2014 - 15 Annual Report
2014 - 15 Annual Report
Binani Cement Limited (A subsidiary of Binani Industries Limited) BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGISTERED OFFICE Mr. Braj Binani Chairman Mr. Jotirmoy Ghose Managing Director Mr. V. Subramanian Director Mr. S. Sridhar Director Mrs. Jayantika Dave (w.e.f. 27.07.2015) Additional Director 37/2, Chinar Park, New Town Rajarhat Main Road P.O. Hatiara Kolkata- 700157 Tel: 033-32626795/96 Fax: 033-40088802 Email: binanigroupcal@rediffmail.com Website: www.binanicement.in CIN: U26941WB1996PLC076612 COMPANY SECRETARY Mr. Amit Kumar Gupta CORPORATE OFFICE AUDITORS Mercantile Chambers, 12, J.N. Heredia Marg, Ballard Estate, Mumbai – 400 001. Tel.: 022-3026 3000/01/02 Fax: 022-22634960 Email: amit.gupta@binani.net M/s. Kanu Doshi Associates, Chartered Accountants, Mumbai FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS & BANKERS Bank of Baroda Bank of India Canara Bank Central Bank of India Dena Bank IDBI Bank Limited IFCI Limited Indian Overseas Bank Jammu & Kashmir Bank Limited Oriental Bank of Commerce Punjab National Bank SIDBI State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur State Bank of India State Bank of Patiala Syndicate Bank Union Bank of India United Bank of India Yes Bank Limited PLANT LOCATIONS 1. Binani Cement Limited Village-Binanigram - 307031, Taluka-Pindwara, District-Sirohi, Rajasthan 2. Binani Cement Limited Village-Sirohi - 332714, Taluka-Neem Ka Thana, District-Sikar, Rajasthan 3. Shandong Binani RongAn Cement Company Limited Fujiazhuang Village, Dongguan Town, Ju County of Rizhao Municipality, Shandong Province, Peoples Republic of China 4. Binani Cement Factory LLC Jebel Ali, Dubai, UAE REGISTRAR & SHARE TRANSFER AGENTS CONTENTS M/s. Link Intime India Private Limited C-13, Pannalal Silk Mills Compound L. B. S. Marg, Bhandup (W) Mumbai – 400 078 Tel: 022-25944970 Fax: 022-25946969 Email: vishal.panjabi@linkintime.co.in Notice for the Nineteenth Annual General Meeting Directors’ Report Standalone Financial Statements Consolidated Financial Statements Page 2-8 9-34 35-73 74-115 Summary of Financial Statement of Subsidiary Companies 116-117 Route Map, Attendance Slip and Proxy Form 1 an n u al repor t 2014 - 1 5 Binani Cement Limited NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING NOTICE is hereby given that the Nineteenth Annual General Meeting of the Members of BINANI CEMENT LIMITED will be held on Friday, 25th September 2015 at 2.45 p.m. at Rotary Sadan, 94/2, Chowringhee Road, Kolkata -700 020 to transact the following business:- Independent Director of the Company w.e.f 27th July 2015, WR KROG WKH RIßFH XS WR WKH FRQFOXVLRQ RI WKH VW $QQXDO General Meeting of the Company and that she shall not be liable to retire by rotation.” ORDINARY BUSINESS: 1. To receive, consider and adopt the Standalone and Consolidated Audited Financial Statements of the Company for the year ended 31st March 2015, including the Audited Balance Sheet as at 31st March 2015, the Statement of 3URßWDQG/RVVIRUWKH\HDUHQGHGRQWKDWGDWHWRJHWKHUZLWK Reports of the Directors’ and the Auditors’ thereon. 2. To appoint a Director in place of Mr. V. Subramanian (DIN 00010994), who retires by rotation and being eligible, offers himself for re-appointment. 7R FRQVLGHU DQG LI WKRXJKW ßW WR SDVV ZLWK RU ZLWKRXW PRGLßFDWLRQVWKHIROORZLQJDVDQOrdinary Resolution: “RESOLVED THAT pursuant to the provisions of Section 197 and any other applicable provisions, if any, of the Companies Act, 2013 (“the Act”) and the Rules made WKHUHXQGHU LQFOXGLQJ DQ\ VWDWXWRU\ PRGLßFDWLRQV RU UH enactment thereof for the time being in force) read with Schedule V of the Act, and subject to such approvals, consents, permissions and sanctions of Appropriate and/or concerned Authorities, and subject to such other conditions DQG PRGLßFDWLRQV DV PD\ EH SUHVFULEHG LPSRVHG RU suggested by any of Appropriate Authorities while granting such approvals, consents, permissions and sanctions and as are agreed to by the Board of Directors (hereinafter referred to as the “Board” and shall include duly constituted Committee(s) thereof), the consent of the Company be and is hereby accorded to the Board, to revise, effective 1st August 2015, the terms of appointment of Mr. Jotirmoy Ghose, to the effect that Mr. Ghose shall not be paid any remuneration during the remainder period of his tenure as the Managing Director of the Company. “RESOLVED THAT pursuant to the provisions of Section 139 and other applicable provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 and Rules made thereunder, M/s. MZSK & Associates, Chartered Accountants (Firm Registration Number 105047W), be and are hereby appointed as Statutory $XGLWRUVRIWKH&RPSDQ\WRKROGRIßFHIURPWKHFRQFOXVLRQ of this 19th Annual General Meeting up to a maximum period until the conclusion of 24th Annual General Meeting, VXEMHFWWRWKHUDWLßFDWLRQDWHYHU\$QQXDO*HQHUDO0HHWLQJ at such remuneration, as may be determined by the Board of Directors/Audit Committee of the Company.” RESOLVED FURTHER THAT all other terms and conditions of appointment of Mr. Jotirmoy Ghose, as approved by the Company at the Extra Ordinary General Meeting held on 10th December 2013, shall remain unchanged. RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the Board of Directors of the Company be and is hereby authorised to do all acts and take all such steps as may be necessary, proper or expedient to give effect to this Resolution.” Note: The retiring Auditors, M/s. Kanu Doshi Associates, have expressed their unwillingness to be re-appointed. Therefore, Members are requested to appoint M/s. MZSK & Associates, Chartered Accountants, Mumbai in place of the retiring Auditors. SPECIAL BUSINESS: 7R FRQVLGHU DQG LI WKRXJKW ßW WR SDVV ZLWK RU ZLWKRXW PRGLßFDWLRQVWKHIROORZLQJDVDSpecial Resolution: 7R FRQVLGHU DQG LI WKRXJKW ßW WR SDVV ZLWK RU ZLWKRXW PRGLßFDWLRQVWKHIROORZLQJDVDQOrdinary Resolution: “RESOLVED THAT pursuant to Section 148 and other applicable provisions, if any, of the Companies Act, 2013 and Rules made thereunder (including any statutory PRGLßFDWLRQVRUUHHQDFWPHQWWKHUHRIIRUWKHWLPHEHLQJ LQ IRUFH WKH &RPSDQ\ KHUHE\ UDWLßHV WKH UHPXQHUDWLRQ RI `1.00 Lakh plus service tax and out of pocket expenses payable to M/s. K. G. Goyal & Co, Cost Accountants, for carrying out Audit of the Cost records of the Company for the Financial Year ending on 31st March, 2016.” 7R FRQVLGHU DQG LI WKRXJKW ßW WR SDVV ZLWK RU ZLWKRXW PRGLßFDWLRQVWKHIROORZLQJDVDQOrdinary Resolution:“RESOLVED THAT pursuant to the provisions of Sections 149, 152 and other applicable provisions, if any, of the Companies Act, 2013 (“the Act”) and the Rules made thereunder, read with Schedule IV, (including any statutory PRGLßFDWLRQVRUUHHQDFWPHQWWKHUHRIIRUWKHWLPHEHLQJ in force), Mrs. Jayantika Dave (DIN 01585850), who was appointed as an Additional Director of the Company by the Board of Directors w.e.f 27th July 2015, and who holds WKH RIßFH XSWR WKH GDWH RI WKLV $QQXDO *HQHUDO 0HHWLQJ LQ terms of Section 161(1) of the Act and in respect of whom the Company has received a notice in writing under Section 160 of the Act from a Member proposing her candidature IRUWKHRIßFHRI'LUHFWRUEHDQGLVKHUHE\DSSRLQWHGDVDQ By Order of the Board Amit Kumar Gupta Company Secretary Place : Mumbai Date : 27th July, 2015 2 Binani Cement Limited NOTES: 1. An Explanatory Statement pursuant to Section 102 (1) of the Companies Act, 2013 relating to the Special Business to be transacted at the Annual General Meeting, is annexed hereto. 2. A MEMBER ENTITLED TO ATTEND AND VOTE AT THE MEETING, IS ENTITLED TO APPOINT A PROXY TO ATTEND AND VOTE AT THE MEETING ON HIS /HER BEHALF AND THE PROXY NEED NOT BE A MEMBER OF THE COMPANY. 3. Pursuant to Section 105 of the Companies Act, 2013 (“the Act”), a person can act as a Proxy on behalf of not more UIBOÞGUZ .FNCFSTBOEIPMEJOHJOUIFBHHSFHBUFOPU more than 10% of the total share capital of the Company. A Member holding more than 10% of the total share capital of the Company may appoint a single person as a Proxy and such person shall not act as a Proxy for any other Member. 4. The instrument of Proxy in order to be effective, should EH GHSRVLWHG DW WKH 5HJLVWHUHG 2IßFH RI WKH &RPSDQ\ duly completed and signed, not less than 48 hours before the commencement of the meeting. Proxies submitted on behalf of the Companies / Bodies Corporate etc. must be supported by an appropriate Resolution / Authority, as applicable. A Proxy Form is appended with this Notice. 'XULQJWKHSHULRGEHJLQQLQJKRXUVEHIRUHWKHWLPHß[HG for the commencement of the meeting and ending with the conclusion of the meeting, a Member would be entitled to inspect the proxies lodged at any time during the business KRXUVRIWKH&RPSDQ\DWLWV5HJLVWHUHG2IßFHSURYLGHGWKDW not less than three days of notice in writing is given to the Company. 6. Corporate Members intending to send their authorised representatives to attend the Meeting are requested to send WR WKH &RPSDQ\ D FHUWLßHG FRS\ RI WKH %RDUG 5HVROXWLRQ authorising their representative to attend and vote on their behalf at the Meeting. 0HPEHUV3UR[LHV VKRXOG EULQJ WKH GXOO\ ßOOHG $WWHQGDQFH Slip enclosed herewith to attend the meeting. 8. The Register of Directors and Key Management Personnel and their shareholding, maintained under Section 170 of the Companies Act, 2013 and the Register of Contracts and Arrangement in which the Directors are interested, maintained under Section 189 of the Companies Act, 2013, shall be available for inspection by the Members at the Annual General Meeting. 9. Members are requested to: a. bring their copy of the Annual Report for the meeting. b. address their queries relating to Accounts of the Company, if any, to the Company Secretary of the Company at least ten working days in advance of the Annual General Meeting, to enable the Company to keep the information ready. c. note that in respect of the shares held in physical form, all correspondence relating to share transfers, transmissions, sub-division, consolidation of shares or any other related matters and/or change in address or updation thereof, should be addressed to Registrar and Share Transfer Agents of the Company, viz. Link Intime India Private Limited, at C-13, Pannalal Silk Mills Compound, L.B.S. Marg, Bhandup (W), Mumbai – 400 078. Members, whose shareholding is in electronic form, are requested to direct change of DGGUHVV QRWLßFDWLRQV UHJLVWUDWLRQ RI HPDLO DGGUHVV and updation of bank account details to their respective Depository Participant. d. quote their DP ID No. /Client ID No. or folio number in all their correspondence. 10. The Annual Report for 2014-15 along with the Notice of the Annual General Meeting, Attendance Slip and Proxy Form is being sent by electronic mode to all the Members who have registered their email IDs with the Depository Participants, Registrar and Share Transfer Agents and the Company, unless where any Member has requested for the physical copy. The physical copies of the aforesaid documents ZLOO EH DYDLODEOH IRU LQVSHFWLRQ DW WKH 5HJLVWHUHG 2IßFH RI the Company during business hours on working days. Members, who require physical copies of Annual Report may write to the Company Secretary or Registrar and Share Transfer Agents. Members may further note that the said documents will also be available on the Company’s website www.binanicement.in under Investors’ section for download. 11. The Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) on 10 May, 2012 QRWLßHGWKH,(3)XSORDGLQJRILQIRUPDWLRQUHJDUGLQJXQSDLG and unclaimed amounts lying with Companies) Rules, 2012 (IEPF Rules), which is applicable to the Company. In terms of the said IEPF Rules, the Company has uploaded the information in respect of the unclaimed dividend on the website of the IEPF viz. www.iepf.gov.in and under “Investors” section on the website of the Company viz. www.binanicement.in. The Members are requested to verify the details of their unclaimed amounts, if any, from the said websites and write to the Company’s Registrar and Share Transfer Agents or the Company Secretary before the same is due for transfer to the Investor Education and Protection Fund. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 205A(5) and 205C of the Companies Act, 1956, the Company has transferred WKHXQSDLGRUXQFODLPHGGLYLGHQGVXSWRWKHßQDQFLDO\HDUV 2006-07, from time to time on due dates, to the Investor Education and Protection Fund (the IEPF) established by the Central Government. Due dates for transfer of unclaimed dividend to the IEPF are given hereinafter: 3 an n u al repor t 2014 - 1 5 Binani Cement Limited Sr. No. conducting the remote e-voting and the voting process at the AGM in a fair and transparent manner. Dividend for the Year Due date for Transfer of ended unclaimed dividends to IEPF 1 31.03.2008 04.08.2015 2 31.03.2009 07.08.2016 3 31.03.2010 06.08.2017 4 31.03.2011 08.08.2018 12. Pursuant to Section 101 of the Companies Act, 2013 and Rules made thereunder, the Companies are allowed to send communication to Members electronically. Members are therefore, requested to kindly register/update their email IDs with their respective Depository Participants and in the case of physical shares with the Company’s Registrar and Share Transfer Agents or the Company and make this Green Initiative a success. E. At the AGM, at the end of the discussion on the resolutions on which voting is to be held, the Chairman shall, with the assistance of Scrutinizer, order voting through ballot paper/ electronically at the venue of the AGM. Only those Members attending the meeting, who have not already cast their vote through remote e-voting shall be entitled to exercise their voting rights at the meeting. The Members who have already cast their vote through remote e-voting may attend the meeting but shall not be entitled to cast their vote again at the AGM. F. The Scrutinizer shall immediately after the conclusion of the voting at AGM, count the votes cast at the AGM and thereafter unblock the votes cast through remote e-voting in the presence of at least two (2) witnesses not in the employment of the Company. The Scrutinizer shall submit a consolidated Scrutinizer Report on the total votes cast in favour or against, if any, not later than three (3) days after the conclusion of the AGM to the Chairman of the Company. The Chairman or any other person authorised by the Chairman, shall declare the result of the voting forthwith. G. The result along with the Scrutinizer Report shall be placed on the Company’s website www.binanicement.in and on the website of CDSL www.evotingindia.com $ EULHI SURßOH RI 'LUHFWRUV SURSRVHG WR EH DSSRLQWHG re-appointed, is annexed hereto and forming part of this Notice. 14. A Route Map for easy locating the venue of AGM, is annexed to this Notice. Voting A. B. C. D. Pursuant to Section 108 of the Companies Act, 2013 read with Rule 20 of the Companies (Management and Administration) Rules, 2014, as amended by the Companies (Management and Administration) Amendment Rules, 2015, the Company is pleased to provide its Members the facility of ‘remote e-voting’ (e-voting from a place other than venue of the Annual General Meeting) to exercise their right to vote at the 19th Annual General Meeting (AGM) by electronic means. The Company has approached CDSL for providing E-voting services through its e-voting platform. The business may be transacted through e-voting services rendered by Central Depository Services (India) Limited (CDSL). The instructions for shareholders voting electronically are as under: The voting right of the Members shall be in proportion to their shares of the paid-up equity share capital of the Company as on Friday, 18th September, 2015 (“Cut-off date”). Any person, who acquires the share of the Company and becomes a Member of the Company after the dispatch of this Notice of AGM and holds the shares as of the Cut-off date, can also cast their vote through remote e-voting by following the instructions given in this notice. The Company has appointed Mr. Manoj Kumar Banthia (Membership No. 11470) of M/s. MKB & Associates, Practicing Company Secretary, as the Scrutinizer for 4 i. The remote e-voting period begins on Tuesday, 22nd September, 2015 at 9.00 AM and ends on Thursday, 24th September, 2015 at 5.00 PM. During this period shareholders of the Company, holding shares either in physical form or in dematerialized form, as on the cut-off date of Friday, 18th September 2015, may cast their vote electronically. The e-voting module shall be disabled by CDSL for voting after 5.00 P.M. on 24th September, 2015. ii Shareholders who have already voted prior to the meeting date would not be entitled to vote at the meeting venue. iii. The shareholders should log on to the e-voting website www.evotingindia.com. iv. Click on “Shareholders” tab. v. Now Enter your User ID D )RU&'6/GLJLWVEHQHßFLDU\,' b. For NSDL: 8 Character DP ID followed by 8 Digits Client ,' c. Members holding shares in Physical Form should enter Folio Number registered with the Company. Binani Cement Limited YL 1H[WHQWHUWKH,PDJH9HULßFDWLRQDVGLVSOD\HGDQG&OLFNRQ Login. NO” for voting. Select the option YES or NO as desired. The option YES implies that you assent to the Resolution and option NO implies that you dissent to the Resolution. vii. If the Members are holding shares in demat form and had logged on to www.evotingindia.com and voted on an earlier voting of any Company, then your existing password is to be used. xiv. Click on the “RESOLUTIONS FILE LINK” if you wish to view the entire Resolution details. xv. YLLL ,I\RXDUHDßUVWWLPHXVHUIROORZWKHVWHSVJLYHQEHORZ For Members holding shares in Demat Form and Physical Form Enter your 10 digit alpha-numeric *PAN PAN: issued by Income Tax Department (Applicable for both demat shareholders as well as physical shareholders). xvi. Once you “CONFIRM” your vote on the resolution, you will not be allowed to modify your vote. xvii. You can also take out print of the voting done by you by clicking “Click here to print” option on the voting page. xviii. If Demat account holder has forgotten the same password WKHQ(QWHUWKH8VHU,'DQGWKHLPDJHYHULßFDWLRQFRGHDQG click Forgot Password & enter the details as prompted by the system. *Members who have not updated their PAN with the Company/Depository Participant are requested to use the Sequence Number which is printed on the address slip/provided in the email sent to you. Dividend Bank Enter the Dividend Bank Details or Date of Details OR Date Birth (in dd/mm/yyyy format) as recorded in your demat account or in the company of Birth (DOB) records in order to login. • After entering these details appropriately, click on “SUBMIT” tab. x. Members holding shares in physical form will then directly reach the Company selection screen. However, Members holding shares in demat form will now reach ‘Password Creation’ menu wherein they are required to mandatorily HQWHUWKHLUORJLQSDVVZRUGLQWKHQHZSDVVZRUGßHOG.LQGO\ note that this password is to be also used by the demat holders for voting for resolutions of any other Company on which they are eligible to vote, provided that Company opts for e-voting through CDSL platform. It is strongly recommended not to share your password with any other person and take utmost care to keep your password FRQßGHQWLDO xi. xix. Note for Non – Individual Shareholders and Custodians. If both the details are not recorded with the depository or company please enter the member id / folio number LQ WKH 'LYLGHQG %DQN GHWDLOV ßHOG DV mentioned in instruction (v). ix. After selecting the resolution you have decided to vote on, FOLFNq68%0,7r$FRQßUPDWLRQER[ZLOOEHGLVSOD\HG,I\RX ZLVK WR FRQßUP \RXU YRWH FOLFN q2.r HOVH WR FKDQJH \RXU vote, click “CANCEL” and accordingly modify your vote. • Non-Individual shareholders (i.e. other than Individuals, HUF, NRI etc.) and Custodian are required to log on to www.evotingindia.com and register themselves as Corporate. • A scanned copy of the Registration Form bearing the stamp and sign of the entity should be emailed to helpdesk.evoting@cdslindia.com. • After receiving the login details a compliance user should be created using the admin login and password. The Compliance user would be able to link the account(s) for which they wish to vote on. • The list of accounts should be mailed to helpdesk. evoting@cdslindia.com and on approval of the accounts they would be able to cast their vote. • A scanned copy of the Board Resolution and Power of Attorney (POA) which they have issued in favour of the Custodian, if any, should be uploaded in PDF format in the system for the scrutinizer to verify the same. xx. In case anyone has any queries or issues regarding e-voting, he/she may refer the Frequently Asked Questions (“FAQs”) and e-voting manual available at www.evotingindia.com, under help section or write an email to helpdesk.evoting@ cdslindia.com. For Members holding shares in physical form, the details can be used only for e-voting on the Resolutions contained in this Notice. By Order of the Board xii. Click on the EVSN for Binani Cement Limited on which you choose to vote. Amit Kumar Gupta Company Secretary xiii. On the voting page, you will see “RESOLUTION DESCRIPTION” and against the same the option “YES/ Place : Mumbai Date : 27th July, 2015 5 an n u al repor t 2014 - 1 5 Binani Cement Limited Particulars of Directors seeking appointment / re-appointment at the 19th Annual General Meeting Name of Director Mr. V. Subramanian Mrs. Jayantika Dave Date of Birth 25.11.1930 24.01.1955 Date of initial Appointment 27.02.2006 27.07. 2015 ([SHUWLVHLQVSHFLßFIXQFWLRQDODUHDV Finance & Accounts Human Resources 4XDOLßFDWLRQV B.Com, ICWA Graduate in Economics & MBA Number of Equity shares held in the Company Nil Nil Relationship with other Directors, Key Managerial Personnel None None Number of Board Meetings attended during the FY 2014-15 6 Not applicable Directorships held in other Public Companies (excluding Foreign Companies) Binani Zinc Limited Goa Glass Fibre Limited Merit Plaza Limited Swiss Merchandise Infrastructure Limited Binani Energy Private Limited B T Composites Limited Ingersoll Rand (India) Limited Binani Industries Limited Chairman / Member of Committees of other Companies (includes only Audit Committee and Stakeholders‘ Relationship Committee). Audit Committee Member - Binani Zinc Limited - Goa Glass Fibre Limited Nil 6 Binani Cement Limited ANNEXURE TO NOTICE Statement pursuant to Section 102 (1) of the Companies Act, 2013. Item no. 4 Item no. 5 The Board of Directors of the Company has appointed Mrs. Jayantika Dave (DIN 01585850) as an Additional Director of the Company with effect from 27th July, 2015. In accordance with the provisions of Section 161 of the Companies Act, 2013 (“the $FWr0UV-D\DQWLND'DYHVKDOOKROGRIßFHXSWRWKHGDWHRIWKLV Annual General Meeting. In terms of the provisions of Section 149 of the Act and the Rules made thereunder, Mrs Jayantika Dave is eligible to be appointed as an Independent Director. The Members of the Company in the Extra-ordinary General Meeting (EGM) held on 10th December 2013 had approved the appointment and remuneration of Mr. Jotirmoy Ghose as 0DQDJLQJ 'LUHFWRU RI WKH &RPSDQ\ IRU D SHULRG RI ßYH \HDUV effective 30th October, 2013 on such terms and remuneration as were mentioned in the notice convening such EGM. The said appointment was made in terms of the provisions of Section 269 read with Schedule XIII of the Companies Act, 1956. The aforesaid appointment of Mr. Ghose was subject to the approval of Central Government, as required under the provisions of Schedule XIII of the Companies Act, 1956 since he was not a resident in India and was a Person of Indian Origin. The Central Government, later on, approved the appointment of Mr. Ghose, as Managing Director of the Company. Mrs. Dave, aged about 60 years, is a Graduate in Economics and MBA. She has held leadership position in Hewlett Packard and Agilent Technologies before occupying the position of Vice President (Human Resources) in Ingersoll Rand (India) Limited. She has multi-faceted career and diverse experience having worked as Consultant in different areas of business. Mrs. Dave is currently a Non Executive Non-Independent Director of Ingersoll Rand (India) Limited. The Members may note that the Company has a strategy for its expansion globally and to establish new projects in Tanzania, Indonesia and Fujairah etc. in the coming years through its Subsidiary namely Binani Cement Factory LLC, Dubai (BCFLLC), apart from expansion of the existing facilities in Dubai and China. The Company has received a declaration of Independence from Mrs. Jayantika Dave that she meets the criteria of independence as prescribed under sub-section (6) of Section 149 of the Act. ,Q WKH RSLQLRQ RI WKH %RDUG 0UV -D\DQWLND 'DYH IXOßOOV WKH FRQGLWLRQVVSHFLßHGLQWKH$FWIRUDSSRLQWPHQWDVDQ,QGHSHQGHQW Director. The Board therefore, considered it in the best interest of the Company, to entrust Mr. Ghose with responsibilities, apart from being the Managing Director of Binani Cement Limited, to oversee timely implementation of upcoming projects and develop the markets for Company’s products in untapped regions. Mr. Ghose shall continue to discharge the responsibilities as the Managing Director of the Company. He shall operate out of India and Dubai, as may be considered necessary by him. Mr. Ghose, while occupying the position of Managing Director of the Company, shall not be paid any remuneration by the Company effective 1st August, 2015. However, he shall be engaged by BCFLLC on such terms and conditions and on such remuneration, as may be mutually decided between BCFLLC and Mr. Ghose, in consideration of the services to be rendered by Mr. Ghose to BCFLLC. The Company has received a notice in writing under provisions of Section 160 of the Act from a Member of the Company along with requisite deposit proposing the candidature of Mrs. Jayantika Dave as an Independent Director of the Company. A copy of the draft letter of appointment of Mrs. Jayantika Dave, setting out the terms and conditions, is available for inspection E\WKH0HPEHUVDWWKH5HJLVWHUHG2IßFHRIWKH&RPSDQ\GXULQJ 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on any working day up to the date of this Annual General Meeting. The Board considers that with her rich experience, association RI0UV'DYHZRXOGEHEHQHßFLDOWRWKH&RPSDQ\DQGDVVXFK recommends the appointment of Mrs. Jayantika Dave as an Independent Director with effect from 27th July, 2015 for a term upto the conclusion of the 21st Annual General Meeting and she shall not be liable to retire by rotation. The Resolution at item No. 5 is to seek the approval of the Members to the variation in the terms of appointment of Mr. Jotirmoy Ghose and the Company to the effect that Mr. Ghose shall not be paid any remuneration during the remainder period of his tenure as the Managing Director of the Company. Except Mr. Jotirmoy Ghose, none of the Directors and Key Managerial Personnel or their relatives is concerned or LQWHUHVWHGßQDQFLDOO\RURWKHUZLVHLQWKH5HVROXWLRQ Except Mrs. Jayantika Dave, none of the Directors and Key Managerial Personnel or their relatives are concerned or LQWHUHVWHGßQDQFLDOO\RURWKHUZLVHLQWKH5HVROXWLRQ The Board recommends the Resolution set out in item no. 5 for the approval of the Members. The Board recommends the Resolution set out in item no. 4 for the approval of the Members. A Supplementary Agreement executed between Mr. Jotirmoy 7 an n u al repor t 2014 - 1 5 Binani Cement Limited Rules, 2014, the remuneration payable to the Cost Auditors is to EHDSSURYHGUDWLßHGE\WKH0HPEHUVRIWKH&RPSDQ\ Ghose and the Company to give effect to the above, shall be available for inspection by any Member during 11.00 a.m to 1.00 p.m. on any working day up to the date of this Annual General Meeting. The Board recommends the proposed remuneration to M/s. K. G. Goyal & Co. the same being reasonable considering their stature and also commensurate to the volume of work involved. Item no. 6 The Company is obliged, under Section 148 of the Companies Act, 2013 to have an audit of its cost records, conducted by a Cost Accountant in practice. The Board therefore, on the recommendation of the Audit Committee, approved the appointment of M/s. K. G. Goyal & Co., Cost Accountants, as the Cost Auditors of the Company for carrying out Audit of Cost UHFRUGV RI WKH &RPSDQ\ IRU WKH ßQDQFLDO \HDU HQGLQJ RQ VW March, 2016, at a remuneration of ` 1.00 Lakh plus service tax and reimbursement of out of pocket expenses. None of the Directors and Key Managerial Personnel of the Company or their relatives is concerned or interested in the Resolution. In terms of the provision of Section 148(3) of the Companies Act, 2013 read with Rule 14(a)(ii) of the Companies (Audit and Auditors) Place : Mumbai Date : 27th July, 2015 The Board recommends the Resolution set forth in item no. 6 for the approval of the Members. By Order of the Board Amit Kumar Gupta Company Secretary 8 Binani Cement Limited DIRECTORS’ REPORT Dear Members, Your Directors present Nineteenth Annual Report of the Company together with the Audited Financial Statements for the Financial Year ended on 31st March, 2015. 1. FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS 7KHßQDQFLDOKLJKOLJKWVIRUWKH\HDUHQGHGVW0DUFK are summarized below: The business of the Company was severely affected because of the poor demand situation due to lower activities in infrastructure and real estate segments. The situation aggravated due to coercive actions taken by the Rajasthan VAT Authorities in connection with recovery of past dues, which were earlier in disputes, which led to disruption in production and dispatches for some time during the year under review. During the Financial Year 2014-15, the Company generated 2,400.18 Lakhs Kwh of power against 3,083.95 Lakhs Kwh last year. (` in Lakhs) Particulars Total Revenue (Including other income) 3URßWEHIRUH'HSUHFLDWLRQ,QWHUHVW Taxation and Exceptional Items Provision for Depreciation Finance Cost 3URßW/RVVEHIRUH7D[ Exceptional items Exceptional items 3URßW/RVVEHIRUH7D[ Less: Tax Expenses 3URßW/RVVDIWHU7D[ %DODQFHRI3URßWEURXJKWIRUZDUG from previous year Balance carried forward to Balance Sheet 2. 31st March, 2015 183,998 31st March, 2014 196,224 29,347 24,452 7,471 35,325 (13,449) 10,533 27,325 (13,407) 1,283 (14,732) 4,244 (10,488) 27,020 15,928 (29,335) 9,623 (19,712) 46,733 16,532 27,020 3. DIVIDEND In view of loss, the Directors did not recommend any dividend on Preference and Equity Shares of the Company for the Financial Year ended 31st March, 2015. 4. SHARE CAPITAL During the year under review, the Company issued and allotted 6,002,000, 0.01% Non-Cumulative Redeemable Preference Shares of ` 100/-each, aggregating to ` 6,002.00 Lakhs to Binani Industries Limited, Promoter of the Company. The proceeds from issue of Preference Shares were utilized for the purpose of meeting critical working capital requirement of the Company. Consequently, the total paid-up share capital of the Company stood at ` 24,862.38 Lakhs (previous year ` 18,860.38 Lakhs) as on 31st March, 2015. 5. CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS The Consolidated Financial Statements have been prepared in compliance with applicable Accounting Standards issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India and form part of this Annual Report. REVIEW OF OPERATIONS During the Financial Year under review, your Company’s Cement Production and sales stood at 4.50 million MT and 4.47 million MT respectively as compared to 4.99 million MT and 5.14 million MT respectively in the previous year. The Company’s total Income was lower at ` 183,998 Lakhs as against ` 196,224 Lakhs last year. The Company WRRN VHYHUDO PHDVXUHV WR LPSURYH WKH HIßFLHQFLHV DFURVV different functional areas which despite lower sales volume, KLJKHU LQSXW DQG ORJLVWLF FRVWV UHVXOWHG LQ KLJKHU 3URßW before Depreciation, Interest, Taxation and Exceptional Items at ` 29,347 Lakhs, higher by about 20%, as compared to ` /DNKV LQ WKH SUHYLRXV ßQDQFLDO \HDU +RZHYHU KLJKHUßQDQFHFRVWVDQGLQWHUHVWSURYLVLRQRI` 1,283 Lakhs in terms of section 234C of the Income Tax Act, 1961 relating to prior years (shown under Exceptional Item), resulted in the Company reporting a net loss of ` 10,488 Lakhs for the year under review as against the net loss of ` 19,712 Lakhs in the previous year. 6. DIRECTORS’ RESPONSIBILITY STATEMENT Pursuant to the provisions of Section 134(5) of the Companies Act, 2013 (“the Act”), your Directors state that: 9 D LQ SUHSDUDWLRQ RI WKH DQQXDO ßQDQFLDO VWDWHPHQWV for the year ended 31st March, 2015, the applicable Accounting Standards read with requirements set out under Schedule III to the Act, have been followed and WKHUHDUHQRPDWHULDOGHSDUWXUHVIURPWKHVDPH b. they have selected such accounting policies and applied them consistently and made judgments and estimates that are reasonable and prudent so as to give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Company at the end of the Financial Year as at 31st March 2015 and RIWKHSURßWDQGORVVRIWKH&RPSDQ\IRUWKDWSHULRG F WKH\ KDYH WDNHQ SURSHU DQG VXIßFLHQW FDUH IRU the maintenance of adequate accounting records an n u al repor t 2014 - 1 5 Binani Cement Limited is expected to increase further to 421 million MT by the end of 2017. The production for FY 2014-15 stood at about 270 million MT and per capita consumption at around 190 kgs. The housing sector is the biggest demand driver of cement, accounting for about 67% of the total consumption. The other major consumers of cement include infrastructure at 13%, commercial and industrial construction at 11% and 9% respectively. in accordance with the provisions of this Act for safeguarding the assets of the Company and for SUHYHQWLQJDQGGHWHFWLQJIUDXGDQGRWKHULUUHJXODULWLHV d. they have prepared the annual accounts on a going FRQFHUQEDVLV H WKH\ KDYH ODLG GRZQ LQWHUQDO ßQDQFLDO FRQWUROV WR be followed by the Company and that such internal ßQDQFLDO FRQWUROV DUH DGHTXDWH DQG ZHUH RSHUDWLQJ HIIHFWLYHO\ f. 7. The Government thrust on the development of National Highways, Rural and Urban Roads, Affordable Housing, Port Connectivity, Development of 100 Smart Cities, etc. should help in boosting the muted growth of the Cement Industry. they have devised proper systems to ensure compliance with the provisions of all applicable laws and that such systems were adequate and operating effectively. The cement market in India is expected to grow at a compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of 8.96 percent during the period 2014-2019. MATERIAL CHANGES AND COMMITMENTS AFFECTING THE FINANCIAL POSITION OF THE COMPANY 10.3 Company Performance and Outlook There have been no material changes and commitments DIIHFWLQJ WKH ßQDQFLDO SRVLWLRQ RI WKH &RPSDQ\ EHWZHHQ the end of Financial Year under review and the date of this Report. 8. 10.3.1 Company Performance Demand for cement is highly correlated with cyclical activities like construction and infrastructure development. The sluggish demand of cement continued in 2014-15 and due to the unavoidable production shutdown in early part of the year owing to coercive measures initiated by the Rajasthan VAT Authorities, the Company could achieve production of 4.501 million MT as compared to 4.994 million MT in WKH)LQDQFLDO<HDUORZHUE\DERXW PARTICULARS OF LOANS GIVEN, INVESTMENTS MADE, GUARANTEES GIVEN AND SECURITIES PROVIDED During the year under review, the Company had not given any loan and guarantee, made any investment or provided any security under section 186 of the Companies Act, 2013. 9. Consequently, cement sales were also lower by 13% at 4.473 million MT as against 5.137 million MT in the previous year. Share of Portland Pozzolana Cement (PPC) as a percentage to total sales, reduced from 56% WRGXHWRKLJKHUà\DVKFRVWV DEPOSIT The Company has not accepted any deposit from the public within the meaning of the provisions of Section 73 of the Companies Act, 2013 and Rules made thereunder. 10. BUSINESS PERFORMANCE AND OUTLOOK Cement Production and Sales 56.12 56.81 51.37 33.36 20 10 28.42 19.15 22.48 30 28.14 44.73 21.08 40 33.5 Qty. in lakh MT 50 25.87 The Indian economy grew by about 7.4% in FY 2014-15 as compared to 6.9% previous year, mostly driven by improved economic fundamentals and revision in GDP methodology calculation. Declining commodity prices, especially decline in oil prices by about 40%, have contributed positively and VXEVWDQWLDOO\ WR GULYH LQàDWLRQ GRZQ 7KLV VXJJHVWV WKDW slowdown is behind us and economy is heading towards strong recovery going forward. 54.38 28.82 60 21.12 10.1 Economic Review and Outlook PPC OPC Sales 0 With the strengthening of macro-economic prospects, Indian economy is best positioned among emerging economies, gaining global Investors attention. The Government also envisages GDP growth to accelerate to 8% in FY 2015-16. The reforms proposed by the Government, coupled with easing monetary position, facilitated by ongoing moderation LQLQàDWLRQH[SHFWHGWRERRVWFRQVXPSWLRQDQGJURZWK 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 Year PPC - Portland Pozzolana Cement OPC - Ordinary Portland Cement 10.3.2 Outlook Opportunities With the positive sentiments prevailing, consequent upon a stable Government at the Centre, coupled with large planned investments in infrastructure and housing /real estate sectors, the demand for cement 10.2 Indian Cement Industry India is the second largest cement producer in the world with nearly 366 million MT of cement production capacity, which 10 Binani Cement Limited RMB 368.59 Million (equivalent to ` 36,613.33 Lakhs). SBRCC however, incurred loss of RMB 42.96 Million (equivalent to ` 4,266.92 Lakhs) due to lower volume, higher cost and low price realizations. Further, Binani Cement Factory LLC, UAE ( BCFLLC) registered a turnover of about AED 133.49 Million (equivalent to ` 22,209.61 Lakhs) and earned a nominal SURßWRI$('0LOOLRQHTXLYDOHQWWR` 477.19 Lakhs). is likely to get a boost in the coming years. Decreasing FRPPRGLW\ SULFHV DQG FRQWUROOHG LQàDWLRQ ZLOO SDYH the way for controlling costs of manufacturing. Opportunities also exist in terms of technology LQQRYDWLRQVIRULPSURYLQJHIßFLHQF\DQGLQVWDOODWLRQRI Waste Heat Recovery System. The Company has strategized to focus on the markets within a radius of 400 kms to optimize its logistic costs and streamline and strengthen its distribution network. In addition, the Company continues to streamline the SURFHVVHV ZLWK D YLHZ WR EULQJ DOO DURXQG HIßFLHQFLHV which will facilitate yielding better margin. Binani Cement Tanzania Limited reported a turnover of TZS 165.30 Million (equivalent to ` 59.18 Lakhs) and incurred loss of TZS 872.23 Million (equivalent to 312.26 Lakhs). Other Subsidiaries viz. PT Anggana Energy Resources, Indonesia and BCL Tradelink Limited, UAE, did not take up any operations and Binani Cement (Uganda) Limited is under liquidation. Threats, Risks and Concerns With Indian Economy progressing towards the growth trajectory, still economy might take another year to stabilize completely. Intense competition, over capacity situation in the regions where the Company operates coupled with expansion plans of global giants and increasing small players, will pose challenge and put pressure on the price realization. Overseas Investment Subsidiaries: Krishna Holdings Pte Limited and Bhumi Resources (Singapore) Pte. Ltd., VXEVLGLDLULHV LQ 6LQJDSRUH HDUQHG D SURßW RI 86' Million (equivalent to ` 221.81 Lakhs) and USD 0.03 Million (equivalent to ` 17.93 Lakhs) respectively for the year under review. Mukundan Holdings Limited and Murari Holdings Limited, Special Purpose Vehicles, incorporated in British Virgin Islands (BVI) incurred loss of USD 1.50 Million (equivalent to ` 917.16 Lakhs) and USD 0.51 Million (equivalent to ` 313.28 Lakhs) respectively for the year under review. The matter with the Rajasthan VAT Authorities in respect of past tax dues (which were under dispute) may still have material impact on performance. Overall, the Company is hopeful of reporting much better performance in the years ahead, barring unforeseen circumstances. Indian Subsidiaries namely Binani Energy Private Limited, Binani Ready Mix Concrete Limited, Swiss Merchandise Infrastructure Limited & Merit Plaza Limited did not take up any business during the year under review. These Subsidiaries reported marginal loss which were mainly on account of routine administrative expenses. 11. SUBSIDIARY COMPANIES 11.1 Report on Subsidiary Companies In terms of the proviso to sub section (3) of section 129 of the Companies Act, 2013(the “Act”), the salient features RI WKH ßQDQFLDO VWDWHPHQWV RI VXEVLGLDULHV DUH SURYLGHG in the prescribed form AOC-1, which is Annexed to the ßQDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWVDQGIRUPVSDUWRIWKLV$QQXDO5HSRUW The Company does not have any Associate Company within the meaning of Section 2(6) of the Act. Further, there were no material changes in the nature of business of the subsidiaries. 12. SCHEME FOR TRANSFER OF POWER UNDERTAKING The Company had obtained in June 2014 sanction from the Hon’ble High Court of Calcutta, to the Scheme of Arrangement for hive-off of the Company’s Power Undertaking to wholly owned subsidiary namely Binani Energy Private Limited. However, the Scheme did not become effective pending receipt of NOCs from the secured FUHGLWRUV DQG ßOLQJ RI FHUWLßHG FRSLHV RI WKH 2UGHU RI WKH Hon’ble High Court of Calcutta sanctioning the said Scheme with the Registrar of Companies, West Bengal. 7KH ßQDQFLDO VWDWHPHQWV LQ UHVSHFW RI WKH VXEVLGLDULHV will be kept open for inspection by the Members at the 5HJLVWHUHG 2IßFH RI WKH &RPSDQ\ WLOO WKH HQVXLQJ $QQXDO General Meeting. Members, interested in obtaining a copy RIWKHDXGLWHGDQQXDOßQDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWVRIWKHVXEVLGLDU\ companies may write to the Company Secretary, who shall provide a copy of the same upon receipt of such request. Your Directors considered that in view the developments/ changes which have taken place, it would not be prudent to implement the Scheme at this stage and in its present form. Therefore, the Board has decided to withdraw the Scheme E\ßOLQJQHFHVVDU\DSSOLFDWLRQZLWKWKH+RQpEOH+LJK&RXUW at Calcutta. 11.2 Performance of Subsidiaries Overseas Operating Subsidiaries: Shandong Binani Rong’An Cement Company Limited (SBRCC), a cement manufacturing Company in China achieved a turnover of 11 an n u al repor t 2014 - 1 5 Binani Cement Limited 13. DIRECTORS AND KEY MANAGERIAL PERSONNEL Sr. Name No 1. Mr. K. K. Jain* 13.1 Directors During the year under review, Mrs. Nidhi Binani Singhania, Ms. Shradha Binani, Directors resigned on 14th April, 2014. Mr. Ramkrishna Moogimane, Mr. Jitender Balakrishnan, Mr. M. D. Mallya and Mr. T.R.C Nair, Directors resigned on 30th April, 2014, 19th May, 2014, 26th May, 2014 and 24th July, 2014 respectively. Mr. Amit Kumar Gupta 3. Mr. V. Srikrishnan** With effect from Chief Financial 30th May, 2IßFHU 2014 Company 5th June, Secretary 2014 Chief Financial 8th June, RIßFHU 2015 * Upto 30th April, 2015, ** Upto 11th July, 2015. The Board places on record its appreciation for valuable contribution made by each of the outgoing Directors during their tenure with the Company. 14. BOARD MEETINGS The Board meets at regular intervals, inter alia to review, discuss and decide on Company’s strategic move, quarterly/ $QQXDOßQDQFLDOSHUIRUPDQFHDQGRWKHUSROLF\PDWWHUV7KH Agenda for the meetings of the Board together with the appropriate supporting documents are circulated well in advance of the meeting to enable the Directors to take an informed decision. Mr. V. Subramanian, Non-Executive Non-Independent Director, retires by rotation at the ensuing Annual General Meeting and being eligible, has offered himself for reappointment. The Board of Directors has appointed Mrs. Jayantika Dave as an Additional Director designated as “Independent Director” of the Company with effect from 27th July, 2015, in terms of provision of Section 161 of the Companies Act, 2013 (“the Act”). Mrs. Dave, aged about 60 years, is a Graduate in Economics and MBA. She has held leadership position in Hewlett Packard and Agilent Technologies before occupying the position of Vice President (Human Resources) in Ingersoll Rand (India) Limited. She has multi - faceted career and diverse experience having worked as Consultant in different areas of business. Mrs. Dave is currently a Non Executive Non-Independent Director on the Board of Ingersoll Rand (India) Limited. 2. Designation 'XULQJ WKH ßQDQFLDO \HDU HQGHG VW 0DUFK HLJKW Board meetings were held on 30th May, 2014, 30th June, 2014, 7th August, 2014, 9th September, 2014, 29th September, 2014, 22nd October, 2014, 13th December, 2014 and 30th January, 2015. The interval between any two meetings was well within the maximum prescribed time gap of 120 days. Attendance of the Directors at the meetings was as under: Directors Mr. Braj Binani Mr. Jotirmoy Ghose Mr. S. Sridhar Mr. V. Subramanian Mr. T. R. C Nair* 0UV 'DYH VKDOO KROG WKH RIßFH XS WR WKH GDWH RI HQVXLQJ Annual General Meeting. The Company has received a notice along with requisite deposit from a Member signifying its intention to propose the candidature of Mrs. Dave as an Independent Director. Your Directors recommend appointment of Mrs. Jayantika Dave for a term of upto the conclusion of 21st Annual General Meeting. Number of meetings attended 6 6 8 6 2 * Resigned w.e.f. 24th July, 2014. 15. BOARD COMMITTEES 15.1 Audit Committee As on 31st March, 2015, the Audit Committee comprised of 3 (three) Directors as under: Mr. S Sridhar and Mrs. Jayantika Dave, Independent Directors have given declaration that they meet the criteria of Independence as laid down under Section 149(6) of the Companies Act, 2013. a) b) c) The Board recommends the aforesaid appointment / reDSSRLQWPHQWRIWKH'LUHFWRUV%ULHISURßOHRIWKH'LUHFWRUV proposed to be appointed / re-appointed is annexed to the Notice convening ensuing Annual General Meeting. Mr. S. Sridhar Mr. V. Subramanian Mr. Jotirmoy Ghose – Chairman – Member – Member The Board at its meeting held on 27th July, 2015 has inducted Mrs. Jayantika Dave, Additional Director (Independent) as a Member of the Audit Committee in place of Mr. Jotirmoy Ghose. 13.2 Key Managerial Personnel Apart from Mr. Jotirmoy Ghose, Managing Director, the Company has appointed following persons as Key Managerial Personnel pursuant to the provisions of Section 203 of the Act: 12 7KH0DQDJLQJ'LUHFWRUDQG&KLHI)LQDQFLDO2IßFHUDUHWKH permanent Invitee at the Audit Committee meetings. The Company Secretary acts as the Secretary to the Committee. The Statutory Auditors and Internal Auditors are also invited Binani Cement Limited to attend the meetings. All recommendations of Audit Committee were accepted by the Board. appointment of Directors/Key Managerial Personnel/Senior Management Personnel and their remuneration, evaluation of Board etc. The Audit Committee acts in accordance with the terms of UHIHUHQFH VSHFLßHG E\ WKH %RDUG ZKLFK inter alia include, matter related to auditor’s appointment, audit process, UHYLHZ RI ßQDQFLDO VWDWHPHQWV LQFOXGLQJ DXGLWRUVp UHSRUW approval of related party transaction, scrutiny of inter corporate loans and investments, evaluation of internal control system, risk management systems, overseeing ßQDQFLDO UHSRUWLQJ SURFHVV DQG GLVFORVXUH RI WKH ßQDQFLDO information etc. Committee Member 'XULQJWKHßQDQFLDO\HDUHQGHGVW0DUFKIRXU meetings of the Committee were held on 30th May, 2014, 6th August, 2014, 21st October, 2014 and 29th January, 2015 and attendance of Members at the meetings was as under: Committee Member Mr. S. Sridhar Mr. V. Subramanian Mr. T. R. C Nair* Mr. Jotirmoy Ghose Mr. T. R. C Nair* 1 Mr. S. Sridhar Mr. V. Subramanian Mr. Jotirmoy Ghose - Chairman - Member - Member The Committee looks after activities relating to Corporate Social Responsibility of the Company. - Chairman - Member 'XULQJ WKH ßQDQFLDO \HDU HQGHG VW 0DUFK WKH Committee met on 29th January, 2015, which was attended by Mr. V. Subramanian and Mr. Jotirmoy Ghose. 16. BOARD EVALUATION Pursuant to the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013, an annual performance evaluation of Board, its Committees and individual Directors were carried out based on a structured criteria adopted by the Board as per the recommendation of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee. While formulating the criteria various aspects were considered such as manner of conduct of meetings, level of participation by the Directors, disclosures, discharge of duties and obligations by the Directors, openness in deliberation and governance etc. The Stakeholders Relationship Committee acts in DFFRUGDQFH ZLWK WKH WHUPV RI UHIHUHQFH VSHFLßHG E\ WKH Board which inter alia include, matter related to transfer of VKDUHV LVVXH RI GXSOLFDWH VKDUHV FHUWLßFDWHV UHGUHVVDO RI investors grievances etc. 7KHUHZDVQRPHHWLQJKHOGGXULQJWKHßQDQFLDO\HDUHQGHG 31st March, 2015. 17. NOMINATION AND REMUNERATION POLICY 15.3 Nomination and Remuneration Committee In terms of the provisions of Section 178(3) of the Act, the Board of Directors has adopted a Policy on appointment and remuneration of Directors, Key Managerial Personnel (KMP) and Senior Management Personnel. The said policy is annexed to this Report as Annexure-A. As on 31st March, 2015, the Nomination and Remuneration Committee comprised of 2 (two) Directors as under: Mr. S. Sridhar Mr. V. Subramanian 2 a) b) c) The Board at its meeting held on 27th July, 2015 has inducted Mrs. Jayantika Dave, Additional Independent Director as a Member of the Stakeholders Relationship Committee. a) b) 1 Mr. V. Subramanian As on 31st March, 2015, the Corporate Social Responsibility Committee comprised of 3 (three) Directors as under: Number of meetings attended 3 4 1 2 As on 31st March, 2015, the Stakeholders Relationship Committee comprised of 2 (two) Directors as under: Mr. S. Sridhar * Ceased to be a Member w.e.f. 24th July, 2014. 15.2 Stakeholders Relationship Committee Mr. V Subramanian Mr. Jotirmoy Ghose Number of meetings attended 15.4 Corporate Social Responsibility Committee * Ceased to be a Member w.e.f. 24th July, 2014. a) b) 'XULQJWKHßQDQFLDO\HDUHQGHGVW0DUFKWZR meetings of the Committee were held on 30th May, 2014 and 30th January, 2015 and attendance of Members at the meetings was as under: - Chairman - Member The information about the remuneration paid to the Directors and KMPs are provided in the prescribed form MGT-9 and forms part of this Report. The Board at its meeting held on 27th July, 2015 has inducted Mrs. Jayantika Dave, Additional Independent Director as the Chairperson of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee. 18. RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS The Nomination and Remuneration Committee acts LQ DFFRUGDQFH ZLWK WKH WHUPV RI UHIHUHQFH VSHFLßHG E\ the Board which inter alia include, matter related to The related party transactions entered into by the Company during the year under review, were on arm’s length basis 13 an n u al repor t 2014 - 1 5 Binani Cement Limited and in the ordinary course of business or pursuant to the arrangements/Contracts entered into by the Company prior to the Act coming into effect i.e. 1st April, 2014. good case for getting waiver of Interest, therefore no provision of interest is required. c. All related party transactions are placed before the Audit Committee meeting for their review on a quarterly basis. Disclosure of related party transactions referred to in Section 188(1) in the prescribed Form AOC-2 is given as Annexure-B and forming part of this Report. 21. COST AUDITORS 19. AUDITORS Your Directors have appointed M/s. K. G. Goyal & Co., Cost Accountants, to conduct Audits of the Company’s Cost records for the year ending 31st March, 2016. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 148 of the Companies Act, 2013 and the Rules made thereunder, Members are requested to FRQVLGHUWKHUDWLßFDWLRQRIWKHUHPXQHUDWLRQSD\DEOHWR0V K. G. Goyal & Co. M/s. Kanu Doshi Associates, Chartered Accountants (Firm Registration no.104746W), Statutory Auditors of the Company KROGRIßFHXSWRWKHHQVXLQJ$QQXDO*HQHUDO0HHWLQJRIWKH Company and they are eligible to be re-appointed. However, they have expressed their unwillingness to be re-appointed as Statutory Auditors of the Company for the Financial Year 2015-16. In view of the above, the Board of Directors have proposed the appointment of M/s. MZSK & Associates, Chartered Accountants, Mumbai (Firm Registration No. 105047W) for a term from the conclusion of the ensuing Annual General Meeting up to a maximum period until the conclusion of 24th Annual General Meeting. M/s. MZSK & Associates, KDYH FRQßUPHG WKDW LI DSSRLQWHG IRU WKH ßQDQFLDO \HDU 2015-16, their appointment will be in accordance with Section 139 read with Section 141 of the Companies Act, 2013. Pursuant to the provision of Section 204 of the Companies Act, 2013 and Rules made thereunder, the Company had appointed M/s Vinod Kothari & Company, Company Secretaries (C.P.No-1391) to carry out Secretarial Audit in the Company for the Financial Year 2014-15. The Secretarial Audit Report is annexed to this Report as Annexure-C. The Auditors have emphasized on the matter relating to non-appointment of a Woman Director and an Independent Director in terms of provisions of Section 149 of the Companies Act, 2013. The Board wishes to state that despite LWVEHVWHQGHDYRXUVXLWDEOHSHUVRQVFRXOGQRWEHLGHQWLßHG during the year under review. However, with the induction of Mrs. Jayantika Dave effective 27th July, 2015, the Company has complied with the requirement of a Woman and also Independent Directors. Thus, the Board’s present composition is fully compliant of the provisions of the Act. 20. AUDITORS’ OBSERVATIONS The Auditors, in their Report, have made observations under the head “Emphasis of Matters” with respect to a) Order of Competition Commission of India (CCI) imposing penalty of ` /DNKVE2UGHURI6DOHV7D['HSDUWPHQWLPSRVLQJ interest of `/DNKVDQGF2XWVWDQGLQJ&RUSRUDWH Guarantees aggregating to ` 2,29,446.40 Lakhs issued by the Company to the Banks and Financial Institutions on behalf of its subsidiaries, step down subsidiaries and to holding Company and its subsidiaries, step down subsidiaries. 23. INVESTOR EDUCATION AND PROTECTION FUND During the year under review, in compliance with Section 205C of the Companies Act, 1956, the Company has transferred a sum of ` 110,120 lying as unclaimed Share Application Monies received by the Company pursuant to the Public Offer in the year 2007, to Investor Education and Protection Fund (IEPF) established by the Central Government. Further, unpaid dividends pertaining to ßQDQFLDO \HDU HQGHG VW 0DUFK DPRXQWLQJ WR ` 271,044 were also transferred to IEPF. Your Directors wish to state as follows: The Company is advised by external legal counsel that it has a good case for the Competition Appellate Tribunal setting aside the order passed by CCI, and accordingly no provision is considered necessary in this regard. E 7KH&RPSDQ\KDVßOHGZULWSHWLWLRQZDLYHUDSSOLFDWLRQ in Hon’ble High Court / with concerned authority. The Company has paid ` 3,077.93 Lakhs under protest. However, the Directors are of the view that it has a 7KH &RPSDQ\ KDG ßOHG WKH &RVW $XGLW 5HSRUWV IRU WKH ßQDQFLDO\HDUZLWKWKH0LQLVWU\RI&RUSRUDWH$IIDLUV on 2nd September, 2014. 22. SECRETARIAL AUDITORS Your Directors recommend the appointment of M/s. MZSK & Associates as the Statutory Auditors of the Company whose DSSRLQWPHQW VKDOO EH VXEMHFW WR WKH UDWLßFDWLRQ DW HYHU\ Annual General Meeting. a. Although the Guarantees issued by the Company are VLJQLßFDQWLQUHODWLRQWRWKHQHWZRUWKRIWKH&RPSDQ\ at the year end, the Directors are of the view that these DUHQRWH[SHFWHGWRUHVXOWLQWRDQ\ßQDQFLDOOLDELOLW\WR the Company. 24. VIGIL MECHANISM (WHISTLE BLOWER POLICY) Pursuant to the provision of Section 177(9) of the Companies Act, 2013, the Company has established a vigil mechanism (Whistle Blower Policy) to facilitate its Employees and Directors to voice their concerns or observations without 14 Binani Cement Limited VXFKH[SHQGLWXUHFRXOGQRWEHLGHQWLßHGIURPDPRQJVWWKH VSHFLßHGDFWLYLWLHVXQGHU6FKHGXOH9,,RIWKH$FW fear, the instance of any unethical or unacceptable business practice or event of misconduct/ unethical behaviors, actual or suspected fraud and violation of Company’s Code of Conduct etc. The Policy provides for adequate safeguards against victimization of persons who use such mechanism and also have the provision for direct access to the chairperson of the Audit Committee in appropriate or exceptional cases. The policy is placed on the website of the Company at www.binanicement.in. 28. EXTRACT OF ANNUAL RETURN The extract of Annual Return in form MGT-9, as required under Section 92 of the Companies Act, 2013, is provided as Annexure-E and forms part of this Report. 29. RISK MANAGEMENT 25. SEXUAL HARASSMENT POLICY The Company has adopted a Policy on prevention, prohibition and redressal of sexual harassment at workplace in line with the provision of Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Preventions, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 and the Rules framed thereunder. 'XULQJWKH\HDUXQGHUUHYLHZQRFRPSODLQWVZHUHßOHGE\ anyone on sexual harassment. 7KH&RPSDQ\KDGLGHQWLßHGFHUWDLQULVNDUHDVZLWKUHJDUG to the operations of the Company which was facilitated by D UHQRZQHG ßUP RI &RQVXWDQWV LQ 0XPEDL 7KH ,QWHUQDO Auditors review the steps taken for risk mitigation/ minimisation, wherever possible and the status of the same is reviewed by the Audit Committee periodically. The Company’s Board is conscious of the need to periodically review the risks mitigation process. 30. INTERNAL CONTROL SYSTEM The Company has adequate internal control systems and procedures commensurate with its size and nature of business. The objective of such system and procedures is to HQVXUHHIßFLHQWXVHDQGSURWHFWLRQRI&RPSDQ\pVUHVRXUFHV DFFXUDF\ LQ ßQDQFLDO UHSRUWLQJ DQG GXH FRPSOLDQFHV RI statutes and corporate policies. The policies and procedures DGRSWHGE\WKH&RPSDQ\IDFLOLWDWHWKHRUGHUO\DQGHIßFLHQW conduct of its business and adherence to the Company’s policies, prevention and detection of frauds and errors, accuracy and completeness of records and the timely SUHSDUDWLRQRIUHOLDEOHßQDQFLDOLQIRUPDWLRQ 26. CODE OF CONDUCT The Board of Directors had earlier adopted a “Code of Conduct for the Board of Directors and Senior Management Personnel” of the Company. The said Code of conduct is available on the Company’s website www.binanicement.in. All Board Members and Senior Management Personnel KDYH DIßUPHG FRPSOLDQFH ZLWK WKH &RGH RI &RQGXFW 7KH Managing Director of the Company has given declaration WR WKH %RDUG DIßUPLQJ WKH FRPSOLDQFH RI WKH &RGH E\ WKH Members of the Board and Senior Management Personnel for the year ended on 31st March, 2015. Internal Audit is conducted periodically across all locations E\DßUPRI&KDUWHUHG$FFRXQWDQWVZKRYHULI\DQGUHSRUWRQ effectiveness of internal control. The Company monitors and controls all operating parameters on an ongoing basis. The Audit Committee reviews the adequacy and effectiveness of internal control systems and provide guidance for further strengthening them, from time to time. 27. CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY The Braj Binani Group, for several years, spends considerable amount on an ongoing basis through its operating companies, for social cause and upliftment and welfare of the weaker section of the society and on education of the underprivileged children. In accordance with the provisions of Section 135 read with Schedule VII of the Companies Act, 2013, the Company, as a part of its initiative under the “Corporate Social Responsibility” drive, has adopted a CSR Policy outlining various CSR activities to be undertaken by the Company in the area of preventive health care, making available safe drinking water, promoting education, ensuring environmental sustainability etc. The CSR policy of the Company can be accessed on the Company’s weblink http://www.binanicement.in/investor-relations. 31. OTHER DISCLOSURES The report on CSR activities, as required under the Companies (Corporate Social Responsibility Policy) Rules, 2014, is set out as Annexure-D and forming part of this Report. The Board of Directors wish to state that despite its HQGHDYRU WR VSHQG WKH UHTXLVLWH DPRXQW RQ VSHFLßHG &65 activities under the provisions of Section 135 of the Act for the Financial Year 2014-15, the Company could not spend the requisite amount since appropriate projects, requiring 15 Your Directors state that no disclosures or reporting is required in respect of the following items, as the same are either not applicable to the Company or relevant transactions / event have not taken place during the year under review: a. Issue of Equity shares with differential rights as to dividend, voting or otherwise b. Issue of shares (including sweat equity shares) to employees of the Company under any scheme. c. The Managing Director of the Company has not received any remuneration or commission from any of its subsidiaries. G 1R VLJQLßFDQW RU PDWHULDO RUGHUV ZHUH SDVVHG E\ WKH Regulators or Courts or Tribunals which impact the going concern status and Company’s operations in future. an n u al repor t 2014 - 1 5 Binani Cement Limited 32. ENERGY CONSERVATION, TECHNOLOGY ABSORPTION, FOREIGN EXCHANGE EARNINGS & OUTGO 36. HUMAN RESOURCE/INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS The Company understands that employees are vital and valuable assets. The Company recognises people as the primary source of its competitiveness and continues its focus on people development by leveraging technology and developing a continuously learning human resource EDVHWRXQOHDVKWKHLUSRWHQWLDODQGIXOßOOWKHLUDVSLUDWLRQV The strategic thrust of Human Resource has been on improvement of the performance of employees through training & development and also to identify outperformers who are having potential for taking higher responsibilities. Pursuant to Section 134(3)(m) of the Companies Act, 2013 read with Rules 8(3) of the Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014 details relating to Conservation of Energy, Technology Absorption and Foreign Exchange and Outgo are given in Annexure-F which forms part of this Report. 33. PARTICULARS OF EMPLOYEES The information required under Section 197 of the Companies Act, 1956, read with Rule 5(2) the Companies (Appointment and Remuneration of Managerial Personnel) Rules, 2014, is provided in the Annexure-G and forming part of the Report. The Company had 704 permanent employees on its rolls as on 31st March, 2015. The employee relations remained cordial throughout the year. The Board places on record its sincere appreciation for the valuable contribution made by employees across all levels in the organization. 34. RECOGNITION AND AWARDS The Company’s Indian operations bestowed with the following awards / recognitions during the year 2014-15 LQGLIIHUHQWßHOGVZKLFKLVWKHWHVWLPRQ\RIWKH&RPSDQ\pV thrust on enhancing the quality standards and high HIßFLHQF\DQGSURGXFWLYLW\ • “National Award for Prevention of Pollution” in Cement Category for year 2010-11 by Ministry of Environment & Forest, New Delhi. • “Greentech Environment Excellence Silver Award – 2014” from Greentech Foundation, New Delhi. • “Best Employer Award for the year 2013” given by Employers Association, Rajasthan. • “Environment Protection & CSR Award” from DM (Sirohi) Rajasthan. • District Level “Trees Booster Award 2014-15” from Forest Dept, Govt. of Rajasthan for our Neem-KaThana Grinding Unit. 37. APPRECIATION Your Directors wish to record their appreciation for the continued assistance and co-operation extended to the Company by the Government agencies, Banks, Financial Institutions, Dealers and Customers and to all other Stakeholders, for their continued support to the Company. For and on behalf of the Board Braj Binani Chairman Place : Mumbai Date : 27th July, 2015 The Company’s China Unit received the following awards from CPC Ju Country Party Committee and Ju Country People’s Government during the year 2014-15: s (FRQRP\ZRUNFRQWULEXWLRQEURQ]HDZDUG • Enterprise of Integrity Statements in the Directors Report describing the Company’s objectives, projections, expectations and estimates regarding future performance may be “forward looking statements” within the meaning of applicable laws and regulations and are based on currently available information. The management believes these to be true to the best of its knowledge at the time of preparation of this report. However, these statements are contingent upon future events and uncertainties which inter alia include input DYDLODELOLW\DQGSULFHVGHPDQGDQGSULFLQJRIßQLVKHGSURGXFWV in the Company’s principal markets, changes in Government regulations, tax laws, economic developments within the country and other incidental factors, that could cause actual results to differ materially from those as may be indicated by such statement. 35. SAFETY, HEALTH & WORK ENVIRONMENT The Company always believes in providing conducive work environment with utmost attention and care on safety and health of employees and all other workers operating at the plants. There were no major accidents reported in during the Financial Year 2014–15. The Company conducts training & counseling sessions for its workers/ employees on safe manufacturing practices on regular basis. Training of employees for safety and growth continue to be the Company’s top priority at all levels. The Management has incorporated safety as one of the Key Result Areas for each and every employee. 16 Binani Cement Limited ANNEXURE-A NOMINATION AND REMUNERATION POLICY 1. 2. BACKGROUND 3.3 “Directors” mean Directors of the Company. The Board of Directors (“the Board”) of Binani Cement Limited (“the Company”) had constituted the Nomination and Remuneration Committee (“the Committee”) in terms of the provisions of Section 178 of the Companies Act, 2013 (“the Act”). Pursuant to the said Section, the Committee VKDOO IRUPXODWH WKH FULWHULD IRU GHWHUPLQLQJ TXDOLßFDWLRQV positive attributes and independence of a Director and recommend to the Board of Directors a Policy relating to the remuneration for the Directors, Key Managerial Personnel and other employees. 3.4 “Key Managerial Personnel” (KMP) means &KLHI([HFXWLYH2IßFHURUWKH0DQDJLQJ'LUHFWRU or the Manager or in their absence a Whole time 'LUHFWRU &RPSDQ\6HFUHWDU\ &KLHI)LQDQFLDO2IßFHUDQG 6XFK RWKHU RIßFHU DV PD\ EH SUHVFULEHG XQGHU the Act. OBJECTIVES 3.5 “Senior Management Personnel” (SMP) means personnel of the Company who are members of Company’s core management team. This would also include all members of management one level below the Executive Directors including all functional heads. The primary objective of the Policy is to provide a framework and set standards for the nomination, remuneration and evaluation of the Directors, Key Managerial Personnel DQG 2IßFLDOV LQ WKH FDGUH RI WKH Senior Management. The Company aims to achieve a balance of merit, experience and skills amongst its Directors, Key Managerial Personnel and Senior Management. 4. ROLE OF COMMITTEE 4.1 Terms of Reference 4.1.1. To identify persons who are competent to become Directors and who may be appointed as Key Managerial Personnel and Senior Management Personnel in accordance with the criteria laid down, and recommend to the Board WKHLUDSSRLQWPHQWDQGUHPRYDO The Key Objectives of the Committee would be: 2.1 To guide the Board in relation to appointment and removal of Directors, Key Managerial Personnel and 6HQLRU0DQDJHPHQW3HUVRQQHO 2.2 To evaluate the performance of the members of the Board and provide necessary report to the Board for IXUWKHUHYDOXDWLRQE\WKH%RDUG 4.1.2 To formulate the criteria for determining TXDOLßFDWLRQV SRVLWLYH DWWULEXWHV DQG independence of a Director, and recommend to the Board the policy, relating to the remuneration of the Directors, Key Managerial Personnel and RWKHUHPSOR\HHV 2.3 To recommend to the Board on Remuneration payable to the Directors, Key Managerial Personnel and Senior 0DQDJHPHQW3HUVRQQHO 2.4 To determine remuneration commensurate with the &RPSDQ\pVVL]HDQGßQDQFLDOSRVLWLRQDQGWUHQGVZLWK UHVSHFWWRWKDWDGRSWHGE\WKHSHHUVLQWKHLQGXVWU\ 3. 4.1.3 To recommend/review remuneration of the Managing Director(s) and Whole-time Director(s) EDVHGRQWKHLUSHUIRUPDQFH 2.5 To formulate a Policy which will ensure long term sustainability and retention of talented managerial personnel. 4.1.4 To formulate criteria for evaluation ,QGHSHQGHQW'LUHFWRUVDQGWKH%RDUG 2.6 To develop a succession plan for the Board and to regularly review thereof. 4.1.5 To carry out evaluation of every Director’s SHUIRUPDQFH DEFINITIONS 4.1.6 To carry out any other function, as may be mandated by the Board from time to time DQGRU HQIRUFHG E\ DQ\ VWDWXWRU\ QRWLßFDWLRQ DPHQGPHQW RU PRGLßFDWLRQ DV PD\ EH applicable. 3.1 “Act” means the Companies Act, 2013 and Rules framed thereunder, as amended from time to time. 3.2 “Board” means Board of Directors of the Company. 17 of an n u al repor t 2014 - 1 5 Binani Cement Limited 5. 6. COMPOSITION AND FUNCTIONING OF THE COMMITTEE 5.1 Composition POLICY FOR APPOINTMENT AND REMOVAL OF DIRECTOR, KMP AND SMP 6.1 "QQPJOUNFOU$SJUFSJBBOE2VBMJÞDBUJPOT 5.1.1 The Committee shall be comprised of a minimum of three Non-Executive Directors, majority of them being Independent Directors. 6.1.1. The Committee shall identify and ascertain the LQWHJULW\TXDOLßFDWLRQH[SHUWLVHDQGH[SHULHQFH of the person for appointment as Director, KMP or SMP and recommend to the Board his/her appointment. 5.1.2 Any two members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum for the Committee meetings. 5.1.3 Term of the Committee shall be continued unless terminated by the Board of Directors 5.2 Chairperson of the Committee 5.2.1 Chairperson of the Committee shall be an Independent Director. $SHUVRQVKRXOGSRVVHVVDGHTXDWHTXDOLßFDWLRQ expertise and experience for the position he/she is considered for appointment. The Committee KDV GLVFUHWLRQ WR GHFLGH ZKHWKHU TXDOLßFDWLRQ expertise and experience possessed by a person LV VXIßFLHQWVDWLVIDFWRU\ IRU WKH FRQFHUQHG position. 6.1.3 The Company shall not appoint or continue the employment of any person as Managing Director/Whole-time Director who has attained the age of seventy years. Provided that the term of the person holding this position may be extended beyond the age of seventy years with the approval of shareholders by passing a special resolution. 5.2.2 Chairperson of the Company may be appointed as a Member of the Committee but shall not be a Chairman of the Committee. 5.2.3 In the absence of the Chairperson, the Members of the Committee present at the meeting, shall choose one amongst them to act as Chairperson. 5.3 Frequency of Meetings 6.1.4 Appointment of Independent Directors shall be subject compliance of provisions of section 149 of the Companies Act, 2013, read with schedule IV and Rules made thereunder 5.3.1 The meeting of the Committee shall be held at such regular intervals, as may be considered necessary. 6.2 Term /Tenure 5.3.2 The Committee may invite such executives, as it considers appropriate, to be present at the meetings of the Committee. 6.2.1. Managing Director / Whole-time Director: The Company shall appoint or re-appoint any person as its Managing Director or Executive 'LUHFWRUIRUDWHUPQRWH[FHHGLQJßYH\HDUVDWD time. No re-appointment shall be made earlier than one year before the expiry of term. 5.4 Secretary The Company secretary of the Company shall act as Secretary of the Committee. 5.5 Voting 6.2.2 Independent Director 5.5.1 Matters arising at Committee meetings, shall be decided by a majority of votes of Members present and any such decision shall for all purposes be deemed a decision of the Committee. $Q ,QGHSHQGHQW 'LUHFWRU VKDOO KROG RIßFH IRU D WHUP XS WR ßYH FRQVHFXWLYH \HDUV RQ WKH Board of the Company and will be eligible for re-appointment on the Company passing of a Special Resolution by the Company and disclosure of such appointment in the Board’s Report to the Shareholders. 1R ,QGHSHQGHQW 'LUHFWRU VKDOO KROG RIßFH for more than two consecutive terms, but such Independent Director shall be eligible for appointment after expiry of three years of ceasing to become an Independent Director. Provided that an Independent Director shall 5.5.2 In the case of equality of votes, the Chairman of the meeting will have a casting vote. 5.6 Interested Committee Member not to participate in the meeting A Member of the Committee is not entitled to be present when his/her remuneration is discussed at such meeting or when his/her performance is being evaluated. 18 Binani Cement Limited above, to its Managing Director/ Whole-time Director subject to the approval of the Central Government, wherever necessary. not, during the said period of three years, be appointed in or be associated with the Company in any other capacity, either directly or indirectly. 7.1.3 Provisions for excess remuneration: 6.3 Evaluation If any Managing / Whole-time Director draws or receives, directly or indirectly by way of remuneration any such sums in excess of the limits prescribed under the Act or without the prior sanction of the Central Government, where required, he/she shall refund such sums to the Company and until such sum is refunded, hold the same in trust for the Company. The Committee shall carry out evaluation of performance of every Director, KMP and SMP on yearly basis or at such frequent intervals, as its Members may decide. 6.4 Removal ,QFDVHDQ\'LUHFWRURU.03LQFXUVDQ\GLVTXDOLßFDWLRQ as provided under the Act or Rules made thereunder, the Committee may recommend, to the Board with reasons recorded in writing, removal of such Director or KMP subject however, to the provisions and compliance of the said Act, rules and regulations. 7.2 Remuneration Director REMUNERATION 7.2.2 Sitting Fees: The Non-Executive / Independent Directors will be paid Sitting Fees for attending meetings of Board or Committee thereof. Provided that the amount of such fees shall not exceed Rupees One Lac per meeting of the Board or Committee or such amount as may be prescribed by the Central Government from time to time. 7.3 General FOR 7.3.1 The remuneration to the KMPs and SMPs will be determined by the Committee and recommended to the Board for approval. The remuneration shall be subject to the approval of the Shareholders of the Company and Central Government, wherever required. 7.1 Remuneration to the Managing Director, Whole-time Director, KMP and SMP 7.1.1. Fixed pay: The Managing Director, Whole-time Directors, KMPs and SMPs shall be eligible for a monthly remuneration, as may be approved by the Board on the recommendation of the Committee. The remuneration shall include salary, allowances, perquisites and Company’s contribution to Provident Fund, as the case may be, in accordance with Company’s Policy as amended from time to time and in case of Managing Director and Whole-time Director as approved by the Shareholders and Central Government, wherever required. 7.3.2 Upon evaluation of the performance, Annual Increments in the remuneration may be recommended by the Committee to the Board which shall be within the limits approved by the Shareholders, wherever applicable. 7.3.3 Where any insurance is taken by the Company for its Directors, KMPs and SMPs for protecting them against any liability, the premium paid on such insurance shall not be treated as part of the remuneration payable to such persons. Provided that if such person is provided to be guilty, the premium paid on such insurance shall be treated as part of the remuneration. 7.1.2 Minimum Remuneration: Independent Non-Executive / Independent Directors shall not be entitled to any remuneration. The Director, KMP and Senior Management Personnel shall retire as per the applicable provisions of the Act and the prevailing policy of the Company. As per the current Policy, while the Independent Directors shall be liable to retire on completion of 75 years of age, a KMP or SMP (excluding the Directors) shall be liable to retire upon completion of 60 years of age. The Board if it considers to be in the Company’s interest, shall have the discretion to retain, an Independent Director, KMP and SMP even after attaining the retirement age POLICY RELATING TO THE DIRECTORS, KMP AND SMP. Non-Executive/ 7.2.1 Remuneration: 6.5 Retirement 7 to ,I LQ DQ\ ßQDQFLDO \HDU WKH &RPSDQ\ KDV QR SURßWV RU LWV SURßWV DUH LQDGHTXDWH WKH Company shall pay remuneration as determined 19 an n u al repor t 2014 - 1 5 Binani Cement Limited ANNEXURE-B FORM NO. AOC -2 (Pursuant to clause (h) of sub-section (3) of Section 134 of the Act and Rule 8(2) of the Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014. Particulars of contracts/arrangements entered into by the Company with related parties referred to in sub section (1) of Section 188 of the Companies Act, 2013 including certain arms length transaction under third proviso thereto. 1. Details of contracts or arrangements or transactions not at Arm’s length basis. During the Financial Year 2014-15, the Company has not entered into any contract or arrangement or transaction with its related parties which is not at arm’s length. 2. Details of material contracts or arrangements or transactions at Arm’s length basis. a. Name (s) of the related party & nature of relationship: Dhaneshwar Solutions [a division of Binani Metals Limited (BML)]. BML is a related party in terms of clause (v) of Sub-section 76 of Section 2 of the Companies Act, 2013. b. Nature of contracts/arrangements/transaction: Availing of Transportation and other Logistic services. c. Duration of the contracts/arrangements/transaction: 1st April, 2014 to 31st March, 2015. d. Salient terms of the contracts or arrangements or transaction including the value, if any: Availing of transportation and logistic VROXWLRQVRQGD\WRGD\EDVLVDWWKH&RPSDQ\pVPDQXIDFWXULQJSODQWV7KHYDOXHRIWUDQVDFWLRQIRUßQDQFLDO\HDUZDV ` 441,85.34 Lakhs. e. Date of approval by the Board, if any: Upto 31st December 2014, the services were availed pursuant to the contract dated 16th March, 2012 which was approved by the Board on 11th March, 2012. Post 1st January 2015, the services were availed in accordance with generally accepted commercial practices. f. Amount paid as advances, if any: Nil 20 Binani Cement Limited ANNEXURE-C FORM NO. MR-3 SECRETARIAL AUDIT REPORT FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR ENDED 31st MARCH, 2015 [Pursuant to section 204(1) of the Companies Act, 2013 and Rule 9 of the Companies (Appointment and Remuneration of Managerial Personnel) Rules, 2014] To, The Members, Binani Cement Limited We have conducted the secretarial audit of the compliance of applicable statutory provisions and the adherence to good corporate practices by Binani Cement Limited (hereinafter called “the Company”). Secretarial Audit was conducted in a manner that provided us a reasonable basis for evaluating the corporate conducts/statutory compliances and expressing our opinion thereon. /DZV VSHFLßFDOO\ DSSOLFDEOH WR WKH LQGXVWU\ WR ZKLFK WKH &RPSDQ\EHORQJVDVLGHQWLßHGE\WKHPDQDJHPHQWWKDWLV to say: D &HPHQW&HVV5XOHV E &HPHQW4XDOLW\&RQWURO2UGHU c. Environmental (Protection) Act, 1986 Read with (QYLURQPHQWDOSURWHFWLRQ5XOHV d. The Hazardous Wastes (Managements Handling and 7UDQVERXQGDU\0RYHPHQW5XOHV e. The Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 read with Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) 5XOHV f. Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Cess Act, g. The Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 Read with the Air( Prevention and control of pollution) 5XOH h. Mines Act, 1952 and Rules issued thereunder. %DVHGRQRXUYHULßFDWLRQRIWKH&RPSDQ\pVERRNVSDSHUVPLQXWH ERRNVIRUPVDQGUHWXUQVßOHGDQGRWKHUUHFRUGVPDLQWDLQHGE\ WKH&RPSDQ\DVVSHFLßHGLQ$QQH[XUH,DQGDOVRWKHLQIRUPDWLRQ SURYLGHG E\ WKH &RPSDQ\ LWV RIßFHUV DJHQWV DQG DXWKRUL]HG representatives during the conduct of secretarial audit, we hereby report that in our opinion, the Company has, during the DXGLW SHULRG FRYHULQJ WKH ßQDQFLDO \HDU HQGHG RQ 0DUFK 2015 (“Audit Period”), complied with the statutory provisions listed hereunder and also that the Company has proper boardprocesses and compliance-mechanism in place to the extent, in the manner and subject to the reporting made hereinafter: We have examined the books, papers, minute books, forms and UHWXUQV ßOHG DQG RWKHU UHFRUGV PDLQWDLQHG E\ %LQDQL &HPHQW /LPLWHGIRUWKHßQDQFLDO\HDUHQGHGRQ0DUFKDFFRUGLQJ to the provisions of: 1. The Companies Act, 2013 and the rules made thereunder LQFOXGLQJDQ\UHHQDFWPHQWWKHUHRIo$FWp 2. The Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956 (“SCRA”) DQGWKHUXOHVPDGHWKHUHXQGHU 3. The Depositories Act, 1996 and the regulations and byeODZVIUDPHGWKHUHXQGHU 4. Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 and the rules and regulations made thereunder to the extent of Overseas 'LUHFW,QYHVWPHQW 5. The following Regulations and Guidelines prescribed under the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992 (“SEBI Act”):a. Management Responsibility: The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Registrars to an Issue and Share Transfer Agents) Regulations, 1993 regarding the Companies Act and dealing with FOLHQW 21 1. Maintenance of secretarial records is the responsibility of the management of the Company. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these secretarial records based on RXUDXGLW 2. We have followed the audit practices and the processes as were appropriate to obtain reasonable assurance about the correctness of the contents of the secretarial records. The YHULßFDWLRQ ZDV GRQH RQ WHVW EDVLV WR HQVXUH WKDW FRUUHFW IDFWVDUHUHàHFWHGLQVHFUHWDULDOUHFRUGV:HEHOLHYHWKDWWKH processes and practices, we followed provide a reasonable EDVLVIRURXURSLQLRQ :HKDYHQRWYHULßHGWKHFRUUHFWQHVVDQGDSSURSULDWHQHVVRI ßQDQFLDOUHFRUGVDQG%RRNVRI$FFRXQWVRIWKH&RPSDQ\ 4. Wherever required, we have obtained the Management representation about the compliance of laws, rules and UHJXODWLRQDQGKDSSHQLQJRIHYHQWVHWF an n u al repor t 2014 - 1 5 Binani Cement Limited 5. The compliance of the provisions of Corporate and other applicable laws, rules, regulations, standards is the responsibility of management. Our examination was limited WRWKHYHULßFDWLRQRISURFHGXUHRQWHVWEDVLV 6. The Secretarial Audit report is neither an assurance as to WKH IXWXUH YLDELOLW\ RI WKH &RPSDQ\ QRU RI WKH HIßFDF\ RU effectiveness with which the management has conducted the affairs of the Company. REWDLQLQJ IXUWKHU LQIRUPDWLRQ DQG FODULßFDWLRQV RQ WKH DJHQGD items before the meeting and for meaningful participation at the meeting. Majority decision is carried through while the dissenting members’ views, if any, are captured and recorded as part of the minutes. We further report that there are adequate systems and processes in the Company commensurate with the size and operations of the Company to monitor and ensure compliance with applicable laws, rules, regulations and guidelines. Our Observations: During the Audit Period the Company has complied with the provisions of the Act, Rules, Regulations, Guidelines etc. mentioned above subject to the following observations: We further report that during the Audit Period, the Company KDV QRW XQGHUWDNHQ DQ\ VSHFLßF HYHQW DFWLRQ WKDW FDQ KDYH D major bearing on the company’s affairs in pursuance of the above referred laws, rules, regulations, guidelines, standards, etc., except as follows: Observation based on Assumptions: 'XULQJWKHßQDQFLDO\HDUWKH&RPSDQ\KDVUHFHLYHGFHUWDLQ amounts Interest free Deposits from Binani Industries Limited (BIL), the holding company as promoter’s contribution, which is in pursuance of stipulations of the Joint Lenders’ Forum of the Company’s lenders, constituted in terms of RBI guidelines. The Company has relied upon a legal opinion to the effect that the interest-free deposit in question is not in the nature of a “loan” for the purpose of 185 (2) of Act, 2013, as the intent was to provide long-term support to the Company based on stipulations of the Joint Lenders’ Forum. The amount has eventually been utilised as subscription to preference shares of the Company, and therefore, the amount did not have the attributes of borrowing. (i) Redeemable The Company had obtained approval to issue 1,20,00,000 0.01% NCRPS of ` 100 each to its holding company Binani Industries Limited, in one or more tranches, to meet the critical working capital requirements, facilitate networth rebuilding, strengthening long term resources etc. Special resolution was passed by way of Postal Ballot on 20th March, 2015. Allotment has been made to the extent of ` 60.02 Crores in terms of stipulation by the Joint Lenders Forum (JLF) (ii) Matters of Emphasis: 1. Private Placement of Non-Cumulative Preference Shares (NCRPS): As on 31st March 2015, the Company did not have a woman director as required under the provisions of Section 149 (1) of Act, 2013. The Company is also required to appoint one more Independent Director. In as much as the Company did not have the requisite number of independent directors, it affects the required number of independent directors on the Audit Committee and Nomination and Remuneration Committee in accordance with the provisions of sec 177/ 178 of the Companies Act 2013, and consequentially, the decisions taken by the said Committees. Special resolution in terms of section 180 (1) (a) & (c ) was passed by the Company at the 18th Annual General Meeting KHOGRQWK6HSWHPEHUWRDIßUPWKHERUURZLQJSRZHUV and power to create mortgage/charge/hypothecation on the movable, immoveable property of the Company to the extent of ` &URUHV Vinod Kothari & Company Company Secretaries in Practice ACS 4718, C P No. 1391 We further report that: Place : Kolkata Date : 1st June, 2015 The Board of Directors of the Company is duly constituted with proper balance of Executive Directors, Non-Executive Directors and Independent Directors, except as stated above. The changes in the composition of the Board of Directors that took place during the period under review were carried out in compliance with the provisions of the Act. Adequate notice is given to all directors to schedule the Board Meetings, agenda and detailed notes on agenda were sent at least seven days in advance, and a system exists for seeking and 22 Binani Cement Limited Annexure-I LIST OF DOCUMENTS 1. Corporate Matters 1.1 Minutes books of the following Committees were provided: 1.1.1 Board Meeting 1.1.2 Audit Committee 1RPLQDWLRQDQG5HPXQHUDWLRQ&RPPLWWHH 1.1.4 Corporate Social Responsibility Committee 1.1.5 Share Transfer Committee 1.1.6 Finance Committee 1.1.7 Allotment Committee 1.1.8 General Meeting 1.2 Agenda papers for Board Meeting along with Notice. 1.3 Annual Report 2014, Financials for 31st December, 2014 1.4 Memorandum and Articles of Association 'LVFORVXUHVXQGHU$FW 3ROLFLHVIUDPHGXQGHU$FW )RUPVDQGUHWXUQVßOHGZLWKWKH52&5%, 1.8 Register maintained under Act, 2013 1.9 Expert Opinions taken by the Company 23 an n u al repor t 2014 - 1 5 Binani Cement Limited ANNEXURE-D ANNUAL REPORT ON CSR ACTIVITIES 1 A Brief outline of the Company’s CSR policy, including overview of projects or programs proposed to be undertaken and a reference to the web-link to the CSR policy and project or programs. The Company by its CSR Activities has committed to participate in Social cause, be it uplifting the weaker section of the society or communal developments. The key focus area of the Company’s CSR activities are RQH RU PRUH IURP DPRQJVW WKH DFWLYLWLHV VSHFLßHG XQGHU VFKHGXOH 9,, RI the Companies Act, 2013 and Rules made thereunder. The Company’s CSR initiatives shall be integrated with its business practices with an overall objective of the growth and development of the society and the Country. The CSR Policy of the Company has available at the following link. http://www.binanicement.in/investor-relations/csr-policy/ 2 The Composition of the CSR Committee. 1. Mr. S. Sridhar, Chairman (Independent Director) 2. Mr. V. Subramanian, Member (Non Executive Non Independent Director) 3. Mr. Jotirmoy Ghose, Member (Managing Director) 3 $YHUDJH QHW SURßW RI WKH &RPSDQ\ IRU ODVW WKUHH ` 2,469 Lakhs ßQDQFLDO\HDUV 4 Prescribed CSR Expenditure (two per cent of the ` 49.39 Lakhs amount as in item 3 above). 5 'HWDLOVRI&65VSHQWGXULQJWKHßQDQFLDO\HDU D 7RWDODPRXQWWREHVSHQWIRUWKHßQDQFLDO\HDU ` 49.39 Lakhs ` 36.35 Lakhs E $PRXQWXQVSHQWLIDQ\ c) (1) Sr. No. 1 Manner in which the amount spent during the Yes Financial Year is detailed below (2) (3) CSR project or activity *EFOUJÞFE Sector in which the Project is covered Making Available Safe Drinking Water, Eye checkup camp etc. and distribution of cotton caps during winter. Preventive Heath care & provision for Safe Drinking Water (4) Projects or programs (i) Local area or other (ii) Specify the State and district where projects or programs was undertaken Pindwara, Sirohi, Rajasthan (5) (6) Amount outlay (budget) project or programs wise (` In Lakhs) Amount spent on the projects or programs Subheads: (i)Direct expenditure on projects or programs (ii) Overheads: (` In Lakhs) 20.00 1.99 24 (7) Cumulative expenditure upto to the reporting period (` In Lakhs) 1.99 (8) Amount spent: Direct or through implementing agency Direct Binani Cement Limited (1) Sr. No. 2 3. 4. (2) (3) CSR project or activity *EFOUJÞFE Sector in which the Project is covered Education Support to students, maintenance work in School. Maintenance of Park and Garden Promotion of Education Development of Market place at Village TOTAL Rural Development Project Environmental sustainability (5) (6) Projects or programs (i) Local area or other (ii) Specify the State and district where projects or programs was undertaken Sadlwa, Amli, Malap, Thandiberi, Pindwara, Dist. Sirohi, Rajasthan (4) Amount outlay (budget) project or programs wise (` In Lakhs) Amount spent on the projects or programs Subheads: (i)Direct expenditure on projects or programs (ii) Overheads: (` In Lakhs) (7) (8) 15.00 6.48 6.48 Direct Pindwara, Dist. Sirohi & Udaipur, Dist. Udaipur, Rajasthan Pindwara, Dist. Sirohi, Rajasthan 10.00 4.57 4.57 Direct 5.00 - - Direct 50.00 13.04 13.04 Cumulative expenditure upto to the reporting period (` In Lakhs) Amount spent: Direct or through implementing agency 1. REASON FOR SHORTFALL OF CSR SPEND 6LQFH WKH DSSURSULDWH SURMHFWVDYHQXHV FRXOG QRW EH LGHQWLßHG ZKLFK FRXOG MXVWLI\ VXFK VSHQG UHVXOWHG LQ ORZHU VSHQGLQJ LQ WKH Financial Year 2014-15 by ` 36.35 Lakhs. However, all efforts will be put to identify right projects for CSR activity in future. 2. RESPONSIBILITY STATEMENT OF THE CSR COMMITTEE :HKHUHE\FRQßUPWKDWWKHLPSOHPHQWDWLRQDQGPRQLWRULQJRI&653ROLF\LVLQFRPSOLDQFHZLWK&65REMHFWLYHVDQG&65SROLF\RIWKH Company. S. Sridhar Chairman CSR Committee Place : Mumbai Date : 27th July, 2015 25 Jotirmoy Ghose Member V. Subramanian Member an n u al repor t 2014 - 1 5 Binani Cement Limited ANNEXURE- E FORM NO. MGT 9 EXTRACT OF ANNUAL RETURN As on Financial Year ended on 31.03.2015 Pursuant to Section 92 (3) of the Companies Act, 2013 and rule 12(1) of the Company (Management & Administration) Rules, 2014. I. REGISTRATION & OTHER DETAILS: 1. CIN U26941WB1996PLC076612 2. Registration Date 15th January, 1996 3. Name of the Company Binani Cement Limited 4. Category/Sub-category of the Company Company limited by shares/ Indian Non-Government Company 5. $GGUHVV RI WKH 5HJLVWHUHG RIßFH FRQWDFW 37/2, Chinar Park, New Town, Rajarhat Main Road, P.O. Hatiara, Kolkata-700157 details Tel : 033-32626795, Fax : 033-40088802, E-mail : Mumbai@binani.net 6. Whether listed Company 7. Name, Address & contact details of the Registrar Link Intime India Private Limited & Transfer Agent, if any. C-13, Pannalal Silk Mills Compound, LBS Marg, Bhandup (West), Mumbai- 400078. Tel: 022-25963838/25944970, Fax: 022-25946969, E-mail : rnt.helpdesk@linkintime.co.in II. No PRINCIPAL BUSINESS ACTIVITIES OF THE COMPANY (All the business activities contributing 10 % or more of the total turnover of the company shall be stated) Sr. No. 1. Name and Description of main products / services Cement NIC Code of the Product/service % to total turnover of the Company 23942 99.95 $VSHU1DWLRQDO,QGXVWULDO&ODVVLßFDWLRQt0LQLVWU\RI6WDWLVWLFVDQG3URJUDPPH,PSOHPHQWDWLRQ III. PARTICULARS OF HOLDING, SUBSIDIARY AND ASSOCIATE COMPANIES Sr. Name and No. Address of the Company 1. 2 3 4 CIN/GLN Holding/ Subsidiary/ Associate L24117WB1962PLC025584 Holding Binani Industries Limited 37/2. Chinar Park, New Town, Rajarhat, Main Road, P.O. Hatiara, West Bengal – 700157 Merit Plaza Limited U70109WB2010PLC155943 Subsidiary 37/2. Chinar Park, New Town, Rajarhat, Main Road, P.O. Hatiara, West Bengal – 700157 Swiss Merchandise Infrastructure Limited U45400WB2010PLC154432 Subsidiary 37/2. Chinar Park, New Town, Rajarhat, Main Road, P.O. Hatiara, West Bengal – 700157 Binani Energy Private Limited U72200WB1996PTC171627 Subsidiary 37/2. Chinar Park, New Town, Rajarhat, Main Road, P.O. Hatiara, West Bengal – 700157 26 % of Shares held 98.43% Applicable Section 100% 2(87)(ii) 100% 2(87)(ii) 100% 2(87)(ii) 2(46) Binani Cement Limited Sr. Name and No. Address of the Company 5 Binani Ready Mix Concrete Limited 37/2. Chinar Park, New Town, Rajarhat, Main Road, P.O. Hatiara, West Bengal – 700157 6 Mukundan Holdings Limited (MHL) P.O. Box - 957, Offshore Incorporations Centre, Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands 7 Murari Holdings Limited (MuHL) Akara Bldg, 24, DE CASTRO Street, Wickhams, Cay 1, Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands 8 Krishna Holdings Pte. Limited (KHL) 21, Bukit Batok Crescent #15-74, WCEGA Tower, Singapore - 658065 9 Bhumi Resources (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. (Bhumi) 21, Bukit Batok Crescent #15-74, WCEGA Tower, Singapore - 658065 10 Binani Cement Factory LLC (BCFLLC) Jebel Ali, Dubai, UAE 11 Shandong Binani Rong’An Cement Co. Ltd. (SBRCC) Fujiazhuang Village, Dongguan Town, Ju County of Rizhao Municipality Shandong Province, Peoples Republic of China 12 PT Anggana Energy Resources (Anggana) Menara Kuningan 8D, Lantai 8, JL. H. R. Rasuna Said, Block X-7, Kav. 5, Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia 13 BC Tradelink Limited P.O.Box-10257, Mhando Street, Masaki, Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania 14 Binani Cement Tanzania Limited P.O.Box-105114, Mhando Street, Masaki, Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania 15 Binani Cement (Uganda) Limited ** P.O. Box - 24544, Kampala Uganda ** Under liquidation. CIN/GLN Holding/ Subsidiary/ Associate U45400WB2010PLC155265 Subsidiary % of Shares held 100% Applicable Section 2(87)(ii) N.A Subsidiary 100% 2(87)(ii) N.A Subsidiary 100% 2(87)(ii) N.A Subsidiary 100% 2(87)(ii) N.A Subsidiary 100% 2(87)(ii) N.A Subsidiary 2(87)(ii) N.A Subsidiary MUHL- 51% MHL-49% KHL- 90% N.A Subsidiary BHUMI- 100% 2(87)(ii) N.A Subsidiary BCFLLC- 100% 2(87)(ii) N.A Subsidiary BCFLLC- 100% 2(87)(ii) N.A Subsidiary BCFLLC- 100% 2(87)(ii) 27 2(87)(ii) an n u al repor t 2014 - 1 5 Binani Cement Limited IV. SHARE HOLDING PATTERN (Equity Share Capital Breakup as percentage of Total Equity) i. Category-wise Share Holding Category of Shareholders No. of Shares held at the beginning of the year (as on 01.04.2014) Demat A. Promoters (1) Indian a) Individual/ HUF b) Central Govt c) State Govt(s) d) Bodies Corporate 185,649,364 e) Banks / FI f) Any other Sub-total (A) (1):185,649,364 (2) Foreign (a) NRIs - Individuals (b) Other – Individuals (c) Bodies Corporate (d) Banks / FI (e) Any Other…. Sub-total (A) (2):Total shareholding of 185,649,364 Promoter (A) =(A)(1)+(A)(2) B. Public Shareholding (1) Institutions (a) Mutual Funds (b) Banks / FIs (c) Central Govt (d) State Govt(s) (e) Venture Capital Funds (f) Insurance Companies (g) FIIs (h) Foreign Venture Capital Funds (i) Others (specify) Sub-total (B)(1):2. Non-Institutions (a) Bodies Corp. (i) Indian (ii) Overseas 494,843 - Physical Total % of Total Shares No. of Shares held at the end of the year % [as on 31.03.2015] Change during Demat Physical Total % of the year Total Shares 100 185,649,464 100 185,649,464 98.43 185,649,364 98.43 185,649,364 100 185,649,464 100 185,649,464 98.43 98.43 100 185,649,464 98.43 185,649,364 100 185,649,464 98.43 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 494,843 - 0.26 - 489,271 - - 489,271 - 0.26 - - 28 Binani Cement Limited Category of Shareholders No. of Shares held at the beginning of the year (as on 01.04.2014) Demat Physical (b) Individuals 2,282,946 (i) Individual shareholders holding nominal share capital upto ` 1 lakh 92,826 (ii)Individual shareholders holding nominal share capital in excess of `1 lakh (c) Others - LIIPL-Binani 80 Cement Exit Offer Escrow Demat Account Non Resident Indians 66,075 Overseas Corporate Bodies Foreign Nationals Clearing Members 9,002 Trusts 5,000 Sub-total (B)(2):2,950,772 Total Public Shareholding 2,950,772 (B)=(B)(1)+ (B)(2) C. Shares held by Custodian for GDRs & ADRs Grand Total (A+B+C) 188,600,136 ii. Total % of Total Shares 1,018 2,283,964 1.21 2,287,314 1722 2,289,036 1.21 - - 92,826 0.05 92,826 - 92,826 0.05 - - 80 - 80 - 80 - - 20 1,038 1,038 66,095 9,002 5,000 2,951,810 2,951,810 0.04 1.57 1.57 67,105 8,472 5,000 2,950,068 2,950,068 20 1,742 1,742 67,125 8,472 5,000 2,951,810 2,951,810 0.04 1.57 1.57 - - - - - - - - - 1,842 188,601,274 100.00 - 1,138 188,601,274 100.00 188,599,432 Shareholding of Promoters Sr. Shareholder’s Name No. Shareholding at the beginning of the year (as on 01.04.2014) No. of Shares 1 No. of Shares held at the end of the year % [as on 31.03.2015] Change during Demat Physical Total % of the year Total Shares Binani Industries Limited iii. % of total % of Shares Shares of Pledged / the Company encumbered to total shares 185,649,464 98.43 74.96 Shareholding at the end of the year % change in (as on 31.03.2015) shareholding during the No. of % of total %of Shares year Shares Shares of Pledged / the Company encumbered to total shares 185,649,464 98.43 100.00 - Change in Promoters’ Shareholding (please specify, if there is no change) Sr. No. At the beginning of the year Date wise Increase/Decrease in Promoters Share holding during the Year specifying the reasons for increase /decrease (e.g. allotment/ transfer/bonus/sweat equity etc). At the end of the year Shareholding at the beginning of the Cumulative Shareholding during the year (as on 01.04.2014) year (as on 31.03.2015) No. of shares % of total shares No. of shares % of total shares of the Company of the Company 185,649,464 98.43 185,649,464 98.43 No Change 185,649,464 29 98.43 185,649,464 98.43 an n u al repor t 2014 - 1 5 Binani Cement Limited iv. Shareholding Pattern of top ten Shareholders: (Other than Directors, Promoters and Holders of GDRs and ADRs): Sr. No. Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Kanakratan Agency Pvt. Ltd. Brij Bhushan Singal Gangadhar Narsingdas Agrawal Ramalingam Ganapathy Ritesh Vilasrao Deshmukh Jagdish Chand Saggar Anjani Nitin Kasliwal Atul Prakash Anand Kartikeya Nitin Kasliwal Rita Murarka v. Shareholding at the beginning of the year [as on 01.04.2014] No. of % of total shares shares of the Company 416,120 0.22 52,000 0.03 17,000 0.01 14,500 0.01 13,206 0.01 10,620 0.01 10,000 0.01 10,000 0.01 10,000 0.01 10,000 0.01 Date Increase/ Decrease in shareholding Reason No Change Cumulative Shareholding during the Year [as on 31.03.2015] No. of % of total shares shares of the Company 416,120 0.22 52,000 0.03 17,000 0.01 14,500 0.01 13,206 0.01 10,620 0.01 10,000 0.01 10,000 0.01 10,000 0.01 10,000 0.01 Shareholding of Directors and Key Managerial Personnel: None of the Directors and Key Managerial Personnel holds any share in the Company. V. INDEBTEDNESS Indebtedness of the Company including interest outstanding/accrued but not due for payment (` In Lakhs) Secured Loans excluding deposits Unsecured Loans Deposits Total Indebtedness 2,30,369.19 2,500.00 - 2,32,869.19 5,330.97 35.18 - 5,366.15 461.98 - - 461.98 2,36,162.14 2,535.18 - 2,38,697.32 Indebtedness at the beginning of the ÞOBODJBMZFBS i) Principal Amount ii) Interest due but not paid iii) Interest accrued but not due Total (i+ii+iii) $IBOHFJO*OEFCUFEOFTTEVSJOHUIFÞOBODJBM year Addition 1,24,299.61 297.18 - 1,24,596.79 Reduction 64,113.27 306.88 - 64,420.15 Net Change 60,186.34 (9.70) - 60,176.64 2,89,272.46 2,500.00 - 2,91,772.46 6,709.79 25.48 - 6,735.27 366.22 - - 366.22 2,96,348.47 2,525.48 - 2,98,873.95 *OEFCUFEOFTTBUUIFFOEPGUIFÞOBODJBMZFBS i) Principal Amount ii) Interest due but not paid iii) Interest accrued but not due Total (i+ii+iii) 30 Binani Cement Limited VI. REMUNERATION OF DIRECTORS AND KEY MANAGERIAL PERSONNELA. Remuneration to Managing Director, Whole-time Directors and/or Manager: (` In Lakhs) Sr. Particulars of Remuneration No. 1 Gross salary (a) Salary as per provisions contained in section 17(1) of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (b) Value of perquisites u/s 17(2) Income-tax Act, 1961 F 3URßWVLQOLHXRIVDODU\XQGHUVHFWLRQ,QFRPHWD[$FW 2 Stock Option 3 Sweat Equity 4 &RPPLVVLRQ DVRISURßW - others, specify… 5 6 Mr. Jotirmoy Ghose, Managing Director Total Amount 117.01 117.01 14.61 - 14.61 - 131.62 - 131.62 - Others, Specify Recovery of excess amount paid Total (A) Ceiling as per the Act* * The Company had incurred a loss during the Financial Year 2014-15. The remuneration paid to Mr. Jotirmoy Ghose, Managing Director, was in terms of his appointment approved by the Shareholders on 10th December, 2013 pursuant to Schedule XIII of the Companies Act, UHDGZLWK1RWLßFDWLRQQR*65(GDWHGWK-XO\LVVXHGE\WKH0LQLVWU\RI&RUSRUDWH$IIDLUV B. Remuneration to other Directors (` In Lakhs) Sr. Particulars of Remuneration No. 1 Independent Directors Fee for attending Board/Committee Meetings Commission Others, please specify 2 Total (1) Other Non-Executive Directors Name of Directors Mr. S. Sridhar 3.60 Mr. Braj Binani Fee for attending Board/Committee Meetings Commission Others, please specify 1.70 - Total (2) Total (B)=(1+2) Total Managerial Remuneration (A+B) Overall Ceiling as per the Act** 1.70 ** The Company had incurred a loss during the FY 2014-15. 31 3.60 Mr. V. Mr. T. R. C Nair Subramanian 3.40 0.80 3.40 0.80 Total Amount 3.60 3.60 Total Amount 5.90 5.90 9.50 141.12 - an n u al repor t 2014 - 1 5 Binani Cement Limited C. REMUNERATION TO KEY MANAGERIAL PERSONNEL OTHER THAN MD/MANAGER/WTD (` In Lakhs) Sr. No. 1 2 3 4 5 Particulars of Remuneration Mr. K K Jain, Chief Financial 0GÞDFS Gross salary (a) Salary as per provisions contained in section 17(1) of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (b) Value of perquisites u/s 17(2) Income-tax Act, 1961 F3UR¿WVLQOLHXRIVDODU\XQGHUVHFWLRQ,QFRPH tax Act, 1961 Stock Option Sweat Equity &RPPLVVLRQ DVRISUR¿W - others, specify Others, (Employer’s Contribution to Provident Fund) Total Key Managerial Personnel Mr. Amit Mr. Atul Kumar Gupta, Falgunia, Company Company 4FDSFUBSZ 4FDSFUBSZ Total 33.84 8.54 23.80 66.18 2.71 - - 0.06 - 2.77 - - - - - - - - - 2.07 38.62 0.25 8.79 1.42 25.28 3.74 72.69 *w.e.f. 30.05.2014, **Upto 30.04.2014, ***w.e.f. 05.06.2014. VII. PENALTIES / PUNISHMENT/ COMPOUNDING OF OFFENCES: Type A. COMPANY Penalty Punishment Compounding B. DIRECTORS Penalty Punishment Compounding Authority Appeal made, [RD / NCLT/ if any (give COURT] Details) Section of the Companies Act Brief Description Details of Penalty / Punishment/ Compounding fees imposed - - - - - Section 211(1) & (2) Interest received by the Company was netted off from the interest paid in the FY 2010-11 `20,500/- Company Law Board - Interest received by the Company was netted off from the interest paid in the FY 2010-11. Section 211(1) Interest received by the & (2) Company was netted off from the interest paid in the FY 2006-08. ` 3,000/- Company Law Board - `18,000/- Company Law Board - C. OTHER OFFICERS IN DEFAULT Penalty Punishment Compounding Section 211(1) & (2) 32 Binani Cement Limited ANNEXURE - F CONSERVATION OF ENERGY, TECHNOLOGY ABSORPTION AND FOREIGN EXCHANGE EARNINGS AND OUTGO Pursuant to Section 134(3)(m) of the Companies Act, 2013 read with Rules 8(3) of the Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014 A. CONSERVATION OF ENERGY a) Energy conservation measures taken Cement Plant – Binanigram .LOQ&RROHUGLVFKDUJHKDPPHUFUXVKHURSHQLQJLWVGLVFKDUJHKRRGPRGLßHGWRDYRLGVWRSSDJHLQFOLQNHUERXOGHUV coating jamming resulting in power saving. 2. Raw Mill - 2: Reclaimer transport circuit belt 312BC1 path made straight by removing bend therefore belt resistance decreased and also low rating motor installed from 90 kW to 55 kW. 5DZ0LOOt5DZPDWHULDOWUDQVSRUWFLUFXLWMHWSXOVHßOWHUGULYHVLVRODWHGDIWHUUHPRYLQJRIEHQGRI%&EHOW /LPHVWRQHFUXVKHUFRPSUHVVRUKRXVHFRROLQJV\VWHPPRGLßHGE\SURYLGLQJVRIWZDWHUFRROLQJV\VWHPLQSODFHRIKDUG ZDWHUIURP0LQHVSXPSKRXVHUHVXOWLQJLQSRZHUVDYLQJDQGDOVRLPSURYLQJWKHHIßFLHQF\RIFRPSUHVVRU 5DZ0LOO,QOHWFKXWHPRGLßHGWRDYRLGPDWHULDOMDPPLQJLQUDLQ\VHDVRQUHVXOWLQJLQUHGXFWLRQLQZRUNVWRSSDJHDQG power saving. Cement Plant – Neem ka Thana 1. Installed Variable Frequency Drives (VFDs) at various drives (Clinker Apron conveyor, blower & all truck loaders) to reduce RPM for optimum performance. 2. Mill outlet water spray nozzle compressed air stopped during low cement temperature in winter month resulting in compressor power saving. Thermal Power Plant b) 1. Optimized the performance of Boiler feed pump in CPP2 by reducing impeller stages from 16 to 14 stages. 5HSODFHGLQHIßFLHQWSXPSVQRpVLQ'0SODQWLQ&33ZLWKHQHUJ\HIßFLHQWSXPSV 3. Optimized lighting transformer voltage from 235 to 215 volt. Steps in utilization of alternate source of Energy – c) Capital investment on energy conservation equipment – B. TECHNOLOGY ABSORPTION Nil C. FOREIGN EXCHANGE EARNING AND OUTGO Particulars Foreign exchange earned Foreign exchange used* 2014-15 Nil 24,800.06 (` In Lakhs) 2013-14 Nil 32,423.44 * Excludes investment in overseas subsidiaries 33 34 Mr. Gautam Ray * Mr. Bhadresh Khara 4 5 M.A. (Economics) B.E.(Mech.) & MBA 53 55 Vice President (Commercial) Grasim Industries Ltd. Vice President Operations, Arkan Building Materials, Abu Dhabi, UAE 15.01.1997 01.12.2013 Dy. Manager (Marketing) Gujarat Ambuja Cement, Ahmedabad Business HeadRMC, Binani Industries Ltd., Mumbai 24.05.2013 Sr.Vice PresidentPrism Cement Ltd. Satna 10.10.2005 30.10.2013 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil No No No No No (PSOR\HGIRUSDUWRIWKHßQDQFLDO\HDU 28 27 51 60 53 None of the above employees is related to any Director of the Company. B.E. (Civil) B.Com.& C.A. 30 38 28 3 Noncontractual Noncontractual Non- AMIE (Mech), contractual PGDM & Dip. in Ind. Safety Noncontractual Contractual Whether % of Equity relative Shares held by the of any employee in director/ the Company manager within the of the meaning of Company. clause (iii) If so, name Sub Rule 2 of such director or manager 2 61.56 18.03 21.76 93.44 131.62 Nature of 2VBMJÞDBUJPO Experience Age Date of Last employment employment (in years) (in commencement held whether years) of employment contractual or otherwise 5HPXQHUDWLRQDVVKRZQDERYHLQFOXGHV6DODU\/HDYHHQFDVKPHQW%RQXV*UDWXLW\ZKHUHYHUSDLG/HDYH7UDYHO$VVLVWDQFH0HGLFDO%HQHßW+RXVH5HQW$OORZDQFH3HUTXLVLWHVDQG Company’s Contribution to Provident Fund and Superannuation Fund. Executive Vice President (Marketing) Jt.President (Finance) President (Works) President (Corporate Affairs) Managing Director [` In Lakhs] Designation Remuneration 1 Notes: Mr. Anant Kumar Mahobe * Mr. R.S. Joshi 2 3 Mr. Jotirmoy Ghose 1 Sr. Name No. The information required under Section 197 of the Companies Act, 1956, read with Rule 5(2) the Companies (Appointment and Remuneration of Managerial Personnel) Rules, 2014, for the Financial Year ended 31st March, 2015 ANNEXURE- G Binani Cement Limited an n u al repor t 2014 - 1 5 Binani Cement Limited INDEPENDENT AUDITORS’ REPORT $Q DXGLW LQYROYHV SHUIRUPLQJ SURFHGXUHV WR REWDLQ DXGLW HYLGHQFHDERXWWKHDPRXQWVDQGWKHGLVFORVXUHVLQWKHßQDQFLDO VWDWHPHQWV 7KH SURFHGXUHV VHOHFWHG GHSHQG RQ WKH DXGLWRUpV MXGJPHQW LQFOXGLQJ WKH DVVHVVPHQW RI WKH ULVNV RI PDWHULDO PLVVWDWHPHQW RI WKH ßQDQFLDO VWDWHPHQWV ZKHWKHU GXH WR fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor FRQVLGHUV LQWHUQDO ßQDQFLDO FRQWURO UHOHYDQW WR WKH &RPSDQ\pV SUHSDUDWLRQRIWKHßQDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWVWKDWJLYHDWUXHDQGIDLU view, in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate LQ WKH FLUFXPVWDQFHV EXW QRW IRU WKH SXUSRVH RI H[SUHVVLQJ DQ RSLQLRQ RQ ZKHWKHU WKH &RPSDQ\ KDV LQ SODFH DQ DGHTXDWH LQWHUQDOßQDQFLDOFRQWUROVV\VWHPRYHUßQDQFLDOUHSRUWLQJDQGWKH RSHUDWLQJHIIHFWLYHQHVVRIVXFKFRQWUROV$QDXGLWDOVRLQFOXGHV HYDOXDWLQJ WKH DSSURSULDWHQHVV RI WKH DFFRXQWLQJ SROLFLHV XVHG DQG WKH UHDVRQDEOHQHVV RI WKH DFFRXQWLQJ HVWLPDWHV PDGH E\ WKH &RPSDQ\pV 'LUHFWRUV DV ZHOO DV HYDOXDWLQJ WKH RYHUDOO SUHVHQWDWLRQRIWKHßQDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWV To, The Members of Binani Cement Limited Report on the Financial Statements :H KDYH DXGLWHG WKH DFFRPSDQ\LQJ ßQDQFLDO VWDWHPHQWV RI BINANI CEMENT LIMITED (“the Company”), which comprise the %DODQFH6KHHWDVDW0DUFKWKH6WDWHPHQWRI3URßWDQG /RVV DQG &DVK )ORZ 6WDWHPHQW IRU WKH \HDU WKHQ HQGHG DQG D VXPPDU\RIVLJQLßFDQWDFFRXQWLQJSROLFLHVDQGRWKHUH[SODQDWRU\ information. Management’ Responsibility for the Financial Statements TKH &RPSDQ\pV %RDUG RI 'LUHFWRUV DUH UHVSRQVLEOH IRU WKH PDWWHUV VWDWHG LQ 6HFWLRQ RI &RPSDQLHV $FW qWKH $FWrZLWKUHVSHFWWRWKHSUHSDUDWLRQDQGSUHVHQWDWLRQRIWKHVH VWDQGDORQHßQDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWVWKDWJLYHDWUXHDQGIDLUYLHZRI WKHßQDQFLDOSRVLWLRQßQDQFLDOSHUIRUPDQFHDQGFDVKàRZVRIWKH &RPSDQ\LQDFFRUGDQFHZLWKWKH$FFRXQWLQJSULQFLSOHVJHQHUDOO\ DFFHSWHGLQ,QGLDLQFOXGLQJWKH$FFRXQWLQJ6WDQGDUGVVSHFLßHG XQGHUVHFWLRQRIWKH$FWUHDGZLWK5XOHRIWKH&RPSDQLHV $FFRXQWV5XOHV7KLVUHVSRQVLELOLW\LQFOXGHVPDLQWHQDQFH of adequate accounting records in accordance with the provisions RI WKH $FW IRU VDIHJXDUGLQJ WKH DVVHWV RI WKH &RPSDQ\ DQG IRU SUHYHQWLQJ DQG GHWHFWLQJ IUDXGV DQG RWKHU LUUHJXODULWLHV VHOHFWLRQ DQG DSSOLFDWLRQ RI DSSURSULDWH DFFRXQWLQJ SROLFLHV PDNLQJ MXGJPHQWV DQG HVWLPDWHV WKDW DUH UHDVRQDEOH DQG SUXGHQWGHVLJQLPSOHPHQWDWLRQDQGPDLQWHQDQFHRIDGHTXDWH LQWHUQDO ßQDQFLDO FRQWUROV WKDW DUH RSHUDWLQJ HIIHFWLYHO\ IRU HQVXULQJ WKH DFFXUDF\ DQG FRPSOHWHQHVV RI WKH DFFRXQWLQJ UHFRUGV UHOHYDQW WR WKH SUHSDUDWLRQ DQG SUHVHQWDWLRQ RI WKH ßQDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWVWKDWJLYHDWUXHDQGIDLUYLHZDQGDUHIUHH IURPPDWHULDOPLVVWDWHPHQWZKHWKHUGXHWRIUDXGRUHUURU :HEHOLHYHWKDWWKHDXGLWHYLGHQFHZHKDYHREWDLQHGLVVXIßFLHQW and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion on VWDQGDORQHßQDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWV Opinion In our opinion and to the best of our information and according to WKHH[SODQDWLRQVJLYHQWRXVWKHDIRUHVDLGVWDQGDORQHßQDQFLDO VWDWHPHQWV JLYH WKH LQIRUPDWLRQ UHTXLUHG E\ WKH $FW LQ WKH manner so required and give a true and fair view in conformity ZLWKWKHDFFRXQWLQJSULQFLSOHVJHQHUDOO\DFFHSWHGLQ,QGLD D LQWKHFDVHRIWKH%DODQFH6KHHWRIWKHVWDWHRIDIIDLUVRI WKH&RPSDQ\DVDW0DUFK E LQWKHFDVHRIWKH6WDWHPHQWRI3URßWDQG/RVVRIWKHORVV IRUWKH\HDUHQGHGRQWKDWGDWHDQG F LQWKHFDVHRI&DVK)ORZ6WDWHPHQWRIWKHFDVKàRZVIRU the year ended on that date. Auditor’s Responsibility Emphasis of Matters: 2XUUHVSRQVLELOLW\LVWRH[SUHVVDQRSLQLRQRQWKHVHVWDQGDORQH ßQDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWVEDVHGRQRXUDXGLW :LWKRXWTXDOLI\LQJRXURSLQLRQ :H KDYH WDNHQ LQWR DFFRXQW WKH SURYLVLRQV RI WKH $FW WKH accounting and auditing standards and matters which are UHTXLUHGWREHLQFOXGHGLQWKHDXGLWUHSRUWXQGHUWKHSURYLVLRQVRI WKH$FWDQGWKH5XOHVPDGHWKHUHXQGHU :H FRQGXFWHG RXU DXGLW LQ DFFRUGDQFH ZLWK WKH 6WDQGDUGV RQ $XGLWLQJ VSHFLßHG XQGHU 6HFWLRQ RI WKH $FW DQG RWKHU DSSOLFDEOH DXWKRULWDWLYH SURQRXQFHPHQWV LVVXHG E\ WKH ,QVWLWXWH RI &KDUWHUHG $FFRXQWDQWV RI ,QGLD 7KRVH 6WDQGDUGV DQG SURQRXQFHPHQWV UHTXLUH WKDW ZH FRPSO\ ZLWK HWKLFDO UHTXLUHPHQWVDQGSODQDQGSHUIRUPWKHDXGLWWRREWDLQUHDVRQDEOH DVVXUDQFHDERXWZKHWKHUWKHßQDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWVDUHIUHHIURP PDWHULDOPLVVWDWHPHQW 35 :HGUDZDWWHQWLRQWR1RWH1RWRWKHßQDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWV UHODWLQJ WR WKH RUGHU RI WKH &RPSHWLWLRQ &RPPLVVLRQ RI ,QGLD &&, FRQFHUQLQJ DOOHJHG FRQWUDYHQWLRQ RI WKH SURYLVLRQV RI WKH &RPSHWLWLRQ $FW DQG WKHUHE\ LPSRVHG SHQDOW\ RI ` /DNKV H[FOXGLQJ LQWHUHVW LI any) on the Company. The CRPSDQ\LVDGYLVHGE\H[WHUQDO OHJDOFRXQVHOWKDWLWKDVDJRRGFDVHIRUWKH&RPSHWLWLRQ $SSHOODWH 7ULEXQDO IRU VHWWLQJ DVLGH WKH RUGHU SDVVHG E\ &&, DQG DFFRUGLQJO\ QR SURYLVLRQ KDV EHHQ FRQVLGHUHG necessary by the Company in this regard. :H GUDZ DWWHQWLRQ WR 1RWH 1R WR WKH ßQDQFLDO VWDWHPHQWV UHODWLQJ WR 6DOHV 7D[ 0DWWHUV DV SHU WKH RUGHUVWKHUHLVOLDELOLW\RQWKH&RPSDQ\IRUWRWDOLQWHUHVW an n u al repor t 2014 - 1 5 Binani Cement Limited of `/DNKVDVRQ7KH&RPSDQ\KDV ßOHG ZULW SHWLWLRQ ZDLYHU DSSOLFDWLRQ LQ +RQpEOH +LJK &RXUWZLWKFRQFHUQHGDXWKRULW\7KH&RPSDQ\KDVSDLG ` /DNKV XQGHU SURWHVW 7KH PDQDJHPHQW LV RI the view that it has a good case of getting waiver from the department for interest and hence provision of interest is not required. :LWK UHIHUHQFH WR WKH 1RWH 1R [[YLL WR WKH ßQDQFLDO statements regarding guarantees aggregating of ` /DNKV LVVXHG E\ WKH &RPSDQ\ WR EDQNV DQG ßQDQFLDO LQVWLWXWLRQV LQ UHVSHFW RI ORDQV JLYHQ WR LWV subsidiaries, step down subsidiaries and to +ROGLQJ Company and its subsidiaries, step down subsidiaries, ZKLFK DUH VLJQLßFDQW LQ UHODWLRQ WR WKH QHW ZRUWK RI the Company at the year end. In the opinion of the PDQDJHPHQW WKHVH DUH QRW H[SHFWHG WR UHVXOW LQWR DQ\ ßQDQFLDOOLDELOLW\WRWKHCompany. Other matters: 7KH Company has invested ` /DNKV LQ LWV WZR VXEVLGLDULHV1HWZRUWKRIZKLFKLVSDUWO\HURGHGKRZHYHU WKHPDQDJHPHQWLVRIWKHYLHZWKDWWKHVXEVLGLDULHVZLOO PDNHSURßWLQQHDUIXWXUHDQGWKHHURVLRQRIWKH1HWZRUWK is of temporary nature hence provision for diminution in WKHYDOXHRILQYHVWPHQWLVQRWUHTXLUHG :LWK UHIHUHQFH WR 6KRUW 7HUP /RDQ LQFOXGLQJ LQWHUHVW UHFHLYDEOH JLYHQ WR +ROGLQJ &RPSDQ\ RI ` /DNKVDVSHUWKH0DQDJHPHQWWKHVDLGORDQZLOOEHUHSDLG E\WKH+ROGLQJ&RPSDQ\WKURXJKVDOHVSURFHHGVUHFHLYHG E\GLYHVWLQJ,QYHVWPHQWLQ(TXLW\6KDUHVRI%LQDQL&HPHQW Limited. 2XURSLQLRQLVQRWTXDOLßHGLQUHVSHFWRIWKHVHPDWWHUV Report on other Legal and Regulatory Requirements $V UHTXLUHG E\ oWKH &RPSDQLHV $XGLWRUpV 5HSRUW 2UGHU pLVVXHGE\WKH&HQWUDO*RYHUQPHQWRI,QGLDLQWHUPV RI VXEVHFWLRQ RI VHFWLRQ RI WKH $FW KHUHLQDIWHU referred to as the “Order”), and on the basis of such checks of the books and records of the Company as we considered appropriate and according to the information DQG H[SODQDWLRQV JLYHQ WR XV ZH JLYH LQ WKH $QQH[XUH D VWDWHPHQWRQWKHPDWWHUVVSHFLßHGLQSDUDJUDSKVDQG of the Order. $VUHTXLUHGE\VHFWLRQRIWKH$FWZHUHSRUWWKDW D b) In our opinion, proper books of account as required E\ ODZ KDYH EHHQ NHSW E\ WKH &RPSDQ\ VR IDU DV DSSHDUVIURPRXUH[DPLQDWLRQRIWKRVHERRNV F 7KH %DODQFH 6KHHW 6WDWHPHQW RI 3URßW DQG /RVV DQG&DVK)ORZ6WDWHPHQWGHDOWZLWKE\WKLVUHSRUW are in agreement with the books of account. G ,Q RXU RSLQLRQ WKH %DODQFH 6KHHW 6WDWHPHQW RI 3URßW DQG /RVV DQG &DVK )ORZ 6WDWHPHQW FRPSO\ ZLWK WKH $FFRXQWLQJ 6WDQGDUGV VSHFLßHG XQGHU 6HFWLRQ RI WKH $FW UHDG ZLWK 5XOH RI WKH &RPSDQLHV$FFRXQWV5XOHV e) On the basis of the written representations received IURPWKHGLUHFWRUVDVRQ0DUFKDQGWDNHQ on record by the Board of Directors, we report that QRQHRIWKHGLUHFWRUVLVGLVTXDOLßHGDVRQ0DUFK IURPEHLQJDSSRLQWHGDVDGLUHFWRULQWHUPVRI 6HFWLRQRIWKH$FWDQG I :LWKUHVSHFWWRWKHRWKHUPDWWHUVWREHLQFOXGHGLQ WKH$XGLWRUpV5HSRUWLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK5XOHRI WKH&RPSDQLHV$XGLWDQG$XGLWRUV5XOHVLQ our opinion and to the best of our information and DFFRUGLQJWRWKHH[SODQDWLRQVJLYHQWRXV L 7KH &RPSDQ\ KDV GLVFORVHG WKH LPSDFW RI SHQGLQJOLWLJDWLRQVRQLWVßQDQFLDOSRVLWLRQLQ LWV VWDQGDORQH ßQDQFLDO VWDWHPHQWV t 5HIHU 1RWH1RWRWRWKHßQDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWV LL 7KH &RPSDQ\ GLG QRW KDYH DQ\ ORQJWHUP FRQWUDFWV LQFOXGLQJ GHULYDWLYH FRQWUDFWV IRU ZKLFK WKHUH ZHUH DQ\ PDWHULDO IRUHVHHDEOH ORVVHV LLL 7KHUH KDV EHHQ QR GHOD\ LQ WUDQVIHUULQJ amounts, required to be transferred, to the ,QYHVWRU (GXFDWLRQ DQG 3URWHFWLRQ )XQG E\ the Company. For Kanu Doshi Associates &KDUWHUHG$FFRXQWDQWV )LUP5HJLVWUDWLRQ1XPEHU: Jayesh Parmar 3DUWQHU 0HPEHUVKLS1R :H KDYH REWDLQHG DOO WKH LQIRUPDWLRQ DQG H[SODQDWLRQV ZKLFK WR WKH EHVW RI RXU NQRZOHGJH DQG EHOLHI ZHUH QHFHVVDU\ IRU WKH SXUSRVH RI RXU audit. 3ODFH0XPEDL 'DWHWK0D\ 36 Binani Cement Limited ANNEXURE TO THE AUDITORS’ REPORT VHUYLFHV)XUWKHURQWKHEDVLVRIRXUH[DPLQDWLRQRIWKH books and records of the Company, and according to the LQIRUPDWLRQDQGH[SODQDWLRQVJLYHQWRXVZHKDYHQHLWKHU come across, nor have been informed of, any continuing IDLOXUH WR FRUUHFW PDMRU ZHDNQHVVHV LQ WKH DIRUHVDLG LQWHUQDOFRQWUROV\VWHP 5HIHUUHG WR LQ SDUDJUDSK RI o5HSRUW RQ RWKHU /HJDO DQG 5HJXODWRU\ 5HTXLUHPHQWVp LQ RXU 5HSRUW RI HYHQ GDWH RQ WKH DFFRXQWVRI%LQDQL&HPHQW/LPLWHGIRUWKH\HDUHQGHG0DUFK RQWKHEDVLVRIVXFKFKHFNVDVZHFRQVLGHUHGDSSURSULDWH DQG DFFRUGLQJ WR WKH LQIRUPDWLRQ DQG H[SODQDWLRQV JLYHQ WR XV GXULQJWKHFRXUVHRIRXUDXGLWZHUHSRUWWKDW L D 7KH &RPSDQ\ KDV JHQHUDOO\ PDLQWDLQHG SURSHU UHFRUGV VKRZLQJ IXOO SDUWLFXODUV LQFOXGLQJ TXDQWLWDWLYHGHWDLOVDQGVLWXDWLRQRIß[HGDVVHWV E $V H[SODLQHG WR XV DOO ß[HG DVVHWV KDYH EHHQ SK\VLFDOO\YHULßHGE\WKHMDQDJHPHQWDWUHDVRQDEOH LQWHUYDOV GXULQJ WKH \HDU DQG QR PDWHULDO GLVFUHSDQFLHVZHUHQRWLFHGRQVXFKYHULßFDWLRQ LL D 7KH LQYHQWRU\ KDV EHHQ SK\VLFDOO\ YHULßHG E\ WKH Management during the year. In our opinion, the IUHTXHQF\RIYHULßFDWLRQLVUHDVRQDEOH E 7KHSURFHGXUHVRISK\VLFDOYHULßFDWLRQRILQYHQWRU\ IROORZHG E\ WKH 0DQDJHPHQW DUH UHDVRQDEOH DQG DGHTXDWHLQUHODWLRQWRWKHVL]HRIWKH&RPSDQ\DQG the nature of its business. F LLL $V SHU LQIRUPDWLRQ DQG H[SODQDWLRQV JLYHQ WR XV WKH &RPSDQ\KDVQRWJUDQWHGORDQVHFXUHGRUXQVHFXUHGWR RUIURPFRPSDQLHVßUPVRURWKHUSDUWLHVFRYHUHGLQWKH UHJLVWHUPDLQWDLQHGXQGHU6HFWLRQRIWKH&RPSDQLHV $FW$FFRUGLQJO\WKHVXEFODXVHDDQGERIFODXVH LLLDUHQRWDSSOLFDEOHWRWKH&RPSDQ\ (iv) In our opinion and according to the information and H[SODQDWLRQV JLYHQ WR XV WKHUH LV DQ DGHTXDWH LQWHUQDO FRQWURO V\VWHP FRPPHQVXUDWH ZLWK WKH VL]H RI WKH Company and the nature of its business, for the purchase RILQYHQWRU\DQGß[HGDVVHWVDQGIRUWKHVDOHRIJRRGVDQG (v) The Company has not accepted any deposits from the SXEOLF ZLWKLQ WKH PHDQLQJ RI 6HFWLRQV DQG RIWKH$FWDQGWKHUXOHVIUDPHGWKHUHXQGHUWRWKHH[WHQW QRWLßHG YL :HKDYHEURDGO\UHYLHZHGWKHERRNVRIDFFRXQWPDLQWDLQHG by the Company in respect of products where, pursuant WR WKH 5XOHV PDGH E\ WKH &HQWUDO *RYHUQPHQW RI ,QGLD the maintenance of cost records has been prescribed XQGHU 6HFWLRQ RI WKH $FW DQG ZH DUH RI WKH RSLQLRQ that prima facie, the prescribed accounts and records have been made and maintained. We have not, however, PDGHDGHWDLOHGH[DPLQDWLRQRIWKHUHFRUGVZLWKDYLHZWR GHWHUPLQHZKHWKHUWKH\DUHDFFXUDWHRUFRPSOHWH YLL D $FFRUGLQJWRWKHLQIRUPDWLRQDQGH[SODQDWLRQVJLYHQ to us and on the basis of records produced before XVWKH&RPSDQ\LVJHQHUDOO\UHJXODULQGHSRVLWLQJ with appropriate authorities undisputed statutory GXHV LQFOXGLQJ SURYLGHQW IXQG HPSOR\HHVp VWDWH LQVXUDQFHLQFRPHWD[VDOHVWD[ZHDOWKWD[VHUYLFH WD[FXVWRPVGXW\H[FLVHGXW\YDOXHDGGHGWD[FHVV DQG RWKHU PDWHULDO VWDWXWRU\ GXHV DSSOLFDEOH WR LW $FFRUGLQJWRWKHLQIRUPDWLRQDQGH[SODQDWLRQVJLYHQ to us, no undisputed arrears of statutory dues were RXWVWDQGLQJ DV DW 0DUFK IRU D SHULRG RI PRUH WKDQ VL[ PRQWKV IURP WKH GDWH WKH\ EHFDPH SD\DEOH E $FFRUGLQJWRWKHUHFRUGVRIWKH&RPSDQ\H[DPLQHG E\ XV WKH GXHV RXWVWDQGLQJ RI LQFRPHWD[ VDOHV WD[VHUYLFHWD[FXVWRPVGXW\H[FLVHGXW\HQWU\WD[ YDOXHDGGHGWD[DQGFHVVRQDFFRXQWRIDQ\GLVSXWH DUHDVIROORZV 2Q WKH EDVLV RI RXU H[DPLQDWLRQ RI WKH LQYHQWRU\ records, in our opinion, the Company is maintaining proper records of inventory. The discrepancies QRWLFHG RQ SK\VLFDO YHULßFDWLRQ RI LQYHQWRU\ DV FRPSDUHGWRERRNUHFRUGVZHUHQRWPDWHULDO Name of the Statute Nature of Dues Amount (` in Lakhs) Period to which the amount relates Forum where dispute is pending &XVWRPV$FW 'XW\RQ'(3%OLFHQVHV &RPPLVVLRQHURI&XVWRPV.DQGOD &HQWUDO([FLVH$FW &HQYDW FUHGLW RQ ZHOGLQJ HOHFWURGHV WR &RPPLVVLRQHU$SSHDOV-DLSXU,, &HQWUDO([FLVH$FW &HQYDW FUHGLW RQ ZHOGLQJ HOHFWURGHV WR &RPPLVVLRQHU$SSHDOV-DLSXU,, &XVWRPV$FW 'LIIHUHQWLDO&XVWRP'XW\ &XVWRPV$FW 'LIIHUHQWLDO&XVWRP'XW\ 37 +RQpEOH+LJK&RXUW*XMDUDW &(67$7$KPHGDEDG an n u al repor t 2014 - 1 5 Binani Cement Limited Name of the Statute Nature of Dues Amount (` in Lakhs) 'LIIHUHQWLDO&XVWRP'XW\ &HQWUDO([FLVH$FW ([FLVH 'XW\ RQ 6DOH 3HQDOW\ &(67$7'HOKL &HQWUDO([FLVH$FW &HQYDWRQ&DSLWDO*RRGV +RQpEOH5DMDVWKDQ+LJK&RXUW -RGKSXU &HQWUDO([FLVH$FW &HQYDWRQ&DSLWDO*RRGV WR &(67$7'HOKL &HQWUDO([FLVH$FW &HQYDWRQ&DSLWDO*RRGV &(67$7'HOKL &HQWUDO([FLVH$FW &(19$7&UHGLWRQ6HUYLFH 7D[ WR &(67$7'HOKL &HQWUDO([FLVH$FW 3HQDOW\ LPSRVHG VHUYLFHWD[ RQ &(67$7'HOKL &HQWUDO([FLVH$FW &(19$7&UHGLWRQ6HUYLFH 7D[ WR &(67$7'HOKL 5DMDVWKDQ6DOHV7D[$FW 6DOHV WD[ RQ IUHLJKW DQG credit notes +RQpEOH+LJK&RXUW-RGKSXU 5DMDVWKDQ6DOHV7D[$FW Difference amount &67$FW &HQWUDO6DOH7D[ WR +RQpEOH+LJK&RXUW-RGKSXU +RQpEOH+LJK&RXUW-RGKSXU 9DULRXV$SSHOODWH$uthorities 5DMDVWKDQ6DOHV7D[$FW 6DOHV7D[PDWWHUV WR Forum where dispute is pending &XVWRPV$FW of Period to which the amount relates &(67$7$KPHGDEDG 837UDGHWD[(QWU\WD[ 83WD[RQHQWU\RIJRRGV WR 837UDGHWD[(QWU\WD[ 83WD[RQHQWU\RIJRRGV +RQpEOH6XSUHPH&RXUW $GGLWLRQDO&RPPLVVLRQHU$SSHDOV &RPPHUFLDO7D[HV*KD]LDEDG 837UDGHWD[(QWU\WD[ 3HQDOW\ IRU /DWH GHSRVLW RI839$7 &RPPHUFLDO7D[HV7ULEXQDO *KD]LDEDG 837UDGHWD[(QWU\WD[ 3HQDOW\ $GGLWLRQDO&RPPLVVLRQHU$SSHDOV &RPPHUFLDO7D[HV*KD]LDEDG 837UDGHWD[(QWU\WD[ 3HQDOW\ $GGLWLRQDO&RPPLVVLRQHU$SSHDOV &RPPHUFLDO7D[HV*KD]LDEDG 839$7$FW 839$7GHPDQG $GGLWLRQDO&RPPLVVLRQHU $SSHDOV*KD]LDEDG 839$7$FW 839$7GHPDQG &RPPHUFLDO7D[7ULEXQDO *KD]LDEDG 839$7$FW 839$7GHPDQG &RPPHUFLDO7D[7ULEXQDO *KD]LDEDG 839$7$FW /DWHGHSRVLWRI839$7 $GGLWLRQDO&RPPLVVLRQHU $SSHDOV*KD]LDEDG 839$7$FW /DWHGHSRVLWRI839$7 $GGLWLRQDO&RPPLVVLRQHU $SSHDOV*KD]LDEDG 'HOKL9$7$FW /DWHGHSRVLWRI'HOKL9$7 $SSHOODWH$XWKRULW\'HSDUWPHQW RI7UDGH7D[HV*RYWRI1&7RI 'HOKL 'HOKL9$7$FW /DWHGHSRVLWRI'HOKL9$7 $SSHOODWH$XWKRULW\'HSDUWPHQW RI7UDGH7D[HV*RYWRI1&7RI 'HOKL 38 Binani Cement Limited Name of the Statute Nature of Dues Amount (` in Lakhs) Period to which the amount relates Forum where dispute is pending 5DMDWKDQ7D[RQ(QWU\RI (QWU\7D[ *RRGV LQWR /RFDO $UHD $FW WR +RQpEOH5DMDVWKDQ+LJK&RXUW 5DMDVWKDQ )LQDQFH $FW 05&HVV WR +RQpEOH+LJK&RXUW-RGKSXU 5DMDVWKDQ6DOHV7D[$FW 6DOHV7D[([HPSWLRQ WR +RQpEOH+LJK&RXUW-RGKSXU 5DMDWKDQ 9DOXH $GGHG 9$7&67'HIHUPHQW 7D[$FW WR +RQpEOH+LJK&RXUW-DLSXU &RPPHUFLDO7D[HV'HSDUWPHQW -DLSXU 5DMDWKDQ 9DOXH $GGHG 9$7&67'HIHUPHQW 7D[$FW WR +RQpEOH+LJK&RXUW-RGKSXU 5DMDWKDQ 9DOXH $GGHG 6DOHV7D[PDWWHUV,7& 7D[$FW WR +RQpEOH5DMDVWKDQ7D[%RDUG $MPHU 5DMDWKDQ 9DOXH $GGHG 6DOHV7D[PDWWHUV,7& 7D[$FW +RQpEOH5DMDVWKDQ+LJK&RXUW -RGKSXU &RPPLVVLRQHURI,QFRPH7D[ $SSHDOV WR +RQpEOH+LJK&RXUW-DLSXU ,QFRPH7D[$FW ,QFRPH7D[0DWWHUV 5DMDVWKDQ )LQDQFH $FW /DQG7D[ &RPSHWLWLRQ$FW (c) 3HQDOW\ There are no amounts required to be transferred by the Company to the Investor Education and 3URWHFWLRQ )XQG LQ DFFRUGDQFH ZLWK WKH SURYLVLRQV RI WKH &RPSDQLHV $FW DQG WKH UXOHV PDGH thereunder. YLLL 7KH &RPSDQ\ GRHV QRW KDYH DFFXPXODWHG ORVVHV DW WKH HQGRIWKHßQDQFLDO\HDUDQGLWKDVLQFXUUHGFDVKORVVHV LQ WKH FXUUHQW ßQDQFLDO \HDU DV ZHOO DV LQ LPPHGLDWHO\ SUHFHGLQJßQDQFLDO\HDU L[ $FFRUGLQJWRWKHUHFRUGVRIWKH&RPSDQ\H[DPLQHGE\XV DQGLQIRUPDWLRQDQGH[SODQDWLRQJLYHQWRXVWKH&RPSDQ\ KDVGHIDXOWHGLQUHSD\PHQWRIGXHVWRßQDQFLDOLQVWLWXWLRQV DQGEDQNVDVDWWKH%DODQFH6KHHWGDWH Principal Amount Interest Amount Remark (` in Lakhs) (` in Lakhs) - [ &RPS$7 [L ,Q RXU RSLQLRQ DQG DFFRUGLQJ WR WKH LQIRUPDWLRQ DQG H[SODQDWLRQV JLYHQ WR XV WKH WHUP ORDQV DYDLOHG E\ WKH &RPSDQ\ ZHUH SULPD IDFLH DSSOLHG IRU WKH SXUSRVH IRU ZKLFK WKH ORDQV ZHUH UDLVHG RWKHU WKDQ WHPSRUDU\ GHSOR\PHQWLQGHSRVLWVZLWKEDQNVSHQGLQJDSSOLFDWLRQRI WKRVHORDQV [LL 'XULQJ WKH FRXUVH RI RXU H[DPLQDWLRQ RI WKH ERRNV DQG records of the Company, carried out in accordance with WKH JHQHUDOO\ DFFHSWHG DXGLWLQJ SUDFWLFHV LQ ,QGLD DQG DFFRUGLQJ WR WKH LQIRUPDWLRQ DQG H[SODQDWLRQV JLYHQ WR XVZHKDYHQHLWKHUFRPHDFURVVDQ\LQVWDQFHRIPDWHULDO fraud on or by the Company, noticed or reported during the year, nor have we been informed of any such case by the Management. For Kanu Doshi Associates &KDUWHUHG$FFRXQWDQWV )LUP5HJLVWUDWLRQ1XPEHU: Term Loan :RUNLQJ&DSLWDO Loan Jayesh Parmar 3DUWQHU 0HPEHUVKLS1R ,Q RXU RSLQLRQ DQG DFFRUGLQJ WR WKH LQIRUPDWLRQ DQG H[SODQDWLRQV JLYHQ WR XV WKH WHUPV DQG FRQGLWLRQV RI WKH JXDUDQWHHV JLYHQ E\ WKH &RPSDQ\ IRU ORDQV WDNHQ E\ RWKHUV IURP EDQNV RU ßQDQFLDO LQVWLWXWLRQV GXULQJ WKH \HDUDUHQRWSULPDIDFLHSUHMXGLFLDOWRWKHLQWHUHVWRIWKH Company. 3ODFH0XPEDL 'DWHWK0D\ 39 an n u al repor t 2014 - 1 5 Binani Cement Limited BALANCE SHEET AS AT 31ST MARCH, 2015 1RWH1R PARTICULARS EQUITY AND LIABILITIES SHAREHOLDERS’ FUNDS 6KDUH&DSLWDO 5HVHUYHVDQG6XUSOXV 31st March, 2015 (` in Lakhs) VW0DUFK 24,862.38 27,565.12 52,427.50 NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES Long-term borrowings 'HIHUUHGWD[OLDELOLWLHV1HW 2WKHU/RQJWHUPOLDELOLWLHV Long term provisions 273,734.09 6,006.75 3,225.45 309.92 283,276.21 CURRENT LIABILITIES 6KRUWWHUPERUURZLQJV 7UDGHSD\DEOHV 2WKHUFXUUHQWOLDELOLWLHV 6KRUWWHUPSURYLVLRQV 8 7,404.04 40,834.63 52,518.80 216.36 100,973.83 436,677.54 104,287.29 151.18 17,480.93 105,930.05 26,932.94 16.75 254,799.14 18,201.93 14,782.95 10,872.88 121,540.95 16,479.69 181,878.40 436,677.54 TOTAL ASSETS NON-CURRENT ASSETS )L[HGDVVHWV 7DQJLEOHDVVHWV ,QWDQJLEOHDVVHWV &DSLWDOZRUNLQSURJUHVV 1RQFXUUHQWLQYHVWPHQWV /RQJWHUPORDQVDQGDGYDQFHV Other non-current assets CURRENT ASSETS Inventories 7UDGH5HFHLYDEOHV &DVKDQG%DQN%DODQFHV 6KRUWWHUPORDQVDQGDGYDQFHV Other current assets TOTAL SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES 7KHDFFRPSDQ\LQJQRWHVDUHLQWHJUDOSDUWRIWKHßQDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWV $VSHURXUDWWDFKHGUHSRUWRIHYHQGDWH For and on behalf of the Board of Directors For Kanu Doshi Associates &KDUWHUHG$FFRXQWDQWV )LUP5HJLVWUDWLRQ1R: Braj Binani Chairman Jayesh Parmar Amit Kumar Gupta 3DUWQHU &RPSDQ\6HFUHWDU\ 0HPEHUVKLS1R 3ODFH0XPEDL 'DWH WK0D\ 40 Jotirmoy Ghose Managing Director 3ODFH0XPEDL 'DWH WK0D\ Binani Cement Limited STATEMENT OF PROFIT AND LOSS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST MARCH, 2015 (` in Lakhs) 1RWH1R PARTICULARS 5HYHQXHIURPRSHUDWLRQV*URVV 31st March, 2015 VW0DUFK 196,618.18 26,154.24 170,463.94 13,533.99 183,997.93 /HVV([FLVH'XW\ 5HYHQXHIURPRSHUDWLRQV1HW Other Income Total Revenue Expenses : &RVWRI0DWHULDOV&RQVXPHG 24,479.51 3XUFKDVHRI6WRFNLQ7UDGH 1.61 &KDQJHVLQLQYHQWRULHVRIßQLVKHGJRRGVZRUNLQSURJUHVVDQG6WRFNLQ7UDGH 2,528.29 (PSOR\HH%HQHßW([SHQVH 5,579.25 Finance Costs 35,325.16 'HSUHFLDWLRQDQG$PRUWL]DWLRQ([SHQVH 7,471.38 2WKHU([SHQVHV 122,062.03 Total Expenses 197,447.23 1SPÞU-PTT CFGPSFFYDFQUJPOBMBOEFYUSBPSEJOBSZJUFNTBOEUBY (13,449.30) (1,282.79) (14,732.09) - - (14,732.09) ([FHSWLRQDO,WHPV WR 1SPÞU-PTT CFGPSFFYUSBPSEJOBSZJUFNTBOEUBY ([WUDRUGLQDU\,WHPV 1SPÞU-PTT #FGPSF5BY 7D[H[SHQVH 'HIHUUHGWD[ (4,243.93) (10,488.16) Basic (5.56) 'LOXWHG (5.56) 1SPÞU-PTT GPSUIFQFSJPEGSPNDPOUJOVJOHPQFSBUJPOT Earning per equity share (in ` SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES 7KHDFFRPSDQ\LQJQRWHVDUHLQWHJUDOSDUWRIWKHßQDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWV $VSHURXUDWWDFKHGUHSRUWRIHYHQGDWH For and on behalf of the Board of Directors For Kanu Doshi Associates &KDUWHUHG$FFRXQWDQWV )LUP5HJLVWUDWLRQ1R: Braj Binani Chairman Jayesh Parmar Amit Kumar Gupta 3DUWQHU &RPSDQ\6HFUHWDU\ 0HPEHUVKLS1R 3ODFH0XPEDL 'DWH WK0D\ 41 Jotirmoy Ghose Managing Director 3ODFH0XPEDL 'DWH WK0D\ an n u al repor t 2014 - 1 5 Binani Cement Limited NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST MARCH, 2015 NOTE NO. - 1 (` in Lakhs) SHARE CAPITAL PARTICULARS AUTHORISED (TXLW\6KDUHV3UHYLRXV<HDURI`HDFK 3UHIHUHQFH6KDUHV3UHYLRXV<HDUQLORI`HDFK TOTAL 31st March, 2015 VW0DUFK 30,389.96 12,000.00 42,389.96 18,860.13 0.25 18,860.38 6,002.00 - 24,862.38 ISSUED, SUBSCRIBED AND PAID UP 3UHYLRXV<HDU(TXLW\6KDUHVRI`HDFKIXOO\SDLGXS $GG$PRXQWSDLGXSRQIRUIHLWHG6KDUHV SUB-TOTAL 3UHYLRXV<HDUQLO1RQFXPXODWLYHUHGHHPDEOH3UHIHUHQFH6KDUHVRI` HDFKIXOO\SDLGXS TOTAL Equity Shares : 3UHYLRXV\HDU(TXLW\6KDUHVRI`HDFKIXOO\SDLGXSKHOGE\WKHKROGLQJ&RPSDQ\ - Binani Industries Limited and its nominees. (TXLW\6KDUHVKDYHEHHQERXJKWEDFNLQßQDQFLDO\HDUXQGHUWHQGHURIIHUURXWHDQGODWHUH[WLQJXLVKHG 5HFRQFLODWLRQRIQXPEHURIVKDUHVRXWVWDQGLQJDWWKHEHJLQQLQJDQGDWWKHHQGRIWKH\HDU Particulars Outstanding at the beginning of the year Outstanding at the end of the year 7HUPV5LJKWVDWWDFKHGWRHTXLW\VKDUHV No. of shares 188,601,274 188,601,274 (` in Lakhs) 18,860.13 18,860.13 1RRIVKDUHV (` in Lakhs) 7KH&RPSDQ\KDVRQO\RQHFODVVRIHTXLW\VKDUHVKDYLQJDSDUYDOXHRI`SHUVKDUH(DFKKROGHURIHTXLW\VKDUHVHQWLWOHGWR RQHYRWHSHUVKDUH7KH&RPSDQ\GHFODUHVDQGSD\VGLYLGHQGVLQ,QGLDQUXSHHV7KHGLYLGHQGSURSRVHGE\WKH%RDUGRI'LUHWRUVLV VXEMHFWWRWKHDSSURYDORIWKHVKDUHKROGHUVLQWKHHQVXLQJ$QQXDO*HQHUDO0HHWLQJ ,QWKHHYHQWRIOLTXLGDWLRQRIWKH&RPSDQ\WKHKROGHUVRIHTXLW\VKDUHVZLOOEHHQWLWOHGWRUHFHLYHUHPDLQLQJDVVHWVRIWKH&RPSDQ\ DIWHU GLVWULEXWLRQ RI SUHIHUHQWLDO DPRXQWV 7KH GLVWULEXWLRQ ZLOO EH LQ SURSRUWLRQ WR WKH QXPEHU RI HTXLW\ VKDUHV KHOG E\ WKH VKDUHKROGHUV 0.01% Non-cumulative Redeemable Preference Shares : 3UHYLRXV\HDUQLO1RQFXPXODWLYHUHGHHPDEOH3UHIHUHQFH6KDUHVRI`HDFKIXOO\SDLGXSKHOGE\WKH KROGLQJ&RPSDQ\%LQDQL,QGXVWULHV/LPLWHG 1RQ&XPXODWLYH5HGHHPDEOH3UHIHUHQFH6KDUHVRI`HDFKIXOO\SDLGXSKDYHEHHQLVVXHGDQGDOORWWHGIRU FDVKDW3DUWR%LQDQL,QGXVWULHV/LPLWHGLQWKH)LQDQFLDO<HDU 5HFRQFLOLDWLRQRIQXPEHURIVKDUHVRXWVWDQGLQJDWWKHEHJLQQLQJDQGDWWKHHQGRIWKH\HDU Particulars No. of shares (` in Lakhs) 1RRIVKDUHV (` in Lakhs) Outstanding at the beginning of the year $GG,VVXHG6XEVFULEHGDQG3DLGXSGXULQJWKH\HDU 6,002,000 6,002.00 Outstanding at the end of the year 6,002,000 6,002.00 7HUPV5LJKWVDWWDFKHGWRSUHIHUHQFHVKDUHV +ROGHURIWKH6KDUHVVKDOOEHHQWLWOHGWRGLYLGHQG#SHUDQQXPIURPWKHGDWHRIDOORWPHQW 1RQSDUWLFLSDWLQJDQGFDUU\DSUHIHUHQWLDOULJKWYLV¼YLV(TXLW\6KDUHVRIWKH&RPSDQ\ZLWKUHVSHFWWRSD\PHQWRIGLYLGHQGDQG UHSD\PHQWLQFDVHRIDZLQGLQJXSRUUHSD\PHQWRIFDSLWDODQGVKDOOFDUU\YRWLQJULJKWVDVSHUWKHSURYLVLRQVRI6HFWLRQRIWKH &RPSDQLHV$FW 5HGHHPDEOHIRUFDVKDWSDUDWWKHHQGRI\HDUIURPWKHGDWHRIDOORWPHQWZLWKDQRSWLRQWRWKH&RPSDQ\WRUHGHHPDQ\WLPH HDUOLHU 42 Binani Cement Limited NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST MARCH, 2015 NOTE NO. - 2 RESERVE & SURPLUS (` in Lakhs) PARTICULARS 31st March, 2015 VW0DUFK CAPITAL REDEMPTION RESERVE $VSHU/DVW%DODQFH6KHHW 1,450.00 $GG/HVV7UDQVIHUIURPWR3URßWDQG/RVV$FFRXQW - 1,450.00 - GENERAL RESERVE $VSHU/DVW%DODQFH6KHHW 7,843.00 $GG7UDQVIHUUHGIURP3URßWDQG/RVV$FFRXQW - 7,843.00 - BALANCE IN PROFIT & LOSS ACCOUNT $VSHU/DVW%DODQFH6KHHW 7UDQVIHUUHGIURP3URßWDQG/RVV$FFRXQW ([FHVV GHSUHFLDWLRQ FKDUJHG WR UHWDLQHG HDUQLQJV DV SHU WKH WUDQVLWLRQDO SURYLVLRQ RI VFKHGXOH ,, RI &RPSDQLHV $FW 5HIHU QRWHQR 27,020.32 (10,488.16) 16,532.16 (987.68) 15,544.48 - FOREIGN CURRENCY TRANSLATION RESERVE $VSHU/DVW%DODQFH6KHHW 2,727.64 $GG([FKDQJH'LIIHUHQFHGXULQJWKH\HDURQQHW,QYHVWPHQWLQQRQ LQWHJUDOIRUHLJQRSHUDWLRQV - TOTAL 2,727.64 - 27,565.12 NOTE NO. - 3 LONG TERM BORROWINGS (` in Lakhs) PARTICULARS 31st March, 2015 VW0DUFK TERM LOANS (REFER NOTE NO. 33 A) From Bank 6HFXUHG 229,269.65 Unsecured - 229,269.65 - Financial Institutions 6HFXUHG TOTAL 44,464.44 273,734.09 NOTE NO. - 4 OTHER LONG TERM LIABILITIES (` in Lakhs) PARTICULARS 31st March, 2015 VW0DUFK Trade Deposits 3,225.45 TOTAL 3,225.45 43 an n u al repor t 2014 - 1 5 Binani Cement Limited NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST MARCH, 2015 NOTE NO. - 5 LONG TERM PROVISIONS (` in Lakhs) PARTICULARS 31st March, 2015 VW0DUFK )RU*UDWXLW\ For Leave Encashment 84.46 225.46 TOTAL 309.92 309.92 NOTE NO. - 6 SHORT TERM BORROWINGS (` in Lakhs) PARTICULARS VW0DUFK 31st March, 2015 LOANS REPAYABLE ON DEMAND From Bank 6HFXUHG5HIHUQRWHQR% From Others Unsecured (Inter Corporate Deposits) OTHER LOANS AND ADVANCES 6HFXUHG5HIHUQRWHQR$ 8QVHFXUHG5HIHUQRWHQR 2,500.00 TOTAL 4,904.04 - 2,500.00 7,404.04 NOTE NO. - 7 OTHER CURRENT LIABILITIES (` in Lakhs) PARTICULARS 31st March, 2015 &XUUHQWPDWXULWLHVRI/RQJWHUPGHEW5HIHUQRWHQR$ Interest accrued but not due on borrowings ,QWHUHVWDFFUXHGDQGGXHRQERUURZLQJVRWKHUV Unpaid dividends 6WDWXWRU\'XHV3D\DEOH $GYDQFHIURPFXVWRPHUV 10,634.33 366.22 6,894.32 16.30 31,513.96 3,093.67 TOTAL 52,518.80 VW0DUFK 52,518.80 NOTE NO. - 8 SHORT TERM PROVISIONS (` in Lakhs) PARTICULARS 31st March, 2015 VW0DUFK PROVISION FOR EMPLOYEE BENEFITS )RU*UDWXLW\ For Leave Encashment 178.28 38.08 TOTAL 216.36 216.36 44 45 809.07 205,408.05 1,220.21 809.07 809.07 564.52 32.31 206,595.95 93,722.92 205,408.05 93.37 8,459.13 8,365.76 32.31 205,786.88 93,158.40 - 293.99 333.10 606.23 10.08 5,050.33 255.72 229.84 530.38 1,040.01 606.27 38.27 103.26 75.85 1,940.17 177.85 89,146.79 8,998.23 46.25 3,760.62 657.89 151.18 657.89 151.18 24.57 102,157.48 104,438.47 111,685.13 93,722.92 111,685.13 17,480.93 - 24.57 101,499.59 104,287.29 111,440.58 - 93,776.96 - (` in Lakhs) Net Block 7RWDODV Total as DWVW at 31st March, March, 2015 %XLOGLQJVLQFOXGHVDVVHWVEXLOWRQODQGQRWRZQHGE\WKH&RPSDQ\`/DNKV3UHYLRXV\HDU`/DNKV 3ODQW0DFKLQHU\LQFOXGHVDVVHWVEXLOWRQODQGQRWRZQHGE\WKH&RPSDQ\`/DNKV3UHYLRXV\HDU`/DNKV ,QFOXGHVH[SHQVHVRI`/DNKVLQFXUUHGIRUGHYHORSPHQWRIQHZ0LQHDUHDIURPZKLFKRUHKDVQRWEHHQ\HWH[WUDFWHG 'HSUHFLDWLRQFKDUJHIRUWKH\HDULQFOXGHV`/DNKV3UHYLRXV\HDU`/DNKVFDSLWDOLVHGDVSUHRSHUDWLYHH[SHQVHV Notes : Total Intangible assets Total Fixed assets Total Previous year Capital Work-inProgress 2,980.18 784.12 182,923.75 - 8,998.23 56.33 8,810.95 Total as at 31st March, 2015 %FQSFDJBUJPO"NPSUJTBUJPO 4BMFT Total as As at 1st Additions at 31st April, 2014 during the 5SBOTGFST year (refer Adjustments March, 2015 note no. 54) - Gross Block As at 1st Additions 4BMFT April, 2014 during 5SBOTGFST the year Adjustments Fixed assets Tangible assets )UHHKROG/DQG /HDVHKROG/DQG %XLOGLQJ,QFOXGLQJ 5RDGVUHIHUQRWHQR EHORZ 3ODQWDQG0DFKLQHU\ UHIHUQRWHQREHORZ 5DLOZD\6LGLQJV 0LQH([SORUDWLRQ 'HYHORSPHQWVUHIHU QRWHQREHORZ )XUQLWXUH)L[WXUHV 9HKLFOHV 2IßFHDQG2WKHU Equipments Total Tangible assets 204,598.98 1,220.21 Intangible assets &RPSXWHU6RIWZDUH - Particulars FIXED ASSETS NOTE NO. - 9 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST MARCH, 2015 Binani Cement Limited an n u al repor t 2014 - 1 5 Binani Cement Limited NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST MARCH, 2015 NOTE NO. - 10 NON CURRENT INVESTMENTS (` in Lakhs) PARTICULARS VW0DUFK 31st March, 2015 Trade (valued at cost unless stated otherwise) Investment in Equity shares of Subsidiaries Unquoted IXOO\ SDLGXS 6KDUHV SUHYLRXV \HDU RI 0XNXQGDQ+ROGLQJV/WGRI86'ROODUHDFKIXOO\SDLGXS 36,936.70 )XOO\SDLGXS6KDUHVSUHYLRXV\HDURI.ULVKQD +ROGLQJV3WH/WG6LQJDSRUHRI6LQJDSRUH'ROODUHDFK 15,798.84 IXOO\ SDLGXS SUHYLRXV \HDU 6KDUHV RI 0XUDUL +ROGLQJV/WGRI86'ROODUHDFK 27,447.81 IXOO\ SDLGXS 6KDUHV SUHYLRXV \HDU RI %KXPL 5HVRXUFHV6LQJDSRUH3WH/WGRI86'ROODUHDFK 6,797.53 )XOO\ SDLGXS 6KDUHV SUHYLRXV \HDU RI 0HULW 3OD]D Ltd. of `HDFK 5.00 )XOO\ SDLGXS 6KDUHV SUHYLRXV \HDU RI 6ZLVV Merchandise Infrastructure Ltd. of `HDFK 5.00 )XOO\ SDLGXS VKDUHV SUHYLRXV \HDU RI %LQDQL 5HDG\0L[&RQFUHWH/WGRI`HDFK - /HVV,QYHVWPHQWVZULWWHQRII - )XOO\ SDLGXS VKDUHV SUHYLRXV \HDU RI %LQDQL (QHUJ\ 3YW/WGRI`HDFK - - 3.18 IXOO\ SDLGXS SUHYLRXV \HDU &XPXODWLYH 3UHIHUHQFH 6KDUHV RI .ULVKQD +ROGLQJV 3WH /WG 6LQJDSRUH RI 6LQJDSRUH'ROODUHDFK 2,616.41 IXOO\SDLGXSSUHYLRXV\HDU1RQ&XPXODWLYH 3UHIHUHQFH6KDUHVRI0XNXQGDQ+ROGLQJV/WGRI86'ROODUHDFK 8,079.00 IXOO\SDLGXSSUHYLRXV\HDU1RQ&XPXODWLYH 3UHIHUHQFH6KDUHVRI0XUDUL+ROGLQJV/WGRI86'ROODUHDFK 8,240.58 105,930.05 Investment in Preference shares of Subsidiaries Unquoted TOTAL 46 Binani Cement Limited NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST MARCH, 2015 NOTE NO. - 11 LONG TERM LOANS AND ADVANCES (` in Lakhs) PARTICULARS VW0DUFK 31st March, 2015 Unsecured considered good &DSLWDO $GYDQFHV ,QFOXGHV ` QLO SUHYLRXV \HDU ` /DNKV WR D UHODWHGSDUW\%,/,QIUDWHFK)HOORZ6XEVLGLDU\ 6HFXULW\'HSRVLWV /RDQVDQG$GYDQFHVWR6XEVLGLDU\&RPSDQLHV5HIHUQRWHQRIRU UHODWHGSDUWLHV $GYDQFHVUHFRYHUDEOHLQFDVKRULQNLQG 10,184.63 524.22 10,151.00 478.63 $GYDQFH7D[,QFOXGLQJ7D[GHGXFWHGDW6RXUFHQHW 1,705.68 0DW&UHGLW(QWLWOHPHQW 3,877.99 )ULQJH%HQHßW7D[QHW 10.79 26,932.94 26,932.94 TOTAL NOTE NO. - 12 OTHER NON-CURRENT ASSETS (` in Lakhs) PARTICULARS VW0DUFK 31st March, 2015 Other Bank Balances 'HSRVLW$FFRXQWVRULJLQDOPDWXULW\RIPRUHWKDQPRQWKV LQPDUJLQ$FFRXQWV 16.75 - TOTAL 16.75 - NOTE NO. - 13 INVENTORIES (REFER NOTE NO. 25) (` in Lakhs) PARTICULARS 31st March, 2015 5DZ0DWHULDODQG3DFNLQJ0DWHULDO,QFOXGHV`/DNKVLQWUDQVLW 3UHYLRXV\HDU`/DNKV :RUN,Q3URFHVV )LQLVKHG*RRGV 6WRUHVDQG6SDUHVSDUWVDQG)XHO,QFOXGHV`/DNKVLQWUDQVLW 3UHYLRXV\HDU`/DNKV /RRVH7RROV6WRFN 1,012.90 81.10 9,044.45 8,049.23 14.25 18,201.93 18,201.93 TOTAL 47 VW0DUFK an n u al repor t 2014 - 1 5 Binani Cement Limited NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST MARCH, 2015 NOTE NO. - 14 TRADE RECEIVABLES (` in Lakhs) PARTICULARS 31st March, 2015 VW0DUFK Unsecured, considered good 2WKHU'HEWVOHVVWKDQVL[PRQWKV 11,571.55 8QVHFXUHGFRQVLGHUHGGRXEWIXO 'HEWVRXWVWDQGLQJIRUDSHULRGH[FHHGLQJVL[PRQWKV /HVV5HFHLYDEOHVZULWWHQRII 3,211.40 - 3,211.40 14,782.95 TOTAL - NOTE NO. - 15 CASH & BANK BALANCES (` in Lakhs) PARTICULARS 31st March, 2015 VW0DUFK CASH & CASH EQUIVALENTS %DODQFHVZLWK%DQNV &XUUHQW$FFRXQWV 3,572.52 Cheques, drafts on hand 1,818.79 Cash on hand 8.15 5,399.46 OTHER BANK BALANCES 'HSRVLW$FFRXQWVRULJLQDOPDWXULW\RIPRUHWKDQPRQWKV LQPDUJLQ$FFRXQWV 5,457.06 'LYLGHQG$FFRXQWV 16.36 5,473.42 10,872.88 TOTAL NOTE NO. - 16 SHORT TERM LOANS AND ADVANCES (` in Lakhs) PARTICULARS 31st March, 2015 VW0DUFK Loans and advances to related parties (Unsecured considered good) 'XHIURP6XEVLGLDU\&RPSDQLHV5HIHUQRWHQRIRUUHODWHGSDUWLHV - /HVV'XHVZULWWHQRII - - - ,QWHU&RUSRUDWH'HSRVLWVWR+ROGLQJ&RPSDQ\5HIHUQRWHQRIRU UHODWHGSDUWLHV 114,857.24 114,857.24 Others (Unsecured considered good) $GYDQFHVUHFRYHUDEOHLQFDVKRULQNLQG 4,813.03 %DODQFHZLWK6WDWXWRU\$XWKRULWLHV 1,870.68 6,683.71 121,540.95 TOTAL 48 Binani Cement Limited NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST MARCH, 2015 NOTE NO. - 17 OTHER CURRENT ASSETS (` in Lakhs) PARTICULARS VW0DUFK 31st March, 2015 ,QWHUHVW 5HFHLYDEOH ,QFOXGHV ` /DNKV 3UHYLRXV \HDU `/DNKVIURPDUHODWHGSDUW\%LQDQL,QGXVWULHV/WG+ROGLQJ Company) $VVHWVKHOGIRUGLVSRVDO )RUZDUG&RQWUDFW3UHPLXP8QDPRUWLVHG 16,454.69 25.00 - TOTAL 16,479.69 16,479.69 NOTE NO. - 18 REVENUE FROM OPERATIONS (` in Lakhs) PARTICULARS Sale of Products Cement * &OLQNHU 2WKHU7UDGHG*RRGV VW0DUFK 31st March, 2015 Other operating revenues Less : Excise Duty TOTAL Quantity MT Value Quantity MT 9DOXH 4,472,872 195,598.10 3,852.63 100.12 - - 919.96 196,618.18 26,154.24 170,463.94 6DOHVLQFOXGHVDOHRIWUDGHGJRRGVRI07DPRXQWLQJWR`/DNKV3UHYLRXV\HDU07DPRXQWLQJWR`/DNKV DQGVHOIFRQVXPSWLRQRI07DPRXQWLQJWR`/DNKV3UHYLRXV\HDU07DPRXQWLQJWR`/DNKV 6DOHVLQFOXGHVDPSOHV073UHYLRXV\HDU07 NOTE NO. - 19 OTHER INCOME (` in Lakhs) PARTICULARS 31st March, 2015 VW0DUFK 12,753.87 ,QWHUHVW,QFRPH)L[HG'HSRVLWV 223.96 ,QWHUHVW,QFRPH2WKHUV>LQFOXGHV`/DNKVSUHYLRXV\HDU`QLO IURP%,/,QIUDWHFK/WG)HOORZ6XEVLGLDU\@ 436.41 1.33 - 118.42 13,533.99 Interest Income (Inter Corporate Deposits) 'LYLGHQG5HFHLYHG&XUUHQW,QYHVWPHQW 2WKHU0LVFHOODQHRXV,QFRPH TOTAL 49 an n u al repor t 2014 - 1 5 Binani Cement Limited NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST MARCH, 2015 NOTE NO. - 20 COST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED (` in Lakhs) PARTICULARS 31st March, 2015 VW0DUFK 5,674.86 58.07 *\SVXP 4,982.13 )O\DVK 5,704.26 3DFNLQJ0DWHULDOV 8,060.19 3XUFKDVHG&OLQNHU - 24,479.51 Limestone 6LOLFD6DQGZLWKLURQRUHUHGRFKHU TOTAL NOTE NO. - 21 CHANGES IN INVENTORIES OF FINISHED GOODS, WORK-IN-PROGRESS AND STOCK-IN-TRADE PARTICULARS (` in Lakhs) VW0DUFK 31st March, 2015 *ODSFBTF %FDSFBTFJO8PSLJO1SPDFTT 2SHQLQJ6WRFN 20.71 &ORVLQJ6WRFN 81.10 (60.39) *ODSFBTF %FDSFBTFJO'JOJTIFE4UPDLT 2SHQLQJ6WRFN 11,904.32 &ORVLQJ6WRFN 9,044.45 2,859.87 ([FLVH'XW\RQ&HPHQWFOLQNHUVWRFNDQGVDPSOHVHWF (271.19) TOTAL 2,528.29 NOTE NO. - 22 EMPLOYEE BENEFIT EXPENSE (` in Lakhs) 31st March, 2015 VW0DUFK 4,827.12 &RQWULEXWLRQWR3URYLGHQWDQGRWKHU)XQGV 300.02 *UDWXLW\([SHQVHV 125.92 :RUNPHQDQG6WDII:HOIDUH([SHQVHV 326.19 5,579.25 PARTICULARS 6DODULHVDQG:DJHV TOTAL 50 Binani Cement Limited NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST MARCH, 2015 NOTE NO. - 23 FINANCE COSTS (` in Lakhs) PARTICULARS ,QWHUHVWH[SHQVHV Other borrowing costs *DLQ/RVVRQIRUHLJQFXUUHQF\WUDQVDFWLRQVQHW TOTAL 31st March, 2015 VW0DUFK 34,227.17 1,097.13 0.86 35,325.16 NOTE NO. - 24 OTHER EXPENSES (` in Lakhs) PARTICULARS 31st March, 2015 VW0DUFK 3RZHU)XHO 48,850.07 )UHLJKWDQG/RDGLQJ([SHQVHVRQ&OLQNHU7UDQVIHU 4,078.71 &RQVXPSWLRQRI6WRUHVDQG6SDUHV 5,554.62 5HSDLUVDQG0DLQWHQDQFH %XLOGLQJV 3ODQWDQG0DFKLQHU\ Others 2WKHU2SHUDWLQJ([SHQVHV 87.61 1,423.08 111.19 2,280.85 5HQW 458.98 Insurance 449.89 5DWHVDQG7D[HV ([FKDQJH)OXFWXDWLRQQHW $GYHUWLVHPHQWDQG6DOHV3URPRWLRQ 5R\DOW\RQ7UDGHPDUN Directors Fee )UHLJKW)RUZDUGLQJ Commission /RVVRQVDOHGLVFDUGRI)L[HG$VVHWVQHW 32.83 359.21 1,580.14 3,422.61 11.05 46,776.10 2,233.33 - 0DQDJHPHQW6HUYLFHV)HH 1,240.00 0LVFHOODQHRXV([SHQVHV 3,111.76 122,062.03 TOTAL 51 an n u al repor t 2014 - 1 5 Binani Cement Limited NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST MARCH, 2015 NOTE NO. - 25 SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES BASIS OF ACCOUNTING 7KH ßQDQFLDO VWDWHPHQWV RI WKH &RPSDQ\ KDYH EHHQ SUHSDUHG LQ DFFRUGDQFH ZLWK JHQHUDOO\ DFFHSWHG DFFRXQWLQJ SULQFLSOHV LQ ,QGLD ,QGLDQ*$$37KH&RPSDQ\KDVSUHSDUHGWKHVHßQDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWVWRFRPSO\ZLWKDOOPDWHULDODVSHFWVZLWKUHVSHFWWRWKH$FFRXQWLQJ 6WDQGDUGVVSHFLßHGXQGHU6HFWLRQRIWKH&RPSDQLHV$FWqWKH$FWrUHDGZLWK5XOHRIWKH&RPSDQLHV$FFRXQWV5XOHV 7KH)LQDQFLDO6WDWHPHQWVKDYHEHHQSUHSDUHGRQDFFUXDOEDVLVDQGXQGHUWKHKLVWRULFDOFRVWFRQYHQWLRQ7KHDFFRXQWLQJSROLFLHV DGRSWHGLQWKHSUHSDUDWLRQRIßQDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWVDUHFRQVLVWHQWZLWKWKRVHRISUHYLRXV\HDU USE OF ESTIMATES 7KH SUHSDUDWLRQ RI WKH ßQDQFLDO VWDWHPHQWV LQ FRQIRUPLW\ ZLWK WKH JHQHUDOO\ DFFHSWHG DFFRXQWLQJ SULQFLSOHV UHTXLUHV HVWLPDWHV DQG DVVXPSWLRQVWREHPDGHWKDWDIIHFWWKHUHSRUWHGDPRXQWRIDVVHWVDQGOLDELOLWLHVRQWKHGDWHRIWKHßQDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWVDQGWKHUHSRUWHG DPRXQWRIUHYHQXHVDQGH[SHQVHVGXULQJWKHUHSRUWLQJSHULRG'LIIHUHQFHVEHWZHHQDFWXDOUHVXOWVDQGHVWLPDWHVDUHUHFRJQLVHGLQWKH SHULRGLQZKLFKWKHUHVXOWVDUHNQRZQPDWHULDOLVHG REVENUE RECOGNITION D 'RPHVWLFVDOHVDUHDFFRXQWHGIRURQWUDQVIHURIVXEVWDQWLDOULVNVDQGUHZDUGVZKLFKJHQHUDOO\FRLQFLGHVZLWKGLVSDWFKRISURGXFWV WRFXVWRPHUVDQG([SRUWVDOHVDUHDFFRXQWHGIRURQWKHEDVLVRIGDWHVRI%LOORI/DGLQJ6DOHVDUHQHWRI5HEDWH'LVFRXQW E ,QFDVHRIVDOHRI&DUERQ&UHGLWV&HUWLßHG(PLVVLRQ5HGXFWLRQVUHYHQXHLVUHFRJQL]HGRQVXEPLVVLRQRIDSSOLFDWLRQZLWK81)&&& DIWHUH[HFXWLRQRIDJUHHPHQWZLWKWKHEX\HU F ([SRUWEHQHßWVDUHDFFRXQWHGIRURQWKHEDVLVRIDSSOLFDWLRQßOHGZLWKWKHDSSURSULDWHDXWKRULW\ G 'LYLGHQGLQFRPHRQLQYHVWPHQWVLVDFFRXQWHGIRUZKHQWKHULJKWWRUHFHLYHWKHSD\PHQWLVHVWDEOLVKHG,QWHUHVWLQFRPHLVUHFRJQLVHG RQDFFUXDOEDVLV ACCOUNTING OF CLAIMS D &ODLPVUHFHLYDEOHDUHDFFRXQWHGIRUDWWKHWLPHZKHQUHDVRQDEOHFHUWDLQW\RIUHFHLSWLVHVWDEOLVKHG&ODLPVSD\DEOHDUHDFFRXQWHG for at the time of acceptance. E &ODLPVUDLVHGE\*RYHUQPHQW$XWKRULWLHVUHJDUGLQJWD[HVDQGGXWLHVDUHDFFRXQWHGIRUEDVHGRQWKHPHULWVRIHDFKFODLP,IVDPH LVGLVSXWHGE\WKH&RPSDQ\WKHVHDUHVKRZQDVo&RQWLQJHQW/LDELOLWLHVp FIXED ASSETS )L[HG$VVHWVDUHVWDWHGDWFRVWQHWRI&HQYDWOHVVDFFXPXODWHGGHSUHFLDWLRQDQGLPSDLUPHQWORVVLIDQ\&RVWLQFOXGHVWULDOUXQDQG VWDELOL]DWLRQH[SHQVHVLQWHUHVWßQDQFHFRVWVDQGLQFLGHQWDOH[SHQVHVXSWRWKHGDWHRIFDSLWDOL]DWLRQOHVVVSHFLß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reserves. /HDVHKROG/DQGLVDPRUWLVHGRQVWUDLJKWOLQHEDVLVRYHUWKHSHULRGRIOHDVH 0RELOHSKRQHVDUHFKDUJHGWRUHYHQXHFRQVLGHULQJWKHLUXVHIXOOLIHWREHOHVVWKDQRQH\HDU ([SHQGLWXUHRQPDMRUFRPSXWHUVRIWZDUHLVDPRUWLVHGRQVWUDLJKWOLQHPHWKRGRYHUWKHSHULRGRIßYH\HDUV 52 Binani Cement Limited IMPAIRMENT OF ASSETS $W WKH HQG RI HDFK UHSRUWLQJ SHULRG WKH &RPSDQ\ GHWHUPLQHV ZKHWKHU D SURYLVLRQ VKRXOG EH PDGH IRU LPSDLUPHQW ORVV RQ DVVHWV E\ FRQVLGHULQJWKHLQGLFDWLRQVWKDWDQLPSDLUPHQWORVVPD\KDYHRFFXUUHGLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$FFRXQWLQJ6WDQGDUGRQq,PSDLUPHQWRI $VVHWVrLVVXHGE\WKH,&$,$QLPSDLUPHQWORVVLVFKDUJHGWRWKH3URßWDQG/RVVDFFRXQWLQWKHSHULRGLQZKLFKDQDVVHWLVLGHQWLßHGDV LPSDLUHGZKHQWKHFDUU\LQJYDOXHRIWKHDVVHWH[FHHGVLWVUHFRYHUDEOHYDOXH7KHLPSDLUPHQWORVVUHFRJQLVHGLQWKHHDUOLHUDFFRXQWLQJ SHULRGVLVUHYHUVHGLIWKHUHKDVEHHQDFKDQJHLQWKHHVWLPDWHRIUHFRYHUDEOHDPRXQW VALUATION OF INVENTORIES 5DZ0DWHULDO)XHOH[FHSWIRUFRDOO\LQJDW3RUW3DFNLQJ0DWHULDOV6WRUHV6SDUHVDUHYDOXHGDWORZHURIPRYLQJZHLJKWHGDYHUDJHFRVW QHWRI&HQYDWDQGQHWUHDOLVDEOHYDOXH&RDOO\LQJDW3RUWLVYDOXHGDWORZHURIFRVWRQVSHFLßFFRQVLJQPHQWEDVLVSOXVFXVWRPGXW\DQG QHWUHDOLVDEOHYDOXH/RRVH7RROVDUHFKDUJHGRYHUDSHULRGRIWKUHH\HDUV+RZHYHUPDWHULDOVKHOGIRUXVHLQWKHSURGXFWLRQRILQYHQWRULHV DUHQRWZULWWHQGRZQEHORZFRVWLIWKHßQLVKHGSURGXFWVLQZKLFKWKH\DUHXVHGDQGH[SHFWHGWREHVROGDWRUDERYHFRVW )LQLVKHG*RRGVDQG:RUNtLQtSURFHVVDUHYDOXHGDWORZHURIZHLJKWHGDYHUDJHFRVWDQGQHWUHDOLVDEOHYDOXH&RVWIRUWKLVSXUSRVH LQFOXGHVGLUHFWFRVWDWWULEXWDEOHRYHUKHDGVDQG&RVWRIßQLVKHGJRRGVDOVRLQFOXGHVH[FLVHGXW\ $0/5*/(&/$*&41307*4*0/4 $SURYLVLRQLVUHFRJQLVHGZKHQDQHQWHUSULVHKDVDSUHVHQWREOLJDWLRQDVDUHVXOWRISDVWHYHQWLWLVSUREDEOHWKDWDQRXWàRZRIUHVRXUFHV HPERG\LQJHFRQRPLFEHQHßWZLOOEHUHTXLUHGWRVHWWOHWKHREOLJDWLRQLQUHVSHFWRIZKLFKDUHOLDEOHHVWLPDWHFDQEHPDGH3URYLVLRQVDUH QRWGLVFRXQWHGWRLWVSUHVHQWYDOXHDQGDUHGHWHUPLQHGEDVHGRQEHVWHVWLPDWHUHTXLUHGWRVHWWOHWKHREOLJDWLRQDWWKH%DODQFH6KHHW GDWH7KHVHDUHUHYLHZHGDWHDFK%DODQFH6KHHWGDWHDQGDGMXVWHGWRUHàHFWWKHFXUUHQWEHVWHVWLPDWHV$FRQWLQJHQWOLDELOLW\LVGLVFORVHG XQOHVVWKHSRVVLELOLW\RIDQRXWàRZRIUHVRXUFHVHPERG\LQJWKHHFRQRPLFEHQHßWLVUHPRWH INVESTMENTS ,QYHVWPHQWVFODVVLßHGDVORQJWHUPLQYHVWPHQWVDUHVWDWHGDWFRVW3URYLVLRQLVPDGHWRUHFRJQLVHDQ\GLPLQXWLRQRWKHUWKDQWHPSRUDU\ LQWKHYDOXHRIVXFKLQYHVWPHQWV&XUUHQW,QYHVWPHQWVDUHFDUULHGDWORZHURIFRVWDQGIDLUYDOXH FOREIGN EXCHANGE TRANSACTIONS 7UDQVDFWLRQVLQIRUHLJQFXUUHQFLHVDUHDFFRXQWHGDWWKHH[FKDQJHUDWHSUHYDLOLQJRQWKHGDWHRIWUDQVDFWLRQ*DLQVDQGORVVHVUHVXOWLQJ IURPWKHVHWWOHPHQWRIVXFKWUDQVDFWLRQVDQGIURPWKHWUDQVODWLRQRIPRQHWDU\DVVHWVDQGOLDELOLWLHVGHQRPLQDWHGLQIRUHLJQFXUUHQFLHV DUHUHFRJQL]HGLQWKHSURßWDQGORVVDFFRXQW,QFDVHRIIRUZDUGFRQWUDFWVQRQVSHFXODWLYHWKHSUHPLXPGLVFRXQWDUHGHDOWZLWKLQWKH SURßWDQGORVVDFFRXQWRYHUWKHSHULRGRIFRQWUDFWV([FKDQJHGLIIHUHQFHDULVHVRQDPRQHWDU\LWHPVLQVXEVWDQFHIRUPSDUWRIHQWHUSULVHV QHW LQYHVWPHQW LQ QRQ LQWHJUDO IRUHLJQ RSHUDWLRQ LV DFFXPXODWHG LQ D IRUHLJQ FXUUHQF\ WUDQVODWLRQ UHVHUYH WLOO WKH GLVSRVDO RI WKH QHW Investment. EXPENDITURE DURING CONSTRUCTION PERIOD ,QFDVHRIQHZSURMHFWVDQGVXEVWDQWLDOH[SDQVLRQRIH[LVWLQJIDFWRULHVH[SHQGLWXUHLQFXUUHGLQFOXGLQJWULDOSURGXFWLRQH[SHQVHVQHWRI UHYHQXHHDUQHGSULRUWRFRPPHQFHPHQWRIFRPPHUFLDOSURGXFWLRQDUHFDSLWDOLVHG EMPLOYEE BENEFITS L 'HßQHG&RQWULEXWLRQ3ODQ &RQWULEXWLRQWRGHßQHGFRQWULEXWLRQSODQVDUHUHFRJQLVHGDVH[SHQVHLQWKH3URßWDQG/RVV$FFRXQWDVWKH\DUHLQFXUUHG LL 'HßQHG%HQHßW3ODQ &RPSDQ\pV/LDELOLWLHVWRZDUGVJUDWXLW\DQGOHDYHHQFDVKPHQWDUHGHWHUPLQHGXVLQJWKHSURMHFWHGXQLWFUHGLWPHWKRGDVDW%DODQFH 6KHHWGDWH$FWXDULDOJDLQVORVVHVDUHUHFRJQLVHGLPPHGLDWHO\LQWKH3URßWDQG/RVV$FFRXQW/RQJWHUPFRPSHQVDWHGDEVHQFHV DUHSURYLGHGIRUEDVHGRQDFWXDULDOYDOXDWLRQ LLL 2WKHU(PSOR\HHVpEHQHßWV 7KH&RPSDQ\KDVQRWFRQVLGHUHGDQ\SURYLVLRQWRZDUGVWKHHPSOR\HHOR\DOW\SURJUDPDVWKHVDPHLVEHLQJDFFRXQWHGRQSDLGEDVLV BORROWING COSTS %RUURZLQJFRVWVZKLFKDUHGLUHFWO\DWWULEXWDEOHWRDFTXLVLWLRQFRQVWUXFWLRQRUSURGXFWLRQRIDTXDOLI\LQJDVVHWDUHFDSLWDOLVHGDVDSDUWRI 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ßOHGDQDSSHDOEHIRUH$GGLWLRQDO&RPPLVVLRQHU$SSHDOV&RPPHUFLDO7D[HV*KD]LDEDG -RLQW&RPPLVVLRQHU&RPPHUFLDO7D[HV*KD]LDEDGKDVLPSRVHGSHQDOW\RI`/DNKV3UHYLRXV<HDU`/DNKVRQDFFRXQW RILQFRPSOHWHGRFXPHQWVFDUULHGE\7UXFNRI&HPHQW7KH7UXFNGULYHUKDVGHSRVLWHG`/DNKVDVVHFXULW\DQG`/DNKV GHSRVLWHG E\ WKH &RPSDQ\ XQGHU SURWHVW DQG ßOHG DQ DSSHDO EHIRUH $GGLWLRQDO &RPPLVVLRQHU $SSHDOV &RPPHUFLDO 7D[HV *KD]LDEDG [[LL -RLQW&RPPLVVLRQHU&RPPHUFLDO7D[HV*KD]LDEDGKDVLPSRVHGSHQDOW\RI`/DNKV3UHYLRXV<HDU`QLORQDFFRXQWRIWUXFN FDUU\LQJFHPHQWZDVIRXQGE\$VVW&RPPLVVLRQHU0RELOH6TXDG83&RPPHUFLDO7D[HV$JUDDWGLIIHUHQWGHVWLQDWLRQWKDQZKDW LVPHQWLRQHGLQWKHSDSHUVDYDLODEOHZLWKWKHWUXFNGULYHU:HKDYHGHSRVLWHG`/DNKV3UHYLRXV<HDU`QLOXQGHUSURWHVWDQG ßOHGDQDSSHDOEHIRUH$GGLWLRQDO&RPPLVVLRQHU$SSHDOV&RPPHUFLDO7D[HV*KD]LDEDG [[LLL 7KH -RLQW &RPPLVVLRQHU &RUSRUDWH &LUFOH 8 3 &RPPHUFLDO 7D[HV *KD]LDEDG KDV SDVVHG WKH $VVHVVPHQW RUGHU IRU WKH \HDU DQG UDLVHG DGGLWLRQDO GHPDQG RI ` /DNKV 3UHYLRXV <HDU ` /DNKV 7KH FDVH IRU WKH \HDU LV SHQGLQJ EHIRUH $GGLWLRQDO 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/HWWHURI&UHGLWRSHQHGE\EDQNVRQEHKDOIRIWKH&RPSDQ\`/DNKV3UHYLRXV<HDU`/DNKV [[YL *XDUDQWHHVJLYHQE\%DQNV`/DNKV3UHYLRXV<HDU`/DNKV [[YLL &RUSRUDWH*XDUDQWHHVJLYHQWR%DQNVLQUHVSHFWRIORDQVWRVXEVLGLDULHVVWHSGRZQVXEVLGLDULHVKROGLQJ&RPSDQ\DQGLWVRWKHU VXEVLGLDULHVVWHSGRZQVXEVLGLDULHV`/DNKV3UHYLRXV<HDU`/DNKV [[YLLL&ODLPVDJDLQVWWKH&RPSDQ\QRWDFNQRZOHGJHGDVGHEWVLQUHVSHFWRIFHUWDLQ,QFRPH7D[PDWWHUV`/DNKV3UHYLRXV<HDU `/DNKV [[L[ 8QGHU WKH 5DMDVWKDQ )LQDQFH $FW WKH $VVHVVLQJ $XWKRULW\ KDV DVVHVVHG ODQG WD[ RQ OHDVHKROG ODQG IRU WKH \HDU WR DQG UDLVHG GHPDQG QRWLFHV IRU ` /DNKV 7KH PDWWHU ZDV FKDOOHQJHG E\ WKH &RPSDQ\ LQ +RQpEOH 5DMDVWKDQ +LJK&RXUW-DLSXU+RQpEOH+LJK&RXUWKDVJUDQWHGVWD\RQGHPDQGQRWLFHVDQGRUGHUHGWRGHSRVLWFHUWDLQDPRXQWLQUHVSHFWRI HDFK\HDU7KH&RPSDQ\KDVDOUHDG\GHSRVLWHG`/DNKVLQDGYDQFHIRUWKH\HDU`/DNKVLQWKH\HDUDQG `/DNKVLQWKH\HDUWRZDUGVWKHGHPDQGVIRUWKH\HDUWRLQFRPSOLDQFHRIWKHRUGHUVRI+RQpEOH+LJK &RXUW7KHPDWWHULVDOUHDG\SURWHVWHGLVVXEMXGLFH [[[ 7KH&RPPHUFLDO7D[HV2IßFHU$QWL(YLVLRQ-DLSXULVVXHGGHPDQGQRWLFHIRUWKHDVVHVVPHQW\HDU+HKDVGLVDOORZHGWKH LQSXWWD[FUHGLW,7&LQUHVSHFWRIFHUWDLQLWHPVZKLFKFDQEHDOORZDEOHDVWKHVDPHZHUHXVHGWRZDUGVPDQXIDFWXULQJRIFHPHQW FOLQNHU)XUWKHUGHPDQGKDVEHHQDOVRUDLVHGLQUHVSHFWRIVDOHRILWHPVRXWRISXUFKDVHVPDGHDJDLQVWo&pIRUP+RZHYHUWKH &RPSDQ\KDVQRWPDGHDQ\VXFKVDOHIURPWKHSXUFKDVHVPDGHDJDLQVWo&pIRUP7RWDOGHPDQGUDLVHGRI`/DNKVLQFOXGLQJ `/DNKVWRZDUGVLQWHUHVWSHQDOW\7KHPDWWHUZDVFKDOOHQJHGE\XVLQ+RQpEOH$SSHOODWH$XWKRULW\-RGKSXU7KHFDVHZDV KHDUGRUGHUKDVEHHQSDVVHGE\+RQpEOH$SSHOODWH$XWKRULW\-RGKSXU7KH+RQpEOH$SSHOODWH$XWKRULW\-RGKSXUKDVVHWDVLGH WKHGHPDQGDQGRUGHUKDVEHHQSDVVHGLQIDYRXURIWKH&RPSDQ\$JJULHYHGIURPWKLVWKH&RPPHUFLDO7D[HV2IßFHUKDVßOHGDQ DSSHDOEHIRUH+RQpEOH5DMDVWKDQ7D[%RDUG$MPHUDJDLQVWWKHRUGHUSDVVHGE\+RQpEOH$SSHOODWH$XWKRULW\-RGKSXU7KH+RQpEOH 5DMDVWKDQ7D[%RDUG$MPHUKDVVHWDVLGHWKHSHQDOW\RI`/DNKVEXWKDVGLVDOORZHGWKHFODLPRI,7&DQGUHPDQGHGWKH PDWWHUSHUWDLQLQJWROHY\RIWD[RQVDOHRILWHPVRXWRISXUFKDVHVPDGHDJDLQVWo&pIRUP:HKDYHGHSRVLWHG`/DNKVXQGHU SURWHVW$JJULHYHGIURPWKLVWKH&RPSDQ\KDVßOHGZULWSHWLWLRQEHIRUH+RQpEOH5DMDVWKDQ+LJK&RXUW-RGKSXUDJDLQVWWKHRUGHU SDVVHGE\+RQpEOH5DMDVWKDQ7D[%RDUG$MPHU7KHVDLGSHWLWLRQZDVDGPLWWHGE\WKH+RQpEOH&RXUWDQGVWD\ZDVJUDQWHGLQIDYRXU of the Company. [[[L 7KH &RPPHUFLDO 7D[HV 2IßFHU $QWL (YLVLRQ -DLSXU LVVXHG GHPDQG QRWLFH IRU WKH DVVHVVPHQW \HDU WR +H KDV GLVDOORZHG WKH LQSXW WD[ FUHGLW ,7& LQ UHVSHFW RI FHUWDLQ LWHPV ZKLFK FDQ EH DOORZDEOH DV WKH VDPH ZHUH XVHG WRZDUGV PDQXIDFWXULQJRIFHPHQWFOLQNHU)XUWKHUGHPDQGKDVEHHQDOVRUDLVHGLQUHVSHFWRIVDOHRILWHPVRXWRISXUFKDVHVPDGHDJDLQVW o&pIRUP+RZHYHUWKH&RPSDQ\KDVQRWPDGHDQ\VXFKVDOHIURPWKHSXUFKDVHVPDGHDJDLQVWo&pIRUP7RWDOGHPDQGUDLVHGRI `/DNKVLQFOXGLQJ`/DNKVWRZDUGVLQWHUHVWSHQDOW\7KHPDWWHUZDVFKDOOHQJHGE\XVLQ+RQpEOH$SSHOODWH$XWKRULW\ -RGKSXU7KHFDVHZDVKHDUGRUGHUKDVEHHQSDVVHGE\+RQpEOH$SSHOODWH$XWKRULW\-RGKSXU7KH+RQpEOH$SSHOODWH$XWKRULW\ -RGKSXUKDVVHWDVLGHWKHSHQDOW\RI`/DNKVEXWGLVDOORZHGWKHFODLPRI,7&DQGUHPDQGHGWKHPDWWHUSHUWDLQLQJWROHY\RI WD[RQVDOHRILWHPVRXWRISXUFKDVHVPDGHDJDLQVWo&pIRUPUHYHUVDORILQSXWWD[FUHGLWRQ&33LWHPV:HKDYHGHSRVLWHG` /DNKV LQ FRPSOLDQFH RI RUGHUV SDVVHG E\ $SSHOODWH $XWKRULW\ -RGKSXU $JJULHYHG IURP WKLV WKH &RPSDQ\ KDV ßOHG QG DSSHDO EHIRUH+RQpEOH5DMDVWKDQ7D[%RDUG$MPHUDJDLQVWWKHRUGHUSDVVHGE\+RQpEOH$SSHOODWH$XWKRULW\-RGKSXUDQGWKHPDWWHULV pending for decision. NOTE NO. - 28 &ODLPVDJDLQVWWKH&RPSDQ\QRWDFNQRZOHGJHGDVGHEWV L 4XDOLW\FODLPV`/DNKV3UHYLRXV<HDU`/DNKV (ii) Other Matters `/DNKV3UHYLRXV<HDU`/DNKV NOTE NO. - 29 7KH&RPSDQ\KDVRSWHGIRU6DOHV7D[,QFHQWLYH6FKHPH(DUOLHULQFHQWLYHZDVDOORZHGE\6WDWH/HYHO6FUHHQLQJ&RPPLWWHH EXWSXUVXDQWWRRUGHURI5DMDVWKDQ7D[%RDUGLQFHQWLYHIURP6DOHV7D[IRUVDOHVHIIHFWHGLQ5DMDVWKDQIRU\HDUVVXEMHFWWRDOLPLW 57 an n u al repor t 2014 - 1 5 Binani Cement Limited RI(OLJLEOH)L[HG&DSLWDO,QYHVWPHQW()&,LVEHLQJDYDLOHGRI7KH&RPSDQ\KDVDYDLOHG6DOHV7D[,QFHQWLYHRI`/DNKVXSWR VW0DUFK7KH6DOHV7D['HSDUWPHQWßOHGDUHYLVLRQSHWLWLRQEHIRUHWKH+RQpEOH5DMDVWKDQ+LJK&RXUW-RGKSXUFRQWHVWLQJWKH RUGHURI5DMDVWKDQ7D[%RDUGZKLFKDOORZHGWKH&RPSDQ\WRDYDLOVDOHVWD[LQFHQWLYH7KH+RQpEOH+LJK&RXUWKDVGLVPLVVHGWKH UHYLVLRQSHWLWLRQRI6DOHV7D['HSDUWPHQW7KH'HSDUWPHQWßOHGDUHYLVLRQSHWLWLRQEHIRUH+RQpEOH6XSUHPH&RXUW +RQpEOH6XSUHPH&RXUWKDVGHFLGHGWKHFDVHDJDLQVWWKH&RPSDQ\$VSHURUGHUWKH&RPSDQ\LVHOLJLEOHIRUVDOHVWD[LQFHQWLYHIRU \HDUVRQO\$IWHUGHFLVLRQRI+RQpEOH6XSUHPH&RXUWWKHDVVHVVLQJDXWKRULW\SDVVHGUHYLVHGDVVHVVPHQWRUGHUVDQGUDLVHGGHPDQG QRWLFHVIRUWKH\HDUWRDPRXQWLQJ`/DNKV`/DNKVWRZDUGVWD[`/DNKVWRZDUGVLQWHUHVW 7KH&RPSDQ\KDVDFFHSWHGWKHSULQFLSDOWD[OLDELOLW\DQGDOUHDG\PDGHSURYLVLRQWRZDUGVWKHWD[DPRXQWLQWKHERRNVDVRQ 7KH&RPSDQ\ßOHGDSSOLFDWLRQIRUJUDQWRILQVWDOOPHQWVIRUSD\PHQWRIWD[DPRXQWDOVRßOHGDSSOLFDWLRQIRUZDLYHURILQWHUHVWZLWKWKH &RPPLVVLRQHU&RPPHUFLDO7D[HV'HSDUWPHQW-DLSXU7KH&RPPLVVLRQHU&RPPHUFLDO7D[HV'HSDUWPHQW5DMDVWKDQKDVGHFLGHGWKH DSSOLFDWLRQVDQGJUDQWHGLQVWDOOPHQWVWRPDNHFRPSOHWHSD\PHQWRISULQFLSOHWD[GXHVE\7LOOWKH&RPSDQ\KDV deposited `/DNKVLQFRPSOLDQFHRIRUGHUVSDVVHGE\WKH&RPPLVVLRQHU&RPPHUFLDO7D[HV'HSDUWPHQW5DMDVWKDQ7KHDSSOLFDWLRQ IRUZDLYHURILQWHUHVWIRUVXEMXGLFHGSHULRGZDVUHMHFWHGDQGWKH&RPPLVVLRQHUKDVJUDQWHGLQVWDOOPHQWVWRSD\WKHLQWHUHVWDPRXQWE\ 7KH&RPSDQ\KDVßOHGZULWSHWLWLRQLQ+RQpEOH+LJK&RXUW-RGKSXULQUHVSHFWRIUHMHFWLRQRIDSSOLFDWLRQIRUZDLYHURILQWHUHVW and the matter is sub-judice. 2Q LQWURGXFWLRQ RI 9DOXH $GGHG 7D[ 9$7 LQ WKH 6WDWH RI 5DMDVWKDQ ZHI VW $SULO DQ RSWLRQ KDV EHHQ JLYHQ WR VZLWFK RYHU WR GHIHUPHQWVFKHPHIRUWZLFHWKHUHPDLQLQJYDOLGLW\SHULRGDVDYDLODEOHXQGHUWKHHUVWZKLOH6DOHV7D[,QFHQWLYH6FKHPHVXEMHFWWRWKH RULJLQDOOLPLWRI()&,7KH&RPSDQ\KDVH[HUFLVHGWKLVRSWLRQZHIVW$SULOXQGHUZKLFKRI9$7FROOHFWHGDQGSD\DEOHDIWHUWKH VDLGGDWHLVEHLQJGHIHUUHGIRUDSHULRGRI\HDUV7LOOWK0D\`/DNKVZDVGHIHUUHG7KH&RPSDQ\KDVSDLG` /DNKVGXULQJ 7KH&RPSDQ\ZDVHOLJLEOHIRU()&,RI`/DNKVEDVHGRQDSSOLFDEOHJXLGHOLQHVXQGHUWKH,QFHQWLYH6FKHPHEXWWKHDPRXQW VDQFWLRQHGE\6/6&ZDV`/DNKVDJDLQVWZKLFKZULWSHWLWLRQZDVSHQGLQJZLWKWKH+RQpEOH5DMDVWKDQ+LJK&RXUW7KH&RPSDQ\ KDVFRQWLQXHGWRDYDLOWKHGHIHUPHQWEHQHßWSHQGLQJWKHGHFLVLRQRI+RQpEOH+LJK&RXUW6WDWH*RYHUQPHQW7KHFDVHZDVVXEVHTXHQWO\ GLVSRVHGE\+RQpEOH+LJKFRXUW-DLSXUDJDLQVWWKH&RPSDQ\ZKLFKZDVFKDOOHQJHGE\WKH&RPSDQ\LQ+RQpEOH6XSUHPH&RXUW%XWWKH VDPHZDVDOVRGHFLGHGDJDLQVWWKH&RPSDQ\ $IWHUGLVSRVDORIPDWWHUE\+RQpEOH6XSUHPH&RXUW&RPPHUFLDO7D[HV'HSWWKDVLVVXHGGHPDQGQRWLFHRI`/DNKVIRUWKHSHULRG WK$SULOWRVW$XJXVW$JDLQVWWKLVSULQFLSDOWD[OLDELOLW\&RPSDQ\KDVEHHQPDGHFRPSOHWHWD[SD\PHQWXSWR 7KH&RPPHUFLDO7D[HV'HSWWKDVDOVRUDLVHGGHPDQGRILQWHUHVWDPRXQWLQJ`/DNKVIRUZKLFKDSSOLFDWLRQIRUZDLYHURILQWHUHVW ZDVßOHGE\WKH&RPSDQ\EXWWKHDSSOLFDWLRQZDVUHMHFWHGE\&RPPLVVLRQHU&RPPHUFLDO7D[HV'HSDUWPHQW-DLSXU$JJULHYHGIURPWKLV WKH&RPSDQ\KDVßOHGZULWSHWLWLRQLQ+RQpEOH+LJK&RXUW-DLSXU+RZHYHUWKH&RPSDQ\KDVGHSRVLWHGWKHGHPDQGRILQWHUHVWXQGHU protest of `/DNKVLQ 7KH &RPPHUFLDO 7D[HV 'HSWW KDV DOVR UDLVHG GHPDQG RI LQWHUHVW DPRXQWLQJ WR ` /DNKV IRU ZKLFK DSSOLFDWLRQ IRU ZDLYHU RI LQWHUHVWKDYHEHHQßOHGE\WKH&RPSDQ\DQGWKHVDPHDUHSHQGLQJZLWKWKH&RPPLVVLRQHU&RPPHUFLDO7D[HV'HSWW-DLSXU ,QDGGLWLRQWRDERYHGXULQJWKH\HDUWKH&RPSDQ\KDVßOHGDQDSSOLFDWLRQZLWK6DOHV7D[GHSDUWPHQWIRUH[WHQVLRQRISHULRGRI ()&,VFKHPHZKLFKZDVQRWDFFHSWHG7KH&RPSDQ\KDVßOHGDFDVHZLWK+RQpEOH-DLSXU+LJK&RXUWWRLQVWUXFWWKH6DOHV7D[GHSDUWPHQW WRH[WHQGWKH()&,VFKHPHSHULRG+RZHYHUWKH&RPSDQ\KDGDYDLOHGGHIHUPHQWRIRIWKH9$7&67OLDELOLW\DPRXQWLQJWR` /DNKVIRUWKHSHULRGWK0D\WRWK$SULO7KHPDWWHULVSHQGLQJIRUGHFLVLRQ NOTE NO. - 30 7KHH[FLVHGXW\VKRZQDVGHGXFWLRQIURPWXUQRYHULVWRWDOH[FLVHGXW\RQVDOHRIJRRGVIRUWKH\HDU+RZHYHUWKHH[FLVHGXW\UHODWHGWRWKH GLIIHUHQFHEHWZHHQRSHQLQJVWRFNDQGFORVLQJVWRFNVDPSOHVHWFDPRXQWLQJWR`/DNKVLVVKRZQXQGHU&KDQJHVLQLQYHQWRULHVRI ßQLVKHGJRRGVZRUNLQSURJUHVVDQG6WRFNLQ7UDGHLQSURßWORVVDFFRXQW NOTE NO. - 31 The Company has not deposited a sum of `/DNKV3UHYLRXV<HDU`/DNKVQHWRI`/DNKVSDLGXQGHUSURWHVW 3UHYLRXV<HDU/DNKVVKRZQDVFXUUHQWOLDELOLW\LQQRWHQRRQDFFRXQWRIHQWU\WD[RQJRRGVXQGHUWKH5DMDVWKDQ7D[RQ(QWU\ RI*RRGVLQWR/RFDO$UHD$FWRQQRWLßHGJRRGVSXUFKDVHGIURPRXWVLGHWKHVWDWHIURP0D\7KH&RPSDQ\KDVßOHGDZULWSHWLWLRQ RQDJDLQVWWKHQRWLFHRI&72VSHFLDOFLUFOH&RPPHUFLDO7D[HV'HSWW3DOLIRUQRWLFHLVVXHGXQGHUVHFWLRQRIWKHVDLG q$FWr7KHVDLGSHWLWLRQZDVDGPLWWHGE\WKH+RQpEOH&RXUWDQGDVWD\ZDVJUDQWHG6XEVHTXHQWO\WKHFDVHZDVKHDUGE\+RQpEOH+LJK 58 Binani Cement Limited &RXUWDQGSDVVHGDQRUGHUWKDWWKHVWD\VKDOOUHPDLQFRQWLQXHGRQWKHFRQGLWLRQWKDWSHWLWLRQHUGHSRVLWWKHRIDPRXQWDVVHVVHGDQG VXEPLW6ROYHQWVHFXULW\IRUWKHEDODQFHDPRXQWLQFOXGLQJLQWHUHVWSHQDOW\HWF$FFRUGLQJO\LQFRPSOLDQFHRIWKHRUGHUWKHHQWU\WD[RI ` /DNKV EHLQJ RI DVVHVVHG WD[ ZDV GHSRVLWHG E\ WKH &RPSDQ\ XQGHU SURWHVW DQG DOVR VXEPLWWHG VROYHQW VHFXULW\ IRU WKH EDODQFHDPRXQW NOTE NO. - 32 7KH&RPSDQ\ZDVVHOOLQJ&HPHQWRQLQWHUVWDWHVDOHV#&67ZLWKRXWq&rIRUPXVRI&67$FWDVSHUQRWLßFDWLRQQR))' 7D['LYGDWHG7KH6WDWH*RYWKDVDPHQGHGFHUWDLQQRWLßFDWLRQVIRUUHTXLUHPHQWRIq&rRUq'rIRUPLQWKHHDUOLHU QRWLßFDWLRQVLVVXHGSULRUWRRQZKLFKFOHDU\HVWDEOLVKHVWKDWSULRUWRDPHQGPHQWLQWKHQRWLßFDWLRQWKHUHZDVQR UHTXLUHPHQWRIo&pIRUPVXQOHVVWKHQRWLßFDWLRQVDUHDPHQGHG7KHDERYHUHIHUUHGQRWLßFDWLRQGDWHGZDVUHVFLQGHGE\WKH 5DMDVWKDQ*RYWRQKHQFHLWZDVLQDSSOLFDWLRQXSWR7KH$VVHVVLQJ$XWKRULW\KDVUDLVHGGHPDQGQRWLFHVRI` /DNKVLQUHVSHFWRIVDOHRIFHPHQW#&67IRUWKHSHULRGRQZDUGV7KHPDWWHUZDVFKDOOHQJHGE\XVLQ+RQpEOH5DMDVWKDQ +LJK&RXUW-RGKSXU7KHFDVHZDVKHDUGRQDQGVWD\KDVEHHQJUDQWHGE\+RQpEOH+LJK&RXUWDJDLQVWVXEPLVVLRQRIEDQN JXDUDQWHHIRUWKHGHPDQGDPRXQW,QFRPSOLDQFHRI+RQpEOH+LJK&RXUWRUGHUWKH&RPSDQ\KDVVXEPLWWHG%DQNJXDUDQWHHVRI` /DNKVWRWKH$VVHVVLQJ$XWKRULW\&RPPHUFLDO7D[HV'HSWW3DOL NOTE NO. - 33 LOANS - SECURED A. TERM LOANS Banks and Financial Institutions D (NVSRUW.UHGLW)LQDQVLHULQJ$6)RUHLJQ&XUUHQF\/RDQRI`1LO3UHYLRXV<HDU`/DNKV 6HFXULW\UHIHUQRWHEHORZ /RDQUHSDLGLQIXOOGXULQJ)LQDQFLDO<HDU E F &RQVRUWLXPRI%DQNVDQG)LQDQFLDO,QVWLWXWLRQV7HUP/RDQVRI`/DNKV3UHYLRXV<HDU`/DNKV 6HFXULW\UHIHUQRWHEHORZ 7HUPORDQVUHSD\DEOHLQTXDUWHUO\LQVWDOOPHQWVEHJLQQLQJIURP-XQHWK 7KHUHLVGHOD\LQSD\PHQWRILQWHUHVW`/DNKVIURPGD\WRRQHPRQWK &RQVRUWLXPRI%DQNVDQG)LQDQFLDO,QVWLWXWLRQV:RUNLQJ&DSLWDO7HUP/RDQVRI`/DNKV3UHYLRXV<HDU` Lakhs). 6HFXULW\UHIHUQRWHEHORZ 7HUPORDQVUHSD\DEOHLQTXDUWHUO\LQVWDOOPHQWVEHJLQQLQJIURP-XQHWK 7KHUHLVGHOD\LQSD\PHQWRILQWHUHVW`/DNKVIRURQHGD\WRWZRPRQWKV G &RQVRUWLXPRI%DQNVDQG)LQDQFLDO,QVWLWXWLRQV)XQGHG,QWHUHVW7HUP/RDQVRI`/DNKV3UHYLRXV<HDU1LO 6HFXULW\UHIHUQRWHEHORZ 7HUPORDQVUHSD\DEOHLQTXDUWHUO\LQVWDOOPHQWVEHJLQQLQJIURP-XQHWK 7KHUHLVGHOD\LQSD\PHQWRILQWHUHVW`/DNKVIRURQHGD\WRWZRPRQWKV H &RQVRUWLXPRI%DQNVDQG)LQDQFLDO,QVWLWXWLRQV7HUP/RDQIRU6DOH7D[RI`/DNKV3UHYLRXV<HDU1LO 6HFXULW\UHIHUQRWHEHORZ 7HUPORDQVUHSD\DEOHLQTXDUWHUO\LQVWDOOPHQWVEHJLQQLQJIURP-XQHWK I 6\QGLFDWH%DQN7HUP/RDQRI`/DNKV3UHYLRXV<HDU`/DNKV 6HFXULW\UHIHUQRWHEHORZ /RDQUHSD\DEOHLQHTXDOTXDUWHUO\LQVWDOOPHQWVFRPPHQFLQJIURP'HFHPEHUp 7KHUHLVGHOD\LQUHSD\PHQWRIORDQDPRXQWLQJWR`/DNKVIRURQHGD\WRWKUHHPRQWKVDQGLQWHUHVW`/DNKVIRU RQHGD\WRVL[WHHQPRQWKV J 6\QGLFDWH%DQN7HUP/RDQRI`/DNKV3UHYLRXV<HDU`/DNKV 6HFXULW\UHIHUQRWHEHORZ /RDQUHSD\DEOHLQHTXDOTXDUWHUO\LQVWDOOPHQWVFRPPHQFLQJIURP-XQH 7KHUHLVGHOD\LQSD\PHQWRILQWHUHVW`/DNKVIRURQHGD\WRßIWHHQPRQWKV 59 an n u al repor t 2014 - 1 5 Binani Cement Limited K 6\QGLFDWH%DQN7HUP/RDQRI`/DNKV3UHYLRXV<HDU`/DNKV 6HFXULW\UHIHUQRWHEHORZ /RDQUHSD\DEOHLQ\HDUO\LQVWDOOPHQWVFRPPHQFLQJIURP1RYHPEHU 7KHUHLVGHOD\LQUHSD\PHQWRIORDQDPRXQWLQJWR`/DNKVIRUGD\VWRGD\VDQGLQWHUHVW`/DNKVIRU RQHGD\WRßIWHHQPRQWKV L 6\QGLFDWH%DQN7HUP/RDQRI`/DNKV3UHYLRXV<HDU`/DNKV 6HFXULW\UHIHUQRWHEHORZ /RDQUHSD\DEOHLQ\HDUO\LQVWDOOPHQWVFRPPHQFLQJIURPVW0DUFK 7KHUHLVGHOD\LQUHSD\PHQWRIORDQDPRXQWLQJWR`/DNKVIRURQHGD\DQGLQWHUHVW`/DNKVIRURQHGD\WR VL[WHHQPRQWKV Security Clause for above Loans - 6HFXUHGE\D([FOXVLYHßUVWFKDUJHRQWKHDVVHWVLPSRUWHGIURP0V)/6PLGWK'HQPDUNXQGHUWKH([SRUW&RQWUDFWGDWHG DQGGHßQHGFOHDUO\LQWKHORDQDJUHHPHQWGDWHGHQWHUHGZLWK(.)$VE3DUL3DVVXFKDUJHRQ7UXVW DQG5HWHQWLRQDFFRXQWDQGF&RUSRUDWH*XDUDQWHHRI%LQDQL,QGXVWULHV/LPLWHG%,/ 6HFXUHGWREHVHFXUHGE\D)LUVWSDULSDVVXFKDUJHRQWKH)L[HG$VVHWVERWKSUHVHQWIXWXUHDQG6HFRQGSDULSDVVX FKDUJH RQ &XUUHQW $VVHWV RI WKH &RPSDQ\ E 3HUVRQDO *XDUDQWHH RI D SURPRWHU 'LUHFWRU F 3OHGJH RI EHLQJ (TXLW\6KDUHVRI%LQDQL&HPHQW/LPLWHG%&/KHOGE\%,/RQßUVWSDULSDVVXEDVLVDORQJZLWKWKH:RUNLQJ&DSLWDO /HQGHUVG3OHGJHRIEHLQJ(TXLW\6KDUHVRI%LQDQL,QGXVWULHV/LPLWHG%,/KHOGE\LWV3URPRWHUVRQ ßUVWSDULSDVVXEDVLVDORQJZLWK:RUNLQJ&DSLWDO/HQGHUVH&RUSRUDWH*XDUDQWHHRI%,/I&KDUJHRQEUDQGq%,1$1,rRQ SDULSDVVXEDVLVDORQJZLWK:RUNLQJ&DSLWDO/HQGHUV 6HFXUHGE\D([FOXVLYHßUVWFKDUJHRQ3ODQWDQG0DFKLQHU\(TXLSPHQWVRIWKFHPHQWJULQGLQJXQLWVLWXDWHGDW%LQDQLJUDP 3LQGZDUD6LURKL5DMDVWKDQDQGE)LUVWSDULSDVVXFKDUJHRQWKHSRUWLRQRIODQGSHUWDLQLQJWRWKHWKFHPHQWJULQGLQJXQLW VLWXDWHGDW%LQDQLJUDP3LQGZDUD6LURKL5DMDVWKDQ 6HFXUHGE\D)LUVWSDULSDVVXFKDUJHRQ)L[HG$VVHWVRIWKH&RPSDQ\E3RVWGDWHGFKHTXHVIRUSD\PHQWRISULQFLSDO ,QWHUHVWDQGF3HUVRQDO*XDUDQWHHRID3URPRWHU'LUHFWRU 6HFXUHGE\6HFRQGSDULSDVVXFKDUJHRQWKH&RPSDQ\pVß[HGDVVHWVERWKSUHVHQWDQGIXWXUH 6HFXUHGE\D)LUVWSDULSDVVXFKDUJHRQß[HGDVVHWVRIWKH&RPSDQ\ESRVWGDWHGFKHTXHVIRUSULQFLSDO,QVWDOOPHQWVF &RUSRUDWH*XDUDQWHHRI%LQDQL,QGXVWULHV/LPLWHG $VSHUFODXVHRIWKH5%,FLUFXODUGDWHG)HEUXDU\RQWKH*XLGHOLQHVRQ-RLQW/HQGHUV)RUXP-/)DQG&RUUHFWLYH $FWLRQ3ODQ&$3r5HVWUXFWXULQJFDVHVZLOOEHWDNHQXSE\WKH-/)RQO\LQUHVSHFWRIDVVHWVUHSRUWHGDVVWDQGDUG60$RU 6XEVWDQGDUGE\RQHRUPRUHOHQGHUVRIWKH-/):KLOHJHQHUDOO\QRDFFRXQWFODVVLßHGDVGRXEWIXOVKRXOGEHFRQVLGHUHG E\WKH-/)IRUUHVWUXFWXULQJLQFDVHVZKHUHDVPDOOSRUWLRQRIGHEWLVGRXEWIXOLHWKHDFFRXQWLVVWDQGDUGVXEVWDQGDUG LQ WKH ERRNV RI DW OHDVW RI FUHGLWRUV E\ YDOXH WKH DFFRXQW PD\ WKHQ EH FRQVLGHUHG XQGHU -/) IRU UHVWUXFWXULQJq 6\QGLFDWH%DQNKDVDOUHDG\VLJQHG0DVWHU-RLQW/HQGHUV)RUXP$JUHHPHQWRQDJUHHGIRUUHVWUXFWXUHRIDFFRXQW DVSHU&$3ZKHUHLQWKHEDQNKDYHDJUHHGWRVKDUHDOOVHFXULW\RQSDULSDVVXEDVLV B. WORKING CAPITAL FACILITIES Consortium of banks- `/DNKV3UHYLRXV<HDU`/DNKV 6HFXUHGWR EH VHFXUHG E\ D )LUVW SDUL SDVVX FKDUJH RQ FXUUHQW DVVHWV DQG VHFRQG SDUL SDVVX FKDUJH RQ ß[HG DVVHWV RI WKH &RPSDQ\ERWKSUHVHQWDQGIXWXUHE3HUVRQDO*XDUDQWHHRIDSURPRWHU'LUHFWRUF3OHGJHRIEHLQJ(TXLW\ 6KDUHV RI %LQDQL &HPHQW /LPLWHG %&/ KHOG E\ %LQDQL ,QGXVWULHV /LPLWHG %,/ RQ ßUVW SDUL SDVVX EDVLV DORQJ ZLWK -/) 7HUP /HQGHUVG3OHGJHRIEHLQJ(TXLW\6KDUHVRI%LQDQL,QGXVWULHV/LPLWHG%,/KHOGE\3URPRWHUVRI%,/RQßUVW SDULSDVVXEDVLVDORQJZLWK-/)7HUP/HQGHUVH&RUSRUDWH*XDUDQWHHRI%,/I&KDUJHRQEUDQGr%,1$1,rRQSDULSDVVXEDVLV DORQJZLWK-/)7HUP/HQGHUV NOTE NO. - 34 7KH &RPSDQ\ KDV DOVR PDGH GHIDXOWV LQ SD\PHQW RI ,QWHUHVW RI XQVHFXUHG WHUP ORDQ &RPPHUFLDO 3DSHU IURP 8QLWHG %DQN RI ,QGLD amounting to `/DNKVIRUWKHSHULRGRIGD\ 60 Binani Cement Limited NOTE NO. - 35 (A) RAW MATERIAL CONSUMPTION PARTICULARS 31st March, 2015 Quantity (MT) Value Indigenous Limestone* 6LOLFD6DQGZLWKLURQRUHUHGRFKUH *\SVXP )O\DVK TOTAL 5,356,265 7,851 292,229 499,420 5,674.86 58.07 4,982.13 5,704.26 16,419.32 (` in Lakhs) VW0DUFK Quantity (MT) 9DOXH 'LUHFW&RVWRIPLQLQJDQGFUXVKLQJLQFOXGLQJ5R\DOW\DQG&HVV (B) SPARES AND COMPONENTS CONSUMED PARTICULARS Imported Indigenous TOTAL 31st March, 2015 Value 1,821.08 3,261.01 5,082.09 % 35.83 64.17 100.00 (` in Lakhs) VW0DUFK 9DOXH NOTE NO. - 36 MANAGERIAL REMUNERATION PARTICULARS 6DODU\ 3HUTXLVLWHV TOTAL (` in Lakhs) 31st March, 2015 VW0DUFK 110.57 21.05 131.62 NOTE NO. - 37 (` in Lakhs) 31st March, 2015 VW0DUFK 7.95 1,429.38 1,437.33 VALUE OF IMPORTS CALCULATED ON C.I.F. BASIS PARTICULARS &DSLWDO*RRGV &RPSRQHQWVDQG6SDUHSDUWVRI0DFKLQHU\ TOTAL NOTE NO. - 38 (` in Lakhs) 31st March, 2015 VW0DUFK 98.09 23.61 28.36 150.07 EXPENDITURE IN FOREIGN CURRENCY (ON ACCRUAL BASIS) PARTICULARS Interest &RQVXOWDQF\ Others TOTAL 61 an n u al repor t 2014 - 1 5 Binani Cement Limited NOTE NO. - 39 REMUNERATION TO AUDITORS PARTICULARS 6WDWXWRU\$XGLWRUV $V$XGLWRU )RUWD[DXGLW For other services )RUFHUWLßFDWLRQVRWKHUV )RUUHLPEXUVHPHQWRIH[SHQVHV TOTAL &RVW$XGLWRUV $V$XGLWRU )RUFHUWLßFDWLRQVRWKHUV )RU5HLPEXUVHPHQWRIH[SHQVHV TOTAL 31st March, 2015 (` in Lakhs) VW0DUFK 15.00 3.75 18.25 13.18 1.61 51.79 1.00 0.23 0.23 1.45 NOTE NO. - 40 6HOOLQJDQG$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ([SHQVHVLQFOXGHV`/DNKV3UHYLRXV<HDU`/DNKVSDLGWR%LQDQL,QGXVWULHV/WG%,/WKH +ROGLQJ&RPSDQ\WRZDUGVFRUSRUDWHVXSSRUWVHUYLFHVUHODWHGWR$FFRXQWLQJ)LQDQFH7UHDVXU\)RUH[&RPPRGLW\5LVN0DQDJHPHQW 3XUFKDVHV$XGLW7D[DWLRQ&RUSRUDWHVWUDWHJ\0HGLD6HUYLFHV3URMHFW0DQDJHPHQWHWF%,/SURYLGHVWKHDERYHPHQWLRQHGVHUYLFHVWR LWVVXEVLGLDULHVLQFOXGLQJWKH&RPSDQ\RQSD\PHQWRIPRQWKO\0DQDJHPHQW6HUYLFHV)HHV$OVRDVXPRI`/DNKV3UHYLRXV<HDU ` /DNKV SDLG WR %,/ DV 5R\DOW\ RQ DFFRXQW RI OLFHQVH IHH IRU XVH RI WUDGHPDUN FRUSRUDWH QDPH ORJRV HWF %,/ KDV VWRSSHG FKDUJLQJERWKWKHDERYHVHUYLFHVZHI NOTE NO. - 41 7KH&RPSDQ\LVKDYLQJYDULRXVRQJRLQJSURMHFWVLQKDQGDW*XMDUDW1LPEUL5DMDQGRWKHUSODFHV,QFLGHQWDOH[SHQVHVSHUWDLQLQJWRWKHVH SURMHFWVLQFXUUHGLQFOXGHGXQGHUFDSLWDOZRUNLQSURJUHVVDUHDVXQGHU (` in Lakhs) PARTICULARS 31st March, 2015 VW0DUFK %DODQFH%URXJKW)RUZDUG 5,735.33 2WKHU2SHUDWLQJ([SHQVHV 1.28 5HSDLUVDQG0DLQWHQDQFH 4.27 0DQDJHPHQW&RQVXOWDQF\)HH 999.55 6DODULHVDQG:DJHV &RQWULEXWLRQWR3URYLGHQWDQGRWKHU)XQGV Insurance 4.01 2WKHU6XQGU\([SHQVHV (9.14) Depreciation 0.07 Interest - Term Loans ([FKDQJH/RVVQHW 0.22 )LQDQFLDO%DQN&KDUJHV 6,735.59 /HVV&DSLWDOLVHG 59.48 %DODQFH&DUULHG)RUZDUG 6,676.11 NOTE NO. - 42 %DVHGRQLQIRUPDWLRQDYDLODEOHZLWKWKH&RPSDQ\LQUHVSHFWRI060(o7KH0LFUR6PDOO0HGLXP(QWHUSULVHV'HYHORSPHQW$FWp ` /DNKV ZDV SURYLGHG WRZDUGV LQWHUHVW LQ WKH SUHYLRXV \HDU 'XULQJ WKH \HDU WKH &RPSDQ\ KDV PDGH SD\PHQWV LQ UHVSHFW RI RXWVWDQGLQJVDVRQ7KHDSSOLFDEOHLQWHUHVWLVEHLQJSDLGDVDQGZKHQFODLPHGE\DQ\RIWKHHQWHUSULVHFRYHUHGXQGHU060( $FW 62 Binani Cement Limited NOTE NO. - 43 7KHWD[HIIHFWRIVLJQLßFDQWWLPLQJGLIIHUHQFHVWKDWKDVUHVXOWHGLQGHIHUUHGWD[DVVHWVDQGOLDELOLWLHVDUHJLYHQEHORZ a) b) 31st March, 2015 (` in Lakhs) VW0DUFK 20,254.28 20,254.28 'HIHUUHG7D[$VVHW 'LVDOORZDQFHXQGHU,QFRPH7D[$FW Unabsorbed Depreciation and Business Loss Total (13,029.47) (1,218.06) (14,247.53) 'HIHUUHG7D[/LDELOLW\ 3URYLGHGXSWRODVW\HDU 'HIHUUHG7D[IRUWKH\HDU/LDELOLW\$VVHWV 6,006.75 10,250.68 (4,243.93) PARTICULARS 'HIHUUHG7D[/LDELOLW\ Depreciation Total NOTE NO. - 44 7KH&RPSDQ\RSHUDWHVLQDVLQJOHVHJPHQWLHq3URGXFWLRQDQG6DOHVRI&HPHQWDQG&OLQNHUr+HQFHQRDGGLWLRQDOGLVFORVXUHXQGHU $FFRXQWLQJ6WDQGDUGq6HJPHQW5HSRUWLQJrLVUHTXLUHGLQWKHVHßQDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWV7KHUHLVQRUHSRUWDEOH*HRJUDSKLFDO6HJPHQW NOTE NO. - 45 (` in Lakhs) 31st March, 2015 VW0DUFK 1.61 1.61 PURCHASE OF STOCK-IN-TRADE PARTICULARS Cement &RDO TOTAL NOTE NO. - 46 a) Particulars of unhedged foreign currency exposure as at Balance Sheet date: (` in Lakhs) 31st March, 2015 VW0DUFK 4,215.18 8.22 69.06 0.10 108.93 - Currency 86' 86' DKK 86' (852 86' PARTICULARS 2XWVWDQGLQJ&UHGLWRUVIRU&RDO Outstanding Creditors for Machinery 2XWVWDQGLQJ&UHGLWRUVIRU6SDUHV 2XWVWDQGLQJ&UHGLWRUVIRU6SDUHV 2XWVWDQGLQJ&UHGLWRUVIRU6SDUHV /RDQV3D\DEOHV b) The details of forward contracts outstanding at the year end are as follows : As at Number of Contracts Currency Buy Amount Purpose VW0DUFK - - - - VW0DUFK 86' &UHGLWRUV3D\PHQW 63 an n u al repor t 2014 - 1 5 Binani Cement Limited NOTE NO. - 47 5HODWHG3DUW\GLVFORVXUHDVSHU$FFRXQWLQJ6WDQGDUGq5HODWHG3DUW\'LVFORVXUHVrLVVXHGE\WKH,QVWLWXWHRI&KDUWHUHG$FFRXQWDQWVRI,QGLD 7KH&RPSDQ\KDVHQWHUHGLQWRWUDQVDFWLRQVLQRUGLQDU\FRXUVHRIEXVLQHVVZLWKUHODWHGSDUWLHVDVSHUGHWDLOVEHORZ $VFHUWLßHGE\WKH0DQDJHPHQW (` in Lakhs) Particulars A. TRANSACTIONS Sale of Cement *'%LQDQL&KDULWDEOH)RXQGDWLRQ Sale of Traded Goods %LQDQL0HWDOV/WG Interest Income on ICD Binani Industries Limited Issue of Preference Share Capital Binani Industries Limited 4FSWJDF$IBSHFTGPSPGÞDFGBDJMJUJFTWFIJDMFFUD 7ULWRQ7UDGLQJ&R3YW/LPLWHG 4FSWJDF$IBSHFTGPSPGÞDFGBDJMJUJFTWFIJDMFFUD %LQDQL0HWDOV/WG 4FSWJDF$IBSHFTGPS"EWFSUJTFNFOU4BMFT Promotion & Purchase of gift items, etc. 0HGLD0DJL['LYRI%LQDQL0HWDOV/WG 4FSWJDF$IBSHFTGPS"EWFSUJTFNFOU4BMFT Promotion, etc. $VLDQ,QGXVWU\'LYRI%LQDQL0HWDOV/WG &YFDVUJPOPGUSBOTQPSUBUJPOPUIFSTFSWJDFT contract 'KDQHVKZDU6ROXWLRQSYW/WGPHUJHGZLWK %LQDQL0HWDOV/WG 'KDQHVKDZDU6ROXWLRQ$'LYLVLRQRI%LQDQL 0HWDOV/WG Interest Expenses 'KDQHVKZDU6ROXWLRQSYW/WGPHUJHGZLWK %LQDQL0HWDOV/WG 4VCTJEJBSZ stepdown TVCTJEJBSZ Associates Holding Company Fellow Subsidiary - - - - - 12,753.87 Key Management 1FSTPOOFM,.1 3FMBUJWFTPG,.1 Enterprises where Key Management Personnel has HPUTJHOJÞDBOU JOßVFODF Total 17.24 - 17.24 - - - - - 12,753.87 6,002.00 - - - - 6,002.00 - - - - 132.20 132.20 - - - 29.82 29.82 - - - 1,570.51 - 1,570.51 - - - - 5.85 - 5.85 - - - - 44,185.34 44,185.34 - - - - - 64 Binani Cement Limited NOTE NO. - 47 (Contd.) Particulars Inter Corporate Deposit given (net) Binani Industries Limited (` in Lakhs) 4VCTJEJBSZ stepdown TVCTJEJBSZ Associates Holding Company Fellow Subsidiary Key Management 1FSTPOOFM,.1 3FMBUJWFTPG,.1 Enterprises where Key Management Personnel has HPUTJHOJÞDBOU JOßVFODF Total - - - - - - - - - 8.99 - - 8.99 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 938.50 - 938.50 - - 400.00 - - 400.00 - Directors Sitting Fees Mr. Braj Binani - - - 1.70 1.70 - - - - - - - - *OWFTUNFOUT"EWBODFGPS*OWFTUNFOUT 0XNXQGDQ+ROGLQJV/WG - - - - - - - - - - - - 1.20 - - 1.20 - - - Purchases of Assets (at Cost) %LQDQL5HDG\0L[&RQFUHWH/WG *OUFS$PSQPSBUF%FQPTJUSFDFJWFESFQBJE 'KDQHVKZDU 6ROXWLRQ SYW /WG PHUJHG ZLWK %LQDQL0HWDOV/WG 1BJEGPSXPSLTTVQQMZDPOUSBDU BIL Infratech Ltd. Interest Income on Advance BIL Infratech Ltd. 0V6KUDGKD%LQDQL 0XUDUL+ROGLQJV/WG Loans and Advances given %LQDQL5HDG\0L[&RQFUHWH/WG -PBOTBOEBEWBODFT(JWFOSFDPWFSFE 6KDQGRQJ%LQDQL5RQJp$Q&HPHQW&R/WG &KLQD6%5&& 6ZLVV0HUFKDQGLVH,QIUDVWUXFWXUH/WG Binani Cement Factory Dubai LLC 65 an n u al repor t 2014 - 1 5 Binani Cement Limited NOTE NO. - 47 (Contd.) Particulars B. BALANCE AS ON 31.03.15 ASSETS *OWFTUNFOUT"EWBODFGPS*OWFTUNFOUT .ULVKQD+ROGLQJV3WH/WG 0XNXQGDQ+ROGLQJV/WG 0XUDUL+ROGLQJV/WG %KXPL5HVRXUFHV6LQJDSRUH3WH/WG 6ZLVV0HUFKDQGLVH,QIUDVWUXFWXUH/WG 0HULW3OD]D/WG %LQDQL(QHUJ\3YW/WG Loans and Advances BIL Infratech Ltd. 6ZLVV0HUFKDQGLVH,QIUDVWUXFWXUH/WG 0HULW3OD]D/WG 7ULWRQ7UDGLQJ&R3YW/WG Other Current Assets ,QWHUHVW5HFHLYDEOH Binani Industries Ltd. Inter Corporate Deposit given Binani Industries Ltd. (` in Lakhs) 4VCTJEJBSZ stepdown TVCTJEJBSZ Associates Holding Company - Fellow Subsidiary Key Management 1FSTPOOFM,.1 3FMBUJWFTPG,.1 Enterprises where Key Management Personnel has HPUTJHOJÞDBOU JOßVFODF Total - 18,415.25 45,015.69 35,688.38 6,797.53 5.00 5.00 3.18 - - 18,415.25 45,015.69 35,688.38 6,797.53 5.00 5.00 3.18 - 5,821.00 4,330.00 - - 58.94 5,821.00 4,330.00 58.94 16,354.58 - - - 16,354.58 114,857.24 - - 114,857.24 - - - LIABILITIES Trade Payables $VLDQ,QGXVWU\'LYRI%LQDQL0HWDOV/WG - 0HGLD0DJL['LYRI%LQDQL0HWDOV/WG - - 66 5.73 1,514.90 - 5.73 1,514.90 - Binani Cement Limited NOTE NO. - 47 (Contd.) (` in Lakhs) Particulars 4VCTJEJBSZ stepdown TVCTJEJBSZ Associates Holding Company 'KDQHVKZDU6ROXWLRQ$'LYLVLRQRI%LQDQL 0HWDOV/WG - - Key Management 1FSTPOOFM,.1 3FMBUJWFTPG,.1 Enterprises where Key Management Personnel has HPUTJHOJÞDBOU JOßVFODF 1,644.51 - 2.70 1,980.81 2.70 3.25 0.37 - - 3.25 0.37 - - Binani Industries Limited 1,980.81 %LQDQL0HWDOV/LPLWHG - - Fellow Subsidiary Total 1,644.51 Other Payables 6KDQGRQJ%LQDQL5RQJp$Q&HPHQW&R/WG &KLQD6%5&& - Binani Cement Factory Dubai LLC - (Figures in bracket pertain to previous year) 1RWH 7KH UHPXQHUDWLRQ SDLG WR NH\ PDQDJHPHQW SHUVRQQHO 0U -RWLUPR\ *KRVH ` /DNKV 3UHYLRXV <HDU ` /DNKV 0U3$FKDU\DQLO3UHYLRXV<HDU`/DNKV0U..-DLQ`/DNKV3UHYLRXV<HDUQLO0U$PLW.XPDU*XSWD` /DNKV3UHYLRXV<HDUQLO0U$WXO)DOJXQLD`/DNKV3UHYLRXV<HDUQLO7KHSD\PHQWVWRZDUGV0DQDJHPHQW6HUYLFHV)HH 5R\DOW\WR+ROGLQJ&RPSDQ\KDYHEHHQVHSDUDWHO\GLVFORVHGYLGHQRWHQR *XDUDQWHHVJLYHQWREHJLYHQWR%DQNVE\+ROGLQJ&RPSDQ\RQEHKDOIRIWKH&RPSDQ\KDYHEHHQVHSDUDWHO\GLVFORVHGLQ1RWHQR *XDUDQWHHJLYHQE\WKH&RPSDQ\WR%DQNVIRUORDQVJLYHQWRUHODWHGSDUWLHVDUHGLVFORVHGLQ1RWHQR[[YLL 1DPHVRIUHODWHGSDUWLHVDQGGHVFULSWLRQRIUHODWLRQVKLS D +ROGLQJ&RPSDQ\%LQDQL,QGXVWULHV/LPLWHG E 6XEVLGLDULHV VWHS GRZQ VXEVLGLDULHV ZKHUH FRQWURO H[LVWV .ULVKQD +ROGLQJV 3WH /LPLWHG 0XNXQGDQ +ROGLQJV /LPLWHG 0XUDUL +ROGLQJV /LPLWHG 6ZLVV 0HUFKDQGLVH ,QIUDVWUXFWXUH /WG 0HULW 3OD]D /WG %KXPL 5HVRXUFHV 6LQJDSRUH 3WH /LPLWHG%LQDQL5HDG\0L[&RQFUHWH/LPLWHG%&7UDGHOLQN/LPLWHG%LQDQL&HPHQW7DQ]DQLD/WG%LQDQL&HPHQW8JDQGD /WG37$QJJDQD(QHUJ\5HVRXUFHV6KDQGRQJ%LQDQL5RQJpDQ&HPHQW&RPSDQ\/LPLWHG6%5&&%LQDQL&HPHQW)DFWRU\ //&%&)%LQDQL(QHUJ\3YW/WG F )HOORZ6XEVLGLDU\%LQDQL=LQF/LPLWHG%=/*RD*ODVV)LEHU/LPLWHG**)/%7&RPSRVLWHV/LPLWHG%7&/%,/,QIUDWHFK /WG % %LQDQL *ODVVßEUH 6DUO % %LQDQL 5R\DOYLVLRQ 3URMHFWV 3YW /WG 533/ 5R\DOYLVLRQ ,QIUDWHFK 3ULYDWH /LPLWHG 5R\DOYLVLRQ &RQFUHWH 3ULYDWH /LPLWHG 5%* 0LQHUDOV ,QGXVWULHV /LPLWHG &3, %LQDQL ,QF %LQDQL *OREDO &HPHQW +ROGLQJV 3ULYDWH/LPLWHG3URMHFW%LUG+ROGLQJ,,6DUO3%+,,%ßEHUJODVV635/%)LEUHJODVV$6DQG7XQßE6DUO G .H\0DQDJHPHQW3HUVRQQHO0U%UDM%LQDQL0U-RWLUPR\*KRVH0U..-DLQZHI0U$WXO)DOJXQLD8SWR DQG0U$PLW.XPDU*XSWDZHI e) Transactions where KH\0DQDJHPHQW3HUVRQQHOKDYHJRWVLJQLßFDQWLQàXHQFH0U%UDM%LQDQLZLWK%LQDQL0HWDOV/WGDQG 7ULWRQ7UDGLQJ&R3YW/WG 7KHVH&RPSDQLHVDUHXQGHUOLTXLGDWLRQ 67 an n u al repor t 2014 - 1 5 Binani Cement Limited NOTE NO. - 48 Earning per share is calculated as follows: 31st March, 2015 VW0DUFK (10,488.16) (TXLW\VKDUHVRXWVWDQGLQJDVDWWKH\HDUHQGLQ1RV 188,601,274 :HLJKWHG DYHUDJH QXPEHU RI (TXLW\ 6KDUHV XVHG DV GHQRPLQDWRU IRU FDOFXODWLQJ %DVLF DQG 'LOXWHG(DUQLQJ3HU6KDUHLQ1RV 188,601,274 (5.56) PARTICULARS 1HW3URßW/RVVDIWHUWD[` in Lakhs) 1RPLQDO9DOXHSHU(TXLW\6KDUHLQ`) (DUQLQJ3HU6KDUH%DVLFDQG'LOXWHGLQ`) NOTE NO. - 49 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS B %FÞOFE$POUSJCVUJPO1MBOT During the year the Company has recognised `/DNKV3UHYLRXV<HDU`/DNKVLQWKH3URßWDQG/RVV$FFRXQWRQ DFFRXQWRIGHßQHGFRQWULEXWLRQSODQVLH(PSOR\HUV&RQWULEXWLRQWR3URYLGHQW)XQGVDQG(6,& C %FÞOFECFOFÞUQMBOTDVSHUDFWXDULDOYDOXDWLRQRQVW0DUFK I 8 PARTICULARS &YQFOTFTSFDPHOJTFEJOUIF4UBUFNFOUPG1SPÞU Loss &XUUHQW6HUYLFH&RVW Interest Cost (PSOR\HH&RQWULEXWLRQV ([SHFWHGUHWXUQRQSODQDVVHWV 1HW$FWXDULDO*DLQV/RVVHV 3DVWVHUYLFHFRVW 6HWWOHPHQWFRVW 7RWDOH[SHQVHV (` in Lakhs) Gratuity Funded Leave Encashment Non-Funded VW0DUFK VW0DUFK 31st March, 31st March, 2015 2015 92.23 31.42 67.70 (52.84) 18.50 125.58 31.42 $VSSFOU TFSWJDF DPTU JO DBTF PG MFBWF FODBTINFOU BSF OFU PG CFOFÞU QBJE EVSJOH UIF ZFBS JODMVEFE VOEFS TBMBSZ BOE allowance. VW0DUFK VW0DUFK II /FU"TTFU-JBCJMJUZ SFDPHOJTFEJOUIF#BMBODF Sheet 3UHVHQWYDOXHRI'HßQHG%HQHßW2EOLJDWLRQ 750.02 263.54 )DLUYDOXHRISODQDVVHWV 487.28 - - )XQGHGVWDWXV>6XUSOXV'HßFLW@ (262.74) - - 1HWDVVHWOLDELOLW\ (262.74) (263.54) 31st March, 2015 68 31st March, 2015 Binani Cement Limited III 8 PARTICULARS Change in obligation during the year (` in Lakhs) Gratuity Funded Leave Encashment Non-Funded VW0DUFK VW0DUFK 31st March, 31st March, 2015 2015 727.14 232.12 3UHVHQWYDOXHRI'HßQHG%HQHßW2EOLJDWLRQDWWKH beginning of the year &XUUHQW6HUYLFHFRVW 92.23 31.42 Interest cost 67.70 6HWWOHPHQWFRVW 3DVWVHUYLFHFRVW 27.43 (PSOR\HH&RQWULEXWLRQV $FWXDULDO*DLQV/RVVHV 21.43 %HQHßWV3D\PHQWV (185.91) 3UHVHQWYDOXHRI'HßQHG%HQHßW2EOLJDWLRQDWWKH 750.02 263.54 end of the year $VSSFOU TFSWJDF DPTU JO DBTF PG MFBWF FODBTINFOU BSF OFU PG CFOFÞU QBJE EVSJOH UIF ZFBS JODMVEFE VOEFS TBMBSZ BOE allowance. IV Change in Assets during the Year 8 3ODQDVVHWVDWWKHEHJLQQLQJRIWKH\HDU $VVHWVDFTXLUHGRQDPDOJDPDWLRQLQSUHYLRXV\HDU 6HWWOHPHQWV ([SHFWHGUHWXUQRQSODQDVVHWV &RQWULEXWLRQVE\(PSOR\HU $FWXDOEHQHßWVSDLG $FWXDULDO*DLQV/RVVHV $FWXDOUHWXUQRQSODQDVVHWV 3ODQDVVHWVDWWKHHQGRIWKH\HDU V The major categories of plan assets as a percentage of total plan 4XDOLI\LQJ,QVXUDQFH3ROLF\ VI Gratuity Funded VW0DUFK 31st March, 2015 607.40 52.84 10.00 (185.91) 2.94 487.28 Actuarial 'LVFRXQW5DWH 5DWHRI5HWXUQRQ3ODQ$VVHWV 6DODU\(VFDODWLRQ $WWULWLRQUDWH YES <(6 8.00% 8.00% 7% 2% 3URYLVLRQWRZDUGVOLDELOLW\IRU/HDYH(QFDVKPHQWPDGHRQWKHEDVLVRIDFWXDULDOYDOXDWLRQDVSHU$FFRXQWLQJ6WDQGDUG5HYLVHG $FWXDULDOYDOXHRIOLDELOLW\LV`/DNKV3UHYLRXV<HDU`/DNKVEDVHGXSRQIROORZLQJDVVXPSWLRQV 'LVFRXQW5DWH 6DODU\(VFDODWLRQ 8.00% 7% 69 an n u al repor t 2014 - 1 5 Binani Cement Limited NOTE NO. - 50 Operating Lease a) Future Lease Rental payments (` in Lakhs) PARTICULARS 31st March, 2015 L1RWODWHUWKDQRQH\HDU LL/DWHUWKDQRQH\HDUDQGQRWODWHUWKDQßYH\HDUV LLL/DWHUWKDQßYH\HDUV VW0DUFK 21.72 0.85 - - E F 2SHUDWLQJOHDVHSD\PHQWUHFRJQLVHGLQ3URßW/RVV$FFRXQWDPRXQWLQJWR`/DNKV3UHYLRXV<HDU`/DNKV *HQHUDOGHVFULSWLRQRIWKHOHDVLQJDUUDQJHPHQW L /HDVHG$VVHWV&DU*RGRZQVDQG2IßFH LL )XWXUHOHDVHUHQWDOVDUHGHWHUPLQHGRQWKHEDVLVRIDJUHHGWHUPV LLL $WWKHH[SLU\RIWKHOHDVHWHUPWKH&RPSDQ\KDVDQRSWLRQHLWKHUWRUHWXUQWKHDVVHWRUH[WHQGWKHWHUPE\JLYLQJQRWLFHLQ writing. NOTE NO. - 51 7UDGH5HFHLYDEOHVRI`/DNKVKDYHEHHQQHWWHGRIIDJDLQVWDGYDQFHUHFHLYHGWRZDUGVWKRVHVDOHVDQGWKHH[FHVVRIDGYDQFHRYHU UHFHLYDEOHVDPRXQWLQJWR`/DNKVKDVEHHQVKRZQXQGHURWKHUFXUUHQWOLDELOLW\6XFKDGYDQFHVDUHVHWWOHGDIWHUIXOODPRXQWLV received from the debtors. NOTE NO. - 52 7KH&RPSHWLWLRQ&RPPLVVLRQRI,QGLD&&,YLGHLWVRUGHUGDWHG-XQHKDGLPSRVHGDSHQDOW\RI`/DNKVRQWKH&RPSDQ\ DOOHJLQJ FRQWUDYHQWLRQ RI FHUWDLQ SURYLVLRQV RI WKH &RPSHWLWLRQ $FW 7KH &RPSDQ\ KDV ßOHG DQ $SSHDO EHIRUH WKH &RPSHWLWLRQ $SSHOODWH7ULEXQDO&203$7DJDLQVWWKHDIRUHVDLG2UGHURI&&,DQGWKH&RPSDQ\KDVEHHQDGYLVHGE\LWVOHJDODGYLVRUVWKDWLWKDVD JRRGFDVHIRUWKH&203$7WRVHWDVLGHWKH&&,RUGHUDQGDFFRUGLQJO\QRSURYLVLRQKDVEHHQFRQVLGHUHGQHFHVVDU\E\WKH&RPSDQ\LQWKLV regard. NOTE NO. - 53 $GYDQFH,QFRPH7D[LVQHWRISURYLVLRQIRU,QFRPH7D[ NOTE NO. - 54 &RQVHTXHQWWRHQDFWPHQWRIWKH&RPSDQLHV$FWDQGLWVDSSOLFDELOLW\ZHIWKH&RPSDQ\KDVFDOFXODWHGGHSUHFLDWLRQRQ WKHEDVLVRIWKHXVHIXOOLIHRIDVVHWVDVSUHVFULEHGLQSDUWo&pRIVFKHGXOH,,RIWKH$FWDQGWKHVDPHKDVEHHQSURYLGHGIRUWKH\HDU 'HSUHFLDWLRQIRUWKH\HDULVORZHUE\`/DNKVGXHWRFKDQJHLQWKHUDWHRIGHSUHFLDWLRQEDVHGRQXVHIXOOLIHRIFHUWDLQDVVHWV$Q amount of `/DNKVEHLQJWKHFDUU\LQJDPRXQWRIFHUWDLQDVVHWVDWWKHEHJLQQLQJRIWKH\HDUKDVEHHQDGMXVWHGWRWKH5HWDLQHG (DUQLQJVZKHUHUHPDLQLQJXVHIXOOLIHRIWKRVHDVVHWVLVQLO NOTE NO. - 55 2QDUHYLHZWKH%RDUGRI'LUHFWRURIWKH&RPSDQ\KDVGHFLGHGWRZLWKGUDZWKHVFKHPHIRUKLYHRIIRI3RZHU8QGHUWDNLQJWR%LQDQL(QHUJ\ 3YW/WGZKLFKZDVSURSRVHGLQWKH\HDU1HFHVVDU\DSSOLFDWLRQIRUZLWKGUDZDORIWKHVFKHPHLVEHLQJßOHGZLWK+RQpEOH+LJK&RXUW RI.RONDWD 70 Binani Cement Limited NOTE NO. - 56 'XULQJWKHSUHYLRXV\HDUWKH&RPSDQ\KDGUHFHLYHGDQRWLFHIURP5DMDVWKDQ&RPPHUFLDO7D[HVGHSDUWPHQWIRUDGHPDQGRI` /DNKV6DOHV7D[GXHV` /DNKV,QWHUHVW` /DNKV7KH&RPSDQ\KDGSURYLGHG`/DNKVDVDQH[FHSWLRQDO LWHPGXULQJWKHSUHYLRXV\HDUWRZDUGVVDOHVWD[GXHVRI`/DNKVDQGWKHEDODQFHDPRXQWRIWD[`/DNKVDOUHDG\SURYLGHG LQHDUOLHU\HDUV,QUHVSHFWRILQWHUHVWGHPDQGRI`/DNKVQRSURYLVLRQKDVEHHQPDGHDVWKHLQWHUHVWLVQRWSD\DEOHLQUHVSHFW RIVXEMXGLFHGSHULRGUHIHUQRWHQRDERYH NOTE NO. - 57 %LQDQL 5HDG\ 0L[ &RQFUHWH /LPLWHG D ZKROO\ RZQHG VXEVLGLDU\ RI WKH &RPSDQ\ HQJDJHG LQ WKH EXVLQHVV RI PDQXIDFWXULQJ RI 5HDG\ 0L[ &RQFUHWH $OOLHG 6HUYLFHV GLVFRQWLQXHG LWV RSHUDWLRQV GXULQJ WKH SUHYLRXV \HDU DQG LWV QHWZRUWK KDV EHHQ HURGHG $FFRUGLQJO\ investments of ` /DNKV LQ %LQDQL 5HDG\ 0L[ &RQFUHWH /LPLWHG $GYDQFH 5HFRYHUDEOH RI ` /DNKV DQG 7UDGH 5HFHLYDEOHV RI `/DNKVIURP%LQDQL5HDG\0L[&RQFUHWH/LPLWHGKDYHEHHQZULWWHQRIIGXULQJWKHSUHYLRXV\HDU NOTE NO. - 58 'XULQJWKH\HDUWKH&RPSDQ\KDVSURYLGHGWKHLQWHUHVW8V%DQG&RI,QFRPH7D[$FWRI`/DNKVUHODWHGWRHDUOLHU ßQDQFLDO\HDUVDVDQH[FHSWLRQDOLWHP NOTE NO. - 59 1RHYHQWVRUWUDQVDFWLRQVKDYHRFFXUUHGVLQFHWKHGDWHRI%DODQFH6KHHWRUDUHSHQGLQJWKDWZRXOGKDYHPDWHULDOHIIHFWRQWKHßQDQFLDO VWDWHPHQWVDWWKDWGDWHRUIRUWKHSHULRGWKHQHQGHGRWKHUWKDQWKRVHUHàHFWHGRUIXOO\GLVFORVHGLQWKHERRNVRIDFFRXQWV NOTE NO. - 60 3UHYLRXV\HDUßJXUHVKDYHEHHQUHJURXSHGUHDUUDQJHGZKHUHYHUQHFHVVDU\WRFRQIRUPZLWKWKHßJXUHVRIWKHFXUUHQW\HDU $VSHURXUDWWDFKHGUHSRUWRIHYHQGDWH For and on behalf of the Board of Directors For Kanu Doshi Associates &KDUWHUHG$FFRXQWDQWV )LUP5HJLVWUDWLRQ1R: Braj Binani Chairman Amit Kumar Gupta Jayesh Parmar 3DUWQHU &RPSDQ\6HFUHWDU\ 0HPEHUVKLS1R Managing Director 3ODFH0XPEDL 'DWH WK0D\ 3ODFH0XPEDL 'DWH WK0D\ 71 Jotirmoy Ghose an n u al repor t 2014 - 1 5 Binani Cement Limited CASH FLOW STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST MARCH, 2015 PARTICULARS A. 31st March, 2015 (` in Lakhs) VW0DUFK CASH FLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES /FU1SPÞU-PTT CFGPSFUBY (14,732.09) $GMXVWPHQWVIRU 'HSUHFLDWLRQ$PRUWLVDWLRQ Interest and Finance Charges 7,471.38 35,325.16 8QUHDOLVHG([FKDQJH5DWH)OXFWXDWLRQVQHW 97.82 3URßW/RVVRQ6DOH'LVFDUGRI)L[HG$VVHWV (0.80) 'LYLGHQG5HFHLYHG (1.33) - (13,414.24) 1,282.79 16,028.69 Interest Income ([FHSWLRQDO,WHPV 0QFSBUJOH1SPÞUCFGPSFXPSLJOHDBQJUBMDIBOHFT $GMXVWPHQWVIRU 6,615.73 7UDGHDQG2WKHU5HFHLYDEOHV (16,129.97) 7UDGHDQG2WKHU3D\DEOHV (29,638.06) (23,123.61) Inventories Cash Generated from Operations 'LUHFW7D[HV3DLG5HIXQGV /FU$BTIßPXGSPNVTFEJO 0QFSBUJOH"DUJWJUJFT B. (2,123.98) CASH FLOW FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES 3XUFKDVHRI)L[HG$VVHWVLQFOXGLQJFDSLWDOZRUNLQSURJUHVV 6DOH7UDQVIHURI)L[HG$VVHWV 8.53 670.87 Inter Corporate Deposit (net) - ,QYHVWPHQWVLQ6XEVLGLDULHV$VVRFLDWHV - 'XHIURP6XEVLGLDULHV$VVRFLDWHV - 2WKHU$GYDQFHV1RQ&XUUHQW$VVHWV 3,600.74 /FU$BTIßPXGSPNVTFEJO *OWFTUJOH"DUJWJUJFT 2,156.16 ,QWHUHVWDQG'LYLGHQG,QFRPH5HFHLYHG C. 1,129.15 (21,994.46) CASH FLOW FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES 3URFHHGVIURP/RQJ7HUP%RUURZLQJV 70,574.50 5HSD\PHQWRI/RQJ7HUP%RUURZLQJV (4,830.96) 3D\PHQWRI'HIHUUHG,QGLUHFW7D[HV (1,434.88) Inter Corporate Deposit (net) (1,015.16) 5HSD\PHQWRI3URFHHGVIURP%DQN%RUURZLQJVQHW (4,805.60) 3URFHHGVIURP7UDGH'HSRVLWV (871.31) (35,352.13) 6,002.00 - 3URFHHGVIURP6KRUW7HUPV%RUURZLQJV 24,226.54 5HSD\PHQWRI6KRUW7HUPV%RUURZLQJV (26,261.21) 26,231.79 ,QWHUHVWDQG)LQDQFH&KDUJHV3DLG 3URFHHGVIURP,VVXHRI3UHIHUHQFH6KDUH&DSLWDO5HIHUQRWHQRIRUUHODWHGSDUWLHV /FU$BTIßPXGSPNVTFEJO 'JOBODJOH"DUJWJUJFT 72 Binani Cement Limited PARTICULARS 31st March, 2015 (` in Lakhs) VW0DUFK D. /&5*/$3&"4&%&$3&"4& */$"4)"/%$"4)&26*7"-&/54"#$ 6,393.49 E. CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AS AT BEGINNING OF THE YEAR 4,479.39 F. CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AS AT END OF THE YEAR 10,872.88 1RWH &DVK)ORZ6WDWHPHQWKDVEHHQSUHSDUHGXQGHUWKHLQGLUHFWPHWKRGDVVHWRXWLQWKH$FFRXQWLQJ6WDQGDUG$6q&DVK)ORZ 6WDWHPHQWVrDVVSHFLßHGLQWKH&RPSDQLHV$FFRXQWLQJ6WDQGDUGV5XOHV &DVKDQG&DVK(TXLYDOHQWVDUH&DVKDQG%DQN%DODQFHVDVSHU%DODQFH6KHHWDQGLQFOXGHV`LDNKV3UHYLRXV<HDU `LDNKVLQUHVSHFWRI8QFODLPHG'LYLGHQGDQG`LDNKV3UHYLRXV<ear `LDNKVDVPDUJLQSOHGJH WKHEDODQFHRIZKLFKLVQRWDYDLODEOHWRWKH&RPSDQ\ 3UHYLRXV\HDUßJXUHVKDYHEHHQUHFDVWUHJURXSHGZKHUHYHUFRQVLGHUHGQHFHVVDU\ $VSHURXUDWWDFKHGUHSRUWRIHYHQGDWH For and on behalf of the Board of Directors For Kanu Doshi Associates &KDUWHUHG$FFRXQWDQWV )LUP5HJLVWUDWLRQ1R: Braj Binani Chairman Jayesh Parmar Amit Kumar Gupta 3DUWQHU &RPSDQ\6HFUHWDU\ 0HPEHUVKLS1R Jotirmoy Ghose 3ODFH0XPEDL 'DWH WK0D\ 3ODFH0XPEDL 'DWH WK0D\ 73 Managing Director CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 74 Binani Cement Limited INDEPENDENT AUDITORS‘ REPORT We conducted our audit in accordance with the Standards RQ $XGLWLQJ VSHFLßHG XQGHU 6HFWLRQ RI WKH $FW 7KRVH Standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about ZKHWKHU WKH FRQVROLGDWHG ßQDQFLDO VWDWHPHQWV DUH IUHH IURP material misstatement. To, The Members of Binani Cement Limited Report on the Consolidated Financial Statements :H KDYH DXGLWHG WKH DFFRPSDQ\LQJ FRQVROLGDWHG ßQDQFLDO statements of BINANI CEMENT LIMITED (“the Holding Company”) and its subsidiaries (the Holding Company and its subsidiaries constitute ‘the Group’), comprising of the consolidated Balance 6KHHWDVDW0DUFKWKHFRQVROLGDWHG6WDWHPHQWRI3URßW and Loss, the consolidated Cash Flow Statement for the year WKHQ HQGHG DQG D VXPPDU\ RI VLJQLßFDQW DFFRXQWLQJ SROLFLHV and other explanatory information (hereinafter referred to as “the Consolidated Financial Statements”). An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and the disclosures in the consolidated ßQDQFLDO VWDWHPHQWV 7KH SURFHGXUHV VHOHFWHG GHSHQG RQ WKH auditor’s judgment, including the assessment of the risks of PDWHULDOPLVVWDWHPHQWRIWKHFRQVROLGDWHGßQDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWV whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, WKH DXGLWRU FRQVLGHUV LQWHUQDO ßQDQFLDO FRQWURO UHOHYDQW WR the Holding Company’s preparation and presentation of the FRQVROLGDWHGßQDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWVWKDWJLYHDWUXHDQGIDLUYLHZ in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on whether the Holding Company has in place an adequate LQWHUQDOßQDQFLDOFRQWUROV\VWHPRYHUßQDQFLDOUHSRUWLQJDQGWKH operating effectiveness of such controls. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of the accounting policies used and the reasonableness of the accounting estimates made by the Holding Company’s Board of Directors, as well as HYDOXDWLQJWKHRYHUDOOSUHVHQWDWLRQRIWKHFRQVROLGDWHGßQDQFLDO statements. Management’s Responsibility for the Consolidated Financial Statements The Holding Company’s Board of Directors are responsible for WKH SUHSDUDWLRQ RI WKHVH FRQVROLGDWHG ßQDQFLDO VWDWHPHQWV LQ terms of the requirements of the Companies Act, 2013 (‘the $FWpWKDWJLYHDWUXHDQGIDLUYLHZRIWKHFRQVROLGDWHGßQDQFLDO SRVLWLRQ FRQVROLGDWHG ßQDQFLDO SHUIRUPDQFH DQG FRQVROLGDWHG FDVK àRZV RI WKH *URXS LQ DFFRUGDQFH ZLWK WKH DFFRXQWLQJ principles generally accepted in India, including the Accounting 6WDQGDUGV VSHFLßHG XQGHU 6HFWLRQ RI WKH $FW UHDG ZLWK Rule 7 of the Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014. The respective Board of Directors of the Companies included in the Group are responsible for maintenance of adequate accounting records in accordance with the provisions of the Act for safeguarding the respective assets of the Companies included in the Group and for preventing and detecting frauds and other irregularities; the selection and application of appropriate accounting policies; making judgments and estimates that are reasonable and prudent; and the design, implementation and maintenance RI DGHTXDWH LQWHUQDO ßQDQFLDO FRQWUROV WKDW ZHUH RSHUDWLQJ effectively for ensuring the accuracy and completeness of the accounting records, relevant to the preparation and presentation RIWKHßQDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWVWKDWJLYHDWUXHDQGIDLUYLHZDQGDUH free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, which have been used for the purpose of preparation of these FRQVROLGDWHG ßQDQFLDO VWDWHPHQWV E\ WKH %RDUG RI 'LUHFWRUV RI the Holding Company, as aforesaid. We believe that the audit evidence obtained by us and the audit evidence obtained by the other auditors in terms of their reports referred to in sub paragraphs of the Other Matters paragraph EHORZ LV VXIßFLHQW DQG DSSURSULDWH WR SURYLGH D EDVLV IRU RXU DXGLWRSLQLRQRQWKHFRQVROLGDWHGßQDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWV Opinion Based on our audit and on consideration of individual audit UHSRUWVRIRWKHUDXGLWRUVRQVHSDUDWHßQDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWVRIWKH components as explained in point 2 of other matters below and ßQDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWVFRPSLOHGDQGIXUQLVKHGE\WKHPDQDJHPHQW for remaining components as explained in point 1 and 3 of other matters below, in our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the explanations given to us, the aforesaid FRQVROLGDWHGßQDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWVJLYHWKHLQIRUPDWLRQUHTXLUHG by the Act in the manner so required and give true and fair view in conformity with the accounting policies generally accepted in India: Auditor’s Responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these consolidated ßQDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWVEDVHGRQRXUDXGLW While conducting the audit, we have taken into account the provisions of the Act, the accounting and auditing standards and matters which are required to be included in the audit report under the provisions of the Act and the Rules made thereunder. 75 (a) in the case of the Consolidated Balance Sheet, of the state of affairs of the Group as at March 31, 2015; (b) in the case of the CRQVROLGDWHG3URßWDQG/RVV$FFRXQWRI the loss for the year ended on that date; and an n u al repor t 2014 - 1 5 Binani Cement Limited (c) in the case of the Consolidated Cash Flow Statement, of WKHFDVKàRZVIRUWKH\HDUHQGHGRQWKDWGDWH )XUWKHU ZH GLG QRW DXGLW WKH ßQDQFLDO VWDWHPHQWV RI ,QGLDQ VXEVLGLDULHV ZKRVH ßQDQFLDO VWDWHPHQWV UHàHFW total assets of ` 10,181.95 Lakhs as at 31st March, 2015, total revenue of ` /DNKV DQG QHW FDVK RXWàRZV RI ` 0.90 Lakhs for the year then ended, as considered in WKH FRQVROLGDWHG ßQDQFLDO VWDWHPHQWV 7KHVH ßQDQFLDO VWDWHPHQWV DQG RWKHU ßQDQFLDO LQIRUPDWLRQ KDYH EHHQ audited by other auditors whose reports have been furnished to us by the management and our opinion on the FRQVROLGDWHGßQDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWVLQVRIDUDVLWUHODWHVWR the amounts and disclosures included in respect of these subsidiaries and our report in terms of sub-section (3) and (11) of Section 143 of the Act, in so far as it relates to the aforesaid subsidiaries is based solely on the report of other auditors. :H GLG QRW DXGLW WKH ßQDQFLDO VWDWHPHQWV DQG ßQDQFLDO information of 3 foreign step down subsidiaries, whose ßQDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWVUHàHFWWRWDODVVHWVRI` 50.39 Lakhs as at 31st March, 2015, having total revenue of ` 59.18 /DNKVDQGQHWFDVKLQàRZVRI` 12.15 Lakhs for the year WKHQ HQGHG DV FRQVLGHUHG LQ WKH FRQVROLGDWHG ßQDQFLDO VWDWHPHQWV 7KHVH ßQDQFLDO VWDWHPHQWV DUH XQDXGLWHG and have been furnished to us by the Management and RXU RSLQLRQ RQ WKH FRQVROLGDWHG ßQDQFLDO VWDWHPHQWV in so far as it relates to the amounts and disclosures included in respect of these subsidiaries and our report in terms of sub-sections (3) and (11) of Section 143 of the Act in so far as it relates to the aforesaid subsidiaries LV EDVHG VROHO\ RQ VXFK XQDXGLWHG ßQDQFLDO VWDWHPHQWV DQG ßQDQFLDO LQIRUPDWLRQ ,Q RXU RSLQLRQ DQG DFFRUGLQJ to the information and explanations given to us by the 0DQDJHPHQW WKHVH ßQDQFLDO VWDWHPHQWV DQG ßQDQFLDO information are not material to the Group. 2XURSLQLRQRQWKHFRQVROLGDWHGßQDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWVDQG our report on Other Legal and Regulatory Requirements EHORZLVQRWPRGLßHGLQUHVSHFWRIWKHDERYHPDWWHUVZLWK respect to our reliance on the work done and the reports RI WKH RWKHU DXGLWRUV DQG WKH ßQDQFLDO VWDWHPHQWV DQG ßQDQFLDOLQIRUPDWLRQFHUWLßHGE\WKH0DQDJHPHQW 4. With reference to Short Term Loan (including interest receivable) given to Holding Company of ` 1,31,211.82 Lakhs, as per the Management the said loan will be repaid by the Holding Company through sales proceeds received by divesting Investment of Holding Company in Equity Shares of Binani Cement Limited. Emphasis of Matters: Without qualifying our opinion: 1. We draw attention to Note No. 47 to the consolidated ßQDQFLDO VWDWHPHQWV UHODWLQJ WR WKH RUGHU RI WKH Competition Commission of India (CCI), concerning alleged contravention of the provisions of the Competition Act, 2002 and thereby imposed penalty of ` 16,732 Lakhs (excluding interest, if any) on the Holding Company. The Holding Company is advised by external legal counsel that it has a good case for the Competition Appellate Tribunal for setting aside the order passed by CCI, and accordingly no provision has been considered necessary by the Holding Company in this regard. 2. We draw attention to Note No. 28 to the consolidated ßQDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWVUHODWLQJWR6DOHV7D[PDWWHUVDVSHU the orders; there is liability on the Holding Company for total Interest of ` 33,441.62 Lakhs as on 31.03.2015. The +ROGLQJ&RPSDQ\KDVßOHGZULWSHWLWLRQZDLYHUDSSOLFDWLRQ LQ +RQpEOH +LJK &RXUW ZLWK FRQFHUQHG DXWKRULW\ 7KH Holding Company has paid ` 3,077.93 Lakhs under protest. The management is of the view it has a good case of getting waiver from the department for interest and hence provision of interest is not required. 3. With reference to the Note No. 27 to the consolidated ßQDQFLDO VWDWHPHQWV UHJDUGLQJ JXDUDQWHHV DJJUHJDWLQJ of ` 2,05,023.64 Lakhs issued by the Company to banks DQG ßQDQFLDO LQVWLWXWLRQV LQ UHVSHFW RI ORDQV JLYHQ WR WKH Holding Company and fellow subsidiaries, which are VLJQLßFDQWLQUHODWLRQWRWKHQHWZRUWKRIWKH&RPSDQ\DW the year end. In the opinion of the management, these DUHQRWH[SHFWHGWRUHVXOWLQWRDQ\ßQDQFLDOOLDELOLW\WRWKH Company. Other Matters: :HGLGQRWDXGLWWKHßQDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWVRIWKHIRUHLJQ subsidiaries (including 3 step down subsidiaries), whose ßQDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWVUHàHFWVWRWDODVVHWVRI` 3,00,233.60 Lakhs as at 31st March, 2015, total revenues of ` 60,380.90 /DNKV DQG QHW FDVK LQàRZV RI ` 319.05 Lakhs for the \HDU WKHQ HQGHG 7KHVH ßQDQFLDO VWDWHPHQWV KDYH EHHQ DXGLWHG E\ RWKHU DXGLWRUV IRU WKH ßQDQFLDO \HDU HQGHG 31st December, 2014 as per respective laws of the other country. However, the management has compiled these ßQDQFLDO VWDWHPHQWV IRU ßQDQFLDO \HDU HQGLQJ 0DUFK 2015 as per accounting policies of the Company and for the said purpose management approved accounts for the period from Jan 2015 to March 2015 have been considered. Report on other Legal and Regulatory Requirements 1. 76 As required by ‘the Companies (Auditor’s Report) Order, 2015’(“the Order”), issued by the Central Government of India in terms of sub-section (11) of section 143 of the Act, based on the comments in the auditors’ report of the Holding Company and on the auditors’ reports issued Binani Cement Limited the Group companies, incorporated in India is GLVTXDOLßHG DV RQ VW 0DUFK IURP EHLQJ appointed as a director in terms of Section 164 (2) of the Act. in accordance with the Order on subsidiary companies incorporated in India, we give in the Annexure a statement RQ WKH PDWWHUV VSHFLßHG LQ SDUDJUDSKV DQG RI WKH Order, to the extent applicable. 2. As required by section 143(3) of the Act, we report, to the extent applicable that: a) b) We have sought and obtained all the information and explanations which to the best of our knowledge and belief were necessary for the purpose of our audit of WKHDIRUHVDLGFRQVROLGDWHGßQDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWV In our opinion, proper books of account as required by law relating to preparation of the aforesaid FRQVROLGDWHG ßQDQFLDO VWDWHPHQWV KDYH EHHQ NHSW by the Company so far as it appears from our examination of those books and the reports of the other auditors. f) With respect to the other matters to be included in the Auditor’s Report in accordance with Rule 11 of the Companies (Audit and Auditors) Rules, 2014; in our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the explanations given to us: L 7KH FRQVROLGDWHG ßQDQFLDO VWDWHPHQWV disclose the impact of pending litigations RQ LWV FRQVROLGDWHG ßQDQFLDO SRVLWLRQ RI WKH Group as of March 31, 2015. ii. The Group audits of Indian subsidiaries did not have any long-term contracts including derivative contracts for which there were any material foreseeable losses. iii. There has been no delay in transferring amounts, required to be transferred, to the Investor Education and Protection Fund by the Holding Company and its subsidiary companies incorporated in India. c) The Consolidated Balance Sheet, the Consolidated 6WDWHPHQWRI3URßWDQG/RVVDQGWKH&RQVROLGDWHG Cash Flow Statement dealt with by this report are in agreement with the relevant books of account maintained for the purpose of preparation of the FRQVROLGDWHGßQDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWV G ,QRXURSLQLRQWKHDIRUHVDLGFRQVROLGDWHGßQDQFLDO statements comply with the Accounting Standards VSHFLßHG XQGHU 6HFWLRQ RI WKH $FW UHDG ZLWK Rule 7 of the Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014. For Kanu Doshi Associates Chartered Accountants Firm Registration Number: 104746W e) On the basis of the written representations received from the directors of the Holding Company as on March 31, 2015 taken on record by the Board of Directors of the Holding Company and the reports of the statutory auditors of its subsidiary companies incorporated in India, none of the directors of Jayesh Parmar Partner Membership No.45375 Place : Mumbai Date : 30th May, 2015 77 an n u al repor t 2014 - 1 5 Binani Cement Limited ANNEXURE TO THE INDEPENDENT AUDITORS’ REPORT (ii) of paragraph 3 of the said Order is not applicable to those subsidiaries. As stated in paragraph 1 of our report on ‘other Legal and Regulatory requirements’ in our Independent Auditor’s Report of HYHQGDWHRQFRQVROLGDWHGßQDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWVIRUWKH\HDUHQGHG 0DUFKRXUUHSRUWLQJRQWKHPDWWHUVSHFLßHGLQSDUD & 4 of the order includes 4 subsidiaries incorporated in India and is based on the comments in the respective Independent Auditor’s Report of Holding Company and its aforesaid subsidiary companies incorporated in India. L (iii) As per information and explanations given to us and based on the auditors’ reports issued in accordance with the Order, the Holding Company and its aforesaid subsidiaries have not granted loan, secured or unsecured, to FRPSDQLHVßUPVRURWKHUSDUWLHVFRYHUHGLQWKHUHJLVWHU maintained under Section 189 of the Companies Act, 2013. Accordingly, the sub-clause (a) and (b) of clause (iii) are not applicable to the Company. (iv) In our opinion and according to the information and explanations given to us and based on the auditor’s reports of the aforesaid subsidiary companies incorporated in India, there is an adequate internal control system in respective entities commensurate with the size of the Company and the nature of its business, with regard to WKH SXUFKDVH RI LQYHQWRU\ DQG ß[HG DVVHWV DQG VDOH RI goods and services. During the course of our audits and based on the auditor’s reports of the aforesaid subsidiary companies incorporated in India, we have neither come across, nor have been informed of, any continuing failure to correct major weaknesses in the aforesaid internal control system. ,QUHVSHFWRIWKHß[HGDVVHWVRIWKH+ROGLQJ&RPSDQ\DQG its aforesaid subsidiaries: (a) The respective entities have generally maintained proper records showing full particulars including TXDQWLWDWLYHGHWDLOVDQGVLWXDWLRQRIß[HGDVVHWV E 7KH ß[HG DVVHWV ZHUH SK\VLFDOO\ YHULßHG GXULQJ the year by the Management of the respective entities in accordance with a regular programme RI YHULßFDWLRQ ZKLFK LQ RXU RSLQLRQ DQG EDVHG RQ the auditors’ reports issued in accordance with the Order on the aforesaid subsidiaries, provides IRU SK\VLFDO YHULßFDWLRQ RI WKH ß[HG DVVHWV DW reasonable intervals. According to the information and explanations given to us and based on the auditors’ reports issued in accordance with the Order on the aforesaid subsidiaries, no material GLVFUHSDQFLHVZHUHQRWLFHGRQVXFKYHULßFDWLRQ Based on the auditors’ report issued in accordance with the Order of one subsidiary, the subsidiary has not carried any activities relating to purchase of inventory & Fixed assets and sale of goods and services, hence clause (iv) of said order is not applicable to that subsidiary. Two Subsidiaries incorporated in India do not have any tangible assets and hence the requirement of clause (i) of paragraph 3 of the said Order is not applicable to those subsidiaries. (ii) In respect of the inventories of the Holding Company and its aforesaid subsidiaries: D 7KH LQYHQWRU\ KDV EHHQ SK\VLFDOO\ YHULßHG E\ WKH Management during the year. In our opinion, the IUHTXHQF\RIYHULßFDWLRQLVUHDVRQDEOH E 7KHSURFHGXUHVRISK\VLFDOYHULßFDWLRQRILQYHQWRU\ followed by the Management are reasonable and adequate in relation to the size of the Company and the nature of its business. (c) (v) The Holding Company and its aforesaid subsidiaries have not accepted any deposits from the public within the meaning of Sections 73, 74, 75 and 76 of the Act and the UXOHVIUDPHGWKHUHXQGHUWRWKHH[WHQWQRWLßHG (vi) We have broadly reviewed the books of account maintained by the Holding Company in respect of products where, pursuant to the Rules made by the Central Government of India, the maintenance of cost records has been prescribed under Section 148 of the Act and we are of the opinion that prima facie, the prescribed accounts and records have been made and maintained. We have not, however, made a detailed examination of the records with a view to determine whether they are accurate or complete. On the basis of our examination of the inventory records, in our opinion, the Company is maintaining proper records of inventory. The discrepancies QRWLFHG RQ SK\VLFDO YHULßFDWLRQ RI LQYHQWRU\ DV compared to book records were not material. For all Subsidiaries incorporated in India, the Central Government has not prescribed maintenance of cost records under sub-section of (1) of section 148 of the Companies Act 2013. All Subsidiaries incorporated in India do not have any inventory and hence the requirement of clause (vii) 78 (a) According to the information and explanations given to us and on the basis of records produced Binani Cement Limited to us, no undisputed arrears of statutory dues were outstanding as at March 31, 2015 for a period of more than six months from the date they became payable. before us and based on the auditors’ reports issued in accordance with the Order on the aforesaid subsidiaries, the Company and its aforesaid subsidiaries are generally regular in depositing with appropriate authorities undisputed statutory dues including provident fund, employees’ state insurance, income tax, sales tax, wealth tax, service tax, customs duty, excise duty, value added tax, cess and other material statutory dues applicable to it. According to the information and explanations given Name of the Statute Customs Act, 1962 Nature of Dues (b) Amount (` in Lakhs) According to the records of the Company examined by us, the dues outstanding of income-tax, salestax, wealth tax, service tax, customs duty, excise duty, entry tax, value added tax and cess on account of any dispute, are as follows: Period to which the amount relates Forum where dispute is pending Duty on DEPB licenses 6.77 2000-01 Commissioner of Customs, Kandla Central Excise Act, 1944 Cenvat credit on welding electrodes 5.02 2006 to 2008 Commissioner (Appeals), Jaipur II Central Excise Act, 1944 Cenvat credit on welding electrodes 3.11 2008 to 2010 Commissioner (Appeals), Jaipur II Customs Act, 1962 Differential Custom Duty 30.61 2002-03 & 2003-04 Customs Act, 1962 Differential Custom Duty 42.16 Customs Act, 1962 Differential Custom Duty 3,066.92 Hon’ble High Court, Gujarat 2008-09 CESTAT, Ahmedabad 2011 to 2013 CESTAT, Ahmedabad Central Excise Act, 1944 Excise Duty on Sale – Penalty 1.00 2006-07 & 2007-08 CESTAT, Delhi Central Excise Act, 1944 Cenvat on Capital Goods 2.38 2009-10 & 2010-11 Hon’ble Rajasthan High Court, Jodhpur Central Excise Act, 1944 Cenvat on Capital Goods 56.96 2007 to 2010 CESTAT, Delhi Central Excise Act, 1944 Cenvat on Capital Goods 1.84 2011-12 CESTAT, Delhi Central Excise Act, 1944 CENVAT Credit on Service Tax 65.37 2008 to 2010 CESTAT, Delhi Central Excise Act, 1944 Penalty imposed on service tax 7.20 2007-08 CESTAT, Delhi Central Excise Act, 1944 CENVAT Credit on Service Tax 565.63 2012 to 2014 CESTAT, Delhi Rajasthan Sales Tax Act, 1994 Sales tax on freight and credit notes 70.21 1997-98 Hon’ble High Court, Jodhpur Rajasthan Sales Tax Act, &67$FW Difference amount of Central Sale Tax 60.52 2005 to 2007 Hon’ble High Court, Jodhpur Rajasthan Sales Tax Act, 1994 Sales Tax matters 0.50 2005-06 Hon’ble High Court, Jodhpur 837UDGHWD[(QWU\WD[ UP tax on entry of goods 184.37 2003-04 to 2008-09 Various Appellate Authorities 837UDGHWD[(QWU\WD[ UP tax on entry of goods 16.30 2009-10 +RQpEOH6XSUHPH&RXUW$GGLWLRQDO Commissioner (Appeals) Commercial Taxes, Ghaziabad 837UDGHWD[(QWU\WD[ Penalty for Late deposit of UP VAT 8.64 2009-10 Commercial Taxes Tribunal, Ghaziabad 837UDGHWD[(QWU\WD[ Penalty 0.15 2011-12 Additional Commissioner (Appeals) Commercial Taxes, Ghaziabad 79 an n u al repor t 2014 - 1 5 Binani Cement Limited Name of the Statute 837UDGHWD[(QWU\WD[ Nature of Dues Amount (` in Lakhs) Period to which the amount relates Penalty 0.30 2013-14 UP VAT Act, 2008 UP VAT demand 3.29 2008-09 UP VAT Act, 2008 UP VAT Act, 2008 UP VAT Act, 2008 UP VAT demand UP VAT demand Late deposit of UP VAT 2.41 1.70 56.63 2009-10 2010-11 2013-14 UP VAT Act, 2008 Late deposit of UP VAT 23.49 2013-14 Delhi VAT Act, 2004 Late deposit of Delhi VAT 36.08 2013-14 Delhi VAT Act, 2004 Late deposit of Delhi VAT 4.88 2014-15 Rajathan Tax on Entry of Goods into Local Area Act, 1999 Rajasthan Finance Act, 2006 Rajasthan Sales Tax Act, 1994 Rajathan Value Added Tax Act, 2006 Rajathan Value Added Tax Act, 2006 Rajathan Value Added Tax Act, 2006 Rajathan Value Added Tax Act, 2006 Income Tax Act, 1961 Rajasthan Finance Act, 2006 Competition Act, 2002 Entry Tax 2,674.48 2006-07 to 2014-15 Additional Commissioner (Appeals) Commercial Taxes, Ghaziabad Additional Commissioner (Appeals), Ghaziabad Commercial Tax Tribunal, Ghaziabad Commercial Tax Tribunal, Ghaziabad Additional Commissioner (Appeals), Ghaziabad Additional Commissioner (Appeals), Ghaziabad Appellate Authority, Department of Trade & Taxes, Govt. of NCT of Delhi Appellate Authority, Department of Trade & Taxes, Govt. of NCT of Delhi Hon’ble Rajasthan High Court M R Cess 2,814.45 2008-09 to 2014-15 Hon’ble High Court, Jodhpur Sales Tax Exemption 21,432.18 1998-99 to 2005-06 Hon’ble High Court, Jodhpur 9$7&67'HIHUPHQW 9,968.94 2007-08 to 2011-12 9$7&67'HIHUPHQW 3,257.56 2006-07 to 2007-08 +RQpEOH+LJK&RXUW-DLSXU Commercial Taxes Department, Jaipur Hon’ble High Court, Jodhpur Sales Tax matters-ITC 63.89 2007-08 to 2010-11 Hon’ble Rajasthan Tax Board, Ajmer Sales Tax matters-ITC 233.29 2006-07 Income Tax Matters 3,533.04 2010-11 & 2011-12 Land Tax 1,753.50 2006-07 to 2012-13 Penalty 16,732.00 2012 Based on the auditors’ report issued in accordance with the Order of all aforesaid subsidiaries, there are no dues related to any taxes or duty which have not been deposited on account if any dispute. (c) (viii) Forum where dispute is pending Hon’ble Rajasthan High Court, Jodhpur Commissioner of Income Tax (Appeals) Hon’ble High Court, Jaipur CompAT covered by our audit and in the immediately preceding ßQDQFLDO\HDU (ix) There are no amounts required to be transferred by the Company and its aforesaid subsidiaries to the Investor Education and Protection Fund in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 and the rules made thereunder. According to the records of the Holding Company examined by us and information and explanation given to us, the Holding Company has defaulted in repayment of GXHVWRßQDQFLDOLQVWLWXWLRQVDQGEDQNVDVDWWKH%DODQFH Sheet date: Principal Amount (` in Lakhs) 3,728.08 - The Group does not have consolidated accumulated losses DW WKH HQG RI WKH ßQDQFLDO \HDU DQG LW KDV LQFXUUHG FDVK ORVVHV RQ FRQVROLGDWHG EDVLV GXULQJ WKH ßQDQFLDO \HDU 80 Interest Amount Remark (` in Lakhs) 6,589.05 Term Loan 146.22 Working Capital Loan Binani Cement Limited Based on the auditors’ report of aforesaid subsidiaries incorporated in India, all subsidiaries have not taken any term loan during the year. Based on the auditors’ report of aforesaid subsidiaries incorporated in India, all subsidiaries have not taken any WHUP ORDQ IURP ßQDQFLDO LQVWLWXWLRQ EDQNV RU GHEHQWXUH holders during the year and there are no dues to them as at the balance sheet date. (x) (xii) In our opinion and according to the information and explanations given to us, the terms and conditions of the guarantees given by the Holding Company, for loans taken E\ RWKHUV IURP EDQNV RU ßQDQFLDO LQVWLWXWLRQV GXULQJ WKH year, are not prima facie prejudicial to the interest of the Company. Based on the auditors’ report of aforesaid subsidiaries incorporated in India, all subsidiaries have not given any JXDUDQWHHIRUORDQWDNHQE\RWKHUVIURPDEDQNRUßQDQFLDO institution during the year. (xi) To the best of our knowledge and belief and according to the information and explanations given to us and based on the auditor’s report of aforesaid subsidiary companies incorporated in India, no material fraud on the Holding Company and its aforesaid subsidiary companies incorporated in India has been noticed or reported during the year, nor have we been informed of any such case by the Management. For Kanu Doshi Associates Chartered Accountants Firm Registration Number: 104746W In our opinion and according to the information and explanations given to us, the term loans availed by the Holding Company were, prima facie, applied for the purpose for which the loans were raised, other than temporary deployment in deposits with banks, pending application of those loans. Jayesh Parmar Partner Membership No.45375 Place : Mumbai Date : 30th May, 2015 81 an n u al repor t 2014 - 1 5 Binani Cement Limited CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET AS AT 31ST MARCH, 2015 Note No. PARTICULARS EQUITY AND LIABILITIES SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS (a) Share Capital (b) Reserves and Surplus 31st March, 2015 (` in Lakhs) 31st March, 2014 1 2 24,862.38 28,705.76 53,568.14 3,456.38 18,860.38 39,928.32 58,788.70 3,696.21 3 286,471.05 6,006.75 3,225.45 633.47 296,336.72 215,097.64 10,250.68 4,096.76 485.66 229,930.74 MINORITY INTEREST NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES (a) Long-Term Borrowings (b) Deferred Tax Liabilities (net) (c) Other Long Term Liabilities (d) Long Term Provisions 4 5 CURRENT LIABILITIES (a) Short-Term Borrowings (b) Trade Payables (c) Other Current Liabilities (d) Short-Term Provisions 6 7 8 9 18,608.77 56,645.83 84,921.24 316.84 160,492.68 513,853.92 25,304.99 64,460.46 109,852.13 169.63 199,787.21 492,202.86 10 10 200,434.06 59,978.53 23,945.82 20,428.36 17.48 304,804.25 207,925.05 57,475.03 22,591.65 8.99 26,172.86 314,173.58 25,035.72 25,059.21 13,779.99 126,004.17 19,170.58 209,049.67 513,853.92 31,706.16 6,769.63 7,056.20 124,614.92 7,882.37 178,029.28 492,202.86 TOTAL ASSETS NON-CURRENT ASSETS (a) Fixed Assets (i) Tangible Assets (ii) Intangible Assets (iii) Capital Work-in-Progress (iv) Intangible Assets Under Development (b) Long Term Loans and Advances (c) Other non-current assets 11 12 CURRENT ASSETS (a) Inventories (b) Trade Receivables (c) Cash and Bank Balances (d) Short-term Loans and Advances (e) Other Current Assets 13 14 15 16 17 TOTAL 25 SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES 7KHDFFRPSDQ\LQJQRWHVDUHLQWHJUDOSDUWRIWKHßQDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWV As per our attached report of even date For and on behalf of the Board of Directors For Kanu Doshi Associates Chartered Accountants Firm Registration No. 104746W Jayesh Parmar Partner Membership No.45375 Place : Mumbai Date : 30th May, 2015 Braj Binani Chairman Amit Kumar Gupta Company Secretary Jotirmoy Ghose Managing Director Place : Mumbai Date : 30th May, 2015 82 Binani Cement Limited CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF PROFIT AND LOSS FOR YEAR ENDED 31ST MARCH, 2015 (` in Lakhs) Note No. PARTICULARS 31st March, 2015 31st March, 2014 255,598.89 274,477.19 26,154.24 26,859.72 229,444.65 247,617.47 INCOME Revenue from Operations (Gross) 18 Less : Excise Duty Revenue from Operations (Net) Other Income 19 Total Revenue 14,312.66 11,957.26 243,757.31 259,574.73 44,870.40 52,650.08 EXPENSES Cost of Materials Consumed 20 Purchase of Stock-in-Trade Changes in inventories of Finished Goods, Work-in-Progress and Stock-in-Trade 527.08 7,298.70 1,951.64 (7,274.24) (PSOR\HH%HQHßW([SHQVH 21 9,411.17 9,811.39 Finance Costs 22 39,299.75 31,251.44 13,495.03 16,557.60 152,622.79 168,504.07 Depreciation and Amortization Expense Other Expenses 23 Total Expenses 262,177.86 278,799.04 3URßW/RVVEHIRUHSULRUSHULRGLWHPH[FHSWLRQDODQGH[WUDRUGLQDU\LWHPVDQG tax (18,420.55) (19,224.31) 1,282.79 15,278.46 (19,703.34) (34,502.77) Less - Exceptional Items 50 & 51 1SPÞU-PTT #FGPSF5BY Tax Expense: Less -Current Tax Less -Tax of Earlier Years Less -Deferred Tax (net) 37 3URßW/RVVIRUWKHSHULRGIURP&RQWLQXLQJ2SHUDWLRQV Minority Interest 1SPÞU-PTT GPSUIF:FBS Earning Per Equity Share (in `) 105.63 21.90 31.31 384.83 (4,243.93) (9,622.62) (15,596.35) (25,286.88) (426.69) (370.24) (15,169.66) (24,916.64) (8.04) (13.21) (8.04) (13.21) 45 Basic Diluted 25 SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES 7KHDFFRPSDQ\LQJQRWHVDUHLQWHJUDOSDUWRIWKHßQDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWV As per our attached report of even date For and on behalf of the Board of Directors For Kanu Doshi Associates Chartered Accountants Firm Registration No. 104746W Jayesh Parmar Partner Membership No.45375 Place : Mumbai Date : 30th May, 2015 Braj Binani Chairman Amit Kumar Gupta Company Secretary Jotirmoy Ghose Managing Director Place : Mumbai Date : 30th May, 2015 83 an n u al repor t 2014 - 1 5 Binani Cement Limited NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST MARCH, 2015 NOTE NO. - 1 SHARE CAPITAL (` in Lakhs) PARTICULARS 31st March, 2015 31st March, 2014 30,389.96 12,000.00 42,389.96 42,389.96 42,389.96 18,860.13 0.25 18,860.38 6,002.00 18,860.13 0.25 18,860.38 - 24,862.38 18,860.38 Authorised 303,899,600 Equity Shares (Previous Year 423,899,600) of `HDFK 12,000,000 Preference Shares (Previous Year nil) of `HDFK Issued, Subscribed and Paid up 188,601,274 (Previous Year 188,601,274) Equity Shares of `HDFKIXOO\SDLGXS Add: Amount paid up on forfeited Shares Sub-total 6,002,000 (Previous Year nil) 0.01 % Non-cumulative redeemable Preference Shares of ` each fully paid-up TOTAL 1.1 Reconciliation of number of equity shares outstanding at the beginning and at the end of the year Equity Shares : Equity Shares No. of shares ` in Lakhs At the beginning of the year 188,601,274 18,860.13 188,601,274.00 18,860.13 Add: Issued During the year - - - - 188,601,274 18,860.13 188,601,274.00 18,860.13 Outstanding at the end of the year ` in Lakhs No. of shares 5FSNT3JHIUTBUUBDIFEUP&RVJUZ4IBSFT The Company has only one class of equity shares having a par value of ` 10 per share. Each holder of equity share entitled to one vote per share. The Company declares and pays dividends in indian rupees. The dividend proposed by the Board of Directors is subject to the approval of the shareholders in the ensuing Annual General Meeting. In the event of liquidation of the Company, the holders of equity shares will be entitled to receive remaining assets of the Company, after distribution of all preferential amounts. The distribution will be in proportion to the number of equity shares held by the shareholders. 1.3 18,56,49,464 - 98.43 % (Previous Year 18,56,49,464 - 98.43 %) Equity Shares of `HDFKIXOO\SDLGXSKHOGE\WKH+ROGLQJ&RPSDQ\ - Binani Industries Limited and its nominees. 1.4 (TXLW\6KDUHVKDYHEHHQERXJKWEDFNLQßQDQFLDO\HDUXQGHUWHQGHURIIHUURXWHDQGODWHUH[WLQJXLVKHG 1.5 Reconciliation of number of 0.01 % Non-cumulative redeemable Preference shares outstanding at the beginning and at the end of the year Particulars No. of shares At the beginning of the year - (` in Lakhs) - No. of shares - (` in Lakhs) - Add: Issued During the year 6,002,000 6,002.00 - - Outstanding at the end of the year 6,002,000 6,002.00 - - 5FSNT3JHIUTBUUBDIFEUP1SFGFSFODF4IBSFT Holder of the Shares shall be entitled to dividend @ 0.01 % per annum from the date of allotment. Non-participating and carry a preferential right vis-à-vis Equity Shares of the Company, with respect to payment of dividend and repayment in case of a winding up or repayment of capital and shall carry voting rights as per the provisions of Section 47(2) of the Companies Act, 2013. 84 Binani Cement Limited NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST MARCH, 2015 Redeemable for cash at par, at the end of 20 year from the date of allotment with an option to the Company to redeem any time earlier. 1.7 6,002,000 - 100 % (Previous year nil) 0.01 % Non-cumulative redeemable Preference Shares of `HDFKIXOO\SDLGXSKHOGE\WKH holding Company - Binani Industries Limited. 1.8 6,002,000 - 0.01 % Non-Cumulative Redeemable Preference Shares of ` 100 each, fully paid up, have been issued and allotted, for cash at Par, to Binani Industries Limited in the Financial Year 2014-15. NOTE NO. - 2 RESERVES & SURPLUS (` in Lakhs) PARTICULARS Capital Redemption Reserve Opening Balance $GG/HVV7UDQVIHUIURPWR3URßWDQG/RVV6WDWHPHQW General Reserve Opening Balance $GG7UDQVIHUIURP3URßWDQG/RVV6WDWHPHQW Foreign Currency Translation Reserve Opening Balance Add : Exchange Difference during the year on net Investment in non integral foreign operations #BMBODFJO1SPÞUBOE-PTT4UBUFNFOU Opening Balance 7UDQVIHUUHGIURP3URßWDQG/RVV6WDWHPHQW Excess depreciation charged to retained earnings as per the transitional provision of schedule II of Companies Act, 2013 TOTAL 31st March, 2015 31st March, 2014 1,450.00 1,450.00 1,450.00 1,450.00 7,843.00 7,843.00 7,843.00 7,843.00 28,358.92 4,934.78 33,293.70 17,929.49 10,429.43 28,358.92 2,276.40 (15,169.66) (12,893.26) 27,193.04 (24,916.64) 2,276.40 (987.68) (13,880.94) 28,705.76 2,276.40 39,928.32 31st March, 2015 31st March, 2014 242,006.61 177,097.64 NOTE NO. - 3 LONG TERM BORROWINGS (` in Lakhs) PARTICULARS Term Loans From Bank Secured Financial Institutions Secured 44,464.44 38,000.00 TOTAL 286,471.05 215,097.64 85 an n u al repor t 2014 - 1 5 Binani Cement Limited NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST MARCH, 2015 NOTE NO. - 4 OTHER LONG TERM LIABILITIES (` in Lakhs) PARTICULARS 31st March, 2015 31st March, 2014 Other Payable Trade Deposits TOTAL 3,225.45 3,225.45 4,096.76 4,096.76 NOTE NO. - 5 LONG TERM PROVISIONS (` in Lakhs) PARTICULARS 1SPWJTJPOGPSFNQMPZFFCFOFÞUT Gratuity (unfunded) Leave Encashment (unfunded) Other Retirement Obligations TOTAL 31st March, 2015 31st March, 2014 250.62 382.06 0.79 633.47 222.91 262.20 0.55 485.66 NOTE NO. - 6 SHORT TERM BORROWINGS (` in Lakhs) PARTICULARS 31st March, 2015 31st March, 2014 12,528.79 16,358.55 - 2,034.67 Short term Loans Loan Repayable on Demand From Bank Secured Other Loans Secured Unsecured TOTAL 6,079.98 6,911.77 6,079.98 8,946.44 18,608.77 25,304.99 NOTE NO. - 7 TRADE PAYABLE (` in Lakhs) 31st March, 2015 31st March, 2014 Trade Payables for Goods 41,714.35 41,919.86 Trade Payables for Services 14,931.48 22,540.60 TOTAL 56,645.83 64,460.46 PARTICULARS 86 Binani Cement Limited NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST MARCH, 2015 NOTE NO. - 8 OTHER CURRENT LIABILITIES (` in Lakhs) PARTICULARS Current maturities of Long term debt 31st March, 2015 31st March, 2014 35,418.35 48,849.38 Interest accrued but not due on borrowings 1,697.21 545.12 ,QWHUHVWDFFUXHGDQGGXHRQERUURZLQJVRWKHUV 6,894.32 5,542.75 Unpaid dividends Advance from Customers 16.30 19.06 5,307.70 7,946.30 Other Liabilities ( Includes Statutory Liabilities & Payable for Capex) 35,587.36 46,949.52 TOTAL 84,921.24 109,852.13 NOTE NO. - 9 SHORT TERM PROVISIONS PARTICULARS 1SPWJTJPOGPSFNQMPZFFCFOFÞUT For Gratuity For Leave Encashment 31st March, 2015 Others For Current Tax (net) For Others TOTAL 87 (` in Lakhs) 31st March, 2014 178.28 38.08 216.36 128.74 36.10 164.84 100.12 0.36 100.48 316.84 3.94 0.85 4.79 169.63 - - 6DOHV7UDQVIHUV Adjustments during WKH\HDUSHULRG Foreign currency translation reserve 88 - - - Additions during the \HDUSHULRGUHIHU note no.51 & 52) 6DOHV7UDQVIHUV Adjustments during WKH\HDUSHULRG Foreign currency translation reserve Total as at 31st March 2015 16,981.03 As at 31st March 2014 1,571.38 - 538.56 9,002.72 308.75 - 2,746.23 46.83 30,128.76 46.25 29,183.72 10.08 12,057.70 - - 0.58 9.50 56.33 41,241.42 - - - 56.33 39,131.48 - - 0.34 799.00 - - 241.01 153,618.89 2,180.84 148,155.51 1,940.17 116,629.95 1,040.01 1,022.74 9.27 10,147.42 105,469.06 264,785.46 2,980.18 4,010.99 10.62 1,697.14 259,087.95 2,979.84 4,433.58 3,837.61 4,734.66 194.04 - 800.84 3,739.78 8,572.27 398.91 - - 8,173.36 330.68 143.89 1,032.71 9.81 2.17 215.26 809.81 1,176.60 9.29 3.94 30.76 1,140.49 5,994.63 68.12 2,279.56 343.20 - 78.37 7,123.36 1,538.14 59.55 36.06 - 277.28 1,131.17 204.44 207,925.05 145.88 200,434.06 5,992.19 6,100.42 292.39 135,797.50 1,444.51 2.80 48.11 67.13 14,218.47 270.57 120,100.44 438.27 336,231.56 7,544.93 4.06 53.56 12.76 475.01 328,025.49 Total Previous Year (` in Lakhs) 2,738.47 - 78.37 400.07 7,175.95 8,733.10 16,223.05 68.12 2,357.93 36.06 - 277.28 1,574.20 59.55 2,030.26 221.80 14,495.75 16,557.40 1,131.17 121,231.61 102,865.75 51,482.84 57,475.03 265,400.08 53,878.11 59,978.53 260,412.59 265,400.08 - 1,444.51 137,242.01 121,231.61 - - - - 53,878.11 61,423.04 397,654.60 386,631.69 2,395.27 - - 51,482.84 58,606.20 386,631.69 363,632.77 3. ***Includes expenses of ` 26.57 Lakhs incurred for development of new Mine area from which ore has not been yet extracted. 2. **Plant & Machinery includes assets built on Land not owned by the Company ` 226.34 Lakhs (Previous year ` 226.34 Lakhs). 1. *Buildings includes assets built on Land not owned by the Company ` 398.02 Lakhs (Previous year ` 398.02 Lakhs). Notes : 16,981.03 Total as at 31st March 2015 NET BLOCK - As at 1st April 2014 DEPRECIATION AND AMORTIZATION 16,981.03 - Total as at 31st March 2015 16,981.03 Additions during the \HDUSHULRG Intangible Assets Mine Furniture Transport Sub Total Other Goodwill On Sub Total Explorations & 0GÞDF Equipments Intangible Consolidation Developments*** Equipments, Assets Other Equipments Tangible Assets Free Hold Lease Buildings* Plant and Railway Land Hold (Including Machinery** Sidings Land Roads) As at 1st April 2014 GROSS BLOCK Particulars FIXED ASSETS NOTE NO. - 10 NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST MARCH, 2015 Binani Cement Limited an n u al repor t 2014 - 1 5 Binani Cement Limited NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST MARCH, 2015 NOTE NO. - 11 LONG TERM LOANS AND ADVANCES (` in Lakhs) 31st March, 2015 31st March, 2014 Capital Advances 13,823.65 18,306.33 Security Deposits 525.29 669.21 Advance Tax Including Tax deducted at Source (net) 1,716.47 2,845.63 Mat Credit Entitlement 3,877.99 3,877.99 PARTICULARS Unsecured considered good Others ( include Advance Tax, MAT Credit ) Advances recoverable in cash or in kind 484.96 473.70 20,428.36 26,172.86 31st March, 2015 31st March, 2014 Deposit Accounts (original maturity of more than 12 months) (in margin Accounts) 17.48 - TOTAL 17.48 - TOTAL NOTE NO. - 12 OTHER NON-CURRENT ASSETS (` in Lakhs) PARTICULARS Other Bank Balances NOTE NO. - 13 INVENTORIES (` in Lakhs) 31st March, 2015 31st March, 2014 4,301.84 5,930.91 81.10 20.71 Finished Goods 11,372.73 13,552.69 Stock in Transit 9.98 12.55 8,988.68 12,155.94 PARTICULARS Raw Material and Packing Material Work - in - Process Stores and Spares parts and Fuel Stores and Spares parts and Fuel- in transit Loose Tools TOTAL 89 267.14 15.96 14.25 17.40 25,035.72 31,706.16 an n u al repor t 2014 - 1 5 Binani Cement Limited NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST MARCH, 2015 NOTE NO. - 14 TRADE RECEIVABLES PARTICULARS 31st March, 2015 (` in Lakhs) 31st March, 2014 Trade receivables outstanding for a period less than six months from the date they are due for payment Unsecured, considered good 21,703.80 6,769.63 Trade receivables outstanding for a period exceeding six months from the date they are due for payment Unsecured, considered good 3,355.41 - 25,059.21 6,769.63 TOTAL NOTE NO. - 15 CASH & BANK BALANCES PARTICULARS 31st March, 2015 (` in Lakhs) 31st March, 2014 Cash and Cash Equivalent Balances with Banks : Current Accounts 5,530.26 1,901.73 Deposit Accounts 905.29 1,176.86 1,818.79 402.08 Cheques, drafts on hand Cash on hand Other Bank Balances Dividend Accounts Bank Deposits with more than three months but less than 12 months Bank Deposits with more than three months but less than 12 months (in Margin Money) TOTAL 43.97 40.35 8,298.31 3,521.02 16.36 19.12 1.76 - 5,463.56 3,516.06 5,481.68 3,535.18 13,779.99 7,056.20 NOTE NO. - 16 SHORT TERM LOANS AND ADVANCES PARTICULARS 31st March, 2015 Loans and advances to related parties (Unsecured considered good) Due from Fellow Subsidiary Companies Due from Holding Company Others (Unsecured considered good) Advances recoverable in cash or in kind Advance Tax Including Tax deducted at Source Balance with Statutory and Government Authorities TOTAL 90 (` in Lakhs) 31st March, 2014 1,001.67 956.97 114,857.24 114,857.24 115,858.91 115,814.21 7,494.27 3,614.33 0.03 31.41 2,650.96 5,154.97 10,145.26 8,800.71 126,004.17 124,614.92 Binani Cement Limited NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST MARCH, 2015 NOTE NO. - 17 OTHER CURRENT ASSETS (` in Lakhs) PARTICULARS Interest Receivable Assets held for disposal Derivative Assets Note receivable 31st March, 2015 31st March, 2014 16,685.78 3,853.14 25.00 31.31 - 98.26 762.92 2,955.60 Others 1,696.88 944.06 TOTAL 19,170.58 7,882.37 NOTE NO. - 18 REVENUE FROM OPERATIONS (` in Lakhs) 31st March, 2015 31st March, 2014 Cement 212,645.14 222,837.46 Clinker 33,558.20 41,915.88 GGBFS 8,334.24 8,669.93 - 115.47 PARTICULARS 4BMFPG1SPEVDUT#Z1SPEVDUT4FSWJDFT Ready Mix Concrete Services Other operating revenues TOTAL - 1.48 254,537.57 273,540.21 1,061.32 936.98 255,598.89 274,477.19 31st March, 2015 31st March, 2014 13,549.43 11,513.85 NOTE NO. - 19 OTHER INCOME (` in Lakhs) PARTICULARS Interest Income Dividend Income Other Miscellaneous Income TOTAL 91 1.33 - 761.90 443.41 14,312.66 11,957.26 an n u al repor t 2014 - 1 5 Binani Cement Limited NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST MARCH, 2015 NOTE NO. - 20 COST OF MATERIALS CONSUMED (` in Lakhs) 31st March, 2015 31st March, 2014 Limestone 9,019.60 9,275.74 PARTICULARS Clinker 9,192.34 10,780.80 Cement - 89.73 Gypsum 5,503.71 5,721.27 Fly Ash 6,048.30 10,600.10 Others 6,729.84 6,476.87 Packing Materials 8,376.61 9,705.57 44,870.40 52,650.08 31st March, 2015 31st March, 2014 7,850.97 8,404.17 486.93 437.45 Workmen and Staff Welfare Expenses 1,073.27 969.77 TOTAL 9,411.17 9,811.39 31st March, 2015 31st March, 2014 38,130.14 29,175.97 1,170.83 1,914.86 (1.22) 160.61 39,299.75 31,251.44 TOTAL NOTE NO. - 21 EMPLOYEE BENEFIT EXPENSE (` in Lakhs) PARTICULARS Salaries and Wages Contribution to Provident and other Funds NOTE NO. - 22 FINANCE COSTS (` in Lakhs) PARTICULARS Interest expenses Other borrowing costs *DLQ/RVVRQIRUHLJQFXUUHQF\WUDQVDFWLRQVQHW TOTAL 92 Binani Cement Limited NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST MARCH, 2015 NOTE NO. - 23 OTHER EXPENSES (` in Lakhs) 31st March, 2015 31st March, 2014 74,236.98 81,587.49 Freight and Loading Expenses on Clinker Transfer 4,078.71 4,388.72 Consumption of Stores and Spares 7,028.12 7,714.59 90.20 182.78 1,830.75 1,833.47 PARTICULARS Power & Fuel Repairs and Maintenance Buildings Plant and Machinery Others Other Operating Expenses Rent 184.34 195.52 2,282.18 2,254.40 581.35 630.85 Insurance 595.95 797.08 Rates and Taxes 307.91 479.88 1,857.87 824.59 11.44 15.39 47,070.53 47,975.74 Advertisement and Sales Promotion Directors Fee Freight & Forwarding )RUHLJQ([FKDQJHàXFWXDWLRQ*DLQ/RVVQHW Royalty on Trade mark Bad Debts written off 392.20 1,877.82 3,422.61 5,500.52 - 157.12 2,350.72 3,340.96 - 26.38 Management Services Fee 1,240.00 3,886.50 Miscellaneous Expenses 5,060.93 4,834.27 152,622.79 168,504.07 Commission /RVVRQVDOHGLVFDUGRI)L[HG$VVHWV TOTAL 93 an n u al repor t 2014 - 1 5 Binani Cement Limited NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST MARCH, 2015 NOTE NO. - 24 CORPORATE INFORMATION Binani Cement Limited is a public limited company domiciled in India and incorporated under the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956. NOTE NO. - 25 SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (i) BASIS OF ACCOUNTING 7KH ßQDQFLDO VWDWHPHQWV RI WKH &RPSDQ\ KDYH EHHQ SUHSDUHG LQ DFFRUGDQFH ZLWK JHQHUDOO\ DFFHSWHG DFFRXQWLQJ SULQFLSOHV LQ ,QGLD,QGLDQ*$$37KH&RPSDQ\KDVSUHSDUHGWKHVHßQDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWVWRFRPSO\ZLWKDOOPDWHULDODVSHFWVZLWKUHVSHFWWRWKH $FFRXQWLQJ6WDQGDUGVVSHFLßHGXQGHUVHFWLRQRIWKH&RPSDQLHV$FWqWKH$FWrUHDGZLWK5XOHRIWKH&RPSDQLHV (Accounts) Rules, 2014. The Financial Statements have been prepared on accrual basis and under the historical cost convention. 7KHDFFRXQWLQJSROLFLHVDGRSWHGLQWKHSUHSDUDWLRQRIßQDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWVDUHFRQVLVWHQWZLWKWKRVHRISUHYLRXV\HDU (ii) BASIS OF PREPARATION D 7KHßQDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWVRIWKH&RPSDQ\DQGLWVVXEVLGLDU\FRPSDQLHVDUHFRQVROLGDWHGRQDOLQHE\OLQHLWHPEDVLVE\DGGLQJ together the book values of like items of assets, liabilities, income and expenses, after fully eliminating intra-group balances and intra-group transactions in accordance with Accounting Standard (AS) 21 - “Consolidated Financial Statements”. 7KHßQDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWVRID-RLQW9HQWXUHVKDYHEHHQFRQVROLGDWHGE\XVLQJWKHSURSRUWLRQDWHFRQVROLGDWLRQPHWKRGDVSHU AS-27 -”Financial Reporting of Interests in Joint Ventures”. E 7KHFRQVROLGDWHGßQDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWVDUHSUHSDUHGXVLQJXQLIRUPDFFRXQWLQJSROLFLHVIRUOLNHWUDQVDFWLRQVDQGRWKHUHYHQWV LQVLPLODUFLUFXPVWDQFHVDQGDUHSUHVHQWHGLQWKHVDPHPDQQHUDV+ROGLQJ&RPSDQ\pVVHSDUDWHßQDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWVDVIDU as possible, except as provided under para 25(iv) (e), 25(iv) (f), 25(vi) (b), 25 (viii) (f),25 (viii) (g), 25(xii) (b), 25 (xiii) (d), 25(xv), and 25 (xvi) (b). F ,QFDVHRIßQDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWVRIDQQRQLQWHJUDOIRUHLJQRSHUDWLRQWKHDVVHWVDQGOLDELOLWLHVDUHWUDQVODWHGDWWKHFORVLQJ rate. Income and expense items are translated at exchange rates at an average rates and all resulting exchange differences are accumulated in a foreign currency translation reserve on consolidation until the disposal of the net investment. G 0LQRULW\,QWHUHVWpVVKDUHRIQHWSURßWRIFRQVROLGDWHGVXEVLGLDULHVIRUWKH\HDUSHULRGLVLGHQWLßHGDQGDGMXVWHGDJDLQVWWKH income of the group in order to arrive at the net income attributable to shareholders of the Company. H 0LQRULW\LQWHUHVWpVVKDUHRIQHWDVVHWVRIFRQVROLGDWHGVXEVLGLDULHVLVLGHQWLßHGDQGSUHVHQWHGLQWKHFRQVROLGDWHGßQDQFLDO Statement separate from liabilities and the equity of the Company’s shareholders. (iii) USE OF ESTIMATES 7KH SUHSDUDWLRQ RI WKH ßQDQFLDO VWDWHPHQWV LQ FRQIRUPLW\ ZLWK WKH JHQHUDOO\ DFFHSWHG DFFRXQWLQJ SULQFLSOHV UHTXLUHV WKH management to make judgements, estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities on the GDWHRIWKHßQDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWVDQGWKHUHSRUWHGDPRXQWVRIUHYHQXHVDQGH[SHQVHVGXULQJWKHUHSRUWLQJSHULRG$OWKRXJKWKHVH estimates are based on the management’s best knowledge of current events and actions, uncertainty about these assumptions and estimates could result in the outcomes requiring a material adjustment to the carrying amount of assets or liabilities in future periods. (iv) REVENUE RECOGNITION a) E F d) e) Domestic sales are accounted for on transfer of substantial risks and rewards which generally coincides with dispatch of products to customers and Export sales are accounted for on the basis of dates of Bill of Lading. Sales are net of Rebate & Discount. ,QFDVHRIVDOHRI&DUERQ&UHGLWV&HUWLßHG(PLVVLRQ5HGXFWLRQVUHYHQXHLVUHFRJQL]HGRQVXEPLVVLRQRIDSSOLFDWLRQZLWK UNFCCC after execution of agreement with the buyer. ([SRUWEHQHßWVDUHDFFRXQWHGIRURQWKHEDVLVRIDSSOLFDWLRQßOHGZLWKWKHDSSURSULDWHDXWKRULW\ Dividend income on investments is accounted for when the right to receive the payment is established. Interest income is recognised on accrual basis. In case of Binani Cement Factory LLC (BCF LLC) & its subsidiaries, revenue from sale of goods is recognized when goods are delivered and title has passed, and the Company has no managerial involvement or control over the goods sold. 94 Binani Cement Limited (v) (vi) f) In case of Binani Cement Factory LLC (BCF LLC), interest income is recognized on effective yield basis. g) Other income is accounted for on accrual basis except where the receipt of income is uncertain in which case it is accounted for on receipt basis. h) Income from service are recognized on accrual basis. ACCOUNTING OF CLAIMS a) Claims receivable are accounted for at the time when reasonable certainty of receipt is established. Claims payable are accounted for at the time of acceptance. b) Claims raised by Government Authorities regarding taxes and duties, are accounted for based on the merits of each claim. If same is disputed by the Company, these are shown as ‘Contingent Liabilities’. TANGIBLE FIXED ASSETS a) Fixed Assets are stated at cost, net of Cenvat less accumulated depreciation and impairment loss (if any). Cost includes trial UXQDQGVWDELOL]DWLRQH[SHQVHVLQWHUHVWßQDQFHFRVWVDQGLQFLGHQWDOH[SHQVHVXSWRWKHGDWHRIFDSLWDOL]DWLRQOHVVVSHFLßF grants received, if any. b) In case of SBRCC, Fixed Assets include assets related to the operation of the Company having useful life over one year. Fixed assets also include equipment other than the main production equipment with individual values of over RMB 2,000 equivalent to `DQGXVHIXOOLYHVLQH[FHVVRI\HDUV F &DSLWDO:RUNLQ3URJUHVVLQFOXGHVFRVWRIß[HGDVVHWVWKDWDUHQRW\HWUHDG\IRUWKHLQWHQGHGXVHDWWKH%DODQFH6KHHW'DWH (vii) INTANGIBLE ASSETS Intangible Assets are stated at cost of acquisition less accumulated amortisation and impairment loss, if any. (viii) DEPRECIATION AND AMORTISATION a) Depreciation on Plant & Machinery is provided on Straight Line Method and other Fixed Assets on Written Down Value Method in the manner prescribed under schedule II of the Companies Act, 2013 including assets constructed on land not owned by the Company. Buildings & Roads inside plant are treated as Factory Buildings and depreciation is charged accordingly. b) In case of Binani Cement Ltd ( BCL) the total expenditure on mine exploration and development is amortized in the ratio of ore extracted to the total estimated exploitable reserves. c) Leasehold Land is amortised on straight-line basis over the period of lease. d) Mobile phones are charged to revenue considering their useful life to be less than one year. H ([SHQGLWXUHRQPDMRUFRPSXWHUVRIWZDUHLVDPRUWLVHGRQVWUDLJKWOLQHPHWKRGRYHUWKHSHULRGRIßYH\HDUV I ,QFDVHRI6%5&&37$QJJDQD(QHUJ\5HVRXUFHVDQGVXEVLGLDULHVRI%&)//&WKHGHSUHFLDWLRQRQß[HGDVVHWVDQGLQWDQJLEOH assets is provided for on SLM basis over the estimated useful life at rates permissible under applicable local laws. g) In Case of Binani Cement Factory (BCFLLC) cost of each assets is depreciated over the estimated useful lives on straight line basis except in respect of Plant and Machinery (Main) where the method of depreciation is unit of production method. h) Intangible assets are amortised equally over the useful life and goodwill on consolidation is not amortised. (ix) IMPAIRMENT OF ASSETS At the end of each reporting period, the Company determines whether a provision should be made for impairment loss on assets by considering the indications that an impairment loss may have occurred in accordance with Accounting Standard 28 on “Impairment RI$VVHWVrLVVXHGE\WKH,&$,$QLPSDLUPHQWORVVLVFKDUJHGWRWKH3URßWDQG/RVVDFFRXQWLQWKHSHULRGLQZKLFKDQDVVHWLV LGHQWLßHGDVLPSDLUHGZKHQWKHFDUU\LQJYDOXHRIWKHDVVHWH[FHHGVLWVUHFRYHUDEOHYDOXH7KHLPSDLUPHQWORVVUHFRJQLVHGLQWKH earlier accounting periods is reversed, if there has been a change in the estimate of recoverable amount. (x) VALUATION OF INVENTORIES a) Raw Material, Fuel (except for coal lying at Port), Packing Materials, Stores & Spares are valued at lower of moving weighted DYHUDJHFRVWQHWRI&HQYDWDQGQHWUHDOLVDEOHYDOXH&RDOO\LQJDW3RUWLVYDOXHGDWORZHURIFRVWRQVSHFLßFFRQVLJQPHQW basis plus custom duty and net realisable value. Loose Tools are charged over a period of three years. However, materials 95 an n u al repor t 2014 - 1 5 Binani Cement Limited KHOGIRUXVHLQWKHSURGXFWLRQRILQYHQWRULHVDUHQRWZULWWHQGRZQEHORZFRVWLIWKHßQLVKHGSURGXFWVLQZKLFKWKH\DUHXVHG and expected to be sold at or above cost. b) Finished Goods and Work – in – process are valued at lower of weighted average cost and net realisable value. Cost for this SXUSRVHLQFOXGHVGLUHFWFRVWDWWULEXWDEOHRYHUKHDGVDQG&RVWRIßQLVKHGJRRGVDOVRLQFOXGHVH[FLVHGXW\ c) In case of Binani Cement Factory LLC (BCFLLC), Dubai, Stock are valued at the lower of the cost or net realisable value. Raw materials comprising of clinker & slag and packing materials are valued at cost using the First in First out (FIFO) method. &RQVXPDEOHVDUHYDOXHGDWFRVWXVLQJVSHFLßFLGHQWLßFDWLRQPHWKRG5DZPDWHULDOFRPSULVLQJRIJ\SVXPDQGOLPHVWRQHDUH YDOXHGDWFRVWXVLQJWKH:HLJKWHG$YHUDJH0HWKRG:$07KHFRVWRIßQLVKHGJRRGVFRPSULVHVRIUDZPDWHULDOVRWKHUGLUHFW costs of purchase and related production overheads based on normal operating capacity. Net realisable value is based on estimated selling price in the ordinary course of business, less any further costs expected to be incurred upto disposal. (xi) INVESTMENTS ,QYHVWPHQWV FODVVLßHG DV ORQJ WHUP LQYHVWPHQWV DUH VWDWHG DW FRVW 3URYLVLRQ LV PDGH WR UHFRJQLVH DQ\ GLPLQXWLRQ RWKHU WKDQ temporary, in the value of such investments. Current Investments are carried at lower of cost and fair value. (xii) FOREIGN EXCHANGE TRANSACTIONS a) b) Transactions in foreign currencies are accounted at the exchange rate prevailing on the date of transaction. Gains and losses resulting from the settlement of such transactions and from the translation of monetary assets and liabilities denominated in IRUHLJQFXUUHQFLHVDUHUHFRJQL]HGLQWKHSURßWDQGORVVDFFRXQW,QFDVHRIIRUZDUGFRQWUDFWVQRQVSHFXODWLYHWKHSUHPLXP GLVFRXQWDUHGHDOWZLWKLQWKHSURßWDQGORVVDFFRXQWRYHUWKHSHULRGRIFRQWUDFWV([FKDQJHGLIIHUHQFHDULVHVRQDPRQHWDU\ items in substance form part of enterprises net investment in non integral foreign operation is accumulated in a foreign currency translation reserve till the disposal of the net Investment. In case of SBRCC, the accounting of foreign exchange transaction is as follows: Except for the accounting treatment of paid-in capital, foreign currency transactions are translated into RMB at the exchange UDWHVVWLSXODWHGE\WKH3HRSOHpV%DQNRI&KLQDqWKHVWLSXODWHGH[FKDQJHUDWHVrRQWKHßUVWGD\RIWKHPRQWKLQZKLFKWKH transactions took place. Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies at the balance sheet date are translated into RMB at the stipulated exchange rates at the balance sheet date. Exchange differences arising from these WUDQVODWLRQVDUHH[SHQVHGH[FHSWIRUWKRVHDWWULEXWDEOHWRIRUHLJQFXUUHQF\ERUURZLQJVWKDWKDYHEHHQWDNHQRXWVSHFLßFDOO\ IRU WKH FRQVWUXFWLRQ RI ß[HG DVVHWV ZKLFK DUH FDSLWDOL]HG DV SDUW RI WKH ß[HG DVVHW FRVWV DQG WKRVH DULVLQJ LQ WKH SUH operating period, which are recorded as long-term prepaid expenses. (xiii) EMPLOYEE BENEFITS a) %FÞOFE$POUSJCVUJPO1MBO &RQWULEXWLRQWRGHßQHGFRQWULEXWLRQSODQVDUHUHFRJQLVHGDVH[SHQVHLQWKH3URßWDQG/RVV$FFRXQWDVWKH\DUHLQFXUUHG b) %FÞOFE#FOFÞU1MBO Company’s Liabilities towards gratuity and leave encashment are determined using the projected unit credit method as DW %DODQFH 6KHHW GDWH $FWXDULDO JDLQV ORVVHV DUH UHFRJQLVHG LPPHGLDWHO\ LQ WKH 3URßW DQG /RVV $FFRXQW /RQJ WHUP compensated absences are provided for based on actuarial valuation. c) 4IPSU5FSN&NQMPZFF#FOFÞU $OO HPSOR\HH EHQHßWV SD\DEOH ZLWKLQ WZHOYH PRQWKV RI UHQGHULQJ WKH VHUYLFH DUH UHFRJQL]HG LQ WKH SHULRG LQ ZKLFK WKH employees renders the related services. d) &NQMPZFFTnCFOFÞUT ,QFDVHRI%&)//&3URYLVLRQLVPDGHIRUHQGRIVHUYLFHEHQHßWVJUDWXLW\SD\DEOHWRHPSOR\HHVLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK8$( Labour Law regulations and is based on current remuneration and cumulative period of service at the reporting date. In case of BCF LLC’s Subsidiaries and PT Anggana Energy Resources, the provision for liability is provided in accordance with laws of country in which the Company is operating. In case of BCL, the company has not considered any provision towards the employee loyalty program as the same is being accounted on paid basis. 96 Binani Cement Limited (xiv) BORROWING COSTS Borrowing costs, which are directly attributable to acquisition, construction or production of a qualifying asset, are capitalised as a part of the cost of the asset. Other borrowing costs are recognised as expenses in the period in which they are incurred. (xv) STATUTORY RESERVE ,QFDVHRI%&)//&VWDWXWRU\UHVHUYHLVFUHDWHGE\DSSURSULDWLQJRIWKHSURßWRIWKH&RPSDQ\DVUHTXLUHGE\$UWLFOHRI the UAE Commercial Companies Law No.8 of 1984, as amended. The Company can discontinue such annual transfers when the reserve totals 50 % of the paid up share capital. The reserve is not available for distribution except as provided in the Federal Law. (xvi) INCOME TAXES a) Tax expense comprises of current tax and deferred tax. Current tax and Deferred tax are accounted for in accordance with Accounting Standard 22 on “Accounting For Taxes on Income”, issued by the ICAI. Current tax is measured at the amount H[SHFWHGWREHSDLGWRWKHWD[DXWKRULWLHVXVLQJWKHDSSOLFDEOHWD[UDWHV'HIHUUHGLQFRPHWD[HVUHàHFWWKHLPSDFWRIWKH current period timing differences between taxable income and accounting income for the period and reversal of timing GLIIHUHQFHVRIHDUOLHU\HDUVSHULRG'HIHUUHGWD[DVVHWVDUHUHFRJQLVHGRQO\WRWKHH[WHQWWKDWWKHUHLVUHDVRQDEOHFHUWDLQW\ WKDW VXIßFLHQW IXWXUH WD[DEOH LQFRPH ZLOO EH DYDLODEOH H[FHSW WKDW GHIHUUHG WD[ DVVHWV DULVLQJ RQ DFFRXQW RI XQDEVRUEHG GHSUHFLDWLRQDQGORVVHVDUHUHFRJQLVHGLIWKHUHLVYLUWXDOFHUWDLQW\WKDWVXIßFLHQWIXWXUHWD[DEOHLQFRPHZLOOEHDYDLODEOHWR realise the same. E ,QFDVHRIIRUHLJQVXEVLGLDU\VWHSGRZQVXEVLGLDU\FRPSDQLHV,QFRPH7D['HIHUUHG7D[KDYHEHHQSURYLGHGLQDFFRUGDQFH with laws of country in which the Company is operating. c) Minimum Alternative Tax (MAT) credit is recognised as an asset only when and to the extent there is convincing evidence that WKH&RPSDQ\ZLOOSD\QRUPDOLQFRPHWD[GXULQJWKHVSHFLßHGSHULRG,QWKH\HDULQZKLFKWKH0$7FUHGLWEHFRPHVHOLJLEOHWR be recognised as an asset in accordance with the recommendations contained in Guidance Note issued by the ICAI, the said DVVHWLVFUHDWHGE\ZD\RIDFUHGLWWRWKH3URßWDQG/RVV$FFRXQWDQGVKRZQDV0$7&UHGLW(QWLWOHPHQW7KH&RPSDQ\UHYLHZV the same at each balance sheet date and writes down the carrying amount of MAT Credit Entitlement to the extent there is QRORQJHUFRQYLQFLQJHYLGHQFHWRWKHHIIHFWWKDWWKH&RPSDQ\ZLOOSD\QRUPDOLQFRPHWD[GXULQJWKHVSHFLßHGSHULRG YWJJ $0/5*/(&/$*&41307*4*0/4 $SURYLVLRQLVUHFRJQL]HGZKHQDQHQWHUSULVHKDVDSUHVHQWREOLJDWLRQDVDUHVXOWRISDVWHYHQWLWLVSUREDEOHWKDWDQRXWàRZRI UHVRXUFHVHPERG\LQJHFRQRPLFEHQHßWZLOOEHUHTXLUHGWRVHWWOHWKHREOLJDWLRQLQUHVSHFWRIZKLFKDUHOLDEOHHVWLPDWHFDQEHPDGH Provisions are not discounted to its present value and are determined based on best estimate required to settle the obligation at the %DODQFH6KHHWGDWH7KHVHDUHUHYLHZHGDWHDFK%DODQFH6KHHWGDWHDQGDGMXVWHGWRUHàHFWWKHFXUUHQWEHVWHVWLPDWHV$FRQWLQJHQW OLDELOLW\LVGLVFORVHGXQOHVVWKHSRVVLELOLW\RIDQRXWàRZRIUHVRXUFHVHPERG\LQJWKHHFRQRPLFEHQHßWLVUHPRWH&RQWLQJHQWDVVHWV are neither recognized nor disclosed in the accounts. (xviii) SEGMENT REPORTING POLICIES 3ULPDU\ 6HJPHQW LV LGHQWLßHG EDVHG RQ WKH QDWXUH RI SURGXFWV DQG VHUYLFHV WKH GLIIHUHQW ULVNV DQG UHWXUQV DQG WKH LQWHUQDO EXVLQHVVUHSRUWLQJV\VWHP6HFRQGDU\VHJPHQWLVLGHQWLßHGEDVHGRQJHRJUDSKLFDODUHDLQZKLFKPDMRURSHUDWLQJGLYLVLRQVRIWKH Company operate. (xix) OPERATING LEASE 7KHOHDVHZKHUHWKHOHVVRUHIIHFWLYHO\UHWDLQVVXEVWDQWLDOO\DOOWKHULVNVDQGEHQHßWVRIRZQHUVKLSRIWKHOHDVHGLWHPDUHFODVVLßHG DVRSHUDWLQJOHDVHV2SHUDWLQJOHDVHSD\PHQWVDUHUHFRJQL]HGDVDQH[SHQVHLQWKH3URßWDQG/RVV6WDWHPHQW (xx) EARNING PER SHARE %DVLF HDUQLQJV SHU VKDUH LV FDOFXODWHG E\ GLYLGLQJ WKH QHW SURßW RU ORVV IRU WKH \HDU DWWULEXWDEOH WR HTXLW\ VKDUHKROGHUV E\ WKH weighted average number of equity shares outstanding during the year. For the purpose of calculating diluted earnings per share, WKHQHWSURßWRUORVVIRUWKH\HDUDWWULEXWDEOHWRHTXLW\VKDUHKROGHUVDQGWKHZHLJKWHGDYHUDJHQXPEHURIVKDUHVRXWVWDQGLQJGXULQJ the year are adjusted for the effects of all dilutive potential equity shares. (xxi) EXPENDITURE DURING CONSTRUCTION PERIOD For Binani Cement Ltd in case of new projects and substantial expansion of existing factories, expenditure incurred including trial production expenses net of revenue earned, prior to commencement of commercial production are capitalised. 97 an n u al repor t 2014 - 1 5 Binani Cement Limited (xxii) CASH & CASH EQUIVALENTS Cash & cash equivalent for the purpose of Cash Flow Statement comprise cash on hand and at bank in current accounts and deposit accounts with maturity less than 3 months. (xxiii) PRINCIPLES OF CONSOLIDATION Subsidiaries and step down subsidiaries considered for consolidation : 7KHßQDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWVRIDOO,QGLDQ6XEVLGLDULHVLQFOXGLQJ,QGLDQ6WHSGRZQVXEVLGLDULHVDUHFRQVROLGDWHGRQWKHEDVLVRIWKHLU VWDQGDORQHFRQVROLGDWHGDFFRXQWVDYDLODEOHIRUWKH\HDUHQGHGVW0DUFK 7KH&RQVROLGDWHG)LQDQFLDO6WDWHPHQWVLQFOXGHWKHßQDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWVRIWKHIROORZLQJRYHUVHDV,QGLDQVXEVLGLDULHVDQG overseas step down subsidiaries: Name of company Krishna Holdings Pte Ltd.( KHL) Murari Holdings Limited -(MUHL) Mukundan Holdings Ltd.( MHL) Swiss Merchandise Infrastructure Ltd. Merit Plaza Ltd. Binani Readymix Concrete Limited (RMC) Binani Energy Private Ltd. Bhumi Resources (Singapore ) PTE Ltd PT Anggana Energy Resources Shandong Binani Rong'an Cement Company Ltd.(SBRCC) Binani Cement Factory LLC. (BCF) BC Tradelink Limited Binani Cement Tanzania Ltd. Binani Cement (Uganda) Ltd * i) LL Relation with Holding Company Country of Incorporation % of Share Holding Subsidiary of BCL Singapore 100 % "DDPVOUJOH:FBS Period considered for consolidation April'14 - March'15 -do- British Virgin Islands 100 % April'14 - March'15 -do- British Virgin Islands 100 % April'14 - March'15 -do- India 100 % April'14 - March'15 -do-do- India India 100 % 100 % April'14 - March'15 April'14 - March'15 -do- India 100 % April'14 - March'15 -do- Singapore 100 % April'14 - March'15 Step-down Subsidiary of BCL (Subsidiary of Bhumi Resources (Singapore) Pte Ltd). Step-down Subsidiary of BCL (Subsidiary of KHL) Step-down Subsidiary of BCL (Subsidiary of MHL & MUHL) -do-do- Indonesia 100 % April'14 - March'15 China 90 % April'14 - March'15 United Arab Emirates 100 % April'14 - March'15 Tanzania Tanzania 100 % 100 % April'14 - March'15 April'14 - March'15 Uganda 100 % April'14 - March'15 -do- The excess of cost of investment in the Subsidiary Companies over the Company’s portion of equity of the subsidiary at the GDWHRILQYHVWPHQWPDGHLVUHFRJQL]HGLQWKHßQDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWVDVJRRGZLOO7KHH[FHVVRI&RPSDQ\pVSRUWLRQRIHTXLW\RI the Subsidiary over the cost of the investment therein is treated as Capital Reserve. ,QYLHZRIWKHPDQDJHPHQWWKHHIIHFWRIH[FHSWLRQVWDWHGLQLLFDERYHLVQRWTXDQWLßDEOH *The company is under liquidation during the year. 98 Binani Cement Limited NOTE NO. - 26 ESTIMATED AMOUNTS OF CONTRACTS AND COMMITMENTS REMAINING TO BE EXECUTED AND NOT PROVIDED FOR (NET OF ADVANCES) (` in Lakhs) 31st March 2014 PARTICULARS 31st March 2015 The estimated amount of contracts and commitments remaining to be executed on capital 40,596.77 41,019.53 account not provided for NOTE NO. - 27 CONTINGENT LIABILITY PARTICULARS a) Claims against the Companies not acknowledged as debts in respect of various Tax matters b) Claims against the Companies not acknowledged as debts in respect of other matters c) Guarantees given by Banks d) Corporate Guarantees given to Bank for Loans to Holding Company & Fellow Subsidiaries e) Letter of Credit opened by Banks 31st March 2015 10,941.22 (` in Lakhs) 31st March 2014 11,024.88 7.89 414.08 205,023.64 17.11 546.95 168,420.60 2,468.20 2,352.60 NOTE NO. - 28 The Company has opted for Sales Tax Incentive Scheme, 1989. Earlier 25 % incentive was allowed by State Level Screening Committee, but pursuant to order of Rajasthan Tax Board, 75 % incentive from Sales Tax for sales effected in Rajasthan for 9 years subject to a limit of Eligible Fixed Capital Investment (EFCI) is being availed of. The Company has availed Sales Tax Incentive of ` 20,266.98 Lakhs upto 31st 0DUFK7KH6DOHV7D['HSDUWPHQWßOHGDUHYLVLRQSHWLWLRQEHIRUHWKH+RQpEOH5DMDVWKDQ+LJK&RXUW-RGKSXUFRQWHVWLQJWKHRUGHU of Rajasthan Tax Board, which allowed the Company to avail 75 % sales tax incentive. The Hon’ble High Court has dismissed the revision SHWLWLRQRI6DOHV7D['HSDUWPHQW7KH'HSDUWPHQWßOHGDUHYLVLRQSHWLWLRQEHIRUH+RQpEOH6XSUHPH&RXUW Hon’ble Supreme Court has decided the case against the Company. As per order, the Company is eligible for 25 % sales tax incentive for 7 years only. After decision of Hon’ble Supreme Court, the assessing authority passed revised assessment orders and raised demand notices for the year 1998-99 to 2007-08 amounting ` 41,421.55 Lakhs (` 16,731.80 Lakhs towards tax & ` 24,689.75 Lakhs towards interest). The Company has accepted the principal tax liability and already made provision towards the tax amount in the books as on 31.03.2014. 7KH&RPSDQ\ßOHGDSSOLFDWLRQIRUJUDQWRILQVWDOOPHQWVIRUSD\PHQWRIWD[DPRXQWDOVRßOHGDSSOLFDWLRQIRUZDLYHURILQWHUHVWZLWKWKH Commissioner, Commercial Taxes Department, Jaipur. The Commissioner, Commercial Taxes Department, Rajasthan has decided the applications and granted 10 installments to make complete payment of principle tax dues by 08.10.2015. Till 31.03.2015, the Company has deposited `4,304 Lakhs in compliance of orders passed by the Commissioner, Commercial Taxes Department, Rajasthan. The application for waiver of interest for subjudiced period was rejected and the Commissioner has granted 16 installments to pay the interest amount by 7KH&RPSDQ\KDVßOHGZULWSHWLWLRQLQ+RQpEOH+LJK&RXUW-RGKSXULQUHVSHFWRIUHMHFWLRQRIDSSOLFDWLRQIRUZDLYHURILQWHUHVW and the matter is sub-judice. On introduction of Value Added Tax (VAT) in the State of Rajasthan w.e.f 1st April, 2006, an option has been given to switch over to deferment scheme for twice the remaining validity period as available under the erstwhile Sales Tax Incentive Scheme, 1989 subject to the original limit of EFCI. The Company has exercised this option w.e.f 1st April, 2006 under which 75 % of VAT collected and payable after the said date is being deferred for a period of 7 years. Till 26th May, 2007, ` 3,813.54 Lakhs was deferred. The Company has paid ` 2,378.65 Lakhs during 2012-13 & 2013-14. The Company was eligible for EFCI of ` 48,849.53 Lakhs based on applicable guidelines under the Incentive Scheme, but the amount sanctioned by SLSC was ` 28,047.61 Lakhs against which writ petition was pending with the Hon’ble Rajasthan High Court. The Company KDVFRQWLQXHGWRDYDLOWKHGHIHUPHQWEHQHßWSHQGLQJWKHGHFLVLRQRI+RQpEOH+LJK&RXUW6WDWH*RYHUQPHQW7KHFDVHZDVVXEVHTXHQWO\ disposed by Hon’ble High court, Jaipur against the Company, which was challenged by the Company in Hon’ble Supreme Court. But, the same was also decided against the Company. 99 an n u al repor t 2014 - 1 5 Binani Cement Limited After disposal of matter by Hon’ble Supreme Court, Commercial Taxes Deptt. has issued demand notice of ` 17,302 Lakhs for the period 30th April, 2008 to 31st August, 2011. Against this principal tax liability, Company has been made complete tax payment up to 31.03.2015. The Commercial Taxes Deptt. has also raised demand of interest amounting ` 3,077.93 Lakhs, for which application for waiver of interest ZDVßOHGE\WKH&RPSDQ\EXWWKHDSSOLFDWLRQZDVUHMHFWHGE\&RPPLVVLRQHU&RPPHUFLDO7D[HV'HSDUWPHQW-DLSXU$JJULHYHGIURPWKLV WKH&RPSDQ\KDVßOHGZULWSHWLWLRQLQ+RQpEOH+LJK&RXUW-DLSXU+RZHYHUWKH&RPSDQ\KDVGHSRVLWHGWKHGHPDQGRILQWHUHVWXQGHU protest of ` 3,077.93 Lakhs in 2014-15. The Commercial Taxes Deptt. has also raised demand of interest amounting to ` 5,673.94 Lakhs, for which application for waiver of LQWHUHVWKDYHEHHQßOHGE\WKH&RPSDQ\DQGWKHVDPHDUHSHQGLQJZLWKWKH&RPPLVVLRQHU&RPPHUFLDO7D[HV'HSWW-DLSXU ,QDGGLWLRQWRDERYHGXULQJWKH\HDUWKH&RPSDQ\KDVßOHGDQDSSOLFDWLRQZLWK6DOHV7D[GHSDUWPHQWIRUH[WHQVLRQRISHULRGRI ()&,VFKHPHZKLFKZDVQRWDFFHSWHG7KH&RPSDQ\KDVßOHGDFDVHZLWK+RQpEOH-DLSXU+LJK&RXUWWRLQVWUXFWWKH6DOHV7D[GHSDUWPHQW WRH[WHQGWKH()&,VFKHPHSHULRG+RZHYHUWKH&RPSDQ\KDGDYDLOHGGHIHUPHQWRIRIWKH9$7&67OLDELOLW\DPRXQWLQJWR` 3,967.09 Lakhs for the period 27th May, 2007 to 30th April, 2008. The matter is pending for decision. NOTE NO. - 29 The excise duty shown as deduction from turnover is total excise duty on sale of goods for the year. However, the excise duty related to the difference between opening stock and closing stock samples etc. amounting to ` (271.19) Lakhs is shown under Changes in inventories RIßQLVKHGJRRGVZRUNLQSURJUHVVDQG6WRFNLQ7UDGHLQSURßWORVVDFFRXQW NOTE NO. - 30 The Company has not deposited a sum of ` 2,187.89 Lakhs (Previous Year ` 2,030.33 Lakhs) net of ` 723.76 Lakhs paid under protest (Previous Year 723.76 Lakhs) shown as current liability in note no. 8, on account of entry tax on goods under the Rajasthan Tax on Entry RI*RRGVLQWR/RFDO$UHD$FWRQQRWLßHGJRRGVSXUFKDVHGIURPRXWVLGHWKHVWDWHIURP0D\7KH&RPSDQ\KDVßOHGDZULWSHWLWLRQ on 10.07.2006 against the notice of C.T.O. special circle, Commercial Taxes Deptt., Pali for notice issued under section 16(3) of the said “Act”. The said petition was admitted by the Hon’ble Court and a stay was granted. Subsequently, the case was heard by Hon’ble High Court and passed an order that the stay shall remain continued on the condition that petitioner deposit the 50 % of amount assessed and submit Solvent security for the balance amount including interest, penalty etc. Accordingly, in compliance of the order, the entry tax of ` 723.76 Lakhs being 50 % of assessed tax was deposited by the Company under protest and also submitted solvent security for the balance amount. NOTE NO. - 31 7KH&RPSDQ\ZDVVHOOLQJ&HPHQWRQLQWHUVWDWHVDOHV#&67ZLWKRXWq&rIRUPXVRI&67$FWDVSHUQRWLßFDWLRQQR))' 7D['LYGDWHG7KH6WDWH*RYWKDVDPHQGHGFHUWDLQQRWLßFDWLRQVIRUUHTXLUHPHQWRIq&rRUq'rIRUPLQWKHHDUOLHU QRWLßFDWLRQVLVVXHGSULRUWRRQZKLFKFOHDU\HVWDEOLVKHVWKDWSULRUWRDPHQGPHQWLQWKHQRWLßFDWLRQWKHUHZDVQR UHTXLUHPHQWRIo&pIRUPVXQOHVVWKHQRWLßFDWLRQVDUHDPHQGHG7KHDERYHUHIHUUHGQRWLßFDWLRQGDWHGZDVUHVFLQGHGE\WKH Rajasthan Govt. on 01.12.2006, hence it was in application upto 30.11.2006. The Assessing Authority has raised demand notices of ` 38.43 Lakhs in respect of sale of cement @6 % CST for the period 27.09.2005 onwards. The matter was challenged by us in Hon’ble Rajasthan High Court, Jodhpur. The case was heard on 10.01.2012 and stay has been granted by Hon’ble High Court against submission of bank guarantee for the demand amount. In compliance of Hon’ble High Court order, the Company has submitted Bank guarantees of ` 60.52 Lakhs to the Assessing Authority, Commercial Taxes Deptt., Pali. NOTE NO. - 32 LOANS- SECURED I BINANI CEMENT LIMITED A. TERM LOANS Banks and Financial Institutions D (NVSRUW.UHGLW)LQDQVLHULQJ$6)RUHLJQ&XUUHQF\/RDQRI` Nil (Previous Year ` 414.72 Lakhs). Security - refer note 1 below. Loan repaid in full during Financial Year 2014-15. 100 Binani Cement Limited b) Consortium of Banks and Financial Institutions - Term Loans of ` 192,965.20 Lakhs (Previous Year ` 192,991.31 Lakhs). Security - refer note 2 below. Term loans repayable in 32 quarterly installments beginning from June 30th 2016. There is delay in payment of interest ` 388.86 Lakhs from 1 day to one month. c) Consortium of Banks and Financial Institutions - Workin Capital Term Loans of ` 31,958.83 Lakhs (Previous Year ` 2,034.67 Lakhs). Security - refer note 2 below. Term loans repayable in 32 quarterly installments beginning from June 30th 2016. There is delay in payment of interest ` 44.76 Lakhs for one day to two months.” d) Consortium of Banks and Financial Institutions - Funded Interest Term Loans of ` 22,615.68 Lakhs (Previous Year Nil). Security - refer note 2 below. Term loans repayable in 12 quarterly installments beginning from June 30th 2016. There is delay in payment of interest ` 2.70 Lakhs for one day to two months. e) Consortium of Banks and Financial Institutions - Term Loan for Sale Tax of ` 14,069.38 Lakhs (Previous Year Nil). Security - refer note 2 below. f) Syndicate Bank - Term Loan of ` 571.36 Lakhs (Previous Year ` 1,718.84 Lakhs). Security - refer note 3 below. Term loans repayable in 32 quarterly installments beginning from June 30th 2016. Loan repayable in 14 equal quarterly installments commencing from December’11.There is delay in repayment of loan amounting to ` 571.36 Lakhs for one day to three months and interest ` 301.76 Lakhs for one day to sixteen months. g) Syndicate Bank - Term Loan of ` 7,500 Lakhs (Previous Year ` 7,500 Lakhs). Security - refer note 4 below. Loan repayable in 8 equal quarterly installments commencing from June 2015. There is delay in payment of interest `/DNKVIRURQHGD\WRßIWHHQPRQWKV h) Syndicate Bank - Term Loan of ` 7,187.97 Lakhs (Previous Year ` 8,500 Lakhs). Security - refer note 5 below. Loan repayable in 5 yearly installments commencing from November 2012. There is delay in repayment of loan amounting to ` 2,687.97 Lakhs for 494 days to 129 days and interest ` 1,459.89 /DNKVIURPRQHGD\WRßIWHHQPRQWKV i) Syndicate Bank -Term Loan of ` 7,500 Lakhs (Previous Year ` 7,500 Lakhs). Security - refer note 6 below. Loan repayable in 7 yearly installments commencing from 31st March, 2015. There is delay in repayment of loan amounting to ` 468.75 Lakhs for one day and interest ` 1,461.19 Lakhs for one day to sixteen months. Security Clause for above Loans 6HFXUHGE\D([FOXVLYHßUVWFKDUJHRQWKHDVVHWVLPSRUWHGIURP0V)/6PLGWK'HQPDUNXQGHUWKH([SRUW&RQWUDFW GDWHGDQGGHßQHGFOHDUO\LQWKHORDQDJUHHPHQWGDWHGHQWHUHGZLWK(.)$VE3DUL3DVVX charge on Trust and Retention account and (c) Corporate Guarantee of Binani Industries Limited (BIL). 6HFXUHGWREHVHFXUHGE\D)LUVWSDULSDVVXFKDUJHRQWKH)L[HG$VVHWVERWKSUHVHQWIXWXUHDQG6HFRQGSDULSDVVX charge on Current Assets of the Company;. (b) Personal Guarantee of a promoter Director; (c) Pledge of 42.55 %, being (TXLW\6KDUHVRI%LQDQL&HPHQW/LPLWHG%&/KHOGE\%,/RQßUVWSDULSDVVXEDVLVDORQJZLWKWKH:RUNLQJ Capital Lenders;. (d) Pledge of 51.28 %, being 15,175,804 Equity Shares of Binani Industries Limited (BIL) held by its 3URPRWHUVRQßUVWSDULSDVVXEDVLVDORQJZLWK:RUNLQJ&DSLWDO/HQGHUVH&RUSRUDWH*XDUDQWHHRI%,/I&KDUJHRQ brand “BINANI” on pari passu basis along with Working Capital Lenders. 6HFXUHG E\ D ([FOXVLYH ßUVW FKDUJH RQ 3ODQW DQG 0DFKLQHU\ (TXLSPHQWV RI WK FHPHQW JULQGLQJ XQLW VLWXDWHG DW Binanigram, Pindwara, Sirohi, Rajasthan and (b) First pari passu charge on the portion of land pertaining to the 4th cement grinding unit situated at Binanigram, Pindwara, Sirohi, Rajasthan. 4 Secured by (a) First pari passu charge on Fixed Assets of the Company (b) Post dated cheques for payment of principal & Interest and (c) Personal Guarantee of a Promoter Director. 101 an n u al repor t 2014 - 1 5 Binani Cement Limited 6HFXUHGE\6HFRQGSDULSDVVXFKDUJHRQWKH&RPSDQ\pVß[HGDVVHWVERWKSUHVHQWDQGIXWXUH 6HFXUHGE\D)LUVWSDULSDVVXFKDUJHRQß[HGDVVHWVRIWKH&RPSDQ\ESRVWGDWHGFKHTXHVIRUSULQFLSDO,QVWDOOPHQWV c) Corporate Guarantee of Binani Industries Limited. As per clause 4.3.6 of the RBI circular dated February 26, 2014 on the Guidelines on Joint Lenders Forum (JLF) and Corrective Action Plan (CAP) ‘‘Restructuring cases will be taken up by the JLF only in respect of assets reported as standard, SMA or 6XEVWDQGDUGE\RQHRUPRUHOHQGHUVRIWKH-/):KLOHJHQHUDOO\QRDFFRXQWFODVVLßHGDVGRXEWIXOVKRXOGEHFRQVLGHUHGE\ WKH-/)IRUUHVWUXFWXULQJLQFDVHVZKHUHDVPDOOSRUWLRQRIGHEWLVGRXEWIXOLHWKHDFFRXQWLVVWDQGDUGVXEVWDQGDUGLQWKH books of at least 90 % of creditors (by value), the account may then be considered under JLF for restructuring’’. Syndicate Bank has already signed Master Joint Lenders Forum Agreement on 12-6-2014, agreed for restructure of account as per CAP wherein the bank have agreed to share all security on pari passu basis. B. WORKING CAPITAL FACILITIES Consortium of banks- ` 4,904.04 Lakhs (Previous Year ` 9,709.64 Lakhs) 6HFXUHGWREHVHFXUHGE\D)LUVWSDULSDVVXFKDUJHRQFXUUHQWDVVHWVDQGVHFRQGSDULSDVVXFKDUJHRQß[HGDVVHWVRIWKH Company both present and future (b) Personal Guarantee of a promoter Director. (c) Pledge of 42.55 %, being 80,258,854 (TXLW\6KDUHVRI%LQDQL&HPHQW/LPLWHG%&/KHOGE\%LQDQL,QGXVWULHV/LPLWHG%,/RQßUVWSDULSDVVXEDVLVDORQJZLWK-/) Term Lenders; (d) Pledge of 51.28 %, being 15,175,804 Equity Shares of Binani Industries Limited (BIL) held by Promoters of %,/RQßUVWSDULSDVVXEDVLVDORQJZLWK-/)7HUP/HQGHUVH&RUSRUDWH*XDUDQWHHRI%,/I&KDUJHRQEUDQGr%,1$1,rRQ pari passu basis along with JLF Term Lenders. II MUKUNDAN HOLDINGS LTD. Bank of Baroda - Term Loans of ` 12,520.88 Lakhs (US $ 20 Million) (Previous Year ` 11,962.1 Lakhs (US $ 20 Million)). Term Loan is repayable in quarterly Installments of US $ 2.50 Million starts from 10-6-2014 to 11-3-2016. Security 1) Pledge of US $ 20 million Share of Mukundan Holdings Limited, BVI held by Binani Cement Limited 2) Negative Lien on the assets of the Binani Cement Factory LLC Dubai 1RQ GLVSRVDO XQGHUWDNLQJ IRU EHQHßFLDO LQWHUHVW RI VKDUHV RI %LQDQL &HPHQW )DFWRU\ //& 'XEDL KHOG E\ WKH 0XUDUL Holdings Ltd. 1RQ GLVSRVDO XQGHUWDNLQJ IRU EHQHßFLDO LQWHUHVW RI VKDUHV RI %LQDQL &HPHQW )DFWRU\ //& 'XEDL KHOG E\ 0XNXQGDQ Holdings Ltd 100 % WOS of Binani Cement Limited 5) Irrevocable and unconditional Corporate Guarantee of Binani Cement Ltd, India )LUVWSDULSDVVXFKDUJHRQWKHß[HGDVVHWVRI%LQDQL&HPHQW)DFWRU\//&'XEDL There is delay in payment of principal of US $ 10 Million and Interest of US $ 1.560 Million for 21 days to 294 days. As per MRA Agreement dated 13-12-2014, entered by BCL with Banks, these loans were to be paid out of reimbursement of sales tax amount paid by BCL as per CAP approved by BCL lenders. Total amount of reimbursement to be received from Banks as on 313-2015 is ` 8,479 Lakhs. Bank of Baroda has kept ` /DNKVDV)'5ZKLFKZRXOGEHßUVWXWLOL]HGIRUSD\PHQWRI0XUDUL+ROGLQJV Limited dues of USD 1.25 Millon loan and balance for dues of Mukundan Holdings Limited. III KRISHNA HOLDINGS PTE LTD. State Bank of India (HK) : Term Loan of ` 4,805.51 Lakhs (US $ 7,676,000 ) (Previous Year - ` 7,880.63 Lakhs (US $ 13,176,000)) Term Loan is repayable in 15 quarterly Installments starts from 30-09-2012. 4FDVSFEUPCFTFDVSFE 1) Irrevocable and unconditional Corporate Guarantee of Binani Cement Ltd., India 2) Pledge of share of SBRCCL to the extent of RMB 180 Million 102 Binani Cement Limited IV BINANI CEMENT FACTORY LLC Bank Borrowings Trust Receipts & Bill discounted with Recourse ` 7,624.75 Lakhs (AED 44,733,847) (Previous Year ` 6,648.91 Lakhs (AED 40,831,169)) The bank borrowings are secured by - V 1) Charge over plant & machinery and receivables 2) Assignment of insurance policies covering stocks /LHQRYHUß[HGGHSRVLWVDQGPDUJLQGHSRVLWV 4) Subordination of long term loan of AED 10 Million 5) Corporate guarantee of Murari Holdings Limited, Mukundan Holdings Limited and Binani Cement Ltd. MURARI HOLDINGS LIMITED Banks - Term Loans of ` 4,851.85 Lakhs (US$ 7,750,000) (Previous Year ` 4,635.32 Lakhs (US$ 7,750,000)) Term loans are repayable in quarterly Installments starts from 30-1-2010. 4FDVSFEUPCFTFDVSFE 1) Pledge of 100 % shares of Murari Holdings Limited held by Binani Cement Ltd. 2) A Negative Lien on the Binani Cement Factory LLC Dubai 1RQ 'LVSRVDO XQGHUWDNLQJ IRU EHQHßFLDO LQWHUHVW RI VKDUHV LQ %LQDQL &HPHQW )DFWRU\ //& KHOG E\ 0XUDUL +ROGLQJV Limited 4) Corporate Guarantee of Binani Cement Ltd. There is delay in payment of principal of US $ 7.500 Million for 22 days to 443 days and Interest of US $ 0.551 Million for 22 days to 352 days. As per MRA Agreement dated 13-12-2014, entered by BCL with Banks, these loans were to be paid out of reimbursement of sales tax amount paid by BCL as per CAP approved by BCL lenders. Total amount of reimbursement to be received from Banks as on 31-3-2015 is ` 8,479 Lakhs. Bank of Baroda has kept ` /DNKVDV)'5ZKLFKZRXOGEHßUVWXWLOL]HGIRU payment of Murari Holdings Limited dues of USD 1.25 million loan and balance for dues of Mukundan Holdings Limited. VI SHANDONG BINANI RONG’AN CEMENT COMPANY Loan Outstanding is ` 18,922.73 Lakhs (RMB 185,000,000) (Previous Year ` 19,409.2 Lakhs (RMB 200,000,000)) The Loan is secured by clinker production lines 1 and 2 equipment, land and mining rights. Term loan repayment is scheduled from 14-4-2015 to 1-7-2016. NOTE NO. - 33 The Company has also made defaults in payment of Interest of unsecured term loan (Commercial Paper from United Bank of India) amounting to ` 25.48 Lakhs for the period of 1 day. NOTE NO. - 34 OTHER INCOME (` in Lakhs) PARTICULARS L 31st March, 2015 31st March, 2014 ,QWHUHVW'LYLGHQGIURP%DQNV2WKHUV 13,550.76 11,513.85 LL 3URßWRQVDOHRI)L[HG$VVHWV,QYHVWPHQW - 11.94 LLL 6FUDS6DOH,QGXVWULDOZDVWH - 3.81 iv) Others TOTAL 103 761.90 427.66 14,312.66 11,957.27 an n u al repor t 2014 - 1 5 Binani Cement Limited NOTE NO. - 35 REMUNERATION TO AUDITORS PARTICULARS Statutory Auditors For Audit Fees For Taxation Matters For other services )RUFHUWLßFDWLRQVRWKHUV Reimbursement of expenses TOTAL Cost Auditors As Auditor )RUFHUWLßFDWLRQVRWKHUV For Reimbursement of expenses TOTAL 31st March, 2015 (` in Lakhs) 31st March, 2014 50.73 3.75 18.25 13.18 1.61 87.52 53.82 4.03 7.50 3.40 1.38 70.13 1.00 0.23 0.23 1.45 1.00 0.32 1.32 NOTE NO. - 36 In case of BCL, based on information available with the Company in respect of MSME (‘The Micro Small & Medium Enterprises Development Act 2006’), ` 70.97 Lakhs was provided towards interest in the previous year. During the year, the Company has made payments in respect of outstandings as on 31.03.2014. The applicable interest is being paid as and when claimed by any of the enterprise covered under MSME Act, 2006. NOTE NO. - 37 DEFERRED TAX LIABILITY OF THE GROUP AS ON MARCH 31, 2015 COMPRISES OF THE FOLLOWING : 7KHWD[HIIHFWRIVLJQLßFRQWWLPLQJGLIIHUDQFHVWKDWKDVUHVXOWHGLQGHIHUUHGWD[DVVHWVDQGOLDELOLWLHVDUHJLYHQEHORZ PARTICULARS a) Deferred Tax Liability Depreciation TOTAL b) Deferred Tax Asset Disallowance under Income Tax Act, 1961 Unabsorbed Depreciation and Business Loss TOTAL 31st March, 2015 Deferred Tax Liability Provided up to last year 'HIHUUHG7D[IRUWKH\HDU/LDELOLW\$VVHWV (` in Lakhs) 31st March, 2014 20,254.28 20,254.28 20,707.15 20,707.15 (13,029.47) (1,218.06) (14,247.53) (7,230.73) (3,225.74) (10,456.47) 6,006.75 10,250.68 (4,243.93) 10,250.68 19,873.30 (9,622.62) NOTE NO. - 38 Selling and Administration Expenses includes ` 1,240 Lakhs (Previous Year ` 3,886.50 Lakhs) paid to Binani Industries Ltd. (BIL), the +ROGLQJ&RPSDQ\WRZDUGVFRUSRUDWHVXSSRUWVHUYLFHVUHODWHGWR$FFRXQWLQJ)LQDQFH7UHDVXU\)RUH[&RPPRGLW\5LVN0DQDJHPHQW Purchases, Audit, Taxation, Corporate strategy, Media Services, Project Management etc. BIL provides the above mentioned services to its subsidiaries including the Company on payment of monthly Management Services Fees. Also a sum of ` 3,419.67 Lakhs (Previous Year ` 5,481.26 Lakhs) paid to BIL as Royalty on account of license fee for use of trademark, corporate name, logos etc. BIL has stopped charging both the above services w.e.f. 13.12.2014. 104 Binani Cement Limited NOTE NO. - 39 The Company is having various ongoing projects in hand at Gujarat, Nimbri (Raj.) and other places. Incidental expenses pertaining to these projects incurred, included under capital work in progress, are as under: PARTICULARS Balance Brought forward Other Operating Expenses Repairs and Maintenance 0DQDJHPHQW&RQVXOWDQF\)HH Salaries and Wages Contribution to Provident and other Funds Insurance Other Sundry Expenses Depreciation Interest - Term Loans Exchange Loss (net) )LQDQFLDO%DQN&KDUJHV 31st March, 2015 5,735.33 1.28 4.27 999.55 4.01 (9.14) 0.07 0.22 6,735.59 59.48 6,676.11 Less : Capitalised Balance carried forward (` in Lakhs) 31st March, 2014 4,949.96 5.24 0.04 78.65 126.26 7.57 (0.55) 0.91 0.10 395.21 153.73 51.66 5,768.77 33.45 5,735.33 NOTE NO. - 40 Related Party Disclosure as per Accounting Standard 18 “Related Party Disclosures” issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India : The Company has entered into transactions in ordinary course of business with related parties at arms length as per details below : Particulars A. TRANSACTIONS Sale of Cement - G D Binani Charitable Foundation Sale of Traded Goods - Binani Metals Ltd. Interest Income on ICD - Binani Industries Limited Issue of Preference Share Capital - Binani Industries Limited Holding Company Fellow Subsidiary Key Management Personnel ,.1 3FMBUJWFTPG,.1 Enterprises where Key Management Personnel has got TJHOJÞDBOUJOßVFODF (` in Lakhs) Total - - 17.24 - 17.24 - - - (1,481.38) (1,481.38) 12,753.87 (10,337.16) - - 12,753.87 (10,337.16) 6,002.00 - - - 6,002.00 - - - 132.20 (95.66) 132.20 (95.66) 4FSWJDF$IBSHFTGPSPGÞDFGBDJMJUJFTWFIJDMFFUD - Triton Trading Co. Pvt. Limited 105 an n u al repor t 2014 - 1 5 Binani Cement Limited NOTE NO. - 40 (Contd.) Particulars 4FSWJDF$IBSHFTGPSPGÞDFGBDJMJUJFTWFIJDMFFUD - Binani Metals Ltd. Purchase of Flyash - Binani Metals Ltd. 4FSWJDF$IBSHFTGPS"EWFSUJTFNFOU4BMFT1SPNPUJPO & Purchase of gift items, etc. - Media Magix (Div. of Binani Metals Ltd.) 4FSWJDF$IBSHFTGPS"EWFSUJTFNFOU4BMFT1SPNPUJPO etc. - Asian Industry (Div. of Binani Metals Ltd.) &YFDVUJPOPGUSBOTQPSUBUJPOPUIFSTFSWJDFTDPOUSBDU - Dhaneshwar Solution pvt. Ltd. (merged with Binani Metals Ltd.) - Dhaneshawar Solution - A Division of Binani Metals Ltd. Interest Expenses - Dhaneshwar Solution pvt. Ltd. (merged with Binani Metals Ltd.) Inter Corporate Deposit given (net) - Binani Industries Limited *OUFS$PSQPSBUF%FQPTJUSFDFJWFESFQBJE - Dhaneshwar Solution pvt. Ltd. (merged with Binani Metals Ltd.) 1BJEGPSXPSLTTVQQMZDPOUSBDU - BIL Infratech Ltd. Interest Income on Advance - BIL Infratech Ltd. Directors Sitting Fees - Mr. Braj Binani - Ms. Shradha Binani Holding Company Fellow Subsidiary Key Management Personnel ,.1 3FMBUJWFTPG,.1 Enterprises where Key Management Personnel has got TJHOJÞDBOUJOßVFODF (` in Lakhs) Total - - 29.82 (43.36) 29.82 (43.36) - - 62.16 - 62.16 - - - 1,570.51 - 1,570.51 - - - 5.85 - 5.85 - - - - - - - (12,773.66) 44,185.34 (12,773.66) 44,185.34 - - (24,569.23) (24,569.23) - - - - - - (11.26) (11.26) (60,153.24) - - (60,153.24) - - - - - - (2,500.00) (2,500.00) - 938.50 (95.51) - 938.50 (95.51) - 400.00 - - 400.00 - - - 1.70 (1.40) (1.20) 1.70 (1.40) (1.20) 106 Binani Cement Limited NOTE NO. - 40 (Contd.) Particulars -PBO3FDFJWFE3FQBJE - Golden Global Pte Ltd. (Repayment of loan) Loan Given - CPI Binani Inc % %LQDQL *ODVVßEUH 6DUO 5HSD\PHQW RI ORDQ received) Interest Income - CPI Binani Inc %%LQDQL*ODVVßEUH6DUO B. BALANCE AS ON 31.03.15 ASSETS (a) Loans and Advances - BIL Infratech Ltd. - Triton Trading Co. Pvt. Limited - CPI Binani Inc (b) Inter Corporate Deposits - Binani Industries Limited (c) Interest Receivable - Binani Industries Limited - CPI Binani Inc LIABILITIES (a) Trade Payables - Asian Industry (Div. of Binani Metals Ltd.) - Media Magix (Div. of Binani Metals Ltd.) - Dhaneshwar Solution - A Division of Binani Metals - Binani Industries Limited Holding Company Fellow Subsidiary Key Management Personnel ,.1 3FMBUJWFTPG,.1 Enterprises where Key Management Personnel has got TJHOJÞDBOUJOßVFODF (` in Lakhs) Total - - (154.51) (149.53) (154.51) (149.53) - (629.94) - - (629.94) - - (1,090.10) - (1,090.10) - 55.75 (57.90) (15.11) - 55.75 (57.90) (15.11) - (3,399.66) 1,001.67 (956.97) 58.94 (17.53) - (3,399.66) 58.94 (17.53) 1,001.67 (956.97) 114,857.24 (114,857.24) - - 114,857.24 (114,857.24) 16,354.58 (3,601.07) - 117.17 (57.90) - 16,354.58 (3,601.07) 117.17 (57.90) 1,980.81 (2,498.07) - 5.73 1,514.90 1,644.51 (4,836.74) - 5.73 1,514.90 1,644.51 (4,836.74) 1,980.81 (2,498.07) 107 an n u al repor t 2014 - 1 5 Binani Cement Limited NOTE NO. - 40 (Contd.) Particulars Holding Company - Binani Metals Limited (b) Other Payables - Golden Global Pte Ltd. Fellow Subsidiary - Key Management Personnel ,.1 3FMBUJWFTPG,.1 Enterprises where Key Management Personnel has got TJHOJÞDBOUJOßVFODF 11.15 (5.54) - - (149.53) (` in Lakhs) Total 11.15 (5.54) (149.53) (Figures in bracket pertain to Previous Year) Note: 1 The remuneration paid to key management personnel Mr. Jotirmoy Ghose - ` 131.62 Lakhs (Previous Year ` 63.04 Lakhs), Mr. P. Acharya - nil (Previous Year ` 154.56 Lakhs), Mr. K. K. Jain - ` 38.62 Lakhs (Previous Year nil), Mr. Amit Kumar Gupta - ` 25.28 Lakhs (Previous Year nil), Mr. Atul Falgunia - ` 8.79 Lakhs (Previous Year nil). The payments towards Management Services Fee & Royalty to Holding Company have been separately disclosed vide note no. 38. *XDUDQWHHVJLYHQWREHJLYHQWR%DQNVE\+ROGLQJ&RPSDQ\RQEHKDOIRIWKH&RPSDQ\KDYHEHHQVHSDUDWHO\GLVFORVHGLQQRWHQR 3 Guarantees given by the Company to Banks for loans given to subsidiary is disclosed in note no. 27 (d). 4 Names of related parties and description of relationship: a) Holding Company : Binani Industries Limited b) Fellow Subsidiary : Binani Zinc Limited(BZL), Goa Glass Fiber Limited(GGFL), BT Composites Limited(BTCL)*, BIL Infratech /WG % %LQDQL *ODVVßEUH 6DUO % %LQDQL 5R\DOYLVLRQ 3URMHFWV 3YW /WG 533/ 5R\DOYLVLRQ ,QIUDWHFK 3ULYDWH /LPLWHG Royalvision Concrete Private Limited, RBG Minerals Industries Limited, CPI Binani Inc., Binani Global Cement Holdings 3ULYDWH/LPLWHG3URMHFW%LUG+ROGLQJ,,6DUO3%+,,%ßEHUJODVV635/%)LEUHJODVV$6DQG7XQßE6DUO c) Key Management Personnel : Mr. Braj Binani, Mr. Jotirmoy Ghose, Mr. K. K. Jain (w.e.f. 30.05.2014), Mr. Atul Falgunia (Upto 30.04.2014) and Mr. Amit Kumar Gupta (w.e.f. 05.06.2014). G 7UDQVDFWLRQVZKHUHNH\0DQDJHPHQW3HUVRQQHOKDYHJRWVLJQLßFDQWLQàXHQFH0U%UDM%LQDQLZLWK%LQDQL0HWDOV/WG7ULWRQ Trading Co. Pvt. Ltd. & Golden Global Pte Ltd. * The Company is under liquidation. NOTE NO. - 41 a) Particulars of unhedged foreign currency exposure as at Balance Sheet date: Binani Cement Limited (` in Lakhs) Particulars Currency 31st March, 2015 31st March, 2014 Outstanding Creditors for Coal USD 4,215.18 10,123.68 Outstanding Creditors for Machinery USD 8.22 7.88 Outstanding Creditors for Spares DKK 69.06 3.03 Outstanding Creditors for Spares USD 0.10 - Outstanding Creditors for Spares EURO 108.93 - - 414.72 Loans Payables USD 108 Binani Cement Limited b) The details of forward contracts outstanding at the year end are as follows : As at Number of Contracts Currency Buy Amount Purpose 17 USD 18,710,000 Creditors Payment 31st March, 2015 31st March, 2014 NOTE NO. - 42 Segment reporting as per Accounting Standard AS - 17 issued by The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India: Since the Company along with its subsidiaries are primarily in the business of production and sales of clinker and cement, the same has EHHQFRQVLGHUHGWKHSULPDU\UHSRUWDEOHVHJPHQW)XUWKHULWKDVLGHQWLßHGJHRJUDSKLFDOVHJPHQWDV,QGLD'XEDLDQG&KLQDEDVHGRQ Segment Revenue, Result & Asset for reporting purpose. (` in Lakhs) Segment Revenue Sales (net of Excise) Other Income Total Segment Result 1HW3URßWORVVEHIRUHWD[ from ordinary activities Add: Interest & Dividend Income Less :Finance costs Less :Income Taxes India Dubai China Unallocated Elimination Inter Segment Total 170,463.94 22,336.01 36,628.29 59.18 (42.77) 229,444.65 (185,185.66) (17,507.74) (46,958.33) - - (249,651.73) 118.42 250.29 272.94 129.24 - 770.89 (365.37) - (68.20) (202.14) - (635.71) 170,582.36 22,586.30 36,901.23 188.41 (42.77) 230,215.54 (185,551.03) (17,507.74) (47,026.53) (202.14) - (250,287.44) India Dubai China Unallocated Elimination Inter Segment Total 7,166.70 862.30 (1,547.40) (437.49) 1.55 6,045.66 (-12,297.09) (-1,328.89) (-1,037.25) (-9.39) - (-14,672.62) - - - - - 13,550.76 - - - - - (11,513.85) - - - - - 39,299.75 - - - - - (31,251.43) - - - - - (4,106.99) - - - - - (-9,215.89) Loss on sale of investment (92.53) Total (15,596.35) (-25,286.83) 109 an n u al repor t 2014 - 1 5 Binani Cement Limited (` in Lakhs) Capital Employed India Dubai China Unallocated Elimination Inter Segment Total 414,349.43 (408,485.75) Total Segment Liabilities 79,388.28 (110,064.36) Capital Employed 334,961.16 (298,421.39) (Figures in bracket pertain to Previous Year) 43,033.66 (37,649.68) 6,136.31 (3,495.19) 36,897.35 (34,154.48) 82,750.86 (86,272.54) 16,069.46 (10,766.78) 66,681.40 (75,505.76) 203,100.87 (197,385.42) 256.75 (238.28) 202,844.12 (197,147.14) (251,661.17) (-248,107.36) (217.98) (-185.00) (251,443.20) (-247,922.36) 491,573.65 (481,686.02) 101,632.82 (124,379.61) 389,940.83 (357,306.41) Total Segment Assets NOTE NO. - 43 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS B C %FÞOFE$POUSJCVUJPO1MBOT During the year the Company has recognised ` 355.86 Lakhs (Previous Year `/DNKVLQWKH3URßWDQG/RVV$FFRXQWRQ DFFRXQWRIGHßQHGFRQWULEXWLRQSODQVLH(PSOR\HUV&RQWULEXWLRQWR3URYLGHQW)XQGVDQG(6,& I) Binani Cement Limited %FÞOFECFOFÞUQMBOTBTQFSBDUVBSJBMWBMVBUJPOPOTU.BSDI (` in Lakhs) PARTICULARS Gratuity Funded Leave Encashment Non-Funded 31st March, 31st March, I &YQFOTFTSFDPHOJTFEJOUIF4UBUFNFOUPG1SPÞU 31st March, 31st March, 2014 2014 Loss 2015 2015 1 Current Service Cost * 95.43 2.37 92.23 31.42 2 Interest Cost 59.42 67.70 3 Employee Contributions 4 Expected return on plan assets (50.88) (52.84) 5 1HW$FWXDULDO*DLQV/RVVHV (94.66) 18.50 6 Past service cost 7 Settlement cost 8 Total expenses 9.32 2.37 125.58 31.42 $VSSFOUTFSWJDFDPTUJODBTFPGMFBWFFODBTINFOUBSFOFUPGCFOFÞUQBJEEVSJOHUIFZFBSJODMVEFEVOEFSTBMBSZBOEBMMPXBODF 1 2 3 4 /FU"TTFU-JBCJMJUZ SFDPHOJTFEJOUIF#BMBODF Sheet 3UHVHQWYDOXHRI'HßQHG%HQHßW2EOLJDWLRQ Fair value of plan assets )XQGHGVWDWXV>6XUSOXV'HßFLW@ 1HWDVVHWOLDELOLW\ 31st March, 2015 750.02 487.28 (262.74) (262.74) 31st March, 2014 727.14 607.41 (119.73) (119.73) 31st March, 2015 263.54 (263.54) 31st March, 2014 232.12 232.12 III Change in obligation during the year 1 31st March, 2015 727.14 31st March, 2014 720.30 31st March, 2015 232.12 31st March, 2014 229.75 3UHVHQWYDOXHRI'HßQHG%HQHßW2EOLJDWLRQDW2QH beginning of the year Current Service cost * 95.43 2.37 92.23 31.42 Interest cost 59.42 67.70 Settlement cost Past service cost 27.43 Employee Contributions $FWXDULDO*DLQV/RVVHV (82.12) 21.43 %HQHßWV3D\PHQWV (65.90) (185.91) 3UHVHQWYDOXHRI'HßQHG%HQHßW2EOLJDWLRQDWWKH 727.14 232.12 750.02 263.54 end of the year $VSSFOUTFSWJDFDPTUJODBTFPGMFBWFFODBTINFOUBSFOFUPGCFOFÞUQBJEEVSJOHUIFZFBSJODMVEFEVOEFSTBMBSZBOEBMMPXBODF II 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 110 Binani Cement Limited (` in Lakhs) Gratuity Funded 31st March, 31st March, 2014 2015 584.88 607.40 50.88 52.84 25.00 10.00 (65.90) (185.91) 12.53 2.94 607.40 487.28 IV Change in Assets during the Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Plan assets at the beginning of the year Assets acquired on amalgamation in Previous Year Settlements Expected return on plan assets Contributions by Employer $FWXDOEHQHßWVSDLG $FWXDULDO*DLQV/RVVHV Actual return on plan assets Plan assets at the end of the year V The major categories of plan assets as a percentage of total plan Qualifying Insurance Policy VI Actuarial Assumptions : Discount Rate Rate of Return on Plan Assets Salary Escalation Attrition rate YES YES 8.00 % 8.00 % 7.00 % 2.00 % 9.31 % 8.70 % 7.00 % 2.00 % Provision towards liability for Leave Encashment made on the basis of actuarial valuation as per Accounting Standard 15 (Revised). Actuarial value of liability is ` 263.54 Lakhs (Previous Year ` 232.12 Lakhs) based upon following assumptions: Discount Rate 9.31 % 8.00 % Salary Escalation 7% 7% II) Binani Cement Factory LLC &NQMPZFFTUFSNJOBMCFOFÞUT )RUHPSOR\HHVWHUPLQDOEHQHßWSURYLVLRQDFWXDULDOFDOFXODWLRQVDUHQRWPDGH+HQFHSURYLVLRQLVPDGHRQWKHDVVXPSWLRQ that all employees were to leave as of the end of the reporting period since this provides, in management’s opinion, a UHDVRQDEOHHVWLPDWHRIWKHSUHVHQWYDOXHRIWKHWHUPLQDOEHQHßWV NOTE NO. - 44 OPERATING LEASE I Binani Cement Limited a) Future Lease Rental payments Particulars i) Not later than one year LL /DWHUWKDQRQH\HDUDQGQRWODWHUWKDQßYH\HDUV LLL /DWHUWKDQßYH\HDUV E c) 31st March, 2015 21.72 0.85 - (` in Lakhs) 31st March, 2014 35.47 31.16 - 2SHUDWLQJOHDVHSD\PHQWUHFRJQLVHGLQ3URßW/RVV$FFRXQWDPRXQWLQJWR` 514.81 Lakhs (Previous Year ` 579.65 Lakhs). General description of the leasing arrangement: L /HDVHG$VVHWV&DU*RGRZQVDQG2IßFH ii) Future lease rentals are determined on the basis of agreed terms. iii) At the expiry of the lease term, the Company has an option either to return the asset or extend the term by giving notice in writing. 111 an n u al repor t 2014 - 1 5 Binani Cement Limited II Binani Ready Mix Concrete Limited (` in Lakhs) Particulars 31st March, 2015 (a) /HDVHSD\PHQWVUHFRJQLVHGLQWKH3URßWDQG/RVV$FFRXQW (b) 6LJQLßFDQWOHDVHDUUDQJHPHQWV L 7KHDJUHHPHQWVLVLQLWLDOO\IRUDSHULRGRIßYH\HDUVZKLFKPD\EHH[WHQGHG or terminated as per the conditions of the agreements. (ii) the Company has given interest free security deposit of ` 30 Lakhs. (iii) Agreement provide for increase in rent by 10 % after 3 years from the date of lease. (c) Future minimum lease payments are: (i) Not later than one year LL/DWHUWKDQRQH\HDUDQGQRWODWHUWKDQßYH\HDUV LLL/DWHUWKDQßYH\HDUV - 31st March, 2014 6.74 - - NOTE NO. - 45 Consolidated Earning per share is calculated as follows : Particulars 31st March, 2015 1HW3URßWDIWHUWD[DWWULEXWDEOHWRHTXLW\VKDUHKROGHUV` in Lakhs) (15,169.66) 1HW 3URßW DIWHU WD[ EHIRUH H[WUDRUGLQDU\ LWHPV DWWULEXWDEOH WR HTXLW\ VKDUHKROGHUV (15,169.66) ( ` in Lakhs) Equity shares outstanding as at the year end (in Nos.) 188,601,274 Weighted average number of Equity Shares used as denominator for calculating Basic and 188,601,274 Diluted Earning Per Share ( in Nos.) Nominal Value per Equity Share (in `) 10.00 Earning Per Share (Basic) (in `) (8.04) Earning Per Share (Diluted) (in `) (8.04) 31st March, 2014 (24,916.64) (24,916.64) 188,601,274 188,601,274 10.00 (13.21) (13.21) NOTE NO. - 46 Trade Receivables of ` 2,503.83 Lakhs have been netted off against advance received towards those sales and the excess of advance over receivables amounting to ` 3,068.47 Lakhs has been shown under other current liability. Such advances are settled after full amount is received from the debtors. NOTE NO. - 47 The Competition Commission of India (CCI) vide its order dated June 20, 2012 had imposed a penalty of ` 16,732 Lakhs on the Company DOOHJLQJ FRQWUDYHQWLRQ RI FHUWDLQ SURYLVLRQV RI WKH &RPSHWLWLRQ $FW 7KH &RPSDQ\ KDV ßOHG DQ $SSHDO EHIRUH WKH &RPSHWLWLRQ Appellate Tribunal (COMPAT) against the aforesaid Order of CCI and the Company has been advised by its legal advisors that it has a good case for the COMPAT to set aside the CCI order and accordingly no provision has been considered necessary by the Company in this regard. NOTE NO. - 48 1RHYHQWVRUWUDQVDFWLRQVKDYHRFFXUUHGVLQFHWKHGDWHRI%DODQFH6KHHWRUDUHSHQGLQJWKDWZRXOGKDYHPDWHULDOHIIHFWRQWKHßQDQFLDO VWDWHPHQWVDWWKDWGDWHRUIRUWKHSHULRGWKHQHQGHGRWKHUWKDQWKRVHUHàHFWHGRUIXOO\GLVFORVHGLQWKHERRNVRIDFFRXQWV 112 Binani Cement Limited NOTE NO. - 49 On a review, the Board of Director of the Company has decided to withdraw the scheme for hive off of Power Undertaking to Binani Energy 3YW/WGZKLFKZDVSURSRVHGLQWKH\HDU1HFHVVDU\DSSOLFDWLRQIRUZLWKGUDZDORIWKHVFKHPHLVEHLQJßOHGZLWK+RQpEOH+LJK&RXUW of Kolkata. NOTE NO. - 50 During the Previous Year, the Company had received a notice from Rajasthan Commercial Taxes department for a demand of ` 41,421.55 Lakhs (Sales Tax dues ` 16,731.80 Lakhs & Interest ` 24,689.75 Lakhs). The Company had provided ` 15,278.46 Lakhs as an exceptional item during the previous year towards sales tax dues of ` 16,731.80 Lakhs and the balance amount of tax ` 1,453.34 Lakhs already provided in earlier years. In respect of interest demand of ` 24,689.75 Lakhs, no provision has been made as the interest is not payable in respect of sub-judiced period (refer note. no. 28 above). NOTE NO. - 51 'XULQJWKH\HDUWKH&RPSDQ\KDVSURYLGHGWKHLQWHUHVW8V%DQG&RI,QFRPH7D[$FWRI` 1,282.79 Lakhs, related to earlier ßQDQFLDO\HDUVDVDQH[FHSWLRQDOLWHP NOTE NO. - 52 Advance Income Tax is net of provision for Income Tax. NOTE NO. - 53 In case of BCL, consequent to enactment of the Companies Act, 2013 and its applicability w.e.f. 01.04.2014, the Company has calculated depreciation on the basis of the useful life of assets as prescribed in part ‘C’ of schedule II of the Act and the same has been provided for the year 2014-15. Depreciation for the year is lower by ` 2,963 Lakhs due to change in the rate of depreciation based on useful life of certain assets. An amount of ` 987.68 Lakhs, being the carrying amount of certain assets at the beginning of the year has been adjusted to the Retained Earnings, where remaining useful life of those assets is nil. NOTE NO. - 54 In case of BCF LLC, during the year, on a review and as per industry standards estimated useful life of buildings was changed by the management from 20 years in the previous year to 25 years in the current year. The revised rate is applied prospectively to the carrying amount of the buildings as on 1 January 2014, over the remaining useful life in accordance with IAS 16, and on current year additions. As a result of the above change, depreciation for the current period is lower by AED 1,043,644 (`/DNKVDQGSURßWLVKLJKHUE\$(' 1,043,644 (` 173.64 Lakhs). NOTE NO. - 55 3UHYLRXV\HDUßJXUHVKDYHEHHQUHJURXSHGUHDUUDQJHGZKHUHYHUQHFHVVDU\WRFRQIRUPZLWKWKHßJXUHVRIWKHFXUUHQW\HDU As per our attached report of even date For and on behalf of the Board of Directors For Kanu Doshi Associates Chartered Accountants Firm Registration No. 104746W Jayesh Parmar Partner Membership No.45375 Place : Mumbai Date : 30th May, 2015 Braj Binani Chairman Amit Kumar Gupta Company Secretary Jotirmoy Ghose Managing Director Place : Mumbai Date : 30th May, 2015 113 an n u al repor t 2014 - 1 5 Binani Cement Limited CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST MARCH, 2015 PARTICULARS A 31st March, 2015 (` in Lakhs) 31st March, 2014 CASH FLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES (19,703.34) (34,502.77) 'HSUHFLDWLRQ$PRUWLVDWLRQ 13,495.03 16,557.60 Interest and Finance Charges 39,299.75 31,251.44 97.82 1,064.42 Bad Debts written off - 157.12 /RVV3URßWRQVDOHRI)L[HG$VVHWV - 26.38 (13,549.43) (11,513.85) /FU1SPÞU-PTT #FGPSF5BYBOECFGPSF1SJPSQFSJPEJUFNT Adjustments for: Unrealised Exchange Rate Fluctuations (net) Interest Income Dividend Income 0QFSBUJOH1SPÞU#FGPSF8PSLJOH$BQJUBM$IBOHFT (1.33) - 19,638.50 3,040.34 Adjustments for: 6,670.44 (11,009.94) Trade and Other Receivables Inventories (18,130.94) (66,154.00) Trade and Other Payables (26,125.13) 14,355.76 (17,947.13) (59,767.84) 1,119.78 (3,176.55) (16,827.35) (62,944.39) (3,690.03) (13,865.09) 8.53 50.88 4,465.20 (5,305.08) Cash Generated from Operations 'LUHFW7D[HV3DLGLQFOXGLQJ)ULQJH%HQHßW7D[1HW /FU$BTIßPXGSPN0QFSBUJOH"DUJWJUJFT B CASH FLOW FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES Purchase of Fixed Assets (including capital work - in progress) Sale of Fixed Assets 2WKHU$GYDQFHV1RQ&XUUHQW$VVHWV Dividend Income Received 1.33 - 716.79 7,937.23 1,501.82 (11,182.06) (11,197.22) (35,421.69) Proceeds from Long term Borrowings 72,535.90 115,607.88 Payment of Deferred Indirect Taxes (1,434.88) (2,319.54) 6,002.00 - Interest income Received Net Cash Used in Investing Activities C CASH FLOW FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES Repayment of Long term Borrowings Proceeds from Issue of Preference Share Capital (Refer note no. 40 for related parties) Proceeds from Trade Deposits Interest & Finance Charges paid 'LYLGHQG3DLG'LYLGHQG'LVWULEXWLRQ7D[3DLG 3URFHHGV5HSD\PHQWIURP6KRUW7HUPV%RUURZLQJV1HW Net Cash from Financing Activities 114 (871.31) 576.59 (36,796.09) (25,431.91) (2.76) (0.11) (6,186.32) 14,839.01 22,049.32 67,850.23 Binani Cement Limited (` in Lakhs) 31st March, 2015 31st March, 2014 /&5*/$3&"4&%&$3&"4& */$"4)$"4)&26*7"-&/54"#$ 6,723.79 (6,276.22) OPENING CASH & CASH EQUIVALENTS (CASH AND BANK BALANCES) 7,056.20 13,332.42 13,779.99 7,056.20 PARTICULARS D E F $-04*/($"4)$"4)&26*7"-&/54%& $"4)"/%#"/,#"-"/$&4 Note: &DVKàRZVWDWHPHQWKDVEHHQSUHSDUHGXQGHUWKHLQGLUHFWPHWKRGDVVHWRXWLQWKH$FFRXQWLQJ6WDQGDUG$6q&DVK)ORZ 6WDWHPHQWVrDVVSHFLßHGLQWKH&RPSDQLHV$FFRXQWLQJ6WDQGDUGV5XOHV 2 Cash & Cash Equivalents are Cash and Bank balances as per the Balance Sheet and inculdes ` 5,481.68 Lakhs (Previous Year ` 3,535.18 Lakhs) as restricted Bank Balances. 3UHYLRXV\HDUßJXUHVKDYHEHHQUHFDVWUHJURXSHGZKHUHYHUFRQVLGHUHGQHFHVVDU\ 6XPPDU\RIVLJQLßFDQWDFFRXQWLQJSROLFLHV1RWH1R 7KHDFFRPSDQ\LQJQRWHVDUHLQWHJUDOSDUWRIWKHßQDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWV As per our attached report of even date For and on behalf of the Board of Directors For Kanu Doshi Associates Chartered Accountants Firm Registration No. 104746W Jayesh Parmar Partner Membership No.45375 Place : Mumbai Date : 30th May, 2015 Braj Binani Chairman Amit Kumar Gupta Company Secretary Jotirmoy Ghose Managing Director Place : Mumbai Date : 30th May, 2015 115 116 1st January 2014 to 31st December 2014 6 Bhumi Resources (Singapore) Pte. Ltd(Bhumi) INR 10 PT Anggana Energy 1st January 2014 to Resources 31st December 2014 RMB 1st January 2014 to 31st December 2014 9 Shandong Binani Rong’An Cement Co. Ltd. 0.0048 54,630.00 262.22 46,028.25 4,500.00 1.00 5,444.59 319.43 9,390.66 150.00 5.00 5.00 43,888.81 701.05 57,599.18 920.05 42,745.08 IDR 10.2285 17.0447 62.6044 62.6044 62.6044 682.78 (77.10) (16,063.08) (11,464.48) (1,120.84) 1.99 2,738.15 160.65 184.80 2.95 (2.42) 1.81 (3,620.44) (57.83) (7,385.37) (117.97) 948.22 15.15 Share Reserves & Capital Surplus INR INR INR 1st April 2014 to 31st March 2015 INR AED INR USD INR INR INR USD INR USD 8 Binani Energy Private Ltd 7 Binani Cement Fac- 1st January 2014 to tory LLC (BCF LLC) 31st December 2014 1st April 2014 to 31st March 2015 1st April 2014 to 31st March 2015 5 Merit Plaza imited 4 Swiss Merchandise Infrastructure Limited 3 Murari Holdings Ltd. 1st January 2014 to (MUHL) 31st December 2014 2 Mukundan Holdings 1st January 2014 to Ltd. (MHL) 31st December 2014 62.6044 1st January 2014 to 31st December 2014 1 Krishna Holdings Pte. Ltd.(KHL) USD Reporting period for Report- Exchange the Subsidiary ing currate rency Sr. Name of the SubNo. sidiary Company 1,486.55 309,696.99 82,750.86 8,090.22 3.15 43,033.66 2,524.75 9,705.53 155.03 4,332.73 5,827.96 50,466.00 806.11 64,226.94 1,025.92 48,564.07 775.73 Total Assets 1,301.42 271,130.07 48,187.09 4,711.06 0.16 34,850.92 2,044.68 130.06 2.08 4,330.15 5,821.15 10,197.63 162.89 14,013.13 223.84 4,870.77 77.80 Total Liabilities 1,334.92 - - - - - - - - - - 3,685.92 - - - - - - 36,613.33 - - - 22,209.61 - - - - - - - - - - - Details of Turnover Invest- excludments ing other (except income investment in Subsidiaries) 12.04 2,360.86 (4,266.92) (429.56) 0.05 477.19 28.68 15.66 0.26 (0.32) 0.34 (313.28) (5.13) (917.16) (15.01) 342.59 5.61 18.31 3,589.96 - - 0.02 - - (2.27) (0.04) - 0.11 - - - - 120.78 1.98 (6.27) (1,229.10) (4,266.92) (429.56) 0.04 477.19 28.68 17.93 0.29 (0.32) 0.24 (313.28) (5.13) (917.16) (15.01) 221.81 3.63 % of Shareholding 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % - - - - - - BHUMI100 % KHL- 90 % 100 % - MUHL- 51 % MHL-49 % - - - - - - - - - BCL-55.54 % MHL-44.46 % - 1SPÞU Provision 1SPÞU Proposed (Loss) for Taxa(Loss) Dividend before tion after taxataxation tion (Amount in Lakhs) 46.."3*4&%'*/"/$*"-*/'03."5*0/'035)&:&"31&3*0%&/%&%0/."3$)*/3&41&$50'46#4*%*"3*&40'5)&$0.1"/:*/ COMPLIANCE WITH FIRST PROVISO TO SUB-SECTION (3) OF SECTION 129 OF COMPANIES ACT, 2013 READ WITH RULE 5 OF COMPANIES (ACCOUNTS) RULES, 2014 FORM - AOC-1 Binani Cement Limited an n u al repor t 2014 - 1 5 Binani Cement Tanzania Limited Binani Cement (Uganda) Ltd * Binani Ready Mix Concrete Limited 12 13 14 117 0.0211 0.0339 0.0339 620.90 0.00 0.02 10.85 320.00 0.00 0.02 (948.76) (0.00) (0.17) (295.69) (8,722.33) (106.60) (3,144.64) 18.12 1.24 58.53 40.95 1,207.98 8.21 242.05 Total Assets 345.98 1.24 58.68 325.79 9,610.31 114.81 3,386.67 Total Liabilities - - - - - - - - - - 59.18 1,652.99 - - Details of Turnover Invest- excludments ing other (except income investment in Subsidiaries) (0.99) - - (312.26) (8,722.33) (4.86) (135.64) - - - - - - - (0.99) - - (312.26) (8,722.33) (4.86) (135.64) - - - - - - - 1SPÞU Provision 1SPÞU Proposed (Loss) for Taxa(Loss) Dividend before tion after taxataxation tion 100 % BCFLLC100 % BCFLLC100 % BCFLLC100 % % of Shareholding )RUWKHSXUSRVHRIWKHDERYHVWDWHPHQWWKHßQDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWVRIWKHRYHUVHDVVXEVLGLDULHVDUHFRQYHUWHGLQWR,15RQWKHEDVLVRIFORVLQJH[FKDQJH UDWHDVRQ0DUFKDQGDYHUDJHUDWHIRU3URßWDQGORVVLWHPV INR INR UGX INR TZS INR TZS Share Reserves & Capital Surplus Amit Kumar Gupta Company Secretary Place : Mumbai Date : 30th May, 2015 7KH6WDWHPHQWGRHVQRWLQFOXGHFRPSDQLHVZKLFKKDYHEHHQFORVHGVROGGXULQJWKH\HDU Managing Director Jotirmoy Ghose Chairman Braj Binani For and on behalf of the Board of Directors 1RQHRIWKHFRPSDQLHVKDVSURSRVHGSDLGGLYLGHQGGXULQJIRUWKHSHULRG$SULOWR0DUFK 7XUQRYHU3URßW/RVVEHIRUH7D[DWLRQ3URYLVLRQIRU7D[DWLRQDQG3URßW/RVVDIWHU7D[DWLRQVKRZQDERYHDUHIRUWKHSHULRG\HDU$SULOWR March 31, 2015. Share Capital, Reserves & Surplus, Total Assets and Total Liabilities shown above are as at 31st March 2015. * The Company is under liquidation. Notes: 1st April 2014 to 31st March 2015 1st January 2014 to 31st December 2014 1st January 2014 to 31st December 2014 BC Tradelink Limited 1st January 2014 to 31st December 2014 Reporting period for Report- Exchange the Subsidiary ing currate rency 11 Sr. Name of the SubNo. sidiary Company (Amount in Lakhs) Binani Cement Limited Towards Tollygange Exide House Rabindra Sadan Metro Station Rabindra Sadan Metro Station Exide More Haldiram Museum Children’s Nehru Police Staon Nandan St. Paul’s Cathedral S A.J.C. Bose Road E W N (Jawaharlal Nehru Road) CHOWRINGHEE ROAD ROTARY SADAN 94/2 Chowringhee Road, Kolkata – 20 (AGM Venue) Cathedral Road Birla Planetarium Everest House BINANI CEMENT LIMITED Route Map for reaching to the venue of 19th Annual General Meeting (AGM) Queens Way Shakespeare Sarani Victoria Memorial Tata Centre Towards Dharmatalla Binani Cement Limited (CIN : U26941WB1996PLC076612) 3FHJTUFSFE0GÞDF&KLQDU3DUN1HZ7RZQ5DMDUKDW0DLQ5RDG32+DWLDUD.RONDWD Website: www.binanicement.in. 7HO)D[ ATTENDANCE SLIP PLEASE FILL ATTENDANCE SLIP AND HAND IT OVER AT THE ENTRANCE OF THE MEETING HALL DP Id* Folio No. Client Id* No. of Shares 1DPHRIWKH0HPEHUSUR[\BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB I hereby record my presence at the 19th Annual General Meeting of the Company to be held on Friday, 25th September, 2015 at 2.45 p.m. DW5RWDU\6DGDQ&KRZULQJKHH5RDG.RONDWD * Applicable for investors holding shares in electronic form. 6LJQDWXUHRI6KDUHKROGHUSUR[\ Binani Cement Limited (CIN : U26941WB1996PLC076612) 3FHJTUFSFE0GÞDF&KLQDU3DUN1HZ7RZQ5DMDUKDW0DLQ5RDG32+DWLDUD.RONDWD Website: www.binanicement.in. 7HO)D[ PROXY FORM (Pursunt to Section 105(6) of the Companies Act, 2013 and Rule 19(3) of the Companies (Management and Administration) Rules, 2014) Name of the Member(s): __________________________________________________________________________________________ Registered address: __________________________________________________________________________________________________ E-mail ID: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ )ROLR1R&OLHQWID: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ DP ID: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ,:HEHLQJWKHPHPEHUVRI%LQDQL&HPHQW/LPLWHGKROGLQJBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB6KDUHVRIWKH&RPSDQ\KHUHE\DSSRLQW 1. Name: _____________________________________________ Address _____________________________________________________ E-mail ID ___________________________________________ Signature ________________________________________ or failing him, 2. Name: _____________________________________________ Address _____________________________________________________ E-mail ID _____________________________________________ Signature ________________________________________ or failing him, 3. Name: _____________________________________________ Address _____________________________________________________ E-mail ID _____________________________________________Signature ____________________________________________________ DVP\RXUSUR[\WRDWWHQGDQGYRWHRQDSROOIRUPHXVDQGRQP\RXUEHKDOIDWWKH1LQHWHHQWK$QQXDO*HQHUDO0HHWLQJRIWKH&RPSDQ\ WREHKHOGRQWKH)ULGD\WK6HSWHPEHUDWSPDW5RWDU\6DGDQ&KRZULQJKHH5RDG.RONDWDDQGDWDQ\ adjournment thereof in respect of such resolutions as are indicated below: Item No. Resolution 1 Adoption of the Standalone and Consolidated Financial Statement for the Year ended 31st March, 2015 together with Reports of the Directors’ and the Auditors’ thereon. 2 Re-appointment of Mr. V. Subramanian, as a Director of the Company. 3 $SSRLQWPHQWRI0V0=6.$VVRFLDWHV&KDUWHUHG$FFRXQWDQWVDV6WDWXWRU\$XGLWRUVRIWKH&RPSDQ\ 4 Appointment of Mrs. Jayantika Dave, as an Independent Director. 5 Approval for variation in terms of appointment of Mr. Jotirmoy Ghose, Managing Director. 6 5DWLßFDWLRQRI&RVW$XGLWRUVpUHPXQHUDWLRQ Signed this ____________ day of ____________2015 Signature of Member _________________________ Signature of Proxy holder(s) ____________________ "GÞY Revenue Stamp Note 7KLVIRUPRISUR[\LQRUGHUWREHHIIHFWLYHVKRXOGEHGXO\VWDPSHGFRPSOHWHGVLJQHGDQGGHSRVLWHGDWWKH5HJLVWHUHG2IßFHRIWKH Company, not less than 48 hours before the commencement of the Meeting.