City of Cushing Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan
City of Cushing Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan
City of Cushing, Oklahoma Multi- Hazard Mitigation Plan August 29, 2007 R.D. Flanagan & Associates Planning Consultants CUSHING FIRE DEPARTMENT 323 N. Harrison Cushing, Oklahoma 74023-3303 (918)225-3361 August 30,2004 Mr. Bill Penka, State Hazard Mitigation Officer Oklahoma Department of Civil Emergency Management P.O. Box 53365 Oklahoma City, OK 73 152 RE: City of Cushing Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Dear Mr. Penka: We are pleased to submit this City of Cushinn Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan-2007, as hlfillment of the requirements of the Hazard Mitigation Grant (FEMA- 1401-DR-OK). This Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan, prepared in accordance with state and federal guidance, addresses floodplain management, dam failures, tornadoes, high winds, hailstorms, lightning, winter storms, extreme heat, drought, expansive soils, urban and wild fires, earthquakes, and hazardous materials events. We look forward to implementing this plan to hrther protect the lives and properties of our citizens from natural and man-made hazards. If we can answer any questions or be of hrther assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, && Brent Kerr Fire Chief, Project Manager Table of Contents Acknowledgements...................................................................................................... xi Executive Summary .................................................................................................... xii Background..................................................................................................................... xii Purpose ........................................................................................................................... xii Hazard Mitigation Citizens Advisory Committee......................................................... xiii The Planning Process .................................................................................................... xiii Plan Summary ............................................................................................................... xiv Highest Priority Mitigation Measures .............................................................................xv Mitigation Action Plan .................................................................................................. xvi Chapter 1: Introduction................................................................................................. 1 1.1 About the Plan ...................................................................................................................1 1.1.1 Purpose ..................................................................................................................1 1.1.2 Scope .....................................................................................................................2 1.1.3 Authority................................................................................................................2 1.1.4 Funding..................................................................................................................2 1.1.5 Goals......................................................................................................................3 1.1.6 Definition of Terms ...............................................................................................5 1.1.7 Point of Contact.....................................................................................................5 1.2 Community Description ....................................................................................................6 1.2.1 Geography .............................................................................................................6 1.2.2 Climate ..................................................................................................................9 1.2.3 History ...................................................................................................................9 1.2.4 Population and Demographics.............................................................................10 1.2.5 Local Utilities—Lifelines....................................................................................14 1.2.6 Economy..............................................................................................................14 1.2.7 Industry................................................................................................................15 1.2.8 Future Development ............................................................................................15 1.3 Regulatory Framework ....................................................................................................16 1.3.1 Comprehensive Planning and Zoning .................................................................16 1.3.2 Floodplain and Stormwater Management ...........................................................16 1.3.3 Building Codes ....................................................................................................16 1.3.4 Fire Insurance ......................................................................................................17 1.3.5 Fire Resources .....................................................................................................17 1.3.6 Police Resources..................................................................................................17 City of Cushing i Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan 1.4 Existing Hazard Mitigation Programs .............................................................................18 1.4.1 Community Rating System (CRS) ......................................................................18 1.4.2 Flood and Stormwater Management Plans..........................................................18 1.4.3 Capital Improvements Plans................................................................................18 1.4.4 Emergency Operations Plan ................................................................................19 1.4.5 Critical Facilities .................................................................................................21 1.4.6 Cushing Public Schools.......................................................................................21 1.4.7 Public Education and Information.......................................................................25 Chapter 2: The Planning Process .............................................................................. 26 2.1 Step One: Organize to Prepare the Plan ..............................................................26 2.2 Step Two: Involve the Public ..............................................................................30 2.3 Step Three: Coordinate with Other Agencies and Organizations .......................30 2.4 Step Four: Assess the Hazard ..............................................................................33 2.5 Step Five: Assess the Problem ............................................................................35 2.6 Step Six: Set Goals ..............................................................................................36 2.7 Step Seven: Review Possible Activities ..............................................................36 2.8 Step Eight: Draft an Action Plan .........................................................................38 2.9 Step Nine: Adopt the Plan ...................................................................................38 2.10 Step Ten: Implement, Evaluate, and Revise........................................................38 Chapter 3: Natural and Man-Made Hazards .............................................................. 39 Introduction..............................................................................................................................39 Hazards Summary ...........................................................................................................40 Hazards Analysis: Probability and Vulnerability ............................................................44 Annual Average Damages...............................................................................................44 Secondary Events ............................................................................................................46 3.1 Floods .............................................................................................................................47 3.1.1 Hazard Profile......................................................................................................47 3.1.2 Historical Events .................................................................................................48 3.1.3 Vulnerable Population .........................................................................................52 3.1.4 Conclusion...........................................................................................................53 3.1.5 Sources ................................................................................................................53 3.2 Tornadoes ........................................................................................................................54 3.2.1 Hazard Profile......................................................................................................54 3.2.2 Historical Events .................................................................................................56 3.2.3 Vulnerable Population .........................................................................................61 3.2.4 Tornado Scenario.................................................................................................63 3.2.5 Conclusion...........................................................................................................65 3.2.6 Sources ................................................................................................................66 City of Cushing ii Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan 3.3 High Winds......................................................................................................................67 3.3.1 Hazard Profile......................................................................................................67 3.3.2 Historical Events .................................................................................................69 3.3.3 Vulnerable Population .........................................................................................71 3.3.4 Conclusion...........................................................................................................71 3.3.5 Sources ................................................................................................................72 3.4 Lightning .........................................................................................................................73 3.4.1 Hazard Profile......................................................................................................73 3.4.2 Historical Events .................................................................................................74 3.4.3 Vulnerable Population .........................................................................................75 3.4.4 Conclusion...........................................................................................................76 3.4.5 Sources ................................................................................................................77 3.5 Hailstorms........................................................................................................................78 3.5.1 Hazard Profile......................................................................................................78 3.5.2 Historical Events .................................................................................................79 3.5.3 Vulnerable Population .........................................................................................81 3.5.4 Conclusion...........................................................................................................81 3.5.5 Sources ................................................................................................................81 3.6 Winter Storms..................................................................................................................82 3.6.1 Hazard Profile......................................................................................................82 3.6.2 Historical Events .................................................................................................84 3.6.3 Vulnerable Population .........................................................................................85 3.6.4 Conclusion...........................................................................................................86 3.6.5 Sources ................................................................................................................86 3.7 Extreme Heat ...................................................................................................................87 3.7.1 Hazard Profile......................................................................................................87 3.7.2 Historical Events .................................................................................................89 3.7.3 Vulnerable Population .........................................................................................91 3.7.4 Conclusion...........................................................................................................92 3.7.5 Sources ................................................................................................................92 3.8 Drought............................................................................................................................93 3.8.1 Hazard Profile......................................................................................................93 3.8.2 Historical Events .................................................................................................95 3.8.3 Vulnerable Population .........................................................................................98 3.8.4 Conclusion...........................................................................................................98 3.8.5 Sources ................................................................................................................98 3.9 Expansive Soils .............................................................................................................100 3.9.1 Hazard Profile....................................................................................................100 City of Cushing iii Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.9.2 Historical Events ...............................................................................................101 3.9.3 Vulnerable Population .......................................................................................102 3.9.4 Conclusion.........................................................................................................102 3.9.5 Sources ..............................................................................................................104 Urban Fires ....................................................................................................................105 3.10.1 Hazard Profile....................................................................................................105 3.10.2 Historical Events ...............................................................................................106 3.10.3 Vulnerable Population .......................................................................................109 3.10.4 Conclusion.........................................................................................................110 3.10.5 Sources ..............................................................................................................110 Wildfires ........................................................................................................................112 3.11.1 Hazard Profile....................................................................................................112 3.11.2 Historical Events ...............................................................................................114 3.11.3 Vulnerable Population .......................................................................................118 3.11.4 Conclusion.........................................................................................................119 3.11.5 Sources ..............................................................................................................119 Earthquakes ...................................................................................................................120 3.12.1 Hazard Profile....................................................................................................120 3.12.2 Historical Events ...............................................................................................123 3.12.3 Vulnerable Population .......................................................................................125 3.12.4 Conclusion.........................................................................................................126 3.12.5 Sources ..............................................................................................................127 Hazardous Materials Events ..........................................................................................128 3.13.1 Hazard Profile....................................................................................................129 3.13.2 Historical Events ...............................................................................................131 3.13.3 Vulnerable Population .......................................................................................134 3.13.4 Conclusion.........................................................................................................137 3.13.5 Sources ..............................................................................................................137 Dam Failures ................................................................................................................139 3.14.1 Hazard Profile....................................................................................................139 3.14.2 Historical Events ...............................................................................................142 3.14.3 Vulnerable Population .......................................................................................143 3.14.4 Dam Break Scenario..........................................................................................144 3.14.5 Conclusion.........................................................................................................145 3.14.6 Sources ..............................................................................................................145 Transportation Hazards .................................................................................................146 3.15.1 Hazard Profile....................................................................................................146 3.15.2 Historical Events ...............................................................................................154 City of Cushing iv Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan 3.15.3 Vulnerable Population .......................................................................................159 3.15.4 Conclusion.........................................................................................................159 3.15.5 Sources ..............................................................................................................159 Chapter 4: Mitigation Strategies .............................................................................. 161 The Research, Review, and Prioritization Process........................................................161 Mitigation Categories ....................................................................................................162 4.1 Cushing Hazard Mitigation Goals .................................................................................163 4.1.1 Mission Statement .............................................................................................163 4.1.2 Mitigation Goal .................................................................................................163 4.1.3 General Goals for all Natural Hazards ..............................................................163 4.1.4 Specific Goals for Particular Natural Hazards ..................................................163 4.2 Public Information and Education.................................................................................167 4.2.1 Map Information................................................................................................167 4.2.2 Library ...............................................................................................................168 4.2.3 Web Sites...........................................................................................................168 4.2.4 Outreach Projects...............................................................................................170 4.2.5 Technical Assistance .........................................................................................170 4.2.6 Real Estate Disclosure.......................................................................................170 4.2.7 Educational Programs........................................................................................171 4.2.8 Public Information Program Strategy................................................................172 4.2.9 Conclusions .......................................................................................................174 4.2.10 Recommendations .............................................................................................174 4.3 Preventive Measures......................................................................................................176 4.3.1 Planning.............................................................................................................176 4.3.2 Zoning................................................................................................................178 4.3.3 Open Space Preservation...................................................................................178 4.3.4 Building Codes ..................................................................................................178 4.3.5 Floodplain Development Regulations ...............................................................179 4.3.6 Stormwater Management...................................................................................181 4.3.7 Critical Facility Protection ................................................................................183 4.3.8 Water Conservation ...........................................................................................183 4.3.9 Power Outages from Winter Storms..................................................................184 4.3.10 IBHS Fortified Home Program .........................................................................185 4.3.11 Extreme Heat Protection....................................................................................187 4.3.12 Smoke Detectors................................................................................................188 4.3.13 Proper Storage and Disposal of Hazardous Materials .......................................188 4.3.14 Hurricane Clips..................................................................................................189 4.3.15 Mobile Home Tie-Downs..................................................................................189 City of Cushing v Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan 4.3.16 Lightning Warning Systems ..............................................................................190 4.3.17 Conclusions .......................................................................................................190 4.3.18 Recommendations .............................................................................................190 4.4 Structural Projects .........................................................................................................191 4.4.1 Reservoirs and Detention ..................................................................................191 4.4.2 Safe Rooms........................................................................................................191 4.4.3 School Safe Rooms............................................................................................192 4.4.4 Levees and Floodwalls ......................................................................................192 4.4.5 Channel Improvements......................................................................................193 4.4.6 Crossings and Roadways...................................................................................193 4.4.7 Drainage and Storm Sewer Improvements........................................................193 4.4.8 Drainage System Maintenance ..........................................................................194 4.4.9 Conclusions .......................................................................................................194 4.4.10 Recommendations .............................................................................................195 4.5 Property Protection........................................................................................................196 4.5.1 Acquisition and Relocation ...............................................................................196 4.5.2 Building Elevation.............................................................................................197 4.5.3 Barriers ..............................................................................................................197 4.5.4 Retrofitting ........................................................................................................197 4.5.5 Insurance............................................................................................................200 4.5.6 The City’s Role..................................................................................................200 4.5.7 Lightning Protection Systems............................................................................202 4.5.8 Surge Protectors.................................................................................................202 4.5.9 Landscaping for Wildfire Prevention ................................................................202 4.5.10 Conclusions .......................................................................................................203 4.5.11 Recommendations .............................................................................................203 4.6 Emergency Services ......................................................................................................204 4.6.1 Threat Recognition ............................................................................................204 4.6.2 Warning .............................................................................................................205 4.6.3 Response............................................................................................................206 4.6.4 Critical Facilities Protection ..............................................................................207 4.6.5 Post-Disaster Recovery and Mitigation.............................................................208 4.6.6 Debris Management...........................................................................................208 4.6.7 CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) ............................................209 4.6.8 StormReady Communities.................................................................................209 4.6.9 Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) ...................................................................210 4.6.10 Incident Command System (ICS)......................................................................211 4.6.11 Mutual Aid / Interagency Agreements ..............................................................211 City of Cushing vi Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan 4.6.12 9-1-1 and 3-1-1 ..................................................................................................212 4.6.13 Site Emergency Plans ........................................................................................212 4.6.14 Conclusions .......................................................................................................212 4.6.15 Recommendations .............................................................................................212 4.7 Natural Resource Protection..........................................................................................213 4.7.1 Wetland Protection ............................................................................................213 4.7.2 Erosion and Sedimentation Control...................................................................214 4.7.3 River Restoration...............................................................................................215 4.7.4 Best Management Practices...............................................................................215 4.7.5 Dumping Regulations........................................................................................216 4.7.6 Conclusions .......................................................................................................216 4.7.7 Recommendations .............................................................................................217 Chapter 5: Action Plan.............................................................................................. 218 Chapter 6: Plan Maintenance and Adoption ........................................................... 226 Appendix A: Glossary of Hazard Mitigation Terms ................................................A–1 Appendix B: Hazard Mitigation Committee Meeting Agendas ..............................B–1 Appendix C: Cushing Hazardous Material Sites.....................................................C–1 City of Cushing vii Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan List of Tables Table ES–1: High Priority Multi-Hazard Mitigation Measures, By Priority and Hazard .............xv Table 1–1: City of Cushing Population Data.................................................................................10 Table 1–2: City of Cushing Housing Units, by Type ....................................................................10 Table 1–3: City of Cushing Properties by Improvement Type......................................................14 Table 1–4: Utility Suppliers for Cushing.......................................................................................14 Table 1–5: Cushing Fire Department Resources ...........................................................................17 Table 1–6: Cushing Critical Facilities ...........................................................................................24 Table 2–1: Cushing Hazard Mitigation Citizens and Technical Advisory Committee Meetings and Activities .........................................................................................................................29 Table 2–2: How and Why Hazards Were Identified......................................................................33 Table 3–1: Summary of Damages in Cushing, Oklahoma between 1995 and 2004 .....................44 Table 3–2: Hazard Analysis for City of Cushing, Oklahoma........................................................45 Table 3–3: Summary of Hazard Analysis Ranking Criteria ..........................................................45 Table 3–4: Secondary Hazard Events ............................................................................................46 Table 3–5: City of Cushing Streams and Drainage Areas .............................................................48 Table 3–6: Cushing Floodplain Building Vulnerability ................................................................52 Table 3–7: Fujita Scale ..................................................................................................................56 Table 3–8: Tornadoes in Oklahoma and in Cushing since 1950 and since 1995 ..........................59 Table 3–9: Tornado Fatalities in the United States........................................................................63 Table 3–10: Cushing Tornado Scenario Data................................................................................65 Table 3–11: Beaufort Scale of Wind Strength...............................................................................68 Table 3–12: Saffir-Simpson Scale .................................................................................................68 Table 3–13: Fatalities and Property Damage Caused by High Winds From 1995 to 2003...........69 Table 3–14: History of Lightning Events, Fatalities, and Damages from 1995 to 2003 ...............75 Table 3–15: Locations of Injurious Lightning Strikes...................................................................75 Table 3–16: Fatalities and Reported Damages Caused by Hail From 1995 to 2003.....................80 Table 3–17: History of Extreme Cold and Severe Winter Storms, Fatalities, and Damages from 1995 to 2003 ..........................................................................................................................85 Table 3–18: Deaths from Extreme Heat ........................................................................................90 Table 3–19: City of Cushing Expansive Soils .............................................................................102 Table 3–20: Oklahoma Urban Fire Damages and Injuries & Deaths 1997-2001........................107 Table 3–21: Cushing, OK Urban Fire Damages and Injuries & Deaths 1997-2001 ...................108 Table 3–22: Oklahoma Critical Facility Fires 1997-2001 ...........................................................109 Table 3–23: Cushing, OK Critical Facility Fires, 1997-2001......................................................109 Table 3–24: Oklahoma Grass and Crop Fires, 1997-1999 ..........................................................114 Table 3–25: Oklahoma Wildland Fires, 1997-1999 ....................................................................115 City of Cushing viii Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Table 3–26: Cushing History of Wildfire Events and Damages from 1997 to 2001...................118 Table 3–27: Comparison of Mercalli and Richter Scales ............................................................122 Table 3–28: U.S. Hazardous Materials Incidents 1991-2002 ......................................................130 Table 3–29: Cushing Hazardous Materials Incidents 1990 – 2003 .............................................132 Table 3–30: Cushing Hazardous Materials Sites .........................................................................136 Table 3–31: Lake Cushing Dam Break Scenario.........................................................................145 Table 3–32: Hazardous Material Transport Placards...................................................................151 Table 4–1 STAPLEE Prioritization and Review Criteria ............................................................161 Table 4–2: Multi-Hazard Mitigation Web Sites ..........................................................................169 Table 5–1: Multi-Hazard Mitigation Measures, By Priority and Hazard ....................................222 City of Cushing ix Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan List of Figures Figure 1–1: Major Streets and Highways ........................................................................................7 Figure 1–2: Land Use.......................................................................................................................8 Figure 1–3: Age 65 and Older Population Locations ....................................................................11 Figure 1–4: Low Income Areas .....................................................................................................12 Figure 1–5: Mobile Home Park Locations.....................................................................................13 Figure 1–6: Warning Siren Locations............................................................................................22 Figure 1–7: Critical Facilities ........................................................................................................23 Figure 3–1: City of Cushing Basin Map ........................................................................................49 Figure 3–2: City of Cushing Floodplain Map................................................................................50 Figure 3–3: Historical Tornado Paths in Payne County ................................................................55 Figure 3–4: Historical Tornado Damages......................................................................................62 Figure 3–5: Tornado Scenario .......................................................................................................64 Figure 3–6: City of Cushing Expansive Soils..............................................................................103 Figure 3–7: Cushing Hazardous Materials Sites..........................................................................135 Figure 3–8: City of Cushing Hazard Dam Locations ..................................................................141 Figure 3–9: City of Cushing Transportation Corridor Hazards ...................................................158 Figure 4–1: Public Service Notice for Flooding ..........................................................................175 City of Cushing x Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Acknowledgements The City of Cushing Multi-Hazards Mitigation Plan was developed with assistance from a Hazard Mitigation Grant from the Oklahoma Department of Emergency Management, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, and local funding from the City of Cushing. The Cushing Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan, November 2004, was prepared by the City of Cushing, Oklahoma, under the direction of the Cushing City Council. Numerous agencies, organizations and individuals participated in the study, including: Cushing Board of Commissioners Chairman, Board of Commissioners Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Lynda Smith / Roger Floyd Tommy Johnson / John Fechner John Henckel / Dr. Gary Detrich Evert Rossiter / Loren West Joe Manning Jr. / Barbara Colclasure Cushing Hazard Mitigation Citizen Advisory Committee Chairman Vice-Chair Member Member Member Boyd Vratil Tim O’Dell Oren Jones Paul Mitchell James Shields Cushing Staff Technical Advisory Committee City Manager City Engineer, Asst. City Mgr. Fire Chief/Project Manager Deputy Fire Chief Director of Emergency Management Police Chief Andrew Katz Stephen R. Spears, P.E. Brent Kerr Chris Pixler Bob Noltensmeyer Terry Brannon Consultants R. D. Flanagan & Associates Planning Consultants 2745 E. Skelly Drive, Suite 100 Tulsa, Oklahoma 74105 (918) 749-2696 fax: (918) 749-2697 E-mail: web site City of Cushing Ronald D. Flanagan, CFM, Principal David Wakefield Sterling Overturf, Greg Pollard Nancy Mulcahy Dave Lister, Patrick Fox John Flanagan xi Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Executive Summary Oklahoma’s location at the intersection of the hot arid zone to the west, the temperate zone to the northeast, and the hot humid zone to the southeast make it subject to a wide variety of potentially violent weather and natural hazards. Making people and businesses as safe as possible from a variety of natural hazards is the first step in making the area attractive for new and expanding businesses. This Cushing Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan is a citywide effort to identify potential hazards and develop a sound plan to mitigate their impacts, with the goal of saving lives and property. This plan fulfills the requirements of the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the Oklahoma Department of Emergency Management (ODEM). Cushing City Commissioners holding a Public Hearing on the City of Cushing’s Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Approval of this plan will qualify the City of Cushing to apply for HMGP disaster mitigation funds following a federal disaster declaration, as required under Section 322 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act of 2000. Background The City of Cushing is vulnerable to natural and man-made hazards. The Hazard Mitigation Citizen Advisory Committee of Cushing has identified 15 hazards affecting the city, including floods, tornadoes, high winds, lightning, hailstorms, severe winter storms, extreme heat, drought, expansive soils, urban fires, wildfires, earthquakes, transportation, hazardous materials events, and dam failures. Purpose The purpose of this plan is to: • • • City of Cushing Assess the ongoing mitigation activities in the community Identify and assess the hazards that pose a threat to citizens and property Evaluate additional mitigation measures that should be undertaken xii Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan • Outline a strategy for implementation of mitigation projects The objective of this plan is to provide guidance for community activities for the next five years. It will ensure that the City of Cushing and other partners implement activities that are most effective and appropriate for mitigating natural hazards and hazardous materials incidents. Hazard Mitigation Citizens Advisory Committee Citizens and professionals active in disasters provided important input in the development of the plan and recommended goals and objectives, mitigation measures, and priorities for actions. The Cushing Hazard Mitigation Citizen Advisory Committee (CHMCAC) is comprised of citizen leaders of the community appointed by elected officials. The Cushing Planning Commission was designated as the CHMCAC for the City of Cushing. The City of Cushing Staff Technical Advisory Committee The Cushing Hazard Mitigation Citizens Advisory Committee met monthly in Cushing City Hall (TAC) provided technical advice and guidance to the CHMCAC, and consisted of the Fire Chief/Project Manager, City Manager/Public Works, Emergency Manager, and Police Chief. The Planning Process The planning for the City of Cushing followed a ten-step process, based on guidance and requirements of FEMA for the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP), the Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) program, and the Community Rating System (CRS). 1. Organize to prepare the plan 2. Involve the public 3. Coordinate with other agencies and organizations 4. Assess the hazard 5. Assess the problem 6. Set goals 7. Review possible activities 8. Draft the action plan 9. Adopt the plan 10. Implement, evaluate, and revise City of Cushing xiii Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Plan Summary The Cushing Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan provides guidance to help citizens protect life and property from natural hazards. The plan identifies the hazards that are most likely to strike the city, provides a profile and risk assessment of each hazard, identifies mitigation measures for each hazard, and presents an action plan for the implementation of the mitigation measures. Chapter 1 provides a profile of the City of Cushing that includes a community description, a discussion of existing hazard mitigation programs, and detailed information on vulnerable facilities and populations. Chapter 2 presents detailed information documenting the planning process including citizen and agency involvement, methodologies used in the plan for damage estimates, and a risk assessment of how and why hazards were identified. Chapter 3 provides an assessment of 15 natural and man-made hazards, methodologies used in the plan for damage estimates and risk assessments, and a table describing how and why each hazard was identified. Each assessment includes a hazard profile, catalogs historical events, identifies the vulnerable populations, and presents a conclusion. Chapter 4 sets disaster-specific goals and objectives and organizes proposed mitigation strategies under six mitigation categories: public information and education, preventive activities, structural projects, property protection, emergency services, and natural resource protection. Chapter 5 outlines an action plan for the implementation of high priority mitigation projects, including a description of the project, the responsible party, how much it will cost, funding sources, and timelines for implementation. Chapter 6 provides a discussion of the plan maintenance process and documentation of the adoption. Plan maintenance includes monitoring, evaluating, and updating the plan with involvement of the public. Appendix A provides a glossary of terms commonly used in disaster management and hazard mitigation. Appendix B provides the agendas from CHMCAC meetings and supporting staff meetings. Appendix C provides a detailed list of the companies in Cushing with hazardous materials on site in 2003, the contact information for those facilities, and the response information for the on-site reported chemicals. City of Cushing xiv Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Highest Priority Mitigation Measures Table ES-1 contains the top ten high priority mitigation measures for the City of Cushing, as defined by the CHMCAC. The complete list of recommended mitigation measures is found in Tables 5–1 and 5-2 at the end of Chapter 5. Table ES–1: High Priority Multi-Hazard Mitigation Measures, By Priority and Hazard Rank 1 Hazard Category Floods, Tornadoes, High Winds, Lightning, Hail, Severe Winter Storms, Extreme Heat, Drought, Structural Urban Fires, Wildfires, Projects Earthquakes, Fixed Site Haz Mat Events, Dam Failures, Transportation Events Mitigation Measure Provide new/retrofit facilities for the 911 Center and the Emergency Operations Center. Provide group safe rooms at City Recreation Centers, install safe rooms in daycare centers, and provide manufactured home parks with community shelters/safe rooms. 2 Tornadoes, High Winds Preventive Measures 3 Tornadoes, High Winds, Hail Preventive Measures Provide damage-resistant glass replacements for City Hall. When replaced, install break resistant glass in government offices, and critical facilities. 4 Floods, Tornadoes, High Winds, Severe Winter Storms, Extreme Heat, Urban Fires, Wildfires, Earthquakes, Fixed Site Haz Mat Events, Dam Failures, Transportation Events Public Information and Education Obtain funding to develop/continue a program to inform the public on proper evacuation plans for government buildings, businesses, offices, and residences. 5 Floods, Tornadoes, High Winds, Lightning, Hail, Severe Winter Storms, Extreme Heat, Urban Emergency Fires, Wildfires, Earthquakes, Services Fixed Site Haz Mat Events, Dam Failures, Transportation Events Install street addresses on all buildings and curbs. 6 Floods, Tornadoes, High Winds, Lightning, Hail, Severe Winter Storms, Extreme Heat, Drought, Expansive Soils, Urban Fires, Wildfires, Earthquakes, Fixed Site Haz Mat Events, Dam Failures, Transportation Events Public Information and Education Develop distribution centers in local libraries and City Hall where information and safety guidance on natural and man made hazards can be provided to citizens 7 Tornadoes, High Winds, Lightning Preventive Measures Designate individuals at city recreation facilities and schools that are educated in storm spotting and safety, who have the authority to take proper action. 8 Tornadoes Preventive Measures Provide technical assistance in obtaining grants for storm shelters/safe rooms in mobile home parks 9 Wildfires Preventive Measures Develop a contingency plan for evacuating population endangered by a wildfire. City of Cushing xv Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Rank 10 Hazard Category Fixed Site Haz Mat Events Public Information and Education Mitigation Measure Institute a countywide public awareness and collection program for household pollutants, illustrating their dangers and identifying disposal information through media, schools, public offices, police, and fire stations. Mitigation Action Plan The mitigation action plan includes strategies for implementing the mitigation measures, including information on the responsible agency, time frame, cost estimate, funding sources, and a statement of the measurable results. For further information, contact: Brent Kerr, Fire Chief Hazard Mitigation Plan Project Manager The City of Cushing 323 N. Harrison Cushing, OK 74023 (918) 225-3361 City of Cushing xvi Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1 About the Plan This document is the Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan for the City of Cushing. It is a strategic planning guide developed in fulfillment of the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program requirements of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), according to the Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act. This act provides federal assistance to state and local governments to alleviate suffering and damage from disasters. It broadens existing relief programs to encourage disaster preparedness plans and programs, coordination and responsiveness, insurance coverage, and hazard mitigation measures. This plan is developed in accordance with guidance from, and fulfills requirements for, the following programs: Cushing City Council Public Hearing involving the City of Cushing Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan 1. Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP). 2. Flood Mitigation Assistance Program (FMA). 3. National Flood Insurance Program’s Community Rating System (CRS). The plan addresses natural and hazardous materials events. 1.1.1 Purpose The purpose of this plan is to: • • • City of Cushing Assess the ongoing mitigation activities in the City of Cushing (Chapter 1). Describe the planning process used to develop the City of Cushing Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan (Chapter 2). Identify and assess the hazards that pose a threat to citizens and property (Chapter 3). 1 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan • • Evaluate mitigation measures that should be undertaken to protect citizens and property (Chapter 4). • Outline a strategy for implementation of mitigation projects (Chapter 5). Identify activities and strategies to maintain and update the City of Cushing’s MultiHazard Mitigation Plan at a minimum of every five years, as required by FEMA (Chapter 6). The objective of this plan is to provide guidance for community activities for the next five years. It will ensure that Cushing and other partners implement activities and measures that are most effective and appropriate for mitigating natural and man-made hazard events and incidents. 1.1.2 Scope The scope of the Cushing Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan is citywide. It addresses all natural and common man-made hazards (hazardous materials and transportation hazard events) deemed a threat to the citizens of Cushing. Both short-term and long-term hazard mitigation opportunities are addressed, beyond existing federal, state, and local funding programs. 1.1.3 Authority Section 322 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, 42 U.S.C. 5165, enacted under Section 104 the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000, P.L. 106390, provides new and revitalized approaches to mitigation planning. A major requirement of the law is the development of a local hazard mitigation plan. Section 322, in concert with other sections of the Act, provides a significant opportunity to reduce the Nation’s disaster losses through mitigation planning. 1.1.4 Funding Funding for the Cushing Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan was provided by a $17,542.00 grant from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the Oklahoma Department of Emergency Management (ODEM). A 75% FEMA grant ($12,557.00) through ODEM, with a 25% ($4,185.00) local share, and an additional $800.00 to cover local administrative costs has been provided to develop the Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan. Grant Federal Local Total HMGP $13,357* $ 4,185 $17,542 * Includes $800.00 to Cushing for costs of grant administration. City of Cushing 2 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Cushing Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Funding $4,185 Federal Share Local Share $12,557 Total Funding: $16,742 An additional $800 was provided for administrative costs 1.1.5 Goals The staff and the Hazard Mitigation Citizens Advisory Committee of the City of Cushing developed the goals for the Cushing Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan, with input from interested citizens. The local goals were developed taking into account the hazard mitigation strategies and goals of the federal and state governments. National Mitigation Strategy and Goal FEMA has developed ten fundamental principles for the nation’s mitigation strategy: 1. Risk reduction measures ensure long-term economic success for the community as a whole rather than short-term benefits for special interests. 2. Risk reduction measures for one natural hazard must be compatible with risk reduction measures for other natural hazards. 3. Risk reduction measures must be evaluated to achieve the best mix for a given location. 4. Risk reduction measures for natural hazards must be compatible with risk reduction measures for technological hazards and vice versa. 5. All mitigation is local. 6. Emphasizing proactive mitigation before emergency response can reduce disaster costs and the impacts of natural hazards. Both pre-disaster (preventive) and postdisaster (corrective) mitigation is needed. 7. Hazard identification and risk assessment are the cornerstones of mitigation. 8. Building new federal-state-local partnerships and public-private partnerships is the most effective means of implementing measures to reduce the impacts of natural hazards. City of Cushing 3 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan 9. Those who knowingly choose to assume greater risk must accept responsibility for that choice. 10. Risk reduction measures for natural hazards must be compatible with the protection of natural and cultural resources. FEMA’s goal is to: 1. Substantially increase public awareness of natural hazard risk so that the public demands safer communities in which to live and work 2. Significantly reduce the risk of loss of life, injuries, economic costs, and destruction of natural and cultural resources that result from natural hazards State of Oklahoma Mitigation Strategy and Goals The State of Oklahoma has developed a Strategic All-Hazards Mitigation Plan to guide all levels of government, business, and the public to reduce or eliminate the effects of natural, technological, and man-made disasters. The goals and objectives are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Improve government recovery capability. Provide pre- and post-disaster recovery guidance. Protect public health and safety. Reduce losses and damage to property and infrastructure. Preserve natural and cultural resources in vulnerable areas. Preserve the environment. Focus only on those mitigation measures that are cost effective and provide the best benefit to communities. The key measures to implement these goals include: 1. Enhance communication between state and federal agencies and local governments to facilitate post-disaster recovery, and pre- and post-disaster mitigation. 2. Coordinate federal, state, local, and private resources to enhance the preparedness and mitigation process. 3. Ensure consistency between federal and state regulations. 4. Protect critical facilities from hazards. 5. Support legislation that protects hazardous areas from being developed. Cushing’s Goal To improve the safety and well-being of the citizens residing and working in the City of Cushing by reducing the potential of deaths, injuries, property damage, environmental and other losses from natural and technological hazards in a manner that creates a disaster-resistant community, enhances economic development opportunities, and advances community goals and quality of life, resulting in more livable, viable, and sustainable community. City of Cushing 4 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Goals for mitigation of each of the hazards are presented in Chapter 4. 1.1.6 Definition of Terms A glossary of terms that are commonly used in hazard mitigation is included in Appendix A. 1.1.7 Point of Contact The primary point of contact for information regarding this plan is: Brent Kerr, Fire Chief/Project Manager The City of Cushing 323 N. Harrison Cushing, OK 74923 (918) 225-3361 Stephen R. Spears, P.E., City Engineer Assistant City Manager City of Cushing P.O. Box 311 Cushing, OK 74023 Office: (918) 225-6171 Fax: 225-2395 Cell: 223-7391 City of Cushing 5 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan 1.2 Community Description The City of Cushing is faced with a variety of hazards, both natural and man-made. In recent history, winter storms, dam releases, lightning, floods, and tornadoes have made the national headlines. Any part of the city can be impacted by these as well as high winds, drought, hail, fire, hazardous materials events, and other threats. In some cases, such as flooding and dam failure, the areas most at risk have been mapped and delineated. A base map of the City of Cushing with its major features and highways are shown in Figure 1–1. City of Cushing Cushing has a 2000 Census population of 8,371, comprising 12.3% of 68,190 Payne County residents. Cushing experienced a rapid population growth rate of 14.9% since 1990, with an annual average of 1.5%. 1.2.1 Geography Latitude: 35.9794 N Longitude: 96.7614 W FIPS Code: 18850 The City of Cushing is set among the rolling green hills of Payne County in north-central Oklahoma located 45 miles directly west of Tulsa and 54 mile northeast of Oklahoma City. The Cimarron River, although north of the city limits, creates a large floodplain near Cushing and can be a frequent source of flooding for the area. Large tracts of undeveloped land remain as well as several accessible routes linking the town to major metropolitan areas. The City of Cushing’s Land Use is shown in Figure 1-2. The topography consists of hills, bluffs, and open prairie lands that mark the dividing line between the ridges of the Ozarks in the East and the broad plains of the West. Scrub oak forests and junipers mark the landscape. Cattle ranches combined with cropland distinguish the rural land uses in this area with the City of Tulsa just to the east. Oil and natural gas wells are common throughout the area. City of Cushing 6 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Fairlawn Short Creek " ! Skull Creek Grandstaff Rd Vine St " ! Harmony Rd Linwood Rd Little Rd Kings Hwy 18 Pine Ave " ! Oak St Broadway St 3rd St 6th St 9th St 33 North Howerton Noble Wilson Main St 33 Wilson Ave 9th St Little Rd Eseco Linwood Rd Elm Creek Payne County Lincoln County Texaco Rd LEGEND 0 0.5 MILES N State Highways Roads County Line Water Features W Railroads City Limit 1 E S R.D. Flanagan & Associates Cottonwood Creek Figure 1-1 City of Cushing Major Streets and Highways " ! 18 Fairlawn Harmony Rd " ! Norfolk Rd Little Rd Grandstaff Rd Linwood Rd Deep Rock Kings Hwy Battle Ridge Cimarron River " ! Main St 33 33 9th St Eseco Payne County Lincoln County Texaco Rd LEGEND State Highways Roads County Line Water Features City Limit 0 0.5 1 MILES N W E S R.D. Flanagan & Associates Figure 1-2 City of Cushing Land Use 1.2.2 Climate Cushing lies at an elevation of approximately 916 feet above sea level. It is far enough south to miss the extreme cold of winter, with the climate being essentially continental, characterized by rapid changes in temperature. The winter months are usually mild. Temperatures occasionally fall below zero, but only last a very short time. Temperatures of 100°F or higher are often experienced from late July to early September. January’s average temperature is 35.2° F and July’s average is 82.0° F. Cushing will receive a wide variety of precipitation throughout any given year. It averages 38.1 inches of rainfall and 9.9 inches of snow each year. Most of this precipitation comes in the form of convective thunderstorms that produce heavy amounts of rain in a short duration. Heavy winds, flash floods, and hail are all associated with these seasonal storms. April, May, and June account for 55% of all severe weather during a typical year, with 77% of the severe weather occurring between the months of March and July. June is the most active month of the year for hail, wind, floods, and tornadoes. 1.2.3 History In the land run on September 22, 1891, William R. Little located a homestead of 160 acres on the present site of Cushing. Soon thereafter Little filed an application with the Guthrie Land Office to commute to cash 80 acres of his land as a town site. A plate was filed with the application. Little described his homestead as rolling prairie. He said it was most valuable for agriculture purposes, excepting the 80 acres he desired for a town site. He said that to his knowledge there were on the homestead no indications of coal, salines, or other minerals. Dennis T. Flynn, representative in Congress, had suggested the name of Cushing for the Post Office, for Marshall Cushing, a private secretary to John Wanamaker, Postmaster General in Harrison's Cabinet. By 1915, Cushing was nationally known for its oil field. That year the Cushing Fields produced more than 300,000 barrels per day amounting to 17% of total quantity of oil marketing in the U.S. The activity was unbelievable. Thirty to forty brick buildings were under construction at one time in downtown Cushing. Special trains from Tulsa brought men and equipment to Cushing, which then were transported to the oilfield by means of wagons and teams. Men slept everywhere they could on floors of buildings, in the depots and in rented rooms throughout the town. Almost every home rented rooms or had sleeping quarters for the people. Tents were placed everywhere on every vacant lot in town to house men and equipment for horses and teams. Many of the downtown structures remaining today were built in the 1920’s. Notable buildings include the once largest funeral parlor / furniture manufacturer in the state built by C.C Walters, and the Cushing Hotel, still the tallest building in town, was built in 1918 and considered in its time a showplace of hotels. The City has maintained the historic feeling of downtown and just recently restored the downtown streets and sidewalks with a style reminiscent of their historic appearance. City of Cushing 9 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan 1.2.4 Population and Demographics The City of Cushing has an estimated 2000 population of 8,371. Cushing residents total 12.3% of the population of Payne County. A map, showing the age 65 and older areas, is shown in Figure 1-3; low-income areas are shown in Figure 1-4. Cushing demographic data is shown in Table 1-1. Mobile Homes & Mobile Home Parks are shown in Figure 15. Table 1–1: City of Cushing Population Data Source: 2000 Census Subject Number Total Population 8,371 65 years and older 1,472 Poverty Status in 1999 (individuals) 1,193 Hispanic 226 According to the 2000 Census, the City of Cushing has a total of 3,613 housing units. The Median Value for a Residential Property is $46,400 according to the 2000 U.S. Census. The Residential Value for properties in Cushing is $167,643,200. Census data, shown in Table 1-2, and Payne County Assessor’s Office data, shown in Table 1-3, are structured differently and do not necessarily agree, so they are shown in separate tables. Table 1–2: City of Cushing Housing Units, by Type Source: 2000 Census Housing Unit Type Single-family Number 3,112 Multi-family 343 Mobile homes 158 Boat, RV, van, etc. 0 Total housing units 3,613 According to the Payne County Assessor’s Office, there are 4,225 properties within the City of Cushing. Numbers of properties with improvements (buildings, garages, pools, storage, and so forth), by type, are shown in Table 1-3. An average value of $341,533 was determined by calculating square-footage for structures identified as commercial/industrial in the Tornado Scenario. The estimated value for commercial/ industrial properties in Cushing is $231,900,907. No land values are included. The locations of mobile homes and mobile home parks are shown on the map in Figure 1–5. City of Cushing 10 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Fairlawn Short Creek " ! Skull Creek Grandstaff Rd Vine St Main St Wilson 33 18 Pine Ave Noble " ! Harmony Rd Linwood Rd Little Rd Kings Hwy 18 Broadway St " ! 33 Oak St 3rd St 6th St 9th St Wilson Ave 9th St Little Rd Eseco Linwood Rd Elm Creek 0 0.5 MILES N State Highways Roads County Line Water Features W Railroads City Limit Payne County Lincoln County 1 E S R.D. Flanagan & Associates Percent of Population Age 65 and Older 32.3% - 63.6% 63.7% - 100% Texaco Rd LEGEND Cottonwood Creek Figure 1-3 City of Cushing Age 65 & Older Population Locations Fairlawn Short Creek " ! Skull Creek Grandstaff Rd Vine St Broadway St Wilson Main St 33 18 Pine Ave Noble " ! Harmony Rd Linwood Rd Little Rd Kings Hwy 18 " ! 33 Oak St 3rd St 6th St 9th St Wilson Ave 9th St Elm Creek Little Rd Eseco 0.00 - 4.16 4.17 - 10.31 10.32 - 18.81 18.82 - 33.01 33.02 - 55.20 LEGEND Payne County Lincoln County Texaco Rd 0 State Highways Roads County Line Water Features Railroads City Limit Linwood Rd LEGEND % Population in Poverty By Census Block Group 0.5 1 MILES N W E S R.D. Flanagan & Associates Cottonwood Creek Figure 1-4 City of Cushing Low Income Areas Source: 2000 U.S. CENSUS Fairlawn Short Creek " ! Skull Creek Grandstaff Rd Vine St Wilson Main St 33 18 Pine Ave Noble " ! Harmony Rd Linwood Rd Little Rd Kings Hwy 18 " ! 33 Oak St Broadway St 3rd St 6th St 9th St Wilson Ave 9th St Little Rd Linwood Rd Elm Creek Eseco Payne County Lincoln County Texaco Rd LEGEND 0 0.5 1 MILES Mobile Home Parks State Highways Roads W County Line Water Features Railroads City Limit N E S R.D. Flanagan & Associates Cottonwood Creek Figure 1-5 City of Cushing Mobile Home Parks Table 1–3: City of Cushing Properties by Improvement Type Source: Payne County Assessor’s Office Improvement Type on Property Number of Properties Residential 3535 Commercial 679 Agriculture 11 Total 4225 1.2.5 Local Utilities—Lifelines Lifelines are defined as those infrastructure facilities that are essential to the function of the community and the well being of its residents. They generally include transportation and utility systems. Transportation systems include interstate, US, and state highways, railways, waterways, ports and harbors, and airports. Utility systems include electric power, gas and liquid fuels, telecommunications, water, and wastewater. The following table shows a list of companies or entities that supply utilities for Cushing. Table 1–4: Utility Suppliers for Cushing Utility Supplier Electric City of Cushing Water City of Cushing Sewage Treatment City of Cushing Natural Gas Oklahoma Natural Gas Company, Exoko, and Reliant Energy Company Telephone Southwestern Bell Telephone Company Cushing’s water system consists of two separate and independent water sources. The primary water supply is the 591-acre Cushing Lake served by a 4,000,000 gpd treatment plant. Two separate water lines (12 inch and 20 inch) deliver treated water to the City's two 1,000,000 gallons reservoirs. The second system is the Cushing's deep water well field with a capacity of 3,000,000 gpd expandable to 6,000,000 gpd. The combined total production capacity of the water system, is 6,500,000 gpd. Current maximum demand for City water is approximately 2,000,000 gpd. 1.2.6 Economy Cushing is known for its convenient proximity to Oklahoma City, Stillwater, and Tulsa while maintaining a small town atmosphere. The City of Cushing is a participant in the Oklahoma Main Street Program, dedicated to revitalizing and maintaining the central business districts of communities in Oklahoma. Of Cushing’s population over the age of 16 years, 47.9% are in the labor force and only 2.5% are unemployed. Of the people employed, about 73.3% are private wage and salary workers, 19.5% are government workers, and 7.1% are self-employed in unincorporated City of Cushing 14 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan businesses. The median household income in 1999 was $26,483, and the median family income was $32,284. 1.2.7 Industry The City of Cushing maintains its rich history in the oil industry. At one time, the city maintained one of the most productive oil fields in the world and the region was part of the nation’s second largest oil refinery locations. Today, the City’s main industry is in the petroleum storage industry. Nearly a dozen companies have pipelines and storage facilities in the Cushing area. The major employers in the area are the Cushing Regional Hospital (280), the Cushing Public Schools system (286) and the City Government (137). The Cimarron Correctional Facility is a medium security prison built by the City and sold to CCA for profit. It employs 250 workers. The City’s income is maintained chiefly by the sale of electricity to its citizens. Sales taxes provide a minimal portion of the city’s income. The largest sector of the established businesses is in retail trade and the largest employing industry is in the educational, health and social services fields. Cushing maintains three industrial parks within the City limits to accommodate industry and attract growth to the City. Andrew Little Industrial Park is located in NE Cushing at Linwood Avenue and Pine Street. South Industrial Park is located along the southern edge of the City on Little Avenue and Eseco Road. The Cushing Municipal Airport is one of several businesses occupying the industrial park. The third industrial park is located along State Highway 18 at Grandstaff Road in north Cushing. 1.2.8 Future Development The Cushing Metropolitan Area is growing at an annual rate of 0.11%. Comparatively, the State of Oklahoma is growing at 1% annually. The population of Cushing peaked in the 30’s at 9,301. It has since seen increases and decreases, most recently growing from a community of 7,218 in 1990 to 8,371 in 2000. As a participant in Oklahoma’s Main Streets Program and the Oklahoma Certified Cities Program, Cushing is taking appropriate actions to continue attracting investors to its Central Business District. Cushing continues to be a major location for the petroleum storage industry and pipeline operations, with development presently occurring in the storage tank fields primarily south of town. Growth Trends Cushing is primarily experiencing residential growth towards the east and southeast. New single-family construction building permits have steadily increased in the past 3 years. Since 1996, 68 single-family building permits have been approved with combined average costs exceeding $960,000. Much of the development is occurring south of 9th Street and east of Linwood Ave. Commercial development includes petroleum storage tank development in tank farms further south and east of the community. Development outside the floodplain is encouraged in these areas experiencing growth. Wal-Mart is building a new SuperCenter on the north side of OK Hwy 33 on Cushing’s east side. City of Cushing 15 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan 1.3 Regulatory Framework This section contains a summary of the current ordinances for land use, zoning, subdivision, stormwater management, stream management, and erosion management in the City of Cushing. It also lists the current building codes and fire insurance rating. 1.3.1 Comprehensive Planning and Zoning The Planning Team reviewed relevant community studies, plans, reports, and technical documents in the inventory, evaluation and plan phases of the Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan development. The Comprehensive Plan was used to determine community growth patterns and identify areas of future development. The Capital Improvements Plan was used to determine priorities of public infrastructure improvements, and timing of potential future development. These plans were used to identify areas of future growth and development so that hazardous areas could be identified, evaluated, planned for, and appropriate mitigation measures taken. Cushing’s Comprehensive Plan defines policies for providing guidance and direction of the city’s physical development. It covers ordinances for land use, zoning and subdivision, and the development of standards for transportation and public facilities. 1.3.2 Floodplain and Stormwater Management Cushing has been a National Flood Insurance Program community since July 16, 1980, Community Number 400165. 1.3.3 Building Codes Existing Building Code and ordinances were evaluated to determine their adequacy in meeting the needs of the community in addressing the natural and man-made hazards the community is likely to experience. The Flood Ordinance was evaluated as to its adequacy in addressing current and future floodplain and stormwater management needs. The City of Cushing currently enforces the following 2003 ICC Codes: • • • • • • • • City of Cushing International Building Code International Fire Code International Fuel Gas Code International Mechanical Code International Plumbing Code International Property Maintenance Code NFPA Life Safety Code Currently in adoption phases of the 2002 NEC (electric code) 16 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan 1.3.4 Fire Insurance Cushing has a fire insurance rating of 6. Ratings range from 1 to 10, where lower numbers have better ratings. 1.3.5 Fire Resources The City of Cushing Fire Department is unique to the State of Oklahoma due to the petroleum industry activity in the City’s vicinity. The City of Cushing owns equipment unique and necessary to an oil field response including one of only two foam pumpers in the state. The Safety Alliance of Cushing (SAC) is an organized committee of local pipeline company representatives, state and local emergency management officials, the local and state police and fire departments, the Oklahoma Highway Patrol, Payne and Lincoln County Sheriff's Departments, city officials, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation formed to address planning, safety and response issues. The incident command system is actively used by the City of Cushing’s Fire, Police and EOC operations as well as the privately owned correctional facility in town. Resources available to the Cushing Fire Department are presented in Table 1-5. 1.3.6 Police Resources The Cushing Police Department has 18 Full-time Sworn Officers, 19 Vehicles with radios, 4 Dispatchers, 12 Walkie-Talkies, 1 K-9 Unit, and a OLETS Teletype System in place. Table 1–5: Cushing Fire Department Resources Community Phone # Alternate # Fire Stations Base Stations Mobile Radios Pagers Hand-Held Radios Paid Manpower Volunteers Pump Engines a. 250 GPM b. 500 GPM c. 750 GPM d. 1000 GPM e. 1250 GPM Ladder Trucks Elev.Platforms Brush Pumpers Tanker Trucks Rescue Calls (Yes/No) Crash-Fire Rescue(Yes/No) Underwater Rescue(Yes/No) Rescue Squads (Yes/No) City of Cushing Cushing Fire Department 918-225-3361 918-225-4234 1 1 18 23 15 22 0 6 0 1 1 2 2 0 1 2 2 Yes Yes Yes Yes Ambulances (ALS/BLS) 0/3 Trained EMTs 23 First Responders 0 Sedans 2 Utility Trucks 1 Pick-up Trucks 1 SCBAs/Spare Bottles 15/8 Generators 6 Light Systems 1 Wreckers 1 Gasoline Trucks 1 Boats 1 Mutual Aid with: a. Stillwater b. Ripley c. Perkins d. Glenco e. Agra f. Lincoln Co. FD’s g. Drumright h. Creek Co. FD’s i. Yale j. S.A.C. k. Ingalls l. Other Resources: Jaws of Life, float pump, Foam Truck, Mobile Cascade System, 3 Class-A Haz-Mat Suits, Command Vehicle, Trench and Confined Space Rescue Vehicle, Winch Truck 17 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan 1.4 Existing Hazard Mitigation Programs Communities can do a number of things to prevent or mitigate the impacts of natural disasters. Such actions range from instituting regulatory measures (e.g., building and zoning codes) and establishing Emergency Operations Plans and EOCs, to purchasing fire trucks and ambulances and constructing large and small infrastructure projects like levees and safe rooms. Most communities have already made considerable investments in these critical areas. The sections that follow in the remainder of this Chapter survey the regulations, plans and infrastructure that the community has in place for avoiding or mitigating the impacts of natural hazards. This survey is based on FEMA’s State and Local Mitigation Planning How-to Guide (FEMA 386-1, September 2002), and covers the following topics: Public Information and Education, Prevention, Structural Projects, Property Protection, Emergency Services, and Natural Resource Protection. There are several national hazard mitigation programs developed by FEMA and other agencies that are designed to help communities organize their mitigation activities to achieve tangible results in specific areas, such as flood protection and fire hazard abatement. This section also looks at Cushing’ participation and progress in these national programs. Cushing’s location as a community in Oklahoma makes it especially vulnerable to the threat of severe weather, hazardous material incidents, and flooding. To counter these hazards, Cushing has a host of programs that range from informing people about protection measures, warning the public of impending threats, requiring protection measures to be incorporated in new buildings, and constructing flood control projects. Cushing has a large portion of the corporate boundaries in a floodplain. All efforts to mitigate the impact of hazards have helped, but they have not eliminated all potential problems. 1.4.1 Community Rating System (CRS) The CRS is a part of the National Flood Insurance Program that helps coordinate all flood-related activities of a community. The City of Cushing does not participate in the Community Rating System. 1.4.2 Flood and Stormwater Management Plans The City of Cushing, due to the small number of properties impacted by drainage and flooding problems, has not developed Master Drainage Plans. 1.4.3 Capital Improvements Plans Cushing has received a Community Development Block Grant to inventory infrastructure features for Capital Improvement Planning. The following are improvements the City has completed or are on-going projects. City of Cushing 18 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Airport: The City has recently completed improvements to the runway and an airport expansion project. Parks: The City of Cushing has recently replaced the municipal swimming pool at Memorial Park and completed repairs to the tennis courts. A Pavilion has been added in Northwest Park and a baseball complex is under design. Cushing Public Library: In the late 1930’s the citizens of Cushing decided to modernize the existing public library and relocated it from the top floor of City Hall to a newly constructed building. The development occurred as a WPA project with a cost of $84,000 to build. Today, one of the functions of the library is to serve as a public storm shelter during tornado season. A recently completed project has replaced all ceiling tiles in the library and design plans to add a new roof to the building are underway. Police Department: The City of Cushing has recently replaced the base radio system used by emergency responders including the Police and Fire Departments. Currently, two fullsize police package vehicles with all add-on equipment are being acquired by the City. Construction of a new police station and firing range is also being considered. Fire Department: The City of Cushing has recently replaced one ambulance and acquired another new ambulance. The Department is also planning to make an addition to the station and replace the 1250 GPM Fire Engine and Equipment. Street Improvements: The City has an ongoing street rehabilitation program replacing streets where overlays are needed improvements. A storage building has been constructed for sand/salt storage at the service center yard. The city has also purchased a street sweeper and a grader. Storm Drainage: The Central Business District is one of several areas in the City scheduled for maintenance and repair of the drainage systems. Electric: Recently, the City has replaced the Blower Room roof at the Electric Production Plant and completed three planned phases of electric line replacement. Sewer: The City has replaced the existing Wastewater Treatment Plant and 3,500 feet of the main line from Lions Park to the Plant. The City has plans to extend the treatment lines to the airport and continues to rehabilitate existing sanitary sewer collection lines. Water: The water supply and treatment improvements have been completed and replacement of several existing lines is ongoing. 1.4.4 Emergency Operations Plan The Emergency Operations Plan was evaluated during the planning process to ensure that it adequately addressed the hazards identified in the Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan, and that the Plan took the EOP into account during the planning process. The 2000 Mitigation Assistance Plan was reviewed, and its information, findings, and recommendations were incorporated into the Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan. City of Cushing 19 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Cushing Emergency Management has established emergency operations and procedures. The Emergency Management Office has recently applied to participate in the National Weather Service accredited program StormReady. Requirements for the program include an established warning point and 24-hour functioning emergency operations center, multiple means of both, receiving severe weather forecasts and providing warnings to alert the public, systems to monitor local weather conditions, promotion of public safety information, and a formal hazardous weather plan, which includes training severe weather spotters and holding emergency exercises. The Cushing Emergency Management Office has provided advanced training to 17 volunteer Storm Spotters who are capable of providing accurate warning information from the field as well as supporting damage assessments in the aftermath of an emergency. All volunteers have in their vehicles, radios in place for communication. The EOC is located in the Fire Department basement and is equipped with radios, telephones and internet access. NWS and commercial radar are available as well as live NexRad radar and measurements including rainfall, wind speed/direction and temperature are provided in real time in the Emergency Operations office by the Oklahoma’s First-response Information Resource System using Telecommunications (OKFIRST). Radar interpretation is performed by four trained individuals. All equipment in the weather center has an emergency generator back up system. The City of Cushing has 23 warning sirens strategically placed around the community. A full-activated test is performed once a month on a regularly scheduled basis. The sirens can be activated at the weather center or at the fire department. The City also has a cable over ride system to alert the public by television of an impending hazard event. Cushing’s Emergency Manager has a paging system available on a personal cell phone and uses the Cushing Police Department Dispatcher as a 24-hour warning point. Area municipalities with The Cushing Public Schools EOP provides mutual aid agreements also advise Cushing guidance and procedures specific to each school for staff to follow during emergency Emergency Management with information events. on severe weather situations. The City of Cushing has funded and is in the ongoing process of upgrading and maintaining it’s city-wide outdoor warning siren systems. The City of Cushing’s Warning Sirens are shown in Figure 1–6. City of Cushing 20 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan 1.4.5 Critical Facilities Critical facilities are defined differently by different organizations and agencies, but are usually classified as those facilities that, if put out of operation by any cause, would have a broadly adverse impact on the community as a whole. FEMA includes the following as critical facilities: • • • • Structures or facilities that produce, use or store highly volatile, flammable, explosive, toxic and/or water-reactive materials; Hospitals, nursing homes, and housing likely to contain occupants who may not be sufficiently mobile to avoid death or injury during a disaster; Police stations, fire stations, vehicle and equipment storage facilities, and emergency operations centers that are needed for disaster response activities before, during, and after an event; and Public and private utility facilities that are vital to maintaining or restoring normal services to affected areas before, during and after an event. This may also include buildings designated as emergency shelters, schools, childcare centers, senior citizen centers, major medical facilities, disability centers, and City Hall. Since 9/11, FEMA has also added banks and other financial institutions to their critical facilities list. The City of Cushing’s critical facilities are shown in Figure 1–7 and listed in Table 1-6. 1.4.6 Cushing Public Schools The City of Cushing public school system is proactively involved in hazard mitigation activities including planning and implementing mitigation measures. The City’s School Superintendent has applied for a HMGP grant to remove plate glass windows and replace them with safety glass. All windows currently installed will have a safety film applied to them designed to prevent dangerous glass shards from forming when the plate is broken. In addition, all broken windows will be replaced with new safety glass. Several of the schools have implemented safety measures including limited entry access, school “lockdown” drills and guest sign-in and badges. Each school also has an Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) integrated into the City’s EOP. In addition, the City of Cushing is educating the School Board on safe rooms and the new State Law and funding opportunities City of Cushing 21 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Fairlawn Short Creek " ! Skull Creek 18 # Y Pine Ave #Y # Y # Y #Y # Y 33 #Y #Y Cottonwood Creek Little Rd Elm Creek " ! #Y Oak St Broadway St # Y # Y 3rd St #Y #Y 6th St # Y 9th St 9th St Eseco Payne County Lincoln County Texaco Rd LEGEND # Y Harmony Rd Linwood Rd Vine St Wilson Ave " ! Main St # Y Linwood Rd # Y 33 18 Little Rd Grandstaff Rd Noble Kings Hwy # Y 0 0.5 MILES Sirens N State Highways Roads County Line W Water Features S Railroads City Limit R.D. Flanagan & Associates 1 E Figure 1-6 City of Cushing Warning Siren Locations Fairlawn Short Creek " ! Skull Creek 18 30 Grandstaff Rd Harmony Rd Linwood Rd 11 Little Rd Kings Hwy #Y #Y 38 #Y 32 #Y 28 #Y 14 35 # Y# Y Eseco 5 # Y # Y 0 0.5 Critical Facilities MILES N State Highways Roads County Line W Water Features S Railroads City Limit R.D. Flanagan & Associates Y Cottonwood 12 # Creek 40 #Y Texaco Rd LEGEND Linwood Rd Elm Creek 33 Wilson 31 6 " ! 19 #17 Y 23 # 26 Y 2 20 9 #Y St 27 #Y Oak #Y10 Y# 1# Y Y # # Y 4 Y 29Broadway St 33 34 Y# # 18# Y # Y16 3rd St #Y21 #Y3 #Y15#Y #Y 7 36 13 #Y # Y # Y 22 #Y37 6th St 39 8# #Y 25 Y#Y 9th St #Y Wilson Ave 9th St Noble Main St 33 18 # Y Little Rd " ! # Y 0# Y Pine Ave 24 Vine St 1 E Payne County Lincoln County Figure 1-7 City of Cushing Critical Facilities Table 1–6: Cushing Critical Facilities ID 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Name Cushing Water Treatment Plant Cushing Police Payne County Sheriff Cushing City Hall Cushing Power Generation Cushing Fire Dept. Emergency Operations Center Cushing Regional Hospital Maintenance Center Cushing Regional Airport Cimarron Correctional Facility Valley Hope Rehabilitation Center Cushing Youth Center Cushing Middle School Cushing High School Deep Rock Elementary School Harmony Elementary School Harrison Elementary School Sunnyside Elementary School Wilson School Cushing Senior Citizen Center Bank of Cushing Bank of Cushing Commercial Federal Bank Spirit Bank Cushing Child Care Cushing Day Care Nursery Cushing Head Start Early Bird Headstart Gazaway Child Care Home Kiddie Korner Day Care Kirk Child Care Home Moore Child Care Home Presbyterian Preschool Shirley's Child Care Center Small Miracles Christian Susan Todd's Child Care Thompson Child Care Home Timmons Child Care Home Wallis Child Care Home Zuniga Child Care Home Eskew Child Care Home Bozworth Child Care Home Choate Child Care Home Cushing Wastewater Treatment Plant City of Cushing Address 1100 N. Maitlen Dr. 100 Judy Adams Blvd. 100 Judy Adams Blvd. 100 Judy Adams Blvd. 100 Judy Adams Blvd. 323 N. Harrison 323 N. Harrison 1027 E. Cherry St. 514 W. Cherry 11 W. Airport 3700 SW Kings Highway 100 S. Jones 800 S. Little 316 N. Steele Ave. 1700 E. Walnut St. 2601 N. Linwood Ave. 1601 S. Harmony Rd. 610 S. Noble Ave. 1919 S Kings Hwy 1140 E. Cherry St. 203 E. Cherry St. 2106 E. Main St. 224 E. Broadway St. 421 E. Main St. 300 N. Harrison Ave. 223 S. Wilson 800 S. Little 503 N. Highland 111 W. Vine St. 1536 E. 9th St. 825 E. Maple 301 N. Linwood Ave. 1523 S. Little Ave. 301 E. Moses 704 E. Scissortail 930 S. Little Ave. 1732 N. Little Ave. 1229 E. Cherry St. 1441 E. Cherry St. 2250 S. Kings Hwy 127 W. 5th St. 848 E. 6th. 3303 N. Harmony Rd. 814 S. Holmes 2701 Esesco Rd. 24 Phone (918) 223-2915 (918) 225-1212 (918) 225-1212 (918) 225-0277 (918) 225-3035 (918) 225-3361 (918) 225-3361 (918) 225-2915 (918) 225-0790 (918) 225-6979 (918) 225-3336 (918) 225-1736 (918) 225-2761 (918) 225-1311 (918) 225-6622 (918) 225-4497 (918) 225-4697 (918) 225-4433 (918) 225-1635 (918) 225-4683 (918) 225-5333 (918) 225-2012 (918) 225-2010 (918) 225-4440 (918) 225-3434 (918) 225-0253 (918) 225-2761 (918) 762-3041 (918) 225-1029 (918) 225-2024 (918) 225-0343 (918) 285-5557 (918) 225-0981 (918) 225-0626 (918) 225-4349 (918) 225-5683 (918) 225-7552 (918) 225-6038 (918) 225-1389 (918) 225-5149 (918) 225-3229 (918) 225-2816 (918) 225-6267 (918) 225-6124 (918) 225-4634 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan 1.4.7 Public Education and Information A successful public information and education program involves both the public and private sectors. Public information and education activities advise and educate citizens, property owners, renters, businesses, and local officials about hazards and ways to protect people and property from them. Public information activities are among the least expensive mitigation measures, and at the same time are often the most effective thing a community can do to save lives and property. All mitigation activities—preventive, structural, property protection, emergency services, and natural resource protection— begin with public information and education. The City of Cushing is in the process of implementing several Public Education and Information programs to help inform the public and businesses about various hazards and how to prepare and/or avoid them. These measures include: ● Develop a “Helping Your Neighbors” program through the school system to encourage children to think of people who require special assistance (e.g., elders, infants, and persons with disabilities) during severe weather conditions (e.g., winter storms and extreme heat.) ● Educate the public on the dangers of carbon monoxide pollution and the use of appropriate heating systems during power outages ● Develop public information and education programs and provide materials about construction methods and mitigation measures that protect a building’s roof, all outside openings, and the building envelope for overall structural resistance to tornadoes, high winds, and minor earthquakes. ● Encourage utilities to provide lightning prevention information materials and programs to their customers. ● Educate the community about proper lightning safety through public service announcements and other media outlets. ● Prepare and distribute a public information document letting people know that they are in the dam failure inundation area. ● Develop public information and education plans for responding to natural hazards and hazardous materials events. City of Cushing 25 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Chapter 2: The Planning Process The Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan is a citywide effort to coordinate the multi-hazard planning, development, and mitigation activities of the City of Cushing. The City of Cushing was responsible for overall coordination and management of the study. Simply stated, a mitigation plan is the product of a rational thought process that reviews the hazards, measures their impacts on the community, identifies alternative mitigation measures, and selects and designs those that will work best for the community. This plan addresses the following hazards: Floods Tornadoes High Winds Lightning Hailstorms Severe Winter Storms Extreme Heat Drought Expansive Soils Urban Fires Wildfires Earthquakes Hazardous Materials Events Dam Failures Transportation The planning for the City of Cushing followed a ten-step process, based on the guidance and requirements of FEMA. The ten steps are described below. 2.1 Step One: Organize to Prepare the Plan (January 2004-February 2004) Citizens, community leaders, government staff personnel, and professionals active in disasters provided important input into the development of the plan and recommended goals and objectives, mitigation measures, and priorities for actions. Cushing Planning Commission & Hazard Mitigation Citizen Advisory Committee The planning process was formally created by a resolution of the governing body of Cushing. The resolution created the Cushing Hazard Mitigation Citizens Advisory Committee (CHMCAC) to oversee the planning effort. The Cushing Hazard Mitigation Citizen Advisory Committee consists of members of the Planning Commission. The CHMCAC members are: City of Cushing 26 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Boyd Vratil – Member, Cushing Hazard Mitigation Citizens Advisory Committee; thirty-one years experience in tank farm operations; responsible for managing over nine million barrels of tank storage; helped set up local oil company coops in fire fighting and oil spills; strong background in DOT 195, 193, LEPC, Tank Farm fire fighting, containing oil spills and government regulations. Tim O’Dell – Member, Cushing Hazard Mitigation Citizens Advisory Committee; Currently serving as Warden of the Cimarron Correctional Facility in Cushing, Born in Russellville, Kentucky; attended Western Kentucky and Eastern Kentucky Universities. Has served in law enforcement and corrections since 1969 with positions including Radio Dispatcher, Jail Guard, Traffic and Patrol Officer, Chaplain Chief, Deputy Warden for Programs and Operations, Chief of Security and has been Warden at four different correctional facilities. He is happily married with three children and three grandsons Oren Jones – Member, Cushing Hazard Mitigation Citizens Advisory Committee; Entered Cushing Fire Service December 1959; Retired as Fire Chief, March 1981. Employed by City of Cushing April 1981 to September 1984 as Rehabilitation Coeds Officer for a $1.7 Million Community Development Block Grant for the West side of Cushing. Retained as Code Enforcement Officer until retirement in May of 1999. Also served as Emergency Manager for the City of Cushing from April 1981 to May 1999. Paul Mitchell – Member, Cushing Hazard Mitigation Citizens Advisory Committee; Support Services Coordinator for Cushing Regional Hospital James H. Shields – Member, Cushing Hazard Mitigation Citizens Advisory Committee; Director of School Plant for Cushing Public Schools; Jim has worked as an educator since 1971, the first 12 years as a teacher and coach and the last 21 years as director of school plant. He has a Bachelor of Science from Oklahoma State University and a Masters Degree from Central State University. City of Cushing 27 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Supporting the Citizens Committee is the Staff Technical Advisory Committee (STAC), which includes representatives of departments that have roles in hazards planning, response, protection, and mitigation. Most of the detail work was done by a management team of the following staff and consultants: Staff Technical Advisory Committee • • • • • • • Dennis Fisher – Fire Chief/Project Mgr. Brent Kerr – Deputy Fire Chief Andrew Katz – City Manager Stephen Spears – Asst. City Manager & City Engineer Bob Noltensmeyer – Emergency Manager Bill Myers – Police Chief Terry Brannon – Asst. Police Chief Mitigation Planning Process The STAC met periodically during the year’s planning process. STAC members also attended all meetings of the Citizens Advisory Committee and meetings with elected officials. Consultants: • Ronald D. Flanagan, CFM, Principal Planner, R.D. Flanagan & Associates, Planning Consultants The STAC met monthly at the Cushing City Hall during the planning process to review progress, identify issues, receive task assignments, and advise the consultants. A list of CHMCAC meetings, STAC meetings, and meetings and dates with governing bodies is shown in Table 2-1. Refer to Appendix B for meeting agendas. City of Cushing 28 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Table 2–1: Cushing Hazard Mitigation Citizens and Technical Advisory Committee Meetings and Activities Date Activity Jan. 9, 2004 City Council approved and accepted FEMA/ODEM HMGP Grant. Jan. 20, 2004 Cushing City Council meeting approving the MHMG contract and the formation of a Citizens Advisory Committee to oversee the planning phases. Feb. 5, 2004 City Council adopts Resolution appointing the City of Cushing Hazard Mitigation Citizens Advisory Committee (CHMCAC). Feb. 5, 2004 Cushing Citizen Advisory Committee meeting: Discussion of Resolution. Discuss definitions and overview of Hazard Mitigation. Review and discussion of the 2000 Stafford Act requirements, the 10-Step Planning Process, Overview of Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan, selection of Hazards to be investigated, timelines, and future meeting dates and times. Mar. 4, 2004 CHMCAC meeting: Discussion of ICS, Review material and maps, Discuss Community Mitigation Activities April 8, 2004 CHMCAC meeting: Review HMP material including community info – Chapter 1, and Identified Hazards – Chapter 3. Document input on historic hazard events, discuss hazard/community risk assessment results May 6, 2004 CHMCAC meeting; review hazards, risk and vulnerable populations; review damage scenarios. June 17, 2004 CHMCAC meeting, City Hall, Discuss 911 addressing, Enhanced 911, FBI maps and aerial photos; review and discuss possible mitigation strategies for each hazard, including Public Information and Education, Preventive Measures, Structural Projects, Property Protection, Emergency Services, and Natural Resource Protection. July 15, 2004 CHMCAC Meeting; hand out identified Mitigation Measures fro each strategy and hazard for CAC to screen for applicability to Cushing. July 27, 2004 Consultants receive selected/screened Mitigation Measures from CHMCAC and TAC. Sept. 9, 2004 CHMCAC meeting; Screened Mitigation Measures handed out to CAC, members to prioritize Measures. Nov. 12, 2004 CHMCAC meeting; review prioritized Mitigation Measures, finalize Mitigation Measures, Action Plan items. Approve Plan, establish Public Hearing dates before the Planning Commission and City Commission. Dec. 15, 2004 Public Hearing before the Cushing Planning Commission; adoption of MultiHazard Mitigation Plan as amendment to Comprehensive Plan; recommend adoption by City Council. Dec. 20, 2004 Public Hearing before the Cushing City Council, adoption of Resolution approving City of Cushing Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan. Dec. 28, 2004 Submission of City of Cushing Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan to Oklahoma Department of Emergency Management for review and approval, and submission to FEMA. City of Cushing 29 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan 2.2 Step Two: Involve the Public (January 2004 – Ongoing) In addition to the CHMCAC, the management team of STAC undertook many projects to inform the public of this effort and to solicit their input. All meetings of the CHMCAC were publicly posted as required by ordinances and rules of the jurisdiction. Public meetings were held at the beginning of the planning process. Workshops were held to review the hazards and to develop and identify mitigation measures for each natural and technological hazard. Opportunities for public review and input into the process and plan were provided at each publicly posted meeting of the CHMCAC and the Public Hearings before the Planning Commission and City Council. 2.3 Step Three: Coordinate with Other Agencies and Organizations (January 2004 – February 2004) Many public agencies, private organizations, and businesses contend with natural hazards. Management team members contacted them to collect their data on the hazards and determine how their programs can best support the Cushing Multi-Hazard Mitigation planning program. A list of agencies contacted and sample letters are included below. The Emergency Operations Plan is administered under the Cushing Emergency Management Agency. The Public Works and Planning Departments play a key role during most emergencies. Federal Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) US Army Corps of Engineers National Weather Service (NWS) Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) US Fish and Wildlife Service US Geological Survey National Non-Profit American Red Cross State Oklahoma Department of Emergency Management Oklahoma Water Resources Board • State National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) Coordinator • State Dam Safety Coordinator Oklahoma Conservation Commission Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation Oklahoma Department of Labor Oklahoma Geological Survey City of Cushing 30 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality Regional Central Oklahoma Economic Development District (COEDD) County Payne County Payne City/County Health Department Payne Area Emergency Management Agency Cushing Office of the City Manager Department of Community Development Department of Public Works Police Department Fire Department City of Cushing 31 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Cushing Fire Department 323 N. Harrison Cushing, OK 74023-3303 (918) 225-3361 Lonnie Ward FEMA. Region VI 800 N. Loop 288 Denton, TX 76209 April 8, 2004 Subject: City of Cushing, Oklahoma Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Dear Lonnie Ward: The Oklahoma Department of Emergency Management and the Federal Emergency Management Agency have awarded the City of Chickasha a Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) grant to develop a Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan for their community. The planning process began January 20, 2004, and is expected to be completed by October 31, 2004. A Cushing Hazard Mitigation Citizens Advisory Committee and a Staff Hazard Mitigation Technical Advisory Committee have been appointed by the City of Cushing to oversee the planning process. You are invited to participate in the planning process, provide input, and receive any data produced during the planning process. A preliminary schedule of the planning process is included as an attachment. We, or our consultants, will contact your agency to solicit information and studies, which may be relevant to the development of our multi-hazard mitigation plan. If you have any questions, or if we can be of further service to you, please contact our Hazard Mitigation Coordinator, Mr. Dennis Fisher at (918) 225-3361. Sincerely, Dennis Fisher Deputy Fire Chief Encl: Mitigation Planning Schedule City of Cushing 32 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan 2.4 Step Four: Assess the Hazard (January 2004 – March 2004) The management team collected data on the hazards from available sources. Hazard assessment is included in Chapter 3, with the discussion of each hazard. Table 2–2: How and Why Hazards Were Identified Hazard Floods How Identified • • • Tornadoes • • • • Why Identified Review of FEMA and City floodplain maps Buildings in the floodplains Historical floods and damages (detailed in Chapter 2) • Review of recent disaster declarations Input from Emergency Manager Consensus of Hazard Mitigation Citizens Advisory Committee Review of data from the National Climatic Data Center • • • • • • 3.7% of the City of Cushing is located in the floodplains Over $2 million of property at risk Cushing is located in “Tornado Alley” An average of 52 tornadoes per year strike Oklahoma Cushing has had 16 tornado events in or close to city since 1937 Oklahoma City tornado of 1999 killed 42 people and destroyed 899 buildings All citizens and buildings are at risk High Winds • • National Weather Service data Loss information provided by national insurance companies • 16 high wind-related events in Cushing since 1993, and over $179,000 in damage Lightning • National Climatic Data Center information and statistics • Oklahoma ranks 15th in lightning related casualties Cushing has had 4 lightning events since 1992 88 deaths and 243 injuries over 36 years due to lightning • • Hailstorms • National Climatic Data Center and State Disaster Declarations • • Severe Winter Storms • • • City of Cushing Review of past disaster declarations Input from Safety Alliance of Cushing (SAC) and Cushing Emergency Management Input from area utility companies 33 • • • • Grapefruit size hail fell on Cushing in 1977 Fourteen hail events in Cushing since 1993 Severe winter storms are an annual event in the Cushing area Wide-spread economic disruption Massive public utility outages Three winter storm-related Federal Disaster Declarations in the past 3 years, requiring over $330 million in Federal assistance Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Hazard Extreme Heat How Identified • • Drought • • Why Identified Review of number of heat-related deaths and injuries during hot Oklahoma summers Review of data from National Climatic Data Center and National Center for Disease Control • Historical vulnerability to drought, the “Dust Bowl” era Recent (2002) drought and water shortages in Bartlesville, just north of Tulsa • • • • • • Expansive Soils • • • • Urban Fires • Input from COEDD Input from City Building Inspections Department Review of Natural Resource Conservation Service data Input from Oklahoma Department of Transportation • Input from State Fire Marshal • • • • Wildfires • • • Earthquakes • • • Hazardous Materials Events • • • • City of Cushing Input from area Rural Fire Depts. Input from surrounding county & community fire departments Input from State Fire Marshal • Historic records of area earthquakes Input from Oklahoma Geological Survey Input from USGS • Input from Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) Input from SAC Input from Oklahoma Dept. of Environmental Quality Input from Emergency First Responders (Cushing Fire and Police Departments) • 34 • • • • • Four extreme heat events in Cushing since 1993 High percentage of poor and elderly populations at risk 44 heat-related deaths in Oklahoma in the last 5 years Continuing mid-west and western drought and impacts on Oklahoma communities Three drought events in Payne County in last 7 years Acute awareness of Oklahoma’s population to the severe results of drought Need to ensure adequate longterm-water resources for the City of Cushing Some expansive soils are present in the City of Cushing Damage to buildings from expansive soils can be mitigated with public information and building code provision Older, deteriorating frame homes with substandard heating Severe winter storms Continuing loss of life and property due to house fires Fires of the urban/rural interface threaten Cushing properties 134 wildfire runs for Cushing Fire Department in 2005-2006 Several miles of Cushing’s perimeter are exposed and vulnerable to wildfires Payne County has a history of mild earthquakes Since 1977 Payne County has experienced earthquakes on the average of once every 5 years 21 hazardous materials sites scattered throughout the community 39 hazardous material events in last 15 years Major trafficways expose Cushing to potential trafficway hazardous materials incidents Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Hazard Dam Failures How Identified • • • Transportation • • • 2.5 Why Identified Dam releases and floods in 1986 and 1989 Input from US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Input from Oklahoma Water Resources Board, (OWRB), Dam Safety Division • Input from Oklahoma Department of Transportation Input from Bureau of Transportation Statistics Input from Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration • • • • • • Population and buildings below dam are very vulnerable in event of release or dam failure Dam break/release contingency plan needs updating Warning systems need to be updated and refined Various dam release rates should be GIS mapped, and properties at risk identified Population and Property in transportation corridors are vulnerable to incidents Hazardous material incidents are common in transportation incidents Cushing is the oil and gas pipeline crossroads of US Step Five: Assess the Problem (January 2004 – April 2004) The hazard data was analyzed in light of what it means to public safety, health, buildings, transportation, infrastructure, critical facilities, and the economy. Some of the work for Steps 4 and 5 had been initiated by COEDD. They prepared several analyses using their geographic information system. The discussion of the problem assessment is addressed for each hazard in Chapter 3. Damage Estimation Methodology The following methodologies were used in the development of damage cost estimated for buildings and contents for flooding and tornado/high wind damage, used in the City of Cushing’s Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan: HAZUS Damage Estimation Model: FEMA’s HAZUS Damage Estimation Models were used to calculate damages from Flooding and Earthquakes. Structure Value: Value of buildings within the City of Cushing was obtained from the Payne County Assessor’s office. For critical facilities, non-profit properties with structural improvements, such as churches, which are tax exempt and where no county assessor valuation was available, the buildings’ footprints were measured using aerial photography, GIS, and field investigation to determine size, in square feet. The value of structure was obtained by calculating the square footage times the value per square foot obtained by using FEMA publication, State and Local Mitigation Planning: Understanding Your Risks: Identifying Hazards and Estimating Losses, August 2001, “Average Building Replacement Value per square foot,” p. 3-10, source: HAZUS City of Cushing 35 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Contents Value: Value of contents for all buildings was estimated using “Contents Value as Percentage of Building Replacement Value” table, page 3-11, Understanding Your Risks. Depth of Damage: In addition to the HAZUS Model, flooding damage estimates for building and contents were confirmed using actual structures’ estimated flood depth, determined by aerial topographic mapping, and field investigations. Maps of the floodplains are included in Chapter 3. Flood damage curves, for structures (single-family, multi-family, office, commercial, industrial), and contents were estimated using Table A-3, Damage Factors, Economics Branch, Tulsa District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Flood depth of damage curve estimates were used for riverine flooding and dam failures (Chapter 4). Tornado Damage: Damage estimates for the tornado scenario were based on: 1. Structure value: Payne County Assessor. 2. Contents: FEMA’s Contents Value, Understanding Your Risks. 3. Damage to structure: based on percent damage experienced during typical events, using the Fujita Scale, damage characteristics, Table 4-1. Damage estimates were based on a “worst case” scenario, assuming about 25% of the buildings in the tornado path would experience substantial damage or total destruction; 35% would suffer 50% damage, and 40% would suffer slight to moderate or average 25% damage. 2.6 Step Six: Set Goals (January 2004 – April 2004) Project and community hazard mitigation goals and objectives for Cushing were developed by the CHMCAC to guide the development of the plan. The hazard mitigation goals for the City are listed in Chapter 4. 2.7 Step Seven: Review Possible Activities (April 2004 – August 2004) A wide variety of measures that can affect hazards or the damage from hazards were examined. The mitigation activities were organized under the following six categories. A more detailed description of each category is located in “Chapter 4: Mitigation Strategies.” 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Public Information and Education—Outreach projects and technical assistance Preventive Activities—Zoning, building codes, stormwater ordinances Structural Projects—Levees, reservoirs, channel improvements Property Protection—Acquisition, retrofitting, insurance Emergency Services—Warning, sandbagging, evacuation 6. Natural Resource Protection—Wetlands and floodplain protection, natural and beneficial uses of the floodplain, and best management practices City of Cushing 36 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan MITIGATION MEASURE PRIORITIZATION METHODOLOGY The Hazard Mitigation Staff Technical Advisory Committee and the Citizens Advisory Committee, to determine and prioritize the most appropriate risk reduction strategies for the individual jurisdiction, developed mitigation measures for the community. The Mitigation Measures were adopted in Public Hearings as Amendments to the community’s Comprehensive Plan, and adopted by the City Council. Mitigation Measure Categories During the course of the Planning Process, the hazards likely to impact the community were identified and analyzed. Based on historical records and probability analysis (Hazards Analysis Matrix, page 3-6), the committees reviewed the previously listed six Mitigation Activity Categories for each hazard. Possible mitigation activities for each hazard likely to affect the community were identified in each of the Mitigation Activity Categories (listed above). Each committee, after reviewing the list, screened and selected the measures they felt were applicable, feasible, cost effective, and politically acceptable to their community. These measures, specifically identified as potentially benefiting the community, were combined into a new, more community specific list for review. Benefit-Cost Analysis Methodology Scientific methodology for the evaluation of benefit-cost ratios, of one mitigation alternative compared to another, was used when possible and practical. For example, where frequency of disaster events is well established, such as the 10, 50, 100, and 500year flood events, accepted methodologies were used to evaluate building acquisition vs. other alternatives, such as channelization, flood-proofing, or upstream detention ponds. Acquisition candidates, when the preferred alternative, were subjected to the FEMA Riverine Benefit-Cost Module. For other hazards where no scientific methodology existssuch as the evaluation of B/C of Public Information and Education—the desires of the community were persuasive. Establishment of Local Priorities The Citizens Advisory Committee, professional staff, and elected officials fully understood that acquisition of Repetitive Loss Properties is FEMA’s and the State of Oklahoma’s highest natural hazard mitigation priority, and that the State’s second priority was construction of school safe rooms. It is understood that Public Information and Education about natural and man-made hazards is a State priority under the 5% initiative and would be funded when grant monies are available. To prioritize the list of possible mitigation measures, sometimes consisting of over one hundred identified mitigation measures, the Citizens Advisory Committees’ members were given twenty votes each to select the individual measures they felt would best benefit the community’s efforts to reduce or eliminate the adverse impacts of hazards on lives and property. The votes were tallied, and the Mitigation Measures were ranked in descending order. Mitigation Measures that received no votes were considered being dropped from the list, but a simple request by a Committee member could keep the City of Cushing 37 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Measure on the list, albeit at the bottom. The Mitigation Measures selected and prioritized by the voting process, best reflected the values and goals of the community. Mitigation priorities generally reflected the disaster and damage experience of the community. The true challenge is to identify mitigation strategies and measures that represent the goals and political will of the community. Table 5-1, Multi-Hazard Mitigation Measures, By Priority and Hazard is the comprehensive list of Mitigation Measures receiving at least one vote from the 20-vote selection process described above. After confirming the outcome with each advisory committee, the top ten priority measures became the focus for the next phase of the plan, the “Action Plan”. 2.8 Step Eight: Draft an Action Plan (September 2004 – November 2004) The top 10 high-priority Mitigation Measures constituted the Action Plan, and each Measure was further detailed to identify: • A brief description of the Mitigation Measure (Action Plan Item) • The lead agency responsible for implementation • Anticipated time schedule for completion • Estimated project cost • Possible sources of funding, and • The Work Product, or Expected outcome The Action Plan items should be developed in enough specificity to respond to a Notice of Intent/Interest (NOI) from the State when HMGP Funds become available, or to provide basic information to begin to put together a Pre-Disaster Mitigation Grant Application. 2.9 Step Nine: Adopt the Plan (December 2004 – January 2005) The CHMCAC, the Cushing Planning Commission, approved the final plan, adopted it as an amendment to the comprehensive plan, and submitted it to the Cushing City Council for adoption. The Cushing City Council adopted a Resolution approving the City of Cushing Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan. 2.10 Step Ten: Implement, Evaluate, and Revise (January 2005 − Ongoing) Adoption of the Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan is only the beginning of this effort. Community offices, other agencies, and private partners will proceed with implementation. The CHMCAC will meet quarterly to monitor progress, evaluate the activities, and recommend revisions to the action items. The Cushing Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan will be updated every five years and submitted to FEMA for review prior to the expiration of the 5-year approval period. City of Cushing 38 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Chapter 3: Natural and Man-Made Hazards Introduction Natural weather-related events, such as floods, tornadoes, severe drought, extreme heat, high winds, wildfires, and lightning only become disasters when people and their development are located in nature’s path. When there is human occupation in high-risk areas, many disaster-related losses can be predicted. Our predictions can be used to create proactive measures for natural hazard events, and therefore the impact of some events can be significantly decreased or eliminated. Each natural hazard has its own characteristics, time of year and geographic area of probable occurrence, severity, and risk level. Although natural hazards may be individually identified and categorized, many are interrelated, and a natural hazard event may involve multiple hazards. Severe thunderstorms, for example, may spawn high winds, lightning, hailstorms, tornadoes, and flooding. It is often difficult to identify and attribute damages and costs—to assess the risk of one particular hazard. Attempts to do so will inevitably be incomplete. However, risk assessment will grow in accuracy as new technology is continually refined. This chapter contains a risk identification and assessment of 15 hazards. The natural and man-made hazards addressed, for purposes of this study, are those hazards deemed most likely to impact Cushing. They include: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. City of Cushing Floods Tornadoes High Winds Lightning Hail Severe Winter Storms Extreme Heat Drought 9. Expansive Soils 10. Urban Fires 11. Wildfires 12. Earthquakes 13. Hazardous Materials Events 14. Dam Failures 15. Transportation 39 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Each hazard section includes the following information: • • • • Hazard Profile – Causes, effects, normal frequency (how often it is likely to occur at a particular location), the extent of the hazards, and available measurement scales or methods of the severity of the events, if any; the geographical extent of the hazards; and the identification of any topographic or geological conditions that would make a particular area prone to a hazard. Historical Events – Notable past occurrences of the hazard, including national, state, and local examples, if any. Where available, cost of damage, in terms of lives and property are included. Vulnerable Population – The people, geographic locations, and types of property subject to the particular hazard are identified. For each hazard with a specific geographic location, such as floodplains, dam break path, levee failure, the number, types, value of building and contents, and vulnerable populations are identified. The planning team used data from the Cushing’s 2000 Census SF3 Data, GIS modeling, and FEMA methodology recommended in FEMA 386-2, to estimate the potential dollar losses from the hazards most likely to impact the Cushing area. Conclusion – The information provided on each of the hazards is condensed into a brief summary/conclusion statement. Hazards Summary Floods The accumulation of water within a water body and the overflow of the excess water onto adjacent lands. The floodplains are the lands adjoining the channel of a river, stream, ocean, lake, or other watercourse or water body that is susceptible to flooding. Having four or more floods in the last century designates a high history of flooding occurrences in Cushing. Yet, significant areas of Cushing’s property and/or population do not reside in the 100-year floodplain. A maximum threat flood would affect less than 1% of the city. Only 26 properties would potentially be at risk of a 100-year event and losses are estimated to be only $700,000 to those contents and structures. Flooding, however, is not perceived to be a major problem for Cushing. Tornadoes A rapidly rotating vortex or funnel of air extending to the ground from a cumulonimbus cloud. When the lower tip of a vortex touches earth, the tornado becomes a force of destruction. Eight tornadoes have been reported in Cushing since 1950. It is estimated an average-sized tornado striking Cushing would damage or destroy over 10% of properties in the city and cause over $43M in damages. City of Cushing 40 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan High Winds Wind is the motion of air relative to the earth’s surface. Extreme windstorm events are associated with cyclones, severe thunderstorms, and accompanying phenomena such as tornadoes and downbursts. High winds are hazards that can be expected nearly every year in Cushing and will like affect more than 10% of the cities’ property and population. The people most vulnerable to high wind-related deaths, injuries, and property damage are those residing in mobile homes (see Figure 1-5 for location of mobile home parks) and deteriorating or poorly constructed homes. A worst-case scenario of high wind would affect up to 25% of the community and there is a high probability another disaster level incident will occur within the next decade. Lightning Lightning is generated by the buildup of charged ions in a thundercloud. When that buildup interacts with the best conducting object or surface on the ground, the result is a discharge of a lightning bolt. The air in the channel of a lightning strike reaches temperatures higher than 50,000˚ Fahrenheit. Oklahoma is vulnerable to frequent thunderstorms and convective weather patterns, and therefore its vulnerability to lightning is a constant and widespread threat during the thunderstorm season. The entire community is at risk from lightning-caused fires, damages and casualties, as indicated by Payne County’s 18 reported events since 1993. Three of these events occurred in Cushing, causing $14,000 in damage. All future development areas are also vulnerable to lightning strikes and their associated damaging effects. Hail A hailstorm is an outgrowth of a severe thunderstorm in which balls or irregularly shaped lumps of ice fall with rain. Extreme temperature differences from the ground upward into the jet stream produce strong updraft winds that cause hail formation. Hailstorms can be expected nearly every year in Cushing. Payne County has been hit by hail 268 times since 1955, and Cushing 15 times since 1993. The entire population is vulnerable, as are all areas of future development. A severe hailstorm would likely affect more than 10% of the cities’ property and/or population. A worst-case scenario of a hailstorm would affect up to 25% of the community and there is a high probability another disaster level incident will occur within the next decade. City of Cushing 41 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Severe Winter Storms A severe winter storm is one that drops four or more inches of snow during a 12-hour period, or six or more inches during a 24-hour period. An ice storm occurs when freezing rain falls from clouds and freezes immediately upon contact. Winter storms are the greatest hazard to Cushing as they occur frequently and affect the entire community. Infrastructure vulnerability, transportation problems and secondary events, such as widespread utility failures, are consequences of winter storms. Cushing has been in three federally declared disasters due to winter storms in since 2001. Extreme Heat Extreme summer weather is characterized by a combination of very high temperatures and exceptionally humid conditions. A heat wave occurs when such conditions persist over time. Extreme heat impacts the entire population and can be expected every summer in Cushing. Even though the population at most risk to extreme heat (17.6% of Cushing’s population is over 64 and 14.2% is low income) property damage due to extreme heat is minimal. Drought A climatic dryness severe enough to reduce soil moisture and water below the minimum necessary for sustaining plant, animal, and human life systems. Duration and severity are usually measured by deviation from norms of annual precipitation and stream flows. Droughts affect a large segment of the population, but are a minimal threat to property. Crop losses and mandatory water rationing are possible affects of severe drought. Two drought events have impacted Payne County in the last 5 years and Oklahoma is currently at the beginning of what is considered by authorities to be a multi-year drought cycle. Expansive Soils Soils and soft rock that swell and shrink with changes in moisture content are commonly known as expansive soils. Expansive soils develop gradually and are seldom a threat to the population. Approximately 82% of the land area within the city of Cushing has low shrink/swell potential. The soils in the remaining 18% of land area have moderate shrink/swell potential. Urban Fires A fire that burns a home or other improved structure. Fire generates a black, impenetrable smoke that blocks vision and stings the eyes, making it often impossible to navigate and evacuate the building on fire. Urban fires affect a very small area or group of the population. The low impact is likely due to the efforts of local fire fighters. City of Cushing 42 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Wildfires A fire that burns along the ground, moving slowly and killing or damaging trees; a fire burning on or below the forest floor in the humus layer down to the mineral soil; a fire rapidly spread by wind and moves by jumping along the tops of trees. A wildfire may affect a large area, but only a small group of the population. The low impact is likely attributed to the efforts of local fire fighters. Like the rest of the United States and Oklahoma, the rural and urban/wildland interface areas of Cushing are at “moderate” risk to wildfires, and at “high” to “severe” risk during times of high wind and drought, as demonstrated in the devastating wildfire outbreaks of 2005-2006. One group that may be more heavily affected includes farmers and ranchers, due to the destruction of crops and grazing land. Earthquakes An earthquake is a sudden, rapid shaking of the ground caused by the fracture and movement of rock beneath the Earth's surface. Earthquakes, although seemingly trivial in Oklahoma, do occur. Although relatively safe from locally generated earthquakes, the region’s underlying geology exposes Cushing to some risk from a severe earthquake in the New Madrid Seismic Zone. HAZUS estimates no functional losses and only a few damaged structures would result if a historic Oklahoma earthquake occurred today. Hazardous Material Events Hazardous materials are chemical substances that, if released or misused, can pose a threat to the environment or human health. They come in the form of explosives, flammable and combustible substances, poisons, and radioactive materials. Thirty-nine hazardous material events within the City of Cushing have been reported since 1991. With the massive networks of pipelines in Cushing and major petroleum and other companies within the city working with chemicals such as propane, chlorine, diesel fuels and caustic soda, Cushing is at a high risk for hazardous material events. Dam Failures The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) defines a dam as “a barrier constructed across a watercourse for the purpose of storage, control, or diversion of water.” A dam failure is the collapse, breach, or other failure resulting in downstream flooding. The effects of the Cushing Lake Dam failing would impact approximately five structures near Cushing. No critical facilities would be impacted. Damages due to a dam break could exceed $500,000. The chances of a dam failure are very small as the Cushing Lake Dam is classified as a high hazard dam and Annually inspects and updates the dam and keeps Emergency Action Plan up to date and on file at OWRB. City of Cushing 43 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Transportation Transportation is the physical movement of an object through components of a system and its subsystems. Transportation includes the use of aviation, highway, railroad, pipeline, and marine systems to convey movement of objects and people. Cushing is considered the “Pipeline Capital of the World with a massive network of pipeline in and around the city Cushing. Two State Highways provide major route access into Cushing. Each highway crosses a floodplain outside the city limits, potentially isolating access to the town during a major flood event. Railroads no longer exist within the city limits. With approximately 30% of Cushing residents living within a ¼ mile of major transportation corridors, a transportation event would likely not impact much of Cushing’s property and population. Hazards Analysis: Probability and Vulnerability The ODEM guidelines for hazard analysis provides a process for use in assessing and evaluating hazards and promotes a common base for performing the analysis by defining criteria and establishing a rating and scoring system. Table 3-1, below, shows the results of the hazard analysis for Cushing, and Table 3-2 provides a summary of the ranking criteria. Annual Average Damages Although available data is limited, for the 10-year period from 1995 through 2004, information on total damage to property and loss of lives and injuries, average annual damages are able, with the noted caveat, to be projected. Damages, by hazard event, are listed below, in Table 3-1. Table 3–1: Summary of Damages in Cushing, Oklahoma between 1995 and 2004 Hazard Events Events/ Year Total Property Damage $0 $0 $193,600 $1,200 $0 $0 $0 $0 Property Damage/ Event $0 $0 $10,756 $1,200 $0 $0 $0 $0 Property Damage/ Year $0 $0 $19,360 $120 $0 $0 $0 $0 Injuries Injuries/ Injuries/ Deaths/ Deaths/ Deaths Event Year Event Year Floods 3 0.3 0 0 0 Tornadoes 0 0 0 0 0 High Winds 18 1.8 0 0 0 Lightning 1 0.1 0 0 0 Hail 8 0.8 0 0 0 Winter Storms 12 1.2 0 0 0 Extreme Heat 2 0.2 0 0 0 Drought 2 0.2 0 0 0 Expansive Soils Insuff. Data Urban Fires 78 15.6 $693,470 $14,447 $138,694 2 0 0.4 Wildfires 114 22.8 $15,195 $262 $3,039 0 0 0 Earthquakes 0 0 $0 $0 $0 0 0 0 HazMat Events 4 0.4 $0 $0 $0 0 0 0 Dam Failures 0 0 $0 $0 $0 0 0 0 Transportation 0 0 $0 $0 $0 0 0 0 * Fire data not available for 1995, 1996, 2002, and 2003; Damages were also not available for 2000 and 2001 City of Cushing 44 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Table 3–2: Hazard Analysis for City of Cushing, Oklahoma Disaster Winter Storm Hailstorm High Wind Tornado Drought Extreme Heat Earthquake Lightning Hazardous Material Events Transportation Flood Urban Fire Wildfire Expansive Soils Dam Failure History (2)* Vulnerability (5)* Maximum Threat (10)* Probability (7)* Score High High High High High High Low High High High High High High Low Low High High High High Medium Medium High High Medium Medium Low Low Low Medium Low High Medium Medium Medium High High High Medium Medium Low Low Low Low Low Low Medium High High High Medium Medium Low Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Low Low 205 190 190 190 180 180 159 155 130 90 70 70 70 44 24 Values: * Criteria weighted by value in column title. High Medium Low 10 5 1 Table 3–3: Summary of Hazard Analysis Ranking Criteria Criteria Description Scoring History If a certain kind of disaster occurred in the past, conditions causing the event can occur again. In the past 100 years, if an event has occurred: 0-1 Low 2-3 Medium 4+ High Vulnerability The number of people and value of property in jeopardy determine vulnerability. Vital facilities, such as hospitals, office buildings and emergency facilities, and population groups of special concern should be included in vulnerability determination. Population exposed: < 1% Low 1%-10% Medium >10% High Property damaged or destroyed: < 1% Low 1%-10% Medium >10% High Maximum Threat Maximum threat is the worst case scenario of a hazard. Its impact is expressed in terms of human casualties and property loss. Secondary events need to be factored in where necessary. Area of city impacted: < 5% Low 5%-25% Medium >25% High Probability Probability is the likelihood a worst case event will occur. History and probability are similar, however two criteria are used to distinguish between newly developing hazards and hazards with a lack of historical information. Chance per year of disaster: < .1% Low .1%-10% Medium >10% High City of Cushing 45 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Secondary Events Many disasters set off other types of events in a cascade of effects that lead to a highly complex situation. It is generally more useful to consider all secondary events as a part of the overall situation created by the primary event. Secondary hazard events are shown in Table 3-4. Table 3–4: Secondary Hazard Events Primary Event Flood Tornado High Wind Lightning Hail Winter Storm Extreme Heat Drought Expansive Soil Urban Fire Wildfire Earthquake Haz. Material Event Dam Failure Transportation City of Cushing Dam Expansive Failure Drought Soil Flood ● Haz. Material Event ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 46 Power Failure ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Urban Fire Water Supply Failure Wildfire ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan 3.1 Floods Flooding is defined as the accumulation of water within a water body and the overflow of the excess water onto adjacent floodplain lands. The floodplains are the lands adjoining the channel of a river, stream, ocean, lake, or other watercourse or water body that is susceptible to flooding. 3.1.1 Hazard Profile Effects Floods are the most common and widespread of all natural disasters in the United States—except fire. • • • • • • Flooding has caused the deaths of more than 10,000 people since 1900. United States property damage from flooding now totals over $1 billion each year. In 1987 FEMA concluded that over 9 million households and $390 billion in property are at risk from the 1-percent-annual-chance flood. In most years flooding accounts for or is involved with three quarters of Federal Disaster declarations. Floods claim about 140 lives each year, making them the most deadly kind of weather in the United States. Floods are also responsible for more damage to property each year than any other type of weather hazard. Flash floods usually result from intense storms dropping large amounts of rain within a brief period. The two key elements are rainfall intensity and duration, but topography, soil conditions, and ground cover play an important role. Frequency Flash floods occur with little or no warning and can reach full peak in a few minutes. Waters from flash flooding move at very fast speeds and can roll boulders, tear out trees, destroy buildings, and obliterate bridges. Walls of water can reach heights of 10 to 30 feet and carry large amounts of debris. Most flood deaths are due to flash floods. The drainage basins affecting the City of Cushing are shown on Figure 3-2.Within the City of Cushing’s 7.6 square miles, two tributaries of the Cimarron River significantly impact Cushing’s floodplains. They are Skull Creek and Cottonwood Creek. All of Cushing’s creeks and their drainage areas are listed in Table 3-5, below. The combined floodplains of the Cimarron River tributaries comprise only 0.28 square miles, or 0.37%, of the land within the City limits, and are shown on Figure 3-2. City of Cushing 47 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Table 3–5: City of Cushing Streams and Drainage Areas Stream Total Drainage Area at Cushing (sq. mi.) Structures located in the 100-Year Floodplains 2.45 3.74 0.19 0.16 0.93 0.15 7.62 6 20 0 0 0 0 26 Skull Creek Cottonwood Creek Cabin Creek Euchee Creek Wildhorse Creek Short Creek Total Extent of Impact The probable impact of flooding can be assessed by mapping urban development, soil conditions, the 100-year floodplains, researching the extent of past floods, looking at historical rainfall data and the condition of drainage ways and stormwater facilities, and estimating the likely contribution to flooding from recent and future development. This was accomplished using FEMA’s Hazus model. The City of Cushing has 26 structures located in the 100-year floodplains of these waterways. The Hazus model determined that a 100-year flood would result in $703,345 in damage to community assets. (For a fuller discussion of the assumptions used in Hazus for Cushing, see Section 3.1.3 Vulnerable Population, below.) Cushing is developing towards the southeast. Since 1996, 68 single-family building permits have been approved, with much of the development occurring south of 9th Street and east of Linwood Ave., essentially in the Cottonwood Creek drainage basin. Without the detailed modeling and analysis provided by a basin-wide Master Drainage Plan, it is not possible to accurately predict the effects of a 100-year and 500-year flood on future development or to future buildings and development that have been permitted to the minimum standard. The preparation of a Master Drainage Plan for all watersheds within the city has been included as Action Item No. 5 in Cushing’s mitigation measures. (See Table 5-1, Multi-Hazard Mitigation Measures, by Priority and Hazard, below.) 3.1.2 Historical Events Oklahoma’s most frequent and most costly natural hazard is flooding. There are numerous flooding events on record, often with serious impacts: 1908. The wettest June in Oklahoma history caused widespread flooding on the Arkansas River and $250,000 in damage (1908 dollars). June 11-13, 1923. Floodwaters destroyed Tulsa’s waterworks and forced the evacuation of 4,000. City of Cushing 48 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Short Creek Fairlawn Short Creek " ! Skull Creek Skull Creek Noble Wilson Main St 33 Creek Harmony Rd Pine Ave Oak St Broadway St 3rd St 6th St 9th St North Howerton Grandstaff Rd Vine St " ! Cabin Linwood Rd Little Rd Kings Hwy 18 Euchee Creek " ! 33 Cottonwood Creek Wilson Ave 9th St Little Rd Linwood Rd Elm Creek Eseco Cottonwood Creek Wildhorse Creek Payne County Lincoln County Texaco Rd LEGEND 0 0.5 Drainage Basins MILES N State Highways Roads W County Line Water Features S Railroads City Limit R.D. Flanagan & Associates 1 E Figure 3-1 City of Cushing Drainage Basins Fairlawn Short Creek " ! Skull Creek Grandstaff Rd Vine St Wilson Main St 33 18 Pine Ave Noble " ! Harmony Rd Linwood Rd Little Rd Kings Hwy 18 " ! 33 Oak St Broadway St 3rd St 6th St 9th St Wilson Ave 9th St Little Rd Linwood Rd Elm Creek Eseco Payne County Lincoln County Texaco Rd LEGEND 0 0.5 1 MILES FEMA 100-Yr Floodplain FEMA 500-Yr Floodplain N State Highways Roads County Line W Water Features Railroads S City Limit R.D. Flanagan & Associates Cottonwood Creek E Figure 3-2 City of Cushing Regulatory Floodplains April 6-7, 1927. Heavy rainfall in southeastern Kansas resulted in an 8- to 10-foot wall of water—with registered flows of 750,000 cubic feet per second—roaring down the Arkansas River valley below Muskogee and emptying into the Mississippi River. Nearly every levee from Fort Smith to the Mississippi was destroyed. Losses totaled $4,000,000 (1927 dollars). May 18-22, 1943. A deluge that dumped 24 inches of rain in six days on the area between McAlester to Muskogee resulted in the flood of record for many communities along the Arkansas River. May 16-21, 1957. The wettest May in Oklahoma history caused widespread flooding on Arkansas, Cimarron and Canadian Rivers. May 10, 1970. The Mother’s Day Flood in Tulsa caused $163,000 in damages ($340,000 in 1994 dollars) on rapidly developing Mingo and Joe Creeks. October 11, 1973. 15.68 inches of rain fell in Enid—a State daily and 24-hour rainfall record. Twelve inches of rain fell in 3 hours causing flash floods that killed nine people. April, May and September, 1974. April and May floods left $744,000 in damages ($2.11 million in 1994 dollars) on Bird Creek. Violent storms June 8 caused widespread flooding on Joe, Fry, Haikey and Mingo Creeks in Tulsa County, with more than $18 million in damages ($40.24 million in 1994 dollars). On September 19, Mingo Creek flooded again. May 31, 1976. On Memorial Day, a 3-hour, 10-inch deluge centered over the headwaters of Mingo, Joe and Haikey Creeks in Tulsa caused a flood that killed three and caused $40 million in damages (1976 dollars) to more than 3,000 buildings. October, 1983. Remnants of Hurricane Tico produced 10-15 inches of rain, causing extensive flooding from Rush Springs to Shawnee, with damages estimated at $84M, including $77M to agriculture (1983 dollars). May 26-27, 1984. More than 12 inches of rain fell in Tulsa, causing extensive flooding, especially on Mingo Creek. Fourteen people were killed, 5,500 homes and over 7,000 vehicles were damaged. October 1986. Keystone Reservoir filled to capacity, forcing the Corps of Engineers to release water at the rate of 310,000 cubic feet per second. Downstream flooding was extensive, with $1.3 million in damages to 64 buildings. Cushing and Payne County Flooding Cushing is built on high ground, with the land sloping away in all directions. Consequently, it does not have a history of stream or river flooding. May 21, 1961- A 4-inch deluge virtually isolated Cushing for a brief time. Highways were under water and telephone and telegraph circuits were disrupted. Water ran windowsill high in a residential section of town. Pumps were rushed to the Municipal City of Cushing 51 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Light and Power plant when the basement flooded. Water gushed through city streets making them impassible and a few businesses had water spilling across their floors. Two people were rescued at their homes from the rising water by Cushing firefighters. June 24, 1999- Severe thunderstorms caused floodwaters to completely submerge a park at the corner of Cherry Street and Michigan Avenue. 3.1.3 Vulnerable Population All buildings in the Cimarron River basins, regardless of location, are at some risk of suffering riverine flood or local drainage damage. FEMA and this study has identified those areas within the watersheds of the Cottonwood Creek and Skull Creek basins in Cushing that have a one-percent chance of flooding in any given year according to FEMA’s Q3 delineated floodplain boundaries. These areas, commonly referred to as the 100-year floodplain, are designated as the Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) on FEMA’s Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM). The SFHA identifies the National Flood Insurance Program’s (NFIP) minimum national standard, and reflects existing development conditions at the time of the study. The City of Cushing has 26 structures located in the 100-year floodplains as shown in Table 3-6. Residential structure values used in the assessment were from the 2000 U.S. Census. Commercial structures were assigned values at $60/ft2, secondary structures at $30/ft2 and mobile homes at $25,000 apiece. It is estimated that the average structure will experience 3 feet of flooding, which will result in 32% damage to the structure and 35% damage to contents. A percentage of the total structural and content values were applied to damages from the 100-year flood to two large commercial structures only partially located in the floodplain. Table 3–6: Cushing Floodplain Building Vulnerability Structures in the Floodplain Number or Value FEMA SFHA 26 Value of Floodplain Buildings $1,328,517 Value of Contents $794,917 Total Value of Buildings Located in the Floodplain $2,123,434 Damage to Buildings from 100-Year Flood $425,125 Damage to Contents from the 100-Year Flood $278,220 Total Damages from the 100-Year Flood $703,345 Flood Insurance as of 9/30/02 (Source FEMA) Policies in Force 8 $ Flood Insurance in Force $585,300 Paid Premiums $2,564 Total Number of Losses Paid 4 Loss Payments City of Cushing $959 52 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Cushing is developing towards the east and southeast. A new Wal-Mart SuperCenter is being constructed on the north side of OK Hwy 33 (Main St.) on the road to Drumright. Northeast of the city, the Sac and Fox Tribe and SEM Green of Tulsa are planning to develop a large oil refinery. In the southeast quadrant, 68 single-family building permits have been approved since 1996, with much of the development occurring south of 9th Street and east of Linwood Ave., essentially in the Cottonwood Creek drainage basin. To avoid future flooding along this creek, the City of Cushing should consider conducting a master drainage plan for the watershed. 3.1.4 Conclusion With few exceptions, the City of Cushing’s floodplains are relatively free of urban development. Cushing joined the National Flood Insurance Program in 1980. All residents of Cushing are eligible to purchase flood insurance. As is evident from Table 3-6, above, only four flood loss claims have been filed in Cushing, and then only for a total of $959.00. Because of its location on a ridgeline, and so few properties being impacted by streams, flooding is not perceived to be a major problem in Cushing. Additional and more detailed study is necessary to identify appropriate mitigation measures for the 26 structures in the FEMA Special Flood Hazard Area, and those upstream on Cottonwood Creek that may be in an unmapped floodhazard area. To avoid future flooding, the City of Cushing should consider conducting a master drainage plan for Cottonwood Creek. 3.1.5 Sources Cushing Daily Citizen, Sunday, May 22, 1961 FEMA Flood Insurance Statistics at Website: City of Cushing 53 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan 3.2 Tornadoes A tornado is a rapidly rotating vortex or funnel of air extending to the ground from a cumulonimbus cloud. When the lower tip of a vortex touches earth, the tornado becomes a force of destruction. The path width of a tornado is generally less than a half-mile, but the path length can vary from a few hundred yards to dozens of miles. A tornado moves at speeds from 30 to 125 mph, but can generate winds exceeding 300 mph. 3.2.1 Hazard Profile Severe thunderstorms produce about 1,000 tornadoes each year in the United States. FEMA reports that 106 federal disaster declarations over the past 20 years have included tornado damage. Effects The path width of a tornado averages about 200 yards and therefore can have a substantial impact on human life and property. Damage from the average tornado includes roof surfaces, mobile homes pushed off their foundations, and Each year Oklahoma has more tornado events per automobiles pushed off the road. square mile than any other state More severe tornadoes can lift 300-ton objects and toss homes more than 300 feet. Normal Frequency Oklahoma, along with Texas, Arkansas, Missouri, and Kansas, is located in “Tornado Alley,” the most tornado-prone area of the nation. Oklahoma experienced an average of 60 tornadoes per year over the past 50 years. Between 1975 and 1995, there were eight federal tornado-related disaster declarations in the state. Oklahoma experiences more tornadoes each year on average than does any other state, except Texas. Texas has twice as many, but is also more than twice the size of Oklahoma. Tornadoes are most likely to occur between March 15 and June 15 and over 80% occur between the hours of 3:00 and 9:00 PM. Cushing has been hit by eight tornadoes in the last 54 years, four of those occurred on May 21, 1961. This equates to a frequency of 0.15 per year. Cushing can expect a tornado on the average of at least one every seven years. More recent data shows that no tornadoes have been reported in Cushing since 1988. Figure 3–3 shows historic tornado City of Cushing 54 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan paths from 1950 to 2003 in Payne County and surrounding areas, which demonstrates the random nature of tornado strikes. Stillwater Payne County Cushing Figure 3–3: Historical Tornado Paths in Payne County Measurements Almost 70% of all tornadoes are measured F0 and F1 on the Fujita Tornado Scale (see Table 3-7, below), causing light to moderate damage, with wind speeds between 40 and 112 miles per hour. F4 and F5 tornadoes are considerably less frequent, but are the big killers. Sixty-seven percent of all tornado deaths were caused by F4 and F5 storms, which represent only 1% of all tornadoes. Extent of Impact Payne County has experienced 42 tornado events since 1950, the great majority of them in the F0 to F1 range on the Fujita scale. According to the National Climatic Data Center, Cushing has been impacted by eight tornado events in the last 53 years resulting in over $80,000 in property damage. These events are shown in Figure 3-4 and described briefly below, along with other recorded tornado events in Payne County. Based on this data, it can be estimated that a typical F1 or F2 tornado event will strike Cushing every 6.5 years, will be 200 yards wide and 2 miles long, and do about $10,000 in damage. On the other hand, if a typical F4 tornado were to go through the center of downtown Cushing (see Section 3.2.4, “Tornado Scenario”), it would impact approximately 486 structures and cause over $43.5 million in damages. City of Cushing 55 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Table 3–7: Fujita Scale Category Wind Speed (mph) Damage F0 Gale tornado (40-72) Light: Damage to chimneys, tree branches, shallow-root trees, sign boards F1 Moderate tornado (73-112) Moderate: Lower limit is beginning of hurricane wind speed--surfaces peeled off roofs, mobile homes pushed off foundations or overturned, cars pushed off roads F2 Significant tornado (113-157) Considerable: Roofs torn off frame houses, mobile homes demolished, boxcars pushed over, large trees snapped or uprooted, light-object missiles generated F3 Severe tornado (158-206) Severe: Roofs and some walls torn off well-constructed houses, trains overturned, most trees in forest uprooted, cars lifted off the ground and thrown F4 Devastating tornado (207-260) Devastating: Well-constructed houses leveled, structures with weak foundations blown off some distance, cars thrown and large missiles generated F5 Incredible tornado (261-318) Incredible: Strong frame houses lifted off foundations and carried considerable distance to disintegrate, automobile-sized missiles fly through the air in excess of 100 yards, trees debarked 3.2.2 Historical Events Oklahoma has a long history of deadly and damaging tornadoes. Some of the deadliest tornado events include: May 8, 1882- Twenty-one people died in a McAlester tornado. April 25, 1893- Thirty-eight people died in the 10 Mile Flats area near Norman in the worst recorded tornado disaster of the 19th century in Oklahoma. May 10, 1905- Ninety-seven people died when an F-5 tornado hit Snyder, causing $250,000 in damage to more than 100 homes. May 2, 1920- Seventy-one people died and 100 injured when an F-4 tornado hit Peggs in Cherokee County. The town’s wooden jail was left standing, while a store made of concrete block next door was leveled. November 19, 1930- Twenty-three people died and 125 were injured when a tornado hit Bethany in Oklahoma County. April 27, 1942- Fifty-two died in a tornado that traveled from Claremore in Rogers County to Pryor in Mayes County. May 2, 1942- Sixteen people were killed in a tornado that traveled from Pottawatomie County to Creek County. Just south of Cushing 16 buildings were destroyed, including a rock house, by a tornado reported to be a half-mile wide. June 12, 1942- Thirty-five died in an Oklahoma City Tornado. City of Cushing 56 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan April 12, 1945- 102 people died in a violent series of tornadoes. Sixty-nine died in Antlers, 13 in Muskogee, including many at the Oklahoma School for the Blind. Eight people died at Tinker Air Force Base, five in Roland, four near Hulbert, and three in Latimer County. April 9, 1947- Oklahoma’s deadliest tornadoes killed 184 people. Texas and Kansas lost 68 people, and 116 died in Oklahoma. The tornados traveled 221 miles from White Deer, Texas, through Oklahoma, destroying a large portion of Woodward, to St. Leo, Kansas. May 25, 1955- The deadliest single tornado in U.S. history killed 114 people, including 20 in Blackwell, and 80 in Udall, Kansas, where the town was leveled. May 5, 1960- Three separate tornadoes killed a total of 26 people, including 16 people from the Wilburton to Keota tornado, five from the Shawnee to Tulsa event, and 5 when a tornado hit Roland. An F-5 tornado reported touched down in southern Creek County, traveled 29 miles northeast crossing Sapulpa. No injuries or deaths occurred, but $2.5 million in property damages were accrued throughout the county. May 5, 1961- Sixteen people were killed when a tornado tracked from Reichert to Howe in LeFlore County. May 21, 1961- Tornadoes slammed through rural areas just south of Cushing damaging at least a half a dozen homes and demolishing scores of barns, outbuildings, and buckling oil storage tanks. Cushing’s warning sirens were used for the first time in an emergency. May 24, 1973- Six injuries, 22 demolished homes, 18 demolished trailers, and 49 damaged buildings resulted from a tornado crossing Union City. The tornado was a quarter-mile wide and stayed on the ground for 28 minutes. Damage was approximately $2 million. It was the first tornado to leave a “velocity signature” on radar and produced a breakthrough in severe storm forecasting. It was also the first tornado intercepted and photographed by storm chasers. June 8, 1974- Eighteen people were killed – including three in Tulsa, and damage to 1,400 buildings – when some 25 to 30 tornadoes formed in 19 Oklahoma counties. The same storm system spawned an F-4 tornado in southern Kansas that killed six, and injured 220. According to the NCDC, there were 45 tornado-related fatalities from 1995 to the year 2000, and 42 of those occurred in 1999 during the worst tornado incident in recent Oklahoma history. (The Oklahoma Department of Emergency Management states in their All-Hazards Mitigation Plan that there were 46 fatalities from tornadoes in 1999). May 3, 1999- A series of severe thunderstorms swept out of the southwest, and produced many tornadoes that greatly intensified as they moved across the state. The map shows tornado touchdowns, paths, and direction of movement. The visual representation makes it clear that this incident was indeed a huge outbreak. City of Cushing 57 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan One of the tornadoes in the outbreak was an F5, which occurred southwest of Oklahoma City, was measured at 318 mph, the fastest wind speed ever recorded for a tornado, stayed on the ground about four hours, and left a path approximately thirtyeight miles long (see map above). This storm was the first F5 tornado to affect metropolitan Oklahoma City. The path included 6.5 miles of continuous F4 damage as well as several areas of F5 level destruction. Several homes were completely removed from their slabs. The National Weather Service reported that there were 57 tornadoes in the state during the outbreak. The Oklahoma Hospital Association reported 742 people were treated at 30 hospitals, and 44 people were killed. Approximately 10,000 homes and businesses were affected by the storms, with total losses exceeding $1 billion. The state Department of Emergency Management reported that in Oklahoma, 3,009 homes, 117 businesses, and 10 public buildings were destroyed, The May 3, 1999 tornadoes caused over $1 billion in including 645 in Oklahoma damage. The May 8, 2003 tornado path (shown in red) caused $100 million. City, 6 in Tulsa and 95% of the town of Mulhall. Sixteen Oklahoma counties were declared Federal disaster areas. May 8, 2003- At about 5 pm, the path of the estimated F-4 tornado hit Moore, Midwest City, Del City, and Oklahoma City, many of the same areas damaged by the killer tornado of May 3, 1999 (see map above). The National Weather Service estimated the tornado’s path to be 19 miles long. Local hospitals reported 145 injuries. Initial estimate of damage include 432 homes destroyed and another 2,457 damaged. About 20 businesses were destroyed. The 4 million square-foot Oklahoma City General Motors automobile plant sustained substantial damage and was knocked out of production, and the Xerox plant and five schools were damaged. In addition, the City of Moore reported three churches destroyed, and damage to a fire station and elementary school. The Lincoln National Bank in Oklahoma City was leveled. Oklahoma Gas and Electric reported that 4,000 customers in Oklahoma City, Moore, and Midwest City were without power. The Insurance Commissioner estimated damage at more than $100 million. City of Cushing 58 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan In Oklahoma since 1950, there have been over 200 fatalities and almost 4,000 injuries from tornadoes. Table 3-8 below, shows the Oklahoma tornado frequency and impact data in two time periods, reported by the National Climatic Data Center. Table 3–8: Tornadoes in Oklahoma and in Cushing since 1950 and since 1995 Oklahoma Events Deaths Injuries Property Damage 1950-2003 3183 263 4068 $3,145,060,000 1995-2003 723 46 919 $1,638,646,000 Cushing Events Deaths Injuries 1950-2003 8 0 0 $82,500 1995-2003 0 0 0 $0 Property Damage Cushing and Payne County Tornadoes Payne County reported 42 tornado events between 1950 and 2007, killing two people, injuring 41, and doing $9.57 million in damage. These tornadoes included eleven F0 events, sixteen F1 twisters, eleven F2s, four F3s and four F4 events. Cushing, itself, has had 16 tornadoes reported within 10 miles of the city since 1937, with 8 tornadoes either hitting the city or passing within a mile of its downtown. These are shown in Figure 3-4 and described briefly below, along with other recorded tornado events near Cushing: April 25,1893- An F4 tornado 400 yards wide and 20 miles long moved from northeast of Guthrie along the Cimarron River to Perkins and Ripley. Four people were killed and 25 injured. May 12, 1896- An F3 twister 200 yards wide and 20 miles long passed from near Langston to 4 miles southeast of Stillwater and on to Ingalls injuring 5 people and severely damaging 5 farms. May 25, 1904- An F2 tornado injured 5 people and destroyed 5 homes at Glencoe. April 29, 1924- An F2 tornado 100 yards wide and 2 miles long killed one person and injured 3 others just south of Ingalls. Downburst winds did $200,000 damage across the county. June 9, 1937- Tornado 10 miles long and 440 yards wide injured 3 people 7 miles north of Cushing. May 2, 1942- An F4 tornado 400 yards wide and 50 miles long killed 7 people and injured 20. The twister moved northeast from 2miles south of Cushing to north of Owasso. Most of the damage was in Tulsa County. March 18, 1948- An F2 tornado 200 yards wide and 2 miles long destroyed and unroofed buildings for 7 blocks along Main St. in Stillwater. The twister injured 1 person and did $50,000 in damage. May 23, 1952- An F1 tornado struck 4 miles northwest of Cushing. City of Cushing 59 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan May 1, 1954- An F3 tornado 100 yards wide and 25 miles long moved northeast from near Glencoe to west of Pawnee, striking 30 farms and damaging 26 farm homes. Seven people were injured. May 26, 1955- During the Great Plains tornado outbreak, an F0 tornado touched down near Cushing. May 2, 1959- An F1 tornado was reported 1 mile north of Cushing. May 21, 1961- An F2/F3 tornado was spotted just south of Cushing and on the city’s east side. May 26, 1963- An F1 tornado was reported at Cushing. June 23, 1969- An F3 tornado 400 yards wide and 12 miles long moved northeast from near Perkins to Ripley, damaging 13 homes and doing $500,000 in damage. April 30, 1970- An F1 tornado, 50 yards wide, touched down briefly 8 miles east of Cushing, unroofing one house and damaging 5 others. June 8, 1974- An F4 tornado 400 yards wide and 45 miles long struck Payne, Creek, Pawnee and Osage Counties, killing 14 people and injuring 150. The tornado touched down 3 miles southwest of Drumright in Payne County and did damage in Drumright, Sperry and Skiatook. June 13, 1975- An F4 tornado 400 yards wide and 6 miles long injured 8 people as it moved southeast through Stillwater. The twister destroyed 24 trailer homes, damaged 100 others in a trailer park, damaged 6 frame homes and leveled one brick house. July 3, 1976- An F1 tornado 1 mile long and 33 yards wide hit 8 miles north of Cushing. May 2, 1979- An F2 tornado 50 yards wide and 1 mile long touched down 3 miles north of Perkins, unroofing one home. April 26, 1984- An F2 tornado 70 yards wide and 6 miles long moved northeast 6 miles south of Stillwater, destroying 6 trailers and 2 barns and injuring 8 people. March 3, 1985- An F1 tornado was spotted 6 miles north of Cushing. September 15, 1987- An F1 tornado 5 miles long and 30 yards wide was spotted near Perkins and 1 mile southeast of Cushing. March 28, 1988- An F0 tornado was seen 6 miles north of Cushing. June 26, 1988- An F1 tornado 1 mile long and 40 wide was reported 1 mile northeast of Cushing. June 19, 1992- An F0 tornado touched down 4 miles northeast of Cushing. November 29, 1998- A small tornado touched down northwest of Cushing and remained on the ground for 2 miles damaging trees, storage buildings, and several rural residences. Five sheet metal storage buildings and barns were either damaged or destroyed. Minor damage also occurred to a house and mobile home. The house had a porch, shutters and roof shingles missing. The mobile home had many windows City of Cushing 60 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan blown out. In addition to the tornado, straight-line winds caused minor damage to a rural home in southern Payne County 8 miles west of Cushing November 10, 2004- A tornado was sighted 2 miles south of Cushing. 3.2.3 Vulnerable Population The National Weather Service advises that tornadoes strike at random, and therefore all areas within the community are equally at risk. However, tornadoes follow the path of least resistance. People living in valleys, which normally are the most highly developed areas, have the greatest exposure. Damage is a factor of both severity and what is in the path of the tornado. An F4 tornado in a densely populated area will do enormous damage, as in the recent Oklahoma City area storm. The characteristics of a structure can make it more or less vulnerable to tornado damage and its occupants more or less safe from injury if the building is hit. For example, mobile homes can be more easily damaged than permanent structures, buildings with crawl spaces are more susceptible to lift, and foundation and roof type can increase or decrease the structure’s vulnerability. (A mobile home is defined by Florida’s Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles as a dwelling that is built on an integral chassis, in a factory, transportable in one or more sections, and that is eight feet or more in width.) Table 3-9, below, shows the numbers of tornado-related fatalities in the United States for each year from 1995 to 2003 and where the deaths occurred. It illustrates that those who live in mobile homes are significantly more vulnerable to the effects of a tornado than any other identifiable population. While the number of mobile homes is a small fraction of total residential dwellings, more people who lived in mobile homes died from tornado strikes than did those who lived in permanent or conventional homes. In fact, nearly 47% of all tornado deaths during this time period occurred in mobile homes. As tornadoes can strike virtually anywhere in Oklahoma’s “Tornado Alley,” and communities in broad valleys and plains have the greatest exposure, the City of Cushing is highly vulnerable to the tornado hazard. City of Cushing 61 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Fairlawn Short Creek 33 18 Pine Ave ( X Broadway St 9th St 6th St 5/21/61 0 Miles 0 Yards 5/21/61 F3 0 Miles 0 Deaths 0 Yards 0 Injuries F2 $25,000 ( 0 Deaths X in damages 0 Injuries $2,500 Texaco Rd in damages Little Rd 0 0.5 Historic TornadoesMILES N Tornado Paths State Highways Roads W County Line Water Features S Railroads City Limit R.D. Flanagan & Associates 1 E ( X Linwood Rd Wilson Ave ( X LEGEND # S Oak St 9th St 9/15/87 5 Miles 30 Yards Eseco F0 0 Deaths 0 Injuries $0 in damages Harmony Rd Linwood Rd Vine St 3rd St Elm Creek 6/26/88 <1 Mile 40 Yards F1 0 Deaths 0 Injuries $25,000 in damages ( X ( X Wilson 5/26/63 0 Miles 0 Yards F1 0 Deaths Injuries Main St " 0$2,500 ! in damages Skull Creek Little Rd Grandstaff Rd "18 ! Noble Kings Hwy 5/2/59 0 Miles 0 Yards F1 0 Deaths 0 Injuries $2,500 in damages "33 ! 5/21/61 0 Miles 0 Yards F2 0 Deaths 0 Injuries $0 in damages Cottonwood Creek 5/21/61 0 Miles 0 Yards F3 ( 0 Deaths X 0 Injuries $25,000 in damages LEGEND Fujita Scale F0 # S F1 # S F2 # S F3 Payne F4 #County S S # Lincoln County Figure 3-4 City of Cushing Historic Tornado Damages Table 3–9: Tornado Fatalities in the United States (source: National Weather Service Storm Prediction Center) Year Vehicle Permanent Home Mobile Home In the Open Other Total for Year 1995 4 15 8 0 3 30 1996 2 8 14 0 1 25 1997 3 23 30 7 4 67 1998 15 40 65 3 7 130 1999 6 35 39 6 9 95 2000 4 4 29 2 1 40 2001 3 15 17 3 2 40 2002 4 15 32 2 2 55 2003 0 24 25 3 2 54 Totals 41 179 259 26 31 536 3.2.4 Tornado Scenario A typical tornado path is reported to be approximately 600 feet in width, and 2.0 miles in length. The typical path in Payne County tends to be generally from southwest to northeast. The area of destruction is about 181 acres per event. About 16 square miles of Oklahoma’s 69,919 square miles are impacted by tornadoes each year. In Oklahoma, the chances of a tornado hitting any one area in any given year is about .0002, and for an F4 or F5, about .0000024. Bigger and more devastating tornadoes can and do occur, as evidenced by the 1999 Oklahoma City tornado, which stayed on the ground for 38 miles. Typical Cushing Tornado Scenario To anticipate the damage that might be expected from a typical “worst case” tornado event, a hypothetical tornado path, based on the typical event discussed above, was randomly placed through the center of the community. Shown in Figure 3-5, the scenario touches down in a residential area in southwest Cushing near 9th and Cleveland Ave. It maintains a northeast trajectory passing over a municipal park on Cottonwood Creek and continues into residential neighborhoods. The scenario intersects State Highway 33 near Linwood Road where much of the commercial property damages occur. The path of destruction subsides approximately 1,000 feet north of Highway 33 and Mailten Drive just north of Cushing High School. The typical tornado as presented in this scenario could affect 415 single-family residences, 68 commercial businesses including 2 critical facilities, 5 petroleum storage tanks and 4 additional Tier II Sites, 3 public facilities, 2 of which are identified as critical facilities, for a total of 486 structures. Critical facilities damaged in the scenario include minor damages to Cushing Regional Hospital, the Cushing Youth Center and Harrison Elementary and major damages to Cushing Child Care. Total assets in the tornado path, including buildings and contents, totals $81.8 million. The damage, by building type, contents, and percent damage to each building is summarized in Table 3-10. City of Cushing 63 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan . ! ! . ! . ! ( ! ( ! ( ! ( ( ! (! ( ( ! ( ! ! ( ! Main ( ( (! ( ( (! (! (! (! ! (! (! ( ! (! ! (! ! (! ! ( ! (! ! ( ! (! ( ! (! (! (! (! (! ( (! ! (! ( ! (! ( (! (! ( (! (! (! (! (! (! (! ! (! ( ! (! (! (! (! (! (! ( (! (! (! (! ( ! (! (! (! (! ! (! (! (! ( (! (! (! ( (! ! (! (! (! (! (! ( ! ( ! (! (! (! ! (! (! (! (! ( (! (! (! (! ( ! (! ( ! ! (! (! (! (! ( (! (! ! (! (! (! (! (! (! (! (! (! ! (! (! (! ( ! (! (! (! ( (! (! ( (! ! ( (! (! (! (! (! (! (! (! (! (! ! (! (! (! (! ! ( ! (! (! ! ( ( ! ( ( ! (! (! (! (! (! (! ! (! (! (! (! (! (! (! (! ! ( (! ( (! (( (! (! !! (! ! (! (! (! (! (! ( (! (! (! ! (! ( ! ( ! ( (! ! ( (! (! ( (! (! (! (! (! (! (! (! (! (! (! (! (! (! (! (! ( ! ! (! (! Broadway (! ( (! (! (! ! (! ( ! ( ! (! ! (! ( ! ( ! (! ( ! (! ! ( ! ( ! ( ( ! ( ! ( ( ! (! (! ( ! (! (! (! (! (! (! (! (! (! (! (! ( ( (! (! (! !!!! (! (! (! (! (! (! (! (! (! (! (! ! (! (! (! (((( ! ! ( ! ( ! ( ! ( ! ! ( ( ! ! ! ( (( ((! (! (! (! ! ( ! ( ! (! (! (! (! (! (! (! (! (! (! ! ( ! (! (! (! (! (! ! (! (! (! ( ! (( (! ! ( ( ( (! (! (! (! (! (! ! (! (! ( ! (! (! (! (! (! ! (! ! ( ! ! ( ! ! ! ( ! ! ( ( ! ( ( ( ( ! (! (! (! ( (! (! ( (! (! ! (! (! (! (! ! ( ! ( (! (! ( (! ! (! ! ( ! ( ! ( ! (! ! (! ( ( ! ! ( (! ( ! ( ! ! ( (! ! (! ( ! ( ( (! (! (! (! (! ! ( (! (! (! (! (! (! (! (! (! (! (! ( ! (! ! ( (! ! ( ! ( ! ( ! ( ! (! ( (! (! (! (! ! (! (! (! (! (! (! ( (! ! ! ( ( ! ! ( ! ( ( ! (! ( ! (! ( (! ! ! (! (! ! (! (! (! (! (! ( (! (! ! ( ! ( ( ( ! ( ( ( ! (! ! ! (! (! (! ! ! (! (! ( ( ! ( (! (! (! (! (! (! (! ( ! ( ! ( ! ( ! ( ! ( ! ! ( ( ! ( ! ( ( (! ( ! ! ( ! ! (! ! ( ! (! ! (( ( ! ( ! ( ! 0 0.05 9th ! ( ( ! ( Little ! . 13 ! . ! . 3 ! . ! . ! 8,22 . ! . ! . ! . ! . ! . ! .27 ! . . !! ! . . 3 21 ! . Linwood ! . ! . Independence ! . ! . ! . ! .! ! . . ! . ! . ! . ! . ! . ! . Harrison ! . ! . Central ! . 18 . ! .! Highland ! . ! . ! . 0.1 0.2 Miles ! . L E G E N D ´ ! ( Commercial Structure ! ( Residential Structure ! . ! . Critical Facilities Tornado Path Tier II Sites 300-Foot Buffer City Limits 600-Foot Buffer Figure 3-5 City of Cushing Tornado Scenario Table 3–10: Cushing Tornado Scenario Data Total Buildings In Tornado Scenario Path Type Number Single-Family Commercial Public Total Building Value Contents Value Total Value 415 $19,256,000 $9,628,000 $28,884,415 68 $23,224,256 $23,224,256 $46,448,580 3 $3,236,637 $3,236,637 $6,473,277 486 $45,716,893 $36,088,893 $81,805,786 Destroyed Type Number Single-Family Commercial Public Total Building Damage Contents Damage Total Damage 104 $4,814,000 $2,407,000 $7,221,000 17 $5,806,064 $5,806,064 $11,612,128 1 $0 $809,159 $809,159 122 $10,620,064 $9,022,223 $19,642,287 $1,684,900 $5,054,700 50% Damage Single-Family Commercial Public Total 145 $3,369,800 24 $4,064,245 $4,064,245 $8,128,490 1 $0 $1,132,823 $1,132,823 170 $7,434,045 $6,881,968 $14,316,013 25% Damage Single-Family Commercial Public Total 166 $1,925,600 $962,800 $2,888,400 27 $2,322,426 $2,322,426 $4,644,852 1 $809,159 $1,294,655 $2,103,814 194 $5,057,185 $4,579,881 $9,637,066 Total Damages, Tornado Scenario Single-Family Commercial Public Total 415 $10,109,400 $5,054,700 $15,164,100 68 $12,192,735 $12,192,735 $24,385,470 3 $809,159 $3,236,637 $4,045,796 486 $23,111,294 $20,484,072 $43,595,366 3.2.5 Conclusion Depending on the severity of the tornado, damage can range from light damage to trees and roofs (Fujita Category F0) to complete destruction of well-built houses (Fujita Category F4 and F5). Mobile homes and houses with crawl spaces are more susceptible to lift and are therefore at the greatest risk of damage. Oklahoma is located in “Tornado Alley,” the most tornado-prone area of the United States. In the last 50 years, there have been over 200 fatalities and over 2,000 injuries from tornadoes. City of Cushing 65 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan According to the National Climatic Data Center, Cushing was impacted by eight tornado events in the last 53 years resulting in over $80,000 in property damage. On average, the city has experienced one tornado every seven years for the last 53 years. If a typical Oklahoma tornado were to go through the center of downtown Cushing (see Section 3.2.4, “Tornado Scenario”), it would affect approximately 486 structures and cause over $43.5 million in damages. 3.2.6 Sources Bohr, Gregory S. Oklahoma Tornado Outbreak, p. 1-2. Southern Regional Climate Center at Louisiana State University, May 1999. Cushing Daily Citizen, Sunday, May 22, 1961 Extreme Weather and Climate Events at Website: National Climatic Data Center. Multi-Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment, p. 38–46. Federal Emergency Management Agency, 1997. Situation Report #1, October 11, 2001, at Website: Oklahoma Department of Emergency Management, 2001. Talking About Disaster: Guide for Standard Messages, p. 109. National Disaster Education Coalition, Washington, D.C., 1999. The Central Oklahoma Tornado Outbreak of May 3, 1999, at Website: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Tornado Project Online, at Website: The Tornado Project, PO Box 302, St. Johnsbury, Vermont 05819. National Weather Service Storm Prediction Center, at Website: City of Cushing 66 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan 3.3 High Winds Wind is defined as the motion of air relative to the earth’s surface. Extreme windstorm events are associated with cyclones, severe thunderstorms, and accompanying phenomena such as tornadoes and downbursts. Winds vary from zero at ground level to 200 mph in the upper atmospheric jet stream at 6 to 8 miles above the earth’s surface. The mean annual wind speed in the mainland United States is reported by FEMA to be 8 to 12 mph, with frequent speeds of 50 mph and occasional wind speeds of greater than 70 mph. Tropical cyclone winds along coastal areas from Texas to Maine may exceed 100 mph. 3.3.1 Hazard Profile The entire United States is at risk from damaging winds. Winds are always part of severe storms such as hurricanes, tornadoes, and blizzards but do not have to accompany a storm to be dangerous. Down-slope windstorms, straight-line winds, and microbursts can all cause death, injury, and property and crop damage. Property damage and loss of life from windstorms are High winds generated by Oklahoma’s huge spring and autumn increasing due to a variety storms can be devastating to older homes and trailers of factors. Use of manufactured housing is on an upward trend, and this type of structure provides less resistance to wind than conventional construction. All states do not have uniform building codes for wind-resistant construction. Inferior construction practices result in buildings particularly susceptible to high winds. Effects The deteriorating condition of older homes and the increased use of aluminum-clad mobile homes will likely cause the impacts of wind hazards to increase. The general design and construction of buildings in many high wind zones do not fully consider wind resistance and its importance to survival. Near-surface winds and associated pressure effects exert pressure on structure walls, doors, windows, and roofs, causing the structural components to fail. Debris carried by extreme winds can directly contribute to loss of life and indirectly to the failure of protective building envelope components. (The building envelope consists City of Cushing 67 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan of the walls, foundation, doors, windows, and roof—all surfaces that make up the barrier between the indoors and the outdoors.) Upon impact, wind-driven debris can rupture a building. Measurements Various wind scales and resultant damages include the Beaufort, Saffir-Simpson, and the Fujita measurement scales. The tables below containing the Beaufort and Saffir-Simpson scales show that there is little consensus of opinion as to what wind speeds produce various damages. (The Fujita Scale is shown in Table 3-7, above.) The impact of a high wind event can be scientifically measured using two separate and widely used scales of wind strength, the Beaufort Scale of Wind Strength and the SaffirSimpson Scale. The quality of construction & the enforcement of building codes within the jurisdiction can greatly influence the extent of a high wind event. Table 3–11: Beaufort Scale of Wind Strength Force Wind Speed (mph) Damages 9 47-54 Strong gale: Chimneys blown down, slate and tiles torn from roofs 10 55-63 Whole gale: Trees broken or uprooted 11 64-75 Storm: Trees Uprooted, cars overturned 12 75+ Severe Storm: Devastation is widespread, buildings destroyed Table 3–12: Saffir-Simpson Scale Category Wind Speed (mph) Storm Surge (feet) 1 74-95 4-5 Minimal: Trees, shrubbery, unanchored mobile homes, and some signs damaged, no real damage to structures 2 96-110 6-8 Moderate: Some trees toppled, some roof coverings damaged, major damage to mobile homes 3 111-130 9-12 Extensive: Large trees are toppled, some structural damage to roofs, mobile homes destroyed, structural damage to small homes and utility buildings 4 131-155 13-18 Extreme: Extensive damage to roofs, windows, and doors, roof systems on small buildings completely fail, some curtain walls fall 5 155+ 18+ City of Cushing Damages Catastrophic: Roof damage is considerable and widespread, window and door damage is severe, extensive glass failure, entire buildings could fall 68 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Extent of Impact Between 1956 and 2006, Payne County experienced 194 high wind events, almost all connected to thunderstorm activity. Since 1993, Cushing has had 16 reported thunderstorm/high wind events resulting in $179,000 in damage. Based on this data, it can be estimated that Cushing will experience an average of about one high wind event per year that does approximately $11,000 in damage.. The quality of construction and the enforcement of building codes within a jurisdiction can greatly influence the extent of damage from a thunderstorm/high wind event. 3.3.2 Historical Events Over the past 20 years, 193 Federal disaster declarations involved wind-induced damage. From 1975 to 1994 in the United States, there were a total of 649 deaths and 6,670 injuries from disastrous winds. Wind is the fourth-leading cause of property damage. Table 3–13: Fatalities and Property Damage Caused by High Winds From 1995 to 2003 Location Events Deaths Payne County 56 0 $240,000 Cushing 12 0 $30,000 5,768 4 $174,999,000 Oklahoma United States 510 Damage $5,877,500,000 In that 20-year period, deaths from winds in the United States were highest in 1975 with 103 deaths, 31 of them occurring on November 10 in Michigan. The second highest number was in 1983 with 98 deaths. There was also the highest number of wind-related injuries in 1983, totaling 622. From 1981 to 1990, the insurance industry spent nearly $23 billion on wind-related catastrophic events. Out of the primary sources of high winds (hurricanes, tropical storms, severe thunderstorms, and winter storms), severe local windstorms accounted for 51.3% of the expenditures. In Oklahoma, wind events are generally associated with the huge convective thunderstorms that move through the region in the spring and fall months generating A downburst did extensive damage in tornadoes, downbursts and high winds. It is Midtown Tulsa on June 6, 2006 not unusual for winds produced by these storms to reach speeds of 80-100 mph, with winds of 50-70 mph being commonplace. City of Cushing 69 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Downbursts, like the one that struck Tulsa on June 6, 2006, can topple trees, damage houses and power lines, and break up sidewalks and streets. Cushing and Payne County High Wind Events Between 1956 and 2006, Payne County experienced 194 high wind events, almost all connected to thunderstorm activity. Since 1993, Cushing has had 16 reported thunderstorm/high wind events resulting in $179,000 in damage. Among these were the following: April 26, 1984- Three people were injured during a thunderstorm/high wind event in Payne County. August 4, 1994- Isolated severe thunderstorms developed across Payne County during the early evening hours producing dime-size hail and damaging winds. Severe thunderstorm winds ripped the front door off of Cushing’s Police Department building. April 10, 1995- 63-mph winds did $5,000 in damage in Cushing. June 13, 1997- Severe thunderstorm winds destroyed a hay barn just south of Cushing. Debris from the barn was then blown onto a truck, breaking its windows, and into a neighboring house. Power poles were broken and numerous limbs were downed throughout the city. July 17, 1997- Severe thunderstorm winds downed numerous tree limbs in Cushing. Nighttime thunderstorms moved through northern and central Oklahoma, producing large hail, severe winds, and flash flooding. At Glencoe in Payne County hail reached the size of golf balls. September 21, 1998- Severe thunderstorms developed over much of western and central Oklahoma from late morning through late evening of the 21st, and were responsible for 1 fatality and 18 injuries. Three tornadoes were also sighted. In Cushing, a tree was blown down near Mazzio's Pizza on State Highway 33. November 29, 1998- A small tornado touched down northwest of Cushing and remained on the ground for 2 miles damaging trees, storage buildings, and several rural residences. Five sheet metal storage buildings and barns were either damaged or destroyed. Minor damage also occurred to a house and mobile home. The house had a porch, shudders, and roof shingles missing. The mobile home had many windows blown out. In addition to the tornado, straight-line winds caused minor damage to a rural home in southern Payne County 8 miles west of Cushing. May 26, 2000- Minor roof damage was sustained to the Wal-Mart on East Main. Severe thunderstorms first developed across portions of western and northern Oklahoma during the evening of the 25th, resulting in 4 confirmed tornadoes, one rated F2, and other areas of straight-line wind damage and large hail. July 20, 2000- Damage resulted from a line of severe thunderstorms which moved southward out of central Kansas and entered north central Oklahoma during the early morning. April 22, 2001- Thunderstorm winds of 66 mph. City of Cushing 70 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan March 17, 2003- Several severe thunderstorms developed over western Oklahoma during the afternoon of the 17th and tracked slowly eastward during the evening, before dissipating over central portions of Oklahoma. Four tornadoes accompanied the severe weather outbreak, with two of them resulting in F1 damage. Winds were 67 mph. May 16, 2003- Thunderstorm with tornadoes produced 58-mph winds. May 24, 2003- Thunderstorm winds of 67 mph. August 23, 2003- Numerous tree limbs and the roof of a barn were blown off by high winds measured up to 64 mph at the Cushing weather tower. A total of $5,000 in damages was reported. April 20, 2004- 58-mph wind was measured at the Cushing weather tower. April 21, 2004- “National Day of Prayer” banner was blown down by high winds and driving rain, which caught on a passing truck. The banner’s pole struck a mini-van driving behind the truck. Traffic through the area was diverted for 30 minutes. June 2, 2004- 80-mph wind in Cushing. Tree damage was reported around town. Several homes sustained roof damage along with 3 businesses which lost part of their roofs. Power was lost to over 50,000 customers in the region. May 4, 2006- 58-mph thunderstorm winds were reported in Cushing. 3.3.3 Vulnerable Population The highest wind speeds other than tornadoes occur in coastal regions because of hurricane-related windstorms. However, the Midwest is also at risk from high winds because of the powerful thunderstorms that frequent the region. The people most vulnerable to high wind-related deaths, injuries, and property damage are those residing in mobile homes and deteriorating or poorly constructed homes. Refer to Figure 1–5: Mobile Home Park Locations, in Chapter 1. However, all of Cushing is at risk in the case of a high wind event due to possible structural and economic damages caused by downed trees and power lines. All future development areas are also at risk. 3.3.4 Conclusion Almost the entire United States has some risk of high wind events, but the factors that contributes most to wind-related deaths, injuries, and property damage is the structure type, quality of construction, and the state of deterioration of the buildings where people reside. Mobile homes, older homes, and poorly designed and constructed buildings are the most vulnerable. Uniform building codes for wind-resistant construction and demand for quality construction practices would result in buildings being less susceptible to high winds. City of Cushing 71 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan 3.3.5 Sources Mileti, Dennis S. Disasters By Design, p. 85. J. Henry Press, Washington, D.C., 1999. Multi-Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment, p. 50–55. Federal Emergency Management Agency, 1997. National Climatic Data Center: World’s Largest Archive of Weather Data, at Web address: National Climatic Data Center. National Weather Service: Office of Climate, Water, and Weather Services, at Web address: Wind and the Built Environment: U.S. Needs in Wind Engineering and Hazard Mitigation. National Research Council, 1993. City of Cushing 72 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan 3.4 Lightning Lightning is generated by the buildup of charged ions in a thundercloud. When that buildup interacts with the best conducting object or surface on the ground, the result is a discharge of a lightning bolt. Thunder is the sound of the shock wave produced by the rapid heating and cooling of the air near the lightning bolt. The air in the channel of a lightning strike reaches temperatures higher than 50,000 degrees Fahrenheit. 3.4.1 Hazard Profile In the United States, an average of 73 people are killed each year by Lightning, which makes it deadlier than tornadoes or hurricanes. Only the combined weather casualty totals from flash floods and river floods exceed fatalities caused by lightning strikes. Lightning is the most constant and widespread threat to people and property Lightning is one of the deadliest natural hazards, and can during the thunderstorm strike 10 miles out in front of an advancing rain column season. Lightningcaused casualty and damage events are less variable from year to year than other weather causes. Lightning can strike ten miles out from the rain column, and lightning deaths often occur under a clear sky ahead of the storm. This is because people wait until the last minute to seek shelter—hoping to finish the game, the painting, the lawn mowing, and so on. Effects According to the National Weather Service, when lightning strikes a human being, serious burns or death are the obvious outcomes. Of the people struck by lightning 20% die from their injures. For those who survive, their injuries can lead to permanent disabilities. Seventy percent of the survivors suffer serious, long-term effects, including memory loss, attention deficits, sleep disorders, numbness, dizziness, stiffness in joints, irritability, fatigue, weakness, muscle spasms, depression, and an inability to sit for long periods. Lightning strikes can also cause high-voltage power surges that have the ability to seriously damage equipment and valuable data if surge protection devices are not City of Cushing 73 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan installed. Property damage from power surges and resulting fires can destroy not only the electronics in private homes, but also unprotected PBXs, telecommunications equipment, wireless systems, and radio base stations. Frequency Each year in this country, about 400 children and adults are struck by lightning during outdoor activities and an average of 90 people are killed, and 17, 400 fires are caused. National Geographic claims that lightning strikes the surface of the earth about 100 times every second. The National Lightning Detection Network states researchers have typically defined a flash as consisting of all cloud to ground discharges which occur within 10km of each other within a one second interval. Their research reveals: • • • One lightning casualty occurred for every 86,000 flashes in the United States One death occurred for every 345,000 flashes One injury occurred for every 114,000 flashes Lightning casualties and damages increase gradually through the spring, when the thunderstorm season begins for most of the country, and peak during the summer months. The months most notorious for lightning incidents were June with 21% of the strikes, July with 30%, and August with 22%. Sunday, Wednesday, and Saturday are the days that the most injurious lightning strikes occur, and between the hours of 12:00 noon and 6:00 PM. Extent of Impact Payne County has reported 18 lightning events between 1993 and 2006 that did a total of $290,000 in damage, or $16,000 damage per event. Between 1992 and 2006, Cushing and its nearby surroundings reported four strikes resulting in $15,000 in damage. Based on this limited data, Cushing can expect one significant lightning event every 4 years, which does $3,750 in damage. Although the entire community is at risk from lightning, the probable extent of a damaging strike depends upon the type of facility that is hit, the age, condition and density of structures in the strike area, the community’s fire response capability, and the presence or absence of lightning warning and protection systems. The most vulnerable facilities to lightning are the dozens of oil storage tanks outside Cushing’s city limits to the north and southeast, and the half-dozen tanks within the city to the northeast of Main St. and Linwood Rd. 3.4.2 Historical Events From 1959 to 1995 in the United States, there were 3,239 deaths, 9,818 injuries, and 19,814 reports of property damage attributed to lightning strikes. Among the biggest damage reports were lightning strikes causing forest fires and strikes damaging manufacturing plants and agricultural facilities. According to NOAA, Oklahoma ranked 15th among states in the total number of casualties during the 36-year period of their study, with 88 deaths and 243 injuries reported. It ranked 5th nationally in the number of damage reports with 826. City of Cushing 74 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Payne County and Cushing Lightning Events Payne County has reported 18 lightning events between 1993 and 2006. Four lightning events have been reported for Cushing between 1992 and 2006. April 19, 1992- In Cushing, lightning struck a propane gas company, causing an explosion that ripped the roof off the building. Lightning also struck the antenna system of Cushing City Hall, destroying the Fire Department and Police Departments radio and antenna system. September 7, 1999- Thunderstorm-generated lightning ignited fires at Mid-Continent Pipeline, located 7 miles east of Cushing, where two tank batteries were damaged. May 24, 2000- Lightning struck the chimney of a house on 9th Street in Cushing. Damages from the storm event totaled $1,200. September 16, 2004- Lightning struck a crude oil storage tank 2 miles southeast of Cushing causing a fire. The 80,000 barrel capacity tank only had 8,700 barrels of crude in it at the time. Table 3–14: History of Lightning Events, Fatalities, and Damages from 1995 to 2003 Location Events Deaths Amount of Damage Payne County 14 0 $225,000 State of Oklahoma 321 10 $17,020,000 459 $336,400,000 United States 3.4.3 Vulnerable Population The National Lightning Safety Institute reports that in 35 years of studying lightning fatalities, injuries, and damage reports in the United States, the reported locations of injurious lightning strikes broke down as shown in the following table. Table 3–15: Locations of Injurious Lightning Strikes Location Percentage Not reported 40 Open fields and recreation areas (not golf courses) 27 Under trees (not golf courses) 14 Water related (boating, fishing, swimming) 8 Golfing and on a golf course under trees 5 Heavy equipment and machinery related 3 Telephone related 2.4 Radio, transmitter and antenna related 0.6 Anyone out-of-doors during a thunderstorm is exposed and at risk to lightning. More people are killed by lightning strikes while participating in some form of recreation than any other incident, source, or location. The next largest group of fatalities involves people City of Cushing 75 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan located under trees, then those in proximity to bodies of water. Other common incidents involve golfers, agricultural activity, telephone users, and people in proximity to radios and antennas. Each year, an estimated 17,400 fires are attributed to lightning, resulting in approximately 10 civilian deaths, 75 injuries, and $ 138 million in property damage. The most lightning deaths occur in Florida, Michigan, Texas, New York, and Tennessee. The most lightning injuries occur in Florida, Michigan, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and New York. Oklahoma ranks 5th in the number of damages, and 15th in the number of lightning deaths and injuries. Oklahoma is vulnerable to frequent thunderstorms and convective weather patterns, and therefore its vulnerability to lightning is a constant and widespread threat during the thunderstorm season. The entirety of the City of Cushing, including all future development areas, is vulnerable to the lightning hazard. This is particularly true for the petroleum product tank farms located in and around Cushing, as evidenced by the lightning-caused tank fire of September 16, 2004. 3.4.4 Conclusion Lightning is deadlier than tornadoes and hurricanes combined, occurring with more consistency every year during the thunderstorm season than any other natural hazard. People outside can have a false sense of security, thinking they are still safe because a storm front has not yet reached their location. In fact, lightning can strike ten miles out from the rain column, putting people that are still in clear weather at risk. Lightning strikes occur most frequently during the summer months between 12:00 noon and 6:00 PM. However, the general rule of safety is that anyone outside during a thunderstorm should take cover. Electronic equipment, from personal computers to enterprise-level communications systems, can also be seriously damaged by power surges from lightning. Surge protection should be included in any electronic system to minimize the risk of damage from lightning. The most vulnerable facilities to lightning in Cushing are the dozens of oil storage tanks outside the city limits to the north and southeast, and the half-dozen tanks within the city to the northeast of Main St. and Linwood Rd. Because it is located in an area that is subject to large convective thunderstorms spawning tornadoes and lightning, and as the home of many petroleum product pipelines and tank farms, Cushing is highly vulnerable to the lightning hazard. City of Cushing 76 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan 3.4.5 Sources Lightning Fatalities, Injuries, and Damage Reports in The United States From 19591994. NOAA Technical Memorandum NWS SR-19, 1997 and at Web Address: Mulkins, Phil. “If you can hear thunder—find cover now!” Tulsa World, May 23, 2002. Multi-Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment, p. 30. Federal Emergency Management Agency, 1977. National Weather Service: Office of Climate, Water, and Weather Services, at Web address: City of Cushing 77 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan 3.5 Hailstorms A hailstorm is an outgrowth of a severe thunderstorm in which balls or irregularly shaped lumps of ice fall with rain. Extreme temperature changes from the ground upward into the jet stream produce strong updraft winds that cause hail formation. The size of hailstones is a direct function of the severity and size of the storm. High velocity updraft winds keep hail in suspension in thunderclouds. The greater the intensity of heating at the Earth’s surface, the stronger the updraft will be. Higher temperatures relative to elevation result in increased suspension time, allowing hailstones to grow in size. 3.5.1 Hazard Profile Hail can occur in any strong thunderstorm, which means hail is a threat everywhere. Hail is one of the most destructive hazards to agricultural crops and animals, and the major natural cause of automobile damage. Effects When hail hits, it can Hailstones can cause widespread damage to crops and automobiles, damage cars, shred roof and also serious bodily injury coverings, and lead to water damaged ceilings, walls, floors, appliances, and personal possessions. Large hailstones can also cause serious bodily injury. Normal Frequency The middle area of the Great Plains is most frequently affected by hailstorms. Multiple impacts of concurrent severe thunderstorm effects (extreme winds, tornadoes, and hail) are very likely in this region. Outside of the coastal regions, most of the United States experiences hailstorms at least two or more days each year. A localized area along the border of Colorado and Wyoming experiences hailstorms eight or more days each year. About 2% of United States crop production is damaged by hail each year, and in the Great Plains States it has sometimes reached 20%. The development of hailstorms from thunderstorm events causes nearly $1 billion in property and crop damage each year. Extent of Impact Between 1956 and 2006, Payne County communities reported a total of 251 hailstorms. with the largest hailstones falling near Perkins on April 26, 1984 (4.0 inches) and on City of Cushing 78 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Stillwater on June 2, 1988 (3.25 inches). The county has had 14 hail events with hailstones of over 2.5 inches in diameter. Between 1993 and 2007, Cushing was hit by 14 separate hailstorm events, with stones ranging in size between 0.75 and 1.75 inches. Over the 14 events, hailstones averaged 1.03 inches in size. Damage of $5,000 was reported for these Cushing hailstorms. From this data, it can be estimated that Cushing will likely experience an average of one hail event per year, with hailstones of about 1 inch to 1.25 inches in diameter. The damages expected from a hail event are a function of the diameter of the hailstones and wind speed, or hailstone velocity. There have been numerous instances of hailstones reaching four inches in diameter, or softball size. When hailstones reach such dimensions, they can be extremely dangerous to property, agriculture and the vulnerable populations of the jurisdiction. A worst-case event for Cushing would be a sustained hailstorm with stones 4.0 inches in diameter. Such an event would result in some injuries and severe, but not catastrophic, damage to houses, commercial buildings and automobiles. 3.5.2 Historical Events The Midwest hailstorm and tornado event in April 1994 lasted four days. According to Property Claims Services in Rahway, New Jersey, it produced 300,000 damage claims against insurers, more than Hurricane Andrew or the Northridge earthquake. According to NOAA, the most expensive thunderstorm event in United States history occurred in April-May of 1995 in the Texas-Oklahoma region. Hailstones up to four inches in diameter caused 109 hailstone-related injuries and contributed to over $2 billion in damage in Fort Worth, Texas. Egg and golf ball sized hail fell in the Cushing area on March 17, 1977. Several funnels were scene near Stillwater and Drumright along with damaging straight-winds, blowing dust and scattered heavy rain. Between 1959 and 1992, Oklahoma reported 1,152 hailstorm events. These storms resulted in six injuries, $32 million in property damage, and $250,000 crop damage. If these seem to be conservative figures for a span of 43 years, keep in mind that these amounts only reflect damages that were reported. Most likely many more events were not reported. An April 2004 thunderstorm left Oklahoma City streets layered with hail. As shown in the table below, Oklahoma has experienced 3,439 hailstorm incidents with hail of at least 1” in diameter in the eight-year period from January 1, 1995 to December 31, 2003. This is an average City of Cushing 79 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan of 382 hailstorms each year, or more than one per day. Damage to buildings and crops was over $40 million. Table 3–16: Fatalities and Reported Damages Caused by Hail From 1995 to 2003 Location Number of Events Number of Deaths Payne County 24 0 $0 Cushing 5 0 $0 3439 0 $41,715,000 4 $5,065,209,000 Oklahoma United States Amount of Damage Payne County and Cushing Hail Events Between 1956 and 2006, Payne County communities reported a total of 251 hailstorms. Cushing and its immediate surroundings were hit by hail 14 times between 1993 (when the National Climatic Data Center began reporting for localities) and 2006. March 1977- Cushing was hit by a major hailstorm with grapefruit-size hail. Many residents remember the storm as a citywide event that damaged or destroyed nearly every roof in town.March 28, 1993- .88-inch hail fell at Cushing. April 2, 1994- Hail 1.25 inches in diameter caused $5,000 in damage. August 4, 1994- Severe thunderstorm winds ripped the door off Cushing’s Police Department building. Hail was .75 inches in diameter. August 7, 1994- .75-inch hail fell at Cushing. March 14, 1996- Hail 1.5 inches in diameter fell 2 miles north of Cushing. March 30, 1996- Cushing hit by .75-inch hail. May 22, 1999- Hail 1 inch in diameter fell 6 miles north of Cushing. May 24, 2000- 1.75-inch hail falls at Cushing. May 25, 2000- For the second day hail 1.75 inches in diameter fall at Cushing with winds between 80-100 mph. September 7, 2001- .75-inch hail at Cushing. April 20, 2004- Cushing reports 1-inch hail. May 23, 2004- Cushing’s east side hit by .75-inch hail. May 29, 2004- Thunderstorm produces tornadoes and hail. Cushing reports .88-inch hail. May 4, 2006- .75-inch hail at Cushing. City of Cushing 80 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan 3.5.3 Vulnerable Population Hailstorms occur in every state on the mainland United States, but most frequently in the middle area of the Great Plains during the late spring and early summer when the jet stream migrates northward. Peak periods for hailstorms, late spring and early summer, coincide with the Midwest’s peak agricultural seasons for wheat, corn, barley, oats and rye, tobacco and fruit trees. Long-stemmed vegetation is especially vulnerable to damage by hail impacts and winds. Severe hailstorms also cause considerable damage to buildings and automobiles but rarely result in loss of life. Oklahoma has significant exposure to hailstorms, and virtually all buildings and crops in the storm are at risk.This is also true for the City of Cushing. The entire community is at risk to a hail event, including all future development areas. 3.5.4 Conclusion Hailstorms can occur anywhere in the mainland United States because hail is spawned from thunderstorms. The states in the middle of the Great Plains are the most likely to have severe thunderstorms and therefore have the most hail events. The peak season for hail events is in the late spring and early summer. In Oklahoma, there is significant exposure to hailstorms, due to the massive convective thunderstorms that a common to the region. There are an average of 382 hailstorms each year with hailstones at least 1 inch in diameter, and some measuring 1.75 inches in diameter. Cushing has been hit by hailstones as large as grapefruit. All buildings and crops are at risk, including future development areas. 3.5.5 Sources Institute for Business and Home Safety, at Web address: Institute for Business and Home Safety, Tampa Florida, August 1999. Multi-Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment, p. 56–60. Federal Emergency Management Agency, 1997. NCDC Storm Event Database, at Web address: National Climatic Data Center. National Weather Service: Office of Climate, Water, and Weather Services, at Web address: Cushing Daily Citizen, March 18, 1977 City of Cushing 81 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan 3.6 Winter Storms A severe winter storm is one that drops four or more inches of snow during a 12-hour period, or six or more inches during a 24-hour period. An ice storm occurs when freezing rain falls from clouds and freezes immediately upon contact. The National Weather Service (NWS) issues winter storm advisories when at least five inches of snow or any amount of ice is projected to occur over a 24-hour period. A winter storm warning means forecasters expect at least seven inches of snow or half an inch of ice. 3.6.1 Hazard Profile A winter storm can range from moderate snow over a few hours to blizzard conditions with blinding wind-driven snow that lasts several days. Many winter depressions give rise to exceptionally heavy rain and widespread flooding. Conditions worsen if the precipitation falls in the form of snow because it occupies seven to ten times more space than the same quantity Cushing is vulnerable to ice storms produced by warm, moist Gulf air colliding with arctic air from the Canadian Shield of rain. The aftermath of a winter storm can impact a community or region for weeks, and even months. Effects Winter storms bring the following hazards: • • • • Extreme cold, causing wind chill factors dangerous to humans and animals Snow accumulation, causing blocked transportation routes and possible residual flooding Reduced visibility and slick surfaces, causing hazardous driving and walking conditions Power lines and tree limbs coated with heavy ice, causing power and telephone service disruptions Winter storms cause great inconvenience, injuries and deaths. Everyone is affected by the loss of mobility. Streets and highways are slick and hazardous, and even walking from house to car can be dangerous. Public transportation is often blocked. Residents, commuters, travelers and livestock may become isolated or stranded without adequate City of Cushing 82 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan food, water and fuel supplies. People are often inconvenienced or at risk of physical harm from loss of power to their homes. Above-ground electrical and telephone lines and tree limbs are often coated in a heavy build-up of accumulating ice, which break when under the stress of sufficient weight. Falling trees also often down power lines. When electrical lines are damaged, other utilities such as natural gas, water and sewer systems can become inoperable. The City of Cushing is, at the time of this report, Investigating the feasibility of burying overhead electric power lines, and include prioritized list (e.g., feeders to critical facilities would be a top priority). Physical damage to homes and facilities can occur from wind damage, accumulation of snow, ice, and hail from accompanying winds. Even small accumulations of snow can wreak havoc on transportation systems due to a lack of snow clearing equipment and experienced drivers. Winter storms are often deceptive killers because most deaths are indirectly related to the storm. The cold temperatures that accompany winter storms cause their own secondary hazards. House fires occur more frequently in winter due to lack of proper safety precautions when using alternate heating sources (unattended fires, disposal of hot ashes, improperly placed space heaters, and so on). Fires during winter storms present a great danger because water supplies may freeze and impede firefighting efforts. Normal Frequency Using Oklahoma winter storm data from 1995 to 2003, the state averages 14 winter storm events each year. Occurrences of daily low temperatures below freezing range from an average of 140 days per year in the western panhandle to 60 days in the Red River plain in extreme southeastern Oklahoma. Occurrences of daily high temperatures below freezing range from an average of 15 days per year in portions of north central and northwest Oklahoma to 3 days per year in the southeast.Extent of Impact Cushing has experienced 21 severe winter weather events between 1995 and 2003. In Payne County as a whole, these storms did a total of $10 million in damage. Based on this data, Cushing can expect 2 winter storm events each year that cause damage in the tens of thousands of dollars. The extent of a winter storm in Oklahoma can vary greatly, influenced by a variety of factors. The local weather conditions can influence the extent of a storm, as January 30, 2002, winter storm caused widespread damage in Stillwater can the way ice and snow accumulate. Even a relatively minor winter storm, with ice buildup on elevated roadways and bridges, can become City of Cushing 83 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan dangerous, interfering with the mobility of the public, power company officials, first responders and emergency management officials due to slick, hazardous and/or impassable roads. There can also be catastrophic winter storms in Oklahoma which impact entire jurisdictions because of downed power lines and trees from ice accumulation on wires and branches. Ice damage to trees and power lines can lead to days, if not weeks, of isolation from the power grid, thus greatly expanding the extent of this natural hazard. The extent of the impact of a winter storm can be lessened by identification of at risk populations, by weather warnings and notifications, by the establishment of warming rooms and utility bill assistance programs, road condition alerts, ensuring backup electric power generation is available for critical facilities, burying power line, and so forth. 3.6.2 Historical Events Between 1988 and 1991, a total of 372 deaths, an average of 93 each year, were attributed to severe winter storms. The super storm of March 1993, considered among the worst non-tropical weather events in United States history, killed at least 79 people, injured more than 600, and caused $2 billion in property damage across portions of 20 states and the District of Columbia. In Oklahoma, 114 winter storm events with snow, ice, sleet, freezing rain and drizzle were reported during the 8year period from January 1993 to July 2001. There were two deaths, more than $86 million of property damage, and $7 million of crop damage resulting from these winter storms. Recently, Oklahoma has been slammed by major severe winter storms resulting in National Disaster Declarations. On Christmas Day, 2000, Oklahoma was hit by the most costly winter storm in its history. As of December 2001, $122.26 million in disaster aid was sent to Oklahomans to facilitate their recovery from this storm. The terrible power of severe winter weather was demonstrated again in Oklahoma on January 30, 2002, when an ice storm hit the state. Ice laden limbs of trees fell on power lines, knocking out electricity to approximately 250,000 people, and claiming the lives of four persons. The Governor declared 44 counties a Disaster Area, including Payne County. The winter storm of January 2007 left thousands in McAlester and other cities without power for over a week. A severe winter storm again hit Oklahoma during the week of January 15, 2007. Freezing rain and snow blanketed much of the State, with counties in the southeast being particularly hard hit. The city of McAlester was without power for over one week. In all, 23 people had died as a result of the storm between January 12-18, 2007. City of Cushing 84 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Table 3–17: History of Extreme Cold and Severe Winter Storms, Fatalities, and Damages from 1995 to 2003 Region Number of Events Number of Injuries Number of Deaths Amount of Damage Payne County 21 0 0 $10,082,000 State of Oklahoma 125 0 2 $395,373,000 3077 619 $2,989,116,000 United States Cushing and Payne County Winter Storm Events The National Climatic Data Center does not list any specific winter storms for Payne County, but other records indicate there were 21 reported winter storm events in the county between 1995-2003, doing over $10 million in damage. 3.6.3 Vulnerable Population The leading cause of death during winter storms is from automobile or other transportation accidents. Exhaustion and heart attacks caused by overexertion are also likely causes of winter storm-related deaths. Indigent and elderly people account for the largest percentage of hypothermia victims. Almost the entire United States is at some risk from winter storms. The level of risk depends on the severity of local winter weather. Every area that has streets, trees, or power lines is vulnerable to the effects of winter storms. Oklahoma is particularly vulnerable to severe winter storms due to its proximity the Gulf of Mexico. The Gulf can supply strong, warm, and wet air masses that move northward across Texas and Oklahoma to collide with the cold air of the southward-dipping jet stream carrying high winds and artic temperatures. This mixture can and often does produce a deadly combination of heavy rain turning to freezing rain, ice storms, snowfall, hail, high winds, and frigid temperatures worsened by damp air. Ice storms occur when rain falls out of a warm, moist upper layer of the atmosphere into a dry layer with freezing or sub-freezing air near the ground. Rain freezes on contact with the cold ground and accumulates on exposed surfaces. Most of those who died in Oklahoma were located outdoors, but those uneducated on the risk of indoor toxic air pollution concentration levels created from powering gas and some electric generators indoors may also prove susceptible. As witnessed to by the 21 winter storm events between 1995 and 2003 within Payne County and the over $10 million in damages, communities in the County are vulnerable to winter storms. The City of Cushing has a high vulnerability to a winter storm event, as do all future development areas. City of Cushing 85 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan 3.6.4 Conclusion Severe local storms are probably the most common widespread hazard. In latitudes and locations subject to northern winter jet streams pulling artic air into their area, severe winter storms have the potential to cause significant loss of life, property damage, transportation problems, and utility service failure over a large area. Secondary effects of winter storms include house fires from increased and improper use of alternate heating sources. Frozen water supplies can impede firefighting efforts. Oklahoma has its share of severe winter storms accompanied by ice because of its location between the Gulf of Mexico and the arctic jet stream. Warm, wet air from the south interacts with the cold arctic air to create freezing rain. As witnessed to by the 21 winter storm events between 1995 and 2003, the City of Cushing has a high vulnerability to a winter storm event, as do all future development areas. 3.6.5 Sources FEMA Fact Sheet: Winter Storms, p. 30. Federal Emergency Management Agency, March 1999. Information on Federally Declared Disasters, “Ice Storm Disaster Aid Reaches $122 Million,” at Web address: Federal Emergency Management Agency. Oklahoma Department of Emergency Management Update on Federally Declared Disasters at Web address: . King County Office of Emergency Management, “Severe Local Storms,” at Web address: Office of Emergency Management, King County, Washington. Marler, J.W. “About 250,000 in State Still Without Electricity,” Tulsa World, February 1, 2002. Multi-Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment, p. 76–81. Federal Emergency Management Agency, 1997. Myers, Jim. “FEMA head adds counties to aid list,” Tulsa World, February 8, 2002. NCDC Storm Event Database, at Web address: National Climatic Data Center. National Weather Service: Office of Climate, Water, and Weather Services, at Web address: Oklahoma Strategic All-Hazards Mitigation Plan, “Hazard Identification and Vulnerability Assessment,” p 5. Oklahoma Department of Emergency Management, September 2001. Wack, Kevin. “Prepare for Deep Powder,” Tulsa World, February 3, 2002. City of Cushing 86 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan 3.7 Extreme Heat Extreme summer weather is characterized by a combination of very high temperatures and exceptionally humid conditions. A heat wave occurs when such conditions persist over time. 3.7.1 Hazard Profile Approximately 200 people die each year in the United States because of extreme heat. Extreme summer temperatures are also hazardous to livestock and crops, and can cause water shortages, exacerbate fire hazards, and prompt excessive demands for energy. Even roads, bridges, and railroad tracks are susceptible to damage from extreme heat. Cushing’s average temperature in July is 82 degrees Fahrenheit Effects Human bodies dissipate heat by varying the rate and depth of blood circulation and by losing water through the skin and sweat glands. Perspiration is about 90% of the body's heat dissipating function. Sweating, by itself, does nothing to cool the body unless the water is removed by evaporation. High relative humidity retards evaporation, so under conditions of high temperature (above 90 degrees) and high relative humidity, the body is pressed to maintain 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit inside. When heat gain exceeds the level the body can remove, or when the body cannot compensate for fluids and salt lost through perspiration, the temperature of the body's inner core begins to rise and heat-related illness may develop. Heat also affects local workforce capabilities. Workers exposed to these elements must be monitored for heat exhaustion and heat stroke. During the summer months, consistent high temperatures and stagnant airflow patterns cause a build-up of hydrocarbons to form a dome-like ceiling over large cities. The abundance of factories, automobiles, lawn equipment, and other internal combustion machines emit high particulate matter that builds and worsens with the increase in temperature. The resulting stagnant, dirty, and toxic air does not move away until a weather front arrives to disperse it. When the particulate matter reaches a pre-determined level, cities issue ozone alerts and implement measures to reduce the use of cars and the output of the offending chemicals. Ozone alerts usually include advisories for the elderly and those with breathing difficulties to stay indoors in air-conditioned environments. City of Cushing 87 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Damage to property during extreme heat is more a factor of expanding and contracting soil and is covered in the section, “Expansive Soils.” Normal Frequency The average high temperature for July in the Cushing area is 93 degrees, which puts the area in the “Extreme Caution” category on the National Weather Service (NWS) Heat Index scale, without factoring in the relative humidity. Measurements The Heat Index and Heat Disorders table (see below) relates index ranges with specific disorders, particularly for people in the higher risk groups. The heat index illustrates how the human body experiences the combined effects of high temperature and humidity. It more accurately reflects what the body experiences than simply measuring the air temperature. For example, when the air temperature is 98° Fahrenheit and the relative humidity is 50%, the human body experiences the discomfort and stress equivalent to 113° Fahrenheit. Extent of Impact Cushing and Payne County have experienced major heat waves four times in the past 13 years: in 1994, 1996, 2001 and 2006. Sustained periods of temperatures above 100 degrees Fahrenheit can be expected at least once every three years. Sustained high temperatures are a hazard that impacts the entire community, but particularly the aged, the poor, the obese, those with heart problems, and people who work out of doors. The impact of the extreme heat hazard can be mitigated by notifications and warnings to vulnerable populations, the establishment of cooling rooms, utility cost assistance City of Cushing 88 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan programs, backup electric generation for critical facilities, Medical Reserve Corps training, and similar measures. 3.7.2 Historical Events In the 40-year period from 1936 through 1975, nearly 20,000 people were killed in the United States by the effects of heat and solar radiation. In the summer of 1936, temperatures across two-thirds of the United States rose well above 110 degrees Fahrenheit, and to as high as 121 degrees in some places. The heat wave lasted for 13 days, killing about 5,000 people in the U.S., and nearly 800 in Canada. In the disastrous heat wave of 1980, more than 1,250 people died. A 1988 drought and heat wave affecting the central and eastern United States caused approximately $40 billion in livestock and crop damage. Another in 1993 in the southeastern United States caused approximately $1 billion in livestock and crop damage and an undetermined number of deaths. The Central Plains and Corn Belt States experienced a heat wave July 15 through 19, 1995, when temperatures climbed above 120 degrees Fahrenheit. A significant portion of the Eastern States was in the danger category during the same period, with temperatures ranging from 105 to 120 degrees Fahrenheit. This heat wave caused 670 deaths. In Oklahoma, July is generally the hottest month of the year, closely followed by August. The NWS compiled a 106-year record of monthly and annual average temperatures in Oklahoma, and the dust bowl years of 1921, 1931, and 1936 show the highest average temperatures across a 12-month period for the past 100 years. Outdoor workers are among the most vulnerable The table below shows that 46 deaths resulted from 50 extreme heat episodes from 1998 to 2002 in Oklahoma compared with 1,166 deaths in the United States. The table also illustrates the percentage of fatalities that were people over 60 years of age. City of Cushing 89 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Table 3–18: Deaths from Extreme Heat Year Oklahoma United States Over 60 1995 0 1,021 73% 1996 10 36 84% 1997 0 81 65% 1998 24 173 68% 1999 10 502 67% 2000 5 158 68% 2001 9 166 62% 2002 0 167 52% 2003 3 36 61% Totals 61 2,340 Extreme heat does not limit itself to local jurisdictions and historical data often only identifies impacted counties. Events where temperatures exceed 100° F for extended periods during the summer months are common. Payne County has been named in several extreme heat events during the 1990’s including June of 1994, when the State’s record high temperature of 120° F was tied in southern Oklahoma and temperatures in Cushing reached in excess of 100° F. The first week of July of 1996, temperatures exceeded 102° F everyday of the week. A 67-year old man was found dead in his home with a broken air conditioner in Cushing, Oklahoma. He was one of seven deaths across the state from the heat wave. All the victims from the event were elderly. Payne County experienced daily temperature means 4-5 degrees above normal from July 4-31, 2001. This heat wave caused eight deaths in Central Oklahoma including one in nearby Stillwater, Payne County. The event was combined with an average of about one-third normal rainfall, resulting in a simultaneous drought. Humidity has worsened over the past 40 years in northeast Oklahoma due in part to the construction of new lakes. If the humidity readings are factored in to the air temperature records, the Heat Index for this area in July and August could easily move into the “Dangerous” or even “Extremely Dangerous” levels in those two months. Therefore, this part of the state is quite vulnerable to the natural hazard of extreme heat during a large part of virtually every summer season.During 2005-2006, Oklahoma experienced the worst drought in its history—a result of months of high temperatures and low precipitation. One result was a record number of wildfire outbreaks (see Section 3.8 Drought and 3.11 Wildfire, below). Cushing and Payne County Extreme Heat Events Cushing and Payne County have experienced four major extreme heat events in the past 13 years. City of Cushing 90 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan June 27, 1994- Temperatures were above 110 degrees in southwest Oklahoma with readings in excess of 100 in northwest and central Oklahoma during the afternoon hours on the 27th. The high temperature of 120 degrees from the Oklahoma Mesonet 4 miles south of Tipton tied the record for the highest temperatures ever recorded in the state. July 1-7, 1996- Temperatures were over 100 degrees F, rising to 110 degrees on July 6 in central Oklahoma. Seven deaths were attributed to the excessive heat. All of the victims were elderly and all but one were in homes without air conditioning. In Cushing, a 67-year-old man was found in his home on July 5th. The high temperature recorded in Oklahoma City that day was 107. July 4-31, 2001- An extended period of excessive heat affected all of western and central Oklahoma in July. Daily mean temperatures ranged from the mid 80s to near 90 degrees, which is 4 to 5 degrees above normal. Most areas experienced high temperatures at or above 100 degrees, particularly western and north central Oklahoma. Eight fatalities resulted from the heat. A 78 year-old male died on July 6 in Stillwater while loading equipment at a storage facility. June 18, 2006- A 21-month old boy succumbed (indirect) to the heat when left in a car for an hour in Stillwater. High temperatures were in the mid 90s. July 16-August 13, 2006- Temperatures reached triple digits across much of Oklahoma beginning in mid-July and continuing through the end of the month. Many locations reached 105 degrees or greater with higher heat index values. The heat caused 10 fatalities, most of them in homes without fans or working air conditioners. In August, temperatures remained in the 100s, causing the deaths of 5 more women and 3 men, almost all of them either working out of doors or in homes without air conditioners. 3.7.3 Vulnerable Population Every person is subject to health problems during a heat wave. However, the following groups are more likely to suffer: • • • • • • Elderly (> 65 years of age) Infants (< 1 year of age) Homeless Low income People who are socially isolated People with mobility restrictions or mental impairments • • • People taking certain medications (i.e., for high blood pressure, insomnia, or depression) People engaged in vigorous physical exercise or outdoor labor People under the influence of drugs or alcohol. In general, the poor and elderly populations of a community are less able to afford high utility bills and air conditioning units, leaving them with an increased vulnerability to extreme heat events. Another segment of the population at risk are those whose jobs consist of strenuous labor outside exposed to high temperatures and humidity. City of Cushing 91 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Studies indicate that, other things being equal, the severity of heat disorders tend to increase with age. Heat cramps in a 17-year-old may become heat exhaustion in a person who is 40 and heat stroke in a person over 60. Sweating is the body’s natural mechanism for reducing high body temperature, and the body temperature at which sweating begins increases with age. More deaths from extreme summer weather occur in urban centers than in rural areas. Poorer air quality in big cities exacerbates severe conditions. The masses of stone, brick, concrete, and asphalt that are typical of urban architecture absorb radiant heat energy during the day and radiate that heat during nights that would otherwise be cooler. Tall buildings may effectively decrease wind velocity, thereby decreasing the contribution of moving air to evaporative and convective cooling. The City of Cushing, including all future growth areas, is vulnerable to extreme heat on a yearly basis. This is especially true of the 17% of the City’s population that is 65 years of age and older, as well as the 14% living in poverty. Areas with a concentration of these population segments are depicted in Figure 1-3 and Figure 1-4, respectively. 3.7.4 Conclusion Oklahoma can expect to be hit by the hazard of extreme heat every summer. The severity of the hazard is dependent on a combination of temperature, humidity, and access to air conditioning. The most vulnerable groups are: • • • • • The poor (See Figure 1–4: Low Income Areas, in Chapter 1) The elderly (See Figure 1–3: Population 65 Years and Older, in Chapter 1) Those with heart problems The obese Those who work outside The most effective proven way to mitigate casualties from extreme heat is through public information and education, although other community programs such as cooling stations and air conditioner loan programs can also produce an impact. 3.7.5 Sources Multi-Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment, p. 84–88. Federal Emergency Management Agency, 1997. National Weather Service, Natural Hazard Statistics at Web address: City of Cushing 92 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan 3.8 Drought Seattle’s Emergency Management Office defines drought as “climatic dryness severe enough to reduce soil moisture and water below the minimum necessary for sustaining plant, animal, and human life systems.”Drought is caused by a deficiency of precipitation, which can be aggravated by high temperatures, high winds, and low relative humidity. Duration and severity are usually measured by deviation from norms of annual precipitation and stream flows. 3.8.1 Hazard Profile Drought is an insidious hazard of nature, characterized as a “creeping phenomenon.” It is often difficult to recognize the occurrence of drought before being in the middle of one. Drought analysis is more subjective than that for floods, because droughts do not occur spontaneously. They evolve over time as certain conditions are met and are spread over a large The “Dust Bowl” of the 1930s, the greatest natural disaster in geographical area. Drought Oklahoma history, drove over 800,000 people off the land severity depends on its duration, intensity, geographic extent, and the regional water supply demands made by human activities and vegetation. This multi-dimensional nature makes it difficult to define a drought and to perform comprehensive risk assessments. This leads to the lack of accurate, reliable, and timely estimates of drought severity and effects, and ultimately slows the development of drought contingency plans. Effects Adverse consequences of drought occur because of deficiencies in the following: • • • • Public and rural water supplies for human and livestock consumption Natural soil water or irrigation water for agriculture Water for hydroelectric power, forests, recreation, and navigation Water quality The most direct impact of drought is economic rather than loss of life or immediate destruction of property. Drought affects water levels for use by industry, agriculture, and individual consumers. Water shortages affect fire-fighting capabilities through reduced water flows and pressures. Drought also affects power production, so when water levels drop, electric City of Cushing 93 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan companies cannot produce enough power to meet demand and are forced to buy electricity from other sources. Most droughts dramatically increase the danger of wild land fires. When wild lands are destroyed by fire, the resulting erosion can cause heavy silting of streams, rivers, and reservoirs. Serious damage to aquatic life, irrigation, and power production then occurs. (See the section, “Wildfires.”) Drought is often accompanied by extreme heat. Wildlife, pets, livestock, crops, and humans are vulnerable to high heat accompanying drought. When temperatures reach 90 degrees and above, people and animals are vulnerable to sunstroke, heat cramps, and heat exhaustion. (See the section, “Extreme Heat.”) Normal Frequency Drought is a normal part of virtually all climates. However, an ample water supply is critical to the economic well being of the United States and of Oklahoma. During droughts, crops do not mature, wildlife and livestock are undernourished, land values decrease, and unemployment increases. Given that six major drought events have occurred in Oklahoma over the past 50 years and that nine notable droughts have occurred nation-wide in the twentieth century, one may logically conclude that Oklahoma can expect a drought every decade and that we can expect droughts to occur more frequently than the country as a whole. However, long-term forecasts of droughts are difficult and inexact. There is no commonly accepted way of determining the probability that is analogous to the 100-year or 1-percent-annual flood chance. The U.S. Army Corp of Engineers (USACE) is preparing the National Drought Atlas to provide information on the magnitude and frequency of minimum precipitation and stream flow for the contiguous United States. On average the July-to-January period is the lowest six-month period of stream flow throughout the U.S. and is used to characterize drought. The mean monthly flow from July to January has a once-in-20years chance of falling below a level that would classify it as a drought. In other words, the average occurrence of drought is once every twenty years. Oklahoma, with one per ten years over the past fifty years, is obviously at a greater than normal risk from drought. Measurements A variety of measures are used to predict the severity and impact of droughts, but each one measures different aspects or types of drought. Any single index cannot describe everything about the original data, and the indices are only approximations of real-world phenomena. Extent of Impact Because of the gradual nature of drought’s onset, and its uneven impacts, it is often difficult to determine the beginning and end of a drought event. Cushing and Payne County have experienced drought three times in the past 7 years, characterized by primarily by crop damage and wildfire. Cushing’s municipal water supply is strong, with ownership of the 591-acre Cushing Lake and several deep water well fields. The City’s City of Cushing 94 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan water supply and treatment capacity is three times it current maximum demand. Economic damage due to crop loss and wildfire remains, however, a significant threat to the community. Property and crop damage due to drought in Oklahoma between 2000 and 2007 reached $594 million ($32.5 million to property and $561.6 million to crops). The impacts of drought can be lessened by early warning and notification systems, backup sources of water supply, cooperative agreements with neighboring jurisdictions, local ordinances for rationing water use, clearing brush and Eastern Redcedar from structures in the urban/rural interface, and participating in the national Firewise program. 3.8.2 Historical Events The National Weather Service’s drought monitor map illustrates the pervasive nature and degrees of dryness and prolonged droughts in several areas of the country. Following is the link for the current Drought Monitor map for the U.S., which is updated weekly. Nine notable droughts occurred during the twentieth century in the United States. Damage estimates are not available for most, however estimates indicate that the 19761977 drought in the Great Plains, Upper Midwest, and far Western States caused direct losses of $10-$15 billion. The 1987-1989 drought cost $39 billion including agricultural losses, river transportation disruption, economic impacts, water supply problems, and wildfires. City of Cushing 95 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Approximately 20% of the contiguous United States is currently suffering from the effects of prolonged severe to extreme drought. Parts of the east coast have been particularly hard hit, and the drought in those areas is so severe that months of abovenormal rainfall would be necessary to end it, according to the National Weather Service. In Oklahoma, five major drought events were reported over the past 50 years resulting in damage to crops estimated at $900 million. Major droughts in Oklahoma, as determined from stream flow records collected since the early 1920s, have predominately occurred during four periods: 1929-1941, 1951-1957, 1961-1972, and 1975-1982. Droughts can be recorded at local and regional levels. Unfortunately, data is often not kept at the municipality level. Payne County endured an extended period of unusually dry weather beginning in August of 2000 and continued for 2 months. In Oklahoma, crop damages from this extended event reached nearly $400 million. An extreme heat event combined with an average of one-third normal rain levels impacted Payne County in July of 2001 and caused eight heat related deaths in the State, six of which were in nearby Oklahoma County. Other regional events have likely impacted the jurisdiction in the past, but have not been recorded at the local level. One of the greatest natural disasters in U.S. history and the most severe and devastating to Oklahoma was the decade-long drought in the 1930s that has become known as the Dust Bowl. Reaching its peak from 1935 through 1938, high temperatures and low rainfall combined to destroy crops and livestock. High winds literally blew the land away, causing massive soil erosion. Hundreds of small rural communities were ruined and about 800,000 people were displaced. The total expenditure by the American Red Cross for drought relief in Oklahoma in 1930-1931 was the third largest ever in the nation. August 2000. Oklahoma began the new century with drought conditions. In early August 2000, an extended period of unusually dry weather lasted for 2 months. Many parts of the state did not receive rain in August, and portions of southern and south central Oklahoma remained dry for almost 90 days, starting in June. Total agricultural losses were estimated between 600 million and 1 billion dollars statewide. Reservior levels across southwest and south central Oklahoma averaged 50 percent of normal. Seven counties near the Texas border (not including Grady) were declared federal disaster areas. July 2001 – A month of excessive heat and little rainfall brought drought to central Oklahoma and killed eight people. March 2002- Lack of rainfall and an infestation of insects took a toll on western Oklahoma's wheat crop. State officials said 26 percent of the wheat crop was in very poor shape and conditions were so dry in the Panhandle that soil erosion was beginning to occur. The state's “wheat belt” region, the area around and west of U.S. 81, had received less than 50 percent of its normal rainfall since October of 2001, according to Derek Arndt of the Oklahoma Climatological Survey. March 2005-April 2006 – A sustained period of dry weather and high temperatures spread drought across much of Oklahoma, especially the east central and southeast City of Cushing 96 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan portions of the state. The winter of 2005-2006 was the second driest since records began being kept in 1895. High winds, combined with dry soil conditions, helped spread the worst series of wildfire outbreaks in Oklahoma history. (See 3.11 Wildfire, below) By April 2006, the severe drought had become “extreme drought” in some areas. Over 40 cities in Oklahoma had to impose some form of water rationing or restrictions on water use. As illustrated in the following graph, Oklahoma has gone through six drought cycles, state-wide, since the early 1900s, with the latest being an almost 20-year period of wet weather lasting from about 1983 to 2003. If these trends continue, and the recent wet phase of the cycle is followed by a more or less equal number of dry years, then the State may well be facing a period of prolonged drought in the coming decades. Payne County and Cushing Drought Cushing and Payne County have reported drought conditions for two of the last five years—in 2001 and 2006. During 2001, Payne County and Cushing suffered moderate drought in July and August, a period of severe drought in September, and moderate drought again from October to December. During 2006, Cushing and Payne County experienced moderate drought in February and March, a period of severe drought in April, and moderate to severe drought in May and June. By August 2006, over 50 communities in Oklahoma had been forced to impose either mandatory or voluntary water rationing. In April 2006, Cushing was forced to impose outdoor watering restrictions. The primary impacts of drought in Payne County have been to farming and ranching. A secondary impact for both Payne County and Cushing, which have a good number of residential estates within their jurisdictions, is urban interface wildfire. Following upon a very wet spring in 2005, the drought conditions of 2005-2006, combined with City of Cushing 97 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan unseasonably warm, windy weather from November to January, resulted in the worst wildfire season in state history. Over 1,600 acres in Payne County were burned by wildfire. This fire complex resulted in a Presidential Disaster Declaration. 3.8.3 Vulnerable Population In all droughts, agriculture feels the impact, especially in non-irrigated areas such as dry land, farms, and rangelands. Other heavy water users such as landscapers are also negatively impacted. Water related activities of residential users might be restricted. Droughts also cause power shortages in Oklahoma because much of the state’s power comes from hydroelectric plants. Therefore, heavy power users are affected. Generally, in times of severe drought, states rely on the Federal Government to provide relief to drought victims when water shortages reach near-disaster proportions. Forty separate drought relief programs administered by 16 Federal agencies provided nearly $8 billion in relief as a result of the series of drought years during the mid-1970s. Federal assistance efforts totaled more than $5 billion in response to the 1987–1989 drought. However, since the mid-1970s, most states have taken a more active role and drought contingency plans are now in place in at least 27 states.According to the University of Nevada’s Drought Monitor, the primary impact currently to Payne County is the effect on wheat production, although other factors listed above may come into play for individual homeowners and businesses. 3.8.4 Conclusion There are signs that drought is becoming an increasing problem in the United States, including Oklahoma. However, it is difficult to predict drought probabilities for the near future because of the nature and complexity of the hazard. The severe droughts of the 1930s led to the construction of Oklahoma’s numerous hydroelectric dams and reservoirs, as well as to the implementation of new farming practices and conservation policies. However, more recent drought response and recovery activities in Oklahoma, both on state and local levels, have not been as ambitious or successful. Planning for the state’s critical and emergency water resources needs should not be carried on only during drought crises. There is a “need to focus more on long-term water management and planning issues; to integrate the activities of numerous agencies with drought-related missions into a coherent national approach; and to achieve better coordination of mitigation, response, and planning efforts between State and Federal officials.” The City of Cushing, including its future growth areas, is at moderate risk from drought. Future growth areas, particularly, are at moderate risk from a secondary impact of drought, urban interface wildfire, and at high risk from wildfire during times of high heat, high wind, and prolonged drought. 3.8.5 Sources King County Office of Emergency Management, “Droughts,” at Web address: Office of Emergency Management, King County, Washington. City of Cushing 98 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Multi-Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment, p. 174–181. Federal Emergency Management Agency, 1997. Nascenzi, Nicole. “Drought, insects threaten state wheat crop,” Tulsa World. March 14, 2002. Wilhite, D.A. (Ed.). Drought Assessment, Management, and Planning: Theory and Case Studies. Natural Resource Management and Policy, Norwell, MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1993 “NOAA Reports Droughts May Linger in East / West,” at Web address: NOAA Magazine, March 14, 2002. Oklahoma Strategic All-Hazards Mitigation Plan, “Hazard Identification and Vulnerability Assessment,” p 7. Oklahoma Department of Emergency Management, September 2001. Oklahoma Water Resources Bulletin, p. 5, at Web address: Oklahoma Water Resources Board, March 27, 2002. “Record Warm Winter in Much of Mideast and Northeast: Drought worsens along Eastern Seaboard,” at Web address: NOAA Magazine, March 14, 2002. Summers, Laura. “Drought Threatens Hulah Lake,” Tulsa World, April 3, 2002. Tortorelli, R.L. Floods and Droughts: Oklahoma, National Water Summary 1988-89: US Geological Survey, Water Supply Paper 2375.USGS. Water Resources of Oklahoma. “Worst drought seen in parts of U.S.,” at Web address: (article no longer available). City of Cushing 99 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan 3.9 Expansive Soils Soils and soft rock that tend to swell or shrink due to changes in moisture content are commonly known as expansive soils. Expansive soils are often referred to as swelling clays because clay materials are most susceptible to swelling and shrinking. Dry clays are capable of absorbing water and will increase in volume in an amount proportional to the amount of water absorbed. 3.9.1 Hazard Profile Changes in soil volume present a hazard primarily to structures built on top of expansive soils. Most engineering problems caused by volume changes in swelling clays result from human activities that modify the local environment, and which commonly involve swelling clays beneath areas covered by buildings and slabs or layers of concrete and asphalt. Damage to the built environment results from differential vertical movement that occurs as clay moisture content adjusts to the changed environment. Cushing property is underlain by soils with shrink-swell potentials ranging from low to very high The total annual cost of 1) expansive soil-related damage and 2) preventative design of moderate to high-risk structures throughout the United States has been conservatively estimated at just under $2.5 billion. Recent estimates put the annual damage as high as $7 billion. Because the hazard develops gradually and seldom presents a threat to life, expansive soils have received limited attention despite their costly effects. Many problems are not recognized as being related to expansive soils or may be considered only nuisances and therefore never repaired. Effects The most extensive damage from expansive soils occurs to highways and streets. The increase in soil volume also causes damage to foundations. The most obvious manifestations of damage to buildings are sticking doors, uneven floors, and cracked foundations, floors, walls, ceilings, and windows. If damage is severe, the cost of repair may exceed the value of the building. City of Cushing 100 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Normal Frequency Out of the 250,000 homes built each year on expansive soils, 10% sustain significant damage during their useful lives, some beyond repair, and 60% sustain minor damage. For all types of building construction, annual losses of $740 million are estimated. Measurements The risk associated with expansive soil is related to swelling potential in a qualitative manner: high, moderate to slight, and little to no swelling potential. Probability and frequency analyses have not been prepared because of the nature of occurrence of this hazard, which is consistent with other geologic hazards that occur rarely or slowly over time. The Oklahoma Department of Transportation and the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service have an ongoing program to evaluate the expansive tendencies of soils and shale formations in the state. Data on shrink-swell potential for each major soil type is kept for 77 counties. Extent of Impact The impact of expansive soils on the City of Cushing can be loosely assessed by surveying its underlying soils. Soils with “low” shrink/swell properties underlie about 82% of the city, while those of “moderate” make up about 18%. Soils with a “high” and “very high” potential are not present. These figures are slightly misleading, because a higher percentage of the land in the City’s future growth area to the southeast is composed of “moderate” shrink/swell soils. That being said, property damage can vary greatly across a jurisdiction, based on long-term weather conditions, the type and quality of construction, and materials used in construction. The extent of damage from expansive soils can be reduced by mapping the soils in the jurisdiction and notifying property owners and prospective buyers and builders of potential soil hazards and the techniques that can be used to limit their impacts. The area extent of the Expansive Soils is shown on the map in Figure 3-6. 3.9.2 Historical Events In Oklahoma, numerous foundation failures and pipeline breaks have resulted from soil shrinkage during the unusually hot and dry summers of 1998 and 2005-2006. During the drought of 2005-2006, soil shrinkage led to water main and sewer pipe breaks and leaks in many Oklahoma cities, including Holdenville, Okmulgee, Muskogee and Ada. For example, expansive soils are having a serious impact on Ada’s aging water infrastructure, particularly during the drought and high temperature conditions of 2006. In July, 2006, Ada lost about 2.5 MGD from its water distribution system due to breaks, leaks and unmonitored (but authorized) use. Similar problems have plagued Okmulgee’s water distribution system. Both cities have instituted aggressive pipeline maintenance programs to counter the effects of soil shrinkage during periods of prolonged drought. As Cushing is constructed almost entirely on soils with low shrink-swell potential, it has virtually no history of damage from expansive soils. City of Cushing 101 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan 3.9.3 Vulnerable Population The effects of expansive soils are most prevalent in regions of moderate to high precipitation, where prolonged periods of drought are followed by long periods of rainfall. The most problematic soil type for expansive soils is found in the semiarid Westcentral United States. Houses and small buildings are impacted more by expansive soils than larger buildings. Large buildings are not as susceptible because their weight counters pressures from soil swelling. The greatest damage occurs when small buildings are constructed when clays are dry (such as during a drought) and then subsequent soaking rains swell the clay. Other cases of damage involve increases of moisture volume from broken or leaking water and sewer lines, over-watering of lawns and landscape, and modifications of the surface that produce ponding. In Oklahoma, the principal geologic areas that have high shrink-swell potential are the Cretaceous shales that crop out in the southern part of the state. Expansive soils for the City of Cushing, as defined by the National Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) in their Soil Survey Geographic Database (SSURGO), are shown in Figure 3–6. Soils classified with “low” shrink/swell properties are the most common type of soil in Cushing. They cover 6.24 square miles, or 82% of the total land area. Soils listed as “moderate” cover 1.38 square miles of Cushing, or 18% of the total land area. The majority of soils in Cushing are associated with the Steedman-Gowen complex. Table 3–19: City of Cushing Expansive Soils Expansion Potential Area (square miles) Low 6.24 Moderate 1.38 High 0 Very High 0 3.9.4 Conclusion For large areas of the United States, little information is reported other than field observations of the physical characteristics of clay of a particular stratigraphic unit. Therefore, fixed criteria for determining the swelling potential have not been devised. However, the Oklahoma Department of Transportation and the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service have an ongoing program to evaluate the expansive tendencies of soils and shale formations in the state. Houses and one-story commercial buildings are more apt to be damaged by the expansion of swelling clays than are multi-story buildings, which usually are heavy enough to counter swelling pressures. However, if constructed on wet clay, multi-story buildings may be damaged by shrinkage of the clay if moisture levels are substantially reduced. City of Cushing 102 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Fairlawn Short Creek " ! Skull Creek Grandstaff Rd Vine St Main St 33 18 Pine Ave Noble " ! Harmony Rd Linwood Rd Little Rd Kings Hwy 18 " ! 33 Oak St Broadway St 3rd St 9th St Wilson Ave 9th St Elm Creek Little Rd Eseco 0 0.5 MILES N State Highways Roads County Line W Water Features City Limit Low Moderate Payne County Lincoln County 1 E S R.D. Flanagan & Associates Cottonwood Creek Shrink/Swell Soil Properties Texaco Rd LEGEND Linwood Rd 6th St Figure 3-6 City of Cushing Expansive Soils Source: NRCS Soil Survey Geographic Database As a result of this study, expansive soils have not been found to pose a significant threat to the property or residents of the City of Cushing, as the community is built almost entirely on soils with low shrink-swell potential. This conclusion applies, with modest reservations, Cushing’s likely future development areas in the southeast quadrant, where the soils are also low to moderately expansive, with a higher percentage of the latter. 3.9.5 Sources Landslides and Expansive Soils in Oklahoma, at Web address: Oklahoma Geological Survey, Earth Sciences, October, 1998. (Source no longer available) Multi-Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment, p. 122–125. Federal Emergency Management Agency, 1997. City of Cushing 104 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan 3.10 Urban Fires Home fire is the fifth leading unintentional cause of injury and death in the United States, behind motor vehicle crashes, falls, poisoning by solids or liquids, and drowning. It also ranks as the first cause of death for children under the age of 15 at home. Roughly 80% of all fire deaths occur where people sleep, such as in homes, dormitories, barracks, or hotels. The majority of fatal fires occur when people are less likely to be alert, such as nighttime sleeping hours. Nearly all home and other building fires are preventable, even arsons. 3.10.1 Hazard Profile Cooking is the leading cause of home fires in the U.S. It is also the leading cause of home fire injuries. Cooking fires often result from unattended cooking and human error, rather than mechanical failure of ovens and stoves. Eighty-three percent of all civilian fire deaths occur in residences, and careless smoking is the leading cause of those fire deaths. In 2002 Frame houses are particularly vulnerable to urban fire alone, lighted tobacco products caused an estimated 14,450 residential fires, 520 civilian deaths, 1,330 injuries, and $371 million in residential property damage. Heating is the second leading cause of residential fires and the second leading cause of fire deaths. However, heating fires are a larger problem in single-family homes than in apartments. Unlike apartments, the heating systems in family homes are often not professionally maintained. Arson is both the third leading cause of residential fires and residential fire deaths. In commercial properties, arson is the major cause of deaths, injuries and dollar loss. Arson resulted in an estimated $664 million in property damage in 2005. (Source: U.S. Fire Administration) In addition, fires are an excellent example of how natural hazards interact in ways that spiral out of control. Lightning, high winds, earthquakes, volcanoes, and floods can all trigger or exacerbate fires. Flammable liquid containers or pipelines may be breached. Downed power lines may provide an ignition source. Leaking gas lines and damaged or leaking propane containers, tanks or vehicles may explode or ignite. In addition, when the power is out, unsafe alternative heating sources, candles, or improperly used generators may trigger fire and asphyxiation dangers. Moreover, the disaster conditions may hinder or prevent firefighters from being able to suppress or even reach a fire event. City of Cushing 105 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Effects The leading cause of death in a fire is asphyxiation by a three-to-one ratio over burns. Fire consumes the oxygen and increases the concentration of deadly carbon monoxide and other toxic gases in the air. Inhaling carbon monoxide can cause loss of consciousness or death within minutes. The heat from a hostile fire exceeds anything to which a person is normally exposed. A fully developed room fire has temperatures over 1,100 degrees Fahrenheit. Fire generates a black, impenetrable smoke that blocks vision and stings the eyes, making it often impossible to navigate and evacuate the building on fire. Normal Frequency According to the U.S. Fire Administration, for the 10-year period from 1991 to 2000, there were an annual average 1,903,450 fires in the United States, and an average of 4,453 Americans lost their lives and another 26,445 were injured as a result of fire. Extent of Impact From 1999 to 2003, the City of Cushing experienced a total of 69 structural fires, one firefighter injury, and $680,920 in fire damage (excluding critical facilities). During the same period, there were 3 fires in critical facilities causing $800 damage. If these numbers are representative, the City can expect about 14 fires each year resulting in $10,000 damage per fire, and one critical facility fire per year doing about $160 in damage. Various factors determine Fire Fighters responding to a house fire, one of thousands that occur every year across the state the extent of an urban fire’s impact. The contents of a structure can influence the extent of an urban fire, as can local weather conditions. The impact can also be affected by notification techniques and procedures, fire department response speed, structure type and age, density of surrounding development, presence of flammable substances, water pressure and availability, and the use of smoke alarms. In recent years, the extent of urban fire has been greatly reduced because of advancements in fire protection, firefighting technology and training of local fire management officials. Improvements in building codes and technology have also enhanced Cushing’s ability to contain and mitigate the damage caused by urban fire. 3.10.2 Historical Events In the United States during 1991, structural fires caused 4,465 civilian deaths and 21,850 injuries, and resulted in an estimated $8.3 billion in damage. In 1995, 3,640 people died in reported home fires—roughly 10 people per day. In addition, thousands of people were injured in home fires, many hospitalized for severe burns; some disfigured for life. In Oklahoma, during the 12-year period from 1988 through 1999,there were a total of 97,148 residential fires (average of 8,095 per year), and fire losses of $858 million (average of $71 million per year). City of Cushing 106 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Table 3-20 displays information supplied by the Oklahoma State Fire Marshal concerning fire-related damages and injuries & deaths for the State during the period from 1997 through 2001. Table 3–20: Oklahoma Urban Fire Damages and Injuries & Deaths 1997-2001 Source: Oklahoma State Fire Marshal 1997 1998 # Fires $ Damage # Fires Single Family 5,582 $ 63,567,418 4,739 1999 $ Damage # Fires $ 59,810,514 4,702 2000 $ Damage # Fires $ 63,298,169 4,872 2001 $ Damage # Fires $ 73,074,144 4,696 Total $ Damage # Fires $ Damage $ 75,029,279 24,591 $ 334,779,524 Apartments 614 5,930,910 588 8,556,574 616 6,346,000 638 11,808,357 618 19,665,196 3,074 $ 52,307,037 Mobile Homes 639 5,597,896 577 5,994,955 607 7,328,767 594 7,330,420 708 9,393,585 3,125 $ 35,645,623 Nursing/ Retirement 99 110,285 76 1,096,920 131 247,355 89 101,690 83 Commercial 250 8,672,329 270 8,374,856 295 10,162,666 309 7,232,400 Warehouse 367 5,625,529 330 5,426,015 384 7,675,201 387 Industrial 196 8,594,943 193 10,755,305 202 10,267,410 61 1,095,680 74 3,212,255 95 673,620 Office Total 297,065 478 $ 1,853,315 238 5,160,925 1,362 $ 39,603,176 5,533,638 368 6,320,392 1,836 $ 30,580,775 194 49,822,712 137 8,794,832 922 $ 88,235,202 71 1,187,603 59 1,194,408 360 $ 7,363,566 7,808 $ 99,194,990 6,847 $ 103,227,394 7,032 $ 105,999,188 7,154 $ 156,090,964 6,907 $ 125,855,682 35,748 $ 590,368,218 Fire Related Injuries & Deaths 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Total Civilian Injuries 339 218 191 167 175 1,090 Civilian Deaths 85 60 0 70 59 274 Firefighter Injuries 195 378 282 174 128 1,157 Firefighter Deaths 1 1 1 2 1 6 Total Injuries 534 596 473 341 303 2,247 Total Deaths 86 61 1 72 60 280 The City of Cushing, during the period from 1997 through 2001, experienced a total of 69 structural fires, one injury, and $680,920 in fire damage. (Oklahoma State Fire Marshall data reports no property damage values for Cushing in 2000 and 2001). Table 321 shows the type, number, damages, and injuries during the 5-year period. City of Cushing 107 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Table 3–21: Cushing, OK Urban Fire Damages and Injuries & Deaths 1997-2001 Source: Oklahoma State Fire Marshal 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Total # Fires $ Damage # Fires $ Damage # Fires $ Damage # Fires $ Damage* # Fires $ Damage* # Fires $ Damage One & Two Family 10 $ 114,720 11 $ 238,450 10 $ 276,600 14 $0 8 $0 53 $ 629,770 Apartments 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 $- Mobile Homes 0 - 2 40,500 0 - 0 - 0 - 2 $ 40,500 Nursing/ Retirement 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 $- Commercial 1 1,000 1 100 1 1,000 2 0 3 0 8 $ 2,100 Warehouse 1 500 2 8,050 1 0 0 - 1 0 5 $ 8,550 Industrial 0 - 0 - 0 - 1 0 0 - 1 $0 Office 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 $- Total 12 $ 116,220 16 $ 287,100 12 $ 277,600 17 $0 12 $0 69 $ 680,920 * Cushing had no property damage values reported in Oklahoma State Fire Marshall data for 2000 and 2001. Fire Related Injuries 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Total Civilian Injuries 0 0 0 0 0 0 Civilian Deaths 0 0 0 0 0 0 Firefighter Injuries 1 0 0 0 0 1 Firefighter Deaths 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 1 0 0 0 0 1 Schools are also vulnerable to fire. In Oklahoma, during the period from 1997 through 2001, there were a total of 471 school fires, causing more than $10 million in damage. Critical Facilities are also vulnerable to fire, and are of special importance because the impact of a fire may be especially dangerous. Critical facilities deserving special attention include nursing and retirement homes, hospitals and clinics, child care centers, correctional institutions, schools and colleges. Oklahoma fires in Critical Facilities, from 1997-2001 are shown in Table 3-22 and those specific to Cushing are shown in Table 323. City of Cushing 108 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Table 3–22: Oklahoma Critical Facility Fires 1997-2001 Source: Oklahoma State Fire Marshal 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Total # Fires $ Damage # Fires $ Damage # Fires $ Damage # Fires $ Damage # Fires $ Damage # Fires $ Damage School 86 $ 2,070,830 89 $ 859,065 98 $ 1,790,836 92 $ 4,695,110 106 $ 1,152,423 471 $ 10,568,264 Public Assembly 176 4,131,005 174 2,351,460 199 8,077,604 143 3,415,147 162 2,356,661 854 $ 20,331,877 Hospital 27 69,399 27 89,941 35 576,120 16 14,615 20 12,402 125 $ 762,477 Jail 22 309,805 23 1,599,750 57 17,830 14 80,360 16 684,275 132 $ 2,692,020 Child Care 10 108,575 7 134,360 38 61,050 15 39,850 8 50,640 78 $ 394,475 Total 321 $ 6,689,614 320 $ 5,034,576 427 $ 10,523,440 280 $ 8,245,082 312 $ 4,256,401 1,660 $ 34,749,113 Table 3–23: Cushing, OK Critical Facility Fires, 1997-2001 Source: Oklahoma State Fire Marshal 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Total # Fires $ Damage # Fires $ Damage # Fires $ Damage # Fires $ Damage # Fires $ Damage # Fires $ Damage School 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- Public Assembly 0 -- 0 -- 1 0 0 -- 0 -- 1 -- Hospital 1 $700 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 1 $700 Jail 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0 -- Child Care 0 -- 0 -- 1 $100 0 -- 0 -- 1 -- Total 1 $700 0 -- 2 $100 0 -- 0 -- 3 $800 Real progress has been made nationally and locally in reducing the number of urban fires and fire-related fatalities. Nationally, in 1977 there were 3,264,500 fires, and 5,865 fatalities. By 2002, both figures have been reduced by almost half to 1,687,500 fires, and 2,670 fire-related deaths. 3.10.3 Vulnerable Population In residences, the majority of fatal fires occur when people are less alert or sleeping. Victims are disproportionately children or elderly. Of the fires that kill children, two out of every five are started by children playing with fire. States with the largest populations tend to have the greatest number of fire-related fatalities. The western United States is susceptible because of prolonged warm winds that can spread sparks and embers. Areas where seismic events are more likely to occur are also susceptible, particularly in areas where natural gas distribution systems can rupture. Floods can also trigger fires. City of Cushing 109 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Some of the vulnerabilities peculiar to Oklahoma are related to flooding and lightning events, both of which can trigger urban fires. In many cases, communities with aging infrastructures may be more susceptible to urban fire due to the flammability of materials used in construction and number of structures built before current fire safety, plumbing and electrical codes were implemented. The National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) makes the statement in their Housing Economics publication: “An overarching cause of residential fire deaths is the age of the dwelling. Both known studies that have looked at this question have found that older structures burn much more frequently than newer ones.” Consequently, while any building is vulnerable to fire, particular attention needs to be paid to lower-income neighborhoods with older residences and aging commercial structures. All areas of Cushing are exposed to personal injury and property damage as a result of urban fire, including all future growth areas. 3.10.4 Conclusion All areas of Cushing are exposed to personal injury and property damage due to fires.Fires occur year-round, but the rate of residential fires during the U.S. holiday season and in January is twice that of the summer months. Fatalities tend to be distributed according to population density. Advances in building codes have made large inroads into the number of fire casualties and damages. In addition, public information and education on fire safety and smoke alarms have proven very successful in reducing residential fires and fire related deaths. Information campaigns can be particularly effective if geared around those times of year and those populations outlined above. In part due to its active fire prevention program, particularly in the schools, Cushing has an excellent fire department, response rate and fire casualty record, and an ISO rating of 5. Although almost 60% of the city’s housing base was constructed before 1960, the community’s vulnerability to urban fire is low to moderate. As the most common type of disaster, however, efforts should remain strong to continue this trend and provide the resources required to keep the citizens safe from fire dangers. 3.10.5 Sources 1906 San Francisco Earthquake and Fire, at Web address: San Francisco History. Helmer, Bessie Bradwell. The Great Conflagration, at Web address: The Great Chicago Fire and the Web of Memory, The Chicago Historical Society, 1996. Multi-Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment, p. 264, 266–267. Federal Emergency Management Agency, 1997. Oklahoma State Fire Marshal, “Fire Statistics 1997-2000,” at web address: Office of the Oklahoma State Fire Marshal Talking About Disaster: Guide for Standard Messages, “Fire,” p. 51. National Disaster Coalition, Washington, D.C., 1999. City of Cushing 110 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan The Oakland Berkeley Hills Fire: Abstract, at Web address: Firewise. City of Cushing 111 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan 3.11 Wildfires As more people make their homes in woodland settings in or near forests, rural areas, or remote mountain sites, they face the real danger of wildfire. Wildfires often begin unnoticed and spread quickly, igniting brush, trees, and homes. Wildfires can move on three different levels. A surface fire is the most common type and burns along the floor of a forest, moving slowly and killing or damaging trees. A ground fire is usually started by lightning and burns on or below the forest floor in the humus layer down to the mineral soil. A crown fire spreads rapidly by wind and moves by jumping along the tops of trees. 3.11.1 Hazard Profile Wildfire is a serious and growing hazard over much of the United States, posing a great threat to life and property, particularly when it moves from forest or rangeland into developed areas. However, periodic forest, grassland, and tundra fires are a natural process in the environment, as natural and as vital as rain, snow, or wind. Naturally occurring or non-native species of trees, brush, and grasses fuel wildfires. Fire suppression is now recognized to have created a larger fire hazard, because live and dead vegetation accumulates in areas where fire has been excluded. In addition, the absence of fire has altered or disrupted the cycle of natural plant succession and wildlife habitat in many areas. Consequently, United States land management agencies are committed to finding ways of reintroducing fire into natural ecosystems (such as prescribed burning) while recognizing that fire fighting and some types of fire suppression are still important. Wildfire, like this one in Stephens County, is mainly a hazard for homes and properties on the rural/urban interface zone The four categories of wildfires experienced throughout the United States are: • • • • City of Cushing Wildland fires are fueled by natural vegetation and typically occur in national forests and parks. Interface or intermix fires are fires that are fueled by both wildland vegetation and the built-environment. Firestorms are events of such extreme intensity that effective suppression is virtually impossible. They occur during extremely dry weather and generally burn until conditions change or available fuel is exhausted. Prescribed fires are those that are intentionally set or selected natural fires that are allowed to burn for beneficial purposes. 112 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Causes Topography, fuel, and weather are the three principal factors that impact wildfire hazards and behavior. Other hazard events have the potential to cause wildfires, such as earthquakes, lightning, and high winds. For example, in 1991, winds gusting to 62 mph downed power lines, resulting in 92 separate wildfires in Washington. U.S. Forest Service (USFS) figures for 1990 indicate that 25.7% of wildfires reported were caused by arson, 24% were caused by debris burns, and 13.3% were caused by lightning. Lightning can cause particularly difficult fires when dry thunderstorms move across an area that is suffering from seasonal drought. Multiple fires can be started simultaneously. In dry fuels, these fires can cause massive damage before containment. Effects Wildfires leave problems behind them, even when the last ember is extinguished. Postfire effects can trigger additional consequences that cascade into other serious hazard events. The loss of ground-surface cover from a fire and the chemical transformation of burned soils make watersheds more susceptible to erosion from rainstorms. Subsequent unchecked debris flows can then carry mud, rock, chemicals, and other debris into water supplies, reducing water quality. (See the section, “Historical Events” for examples.) It is impossible to fully assess the economic impact of wildfires due to incomplete reporting. However, the U.S. Forest Service compiles statistics for wildfires on federal lands and is the primary federal source of information. Normal Frequency According to the National Interagency Fire Center statistics for fires on federal lands from 1985 to 1994, an average of nearly 73,000 fires occur each year, resulting in over 3 million acres burned, 900 homes lost, and more than $411.5 million expended in suppression costs. Extent of Impact Between 1997 and 2001, Cushing’s fire department responded to 114 grassfires or wildfires, which did a total of $15,495 in damage. Based on this limited data, Cushing can expect about 23 wildfires a year with about $3,000 in damage per event. However, wildfires have been increasing in number and economic impact nation-wide, largely due to the rapid spread of both trailer homes and rural estates on the peripheries of most American cities. Lavish “McMansions” and “starter castles” set on 5 acres of grass or woodland have become a suburban norm for affluent professionals. Cushing and Payne County are no exception. In the winter of 2005-2006, drought and high winds combined to spread several wildfire outbreaks into wind-whipped firestorms. Between midNovember 2005 and mid-January 2006, Payne County lost 1,667 acres to wildfires that also did $200 damage to a building in Cushing. During 2005 and 2006, the Cushing Fire Department responded to a total of 134 brush and grass fires—an average of 67 wildfires each year. While the 2005-2006 wildfires cannot be considered “normal,” they do illustrate the growing frequency and impact of this hazard. City of Cushing 113 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan The extent of a wildfire threat can be estimated by analysis of a number of variables, including plant and soil moisture content, humidity, temperature, the presence of drought conditions, and wind speed. State and local emergency managers routinely study such factors and issue burn bans and other warnings to lessen the risk of wildfire. Wildfire risk and extent can also be reduced by such measures as educational outreach, clearing combustible plants and materials from around homes and other structures in the urban/wildland interface, eliminating Eastern Redcedar, and participating in the national Firewise program. 3.11.2 Historical Events The single worst event in terms of deaths in United States history occurred in Wisconsin in 1871, killing 1,182 people. Between October 25 and November 3, 1993, 21 major wild land fires broke out in California, fanned by hot, dry Santa Ana winds. The fires collectively burned over 189,000 acres and destroyed 1,171 structures. Three people died and hundreds were injured. Combined property damage was estimated at approximately $1 billion. In 1994, one of the worst years since the early 1900s, 79,107 fires burned over four million acres and cost $934 million for suppression. Tragically, 34 firefighters lost their lives. On July 6, 1994, 14 firefighters died in one terrible incident during the South Canyon Fire just west of Glenwood Springs, Colorado. Another wildfire burned 2,000 acres of forest and scrub on the steep slopes of Storm King Mountain, Colorado, leaving it exposed to erosion. The following September, torrential rains created debris flows from the burned area and inundated a 3-mile stretch of Interstate 70 with tons of debris. The flows engulfed 30 cars, sweeping two into the Colorado River. Some travelers were seriously injured, but fortunately there were no deaths. In May 1996, an 11,900-acre fire burned most of the Buffalo Creek and Spring Creek watersheds. These small watersheds feed into the Strontia Springs Reservoir, which supplies more than 75 percent of the municipal water for the cities of Denver and Aurora. Two months after the fire, a severe thunderstorm caused flooding from the burned area, killing two people. In addition, the Denver Water Department immediately experienced a deterioration of water quality from floating burned debris and high levels of manganese. Two years after the fire, phosphate levels in the water remained high. From October 25 to November 4, 2003 over a half-dozen wildfires stretched from San Diego County north to the suburbs of Los Angeles. Over 743,000 acres burned destroying approximately 3,570 homes and killing more than 22 people. The entire community of Cuyamaca, California was destroyed. The 281,000-acre Cedar Fire was the largest individual blaze in California history. In Oklahoma during 1994, there were 16,781 grass, crop, and wild land fires that burned 61,634 acres. Four fire fighters died that year.Oklahoma wildfires between 1997-1999 are presented in Table 3-24 and Table 3-25, below. The State’s recent wildfire history is covered in greater detail in the section that follows. Table 3–24: Oklahoma Grass and Crop Fires, 1997-1999 Source: Oklahoma State Fire Marshal City of Cushing 114 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Year Runs Acres Burned 1997 13,598 583,647 20,740,345.00 1998 16,268 129,953 11,749,340.00 1999 13,906 283,805 6,859,246.00 43,772 997,405 39,348,931.00 14,590.6 332,468.3 13,116,310.33 Total Average $ Loss Table 3–25: Oklahoma Wildland Fires, 1997-1999 Source: Oklahoma State Fire Marshal Year Runs 1997 1,381 34,552 2,936,920.00 1998 1,790 46,718 38,087,200.00 1999 2,170 51,573 25,750,000.00 5,341 132,843 66,774,120.00 44,281 22,258,040.00 Total Average Acres Burned 1,780.3 $ Loss Oklahoma Wildfires Fall 2000 Wildfires In 2000, an unseasonably wet late spring was followed by several months of dry weather during which the state averaged about 19% of normal rainfall. By mid-September, the soil across much of the state was dry down to 8 inches. In late July 2000, a wildfire near Oklahoma City burned 80 acres and injured two firefighters. On August 20, a fire near Binger, in Caddo County, burned 3,200 acres, destroying three homes and part of a Girl Scout lodge. Arbuckle Mountains Wildfire - Between September 8-19, 2000, there was a rash of wildfires. One fire, which began near the Carter/Murray County line on September 8, spread north into the Arbuckle Mountains, burning for two weeks and consuming 11,500 acres in Carter, Murray and Garvin Counties. In all, six homes and one business were destroyed, totaling $1 million in damage. Guthrie Wildfire – On September 19, 2000, a large wildfire began 9 miles south of Guthrie and burned for 6 miles, consuming 35 homes and causing $750,000 in damage. In all, the Fall 2000 Wildfire Complex burned almost 1 percent of the State of Oklahoma. Late November 2005-March 2006: Oklahoma’s Worst Outbreak of Wildfires In the late summer and autumn of 2005, drought conditions throughout the state set the stage for the worst outbreak of wildfires in Oklahoma history. The winter of 2005 was the driest on record in Oklahoma. The drought, combined with high winds, unleashed a series of devastating wildfires. Between November 2005 and March 2006, Oklahoma had 120 consecutive days without moisture. The result was 2,800 fires and over 560,000 burned acres. As of April 2006, 869 structures had been damaged by wildfires, and 300 destroyed. A Federal disaster declaration was made on January 10, City of Cushing 115 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan 2006, and Individual Assistance funds were made available to 26 Oklahoma counties. Public Assistance funds were made available to all 77 Oklahoma counties. The wildfire outbreaks clustered around three time periods: late November to early December 2005, late December 2005 to early January 2006, and March, 2006. Late November to Early December 2005 Wildfires – Strong surface low pressure in the southern and central plains caused sustained wind speeds of 20-35 mph, with gusts up to 45-65 mph. There were two large wildfire outbreaks on November 27-30, 2005. In the northeast part of the state, wildfires hit Cherokee, Mayes, McIntosh, Muskogee, Okfuskee, Okmulgee, Osage, Pittsburg, Tulsa and Wagoner Counties, burning 35,000 acres, killing one person, injuring 11, and destroying 35 homes and many outbuildings and automobiles. In south central Oklahoma, several large wildfires burned in Cotton, Garvin and Stephens Counties. A 15-mile area near Velma in Stephens County began burning on November 27 and continued into early December, forcing the evacuation of the town. Twenty fire departments responded to the fire. Altogether, the Stephens County fire destroyed 16 homes, two barns and many outbuildings. Damage totaled $1 million. In Cotton County, a wildfire near Walters destroyed six homes and several barns, causing $650,000 damage. In Garvin County, two wildfires burned 6,000 acres. Fourteen fire departments and 100 firefighters responded. Three homes and several outbuildings were destroyed. Losses were $350,000. Near Pauls Valley, 500 acres burned, resulting in $50,000 in damage. On November 29, a fire near Wilson in Carter County killed one woman. Late December 2005 to Early January 2006 Wildfires – Another rash of wildfires began on December 25, 2005, and continued, more or less without interruption through the first week of 2006. The string of wildfires began on Christmas Day in Choctaw, Creek and Sequoyah Counties, but were soon raging throughout the state. On January 8, 2006, the Oklahoma Department of Emergency Management set up an Incident Command Post at Shawnee to coordinate firefighters who were coming in from Alabama, Tennessee, Florida and North Carolina. Among the many fires were the following: December 27, 2005 – 10,000 acres burned in Hughes County, killing one person and destroying 8 homes, 14 barns and 20 outbuildings. A wildfire in Choctaw County burns 1,000 acres, destroys 4 homes and injures two people. Tulsa County wildfire burns 3 homes, 3 structures and $300,000 in damage. Muskogee County, 2,000 acres west of Muskogee is burned, destroying 1 house, 1 mobile home, 2 barns and an automobile. $225,000 in damage. There are also grassfires in Rogers, Okmulgee and McIntosh Counties. January 1, 2006 – Oklahoma County, northeast of Oklahoma City, several homes are destroyed by wildfire and two neighborhoods evacuated. In Muskogee County, 16,000 acres burn southwest of Muskogee, destroying 4 homes, several barns and much hay. $500,000 in damage. In Creek County, 10,000 acres are burned near Bristow, doing $200,000 damage. There are also wildfires in Pittsburg, Okfuskee, Haskell and Tulsa Counties. City of Cushing 116 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan January 3, 2006 – In Beaver County, two fires burned 14,000 acres, while in Creek County, near Shamrock, a wildfire burns an abandoned school and vacant house and damages two homes. January 8, 2006 – In McIntosh County, 7,000 acres are burned, doing $50,000 in damage. In Payne County, 7 miles northwest of Perkins, a grassfire ignites red cedar trees. Fires were reported at North Stillwater Fire, January, 2006. Davis, Welty, Bristow, Okemah, Slick, Stroud, Guthrie, Sapulpa, Sparks, Bethel, Skiatook, Wainright, Prague, Stigler, Prue, and Mayesville. February 4, 2006 – In Okmulgee County, a wildfire kills one person. February 27, 2006 – Muskogee County, 750 acres are burned and dozens of homes threatened. March 2006 Wildfires – On March 1, 2006, high winds, drought conditions, and temperatures in the 90s cause another rash of wildfires across the state. In Stephens County, a wildfire 8 miles long injures several firefighters and kills one, burns 10,000 acres, destroys 65 homes, badly damages 21, and numerous outbuildings, farm equipment and vehicles are lost. Damage is $15 million. In Lincoln County, three firefighters are injured when a wildfire causes a propane tank to explode. In Creek County, southwest of Mannford, a wildfire burns hundreds of acres, destroying 4 homes, causing $250,000 in damage. Wildfires are reported in Wagoner and Sequoyah Counties. Fires continued to plague the state throughout the month. March 7, 2006 – Wildfires are reported in Muskogee, Wagoner and Nowata Counties. March 8, 2006 – Osage County, 1,000 acres burn near Burbank. March 10, 2006 – In Texas County, 7,000 acres burn east of Guymon, while in Tulsa County, wildfire destroys 2 mobile homes, a tractor trailer, fire trucks and storage buildings, causing $150,000 damage. March 15, 2006 – Wildfires burn in Osage, Rogers, Creek, Wagoner and Cherokee Counties March 26, 2006 – Despite recent rains, warm and windy conditions lead to wildfire outbreaks near Bristow, and at Scipio in Pittsburg County, as well as in Muskogee, Okfuskee, Okmulgee and Wagoner Counties. April 2, 2006 – Texas County wildfire burns 600 acres. Payne County and Cushing Wildfires Cushing had a total of 114 reported wildfires from 1997 to 2001, with known property damages totaling $15,495. Table 3-26 shows the number of wildfires and amount of damage for each year for Cushing. An empty cell indicates either zero or that there is no data available. Cushing was heavily impacted by the 1996 wildfire events in Oklahoma. City of Cushing 117 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Wildfires that year destroyed 26 homes and injured 12 fire fighters in the state of Oklahoma. Table 3–26: Cushing History of Wildfire Events and Damages from 1997 to 2001 Year Number of Events Amount of Damage 1997 13 $3,505 1998 25 $620 1999 20 $11,370 2000 34 $0 * 2001 22 $0 * Totals 114 $15,495 * Cushing had no property damage values reported in Oklahoma State Fire Marshall data for 2000 and 2001. Cushing, like many Oklahoma communities, was hit by grassfires during the catastrophic drought and wildfire season in the winter and spring of 2005-2006. Cushing’s Fire Department responded to 67 grass and brush fires in both 2005 and 2006. 3.11.3 Vulnerable Population Wildfires occur in virtually all of the United States. The western states, with their more arid climate and prevalent conifer and brush fuel types, are subject to more frequent wildfires. Wildfires are the most destructive in California, but they have become an increasingly frequent phenomenon nationwide. People are becoming more vulnerable to wildfires by choosing to live in wild land settings, and the value of exposed property is increasing at a faster rate than population. A Payne County resident watches as wildfire burns near his home in November 2005. Because more people are choosing to build expensive homes on acreage in rural settings, surrounded by grasslands and forest, the danger of wildland/urban interface fire has increased enormously. The wildland fire danger in the Cushing urban fringe is made even higher by the spread of Eastern Redcedar, which grows close to the ground, has fine foliage, thin bark and contains volatile oils. When it catches fire, the Eastern Redcedar explodes into flame, showering sparks to the wind. As evidenced by the 2005-2006 wildfire outbreaks, the rural and urban/rural interface areas of Cushing are vulnerable to wildfires. Future development areas, in particular, will be at high risk to wildfires. Proper mitigation activities, particularly the implementation of the Firewise program, should be undertaken to protect these growth areas. City of Cushing 118 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan While historical wildfire activity in the Cushing area has been sparse, the community is still vulnerable to wildfires, especially the population of the community that resides in the urban/rural interface and those that live in rural settings in Payne County outside the city limits. 3.11.4 Conclusion Wildfires are a serious and growing hazard because people continue to move their homes into woodland areas. The value of the property exposed to wildfires is increasing more rapidly, especially in the western states. There were fire suppression measures taken in the past that caused an even greater fire hazard because ground cover that had been burning at natural intervals was able to build up. Western ecosystems have adapted to and have become dependent on wildfires, which play an essential role by thinning forests and creating stands of different plant species. Land management agencies are now changing their policies concerning the control of naturally occurring wildfires. Like the rest of the United States and Oklahoma, Cushing is vulnerable to wildfire. 3.11.5 Sources Multi-Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment, p. 234, 236, 239. Federal Emergency Management Agency, 1997. Oklahoma State Fire Marshal, “Fire Statistics 1997-2000,” at web address: Office of the Oklahoma State Fire Marshal Talking About Disaster: Guide for Standard Messages, “Wildfire,” p. 135. National Disaster Coalition, Washington, D.C., 1999. USGS Wildland Fire Research, at Web address: U.S. Geological Survey, August 23, 2000. City of Cushing 119 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan 3.12 Earthquakes An earthquake is a sudden, rapid shaking of the ground caused by the fracture and movement of rock beneath the Earth's surface. Most severe earthquakes take place where the huge tectonic plates that form the Earth's surface collide and slide slowly over, under, and past each other. They can also occur along any of the multitude of fault and fracture lines within the plates themselves. The faults most likely to affect Oklahoma are the New Madrid Fault, centered in the Missouri Bootheel region, and the Meers Fault, located in southwestern Oklahoma near Lawton. 3.12.1 Hazard Profile As the Earth’s crust moves and bends, stresses are built up, sometimes for hundreds of years, before suddenly breaking or slipping. This abrupt release of accumulated tension can be devastating to human communities on the surface. The destructiveness of an earthquake depends upon a number of factors, including the magnitude of the tremor, direction of the fault, distance Although located in the relatively quiet Central Plains from the epicenter, regional Province, Cushing’s nearness to the New Madrid, Missouri, geology, local soils, and the fault exposes the city to VI intensity tremors design characteristics of buildings and infrastructure, such as roads, bridges, and pipelines. Earthquake intensity can be significantly affected by the stability of underlying soils. For example, during the Northridge, California earthquake, three times as much damage was done to single-family homes and buried utilities in ground failure zones than in nearby areas where the footing was more solid. Also, the intensity of West Coast tremors is dissipated by the relative “warmth” of the region’s geology. By contrast, the thick Pennsylvanian sandstone and limestone strata of the central United States are much more efficient conductors of tremors. Consequently, a 6.8-magnitude earthquake in the New Madrid Fault would have a much wider impact than a comparable event on the California coast. Urbanization is probably the most important factor in translating earthquake magnitude into human impacts. In the continental United States, Alaska has the greatest number of large earthquakes—over a dozen above 7.3 magnitude between 1899 and 1999. However, City of Cushing 120 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan these severe quakes resulted in relatively little loss of life or damage, since all but one occurred in uninhabited areas. Effects Earthquakes can cause poorly compacted, clay-free soils to temporarily lose strength and behave like viscous fluids rather than solids. This “liquefaction” can result in ground failure and damage to structures and buried utilities. Normal Frequency In the United States, California experiences the most frequent damaging earthquakes, and Alaska has the greatest number of large earthquakes. Oklahoma has experienced an average of 50 earthquakes each year since records have been kept by the Oklahoma Geological Survey. Most of these earthquakes were so small that they could not be felt by people. Only about two or three per year have been large enough to be felt and most were so small they caused no damage. The Meers Fault has had two major ruptures in the last 3000 years, the last one about 1600 Earthquake risks for the continental U.S. years ago. If the fault has a 1500-year periodicity, it could be due for a major event in the next one or two hundred years. Cushing and its adjacent counties experienced 85 earthquakes between 1977 and 2001, more than three per year. Only one of these events was felt, the 2.5 magnitude earthquake in Noble County on January 24, 1991. The most likely major earthquake event that could impact the area would probably originate in the New Madrid Fault Zone, which has been relatively quiet for 150 years. Seismologists estimate the probability of a 6 to 7 magnitude earthquake in the New Madrid area in the next 50 years to be higher than 90 percent. Measurements Modern seismological technology has greatly enhanced the capability of scientists to sense earthquakes. Before the development of today’s delicate sensors, only “felt” earthquakes were captured in the historical record. Scientists use two standard measures to classify an earthquake’s severity: magnitude and intensity. These measures are sometimes referred to as the Richter Scale (magnitude) and the Modified Mercalli (intensity). City of Cushing 121 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Magnitude is an Arabic number representing the total amount of energy released by the earthquake source. It is based on the amplitude of the earthquake waves recorded on seismographs that have a common calibration. The magnitude of an earthquake is thus represented by a single, instrumentally determined value. Intensity, expressed as a Roman numeral, is based on the earthquake’s observed effects on people, buildings and natural features. It varies depending on the location of the observer with respect to the earthquake’s epicenter. In general, the intensity decreases with distance from the fault, but other factors such as rupture direction and soil type also influence the amount of shaking and damage. The Modified Mercalli and Richter Scales are compared in the following table. Table 3–27: Comparison of Mercalli and Richter Scales Mercalli Richter I Description Vibrations are recorded by instruments. People do not feel any Earth movement. II 0-4.3 A few people might notice movement if they are at rest and/or on the upper floors of tall buildings. III Shaking felt indoors; hanging objects swing. People outdoors might not realize that an earthquake is occurring. IV Dishes rattle; standing cars rock; trees might shake. Most people indoors feel movement. Hanging objects swing. Dishes, windows, and doors rattle. A few people outdoors may feel movement. 4.3-4.8 V Doors swing; liquid spills from glasses; sleepers awake. Almost everyone feels movement. Dishes are broken. Pictures on the wall move. Small objects move or are turned over. Trees shake. VI People walk unsteadily; windows break; pictures fall off walls. Everyone feels movement. Objects fall from shelves. Furniture moves. Plaster in walls might crack. Trees and bushes shake. Damage is slight in poorly built buildings. No structural damage. 4.8-6.2 VII Difficult to stand; plaster, bricks, and tiles fall; large bells ring. Drivers feel their cars shaking. Some furniture breaks. Loose bricks fall from buildings. Damage is slight to moderate in well-built buildings; considerable in poorly built buildings. VIII Chimneys fall; branches break; cracks in wet ground. Drivers have trouble steering. Houses that are not bolted down might shift on their foundations. Tall structures such as towers and chimneys might twist and fall. Well-built buildings suffer slight damage. Poorly built structures suffer severe damage. Water levels in wells might change. IX 6.2-7.3 General panic; damage to foundations; sand and mud bubble from ground. Well-built buildings suffer considerable damage. Houses that are not bolted down move off their foundations. Some underground pipes are broken. The ground cracks. Reservoirs suffer serious damage. X Most buildings destroyed; large landslides; water thrown out of rivers and lakes. Some bridges are destroyed. Dams are seriously damaged. The ground cracks in large areas. Railroad tracks are bent slightly. XI Roads break up; large cracks appear in ground; rocks fall. Most buildings collapse. Some bridges are destroyed. Underground pipelines are destroyed. Railroad tracks are badly bent. 7.3-8.9 XII Total destruction; "waves" seen on ground surface; river courses altered; vision distorted. Almost everything is destroyed. Objects are thrown into the air. Large amounts of rock may move. Extent of Impact Payne County has experienced 10 earthquakes since1900, but only one of these was a “felt” event, and that one was in December 1900 at Cushing. Based on this data, Payne County can expect one earthquake every 10 years that will not be felt and will do minimal damage. FEMA’s HAZUS software application provides a methodology to estimate earthquake losses at a regional scale. Building and population statistics from the U.S. Census are City of Cushing 122 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan combined with estimated replacement values for local infrastructure to calculate potential damages and losses from a specified earthquake event. The historic 5.5 magnitude El Reno earthquake event of April 9, 1952, was used as a “worst case” input event in the HAZUS model and run for the City of Cushing. A 5.5 magnitude event would destroy one unreinforced masonry building and about 92 buildings will be at least moderately damaged. Unreinforced masonry would comprise 58% of the moderate damages, mobile homes would comprise 36% and wooden homes would receive the remaining 4% of moderate damages. Essential facilities, including schools, hospitals, EOC’s, Police and Fire Stations would receive no damages but would be impacted functionally for the duration of the event day. 3.12.2 Historical Events World history is punctuated with hundreds of earthquake catastrophes. In 1556 the Shansi, China, earthquake killed 800,000 people. An earthquake in Lisbon in 1775 took 70,000 lives. More recently, a moderate 6.7-magnitude earthquake struck Northridge, California, on January 17, 1994, killing 57 people, injuring 9,000, and causing over $25 billion in damage. A year later, in Kobe, Japan, a 6.9 magnitude tremor killed 5,100 people, injured 27,000, destroyed 100,000 buildings, and did $120 billion in damage. In the United States, California and Alaska have earthquakes the most frequently, but the largest earthquake felt in the United States in historical times occurred in Missouri, along the New Madrid Fault. There, in 1811 and 1812, three earthquakes larger than a magnitude 8 totally destroyed the town of New Madrid, caused the land to roll in visible waves, raised and sank land as much as 20 feet, and formed and emptied lakes. The tremors rang bells in church steeples as far away as Boston, Massachusetts. These earthquakes were probably the first ones felt by residents in Oklahoma in historical times. Intensity VII earthquakes hit the New Madrid area again in January 1852 and June 1862. Oklahoma Earthquakes The earliest documented quake in what is now Oklahoma occurred on October 22, 1882, near Ft. Gibson, Indian Territory. The Cherokee Advocate reported that “the trembling and vibrating were so severe as to cause doors and window shutters to open and shut, hogs to squeal, poultry to run and hide, and cattle to low.” Other felt quakes occurred near Cushing, in Payne County, in December 1900, and in Rogers County on November 8, 1915. Other Oklahoma earthquakes include the following: June 20, 1926- A 4.3 magnitude earthquake just west of Marble City in Sequoyah County. December 28, 1929- A 4.0 magnitude, VI intensity quake struck El Reno in Canadian County. June 1, 1939- A 4.4 magnitude, IV intensity quake occurred at Spaulding in Hughes County. April 9, 1952- The largest earthquake on record in the state—a VII-intensity event that registered 5.7 on the Richter Scale—happened near El Reno. It was apparently caused by slippage along the Nemaha Fault. The tremor toppled chimneys and smokestacks, cracked bricks on buildings, broke windows and dishes, and was felt as far away as Austin, Texas, and Des Moines, Iowa. City of Cushing 123 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan October 30, 1956- A 4.1-magnitude, VII-intensity earthquake struck Catoosa, causing minor damage in Tulsa and Beggs. June 17, 1959- A 4.2 magnitude, VI intensity quake occurred at Faxon in Comanche County. April 27, 1961- A 4.1 magnitude, V intensity quake hit Wilburton in Latimer County. May 2, 1969- A 4.6 magnitude, V intensity quake occurred at Wewoka, in Seminole County, causing cracks in plaster walls. November 15, 1990- A 4.0 magnitude, VI intensity quake struck Lindsey in Garvin County. January 18, 1995- A 4.2 magnitude, VI intensity quake shook Antioch in Garvin County. September 6, 1997- A 4.4 earthquake shook Ada, in Pontotoc County, and rattled dishes as far away as Holdenville. The epicenter was 10 miles southeast of Ada, near Stonewall, at a depth of 15 km. April 28, 1998- One of the largest earthquakes recorded in Oklahoma, measuring 4.2 on the Richter Scale, occurred near Lawton, at Richard’s Spur, in Comanche County. The quake rattled dishes and caused a 14-foot crack to appear in the second floor of the Comanche County courthouse building. October 30, 1998- A 3.5 earthquake located 25 miles northwest of Ponca City was felt in Grant, Garfield and Kay Counties. February 8, 2002- A 3.8 magnitude earthquake was detected 5.6 miles north of Lawton. The quake passed from northeast to southwest with a rolling motion that lasted about 1.5 seconds. The tremor was described as moderate, that shook houses with a kind of rolling sensation rather than hard shaking. Pictures were knocked over on dressers. Cushing and Payne County Earthquakes Payne County has experienced 10 reported earthquakes between 1898 and 1998. Four of these were in the vicinity of Cushing, in the southeastern part of the county. One earthquake has been reported in the Stillwater area, west of Cushing: December 1900- An earthquake was felt in Cushing and surrounding area. The earthquake, which occurred at 7:30 in the morning, was felt by everyone in the town. It was a loud rumbling noise followed by a sound similar to an explosion. Persons in buildings felt as if they were sinking while dishes and portable articles rattled. The first shock was followed by a second one a week later. April 1, 1901- Small earthquake, no magnitude or intensity data. April 8, 1901- Small unfelt earthquake, no magnitude or intensity data. November 29, 1935- Small earthquake, no magnitude or intensity data. April 28, 1977- 2.0 magnitude earthquake. July 31, 1979- 2.4 magnitude earthquake. December 4, 1983- Small, unfelt tremor near Cushing. City of Cushing 124 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan March 19, 1988- Small earthquake, no magnitude or intensity data. April 28, 1992- 1.9 magnitude quake recorded at Stillwater, 2 miles southwest of Country Club Rd. and 19th Ave. October 3, 1992- Small earthquake, no magnitude or intensity data. 3.12.3 Vulnerable Population Most earthquake injuries and fatalities occur within buildings from collapsing walls and roofs, flying glass, and falling objects. As a result, the extent of a community’s risk depends not just upon its location relative to a known fault, and its underlying geology and soils, but also on the design of its structures. Buildings constructed to earlier seismic standards (or to no standard) can pose major threats to life and the continued functioning of key public services during an earthquake disaster. Un-reinforced masonry structures are the most vulnerable, while wood frame structures typically perform well. Of special concern are the design and construction of critical facilities such as hospitals and transportation facilities, oil and gas pipelines, electrical power and communication facilities, and water supply and sewage treatment facilities. Oklahoma is in the relatively stable Central Plains Province. It does has a sustained level of seismicity due to the complex seismic zone that includes the Meers, Nemaha, Central Oklahoma, Choctaw, Chickasha, and Windingstair Faults. As shown in the on the next page, the majority of Oklahoma earthquakes occur in south central Oklahoma where the Ouachita, Arbuckle and Wichita mountains converge. They are concentrated in Garvin, Grady, McClain, and Canadian Counties. Note that earthquakes in the northeastern part of the state are relatively rare. HAZUS, a software application developed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the National Institute of Building Sciences provides a methodology to estimate earthquake losses at a regional scale. Building and population statistics from the U.S. Census are combined with estimated replacement values for local infrastructure to conclude an estimate on potential damages and losses to be expected within the region from a specified earthquake event. The historic, 5.5 magnitude, El Reno earthquake event of April 9, 1952 was used as the input event in the HAZUS model run for the City of Cushing. Affecting most of the State and parts of Arkansas, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, and Texas, this is Oklahoma’s largest earthquake event. City of Cushing 125 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan For Payne County, HAZUS estimated 19,000 buildings in the region with a total building replacement value of $3.701 billion. Approximately 99% of the buildings (and 83% of the building values) are for residential buildings. Replacement value of all transportation and utility lifeline systems is estimated to be $802 and $276 million respectively for a total of $1,078 million. These systems include highways, railways, light rail, bus, ports, ferry and airports as transportation systems and potable water, wastewater, natural gas, crude & refined oil, electric power and communications as utility systems. Using these estimates, HAZUS assesses that one unreinforced masonry building would be destroyed and about 92 buildings will be at least moderately damaged. Unreinforced masonry would comprise 58% of the moderate damages, mobile homes would comprise 36% and wooden homes would receive the remaining 4% of moderate damages from the event. Essential facilities, including schools, hospitals, EOC’s, Police and Fire Stations would receive no damages but would be impacted functionally for the duration of the event day. This includes possible school closings and use of fire, police and hospital resources. Functional losses to these facilities are considered minimal, and would be restored to 100% after day 1 of the event. Transportation system damages and economic losses associated with these systems are estimated at 0%. Ground failure, an improbable effect, would be the single source for damages to transportation components. All utility system facilities, pipeline activity, electric power and potable water should be at 100% following the event with the exception of minor single leaks to area water, waste of gas lines. It is estimated 0 households out of 21,280 would be affected with a power failure or loss of water. If debris was to be expected from the earthquake, 80% would be brick and wood and the remainder would be reinforced concrete and steel. The scenario estimates casualties for three peak occupancy loads throughout the day, 2:00 AM (residential occupancy peak), 2:00 PM (non-residential occupancy peak) and 5:00 PM (commute peak). No casualties and only 4 minor injuries are expected from the event at any time of the day and shelter requirements for displaced households are expected to be minimal and would continue operating at 100%. Cushing’s exposure to seismic risk is low. Any earthquake risk would most likely come from its proximity to the New Madrid and Meers Faults. Local earthquakes have been relatively infrequent and of small magnitude, causing little damage. According to Dr. James Lawson, chief geophysicist of the Oklahoma Geological Survey’s Seismic Observatory at Leonard, the risk of an earthquake in the New Madrid Fault Zone should not be over emphasized. He believes a major seismic event there would have no greater impact on Cushing than a locally generated earthquake. An 8-magnitude event in New Madrid would likely produce only VI-intensity tremors in northeastern Oklahoma, and would not be as severe as the Ft. Gibson quake of 1882. 3.12.4 Conclusion Oklahoma is classified at moderate risk from earthquakes, due to its proximity to the South Central Oklahoma and New Madrid Seismic Zones. Almost all of the South Central Oklahoma earthquakes are too small to be felt and cause no visible damage. Unfelt earthquakes can, however, adversely affect the integrity of local buildings, infrastructure, and lifelines. City of Cushing 126 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan In the last 25 years, only six earthquakes have been recorded in Payne County. Although relatively safe from locally generated earthquakes, the region’s underlying geology exposes Cushing, and its future development areas, to some risk from a severe earthquake in the New Madrid Seismic Zone. When Cushing’s infrastructure and critical facilities are reviewed for integrity against tornadoes and high winds, an analysis of their ability to ride through a VI-intensity earthquake without serious damage should be included. 3.12.5 Sources Oklahoma Geophysical Observatory Examines Earthquakes in Oklahoma, at Web address: . University of Oklahoma, 1996. Oklahoma Strategic All-Hazards Mitigation Plan, “Hazard Identification and Vulnerability Assessment,” p 7. Oklahoma Department of Emergency Management, September 2001. Program Statement, at Web address: Central United States Earthquake Consortium. Talking About Disaster: Guide for Standard Messages, “Earthquake,” p. 41–49. National Disaster Coalition, Washington, D.C., 1999. von Hake, Carl A. Earthquake History of Oklahoma, Abridged from Earthquake Information Bulletin, Vol.8, Number 2. USGS National Earthquake Information Center, March–April 1976. Cushing Herald, December, 1900 City of Cushing 127 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan 3.13 Hazardous Materials Events Hazardous materials are chemical substances that, if released or misused, can pose a threat to the environment or human health. These chemicals are used in industry, agriculture, medicine, research, and consumer goods. Hazardous materials come in the form of explosives, flammable and combustible substances, poisons, and radioactive materials. These substances are most often released as a result of transportation accidents or chemical accidents at plant sites. In recent years, the increased usage of chemically dependent products and the introduction of new chemicals, materials and substances into commerce has resulted in a corresponding increase in the number of accidents and spills involving toxic and hazardous materials. Hazardous materials, for regulatory purposes, are divided into two general categories: fixed sites, and transportation facilities. Cushing’s location on State Highways 33 and 18 and the abundance of pipelines in and around Cushing make it vulnerable to hazardous materials events Fixed sites (Tier 2) include buildings or property where hazardous materials are manufactured or stored, and are regulated nationally under the Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and in Oklahoma by the Department of Environmental Quality. The federal government has established detailed systems for keeping track of Tier 2 hazardous materials sites. The Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act of 1986 defines a Tier 2 site as any location that has, for any 24 hour period, either 1) specified threshold amounts of defined Extremely Hazardous Substances, or 2) any other substance requiring a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for amounts greater than 10,000 pounds. Transportation of hazardous materials is regulated by the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT), under the Hazardous Materials Transportation Act, 49 CFR 119 for natural and other gases transported by pipeline, and 49 CFR 195 for liquids transported by pipeline. For intrastate commerce, the transportation of hazardous materials is regulated by the Oklahoma Corporation Commission. The responsibility for receiving reports on hazardous materials and toxic waste events was given to the National Response Center (NRC),, staffed by the U.S. Coast Guard. The NRC serves as the sole national point of contact for reporting all oil, chemical, radiological, biological, and etiological discharges into the environment anywhere in the United States City of Cushing 128 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan or its territories. The NRC also acts as a 24-hour contact point to receive earthquake, flood, hurricane, and evacuation reports. 3.13.1 Hazard Profile Many products containing hazardous chemicals are used and stored in homes routinely. These products are also shipped daily on the nation’s highways, railroads, waterways, and pipelines. In most cases, disasters involving hazardous materials are confined to a localized area, whether an accidental release occurs at a fixed facility or in association with a transportation incident. As many as 500,000 products pose physical or health hazards and can be defined as hazardous chemicals. Each year, over 1000 new synthetic chemicals are introduced. In an average city of 100,000 residents, 23.5 tons of toilet bowl cleaner, 13.5 tons of liquid household cleaners, and 3.5 tons of motor oil are discharged into city drains each month. The United States Environmental Protection Agency sorts hazardous materials into six categories: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Toxic Agents (irritants, asphyxiates, narcotics) Other Toxic Agents (hepatoxic, nephratoxic) Hazardous Wastes Hazardous Substances Toxic Pollutants Extremely Hazardous Substances Effects Hazardous materials affect people through inhalation, ingestion, or direct contact with skin. They can cause death, serious injury, long-lasting health problems, and damage to buildings, homes and other property. Normal Frequency The National Response Center reports an average of approximately 32,185 hazardous materials events occur each year in the United States as shown in Table 3-28. Annually, on the average, about 15,000 hazardous materials incidents are transportation related, and 12,000 are from fixed site locations. Most hazardous materials events occur during transport. Transportation of hazardous materials on highways involves tanker trucks or trailers and certain types of specialized bulk cargo vehicles. Because of the distances traveled, it is not surprising that trucks are responsible for the greatest number of hazardous materials events. Most hazardous materials events occur during transport. Transportation of hazardous materials on highways involves tanker trucks or trailers and certain types of specialized bulk cargo vehicles. Because of the distances traveled, it is not surprising that trucks are responsible for the greatest number of hazardous materials events. The United States Fire Administration reports that in 2000, the nation’s 26,354 fire departments responded to 319,000 hazardous materials incidents, up 7.2% from 1999. City of Cushing 129 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan The National Response Center lists 39 hazardous materials incidents in Cushing between 1990 and 2003. Table 3–28: U.S. Hazardous Materials Incidents 1991-2002 Source: National Response Center Incident Type Fixed 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 11,404 12,536 13,556 14,656 15,080 12,067 10,388 10,961 11,230 11,813 12,441 11,917 Unknown Sheen 3,794 3,784 4,416 5,087 5,147 4,433 4,228 4,809 4,802 4,016 4,147 3,426 Vessel 2,914 2,690 2,886 3,598 3,967 4,091 3,778 3,886 3,877 3,945 4,378 3,919 Mobile 1,832 1,850 2,782 3,456 3,133 2,511 2,490 2,718 2,835 3,597 3,216 2,942 Pipeline 1,794 2,030 1,918 1,945 1,530 1,737 1,740 1,657 1,404 1,618 1,841 1,621 Platform 2,331 2,166 1,617 1,671 1,770 2,106 1,943 1,570 1,465 1,428 1,355 1,233 Railroad NonRelease 248 441 502 493 455 446 586 823 1,049 1,335 1,235 1,124 Railroad 966 1,162 1,425 1,530 1,578 1,645 1,883 2,266 2,252 1,332 1,241 1,200 Continuous 333 323 476 215 183 177 170 304 376 938 238 393 Aircraft 138 203 264 265 225 173 207 181 241 248 297 278 Drill/Exercise 0 0 88 188 228 349 349 503 532 669 789 908 Unknown 0 0 6 21 8 46 14 3 52 84 0 0 Storage Tank 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,379 3,140 3,044 Terrorist 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 51 33 42 180 TOTAL INCIDENTS 25,754 27,185 29,936 33,125 33,304 29,781 27,776 29,699 30,166 32,435 34,360 32,185 Extent of Impact Cushing has 21 fixed hazardous materials sites (see Table 3-30, below). Between 1990 and 2003, there were 39 hazardous materials incidents in Cushing, almost all of which involved crude oil (35 of 39 events) being spilled from pipelines (27 of 39) onto land (26 of 39). There were 9 hazardous materials incidents at fixed sites, all but three involving crude oil. Two spills were of low PH water. The various toxic spills were contained and did not result in death or injury. Based on this record, Cushing can expect 3 limitedimpact fixed hazmat events every year. The extent of a fixed site hazardous material event can range from relatively harmless to catastrophic with numerous long-term health and environmental effects. The extent of this hazard is predominately influenced by the amount of the chemical involved, local weather conditions, response team training and equipment, enforcement of community regulations and codes, identification of hazardous material storage sites and pipelines, and advanced warning systems (e.g., warning sirens with voice capability, Reverse 911, etc.). City of Cushing 130 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan 3.13.2 Historical Events In 1984, a deadly cloud of methyl isocyanate killed thousands of people in Bhopal, India. Shortly thereafter, there was a serious chemical release at a sister plant in West Virginia. These incidents underscored demands by industrial workers and communities in several states for information on hazardous materials. Public interest and environmental organizations around the country accelerated demands for information on toxic chemicals being released “beyond the fence line”—outside the facility. Oklahoma was ranked 31st by the EPA in controlled toxic releases reported from industrial practices in the year 2000. Over 43 million pounds of toxic substances were released by air emissions, water discharges, underground injections, landfills and disposal facilities by industries in Oklahoma during 2000. In Oklahoma in 2001, there were 28,000 Tier 2 sites reported to the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality. Cushing accounted for twenty of those sites. According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, Oklahoma experienced 854 hazardous material releases due to transportation related accidents during the 10 years from 1987 through 1996. The incidents included 1 death and 35 injuries and totaled $2,908,048 in damages. The statistics rank Oklahoma 34th in the nation for hazardous material releases due to transportation accidents for the 10 year period between 1987 and 1996. On March 26, 1997, an explosion at Chief Supply Chemical Company, 5 miles northwest of Haskell on U.S. 64, sent up a column of smoke that could be seen for 50 miles. The fire continued to burn through the night of March 28. One employee was critically burned and later died. Chief Supply closed down. Most of the hazardous material events in Cushing since 1990 have been crude oil leaks from pipelines. Typically, these events were due to corrosion in the pipe. The event on April 18, 1991 resulted in 1800 barrels of oil leaking into Skull Creek. The creek was temporarily dammed to contain the oil. Hudson Oil Refinery Superfund Site The Hudson Oil Refinery operated in Cushing from 1922 to 1982. The site was bisected into the North Refinery and South Refinery by State Highway 33 on the west side of Cushing. The refineries produced liquid propane gas, gasoline, aviation fuel, diesel fuel, and fuel oils. Little is known about the operations or waste management practices of the facility prior to 1977. Because the refinery was not properly purged at shutdown in 1982, chemicals remained in the lines and vessels for almost 20 years. In 2001 the EPA completed an Engineering City of Cushing 131 North Refinery tower Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Evaluation / Cost Analysis (EE/CA) to investigate above-ground contamination remaining on the North Refinery and identified a potential exposure threat to human health through ingestion, dermal contact, or inhalation of over 70 hazardous chemicals. Asbestos containing material associated with the piping and vessels at the facility was friable, weathered, and deteriorated posing an increasing risk of release to the air. Given the unstable physical and chemical conditions at the site, there was also an increasing threat to nearby residents and motorists on State Highway 33 of fire and explosion from improperly stored chemicals. An Action Memorandum for a Non-Time Critical (NTC) removal action at the site was signed on September 25, 2001. On September 23, 2002, the EPA initiated work on the NTC removal action at the site. The refinery superstructure included 22 towers, 216 process vessels, eight buildings located within the project area, cooling towers, tetra-ethyl lead (TEL) buildings (North and South refineries), and associated aboveground piping. Miscellaneous items included contents of collection basins of the cooling towers and caustic sump, miscellaneous containers and drums, aboveground storage tanks outside the refinery superstructure, and structurally unsafe buildings. The structures and piping were demolished by spring, 2003 with assistance from the Cushing Fire Department. On June 18, 2003, EPA conducted a site walk with the Oklahoma Department of Site of North Refinery after Environmental Quality in accordance with the demolition of facility in 2003 Superfund Removal Contract to confirm that the project was complete as well as consistent with the contract requirements and the EPA approved remedy. Demolition contractors demobilized from the site in July 2003. Table 3–29: Cushing Hazardous Materials Incidents 1990 – 2003 NRC Report# Incident Date Street 8668 02/16/1990 SW Quarter City State ZIP Cushing OK 28546 06/25/1990 (null) Cushing OK 54825 01/14/1991 (null) Cushing OK 54831 01/14/1991 (null) Cushing OK 68611 04/18/1991 (null) Cushing OK 72830 05/21/1991 SW Quarter of SE Quarter Cushing OK of Section 15 Cushing Tank Farm 93917 10/26/1991 Linwood Ave. Cushing OK Cushing OK 119392 05/26/1992 1 mi south of Hwy 33 on Harmony Rd on west side of road 119806 05/30/1992 SW Quarter Cushing OK 122152 06/16/1992 Off Hwy 33 on Little St. City of Cushing Cushing OK Suspected Responsible Company Type Of Incident Medium Affected Material Name (null) Koch Gathering Systems (null) Mid-Continent Pipeline (null) Mid-Continent Pipeline (null) Koch Gathering Systems (null) Kerr-McGee (null) Conoco Pipeline Pipeline Land Oil Crude Pipeline Land Oil Crude Pipeline Water Oil Crude Pipeline Land Oil Crude Pipeline Pipeline Water Water Oil Crude Oil Crude 74023 Amoco Pipeline 74023 Kerr-McGee Fixed Unknown sheen Land Land Oil Crude Oil Crude (null) Koch Gathering Systems 74023 Koch Gathering Pipeline Land Oil Crude Pipeline Land Oil Crude 132 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan NRC Report# Incident Date Street City State ZIP 141021 10/17/1992 NE Quarter 143047 11/02/1992 (null) Cushing OK Cushing OK 144442 11/11/1992 (null) Cushing OK 151382 01/03/1993 (null) 154361 01/21/1993 Tence tank farm 159927 02/26/1993 (null) Cushing OK Cushing OK Cushing OK 171222 04/21/1993 SE Quarter Cushing OK 173953 05/15/1993 (null) Cushing OK 208915 11/20/1993 RR 1 Box 2505 So. Lynwood Rd 257561 08/27/1994 (null) Cushing OK 298245 07/03/1995 (null) 314172 11/13/1995 RT 1Box 15 Cushing OK Cushing OK Cushing OK 360675 09/11/1996 2 mi SE of Cushing Cushing OK Municipal Golf Course 363854 10/09/1996 .5 mi SW of Amoco facsw Cushing OK Quarter of Section 14/TWNSP17 N / Range 5E 369308 12/03/1996 North side of Cushing Cushing OK 392458 06/23/1997 Koch Cushing Terminal Little St. and Linwood St. on County Line Rd. 392605 06/24/1997 S/W 1/4 413687 11/29/1997 2.5 south of Hwy 33 on Lynwood St. 440832 06/09/1998 Shinn-Pennce Tank Farm, Harmony Rd 488462 06/19/1999 1/4 east of Hwy 180N, Grand Staff Rd. 493903 08/04/1999 In city limits—the caller did not have more accurate location 499889 09/23/1999 .5 miles north of Harmony and Fairlawn intersection 499889 09/23/1999 .5 miles north of Harmony and Fairlawn intersection 502865 10/19/1999 SE Corridor 524980 04/03/2000 RT 1 Box 2467 591302 01/15/2002 Unknown sheen incident at intersection of Deep Rock Rd. and Lynwood Ave. 602904 05/08/2002 1001 Deep Rock Rd. 608395 06/04/2002 Remediation site/old refinery, 1001 East Deep Rock Rd. 626794 10/20/2002 South Lynwood St. City of Cushing Suspected Responsible Company Systems (null) Amoco Pipeline (null) Koch Gathering Systems 74023 Koch Gathering Systems (null) Kerr-McGee (null) Amoco 74023 Koch Gathering Systems 74030 Mid-Continent Pipeline (null) Mid-Continent Pipeline (null) Shell Pipeline Co. Type Of Incident Medium Affected Material Name Pipeline Pipeline Land Land Oil Crude Oil Crude Pipeline Water Oil Crude Fixed Fixed Pipeline Water Land Land Oil Crude Oil Crude Oil Crude Pipeline Water Oil Crude Pipeline Water Oil Crude Unknown sheen Pipeline Land Oil Crude Land Oil Crude Land Land Oil Crude Oil Crude Water Oil Crude 74023 Texaco Pipeline Co. (null) Williams Pipeline Pipeline 74023 Koch Pipeline Co., Fixed LP (null) Notti Gathering Pipeline Co. (null) Amoco Pipeline Pipeline Subsurface Oil Crude (null) Mid-Continent Pipeline (null) Koch Gathering Systems Pipeline Land Oil Crude Pipeline Water Oil Crude Cushing OK Cushing OK (null) Amoco Pipeline (null) Amoco Pipeline Pipeline Fixed Land Land Oil Crude Oil Crude Cushing OK (null) Amoco Pipeline Fixed Land Oil Crude Cushing OK (null) (null) Fixed Land Unknown oil Cushing OK (null) Sunoco Pipeline Land Oil Crude Cushing OK 74079 Equilon Pipeline Land Natural gas Cushing OK 74079 Equilon Pipeline Land Oil Crude Cushing OK Pipeline Land Oil Crude Cushing OK Cushing OK (null) Dynegy Crude Gathering SV (null) Amoco Pipeline (null) (null) Pipeline Unknown sheen Land Water Oil Crude Oil Crude Cushing OK Cushing OK (null) Kerr-McGee (null) Kerr-McGee Fixed Fixed Water Water Low PH water Low PH Groundwater Cushing OK (null) TEPPCO Crude Pipeline Pipeline Land Oil Crude Cushing OK 133 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan 3.13.3 Vulnerable Population A hazardous materials accident can occur anywhere. Communities located near chemical manufacturing plants are particularly at risk. However, hazardous materials are transported on our roadways, railways, pipelines, and waterways daily, so any area is considered vulnerable to an accident. A recent study by the Department of Homeland Security (2004) estimated that a worst-case chlorine tank explosion at an industrial site in a major population center could result in thousands of deaths, severe injuries and hospitalizations, as well as the evacuation of thousands of workers and residents. As discussed above, Oklahoma is at some risk from accidental releases of hazardous materials involving transportation incidences because it is literally the crossroads of America. The state has 111,000 miles of highways, 926 miles of which are interstate highways, including Interstates 35, 40, and 44. There are also approximately 4,000 miles of railway, thousands of miles of pipeline, and over 150 navigable river miles linking barge traffic to the Mississippi River. Trucks and/or railroads will transport future disposals of the nations high-level nuclear waste at the Yucca Mountain disposal site if all legislation is approved. Interstates 35 and 40 are among the routes proposed as well as rail lines in northeast Oklahoma. Nuclear facilities near Oklahoma where shipments will originate include Arkansas Nuclear One in Arkansas and Comanche Peak in Texas. The Department of Energy estimates 3,472 shipments of toxic, high-level, nuclear waste will travel through Oklahoma if trucks are used as the main transports. If trains are used as the main transport, an estimated 478 shipments will travel through Oklahoma en route to Yucca Mountain. One of the reasons Cushing is vulnerable to fixed-site hazardous materials incidents is because it is the center of oil and gas pipelines in the U.S. Cushing Grain Elevator Although not commonly considered a hazardous material, grain dust has been the source of many grain elevator explosions and deaths. In December 1977 a grain dust explosion took the top 100 feet off a structure at the Westwood, Louisiana grain elevator. Thirty-six people were killed and nine injured. Five days later, a grain elevator blast in Galveston, Texas, killed 18 and injured 22. A series of explosions killed seven workers in Haysville, Kansas, in 1998. During a 10-year period in the 1980s and 1990s there was an average of 13 grain elevator explosions per year in the United States. City of Cushing 134 Cushing grain elevator Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Fairlawn Short Creek " ! Noble Wilson Ave 9th St 6 # # # # # # Little Rd # Y # Y 17 LEGEND 0 Tier 2 Sites Storage Tanks State Highways Roads County Line Water Features Railroads City Limit 0.5 1 MILES N W E S R.D. Flanagan & Associates Harmony Rd " ! #Y 33 21 20 #Y ### # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ## # # # # # # # # # # ## # # ##### # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ## # # Texaco Rd # # # # # # # #### Eseco # 10 Pine Y Ave ## # # # Y # 18 # # #5 # #Y#Y Y #Y 1 8 19 Oak St Wilson 16 #Y # Y Broadway St # Y # 11 Y 3rd St 4 15 3 #Y 6th St Elm Creek # Y 2 Linwood Rd 9th St # # # Linwood Rd Little Rd Kings Hwy 14 #Y #Y Vine St Main St 33 18 12 # Y # # ## # Y 13#Y " ! # # # # 9 Grandstaff Rd Skull Creek #Y7 18 Cottonwood Creek # # # # # # # # ## # # # ## # # # # # # ## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ## # # # # # # # # # # # # # ## # # # # # # Payne County # # # # # Lincoln County Figure 3-7 City of Cushing Hazardous Material Locations Dust from most grains is combustible and can cause an explosion. Some grain dusts are more dangerous than others, especially corn or sugar. In order to be combustible the dust must be in a confined space and reach a concentration of at least .020 ounces per cubic foot. A human would not be able to see more than three feet in a dust cloud that concentrated. The cascading effect is possibly the most damaging aspect of a grain dust explosion. Fuel for secondary explosions is generated when grain dust settled on floors or walls is thrown into the air by the primary explosion. Often the secondary explosion causes more damage than the primary. This enables dust explosions to jump from room to room or silo to silo. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requires grain handling facilities of 10 or more employees have an emergency operations plan. A written housekeeping program to prevent the accumulation of combustible grain dust is mandatory. Although not required by OSHA, mechanical equipment within the facility must be kept in good operating condition. Poorly working equipment can be the ignition source of a dust explosion. Hazardous materials sites for Cushing are shown on the map in Figure 3–7. Cushing Tier II hazardous materials sites are listed in Table 3–30 and a detailed list can be found in appendix C “Hazardous Material Sites”. Table 3–30: Cushing Hazardous Materials Sites ID NAME ADDRESS 1 American Welding Supply 1502 E Main 2 Cudd Pumping 701 E. Grandstaff 3 Cushing Memorial Pool 5th & Little Ave 4 Cushing Metals 600 W Cherry 5 Cushing Water Plant 1100 N. Maitlen Dr. 6 Evans Cushing 2400 S. Little 7 Kerr-McGee 1001 East Deep Rock Road 8 MFA Propane - Cushing 1520 E. Main 9 MFA Propane - Cushing 2 1.75 miles N of hwy 33 & 18 10 Oilwell Fracturing 1020 N. Linwood 11 SW Bell - Cushing 401 E. Broadway 12 Williams Cushing 1.25 mi on Linwood Rd 13 Hudson Refinery - North West Highway 33 14 Hudson Refinery - South West Highway 33 15 Cushing Grain Elevator – Ahrberg Milling 200 S. Depot 16 Arkla Gas/Centerpoint Energy 202 N. Harrison 17 Cushing Regional Airport Tom Maloney Dr. 18 Bills E-Z Out 1107 E. Main 19 Git-N-Go 2003 E. Main 20 Oklahomas Oilwell Cementing 1218 S. Highland 21 Oilwell Fracturing Service 403 N. Harmony Rd. City of Cushing 136 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan 3.13.4 Conclusion Varying quantities of hazardous materials are manufactured, used, or stored at an estimated 4.5 million facilities in the United States, from major industrial plants to local dry cleaning establishments or gardening supply stores. The estimated annual damage from hazardous materials events in the United States is $22.4 million. Most victims of chemical accidents are injured at home. These incidents usually result from ignorance or carelessness in using flammable or combustible materials. Based on Cushing’s hazardous materials information, including percentage of the population at risk and other factors, the community is at moderate risk from hazardous materials incidents, however the number of critical facilities at risk should be a factor included in mitigation plans. 3.13.5 Sources Booth, Richard (City of Tulsa, Planning and Research Division). Telephone interview by Michael Flanagan, March 26, 2002. Brasfield, Randy (Hazardous Materials Chief, Tulsa Fire Department). Telephone interview by Michael Flanagan, April 16, 2002. EPA Region 6 SuperFund Polution Reports, at Web address: ocument FEMA Backgrounder: Hazardous Materials, formerly available at Web address: Federal Emergency Management Agency, Virtual Library & Electronic Reading Room, 1998. Grain Dust Peril, Industrial Fire World – July/August 1998. Grain Handling Safety, Texas Worker’s Compensation Commission, Workers’ Health and Safety Division. Guy, Bill (Editor, Haskell News). Telephone interview by Michael Flanagan, March 20, 2002. McElhenney, John (Engineer, INCOG, Tulsa, OK). Telephone interview by Michael Flanagan, March 26, 2002. Multi-Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment, p. 274, 277, 280. Federal Emergency Management Agency, 1997. Oklahoma Strategic All-Hazards Mitigation Plan, “Hazard Identification and Vulnerability Assessment,” p 6. Oklahoma Department of Emergency Management, September 2001. City of Cushing 137 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Superfund—Region 6: South Central, at Web address: The Haskell News, March 27 and 29, 1997. The Tulsa World, p. A-1, February 10, 1997. The Tulsa World, p. A-1, July 13, 2002. U.S. Department of Transportation, Nuclear Waste Transportation Risks What is the Toxics Release Inventory Program, at Web address: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2002. Planning Scenarios: Executive Summaries, Department of Homeland Security. City of Cushing 138 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan 3.14 Dam Failures The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) defines a dam as “a barrier constructed across a watercourse for the purpose of storage, control, or diversion of water.” Dams typically are constructed of earth, rock, concrete, or mine tailings. A dam failure is the collapse, breach, or other failure resulting in downstream flooding. The amount of water impounded in the reservoir behind a dam is measured in acre-feet. An acre-foot is the volume of water that covers an acre of land to a depth of one foot, or approximately 325,000 gallons. As a function of upstream topography, even a very small dam may impound or detain many acre-feet or millions of gallons of water. 3.14.1 Hazard Profile The National Inventory of Dams (NID) listed about 77,000 dams in the United States in their 1997-1998 update. More than 3,300 high and significant hazard dams are located within one mile of a downstream population center, and more than 2,400 are located within two miles. The overtopping or forced release of a dam due to heavy Dam failures are primarily rain or abnormal river flows is a threat to downstream properties caused by hydrologic or structural deficiencies. A hydrologic deficiency is inadequate spillway capacity, caused by excessive runoff from heavy precipitation. Structural deficiencies include seepage, erosion, cracking, sliding, and overturning, mainly caused by the age of a dam and lack of maintenance. The operation of a reservoir can also influence the safety of the structure. There can be varying levels of dam failure. Partial dam failures include 1) inadequate spillway capacity that causes excess flow to overtop the dam and 2) internal erosion through the dam or foundation. Complete failure occurs if internal erosion or overtopping results in a total structural breach, releasing a high-velocity wall of debris-laden water that rushes downstream, damaging or destroying everything in its path. Effects In the event of a dam failure, the potential energy of the water stored behind even a small dam can cause great property damage and, if there are people downstream, loss of life. The following factors influence the impact of a dam failure: • • • • City of Cushing Level of failure (partial or complete) Rapidity of failure (sudden or gradual) Amount of water released Nature of the development and infrastructure located downstream 139 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan A break in a dam produces an extremely dangerous flood situation because of the high velocities and large volumes of water. The severity of impact on areas downstream and the height to which waters will rise are largely functions of valley topography and the volume of water released. Besides dam failures, there are hazardous actions that have to be taken to prevent dam failures, such as sudden releases of water when the dam is threatened with overtopping. In this case, a dam may have failed in its purpose to protect downstream people and property, without having literally or physically failed. Measurements Any artificial water barrier structure that has a height of 25 feet or more from the natural streambed and 50 acre feet or more of storage capacity qualifies as a dam and is under the jurisdiction of the Oklahoma Water Resources Board (OWRB). There are 4,524 dams in Oklahoma (including private structures), with approximately half (2,300) operated by the National Resources Conversation Service (NRCS). Emergency Action Plans have been filed for 160 of the most important dams in the state. The OWRB classifies dams as high-hazard, significant-hazard, and low-hazard, depending on the amount of water stored and downstream populations. The state has 165 high-hazard dams, which must be inspected every year. There are 88 dams having significant hazard potential, which are inspected every three years. The rest are classified as low hazard, and are inspected every five years. Dams in the Cushing area are shown in Figure 3-8. Cushing Municipal Lake Dam High-hazard dams are so designated due to the presence of occupied dwellings immediately downstream. If a high-hazard dam fails, there probably will be loss of life. This determination does not mean that a dam is in need of repair—it could be in excellent condition or in poor condition. “High-hazard” simply reflects a dam’s potential for doing damage downstream if it were to fail (because of population density and property exposure). The areas impacted are delineated using dam breach analyses that consider both “sunny day” failures and failures under flood conditions. City of Cushing 140 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Fairlawn Short Creek "18 ! Harmony Rd Grandstaff Rd Linwood Rd Kings Hwy ( X Skull Creek Little Rd Cim Ri arr ve on r CUSHING LAKE Cabin Creek Vine St Main St Pine Ave Wilson Broadway St 3rd St 6th St 9th St Wilson Ave 9th St Little Rd Elm Creek Eseco "33 ! Oak St Linwood Rd 33 18 Noble " ! Cottonwood Creek Payne County Lincoln County Texaco Rd ( X LEGEND Hazard Class # S Low # S Significant # S High 0 L E G E Dam N DLocations # S 1 MILES State Highways Roads County Line W Water Features Railroads City Limit 2 N E S R.D. Flanagan & Associates Figure 3-8 City of Cushing Hazard Dam Locations Extent of Impact The extent of a dam failure can be influenced by several factors. The amount of water behind the dam, the height of the dam itself and way in which a dam fails. The extent of a dam failure can be assessed before an event occurs. Using a GIS environment, a water body’s volume can be measured with a high degree of accuracy. The inundation area of a dam and depth of flooding can be determined using readily available DEM or topographic maps. The extent of this inundation can be minimal to uninhabited farmland or can be catastrophic in nature in an urban environment. Cushing Lake Dam is located on Big Creek, about 1 mile from its junction with the Cimarron River. The lake is 591 acres in size, has a 48-ft-high dam and a storage capacity of 3,304 acre-feet of water. There are a total of five structures below the dam that would be affected by a failure of Cushing Lake Dam. These include an out-of-use waterworks facility, three commercial structures and a mobile home. It is estimated that each structure would receive 5 feet of flooding. Total damages to the structures in the inundation area would be $539,654. 3.14.2 Historical Events The deadliest dam failure in United States history occurred in Johnstown, Pennsylvania in 1889, with 2,209 people killed. Between 1960 and 1997, there have been at least 23 dam failures causing one or more fatalities. Some failures also caused downstream dams to fail. There were 318 deaths as a result of these failures. On March 12, 1928, California’s St. Francis Dam broke, sending a 140ft high wall of water crashing down San Francesquito Canyon towards Ventura, killing 470 people. It took the wall of water 5 1/2 hours to reach the ocean. A total of 900 buildings were destroyed. It was the second-worst disaster in California history, after the San Francisco earthquake, in terms of lives lost. In February 1972, a privately owned tailings dam in St. Francis Dam in California after catastrophic March, 1928, Buffalo Creek, West Virginia break failed, devastating a 16-mile valley with 6,000 inhabitants. As a result of the failure, 125 people were killed and 3,000 were left homeless. In 1976, Teton Dam in Idaho failed, causing $1 billion in property damage and leaving 11 dead. In May 1977, Laurel Run Dam in Pennsylvania failed, resulting in 43 lives lost. Six months later, Kelly Barnes Dam in Georgia failed, killing 39 people, most of them college students. City of Cushing 142 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan In response to the Buffalo Creek disaster, Congress enacted the National Dam Inspection Act in 1972, which authorized the United States Army Corps of Engineers to inventory and inspect all non-federal dams. After the Teton Dam failure, President Carter issued a memorandum on April 23, 1977, directing a review of federal dam safety activities by an ad hoc panel of recognized experts. Despite the strengthening of dam safety programs since the 1970s, dams continue to fail, causing loss of life and millions of dollars in property damage. In July 1994, Tropical Storm Alberto caused over 230 dam failures in Georgia, resulting in three deaths. In Oklahoma, there have been only three significant, documented dam failures. On October 3, 1923, heavy rain caused a dam failure at Lake Overholser, which displaced 15,000 residents. Cleveland, in Pawnee County, suffered losses in the half-million dollar range when the town was inundated by the Cleveland Dam break on September 4, 1940. Both events resulted from sudden and heavy rainfall. After 14.6 inches of rain fell in the Wewoka area on the night of April 13-14, 1945, heavy flows on Coon Creek overtopped and breached the earth-filled Wewoka Dam, sending a wall of water into Wewoka Creek. Eight people in the path of the deluge were killed and the town of Wewoka was under 4 feet of water near the train depot. Eighty people were forced from their homes. Dams can “fail” in ways other than being breached. Sometimes, in order to prevent overtopping and catastrophic failure, dams are forced to make emergency releases of huge amounts of water. In late September and early October, 1986, the remnants of Hurricane Paine dumped nearly 2 feet of rain northwest of Tulsa, causing the Arkansas, Caney, and Neosho Rivers to flood. To prevent the Arkansas River from overtopping Keystone Dam, the Corps of Engineers had to open the floodgates and release 300,000 cfs of water down through Sand Springs, Tulsa, Jenks and Bixby. No one knew if the World War II era sand levees would hold, and a catastrophic failure of the levee system was widely feared. In fact, the Sand Springs levee was breached, but volunteers plugged it with sandbags. On the west bank, the river swamped Garden City up to the rooftops. More than 1,800 Tulsaarea homes and businesses were invaded with water. Tulsa County damages were estimated at $63.5 million (in '86 dollars), Sand Springs’ at $32.5 million, and Bixby’s at $13.4 million. A similar emergency release from Copan and Hulah Lakes during the same storm resulted in the worst flood in Bartlesville’s history. The Caney River rose to 30 feet above normal, which was 17 feet above flood stage, flooding half of the city, including the downtown area. Damage was so extensive that the region was declared a Presidential Disaster Area. 3.14.3 Vulnerable Population The number of fatalities resulting from dam failures is highly influenced by the number of people occupying the predicted dam failure floodplain and the amount of warning they are provided. Most dams in the United States are privately owned, located on private property, and not directly in the visual path of most Americans. This factor contributes to the challenge of raising the issue of dam safety in the public consciousness and getting the information on dam safety to those who need it. City of Cushing 143 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan One dam can have an impact on Cushing—Cushing Municipal Lake on Big Creek. Cushing Municipal Lake, nearly 4.5 river miles downstream of Big Creek’s headwaters drains to the Cimarron River, is operated by the City of Cushing. Cushing Municipal Lake Location: On Big Creek, 5 miles west of Cushing, on Highway 33 Source: Big Creek Flows into: Cimarron River drainage basin Owner/operator: City of Cushing Year built: 1950 Length: 1320 feet Height: 48 feet Construction material: Masonry and earth-fill Use of Dam: Cushing water supply Capacity: 3,304 acre feet of water Land area: 591surface acres of water Flood damage history: None to date Results of failure: Floodplain inundation of farmland for 2.15 stream miles before entering the Cimarron River. 3.14.4 Dam Break Scenario The most probable scenario involving a major dam in the Cushing area would most likely involve the high hazard dam on Cushing Lake. A dam break would send a wall of water rushing down the spillway valley along Big Creek, destroying or damaging almost everything in its path. There are a total of five structures in the Cushing area that would be affected by a dam failure on Cushing Lake. These include an out-of-use waterworks facility, 3 other commercial structures and a mobile home. It is estimated that each structure would receive 5 feet of flooding, which, according to FEMA’s “Structure Damage Factors”, results in 16% damage to commercial structures, 43% damage to mobile homes, 28% damages to commercial contents and 41% damage to mobile home contents. Crop losses are not included in the scenario, but depending on the season would also sustain damages. Total damages to the structures in the inundation area are summarized in Table 3-31. The event would likely send floodwaters up Cabin Creek’s floodplain, but would only impact undeveloped forestlands. Also, homes located immediately north of the dam would remain unaffected by a dam break event due to their location on a ridgeline that sits some 40 feet in elevation above the dam. City of Cushing 144 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Table 3–31: Lake Cushing Dam Break Scenario Buildings in the Dam Break Buildings in the Dam Failure Area Number or Value 5 Value of Dam Inundation Buildings $1,215,409 Value of Contents $1,202,909 Total Value of Buildings Located in the Dam Inundation Area $2,418,318 Damages due to Dam Failure Damage to Buildings from Dam Failure $201,215 Damage to Contents from a Dam Failure $338,439 Total Damages from the Dam Failure $539,654 3.14.5 Conclusion People, property, and infrastructure downstream of dams could be subject to devastating damage in the event of failure. The areas impacted are delineated using dam breach analyses that consider both “sunny day” failures and failures under flood conditions. The downstream extent of impact areas and the height to which waters will rise are largely functions of valley topography and the volume of water released during failure. If a dam is classified as high hazard, then the failure of that dam would most likely result in loss of life. This classification does not mean the dam is necessarily at risk of failing. The most important factor for public safety is the timeliness and effectiveness of warning given to vulnerable downstream populations. Dams are often not visible from the neighborhoods of most Americans and therefore dam safety is not in the public consciousness. Cushing and its future development areas have a low vulnerability to dam break. 3.14.6 Sources Kuhnert, Nathan (Hydrologist Oklahoma Water Resources Board). Telephone interview by Michael Flanagan, January 10, 22, 2002, March 18, 19, 2002. Multi-Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment, p. 254–261. Federal Emergency Management Agency, 1997. Oklahoma Strategic All-Hazards Mitigation Plan, “Hazard Identification and Vulnerability Assessment,” p 4. Oklahoma Department of Emergency Management, September 2001. Partners in Dam Safety, at Web address: FEMA, National Dam Safety Program, Dam Safety Progress Through Partnerships. Rooftop of River: Tulsa’s Approach to Floodplain and Stormwater Management, “Setting and History: Learning the Hard Way,” p. 1–7 and at Web address: City of Tulsa, 1994. National Inventory of Dams, at Web address: City of Cushing 145 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan 3.15 Transportation Hazards Transportation is defined as the physical movement of an object through components of a system and its subsystems. Transportation includes the use of aviation, highway, railroad, pipeline, and marine systems to convey movement of objects and people. In 1967, the Department of Transportation (DOT) was created in order to administer and protect the nation’s transportation systems. The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) was established within the DOT as an independent agency responsible for investigating transportation incidents and promoting transportation safety. 3.15.1 Hazard Profile Oklahoma alone consists of over 111,000 miles of highways including Interstates 35, 40 and 44, over 180 navigable river miles allowing barge traffic to navigate from the Mississippi River up the Arkansas and Verdigris Rivers, approximately 6,000 miles of rail track and an undisclosed quantity of pipelines. Each mode of transportation is used in the transport of hazardous materials. When in transport, hazardous materials are characterized by nine separate classes of hazards. They are as follows: 1) explosives, 2) gases, 3) flammable liquids, 4) flammable solids, 5) oxidizers and organic peroxides, 6) toxics, 7) radioactive materials, 8) corrosive materials, and 9) miscellaneous dangerous goods. By far the greatest percentage of any hazard shipment (72%) falls under the flammable liquids category. Gases and corrosive materials are next with 8.8% and 8.7% respectively. Radioactive materials are shipped the least and account for only 0.6% of all hazardous material shipments. More specifically, 40.9% of hazardous material shipments are comprised of gasoline (UN# 1203). In 1997, a joint commodity flow survey was undertaken with collective participation from the Bureau of the Census, U.S. Department of Commerce, the Bureau of Transportation Statistics and the U.S. Department of Transportation. In the results of the five major modes of hazardous material transport, truck carriers represented 63.9% of all hazardous material transports, pipelines accounted for 18.4%, rails accounted for 7.1%, water accounted for 5.8%, and air accounted for 1.8%. Roads: The national highway system is made up of 46,677 miles of Interstate Highways, 114,511 miles of other National Highways and is used by 505,900 active interstate motor carriers. There were over 3.95 million miles of public roads in the United States in 2000, of which 3.09 million miles were in rural communities (rural communities are defined as those places with fewer than 5,000 residents, and urban communities are defined as those areas with 5,000 or more people). Local governments controlled over 77 percent of total highway miles in 2000; States controlled about 20 percent; and the Federal Government owned about 3 percent. Hence, the Nation’s highway system is overwhelmingly rural and City of Cushing 146 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan local. Truck shipments represent the greatest mode of transport for hazardous materials accounting for 63.9% of all shipments and totaling nearly 870,000 tons of hazardous materials in 1997. Oklahoma has 930 miles of interstate highways, or 2% of the nations total interstates. The state also contains 22,708 bridges as of August of 2001. Cushing has State Highways 33 and 18 in town. Floodplains cross these highways outside of town and may potential interfere with response efforts if bridges or roads become impassable during an event. Air: There are 8,228 certified air carrier aircrafts in the United States operated by 75 carriers of international, national and regional level. Airports are defined into hub classes based on the number of enplaned passengers using airline services. Hubs are classified by large, medium, small, and non-hub where large hubs see over 6.3 million passengers and non-hubs receive less than 319,451 passengers over a 12-month period. There are 72 airports in the nation considered as large hubs. These 72 airports see almost 75% of all the airline passenger traffic in the nation. Oklahoma airports, in the year 2000, performed 61,512 departures enplaning over 3.4 million passengers. The two largest airports, Will Rogers World Airport in Oklahoma City and Tulsa International saw 1.73 and 1.66 million passengers respectively classifying them both as Medium Air Traffic Hubs for the year 2000. Oklahoma also has several Air Force bases including Tinker AFB in Oklahoma City, Altus AFB in Altus, and Vance AFB in Enid. The City of Cushing has one major airport with a 5,200’ concrete runway and a heliport located at the Cushing Regional Hospital. Rail: North American railroads operate over 173,000 miles of track, and earn $42 billion in annual revenues. U.S. freight railroads alone are the world’s busiest, moving 70% of all automobiles produced in the U.S. by train, 30% of the nation’s grain harvest, 65% of the nations coal and operating on over 143,000 miles of track. In the U.S., railroads account for more than 40% of all freight transportation. Railroad companies are categorized into four classes. Class I railroads are the U.S. line haul freight railroads with operating revenues in excess of $266.7 million. The seven Class I railroads in 2002 are as follows: The Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railway, CSX Transportation, Grand Trunk Corporation, Kansas City Southern Railway, Norfolk Southern Combined Railroad Subsidiaries, Soo Line Railroad, and Union Pacific Railroad. Combined, these companies have 477,751 freight cars in service and operate on 123,070 miles of tracks when trackage rights are included. Non-Class I railroads include the three sub-classes: Regional, Local Linehaul and Switching & Terminal. In 2001, there were 563 Non-Class I railroad companies operating on 45,000 miles of track. City of Cushing 147 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Although no rail lines remain in Cushing, Oklahoma Class I rail carriers include Burlington Northern Santa Fe, Union Pacific, and Kansas City Southern for freight. Amtrak connects Oklahoma City to an Amtrak hub in Fort Worth, Texas for passenger travel. Regional rails include the South Kansas & Oklahoma Railroad. Local rails include the Arkansas & Oklahoma Railroad, Inc., AT&L Railroad, De Queen & Eastern Railroad, Grainbelt Corp., Hollis & Eastern Railroad, Kiamichi Railroad Co., Sand Springs Railway Company, Stillwater Central Railroad, Inc., and Tulsa-Sapulpa Union Railway Co. Water: Inland waterways carry an estimated 15% of the nations bulk freight by volume. A fully loaded barge with 1,500 tons is the equivalent to the load of 58 trucks on the highway. Of the bulk freight, 59.1% of bulk weight waterborne transports are comprised of crude petroleum followed by an 11.6% bulk weight of food and farm products. Of the 50 states, Oklahoma is ranked 39th according to total tons of domestic and foreign loads of waterborne traffic. Louisiana, Texas and California respectively were the top three states for domestic and foreign shipments in U.S. waterborne traffic for the year 2001. Oklahoma waterborne commerce in 2001 was responsible for 4.1 tons of domestic products and received no measurable amount of foreign products. The navigation channel along the Arkansas River known as the McClellan-Kerr Navigation System is made up of 15 lock chambers between the Mississippi River to the final lock at Webbers Falls, Oklahoma. The Oklahoma portion channel spans 173 miles and terminates at the Port of Catoosa east of Tulsa, Oklahoma. Pipelines: The pipeline network supporting energy transportation in the United States includes approximately 1.9 million miles of natural gas and hazardous liquid pipelines and has more than 3,000 companies operating in all 50 states. Pipelines represent 18.4% of all hazardous material transportation in the U.S. Natural gas distribution, with over 1.8 million miles of pipelines, represents the greatest commodity transported through pipelines. Over 305,000 miles of pipelines are used in the transport of natural gas transmission and almost 160,000 miles of pipelines are used in the transport of hazardous liquids including petroleum products. Most pipelines are installed in underground right-of-ways (ROW), which are maintained for access and marked with above ground markers and warning signs. Payne County has 17 pipeline operators within the county jurisdiction. They include All American Pipeline, LP, BP Pipeline (North America) Inc., Citgo Products Pipeline Co., City of Cushing 148 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Conoco Inc., Cushing Chicago Crude Oil Pipeline (Arco P/L Co), Enogex Inc., Eott Energy Pipeline Limited Partnership, Equilon Pipeline Co. LLC, Koch Pipeline Co. L.P., Oklahoma Natural Gas Co., Oneok Gas Transportation, LLC, Phillips Pipe Line Co., Seminole Transportation and Gathering, Inc., Southern Star Central Gas Pipeline, Inc., Sunoco Pipeline L.P., Williams Pipe Line Company, Arco Pipe Line Co. Specific routes of pipelines and their operators within Payne County municipalities are not identified. Effects Human casualties and releases of hazardous materials are the typical results from a transportation incident. Because of the difficulties that hazardous chemicals and their reactions present, responses to accidents of this nature become very sensitive. Additionally, mass casualty incidents are often too large in scale for emergency responders and supporting organizations such as local blood banks and hospitals to handle. In general, mutual aid agreements, like those used by local fire departments, can compensate for the over extended response capabilities in events such as this. Transportation accidents also tend to interact with other forms of transportation. Often railroad bridges and highway overpasses are near each other, if not structurally connected, and navigable rivers often meander under the two. Municipal airports’ flight paths can overlap due to the direction of associated runways if they are not planned accordingly. The interaction of transportation hazards does not end there. Natural disasters, particularly earthquakes, can cause hazardous material releases at fixed sites and complicate spill response activities. Tornadoes, floods, and winter storms have also been known to damage intact transportation systems, whether they are pipelines, railroads, water, airlines or highways. Meteorological impacts compromising vehicle safety on roads include slick bridges and overpasses from ice and rains and heavy fog cover affecting visibility. Earthquakes, floods, severe thunderstorms, expansive soils, wild fires, and hazardous material incidents can also impact the integrity of the highway system. Factors listed, combined with heavy traffic and high speeds facilitate accidents and even multi-vehicle pileups that result in injuries and fatalities. Roads: The principal north-south arterials traveled in Oklahoma are Interstate 35 crossing the middle of the state from border to border connecting Oklahoma City to major thoroughfares in Kansas and Texas and Interstate Wreckage of Flight 1016 in North 75 crossing the eastern third of the state through Carolina Tulsa. Interstate 44 crosses the state from the southwest to the northeast and connects the two main metropolitan areas of Tulsa and Oklahoma City to locations in Missouri and Texas. Interstate 40, running east and west, is the modern day thoroughfare replacing the nation’s first trans-continental highway, City of Cushing 149 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Route 66. It crosses through Oklahoma City and is a major national transportation route of interstate travel. Air: Accidents involving aircraft can range from human error to meteorological explanations. Fog, ice, thunderstorms and windshear are conditions that can lead to difficulties in properly controlling aircraft. Weather delays are common in air transportation and are respected to help prevent accidents. Airport runway pavement is also a concern. When deteriorated, runway pavement can cause damage to aircraft turbines, propellers, landing gear and may result in runway closure. Rail: Millions of passengers are transported annually on the nations heavy and light rail public systems and over 1.52 million carloads of hazardous material move by rail each year. Collisions and derailments are the most common accidents for rail travel. Water: In order for ports to function effectively, intermodal rail and truck services must be available. Inadequate control of truck traffic into and out of port terminals combined with the lack of adequate on-dock or near-dock rail access, affects the productivity of ports and waterborne trade. Pipeline: Incidents that involve a loss of product during pipeline transmission have been correlated through several studies with the age of the affected pipeline. Besides corrosion, failures are caused by external impacts, structural failures, mechanical defects, and natural hazards including earthquakes, land subsidence, avalanches, floods, lightning, fires and severe winter storms. Measurements The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) investigates significant accidents in all forms of transportation including all civil aviation accidents, selected highway accidents, railroad accidents, major marine accidents, pipeline accidents, hazardous material releases from any form of transportation, and other transportation problems that have a recurring nature. Accident reports, safety studies, numerous databases, and historical archives are all available at the NTSB through the Freedom of Information Act. Miscellaneous dangerous goods, a hazardous materials shipment hazard class has the highest accident and incident rate of all shipments. The gases class, more specifically, the non-flammable gases sub-class, has the lowest accident and incident rates during shipment. The largest possible economic impact associated with hazardous material transport incidents comes from flammable and combustible liquids. In terms of incident cost, release-causing enroute accidents have the highest average cost, followed by enroute accidents in which a release does not occur. Of those enroute accidents resulting in a release, explosions have the highest per incident cost, followed by fires and then releases where neither a fire or explosion ensue. Explosions result in an average cost of over $2.1 million per accident, followed by $1.2 million per accident involving fire, and City of Cushing 150 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan accidents involving releases with no fire or explosions average slightly over $400,000. The greatest economic impact though, is associated with accidents enroute where a release does not occur, due to the higher frequency of these events. Roads: The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration conducted a sample survey of 62% of the nations active interstate motor carriers. Of the total active interstate motor carriers, 62% received a “satisfactory” safety score while 8% received an unsatisfactory score. The same survey was conducted using 55% of all the hazardous materials carriers. Of those carriers surveyed, 78% received a “satisfactory” score for safety and only 2% received an “unsatisfactory” safety score. According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, 440,000 large trucks were involved in accidents in 1997. This translates into 232 crashes per every 100,000,000 miles driven by trucks. Of the estimated crashes per 100 million miles, 2.6 of those will involve a fatality. In 1998, the nation’s truck carriers were involved in 4,582 federal compliance reviews, of which 2,539 resulted in enforcement and amounted to $7,055,080 in settled claims and penalties. Hazardous materials make up between four and eight percent of all truck shipments. Trucks carrying hazardous materials have an accident rate of 0.32 per million vehicle miles as compared to 0.73 accidents per million vehicle miles of non-hazardous material shipments. Due primarily to the volume of transport activity, non-hazardous material truck accidents rates are more than twice the hazardous material truck accident rates. Hazardous materials placards are required when shipping hazardous materials on United States, Canada and Mexico highways. The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) regulates transportation of materials classified as hazardous, with regulations covering packaging, labeling, marking and descriptions on shipping papers. Hazardous materials are classified into the nine numbering system classes in the following Table 3-32. Table 3–32: Hazardous Material Transport Placards Class Name 1 Explosives Orange 2 Red Compressed Gasses Description Symbol Materials that explode or detonate such as dynamite and military rockets; burn rapidly and give off sparks, such as gunpowder; and pop, such as blasting caps and fireworks. Pressurized gas ignitable when exposed to air. 2 Green Includes compressed gas, liquefied gas, pressurized cryogenic gas, compressed gas in solution, asphyxiat gas and oxidizing gas. 2 Yellow Oxygen is considered non-flammable because it in and of itself does not burn. It is, however, required for combustion to take place. High concentrations of oxygen greatly increases the City of Cushing 151 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Class Name Description Symbol rate and intensity of combustion. Gas poisonous by inhalation is known or presumed to be so toxic to humans as to pose a hazard to health. 2 White 3 Red Flammable Liquids Cargo is easily ignitable. Explosion is possible and vapors may cause dizziness or suffocation. Vapors could ignite. 4 Red & White Stripes Flammable Solids Materials that may cause a fire through friction, metal powders that can ignite or thermally unstable materials. 4 Red & White A liquid or solid material that, even without an external ignition source, can ignite or self-heat after coming in contact with air. 4 Blue Material when contacted with water is liable to become spontaneously flammable or to give off flammable or toxic gas 5 Oxidizers Yellow Oxidizer means a material that may, generally by yielding oxygen, cause or enhance the combustion of other materials. 6 White Poisons Indicates a severe, or presumed severe health hazard. The substance may be poison gas, insecticide, fungicide, hydrochloric acid, chlorine, hydrogen cyanide or other injurious substance. 7 Yellow & White 8 Black & White 9 Radioactive Materials Any material or combination of materials which spontaneously emits ionizing radiation. Corrosive Liquids A liquid or solid that causes full thickness destruction of human skin at the site of contact or a liquid that has a severe corrosion rate on steel or aluminum. Miscellaneous A material which presents a hazard during transportation but which does not meet the definition of any other hazard class. City of Cushing 152 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Air: According to a 1997 commodity flow study of hazardous materials; airlines represent 1.8% of hazardous material shipments in the United States. Rail: Coal was the dominant freight carried by rail and comprises 43% of all commodity types. Nonmetallic minerals, farm products and chemicals round out the top four 2001 commodities shipped by rail. Chemicals and allied products total approximately 7.9% of all freights while petroleum and coke only account for 2.7%. Water: In December of 1999, Webbers Falls lock chamber, located on river mile 366, shipped through 1,113 vessels carrying 4,007 kilotons of cargo for the month. The main commodity originating in Oklahoma and shipped out through water transports are petroleum products. In 2000, a total of 98,797 tons of petroleum products were delivered to other states through waterborne commerce. In 2001, the total petroleum waterborne commerce originating in Oklahoma and delivered to other states increased to 132,843 tons. Pipeline: In 2002, pipelines carrying hazardous liquids experienced 140 accidents resulting in over $31 million in property damage. This is less than the 17-year annual average of $47.7 million occurring between 1986-2002 on hazardous material accidents involving pipelines. Crude and petroleum products represent over 40% of all hazardous material transports. Pipelines represent the greatest transportation system for petroleum and petroleum byproducts. In 2001, pipelines accounted for 66.24% of all U.S. domestic petroleum products transportation. Water carriers accounted for 28.05%, followed by 3.54% by motor carriers and 2.17% by railroads. Extent of Impact Cushing is located at the intersection of OK Hwy 18 and OK Hwy 33, both of which carry volatile and toxic chemical products through the center of the city. There are 6.6 miles of highway within the city limits. Payne County has 17 pipeline operators within its jurisdiction, a half dozen of which pass near or through Cushing. Cushing also operates Cushing Municipal Airport south of the city. Of Cushing’s total land area within its city limits, 44% lies within one of its transportation corridors, including 9 Tier II sites and 13 critical facilities. Among the Tier II sites are American Welding Supply, Cushing Water Treatment Plant, MFA Propane, and Oilwell Fracturing Service. The critical facilities include Cushing Police and Fire Departments, Cushing Middle School, Cushing High School, and several banks and child care centers. Cushing has had at least 41 accidents or hazardous materials transportation events in the past 20 years, most of which were oil pipeline spills, but also three light aircraft accidents. In light of this experience, Cushing can expect 2 low-impact transportation events each year, almost all of which will involve non-fatal oil pipeline spills. However, a worst-case truck chlorine tank explosion could result in hundreds of deaths, severe injuries, and hospitalizations. The extent of a transportation event can be lessened by, among other measures, well-trained and equipped Hazmat Teams, Reverse 9-1-1 notifications of people in the impact area, planned and practiced notification and evacuation procedures, and by relocating hazardous material transportation routes away from populated areas and critical facilities. City of Cushing 153 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan 3.15.2 Historical Events Neyshabur, Iran / Train Derailment On February 17, 2004, runaway train cars carrying sulfur, fuel oil, industrial chemicals, and cotton blew up outside the city of Neyshabur. Fifty-one freight cars began rolling without an engine, picked up speed, derailed, overturned, and caught fire. Firefighters had extinguished 90% of the fire when the cars exploded. The explosion killed over 300 people and injured more than 450. The explosion leveled homes and shattered windows six miles away. The clay-home village of Dehnow, which was closest to the blast at about 500 yards away, was flattened. Webbers Falls / I-40 Bridge Collapse On May 27, 2002, three piers connected to an Interstate 40 bridge crossing the Arkansas River near Webbers Falls Oklahoma were struck by a tugboat at 7:43 a.m., collapsing sections of the bridge and killing 14 motorists. The navigation channel and the highway were both subsequently closed for 35 days. Detours were up to 60 miles long for eastbound traffic. Approximately 20,000 vehicles per day use that portion of I-40, and barges on the navigation system can carry the equivalent load of 15 railcars or 80 semis. On June 4, 2002, the Federal Highway Administration I-40 Bridge collapse at Webbers Falls on the McClellan-Kerr committed an initial $3 million in Navigation System of the Arkansas River emergency relief funds to aid in reconstruction. The accident was caused when the barge drifted outside the navigation channel and hit the bridge after the captain blacked out due to an apparent lack of sleep. ConocoPhillips Tank Fire, Glenpool, Oklahoma On the evening of April 8, 2003, around 9:00 P.M., a ConocoPhillips holding tank exploded at a tank farm located east of Interstate 75 near 131st Street and Elwood Avenue north of downtown Glenpool. The tank, which contained diesel fuel, ignited after receiving a delivery of 8,400 barrels of diesel from a pipeline branched off Explorer Pipeline Company’s 1,400-mile main pipeline connecting the Gulf Coast to the upper Midwest. The explosion was reportedly felt over 1½-miles away. City of Cushing 154 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Responders were concerned with the possibility of the fire spreading to adjacent tanks that contained highly volatile unleaded fuel. Work to contain the fire was effective, and appeared under control overnight Monday. Tuesday morning around 5:30 A.M., live power lines melted by the flames fell onto spilled fuel in the containment basin re-igniting the blaze. Strong northerly winds helped destabilize and advance the blaze into contact with a The ConocoPhillips tank fire caused the evacuation of over 400 people in the 1.5 square miles directly south second tank containing a petroleum product called naphtha, and east of the tank farm which subsequently did not explode. Environmental contamination of Coal Creek, which drains directly through the tank farm, was minimal due to a pre-existing containment levee around the tank involved. Had the levee been compromised, areas along Polecat Creek and the Arkansas River could have been adversely impacted. The fire forced the evacuation of homes and businesses within a 1½-mile radius of the tank farm and closed down U.S. 75 in both directions early Tuesday as a strong north wind stretched a thick black plume of smoke across the City of Glenpool and into parts of Okmulgee County. Glenpool Schools were also closed Tuesday as a precautionary measure. Local non-profit organizations assisted by setting up shelters for evacuated people at the First Baptist Church in Glenpool and the Faith Freewill Baptist Church. Firefighters from Glenpool, Jenks and Tulsa responded to the event and were supplied with a foam truck from Sun Refinery. Equipment from ConocoPhillips headquarters in Houston, Texas was also shipped to the scene. The National Transportation Safety Board will ultimately conclude what caused the ignition of the fire that burned for 25 hours. Initial reports have mentioned static electricity as a possible trigger. September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attacks on New York City and Washington D.C. On September 11, 2001 four separate airline flights were taken control of by terrorist groups and re-routed as weapons against specific targets in New York City and Washington D.C. The transportation industry, specifically the aviation category, but not excluding all other means of travel, were permanently changed because of this single event. The nation is now currently alerted to the capacity transportation hazards can generate. The ability of transportation resources to produce such catastrophic hazards under terrorist operation has instituted massive changes in the Nation’s policies regarding all categories of transportation safety. In some cases, security has become more significant than safety. Under terrorist operation, many forms of transportation are now seen with new and distinctive hazard characteristics and are under the scrutiny of security branches and planning organizations from the national to the local level. City of Cushing 155 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Minneapolis-St. Paul I-35W Bridge Collapse On August 1, 2007, during evening rush hour traffic, the I-35W bridge over the Mississippi River between Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota, buckled and collapsed, injuring over 60 people and killing as many as 30. The 2,000ft. span, which carries up to 140,000 cars a day plunged 65 feet into the river. At least 50 cars were on the bridge when it collapsed. Four lanes of the 8-lane Interstate bridge were closed for road surface repair when the span collapsed. U.S. 75 Hazmat Spill near Ramona – May 2001 A tanker truck carrying 10 cylinders of hydrogen gas was pushed off the road when a vehicle traveling along side lost control and forced both I-35Wbridge collapse in vehicles into a roadside ditch. The collision Minneapolis-St. Paul broke a seal on one of the cylinders causing an initial explosion and a subsequent fire. The tanker ended upside down in the ditch and the accident claimed the life of the tanker driver. In response to the accident, several area fire departments assisted with the fire, which due to high winds cascaded to a grass fire. Emergency management remained on the scene until all of the ten leaking cylinders were emptied with the necessary precautions taken to keep those leaks from exploding. As a result of the crews continuously extinguishing the hydrogen leaks and grass fires, residents were kept to a limited supply of water for the duration of the response and rural water districts in the area were contacted to help to maintain a consistent and necessary supply of water for the fire fighters. Explorer Pipeline Tank Fire, Glenpool Oklahoma On June 18, 2006, just after 9 A.M., the Explorer Pipeline tank farm experienced a major fire when lightning struck a tank containing over 5 million gallons of unleaded gasoline. Explorer Pipeline is also in the 131st & Elwood area, east of Highway 75, southwest of the City of Tulsa. A mandatory evacuation of the area was ordered, due to smoke and fumes which, over the course of the next 11 hours, continued to move in different direction as the wind shifted. Over 800,000 gallons of fuel were lost, but the loss could have been far greater. The company was able to salvage over 4.3 millions gallons by pumping it out from under the area of the tank that was burning. The firefighters successfully kept adjacent tanks from being affected, which reduced the catastrophic effect of the blaze, unlike the 2003 fire. Responders were prepared to dam adjacent Coal Creek with sand in order to avoid runoff from foam and petroleum. In all, five families were evacuated their homes as a precautionary measure. Fire fighters from Glenpool, Jenks, Bixby and Tulsa battled Explorer Pipeline tank fire City of Cushing 156 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan the blaze, as well as responders from Sun Refinery and Williams Fire Control of Beaumont, Texas. Transportation Accident Events – Cushing, Oklahoma Aircraft – Cushing has been the site of several airplane crashes, two of them involving collisions with electric power lines. January 9, 1983- A Mooney M20E aircraft, flying low and fast, collided with a power line crossing the Cimarron River. The wreckage came to rest on a sandbar in the riverbed with a strand of cable found wrapped around the propeller. Both occupants received fatal injuries. June 21, 2003- A Cessna 182H was destroyed when it impacted terrain following a loss of control while conducting an airdrop for parachutists. The airplane was owned and operated by Oklahoma Skydiving Center of Cushing. The commercial pilot was fatally injured, two parachutists were seriously injured, two parachutists received minor injuries and one parachutist was not injured. June 26, 2005- A helicopter hired to take aerial tours of southern Payne County crashed near Cushing. The helicopter contacted power lines crossing the Cimarron River causing the craft to crash into the river. The helicopter landed upside down killing the pilot and a Cushing resident who was a passenger in the craft. Three other passengers survived. Pipelines – Of the 53 hazardous material events reported to the National Response Center since 1990, 38 have been incidents involving pipelines. Of those 38 events, all but one involved releases of crude oil. In the majority of events, less than 100 barrels of crude were released. The more significant events are listed below. January 2, 1995– 30,000 barrels of crude oil was released when a 16-inch suction line broke off a Texaco Pipeline tank, spilling the material into the primary and secondary containment areas. April 18, 1991– 1,800 barrels of crude oil was released into Skull Creek north of town when an unknown incident broke a Kerr McGee 6-inch pipeline. October 20, 2002– 1,500 gallons of crude oil was released from an 8-inch Teppco Crude Pipeline on South Linwood Street by an unknown incident. The release was secured and the soil affected was excavated. Highways – Data is not recorded at local levels for highway accidents involving large trucks by the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration, but statewide, in 2001 they reported 93 fatalities in crashes involving large trucks. This accounted for 13.8% of all highway fatalities involving large trucks for 2001 in the United States. Railroads – No rail lines remain in the city limits of Cushing. Waterways – No navigable rivers are located in or near the City of Cushing. City of Cushing 157 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Fairlawn Short Creek " ! Skull Creek Harmony Rd Linwood Rd # Y9 30 # Y Little Rd Kings Hwy 18 Grandstaff Rd # Y32 23 18 5#Y#Y#Y#Y0 19 19 #Y #Y #Y#Y St 27 1 17 2#Y#Y #Y#Y #Y Oak # Y 10 8 # Y 9 1 20 Broadway26St CUSHING Ñ REGIONAL 3rd St Pine Ave Wilson " ! 33 18 Vine St Noble 13 # Y Main St 14 Y# 6th St 9th St CUSHING MUNICIPAL AIRPORT L E G E1/4NMileDBuffer0 Linwood Rd Cottonwood Creek r Payne County Lincoln County Texaco Rd # Y 33 HOSPITAL Wilson Ave Little Rd Eseco # Y " ! 9th St Elm Creek Ñr #Y 21 0.5 MILES Most Populated Census Blocks N State Highways Roads Airports W E Heliports Critical Facilities Tier 2 Sites S County Line R.D. Flanagan & Associates 1 Figure 3-9 City of Cushing Transportation Corridor Hazards 3.15.3 Vulnerable Population Communities close to highways, railroads, pipelines, and air and water transportation systems are at risk from transportation accidents and hazardous materials events. Trucks carrying toxic and flammable materials pass through almost every major U.S. town and city, including Cushing, which is also a hub for a national network of gas and petroleum pipelines. A worst-case truck chlorine tank explosion could result in thousands of deaths, severe injuries and hospitalizations. Although Cushing is not crossed by major Interstate highways or railways, major state highways and pipelines do pass through the center of the city, exposing populations and critical facilities within one-quarter mile to such transportation hazards. Interstates 40 and 35, along with several railroad lines, have been proposed as routes to be used in the transportation of nuclear waste to the proposed nuclear repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada. Materials would come from the Arkansas Nuclear One facility near Russellville, Arkansas along I-40 and the Comanche Peak nuclear facility along I-35 in central Texas. The City of Cushing from State Highway 33 and State Highway 18 has 6.6 miles of highway within the city limits. A ¼ mile buffer was placed around these transportation corridors to identify vulnerable populations and critical facilities. The results are presented in Figure 3-9. 3.15.4 Conclusion The United States has the most productive transportation systems in the world. These operating systems include roads, air, rail, water, and pipelines. These systems make possible a high level of personal mobility and freight activity for the nation’s residents and business establishments. Although the source and location of transportation accidents can vary, the effects are typically the same. Accidents often involve human injury or death and/or the release of hazardous materials. Responses to transportation incidents also follow a similar course. Determinations are first made concluding the presence or absence of hazardous material. This is followed by the assistance of injured people involved in the incident. Based on the information and analysis presented above, Cushing and its future development areas have moderate vulnerability to transportation hazards. 3.15.5 Sources “Airport Activity Statistics of Certified Air Carriers” at Web address:, Bureau of Transportation Statistics. Comparative Risks of Hazardous Materials and Non-Hazardous Materials Truck Shipment Accidents/Incidents – Final Report, “Hazardous Materials,” pgs. 1.2, 10.2, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, March 2001. National Pipeline Mapping System, at Web address: City of Cushing 159 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan The National Transportation Safety Board, Annual Report to Congress 2000-2001 “Railroad Statistics,” at Web address:, Association of American Railroads, 2002. “Safety Fact Sheet,” at web address:, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, October1, 1999. “Total Crude Petroleum and Petroleum Products carried in Domestic Transportation and Percent of Total Carried by Each Mode of Transportation,” Association of Oil Pipe Lines, at Web address: Transportation Commodity Flow Survey, “Hazardous Material Shipment Characteristics,” pgs 9-10, U.S. Dept. of Transportation, U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, U.S. Census Bureau, 1997. Transportation Statistics Annual Report 2001, pg. 36. Bureau of Transportation Statistics, U.S. Department of Transportation, 2001. “The U.S. Waterway System Facts,” U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, at Web address: “Where Pipelines Are Located,” at Web address: City of Cushing 160 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Chapter 4: Mitigation Strategies This chapter identifies the hazard mitigation goals set by the City of Cushing and discusses the mitigation projects, or measures, to be taken to achieve those goals. The Research, Review, and Prioritization Process The Cushing Hazard Mitigation Citizens Advisory Committee (CHMCAC) and supporting staff identified and prioritized the measures that will help protect the lives and property of the citizens of Cushing. National literature and sources were researched to identify best practices mitigation measures for each hazard. These measures were documented, and staff screened several hundred recommended mitigation actions and selected those that were most appropriate for the Cushing area. The CHMCAC reviewed the measures recommended by staff and revised, added, deleted, and approved measures for each hazard. The CHMCAC and staff prioritized the measures through a prioritization exercise using STAPLEE criteria recommended by FEMA. The results were tabulated and the individual measures were ranked by priority. The measures were then grouped into categories. Table 4–1 STAPLEE Prioritization and Review Criteria Evaluation Category Social Technical Administrative City of Cushing Sources of Information Members of Local, County and State Government, as well as representatives of the Chickasha Public Schools District, were members of the Hazard Mitigation Planning Committee and had input throughout the planning process. It must be noted that many small town political leaders are also business or professional persons. Existing community plans were used wherever possible. Members of the Media were contacted and invited to attend all HMPC meetings. The following Persons/Agencies were consulted as to the technical feasibility of the various projects: Chickasha City Council, Chickasha Public Schools District, Oklahoma State University Extension Service, Soil Conservation Service, County and State Health Departments, and Oklahoma Forestry Service. All of these had their comments and suggestions incorporated. Staffing for proper implementation of the plan currently will rely on existing members of the various agencies involved. It is the opinion of the HMPC that insufficient staff is available currently due to budget constrains as staff has been cut to a minimum and many agencies have staff members who are overloaded now. Technical assistance is available from contractors and various State Agencies. Some local jurisdictions have incorporated Hazard Mitigation efforts into their Capital Improvement Plans. The Local Emergency Planning Committee, led by the Chickasha Emergency Management Director, has agreed to an annual review and assessment of the Plan 161 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Evaluation Category Political Legal Economic Environmental Sources of Information and its progress. Operations Costs are under discussion by the relevant department heads. A representative of the Chickasha City Council, the Chickasha Public Schools District and the Mayor or his representative attended the HMPC meetings and were consulted on all aspects of the Plan. Members of the HMPC discussed legal issues with the City Council, and it was their opinion that no significant legal issues were involved in the projects that were selected by the HMPC. Economic issues were the predominant issues discussed by all concerned. Each entity felt that the projects selected would have a positive effect in that the projects would attract business and recreation to the area as well as help the community be better prepared for a disaster. Funding for the various projects was the major concern as local budgets were not capable of fulfilling the needs due to the economic down turn. Reliance on outside grants will be relied on heavily for completion of projects. Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality, Oklahoma Forestry Service, and the Oklahoma Water Resources Board were all consulted as to the environmental impact of the various projects and it was felt that there would be no negative impact. Local governments are currently considering zoning of environmentally sensitive areas. Mitigation Categories The measures that communities and individuals can use to protect themselves from, or mitigate the impacts of, natural and man-made hazards fall into six categories: • • • • • • Public Information and Education Preventive Measures Structural Projects Property Protection Emergency Services, and Natural Resources Protection This chapter is organized by mitigation category, with the Cushing mitigation mission statement and goals listed first in section 4.1. City of Cushing Cushing’s natural hazard mitigation planning process involves citizens in every phase 162 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan 4.1 Cushing Hazard Mitigation Goals 4.1.1 Mission Statement To create a disaster-resistant community and improve Cushing’s safety and well-being by reducing deaths, injuries, property damage, environmental and other losses from natural and technological hazards in a manner that advances community goals, quality of life, and results in a more livable, viable, and sustainable community. 4.1.2 Mitigation Goal To identify community policies, actions and tools for long-term implementation in order to reduce risk and future losses stemming from natural and technological hazards that are likely to impact the community. 4.1.3 General Goals for all Natural Hazards • • • • • • • • • • • • Minimize loss of life and property from natural hazard events. Protect public health and safety. Increase public awareness of risk from natural hazards. Reduce risk and effects of natural hazards. Identify hazards and assess risk for local area. Ascertain historical incidence and frequency of occurrence. Determine increased risk from specific hazards due to location and other factors. Improve disaster prevention. Improve forecasting of natural hazard events. Limit building in high-risk areas. Improve building construction to reduce the dangers of natural hazards. Improve government and public response to natural hazard disasters. 4.1.4 Specific Goals for Particular Natural Hazards Floods • • • • • • City of Cushing Identify buildings at risk from 100- and 500-year floods. Buy properties that flood most frequently, clear the land, and put in green space or build detention ponds. Move structures in the floodplain to less hazardous areas. Inform residents who refuse to vacate the floodplain of floodproofing alternatives such as elevating the home, wet floodproofing or dry floodproofing. Obtain accurate floodplain maps. Install, re-route or increase the capacity of storm drainage systems. 163 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan • • Develop plans for maintenance and debris cleaning from stormwater and sewer systems. Limit additional building in flood zone areas through comprehensive planning and ordinances. Tornadoes • • • • • • Continue to improve tornado forecasting. Increase building code standards to build stronger houses. Build safe-rooms in fire stations, police stations and schools. Build safe-rooms in new homes. Construct community shelters for mobile home parks. Establish debris disposal sites and protect by fencing or locating away from populated areas. High Winds • • • • • Institute measures that will improve resistance of new buildings to high winds. Require better roof construction and materials to withstand high winds. Require manufactured homes be anchored. Trim tree branches away from power lines to reduce the potential of trees falling on, and bringing down power lines. Identify homes and buildings vulnerable to loss from high winds, and suggest ways that their owners can prepare them for storms. Lightning • • • Promote public awareness of lightning dangers and what can be done to prevent/reduce personal injury and property damage. Install lightning protection systems on critical facilities. Encourage general public to put lightning rods on buildings to minimize destruction/damage. Hailstorms • • • Encourage the use of hail-resistant composite materials in automobile manufacture. Encourage insurance companies to offer premium incentives for purchase of affordable carports by people without garages. Require better roof construction and materials to withstand hailstorms. Winter Storms • City of Cushing Place exposed power and telephone lines underground to prevent damage from ice loading. 164 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan • • • • • • • • Promote awareness of the advantages of all-wheel-drive cars with traction control. Encourage use of all-weather tires on automobiles. Convert electrically heated homes to gas. Identify elderly and indigent citizens who are at risk from winter storms. Encourage churches and community groups to assist persons at risk during power loss. Trim tree branches away from power lines to reduce the potential of ice laden tree branches from falling on, and bringing down power lines. Set up snow fences or rows of trees or vegetation to limit blowing and drifting snow over critical roadways. Develop emergency plans to provide shelter when power fails from winter storms. Extreme Heat • • • • Publicize signs and dangers of heat stroke, especially among elderly. Inform those at risk of preventive measures in advance of extreme heat wave. Invite churches and community groups to provide inexpensive air conditioning for indigent elders to protect them from extreme heat. Develop emergency plan for conserving electrical use during extreme heat. Drought • • • • • Promote awareness of importance and value of water. Develop water-supply contingency plans. Promote water-free landscaping. Encourage water re-use or gray-water recycling for lawn irrigation. Involve public in finding new ways to conserve water. Expansive Soils • • • Inform the public about the hazard of expansive soils. Require Realtors to inform buyers of homes at risk from expansive soil. Encourage scientific/development community to find mitigation measures for expansive soils. Urban Fires • • • • • City of Cushing Identify neighborhoods especially vulnerable to fire. Educate the public about the most common causes of urban fires. Establish and enforce building codes that reduce the risk of structure fires. Promote the use of fire-resistant materials in house construction. Establish transportation routes, with alternate routes identified, for emergency vehicles to high fire risk areas. 165 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan • • Provide alternatives to burning trees and brush, such as a community area where debris can be delivered. Notify absent landlords whose property is at high risk of fire and encourage them to remedy the problem. Wildfires • • • • • Encourage fireproof materials in building construction. Experiment with controlled burns of native vegetation to minimize the accumulation of forest fuels that lead to uncontrollable fires. Advise public and developers of the danger of building homes in remote areas where fire protection is not available. Advise public and developers on building techniques, materials, landscaping and defensible space to reduce the vulnerability of structures. Alert homeowners when fire risk is great in rural and remote areas. Earthquakes • • • Inform public of earthquakes in areas where they are frequent but unrecognized. Use HAZUS to create earthquake scenarios indicating the degree of the disaster, centered at various locations in the area, and various magnitudes. Publicize and promote general awareness of earthquake emergency action plans. Hazardous Materials Events • • • • Educate the public about the hazardous materials to which they are most frequently exposed. Help homeowners identify hazardous materials from which they are at risk. Set up areas for the community to bring unused hazardous household materials. Locate “brown-fields”, hazardous material sites, and abandoned mining areas and ensure preventive measures are in place to protect public. Dam Failures • • • Determine risk rating of dams affecting the Cushing area. Identify homes and businesses vulnerable to flooding from dam failure. Ensure privately owned dams in the local area are complying with relevant inspection and maintenance codes. Transportation • • City of Cushing Improve the design, routing and traffic control at problem roadway areas. Designate truck routes and enforce weight and truck travel restrictions. 166 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan 4.2 Public Information and Education A successful public information and education program involves both the public and private sectors. Public information and education activities advise and educate citizens, property owners, renters, businesses, and local officials about hazards and ways to protect people and property from them. Public information activities are among the least expensive mitigation measures, and at the same time are often the most effective thing a community can do to save lives and property. All mitigation activities—preventive, structural, property protection, emergency services, and natural resource protection— begin with public information and education. 4.2.1 Map Information Many benefits stem from providing map information to inquirers. Residents and businesses that are aware of the potential hazards can take steps to avoid problems and reduce their exposure to flooding, dam failure or releases, expansive soils, hazardous materials events, and other hazards that have a geographical distribution. Real estate agents and house hunters can find out if a property is flood-prone and whether flood insurance may be required. Maps provide a wealth of information about past and potential hazards. Geographic Information Systems, sometimes called smart maps, provide efficiency and add to capabilities of many government services. County assessors, public works, parks and recreation, and 911 services are all typical departments capable of applying GIS applications to improve their services. GIS allows trained users to complete comprehensive queries, extract statistical information, and completely manage all relevant spatial information and the associated attribute information that pertain to those departments. Flood maps Several legal requirements are tied to FEMA’s Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) and Flood Insurance Study Maps. These include building regulations and the mandatory purchase of flood insurance. FEMA provides floodplain and FIRM information as a mitigation service. The city can help residents submit requests for map amendments and revisions when these are needed to show that a building is outside the mapped floodplain. Although FEMA maps are accurate, users and inquirers must remember that maps are not perfect. They display only the larger flood-prone areas that have been studied. In some areas, watershed developments make even recent maps outdated. Those inquiring about flood maps must be reminded that being outside the mapped floodplain is no guarantee that a property will never flood. In fact, many properties that flood are not located in a designated floodplain. By taking the initiative locally to accurately map problem areas with information not already on FEMA maps, a community can warn residents about potential risks that may not have been anticipated. Upgrading maps provides a truer measure of risks to a community. City of Cushing 167 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Other Hazard Data Other data that can be shown on maps include those hazards that are distributed geographically. These include: • • • • • • • Dam breach inundation areas Levee failure inundation areas Expansive soils Wildfire risk zones Earthquake risk zones Hazardous materials sites Wetlands General location maps for many of these natural and man-made hazards have been developed by U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, COEDD, Oklahoma Geological Survey, and R. D. Flanagan & Associates, several of which are included in this Cushing Hazard Mitigation Plan study. Flood zone determinations are available, free of charge, to any citizen through the Floodplain Administrator in the Payne County Commissioner’s Office. If the determination is for a building permit, Cushing ordinances must be followed. 4.2.2 Library The Cushing Public Library is a place for residents to seek information on hazards, hazard protection, and protecting natural resources. Historically, libraries have been the first place people turn to when they want to research a topic. Interested property owners can read or check out handbooks or other publications that cover their situation. The libraries also have their own public information campaigns with displays, lectures, and other projects, which can augment the activities of the local government. The Cushing Public Library System maintains the flood related documents required under the NFIP. The documents are available to the public in the library. 4.2.3 Web Sites Today, Web sites are becoming more popular as research tools. They provide Web sites have become one of the most popular quick access to a wealth of public and research tools private sites and sources of information. Through links to other Web sites, there is almost no limit to the amount of up to date information that can be accessed by the user. The City of Cushing Web site can be accessed at: City of Cushing 168 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan FEMA’s Mapping Web site is at Additional web sites related to specific hazards are listed in the following table. Table 4–2: Multi-Hazard Mitigation Web Sites Agency Web Address General Federal Emergency Management Agency Oklahoma Department of Emergency Management Institute for Business and Home Safety USGS - Hazards Page Floods Oklahoma Water Resources Board Oklahoma Floodplain Managers Association U.S. Army Corps of Engineers National Flood Insurance Program Stormwater Manager's Resource Center High Winds National Climatic Data Center Lightning National Lightning Safety Institute Extreme Heat National Weather Service - Heat Index Drought OWRB - Drought Monitoring Page Expansive Soils US Department of Agriculture Natural Resource Conservation Service Urban Fires Oklahoma State Fire Marshal's Office National Fire protection Association Wildfires USGS Wildfires Earthquakes U.S. Geological Survey Oklahoma Geological Survey National Geophysical Data Center Hazardous Materials Events National Response Center National Transportation Safety Board Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality Environmental Protection Agency Dam Failures Oklahoma Water Resources Board US Army Corps of Engineers Grand River Dam Authority City of Cushing 169 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan 4.2.4 Outreach Projects Mapping and library activities are not of much use if no one knows they exist. An outreach project can remedy this. Sending notices to property owners can help introduce the idea of property protection and identify sources of assistance. Outreach projects are the first step in the process of orienting property owners to property protection and assisting them in designing and implementing a project. They are designed to encourage people to seek out more information in order to take steps to protect themselves and their properties. The most effective types of outreach projects are mailed or otherwise distributed to floodprone property owners or to everyone in the community. Other approaches include the following: • • • • • • Articles and special sections in newspapers Radio and TV news releases and interview shows Hazard protection video for cable TV programs or to loan to organizations Presentations at meetings of neighborhood, civic or business groups Displays in public buildings or shopping malls Floodproofing open houses Research has proven that outreach projects work. However, awareness of the hazard is not enough. People need to be told what they can do about the hazard, so projects should include information on safety, health, and property protection measures. Research has also shown that a properly run local information program is more effective than national advertising or publicity campaigns. 4.2.5 Technical Assistance While general information helps, most property owners do not feel ready to take major steps, like retrofitting their buildings, without help or guidance. Local building department staff members are experts in construction. They can provide free advice, not necessarily to design a protection measure, but to steer the owner onto the right track. Building, public works, and engineering staff members visit properties and offer suggestions. Most can recommend or identify qualified or licensed companies, an activity that is especially appreciated by owners who are unsure of the project or the contractor. Technical assistance can be provided in one-on-one sessions with property owners or can be provided through seminars. For instance, seminars or “open houses” can be provided on retrofitting structures, selecting qualified contractors, and carrying out preparedness activities. 4.2.6 Real Estate Disclosure After a flood or other natural disaster, people often say they would have taken steps to protect themselves if they had known their property was exposed to a hazard. City of Cushing 170 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Flood insurance is required for buildings located within the base floodplain if the mortgage or loan is federally insured. However, because this requirement has to be met only ten days before closing, applicants are often already committed to purchasing a property when they first learn of the flood hazard. The "Residential Property Condition Disclosure Act" requires sellers to provide potential buyers with a completed, signed and dated "Residential Property Condition Disclosure Statement". Included in the Flooding and other hazards are sometimes not disclosed until statement are disclosures it’s too late. Hazard maps can help home buyers avoid surprises like this regarding flooding and flood insurance. For a copy of the "Residential Property Condition Disclosure Statement" see 4.2.7 Educational Programs A community’s most important natural resource is its children. They will inherit the resources, infrastructure and development built by earlier generations at great cost and effort. They will also face the same natural forces that bring floods, tornadoes, storms and other hazards. Environmental education programs can teach children about natural hazards, the forces that cause them, and the importance of protecting people, property and nature, such as watersheds and floodplains. Educational programs can be undertaken by schools, park and recreation departments, conservation associations, and youth organizations, such as the Boy Scouts, Campfire Girls and summer camps. An activity can be complex enough as to require course curriculum development, or as simple as an explanatory sign near a river. City of Cushing 171 A Community’s Most Important Natural Resource is its Children Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Educational programs designed for children often reach adults as well. Parents often learn innovative concepts or new ideas from their children. If a child comes home from school with an assignment in water quality monitoring, the parents will normally become interested in finding out about it as well. There are many programs that provide information and curriculum materials on nature and natural hazards. On FEMA website kids can learn about having a family disaster plan, what kids might feel in and following a disaster, what the different disasters are, what to do during a disaster, take quizzes and play games. There is also information on how to get a free video, brochures and other fun stuff. Another site, for students and educators on water resources, is the USGS “Water Science for Schools” The American Red Cross has a 24-page Disaster Preparedness Coloring Book for kids age 3-10. The coloring book is available online and can be printed from Youth programs and activities often include posters, coloring books, games, and references. Hands-on models that allow students to see the effects of different land use practices are also available through local natural resources conservation districts. 4.2.8 Public Information Program Strategy Getting Your Message Out Professional advertising agencies may be willing to help get the message out regarding disaster preparedness and mitigation at little or no cost. They have a vested interest in their community and want to keep it safe. The same holds true for the media. The local newspaper, radio or television will contribute to keeping a safe and prepared community. Invite them to, and let them participate in special events, meetings, practice exercises, etc. Summer camps, and other educational programs for children, can teach a new generation about nature, natural hazards, and preservation Education alliance partners, such as restaurants, convenience stores or the library, can put preparedness tips on tray liners or sacks, distribute brochures or allow you to erect a display with disaster information of local interest. Many other options are available such as including brochures with utility bills, presentations at local gatherings, billboards, direct mailing and websites. General Numerous publications on tornadoes, thunderstorms, lightning, winter storms and flooding are available through NOAA. Up to 300 copies of most publications can be ordered from your local National Weather Service, NOAA Outreach Unit or American City of Cushing 172 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Red Cross. Many of the brochures can be downloaded from For a nominal fee the American Red Cross offers videos on general preparedness, winter storms, chemical emergencies, hurricanes and earthquakes. The National Weather Service issues watches and warnings for tornadoes, severe thunderstorms, floods, winter storms and extreme heat that may include “Call to Action” statements. The messages appear on the NWS telephone line, the local weather service office website and on television stations carrying Emergency Alert System messages. Communities can encourage residents to prepare themselves by stocking up with necessary items and planning for how family members should respond if any of a number of possible emergency or disaster events strike. Hazard Brochures Area agencies or the American Red Cross have available the book ‘Repairing Your Flooded Home’ and fliers ‘Are You Ready for a Flood?’ and ‘Avoiding Flood Damage’. For a summary of what to do after a flood see The brochure Taking Shelter From the Storm: Building a Safe Room Inside Your Home is available from FEMA. A copy of the brochure can be requested from the FEMA website Are You Ready for a Tornado? is available from the American Red Cross, FEMA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Area agencies or the American Red Cross also have available the fliers ‘Are You Ready For a Heat Wave?’, ‘Are You Ready For a Winter Storm?’ and ‘Are You Ready For a Thunderstorm?’. After reviewing the possible and locally implemented public information activities covered in the previous sections, the Public Information Outreach Strategy Team prepared a Public Information Program Strategy. Following the Community Rating System format, the strategy consists of the following parts: a. The local hazards, discussed in Chapters 2 and 3 of this plan b. The safety and property protection measures appropriate for the hazards, discussed in Chapters 2 and 3 and on the next page c. Hazard-related public information activities currently being implemented within the community, including those by non-government agencies (discussed in Sections 4.2.1 to 4.2.7) d. Goals for the community’s public information program (covered in Chapter 4) e. Outreach projects that will reach the goals (see Chapter 5, action items and Table 5-1.) f. A process for monitoring and evaluating the projects (see Chapter 6) City of Cushing 173 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan 4.2.9 Conclusions 1. There are many ways that public information programs can be used so that people and businesses will be more aware of the hazards they face and how they can protect themselves. 2. Most public information activities can be used to advise people about all hazards, not just floods. 3. Other public information activities require coordination with other organizations, such as schools and real estate agents. 4. There are several area organizations that can provide support for public information and educational programs. 4.2.10 Recommendations Refer to “Chapter 5: Action Plan,” Table 5–1, for a complete listing of all recommended mitigation measures by hazard and priority. City of Cushing 174 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Figure 4–1: Public Service Notice for Flooding Flood Safety • Do not walk through flowing water. Drowning is the number one cause of flood deaths. Currents can be deceptive; six inches of moving water can knock you off your feet. Use a pole or stick to ensure that the ground is still there before you go through an area where the water is not flowing. • Do not drive through a flooded area. More people drown in their cars than anywhere else. Don't drive around road barriers; the road or bridge may be washed out. • Stay away from power lines and electrical wires. The number two flood killer after drowning is electrocution. Electrical current can travel through water. Report downed power lines to the Mayor’s Action Line, 596-2100. • Look out for animals that have been flooded out of their homes and who may seek shelter in yours. Use a pole or stick to poke and turn things over and scare away small animals. • Look before you step. After a flood, the ground and floors are covered with debris including broken bottles and nails. Floors and stairs that have been covered with mud can be very slippery. • Be alert for gas leaks. Use a flashlight to inspect for damage. Don't smoke or use candles, lanterns, or open flames unless you know the gas has been turned off and the area has been ventilated. • Carbon monoxide exhaust kills. Use a generator or other gasoline-powered machine outdoors. The same goes for camping stoves. Charcoal fumes are especially deadly -- cook with charcoal outdoors. • Clean everything that got wet. Flood waters have picked up sewage and chemicals from roads, farms, factories, and storage buildings. Spoiled food, flooded cosmetics, and medicine can be health hazards. When in doubt, throw them out. • Take good care of yourself. Recovering from a flood is a big job. It is tough on both the body and the spirit and the effects a disaster has on you and your family may last a long time. City of Cushing 175 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan 4.3 Preventive Measures Preventive activities are designed to keep matters from occurring or getting worse. Their objective is to ensure that future development does not increase damages or loss of life, and that new construction is protected from those hazards. Preventive measures are usually administered by building, zoning, planning, and code enforcement offices. They typically include planning, zoning, open space preservation, building codes, drainage criteria, master drainage plans and floodplain development regulations, and stormwater management. These aspects of preventive measures are discussed in this section as follows: 4.3.1 Planning 4.3.2 Zoning 4.3.3 Open space preservation 4.3.4 Building codes 4.3.5 Floodplain development regulations 4.3.6 Stormwater management The first three measures (planning, zoning, and open space preservation) work to keep damageprone development out of hazardous or sensitive areas. The next two measures (building codes and floodplain development regulations) impose standards on what is allowed to be built in the floodplain. These protect buildings, roads, and other facilities from flood damage and prevent the new development from making any existing flood problem worse. Building codes are also critical to mitigating the impact of non-flood hazards on new buildings. Cushing’s mitigation planning process involves meetings with civic groups and local citizens, as well as decision-making councils Stormwater management addresses the runoff of stormwater from new developments onto other properties and into floodplains. 4.3.1 Planning While plans generally have limited authority, they reflect what the community would like to see happen in the future. The City of Cushing is in the ongoing process of building community partnerships involving local government leaders, civic, business and volunteer groups to work together to mitigate natural and man-made hazards. Plans guide other local measures such as capital improvements and the development of ordinances. Planning can include, but is not limited to: City of Cushing 176 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan • Capital Improvement Infrastructure planning decisions can affect flood hazard mitigation. For example, decisions to extend roads or utilities Plans to an area may increase exposure. Communities may consider structural flood protections such as levees or floodwalls. • Zoning Ordinance Adoption or Amendments Examples of zoning methods that affect flood hazard mitigation include: 1. adopting ordinances that limit development in the floodplain. 2. limiting the density of developments in the floodplain. 3. requiring floodplains be kept as open space. • Subdivision Ordinances or Amendments Subdivision design standards can require elevation data collection during the platting process. Lots may be required to have buildable space above the base flood elevation. • Building Code Adoption or Amendments Requirements for building design standards and enforcement include: 1. a residential structure be elevated. 2. a non-residential structure be elevated or floodproofed. • Conservation Easements Conservation easements may be used to protect environmentally significant portions of parcels from development. They do not restrict all use of the land. Rather, they direct development to areas of land not environmentally significant. • Transfer of Development Rights In return for keeping floodplain areas in open space, a community may agree to allow a developer to increase densities on another parcel that is not at risk. This allows a developer to recoup losses from non-use of a floodplain site with gains from development of a non-floodplain site. • Purchase of Easement / Development Rights Compensating an owner for partial rights, such as easement or development rights, can prevent a property from being developed contrary to a community’s plan to maintain open space. This may apply to undeveloped land generally or to farmland in particular. • Stormwater Management Ordinances or Amendments Stormwater ordinances may regulate development in upland areas in order to reduce stormwater run-off. Examples of erosion control techniques that may be employed within a watershed include proper bank stabilization with sloping or grading techniques, planting vegetation on slopes, terracing hillsides, or installing riprap boulders or geotextile fabric. City of Cushing 177 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan • Multi-Jurisdiction Cooperation Within Watershed Forming a regional watershed council helps bring together resources for comprehensive analysis, planning, decisionmaking, and cooperation. • Comprehensive Watershed Tax A tax can be used as a mitigation action in several ways: 1. tax funds may be used to finance maintenance of drainage systems or to construct reservoirs. 2. tax assessments may discourage builders from constructing in a given area. 3. taxes may be used to support a regulatory system. • Post-Disaster Recovery Ordinance A post-disaster recovery ordinance regulates repair activity, generally depending on property location. It prepares a community to respond to a disaster event in an orderly fashion by requiring citizens to: 1. obtain permits for repairs. 2. refrain from making repairs. 3. make repairs using standard methods. 4.3.2 Zoning Cushing’s zoning ordinances regulate development by dividing the community into zones or districts and setting development criteria for each zone or district. Zoning ordinances are considered the primary tool to implement a comprehensive plan’s guidelines for how land should be developed. 4.3.3 Open Space Preservation Keeping the floodplain open and free from development is the best approach to preventing flood damage. Preserving open space is beneficial to the public in several ways. Preserving floodplains, wetlands, and natural water storage areas maintains the existing stormwater storage capacities of an area. These sites can also serve as recreational areas, greenway corridors and provide habitat for local flora and fauna. In addition to being preserved in its natural landscape, open space may also be maintained as a park, golf course, or in agricultural use. 4.3.4 Building Codes Hazard protection standards for all new and improved or repaired buildings can be incorporated into the local building code. These standards should include criteria to ensure that the foundation will withstand flood forces and that all portions of the building subject to damage are above, or otherwise protected from, flooding. Building codes are also a prime mitigation measure for other natural hazards, especially earthquakes, tornadoes, windstorms and heat and cold. When properly designed and constructed according to code, the average building can withstand the impacts of most of these forces. The code could include provisions such as: City of Cushing 178 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan • • • • Requiring sprinkler systems for fire protection in larger or public buildings, Regulating overhanging masonry elements that can fall during an earthquake, Ensuring that foundations are strong enough for earth movement and that all structural elements are properly connected to the foundation, and Making sure roofing systems will handle high winds and expected snow loads. The City of Cushing has adopted building codes that include the 2002 edition of the National Electric Code (NEC), the 2003 ICC Building, Plumbing, Mechanical, Fire, Residential and Fuel Gas Codes; the NFPA Life Safety Code; and the International Property Maintenance Code. 4.3.5 Floodplain Development Regulations Most communities with a flood problem participate in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). The NFIP sets minimum requirements for subdivision regulations and building codes. These are usually spelled out in a separate ordinance. Experience showed that the National Flood Insurance Program's minimum standard is insufficient for developing urban communities. Regulations in growing cities should exceed the NFIP’s minimum national standards in several significant ways. The Community Rating System (CRS) is a companion program to the NFIP. It rewards a community for taking actions over and above minimum NFIP requirements with the goal of further reducing flood damages in the community. The more actions a community takes, the lower the premiums for flood insurance within that community. City of Cushing 179 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Minimum National Flood Insurance Program Regulatory Requirements The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) is administered by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). As a condition of making flood insurance available for their residents, communities that participate in the NFIP agree to regulate new construction in the area subject to inundation by the 100-year (base) flood. There are four major floodplain regulatory requirements. Additional floodplain regulatory requirements may be set by state and local law. 1. All development in the 100-year floodplain must have a permit from the community. The NFIP regulations define “development” as any manmade change to improved or unimproved real estate, including but not limited to buildings or other structures, mining, dredging, filling, grading, paving, excavation or drilling operations or storage of equipment or materials. 2. Development should not be allowed in the floodway. The NFIP regulations define the floodway as the channel of a river or other watercourse and the adjacent land areas that must be reserved in order to discharge the base flood without cumulatively increasing the water surface elevation more than one foot. The floodway is usually the most hazardous area of a riverine floodplain and the most sensitive to development. At a minimum, no development in the floodway may cause an obstruction to flood flows. Generally an engineering study must be performed to determine whether an obstruction will be created. 3. New buildings may be built in the floodplain, but they must be protected from damage by the base flood. In riverine floodplains, the lowest floor of residential buildings must be elevated to or above the base flood elevation (BFE). Nonresidential buildings must be either elevated or floodproofed. 4. Under the NFIP, a “substantially improved” building is treated as a new building. The NFIP regulations define “substantial improvement” as any reconstruction, rehabilitation, addition, or other improvement of a structure, the cost of which equals or exceeds 50 percent of the market value of the structure before the start of construction of the improvement. This requirement also applies to buildings that are substantially damaged. Communities are encouraged to adopt local ordinances that are more comprehensive or provide more protection than the state or Federal criteria. This is especially important in areas with older Flood Insurance Rate Maps that may not reflect the current hazard. Such ordinances could include prohibiting certain types of highly damage-prone uses from the floodway or requiring that structures be elevated 1 or more feet above the BFE. The NFIP’s Community Rating System provides insurance premium credits to recognize the additional flood protection benefit of higher regulatory standards. Subdivision regulations govern how land will be subdivided into individual lots, and set the construction and location standards for the infrastructure the developer builds to serve those lots, including roads, sidewalks, utility lines, storm sewers, and drainageways. They provide an additional vehicle for floodplain development rules. For example, some communities require that every subdivision in a floodplain provide a building site above the flood level for every lot and/or require streets to be at or no more than one foot below the base flood elevation. City of Cushing 180 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Floodplains are only part of flood-management considerations. Water gathers and drains throughout entire watersheds, from uplands to lowlands. Each watershed is an interactive element of the whole. A change at one place can cause changes elsewhere, whether planned or inadvertent. Cushing’s current Master Drainage Planning program considers the entire watershed in its hydrologic and hydraulic analysis, mapping, and regulation. 4.3.6 Stormwater Management Development outside a floodplain can contribute significantly to flooding problems. Runoff is increased when natural ground cover is replaced by urban development. To prevent stormwater from flooding roads and buildings, developers construct storm sewers and improve ditches to carry the water away more efficiently. As watersheds develop, runoff usually becomes deeper and faster and floods become more frequent. Water that once lingered in hollows, meandered around oxbows, and soaked into the ground now speeds downhill, shoots through pipes, and sheets off rooftops and paving. Insurance purposes require that NFIP floodplain maps must be based on existing watershed development, but unless plans and regulations are based on future watershed urbanization, development permitted today may flood tomorrow as uphill urbanization increases runoff. This combination of increased runoff and more efficient stormwater channels leads to increases in downstream storm peaks and changes in the timing when storm peaks move downstream. Unconstrained watershed development often will overload a community's drainage system and aggravate downstream flooding. In addition to detention facilities, stormwater management plans can include restoring some channelized streams with meanders and native vegetation to slow runoff and prevent flash flooding A second problem with stormwater is its impact on water quality. Runoff from developed areas picks up pollutants on the ground, such as road oil and lawn chemicals, and carries them to the receiving streams. Cushing enforces the NFIP minimum regulations and maps, in order to maintain eligibility for federal flood insurance. Retention / Detention Some communities with stormwater management regulations require developers to build retention or detention basins to minimize the increases in the runoff rate caused by City of Cushing 181 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan impervious surfaces and new drainage systems. Generally, each development must not let stormwater leave at a higher rate than under pre-development conditions. The Community Rating System (CRS) uses three factors to measure the impact of stormwater management regulations on downstream flooding: 1. What developments have to account for their runoff? If only larger subdivisions have to detain the increased runoff, the cumulative effect of many small projects can still produce greater flows to downstream properties. 2. How much water is managed? Historically, local stormwater management programs address smaller storms, such as the 2- or 10-year storms. The CRS reflects the growing realization nationally that the runoff from larger storms must be managed. It provides full credit only for programs that address all storms up to the 100-year storm. 3. Who is responsible to ensure that the facility works over time? Roads and sewers are located on dedicated public rights-of-way and the community assumes the job of maintaining them in the future. Stormwater management detention basins have traditionally stayed on private property and Stormwater Detention Ponds manage the increased runoff from new developments, temporarily store flood waters, and can be maintenance has been used for community parks, recreation, and open-space left up to the owner. Often homeowners associations do not know how and do not have the capability to properly maintain these facilities. Half the CRS credit is based on whether the community assumes responsibility to ensure that the facilities are maintained. Watershed Approaches The standard regulatory approach of requiring each development to manage stormwater to the same criteria has several shortcomings: 1. It does not account for differences in stream and watershed conditions (although the standards can be revised to reflect findings from watershed studies). 2. Municipalities within the same watershed may require different levels of control of stormwater. City of Cushing 182 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan 3. There is no review of the downstream impacts from runoff or any determination of whether the usual standards compound existing flooding problems. 4. It results in many small basins on private property that may or may not be properly maintained. The way to correct these deficiencies is to conduct a master study of the watershed to determine the appropriate standards for different areas and, sometimes, to identify where a larger central basin would be more effective and efficient than many smaller ones. The CRS provides up to double the stormwater management regulations credit if communities adopt such master plans. 4.3.7 Critical Facility Protection Critical facilities require a higher level of protection because they are vital public facilities, reduce pollution of floodwaters by hazardous materials, and ensure that the facilities will be operable during emergencies. The City of Cushing is in the process of providing Security and Surveillance equipment for Police and Fire Stations, to protect equipment and vehicles used in case of an emergency. The Community Rating System (CRS) provides credit for regulations protecting critical facilities from the 500-year flood. Critical facilities should be constructed on properly compacted fill and have the lowest floor (including basement) elevated at least one foot above the elevation of the 500-year flood. A critical facility should have at least one access road connected to land outside the 500-year floodplain capable of supporting a 4,000 pound vehicle. The top of the road must be no lower than six inches (6”) below the elevation of the 500-year flood. 4.3.8 Water Conservation 97% of the earth's water is in the oceans and 2% is trapped in icecaps and glaciers. Only about 1% of the earth's water is available for human consumption. The water supply is taxed to supply all the competing interests: residential - including drinking and sanitation, manufacturing, environmental, agricultural, and recreational. Conserving water conserves energy - gas, electric or both, reduces monthly water and sewer bills and postpones the construction of or eliminates the need to build expensive capital projects such as wastewater or water treatment plants that will need future maintenance. Plumbing codes implemented in Phoenix Arizona in 1990 required low-flow faucets, showerheads, and toilets. Since then water consumption per capita has decreased 27 percent. Other cities, such as Wilsonville, Oregon, have implemented an inverted block water rate structure charging customers higher rates as water consumption increases. Public education can have the most significant impact. Household water conservation tips include: • • City of Cushing Updating plumbing fixtures with low-flow devices. Keeping a pitcher of water in the refrigerator instead of running the tap. 183 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan • • • • • Watering the yard and gardens in the morning or evening when temperatures are cooler to minimize evaporation. Collecting water used for rinsing and reuse it to water plants. Turning off the water while brushing teeth and shaving. Landscaping with drought-resistant, low water use plants. Using a hose nozzle and turn off the water while washing cars. 4.3.9 Power Outages from Winter Storms Power outages from winter storms can lead to an abundance of problems. Homeowners without power will resort to candles or open flames for heat and light. Generators are noisy, produce potentially deadly exhaust and can cause power spikes damaging equipment. Kerosene heaters burn oxygen and increase the potential of asphyxiation and production of carbon monoxide. With fuel burning equipment there is a constant danger of fire or explosion, burns and breathing poisonous exhaust. In addition, the inability to heat a home increases the risk of pipes freezing. Power lines can be protected and power outages prevented by: • • • • Replacing existing power lines with heavier T-2 line, shorter spans, and heavier poles and crossbars. It is estimated this will increase the overall strength of power distribution lines by 66%. Burying utility lines. This removes the risk of power outages due to ice accumulation or tree limbs bringing down power lines. Pruning trees away from power lines and enforcing policies regarding tree limb clearances. Designed-failure allowing for lines to fall or fail in small sections rather than as a complete system. describes a success story on winter storm power outage mitigation. When power outages occur the first imperative in emergency power planning is to equip essential facilities with permanent backup power, and to make sure existing backup sources are properly sized and maintained. Essential post-disaster services include: • • • • • • • • City of Cushing Medical care Drinking water supply Police and fire protection Refrigeration Communications Pollution control (especially wastewater treatment) Transportation (especially airports and seaports) Weather forecasting 184 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan • • Temporary relief shelter Emergency response command and control Backup systems should be sized to meet the requirements of a facility's necessary public services. Some facilities, such as wastewater treatment plants and hospitals, are so important that backup systems should be sized to carry full loads. All backup power systems should be covered by a complete and consistent planned maintenance program that includes regular inspection and operational testing. describes options for alternate power sources. 4.3.10 IBHS Fortified Home Program What is a Fortified Home? The Fortified…for Safer Living home program gives builders and homeowners a set of criteria for upgrades that help reduce the risk of damage from natural disasters. The program raises a homes’ overall safety above building code minimum requirements. Once completed a home is inspected and certified as a “Fortified…for Safer Living” home. The combination of materials and techniques produces residences equipped to better resist hurricanes, tornadoes, fire and floods. The fortified home construction method produces homes that are comfortable while being resistant to natural disasters. The following are features of a “Fortified…for Safer Living” home: • • • • • • • City of Cushing The home and critical utilities are elevated, by reinforced continuous piles, a minimum of two feet above ground-level walls, stairs and Base Flood Elevation (BFE). The home is connected from the peak of the roof to the foot of the reinforced piles to form a continuous load path capable of withstanding 130 mph winds. Windows, doors and other openings are properly flashed and protected to withstand the impact of windborne debris without penetration of wind and water. The roof truss system has a 110 mph wind rated covering, a secondary moisture barrier, twice the required underlayment, thicker plywood deck sheathing and a stronger holding nail and nailing pattern. Other features include non-combustible roof materials, reinforced entry garage doors and landscaping techniques reducing wildfire and flooding vulnerability. A certified inspector verifies all required Fortified home products and materials are installed correctly in accordance with manufacturer’s specifications for “Fortified…for Safer Living” program specifications. The home and property are also verified to be a low risk hazard for exposure to wildfire. 185 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan For more information about what a fortified home is see Economics of a Fortified Home Cost (new home) Depending on the quality of the material the buyer chooses the cost to add fortified features could be as low as five percent of the total cost of a new home. See the following table, from the Institute of Business and Home Safety (IBHS) website at, for a typical upgrade. As-built base home price: $151,500 (including lot and options, before "Fortified" upgrade). Standard Home "Fortified" Home Incremental Cost to "Fortify" windows and doors 5,450* $15,500** ($7,700) $10,050 ($2,250) garage doors roof decking sealing roof joints $650 $650 $0 $1,250 $1,750 $650 $600 $1,100 $650 roof covering $2,350 $3,350 $1,000 concrete/steel down pours $0 $500 $500 fortified inspection costs $0 $1,000 $1,000 Total increment cost: Percentage of base cost: $14,900 ($7,100) 9.8% (4.7%)*** * Based on selection of PGT® window & door products. ** Fortified with PGT® WinGuard™ impact-resistant windows & doors. *** Cost of panel shutters instead of impact-resistant windows. Cost (existing home) Many of the fortification techniques used to build new homes are too expensive as retrofits. Fortifying is much more expensive when a home is already built. However, there are creative ways to reduce costs and still fortify an existing home. Improving roof decking on an existing structure would cost about $5,000. For $50 a certain type of glue gun available in most hardware stores can retrofit a roof as effectively as if a new roof had been put on with wood screws. Savings In Florida, a fortified home can save homeowners over 20% in insurance premiums. A standard brick, stone, or masonry house in a coastal area, with a deductible of $500 and a 2% hurricane deductible, would generate an annual premium of $2,240. In contrast, the same home with the additional fortified construction features would pay an annual premium of $1,746, a savings of $504, or 22.5%. Also, underwriting guidelines may be relaxed for fortified homes. Insurers may make exceptions for fortified homes in areas where they wouldn’t normally write policies. City of Cushing 186 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Lower deductibles may be available. In Florida, policies covering wind damage typically have a deductible of 2% of the covered amount. On a $150,000 home the deductible would be $3,000. Fortified homeowners may be eligible for a flat deductible of $500. As for intangible savings, personal photographs, important family documents and computer data are just a few of the items a fortified home may protect. Additionally there is the inconvenience and cost of other living arrangements while a home is being rebuilt. For more information about one insurer’s guidelines on insuring fortified homes see 4.3.11 Extreme Heat Protection Elderly, children, low-income individuals and people with compromised immune systems are more vulnerable to health risks due to intense climate changes, especially extreme heat. Aging is often accompanied by chronic illnesses that may increase susceptibility to extreme environmental conditions. Poverty among elderly increases the risk. Children are vulnerable due to their size, behavior and fact that they are growing and developing. Children living in poverty or without access to proper medical care are especially vulnerable. Low-income individuals are less likely to be able to afford air-conditioning and have less access to health care. Cancer, AIDS and diabetes compromise individual’s immune systems. Afflicted individuals are more susceptible to physical stresses such as those during extreme heat. Steps to protect individuals from the heat include: • • • • • • • City of Cushing Install window air-conditioners snugly and insulate spaces for a tighter fit. Hang shades, draperies, awnings or louvers on windows receiving morning or afternoon sun. Awnings or louvers can reduce heat entering the house by as much as 80%. Stay indoors as much as possible. If air conditioning is not available stay on the lowest floor out of the sunshine. Drink plenty of water and limit alcoholic beverages. Dress in light-colored, loose fitting clothes that cover as much skin as possible. Take a cool bath. Slow down. 187 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Suggestions for a community heat emergency intervention plan include: • The public must have access to the steps to take to lessen the likelihood of heat problems, such as staying in air-conditioning, if possible, and drinking plenty of fluids. • “Buddy systems” can be established where an individual is assigned to check on people at risk. The “buddy” should be trained to deal with heat related emergencies. • Utility companies should not be allowed to terminate service during a heat emergency, even if individuals have not paid their bill. For more information on extreme heat, mitigation and protection from the heat see The City of Cushing has developed a Heat Emergency Action Plan for the community, based on the preceding suggestions. 4.3.12 Smoke Detectors Smoke detectors save lives. Approximately two-thirds of fatal fires occur in the 10% of homes not protected with smoke detectors. You are twice as likely to die in a fire if you do not have a properly operating smoke detector. There are two basic types of smoke detectors - photoelectric and ionization. Photoelectric smoke alarms generally are more effective at detecting slow-smoldering fires, fires that might smolder for hours before bursting into flames. Ionization smoke alarms are more effective at detecting fast-flaming fires, fires that consume materials rapidly and spread quickly. Test smoke detectors every month, change the batteries twice per year, clean detectors at least once per year and replace smoke detectors every 10 years. For more facts about smoke detectors see 4.3.13 Proper Storage and Disposal of Hazardous Materials Household chemicals and motor oil dumped down drains or directly onto the ground can work their way into the waterways and ground waters. Oil from a single oil change can ruin one million gallons of fresh water. Used crankcase oil has been reported to account for more than 40% of the oil pollution in waterways. Most public and private vehicle maintenance facilities have well-developed systems to store their waste oil for recycling. However, "do-it-yourselfers" account for a large percentage of the oil changes in any community. Therefore, it is important for community recycling and solid waste management programs to include a system for waste oil collection and provide ways to collect and dispose of household chemicals. Many counties and communities offer household pollutant collection events. Among the pollutants collected are oil-based paints, paint thinners, pesticides, fertilizers, cleansers, City of Cushing 188 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan acids, ammunition, batteries, motor oil, and antifreeze. Residents are not charged for items collected. Events are typically funded by participating communities. Containers of hazardous materials should not be located in a flood hazard area. If such a location is necessary hazardous material containers need to be anchored. Contents can contaminate water and multiply the damaging effects of flooding by causing fires or explosions, or by otherwise making structures unusable. Buoyant materials should be anchored. If they float downstream they may cause additional damage to buildings or bridges or may plug a stream resulting in higher flood heights. The link provides a list of hazardous waste recycling centers and used oil collection facilities based on zip code. The City of Cushing encourages companies to require hazardous material transportation security plans. 4.3.14 Hurricane Clips A home’s roof system is its most vulnerable and expensive component. Hurricane clips and straps are metal connectors designed to hold a roof to its walls in high winds. They make a home’s roofto-wall connection five-to-15 times stronger than traditional construction and can prevent damage in winds at least 75 mph. In many coastal communities, hurricane clips are enforced as a code restriction for new homes. Although designed to protect roofs during the extended and violent winds of hurricanes, these clips have proven effective in preventing roof removal in tornado events. For more information on hurricane clips and straps and protecting your roof go to The City of Cushing has adopted ordinances requiring Hurricane Clips be installed on all new Residential Construction. 4.3.15 Mobile Home Tie-Downs Tie-downs are devices that anchor or otherwise secure a mobile home to the ground in order to protect the mobile home and its surroundings from damage caused by wind and/or other natural forces. All tie-downs must comply with the specifications of the home manufacturer or, in the absence of such specifications, with standards set by the City Building Inspector. Anchors are available for different types of soil conditions, including concrete slab. Auger anchors have been designed for both hard soil and soft soil. Rock anchors or drive anchors allow attachment to a rock or City of Cushing 189 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan coral base. This type of anchor is also pinned to the ground with crossing steel stakes. 4.3.16 Lightning Warning Systems Strike Location and Identification Systems sense the electromagnetic pulse or the electrostatic pulse that accompanies a lightning discharge. Sensors and processing equipment work from those pulses or transients. These systems are most useful for tracking storms, locating a lightning strike and producing density plots of lightning activity by geographical area. They do not provide early warning of an impending storm. Pre-storm Warning Systems sense the conditions that precede a storm. All severe storms create a related electrostatic field. This field provides a reliable storm signature that is peculiar to severe storms and can be related to the severity of the storm. That signature is present prior to lightning activity and provides a measurable parameter for pre-storm warning. Lightning The electrostatic field strength is directly related to the state of the prediction sensor storm and/or its proximity to the site. Therefore, an increase in the electrostatic field is an indicator of a storm moving into or building up over the area. The warning time is determined by the rate of buildup or the rate of movement of the storm. 4.3.17 Conclusions 1. Planning and zoning help Cushing develop the community proactively so that the resulting infrastructure is laid out in a coherent and safe manner. 2. Building codes for foundations, sprinkler systems, masonry, and structural elements such as roofs are prime mitigation measures for occurrences of floods, tornadoes, high winds, extreme heat and cold, and earthquakes. 3. Cushing participates in the NFIP and uses subdivision regulations to control the direction of floodplain development. 4. Deficiencies in stormwater management can be corrected by conducting a master study of watersheds to determine appropriate standards for different areas. 4.3.18 Recommendations Refer to “Chapter 5: Action Plan,” Table 5–1, for a complete listing of all recommended mitigation measures by hazard and priority. City of Cushing 190 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan 4.4 Structural Projects Structural projects are usually designed by engineers or architects, constructed by the public sector, and maintained and managed by governmental entities. Structural projects traditionally include stormwater detention reservoirs, levees and floodwalls, channel modifications, drainage and storm sewer improvements, and community tornado saferooms. 4.4.1 Reservoirs and Detention Reservoirs control flooding by holding high flows behind dams or in storage basins. After a flood peaks, water is released or pumped out slowly at a rate that the river can accommodate downstream. The lake created may provide recreational benefits or water supply (which could help mitigate a drought). Reservoirs are suitable for protecting existing development downstream from the project site. Unlike levees and channel modifications, they do not have to be built close to or disrupt the area to be protected. Reservoirs are most efficient in deeper valleys where there is more room to store water, or on smaller rivers where there is less water to store. Building a reservoir in flat areas and on large rivers may not be cost-effective, because large areas of land have to be purchased. Reservoirs provide storage of rainwater without the hazards of maintaining a dam In urban areas, some reservoirs are simply manmade holes dug to store floodwaters. When built in the ground, there is no dam for these retention and detention basins and no dam failure hazard. Wet or dry basins can also serve multiple uses by doubling as parks or other open space uses. 4.4.2 Safe Rooms Safe rooms are specially constructed shelters intended to protect occupants from tornados and high winds. Constructed of concrete and steel, properly built safe rooms can provide protection against wind speeds of 250mph and airborne debris traveling as fast as 100mph. A safe room can be incorporated into the construction of a new home, or can be retrofitted above or below ground into an existing home. The cost of constructing a safe room is between $2500 and $6000, depending on the room size, location and type of foundation on which the home is built. Safe rooms can function year-round as a usable area, such as a bathroom, closet or utility room. City of Cushing 191 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan The State of Oklahoma, FEMA and communities may offer reimbursement grants for construction of certain categories of Safe Rooms through the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMPG). Find out more about the program at FEMA 320, Taking Shelter From the Storm: Building a Safe Room Inside Your Home has specific designs for tornado and hurricane safe rooms. To obtain a copy of FEMA 320 refer to Dr. Ernst Kiesling, Civil Engineering Professor at Texas Tech University inspects a safe room in the after math of the May 8, 2003 tornadoes in Moore, Oklahoma. 4.4.3 School Safe Rooms In the past, a school’s interior areas, especially hallways, have been designated as the best place to seek refuge from violent storms. However, in 1999 the hallways of two schools in Sedgwick County, Kansas received significant damage which could have resulted in student casualties had school been in session. FEMA 361 publication, Design and Construction Guidance for Community Shelters, provides guidelines for constructing school safe rooms. A community shelter strong enough to survive a violent storm can also be used as a cafeteria, gymnasium or other common area. Schools, administration buildings and institutions of higher learning are required to have written plans and procedures in place for protecting students, faculty, administrators and visitors from natural and man-made disasters and emergencies. The requirement, directed by Oklahoma House Bill HB1512, was enacted May 29, 2003. For more information about Sedgwick County’s new school safe rooms go to To receive a copy of FEMA 361 see For more information on HB1512, see 4.4.4 Levees and Floodwalls Probably the best-known flood control measure is a barrier of earth (levee) or concrete (floodwall) erected between the watercourse and the property to be protected. Levees and floodwalls confine water to the stream channel by raising its banks. They must be well designed to account for large floods, underground seepage, pumping of internal drainage, and erosion and scour. City of Cushing 192 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Failure to maintain levees can lead to significant loss of life and property if they are stressed and broken or breached during a flood event. An inspection, maintenance and enforcement program helps ensure structural integrity. Levees placed along the river or stream edge degrade the aquatic habitat and water quality of the stream. They also are more likely to push floodwater onto other properties upstream or downstream. To reduce environmental impacts and provide multiple use benefits, a setback levee (set back from the floodway) is the best project design. The area inside a setback levee can provide open space for recreational purposes and provide access sites to the river or stream. 4.4.5 Channel Improvements By improving channel conveyance, more water is carried away at a faster rate. Improvements generally include making a channel wider, deeper, smoother or straighter. Some smaller channels in urban areas have been lined with concrete or put in underground pipes. 4.4.6 Crossings and Roadways In some cases buildings may be elevated above floodwaters, but access to the building is lost when floodwaters overtop local roadways, driveways, and culverts or ditches. Depending on the recurrence interval between floods, the availability of alternative access, and the level of need for access, it may be economically justifiable to elevate some roadways and improve crossing points. For example, if there is sufficient downstream channel capacity, a small Culverts like this one can constrict flow and cause backwater flooding culvert that constricts flows and causes localized backwater flooding may be replaced with a larger culvert to eliminate flooding at the waterway crossing point. The potential for worsening adjacent or downstream flooding needs to be considered before implementing any crossing or roadway drainage improvements. 4.4.7 Drainage and Storm Sewer Improvements Man-made ditches and storm sewers help drain areas where the surface drainage system is inadequate, or where underground drainageways may be safer or more practical. Storm sewer improvements include installing new sewers, enlarging small pipes, and preventing back flows. Particularly appropriate for depressions and low spots that will not drain naturally, drainage and storm sewer improvements usually are designed to carry the runoff from smaller, more frequent storms. City of Cushing 193 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Because drainage ditches and storm sewers convey water faster to other locations, improvements are only recommended for small local problems where the receiving stream or river has sufficient capacity to handle the additional volume and flow of water. To reduce the cumulative downstream flood impacts of numerous small drainage projects, additional detention or run-off reduction practices should be provided in conjunction with the drainage system improvements. 4.4.8 Drainage System Maintenance The drainage system may include detention ponds, stream channels, swales, ditches and culverts. Drainage system maintenance is an ongoing program to clean out blockages caused by an accumulation of sediment or overgrowth of weedy, non-native vegetation or debris, and remediation of stream bank erosion sites. “Debris” refers to a wide range of blockage materials that may include tree limbs and branches that accumulate naturally, or large items of trash or lawn waste accidentally or intentionally dumped into channels, drainage swales or detention basins. Maintenance of detention ponds may also require revegetation or repairs of the restrictor pipe, berm or overflow structure. Maintenance activities normally do not alter the shape of the channel or pond, but they do affect how well the drainage system can do its job. Sometimes it is a very fine line that separates debris that should be removed from natural material that helps form habitat. Drainageways are inspected regularly for blockage from debris 4.4.9 Conclusions 1. Reservoirs can hold high flows of water that can later be released slowly or retained for recreational purposes or drought mitigation. 2. Levees and floodwalls are not as effective overall because of possible underground seepage, erosion, degradation of aquatic habitat and water quality, and ineffectiveness in large floods. 3. Channel improvements allow more water to be carried away faster. 4. The effectiveness of elevating buildings depends on the availability of alternative access when flooding occurs. 5. Crossing and roadway drainage improvements must take into account additional detention or run-off reduction. 6. Drainage and storm sewer improvements carry runoff from smaller, more frequent storms. City of Cushing 194 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan 7. Drainage system maintenance is an ongoing project of removing debris that decreases the effectiveness of detention ponds, channels, ditches, and culverts. 4.4.10 Recommendations Refer to “Chapter 5: Action Plan,” Table 5–1, for a complete listing of all recommended mitigation measures by hazard and priority. City of Cushing 195 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan 4.5 Property Protection Property protection measures are used to modify buildings or property subject to damage from various hazardous events. The property owner normally implements property protection measures. However, in many cases technical and financial assistance can be provided by a governmental agency. Property protection measures typically include acquisition and relocation, flood-proofing, building elevation, barriers, retrofitting, safe rooms, hail resistant roofing, insurance, and the like. 4.5.1 Acquisition and Relocation Moving out of harm’s way is the surest and safest way to protect a building from damage. Acquiring buildings and removing them is also a way to convert a problem area into a community asset and obtain environmental benefits. The major difference between the two approaches is that acquisition is undertaken by a government agency, so the cost is not borne by the property owner, and the land is converted to public use, such as a park. Relocation can be either government or owner-financed. Moving a home out of the floodplain is sometimes the only way to protect it from flooding While almost any building can be moved, the cost goes up for heavier structures, such as those with exterior brick and stone walls, and large or irregularly shaped buildings. However, experienced building movers know how to handle any job. Cost An acquisition budget should be based on the median price of similar properties in the community, plus $10,000 to $20,000 for appraisals, abstracts, title opinions, relocation benefits, and demolition. Costs may be lower after a flood or other disaster. For example, the community may have to pay only the difference between the full price of a property and the amount of the flood insurance claim received by the owner. One problem that sometimes results from an acquisition project is a “checkerboard” pattern in which nonadjacent properties are acquired. This can occur when some owners, especially those who have and prefer a waterfront location, prove reluctant to leave. Creating such an acquisition pattern in a community simply adds to the maintenance costs that taxpayers must support. Relocation can be expensive, with costs ranging from $30,000 for a small wood frame building to over $60,000 for masonry and slab on grade buildings. Two story houses are more expensive to move because of the need to relocate wires and avoid overpasses. Additional costs may be necessary for acquiring a new lot on which to place the relocated City of Cushing 196 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan building and for restoring the old site. Larger buildings may have to be cut and the parts moved separately. Because of all these complications, there are cases where acquisition is less expensive than relocation. Where Appropriate Acquisition and relocation are appropriate in areas subject to: • • • • • • Flash flooding Deep waters Dam break flooding Landslides Potential hazardous materials spills Other high hazard that affects a specific area Acquisition and relocation are not appropriate for hazards like tornadoes or winter storms because there are no areas safe from the hazard. Relocation is also preferred for large lots that include buildable areas outside the hazardous area or where the owner has a new lot in a safer area. Acquisition (followed by demolition) is preferred over relocation for buildings that are difficult to move, such as larger, slab foundation, or masonry structures, and for dilapidated structures that are not worth protecting. 4.5.2 Building Elevation Raising a building above the flood level is the best on-site property protection method for flooding. Water flows under the building, causing little or no damage to the structure or its contents. Alternatives are to elevate on continuous foundation walls (creating an enclosed space below the building) or elevation on compacted earthen fill. 4.5.3 Barriers Barriers keep surface waters from reaching a building. A barrier can be built of dirt or soil (“berm”) or concrete or steel (“floodwall”). In cases of shallow flooding, regrading a yard can provide the same protection as a separate barrier. 4.5.4 Retrofitting This term covers a variety of techniques for modifying a building to reduce its susceptibility to damage by one or more hazards. Where Appropriate Some of the more common approaches are: City of Cushing 197 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Floods and dam failures: • • • Dry floodproofing keeps the water out by strengthening walls, sealing openings, or using waterproof compounds or plastic sheeting on walls. Dry floodproofing is not recommended for residential construction. Wet floodproofing, using water resistant paints and elevating anything that could be damaged by a flood, allows for easy cleanup after floodwaters recede. Accessory structures or garages below the residential structure are potential candidates for wet floodproofing. Installing drain plugs, standpipes or backflow valves to stop sewer backup. Tornado: • • • • Constructing an underground shelter or in-building “safe room” Securing roofs, walls and foundations with adequate fasteners or tie downs Strengthening garage doors and other large openings The City of Cushing has installed damageresistant glass replacements for Public Schools. High winds: • • • • Installing storm shutters and storm windows Burying utility lines Using special roofing shingles designed to interlock and resist uplift forces Installing/incorporating backup power supplies Hailstorms: • Installing hail resistant roofing materials FEMA guides are available to help homeowners retrofit their flood-prone properties Lightning: • • • Installing lightning rods and lightning surge interrupters Burying utility lines Installing/incorporating backup power supplies Winter storms: • • • • • City of Cushing Adding insulation Relocating water lines from outside walls to interior spaces Sealing windows Burying utility lines Installing/incorporating backup power supplies 198 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan • The City of Cushing has upgraded its equipment and vehicles for combating ice storm damage/adverse impact to public infrastructure Extreme heat and drought: • • Adding insulation Installing water saver appliances, such as shower heads and toilets Urban and wild fires: • • • • • Replacing wood shingles with fire resistant roofing Adding spark arrestors on chimneys Landscaping to keep bushes and trees away from structures Installing sprinkler systems Installing smoke alarms Earthquake: • • Retrofitting structures to better withstand shaking. Tying down appliances, water heaters, bookcases and fragile furniture so they won’t fall over during a quake. Common Measures From the above lists, it can be seen that certain approaches can help protect from more than one hazard. These include: • • • • • • • City of Cushing Strengthening roofs and walls to protect from wind and earthquake forces. Bolting or tying walls to the foundation to protect from wind and earthquake forces and the effects of buoyancy during a flood. Adding insulation to protect from extreme heat and cold. Anchoring water heaters and tanks to protect from ground shaking and flotation. Burying utility lines to protect from wind, ice and snow. Installing backup power systems for power losses during storms. Installing roofing that is hail resistant and fireproof. 199 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan 4.5.5 Insurance Insurance has the advantage that, as long as the policy is in force, the property is protected and no human intervention is needed for the measure to work. There are three types of insurance coverage: 1. The standard homeowner’s, dwelling, and commercial insurance policies cover against the perils of wildfire and the effects of severe weather, such as frozen water pipes. 2. Many companies sell earthquake insurance as an additional peril rider on homeowner’s policies. Individual policies can be written for large commercial properties. Rates and deductibles vary depending on the potential risk and the nature of the insured properties. 3. Flood insurance is provided under the National Flood Insurance Program. Flood Insurance Although most homeowner’s insurance policies do not cover a property for flood damage, an owner can insure a building for damage by surface flooding through the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). Flood insurance coverage is provided for buildings and their contents damaged by a “general condition of surface flooding” in the area. Building coverage is for the structure. Contents coverage is for the removable items inside an insurable building. A renter can take out a policy with contents coverage, even if there is no structural coverage. Some people have purchased flood insurance because the bank required it when they got a mortgage or home improvement loan. Usually these policies just cover the building’s structure and not the contents. In most cases, a 30-day waiting period follows the purchase of a flood insurance policy before it goes into effect. The objective of this waiting period is to encourage people to keep a policy at all times. People cannot wait for the river to rise before they buy their coverage. NFIP Coordinator Dianna Herrera presenting a class on flood insurance requirements 4.5.6 The City’s Role Property protection measures are usually considered the responsibility of the property owner. However, the City should be involved in all strategies that can reduce losses from natural hazards, especially acquisition. There are various roles the City can play in encouraging and supporting implementation of these measures. City of Cushing 200 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Providing basic information to property owners is the first step in supporting property protection measures. Owners need general information on what can be done. They need to see examples, preferably from nearby. Financial Assistance Communities can help owners by helping to pay for a retrofitting project, just like they pay for flood control projects. Financial assistance can range from full funding of a project to helping residents find money from other programs. Some communities assume responsibility for sewer backups and other flood problems that arose from an inadequate public sewer or drain system. Less expensive community programs include low interest loans, forgivable low interest loans and rebates. A forgivable loan is one that does not need to be repaid if the owner does not sell the house for a specified period, such as five years. These approaches do not fully fund the project but they cost the community treasury less and they increase the owner’s commitment to the flood protection project. Often, small amounts of money act as a catalyst to pique the owner’s interest to get a selfprotection project moving. Several Chicago suburbs have active rebate programs that fund only 20% or 25% of the total cost of a retrofitting project. These programs have helped install hundreds of projects that protect buildings from low flood hazards. Acquisition Agent The City can be a focal point for many acquisition projects. In most cases, when acquisition of a property is feasible, the City is the ultimate owner of the property, but in other cases, the school district or other public agencies can assume ownership and the attendant maintenance responsibilities. Other Incentives Sometimes only a little funding is needed to motivate a property owner to implement a retrofitting project. A flood insurance premium reduction will result if a building is elevated above the flood level. This reduction is not enough to take much of a bite out of the cost of the project, but it reassures the owner that he or she is doing the right thing. Other forms of floodproofing are not reflected in the flood insurance rates for residential properties, but they may help with the Community Rating System, which provides a premium reduction for all policies in the community. Other incentives to consider are programs to help owners calculate the benefits and costs of a project and a “seal of approval” for retrofitted buildings. The latter would be given following an inspection that confirms that the building meets certain standards. There are many other personal but non-economic incentives to protect a property from flood damage, such as peace of mind and increased value at property resale. City of Cushing 201 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan 4.5.7 Lightning Protection Systems The purpose of a lightning protection system is to intercept lightning and safely direct its current to ground. If the system is properly designed, installed and maintained it can provide almost 100% protection to buildings. The system for an ordinary structure includes at least air terminals (lightning rods), down conductors, and ground terminals. These three elements of the system must form a continuous conductive path for lightning current. The City of Cushing has constructed and installed lightning rods for protection of Critical Facilities. National Fire Protection Association document NFPA 780, Standard for the Installation of Lightning Protection Systems describes lightning protection system installation requirements. NFPA 780 is available through PA_780.asp. Additional information on design and construction of lightning protection systems is available on 4.5.8 Surge Protectors The average home has 2,200 or more power surges annually, 60% of which are generated within the home. Most surges are caused by motors starting in air conditioners, garage doors, refrigerators and other major appliances. Electronic appliances can be damaged or destroyed by over-voltage surges or spikes. Whole house surge protectors offer the first line of defense against high-energy, highvoltage surges. These devices thwart the energy of the initial surge and reduce it before it reaches electrical appliances. In many cases this level of protection is enough to protect the home. Surge protection devices connected directly to appliances offer the second line of defense. They are the only defense against surges within the home. The combination of whole house and point-of-use surge protection provides the best possible protection. For more information on whole house and point-of-use surge protectors, refer to 4.5.9 Landscaping for Wildfire Prevention The chance of losing property due to wildfire can be reduced using fire prevention landscaping techniques. The amount of cleared space around a home improves its ability to survive a wildfire. A structure is more likely to survive when grasses, trees and other City of Cushing 202 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan common fuels are removed, reduced or modified to reduce a fire’s intensity and keep it away from the structure. Zone 1: Moist and trim. Turf, perennials, groundcovers and annuals form a greenbelt that is regularly watered and maintained. Shrubs and trees are located at least 10 feet from the house. Zone 2: Low and sparse. Slow growing, droughttolerant shrubs and groundcovers keep fire near ground level. Native vegetation can be retained if it is low growing, does not accumulate dry, flammable material and is irrigated. Zone 3: High and clean. Native trees and shrubs are thinned and dry debris on the ground is removed. Overgrowth is removed and trees are pruned every 3-5 years. Zone 4: Natural area. Native plants are selectively thinned. Highly flammable vegetation is replaced with less fire-prone species. For comprehensive lists of steps to protect your home before, during and after a wildfire refer to or 4.5.10 Conclusions 1. Acquisition and relocation of property is the most effective for property protection in the case of hazards that are expected to occur repeatedly in the same locations. Acquisition followed by demolition is preferable. 2. Other methods of property protection for flooding include raising building elevations and building berms and floodwalls. 3. Building modifications are also appropriate for some hazards. 4. Property insurance has the advantage of protecting the property without human intervention. 5. The City can help in reducing losses from natural hazards by providing financial assistance, having an acquisition program, and other incentives. 4.5.11 Recommendations Refer to “Chapter 5: Action Plan,” Table 5–1, for a complete listing of all recommended mitigation measures by hazard and priority. City of Cushing 203 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan 4.6 Emergency Services Emergency services measures protect people during and after a hazard event. Locally, Cushing Emergency Management (CEM) coordinates these measures. Measures include preparedness, threat recognition, warning, response, critical facilities protection, and post-disaster recovery and mitigation. 4.6.1 Threat Recognition Threat recognition is the key. The first step in responding to a flood, tornado, storm or other natural hazard is being aware that one is coming. Without a proper and timely threat recognition system, adequate warnings cannot be disseminated. Emergency Alert System (EAS) Using digital technology to distribute messages to radio, television and cable systems, the EAS provides state and local officials with the ability to send out emergency information targeted to a specific area. The information can be sent electronically through broadcast stations and cable systems even if those facilities are unattended. Floods A flood threat recognition system provides early warning to emergency managers. A good system will predict the time and height of the flood crest. This can be done by measuring rainfall, soil moisture, and stream flows upstream of the community and calculating the subsequent flood levels. On larger rivers, including the Cimarron, the National Weather Service does the measuring and calculating, which is in the U.S. Department of Commerce’s National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Flood threat predictions are disseminated on the NOAA Weather Wire or NOAA Weather Radio. NOAA Weather Radio is considered by the federal government to be the official source for weather information. Areas subject to flooding should be clearly posted The National Weather Service issues notices to the public, using two levels of notification: Flood watch: conditions are right for flooding Flood warning: a flood has started or is expected to occur City of Cushing 204 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan On smaller rivers, local rainfall and river gauges are needed to establish a flood threat recognition system. The National Weather Service may issue a “flash flood watch.” This means the amount of rain expected will cause ponding and other flooding on small streams and depressions. These events are sometimes so localized and rapid that a “flash flood warning” may not be issued, especially if no gages or other remote threat recognition equipment is available. Meteorological Hazards The National Weather Service is the prime agency for detecting meteorological threats, such as tornadoes, thunderstorms, and winter storms. As with floods, the Federal agency can only look at the large scale, e.g., whether conditions are appropriate for formation of a tornado. For tornadoes and thunderstorms, the county or municipalities can provide more site-specific and timely recognition by sending out spotters to watch the skies when the Weather Service issues a watch or warning. NOAA Weather Radio NOAA Weather Radio (NWR) is a nationwide network of radio stations broadcasting continuous weather information direct from a nearby National Weather Service office. NWR broadcasts National Weather Service warnings, watches, forecasts and other hazard information 24 hours a day. Post-event information is also broadcast for natural hazards (such as tornados and earthquakes) and environmental hazards (such as chemical releases or oil spills). NWR requires a special radio receiver or scanner capable of picking up the signal. NOAA Weather Radio receivers can be purchased at many retail stores that sell electronic merchandise. Typical cost of a residential grade NOAA Weather Radio is between $20 and $200. For more information on NOAA Weather Radios, see 4.6.2 Warning After the threat recognition system tells the CEMA that a flood or other hazard is coming, the next step is to notify the public and staff of other agencies and critical facilities. The earlier and the more specific the warning, the greater the number of people who can implement protection measures. The following are the more common warning media: • • • • • • • • City of Cushing Outdoor warning sirens Sirens on public safety vehicles NOAA Weather Radio Commercial or public radio or TV stations Cable TV emergency news inserts Telephone trees Door-to-door contact Mobile public address systems 205 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Multiple or redundant systems are the most effective, since people do not hear one warning, they may still get the message from another part of the system. Each has advantages and disadvantages. Outdoor warning sirens can reach the most people quickly (except those around loud noise, such as at a factory or during a thunderstorm), but they do not explain what hazard is coming and cannot be sounded unless a timely means of threat recognition exists. Radio and TV provide a lot of information, but people have to know to turn them on. Telephone trees are also fast, but can be expensive and do not work when phones lines are down. Just as important as issuing a warning is telling people what to do. A warning program should have a public information aspect. People need to know the difference between a tornado warning (when they should seek shelter in a basement) and a flood warning (when they should stay out of basements). 4.6.3 Response The protection of life and property is the foremost important task of emergency responders. Concurrent with threat recognition and issuing warnings, a community should respond with actions that can prevent or reduce damage and injuries. Typical actions and responding parties include the following: • • • • • • • • • Activating the emergency operations room (emergency management) Closing streets or bridges (police or public works) Shutting off power to threatened areas (utility company) Holding children at school/releasing children from school (school district) Passing out sand and sandbags (public works) Ordering an evacuation (mayor) Opening evacuation shelters (Red Cross) Monitoring water levels (engineering) Security and other protection measures (police) An emergency action plan ensures that all bases are covered and that the response activities are appropriate for the expected threat. These plans are developed in coordination with the agencies or offices that are given various responsibilities. Emergency response plans should be updated annually to keep contact names and telephone numbers current and to make sure that City of Cushing In the event of an emergency, responders must make an organized effort to minimize the impacts of the incident. 206 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan supplies and equipment that will be needed are still available. They should be critiqued and revised after disasters and exercises to take advantage of the lessons learned and changing conditions. The end result is a coordinated effort implemented by people who have experience working together so that available resources will be used in the most efficient manner. The City of Cushing has funded and is in the ongoing process of teaching community employees the symptoms of common, life-threatening emergencies and how to administer CPR and first aid, and Continue educational programs for City staff to recognize and render assistance for symptoms of life-threatening emergencies. 4.6.4 Critical Facilities Protection “Critical facilities” are previously discussed in Section 2.3.5. Generally, they fall into two categories: • • Buildings or locations vital to the response and recovery effort, such as police and fire stations and telephone exchanges and Buildings or locations that, if damaged, would create secondary disasters, such as hazardous materials facilities and nursing homes. Protecting critical facilities during a disaster is the responsibility of the facility owner or operator. However, if they are not prepared for an emergency, the rest of the community could be impacted. If a critical facility is damaged, workers and resources may be unnecessarily drawn away from other disaster response efforts. If the owner or operator adequately prepares such a facility, it will be better able to support the community's emergency response efforts. Most critical facilities have full-time professional managers or staff who are responsible for the facility during a disaster. These people often have their own emergency response plans. Many facilities would benefit from early disaster warning, disaster response planning, and coordination with community disaster response efforts. The city’s streams, waterways, and detention ponds should be Schools are critical facilities not only because of the continuously monitored special population they accommodate, but because they are often identified as shelter sites for a community. Processes and procedures can be developed to determine mitigation priorities incorporated into capital improvement plans that will ensure these buildings function after an event. City of Cushing 207 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan 4.6.5 Post-Disaster Recovery and Mitigation After a disaster, communities should undertake activities to protect public health and safety, facilitate recovery, and help people and property for the next disaster. Throughout the recovery phase, everyone wants to get “back to normal.” The problem is, “normal” means the way they were before the disaster. Measures needed include the following: Recovery Actions • • • • • • • Patrolling evacuated areas to prevent looting Providing safe drinking water Monitoring for diseases Vaccinating residents for tetanus Clearing streets Cleaning up debris and garbage Regulating reconstruction to ensure that it meets all code requirements, including the NFIP’s substantial damage regulations Mitigation Actions • • • • • Conducting a public information effort to advise residents about mitigation measures they can incorporate into their reconstruction work Evaluating damaged public facilities to identify mitigation measures that can be included during repairs Acquiring substantially or repeatedly damaged properties from willing sellers Planning for long term mitigation activities Applying for post-disaster mitigation funds Requiring permits, conducting inspections, and enforcing the NFIP substantial improvement/substantial damage regulations can be very difficult for local, understaffed overworked offices after a disaster. If these activities are not carried out properly, not only does the municipality miss a tremendous opportunity to redevelop or clear out a hazardous area, it may be violating its obligations under the NFIP. 4.6.6 Debris Management The tornados of May 3, 1999 left an estimated 500,000 cubic yards of debris. Debris in the aftermath of a disaster poses significant health and safety risks. Debris can include fuel containers, chemicals, appliances and explosives. Two key considerations regarding debris management City of Cushing 208 A firefighter searches through the remains of a hotel in Midwest City. Oklahoman Staff Photo by Paul Hellstern Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan are the need for rapid removal and protection of the public health and environment. Before a disaster strikes communities should set up staging area(s) where citizens and cleanup crews can take debris prior to final disposal. Community members can participate in debris control by securing debris, yard items, or stored objects that may otherwise be swept away, damaged, or pose a hazard if floodwaters would pick them up and carry them away. Additionally, a community can pass and enforce an ordinance regulating dumping. For the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality’s Guidelines for Debris Management see document 4.6.7 CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) After a major disaster, local emergency teams quickly become overwhelmed. CERT is designed to have trained groups of citizens in every neighborhood and business ready to assist first responders (police, firefighters and EMSA) during an emergency. Survival equipment and supplies for City emergency response teams have been provided to cover employees and others who use City buildings. Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) training for emergency response teams has been funded by the City of Cushing and is in the process of being implemented. CERT programs train and equip citizens in neighborhoods and businesses enabling them to “self-activate” immediately after a disaster. CERT teams are trained in: • • • • disaster preparedness. light fire and suppression. light search and rescue. basic medical care. FEMA grants have been given to states for funding CERT programs or expanding existing teams. For information about the Oklahoma grant see For more information on the CERT program talk to your local emergency management official or visit 4.6.8 StormReady Communities StormReady, a program started in Oklahoma in 1999, helps arm America's communities with the communication and safety skills needed to save lives and property before and during an event. StormReady communities are better prepared to save lives from the onslaught of severe weather through better planning, education, and awareness. City of Cushing 209 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan StormReady has different guidelines for different sized communities. To be StormReady a community must: • • • • • Establish a 24-hour warning point and emergency operations center. Have more than one way to receive severe weather warnings and forecasts and to alert the public. Create a system that monitors weather conditions locally. Promote the importance of public readiness through community seminars. Develop a formal hazardous weather plan, which includes training severe weather spotters and holding emergency exercises. The economic investment in StormReady will depend on current assets. There is currently no grant funding for becoming StormReady. However, the Insurance Services Organization (ISO) may provide community rating points to StormReady communities. Those points may be applied toward lowering flood insurance rates. For details on how to become StormReady and the requirements based on community size see 4.6.9 Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) An EOP develops a comprehensive (multi-use) emergency management program which seeks to mitigate the effects of a hazard, to prepare for measures to be taken which will preserve life and minimize damage, to respond during emergencies and provide necessary assistance and to establish a recovery system in order to return communities to their normal state of affairs. The plan defines who does what, when, where and how in order to mitigate, prepare for, respond to and recover from the effects of war, natural disasters, technological accidents and other major incidents / hazards. Continuity of Operations (COOP) planning should be addressed in the EOP. COOP ensures the essential functions of an organization, including government, can continue to operate during and after an emergency incident. An incident may prevent access to normally operating systems, such as physical plant, data or communication networks, or transportation. Government, business, other organizations, and families should be encouraged to prepare by regularly backing up computer drives, copying essential files, and storing these items in a separate location. The State and Local Guide (SLG) 101: Guide for All-Hazard Emergency Operations Planning is available from FEMA. The guide provides ideas and advice to state and local emergency managers in their efforts to develop and maintain an EOP. The guide can be ordered directly from FEMA or downloaded from Funding for creating or updating an EOP is available from FEMA. For information on how to obtain funding contact the Oklahoma Office of Homeland Security or go to City of Cushing 210 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan The State of Oklahoma’s Emergency Operations Plan is published on 4.6.10 Incident Command System (ICS) The Incident Command System is the model tool for the command, control and coordination of resources at the scene of an emergency. It is a management tool of procedures for organizing personnel, facilities, equipment and communications. ICS is based upon basic management skills managers and leaders already know: planning, directing, organizing, coordinating, communicating, delegating and evaluating. ICS is not a means to wrestle control or authority away from agencies or departments, a way to subvert the normal chain of command within a department or agency, nor is it always managed by the fire department, too big for small everyday events or restricted to use by government agencies and departments. ICS is an adaptable methodology suitable for emergency management as well as many other categories. If leadership is essential for the success of an event or a response, ICS is the supporting foundation for successfully managing that event. The Incident Command System is built around five major management activities. These activities are: • • • • • Command – sets objects and priorities and has overall responsibility at the incident or event. Operations – conducts tactical operations to carry out the plan and directs resources. Planning – develops the action plan to accomplish objectives and collects and evaluates information. Logistics – provides resources and services to support incident needs. Finance / Administration – monitors costs, provides accounting, reports time and cost analysis. The system can grow or shrink to meet changing needs. This makes it very cost-effective and efficient. The system can be applied to a wide variety of situations such as fires, multi-jurisdiction and multi-agency disasters, hazardous material spills and recovery incidents, pest eradication programs and state or local natural hazards management. For a detailed description of ICS, a diagram of ICS organization, or a checklist of duties for each management activity and links to other resources see 4.6.11 Mutual Aid / Interagency Agreements Local governments should establish mutual aid agreements for utility and communications systems, including 9-1-1. Mutual aid or interagency agreements have value for preventing or responding to other hazard or emergency situations, as fire and police departments often do. City of Cushing 211 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan 4.6.12 9-1-1 and 3-1-1 Some communities have expanded their basic 9-1-1 location identification telephone service to include features such as “enhanced 9-1-1” registering name, address, and a description of the building/site. It has become more common to use a “reverse 9-1-1” system with which a community can send out a mass telephone announcement to every number in the 9-1-1 system. Additionally, non-emergency 3-1-1 service can be used to have people call to get information, such as locations of cooling shelters during a heat wave. 4.6.13 Site Emergency Plans Communities can encourage development and testing of internal emergency plans and procedures, including continuity planning, by businesses and other organizations. Communities should develop and test site emergency plans for schools, factories, office buildings, shopping malls, hospitals, correctional facilities, stadiums, recreation areas, and other similar facilities. 4.6.14 Conclusions 1. Using solid, dependable threat recognition systems is first and foremost in emergency services. 2. Following a threat recognition, multiple or redundant warning systems and instructions for action are most effective in protecting citizens. 3. Good emergency response plans that are updated yearly ensure that well-trained and experienced people can quickly take the appropriate measures to protect citizens and property. 4. To ensure effective emergency response, critical facilities protection must be part of the plan. 5. Post-disaster recovery activities include providing neighborhood security, safe drinking water, appropriate vaccinations, and cleanup and regulated reconstruction. 4.6.15 Recommendations Refer to “Chapter 5: Action Plan,” Table 5–1, for a complete listing of all recommended mitigation measures by hazard and priority. City of Cushing 212 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan 4.7 Natural Resource Protection Natural resource protection activities are generally aimed at preserving and restoring the natural and beneficial uses of natural areas. In doing so, these activities enable the beneficial functions of floodplains and drainageways to be better realized. These natural functions include: • • • • • • • • Storage of floodwaters Absorption of flood energy Reduction of flood scour Infiltration and aquifer/ groundwater recharge Removal/filtration of excess nutrients, pollutants, and sediments from floodwaters Habitat for flora and fauna Recreation and aesthetic opportunities, and Opportunities for off-street hiking and biking trails Wetlands are a valued resource to ecosystems and should be protected. This Section reviews natural resource protection activities that protect natural areas and mitigate damage from other hazards. Integrating these activities into the hazards mitigation program will not only reduce the City’s susceptibility to flood damage, but will also improve the overall environment. 4.7.1 Wetland Protection Wetlands are often found in floodplains and depressional areas of a watershed. Many wetlands receive and store floodwaters, thus slowing and reducing downstream flows. They also serve as a natural filter, which helps to improve water quality, and provide habitat for many species of fish, wildlife, and plants. Wetlands • Store large amounts of floodwaters • Reduce flood velocities and erosion • Filter water, making it cleaner for those downstream • Provide habitat for species that cannot live or breed anywhere else Wetlands are regulated by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. Before a “404” permit is issued, the plans are reviewed by several agencies, including the Corps and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Each of these agencies must sign off on individual permits. There are also nationwide permits that allow small projects that meet certain criteria to proceed without individual permits. City of Cushing 213 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan 4.7.2 Erosion and Sedimentation Control Farmlands and construction sites typically contain large areas of bare exposed soil. Surface water runoff can erode soil from these sites, sending sediment into downstream waterways. Sediment tends to settle where the river slows down and loses power, such as when it enters a lake or a wetland. Sedimentation will gradually fill in channels and lakes, reducing their ability to carry or store floodwaters. When channels are constricted and flooding cannot deposit sediment in the bottomlands, even more is left in the channels. The result is either clogged streams or increased dredging costs. Not only are the drainage channels less able to do their job, but also the sediment in the water reduces light, oxygen, and water quality and often brings chemicals, heavy metals and other pollutants. Sediment has been identified as the nation’s number one nonpoint source pollutant for aquatic life. Construction projects, which can expose large areas to erosion, should be closely monitored. Practices to reduce erosion and sedimentation have two principal components: 1. Minimize erosion with vegetation and 2. Capture sediment before it leaves the site. Slowing surface water runoff on the way to a drainage channel increases infiltration into the soil and reduces the volume of topsoil eroded from the site. Runoff can be slowed down by measures such as terraces, contour strip farming, no-till farm practices, sediment fences, hay or straw bales, constructed wetlands, and impoundments (e.g., sediment basins and farm ponds). Erosion and sedimentation control regulations mandate that these types of practices be incorporated into construction plans. They are usually oriented toward construction sites rather than farms. The most common approach is to require applicants for permits to submit an erosion and sediment control plan for the construction project. This allows the applicant to determine the best practices for the site. Lack of vegetation along drainage channels promotes erosion One tried and true approach is to have the contractor design the detention basins with extra capacity. They are built first, so they detain runoff during construction and act as City of Cushing 214 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan sediment catch basins. The extra capacity collects the sediment that comes with the runoff until the site is planted and erosion is reduced. 4.7.3 River Restoration There is a growing movement that has several names, such as “stream conservation,” “bioengineering” or “riparian corridor restoration.” The objective of these approaches is to return streams, stream banks and adjacent land to a more natural condition, including the natural meanders. Another term is “ecological restoration” which restores native indigenous plants and animals to an area. A key component of these efforts is using appropriate native plantings along the banks that resist erosion. This may involve “retrofitting” the shoreline with willow cuttings, wetland plants, and/or rolls of landscape material covered with a natural fabric that decomposes after the banks are stabilized with plant roots. Studies have shown that after establishing the right vegetation, long-term maintenance costs are lower than if the Retrofitting streambanks with willow cuttings banks were concrete. The Natural and geotextiles can be more cost effective than Resources Conservation Service estimates riprap or concrete-lined floodways. that over a ten-year period, the combined costs of installation and maintenance of a natural landscape may be one-fifth of the cost for conventional landscape maintenance, e.g., mowing turf grass. 4.7.4 Best Management Practices Point source pollutants come from pipes such as the outfall of a municipal wastewater treatment plant. State and federal water quality laws have reduced the pollutants that come from these facilities. Non-point source pollutants come from non-specific locations and are harder to regulate. Examples are lawn fertilizers, pesticides, and other farm chemicals, animal wastes, oils from street surfaces and industrial areas, and sediment from agriculture, construction, mining and forestry. These pollutants are washed off the ground’s surface by stormwater and flushed into receiving storm sewers, ditches and streams. Best management practices (BMPs) are measures that reduce nonpoint source pollutants that enter the waterways. BMPs can be implemented during construction and as part of a project’s design to permanently address nonpoint source pollutants. There are three general categories of BMPs: 1. Avoidance—Setting construction projects back from the stream. City of Cushing 215 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan 2. Reduction—Preventing runoff that conveys sediment and other water-borne pollutants, such as planting proper vegetation and conservation tillage. 3. Cleansing—Stopping pollutants after they are en route to a stream, such as using grass drainageways that filter the water and retention and detention basins that let pollutants settle to the bottom before they are drained. In addition to improving water quality, BMPs can have flood related benefits. By managing runoff, they can attenuate flows and reduce the peaks after a storm. Combining water quality and water quantity measures can result in more efficient multi-purpose stormwater facilities. Because of the need to clean up our rivers and lakes, there are several laws mandating the use of best management practices for new developments and various land uses. The farthest reaching one is the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) requirements. 4.7.5 Dumping Regulations NPDES addresses liquid pollutants. Dumping regulations address solid matter, such as shopping carts, appliances and landscape waste that can be accidentally or intentionally thrown into channels or wetlands. Such materials may not pollute the water, but they can obstruct even low flows and reduce the channels’ and wetlands’ ability to convey or clean stormwater. Many cities have nuisance ordinances that prohibit dumping garbage or other “objectionable waste” on public or private property. Waterway dumping regulations need to also apply to “non-objectionable” materials, such as grass clippings or tree branches which can kill ground cover or cause obstructions in channels. Many people do not realize the consequences of their actions. They may, for example, fill in the ditch in their front yard not realizing that it is needed to drain street runoff. They may not understand how regrading their yard, filling a wetland, or discarding leaves or branches in a watercourse can cause a problem to themselves and others. Therefore, a dumping enforcement program should include public information materials that explain the reasons for the rules as well as the penalties. Regular inspections to catch violations also should be scheduled. Finding dumped materials is easy; locating the source of the refuse is hard. Usually the owner of property adjacent to a stream is responsible for keeping the stream clean. This may not be fair for sites near bridges and other public access points. 4.7.6 Conclusions 1. Wetlands play an important role in the natural course of flood control, preservation of water quality, and wildlife habitation, making a strong case for their protection. 2. Erosion can be reduced by use of vegetation. Sedimentation should be captured before it leaves its original location with oversized detention basins. City of Cushing 216 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan 3. Vegetation used along riverbanks works more effectively in river maintenance than using banks made of concrete. 4. Nonpoint source pollutants are best managed by keeping construction projects away from streams, reducing sediment runoff, and using grass drainageways and detention basins for filtration. 5. Dumping regulations need to be communicated to the public and enforced. 6. The establishment and maintenance of wildlife habitat and natural ecosystems should be an important aspect of any drainage system program the City of Cushing may implement in regards to floodplain management. This can be developed in cooperation with the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation, allowing aquatic plants and wildlife to be established in stormwater detention ponds and floodways. 4.7.7 Recommendations Refer to “Chapter 5: Action Plan,” Table 5–1, for a complete listing of all recommended mitigation measures by hazard and priority. City of Cushing 217 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Chapter 5: Action Plan The City of Cushing has reviewed and analyzed the risk assessment studies for the natural hazards and hazardous material events that may impact the community. The CHMCAC prioritized the mitigation measures identified in Chapter 4, and developed an Action Plan for the highest priority measures. This chapter identifies specific high priority actions to achieve the City’s mitigation goals, the lead agency responsible for implementation of each action item, an anticipated time schedule, estimated cost opinion, and identification of possible funding sources. Floods, Tornadoes, High Winds, Lightning, Hail, Severe Winter Storms, Extreme Heat, Drought, Urban Fires, Wildfires, Earthquakes, Fixed Site Haz Mat Events, Dam Failures, Transportation Events 1. Provide new/retrofit facilities for the 911 Center and the Emergency Operations Center. Lead: Emergency Management, Fire, Police Time Schedule: 2008-2010 Estimated Cost: $5,000,000 Source of Funding: Local/General budget, Payne County, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Work Product/Expected Outcome: Modern, secure Emergency Operation Center and 911 Center capable of operating during disasters or man-made emergencies through improved communications equipment, weather warning systems and multiple site and data redundancy. Tornadoes, High Winds 2. Provide group safe rooms at City Recreation Centers, install safe-rooms in daycare centers, and provide manufactured home parks with community shelters/safe rooms. Lead: Community Development, Fire, & Police Time Schedule: 2007-2010 Estimated Cost: $5,000,000 Source of Funding: Grant Funds as Available/Local Funds City of Cushing 218 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Work Product/Expected Outcome: Construction of safe rooms in vulnerable and critical facilities to protect the vulnerable population of Cushing, namely children and inhabitants of manufactured home parks. Tornadoes, High Winds, Hail 3. Provide damage-resistant glass replacements for City Hall. When replaced, install break resistant glass in government offices, and critical facilities. Lead: City Maintenance Time Schedule: Ongoing Estimated Cost: $75,000 Source of Funding: Local Work Product/Expected Outcome: To remove plate glass windows and replace them with safety glass. All windows currently installed will have a safety film applied to them designed to prevent dangerous glass shards from forming when the plate is broken. In addition, all broken windows will be replaced with new safety glass. Floods, Tornadoes, High Winds, Severe Winter Storms, Extreme Heat, Urban Fires, Wildfires, Earthquakes, Fixed Site Haz Mat Events, Dam Failures, Transportation Events 4. Obtain funding to develop/continue a program to inform the public on proper evacuation plans for government buildings, businesses, offices, and residences. Lead: Fire Chief, Emergency Manager, Police Chief Time Schedule: 2007-2008 Estimated Cost: $2,000 Source of Funding: Local Funds/Grant if available Work Product/Expected Outcome: Updated warning and evacuation plans for buildings at risk by identifying key evacuation routes and educating tenants of those plans. Floods, Tornadoes, High Winds, Lightning, Hail, Severe Winter Storms, Extreme Heat, Urban Fires, Wildfires, Earthquakes, Fixed Site Haz Mat Events, Dam Failures, Transportation Events 5. Install Street Addresses on all buildings and curbs. Lead: Department of Public Works Time Schedule: Ongoing Estimated Cost: $33,800 ($8 x Number of Properties (4,225)) Source of Funding: Local Work Product/Expected Outcome: Ability to identify the address of a structure rapidly to keep response to an emergency call as short as possible and to identify structures affected by a hazard (such as a flood or tornado), which will aid in reducing the loss of lives. City of Cushing 219 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Floods, Tornadoes, High Winds, Lightning, Hail, Severe Winter Storms, Extreme Heat, Drought, Expansive Soils, Urban Fires, Wildfires, Earthquakes, Fixed Site Haz Mat Events, Dam Failures, Transportation Events 6. Develop distribution centers in local libraries and City Hall where information and safety guidance on natural and man made hazards can be provided to citizens Lead: Emergency Management, City of Cushing Time Schedule: Ongoing Estimated Cost: $3,000 Source of Funding: Local, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Oklahoma Department of Emergency Management Work Product/Expected Outcome: A plan for the collection and distribution of hazard preparedness and mitigation literature through public facilities to the citizens of Cushing. Tornadoes, High Winds, Lightning 7. Designate individuals at city recreation facilities and schools that are educated in storm spotting and safety, who have the authority to take proper action. Lead: Emergency Manager Time Schedule: 2007-2008 Estimated Cost: $50,000 Source of Funding: Local Funds Work Product/Expected Outcome: To have individuals at schools and other public facilities frequented by children who can identify dangerous storms and tornadoes, and who can coordinate proper safety precautions in a disaster event. Tornadoes 8. Provide technical assistance in obtaining grants for storm shelters/safe rooms in mobile home parks. Lead: Emergency Manager Time Schedule: 2007-2009 Estimated Cost: $10,000 Source of Funding: Grant Funds as Available/Local Funds Work Product/Expected Outcome: Construction of safe rooms in vulnerable facilities with the intent of protecting citizens from tornadoes. City of Cushing 220 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Wildfires 9. Develop a contingency plan for evacuating population endangered by a wildfire. Lead: Fire Chief, Emergency Manager, Police Chief Time Schedule: 2007-2008 Estimated Cost: $20,000 Source of Funding: Local Funds/Grant if available Work Product/Expected Outcome: Updated warning and evacuation plans for areas at risk by identifying key evacuation routes and shelter locations outside of wildfire hazard Fixed Site Haz Mat Events 10. Institute a countywide public awareness and collection program for household pollutants, illustrating their dangers and identifying disposal information through media, schools, public offices, police, and fire stations. Lead: OEM, County Extension Offices, OEMA Time Schedule: 2007-2008 Estimated Cost: $20,000 Sources of Funding: State, County Work Products/Expected Outcome: 1) Examine optimum methods of implementing public information and education objectives concerning hazardous household pollutants and local water/ground water resources 2) locate facility for collection and disposal of hazardous household pollutants. City of Cushing 221 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Prioritized Mitigation Measure List for Cushing Rank Hazard Mitigation Category Mitigation Measure 1 Floods, Tornadoes, High Winds, Lightning, Hail, Severe Winter Storms, Extreme Heat, Drought, Urban Fires, Wildfires, Earthquakes, Fixed Site Haz Mat Events, Dam Failures, Transportation Events Structural Projects Provide new/retrofit facilities for the 911 Center and the Emergency Operations Center. 2 Tornadoes, High Winds Preventive Measures Provide group safe rooms at City Recreation Centers, install safe rooms in daycare centers, and provide manufactured home parks with community shelters/safe rooms. 3 Tornadoes, High Winds, Hail Preventive Measures Provide damage-resistant glass replacements for City Hall. When replaced, install break resistant glass in government offices, and critical facilities. 4 Floods, Tornadoes, High Winds, Severe Winter Storms, Extreme Heat, Urban Fires, Wildfires, Earthquakes, Fixed Site Haz Mat Events, Dam Failures, Transportation Events Public Information and Education Obtain funding to develop/continue a program to inform the public on proper evacuation plans for government buildings, businesses, offices, and residences. 5 Floods, Tornadoes, High Winds, Lightning, Hail, Severe Winter Storms, Extreme Heat, Urban Fires, Wildfires, Earthquakes, Fixed Site Haz Mat Events, Dam Failures, Transportation Events Emergency Services Install street addresses on all buildings and curbs. 6 Floods, Tornadoes, High Winds, Lightning, Hail, Severe Winter Storms, Extreme Heat, Drought, Expansive Soils, Urban Fires, Wildfires, Earthquakes, Fixed Site Haz Mat Events, Dam Failures, Transportation Events Public Information and Education Develop distribution centers in local libraries and City Hall where information and safety guidance on natural and man made hazards can be provided to citizens 7 Tornadoes, High Winds, Lightning Preventive Measures Designate individuals at city recreation facilities and schools that are educated in storm spotting and safety, who have the authority to take proper action. 8 Tornadoes Preventive Measures Provide technical assistance in obtaining grants for storm shelters/safe rooms in mobile home parks 9 Wildfires Preventive Measures Develop a contingency plan for evacuating population endangered by a wildfire. R.D. Flanagan & Associates Page 222 Cushing Mitigation Measures Rank Hazard Mitigation Category Mitigation Measure 10 Fixed Site Haz Mat Events Public Information and Education Institute a countywide public awareness and collection program for household pollutants, illustrating their dangers and identifying disposal information through media, schools, public offices, police, and fire stations. 11 Floods, Tornadoes, High Winds, Lightning, Hail, Severe Winter Storms, Extreme Heat, Drought, Expansive Soils, Urban Fires, Wildfires, Earthquakes, Fixed Site Haz Mat Events, Dam Failures, Transportation Events Public Information and Education Develop an all-hazard public information and awareness program. 12 Floods, Tornadoes, High Winds, Lightning, Hail, Severe Winter Storms, Extreme Heat, Drought, Expansive Soils, Urban Fires, Wildfires, Earthquakes, Fixed Site Haz Mat Events, Dam Failures, Transportation Events Property Protection Update GIS to include public utility infrastructure. 13 High Winds, Severe Winter Storms Preventive Measures Encourage utility company tree trimming program to keep trees off power lines during high wind and severe winter storms. 14 Floods Public Information and Education Develop and distribute flood and flash flood safety tips to inform citizens of the dangers of flood waters 15 Floods Preventive Measures Prepare a comprehensive basin-wide Master Drainage Plan for all watersheds within the jurisdiction. The plan should identify all flooding problems within the jurisdiction, and recommend the most cost-effective and politically acceptable solutions. 16 Lightning Public Information and Education Provide lightning warning systems for outdoor sports areas, pools, golf courses, ball fields, and parks. 17 Hail Public Information and Education Work with insurance companies to provide a public information program that communicates the advantages and costs of hail-resistant roofing. 18 Hail Structural Projects Provide hail-resistant measures/materials to protect existing public infrastructure improvements. 19 Severe Winter Storms Public Information and Education Provide public awareness on effective ways to monitor and avoid ice damage, frozen pipes, and snow loads on roof systems 20 Extreme Heat Public Information and Education Educate jurisdiction employees on the symptoms of heat disorders and how to administer first aid. 21 Extreme Heat Preventive Measures Identify the vulnerable population and individuals at risk from extreme heat 22 Drought Public Information and Education Develop a public information program designed to communicate the potential severity of a drought and the appropriate responses of the local population. R.D. Flanagan & Associates Page 223 Cushing Mitigation Measures Rank Hazard Mitigation Category Mitigation Measure 23 Drought Structural Projects Develop a secondary, tertiary or extended water supply system. 24 Expansive Soils Public Information and Education Develop and implement a public information strategy that informs citizens and developers of the dangers and costs related to expansive soils. 25 Expansive Soils Preventive Measures Educate builders on appropriate foundation types for soils with different degrees of shrink-swell potential. For example, using "post-tensioned slab-ongrade" or "drilled pier" vs. standard "slab-on-grade" or "wall-on-grade" foundations. 26 Urban Fires Public Information and Education Develop a public education project addressing the advantages of individual fire suppression in residences, including fire extinguishers. 27 Urban Fires Structural Projects Apply for mitigation funding for fire hydrant meter backflow preventers. 28 Wildfires Public Information and Education Provide public information on controlled burns and use of fire-retardant vegetation. 29 Earthquakes Public Information and Education Provide public information on earthquake insurance. 30 Earthquakes Preventive Measures Adopt residential building codes that require earthquake-resistant construction, such as using foundation piers. 31 Fixed Site Haz Mat Events Public Information and Education Distribute information identifying hazardous materials to at risk citizens, such as the elderly, infirm, poor, and outside laborers. 32 Dam Failures Public Information and Education Prepare and distribute a public information document letting people know that they reside or work in a dam failure inundation area. 33 Dam Failures Preventive Measures Annual inspection of all identified dams: shape of spillway, proper opening and closing of gates, etc. 34 Transportation Events Preventive Measures Assess risks and develop a plan for responding to hazardous materials incidents on major transportation routes through the community 35 Transportation Events Preventive Measures Define and mark hazardous material routes through the community 36 Tornadoes, High Winds, Lightning, Severe Winter Storms, Extreme Heat, Earthquakes Property Protection Provide surge protection and backup power generators for computer-reliant critical facilities (e.g. 911 Center, EOC, police stations, fire stations, etc.). 37 Urban Fires, Wildfires Property Protection Install fire suppression systems for all jurisdiction facilities. 38 Expansive Soils Structural Projects Identify and repair critical facilities that show evidence of or have expansive soils-related damage. 39 Wildfires Preventive Measures Adopt ordinances regulating defensible space around structures in the wildland/urban interface area. 40 Fixed Site Haz Mat Events Preventive Measures Label sanitary sewer drains to warn citizens against dumping chemicals and automotive fluids into the sanitary sewer drain. R.D. Flanagan & Associates Page 224 Cushing Mitigation Measures Rank Hazard Mitigation Category Mitigation Measure 41 Floods, Tornadoes, High Winds, Lightning, Hail, Severe Winter Storms, Extreme Heat, Urban Fires, Wildfires, Earthquakes, Fixed Site Haz Mat Events, Dam Failures, Transportation Events Public Information and Education Develop an inventory of Special Needs populations requiring special assistance during disasters. 42 Dam Failures Preventive Measures Provide dam monitoring equipment R.D. Flanagan & Associates Page 225 Cushing Mitigation Measures Chapter 6: Plan Maintenance and Adoption This chapter includes a discussion of the plan maintenance process and documentation of the adoption of the plan by the Cushing Hazard Mitigation Citizen Advisory Committee and the Cushing City Council. 6.1 Monitoring, Evaluating, and Updating the Plan The City of Cushing should ensure that a regular review and update of the Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan occurs. The CHMCAC should continue to meet on a quarterly basis, or as conditions warrant, to oversee and review updates and revisions to the plan. The Planning Department will continue to head the Staff Technical Advisory Committee, which will monitor and oversee the day-to-day implementation of the plan. The plan will be updated and resubmitted to ODEM and FEMA for approval every five years, as per FEMA requirements. Monitoring the Plan- Monitoring of the Plan, the Action Plan, and Mitigation Measures is the responsibility of the City Manager, and Emergency Manager. Departments responsible for implementation of the Action Plan and the Mitigation Measures will update their Progress Reports on an annual basis, and report to the CHMCAC on progress and/or impediments to progress of the mitigation measures. Evaluating the Plan- The City of Cushing Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan will be regularly evaluated by the Project Manager, and a report will be made to the CHMCAC annually. The evaluation will include: 1. Adequacy of adopted Goals and Objectives in addressing current and future expected conditions; 2. Whether the nature and magnitude of the risks have changed; 3. Appropriateness of current resources allocated for implementation of the Plan; 4. To what extent the outcomes of the Mitigation Measures occurred as expected, and; 5. If agencies, departments and other partners participated as originally anticipated. Updating the Plan- The City of Cushing Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan will be updated according to the following schedule: City of Cushing 226 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan 1. Revise and Update- the City will incorporate revisions to the plan document identified during the monitoring and evaluation period, as well as items identified in the previous Crosswalk (April 2010 to September 2010). 2. Submit for Review- the revised plan will be submitted to ODEM and FEMA for review and approval (October 2010 to September 2011). 3. Final Revision and Adoption- if necessary, the plan will be revised per ODEM and FEMA remarks, adopted by the Cushing City Council and the updated plan sent to FEMA prior to the expiration of the 5-year approval period (November 2011 to January 2012). 6.2 Public Involvement The City of Cushing is committed to involving the public directly in updating and maintaining the Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan. Electronic copies of the Plan will be distributed to the public libraries, and the plan will be placed on the City of Cushing’s Website. Activities to Consider 1. Public meetings should be held prior to the severe weather season in Oklahoma, probably in the spring. The general citizenry should be invited to attend so they can be updated on the progress made during the year in implementing the plan, stormwater plans and capital improvements, and related public infrastructure capital projects. The meetings can also be used to distribute literature and inform and educate citizens as to actions they can take to mitigate natural hazards, save lives, and prevent property damage. Input from the citizens should be solicited as to how the mitigation process can be more effective. 2. City utility bill supplemental literature and maps 3. Cushing Hazard Mitigation Citizens Advisory Committee will continue to meet on a monthly basis or as needed. 4. Public Service Announcements 6.3 Incorporating the Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan The Cushing Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan has been adopted by the Cushing Planning Commission as an amendment to the Cushing Comprehensive Plan. The Cushing City Council has adopted the plan to guide City mitigation activities, land-use, and capital improvements activities. Appropriate Action Items will be incorporated into the planning process. Appropriate Action Items and Mitigation Measures will be incorporated into the following: • City of Cushing City of Cushing Capital Improvements Plan 227 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan • • • • Comprehensive Plan City of Cushing General Plan City of Cushing Building Code City of Cushing Emergency Operations Plan The process to include the adopted Mitigation Measures into other local planning mechanisms includes the following: 1. Mitigation Measures will be assigned to the appropriate departments for planning and implementation. 2. The responsible departments will report to the CHMCAC on an annual basis as to the progress made on each measure, identifying successes and impediments to their implementation. Included on the following pages of this chapter are Resolutions of Adoption of the Cushing Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan: 1. Cushing Hazard Mitigation Citizen Advisory Committee (CHMCAC) 2. Cushing City Council City of Cushing 228 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Appendix A: Glossary of Terms Anchoring: Special connections made to ensure that a building will not float off, blow off or be pushed off its foundation during a flood or storm. Base Flood: Flood that has a 1 percent probability of being equaled or exceeded in any given year. Also known as the 100-year flood. Base Flood Elevation (BFE): Elevation of the base flood in relation to a specified datum, such as the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929. The Base Flood Elevation is used as the standard for the National Flood Insurance Program. Basement: Any floor level below grade. Bedrock: The solid rock that underlies loose material, such as soil, sand, clay, or gravel. Building: A structure that is walled and roofed, principally above ground and permanently affixed to a site. The term includes a manufactured home on a permanent foundation on which the wheels and axles carry no weight. Community Rating System (CRS): A National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) that provides incentives for NFIP communities to complete activities that reduce flood hazard risk. When the community completes specified activities, the insurance premiums of policyholders in these communities are reduced. Computer-Aided Design And Drafting (CADD): A computerized system enabling quick and accurate electronic 2-D and 3-D drawings, topographic mapping, site plans, and profile/cross-section drawings. Consequences: The damages, injuries, and loss of life, property, environment, and business that can be quantified by some unit of measure, often in economic or financial terms. Contour: A line of equal ground elevation on a topographic (contour) map. Critical Facility: Facilities that are critical to the health and welfare of the population and that are especially important during and following hazard events. Critical facilities include shelters, police and fire stations, schools, childcare centers, senior citizen centers, hospitals, disability centers, vehicle and equipment storage facilities, emergency operations centers, and city hall. The term also includes buildings or locations that, if damaged, would create secondary disasters, such as hazardous materials facilities, vulnerable facilities, day care centers, nursing homes, and housing likely to contain occupants who are not very mobile. Other critical city infrastructure such as telephone exchanges and water treatment plants are referred to as lifelines. See Lifelines. City of Cushing A-1 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Dam Breach Inundation Area: The area flooded by a dam failure or programmed release. Debris: The scattered remains of assets broken or destroyed in a hazard event. Debris caused by a wind or water hazard event can cause additional damage to other assets. Development: Any man-made change to real estate. Digitize: To convert electronically points, lines, and area boundaries shown on maps into x, y coordinates (e.g., latitude and longitude, universal transverse mercator (UTM), or table coordinates) for use in computer applications. Duration: How long a hazard event lasts. Earthquake: A sudden motion or trembling that is caused by a release of strain accumulated within or along the edge of earth's tectonic plates. Emergency: Any hurricane, tornado, storm, flood, high water, wind-driven water, tidal wave, tsunami, earthquake, volcanic eruption, landslide, mudslide, snowstorm, drought, fire, explosion, or other catastrophe in any part of the United States which requires federal emergency assistance to supplement State and local efforts to save lives and protect property, public health and safety, or to avert or lessen the threat of a disaster. Defined in Title V of Public Law 93-288, Section 102(1). Emergency Operations Center (EOC): A facility that houses communications equipment that is used to coordinate the response to a disaster or emergency. Emergency Operations Plan (EOP): Sets forth actions to be taken by State or local governments for response to emergencies or major disasters. Emergency Response Plan: A document that contains information on the actions that may be taken by a governmental jurisdiction to protect people and property before, during, and after a disaster. Extent: The size of an area affected by a hazard or hazard event. Fault: A fracture in the continuity of a rock formation caused by a shifting or dislodging of the earth's crust, in which adjacent surfaces are differentially displaced parallel to the plane of fracture. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA): The independent agency created in 1978 to provide a single point of accountability for all Federal activities related to disaster mitigation and emergency preparedness, response and recovery, which is now an agency under the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). FIPS: Stands for Federal Information Processing Standards. Under the Information Technology Management Reform Act (Public Law 104-106), the Secretary of Commerce approves standards City of Cushing A-2 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan and guidelines that are developed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) for Federal computer systems. These standards and guidelines are issued by NIST as Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) for use government-wide. NIST develops FIPS when there are compelling Federal government requirements such as for security and interoperability and there are no acceptable industry standards or solutions. Fire Potential Index (FPI): Developed by United States Geological Survey (USGS) and United States Forest Service (USFS) to assess and map fire hazard potential over broad areas. Based on such geographic information, national policy makers and on-the-ground fire managers established priorities for prevention activities in the defined area to reduce the risk of managed and wildfire ignition and spread. Prediction of fire hazard shortens the time between fire ignition and initial attack by enabling fire managers to pre-allocate and stage suppression forces to high fire risk areas. Flash Flood: A flood event occurring with little or no warning where water levels rise at an extremely fast rate. Flood: A general and temporary condition of partial or complete inundation of normally dry land areas from (1) the overflow of inland or tidal waters, (2) the unusual and rapid accumulation or runoff of surface waters from any source, or (3) mudflows or the sudden collapse of shoreline land. Flood Depth: Height of the flood water surface above the ground surface. Flood Elevation: Elevation of the water surface above an established datum, e.g. National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929, North American Vertical Datum of 1988, or Mean Sea Level. Flood Hazard Area: The area shown to be inundated by a flood of a given magnitude on a map. Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM): Map of a community, prepared by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, which shows both the special flood hazard areas and the risk premium zones applicable to the community. Flood Insurance Study (FIS): A study that provides an examination, evaluation, and determination of flood hazards and, if appropriate, corresponding water surface elevations in a community or communities. Flood Mitigation Assistance Program (FMA): A planning and project implementation grant program funded by the National Flood Insurance Program. Provides pre-disaster grants to State and local governments for both planning and implementation of mitigation strategies. Grant funds are made available from NFIP insurance premiums, and therefore are only available to communities participating in the NFIP. Flood of Record: The highest known flood level for the area, as recorded in historical documents. City of Cushing A-3 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Floodplain: Any land area, including watercourse, susceptible to partial or complete inundation by water from any source. Floodproofing: Protective measures added to or incorporated in a building to prevent or minimize flood damage. “Dry floodproofing” measures are designed to keep water from entering a building. “Wet floodproofing” measures minimize damage to a structure and its contents from water that is allowed into a building. Floodway: The stream channel and that portion of the adjacent floodplain which must remain open to permit conveyance of the base flood. Floodwaters are generally the swiftest and deepest in the floodway. The floodway should remain clear of buildings and impediments to the flow of water. Freeboard: A margin of safety added to a protection measure to account for waves, debris, miscalculations, lack of scientific data, floodplain fill, or upstream development. Frequency: A measure of how often events of a particular magnitude are expected to occur. Frequency describes how often a hazard of a specific magnitude, duration, and/or extent typically occurs, on average. Statistically, a hazard with a 100-year recurrence interval is expected to occur once every 100 years on average, and would have a 1 percent chance – its probability – of happening in any given year. The reliability of this information varies depending on the kind of hazard being considered. Fujita Scale of Tornado Intensity: Rates tornadoes with numeric values from F0 to F5 based on tornado wind speed and damage sustained. An F0 indicates minimal damage such as broken tree limbs or signs, while an F5 indicates severe damage sustained. Functional Downtime: The average time (in days) during which a function (business or service) is unable to provide its services due to a hazard event. Geographic Area Impacted: The physical area in which the effects of the hazard are experienced. Geographic Information System (GIS): A computer software application that relates physical features on the earth to a database to be used for mapping and analysis. Ground Motion: The vibration or shaking of the ground during an earthquake. When a fault ruptures, seismic waves radiate, causing the ground to vibrate. The severity of the vibration increases with the amount of energy released and decreases with distance from the causative fault or epicenter, but soft soils can further amplify ground motions. Hazard: A source of potential danger or adverse condition. An event or physical condition that has the potential to cause fatalities, injuries, property and infrastructure damage, agriculture loss, damage to the environment, interruption of business, or other types of harm or loss. Hazards, as defined in this study, will include naturally occurring events such as floods, dam failures, levee City of Cushing A-4 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan failures, tornadoes, high winds, hailstorms, lightning, winter storms, extreme heat, drought, expansive soils, urban fires, wildfires that strike populated areas, and earthquakes. A natural event is a hazard when it has the potential to harm people or property. For purposes of this study, hazardous materials events are also included. Hazard Event: A specific occurrence of a particular type of hazard. Hazard Identification: The process of defining and describing a hazard, including its physical characteristics, magnitude and severity, probability and frequency, causative factors, and locations or areas affected. Hazard Mitigation: Sustained actions taken to reduce or eliminate long-term risk to human life and property from natural and technological hazards and their effects. Note that this emphasis on long-term risk distinguishes mitigation from actions geared primarily to emergency preparedness and short-term recovery. Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP): Authorized under Section 404 of the Stafford Act; a FEMA disaster assistance grant program that funds mitigation projects in conformance with post-disaster mitigation plans required under Section 409 of the Stafford Act. The program is available only after a Presidential disaster declaration. Hazard Mitigation Plan: The plan resulting from a systematic evaluation of the nature and extent of vulnerability to the effects of natural hazards present in society that includes the actions needed to minimize future vulnerability to hazards. Section 409 of the Stafford Act requires the identification and evaluation of mitigation opportunities, and that all repairs be made to applicable codes and standards, as condition for receiving Federal disaster assistance. Enacted to encourage identification and mitigation of hazards at all levels of government. Hazard Profile: A description of the physical characteristics of hazards and a determination of various descriptors including magnitude, duration, frequency, probability, and extent. In most cases, a community can most easily use these descriptors when they are recorded and displayed as maps. HAZUS (Hazards U.S.): A GIS-based nationally standardized earthquake loss estimation tool developed by FEMA. Hydrology: The science of dealing with the waters of the earth. A flood discharge is developed by a hydrologic study. Infrastructure: The public services of a community that have a direct impact on the quality of life. Infrastructure includes communication technology such as phone lines or Internet access, vital services such as public water supplies and sewer treatment facilities, and includes an area's transportation system such as airports, heliports; highways, bridges, tunnels, roadbeds, overpasses, railways, bridges, rail yards, depots, and waterways, canals, locks, and regional dams. City of Cushing A-5 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Insurance Service Office, Inc. (ISO): An insurance organization that administers several programs that rate a community’s hazard mitigation activities. Intensity: A measure of the effects of a hazard event at a particular place. Landslide: Downward movement of a slope and materials under the force of gravity. Lifelines: Transportation and utility systems that are essential to the function of a region and to the well being of its inhabitants. Transportation systems include highways, air, rail, and waterways, ports, and harbors. Utility systems include electric power, gas and liquid fuels, telecommunications, water, and wastewater. Liquefaction: The phenomenon that occurs when ground shaking causes loose soils to lose strength and act like viscous fluid. Liquefaction causes two types of ground failure: lateral spread and loss of bearing strength. Lowest Floor: Under the NFIP, the lowest floor of the lowest enclosed area (including basement) of a structure. Magnitude: A measure of the strength of a hazard event. The magnitude (also referred to as severity) of a given hazard event is usually determined using technical measures specific to the hazard. Mitigation: Sustained action taken to reduce or eliminate the long-term risk to human life and property from natural and technological hazards and their effects. Note that this emphasis on long-term risk distinguishes mitigation from actions geared primarily to emergency preparedness and short-term recovery (Burby, 1998). National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP): A federal program created by Congress in 1968 that provides the availability of flood insurance to communities in exchange for the adoption and enforcement of a minimum floodplain management ordinance specified in 44 CFR §60.3. The ordinance regulates new and substantially damaged or improved development in identified flood hazard areas. National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (NGVD): Datum established in 1929 and used in the NFIP as a basis for measuring flood, ground, and structural elevations, previously referred to as Sea Level Datum or Mean Sea Level. The Base Flood Elevations shown on most of the Flood Insurance Rate Maps issued by the Federal Emergency Management Agency are referenced to NGVD. National Weather Service (NWS): Prepares and issues flood, severe weather, and coastal storm warnings and can provide technical assistance to Federal and state entities in preparing weather and flood warning plans. Oklahoma Department of Emergency Management (ODEM): The State department responsible for hazard mitigation, community preparedness, emergency response, and disaster City of Cushing A-6 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan recovery. Previously known as Oklahoma Department of Civil Emergency Management (ODCEM). Oklahoma Water Resources Board (OWRB): The State agency responsible for administration of the National Flood Insurance Program, and the dam safety program. Planimetric: Describes maps that indicate only man-made features like buildings. Planning: The act or process of making or carrying out plans; the establishment of goals, policies and procedures for a social or economic unit. Planning for Post-Disaster Reconstruction: The process of planning (preferably prior to an actual disaster) those steps the community will take to implement long-term reconstruction with one of the primary goals being to reduce or minimize its vulnerability to future disasters. These measures can include a wide variety of land-use planning tools, such as acquisition, design review, zoning, and subdivision review procedures. It can also involve coordination with other types of plans and agencies but is distinct from planning for emergency operations, such as restoration of utility services and basic infrastructure. Preparedness: Activities to ensure that people are ready for a disaster and respond to it effectively. Preparedness requires figuring out what will be done if essential services break down, developing a plan for contingencies, and practicing the plan. Probability: A statistical measure of the likelihood that a hazard event will occur. Project Impact: A program that encourages business, government agencies and the public to work together to build disaster-resistant communities. Reconstruction: The long-term process of rebuilding the community’s destroyed or damaged buildings, public facilities, or other structures. Recovery: The process of restoring normal public or utility services following a disaster, perhaps starting during but extending beyond the emergency period to that point when the vast majority of such services, including electricity, water, communications, and public transportation have resumed normal operations. Recovery activities necessary to rebuild after a disaster include rebuilding homes, businesses and public facilities, clearing debris, repairing roads and bridges, and restoring water, sewer and other essential services. Short-term recovery does not include the reconstruction of the built environment, although reconstruction may commence during this period. Recurrence Interval: The time between hazard events of similar size in a given location. It is based on the probability that the given event will be equaled or exceeded in any given year. City of Cushing A-7 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Repetitive Loss Property: A property that is currently insured for which two or more National Flood Insurance Program losses (occurring more than ten days apart) of at least $1000 each have been paid within any 10-year period since 1978. While Repetitive Loss Properties constitute only 2% of insured properties, they account for 40% of flood damage claims against the NFIP. Replacement Value: The cost of rebuilding a structure. This is usually expressed in terms of cost per square foot, and reflects the present-day cost of labor and materials to construct a building of a particular size, type and quality. Retrofitting: Modifications to a building or other structure to reduce its susceptibility to damage by a hazard. Richter Scale: A numerical scale of earthquake magnitude devised by seismologist C.F. Richter in 1935. Risk: The estimated impact that a hazard would have on people, services, facilities, and structures in a community; the likelihood of a hazard event resulting in an adverse condition that causes injury or damage. Risk is often expressed in relative terms such as a high, moderate or low likelihood of sustaining damage above a particular threshold due to a specific type of hazard event. It also can be expressed in terms of potential monetary losses associated with the intensity of the hazard. Risk Assessment: A process or method for evaluating risk associated with a specific hazard and defined in terms of probability and frequency of occurrence, magnitude and severity, exposure and consequences. Also defined as: “The process of measuring the potential loss of life, personal property, housing, public facilities, equipment, and infrastructure; lost jobs, business earnings, and lost revenues, as well as indirect losses caused by interruption of business and production; and the public cost of planning, preparedness, mitigation, response, and recovery. (Burby, 1998). Riverine: Of or produced by a river. Scale: A proportion used in determining a dimensional relationship; the ratio of the distance between two points on a map and the actual distance between the two points on the earth's surface. Scarp: A steep slope. Scour: Removal of soil or fill material by the flow of flood waters. The term is frequently used to describe storm-induced, localized conical erosion around pilings and other foundation supports where the obstruction of flow increases turbulence. Seismicity: Describes the likelihood of an area being subject to earthquakes. City of Cushing A-8 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA): An area within a floodplain having a 1 percent or greater chance of flood occurrence in any given year (100-year floodplain); represented on Flood Insurance Rate Maps by darkly shaded areas with zone designations that include the letter A or V. Stafford Act: The Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, PL 100107 was signed into law November 23, 1988 and amended the Disaster Relief Act of 1974, PL 93-288. The Stafford Act is the statutory authority for most Federal disaster response activities, especially as they pertain to FEMA and its programs. State Hazard Mitigation Team: Composed of key State agency representatives, the team evaluates hazards, identifies strategies, coordinates resources, and implements measures that will reduce the vulnerability of people and property to damage from hazards. The Oklahoma State Hazard Mitigation Team is convened by the Oklahoma Department of Civil Emergency Management (ODCEM), and includes the State departments of Agriculture, Climatological Survey, Commerce, Environmental Quality, Health, Human Services, Insurance, Transportation, Wildlife Conservation, Conservation Commission, Corporation Commission, Historical Society, Insurance Commission, Water Resources Board, Association of County Commissioners (AACCO), Oklahoma Municipal League (OML), Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). State Hazard Mitigation Officer (SHMO): The representative of state government who is the primary point of contact with FEMA, other state and Federal agencies, and local units of government in the planning and implementation of pre- and post-disaster mitigation activities. Stormwater Management: Efforts to reduce the impact of stormwater or snowmelt runoff on flooding and water quality. Stormwater Detention: The storing of stormwater runoff for release at a restricted rate after the storm subsides, or the flood crest passes. Substantial Damage: Damage of any origin sustained by a structure in a Special Flood Hazard Area whereby the cost of restoring the structure to its before-damaged condition would equal or exceed 50 percent of the market value of the structure before the damage. Surface Faulting: The differential movement of two sides of a fracture – in other words, the location where the ground breaks apart. The length, width, and displacement of the ground characterize surface faults. Tectonic Plate: Torsionally rigid, thin segments of the earth's lithosphere that may be assumed to move horizontally and adjoin other plates. It is the friction between plate boundaries that cause seismic activity. Topographic: Characterizes maps that show natural features and indicate the physical shape of the land using contour lines. These maps may also include man-made features. Tornado: A violently rotating column of air extending from a thunderstorm to the ground. City of Cushing A-9 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Vulnerability: Describes how exposed or susceptible to damage an asset is. Vulnerability depends on an asset's construction, contents, and the economic value of its functions. Like indirect damages, the vulnerability of one element of the community is often related to the vulnerability of another. For example, many businesses depend on uninterrupted electrical power – if an electric substation is flooded, it will affect not only the substation itself, but a number of businesses as well. Often, indirect effects can be much more widespread and damaging than direct ones. Vulnerability Assessment: The extent of injury and damage that may result from a hazard event of a given intensity in a given area. The vulnerability assessment should address impacts of hazard events on the existing and future built environment. Wildfire: An uncontrolled fire spreading through vegetative fuels, exposing and possibly consuming structures. Zone: A geographical area shown on a Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) that reflects the severity or type of flooding in the area. City of Cushing A-10 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan City of Cushing Cushing Hazard Mitigation Citizens Advisory Committee 100 Judy Adams Blvd. Cushing, Oklahoma 74023 February 5, 2004 4:00 p.m. AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. INTRODUCTIONS City Staff Technical Advisory Committee, Citizens Advisory Committee, Consultants. 3. OVERVIEW OF MULTI-HAZARD MITIGATION PLANNING PROCESS a. Stafford 2000 Act Requirements b. The 10-Step Planning Process 4. SELECTION OF HAZARDS TO BE INVESTIGATED 5. CHM CAC MEETING DATES AND TIME City of Cushing Cushing Hazard Mitigation Citizens Advisory Committee 100 Judy Adams Blvd. Cushing, Oklahoma 74023 March 4, 2004 10:00 a.m. AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. REVIEW MATERIAL AND HANDOUTS a. Base Map, Vulnerable Populations, Critical Facilities, Tank Farms and Hazardous Materials Info 3. DISCUSS ICS ROLE IN POLICE AND FIRE DEPTS. a. Both Departments use the Incident Command System b. Correctional Facility information including personnel, fire and emergency response 4. CUSHING PUBLIC SCHOOLS MITIGATION ACTIVITIES a. State Program Involvement b. Safety Glass and protective films installed in existing and replacement windows 5. FACILITY MITIGATION ACTIVITIES a. Police, Fire, Wastewater and Water Treatment Buildings are Locked Down b. Magnetic Locks recently installed in those facilities 6. EMERGENCY RESPONSE TRAINING EXERCISE DISCUSSED 7. NEXT MEETING SCHEDULED a. April 8th @ 10:00 a.m. 8. ADJOURNED City of Cushing Cushing Hazard Mitigation Citizens Advisory Committee 100 Judy Adams Blvd. Cushing, Oklahoma 74023 April 8, 2004 10:00 a.m. AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. REVIEW CITY SUPPLIED MATERIALS a. 2004 Aerial Photograph of Cushing and regional surroundings b. EOP material c. Public School Standard Emergency Operating Procedures 3. DISCUSS MATERIAL UPDATES & REVIEW PLAN STATUS a. Examine current status of chapters 1,2, & 3 b. Discuss Community Vulnerabilities to Selected Hazards c. Discuss Mitigation Strategies and Categories of Measures to be addressed 4. SET MEETING DATE a. May 6th, 2004; 10:00 A.M. b. City Hall 5. ADJOURN City of Cushing Cushing Hazard Mitigation Citizens Advisory Committee 100 Judy Adams Blvd. Cushing, Oklahoma 74023 May 6, 2004 10:00 a.m. AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. NEW BUSINESS a. Review Agency Responses and Letters Received addressing MHMP b. Review Quarterly Report Submitted to ODEM 3. DISCUSS MATERIAL UPDATES & REVIEW PLAN STATUS a. Establish Community Goals for Hazards Addressed b. Discuss Community Programs related to Hazard Mitigation and Public Safety c. Discuss Mitigation Strategies and Categories of Measures to be addressed 4. SET MEETING DATE a. June 1st, 2004; 10:00 A.M. b. City Hall 5. ADJOURN Appendix C: Cushing Hazardous Materials Sites Facility Name Address 1 American Welding Supply Contact 1502 E. Main Chemical Gases - Flammable OXIDIZING, N.O.S. (Including Refrigerated Liquids) 2 Cudd Pumping Chemical ID 122 Michael McKay Category 1789 5th & Little Ave Chemical 157 CHLORINE Steve Spears Chemical ID Substances - Toxic and/or Corrosive 1789 600 W. Cherry Chemical 157 DIESEL FUEL Gary Cordell Guide Number 1993 128 1100 N. Maitlen Dr. Chemical CHLORINE Steve Spears (918) 225-2394 Category Chemical ID Substances - Toxic and/or Corrosive Gases - Inert Substances - Toxic and/or Corrosive 2400 S. Little Chemical Large Spill 157 Isolate spill or leak area immediatley for at least 50 to 100 meters (160 to 330 feet) in all directions 1013 120 Isolate spill or leak area immediatley for Consider initial downwind evacuation for at least 25 meters (80 feet) in all at least 100 meters (330 feet) directions 1910 157 Isolate spill or leak area immediatley for at least 50 to 100 meters (160 to 330 feet) in all directions (Non-Combustible/ Water-Sensitive) 6 Evans Cushing Initial Evacuation 1789 (Including Refrigerated Liquids) CALCIUM OXIDE Large Spill (918) 225-2395 Guide Number (Non-Combustible/ Water-Sensitive) CARBON DIOXIDE Initial Evacuation Isolate spill or leak area immediatley for Consider initial downwind evacuation for at least 25 to 50 meters (80 to 160 feet) at least 300 meters (1000 feet) in all directions (Non-Polar/ Water-Immiscible) 5 Cushing Water Plant Large Spill (918) 866-2463 Chemical ID Flammable Liquids Initial Evacuation Isolate spill or leak area immediatley for at least 50 to 100 meters (160 to 330 feet) in all directions (918) 687-7543 Category Large Spill (918) 225-2395 Guide Number (Non-Combustible/ Water-Sensitive) 4 Cushing Metals Initial Evacuation Isolate spill or leak area immediatley for at least 50 to 100 meters (160 to 330 feet) in all directions (918) 225-2394 Category Large Spill (405) 550-4570 Guide Number (Non-Combustible/ Water-Sensitive) 3 Cushing Memorial Pool Initial Evacuation Isolate spill or leak area immediatley for Consider initial downwind evacuation for at least 25 to 50 meters (80 to 160 feet) at least 500 meters (1/3 mile) in all directions (903) 988-2161 Chemical ID Substances - Toxic and/or Corrosive 24 Hour Phone (918) 225-5101 Guide Number 1073 701 E. Grandstaff Chemical HYDROCHLORIC ACID (918) 225-5101 Category OXYGEN GAS, REFRIGERATED LIQUID Day Phone Ken Daves Ron Burns (504) 374-6000 Category Chemical ID (918) 225-0095 Guide Number Initial Evacuation Large Spill Initial Evacuation Large Spill No Chemicals Reported Above Theshold 7 Kerr-McGee 1001 East Deep Rock Road Chemical CAUSTIC SODA, SOLUTION Wann Hollabaugh Category Substances - Toxic and/or Corrosive (918) 225-7753 Chemical ID 1824 154 Isolate spill or leak area immediatley for at least 25 to 50 meters (80 to 160 feet) in all directions 1564 154 Isolate spill or leak area immediatley for at least 25 to 50 meters (80 to 160 feet) in all directions (Non-Combustible) BARIUM CHLORIDE Substances - Toxic and/or Corrosive (Non-Combustible) City of Cushing (918) 352-2899 Guide Number Page 1 of 3 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Appendix C: Cushing Hazardous Materials Sites Facility Name Address 8 MFA Propane - Cushing Contact 1520 E. Main Chemical PROPANE Day Phone Tammy Thompson Category (573) 442-0171 Chemical ID Gases - Flammable Guide Number 1978 115 1.75 miles N of hwy 33 & 18 Chemical PROPANE Tammy Thompson Category (573) 442-0171 Chemical ID Gases - Flammable 1978 1020 N. Linwood Chemical 115 Steve Dilley Chemical ID Initial Evacuation Large Spill Isolate spill or leak area immediatley for Consider initial downwind evacuation for at least 50 to 100 meters (160 to 330 at least 800 meters (1/2 mile) feet) in all directions (918) 225-1111 Category Large Spill (918) 225-3310 Guide Number (Including Refrigerated Liquids) 10 Oilwell Fracturing Initial Evacuation Isolate spill or leak area immediatley for Consider initial downwind evacuation for at least 50 to 100 meters (160 to 330 at least 800 meters (1/2 mile) feet) in all directions (Including Refrigerated Liquids) 9 MFA Propane - Cushing 2 24 Hour Phone (918) 225-3310 (918) 225-6107 Guide Number Initial Evacuation Large Spill Initial Evacuation Large Spill No Chemicals Reported Above Theshold 11 SW Bell - Cushing 401 E. Broadway Chemical SULFURIC ACID SBC (314) 235-4549 Category Substances Chemical ID (314) 235-4549 Guide Number 1830 137 Isolate spill or leak area immediatley for at least 50 to 100 meters (160 to 330 feet) in all directions Water-Reactive - Corrosive 12 Williams Cushing 1.25 mi on Linwood Rd Chemical DIESEL FUEL Doug Hammer Category Gases - Flammable (918) 573-3200 Chemical ID (918) 573-3200 Guide Number 1993 128 Initial Evacuation Large Spill Isolate spill or leak area immediatley for Consider initial downwind evacuation for at least 25 to 50 meters (80 to 160 feet) at least 300 meters (1000 feet) in all directions (Including Refrigerated Liquids) 13 Hudson Refinery - North Chemical Category Chemical ID Guide Number Initial Evacuation Large Spill Chemical Category Chemical ID Guide Number Initial Evacuation Large Spill Category Chemical ID Guide Number Initial Evacuation Large Spill Category Chemical ID Guide Number Initial Evacuation Large Spill 14 Hudson Refinery - South 15 Ahrberg Milling Co., Inc. 200 South Depot Chemical 16 Arkla Gas/Centerpoint Energy Chemical City of Cushing (918) 225-0267 (800) 324-0267 202 N. Harrison Page 2 of 3 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Appendix C: Cushing Hazardous Materials Sites Facility Name Address 17 Cushing Regional Airport Contact Day Phone 24 Hour Phone Tom Maloney Dr. Chemical 18 Bills E-Z Out Category Chemical ID Guide Number Initial Evacuation Large Spill Category Chemical ID Guide Number Initial Evacuation Large Spill Category Chemical ID Guide Number Initial Evacuation Large Spill Category Chemical ID Guide Number Initial Evacuation Large Spill Category Chemical ID Guide Number Initial Evacuation Large Spill 1107 E. Main Chemical 19 Git-N-Go 2003 E. Main Chemical 20 Oklahomas Oilwell Cementing 1218 S. Highland Chemical 21 Oilwell Fracturing 403 N. Harmony Rd. Chemical Facilities on Tier 2 Reporting List with no local address Arrowhead AMOCO ARCO Conoco Equilon Duke Energy GRDA Haliburton Lionel Harris Oil Co. KOCH Pipeline Kerr McGee Kiska Oil STG Plains Terminal & Transfer Conoco/Phillips (Buxton Terminal) Spess Lease Operations TPI Petroleum Wiley Transformer Williams Energy Services Magellan City of Cushing Cushing Service Center City of Cushing Power Plant Quapaw Asphalt Plant Maverick Mini-Mart Page 3 of 3 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan