer with 20% down. Call Sierra Mountain Properties @ (530)713-7804 and ask for Johna Berg, CABRE LIC# 01244618, Broker/Owner, Sierra Mountain Properties, Clio, California. 10 ACRES IN HERLONG, CA. next to A26 road. $12,000 obo. Call (775)335-3447. 31 Quincy For Rent 1, 2 and 3 BEDROOM rentals coming available in Quincy, Meadow Valley, and Greenville. Look at my web page: (530)283-9657. Lic #00935351. EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise "any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination." However, gender preference is allowed. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspapers are available on an equal opportunity basis. 1 BEDROOM APT: in E. Quincy with yard, cat ok.. $425/month + deposit. Call for appointment. (530)816-0050. LARGE RV SPACE. Full hookups, off 89, private property. Easy access. 9 miles to Lake Almanor. Large trucks welcome. Possible trade. (530)284-0800. Tuesday, April 12, 2016 Plumas / Lassen County Classifieds * Giveaway And Found Ads Are Published For Two Weeks At No Charge — 20 Word Maximum 300 350 400 420 430 500 505 510 512 515 Rentals Wanted Help Wanted Jobs Wanted Schools of Instruction Personals Meetings Notice of Non-responsibility Lost and Found * To Give Away* Notices Quincy For Rent 31 34 Portola For Rent 518 520 521 522 523 524 525 530 540 545 Investments Business Opportunities Services To Trade Child Care Miscellaneous Wanted Pets Livestock Feed/Hay Fuels & Firewood 34 Portola For Rent Auctions Miscellaneous For Sale Furniture Appliances Electronics Computers Antiques/Collectibles Yard Sales, identified by area # Pickups & 4x4s RVs/Travel Trailers Portola For Rent 34 35 TWO BEDROOM HOUSE: In East Quincy. Water, garbage and sewer paid. Laundry room with washer/dryer hookups, large yard, and storage shed. No pets, no smoking. $800/month with a $1,200 deposit. Call (530)284-6673 or (530)228-4108. Page 2 Area #’s 1 - Quincy area 2 - Greenville area 3 - Chester/Lake Almanor 4 - Portola area NOTICE: Classified want ads are due before 9 am every Monday morning... 80 100 120 130 200 210 230 240 250 260 Wednesday, April 13, 2016 550 555 560 565 570 580 650 5 - Susanville area 6 - Westwood 7 - Graeagle 8 - Doyle/Herlong Autos/Vans Boats/Watercraft Heavy Equipment Trucks ATVs/Motorcycles Snowmobiles Money to Loan Susanville For Rent 35 Susanville For Rent 35 Susanville For Rent Fully Furnished Short or Long Term Stays Greenville For Rent 32 NEWLY REMODELED rooms / apts available. Sierra Lodge, nightly and weekly rates. From $550/month / utilities included. (530)284-6154 or 927-9649. 2 BEDROOM, 1 BATH. Updated appliances, new carpet/windows, wood heat. 333 Hillside Drive, Greenville. Contact Nathan (530)263-0727 leave a message. 33 606 North St. • Susanville Now Accepting Applications SIERRA PINES APARTMENTS 1 or 2 bdrm., 1 ba. units, all move in ready. All recently renovated with coffered ceilings, claw foot tubs and more. Large maintained yard, plenty of parking. All utilities included (gas, electric, water/sewer & garage). 795 E. Sierra Street, Portola, CA 96122 775/one bedroom 875/two bedroom $ Chester/Lk.Almanor For Rent 2BDRM 1BATH LAKEVIEW home in Hamilton Branch; 1 year lease, $825/mo. plus security. No pets; available after May 1. (530)520-6817. 2-BEDROOM 1-BATH House. Washer/dryer, propane heat. Water/sewer included. $800 month w/deposit. Pets considered w/extra deposit. Call (530)687-2420. 34 Portola For Rent SMALL OFFICE UNIT HAS carpeting, bathroom, large closet, electric baseboard heater, street frontage, large windows in front. 739 E. Sierra, #1. Rent is $300. +$300. deposit + $50. for water, sewer and garbage. Has refrig. Any questions, call (530)832-5724 and leave a message and I’ll get back to you. Applications on front of bldg. Fill out and put in slot in door. SMALL 2 BEDROOM CABIN, it has propane heat, front porch with large storage room, new carpets, paint. We provide refrig. and stove. Rent $500. + $75. water, sewer, garbage and deposit $500.. 739 E. Sierra #6. If you have any questions, call (530)832-5724 and leave a msg. Applications on front of 739 #1 (Big unit). Fill out and put in slot #01. $ 1, 2 & 3 bedroom apts. and also apts with special design features for individuals with a disability. Inquire as to the availability of subsidy. or pay your own utilities and pay $150 less in rent per month Jon O’Sullivan, Realtor Assoc. 410-1255 Call (530) 832-5073 – Tue. - Fri. 8:00 am - 4:00 pm or TDD #1-800-735-2929 Rocky Joy, Agent/Owner This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer. EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY EQUAL OPPORTUNITY ACCESS SECTION 8 WELCOME ; MOHAWK VALLEY Associates list of rentals go to (530)836-2020. (530)832-1919. 35 Susanville For Rent SUSANVILLE RENTALS AVAILABLE EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY Susanville For Rent 35 NICE SMALL 2BDRM, 1BATH, house in quiet neighborhood. Includes: Refrigerator, washer/dryer, stove, monitor heat, nice yard, remodeled bathroom. References/Credit report required. No pets, $700/month, $700 security deposit. (530)310-2931. 1 BEDROOM HOUSE WITH office/den, freshly painted, monitor heater, range, dishwasher, washer and dryer hookups, fenced yard, shed, pet considered with additional deposit, $700 per month. Mt. Lassen Properties 530-257-8087 or view at EUREKA STORAGE.READY to rent. Units in various sizes. Call us, our rates are the lowest! (530) 832-5525 PRIVATE 1 BEDROOM above a garage with views of mountains and the Biz Johnson Trail, range, refrigerator, natural gas heat, water & trash included, $600.00 per month. Mt. Lassen Properties 530-257-8087 or view at AQ MINI STORAGE - Cheap Storage rates. 5x10-$20, 10x10-$30, 10x15-$45. (530)257-3013 (530)310-0169. 474-195 Big Sky Blvd, Susanville. NEED A PLACE for the mother-in-law?? Place an ad in the Rentals Wanted section of the Classified Marketplace. Call 530-283-0800. UPTOWN SUSANVILLE large studio apartment. Includes water, garbage, electricity, high speed internet, and TV. $575.00 (530)310-2975 MOBILE HOME and RV spaces for rent. Starting at $283.00 per month (electric not included). Trails West Trailer Park. Under new management. (530)832-5074. HOUSE FOR RENT/CHILCOOT 3 bed., 2 bath, 1,500 sq. ft.. Propane and wood burning stove. $900./month + deposit. avail. May 1st. (530)251-3199. 15 LASSEN COUNTY REAL ESTATE Visit our website (530) 251-7988 The best rentals in town for the best renters in town FURNISHED STUDIO APTS per $400 - $575 month Includes all utilities, cable, WiFi and on site laundry. 3 BEDROOM, 2 BATH HOME great location. Central heat and air, large single car garage. Neat and clean. $1,250/Mo. Call (530)257-6043 (530)257-3464. ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS for comfortable two bedroom apartments. Washer/dryer included. $650 plus security. No pets, non-smoking. Call 530-257-4475. 3BDRM, 2BA HOUSE, 2 CAR garage, large yard, wood and electric heat. Across from Meadow View School. Available May 1st. One year lease, $1,000/mo. $1,000 deposit. Call Dan (530)257-6869. 1 bedroom/ 2 bedrooms $450 $850/mo 3 bedrooms/ 4 bedrooms $850 $1650/mo Visit our website for the most up to date rental information 257-2010 701 Main St., Susanville 3 BEDROOM, 2 BATH home near Diamond View School, approximately 1,406 sq ft, attached 2 car garage, central natural gas heat and air conditioning, range, dishwasher, fenced back yard, $1,100 per month. Mt. Lassen Properties HAVE SOMETHING TO TELL 530-257-8087 or view at EVERYONE? Write a letter to the editor, and send it to UPTOWN SUSANVILLE large Feather Publishing Co., Inc. one bedroom apartment. InPO Box B, Quincy, CA 95971 cludes water, garbage, electricity, high speed internet, and TV. On site laundry. $650. (530)310-2975. Most affordable non-subsidized housing in town! Call St. Francis Apts. 257-4820 NEED FIRESTARTER? Buy bundles of newsprint for $1.00 each from Feather Publishing. 287 Lawrence St., Quincy. 15 LASSEN COUNTY REAL ESTATE VERY NICE 3 BEDROOM, 2 bath, in triplex. Water & garbage paid. Appliances, Gas heat. W/D hookups, carport, no pets. 530-257-3290. $750/month, $750 deposit. REALTOR ® Larry Smith MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE Broker-Owner 310-1592 EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY Donna Smith Melissa Pickett Broker Associate 310-1593 Realtor 310-2101 Great views of Diamond Mountain $169,500 (530) 257-2441 • 120 N. Fairfield St., Susanville BRE #00551162 Tanya Mineau Realtor 310-6551 Julie Kirack Sharon Fetterman Realtor 251-7380 Realtor 250-5878 Attractive 3 bedroom, 2 bath home, with great views of Diamond Mountain. Remodeled with a new roof, interior paint, carpet and linoleum. Double car garage, wood stove, propane forced air. Call today! John Shaw (530) 260-7468 MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE REALTOR The incredible view is yours in this 3 bedroom, 2 bath 1560 sq. ft. home. Located on 26 acres of wide open space with views of Thompson Peak and valley from every window. Great horse property with plenty of room for corrals. Outbuildings, dog kennel and home features propane forced air heating, woodstove and vaulted ceiling......................................$147,000 ® 701 Main St., Susanville 2BDRM, 1BATH HOUSE. Nice quiet uptown area. 235 Maple St. Clean, recently painted, washer/dryer, refrigerator, oven. $750 per month, first and last, plus $500 deposit. Available soon. Call (530)251-3294. NEAR STANDISH 2 bedroom, 1 bath house on .75 acre. Range, refrigerator, dishwasher, laundry room, propane heat and wood stove, screened porch and 1 car garage, $850 per month. Mt. Lassen Properties 530-257-8087 or check our website at: 2BEDROOM, 1BATH, DECK washer/dryer hook-.up, natural gas, heater, range, garage. $700/mo. $1000/deposit. Call 257-4016. 36 Make this your family homestead, with 40 acres and a beautifully updated craftsman style home. Home features granite counters, dining room with built-in china cabinet, large mud/laundry room and Franco Belge oil heater. Two large barns, numerous outbuildings and corrals, plus an AG well and 40 water shares. More than enough room for your family and ranch needs............ $299,000 Westwood For Rent SMALL 1BDRM APARTMENT, $300/Mo., electric heat, non-smoker, no pets. For more information call (530)256-3800. Water and trash pick up paid. STUDIO APARTMENT in downtown Westwood. Completely remodeled kitchenette, bathroom, $425/mo. Security deposit and references required. No pets (925)932-4467. Mini Ranch in Lassen County, this is a turn-key property featuring 3 bedrooms, 2 bath, a large living room, vaulted ceiling, plenty of lighting, country kitchen, dining area off kitchen to one side and office/laundry on the other. Attached two-car garage, large front deck with breathtaking view. The fields are planted in a rye hay, alfalfa hay and orchard grass. Large barn with 6 stalls, property fully fenced and well maintained..........................................................$359,500 Nice home newly remodeled with new hardwood floors and knotty pine family room. There is a dining area off of the kitchen and a high bar area to eat at as well in the kitchen. This home has two heat sources propane forced air as well as a fireplace insert in the living room. The backyard has been landscaped and has a storage shed and a covered area for wood or storage. This three bedroom 2 bathroom home is a must see..................................................$189,000 Great starter home or investment property in a quiet area. The home has 3 bedrooms and 1 bath with a detached 1 car garage. There are 2 heat sources. You won’t feel cramped with over 1,000 square feet to live in........................................Price Reduced $89,500 Three bedroom, two bath, 1327 sq. ft. home in Standish area, fenced and ready for your 4-H projects. Home as been updated throughout, kitchen, baths, all flooring, interior paint and appliances, new oil monitor, roof is only 3 years old and the garage roof is new. There is a fireplace insert in the living room for cozy winter evenings. Property has sheds and a shop with a woodstove. All this on almost 20 acres.............................................................................$169,900 Branch Manager (530) 260-0639 FREE PRINTING ESTIMATES. The Print Shop at Feather Publishing, 283-0800. YARD SALE ! WE MADE THE MISTAKE OF NOT placing a yard sale ad in the newspaper. Everyone was busy spending their money at the other yard sales first, then they came to ours, IF they saw our signs. The next week we placed an ad in the classifieds and we had twice the business. Call 530-283-0800 or 530-257-5321. Feather River Bulletin • Lassen County Times • Indian Valley Record • Chester Progressive • Portola Reporter • Westwood Pine Press Susanville For Rent 35 Susanville For Rent 35 100 Eskaton Lassen Manor I, II, III and IV Low - Very Low - Extremely Low INCOME UNITS Accepting applications for 1 bedroom & studio apartments. • Three laundry rooms • Beauty parlor • Emergency call buttons and much, much more. 205 N. Mesa, Susanville - 8am to 4pm ; Call (530) 257-0888 TDD 800-735-2922 EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY • SECTION 8 - HUD SUBSIDIZED Westwood For Rent 36 Westwood For Rent 36 100 3 TEMP POSITIONS: AG. Equipment Opr., 05/10/16 to 12/31/16. We offer $11.75 p/hr at time work is performed. Housing, tools & equipment provided at no cost to worker. 48 hrs p/wk. 3/4 guarantee, transportation & subsistence expenses to worksite paid after 50% completion of contract. Duties: operate farm equipment to plant, cultivate & harvest crops, attach implements, lubricate, repair farm machinery; transport grain to storage bins/elevators. Min. 3 months experience, Must be able to lift 60lbs. & must be able to obtain a driver’s license within 30-90 days of hire. No minimum education required. Nelson Farms, Homestead, MT. Interested? Apply at nearest MT Workforce Services Division or call 406-444-7895, job order #10171711. 62 years OR over 18 years mobility impaired • TV room • Multi purpose room • Game room • Activities Help Wanted Help Wanted 100 Help Wanted 100 Help Wanted 100 Tuesday, April 12, 2016 Wednesday, April 13, 2016 Help Wanted Help Wanted 100 Page 3 Help Wanted 100 Employment Opportunities Become a Colleague in Educational Excellence Business Instructor-Full Time Tenure Chemistry Instructor-Full Time Tenure Art Instructor-Full Time Tenure Graphic Arts Instructor-Full Time Tenure Academic Counselor-Full Time Child Development Instructor Human Resources Generalist Instructional Designer Women’s Head Softball Coach • Vacancy Announcements • Job Descriptions • Applications On-line at: under “Employment” Wanted: Substitute Cafeteria Workers, Custodians, Special Ed Aides & Special Needs Attendant, Bus Drivers & Nurses. Call for information. Do you have a Bachelor’s Degree? Call for information on how to become a Substitute teacher. $100-$110/day For information call Kim Retallack at 530-283-6500 x5256 or 800-974-1925 x5256 or email: Accepting applications for Part-Time Instructors in the following subject areas (please see Part-Time Faculty Pool online): REPORTER WANTED • Astronomy • Physical Geography • Welding • Agriculture • Biology • Philosophy • Automotive • Speech Please submit an online application at TH 1ST MON FREE Now Accepting Applications & apartments with special design features for individuals with disabilities. Inquire as to the availability of subsidy. Call (530) 256-3029 Mon. - Fri. • 10am - 3pm This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer. For Rent Special Rental in Herlong Half Off on Second Month’s Rent (Through June 30, 2016) Duplexes for Rent 2 bed $625/mo * Only $312.50 second month 3 bed $700/mo * Only $350 second month Deposits Required Call 530-387-5088 SIRCO Property Management 40 Commercial Industrial 100 CLEAR CREEK RELOAD LLC: Looking for experienced chip truck driver & heavy truck mechanic. Wages depend on experience. Please call (530)258-3447. Chester. BOOKKEEPER/ACCOUNTANT needed for busy office. Must have former accounting experience or degree. 30 plus hours per week. Salary DOE. Mail resume to Lassen County Times, Box R, 100 Grand Avenue, Susanville, Ca. 96130. TUTOR/DRIVER (3) Part- Time $11.00/hr. Susanville Indian Rancheria - 745 Joaquin St, Susanville Ca 96130. 530-257-5161. Closes 4/18/16. YOU ARE READING THIS AD... so will they, place a help wanted ad today to hire the help you need tomorrow. Call (530)283-0800. DEPUTY COUNTY COUNSEL Salary: $28.54-$34.46 per hour, plus benefits. Application deadline: April 15, 2016. Minimum requirements: Education: Graduation from an accredited school of law. Experience: Some trial experience with public sector and family law experience preferred. License: Active membership in the California State Bar Association. Shall meet the minimum standards of competency for Attorneys representing parties in juvenile dependency matters as provided in Rule 1438 of the California Rules of Court and Lassen Superior Court Rule Three within six months of appointment. Possession of a valid California Driver's license. For a bulletin and application, visit Lassen County Personnel at Lassen County's web site at Or visit our application center at: 221 S Roop Street, Susanville CA 96130.EOE. 50 Commercial Lease SPACE IN CHESTER: GREAT location! By Stover Creek. Call (530) 258-9110. EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY REALTOR Eagle Lake Village Assisted Living & Memory Care We are seeking individuals who would be interested in providing one-on-one care for resident(s). $10.00/hour. Apply in person at 2001 Paul Bunyan Rd., Susanville, CA. JOURNEYMAN LEVEL CARpenter or Experienced Apprentice Wanted: Wage DOE. Must have vehicle. Call Howard Construction (530)258-3541office or (530)258-1601cell. Leave message. DENTIST PART TIME Salary negotiable. Susanville Indian Rancheria – Health Center, 745 Joaquin St, Susanville Ca 96130. 530-257-4921. Closes 4/14/16. FAST PACED OFFICE looking for high energy individual. Full time position, minimum 35 hours per week. Must have valid California Driver License and have own transportation. Must be at least 18 years of age, previous office experience preferred. Submit resume and references to: Lassen County Time, Box S, 100 Grand Ave, Susanville, Ca. 96130. CA BRE #01261435 Cindy (530) 260-1759 FHA/VA • USDA Conventional Construction Manufactured Homes Purchase • Refinance Branch Manager Loan Officer (530)310-3322 (cell) Serving Susanville and Janesville Now’s the perfect time to list your home ~ call me! Charming Two Story on a large corner lot with 2 bedrooms, 2 baths and a bonus area upstairs. The shop/garage includes a pellet stove and 220 outlets. Full fencing with fruit trees, covered patio and deck. New down stairs bathroom flooring. Asking price $168,000 Peter M. Talia, Broker CalBRE License #01727442 Susan River Realty Portola & Property Management 530-832-4455 170 Russell Ave., Ste. A, Susanville, CA 96130 Kathie Garnier MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE Cindy DeMasi Realtor 530-257-8344 ESTABLISHED. STRATEGIC. STRONG. ® “Where YOU are the MVP.” SPANISH CREEK MOTEL is hiring for a on-site live in Manager. Please call (530)283-1200 for an appointment and have resume and references available. 132 E. Sierra Avenue, Portola, CA 96122 email: email: Look no further... Magnificent Views Remodeled Cozy! ...if you have been wanting acreage to build your dream home. Enjoy the beautiful views just minutes from town, there is already a well, septic & electric at the property. All ready for you to build! Beautiful views looking over the Gold Run area, on 20+ acres. from this beautiful 19.94 acre paracel that backs to State Fish & Game land. Parcel offers privacy and seclusion with an end of the road location. Well maintained gravel road, underground electrical, nice views of Thompson Peak and easy year round access and just minutes from town. Above standard in quality upgrades: carpeting, flooring, windows, bathroom, interior doors and more! Enclosed storage on carport, extra room in back for dryer and storage. Minutes from Sierra Army Depot and Herlong Federal Prison. There are multiple lakes in the area and beautiful mountain views! Licensed by the Dept. of Business Oversight under the CRMLA (530) 257-6991 - (530) 257-8818 fax 2301 Main Street, Susanville NMLS Lic #225955/1850 EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY Offered at $112,000 Offered at $29,675 Offered at $74,500 Nice location! Close to School Great Area Three bedroom, 2 bath home located in town, just a few minutes away from stores, schools and parks. The floor plan is open and spacious with new flooring and inside paint. Ready to move in! Nice 3 bedroom, 2 bath home. Many improvements including kitchen cabinets, counter tops, appliances, bathroom vanities, interior and exterior paint, flooring and more. New metal roof, some new fencing, sprinkler system in front and new landscaping in back. Lovely three bedroom, two bath home that has been freshly painted both inside and out. Great open floor plan with attached two car garage and front yard landscaping. The backyard has no landscaping, so bring your ideas and make the backyard a paradise. Help Wanted NEED A PERSON FOR occaional labor and cleanup. Hours flexible. Call Chuck at (775)771-4270. ENGINE BOSS Full Time/Seasonal (Weather permitting) $22.00 - $28.00/hr. Susanville Indian Rancheria – Natural Resources Department, 745 Joaquin St, Susanville Ca 96130, 530-257-4921. Closes 4/14/16. 15 LASSEN COUNTY REAL ESTATE Susan River Realty Susanville • • • • • RECEPTIONIST/OFFICE ASSISTANT Full-time, $14.04 per hour. Medical, dental, and vision benefits for employee and family. Cap in place. Application deadline April 15, 2016, 4:30 p.m. Classified application available online at Job description available. Contact Sharon Mincher, Human Resources, Lassen County Office of Education, 472-013 Johnstonville Road North, Susanville, CA 96130, 530-257-7214, Background investigations will be conducted. EOE. AFWD is an equal opportunity employer/program. COMMERCIAL PROPERTY. 6 acres all or part. Off highway 89. Easy access. Many possibilities. Nursery etc. Also 1 acre on paved turnaround, Greenville. (530)284-0800. LABORERS: SPI is looking to fill ten new entry level positions with great opportunity to learn jobs production, equipt. maintenance, & supervision. Requires one year recent good work history with verifiable reference. Great benefit pkg. including paid vacation, retirement contributions, life insurance, & low cost health benefits. Must be at least age 18. There is repetitive lifting & working in both hot & cold work environments. Work may consist of day or swing shift work, some overtime & weekend work during busy production times. We promote a tobacco & drug-free work environment. Verifiable SS#. EOE including disabled & vets . Applications accepted: Monday – Friday, April 1st – April 29th, 9am-4pm. 1538 Lee Rd. Quincy, CA. LUMBERYARD MANAGER Now accepting applications for full/part time position. Fork lift experience and clean driving record required. Join the friendly team at Sierra Valley Home Center, Loyalton. (530)993-4331 or email resume to 15 LASSEN COUNTY REAL ESTATE OFFICE SPACE AT Peninsula Station Complex; 401 Peninsula Dr., Lake Almanor. Call (530)596-3076. 100 Equal Opportunity Employer Pick up an application packet at the Business & Career Network, 7 Quincy Junction Rd, Quincy, CA 95971 or by emailing When requesting an application packet please reference “Youth Career Center Advisor” in your request. Deadline to apply is April 25, 2016 at 5pm. INDUSTRIAL SHOP/Warehouse spaces on Airport Rd in Chester. 3-phase electricity. Roll-up truck & man doors. 3 sizes available: 750, 1500, & 2250 sq. ft. (530)521-6443. EXCELLENT LOCATION. 5 acre industrial site, Hwy. 395 visibility, next to Susanville Airport. Includes 8,000sqft. custom building, two units; 3200sqft., 1500sqft. High traffic count for just about any type business. Call (530)257-5557. Human Resources: or (530) 251-8811 2001 Paul Bunyan Rd., Susanville, CA. Looking for a great opportunity? The Alliance for Workforce Development, Inc. providing business & job seeker services in Plumas County is now accepting applications for a Part Time Youth Career Center Advisor. Duties include: Providing outreach to those applying for participation in the program, referring clients to appropriate community resources available, data entry and maintaining client files per the government regulations. EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY • EQUAL OPPORTUNITY ACCESS 38 Lassen Community College CAREGIVERS Immediate openings. One on one care. Full time, temporary positions. $1000/hr, all shifts. EOE Apply in person at Eagle Lake Village WE’RE HIRING or TDD #1-800-735-2929 Help Wanted For more information, contact Send resume and writing examples to: Managing Editor / Debra Moore or call (530)283-0800 1, 2 & 3 Bedroom Apartments Doyle/Herlong The employment site is listed under the “About LCC” tab. Feather Publishing has an immediate opening for an additional part-time reporter in its Portola office. Candidates should have writing and photography skills and be able to work independently. Reporting experience is preferred but not required. The job entails some evening and weekend work. Sales & Management 822 Main St., Susanville Vicki Lozano Owner/Broker BRE #00975314 REALTOR ® 530-257-8087 MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE Sandy Anderson Realtor BRE #01718397 Cute home in well established neighborhood, 4 bedroom, 2 bath, 1,152 sq.ft. Wood stove and natural gas heat, privacy fence in back yard with storage shed. 110,000 $ Custom octagon home built by David Lee. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths house. Galley kitchen with wall oven, microwave, dishwasher, flat stove top and 2 refrigerators. Beautiful back yard with deck, spa, shed and RV parking. Offered at $190,000 Offered at $174,900 $ 189,000 Call us for a free market analysis! CA LIC. #01263375 LeAnn Smith - Owner/Broker Dawn Meyers Realtor Brenda Witt Realtor Linda Hadley Linda Hadley Managing Broker CA LIC. #01163259 CA LIC. #01263375 Offered at $169,900 Maggie says, “We’ll ‘spot’ just the right home for you!” Feather River Bulletin • Lassen County Times • Indian Valley Record • Chester Progressive • Portola Reporter • Westwood Pine Press 100 Help Wanted 100 Help Wanted 100 Help Wanted 100 Help Wanted Seneca Healthcare District Human Resources Department P.O. Box 737 Chester, CA 96020 (530) 258-2159; FAX (530) 258-2068 Text SENECA to 72727 Text SENECAJOBS to 72727 Equal Opportunity Employer SENECA HEALTHCARE DISTRICT IS NOW RECRUITING Come join the most fantastic Team in the rurals. Work hard and then relax by the lake. Great recreational area, fishing, hiking, skiing, snowmobiling, the list goes on. Registered Nurse (Full Time and Per Diem) (Acute & ER experience required) LVN (Full Time and Per Diem) CNA (Full Time, Part Time, and Per Diem) Medical Records Coder (Part Time) Medical Assistant (Full Time, Short Hour, Per Diem) Medical Receptionist (Per Diem) Admissions/HIM Clerk (Part Time and Per Diem) Clinical Laboratory Scientist (Per Diem) Phlebotomist (Per Diem) Respiratory Therapist (Per Diem) Maintenance Worker (Per Diem) Kitchen Helper/Cook (Part Time and Per Diem) Competitive compensation offered. Generous benefits program for regular full time and part time employees, including paid time off, sick leave, medical, prescription, dental, vision, life insurance and retirement plan. Many voluntary programs are offered such as tax-deffered annuity, credit union and other insurance products. 100 Help Wanted BEHAVIORAL HEALTH CASE WORKER I/II Salary: BHCW I $18.83-$22.65 per hour, plus benefits. BHCW II: $20.64-$24.86 per hour, plus benefits. Application deadline: April 15, 2016. Minimum requirements: Education: BHCW I: A Associate’s degree in psychology or a related field. BHCW II: A Bachelor’s degree in psychology or a related field. Experience: BHCW I: Two years of experience providing rehabilitation and counseling services to individuals with emotional and mental problems preferred. Certified AOD Counselor or registered as an intern with one of the Dual diagnosis training, experience, and knowledge preferred. If recovering, two years of stable, continuous sobriety. BHCW II: Three to four years’ experience providing rehabilitation and counseling services to individuals with emotional and mental problems. Dual diagnosis training, experience, and knowledge preferred. If recovering, two years of stable, continuous sobriety. License: Possession of a valid California Driver’s license. For a bulletin and application, visit Lassen County Personnel at Lassen County’s web site at: . Or visit our application center at: 221 Roop Street, Susanville CA 96130. EOE. NEED FIREWOOD MONEY? Have a yard sale this weekend. Eagle Lake Village Senior Living NURSING INSTRUCTORS EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES Minimum Qualifications have been updated. To review qualifications, go to • CNA Director • Director of Nursing • Nursing Instructor -Full Time Tenure is looking for a vibrant and dynamic personality for the Activities Director position to lead residents in social activities and mental stimulation through daily events and programs designed to engage and make a difference in the lives of our seniors. We are looking for a high energy individual to fulfill one of the most important roles in our community. Please apply in person. • Nursing Instructor -Part Time (Adjunct Faculty) 2001 Paul Bunyan Road Susanville, CA Please submit an online application at The employment site is listed under the “About LCC” tab. For more information, contact Lassen Community College Equal Opportunity Employer Looking for a great opportunity? This is your opportunity to join a dynamic team. The Alliance for Workforce Development, Inc. (AFWD) is hiring a Business Service Manager. The successful candidate will lead, organize, and direct the operations of the Business Service Team throughout AFWD’s service area. Specific areas of responsibility include: organizing and setting department objectives, developing and maintaining plans and budgets; workforce development program administration as it relates to meeting the needs of the business community. Our employees receive an excellent compensation package, which includes great pay, medical benefits, vacation, and sick leave. Minimum requirements: Bachelor’s Degree with major field of study in public administration, business administration, sociology, or a workforce development related field. Five or more years of management in private or public sector may be substituted for educational requirements. Contact AFWD’s Personnel Department at to request an application packet. When requesting an application packet please reference Business Service Manager in your request. Deadline to apply is April 25, 2016 at 5pm. AFWD is an equal opportunity employer/program. 13 CHESTER/LAKE ALMANOR REAL ESTATE LACC home on large lot. 4 bd/2 ba near golf & rec 1. Lg. garage w/work shop & storage in rear. Nearly level lot w/circlular drive. MLS# 201600243 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $475,000 Great 3 bd/ 2 ba manufactured home in Chester. Great floor plan! Woodstove, security camera, utility shed & fenced yard. MLS# 201501170 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $123,000 5+ acres North Arm area of Indian Valley. Shared driveway, seller willing to offer shared well, buyer to pay connection costs. Seller may consider carrying a note for qualified buyer. MLS# 200800358. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $44,900 Lot near 17th hole on Bailey Creek Golf Course. Fantastic views of Dyer Mtn. & Mt. Lassen! No HOA’s! Clubhouse, putting green & driving range nearby. MLS# 201501119 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $60,000 119 Main Street, Chester Phone: (530) 258-3303 452 Peninsula Drive Phone: (530) 596-3303 MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE REALTOR ® EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY BRE License #01948890 SALES & VACATION RENTALS CUSTODIAN Full Time $11.00/hr $13.00/hr DOE. Susanville Indian Rancheria – Public Works, 745 Joaquin St, Susanville Ca 96130, 530-257-4921. Closes 4/14/16. SEVERAL LANDSCAPE Maintenance positions available in the Graeagle area beginning immediately. Please call Cline and Associates at (530)832-0733 for more information. Pay Rates $12-$14 per hour. JOB ANNOUNCEMENT: The City of Susanville Public Works Department is recruiting for a full-time, temporary, non-benefited, Maintenance Worker I position to perform a variety of duties in maintenance, repair, and construction of City water, geothermal, gas, street and storm drainage facilities. No experience required. Educational requirements include the completion of formal or informal education sufficient to assure the ability to read and write at a level required for successful job performance. Applicant must have a valid California Drivers License. Hourly salary range: $10.44-$11.81 (determined by city based on qualifications). Submit city application and current DMV printout to City of Susanville, 66 N. Lassen St., Susanville, CA 96130. Applications can be downloaded from or call 530-257-1041. Filing Deadline: This position is open until filled, with primary application filing deadline on April 22, 2015, at 5:00 pm. EOE. LAKE ALMANOR COUNTRY CLUB Is accepting applications for summer employment for the positions of gate attendants, American Red Cross Certified Lifeguards, tennis shop assistants, and recreation assistants. Obtain application form from 501 Peninsula Drive, Lake ALMANOR, CA or website at under employment or documents. 530-596-3282. Help Wanted Help Wanted 100 100 FULL TIME LABORER position. Must have clean driving record, capable of towing/backing up trailers, capable of lifting minimum of 50lbs. Mechanically inclined. Welding And/or Class A will offer increased wage rate, otherwise, starting wage $12-$15 per hour depending on skills. Position offers a 4/10 work schedule, excellent Medical/Dental package, paid Holidays/Vacation, Retirement Plan. E-mail resumé/application to or drop off at 711-715 Sears Rd. in Janesville or call for more info at (530)310-0161. Career Opportunities Clinical RNs: Various Departments Clinical Lab Scientist, FT, PT and LPT Certified Lab Assistant, FT and LPT Paramedic, LPT, FT Ultrasonographer, FT Respiratory Therapist, PD Clinic Patient Support LVN, FT We have 4 openings for R.N. positions, openings for C.N.A.s. New graduates welcome to apply. Looking for new and experienced C.N.A.s. Ask us about our C.N.A. classes starting in the summer of 2016. Competitive nursing salaries. Positions start with paid orientation and training in our building. We are looking for nurses who want to grow and work as a team. For more information, please contact: Priyanka Hunt, D.S.D., or Tracy Burgess, D.O.N. (530) 257-5341 2005 River St., Susanville, CA Northeastern Rural Health Clinics 1850 Spring Ridge Drive Susanville, CA 96130 Telephone 530-251-5000 Northeastern is currently seeking full time patient-centered, customer service oriented Licensed Vocational Nurses (LVNs) with at least 6 months clinical experience preferred. Competitive salary and benefits. Monday through Friday - day shifts available. The LVN position works in a fast paced environment. Must have the ability to prioritize optimum clinic back office flow, have excellent organization and communication skills. Duties include providing confidential back office support for clinic providers. Required qualifications: High School diploma or equivalent, graduate of an accredited school of vocational nursing, current CA LVN License and CPR Certified. Apply in person or on-line. EOE LAKE ALMANOR RESTAURANT SUMMER JOBS: Line Cooks-Dishwashers-Ice Cream shop-Servers-Host/Hostess, Bussers, Janitor. Please e-mail resume with cover letter to or mail to Carol’s Cafe, 2932 Almanor Drive West, Canyon Dam, CA 95923. No phone calls or drop-ins please. WHEN BUYING OR SELLING YOUR HOME, Classifieds are the answer. Call (530)283-2811 to schedule an interview. Contact Human Resources 530-283-7169 • 530-283-7120 Fax 530-283-7929 Must meet requirements listed on job description. For more information or to apply online go to: 1065 Bucks Lake Rd., Quincy, CA 95971 Kehr/O’Brien Real Estate MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE REALTOR ® Bailey Creek Parcel: .48 acres, corner lot located on quiet street, great building site, nearby 18-hole golf course & clubhouse. MLS#201501014 . . . . . . . . . . . $29,000 EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY Westwood Commercial/Business: Sale inclds real property, liquor lic, restaurant/bar w/walk-in cooler, commercial kitch, & separate living quarters, 2 bd/1 bth. MLS#201501046 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $185,000 Prattville Lake View: 2 bed, 2 bath newer cabin, 1700 sf, loft, right across from lake, Lopi propane heater, tankless hot water heater. MLS#201501328 . . . . $259,000 LACC Lake Front: 4 bed/3 bath, apprx 3825 sf main house & 575 sf bunk house, 1.06 acres, 300’ of shoreline, priv boat launch, RV prkg, dock & buoy. Built-in gas BBQ. MLS#201501074 . . . . . . . . . . . $4,200,000 Please send application or resume to: TNS TRUCKING Is now accepting applications for Semi Bottom Dumps, Transfer and Concrete Mixer truck drivers. Applicants must pass a drug and alcohol test, have at least 5 years experience and work well with others. Wages DOE. Apply at 702-045 Johnstonville Rd., 7 am-3:30 pm, or call (530) 257-3122. 14 PORTOLA/GRAEAGLE REAL ESTATE Chandler Real Estate 181 E. Sierra St. Portola • 530-832-1600 MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE REALTOR ® EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY Portola Parcel: .29 aces, corner lot, quiet location on Spruce & 5th. Build a residence on this inviting property. MLS#201500778 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $17,500 Portola: 3 bed/2.5 bath, 1633 sf, mstr bdrm w/mstr bath & walk-in closet, lrg/level bckyrd w/fruit trees, strg shed & wood shed, close to Lake Davis. MLS#201500527 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $159,500 Portola Commercial: 2220 sf, units have long term tenants, hwy frontage location additional parking in rear for customers. MLS#201501095 . . . . . . . . . . . . $235,000 Portola Pines: 2 stories, 3 bed/3 bath, 3,650 sq. ft., 1st flr mstr bdrm ste, gourmet kitch, custom cabinetry, attached 2 car garage. MLS#201500384 . . . . $419,000 We Believe in Home We Believe in Home BRE# 01300619 An Independently Owned and Operated Member of Coldwell Banker Residential Affilates, Inc. COUNTER SALESPERSON LUMBERYARD Payless Building Supply, an employee owned company, is searching for an outgoing Counter Salesperson for our Susanville, CA location. The candidate should have sales and customer service experience, retail experience and knowledge of building materials. Job duties would include: exceptional customer service, keeping the shelves stocked and orderly, placing orders, keep store area clean and orderly, build displays for sales and promotions, and answer phone. A clean DMV record, preemployment drug screen and physical are required. Excellent benefits include: group health insurance, 401K program, retirement program, quarterly bonuses based on profit, paid vacation and paid sick leave. Compensation, based on experience, $13.00 to $15.00 per hour to start. Please come in to the store, 702-340 Old Johnstonville Rd., Susanville, CA and fill out an employment application. Please do not call the store. DENTAL OFFICE RECEPTIONIST Staff Accountant/AP Specialist, FT Dietary Aide/Cook, LPT Patient Admissions Representative, FT Nursing Assistant, FT, PT and Temp Administrative Projects Specialist, Temp Materials Clerk, PT Medical Receptionist, FT, LPT and Temp Telemedicine Site Coordinator, FT Environmental Services Technician, FT Lake Almanor Peninsula 530-596-3266 Help Wanted Looking For A Job You Will Love? Check out Lassen Nursing and Rehabilitation For A Rewarding and Gratifying Career in Skilled Nursing! Position available immediately. We’re looking for a cheerful, articulate, and organized person who is a multitasker. Busy office, team oriented. Duties include phones, scheduling, insurance billing, light bookkeeping. Salary range: $14-$18/hr depending on talent and experience. Full benefit package including medical/dental benefits. Non-Licensed Chester 530-258-2103 • Lake Almanor West 530-259-4801 100 Page 4 Nursing & Rehabilitation Center Requirements: CA Class A or B, Haz Mat, Tank Endorsement, Air Brakes, current DMV printout, drug and alcohol testing, fingerprints. Wages DOE, benefit package. 13 CHESTER/LAKE ALMANOR REAL ESTATE Immaculate home in LACC. Private back yard w/ lake view. Upgraded kitchen & RV/boat pkg. Easy distance to Rec-1, golf, & clubhouse. MLS# 201600242 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $344,500 HOUSEKEEPING. We are accepting applications for immediate openings for full and part time housekeeping positions at the Best Western Rose Quartz Inn in Chester. No experience necessary. Apply in person to Amy Walker, Mgr. in mornings Mon-Fri. EOP. Wednesday, April 13, 2016 PROPANE DELIVERY AND SERVICE TECH WE’RE HIRING NORTHEASTERN Rural Health Clinics is now hiring Certified Medical Assistants to join our health care team. Monday through Saturday positions available. Benefits include competitive wages, medical, vision and dental. Valid CA driver license required. Apply in person at 1850 Spring Ridge Drive, Susanville, CA 96130, or on line at EOE. Help Wanted YOU SET THE PRICE! Advertise your home in the classifieds. Human Resources: or (530) 251-8811 HALLCON, currently operating as Renzenberger, Inc. is looking for van drivers to transport railroad crews up to a 2-- mile radius from Keddie. Must live within 20 miles of Keddie, be 21 years or older, valid driver’s license and a pre-employment drug screen is required. A company vehicle is provided, paid training, and benefits. Compensation is $10.96 per hour. Apply online at 100 Tuesday, April 12, 2016 BRE# 01300619 An Independently Owned and Operated Member of Coldwell Banker Residential Affilates, Inc. CREDENTIALED SCHOOL NURSE Beginning with the 2016-17 school year. Required: (1) Valid State license to practice as a Registered Nurse, (2) California credential authorizing service as a school nurse or qualify for Preliminary Credential, which requires a Bachelor's Degree, (3) Valid California Driver's License, (4) school nursing experience preferred. (4) Ability to perform vigorous physical activities including, but not limited to, lifting up to 70 lbs. and getting up and down off the floor frequently. $48,491 - 69,018 (Steps 1-10) based on 184 days, 8 hours per day. Medical, dental, and vision insurance provided for employee and family. Cap in place. Open Until Filled. Apply on-line at Contact: Sharon Mincher, Human Resources, Lassen County Office of Education, 472-013 Johnstonville Road N., Susanville, CA, 96130, 530-257-7214, EOE. Like Children? Need Extra Income? Enjoy Driving? BECOME A SCHOOL BUS DRIVER! Classroom Training Available for Part Time Substitute Bus Drivers Advancement Opportunities may be available A Seven-day class is scheduled for May 2 - May 10, 2016 8:45 a.m. to 1 p.m. 100% attendance is required Where: PUSD Transportation Facility 113 North Mill Creek Road, Quincy, CA 95971 Pay for Substitute Bus Drivers: $13.60 per hour For More Information: Call Peggy Lorenzo between 8:30am and 12:00pm 283-6545, ext. 5506 Or after time leave a message w/name, phone number and best time for a call back. Note: Classroom training is free. 20 hours of classroom training does not constitute employment. REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS OPERATION OF DIAMOND MOUNTAIN BAR & GRILL DIAMOND MOUNTAIN GOLF COURSE The City of Susanville is offering an exciting opportunity to manage and operate a full service restaurant and bar with all equipment necessary for its successful operation. Interested parties can visit the City of Susanville website at for a copy of the Request for Proposal or you can call 530-252-5100. NEED A JOB? Place an ad in GET A JOB! Place an ad in the "Jobs Wanted" section. the "Jobs Wanted" section. RECEPTIONIST Eagle Lake Village is seeking a receptionist for a full time position. Salary based on experience. EOE Apply in person at 2001 Paul Bunyan Rd., Susanville, CA. Feather River Bulletin • Lassen County Times • Indian Valley Record • Chester Progressive • Portola Reporter • Westwood Pine Press 100 Help Wanted 100 Help Wanted 100 Help Wanted WILDLAND FIREFIGHTERS/CREWMEN HIGH SIERRA FIRE is seeking 2-3 persons for the upcoming season. Experience is preferred. This is a Drug Free Workplace with Zero Tolerance for disregard of this policy. Must be hard-working, willing to travel, and DEPENDABLE! Please call 530-253-0110 and leave a message. MA, RN, CNA, LVN, CLS Housekeeper Medical Coder Phlebotomist (CPT) Activities Asst. (Loyalton SNF) FULL TIME PUMP Technician needed immediately. Steve’s Pumps & Well Drilling, Inc. is hiring Pump Technicians, will train, however, if experienced wage will start at a higher level. Minimum requirements are a clean driving record, extensive plumbing experience, mechanical and troubleshooting capabilities. Electrical knowledge and experience is a plus and will ultimately become necessary. Starting wage, if experienced and proves capabilities, will be $21.00/hour +. Otherwise, wage based on skills and experience demonstrated. Position offers 4/10 work schedule, excellent Medical/Dental package, Paid Vacation/Holidays and Retirement Plan. Please send resumé/application to or drop off at 711-715 Sears Rd. in Janesville, or call for more info @ (530)310-0161. LIBRARY DIRECTOR Part-time position-approx. 25 hr/wk. Salary: $1,500/month. Open until filled. The Lassen Library District is seeking an individual to organize and direct library operations, special programs, staff and volunteers. The Library Director works closely with and receives administrative direction from the Library Board of Trustees. Duties include but are not limited to the administration and planning of library operations, working with library patrons and community groups, supervising and training staff and volunteers, special events, and overseeing financial and State reports. Applications and a complete job description and job requirements can be obtained from the Lassen Library at 1618 Main St. or on our web site For more information please call Jeff Hawkins at (530)257-8113. ACCOUNTING TECHNICIAN Full Time $11.58 -$ 16.00/hr DOE. Susanville Indian Rancheria - 745 Joaquin St, Susanville Ca 96130. 530-257-5161. Closes 4/21/16. ATTENTION PHYSICIANS AND NON-PHYSICIAN PROVIDERS Northeastern Rural Health Clinics is opening a primary care medical clinic in Doyle, CA. Doyle is an easy commute of approximately 40 minutes north of Reno on U.S. 395. The clinic will initially be open on Mondays and Tuesdays. It offers excellent compensation and is ideally suited for a provider seeking to work part-time to supplement their income while improving the health of this rural community. Must possess an active California license. For prompt consideration, submit your CV to EOE. SR. ACCOUNT CLERK (MSS TITLE ACCOUNT CLERK II) Salary: $2,376.-$2,847. Monthly, plus benefits. Application deadline: April 15, 2016. Minimum requirements- Account Clerk II: One year of full-time clerical accounting experience performing fiscal, statistical, or case record office support work in an office environment. Or: Equivalent to thirty semester units or forty-five quarter units that included coursework in basic financial and statistical recordkeeping practices and procedures. License: A valid California Driver’s license is required. Only Merit System Services applications will be accepted for this position. Apply online at Merit System Services at:, or obtain a Merit System Services application at the Lassen County Personnel Department at 221 S Roop Street, Susanville CA 96130 and mail the application to Merit System Services 241 Lathrop Way Sacramento, CA 95815. EOE. For more information contact the Lassen County Personnel Department at 530-251-8320. SPORTS WRITER/EDITOR The Lassen County Times has an opening for a full-time reporter in Susanville beginning in May. Reporting, page layout, photography skills and knowledge of the community are a plus. Previous newspaper experience is preferred, but will train someone with the desire and proper attributes. The job entails some evening and weekend work. Send a resume and writing samples to Managing Editor Sam Williams at, stop by the office at 100 Grand Ave., Susanville, or call (530) 257-5321. ACCOUNT CLERK/SENIOR ACCOUNT CLERK (This position is located in the Auditor’s Office and can be filled at either level). Salary: Account Clerk: $12.53-$15.00 per hour, plus benefits. Senior Account Clerk: $13.71-$16.42 per hour, plus benefits. Filing deadline: May 6, 2016. Minimum requirements: Education: Equivalent to the completion of the twelfth grade, with additional education desirable. License: Possession of, or ability to obtain a valid California driver’s license. Knowledge: Methods, practices and terminology used in accounting clerical work. Windows based computer systems including spread sheets; computer based accounting systems; and word processing. Experience: Account Clerk- One year of responsible clerical, accounting clerical or administrative/business experience. Senior Account Clerk- Three years of responsible accounting clerical experience. For a bulletin and application, visit Lassen County Personnel at Lassen County’s web site at: , or visit our application center at: 221 S Roop Street Susanville, CA 96130. EOE. SENIOR DEPUTY PUBLIC DEFENDER Salary: $31.36-$37.89 per hour, plus benefits. Filing deadline: April 15, 2016. Minimum requirements: Education: Graduation from an accredited law school. Experience: Two years of experience in the practice of law. Felony trial experience and motion skills preferred. Knowledge of: Responsibilities, powers and statutory limitations of the Public Defender’s office; The principle of civil, constitutional and administrative law; Federal and State statues and County ordinances, and rules and regulations pertinent to assigned cases. Ability to: On a continuous basis, know and understand all aspects of the job. License: Active member in the California State Bar Association. Possession of, or ability to obtain a valid California driver’s license. For a bulletin and application, visit Lassen County Personnel at Lassen County’s web site at:, or visit our application center at: 221 Roop Street Susanville, CA 96130. EOE. THE LASSEN UNION High School District announces the following part-time position for the 2015/2016 school year: Nursing Services Coordinator (hourly as needed). Appropriate Placement on the Certificated Management Salary Schedule ($47-$57/hour or $48-$58/hour with MA/MS). Qualifications: Valid State license to practice as a registered nurse. California credential authorizing service as a school nurse or qualify for Preliminary credential, which requires a Bachelor’s Degree. Experience in school nursing preferred. Such additional qualifications as the Board may find desirable or appropriate. Apply online at For questions, please call Alexandria Shelton, Human Resources Manager 530-251-1197. Open until filled. Background Investigations Will Be Conducted. Equal Employment Opportunity Employer. BELDEN TOWN RESORT now hiring for cooks, servers, bartenders, and housekeepers. Please submit resumes to or call (530)283-9662. 100 Help Wanted BOOKKEEPER/ACCOUNTANT needed, for full-time, year-round Agribusiness position, in Standish, CA. Must have comprehensive knowledge in payroll, AR, AP and cost accounting to ensure the financial records of the organization are accurate and in compliance with all local, state and federal regulations. Candidate must possess excellent written and oral communication and customer relation skills, be proficient in Microsoft Word, excel and have working knowledge of a variety of computer software applications. Must be organized, self motivated, have good people skills, ability to work independently, meet deadlines and take initiative. We offer a benefits package which includes wages, medical insurance and simple IRA. Qualified candidates should email cover letter, resume and three related references to or fax to 530-254-6987. CARPENTERS: 2 YEARS Exp. preferred with local company based out of Portola. Permanent position to fill, P/T and F/T. Call Wes at WESFAB Construction (530)592-8315. FUEL/LUBE TRUCK DRIVER with clean Class A driving record and HAZMAT endorsements needed ASAP. Must have mechanic experience. EOE/Benefits/Pay DOE. Please call 530-258-3306. SUSANVILLE INDIAN Rancheria Corporation (SIRCO) is seeking qualified individual for bookkeeping position in our Herlong, CA office. Monday through Friday 8:00am to 5:00pm. Salary: $14.00-$16.00 DOE. Bookkeepers are responsible for maintaining an accurate record of a company’s business transactions and cash flow through the use of tools such as Sage 100 and other accounting software. Applications at: SIRCO, 1119 Lassen Ave., Herlong, CA. Diamond Mountain Mini-Mart, Inc., 910 Skyline Drive, Susanville, CA. Diamond Mountain Casino Hotel, 900 Skyline Drive, Susanville, CA. Diamond Mountain Smoke Shop, LLC, 920 Skyline Drive, Susanville, CA. SIR Tribal Offices, 745 Joaquin Street, Susanville, CA. SIRCO Property Management Inc., 1102 Lassen Ave., Herlong, CA. Open until filled. BEHAVIORAL HEALTH CASE WORKER I/II (MEDICATION TECHNICIAN) Salary: BHCW I $18.83-$22.65 per hour, plus benefits. BHCW II $20.65-$24.86 per hour, plus benefits. Application deadline: April 15, 2016. Minimum requirements: Education: BHCW I: An Associate’s degree in psychology or a related field. BHCW II: A Bachelor’s degree in psychology or a related field. Experience: BHCW I: Two years of experience providing rehabilitation and counseling services to individuals with emotional and mental problems preferred. Certified AOD Counselor or registered as an intern with one of the Dual diagnosis training, experience, and knowledge preferred. If recovering, two years of stable, continuous sobriety. BHCW II: Three to four years’ experience providing rehabilitation and counseling services to individuals with emotional and mental problems. Dual diagnosis training, experience, and knowledge preferred. If recovering, two years of stable, continuous sobriety. License: Must be a Licensed Vocational Nurse or a Licensed Psychiatric Technician authorized to practice in the state of California. Knowledge of: Medication used for psychiatric care and treatment; Nursing assessment techniques. Possession of a valid California Driver’s license. For a bulletin and application, visit Lassen County Personnel at Lassen County’s web site at: . Or visit our application center at: 221 Roop Street, Susanville, CA 96130. EOE. FOR A GOOD BUY, check the For Sale section of the classifieds! Help Wanted AIRLINE CAREERS START here-Get trained as FAA certified Aviation Technician. Financial aid for qualified students. Job placement assistance. Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance 877-205-4138. (Cal-SCAN) FITNESS CENTER ATTENDANT On Call $10.00/hr Susanville Indian Rancheria – Fitness Center, 745 Joaquin St, Susanville Ca 96130 530-257-4921. Closes 4/14/16. DID YOU KNOW 144 MILLION U.S. adults read a newspaper print copy each week? Discover the power of newspaper advertising. For a free brochure call 916-288-6011 or email (Cal-SCAN) MAINTENANCE/FACILITIES MANAGER Full Time DOE. Susanville Indian Rancheria – Public Works, 745 Joaquin St, Susanville Ca 96130, 530-257-4921. Closes 4/14/16. IT/NETWORK MANAGER Full Time $65,000-$76,000 DOE. Susanville Indian Rancheria - 745 Joaquin St, Susanville Ca 96130. 530-257-5161. Closes 4/18/16. TEACHER AIDE for Sierra Cascade Family Opportunities, Portola Head Start. 30 hrs/wk, 39 wks/yr. $10.00-11.51/hr, based upon qualifications, benefits included. Begins ASAP. Assists in operation of preschool classroom. Must be 18 and possess a high school diploma or GED and have a minimum of 12 Early Childhood Education units including; child growth and development; child, family and community; and program curriculum, and six months work experience in a licensed child care center. Applicant must be willing to continue education and demonstrate basic computer skills. Bilingual skills are desired but not required. Criminal background clearance required after offer of employment is made. Resume, transcripts and application must be received by 4/15/16. Visit or contact 283-1242 for application. Send to Gina Wood, 424 N. Mill Creek Rd. Quincy, CA 95971. EOE HOUSE KEEPER NEEDED: Experienced, PT, Spanish Creek Motel. Please call (530)283-1200 to set up appointment and have resume and references available. NEED DRIVERS ASAP with clean Class A driving record. Experience with bottom dumps, transfers, end dumps, lowboy, water tenders. Hazmat endorsement preferred, but not required. EOE/Benefits/Pay DOE. Please call 530-258-3306. LACC Security Department Gatehouse Attendant The LACC Security Department is currently accepting applications for the 2016 season. We are seeking motivated team players to fill the position of Gatehouse Attendant on a seasonal basis. All applicants must be available to work a variety of shifts, including weekends and holidays. Experience preferred but willing to train promising applicants. Applications are available from the LACC website Please complete form and return to Clifford Gate at 600 Clifford Drive. For more information call (530) 259-5320. QUALITY ASSURANCE/DATA ENTRY Full Time $14.00-$16.00/hr DOE. Susanville IndianRancheria - 745 Joaquin St, Susanville Ca 96130. 530-257-5161. Closes 4/18/16. ENROLLMENT COORDINATOR Full Time $15.07 - $16.93/hr DOE. Susanville Indian Rancheria - 745 Joaquin St, Susanville Ca 96130. 530-257-5161. Closes 4/17/16. 100 Help Wanted NEWS REPORTER The Lassen County Times has an immediate opening for a full-time reporter in Susanville. Reporting, page layout, photography skills and knowledge of the community are a plus. Previous newspaper experience is preferred, but will train someone with the desire and proper attributes. The job entails some evening and weekend work. Send a resume and writing samples to Managing Editor Sam Williams at, stop by the office at 100 Grand Ave., Susanville, or call (530) 257-5321. ATTN: CDL DRIVERS-AVG. $60k+/yr. $2k Sign-On Bonus. Family company w/great miles. Love your job and your truck. CDL-A-req -(877)258-8782 (Cal-SCAN) SPECIAL EDUCATION PARAEDUCATORS (2) at Diamond View School. 29.5 hrs./wk., $10.83/hour and Rainbow Learning Center 19.5 hrs./wk., $11.26/hour. Application deadline: April 15, 2016, 4:30 p.m. NCLB Compliance required. Classified application available online at Job description available. Contact Sharon Mincher, Human Resources, Lassen County Office of Education, 472-013 Johnstonville Road North, Susanville, CA 96130, 530-257-7214, Background investigations will be conducted. EOE. BEHAVIORAL COUNSELOR Itinerant employee hired by the Lassen County Office of Education beginning with the 2016-17 school year. Possession of a valid California driver's license, possession of a valid California license as a Clinical Social Worker or a Marriage, Family Therapist, and Pupil Personnel Services Credential in social work preferred. Provide individual or small-group counseling to help general education students succeed in school. 184 days, 8 hours per day, $47,540 - $57,235 per year. Medical, dental, and vision insurance for employee and family. Cap in place. Open until filled. Apply on-line at Contact: Sharon Mincher, HR, (530) 257-7214, EOE. LASSEN LIFE SKILLS is recruiting high energy positive people to work as a Support Specialist with people with developmental disabilities. Support Specialist assist people in managing their daily lives and learning new skills. Qualifications: Equivalent to a high school diploma and 2 years hands-on experience working with a person who has a developmental disability, must have a valid driver’s license, DMV printout, current car insurance, fingerprint clearance. Please apply at Lassen Life Skills, 475-340 San Francisco Street. BILLING SPECIALIST Full Time - Salary DOE. Susanville Indian Rancheria – Health Center, 745 Joaquin St, Susanville Ca 96130. 530-257-4972 Closes 4/22/16. BUY, SELL, RENT, TRADE, hire. Classified Ads do more things for more people than any other form of advertising. Call one of our six offices before 9 a.m. on Monday to run in the current weeks paper. Call the main office (530)283-0800. 100 Help Wanted LACC Security Department SECURITY PATROL Lake Almanor Country Club is now accepting applications for a full time year round Security Patrol Person. This is a 40 hour per week position with great benefits. Applicants must have or be able to obtain a CA Consumer Affairs Guard Card prior to employment. You must be able to work a flexible schedule, including most weekends and holidays. Salary DOE. Applicants must possess a valid CADL and a clean DMV record. Applications may be obtained from the LACC website at or picked up at the Clifford Gatehouse. Please return completed forms to 600 Clifford Drive. For more info call (530) 259-5320. DEPUTY PROBATION OFFICER I/II Salary: DPO I $16.42-$19.72 Hourly, plus benefits. DPO II $17.99-$21.63 Hourly, plus benefits. Application deadline: April 22, 2016. Minimum requirements: Training and Experience: Bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university with major course work in criminology, social or behavioral sciences, or a related field, Or: 60 units earned for course work completed through an accredited college and two years of full time experience in a criminal justice field performing duties that include substantial case management or supervision of adults or adolescent youth, Or: four years of experience described above, And, in addition, Deputy Probation Officer II requires one year of experience performing duties similar to the Deputy Probation Officer I within Lassen County. License: Possession of a valid California driver’s license. For a bulletin and application, visit Lassen County Personnel at Lassen County’s web site at: . Or visit our application center at: 221 S Roop Street, Susanville CA 96130. EOE. 200 Personals FEATHER PUBLISHING does not want any advertising that has a sexual objective, is sexually explicit or that offers anything of monetary value including living accommodations, gifts or trips in exchange for companionship. We print no last names, private addresses or telephone numbers. Feather Publishing has the legal right to reject and/or edit any advertising for any reason whatsoever. Advertisers and those who respond must be age 18 or over. Feather Publishing has no liability for, the advertiser and respondent assume all liability for, the content of or reply to any advertisement or for any claims made against Feather Publishing as a result thereof. The advertiser and respondent agree to hold Feather Publishing Company and its employees harmless from all costs (including reasonable attorney’s fees), liabilities and damage resulting from or arising out of the publication or any replay to any personal advertisement. EVERY BUSINESS HAS A story to tell! Get your message out with California’s PRMedia Release- the only press release service operated by the press to get press! For more info contact Cecelia @ 916-288-6011 or (Cal-SCAN) PROPERTIES FOR SALE NEW SHOW HOME AT SIERRA PARK APPRAISED AT $288,000 OFF THE GRID RETREAT This home sits on 20 acres of forested private land. Fantastic sun exposure and views from this well maintained home. Huge front deck with great views. Passive solar design takes advantage of the sun to help heat. Private oasis for the avid outdoors enthusiast. Trails for hiking, biking, or 4-wheeling yet still close to town. Minutes from the middle fork of the Feather river. A must see property. • SOLAR • ENERGY STAR • HIGH SPEED INTERNET Priced at $349,950 MLS #201600250 Johnny Mansell, Owner/Broker, 927-9723 JOIN US AT QUINCY’S GROWING COMMUNITY! Associates Debra Ozanich . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230-8282 Colleen “Squeek” Crane. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 927-7413 Todd Aylward. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 394-8226 (530) 283-3386 (530) 283-0467 fax Sierra Park Property Development, LLC 283-9301 • 749 Lee Road, Suite A • Quincy, CA 95971 260 Personals MEET SINGLES RIGHT NOW! No paid operators, just real people like you. Browse greetings, exchange messages and connect live. Try it free. Call now: 800-945-3392. (Cal-SCAN) 240 NOTICE "BE WARY OF OUT OF AREA COMPANIES" Check with the local Better Business Bureau in Sacramento or Redding before you send any money for fees. Read and understand any contracts before you sign. Shop around for rates. Lost & Found GOLD RING with multi stones found at Pioneer Pool Park, Quincy. To identify please call (530)283-3278. 250 To Give Away FLORAL COUCH HIDE A BED, good cond.. Tan small sectional. Fridge/Freezer, needs free-on. great cond. (530)412-4625 in Maybe. FREE FIBERGLASS camper shell, fits Toyota. You pick up. Greenville, (530)284-6761 lease message. FREE-FREE-FREE Wood pallets available at Feather Publishing at 287 Lawrence Street in Quincy. Drive to the left of the building, around back and take what you need. NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE. SANYO ANALOG 32” TV with remote. Works. (530)283-9008, Greenhorn. You pick up. DON’T THROW IT AWAY! Give it away with a FREE ad for 2 weeks in this section! Call your local newspaper office or Feather Publishing, at 283-0800 in Quincy. EIGHT STANDING dead trees for firewood. Easy access, Greenville. (530)284-0800. 260 Notices MOVE IN SPECIAL! $5.00 FOR FIRST MONTH. Storage units, any size, inside or outside. Reece’s Mini Storage, Standish, Ca. (530)254-0273 or (530)254-6498 XARELTO USERS HAVE YOU had complications due to internal bleeding (after January 2012)? If so, you may be due financial compensation. If you don’t have an attorney, call Injuryfone today! 1-800-425-4701. (Cal-SCAN) Notices NOTICE OF LIEN SALE. Notice is hereby given that the following individuals are indebted to Janesville Self Storage at 464-900 Main St., Janesville, CA 96114 for past due rent and other charges. Property of Tia Singh in a 10X10 unit, and property of Angela Prince in a 10X10 unit will be sold “as is”. Auction will be conducted pursuant to “California Self Storage Facility Act” 217.00 thru 21716. Auction shall be conducted online at ending at 10 a.m. on April 29, 2016. Sale subject to cancellation in the event of settlement between owner and obligated party. 350 Business Opportunity HARD TO FIND Liquor License #48 (530)283-3551. 400 Services DISH TV 190 CHANNELS Plus Highspeed Internet only $49.94/mo! Ask about a 3 year price guarantee & get Netflix included for 1 year! Call today 1-800-357-0810. (Cal-SCAN) AT&T U-VERSE INTERNET starting at $15/month or TV & internet starting at $49/month for 12 months with 1-year agreement. Call 1-800-453-0516 to learn more. (Cal-SCAN) CPAP/BIPAP SUPPLIES AT little or no cost from Allied Medical Supply Network! Fresh supplies delivered right to your door. Insurance may cover all costs. 800-421-4309. (Cal-SCAN) A BUCK IN THE HAND is worth more than a garage full junk! Have a yard sale this weekend! 11 QUINCY REAL ESTATE PIONEER REALTY 314 West Main, Quincy 283-0370 MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE REALTOR ® NEW LISTING! Charming mountain home located in the heart of the Plumas National Forest only minutes from all kinds of outdoor activities and golf courses galore! And just 11 miles from Quincy for shopping, Home features hickory cabinets and granite counter tops in the kitchen, pine doors throughout. Both baths have pocket doors separating the shower area from the tiled sinks. Large utility area with utility sink and a nice sized spare room that could be an office/hobby room. Covered front porch and small back deck for outdoor enjoyment. There is also a 672 sq. ft. garage/shop with loft. MLS# 201600251 . . . . . . .$223,900 NEW LISTING! BEAUTIFUL MEADOW VIEW from this comfortable manufactured home just 2 miles from downtown Quincy. This end-of-the-road 1.49 acres is ZONED AND SUITABLE FOR HORSES. If that's not enough, you BORDER NATIONAL FOREST along the entire north line so YOU CAN RIDE YOUR HORSE RIGHT ON TO PUBLIC LANDS! The 1988 residence has a CATHEDRAL CEILING over the living/dining/kitchen areas, an EPA-approved wood stove, laminate flooring, dual-pane windows and a recent, wood frame laundry/storage room addition. Besides the large two car garage, there are a couple more storage buildings, a FENCED CORRAL along with a FULL RV HOOK-UP for family and friends. Eastern exposure brings MORNING SUN and pastoral views. MLS# 201600241 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$215,500 11 QUINCY REAL ESTATE Offers Considered! 200 Page 5 Wednesday, April 13, 2016 11 QUINCY REAL ESTATE 1695 E. Main Street • East Quincy FULL-TIME laborers wanted. Good pay. Forestry fuels reduction work. Must be in good physical condition. Pick up application at Alliance for Workforce, Business and Career Network, 7 Quincy Juntion Road, Quincy (530)283-1606 or call (530)533-3625. BUSY DENTAL OFFICE looking to hire a full time dental assistant. Applicants must be friendly, punctual, and a team player. Experience necessary, but licensure not required. Please email resumes to camille@thesusanvilledentist.c om. 100 Tuesday, April 12, 2016 Check our web pages for Internet information at: e-mail: LOTS OF HOME FOR THE MONEY! Newer, 1800 SQ./FT. contemporary home w/ passive solar approaches to increase energy efficiency. High vaulted ceilings allow lots of light into this home w/ a highly efficient Quadrafire wood stove included. Large rear deck to enjoy. THE CONTIGUOUS .28 ACRE LOT TO THE SOUTH IS ALSO FOR SALE, by a different owner, for $5,500. The purchase of both properties would give you a large home on a total of .55 acre at a total asking price of $132,000!! MLS#201100600 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $126,500 DOWNTOWN QUINCY .30 ACRE CORNER BUILDING LOT puts you within walking distance of schools, work and shopping. This level and sunny lot is nicely treed with community water, public sewer and overhead power/phone available. This site is ZONED FOR RENTALS OR you can build a single family home for yourself instead. A manufactured home, with minimum 80 lb. snow load could be installed too. And, you might be able to split this lot in half along Nugget Lane if so desired. MLS#201501092 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$34,900 SEVERAL LOTS AVAILABLE in Greenhorn Ranch! Sizes & prices vary starting as low as . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$3,500 Go with Plumas County's #1 Real Estate firm -- Coldwell Banker Dave Reynolds • Randy Barlow Tim O'Brien • Sue Miller Melody Tiedemann Expect the best. ™ Broker BRE #01300619 An Independently Owned and Operated Member of Coldwell Banker Residential Affiliates, Inc. EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY Feather River Bulletin • Lassen County Times • Indian Valley Record • Chester Progressive • Portola Reporter • Westwood Pine Press 400 Services “WE BUY GOLD! GOLD, SILver and platinum. Jewelry repair, design & watch repair. Sterling Sage. 213 Main St. Greenville. (530)284-7334.” APPLE MACINTOSH, iMAC, MacBook repair, service and training, including OSX upgrades and software installation, iPhone and iPad training. We do house calls anywhere in Plumas, Lassen and Sierra counties. Call Dr. Mac in Quincy at (530)283-0150 or (530)386-2616. Working on Macintosh since 1987. All major credit cards accepted. LOWEST PRICES ON Health & dental insurance. We have the best rates from top companies! Call now! 888-989-4807. (Cal-SCAN) DID YOU KNOW INFORMAtion is power and content is king? Do you need timely access to public notices and remain relevant in today’s hostile business climate? Gain the edge with California Newspaper Publishers Association new innovative website and check out the free one-month trial Smart Search Feature. For more information call Cecelia @ (916)288-6011 or (Cal-SCAN) MARK W. BRIDEN, Attorney at Law. Bankruptcy is our specialty. Free Consult. In office or over the phone. (530)222-1664. HOME BREAK-INS TAKE less than 60 seconds. Don't wait! Protect your family, your home, your assets now for as little as 70¢ a day! Call 855-404-7601 (Cal-SCAN) A PLACE FOR MOM. THE nation’s largest senior living referral service. Contact our trusted, local experts today! Our service is free/no obligation. Call 1-800-550-4822. (Cal-SCAN) SELL YOUR STRUCTURED settlement or annuity payments for cash now. You don't have to wait for your future payments any longer! Call 1-800-673-5926. (Cal-SCAN) SWITCH TO DIRECTV AND get a $100 Gift Card. Free Whole-Home Genie HD/DVR upgrade. Starting at $19.99/mo. New customers only. Don’t settle for cable. Call now 1-800-385-9017 (Cal-SCAN) DO YOU OWE OVER $10,000 to the IRS or state in back taxes? Our firm works to reduce the tax bill or zero it out completely, fast. Call now. 855-993-5796. (Cal-SCAN) REMODELING & NEED HELP?? Retired building contractor will help you or do it for you. All phases of construction. Excellent and professional work comes with the details. Jack Wood. Wood Construction Lic. #396637 (530)258-6466 STOP OVERPAYING FOR your prescriptions! Save up to 93%! Call our licensed Canadian and international pharmacy service to compare prices and get $15.00 off your first prescription and free shipping. 1-800-273-0209. (Cal-SCAN) SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILity benefits. Unable to work? Denied benefits? We can help! Win or pay nothing! Contact Bill Gordon & Associates at 1-800-966-1904 to start your application today! (Cal-SCAN) PREGNANT? CONSIDERING Adoption? Call us first. Living expenses, housing, medical, and continued support afterwards. Choose adoptive family of your choice. Call 24/7. 1-877-879-4709. (Cal-SCAN) YARD WORK, RUBBISH Hauling, Defensible Space, Pineneedle Removal, Lawn Services, Fence Repair, Trash Outs, Lot clean ups.. Licensed and Insured. Serving Lassen & Plumas counties. Free estimates. (530)249-5848. LIFE ALERT. 24/7. ONE press of a button sends help fast! Medical, fire, burglar. Even if you can’t reach a phone! Free brochure. Call 800-714-1609. (Cal-SCAN) HANDYMAN. GET READY for winter, tree trimming, down limbs, fruit tree trimming. Hauling, yard work, snow removal. All your outside needs. Susanville area. (530)257-1152. GOT KNEE PAIN? BACK pain? Shoulder pain? Get a pain-relieving brace- little or no cost to you. Medicare patients call Health Hotline now! 1800-796-5091. (Cal-SCAN) 430 Child Care MARRS FAMILY DAY CARE In Chester. Licensed 18 yrs. Ages: Newborn to 12 yrs. Includes nutritional meals, snacks, & lots of fun. CPR & First Aid Certified. License #325406363. Please call (530)258-2554. 500 Misc. Wanted DONATE YOUR CAR, TRUCK or boat to Heritage for the Blind. Free 3-day vacation, tax deductible, free towing, All paperwork taken care of. Call 800-731-5042. (Cal-SCAN) CASH PAID FOR USED, VINtage, antique fishing gear, knives, tools, hunting items, and collectibles. Anything old. Collections bought. Jeff (530)258-3766. 500 Misc. Wanted CASH FOR DIABETIC TEST strips! Up to $35/box! Sealed & unexpired. Payment made same day! Highest prices paid! Call Jenni today! 800-413-3479. (Cal-SCAN) GOT AN OLDER CAR, BOAT or RV? Do the humane thing. Donate it to the Humane Society. Call 1-800-743-1482. (Cal-SCAN) DOES YOUR AUTO CLUB Offer no hassle service and rewards? Call Auto Club of America (ACA) & get $200 in ACA rewards! (New members only) roadside assistance & monthly rewards. Call 1-800-242-0697 (Cal-SCAN) WANTED! OLD PORSCHE 356/911/912 for restoration by hobbyist; 1948-1973 only. Any condition, top $ paid. 707-965-9546. (Cal-SCAN) DID YOU KNOW 7 IN 10 Americans or 158 million U.S. adults read content from newspaper media each week? Discover the power of newspaper advertising. For a free brochure call 916-288-6011 or email (Cal-SCAN) 512 Feed & Hay MARTIN’S HAY Teff Grass w/10%-20% Alfalfa $12 Alfalfa .....................$1100 Triticale.....................$800 Triticale/Alfalfa mix $1000 Lots of cow hay “Call for pricing” Call (530) Steven 260-1437 Eldon 260-1431 Kevin 260-1436 WHEAT FOR FEED OR Planting. .10/lbs. Call Don Blickenstaff (530)253-2116. 515 Fuels & Firewood FIREWOOD FOR SALE: Soft wood, pine and lodgepole. (530)258-7598. Free delivery anywhere within 10 miles of Portola. 520 Misc. For Sale VIAGRA 100mg, CIALIS 20mg. 60 tabs $99 includes free shipping. 1-888-836-0780 or (Cal-SCAN) NOTICE As of January 1992 the California Penal Code requires that all private sales of firearms (excluding antiques) must be completed through a licensed dealer. KILL SCORPIONS! BUY Harris Scorpion Spray. Effective results begin after spray dries. Odorless, long lasting, non-staining. Available: Hardware Stores, The Home Depot, (Cal-SCAN) 520 Misc. For Sale SAFE STEP WALK-IN TUB! Alert for seniors. Bathroom falls can be fatal. Approved by Arthritis Foundation. Therapeutic jets. Less than 4 inch step-in. Wide door. Anti-slip floors. American made. Installation included. Call 800-799-4811 for $750 off. (Cal-SCAN) MODEL RAILROAD “N” SCALE Two power packs, Three locomotives, many rail cars. Landscaped with Buildings, Autos, People, Wildlife. Table is 2’x12’. Works well along a garage wall. Many extra parts and supplies. Asking $500. Call (530)257-7305 to see. ELIMINATE CELLULITE AND inches in weeks! All natural. Odor free. Works for men or women. Free month supply on select packages. Order now! 844-703-9774. (Cal-SCAN) FOUR WHEELS AND TIRES for Chevy Trailblazer; 245/75R16. $225 firm. Wheels in excellent condition! (530)258-1655. Quincy. CANON 35MM CAMERA SLR: eos elan II slr, 28-80, 70-300 telephoto bayonet, uv filter, 2x extender, carrying case, manual, $285; Vivitar 25-200mm screw type telephoto, $35. (530)283-4727. Quincy. SNOWBLOWER FOR SALE. Ariens Snow-thro. Deluxe 28, 250 CC, Briggs and Stratton. Snow Series. 11.5 HP. 15 hours, nearly new. Excellent cond. $600. (530)836-2533. VIAGRA AND CIALIS USERS! Cut your drug costs! Save $$! 50 pills for $99.00. Free shipping! 100% guaranteed and discreet. Call 1-800-624-9105. (Cal-SCAN) 521 Furniture BRAND NEW 6 piece bedroom set, dresser, mirror, queen bed, night stand plus queen mattress and foundation, $599. Factory fresh mattresses wrapped in plastic never slept on. Twin mattress and springs, $79. Full mattress and springs, $89. Queen mattress and springs, $99. Double pillow top queen mattress and foundation, 2 pc set $249. King double pillow top mattress and foundation, 3 pc set $299. New bunk bed in the box, $149. Sam’s Sleep Well Center 58981 Hwy 70, Cromberg. (530)836-0400. 522 Appliances WHIRLPOOL LARGE capacity washer and matched dryer. One year warranty, $299. 2 door frost free refrigerator, $179. 25 cu ft side by side with water and ice, $229. Gas range, $179. Washer, $160. Dryer, $140. Dishwasher, $129. We buy appliances. Sam’s T.V. & Appliance. 58981 Hwy 70. (530)836-0400. NOT FINDING THE SERVICE you need? Look in the Business Service Directory in the Sports or Regional Sections every week. TOPSOIL Triple Mix Soil 540 2008 TOYOTA SCION TC cpe, 5 spd, pw, plks, tilt, cr, cd, panaramic sun roof & more Only 97k miles Very Nice Car! $7,990 Plus tax, lic, doc fees. STK#: 659877 Call Jack QUINCY AUTO CO. 283-2277 • 966-5463 WANTED CONSIGN YOUR CAR OR TRUCK ACCORDION IORIO CANDIDO w/case. Italian made in approx. 1960. Good condition, tight and plays well. 120 bass, 9 switches. $300 obo. (530)283-3789. BUNDLES OF NEWSPAPERS Bundles of newspapers usable for fire starters, fish wrappers, family projects, parcel packing, paper mache, polishing windows, pet paper, bird cages, the possibilities are limitless. $1 per bundle. Available at Feather Publishing Co., 287 Lawrence Street, Quincy or Lassen County Times, 100 Grand Avenue, Susanville. Monday through Friday 8am-5pm. PORTABLE DUST COLLECtion system JDS 1.5 HP, 5 inch hose, extra hose & fittings. Excellent condition. $125 call (530)259-3666. MISC: Hot Tub, six-person, Cal-Spa. Motorhome, $1800. Toyota Camery, $1800. ‘71 Chevy Truck, $500. Camp Trailers, Boats and more. (530)394-0451. PIANO FOR SALE: small upright mahogany piano, 54” long by 37" high. Excellent condition. $100. Call (530)283-2934. MISC: Dell Printer, $65. Older Dell computer, $50. Desk chair, $35. Desk, $35 (45x50x23d). Cash only. (530)283-1893. Call between 10am-6pm. KILL BED BUGS & THEIR Eggs! Buy Harris Bed Bug Killers/kit. Complete treatment system. Available: Hardware Stores, The Home Depot, (Cal-SCAN) FOR A GOOD BUY, check the For Sale section of the classifieds! DR. MAC SPECIALIZES IN Apple Macintosh, iMac, MacBook repair, service and training, including OSX upgrades and software installation, iPhone and iPad training. We do house calls anywhere in Plumas, Lassen and Sierra counties. Call Dr. Mac in Quincy at (530)386-2616 or (530)283-0150. Working on Macintosh since 1987. All major credit cards accepted. 531 Quincy Yard Sale MOVING SALE. 9am-4pm. Friday & Saturday April 15th & 16th. 293 Katherine Street. Tools, tool boxes, fishing gear, clothing, shoes, boots, furniture, collectibles, antiques, and antique yard art. YARD SALE: 46 Lindan Ave. April 15th-18th, 9am-6pm. Pokemon cards, some rare and valuable, furniture, baby and children items, books, tons of clothing, games+, game systems. YARD SALE, APRIL 16th & 17th, 9am-3pm. 57 First Street, East Quincy. Mining tools, stereo, washing machine, antiques, etc. 540 Pickups & 4 x 4’s SOLD AS IS: 1998 Isuzu Trooper, 3.5L, 211,207 miles, 4X4 (530)832-4813. $1500. Sold As Is: 1979 Chevy 10 Scottdale P.U. 4x4. $1650. (530)832-4813. SOLD QUINCY AUTO CO. 1970 MAIN STREET QUINCY (530) 283-2277 1993 FORD F350 CREW CAB pickup. 4x4, auto, 5.8litre gas, 100k original miles, Reading shell w/compartments. $6000. (510)303-2574. Graeagle. 550 Autos & Vans SUBARU AWD 2015 SUBARU FORESTER premium, 4cyl, auto, pw, plks, tilt, cr, cd, moonroof, heated seats, blue tooth & more Only 38k miles New Condition! $21,995 Plus tax, lic, doc fees. STK#: 659877 Call Jack QUINCY AUTO CO. 283-2277 • 966-5463 ESCAPE Classified Advertising really works! Need some cash? You might be holding onto someone else’s treasure! What a great time to clean up your yard and make some cash! 2010 FORD ESCAPE AWDT xlt, auto, pw, plks, tilt, cr, cd, roof rack & more Only 79k miles Very, Very Clean! $11,990 Plus tax, lic, doc fees. STK#: 124577 CALL AND PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD TODAY. Call Jack QUINCY AUTO CO. 283-2277 • 966-5463 CHEAP CAR FEATHER RIVER BULLETIN Chester Progressive GRAND CHEROKEE 287 Lawrence Street, Quincy, CA • 283-0800 4x4, 6 cyl, auto, & more Westwood PinePress Portola Reporter 1993 JEEP Call (530) 257-4506 Computers Page 6 TOYOTA *Susanville area, call for outlying areas. 524 Wednesday, April 13, 2016 Pickups & 4 x 4’s 12 YARDS, DELIVERED* $350 NEWSPAPER END ROLLS..... Great for children’s projects, table cloths, drawing, gift wrapping etc. Various amounts on each roll. Prices start at $1.00. Pickup at Feather Publishing Co., 287 Lawrence St. in Quincy or Lassen County Times, 100 Grand Avenue, Susanville. Tuesday, April 12, 2016 Only 143k miles Runs Good! $2,790 Plus tax, lic, doc fees. STK#: 659877 Call Jack QUINCY AUTO CO. 283-2277 • 966-5463 P.O. Box 790, Westwood, CA • 258-3115 135 Main Street, Chester, CA • 258-3115 96 E. Sierra (Hwy 70), Portola, CA • 832-4646 Indian Valley P.O. Box 469, Greenville, CA • 284-7800 LASSEN COUNTY Times 100 Grand Ave., Susanville, CA • 257-5321 We Print Everything. 2009 BUICK LUCERNE, midnight blue color, excellent condition, 106,000 miles, very clean, well maintained, excellent gas mileage $7,000 call (307)587-4367. 2002 TOYOTA AVALON XLS. 180K miles, very well maintained. New tires, $3500. (530)257-6243. 570 ATVs Motorcycles 2003 KAWASAKI NINJA 250R. Only 4500 miles. Adult owned. Always garaged. New rear tire. Excellent condition, call (530)927-8668 Ad Writing Tips Vehicles For Sale Make, Year, Model, Body Style, Motor (V-8? Horsepower?) Transmission, Power, Equipment, Finish, Mileage, Previous Use (One Owner?) Mechanical Condition, Accessories, Tires, Battery, Interior, Price, Terms, Down Payment, Phone#. We Buy Nice Cars & Trucks, Paid For or Not SUSANVILLE AUTO CENTER 257-5092 Well … Almost Everything. THE PRINT SHOP AT FEATHER PUBLISHING, 287 LAWRENCE STREET, QUINCY CALL OR STOP BY ANY OF OUR LOCATIONS: FEATHER RIVER BULLETIN Chester Progressive We s t w o o d P i n e P r e s s Portola Reporter 287 Lawrence Street, Quincy, CA • 283-0800 P.O. Box 790, Westwood, CA • 258-3115 135 Main Street, Chester, CA • 258-3115 96 E. Sierra (Hwy 70), Portola, CA • 832-4646 Indian Valley P.O. Box 469, Greenville, CA • 284-7800 LASSEN COUNTY Times 100 Grand Ave., Susanville, CA • 257-5321
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Classifieds - Plumas News
Rent / caretake. Like new, private, quiet, sunny views. No
smoking. $500/month includes
utilities and cable TV. Possible