CONTENTS - Los Angeles Religious Education Congress
CONTENTS - Los Angeles Religious Education Congress
CONTENTS General Info RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CONGRESS 2006 MARCH 31 - APRIL 2, 2006 WORSHIP AIDS – ARENA: Friday Opening Rite & Welcome begins ........... 34 Misa de las Americas Liturgy begins ..... 38 Saturday Morning Praise begins ............................. 46 Black Culture Liturgy begins .................. 51 Sunday Closing Liturgy begins ............................ 57 Congress Theme Song ............................. 66 WORKSHOP ROOM LOCATIONS Period 1 – Friday ......................................... Period 2 – Friday ......................................... Period 3 – Friday ......................................... Period 4 – Saturday ..................................... Period 5 – Saturday ..................................... Period 6 – Saturday ..................................... Period 7 – Sunday ........................................ Period 8 – Sunday ........................................ 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Maps Taped workshops are indicated by CONGRESS HIGHLIGHTS Art Exhibit/Multicultural Exhibit ............... Asian-Pacific/Young Adult Events ............. Cardinal Mahony Online ............................. Congress Highlights .................................... Exhibitors TALLERES DEL CONGRESO Viernes, Sesiones 1-3 .............................. 30 Sábado, Sesiones 4-6 ............................... 31 Domingo, Sesiones 7-8 ............................ 32 O.R.E. CONGRESS 2007 DATES Youth Day: March 1, 2007 Congress: March 2-4, 2007 26 29 27 28 33 Arena REMINDERS: Daylight Saving Time begins Sunday, April 2, 2006 at 1 a.m. Set your clock ahead 1 hour! SECCIÓN EN ESPAÑOL Horario del Congreso ............................... Información .............................................. Mensaje del Cardenal Mahony ............... Mensaje de la Directora .......................... Programas de la oficina ........................... Español GENERAL INFORMATION Acknowledgments ........................................ 71-73 Attendee & General Information ................ 12 Audio Taping Form ..................................... 23 Committees .................................................. 71 Exhibitors • Categories .............................................. 81, 83 • Featured Exhibitors ............................... 22, 80-86 • Index (alphabetical) .............................. 85-88 Daily Schedules • Friday, March 31 ................................... 6 • Saturday, April 1 ................................... 7 • Sunday, April 2 ..................................... 8 Liturgies/Prayer Services ............................ 9 Maps • Convention Center Map ............ Back Cover • Exhibit Hall A Map ....... Inside Back Cover • Restaurants Map & Listing ................... 74-75 • Clarion Hotel Map ................................ 76 • Disney’s Paradise Pier Hotel Map ....... 77 • Doubletree Guest Suites Map .............. 78 • Sheraton Park Hotel Map ..................... 79 O.R.E. Programs .......................................... 69-70 O.R.E. Staff Listing ..................................... 68 Speaker Index .............................................. 13 Staff Booth Schedule ................................... 69 Tech Center Schedule .................................. 11 Weekend Schedule .................... Inside Front Cover Welcome Message from Bishop Brown .................. 2 Message from Cardinal Mahony ............. 3 Message from the Director ...................... 4 Workshops ARCHDIOCESE OF LOS ANGELES OFFICE OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION 3424 WILSHIRE BOULEVARD LOS ANGELES, CA 90010 PHONE • 1.213.637.7346 WEB • WWW.RECONGRESS.ORG EMAIL • CONGRESS@LA-ARCHDIOCESE.ORG 5 10 11 5 1 WELCOME 2 2006 Religious Education Congress WELCOME General Info Dear Congress Participant: I am delighted to welcome yo u to our annual wonderful sour Religious Educ ce of renewal ation Congres for our local C event provides s. A hurch and beyo us an opportu nd, this much nity to renew pass on the ric anticipated our commitm h story and tra ent to be evan ditions of our gelizers and to Catholic faith . The theme “S tep into Freed om” is inspire Sunday of Lent d by the Scrip . It is the gift th ture readings at Jesus bestow unbound him for the Fifth ed on Lazarus and enabled hi as he called hi m to embrace Spirit, Jesus ca m forth, new life. Thro lls us forth, br ugh the gift of eaks the bond all that enslav this same s of sinfulness es. , and invites us to let go of I am pleased th at so many of you take the tim many excellent e to be enriche keynotes, wor d and renewed kshops, multic and opportuni by the ultural liturgica ties to network l celebrations, of fered througho for the well be resources ut the weekend ing and growth . Your leadersh of our parish fa ip is vital ith communiti es. Please be assu red of my supp ort and encour your time and agement as yo energy to shar u so generous e the Good New young people ly dedicate s of the Gospe to hear and fo l and as you ch llow the voice allenge our of God. Asking the Lo rd’s blessing up on you, your fa Catechetical M milies and your inistry, I am most important Sincerely your s in Christ, His Eminence Cardinal Roge r Mahony Archbishop of Los Angeles 3 WELCOME Dear Friends, It is a joy to we lcome you to ye t another celeb Congress 2006 ration of faith . We are alway and renewal pl s delighted to we the gifts of Co anned for lcome back thos ngress for seve e of you who ha ral years and to attendees. We ve shared in extend a warm are truly enriche we lco d m by the presence blessed weeken e to first-time and participati d. on of all who ga ther for this As many of yo u will recall, a Religious Educ the Archdioces ation Endowm e of Los Angeles ent Fund has be for the on-going Religious Educ en established education and ation, Adult Re in formation of Di ligious Educato fund is current rectors of rs, Young Adul ly enabling 18 ts and Youth M students to pursu Your gift offerin inisters. The e a master ’s de g at the 2005 Co gree in Religio ngress Saturday also thank thos us Education. e who made a night liturgies special contrib br ou ght in $36,000. ution to the fund We with their onlin The number an e registration. d variety of insig htful and chall offered throug enging keynot hout the weeken es, workshops d provide inva enrichment. and resources luable support of on-going fa ith formation an d The wonderful liturgical celeb rations and enter languages of th tainment weav e cultures and e many sounds communities of the activities of , rituals and the Archdioces fered, there are e and beyond. also moments labyrinth, and In the midst of for reflective pr to celebrate th ayer, opportuni e Sacrament of ties to walk the Reconciliation . Again, I am m ost grateful for your participati the power of Go on, leadership d’s liberating pr and commitmen esence in the wo great annual ga t to proclaimin rld. I look forw thering. g ard to greeting you at this Sincerely, Sr. Edith Prende rgast, RSC Archdiocesan Director Office of Relig ious Education 4 2006 Religious Education Congress CONGRESS HIGHLIGHTS Convention Hall E (downstairs) Friday & Saturday: 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Sunday: 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Experience the Labyrinth – an ancient walking meditation practiced in many cultures and faith traditions. We will be walking a Chartresstyle Labyrinth, the original of which was built in Chartres Cathedral in the 12th century. It continues to be used as a form of walking meditation today. FREE YOUR HEART with the opportunity for spiritual renewal through the healing Christ in the Sacrament of Reconciliation and Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. Visual meditations and art will enhance the reflection area helping to prepare the participants for their renewal. FREE YOUR SPIRIT as you experience art and music that will ignite creative reflection and meditation. Contemplative music by Michael John Poirier and Danielle Rose will again be featured in the Sacred Space. Visual art by guest artists will be highlighted throughout the space, sparking the spirit’s imagination. BOOK & CD SIGNINGS Convention Hall A Throughout Congress The signing tables are located in the northeast corner of Hall A. Check the posted schedule there for the appearance times of authors and performing artists. CARDINAL MAHONY ONLINE Tech Center – Hall A Friday, 11:15 a.m. Los Angeles Cardinal Roger Mahony goes online in his 10th annual chat session live from the Exhibit Hall at Congress. DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME Sunday, 1:00 a.m. Most of the United States uses Daylight Saving Time (DST) to “save” daylight hours. At 1 a.m. on April 2, clocks will be set forward one hour, marking the beginning of daylight saving time, effectively moving an hour of daylight from the morning to the evening. Starting in 2007, it will begin the second Sunday in March to the first Sunday in November, adding about a month to daylight saving time. This year it falls on the fourth Sunday of Lent, right in the middle of our Congress. So set your clocks forward 1 hour at bedtime on Saturday night. ART EXHIBIT Arena Lobby – Throughout Congress THE SAINT JOHN’S BIBLE Our Congress 2006 Art Exhibit features the Saint John’s Bible project – the first handwritten and illuminated Bible since the early 1500s. This project of 1,150 or so calfskin pages (16 by 24 inches) was commissioned in 1998 by St. John’s University in Collegeville, Minn. A team of 14 calligraphers and artists is creating this Bible highlighed by illustrations and illuminations and under the artistic direction of Donald Jackson. Jackson is former longtime scribe to Queen Elizabeth’s Crown Office at the House of Lords in London. The page at left is Psalm 107, taken from the “Book of Psalms.” This page is from the third completed volume (of seven volumes total) for The Saint John’s Bible. MULTICULTURAL EXHIBIT Convention Prefunction Lobby, 2nd floor Friday & Saturday, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Sunday, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Come discover the artifacts, statues and pictures as instruments that announce or gather, symbols that are sacred and important to a culture. This exhibit is presented by Archdiocesan ministries: Ethnic Groups, Hispanic/Latino, Filipino and African-American. SATURDAY PRAYER Ballroom DE – 9:30 p.m. Compline: Prayer at the End of the Day At the setting of the sun we come to join our hearts and voices in praise to God. Compline comes from the Latin completorium (complement), and is the last of the Liturgy of the Hours, the “completion” of all the Hours at the close of the day. 5 General Info SACRED SPACE IN HALL E DAILY SCHEDULE FRIDAY SCHEDULE FRIDAY, MARCH 31, 2006 OPENING RITE & WELCOME Arena – Friday, 8:30 a.m. 8:00 a.m. On-site registration begins (Prefunction Lobby) 8:30 - 9:30 a.m. Opening Rite & Welcome (Arena) 10:00 - 11:30 a.m. Period 1 Workshops 11:30 a .m. - 1:00 p.m. LUNCH 11:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Music (Arena) – Pedro Rubalcava Music (Hall B) – David Haas 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. Period 2 Workshops 3:00 - 4:30 p.m. Period 3 Workshops 5:15 p.m. Evening Prayer & Eucharistic Liturgies 8:00 p.m. Concert (Arena) – “Rockin’ the ’Rena” Step into Freedom/Paso a la Libertad Enfolded in God’s freeing, transforming, life-giving presence we gather to pray, celebrate and lift our hearts and voices in praise and gratitude. Our spirited opening will be graced by the presence of: Cardinal Roger Mahony Edith Prendergast, RSC Vikki Shepp John Flaherty Tony Alonso John Angotti Ed Archer Matt Bazar Betsey Beckman Anna Betancourt Josh Blakesley Helena Buscema Richard Cheri Jaime Cortez Jeanne Cotter Harrison Crenshaw Nellie Cruz Elohim D’Leon Gary Daigle Jim Gibson Laura Gibson Laura Gomez David Haas Bob Halligan Marty Haugen Eddie Hilley Bob Hurd Frank Jansen ValLimar Jansen Mary Janus Meredith Dean Joseph Tom Kendzia Peter Kolar Liam Lawton Kenneth Louis Matt Maher Ginny McKinleyTemple Amanda Niksa Susan J. Paul Michael John Poirier Danielle Rose Pedro Rubalcava The St. Louis Jesuits Bob VerEecke John West & more FRIDAY LUNCHTIME ENTERTAINMENT 9:30 p.m. Arena – 11:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Taizé (Ballroom DE) PEDRO RUBALCAVA Registration Hours “Step Into Freedom – Primavera con Cristo” 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Exhibit Hours (Hall A) 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Multicultural Exhibit (2nd floor) 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Enjoy a lively and spirited lunchtime break. Relish the music, song and gift of the young Hispanic/Latino Church. Come and experience how music can free the soul in this springtime with Christ. It’s a musical lunchtime you won’t soon forget! Sacred Space (Hall E) 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Hall B – 11:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. DAVID HAAS “God Is Here! Sing and Celebrate” Come together to sing, celebrate and rejoice with David Haas as we pause midday to give thanks to our God, who is always present, always faithful, always forgiving, always here – with us! Come and experience new music, new texts, and new pathways to reconciliation. FRIDAY EVENING CONCERT Come celebrate the gifts, talents, sounds, sights and creativity of our young church. Energetic MCs – Danielle Rose and Mark Misch – will step us into an experience of Church alive, hopeful and spirit-filled. Join in a rockin’ Rose & Misch musical festival of song, dance and ritual including a musical quartet and contemporary artists Brianna, Tony Alonso, Nellie Cruz, Joshua Blakesley, David Yackley, Kristin Firestone, Harrison Crenshaw, and many others, under the musical direction of John Flaherty and Gary Daigle. 6 Daigle “Rockin’ the ’Rena” Flaherty Arena – 8:00 p.m. 2006 Religious Education Congress DAILY SCHEDULE SATURDAY, APRIL 1, 2006 General Info SATURDAY MORNING PRAISE SATURDAY SCHEDULE VALLIMAR & FRANK JANSEN Arena – 8:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. On-site registration (Prefunction area) Morning Praise (Arena) “Celebrating the Sounds and Traditions of the South” Join us for Morning Praise. Our morning will begin with ValLimar Jansen and Frank Jansen leading us in prayer, song and praise celebrating our faith. Together we will experience a full spectrum of Southern traditions and sacred songs – ranging from contemporary R&B, Soul, Gospel and Dixieland to the West African roots from which this music has developed. 8:30 a.m. Keynote Address (Arena) – Timothy Radcliffe, OP 10:00 - 11:30 a.m. Period 4 Workshops 11:30 a.m - 1:00 p.m. SATURDAY KEYNOTE LUNCH TIMOTHY RADCLIFFE, OP Arena – 8:30 a.m. 11:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Music (Arena) – ¡Marimbas Fantásticas! with Peter Kolar Music (Hall B) – Matt Maher “Come Out, Lazarus: The Church as a Sign of Hope & Freedom” Our world is in need of hope for the future and a message of freedom. As St. Paul wrote, “For freedom Christ has set us free.” How can the Church be the bearer of this message? What are the signs of hope that we can offer to a world that has an uncertain future? 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. Period 5 Workshops 3:00 - 4:30 p.m. Period 6 Workshops SATURDAY LUNCHTIME ENTERTAINMENT 5:15 p.m. Arena – 11:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Evening Prayer & Liturgies 8:00 p.m. ¡MARIMBAS FANTÁSTICAS! WITH PETER KOLAR Kolar This amazing group will take you by surprise! Composed of talented Mexican-American youth from inner-city Holy Cross/Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish in Chicago under the direction of Peter Kolar, this ensemble has delighted audiences nationwide with its unique sound and inspiring story. From popular Latin-American tunes to polkas and even J.S. Bach, this group will show how music can inspire youth. Hall B – 11:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Concert (Arena) – Bob Halligan, Jr. & Ceili Rain 9:30 p.m. Compline (Ballroom DE) 9:30 p.m. Young Adult Dance (Marriott) Registration Hours 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Exhibit Hours (Hall A) 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Multicultural Exhibit (2nd floor) 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. MATT MAHER IN CONCERT “Overflow” Matt Maher is one of today’s most popular and critically acclaimed young Catholic artists. Join Matt and his band as they take you on an emotional tour into the power of God’s presence and the Catholic faith. Be prepared for a musical experience that will fill your soul, lift your voice, and raise your hands. Sacred Space (Hall E) 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Daylight Saving Time: Set your clock ahead 1 hour when you go to bed tonight. SATURDAY EVENING CONCERT BOB HALLIGAN, JR. & CEILI RAIN Arena – 8:00 p.m. Back for a fifth Congress appearance, the Celtic-infused pop-rock group Ceili Rain brings the message in a party that won’t quit! This six-headed joy-monster for Jesus will delight kids from 3 to 93. Billboard Magazine raves: “This group deserves to be heard by the entire world!” Join the Celtic Conga line in the Arena on Saturday night! 7 DAILY SCHEDULE SUNDAY SCHEDULE SUNDAY, APRIL 2, 2006 SUNDAY MORNING LITURGY BISHOP TOD BROWN, PRESIDER 8:00 a.m. On-site registration (Prefunction Lobby) 8:15 - 9:30 a.m. Eucharistic Liturgy (Arena) 8:30 a.m. Morning Addresses English: Rev. Ronald Rolheiser Spanish: Rev. D. Rodríguez Vietnamese: Bishop S. Thien 10:00 - 11:30 a.m. Period 7 Workshops 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. LUNCH 11:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Music (Arena) – The St. Louis Jesuits Music (Hall B) – John Angotti & Meredith Dean Joseph Arena – 8:15 a.m. Here is a morning opportunity gather as a community of faith to give thanks, to celebrate and be nourished by Word and Sacrament. Refreshed and renewed we go forth to make a difference as we Step into Freedom. SUNDAY ADDRESS Convention Ballroom AB – 8:30 a.m. ENGLISH: REV. RONALD ROLHEISER “Toward a Spirituality of Deeper Commitment – Radical Sobriety, Radical Transparency, Radical Prayer” The invitations that Jesus gives us deepen as we age and grow more mature, demanding of us always an increasing sobriety, transparency and intimacy within prayer. What does discipleship ask of us beyond simply having our lives in order, going to church, being concerned for justice, and being decent, good human beings? Some principles for deeper commitment will also be revealed. SUNDAY LUNCHTIME ENTERTAINMENT 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. Period 8 Workshops Arena – 11:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. 3:30 p.m. Closing Eucharistic Liturgy (Arena) Registration Hours 8:00 a.m. - 12 noon Exhibit Hours (Hall A) 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Multicultural Exhibit (2nd floor) 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Sacred Space (Hall E) 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. THE ST. LOUIS JESUITS IN CONCERT You know the songs of the St. Louis Jesuits by heart. “Be Not Afraid,” “Here I Am, Lord,” “Lift Up Your Hearts,” “One Bread, One Body,” have inspired us and shaped Catholic liturgical music since their album release “Neither Silver nor Gold” in the mid1970s. Bob Dufford, SJ, Roc O’Connor, SJ, Dan Schutte, and John Foley, SJ (pictured clockwise from top) are together again to premiere their newest collection of songs, “Morning Light.” Please join us for this special opportunity to experience the music and magic of the St. Louis Jesuits and their message of hope for today’s Church. Hall B – 11:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. JOHN ANGOTTI & MEREDITH DEAN JOSEPH John Angotti and Meredith Dean Joseph together in concert inspire and ignite the soul! The music and stories of these lifelong friends give witness to the struggles of life and lead audiences to a better understanding of their personal relationship with God. Highly energetic, mixing contemporary Christian, classic rock, jazz and R&B sounds, John’s and Meredith’s dynamic musical testimony will touch your heart and soul ... no matter your age or where you are on your faith journey! CLOSING LITURGY Arena – 3:30 p.m. CARDINAL ROGER MAHONY, PRESIDER As Congress 2006 draws to a close, we come together to pray, to celebrate and to go forth to a life renewed. We are challenged to Step into Freedom, witness to our new life in Christ, and place our lives and ministry at the service of God’s people in the world. Our Closing Liturgy will feature the 200-plus voice Congress Choir ’06, under the direction of John Flaherty. 8 2006 Religious Education Congress LITURGIES/PRAYER SCHEDULE All liturgies at 5:15 p.m. (unless noted) Congress strives to offer experiences that stimulate new ideas and renew excitement about ministry, reinvigorate faith, and help restore a spirit of hope. This happens through ritual, prayer, music, dance and Word – not only from workshops, but through the various daily liturgies we offer. We invite you to experience a liturgy from among the many cultures represented. FRIDAY – MARCH 31 Character 5:15 p.m. Location Presider Music F1 General Convention Hall B Rev. R. Tony Ricard J. Angotti/M. Dean Joseph F2 Celtic Convention Ballroom ABC Rev. Dorian Llywelyn Liam Lawton F3 Justice & Peace Convention 304 Bishop Donald Trautman The St. Louis Jesuits F4 Mass of the Americas Convention Arena Rev. Domingo Rodríguez Msgr. Ray East, homily Pedro Rubalcava / Peter Kolar F5 Nigerian Rev. Ikechukwu Ikeocha Igbo Community Choir SATURDAY – APRIL 1 S1 General Convention Ballroom ABC 5:15 p.m. Rev. Richard Leonard Gomez / Janus / McGrath S2 Black Culture Convention Arena Rev. J-Glenn Murray Richard Cheri/Eddie Hilley S3 Contemplative Convention 304 Rev. Bryan Massingale M. Poirier / Danielle Rose S4 Spanish Convention Hall B Rev. Alex Salazar A. Betancourt / J. Cortez S5 Tongan Sheraton (Coast) Plaza Rev. Fatu Mulikháamea Tongan Community Choir S6 Young Adult Convention Hall C Msgr. Ray East Matt Maher SUNDAY – APRIL 2 A1 Morning Liturgy* Arena 8:15 a.m. Bishop Tod Brown Congress Choir 2006 A2 Closing Liturgy* Arena 3:30 p.m. Cardinal Roger Mahony Congress Choir 2006 Convention Hall C *NOTE: There will be an RCIA dismissal during both Sunday Eucharistic Liturgies. All catechumens and candidates present are invited to participate. Reserved Arena seating will be provided. Prayer Services The very earliest Christians gathered daily at dawn and again at dusk to sing psalms and hymns and to listen to the Sacred Scriptures. We continue this ancient Church tradition of the Liturgy of the Hours, celebrating the Light that shines through the night’s darkness. Through meditation and chant, Taizé prayer will lead us into the quiet. Compline (complements) is our prayer at the end of the day. FRIDAY – MARCH 31 Character Time Location Presider Music P1 Liturgy of Hours 5:15 p.m. Convention Ballroom DE Katya Acuna J. Cotter/T. Alonso P2 Taizé 9:30 p.m Convention Ballroom DE — David Anderson & LMU SATURDAY – APRIL 1 P3 Morning Praise 8:00 a.m. Convention Arena The Jansens ValLimar & Frank Jansen P4 Liturgy of Hours 5:15 p.m. Convention Ballroom DE Amy Florian Gary Daigle/Tom Kendzia P5 Compline 9:30 p.m. Convention Ballroom DE Ginny Temple Helena Buscema 9 General Info Eucharistic Liturgies ASIAN-PACIFIC EVENTS VIETNAMESE WORKSHOPS Friday, 1-70 2-70 3-70 Rejoicing in the Asian and Pacific Presence March 31 Rev. Francis Vu Sr. Thuy Nguyen, FSP Rev. Joseph DucMinh Saturday, April 1 4-70 Dr. Peter Phan 5-70 Sr. Theresa Phan 6-70 Bishop Stephanus Thien Sunday, April 2 7-70 Rev. Francis Vu 8-70 Sr. Thuy Nguyen, FSP VIETNAMESE SUNDAY ADDRESS Multicultural Events Friday, March 31, 5:15 p.m. Mass of the Americas Bishop Domingo Rodríguez, presider Convention Ballroom D – 8:30 a.m. BISHOP STEPHANUS TRI BUU THIEN Saturday, April 1, 5:15 p.m. Tongan Liturgy Rev. Fatu Mulikháamea, presider Sunday, April 2, 8:30 a.m. Vietnamese Keynote Address Bishop Stephanus Tri Buu Thien Sunday, April 2, 3:30 p.m. Closing Liturgy Cardinal Roger Mahony, presider YOUNG ADULT EVENTS Welcoming Young Adults to Congress 2006 Young Adults are singles and couples in their late teens, 20s and 30s Join in the fun as Congress 2006 extends a special welcome to young adults! Recognizing the gifts of energy, vision and talent, all young adults – all young at heart – are invited to the following events: EUCHARISTIC LITURGY Young Adult Liturgy Saturday, April 1 5:15 p.m. in Hall C! Come celebrate Congress 2006 with other young adults! Msgr. Ray East travels to us from Washington, D.C. to preside at our liturgy, with music lead by Matt Maher. This liturgy will be a moment to pause during the weekend and emphasize the unique gifts and talents that young adults bring to our Church. People of all ages are welcome to attend and be a part of this celebration. 10 WELCOME DANCE AND SOCIAL Saturday, April 1 9:30 p.m. - 12:30 a.m. at the Marriott Hotel Salon E/F After a full day of Congress workshops, networking and the Young Adult Liturgy, continue the spirit of celebration into the night! Come put on your dancing shoes and share an experience with new and old friends. The cost is only $5 per person at the door. Both singles and couples are welcome! 2006 Religious Education Congress TECH CENTER Online at Check Your Email! Drop by the Tech Center to check your email (except during exhibitor showcase times) Send an E-Postcard! SUNDAY ONLY – Drop in at the Tech Center and have a photo of yourself sent to your home ... or to your friends! CONGRESS TECH BOOTH SCHEDULE (Check booth for schedule updates) FRIDAY – MARCH 31 10:30 - 11:15 am Cardinal Mahony Online – The Cardinal conducts a private, online chat with students from the Los Angeles Archdiocese. 11:15 - 12:00 pm Cardinal Mahony Online – The Cardinal continues in an open, nationwide chat session, sponsored by ChurchWerks. 12:00 - 12:30 pm ChurchWerks - Benefits of a web-based school mgmt. system 12:30 - 1:00 pm Notre Dame - Online distance learning for master’s students 1:00 - 1:30 pm Institute for Religious and Pastoral Studies 1:30 - 2:00 pm RCL - Demonstration of RCL’s catechetical web site 2:00 - 2:30 pm Silver Burdett Ginn - “Gospel Champions” video game series 2:30 - 3:00 pm Silver Burdett Ginn - Demo “Adult Faith Formation Strategies” 3:00 - 4:30 pm Check your email & web updates SATURDAY – APRIL 1 9:00 - 9:30 a.m. 9:30 - 10:00 am Harcourt Religion Publishers 10:00 - 10:30 am Vocations - Demo of “God’s Design” & Vocations web site 10:30 - 11:00 am TBA 11:00 - 11:30 pm Silver Burdett Ginn - “Gospel Champions” video game series 11:30 - 12:00 pm RCL - Demonstration of RCL’s catechetical web site 12:00 - 12:30 pm Saravels - Presentation of “Zhakanaka, The Word” book & DVD 12:30 - 1:00 pm Resource - Demo of Sacramental Register & Certificate Maker 1:00 - 1:30 pm CRS - “Journey Against Hunger” DVD & website resources 1:30 - 2:00 pm ParishSOFT - Make your Religious Ed programs more efficient 2:00 - 2:30 pm Ministry Database - Demo of solutions for your parish 2:30 - 3:00 pm Saravels - Presentation of “Zhakanaka, The Word” book & DVD 3:00 - 4:30 pm Check your email & web updates SUNDAY – APRIL 2 9:00 - 9:30 a.m. 9:30 - 10:00 am 10:00 - 10:30 am 10:30 - 11:00 am 11:00 - 11:30 pm 11:30 - 12:00 pm 12:00 - 12:30 pm Saravels - Presentation of “Zhakanaka, The Word” book & DVD SUNDAY ONLY! Drop by the Tech Center and get a picture souvenir to email home or to friends! (Not during presentation times.) 11 General Info The Tech Center is located near the center of Exhibit Hall A and across the aisle from the Office of Religious Education Staff Booth. Drop by to see the latest in educational software, online services and Internet resources. (Check the schedule at the booth for updates.) One of our highlights again this year is Cardinal Roger Mahony live in a chat session on Friday – his 10th year online from Congress! GENERAL INFORMATION AUDIO TAPING Many of the workshop sessions will be taped. Audiocassettes and audio CDs are available for purchase at the Convention Seminar Cassettes booth, located at the east wall in Exhibit Hall A. EXHIBIT HOURS Exhibits are located in Hall A. See pages 81-88 for a listing of exhibitors. Exhibits will be open during the following hours: Friday: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Saturday: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Sunday: 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. CELL PHONES/PAGERS Our of respect for speakers and other participants, please turn off any cell phones and pagers during general sessions, liturgies and workshops. HOSPITALITY ROOM INFORMATION Check the Message Board in the Prefunction area to give or obtain information about parish hospitality. LOST AND FOUND If you lose or find an item, a Lost & Found Booth is located outside of Congress Headquarters, located in Convention AR 1, off the Arena Lobby. MESSAGE CENTER The Message Center, located in Prefunction area, can receive incoming messages. Call (714) 765-8883 or (714) 765-8884 to leave a message, or you can leave a note on the Message Board. Friday: 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Saturday: 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Sunday: 9:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. FIRST AID A First Aid Station for routine health matters is located in the Prefunction area (see back cover map). PARKING Day parking is available in the Convention Center parking structures at the rate of $8 per day with no in-and-out privileges. FOOD/CONCESSIONS The Convention Center offers daily options of food choices in Hall A. Continental breakfast: 8:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. Lunch: 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Cart concessions: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. RESTAURANT RESERVATIONS In addition to our listing on pages 74-75, the Restaurant Booth, located in the Prefunction area, has restaurant menus and can help make reservations: Friday & Saturday: 11:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Sunday: 11:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. ATTENDEE INFORMATION NAME TAGS/TICKETS Congress Name Tags are required to be worn at all times during scheduled events. Tickets are necessary for admittance into general and workshops sessions. TICKET EXCHANGE You may exchange tickets for any open workshops during the same period beginning at noon on the Friday of Congress at the Registration Booth’s Exchange window, located in the Prefunction area. Note: Any ticket can be used for sessions of the same time in the Arena or Hall B. SAVING SEATS It is permissible to save seats up to 10 minutes before a scheduled function begins. After that time, we ask that, in Christian love, you release these seats for others. If any Congress volunteer requests that you release seats that you are saving, please comply with the direction given. SMOKING Smoking is not allowed in the Convention Center. There are several outdoor courtyards where it is permitted. 12 WORKSHOPS All workshops are ticketed and no one will be admitted to any session without the proper ticket. Any valid ticket will serve as admission to Arena workshops, but these sessions are not open to those without tickets. Our speakers are generously sharing their time and talents with us. As a special courtesy to them, we ask that you please arrive at the workshop location prior to the scheduled start time. We remind you to please quiet your pager and turn off cell phones. All sessions will begin on time, and many speakers have asked that no one be admitted after the session has begun. Also, we ask you to avoid, as much as possible, leaving workshops during a presentation. Most of the workshops will have a “natural” break time when it would be less disruptive to the speaker and to the other participants. EMERGENCIES In case of emergency, please contact any Congress Committee member wearing a red, white, blue striped ribbon labeled “Official.” They are in radio contact with Congress Headquarters and can summon help quickly. For life-threatening situations, please call 9-1-1 from any phone. 2006 Religious Education Congress Workshops and Keynote (“Key”) listing Gaillardetz, Richard ........... 1-09, 4-09 Galipeau, Dr. Jerry ............. 2-08, 8-12 García-Mina Freire, Ana .... 3-52, 6-53 Gateley, Edwina ................. 4-10, 7-10 Ginel Vuelva, Fr. Alvaro ...... 2-52, 6-54 Gittins, Fr. Anthony ............ 1-10, 5-13 Goizueta, Dr. Roberto ........ 1-11, 3-53 Gonzalez-Andrieu, Cecilia . 6-55, 8-13 Goodwin, Dr. Carole .......... 7-11 Gordon, Dr. Greer ............. 2-09, 6-06 .............................. 7-12 Groome, Thomas .............. 3-11, 4-11 Grzona, Ricardo ................ 2-53, 7-54 Haas, David ...................... 5-14, 7-13 Hagarty, Michael ................ 5-15, 7-14 Hagstrom, Dr. Aurelie ........ 3-12, 6-10 Hanley, Mark ..................... 6-11 Hart, Mark ......................... 5-16 Haugen, Marty ................... 4-12 Hawkins, Gioconda ........... 5-54 Hayes, Dr. Diana ............... 2-10, 5-17 Hayes-Bautista, David ....... 1-54 Herrera, Francisco ............ 3-54, 7-55 Hershey, Rev. Terry ........... 1-12, 4-13 Horan, Michael .................. 8-14 Huebsch, Bill ..................... 4-14, 8-15 Huggins, Jaime ................. 3-24 Hyland, Maura ................... 2-19 Jansen, Frank ................... 7-15 Jansen, ValLimar ............... 7-15 Kelly, Matthew ................... 1-13, 7-16 Kempf, Fr. Joe ................... 3-13, 5-18 Kendzia, Tom .................... 1-14 Krull, Sharon ..................... 2-11, 5-19 Law, The Rev. Eric ............. 3-14, 8-16 Lawton, Liam ..................... 6-12 Leonard, Rev. Richard ....... 2-12, 7-17 LeVecke, Rev. John ........... 5-20 Livingston, Patricia ............ 2-13, 6-13 López, Laura ..................... 5-53 Mahon, Sean ..................... 2-24 Malone, Sr. Miriam ............. 7-18 Marcheschi, Nancy ............ 3-15, 6-14 Marcheschi, Graziano ....... 3-15, 6-14 Marquez, Cesar ................. 2-24 Marrin, Carol ..................... 2-14 Martin, Rev. James ............ 3-16, 6-06 Massingale, Rev. Bryan ..... 1-15, 8-17 Matovina, Timothy .............. 4-52, 8-18 McCarty, Robert ................ 2-16, 6-15 McCarty, Margaret ............. 4-16, 6-15 McCormack, Patricia ......... 1-16, 8-19 McDade, Msgr. Thomas .... 6-16 McGrath, Bro. Michael ....... 7-08 McKenna, Dr. Megan ......... 1-17, 5-21 McMahon, Bp. Malcolm ..... 3-17 Meyer, Gabriel ................... 8-20 Mora, Rosamaría ............... 8-51 Mullen, Patrick .................. 3-18 Murray, Rev. J-Glenn ......... 5-22, 7-19 Murúa, Marcelo ................. 4-53, 8-55 Nguyen, Sr. Thuy ............... 2-70, 8-70 Noguez Alcántara Rev. Armando ........ 2-54, 4-54 Nuzzi, Rev. Ronald ............ 3-19, 6-17 O’Brien-Rothe, Dr. Linda .... 2-55 O’Donohue, John .............. 2-17, 6-18 O’Reilly, Brendan ............... 2-19 Palma, Msgr. Victor ........... 3-55, 7-56 Paradise, JoAnn ................ 1-18, 4-17 Patin, Mike ........................ 1-00, 2-00 Patin, Mike ........................ 3-00 Phan, Sr. Theresa ............. 5-70 Phan, Peter ....................... 1-19, 4-70 Piercy Jr., Robert ............... 2-18 Prejean, Helen ................... 4-19, 7-20 Prendergast, Michael ......... 3-20 Quinn, Sr. Mary Jo ............ 3-20 Radcliffe, Timothy .............. Key, 6-19 Rausch, Rev. Thomas ....... 4-20 Reese, Rev. Thomas ......... 2-20, 4-18 Reid, Barbara .................... 4-21, 6-20 Ricard, Rev. R. Tony .......... 2-21, 6-21 Ristow, Kate ...................... 3-21, 4-22 Roberto, John .................... 2-22 Rodríguez, Rev. Domingo .. 4-55, Key Rolheiser, Ronald .............. 1-20, Key, .............................. 5-23 Rubalcava, Pedro .............. 5-55 Salazar, Sr. Leticia ............. 8-56 Sánchez Carlos, Miguel ..... 2-56, 5-56 Saso, Patt ......................... 1-21, 5-24 Saso, Steve ....................... 1-21, 5-24 Scally, Anna ...................... 6-22 Sedano, Maruja ................. 1-55, 7-57 Siker, Dr. Jeff .................... 5-25 Siker, Dr. Judy ................... 7-21 Siller Acuña, Clodomiro ..... 1-56, 6-56 Smith-Christopher, Daniel .. 1-22, 8-21 Smollin, Sr. Anne Bryan ..... 6-23, 7-15, .............................. 8-22 Soto, Msgr. Jaime .............. 4-56 Sparks, Fr. Dick ................. 2-23, 5-26 Spitzer, Rev. Robert ........... 3-22, 6-24 Stanley, Mike ..................... 2-25, 7-23 Stenzel, Pam ..................... 1-23, 4-23 Sullivan, Sr. Maureen ......... 4-24, 6-25 Sweetser, Thomas ............. 1-24, 4-25 Sylvester, Nancy ................ 6-26, 8-23 Tan, Jonathan .................... 7-22 Ternes, Tim ....................... 2-14 Tlapek, David .................... 8-20 Torgerson, Msgr. Lloyd ...... 2-06 Trautman, Bishop Donald .. 1-25, 6-27 Thien, Bishop Stephanus ... 6-70, Key Valenzuela, Victor .............. 4-57 Vanacore, Vic .................... 2-24 Vazquez, Rev. Jaime ......... 1-53, 6-52 Velázquez, Rev. David ....... 5-57 VerEecke, Rev. Robert ....... 3-24 Vu, Francis ........................ 1-70, 7-70 Walker, Christopher ........... 4-26, 8-24 Wall, Rev. John ................. 3-07, 4-04 Wells, David ...................... 2-25, 7-23 Wenc, Char ...................... 3-23, 7-24 Weston, Rev. Thomas ....... 2-26, 8-25 Whyte, David ..................... 3-25, 4-27 Zanotto, Luigi .................... 3-56 Zanzig, Tom ...................... 5-27, 7-25 Zanzig, Barbara ................. 7-25 Zupan, Lynn ...................... 3-26 13 Workshops Alexander, Petra ................ 8-51 Allen Jr., John ................... 2-01, 5-01 Anderle, Donna ................. 5-02, 7-01 Anderson, David ................ 7-02 Appleby, R. Scott ............... 3-01, 6-01 Arroyo, Rev. Francisco ...... 3-51, 6-51 Ash, Laura ........................ 5-03 Au, Dr. Wilkie .................... 8-01 Ballotti, Sue ....................... 6-02 Bañuelas, Msgr. Arturo ...... 1-51, 6-03 Barnes, Bishop Gerald ...... 6-04, 7-51 Barron, Fr. Robert .............. 1-01, 6-05 Beaudoin, Dr. Tom ............. 3-02, 6-06 Beckman, Betsey .............. 5-03 Binz, Stephen .................... 8-02 Bird, Nancy ....................... 1-02, 8-04 Bishop, Sr. Peg ................. 1-24, 4-25 Boadt, Rev. Lawrence ........ 3-03, 7-03 Bondi, Renée .................... 1-03 Boudreau, Rev. Paul .......... 3-26, 7-04 Boyce, Joanne ................... 2-25, 7-23 Boyle, Rev. Gregory ........... 5-04 Boys, Sr. Mary C. .............. 2-02, 5-05 Bravo, Benjamín ................ 1-52, 5-51 Burgaleta, Rev. Claudio ..... 4-51, 8-52 Burland, John .................... 1-04, 8-03 Calzada, Ramón Luis ........ 7-52 Chávez, Bishop Gregorio ... 2-51, 8-53 Cheri, Richard ................... 3-04 Chesto, Kathleen ............... 2-15, 4-15 Clark, Bishop Edward ........ 2-03 Clarke, Rev. Jim ................ 7-05 Coffey, Kathy ..................... 4-01, 7-08 Colloton, Rev. Paul ............ 4-01 Coloroso, Barbara ............. 3-05, 4-02 Cortez, Jaime .................... 4-03 Cotter, Jeannie .................. 8-05 Covarrubias, María ............ 5-53 Cozzens, Fr. Donald .......... 5-06, 7-06 Crosby, Michael ................. 3-06, 5-07 Cusick, Rev. John ............. 3-07, 4-04 Dahm, Rev. Charles .......... 5-52, 8-54 D’Arcy, Paula .................... 1-05, 4-05 Davidson, James ............... 6-07, 8-06 Dell’Oro, Roberto ............... 7-53 Dembrowsky, Constance ... 3-08, 5-08 Doran, Ken ........................ 3-09, 6-08 Downey, Dr. Michael .......... 2-04 Draper, John ..................... 2-06 Driscoll, Rev. Michael ........ 2-05, 8-07 Duc Minh, Joseph ............. 3-70 Duggan, Rev. Robert ......... 6-09, 7-07 Dunlap, Judith ................... 5-09, 8-08 East, Msgr. Ray ................. 2-06 East, Tom .......................... 8-09 Ellair, Steven ..................... 4-06 Fabing, Fr. Bob .................. 1-06 Fiand, Sr. Barbara ............. 3-10, 5-10 Filochowski, Julian ............ 1-07, 8-10 Flaherty, John .................... 4-07 Florian, Amy ...................... 1-08, 7-09 Ford, Paul ......................... 5-11 Fragomeni, Rev. Richard ... 2-07, 4-08 Friedman, Mark ................. 5-02 Fry, Sarina ......................... 5-54 Funk, Sr. Mary Margaret .... 5-12, 8-11 SPEAKER INDEX PERIOD 1 10:00 - 11:30 a.m. • Friday, March 31, 2006 WORKSHOP TAPE LOCATION 1-00 “Come Away by Yourselves and Rest a While” (Mark 6) - Mike Patin (Paradise Pier) Ballroom 1-01 The Evangelical Essentials - Fr. Robert Barron (Convention) 203 1-02 Happy and Holy Households of Faith - Nancy Bird (Convention) 211 1-03 The Power of Praise - Renée Bondi — (Convention) 304 1-04 Songs of Faith: Our Sacramental Journey - John Burland (Sheraton) Plaza Ballroom 1-05 When the Heart Breaks - Paula D’Arcy (Convention) Ballroom C 1-06 The Habit on Reflecting on Love, Joy, Need, Fear, Sorrow and Anger - Fr. Bob Fabing — (Convention) Ballroom AB 1-07 Globalization and Freedom for the Poor - Julian Filochowski — (Convention) 201 CD 1-08 What? Me Lead the Prayer? - Amy Florian — (Convention) 303 1-09 Cultivating a Spirituality of Suffering - Richard Gaillardetz (Convention) 206 1-10 Encountering Jesus, Coming to Discipleship - Fr. Anthony Gittins (Convention) 202 1-11 (Sheraton) Garden Room Be Not Afraid: Encountering Christ in the Borderlands - Dr. Roberto Goizueta 1-12 Live With Intention: Practice the Sacrament of the Blessed Present - Rev. Terry Hershey (Convention) Arena 1-13 Becoming the Best-Version-of-Yourself - Matthew Kelly (Convention) Hall C 1-14 Song, Table, Word, Home - Tom Kendzia — (Convention) 204 C 1-15 Martin Luther King, Jr. and Catholic Social Teaching - Rev. Bryan Massingale (Convention) 204 AB 1-16 Soul Formation – The Foundation for Positive Self-Esteem - Patricia McCormack (Convention) Ballroom E 1-17 The Freedom of Water and Word - Dr. Megan McKenna (Convention) 207 1-18 Sexuality, The Journey of Love - JoAnn Paradise (Convention) 208 1-19 How Do We Speak of God in the Context of Religious Pluralism? - Peter Phan (Sheraton) Palm Rooms 1-20 The Struggle for Generative Discipleship: From Wrestling with the Devil to Wrestling with God - Ronald Rolheiser (Convention) Hall D1 1-21 Raising Courageous and Confident Daughters - Patt & Steve Saso (Sheraton) Park Ballroom 1-22 Angry Words of the Bible: On Listening to Rage! - Dr. Daniel Smith-Christopher (Clarion) Orangewood 1-23 Communicating Chastity Effectively to this Generation - Pam Stenzel — (Convention) Ballroom D 1-24 Assessing Your Parish: Taking It to the Next Level - Thomas Sweetser & Sr. Peg Bishop (Convention) 212 1-25 Contemporary Liturgical Issues - Bishop Donald W. Trautman (Convention) 213 ABC 1-70 Vietnamese Workshop - Francis Vu (Convention) 210 D 14 2006 Religious Education Congress Friday, March 31, 2006 • 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. PERIOD 2 15 Workshops WORKSHOP TAPE LOCATION 2-00 “Come Away by Yourselves and Rest a While” (Mark 6) (Paradise Pier) Ballroom - Mike Patin 2-01 The Pontificate of Benedict XVI: What We’ve Learned So Far (Convention) Ballroom AB - John Allen Jr. 2-02 The Holy Work of Seeking Understanding: Catholic (Doubletree) Grand Ballrm Perspectives on Interpreting Scripture - Sr. Mary C. Boys 2-03 Pouring New Wine Into New Wine Skins: The New (Convention) 206 Evangelization and What it Means for the Way We Do Catechesis - Bishop Edward Clark 2-04 The Eyes Have It: Contemplation in Everyday Life (Convention) 213 ABC - Dr. Michael Downey 2-05 The Synod of Bishops on the Eucharist and Mission of the (Convention) 204 A Church - Rev. Michael Driscoll 2-06 Purpose Driven AND Catholic (Convention) 303 - Msgr. Ray East, Msgr. Lloyd Torgerson, John Draper 2-07 The Virgin Mary: Our Lives Transformed by the “Perfect (Convention) Ballroom DE Disciple” - Rev. Richard Fragomeni 2-08 RCIA: Animating the Initiating Assembly - Dr. Jerry Galipeau (Clarion) Orangewood 2-09 Catechetical Perspectives: U.S. Economic Policy & Catholic (Convention) 201 A Social Teaching - Dr. Greer Gordon 2-10 A Womanist Perspective on the Church’s Mission in the World (Convention) 211 - Dr. Diana Hayes 2-11 Play Power! Fun and Games to Keep Kids Moving, Motivated & — (Convention) 207 Fit - Sharon Krull 2-12 Lights! Camera! Action! Educating Believers in a Media— (Convention) 201 BCD Saturated Culture - Rev. Richard Leonard 2-13 Letting in the Light - Patricia Livingston (Convention) 209 2-14 From Inspiration to Illumination: An Experience of (Convention) 203 B The Saint John’s Bible - Carol Marrin & Tim Ternes 2-15 Raising Successful Children in Turbulent Times - Kathleen Chesto — (Sheraton) Park Ballroom (originally scheduled with Suzy Yehl Marta) 2-16 Catholic Youth Evangelization: A Call to the Good News (Convention) 212 - Robert McCarty 2-17 As You Enter Into Freedom, Possibility Comes to Meet You (Convention) Hall D1 - John O’Donohue 2-18 Creating and Leading Prayer in the Catechetical Setting (Sheraton) Garden Room - Robert Piercy Jr. 2-19 Exploring Prayer for 4- through 14-year-olds (Convention) 210 ABC - Brendan O’Reilly & Maura Hyland 2-20 A Survival Guide for Thinking Catholics - Rev. Thomas Reese (Convention) Hall C 2-21 I Will Survive! Living Through a Time of Disaster (Convention) Arena - Rev. R. Tony Ricard 2-22 Every Parish Can Do Lifelong, Intergenerational Catechesis! (Convention) 202 - John Roberto 2-23 Morality and the Law: They’re Related, But Not the Same — (Convention) Ballroom C - Fr. Dick Sparks 2-24 Extreme Makeover – Liturgical Music Edition! (Convention) 304 - Vic Vanacore, Cesar Marquez & Sean Mahon 2-25 Communicating Love to Children (Convention) 204 B - David Wells, Mike Stanley & Joanne Boyce 2-26 Benedict XV: The Papacy in a New Age (1914-1922) (Convention) 205 - Rev. Thomas Weston 2-70 Vietnamese Workshop - Sr. Thuy Nguyen (Convention) 210 D (originally scheduled with Dr. Van Pham) PERIOD 3 3:00 - 4:30 p.m. • Friday, March 31, 2006 WORKSHOP TAPE LOCATION 3-00 “Come Away by Yourselves and Rest a While” (Mark 6) - Mike Patin (Paradise Pier) Ballroom 3-01 Where Are They Now? Avery Dulles’ “Models of the Church” (1974) - R. Scott Appleby (Sheraton) Plaza Ballroom 3-02 The Struggle to Speak Truthfully - Dr. Tom Beaudoin — (Clarion) Orangewood 3-03 The Psalms as Jesus Knew Them - Rev. Lawrence Boadt (Convention) 303 3-04 Songs Over the Struggle - Richard Cheri (Convention) Hall C 3-05 The Bully, The Bullied, and The Bystander: Breaking the Cycle of Violence - Barbara Coloroso — (Convention) Ballroom DE 3-06 A Kairos Moment in the Catholic Church - Michael Crosby (Convention) 207 3-07 The Making of a Parish - Rev. John Cusick & Rev. John Wall (Sheraton) Palm Rooms 3-08 Succeeding with Today’s Most Challenging Students - Constance Dembrowsky (Convention) 304 3-09 The Role Catechists Play in Helping Elementary-age Young People “Step Into Freedom” - Ken Doran (Convention) 211 3-10 Forgiveness: Freeing the Pain that Binds Us - Sr. Barbara Fiand (Convention) 204 ABC 3-11 (Convention) Ballroom C The Future of Ministry in the Catholic Church: Our Best Hopes - Thomas Groome 3-12 How Is My Daily Life Vital to the Mission of the Church? - Dr. Aurelie Hagstrom (Convention) 203 B 3-13 Healing and Hope in a Sacramental World - Fr. Joe Kempf (Convention) Hall D1 3-14 Teaching in a Multicultural Community - The Rev. Eric Law (Convention) 202 3-15 Performing Arts as Prayer and Proclamation - Nancy & Graziano Marcheschi — (Convention) 213 ABC 3-16 Living with the Saints - Rev. James Martin (Convention) 201 BCD 3-17 Ecumenism in Practice - Bishop Malcolm McMahon (Convention) 205 3-18 “To What Shall I Liken the Kingdom of God”: Using Parables to Teach Like Jesus - Patrick Mullen (Sheraton) Park Ballroom 3-19 The Spirituality of Teaching - Rev. Ronald Nuzzi — (Sheraton) Garden Room 3-20 Summertime and the Living Is Easy … Or Is It? - Michael Prendergast & Sr. Mary Jo Quinn 3-21 There’s a Method to Our Ministry: Creative Teaching Strategies - Kate Ristow (Convention) 209 — (Convention) 210 AB 3-22 Culture, Society and the Life Issues: Common Underpinning of Pro-life Philosophy and the Pro-life Encyclicals - Rev. Robert Spitzer (Convention) 210 C 3-23 Teaching Our Students to be Respectful in a Very Rude World - Char Wenc (Convention) Ballroom AB 3-24 The Freedom of Movement – Learning the Steps - Rev. Robert VerEecke & Jaime Huggins — (Convention) 201 A 3-25 The Three Marriages: Work, Self and Other - David Whyte — (Convention) Arena 3-26 The Odd Couple: Can a Lay Woman and a Priest Run a Parish Without Driving Each Other Crazy? - Rev. Paul Boudreau & Lynn Zupan (Convention) 206 3-70 Vietnamese Workshop - Joseph Duc Minh (Convention) 210 D 16 2006 Religious Education Congress PERIOD 4 Saturday, April 1, 2006 • 10:00 - 11:30 a.m. WORKSHOP TAPE LOCATION 4-01 The Arts: Bridge Between Generations, Window on the Gospels - Kathy Coffey & Rev. Paul Colloton — (Convention) 204 C 4-02 Just Because It’s Not Wrong Doesn’t Make It Right - Barbara Coloroso — (Convention) 303 4-03 The Right Song for the Right Moment - Jaime Cortez — (Convention) Ballroom A (Convention) 212 4-05 The Journey Into Love - Paula D’Arcy (Convention) 210 ABC 4-06 Lord, I Love ’em, But They’re Driving Me Nuts! - Steven Ellair (Convention) Hall D1 4-07 Family Life and Sunday Worship - John Flaherty (Sheraton) Plaza Ballroom 4-08 The Test for Authenticity: Eucharist and Mission - Rev. Richard Fragomeni (Convention) Ballroom B 4-09 Pedagogy for an Accountable Church - Richard Gaillardetz (Convention) 210 D 4-10 Breaking All Our Teacup Talk of God - Edwina Gateley 4-11 — Total Community Catechesis: An Approach Whose Time Has Come … Again - Thomas Groome 4-12 Our Worship Life/Our Life in the World - Marty Haugen (Convention) 304 (Convention) 209 — (Convention) 204 AB 4-13 Jesus in Skin: On the Journey of Faith Together - Rev. Terry Hershey (Convention) Hall C 4-14 Aim for Your Adults - Bill Huebsch (Paradise Pier) Room AB 4-15 When the Bough Breaks ... Guiding Youth Through Loss - Kathleen Chesto (originally scheduled with Suzy Yehl Marta) — (Convention) 206 4-16 Hardwired to Connect: Youth, Relationships and Meaning - Margaret McCarty (Paradise Pier) Room CD 4-17 Unlocking the Religious Imagination - JoAnn Paradise (Sheraton) Plaza Ballroom 4-18 The Election of Benedict and What It Means for the Church - Rev. Thomas Reese (Convention) Ballroom DE 4-19 The Death of Innocents - Helen Prejean (Convention) Arena 4-20 Young Adult Catholics: Is Their Catholic Identity in Jeopardy? - Rev. Thomas Rausch (Convention) 207 4-21 The Passion of Jesus and the Passion of Women - Barbara Reid (Convention) 201 BCD 4-22 Putting the Pieces Together: Implementing the Six Tasks of Catechesis in the Classroom - Kate Ristow — (Convention) Ballroom C 4-23 Strengthening the Family: Building Character - Pam Stenzel — (Convention) 213 ABC 4-24 Reasons to Believe: A New Approach to Evangelization - Sr. Maureen Sullivan (Convention) 205 4-25 Focus Your Parish Vision: Know Where You’re Going and How to Get There - Thomas Sweetser & Sr. Peg Bishop (Sheraton) Garden Room 4-26 Partners in Praise - Christopher Walker — (Clarion) Orangewood 4-27 Through the Eye of the Needle: Life, Work and the Poetic Imagination - David Whyte — (Sheraton) Palm Rooms 4-70 Vietnamese Workshop - Peter Phan (Convention) 211 17 Workshops 4-04 From Good to Great - Rev. John Cusick & Rev. John Wall PERIOD 5 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. • Saturday, April 1, 2006 WORKSHOP TAPE LOCATION 5-01 A Global Church in a Globalized World: The Rise of the South in Roman Catholicism - John Allen Jr. (Convention) 201 5-02 Liturgy of the Word for Children: Music, Rituals and Storytelling - Donna Anderle & Mark Friedman (Convention) 304 5-03 Dancing into Freedom! - Betsey Beckman & Laura Ash — (Clarion) Orangewood 5-04 Survival of the Unfittest: Ministry to Gangs and the Incarcerated - Rev. Gregory Boyle (Convention) Hall D1 5-05 The Education and Formation of Catholics in a Religiously Diverse World - Sr. Mary C. Boys (Convention) 210 D 5-06 Adult Discipleship - Fr. Donald Cozzens — (Convention) 210 ABC 5-07 The Pope’s Challenge to Catholics: Grow-up in Faith - Michael Crosby (Sheraton) Plaza Ballroom 5-08 Freeing Yourself From Past Hurts – Steps That Allow Us to Forgive - Constance Dembrowsky (Convention) Ballroom DE 5-09 Proclaiming the Gospel – A Look at the “National Directory for Catechesis” - Judith Dunlap (Paradise Pier) Room CD 5-10 Becoming Peacemakers: Freeing a World at War - Sr. Barbara Fiand (Convention) 209 5-11 (Convention) Hall C Baptized Imaginations, Transformed Minds, Surrendered Hearts: The Theology of the “Chronicles of Narnia” - Paul Ford 5-12 Humility: A Teaching from the Catholic Tradition - Sr. Mary Margaret Funk (Convention) 204 AB 5-13 A Presence That Disturbs: Discipleship Today - Fr. Anthony Gittins (Convention) 203 B 5-14 God Is Here: Liturgical Music Celebrating Christ Among Us - David Haas — (Convention) Ballroom AB 5-15 Middle School Youth Ministry: On Your Mark, Get Set, Grow! - Michael Hagarty (Paradise Pier) Room AB 5-16 Free Advice: Step Right In, Your Job Just Got Easier - Mark Hart (Convention) 303 5-17 The Ongoing Challenge of Vatican II: Forty Years Later - Dr. Diana Hayes (Convention) 202 AB 5-18 To Dance an Authentic Life - Fr. Joe Kempf (Convention) Hall D2 5-19 Giggle & Wiggles! Music and Movement Activities for Circle Time - Sharon Krull — (Doubletree) Grand Ballrm 5-20 Freedom’s Dance Step to Everlasting Love - Rev. John LeVecke (Convention) 207 D 5-21 Step into Freedom of the Son of Man - Dr. Megan McKenna (Sheraton) Palm Rooms 5-22 Order My Steps: Processions at Liturgy - Rev. J-Glenn Murray (Convention) 207 ABC 5-23 The Secrets of the Kingdom: Searching for a Vocabulary to Understand the Heart of the Gospel - Ronald Rolheiser (Convention) Arena 5-24 Maintaining Your Sanity While Parenting a Teenager - Patt & Steve Saso (Convention) 204 C 5-25 Pauline Controversies Then and Now: Sexuality, Women and Authority - Dr. Jeff Siker (Convention) 208 5-26 Human Sexuality: Nature and Relationships in Cultural Milieus - Fr. Dick Sparks — (Sheraton) Park Ballroom 5-27 Adult Faith Formation: Trends, Tensions and Tactics - Tom Zanzig (Convention) 206 5-70 Vietnamese Workshop - Sr. Theresa Phan (Convention) 211 18 2006 Religious Education Congress PERIOD 6 Saturday, April 1, 2006 • 3:00 - 4:30 p.m. WORKSHOP TAPE LOCATION (Sheraton) Palm Rooms 6-02 Walking Sticks for Working Disciples - Sue Ballotti (Convention) 204 B 6-03 Guadalupe and a People’s Journey to Freedom - Msgr. Arturo Bañuelas (Sheraton) Park Ballroom 6-04 Why the Catholic Church Is Involved in Immigration Reform - Bishop Gerald Barnes (Convention) 201 6-05 Why John Henry Newman Still Matters - Fr. Robert Barron (Convention) 209 6-06 Homosexuality, Celibacy and the Priesthood: Continuing the Conversation - Dr. Tom Beaudoin with Rev. James Martin & Dr. Greer Gordon — (Convention) 303 6-07 Contemporary Myths about Catholics and Their Church - James Davidson (Convention) Ballroom DE 6-08 The Role Catechists Play in Helping Early Adolescents “Step Into Freedom” - Ken Doran (Convention) 207 CD 6-09 What Can RCIA Ministers Learn from the Social Sciences? - Rev. Robert Duggan (Sheraton) Plaza Ballroom 6-10 Did You Receive the Holy Spirit When You Were Baptized? - Dr. Aurelie Hagstrom (Clarion) Orangewood 6-11 (Convention) 203 A The Global AIDS Epidemic and the Catholic Response - Mark Hanley 6-12 Songs of Joy, Tears and Dreams - Liam Lawton — (Convention) Ballroom AB — (Doubletree) Grand Ballrm 6-13 The Good News According to Each of Us - Patricia Livingston 6-14 Gospel Drama and the Dance of Discipline - Nancy & Graziano Marcheschi (Convention) 208 6-15 Minister AND Spouse: Who Do You Say That I Am? - Margaret & Robert McCarty (Convention) 207 AB 6-16 CNN, Scripture and the Catechism of the Catholic Church - Msgr. Thomas McDade 6-17 Catechesis and Multiple Intelligences - Rev. Ronald Nuzzi (Convention) 206 — (Convention) 212 6-18 In the Shadows of the Angels: Meister Eckhart’s Theory of Angelic Presence - John O’Donohue (Convention) Arena 6-19 Healing Division in the Church - Timothy Radcliffe (Convention) 210 ABC 6-20 Violent Endings in Matthew’s Parables and an End to Violence - Barbara Reid (Convention) 204 C 6-21 A True Moment of Thanksgiving: The Sacrament of Confirmation - Rev. R. Tony Ricard (Convention) Hall D1 6-22 Use Their Issues, Touch Their Hearts - Anna Scally (Convention) 304 6-23 To Live More Freely: Finding the Grace in Each Moment - Sr. Anne Bryan Smollin (Convention) Hall C 6-24 What Does the Culture Need to Understand About Pro-life Philosophy - Rev. Robert Spitzer (Sheraton) Garden Room 6-25 “Lumen Gentium”: A New Church for the New Millennium - Sr. Maureen Sullivan (Convention) 204 A 6-26 Justice for the Whole Earth Community - Nancy Sylvester (Convention) 203 B 6-27 Revitalizing the Ministry of the Assembly - Bishop Donald W. Trautman (Convention) 205 6-70 Vietnamese Workshop - Bishop Stephanus Tri Buu Thien (Convention) 211 19 Workshops 6-01 Church or Sect? Catholicism at a Crossroads - R. Scott Appleby PERIOD 7 10:00 - 11:30 a.m. • Sunday, April 2, 2006 WORKSHOP TAPE 7-01 Liturgical Dance: Moving Through the Seasons - Donna Anderle 7-02 Singing our Faith: Liturgy, Prayer & Music with Elementary-age Children - David Anderson LOCATION (Convention) 201 AB — (Convention) 204 AB 7-03 The Messiah in the Old Testament and Jesus as Messiah - Rev. Lawrence Boadt (Convention) 303 7-04 Spirituality of Parish Ministry - Rev. Paul Boudreau (Convention) 213 ABC 7-05 Grieving the Necessary Losses of Life - Rev. Jim Clarke (Convention) Hall D1 7-06 The Changing Face of the Priesthood – Five Years Later - Fr. Donald Cozzens — 7-07 A “Catechumenal Model” for Infant Baptism Preparation - Rev. Robert Duggan (Doubletree) Grand Ballrm (Convention) 211 7-08 The Quality of Mercy – Explored Through the Arts - Kathy Coffey & Bro. Michael O’Neill McGrath — (Convention) 208 7-09 Never Thirst Again - Amy Florian — (Convention) 201 CD 7-10 Hopelessness Adapts, Hope Resists - Edwina Gateley — (Convention) 210 ABC 7-11 Hearing the Whispers of God - Dr. Carole Goodwin (Convention) 209 7-12 Pastoral Practice: Overcoming the Bully - Dr. Greer Gordon (Convention) 212 7-13 To Proclaim Christ: Liturgy & Liturgical Music in the Life of Catechesis and Sacramental Practice - David Haas — (Convention) 304 7-14 The “Rite” Way to Prepare for Confirmation - Michael Hagarty (Convention) Ballroom C 7-15 Women & Healing: Story, Song, Laughter and Movement - ValLimar Jansen, Frank Jansen & Sr. Anne Bryan Smollin Featuring: Janèt Sullivan Whitaker, Valyermo Dancers, Ginny Temple, Noni Limar, Serenity Fisher and Bobby Fisher (Convention) Arena 7-16 The Seven Levels of Intimacy - Matthew Kelly (Convention) Hall C 7-17 Films That Set the Human Spirit Free - Rev. Richard Leonard — (Convention) Ballroom AB 7-18 The Catechist as Leader of Prayer - Sr. Miriam Malone (Sheraton) Park Ballroom 7-19 Cry Freedom: Multicultural Liturgy as a Rehearsal for Justice - Rev. J-Glenn Murray (Convention) 202 7-20 The Death of Innocents - Helen Prejean (Convention) Ballroom D 7-21 Breaking the Mold: Rethinking Women in the Gospels - Dr. Judy Siker (Convention) 207 ABC 7-22 Theology in Dialogue with Asian Religions: Historical Examples from China, India and Vietnam - Jonathan Tan (Convention) 203 7-23 Faith Conversations – Helping Parish Groups to Work - David Wells, Mike Stanley & Joanne Boyce (Sheraton) Garden Room 7-24 Parenting – Are We Having Fun Yet? - Char Wenc (Convention) Ballroom E 7-25 From Mental Illness to Spiritual Wisdom: A Father-Daughter Odyssey - Tom Zanzig & Barbara Zanzig (Sheraton) Plaza Ballroom 7-70 Vietnamese Workshop - Francis Vu (Convention) 210 D 20 2006 Religious Education Congress PERIOD 8 Sunday, April 2, 2006 • 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. WORKSHOP 8-01 Spirituality for the Long Haul - Dr. Wilkie Au TAPE — LOCATION (Convention) Hall C (Convention) 210 8-03 Energizing Religious Education Through Music and Movement - John Burland (Clarion) Orangewood 8-04 Story, Symbol, Season & Song: Creative Catechesis in Relation to the Sacraments - Nancy Bird (Convention) Ballroom C 8-05 The Gift of Resilience - Jeannie Cotter — (Convention) Ballroom AB 8-06 What the Latest Research Tells Us About American Catholics - James Davidson (Convention) 204 AB 8-07 Eucharist and Social Justice: The Unreformed Closing Rites - Rev. Michael Driscoll (Convention) 211 8-08 Family Faith Formation - Judith Dunlap (Convention) 208 8-09 Inquiring Minds Want to Know – Sharing Faith with Young Adolescents - Tom East (Sheraton) Plaza Ballroom 8-10 Archbishop Oscar Romero – A Martyr for Our Time - Julian Filochowski (Sheraton) Park Ballroom 8-11 (Convention) 202 Dialogue: What Would Thomas Merton Do Today? - Sr. Mary Margaret Funk 8-12 RCIA: Where Are Our Catechumens and Candidates After Initiation? - Dr. Jerry Galipeau (Convention) 304 AB 8-13 Our Voice and Power! Freedom and the Development of Critical Thinking - Cecilia Gonzalez-Andrieu (Convention) 304 CD 8-14 Leading with Whole Heart, Soul and Mind: Ministry Challenges Today - Michael Horan — (Sheraton) Palm Rooms 8-15 Growing in Faith as Catechists - Bill Huebsch (Convention) 201 ABC 8-16 Faithful Approach to Bilingual Gatherings - The Rev. Eric Law (Convention) 201 D 8-17 Living the Good Life: Virtues for Adult Christians - Rev. Bryan Massingale (Convention) 213 ABC 8-18 Mary in the Bible and in Catholic Faith - Timothy Matovina (Convention) Hall D1 8-19 Self-Discipline 101: Connect Needs, Behavior and Pro-active Strategies - Patricia McCormack (Doubletree) Grand Ballrm 8-20 War and Faith in Sudan - Gabriel Meyer & David Tlapek (Convention) 203 8-21 Advising the Conqueror: The Book of Daniel - Dr. Daniel Smith-Christopher (Convention) 204 C 8-22 Planting Seeds of Happiness – Nurturing Joy - Sr. Anne Bryan Smollin (Convention) Arena 8-23 Acting Justly in a Polarized World - Nancy Sylvester (Convention) 207 D 8-24 Freedom to be “Me” with Jesus - Christopher Walker — (Convention) Ballroom E 8-25 A Quest for Human Freedom: Recovery from Addiction and Compulsion - Rev. Thomas Weston (Convention) 205 8-70 Vietnamese Workshop - Sr. Thuy Nguyen (originally scheduled with Dr. Van Pham) (Convention) 206 21 Workshops 8-02 Revelation as an Imaginative Journey - Stephen Binz FEATURED EXHIBITORS 22 2006 Religious Education Congress TAPING FORM March 31 - April 2, 2006 2006 RECongress Workshop Audio CD/Tape Order Form New this year – we are now offering recordings on Cassette tape and Audio CDs. ALL WORKSHOPS MARKED ] ARE LISTED BELOW AND ARE BEING TAPED WITH THE SPEAKER’S PERMISSION. BY A CASSETTE [ We can only provide audio tapes/CDs of those workshops for which we have been granted permission. Please circle the workshop session number you desire to purchase. The session numbers correspond to the workshop numbers in this Program Book. Order by visiting the Convention Seminar Cassettes duplication area located in Exhibit Hall A, by mailing or faxing this form, or ordering online at NOTE: DELEGATE TAPING OF ANY WORKSHOP OR GENERAL ASSEMBLY IS NOT PERMITTED. ORDER BY MAIL OR FAX • Workshops ORDER ON-SITE • ORDER ONLINE C I R C L E T H E TA P E S / C D s Y O U W I S H T O O R D E R 1-00 1-17 1-70 2-13 2-51 3-07 3-22 4-06 4-21 5-02 5-17 5-54 6-09 6-24 7-04 7-22 8-02 8-16 8-54 1-01 1-18 2-00 2-14 2-52 3-08 3-23 4-07 4-24 5-04 5-18 5-55 6-10 6-25 7-05 7-23 8-03 8-17 8-55 1-02 1-19 2-01 2-16 2-53 3-09 3-26 4-08 4-25 5-05 5-20 5-56 6-11 6-26 7-07 7-24 8-04 8-18 8-56 1-04 1-20 2-02 2-17 2-54 3-10 3-51 4-09 4-51 5-07 5-21 5-57 6-13 6-27 7-11 7-25 8-06 8-19 8-70 1-05 1-21 2-03 2-18 2-55 3-11 3-52 4-11 4-52 5-08 5-22 5-70 6-15 6-51 7-12 7-51 8-07 8-20 1-09 1-22 2-04 2-19 2-56 3-12 3-53 4-13 4-53 5-09 5-23 6-01 6-16 6-53 7-14 7-52 8-08 8-21 GA1 - Friday a.m. General Assembly, Sr. Edith Prendergast, RSC GA2 - Saturday a.m. Keynote: Timothy Radcliffe, OP I would like Cassettes 1-10 1-24 2-05 2-20 2-70 3-13 3-54 4-14 4-54 5-10 5-24 6-02 6-18 6-54 7-15 7-53 8-09 8-22 1-11 1-25 2-06 2-21 3-00 3-14 3-55 4-16 4-55 5-11 5-25 6-03 6-19 6-55 7-16 7-54 8-10 8-23 1-12 1-51 2-07 2-22 3-01 3-16 3-56 4-17 4-56 5-12 5-27 6-04 6-20 6-56 7-18 7-55 8-11 8-25 1-13 1-52 2-08 2-24 3-03 3-17 3-70 4-18 4-57 5-13 5-51 6-05 6-21 6-70 7-19 7-56 8-12 8-51 1-15 1-55 2-09 2-25 3-04 3-18 4-04 4-19 4-70 5-15 5-52 6-07 6-22 7-01 7-20 7-57 8-13 8-52 1-16 1-56 2-10 2-26 3-06 3-20 4-05 4-20 5-01 5-16 5-53 6-08 6-23 7-03 7-21 7-70 8-15 8-53 GA3 - Sunday a.m. (English) Address: Rev. Ronald Rolheiser GA4 - Sunday a.m. (Spanish) Address: Rev. Domingo Rodríguez GA5 - Sunday a.m. (Vietnamese): Bishop Stephanus Thien Audio CDs Price Schedule: 1-6 Cassettes - $6.50 each 1-6 Audio CDs - $9.50 each 7 or more Cassettes - $5.95 each 7 or more Audio CDs - $8.95 ea. Make checks payable to: Convention Seminar Cassettes Charge to: American Express Master Card Visa Discover Acct. No: _________________________________ Expiration Date: ____________________________ Signature: _________________________________ Phone: ____________________________________ Subtotal: _________ CA residents add 7-1/4% sales tax: _________ Add $2 p&h for 1st tape/CD, 50 cents each ____ ____ additional tape/CD ($2 min.; $10 max): _________ TOTAL: _________ Please ship my tapes/CDs to the following address: Name: ____________________________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________________ City: __________________________________ State: __________ ZIP Code: ________________ Please be patient when ordering your tapes. There are more than 225 sessions being recorded over the weekend. Although copies are being made onsite from 6 a.m. until midnight each day, it is impossible to make enough cassettes and audio CDs for everyone to take home their entire selections. ORDER BY MAIL: Convention Seminar Cassettes FAX YOUR ORDER EMAIL 4685 Runway St Ste N • Simi Valley, CA 93063 (805) 526-2833 PHONE: (805) 526-5436 • ONLINE: 23 NOTES/NOTAS 24 2006 Congreso de Educación Religiosa NOTES/NOTAS Español 25 HORARIO JUEVES, 30 DE MARZO 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. VIERNES, 31 DE MARZO 8:00 a.m. 8:30 - 9:30 a.m. 10:00 - 11:30 a.m. 11:30 - 1:00 p.m. 11:45 - 12:30 p.m. 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. 3:00 - 4:30 p.m. 5:15 p.m. 5:15 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 9:30 p.m. SÁBADO, 1 DE ABRIL 8:00 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 10:00 - 11:30 a.m. 11:30 - 1:00 p.m. 11:45 - 12:30 p.m. 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. 3:00 - 4:30 p.m. 5:15 p.m. 5:15 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 9:30 p.m. 9:30 p.m. - 12:30 a.m. DOMINGO, 2 DE ABRIL 8:15 - 9:30 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 10:00 - 11:30 a.m. 11:30 - 1:00 p.m. 11:45 - 12:30 p.m. 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. 3:30 p.m. HORARIO DE INSCRIPCIÓN: Viernes y Sábado Domingo Lugar Congreso • 31 de marzo-2 de abril, 2006 Para recoger su guía de programa – (Area de prefunción) Inscripción – (Area de prefunción) Oración/Música/Orientación – (Arena) Primera Sesión de talleres ALMUERZO Música: Pedro Rubalcava “Primavera con Cristo” – (Arena) Música: David Haas “God is Here!” – (Hall B) Segunda Sesión de talleres Tercera Sesión de talleres Servicio de Oración – (Salón DE) LITURGIAS EUCARÍSTICAS (vea página 9) Concierto: “Rockin’ the ’Rina” – (Arena) Taizé – (Salón DE) Oración de la Mañana (Arena) Discurso: Timothy Radcliff, OP – (sin traducción, Arena) Cuarta Sesión de talleres ALMUERZO Música: ¡Marimbas Fantásticas! con Peter Kolar – (Arena) Música: Matt Maher en concierto – (Hall B) Quinta Sesión de talleres Sexta Sesión de talleres Servicio de Oración – (Salón DE) LITURGIAS EUCARÍSTICAS (vea página 9) Concierto: Bob Halligan Jr. y Ceili Rain – (Arena) Compline – (Salón DE) Baile de jóvenes (Marriott Hotel) LITURGIA EUCARÍSTICA – (Arena) Asamblea (Español): Rev. Domingo Rodríguez – (Hall B) Asamblea General (Inglés): Rev. Ronald Rolheiser – (Salón AB) Asamblea General (Vietnamita): Obispo Stephanus Thien – (Salón D) Séptima Sesión de talleres ALMUERZO Música: St. Louis Jesuits en concierto – (Arena) Música: John Angotti y Meredith Dean Joseph – (Hall B) Octava Sesión de talleres LITURGIA EUCARÍSTICA DE CLAUSURA – (Arena) 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Area de prefunción “SACRED SPACE” EN HALL E Viernes y Sábado Domingo Incluyendo: • El Laberinto • Capilla • Reconciliación • Música para Danielle Rose y John Michael Poirier • Arte HORARIO DE EXHIBICIONES: Viernes y Sábado Domingo Lugar 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Hall A EXHIBICIÓN MULTICULTURAL: Viernes y Sábado Domingo Lugar 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Area de prefunción, segundo piso 26 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. 2006 Congreso de Educación Religiosa BIENVENIDO Estimados Parti cipantes del Co Español ngreso: Es una gran aleg ría para mí darle s la bienvenida Religiosa. Este a nuestro Cong tan anticipado reso de Educac evento es siem nuestra Iglesia ión pre un maravill y aún más allá. oso recurso para Esta es una opor compromiso de renovar tunidad para no ser evangelizad so tro or es y continuar s para renovar tradiciones y nu pasando la rica nuestro estra Fe católic historia de nues a. tras bellas El tema “Paso a la Libertad” es inspirado por la de cuaresma. Es s lecturas del do el regalo que Je mingo de la qu sús entregó a Lá y habilitándolo inta se zaro al llamarlo para abrazar un , quitando las lim mana a nueva vida. A Jesús nos llam través del rega itaciones a a la vida, rom lo pe de las barreras de este mismo espí que nos esclaviz l pecado y nos ritu, a. invita a apartarn os de todo lo Me alienta sabe r que muchos de us temas, los talle res, las Celebrac tedes serán enriquecidos y reno iones Litúrgicas vados por los ex oportunidades celentes Multiculturale que el equipo of s, los recursos recerá a lo larg el buen desarro y o de llo de nuestras l fin de semana. parroquias y co Su liderazgo es munidades de fe vital para . Estén seguros de mi apoyo co nt in uo por su gene compartir la bu rosa dedicación ena nueva del ev de su tiempo y angelio, y al re voz de Dios. energía al tar a nuestros jó venes a escuch ar y seguir la Pidiéndole a D ios abundantes bendiciones so importante Min bre ca isterio Catequét ico, y con mis m da uno de ustedes, sus familias ejores deseos, qu y su edo de ustedes Sinceramente en Cristo Su Eminencia Cardenal Roge lio Mahony Arzobispo de Lo s Angeles 27 BIENVENIDO de renovación ra celebración bienvenida a ot rles la bienvenida a la te en am ev es nu er da er darles a usted 2006. Es igualmente un plac años, como también a Es un gran plac ce la por muchos r el Congreso so po re da ng ea co l an pl de ente nos enrique s de la fe rtido los regalo vez. Verdaderam de semana a pa er m im co n pr r ha e po fin ustedes qu el congreso en este bendito a participar en ienes se reúnen quienes vienen de todos/as qu n ió ac cip rti ucación pa presencia y la Oficina de Ed n y ió o Educativo de ac nd uc Fo ed El ra , pa án ar les rd s de ustedes reco la Arquidiócesis de Los Ánge ión Religiosa para persona s ho uc m o m ac r Co uc ite que 18 o establecido po de Educación Religiosa, Ed rm sid pe ha te sa en io alm lig Re res actu liturgias inua de Directo Jóvenes Adultos. Este fondo s ofrenda en las formación cont radecede Jóvenes y n Religiosa. Su ag io ió l, er ac ua ist uc ig in Ed M Al , en 0. ía 00 Adultas r la red. scar su Maestr caudaron $36, po bu re s an 05 ne ed 20 cio pu so rip re tes sc ng in estudian r medio de sus e durante el Co po ch o no nd la fo r te po es del Sábado ribuyeron a uellos que cont , talleres y mos a todos aq nes de apertura desafiantes sesio oyo invaluable para la y s da un of pr a proveen de ap variedad de las te fin de seman El número y la os a través de es cid re of s . rso to cu ien re ados con inua y enriquecim imiento, entrelaz una formación cont tos de entreten en en uc od om m pr s sis lo y ce s quidió úrgica idades de la Ar lebraciones lit también Las hermosas ce guas de las culturas y comun idades que se ofrecen hay amenlen activ celebrar el Sacr los rituales y las ual. En medio de todas estas el laberinto, y r po ar in ig m ca sin ia experienc ortunidad de la reflexión, op momentos para ación. ili para proclamar y compromiso to de la Reconc ación, liderazgo ión espero darles la cip rti pa su r po s ipac iero agradecerle ora en el mundo. Con antic ad Nuevamente qu presencia liber , os Di de r de l. el po anua ta gran reunión bienvenida a es igos/as: Queridos/as Am Con afecto, dergast, RSC Hna. Edith Pren cesana idio qu Ar ra cto re Di ación Religiosa Oficina de Educ 28 2006 Congreso de Educación Religiosa Congreso • 31 de marzo - 2 de abril, 2006 ARTICULOS PERDIDOS Si usted encontró o perdió algo, por favor dirigirse al salón de Convenciones AR 1. AUDIO-GRABACIÓN Muchas de las sesiones serán grabadas. Los audiocasetes estarán disponibles a la venta en el puesto de casetes y CDs del Centro de Convenciones localizado al este del Pasillo A (Hall A). CENTRO DE MENSAJES TELEFÓNICOS El centro de mensajes, situado en el Pasillo A (Hall A), puede recibir mensajes. Llamen al (714) 7658883 o (714) 765-8884 para dejar un mensaje. Viernes: 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Sábado: 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Domingo: 9:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. ESTACIONAMIENTO El estacionamiento durante el día está disponible en la estructura de estacionamiento del Centro de Convenciones al precio de $8 por día sin privilegios de entradas y salidas. HORAS DE EXIBICIÓN Las exhibiciones están localizadas en el Pasillo A (Hall A). Ver páginas 81-88 con el listado de las exhibiciones. Las exhibiciones abrirán durante las siguientes horas: Viernes: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Sábado: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Domingo: 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. INFORMACION ACERCA DE LOS SALONES DE HOSPITALIDAD Para dar o conseguir información acerca del salón de hospitalidad de su parroquia, favor de revisar el pizarrón de información en el Pasillo A (Hall A). PRIMEROS AUXILIOS Una estación de Primeros Auxilios para problemas de salud rutinarios estará localiza da en la galería a fuera del área del Pasillo A (Hall A). RESERVACIONES DE RESTAURANTE En la galería a fuera del área del Pasillo A (Hall A), puede encontrar menus y a la vez hacer reservaciones: Viernes y Sábado: 11:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Domingo: 11:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. TELEFONOS CELULARES/PAGERS Como señal de respeto hacia los conferenciastas y otros participantes, por favor apaguen sus teléfonos y pagers durante las sesiones generales, liturgias y talleres. INFORMACIÓN DEL PARTICIPANTE GAFETES/BOLETOS Los gafetes con sus nombres deberán ser portados en todo momento. Los boletos son necesarios para la admisión tanto en las sesiones generales como en los talleres. RESERVACIÓN DE ASIENTOS Se permite reservar asientos para sus amigos, solamente hasta 10 minutos antes de que empiece la sesión. Después de este tiempo, le rogamos deje los asientos libres, y permita que otra persona los ocupe. Le pedimos que si usted está guardando el asiento para alguien, y un voluntario del congreso le pide que le deje ese asiento a alguien más, siga las instrucciones que le sean dadas. EMERGENCIES En caso de alguna emergencia, póngase, por favor, en contacto con la persona más próxima que esté portando un listón oficial del congreso rojo, blanco y azul con “Official,” estas personas están en contacto radial y pueden conseguir ayuda inmediata. Para una emergencia que concideren de vida o muerte, por favor llamen al 9-1-1. FUMADORES No se permite fumar en el centro de convenciones, hay varios patios asignados dónde será permitido. TALLERES Para asistir a los talleres debe tener el boleto apropiado para ese taller. Nadie podrá entrar a los talleres sin boleto. Puede usar su boleto para asistir al taller de la arena o la sala B pero este taller no es para personas sin boletos. Por favor no olvide apagar su teléfono celular y pager. Todos los talleres comenzarán a tiempo. Algunos conferencistas han pedido que no dejemos entrar a personas que lleguen tarde. También les pedimos, que traten de no salirse del taller durante la presentación. La mayoría de los talleres tiene un descanso, le pedimos que si desea no continuar en el taller use este tiempo para irse ya que así no perturbará al conferencista ni a los otros participantes. CAMBIO DE BOLETOS Se pueden cambiar boletos de los talleres que tiene puestos disponibles durante el día viernes a partir del medio día en la ventanilla del puesto de inscripción localizada en el area de prefunción. Nota: Todos los bolestos pueden ser usados para entrar a las sesiones de la Arena y el Hall B. 29 Español COMIDA/CONCESIONES El Centro de Convenciones ofrece diariamente diferentes opciones de comida en el Pasillo A (Hall A). Desayuno Continental: 8:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. Almuerzo: 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Carritos de concesiones: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. INFORMACIÓN TALLERES VIERNES, 31 DE MARZO 2006 SESIÓN 1 – 10:00 - 11:30 a.m. AG Lugar 1-51 Maria de Guadalupe en nuestro camino a la libertad - Mons. Arturo Bañuelas (Convention) Hall B 1-52 Los rituales (ritos) en casas - P. Benjamín Bravo (Convention) 209 1-53 Moisés: La ley y la libertad - Dr. Jaime Vazquez, STD — (Convention) 201 AB 1-54 ¡Dios mío, que será de California! - David Hayes-Bautista, PhD — (Convention) 205 1-55 La fe de los grandes creyentes - Maruja Sedano (Convention) 210 ABC 1-56 La persona y la humanidad en la Biblia - P. Clodomiro Siller Acuña (Doubletree) Grand Ballrm SESIÓN 2 – 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. Lugar 2-51 La nueva comprensión de justicia - Mons. Gregorio Rosa Chávez (Sheraton) Palm Rooms 2-52 Transmisión de la fe en la familia - P. Alvaro Ginel Vuelva (Sheraton) Plaza Ballroom 2-53 Espiritualidad del catequista: Necesidad, formación, estrategias y pasos - Dr. Ricardo Grzona, STD (Convention) Hall B 2-54 Los pequeños grupos bíblicos: un camino cristiano - P. Armando Noguez Alcántara (Convention) 208 2-55 A los músicos pastorales: ¿En que consiste su ministerio? - Dra. Linda O’Brien-Rothe (Convention) 203 A 2-56 Moral social: La eucaristía, fuente y meta del compromiso cristiano - Miguel Ángel Sánchez Carlos (Convention) 204 C SESIÓN 3 – 3:00 - 4:30 p.m. Lugar 3-51 La libertad, fuente de desafíos cotidianos - Rev. Francisco Merlos Arroyo (Doubletree) Grand Ballrm 3-52 La experiencia del divorcio y su incidencia emocional en la familia - Ana García-Mina Freire (Convention) Hall D2 3-53 La reconciliación y la opción preferencial por los pobres - Dr. Roberto Goizueta (Convention) 208 3-54 Cantando el Reino de Dios - Francisco Javier Herrera Brambila (Convention) 203 A 3-55 De la esclavitud a la libertad - Mons. Victor Hugo Palma Paúl (Convention) 212 3-56 ¡Se dice catequista y no tecatista! - P. Luigi Zanotto (Convention) Hall B 30 2006 Religious Education Congress TALLERES SÁBADO, 1 DE ABRIL 2006 SESIÓN 4 – 10:00 - 11:30 a.m. AG Lugar 4-51 La libertad desde la perspectiva de la teología y la espiritualidad cristiana - P. Claudio Burgaleta, SJ (Convention) 208 4-52 María en la Biblia y en la fe Católica - Dr. Timoteo Matovina (Doubletree) Grand Ballrm 4-53 Experiencias de formación a distancia para catequistas y agentes de pastoral - Marcelo Murúa (Convention) 203 4-54 El Desierto: desafíos y espiritualidad - P. Armando Noguez Alcántara (Convention) 202 4-55 “Dime con quién andas...” - P. Domingo Rodríguez, ST (Convention) Hall B 4-56 Somos templos del Espíritu Santo: La sexualidad humana y el joven latino - Mons. Jaime Soto (Sheraton) Park Ballroom 4-57 Como incorporar el arte en la clase de religión - Victor Valenzuela (Convention) 201 A Lugar 5-51 La búsqueda del sentido de la vida - Benjamín Bravo (Convention) Hall B 5-52 Ministerio parroquial en una comunidad hispana - P. Charles Dahm (Convention) 212 5-53 ¿Qué debemos hacer por la formación de adultos? - María Covarrubias y Laura López (Convention) 213 ABC 5-54 Dando pasos a la libertad a través de la música - Gioconda G.-R. Hawkins y Sarina Fry (Convention) 203 A 5-55 El canto y la celebración del matrimonio - Pedro Rubalcava (Sheraton) Garden Room 5-56 La libertad en perspectiva cristiana, un aporte a un mundo confuso - Miguel Ángel Sánchez Carlos (Convention) 205 AB 5-57 La catequesis con espíritu catecumenal - P. David Mateo Velázquez (Convention) Ballroom C SESIÓN 6 – 3:00 - 4:30 p.m. Lugar 6-51 La libertad como pregunta y como respuesta en conflicto - Rev. Francisco Merlos Arroyo 6-52 Elías: La adoración y la justicia - Dr. Jaime Vazquez, STD (Convention) 202 — (Sheraton) Plaza Ballroom 6-53 Modelos de disciplina en la familia - Ana García-Mina Freire (Convention) Ballroom C 6-54 Una catequesis sobre la fe - P. Alvaro Ginel Vuelva (Convention) Hall B 6-55 ¡Tenemos voz y fuerza! La libertad y el desarrollo del pensamiento crítico - Cecilia Gonzalez-Andrieu (Convention) 210 D 6-56 Multiculturalismo en el plan de Dios y en la iglesia - P. Clodomiro Siller Acuña (Convention) 213 ABC Español SESIÓN 5 – 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. 31 TALLERES DOMINGO, 2 DE ABRIL 2006 ASAMBLEA GENERAL Hall B – Domingo, 8:30 a.m. DOMINGO RODRÍGUEZ ZAMBRANA, ST “Donde dos o tres estén reunidos…” Queremos mirar de cerca a la manera que nos relacionamos los unos con los otros. La comunidad cristiana se constituye cuando estamos juntos … ¡y usualmente tenemos problemas! Hablemos de como nos relacionamos y nos comunicamos. Señalamos aquí lo que nos puede ayudar o perjudicar. Natural de Puerto Rico, Domingo Rodríguez es misionero trinitario por 45 años. Párroco en Puerto Rico y en CleveCambio del tiempo: land por 14 años. Miembro del equipo facilitador del III Acuérdese de Encuentro Hispano. Homilista programa TV “Nuestra Familia.” Predicador de las misiones trinitarias por 20 años adelantar su reloj una por toda a nación. hora antes de dormir. SESIÓN 7 – 10:00 - 11:30 a.m. AG Lugar 7-51 Porqué la Iglesia católica se envuelve en la “Reforma de la Inmigración” - Mons. Gerald Barnes (Convention) Hall B 7-52 Amigos en el Señor: Acompañamientos espiritual y jóvenes - Ramón Luis Calzada (Convention) Hall D2 7-53 Ética de la vida y bioética: La contribución de la teología cristiana - Dr. Roberto Dell’Oro (Convention) 205 7-54 “Lectio Divina” en catequesis: Solicitud de Benedicto XVI - Dr. Ricardo Grzona (Convention) 206 7-55 Los salmos: La fidelidad de Dios en nuestro tiempo - Francisco Javier Herrera Brambila (Clarion) Orangewood 7-56 De la orfandad a la filiación: La libertad verdadera de los “Hijos de Dios” - Mons. Victor Hugo Palma Paúl (Convention) 207 D 7-57 “El Directorio Nacional para la Catequesis” - Maruja Sedano (Sheraton) Palm Rooms SESIÓN 8 – 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. Lugar 8-51 ¿Cómo combinar catequesis y disciplina? - Petra Alexander y Rosamaría Mora (Convention) Hall B 8-52 Los sacramentos: Escuela de libertad espiritual - P. Claudio Burgaleta, SJ (Convention) 303 8-53 La justicia y su relación con la fe, la esperanza y la caridad - Mons. Gregorio Rosa Chávez (Convention) 207 ABC 8-54 Modelos de la iglesia o eclesiologia - P. Charles Dahm (Convention) 209 8-55 Una pedagogía para la libertad: Claves de Jesús en la formación de discípulos - Marcelo Murúa (Convention) 212 8-56 Adentrándonos en el mundo de los jóvenes - Hna. Leticia Salazar (Convention) Ballroom D 32 2006 Congreso de Educación Religiosa PROGRAMAS Oficina de Educación Religosa CONTACTO Cursos de Verano con el lema de “Discipulado y Misión” Temática Desarrollada los fines de semana del 8 & 9 y 15 &16 de julio 2006 Especialización para Catequistas de Adultos (Básica y Advanzada) Un programa para personas que trabajan en la catequesis con adultos. Estudio de las Escrituras Cristianas Un programa de nivel básico para estudiar la Biblia (16 sesiones). Estudio de las Escrituras Hebreas Un programa de nivel básico para estudiar la Biblia (16 sesiones). Instituto Bíblico Católico (curso avanzado) Un programa de tres años, se adquiere certificación como Animador/a Biblico/a. Instituto de Pastoral y Evangelización Humberto Ramos (213) 637-7345 Lourdes Gonzalez-Rubio (213) 637-7344 Martha Nuñez (213) 637-7705 Martha Nuñez (213) 637-7705 Martha Nuñez (213) 637-7705 Humberto Ramos (213) 637-7345 Martha Nuñez (213) 637-7705 Humberto Ramos (213) 637-7345 Humberto Ramos (213) 637-7345 Martha Nuñez (213) 637-7705 Programa de formación pastoral a tres niveles: básico, intermedio y avanzado. La Biblia: Palabra de Vida Un programa (nivel básico) estudiar la Biblia. Pequeñas Comunidades Cristianos Acompañar, estudiar sobre y como ser y hacer comunidad. Semilla del Reino Evangelización y catequesis diseñado para líderes parroquiales. Tambien Yo Soy Tu Pueblo I y II Dos cursos para quienes desean iniciarse en el conocimiento de la Bíbila. PASTORAL JUVENIL Formación para Agentes de Pastoral Juvenil Dos años para la certificación (curso avanzado). Inicia cuando llegas Alberto Embry (213) 637-7355 FORMACIÓN DE CATEQUISTAS Formación Básica para Catequistas Formación en la fe y en las habilidades para catequistas que comienzan. Ministerios Catequéticos Avanzados Tres años de formación avanzada para Líderes Catequéticos y parroquiales. Lourdes Gonzalez-Rubio (213) 637-7344 Lourdes Gonzalez-Rubio (213) 637-7344 YOUTH MINISTRY Confirmación Dos cursos (básico y avanzado) con especialización; talleres y entrenamiento. Alberto Embry (213) 637-7355 ELEMENTAL Especialización para Catequistas de Elemental Dos cursos (básico y avanzado) para Catequistas y Maestros de Catequistas. Talleres de Enriquecimiento/Retiros para Niños/Evaluación de Textos Catequéticos de Primaria Martha Nuñez (213) 637-7705 Martha Nuñez (323) 931-7705 CONGRESOS REGIONALES San Fernando – Congreso Regional San Pedro – Congreso Regional San Gabriel – Congreso Regional Santa Barbara – Congreso Regional O.L.A. – Congreso Regional 30 de septiembre, 2006 7 de octubre, 2006 14 de octubre, 2006 21 de octubre, 2006 4 de noviembre, 2006 Lynn Lang Paulette Smith Eileen Gateley Sue Spies David Lara (818) (562) (626) (805) (310) 365-5123 630-6272 962-7707 569-1135 216-9587 33 Español EDUCACIÓN PARA ADULTOS ARENA 8:30 a.m. • Friday, March 31, 2006 F R I D A Y OPENING RITE & WELCOME Friday, March 31, 2006 CALL TO WORSHIP Hina Na Ho (Celebration) An Inuit song of celebration Refrain: Hina na ho ho henay, Hina na ho ho henay Indaya hina na ho ho henay, indaya Creator of seasons of people of nations (Refrain) John Laudry Survivors of promise A spirit of freedom (Refrain) Stand by your people The nations Survivors (Refrain) John Laudry © Aglukark Entertainment Inc. (SOCAN)/Chad Irschick (SOCAN)/Rip Roar Music Inc. (SOCAN) GATHERING SONG Freedom is Coming Text: South African. Tune: South African. © 1984, Utryck, Walton Music Corp., agent. Used with permission. 34 OPENING RITE & WELCOME ARENA Friday, March 31, 2006 • 8:30 a.m. PROCLAMATION Arena COLLECT John O’Donohue SONG Were I the Perfect Child John Bell arr. Tony Alonso, Michael Mahler, Gary Daigle Were I the perfect child of God whose faith was deep and love was broad, not doubtful, guilty, worn or flawed, I’d gladly follow Jesus. But I’m the child of what I’ve been, estranged by much I’ve done and seen, afraid to show the love I mean, unfit to follow Jesus. Yet God, who knows me first and last, who’s seen my best, my worst, my past, has shown his love, intense and vast by meeting me in Jesus. For Christ, though killed at Calvary by sins like mine and folk like me, Has ris’n, forgiv’n and set me free, made fit to follow Jesus. Then sprinkle water on my brow as, in this place, I make my vow to own and love my Savior now and give my self to Jesus. God grant me what I still require, that I in others might inspire the hidden hope, the deep desire to love and follow Jesus. God grant me what I still require, that I in others might inspire the hidden hope, the deep desire to love and follow Jesus, love and follow Jesus. Arrangement Copyright © 2005 GIA Publications, Inc. © 2004 WGRG, Iona Community. Published and distributed in North America by GIA Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission. OPENING RITE & WELCOME 35 ARENA 8:30 a.m. • Friday, March 31, 2006 SCRIPTURE Response: Camimos de Esperanza Isaiah 61:1-4, 10-11 Santiago Fernández F R I D A Y Letra: Álvaro Fernández. Letra y música © 1996, Santiago Fernández y Álvaro Fernández. Obra publicada por®. Derechos reservados. 36 OPENING RITE & WELCOME ARENA Friday, March 31, 2006 • 8:30 a.m. REFLECTION Sister Edith Prendergast, RSC Archdiocesan Director of Religious Education RITUAL I Send You Out John Angotti Arena Copyright © 2000, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. Used with permission. PRAYER/RITUAL CLOSING PRAYER BLESSING SENDING FORTH 2006 CONGRESS THEME SONG Step into Freedom/Paso a la Libertad Bob Halligan/Pedro Rubalcava (Please refer to page 66) OPENING RITE & WELCOME 37 ARENA F R I D A Y 5:15 p.m. • Friday, March 31, 2006 MISA DE LAS AMÉRICAS Friday, March 31, 2006 Rev. Domingo Rodríguez, presider Msgr. Ray East, homilist The liturgy combines three languages: Spanish, English and Chumash. The Molmoloqhvash, the Ancient ones, now known as the “Chumash,” lived on the Channel Islands off the coast of Southern California. Today, their territory ranges from San Luis Obispo to Malibu, though stories speak of their land reaching south into the San Fernando Valley and beyond. They were and are a deeply spiritual people who believed in God, Kakunupmawa, The Mystery Behind the Sun. They have a profound connection to their homeland and to their Ancestors who are buried there. They are re-awakening their original language and reviving their ancient maritime culture with the building of their first tomol, a traditional plank canoe, ‘Elye ‘won, which was paddled to Limuw, Santa Cruz Island, on September 8, 2001. ENTRANCE SONG/CANTO DE ENTRADA A Ti, Dios Text: Spanish: Rosa María Icaza, CCVI, © 1999, Mexican American Cultural Center. All rights reserved. Used with permission. Music © 2001, Jaime Cortez. Published by OCP Publications. All rights reserved. 38 MISA DE LAS AMÉRICAS Jaime Cortez ARENA Friday, March 31, 2006 • 5:15 p.m. PENITENTIAL RITE/ACTO PENITENCIAL KYRIE Litany of Praise Bob Hurd/Jaime Cortez FIRST READING/PRIMERA LECTURA (Proclaimed in/Proclamado en Chumash) The wicked said among themselves, thinking not aright: “Let us beset the just one, because he is obnoxious to us; he sets himself against our doings, reproaches us for transgressions of the law and charges us with violations of our training. He professes to have knowledge of God and styles himself a child of the Lord. To us he is the censure of our thoughts; merely to see him is a hardship for us, because his life is not like that of others, and different are his ways. He judges us debased; he holds aloof from our paths as from things impure. He call blest the destiny of the just and boasts that God is his Father. “Let us see whether his words be true; let us find out what will happen to him. For if the just one be the son of God, he will defend him and deliver him from the hand of his foes. With revilement and torture let us put him to the test that we may have proof of his gentleness and try his patience. Let us condemn him to a shameful death; for according to his won words, God will take care of him.” These were their thoughts, but they erred; for their wickedness blinded them, and they knew not the hidden counsels of God; neither did they count on a recompense of holiness nor discern the innocent souls’ reward. Arena Music: from Misa del Pueblo Inmigrante, © 1994, Bob Hurd. Published by OCP Publications. All rights reserved. Used with permission. Wisdom 2:1a, 12-22 Los malvados reflexionando equivocadamente dicen: “Pongamos trampas al justo, porque nos resulta insoportable y se opone a nuestra forma de actuar; nos echa en cara que no hemos cumplido la ley y nos reprocha las faltas contra la educación recibida; presume de conocer a Dios y se proclama a sí mismo hijo del Señor. Es un reproche contra nuestros pensamientos, y sólo verlo nos molesta. Pues lleva una vida distinta de los demás y va por caminos muy diferentes; nos considera moneda falsa, se aparta de nosotros como si fuéramos impuros; proclama dichosa la suerte de los justos y presume de tener a Dios por Padre. “Veamos si es verdad lo que dice, comprobemos cómo le va al final. Porque si el justo es hijo de Dios, él lo asistirá y lo librará de las manos de sus adversarios. Probémoslo con ofensas y tortura: así veremos hasta dónde llega su paciencia y comprobaremos su resistencia. Condenémoslo a una muerte deshonrosa, pues, según dice, Dios lo librará.” Así piensan, pero se equivocan, pues los ciega su maldad. Ignoran los secretos de Dios, no confían en el premio de la virtud, ni creen en la recompensa de los intachables. MASS OF THE AMERICAS 39 ARENA 5:15 p.m. • Friday, March 31, 2006 RESPONSORIAL PSALM/SALMO RESPONSORIAL Salmo 129: Clamo a Ti, Señor/Out of the Depths F R I D A Y 1. Escucha el sonido de mi voz, atiende a mi súplica, Señor. 2. Señor, ¿quién con vida quedará si llevas cuenta de nuestros pecados? 3. Mi alma espera en el Señor más que el centinela a la aurora. 4. En tu misericordia y gran bondad escoges al que alcanza salvación. Eleazar Cortés 1. May your ears attend to my voice, listen to my cries for mercy. 2. If you, O Lord, keep count of our sins, Lord, who could survive? 3. My soul waits for the Lord more than sentinels for daybreak. 4. For with the Lord is steadfast love, with the Lord is fullness of redemption. Letra: del Salmo 129 (Psalm 130). Letra y música © 1994, 1998, Eleazar Cortés. Obra publicada por OCP Publications. Derechos reservados. GOSPEL ACCLAMATION/ACLAMACIÓN ANTES DEL EVANGELIO Honor y Gloria a Ti Pedro Rubalcava Music: La Misa Ranchera, Pedro Rubalcava. Text © Conferencia Episcopal Mexicana, pub. by Obra Nacional de la Buena Prensa, México, D.F. Music © 1995, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. Used by permission. GOSPEL/EVANGELIO John 7:1-2, 10, 25-30 (Proclaimed in Spanish/Proclamado en español) Jesus moved about within Galilee; he did not wish to travel in Judea, because the Jews were trying to kill him. But the Jewish feast of Tabernacles was near. But when his brothers had gone up to the feast, he himself also went up, not openly but as it were in secret. Some of the inhabitants of Jerusalem said, “Is he not the one they are trying to kill? And look, he is speaking openly and they say nothing to him. Could the authorities have realized that he is the Christ? But we know where he is from. When the Christ comes, no one will know where he is from.” So Jesus cried out in the temple area as he was teaching and said, “You know me and also know where I am from. Yet I did not come on my own, but the one who sent, whom you do not know, is true. I know him, because I am from him, and he sent me.” So they tried to arrest him, but no one laid a hand upon him, because his hour had not yet come. 40 MISA DE LAS AMÉRICAS ARENA Friday, March 31, 2006 • 5:15 p.m. HOMILY/HOMILIA GENERAL INTERCESSIONS/PLEGARIA UNIVERSAL Oración de los Fieles Peter Kolar Music © 2001, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. Used by permission. PRESENTATION OF THE GIFTS/PRESENTACIÓN DE LAS OFRENDAS Con Estas Cenizas, Señor/Perdona a Tu Pueblo Lourdes C. Montgomery Arena © 2002, Lourdes C. Montgomery. Obra publicada por OCP Publications. Derechos reservados. MASS OF THE AMERICAS 41 ARENA 5:15 p.m. • Friday, March 31, 2006 Holy, Holy, Holy/Santo Peter Kolar F R I D A Y Music: Misa Luna, Peter Kolar. © 1998, World Library Publications All rights reserved. Used by permission. Memorial Acclamation/Aclamación Memorial Music: Misa Luna, Peter Kolar. © 1998, World Library Publications All rights reserved. Used by permission. 42 MISA DE LAS AMÉRICAS Peter Kolar ARENA Friday, March 31, 2006 • 5:15 p.m. Great Amen/Gran Amén Peter Kolar Music: Misa Luna, Peter Kolar. © 1998, World Library Publications All rights reserved. Used by permission. FRACTION RITE/RITO DE FRACCIÓN Cordero de Dios Alejandro Mejía Arena Música: Misa Melódica, © 1974, Alejandro Mejía y San Pablo Comunicación, SSP. Derechos reservados. Administradora exclusiva en EE.UU.: OCP Publications. Utilizado con permiso. MASS OF THE AMERICAS 43 ARENA 5:15 p.m. • Friday, March 31, 2006 COMMUNION SONGS/CANTOS DE COMUNIÓN Ubi Caritas F R I D A Y English text by Bob Hurd. Spanish text by Pedro Rubalcava. Text and music © 1996, 2004, Bob Hurd. Published by OCP Publications. All rights reserved. Used with permission. 44 MISA DE LAS AMÉRICAS Bob Hurd ARENA Friday, March 31, 2006 • 5:15 p.m. Al Partir el Pan Pedro Rubalcava Text and music © 2000, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. Used by permission. Pan del Cielo Eleazar Cortés Arena Text and music © 2002, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. Used by permission. CLOSING SONG/CANTO DE ENVIO 2006 CONGRESS THEME SONG Step into Freedom/Paso a la Libertad Bob Halligan Jr./Pedro Rubalcava (Please refer to page 66/Se refiere por favor para página 66) MASS OF THE AMERICAS 45 ARENA 8:00 a.m. • Saturday, April 1, 2006 MORNING PRAISE Saturday, April 1, 2006 Janèt Sullivan Whitaker, presider PRELUDE GATHERING SONG I Want Jesus To Walk With Me Traditional Spiritual Adapted by ValLimar and Frank Jansen S A T U R D A Y Can you hear the hammer ringing, can you hear it? Can you hear the hammer ringing, can you hear it? Can you hear the hammer ringing? Surely, he died on Calvary. Whether innocence or guilt, it’s not material. The facts of life is that you see me, a criminal. Statistical analysis says we are a nation of men and women needing rehabilitation from temptations. 46 SATURDAY MORNING PRAISE ARENA Saturday, April 1, 2006 • 8:00 a.m. You say that God gives out a forgiving second chance to those of us who with the Devil did dance. Even if I’m a sinner with a hard strike three you say the Lord of Love will walk with me through temptations. Arena This arrangement and verses text © 2004, ValLimar Jansen and Frank Jansen. Published by®. All rights reserved. Used with permission. OPENING PRAYER READING All People That on Earth Do Dwell Response: Micah 7:7-9 Assembly: Cantor: Glory be to the Father and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Assembly: Cantor: As it was in the beginning, Assembly: Cantor: Is now and ever shall be; SATURDAY MORNING PRAISE 47 ARENA 8:00 a.m. • Saturday, April 1, 2006 Assembly: Cantor: World without end. All (sing): Amen Tune: Psalm (99) 100; William Kethe, d. c. 1593; Doxology, Thomas Ken, 1637-1711 Tune: Old Hundredth, LM; Louis Bourgeois, c. 1510-1561. PSALM The Lord Is My Saving Light ValLimar and Frank Jansen © 2002 AFW Music. All rights reserved. Used with permission. PSALM PRAYER S A T U R D A Y REFLECTION Let Jesus Rise ValLimar and Frank Jansen I would love to preach and the Lord be glorified. I would love to teach; see the opening of blind eyes. I would love to pray; see broken hearts at liberty to glorify Jesus in you and me. I would love to give; see all the hungry fed. I would love to serve; see pain and misery dead. I would love to work; see the captives all go free to glorify Jesus in you and me. I would love to give much more than I receive, give strength and power to the hopeless and the weak. I’d give love for hate, give joy, tranquility to glorify Jesus in you and me. Open our hearts and comfort those who weep. Work to protect the helpless and the meek. Justice for oppression, peace, security to glorify Jesus in you and me. (Refrain) © 2004, ValLimar Jansen and Frank Jansen. Published by®. All rights reserved. Used with permission. 48 SATURDAY MORNING PRAISE ARENA Saturday, April 1, 2006 • 8:00 a.m. How Can I Repay ValLimar & Frank Jansen I know I can never repay what Jesus Christ has done for me. So I dedicate my life in every way, to show I’m grateful for what he did on Calvary. When I feed the hungry, clothe the poor, comfort those who mourn, the world knows I love him. When I walk in love with those who hate, return righteousness for wrong the world knows I love him. (Refrain) © 2004, ValLimar Jansen and Frank Jansen. Published by®. All rights reserved. Used with permission. PROCLAMATION “Still I Rise” by Maya Angelou (Excerpt) You may shoot me with your words, You may cut me with your eyes, You may kill me with your hatefulness, But still, like air, I’ll rise. Out of the huts of history’s shame I rise INTERCESSORY PRAYERS Hear Our Prayer Up from a past that’s rooted in pain I rise I’m a black ocean, leaping and wide, Welling and swelling I bear in the tide. Leaving behind nights of terror and fear I rise Into a daybreak that’s wondrously clear I rise Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave, I am the dream and the hope of the slave. I rise I rise I rise. Arena Just like moons and like suns, With the certainty of tides, Just like hopes springing high, Still I’ll rise. Tune adaptation: Frank & ValLimar Jansen © 2003 AFW Music. All rights reserved. Used with permission. SATURDAY MORNING PRAISE 49 ARENA 8:00 a.m. • Saturday, April 1, 2006 OUR FATHER CONCLUDING PRAYER CLOSING SONG Say So! Traditional Adapted by ValLimar and Frank Jansen S A T U R D A Y This arrangement and verses text © 2004, ValLimar Jansen and Frank Published by®. All rights reserved. Used with permission. 50 SATURDAY MORNING PRAISE ARENA Saturday, April 1, 2006 • 5:15 p.m. BLACK CULTURE LITURGY Saturday, April 1, 2006 Rev. J-Glenn Murray, presider PRELUDE That’s Alright W. Clifford Petty GATHERING SONG Come Magnify the Lord W. Clifford Petty Arena Copyright © 2000, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. Used with permission. BLACK CULTURE LITURGY 51 ARENA 5:15 p.m. • Saturday, April 1, 2006 LORD HAVE MERCY OPENING PRAYER – LITURGY OF THE WORD – FIRST READING Jeremiah 11:18-20 RESPONSORIAL PSALM Psalm 29 The Lord Will Bless His People Richard Cheri and Jalonda Robertson The Lord will bless his people, the Lord will bless his people, The Lord will bless his people, the Lord bless them with peace. The English translation of the psalm response from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, ICEL. All rights reserved. Music copyright © 2005, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. Used with permission. GOSPEL ACCLAMATION Praise to You, Lord Jesus Christ S A T U R D A Y Kenneth Louis © Copyright 1996. Arr. Kenneth W. Louis. All rights reserved. Used with permission. GOSPEL John 7:40-53 GENERAL INTERCESSIONS God Heard Me When I Pray Copyright © 2002. Gowens Music. Used with permission. 52 BLACK CULTURE LITURGY Cynthia Gowens ARENA Saturday, April 1, 2006 • 5:15 p.m. – LITURGY OF THE EUCHARIST – PRESENTATION OF THE GIFTS I Am God Refrain: Who do men say I am? Who do men say I am? Who do men say I am? Be still and know I Am. I am God! Who do you say I am? Who do you say I am? Who do you say I am? Be still and know I Am. I am God! Malcolm L. Speed Copyright © 1997, by Malcolm L. Speed-LOTW Music CO-BMI. International Copyright Secured. All rights reserved. Used with permission. Holy Kenneth Louis Arena Music: Mass of St. Cyprian, Kenneth Louis. Copyright © 2000 by GIA Publications, Inc. Used with permission. BLACK CULTURE LITURGY 53 ARENA 5:15 p.m. • Saturday, April 1, 2006 Great Amen Jester Hairston Copyright © Jester Hairston. All rights reserved. Used with permission. Our Father S A T U R D A Y C.E. Leslie © C.E. Leslie. All rights reserved. Used with permission. Lamb of God Kenneth Louis Music: Mass of St. Cyprian, Kenneth Louis. Copyright © 2000 by GIA Publications, Inc. Used with permission. 54 BLACK CULTURE LITURGY ARENA Saturday, April 1, 2006 • 5:15 p.m. COMMUNION SONG Your Sacrifice Thomas Lucas Arena Copyright © 2000, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. Used with permission. BLACK CULTURE LITURGY 55 ARENA 5:15 p.m. • Saturday, April 1, 2006 SONG OF THANKSGIVING Because of Who You Are CLOSING SONG Go Ye Therefore S A T U R D A Y Kenneth Louis Copyright © Kenneth Louis. All rights reserved. Used with permission. 56 Arr. Clifford Perry BLACK CULTURE LITURGY ARENA Sunday, April 2 • 8:15 a.m. & 3:30 p.m. CLOSING LITURGY Sunday, April 2, 2006 8:15 a.m.: Bishop Tod Brown, presider 3:30 p.m.: Cardinal Roger Mahony, presider PRELUDE/PRELUDO We Belong to You Refrain: Trevor and Victoria Thomson We belong to you, O Lord of our longing. We belong to you. In our daily living, dying and rising, We belong to you. Arena In the waters of your mercy, when the old becomes the new, Souls united in the mystery, we belong to you. (Refrain) Filled with gifts and filled with goodness; Spirit breathing life into All who seek to find their purpose, we belong to you. (Refrain) When we share the bread you’ve given, with the many and the few; We are blest and we are broken; we belong to you. (Refrain) We are called to share your word, Lord, in all we say and all we do. As our journey moves us onward: we belong to you. (Refrain) ©2005 Trevor and Victoria Thomson. All rights reserved. Used with permission. GATHERING SONG/CANTO DE ENTRADA Freedom is Coming Text: South African. Tune: South African. © 1984, Utryck, Walton Music Corp., agent. Used with permission. CLOSING LITURGY 57 ARENA 8:15 a.m & 3:30 p.m. • Sunday, April 2 PENITENTIAL RITE/ACTO PENITENCIAL Tune: Hold Us In Your Mercy S U N D A Y Copyright© 1994 by GIA Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission. – LITURGY OF THE WORD/ LITURGIA DE LA PALABRA – 58 CLOSING LITURGY Gary Daigle ARENA Sunday, April 2 • 8:15 a.m. & 3:30 p.m. FIRST READING/PRIMERA LECTURA (Proclaimed in Vietnamese/Proclamado en vietnamita) RESPONSORIAL PSALM/SALMO RESPONSORIAL With the Lord Ezekiel 37:12-14 Jeanne Cotter English translation of the psalm response from the Lectionary for Mass, © 1969 International Committee on English in the Liturgy. All rights reserved. Music © 1995 by GIA Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission. SECOND READING/SECUNDA LECTURA (Proclaimed in Spanish/Proclamado en español) Arena GOSPEL ACCLAMATION/ACLAMACIÓN ANTES DEL EVANGELIO Praise to You, Lord Jesus Christ Kenneth Louis © Copyright 1966, arr. Kenneth W. Louis. All rights reserved. Used with permission. GOSPEL/EVANGELIO HOMILY/HOMILIA John 11:1-45 (8:15 a.m. Liturgy) BISHOP TOD BROWN Bishop of Orange, California (3:30 p.m. Liturgy) CARDINAL ROGER MAHONY Archbishop of Los Angeles SCRUTINIES CLOSING LITURGY 59 ARENA 8:15 a.m & 3:30 p.m. • Sunday, April 2 Roll Away the Stone Rory Cooney © 1993, TEAM Publications. Published by OCP Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission. DISMISSAL OF THE ELECT, CATECHUMENS AND CANDIDATES – LITURGY OF THE EUCHARIST/ LITURGIA EUCARISTICA – PRESENTATION OF THE GIFTS/PREPARACIÓN DE LOS DONES Gabriel’s Oboe Arr. by Chris de Silva Holy/Santo Jesse Manibusan S U N D A Y Music: Misa del Mundo, © 1993, Jesse Manibusan. Published by OCP Publications. All rights reserved. Used with permission. 60 CLOSING LITURGY Sunday, April 2 • 8:15 a.m. & 3:30 p.m. ARENA Arena Memorial Acclamation/Aclamación Memorial Jesse Manibusan Music: Misa del Mundo, © 1993, Jesse Manibusan. Published by OCP Publications. All rights reserved. Used with permission. CLOSING LITURGY 61 ARENA 8:15 a.m & 3:30 p.m. • Sunday, April 2 Amen Jesse Manibusan Music: Misa del Mundo, © 1993, Jesse Manibusan. Published by OCP Publications. All rights reserved. Used with permission. FRACTION RITE/RITO DE FRACCIÓN Lamb of God/Cordero de Dios S U N D A Y Music: Misa del Mundo, © 1993, Jesse Manibusan. Published by OCP Publications. All rights reserved. Used with permission. 62 CLOSING LITURGY Jesse Manibusan ARENA Sunday, April 2 • 8:15 a.m. & 3:30 p.m. COMMUNION SONGS/CANTOS DE COMUNIÓN Come to the Feast Divine Liam Lawton Copyright © 2002 by GIA Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission. Arena Al Partir el Pan Pedro Rubalacava Text and music © 2000, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. Used by permission. CLOSING LITURGY 63 ARENA 8:15 a.m & 3:30 p.m. • Sunday, April 2 One Bread, One Body John Foley arr. John Flaherty Text: Based on 1 Corinthians 10:16-17; 12:4, 12-13, 20; Galatians 3:28; Ephesians 4:46; The Didache 9. English, John Foley, S.J. Spanish translation of refrain and verses 1, 2: Salomón Mussiett; verse 3: Pedro Rubalcava. Text and music © 1978, 1996, 2003, John B. Foley, S.J. and OCP Publications. All rights reserved. Used with permission. S U N D A Y 64 CLOSING LITURGY ARENA Sunday, April 2 • 8:15 a.m. & 3:30 p.m. THANKSGIVING SONG/CANTO DE ACCIÓ DE GRACIAS Here I Am to Worship Joshua Blakesley Arena © 2001, Thankyou Music. All rights reserved. Administered by EMI Christian Music Group. Used with permission. CLOSING LITURGY 65 ARENA 8:15 a.m & 3:30 p.m. • Sunday, April 2 SENDING FORTH/ENVIO 2006 CONGRESS THEME SONG Step into Freedom/Paso a la Libertad S U N D A Y Bob Halligan Jr./Pedro Rubalcava Text © 2005, Pedro Rubalcava and Bob Halligan Jr. Music © 2005, Bob Halligan Jr. Published by®, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portland, OR 97213. All rights reserved. Used with permission. 66 CLOSING LITURGY NOTES ENDOWMENT FUND (continued from page 73) Emmanuel Montoya David Salinas Enrique Montoya Aileen Santos Jonathan Montoya Bernadette Schurz Jan Moore Teri Seipel Frank Moraga Kathy Shaw Kathy Morningred Andrea Shearer R. Thomas Myers James Smith Mary Jean Neault Susan Sommer Leticia Negrete Therese Spence Rose Neptune Luke Stankiewicz Ann Nguyen Robert Stephenson-Padron Lang Nguyen Marthe Stokowski Tri Ky Nguyen Stan Stokowski Fred Nichols Sharon Suttles Patricia Nichols Mario Tadeo Richard Norman Father Joseph Ternullo Susan Northway Yolanda Teuffer Bernadette O’Connell June Tom William O’Connor Joyce Tompsett Cathy Olds Hieu Tran Sandy Olszewski Rolf Trondsen Blanca Ortiz Shawn Trowbridge Eunice Park Maria Valdez Dean Pasloski Stephanie Valdivia-Grand Barbara Patton Fiat Valera Anne Pautler Dorianq Valles C. Craig Pearman Mary Lou Vanderlip Gladys Pearman Victoria Velasco Jamie Pelen Ronalyn Velligas Noel Penafiel Annette Venegas Annette Postlmayr Tricia Von Dohlen Deborah Powell Dan Wallace Paul Prine Laurie Wallace Maria Quintana Sr. Carol Marie Walsh John Rasor Michael Ward Mary Rose Rawlinson Evangelina Weiss Michelle Raymond Carole Wentz Nicki Riemenschneider Timothy Wertzberger Robin Rokisky Nora Wieder Patricia Rudewicz Frank Williams Paul Rudewicz Donna Williams-Hill Sandy Ryan Lorena Wolf Thomas Sabol Cheryll Ybarra Laurie Sachs Kelly Zancanaro Pegi Sadler Elizabeth Zoller 67 O.R.E. $5 CONTRIBUTION (CONT.) Barbara Delgado Helen Jakob Janine Aurora Manuel Delgado Linda James Marianna Bacher Margaret Dimond Mariano Jauco Judit Baserga Irene Maria Disanto Blanche Johnson Jesse Batacan Lupie Dominguez Lauren Johnston Soledad Batacan Kerri Dornstadter Kirk Jones Sherrie Beals Kathleen Dunlap Michelle Joyce Kelli Berry Charles Durley Carla Jung Lisa Berry Nelia Durley Debbie & George Kamer Shawna Berry Madelyn Dyess Jason Kawazoe Melissa Blackmer Jose Luis Elias Robert Kelly Diana Blais Estella Encinas-Romero Erin Kennell Jeannette Borge Eduardo Espiritu Matt Knowlton Roberta Brehm Melba Espiritu Lisa Kosiewicz Charlie Brown Deacon Marlin Filipek Kimberley Kramer Julie Brown Dottie Filipek CJ Kruska Dawn Brunner Warren Flynn Katy Kruska William Brunner Eduardo Fresquez Carol Kunkel Sarah Burchett Rosaura Fresquez James Laferriere Linda Burke Sheila Galaz Rosalind Laferriere Fr. Rick Byrum Carolina Garcia Cindy Lee Pat Camarillo Teresa Geraldez Megan Leffin Gail Campanella Sharon Givens Carol Lewis Elizabeth Canepa Maureen Glackin Charlene Liao Marie Cao-Bui Joan Gomes Catherine Lieb Grace Cardenas Anna Maria Gutierrez Edwin Limpiado Amalia Castaneda Margaret Guttieri Guillermo Lizarraga Lianni Castro Ryan Hanning Gloria Lopez Margarita Castro Barbara & David Harmon Marisol Lopez Pedro Castro Maryanne Harrington John Lorbach Grace Cavallo Mary Harrison Laura Lotz Angela Chan Kay Harter Joann Mansfield Donna Charron Ronald Hartt Beth Marcus April Chatel Jennifer Heath Yolanda Marsh Celina Chiarello Kathy Herrington Cuquita Martinez Kendall Coffman Jennifer Hinkel David McAdam Ashlee Colleton Lisa Horan Mary McConnell Catherine Collins Jacob Horst Marlene McGrath Marna Cornell Lailani Howard Jean McKenna Jeanne Cosgrove Rose Hudson Ana McManama Deena Crete Betsy Hutchinson Josefina Medina Raymond Crisologo Erin Hutchinson Celia Meehan Ruby Cruz-Diel Danh Huynh Ann Menna Niki Dailey Ivan Irizarry Beverly Meyer Phyllis Decrescenzo Noel Jaderstrom Malia Mika O.R.E. STAFF Online at The Office of Religious Education is engaged in continuing the mission of Jesus Christ through evangelization and catechesis. We are called to form catechetical leaders, integrate a justice perspective and respond to the multicultural diversity of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. – O.R.E. Mission Statement Michael Aguilera Support Staff Jan Pedroza Early Childhood/RECongress Anne Dunn (Santa Barbara Region) Adult Ministry Sr. Edith Prendergast DIRECTOR Alberto Embry (Spanish) Pastoral Juvenil, Confirmacíon Lourdes Gonzalez-Rubio (Spanish) Advanced Catechetical Ministries and Catechist Formation Sheryl Lange Catechesis in the Black Perspective Rev. David Loftus Adult Ministry Cesar Magallon Support Staff Sr. Clare Melody Adult Ministry Fe Musgrave Catechesis in the Asian Pacific Perspective Mike Norman ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR Confirmation, Junior High & Youth Ministry Martha Nuñez (Spanish) Instituto Biblico, Elementary 68 Humberto Ramos ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR Veronica Reyes Religious Education Congress and Early Childhood Support Staff John Rinaldo Youth Ministry Sonia Robledo Support Staff Diana Salinas Support Staff Dennis Santos (Santa Barbara Region) Confirmation, Junior High and Youth Ministry Vikki Shepp Religious Education Congress Coordinator Sr. Alina Spincemaille Media Michelle Youssef Elementary Office of Religious Education (213) 637-7303 REGIONAL OFFICES San Gabriel Region San Gabriel Region Pastoral Center 16009 E Cypress Ave Irwindale, CA 91706 (626) 962-7707 Eileen Gateley (Coordinator) Susie Nossett (Support Staff) San Fernando Region Alemany High School 15101 San Fernando Mission Blvd. Mission Hills, CA 91345 Mailing Address: PO Box 7608 Mission Hills, CA 91346 (818) 365-5123 Lynn Lang (Coordinator) Juan Garcia (Support Staff) Our Lady of the Angels Region O.L.A. Region Pastoral Center 5835 W Slauson Ave Culver City, CA 90004 (310) 215-0703 David Lara (Coordinator) Julio Cruz (Support Staff) San Pedro Region San Pedro Region Pastoral Center 3555 S Pancratius Pl Lakewood, CA 90712 (562) 630-6272 Paulette Smith (Coordinator) Nancy Longo (Support Staff) Santa Barbara Region Bishop García Diego Center 4032 La Colina Rd Santa Barbara, CA 93110 (805) 682-0442 Sue Spies (Coordinator) Sandy Melendez (Support Staff) 2006 Religious Education Congress STAFF BOOTH SCHEDULE Drop by and meet the people who head the ministries of the Office of Religious Education (ORE). The ORE Staff Booth is located on the center aisle of Hall A. The following are the scheduled days and hours when staff will be present: Friday, March 31 Saturday, April 1 Sunday, April 2 8:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Lourdes Gonzalez-Rubio Fe Musgrave 8:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Early Childhood 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Anne Dunn Lynn Lang 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Anne Dunn David Lara Fr. David Loftus 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Eileen Gateley Fr. David Loftus Mike Norman 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Early Childhood Paulette Smith Sue Spies Michelle Youssef 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Humberto Ramos John Rinaldo Paulette Smith Sue Spies 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Fe Musgrave Humberto Ramos John Rinaldo Paulette Smith 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. Alberto Embry Eileen Gateley Fr. David Loftus Dennis Santos 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. Early Childhood Lynn Lang Mike Norman Michelle Youssef 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. Lourdes Gonzalez-Rubio Sr. Clare Melody Martha Nuñez Sr. Alina Spincemaille 2:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Sr. Clare Melody Martha Nuñez Sr. Alina Spincemaille 2:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Alberto Embry Eileen Gateley David Lara O.R.E. PROGRAMS CONTACT African-American Catholic Catechetical Conference Annual gathering of leadership and youth for resourcing/in-servicing. Annual Silent Directed Retreat Five-day silent retreat with personal spiritual direction. Building Inclusive Communities through Mindful Cross-cultural Interaction BIC is a one-day Institute in each region: Santa Barbara, OLA, and San Pedro. Catholic Bible Institute A three-year program of comprehensive study for parish Bible-study leadership. Human Sexuality Education Formation and training programs. Ministry with Adults Training and development of parish adult education teams. Dr. Anne Dunn For the San Fernando and San Gabriel Regions, contact: Fr. David Loftus Pathways/Senderos – Regional Adult Learning Centers (English & Spanish) Four-week sessions on Scripture, spirituality, ministry and life skills. San Fernando/San Gabriel Regions Humberto Ramos and Fe Musgrave San Pedro Region Fr. David Loftus Small Christian Communities/Pequeñas Comunidades Cristianas Training, coordinating and facilitating of small faith communities. Spirituality Institute (Santa Barbara Region) A series of studies focusing on different aspects of Catholic spirituality. Sheryl Lange (213) 637-7354 Fr. David Loftus (213) 637-7654 Fe Musgrave (213) 637-7669 Fr. David Loftus (213) 637-7654 Michelle Youssef (213) 637-7410 O.R.E. ADULT EDUCATION (805) 569-2779 (213) 637-7654 (213) 637-7669 (213) 637-7654 Humberto Ramos (213) 637-7345 Dr. Anne Dunn (805) 569-2779 69 O.R.E. PROGRAMS Online at CATECHIST FORMATION Basic Catechist Formation Faith enrichment and basic theological formation for the beginning catechist. Advanced Catechetical Ministries Three-year formation program for Advanced Catechetical Leadership. Fr. David Loftus (213) 637-7654 Fr. David Loftus (213) 637-7654 YOUNG ADULTS Lenten Evening of Prayer An evening of reflection and time with friends for young adults. Theology on Tap Four-week speaker series in all five regions for young adults. Archdiocesan Young Adult Advisory Board Board that plans and implements young adult ministry for the Archdiocese. Sheryl Lange (213) 637-7354 Sheryl Lange (213) 637-7354 Sheryl Lange (213) 637-7354 ELEMENTARY & EARLY CHILDHOOD Early Childhood Spring Certification April 29, May 6, May 20 Early Childhood Summer Certification July 15, 22 & 29 Elementary Specialization/Enrichment Opportunities/Textbook Evaluation Workshops, in-services and retreats to equip catechists. Jan Pedroza (213) 637-7352 Michelle Youssef (213) 637-7410 YOUTH MINISTRY Confirmation Coordinator’s Specialization Evey Wednesday in May Specialization for all Confirmation Coordinators offered once a week in 5-week series. National Certificate in Youth Ministry Studies May 6-7, 2006 Two-year certificate process for those working with youth. Catholic Youth and Family Day at Magic Mountain June 25, 2006 A Sunday of fun for the entire family at this great theme park. Camp Big Deal June 26-30, 2006 A leadership camp for junior-high youth in the Santa Barbara Region. Archdiocesan Beach Day for High School Youth July 9, 2006 A day of fun in the sun for youth of the Archdiocese. Christian Leadership Institute July 23-28; Aug 6-11, 2006 Leadership training for high school youth involved in ministry. Confirmation Catechist Specialization Aug 19/29 & 26/27, 2006 Two-day specialization for catechists, small group & peer leaders, Confirmation coord. Coordinator’s Orientation September 16, 2006 A Saturday training for those planning Confirmation Liturgies. National Catholic Conference on Youth Ministry-Las Vegas Nov 29-Dec 3, 2006 A gathering for 2,000 adults who work with youth for training and renewal. SAW (Signed, Anointed, Witness) Retreat Week-long peer ministry training/retreat for high schoolers who have been Confirmed. Los Angeles SAW Nancy Longo Santa Barbara SAW Dennis Santos Youth Ministry/Confirmation/Junior High Ministry Program development, support, training & formation for coordinators/teams. San Fernando/Our Lady of the Angels Regions Mike Norman San Gabriel/San Pedro Regions John Rinaldo Santa Barbara Region Dennis Santos Youth Catechetical Gathering Annual gathering of youth for retreat and enrichment. Mike Norman (213) 637-7674 John Rinaldo (213) 637-7616 John Rinaldo (213) 637-7616 Dennis Santos (805) 682-5500 John Rinaldo (213) 637-7616 Mike Norman (213) 637-7674 Mike Norman (213) 637-7674 Mike Norman (213) 637-7674 Mike Norman (213) 637-7674 (562) 822-8779 (805) 682-5500 (213) 637-7674 (213) 637-7616 (805) 682-5500 Sheryl Lange (213) 637-7354 REGIONAL CONGRESSES San Fernando Regional Congress San Pedro Regional Congress San Gabriel Regional Congress Santa Barbara Regional Congress O.L.A. Regional Congress 70 September 30, 2006 October 7, 2006 October 14, 2006 October 21, 2006 November 4, 2006 Lynn Lang Paulette Smith Eileen Gateley Sue Spies David Lara (818) 365-5123 (562) 630-6272 (626) 962-7707 (805) 569-1135 (310) 216-9587 2006 Religious Education Congress COMMITTEES CONGRESS COMMITTEE Sr. Edith Prendergast Vikki Shepp Jan Pedroza Mike Norman Jim Anderson Erin Avila Jonathan Avila Greg Boyer Jo Galang Danny Garcia Ron Garcia Albert Guerra Jonathan Guerra Janice Gutmann Tom Gutmann Frank King Nancy King Dave Lavendier Tina Lavendier Jane Martineau Layne Martineau Ramona Meza Keith Morlock John Tellez Robert Williams Douglas Zuniga Patrick Callahan Diana Cierpich Brian Custer Michael Fike Gail Gresser Yvonne Huitron Mary Janus Valerie MacRae John West Fran Curry Bernadette Haderlein Lillette Mayor Olinda Navas Patricia O’Brien Martha Ramirez Marco Ramirez Maribel Reyes Lucia Richer Ted Richer LITURGY COMMITTEE John Flaherty Sr. Edith Prendergast Vikki Shepp Mike Norman Sheryl Lange REGISTRATION COMMITTEE Jan Pedroza Veronica Reyes Chris Krause Diana Salinas Eileen Bonaduce Jorenz Campo OUR SPECIAL THANKS AND APPRECIATION TO . . . LITURGICAL PRESS (Booths 129, 131, 133) for sponsoring the Saint John’s Bible Art Exhibit in the Arena Lobby. WILLIAM H. SADLIER (Booths 600, 602, 604) for providing the attendee name badge holders for Congress 2006. O.R.E. CRIBARI VINEYARDS for providing the altar wine for all Congress liturgies. THE MANY DEDICATED PEOPLE including the “Blue Angels” and “Yellow Jackets,” Owen Danaher for coordination and distribution of Program Books, Traci Clarke, and the hundreds of others who contribute literally hundreds of volunteer hours before and during Congress to make this event a success! THE FOLLOWING FOR THEIR WORK Patrick Callahan for flower arrangements; Valerie MacRae for the Arena environment and for “Sacred Space” environment and planning, as well as the many artists who contributed to our “Sacred Space” in Hall E; the student sacristans and acolytes of Loyola Marymount University; the students of Mount St. Mary’s College; and the Newman Club of California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo. OUR LITURGY & PRAYER SERVICE COORDINATORS: Katya Acuna, David Anderson, Eileen Bonaduce, Bill Duckett, Jessica Gallucci, Joann Garza, Ana Grande, Rosie Hernandez, Yvonne Huitron, Anthony Ikebudu, Frances Jonte, Sheryl Lange, David Lara, Nancy Longo, Tefi Ma’aku, Mark Misch, Soana Moimoi, Fr. Saimone Mola, Fe Musgrave, Dawn Ponnet, Sr. Carol Quinlivan, John Rinaldo, Dennis Santos, Renette Scott, Paulette Smith, Sue Spies, Dung Tran, Sr. Margaret Traxler and Michelle Youssef. 71 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We especially thank these companies through whose generosity we have been able to present the following outstanding speakers and performers. To find books or music from any of these speakers and performimg artists, please refer to the booth listings to find where to obtain their materials. ACTA PUBLICATIONS (Booths 113, 212) Amy Florian AMERICAN BIBLE SOCIETY (Booths 736, 738) Ricardo Grzona AVE MARIA PRESS (Booths 275, 277, 374, 376) Kathleen Chesto Pat Livingston Patt Saso Steve Saso Daniel Smith-Christopher Anne Bryan Smollin BENZIGER (Booths 336, 338, 340, 342) Thomas McDade CATHOLIC RELIEF SERVICES (Booths 501, 503) Matt Hanley GIA (Booths 401, 403, 405, 500, 502, 504) Tony Alonso David Anderson Brianna Jeanne Cotter Kate Cuddy Gary Daigle David Haas Marty Haugen ValLimar Jansen Liam Lawton Kenneth Louis Robert Piercy Lori True HARCOURT PUBLISHING (Booths 301, 303, 305, 400, 402, 404) John Burland Tom East David Haas John Roberto 72 LIGUORI PUBLICATIONS (Booths 414, 416, 418, 420) Kathleen Chesto Richard Gaillardetz LITURGICAL PRESS (Booths 129, 131, 133) Donal Cozzens Carol Marrin Tim Ternes ORBIS BOOKS (Booths 341, 343) Arturo Bañuelas Michael Crosby John Cusick Michael Downey Diana Hayes Timothy Matovina Peter Phan Daniel Smith-Christopher OREGON CATHOLIC PRESS (Booths 201, 203, 205, 300, 302, 304) Donna Anderle Steve Angrisano Josh Blakesley Ceili Rain Jaime Cortez Nellie Cruz Bob Fabing Mark Friedman Frank Jansen ValLimar Jansen Tom Kendzia Matt Maher Michael Prendergast Mary Jo Quinn Pedro Rubalcava The St. Louis Jesuits: – Bob Dufford, SJ – John Foley, SJ – Roc O’Connor, SJ – Dan Schutte Christopher Walker Janèt Sullivan Whitaker PAULIST PRESS (Booths 209, 211, 213, 215, 217, 219) Wilkie Au Larry Boadt, CSP Maureen Sullivan RCL (Booths 326, 328, 330, 332) Nancy Bird Steve Ellair Kate Ristow SILVER BURDETT GINN RELIGION (Booths 541, 543, 545, 547) Michael Horan Tom Zanzig CROSSROAD PUBLISHING CO. (Booths 523, 525, 622, 624) Michael Crosby Paula D’Arcy Richard Gaillardetz Ronald Rolheiser VERITAS (Booths 351, 353, 355) Maura Hyland Frances O’Connell Brendan O’Reilly WILLIAM H. SADLIER (Booths 600, 602, 604, 606) Ken Doran Victor Valenzuela WORLD LIBRARY PUBLICATIONS (Booths 137-141, 236-240) John Angotti Richard Cheri Richard Fragomeni Jerry Galipeau Meredith Dean Joseph Peter Kolar Miriam Malone Danielle Rose David Yackley 2006 Religious Education Congress ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ENDOWMENT FUND The Religious Education Endowment Fund was established by the Office of Religious Education to support the on-going training and formation of religious education leaders, particularly by making scholarships available for catechetical leaders to pursue graduate studies. It is our hope that every Director of Religious Education and Director of Youth Ministry will be given the opportunity to receive a master’s degree in Religious Education/Religious Studies. The Fund is currently enabling 18 students to pursue a master’s degree in Religious Education. Your gift offering at the 2005 Congress Saturday night liturgies brought in $36,000. Additional contributions came through mail-in registrations and from the online registration option. As of February 27, 482 people responded with contributions totaling $7,435. We sincerely appreciate these contributions. $250 CONTRIBUTION George O’Brien $125 CONTRIBUTION Our Lady of the Rosary School $100 CONTRIBUTION St. John Fisher Religious Education Parent Assoc. Joseph Cruz Robert Cruz John Dao Nancy Grasmehr Thomas Grasmehr Carrie Kish Steve Kish Michael Lemos Hugh Menton Susan Murphy Charles Niblick Andrew Stuffler Jack & Rosey Trummer $55 CONTRIBUTION Kathleen Ory $40 CONTRIBUTION Richard Sora Tax Service Bernie Aragon Henry Becerra Richard Soria $35 CONTRIBUTION Our Lady of Guadalupe School Barbara Wilson Sylvia Wise Laura Woodworth-Gibson Kathryn Yates $25 CONTRIBUTION Ramon Alatorre Tien Bach Brian Bernardis Carol Bernardis Alice Camille Helen Corcoran Marguerite Culhane Bernie Dang Katie Dewey Nancy Dewey Emily Douglass Kathleen Drennon Patricia Egan-Myers Kathy Hanley Carol Jaramillo Ernest Jaramillo Greg Johnson Sally Killgore Gerald Kinneavy Susan Kinsling Cindy Kozal Harry N Lalor Janet Maulhardt Leslie Maulhardt Stephen Maulhardt Larry McGloin James McNamara Patricia Mills Carole Minkin Susan Morgan Ann Morrow Jessica Nguyen Salim Odero Vicky Otto Cynthia Pataray Marivic Quiba Anne Marie Reyes John Ryan Eric Saca Ruth Santibanez George Schmaltz Victoria Tymczyszyn Sally A. Uribe Martha Villafana Paul Watkins Max Weismair Peggy Weismair Maureen Wicken Roland Wilhelmy $20 CONTRIBUTION Mother of Sorrows Catherine Fonseca Michel Gloanec Linda Graham Thomas Haas Thomas Hass Kim Hoa Nguyen Margaret Rivera Tung Tran $15 CONTRIBUTION Denis Lynch Marian Macho Daniel Padilla $10 CONTRIBUTION Bishop Mora Salesian High School Saint Norbert Church Nivita Aldrete-Brito Pat Allen Maria Alquaddoomi Ellen Bailey Cathleen Bastian Jean Bennett Nivia Brito Laurie Bullara Ginny Burnight Daniel Burns Gerard Cadiz Guia Maria Cadiz Marisela Camberos Randy Campos Lorraine Cardin Dennis Carlson Criselda Casanova Benjamin Chalen Corinne Chan Mary Anne Christensen Denise Clark Sister Maria L. Cleto Donna Coduti Toni Colombo Steven Cottam Janine Curley David Devereaux Barnaby Dowling Janise Dunphy Charles Durante Patricia Fester Clara Finneran Anne Flaherty Patricia Fonseca Salvador Fonseca Joyce Francois Nancy Franks Guenther Franzen V. Robert Garcia Joan Gerard Lisa Gomes Jack Gonsalves Sr. Joan Griffin Kathy Gross Kathryne Guerin Rey Guiao Joanne Hall Tom Halliwell Bob Harper J. Barry Harper Joan Harper Christine Harrington Harold Harroun Julie Heath Elliott Joseph Hebert Lupe Hernandez Mary Hopp Teresa Jimenez Anna Jordan Kathleen Keller Melanie Kelly Beth Kin Donna Kriesel Christine Ledesma Kathleen Lenihan Rafaela Leon Ramon Leon Marie Luttrell Patricia Manzo Sandra Marasco Louise Martin Joan Maucere Joanne McBride Dave McKeown Deborah McLean Linda McMahon Randy McMahon Roisin McMullan David Melton R M Mendoza Christy Middleton Anne Marie Miller Mike Molina Dennis Odonnell Peggy Odonnell Norman Ollivier Patti Ollivier Gerard Oshaughnessy Bernardine Perales Maria Theresa Perez Jacqueline Phanco James & Bonnie Pollak Joey Pontanilla Ed Ramirez Shirley Ramirez Jean Reynoso Tim Roberto Jr. Natalie Roberts Socorro Robles Yolanda Romero Kathy Salas Rachel Sanabria Wendy Scherbart Nicolle Shanman Adrian Sherrill Lynn Spooner Ward Spooner Jim Sutro Kristin Sutro Marge Tavarez Sally Taylor Tom Taylor Hansel Tomaneng Janice Tomlonovic David Tompsett Rev. Leonard Van Vlaenderen Alayne Vogel Deborah Weidner Marcy Wieland Loreen Wilhelmy Amy Wood Patricia Young Linda Zercoe Marla Ziemba $5 CONTRIBUTION Joseph Abueg Rachel Acheson Richard & Roberta Ackley Suzanne Agrios Lourdes Aguiar Christine Alfonso Jennifer Allison Yolanda Anderson Gail Andrade Patricia Andre Valerie Anthony-Myers Jeanette Apaez Magdalene Arszman Anthony Arteaga Laurence Ashbacher (Cont. on page 67) 73 O.R.E. $50 CONTRIBUTION St. John Fisher Myla C. Azer John Steven Coke Peggy Cox Rev. John Ebbesmier Stan Fitzgerald Denise Ginty Janice Glaser Cassandra Goehner Adela Guillen Coke Mary Just Susan Klarner Catherine Kosta Joan McLaughlin Marilyn Monagle Leonor Palangio Charles Reyburn Robert Trout Patrick J. Waide Toni Wright $30 CONTRIBUTION St. Helen Charise Hansen Harrell Reynolds CONVENTION AREA MAP California Cuisine Cuban/Caribbean Dinner Show Family French California Italian Japanese Mexican American Asian Cajan 74 Rainforest Cafe, Red Robin, Tony Roma’s Panda Kitchen, Grand China, Great China Ralph Brennan’s Jazz Kitchen Northern Italian Seafood Sports Theme Steakhouse Dining and shopping listing Tangerine Grill & Patio Cuban Pete’s Carribean Grill Medieval Times Baker’s Square, Captain Kidd’s, Coco’s, Denny’s, Disney’s PCH Grill, Goofy’s Kitchen, IHOP, Jolly Roger Café, Millie’s, Mimi’s Cafe, Tiffy’s Family Restaurant Hasting’s Grill Bigs Pizza, Buca di Beppo, Carolina’s, Il Capo Ristorante, Little Mari’s Pizza, Naples Ristorante & Pizziera, Vito’s Pizza The Sushi Bar, Yamabuki La Casa Garcia, Los Sanchez, Mi Casita Grill, Tortilla Jo’s Anaheim White House Joe’s Crab Shack, Mr. Stox ESPN Zone JW’s Steakhouse, Outback Steakhouse 2006 Religious Education Congress AREA RESTAURANT LISTING PHONE (714) 772-1381 (714) 750-2661 (714) 750-2181 (714) 971-8520 (800) 715-0011 (714) 999-1615 (714) 740-2822 (714) 750-8000 (714) 750-4321 (714) 772-7207 (714) 491-4788 (714) 971-5641 (714) 971-5551 (714) 774-4442 (714) 750-3131 (714) 750-7477 (714) 772-0414 (714) 490-2020 (714) 971-5239 (714) 776-3300 (714) 774-1680 (714) 239-5682 (714) 300-3776 (714) 778-6600 (714) 740-1888 (714) 778-6600 (714) 539-3200 (714) 750-3131 (714) 740-4422 (714) 635-2300 (714) 778-6600 (714) 778-2583 (714) 663-1600 (714) 635-0933 (714) 740-0080 (714) 740-1131 (714) 703-0505 (714) 782-7515 (714) 750-8000 (714) 490-0233 (714) 740-1108 (714) 991-5550 (714) 971-5883 (714) 533-1631 (714) 491-0563 (800) 899-6600 (714) 772-5900 (714) 535-6892 (714) 456-2223 (714) 634-2994 (714) 300-7170 (714) 776-6200 (714) 663-1107 (714) 999-6888 (714) 740-4419 (714) 750-2801 (714) 750-8000 (714) 772-0413 (714) 776-5200 (714) 971-4775 (714) 750-8000 (714) 635-2300 (714) 535-3277 (714) 638-3429 (714) 772-2378 (714) 772-1186 (714) 778-6600 (714) 778-6600 (714) 750-4321 (714) 635-1801 (714) 750-3131 (714) 520-0200 (714) 778-6600 (714) 535-5000 (714) 971-1800 (714) 635-2300 (714) 750-0771 (714) 956-6755 FRIDAY HOURS 11:30am - 10pm 6am - 12mid 10:30am - 10pm 11:30am - 10pm 11am - 11pm 8am - 11pm 11am - 11pm 6:30am - 10:30pm 7am - 10:30pm 8am - 12mid 7am - 11pm 6am - 1am 11am - 10pm 8am - 11pm 5pm - 9pm 6:30am - 12mid 6:30am - 12mid 5pm - 2am 24 hours 24 hours 24 hours 7am - 10pm 11:30am - 1am 7am - 9pm 11am - 10pm 7am - 10pm 11am - 9pm 5pm - 10pm 3pm - 11pm 6am - 1:30am 5pm - 9pm 11am - 12pm 24 hours 7am - 10pm 11am - 10pm 6am - 3am 11am - 11pm 6:30am - 9pm 6pm - 10:30pm 11am - 9pm 8am - 11pm 11am - 11pm 9am - 11pm 11am - 12mid 5:30am - 12pm 6:30 & 8pm 6:30am - 10pm 6am - 12mid 7am - 11pm 11:30am - 10pm 5:30pm - 10pm 11am - 11pm 4pm - 11pm 11am - 10:30pm 6pm - 11pm 6am - 10pm 11am - 2am 8am - 12mid 11am - 10pm 11am - 11pm 6am - 10pm 7am - 10pm 8am - 12mid 24 hours 8:30am - 12mid 7am - 10pm 6am - 9pm 12am - 1:30am 6pm - 10pm 6am - 2am 6:30am - 2pm 11am - 12mid 12am - 1:30am 11am - 11pm 10:30am - 10pm 7am - 7pm 4am - 11pm 11:30am - 9pm SATURDAY HRS 5pm - 10pm 6am - 12mid 10:30am - 10pm 11:30am - 10pm 11am - 11pm 8am - 12mid Noon - 11pm 6:30am - 10:30pm 7am - 10:30pm 8am - 12mid 7am - 11pm 6am - 1am 11am - 10pm 8am - 11pm 5pm - 9pm 7am - 12mid 6:30am - 12mid 5pm - 2am 24 hours 24 hours 24 hours 7am - 10pm 11:30am - 1am 7am - 9pm 11am - 10pm 7am - 10pm 11am - 9pm 5pm - 10pm 3pm - 11pm 6am - 1:30am 5pm - 9pm 11am - 12pm 24 hours 7am - 10pm 11am - 10pm 6am - 3am 11am - 11pm 6:30am - 9pm 6pm - 10:30pm 8am - 11pm 8am - 11pm 11am - 11pm 9am - 11pm 11am - 12mid 5:30am - 12pm 6 & 8pm 6:30am - 10pm 6am - 12mid 7am - 11pm 5:30pm - 10pm 5:30pm - 10pm 11am - 10pm 3pm - 11pm 11am - 10:30pm 6pm - 11pm 6am - 10pm 11am - 2am 8am - 12mid 11am - 11pm 11am - 11pm 6am - 10pm 7am - 10pm 8am - 1am 24 hours 8:30am - 12mid 7am - 10pm 6am - 9pm 12am - 1:30am 6pm -10pm 6am - 2am 6:30am - 2pm 11am - 12mid 12am - 1:30am 11am - 11pm 10:30am -10pm 7am - 7pm 4am - 11pm 11:30am - 9pm SUNDAY HOURS 5pm - 10pm 6am - 12mid 10:30am - 10pm 11:30am - 10pm 11am - 11pm 8am - 12mid Noon - 11pm 6:30am - 10:30pm 7am - 10:30pm 8am - 12mid 7am - 11pm 6am - 1am 11am - 10pm 8am - 11pm 5pm - 9pm 7am - 11pm 6:30am - 11pm 5pm - 11pm 24 hours 24 hours 24 hours 7am - 10pm 11am - 12mid 7am - 9pm 11am - 10pm 7am - 10pm Noon - 9pm 5pm - 10pm 3pm - 11pm 6am - 1:30am 5pm - 9pm 11am - 11pm 24 hours 7am - 10pm 11am - 10pm 6am - 3am 11am - 11pm 6:30am - 9pm 6pm - 10:30pm 8am - 11pm 8am - 11pm 11am - 11pm 9am - 10pm 11am - 12mid 5:30am - 12pm 5 & 7:15pm closed 6am - 12mid 7am - 11pm 5:30pm - 10pm 5:30pm - 10pm 11am - 10pm 2pm - 10pm 11am - 10:30pm 6pm - 11pm 6am - 10pm 11am - 2am 11am - 10pm 11am - 11pm 11am - 11pm 6am - 10pm 7am - 10pm 8am - 12mid 24 hours 8:30am - 12mid 7am - 10pm 6am - 9pm 12am - 1:30am 6pm -10pm 6am - 2am 6:30am - 2pm 11am - 11pm 12am - 1:30am 11am - 10pm closed 7am - 7pm 4am - 11pm 11:30am - 9pm 75 Maps NAME ADDRESS Anaheim White House 887 S Anaheim Blvd Baker’s Square 2110 S Harbor Blvd Baskin-Robins 12833 Chapman Ave Bellagio 12361 Chapman Ave Bigs Pizza 1027 S Harbor Blvd Bobaloca 1770 S Harbor Blvd # 138 Buca di Beppo 11757 Harbor Blvd Café del Sol Marriott Hotel Café Oasis Hilton Hotel California Pizza 1770 S Harbor Blvd # 140 Captain Kidd’s 1550 S Harbor Blvd Carl’s Jr 2119 S Harbor Blvd Carolina’s Italian Cuisine 12045 Chapman Ave Catal Restaurant Downtown Disney Clubhouse Grill & Tavern Clarion Hotel Coco’s Bakery & Restaurant 12032 Harbor Blvd Coco’s Bakery & Restaurant 1100 W Katella Ave Cuban Pete’s Carribean Grill 1050 W Ball Rd Del Taco 2330 S Harbor Blvd Denny’s 1610 S Harbor Blvd Denny’s 1168 W Katella Ave Disneys PCH Grill Paradise Pier ESPN Zone Downtown Disney Goofy’s Kitchen Disneyland Hotel Grand China 575 W Chapman Ave Granville’s Disneyland Hotel Great China Kitchen 9904 Katella Ave Greenhorns Restaurant Clarion Hotel Hasting’s Grill Hilton Hotel Hearthstone Lounge Grand Californian Hook’s Pointe Disneyland Hotel House of Blues Downtown Disney IHOP 1840 S Harbor Blvd IHOP 1560 S Harbor Blvd Il Capo Ristorante 2191 S Harbor Blvd Jack In The Box 2210 S Harbor Blvd Joe’s Crab Shack 12011 S Harbor Blvd Jolly Roger Café 640 W Katella Ave JW’s Steakhouse Marriott Hotel La Brea Bakery Downtown Disney La Casa Garcia 531 W Chapman Ave Little Mari’s Pizza 1440 S Anaheim Blvd Los Sanchez 12151 Harbor Blvd Marri’s Pizza 1194 W Katella Ave McDonald’s 1500 S Harbor Blvd Medieval Times 7662 Beach Blvd Mi Casita Grill 1700 S Harbor Blvd Millie’s Restaurant 1480 S Harbor Blvd Mimi’s Cafe 1400 S Harbor Blvd Mr. Stox 1105 E Katella Ave Napa Rose Restaurant Grand Californian Naples Ristorante Downtown Disney Outback Steakhouse 12001 Harbor Blvd Panda Kitchen 1770 S Harbor Blvd # 120 Pavia Hilton Hotel Pickford’s Restaurant 1850 S Harbor Blvd Pizza Hut Marriott Hotel Rainforest Cafe Downtown Disney Ralph Brennan Jazz Kitchen Downtown Disney Red Robin 12007 S Harbor Blvd Starbuck’s Marriott Hotel Storyteller’s Café Grand Californian Subway 1770 S Harbor Blvd # 136 Taco Bell 2144 S Harbor Blvd Taco Hut 1770 S Harbor Blvd # 128 Tangerine Grill & Patio 1030 W Katella Ave The Coffee House Disneyland Hotel The Lost Bar Disneyland Hotel The Sushi Bar Hilton Hotel Tiffy’s Family Restaurant 1060 W Katella Ave Tivoli Gardens Café Clarion Hotel Tony Roma’s 1640 S Harbor Blvd Top Brass Disneyland Hotel Tortilla Jo’s Downtown Disney Vito’s Pizza 630 W Orangewood Ave White Water Snacks Grand Californian Winchell’s 12951 Chapman Ave Yamabuki Paradise Pier CLARION HOTEL MAP Clarion Hotel Workshop Location Orangewood Clarion Hotel Anaheim Resort 616 Convention Way Anaheim, CA (714) 750-3131 Clarion Hotel Food Options Clubhouse Grill Tavern Lounge Tivoli Gardens 76 (714) 750-3131 Dinner: 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm Daily: 2:00 pm - 10:00 pm Morning: 6:30 am - 11:00 am Lunch: 11:00 am - 1:00 pm 2006 Religious Education Congress DISNEY’S PARADISE PIER HOTEL FIRST FLOOR MAP Disney’s Paradise Pier Hotel Workshop Locations Pacific Ballroom (first floor) (Friday Workshops held on second floor - not shown) Disney’s Paradise Pier Hotel Food Options (714) 999-0990 PCH Grill Lunch: 7:00 am - 11:30 am Dinner: 5:00 am - 9:00 am Yamabuki Lunch: 11:30 - 2:00 pm Dinner: 5:30 pm - 10:00 pm Lobby Bar Food: 6:00 am - 2:00 am 77 Maps Disney's Paradise Pier Hotel 1717 S Disneyland Dr Anaheim, CA (714) 999-0990 DOUBLETREE GUEST SUITES MAP Doubletree Guest Suites Workshop Location Grand Ballroom Doubletree Guest Suites 2085 S Harbor Blvd Anaheim, CA Map (714) 750-3000 Doubletree Guest Suites Food Options (714) 750-3000 Agio Morning: 6:00 am - 11:00 am Lunch: 11:30 am - 2:00 pm Dinner: 5:00 pm - 10:00 pm Grappa Daily: 11:30 am - 12:00 mid Café Biscotti Daily: 6:00 am - 11:00 pm 78 2006 Religious Education Congress SHERATON PARK MAP Sheraton Park Hotel (formerly Coast Hotel) Workshop Locations Garden Room Palm Rooms Park Ballroom Plaza Ballroom Maps Sheraton Park Hotel 1855 S. Harbor Blvd. Anaheim, CA 92802 (714) 750-1811 Sheraton Park Hotel Food Options Molly’s Kitchen Overland Stage Snack Shop (714) 750-1811 (opens mid-April) (reopens mid-April) Daily: 6:00 am - 11:00 pm 79 FEATURED EXHIBITORS The Tomorrow Project – a job readiness program for homeless & low-income women in San Diego. Visit Booth 746 for gourmet soup & dip mixes. A A program program of of Catholic Catholic Charities Charities – – Diocese Diocese San San Diego Diego 1777 1777 5th Ave •• San San Diego Diego CA CA 92101 92101 •• 619.230.1151 619.230.1151 80 2006 Religious Education Congress EXHIBITOR CATEGORIES CATEGORY COMPANY BOOTH Diocesan Organizations (cont.) Diocese of Orange ........................... 322, 324 Diocese of San Bernardino .............. 612, 614 Ministry w/ Lesbian & Gay Catholics 660 Office of Restorative Justice ............ 458 The Tidings - Vida Nueva ................ 468 Vocations Office ............................... 455, 457 Educational Institutions Boston College Pastoral Ministry ..... 551 Dominican School of Phil. & Theo. ... 320 Franciscan School of Theology ........ 744 Gonzaga University ......................... 583 Institute for Religious & Pastoral ...... 665 Jesuit School of Theology, Berkeley 320 Loyola Marymount University .......... 657, 659 Mount St. Mary’s College ................. 712, 714 Oblate School of Theology ............... 726 Saint John’s School of Theology ...... 386 Saint Joseph High School ................ 676 Santa Clara Univ., Graduate Prog. ... 210 University of Notre Dame ................ 456 Educational Programs Inst. for Ministry, New Orleans ......... 119 Educational Resources Catholic Education: A Journal .......... 684 The Christophers ............................. 647, 649 Thomas Merton Foundation ............. 562 Faith & Justice Catholic Relief Services ................... 501, 503 Latin American Committee ............... 460 Megan McKenna - Wayfarers’ Tale .. 208 Office of Justice and Peace ............. 454 Gift Items The Tomorrow Project ...................... 746 Graphic Services OPM Design Group ......................... 450 Greeting Cards Cards by Anne ................................. 233 Greeting Cards & Gifts The Printery House .......................... 410, 412 Lay Vocations Christian Life Community (CLC) ...... 661 Liturgical Books & Materials Libreria Claretiana ............................ 546, 548 Liturgical Vestments Chagall Design Ltd. ......................... 529, 628, 630 CM Almy .......................................... 241, 243 Juliet Hemingray Church Textiles ..... 242, 244 Maison Bouvrier ............................... 344, 346 Liturgy & Music Resources GIA Publications, Inc. ....................... 401, 403, 405, 500... OCP Publications ............................. 201, 203, 205, 300... ............................ 306, 308, 310, 312 World Library Publications ............... 137, 139, 141, 236... Ministry Resources CCC Respect Life Ministries ............ 374, 376, 378, 380 Concordia Publishing House ............ 246, 248, 250 Creative Communications for Parish 313, 315, 317 Nat’l Assoc. Family Life Ministers .... 111 Resource Publications ..................... 406, 408 Saint Mary’s Press ........................... 713, 808, 809, 810,... Salesian Youth & Young Adult Min. .. 802, 803 Terry Hershey & Associates ............. 509, 511, 513 Mission Bishops’ Secretariat Home Missions 515 Columban Mission Awareness ......... 449 Food for the Poor, Inc. ..................... 321 Lay Mission-Helpers Association ..... 584 Missionary Claretian Missionaries ...................... 546, 548 Comboni Missionaries ..................... 580, 582 Holy Spirit Missionary Sisters .......... 581 Maryknoll Fathers ............................ 345, 347 Multicultural Resources Asian Pacific Resources .................. 318 GrandMaster’s Gift Center ............... 653 81 Exhibitors CATEGORY COMPANY BOOTH Art & Gifts Nat’l Assoc. for Hispanic Elderly ...... 607, 609, 611 Art Works Concern America ............................. 227, 229 Designs of Providence ..................... 348, 350 John August Swanson, Artist ........... 603, 605 Notre Dame Creations ..................... 121, 123, 220, 222 St. Andrew’s Abbey .......................... 163, 165 Audio Visual Family Theater Productions ............. 223, 225 JD Audio Visual ................................ 689, 691 Oblate Media & Comm. Corp. .......... 625 Bells St. Raphael Collection ..................... 251 Bereavement Ministry Catholic Mortuaries .......................... 407, 409 Bibles American Bible Society .................... 736, 738 Editorial Verbo Divino ....................... 286 Fireside Catholic Publishing ............. 608, 610 Oxford University Press ................... 323, 325 Books Abingdon Press ............................... 349 ACTA Publications ........................... 113, 212 Ave Maria Press .............................. 375, 377, 379, 474... Catholic Book Publishing Co. ........... 275, 277 Crossroad Publishing Company ...... 523, 525, 622, 624 New City Press ................................ 352 Paulist Press Book Center ............... 209, 211, 213, 215... Sheed & Ward .................................. 689, 691 St. Anthony Messenger Press .......... 354, 356, 358, 360 The Word Among Us ....................... 381, 383 Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. .... 258, 260 Books & Videos Ignatius Press .................................. 263, 265, 267 Many Rivers Company .................... 287 Paraclete Press ............................... 682 Sunny-Side Up Entertainment .......... 255 The Matthew Kelly Foundation ........ 722, 724 Twenty-Third Publications ................ 307, 309, 311 USCCB Publishing ........................... 536, 538 Catholic Living Catholic Digest Magazine Division ... 319 Celtic & Irish Art O’Keeffe Religious Articles ............... 159, 161 Children’s Resources Mary Rice Hopkins & Co. ................ 505 one 2believe .................................... 681 Christian Service Organizations Christian Fnd. for Children & Aging .. 585 Ignatian Volunteer Corps ................. 661 St. Vincent de Paul Family ............... 415, 417, 419 Christian Videos Nest Family Entertainment .............. 237 Church Furnishings Tekton Woodworks .......................... 675 Church Supplies San Diego Church Supply ................ 702, 704, 706 Computer Software ChurchWerks, Inc. ........................... 708 J.S. Paluch Company, Inc. ............... 143, 145 Ministry Database ............................ 586 Parish Data System (PDS) .............. 516, 518 ParishSOFT ..................................... 446 Congress Logowear KWD Uniforms ................................. 437, 439 Craft Supplies & Gifts Help the Poor — Vietnam ................ 667, 669 Living Water Wood Works, Inc ......... 616 Relics ............................................... 245, 247 Sunrise Printery ............................... 587 Curriculum A Reason For/Concerned Group ..... 683, 685, 687 Celebrating the Lectionary ............... 406, 408 Living the Good News ...................... 544 Developing-World Artwork Heartbeats ....................................... 564, 566, 568 Diocesan Organizations Cursillos in Christianity, Los Angeles 740, 742 Department of Catholic Schools ...... 453 Development Department ................ 466 FEATURED EXHIBITORS 82 2006 Religious Education Congress EXHIBITOR CATEGORIES CATEGORY COMPANY BOOTH Music Catholic Association of Music .......... 537, 636, 638, 640... Dennis Doyle/Incarnation Music ...... 252 Heart Beat Records ......................... 679 Katrina Rae/Mizpah Ministries ......... 153 Music & Online Resources UWS In Christ .................................. 686 Religious Apparel J.R. Evans & Company, Inc. ............ 281, 283, 285 LA Cruz T-Shirts ............................... 677 PAX Clothing .................................... 720 Religious Art Ancient Arts Stained Glass .............. 261 Carmel of Reno ............................... 639, 641 Creator Mundi, Inc. .......................... 557, 656 Faith Expressions, LLC .................... 462, 464 HolyLand Rocks .............................. 517 Joshua’s Stone - Art for the Heart .... 280, 282, 284 Madonna Arts ................................... 365, 367, 369 Mysterium: Art & Design Studio ....... 533, 632 Sara K. Rubin Pottery ...................... 157, 256 SHCJ Art/France White ................... 666, 668 Sisters of St. Joseph of LaGrange ... 643, 645 St. Andrew’s Abbey Ceramics .......... 167, 169, 266, 268 Tori ... Inspirations in Clay ................ 620 Val MacRae, Sacred-Spiral .............. 540, 542 Religious Articles 3 Arches/ .... 648, 650, 652 Contreras Religious Art .................... 365, 367, 369 Cotter Church Supplies, Inc. ............ 627, 629, 631, 728... Ecumenicus/Rogationist Fathers ..... 459, 461, 463, 465 Gifts from the Holy Land .................. 718 Sandalstrap ...................................... 561, 563, 565, 567 Soft Saints, Inc. ............................... 637 Tree of Life Imports .......................... 613, 615 Religious Books Buena Prensa .................................. 230 Cistercian Publications ..................... 228 Gethesemani Libreria Catolica, LLC 385, 387, 389, 484... Liturgical Press ................................ 129, 131, 133 Orbis Books ..................................... 341, 343 Our Sunday Visitor ........................... 550, 552, 554, 556... Pauline Books and Media ................ 475, 477, 479, 574... St. John’s Bible ................................ 232 Wipf & Stock Publishers .................. 444 Religious Carvings Bethlehem Artworks ......................... 314 Religious Education St. Camillus Center .......................... 664 Benziger/Macmillan/McGraw-Hill ..... 336, 338, 340, 342 Catechist Magazine ......................... 426 Claretian Tape Ministry .................... 489, 588 Good Ground Press ......................... 327 Group Publishing ............................. 485, 487 Harcourt Religion Publishers ............ 301, 303, 305, 400... Liguori Publications .......................... 414, 416, 418, 420 CATEGORY COMPANY BOOTH Religious Education (cont.) Loyola Press .................................... 362, 364, 366, 368 Nat’l Catholic Educational Assoc. .... 644, 646 Pflaum Publishing Group ................. 422, 424 RCL ................................................. 326, 328, 330, 332 S&P Book Distributors ..................... 619, 621, 623 Sacred Heart Kids’ Club ................... 257 Silver Burdett Ginn Religion ............. 541, 543, 545, 547 Veritas Co., Ltd. ............................... 351, 353, 355 William H. Sadlier, Inc. ..................... 600, 602, 604, 606 Religious Jewelry Classy Creations, Inc. ...................... 117, 216 Faith-Sharing, Inc. ........................... 658 Gold ‘N Things ................................. 388 Religious Life Carmelites (O.Carm.) ....................... 253 Center for Spiritual Development ..... 512, 514 Daughters of St. Vincent de Paul ..... 415, 417, 419 Immaculate Heart Community ......... 149, 151 Jesuit Vocations, California Province 663 Marianist Vocation Ministry .............. 480, 482 Nat’l Religious Vocation Conference 262, 264 Sisters of Notre Dame ..................... 218 Sisters of Providence ....................... 348, 350 Sisters of St. Joseph of Orange ....... 508, 510 Sisters of the Holy Names ............... 411, 413 Religious Publications Commonweal Magazine .................. 688 Liturgy Training Publications ............ 421, 423, 425, 520... Retreats St. Anne in the Mountains ................ 506 Rosary Prayer Resources Holy Cross Family Ministries ........... 223, 225 Sabbatical Program SAT Sabbatical - GTU, Berkeley ...... 109 Sacramental Wines San Antonio Winery ......................... 469 Scouting Girl Scouts, Camp Fire & Boy Scouts651 Spanish Bibles/Books Ministerio Biblico Verbo Divino ......... 189, 288 Spanish Religious Resources Ediciones Dabar .............................. 481, 483 El Sembrador Ministries ................... 226 Libreria Guadalupana Rio de Luz ..... 103, 105, 107, 202... Libreria San Pablo ........................... 175, 177, 179, 274... Teen Resources Cornerstone Media Inc. ................... 316 The Dibble Fund .............................. 680 Transportation Catholic Travel Centre ..................... 467 Transportation Charter Services ...... 147 Vocation Awareness U.S. Air Force Chaplain Service ...... 678 Youth Resources LIFE TEEN, Inc. ............................... 804, 805, 806, 807 ............................. 703 FEATURED EXHIBITORS Exhibitors 83 FEATURED EXHIBITORS 84 2006 Religious Education Congress Listing 1 of 3 • PHONE (877) 777-8727 (800) 447-4332 (800) 251-3320 (888) 424-9425 (800) 397-2282 (323) 777-2106 (818) 205-8952 Web (or Email noted by “@”) (888) 239-3976 (310) 832-7613 (213) 637-7669 (800) 282-1865 (800) 551-8766 (858) 361-3313 (202) 541-5400 (617) 552-8440 (800) 858-5450 (916) 443-4851 (888) 766-7761 (775) 322-5006 (602) 999-3142 (800) 543-4383 (914) 656-5497 (973) 890-2400 (800) 321-0411 (574) 631-9996 (888) 416-6440 (800) 736-3467 (800) 554-5233 (315) 487-4122 (888) 273-7782 (714) 744-3175 (800) 947-7923 (800) 875-6564 661 (866) 281-7709 (800) 858-5450 (323) 733-7712 (312) 236-7782 (323) 734-1234 (770) 394-9598 (800) 225-2569 (877) 299-1920 (626) 339-1914 (212) 662-4200 (714) 953-8575 (800) 325-3040 (877) 767-2791 (707) 542-8273 (213) 385-3366 (800) 325-9414 (303) 795-8148 (212) 868-1801 (562) 920-7796 (650) 949-8890 (818) 240-1000 (213) 637-7338 (310) 258-4664 (812) 535-3131 (213) 637-7617 (714) 282-3057 (909) 475-5300 (415) 939-5873 (888) 450-DSPT (866) 246-2192 55-5603-3630 011-34-948-556511 (818) 260-0222 (951) 533-9892 (800) 559-0514 (800) 299-7729 (800) 676-3264 (760) 246-8995 (877) 654-2960 (800) 793-1FST Exhibitors COMPANY LOCATION 3 Arches USA / ............. 648, 650, 652 A Reason For/The Concerned Group .................. 683, 685, 687 Abingdon Press ..................................................... 349 Acadian Candle Company .................................... 445, 447 ACTA Publications ................................................ 113, 212 African American Catholic Ctr Evangelization ..... 451 Al’s Art ................................................................... 382, 384 American Bible Society - Spanish ........................ 181 American Bible Society ......................................... 736, 738 Ancient Arts Stained Glass ................................... 261 Asian Pacific Resources ....................................... 318 Ave Maria Press .................................................... 375, 377, 379, 474, 476, 478 Benziger/Macmillan/McGraw-Hill ......................... 336, 338, 340, 342 Bethlehem Artworks .............................................. 314 Bishops’ Secretariat for Home Missions .............. 515 Boston College Institute of Religious Education and Pastoral Ministry ....................................... 551 Buena Prensa ........................................................ 230 California Catholic Conf. for Respect Life Min. ... 374, 376, 378, 380 Cards by Anne ....................................................... 233 Carmel of Reno ..................................................... 639, 641 Carmelites (O.Carm.) ........................................... 253 Catechist Magazine .............................................. 426 Catholic Association of Music .............................. 537, 636, 638, 640, 642 Catholic Book Publishing Co. ............................... 275, 277 Catholic Digest Consumer Magazine Div. ........... 319 Catholic Education: Journal of Inquiry,Practice ... 684 Catholic Mortuaries ............................................... 407, 409 Catholic Relief Services ....................................... 501, 503 Catholic Travel Centre: Worldwide Tours ............ 467 Ceili Rain ............................................................... 748 Celebrating the Lectionary – Whole Community Faith Formation ................. 406, 408 Center for Spiritual Development ......................... 512, 514 Chagall Design Ltd. .............................................. 529, 628, 630 Christian Foundation for Children and Aging ....... 585 Christian Life Community (CLC) — USA, Western Region ChurchWerks, Inc. ................................................ 708 Cistercian Publications ......................................... 228 Claretian Missionaries .......................................... 546, 548 Claretian Publications ........................................... 674, 676, 678 Claretian Tape Ministry ......................................... 489, 588 Classy Creations, Inc. .......................................... 117, 216 CM Almy ................................................................ 241, 243 Columban Mission Awareness Resources .......... 449 Comboni Missionaries .......................................... 580, 582 Commonweal Magazine ....................................... 688 Concern America .................................................. 227, 229 Concordia Publishing House ................................ 246, 248, 250 Contreras Religious Art ........................................ 365, 367, 369 Cornerstone Media Inc. ........................................ 316 Cotter Church Supplies, Inc. ................................ 627, 629, 631, 728, 730 Creative Communications for the Parish ............. 313, 315, 317 Creator Mundi, Inc. ............................................... 557, 656 Crossroad Publishing Company ........................... 523, 525, 622, 624 Cursillos in Christianity, Los Angeles ................... 740, 742 Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul ....... 415, 417, 419 Dennis Doyle / Incarnation Music ........................ 252 Department of Catholic Schools .......................... 453 Designs of Providence – . Sisters of Providence Arts Ministry ................. 348, 350 Development Depart./Los Angeles Arch. ............. 466 Diocese of Orange ................................................ 322, 324 Diocese of San Bernardino .................................. 612, 614 Dominican Family ................................................. 553 Dominican School of Philosophy & Theology ...... 320 Ecumenicus / Rogationist Fathers ....................... 459, 461, 463, 465 Ediciones Dabar .................................................... 481, 483 Editorial Verbo Divino ........................................... 286 El Sembrador Ministries ....................................... 226 Faith Expressions, LLC ........................................ 462, 464 Faith-Sharing, Inc. ................................................ 658 Family Theater Productions ................................. 223, 225 Fireside Catholic Publishing ................................. 608, 610 Flannery Company ............................................... 452 Food for the Poor, Inc. .......................................... 321 Franciscan School of Theology ............................ 744 EXHIBITORS 85 FEATURED EXHIBITORS 86 2006 Religious Education Congress Listing 2 of 3 • PHONE (562) 394-2216 (323) 262-7904 (708) 496-3800 (888) 336-3275 (626) 967-1815 (909) 579-0309 (800) 986-9585 x6782 (800) 232-5533 (213) 453-2595 (845) 424-3671 (800) 447-1070 (407) 345-3821 (319) 835-9144 (800) 808-1991 (714) 537-3701 (800) 299-7729 (847) 881-8544 (818) 999-2963 (323) 526-1254 (888) 831-4686 (800) 651-1531 (800) 777-5469 (888) 447-IRPS (888) 999-2497 (800) 621-5197 (800) 532-8346 (800) 824-0122 (408) 884-1610 (323) 665-3677 (818) 249-7693 011-44-1332-366740 (615) 822-4815 (562) 690-2265 (877) 707-9963 (602) 248-8853 (213) 368-1873 (323) 733-7712 (323) 888-0958 (323) 265-2563 (480) 820-7001 (636) 223-1470 (501) 664-6102 (323) 265-9544 (800) 858-5450 (800) 933-1800 (800) 824-1813 (714) 549-3756 (310) 338-2799 (800) 256-0589 (619) 297-4931 (800) 665-9895 (360) 221-1324 (877) 820-6494 (877) 628-4532 (213) 747-9676 (914) 941-7636 (951) 359-0090 (419) 460-6416 (562) 439-8067 (213) 477-2640 (702) 257-0901 (626) 564-1988 (937) 229-3324 (202) 337-6232 (714) 633-8121 (800) 988-6378 (800) 462-5980 (805) 374-9617 (800) 233-4629 (210) 341-1366 (800) 548-8749 (213) 637-7690 (213) 637-6161 (626) 443-6490 Web (or Email noted by “@”) 87 Exhibitors COMPANY LOCATION Friends of Mount Carmel ...................................... 662 Gethesemani Libreria Catolica, LLC .................... 385, 387, 389, 484, 486, 488 GIA Publications, Inc. ........................................... 401, 403, 405, 500, 502, 504 Gifts from the Holy Land ...................................... 718 Girl Scouts, Camp Fire & Boy Scouts ................. 651 Gold ‘N Things ...................................................... 388 Gonzaga University .............................................. 583 Good Ground Press .............................................. 327 GrandMaster’s Multicultural Resources/Gifts ...... 653 Graymoor: Franciscan Friars of Atonement ........ 710 Group Publishing ................................................... 485, 487 Harcourt Religion Publishers ................................ 301, 303, 305, 400, 402, 404 Heart Beat Records .............................................. 679 Heartbeats ............................................................. 564, 566, 568 Help the Poor – Vietnam ...................................... 667, 669 Holy Cross Family Ministries/Family Rosary ...... 223, 225 Holy Spirit Missionary Sisters .............................. 581 HolyLand Rocks .................................................... 517 Homeboy Industries .............................................. 448 Ignatian Volunteer Corps ...................................... 661 Ignatius Press ....................................................... 263, 265, 267 Immaculate Heart Community ............................. 149, 151 Institute for Ministry – Loyola U. New Orleans ....... 119 Institute for Religious & Pastoral Studies / University of Dallas .......................................... 665 J.R. Evans & Company, Inc. ................................ 281, 283, 285 J.S. Paluch Company, Inc. ................................... 143, 145 JD Audio Visual ..................................................... 689, 691 Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley ................ 320 Jesuit Vocations, California Province .................. 663 John August Swanson, Artist ............................... 603, 605 Joshua’s Stone - Art for the Heart ....................... 280, 282, 284 Juliet Hemingray Church Textiles ........................ 242, 244 Katrina Rae / Mizpah Ministries ........................... 153 KWD Uniforms ...................................................... 437, 439 LA Cruz T-Shirts .................................................... 677 Latin American Committee ................................... 460 Lay Mission-Helpers Association ......................... 584 Libreria Claretiana ................................................. 546, 548 Libreria Guadalupana Rio de Luz ........................ 103, 105, 107, 202, 204, 206 Libreria San Pablo ................................................ 175, 177, 179, 274, 276, 278 LIFE TEEN, Inc. .................................................... 804, 805, 806, 807 Liguori Publications ............................................... 414, 416, 418, 420 Little Rock Scripture Study ................................... 127 Liturgical Apostolate Center ................................. 357, 359, 361, 363 Liturgical Press ..................................................... 129, 131, 133 Liturgy Training Publications ................................ 421, 423, 425, 520, 522, 524 Living the Good News .......................................... 544 Living Water Wood Works, Inc ............................. 616 Loyola Marymount University ............................... 657, 659 Loyola Press ......................................................... 362, 364, 366, 368 Madonna Arts ........................................................ 365, 367, 369 Maison Bouvrier .................................................... 344, 346 Many Rivers Company ......................................... 287 Marianist Vocation Ministry .................................. 480, 482 Mary Rice Hopkins & Co. ..................................... 505 Maryknoll Fathers ................................................. 345, 347 Maryknoll Productions .......................................... 337, 339 Megan McKenna - The Wayfarers’ Tale ............... 208 Ministerio Biblico Verbo Divino ............................. 189, 288 Ministry Database ................................................. 586 Ministry with Lesbian & Gay Catholics ................ 660 Mount St. Mary’s College ..................................... 712, 714 Mysterium: A Sacred Art & Design Studio ........... 533, 632 National Association for Hispanic Elderly ............ 607, 609, 611 Nat’l Assoc. of Catholic Family Life Ministers ..... 111 National Catholic Educational Association .......... 644, 646 National Religious Vocation Conference ............. 262, 264 Nest Family Entertainment ................................... 237 New City Press ..................................................... 352 Notre Dame Creations .......................................... 121, 123, 220, 222 Oblate Media & Communication Corp. ................ 625 Oblate School of Theology ................................... 726 OCP Publications .................................................. 201, 203, 205, 300, 302, 304 Office of Justice and Peace ................................. 454 Office of Restorative Justice ................................ 458 O’Keeffe Religious Articles ................................... 159, 161 EXHIBITORS EXHIBITORS • Listing 3 of 3 COMPANY LOCATION one2believe ........................................................... 681 OPM Design Group ............................................... 450 Orbis Books ........................................................... 341, 343 Our Sunday Visitor ................................................ 550, 552, 554, 556, 558, 560 Oxfam America ..................................................... 185 Oxford University Press ........................................ 323, 325 ................................................... 703 Paraclete Press ..................................................... 682 Parish Data System (PDS) ................................... 516, 518 ParishSOFT ........................................................... 446 Pauline Books and Media ..................................... 475, 477, 479, 574, 576, 578 Paulist Press Book Center / Paulist Press .......... 209, 211, 213, 215, 217, 219 PAX Clothing ......................................................... 720 Pflaum Publishing Group ...................................... 422, 424 Purpose Driven ..................................................... 183 RCL ........................................................................ 326, 328, 330, 332 Relics ..................................................................... 245, 247 Resource Publications .......................................... 406, 408 S&P Book Distributors .......................................... 619, 621, 623 Sacred Heart Kids’ Club/del Sagrado Corazon ....... 257 Saint John’s School of Theology & Seminary ..... 386 Saint Joseph High School .................................... 575 Saint Mary’s Press ................................................ 713, 808, 809, 810, 811, 812 Salesian Youth and Young Adult Ministries ......... 802, 803 San Antonio Winery .............................................. 469 San Diego Church Supply .................................... 702, 704, 706 Sandalstrap ........................................................... 561, 563, 565, 567 Santa Clara Univ., Graduate Program ................. 210 Sara K. Rubin Pottery ........................................... 157, 256 SAT Sabbatical - GTU, Berkeley .......................... 109 SHCJ Art / France White ...................................... 666, 668 Silver Burdett Ginn Religion ................................. 541, 543, 545, 547 Sister Disciples of the Divine Master ................... 357, 359, 361, 363 Sisters of Notre Dame .......................................... 218 Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-Woods ... 348, 350 Sisters of St. Joseph of LaGrange ....................... 643, 645 Sisters of St. Joseph of Orange ........................... 508, 510 Sisters of the Holy Names ................................... 411, 413 Soft Saints, Inc. .................................................... 637 ................................................. 306, 308, 310, 312 St. Andrew’s Abbey Ceramics .............................. 167, 169, 266, 268 St. Andrew’s Abbey ............................................... 163, 165 St. Anne in the Mountains Retreat Center ........... 506 St. Anthony Messenger Press .............................. 354, 356, 358, 360 St. Camillus Center: HIV/AIDS, Pax Christi Justice & Peace ................................................ 664 St. John’s Bible ..................................................... 232 St. Raphael Collection .......................................... 251 St. Vincent de Paul Family ................................... 415, 417, 419 Sunny-Side Up Entertainment .............................. 255 Sunrise Printery .................................................... 587 Tekton Woodworks ............................................... 675 Terry Hershey & Associates ................................. 509, 511, 513 The Christophers .................................................. 647, 649 The Dibble Fund ................................................... 680 The Matthew Kelly Foundation ............................ 722, 724 The Printery House ............................................... 410, 412 The Tidings - Vida Nueva ..................................... 468 The Tomorrow Project .......................................... 746 The Word Among Us ............................................ 381, 383 Thomas Merton Foundation ................................. 562 Tori ... Inspirations in Clay .................................... 620 Transportation Charter Services, Inc. .................. 147 Tree of Life Imports .............................................. 613, 615 Twenty-Third Publications .................................... 307, 309, 311 U.S. Air Force Chaplain Service .......................... 577 University of Notre Dame ..................................... 456 USCCB Publishing ................................................ 536, 538 UWS In Christ ....................................................... 686 Val MacRae, Sacred-Spiral .................................. 540, 542 ValLimar Jansen - Frank Jansen ......................... 187 Veritas Co., Ltd. .................................................... 351, 353, 355 Vocations Office .................................................... 455, 457 William H. Sadlier, Inc. ......................................... 600, 602, 604, 606 Wipf & Stock Publishers ....................................... 444 Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company ............. 258, 260 World Library Publications .................................... 137, 139, 141, 236, 238, 240 88 PHONE (888) 557-2327 (818) 567-2055 (914) 941-7636 (800) 348-2400 (202) 496-1305 (800) 451-7556 (800) 786-8283 (800) 451-5006 (800) 892-5202 (866) 930-4774 (310) 397-8676 (877) 545-8815 (562) 212-5533 (800) 543-4383 (949) 225-5226 (877) 275-4725 (602) 788-0065 (888) 273-7782 (877) 463-1053 (323) 935-2372 (800) 361-8318 (562) 925-5073 (800) 533-8095 (626) 280-8622 (323) 223-1401 (760) 745-8177 (800) 515-0047 (408) 554-4831 (585) 442-6890 (510) 652-1651 (626) 345-1666 (800) 338-2150 (323) 265-9544 (562) 301-7373 (812) 535-3131 (800) 354-3504 (714) 744-3715 (408) 393-4630 (714) 505-3127 (800) 548-8749 (661) 944-1047 (661) 944-2178 (909) 867-2832 (513) 241-5615 Web (or Email noted by “@”) (323) 225-4461 x221 (800) 858-5450 (800) 304-2627 (469) 467-4953 (323) 936-6259 (435) 513-5500 (800) 524-5370 (888) 298-4050 (800) 695-7975 (513) 221-7700 (660) 944-3027 (213) 637-6360 (619) 230-1151 (800) 842-0646 (502) 899-1991 (951) 675-0157 (714) 637-4300 (800) 300-3335 (860) 437-3012 (800) 803-2452 (866) 425-STEP (800) 235-8722 (213) 688-6180 (562) 429-7462 (909) 946-0258 011-353-187-88177 (213) 637-7248 (800) 221-5175 (541) 344-1528 (800) 253-7521 (800) 566-6150 2006 Religious Education Congress Check Exhibitor List for booth numbers EXHIBIT HALL A
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