lloyds tsb international portfolio prospectus
lloyds tsb international portfolio prospectus
LLOYDS TSB INTERNATIONAL PORTFOLIO PROSPECTUS JANUARY 2013 Investment Company with Variable Capital Luxembourg TABLE OF CONTENTS Page IMPORTANT 2 1 Description 4 2 Management and Administration 5 3 Objectives of the Company 8 4 Common Policy and Investment Restrictions, Selection and Monitoring procedure 8 5 Risk Factors 12 6 Shares, Shareholdings in the Company 13 7 Distribution Policy 18 8 Data Protection 18 9 Net Asset Value 18 10 Charges and Expenses 21 11 Taxation 22 12 Reports and Meetings 24 13 Compulsory Redemption and Liquidation 25 14 Other Information 26 ANNEXES 28 - Description of Sub-Fund 28 - Subscription Form 53 - Joint Shareholding Mandate - Facsimile Transmission Instructions - Authorisation for Disclosure of Information LLOYDS TSB INTERNATIONAL PORTFOLIO PROSPECTUS IMPORTANT Shares of Lloyds TSB International Portfolio (the “Company”) may only be subscribed on the basis of the information contained in the present Prospectus and Key Investor Information Document (“KIID”), which includes the Description of the different Sub-Funds. The Prospectus, the KIID of the relevant Sub-Fund and the latest annual and semi-annual reports are offered free to any person who wishes to subscribe, or who applies to the Central Administration or the Representatives of the Company. No information other than that contained in this Prospectus and the documents referred to herein may be given in connection with the offer made hereby. The Company is registered in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg as an Undertaking for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities (UCITS) subject to Part I of the Law of 17th December 2010 on Undertakings for Collective Investment (the “2010 Law”). Such registration does not, however, require any Luxembourg authority to approve or disapprove either the adequacy or accuracy of this Prospectus or the portfolio of securities held by the Company. Any representation to the contrary is unauthorised and unlawful. This Prospectus may not be used for the purpose of an offer or solicitation in any jurisdiction or in any circumstances in which such offer or solicitation is not authorised. The articles of incorporation of the Company, as amended from time to time (the “Articles of Incorporation”) authorise the Directors to impose or relax restrictions relating to the property of shares or classes of shares and, if necessary, require disposal of the shares, as they may 2 think necessary, to ensure that shares are neither acquired nor held by or on behalf of any person in breach of the law or requirements of any country or governmental or regulatory authority, or in such a manner which might have adverse taxation or other pecuniary consequences for the Company, including any requirement to register under any securities or investment or similar laws or requirements of any country or authority. In particular: The shares have not been and will not be registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “US Securities Act”), or the securities laws of any state or political subdivision of the United States, and may not be offered or sold directly or indirectly, in the United States of America (including the State and the District of Columbia), its territories and possessions and other areas subject to its jurisdiction (the “United States”), or to US Persons. US Person has the meaning assigned to it in Regulation S under the United States Securities Act of 1933 (as amended) (the “Securities Act”), and includes (a) any natural person resident in the United States; (b) any partnership or corporation organised or incorporated under the laws of the United States; (c) any estate of which any executor or administrator is a US Person; (d) any trust of which any trustee is a US Person; (e) any agency or branch of a non-US entity located in the United States; (f) any non-discretionary account or similar account (other than an estate or trust) ) held by a dealer or other fiduciary for the benefit or account of a US person; (g) any discretionary account or similar account (other than an estate or trust) held by a dealer or other fiduciary organised, incorporated, or if an individual, resident in the United States; or (h) any partnership or corporation if (i) organised or incorporated under the laws of any non-US jurisdiction and (ii) formed by a US Person principally for the purpose of investing in securities not registered under the Securities Act, unless it is organised or incorporated, and owned, by accredited investors (as defined in Rule 501(a) under the Securities Act) who are not natural persons, estates or trusts. Notwithstanding the foregoing, US Persons does not include (a) a discretionary account or similar account (other than an estate or trust) held for the benefit or account of a non-US Person by a dealer or other professional fiduciary organised, incorporated, or, if an individual, resident in the United States; (b) any estate of which any professional fiduciary acting as executor or administrator is a US Person if (i) an executor or administrator of the estate who is not a US Person has sole or shared investment discretion with respect to the assets of the estate, and (ii) the estate is governed by non-US law; (c) any trust of which any professional fiduciary acting as a trustee is a US Person if a trustee who is not a US Person has sole or shared investment discretion with respect to the trust assets, and no beneficiary of the trust (and no settlor if the trust is revocable) is a US Person; (d) an employee benefit plan established and administered in accordance with the law of a country other than the United States and customary practices and documentation of such country; or (e) any agency or branch of a US Person located outside the United States if (i) the agency or branch operate for valid business reasons, and (ii) the agency or branch is engaged in the business of insurance or banking and is subject to substantive insurance or banking regulation (respectively) in the jurisdiction where located. The Company is not and will not be registered under the United States Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended and accordingly is restricted in the number of beneficial holders of its shares that may be US Persons and in the percentage of its outstanding shares that may be owned by certain US Persons. The Articles of Incorporation of the Company contain provisions designed to prevent the holding of its shares by US Persons under circumstances that would cause the Company to violate United States law, and require the immediate redemption or purchase under certain circumstances of shares purchased or beneficiary owned by US Persons (see “Redemption of Shares”). Statements made in this Prospectus are based on the legislation and regulations currently in force in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and in the countries where the shares of the Company are authorised for sale, and are subject to changes therein. The Directors accept responsibility for the accuracy of the information contained herein as at the date of this Prospectus. Before investing in the Sub-Fund, we recommend you to carefully read this Prospectus and the KIID, and especially the Chapter 5 “Risks Factors”, the Chapter 6 “Shares, Shareholdings in the Company”, the Chapter 11 “Taxation”, the “Sub-Fund Description” in the Annexes and “How to complete the Subscription Form” on the page opposite to the attached Subscription Form. If you are in any doubt about the contents of the Prospectus or the KIID, you should consult your bank manager, stockbroker, solicitor, accountant or other financial adviser. Potential subscribers and purchasers of shares in the Sub-Fund should also inform themselves as to the possible tax consequences, the legal requirements and any foreign exchange restrictions or exchange control requirements which you might encounter under the laws of the countries of your citizenship, residence or domicile and which might be relevant to the subscription, purchase, holding or disposal of shares of the Company. If, subsequently to your subscription in one Sub-Fund, you give instruction to convert some or all of your shares into shares relating to any other SubFund or if you become a shareholder of any Sub-Fund by accepting a transfer of its shares or by acquiring its shares in the Luxembourg Stock Exchange or otherwise, you should inform yourself of the Investment Policy and of the Risks Warnings of that particular Sub-Fund. If that SubFund has been newly created and/or if it does not appear in the Annexes of the Prospectus in your possession, you should ask for the latest updated version of the Prospectus and the relevant KIID. They will be sent to you free of charge, on simple request to the Central Administration or to the Representatives of the Company abroad. By signing the attached Subscription Form to invest in shares of any Sub-Fund, or by signing an instruction to convert your shares into shares of any other Sub-Fund, or by signing as “Transferee” any transfer form relating to shares of any Sub-Fund, or else by acquiring shares of any Sub-Fund through the Luxembourg Stock Exchange or otherwise, you agree, represent, warrant and acknowledge that: a) you have received a copy of the latest available Prospectus and KIID and you have understood the Description, the Investment Policy and the Risks Factors associated to the Sub-Fund you are investing in; b) Lloyds Banking Group plc, its affiliates, subsidiaries and branches or any of its representatives, officers, agents or employees will not make and have not made any warranty, representation or recommendation (whether implied or express) as to the merits of the Sub-Fund and/or as the conditions, financial or otherwise of the Company or its Sub-Fund or as to any other matter relating thereto or in connection therewith and nothing shall be construed as a recommendation by Lloyds Banking Group plc, its affiliates, subsidiaries and branches or any of its representatives, officers, agents or employees to you to purchase or acquire the shares or to become a shareholder of any Sub-Fund; c) notwithstanding (b) above, if any information (including without limitation, any research report(s) on the Company or its Sub-Fund issued by Lloyds Banking Group plc, its affiliates, subsidiaries or branches, whether recently or otherwise), warranty or representation had in fact been made or supplied by Lloyds Banking Group plc or its affiliates, subsidiaries or branches, you have not in any way and at any time howsoever relied on such information, warranty or representation in the making of your investment decision to acquire the shares of the Sub-Fund and/or in your assessment or appraisal of the Company or its Sub-Fund and you have made and will continue to make your own independent appraisal or assessment of the Company or its Sub-Fund relying on your own source of information and such legal, tax, accounting, investment and other advice as you deem appropriate; 3 LLOYDS TSB INTERNATIONAL PORTFOLIO PROSPECTUS d) none of Lloyds Banking Group plc, its affiliates, subsidiaries and branches, the Company, the Management Company, the Central Administration, the Custodian Bank, the Investment Manager, the Global Distributor of the Company or other parties involved in the management of the Sub-Funds of the Company takes any responsibility as to any tax consequences of your acquisition of or in relation to any dealing in your shares of the Sub-Fund of the Company and that your are advised to consult your own tax adviser concerning your tax position; e) the price and value of the shares of each Sub-Fund can fall as well as rise. Past performance is not necessarily a guide to the future and you may not get back the full amount invested; f) when subscriptions, conversions or redemption’s of your shares in the Sub-Fund involve a foreign exchange transaction, they may be subject to fluctuations in currency values. Exchange rates may also cause the value of underlying investments to go up or down. The Company draws the investors’ attention to the fact that any investor will only be able to fully exercise his investor rights directly against the Company (notably the right to participate in general shareholders’ meeting) if the investor is registered himself and in his own name in the shareholders’ register of the Company. In cases where an investor invests in the Company through an intermediary investing into the Company in his own name but on behalf of the investor, it may not always be possible for the investor to exercise certain shareholder rights directly against the Company. It is recommended that Investors take advice on their rights. 4 1. DESCRIPTION The Company is an open-ended investment company (Investment Company with Variable Capital) incorporated for an unlimited period under the provisions of the 2010 Law. The Company was incorporated on 6th July 1967 under the name “Alexander Hamilton Fund” and its Articles of Incorporation were published in the “Mémorial - Recueil des Sociétés et Associations” on 14th July, 1967. Later, the name of the Company and its Articles of Incorporation were modified several times and amendments were published in the Mémorial on 2nd August 1967, 29 th September 1967, 9 th April 1968, 17th July 1968, 19 th May 1969, 14th December 1979, 19 th October 1984, 8th October 1990, 4th November 1993, 23rd July 1996, 16th July 1998, 20 th July 1999, 25th July 2001, 12th December 2005 and for the last time on 6th January 2012. The Company is registered under Number B 7.635 at the Register of Commerce and Companies of Luxembourg where its co-ordinated Articles of Incorporation are available for inspection and where copies thereof may be obtained upon request. The minimum capital of the Company is the equivalent in USD of 1,250,000 Euros or such other amount that may be determined by the 2010 Law. The Company’s registered office is at 49, Avenue J-F Kennedy, L-1855 Luxembourg where the register of shareholders of the Company (the “Register of Shareholders”) is kept. The Capital of the Company is represented by fully paid shares of no par value and is at any time equal to its net asset value. Fractions of shares are issued to one thousandth of a share. The reference currency of the Company is the United States Dollars (USD). The Company has various sub-funds that are distinguished mainly by their investment policies each relating to a separate portfolio (each a “Sub-Fund” and together the “Sub-Funds”). Pursuant to the Articles of Incorporation, the Directors may decide to create within each Sub-Fund different classes of Shares the subscription proceeds of which will be commonly invested in accordance with the investment policy of the Sub-Fund concerned, but where different currency hedging techniques and/or sales, conversion or redemption fees and management charges and/ or distribution policies, minimum subscription or holding amounts or any other specific feature may be applied to each class (a “Class or Classes”). The issue of Shares of the different Classes may be restricted to specific investors. All references to a Sub-Fund shall, where the context requires, include any Class or Classes which form such Sub-Fund. Where no Classes have been issued within a Sub-Fund, references to a Class shall be to the Sub-Fund. The Sub-Funds invest their assets mainly in transferable securities and in money market instruments in accordance with their respective investment policies while ensuring observance of the principle of risk spreading. The Sub-Funds and the related Class of Shares if any are described in the relevant Annexes to the Prospectus. The Company reserves the right to add new Sub-Funds and related Class of Shares and, in certain circumstances, to close existing Sub-Funds or Classes of Shares. In such cases, this Prospectus will be updated by adding or deleting appropriate Annexes. The proceeds from the allotment and allocation of Shares relating to each Sub-Fund are applied in the books of the Company to the portfolio of cash and securities which represents that Sub-Fund, and the assets and liabilities, income and expenditure attributable to that Sub-Fund are also applied thereto. In the relation between shareholders, each Sub-Fund is considered as a separate entity. The shareholder is entitled to the net asset and the income of the Sub-Fund in which it has invested. Liabilities contracted by one Sub-Fund against third parties are only covered by the net assets of that Sub-Fund. The shareholder having subscribed to shares in any one Class of Shares of a Sub-Fund may at any time request them to be changed into another Class of Shares of the Sub-Fund (in accordance with the conversion procedure as described in Chapter 6 Section 6.5). Subject to the cases set out in Chapters 6 and 9, the price of the shares of each Sub-Fund is calculated each bank business day in Luxembourg (the “Calculation day”), on the basis of the net asset value as described in Chapter 9. Except otherwise mentioned in the related Annex of the Sub-Fund, prices of the Shares of each Sub-Fund are published in the “Financial Times” twice a week, and in “www.Fundinfo.com”, in “L’Écho”, “De TIJD”, “Expansión” and in any other newspapers designated by the Directors. A bank business day in Luxembourg (a “Business day”), in relation to shares of any Class, means any day on which banks are open for business in Luxembourg and such other days as the Directors may decide. The Directors may also decide not to consider as Business day, other days on which banks are otherwise open for business in Luxembourg. In particular, the Directors have decided not to consider as Business days the Friday before Easter (Good Friday) and the 24th December. Investment Policy, the administration and the management of the Company. The Shares are listed on the Luxembourg Stock Exchange. 2.3. MANAGEMENT COMPANY The latest applicable prices are also available on any Business day at the registered office of the Company, from the Central Administration and from the Representatives of the Company (see Chapter 2 Section 2.10 to Section 2.15). 2. MANAGEMENT AND ADMINISTRATION 2.1. BOARD OF DIRECTORS Chairman of the Board of Directors D.V. THOMAS Director Directors C. GOWLAND Commercial Director Lloyds TSB Bank plc, Geneva Branch C. MARR Head of Financial Markets Lloyds TSB Bank plc, Geneva Branch S. WILLIAMS Business Unit Control Function Director Lloyds TSB Bank plc, Geneva Branch J. ELVINGER Master in Law, Elvinger, Hoss & Prussen, Luxembourg The directors of the Company (the “Directors”) are responsible for the 2.2. REGISTERED OFFICE 49, Avenue J-F Kennedy L-1855 Luxembourg CMI Asset Management (Luxembourg) S.A. 40, avenue Monterey L-2163 Luxembourg. The Company has delegated the functions of the investment management of the Company, the central administration, the distribution and the management of the risks of the Sub-Funds to CMI Asset Management (Luxembourg) S.A. (the “Management Company”). 2.4. PROMOTER AND GLOBAL DISTRIBUTOR Lloyds TSB Bank plc Geneva Branch 1, Place Bel-Air CH-1204 Geneva Lloyds TSB Bank plc, Geneva Branch is a branch of Lloyds TSB Bank plc, whose original foundation dates back to 1765. Lloyds TSB Bank plc is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Lloyds Banking Group. The Management Company CMI Asset Management (Luxembourg) S.A has delegated the functions of the global distribution to Lloyds TSB Bank plc, Geneva Branch. 2.5. CENTRAL ADMINISTRATION State Street Bank Luxembourg S.A. 49, Avenue J-F Kennedy L-1855 Luxembourg Tel. +352 46 40 10 1 Fax + 352 46 36 1 SWIFT: SBOS LU LX 5 LLOYDS TSB INTERNATIONAL PORTFOLIO PROSPECTUS The Management Company has delegated the functions of central administration to State Street Bank Luxembourg S.A. ( the “Central Administration”). The Central Administration is not responsible for any investment decisions of the Company or the effect of such investment decisions on the performance of the Company. The function of Central Administration includes the accounting, the calculation and publication of the net asset value. The Central Administration has also been appointed as the registrar and transfer agent of the Company. In this function the Central Administration will process all subscriptions, redemptions and transfers of Shares and will register these transactions in the Register of Shareholders. The relationship between the Management Company, the Company and the Central Administration is subject to the terms of the Administration Agreement. The Management Company, subject to the consent of the Company, and the Central Administration may terminate the Administration Agreement on 90 days’ prior written notice. The Administration Agreement may also be terminated on shorter notice in certain circumstances. The Administration Agreement contains provisions indemnifying the Central Administration, and exempting the Central Administration from liability, in certain circumstances. Subject to the prior written consent of the Board of Directors, the Management Company reserves the right to change the administration arrangements described above by agreement with the Central Administration and/or in its 6 discretion to appoint an alternative central administration without prior notice to Shareholders. Shareholders will be notified in due course of any appointment of an alternative central administration. It being understood that this change in Central Administration arrangements does not include any change of registrar and transfer agent which will be notified to the Company and shareholders in advance. The Company has also appointed the Central Administration as paying agent and listing agent. 2.6. DOMICILIARY AGENT AND CUSTODIAN BANK State Street Bank Luxembourg S.A. 49, Avenue J-F Kennedy L-1855 Luxembourg The Company has designated State Street Bank Luxembourg S.A. as Domiciliary Agent and as Custodian Bank for the Company’s assets. The function of Domiciliary Agent includes the domiciliary of the Company in State Street Bank Luxembourg S.A. office and the execution of the services attached therein. The Custodian Bank acts as custodian for all the assets of the Company, including its cash and securities, which will be held either directly or through other financial institutions such as correspondent banks, subsidiaries or affiliates of the Custodian, in accordance with the provisions of the 2010 Law. It is also responsible for the settlement of purchases and sales, the collection of income and other payments due in respect of securities or liquid assets held by the Company. The Custodian Bank shall moreover : - ensure that the sale, issue, repurchase and cancellation of shares effected by or on behalf of the Company are carried out in accordance with the law and the Articles of Incorporation; - ensure that in transactions involving the assets of the Company, the consideration is remitted to it within the usual time limits; - ensure that the income of the Company is applied in accordance with its Articles of Incorporation. The Custodian Bank may entrust all or part of the assets of the Company, in particular securities traded abroad or listed on a foreign stock exchange or admitted to a clearing system, to such clearing system or to such correspondent banks as may be determined by the Custodian Bank from time to time. To the extent required by the 2010 Law, the Custodian Bank’s liability shall not be affected by the fact that it has entrusted all or part of the assets in its care to a third party. The rights and duties of the Custodian Bank are governed by the Custody Agreement entered into on 2nd November, 2010 for an unlimited period of time from the date of its signature. The Company and the Custodian Bank may terminate the Custodian Agreement on 90 days’ prior written notice. A new custodian shall be appointed within 2 months. However, the Custodian Bank shall continue to act as custodian pending a replacement custodian being appointed and that such replacement is appointed, the Custodian Bank shall take all necessary steps to ensure the good preservation of the interests of the shareholders of the Company. The Custodian Agreement may be terminated on shorter notice in certain circumstances, including where a material breach of the Custodian Agreement by the other party has not been cured within thirty (30) days’ of that party being given written notice of the material breach. The Custodian Agreement contains provisions indemnifying the Custodian, and exempting the Custodian from liability, in certain circumstances. 2.9. LEGAL ADVISERS 2.7. INVESTMENT MANAGERS Switzerland Lenz & Staehelin 30, route de Chêne CH-1211 Geneva 17 Scottish Widows Investment Partnership Ltd. (SWIP) 33 Old Broad Street London EC2N 1HZ Tel. +44 1 131 655 85 00 Lloyds TSB Bank plc Geneva Branch 1, Place Bel-Air CH- 1204 Geneva Tel. + 41 22 307 33 33 Lombard Odier Asset Management (Switzerland) S.A. 6 avenue des Morgines CH-1213 Petit-Lancy Tel. + 41 22 793 06 87 The Management Company has delegated the investment management functions to Scottish Widows Investment Partnership Ltd, to Lloyds TSB Bank plc, Geneva Branch and to Lombard Odier Asset Management (Switzerland) S.A.. The Investment Managers will, in accordance with the investment objectives as well as the Investment Policy and Restrictions of the Company, be in charge with the day to day management of the investments of the assets of the Sub-Funds subject to the control of the Management Company. 2.8. INDEPENDENT AUDITOR PricewaterhouseCoopers S.à r.l. Réviseur d’entreprises 400, route d’Esch L-1471 Luxembourg Luxembourg Elvinger, Hoss & Prussen 2, Place Winston Churchill L-2014 Luxembourg 2.10. REPRESENTATIVE AND SERVICE OF PAYMENT OF THE COMPANY IN SWITZERLAND Lloyds TSB Bank plc Geneva Branch 1, Place Bel-Air CH-1204 Geneva Tel. +41 22 307 33 33 Fax +41 22 307 34 24 SWIFT: LOYDCHGGXXX The Representative and Paying Agent of the Company in Switzerland is Lloyds TSB Bank plc, Geneva Branch. The Prospectus, Swiss KIID, Articles of Incorporation, annual and semiannual reports of the Company may be obtained, on simple request and free of charge, at Lloyds TSB Bank plc, Geneva Branch. Publications of the Company in Switzerland, shall be made in the “Feuille Officielle Suisse du Commerce” and on the electronic platform “www.Fundinfo.com”. Except otherwise mentioned in the related Annex of the Sub-Fund, the price of the Shares of each Sub-Fund with the mention “commissions not included” are published each Calculation day in Switzerland in the electronic platform “www.Fundinfo.com”. The execution place and the Place of Jurisdiction for shares distributed in or from Switzerland shall be located in Lloyds TSB Bank plc, Geneva Branch. may grant retrocessions to the qualified investors listed below, who are holding shares on behalf of third parties (as per the economic meaning): - Life insurance - Pensions Funds and other similar institutions - Investment Foundations - Swiss Management Companies - Management and foreign Funds companies - Investment companies. Furthermore, the Global Distributor may grant trailer fees from the item Distribution in Switzerland to distributors and partners of the distribution as hereafter mentioned: - Distributors subject to authorization within article 19., al.1, LPCC. - Distributors released from the obligation to obtain consent following article 19, al.4, LPCC and article 8, OPCC. - Distribution partners placing exclusively holding shares with institutional investors where the treasury is managed on a professional basis. - Distribution partners placing units of collective investment funds exclusively on the basis of a written wealth management mandate. 2.11. REPRESENTATIVE OF THE COMPANY IN THE UNITED KINGDOM Head Office Lloyds TSB Bank plc 25 Gresham Street UK-London EC2V 7HN Facilities Agent Lloyds TSB Private Banking Ltd 25/27 Perrymount Road Haywards Heath West Sussex RH 16 3 SP Tel. +44 1 444 459 144 Fax +44 1 444 418 528 Regarding the Distribution in Switzerland, the Global Distributor 7 LLOYDS TSB INTERNATIONAL PORTFOLIO PROSPECTUS 2.12. REPRESENTATIVE OF THE COMPANY IN BELGIUM SG Private Banking SA Kortrijksesteenweg 302 B-9000 Gent Tel. +32 9 242 22 22 Fax +32 9 242 22 44 SWIFT BIC code: SGABBEB2XXX 2.13. REPRESENTATIVE OF THE COMPANY IN GIBRALTAR Lloyds TSB Bank plc Gibraltar Branch First Floor, Royal Ocean Plaza Ocean Village P.O Box 482 Gibraltar Tel. +350 773 73 Fax +350 700 23 SWIFT: LOYDGIGXXXX 2.14. REPRESENTATIVE OF THE COMPANY IN SPAIN Lloyds Bank International S.A.U., Calle Serrano, 90, 5th Floor 28006 Madrid, Spain Tel. +34 902 024 365 Fax +34 91 484 81 94 SWIFT: LOYDESMMXXX 2.15. REPRESENTATIVE OF THE COMPANY IN FRANCE Société Générale SGSS/INV/CCT/PAS 50, Boulevard Haussmann F-75431 PARIS CEDEX 09 Tel. +33 1 421 425 88 or +33 1 421 488 38 Fax +33 1 530 545 91 SWIFT BIC Code : SOGEFRPPGSS 3. OBJECTIVES OF THE COMPANY The objective of the Company is to offer a wide range of Sub-Funds the aim of the management of 8 which is to achieve a total return (comprising capital gains and income) corresponding to the kind of assets and to the Investment Policy as defined in the respective Sub-Fund’s Description. Current income and capital gains are reinvested, and all investments are effected taking into account the principle of the diversification of risks. The Directors, the Management Company and the Investment Managers will use their best endeavours to achieve this objective. They cannot however, guarantee its achievement. 4. COMMON POLICY AND INVESTMENT RESTRICTIONS A. Common Policy 1. THE COMPANY MAY INVEST: a) in transferable securities and money market instruments admitted to or dealt in on a regulated market; b) in transferable securities and money market instruments dealt in on another market in a Member State (as defined in the 2010 Law) which is regulated, operates regularly and is recognised and open to the public; c) in transferable securities and money market instruments admitted to official listing on a stock exchange or dealt in another market which is regulated, operates regularly and is recognised and open to the public in any other country of Europe, Asia, Oceania, the American and African continents; d) in recently issued transferable securities and money market instruments provided that the terms of the issue provide that application be made for admission to official listing in any of the stock exchanges or other regulated markets and provided that such admission is secured within one year of the issue; e) units of UCITS authorised according to the Council Directive 2009/65/EC, as amended (the “Directive”) and/or other UCIs within the meaning of the first and second indents of Article 1(2) of the Directive, whether located in a member State of the EU or not, provided that: - Such other UCIs are authorised under laws which provide that they are subject to a supervision which the Luxembourg supervisory authority considers as equivalent to that laid down by the Community law, and that co-operation between the authorities is sufficiently ensured; - The level of protection for the unitholders in the other UCIs is equivalent to that provided for unitholders in a UCITS, and in particular, that the rules on assets segregation, borrowing, lending, and uncovered sales of transferable securities and money market instruments are equivalent to the requirements of the Directive; - The business of the other UCIs is reported in semi-annual and annual reports enabling the assessment of the assets and liabilities, of the income and of the operations over the reporting period; - The UCITS and other UCIs whose acquisition is contemplated can not, according to their constitutional documents, or any other information obtained by the Promoter or by the Investment Manager of the Sub-Funds, invest globally more than 10% of their assets in other UCITS or other UCIs. Each Sub-Fund may invest a substantial portion of its net asset value in UCITS or other UCIs promoted by Lloyds Banking Group plc. Shareholders of the Sub-Fund should be aware that investments in UCITS and other UCIs might have a number of implications. Investments in UCITS and other UCIs do usually entail a duplication of entrance fees, management fees, administration fees, custodian charges and taxes. However, such duplication is expected to be partly reduced by obtaining waiver of, or reallowances on, sales commission by the UCITS and other UCIs in which investments will be made or by investing in UCITS and other UCIs or share classes of UCITS or other UCIs exempt from sales commission. No subscription or redemption fees will be charged and no duplication of management fees will be incurred, by a Sub-Fund in case of investments in UCITS and other UCIs managed directly or indirectly by the Investment Manager or by a Company to which these companies are linked in by a common management or control or by a direct or indirect holding of more than 10% of the capital or voting rights. The aggregate management commissions charged to the Sub-Funds and to those underlying UCITS and UCIs will fluctuate, depending upon the assets allocation of each Sub-Fund but will not exceed the ratio of all-in fee of any Sub-Fund’s. If a Sub-Fund invests principally in UCITS and other UCIs, this will be specifically mentioned in its investment policy. A Sub-Fund (the “Investing Sub-Fund”) may subscribe, acquire and/or hold shares to be issued or issued by one or more Sub-Funds (each, a Target Sub-Fund) provided that: - the Target Sub-Fund does not, in turn, invest in the Investing SubFund invested in this Target ; and - no more than 10% of the assets that the Target Sub-Fund whose - - - - acquisition is contemplated may, according to its investment policy, be invested in units of other UCITs or UCIs; and voting rights, if any, attaching to the relevant Shares are suspended for as long as they are held by the Investing Sub-Fund concerned and without prejudice to the appropriate processing in the accounts and the periodic reports; and the Investing Sub-Fund may not invest more than 20% of its net assets in units of a single Target Sub-Fund; and in any event, for as long as these Shares are held by the Investing Sub-Fund, their value will not be taken into consideration for the calculation of the net assets of the Company for the purposes of verifying the minimum threshold of the net asset imposed by the 2010 Law; and there is no duplication of management/subscription or repurchase fee between those at the level of the Investing Sub-Fund of the Company having invested in the Target Sub-Fund, and this Target Sub-Fund. The Company reserves the right to invest, where appropriate, up to 5% of the net asset value of each SubFund in Bond Funds, the principal objective of which is to invest in high yield bonds. f) deposits with credit institutions which are repayable on demand or have the right to be withdrawn, and maturing in no more than 12 months, provided that the credit institution has its registered office situated in a EU Member State, or, if not situated in a EU Member State, is subject to prudential rules, which the Luxembourg supervisory authority considers as equivalent to those laid down by the Community law. However, up to a maximum of 10% of the net assets of each Sub-Fund may be invested in transferable securities and money market instruments which do not meet the criteria stipulated in the above paragraphs and in debt instruments which, by virtue of their characteristics, are equivalent to transferable securities and which are, inter alia, transferable, liquid and have a value which can accurately determined at the time of the calculation of the net asset value. In order to meet redemptions and where it is in the interests of the shareholders, part of the net assets of each Sub-Fund, whatever its objective and investment policy will be invested in liquidities in the form of cash, at sight, at notice or on term deposit or in money market instruments or bonds, the residual maturity of which does not exceed 12 months. However, such investments will always only be deemed ancillary. 2. FURTHERMORE, THE COMPANY MAY FOR EACH SUB-FUND, EXCEPT OTHERWISE SPECIFIED IN THE INVESTMENT POLICY OF THE RESPECTIVE SUB-FUND: a) for the purpose of efficient portfolio management, employ techniques and instruments relating to transferable securities, in particular purchases and sales of call and put options, purchases and sales of futures relating to transferable securities and to any other financial instruments; b) as a global hedge against the risk of unfavourable stock market movements, sell futures or call options or purchase put options on stock market indices; c) as a global hedge against interest rate fluctuations, (i) sell futures and call options or buy put options on 9 LLOYDS TSB INTERNATIONAL PORTFOLIO PROSPECTUS interest rates, (ii) transact interest rate swaps by mutual agreement with first class financial institutions specialising in this type of transaction; d) contract as purchaser or seller repurchase agreements on securities. If, in respect of a specific Sub-Fund, it is intended to make substantial use of this type of agreements, the relevant Sub-Fund Description will comprise a specific statement to that effect; e) deal in the forward foreign exchange or enter into transactions relating to spot or forward contract on currencies: - for spot or forward transactions involving the sale of currencies which are due to the Company in connection with the sale or redemption of assets belonging to the Company or the issue of its shares; or - for spot or forward transactions involving the purchase of currency where such currency is payable by the Company in connection with purchases or subscriptions of assets by the Company or the redemption of its shares; or - as a global hedge against the currency risks (i) for sales of call options, purchases of put options and sales of futures on currency. These financial derivative instruments, including equivalent cash-settled instruments will be dealt in on a regulated market, or in overthe-counter (OTC) financial derivative instruments, provided that: - the underlying asset consists of instruments, financial indices, interest rates, foreign exchange rates or currencies, in which the Company may invest according to its investment objectives; - the counterparties to OTC derivatives transactions are institutions subject to prudential 10 supervision, and belonging to the categories approved by the Luxembourg supervisory authority; - the OTC derivatives are subject to reliable and verifiable valuation on a daily basis and can be sold, liquidated and closed by an offsetting transaction at any time at their fair value and at the Company’s initiative; - the risk of counterparty of the Sub-Fund in an OTC derivative transaction will not exceed 10% of its net asset value when the counterparty is a credit institution having its registered office situated in a Member State, or, if not situated in a Member State, being submitted to prudential rules, which the Luxembourg supervisory authority considers as equivalent to those laid down in Community law, or 5% of its net assets value in any other cases. Under no circumstances shall these operations cause the Company to diverge from its investment objectives as laid down in the Articles of Incorporation or in the present Prospectus. The Company shall ensure that its global exposure relating to financial derivative instruments does not exceed the total net value of its portfolio. The Company may invest, as a part of its investment policy and within the limits laid down in point B. 1. f), in financial derivative instruments provided that the exposure to the underlying assets does not exceed in aggregate the investment limits laid down in point B. a), b), c), d) and e). B. Investment Restrictions 1. FOR EACH OF ITS SUB-FUNDS: a) The Company shall not invest more than 10% of its net assets in transferable securities and money market instruments issued by the same issuing body. The limit of 10% under above may be increased to 35% if the transferable securities or money market instruments are issued or guaranteed by a Member State, by its public local authorities, by a non-Member State or by public international bodies of which one or more Member States belong. Furthermore, for the Bond Funds, the Company is authorised to invest more than 35% and up to 100% of the net assets of each Sub-Fund, in accordance with the principle of risk spreading, in different transferable securities or money market instruments issued or guaranteed by a Member State, one or more of its local authorities, a non-Member State of the European Union (as acceptable by the CSSF, including but not limited to the OECD member states, Singapore or Brazil) or public international body of which one or more Member States of the European Union belong, provided that such investments are spread over at least six different issues, each of them representing not more than 30% of the net assets of such Sub-Fund. b) The limit of 10% of paragraph B.1. a) above may be of a maximum of 25% for certain bonds when they are issued by a credit institution which has its registered office in a Member State, and is subject by law, to special public supervision designed to protect bondholders. In particular, the sums deriving from the issue of these bonds must be invested in accordance with the law in assets which, during the whole period of validity of the bonds, are capable of covering claims attaching to the bonds and which, in case of bankruptcy of the issuer, would be used on a priority basis for the repayment of principal and payment of the accrued interest. If a Sub-Fund invests more than 5% of its assets in the bonds referred to in the first sub-paragraph and issued by a single issuer, the total value of such investments may not exceed 80% of the value of its net assets. c) A Sub-fund shall not invest more than 20% of the net assets of any Sub-Fund in deposits with the same issuing body d) The total value of the individual holdings which represent more than 5% of the net assets invested in transferable securities and money market instruments issued by the same issuing body, shall not exceed 40% of the net assets of that SubFund. This limitation does not apply to deposits made with financial institutions subject to prudential supervision and to OTC derivative transactions made with those financial institutions. e) Notwithstanding the individual limits laid down in paragraph A.2 e) last indent and paragraphs a) and c) above, the Company may not combine for each Sub-Fund: - investments in transferable securities or money market instruments issued by a single body, - deposits made with a single body and/or - exposures arising from OTC derivative transactions undertaken with a single body, in excess of 20% of its net assets. f) The transferable securities and money market instruments referred to in point paragraph A.2 e) last indent and paragraphs a) and c) above are not included in the calculation of the limit of 40% referred to in point B.1. d) above. The limits set out in point B.1. may not be combined, and thus investments in transferable securities or money market instruments issued by the same body, in deposits or financial derivative instruments made with this body carried out in accordance with the present point B.1 may not exceed a total of 35% of the assets of a Sub-Fund. Companies which are included in the same group for the purposes of consolidated accounts, as defined in accordance with Directive 83/349/EEC or in accordance with recognised international accounting rules, are regarded as a single body for the purpose of calculating the limits contained in the present point B.1. f). A Sub-Fund may cumulatively invest up to 20% of its assets in transferable securities and money market instruments within the same group. 2. FURTHERMORE, THE COMPANY MAY NOT: a) invest more than 10% of the net assets of each Sub-Fund in shares or units issued by a single UCITS and/or other UCI unless the relevant Sub-Fund is set up as a Fund of Funds or a specific derogation to this limitation is stated in the investment policy of a Sub-Fund. For the purpose of the application of this limit, each Sub-fund of an umbrella UCITS or UCI is considered as a separate UCITS or other UCI provided that the principle of segregation of each Sub-Fund obligations vis-à-vis third parties is ensured. The underlying investments held by the UCITS or other UCIs in which the Company invests do not have to be considered for the purposes of the application of limits as stated in the above point B.1. b) invest more than 30% of the net assets of each Sub-Fund in shares or units of other UCIs other than UCITS, c) invest in voting shares of companies which would enable the Company to exercise a significant influence over the management of their issuer; d) acquire more than: - 10% of the non-voting shares of the same issuer; - 10% of the bonds of the same issuer; - 10% of the money market instruments issued by the same issuer; - 25% of the units of the same UCITS and/or other UCIs. In case of a UCITS or other UCI with multiple sub-funds, this restriction is applicable by reference to all units issued by the UCITS or other UCI concerned, all sub-funds combined; except if at the time of purchase of such securities as described on second, third and fourth indents above the gross amount of bonds or money market instruments or the net amount of the securities in issue cannot be calculated. The limits laid down above do not have to be respected when exercising subscription rights attaching to transferable securities or money market instruments which form part of the assets of the relevant Sub-Fund. If one of the limits referred to above is exceeded for reasons beyond the control of the Company or as a result of the exercise of subscription rights attaching to securities held in portfolio, the Company must adopt as a priority objective the remedying of that situation, taking due account of the interests of the shareholders. e) However, the limits laid down in paragraphs c) and d) above are waived as regards to transferable securities and money market 11 LLOYDS TSB INTERNATIONAL PORTFOLIO PROSPECTUS instruments issued or guaranteed by (i) a Member State or its local authorities, (ii) a non EU Member State, (iii) public international bodies of which one or more EU Member States are members or (iv) an issuer of a non-member State of the EU which invests its assets mainly in the securities of issuing bodies having their registered office in that state, where under the legislation of that state, such a holding represents the only way in which the Company can invest in the securities of issuing bodies of that state and provided that the issuer in which the Company invests, complies in its investment policy with the limits laid down in Articles 43, 46 and 48 (1) and (2) of the 2010 Law. f) invest neither in precious metals nor certificates representing these. The Company may, however, hold gold warrants or gold options which are acquired by investment in transferable securities with such warrants provided that these warrants or options are never exercised or detached from the underlying securities; g) contract loans except where these are occasional and temporary, the total of which shall in any case not exceed 10% of the net assets of each Sub-Fund; h) grant loans to any person nor act as guarantor on behalf of third parties except (i) in the form of bank deposits placed with the Custodian Bank, or another bank or deposittaking institution duly approved by the Custodian Bank (ii) as subscriptions, purchases or holdings of debentures or (iii) through securities lending transactions held directly or through a standardised lending system organised by a recognised clearing institution or through a lending system organised by a financial institution subject 12 to prudential supervision rules considered by the Luxembourg supervisory authority as equivalent to those prescribed by Community Law and specialised in this type of transactions. Such securities lending transactions, as defined above, shall be used for the purpose of efficient portfolio management and shall not result in a change of investment objective of the Sub-Fund nor result in additional risk higher than the risk profile as described in the description of a Sub-Fund. i) carry out uncovered sales of transferable securities, money market instruments, share or units of UCITS and/or other UCIs and financial derivative instruments. C. Selection and Monitoring Procedure applied for the Sub-Funds structured as a Fund of Funds 1. SELECTION PROCEDURE Investments are chosen from a carefully selected range of Funds rated highly by the Sub-Fund Investment Manager. The UCITS and UCIs selection consists of: - a quantitative screening the goal of which is to identify amongst the worldwide universe, the Funds that will meet pre-established standard criteria of past performances and ranking, size, Alpha, Beta and annual volatility; - the performance of due diligence analysis allowing an objective assessment of all preselected Funds which will identify (i) the investment strategy and (ii) the UCITS and UCIs’ Funds Managers risk management; - a qualitative screening carried out with on site visits and interviews of the UCITS and UCI’s Funds Managers, including their diligence to comply with the Funds investment policy and guidelines and the analysis of their back office functions and support systems. This selection provides the Investment Managers with an updated list of UCITS and UCIs encompassing all types of strategies. 2. MONITORING PROCEDURE The selected list of UCITS and UCIs will be monitored in order to assure that the Funds still meet the standard of the select list. 5. RISK FACTORS Investors should note that a significant proportion of the assets of certain Sub-Funds will be invested in securities or other instruments issued by Latin American, Asia or Emerging European entities or their offshore subsidiaries. Before investing in the Company, prospective investors should carefully review the relevant Sub-Fund’s Investment Policy. Investors should also bear in mind that in addition to the normal risks associated with the type of instruments in which each Sub-Fund invests, they may be exposed to the risks of investing in Latin American, Asian or Emerging European countries, including possible currency devaluation, inflation, imposition of exchange controls, changes in taxes or local laws. Moreover, the analysis of credit risk of individual issuers is more difficult in Latin American, Asian or Emerging European countries than in most OECD countries. Rating methods are not well developed, and name selection by the Investment Manager is on a best effort basis. Prospective Investors should bear in mind that there is a significant risk of default by issuers. Specific risk factors of the Sub-Fund structured as a Fund of Funds 1. ILLIQUIDITY OF THE UCITS AND UCIS Although UCITS and UCIs in which the Sub-Fund invests are open-ended Funds with payment of their redeemed shares in due time, there may be, in exceptional circumstances, a lack of liquidity at the level of the investments made by such UCITS and UCIs which may affect the liquidity of the shares of the Sub-Fund, as well as its net asset value calculation, the issue and the redemption of its shares (see Chapter 6, B). 2. NATURE OF THE INVESTMENTS OF THE SUB-FUND The Investment Manager seeks to monitor investments and trading activities of the UCITS and UCIs to which the Company has allocated assets. However, investment decisions are normally made independently at the level of such UCITS and UCIs and are solely subject to the restrictions set out in the Articles of Incorporation or Prospectuses of such UCITS and UCIs. Although due diligence is conducted by the Investment Manager (see C above), neither the Company nor the Investment Manager or the Custodian Bank are liable for the compliance with such restrictions. 3. EXPOSURE TO FOREIGN EXCHANGE RISK According to their individual investment policy, the Sub-Funds may invest in UCITS, UCIs or other instruments in a currency other than the currency in which they are denominated. Such exposure entails risks of foreign exchange rates falls, which will not automatically be hedged. Moreover, even when hedging techniques are used, it may not be possible to eliminate totally the exposure to currencies other than the Fund’s currency. Prospective investors should read the entire Prospectus and the KIID and fully evaluate all other information that they deem to be necessary for determining whether to invest in the Sub-Fund. Prospective investors should ensure that they fully understand the content of this Prospectus and KIID. As these Sub- Funds may not be suitable for all investors, if you have any doubts, you should seek advice from your investment advisor before taking any action. Past performance is not necessarily a guide to the future. 4. RISKS ASSOCIATED WITH FINANCIAL DERIVATIVE INSTRUMENTS The Target Fund or their Investment Manager(s) may use financial derivative instruments traded on a Regulated Market and on over-thecounter markets. The use of these strategies involves certain special risks, including without limitation: - dependence on the ability to predict movements in the prices of securities being hedged and movements in interest rates, - imperfect correlation between the hedging instruments and the securities or market sectors being hedged, - the fact that skills needed to use these instruments are different from those needed to select the Fund’s securities, - the possible absence of a liquid market for any particular instrument at any particular time, - possible impediments to effective portfolio management or the ability to meet repurchase requests or other short term obligations because of the percentage of a fund’s assets segregated to cover its obligations and - the risk of counterparty default delaying or impeding the recovery of the Target Fund’s assets. The Target Fund’s ability to use these strategies may be limited by market conditions, regulatory limits and tax considerations and these strategies may be used only in accordance with the Investment Objectives of the Target Fund. 6. SHARES, SHAREHOLDINGS IN THE COMPANY 6.1. THE SHARES Shares in the Company will be issued in registered form only by way of entries in the Register of Shareholders. Shares of a same Sub-Fund in the Company, subject to the conditions as mentioned below, are freely transferable and, upon issue, are entitled to participate equally in the profits and dividends of the Sub-Fund to which they relate. Shares carry no preferential or pre-emptive rights and each share is entitled to one vote at all shareholders’ Meetings. The Articles of Incorporation can be amended by the General Meeting of shareholders, which are subject to the quorum and majority requirements in accordance with the law. 13 LLOYDS TSB INTERNATIONAL PORTFOLIO PROSPECTUS Any amendment in the Articles of Incorporation affecting the rights of the shareholders of any Sub-Fund vis-à-vis those of any other Sub-Fund shall be subject further to the quorum and majority requirements in those Sub-Funds. However, any resolution of the General Meeting of shareholders, deciding the distribution of dividends on shares of a Sub-Fund, shall be approved by the shareholders of this Sub-Fund. The shares issued have no par value and must be fully paid. The number of shares issued will be unlimited. In the event of dissolution of the Company, the net proceeds of the liquidation corresponding to each Sub-Fund will be distributed in proportion to the shareholdings in such Sub-Fund. 6.2. APPLICATIONS Applications for subscription, conversion and redemption will be accepted any Business day by the Central Administration and by the Representatives of the Company (see Chapter 2 Section 2.10 to Section 2.15) who will forward them to the Central Administration. Orders must be received, by the Central Administration, by 5.00 p.m. (Luxembourg time), on each Business day and will be executed on the following Business day (the “Calculation Day”) at the price determined on the basis of the net asset value calculated that Calculation day, except otherwise mentioned in the related Annex of the Sub-Fund. Consequently, subscriptions, conversions and redemptions will be calculated on an unknown net asset value basis. The fax instructions will be only accepted if the Mandate “Authority to act on instructions given by facsimile transmission” has been 14 mailed to the Central Administration, duly completed and signed by all the shareholders prior to any order execution by the Central Administration. 6.3. SHARE CLASSES For some Sub-Funds, in addition to Class A, a Class Q will be issued in respect of a Sub-Fund. Class Q is not available to any person other than: a) a company which is in the group of companies consisting of the ultimate Lloyds Banking Group and each of the subsidiaries of that Group company; or b) a company, not being a company of the type referred to in the preceeding paragraph (a) to whom the Management Company at its entire discretion has determined that such Shares may be made available. 6.4. SUBSCRIPTION OF SHARES The minimum initial investment in shares in any one Sub-Fund is USD 10,000 (or its equivalent in another currency) except as otherwise mentioned in the Description of a Sub-Fund. Subsequent subscriptions of shares relating to a Sub-Fund in which the applicant is an existing holder may be made for a minimum of USD 5,000 (or its equivalent in another currency) except as otherwise mentioned in the Description of a Sub-Fund. The right is reserved for the Company to ask any subscriber for an amount of less than USD 10,000 for proof of his minimum initial shareholding in the Sub-Fund. The Company or the Promoter may, however, decide not to apply the above-mentioned minima in the event of exceptional transactions and transactions undertaken for specific reasons. In exceptional circumstances and upon approval of the Directors, Shares may also be issued upon acceptance of the subscription against contributions in kind of transferable securities and other assets considered acceptable by the Directors and compatible with the Investment Policy and the investment objective of the relevant Sub-Fund, subject to applicable laws and regulations. Any such subscription in kind will be valued in a special report prepared by the Company’s auditor if legally required. Any expenses incurred in connection with such contributions shall be borne by the shareholders concerned. Applications for shares must reach the Central Administration, on the basis of the Subscription Form attached to this Prospectus. Applications by tested SWIFT or by fax must contain all the information asked for in the Subscription Form. In an effort to deter money laundering and financing terrorism, the Company, the Management Company, the Investment Manager, the Global Distributor, any distributor or sub-distributor, and the Central Administration must comply with all applicable international and Luxembourg laws and circulars regarding the prevention of money laundering and financing terrorism and in particular with the Luxembourg law dated 12th November, 2004 against money laundering and terrorism financing, as amended and circulars of the supervising authority. To that end, the Company, the Management Company, the Investment Manager, the Global Distributor, any distributor or sub-distributor, and the Central Administration may request information necessary to establish the identity of a potential investor and the origin of subscription proceeds. Failure to provide documentation may result in a delay or rejection by the Company of any subscription or conversion or a delay in payout the redemption proceed. Neither the Company, the Management Company, the Investment Manager, the Global Distributor, any distributor or sub-distributor nor the Central Administration have any liability for delays or failure to process deals as a result of the applicant providing no or any incomplete documentation. Furthermore, Lloyds Banking Group plc rules require the Central Administration to comply, at all times, with the internal control procedures of Lloyds Banking Group plc regarding the prevention of money laundering and financing of terrorism. In this context, the Central Administration is required to obtain evidence of identities and addresses of its shareholders and co-shareholders and to inquire as to their source of wealth in order to ensure that these funds are not derived from illegal activities. For that purpose, investors’ attention is drawn to the fact that the Subscription Form must be fully completed and that the required attachments must be forwarded together with the Subscription Form to the Central Administration. The Subscription Form of a subscriber must be accompanied, in the case of individuals by a true certified copy of the original of: - A passport [page bearing photograph, date of birth and page bearing the signature]; or - A national identity card (Continental European residents); or - A current full United Kingdom driving licence (UK residents only), and for corporations, by an original or a certified copy of the articles and an original or a certified copy of an extract from the Register of Commerce together with a list of directors and authorised signatories. All copies of identity documents must be legible and valid at the time of the subscription. They must be certified as true copies by a public notary, an embassy, a consulate or High Commission of the country of issue of the document. Upon expiry of existing documents, shareholders must provide the Company or the Central Administration with certified copies of replacement documents. The Company or the Central Administration will not, in principle, accept subscriptions from investors resident in countries where financial institutions or professionals of the financial sector are not subject to an identification obligation equivalent to that required under Luxembourg law. Furthermore, the Company or the Central Administration reserve the right to verify any of the information provided with by the shareholders or the co-shareholders. Subscriptions may be temporarily suspended until the Company or the Central Administration is fully satisfied as to the identification of the subscribers, their source of wealth and the source of the funds. Namely, the Company or the Central Administration reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to reject, suspend or restrict any request for subscriptions: - if sections of the Subscription Form are left blank or if information is not legible, complete or valid at the time of the subscription; - if the request of subscription is not made in conformance with the Articles of Incorporation or is in violation with the law and legal provisions of the country of residence of the subscriber; - if the request of subscription comes from investors whom the Company considers to be « market timers». «Market timers» and investments associated with «market timing» practices are defined under heading « Conversion of shares between Sub-Fund ». A contract note confirming the details of the subscription and substituting the confirmation of registration will be sent to shareholders on the next open Business day of the applicable Calculation day. The subscription price for shares of these Sub-Funds, corresponds to the net asset value per share of the applicable Calculation day, increased by any taxes and brokerage fees, as well as by a subscription fee being fixed at a maximum rate of 4.25%, calculated on the net asset value per share and payable to the Distributor, who may, at its discretion, decide to reallow all or part of the fee to professional intermediaries. Amounts will be rounded up or down according to customary banking practice. Payment from the shareholders (and not from third-party) in the currency of the shares subscribed, or in another currency if requested by the applicant, should be made by bank transfer in cleared funds to the account of the Central Administration within the Business days following the Calculation day as stated in the Description of each Sub-Fund. The applicant may also pay the subscription amount by sending, together with its Subscription Form, a cheque to the order of State Street Bank Luxembourg S.A.. In that case, the Company or the Central Administration reserves the right to accept the subscription only when 15 LLOYDS TSB INTERNATIONAL PORTFOLIO PROSPECTUS the cheque has been paid, and at the latest on the first open Business day in Luxembourg following the reception by the Custodian Bank of the cleared funds confirmation. The Custodian bank’s cheque collection fee, if any, will be deducted from the subscription amount. If the payment is made in a different currency to that of the shares subscribed, the exchange rate shall be determined by the Central Administration and the applicant will be charged with the customary fees and exchange commission. In any case, if monies are not received as described above, the Company or the Central Administration reserves the right to cancel any allotment of the relevant shares without prejudice to the right of the Company or of the Central Administration to obtain compensation for any loss directly or indirectly resulting from the failure of an applicant to effect settlement. If an allotment is cancelled and cleared monies are subsequently received, the Company or the Central Administration may either return the application monies at the cost of the applicant and subject to any applicable charges, or issue shares on the date cleared monies are received, at the price determined on the basis of the net asset value calculated that Business day but subject to any applicable charges. 6.5. REDEMPTION OF SHARES Requests for redemption of shares, possible at any time, must be accompanied by the registered share certificates and by payment instructions. The redemption price of shares corresponds to the net asset value per share of the applicable Calculation day, less taxes, and brokerage fees, and if the Directors 16 consider it appropriate, a redemption fee payable to the Distributor which shall not exceed 1% of the net asset value. The amount will be rounded up or down according to customary banking practice. If compliance with redemption instructions results in a residual holding in any one Sub-Fund of less than USD 10,000 (or its equivalent in other currencies) or any other amount as specified in the Description of a Sub-Fund, the Company may compulsorily redeem the residual shares at the current bid price and pay the proceeds thereof to the shareholder. A contract note confirming the details of the redemption will be sent to on the next open Business day of the Calculation day. Subject to the receipt of the registered share certificates, payment will be effected by the Central Administration by bank transfer in the currency of the relevant Sub-Fund, or in a different currency where requested by the shareholder, within the Business days following the Calculation day, as stated in the description of each Sub-Fund. Payment may also be made by banker’s draft at the request of the shareholder. Any costs so incurred will be deducted from the redemption proceeds. In exceptional circumstances, the Directors may request that a shareholder accepts redemption in kind. The shareholders may always request a cash redemption payment in the reference currency of the relevant Class. Where the shareholder agrees to accept redemption in kind he will, as far as possible, receive a representative selection of the relevant Class’ holdings pro rata to the number of shares redeemed and the Company will make sure that the remaining shareholders do not suffer any loss therefrom. The value of the redemption in kind will be certified by certificate drawn up by the independent auditors of the Company to the extent required by Luxembourg laws and regulations, except where the redemption in kind exactly reflects the shareholder’s prorata Share of investments. Any request for redemption shall be irrevocable except in the event of suspension of redemption. In the absence of revocation, redemption will occur as of the first Calculation Day after the end of the suspension. If the payment is requested in any currency other than that of the redeemed Shares, the exchange rate shall be determined by the Central Administration, and the customary fees and exchange commission will be deducted from the proceeds of the redemption. The proceeds of the redemption will be paid only in favour of the shareholder(s). The right is reserved, if it is in the general interest of the shareholders, for the Company to defer the redemption of its shares or of the Shares of one of these Sub-Funds in the cases and in accordance with the details described in Chapter 9 Section B. The Company shall not be bound to redeem on any Calculation day more than 10% of the net asset value of a Class issued by any Sub-Fund. If the Company receives requests on any Calculation day for redemption which exceeds this, the Company may proportionally reduce these redemption requests and postpone the part of them which has not been redeemed for the next Calculation day which must be within 7 Calculation days. Dealing of such postponed requests will be given priority over later requests. 6.6. CONVERSION OF SHARES BETWEEN SUB-FUNDS Shareholders will be entitled to convert some or all of their Shares relating to any Class of any Sub-Fund into shares relating to any other Class of the same or other Sub-Fund. Provided that the calculation of the net asset value per Share, and the issue and redemption of Shares of either of the respective Sub-Funds have not been suspended, cancelled or postponed, the conversion of Shares will be calculated in accordance with the following formula: (B x C) x E A = ––––––––––– D where A is the number of Shares of the new Class of the Sub-Fund to which the shareholder shall become entitled; B is the number of Shares of the original Class of the Sub-Fund to be converted; C is the first net asset value per Share of the original Class of the Sub-Fund following the receipt of the conversion order by the Central Administration; D is the first net asset value per Share of the new Class of the Sub-Fund following the receipt of the conversion order by the Central Administration; E is the rate of exchange determined by the Central Administration. Applications for conversion of Shares should include the number of Shares of the Class of the Sub-Fund or amount to be converted and the proportion of their value to be allocated to each new Class of Shares of the Sub-Fund as well as any delivery instructions for the Share certificates. In the case of registered shares, the name and signature of all the shareholders must appear on the application for conversion (unless the Joint Shareholding Mandate has been signed by all the shareholders). Contract notes for the subscription and redemption and, where appropriate, the registered share certificates will be drawn up in accordance with the customary issuing and redemption procedures. The Company reserves the right to modify or impose restrictions regarding the frequency of conversions. Specifically, the exception clause as described in the above Section 4, last paragraph will apply in case of conversion. The Company does not knowingly allow investments which are associated with Market Timing and Late Trading practices, as such practices may adversely affect the interests of all non-market timing shareholders by harming SubFund’s performance and diluting profitability. The Late Trading practice consists to transmit to the Central Administration, for application at the net asset value calculated that day, orders that have been received after the deadline for the reception of the orders as fixed in Chapter 6, Section 6.2 above. In general, Market Timing refers to the investment behaviour of an individual or a group of individuals buying, selling or converting shares or other securities on the basis of predetermined market indicators. Market timers also include individuals or groups of individuals whose securities transactions seem to follow a timing pattern or are characterised by frequent or large conversions. The Company may therefore combine shares which are under common ownership or control for the purposes of ascertaining whether an individual or group of individuals can be deemed to be involved in market timing practices. Common ownership or control includes without limitation legal or beneficial ownership and agent or nominee relationships giving control to the agent or nominee of Shares legally or beneficially owned by others. Accordingly, the Company reserves the right to reject any application for switching of Shares by investors whom the Company considers market timers. 6.7. TRANSFER OF SHARES The transfer of registered Shares to third parties may be effected by sending a duly completed Transfer Form to the Central Administration. Transfer Forms are available from the Central Administration. Where share certificates have been issued, they must be returned to the Central Administration together with a Transfer Form. If the transfer is requested in favour of persons who are not already shareholders of the Company, identification procedures and controls relating to prevention of money laundering and financing terrorism as stated under Point 3 above will apply. 6.8. STATEMENTS OF HOLDINGS All shareholders will be sent a statement confirming the number and value of Shares held by them in each Sub-Fund at the beginning of the second quarter of each year. 17 LLOYDS TSB INTERNATIONAL PORTFOLIO PROSPECTUS 7. DISTRIBUTION POLICY The main objective of the Company is to achieve the optimal growth of its capital and therefore, except otherwise mentioned in the related Annex of the Sub-fund, it is not planned to distribute any dividends. All income accruing to each of the different Sub-Funds is continuously reinvested therein. For the Sub-Funds which offer Distributive Share Classes, it is the intention of the Board of Directors to distribute substantially the taxable income earned on investment. Every resolution of the annual general meeting deciding the distribution of a dividend in a SubFund must be approved by the Shareholders of the said Sub-Fund by a simple majority vote of the Shareholders present or represented. Entitlement to dividends and allocations not claimed within five years of the due date shall be forfeited and the corresponding assets shall revert to the Sub-Fund concerned. 8. DATA PROTECTION The Company, in its capacity as data controller, collects, stores and processes by electronic or other means the data supplied by shareholders at the time of their subscription for the purpose of fulfilling the services required by the shareholders and complying with its legal obligations. The data processed includes in particular the name, address and invested amount of each shareholder. The data supplied by shareholders is processed for the purpose of administering your account, i.e. (i) maintaining the register of shareholders, (ii) processing 18 subscriptions, redemptions and conversions of shares and payments of dividends to shareholders, (iii) performing controls on late trading and market timing practices, and (iv) complying with applicable anti-money laundering and prevention of terrorism financing rules. to International Financial Data Services (Canada) Limited, a company incorporated under the laws of Ontario, Canada as corporation number 1485549 with registered office at 30 Adelaide Street E, Suite 1, Toronto, Ontario, M5C 3G9 (the “Recipient”). In the context of the above mentioned purposes, the Company can delegate the processing of personal data to its agents, in particular the Central Administration, the Registrar and Transfer Agent. 9. NET ASSET VALUE As regards processing carried out by the Central Administration, the Registrar and Transfer Agent, the Company agrees to disclose the following data: - general personal data, including your name, addresses, phone numbers, fax numbers, email addresses, passport details; - data relating to the Financial Intermediary / Distributor via which you have invested in the Company, including the name, addresses, phone numbers, fax numbers, email addresses of such Financial Intermediary / Distributor; - data relating to your investment in the Company, including data relating to the bank accounts and settlement accounts linked to your investment in the Company (account name, account number), amount invested in the Company, number and value of the shares held in the Company, outstanding and total commitments to invest in the Company, elections as to EUSD status; - data relating to transfers of shares in the Company such as the name of the transferor and the transferee, the amount of shares transferred, the amount pending to be paid, the time and date of payments and transfers of shares; A. General 1. The net asset value of shares of each Class of the Company shall be expressed in the currency of denomination of the relevant Class or in any other currency as specified in the Description of a Sub-Fund, as determined by the Directors, as a per share figure and shall be determined on each Calculation Day, based on the last available prices of the Business day on the relevant markets preceding the Calculation Day (the “Valuation Day”). It is determined by dividing the net assets of the Company allocated to the relevant Class, being the value of the assets of the Company corresponding to such Class, less the liabilities and commitments which are attributable to such Class at such time or times as the Directors may determine, by the number of shares then outstanding adjusted to reflect any dealing charges, swing pricing technique or fiscal charges which the Directors considers appropriate to take into account and by rounding the resulting sum to the nearest smallest unit of the currency concerned. If a substantial modification of the prices on stock exchange markets, on which an important part of investments made by the Company and attributable to a particular Class are negotiated or quoted has occurred, since the closing of the offices of the relevant day, the Company may cancel the first valuation and make a second valuation in order to protect the interest of the shareholders of the Company. For this purpose, the assets of the Company shall be deemed to include: a) all cash on hand or on deposit including any interest accrued thereon; b) all bills and demand notes and accounts receivable (including proceeds of securities sold but not delivered); c) all bonds, time notes, shares, stock, units in undertakings for collective investment, debenture stocks, subscription rights, warrants, options and other investments and securities owned or contracted for by the Company; d) all stock dividends, cash dividends and cash distributions receivable by the Company (provided that the Company may make adjustments with regard to fluctuations in the market value of securities caused by trading ex-dividends, ex-rights, or by similar practices); e) all interest accrued on any interestbearing securities owned by the Company except to the extent that the same is included or reflected in the principal amount of such security; f) all other assets of every kind and nature, including, if any, the prepaid expenses of the Company, not yet written off and all the eventual formation expenses of the Company insofar as the same have not been written off. The liabilities of the Company shall be deemed to include: a) all borrowing, bills and other amounts due; b) all accrued or payable administrative expenses (including but not limited to investment advisory fee or management fee, custodians, representatives and agents of the Company); c) all known liabilities, present and future, including all matured contractual obligations for payments of money or property, including the amount of any unpaid dividends declared by the Company where the Calculation Day falls on the record date for determination of the person entitled thereto or is subsequent thereto; d) an appropriate provision set aside for futures taxes as at the date of the valuation and any other provisions or reserves approved by the Board of Directors; e) all other liabilities of the Company of whatsoever kind and nature except liabilities represented by shares in the Company. In determining the amount of such liabilities, the Company shall take into account all expenses payable by the Company which shall comprise formation expenses, fees and expenses payable to its investment advisers or investment managers, fees and expenses payable to its directors or officers, its accountants, custodians and its correspondents, domiciliary, registrar and transfer agents, any paying agent and permanent representatives in places of registration, any other agent employed by the Company, fees and expenses incurred in connection with the general infrastructure of the Company, the listing of the shares of the Company at any stock exchange or to obtain a quotation on another regulated market, all professional and other fees (including fees for legal, consultancy or auditing services), promotional, marketing, printing, reporting and publishing expenses, including the cost of advertising or preparing and printing of prospectus and KIID or explanatory memoranda or sales brochures, registration statements, annual and semi-annual reports, taxes or governmental charges, and all other operating expenses, including the cost of buying and selling assets, interest, currency conversion costs, bank charges and brokerage, postage, telephone and facsimile. The Company may take into account recurring or regular administrative and other expenses by estimating them for the year or for any other period in advance and may accrue the same in equal proportions over any such period. 2. VALUTATION OF THE ASSET The assets of each class of shares are valued in the following way: a) securities listed on a stock exchange or on other regulated markets, which operate regularly and are recognised and open to the public, will be valued at the last available price; in the event that there should be several such markets, on the basis of the last available price of the main market for the relevant security. Should the last available price for a given security not truly reflect its fair market value, then that security shall be valued on the basis of the probable sales price which the Directors deem it is prudent to assume; (b) securities not listed on a stock exchange or on any other regulated markets, which operate regularly and are recognised and open to the public, will be valued on the basis of their last available price. Should the 19 LLOYDS TSB INTERNATIONAL PORTFOLIO PROSPECTUS last available price for a given security not truly reflect its fair market value, then that security will be valued by the Directors on the basis of the probable sales price which the Directors deem it is prudent to assume; (c) swaps are valued at their fair value based on the underlying securities (at close of business or intraday) as well as on the characteristics of the underlying commitments; d) the liquidating value of futures, forward and options contracts (or any other financial derivative instruments) not traded on regulated markets or stock exchanges shall mean their net liquidating value determined, pursuant to the policies established in good faith by the Directors, on a basis consistently applied for each different variety of contracts. The liquidating value of futures, forward and options contracts (or any other financial derivative instruments) traded on regulated markets or stock exchanges shall be based upon the last available settlement prices of these contracts on regulated markets or stock exchanges on which the particular futures, forward or options contracts (or any other financial derivative instruments) are traded by the Company; provided that if a futures, forward or options contract (or any other financial derivative instruments) could not be liquidated on the day with respect to which net assets are being determined, the basis for determining the liquidating value of such contract shall be such value as the Directors may deem fair and reasonable; (e) shares or units in underlying open-ended investment funds shall be valued at their last available price; (f) liquid assets and money market instruments may be valued at nominal value plus any accrued interest or on an amortised cost basis. All other assets, where 20 practice allows, may be valued in the same manner; short-term investments that have a remaining maturity of one year or less may be valued (i) at market value, or (ii) where market value is not available or not representative, at amortised cost; (g) the value of any cash on hand or on deposit, bills and demand notes and accounts receivable, prepaid expenses, cash dividends and interest declared or accrued as aforesaid, and not yet received shall be deemed to be the full amount thereof, unless, however, the same is unlikely to be paid or received in full, in which case the value thereof shall be determined after making such discount as the Directors may consider appropriate in such case to reflect the true value thereof. In the event that extraordinary circumstances render such a valuation impracticable or inadequate, other valuation methods may be used if the Directors considers that another method better reflects the value or the liquidation value of the investments and is in accordance with the accounting practice, in order to achieve a fair valuation of the assets of the Company. 3. CURRENCY RELATING TO VALUATION, QUOTATION AND DEALING Each Sub-Fund is valued in the currency specified in its relevant description and in any other currencies as specified in the description of a Sub-Fund. However, the Directors may at its own discretion at any time decide that a Sub-Fund shall be valued, quoted and dealt in one or several additional currencies. Such additional valuation will be effected at the last known rate of exchange on the Valuation Day. The exchange fees and commissions arising from subscriptions and redemptions in such an additional currency will be borne by the Sub-Fund. B. Suspension of the calculation of the net asset value, of the issue, conversion and redemption of shares 1. The Company may suspend the determination of the net asset value of shares of any particular Sub-Fund and the issue and redemption of its shares from its shareholders as well as conversion from and to shares of each Sub-Fund if at any time, the Board of Directors believes that exceptional circumstances constitute forcible reasons for doing so. Such circumstances can arise: a) during any period when the dealing of the units/shares of an investment vehicle in which any substantial portion of assets of the relevant Sub-Fund is invested or the calculation of the net asset value of such investment vehicle is restricted or suspended; or b) during any period when any of the principal stock exchanges or organised markets on which any substantial portion of the investments of the Company attributable to such Sub-Fund from time to time are quoted or dealt in is closed otherwise than for ordinary holidays, or during which dealings therein are restricted or suspended; or c) when any state of affairs exists which constitutes an emergency as a result of which disposals or valuation of assets owned by the Company attributable to such Sub-Fund would be impracticable; or d) during any period when the application of an index, underlying of a financial derivative instrument representing a material part of the assets of the relevant Sub-Fund is suspended; or e) when there is any breakdown in the means of communication normally employed in determining the price or value of any of the investments of such Sub-Fund or the current price or values on any stock exchange in respect of the assets attributable to such Sub-Fund; or f) in any period when the Company is unable to repatriate funds for the purpose of making payments on the redemption of the Shares of such Sub-Fund or during which any transfer of funds involved in the realisation or acquisition of investments or payments due on redemption of shares cannot in the opinion of the Directors be effected at normal rates of exchange; or g) during any period when in the opinion of the Directors there exist circumstances outside the control of the Company where it would be impracticable or unfair towards the shareholders to continue dealing in Shares of the Company; or h) in the event of the publication (i) of the convening of a general meeting of shareholders at which a resolution to wind up the Company or a Sub-Fund is to be proposed, or of the decision of the Directors to wind up one or more Sub-Funds, or (ii) to the extent that such a suspension is justified for the protection of the shareholders, of the notice of the general meeting of shareholders at which the merger of the Company or a Sub-Fund is to be proposed, or of the decision of the Board of Directors to merge one or more Sub-Funds. 2. Any such suspension shall be published, if appropriate, by the Company and shall be notified to shareholders requesting purchase of their shares by the Company at the time of the filing of the written request for such purchase. Such suspension as to any class of shares shall have no effect on the calculation of the net asset value, the issue, redemption and conversion of the shares of any other class of shares. 3. The beginning and end of any period of suspension (excluding customary closing of stock exchanges for not more than three days) will be made known at the registered office of the Company and, if appropriate, announced in a Luxembourg daily newspaper and in any other newspaper as the Directors may decide. Notice will also be given to any Shareholder lodging a request for redemption or conversion of shares. 10. CHARGES AND EXPENSES Each Sub-Fund bears all the costs and expenses which are attributable to it. Costs and charges which are not attributable to a specific Sub-Fund shall be apportioned equitably among the different Sub-Fund, pro rata to their respective net asset values. Costs and expenses shall be charged firstly and fore mostly against investment income. The Sub-Funds shall bear the following costs: a) The costs and expenses incurred in connection with the transformation of the Company and the initial offer of shares of any newly created Sub-Fund; all legal and printing costs and other similar expenses borne by the Sub-Fund and which may be amortised over periods not exceeding five years. b) The Company shall pay an annual all-in fee for each of its Sub-Funds calculated on the basis of the net assets of each Sub-fund, payable monthly and accrued in the accounts of the Company on each Calculation day. The all-in fee, where applicable, includes the services of the Investment Managers, the Central Administration, the Domiciliary Agent, the Custodian Bank, the Global Distributor, the Management Company and any other appointed service providers. The all-in fee rate for each Sub-Fund is mentioned in the relevant Sub-Fund description. The annual and semi-annual reports will also indicate the all-in fee rate applied for the relevant period. Moreover, in respect of certain of the Sub-Fund, the Investment Managers may receive a Performance Fee in accordance with the terms and conditions indicated in the description of each relevant Sub-Fund. c) Luxembourg capital tax presently levied at 0.05% per annum, except for Institutional Share Class for which the tax will be 0.01% per annum, and payable quarterly, calculated on the net assets of the Sub-Funds at the end of the relevant quarter. d) All other taxes and duties which may be payable on the assets, income, expenses and transactions attributable to the Sub-Funds. e) Customary brokerage and bank charges (including safe custody fees) incurred or deducted by the 21 LLOYDS TSB INTERNATIONAL PORTFOLIO PROSPECTUS Custodian Bank or affiliated persons acting in their respective capacity of broker or banker to the Company. having been domiciled, resident or having a permanent establishment in Luxembourg. f) Reasonable out-of-pocket expenses incurred on behalf of the Company. The income of the Company is usually subject to a withholding tax in the country of origin which cannot be recovered. g) The costs of preparing, printing and publishing all the documents and information required by the authorities or in the interests of shareholders, among others the prospectuses, KIID, reports and financial statements, share certificates and the prices of the Company’s shares etc. h) The costs, expenses and fees of the Auditors and Legal and Tax Advisers. i) Reasonable publicity and marketing expenses incurred for the Company’s promotion. Directors who are employed by the Promoter or affiliated persons shall not take any fee. Any other Directors of the Company shall be entitled to remuneration for their services at the amount determined by the Company in the General Meeting from time to time. In addition, each Director may be paid reasonable travelling, hotel and other incidental expenses for attending meetings of the Board of Directors or General Meetings of the Company. 11. TAXATION 11.1 GENERAL At the present time, neither the Company nor the shareholders are subject, in Luxembourg, to income tax, withholding tax, capital gains tax, estate or inheritance tax, except for certain shareholders being or 22 Tax Considerations for European Union resident individuals: The Council of the European Union adopted on 3rd June 2003 the Council Directive 2003/48/EC on the taxation of savings income in the form of interest payments (defined as Savings Directive). Under the Savings Directive, Member States of the European Union (“Member States”) will be required to provide the tax authorities of another Member State with details of payments of interest or other similar income paid by a person within its jurisdiction to an individual resident in that other Member State. Austria and Luxembourg have opted instead for a withholding tax system for a transitional period in relation to such payments. Certain other countries, including the Swiss Confederation, dependant or associated territories in the Caribbean, the Channel Islands, Isle of Man, the Principality of Monaco and the Principality of Liechtenstein, Principality of Andorra and Republic of San Marino have introduced measures equivalent to information reporting or withholding tax. The law implementing the Savings Directive into Luxembourg law has been adopted on 21st June 2005 (the “Law”) and has been published in the “Mémorial A, Recueil de Législation” on 22nd June 2005. Pursuant to the Law, the applicable withholding tax rate is at a rate of 35%. Article 9 of the Law provides that no withholding tax will be withheld if the beneficial owner expressly authorizes the paying agent to report information in accordance with the provisions of the Law. For more information on the option provided for by Article 9 of the Law, please refer to the Authorisation for Disclosure of Information in the Annex. Dividends distributed by a Sub-Fund of the Company will be subject to the Savings Directive if more than 15% of the relevant Sub-Fund’s assets are invested in debt claims (as defined in the Law). Proceeds realised by shareholders on the disposal of shares will be subject to such reporting or withholding if more than 25% of the relevant Sub-Fund’s assets are invested in debt claims. The Company reserves the right to reject any application for shares if the information provided by any prospective investor does not meet the standards required by legalisation enacted as a result of the Savings Directive. The foregoing is only a summary of the implications of the Council Directive 2003/48/EC and the Law, is based on the current interpretation thereof and does not purport to be complete in all repsects. It does not constitute investment or tax advice and investors should therefore seek advice from their financial or tax adviser on the full implications for themselves of the Council Directive 2003/48/EC and the Law. 11.2 UNITED KINGDOM TAXATION It is the intention of the Company to comply with the reporting fund regime. Please refer to the description of the Sub-Funds to verify to which Sub-Fund it is applicable. The Company may decide in future to apply for other Shares classes/Sub-Funds to join the reporting fund regime. The following information and taxation information are based on enacted laws and current practice in the UK. It is not comprehensive and is subject to change. Prospective investors should consult their own professional advisers as to the implications of buying, holding or disposing of Shares. a) The Company The Directors intend to conduct the affairs of the Company so that it does not become resident in the UK for taxation purposes. Accordingly, provided the Company does not exercise a trade within the UK or carry on a trade in the UK through a permanent establishment, the Company will not be subject to UK income tax other than on certain UK source income. It is not expected that the activities of the Company will be regarded as trading activities for the purposes of UK taxation. However, to the extent that the trading activities are carried on in the UK they may in principle be liable to UK tax. The profit from such trading activities will not, based on the UK Finance Act 2003, be assessed to UK tax provided that the Company and the Investment Managers meet certain conditions. The Directors and the Management Company intend to conduct the respective affairs of the Company and the Management Company so that all the conditions are satisfied, so far as those conditions are within their respective control. Certain income received by the Company, which has a UK source, may be subject to deduction of tax in the UK. b) Investors The Directors consider that it constitutes an offshore fund per the definition contained in Section 355 of the taxation (International and Other Provisions) Act 2010. Under the Offshore Funds (Tax) Regulations 2009 (the “Regulations”), an investor who is resident or ordinarily resident in the UK for taxation purposes and holds an interest in an offshore fund will be taxed on any accrued gain at the time of sale, redemption or other disposal as income (“offshore income gains”), unless the fund becomes a “reporting fund” (or previously a fund with distributor status) throughout the period during which the investor holds an interest. Each Share class within a Fund is treated as an offshore fund for the purposes of United Kingdom taxation. than cash awaiting investment), debt securities or certain other investments. Investors subject to UK income tax will pay tax at their full income tax marginal rate on such “interest distributions” if the Company holds more than 60% of its assets in qualifying investments at any time during the relevant period. Otherwise, income distributions received will be taxed as dividends at the lower dividend marginal rates. The Company intends to apply for reporting fund status for accounting periods commencing 1st November of the year. If reporting fund status is obtained, investors shall be subject to income tax on distributions received and reported income attributable to the investor in excess of any amounts actually distributed. Any gain accruing to the investor upon the sale, redemption or other disposal of their interest in a reporting fund will be subsequently taxed as capital gain, with any undistributed income that has been subject to tax being treated as capital expenditure for the purpose of computing the amount of the chargeable gain. Under the corporate debt tax regime in the UK any corporate investor which is within the charge to UK corporation tax will be taxed on the increase in value of its holding on a fair value basis (rather than on disposal) or will obtain tax relief on any equivalent decrease in value, if the investments of the Company consist of more than 60% (by value) of “qualifying investments” at any time during the relevant period. If the fund does not hold more than 60% (by value) of “qualifying investments” at any time during the relevant period, investors who are subject to UK corporation tax should generally expect to be exempt from UK taxation in respect of dividend from the Funds provided that the dividend income does not fall to be treated as trading income. The attention of investors is drawn to Section 39 of Finance act 2009 which provides that certain distributions from offshore funds that are economically similar to payments of yearly interest will be chargeable to tax as if they were yearly interest. A distribution is treated as interest if the offshore fund, at any time during the “relevant period”, holds more than 60% of its assets in the form of qualifying investments (the “qualifying investments test”). Qualifying investments include money placed at interest (other Under current law a disposal of Shares (which includes a redemption) by an individual investor who is resident or ordinarily resident in the United Kingdom for taxation purposes should be taxed at the current capital gains tax rate of 18% or 28% depending on the applicable marginal rate. The principal factors that will be determine the extent to which such capital gains will be subject to capital gains tax are the level of annual allowance of tax free gains in the year in which the disposal takes place, the extent 23 LLOYDS TSB INTERNATIONAL PORTFOLIO PROSPECTUS to which the investor realises any other capital gains in that year and the extent to which the investor has incurred capital losses in that or any earlier tax year. Investors who are bodies corporate resident in the United Kingdom for taxation purposes will be taxed on any such gains at the applicable corporation tax rate (currently 28% for the tax year 2010/2011), but may benefit from indexation allowance which, in general terms, increases the capital gains tax base cost of an asset in accordance with the rise in the retail prices index. Investor who are neither resident nor ordinarily resident in the United Kingdom for taxation purposes should not generally be subject to United Kingdom taxation on any gain realised on any sale, redemption or other disposal of their Shares unless their holding of shares is connected with a branch or agency through which the relevant investor carries on a trade, profession or vocation in the United Kingdom. As noted above, it is the intention of the Company to enter the reporting fund regime for certain Shares of certain Sub-Funds. The reportable income will be made available to each Investor by means of post/fax for each reporting period. The Directors may decide to seek certification for other Sub-Funds in future. For the purposes of UK Taxation a switch from shares in one Sub-Fund to shares in another Sub-Fund will generally be regarded as a disposal. A switch of Shares in the Company from one class of Shares to another class of Shares in a Sub-Fund may constitute a disposal. UK resident or ordinarily resident individual investors holding shares in a non reporting fund which subsequently becomes a UK 24 reporting fund can elect to crystallise gains to that date, that are subject to income tax, and receive capital gains treatment going forward. If they do not make the election, the entire gain will comprise income on disposal. The attention of individuals resident or ordinarily resident in the UK for tax purposes is drawn to Chapter II of Part XIII of the Income Taxes Act 2007, which may render them liable to income tax in respect of undistributed income or profits of the Company. These provisions are aimed at preventing the avoidance of income tax by individuals through a transaction resulting in the transfer of assets or income to persons (including companies) resident or domiciled abroad and may render them liable to income or corporation tax in respect of undistributed income or profits of the Company on an annual basis. The attention of persons resident or ordinarily resident in the UK (and who, if they are individuals, are domiciled in the UK) is drawn to the fact that the provisions of Section 13 of the Taxation of Chargeable Gains 1992 could be material to any person who holds 10% or more of the Shares in the Company if, at the same time, the Company is controlled in such manner as to render it a company that would, were it to have been resident in the UK, be a “close company” for UK taxation purposes. These provisions could, if applied, result in a person being treated, for the purposes of the UK taxation of chargeable gains, as if part of any gain accruing to the Company (such as on a disposal of its investments that constitutes a chargeable gain for those purposes) had accrued to that person directly, that person would be entitled on the winding up of the Company at the time when the chargeable gain accrued to the Company. Section 13 was extended with effect from 6 April 208 to individuals who are domiciled outside the UK, subject to the remittance basis in particular circumstances. The attention of UK resident corporate investors is drawn to the provisions concerning “Controlled Foreign Companies” in Chapter IV (Section 747) of the Taxes Act, which may have the effect, in certain circumstances, of subjecting a company resident in the UK to UK corporation tax on the profits of a company resident outside the UK which does not distribute substantially all of its income. A charge to tax cannot arise however, unless the non-resident company is under the control of persons resident in the UK and, on apportionment of the non-resident’s “chargeable profits”, more than 25% would be attributed to the UK resident and persons associated or connected with them. Investors who are life insurance companies within the charge to United Kingdom corporation taxation for the purposes of their long-term business (other than pensions business) will be deemed to dispose of and immediately reacquire those shares at the end of each accounting period. Such investors should seek their own professional advice as to the taxation consequences of the deemed disposal. 12. REPORTS AND MEETINGS 12.1. REPORTS The Company’s financial year ends on 31 October. The Annual Report containing the audited financial accounts of the Company in respect of the preceding financial year and with details of each of the Sub-Funds is published within four months of the close of the financial year. In addition, an unaudited semi-annual report is published within two months of the end of the relevant half-year. Shareholders may obtain a copy of the reports, upon request, at the registered office of the Company as well as at the offices of the Central Administration and the Representatives of the Company (see Chapter 2 Section 10 to Section 15). 12.2. GENERAL MEETINGS The Annual General Meeting of shareholders of the Company is held at the registered office of the Company in Luxembourg at 11.30 a.m. on the third Tuesday of April every year or, if such day is an official holiday in Luxembourg, on the first following Business day. Other General Meetings of shareholders will be held at such time and place as indicated in the notices of such meetings. Notices of General Meetings of shareholders and other notices are sent to the registered shareholders by mail and, published if necessary in accordance with Luxembourg law in the “Mémorial C, Recueil des Sociétés et Associations” (the “Mémorial”)” and in the “Luxemburger Wort” in Luxembourg and in any other newspapers of the Directors’ choice. Notices shall specify the place and time of the meetings, the conditions for admission, the agenda, the quorum and the voting requirements and will be given in accordance with Luxembourg laws. The requirements as to attendance, quorum and majorities at all General Meetings shall be those laid down in the Articles of Incorporation of the Company and in applicable Luxembourg law. 13. COMPULSORY REDEMPTION AND LIQUIDATION 13.1. MINIMUM NET ASSETS OF THE COMPANY If at any time the net asset value falls below two thirds of the minimum capital prescribed by the 2010 Law, the Directors must submit the question of dissolution of the Company to a General Meeting acting, without minimum quorum requirements, on a simple majority decision of the shares represented at the Meeting. If at any time the net asset value of all outstanding shares is less than one quarter of the minimum capital at the time being required by the 2010 Law, the Directors must submit the question of dissolution of the Company to a General Meeting acting without minimum quorum requirements and a decision to dissolve the Company may be taken by the shareholders owning one quarter of the shares represented at the Meeting. 13.2. LIQUIDATION OF THE COMPANY If the Company shall be voluntarily liquidated, its liquidation shall be carried out by one or more liquidators appointed by the General Meeting of shareholders. The liquidation shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the 2010 Law which specifies the steps to be taken to enable shareholders to participate in the liquidation distributions and in that connection provides for deposit in escrow at the Caisse de Consignation of any such amounts as have not been claimed by any shareholders prior to the close of liquidation. Amounts not claimed from escrow within the prescribed period shall be liable to be forfeited in accordance with the provisions of Luxembourg law. 13.3. MERGER OR LIQUIDATION OF SUB-FUNDS The Board of Directors of the Company may decide to liquidate one class of shares if the net assets of such class of shares decreased below an amount decided from time to time by the Board of Directors or if a change in the economic or political situation relating to the relevant class of shares would have material adverse consequences on investments of the class, or in order to proceed with an economic rationalisation or if the interests of the shareholders would justify it. The decision relating to the liquidation will be published or notified to the shareholders by the Company as decided from time to time by the Board of Directors, prior to the effective date of the liquidation and the publication/ notification will indicate the reasons for, and the procedures pertaining to the liquidation. Unless the Board of Directors otherwise decides in the interests of, or to keep equal treatment between the shareholders, the shareholders of the relevant class of shares may continue to request redemption or conversion of their shares on the basis of the applicable net asset value, taking into account the estimated liquidation expenses. Assets which could not be distributed to their beneficiaries will be deposited with the “Caisse des Consignations” in Luxembourg on behalf of their beneficiaries within the nine months from the date of the liquidation decision. In the event that the Board of Directors determines that it is 25 LLOYDS TSB INTERNATIONAL PORTFOLIO PROSPECTUS required by the interests of the shareholders of the relevant class of shares or that a change in the economic or political situation relating to the class of shares concerned has occurred which would justify it, the reorganisation of one class of shares, by means of a division into two or more classes, may be decided by the Board of Directors. Such decision will be published in the same manner as described above and, in addition, the publication will contain information in relation to the two or more new classes of shares. Such publication will be made one month before the date on which the reorganisation becomes effective in order to enable the shareholders to request redemption of their shares, free of charge before the operation involving division into two or more classes of shares becomes effective. Where the Board of Directors does not have the authority to do so or where the Board of Directors determines that the decision should be put for shareholders’ approval, the decision to liquidate a class of shares may be taken at a shareholders’ meeting of the class of shares to be liquidated instead of being taken by the Board of Directors. At such class meeting, no quorum shall be required and the decision to liquidate must be approved by shareholders holding at least a simple majority of the votes cast. Any merger of a class shall be decided by the Board of Directors unless the Board of Directors decides to submit the decision for a merger to a meeting of shareholders of the class concerned. No quorum is required for this meeting of shareholders and decisions are taken by a simple majority of the votes cast. In case of a merger of one or more class(es) where, as a result, the Company ceases to exist, the merger 26 shall be decided by a meeting of shareholders resolving in accordance with the quorum and majority requirements for changing these Articles of Incorporation. In addition, the provisions on mergers of UCITS set forth in the 2010 Law and any implementing regulation shall apply. 14. OTHER INFORMATION - - 14.1. TRADING ON THE LUXEMBOURG STOCK EXCHANGE Shares of the Company are quoted on the Luxembourg Stock Exchange and dealings in the shares are subject to the payment of customary charges and brokerage fees. 14.2. DOCUMENTS AVAILABLE FOR INSPECTION Copies of the following documents are available for inspection during normal business hours on any banking Business day at the registered office of the Company and at the offices of the Representatives of the Company (see Chapter 2 Section 2.10 to Section 2.15): - Articles of Incorporation; (a copy of these will be provided to any shareholder upon request to the Central Administration of the Company). - Agreement dated 1st November 2012 between the Company and CMI Asset Management (Luxembourg) S.A. (the “Fund Management Agreement”). - Agreement dated 2nd November 2010, between the Company and the Custodian Bank (“Custodian Agreement”). - Agreement dated 1st November 2012 between the Company, Scottish Widows Investment Partnership Ltd. and CMI Asset Management - - - (Luxembourg) S.A. (the “Investment Management Agreement”). Agreement dated 1st November 2012 between the Company, Lloyds TSB Bank plc, Geneva Branch and CMI Asset Management (Luxembourg) S.A. (the “Investment Management Agreement”). Agreement dated 1st November 2012 between the Company, Lombard Odier Asset Management (Switzerland) S.A. and CMI Asset Management (Luxembourg) S.A. (the “Investment Management Agreement”). Agreement dated 1st November 2012 between the Company, State Street Bank Luxembourg S.A.and CMI Asset Management (Luxembourg) S.A. (the “Central Administration Agreement”). Agreement dated 1st November 2012 between the Company, CMI Asset Management (Luxembourg) S.A. and Lloyds TSB Bank plc, Geneva Branch (“Global Distribution Agreement”). Representation Agreements in Switzerland (dated 30 th August 1990, modified for the last time on 2nd November 2010), in Spain (dated 5th September 1994, modified for the last time on 1st November 2012), in France (dated 13th March 1995, on 21st May 2002, modified for the last time on 1st November 2012), in Gibraltar (dated 17th September 1996, modified for the last time on 1st November 2012), in Belgium (dated 30 th July 1997, modified for the last time on 1st November 2012) and in the United Kingdom (dated 13th May 2002 modified for the last time on 1st November 2012). These agreements may be terminated by either party subject to 90 days’ written notice. 14.3. RISK MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES The Management Company, on behalf of the Company will employ a risk-management process which enables it to monitor and measure at any time the risk of the positions and their contribution to the overall risk profile of each Sub-Fund. The Management Company will employ, if applicable, a process for accurate and independent assessment of the value of any OTC derivative instruments. times with the rules set forth in the latest relevant European and/or Luxembourg applicable laws and/or regulations. For details in relation to the methods used by each Sub-Fund to calculate the global exposure and the leverage ratio, please refer to the relevant Description of a Sub-Fund. This approach measures the global exposure related solely to positions on financial derivative instruments under consideration of netting or hedging. The Management Company will calculate the global exposure of each Sub-Fund by using either the Value-at-Risk (VaR) methodology or the “commitment approach” depending on the Directors’ assessment of the risk profile of the relevant Sub-Fund resulting from its Investment Policy (including but not limited to its potential use of financial derivative instruments and the features thereof) in accordance with the relevant European and/or Luxembourg applicable laws and/or regulations. In addition, and unless otherwise provided in the relevant Description of a Sub-Fund, the Management Company will calculate the leverage ratio of each Sub-Fund by using the commitment approach. The Value-at-Risk (VaR) is a statistical model which intends to quantify the maximum potential loss at a given confidence level (probability) over a specific time period under ‘normal’ market conditions. The leverage ratio measures in particular the usage of financial derivatives within the portfolio. The leverage ratio calculation and the VaR calculation, the backtesting, as well as exposure limits on counterparties and issuer concentration shall comply at all 27 ANNEXES DESCRIPTION OF SUB-FUNDS For the purpose of the application of the two-thirds rule as indicated below in the investment policy of each Sub-Fund, the notion of “assets” include the assets plus the liabilities of the Sub-Fund less the liquidities. Bond Sub-Funds LLOYDS TSB INTERNATIONAL PORTFOLIO STERLING BOND FUND Investment Policy The portfolio invests at least two-thirds of its assets in bonds encompassing all types of borrower, maturity and mode of payment of interest (coupons, discount, etc.) denominated in Pound Sterling. Furthermore, it may invest up to 25% of its assets in convertible bonds or bonds cum warrants and up to 10% of its assets in shares and any other security without any restriction as to country or economic sector. The overall return of the Sub-Fund is achieved principally through interest income. Investments may be made in currencies other than the Pound Sterling provided that the exchange risk is fully covered by the appropriate financial instruments and that these investments do not exceed one-third of the Sub-Fund’s assets. Furthermore, for efficient portfolio management and not for leverage purpose, the Sub-Fund may decide, from time to time, to use financial derivative instruments such as interest rate futures and swaps. The Sub-Fund will not invest more than 10% of its nets assets in UCITS or other UCIs as defined under Chapter 4 A.1 e) of this Prospectus. Investment Manager Scottish Widows Investment Partnership Ltd. (SWIP) 28 Sub-Fund’s Risk Profile Minimum residual in the Sub-Fund The risk in a Single Currency Bond Fund needs to be distinguished from that of an individual bond held to maturity. As Bond Sub-Funds are actively managed, the individual bonds in the portfolio will not necessarily be held until maturity. Capital gains or losses on bonds held in the Sub-Fund’s portfolio may therefore be realised and the share price of the Sub-Fund will reflect this, even though this Sub-Fund aims to achieve the majority of its total return from interest income. Volatility will normally be less pronounced than for equity investments. If compliance with redemption instructions results in a residual holding in the Sub-Fund of less than USD 10,000 (or its equivalent in other currencies), the Company may compulsorily redeem the residual shares at the current bid price and pay the proceeds thereof to the relevant shareholder. Profile of the Typical Investor The Sub-Fund is intended for investors with a below average risk tolerance who are however able and/ or willing to accept some volatility and whose investment time horizon is at least two years. Global exposure calculation methodology: Commitment approach Classes of Shares Class A (Accumulation) denominated in GBP “Class A acc. GBP” UK Reporting Status: No Minimum Subscription and subsequent investment The minimum initial investment in any one Class of Shares of the Sub-Fund is USD 10,000 (or its equivalent in another currency). Subsequent subscription of shares relating to any Class of Shares of the Sub-Fund is USD 5,000 (or its equivalent in another currency). Reference Currency: GBP Subscription/redemption process Orders must be received by the Central Administration, by 5.00 p.m. (Luxembourg time), on each business day prior to each Calculation day and will be executed at the price determined on the basis of the net asset value calculated on that Calculation day. Payment of the Subscription/ redemption orders Payment from/in favour of the shareholders (and not from/in favour of a third-party) in the currency of the shares subscribed, or in another currency if requested by the applicant, should be made by bank transfer in cleared funds to the account of the Central Administration within three Business days following the Calculation day. Performance of the Sub-Fund LLOYDS TSB INTERNATIONAL PORTFOLIO US DOLLAR BOND FUND LIP Sterling Bond Fund 12.00% 9.84% 10.00% Investment Policy 8.00% 6.00% 5.36% 4.98% 4.00% 2.00% 0.00% 31 Oct. 2010 31 Oct. 2011 31 Oct. 2012 The graph shows the past performance of the Sub-Fund in GBP. Such performance does not include the Subscription Fee. Past performance is not necessarily a guide to the future performance. The value of an investment and the income from it can go down as well as up and investors may not get back the amount invested. Expenses Shareholder transaction expenses: - Subscription Fee of 4.25% of the net asset value per share, payable to the Distributor and charged to investors when buying shares of the Sub-Fund. - Redemptions are free. Annual operating expenses of the Sub-Fund (Expenses are paid out of the Sub-Fund’s assets. They are fully reflected in the net asset value per share): - All-in Fee: max. 0.8575% p.a. including the services of the Investment Manager, the Central Administration, the Domiciliary Agent, the Custodian Bank, the Global Distributor, the Management Company and any other appointed service providers. - Other Expenses as specified under Chapters 10 and 11 of this Prospectus. The portfolio invests at least two-thirds of its assets in bonds, encompassing all types of borrower, maturity and mode of payment of interest (coupons, discount, etc.) denominated in US Dollar. Furthermore, it may invest up to 25% of its assets in convertible bonds or bonds cum warrants and up to 10% of its assets in shares and any other security without any restriction as to country or economic sector. The overall return of the Sub-Fund is achieved principally through interest income. Investments may be made in currencies other than the US Dollar provided that the exchange risk is fully covered by the appropriate financial instruments and that these investments do not exceed one-third of the Sub-Fund’s assets. Furthermore, for efficient portfolio management and not for leverage purpose, the Sub-Fund may decide, from time to time, to use financial derivative instruments such as interest rate futures and swaps. The Sub-Fund will not invest more than 10% of its nets assets in UCITS or other UCIs as defined under Chapter 4 A.1 e) of this Prospectus. bonds in the portfolio will not necessarily be held until maturity. Capital gains or losses on bonds held in the Sub-Fund’s portfolio may therefore be realised and the share price of the Sub-Fund will reflect this, even though this Fund aims to achieve the majority of its total return from interest income. Volatility will normally be less pronounced than for equity investments. Profile of the Typical Investor The Sub-Fund is intended for investors with a below average risk tolerance who are however able and/ or willing to accept some volatility and whose investment time horizon is at least two years. Global exposure calculation methodology: Commitment approach Classes of Shares Class A (Accumulation) denominated in USD “Class A acc. USD” UK Reporting Status: No Minimum Subscription and subsequent investment Scottish Widows Investment Partnership Ltd. (SWIP) The minimum initial investment in any one Class of Shares of the Sub-Fund is USD 10,000 (or its equivalent in another currency). Subsequent subscription of shares relating to any Class of Shares of the Sub-Fund is USD 5,000 (or its equivalent in another currency). Sub-Fund’s Risk Profile Minimum residual in the Sub-Fund The risk in a Single Currency Bond Fund needs to be distinguished from that of an individual bond held to maturity. As Bond Sub-Funds are actively managed, the individual If compliance with redemption instructions results in a residual holding in the Sub-Fund of less than USD 10,000 (or its equivalent in other currencies), the Company may Investment Manager 29 ANNEXES DESCRIPTION OF SUB-FUNDS compulsorily redeem the residual shares at the current bid price and pay the proceeds thereof to the relevant shareholder. The value of an investment and the income from it can go down as well as up and investors may not get back the amount invested. Reference Currency: USD Expenses Subscription/redemption process Orders must be received by the Central Administration, by 5.00 p.m. (Luxembourg time), on each business day prior to each Calculation day and will be executed at the price determined on the basis of the net asset value calculated on that Calculation day. Payment of the Subscription/ redemption orders Payment from/in favour of the shareholders (and not from/in favour of a third-party) in the currency of the shares subscribed, or in another currency if requested by the applicant, should be made by bank transfer in cleared funds to the account of the Central Administration within three Business days following the Calculation day. Shareholders transaction expenses: - Subscription Fee of 4.25% of the net asset value per share, payable to the Distributor and charged to investors when buying shares of the Sub-Fund. - Redemptions are free. Annual operating expenses of the Sub-Fund (Expenses are paid out of the Sub-Fund’s assets. They are fully reflected in the net asset value per share): - All-in Fee: max. 0.8575% p.a. including the services of the Investment Manager, the Central Administration, the Domiciliary Agent, the Custodian Bank, the Global Distributor, the Management Company and any other appointed service providers. - Other Expenses as specified under Chapters 10 and 11 of this Prospectus. LLOYDS TSB INTERNATIONAL PORTFOLIO EURO BOND FUND Performance of the Sub-Fund LIP US Dollar Bond Fund Investment Policy 7.00% 6.00% 5.98% 5.47% 5.00% 4.00% 3.00% 2.33% 2.00% 1.00% 0.00% 31 Oct. 2010 31 Oct. 2011 31 Oct. 2012 The graph shows the past performance of the Sub-Fund in USD. Such performance does not include the Subscription Fee. Past performance is not necessarily a guide to the future performance. 30 The portfolio invests at least two-thirds of its assets in bonds, encompassing all types of borrower, maturity and mode of payment of interest (coupons, discount, etc.) denominated in Euro. Furthermore, it may invest up to 25% of its assets in convertible bonds or bonds cum warrants and up to 10% of its assets in shares and any other security without any restriction as to country or economic sector. The overall return of the Sub-Fund is achieved principally through interest income. Investments may be made in currencies other than the Euro provided that the exchange risk is fully covered by the appropriate financial instruments and that these investments do not exceed one-third of the Sub-Fund’s assets. Furthermore, for efficient portfolio management and not for leverage purpose, the Sub-Fund may decide, from time to time, to use financial derivative instruments such as interest rate futures and swaps. The Sub-Fund will not invest more than 10% of its nets assets in UCITS or other UCIs as defined under Chapter 4 A.1 e) of this Prospectus. Investment Manager Scottish Widows Investment Partnership Ltd. (SWIP) Sub-Fund’s Risk Profile The risk in a Single Currency Bond Fund needs to be distinguished from that of an individual bond held to maturity. As Bond Funds are actively managed, the individual bonds in the portfolio will not necessarily be held until maturity. Capital gains or losses on bonds held in the Sub-Fund’s portfolio may therefore be realised and the share price of the Sub-Fund will reflect this, even though this Sub-Fund aims to achieve the majority of its total return from interest income. Volatility will normally be less pronounced than for equity investments. Profile of the Typical Investor The Sub-Fund is intended for investors with a below average risk tolerance who are however able and/ or willing to accept some volatility and whose investment time horizon is at least two years. Global exposure calculation methodology: Commitment approach Classes of Shares Class A (Accumulation) denominated in EUR “Class A acc. EUR” UK Reporting Status: No Minimum Subscription and subsequent investment The minimum initial investment in any one Class of Shares of the Sub-Fund is USD 10,000 (or its equivalent in another currency). Subsequent subscription of shares relating to any Class of Shares of the Sub-Fund is USD 5,000 (or its equivalent in another currency). Payment of the Subscription/ redemption orders Payment from/in favour of the shareholders (and not from/in favour of a third-party) in the currency of the shares subscribed, or in another currency if requested by the applicant, should be made by bank transfer in cleared funds to the account of the Central Administration within three Business days following the Calculation day. Performance of the Sub-Fund 9.06% 8.00% 6.00% 4.18% 4.00% 2.00% 0.00% -0.09% -2.00% 31 Oct. 2010 31 Oct. 2011 31 Oct. 2012 Minimum residual in the Sub-Fund If compliance with redemption instructions results in a residual holding in the Sub-Fund of less than USD 10,000 (or its equivalent in other currencies), the Company may compulsorily redeem the residual shares at the current bid price and pay the proceeds thereof to the relevant shareholder. The graph shows the past performance of the Sub-Fund in EUR. Such performance does not include the Subscription Fee. Reference Currency: EUR Expenses Subscription/redemption process Orders must be received by the Central Administration, by 5.00 p.m. (Luxembourg time), on each business day prior to each Calculation day and will be executed at the price determined on the basis of the net asset value calculated on that Calculation day. LLOYDS TSB INTERNATIONAL PORTFOLIO EURO CORPORATE BOND FUND Investment Policy LIP Euro Bond Fund 10.00% Administration, the Domiciliary Agent, the Custodian Bank, the Global Distributor, the Management Company and any other appointed service providers. - Other Expenses as specified under Chapters 10 and 11 of this Prospectus. Past performance is not necessarily a guide to the future performance. The value of an investment and the income from it can go down as well as up and investors may not get back the amount invested. Shareholders transaction expenses: - Subscription Fee of 4.25% of the net asset value per share, payable to the Distributor and charged to investors when buying shares of the Sub-Fund. - Redemptions are free. Annual operating expenses of the Sub-Fund (Expenses are paid out of the Sub-Fund’s assets. They are fully reflected in the net asset value per share): - All-in Fee: max. 0.8575% p.a. including the services of the Investment Manager, the Central The Sub-Fund invests its assets predominantly in a diverse portfolio of high grade corporate bonds encompassing all types of maturity and mode of payment of interest (coupons, discounts etc.) denominated in Euro. It may however invest in sovereign issues from time to time at the Investment Manager’s discretion in order to minimise risk, protect capital and meet the targeted overall return of this Sub-Fund. This return will be achieved principally through interest income. The portfolio will be highly diversified by issuer, sector and maturity. Investments made in currencies other than the Euro will not exceed 30% of the net assets and the exchange risk will be fully covered by the appropriate financial instruments. Furthermore, for efficient portfolio management and not for leverage purpose, the Sub-Fund may use financial derivative instruments such as bond futures. The Sub-Fund will not invest more than 10% of its net assets in UCITS or other UCIs as defined under Chapter 4 A.1.e) of this Prospectus. 31 ANNEXES DESCRIPTION OF SUB-FUNDS Investment Manager Scottish Widows Investment Partnership Ltd. (SWIP) Subsequent subscription of shares relating to any Class of Shares of the Sub-Fund is USD 5,000 (or its equivalent in another currency). Performance of the Sub-Fund: LIP Euro Corporate Bond Fund 10.00% 8.42% 8.00% Sub-Fund’s Risk Profile Minimum residual in the Sub-Fund 6.00% The risk is a Single Currency Bond Fund needs to be distinguished from that of an individual bond held to maturity. As Bond Sub-Funds are actively managed, the individual bonds in the portfolio will not necessarily be held until maturity. Capital gains or losses on bonds held in the Sub-Fund’s portfolio may therefore be realised and the share price of the Sub-Fund will reflect this, even though this Sub-Fund aims to achieve the majority of its total return from interest income. Volatility will normally be less pronounced than for equity investments. If compliance with redemption instructions results in a residual holding in the Sub-Fund of less than USD 10,000 (or its equivalent in other currencies), the Company may compulsorily redeem the residual shares at the current bid price and pay the proceeds thereof to the relevant shareholder. 4.00% Profile of the Typical Investor The Sub-Fund is intended for investors with a below average risk tolerance who are however able and/ or willing to accept some volatility and whose investment time horizon is at least two years. Global exposure calculation methodology: Commitment approach Classes of Shares Class A (Accumulation) denominated in EUR “Class A acc. EUR” UK Reporting Status: No Minimum Subscription and subsequent investment The minimum initial investment in any one Class of Shares of the Sub-Fund is USD 10,000 (or its equivalent in another currency). 32 Reference Currency: EUR Subscription/redemption process Orders must be received by the Central Administration, by 5.00 p.m. (Luxembourg time), on each business day prior to each Calculation day and will be executed at the price determined on the basis of the net asset value calculated on that Calculation day. Payment of the Subscription/ redemption orders Payment from/in favour of the shareholders (and not from/in favour of a third-party) in the currency of the shares subscribed, or in another currency if requested by the applicant, should be made by bank transfer in cleared funds to the account of the Central Administration within three Business days following the Calculation day. 3.82%* 2.00% 1.16% 0.00% 31 Oct. 2010 31 Oct. 2011 *Launch date: 27 november 2009 31 Oct. 2012 The graph shows the past performance of the Sub-Fund in EUR. Such performance does not include the Subscription Fee. Past performance is not necessarily a guide to the future performance. The value of an investment and the income from it can go down as well as up and investors may not get back the amount invested. Expenses Shareholders transaction expenses: - Subscription Fee of 4.25% of the net asset value per share, payable to the Distributor and charged to investors when buying shares of the Sub-Fund. - Redemptions are free. Annual operating expenses of the Sub-Fund (Expenses are paid out of the Sub-Fund’s assets. They are fully reflected in the net asset value per share): - All-in Fee: max. 0.6575% p.a. including the services of the Investment Manager, the Central Administration, the Domiciliary Agent, the Custodian Bank, the Global Distributor, the Management Company and any other appointed service providers. - Other Expenses as specified under Chapters 10 and 11 of this Prospectus. Standard Equity Sub-Funds LLOYDS TSB INTERNATIONAL PORTFOLIO UK EQUITY FUND Investment Policy The portfolio invests at least two-thirds of its assets in shares and other securities and participation rights and up to one-third of its assets in bonds, convertible bonds and bonds cum warrants encompassing all types of borrower, maturity and mode of payment of interest (coupons, discount, etc.). All shares and other securities and bonds in which the Sub-Fund invests will always be denominated in Pound Sterling and will be preferably issued by companies having their base or a predominant portion of their economic activities in the United Kingdom. The Sub-Fund will not invest more than 10% of its nets assets in UCITS or other UCIs as defined under Chapter 4 A.1 e) of this Prospectus. Investment Manager Scottish Widows Investment Partnership Ltd. (SWIP) Sub-Fund’s Risk Profile The Sub-Fund exhibits a high level of volatility. Capital losses are possible although in the longer term, equities have historically tended to provide higher total returns than bond or money market investments. the risk/reward concept related to the equity market exposure. Equity holdings are diversified among several sectors of activity. The relative volatility of such a portfolio requires an investment time horizon of about five years. and will be executed at the price determined on the basis of the net asset value calculated on that Calculation day. Global exposure calculation methodology: Commitment approach Payment from/in favour of the shareholders (and not from/in favour of a third-party) in the currency of the shares subscribed, or in another currency if requested by the applicant, should be made by bank transfer in cleared funds to the account of the Central Administration within three Business days following the Calculation day. Classes of Shares Class A (Accumulation) denominated in GBP “Class A acc. GBP” UK Reporting Status: No Minimum Subscription and subsequent investment The minimum initial investment in any one Class of Shares of the Sub-Fund is USD 10,000 (or its equivalent in another currency). Subsequent subscription of shares relating to any Class of Shares of the Sub-Fund is USD 5,000 (or its equivalent in another currency). Minimum residual in the Sub-Fund If compliance with redemption instructions results in a residual holding in the Sub-Fund of less than USD 10,000 (or its equivalent in other currencies), the Company may compulsorily redeem the residual shares at the current bid price and pay the proceeds thereof to the relevant shareholder. Investments in an Equity Sub-Fund should be undertaken as a long-term decision. Reference Currency: GBP Profile of the Typical Investor Subscription/redemption process The UK Equity Fund is intended for investors with an above average risk tolerance and who fully understand Orders must be received by the Central Administration, by 5.00 p.m. (Luxembourg time), on each business day prior to each Calculation day Payment of the Subscription/ redemption orders Performance of the Sub-Fund LIP UK Equity Fund 20.00% 15.00% 13.02% 10.00% 4.52% 5.00% 0.00% -2.19% -5.00% 31 Oct. 2010 31 Oct. 2011 31 Oct. 2012 The graph shows the past performance of the Sub-Fund in GBP. Such performance does not include the Subscription Fee. Past performance is not necessarily a guide to the future performance. The value of an investment and the income from it can go down as well as up and investors may not get back the amount invested. Expenses Shareholders transaction expenses: - Subscription Fee of 4.25% of the net asset value per share, payable to the Distributor and charged to investors when buying shares of the Sub-Fund. 33 ANNEXES DESCRIPTION OF SUB-FUNDS - Redemptions are free. Sub-Fund’s Risk Profile Minimum residual in the Sub-Fund Annual operating expenses of the Sub-Fund (Expenses are paid out of the Sub-Fund’s assets. They are fully reflected in the net asset value per share): - All-in Fee: max. 2.045% p.a. including the services of the Investment Manager, the Central Administration, the Domiciliary Agent, the Custodian Bank, the Global Distributor, the Management Company and any other appointed service providers. - Other Expenses as specified under Chapters 10 and 11 of this Prospectus. This Sub-Fund exhibits a high level of volatility. Capital losses are possible although in the longer term, equities have historically tended to provide higher total returns than bond or money market investments. If compliance with redemption instructions results in a residual holding in the Sub-Fund of less than USD 10,000 (or its equivalent in other currencies), the Company may compulsorily redeem the residual shares at the current bid price and pay the proceeds thereof to the relevant shareholder. LLOYDS TSB INTERNATIONAL PORTFOLIO NORTH AMERICA EQUITY FUND Investment Policy The portfolio invests at least two-thirds of its assets in shares and other securities and participation rights and up to one-third of its assets in bonds, convertible bonds and bonds cum warrants encompassing all types of borrower, maturity and mode of payment of interest (coupons, discount, etc.). All shares and other securities and bonds in which the Sub-Fund invests will always be issued by companies or private or public institutions having their base or a predominant portion of their economic activities in North America. The Sub-Fund will not invest more than 10% of its nets assets in UCITS or other UCIs as defined under Chapter 4 A.1 e) of this Prospectus. Investment Manager Scottish Widows Investment Partnership Ltd. (SWIP) 34 Investments in an Equity Sub-Fund should be undertaken as a long-term decision. Profile of the Typical Investor Reference Currency: USD The Sub-Fund is intended for investors with an above average risk tolerance and who fully understand the risk/reward concept related to the equity market exposure. Equity holdings are diversified among several sectors of activity. The relative volatility of such a portfolio requires an investment time horizon of about five years. Subscription/redemption process Global exposure calculation methodology: Commitment approach Payment of the Subscription/ redemption orders Classes of Shares Class A (Accumulation) denominated in USD “Class A acc. USD” UK Reporting Status: No Minimum Subscription and subsequent investment The minimum initial investment in any one Class of Shares of the SubFund is USD 10,000 (or its equivalent in another currency). Subsequent subscription of shares relating to any Class of Shares of the Sub-Fund is USD 5,000 (or its equivalent in another currency). Orders must be received by the Central Administration, by 5.00 p.m. (Luxembourg time), on each business day prior to each Calculation day and will be executed at the price determined on the basis of the net asset value calculated on that Calculation day. Payment from/in favour of the shareholders (and not from/in favour of a third-party) in the currency of the shares subscribed, or in another currency if requested by the applicant, should be made by bank transfer in cleared funds to the account of the Central Administration within three Business days following the Calculation day. Performance of the Sub-Fund LIP North America Equity Fund 14.00% 12.82% 12.51% 12.00% 10.00% 8.00% 5.40% 6.00% 4.00% 2.00% 0.00% 31 Oct. 2010 31 Oct. 2011 31 Oct. 2012 The graph shows the past performance of the Sub-Fund in USD. Such performance does not include the Subscription Fee. Past performance is not necessarily a guide to the future performance. The value of an investment and the income from it can go down as well as up and investors may not get back the amount invested. interest (coupons, discount, etc.) all over the world. The main aim of this Sub-Fund is to seek optimum growth through appropriate investments in securities with differing yields. The Sub-Fund will not invest more than 10% of its nets assets in UCITS or other UCIs as defined under Chapter 4 A.1 e) of this Prospectus. Investment Manager Expenses Shareholders transaction expenses: - Subscription Fee of 4.25% of the net asset value per share, payable to the Distributor and charged to investors when buying shares of the Sub-Fund. - Redemptions are free. Annual operating expenses of the Sub-Fund (Expenses are paid out of the Sub-Fund’s assets. They are fully reflected in the net asset value per share): - All-in Fee: max. 2.045% p.a. including the services of the Investment Manager, the Central Administration, the Domiciliary Agent, the Custodian Bank, the Global Distributor, the Management Company and any other appointed service providers. - Other Expenses as specified under Chapters 10 and 11 of this Prospectus. LLOYDS TSB INTERNATIONAL PORTFOLIO WORLD EQUITY FUND Investment Policy The portfolio invests at least two-thirds of its assets in shares and other securities and participation rights and up to one-third of its assets in bonds, convertible bonds and bonds cum warrants encompassing all types of borrower, maturity and mode of payment of Scottish Widows Investment Partnership Ltd. (SWIP) Sub-Fund’s Risk Profile This Sub-Fund exhibits a high level of volatility. Capital losses are possible although in the longer term, equities have historically tended to provide higher total returns than bond or money market investments. Foreign currency exposure may reach more than half of the portfolio, which could involve periods with a high degree of fluctuation in the value of the portfolio. Classes of Shares Class A (Accumulation) denominated in USD “Class A acc. USD” UK Reporting Status: No Minimum Subscription and subsequent investment The minimum initial investment in any one Class of Shares of the Sub-Fund is USD 10,000 (or its equivalent in another currency). Subsequent subscription of shares relating to any Class of Shares of the Sub-Fund is USD 5,000 (or its equivalent in another currency). Minimum residual in the Sub-Fund Investments in an Equity Sub-Fund should be undertaken as a long-term decision. If compliance with redemption instructions results in a residual holding in the Sub-Fund of less than USD 10,000 (or its equivalent in other currencies), the Company may compulsorily redeem the residual shares at the current bid price and pay the proceeds thereof to the relevant shareholder. Profile of the Typical Investor Reference Currency: USD The Sub-Fund is intended for investors with a high tolerance to the risks associated with fully investing in international and emerging markets equities and with foreign currency exposure in those countries. It is therefore important that the investor accepts that this could involve periods with a high degree of fluctuation in the value of the portfolio. As a consequence, a commitment to an investment period in excess of five years is fundamental. Global exposure calculation methodology: Commitment approach Subscription/redemption process Orders must be received by the Central Administration, by 5.00 p.m. (Luxembourg time), on each business day prior to each Calculation day and will be executed at the price determined on the basis of the net asset value calculated on that Calculation day. Payment of the Subscription/ redemption orders Payment from/in favour of the shareholders (and not from/in favour of a third-party) in the currency 35 ANNEXES DESCRIPTION OF SUB-FUNDS of the shares subscribed, or in another currency if requested by the applicant, should be made by bank transfer in cleared funds to the account of the Central Administration within three Business days following the Calculation day. LLOYDS TSB INTERNATIONAL PORTFOLIO SWISS EQUITY FUND Performance of the Sub-Fund LIP World Equity Fund Investment Policy 12.00% 10.47% 10.00% 8.00% 4.99% 6.00% 4.00% 2.00% 0.00% -2.00% -1.75% -4.00% 31 Oct. 2010 31 Oct. 2011 31 Oct. 2012 The graph shows the past performance of the Sub-Fund in USD. Such performance does not include the Subscription Fee. Past performance is not necessarily a guide to the future performance. The value of an investment and the income from it can go down as well as up and investors may not get back the amount invested. Expenses Shareholders transaction expenses: - Subscription Fee of 4.25% of the net asset value per share, payable to the Distributor and charged to investors when buying shares of the Sub-Fund. - Redemptions are free. Annual operating expenses of the Sub-Fund (Expenses are paid out of the Sub-Fund’s assets. They are fully reflected in the net asset value per share): - All-in Fee: max. 2.045% p.a. including the services of the Investment Manager, the Central Administration, the Domiciliary Agent, the Custodian Bank, the Global Distributor, the 36 Management Company and any other appointed service providers. - Other Expenses as specified under Chapters 10 and 11 of this Prospectus. The portfolio invests at least two-thirds of its assets in shares and other securities and participation rights issued by companies having their registered office or their principal place of business in Switzerland. Up to one-third of the Sub-Fund’s assets may be invested in bonds, convertible bonds and bonds cum warrants encompassing all types of borrower, maturity and mode of payment of interest (coupons, discount, etc.) issued by private or public institutions having their base or a predominant portion of their economic activities in Switzerland. All shares and other securities and bonds in which the Sub-Fund invests will always be denominated in Swiss Francs. The Sub-Fund will not invest more than 10% of its nets assets in UCITS or other UCIs as defined under Chapter 4 A.1 e) of this Prospectus including other Sub-Funds of the Company. In order to achieve its investment objective, the Sub-Fund may enter into financial derivative transactions as described under Chapter 4 A.2 of this Prospectus and in particular in futures on stock market indices, on a permanent basis. The Sub-Fund will not be affected by counterparty’s risk in relation to this Futures. However, in order to eliminate the risk of the leverage effect from such financial derivative instruments, the Sub-Fund will maintain during the duration of the Futures an amount of liquidities equivalent to the underlying exposure generated by these Futures. This will ensure that the volatility of this Sub-Fund will not be affected by the use of such financial derivative instruments. Investment Manager Lombard Odier Asset Management (Switzerland) S.A. Sub-Fund’s Risk Profile This Sub-Fund exhibits a high level of volatility. Capital losses are possible although in the longer term, equities have historically tended to provide higher total returns than bond or money market investments. Investments in an Equity Sub-Fund should be undertaken as a long-term decision. Profile of the Typical Investor The Sub-Fund is intended for investors with an above average risk tolerance and who fully understand the risk/reward concept related to the equity market exposure. Equity holdings are diversified among several sectors of activity. The relative volatility of such a portfolio requires an investment time horizon of about five years. Global exposure calculation methodology: Commitment approach Classes of Shares Class A (Accumulation) denominated in CHF “Class A acc. CHF” Class A (Distribution) denominated in CHF “Class A dis. CHF” UK Reporting Status: Yes Minimum Subscription and subsequent investment The minimum initial investment in any one Class of Shares of the Sub-Fund is USD 10,000 (or its equivalent in another currency). Subsequent subscription of shares relating to any Class of Shares of the Sub-Fund is USD 5,000 (or its equivalent in another currency). Minimum residual in the Sub-Fund If compliance with redemption instructions results in a residual holding in the Sub-Fund of less than USD 10,000 (or its equivalent in other currencies), the Company may compulsorily redeem the residual shares at the current bid price and pay the proceeds thereof to the relevant shareholder. - Other Expenses as specified under Chapters 10 and 11 of this Prospectus. Performance of the Sub-Fund LIP Swiss Equity Fund (A acc. CHF) 15.00% 9.98% 10.00% 6.58% LLOYDS TSB INTERNATIONAL PORTFOLIO EURO EQUITY FUND 5.00% 0.00% -5.00% Investment Policy -10.00% -12.66% -15.00% 31 Oct. 2010 31 Oct. 2011 31 Oct. 2012 Please note that the Investment Manager has changed since 16th December 2011. The graph shows the past performance of the Sub-Fund in CHF. Such performance does not include the Subscription Fee. Reference Currency: CHF Past performance is not necessarily a guide to the future performance. The value of an investment and the income from it can go down as well as up and investors may not get back the amount invested. Subscription/redemption process Expenses Orders must be received by the Central Administration, by 5.00 p.m. (Luxembourg time), on each business day prior to each Calculation day and will be executed at the price determined on the basis of the net asset value calculated on that Calculation day. Shareholders transaction expenses: - Subscription Fee of 4.25% of the net asset value per share, payable to the Distributor and charged to investors when buying shares of the Sub-Fund. - Redemptions are free. Payment of the Subscription/ redemption orders Payment from/in favour of the shareholders (and not from/in favour of a third-party) in the currency of the shares subscribed, or in another currency if requested by the applicant, should be made by bank transfer in cleared funds to the account of the Central Administration within three Business days following the Calculation day. Annual operating expenses of the Sub-Fund (Expenses are paid out of the Sub-Fund’s assets. They are fully reflected in the net asset value per share): - All-in Fee: max. 2.045% p.a. including the services of the Investment Manager, the Central Administration, the Domiciliary Agent, the Custodian Bank, the Global Distributor, the Management Company and any other appointed service providers. The portfolio invests at least two-thirds of its assets in shares and other securities and participation rights and up to one-third of its assets in bonds, convertible bonds and bonds cum warrants encompassing all types of borrower, maturity and mode of payment of interest (coupons, discount, etc.). These shares and other securities and participation rights and bonds in which the Sub-Fund invests will always be denominated in Euro and issued directly or indirectly in a State participating to the Euro. Up to 10% of the remaining assets may be invested in transferable securities issued by companies of the other European countries, of member states of European supranational organisation or of non-European countries of the Mediterranean Basin. The Sub-Fund will not invest more than 10% of its nets assets in UCITS or other UCIs as defined under Chapter 4 A.1 e) of this Prospectus. When investments are made in other currencies than the Euro, the Company will normally employ hedging techniques to remove or significantly reduce the potential impact of any changes in relative exchange rates. It may not however, be possible to eliminate totally the exposure to currencies other than the Euro. 37 ANNEXES DESCRIPTION OF SUB-FUNDS Investment Manager Minimum residual in the Sub-Fund Scottish Widows Investment Partnership Ltd. (SWIP) If compliance with redemption instructions results in a residual holding in the Sub-Fund of less than USD 10,000 (or its equivalent in other currencies), the Company may compulsorily redeem the residual shares at the current bid price and pay the proceeds thereof to the relevant shareholder. Sub-Fund’s Risk Profile This Sub-Fund exhibits a high level of volatility. Capital losses are possible although in the longer term, equities have historically tended to provide higher total returns than bond or money market investments. Investments in an Equity Sub-Fund should be undertaken as a long-term decision. Profile of the Typical Investor The Sub-Fund is intended for investors with an above average risk tolerance and who fully understand the risk/ reward concept related to the equity market exposure. Equity holdings are diversified among several sectors of activity. The relative volatility of such a portfolio requires an investment time horizon of about five years. Global exposure calculation methodology: Commitment approach Classes of Shares Class A (Accumulation) denominated in EUR “Class A acc. EUR” UK Reporting Status: No Minimum Subscription and subsequent investment Reference Currency: EUR The graph shows the past performance of the Sub-Fund in EUR. Such performance does not include the Subscription Fee. Past performance is not necessarily a guide to the future performance. The value of an investment and the income from it can go down as well as up and investors may not get back the amount invested. Expenses Subscription/redemption process Orders must be received by the Central Administration, by 5.00 p.m. (Luxembourg time), on each business day prior to each Calculation day and will be executed at the price determined on the basis of the net asset value calculated on that Calculation day. Payment of the Subscription/ redemption orders Payment from/in favour of the shareholders (and not from/in favour of a third-party) in the currency of the shares subscribed, or in another currency if requested by the applicant, should be made by bank transfer in cleared funds to the account of the Central Administration within three Business days following the Calculation day. Shareholders transaction expenses: - Subscription Fee of 4.25% of the net asset value per share, payable to the Distributor and charged to investors when buying shares of the Sub-Fund. - Redemptions are free. Annual operating expenses of the Sub-Fund (Expenses are paid out of the Sub-Fund’s assets. They are fully reflected in the net asset value per share): - All-in Fee: max. 2.045% p.a. including the services of the Investment Manager, the Central Administration, the Domiciliary Agent, the Custodian Bank, the Global Distributor, the Management Company and any other appointed service providers. - Other Expenses as specified under Chapters 10 and 11 of this Prospectus. Special Equity Sub-Funds Performance of the Sub-Fund LIP Euro Equity Fund 20.00% 16.58% LLOYDS TSB INTERNATIONAL PORTFOLIO LATIN AMERICA EQUITY FUND 15.00% The minimum initial investment in any one Class of Shares of the Sub-Fund is USD 10,000 (or its equivalent in another currency). Subsequent subscription of shares relating to any Class of Shares of the Sub-Fund is USD 5,000 (or its equivalent in another currency). 38 10.70% 10.00% Investment Policy 5.00% 0.00% -5.00% -10.00% -10.34% -15.00% 31 Oct. 2010 31 Oct. 2011 31 Oct. 2012 The portfolio invests at least two-thirds of its assets in shares and other securities and participation rights and up to one-third of its assets in bonds, convertible bonds and bonds cum warrants encompassing all types of borrower, maturity and mode of payment of interest (coupons, discount, etc.). All shares and other securities and participation rights and bonds in which the Sub-Fund invests will always be issued by companies or private or public institutions having their base or a predominant portion of their economic activities in Latin America. Latin America countries include all countries of Central and South America and the Spanish speaking islands of the Caribbean. It is presently contemplated to emphasise investments in Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Peru, and Venezuela. However, the Company may decide time to time to expand its investments in other Latin America countries. The Sub-Fund will not invest more than 10% of its nets assets in UCITS or other UCIs as defined under Chapter 4 A.1 e) of this Prospectus. Investment Manager Scottish Widows Investment Partnership Ltd. (SWIP) Risk Factors and Other Considerations Latin America countries are still in the early stages of development and their stock markets can be volatile in the short term, even though they have a promising longer term future in the context of greater co-operation among the countries of the American Continent. Shareholders in Latin America Equity Fund must be aware that investing in these emerging markets involves special risks that are not typically associated with the risks of investing in the markets of the industrialised countries (such as the members countries of the OECD). These investment risks can be related to the following aspects: high price volatility, limited liquidity, possibility of governmental restrictions on foreign investments and foreign exchange control, inflation, interest rates and relatively high levels of external debt and the possibility of political and social uncertainty. Investors attention is drawn to the fact that operating conditions (e.g. trade, valuation or settlement rules) and regulatory supervision of these emerging markets can deviate from the standards which prevail in industrialised countries. This may delay the Sub-Fund’s net asset value calculation (see Chapter 8 paragraph B of this Prospectus). Sub-Fund’s Risk Profile The Sub-Fund invests in emerging markets and in several Latin American currencies, which involves special risks related namely to a high price volatility, a limited liquidity, the possibility of governmental restrictions on national finances, economy and foreign relationships as well as political and social uncertainty. Investment in an Equity Sub-Fund should be undertaken as a long-term decision. Profile of the Typical Investor The Sub-Fund is intended for investors with a high tolerance to the risks associated with fully investing in international and emerging markets equities and with foreign currency exposure in those countries. It is therefore important that the investor accepts that this could involve periods with a high degree of fluctuation in the value of the portfolio. Global exposure calculation methodology: Commitment approach Classes of Shares Class A (Accumulation) denominated in USD “Class A acc. USD” UK Reporting Status: No Minimum Subscription and subsequent investment The minimum initial investment in any one Class of Shares of the Sub-Fund is USD 10,000 (or its equivalent in another currency). Subsequent subscription of shares relating to any Class of Shares of the Sub-Fund is USD 5,000 (or its equivalent in another currency). Minimum residual in the Sub-Fund If compliance with redemption instructions results in a residual holding in the Sub-Fund of less than USD 10,000 (or its equivalent in other currencies), the Company may compulsorily redeem the residual shares at the current bid price and pay the proceeds thereof to the relevant shareholder. Reference Currency: USD Subscription/redemption process Orders must be received by the Central Administration, by 5.00 p.m. (Luxembourg time), on each business day prior to each Calculation day and will be executed at the price determined on the basis of the net asset value calculated on that Calculation day. As a consequence, a commitment to an investment period in excess of seven years is fundamental. 39 ANNEXES DESCRIPTION OF SUB-FUNDS Payment of the Subscription/ redemption orders Payment from/in favour of the shareholders (and not from/in favour of a third-party) in the currency of the shares subscribed, or in another currency if requested by the applicant, should be made by bank transfer in cleared funds to the account of the Central Administration within three Business days following the Calculation day. reflected in the net asset value per share): - All-in Fee: max. 2.345% p.a. including the services of the Investment Manager, the Central Administration, the Domiciliary Agent, the Custodian Bank, the Global Distributor, the Management Company and any other appointed service providers. - Other Expenses as specified under Chapters 10 and 11 of this Prospectus. LLOYDS TSB INTERNATIONAL PORTFOLIO EASTERN EUROPE AND FRONTIER EQUITY FUND Performance of the Sub-Fund LIP Latin America Equity Fund 25.00% 20.00% Investment policy 15.00% 10.00% 5.00% 0.00% -12.66% 23.06% -5.00% -4.86% -10.00% -15.00% 31 Oct. 2010 31 Oct. 2011 31 Oct. 2012 The graph shows the past performance of the Sub-Fund in USD. Such performance does not include the Subscription Fee. Past performance is not necessarily a guide to the future performance. The value of an investment and the income from it can go down as well as up and investors may not get back the amount invested. Expenses Shareholders transaction expenses: - Subscription Fee of 4.25% of the net asset value per share, payable to the Distributor and charged to investors when buying shares of the Sub-Fund. - Redemptions are free. Annual operating expenses of the Sub-Fund (Expenses are paid out of the Sub-Fund’s assets. They are fully 40 The Sub-Fund is a diversified investment Fund that seeks to produce superior investment returns mainly from companies established in Eastern Europe, the Near East and Central Asian Countries and companies which have a significant portion of their activities in such countries. The Sub-Fund may invest in companies established or having their activities in other regions and countries, but would aim for such investments not to exceed in aggregate 10% of the net assets of the Fund. The portfolio will predominately comprise at least two-thirds of its assets in shares and other securities and participation rights, but from time to time may also include up to one-third of its assets in bonds, convertible bonds, bonds cum warrants encompassing all types of borrower (corporate, supra-national and government issuers). The Sub-Fund will not invest more than 10% of its nets assets in UCITS or other UCIs as defined under Chapter 4 A.1 e) of this Prospectus. Under the investment restrictions, the Sub-Fund may not invest more than 10% of its net assets in securities which are not listed on the stock exchange or dealt in on another regulated market. The Sub-Fund aims to achieve maximum capital growth with due attention given to the principle of risk diversification. Investment Manager Scottish Widows Investment Partnership Ltd. (SWIP) Risk Factors and Other Considerations The main aim of this Sub-Fund is to deliver an optimum average return by taking advantage of the dramatic changes occurring in Europe arising from the democratisation of Eastern countries, market globalisation, and market deregulation. Notwithstanding the diversification of the Lloyds TSB International Portfolio - Eastern Europe & Frontier Equity Fund, investors should be aware that the portion of the SubFund’s assets invested in Emerging European, Near East and Central Asian countries involves special risks caused by high price volatility, limited liquidity, currencies fluctuations and the possibility of governmental restrictions, adverse macroeconomical developments, and political as well as social uncertainties. Investors’ attention is drawn to the fact that operating conditions and regulatory supervision of these emerging markets can deviate from the standards which prevail in industrialised countries. This may delay the Sub-Fund’s Net Asset Value calculation (see Chapter 9, paragraph B of this Prospectus). Shareholders should be aware that certain markets in Eastern Europe, the Near East and Central Asian Countries present specific risks in relation to the settlement and safekeeping of securities, as such securities are not on physical deposit with the Custodian Bank or its local agents. The Custodian Bank’s liability only extends to its own negligence and wilful default and to negligence and wilful misconduct of its local agents in Eastern Europe, the Near East and Central Asian Countries, and does not extend to losses due to the liquidation, bankruptcy, negligence or wilful default of any registrar. In the event of such losses the Sub-Fund will have to pursue its rights directly against the issuer and/or its appointed registrar. This risk relates specifically to Russia but may exist, in a similar manner, in other Eastern Europe, the Near East and Central Asian Countries. It is recommended that investors consult an investment advisor concerning the risks and rewards of investing in such equities. Sub-Fund’s Risk Profile The Sub-Fund invests in markets which exhibit particularly high levels of volatility and currency exposure. Investing in emerging markets may involve special risks related namely to a high price volatility, a limited liquidity, the possibility of governmental restrictions on national finances, economy and foreign relationships as well as political and social uncertainty. Investment in an Equity Sub-Fund should be undertaken as a long-term decision. Profile of the Typical Investor The Sub-Fund is intended for investors with a high tolerance to the risks associated with fully investing in international and emerging markets equities and with foreign currency exposure in those countries. It is therefore important that the investor accepts that this could involve periods with a high degree of fluctuation in the value of the portfolio. As a consequence, a commitment to an investment period in excess of seven years is fundamental. Global exposure calculation methodology: Commitment approach Classes of Shares Class A (Accumulation) denominated in EUR “Class A acc. EUR” UK Reporting Status: No Minimum Subscription and subsequent investment The minimum initial investment in any one Class of Shares of the Sub-Fund is USD 10,000 (or its equivalent in another currency). Subsequent subscription of shares relating to any Class of Shares of the Sub-Fund is USD 5,000 (or its equivalent in another currency). Minimum residual in the Sub-Fund If compliance with redemption instructions results in a residual holding in the Sub-Fund of less than USD 10,000 (or its equivalent in other currencies), the Company may compulsorily redeem the residual shares at the current bid price and pay the proceeds thereof to the relevant shareholder. Subscription/redemption process Orders must be received by the Central Administration, by 5.00 p.m. (Luxembourg time), on each business day prior to each Calculation day and will be executed at the price determined on the basis of the net asset value calculated on that Calculation day. Payment of the Subscription/ redemption orders Payment from/in favour of the shareholders (and not from/in favour of a third-party) in the currency of the shares subscribed, or in another currency if requested by the applicant, should be made by bank transfer in cleared funds to the account of the Central Administration within three Business days following the Calculation day. Performance of the Sub-Fund LIP Eastern Europe & Frontier Equity Fund 20.00% 18.00% 15.00% 10.00% 6.63% 5.00% -13.19% 0.00% -5.00% -10.00% -15.00% 31 Oct. 2010 31 Oct. 2011 31 Oct. 2012 The graph shows the past performance of the Sub-Fund in EUR. Such performance does not include the Subscription Fee. Past performance is not necessarily a guide to the future performance. The value of an investment and the income from it can go down as well as up and investors may not get back the amount invested. Reference Currency: EUR 41 ANNEXES DESCRIPTION OF SUB-FUNDS Expenses Shareholders transaction expenses: - Subscription Fee of 4.25% of the net asset value per share, payable to the Distributor and charged to investors when buying shares of the Sub-Fund. - Redemptions are free. Annual operating expenses of the Sub-Fund (Expenses are paid out of the Sub-Fund’s assets. They are fully reflected in the net asset value per share): - All-in Fee: max. 2.545% p.a. including the services of the Investment Manager, the Central Administration, the Domiciliary Agent, the Custodian Bank, the Global Distributor, the Management Company and any other appointed service providers. - Other Expenses as specified under Chapters 10 and 11 of this Prospectus. Funds of Funds LLOYDS TSB INTERNATIONAL PORTFOLIO GLOBAL ALTERNATIVE FUND The Sub-Fund may from time to time hedge part of the market risk of the underlying UCI or UCITS as defined under Chapter 4.A.2 b) and c) of this Prospectus. Investment Manager Lloyds TSB Bank plc Geneva Branch Risk Factors and Other Considerations Notwithstanding the diversification of the Sub-Fund’s investments, investors should be aware that Target Funds investing in alternative investments Funds can from time to time be highly volatile, especially in market circumstances where the liquidity is particularly poor. Investing in Target Funds may offer the Sub-Fund a high return but may also increase the investment risk. Target Funds may have a high degree of flexibility with regard to the strategies, investment instruments, and techniques they use. The Investment Manager of the Sub-Fund will apply a diversification strategy and undertake a careful manager selection in order to decrease the risks described above in normal market conditions. Investment Policy The Sub-Fund invests substantially all of its assets in UCITS or other UCIs as defined under Chapter 4 A.1 e) of this Prospectus (“Target Funds”). In an aim to achieve a diversified portfolio of alternative investments, the Sub-Fund will invest in at least 10 Target Funds pursuing varying strategies comprising, amongst others, Equity long short, Equity market neutral, Fixed income, global macro, CTA (trend followers), etc. No single strategy will represent more than 50% of NAV. The Sub-Fund may also invest in bonds, money market securities and other liquid assets to manage its cash position. 42 - changes in the legal environment - changes in investor confidence in certain investment classes (e.g. equities), markets, countries, industries and sectors. By diversifying investments, the Investment Manager seeks to partially reduce the negative impact of these risks on the value of the SubFund. However, capital losses can not be excluded. Investment in the Sub-Fund should be undertaken as a long-term decision. Profile of the Typical Investor This Sub-Fund is suitable for investors with a medium to longterm investment horizon and higher risk tolerance who are interested in investing in a diversified portfolio. It is therefore important that the investor accepts that this could involve periods with a high degree of fluctuation in the value of the portfolio. As a consequence, a commitment to an investment period of at least three to five years is fundamental. Global exposure calculation methodology: Commitment approach Sub-Fund’s Risk Profile The Sub-Fund invests in investments that may be subject to substantial fluctuations and no guarantee can be given that the value of a share in the SICAV will not fall below its value at the time of acquisition. Factors that can trigger such fluctuations or influence their scale include but are not limited to: - company-specific changes - changes in interest rates - changes in exchange rates - changes affecting economic factors such as employment, public expenditure and indebtedness, inflation Classes of Shares Class A (Accumulation) denominated in USD, GBP, EUR “Class A acc. USD” “Class A acc. GBP” “Class A acc. EUR” Class A (Distribution) denominated in USD, GBP, EUR “Class A dis. USD” “Class A dis. GBP” “Class A dis. EUR” Class Q (Distribution) denominated in GBP “Class Q dis. GBP” UK Reporting Status: Yes Minimum Subscription and subsequent investment If the Friday is not a Business day in Luxembourg, orders must be received the Business day preceeding such Friday. The minimum initial investment in any one Class of Shares of the Sub-Fund is GBP 1,000,000 (or its equivalent in another currency). Subsequent subscription of shares relating to any Class of Shares of the Sub-Fund is GBP 5,000 (or its equivalent in another currency). Timeline example Minimum residual in the Sub-Fund Week 3 – Monday: Being the Calculation Day If compliance with redemption instructions results in a residual holding in the Sub-Fund of less than GBP 1,000,000 (or its equivalent in other currencies), the Company may compulsorily redeem the residual shares at the current bid price and pay the proceeds thereof to the relevant shareholder. Reference Currency: GBP Frequency of the net asset value calculation The Net Asset Value per Share of each Class of the Sub-Fund is calculated on each Monday (the “Calculation Day”) or if this day is not a Business day on the next following day that is a Business day. Week 1 – Friday: Being the deadline for the receipt of subscription, redemption or conversion orders Week 2 – Friday: Being the Valuation Day Week 3 – Wednesday: Being the Settlement Day (the day on which the payment for subscription and proceeds from redemption will have or will be paid). Payment of the subscription/ redemption orders Payment from/in favour of the shareholders (and not from/in favour of a third-party) in the currency of the shares subscribed, or in another currency if requested by the applicant, should be made by bank transfer in cleared funds to the account of the Central Administration within two Business days following the Calculation day. Performance of the Sub-Fund Subscription/redemption process LIP Global Alternative Fund (A acc. USD) 0.00% Orders must be received, by the Central Administration, by 5.00 p.m. (Luxembourg time), on each Friday day and will be executed on the second following Monday as described below in the timeline example (“the Calculation Day”) at the price determined on the basis of the net asset value calculated that Calculation day. -1.00% -0.60% -2.00% -3.00% -4.00% -5.00% -6.00% -7.00% -8.00% -7.79% -9.00% 31 Oct. 2010 *launch date: 6th May 2011 31 Oct. 2011 31 Oct. 2012 USD. Such performance does not include the Subscription Fee. Past performance is not necessarily a guide to the future performance. The value of an investment and the income from it can go down as well as up and investors may not get back the amount invested. Expenses Shareholders transaction expenses: - Subscription Fee of max 1.00% of the net asset value per share for Class of shares A only, payable to the Distributor and charged to investors when buying shares of the Sub-Fund. - Redemptions are free. Annual operating expenses of the Sub-Fund (Expenses are paid out of the Sub-Fund’s assets. They are fully reflected in the net asset value per share): - All-in Fee: max. 2.045% p.a. including the services of the Investment Manager, the Central Administration, the Domiciliary Agent, the Custodian Bank, the Management Company and any other appointed service providers. - Other Expenses as specified under Chapters 10 and 11 of this Prospectus. As specified in Chapter 4. A. 1. of this prospectus, investments in UCITS and other UCIs do usually entail a duplication of entrance fees, management fees, administration fees, custodian charges and taxes. However, such duplication is expected to be partly reduced by obtaining waiver of, or reallowances on, sales commission by the UCITS and other UCIs in which investments will be made or by investing in UCITS and other UCIs or share classes of UCITS or other UCIs exempt from sales commission. The graph shows the past performance of the Sub-Fund in 43 ANNEXES DESCRIPTION OF SUB-FUNDS LLOYDS TSB INTERNATIONAL PORTFOLIO ASIA MULTI ASSET DYNAMIC STRATEGY FUND Investment Policy The Sub-Fund invests at least two-thirds of its assets in UCITS or other UCIs as defined under Chapter 4 A.1 e) of this Prospectus (“Target Funds”).The portfolio will be invested principally in Equity funds which themselves invest at least two-thirds of their assets in shares of companies or private or public institutions having their seat or exercising a preponderant portion of their economic activity in Asian Countries (except for Japan). Up to one-third of the remaining assets may be invested in other instruments, such as transferable securities and money market instruments as described under Chapter 4. A. 1. of this prospectus (this includes derivative instruments for efficient portfolio management up to a maximum of 20% of the Sub-Fund net asset value) in Bond funds and structured products, or in other countries such as Australia, New Zealand and Japan. The latter investments may be increased or decreased to reflect market conditions and ensure shareholders’ best interests. The Sub-Fund will not invest more than 10% of its net asset in funds with a liquidity different to the Sub-Fund (weekly or monthly liquidity). The investments will be mainly invested in the reference currency of the Sub-Fund although a large proportion of them (more than fifty percent of the net asset value) may be denominated in other currencies. Investment Manager Lloyds TSB Bank plc Geneva Branch 44 Sub-Fund’s Risk Profile This Sub-Fund exhibits a high level of volatility. Capital losses are possible although in the longer term, equities have historically tended to provide higher total returns than bond or money market investments. The investments will be mainly invested in the reference currency of the Fund although a large portion of them (more than fifty percent of the net asset value) may be denominated in other currencies. Profile of the Typical Investor The Sub-Fund is intended for investors with a high tolerance for the risks associated with fully investing in international and emerging markets equities and with foreign currency exposure in those countries. It is therefore important that the investor accepts that this could involve periods with a high degree of fluctuation in the value of the portfolio. As a consequence, a commitment to an investment period in excess of five years is fundamental. Global exposure calculation methodology: Commitment approach Classes of Shares Class A (Accumulation) denominated in USD “Class A acc. USD” Class A (Distribution) denominated in USD “Class A dis. USD” UK Reporting Status: Yes Minimum Subscription and subsequent investment The minimum initial investment in any one Class of Shares of the Sub-Fund is USD 5,000 (or its equivalent in another currency). Subsequent subscription of shares relating to any Class of Shares of the Sub-Fund is USD 1,000 (or its equivalent in another currency). Minimum residual in the Sub-Fund If compliance with redemption instructions results in a residual holding in the Sub-Fund of less than USD 5,000 (or its equivalent in other currencies), the Company may compulsorily redeem the residual shares at the current bid price and pay the proceeds thereof to the relevant shareholder. Reference Currency: USD Subscription/redemption process Orders must be received by the Central Administration, by 5.00 p.m. (Luxembourg time), two business days prior to each Calculation day and will be executed at the price determined on the basis of the net asset value calculated on that Calculation day. Payment of the Subscription/ redemption orders Payment from/in favour of the shareholders (and not from/in favour of a third-party) in the currency of the shares subscribed, or in another currency if requested by the applicant, should be made by bank transfer in cleared funds to the account of the Central Administration within two Business days following the Calculation day. Performance of the Sub-Fund LIP Asia Multi Asset Dynamic Strategy Fund (A acc. USD) 25.00% - Other Expenses as specified under Chapters 10 and 11 of this Prospectus. 20.30% 20.00% 15.00% 10.00% 5.00% 0.00% -0.23% -5.00% -10.00% -11.84% -15.00% 31 Oct. 2010 31 Oct. 2011 31 Oct. 2012 Please note that the Investment Policy has changed since 2nd September 2011 to become a Fund of Funds. The graph shows the past performance of the Sub-Fund in USD. Such performance does not include the Subscription Fee. Past performance is not necessarily a guide to the future performance. The value of an investment and the income from it can go down as well as up and investors may not get back the amount invested. Expenses Shareholders transaction expenses: - Subscription Fee of 2.00% of the net asset value per share, payable to the Distributor and charged to investors when buying shares of the Sub-Fund. - Redemptions are free. Annual operating expenses of the Sub-Fund (Expenses are paid out of the Fund’s assets. They are fully reflected in the net asset value per share): - Management Fee (including Distribution Fee): max 1.35% p.a. In aggregate, the maximum all-in fee charged to the Sub-Fund for the Asset Management, the Distribution, the Custodian and Administration Fee (including Transfer Agent and Registrar), the Management Company and any other appointed service providers. is max 2.045% p.a. As specified in Chapter 4. A. 1. of this prospectus, investments in UCITS and other UCIs do usually entail a duplication of entrance fees, management fees, administration fees, custodian charges and taxes. However, such duplication is expected to be partly reduced by obtaining waiver of, or reallowances on, sales commission by the UCITS and other UCIs in which investments will be made or by investing in UCITS and other UCIs or share classes of UCITS or other UCIs exempt from sales commission. LLOYDS TSB INTERNATIONAL PORTFOLIO GLOBAL MULTI ASSET CONSERVATIVE STRATEGY FUND Investment Policy The Sub-Fund invests at least two-thirds of its assets in UCITS or other UCIs as defined under Chapter 4 A.1 e) of this prospectus (“Target Funds”), this includes a maximum of 20% in Target Funds that pursue alternative investment strategies. The Sub-fund invests principally in Bond Funds and secondarily in Cash Funds and Equity Funds while a smaller amount of the assets will be invested in Alternative investment Funds and Real Estate Funds. The Real Estate Funds that are referred to in this paragraph are not included in the maximum limit of 20% as mentioned in the first paragraph and relates to Target Funds that currently hold participations in Real Estate companies. Real estate investment may also be undertaken through open-ended ETFs (Exchange traded Funds) which are qualified as UCITS or other UCIs as defined under Chapter 4 A.1 e) of this prospectus. The Sub-Fund may also invest in units to be issued or issued by one or more Sub-Funds of the Company provided that the conditions as mentioned under Chapter 4.A.1 e) of this prospectus are respected. Up to one-third of the remaining assets may be invested in transferable securities and money market instruments as described under Chapter 4. A. 1. of this prospectus, this including derivative instruments such as interest rate futures and swaps for efficient portfolio management up to a maximum of 20% of the Sub-Fund net asset value. The exact reference asset allocation (benchmark) is disclosed in the annual and semi-annual financial reports. The Sub-fund will be principally invested in the Sterling currency while a small portion of the assets may be invested in currencies other than the reference currency. The Sterling currency has to be considered as the reference currency. Investment Manager Lloyds TSB Bank plc Geneva Branch Sub-Fund’s risk profile The largest portion of the portfolio is held in short-term investments and a smaller portion in equities. Some foreign currency exposure may be taken. Profile of the Typical Investor The Sub-Fund is intended for investors with a less than average risk tolerance who are however able and/ or willing to accept some volatility 45 ANNEXES DESCRIPTION OF SUB-FUNDS and whose investment time horizon is at least two years. Global exposure calculation methodology: Commitment approach Classes of Shares Class A (Accumulation) denominated in GBP “Class A acc. GBP” Class A (Distribution) denominated in GBP “Class A dis. GBP” Class Q (Distribution) denominated in GBP “Class Q dis. GBP” (or its equivalent in another currency), the Company may compulsorily redeem the residual shares at the current bid price and pay the proceeds thereof to the relevant shareholder. Reference Currency: GBP Expenses Subscription/redemption process Orders must be received by the Central Administration, by 5.00 p.m. (Luxembourg time), two Business days prior to each Calculation day and will be executed at the price determined on the basis of the net asset value calculated on that Calculation day. UK Reporting Status: Yes Payment of the Subscription/ redemption orders Minimum Subscription and subsequent investment Payment from/in favour of the shareholders (and not from/in favour of a third-party) in the currency of the shares subscribed, or in another currency if requested by the applicant, should be made by bank transfer in cleared funds to the account of the Central Administration within two Business days following the Calculation day. The minimum initial investment in any one Class of Shares of the Sub-Fund is: Class A acc.: GBP 5’000 Class A dis.: GBP 5’000 Class Q dis.: GBP 5’000’000 (or its equivalent in another currency). Subsequent subscription of shares relating to any Class of Shares of the Sub-Fund is: Class A acc.: GBP 1’000 Class A dis.: GBP 1’000 Class Q dis.: GBP 10’000 (or its equivalent in another currency). Performance of the Sub-Fund LIP Global Multi Asset Conservative Strategy Fund (A acc. GBP) 3.50% 2.81% 3.00% 2.50% 2.00% 1.50% 1.00% 0.73%* 0.50% 0.00% Minimum residual in the Sub-Fund If compliance with redemption instructions results in a residual holding in any Class of Shares the Sub-Fund of less than: Class A acc.: GBP 5’000 Class A dis.: GBP 5’000 Class Q dis.: GBP 1’000’000 46 Past performance is not necessarily a guide to the future performance. The value of an investment and the income from it can go down as well as up and investors may not get back the amount invested. 31 Oct. 2010 31 Oct. 2011 *launch date: 2nd September 2011 31 Oct. 2012 The graph shows the past performance of the Sub-Fund in GBP. Such performance does not include the Subscription Fee. Shareholders transaction expenses: - Subscription Fee of max 2.00% of the net asset value per share for Class of shares A only, payable to the Distributor and charged to investors when buying shares of the Sub-Fund. - Redemptions are free. - Annual Management charges (“AMC”) of the Sub-Fund (Expenses are paid out of the Sub-Fund’s assets. They are fully reflected in the net asset value per share): Class A acc.: max 1.445% p.a. Class A dis.: max 1.445% p.a. Class Q dis.: max 0.445% p.a. The AMC includes the services of the Investment Manager, the Central Administration, the Domiciliary Agent, the Custodian Bank, the Distributor (Class A only), the Management Company and any other appointed services providers. - Other Expenses as specified under Chapters 10 and 11 of this Prospectus. As specified in Chapter 4. A. 1. of this prospectus, investments in UCITS and other UCIs do entail a duplication of entrance fees, management fees, administration fees, custodian charges and taxes. However, such duplication is expected to be partly reduced by obtaining waiver of, or reallowances on, sales commission by the UCITS and other UCIs in which investments will be made or by investing in UCITS and other UCIs or share classes of UCITS or other UCIs exempt from sales commission. LLOYDS TSB INTERNATIONAL PORTFOLIO GLOBAL MULTI ASSET MODERATE STRATEGY FUND Investment Policy The Sub-Fund invests at least two-thirds of its assets in UCITS or other UCIs as defined under Chapter 4 A.1 e) of this prospectus (“Target Funds”), this includes a maximum of 20% in Target Funds that pursue alternative investment strategies. The Sub-Fund invests principally in Equity Funds. Secondarily, the Sub-Fund will invest in Bond Funds while a smaller amount of the assets will be invested in Cash Funds, Alternative Investment Funds and Real Estate, although the proportion in these various asset classes may be increased or decreased to reflect market conditions and ensure shareholders’ best interests. The Real Estate Funds that are referred to in this paragraph are not included in the maximum limit of 20% as mentioned in the first paragraph and relate to Target Funds that currently hold participations in Real Estate companies. Real estate investment may also be undertaken through open-ended ETFs (Exchange traded Funds) which are qualified as UCITS or other UCIs as defined under Chapter 4 A.1 e) of this prospectus. market instruments as described under Chapter 4. A. 1. of this prospectus, this including derivative instruments such as interest rate futures and swaps for efficient portfolio management up to a maximum of 20% of the Sub-Fund net asset value. Classes of Shares The exact reference asset allocation (benchmark) is disclosed in the annual and semi-annual financial reports. Class Q (Distribution) denominated in GBP “Class Q dis. GBP” The Sub-Fund will be mainly invested in the Sterling currency although part of the assets will be invested in other currencies. UK Reporting Status: Yes The Sterling currency has therefore to be considered as the reference currency and will not be necessarily the currency of the assets investments. Investment Manager Lloyds TSB Bank plc Geneva Branch Sub-Fund’s risk profile Equities can represent up to twothirds of the portfolio. The asset allocation is globally diversified but foreign currency exposure is moderate. Profile of the Typical Investor The Sub-Fund may also invest in units to be issued or issued by one or more Sub-Funds of the Company provided that the conditions as mentioned under Chapter 4.A.1 e) of this prospectus are respected. The Sub-Fund is intended for investors with an average level risk tolerance who wish to have some exposure to international capital markets. It should be accepted that the value of the portfolio will fluctuate and the investor should therefore be willing to commit to an investment time horizon of at least three years. Up to one-third of the remaining assets may be invested in transferable securities and money Global exposure calculation methodology: Commitment approach Class A (Accumulation) denominated in GBP “Class A acc. GBP” Class A (Distribution) denominated in GBP “Class A dis. GBP” Minimum Subscription and subsequent investment The minimum initial investment in any one Class of Shares of the Sub-Fund is: Class A acc.: GBP 5’000 Class A dis.: GBP 5’000 Class Q dis.: GBP 5’000’000 (or its equivalent in another currency). Subsequent subscription of shares relating to any Class of Shares of the Sub-Fund is: Class A acc.: GBP 1’000 Class A dis.: GBP 1’000 Class Q dis.: GBP 10’000 (or its equivalent in another currency). Minimum residual in the Sub-Fund If compliance with redemption instructions results in a residual holding in any Class of Shares the Sub-Fund of less than: Class A acc.: GBP 5’000 Class A dis.: GBP 5’000 Class Q dis.: GBP 1’000’000 (or its equivalent in another currency), the Company may compulsorily redeem the residual shares at the current bid price and pay the proceeds thereof to the relevant shareholder. 47 ANNEXES DESCRIPTION OF SUB-FUNDS Reference Currency: GBP Expenses Subscription/redemption process Orders must be received by the Central Administration, by 5.00 p.m. (Luxembourg time), two business days prior to each Calculation day and will be executed at the price determined on the basis of the net asset value calculated on that Calculation day. Payment of the Subscription/ redemption orders Payment from/in favour of the shareholders (and not from/in favour of a third-party) in the currency of the shares subscribed, or in another currency if requested by the applicant, should be made by bank transfer in cleared funds to the account of the Central Administration within two Business days following the Calculation day. Performance of the Sub-Fund LIP Global Multi Asset Moderate Strategy Fund ( A acc. GBP) 4.00% 3.00% 2.50% 1.63%* 1.50% 1.00% 0.50% 0.00% 31 Oct. 2010 31 Oct. 2011 *launch date: 2nd September 2011 31 Oct. 2012 The graph shows the past performance of the Sub-Fund in GBP. Such performance does not include the Subscription Fee. Past performance is not necessarily a guide to the future performance. The value of an investment and the income from it can go down as well as up and investors may not get back the amount invested. 48 - Annual Management charges (“AMC”) of the Sub-Fund (Expenses are paid out of the Sub-Fund’s assets. They are fully reflected in the net asset value per share): Class A acc.: max 1.845% p.a. Class A dis.: max 1.845% p.a. Class Q dis.: max 0.845% p.a. The AMC includes the services of the Investment Manager, the Central Administration, the Domiciliary Agent, the Custodian Bank, the Distributor (Class A only), the Management Company and any other appointed services providers. - Other Expenses as specified under Chapters 10 and 11 of this Prospectus. 3.80% 3.50% 2.00% Shareholders transaction expenses: - Subscription Fee of max 2.00% of the net asset value per share for Class of shares A only, payable to the Distributor and charged to investors when buying shares of the Sub-Fund. - Redemptions are free. As specified in Chapter 4. A. 1. of this prospectus, investments in UCITS and other UCIs do entail a duplication of entrance fees, management fees, administration fees, custodian charges and taxes. However, such duplication is expected to be partly reduced by obtaining waiver of, or reallowances on, sales commission by the UCITS and other UCIs in which investments will be made or by investing in UCITS and other UCIs or share classes of UCITS or other UCIs exempt from sales commission. LLOYDS TSB INTERNATIONAL PORTFOLIO GLOBAL MULTI ASSET DYNAMIC STRATEGY FUND Investment Policy The Sub-Fund invests at least two-thirds of its assets in UCITS or other UCIs as defined under Chapter 4 A.1 e) of this prospectus (“Target Funds”), this includes a maximum of 20% in Target Funds that pursue alternative investment strategies. The Sub-Fund invests mostly in Equity Funds. A small amount of assets will be invested in Bond Funds, Alternative Investment Funds, Real Estate Funds and Cash Funds, although the proportion in these various asset classes may be increased or decreased to reflect market conditions and ensure shareholders’ best interest. The Real Estate Funds that are referred to in this paragraph are not included in the maximum limit of 20% as mentioned in the first paragraph and relates to Target Funds that currently hold participations in Real Estate companies. Real estate investment may also be undertaken through open-ended ETFs (Exchange traded Funds) which are qualified as UCITS or other UCIs as defined under Chapter 4 A.1 e) of this prospectus. The Sub-Fund may also invest in units to be issued or issued by one or more Sub-Funds of the Company provided that the conditions as mentioned under Chapter 4.A.1 e) of this prospectus are respected. Up to one-third of the remaining assets may be invested in transferable securities and money market instruments as described under Chapter 4. A. 1. of this prospectus, this including derivative instruments such as interest rate futures and swaps for efficient portfolio management up to a maximum of 20% of the Sub-Fund net asset value. The exact reference asset allocation (benchmark) is disclosed in the annual and semi-annual financial reports. The investments will be mainly invested in the Sterling currency although a large proportion of them (more than fifty percent of the net asset value) will be denominated in other currencies. The Sterling currency has therefore to be considered as the currency of the reference and will not be necessarily the currency of the assets investments. Investment Manager Lloyds TSB Bank plc Geneva Branch Sub-Fund’s risk profile International equities represent the main portion of the portfolio. Foreign currency exposure may apply to more than half of the portfolio Profile of the Typical Investor The Sub-Fund is intended for investors with a high tolerance for the risks associated with fully investing in international equities. Foreign currency exposure may apply to more than half of the portfolio. It is therefore important that the investor accepts that this could involve periods with a high degree of fluctuation in the value of the portfolio. As a consequence, a commitment to an investment period in excess of five years is fundamental. Global exposure calculation methodology: Commitment approach Classes of Shares Reference Currency: GBP Class A (Accumulation) denominated in GBP “Class A acc. GBP” Subscription/redemption process Class A (Distribution) denominated in GBP, USD “Class A dis. GBP” Class Q (Distribution) denominated in GBP “Class Q dis. GBP” UK Reporting Status: Yes Minimum Subscription and subsequent investment The minimum initial investment in any one Class of Shares of the Sub-Fund is: Class A acc.: GBP 5’000 Class A dis.: GBP 5’000 Class Q dis.: GBP 5’000’000 (or its equivalent in another currency). Subsequent subscription of shares relating to any Class of Shares of the Sub-Fund is: Class A acc.: GBP 1’000 Class A dis.: GBP 1’000 Class Q dis.: GBP 10’000 (or its equivalent in another currency). Orders must be received by the Central Administration, by 5.00 p.m. (Luxembourg time), two business days prior to each Calculation day and will be executed at the price determined on the basis of the net asset value calculated on that Calculation day. Payment of the Subscription/ redemption orders Payment from/in favour of the shareholders (and not from/in favour of a third-party) in the currency of the shares subscribed, or in another currency if requested by the applicant, should be made by bank transfer in cleared funds to the account of the Central Administration within two Business days following the Calculation day. Performance of the Sub-Fund LIP Global Multi Asset Dynamic Strategy Fund (A acc. GBP) 6.00% 4.95% 5.00% 4.00% 3.00% 2.56%* 2.00% 1.00% 0.00% Minimum residual in the Sub-Fund If compliance with redemption instructions results in a residual holding in any Class of Shares the Sub-Fund of less than: Class A acc.: GBP 5’000 Class A dis.: GBP 5’000 Class Q dis.: GBP 1’000’000 (or its equivalent in another currency), the Company may compulsorily redeem the residual shares at the current bid price and pay the proceeds thereof to the relevant shareholder. 31 Oct. 2010 31 Oct. 2011 *launch date: 2nd September 2011 31 Oct. 2012 The graph shows the past performance of the Sub-Fund in GBP. Such performance does not include the Subscription Fee. Past performance is not necessarily a guide to the future performance. The value of an investment and the income from it can go down as well as up and investors may not get back the amount invested. 49 ANNEXES DESCRIPTION OF SUB-FUNDS Expenses Shareholders transaction expenses: - Subscription Fee of max 2.00% of the net asset value per share for Class of shares A only, payable to the Distributor and charged to investors when buying shares of the Sub-Fund. - Redemptions are free. - Annual Management charges (“AMC”) of the Sub-Fund (Expenses are paid out of the Sub-Fund’s assets. They are fully reflected in the net asset value per share): Class A acc.: max 2.045% p.a. Class A dis.: max 2.045% p.a. Class Q dis.: max 1.045% p.a. The AMC includes the services of the Investment Manager, the Central Administration, the Domiciliary Agent, the Custodian Bank, the Distributor (Class A only), the Management Company and any other appointed services providers. - Other Expenses as specified under Chapters 10 and 11 of this Prospectus. As specified in Chapter 4. A. 1. of this prospectus, investments in UCITS and other UCIs do entail a duplication of entrance fees, management fees, administration fees, custodian charges and taxes. However, such duplication is expected to be partly reduced by obtaining waiver of, or reallowances on, sales commission by the UCITS and other UCIs in which investments will be made or by investing in UCITS and other UCIs or share classes of UCITS or other UCIs exempt from sales commission. 50 HOW TO COMPLETE THE SUBSCRIPTION FORM IMPORTANT: Please ensure that all sections of your Subscription Form are fully completed. The Company or the Central Administration reserves the right to reject any application at its sole discretion, should any sections of the Subscription Form be left blank. 1. Insert the full name of individual or corporate applicant together with the full name of any other applicant if any. Individuals: All applicants must sign the Subscription Form. Where there is more than one applicant (“co-shareholders”), the Company or the Central Administration will only accept instructions given by all co-shareholders mentioned in the Subscription Form unless the “Joint Shareholding Mandate” has been signed by all the co-shareholders. The Joint Shareholding Mandate allows any one co-shareholder to give instructions relating to the shareholding under his sole signature and on behalf and in the name of all the co-shareholders designated in the Subscription Form. Please note that unless a Joint Shareholding Mandate has been signed, any request for changes in the Register of Shareholders relating to the details stated in the Subscription Form must be signed by all the co-shareholders. Corporations: The corporate name and address should be inserted in the field “Principal Applicant” and the space for other applicants left blank. On the second page, the corporation’s authorised signatories should sign. The Joint Shareholding Mandate is not applicable to corporations. 2. The Principal Applicant is the only person who will receive any mail from the Company or from the Central Administration. 3. Lloyds Banking Group plc and the Central Administration carry on business using the highest levels of integrity. Namely, it is the policy of the Company to comply at all times with laws and regulations and with internal control procedures regarding the prevention of Money Laundering and financing of terrorism. In this context, we are required to obtain evidence of identities and addresses of our shareholders and co-shareholders and to inquire as to their source of wealth in order to ensure that these Sub-Funds are not derived from illegal activities. certified as true copies by a public notary, an embassy, a consulate or High Commission of the country of issue of the document. In order to achieve this, we ask you to make sure that the required information in all boxes of the Subscription Form be fully completed and replied to and that the required attachments be forwarded to the Central Administration together with your Subscription Form. 4. Insert both the currency and the amount or the number of shares which you wish to purchase in the appropriate column alongside the class(es) of shares (the Sub-Funds) you wish to invest in. Identity and address Please fill in the appropriate box and attach an original or a true certified copy of a recent (less than 3 months) bill from your telephone (not mobile) or electricity company or a bank or building Society statement or a statement (certificate of residence) from your city hall. Each applicant is also required to attach a certified copy of his/her: - passport including the page bearing the applicant’s photograph, date of birth and the page bearing the signature; or - identity card (Continental European residents); or - a current full UK driving licence (UK residents only). All copies of identity documents must be legible and valid at the time of the subscription. They must be Upon expiry of existing documents, shareholders must provide the Central Administration with certified copies of replacement documents. Source of Wealth Please complete one or more of the “Source of Wealth” sections. Please note that the Central Administration may require documentary evidence of the source of wealth. 5. Monies in respect of subscriptions must be paid by telegraphic transfer (tested SWIFT). Please arrange for your bank to pay the exact amount to be invested, net of all charges, to the relevant correspondent bank in the currency of the payment (see details below) with an authenticated advice to State Street Bank Luxembourg S.A., SWIFT address SBOS LU LX. If monies are being paid in a currency other than the currency of the Sub-Fund(s), the Central Administration will arrange the necessary currency exchange. In order to avoid unnecessary delay in applying monies for the subscription of shares, please ensure that your name as well as “LIP” reference are quoted on all payments. Please tick the appropriate box if you are not sure that money will be paid under good value in order to avoid any indemnity or charges as stated in the Prospectus, Chapter 6, Section 6.3. 51 HOW TO COMPLETE THE SUBSCRIPTION FORM 6. Insert the full name and address of your bank, together with your account number and with the exact name in which your account is held. Unless otherwise instructed in writing, this is the bank to which the Central Administration will repay the proceeds of any redemptions or any amounts due to you in accordance with your present shareholding by the Company. Co-shareholders should be aware that any other instructions, including any change of registration details or a repayment to a bank other than that nominated in this sections, will require the original signatures of all the shareholders. 7. This sections should be filled in if you forward your Subscription Form through your Bank or Financial Intermediary. Insert the full name and address of your Intermediary and tick the appropriate box if you do not want the Company to transmit information to him. The completed Subscription Form together with a certified copy of the identification cards of each shareholder should be posted to State Street Bank Luxembourg S.A., 49, Avenue J-F Kennedy, L-1855 Luxembourg. Should you require any further details or help in completing your Subscription Form, please contact the Central Administration at the above address, or by telephone in Luxembourg +352 46 40 10 600. Correspondent banks Payments by telegraphic transfer should be made to the correspondent banks as detailed below in their respective currency. In order to avoid unnecessary delay in applying Sub-Fund for the subscription of shares, please 52 ensure that your name as well as “LIP” reference are quoted on all payments. Your bank should send an authenticated advice regarding any such transfer to Lloyds State Street Bank Luxembourg S.A., SWIFT address SBOS LU LX. Euros Bank of America N.A. A/C: SSB Lux re Lloyds Funds A/C number: 601917820406 SWIFT: BOFADEFX Swiss Francs Bank of America N.A. A/C: SSB Lux re Lloyds Funds A/C number: 600863862421 SWIFT : BOFAGB22 United States Dollars Bank of America N.A. A/C: SSB Lux re Lloyds Funds A/C number: 6550067807 SWIFT: BOFAUS3N Sterling Pounds Bank of America N.A. A/C: SSB Lux re Lloyds Funds A/C number: 600863862413 SWIFT: BOFAGB22 Japanese Yen Bank of America N.A. A/C: SSB Lux re Lloyds Funds A/C number: 606419789142 SWIFT: BOFAJPJX SUBSCRIPTION FORM TO THE PROSPECTUS DATED JANUARY 2013 Lloyds TSB International Portfolio 49, Avenue J-F Kennedy, L-1855 Luxembourg (referred to hereafter as the “Company”) (Please carefully read the notes on the opposite page on how to complete this Form) I/We undersigned (1) ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Principal Applicant (2) Mr/Mrs/Miss/Title Surname .............................................................................................................................................................................................. Forename(s) ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... or Corporate Name ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ Address ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. I herewith attach an original or a certified copy of my latest (3): Telephone Bill Electricity Bill Bank or Building Society Statement City Hall Statement (not mobile) Date of Birth .................................................... Place of Birth ................................................... Nationality ....................................................... Occupation ............................................................................................... Ntax Identification No (TIN) ................................................................... Telephone No ........................................................................................... Fax No ........................................................................................................ (mobile phone number not acceptable) Second Applicant Mr/Mrs/Miss/Title Surname .............................................................................................................................................................................................. Forename(s) ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... or Corporate Name ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ Address ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. I herewith attach an original or a certified copy of my latest (3): Telephone Bill Electricity Bill Bank or Building Society Statement City Hall Statement (not mobile) Date of Birth .................................................... Place of Birth ................................................... Nationality ....................................................... Occupation ............................................................................................... Ntax Identification No (TIN) ................................................................... Telephone No ........................................................................................... Fax No ........................................................................................................ (mobile phone number not acceptable) Third Applicant Mr/Mrs/Miss/Title Surname .............................................................................................................................................................................................. Forename(s) ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... or Corporate Name ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ Address ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. I herewith attach an original or a certified copy of my latest (3): Telephone Bill Electricity Bill Bank or Building Society Statement City Hall Statement (not mobile) Date of Birth .................................................... Place of Birth ................................................... Nationality ....................................................... Occupation ............................................................................................... Ntax Identification No (TIN) ................................................................... Telephone No ........................................................................................... Fax No ........................................................................................................ (mobile phone number not acceptable) Fourth Applicant Mr/Mrs/Miss/Title Surname .............................................................................................................................................................................................. Forename(s) ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... or Corporate Name ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ Address ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. I herewith attach an original or a certified copy of my latest (3): Telephone Bill Electricity Bill Bank or Building Society Statement City Hall Statement (not mobile) Date of Birth .................................................... Place of Birth ................................................... Nationality ....................................................... Occupation ............................................................................................... Ntax Identification No (TIN) ................................................................... Telephone No ........................................................................................... Fax No ........................................................................................................ (mobile phone number not acceptable) Source of Wealth (3) I/We confirm that my/our principal source of wealth is: Inheritance Realisation of other investments .................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................. Sale of Property Savings .................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................. Other, please specify ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ being already shareholder(s) of the Company under No ........................................................................................................................................ hereby subscribe for shares of Lloyds TSB International Portfolio on my/our own behalf or as Shareholder Nominee in accordance with the provisions stated in the Prospectus, as indicated below (4): I/We confirm having satisfied myself/ourselves as to the content of the Prospectus, especially the sections “Important” on page 2, the Chapter 5 “Risk Factors”, the Chapter 11 “Taxation” and in the Annexes describing each Sub-Fund. I/We understand that shares in Lloyds TSB International Portfolio are not obligations of, nor guaranteed by, Lloyds Banking Group plc or any of its subsidiaries. I/we confirm having subscribed in the Sub-Fund based on last available version of the Key Investor Information Document (“KIID”). Bond Sub-Funds Name Amount to be invested and currency Number of shares Name Sterling Bond Fund A acc. GBP Euro Bond Fund A acc. EUR US Dollar Bond Fund A acc. USD Euro Corporate Bond Fund A acc. EUR Amount to be invested and currency Number of shares Amount to be invested and currency Number of shares Amount to be invested and currency Number of shares Amount to be invested and currency Number of shares Standard Equity Sub-Funds Name Amount to be invested and currency Number of shares Name UK Equity Fund A acc. GBP North America Equity Fund A acc. USD World Equity Fund A acc. USD Swiss Equity Fund A acc. CHF Euro Equity Fund A acc. EUR Swiss Equity Fund A dis. CHF Special Equity Sub-Funds Name Amount to be invested and currency Number of shares Latin America Equity Fund A acc. USD Name Eastern Europe & Frontier Equity Fund A acc. EUR Fund of Funds Name Amount to be invested and currency Number of shares Name Global Alternative Fund Class A acc. USD Global Multi Asset Moderate Strategy Fund Class A acc. GBP Global Alternative Fund Class A dis. USD Global Multi Asset Moderate Strategy Fund Class A dis. GBP Global Alternative Fund Class A acc. GBP Global Multi Asset Moderate Strategy Fund Class Q dis. GBP Global Alternative Fund Class A dis. GBP Global Alternative Fund Class A acc. EUR Global Multi Asset Dynamic Strategy Fund Class A acc. GBP Global Alternative Fund Class A dis. EUR Global Multi Asset Dynamic Strategy Fund Class A dis. GBP Global Alternative Fund Class Q dis. GBP Global Multi Asset Dynamic Strategy Fund Class Q dis. GBP Fund of Funds Name Amount to be invested and currency Number of shares Name Global Multi Asset Conservative Strategy Fund Class A acc. GBP Asia Multi Asset Dynamic Strategy Fund Class A acc. GBP Global Multi Asset Conservative Strategy Fund Class A dis. GBP Asia Multi Asset Moderate Strategy Fund Class A dis. GBP Amount to be invested and currency Number of shares Global Multi Asset Conservative Strategy Fund Class Q dis. GBP Confirmation Please send me/us: a confirmation of registration a share certificate (this share certificate must be returned to the Central Administration should the investor wish to sell his shares at any time in the future) Payment (5) I/we will arrange a telegraphic transfer to the Custodian Bank from the following bank in which I/we hold an account in my/our name. Name of the Bank ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. City ............................................................................................................ Country ..................................................................................................... Please process with my above subscription only as soon as you have received confirmation of cleared funds. Redemption proceeds (6) I/We require that any payment in my/our favour from redemption of shares or for any other reason shall be transferred in (currency) ......................................................................... to the Bank (name) ............................................................................................................. (city) .................................................................................. in favour of my/our account No ....................................................................................... in the name of ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Financial Intermediary / Distributor (7) Company Name ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Adress .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Postcode ............................................................ City / Country ..................................................................................................................................... Telephone No ................................................................................ Facsimile No ......................................................................................................... As shareholder(s), notwithstanding any provision of Luxembourg law prohibiting the Company or its Central Administration from disclosing information about my/our shareholding in the Company, I/we hereby authorise the Company or its Central Administration to disclose all information about my/our shareholding to my/our above mentioned Financial Intermediary acting as a distributor for the Company and to permit the said Financial Intermediary to have an original or a copy of any document or of any correspondence which relates to my shareholding in the Company and I/we expressly waive and release any claim which I/we would or might have against the Company or its Central Administration in respect of such disclosure or in respect of them permitting any such original or copy document or correspondence to be made available to the said Financial Intermediary and in respect of any loss which I/we may thereby directly or indirectly sustain. As shareholder(s), I/we nullify the authorisation in the paragraph immediately above this one, and I/we do not authorize the Company or its Central Administration to disclose any information nor to send any correspondence that relates to my/our shareholding in the Company to my/our above mentioned Financial Intermediary. Key Investor Information Document (“KIID”) I/We understand that the KIID is a pre-contractual document that contains key information to help me/us to understand the nature and the risks of my/our investment and that I/We must receive a copy thereof to make an informed investment decision before investing in the relevant class of shares. I/We hereby confirm that: I/We have received a copy of the latest relevant version of the KIID corresponding to my /our investment and I/We acknowledge and agree that I/We will read and review the most up-to-date version of the relevant KIID prior to making any applications for Shares in the Company; I/We hereby confirm that I/We have downloaded a copy of the latest relevant version of the KIID corresponding to my/our investment from the following website: www.lloydstsb-pb.com/en/Wealth-Management/Discretionary-Management-and-Funds/Investment-Funds.html and I/We acknowledge and agree that I/We will read and review the most up-to-date version of the relevant KIID prior to making any applications for Shares in the Company. I/We consent to being provided with the latest KIID via this website, which is an appropriate medium in the context of the business between me and the Company. I/We further acknowledge and confirm that I/we will ensure that I/we will have accessed, read and understood the latest version of the relevant KIID on the above-mentioned website, prior to submitting each investment or conversion request. NOTE: one of the boxes above must be ticked. NOTE: Please be informed that in the event none of the boxes above is ticked, this might trigger delays in processing your subscription or conversion request. Data Protection The Company, in its capacity as data controller, collects, stores and processes by electronic or other means the data supplied by shareholders at the time of their subscription for the purpose of fulfilling the services required by the shareholders and complying with its legal obligations. The data processed includes in particular the name, address and invested amount of each shareholder. The data supplied by shareholders is processed for the purpose of administering your account, i.e. (i) maintaining the Register of Shareholders, (ii) processing subscriptions, redemptions and conversions of shares and payments of dividends to shareholders, (iii) performing controls on late trading and market timing practices, and (iv) complying with applicable anti-money laundering and prevention of terrorism financing rules. In the context of the above mentioned purposes, the Company can delegate the processing of personal data to its agents, in particular the Central Administration, the Registrar and Transfer Agent. As regards processing carried out by the Central Administration, the Registrar and Transfer Agent, by signing this subscription form, you hereby expressly consent that the Company instructs the Central Administration, the Registrar and Transfer Agent, to disclose the following data: - general personal data, including your name, addresses, phone numbers, fax numbers, email addresses, passport details; - data relating to the Financial Intermediary / Distributor via which you have invested in the Company, including the name, addresses, phone numbers, fax numbers, email addresses of such Financial Intermediary / distributor; - data relating to your investment in the Company, including data relating to the bank accounts and settlement accounts linked to your investment in the Company (account name, account number), amount invested in the Company, number and value of the shares held in the Company, outstanding and total commitments to invest in the Company, elections as to EUSD status; - data relating to transfers of shares in the Company such as the name of the transferor and the transferee, the amount of shares transferred, the amount pending to be paid, the time and date of payments and transfers of shares; to International Financial Data Services (Canada) Limited, a company incorporated under the laws of Ontario, Canada as corporation number 1485549 with registered office at 30 Adelaide Street E, Suite 1, Toronto, Ontario, M5C 3G9 (the “Recipient”). Such disclosure of personal data to the Recipient is made in your own interest. Indeed it enables the Central Administration, the Registrar and Transfer Agent to use the services of the Recipient, which will also improve the quality of the service provided to you: such disclosure will indeed ease and support the maintaining of the Register of Shareholders and the processing of subscriptions, redemptions and conversions of shares and payments of dividends to you on robust IT platforms operated by the Recipient with strong data security and business recovery and continuity measures. It will also facilitate the reporting to you. Your consent to such data transfer is given for as long as you maintain a position in the Company. The data transferred in accordance with this instruction will not be kept for longer than necessary for the purposes it has initially been collected, subject always to applicable legal retention periods. The information collected from you will not be used for marketing purposes unless you expressly consent to it: If you accept to be sent information regarding Lloyds TSB group products, please tick this box . If you accept to be contacted by telephone about Lloyds TSB group products, please tick this box . You have the right to access your personal data and may ask for a rectification thereof in cases where such personal data is inaccurate and/ or incomplete. In this regard, you may contact State Street at telephone: +352 46 40 10 7450 or facsimile : +352 2452 9006 or by e-mail to lloydsquerydesk@statestreet.com Applicable Law and Jurisdiction This Subscription Agreement and our investment in the Company shall be subject to the laws of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. Any dispute out or in connection with this Subscription Agreement and our investment shall be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Luxembourg-city. Nothing in the preceding provision shall however limit the right of the Company to take proceedings against us in any other court of competent jurisdiction. Representation and Warranties By signing this Subscription Form, I/we agree, represent, warrant and acknowledge that: (a) I/we have received a copy of the latest available Prospectus, relevant KIID and I/we have understood the Description, the Investment Policy and the Risks Factors associated to the Sub-Fund I/we are investing in; (b) Lloyds Banking Group plc, its affiliates, subsidiaries and branches or any of its representatives, officers, agents or employees will not make and have not made any warranty, representation or recommendation (whether implied or express) as to the merits of the SubFund and/or as the conditions, financial or otherwise of the Company or its Sub-Fund or as to any other matter relating thereto or in connection therewith and nothing shall be construed as a recommendation by Lloyds Banking Group plc, its affiliates, subsidiaries and branches or any of its representatives, officers, agents or employees to me/us to purchase or acquire the shares or to become a Shareholder of any Sub-Fund; (c) Notwithstanding (b) above, if any information (including without limitation, any research report(s) on the Company or its Sub-Fund issued by Lloyds Banking Group plc, its affiliates, subsidiaries or branches, whether recently or otherwise), warranty or representation had in fact been made or supplied by Lloyds Banking Group plc or its affiliates, subsidiaries or branches, I/we have not in any way and at any time howsoever relied on such information, warranty or representation in the making of my/our investment decision to acquire the shares of the Company’s Sub-Fund and/or in my/our assessment or appraisal of the Company or its Sub-Fund and I/we have made and will continue to make me/our own independent appraisal or assessment of the Company or its Sub-Fund relying on my/our own source of information and such legal, tax, accounting, investment and other advice as I/we deem appropriate; (d) None of Lloyds Banking Group plc, its affiliates, subsidiaries and branches, the Company, the Central Administration, the Custodian Bank or the Investment Manager of the Company or other parties involved in the management of the Sub-Fund of the Company takes any responsibility as to any tax consequences of my/our acquisition of or in relation to any dealing in my/our shares of the Sub-Fund and that I/we are advised to consult my/our own tax adviser concerning my/our tax position. I/We confirm that I am/we are not resident(s) of the United States of America. I/We enclose a certified copy of my/our: passport [page bearing photograph, date of birth and the page bearing the signature]; or national identity card (Continental European residents); or current full United Kingdom driving licence (UK residents only). (3) For corporations, we additionally enclose an original or a certified copy of the articles and an original or a certified copy of an extract from the Register of Commerce together with a list of directors and authorised signatories. I/We enclose the following Annexes (optional): Joint Shareholding Mandate Facsimile Transmission Instructions Date Full Name(s) Signatures of all the applicants (for corporation, authorised signatories) ....................... ........................................................................................... ........................................................................................................... ....................... ........................................................................................... ........................................................................................................... ....................... ........................................................................................... ........................................................................................................... ....................... ........................................................................................... ........................................................................................................... Register of Commerce and Companies - Luxembourg B 7 635 – Registered Office: 49, Avenue J-F Kennedy, L-1855 Luxembourg JOINT SHAREHOLDING MANDATE (NOT FOR USE BY CORPORATIONS) This mandate duly completed and signed by each co-shareholder should be sent to State Street Bank Luxembourg S.A., the Central Administration of Lloyds TSB International Portfolio (referred to hereafter as the “Company”) 49, Avenue J-F Kennedy, L-1855 Luxembourg We undersigned Principal Shareholder (*) Mr/Mrs/Miss/Title Surname ............................................................................................................................................ Forename(s) ............................................................................................................................................ Address of Residence ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................ And And And Mr/Mrs/Miss/Title Surname ............................................................................................................................................ Forename(s) ............................................................................................................................................ Mr/Mrs/Miss/Title Surname ............................................................................................................................................ Forename(s) ............................................................................................................................................ Mr/Mrs/Miss/Title Surname ............................................................................................................................................ Forename(s) ............................................................................................................................................ Co-shareholders registered jointly in the Register of Shareholders under No ....................................................................................................... 1. hereby declare that any one of the co-shareholders designated above may under his sole signature give instructions to the Company or its Central Administration on behalf and in the name of all the co-shareholders designated above in relation to the transfer, redemption or conversion of the shares we jointly hold in the Company. In particular, but without limitation we request and authorise the Company or its Central Administration to act on written instructions from any one of the aforementioned co-shareholders to realise all or any part of our shareholding(s) and/or to pay or transfer monies to any account in any one of our names nominated to the Company or to its Central Administration by any one of us in writing; 2. understand and agree that pursuant to this Mandate and provided they act in good faith, neither the Company nor its Central Administration shall be liable for any loss arising or incurred by the shareholder as a result of acting in accordance with this Mandate and each of us shall jointly and severally indemnify the Company or its Central Administration against all costs, claims, losses and expenses which may be suffered or incurred by it in connection with services provided by it or acting on instructions received pursuant to this Mandate. This power is valid until receipt by the Company or by its Central Administration of a written notice of revocation from one or all of the undersigned or until the Company or the Central Administration is informed of the death of one of the co-shareholders. Date Full Name(s) Signatures of all shareholders ....................... ........................................................................................... ........................................................................................................... ....................... ........................................................................................... ........................................................................................................... ....................... ........................................................................................... ........................................................................................................... ....................... ........................................................................................... ........................................................................................................... (*) The principal shareholder is the only person who will receive any mail from the Company or from the Central Administration. Register of Commerce and Companies - Luxembourg B 7 635 – Registered Office: 49, Avenue J-F Kennedy, L-1855 Luxembourg AUTHORITY TO ACT ON INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN BY FACSIMILE TRANSMISSION This mandate duly completed and signed by each co-shareholder should be sent by mail to State Street Bank Luxembourg S.A., 49, Avenue J-F Kennedy, L-1855 Luxembourg I/We undersigned Principal Shareholder (*) Mr/Mrs/Miss/Title Surname ................................................................................................................................................. Forename(s) .................................................................................................................................................. or Corporate Name .................................................................................................................................................. Address of Residence .................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................. And And And Telephone No .................................................................................................................................................. Facsimile No .................................................................................................................................................. Mr/Mrs/Miss/Title Surname .................................................................................................................................................. Forename(s) .................................................................................................................................................. Mr/Mrs/Miss/Title Surname .................................................................................................................................................. Forename(s) .................................................................................................................................................. Mr/Mrs/Miss/Title Surname .................................................................................................................................................. Forename(s) .................................................................................................................................................. As shareholder(s) of the Undertakings for Collective Investment (“UCI(s)”) registered in my/our name under the designated number below: UCI Registration Number Lloyds TSB Global MultiFund Allocation ........................................................................... Lloyds TSB International Portfolio ........................................................................... Lloyds TSB International Liquidity ........................................................................... confirm that I/we have signed the “Joint Shareholding Mandate” or confirm that I/we act as co-shareholders 1. hereby request and authorise to State Street Bank Luxembourg S.A., acting as Central Administration for the above mentioned UCI(s) to act on any instructions, notices, acknowledgements, requests or demands (together “instructions”) which I/we may give by means of facsimile transmission from time to time in relation to my/our shareholding and in particular, but without limitation, to execute any instructions which I/we may give by means of facsimile transmission in relation with subscription requests and if any, redemption, conversion or transfer requests for the whole or any part of me/our shareholding in the UCI(s) above mentioned; 2. understand and agree that in consideration of State Street Bank Luxembourg S.A. agreeing to act on instructions given in accordance with paragraph 1 above: (i) State Street Bank Luxembourg S.A. may at their complete discretion, accept or refuse to act upon such instructions; (ii) facsimile instructions must be confirmed in writing by the person giving such instructions as soon as practicable thereafter. State Street Bank Luxembourg S.A. shall not, however, be under any duty to obtain such confirmation either before or after acting on such instructions and assumes no liability for failing to do so; (iii) State Street Bank Luxembourg S.A. may rely on any instructions given or purported to be given by me/us and may realise all or part of my/our holding in the UCI(s) to meet any payment obligation arising as a result of any such instructions; and (iv) State Street Bank Luxembourg S.A. shall not be liable for any loss arising or incurred by me/us following the execution of the operations in accordance with this Mandate and I/we agree jointly and severally to indemnify State Street Bank Luxembourg S.A. against all costs, claims, losses and expenses which may be suffered or incurred by it in connection with services provided by it pursuant to this mandate. 3. the present authorisation is valid until express revocation be sent by mail to State Street Bank Luxembourg S.A.. Date Full Name(s) Signature(s) (of all the applicants) (for corporations, authorised signatories) ....................... ........................................................................................... ........................................................................................................... ....................... ........................................................................................... ........................................................................................................... ....................... ........................................................................................... ........................................................................................................... ....................... ........................................................................................... ........................................................................................................... (*) The principal shareholder is the only person who will receive any mail from the Company or from the Central Administration. Register of Commerce and Companies - Luxembourg B 7 635 – Registered Office: 49, Avenue J-F Kennedy, L-1855 Luxembourg AUTHORISATION FOR DISCLOSURE OF INFORMATION AS PER THE EUROPEAN 2003/48/EC OF THE COUNCIL OF 3RD JUNE 2003 WITH REGARD TO THE TAXATION OF SAVINGS INCOME IN THE FORM OF INTEREST PAYMENT (EUSD) AND THE LUXEMBOURG LAW OF 21ST JUNE 2005 IMPLEMENTING THE EUSD This declaration only needs to be completed and signed by each co-shareholder if you are EU or dependent or associated territories resident(s) and wish to opt for the exchange of information. It should be sent to State Street Bank Luxembourg S.A., the Central Administration of Lloyds TSB International Portfolio (referred to hereafter as the “Company”) 49, Avenue J-F Kennedy, L-1855 Luxembourg I/We undersigned Principal Shareholder (*) or And or And or And or Mr/Mrs/Miss/ Title Surname ..................................................................................................................................................... Forename(s) ..................................................................................................................................................... Tax Identification No (TIN) ..................................................................................................................................................... Date, Place and Country of Birth ..................................................................................................................................................... Mr/Mrs/Miss/Title Surname ..................................................................................................................................................... Forename(s) ..................................................................................................................................................... Tax Identification No (TIN) ..................................................................................................................................................... Date, Place and Country of Birth ..................................................................................................................................................... Mr/Mrs/Miss/Title Surname ..................................................................................................................................................... Forename(s) ..................................................................................................................................................... Tax Identification No (TIN) ..................................................................................................................................................... Date, Place and Country of Birth ..................................................................................................................................................... Mr/Mrs/Miss/Title Surname ..................................................................................................................................................... Forename(s) ..................................................................................................................................................... Tax Identification No (TIN) ..................................................................................................................................................... Date, Place and Country of Birth ..................................................................................................................................................... co-shareholders registered jointly in the Register of Shareholders under No ........................................................................................................ hereby acknowledge that in accordance with the Luxembourg Law of 21st June, 2005 implementing the Council Directive 2003/48/EC of 3rd June 2003 on the taxation of savings income in the form of interest payments, State Street Bank Luxembourg S.A. has the duty, in some circumstances, to either a) deduct from the redemption proceeds a tax retention on the part of the savings interest included in the price or b) report to the tax authorities any such redemption details and disclose the relationship I/we have with State Street Bank Luxembourg S.A. as the Central Administration. In this context, I/we choose to report all redemption’s from my/our shareholding in Lloyds TSB International Portfolio and in any other UCIs domiciled at State Street Bank Luxembourg S.A. which may be or become subject to the EUSD and of which I/we may be or become Shareholder(s) under the same above mentioned number. Accordingly, I/we authorise State Street Bank Luxembourg S.A. to report to the Luxembourg tax authority any relevant savings interest included in my/our redemption transactions as well as all additional relevant information required, in particular my/our name, address, nationality, TIN number (Tax identification number), the relationship I/we have with State Street Bank Luxembourg S.A. acting as the Central Administration (including my/our shareholder number), etc. The Luxembourg tax authority will in turn forward such information to the tax authority of the EU Member State(s) where I/we reside according to the most recent information made available to State Street Bank Luxembourg S.A. at the date of the redemption. This declaration is effective, subject to a repeal delivered to State Street Bank Luxembourg S.A. in writing, and continues to apply without reservation beyond my/our death or incapacitation. A repeal of this declaration does not affect redemptions effected prior to the time of the repeal. A change of residence to the effect that the exchange of information principle becomes inapplicable will only affect the redemption’s effected after the date such change of residence is communicated to State Street Bank Luxembourg S.A. in writing accompanied with a tax residence certificate of the new country of residence. This declaration is governed by the laws of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and the courts of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg shall have jurisdiction in relation to all disputes arising out of or in connection with this declaration Date Full Name(s) Signature(s) (of all shareholders) ....................... ........................................................................................... ........................................................................................................... ....................... ........................................................................................... ........................................................................................................... ....................... ........................................................................................... ........................................................................................................... ....................... ........................................................................................... ........................................................................................................... Register of Commerce and Companies - Luxembourg B 7 635 – Registered Office: 49, Avenue J-F Kennedy, L-1855 Luxembourg Lloyds TSB Bank plc Geneva Branch Place Bel-Air 1 P.O. Box 5145 CH-1211 Genève 11 www.lloydstsb-pb.com Tél. +41 22 307 33 33 Fax +41 22 307 34 24 State Street Bank Luxembourg S.A. 49, Avenue J-F Kennedy L-1855 Luxembourg Tél. +352 46 40 10 1 Fax +352 46 36 1 Production: KNEIP (www.kneip.com) 4-14-13 E 01.2013