RFP-1534BM ARMORED CAR SERVICE This is a request for proposal to be used for Armored Car Services. The vendor listed below has been awarded the contract indicated. Exceptions, if any, are listed on the following page. RFP #1534BM Award RFP-1534BM –One year Contract for Armored Car Services with options to Renew for four (4) additional One-year periods beginning July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016. Dunbar Armored, Inc. TOTAL Cost $ 212,180.00 ___________ $ 212,180.00 * This annual amount is based on an estimate of 16,988 pickups x $12.49 per pickup--the number of pickups could change. Award is recommended to highest scoring firm and overall low bidder, Dunbar Armored, Inc., who scored 97 points out of 100. Bid packages were sent to the following vendors (the * indicates that a response was received): Dunbar Armored, Inc. Garda Exceptions: None Bid requested by: Renee Moore _________________________________ APPROVED BY _________________________________ DATE DUNBAR Maximum Score Evaluator's Score Approach 35 Points 35 Experience and Past Performance Discrepancy Resolution Plan References Cost Phase I Total TOTAL POINTS 25 Points 10 Points 5 Points 25 points 75 Points 100 Points 22 10 5 25 97 97 POINTS GARDA Approach Experience and Past Performance Discrepancy Resolution Plan References Cost Phase I Total TOTAL POINTS 35 Points 25 Points 10 Points 5 Points 25 points 75 Points 20 18 5 0 17.5 60.5 60.5 60.5 POINTS Approximate Contract Amount - Dunbar Regular Service # of locations (includes 4 new schools) # of pickups weekly # of weeks to pickup 137 Total pickups weekly 411 3 40 Total pickups annually 16,440 $ per pickup Total cost 12.49 $ 205,336 Summer Service # of locations # of pickups 137 4 Total pickups 548 $ per pickup 12.49 Total cost $ 6,845 Grand Total $ 212,180 4/16/2015 Approximate Contract Amount - Garda Regular Service # of locations (includes 4 new schools) # of pickups weekly # of weeks to pickup 137 Total pickups weekly 411 3 40 Total pickups annually 16,440 $ per pickup 17.82 Total cost $ 292,961 Summer Service # of locations # of pickups 137 4 Total pickups 548 $ per pickup 17.82 Total cost $ 9,765 Grand Total $ 302,726 *Cost for additonal items (excess premise time, items and liability) cannot be calculated. Proposal stated that costs other than the $ per pickup would not be considered, but Garda did include extra costs in their proposal. 4/17/2015 March 4, 2015 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL RFP-1534BM Armored Car Service March 25, 2015 2:00 PM Gwinnett County Public Schools (GCPS) Board of Education is soliciting competitive sealed proposals from qualified service providers for the Provision of Armored Car Services on an Annual Contract with four (4) options to renew. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received until 2:00 P.M. on Wednesday, March 25, 2015 and will be received by the Purchasing Department of GCPS located in the Instructional Support Center at 437 Old Peachtree Road, NW, Suwanee, Georgia 30024. If the response is hand delivered, please leave with the receptionist at the front desk. Any bid received after this date and time will not be accepted. Proposals will be publicly opened and only the name of the submitting firms will be read on March 26, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. A list of firms submitting proposals will be available the following business day on our website www.gwinnett.k12.ga.us. Questions regarding this bid should be directed to Betsy McCurry, Buyer, at betsy_mccurry@gwinnett.k12.ga.us or by calling 678-301-6283, no later than March 20, 2015. Proposals are legal and binding upon the bidder when submitted, and should be marked on the outside of the sealed container with the proposal number, company name, and required by date and time. Pricing for the proposal should be included in a separately sealed envelope within the RFP package, with a label containing the RFP number. One unbound original and four (4) copies should be submitted. The written proposal documents supersede any verbal or written prior communications between the parties. Selection criteria are outlined in the request for proposal documents. Gwinnett County Public Schools reserves the right to reject any or all proposals to waive technicalities and to make an award deemed in its best interest. Award notification will be posted after award on the GCPS website, www.gwinnett.k12.ga.us. All successful service providers will be required to provide the requested information to prove participation in the Federal E-Verify Program as referenced in Section 1D of the attached Instructions and Conditions. We look forward to your proposal and appreciate your interest in working with Gwinnett County Public Schools. Sincerely, Betsy McCurry Buyer Gwinnett County Public Schools Suwanee, Georgia “INSTRUCTIONS AND CONDITIONS FOR BIDS” These are general instructions and conditions that accompany each bid package. If more specific instructions are given in the individual bid package, those instructions should prevail. 1. PREPARATION OF BIDS A. Each bidder shall examine the drawings, specifications, schedule and all instructions. Failure to do so will be at the bidder’s risk, as the bidder will be held accountable for their bid response. B. All prices and bids should be typed or neatly handwritten. Each bidder shall furnish all information required by the bid form or document. No erasures are permitted. Errors may be crossed out and corrections typed adjacent and must be initialed in ink by the person signing the bid. An authorized agent of the company must sign bids. The firm’s name and telephone number must be shown and obligations assumed by such signature must be fulfilled. C. Individuals, firms and businesses seeking an award of a Gwinnett County Public School’s contract may not initiate or continue any verbal or written communications regarding a solicitation with any School Board Member, employee or other GCPS representative without permission of the Buyer named in the solicitation between the date of the issuance of the solicitation and the date of the final contract award by the Board of Education. Violations will be reviewed by the Purchasing Director. If determined that such communication has compromised the competitive process, the offer submitted by the individual, firm or business may be disqualified from consideration for award. D. In accordance with the Georgia Illegal Reform and Enforcement Act of 2011 (E-Verify), if providing service, performing work or delivering goods to Gwinnett County Public Schools including, but not limited to schools, warehouses and central offices, the applicable Georgia Security and Immigration Compliance documents found at http://www.gwinnett.k12.ga.us/gcps-purchasing under the vendor tab must be completed, signed, notarized and submitted with your bid/ proposal response. Failure to provide this document with your bid submittal may result in bid being deemed nonresponsive and automatic rejection. E. Time of delivery is part of the bid and must be adhered to. If it is impossible to meet the delivery specified in the bid, bidder shall state the best delivery possible in the space provided on the Bid Request. Words such as “immediate”, “as soon as possible”’ etc shall not be used. Time shall be stated in days and days shall mean “calendar days” (Saturday, Sunday, and holidays are to be included in that number). F. The preferred method of pricing submittal is in paper form, with an original signature from an authorized agent of the company. An electronic price worksheet will also be provided online to prospective bidders. If provided, electronic media shall be clearly identified and labeled including the vendor name, name of the bid and number, and date. Electronic price worksheets shall be in Microsoft Excel 2007 or more recent format and shall allow for sorting on any of the fields indicated on the spreadsheet. Submission of bid pricing and terms on electronic media does not replace paper bids. Unit price should not exceed 2 decimal points and should include freight charges. Prices submitted on the electronic price worksheet should be in number format. Other prices contained elsewhere in the Bid should be stated in both words and numbers. In the event of a conflict, the word version will prevail. Gwinnett County Public Schools Suwanee, Georgia 2. EXPLANATION TO BIDDERS Any explanation desired by a bidder regarding the meaning or interpretation of the invitation for bids, drawings, specifications, etc. must be requested by the question cutoff deadline stated in the solicitation in order for a reply to reach all bidders before the close of bid. Any information given to a prospective bidder concerning an invitation for bid will be furnished to all prospective bidders as an addendum to the invitation if such information is necessary or if the lack of such information would be prejudicial to uninformed bidders. The written bid documents supersede any verbal or written communications between parties. Receipt of addendum should be acknowledged in the bid. It is the bidder’s responsibility to ensure that they have all applicable addenda prior to bid submittal. This may be accomplished via contact with the assigned Procurement Agent prior to bid submittal. 3. SUBMISSION OF BIDS A. Each bid shall be submitted on the enclosed form in a sealed envelope addresses to the Gwinnett County Public Schools Purchasing/Property Management Department with the company name, opening date and time, and bid number printed on the outside of the envelope. Telephone/faxed bids will not be considered. Any addenda should be enclosed in the sealed envelopes as well. B. Brand names and manufacture model numbers are not for restrictive purposes but to establish an acceptable level of quality unless “no substitution” is clearly stated in the specifications. Specifications used are intended to be open and nonrestrictive. When no reference or change is made on submission by bidder, it is understood that the specific item named in the solicitation document shall be furnished by the bidder. If bidding an equivalent, state manufacturer name and model number. Also, product brochures/specifications should be submitted with bid of the equivalents you are bidding. Failure to include the supportive information may result in the item automatically being rejected. The Board, through its Purchasing Agent, shall be the sole judge in making determination as to the quality. All decisions shall be final. (Moved from PREPARATION OF BIDS section) C. Bids, modifications to bids or corrections on bids received after the opening time specified will not be considered. The Board will not be responsible for lateness of receipt due to mail delays. D. If necessary, addendums to the Bid will be posted up to seventy two (72) hours before the Bid opening time. E. Samples of items, when required, must be submitted within the time specified and, unless otherwise specified by the GCPS, at no expense to GCPS. Samples must be tagged with the bidder’s name and Bid Number. Unless otherwise specified, samples not used or destroyed in testing will be returned to the bidder at their request and at their expense. The Board will assume no responsibility for items destroyed or stolen when being tested. F. Items offered must meet required specifications and must be of a quality, which will adequately serve the use and purpose for which intended. G. Full identification of each item bid upon, including brand name, model, catalog number, etc. must be furnished to identify exactly what the bidder is offering. Manufacturer’s literature may be furnished. Gwinnett County Public Schools Suwanee, Georgia H. The bidder must certify that items to be furnished are new and that the quality has not deteriorated so as to impair its usefulness. I. Signatures on bids are binding for pricing and all terms and must be signed by an authorized agent of the company. J. GCPS is exempt from federal excise tax and Georgia sales tax with regard to goods and services purchased directly by GCPS. Suppliers and contractors are responsible for federal excise tax and sales tax, including taxes for materials incorporated in county construction projects. Suppliers and contractors should contact the State of Georgia Sales Tax Division for additional information. K. Information submitted by a bidder in the bidding process shall be subject to disclosure after the public opening in accordance with the Georgia Open Records Act. Each page of proprietary information must be identified. Entire bid may not be deemed proprietary. 4. WITHDRAWAL OF BID DUE TO ERRORS The bidder shall give notice in writing of his claim of right to withdraw his bid without penalty due to an error within two (2) business days after the conclusion of the bid opening procedure. Bids may be withdrawn from consideration if the price was substantially lower than the other bids due solely to a mistake therein, provided the bid was submitted in good faith, and the mistake was a clerical mistake as opposed to a judgment mistake, and was actually due to an unintentional arithmetic error or an unintentional omission of a quantity of work, labor or material made directly in the compilation of the bid, which unintentional arithmetic error or unintentional omission can be clearly shown by objective evidence drawn from inspection of original work papers, documents and material used in the preparation of the bid sought to be withdrawn. The bidder’s original work papers shall be the sole acceptable evidence of error and mistake if he elects to withdraw his bid. If a bid is withdrawn under the authority of this provision, the lowest remaining responsive bid shall be deemed to be low bid. Bid withdrawal is not automatically granted and will be allowed solely at Gwinnett County Public School’s discretion. 5. 6. REJECTION AND WITHDRAWAL OF BIDS Failure to observe any of the instructions or conditions in this invitation to bid may constitute grounds for rejection of bid. AWARDS A. Award will be made to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder. The quality of the articles to be supplied, their conformity with the specifications, their suitability to the requirements of Gwinnett County Public Schools, and the delivery terms will be taken into consideration in making the award. B. Awards may not be made a bidder for less than $500.00 when there are multiple awards on a bid. C. Bidders agree that their bids are subject to acceptance at anytime within 30 days after opening, unless otherwise stipulated in the bid. D. Bid tabulations shall be available at the time of award. Gwinnett County Public Schools Suwanee, Georgia E. The Board may place additional orders or increase quantities at quoted prices in excess of the original bid with the consent of the bidder and for such period of time as may be agreed upon between the Board and the bidder. F. The Board may accept or reject any or all bids or part of bids and may waive informalities, technicalities and irregularities. The judgment of the Board on such matters shall be final. G. GCPS reserves the right to make an award as deemed in its best interest, which may include awarding a bid to a single bidder or multiple bidders, or to award the whole bid, only part of the bid, or none of the bid to single or multiple bidders, based on its sole discretion of its best interest H. CONTRACT: Each bid is received with the understanding that the acceptance in writing by the Gwinnett County Public Schools of the offer to furnish any or all of the commodities or services described therein shall constitute a contract between the bidder and the GCPS which shall bind the bidder on his part to furnish and deliver the articles quoted at the prices stated in accordance with the conditions of said accepted bid. The Request for Bid, Bidder’s Response and a Purchase Order or Contract and its attachments, either attached hereto or by reference, when received by the successful bidder, shall constitute (1) a binding Contract on the terms set forth herein, and (2) the entire Contract, and it is to be interpreted, construed and given effect in all respects according to the laws of the State of Georgia. 7. AUTHORIZED PURCHASES All purchases, whether for products or services, must be supported in advance by an official hard copy purchase order, valid purchase order number or GCPS authorized Visa purchasing card. The Gwinnett County Board of Education will not be bound by any unauthorized purchases. 8. TERM The standard effective term of this RFP will be twelve (12) months based on the dates specified in the Bid Award. The Board reserves the option to renew this RFP up to a maximum of four (4) additional terms of twelve (12) months each for a total potential term length of five (5) years. Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section 50-5-64, this contract shall not be deemed to create a debt of The Board for the payment of any sum beyond the fiscal year of execution or, in the event of a renewal, beyond the fiscal year of such renewal. 9. DELIVERY TERMS Unless otherwise stated in the invitation to bid and any resulting contract, or unless qualified by the bidder, items shall be shipped F.O.B. Destination to our warehouse except where installation is required. The seller shall retain title for the risk of transportation, including the filing for loss or damages. The invoice covering the items is not payable until items are delivered and the contract of carriage has been completed. Unless the F.O.B. clause states otherwise, the seller assumes transportation and related charges either by payment or allowance. Where installation is required, prices are to include all necessary wiring, connecting, leveling, piping, uncrating, moving and all other changes incurred in placing the equipment in operation, unless otherwise specified. All merchandise requiring installation and which is shipped F.O.B. job site must be received by the successful vendor’s regularly employed personnel and the equipment stored in the area designated by the owner’s representative. The Board will not assume responsibility for any items which require installation until it is completely installed and demonstrated to the appropriate school officials. Gwinnett County Public Schools Suwanee, Georgia 10. 11. PATENT INDEMNITY The contractor guarantees to hold GCPS, its agents, officers or employees harmless from liability of any nature or kind for use of any copyrighted or uncopyrighted composition, secret process, patented or unpatented invention, articles or appliances furnished or used in the performance of the contract, for which the contractor is not the patentee, assignee or licensee. SHIPPING AND MARKING A. All merchandise will be received in our warehouse on weekdays between the hours of 7:00 A.M. and 3:00 P.M. Where two or more items are packaged together, their combined weight shall be no more than two thousand (2,000) pounds. B. MARKING: Include packing list in each shipment. Packing list must show Gwinnett County Board of Education Purchase Order Number, Contents and Shipper’s Name and Address, mark packing list and Invoices covering final Shipment “Order Completed”. If no packing list accompanies the shipment, the Buyers count will be accepted. Mark (upper left corner) or each package (box, crate, barrel, bundle, piece) clearly with (1) Shipper’s name and address, (2) Contents, (3) Board of Education Purchase Order Number, and (4) Bill of Lading or Express Receipt and on every package the marking specified above, will obligate Shipper for any and all extra cost incurred, including drayage or demurrage. 12. INVOICES All invoices must show the purchase order number, the item number, and should be mailed to Gwinnett County Public Schools, Finance Department, 437 Old Peachtree Road, NW, Suwanee, Georgia 300242978. 13. PAYMENT PAYMENT IN FULL will be made by the Board of Education when an invoice is received indicating that the goods and/or services have been delivered. The Board of Education will also make PARTIAL PAYMENT when partial shipment is received, as long as an invoice is received indicating partial delivery. 14. DEFAULT In the event any property or service to be furnished by the bidder under a Contract or purchase order should for any reason not conform to the specifications contained herein, or to the sample submitted by the bidder with his bid, the Board may reject the property or service. Then, in which event, with specific instructions from the Director of Purchasing, the bidder shall immediately remove the property without expense to the Board and replace all rejected property with such property or service conforming to the specifications or samples. Should the bidder default in the performance of the foregoing paragraph, the Board may procure such property or services from other sources and shall have the absolute right to deduct from any monies due to the bidder, the difference between the contract price and the actual cost of the property to be replaced or substituted. Price paid by the Board of Education in such event shall be the prevailing market price at the time the substitute purchase is made. 15. COMPLIANCE All property or services furnished must comply with all applicable Federal, State and Local Laws, Codes and regulations. Successful Bidders must obtain County Permits where necessary. Gwinnett County Public Schools Suwanee, Georgia 16. RIGHTS AND REMEDIES The rights and remedies of the Board provided above shall not be exclusive and are in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law or under the contract. 17. BIDDERS EVIDENCE OF RESPONSIBILITY Bidders may be required to furnish evidence in writing that they maintain permanent places of business and have adequate equipment, finances and personnel to furnish the items offered satisfactorily and expeditiously and that they are authorized dealers and can provide necessary services and warranties for items they propose to furnish. 18. SUCCESSFUL BIDDERS Successful Bidders will be responsible for seeing that all County Inspection Codes are complied with as regarding (1) electrical, (2) gas and (3) water fittings and outlets. Field Checks for exact measurements of all spaces for items to be furnished will be the responsibility of the successful bidder. This is to insure proper fitting of all items in the space provided. Shop Drawings, if applicable, will be prepared and three (3) copies will be furnished to the Board of Education Purchasing Department before work is begun. 19. RESPONSE Failure to respond to Invitation to Bid (submission of bid, or written notice that vendor is unable to bid on this particular request but wishes to remain an active bidder for this particular item) will be understood by the Board of Education to indicate a lack of interest and concurrence in the removal of the vendor’s name. 20. USE BY OTHER AGENCIES This bid allows for other State and Local Government Agencies within the State of Georgia to buy off this bid at the same prices quoted during the effective term, pending agreement between Bidder and the third party entity. Charter Schools – Selected GCPS contracts and pricing have been made available for use by GCPS Charter Schools. Sales to GCPS Charter Schools by the Contractor will be optional and will not be considered when determining award, i.e. it is not mandatory to allow other agencies to participate. It is to be understood, however, that Gwinnett County Public Schools shall not be responsible for any problems that may arise between a GCPS Charter School and the contractor as a result of any sales. Any resulting contract is solely between the supplier and third party GCPS Charter School. Billings for items purchased under this agreement shall be directed to the agency making the purchase. 21. DEBARMENT STATUS By submitting their bid or proposal, all vendors certify that they are not currently debarred from submitting bids or proposals on contracts by any agency of the State of Georgia and the federal government, nor are they an agent of any person or entity that is currently debarred from submitting bids on contracts by any agency of the State of Georgia or the federal government. 22. NON-COLLUSION Bidder declares that the bid is not made in connection with any other bidder submitting a bid for the same commodity or commodities, and that the bid is bona fide and is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud. Collusion and fraud in bid preparation shall be reported to the State of Georgia Attorney General and the United States Justice Department. Gwinnett County Public Schools Suwanee, Georgia 23. DEFAULT The contract may be canceled or annulled by the Purchasing Director in whole or in part by written notice of default to the contractor upon non-performance or violation of contract terms. An award may be made to the next low responsive and responsible bidder, or articles specified may be purchased on the open market similar to those so terminated. In either event, the defaulting contractor (or his surety) shall be liable to the County for costs to the County in excess of the defaulted contract prices; provided, however, that the contractor shall continue the performance of this contract to the extent not terminated under the provisions of this clause. 24. TERMINATION FOR CAUSE Gwinnett County Public Schools may terminate this agreement for cause upon ten days prior written notice to the contractor of the contractor’s default in the performance of any term of this agreement. Such termination shall be without prejudice to any of GCPS’s rights or remedies by law. 25. TERMINATION FOR CONVENIENCE Gwinnett County Public Schools may terminate this agreement for its convenience at any time upon 30 days written notice to the contractor. In the event of GCPS’s termination of this agreement for convenience, the contractor will be paid for those services actually performed. Partially completed performance of the agreement will be compensated based upon a signed statement of completion to be submitted by the contractor, which shall itemize each element of performance. 26. AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT All contractors for Gwinnett County Public Schools are required to comply with all applicable sections of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) as an equal opportunity employer. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Gwinnett County Public Schools provides reasonable accommodations to permit a qualified applicant with a disability to enjoy the privileges of employment equal to those employees with disabilities. Disabled individuals must satisfy job requirements for education background, employment experience, and must be able to perform those tasks that are essential to the job with or without reasonable accommodations. 27. ALTERATIONS OF SOLICITATION AND ASSOCIATED DOCUMENTS Alterations of Gwinnett County Public Schools documents are strictly prohibited and will result in automatic disqualification of the firm’s solicitation response. If there are “exceptions” or comments to any of the solicitation requirements or other language, then the firm may make notes to those areas, but may not materially alter any document language. 28. INDEMNIFICATION To the fullest extent permitted by law, the Contractor shall, at his sole cost and expense, indemnify, defend, satisfy all judgments, and hold harmless GCPS, the engineer, and their agents and employees from and against all claims, damages, actions, judgments, costs, penalties, liabilities, losses and expenses, including, but not limited to, attorney's fees arising out of or resulting from the performance of the work, provided that any such claim, damage, action, judgment, cost, penalty, liability, loss or expense (1) is attributable to bodily injury, sickness, disease, or death, or to injury to or destruction of tangible property (other than the work itself) including the loss of use resulting therefrom, and (2) is caused in whole or in part by any act or omission of the Contractor, any subcontractor, anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable, regardless whether such claim is caused in part by a party indemnified hereunder. Such obligation shall not be construed to negate, abridge or otherwise reduce any of the rights or obligations of indemnity which Gwinnett County Public Schools Suwanee, Georgia would otherwise exist as to any party or person described in this agreement. In any and all claims against GCPS, the engineer, or any of their agents or employees by any employee of the Contractor, any subcontractor, anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them, or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable, the indemnification obligation contained herein shall not be limited in any way by any limitation on the amount or type of damages, compensation, or benefits payable by or for the Contractor or any subcontractor under Worker's Compensation Acts, disability benefit acts, or other employee benefit acts. Gwinnett County Public Schools Suwanee, Georgia I THE UNDERSIGNED, ACKNOWLEDGE THAT I HAVE READ THE BID DOCUMENT IN ITS ENTIRETY AND AGREE TO CONFORM TO ITS EVERY REQUIREMENT. I FURTHER ACKNOWLEDGE THAT FAILURE TO PREPARE, SUBMIT, OR EXECUTE THIS BID IN THE EXACT MANNER REQUESTED WILL BE JUST CAUSE TO REJECT ANY OR MY ENTIRE BID. COMPANY NAME:_______________________________________________________________ BY:____________________________________________________________________________ (PRINT NAME) ____________________________________________________________________________ (SIGNATURE) ADDRESS:______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ PHONE NUMBER:________________________________________________________________ FAX NUMBER:__________________________________________________________________ E-MAIL ADDRESS:________________________________________________________________ DATE:_________________________________________________________________________ CONTACT FOR PRODUCT INFORMATION:____________________________________________ PHONE NUMBER:________________________________________________________________ THE ABOVE ACKNOWLEDGMENT MUST BE PROPERLY SIGNED AND FIRMLY ATTACHED TO YOUR BID. THIS ACKNOWLEDGMENT BECOMES A PART OF YOUR BID AND WITHOUT IT YOUR BID IS NOT COMPLETE AND WILL BE SUBJECT TO REJECTION. Gwinnett County Public Schools Suwanee, Georgia BID PROTEST PROCEDURE This bid protest procedure applies to challenges to the awarding of bids or contracts by the Purchasing department of the Gwinnett County Public Schools. If the protesting party does not submit a bid or proposal the protest must be submitted prior to the date of the bid opening, or prior to the date on which the RFP proposal or quote is due to be received by the Board. Any protests received after those dates will not be reviewed and considered and will be dismissed as untimely. For those protestors who did submit a bid or RFP response, their protests must be filed within seven days after the protesting party knew or should have known of the facts giving rise to the protest. However, no protest will be accepted that is filed more than seven days after the date the notice of award of the contract is posted on the Purchasing Department of the Gwinnett County Public Schools website. Untimely protests will be dismissed. The date of filing is the date the protest is received by the Purchasing Department. A protest must be in writing and must be sent to Gwinnett County Public Schools, Purchasing Department, 437 Old Peachtree Road, NW, Suwanee, Georgia 30024 Attn: Director of Purchasing. Each protest must specify the reasons the protesting party believes that the solicitation or award was improper. Issues not raised in the written protest are deemed waived and may not be raised on appeal. The protesting party may submit with the protest any documents or information deemed relevant. If the contract has been awarded, the Purchasing Department shall notify the successful bidder or contractor of the protest. If the protest is received before the contract is awarded and substantial issues are raised by the protest, all bidders and offerors who appear to have a substantial and reasonable prospect of winning the award shall be notified of the protest and the reasons for the protest and they may file their position on the issues with the Purchasing Department, in writing, within five days after receipt of notice of the protest. Upon the filing of a protest, further action on the solicitation or award shall be stayed, or if the protest is timely received after the award, performance of the contract should be suspended until the protest is resolved. The Purchasing department may, however, determine that the protest is clearly without merit or that award of the contract without delay is necessary to protect the substantial interests of the Board. In such case, if the Director of Purchasing determines that the protest is clearly without merit or will substantially harm the Board and does not stay the procurement, he shall immediately issue the decision. Gwinnett County Public Schools Suwanee, Georgia Within 15 days of the receipt of a protest, the Purchasing Department will issue a response. The response may include any documents or information that the contracting officer or Director of Purchasing deems relevant to the protest. If additional time is required to investigate the protest, he shall inform the protesting party of the additional time needed to render a determination and obtain the protesting party's consent. Unless an extension of time has been agreed to, the Director of Purchasing shall issue a final written determination stating the reasons for the decision within 60 days of the date the protest was filed. The Purchasing Department shall send a copy of the decision to the protesting party and any other person determined to be affected by the decision. If the protest is denied, the decision shall inform the protesting party of its right to file an appeal. The appeal will need to be sent to Gwinnett County Public Schools, Business and Finance Division, 437 Old Peachtree Road, NW, Suwanee, Georgia 30024 Attn: Chief Financial Officer, and received within 15 days of the mailing date of the decision. Gwinnett County Public Schools Suwanee, Georgia TO ALL PROSPECTIVE VENDORS: Because of the many requests to be placed on our vendors’ lists, we are continuously updating them. While we want to include all bona fide vendors, we do not want to send notifications to those vendors who may no longer be interested in participating in our solicitation procedure. If you do not choose to respond to the attached Request for Proposal, please fill in the form below indicating whether or not you want to be retained on our current vendors’ list. Vendors who do not respond in any way (by either submitting a proposal or by returning the form below) over a period of one year will be removed from the vendors list. If you desire to submit a “NO BID”, please indicate by checking one or more of the reasons listed below. (Please indicate No Bid with Bid Number.) Return to Gwinnett County Public Schools, 437 Old Peachtree Road, NW, Suwanee, GA 30024-2978, Attention Senior Buyer, Kim Murphy or fax to 678-301-6284. Failure to return this page may result in removal of your company from commodity listing. □ Unable to bid at this time. Would like to receive future bids. □ Do not offer this product or service; remove us from this item only. □ Specifications too "tight"; geared toward one brand or manufacturer only □ Specifications are unclear. □ Unable to meet specifications □ Our schedule would not permit us to perform. □ Insufficient time to respond. □ Remove us from your Bidder’s List. □ Other: __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ This page must be returned only if you are not bidding. ________________________________________________________________________ TYPE OR PRINT NAME OF PERSON COMPLETING CHECKLIST _______________________________________________________________ SIGNATURE OF PERSON COMPLETING THIS CHECKLIST _________________________________ COMPANY NAME _______________________ BID NUMBER Gwinnett County Public Schools Suwanee, Georgia Introduction/Background The Gwinnett County Board of Education (Board) requests competitive sealed proposals for the Provisions of Armored Car Services on an Annual Contract with the option to renew for four (4) additional once-year periods. Gwinnett County Public Schools (GCPS) is the largest school district in the State of Georgia. The district currently has 133 locations requiring deposit pickup and four (4) new schools are scheduled to open for the 2015-16 school year. A listing of locations as of January 1, 2015 is attached as Exhibit A. Additional information regarding GCPS may be obtained by logging on to www.gwinnett.k12.ga.us. Deposit Pickup Proposals are requested for deposit pickup. Each school location maintains a depository account for local school funds and a depository account for cafeteria funds. Each location makes daily deposits into both accounts. The deposits consist of coin, currency and checks, with separate deposit bags prepared for each type of deposit. Pick-ups are required at all locations on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. All pickups will be made in accordance with the school calendar and within school starting and ending times as listed on Exhibits B and C. The new schools are not included, but will be provided by July 1, 2015. The starting and ending times are subject to change and a final listing will be provided by August 1, 2015. In addition, the Board requires service at one administrative location and may require services for summer pickups on varying schedules during the months of June and July. GCPS reserves the right to increase or decrease the number of schools, change the pick-up frequency and change starting and ending times during the contract term. All deposits will be delivered intact, along with the appropriate reports, to the designated cash delivery location of the Board’s bid bank no later than the first banking day following pickup. The current Board bid bank is Wells Fargo. Wells Fargo Bank requires delivery at the downtown cash vault. All bidders must meet any requirements set forth by Wells Fargo Bank. Contact information will be provided to the awarded service provider. Reporting A daily report of check, currency and coin deposits picked up will be prepared. GCPS will receive one consolidated daily deposit report for the school nutrition program and one consolidated daily deposit report for the local school program. The report should include school name, bag number and declared amount. The report will be delivered along with the deposits to the designated location of the Board’s bid bank. A copy of the report will be made available to GCPS upon request by the district. A daily report of locations not receiving service will be prepared and delivered via fax or other electronic method no later than 11:00 a.m. the next business day. Missing Items Research Research of missing or disputed items will be done at no additional cost. GCPS will make a written notification of a missing or disputed item. The item will be resolved within 30 days of notification from GCPS. Gwinnett County Public Schools Suwanee, Georgia General Information Communication – Gwinnett County Public Schools Personnel: Individuals, firms and businesses seeking an award of a Gwinnett County Public Schools contract may not initiate or continue any verbal or written communications regarding a solicitation. All communications concerning the Proposal must be submitted in writing to the Gwinnett County Public School’s Purchasing Department. Email to Betsy McCurry at betsy_mccurry@gwinnett.k12.ga.us is the preferred method of communication. Only written questions submitted via email or fax will be accepted. No response other than written communication by the Purchasing Department will be binding upon Gwinnett County Public Schools. Violations will be reviewed by the Purchasing Director. If determined that such communication has compromised the competitive process, the offer submitted by the individual, firm or business may be disqualified from consideration for award. The Purchasing Department, in its discretion, may call upon user departments for clarification in their area of expertise. All questions or commentary must be received no later than March 20, 2015 to allow for appropriate and timely responses. Contract Duration This contract is effective July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016. Gwinnett County Public Schools (GCPS) reserves the right to extend this proposal for one or more years (not to exceed four years) with the approval of the Gwinnett County Board of Education. Proposal extensions will be approved in one year increments. GCPS will also consider a price increase for each of the one-year extensions based on the non-seasonally adjusted consumer price index (CPI) for the Atlanta region for the previous 12 months. The price increase cannot exceed the CPI increase for the previous 12-month period. The price increase must be requested in writing. If no such request is made, GCPS will assume the current price will hold for the duration of the one year extension. Invoicing The service provider will invoice GCPS for service on a monthly basis. The total expected cost of the contract will be divided into twelve monthly payments of the same amount, based on the expected number of pickups for the fiscal year (July-June). The district will be invoiced for this flat rate each month. No invoice will be processed for payment until such a time as all contractual obligations have been met. No other charges will be considered for payment (ex: excess bags, excess liability, excess premise time, etc.) as these should be worked into the cost per pickup. Approved invoice payments will be made by Gwinnett County Public Schools. The invoice must have an acceptable degree of legibility to enable scanning for electronic document filing by Gwinnett County Public School’s Accounts Payable. All outstanding invoices for the current fiscal year must be submitted for payment by June 30, 2016. Payments will not be made on any invoices received after June 30, 3016. Rights and Remedies GCPS reserves the right to levy liquidated damages in the amount of ½ of 1% per day of the gross amount of the contract for every day pickups are not made or deposits are not delivered to Wachovia Bank, NA as agreed upon. Either party may cancel the agreement with 120 days advance written notice. Gwinnett County Public Schools Suwanee, Georgia Insurance Requirements Armored Car Service - The Successful service provider will be required to submit a Certificate of Insurance per the Following Requirements. 1. 2. The successful bidder must show evidence of cargo insurance in the amount of $1,000,000.00. The successful bidder must show proper evidence of company and driver bonding. PROPOSAL FORMAT AND CONTENT The submitted proposal package should be responsive to the specific range of issues elaborated in this request. Submission of excessive “boiler plate” information is discouraged. In an effort to ensure our ability to evaluate and choose a successful Service Provider(s) for this annual contract, respondents are encouraged to organize their proposal as follows: Section 1 – Introduction and Executive Summary Section 2 – Experience and Qualifications Section3 – Project Approach Section 4 – Questionnaire Section 5 - References Section 6 - Cost Proposals Service providers are requested to submit one (1) unbound original clearly marked (use binder clip or rubber band), four (4) bound copies, and one (1) disc in Adobe PDF format of the entire proposal package (without the cost proposal). Cost proposals are to be submitted in a separate sealed envelope in both hard and Adobe PDF format. All copies of the proposal must be identical. Please label the CD or DVD with submitting company name and reference the proposal number. The full cost of proposal preparation is to be borne by the proposing firm. Proposals should include the following: Section 1 – Introduction and Executive Summary An executive summary should be prepared describing the major facts or features of the proposal, including any conclusions, assumptions, and general recommendations. The service provider should also indicate how long it has been in business and how long in the Atlanta market. Section 2 – Experience and Past Performance The service provider will provide a brief description of their company and its history and how it relates to this type of professional services requirement. The service provider will provide examples of programs and documentation from at least one (1) previous client that had a successfully implemented contract within the last three years, in organizations of similar size, as well as a list of past contracts that qualifies them to undertake the Provision of Armored Car Services. The service provider will also provide in detail the capacity of the firm to perform the proposed work. Section 3 – Project Approach Provide a description of how your firm proposes to accomplish the services solicited, including any creative or cost effective approaches. Section 4 – Questionnaire The service provider should prepare response to proposal by completing the questions listed below which will demonstrate their understanding, experience and ability to adequately provide the services required in this RFP. If the service provider considers it beneficial to expand upon an issue, or a RFP statement /requirement that are Gwinnett County Public Schools Suwanee, Georgia not addressed in the questions below, please do so. 1. Provide a short narrative description of your organization to include the corporate structure of the organization and include officers/staff that will service this account, and identify the location of the facilities that will be utilized in providing services under this RFP. 2. Identify any and all subcontractors, its officers and contractual arrangements. State what services will be subcontracted. 3. Provide a description of the armored vehicles that will be used, how many will be used, where they will be housed, and the security surrounding the facility. In the event of a breakdown, delays, absenteeism, etc., what are the backup vehicle and personnel resources? 4. What is the policy of notifying customers of route problems? Will you dispatch a separate pickup/delivery or will deposits be delayed until the next scheduled pickup? 5. Detail the company’s experience in picking up in K-12 facilities. 6. Explain the procedures for hiring armored car personnel. What qualifications and experience are required in armored car personnel candidates? What background checks are performed? 7. Provide the names and location of the officers and management personnel who will be responsible for the fulfillment of the services requested. 8. Provide the names and location of a minimum of two individuals (one primary and one backup) who will be responsible for the daily inquiries, problems and initial training. 9. Explain what initial training the company will provide. The RFP winner may be required to provide this training at GCPS bookkeeper or cafeteria manager meetings from time to time. 10. For reference purposes, provide names, addresses, contacts and telephone numbers of five current customers for whom you are providing armored car services. One must be of similar size to GCPS and one should be a school system, if possible. 11. Explain in detail the procedure and responsibility of the armored car carrier from its arrival on the premises to its departure, including maximum premise time allowed. Explain the responsibility of the on-site local school personnel at this time. 12. How quickly can the company adjust to changes in the pick-up location or schedules for GCPS? 13. Describe on-line services the company can provide to GCPS. 14. Include a summary of any problems that the company may anticipate in meeting the requirements of this proposal and possible solutions to these problems. Gwinnett County Public Schools Suwanee, Georgia Section 5 – References The service provider should provide GCPS, in their proposal, a total of five (5) references of a similar size and scope. All information provided should be current and verifiable and should be completed on the form that is provided. Please include the following valid information for each referenced project: Company Name: Contact Name: Address: City: State: Zip: Telephone Number: E-mail Address: Provide a description of the special experience, capabilities, and technical resources that can be contributed to this contract by the submitting firm. Please verify contact information prior to submission (especially the phone number and E-mail). Failure to verify contact information may result in a significant reduction in your firm’s reference scoring if we are unable to contact the reference firm. Section 6 – Cost Proposal Please complete the Cost Proposal and place in a separate sealed envelope. Paper documents printed from the electronic media should be submitted to provide a backup for the electronic media. The attached proposal schedule is for reference purposes only. Submission of proposal pricing and terms on electronic media does not replace paper proposals. Both paper and electronic proposals must be submitted. Information contained on electronic media shall prevail over information submitted on printed proposal price sheets, unless it is apparent that such information on the electronic media is not accurate or is erroneous and this can be verified independently. Failure to submit both paper and electronic versions of proposal pricing may result in overall proposal being rejected. Scoring for cost will be calculated using the formula below: Remember to submit cost proposal in separate envelope. Lowest Price Offered Price of Offer being Evaluated = % Factor X Maximum Available Points = Points Assigned Miscellaneous Requirements & Information The service provider will provide a clear and complete response of the proposed items in direct response to the requirements set forth in this RFP. The description will be sufficient to enable the evaluation team to determine that the proposal satisfies the RFP requirements and meets the needs of the GCPS. Proposals submitted are not publicly available until after award by the Gwinnett County Board of Education. All proposals and supporting materials as well as correspondence relating to this RFP become property of Gwinnett County Public Schools when received. Any proprietary information contained in the proposal should be so indicated. However, a general indication that the entire contents, or a major portion, of the proposal is proprietary will not be honored. Proposals must be signed in ink by a company official that has authorization to commit company resources and shall contain the firm’s full business address. Gwinnett County Public Schools Suwanee, Georgia Addenda & Opening of Proposals It is the ultimate responsibility of the proposer to ensure that they have all applicable addenda prior to proposal submission. Addenda will be posted on our website: www.gwinnett.k12.ga.us. Receipt of addenda should be acknowledged in the proposal on the appropriate form provided in this solicitation. Only the names of the submitting companies will be available the following business day on our website. All proposals and evaluations will be kept strictly confidential throughout the evaluation, negotiation, and selection process. Request for Clarification or Additional Information GCPS’s reserves the right to request clarification of information provided and to request additional information required to assist in the evaluation process. GCPS’s reserves the right to reject all proposals, to negotiate changes in the scope of work or services to be provided, and to otherwise waive any technicalities. SELECTION PROCEDURES The proposal package will be evaluated based on the responsiveness to the criteria described below with those criteria’s values weighted as follows: (MAXIMUM 120 POINTS): Phase I Approach: Extent in which the information submitted describing how the service provider is proposing to accomplish the services, including any creative or cost effective approaches to product delivery. Experience and Past Performance: Overall level of demonstrated experience by the service provider and the capability to perform terms of the contract Discrepancy Resolution Plan: Service providers detailed plan for reconciling discrepancies. References: The selection committee will contact references’ provided by the firm and evaluate. PHASE I TOTAL PHASE II Cost: Cost will be calculated using a weighted formula using the percent mark up as listed on the Proposal Fee Schedule. Total PHASE III Presentations/Interviews (optional) GRAND TOTAL Maximum Score 35 Points 25 Points 10 Points 5 Points 75 Points 25 Points 100 Points 20 Points 120 Points Step 1: Evaluation Team will evaluate responses according to the criteria as described above in Phase I and score and rank the proposals. The Evaluation Team will short list the proposers receiving at least 80% (60 points out of a possible 75) of the available points on Phase I, and then evaluate the price per location per pickup, as stated in Phase II. Step 2: Cost proposals will then be opened and scored and the results will be combined with the results of Step 1 scoring. After this scoring, proposers totaling at least 80% (80 points out of a possible 100) will be short listed. Step 3: At the discretion of the Evaluation Team, either all of the Phase II short list Service Providers or none of them will be asked to make a presentation which would consist of a brief demonstration of the company's proposed solution for the provision of Armored Car Services on an Annual Contract for Gwinnett County Public Schools. All costs associated with the interview (if required) will be at the expense of the proposing firm. Interviews should be conducted within five (5) working days after request. If GCPS’s exercises this right to Gwinnett County Public Schools Suwanee, Georgia conduct interviews, a maximum of 20 additional points may be assigned. Step 4: The decision to interview is at the sole discretion of the Evaluation Team. Based upon the final scores, GCPS reserves the right to negotiate with the selected firm(s) for rates and concessions that is in the best interest of GCPSs. If negotiations with the highest ranked firm(s) are unsuccessful, Gwinnett County Public Schools’ may negotiate with the second ranked firm and so on until a satisfactory agreement has been reached and then awarded by the Gwinnett County Board of Education. Following this evaluation process, GCPSs plans to make an award to the firm(s) that the Evaluation Team has determined to have submitted the best responses and who appear to have submitted proposals which enhance the ability of GCPS to fulfill its mandate of service. Prior to the execution of the contract and at all times that this contract is in force, the service provider shall obtain, maintain and furnish GCPSs Certificates of Insurance from licensed companies doing business in the state of Georgia. Termination for Cause: The County may terminate this agreement for cause upon ten days prior written notice to the contractor of the contractor’s default in the performance of any term of this agreement. Such termination shall be without prejudice to any of the County’s rights or remedies by law. Termination for Convenience: The County may terminate this agreement for its convenience at any time upon 30 days written notice to the contractor. In the event of the County’s termination of this agreement for convenience, the contractor will be paid for those services actually performed. Partially completed performance of the agreement will be compensated based upon a signed statement of completion to be submitted by the contractor, which shall itemize each element of performance Proposal Award Dispute Any dispute resulting from an award of this contract must be submitted to the Director of Purchasing in writing no later than 10 days after notice of award has been issued. Tie-Proposal In case of a tie proposal, there will be a formal coin toss conducted by the Director of Purchasing and witnessed by two (2) or more staff. Should any dispute arise as a result of this proposal, the dispute will be settled in accordance with Georgia Laws. Right to Re-Solicit Gwinnett County Board of Education reserves the right to reject any and all proposals. The school system may waive any informalities or minor technicalities. Gwinnett County Public Schools Suwanee, Georgia ARMORED CAR SERVICES BID FORM Price Per Location Per Pickup Company Name Address City, State, Zip Signature Title Date Please attach vendor responses to this page. BL071-11 Page 22 FAILURE TO RETURN THIS PAGE AS PART OF YOUR PROPOSAL DOCUMENT MAY RESULT IN REJECTION OF PROPOSAL. REFERENCES Gwinnett County Public Schools (GCPS) requests a minimum of five, (5) references where work of a similar size and scope has been completed. 1. Company Name Brief Description of Project Completion Date Contact Person Telephone Facsimile E-Mail Address 2. Company Name Brief Description of Project Completion Date Contact Person Telephone Facsimile E-Mail Address 3. Company Name Brief Description of Project Completion Date Contact Person Telephone E-Mail Address Facsimile BL071-11 Page 23 FAILURE TO RETURN THIS PAGE AS PART OF YOUR PROPOSAL DOCUMENT MAY RESULT IN REJECTION OF PROPOSAL. REFERENCES 4. Company Name Brief Description of Project Completion Date Contact Person Telephone Facsimile E-Mail Address 5. Company Name Brief Description of Project Completion Date Contact Person Telephone E-Mail Address Facsimile EXHIBIT A School Addresses_FY15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 Location_ Number 0978 0155 0531 0090 0095 0511 0509 0100 0115 0120 0125 0127 0150 0175 0180 0185 0529 0200 0240 0250 0275 0280 0355 0295 0293 0979 0517 0298 0296 0299 0300 0325 0310 0350 0375 0443 0400 0502 0410 0415 0420 0438 0497 0506 0425 0428 0430 0441 0631 0445 0450 School_Name Alcova Elementary Alford Elementary Anderson-Livsey Elementary Annistown Elementary Arcado Elementary Archer High Bay Creek Middle Beaver Ridge Elementary Benefield Elementary Berkeley Lake Elementary Berkmar High Berkmar Middle Bethesda Elementary Britt Elementary Brookwood Elementary Brookwood High Burnette Elementary Camp Creek Elementary Cedar Hill Elementary Centerville Elementary Central Gwinnett High Chattahoochee Elementary Chesney Elementary Collins Hill High Cooper Elementary Corley Elementary Couch Middle Craig Elementary Creekland Middle Crews Middle Dacula Elementary Dacula High Dacula Middle Duluth High Duluth Middle Duncan Creek Elementary Dyer Elementary Ferguson Elementary Five Forks Middle Fort Daniel Elementary Freeman's Mill Elementary GIVE Center East GIVE Center West Grace Snell Middle Grayson Elementary Grayson High Gwin Oaks Elementary Gwinnett Online Campus Gwinnett School of Math, Science & Technology Harbins Elementary Harmony Elementary Address_Line1 770 Ewing Chapel Rd 2625 Lawrenceville Hwy 4521 Centerville Hwy 3150 Spain Rd 5150 Arcado Rd 2255 New Hope Rd 821 Cooper Rd 1978 Beaver Ruin Rd 1221 Old Norcross Rd 4300 S Berkeley Lake Rd 405 Pleasant Hill Rd 4355 Lawrenceville Hwy 525 Bethesda School Rd 2503 Skyland Dr 1330 Hollybrook Rd 1255 Dogwood Rd 3221 McGinnis Ferry Rd 958 Cole Dr 3615 Sugarloaf Pkwy 3115 Centerville Hwy 564 W Crogan St 2930 Albion Farm Rd 3878 Old Norcross Rd 50 Taylor Rd 555 Ozora Rd 1331 Pleasant Hill Rd 1777 Grayson Hwy 1075 Rocky Rd 170 Russell Rd 1000 Old Snellville Hwy 2500 Fence Rd 123 Broad St 137 Dacula Rd 3737 Brock Rd 3200 Pleasant Hill Rd 4500 Braselton Hwy 124 1707 Hurricane Shoals Rd 1755 Centerview Dr 3250 River Dr 1725 Auburn Rd 2303 Old Peachtree Rd 723 Hi-Hope Rd 5550 Peachtree Industrial Blvd 3800 Brushy Fork Rd 460 Grayson Pkwy 50 Hope Hollow Rd 400 Gwin Oaks Dr 713 Hi-Hope Road 970 McElvaney Ln 3550 New Hope Rd 3946 S Bogan Rd City Dacula Lawrenceville Snellville Snellville Lilburn Lawrenceville Grayson Norcross Lawrenceville Duluth Lilburn Lilburn Lawrenceville Snellville Snellville Snellville Suwanee Lilburn Lawrenceville Snellville Lawrenceville Duluth Duluth Suwanee Loganville Lawrenceville Grayson Lawrenceville Lawrenceville Lawrenceville Dacula Dacula Dacula Duluth Duluth Hoschton Dacula Duluth Lawrenceville Dacula Lawrenceville Lawrenceville Norcross Loganville Grayson Loganville Lawrenceville Lawrenceville Lawrenceville Dacula Buford State GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA Zip 30019 30044 30039 30039 30047 30045 30017 30071 30046 30096 30047 30047 30044 30078 30078 30078 30024 30047 30044 30039 30046 30097 30096 30024 30052 30044 30017 30044 30043 30044 30019 30019 30019 30096 30096 30548 30019 30096 30044 30019 30043 30043 30071 30052 30017 30052 30044 30043 30044 30019 30518 Contact Linda Coppolino Leslie Burnette Frances Trice Denise Wallace Joette Segars Cindy Manning Susan Ellis Benita Goodman Joanne Schlenker Sandy McQueen Dennese Harry Noel Hill Chris McGee Dianne Compton Diane Casey Rae Schirrmacher Kim Avery Sabrina Morris-Trice Vicki Beaver Sue Prather Darlene Rice Jean Coryell Emma Caldwell Nancy NeSmith Glenda Huff Shelia Lewis Virginia Pierce Joanne Schroeder Connie Clark Christine Jimenez Sheree Sargeant Dee Pickett Mary Andrews Mary Garner Donna Tope Pegge Savage Amy Whitt Betty Ann Hanbury Robin Pridgeon Janice Medlin Joyce Swiecki Erika Washington Elaine Robles Kristin Carey Kay Forrest Chris Waller Gretchen Ozburn Donna Waters Jenna Bennett Montine Powell Nancy Schrader Contact Phone 678-376-8524 678-245-3189 770-344-2085 770-736-4485 678-245-3922 678-407-7711 678-344-6963 770-447-2698 770-682-4185 770-582-7529 770-806-3702 770-638-2308 770-381-4220 770-736-4427 770-736-4372 678-344-3034 678-546-2174 678-245-3948 678-377-8987 678-639-3705 770-338-4864 770-232-3265 678-542-2323 770-338-4654 770-554-7054 770-806-7865 678-407-7277 770-736-5919 770-338-4706 770-736-8173 770-277-4447 770-338-4765 770-338-4631 770-232-3321 678-473-6280 678-714-5809 770-338-4773 678-245-5451 770-736-4522 770-271-5138 678-377-8960 770-338-4898 770-246-5304 770-554-7758 770-682-4244 770-554-1072 770-736-3277 770-453-2079 678-518-6715 678-376-8592 678-482-1080 EXHIBIT A School Addresses_FY15 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 Location_ Number 0475 0480 0277 0485 0490 0492 0463 0493 0524 0494 0495 0500 0528 0525 0550 0728 0600 0625 0501 0628 0630 0225 0632 0635 0638 0640 0643 0645 0196 0523 0650 0514 0503 0660 0675 0700 0725 0505 0532 0730 0740 0442 0750 0853 0760 0504 0775 0855 0780 0439 0790 School_Name Harris Elementary Head Elementary Holt Elementary Hooper Renwick Hopkins Elementary Hull Middle Ivy Creek Elementary Jackson Elementary Jenkins Elementary Jones Middle Kanoheda Elementary Knight Elementary Lanier High Lanier Middle Lawrenceville Elementary Level Creek Elementary Lilburn Elementary Lilburn Middle Lovin Elementary Magill Elementary Mason Elementary Maxwell HS of Technology McConnell Middle McKendree Elementary Meadowcreek Elementary Meadowcreek High Mill Creek High Minor Elementary Monarch School Moore Middle Mountain Park Elementary Mountain View High Mulberry Elementary Nesbit Elementary Norcross Elementary Norcross High North Gwinnett High North Gwinnett Middle Northbrook Middle Norton Elementary Oakland Meadow School Osborne Middle Parkview High Parsons Elementary Partee Elementary Patrick Elementary Peachtree Elementary Peachtree Ridge High Pharr Elementary Phoenix High Pinckneyville Middle Address_Line1 3123 Clairborne Dr 1801 Hewatt Rd 588 Old Snellville Hwy 56 Neal Blvd 1315 Dickens Rd 1950 Old Peachtree Rd 3443 Ridge Rd 1970 Sever Rd 12 Village Way 3575 Ridge Rd 1025 Herrington Rd 401 N River Rd 918 Buford Hwy 6482 Suwanee Dam Rd 122 Gwinnett Dr 4488 Tench Rd 531 Lilburn School Rd 4994 Lawrenceville Hwy 1705 New Hope Rd 3900 Brushy Fork Rd 3030 Bunten Rd 990 McElvaney Ln 550 Ozora Rd 1600 Riverside Pkwy 5025 Georgia Belle Ct 4455 Steve Reynolds Blvd 4400 Braselton Hwy 124 4129 Shady Dr 3057 Main St 1221 Lawrenceville Hwy 1500 Pounds Rd 2351 Sunny Hill Rd 442 East Union Grove Cir 6575 Cherokee Dr 150 Hunt St 5300 Spalding Dr 20 Level Creek Rd 170 Peachtree Industrial Blvd 1221 Northbrook Pkwy 3050 Xavier Ray Ct 590 Old Snellville Hwy 4404 Braselton Hwy 124 998 Cole Dr 1615 Old Peachtree Rd 4350 Campbell Rd 2707 Kilgore Rd 5995 Crooked Creek Rd 1555 Old Peachtree Rd 1500 North Rd 501 Pike St 5440 W Jones Bridge Rd City Duluth Lilburn Lawrenceville Lawrenceville Lilburn Duluth Buford Lawrenceville Lawrenceville Buford Lawrenceville Lilburn Sugar Hill Buford Lawrenceville Suwanee Lilburn Lilburn Lawrenceville Loganville Duluth Lawrenceville Loganville Lawrenceville Norcross Norcross Hoschton Lilburn Duluth Lawrenceville Lilburn Lawrenceville Auburn Tucker Norcross Norcross Suwanee Sugar Hill Suwanee Snellville Lawrenceville Hoschton Lilburn Suwanee Snellville Buford Peachtree Corners Suwanee Snellville Lawrenceville Peachtree Corners State GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA Zip 30096 30047 30046 30046 30047 30096 30519 30043 30045 30519 30044 30047 30518 30518 30046 30024 30047 30047 30045 30052 30096 30044 30052 30043 30093 30093 30548 30047 30096 30046 30047 30043 30011 30084 30071 30092 30024 30518 30024 30039 30046 30548 30047 30024 30039 30519 30092 30024 30078 30046 30092 Contact Jan Bale Connie Finn Suzy Scoglietti Shannon Coleman Kitty Walker Pat Bowden Karen Jones Debbie Beazley Ann-Marie Serafin Rhonda Moses Jeannie O'Leary Deborah Lockwood Mary Olney Mary Bettinger Sheree Sargeant Carol Kobler Diane Kollig Rene MacRae Trina Henry Meeka Smith Glenda Stringfield Carol Moore Colby Willhite Kristine Davis Sheila Taylor Carla Wells Helen Cherry Joyce Boston Donna Evers Amanda Harbin Wendi Jarrett Patrice Dunbar Nadya Helena Sufen Teng Norma Rosales Lisa Lane Catherine Schuetz Katina Wright Karen Amoroso Debbie Thomas Sheri Jenkins Laura McElveen Terry Roche Alice Breusch Mary Eisenhardt Carol Brzezinski Linda Powell Margaret Meeks Contact Phone 770-232-3242 770-736-4501 678-376-8602 678-226-7770 770-381-4253 770-232-3219 678-714-3673 770-682-4213 678-407-8906 678-745-2048 770-682-4231 770-806-3886 678-765-4050 770-271-5116 678-377-3933 678-765-5854 678-380-7203 770-806-3857 678-518-6945 770-554-1078 770-232-3387 770-338-4608 770-554-7079 678-377-8929 770-381-4236 770-806-2203 678-714-5856 678-245-3172 678-542-2337 678-226-7116 678-245-3104 678-407-7612 678-226-7464 770-414-2769 770-582-7533 770-447-2631 770-271-5176 678-745-2356 678-639-3796 678-226-7651 678-765-5980 770-806-3799 678-512-6001 678-344-4420 678-765-5271 770-326-8091 678-512-6097 770-736-2029 770-277-4472 770-447-2619 EXHIBIT A School Addresses_FY15 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 Location_ Number 0527 0637 0795 0798 0512 0801 0800 0519 0805 0810 0815 0818 0820 0825 0850 0521 0875 0900 0860 0925 0930 0940 0876 0935 0950 0508 0515 0975 0513 0520 8010 School_Name Puckett's Mill Elementary Radloff Middle Richards Middle Riverside Elementary Roberts Elementary Rock Springs Elementary Rockbridge Elementary Rosebud Elementary Shiloh Elementary Shiloh High Shiloh Middle Simonton Elementary Simpson Elementary Snellville Middle South Gwinnett High Starling Elementary Sugar Hill Elementary Summerour Middle Susan Stripling Elementary Suwanee Elementary Sweetwater Middle Sycamore Elementary T. Carl Buice School Taylor Elementary Trickum Middle Trip Elementary Twin Rivers Middle Walnut Grove Elementary White Oak Elementary Woodward Mill Elementary Café 437 Address_Line1 2442 S Pucketts Mill Rd 3939 Shackleford Rd 3555 Sugarloaf Pkwy 5445 Settles Bridge Rd 251 Buford Hwy 888 Rock Springs Rd 6066 Rockbridge School Rd 4151 Rosebud Rd 2400 Ross Rd 4210 Shiloh Rd 4285 Shiloh Rd 275 Simonton Rd 4525 E Jones Bridge Rd 3155 Pate Rd 2288 E Main St 1725 Grayson Hwy 939 Level Creek Rd 585 Mitchell Rd 6155 Atlantic Blvd 3875 Smithtown Rd 3500 Cruse Rd 5695 Sycamore Rd 1160 Level Creek Rd 600 Taylor School Dr 130 Killian Hill Rd 841 Cooper Rd 2300 Braselton Hwy 75 Taylor Rd 6442 Suwanee Dam Rd 2020 Buford Dr 437 Old Peachtree Rd City Dacula Duluth Lawrenceville Suwanee Suwanee Lawrenceville Norcross Loganville Snellville Snellville Snellville Lawrenceville Peachtree Corners Snellville Snellville Grayson Sugar Hill Norcross Norcross Suwanee Lawrenceville Buford Sugar Hill Lawrenceville Lilburn Grayson Buford Suwanee Buford Lawrenceville Suwanee State GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA Zip 30019 30096 30044 30024 30024 30043 30093 30052 30039 30039 30039 30045 30092 30078 30078 30017 30518 30071 30071 30024 30044 30518 30518 30043 30047 30017 30519 30024 30518 30043 30024 Contact Susan Stercay Wendy Tait Linda Godfrey Nadine Salamoni Katherine Augello Regina Rodriguez Vicki Johnson Marta Richardson Jennifer Tolbert Teresa Webb Lee Keys Catherine Stevens Carol Varnell Behka Salihovic Tammy MacKendree Karen Wesson Cathy O'Rouke Tara Adamczyk Laura Brown Kathy Burnette Michelle Scheuplein Jenifer Reese Donna Evers Robin Hetherington Carol Price Meg Chambers Kay Schick Lori Fancher Susan Lima Annette Ogburn Becca McCleskey Contact Phone 678-765-5113 678-245-3405 770-338-4793 678-482-1015 678-745-2376 770-831-3815 770-326-8782 678-639-3802 770-736-2053 770-736-4343 770-736-4561 770-513-6682 770-409-8391 770-736-4458 770-736-4337 678-344-3973 678-546-5511 770-417-2485 770-582-7597 770-271-5193 770-806-7800 678-714-5773 770-271-5099 770-277-4406 770-806-3767 770-736-6818 678-407-7558 770-682-4137 678-745-2023 678-407-7687 678-301-6324 Gwinnett County Public Schools 2015-16 SCHOOL YEAR CALENDAR 3 Independence Day observed (Systemwide Holiday) 21-22 New Teacher Orientation 23-24 New Teachers Report* 27-28 New Teachers Report* 29 *(Schools determine which 2 of the 4 days new teachers report) JULY 2015 S M T 5 6 7 12 13 19 26 W Th F S S M T W Th 1 2 3 4 8 9 10 11 3 4 5 6 7 14 15 16 17 18 10 11 12 20 21 22 23 24 25 17 18 27 28 29 30 31 24 25 10 Labor Day (Systemwide Holiday) 23-24 Early Release Elementary and Middle School M T W Th S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 S (Student Holiday) S (School Holidays) First and Last Day of School 14 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 26 27 28 29 30 M T W Th F S 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 W Th F S 1 2 3 4 5 S M T W Th F S 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 10 11 12 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 27 28 29 30 31 T W APRIL 2016 Th F S 1 2 3 S M T W Th F S 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 MAY 2016 S M T W Th F S S M T W Th F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 29 30 31 S M 5 6 (School Holiday) Teacher Planning/Staff Development [#7] (Student Holiday) Begin 2nd Semester [Day 89] 18 MLK Jr. Day 15 Teacher Planning/ Staff Development [#8] (Student Holiday) Inclement Weather Make-up Day(Priority 1) 24-25 Early Release Elementary and Middle School MARCH 2016 T 7 M (Systemwide Holiday) 4 Winter Break T W Th F S 2 3 4 5 S M T or Teacher Planning/Staff Development Make-up 1 Student/Teacher Holiday Inclement Weather Make-up Day (Priority 3)** or Teacher Planning/Staff Development Make-up 4-8 Spring Break (School Holidays) 23-25 Early Release for High School Exams 25 Last Day of School [Day 180] 26-27 Teacher Post-planning/ Staff Development [#9-10] 30 Memorial Day (Systemwide Holiday) 31-June 1 Teacher Planning/Staff Dev. Make-up Day(s) ** GCPS may make up any inclement weather days by utilizing scheduled make-up days, online instruction, and/or extending the school day or year. JUNE 2016 1 11 Student/Teacher Holiday Inclement Weather Make-up Day (Priority 2) W Th F S 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 27 28 29 30 31 26 27 28 29 30 Teacher Planning/Staff Development/Student Holiday 12-Month Employee Holidays 2015-16 July 3 Independence Day Sept. 7 Labor Day Nov. 26-27 Thanksgiving Dec. 22-31 Winter Break Jan. 1 New Year’s Day Jan. 18 MLK Jr. Day April 8 Spring Holiday May 30 Memorial Day Student/Teacher Holidays Draft - November 2014 (School Holidays) 13 1 DECEMBER 2015 16-18 Early Release for High School Exams 18 End 1st Semester [Day 88] 21-31 Winter Break 9 M NOVEMBER 2015 23-27 Thanksgiving Break 2 8 6 S Teacher Planning/ Staff Development [#6] 1 FEBRUARY 2016 F OCTOBER 2015 12 S New Year’s Day (Systemwide Holiday) SEPTEMBER 2015 7 F 31 AUGUST 2015 Required Teacher Pre-planning/ Staff Development [#1-5] First Day of School 1 JANUARY 2016 Administrative Staff Meeting S 3-7 Exhibit B Gwinnett County Public Schools — 2014-15 School Starting and Ending Times A * symbol designates schools with a different starting or ending time than other schools on the tier. Those times are in parentheses. A + symbol with italicized school name indicates a new school. A gray box indicates schools that have changed starting or ending times since the 2013-14 school year. Exhibit C 1st Tier High school times vary slightly to accommodate academic assistance programs and scheduling. Contact your local school with questions. *Archer HS (7:20 a.m.–2:10 p.m.) *Berkmar HS (7:05 a.m.–2:10 p.m.) *Brookwood HS (7:24 a.m.–2:10 p.m.) *Central Gwinnett HS (7:10 a.m.–2:10 p.m.) *Collins Hill HS (7:10 a.m.–2:10 p.m.) *Dacula HS (7:15 a.m.–2:10 p.m.) *Duluth HS (7:15 a.m.–2:10 p.m.) *GIVE Center East (MS/HS) (7 a.m.–1 p.m.) *GIVE Center West (MS/HS) (7 a.m.–1:10 p.m.) *Grayson HS (7:20 a.m.–2:10 p.m.) **Gwinnett Online Campus *Gwinnett School of Mathematics, Science, and Technology (8 a.m.–3 p.m.) *Hooper Renwick (MS/HS) (7 a.m.–2 p.m.) *Lanier HS (7:10 a.m.–2:10 p.m.) *Maxwell HS of Technology a.m. session (7:45–10:15 a.m.) p.m. session (11:10 a.m.–1:40 p.m.) *Meadowcreek HS (7:10 a.m.–2:10 p.m.) *Mill Creek HS (7:20 a.m.–2:10 p.m.) *Mountain View HS (7:20 a.m.–2:10 p.m.) *Norcross HS (7:20 a.m.–2:10 p.m.) *North Gwinnett HS (7:10 a.m.–2:10 p.m.) *Oakland Meadow School (7 a.m.–12:30 p.m.) (STRIVE students only) *Parkview HS (7:24 a.m.–2:10 p.m.) *Peachtree Ridge HS (7:10 a.m.–2:10 p.m.) ***Phoenix HS (8:10 a.m.–8:10 p.m.) *Shiloh HS (7:10 a.m.–2:10 p.m.) *South Gwinnett HS (7:10 a.m.–2:10 p.m.) **Students attending Gwinnett Online Campus charter school complete coursework during the time of day that best fits their schedules. *** Phoenix HS is an open campus with multiple sessions. The school continually runs programs throughout the day and evening. 2nd Tier (8:15 a.m.–2:45 p.m.) Alcova ES Alford ES Anderson-Livsey ES Arcado ES Beaver Ridge ES Benefield ES Berkeley Lake ES *Buice School (8 a.m.–2 p.m.) Cedar Hill ES Centerville ES Chattahoochee ES Corley ES Craig ES Dyer ES Fort Daniel ES Gwin Oaks ES Harbins ES Hopkins ES Ivy Creek ES Jackson ES Jenkins ES Lilburn ES Lovin ES Mason ES McKendree ES *Monarch School (7:45 a.m.–2:15 p.m.) Mountain Park ES Mulberry ES *New Life Academy of Excellence (K-8) (8 a.m.–3 p.m.) +*North Metro Academy of Performing Arts (MWF, 8 a.m. –2:45 p.m. and TT, 8 a.m. –4 p.m.) Norton ES Oakland Meadow School (North Metro students only) Patrick ES Peachtree ES Puckett’s Mill ES Riverside ES Rock Springs ES Rockbridge ES Rosebud ES Shiloh ES Starling ES Stripling ES Sugar Hill ES Suwanee ES Trip ES White Oak ES Winn Holt ES Woodward Mill ES 3rd Tier (8:50 a.m.–3:20 p.m.) Annistown ES Bethesda ES Britt ES Brookwood ES Burnette ES Camp Creek ES Chesney ES Cooper ES Dacula ES Duncan Creek ES Ferguson ES Freeman’s Mill ES Grayson ES Harmony ES Harris ES Head ES Kanoheda ES Knight ES Lawrenceville ES Level Creek ES Magill ES Meadowcreek ES Minor ES Nesbit ES Norcross ES Parsons ES Partee ES Pharr ES Roberts ES Simonton ES Simpson ES Sycamore ES Taylor ES Walnut Grove ES 4th Tier (9:20 a.m.–4 p.m.) Bay Creek MS Berkmar MS Couch MS Creekland MS Crews MS Dacula MS Duluth MS Five Forks MS Grace Snell MS 2014-15 Start and End Times Hull MS Jones MS Lanier MS Lilburn MS McConnell MS Moore MS North Gwinnett MS +Northbrook MS Oakland Meadow School (All other students) Osborne MS Pinckneyville MS Radloff MS Richards MS Shiloh MS Snellville MS Summerour MS Sweetwater MS Trickum MS Twin Rivers MS Current: July 2014 Directions to Instructional Support Center (ISC) Gwinnett County Public Schools 437 Old Peachtree Road Suwanee, GA 30024 678-301-6000 Directions from Atlanta Area: I-85 North; Take exit number 109, Old Peachtree Road; Turn right on Old Peachtree Road, NW. about 1.5 miles; ISC will be on left. Directions from I-85 South toward Atlanta: I-85 South to exit number 111, GA-317 N / Suwanee; Turn left onto Lawrenceville-Suwanee Road, NW; Turn right onto Old Peachtree Rd, NW about 1.1 miles; ISC will be on right. Directions from Hwy 29: Hwy. 29 to Langley Drive; Langley Drive to W. Pike Street; Turn left onto W. Pike Street which becomes Duluth Highway. Straight on Duluth Highway to Lawrenceville-Suwanee Rd; Turn right onto Lawrenceville-Suwanee Rd. to Old Peachtree Rd.; Turn left onto Old Peachtree Rd., NW about 1.1 miles; ISC will be on right. Directions from Hwy 78: Hwy. 78 towards Snellville to Scenic Hwy/Hwy.124; Turn onto Scenic Highway / Hwy. 124 towards Lawrenceville, to Sugarloaf Parkway; Turn left onto Sugarloaf Parkway to N. Brown Rd.; Turn right onto N. Brown Road; to Old Peachtree Rd.; Turn right onto Old Peachtree Rd. about 1.4 miles; ISC will be on left.