Issue 3.3 - American Glass Guild
Issue 3.3 - American Glass Guild
A M E R I C A N G L A S S G U I L D AGGnews The American Glass Guild is a 501c3 nonprofit organization that actively seeks the participation of all people with an interest in stained, leaded and decorative glass and its preservation and restoration. Quarterly eNewsletter Issue 3.3 - Summer 2012 AGG 2012 Auction, Pittsburgh, PA page 7 Hot Metal Haze (detail), Auction donation by Mezalick Design Studio/Matthew Kibert Table of Contents .......................................................... 1 Photo by Raymond Martinot Letters from the Presidents ............................................................. 2 Morse Museum 2013 AGG Conference Preview Joseph Barnes Award - Call for Nominations..................................... 3 AGG Scholarship News - Call for Entries / Testimonials ............ 4-5 2012 AGG Conference Highlight - Open Drawing Workshop .... 6 2012 AGG Conference - Auction Update ...................................... 7 2013 AGG Conference Information ............................................... 8 2013 AGG Conference Preview - Morse Museum ........................ 9-11 2013 AGG Conference Preview - Jean-Jacques Duval ............... 11 Sponsors / Masthead ....................................................................... 12 pages 9-11 1 A M E R I C A N G L A S S G U I L D Letter from outgoing President Maria Serpentino Hello Members! This is an exciting time for the AGG, as we continue to grow. I'd like to welcome our newest Board Members: Bradford Anderson, Tony Glander and Scott Ouderkirk. They are enthusiastic and bring a multititude of skills. I decided not to run as President again, and I'm thrilled to announce that J. Kenneth Leap is our new President. He has fabulous ideas of ways to promote your work, and to further serve our mission of education. I am the last of the five original founding "'Managing Members" on the Board, so I'm happy and honored to serve as Ken's Vice President., and facilitate a smooth transition. Janet Lipstreu was reelected to the Board and will continue to serve as Treasurer. Bradford Anderson was elected as Secretary. I'd like to thank the outgoing Board Members. All three are AGG heroes. Mary Clerkin Higgins, Founding Managing Member and Past President, will continue to serve the AGG as 2013 Program Chair. Barbara Krueger, Founding Managing Member and Past Treasurer, will continue working with Membership. Rona Moody, 2012 Conference and Program Chair, put together an amazing event! Every talk was fascinating and I learned something new from each presentation. The juried exhibition was stunning (don't miss the photos!). The historic hotel was perfect for our group, the food received high accolades and not a detail was missed by Rona. Her planning and execution was flawless. Congratulations Rona! The auction was a highlight again this year with another AGG hero, Kathy Jordan, as Chair of a very well organized and hard working committee! The auction was held in the Lawrence Welk room and Kathy dressed up as one of the Lennon sisters...the wig was a big hit! Thank you Kathy, Patrice, Scott, Bradford, Carol, Hallie and Nancy. Thank you to all who so generously donated such exquisite panels and a variety of creative items. Those of us who were the lucky high bidders of such a treasure trove of art paid a record $32,000 for your donations!!!! The auction is the sole avenue of support for the James Whitney Scholarship Fund, and we were honored to have Jim's widow Kitty and his son, Chris join us. A big thank you to Robert Jayson of Bendheim for his generous support of the Amercian Glass Guild and for being such a good sport at the auction. We also have a new sponsor: Lamberts Glass! Thank you for your support of our mission. The highlight of the Conference for me was having the honor to present, my friend, Sylvia Nicolas with the Joseph Barnes Award. Go to to see the work of this living legend. It was wonderful to have Vickie Millard with us as we remembered the man who was a friend and mentor to many in attendance, and instrumental in the initial concept and planning of our great organization, Dick Millard. We had an excellent turnout of new members who brought enthusiasm and offers to help. We forged new and valued friendships. Thankfully, we only have to wait 10 months for our next AGG fix, as the St. Augustine Conference is in May! Stay tuned for more details. Maria Serpentino, July 2012 Message from the President It is an honor to serve and represent the membership of the American Glass Guild as President. I have had wonderful role models over the years. Sitting on the board under the direction of Mary Clerkin Higgins and then Maria Serpentino has been a fantastic education. I can only hope to fulfill the demands of the office with the grace and efficiency of these dynamic leaders. It will be a challenge to improve on what they have already accomplished. Everyone in our organization contributes to this success. Rona Moody’s tireless work resulted in a “Brilliant” conference in Pittsburgh which netted us record attendance. The juried member’s exhibition organized by Mary Higgins and curated by Virginia Raguin gave us a glimpse of the strength and diversity of the work you are producing. During the conference I lost myself several times in front of the monitor displaying the Members Slideshow - great work everyone! When viewed in the face of the current economic climate we have a lot to celebrate. Our membership is up, the conference attendance is up and we have money in the bank. Our auction committee lead by retiring Chair, Kathy Jordan brought in a record $32,000! This underscores the generosity of all of our members and the strength of our organizational commitment to promote education and scholarship. One thing has caught me by surprise: I never knew who received the emails addressed to until they started showing up in my box! Let that be your invitation to bring your suggestions for how we move boldly into the future. J. Kenneth Leap, September 2012 2 A M E R I C A N G L A S S G U I L D Photo by Indre McCraw Sylvia Nicolas - 2012 Joseph Barnes Lifetime Achievement Award Recipient Sylvia Nicolas, 2012, AGG Conference, Pittsburgh PA Nicolas is the fourth generation of master stained glass artists. Her father, Joep Nicolas, known as “the father of modern stained glass”, was also an accomplished painter, as is his daughter. Nicolas studied extensively in Europe, and in the U.S. with painter Rufino Tamayo and sculptor Ossip Zadkine. Her works range from stage sets and 24-foot high stained glass windows for churches to terra cotta sculptures that can be held in one hand. All bear the unmistakable stamp of excellence. Nicolas, also an accomplished costume designer and mosaicist, considers herself a keen observer of human nature. Pensive, Sylvia Nicolas, 2012, AGG Conference, Pittsburgh PA Call for Nominations - 2013 Joseph Barnes Award Deadline: December 31, 2012 Send nominations to: with “2013 Barnes Nomination” in the subject line Further Info: The Board of Directors of the American Glass Guild is seeking nominations from its members for the annual Joseph Barnes Lifetime Achievement Award. The award was established by the AGG in 2008 to acknowledge distinguished accomplishment and service by those in the stained-glass field. Artists, conservators, craftspeople, art historians, etc., are eligible. Recipients inspire us with their vision, achievement, standards and leadership. The first award was given to Joseph Barnes for his many years of service to the field. Please include several paragraphs about the person you are nominating and why you feel they deserve to be honored. The award will be presented at the 2013 conference in St. Augustine, Florida, this coming July. 2009 – Joseph Barnes Lifetime Achievement Award Nicholas Parrendo AGG Senior Advisor Nicholas Parrendo, in recognition of his artistry in glass and his many years educating and encouraging other stained-glass artists. 2009 – AGG Lifetime Achievement Award for Excellence in Conservation Melville Greenland Mel Greenland’s integrity and high standards in craftsmanship and conservation set the bar very high. He trained many wellknown conservators and completed over 170 major commissions during his career. 2010 – Joseph Barnes Lifetime Achievement Award Rowan LeCompte AGG Senior Advisor, in recognition of his many contributions to the art of stained glass. Rowan is best known for his extensive work at the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C. for which he made his first window at the age of 16. Past Recipients - 2011 – Joseph Barnes Lifetime Achievement Award 2008 – Joseph Barnes Lifetime Achievement Award Dan Fenton Joseph Barnes Over his 40 years in glass, Dan has touched thousands of students, artists, colleagues and collectors with his deep generosity, intelligence, artistry, creativity and free spirit. Dan embodies the same work ethic, love of his fellow man and dedication to the craft that we have all come to love in Joe Barnes. In recognition for his many years of service to the field. He served as the unofficial “Chairman of the Board” of the Stained Glass Division at S.A. Bendheim, Co. in Passaic, NJ and earlier at Leo J. Popper and Sons in New York City. 3 A M E R I C A N G L A S S G U I L D 2013 James C. Whitney Scholarship The James C. Whitney Memorial Scholarship Recipients receive full or partial scholarships for educational opportunities, such as conferences and workshops. Jim was a strong supporter of the American Glass Guild during its inception. Jim approached his life, his craft and his art with great passion and a high level of integrity. We hope that his zest for life and his pursuit of excellence will inspire all recipients of this scholarship to increase their understanding and love of stained glass. Since 2007 the Whitney Memorial Scholarship has handed out 68 scholarships. Deadline for applications: January 31, 2013 with notification of awards by February 28, 2013 Send email application materials to: For full details and an application go to: Congratulations to all of the 2012 James C. Whitney Memorial Scholarship recipients! Bradford Anderson, Troy, MI Kathryn Maxwell, Quakertown, PA AGG Pittsburgh Conference Registration Advanced Leading Workshop with Dan Maher & Nancy Nicholson AGG Pittsburgh Conference Registration Nicholas Parrendo Painting Workshop Greer Ashman, Mountain View, CA Kelley Mooers, Seattle, WA Stained Glass Conservation Master’s Degree, with Sarah Brown, York University, England, UK Claire Boselie, Antwerp, Belgium AGG Pittsburgh Conference Registration Nicholas Parrendo Painting Workshop Whitney Capps, Eureka Springs, AR AGG Pittsburgh Conference Registration Charles Z .Lawrence Design Workshop Joseph Cavalieri, New York, NY Glass Painting Intensive with J. Kenneth Leap & Kathy Jordan Dale Noelte, Middletown, RI AGG Pittsburgh Conference Registration Charles Z. Lawrence Design Workshop Maria Orr, Kentwood, MI Glass Painting with J. Kenneth Leap & Kathy Jordan Celeste Parrendo, Pittsburgh, PA Charles Z. Lawrence Design Workshop Workshop at North Lands Creative School, Scotland Meredith Pesti, Cleveland, OH Amanda Chau, Wilmington, DE AGG Pittsburgh Conference Registration Advanced Leading Workshop with Dan Maher & Nancy Nicholson AGG Pittsburgh Conference Registration Nicholas Parrendo Painting Workshop Ekaterina Reier, Bunnlevel, NC Doris Cultraro, Rhinebeck, NY Glass Painting Intensive with Debora Coombs Nancy Gong, Rochester, NY Painting Workshop with Debora Coombs Beginning Glass Painting & Intro to Silver Stain, J. Kenneth Leap Dan Scott, Boise, Idaho Painting on Glass Workshop at Vetrate Artistiche Toscane, Siena, Italy Hanne Winters, Haasrode, Belgium AGG Pittsburgh Conference Registration Nicholas Parrendo Painting Workshop 4 A M E R I C A N G L A S S G U I L D Notes from Recent Scholarship Recipients Whitney Capps Color & Design Workshop with Charles Z. Lawrence, 2012 AGG Conference, Pittsburgh, PA Dear American Glass Guild, I am writing to thank you for awarding me the James C. Whitney Memorial Scholarship to attend this year's conference. When I received the award letter, I had no idea what a huge effect it would have. Thanks to the AGG and the incredible artists and craftspeople I met while at the conference, I have a new outlook on what is possible. New doors are already opening. I want to truly thank you for this opportunity. I got to see first hand the hard work that went into making this scholarship available to me, I will not take it for granted. Sincerely, Whitney Capps Taking part in the workshop "Painting Ed's head" by Mr. Nick Parrendo was one of the highlights of the conference. During this workshop I have learned several new painting techniques like airbrushing and painting with oil and turpentine, under the careful eye of both Mr. Parrendo and Celeste Parrendo whom are wonderful teachers. Spending a day in the Hunt Studio with its great generosity is an experience I will never forget. The lectures of the conference were well chosen and very educating and the high level of work and organization was clearly visible. All the aspects of being a conservator or artist in the world of stained glass were represented. From ethics to techniques to dealing with unemployment and so on. I have enjoyed them all. Overall the "AGG experience" has been a great one with wonderful contacts and educational knowledge and I will hope to attend many more AGG conferences in the future. I am very grateful to the AGG for giving me the opportunity to attend this conference via the James C. Withney scholarship. It is one I will never forget. Claire Boselie, 26 July 2012 Hanne Winters Ed’s Head Painting Workshop wiht Nicholas Parrendo 2012 AGG Conference, Pittsburgh PA Whitney Capps in the Color & Design Workshop This year I, Hanne Winters, was one of the lucky ones who got the James C. Whitney Memorial Scholarship. Since I am a student in conservation studies in Belgium, going to conferences (preferably all over the world) is a very educational experience. As we all know these conferences tend to cost a lot of money, therefore I am very thankful for the opportunity I got. During the conference I attended the workshop "painting Ed's head" given by Nick Parrendo. In the picture below you can see the result of this workshop. Mr. Parrendo is a wonderful man with a lot experience and is a great teacher. He taught me some techniques I had never heard of before. We met plenty of surprisingly friendly and helpful people, who were all very willing to answer to every question. The speakers for the conference were well chosen and all very interesting. The auction was pleasant to attend, sadly I didn't have any money to play along... Luckily I did win a gift basket! So, It all comes down to one thing: I want to come back next year! Hanne Winters, July 2012 Claire Boselie Ed’s Head Painting Workshop wiht Nicholas Parrendo 2012 AGG Conference, Pittsburgh PA Time flies when you are having fun is what they say, if I have got it right. And did I have fun learning new things these past four days of AGG. This was not my first conference but it is definitely one of the best so far. The warm welcome that I have had was beyond my expectations. It is not often that people with this kind of experience and knowledge are so approachable for a simple student like I am. During these four days I have learned so many new things, both for my practical work as for my knowledge of stained glass. Workshop piece, Claire Boselie Workshop piece, Hanne Winters 5 A M E R I C A N G L A S S G U I L D 2012 Open Drawing Workshop J. Kenneth Leap - Friday, July 20th, 2012 Because of the nostalgia for nineteenth century German style windows so prevalent in the American religious community today we as designers and studio owners are often asked to revisit this subject matter. The challenge, of course, should be to create a fresh interpretation of these familiar scenes. So often, however, because of the lack of time or vision we can be tempted to simply knock off a copy of a revered nineteenth century masterpiece. Faced with deadlines, budgetary restrictions and a lack of classically trained artists it shouldn’t be surprising that the result is often a poor copy at best. It was in reaction to this that I first conceived of the open drawing workshop as a part of our annual conference. In its third year, the workshop is now a conference highlight. On Friday evening in the darkened mahogany paneled room of the majestic Omni William Penn Hotel conference participants once again had the opportunity to draw and photograph costumed models reenacting classical tableaux. The accompaniment of music and an open bar helped to stir the creative juices. The idea was to have selected images of historic paintings illustrating themes often seen in liturgical stained glass windows and then to project them onto a digital screen. All of these masterworks by Raphael, Leonardo da Vinci and others served as the source material which inspired nineteenth century stained glass designers. The primary helpers Hallie Monroe and Patrice Schelkin dressed volunteers from the audience in beautiful handmade costumes which were generously loaned by the Bryn Athyn Cathedral. I posed the models in emulation of the images on the screen. Participants were dazzled by an array of tableaux which began with William Holman Hunt’s The Light of the World portrayed by Dale Grzechowiak who was attending the conference with his wife Melissa Janda a glass painter at Conrad Schmidt Studio. He was joined by Tony Glander to depict Raphael’s Baptism of Christ. Their initial stiff portrayal was enlivened as the audience coached them on the meaning of “contrapposto”. Troy Moody and David Crane and new member Catherine Maxwell gave a stirring rendition of the Sacrifice of Isaac. Using Jenna Lambrecht and Melissa Janda as Mary and the angel Gabriel, the attendees were then shown a sequence interpreting Mary’s gestures depicted in variations of the Annunciation. Nedia Mezalick and Dale gave us a haunting and majestic Pieta by William-Adolphe Bouguereau with Melissa and Isabel Monroe as lamenting angels. The evening concluded with one final surprise - David Fode, in full buccaneer attire, playing homage to the Pittsburgh Pirates! Please visit the AGG Flickr gallery to relive the spectacle photos by J. Kenneth Leap J. Kenneth Leap, September 2012 Photos taken at Open Drawing Workshop Jenna Lambrecht as Mary and Melissa Janda as the angel Gabriel interpreting one of the variations of the Annunciation 6 A M E R I C A N G L A S S G U I L D Highlights from the 2012 AGG Auction The AGG Auction was, once again, a high point of the events at this summer’s conference in Pittsburgh. Thanks to the many, many people who so generously donated their time, talent, art work and services to make this evening more successful than ever! Co-chairs Kathy Jordan and Nancy Gong, together with members of the Auction Committee and many enthusiastic bidders, helped raise an astounding $32,000 to support the scholarship fund and our educational efforts. And Kathy with the help of fellow auctioneer, Scott Ouderkirk --- truly outdid herself as one of the “Lennon Sisters” in her big-hair wig and white gloves! It was a “really, really big shew!” The Auction baton has been passed on to me for next year’s conference in St. Augustine in May – and we are excited to be planning a more public event for the live auction! It will be held at the St. Augustine Art Association (, where we hope to have an expanded audience of art glass collectors in attendance. So expect to hear from me soon about making a donation to next year’s auction. Until then… Patrice Heinz Schelkun, 2013 Auction Chair Clockwise from the bottom left: “Sketch”, auction donation from Nikki Vogt “Marshmallow”, stained glass panel auction donation by Don Burt, two photos from the 2012 auction, “Steampunk Girl”, stained glass panel auction donation by Susana Rutherford, Auction photo with Kathy Jordan as a Lennon sister. Find more photos of the AGG 2012 Auction at the AGG Flickr Page 7 A M E R I C A N G L A S S G U I L D 2013 American Glass Guild Conference Saint Augustine, Florida Location: Hilton St. Augustine Historic Bayfront Hotel, St. Augustine, Florida Pre-Conference Workshops: Wednesday, May 15, 2013 Conference Dates: Thursday, May 16 - Saturday, May 18, 2013 Bus Tour to Morse Museum: Sunday, May 19, 2013 Highlights of the 2012 AGG Juried Art Exhibit 2013 AGG conference registration information coming in October. Look for an email blast, and check in regularly at the conference website Call for Entries: American Glass Now: 2013 Location: St. Augustine Art Association, St. Augustine, Florida Exhibition dates: May 3-29, 2013 Deadline for Submission: December 15, 2012 2012 Juried Art Exhibit Omni William Penn Hotel, Pittsburgh, PA Frida Kahlo panel by Betti Pettinati-Longinotti Masque of the Red Death panel by David Fode A juried exhibition, sponsored by the American Glass Guild (AGG), and held in conjunction with the AGG’s St. Augustine Conference. Each artist may submit a design concept for the show in the form of a drawing/sketch/watercolor for a flat-glass work. The maximum width and height of the finished piece is 3 feet by 3 feet (this includes any framing) and maximum depth is 2 inches. Works may use traditional, contemporary, or experimental techniques. Artists are encouraged to look at flat glass in new ways. Artists are also asked to submit a maximum of 5 digital images representative of their work. 6XEPLVVLRQVVKRXOGEHVHQWWRZHEPDVWHU#DPHULFDQJODVVJXLOGRUJ with the words "St. Augustine Juried Exhibit" in the subject line by December 15, 2012. $OOLPDJHVPXVWEHGLJLWDOO\VXEPLWWHGDVMSHJVDWGSLDQGQRODUJHU than 800 pixels in either direction. File size must not exceed 1mb. 7KHHPDLOVKRXOGLQFOXGHWKHDUWLVW¶VQDPHFRQWDFWLQIRUPDWLRQDQGD numbered list matching the numbered digital images with each artwork’s title, medium (technique), date, and dimensions. $FFHSWHGDUWLVWVZLOOEHQRWLILHGE\-DQXDU\ :RUNVPXVWEHFRPSOHWHGDQGSKRWRJUDSKHGE\0DUFKLQ order to be exhibited. 6KLSSLQJLVWKHUHVSRQVLELOLW\RIWKHDUWLVWV (QWUDQFHIHH6XEPLVVLRQIHHLVZDLYHGIRUPHPEHUVRIWKH American Glass Guild whose dues are current and for current students or those within two years of graduation (you must include proof of attendance). 8 A M E R I C A N G L A S S G U I L D 2013 AGG Conference Preview The Charles Hosmer Morse Museum of American Art Conference Bus Tour - May 19, 2013 Electrolier, c. 1904 Black-eyed Susan Photo by Raymond Martinot The work of Louis Comfort Tiffany (1848-1933) is undoubtedly the centerpiece of the Morse Museum collection. The Museum’s collection of Tiffany artworks is broad, deep, and unique. It includes fine examples in every medium Tiffany explored, in every category of work he produced, and from every period of his life. The collection has been referred to as “the most comprehensive and most interesting collection of Tiffany anywhere” by Alice Cooney Frelinghuysen, Anthony W. and Lulu C. Wang Curator of American Decorative Arts at The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. In her book The Art of Louis Comfort Tiffany, Vivienne Couldrey described the Morse’s holdings as “the most important collection of Tiffany material in the world today.” The variety of the Morse’s Tiffany holdings range from his famed leaded-glass windows and lamps to the glass buttons his firm fashioned to make even life’s most humble objects expressions of beauty. The collection also includes examples that define Tiffany as a painter, decorator, architect, photographer, and landscape architect, as well as a designer of ceramics, furniture, enamels, jewelry, and mosaics. Its breadth encompasses not only masterpieces such as the 1893 chapel that he personally designed but the works that he supervised and controlled after he created his studio operation and established its great popular success. Because of Tiffany’s deep personal involvement, Tiffany Studios was able to produce high—quality objects in a great variety of designs and materials over an extended period of time. The Museum’s Tiffany collection is supported by an extensive group of unique historical artifacts and archival material that shed light on Louis Comfort Tiffany—the man, his art, and his times. These materials include personal memorabilia, letters, designs, plans, photographs, early experiments, business documents, ephemera, and architectural fragments from Laurelton Hall and Tiffany’s various homes in New York City. All text and photos courtesy of The Charles Hosmer Morse Museum of American Art Tiffany Chapel at the Morse Museum Among the most fascinating objects in the Morse Museum is the chapel interior Tiffany created for the 1893 World’s Columbian Exposition in Chicago with its brilliantly colored windows, mosaics, marble, jewels, glass, stone, and furnishings. It was Tiffany’s work at this exposition, and most especially the chapel, that clearly established him internationally as one of the leading artists and designers of his era. 9 A M E R I C A N G L A S S G U I L D Louis Comfort Tiffany’s Laurelton Hall at the Morse Museum Living Room Gallery In addition, the Museum is the largest single repository of surviving materials from Tiffany’s Long Island country estate, Laurelton Hall. Either designed by Tiffany for the estate or handpicked by Tiffany to be displayed there, this important group of art and architectural elements distinguishes the Morse’s collection from any other. The Laurelton Hall objects include the artist’s most prized paintings, art glass, pottery, and furniture as well as the estate’s famed 1915 Daffodil Terrace. They also include windows, lamps, and other objects that were exhibited at international expositions and later adorned his home. Other Rooms Gallery “The most important collection of Tiffany material in the world today.” The Art of Louis Comfort Tiffany Vivienne Couldrey Reception Hall and Dining Room photos by Jimmy Cohrssen 10 A M E R I C A N G L A S S G U I L D Secrets of Tiffany Glassmaking at the Morse Museum Exhibit Updated, Reinstalled The Museum’s popular teaching exhibition Secrets of Tiffany Glassmaking has been updated and relocated. Through art objects, tools, photographs, and artifacts, the exhibition explains the techniques and processes Tiffany’s designers and artisans used to create mosaics, blown-glass vases, and leaded-glass windows and lamps. The new installation includes additional archival images from Tiffany Studios and expanded information on the designers who worked for Tiffany, including Clara Driscoll (1861–1944), the artist who supervised the Women’s Glass Cutting Department and designed many Tiffany lampshades. The updated show includes a video showing the conservation of the Black-eyed Susan hanging lamp, c. 1904, that Tiffany installed at his Laurelton Hall estate and which is now on view in the Museum’s new Tiffany wing. The Charles Hosmer Morse Museum of American Art 445 North Park Avenue, Winter Park, Florida Tiffany Studios workshop, c. 1927 Women’s Glass Cutting Department, c. 1904-1905 2013 Conference Speaker Preview Jean-Jacques Duval AGG Senior Advisor Jean-Jacques Duval will be speaking about his distinguished career at the upcoming AGG conference in Florida this May. Having just finished a commission for a penthouse window in Montreal, he is now preparing for a solo show of his paintings and sculpture which will open this coming spring at the Plattsburgh State Art Museum. Duval at his studio in upstate New York with one of his glass sculptures Photo by Mary Clerkin Higgins Check out the AGG Education Blog A blog featuring postings on educational resources, trends and ideas about glass. Compiled by the Education Committee of the American Glass Guild 11 A M E R I C A N G L A S S G U I L D Thanks to our Sponsors! Board of Directors J. Kenneth Leap, President Maria Serpentino, Vice President Janet Lipstreu, Treasurer Bradford Anderson,Secretary Marie-Pascale Foucault-Phipps Tony Glander Rebecca Hartman-Baker Kathy Jordan Tom Krepcio Nancy Nicholson Scott Ouderkirk Senior Advisory Board Crosby Willet, Chair Roy Coomber Jack Cushen Jean-Jacques Duval Charles Z. Lawrence Rowan LeCompte Sylvia Nicolas Nick Parrendo Robert Pinart Patrick Reyntiens Committee Lists Auction Committee Patrice Heinz Schelkun, Chair Bradford Anderson By-Laws Committee Art Femenella, Chair Tom Garcia Clay Jordan Kevin Hershey John Raynal John McCarthy Maria Serpentino (ex-officio) Conference Committee Rebecca Hartman-Baker, Chair Mary Clerkin Higgins, Program Chair Claire Comstock Sister Diane Couture Debbra Williams Education Committee Scott Ouderkirk, Chair Sister Diane Coutore Karen Mulder Lindsay Parrot Diane Wright Virginia Raguin Judith Schaechter Finance Committee Janet Lipstreu, Chair Jules Mominee Carol Slovikosky Long Range Planning Committee Maria Serpentino, Chair Art Femenella Mary Clerkin Higgins Marketing and Publicity Committee Tony Glander, Chair Kathy Jordan Membership Committee Barbara Krueger, Chair Bradford Anderson Don Burt Judy Killian Nancy Nicholson Newsletter Editor Tom Krepcio Scholarship Committee Marie-Pascale Foucault-Phipps, Chair Rebecca Hartman-Baker Maria Serpentino Sponsorship Committee Kathy Jordan, Chair Janet Lipstreu Maria Serpentino Website Committee Nancy Nicholson, Chair Rebecca Hartman-Baker Tom Krepcio Renew Your Membership Now! AGGnews, Volume 3, Issue 3, Summer 2012 Just some of the benefits of membership! The Quarterly eNewsletter of the American Glass Guild Networking with Your Peers Quarterly eNewsletter Discounted Conference Fee Member Slide Show & Exhibit at Conference Members’ Weblink on AGG Website Members only area of Bulletin Board Contributors included Maria Serpentino J. Kenneth Leap Claire Boselie Whitney Capps Hanne Winters Patrice Heinz Schelkun Editing and Layout - Tom Krepcio 12