file - Fort Street High School
file - Fort Street High School
MERCURIUS The News Magazine of Fort Street High School August 2012 Term 3 ` Phone: 8585 1600 Fax: 9550 9219 Web: Dear Parents and Fortians, What an exciting beginning we have had to Term 3 - 2012. I have been fortunate enough to have an exchange Principal from Canada staying with me from 14th July – 26th July. Lorraine Linton from Western Technical Commercial High School in Toronto has been my guest as part of the Leadership Exchange Across the Planet (LEAP) program. Lorraine is an enthusiastic and inspirational woman who is passionate about education and music. Lorraine enthralled the school at our first assembly by performing a gospel song for the packed school hall. She has recently released a CD which was produced by a former student. She described herself to Fortians as the learner and her former student as her teacher. Congratulations to: Rowan Lembit of Year 7 - 1st place in NSW and ACT in the Australasian Science Competition. Janek Drevikovsky of Year 10 Certificate of Merit for French Studies at the Open High School. Janek was the winner of the Year 10 Final of the inter-school Latin and Greek Reading Competition. Janek is a fine student of languages, studying German at school and French at the Open High School. Janek studies Latin in addition to his Year 10 studies with private tutor – Fortian Mr Ian McLeod. I will have the privilege of visiting Lorraine at her school in September 2013. Janek with Mr Robert Harper President of Classical Association of New South Wales (CANSW). 1 Riley Berlecky of Year 12 (2011) has been awarded an Australian Government Vocational Student prize to the value of $2000. The prize promotes the value of gaining vocational skills while at school and recognises the important role vocational education plays in preparing students for further training and employment. Riley has returned to school this year to work with Hospitality students. Michael Au of Year 11 and Fortian Peter Phelps - were selected to participate in the Youth Parliament. Ms Mosse-Robinson on the birth of her first child. A baby boy named Sebastian born 29th June. Ms Schubert on the birth of her second child. A baby boy named Dominic born on 26th July. Mr Pagani on the birth of his second child. Emma born on 30th June. Recognition Assemblies At the end of Term 1 we held two student recognition assemblies, the first for Years 7, 8 and 9 and the second for Years 10, 11 and 12. A range of students were recognised for leadership and/or commitment to studies. The list of student recipients is available on pages 6-8 of this Mercurius. Confucius Classroom We are looking forward to welcoming a Chinese Teaching assistant to work in our Confucius Classroom in September of this year. We are presently looking for accommodation for our overseas teacher. If you would like to be a host, please contact Ms Sloss during school hours on 8585 1600 to discuss the logistics thereof. Harriet Scandol of Year 11 – School Education Director for A Day. William Hales of Year 11 – School Development Officer for A Day The Honourable Michael Kirby Visit Michael Kirby will speak at our assembly on 10th August. We are grateful for his continued support of the school. I know he will inspire yet another cohort of Fortians with his talk. Trial Higher School Certificate Year 12 students have nearly completed their examinations. Many Year 12 students will finalise and present work to examiners for the Higher School Certificate this term. German, Japanese, French and Chinese oral examinations take place in August. Drama practical and project work, Music performance and composition, Visual Arts major works and English Extension 2 projects are all due to be marked in either August or September. 2 I extend an invitation to you to join me in viewing performances and projects at the various HSC Drama Showcase evenings this term. This year for the first time the Extension 2 English students will read and discuss their projects for audiences at the HSC Drama Showcase evenings (14th-15th August). Staff Ms Chamas is replacing Ms Schubert for the remainder of 2012. Mr Gaskin is replacing Ms MosseRobinson for the remainder of 2012. Ms Tidon has returned from maternity leave and has replaced Ms MosseRobinson as Year 9 Student Adviser. Mr Fischer has returned to army life for the next twelve months serving in East Timor. Ms Robinson has taken over his position. Ms Colombo has returned to assist 4 days per week in Physical Education. Mr Jones remains in Mr Honeysett’s position for the remainder of 2012. Mr Dopierala is Deputy Principal each Friday replacing Mr Osland. Ms Woodley is Head Teacher TAS each Friday replacing Mr Dopierala. Dr Kidd continues to replace Mr Malcom in Science. Local Schools, Local Decisions Last week Mr Fraser and I attended training and information sessions about the government initiative: Local Schools, Local Decisions. The initiative is the NSW Government‟s commitment to giving greater control over school decision making to principals, teachers and school communities. Local schools are now given the opportunity to make local decisions, because they are best placed to know about the particular needs of a particular school and community. Our school is fortunate to be one of the 229 pilot schools. I look forward to seeing you at our many evening functions this term and remind you that our annual Open Evening will take place on Thursday 16th August commencing at 5.30pm Roslynne Moxham Principal Fort Street High School Exit Profile (Ratified September 2007 School Council Meeting) Suginami Sogo High School We are pleased to welcome our sister school students and staff from Japan. I thank the host families and Mr Tippett in advance for making our sister school visit a success. Building Works During the June - July holidays: The brick pillars in the Wilkins building were renovated Yellow lines were placed on all steps to support our vision impaired student The storm water was replaced in the Kilgour quad as part of the aircraft noise program Our aim is that on completion of Year 12 Fortians will have: achieved their full academic potential. developed individual skills and talents. developed learning strategies to equip them to be independent self motivated lifelong learners. developed emotional resilience, self reliance and leadership potential. recognise their responsibility to the wider community. developed a strong sense of social justice as well as commitment to fairness and equity. 3 Contents Page 1-3 Page 5 Page 6-8 Page 9 Principal's Address Study Skills Tip : iDisorder Recognition Assembly Term 1 NAIDOC Week Assembly Speech Host a Chinese Teacher Aide Year 9 Geography Excursion Letter : Janek Drevikovsky Australian Vocational Student Prize 2011 Athens In The Time of Pericles Rock and Water Program Studies of Religion: Guest Speaker - Ms Rahil Ansari Engineers Focus on Rocket Science P&C Report Helen Grady Drama Academy Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 11 Page 12 Page 13 Page 14 Page 14 Page 15 Page 16 Important Dates August 6 7- 9 10 14-15 Year 12 Picnic Australian Language Competition Assembly HSC Drama Showcase 16 Open Evening (5:30- 7:30pm) 21-22 24 HSC Music Showcase HSC Drama practical examinations Year Meetings: Year 10-12 (TBC) TAU Festival of Instrumental Music SRC Elections High Resolves Years 8 and 10 Year 12 Reports issued 27-30 28 30-31 31 Sydney Eisteddfod Competition Results Many of our groups performed in the recent Sydney Eisteddfod against some very tough competition, the following ensembles received the following results: Jazz Ensemble – Tim Crow Secondary School Premium Jazz Band 3rd Place Chamber Choir – Dan Walker Youth Chamber Choir (19/U) 2nd Place Stage Band – Colin Philpott Secondary School Premium Stage Band 3rd Place Big Band – Colin Philpott Secondary School Intermediate Stage Band Highly Commended Wind Ensemble – James Pensini Secondary School Intermediate Concert Band 3rd Place Symphony Orchestra – John Ockwell Robert & Elizabeth Albert Community Youth / Secondary School 1st Place Percussion Ensemble – Martin Highland Event No. 289 – Secondary School Percussion Ensemble 2nd Place James Pensini Instrumental Music Coordinator and Director of Bands September 6-8 7 11 12 13 15 17 CHS Athletics Year 9 Legacy Day Year Meetings: Years: 10-12 Sport Finals Open Morning Year 7 Gala Day HSC Practical Examination Period Ends Year 7 Vaccinations 4 Study Skills Tip : iDisorder Dr. Larry Rosen, professor of psychology at California State University presented at the Young Minds Conference in Sydney last month, and this month and next month‟s newsletter items will be discussing some of the ideas he presented. His new book „iDisorder: Understanding Our Obsession with Technology and Overcoming Its Hold on Us‟ discusses changes that occur to the brain´s ability to process information and the ability to relate to the world due to daily consumption of media and use of technology. This obsession with technology can result in signs and symptoms of psychological disorders (which Dr. Rosen has labelled iDisorders) such as stress, sleeplessness, narcissism and a compulsive need to check-in with our technology. However Dr. Rosen is not anti-technology, far from it. Instead he argues that we need to become more aware of issues that can arise from over use of technology and implement strategies to deal with these. Self-awareness and a move towards restorative balance are essential. Some of the ideas Dr. Rosen discusses are: - - Ensure your child gets a full night‟s sleep and that mobile phones are switched off during the night. If a student wakes in the night and checks their phone, however briefly, this will interrupt the sleep patterns for that night and disrupt essential memory processing. Convene regular family dinners (3-4 times a week for 3040 minutes) where technology is forbidden at the table – parents included! Dr. Rosen points to the fact that many parents are also obsessed with technology and are modeling these behaviours to their children, for example not paying full attention when their child is talking to them, instead answering email on their smart phone at the same time. Dr Rosen believes we are massive self-interrupters and we are training our children that if something buzzes, beeps or vibrates, we should jump and immediately check to see if there is something we should attend to right now. - Given the pervasiveness of technology in our lives as well as the fact that technology evokes high levels of mental activity, we need to start taking technology „timeouts‟ to reset our brains and refresh our capacity to process information. It is important to recognise that the constant lure of multiple technologies and our obsession with them is overloading our brain. If we want to avoid iDisorder and ensure our use of technology does not make us exhibit signs and symptoms of psychological disorders, then we need to reset our brain on a regular basis. You may decide to take a 10 minute break from technology every 2 hours or you may even decide to allocate at least one day a week where you focus your attention 100% on real life and shut off your technology for a significant portion of that day. During this time you could laugh or talk with friends or family, experience nature or do something active. The aim is to give the brain a chance to slow down and rest by doing something that does not involve electronic devices. We live in a connected world and we can‟t turn the clock back and take away all these fun new technological tools. So the message is, we need to learn to take care of our brains to avoid a potential iDisorder. Visit the Dealing with Distractions unit at to learn more about managing your distractions. Prue Salter Enhanced Learning Educational Services 5 Recognition Assembly Term 1 - 2012 Year 12 Award Awarded by: Akash Bhattacharjee Commitment to Studies Caroline Chong Commitment to Studies Mathematics, Legal Studies and Economics Modern History, Economics and French Continuers Jenna Smith Commitment to Studies Modern History, Music and English Advanced Arizona Hart Commitment to Studies Modern History and Extension 1 English Elizabeth Hunt Commitment to Studies Music and French Continuers Jessica Liang Commitment to Studies Legal Studies and Mathematics Kim Ngoc Nguyen Commitment to Studies Mathematics and Japanese Continuers Connor Pearce Commitment to Studies Legal Studies and Geography Alinapreet Singh Commitment to Studies English Advanced and Extension 2 English Daniel Ting Commitment to Studies Economics and English Advanced Aileen Wang Commitment to Studies Economics and German Continuers Steven Grant Wang Zeng Commitment to Studies Heritage Chinese and Geography Commitment to Studies Mathematics and English Advanced Rebecca Dawkins Leadership Year Adviser Zhana Yussof Leadership Year Adviser Deborah Nemesh School Service Year Adviser Andrew Wang School Service Year Adviser Alexandra Chalmers Braithwaite Commitment to Studies Year Adviser George Bishop Commitment to Studies Year Adviser Arkady De Jong Hannah Harmelin Award Commitment to Studies and Leadership Commitment to Studies and Leadership Commitment to Studies Rebecca Doyle Joseph Gorta Miles Reynolds Walsh Harriet Scandol Commitment to Studies and School Service Commitment to Studies School Service Commitment to Studies and Leadership Awarded by: English Advanced, French Continuers, German Continuers and Ancient History English Extension, French Continuers, Legal Studies and Drama Modern History, Studies of Religion and Legal Studies English Extension, Advanced English and IMP Sean Yu Commitment to Studies Geography, Legal Studies and Modern History Joanna Choo English Extension and Advanced English Legal Studies and Drama Kien Le Board Timothy Linggoputro Commitment to Studies School Service and Leadership School Service Commitment to Studies Marina Saunders Commitment to Studies Ancient History and Physics Kimberly Yoon Commitment to Studies Ancient History and Chinese Continuers Calvin Yu Commitment to Studies Chinese Heritage and Advanced English Gavin Leung Leadership Studies of Religion Kishor Napier-Raman School Service IMP Darren Cai Leadership Year advisor Jordan Giang School Service Year advisor Zachary Gillies-Palmer School Service Mock Trial Arin Harman School Service Mock Trial Kieren Lam School Service Year advisor Alison Thompson School Service Mock Trial Year 11 German Continuers, Advanced English and Drama Legal Studies, Chinese Continuers and SRC Advanced English, English Extension and Year advisor 6 Recognition Assembly Term 1 - 2012 Year 10 Award Awarded by: Stephanie Chen Commitment to Studies Food Technology, Geography and Chinese Freya McGavock Commitment to Studies Drama, Elective History and English Isla Miller Commitment to Studies Visual Arts, Music and German Janek Drevikovsky Commitment to Studies English and German Amanda Lee Commitment to Studies Mandatory History and Elective History Cathy Ma Commitment to Studies Geography and Food Technology Siobhan Ryan Commitment to Studies French and Drama Ravi Alex Stephens Commitment to Studies English and German Pamela Vassil Commitment to Studies Elective History and Geography Anthony Vassil Commitment to Studies Engineering Technology and English Rose Cousins Leadership Music Emily Deng Leadership Japanese Bolwen Fu Leadership Mandatory History Imogen Smith Leadership Mandatory History Lena Wang Leadership SARN Program Andrew Zhang Leadership Mandatory History Jackson Zheng Leadership Chinese Satia Montalbo School Service Mandatory History Leya Reid School Service Drama Gayathri Shankar Award Commitment to Studies and School Service Awarded by: French, English, Geography and Fort Street Festival Tanwee Shrestha Commitment to Studies Mandatory History, English and French School Service Fort Street Festival Mandatory History, Elective History and Science German, English and Drama Year 9 Annie Shu Maria Talarico Commitment to Studies Commitment to Studies and Leadership Elaine Kong Commitment to Studies Japanese and Mandatory History Austin Lai Mandatory History and Elective Geography Ligaya Quibuyen Daniel Schmoll Commitment to Studies Commitment to Studies and School Service Commitment to Studies and Leadership William Shu Leadership Geography and Commerce John Su Commitment to Studies Elective History and Commerce Thomas Vastani Commitment to Studies Food Technology and English Ada Zeng Commitment to Studies Commerce and Elective Geography Yashas Bhatt Leadership Year Adviser Riley Lonergan-Stewart Leadership Year Adviser French and Fort Street Festival Elective History and Chinese 7 Recognition Assembly Term 1 - 2012 Year 8 Award Christina Nguyen Commitment to Studies Angela Wang Angele Yan Commitment to Studies Commitment to Studies and Leadership William Anthony Aidan Awarded by: Maths, English, Geography and Mandatory Technology History, Mandatory Technology, Music and Mathematics English, Mandatory Technology, Visual Arts and Music History, Visual Arts and Music Kemp Commitment to Studies Commitment to Studies and Leadership Wesley Lai Commitment to Studies Tran Ngoc Nguyen Commitment to Studies Geography, English and Mathematics Chinese, Mandatory Technology and Mathematics Sabrina Zeng Commitment to Studies Visual Arts, Music and Mathematics Lauren Ashley English and Mandatory Technology Christine Chen Commitment to Studies Commitment to Studies and School Service Sarah Desney Commitment to Studies French Continuers and History Dominic Dwyer Commitment to Studies French Continuers and Visual Arts Francis Dwyer Commitment to Studies Visual Arts and Drama Ava McConnell Commitment to Studies History and Visual Arts Willem Proos Commitment to Studies Mandatory Technology and English Maksim Stojkoviv Commitment to Studies Mandatory Technology and Visual Arts William Thackway Commitment to Studies Mandatory Technology and Geography Year 7 Award Jefferson Lee Marcello German, History and Music English and History Awarded by: Chinese, Science, English and Geography Neilson Commitment to Studies Commitment to Studies and Leadership Michael Wang Commitment to Studies English, Geography, Drama and French Dawnlicity Charls History, English and Mathematics Alana Tarrant Commitment to Studies Commitment to Studies and Leadership Wilson Brianna Commitment to Studies Geography, Technology and English Joshua Chen Commitment to Studies English and Music Hattie Hua Commitment to Studies Food Technology and Visual Arts Adam Kim Commitment to Studies Mathematics and Geography Austin Kim Commitment to Studies Visual Arts and Drama Jeffrey Lu Commitment to Studies French and Visual Arts Jefferson Vo Commitment to Studies Technology and Visual Arts Angela Zha Commitment to Studies German and Visual Arts John Liu School Service At the Athletics Carnival Kevin Lou School Service At the Athletics Carnival Gabriel Beswick School Service At the Athletics Carnival English, German, Drama and History Mathematics, Drama and History 8 NAIDOC Week Assembly Speech On the 25th May, four Year 10 students, Rose Cousins, Siobhan Ryan, Daniel Zhang and Mushan Zhou attended an Anzac Memorial Service at Hyde Park. The service was a recognition event held as part of NAIDOC Week, in commemoration to Indigenous Soldiers that fought for our country. This year‟s theme for NAIDOC Week is the Spirit of the Tent Embassy and how we should acknowledge that even though indigenous soldiers fought for our country, many of their rights were not recognised. The ceremony was opened with a welcome to country by Mr Allen Madden, a member of the Sydney Metropolitan Land Council, which was followed by a welcome dance by some primary school students. A traditional smoking ceremony was used to cleanse the area, and the smoking eucalyptus leaves were passed around during the rest of the ceremony. We were welcomed by Mr David Williams before being addressed by an indigenous war veteran, Captain Chloe Dray. She spoke of how she became a part of the Australian Armed Forces and how that had influenced her life. Her family has an extensive military background, with her grandfather and father all having served at one point or another. She spoke very highly of the army. Captain Dray mentioned the amazing experiences within the army but possibly and most importantly, of the equality it had offered her. As she said, “At my unit, it doesn‟t matter if you are black or if you are white, because when you put on this uniform, we are all wearing the green skin and we are all treated the same.” This was one of the main messages of the ceremony, and is an important concept to consider. The ceremony concluded with the laying of wreaths. First, one was floated on the Pool of Reflection outside the war memorial. The inclusion of water in the ceremony was an important symbol. This was followed by a number of prominent people and groups, including many Returned Services‟ Leagues clubs and representatives from schools across New South Wales, laying wreaths outside the memorial. The wreathlaying was accompanied by the Didgeridoo. Finally, the Last Post was played, followed by one minute‟s silence and The Rouse, before we returned to school. It was an important experience to have, and an important reminder about acknowledging the sacrifices of all people in wars through our history, when perhaps some are forgotten even though all the soldiers have often made the same sacrifices. Siobhan Ryan and Daniel Zhang Year 10 Host a Chinese Teacher Aide Sydney Region is currently looking for homestay or rentable accommodation for teachers from China. The Teachers will be running classes in Confucius classrooms within local schools as early as next term. The Confucius accommodation Institute costs for will cover teachers. The duration of stay could be up to 1 year. Homestay rates for host families is approximately $200 a week / inclusive of meals. If you are interested – contact Ms Sloss during school hours on 8585 1600. 9 Year 9 Geography Excursion The Year 9 Geography excursion took place on 25 June 2012, 132 students participated and here are some words and photos from the students themselves … This dramatically changed after the introduction of a number of huge companies, such as Nokia and Fairfax Media, in the community. After this excursion, we had discovered the true meaning of changing communities within Australia. 10:00 HOURS: IMAX Film “Australia Land Beyond Time” 13:30 Hours: Sydney Wildlife World We began our excursion with an IMAX documentary of Australia, which explored how life in this rugged, eroded land has adapted and flourished in order to subsist in the harsh environment. Animals, such as the kangaroo, developed structural and behavioural adaptations e.g. the kangaroo developed strong hind legs, faster speeds when running, were able to eat grass and mother kangaroos could keep their embryos inside their stomach in times of great heat. It was very interesting; with great scenery and perspectives of the nature that Australia has to offer on the big screen. Many of us were enthralled by the beautiful wonders of Australia‟s nature and wildlife. After a good lunch we went to Sydney Wildlife Park, it was a very exhilarating experience (although there was a 30 minute delay which was quickly fixed by Mrs Xu) as we saw many fauna unique to Australia such as the lazy koala that spent half its time eating eucalyptus and the other sleeping. 11:00 Hours: Pyrmont “A Changing Community” Walking Tour We walked through 9 different themed environments, the entrance which included a tropical environment home to many wandering butterflies. After watching the breathtaking film we walked to Pyrmont Bridge, which had an amazing view of Darling Harbour. There we talked about and explored the fascinating past of the area of Pyrmont. We learnt that the architecture and design of all the buildings had changed over time due to the advancement of many technologies. This included a change from ramshackle houses and apartments to modern, luxurious apartments with a picturesque view of the harbour. During our exploration of the Pyrmont community we investigated the impact of the Star City Casino on the local community and examined both the positive and negative impacts that it could cause. Andrew Dai, Gayathri Shankar, Wei Hong Chen and Lauren White Year 9 We also learnt that in the year 1994 Pyrmont was experiencing „urban decay‟ which means there was a closure of numerous industries. 10 Australian Vocational Student Prize 2011 26 July 2012 Dear Madam I am pleased to report that at the Finals of the Latin and Greek Reading Competition held last night at Sydney University Janek Drevikovsky was the winner in the Year 10 Section. The competition was stiff as Janek faced competitors from Pymble Ladies, Sydney Girls’ High School and Sydney Grammar School amongst others. His rendition of the two passages, one prepared in advance and the other with only 15 minutes preparation time on the evening, was flawless and won him great praise from teachers in the audience. I was especially proud to see him impeccably dressed in the blazer of Fort Street High School. I am a member of the Old Fortians Union (1954) and I cannot remember ever seeing a Fortain in the finals within the last forty years. I am sure the School will be pleased with this result. Yours sincerely Ian McLeod It has just been announced by Acting Minister for School Education Senator Chris Evans, that Riley Berlecky has been awarded an Australian Vocational Student Prize (AVSP) for 2011. The AVSP recognises Year 12 students who have demonstrated exceptional skill, commitment and achievement while undertaking a Vocational Education and Training (VET) in Schools program as part of their senior secondary studies. Winners from around Australia receive a certificate and $2,000 to support and encourage them as they pursue their chosen career. Riley successfully completed his HSC last year at Fort Street including studying Certificate I and II Hospitality Kitchen Operations. As well as undertaking compulsory work placements as part of his Hospitality studies in 2010, Riley completed a high quality work placement through Sydney Access at the InterContinental Hotel Sydney. As a result of this highly successful work placement he was offered casual part time work in the InterContinental‟s 5 star kitchens working 228 hours in 2010 -11. During this time Riley so impressed his work supervisor, he gained a chef apprenticeship with the InterContinental Hotel commencing in 2012. Taking time out from his very busy and demanding schedule of work and study Riley has continued his involvement with Fort Street returning this year in Term 1 to give a talk about life as an apprentice chef and a cooking demonstration to Year 9 Food Technology students. Throughout his senior years at Fort Street Riley‟s energy, enthusiasm, maturity and commitment to his studies demonstrated that he had the potential to develop his skills knowledge and experience to the highest level in his chosen profession Ms Ruth Hospitality and Food Technology 11 Athens In The Time of Pericles Students in Mr de Bres‟ Year 11 Ancient History class recently completed a unit of work on Athenian society in the time of Pericles. As part of this unit students spent a lesson fashioning ancient objects used in the democratic process out of clay. These objects included klepsydras (water clocks), voting machines (klereterions) and voting tokens (ostraka). Some students also created small busts of important Athenians like Pericles, ably assisted by Sydney University History Intern Patrick Miranda. In a subsequent class students gained an appreciation of the central place of drama in classical Athens by reading through Euripides‟ great tragedy Medea in R2. As in ancient times the female lead (Medea) was played by a male (Bill Hong) but in a concession to the modern day, Mia Dabelstein played Jason, Medea‟s errant husband. Other students enthusiastically participated in the chorus and competently performed a variety of minor roles, ensuring this emotionally charged play was successfully completed in the allotted time. Special thanks are also due to Ms Starr and Ms Page for their kind assistance with this lesson. Mr de Bres History 12 Rock and Water 20 students were involved in the Rock and Water Program at Fort Street High School in Term 2. Rock and Water is a program that provides a pathway to self awareness, and increased self-confidence and social functioning. Rock shows strength. Water shows flexibility and open communication - we need a mixture of both as we manage ourselves through our lives. The program is based upon a psycho-physical approach, that is, the program contains a large number of experiential exercises that support young people to develop selfawareness through physical exercises. Students participated in weekly sessions throughout Term 2. They really enjoyed the physical nature of the program and learnt about being grounded, centred and focussed, and the importance of balance and control. Congratulations to those students who took part of the Rock and Water program in 2012. Mr Dopierala Head Teacher TAS Student evaluations of the program were all positive and confirmed that the program helped them to become stronger and more skilful and to gain more insight in and control over their bodies, their emotions and thoughts. 13 Studies of Religion Guest Speaker Ms Rahil Ansari, a representative from the Islamic community, recently visited Mr de Bres‟ Studies of Religion class which has been studying Islam as a depth study in the preliminary course. Engineers Focus On Rocket Science Year 12 Engineering Studies experimented with water rockets as part of their Aeronautical Engineering focus module. Students tested their understanding of lift, weight, thrust, and drag – turning everyday drink bottles into powerful projectiles. Partly filled bottles were pressurised to 80-PSI and released at a launch angle of 30-45 degrees with an enormous thrust. After careful research and development, all rockets achieved the goal of at least 50m final displacement. Best results saw several rockets travel the full length of the field - very impressive! Ms Ansari told us that her family came from Afghanistan, fleeing the Soviet occupation of her homeland. She said that religion did not play a major role in her life until she came to Australia, where she egan to wear the hijab and to study Islam. She stressed the central importance of the Qu‟ran in Muslim‟s lives and the crucial role of the mosque. Ms Ansari stated that contributing to the building of a mosque could raise contributors to the status of a martyr. Ms Ansari also spoke about Islamic marriage customs which often involve a negotiated agreement between a man and his prospective wife before the wedding can take place. She discussed Islam‟s views towards controversial topics like abortion and homosexuality and indicated that Islam had been slow to respond to recent developments in science like stem cell research and IVF. Experimentation added great enthusiasm and understanding within the Year 12 Aeronautical Engineering module. Mr Dopierala Head Teacher TAS Ms Ansari also spoke about misleading and inaccurate representations of Islam in the media and the important place of women in Islam. The students enjoyed meeting Ms Ansari and appreciated her personal insights into this significant and fascinating religious tradition. Mr de Bres Religion 14 Website The P&C has information pages on the school website: under the Community link. Here you will find information about the P&C, upcoming meetings, the canteen and the uniform shop. P&C Report The August P&C General Meeting On the 8th August, there will be a P&C general meeting in the library at 7.30pm. There will be an information session on Cyber Safety for all parents. We will also be discussing various upcoming fund raising for the school. Please come along and join the discussions. Contact Us If you would like to receive emails notifying you of upcoming meetings and other events, please send an email to the following address and we will have your details placed on the mailing and distribution list. Aziz Rahman P&C President Canteen News The May P&C meeting has approved the trial and future implementation of „Lunch Monitor‟ an online pre-ordering and prepaid lunch system. The canteen committee is looking for the best option and time in which to introduce this system. Fort Street Festival 2012 Fort Street Festival was held on Sunday 3rd June 2012, despite the weather not being kind to us – the event went off well. Thanks to the following volunteers and parents who gave of their valuable time and donations to make the Festival a success: Finola Carey-Border, Tang Grady, Mutsumi Young, Junko Chan, Andrew Young, Aden Kobayashi, Kaoru Murn, Junko Hugiwara, Daisy Xu, Elaine ko, Jenny Suen, Mary Tran, Lisa Dai, Jenny Chen, Lisa Li, Ling Huang, Penny Pang, Kim, Mei Ling, Jan Yan, Philip Ma, Nadia Savige, Fiona Sun, Catherine Wong, Wendy Chen, Wendy Yap, Mitchelle Lu, Ann Hoang, Rosanna Pan, Trish Thomson, Amy Andrew Yin, Ping Tan, Simon Sim, Muling Zhou, Allen Lou, Louise Luo, Lisa Zhang, Linda Yang, Lucy Xing, Van Tsang, Ngoc Ian Vuong Cant, Wendy, Thao, Yang Tai, Jonathon Chen, Thu Vo, Neil Grady, Yi Fan Wu, Yuhau Julia Wang, Jun Xia, Jian Fang, Pamela and Nick, Grace Wong, Sarah, Nicky Steven, Jacky Zeng, Jamie, Susan Yao, Sarah Cho, Eunsil Lee, Susanna Lee, Christina, Mitchell Kang, Priya Nair, Areef Sheikh, Nemone, Darshana, Thushara, Daisy Kartawardana, Sau Chee Low, Shankar, Jane Bell, Jay, Brandon Edgeworth, Alison Drayton, Kerry Hart, Ruth and Robyn. 15 act, create, communicate Self-development through drama! Boost your child’s creativity, confidence and communication skills. Enrolling now for students aged 5 to 17. Studio Locations: Marrickville & Homebush. Contact the Principal Mel Duke Call – 02 9787 2363 16