“The Exceptional Young Child : Supporting Each Learner”
“The Exceptional Young Child : Supporting Each Learner”
MANHATTANVILLE COLLEGE Early Childhood Education Professional Development Conference “The Exceptional Young Child : Supporting Each Learner” at Manhattanville College Purchase, New York Saturday, October 6, 2012 Co-Sponsored by and The Early Childhood Education Department The Early Childhood Alumni Association Join us for a stimulating day exploring the many facets of exceptionality in young children including autism, ADHD, speech and learning disorders, visual impairments, giftedness and others and ways to support healthy growth and development! Earn professional development hours or graduate credit as well Keynote Speaker Dr. Cecelia McCarton, M.D. Signs of Autism in Preschool and School Age Children and Effective Strategies to Address the Behaviors With over 30 years of experience as a pediatrician, researcher and lecturer, Dr Cecelia McCarton is among the nation’s leading experts in diagnosing and treating children with developmental disorders. Dr. McCarton founded the McCarton Center for Developmental Pediatrics, a diagnostic and treatment center dedicated to childhood developmental disorders. She is also the founder and executive director of the McCarton School, serving children with autism and autistic spectrum disorders, which opened in 2002. She has published over 50 book chapters and articles in journals such as the Journal of the American Medical Association, Child Development and the Journal of Pediatrics. The Early Childhood Education Department at Manhattanville College The Early Childhood Education Department at Manhattanville College has accreditation through NAEYC and NCATE and is nationally “recognized as a program of excellence”. The program offers both undergraduate and graduate New York State certification in Early Childhood Education, Birth through Grade 2 and certification in Early Childhood and Early Childhood Special Education, a new program available fall, 2012. The Early Childhood Education Alumni Association of Manhattanville College The ECE Alumni Association was established in 2007, and focuses on creating opportunities for professional development, networking, sharing instructional practices, and social activities. If you are interested in joining the Association, please call 914-798-2714. ConfErEnCE DirECTorS Rayna Alperstein Mary Jo Chevalier Jennifer Chiazzese Victoria Fantozzi April Fatato Amy Lynch Dr.Patricia Vardin Jamie McLaughlin Morell Karen Villa Dorothea Muccigrosso Laura Woodson Sara Sabatino Renee Torchiano ProGrAM Registration, Reception, Refreshments & Exhibits Welcome 7:45AM – 8:30AM April Fatato, Jamie Morelli 8:30AM - 8:35AM Co-Presidents ECE Alumni Association Dean Shelley Wepner Dr. Patricia Vardin Keynote Speaker Dr. Cecelia McCarton 8:35AM - 9:30AM Signs of Autism in Preschool and School Age Children and Effective Strategies to Address the Behaviors Keynote Panel: 9:30AM-10:25AM Parents and Teachers Speak from Experience: Challenges and Needs of the Exceptional Young Child Jennifer Chiazzese, Teacher Dr. Diane Lang, Parent/Teacher/Administrator Dr. Sanford Clay Proner, Educator Renee Torchiano, Parent/Teacher Laura Woodson, Teacher Dr. Patricia Vardin, Facilitator Interactive Presentations 1 10:35AM – 11:30AM Interactive Presentations 2 11:35AM – 12:30PM Exhibits 7:45AM – 2:00PM • Each presentation will be repeated twice. • Participants are free to choose any presentation and to attend multiple presentations. • Professional development hours certificates will be given for each presentation if the participant stays for the entire presentation. interactive Presentations 1. Leslie Alperstein, MA, CCC Speech, Language and Communication and The Exceptional Child This workshop will described the differences between speech, language and communication and will provide an overview of typical development within each of these areas. Characteristics of at-risk children will be discussed including a review of common “red flags” for identifying atypical development. Strategies for supporting children in the classroom will be discussed. Leslie Alperstein is a speech language pathologist and teacher of students with speech and language learning disabilities. She has experience working with babies and young children in a variety of clinical settings and has evaluated children with a wide variety of speech impairments, specializing in verbal apraxia and autism spectrum disorder. 2. Christine Besko-Maughan Using the IPad to Enhance Learning and Facilitate Communication for Student with Special Needs In this workshop participants will learn about a variety of applications that address academic skills and communication and designed for students with limited functional communication abilities. Strategies for implementation and best practices will be discussed. Christine Besko-Maughan, Christine is a clinical instructor coordinator of the Assistive Technology Center and coordinator of the Teacher with Students with Disabilities Endorsement Program at William Paterson University in Wayne, New Jersey. 3. Jaclyn israel, M.A., CCC-SP & nancy Trommer-Thaul, M.S., CCC Recognizing Speech and Language Delays and Disorders This presentation will focus on the acquisition of speech and language in the typically developing child to help participants identify potential problems and explore ways to facilitate communication skills. Jaclyn Israel is a speech language pathologist with a home-based private practice in New Rochelle, NY and has worked extensively with young children who exhibit speech and language delays and disorders. Nancy Trommer-Thaul is a speech language pathologist who specializes in treating young children exhibiting with language delays, disorders and oral motor and articulation deficits. She has a private practice in Larchmont, NY and is a member of the Child Development Center of the Jewish Board of Family and Children Services in New York City. 4. Donna Klein, M.A., occupational Therapist Sensory Integration - What Is It, Really? In this session, sensory integration will be explained and participants will learn how to identify children with sensory integration issues and strategies to use in the classroom to help them. Donna Klein is an Occupational Therapist with over 20 years of experience. She specializes in sensory integration, autism spectrum disorders and perceptual motor disabilities. Donna has worked with children, parents, schools, and the Westchester County Department of Health. 5. Helen Krasnow Helping Children with High Functioning Autism/Asperger’s Syndrome Navigate the Early Childhood Classroom In this session, participants will learn how to support the autistic and the autism spectrum child to function at his or her highest potential using innovative and creative strategies. Helen Krasnow is an instructor in the School of Education at Manhattanville College with over two decades of experience as an educational consultant, teacher, staff developer, and curriculum designer. Helen was the coordinator of the Preschool Staff Development Project at Teachers College, Columbia University and is the Director of the Summer Institute for the Gifted at Manhattanville College. She has extensive experience in curriculum development and differentiation in instruction to make learning more accessible to all students. 6. Tina Pipala Language Disorders in the Classroom: Understanding, Identifying and Facilitating The purpose of this workshop is to help participants understand how to identify a child with a speech or learning disorder in the classroom and how to help facilitate language learning through play. Tina Pipala is the Director of Related Services at the John A. Coleman School, a practicing speech pathologist and an adjunct professor at New York Medical College. 7. Esta rapaport Recognizing and Helping Young Children with ADHD Developed Social Skills in the Early Childhood Classroom In this presentation, participants will learn how to identify ADHD in young children and explore ways to design and implement a social skills program for socially impaired children. Dr. Rapoport is the author of ADHD and Social Skills: A Step-by Step Guide for Teachers and Parents. She has many years of experience teaching social and executive function skills to children with ADHD and working with parents and teachers on how to reinforce those skills. She ahs taught undergraduates and graduates at Boston University, Wagner College and Fordham University. 8. Linda rosenthal Developmental Challenges that Children May Present in Early Childhood Settings This presentation will provide an overview of the types of developmental delays and disabilities children in early childhood programs may present. These challenges include: sensory processing disorders, delays in one or more developmental domains, autism spectrum disorders and others. The presentation will also include a discussion regarding the referral and evaluation process. Linda Rosenthal is the Assistant Executive Director of Early Childhood Services at Leake and Watts Services, Inc. She over sees child care, Head Start and preschool special education programs in New York City and southern Westchester County. She is also an adjunct instructor at Manhattanville College in the Early Childhood and Special Education Departments as well as at Hunter College. 9. Jennifer Sarner, M.A. & Maria Leitenberger, M.A. Integration by Design: Classroom Environments the Support Children with Special Needs Participants will discover ways to successfully support the integration of children with special needs in the early childhood classroom. Maria Leitenberger is the principal and director of The John A. Coleman School, part of the Children's Rehabilitation Center, in White Plains, New York. She has been a teacher and administrator in the field of early childhood special education for 35 years. Jennifer Sarner is the Assistant Principal and Early Intervention Program Director at The John A. Coleman School. She has worked in the field of early childhood special education for 17 years in a variety of school and community settings. She leads training sessions for educators on assessment and intervention planning for children with special needs. 10. Stephanie Squires, Ph.D. & Alberto Deschapelles, M.Ed. Recognizing and Encouraging Creativity in Children with Autism In this session, participants will learn about how creativity can be observed and fostered in children with autism. The presenters will present current research and case study examples of how teachers can promote creative expression in the arts and other academic areas. Dr. Squires is Director of the Master’s in Education Program at Concordia College. She has over thirty years of experience as a teacher, professor and behavioral consultant. Mr. Deschapelles, from Bi-lingual Cares in NYC, has been a special education teacher and an administrator for over 30 years. He has worked as a consultant in the United States as well as in Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands. He works extensively with students with autism and their families. 11. Carol Stern Integrating Music and Movement with Literacy Participants will explore music and movement as powerful teaching tools to introduce young children to curricular concepts including rhyming and new vocabulary. Carol Stern is the President of Educational Activities, Inc., a leading publisher of early childhood CDs, DVDs, software and read-along books. Carol has collaborated with innovators in the field including Hap Palmer, Bob McGrath and Ella Jenkins. She produced a DVD with Dr. Patricia Vardin on early childhood behavior guidance techniques in 2010. 12. Dr. Sylvia Walman, o.D. Vision Development and Its Impact on Learning Participants will explore the area of childhood visual disorders and the effects they can have on learning and development. Participants will learn how to detect signs and symptoms of early visual dysfunction and learning related vision difficulties. including reading deficits and visual motor integration. Dr. Stephanie L. Walman is a developmental optometrist specializing in pediatric eye care and vision therapy She is an associate member of the College of Optometrists in Vision Development. Wolman has been in practice in Westchester County for over 10 years. registration form EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE Saturday, October 6, 2012 Co-Sponsored by and The Early Childhood Education Alumni Association The Early Childhood Education Department “The Exceptional Young Child: Supporting Each Learner” Manhattanville College Purchase, New York Individual Name: ________________________________________________________________ School or Program Name: ________________________________________________________ If School Group, Name of Each Teacher/Director in Group:_________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address: Individual or School_________________________________________________________________________ City: ___________________________________ State/Province: ____________ Zip:__________ Telephone: (______)______________________ Fax: (______)___________________________ Email: _________________________________ Registration Fees: Includes morning reception, keynote speaker, two workshops PLEASE CHECK APPROPRIATE REGISTRATION FEE: q$ 25 Individual School Group (Includes fee for six teachers/directors) q$100 Student q$ 15 Graduate Credit: 1 credit Special Discount $450 q$450 Total: $ _______ If you are Manhattanville alum, please check here: q Payment method: Check or Money Order payable to: Early Childhood Education Professional Development Conference – Manhattanville College. Please check appropriate box: q Check q Money Order Please mail completed registration form with payment to: Early Childhood Education Conference Dr. Patricia A. Vardin 2900 Purchase Street Manhattanville College Purchase, New York 10577 Phone: 914-798-2714 Email: patricia.vardin@mville.edu Registrants will select to attend workshops on the day of the conference. Registrants can also move from one workshop to another during the conference. To: Early Childhood Education Department School of Education Manhattanville College 2900 Purchase Street Purchase, New York 10577