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3113 University Drive, Fort Worth, TX 76109 Jordan C. Cluff (817) 927-0050 Colonnade at Polo Park Restaurant - Retail - Office - Medical 4610 North Garfield Street, Midland, Texas 4 6 1 0 C o l o n n a d e a t Po l o P a r k N o r t h G a r f i e l d S t r e e t , M i d l a n d , Te x a s The Colonnade at Polo Park is approx. 110,000 sq ft of high-end retail and restaurant space located at the NE corner of Loop 250 and N Garfield St in Midland, TX. Current tenants include Men’s Warehouse, Jason’s Deli, Chili’s, Abuelo’s, Tuesday Morning, The Wine Rack, and other major retailers. Demographics Population Households Average HH Income 1-mile 9,993 4,534 $106,476 3-mile 68,120 27,624 $97,261 *Demographic information taken from CoStar Realty information 2015 demographic 5-mile 124,035 46,814 $86,974 NOW LEASING: (817) 927-0050 B20 B5 B4 Emcompass Healthcare Fit For Life Chiropractic Greek Restaurant B12 B3 Keate Dental Tuesday Morning Ballroom Dancing B11 C1 B1 A7 A6 A9 Kinetics Fitness Studio A1 Golf Headquarters C3 Permian Basin Oral & Maxillofacial Compton & Boron Ortho A10 Richard King Insurance A2 Churrasca Steakhouse A Kayser Christmas Experience C2 D4 The Wine Rack Chrysalis Day Spa & D6 Salon Cindie’s A7 Boutique A4A H20 Nails A4 Amera Travel A3 Shogun Steakhouse D5 D2 D1A D3 Tattoo Shop The Fireplace D2B The Blue Door D1C Jason’s Deli Current Tenants: Property Info Type NNN’s Lease Rates Traffic Counts Retail $4.82 Call for Rates 13,747 cars/day Brew Street D1B Loop 250 Castleford Road B1A Property Management