November 3, 2008 - Northridge United Methodist Church
November 3, 2008 - Northridge United Methodist Church
PUBLISHED B I—W E E K L Y November 3, 2008 Vol. 25, Issue 22 OFFICE: (818) 886-1555 FAX: (818) 886-9105 BISHOP MARY ANN SWENSON WWW.NORTHRIDGEUMC.ORG BISHOP MARY ANN SWENSON DISTRICT SUPERINTENDENT CATHLEEN COOTS WEEKDAY PRESCHOOL: (818) 886-4949 DISTRICT SUPT.FERGUSON CATHLEEN COOTS REV. STANLEY SUNDAY WORSHIP AT 9:00 & 11:00 AM REV. PAULA ERICDR. GLASS, AGE FERRIS LEVEL MINISTRIES DIRECTOR REV. JOY PRICE Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors Open Your Hearts to the Hungry In Our Community The annual CROP Hunger Walk is coming up on Sunday, November 9. CROP stands for Communities Responding to Overcome Poverty and this is an opportunity to raise money for needy people – with about a quarter of the money staying in the community for local food pantries and soup kitchens. The balance will be used by Church World Service to help impoverished people throughout the world. There are a couple of ways to participate in this interfaith walk. The first is to “walk the walk,” which has several optional lengths, the longest being a 10-k. The second is to encourage the walkers with pledges. This year, the Congregational Church of the Chimes, 14115 Magnolia Blvd., in Sherman Oaks is hosting the event. For more information, stop by the CROP Walk table on Sunday morning or contact Barbara Shields. Nigerian Minister to Open Minds Our guest speaker on Sunday, Nov. 9, is Rev. Dr. Eunice Musa Iliya, who has been appointed Director of Evangelism and Stewardship of the United Methodist Church in Nigeria. She will be speaking at both services. She is the liaison person for Nigeria and the CaliforniaPacific Annual Conference, a newly formed position. A native of Zing, a local government area of Taraba state, Nigeria, Eunice joined the ministry in 1991. She earned her first degree in theology at Jos ECWA Theological Seminary (JETS) in Nigeria, in 1996. She has worked in different capacities as associate and senior pastor of many Churches in Nigeria UMC. She was also principal for a women’s leadership training center in Zing, from 1997 to 1999, before being made conference treasurer in 1999-2003. She studied for her Master’s in theological studies and in the doctoral program in pastoral care and counseling at Claremont School of Theology. She loves working with vulnerable groups, especially battered women, abused children and victims of HIV/AIDS. She has a special heart for the youth in poverty. She is a mother of four children. Daniel Doss Band Concert Opens Doors on Nov. 15th Northridge UMC will be hosting a concert on Saturday, November 15, for youth, young adults, and all who might like to attend. The cost will be $5 per person. The doors will open at 6 PM with the concert to start soon after. You can go to the church website to see the band’s bio – or you can check them out at: We hope this will be a wonderful experience and a great opportunity for the church to reach out to our community and beyond. Open Hearts Congratulations to Nancy and Mike Easterly on the birth of their latest grandchild, Adam Patrick King, on October 19. Proud parents are Kim and Ben King. Adam’s big sister is Lily. Congratulations to Matthew Brown on receiving his doctorate in Musical Arts and Composition from USC. Matt sings in the Chancel Choir and leads the band at the 11 AM service. GYTTE Construction Funds Needed On January 10th, NUMC will lead a Mission Team to the GYTTE (“Give Ye Them to Eat”) Training Center in Tlancualpican, Puebla, Mexico. We will be working on the construction of the third dormitory for students who come to the training site for courses in community-based healthcare, agricultural development, livestock development, community development, and church & faith development. The additional dormitory will allow GYTTE to expand the outreach project of the Methodist Church of Mexico to combat hunger and poverty in the rural sector. Our goal is $3,000 – to pay for building materials, for their transportation to the construction site and for local laborers who will lead us in the building of the dormitory. The dormitory will be built with straw bale walls, one of the techniques taught in the training center. Please make your donations payable to: NUMC for GYTTE Mission Team Construction Funds. We still have openings available for additional team members. Please contact Nancy and Mike Easterly or Nancy and Greg Taylor. Snack Sack Shopping List • Bottled water (12-16 oz) • Vienna sausages or tuna • Applesauce or fruit cups • Pudding cups • Crackers with cheese or peanut butter • Granola bars/cookies • Hard candy (jolly rancher/peppermints) • All items should be individual servings Thank you, in advance, for your generosity. All donations can be left in the church office marked “Snack Sacks.” Page 2 Our condolences to Louie & Dorrel Atteberry on the death of Dorrel’s mother, Dorothy Docken, on October 26. Our condolences to the family of Doris Reynolds who died on October 14 in Carson City, Nevada. Doris was a former member of NUMC. Cards can be sent to her son: Scott Reynolds, 2519 Baker Dr., Carson, NV 89701. Prayers of healing for: Pearl Adams; Mel Anderson; Marilyn Bowen; Marilyn Ewing (broken ankle); Sue Fischler; Michael Gaba; Jeanette Koch; Ruth McGinnis; Nancy Savacool; David Scott and Doris Witt. Continued prayers for Bob King’s nephew, serving in Afghanistan, and for his daughter, Kathy. In Appreciation Dear NUMC Family, Charles and I had just celebrated our super 66 years together, and then suddenly, with the whole Dugan clan and all of you, we celebrated his life! This church family is so great……so loving, thoughtful, kind. Each one of you has been wonderful…….you gave me peace of mind. Thank you, Marion Dugan Change in the World Do all the good you can, By all the means you can, In all the ways you can, NAME At all the times you can, To all the people you can, As long as ever you can. — John Wesley The world is walking a tightrope and, to keep the balance, people must remember those in need. Our jars of change may do a small part to help. Don’t forget to put your coins in a jar and bring it to church. If you have your name on the jar, it will be recorded as part of your giving. — Peggy Howard, Mission Team Open Hearts Voices Partner Church in Desperate Need A headline on the front page of the Wall Street Journal: “Lean Times, Tough Steps In Hungary”. Moves taken by Hungary’s Central Bank and the seeking of aid from the International Monetary Fund are both indicators of financial hard times that are affecting the whole country, including the Methodist Church. Our support of our Partner Church, The Methodist Church in Budapest, is more important than ever before. As of now, our fund raising for Year II is not yet complete. We need another $1500. About $200 of this has been promised, but we do not have the money in hand. We therefore appeal to both groups and individuals to pony up some dough. Can 25 or more people afford $1 per week? That is all it takes to complete our fund raising. Let’s face it; 25 is not a big number of people and $1 per week, or even more, is not much of a sacrifice. Now, about those twenty-five to fifty cent, one-time-only contributions: They are greatly appreciated and help enormously. Our Hungarian Partnership Program is part of a large effort designed to help Methodist congregations in Eastern Europe and the Balkans that are struggling through rebirth and survival after years of war and Communist oppression. This is a very worthy enterprise that deserves the support of everyone. Especially now! Gordon Short, Missions Team Steve Wheatley, Chair Donate to Operation Christmas Child Collections have begun for Operation Christmas Child (filling a shoe box with items for a young girl or boy). There will be clear, plastic containers in the church narthex to take and fill – or you can use a regular shoe box. Items to be collected include: pens, pencils and sharpeners, crayons, markers, writing pads, solar calculators, coloring books, small cars, balls, dolls, stuffed animals, harmonicas, yo-yo’s, jump ropes, toothbrush, toothpaste, mild bar soap (in a plastic bag), comb, washcloth, hard candy, gum, T-shirts, socks, ball caps, sunglasses, hair clips, toy jewelry, watches and personal notes to wish them well. In addition to the items, we need money to help with shipping (approx. $7 per box). You can pick up a complete list of items we need from the church office. If you have any questions, see Eric. Join Us in Celebrating “A Night in Bethlehem” Join us on Sunday, December 14, at 5 PM. This will be a great way for families to continue their Advent celebrations. Step back in time to the marketplace of Bethlehem when Jesus was born. There will be activities! If you are interested in helping with this event, please let Eric know as soon as possible. You can email him at: The Receptive Congregation Have you ever thought how easy it is to come to church on a Sunday? You attend with the expectation that greeters will be standing by the door, Charlie Atteberry will be stationed by the boards containing our name tags, ushers will hand you the church bulletin, flowers will be on the altar, there will be a collection of our tithes and offerings, and afterwards, coffee and refreshments will be available in Fellowship Hall. All these details satisfy our mindset about what we anticipate on a Sunday morning. Now, what we expect to happen does not take place by accident. These events are not random acts of kindness that just somehow take place in the church. No one has made a wish, hoping all will go well during the time the congregation has gathered in the sanctuary. After all, we need to be prepared in such circumstances as these for those unanticipated results, some of which may not have been intended. Yes, it is obvious, ministering to a congregation, caring for church buildings and grounds, planning programs and activities and meeting the fiscal requirements all call for organization, support, personnel and a sense of purpose. The next time you visit the Northridge United Methodist Church, for whatever reason, take time to look around and note what is taking place. You might want to thank someone, reach out with a handshake or a hug, say hello to a friend, or say a little prayer in appreciation for all that has gone on to make you feel welcome and glad you are present. The birthday balloons are bobbing at their tether, flowers are in abundance, a robed choir readies for the downbeat, greetings are joyously made, the sermon begins, ushers stand on call and the service proceeds in accustomed fashion. How can you not be at peace and spiritually lifted? Charles Mortensen, For the Membership Team Page 3 Open Minds Cooking Class Was Fun and Delicious! — Everyone who attended the Cooking Class with Chef Zel Allen had fun preparing and then eating their creations. Rumor has it the food was healthy and delicious. If you are interested in joining the January 2009 class with Chef Allen, please contact Eric Glass or the church office. Board Manages Garden Development This is the thirteenth in a series of articles featuring the various teams that serve NUMC. A different team will be showcased in each edition. The mission of the Memorial Garden Board is to oversee the development and management of the NUMC Memorial Garden for the benefit of members and friends of the Church. The purpose of the Board is to provide a beautiful and peaceful place where family and friends can come to honor and remember the deceased and to provide a beautiful and inviting environment for meditation and reflection. It will give families the opportunity to place the remains of loved ones in a columbarium in a beautiful and loving setting at a considerable cost savings when compared to commercial facilities. The Memorial Garden Board is elected by the Charge Conference and reports to the Church Council. It consists of nine members: the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, four at-large members and the Senior Pastor. One of the at-large members is a representative from the Board of Trustees. Members are elected for a three-year term. However, the Chairman and two at-large members serve three years, the Vice-Chairman and Secretary and one at-large member serve two years, and the Treasurer and one at-large member serve one year. Current members of the Board are: Norm Wendler, Chair; Nancy Easterly, Vice Chair; Anne Early, Secretary; Char Anderson, Treasurer; at-large members Phil Alcorn, Dick Flaharty, Susie Reed, Virginia Jackson and Mike Shields; Pastor Ferguson and Tandy Wilson (exofficio). Page 4 NVCS Needs Volunteer Tutors North Valley Caring Services in North Hills needs volunteer tutors one or more hours a week, between 3 and 6 PM, Monday through Friday. The kids are friendly, English-speaking 1st to 5th graders who need one-on-one reading, writing and arithmetic help. Spend an hour a week doing for our little brothers and sisters in Christ what you do/did for your own children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews and little cousins. Come alone, or bring a friend. It's fun and rewarding! For more information, please call Eric Duran at 1818-891-0481, extension 22. Support Our Youth Programs The youth still have several 2009 NUMC Calendars for sale. They are $20 each – please see Eric or the church office to pick one up. The youth group greatly appreciates your support!! Fall Boutique Offered Bargains The UMW Fall Boutique, held Saturday, November 1, did more than raise funds for the many missions projects the UMW supports. It offered handmade holiday gifts for our friends and family, beautiful hand-crafted decorator items and a delicious luncheon. New members are encouraged to get involved with the Monday morning Arts & Crafts group who make these lovely items. For more information call Phyllis Nelson. Open Minds Members Exchange Thoughts “ShakeOut” Set for Nov. 13 The Book Club will meet on Monday, November 24th, at 7 PM, at the home of Ralph and Harriette Anglea, to discuss Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s book, “Infidel.” Please call Ralph or Harriette if you would like to join us. There will be no meeting in December. The earthquake we felt a few months ago was kind of a wake-up call to get better prepared for a major earthquake. One way of doing this is to participate in the Great Southern California ShakeOut. This earthquake drill is scheduled for Nov. 13 at 10 AM, with participants acting as if a major earthquake has occurred and practicing “Drop, Cover and Hold On,” where you drop to the ground, take cover under a table or desk and hold on for 60 seconds -- as if there was a magnitude 7.8 earthquake. This event is a chance to look around and notice what could fall down or get damaged during a major quake, which could actually last as long as two minutes. People in Southern California are invited to register for this event as individuals as well as registering their work and other organizations. Registering takes just a few minutes and participants will get information about the drill, how to prepare for an earthquake and what to do in the aftermath. For more info, go to: Have Lunch With Pastor Stan Pastor Stan’s Discussion Groups meet from noon to 1 PM in the Library and are exploring two different books. Bring your lunch and join the discussion. The Monday group is exploring “A Christmas Carol” by Charles Dickens. Wednesday’s discussion is on “Walking With God” by John Eldredge. … Run After Them I'm sure that many of you have seen the infamous "The Last Lecture," given by Professor Randy Pausch. He gave this lecture, his last lecture, several times - to the students at Carnegie Mellon University in 2007. His lecture was given again on Oprah, it has made the internet round, and was turned into a book by Randy, with the help of Jeffrey Zaslow. I first came to be acquainted with Randy and his now infamous lecture when he was giving it on The Oprah Winfrey Show - I'm not sure who directed me to the show's website - but somehow I got there. To give you a little background - Randy was 47 years old when he was diagnosed with terminal pancreatic cancer. He was a professor at Carnegie Mellon and was asked to participate in their "Last Lecture" series - for him, it ended up being his last lecture there as he was moving to Virginia with his wife and three young children. The title of Randy's lecture was "Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams." While this may sound silly to some, his words could be no clearer. We need to make the most of our life and really go after our dreams. Randy's dreams included working for Disney, being a star athlete, being an see where this is going. Things that as children we imagine ourselves doing ...we dream of these things. The difference between Randy and a lot of people is that he achieved all of his childhood dreams in some form or fashion. Along the way, he touched a lot of people - impacted their lives for good or bad. He met his wife, they had three children to- gether. In short, with both his life and his incredible last lecture, Randy made ripples that have affected the lives of so many people. Randy lost his battle with cancer earlier this year (June 2008). But his message is still being shared by so many today. He didn't just sit and wait on others around him to make ripples. Instead, he ran into the pond waist-deep and started making as many ripples as he could. I encourage you to watch the lecture online or to read the book - I have done both. If you will truly take the time to think about what he says, I can't see how your life cannot be touched and even changed. The website is: There is so much more to this story than I have told you, but I hope I have told you enough to peak your interest. I hope that after you see, hear, or read more about this, you will want to keep chasing your own dreams - to make ripples like Randy made. To leave you with one final thought - as you chase your dreams, make ripples, and achieve great things, remember, as John Steinbeck said, "It is the nature of man to rise to greatness if greatness is expected of him." I think that greatness is expected of us as Christians. But I think so many get lost in the definition of greatness that they feel defeated before they even begin. So go forth, be great...and make ripples! Blessings! Eric Page 5 Open Doors Vocal Recital Set for Nov. 8th A Vocal Recital will be presented at 7 PM, Saturday, Nov. 8th, in the Sanctuary. This free concert will feature soloists and friends from the Chancel Choir. Music will be sung in English, Italian, Spanish, French, German and Latin with songs by Bernstein, Robert Schumann, Gustav Mahler, Vaughan Williams, Aaron Copland and others. Many of the singers are students or former students of Larry Jarvis. Dr. Joseph Lee will accompany on the piano. Jazz Vesper Returns Nov. 9 There will be another Jazz Vesper Service at 5 PM, Sunday, Nov. 9th, in the Sanctuary. This service of God’s Creative World has a lot to offer. As in August, the service of inspiration and celebration will be a special NUMC twist on the traditional jazz vesper service, which came out of the Anglican “Evensong” service of choral music and Biblical readings. Our service will include many fine arts that make up God’s Creative World. November Movie Night Features a Classic Film Church and Society will be presenting the classic film “Gentleman’s Agreement” on Tuesday, Nov. 11th, at 7 PM, in the Kendall Building. This movie won three Oscars in 1948 (best picture, best director for Elia Kazan and best supporting actress for Celeste Holm). It focuses on a reporter (Gregory Peck) who is doing a story on anti-Semitism and decides to experience it personally by telling people he is Jewish. The movie portrays the prejudice he encounters, both subtle and obvious. Come and experience this movie again, or for the first time, in the “new and improved” Kendall Building where the ceiling has been lowered to improve the sound quality for screenings. UMW Noon Fellowship Meets The Noon Fellowship group of the Northridge United Methodist Women will meet at 11:30 AM, Tuesday, Nov. 18th. Lunch will be served at Noon. Following lunch, Edie Silvey will present a program on how to enhance your wardrobe using scarves. All women of the church are invited to attend. Page 6 New You Meets Nov. 3rd New You will meet at 7 PM, Monday, November 3rd at the home of Joann DeSantis. We will be repeating our “Fish Bowl” program as we explore ideas and suggestions for future meetings. Our meetings are open to all women of the church. Please call Joann DeSantis or Barbara Hamilton for more information or if you need transportation. Please Remember to Vote Please remember to vote on November 4th. If you would like to verify your registration status, find out where your polling place is located, or sign up to be a poll worker on election day, call the Registrar-Recorder/L.A. County Clerk Department’s toll free number 1-800-815-2666 and select the option number for that service. It is important to vote at the polling place listed on the back cover of your Sample Ballot Booklet. If you choose to vote at a polling place other than the one designated on election day, your name will not be listed on the Roster of Voters so you must vote provisionally and you may not be able to vote for all contest and measures for which you are eligible in your own precinct. For fellowship & fine dining. November fé Soul Food Ca Wednesday, November 5th 6 PM In Fellowship Hall Free-will Offering Please sign up after Church or call the office @ 886-1555 The Soul Food Café is open the first Wednesday of the month. In order to make enough food for everyone, the Soul Food team needs to know how many to prepare for. Please sign up after church or call the office. Dinner Bridge Sat., Nov. 8th – 5:30 PM In Fellowship Hall For reservations, please call one of our co-hosts, Sally Brunken, Ted Knox, Edith Berry or Joann De Santis by Tuesday, November 4th. Open Doors November 2008 Regularly Scheduled Meetings SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Schedule of Events November • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 UMW Fall Boutique from 9 AM to 2 PM In Fellowship Hall 2 All Saint’s Sunday 4 Election Day 5 Vision Team @ 5 PM in Library Soul Food @ 6 PM in Fellowship Hall SPRC @ 7 PM in Library 8 Dinner Bridge @ 5:30 PM in Fellowship Hall 9 Jazz Vespers @ 5 PM in Sanctuary 10 Missions Team @ 7:30 PM in Kendall Bldg. 11 Movie Night @ 7 PM in Kendall Bldg. 15 Christian Concert for Youth & Young Adults 16 Church Council @ 12:15 PM in Fellowship Hall 17 Methodist Money Makers @ 7 PM in Library Church & Society @ 7 PM in Kendall Bldg. 18 Caring Team @ 4 PM in Library Finance Team @ 5 PM in Library Membership Meeting @ 7 PM in Kendall Bldg. Membership Class @ 7 PM In Pastor Stan’s office Trustees @ 7:30 PM in Library 23 Taizé Service @ 6:30 PM in Sanctuary 24 Combined Thanksgiving Service @ 7 PM in Sanctuary Reception to follow in Fellowship Hall 27-28 Church Office closed for Thanksgiving 30 1st Sunday in Advent Articles Due For Next Newsletter Articles for the next newsletter should be submitted to the church office by 4 PM, Thursday, November 6, 2008. The next issue will be dated Monday, November 17th. Mondays: Discussion with Pastor Stan Tuesdays: Cracker Barrel Sr. Exercise Class Wednesdays: Maintenance Volunteers WORMS Discussion with Pastor Stan Celebration Ringers Thursdays: Chancel Choir Fridays: Cracker Barrel Sundays: Adult Study Sunday School & Nursery Sunday School & Nursery Youth Study Adult Sunday School Children’s Choir Cherub’s Choir Grief Healing Support Group Noon 10:00 AM 11:30 AM Library (Bring lunch) Library Fellowship Hall 8:30 AM 9:30 AM Noon 7:00 PM Church Office Kendall Bldg. Library (Bring lunch) Room 5/6 7:30 PM Sanctuary 10:00 AM Library 8:00 AM 9:00 AM 11:00 AM 10:15 AM 10:15 AM 10:15 AM 10:15 AM 10:30 AM Library Library Ed. Bldg. YAC Kendall Bldg. Fireside Room Room 5/6 Library United Methodist Women Contact Person Pat Small Ruth Sanders Betty Kinzy UMW Prayer Chain Hearts & Hands November 2008 ACTIVITIES WEEKLY: Mondays at 9 AM Arts & Crafts in Kendall Bldg Phyllis Nelson Wednesdays at 9 AM Bowling Matador Joann DeSantis MONTHLY: 3 Monday at 7 PM New You Barbara Hamilton 4 Tuesday at 10 AM Magpies Bridge Jean Thompson 10 Monday at Noon Executive Board Meeting in Kendall Bldg. 18 Tuesday at 11:30 AM Noon Fellowship Luncheon in Kendall Bldg. 21 Friday at 1:30 PM *Friday Lunch Bunch Win Wheatley *(Friday Lunch Bunch is on the 3rd Friday due to Thanksgiving) 25 Tuesday at 10 AM Bluejays Bridge Pearl Adams Ongoing Support Groups Sundays: Narcotics Anonymous at 7 PM in Fireside Room Mondays: AA (Women) at 6 PM in Fireside Room Alanon at 8 PM in Room 5/6 Tuesdays: Alanon at 10 AM/AA Book Study 8 PM in Fireside Room Thursdays: AA at 7 PM in Fireside Room Fridays: Alanon at 12:30 PM in Fireside Room Boy Scouts - Troop 911: Tuesdays 7 PM in Fellowship Hall Call John Orlick at 818-886-6229 Cub Scouts – Call Scott Anthony at 818-268-4762 Girl Scouts - Call Nancy Leverage at 818-368-4844 Page 7